#idk why they would be in charge if they weren't good but who knows
lol im actually rlly good at baking
-music anon <3
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Oh so you can both cook then???
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layla4567 · 11 months
Awful things to you...
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Pairing: TVA!Loki x Variant!fem!reader
Summary: You are a variant and the TVA pursues you tirelessly until they find you. Loki will be in charge of interrogating you and you are not sure if that is a reward or a punishment.
Warnings: Based on episode 2 of the second season, smut, slightly dom loki, good cop and bad cop dynamic (loki is bad cop obviously), reader being a lil brat, slightly choking(?, hair pulling, fingering with clothes, sex with clothes/hook up idk.
WC: 3.4k
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You were sitting in the middle of the room in an uncomfortable, small seat that didn't even have a backrest. You looked at the ceiling bored while the warm, yellowish lights hit you squarely in the face. It seemed like you were in some kind of madhouse with a completely empty, windowless orange room with a solid oval iron door in front of you. Your clothing wasn't comfortable either, the baggy jumpsuit of a horrible beige color made you look like a prisoner (although technically you were) and that uncomfortable and annoying necklace they had put on you was starting to make you itch. You placed a finger between the skin of your neck and the material of the collar, trying in vain to push it away a little but it kept squeezing. You were just grumbling when two people entered the room. One was a man with gray hair and a mustache with an affable and good-natured appearance, his partner who was taller, had somewhat longer and black hair combed back. They both wore brown uniforms with matching ties.
"Well, well, well. Finally someone comes to visit me, I was getting bored"-you said cheekily
The gray-haired man came a little closer with an easy and graceful step towards you without stopping smiling.
"Well, sorry, we were a little busy."-He answered, laughing at his own joke.
You simply stared at him and grunted something, narrowing your eyes and nodding indifferently, the other tall man came closer to be next to his friends. An awkward silence settled between the three of you so the first man decided to break that silence.
"Oh but where are my manners? We haven't even introduced ourselves, I'm Agent Mobius and he's my partner Loki."-He said pointing to himself and then to his friend.
"And I suppose you already know my name"- you said with irritating irony.
"Yes, and that's why we're here."-said the one called Loki
"Oh so you know how to talk after all"-you pretended to be surprised
Loki sighed and was tempted to roll his eyes but he simply restrained himself, as Mobius knew that his companion was someone somewhat irascible, he continued speaking for him.
"Well there's no reason to be so rude, look we brought you here because you committed something on your sacred line that created a ramification"
You interrupted him, closing your eyes and waving a hand in front of him, fed up with his rant.
"I'm sorry but I'm not understanding you shit"
"In short, you did something you shouldn't have and we brought you here to keep you from causing more problems."
You turned laughing sarcastically to see Loki as you frowned.
"So now I'm locked up and watched by two kinds of babysitters?"
"I wouldn't say it like that-"
"This is stupid"- you exalted -"I want to leave, let me get out of here"-you demanded
You stood determined to push them out of your way and get out the door when Loki, who was considerably taller than you, stood in front of you, blocking the door and placing his hands on your shoulders, stopping you.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
You sighed in annoyance, you weren't afraid of him or Mobius but you weren't stupid, they were two against one and you weren't sure if you would be able to take down Loki.
"Ugh fine, what do you want from me then?"
"We want to know what you did or rather why you did it"-Mobius said placing his hands behind his back.
"I thought you knew that, since you know me so well."-You rolled your eyes, putting your hands on your hips.
"We'd rather it come out of your mouth, ok?"
Loki narrowed his eyes and you looked at him out of the corner of your eye and up and down, contemplating whether to say what you know or not. After a few seconds of silence you clicked your tongue.
"Alright, how about I tell you a story, shall I? Once upon a time there was a pretty, intelligent girl who got tired of living in misery and, let's say, one day she innocently stole a diamond ring so she could sell it. Until two couple of weirdos came and captured her. The end"
"Did you like the story?"-You smiled sarcastically as you blinked your eyelashes innocently, making a kind of pout.
"I think you're a great storyteller."
Mobius always tried to make a joke with that smile on the verge of being a laugh, but you looked at him with the seriousness of a wax statue, somewhat uncomfortable, he stopped smiling and fell silent.
Loki took the lead
"The point is that now we need to know what you did with that ring, obviously you hid it because you didn't have it with you"
"Good deduction Sherlock, you surprise me."
Your poisonous sarcasm never left your throat and was beginning to make Loki impatient, who closed his eyes and took a deep breath. You were just having fun watching him lose his temper. Mobius, as a good-hearted man, tried to see things from all possible perspectives.
"Look y/n, I understand, okay? You must be feeling frustrated and confused, two agents take you from where you were and take you to a strange place and you don't understand what's happening! I really understand, but right now we have more urgent matters and we really need you to tell us where you hid it"
You looked at him, narrowing your eyes, trying to suppress a smile. Unfortunately, appealing to empathy is not going to make you give in. Your lips will be sealed
"I'm sorry…I think I forgot. Also, if you have more urgent matters then I would recommend that you take care of them first."
You smiled mischievously as Mobius lowered his head and sighed in defeat, Loki looked at him.
"Ok I give up, Loki it's your turn I'll go eat a pie"
Loki nodded and smiled. Now that he had his partner's approval, Loki felt freer to question you. Before Mobius left through the door, he approached Loki and whispered.
"Be gently"
After patting him on the back, he trotted off and walked out the door, looking happier. Now Loki was staring at you with hypnotizing green eyes, he had raised his chin a little and looked menacing.
"Good, how about we start on the right foot? I'm just warning you that I won't be as patient as my partner."
His guttural voice echoed in the room and its bounce off the walls reached your ears from different places, it seemed as if there was more than one Loki speaking to you, you shivered a little, hoping he wouldn't notice.
"I already told you that I don't remember where I left the ring."
"Oh that's a pity"
To your surprise, Loki was smiling and looking down at you with his hands clasped in front of him. There was something elegant yet intimidating about him. The way he moved or the way he spoke, he did it with Shakespearean grace. Slowly he began to approach you
"You know? Maybe you don't know who I am but I am known for being the god of mischief and for having done terrible, horrible things to many people."
With each thing he said, he took a step and got closer, until he was so close to you that you had to lean back slightly until you almost fell out of your chair and looked at him completely from below with your neck tense, his haughty and threatening presence looming upon you like the shadow of the grim reaper. His head covered the light coming from the ceiling spotlight, making an interesting contrast. Now seeing him against the light, the shadows sharpened Loki's face, framing his perfect nose and jaw, the light seemed to want to stay away from him as if he were someone who belonged to the darkness. You swallowed, intimidated.
"And believe me, I will have no mercy or fear in doing all those terrible and awful things…to you"
His voice was almost a whisper, so low and sounding grave and hoarse, it made you feel things, things that were better not to say. You didn't know why, but those threats didn't provoke fear in you, but rather the opposite. It was hot. Trying to sound casual you said
"Uhh scary man.."
Your voice was almost inaudible almost like a whisper but you managed to try to smile cheekily as some kind of flirt. Loki didn't seem fazed, instead he laughed airily, widening his Cheshire cat smile. And he began to walk around you like a vulture, making his shadow grow that enveloped you like a heavenly or demonic mantle.
"You have guts, I like that. You would have been a great ally in my troops"
Now Loki's voice was close to your ear in the back, whispering to you as he didn't stop spinning.
"But be careful what you say, a slip of the tongue and it could cost you dearly"
With everything he said, added to the fact that his breath tickled your ear from behind, he made you clench your legs and make your body rigid while you held your hands to the seat.
"What's wrong? Don't tell me the cat got your tongue."
Now his laugh was tickling the right side of your cheek as you could feel his green eyes nearby penetrating your face looking into your eyes and mouth.
"Come on, let me hear your sweet voice one more time, I want to know what you have to say."-Loki said, narrowing his eyes for a second and smiling mockingly, but his words sounded like a demand.
"I…I uhm.."
"Oh so the cat did get your tongue anyway"
You cursed inside, biting your lips and frowning, you were behaving stupidly, you couldn't even say a word. Suddenly Loki grabbed your hair, intertwining his fingers and pulling it back slightly, surprised you let out a moan as you placed a hand on his trying to remove it from your hair.
"We can do this all day darling, but at some point you're going to have to start talking, don't you think?"
Loki was still behind you to have easier access to your hair, and he never let go of it. His face was close to your right side and his lips brushed the skin of your ear as he spoke. Without warning his lips collided with the top of your jaw. He wasn't leaving kisses or anything like that but the simple touch of his soft lips running over and caressing your face made you melt.
"You're not going to say anything yet, huh? Bad for you."-He said with his open mouth resting on your cheek.
Loki pulled your hair a little more and placed wet kisses on your jaw, tracing the curve of it. Loki sighed and grunted, panting lightly as if this turned him on too. You bit your lips hard, suppressing your moans.
"You have beautiful, silky skin, but this ugly necklace bothers me greatly."
Loki took something out of his pocket and pressed a button that deactivated the collar and it fell to the ground with a thud. Satisfied now Loki began to kiss and suck on your neck moving your head to the side to have more access. Loki seemed like a thirsty vampire and you his poor victim. You began to thrash as you spread your legs, placing one hand between them to grab the edge of the small seat and unconsciously grinding your hips.
"L-loki..stop..please"-moaning brokenly
"Oh now do you want me to stop? And what is that movement in your hips?"-he mocked shamelessly
You closed your eyes in shame, feeling your cheeks heat up as you tried to stop your hips and dug your nails into the seat.
"That's simple, if you want me to stop then tell me what you know"
Loki growled in your ear as his tongue probed the skin of your neck near your jaw, licking you like ice cream. At this point you could no longer control your moans and you writhed, eager to touch him, to place your hands on his hair as he did with yours.
"Are you sure you want me to stop?"
You whimpered as a plea, opening your mouth. Loki assumed you would say that so he let your hair go and stood in front of you. He easily lifted you from the seat, when you stood up your thighs were trembling and you were panting. Loki sat on the small round seat and spread his legs, patting his lap inviting you to sit on it. You blushed and couldn't move a muscle so he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to wrap your legs around his waist, sitting facing you with your eyes fixed on his. Loki placed his large hand on your cheeks, squeezing them a little until he made you pout.
"You are being very unfair to me"
Loki's hand went down to your throat and he brought his mouth close to your ear.
"Will you still not tell me where you hid it?"
Loki looked at you and tightened his fingers a little around the grip on your neck, you shook your head.
"Good"-he smiled
Loki's hand left your neck and moved down your torso slowly and painfully, he seemed to take his time on purpose. With his delicate fingers he traced waves and spirals near your chest, from time to time his palm traveled to the side of your torso near the ribs and cupping your breasts, he even allowed himself to feel your erect nipples with his thumb and squeeze them mischievously as if they were buttons
"Loki!"-you gasped shakily.
"Do you like that, pet?"
You nodded without remorse, your eyes dilating in desire as a shiver ran down your spine. Loki continued to touch you elegantly, his two hands traveled to your waist and didn't stop there. They continued down to your lower belly and your mons, that's when you let out an involuntary moan as you retracted your hips.
Loki, delighting in the noises you made, narrowed his eyes, smiling sideways and tilting his head.
"What do you think now? Will you tell me where it is?"
You shook your head again, biting your lower lip trying to suppress your smile, you felt like a naughty girl about to be punished, it amused you. And Loki seemed to be amused too.
"Ok, don't say I didn't warn you."
Loki placed one hand on your lower back, slightly pulling you towards his body while his other hand was placed on your vagina, that touch made you gasp but more so when his middle and index fingers were placed at your entrance trying to push the fabric of your beige uniform. You couldn't help but squeal like a mouse.
