#idk what this is but they deserve to be happy and eat bread
bentasabean · 2 months
POV the foxes have a sourdough starter that they share together and it’s quite literally alive.
-It bubbles and gurgles when it’s not fed and more then once it has spilled over board and taken up accommodation in fox tower as a new living life form. Abby gave it to them the year after Baltimore because she thought that it would be like those sort of flour baby social experiments, that would give them more responsibility and bring the team closer together. But now it’s genuinely become like a mascot to the foxes, they all adore it with their whole hearts. They even have a rotating schedule where they all have to participate to keep the sourdough alive, it’s like a beloved team pet (although ofc wymack can’t understand the hype, but ‘as long as it makes them happy and no one’s trying to stab anyone’)
-Every month a ‘chosen one’ is randomly chosen from a hat, and that person has to try to make a better sourdough than the one made the month before. After they’ve spent hours slaving away in their dingy college kitchen, everyone gets to try a slice so that they can judge it. They keep a score up on their bulletin board of who makes the best one, (Number 1 is Andrew, and Aaron is so jealous because he’s number 2, so the twinyards now have a rivalry over who’s the better bread maker (hint: It’s Andrew because he’s got bigger hands))
Made this at 3 am so don’t judge too harshly I just wanted to give the foxes an excuse to eat fresh bread
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thebearchives · 2 years
it's time to be real | CL16
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P​​AIRING: charles leclerc x reader
REQUESTED: [] yes [X] no
SYNOPSIS: with a sudden fixation on the extremely attractive hot guy standing near the water fountain, and no plan whatsoever on how to talk to him, you can't help but be thankful when your phone buzzes and your friend brings up the idea to get him to take your bereal photo.
WARNINGS: fluff, charles being bad at social media, charles not understanding social media, probably incorrect descriptions of ibiza idk i’ve never been, reader is so down bad for charles, very small “epilogue of sorts” at the end featuring pierre gasly bc it’s not a charles fic without pierre
A/N: a little fluff to get over the bullshit that was the belgian gp (ferrari can shove their strats up their own asses thank u very much)
as always, don't be a ghost reader!
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you had always known that the sunsets in ibiza were beautiful, but seeing a picture of one could not compare to experiencing it in real life. you said as much to your best friend, who sat across you with a flute of pink champagne in her hand.
the two of you were at a restaurant in the heart of ibiza, seated under the orange-tinted sky with a clear view of the setting sun. you’d been very lucky today, as the waitress had said herself, to have a balcony table open up just as you came in. with a view like this, you didn’t have to wonder why it was a hot commodity.
indeed, you had been very lucky. not just because of the perfect view of the changing skies, but also because of the beautiful man you had spotted near the large water fountain below. god, he was absolutely beautiful and you couldn’t even see him clearly.
“you know, if he were to just look up at a 45-degree angle, he would see your eyes just staring into his soul. can you chill out?” your friend rolled her eyes, absolutely done with your fixation on the man behind her.
“he’s literally so attractive, it’s unreal.” you furrowed your eyebrows, “he’s unreal.”
“what if he’s one of those guys who are actually super ugly close up but just look pretty from afar?” ever the pessimist, wasn’t she?
“can you just be happy for me?” you ripped a small piece off of the bread sitting in the middle of the table and tossed it at her face. 
she rolled her eyes, “he doesn’t even know you exist. what if he’s a douche?”
“but what if he isn’t?”
she closed her eyes, throwing her head back in exasperation. after a couple of seconds, she looked back at you, “are you done eating? maybe if we go down now, we can still get to him before he leaves.”
and that is why she was your best friend. even if she didn’t understand you sometimes, she was willing to help you out.
“have i ever told you that i love you?” you smiled at her as she called a waiter over, asking for the bill.
“yes, but you can show me how much you love me by paying the bill,” she fluttered her eyes at you and gave you a big smile.
“oh, you are such a bitch.” you’d walked right into that. 
“and don’t you forget it!”
before you left the balcony, you looked back at the greek god of a man one last time. hopefully, he would stay put in the time it would take to reach him.
“so, what’s your plan?” your friend looked at you as you held the door open for another customer.
“my plan?” you smiled politely to the old lady who thanked you for holding the door open before making your way over to your friend, “plan for what?”
“you’re telling me, that you wanted to go see this man, up close and personal, but have no plan for what to do after you get there?”
“well, when you put it that way, yes.”
“god, you’re incorrigible.” she stepped away from you, “i’m not doing this with you, you’re on your own. if you embarrass yourself, do not come back to me. i don’t want to be seen with you.”
“you’re literally so rude,” you frowned at your friend.
“and you’re dumb.”
you huffed, “what did i do to deserve this?”
“f/n, please,” you grabbed her arm and shook it, whining, “you have to help me! he’s still there, and he’s even prettier in real life, please.”
before she could say anything, both of your phones buzzed. the bright yellow caution sign emojis caught your eye. a bereal notification. 
“oh my god,” your friend grabbed your arm and started tugging you towards the fountain where the pretty man still stood. you could tell from her expression that she might have just solved all your problems.
as she pulled you, she began to explain her idea, “you’re gonna go and run to that man and ask him to take a picture of you for your be real account, and then when he does, you will have a picture of his own face, all to yourself. creepy, yes, but i mean, i’ve seen worse on tiktok.”
“do now, ask questions later.” she cut you off before you could even speak, “you’re running out of time!”
after a rather hard push from your friend, you found yourself speedwalking toward the pretty man. luckily his back was turned towards you, so he didn’t see you hyping yourself up before ultimately tapping on his shoulder.
“uhm, excuse me?”
he turned around, the look of confusion present on his face melting into a soft smile, “yes?”
wow. it was like that one word had just punched you in the gut and left you breathless. his voice was perfect. he was just like the sunsets in ibiza, so much prettier up close.
he shuffled a bit, uncomfortable with your lack of communication, “ehm, hello?”
“oh,” you blinked, “i am so sorry, i uhm,” you pushed your phone towards his chest, “would you mind taking a picture of me for my be real?”
“your be real?” he seemed confused.
god, the way his face moved into different expressions was mesmerizing. 
“yup, you’d just need to click the button on the bottom to take the picture. but it is timed, so you’d have to take the picture in under two minutes.” as you explained, you didn’t take your eyes off of him for even a second. you noticed that he had ducked his head down to look at your phone, eyes squinting as he paid close attention to what you were saying.
the second you finished speaking, he leaned back up and smiled at you, “ah, okay. let’s do this.”
you quickly unlocked your phone, passing it over with the bereal app open and ready to take a picture.
“do you want me to take the picture of you in front of the fountain?” common human decency had never sounded as good as it did coming out of his mouth.
at your nod, he smiled and held the phone up, waiting for you to get ready.
“okay,” he started, “one, two, and…”
he held the phone for a beat, and you smiled wider. that should have been enough for the selfie. as you made your way back to him, you noticed his distraught expression.
“oh, i am terribly sorry. i was taking the picture like you asked, and then when it saved, my face was in the top right corner,” he explained, showing you your phone as proof.
you smiled at his cluelessness, it just made him so much more cuter, “oh, that’s okay! it’s actually a feature for the app. it takes a picture from both front and back cameras.”
his cheeks reddened slightly, “oh, well this is slightly embarrassing.”
“endearing, actually.” you smiled at the sight of his cheeks getting darker, “shall we take a look at the picture then?”
as if realizing he was still holding your phone, he jolted, hand reaching up to place the phone back into your hands. his fingers brushed against your palm as he let go, “sorry about that, i forgot i was still holding it.”
“no worries,” you couldn’t keep the smile off your face while talking to him. you quickly clicked the save button on the bottom of the picture before moving the phone in between the two of you.
you tapped on the little window with his face on it and smiled at the insanely attractive picture that had been captured. you didn’t realize it then, but as he took your picture, his eyes got squinty again, focused, and from between the rosy pink of his lips, you could see a bit of his tongue poking out.
“oh, mon dieu.” his voice came out low and quiet. fuck, was that french? holy shit, this man just kept getting hotter and hotter.
“you look cute,” you bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from grinning like a madman. 
“no, no, no,” the man shook his head, “nothing about that picture is cute.”
“no?” you tilted your head at him, a smirk painted on your lips, “i don’t know, i kind of liked it.”
you noticed that his ears turned red before his cheeks, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. he shook his head, “no, no, can we please retake the picture? i’ll promise to look better now that i know i will be in it, also.”
now, who were you to stop such a fine man from wanting to take another picture of himself in your phone? you handed the phone back to him, “be my guest.”
you hovered the phone over his hand for a second. you decided to take a shot, “you know, if either of us is fast enough, we could meet in the middle and take the selfie together.”
he hummed, the noise sending shivers down your spine, “that sounds like fun.”
and so, naturally, the two of you attempted it. and failed every time. all the failed attempts sat nestled in your camera roll. 
one picture had caught the man with a smile on his face, his hair tousled in the air as he tried towards you in time. he had been too slow. 
in the next one, he decided to stand a bit closer to you, but this picture had been too blurry for either of your liking, a flash of skin colour and pink from the sky.
the third picture had been your last attempt, and the best one yet. but still, it was blurry and you wished to just grab him and take a picture with your cheek pressed against his.
“okay, we have less than thirty seconds to get this right. i have an idea, okay?” you grabbed his hand, tugging him much closer to where you had been standing for the pictures, “you stay here, okay? i’ll come to you for the selfie.”
at his confused nod, the two of you manned your stations for the last time. he cleared his throat, beginning his countdown once more. you waited for his signal before rushing to him as fast as you could. at the very last moment, you jumped, arms wrapping around his neck while your legs wrapped around his waist.
the man instantly reached to stabilize the two of you, one hand wrapping under your thigh while the other stuck out in a way to recenter himself. you watched as the picture automatically uploaded itself, reaching the end of the time limit.
you let out a breathy laugh, “sorry about that.”
you could tell that he was still quite shocked, his jaw dropped and eyes wide open. after a couple of seconds, his shoulders started shaking, the most attractive laughter escaping his mouth.
he helped you slide off of his back, his shoulders still shaking slightly, handing your phone back to you. 
“quick!” he was excited, eyes shining brightly, “i want to see how that one turned out.”
unsurprisingly, the picture did not come out as clear as either of you had hoped, but you still thought it was the best of them all.
 the picture had captured the moment you jumped onto his back, the sudden jerk in the camera causing the picture to be rather blurry. but it was a nice kind of blurry. you noticed you had been smiling so widely in the picture, your eyes appeared as mere slits. on the other hand, the love of your life, as you had labelled him, was captured with an expression halfway between shock and happiness, with a smile on his lips, but his eyebrows raised in surprise. 
“it’s cute.” he voiced your thoughts out loud, “i’d like a copy of this picture if you can save it.”
your head shot up to him, “really?”
he smiled and nodded, “yeah, i think i want to remember this moment for the rest of my life.”
your eyes met his, a soft smile gracing both of your lips.
your phone made its way to his open hand for the last time. you watched him closely as he punched in his number. his ears were still fairly pink, although the blush on his cheeks had gone down. his bottom lip had been pulled into his mouth, teeth gnawing on the flesh as he contemplated what to name his contact id. he’d left it plain in the end, with just a red heart next to his name.
charles ❤️
— very, very short epilogue:
*ynlover just posted late.*
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charleslover: well, aren’t you just the prettiest man in the world <3
ynlover: @/charleslover only for you, mon coeur
likedbypierregasly: mate we can all see you flirting
ynlover: @/likedbypierregasly wait, so i can’t private message on here?
charleslover: no, mon ange. we’ve been over this.
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leansuccubus · 21 days
death of our sanity and singular collective braincell; heartsteel fanfic- pt2 - the cursed olive garden breadsticks
warnings ⚠️ contains swearing, flirting like how you flirt w your friends, it’s more of a platonic thing really. Friendly bullying, just homies being homies
read pt 1 here
🤡🤡🤡 - 7 members
you: im so eepy rn
you: i ate too much bread and pasta from olive garden and my stummy feels weird
you: i look 3 months pregnant...oh my god who's the father 😍😍😍
you: idk my stummy still feels weird, and the portion sizes have NO business being this large...
you: i feel like i'm really pregnant right now jesus christ, im about to go into LABOR
you: i also hate how weird restaurant food makes you feel after digesting it like what the hell dude i feel like im about to frow up
you: do they secretly put barf juice into their food or something
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: the most relatable thing I've heard all day 😭
you: real
Settrigh🗿: IM SERIOUS
Settrigh🗿: YOU WON'T LAST
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: 😭😭😭
you: me
you: this was the first time i went to olive garden in 8 years 💀💀💀
Settrigh🗿: oh god. youve been keeping yourself. from unlimited breadsticks. for EIGHT YEARS??????
