#idk why this ended up sounding like I was writing fanfic
jade-len · 9 months
i think it'd be funny if someone transmigrated as xin mo. the goddamn evil sword. instead of taking it seriously, they just really fucked around with bingge. and, somehow, ended up having the opposite effect of what it's supposedly rumored to do.
picture this: bingge, on the quest for revenge and power, comes across the almighty xin mo. this demonic sword killed everyone that dared to even try wielding it. and, the few who were lucky enough to have it by their side, eventually succumbed to the swords' will.
it is said that the sword is unlike any other, that it etches into your head and eats away your brain, until eventually it consumes you whole. it whispers, speaking in lust, greed, and hatred. it slowly beckons the wielder into giving in to the worst part of themselves and feeds off of pure sin. but to him, it is no matter; luo bingge will surely tame it.
and then he gets to the sword.
demonic qi practically oozes from xin mo. the aura surrounding it makes every part of luo bingge scream, "run; get away, away from that monster." his gut prods at him, begging bingge that this is probably a really bad idea. it's a little terrifying, how even luo bingge, the determined, vengeful demon, is now getting second thoughts about wielding xin mo from just being in its presence alone.
but luo bingge is too, a monster. so he ignores the screams of plea; pushing every thought of doubt in the back of his head, and tightly grips onto the handle. the world around him seems to spin and shake, tumble and crack, from the amount of force bingge needs to use in order to pull the sword of sin out of its place.
when bingge finally has it perfectly fit into the palms of his calloused hands, he hears whispering. he knows that the sword has accepted him as its new host.
the sword's language crawls up to him, as if it were feeling around his body and mind. checking every nook and cranny for it to settle into bingge's form, truly becoming one with the embodiment of sin. the words flow through his brain like a tragically broken guqin, a melody that holds him in a frighteningly familiar trance - all while simultaneously eating away at his brain in the worst ways possible, akin to a child and their favorite snack. it seems to beckon something, but even with luo bingge's impressive hearing, he cannot make out any words from the tone-deaf musical notes xin mo sings.
and then, it is clear. the land around him settles, and everything is still. xin mo itself seems to be.. content. at least, that is what luo bingge believes.
the language of this wretched sword reflects the state around these two monsters.
luo bingge expects it to demand for bloodshed, for the erotic ecstasy of multiple women, for bingge to steal the last of the finest gems of these horrible, vast lands.
instead, he hears this:
"yoooo damn that shit was crazy. did you see what i did there? man, you know, it feels so fucking good to get out of the dirt. hey, do you know if people can like, feed their swords or something? i'm kinda craving something spicy. we never know, in this wack world! wait, don't hold me like that, buddy. it'll make things real awkward."
but luo bingge is determined to get his revenge, so he puts up with the swords' constant rambling about.. whatever the hell it's thinking.
"wait, dude, did you seriously fuck a dying girl? that's wild. yeah, like i know she was dying but it doesn't sound like you wanted it. yo, listen to me, consent is very sexy."
"HAHA hey, dude, sir, man. you wanna play some 'i spy'? we don't have anything else to do. no? too bad, we're playing it. i spy a loser who doesn't wanna play i spy. hint: he's holding me right now."
"okay i know i'm supposed to be this super evil sword and beg to be used - woah that sounded real wrong - but can you at least clean me when you're done killing shit? if you don't, i'm gonna refuse to respond to you and you'll look like a dumbass trying to wield me."
"i can't hear you lalalalalalala you're not being very it girl right now lallalalaalalalla-"
somehow, this is worse than if xin mo was actually eating away at his brain.
weirdly enough though, as luo bingge starts spending more time with this weird ass, seemingly possessed sword, it starts to become more of a.. comfort to have it by his side than pure annoyance. he finds himself responding to it more, like, actually having full on conversations with it. it puts him at ease, wielding xin mo. the hatred doesn't consume him, instead, it seems to soothe the burning rage (and, admittedly, just replace it with small irritation) that holds onto his darkened heart.
xin mo is actually quite kind and caring, for a sword that's supposed represent and be the literal embodiment of sin. sure, it is a hassle to have it cooperate with him sometimes, and it does just ramble on and on about the most random things ever, not giving a single shit if bingge was in the middle of sleeping with maidens and slaying those who get in his way. for the first time, bingge feels so comfortable around something.
it's.. odd. what was supposed to be the turning point in his life, a big step in his plan for revenge, is now something akin to an... acquaintance. not like mobei-jun, or any of the women he's come across, but an actual, dare he say, friend.
sometimes, he finds himself thinking all of this delusional. is this what people were driven mad by? perhaps they simply could not handle dealing with a talking sword. he understands that xin mo was undoubtedly unbearable to be around at the beginning of their alliance, but it has never actually beckoned for blood, power, and sex. if anything, it does the opposite.
maybe he's the delusional one. maybe this is xin mo's way of getting to him.
maybe, xin mo should be considered a thing. the thought feels terribly laughable, as if he were witnessing a person horribly explain themselves. it also makes his teeth grind together in pure agitation.
"hey, you know, you didn't deserve any of the things they did. it wasn't your fault, binghe. the fact that you're half heavenly demon doesn't make you a monster, or any of that wild stuff.. uh, i'm here for you, okay? i know you don't really like talking about all of this or opening up, but i just want you to know that you can.. talk about it. it's not like i can tell anyone else, anyways.
hey- shit i didn't mean to make you cry! wait, wait it's okay to cry! you need to let it out anyways, i promise it doesn't make you weak. there, there. i don't have any hands, so me patting you on the head with my handle will have to do. there, there.. everything will be alright, you'll be okay. i'll be here every step of the way, even if you want to get rid of me."
xin mo, the demonic sword, is more of a person - a good person - than anyone he'd ever come across.
...and then bingge and the xin mo transmigrator become besties or he falls for the damn sword. knowing him, he probably doesn't even know the difference between platonic and romantic attraction anyways. maybe bingge gets a plant body for xin mo using airplane's wack writing. idk i typed all of this down in one sitting.
(plot twist: it's not that the transmigrator xin mo had the opposite effect, it was literally just a placebo effect. luo bingge thought that, and thus it actually did help him lmao)
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timewontwait · 1 year
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honestly at this rate, i’m considering going back to fic writing/drawing fan works full swing
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Arlecchino x GN Reader (SAGAU)
I kinda can’t believe that I’ve written 3 fanfics in 24 hours, after not writing for a year, but idk. I’m motivated and don’t have much else to do (except ignoring my bio homework) (send help, what the hell is osmosis?) I thought about writing for Pantalone next, but @nervouseaglelover requested Arlecchino and I am nothing if not a people pleaser. This may be ooc, but idk SAGAU is nothing if not ooc if we’re being honest. I’m starting this at 6'o clock my time, so hopefully it’ll be done by 9 or 10, if I’m being productive.
Contains - Arlecchino girlbossing, gaslighting and gatekeeping you, her being obsessed with you, mentions of death and murder, mentions of Dottore's head collection (don't ask, it came to me in a dream), tartaglia being beat up by Arlecchino for the second time in this series
Part one is here - the masterlist for the other endings is here
If you were being entirely honest, you expected a little more … decorum when you had called for Arlecchino. Not the veritable swarm of Harbingers that appeared in your doorway, the moment her name had left your mouth. All of the Harbingers, excluding the one whose name you had uttered. 
Tartaglia was at the front of the pack, to little surprise, with his eyes bright with curiosity and a liveliness you rarely saw through a screen. Tucked away to the side was Pantalone, who looked far more … weary than you had expected. His eyes, compared to Tartaglia’s, were bloodshot and dull, with an aura of tiredness radiating off him. You could faintly see the silhouettes of who you assumed to be Capitano and Pierro in the back, looming over the others, and Signora, who stood tall behind Tartaglia, eyes fixed coldly upon you.
You waited, expecting someone to explain why they were ominously standing in your doorway, eyes silently surveying you. But no explanation came and no more movements were made, they seemed almost fixed in your doorway, as though they were waiting for something from YOU. 
You repeated her name again, craning your neck to see if she was merely hidden behind one of her coworkers, concealed by her taller companions. But she did not appear, and you were beginning to wonder if she was not there at all.
Until a perfectly manicured hand reached through the flock of Harbingers and firmly gripped Tartaglia by his hair, dragging him away from the doorway as she stepped into his place.
“Tartaglia, it is awfully rude to be lingering in the doorway like that, not even bothering to greet Their Grace. Such impoliteness does not make a good first impression.”
Arlecchino’s sweetly poisoned words broke the silence, inspiring a string of curses from the 11th Harbinger and some muffled laughter from what sounded like the Balladeer, although you could not see him to confirm. But Arlecchino ignored them and turned to you, eyes soft and yet … hungry. Possessive. 
“You called for me, Your Grace? How may I be at your service?”
Her honeyed words and dark eyes had you entranced, almost unable to speak, to respond to her question.
“Oh, I was just wishing to speak to you…”
Arlecchino’s smile widened and she stepped into your room, spinning to address her fellow Harbingers.
“Well, you heard Their Grace. I will be … conversing with them, so please give us some privacy. I’m certain that you all can find something else to do with your time, rather than stand here awkwardly.”
The crack of her slamming the doors in the other Harbingers faces made you jump, but you barely had time to process it before Arlecchino started prowling towards you. Her smile was friendly, but the darkness in her eyes remained, making you nervous. At least, that’s what you assumed those feelings were.
“Oh, Your Grace, look at your hair! It must have gotten all matted while you were resting. Here, let me fix it for you.”
“Huh? My hair feels fi-”
Your words were abruptly cut off as Arlecchino sat down on the side of your bed, tugging you towards her as she wrapped her arms around your waist, pressing your back to her chest. One of her hands made its way to your head, but rather than attempting to fix any knots that may or may not exist, she just tucked your hair behind your ears. 
“Your Grace, I understand that you may be worried about those heretics who attempted to take your life. I would like to assure you that you are perfectly safe and that I am ensuring you will never have to worry about them ever again.” She whispered softly into your ear.
Still caught up with the whiplash of the hair, to the hugging, to the thinly veiled threats of murder, you found yourself rather unable to form a coherent response, instead choking out a rather unintelligent sounding ‘mhm’. But Arlecchino didn’t seem to mind, instead giggling softly at your lack of a response. 
“I’m glad to see that you are … unbothered by your attackers. My children are hard at work making sure you are kept safe, but knowing that you are already at ease makes me a little less concerned for you.”
“Your children? Do you mean the children of the House of the Hearth?” You finally managed to ask, only just now able to form meaningful sentences again.
“Indeed, you are very intelligent, Your Grace! My children are fetching the heads of your attackers as we speak, bless their hearts. My children are very devoted to you, I hardly even needed to make the suggestion to track down those pieces of scum. I have a great many heads already, if you wish to see them? I have made sure that they are well preserved, so you can gaze upon the mostly intact heads of your enemies without the fear of them beginning to smell.” 
“Oh! That’s … uhm … very kind of you? I don’t think I need to see any heads though?”
“Very well then, I will give them to Dottore to add to his collection. I’m sure he will find them a rather pleasant gift, although perhaps not as nice as being able to slay your enemies in person.”
While trying to cope with the second round of emotional whiplash in the last 5 minutes, mostly due to the unwanted knowledge of the fact that the Doctor has a HEAD COLLECTION, you turned to Arlecchino, hoping to inquire more about her ‘children’.
But instead, you found her staring at you with an uncharacteristically stern expression.
“Your Grace.”
She leaned in close to you, so your faces were only inches apart. You would have thought it was romantic if her eyes were not quite so severe.
“I am a Harbinger. But I am a devotee to you, first and foremost. So, should the need ever arise … Say the word and I will kill any of them.”
“Pardon?” You managed to choke out.