"Oh.. delicious"
Loki rubbed your entrance with his fingers trying to uselessly put them somewhere, even so, his fingers felt your flesh and that gesture began to make you wet. Luckily the fabric of the clothing was light and did not loosen in that area so his fingers could touch your hungry and throbbing pussy without problems.
Again you pathetically began to move your hips hoping to feel more friction while your face buried in the crook of his neck drowning out your babbling and moaning. Loki's calmness was overwhelmingly annoying. You were desperate that he had control, rubbing your back with a strange tenderness contrasted with what his other hand was doing to your core, while he repeated to you to take a deep breath as if you were about to be vaccinated. How could he be so sweet and delicate and a horny pervert at the same time?
"You're doing well, but I'd like to know where the ring is, please."-he said mocking your desperate desires
You still had your face buried in the crook of his neck, muttering and gasping incomprehensible words.
"I'm sorry darling, I didn't hear you correctly, what did you say?"-Loki said as you pressed harder and deeper into your entrance.
"I don't know!"
You moaned sharply, quickly removing your face from his shoulder while you breathed with your mouth open, trying not to succumb to your carnal impulses but you couldn't grip his shoulders tightly as if your hands were pliers.
"What a naughty girl you are. Do you really like being punished? You'll be glad to know I'm not done yet."
Loki grabbed and dug his fingers into your mules, pulling you even closer to him and forcing you to bring your pelvis together and crash against his. You were wondering what he was going to do when suddenly he raised his hips and his bulge collided with your entrance. This drew another louder moan from you. Loki stood there watching your reaction in amusement.
"What a delight to hear you like that, pet"
Another bounce of his hip and you had to close your eyes and bite your lip to keep from letting out the growl that remained locked in your throat. You were practically sitting on his cock and you felt your core throbbing harder and harder until it started to hurt acutely, this was torture, but a pleasurable one. Loki moved his pelvis upward again, holding your hips and threw your head back, releasing a pitiful moan.
"I'll ask you one more time, don't exhaust my patience. WHERE.IS.IT?"
To emphasize his words, he collided his pelvis with yours again, this time more abruptly as he wrinkled his face. You dug your nails into his back and gritted your teeth, you could feel the tears gathering in your eyes.
Loki, on the other hand, seemed happy with that answer.
"Whatever you want"
Now without mercy, Loki ground his hips up and down, colliding with your entrance while your hands clung to the back of his neck and you pressed your chest against his. Your face was on his shoulder looking towards the door fearing that someone would come and find you in this embarrassing situation, you had no idea how much time had passed. Loki found his own rhythm going fast and without tiring, you accompanied him bouncing up and down accompanying his hips when he went up, they seemed like a harmonious wave. But they were far from harmony, you two were panting and you were a mess since he started touching you with his manly hands. your palms were sweating and your uniform was starting to stick to your body. When you thought that nothing could be worse, Loki began to kiss your neck again, this time leaving small bites, you closed your eyes tightly and gritted your teeth, feeling like you were losing your mind. Your hand finally gripped his hair tightly and you took revenge, being able to pull him back to which he grunted. This little Eden that had settled between the two of you and the room didn't seem like enough to you. It was just a false sense of pleasure, you really needed him inside you no matter how hard his cock was or how deep you sat on it, you couldn't take this anymore unless he really fucked you properly.
"Loki… I-I give up, I'll tell you... where it is…"-you said between moans and gasps.
"But we were having fun"
He laughed shamelessly as he stopped and let you get off his lap, when you did you could barely stand. You were breathing hard and your knees were bending about to hit the floor and you were all sweaty. Loki seemed a little better than you but you still noticed that the hair on his forehead was damp. Between broken words you kept your promise and gave him the information he wanted.
"See? It was not that difficult"-He said smiling as if nothing had happened while he caressed your cheek with a finger.
At that moment Mobius entered, smiling as always and with a can in one hand. Seeing them in such a pitiful state, his corners loosened a little and confusion appeared on his face.
"What did I miss?"
"Oh nothing, the interrogation was just fruitful"-Loki said while winking at you knowingly.
Mobius and Loki said goodbye to you while you continued standing trying to catch your breath and process what had happened. When the two of them closed the door behind you you could hear Mobius' somewhat muffled voice asking Loki: "Hey, why are you so sweaty? It looks like you ran a marathon."
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l0sercat · 1 year
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Omg omg yess! @theporcelaincat1 I love this idea sm! I do do x reader stuff it's basically my whole blog lol. I hope I didn't make him ooc lmao I don't think i did but towards the end idk. Hope it satisfied you :)
The spot x reader
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You sneaked up behind him and attempted to throw a punch but he threw a hole at you and you landed on rocks. You let out a groan and got back up on your feet. "Why try to ruin a kid's life who had nothing to do with this? Why not use your powers for good? I'm sure you make an excellent hero" you said as you charged towards him.
He let out a sound of amusement "Nothing to do with this?! He is the reason I turned out like this! My life is ruined because of him! Why should I help people who laugh and point at me!" He yelled. You empathized with him but what he was doing was wrong.
"Listen I understand how you-" "You don't understand!" He screeched cutting you off, the holes on his body spiraled and went crazy, he was pissed. You sighed and avoided more of his attacks "Your right I don't but...but what happened to you is not his fault he was trying to save innocent people and what your doing is wrong. I know your in pain and your life was taken from you and now people treat you like a monster and a freak. But taking it out on a kid who was just trying to do right- it's just not okay you need to understand that" you tried to reason with him.
You stop trying to attack him and just slowly put your hands up and walked towards him. His shoulder were tense and he was shaking, from anger probably. You inched closer to him "Listen you don't have to be a hero but you don't also have to be a villain. You can be more than this I know you can. You worked at Alchemax for fucks sake just stop this" you were only a couple inches away from him.
Your heart raced with every second that went by hoping that he would listen to reason. You looked at him in his face and put your hands to your sides and waited for him to respond. It seemed like he was thinking but still alert as his body never relaxed. The spots on him seemed to calm down as they weren't moving frantically.
He moved his head in your direction and in a broken voice he spoke "While living a normal life again does sound nice that would be wishful thinking I already caused to much damage. There is no turning back but, if we cross paths again I'll remember to spare you" he said and a hole opened up behind him and he walked into it.
"No!" You shouted and tried to catch him with your webs but the hole disappeared "Fuck!" You shouted and slammed your fist into your forehead. "Im so dead.." you mumble as you mess with your watch and go through a portal.
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anxresi · 4 months
So, it turns out Chloe IS going to return for S6... this hot off the press from her voice actor... (actually from back in Jan, but who's counting?)
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...So why, my dears, couldn't I give a damn?
Probably because, as arguably the writers had no idea what to do with her in S4 and S5 other than strip her of all personality, agency & likability, what's the point in her still remaining?
*She's not going to be a hero again, Manbaby Astruc has made this PERFECTLY clear thankyouverymuch. IMHO, she's far more useful as a tool for him to take out his warped misogynist humiliations on, apparently. Why he doesn't just buy himself a blonde mannequin, call it 'Chloe' then beat it with a wooden stick whilst shouting various profanities within the privacy of his own bedroom, IDK. Maybe it's good therapy for him to expose his weird hang-ups in front of a mass audience? Hey, if it works for him... good for you, buddy! I just wish the rest of us didn't have to suffer to aid his treatment.
*As a villain, Chloe's threat level is arguably less than 0%. She is now written to be dumb as a post, no-one trusts or likes her and everything she says and does seems more cartoonishly infantile with every tortuous appearance since S3. The ONLY time she posed any vague threat is during her massively overhyped team-up with Lila where basically she was little more than a pawn to the Mary Sue Of All Lying B*tches... and those two episodes where she took over Paris as Mayor with a bunch of robots were undebately the most stupid ones of S5. Which if you've seen the competition, you KNOW that's some achievement.
*My prediction is: They're gonna rehash the same tiresome schik we saw before she got on that plane at the end of S5... perhaps they'll give us a one episode Hope Spot upon her unexpected arrival back where it looks like she's changed after attending a 'tough school' in New York/London but OH MY WORD WHAT A SURPRISE it turns out to all have been a ruse to become Queen Bee again. YAWN. She'll move straight back into her old room... Andre and Audrey will reconnect... and it'll be like nothing ever happened. In case you hadn't noticed, this show handles plot continuity or character development about as well as Marinette keeps her distance from her crushes.
*'But where does that leave Zoe?' You might ask, to which I can only respond with a succinct 'If you had the Hubble Space Telescope on full power, you still wouldn't be able to locate how little I care about that particular subject.' Maybe she'll carry on as Vesperia. Maybe she'll get a girlfriend. Maybe she'll do something halfway interesting, and give the viewership a heart attack out of sheer shock value alone. It doesn't matter to me one jot... less because I curse the ground this insipid plot device masquerading as a serious character walks on, but simply because I have no faith in the utterly abysmal writing this show has displayed for years and years now. Chloe could take over the lead role in a SHOCKING twist, they could change the name to Miraculous Queen and I STlLL wouldn't give it a second glance. The fish rots from the head-up, guys.
(Okay, so that's a bit of a lie. I would probably sneak a peek at ONE episode out of sheer curiosity, but you and I both know with HIM in charge the standard won't improve one iota. Plus, it isn't gonna happen anyway... so why am I tying myself in knots speculating about an impossible scenario?)
Anyway, I've nattered on for too long. I'll just leave you by answering Selah's somewhat disingenuous last question there about 'your favorite Chloe line of season 5'.
This implies we were watching 'Chloe'. As far as I was concerned, we weren't. Not the Chloe I fangirled for in the very beginning and got me involved in the show in the first place because I could relate so much. Not the Chloe who got so many other fans emotionally invested in her personal and familial struggles, before her character was comprehensively trashed by a ruinous creator with a grudge.
So in answer to your question Ms Victor, none. Because it simply wasn't Chloe.
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truly-a-snitch · 9 months
helloo just found this blog and love ur work <3
it says requests r open but I don't trust myself and so if they are, can I request pegging w dazai and chuuya (separate ofc) w a dom reader (idk why I'm specifying is it even possible to make a sub reader peg 💀💀)
im just a woman w simple needs ik it's boring 😔👊
never fear anon i too need to peg dazai and chuuya this is not boring at all. youre gonna ravish these losers
also yes it is possible for a sub to be doing the pegging !! dom/sub is just about whos in charge/who has power in any given encounter, not whos topping/bottoming. (see: succubus reader/dazai drabble i did, dazai was on top but subbing) thank you for specifying because i probably wouldve made this dom chuuya if u hadnt lol
warnings/tags: gn reader !!, can be read as strap or dick, praise w both, hair pulling w dazai, body worship sorta w dazai, brat!chuuya, youre a lil mean to chuuya (sexual style), overstim w chuuya, pet names used: darling, dearest, thing (for dazai); hon, toy (for chuuya)
He was so easy to please when you actually managed to get him bent over something- usually a counter in your kitchen, though this time you had actually made it to the bedroom before bending him over. All it took was a few nice words and well-placed kisses, and he unraveled underneath you. Today seemed to be no exception.
"Ah, fuck," Osamu whined when you thrusted into him particularly harshly, melting into the sheets.
"Shh, I know, darling," you teased, admiring the way he squirmed under you, barely able to hold himself up anymore. You had covered him with hickies so dark you wondered for a moment how long they would take to fade. (A week? Two?) "Such a good little thing for me, taking me so well. There we go, dearest."