G R E E N🌿: I don't think even jesus could deny breadsticks
Settrigh🗿: EXACTLY
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: breadsticks just hit different ngl
Settrigh🗿: NEVER
G R E E N🌿: live laugh love breadsticks
you: im leaving this chat till y'all STOP talking abt breadsticks.
Settrigh🗿: its you're fault weve been talking about it
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: mmmm breadsticks
Settrigh🗿: EXACTLY
Settrigh🗿: breadsticks are LIFE
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: breadsticks = happiness
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: even rhaast is a breadstick enjoyer
you: im gonna jump of a BRIDGE 🕳️🚶
you: hope yall are happy... heh... i guess i deserve it :)
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: STOP BEING DRAMATIC LMFAOOO
Settrigh🗿: then you havent eaten so many breadsticks
Settrigh🗿: i can eat like 10 and still ask for more, i keep the breadsticks coming w the alfredo sauce 😋
you: thats because you're 6'5 and over 200 pounds please 😭😭😭
you: ur a literal wall of meat
you: i am not
Settrigh🗿: you call me a wall of meat like its a bad thing
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: bro is a chad 🗿
you: gigachat sett
you: mewing streak skibidi rizz king
G R E E N🌿: erm what the sigma ;-;
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: you just made it unfunny now
Phel🤫🧏‍♂️: #justiceforezreal
Schizophrenia🧑‍🎤🎸🤘😈👹👹👹: #no
notes: nobody asked for this but idc, its funny, i finished an awful semester of college and felt silly and wrote this. this is an actual conversation i had w some friends, im projecting heavy on reader LMFAO
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oozmium · 6 months
Ranking the smt ivf collab Cafe as someone who will never have the chance to taste it ft. probably inaccurate translations of their names
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Part 1 featuring the actual meals because I forgot tumblr has an image limit
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1. "Godslayer" Meat Platter
We got steamed chicken and duck meat with some salsa and salad... that sounds yummy but man idk why but this just looks so unappetizing. I mean at least I can stomach duck though so I'd totally be open to eating this. But also it doesn't look like a sizable portion so hm.
6/10: presentation kills this meal sorry Nanashi
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2. Dagda's Large Fried Rice
Good god this is a lot of rice... I'd imagine this would pair well with Nanashi's meal. Looks like a nice batch of fried rice but I have to take points off for the overkill on the sesame seeds... I want my rice not seeds... though apparently the seeds are inspired by Dagda's color scheme so huh.
7/10: it's rice. Too much seeds. I'd complain it's a big portion but the famitsu article notes this is meant for 2-3 people so that's fair.
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3. 阿修羅会御用達 悪ピザ (tls to smth along the lines of Ashura-Kai Purveyor Pizza?? I didn't trust the machine tl so I'm putting the kanji)
Now this is something I'd definitely eat. A nice piece of pizza bread will always make me happy. The famitsu article notes that this was the meal most recommended by reporters.
There is one other thing to note about this one: it's meant to be split between two or three people! ... like Hallelujah and his "Bro".... 😦
10/10: I'm not immune to pizza bread and reporters really liked it so I'm sure it was delicious
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4. Asahi's Energetic and Healthy Coriander Salad
This one is really cute, although I have to admit I've never tried coriander but there's a first for everything! The flower is a very cute touch too, but I'm a picky guy so the peppers are a bit of an ick for me... I can't eat them in salad it needs to be put in stuff like a sandwich for me to eat it.
7/10: unsure on if this would be tasty but the presentation really sells it!
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5. Flynn a la Mode (aka Furin a la Mode)
Ooo now this is a yummy looking dessert! Would absolutely demolish it (sorry Flynn).
They said the pun was unintentional; instead the idea was everyone's beloved Flynn wanted to make a dessert everyone loves (I hope I'm reading that correctly 🥺)
9/10: I'd give it a 10/10 (and it really deserves one) but I'm very picky on those extra gummies surrounding the pudding...
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6. Jonathan's Grilled Beef Tongue
Er. Apparently chosen for Jonathan for its elegant and luxurious taste ... anyway this looks very yummy and it gets extra points for the kewpie mayo 🤤. The onions are a nice touch too... guess I have to concede and agree this is really elegant!
9/10: I've never tried tongue personally but the kewpie mayo would be enough to get me on board with eating it.
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7. Father's Fisherman's Meal
They want you to think Walter's dad caught the fish that went into this meal... I laughed a bit ngl. Anyway I'm always down for poke-esque meals I guess it'd come down to the quality of the meat 🤔 though the amount of fish in there might leave me wanting more...
6/10: unsure if I want to give this higher bc I don't personally know how the fish tasted... also could use more fish.
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8. Fairy Forest Mushrooms
Maybe they're not appetizing to you but I absolutely LOVE mushrooms. They're so yummy to me and especially when you add some nice butter for extra flavor... mmm very yummy 🤤.
8/10: I'm biased I like eating mushrooms I'd devour this in a heartbeat
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9. Gaston's Long Skewer Platter
This was the 2nd funniest item on the menu (you'll see the funniest one soon). Other than that, skewers are always tasty with some soy sauce and lemon for extra flavoring... although apparently it was a guessing game to discover what was inside the skewer?
7/10: unsure if i wanna play skewer roulette with Gaston 😦
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pisscreant · 5 months
Fic Update
So due to my hiatus, the future of my fics, especially the bodyswap crackfic, is uncertain. If anyone wants to continue my Disco Elysium fics or use stuff from them, feel free! Just link me and credit me!! (Bc ngl, I still want a bit of credit even tho you can't own fanfic. It's just like a pat on the head ;v;)
You don't need to ask permission at all, but I'd love you to let me know! I won't be logged in here, but I have email notifs. You can also directly email me at [email protected]
Besides silly ego reasons, I also want to get back into DE eventually. So I want to save your link to read it one day, especially if it has a happy/hopeful ending! Even if there's no happy ending, maybe in the future I'll have matured to a place where that'll be just as fun.
Soon, I'll post again one more time with ideas I had for separate future fics.
Have an except from ch 2!
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - Psst! Kimbo. Hot stuff. Sweet cheeks. Forget the prices on the menu. It's our treat. You deserve a *real* breakfast.
YOU - No.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - Yes! Just think of that juicy, dripping plate of pure sugar. Fluffy pancakes absolutely smothered in syrup. The tart kiss of fruit on your tongue. We should eat that for every meal until the end of time. Together.
YOU - The dull ache in your newly crooked jaw flares as you clench it out of habit. You pointedly take another piece of wholemeal toast.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - Come on, baby! Put down the bland shit. Let me show you all the sweetness that these new taste buds can detect!
YOU - When you had thought that Harry had an addictive personality, this is not quite what you meant.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - Yeah well, when I thought I wanted you inside us, this wasn't what I meant, either.
YOU - You choke. The bread in your mouth almost goes flying across the table.
If you're curious, below were my plans for the bodyswap. All cws from the fic like ableism and racism still apply.
I had decided to make the whole thing follow Kim's pov bc Skills.
Through the story, both Kim and Harry grow kinder to themselves about their own struggles through coaching each other through life in their bodies.
Kim dislikes the Skills at first. He feels that they're harmful and gets defensive about how they talk abiut Harry. He also is alarmed about how Pain Threshhold and Half Light talk about harming themselves and harming others.
At one point, Kim in Harry's body experiences a stress-induced Loop when people get suspicious about how Harry's acting. "I'm not feeling like myself today." x100 Not comedic framing, I wrote it as distressing to experience bc it is.
Harry as Kim experiences racism and almost gets into several altercations. Kim has to intervene each time. Kim coaches Harry on how to adjust his posture and demeanour to discourage would-be hecklers. Harry hates that this is necessary.
Kim notices the green and yellow outlines of Harry's 'Detective vision' and thinks of them as hallucinations and discounts their significance.
Volition is desperately trying to run damage control.
Physical Instrument and Endurance take turns both complimenting Kim's strong body and indirectly insulting him with their 'bino' talk.
I have fun with Half Light turning aggressively protective. I know he's antagonistic to outside threats, but I think he can also be angry and scared for people that he cares about.
Harry is distressed af by the quiet and asks Kim to talk and fill the silence. Idk the comfort plus Kim awkwardly trying to ramble for him was cute.
Kim unsuccessfully tries to pop psych-away ARB and Limbic System. By the end of the story, he instead accepts them as people who are suffering just like Harry. The dream duo aren't nearly as antagonistic towards Kim as they are to Harry. In fact, they warn him away to 'save' Kim. They do however enjoy insulting Harry and having Kim getting protective. (Despite it all, it feels good to them that Harry is loved, even tho they can only find out in a twisted way)
Kim slowly grows to appreciate and bond with the Skills. He gets to use them on a case, and he Ace's Highs them by clapping Harry's hands together. ❤️
Kim and Harry eventually find the solution to the body swap. Harry learns to overcome his awkward secretiveness about his Skills as he coaches Kim through his first real Shivers check. Kim learns to be more open about the Skills' expertise and how they help Harry.
They learn that the solution is to fall asleep and dream in the tent again. The phasmid chemicals + the Pale switched them, and they can switch back the same way.
Fun twist: at the end, the Skills call out to Kim from Harry, and Kim can hear them!
Kim now had 25 boyfriends. It's implied they will fuck nasty about it. The end.
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salaciousslut · 5 months
Ive never had espolon! Maybe i should try it with you sometime 🤭 same as long as im drunk then im happy☺️ and thats more than okay princess<3 i wouldnt mind if you took you clothes off for me, i know you could use a few marks all over your pretty tits<3
I hate to say the masochism falls in line with the cnc for me because if you fight back and hurt me I'll just like it<3 And fuck the dudebros, (literally if you'd like hehe🤭) they dont really matter anyway, theyre also focused on themselves, if they dont want to be around you i swear they'll just move, esp if you have me around sweet thing<3 our preferred exercising methods are very different but i'd be more than willing to take your lead and protect you wherever you go princess<3 and i havent done yoga in a while!! Its been years 🫣 but i'd follow you anywhere<3
You absolutely deserve to be loved and cherished sweetheart, youre literally so precious<33 i wanna put you in a cute collar so bad princess<3 but also i get it, being a kitten has such a cute appeal to it, but being a puppy is cuter, it also shows how good you are at following orders as long as someone treats you right<3
Tbh🫣 i dont like ceviche with fully cooked shrimp the texture is off, but its ok!! I sill get to eat all sorts of yummy seafood! My family's from coastal regions so i grew up with lots of fish and a ton of shrimp, and at least fully cooked shrimp is good in other stuff!
No i get that! I hope no one's been weird about race in your dms lately, race fetishists are weird as fuck.
Wait you really think we'd look good together, princess? 🥺
You are too cute<3333 chips and salsa are good! Whats your favorite kind of chips? I wanna know 🥺 Also wtf i love wings, im partial to mango habanero at most places! But i love spicy food a lot. And im also one of those weirdos that doesnt mind pineapple on pizza 🤭
I understand princess, its much more fun if someone else does it for you<3 i wish i was able to add to your orgasm log by eating you out sweetheart<33 I really love eating pussy if im being honest<3333
hehe yes!! i just got a mew bottle so ill open it with you!! plus u can feed me shots!! maybe make me a heavy handed drink. u really like my tits huh?? hehe if i were in my dms i would send u pics all the time (this is me gently convincing u to come off anon hehehe)
hottttttt i like struggling a lil because its more fun that way but knowing that youll like it too is really hot!!!
and we will take turns working out! bc lets be real, if ur lifting, i dont think i could pay attention to anything else!! nor do i really want to!! so we take turns <3
i get that! but yay for shrimp!! im also coastal so fresh shrimp and fish are my bread and butter!! yummy hehe
duh i think we would look good together babe!!! i mean look at us??? hot as fuck
i love anything that hot limon flavored!! thats always my go to but cool ranch doritos or sour cream and onion chips are yummy too!! or anything with dip, im a big sauce girl so dips and sauces are my jam. mango habanero is so yummy!! you have excellent taste 😇 see for me, i totally understand the flavor profile of pineapple on pizza, but i have a big aversion to warm fruit. i hate the texture and flavor of warm fruit so much. like fruit pies and cobblers and stuff? i eat it cold because the fruit taste more like fruit to me that way. idk its a lil weird but warm fruit gives me the heebie jeebies
hehehehehe eat me out then!!! im very vocal when im with someone its kinda embarrassing but i know people like that 🫣
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 6 months
woozi as ur senior thesis would be SO funny because like...imagine being a professor and seeing an essay/project all about a genius kpop man 😭😭😭
IM A RAVENCLAW ACTUALLY?????? how did you KNOW....are you stalking me... ALSO WHATS UR HOUSE??
he may be the mc's tree but you can always climb him in your dreams...
idk if he's a sub but me personally i like guys (like seungcheol) who have a lot of like passive(?) dominance if that makes sense?? like they exude this dominant energy irl (and in the bedroom but whatever HAHAHAH)
plot twist! i dont like him anymore!! i feel like he's just bread crumbing me and i'd honestly rather be friends with him atp
omg wait why are you dropping out? are you okay (like not in a condescending way, just checking in cuz you are important!!)
