#if I’m not mistaken since he was a lot younger!
xxchumanixx · 5 months
Hii, I have a request Tim Bradford X Grey!reader, I really liked the other one where she is Sergeant Grey’s adoptive daughter.
So basically she is a detective in another station, because you know, conflict of interests since she is his daughter.
she is younger than Tim, so age gap, 25 or so. She is a complete badass fr
and she goes to an undercover mission, a fancy party or something like that, alone. and things kinda get complicated, so the sergeant of the station where she works calls for backup, her father, because they are closer to where she is and also because he thought Wade would want to know his daughter is in danger.
so they get the call, and go to the place, and at first they don’t know she is grey’s daughter. They didn't know he had another daughter and that she was a detective, just because doing this dangerous job he was trying to protect her.
but she was handling things beautifully💅🏻💅🏻, and once they got there she had the suspects under control and was just slightly injured (like her arm idk). And she did it in a dress and in high heels 💅🏻💅🏻. I imagine she would be very sassy like Grey, also kind brag about what she just did. and then she starts flirting with Tim, HARD, in front of everyone and he starts blushing, absolutely melting because of her duh. everyone thought that was it, but no, she then transfers to her father station and from there her and Tim start dating, even if they shouldn’t, so once a few months has passed (and EVERYBODY knew but her father 💀💀, Angela and Nyla were for sure teasing them about it) he goes to Wade and gives up his position (Metro Tim has me in a chokehold 🥵🥵, y/n’s will agree with me for sure, with that cargo pants damn)
and that’s it, sorry it’s pretty long and there are for sure some mistakes, I’m not a native speaker 🥺🥺. Thank u if you will do it ❤️❤️❤️
Give it all
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Tim Bradford x Grey!reader
Warnings/Tags: fluff, reader is Grey's daughter, swearing if you squint, canon typical violence
Word count: 3.386
Authors note: Hello love, thanks for the request! I know it's a hell of a lot late, but I didn't get to write it, because you sadly spoilerd me (I was mid season 2 when you sent your request I think) and I didn't even know what you meant with the cargo pants at first😂 But now that I've watched til the end of season 5 (still waiting with bated breath for season 6 to air in Germany with German sync) I can finally write it.
And I know about those cargo pants now and I have to agree with you. Metro Tim is🔥!
Also, I made the reader a little older, just to stay in the possibilities of becoming a detective at a young age (don't know if it's really possible to become one at 25, so she's 27).
Still hope you'll like it, though!
I suck at titles I'm sorry.
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God damn it.
Why did everything you so neatly planned with your team have to go bust?
It was supposed to be an easy mission - get in, get the intel, get out.
Simple as that.
But nothing ever really goes to plan, does it?
Not to mention the dress you were wearing, intoxicating yet so unpractical. Or the heels at your feet, making it all the more harder to fight.
You were worried about the seam of the dress ripping, as you kicked the guard in front of you down to the ground, sending him asleep with a blow to his face.
It was pretty, but so hard to move in.
"Grey, get your ass out of there and wait for backup!" your commander yelled into the small earpiece you were wearing, making you flinch at his high pitched voice.
If you hadn't known his face, you'd mistaken him for a woman.
Swinging at the man in front of you, you hit his jaw, your fist stinging at the harsh contact. The man reeled back, releasing an angry yell, as he made a run for you.
God damn it.
Ducking away from him you kicked at his legs, using the momentum to disbalance him. He stumbled, but managed to catch himself rather quickly, before he pulled a knife out of his boot.
Groaning inwardly, you tried to avoid the shiny blade, dodging the blow with a jump to the side. It grazed your skin though, a line of blood soon trickling down your left arm.
So much for the dress now being ruined.
The man ran after you, but you pushed a cart into his way. He fell down on it, his weight being his disadvantage, the knife clattering to the ground.
You pinned him down from behind, cuffing him with the binders you'd found earlier. He tried to push you backwards, but you kneed his groin hard, causing him to cry out in agony, as he stopped struggling.
Pushing him to the ground where the other man was lying, you did the same to the unconscious one, tying his wrists together.
"Backup is there!" Granville gave through the earpiece, your eyes rolling at the information.
A bit late, weren't they?
Huffing, you left the men behind, returning to the grand hall where the gala was being held.