“You heard me, Your Grace. Say the word and I will kill any Harbinger, any Archon, any human or beast that you wish.” 
Arlecchino kept eye contact with you for only a moment longer, before smiling and releasing you from her grasp, standing as she did so.
“I believe I hear Pierro calling for me. Forgive me, Your Grace, I must leave you to rest now.”
“But I don’t hear anyone calling for you?”
“Oh? Maybe you were not listening hard enough?” She smiled sweetly and made her way to the door, her lingering words all that remained of her, despite your hurried pleas for her to stay.
“Sweet dreams, Your Grace.”
I actually wrote this in less then 2 hours, I’m lowkey impressed with myself. I know the ending is kinda rushed and vague, but i also totally see Arlecchino gaslighting you like that to get out of a convo. I had a really good time writing this, so I hope yall have a good time reading this! Probably Pantalone next? Idk, we’ll see. I’ve learned not to make promises about my writing anymore.
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but you should make an OC.
You should make an OC. Specifically a Spider-Sona. Like now. Preferably yesterday. [A MEDIUM-LONG essay about OC's, fanfiction, and how to enrich and better your writing skills in literally every sector. Throughout this essay I reference my two characters Disco-Spider and Inca-Spider as examples of the way OCs can be used.]
"But no one cares about OCs -"
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IDK about ya'll but fandom is NOT my final destination no siree
I feel like a lot of the time we get so caught up in posting and notes we forget that for many artists and writers on this platform - fanfiction is not the true end goal.
Many of us write and draw fanart for years -
But the fact of the matter is if you want to be an author someday, if you want to be a graphic novelist, an animator, etc, etc - You're going to HAVE to make OCs.
If you want to study English in college or publish books - you're gonna have to write an OC at least once. If not hundreds of times.
If you want to study art - chances are at some point you're gonna have to fill a portfolio with original pieces, including some of OCs.
If you want to do something with your writing, if you want to get better - or make a career out of your art, you HAVE to make OCs at some point.
And this is especially true for fanfiction writers.
You can get very very very good at writing in your specific fandoms, you may have the emotions of the characters on point, and the ability to describe the scenery.
But if you don't know how to create and design a character - if you don't know how to worldbuild, or come up with scenarios without the help of characterai and ChatGPT - you won't be able to write a book.
If you're an artist and you don't know how to draw an original character from scratch, how to match colors, how to draw certain skin tones, certain hair, wheelchairs and mobility aids, how to design a character from looks, to clothing - it's going to be so hard to expand your art outside of fanart. You'll always be beholden to the notes and popularity of your particular fandom.
Do it - even if you've never written or never draw before. Even better.
That's why I CHAMPION Spider-sonas so much. They're basically OCs on easy mode.
Can't write backgrounds yet? Here's a bucket on canon events to pick from? Can't draw faces? Blank mask with eyes.
Hell, if you're really really new about it - just pick a character and make a slightly different variant. Make a Hobie of your own, make a Peter variant. Make a Mary Jane variant. Pick a something you like and turn that into a character.
Can't write? Just fill-in the 'My name is [blank], I was bitten by a [blank]' script that Miles does. Can't draw, just draw out a basic shape of a body and color-out the suit, no fancy pose needed. That still counts!!
Make a self-insert. Make yourself fit into the story, design your suit, write out how you fight crime, how you'd act at the Society, meeting Miguel or Miles.
That's still character design, that's still worldbuilding.
We always hear people say 'Make art for yourself' and yeah that sounds nice - but people also misinterpret it.
Make art for yourself doesn't just mean making art that you personally like.
Making art for yourself also means making art that develops your skills even if no one gives a fuck. It's about making art as practice without the intention of it being 'completed', making OCs that never get used, drawing locations you see or writing a random ass short story then shoving it into your Google Drive forever.
Making art for yourself means making art that invests in yourself.
It means making art that interests you, challenges you, or helps you develop.
And making OC's helps develop your fanfic writing skills.
In may fandoms we begin to fall into these routine 'tropes' between characters and their personalities. This is usually known as the 'fanon' characterization.
Because when you have a set amount of characters and people, there's also a set amount of interactions and relationships between those people.
Writing OCs and having those OCs interact with canon characters allows you to dig deeper into sides of the canon characters we'd never otherwise see.
That's why I wrote Disco-Spider Diane like I do. Often, we see Hobie characterized as the chaotic, rowdy, confident type - which is perfect characterization for him. But in almost all of his interactions - he's the wilder, bolder, extroverted one. I wanted to put him in a situation where for once, he was the calmer one. I wanted to explore more grounded and chill sides of Hobie, one where he's the one grounding the other, and thinking logically - because in canon, we're hinted at a side of Hobie who's way more methodical and slow-paced and willing to stop and wait it out and play it off. And I wanted to see that. I wanted to explore what he'd do if he was faced with someone just as chaotic, who put on a cheeky ironic act - just the same as him.
Because no other characters serve that purpose in canon.
If there are elements of a character or concept you think are interesting but outright ignored by canon and fanon, you can create an OC to explore those parts.
For Disco-Spider: I wanted to explore how someone like a militant Black Panther would handle being Spider-woman, when Spider-people are usually shown as pacifists - what that would look like or how it'd shape her morals based on era, etc. For Inca-Spider: I realized there were so many culture based Spider people like Pavitr and Spider-UK. But none for indigenous communities, and NONE from countries that only existed in other universes. So, I created an indigenous character from Tawanti - a country that's located where Peru would be for us.
You can give a canon character a sibling, to explore how they'd interact with family. Give them a partner that acts totally different than their canon partner, write how that'd change the way they show love.
OC's make your original writing better, AND your fanfiction writing too. They can help you understand canon characters on a deeper level.
And sure, nobody likes your OC. NOW.
But every single character you write about, is someones OC. Every character you write about was once treated that way. Once upon a time, Dean Winchester was just some rando character in the pilot script of a show that hadn't picked up yet. Probably no one gave a fuck until CW picked it up.
The writers had to not only make him and develop him - they had to BELIEVE in him enough to pitch him to a TV show channel to make people care.
That's always the first step. Believing your character's story is worthy enough of being told and presenting it as such.
ESPECIALLY if your OC represents a demographic you don't see represented. Cause yes if there isn't any black women in canon then I'll Thanos this shit and do it myself.
Make OCs.
Write them. Draw them. Even if it's bad. Who the hell cares. Big Mouth is on Netflix with multiple seasons, have you seen that show?? 'Ugly' art is not a crime.
Make piccrews, fill out OCforms or take quiz's as them. Write little blurbs of them hanging with canon characters then post it in the tag.
You don't need a huge Spidersona sheet or a long long fic explaining their backstory. They can just be there.
Make them to explore more in your fanfiction, make them so future you can write that novel or draw or that comic or sell those prints or whatever it is you plan to do.
Make it so your fanfiction AND original writing can grow stronger. It isn't just about notes and content and follows.
Make an OC. Make a Spidersona. Literally you have nothing to lose but your chains.
"Nobody cares-"
Oh they'll care when you pop out with that 6-book publishing deal. They'll care when you're designing big characters for movies. Cause that's how it happens. Watch.
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ANYWAYSSSS if you made it this far I hope this inspired you to at least play around with the idea of OCs and Spidersonas in general.
Here's Hobie.
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If you want to make a sona and are kinda lost on where to start, lemme know!! Because I think they're amazing starting places for those who have never written or drawn before. Or if you have a sona but want to develop them further.
I haven't seen a guide to spidersonas and i wonder if that's something some people might want/need.
Seriously if I can even get one person into writing or drawing I'll be over the goddamn moon.
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Crowley. Just everything about Crowley. God I love him. I fucking love him. This is why I avoid reading the book. I'm such a slut for Crowley. It's manageable on the show when I know it's an actor. But WORDS CROWLEY? WORDS CROWLEY IS REAL. I AM SO IN LOVE.
Aziraphale has perfectly manicured hands. I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned three times in the first 70 pages. Three times at minimum. I forget how twink he is in the show (idk how) but man the book does NOT let you forget and I love that.
Crowley absent-mindedly sank a duck. Aziraphale called him my dear (fanfic authors everywhere: write that down write that motherfucking shit down it's better than porn). Crowley un-sunk the duck. The duck was cross.
Anyway right yes sorry what were we doing oh right the book.
Anathema is so adorable as a kid what a little brat holy shit I love her. I want to see all her homework written in Middle English. I want to know which teacher finally summoned the balls to correct it.
NEWT MON CHERI HE'S SO EXCITED ABOUT ONLY DESTROYING THE HOUSE'S POWER CIRCUIT WITH HIS EXPERIMENT. Because apparently last time he fucking caused a power outage in the whole block. Or county. We stan an optimist (no one talk to me about Crowley being an optimist I will go feral and rip your larynx out).
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adorekento · 2 years
Addicted `
NSFW : In which xiao ended up on an inappropriate website and was astonished to see his best friend bare in front of his screen.
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anon asked : do you perhaps write for camgirl/porn? If you do! Will you please write one, where xiao is desperate to feel y/n's tongue wrapped on his cock but unfortunately he can only watch her hump the pillow on screen :((
warnings : smut (mdni), camgirl/porn, dirty talk, cussing, degradation, fingering, riding pillow, wild thoughts, mild sexual content, strong language, etc.
notes : I don't know much about camgirl and riding pillow, this is just based on what I've seen in some fanfics, so if I wrote something wrong or IDK I am so sorry 😭😭
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Xiao was not the type of person to spend his time watching nasty content on a website. Xiao did not have that kind of tolerance for such things. He was more than pleased to go out and do his job, or so he told himself when he found himself staring down at an open webpage on his phone, a little after midnight, as he saw a video of some guy who got drunk while dancing with his wife.
He scrolled through it quickly, trying to find anything remotely amusing, until suddenly, a h/c haired girl popped up, dressed in only her bra and panties, wearing a smile plastered across her face. Xiao’s mouth gaped slightly, as he watched her take off her bra and slip it over one shoulder. As she moved closer to the camera, her bare chest seemed to be glowing softly under the light. He could see her belly button clearly from this angle, almost like a miniature moon. It felt weirdly intimate to see her like this, but there wasn't any way around that,
"y/n...?!" His heart pounded faster, As far as his fantasy could reach him, he never visualized his own best friend as a cam girl! Not to mention being an actual slut, playing with herself on camera while she's talking to a crowd full of people, But here he was, watching, helplessly and shocked.
He saw the comments start to stream in. The girl had been a total hit with the crowd. Most people were screaming at her for having breasts and showing them off so shamelessly. Xiao wondered if she even knew how much attention she was getting, and what people thought about the situation. He hoped not.
fuck me, mommy!!
I love u and ur tight cunt
ohh baby SHE'S SO HOTTT
who doesn't even wanna fuck her
the urge to squish your badonkers is hard
I'm getting hard already, wanna fucking rip you
He paused reading the comments when he heard her laugh, "you guys are making me blush!" she said, in a soft voice that carried over the microphone, “So which toy do you guys want me to use first?" She asked playfully, "or should I start with this?” With a flick of her hand, she reached for her wet pussy. There were moans all around him now.
how much do i pay to have u on my bed
not an astronaut but i can explore uranus
i have two hands and you have two tits 🤘
oops, my phone went into my left hand 😍
at this point, xiao started to pump his dick slowly in response to the sound of her moaning. despite him knowing you entirely, he couldn’t help the blossoming of jealousy in his chest. with a scoff, he created an account and entered your live chatroom,
Use toys? Why not use your fingers, slut.