NO. INSTANT MASHED POTATOES??? WHEN YOU HAVE ACCESS TO REAL POTATOES AND GARLIC????? she should be JAILED...but im sure she has a good reason mwahahah your mother must be a very nice person
don't ever apologize for late responses!!! i enjoy every message i get from you too (ditto. lol. nwjns. i have brainrot) SO ITS OK!!!
-someone who missed you and hopes that you're OKAY (🫨 anon)
I fear that is a senior thesis we deserve but will never behold…
Oh 🫨 anon, I do not partake in stories with unhappy endings (… willingly) SO DW AND I WILL GIVE BLOODHOUNDS A CHANCE IF I REMEMBER AND I WILL TRY TO REMEMBER
I love anime cons… surrounded by mutual losers… ACTUALLY KINDA FUNNY STORY. When i was at the con they were playing this episodes of animes airing right now and we watched this one cause it had a funny title: I’m Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness, and we’re watching it and it’s pretty funny and there was this one scene where something happened to the male lead and you know how in anime they have like tiny like unrealistic things happen but we all know it’s just expressing the characters embarrassment or shock and no one can actually see it? Well he got shocked and completely turned into stone and then turned into dust and we’re all sitting there like 🙂 AND THEN ONE OF THE CHARACTERS CHIDED HIM FOR TURNING INTO DUST TO TRY AND GET OUT OF THE SITUATION AND EVERYONE LAUGHED SO HARD and i had an out of body experience where i was like this anime and joke are for such a niche audience, and oh my god we are a bunch of losers 😂
Hmm, i just wasn’t going to class cause i have really serious sleep problems. Like, i can’t sleep at night and i’m already on trazadone which is supposed to help me sleep but doesn’t work right. So james prescribes me ambien too. I tell him my anxiety is going even crazier than usual he prescribes me clonazepam. So now I’m taking ambien, trazadone, and clonazapem for sleep. I’ve always been really overly fatigued during the day but now i just can’t wake up, at all. I am sleeping till five (ball-park) no matter how many alarms i set or when i go to sleep. So i’m sleeping through class and being late for work. So he takes away my clonnie and my PRECIOUS ambien, and now i’m on Laraxpem? lonazepam? And i’m actually not tired all day again! But i am not falling asleep at night 🙃 and also, i am still way too fatigued way too early in the day (i woke up at 1:00 and i was dead tired by 7:00). ANYWAYS. I might do a sleep study soon so. We’ll see how it goes.
Uhm, uh, the princess switch movies, 12 dates of christmas, A christmas kiss, Dash & Lilly (not a movie), A cinderella story (the christmas one), Christmas Cupid…. There’s more uhm but i can’t think of them rn.
No… don’t make excuses for her laziness…. If she is willing to ignore her crying, child pleading for real potatoes then she should be JAILED.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
To Be So Lonely (Gaara x Reader)
A/N: my first ever attempt at a gaara one shot. Essentially, you are permanently disabled due to an accident involving evil jinchuriki gaara, but you never gave up on him. friends to lovers. dramatic confessions. gaara is just so pure and sweet, he deserves all the love and more. perfect baby boy. precious.
ps. this was a very quick write. there may be mistakes, idk. just hopefully someone enjoys.
Word count: 3600 (soo short lmao)
The pair of them walked the aisles of the bakery. He adored how her eyes grew wide when they landed on a particularly shiny loaf of bread or a decadent chocolate cake that she couldn’t help but gush over. Today, after work since it seemed he had a break, he decided he would go with her to the dessert shop she’d been begging him to go visit.
He watched as she hobbled forward on her crutches, leaning some of her weight on walls or tables when she got the chance. He felt genuinely awful. It was his fault she was in that position after all. Nearly ten years ago when she enveloped her in his sand and crushed her leg brutally. He was so lost and hopeless back then, and a mere sparring match was enough to set him off and permanently injure the woman.
He felt like the worst man alive as he watched her walk around, and he followed on soft feet behind her. They were friends. It seemed that even after all he had done, she still cared about him. She walked up to his office the day he became Kazekage, and asked to be his assistant. He couldn’t say no, not with the way she smiled so beautifully at him with those soft lips and sparkling eyes.
Admittedly, he wanted her to be at his side.
She often sat with him in his office when there wasn’t anything too urgent going on, her legs tucked under her and her crutches leant against his desk. She would tell him stories about her day or things that she found funny, and he would listen intently to each word. He adored her voice. It was perfect, the perfect pitch and tone, just enough enthusiasm to blow him away. How she could be so positive when so many things had gone wrong, he wasn’t sure.
He knew that if he asked Naruto, the boy would have the answer for sure. He was so wise with people in that way. After all, Naruto was the reason Gaara was able to change into the man he was today, the man that had Y/N laughing and giggling in the evenings before she went home.
Y/N’s smile was so bright. It practically glowed when she entered the room. He wanted to bottle it up and keep it forever, that is how much he admired her enthusiasm. He couldn’t imagine the pain she went through, and the struggle she goes through daily. He couldn’t imagine the strength she must have to work for him and maintain that attitude that he admired so deeply.
She was so beautiful. He found himself waking up multiple times in the morning with her still on his mind, her eyes and her smile and the way her hair fell around her face. He found himself so lost in the mere thought of the woman, he thought he might be going crazy.
He’d asked his siblings about the situation, on separate occasions, just gauging what two more adjusted people thought of the situation. Each time, they laughed, and told him he simply had a crush on his closest assistant. His sister told him to act on his feelings before she was swept away by some other man from the village. His brother told him she was quite a catch, and he would be lucky if she liked him back. He thought she was only kind to him because he was her boss, essentially. Needless to say, that was a bit rough for Gaara to hear.
He wasn’t sure what he would do if Y/N shared his feelings. She certainly was kind, and the woman he wanted to be with, but he just couldn’t be with her, not after everything he had done. He couldn’t imagine her ever caring for him like that after he took away a huge portion of her mobility. He stole away from her the ability to become a shinobi like she always wanted. He felt like a monster.
There was no way in good conscience, he could accept her affections and burden her with his own. She was too perfect. He wouldn’t ruin her in that way. He couldn’t.
And so he was content just following her around, buying her little goodies here and there to make her happy just one more time before he had to see her off for the night. No doubt, he would dream about her once again tonight, after spending so much time staring into her eyes and hearing her melodic laugh. Sometimes, he found himself looking forward to those nights where she would plague his mind. He could truly be himself in those dreams without any constraint, without an ounce of guilt. He could love her during those nights, and he found himself longing for more and more each day.
She spun around in front of the final glass case in the near empty bakery, and she pointed to some fruit tarts in a little box.
“You want those?”
“Yes, please.”
He pointed them out to the staff, and they bagged them up and slid them across the counter. He got a discount as the Kazekage, and he was more than willing to buy a few things for her. It was the least he could do. Even though he paid her a decent amount for her work, he still felt generous. He liked seeing the way her eyes lit up and her ears perked up with happiness each time he bought her a simple cake or tart. It was so cheap and simple, he felt like he was robbing her. He got so much enjoyment out of seeing her beauty over and over again and all she got was a little dollar dessert.
They walked out of the store, and she sighed, reaching into the bag and taking out the little box. She pulled out the cake and took a quick bite, sighing loudly at the flavor. “Wow, Gaara, this is one of the best ones yet. Try it,” she held out the other side to him.
“No, I’m okay. I’m sure it’s great.”
“Oh, come on.”
He sighed, and took the tart from her hands, taking the tiniest bite from the side opposite of hers. She was right. It was really good. He nodded, his lips curving into a tiny smile as she grinned, giving him a thumbs up. “See, I told you it was really good. I don’t go around picking out crappy sweets.”
“Here, eat the rest. You haven’t had a chance to eat today, have you?” he asked, urging her to take the tart back. She did, and nodded. “You really can’t be doing that, Y/N. It’s not healthy to skip meals like that.”
“I know. I normally don’t but during my lunch break today, I was busy talking to your brother and I lost track of time.”
“So it was Kankuro’s doing? Of course.”
“Oh, jeez. It’s not a big deal. My parents are going to the market today so they’ll no doubt be home with some food for me to eat for dinner. Plus, you got me these awesome tarts for dessert.”
He nodded, a hum leaving his lips. “Still, I’d like if maybe you started eating lunch with me, just so I can make sure you’re getting proper nutrition.”
Her eyes widened, and she began to smile once again. She felt her cheeks begin to heat up from his offer. How could he so casually say something like that? He was never one to really think through the things he said, just saying exactly what was on his mind. “Are you asking me on a lunch date?”
“What?! No-that’s not what I meant,” he blurted out, his own cheeks turning red under her stare. “I just meant it as a friend thing.”
She averted her eyes back down to her dessert, and she took another bite. After giving him a moment of time to cool down, and after she’d swallowed, she replied giddily, knowing it would stir him up once again, “Alright, well, I wouldn’t mind if it was a date thing, just saying.”
He was now nearly as red as his hair, and she burst out laughing. “What?! Y/N, don’t laugh at me!”
“Okay, Kazekage-sama.”
He huffed as he tried to calm down, following as she started off once again to her home. On days like this one, he would walk her home from wherever they had gone, and in turn, he said it was a way for him to see the village. In reality, he had seen the village more than enough time to count, he really just wanted to walk with her home, to feel like he was doing something for her by providing company on the short journey through the streets.
As they approached her home, he knew that this was going to be the end of their outing and he would have to leave her once again. He really enjoyed their time together. It was the only part of the day he looked forward to most of the time, and to see her go always filled his heart with a bit of sadness. It was unreasonable to want anymore time out of her day to himself, but he couldn’t help but want it.
She opened her front door and stepped inside, holding the door open so she could see him standing at the edge of the walkway to her family home. He shifted awkwardly under her stare, one that was absent of a smile and that familiar glimmer in her eye. Things felt serious all the sudden, and it made him nervous.
What had changed all of the sudden? He never expected her next words. They hit him in the chest like a stone, and knocked the air from his chest.
“Gaara, I think I’m in love with you,” Y/N called to the boy standing in her doorway. One outing after another, she found it harder and harder to maintain a neutral guise around him. Y/N really liked him. He was strong. He was a hero. He was a beautifully kind creature whom everyone came to adore.
He stood there in shock, his eyes wide and lips just agape. He wanted her to take back what she’d just proclaimed. He couldn’t accept it. Not when her crutches were right in his view, and her leg was missing right below the knee. He couldn’t handle that confession. Not now, not ever.
It was all his fault.
He turned his head away to the street and sighed, shutting his eyes tightly. “Y/N, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” she asked, fiddling with the bag of groceries in her hands. It took a lot of nerve to confess to him. It takes a lot to go out and profess your love to the Kazekage and the famous Gaara of the sand. He was a celebrity, practically. He wasn’t simply a childhood friend. She was rightfully nervous.
“I’m sorry you feel that way about someone like me.”
“Gaara, stop. Please. What happened, it’s over now. You’ll never be that same person again.”
He grit his teeth, another sigh coming from behind his teeth. “I cannot accept your confession. I’m sorry, but I have to go now. Please, keep this between us, alright?”