He was shaking already. As was expected. The poor darling was incredibly touchstarved, it only made sense he'd be so sensitive.
"Aw, you gonna cum? Poor thing," you said, fingers finding his hair and carding gently through, then yanking his head back harshly and earning a whimper at the movement. His mouth opened to try and formulate a reply, but he fell into moans again instead at a harsh thrust on your part. His arms gave out under him, and he melted into the sheets all over again.
"Fuck," he hissed. If you didn't know him better you'd assume you had hurt him. "Fuck, 'm close."
You cooed gently when he let out a moan that hitched up into a whimper, somehow falling even more pliant under you. You leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his neck, and he shivered.
"Go ahead and cum whenever, darling," you said, and only a moment later he let out a broken groan as he came. You gently worked him through it, only pulling out when he was twitching from the aftershocks of orgasm and his fingers scrambled for hold in the sheets, as if he wanted to anchor himself to something. As if he feared you'd overstimulate him.
(You weren't above that, so he was definitely right to be worried, but you would just save that for next time.)
Chuuya talks a lot of shit for a man who so easily melts under you. He likes to tease you, get you all riled up while he's protected by the veil of being out in public. Always keeps it up until you get back to your shared apartment where- if he's teased you enough- he usually gets dragged to the bedroom by the collar of his shirt. (Or, on days you feel like meticulously unwinding him and teasing him right back, a palm pressed firmly to his lower back.)
Like right now.
Because, as usual, he had gone and teased you all day. It had worsened during dinner, with him purposely using phrases and pet names and the like, ones that he knew got your mind wandering. Ones he knew he'd deal with the consequences of the moment you got home.
And he was pinned beneath you right now, one arm twisted almost painfully behind his back and the other struggling to hold himself up.
He let out a whine as he tried to rock his hips back into yours.
"Hm? What's that, hon?" you asked, gripping his arm a bit tighter, twisting it a bit farther- and his hips stilled again. He breathed in pointedly, and a shiver visibly ran up his spine. "Feels good, I take it?"
"You are so mean," he muttered, voice shaky. Almost breaking. It was as if his resolve was about to give in on itself, about to collapse under its own weight.
"I know, how dare I give my darling toy what he's been begging for all night," you teased. "Don't think I didn't see what you were doing at dinner, hon. Those bedroom eyes are going to be the death of me one of these days."
He shivered again, and the tension began to melt out of his frame. You recognized this. He was close.
"Aw, hon, you gonna cum?" you teased, pace relentless. He nodded and let out a low moan. "Already? I've hardly had my fun yet."
Chuuya shivered again, let out a sharp whine, and a moment later he was spilling over. The tension in his body completely evaporated, and a moment later he was biting back an overstimulated sob as you kept going.
"Fuck, wait, it hurts," he said, voice shakily. "Slow down."
"Hm?" you hummed, then pretended to contemplate. "No, hon, I don't think so. You wanted me so badly earlier, whispering the dirtiest things in my ear on the train. You could hardly contain yourself. It'd be downright cruel of me to stop now."
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crxssjae · 3 months
Chapter One: Anew Revist
Jey doesn't know who this "Sami" guy is, as he and Jimmy return to NXT after receiving a request from Hunter.
You can read the other fics from my WWE masterlist here.
"Something About You" is posted on AO3 (here) and Wattpad (here)
Warning(s): 18+, language, it's 5k (or close to 5k idk) words so I had to warn y'all
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"Aight, aight, aight! Y'know what time it is: pick a choice!" Jimmy exclaimed, hands gripped on the steering wheel with a goofy grin.
No matter the travels aboard on the road, their shenanigans never fail. On occasions, the car is in charge along with its revving engine in the background to cut out silence; no exchanges, just peace while tasking their careers weren't new to them.
Three years passed, and on to their fourth year as wrestlers. Life of wrestling can be either a simple rise or a struggle after entering its world; it'll crawl half of the brain firsthand and will refuse to be gone by the end of months. Skilled ones would tell them when they step forward and keep going, it'll be like an endless cycle that'll never break. For the twins, however, theirs were full of balance.
They listened while exchanging jokes— Jey often gets aggravated and nonchalant whether Jimmy mentioned a humorous past he had if they were kids, teens, or a few years back. Despite the never-ending bickering, Jey's spirits are always uplifted with happiness and not isolation, thanks to his brother.
Although he questioned himself before, there's never a simple term why at the end for being bored in the first place.
It's obvious Jimmy tried his hardest not to ruin themselves, so Jey promises he'll be helpful, too. Sort of.
"Here's the catch," Jimmy began. "Which is worse? Gettin' our ass beat each time one of us gets a singles match?"
The twins' expressions mirrored the wince with cringe. One of the worst memories Jey will and will not forget.
"Not every week... but 'kay." he cleared his throat with a chuckle, continuing. "Or 'dat time at my wedding day wit’ Naomi when yo' face got smashed wit' cake 'cause you want s'um strawberries?"
Jey smacked his lips. "You still can't let go 'bout it, huh? I'd rather pick the first one than the second."
Jimmy shook his head, laughing. "At least you got a good taste n' eatin' like it's yo' favorite ice cream."
Jey groaned, earning another laugh from Jimmy. He did not want anyone, especially his brother, to mention the cake situation ever again. "If you don't shut up n’ drive, Uce."
Serene air in the car signaled its atmosphere. His mind wandered into the thoughts now; forty minutes they've been on the road. One of the songs Jimmy chose is playing on the radio, the best way to beat the silence— nevertheless, they still fuss over the best music genre. So far, it went well, unless they weren't acting like little kids. But that's how siblings do.
He was supposed to drive in case Jimmy could have a chance to munch the remaining snacks or snooze; instead, Jey's stomach had other plans for him when it rumbled with hunger. Jey gave up, seated in the passenger's side, chomping some chips and drinking soda, glimpsing at the city he never thought coming back: Winter Park, Florida, where NXT took place.
Its welcome recalled the months and years of September 2011 to October 2012; fans saw Jimmy and Jey as twins who looked alike but couldn't tell apart. No matter the charisma they held, none viewed their tag team potential due to many losses, pushed back in the line like decoys for other duos to receive their opportunity. The unforeseen chances were higher, so Hunter took notice and sent them to the NXT roster for a year and one month.
Through trial and error— from being rookies who received the most unsuccessful opportunities, standing at the back of the line, to a spotlight above them where everyone can gawk and recognize— the beloved Tag Team Champions. Second chances can be remarkable.
Old memories resurfaced, and new memories arose once arriving back to NXT, though the request Hunter gave bothered Jey, so he had to ask.
"Ay, Jimmy," Jey began, lips pursed.
"Yea?" Jimmy responded.
"'Bout Hunter, he said he'd paired us with… wit’ Samuel, right?" Jey questioned, confusion etched across his face.
"Sami, not Samuel," Jimmy corrected, shrugging. "I dunno 'bout him either. All I know is that he beat two opponents in his debut. First was Curt, then was Cesaro."
Jey stared at Jimmy, letting out a huff. "Y’jokin'. There's no way in hell he faced two guys on the same night."
"Not everyone can pull it off. S'um but not everyone. Don't forget, DB did it n' win at WrestleMania with injury."
"But nobody can wrestle two dudes in one night on their debut. Dat's not fair! They'll tire themselves out!"
"Aww, you at least took the time to be worried." Jimmy teased in a fake emphatic tone, grinning like an idiot. "See? I am a good and smart ol' brother! Be proud for once."
Smack the taste out of his mouth would've been another achievement on the list; then again, the scolding from Rikishi's voice was one thing he and Jimmy wanted to avoid.
Another glimpse outside the window of Winter Park, his mind wandered deep, surveying the strangers strolling alongside friends on the cobblestone sidewalk, the cafés, and the opening restaurants. The discussion with Jimmy floated, pushing the peace aside, stuck like glue as his eyes broke contact, narrowing down at his sneakers. Jey hated to admit it— his brother was correct.
In WrestleMania, confronting an opponent in a match while being injured to get a chance to be in the Triple Threat for the main event; after achieving the win in a tired state, having no choice but to face two guys, yet at the end, got the championship and given a standing ovation.
In a debut? That's tough to do. Faced against the first challenger in the opening match and won— while obtaining a second win against another later, without the body being exhausted in one night.
Who would do that for a debut, though? How the hell does Samuel— Sami— manage to keep up?
An upcoming rookie. No matter, he'll meet him soon, put some sense into him, and teach him what and what not to do in the wrestling business.
"Stop thinkin' so much."
Jimmy's voice interrupted his thoughts. Jey rolled his eyes, even if the encouragement was getting him. "Whatever, man," he grumbled.
He steadied when Jimmy sighed, knowing how the response went.
"Look on the bright side," Jimmy said, his tone sincere. "At least we can greet s’um new Superstars n’ not always the many crowded strangers of Sami."
"Can y’stop mentionin' Samuel? Sheesh, man, y’makin' it worse," Jey retorted, didn't bother to correct the man's name.
"Sami, it's Sami. You callin' the name wrong."
"And? Whatchu gon' do?"
Jimmy groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Pettiest brother ever."
In which he is.
Jey and Jimmy did not expect crew members and their coworkers to scramble across hallways to rooms like dozens of mice— spotting an area to hide. Compared to 2011, it used to be a small group in a developmental brand— now evolving in a slow, smooth, recognizable process.
Fast-paced greets and conversations, out of breath due to in-ring wins or losses, alongside admirations of wrestlers from those who are fans had a chance to say hello and given advice; reeled in the surprise shoved on the face without blank stares. For a moment, Jey gaped, taking in the changes, then shifting back to his usual mood, keeping things professional.
One year after leaving the NXT roster, fresh faces came from left to right, while some stayed longer due to Hunter's approval. Nothing questioned if locker rooms got bigger. It must've stayed the same, still having decorations for each individual among logo signs.
Meaningless to think, some are keeping the old stuff as a souvenir.
Inside their room, well, compared to the men's main roster, the twins began the usual routine of face paint. Before ending up at Winter Park earlier, both had the final agreement: use green to apply and white as an outline to match their current attire. It will never feel correct if the colors are mismatched.
Tedious could be, Jey managed to get it done. He did the outline on the right side of Jimmy's face, and even though his trembling right hand struck a nerve, he stroked with green without smudging the white. Of course, blaming Jimmy is one hundred percent on the list for not settling down, yet Jey is like him, too. Once he completed the right side, Jey passed the materials to Jimmy, letting him color the left side of Jey's face.
With a couple of deep breaths and small jokes his brother can come up with, Jey's mind eased with peace—
The sound of a creaking door startled the twins. Jey whipped his head, ignoring a strip of white on the nose Jimmy did by accident. Neither thought the reminder to knock before entering.
"We're busy, get out—"
Any words stuck in his throat after uttering, brows rose in surprise at the presence of the man, whose hazel eyes glinted in welcome like a golden retriever vowing to introduce himself. Who is he? A rookie? Why does he have no manners?
His ginger hair was scuffled with a towel encircling his neck, exposing bits of hair on the slightly above-average physique; wrists wrapped in white tape— and red-black elbow pads, arranged to get in the ring, double-checked to straighten the tights. What a sight to behold, Jey would say.
He doesn't understand. Why did he keep a smile on his face? No smugness, all of it is dotted with kindness and shyness like he regretted barging in without speaking.
How stupid would it be if Jey yelled to leave?
Embarrassment. That's what he thought.
"Sorry," he spoke, fiddling his thumbs. "If you're busy, I... I can leave and wait."
Jimmy grinned, first to interact. "Don't be. It's all good." His voice raised before the man could close the door, seeing him look back. "Yo’ name's Sami Zayn, right?"