Xiao cringed as he typed that, if you were with him you would probably laugh at him, but you weren’t here right now. And you wouldn’t find out who he is anyway, at least not tonight. "oh? if that's what my new viewer wants, I'll make sure they get just exactly what they want." You replied, grinning evilly in return. With a flourish,
you pulled down the elastic top of your underwear and spread yourself wide open, your pussy glistening, your clit gleaming, the audience practically screaming with lust as their eyes followed the movements of your body. Xiao was unable to tear his gaze away from your face. He noticed how your tongue licked your lips as you smiled at them,
you started moving slowly in a circle around your clit, licking your lips as you moved. Xiao watched mesmerized by you, his erection growing harder as you rubbed circles around yourself, making small whimpering sounds.  Your head tilted back, and you looked sexy as hell as you continued to move in a circle. Xiao couldn't tear his eyes away from you. You had no idea what your viewers wanted to watch, yet, you still managed to make yourself look desirable and even hot.
Xiao’s heart raced as he imagined the way your lips felt on his cock, how wet you would taste. how hot, how tight your ass would feel wrapped around his cock. perfect you would feel, stroking his length, how wet he would feel, thrusting deeper inside of you, how good it would be as you moaned into the kisses you stole from his lips… Xiao bit his lip as he watched you. you were so gorgeous that sometimes, Xiao hated himself for watching you like this, he felt like a pervert, he felt disgusted. you didn’t deserve to be shown so blatantly like this, to be seen in the most intimate way possible.
he typed in one more comment, 'ride your pillow, and think of it as my cock.'
You stopped moving in your circling your clit, letting out a breathless sigh, a hint of excitement lingering in your smile, before you resumed circling and moving, teasing the audience, giving everyone the opportunity to watch. You looked completely unapologetic.
Xiao shook his head as he watched you. He wanted nothing more than to pull you onto him and fuck you until you begged him to stop until you cried out his name.
"Huh? I'm not even cumming yet and you're already asking me to do that? What a tease…" You smirked suggestively, before grabbing the nearest pillow and starting to hump on it. Your expression turned into one of pure bliss as you moaned your pleasure into it. Xiao gulped as he stared at the screen, imagining you like that, moaning his name, his hands roaming your body as you pleasured him.
You hump on the pillow, panting loudly, your thighs squeezing around your throbbing, pulsating clit. You took a deep inhale as your body shook, your face contorted, and your eyes closed shut as the noises of satisfaction spilled out of your mouth. You gripped onto the pillow, your fingers tightening around its fabric as you ground against it in your need to release yourself from your frustration. Xiao’s mouth went dry, his breath becoming shallow as he watched you.
you kept grunting and groaning, and every once in a while, a loud moan would escape your lips, before another came. The sound you made was sinful, and it sent shivers down Xiao’s spine. He wanted to listen to your voice, He wanted to watch you ride him, watch the pleasure dance across your face, watch you scream his name in sheer ecstasy, watch you come all over him as you fucked the air out of his lungs, he wanted you.
"ah... I'm close..."  You whispered as you came undone, the last thing you could say before falling limp against the bed. Xiao's eyes flickered between you, and the screen in front of him. Your mouth hung agape and his pulse quickened, as he felt himself release at the same time as you, he was touching himself the whole time even stopping just so he could cum along with you. After all, who doesn’t want to feel your sweet juice dripping down their cock,
"Ah... that felt so good... looks like I'll have to wash my pillows later...” you mumbled as your breathing returned to normal. Xiao was speechless. He couldn't believe that you, of all people, would hump their pillow in such a vulgar manner,
'once I see y/n, I won't be able to look at her the same way anymore..'
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© [ adorekento ] do not steal, repost, or translate my work.
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kodydrs · 1 year
The Vice Admiral’s Daughter - Portgas D. Ace (|||)
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a/n: part 3!!! idk why but this part was honestly the hardest to write and idk why bc i always right smut. um, anyways, this is gonna have like 1 or 2 more parts and then it’s done 🫶🏻 and i’m back to other fanfics (i have an iceberg & franky one sitting in my ideas box). feel free to send in asks / requests, and comment & reblogs are appreciated!!
warnings: ace x fem!reader, pirate!ace x marine!daughter!reader, fxm, 21!ace, 19!reader, oral (f & m receiving), (slight) fingering, cunnilingus, smut, mdni, i’m bad at tagging, not proofread (it’s never proofread)
ib: tagged in earlier post
request: yes / no
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You’re awoken in the (very) early hours of the morning a few months later when you’re back at Loguetown. The transponder snail that sits beside your bed feels like it’s screaming in your ear and you groan into your pillow.
The voice on the other side comes over clearly, and you’re almost motivated to hang up right then and go back to sleep.
‘Hey sleepyhead.’ Ace laughs quietly. ‘I’m surprised you picked up. Did I wake you up?’
‘No.’ You lie through your teeth, rolling in your bed. ‘I was just walking my fish.’
‘Oh. That’s good… Have you missed me?’
You’re silent on your end of the line, and you can hear Ace’s smile drop.
‘Ace? How did you get my number? It’s private.’
You hear his laugh crackle over and it warms your heart a little.
‘Don’t worry about that. I just need you to come into town. To that bar we met at last time.’
‘The Smog Cutter? That place has been closed for a few months. It’s all abandoned now.’
‘I know, but I really need you to meet me there. Please.’
You groan again, weighing out your options before inevitably agreeing.
You don’t bother properly changing into clothes. Instead you just throw a shirt over your bra and shorts before running out of the house and into the township.
Ace is standing outside of the Smog Cutter. You hadn’t lied when you said it was closed and abandoned. The paint that used to decorate the front of the building had long since peeled off, and you could barely read the name of the place.
‘So that’s where you live?’ Ace said, looking at where you’d come from.
You’re out of breath when you reach him, but you stand up straight with your hands on your hips.
‘Well yeah. It’s the Vice-Admirals house aswell.’
‘They do live well, don’t they?’ He scoffed. You give him a sideways look as you both walk into the empty tavern.
‘Did you just call me out here to make comments on my lifestyle or what?’
‘…I missed you.’ His smile stretched and you’re met with piercing blue eyes looking straight at yours. ‘And I wanted to talk to you.’
You freeze for a second before giving him a “are you fucking serious” look.
‘Why would you “miss me”?’ You ask, sitting on one of the counter stools.
‘Because you’re special. You could’ve turned me in at any point, but you didn’t. You’ve talked to me. And the second time we met, you drank with me and made me laugh. And we’ll forget about the 3rd because that was a little messy, but besides the point. But the point is you’re special and i can’t get you out of my head.’
You listen to him closely, finally breaking a soft laugh at the end.
‘Careful, Fire Fist. You’re making it sound like you’re in love with me.’ He blushes and looks away, and you realise at that moment what he’s trying to say. ‘Oh. Oh.’
‘What on earth do you mean “Oh”?! I just poured my heart out to you and your reply is “Oh”?’
‘It’s an “Oh”, as in “Oh. The Vice-Admiral's daughter was correct in thinking that Portgas D. Ace did in fact want to take advantage of a 17 year old girl that night.’
‘Well, duh. But that only because you said-‘
‘Oh just the fuck up.’ You grinned, grabbing his chin and pressing your lips together chastely.
It takes Ace a minute to register before he relaxes into the kiss, being quick to add more fervour. You wrap your arms around his neck and he steps off his own seat and stands between your legs. He wraps his own arms around your waist, pulling you closer as he continues to return your kiss passionately.
‘This is stupid.’ He whispers, trying to pull back from the kiss slightly. ‘We should stop. You have no idea how much trouble you’ll get in if we’re caught.’ He smirks, knowing he’s about to get a reaction.
‘Oh. But my warnings for the past 3 years have been ignored? Seems a little unfair.’ He chuckles and rolls his eyes.
‘Fine. But I’m being serious. This is dangerous. What happens if your dad finds out?’
‘He just won’t find out.’ You’re quick to reply, and even quicker to lean back into the rejoicing your mouths. Ace grins, pulling you impossibly closer. You take the opportunity to deepen the kiss. 3 years seems long enough for a starved man. He sighs into your mouth, pulling back to see your slightly dishevelled look.
‘You look so beautiful right now.’
You smile, lightly nipping at his jawline.
‘I want you so bad, Portgas D. Ace.’
He brings a hand to the back of your head, guiding your face back up to meet his lips. He bites down on your bottom lip, inciting a moan from you.
‘That’s not helping. I’m gonna go crazy if we keep doing this.’ He groaned, leaning over you so your back was pressed against the counter, one hand holding him up. ‘But god, do I love you so much. I’m gonna marry you someday.’
‘A bold statement.’ You whisper as he begins to explore your neck and collar. ‘Especially to make to the Vice-Admiral’s daughter.’
He grins and nods.
‘Well, you know me, princess. I like to take risks.’ He winks, coming back up to capture your lips once again. Sweet noises drip from your mouth and they all go to Ace’s dick as he slowly grinds his hips against yours. His free hand moves from your hip down to your ass, grabbing at the clothed muscle. Your own hands run up his forearms, then down his torso til they’re resting just above the waistband of his shorts. Teasingly, you grab his belt, holding him like he isn’t as close as possible.
‘Cheeky.’ He hisses, littering kisses over your shoulders. ‘Don’t make me fuck you in an abandoned bar.’
‘It’d be awfully fitting though, wouldn’t it?’ For once, it’s your voice that drops to a seductive tone. Ace groans lustfully, pressing his forehead against your skin. You bring your hand up to pull on the hair on the back of his neck. ‘Come on, Ace. Please fuck me in the bar.’
He feels himself fold right there and then. All sense of dignity fell out of him faster than he dropped to his knees for you.
‘You’re gonna be the death of me.’ He sighed, kissing your stomach. Wanted hands followed slowly after him, tracing the bumps of your spine. He kissed each of your thighs, biting lightly then smoothing the wound, littering your skin in love bites.
Your back’s digging into the counter as he decorated your body, even with your arms keeping you stable. Calloused fingertips trace your inner thighs, parting them slightly. Black eyes meet yours, the pirate leaning back to look at you.
‘You’re so hot from down here.’ He coos, resting his chin on your stomach.
‘I could say the same about you.’ Your hand finds its way to his face, caressing his cheek. ‘You look good on your knees.’
A fire lights in him, hotter than the one already there. You’re so unbelievably attractive, and he can’t even begin to process how he’d come to be blessed enough to get you.
Your thighs are once again littered in kisses, marks all along your inner skin. Your lips are slightly parted as he gets closer to your core. The only thing obstructing him is your thin pajama shorts. Your eyes met again and neither of you need to speak to know what he’s asking. You nod, holding your breath as your soft, pink folds are exposed. The hand on his cheek moves to his hair, running your fingers through his soft black strands. His eyes don’t leave yours as he takes the final step, his tongue flicking out to taste you for the first time. You gasp, mouth open and your head back. Ace smirks, lapping at your folds, then slipped a finger inside you, watching your wetness already coat his digit.
‘Ah fuck.’ You moan lowly, harshly massaging your breast through your top while the other tugs at his hair. A groan from Ace sends vibrations to your clit, stimulating your core. He smirks against your cunt as he thrusts his fingers deeper into you, finding your sweet spot. You’re a whimpering mess in a matter of minutes, and you can feel your legs threatening to buckle beneath you. As if he can tell, Ace adds another finger, stretching you more as he thrusts increasingly deeper and eats you out.
‘A-Ace.’ You cry, tears threatening to spill. ‘I’m gonna cum.’
You’re holding his hair so tight you’re sure you’d have pulled some out by now, but it’s the last of your worries. His grin grows wider, feeling you pulsating around his fingers increasing his own arousal.
‘Cum for me, baby.’
Euphoria washes over you by his command, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back.
Touching yourself for the past 3 years had surficed, but this was by far the most intense orgasm you’d spent in your entire life, and all it took was Ace’s mouth and fingers.
Ace continued to lap at your folds, tasting and milking you through while you shake and shudder in pleasure.