Your dress was ruined, stained with the blood that continued to trickle down your arm, dropping to the floor, and your feet hurt.
The room was earily silent, no music or chattering people. Police crowded the room, guns drawn.
You groaned, when you spotted your father amongst them, rolling your eyes for the millionth time this evening.
They watched you, as you walked towards them, your father's eyes widening at the blood. "You're late." you announced loudly, stopping right in front of the aligned officers. "They're in the office back there."
Wade rolled his eyes, motioning for some of the officers to gather the attackers, and for the rest to back down.
God only knew where your constant eye rolling came from.
"Get an ambulance!" he shouted, as the crowd started to disperse, before he walked over to you. Your eyes swiped over the officers, stopping at a particular handsome face.
He was tall, walking towards you and your father, with a female officer on his tail. "Sarge, what about Torres?" he wanted to know, eyes darting to you in curiosity for a brief moment.
Tilting your head, you gave him a once-over. "Didn't know mid Wilshire had such handsome officers." you pointed out, causing his gaze to snap back to yours.
Your father inhaled sharply, not saying anything though. They didn't know you were his daughter, him trying to shield you from threats.
Bradford, as his name tag read, grew a bit red in the face. Clearing his throat, he returned the gesture of giving you a once-over.
"Oh, upstairs are three more guards." you told your father, crossing your arms over your chest. "They should be still asleep, like the ones in the office."
One of his fingers tapped on his waistband, as he tried to calm himself. You were an adult, a detective working at a station farther down the city. You knew what you were doing.
He was still worried as hell, though.
"Good work." he muttered, avoiding to look at you. He couldn't deny that he preferred you to have a normal job, not risking your life when going undercover like this.
Your gaze went back to Sargeant Bradford, the stripes on his sleeves matching your father's. "I'm detective Y/N Grey." you introduced yourself, holding out your non bloody hand for him to shake.
His breath hitched in his throat at the name, still shaking your hand as he introduced himself as well. "Sargeant Tim Bradford."
"I thought we'd talked about this!" your father interrupted you with a hiss, just as your eyes were about to roam the broad figure of Tim Bradford once more.
Rolling your eyes yet again, you smirked at Tim, ignoring the fuming form of your father right beside you. "Nice to meet you."
Some of the other officers where already looking at you, watching the commotion. The woman that had followed Tim - officer Chen - bit her lip to stop from laughing.
Tim's face grew a deeper red in the meantime.
"Are you in a relationship?" you wanted to know, his eyes widening, as your father grabbed your non injured arm, deciding he had enough.
"Look, the ambulance is there." He tried to be calm, his grip harsh though, as he left you no choice but to follow him.
Sending Tim a wink, you smiled. "Hope we'll meet again, sargeant Bradford."
He didn't answer, only watching your retreating figure with deep interest.
After a rather tiresome talk with your father, resulting in both of you shouting at each other, your captain decided to transfer you - to mid Wilshire.
Your father wasn't happy, knowing he'd now have to watch his own daughter getting in harms way.
Things with Tim were getting interesting, after a few weeks had passed.
You'd kept flirting with him, even though he was a bit hesitant at first. Now that you had transferred, everyone knew who's daughter you were.
He didn't want to end on your father's bad side, though still giving into your flirts after a while. Somewhere along the way he'd asked you out on a date.
It resulted in marvelous sex and more dates. It had clicked instantly, things going beautifully between you.
Feelings sparked, soon resulting in a confession.
You'd been walking through the park in the evening, watching the water from a bridge you were standing on.
His arm was around your waist, his warmth engulfing you. You'd been going on dates for two months now, just having left the restaurant. He'd planned to do it in a more romantic way, telling you how he felt.
As the water rippled beneath you, the moon and the lanterns shining down on it, he turned you towards him, your gaze finding his.
"I'm glad you transferred here." he began, taking your hands in his, entwining your fingers. You leaned more into him, heart beating faster in your chest.
"I'm glad we met and I'm glad you still kept flirting with me, even when I was hesitant about it at first." he continued, thumb brushing over your knuckles. "And I'm glad you accepted to go out on a date with me. I really like you, Y/N... I want you to know, that I've grown feelings for you."
He held his breath, waiting for you to respond.
Your lips split in a broad smile, leaning even closer. "Well, I'm glad that you feel this way." you replied, face inching closer. "Because I've grown feelings for you too, Tim."