"Um, yeah." Known to be Sami, nodding in response. "That's me."
Jey stared in disbelief. "Yea, right, you're not Samuel."
"Sami, not Samuel." Jimmy forced himself to correct the name, much to worsen.
"... Sami," Jey grumbled through gritted teeth with a forced smile. He does his best not to snap at his brother in front of him. "Can you please knock next time without being—" He paused, searching for the right words, and responded, "Rude?"
"Sorry. I won't do it again," Sami answered, rubbing the back of his neck and letting out a soft giggle. "So you guys are the Usos?"
"Yup!" the twins responded in unison.
"Jimmy with the right paint, and Jey with the left paint?"
To Jey's astonishment, Sami got a sharp eye.
No matter who either fans, crews, coworkers, or a boss like Hunter— almost all call out the wrong brother's name with or without face paint. Jey would've guessed Sami had experience with twin brothers, sisters, or siblings. He has to give him credit.
As for Jimmy, he had a wide smile. His face would be hurting the next day if stretched too wide.
Here we go, Jey rolled his eyes, unamused.
"Thank god!" Sami sighed in relief. "I was worried one of you would say I'm delusional. There are a couple of people I've met who look alike and get names wrong—"
"Hold on, pause, take a breather," Jimmy interrupted, and Sami's lips sealed tight. "No need to get overwhelmed, my dawg. Y’good, we don't bite at all."
What a chatterbox. Jimmy had the urge to call Sami "his dawg" straight away. It'll take forever for Jey to get into trust like his brother did. Hard to explain; he didn't have to be swooned by the person flashing a bright smile he had never known in his life, then become great buddies the next day without the intention of wanting to be friends.
All fixated on the time, the questions can be asked later. Jey tapped Jimmy's shoulder twice to bring his attention.
"Tell Hunter we'll be there," Jimmy told Sami.
"I will, and nice to meet you both," Sami responded and turned his heel before closing the door behind him. Jey knew from the tone he was eager to be paired.
Ten minutes closed in, the preparation needed to be quick.
Jimmy managed to wipe the white mark off Jey's nose with a thumb. He refocused on painting Jey's face while noting the conversation earlier. "Why can't y’just be nice, Uce?"
"I dunno. Why y’call him 'my dawg' when we only know a lil' 'bout him?" Jey mimicked Jimmy's friendly voice, receiving a glare from his brother, but he couldn't care less.
"'Cause he's nice! What y’want me to do, be grumpy n’ sayin' get off my ass? Y’wanna be rude 'cause y’couldn't get his name right."
"Nuh-uh, don't start dat comparin'. I'm— I'm tryna learn."
"Sure, sure, correctin' yourself is not workin'," Jimmy mocked.
"Y'did the same wit' Pops, too, so you can't deny."
Jimmy couldn't help smacking his lips. He finished the outline, taking the green paint to color the rest. "Glad I ain't a hothead like you."
"Says someone who yelled timeout for five minutes n’ sayin' they cheatin' for two."
Embarrassment crept Jimmy on the trail. Lips curled into a sly smirk as Jey watched him squirm and shake his head in denial.
"Be quiet n’ lemme finish," Jimmy grumbled.
Jey snickered. His mind wandered back to Sami; a misunderstanding earlier, or so thought, except Jimmy. What an odd, odd wrestler.
He can ask later if there's a chance. Until then— everything is pushed aside. Disappointment is not on his agenda; prestige is.
NXT Tag Team Champions, The Ascension: Konnor and Viktor. Their duo efforts are no joke to others who overlooked them.
A year and six months. Their respect was earned, putting in lots of hard work and doing their best to beat the duo during the tag match. It's unfortunate, left a bite in the dust after the Ascension won at the end. Punctured a gnaw as a mistake of failure for the twins. Though lessons go over throughout their years as a tag team.
Konnor and Viktor are sincere people, so is another man grouped along. Jey's brows knitted with wonder. What's his name again?
His eyes lit up: Corey Graves, the Savior of Misbehavior.
Isn't his gimmick name? Does it mean to protect the misbehave or cause the misbehave? Why does a gimmick grind Jey's gears into confusion?
Corey is a couple of new guys Jey and Jimmy met. Had a short decent chat earlier, and he isn't bad at all, just a good person. A man like him can leave a scar to become the future champion with a cold-hearted gimmick like that; no pun intended.
Christcontrol blared from the speakers outside the arena after the producers played the theme. Boos rippled across the crowd outside, voicing out their hate for villains as usual. Jey felt his shoulder brushed against Corey's, eying at him with an impressed look. The surge of the gimmick came alive once Corey exited the gorilla position and entered through the curtains— his smug smirk danced between his lips.
Jimmy leaned against Jey. "He has potential." His voice lowered in a whisper. "One look, he gets into it."
One look. It felt like two or many looks of skill. For charisma, Jey is unsure since he met Corey a few minutes ago.
Rebellion rang in. Konnor and Viktor strolled past Jey and Jimmy, gripping the NXT Tag Team Championships. Four of them exchanged nods as the twins watched their coworkers head out. The intimidation never wore off the Ascension. Dominance revealed in front of coworkers and the fans' gaze.
This theme is unrecognizable to Jey when Lower the Boom chimed. A firm pat on the shoulder caught attention and he glanced at Sami, who nodded to him, then Jimmy. Luck is needed now, but for Jey, can it be good to trust that man?
For the audience's reaction— it seemed so from the cheers.
Sami let his lips spread a wide smile like everything was positive. "See you in the ring, champion."
With one thumb up, he went out there in front of dozens of fans, itching to see him in action.
Jey froze, taken aback at being called "champion". He doesn't get it. What is this man trying to do? Taunt him? Throw him off the bus?
Was it praise? Champion. But Sami never said tag team champion, only champion in one word. Only to him.
Sami must've said the same to Jimmy. Jey doesn't know. His mind spiraled in bits of confusion.
"Don't lose focus, Uce." Jimmy's snickering snapped Jey out of his thoughts. One half of the Tag Team Championship belt already encircled Jimmy's waist. He patted Jey's shoulder. "C'mon, get on cue."
Jey wanted to tell Jimmy and shout at his face that it was none of his business, though the producers signaled they were next to go on. He'll worry later as he adjusted the belt and followed him.
The Usos' theme, So Close Now, became familiar. Two years in a row. Fans caught up along the dance and pyro, except it's not used as of today, the arena is moderate. The passion behind each person in the audience never burned off. Their roaring cheers rippled the muteless air.
Commentators would show excitement for live TV and the energy of the announcer in both.
The twins strolled from the entrance ramp to Sami as soon as possible. High-fived; Jimmy exchanged a smile, and scurried ahead while Jey, being bouncy, left behind, glancing over at Sami. Words exchanged, unheard over the crowds' wooing, the corner of his mouth quirked a smile told all.
Took a quick second as Sami whipped his head in Jey's direction. Determination wisped in his dilated pupils with no surge of uneasiness. "Let's go." he mouthed to Jey.
Brows furrowed, Jey lacked reading lips, though nodded in response rather than asking now. He followed Sami without further excuses.
The trio has gone into the ring, and their presence is known. So Close Now faded, voices of cheering fans expressed. The referee double-checked each man in while the twins handed their tag team belts to the staff from the ringside for safety. Six men stared down for only a few seconds; Jey, Sami, Corey, and Konnor went on the apron. Jimmy and Viktor are first.
The match began once the bell rang. Spark of tiny hope yet doubt in his heart Jey wouldn't botch the whole thing. Hope neither of them mess up.
Viktor, out of the blue, lunged. Jimmy caught on without effort. Smooth evaded to the side, a focused gaze at Viktor's tensed body and huffed in his nostrils like a bull. Both readied their next move and darted. Hooked in a grapple struggle— Viktor locked Jimmy in a rest hold. Not tight, made sure a breath of air was needed. Other seconds came and released the hold. Viktor ran the ropes and bumped Jimmy with his shoulder to the mat with a thud.
No joke. Skills were swift, chemistry well and strong. Jey can tell; this agitated the fire. Mystified why is fascinating to learn.
Running the ropes again. Viktor increased speed, unknown that Jimmy caught up; a chop to the chest slowed the time. Jey's praises caught Jimmy's attention, looking over his shoulder with a confident grin.
Jey gave a careful eye on Corey. Tagged in, slithered into the ring for Viktor to back out. The killer stare sent shivers down Jey's spine, acting as "the Savior of Misbehavior" character quite well.
"Tag me!" Sami leaned in, esteem oozing in his tone, yanked the white rope from the turnbuckle pad. His hand reached out to Jimmy. "Tag me in! Come on!"
Unable to hold back a smirk, entertainment danced in Jey's heart. He'll give this man credit.
Not bad, Samuel. Not bad.
Tag made with Sami after Jimmy tagged out. "Olé" chants were vocal, unavoidable to make it known. Bit of a stare down, Sami pranced with Corey, circling the ring. Ache for an attack, his fingers flexed, calculating Corey's next move; not long for Corey paced back to the corner where the Ascension was, tagging out with Konnor. A slow eye roll Sami did. Disappointed, yet unsurprised.
Jey snorted at Sami's reaction.
Slow, cautious step in from Konnor, glared down at Sami, four times tall. The struggle didn't drawl for either of them. Konnor's foot booted him in the abdomen and hammered his fist into Sami's back, forcing him to be unbalanced. An elicited grunt from Sami, being shoved to the corner. He stumbled away while composing him, unaware Corey tagged back in, much to Konnor's dismay.
Perfect. Sami glimpsed up and dove towards him. Flurries of fists were unloaded, wild. Pounce after pounce while Corey scrambled for escape. Jey knew the task Sami had in mind: get his hands on Corey Graves. Managed to shuffle against those fists, Corey tagged Viktor.
Fewer seconds pass in an expedition. Double team from Sami to Jey, Jimmy to Jey, all in a cycle tag team technique. This isn't bad. Their teamwork became likable, how it steadied so far. Better yet the sudden teamwork between him, his brother, and of course, Sami.
Still, he isn't giving in to the "trick".
I know what I'm doin’. I know what I'm doin’.
He doesn't.
Sami tagged him, there's victory coming forward. Yet Viktor's malicious clothesline broke Jey's attempt to further offense onto the floor, flattened. His luck lessened. Mussitation of curse words sputtered to himself, strained grunts, the dizziness emerged back and forth; Jey shook it off.
Stay awake, keep resolute.
Backgrounds into muffles. His vision clouded, the figures of Sami and Jimmy blurry. Hand stretched, doing his goddamn best to tag either of them. Only to be slipped away, being hoisted in the arms of Viktor before being carried into the corner.
Another tag is made. Jey blinked, shut his eyes, then opened, glancing at who Viktor tagged: Konnor.
Beatdown. Powerslam. His arm was hovering off distance, reaching them.
"C'mon, Uce! C'mon, Uce!" The shouting voice of Jimmy is inaudible.
Jey's heart pumped ear to ear while quickened in his chest, stumbled back to his feet. Gaze fixated on Jimmy, on Sami. Their mouths are moving, now a blur. Konnor clotheslined him to the top rope onto outside the ring.
Seconds to lengthy minutes. Viktor's boot dug into Jey's chest for four seconds. Withered in agony, Jey was still on the task of tagging either Jimmy or Sami. Mind the tag, never the match. Viktor must've switched with Konnor, so another beatdown was received again.
A scoff escaped his lips. Jey got a favor in return and swung a slap at Konnor to the face. Another slap didn't affect the chance, Konnor swung him down. Jey's mane gripped hard through Konnor's fingers, scalp burning in anguish, wincing before a punch to the side of his head. His body being pressed against Konnor's and held for the pin.