‘Are you alright?’ You nod slowly, taking a moment to look down at him while you struggle to stay up. He chuckles softly, pulling back to look at you. ‘Quite the climax, aye?’
‘Shut up.’ You pant, pulling him up to his feet so you can kiss him again. You cringe slightly at the taste of yourself on his lips, but it’s so hot that you ignore it. As you’re making out, you run your hand down his torso, letting your fingers drag over his abs, then past his belt til you’re delicately palming his erect cock. He groans into your kiss, his body already trembling slightly from both your touch, and the adrenaline.
‘You don’t have to if you don’t want to.’ He whispered, holding your wrist. You’re quick to shake your head, pulling away. His hair is messier than usual, and he looks absolutely divine like this.
‘That wouldn’t be fair.’ You pouted, putting on a sad girl act. You hold his shoulder and turn you both around so it’s now his back pressed against the counter. ‘Plus, you mustn’t think I love you enough if you think I’m going to wait another 4 months to give you head.’
His gaze is one of surprise, but then a soft smile emerges.
‘You think I’m gonna disappear again?’
Your foreheads are pressed together, and you slowly begin to stroke his dick, watching his breathing change.
‘Please don’t lie to me and say you won’t.’
He laughs lowly, hands finding your hips.
‘I promise I won’t leave. Not now that I have you. Do you trust me?’
‘No.’ Your reply is plain and harsh, but yours holds more truth than his. ‘You’re a pirate, Ace. You’ll need to leave whether you want to or not.’
He shrugs, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips and holding your gaze.
‘True. But I meant more in the long run. I’m not going to leave you if you’ll be mine.’ He feels your smile against his lips, and it makes his heart flutter. You peck then quickly before lowering yourself to his knees.
‘I’ve been yours since Day 1, Fire Fist Ace.’
A shallow gasp escapes as Ace’s breath hitches, focused on your movements as you undress him. You’re working slowly, teasing him as you pull him free of his shorts. His hands slide round your face to your scalp, holding your hair back in a makeshift ponytail. A hum escapes at the slight tug. Eyes lock as your tongue pokes out in kitten licks against his tip. His reactions makes your insides giggle. His eyes roll back and his hands shake, hips leaning forward at your subtle touch.
‘You’re so sensitive, baby.’ You tease, peppering kisses down the length of his shaft. He just groans as you moan, your hand wrapped around him to pump rhythmically.
‘That’s because-‘ He’s cut off temporarily by a squeeze to his base and your lips pressed to his tip.
‘Because what-‘ You whisper, finally letting his cock slide into your mouth.
He shakes his head quickly, taking a deep breath to try to steady himself.
‘Because I’ve been avoiding other women since I saw you.’ A moan fills the bar, his dick plummeting deep into your throat. Your face lights up and you feel your heart melting at his confession. With an internal smile. you quicken your pace, stroking where your mouth can’t reach. Your other hand rests on his thigh, running your hands along the skin to keep him calm.
His fingers are digging into your scalp, holding your hair tightly as his hips involuntarily thrust forwards to meet your rhythm.
‘Oh fuck… I’m yours.’
You can hear your own muffled moans bouncing off the walls, and you should probably be concerned about who else can hear them. But that doesn’t matter when your boyfriend that you aren’t going to see for another long while is with you.
Ace’s breath becomes ragged, his other hand coming down to your cheek.
‘You feel so good, princess.’ He releases a long, low moan, his climax shuddering through his body. Your gag reflex kicks in as the fluid shoots down your throat, but you swallow it nonetheless. Common courtesy as he’d done the same for you. He’s shuddering in pleasure and relief while you milk him through, not releasing him until you’re sure he’s done.
You laugh quietly to yourself, pressing a few kisses to his thighs before standing and kissing him softly.
‘Are you still alive?’ You whisper, holding his waist. He gasps, heart racing and shaking, but nods.
‘Yeah… I’m alive.’
‘Good.’ You reply, pressing your foreheads together. ‘Do you need anything?’
‘Maybe water in a minute.’ He laughs, his breathing slowly returning to normal.
‘Mkay.’ You hum. ‘You lie down in one of the booths and I’ll get you a drink of water, ok?’
A weak attempt of helping him to the seat is made before you’re running off to the abandoned kitchen to look for cups. Ace’s eyes follow you as you run, filled with love and gratitude. You’re back in only a matter of seconds, 2 glasses of cold water in hand. You help him drink some of his water before taking a sip of yours and laying beside him.
‘Better?’ You ask, watching his carefully while love clouds your vision.
‘Much.’ You nod slowly, lips pressed together in a line.
‘Can I hug you?’
Ace stares at you with a raised eyebrow.
‘We just gave each other head and now you’re asking if we can hug?’ It’s a dumb question, you knew. But you’d have much rather asked and he’d said no than just “attacking him” and it’s not being reciprocated. You shrug and he just laughs, opening his arms to welcome you into his embrace. A welcome you take very quickly. Your face is quickly buried in the crook of his neck, feeling his breath fan against your skin.
‘If I was to sleep, would you still be here when I woke up?’
There’s a long silence between you both, and it makes the last event feel like a fever dream. It’s a silence that answers your own question.
‘You should come with me. To sea, I mean.’
You sigh, holding him tighter like he’s about to escape.
‘I can’t, Ace. Not right now.’
He hugs you just as tightly, twirling your hair around.
‘I promise I’ll be back soon. Ok? And then someday, I’ll come back and I won’t leave you.’
You’re not quick to respond, but a simple nod seems to suffice.
‘I love you.’ You whisper, feeling your eyes start to droop and sleep start to take over. ‘And I’m really glad you manned up and asked me to be yours.’
Ace smiles softly, pressing his lips against your forehead for a long second.
‘I’ll make sure I never stop reminding you.’
You’re unsurprised when you wake up in your room the next morning, no sign that you’d even left (mind the slightly open window). There was a tinge of sadness knowing it would be a long while before you saw the pirate again, but you smile, tracing the marks he’d left on your body. These were the marks of your first time.
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taglist: @rotin0
© kodydrs
all rights and reserves are copyright to kodydrs on tumblr. this material is not to be copied or translated onto any other platform or media.
265 notes · View notes
matty-bear · 4 months
hey! i love your fanfics. crazy idea, but what if Nick finally gets his lesbian tattoo artist bestie that he's been longing for?! a cross of the two perspectives. Also, crazy thought, what if the Lesbian has only come out to Nick and not the rest of the group, so Matt keeps trying to win her over, but Chris is sure she's got her mind set on him... OMG i would melt if you wrote this!!! (can it be from Nick and y/n perspective? if you think that'll work that would be amazing!!) love ya xx
0I, New Tattooist, New Romantic Tension 
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type: request !
pairing: idk ! LOL (nothing romantic is gonna happen srry guys 💔)
warnings: SFW, fluff
summary: in desperate need for another tattoo, nick texts mez and asks for an appointment. unfortunately for him, she’s not gonna be available for quite a while. to save the boy's despair and cure his needs, mez suggests nick to go to you. it took a bit of convincing, but the oldest triplet ends up in the shop with you. who knew that the blooming friendship between the two of you would cause some issues regarding nick’s younger brothers to form ?  
notes: idk why finishing this took so long 😓 u guys don’t wanna know when i started writing this 😭 anywho hope u guys enjoy the first part of this ! not sure if it will be a mini series but i def know that i won’t be able to satisfy anon’s request in a single post :3 we need plot guys 💔 hope anon doesn’t mind that their request is gonna turn into a multi part fic 😭
WC: 5.6K
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
“Guys~” Nick lets out a loud whine as he plops down on the sofa. He allows his head to fall back and rest on the back cushion, his eyes shutting momentarily as he shifts a little to get more comfortable. From the kitchen, both Matt and Chris stare at the brunette blankley. The two boys exchange eye contact for a moment before one of them speaks up. 
“You got boy trouble or something?” Chris asks as he turns on his heels and approaches the cupboard. At the boy’s question, Nick abruptly lifts his head and narrows his eyes at the younger boy. 
“Oh, please. I’m not a teenage girl, Chris. I don’t have ‘boy trouble.” Nick mumbles under his breath, his eyes rolling. 
“Then why are you huffing and puffing?” Matt chimes in, his light footsteps barely sounding through the house as he enters the living room. As the boy takes a seat on the opposite sofa from the one Nick is sitting at, the latter sighs again, this time raising a hand to run it over his face. 
“I need to get another tattoo.” The brunette huffs out. “It’s genuinely bringing me pain like I need to get one or I might drop dead.” 
Chris goes to open his mouth to comment on his brother’s statement, however is quickly cut off by the boy speaking again. “Is this what getting addicted feels like? Is getting tattoos my drug?” 
Matt lets out a breathy laugh as he raises the can of soda up to his lips. He takes a quick sip before he replies, “I’d like to think so.” 
“Why don’t you text Mez and ask if she can come over? You have her number for a reason.” Chris suggests as he sets a small skull-shaped glass on their marble countertop. As the boy pops open his can of pepsi with a loud hiss, Nick forces his lips together in thought. Matt silently watches with an unamused expression as the older takes his pointer finger and lightly taps it on his chin. 
“You know what, I think I will.” Nick declares, a wide, child-like smile spreading across his lips as he digs in his pocket for his phone. As the boy busies himself with searching for Mez’s contact, Chris mumbles a small ‘you’re welcome’ under his breath as he picks up his now full glass of pepsi and heads towards the living room. He cautiously takes a seat near Matt, being careful not to spill any of his previous beverage as he sits down. 
“Okay, what’s a good greeting message?” Nick asks, both of his thumbs twilling around his keyboard. Matt raises his head to allow his gaze to shift from his phone to the brunette across from him. 
“Are you serious?” The boy asks, his voice monotone. 
Matt takes a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose, trying to collect the remaining bits of his sanity and brain cells before he replies, “You don’t need a greeting message Nick. Just text her that you want a tat and ask when she’s available.” 
“Alright, alright. My God, no need to be so aggressive.”
“I’m not- Never mind.” Chris snickers under his breath as Matt leans back against the sofa, completely done with the current conversation. Nick flashes the boy an innocent, tight lipped smile before averting his focus back to the device in his hand. After taking a moment to allow the dials in his brain to turn, he finally begins to type out a text. 
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After hearting the female’s message, Nick lets out yet another loud whine. The sudden noise causes Matt and Chris to divert their focus from their devices to look over at him. 
“Is she not available or something?” Chris asks, a single eyebrow raising as he eyes his brothers ‘distressed’ state. 
“No. She’s checking her availability right now.” Nick replies, a loud, dramatic sigh escaping his slightly glossed lips as he allows his phone to slip out of his hand and fall to the cushion with a soft thump.
“Well, you seem like you’re going through it right now so-“ 
“I am.” Matt narrows his eyes at Nick as the boy cuts him off. The brunette takes a deep breath to collect himself before he continues, “You seem to be going through it so I suggest that you go eat something. You know, to calm down your nerves and get your mind off you innerly dying.” 
“I have a feeling that I should be offended by that but I'm gonna do what you suggested anyways.” 
“I didn’t have any negative or hurtful intentions behind what I said but whatever helps you sleep at night, kid.” Nick gets up off the sofa with a soft huff, his eyes darting to his two brothers who have both returned to busing themselves on their separate devices.
The boy huffs softly and makes his way to the kitchen, the hollow sound of his platform shoes thumping against the wooden floorboards filing the house. 
Upon arriving at the kitchen, the brunette swiftly opens both doors of the fridge. The moment he goes to scan the contents inside, the feeling of his phone vibrating in his pants pocket causes him to halt his actions.
Without hesitation, the boy whips his phone out, the sight of Mez texting him back sending an excited spark down his spine. With a rather large smile, the boy unlocks his phone and opens up his chat with the mentioned female. 