He sighed in relief, tugging you closer to cover your lips with his. You returned the kiss, his hands on your waist, as yours brushed through his hair, locking behind his neck.
He was like a drug for you.
He'd swept you off his feet when you first saw him, catching your gaze in an instant. For him it was the same, even with the blood that trickled down your arm, the light scar a reminder of the night you met.
"So, when do we get an invitation for a double date?" Angela quipped, stirring her coffee, as she sat down opposite you. Cocking a brow you looked up from your phone, that goofy smile still glued to your face without you noticing.
You'd been texting with Tim, his own shift a later one that had yet to start.
Angela's smile grew warmer, her head tilting. Your brows furrowed at her, confused about the way she was smiling at you.
"Don't act like you don't know what I mean." she told you, eyes narrowing the slightest bit. "It's obvious that you and Tim are dating."
Your cheeks grew warmer, eyes looking down on the table. "Please don't tell my father about it." you asked of her, knowing that denying the obvious wouldn't get you very far.
She huffed in amusement, shaking her head. "Don't worry, I won't tell him."
"Tell whom what?" someone spoke up behind you - Nyla. She poured herself a cup of coffee as well, joining you at the table. "Tell her father that her and Bradford are dating."
Nyla made a dismissive gesture, shaking her head. "Don't worry, it's so obvious, we wouldn't even have to tell him. He'll find out on his own."
Eyes widening, you sat up straighter.
Where you really this obvious?
They must have read your thoughts, snickering into their cups. "It's cute." Angela pointed out, sending you a wink. "But yes, it really is this obvious."
"We can't go on like this." you told Tim the same evening after your talk with Angela and Nyla, forking at the food on your plate.
Tim cocked a brow, wondering what you were talking about. Looking up from your plate, you placed the fork down. "I mean us."
He froze, the pasta falling from his own fork back on the plate, before he placed it down as well. "What do you mean?"
He couldn't shake the fear that suddenly gripped him, eminent in his voice. He'd thought you'd love him?
"We can't keep this a secret anymore." you explained, leaning on your elbows. "Angela and Nyla are constantly teasing me about it. It's obvious, everyone knows except for my father - he would have decapitated me already if he'd know."
His heart stumbled, though relief filled him at your words.
You weren't breaking up with him.
"Then we'll make it official." he proposed, leaning forward as well. You bit your lip, contemplating it. Someday they would find out anyway.
You nodded, sending him a smile. "Let's make it official."
You should have known it would be a bad idea.
You had a deja vu at the way your father was yelling at you, whilst your mother was shaking her head constantly at him.
She knew better than to interrupted him.
It felt like the time you'd set the bathroom on fire, trying to alter a dress of yours when you were young.
Your father had his very own opinion about you trying to be a fashion designer.
You were waiting for him to finish his speech, knee bouncing as you stared at the wall behind him.
He inhaled deeply and you used the opportunity to interrupt him.
"I love him." you told him firmly, standing up from the chair.
Wait, what?
You loved him?
Well, yes, you did.
"I love him and I won't leave him just because you tell me to. You don't like it? Well, you don't have to. I'm an adult, I'm 27 and I can decide on my own. I can choose who I love and who I date, I don't have to ask for your permission."
He was stunned, noticing once more that you were in fact, an adult. You're mother was smiling to herself, never having had any problems with you dating Tim, even if he was a few years older than you.
Wade grumbled something to himself, wondering when you'd grown so much. To him you were still his little girl, he had to protect you.
"I'm okay with leaving mid Wilshire, if I have to. But I won't be leaving Tim." you clarified, crossing your arms over your chest.
He shook his head, wiping over his face with his hand in a tired manner. "Since when are you this grown?" he wanted to know, voice defeated. "You're my little girl, I have to protect you!"
You couldn't help the smile that fought its way onto your lips. "Dad, you don't have to protect me - protect Dom, not me. She's still so young. I'm a grown-up, I can look after myself."
Luna chuckled, agreeing with a tilt of her head. "Our daughter should be free to decide what she wants." she spoke, putting a hand on your father's arm. "Let her date him, don't ruin this for her."
He sighed heavily, head hanging low. Nodding, he looked at his wife, before he looked at you.
"But you're not leaving mid Wilshire."