"One! Two!"
Kickout. Good.
Now hooked in a rest hold, Jey inhaled a couple of times, gnashed his teeth, fingertips marked on Konnor's arms. Thought of a plan, a light bulb clicked an idea though risky. His feet staggered around to stand, elbowed to the stomach. This didn't give anything he had due to Konnor being unfazed, being thrashed to the mat.
Jey Uso the punching bag. Ridiculous. He tried not to become one throughout this match. Jimmy's words. Sami's chants. Fans clapping for encouragement. Not yet, not yet he won't.
Corey's turn. Again, Jey is unsurprised.
Stomp, after stomp, after stomp. Another beating, Corey pushed him down onto his back to a second pin. The referee slid for the count after communicating with the other men to stay in the apron.
"One! Two!"
Second kickout. Hard to tell if it's a miracle.
Rest hold again. Broke free with ease, Corey shifted into a headlock, both onto their stomachs. One arm of Jey scrambled, hand clenching, unclenching, not to tap out too soon. It's obvious he didn't pass out while coming up with a strategy. Rolled to his back, shoulders down.
"One!" The referee banged the mat, keeping a watchful eye on the pin. "Two!"
Third kickout. Corey never released the headlock, though.
"Come on, Jey! You got this!" Sami yelled with motivation, at the same time distress filled his tone. Tapped the apron, alongside Jimmy who shouted in sync.
No I don't, man!
Twisted his body, enough for his knees on the mat, glance hardened at Jimmy. Outreached, fingers wiggling— a little more— a little more inches. One fist to the spine from Corey halted Jey and earned an erupted, helpless yelp. A lost chance for the hot tag, given the advantage for Corey tagged out, Viktor tagged in. Immediate stomps, further beat-ups.
Plenty of stamina left in the tank. He fought back.
Harsh chop to the chest, Viktor returned one. Jey did the same. The whole short trading chops fest will be left with marks by the time they finish. Seeing stars, his vision blurred in.
All those moves Viktor gave turn inside out, his body boneless, slumped, close to rolling out the ring. Didn't give a chance as Viktor tugged his arm, dragging him with ease like a corpse, going for the pin.
It shot Jimmy's anxiety and pressure on the roof. "Get up, get up!"
Kickout again. Would've been two in a half, but Jey couldn't care less. Thank Jimmy.
Viktor locked Jey's head, tighter around the neck, unable to breathe through the throat pipe. Exchanged words in a low voice, given the next move. Jey squirmed, clawed, kicked, anything to evade the headlock like the other two.
Claps. Jimmy's voice of encouragement. Sami's words. Helpful for him to change the game, this match.
A couple of punches to the belly, able to break free. Jey lifted Viktor into a backdrop. God, it's good for him. He can tag either of them, it'll be a breeze.
Lost opportunity again. Came out of nowhere, Konnor grabbed him by the hair and shoved him. A single realization never perked his expression, Jey took the chance to run the ropes, pulling a schoolboy pin on him, shoulders down.
One. Two. Kickout.
His brain circulated. Without thought, he scrambled at the same time along Konnor— a quick slap right to the temple, stunning him. Slouch on the mat trembled, Jey focused on Jimmy and Sami motioning to approach the noise. Konnor stood in ease. With a grunt, tried to manhandle and stop him from tagging. Jey didn't let up, throwing Konnor across the top rope, even if his strength was less than his.
Glimpsed over at Jimmy, then Sami— or Samuel— he can make it.
Go to the noise. Go to 'em, c'mon.
Beaten for seven or ten minutes. Somehow survived, somehow pulled it off. He needed a tag from either of them. A slow crawl to his brother, his partner. Give himself some rest a bit and let those two take over.
All of a sudden, a grasp on his ankle. Whipping his head, Konnor tried to prevent it again. But Jey is quick to think, nudged him using his feet, and goes back to crawling. Absorbed into tagging, unaware Viktor leaped over and struck Sami, then tried to attack Jimmy.
Jey looked up, wide-eyed. An opening in front of him, Jimmy avoided Viktor's hit. Snuck and crawl between the legs, he smacked Jimmy's hand— a hot tag was made, left the ring with a roll.
Successful yet pure exhaustion.
Chest heaving, sharp breath, back on the floor. Looked over to the staff who gave a signal if he was okay, and Jey gestured a thumb up. Flipped himself onto his stomach, his gaze caught into Sami's. Is he telepathic to him if he's okay? Doesn't look like Sami's expression full of agony, seemed fine.
He understood his stare though didn't. Time is little and it is despised to wait between questions on what happened. The only evidence Jey saw was the burn of passion in Sami's pupils. Credit earned for him pulling off like a cat earlier. He should've teased him.
Took one blink of Sami rushing over to the apron, tagging in with Jimmy. Where the hell did he receive all this fuel from?
Set eyes on the chemistry between Sami and Jimmy choreographed. Twenty minutes early, they're strangers now buddies all because his brother called someone his dawg. Bought into awe, and seemed to have a decision on whether or not to connect with the rookie. Will talk to them later; finishing comes first.
Jey arose and went to the ring steel steps. Make silent eye contact with Sami, both clasped their hands, tag has been made.
Viewing Sami and Jimmy's chemistry one more time, lips quirked up a soft smile, excitement bloomed within his chest. He climbed to the top rope, steadied as he locked on. Inhale, exhale. Leaped, executed an Uso Splash, his body slammed onto Corey, going for the pinfall.
One. Two. Three.
Bell chiming. The match is over.
So Close Now replayed for the second time on the speakers aboard with the fans' pop for the Usos and Sami's victory. Jey soaked in the noises, leaning against the ropes, mumbling a cuss word that the referee was unable to hear. Hair damped with sweat beading over his skin, face paint fainted a tad.
Felt a metal tap on the shoulder, Jey drifted to his one half of the Tag Team Championships, lifting his head; Jimmy's triumph grin holding the belts and Sami's blithe expression. The fact suspicions about Sami made a second choice.
Stood tall with the help from Jimmy, handed with the championship, he wondered a question: should he hug him?
His twin embraced Sami without hesitation. Thanking, giving compliments while exchanging smiles. Come to think of it, Hunter would be disappointed if Jey never did, so he had to for the sake of feeling his wrath.
Fuck it, I guess.
He joined in the fray and embraced, patting Sami's back. Normal, still normal, fine. A pair of lips grazed against Jey's ear, causing an eyebrow raise.
"You did a great job. Thank you."
Astonishment overtook his face.
Those words are going to be a full-on field day from now on.
Thank you for reading!
Tagging: @southerngirl41 @coolpandasblog *@bbkquartz @rosiel77 *@katiewayne2020 @afterdarkprincess *@invictusrey @harmshake @wrestlingprincess80
If your username is in bold with an asterisk, it means Tumblr won't let me tag you.
Taglist for samijey/jeysami shippers those who wanted to be tagged for my future fics of samijey-> here
20 notes · View notes
wandas-luvr · 1 year
you know just how to be cruel
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pairing: leigh shaw x fem!reader
summary: leigh comes over in the middle of the night to ask you a favor.
warnings: 18+ minors dni! soft(ish)dom!leigh (she is still her regular amount of mean), idk probably mommy kink undertones because that's how i live now, fingering (r receiving), oral (r receiving), praise, criminal amounts of teasing, leigh being a rude, condescending bitch but she makes it up to you, leigh being unrightfully possessive (but it's okay bc it's hot), mediocre aftercare bc leigh
you look at the clock on your phone as you hear a loud, repetitive knock at your door. you ignore it, deciding no good could come from suspicious knocking at 3:45 am on a thursday, sighing and turning over, getting sucked back into whatever trashy reality tv show was coming on.
then your phone buzzes. once. twice. three times in the span of a minute. before you even get the chance to pick it up to see who it is, you receive a call. you look at the caller id suspiciously: leigh shaw. you click to answer immediately, having heard the news about her husband just recently, wondering if she was calling after missing your condolences call when you were told.
before you could even get a word out you here her voice on the other end of the line. short and clipped, no room to argue or joke with her.
"i'm outside, let me in, it's cold out."
you get up and walk to the door, eyebrows furrowed, wondering why on earth leigh shaw would show up to your door at this hour, especially after what had happened with matt. upon opening you see leigh, clearly upset, but not appearing to be sad. the only thing you can see in her eyes is anger.
"leigh, what are you..?" you cut yourself off, not wanting to upset her more or make her feel unwelcome, "are you okay?"
she scoffs at you, rolling her eyes and walking straight past you into your home.
"don't do that, you know better."
you sigh, clearly, this would not be a very pleasant night.
"you're right, i'm sorry. i'll ask again, but if you get pissed, remember you're the one who told me to say it. what the fuck are you doing here?"
"better. lose the tone next time though, it's not cute on you. i need you to do me a favor."
you chuckle slightly, trying to lighten the mood or at least diffuse the tension the elephant in the room has been creating since she stepped into your apartment.
"awfully big talk for someone who is very rudely asking me for a favor."
"my husband died a month ago, i don't have to ask your permission to be bitter. and last time i checked, you weren't in charge of me."
you knew exactly what she was talking about. before she had met matt, she asked you to experiment with her, leading you through a series of heartbreaks and letdowns until you couldn't face it anymore and left her. throughout the six months the two of you were "together" she took you on a totally of five dates, showing up late to three of them. you had begun to feel like all she used you for was sex, and you simply couldn't bear it anymore. not when you were aching for her to love you the way she told you she did.
you look away, biting your lip, taking a deep breath to collect yourself. you didn't want to set her off, and she clearly wasn't in the right place to hear that she wasn't in charge of you either.
she walks towards you slowly, lifting your chin to encourage you to look up into her eyes, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
"you know what i'm here for, baby." she smiled, sickeningly sweet, with a condescending scrunch of her eyebrows and nod of her head. "the question is: are you gonna give it to me? hm?"
you freeze, you feel your chest constricting and can hear yourself swallow thickly, as you consider. ethically, you know it's wrong. you know it will only crush you and give leigh the quick distraction shes looking for, nothing more, but you can't help it. everything about her makes you lightheaded and weak in the knees, and you knew she'd take care of you, she always had been so generous.
"leigh...i don't think-"
"shh, baby, that's why it's perfect. you don't need to think with me, remember?" she looks into your eyes, looking for any signs of true unwillingness, before pressing the softest of kisses just behind your ear. you can feel her smile against your skin as your breath hitches, or course she remembered.
"love..?" she trails off, waiting for some sign of a response from you, settling for a simple look into her eyes. "are you gonna let me fuck you? make you feel good just like i used to?"
you bite your lip, nodding, mumbling a quiet "please.."
you watch the grin spread across her face, she knew she had you the moment you opened the door.
"see! i knew you'd remember how much you missed me!" she pushes you back toward your couch, leading you to sit on the arm as she stands between your legs, wrapping you up in a deep, heated kiss. "hmmm, that's my girl."
you almost retort, going to tell her she has no right to call you that, when, as if she could sense it, she tugged on your hair, clearly a preventative warning to watch your mouth.
as a reward for your obedience, you feel her lips start to move downward, drifting to your cheek, then your jaw, down to your neck, clearly leaving bruises in her wake.
she chuckles against your skin, hot breath tickling your neck, when you instinctively tip your head to give her more room. smiling at the way she'd created a pattern of muscle memory in you that would never fade no matter how many years passed.
you feel her hands untangle from your hair and drop to your thighs, before she pulls back to look at you: flushed and breathless before she'd even started with you. she gently rubs her thumbs in place, causing you to squirm towards her, barely stifling an embarrassing whine. you internally cringe as you can see the gears turning in her head, watching her piece together your reactions, before she gasps softly, clearly having figured you out.