It seemed that the end of their rope was near. He had said what he wanted to say, or what he felt needed to be said. He cared for her, he’d cared for her since he could really remember. She was always kind to him, so beautiful and sweet and generous. Y/N was forever forgiving, and he knew that. He was fully aware that she’d forgiven him for what he’d done to her when he was lost in violence all those years ago. He just couldn’t forgive himself. He was forgiving of those who had wronged him, but to give mercy to the person who brutalized the one woman who’d shown him kindness from the beginning, he just couldn’t bear it.
Gaara was a lonely man. He would always be a lonely man, surrounded by people but always just far enough to protect them. He couldn’t let someone like her become close again and risk something else happening. Even if he was non violent now, what’s to say someone else wouldn’t have a grudge against him and target her?
It was all too overwhelming.
“You can’t deny it, Gaara, you love me too,” she called back to him, quiet enough not to disturb the neighbors but loud enough that it rang out in his chest like a gong, echoing there for a minute. She continued softly, “You can’t just pretend there’s nothing between us just because something happened almost a decade ago. You can’t abandon me, not after everything we’ve been through.”
“Y/N, it’s not that easy.”
“It really is that easy. If you care about me, and I care about you, then that’s all that matters. Forget about my leg, please. I’m over it. I’ve grown used to it, so much it’s not a problem,” she explained, “In fact, you treating me like I’m some injured lamb is the real problem. I’m a strong woman. This injury is nothing when it comes to my sheer force of will.”
He felt terrible, really, he felt like every move he made was the wrong one. He felt like he’d travelled down all the wrong paths with this woman, and she still loved him. Despite everything, she loved him without fault. He was her best friend. The friend who stole her leg from her so young. He was beyond conflicted.
His eyes flickered around the street, and she could feel his paranoia. It would be quite scandalous if someone caught them out here talking about something as personal as this. He was the Kazekage after all, whether he was experiencing normal 22 year old emotions or not.
Y/N grabbed his hand and tugged him quickly into her home. Her parents were gone for the day to the shops, so they weren’t there to intervene, not that they would be too pleased to see their daughter with the red haired boy. Yes, they were proud to have him as their Kazekage, standing strong and tall for the nation. But the injuries he had inflicted on their daughter were a bit too severe to ever completely forgive him. They could never give Gaara their blessing, nor did they truly approve of their friendship. Y/N and Gaara knew this. It only caused his guilt to hang heavier in his chest.
She shut the door behind him, and sighed as she leant her shoulder against the wall, a bit of pressure taken off her sole leg and her arms propped up on the sticks.
“Gaara, how do you feel about me? Really?” she asked.
He wanted to say nothing, to just turn away and pretend he hadn’t heard the question. But he knew that wasn’t an option. He would tell her everything. “I enjoy your company, more than I care to admit. You are so beautiful and kind, I always want you around, especially when work gets rough.”
Y/n stood silent as she let him keep going, to get what he was feeling off his chest. There wasn’t really an outlet in his life to get out all these pent up emotions. He could use a shoulder to lean on sometimes, just as much as anyone else.
“You’re right,” he groaned, “I love you.”
A soft breath caught in her chest at his words. It was true that she had a feeling he felt that way for her, but it was a different thing to hear his words reach her ears. His breathy, raspy voice and the exasperation carried in his tone. The way his eyes refused to meet hers he was so afraid. She felt a shiver run up her spine, and she had to take a deep breath to calm herself down. “Then what’s the point in fighting it?”
“It’s wrong. What I did to you, you’ll never be the same again and it’s all my fault. I don’t know if I could bring myself to look at you everyday knowing that I hurt you so badly. Back then, I didn’t even have remorse. I-I…”
“It’s okay! You’ve changed, time and time again, you’ve shown me that you’re not the same man you used to be. You are so brave and caring and considerate. You care about me and all the other villagers. You changed, and I love the man you’ve become.”
“Does that mean you can forgive me for what I’ve done?”
“I would forgive you a thousand times over.”
“You’re the man of my dreams. Please, don’t deprive me of that.”
When his eyes met hers, he wanted to melt away in her arms. She really didn’t care about what he had done, she just wanted him for who he worked so hard to become, the man that Naruto pushed him to be. She raised his arms, and found himself walking right into them. Her head hit his shoulder, and he let out a long shaky breath. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too, Gaara. I truly do.”
And when she pressed her lips to his, he found himself falling deeper in love with her. She was so soft and gentle in his arms, against his skin, flush and warm like he’d always imagined. He never really expected himself to find someone, not after all he’d done and the man he made himself out to be. He never imagined the kiss of a person on his lips, or the feeling of someone’s arms wound around his body. He only imagined pain.
Yet, here she was. The most forgiving angel in the entire world.
“Y/N L/N, what the hell is this? Dammit, can’t you do this somewhere else, you foolish girl?” a voice called through the door, and when they peered between the curtains, the sight of her mother and father walking up the path to the front door, grocery bags piled in their arms. Her mother’s face was quite red, a small smile gracing her mouth, while her father was another story. Completely exhausted with everything.
Gaara pulled away quickly, his head ducking down so his eyes only met the floorboards. He was Kazekage, why was he so afraid of some old man and his paper sack full of rice? He wasn’t completely sure. All he knew was that Y/N stood there with that beautiful smile, her cheeks puffing out from embarrassment. “It’s okay. They aren’t angry. You might want to head on back home, though.”
The elderly couple opened the door, and he found himself face to face with her mother who smiled, corners of her eyes crinkling. “It’s about time, you sweet boy.”
Her father roared, feeling himself growing hotter with every second that passed. “About time for what, Rise? This man to come in here and violate our daughter-”
“Shush, dad. It was all me this time,” Y/N piped up from the back, which only fueled the fire.
“Of course! You’ve always been so promiscuous, Y/N. How could I expect any less?” he rolled his eyes. “And about you, Kazekage boy.”
“Be gentle, Tanaka.”
“Instead of hurting my daughter, I expect you to protect her as if your life depended on it, you hear me? I won’t have someone coming into my house and hurting my children,” he demanded, and Gaara could only nod. He had never been in a situation quite as terrifying as this one, he had to admit. He felt like he had been caught in the middle of some heinous act, even if it was only kissing the object of his affections. He was more than embarrassed, he thought he might crumble into a million tiny pieces.
He replied, “Of course. I’d never let anything hurt Y/N, sir.”
“That’s what I thought. Now get out of here. You can see your little girlfriend some other time, she has chores.”
Gaara nodded to the family of three before opening the door and walking through the threshold. “Goodbye, Gaara!” As he peered back over his shoulder, he was once again stunned by her smiling face, her small hand waving to him as he shut the door behind him. He felt his heart beating faster as he walked down the street back to the Kazekage’s mansion.
Has life always felt this good? He wasn’t too sure. He felt high, like he was floating above the ground with each footstep. Maybe giving the good life, giving Y/N, a chance, was going to work out in his favor. He could feel happiness creeping up his chest and rumbling through his stomach. His cheeks turned red at the thought of his now girlfriend in her home getting scolded by her father, and he couldn’t help but imagine the next day when she would report to his office to pick up paperwork and maybe he could swipe another kiss.
When he walked into his home, he brushed by his brother whose brows perked up upon seeing his expression. “What’s got you looking so whipped, Gaara?”
“It’s nothing, Kankuro.”
“Y/N, right?”
His brother's loud laughter rung out in the empty hall. He patted his brother's back with a firm hand, practically congratulating him for getting a girlfriend. It was strange in that way, thinking about it like that. He now had a girlfriend to hug and hold, to keep tightly clasped in his heart for as long as she would allow.
Life was too good. He slept better that night than he had in a long while. All because of this one person who’d wormed their way so easily into his heart.
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halloo, your Nanami content is so wholesome I love it lots. i have always had a bittersweet relationship with food since i gain weight very easily so since middle school i have been on diets bc of my mom that always tells me to be minding my food and keep doing my workout
im really tired of being like this and not enjoying food as much as i wish, to this point i dont mind being chubby anymore it's supposed to be my natural shape but my mom is the problem, so i always imagine Nanami telling me that it's okay and i can let myself go and eat freely, that i shouldn't mind my mom anymore and enjoy life and love my body the way it is, baking me his delicious banana bread and worshipping my body
idk sorry for spilling all my trauma over here hahaha let me mop real quick hehe
BABE first off, thank you so much 🥺💕 second, I totally get it. My relationship with food is iffy at best bc i developed a habit of sneaking food when i was younger sooooooo my brain is fucked up skskssk. I'm sorry that you feel that way tho, it's no fun to not be able to enjoy food bc you're worried about gaining weight or disappointing people :/ I hope that it gets better with time and you are one day able to look back on these feelings and feel happy that you no longer experience them :)
I hope you don't mind, but I thought I'd write you a lil somthinsomthin. I hope it's not triggering, but I wanted to write something that would make me feel better about my fucked up eating habits, so I hope it'll make you feel a little better too :)
CW: just some discussions about food and eating, maybe some allusions to eating disorders, just be cautious
"You're not eating very much," Nanami spoke up, making you jolt in surprise. You looked up at him, your face heating up as you made eye contact with his intense gaze. You swallowed hard, putting on a smile and laughing lightly, looking down at your half-filled plate.
"Well, I had a big lunch today, so I don't wanna overdo it, y'know?" He hummed, piercing a vegetable with his fork and bringing it to his mouth.
"You had lunch with your mother, correct?" You froze, glancing up to see him staring at you as he chewed.
Please don't ask me about it.
"How did that go?"
Please don't point it out.
"It was fine. We had a lot of catching up to do."
Please, let's just pretend like it doesn't exist.
Nanami hummed, picking up his wine glass and swirling it, taking a slow sip. He watched you poke and prod at your food before he sighed, putting his glass back down.
"I'm not going to lecture you." His honesty made you blink, looking back up at him curiously. "You're an adult; you can make your own decisions." He folded his hands, resting them on the table. He opened his mouth to speak, closing it and sighing before he opened it again.
"I love you immensely. I've loved you for a very long time, and I love every part of you. Not just your personality or your looks, but everything about you. I know that you are sweet and kind and deserve nothing but the best in this world."
Your chest began to swell, throat tightening as he cleared his own.
"And because of all this, I want you to live your life to the fullest regardless of what others tell you to do. I want you to be happy and to fully enjoy things." Nanami began rubbing his thumb into his palm, a clear sign that he was nervous.
"I... I have no right to speak ill of your mother, and I would never do that. That being said, I don't think it's fair that she makes you feel this way. You shouldn't feel guilty about doing something that keeps you alive."
You could feel the tears begin to well, stinging your eyes as he reached his hand out, placing it on top of yours. He ran his thumb over your knuckles, his hand engulfing yours almost completely.
"You mean the world to me, and I hate to see you like this. I can't force you to do anything, and I never would. I just want you to be happy, and if this choice makes you happy, then I will support you no matter what. But I want it to be your choice, not your mother's and not mine. I want you to make your own decisions without worrying about pleasing everyone. You deserve to be happy and I will do whatever I can to make sure you stay that way."
He gave your hand a firm squeeze before retracting it, picking up his fork and knife, cutting into his supper. You stayed still for a moment, only moving to raise your napkin and dab at the stray tears that had fallen from your eyes. You sniffed, wiping at your nose before putting the napkin back in your lap, smiling softly at him.
"Thank you, Kento." He met your gaze and nodded, going back to his dinner without another word. You looked down at the meal he had prepared for the two of you. It was one of your favorites, and he had spent so long trying to get it right just for you.
You inhaled sharply before adding a bit more to your plate.
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supersilversleuth · 3 years
To Kill, To Die, or, To Live by SuperSilverSpy
Fandoms:DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Hurt Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson-centric, Dick Grayson Whump, Whump, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, I have used these tags so much lately, I could probably write them in my sleep, Hurt No Comfort, maybe? - Freeform, I don’t remember writing any comfort…, Hurt, Angst, Jason Todd is a good bro, usually, sometimes?, idk - Freeform, he wants to be a good bro in this fic, Possession, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Whumptober 2021, SuperSilverSpy, SilverGrayson
Red Hood showed up in the Batcave after helping out with a quick op one night. Everyone seemed to be looking at him with distrust and suspicion, even though he’d just helped them out. Everyone except Dick, of course, who offered him a tight smile, but whose expression was otherwise unreadable.
Kill kill kill...Dick Grayson shall die...
“What? Why the oh so serious faces?” Jason’s voice drawled.
OR Jason wakes up one morning, and there’s a voice in his head screaming for the death of one Dick Grayson
No. 4 - TRUST FALL “Do you trust me?” | taken hostage | pushed
Published: 2021-10-04 Completed:2021-10-04 Words: 3091 Chapters: 3/3
Chapter One: To Kill
It happened out of the blue one day.