"I have to." Tim pressured, pecking your lips. "And I want to. Metro is great, it's an opportunity I want to take."
He had proposed to transfer to the metro, after a position had been cleared, giving him a chance he wanted to take. He secretly hoped he'd get the job - it would make things a lot easier and he had thought about it even before you two met.
He'd be going to your father today, giving up his position if the metro was willing to take him in. He'd already talked to their chief, meeting her in a few minutes to discuss things.
You were nervous about it.
Sure, you knew he wanted to go to the metro, but you were worried he'd regret it. But you knew you had to let him do this.
They rest of the day went on like chewing gum.
Whilst you were working on some cases, he talked to the metro. You bad trouble concentrating, Angela soon noticing.
"What's up with you?" she wanted to know, leaning on the small wall that divided your desk and the hallway. Looking up from the papers you'd read three times already, you pushed them aside.
"Tim's trying for a position at the Metro." you told her, leaning your head on your hand. Her eyes widened, letting go of the air inside her lungs. "Wow."
You nodded, biting your lip. "Im happy if he gets the position, but I fear he's doing it because he feels pressured to do." you explained. "I don't want him to regret his decision."
Angela shook her head, adjusting her position. "He won't." she assured you. "Tim knows what he wants. Just as he knows that he wants you. He'd have done everything in his power to ensure that, believe me. If he tries for the position, than it's because he wants to."
You nodded, trying to belive her words.
You really hoped she was right.
Tim wrought his hands nervously, trying to calm his racing heart, before he would face your father.
He had been a bit harsher on Tim since he knew you were dating, but he refused to let it bother him.
Entering the watch commander's office, he braced himself for the conversation ahead of him.
Wade looked up when he entered, putting his pen down and crossing his arms on the desk. "Bradford, what can I do for you?"
Tim closed the door, sitting down on the chair opposite Wade's. "I want to transfer to the Metro." he spoke, getting right to the topic.
Grey's eyes widened - even if he kept a closer eye on him due to the relationship with his daughter, he wasn't willing to give him up that easily.
"Are you sure?" he wanted to know, his eyes wandering to your desk for a brief moment. He couldn't really see you, but he knew you were there - and Angela was as well, still talking to you.
Tim nodded, licking his lip. "I've talked to their chief and their willing to take me in." he explained, swallowing. "I think it's better this way."
Wade rubbed his chin, humming to himself.
"Are you doing this, because you want to, or because you feel forced to?" he inquired, gaze fixed on his Sargeant.
Tim cleared his throat, never breaking eye contact. "Because I want to." he responded. "I was thinking about going to the metro for a while now, not just because of your daughter."
Wade nodded, contemplating.
"Do you love her?"
Tim was taken aback by the question, still nodding fervently. "I do. Why?"
Wade nodded too, looking down on his desk. "Do you plan to marry her?"
Tim choked on his saliva, growing red as he desperately tried to regain his breath. Wade cocked a brow at his flustered face, eyes wide as Tim stared at his watch commander.
"I think it's a bit early for that." Tim gave back, swallowing hard. Wade huffed, leaning back in his chair with crossed arms. "But when the time comes, I would want to."
Wade was pleased to hear that, the smallest smile gracing his lips.
"Well then, if you want to transfer to the metro, I'm sad to see you go but I won't stop you." he told him, sitting more straight again. "It was my honor to be your watch commander."
Tim looked up from his lap, where his eyes had landed moments before, disbelieve evident in his features. Grey sent him a smile, nodding slightly.
"It was my honor, too, Sarge."
You didn't see Tim, before you went home that evening.
Did he get the position?
When he entered his house - you had a key, already having cooked - you couldn't help the impatience that overtook your senses.
"Did you get the position?" you wanted to know, greeting him in the hallway.
He cocked a brow at you, fighting a smirk. "Let me get home first." he chided, shaking his head as the smirk won.
Rolling your eyes, you walked back into the living room, waiting for him to join you at the dining table.
When he did, his hands found your hips, tugging you closer to kiss you. You returned it, sighing contently. He deepened the kiss, but you separated from him.
"Did you get it?"
He rolled his eyes at how impatient you were, but smiled down at you eventually. "I did." You smiled back, happy for him, as you kissed him again.
He smiled into the kiss, before he leaned back. "And I talked to your father."
Your smile fell, a sigh leaving your lips.