"awww, sweetheart, it's been a while hasn't it? no one's touched you in so long, i bet you're just soaked," her hands drift towards your pajamas shorts, her fingers pulling the flimsy material aside to get a pick at your panties. "oh, honey, look at you. you made such a mess for me! oh, i bet you're just aching, aren't you?"
you nod, canting your hips up as you feel her fingertips barely ghosting along the gusset of your panties. she shoots you a look, cowing you immediately, your pleasure had always been on her terms.
she smiles, before clearly growing impatient herself, pulling your panties to the side and lightly running two fingers between your folds. a shiver wracks your body as she gasps at your wetness, playing with it between her fingers cockily. something about her soft smirk would never fail to make you clench around nothing.
you feel her fingers run up your slit as slow as human possible, until they finally reach your clit, your head tipping back and mouth opening the minute her fingers so much as graze it.
"awww," she exclaims through a chuckle, "god, you really were aching for it. that's it, pretty girl, you just shut your eyes and enjoy it. no thinking, just let it feel good, yeah?"
you nod, moaning softly, as her fingers start to circle your clit, just the way she knew you liked. your nails digging into the arm of the sofa underneath you as leigh played you like a fiddle, muttering dirty phrases under her breath endlessly.
"fuck, you look so good. does that feel nice, baby? oh, i bet it does, sweet girl! yeah, you're welcome, honey, i know this is what you needed."
as you pant and moan underneath her leigh decides she's bored of this, wordlessly bending down to her knees in front of you, fingers drifting downward as well to circle your entrance. laughing when she feels how you try to suck her fingers in as you clench around nothing.
"leigh, please, i need you..." you moan out without thinking, desperate to get her to finally fuck you, "i need you so bad, leigh...please? i'll be good."
"hmm, good girl, begging and i haven't even asked you to yet. just fucking perfect for me." she mutters under her breath as she sinks her fingers into you, blowing softly on your clit to watch your hips jump. "there you go, take it for me, baby. you can do it, come on, be a good girl and just take what i give you."
you moan loudly, grip on the sofa tightening as your nails dig into the fabric. legs subconsciously spreading wider for her of their own accord, every movement of your body fine tuned to her liking.
"that's it, baby, tell me how good it feels. i like to hear that i'm doing a good job." she jokes, winking at you when you fake playfully at her before shutting you up with her mouth on your clit.
your eyes squeeze shut, moaning as she sucks your clit into her mouth, alternating with the pace of her fingers sliding in and out of you expertly. she grins against you, knowing she's winding you up in exactly the right way, touching all the right spots and saying all the right things to make you want her that much more.
she speeds up her pace, apparently intent on having you ruin the upholstery on your couch, smirking when she feels the telltale clench of your walls around her fingers.
"shhh, baby, you have to quiet down, okay? we wouldn't want you to wake up the neighbors, right?" she smiles condescendingly before doubling her efforts, intentionally making you louder for her just to watch you flush at the thought and try to quiet back down before repeating the cycle.
within minutes, she has you cumming on her fingers and her tongue, gripping her hair as she insists on cleaning you up just to hear you whine under her as she teases your sensitive clit.
"leigh, i-"
"shhh, baby, she don't have to talk about it. all we need to know is that it made me feel better, and it definitely made you feel better." she grins, pulling you against her and kissing your head softly, allowing you to lay against her as you catch your breath.
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silvreflames · 6 months
Rio! I have a random question about nesta as a girl who grew up overly pushed and forced into "feminine perfection" by her mom, how did she experience the realization that she couldnt fulfill those toxic expectations that her mom forced on her because of her own trauma and the what the cauldron did to her? Not me asking bc of my own mommy issues lmao sorry if you already talked abt this here! Also idk if i made any sense wiith this question in my head i did
euge my darling i could kiss you on the mouth. i've been sitting on this ask for like 2 weeks now because it's just so juicy and i've been wanting to do it (and nesta) justice in how i answer it with regards to my portrayal.
honestly? i don't think nesta HAS come to this realization. and i say this because i don’t think she is in a space mentally or emotionally to understand that those expectations ARE toxic. certainly not in a canon world LMAO but not really in my interpretation either. i think that the rotten roots that her mother dug into her at such a young age are so deep that it will likely take decades for nesta to really even understand just how badly she's been harmed. and the canon treatment she receives at the hands of the IC absolutely does not go far in mending the mindset she's been brainwashed into either.
i mean. people can talk about how prythian doesn't uphold the patriarchal ideals that the human world does because it's an entirely different culture and species but the fact of the matter is that that's just complete bogus. men rule prythian. and you can argue that amarantha was in charge and blah blah blah the human queens blah blah blah but the fact of the matter is, tamlin wasn't putting feyre down when he told her there weren't high ladies among the fae. he was simply stating a fact. viviane of winter court (arguably an incredible leader considering the winter court did not sway under amarantha's rule while kallias was under the mountain) was clearly slighted when rhysand made feyre the first high lady.
and don't even get me started on the treatment of illyrian women. the abuse that those young girls and women are subjected to by illyrian men (rhysand's people!) is very close to the treatment that nesta expects as someone who grew up knowing that her only fate, the only role she would fit into, was that of a submissive wife to ensure her family's care. that those women are being violated so horribly because it's "tradition" just further proves to her that safety is not an option. that freedom is not an option.
all that to say, nesta can't break out of those expectations because she doesn't have the tools or the knowledge to be able to do it. not even when she goes to live in the supposedly amazing world of the fae that her baby sister so dearly loves. she is forced into “fae ideals” which are not far off from what she’s already familiar with. she is “promised” (mated) to a man for the “good of her family” (the IC/rhys/feyre) whether she wants to be or not and “society” (the IC) expects her to stay quiet and accept it and do it beautifully and to stop being in pain so loudly. because that’s feminine perfection of course!
i think that. even if she DID realize this. she would be in deep denial. lune and i are giving nessian the story that they deserve, but trauma is trauma. and like i said it’s going to take a long time for nesta to uncover how badly she’s been hurt for so long. but even just uncovering it won’t “fix” or help her. there are so many layers to the way her mother’s expectations cut away at her (and continue and will continue to do so!).
i believe nesta knows her mother was cruel, but she wouldn’t believe she’s been harmed without reason. which is why, even realizing that the expectations foisted on her were terrible and she couldn’t meet them if she really tried, she would simply be devastated that she could fail so badly. because that’s all she does in her own eyes, you know? she failed her mother, she failed her sisters, she failed her father, she fails cassian, she fails herself. she wouldn't think, "gee i shouldn't have been treated like shit like that", she'd think, "wow i can't believe i became high fae and i still can't manage to take care of my fucking family". i think it would be a setback in her healing and she’d have to climb those stairs too.
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findafight · 1 year
Do you think Nancy after s2 truly never felt guilty about how she ended her relationship with Steve? Do you think she thought she was in the right because Steve told her it was okay? It really keeps me up at night how this is never addressed. Especially now with the knowledge of s4 that they both made fun of Steve in their relationship. I get he's Nancy's ex, but Steve saved both of their lives multiple times. idk, it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. That's why if s5 only put the burden on Steve to make it up to Jancy/Jonathan, I really don't want to see it. :/
Also kinda wanted to see the aftermath of Jancy getting together from an outside perspective. I wanted to see how the school reacts to it. I think Steve tried his hardest to shut down any negative cheating rumors (probably also for his sake bc that would mean confronting his nightmare), but people would definitely talk. Especially Tommy and Carol. I would love to see what they would do to Jancy and Nancy specifically. Like, do they develop an even stronger us against them mindset. Is it that why Nancy seemingly only has Jonathan. The show mentioned two friends of Nancy in s2. What were their opinions? She was definitely close with them, given that Karen didn't question Nancy when she told her about sleepover plans. Speaking of Karen, what would she think about this. Steve spent Christmas with them, I think he was liked in the Wheeler fam, and then suddenly he's gone, and a week later, Jonathan is there. I want at least 15 episodes dealing with the aftermath lmao.
honestly...no, I don't thin Nancy feels really guilty for how she and Steve ended. They've never talked about it so there's no reason for her to conceptualize how shitty it would have been for him. If she's not confronted with that I don't think she'd feel like there'd be something to feel guilty for. One of Nancy's defining traits is her self absurdness, which is good for high stakes, life or death situations that require her to not hesitate. But it also leads to her not acknowledging/realizing (or, the show not recognizing) when she makes mistakes. She feels she's right, so, why would she feel guilty about it? She might be embarrassed about it though. Like it was messy, and so there were rumours about it and having people whisper about who she's dating/sleeping with would be embarrassing.
Jonathan I think would maybe feel bad about it, in the sort of abstract way that he knows cheating is bad because he knew Nancy and Steve weren't completely over, and he mentions it. But. I don't think it keeps him up at night? Like he also made the decision to go to Nancy, and kiss her, and then sleep with her, when he knew she was at the very least like a day out of a relationship. He doesn't care about Steve so it's not some betrayal, it's just an asshole move. I don't think Jon has to accept Steve's s1 apology, but I do not think Steve needs to apologize to him lmao that's so dumb let jon apologize to Steve for enabling cheating.
As for outsider pov. there's so many options! I'd love to see more of them. I'd say Steve definitely denies cheating rumours, partly because I don't think he knows how far they went? like he might think they kissed or had feelings realization or something, but not the extent? Tommy and Carol must've felt vindicated in their dislike for Nancy/feeling she wasn't good for Steve. Nancy's two season 2 cover story friends I want to meet them!!
Karen Wheeler....idk I don't think about her all that much but her perspective could be interesting! I think she'd maybe just be happy Nancy is taking charge or something...but yes give me 80's era sitcom plot about the aftermath of that lmaoooo
But I DO think Holly Wheeler is absolutely devastated by the break up. I think she's the og Steve stan he probably played dolls with her or something on the living room floor while waiting for Nancy and she's obsessed with him. She asks where he is and why he doesn't visit anymore and why can't he come over even though he and Nancy broke up (she's four she doesn't know what that means lol)
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wetcatspellcaster · 10 months
I am so curious to know the background on this! :D
“Now, sweetheart,” he commanded. “I think you should kiss me again. And if you can’t make it nice, at least make it interesting.”
So, he was leaving her to do all the work. Rosalie bit her lip, in uncertainty and in anger, as she examined him, puzzling out his motives. Was he trying to make her feel wretched, again? Forcing her to act, so she condemned herself?
She said she’d been to therapy - and she had, extensively - but there was always going to be that little pit of self doubt in her stomach, no matter what. Especially with Astarion.
It felt selfish, given how immensely she’d failed him, to turn over the other parts of their relationship like fossils for examination. But one of the cruellest parts, about never getting to see things through to end, was never knowing what they truly could’ve been - what he would’ve wanted with her, in time. She didn’t know what he liked, and what he’d pretended to like.
Hello lovely, thank you for sending the ask!
Read myself for filth, commentary one: The first two paragraphs is how a person who can't write E-rated fics tries to write D/S undertones without writing enough spice to ever actually earn those tags. Never sure if I'm successful, but my god I could be a Level 7 rogue for the amount I dance around things and evade them.
So this is one of the few times Rose gets close to a good insight check, I guess bc the DC is lower than average! Astarion was trying to humiliate her, force her to admit she wanted him, force her to act on her own initiative rather than be 'seduced', meaning that she is culpable and cannot deny that fact later on. Wouldn't make sense for him to be lying about that, in fact it serves him and his purpose to make it very, very obvious, bc that makes it all the more embarrassing for her at her end.