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It didn't take Mez very long for her to send Nick the tattooist’s Instagram. The brunette eyes the @ in the chat for a moment before sighing softly and copying it to his board. The boy didn’t know why he was so anxious about this whole situation. Mez wouldn’t try to set him up with another tattooist who’d do him dirty, right? 
Before Nick allows his thoughts to spiral, he quickly opens up Instagram and clicks on the magnifying glass at the bottom of his screen. In a few taps, the boy pastes the @ in the search bar and taps on the first account that pops up. Immediately, the brunette is greeted by your profile. The boy subconsciously hums faintly as he begins to scroll through the profile, his eyes scanning the countless numbers of posts illustrating the work you’ve done. 
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It didn’t take long for the boy to be super impressed by the numerous tattoos you’ve done and the amazing quality each of them have. It seemed to him like some of your best works were simple lined tats with no color, which for him is a perfect fit for what he’s looking for.
While your colored works are wonderfully done, he wasn’t looking for media like that at the moment. The moment the brunette saw an Edward Scissorhands tattoo that you had made for a client about a week back, he immediately knew you were the one. 
With no further hesitation, the boy scrolls all the way back to the top of your profile. He taps on your bookings highlight and allows his eyes to scan the quick and simple information found there for a moment. Surprisingly to him, you have a lot of open spots. Who knew such a talented tattooist like you would have so many openings? 
Closing out of the highlight, his eyes immediately lock on the number in your bio. Unbeknownst to Nick, the boy began to grow a small, excited smile on his lips as he held his thumb over the number. When it highlights with a light blue color, he removes his finger and swipes out of Instagram.
He quickly opens up his messages app and the moment he goes to open up a new chat, a loud and sharp ringing sound pierces his ears. The boy immediately flinches at the sound, both of his hands shooting up to cover his ears in hopes of muffling the ringing. 
“Nick, shut the fucking fridge! What the hell are you doing?” Matt exclaims, his voice carrying a sense of irritation as he looks over at the older boy standing in front of the refrigerator.
Nick’s mouth shapes into a small oval as he raises his head and locks his eyes on the inside of the fridge. After allowing himself to come back to reality, he takes a few steps back in order to softly shut the fridge’s doors. 
“My bad. Wasn’t paying attention.” Nick apologizes, his free hand raising to rub his nape out of slight embarrassment. 
“You’re fine. You were letting all the cold air out. I was starting to feel it from way over here.” Matt reassures the male, the tone of his voice much softer than it was moments ago. 
“Dramatic ass.” Nick mumbles, his eyes narrowing as he shoots a quick glare at the younger boy. Matt simply shrugs at the brunette’s statement, deciding not to add to the conversation at hand as he brings his phone up to his face again.
Nick can’t help but sigh at the male, his eyes rolling as he turns on his heels to walk to the dining table. Instead of pulling out a chair and seating himself down, the boy stands behind the dark wooded furniture. 
When his chest hits the back of the chair, he subconsciously allows his left arm to drape over it, his right elbow resting on the back and bending upwards as he holds his phone up to his face. It takes a moment for the boy to remember what he was originally doing, considering how the fridge so rudely interrupted his train of thought. However when he opens his messages and sees the new chat holding your phone number at the top, everything comes back to him. 
Without a second thought, the boy allows his thumbs to type a message. After briefly scanning over what he wrote, he sends it with a confident tap. 
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“WHOOP! WE GOT AN APPOINTMENT!” Nick exclaims happily, both of his hands shooting up in the air in pure joy. 
“With Mez?” Chris asks as he quickly reaches for the remote next to him. He quickly pauses the show that’s faintly playing on the television and turns his body slightly to give the older male his full attention. 
“No.” Nick’s arms shoot down and plop down on both of his slides with a loud slap. A small frown can be seen creeping onto his plush lips as he paddles out of the kitchen and back into the living room. He plops down on the same seat he sat in moments prior before Chris decides to continue the conversation. 
“With who then?” Both Matt and Chris knew that Nick was, as said previously, ‘attached’ to Mez. The brunette has stated multiple times in vlogs that he won’t allow anyone but Mez to tat him. You know, ‘until she gets sick of Matt going on random tangents about Wingstop’s spice scale.’ 
“She sent me another girl's instagram since she doesn’t have any available for a whole month. She does pretty good work, actually. Like I'm very impressed.” Nick replied, his lips slightly shaping into a pout as he faintly nods. 
“Wait, I wanna see.” In an instant, both Matt and Chris scramble off the sofa and seat themselves down on either side of the older brunette. With an encouraging nudge to the side from Chirs, Nick narrows his eyes at the boy and adverts his focus back to the device in his hand.
The boy has to swipe his screen a few times before your profile on instagram pops up again. When he goes to open his mouth to make a quick comment about your work, Matt snatches the device from his palm.
In response, Nick’s jaw drops and he slowly turns his head to look over at the younger boy who’s now focusing on scrolling through your account. The boy radiated major ‘old person energy’ in accordance to Nick due to him holding the device very far to his face, his eyes squinting slightly as his eyes scan the screen. 
“Now why would you think that snatching my phone from me is a good idea? You stupid fuck.” Nick asks, irritation laced in his tone as he seemingly stares bullets at the boy next to him.
At the sight of the latter waving him off and paying no attention to him, the brunette huffs heavily and turns his head to look over at Chris, who has an unreadable expression on his face. When the boy realizes the older is looking at him, his eyes shift over to him. 
“You’re just gonna let him do that?” Chris asks, a single eyebrow rising slightly. Nick simply shrugs in utter defeat, not knowing what to do. When he goes to reply, the sound of Matt speaking up catches his attention. 
“Holy fuck, look at his Eeyore.” The brunette gushes, his eyes widening and shining out of astonishment as he turns the device in his hand over so it faces his two brothers. Immediately, the latter two examine the detailed Eeyore tattoo done on someone’s calf. 
“Holy shit, it looks like she took it right out of the cartoon. That’s literally unreal.” Chris states, his jaw slacking in utter shock. 
“I’m telling you she’s really fucking good.” Nick says as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
“So when’s the appointment?” Chris asks as he reaches to grab the phone from Matt. 
“This friday.”
“You know you need to upload and possibly edit that day right?” Matt questions the older boy with a single raised eyebrow.
“I know, Matt.” Nick replies sassily, side-eying the younger boy before looking over at his phone which is still in Chris’ grasp. “We’ll film the car video tonight and I'll spend all day editing tomorrow so I don't have to worry about it on Friday. I got it all under control, promise.” 
“Alright… But if the fans start having another freak out because your ass didn’t upload on time, don’t come crying to me because you planned shit terribly.” 
“Matt. I got it.” At the sight of the intense glare that Nick is sending him, Matt raises both his arms up in the air in defense. When the boy allows his arm to fall to his lap, Nick huffs softly, a faint thinking expression painting his features for a moment. “Can we go pick something up?” 
Matt’s eyebrows furrow in slight confusion at the sight of the older sending him a blank expression. “Like… to eat?” 
Nick can’t help but roll his eyes at his brother’s stupidness. With his pointer finger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose, he replies, “No to own. I’ve decided we’re getting a dog today.” Before Matt (and chris’) stunned expressions turn into one of excitement, the brunette continues, “Of course, something to eat! I’m fucking starving.” 
Matt’s expression falls and shapes into one of disappointment before he sluggishly stands up. “Let’s go then.” The brunette mutters with a heavy sigh. 
Immediately, a wide smile appears on Nick’s lips as he hurriedly grabs his phone back from Chris and also stands up. Matt goes to open his mouth to ask the brunette where he wants to eat, however stops himself when the boy seemingly bolts downstairs and to the garage. As Nick’s rapid footsteps fade, Matt turns to Chris with an unamused expression. When the boy points at the staircase, which the older took moments before, Chris simply shrugs and gets up from his seat. 
“I’m kinda hungry too.” The brunette mumbles, his speech getting cut short as a yawn rips through him. Matt allows the younger to stretch out his sore limbs before he pushes his head and walks to the staircase. “Ow, mother fucker!” 
After two days of conversing with you and making a few adjustments to the tattoos Nick wants, the boy finally finds himself in the car on the way to the tattoo shop. Matt is (obviously) driving the boy to the said shop and Chris has joined the two in his designated passenger seat.
The brunette told the two that he would ‘feel lonely all by himself’ so Nick reluctantly agreed to him joining. Now, the three boys are sitting in comfortable silence in the car, the faint beats of Melanie Martinez, Mac Miller, and Lil Skies all playing through the speakers. 
“When you said that you were going to get the tattoos done in the shop, I was a little surprised.” Matt speaks up, his soft voice cutting through the silence. 
Nick lifts his head up from his phone and looks up at the rear view mirror to momentarily lock eyes with the younger boy. “Really?” 
Matt shrugs his shoulders and focuses on the road ahead of him before adding, “I mean you always get your tats done at home. I’ve never seen you go to get one done at a tattoo shop.” 
Nick hums softly, his lips forcing together into a straight line for a few seconds. “Well, I've never gotten a tattoo done by y/n before and letting her in my house without properly getting to know her would be a little…” 
“It wouldn’t set right with you?” Chris asks, finishing the boy's sentence for him. 
“Yeah.” Nick nods his head in agreement before continuing, “Besides, y/n said that she's more comfortable in the shop and I would never want to make her uncomfortable.” 
“I love how considerate you are of other people, Nick.” At the sight of Chris turning in his seat to look back at him, Nick sends the younger a weary look and shuffles in his seat a little. 
“Thanks…” Nick mumbles, not really knowing how to respond to his brother’s sudden compliment. Chris sends the male a soft smile before turning forwards in his seat again. 
Comfortable silence fills the car once more as the three boys focus on their separate tasks. After a few minutes, the GPA displayed on the center console alerts Matt that they’ve arrived at the tattoo shop. The boy takes a quick glance at the illuminated screen before looking ahead of him and taking in his surroundings. When his eyes land on the shop, he nods faintly to himself and finds an empty spot to park in on the side of the street. 
“Do you want us to come with you Nick or no?” Matt asks as he pulls the gear shift down to park. 
The mentioned male quickly picks his head up, snapping out of the slight gaze he was in, before he looks through the windshield. “Uhh…” Nick trails off as he eyes the tattoo shop a few feet away. “I can go in by myself, it’s fine. You guys can go somewhere or something if you want.” 
“We can wait here for you.” Chris ensures the brunette as he turns back to look at him. 
“Alright. I’ll go in then I guess.” Nick mumbles softly as he reaches for the door handle. With a soft tug down, the door begins to slide open, allowing the boy to slip out of the car. 
“Have fun!” Matt exclaims with a small smile. Nick simply waves his hand in response and pushes the button on the door handle to shut it. After hearing the faint click, the brunette turns on his heels and begins walking towards the tattoo shop.
A sudden wave of anxiety washes over him and the boy finds himself biting down on his lip subconsciously as he walks down the pavement. Getting a new tattoo isn’t new for him so why is he so nervous? 
Upon stepping in front of the shop door, the brunette seemingly has a small stare down with the black, metal door handle. 
Don’t be a pussy, Nick. Just go in already. You're literally embarrassing yourself. 
With a heavy intake of air, Nick finally grabs onto the handle and pulls the door open. Immediately, the sound of the bell ringing above his head rings in his ears as a small greeting. The boy can’t help but wince slightly at the loud sound as he steps inside the shop. As the door shuts behind him with a soft click, the brunette takes a few moments to take in the new and unfamiliar surroundings. 
The interior was decently dark and decently large to say the least. Despite only being able to see the entrance of the shop, the male carefully examines all the furniture and decorations. Most of the furniture was black apart from the off- white tiled ceiling, framed movie posters which decorated the majority of the walls, and the occasional plants tucked in the corners or the front desk. 