Jason woke in a cold sweat, but he didn’t immediately sit up in bed. In fact, he didn’t move at all. He just stared up at his ceiling, a single thought running through his head, a single emotion coursing through his veins.
Dick Grayson must die.
Distantly, a part of him felt appalled at the notion, but most of him was running with it. Anger clouded his mind but it was unlike any he’d ever felt before. It was different, colder somehow, not like the usual searing heat of pit madness.
He heard a new voice in his head spewing insults about the Golden Boy left and right. Some felt familiar, as if taken from Jason’s own mind. Most of them were new, and he did his best to ignore the most unsavory ones.
He didn’t actually hate Dickface, did he? N—
Jason sat up, and began preparing for the day ahead of him. Put bread in the toaster, remember the meetings he has with several of his informants— Dick Grayson deserves to die— now that didn’t sound right…what was he thinking about again? Put butter on the toast when it’s done, start eating, think about that case that’s been stumping him lately— take Nightwing hostage —what was that? He does have a pretty busy nightlife… Do the morning’s dishes, brush his teeth, get dressed. He had a drug ring to bust tonight, that’s right. Some scumbags needed a little visit from the esteemed crime lord Red Hood— kill them all— what? N—
Jason went through the rest of his day in a haze. He met with some informants, gave food to some people on the streets. He got everything done quickly and efficiently, he even managed to make time to buy groceries. With every interaction, he acted just like he normally would. His movements were comfortable, voice at just the right level to suit each situation. People seemed easily swayed by him, to do as he asked. And yet...he felt detached somehow, as if watching through someone else’s eyes—someone who acted exactly like him.
He couldn’t bring himself to do anything about it though, couldn’t open his mouth and say something out of character, or just talk to himself when no one was in sight. Distantly, a part of him felt alarmed, something was just off.
Still, he made it through the day just fine. Whatever had been bothering him earlier that morning seemed to fade, and he started to feel as if nothing had changed. And nothing had, right? He didn’t remember anything different between today and yesterday…
Night came, and the Red Hood went out to save the day, or at least crash some a**hats’ day, he wasn’t picky. Everything went to plan too, which made him elated. The bats could say all they wanted about him, but no one could deny his clear skill and competency.
Everything was going well, the drug traffickers were all passed out on the ground and Jason was getting ready to call the police, when it happened.
His thumb withdrew from the call button, burner phone slipping back into his pocket. His hands went instead to his guns, and he felt his body turning, moving towards the unconscious bodies of some of the worst that he’d taken down. Kill. Kill. Kill. Chanted that new voice in his head. Kill them all, they deserve it. Just like Dick Grayson.
What? N—No, that didn’t make sense. Why was—Why was his hand still moving? What was his finger doing on the trigger? Jason didn’t understand. I don’t want to kill them, he thought. He pushed against that voice, that—that presence in his head.
It pushed back .
Jason was left scrambling internally, as he watched his own arm lift and aim. A body lay on the ground, motionless where splashes of crimson decorated the floor.
Jason felt as if he’d been booted out of his own body, like his actions weren’t his to control anymore. He felt sick, but no bile would rise in his throat. No feeling would stir in his stomach. He didn’t understand.
Two bodies, on the ground, it was like he was seeing double, than triple, then several many more. He started to lose count. At one point, he noticed there was a knife in his hand, that his face was twisted in an expression of satisfaction. His hands were covered in blood, and so were his pants. He’d have a hard time washing that out, Jason realized distantly. Death here, death there, death death everywhere, said the voice in his head. He knew he was feeling things, actual emotions. But they didn’t really seem to be there . They were foreign, unfamiliar, not his own. Jason could think of all the synonyms he knew to describe just how out of place the anger and the bloodlust and the malicious satisfaction felt. How out of place he himself felt. Kicked out of his own mind, out of control of his own body.
Even with past experiences in mind control and mind-twisting pits of torture, this still was like nothing he had ever felt before.
Jason didn’t know what day it was, what was happening, he just couldn’t tell. He couldn’t seem to keep track . It had been like this ever since the massacre, since he’d fought and lost the battle in his own mind.
Red Hood showed up in the Batcave after helping out with a quick op one night. Everyone seemed to be looking at him with distrust and suspicion, even though he’d just helped them out. Everyone except Dick, of course, who offered him a tight smile, but whose expression was otherwise unreadable.
Kill kill kill...Dick Grayson shall die...
“What? Why the oh so serious faces?” Jason’s voice drawled.
“Those drug traffickers on Monday,” began the big bat himself. Jason’s hand waved as if to wipe it all away. “Lay off it, B. I promise it wasn’t me, alright? I left before whoever murdered them all showed up.” The Replacement was frowning at him, and the Demon brat was scowling his way as well. Bruce thinned his lips, looking at him in that insufferable judgmental way he had. Jason felt himself scoffing, “I don’t owe you fools anything. ”
Please, he thought, this isn’t me. Please, I know it sounds like me but I swear it isn’t. His body went straight for his motorcycle, hopping on and driving away with the squealing of tires.
There are TWO POSSIBLE ENDINGS, the first one is Major Character Death, the second is “everybody lives”
Read the next chapter for tragedy, read the chapter after that for somewhat happy ending
Chapter Two: To Die
“Hey Jay? You alright?”
The prey has fallen into the trap...
Jason felt his head swivel in Dick’s direction, “What are you doing here, Dickface?”
“I don’t know, you just seemed to be acting a little off yesterday. I was just wondering if—”
“I’m fine.” Jason’s voice growled. “And I didn’t kill those people. So there’s nothing for you to report back to ol’ daddy bats up there on his high horse.” Dick scowled briefly, but then his expression smoothed. “I’m not here to spy on you, Jay. And I know it wasn’t you who killed those people.” His brother looked at him steadily, right in the eyes. No! Dick, you have to get away from me, he wants to kill y —
“It wasn’t you,” continued Dick, “It was whatever's controlling you.”
For a moment, Jason panicked. But whoever it was in his head let up quite a bit, and Jason suddenly felt lighter than air. It was like the first taste of water after days in the desert. Like he could finally breathe after an eternity of going without.
“Wha—” Jason stumbled, knees feeling weak. Dick rushed forward, catching him as he fell. “No...N—No, Dick, you can’t be here. ‘m a killer, that thing in my head, it—it wants to—”
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m here.” His hand carded through Jason’s hair. “We’ll figure this out, okay? We’ll figure this out.”
“It…it seems to have left me.” Jason said, voice trembling in awe as he flexed his fingers. It’d been so long…
Dick smiled down at his brother.
“It’s okay, Jay.” He said, “It must’ve fled when it realized I knew it was there.”
“How…how did you know, anyways?” Jason asked.
“I just…I had a feeling. You were acting off, and that look in your eye…”
“Thanks, Dick,” his little brother replied, but then his voice changed, sounding almost…fearful? “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” He asked, straining his ears, “I don’t—”
There was a loud roar and the sound of large, stomping feet. Dick frantically looked around, noticing as shadows creeped in from underneath the door. The air was charged with magic, power flowing throughout the room.
“It’s back,” whispered Jason, clutching Dick’s arm, “we should run.”
“Yeah,” Dick said, as if in a daze, “let’s go.”
It seemed so surreal, the supernatural monsters bursting through the door. Dick wasn’t sure what surprised him so much about it, he dealt with this kind of thing every other day. It’s just…
“Dickie,” said Jason, pulling him towards the window. “Snap out of it, they’re gaining on us.”
He shook his head, looking back—and yeah, the strange magical creatures were right behind them.
Jason jumped through the window, Dick following closely behind. They fired their grappling guns, arriving on the roof opposite in what felt like the blink of an eye.
“Hurry,” said a voice and—oh, it was Jason. It was coming out of Jason’s mouth, right? It must be Jason’s. “We should go that way.”
Dick looked his little brother in the eyes, grounding himself there, before following Jason’s lead as they ran across rooftops.
Dick felt like he was doing everything underwater, but it was…nice. Pretty great actually. He barely even noticed the burn in his legs, or how the monsters chasing them had odd-looking shadows.
Each time he looked back, all he saw was claws and teeth. Masses of fur and strange golden markings.
They paused for breath a few blocks away.
Dick wondered at Jason’s plan. It felt like there was something he should be doing…“Jay? What should we do? Where do we go?”
“That thing in my head seemed afraid of tall places…”
“The—The Wayne Enterprises building.” Dick replied almost immediately.
“Of course,” said Jason, bumping him with his shoulder, “How about a race?”
Dick grinned back at him, “Sure, why not.”
Adrenaline flooded his veins, and for a moment, he almost forgot about the monsters chasing them.
Jason nodded to him, and then they took off, running and jumping, grappling all across the city, heading for the tallest building around. Dick pressed himself to go faster, run harder, jump stronger .
He could see Jason out of the corner of his eye, also going considerably fast.
Jason wasn’t the only one Dick noticed, he also spotted several of them on Jason’s tail. The monsters seemed to move just as fast as they did. He could only hope his little brother could go fast enough to outrun them.
Dick reached the WE building first, skidding to a stop on the roof. Jason arrived soon after.
The monsters gathered a roof away, preparing to jump.
“I—I don’t understand, I thought you said they wouldn't follow us up here.” Dick looked at Jason, searching for answers in his expression.
His little brother’s features were soft, his eyes glittered with something strange and otherworldly. His voice was smooth and heavy with something familiar… “It’s okay, I have a plan, but there’s no time. Dick, do you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you, Little Wing.”
Darkness creeped up along the edges of the building, sliding onto the roof. Claws scraped against the ground, glowing gold eyes began to surround them. There was a single opening, a small bit of edge that had nothing on it.
Jason smiled, grabbing Dick’s grapple gun. And then pushed him off the roof.
Dick Grayson fell over 1,000 feet to the ground, all the while believing his brother would catch him.
Above, on the roof of Wayne Tower, Jason Todd’s eyes flashed gold.
Chapter Three: To Live
“Hey Jay? You alright?”
The prey has fallen into the trap...
Jason felt his head swivel in Dick’s direction, “What are you doing here, Dickface?”
“I don’t know, you just seemed to be acting a little off yesterday. I was just wondering if—”
“I’m fine.” Jason’s voice growled. “And I didn’t kill those people. So there’s nothing for you to report back to ol’ daddy bats up there on his high horse.” Dick scowled briefly, but then his expression smoothed. “I’m not here to spy on you, Jay. And I know it wasn’t you who killed those people.” His brother looked at him steadily, right in the eyes. No! Dick, you have to get away from me, he wants to kill y —
“It wasn’t you,” continued Dick, “It was whatever's controlling you.”
For a moment, Jason panicked. But whoever it was in his head let up quite a bit, and Jason suddenly felt lighter than air. It was like the first taste of water after days in the desert. Like he could finally breathe after an eternity of going without.
“Wha—” Jason stumbled, knees feeling weak. Dick rushed forward, catching him as he fell. “No...N—No, Dick, you can’t be here. ‘m a killer, that thing in my head, it—it wants to—”
“Shh, it’s okay, I’m here.” His hand carded through Jason’s hair. “This thing is here to test me Jay, I didn’t have a choice. I know you didn’t either, and I am so, so sorry for that Little Wing. We’ll figure this out, okay? We’ll figure this out.”
Jason opened his mouth to reply, when suddenly the presence was back, the voice along with it. Jason could feel his consciousness collapsing back, dissociating once again. He vaguely registered as one of his hidden daggers was swiftly drawn, and pressed harshly against Dick’s neck.
“Do you trust me?” asked Jason’s voice, a smirk spread across his face.
The question was meant to be mocking, but Dick answered seriously, “Of course, I know you’re still in there, Jay. I trust you.”
They stood on the roof of the WE building. Whoever was controlling Jason had used his strength to give Dick a good beating, and sent a picture of the aftermath to the bats. It was only a matter of time before they showed.
“One as special as Dick Grayson, must be able to trust at least one member of his family. Jason Todd is least likely to accept this trust, which makes my job so much easier. I look forward to his death,” said Jason’s voice while they waited.
Dick, all tied up, sporting a black eye and what were likely bruised ribs—grinned like a maniac. “I recognized your presence, didn’t I? I could tell there was something off with him, you nasty little f***er. You may think you chose your victim well, but you’re making a big mistake—Jay will pull through for me, and you will be torn away as if it were nothing.”