Astarion does love her/want her, etc (that's what he's rolling deception on lmao). But he does also want her to condemn herself, it's a game. He wants to prove he has power over her, to prove she was wrong for abandoning him, and he's also testing her. He is making her physically uncomfortable, yet she's seemingly unable to resist or leave, regardless. He is also testing to see if she falls for the trap he sets for everyone: of deciding whether she is attracted to him enough to ignore all her other morals and constraints, and will thus place herself wilfully in danger.
As to the final two paragraphs - this Tav has some absolutely rock bottom self esteem, even if in this AU timeline she's kind of too powerful for that to serve her anymore, honestly. But another thing about getting an Evil Ending with a break up is that her relationship with Astarion was: Act 1 seduction: 'I successfully romanced him, oh no it turns out it was all an act', Act 2 'I don't think we should have sex anymore, idk if we ever will again': 'oh no, everything I did before now was making him uncomfortable and I never realised', then Act 3: turbo charged sex demon tells you you're worthless. So I feel like it makes sense for her to have a lot of self doubt around sex or intimacy with Astarion, bc she doesn't have any real knowledge of what the man she knew would've wanted - they never got to unpack what parts were an act and which parts weren't, and they crucially never got their graveyard resolution scene.
She has no belief that she ever correctly understood what he wanted or needed and so yeah. She'd be scared of getting it wrong again. What if he was doing all this just to turn around and tell her that she was never what he wanted at all?
She is also just... very attracted to him :') that makes a lot of people self-conscious in these kind of situations lmao
And yeah, I think that that kind of petty, insignificant insecurity carries a lot of guilt as well. I do think she's talked about it in therapy. Your boyfriend lost his soul while you watched... why would you obsess over whether the physical intimacy was good or not? That's cringe, and way down the list of priorities. But it's also a very human insecurity and she's fallible, so unfortunately it is there.
Hope that this was in any way interesting! :)
DVD commentary ask
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cheesy-mak · 2 years
MORE incorrect quotes with COD villains!
But instead of there being Adler and Graves, it's with Makarov, Menendez and Rorke. May or may not have implied shipping sprinkled in <3
Makarov: Rorke, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Rorke: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Makarov: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Menendez. . . Makarov: Menendez, my old arch enemy. Rorke: ... I thought I was your arch enemy? Makarov: I have a life outside of you, Rorke. . . Makarov: What do you think Rorke will do for a distraction? Menendez: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Menendez: ... or they could do that. . . Makarov: Rorke and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Menendez: *Sighing* What did Rorke do? Makarov: He chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and... Rorke: Who wants a steering wheel? . . *The group is getting into the car* Makarov: I’m driving. Rorke, out of view: Shotgun! Menendez, turning to face Rorke: Aww! But you had it on the way here- Everyone except Rorke: WOAH- Rorke, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun* . . Makarov: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it Rorke: Just rip the bandage off. Makarov: It’s Menendez. Rorke: Put the bandage back on. (Bonus) Rorke: .. Makarov he's 61. Makarov: :( . . Makarov, to Rorke: My life is in the hands of an idiot! Rorke, motioning to himself and Menendez: No no no no no, TWO idiots! . . Makarov: Menendez, can I talk to you for a second? Menendez: Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Rorke are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss? Makarov: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books. (pick a ship, generator) . . Makarov: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night. Rorke: You were flirting with Menendez. Makarov: So what? They're my partner. Rorke: You asked them if they were single. Makarov: Rorke: And then you cried when they said they weren't. . . Makarov: HELP! I TOLD MENENDEZ I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Rorke, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help? (Menendez would cook some good shit though..) . . Makarov, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Rorke, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids Menendez: what the fuck are you guys doing? Makarov: playing systemic oppression . . Menendez: While I’m gone, Rorke, you’re in charge. Rorke: Yes!!! Menendez, whispering: Makarov, you’re secretly in charge. Makarov: Obviously. . . Menendez: Why are you on the floor? Rorke: I'm depressed. Rorke: Also I was stabbed, can you get Makarov, please. . . Menendez: I told Makarov their ears flush when they lie. Rorke: Why? Menendez: Look. Menendez: Hey Makarov! Do you love us? Makarov, covering their ears: No. Rorke: . . Menendez: I trust Rorke. Makarov: You think they know what they're doing? Menendez: I wouldn't go that far. . . Menendez: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Rorke: The car takes a screenshot. Makarov: For the last time, get the fuck out. . . Menendez: You have to apologize to Rorke Makarov: Fine. Makarov: 'Unfuck you' or whatever. . . Menendez: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Rorke: I'm a knife. Makarov, from across the room: They're the little spoon. . . Menendez: If Rorke and I were drowning, who would you save? Makarov: You two can’t swim? Rorke: It’s a hypothetical question, Makarov! who would you save? Makarov: my time and effort.
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aropride · 2 years
NO SERIOUSLY hp fans will hear "jk rowling is bad and theres a lot of racism in the series" and then go and defend that its not racist because of the blood purity aspect and how it "deconstructs that" when it literally never does and do you HEAR YOURSELF YOURE TALKING ABOUT BLOOD PURITY. POINT A AND POINT B ARE RIGHT THERE AND YOURE NOT CONNECTING THEM.
sorry as a former fan of the series and a trans person with reading comprehension ive had to have way too many conversations about hp recently and its driving me up a wall. merry christmas ^_^
hi im late answering this sorry i went 2 eat dinner and then forgot to respond BUT LITERALLY!!! i watched shaun's harry potter video last night and there is SO much racism in that series- way more than i remembered and i remembered a LOT. like. the fucking house elves just in general and how hermione is treated as an annoyance for saying "hey maybe we should not keep a certain race as slaves and treat them as inferior and say they like being slaves" and how the slavery and bigotry and general shittiness of the system of the wizarding world isnt resolved at all but it "ends happily ever after" like NO IT DOESNT? not for anyone but the white main characters who become cops and shit because those systems of oppression are still in place after the series ends and that's. framed as a good thing? because jkr is like, incapable of realizing that sometimes The Whole System needs to change rather than just the people in charge. and you'd think it'd be pretty easy to figure that out when the system is literally built on slavery and racism, but. well she's racist and just an idiot, so.
it's like she knows "racism is wrong" and "bigotry is wrong" as statements and tries to show that in her work by having, like, a muggle-born wizard do well in classes, or a strong woman who's still feminine or whatever, or having the wizard racists be the bad guys, but she doesn't understand WHY racism and bigotry are wrong and awful so she ends up supporting those things in every other aspect of the narrative that isn't a direct intentional allegory for those things and half the time also when it is!
like idk i read the books the first time when i was 10 or so and even then i was like. "hey why is slave labor glamorized in this kid's book i'm reading? that's kinda fucked up!" or like "it's kinda weird that sometimes the Good Guys do fucked up stuff but it's fine because they're Good, isn't doing a bad thing still bad if you're on the good side?" or "why are characters being fat treated as something that makes them a Bad Person / a signifier that they are Bad People" or again: Why is there slavery in the wizard books! why is it rationalized with "they like being slaves" and "they're sad if they can't be slaves!" or "tricking them into not being slaves would be more cruel than enslaving them in the first place" (<- real thing that was on the pottermore website !)
side note, but why was jkr trynig to talk about things like slavery and racism and blood purity and nazi ideology in a fantasy series meant for children anyway. that feels.. incredibly unnecessary and weird. <- leaving this in for transparency but someone sent me an ask that made me rethink this & i do think it's important for those subjects to be addressed in fiction, even fiction meant for children, as they're already experiencing those things & sheltering them does them a disservice. jkr approached it very badly and the story would have been better off without her attempt at exploring it but in general it's not a bad things to address those things in fiction
and not to mention the way most of the characters who weren't white and british were stereotypical caricatures and even their fucking names-- kingsely shacklebolt, anthony goldstein, and cho chang come to mind-- that speaks for itself, really
and the antisemitism that's present through all of the books. the blood purity and the fucking goblins.. jkr why are your goblins identical to antisemitic caricatures and why do they run the underground banks, answer quick and then kill yourself please! like maybe it wasn't intentional but it's still incredibly fucked up and to my knowledge she hasn't spoken about it or apologized at all.
and that's not even to mention the transphobia. which is only slightly present in the books (Bad People who are women are depicted with masculine traits fairly frequently) but as we all know jkr is a raging transphobe with far too much influence over trans legislation in britain and believes everyone who supports her work supports her transphobia. also she allies with far-right activists and people who ally with the far-right far too frequently like literally any of that should cause people to want to drop her and harry potter in general
though even if that weren't a factor at all. personally i wouldn't want to support or engage with hp at all because of All The Racism. and fatphobia and abuse apologism and ableism and misogyny and antisemitism and homophobia and queer baiting and Oh Yeah, the racism again! like i'm embarassed to have ever been a fan of it and supported it like genuinely idk why i was comfortable engaging with it despite All Of That. granted i didnt pick up on everything when i was 10-12 but even the stuff i did understand as a kid was gross and i wish i'd stopped reading it and engaging with it the second i realized that
sorry for writing an entire essay there is a lot to hate abt that damn series !and merry christmas LOL may you never have to hear about hp ever again 🙏
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(ID: two dark red banners with black text meant to look like it's dripping. the first reads "harry potter fans fuck off" and the second reads "ter-fs fuck off too". end ID)
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angelsnuffbox · 1 year
Hello dear!
For the ask game:
An Inducement to Marry.
1-15? If you don't mind?
And if you see this then I want you to know that I love every single one of your fics! ❤
Ask me about any of my fics x
Omg thank you so much! It boggles my mind to think that you actually read all of them goshhh all my good words as well as my weird ones. Seriously thank you for putting up with them.
An Inducement to Marry isn't a fic that I usually get asked about, but I remember I had a blast writing it! I'm flattered you'd bring it up <3 It's been a while though, so forgive me if my memory lapses a little on this.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Iirc this was my second Regency AU so at the time I was just getting into writing regencyAU fics for Good Omens and it was pandemic lockdowns and I was at the height of my Jane Austen obsession. I was reading so many books on Regency era customs and culture and I wanted to read regency AUs of A/C so badly but there weren't any of them at the time, so I wrote my own.
2: What scene did you first put down?
I write all the scenes in all my fics in the same order they occur in the story! (With the exception of Strictly Business, which I have had to wrestle with for a bit for various reasons).
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
I remember really liking all the parts where I went into great detail about how attractive Aziraphale was lmao here's one of them in the opening scene:
Mr Fell was also a right stunner, with eyes bright as Tadfield's perfect summer skies and hair soft as its perfect winter's snow. His countenance was strong. He had a stable, stocky build blanketed by the comfortable, if a bit old-fashioned, textiles of his clothing... A perfectly pleasing man, he was, though one who lived only with his mind in his books even when his hands were completely devoid of them.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
From Chapter 9 there's a part where Aziraphale gives Crowley a kiss on the cheek for good luck in his gambling which he says was "In the spirit of keeping you within marriageable conditions" idk why but I thought it's such a funny thing for him to say at the time. Just the most Aziraphale excuse to kiss Crowley ever.
5: What part was hardest to write?
The confession scene with the illumination! It was so emotionally charged and one of the few scenes that made me actually cry as I wrote them.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
I think it's the most Georgette Heyer-ish thing I ever wrote. The plot is a bit more complex than my usual no frills fluff (romance, comedy, banter, adventure). If I ever fulfil my (totally unrealistic) dream of being a published historical romance fiction writer one day I imagine the story would have these exact vibes.