Speaking of which, the moment Nick walked into the shop, a dark haired male twirled around in his spinning chair. He was sitting a little ways away from the front and after sitting up a little, his eyes landed on Nick. The male allows his eyes to study the brunette for a moment before he rolls closer to the desk. Upon reaching the dark furniture, he props his feet up on another chair nearby. 
“Newcomer?” The male asks, his slight raspy voice ripping through the silence in the shop. 
At the sudden voice, Nick flinches slightly and quickly whips his head around. At the sight of the male staring right at him, his brain struggles to search for a simple response. The male ahead of him can’t help but chuckle at the brunette ahead of him and reluctantly slips off the chair he’s perched on.
In a few steps, he stands directly behind the desk and bends his upper half to lean over the furniture. The male proceeds to drum his polished nails on the wooden surface, waiting for Nick to reply to his question. 
After a few moments, which seemed like an eternity for Nick, he finally opens his mouth. “Yeah.” He manages to get out. 
The male in front of him slightly nods his head and reaches over to the clipboard next to him. “You have an appointment?” He asks as his free hand begins to dig in a drawer nearby. 
“Yeah, I do. It’s with y/n.” 
The male yet again nods his head, this time with a soft chuckle. As the male retreats his hand from the drawer, a ballpoint pen now in his hand, he begins to flip through the pages in the clipboard. “That girl has been getting new bookings left and right. It’s fucking insane.” 
“Well, she is pretty talented.” 
“Oh, definitely. Gotta say she’s the most talented person in the shop.” Nick nods his head in agreement and finally begins to walk towards the large front desk. He silently watches as the boy in front of him scans the countless number of sheets in front of him, his pierced eyebrows furrowing slightly in concentration.
After a moment, the boy mumbles a small “ah” and taps the tip of the pen on the paper. He swiftly lifts his head and locks eyes with the brunette in front of him before saying, “Name please.” 
“Nick.” The boy instantly replies. 
“Alright, Nick. I’m gonna have you sign a few papers before I bring you to y/n’s space. Is that alright with you?”  
“Yeah, of course.” 
“Perfect…” The male mumbles softly. He turns on his heels to grab a small packet of papers behind him. When he turns back around, he sets the pack as well as a pen on the table and slides it towards Nick. “Here you go. Sit wherever you’d like and give me the papers back when you’re done.” 
“Will do.” The male gives Nick a small nod as he grabs the stack. As the brunette walks to the waiting room, the boy plops back down on his spinning chair, a soft sigh escaping his lips. The male begins to busy himself by pulling out a miniature sketchbook from the front desk and doodling small designs on the empty pages as Nick gets busy filling out the documents. 
“I filled everything out.” Nick’s sudden statement startles the tattooist behind the front desk and snaps him out of his slight daze. The male quickly gets up from his seat and walks up to the boy with a small smile. After setting his sketchbook down, he sets an open palm out in front of him, gesturing Nick to set the pack in his hand, which he does. 
“That didn’t take very long.” The male comments as he begins to scan through the packet. “You sure you filled everything out?” He teases. 
Nick can’t help but squint his eyes at the boy before replying, “I’ve filled them out before so it really wasn’t that difficult to finish.”
“Have you now?” 
“Yeah. I’ve gotten tattoos done before.” 
“Really?” Silence fills the shop for a moment as Nick stares down at the male in front of him. After recollecting his thoughts and holding himself back from saying anything smart, he replies, “Yeah, I have a whole sleeve done and some of my leg.” 
The male hums softly, finally lifting his head from the packet to lock eyes with Nick. “Proof or you’re lying.” 
A heavy sigh escapes Nick's lips and he pushes down the strong urge to call you and get him out of this annoying predicament. What’s this dude's deal? After receiving a single eyebrow raise from the male in front of him, the brunette reluctantly rolls up the sleeve of his black zip-up. He turns his arm slightly to allow the male to get a quick look at the designs littering his skin before he rolls his sleeve back down with a faint huff.   
“Hmm. Nice.” Nick rolls his eyes yet again at the bland reaction he gets. As he crosses his arms over his chest, the male before him chuckles slightly and stashes the packet of papers in a vanilla folder nearby. “Shall I get you to y/n?” 
“Please.” After gesturing Nick to follow him with a single wave of the hand, the male slips out from behind the desk and begins to walk to the hall a few steps away. As he begins to walk off, Nick quickly chases after him. As he trails close behind him, he can’t help but allow his eyes to trail down both of his arms, which are filled with numerous tattoo designs. 
From what the brunette could see, there was not a single empty space of the male's skin, even his elbows held intricate designs. Before his gaze wanders further down, the male stops abruptly in front of a door. Nick, not paying attention to anything around him, bumps into the boy a little harshly, a soft ‘fuck’ escaping his lips as he stumbles back. 
“My bad.” Nick mumbles out a quick apology as he rubs his nape, the apples of his cheeks taking on a soft red hue. 
“You’re all good. Just be more careful when you’re staring at people.” The tatted male replies. The boy doesn’t allow Nick to defend himself before he knocks on the door they stopped at. “y/n! Nick’s here!” 
“Come in!” You shout out, your voice sounding muffled due to you being on the other side of the door. 
“You heard the woman.” The black haired male states. He sets a hand on Nick’s shoulder and squeezes the male's clothed skin before adding, “Have fun, kid.” And with that, he retreats back to the front. 
Nick stands in front of your door, his jaw slightly dropped in shock as his brain tries to comprehend what just happened. When your worried voice calls out to him, the brunette snaps out of his daze and quickly opens the door in front of him. Nick slowly pushes open the dark surface and peeks his head inside the room. 
“Nick!” You exclaim excitedly, a wide smile visible on your lips. “Come in, come in!” 
Nick quickly slips inside the room and shuts the door behind him, a small smile of his own decorations his features as he locks eyes with you. “Hey y/n! Great to finally meet you in person.” 
“Same here! Gotta say right off the bat, I absolutely LOVE the Edward Scissorhands tee.” At your compliment, Nick looks down at the graphic tee covering his torso, his smile widening ever so slightly. 
“Thanks!” The male beams. Nick takes a quick moment to examine your space, the room giving off a completely different vibe in comparison to the shop. The first thing the male took note of was the color of the walls. They were a soft pastel pink, which seemed to be the perfect shade considering how your chosen decor complimented the color perfectly. 
Speaking of decorations, the brunette could make out a few Sony Angles and other small figures set on shelves attached to the walls and on the main desk, as well as a few posters of presumably your favorite artists and shows. When his eyes locked on the Cry Baby and Portals posters, Nick couldn’t hold back the gasp that escaped his lips. 
“You like Melanie?” The male asks, his jaw dropping in pure shock. 
“I love her! I attended her LA show The Trilogy Tour as well the K-12 Tour!” You reply with a wide smile.
“NO FUCKING WAY!” A small giggle escapes your lips when you watch as Nick’s jaw drops. 
“Yes fucking way.” 
“Bro…” A soft laugh escapes you when Nick rubs his face with his hands, a loud groan sounding from him moments later. 
“I fucking love Melanie. I have yet to see her live and it’s KILLING ME.” 
“Well…” You start as you roll towards your desk and pull out the main drawer. “When she goes on tour again, we can both go.” 
Nick’s hands slap down to his sides with a loud slap. “Don’t fuck with me…” The brunette states, his eyes narrowing as he sends a small warning glare in your direction. 
“I’m not!” You defend with a small laugh. Nick’s expression quickly shifts into one of excitement as you slip a small folder out of your drawer. “Now, I promise we’ll go back to talking about Mel but I think we should start getting you tatted.” 
“Oh, yeah! Where should I sit?” 
“In the recliner chair please. Also, do you mind rolling up your pant leg for me?” 
“Of course!” Without a word more, Nick scurries over to the wrapped recliner and seats himself down on it. After swinging both his legs over so he’s laying down fully, he sits up and reaches down to his leg. As he begins to roll up his pant leg, you roll over to him, vanilla folder in hand. 
“So.” You state as you set the folder on your lap. “You excited?” 
“Very.” Nick replies with a bright smile. You can’t help but smile softly at the brunette as you reach over to the nearby rolling tray holding all your needed supplies and pull it over. Before you go to grab the pair of black gloves, you freeze in your spot and furrow your eyebrows. Noticing the sudden change in your demeanor, Nick turns his head to face you, a worried expression instantly painting his features. “What’s wrong?” 
“There’s no music playing.” You mumble, a soft sigh escaping you as you sit up. Nick can’t help but chuckle at how upset you became over something so small. “Was it always this quiet?” 
“Yeah.” When the brunette softly nods his head, a frustrated groan escapes you. 
“Mike must have turned it off again. I swear to God, that dude drives me to the brink of insanity sometimes.” You begin to ramble under your breath as you walk towards the door. 
“Mike?” Nick asks, his head tilting to the side as he grows confused. 
“The dude at the front desk. He’s also the one that walked you here.” When Nick’s mouth shapes into a small oval and he nods his head in understanding, you reach for the doorknob and twist it to open the door. “I’ll be right back, hold on.” When you slip out of the room and shut the door behind you, Nick finds himself examining your room again.
He begins to hum a random tune under his breath and subconsciously bops his head along to it as he gets more comfortable on the recliner. After a few moments, the door opens and reveals you. When you step inside the room, you flash Nick a small smile and make your way over to him again. 
“Sorry about that. I needed to get the speaker since I let Jen use it for her last session. You don’t mind if I play some music right?” You ask as you set the miniature bluetooth speaker on the counter behind you. 
“I don’t mind it at all. I actually prefer listening to music while getting tattoos done. Helps calm me.” Nick replies with a smile. 
“Okay, perfect.” Whipping your phone out of your cargo pants, you immediately open up Spotify. After scrolling through your playlists, you finally settle on your go to one and push play.
As Red Wine Supernova By Chappell Roan plays on the speaker, you put your phone away and finally reach for the black rubber gloves on your tray. “So, before we start, I am going to prep your skin for the stencils. When that is finished, I’ll set the stencils on the area we discussed over text and move it if needed. And then, we can start. Sounds good?” 
“Sounds perfect.” Nick confirms with a firm nod of his head. 
“Alright, let’s get started then!” 
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bittersweet-folder · 4 months
tell me your favourite writers on this app and what you love about their writing!
Aww thank you for this question🌷♡♡. Here's the list <3
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@hoshifighting :
I love her writing. When when I say it I really mean it. Her writing really portrays her creativity and style. They can be slow paced but they'll keep you hooked till the end (if you are patience). I love her slow burn fics as well. They are just so well written, like so very well written. And what really amuses me was her being so active from the start. Trust me I really want that being consistent about my writing but I just can't. And it's actually really tough to be consistent. And her smuts- hmmmmmmmmmmm imma be straight forward- they make me blush real bad also wet sometimes 🫶. 🌷
@pan-de-seungcheol :
Soo I've read many of her smuts before actually following her in this new blog i created after deleting my previous one. I may not read the angst fics (there's a reason behind it. Everyone have there own reasons) but I love love the smuts written by her. Pan your polyamory representation something I really loved because usually I see a negative representation of that. Your smuts make me wet, to state it quite straight forwardly. Your writing really does things to me (now why does this sounds like confession letter 😭). They are really well crafted. 🌷
@tomodachiii :
I discovered her fics recently and I'm in love. I love domestic scenarios especially when it has a really Asian household setting (because I live in one+ I'm the oldest daughter 🚶🏻‍♀️). And see if anything I feel seen but I really love the comforting feeling it gives me while reading them. Sure it leaves me with a bittersweet moment where I really do sit and think "wow it would be great if I actually experienced that kinda affection" but honestly that's how good writing is supposed to make you feel. I really admire her writing style. 🌷
@diorkyeom :
I love her writing style, her ideas, her fics, the plot everything literally. Her Seoksoo fics made me giggle, blush, bury my face and scream to the pillow and what not. I just lovee her way of portraying soft fluffy affectionate moments. I'll cry. I've even read her fics staying up late at night because Im fucking invested 😭. They are just so nice and sweet and soft. And the literature references she uses at times as well it makes me feel seen and happy. (Ps - I'm an English major who's first ever written fanfic was a Minwon fan fiction. It is not finished yet)🌷
Some more mentions for fluff writers (who may also post nsfw fics in their blogs too):
@seokminded : her writing style is simple yet very effective. Her fluff scenarios are so fucking cute I might cry😭🌷.