Wow, Dick just sounded so—so confident in Jason’s ability to do whatever it was he was supposed to do. Jason wasn’t sure he’d be able to overpower this thing, let alone destroy it.
“The rest of your so-called family will arrive any minute now, will you weep at their demise?”
Dick scowled, “The rules that you are bound to state that you can’t kill any of my loved ones before me.”
“I may not be able to kill them, but I’ve been doing this awhile, and I know all the loopholes to this little game.”
Behind them, the bats touched down on the roof. Jason felt himself turn to face them. It seemed that Bruce, Tim, Damian, and Steph all showed up for the party.
“Here to save your favorite Golden child?”
“What do you want?” Demanded Bruce, stoic as ever.
They never cared about you , none of them do. Hissed the voice in his head. Nobody trusts you
Nobody trusts you , Jason thought back at it, you murderous lying b****** .
It chuckled, ah, but it is not my face I’m wearing. It’s your's.
Outloud, Jason’s voice addressed the bats, “This is the price you pay for not trusting me, for letting Dick down. You didn’t even notice there was something different about him, did you? You didn’t even notice when Jason Todd was no longer Jason Todd.”
Bruce and Dick were the only ones who didn’t look confused at the words. Dick, because he seemed to know what was going on, and Bruce, because he was, well, Bruce. Batman’s face was as stoic as ever.
Jason felt his face twist into something surely ugly and murderous-looking.
Power surged through him, coming from seemingly nowhere. But Jason could feel it at his fingertips, being pushed into him and pulled out, he had no control over its course. The air around him became charged with magic, and then the bats were engulfed in a bright, golden light.
A moment later, Jason's eyes opened to find that all four of them were frozen in various positions and turned into a shiny golden color, standing still like statues.
The look of horror on Dick’s face hurt to look at, when Jason felt himself turn back to the man.
Quickly, Dick’s expression turned to that of anger, “What did you do to them?” he seethed. “Turn them back!”
“It’s too late, Dick Grayson. Once you are dead, your family will remain this way forever.”
Jason’s arms reached out, grabbing Dick and picking him up.
His feet took him to the edge of the roof, holding Dick out over the ground far, far below.
“J—Jay, listen to me, you can fight this. I know you can. You’re still in there, I believe in you.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Jason watched as he dropped his brother over the edge.
Time seemed to stop.
No! He thought, pushing back as hard as he could against that malicious presence in his mind. Jason pictured Dick’s face, looking at him sincerely, a bead of blood forming where Jason’s own knife grazed his throat. “I trust you ,” he’d said.
Jason followed him over the edge before he even knew what he was doing. Shooting out his grapple instinctively, cutting through the air rapidly as he fell.
This is going to hurt , he thought, as he set himself on a collision course with Dick, but I think we’ll live.
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secretmellowblog · 4 years
I might be remembering this wrong, but to me Cosette hiding her relationship with Marius from Valjean is very similar to Valjean hiding his dark past from Cosette. And Cosette hiding her romance was a mistake, just like Valjean cutting himself off from Cosette rather than telling her the truth was a mistake.
Because Cosette loves Valjean, and Valjean loves Cosette, and both of them want to make each other happy.
However, both of them decide that the other is too Fragile to receive any information that could possibly upset them. This means that Valjean conceals things about Fantine/himself from Cosette, and Cosette conceals things like her relationship with Marius from Valjean.
Idk I get the impression in the book that Cosette isn’t concealing her relationship from Valjean for her own sake, but also for Valjean’s sake. Valjean is the sweetest most supporting person who ever lived, and Cosette must realize he would support her romance even if he hated Marius (which is what he ultimately does— he only tries to keep Marius away when he believes Cosette doesn’t actually love him, and Marius is just pursuing her. The moment he realizes she loves him, he does everything in his power and risks his life to keep them together.)
The real problem is that their relationship might make Valjean sad.
And Cosette knows that when Valjean gets sad and descends into one of his Depression Spirals, he gets SCARY. Not scary as in “I’m afraid you’re going to hurt me” but scary as in “I’m afraid you’re going to hurt yourself.” Valjean deprives himself of things he needs to live, especially food (because being imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread had left him with an especially unhealthy obsession with deserving food.) He gets injured and refuses to see a doctor. We ultimately see what happens when no one is around to drag him out of those spirals in the end of the story, where he slowly wastes away until he dies.
So Cosette clearly feels obligated to be Happy around Valjean— not just because he loves her father and doesn’t want him to be sad, but also because she can see how he might hurt himself.
When Valjean starves himself, Cosette “lightheartedly” swears to starve herself too unless her father eats (convincing him to start eating again.) After Valjean gets horribly injured during the Thenardier ambush, Cosette urges him to see a doctor. He refuses, saying “if you call a doctor , call the dog doctor.” Even if his anxiety over a doctor has something to do with his fear of someone uncovering his identity, all Cosette knows is that her father doesn’t want to see a doctor because he feels like he doesn’t deserve it, the way he often feels like he doesn’t deserve to eat.
So Cosette takes it on herself to become his nurse! And make sure that he is happy! She makes Happy Small Talk with him until she recovers, because she wouldn’t want to hurt him!
And to be clear, Valjean doesn’t cruelly intentionally manipulate Cosette into feeling responsible for his mental health, any more than Cosette intentionally manipulated Valjean into making her the focus of his existence. Valjean himself has a lot of anxiety/self/loathing about being a burden on Cosette. The story ends with Valjean cutting himself off from Cosette, because he never wants her to feel responsible for him.
But I do think....it makes sense that Cosette would hide her relationship with Marius from Valjean?
It’s like Cosette keeps this from her father because she believes he’s Fragile and it might upset him— and when Valjean gets upset he falls into these genuinely terrifying self-destructive spirals, and Cosette feels like she needs to sit by his bedside and become nurse or he’ll die.
But again, I think hiding her romance was a mistake! Just like Valjean hiding his past and Fantine from Cosette was a mistake!
If Cosette had talked about her courtship with Marius to Valjean, things would’ve gone better for all of them. Valjean wouldn’t have packed up and left without a warning, for one thing, and they might’ve gotten Marius’s addresss, etc— and then Marius wouldnt have arrived at an empty house and decided he should go to the barricades. And that would’ve saved everyone a lot of pain and heartbreak.
This is also part of why I dont like adaptations that portray Valjean as an abusive father who Cosette hates— because it doesn’t even add conflict, it just replaces their interesting conflict with a boring one. Cosette doesn’t hate Valjean, she loves him, but it’s difficult because Valjean refuses to take care of himself. If Cosette hated him, it would be easy to stand aside and let him self-destruct; but she loves him.
And on a related note: I don’t think Valjean and Cosette’s relationship would be mended it Cosette decided to take care of Valjean completely and totally and utterly for the rest of his life— it would be mended by Valjean finally deciding to take care of himself, for Cosette’s sake if not his own.
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ethereal-carmen · 3 years
hello big sis :D
this is a random checkup bc i’m offline on discord and i miss you
how have u been? have u been drinking enough water? (this is ur sign to do it rn!!!)
did u eat breakfast? it’s very imp >:( eat!!! breakfast!!!! and also if you’re giving your characters angst pls take a lil break because it can give u negative emotions too (and also jasper and ags and kit are my good little babies and do nOt deserve angst ;-;)
i’m gonna try to make that bread + oil thing u told me to try! my school is super early so i’m not even functioning the first three lectures
also did u practice self care? do something for yourself? did u tell yourself you’re pretty and probably the nicest person ever? that you’re worth it? because you are <3
and apparently i suck at writing check in messages bc i have no idea what to type rn 💀
i love you, byeeeee <333
*finger guns* imma head out
hello lil sibling! my lil annoyance (affectionate) :D
i've been,,,,going haha. reading a lot (now bc I enjoy it or for escapsim?? ✨who knows✨) I have been drinking normal amounts of water to my standards (aka maybe two glasses a day? idk i don't quantify my water intake lmao)
I did not eat breakfast today bc I was in a hurry and didn't eat until 2 pm haha :) and about my characters,,, they are fine! (no they aren't I deleted a whole kiss scene bc it didn't make sense)
self care huh,,,not really, but i'm writing and reading and that makes me happy (though i want to really study today bc midterms are almost here and I don't want to be stressed, so maybe that counts as self care?) I did not tell myself I was pretty today bc I'm not really feeling pretty atm ^^'
take care alex!!! i love you too!
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Tumblr media
- bongo is giving dumbo vibes
- in love with the bears love. Such a charming sequence
- these beats love abusive love 😳
- at 32:04 there’s a really cool shot 😳 when bongo understands the slap and goes down on his monobycicle thing, the camera follows him down and the way it’s animated both the character and background... I just found this very impressive for a 1947 movie idk I just loved that lil second
- humans and puppets..... I don’t like puppets 🤨 wtf is on the man’s head tho?? And why does the girl have a weird hate too? Ruining the whole cute fit 😩
- “once upon a time long long ago” “funny, nothing happens nowadays” LMAO
- love how they think and describe the valley and the scenery updates with their details
- I know now the word “gay” use to mean “happy” but she really just sung “all the world is gay” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
- I like this “what a happy day” song
- “they built a school house” 😭😭😭 the puppet is so funny
- “misery misery” “just like the 8th grade” IF YOU DONT STOP 😭😭😭😭😭😭
- they cutting bread like it ham 😭😭😭
- I thought Donald was gonna murder Mickey and eat him 😭😭😭
- this Charlie puppet is killing me 😭😭
- kinda sad now that Disney will never make “gigantic” 😢
- jack and the beanstalk was never my fave fairytale but I think it would result in a very epic movie if Disney ever decides to adapt it
- goofy putting water in the boat, the exact opposite what the others are doing 💀 love when he lives up to his name
- is this the same giant from the house of mouse Christmas movie? Cause he opens the roof just like him
- this is the weakest movie so far of the war era. I mean, so far the movies have been pretty unconventional, fun, experimental and creative but this one is just narrator>story>narrator>story. I really liked the mickey story but it should have been a short. The bear one was cute but didnt deserve to be a movie. The most interesting and different part was the puppets specially Charlie cause he was funny af. Idk i just feel like “olá amigos” was experimental live action documentary with animated story, “3 caballeros” was about Donald and his friends in whatever the acid fuck trip they wanted it to be and “make mine music” was a “fantasia” kind of movie, with multiple experimental animated shorts and music but this one just feels like 2 short movies with no relation put together cause they needed to make a movie and also added the narrators to make time… again i really like the mickey part but its a weaker movie overall
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The fate of a nun (Finan x OFC); part 5
GENERAL A/N: Hi there! This story is my first attempt to write a fanfiction. English is not my first language, so feel free to let me know how to improve my writing/language skills 😊 I will try and post a chapter per week, let’s see how it goes! The story takes place in season 3 and you will notice that I have used some of the sequences and dialogues from the tv series, changing them to include my OC. I did try not to be too colloquial and informal with my writing -giving the time of the story- but I preferred to make it more enjoyable than realistic, same goes for Finan’s accent. I’m nervous and excited to share my work, hope you enjoy! Bacini, Cate. A/N: Helu! So, this is super late butttttt I’ve been soooo busy with my classes and the translation I’m working on :) This is a filler part, but I find it extremely cute, plus Finan and Aoife are getting closer, my children :’) Have fun reading this. byeeee Summary: The life of the young novice Aoife completely changes when the Lady of Mercia arrives to the Abbey of Wincelcumb. Oaths, battles and love will turn her in a warrior. General warnings: Violence, Blood, Strong Language, Smut, Fluff, Graphic description of violence Chapter’s warning: Fluff fluff fluff, probably bad English? idk Words: 3410 Chapter Four.