"He didn't want to let me go, but he eventually agreed."
Nodding, you bit your lip, the smile slowly returning. You knew that Tim was one of the best at mid Wilshire, and your father knew too.
"Let's eat, baby."
"Damn, those cargo pants make me want to stay instead of going to work."
You bit your lip as you watched him dress, the pants definitely going to be a weak spot for you. He smirked, capturing your lips with his own. "We have to get ready, I don't want to be late on my first day."
The pants in combination with the boots made you go weak in the knees. It was tempting to just seduce him and stay, but you knew he was right.
It didn't mean you wouldn't seduce him later in the evening, though.
"It'll be hard to concentrate when I see you in these pants." you admitted, staring at them. He chuckled, redirecting your gaze with a finger under your chin. "We have to go." he reminded you, grinning.
He had trouble not giving into you and stay as well, so he tried to get you two on your way to work as fast as possible.
You let him walk in front of you, so you could stare at his ass, as he ushered you out of the house.
Damn, those pants would be the death of you.
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@newobsessionweekly @laheysfilm
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cruel-acid · 2 months
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I kinda can’t believe my first ever proper OC card is for Shao Xiang and an event card (I was so sure I’ll at least make dorm uniform Iza first… but oh well)
Technically, Shao Xiang wouldn’t be part of the NRC team and would be like an important guest with his family, but I wanted to make this card anyway! So you get voice lines while I’m working on the groovy version hehe~ See groovy here✨
Summon line: Ugh, I cannot believe I got dragged into this… Well, since I’m already here, might as well have some fun.
Groovy: How awfully hot it is here… Good thing that I brought a fan, is it not?
Home: I’ll come along if it means less time to spend with my parents.
Home idle 1: My family was provided with these peacock masks, but both Father and Mother refused to wear them. Their loss, if you ask me, I find the design quite lovely.
Home idle 2: In such heat, it is essential to keep yourself hydrated. Would you like to join me for some tea?
Home idle 3: I’m hoping to find some unique fabric specimen on this trip. They might be of good use for my collection…
Home idle - login: I would much prefer to visit the market again or even stay at the hotel rather than go watch this tournament… Maybe I should follow housewarden’s advice and fake sickness…?
Home idle - groovy: Sitting by the waterfall like this is rather calming… A perfect spot to think or read. As long as it’s quiet, that is.
Home tap 1: My cloak? Oh yes, I was given a blue one to match with my family, but I swapped it. I quite like this more remarkable look.
Home tap 2: Ah, I’ve seen Ā Vil getting hurt at the match. What a shame that I didn’t get a chance to talk to him and ask if everything is alright… I’ll make sure to do so once we meet in college.
Home tap 3: I have to admit, I quite like the occasional change in my hair - braids are quite a bizarre choice, but they look good on me. At least Qin qin said so.
Home tap 4: I didn’t exactly enjoy watching the Bead Brawl - I find tournaments like this nothing more than cheap show off of brutal strength. It was rather funny to see the express of Viper xué dì when he saw his housewarden on the arena, though.
Home tap 5: There are quite a lot of fresh fruits here at the bazaar… I wonder if I should buy some for Qin qin to bake something with them.
Home tap - groovy: I’ve bought this fan on this trip to add to my collection. The embroidery depicts the same flower as in my hair - it’s called Caesalpinia, but it’s more commonly called a Peacock flower. I think it’s rather beautiful, even though quite corny
// for those wondering, Ā is something added to the names of good friends, xué dì is a way to address younger schoolmates and Qin qin is a way to address your lover, in this case, Shao Xiang’s boyfriend (or at least that’s what I’ve found on the internet… terribly sorry if I’m mistaken)
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ferie-anon · 2 years
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🧩Astro • Observations🧩
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🎧 People with uranus in 6th may have unexpected health problems relating to their stomach. Since 6th house is the house ruled by virgo which virgo rules digestive system, uranus can cause unexpected health problems related to ur stomach 🫠 eg. I have a sensitive stomach due to the prominence of my virgo placements (having virgo moon, rising, and venus) and having uranus in 6th also, I sometimes get stomachaches or stomach cramps unexpectedly.
🎧 If you have a planet conjunct to your ascendant, people may mistaken or guess your sun sign as the sign of that planet conjunct to your ascendant. For ex: I have moon conjunct ascendant and sometimes people guess I’m a cancer sun which is the sign that is ruled by the moon.