@wifeyoozi : your consistency in posting I swear🛐 . Im a big fan of your imaginess😩🌷. (Especially the nsfw ones they are like very very, idk I've lost words, they feel very real)
@onlyhaos : Liddy I'm soft for your writing. Your fluffs are so cuteeeeeee. AHHHHHJHHHHHHHHHHH okayyy take love😩🌷
@nonuify : I literally followed you few minutes ago and I have reblogged one of your nsfw imagine before. I really love them. Take love 🌷😩.
MAKE SURE TO CHECK THEM ALLL OUT Or I'll haunt you in your nightmares 😀.
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MegaCee would probably be where Arcee is the super innocent bean to help turn the murderous terrorist of a Decepticon into a more neutral character in terms of alignment. In my AU, Arcee is a gladiator forced to fight by being drugged with dark Energon while Megatron is a seasoned fighter who climbed the ranks high enough to spectate the fights. TLDR: Gladiators becoming besties and then one becomes an Autobot.
StarCee would be probably in the same universe, or if Starscream got his shit kicked in a little too hard by Megatron and was left for dead. Arcee finds him, fixes him, and keeps him with the Autobots. TLDR: She fixes his mommy issues after they get into bitch fights.
Both art works are mine. I had to delete my old account, so I'll try to re-upload stuff. BTW, this is for a fanfic I'm writing. I'll probably post it when it's done.
I'm high off of two days of sleep deprivation. IDK WHAT I'M SAYING ANYMORE LMFAO
EDIT: So, I was thinking a little bit more about MegaCee and remembered the rest of the lore kinda, I'll explain more based on the results of the pole, but essentially, in my universe, the Quintessons took Arcee while she was young, I'm talking like- five, and then experimented on her, destroying her body, ripping apart every organ, Gorey shit, etc, then hyking her ass up on dark Energon injected into her to make her viscous and kill all her cellmates. Then they entered her into an illegal gladiator ring that was like a gambling thing, bets and whatnot, then the whole Megatron thing I stated before, he was abandoned and trained by the bots responsible for the ring, meeting Orion Pax/ Optimus during it, then their falling out, and Megatron rose higher in the ranks. Arcee climbed the ladder of ranks in the ring due to her brutal and forced way of combat. Megatron almost formed an infatuation with her brutality and when it came time for them to fight one another, he gave her an opportunity. To join his cause. She accepted, they both killed practically everyone, and she became a spy for him to report back with Intel Sound wave could not. Because of the blue optics she has and her overall cuteness, she appears harmless and no one has suspected a thing. She no longer is hooked on the dark Energon, but kills out of loyalty for the most part. She does weep alone after every Decepticon life she had to take during the battles in order to not look suspicious.
Then for StarCee, to make it fair with the other ship, would be where Arcee is the same with this universe, but grows closer to Starscream, despite his jealousy of Megatron's attention being on her. Starscream, like in one of the comics, was abandoned by his mother figure, but in my universe Thundercracker and Skywarp are canonically his brothers, and he was responsible for himself and them. Due to him having to be an adult at such a young age, it could explain why he's more childish and bratty when older. This will probably end in both Arcee fully defecting to the Autobots and Starscream to join her, causing drama and shit to blow up.
Arcee will most likely be the therapy mom in both of these lol. DAMN. THIS WAS LONG AND IM SORRY. IM TIRED YALL
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eww-y-tho · 3 months
Debby Downer here, but I only have one true complaint for S3.
(idk how the books went with their first meeting, but I personally would enjoy it like this. this is essentially my fanfic of how I wanted it to be used lol.)
This is really where the 'show, don't tell' rule rears its head. I understand it would be hard to do, you would need permission for child actors to play the part of Penelope's head covering smacking Colin and him falling to the ground. But you could easily do a quick cut from the head covering flying off from the wind kicking up to some impact sound effect and then a closeup of a hand or foot falling on the ground without actually making the kid fall off the horse. make the covering land somewhere close by so that what happened can be easily interpreted.
It could be really seen as a transparent film tactic to work around the problems with child actors, but it would still at least give us a reference point to their closeness. They mention it twice and go in excessive detail. We needed something to get us to really feel the sweetness of their first meeting and just how special they were to each other since the beginning.
I would shave off the market scene to be like "Do you remember when we first met?" "Obviously, especially the part where I apologized. Why are you bringing this up now? I thought you would have forgiven me at this point." (<- in a sweet/humourous tone) "W-Well- you were teasing me so mercilessly, that it's still fresh in my mind. And do you know why? You were so very charming about it" so on, and so forth.
Then, instead of the frankly stupid balloon scene, I would have Pen wear a similar head-covering during the same event, and Pen wouldn't notice while it flies off in the scene where Pen is trying to win Debling with Cressida and Eloise. Colin would be closer to them and it would smack him in the chest, he would smile, and walk up to return it. Colin wouldn't say anything and Pen would flash her heart eyes at Colin before they would return to their conversations, and Debling would look at her with his "I'm catching the sus vibes" eyes.
Now, personally, do you know where I would put the flashback?
Right at the scene where Colin remembers Pen at his writing desk before going to go to the ball to get Pen from Debling. We would have swelling music (with no other audio) going from the scene where Pen grabs Colin's hand in ep2, to Colin grabbing her hand in s2 in the "come with me" scene, to the back-and-forth shot from when Colin comes back in s2, to Colin grabbing Pen's hand in s1 when she's trying to convince Colin about Marina, to their stare at the "what a barb!" scene, to Colin grabbing her hand to dance in ep1, and then we would have their first meeting.
Have the scene have abruptly no music and a hazy filter like the flackbacks from previous seasons. Start with Colin riding his horse, and then do the two shots, like I said, but have Pen laughing really loud once he falls before covering her mouth and being like "Sorry!" and then he laughs really loud and they both cackle for a bit before Pen quiets down and starts ribbing him about his perceived bad horse riding skills. Colin just keeps laughing until there's a closeup of Pen's face as she looks at Colin. While he gets up she blurts out that her name is Penelope and then he says his name is Colin and then that's where it would end. Colin gets up from his desk, yada yada.
The bad horseriding comment would make Colin's engagement party speech so much cuter, and paired with Pen laughing and then everyone staring at her and being confused about the inside joke would really hammer that part of the scene down as foundational to their relationship.
OH OH OH AND THEN have a continuation when Colin opens the first letter to a cut where, after the whole thing happens, Colin looks at Pen with some awkward silence and he smiles as Pen hesitantly walks away and Eloise approaches her (this is really starting to sound like a fanfic now lol). Smash cut to "Yours Truly, Penelope" and then adult Colin smiling at the letter and the scene is now like 10x more emotional.
Also, you know the scene in ep8 when Colin is staring at the wall while brooding before Pen tells him about the Cressida blackmail? In another flashback, where Edmund died and the news hit everybody, Colin is locked up in his room and Pen goes from comforting a crying Eloise to knocking on Colin's door.
He would get up and open it, looking miserable. Pen would jump to hug him and There would be back-and-forth shots of them both crying silently. Bam, another cut to Colin almost crying as he stares at the wall before Eloise comes into the scene. That would just add a little bit more oomph to Polin's relationship and would make the impact of LW hit harder, IMO.
I'm still happy with the season, but I think that's the one fault that I am still not enjoying about it. I think it was just a bad choice to not carve out some money from promotional stuff for these flashbacks, and I think the romance suffers from not being able to see that. Idk, maybe I'm tripping.
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morphinejunkie · 5 months
hii how are you? i hope you’re doing well :) i really love your fanfic crush, i’m writing a mello fanfic myself, but i’m having such a hard time capturing his essence, sometimes i get carried away writing him but then i realize it’s not really accurate, i either make him too angry, too much this, too much that, idk, do you have any tips for me? (only if you want, i just really love how you portray him, i think it’s really accurate so i thought what’s better than to ask you?) <3 ✨🌸
thank you very much!
mello was a character i struggled to write at first too. he’s a delicate tightrope walk between intelligence, aggression, coolness and (in my opinion) brevity. personally i find that the hardest thing is striking a balance that encompasses all four.
so i’ll break it down, this is what worked best for me.
1. use canon
the way i wrote mello, i referenced the original manga (and voice/diction in the dub anime) a lot. i would first listen to his lines and try to internalize his voice. and then i would study his body language in his panels and try to shift that body language and attitude into whatever scenario i’m writing.
mello is a pretty layered character, which i think a lot of people struggle with. he plays up the characteristics that people often associate with him (i.e. in the call with the president, he acts taunting and brash) when on his own turf he’s actually very calculating and careful (i.e. any scene in the mafia - he’s often staring into space, sprawled into a relaxed but aggressive position, and thinking).
i think a big thing to remember too is that mello made many decisions in canon that need to be backed up to create a holistic view of who he is. reverse-engineering mello’s character from his actions was a huge part of how i developed my mello as well - “why did mello do this? what motivations were urging him to do the thing he did? why are his emotions this way while he’s doing it?”
general rule of thumb is: if your mello would not do the things that canon mello did, the way that canon mello did, he’s probably ooc.
2. take him as a whole - not parts of him
i focused a lot of my energy on trying to capture mello as a whole. a lot of it is meeting mello where he is, not where you want him to be. assuming he is fully formed, an actual person, and you are getting to know him, not creating him from scratch. when i was no longer concerned about making mello do things that i wanted him to do, and instead interacting WITH mello as a fully formed character, i found it natural to hear his voice. near the end of crush i felt like i was just documenting them with a camera while matt & mello did what they did. they moved almost completely on their own and i was just there to capture it.
for me, especially in the beginning, i would often “practice” by throwing both matt & mello into a scenario with no expectation or plot, and seeing how they play off each other, without trying to move them from point a to point b. i found that let me understand their characters better — better than say a character study or a self-reflection would. in fact the bar scene was that exercise for me, and ended up setting the tone for the rest of the fic.
3. figure out all the different ways you can read mello, and figure out which works best for you
the one thing is, even if you study mello and take him as who he is, there’s not a lot to work from off the original series. a lot of him is further developed in fandom, and so there are various camps of interpretations of mello that are all equally valid & sound. i found that mapping out exactly how mello can be interpreted and figuring out where my mello lay on that scale helped me a lot in determining what i found was personally ic/ooc.
funnily enough this matrix was really helpful even though it was just a stupid joke post from back in the day. i really liked the way “mihael keehl” talked, i found it so cool and grounding. “priss” still exists though the details or manner of speaking has changed over the years, in fact twinky/glamourous mello remains one of the most common interpretations of his character which i personally rejected (i don’t think it reflects his body language in canon at all). “batshit” mello is time and place for me, but ultimately, not how i like to write him (as it only explains some of his actions in canon but not all).
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of course writing mello in the end is wholly depends on your personal preference - you could do all of this and still end up with a different vision of mello as i did. as long as he is fully fleshed out to you, the details don’t matter.