Chapter Five: Stories and Returns 
At some point she had passed out; it must have been just minutes because, when she woke up, her face was still wet of tears, and her hair too. She stood up and just yet noticed that she was starving. In the hall, the warriors and the Lady were already eating, and she slid next to Osferth, who shot her a smile and pushed a plate full of bread and cheese in her direction. “How are you feeling?” she asked, and he playfully rolled his eyes. “I’m doing well mum, stop worrying!” He was healing just fine, he could already walk on himself and laugh without pain, but he still had to be careful, wound like his took some time to heal. “Are you all right, Aoife?” Aethelflaed, who had followed their playful banter, asked cautiously. The Lady was sitting right in front of her and she could see how swollen and red Aoife’s eyes were. Anyone could, especially Finan, who was sitting next to Aethelflaed and in front of Osferth. “I’m fine, thank you my Lady. I’m just tired” No one seemed to believe her. Finan leant forward and filled her cup with ale. “Eat and drink. Then we go for a walk.” And so she ate abundantly and slowly, careful not to let anyone see how nervous and trepidant she was to spend some time alone with Finan. What did he want? Had she done something? Had he done something? He stared at her the entire supper with a questioning look, and it did not help the uncomfortable feeling of excitement and fear that was stirring her soul. When she chewed down the last bite, he stood up and, with a little bow to the Lady, left the hall. Aoife shot a questioning look to her friends, who just shrugged with an amazed smile on their faces; Aethelflaed gestured her to follow the warrior and she obeyed swiftly, her heart beating violently against her ribcage. Finan was waiting for her just outside the wooden door and, when the girl reached him, smiled sweetly. For a while, they walked down the streets of Saltwic in silence. It was a nice winter night without wind nor cloud and Aoife enjoyed the cold air on her cheeks and how bright the stars looked. The town was still alive, the torches still burning in the alehouse and the voices loud. People would pass them and bow respectfully, and Aoife would smile to each of them and greet them with a soft “G’night.”; it warmed Finan’s heart. They stopped right next to the town well, facing each other. The stars were reflected in her eyes, the blackest eyes Finan had ever seen. He was used to the clear eyes of Uthred and Sithric and Osferth, that painfully reminded him of his mother’s eyes, but he had never seen such dark eyes, so deep and welcoming. He had to restrain himself from running his thumb over her lashes, which looked as soft as they were long and thick. Aoife was looking back at him, bolder that she would have days before. He hadn’t even noticed that he was chewing on the cross hanging around his neck, something that Aoife had seen him doing before, when he was lost in his thoughts. She found it precious, somehow vulnerable, a very childlike action, so at odds with his mature stance. And he had pretty hands too, with long thin fingers, different from the stubby hands of the Mercians. She was curious to learn where he came from, where his family lived. Had he always been a swordsman? He had the delicate hands of a musician, corrupted by the scars and dirty of his warrior life. There was a specific reason to why he had asked her to walk with him, but now that she was watching him in such a direct, open way, like no one else had ever done before, he could not find the right words to address it. “I never thanked you” he finally croaked, his voice just above a whisper. And she smiled , calmly yet questioning, still watching him boldly. “What for?” “For saving my life” “You don’t have to.” She assured him “It was the right thing to do.” He took her hand in his, succumbing to his own desires. Her skin was not as soft as he remembered, chapped and irritated by the wind and callous were the hilt of the sword would press during her training; on the opposite, her touch was delicate and prudent. He grazed his thumb on her knuckles and smiled, looking at her through his lashes. “Still, you acted like a true warrior and if I’m here today is just because of you. I shall never forget it, Aoife.” Under the dim light of the torches, she blushed and her bottom lip drop slightly, but she didn’t reply. “Also…” he kept going “I apologise if I’ve been too hard on you today.” “What made you think that?” He shrugged “I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but you look…” he looked her head to toe “distressed.” She averted her gaze, eyes filling with tears. He was pitying her, then. She was too embarrassed to watch him, now, she didn’t have problems with being emotional, but she did not like compassion. “It’s not you, Finan.” She mumbled, her voice shaking “It’s just…” she couldn’t find the words to explain how she was feeling, torn between excitement and guilty, happiness and grieving. She gasped for air and tried to wipe the tears from her face, trying to push herself away from the warrior. But he did not let her step back, fearing that if she left, she would never be so confidently herself with him. He reached her and embraced her without hesitation and, despite her surprise, her body reacted naturally and she hid her face in the crook of his neck. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she noticed that he smelled of leather and metal, the scent she expected from a warrior, and just behind it she could detect the natural fragrance of his skin, and she loved how intimate that new experience was. The warmth of his body was comforting and welcoming and she couldn’t understand if it was her heart of his beating fast against her skin. He held her tightly, her fingers dipping in his back, and he was not sure where to put his hands, afraid to cross any line, but she smelled so good and her body was so warm that he could not help but melt against her and run his fingers through her hair until her tears stopped. They were ready to let go. The night had fallen long before Osferth decided to retire to his room in the alehouse. He walked slowly, in the cold air of winter. He was enjoying every second of his stay in Saltwic, knowing well how rare moments of peace were for a warrior. His wound was itching, and he picked up his pace, dreaming of his warm bed and the ointment Aoife had prepare precisely for when the healing wound would become too uncomfortable. She was an amazing healer, and he had wondered many times if he would be alive without her help. The well was fairly close, which meant that in less than a minute he would be at the alehouse. And right in front of the well, he witnessed the blossom of a love. Aoife and Finan embraced in the dark. Since that night, Finan had spent most of his time with Aoife. Honestly, he hadn’t had much to do, while she seemed to be always busy; so, he had followed her around for days, helping and amusing her. He had noticed that she was growing bolder every day, quick to answer his remarks. She still blushed, though, and he was proud of how much his words and actions could affect her. He had found himself spending with her every day and thinking about her every night; he knew he was slowly falling in love with the woman and he was trying to fight it. She was young, innocent and inexpert of everything that the world had to offer; she deserved someone just as fresh as her. Even with this knowledge, he could not stop himself from spending all his spare time with her, from thinking about her constantly, from looking for her in every room. Besides, when he tried to stay away from her, she would find him everywhere, with a little pout on her full red lips. “Were you hiding from me, Finan?” she would ask, mocking pain with a hand on her chest and he would smile and bow dramatically in her direction “I was not, milady. I was looking for you.” To assay her, Finan started telling her the most vile stories of his past; he talked about blood and swindles and heartbreaks; and one day, while he was sitting on the fence of the stable and telling her one of his cruellest stories, she ceased grooming her horse and, with a sharp smile, commented “I know what you’re doing, Finan.” “What am I doing, then?” “You’re trying to scare me away. But you’re actually doing the opposite.” she run her hand up and down her mount’s face “Because I know you now, and I know you’re not the man you’re telling me about. Not anymore, at least. I think every one of those stories made you the man you are today, a much better person than you think. I’m no fool, and surely, I’m not as innocent as you think I am. If I’d had the faintest impression that you were not a good person, I would not be here now.” “Are you making a pass at me, dear?” She looked back at him with a gaze so deep he felt naked and, unexpectedly, something that hadn’t done since he was a child happened: he blushed. It infuriated him how much power she had on him, how his body melted right against hers when she snuck between his knees and pressed her hands against his tights. He lowered his face to meet her eyes and she stood on her tiptoes. Was she about to kiss him? Did he want her to? Of course he wanted to kiss her, but was he ready for the consequences? He was aware of how his heart worked, how hardly and quickly he fell in and out of love with a woman; he did not want to hurt her in that way. Yet again, his worrying alone was an indicator of how different what he felt for her was from his previous women; he had never worried for the consequences of his actions before, but here he was now hesitating to kiss the prettiest woman watching him from under her black eyelashes. And he hesitated a moment too long, because when he finally leant towards her, she shot him a feral smile and pushed him down the fence. The last thing Finan heard, before the splashing of his body on horse shit, was Aoife’s crystal laugh. And he was happy. Winter was giving the way to spring slowly but relentlessly, the sun now a little warmer and the days a little longer. That afternoon Finan had joined Aoife at the stream and little white flowers were already sprouting from the snow along the banks, where the temperature was higher, and the first birds were chirping on the branches moved by a delicate wind. All day long, Aoife had been busy with Aethelflaed, Finan had seen them walked down the streets of Saltwic, arm in arm. Now, finally, they were together and he was watching her washing clothes. He didn’t understand how she could dip her hands in the cold water without freezing, but she had assured him that the shock was only temporary and after that, it was almost as if the water was warm. “Tell me something, Finan.” She then requested, while he was adjusting a strand of hair behind her ear. With time they had become physically very closed, always touching each other in some way. “About what?” She stopped to look him in the eyes “I don’t know, something… how did you and Uthred met?” That was a story that many knew, but he still did not feel comfortable in telling it. Yet, Aoife was the one person who made him feel safe, calm, unjudged. If there was someone that could cast away the ghosts of his past, that would be her. He dipped the tip of his finger in the cold water, rippling the surface. “I have done things I am not proud of, Aoife. And some of them had led me to slavery. I have spent winters and summers at the bottom of a ship, rowing and rowing, with the sun and the wind and the snow. I reached a point where I could barely remember who I was, where I came from, why I was there. Then one day Uthred came. He was dressed as a slave, and was rowing as a slave, but there was something behind his eyes that told a whole other story. And somehow, in that hell, we bounded. And when his brother came to the rescue, he did not abandon me, he gave me a reason to live. He still do every day, and I owe him my life. He not only saved me from that ship, but he also brought me back to the man I was, and he gave me a chance to be someone better than that man. And we are bound in ways that no one could ever understand; we have suffered and seen things that no one else could ever understand. That’s why my sword is his, until the day I die. I would give my life for him, my soul for him. He is my brother. My family.” Aoife was holding his hands, he hadn’t even noticed, up until that moment, that she had stopped washing and had knelt in front of him. She caressed his face gently, brushing her cold fingertips against his scars. She had many questions, about his past, his regrets, his fears. She felt as if she knew nothing of him while knowing him deeper than many could say. He was a mystery, with a very dark past, yet he was the person she trusted the most. “Thank you for sharing your story with me, Finan” she whispered softly, and he smiled, leaning in her cold palm and kissing it softly “Thank you for listening, Aoife.” She smiled, returning at her duties. “Your name is Irish too, did you know that?” Finan watched her stiffen, suddenly uncomfortable “I do know that , yes.” Here it was, the thing he couldn’t bear about her: it was easy for him to open with her, he had trusted her entirely in a short period of time, while her, as much as she seemed to enjoy his company, had yet to trust him with her past; and perhaps it was wrong, but he wanted answers to his curiosity, about her family, and the mysterious man who had gifted her with weapons and a horse, and her past; so he kept pushing her. “Was your mother Irish?” She paused “No, Finan.” He was walking down a dangerous path “What’s with that name then?” She looked up at him, with a pained and somehow angry face “You won’t rest until I’ll give you answers, right?” “Indeed, lady.” She sat down with a huff “My mom was in love with an Irish man and wanted to honour him with my name.” “Was he your father?” “Not quite.” Here she was again, reticent woman. Finan had even talked about it with Osferth, with whom Aoife seemed to have bounded and she felt freer talking – Finan at times could not stand how close they were – but the monk too had admitted that he had tried but failed in that same situation. Even Aethelflaed knew nothing, and where a Lady can’t succeed, what are the chances for a warrior to? Therefore, he took what she had offered him, which was a lot considering the previous attempts, and held her hand to his lips, kissing her cold knuckles. “Let’s go back, you’re freezing.” They had walked back in silence, hand in hand. The sun was setting one they entered the hall, where the warriors were enjoying some spare time playing dice and drinking ale. Finan left Aoife with one of his sweetest smiles and joined his companions, while she sat down next to Osferth, who was warming up in front of the fire. “You’re getting closer by the day, aren’t you? By Sunday you’ll be married.” The monk joked, gaining a light kick on the shin; the training had helped her quite a lot with her fighting skills, but, as a result, she had become more violent.“Hey, you should not hit your patients!”“I brought you back to life, I can end it just as easily.” Osferth laughed, wrapping her shoulder with his long, thin arm. He had found himself growing less shy every day and he had now reached a point of ease with Aoife that he had become physical affectionate, a part of him he had hidden successfully during his monk life. Growing up in a monastery, he hadn’t spent much time with people his age, and even now, travelling with Uthred’s warrior, he felt that there was a certain aspect of him that they could not understand. Aoife, on the other hand, had experienced a similar youth and with her he could be himself. By the day, she was becoming more and more a warrior, as was he, but they would always remain children of the church and the type of education they had been raised through was different – if not opposite – to those of the others and for that reason they were bounded as siblings. Finan watched them for long, curious – and somehow jealous – of why they were laughing. He had noticed that everyone adored Aoife, she had the singular power of making people at ease. As far as he knew her, and it wasn’t much, she seemed without flaws. However, based on his experience, he knew it could not be possible and he feared the day he would discover her darkest side. For now, though, he decided to join them and hope that their contagious laughs would heal his restless soul. Enjoying some peace after years of battles and death was a gift, he was aware of it, but he would never stop being a warrior and he missed the clanking of swords and the stench of blood, sweat and fear. He missed the shivers of excitement running down his spine on the battlefield, and the surreal, still silence that followed a bloodshed. Yet, he was torn between the past he knew, living day by day without the certainty of a tomorrow, and this new routine of enjoy sweet talks and long walks with Aoife. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he knew that he did not care for the fresh air, nor for the starry night, he just cared for the lady standing next to him under that dark sky. For now, however, he did not have to choose, and he grabbed three cups and joined his friends. “Why are we laughing?” he asked, dropping heavily next to Aoife, who shot him a bright smile. “Just threating Osferth, here.” she answered cheerfully, accepting the ale he was offering. “Oh, I do like this game.” “No you do not!” Osferth huffed, sipping his ale “Just let me be, I’m still recovering.” Finan had a sharp reply on the tip of his tongue but he was interrupted by hooves drumming outside; with the heart beating in his throat he jumped up, running to the window. “What is it?” Osferth asked. “You mean, who is it” Finan smiled, looking outside “Osferth.” He then called urgently, in his tone a happiness and thrill Aoife had never heard. He was not quick enough to reach the door and it opened from the outside, bringing in the room cold wind and smell of horses. And then here he was, wrapped in furs and covered in snow, his sword standing proudly against his back, the widest, proudest smile on his gorgeous face. Uthred of Bebbanburg was back. Chapter Six.