7: Where did the title come from?
It was remixed from a line that Emma Woodhouse says in the beginning part of Jane Austen's 'Emma'. In the novel she says something like "My being charming is not quite enough to induce me to marry". In the 2020 film the line goes "I have none of the usual inducements to marry. Fortune I do not want. Consequence I do not want."
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
The part where Aziraphale talks about a romance book he likes with the line that goes something like 'For the heart has always bested the mind in performance', I made up the novel title and quotations myself but the themes were based off of Jane Austen's 'Persuasion'. I also mentioned "The Beau" in one part I think, which refers to Beau Brummell, a major arbiter of English mens fashion around the 1810s.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
None! I plotted it out on a discord chat from start to finish one lazy afternoon and it behaved exactly like I plotted, thankfully.
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Do I even write about any other pairings lmao
11: What do you like best about this fic?
See answer for no. 6!
12: What do you like least about this fic?
The opening scene is pretty hefty, and some comments did mention that they had a hard time getting past it. I was new to Regency style writing at the time and got too enthusiastic with trying it out. If I were to write that fic now I probably would be more concise about it. Also would try to make it funnier.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I wrote almost all my Regency AUs while listening to the Pride & Prejudice 2005 and the Emma 2020 OSTs to get me in the old timey mood.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Cheese ice cream is valid and it's hella fuckin delicious and also coming from an Asian perspective, it's far far from being the weirdest ice cream flavour out there.
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
That gambling culture in the Regency era was wild
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i deliberately looked for and screenshot a few anti-ford comments on that poll
because i hate myself ig
anyways i'm gonna be ventin so dldr ig (i voted stan btw)
here we go
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hey fuck you? fuck you personally? we don't know that. we can't know that. and hey? it also wouldn't've taken him thirty years, just for the record.
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dude what. the fuck. is your problem. you fucking symptom.
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rude?? he's literally not a smartass. 20 years of being intellectually ahead of stan; ten years after that of being around college students and professors in his multiple advanced-as-fuck fucking phd programs; thirty years of a personally driven revenge quest to destroy his ex-boyfriend who would otherwise destroy everything he cared about and laugh about it; coming home to find that his life had been taken over so thoroughly that he thought it was another parallel universe; seeing his greatest fear realized; trying to stop it anyway; failing horrendously because he got startled; being tortured with enough electricity to kill a person and that's just what was PG enough to show - and all he did that could otherwise be interpreted as smartassy was to calmly correct his brother-who-had-ruined-his-chances-to-go-to-a-good-university-then-denied-his-one-imperative-request-and-pushed-him-into-the-portal-just-to-open-it-back-up-despite-the-danger's grammar. For fuck's sake, let him be a fucking human you bitch
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it's not a complex dude. he is literally both more intelligent and more educated in more fields than about 99% of people, especially of his generation. sorry
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As if Stan didn't do the exact same thing on the roadtrip? He would've ended up food if the kids weren't there - hell, he even went back to Darlene after she had already attempted to eat him using the exact same flattery. Did Ford ever go back to Bill? No.
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ford... was also doing the most for his family? like it was pretty clear that he was trying to save the world from bill; even before that, he was doing everything so he wouldn't let his dad down and also be disowned
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hey can someone tell me what "everything" is because what the actual fuck
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i feel like. those two things are incompatible? but either way, in the wake of my bruised ego, this genuinely confounds me bc. like the only thing i can think of that would make someone say that is his pre-portal relationship with bill, as portrayed by bill. and. idk. that story was more sad to me than anything because i've been there. the only thing he did wrong was trust too much.
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wh-what the fuck did he do. what the fuck did he do.
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ok now this is just a case of envy. you gonna go home to your negative gpa? gonna cry because you can't find anything special about yourself? we have no idea what ford went through while he was on the other side of that damn portal, but we do know that stan never had to be afraid of sleeping because of what he, himself, would do while he wasn't looking. he never had to worry about who was in charge of his own mind. he never had to be afraid of children on the street, or his own brother. fuck you personally and get a fucking hobby.
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he was 17/18 with an abusive father and scared?? also. ford was also going through it in the events leading up to the portal. like i know he was financially comfortable and shit but he was very much not okay
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i'm not gonna say he was right not to forgive nor thank stan because he absolutely wasn't, but for the record: ford did also go insane. like that was a very significant thing that happened. also: see the smartass rant. and let him be human please i am begging you.
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okay one fuck you because he wasn't "playing" anything. he was trying to get shit done and enjoy life at the same time and that's not a moral failing. two you're being unfair, he didn't "start punching" stan, he punched him once and then when stan tried to punch back he stopped him. he also had thirty years of nonstop action and fear and revenge quest on his mind, with literally no time to work through his hurt because he was too busy surviving, and then stan started the portal right as he'd almost succeeded in his thirty-year revenge quest. he should've forgiven him sooner, but it's not like it doesn't make sense, even from a moral standpoint.
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i'm sensing envy and ableism here. sorry you have different strengths than ford; hope you recover soon.
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he's like not though? at all?
and this last one made me smile so i wanted to put it at the end for a light ending
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And we were all like, "We know, but heyy!"
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cydie · 5 months
8am 22/Apr
had a dream I had gotten some content on a USB and I went home to look at it
I was waiting for you to come home and you purposefully stayed out for some reason and when I tried to call you in the call you told me you weren't coming back right now and that I could just deal with it and that I was suffocating you
you hung up on me and every time I tried to call youwould hang up
I went back out bc you were hanging out with this lady who was a seamstress in a shop
I got to her shop and the lady came to talk to me we went inside and I saw you sitting at like an outdoor table outside the door
there were 2 large flyscreen doors and some others
we sat down and I said I need you to tell him to leave
just this once as a favour bc idk what else to do
we made small talk and laughed about something
I could see you looking over at me from outside thinking I was trying to manipulate her
she looked at me and said something about how she didn't like him and she didn't like James either
she wanted me to break up with you
I was surprised to hear such negative reviews of you bc I thought you presented well to others
I tried to make excuses saying that I wasn't innocent and that I did these things
she said I deserved someone who treated me better
later on i texted and he was at home
the situation flipped where now he was begging me
I broke up with him 70% but I blocked him for the most part and missed some messages
I tried to call him but my phone was making it difficult
I saw he'd made a breakup album in Google photos of our good times together
I woke up to his 8am and then mine
shellshocked at the dream
but I know I feel defeated about things
Saturday night was big
we were having deep talks until he got too uncomfortable with sitting in his emotions and feelings that he saw what was a facial expression in me and immediately got the impression I was manipulating him
???? how the hell do I have the energy for that you just pointed out I didn't
if I was manipulating you i wouldn't care so much about everything and the principle of things or make things so hard for myself
literally what manipulator spends all their time sobbing
what manipulator let's themselves get disappointed over and over again like i gotta be the shittiest manipulator ever
and then the next morning when you said you resented me like
you want to show up to your words yet you did nothing to make it possible for you to
you didn't prepare for success you only prepare for potential failure
--last night you said 8
I said are you sure you said yes
in my head I knew you wouldn't have the drive to when it came down to it
but that you were probably lying bc you thought that's what I wanted
and now
you've turned off your snooze so you just turn your alarms off now
and you set me up in situations that make yourself hate me because you can't possibly hate yourself or blame yourself or admit it
I woke you up after I sat for a bit thinking about the dream
you set a half hour timer and another 20 minute one
I thought about why I couldn't just let us both sleep until 10 because that's what I wanted
but I thought back to when he was only playing Minecraft for hours on end at 3am because he couldn't sleep while I was sleeping and waking at decent hours
it sucked so bad because I was expecting life to be better because he didn't have the stress of work
I was expecting things to finally cool down and be sorted
but he turned around and gave up on living
it's just if you rely on work to have a schedule and you don't have that anymore
you need to be in charge of your own or you will spend your days feeling listless and lost for purpose
you said you would look at the Brad thing and help with the uni thing but neither has been mentioned
I'm too weak dealing with the things from our relationship to be able to wrap my head around any of it
but mostly bc I asked for your help and you knew I needed you on this
I could read his mind and assume 10am instead and reposition his alarms for him
but then i wouldn't be letting him do anything and he would be sitting in his unconscious?? weaponised incompetence not thinking for himself but waiting for me to anticipate it
but also he didn't fall asleep until probably 1am or 2
bc he woke up at 11, went to sleep at 1:30, woke up at 4, went back to sleep, woke up at 5
when if he had just gotten up at 11 and done things to help make it possible and then we both had an early night and went to sleep at like 6 even
but instead I got attitude, insulted, and I was the only one that tried to ensure success
0 notes
darth-shado · 11 months
I think we all have really chaotic first playthrough in bg3 so here I'm going to share mine because I did few very stupid things and it's funny
Act 1
So to start things off I forgot to rescue Lea'zel and only added her to the party when I got to Mountain Pass.
When I talked to Zevlor about the situation at the Grove I was so used to playing genshin impact that I didn't care about the dialogue options so I accidentally started a fight with him.
After recruiting Wyll (I was in the middle of defeating goblin leaders when I decided that I want to swap out Gale so I recruited Wyll) I decided to look around the top of the entrance to the Grove. I accidentally opened a crate and began a fight with two tieflings that I killed (until my third playthrough I had not idea how to activate non-lethal attacks) after defeating the goblin leaders I couldn't enter the Grove because those two NPC's that were responsible for opening the gate were dead.
After a reload I was bored so I decided to go to Mountain Pass (and accidentally progressed tieflings quest) and when I got back to Blighted Village I was like "oh sick there's so much loot here!" After few seconds I realized that those were the tieflings from the Grove.
My party was eating tadpoles like crazy.
It took me like 6 hours to get tiefling party because I didn't want to do Kagha quest so I stole the idol, killed druids near it and I was good to go. (I think they fixed it in one of the early patches so that now tieflings are fighting druids once you steal the idol.)
I didn't recruit Karlach at all. I went to her when I had a full party and she didn't went to camp so I just thought "oh you're probably recruiting her later because I saw something about Karlach in Act 3 so it must be it." No, it wasn't it.
I refused to give Gale magic item three times so he left my party.
Act 2
In Last Night Inn I sided with Marcus because I thought I could betray him during the fight either way I had the refugees and Isobel outnumbered and until my third playthrough I didn't know you could save Isobel.
I didn't know how to get to the crèche so I ignored it.
I convinced Shadowheart to spare the Nightsong because I just wanted her to have white hair.
Battle in Moonrise Towers took me like two days to complete because I left Harper's to die but I only had Jaheira to help me and I used her as a human shield and later I found out I actually lost two people that I could recruit to the party. It took me two days because it was too hard with so little people even on Explorer mode and the funny part is that literally another two days later was next patch that increased hp on Explorer mode (it was like +50% I think)
I forgot to do Halsin's quest and I left him in Act 2 (but I doubt it would be even possible to do since I killed the Harpers.)
Act 3
I skipped obtaining Lower City pass by going to prison and I obtained it like few days before finishing the game.
In my camp I only had Shadowheart, Astarion, Wyll and Lea'zel who later got kidnapped.
I think it took me like two or three times of Astarion exploding before I googled how to stop Cazador from Ascending.
Speaking of my camp I don't know why but in Act 3 Scratch and Owlbear cub bugged and they weren't moving and Owlbear cub couldn't be petted. Idk if this bug is still happening but I didn't had that in my other playthroughs.
I thought you could multi class after level 12.
In the last battle I forgot to read the description of the most important attack that destroys the crown and it takes one round to charge it but I decided to begin charging it in the last round.
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