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shoyastars · 4 months
Ok this is only my opinion upon the whole thing, but I’ve been thinking, when I did see a fanfic of a fellow binary star hero lover (lovely art and story writing btw!) get my brain thinking. Can Ray get married? One case the NAHA would not care, but would know cause I think, that it would be put in records of government or some shit, I’ve never been married so technically I believe marriage be out of the question unless he did it in secret with the mc?
Might be thinking too much into this, y’all can get married to Ray however you guys want he ain’t an object to fight over he’s a grown man, ok? Just thinking of logic and got curious. I’m doing research!
So Ray loves us aka the MC! And would end the world or possibly do anything to have them love him back and protect them (might be overly exaggerating here sorry :V) but when the mention of marriage pops up he may consider it at first! 👀
But eventually realized the NAHA, may see the records if doing so! So if the NAHA finds out there IS A PROBLEM! They will know of MC’s existence and try and get to them to idk what, probably hold them over Rays head like “we gonna hurt em if you do anything hahaha!” Or Ray will have to try and get them to back the fuck off. My god… (now that I’m thinking about it sounds like a nice little story idea… 🤔) AHEM! So basically UNABLE TO GET MARRIED TOO RISKY!
Hence why, when I was thinking about it, I thought of promise rings! :3
In my opinion it’s another way to say “yes we married” but not with vows and flowers and the puffy dresses or fancy tuxedos or something. Instead just a sweet way to say “I love you and I’ll be there for you till we part.” Ya know?
I’m just thinking of MC just walking around with Ray and seeing someone very happy they got one of them promise rings and Ray notices MC lookin and he learns about them from the MC, therefore solving the problem of marriage in mind.
I think I’m obsessed…… with this now 33 adult man….
I have problems…
Literally me:
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aroacebrucewayne · 4 months
when I grow up, I want to be nothing at all
summary: ‘Bruce hasn’t looked at himself properly in the mirror for months.’ {batman? more like notman.}
a/n: 1. character referred to w he/him pronouns for a while because she doesn’t realise she’s transfem. She’s also Misgendered because the batfam doesn’t know yet. 2. I haven’t read any comics except for the first one w/ penguin in it!! All my knowledge is from other fanfics!! Do not come at me for not knowing lore please!!! 3. Story title is from “the end” by mcr because I’m cliche trash. 4. yes, I know Dick lives a city over. Why he’s randomly returning to Gotham on this day is unknown to me. But I have gone on overnight trips to visit my grandparents in the past and they live in another city too, so I guess it’s fine. Maybe he missed his family :) [also if you’re wondering where everyone else is/what their roles may be: patience. I’ll add to this au soon hopefully!]
5. Enjoy! Idk when I’ll be writing more for this but uh. Yeah. Have fun :)
Bruce hasn’t looked at himself properly in the mirror for months. He figures that it’s the scars crossing his body, riddling his torso and limbs with a map of his past victories and losses. Sure, he looks at his face to shave and occasionally cut his hair, but that’s about it. He’s still pondering this when he his phone chimes sharply.
Tim: hi bruce. dickhead coming for dinner 2day
The text, short and to the point, only reminds him to hurry up with his dressing. The batcave, while cool, isn’t an “acceptable substitute for fresh air and human interaction, Master Bruce.” So he swiftly pulls on a sweatshirt and pants, and goes back upstairs to wash the dirt, grime and facepaint off his face.
The bathroom tile he rests his forehead against is cool against his flushed skin, offering slight reprieve from the steady pounding in his skull. Bruce forces himself to look up at the mirror. Heavy dark circles, downturned mouth, and tired eyes stare back at him, and he trudges out into his bedroom.
The room isn’t really messy, he’s never allowed it to be. But there is a jacket flung over his full-length mirror, and a chair shoved in front of it, and both of them obstruct the full view of himself. He pushes the chair aside and grabs the jacket, convincing himself with some difficulty to look at himself fully and truly.
He looks normal. Maybe a little beaten down and weary, but otherwise he looks like a normal, regular, alright guy. The moment the thought manifests in his mind, he squeezes his eyes shut and tries to ward off the feeling of WRONGWRONGWRONG thrumming under his skin.
Fuck. Fuck. Maybe there is something wrong with him, something twisted. Self hatred is nothing new to him, but this feels different. More painful. He takes one more look at the mirror - Face your fears - and leaves the room, jacket tossed to the floor. He can’t waste time thinking about himself: Dick’s coming for dinner, Tim and Damian are coming home from school soon, and the sky is clear and cloudless. It’s a beautiful day, and Bruce has spent most of it in the cave, burning case details into his mind.
The thought makes his headache spike up again, and he casts his mind to other things. Chiefly, the sound of voices coming from the dining room. Tim and Damian are sitting at the table, eating sandwiches, while Tim chatters excitedly about his day to Alfred.
Bruce steels himself for a moment before he enters with a smile, jumping into the conversation with ease. All his worries and anxiety melts into the background, his chief attention being on this sliver of his family, here and now. His mind hones into the present, and he drops his earlier train of thought with ease.
He can always figure that thing out later.
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Writer's Tag Game
Tagged by @strangethings-everywhere & @effervescentyellow !!! finally catching up on tag games ;^_^
Rules: Answer some or all of the questions below. Tag your fellow writers. Enjoy!
Link to your masterlist: Lol i'm too lazy to make one, but my ao3 is pretty kept up to date!!!
Favorite and least favorite genres to write (angst/smut/fluff, etc): Favorite is probably Angst with a Happy Ending or Smut With Feelings. Love when the couple figures out just how much they love each other. I can never write Major Character Death tho. Or the times I have, it's been such a struggle;;;;
Favorite characters to write for? Right now it's been Don just because I think I relate to him in a lot of ways. Though Chuck and Roger have been fun!! trying to figure out their dynamics :d
Which one of your works is your favorite? I guess right now it's....the Hockey AU?? The response to it has been so wonderful and the story became so much more than I ever imagined it would be!!!
Which one of your works is more popular than you thought it would be? The Hockey Fic!!! I was worried I was smashing too many things into one fic, but it seems to have worked in the end??? and i keep getting more and more inspo to write for more of this AU which is so so good (thank you @sparrow-in-the-field >3<)
Which one of your works is less popular than you thought it would be? Idk??? just getting one hit on my stories astounds me so i'm never upset when something doesn't get as much attention as the others ajfskdslfs
Which one of your fics was hardest to write? Why? Definitely my Sci-Fi AU that i've yet to share. It's a labour of love and i just want it to be perfect for the fandom but also i've edited and reread it so many times i'm so worried it's not good anymore and ghfdjsfkslfsk
What is your favorite fanfic by someone else? THE TOUGHEST QUESTION CAUSE EVERYONE IN THE FANDOM IS SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER let me make a list under a readmore ahgdfjksl
@sparrow-in-the-field 's Quiet Act is ESSENTIAL for anyone in tbitb fandom, it has it all, the pining, the fluff, the angst, the perfect movie references, ugghhgfjdkl it's beautiful and such a good fic to start with if you're not sure where to begin with reading tbitb stuff
@teaforarteza 's On The Border gave me my first "oh. OH" at how perfect Bobby and Don are for each other, plus it's so hot and tender all at once HOW i have definitely had to reread and comment more than once just for my thoughts to catch up aghdfjsk
@arokel 's Light the Kindling is so much fun because we get to meet Percy who I'll protect with my life and we get such soft moments with Don and Bobby that also turn hot and sexy but still so filled with emotion ahhghgjdfskl
@kjxlll 's (getsalami on ao3) Hands, Tears, and Glory has me chomping at the bit every time I reread it. Anonymous sex that turns out "oh shit it's YOU" has a chokehold on me and godddd Bobby gets destroyed in so many delicious ways
@shadowquill17 's hands and voices makes me so weepy and soft and it's just so lovely and beautiful to have a glimpse of our boys after the olympics, when Bobby's assistant coach and he and Don are just so incredibly in love ahhhh
@thesummerpetsalamander 's (pavlovsfrog on ao3) The Sweetest Sounds is another hot one that also had me giggling and kicking my feet. Don and Bobby are so much fun in this modern AU and it's like hffjdsklfsd man oh man
@icegreyrose 's You Have But Slumber'd Here is so so good, I love magic realism and this story just pulls you in, always has a twist that shocks you in the best way and it's so cool and ahhghfjdk
@effervescentyellow 's Oh, But Honey had me in TEARS god so beautiful, it was nostalgic, relatable and just really digs in and nestles into your soul, i'm a constant puddle when I remember it
@kcsplace 's (CaseyStar on ao3) We'll Stay As We Are is gorgeous omgggg I was holding my breath, I was filled with heartache and love all at once, I was worried and reassured all at once, very cathartic if you need to get some emotions out
@dogwooddiaries 's (breakingofdawn on ao3) Undo Me IS AN AMAZING ROLLER COASTER you want a one night stand that turns into something more??? a friendship turned to love??? both Bobby and Don no longer able to deny their feelings for each other???? you got it all in one incredible fic
@borealopelta 's (zargothoraxcore on ao3) it always leads you to my hometown is heart-wrenching and hot and soft and devastating. You want the best and worst time (affectionate) of your life???? read this fic asap and cry with me
@strangethings-everywhere 's (booknerds_unite on ao3) When Our Fingers Touch, I Feel My Way Back Home IS ANOTHER ESSENTIAL FOR TBITB FANS tragic and heartwarming, it'll destroy you and lift you above mountains. And if you're a ww2 buff like me, it makes it all that more emotional and clawing at the ground as your heart bleeds
@crushribbons MY LOVE her xReader and xOFC fics are so much fun!!! i'll admit i've never been a fan of reader/ofc but Laney changed that for me just because her takes are so unique from what I've seen in the past??? Her stories make me laugh, make me emotional, ugghgh like if she can make me a changed man, then you KNOW it's good
of course i can't not mention @savvylittlecoxswain who has been our plethora of information regarding our boys, sharing all these fun facts and details the movie should've taken into account smh ALSO Olie has a wing fic in the works that I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU HAVE NO IDEA
Also please check out FreyasDaughter's From Berlin, With Love because that one is such a good instrospective take on the events in Berlin, a completely different writing style that's so cool, and Joe being the best boyfriend to Joyce I swear its ahhhh
fishyies is another great fic writer who's really tugged at the heartstrings , very real and raw and just makes you take a step back and breath
basically all this to say we have so many good fic writes in tbitb fandom and just choosing one fic is so hard because everyone's style is so unique and fun and amazing and i love you all ;v;
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highdio · 4 months
From what I heard, Mamoru Miyano (+ Matsushita and Arisawa) did have some hand in writing bits of the musical, particularly the ending :/. He also said he has a particular interpretation of Dio, but he was playing coy about what it could entail so who knows it entails. Idk the praise for the musical is just frustrating because as you said, it gets the general outline of the story right (which is probably why some are calling it the 'best' pb adaptation), but the emotional core of the story is warped into something out of a bad fanfic. (but I will admit I like the musical fanart)
Thanks for that info! I didn't know about Miyano, Matsushita and Arisawa shaping the ending, that's pretty funny.
I saw part of an interview where Miyano talks about his impression that manga Dio was only shown on a "surface level," and how the musical script was written with a "human story" in mind. That and some stuff along the lines that he interpreted Dio being "born evil" as having innate talents (intelligence, aetc) but being born poor with a bad father, and thus fated to become evil (which somehow winds up sounding even more deterministic than what Speedwagon said in the manga). Araki always discusses Dio's evil path as being something the character deliberately chose so idk what to tell him lol. I guess I should fix the part in my post where I said it wasn't Miyano's fault that Dio got changed.
You're spot on to call it frustrating, there's a lot the musical does right in terms of how it looks and sounds, and how they made some of the trickier scenes work well on a live stage. Like you said though, I wish they'd kept more of the story's (and specifically Dio's) emotional core because that's what made a lot of us fans in the first place. (Also, agree the fanart is good.)
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