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penpwned · 3 years
30 Questions
tagged by: @sparkga​ (thank you!!!) tagging: @any of my mutuals that would like to be tagged!
*feel free to change any of the questions you don't have an answer to
Favorite Baby Names – clementine has been my favourite name for a child since i became a father in the walking dead
How People Perceive You – idk... i've been told by people i've met, customers, and even my tattoo artist that i seem happy and confident, like i've got everything figured out ... but man, i'm not feelin' what they're seein'
Switch Friend Code – i don't have a switch "OTL
Describe Your Style – yeah, i'm wearing this hoodie and these joggers for a marathon — a netflix marathon
Best Fruit Flavor For Candy – whatever flavour is blue and pink sour gummy worms. i don't actually like fruit-y candies but i don't mind these
What’s Under Your Bed – i sleep on a couch that goes down to the floor but i'm sure there's a dog toy or two stuck under there
Best Disney Princess – anna when she decked hans
Baudelaire Sibling You’re Most Like – i haven't finished the netflix series and it's been so long since i've seen/read anything about it but i'd say i'm probably most like violet
Magical Element You’d Want To Wield – wind? like, using it as a force to push, pull, or lift things would be neat
Weirdest Celebrity Crush – i wouldn't say weird or crush but apparently it took sunglasses, leather pants, and a bad attitude for me to purchase a ticket for the keanu reeves simp express
What Reminds You Of Home – van gogh's starry night
Share A Bit of Wisdom – you do you
Cover Songs Better Than the Original – wafia's cover of mario's let me love you
the pacing and tones, and i love, love, love alternate gender covers that don't change the pronouns
Guilty Pleasure Song – most of taylor swift's songs. my crime is singing them to my sister when she ignores me
Best Book(s) You Read Last Year – jeez, i don't think i actually read a book last year...
Best Game(s) You Played Last Year – and hoo, i didn't realize how many games i played last year...
shadow of the colossus, life is strange, life is strange: before the storm, life is strange 2 (& the awesome adventures of captain spirit), heavy rain, stardew valley, little nightmares, dragon's crown, slime rancher, fallout 3...
shadow of the colossus, life is strange, heavy rain, and fallout 3 were replays, and i finally played through (and platinum'd) dragon's crown
i also started hollow knight and cyberpunk 2077 last year
Coffee Order – mocha frappucino? idk, my sister knows the lingo and that's usually what she says after i say ‘‘chocolate’’
Favorite Fictional Couple – and just like that i've forgotten every media i've ever consumed
i wave a handkerchief at every cyberpunk 2077 ship that sails my dash because i'm in love with everyone's v's and their collective love/lust for senior citizens
Favorite Superhero Movie – spider-man: into the spider-verse, thor: ragnorak, and the unbreakable trilogy
Unpopular Opinion – ...i like mushrooms. w/ pizza, sandwiches, pasta, salads, stuffed — i will eat them raw
I Hate – microtransactions and the fact that the sims and all its expansions cost $300+
Scars – i have a few but my notable scars are one across my left eyebrow and the other across the underside of my chin
Last YouTube Video - burn it down - daughter [life is strange: before the storm] w/ visualizer
Last Netflix Show – switched, a netflix series with only six episodes that took me 2 years to finish
More People Should – have a piece of bread and maybe they'll calm down
sing and dance like no one's watching
Common Skill That You Don't Possess – i can't ride a bike, drive a car, etc.
Can You Pick the Mean Dialog Options In Games – i will reload if even my tone sounds mean. unless the other guy deserves it then excuse me, google, which of these dialogue choices is the worst
Favorite Video Game Cast - i'm not too familiar with most videogame casts so was nobody going to tell me that the most adorkable android sent by cyberlife, voiced by bryan dechart, plays a vending machine in cyberpunk 2077???
Pokemon That Deserve More Love – i'm sure these pokémon actually get lots of love so this is probably more a list of pokémon i instantly love a trainer for having:
psyduck, magikarp, ditto, jolteon, totodile, zigzagoon, surskit, sableye, kecleon, starly, pidove, venipede/whirlipede/scolipede, dwebble, solosis/duosion/reuniclus, noibat, and minior
Next Thing You Plan To Buy – no money, no plans
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Survey #415
“your skeletons are building  /  your closet’s getting tight  /  are you the prey or spider in the web of all your lies?”
Who was the last person you fell asleep with? Besides my cat, Sara. Have you ever punched a hole in the wall? No. Have you ever felt replaced? On more than one occasion. -_- Where was the last job application you filled out sent to? I don't remember. The last job I got was at a deli, but idk if it's the last thing I applied for. Have you ever been fired from a job? No. What financial class are you? I don't know the actual income ranges, but I think lower? I'm not the one who handles the finances in this house, but I know we're definitely poor. What poster is hanging closest to you? A Metallica one. Are you more comfortable with men or women? Women. I'm afraid of men. Do you think you’re fat? Everything on me is fat except my ass. :^) What does your mom do that annoys you? She's always right. At least she thinks so. How much older than you have you dated? However old Juan was in high school. At least four years. Last person to call you beautiful to your face? Idk. What color are the walls in your room? Off-white. Would you ever consider piercing your lip? It's been pierced forever now. It's like, part of my identity by now lmao. Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move? Try sun poisoning. Flesh bubbling up and all that shit. Did you speak to your father today? No. Name the people you miss RIGHT NOW? That's... a long list. Jason, his mom, Megan, Alex, Hannia, Julia, etc. etc. I'd rather not dwell on all the people I could possibly list. Do you have a brother? Yeah. He's technically my half-brother, but my brother all the same. Have you ever kissed on a boat? No. Do you mind being cold? Nah. I'd FAR rather be cold than hot. Are you afraid of falling in love? You bet your ass I am. What is something you wish you had more of? Adventure. When you take a drink of something, do you hold your pinky up? I've actually noticed myself do that before, ha ha. I don't think it's something I do regularly? Do you write how you speak? Pretty much exactly how I speak. In the past week have you cried? A few times. Have you ever fallen backwards on a chair? HA, yes. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Nnnnnope. Do you bathe your pets regularly? I have a cat and a snake, so no. What was the last animal you saw and was it a pet? My cat is sleeping right next to me. Have you ever had an ear infection? I had so many as a baby that I had to have tubes put in my ears. Then I had two WICKED ones a few years ago because my former doctor is a fucking idiot who didn't dry out my ears at all when she tried to wash my ears out of wax. The interior of my ears were just so wet that the ear infections I got in both were fucking excruciating. What’s your favorite thing to order when you get Chinese food? Just pork fried rice and eggrolls. Have you ever been hospitalized due to dehydration? No, not for that specifically. When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly or do you blast it? I honestly blast it, lol. What’s your favorite online radio site? I don't have one. Do your parents have any authority over who you date? Definitely not now at 25, but they didn't control who I dated when I was younger either. Have you ever watched an anime series start to finish? Multiple. Would you rather date your first or last ex again? If you're talking my first "real" partner as my first ex, I'd still rather date my last ex. I don't think it's smart for me to ever be with Jason again. What do you miss about being a little kid? I miss that confident belief I had that I would figure it all out one day. That I'd have a good, prosperous future. Look at us now, kiddo. When’s the last time you babysat someone? It's been around a year, at least? I think? I really didn't want to because I don't feel comfortable being the provider for a kid, but Ashley really needed me to. What's your birthstone? Amethyst. Have you ever used nose spray? Yeah, I actually have a prescription for it, but I neglect to use it most of the time... Are you close to your grandma? They're both dead. I didn't know Dad's mom very well at all, while Mom's mom and I never got along very well. Do you like Twizzlers? NO. Ugh they taste awful. When was the last time it stormed really bad where you live? A few days ago. Afternoon storms are common this time of year. Have you ever cried because you couldn’t be with someone? You have no idea how many times. Have you ever taken Ambien to fall asleep? Yeah, regularly when I was in the psych hospital. It didn't work for me, though. Have you ever slept in a water bed? Yes. How often do you use Flickr? I only ever check my friend's page for her meerkat photos. Have you hung out with any guys recently? No. Do you use Febreze on your furniture? Yes. Have you ever skipped school because you were tired? Yes. Have you ever lived in a house with a basement? No. The last two people you kissed, what’s something they have in common? They're both very loyal. When was the last time you were truly, completely happy with your life? Honestly, probably not since I started recovery have I been TRULY happy. I thought I was getting back on track. Do you have anything that does not belong to you, or that you aren’t allowed to/supposed to have? No. Honestly who was the last person to tell you they love you? My mom. Are there any specific words that trigger bad memories for you? "Taco soup." I'm not kidding. Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? No. Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in? Yes. She did, but hey, was for the better I'm positive. I didn't need to date him. Got in too much trouble. Have you ever fallen asleep in an opposite sex’s bed? Yes. If you had more money, do you think that you would be a happier person? I fucking know I would. Being poor your whole life will do that. Money CAN buy some degree of happiness. How old were you when you spent your first night away from your parents? I'm unsure, but I know later than most little kids because I had AWFUL separation anxiety from my mom. Do you prefer white or wheat bread? Wheat. What was the last thing you prayed for/about? I don’t pray. Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonald’s? Hmmm... I don't THINK so, but I won't say there's no possibility. As a kid, where did you want to have your party at the most? Chuck E. Cheese, probably. if your friend is dating someone ugly, do you voice your opinion? Um, no? Who the fuck cares if someone who isn't dating the person thinks they're unattractive? That has zero effect on me. Do you consume more ketchup, mustard, or barbecue sauce? Ketchup. Are you more sympathetic towards animals or humans? Animals. Animals aren't jackasses. They're pure and innocent without a speck of willing evil in their hearts. Is there anything you want to live to tell your grandchildren? I don't even want children, so. What is the first thing you do when you get on the computer? I check KM. What do you mainly watch on YouTube? Let's plays, tarantula and reptile channels, WoW goldmaking channels... really a loooot of stuff. YouTube is pretty much my TV, so I gotta have lots of topics of interest, ha ha. What do people most pick on you about? How I'm always on the computer. Just don't. Would you rather go to the mountains or the beach? The mountains. If you could dye your hair one color, what would it be? Something pastel. Maybe light pink. How many people have you kissed, that you can HONESTLY say you loved? Two. If you have pets, do they ever get table scraps? As a snake, Venus obviously doesn't, and Roman doesn't, either. He learned as a kitten that eating human food is a no-no. Have you ever been on a diet? Many times. Have you ever been the victim of an ingrown toenail? A slight one that I could fix myself. Still hurt like a bitch. What’s your favorite romance movie? The Notebook. What do you dip your chicken nuggets in? Ketchup, normally. Is there someone that you would kiss right now if they wanted to? Yes. What’s the nicest meal that someone else has ever cooked for you? *shrug* How many friends do you have of the opposite sex? Two. Would it suck to have to share a bed every night? Not really. I loved sleeping with Jason when we briefly lived together. It was comforting. What will your next piercing be? Probably my nostril again. Do you have any weapons for personal protection? No, but I want one.
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