🎧 Water rising signs often attracts attention for their style or are seen as magnetic to others. Scorpio risings often have an edgy, sad girl/sad boy aesthetic, grunge, or skater look, they may have a charismatic or fierce look to their eyes (almond shaped). Eg. Lana del rey and Sydney Sweeney has scorpio rising. Pisces risings have a sleepy ethereal look with round soft eyes, interchangeable unique style while maintaining a dreamy vibe. Cancer risings styles fall with the sweetheart, gentleman, and elegant look. They may look younger than they are physically.
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🎧 Sag mars may have an athletic figure or fit figure, these people tend to take hobbies and interests that are related to movement, whether its playing sports or dancing etc.
Additionally I notice sag mars and pisces mars make for very groovy and good dancers, they’re able to catch the flow and movement - Eg. Winwin from Nct has sag mars and Ten has pisces mars, Chaeryeong from Itzy has sag mars and Yuna from the same group has pisces mars (these idols are known for their dancing skills)
🎧 The stereotypes regarding Tauruses liking food isn’t true all the time but it is notable that taurus placements have a certain relationship with food, whether they diet or use food as comfort. Audrey Hepburn was a taurus sun but she always maintained a slim figure thru strict diet for her roles and career, but also ate healthily when she allowed herself to.
🎧 Virgo suns with cancer placements in the kpop industry are admired for their visuals, they can be chic, elegant, cute, cool etc. They may be good at modeling as well, knowing how to pose and express their different looks and vibes thru their eyes and etc. Eg. Joy from Red velvet and Wonyoung from Ive. Additionally, if they have cancer venus with Virgo sun, it may tie to how others are attracted and appealed to their energy, virgo + cancer = put together, elegant, magnetic, always looking stylish in a sense.
🎧 Mutable sign energy(sag, virgo, gemini) + mercury energy (gemini, 3rd house, virgo, 6th house) = rambling on and on about a topic or their thoughts. I have a friend who is a gemini sun and virgo moon, he rambles on to try to get the words/phrase right or his thoughts out, and he just keeps chatting on while you're clearly concerned if he should take a breath and pause. I have another friend who is a sag moon with mercury in 3rd house and she rambles on but instead messes up the words a lot and when she's texting she has so many typos lol.
Sag + gemini energy in the chart makes them chaotically energetic when they're passionate about a topic when with friends. Gemini + virgo energy makes for an interesting conversation that touches on different topics in one sitting and it's neverending. And my virgo moon and 1st house stellium is here for it.
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swissboyhisch · 4 months
You Can't Be Serious
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Pairing: Matthew Tkachuk x OC
Summary: A night out celebrating brings co-workers closer than what they thought possible. With the help of a little alcohol.
Word Count: 1346
Warnings: Probably crossing work boundaries. Alcohol. Kissing. Blurry consent.
A/N: This is for @offside-the-lines Birthday Bingo!! Happy birthday to one of my favourite Aussie girlies. I know it was a couple weeks ago but Birthday month is the best thing to celebrate!
My choice of four bingo boxes were:
Drunken Confessions
Rivals (enemies) to Lovers
Mistaken Identity
Sorry it's so late but work became a little stressful and unpredictable. But I got it in just in time! I really hope you enjoy this as it definitely had me writing tropes I haven't before. Happy birthday Rox <3
Also shoutout to @mp0625 for being my beta. Always can count on you!
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Cora sighed happily as she finally stepped foot into her apartment, taking off her shoes and collapsing onto the couch. Even though it was a lost cause as she’d be leaving again to meet the boys at the bar, they had organized to celebrate the team clinching a playoff spot. Some country bar that the boys liked to go have a good time at when celebrating a win.
As one of the off-ice fitness trainers, she spent a lot of time with the players, creating great friendships. Cora was the only woman in the facility's fitness physio and trainers team and the youngest by far. She had done a traineeship last season, and when the head physio left, he suggested that she come onto the team as one of the other men would be taking his position. As the only woman, the boys had taken to her like family, and suddenly, she had 22 brothers. 
Notice the 22 and not 23? Well one of the team decided she was annoying and just looking for attention. Even when she was just doing her job. Matthew Tkachuk, ever since she started her traineeship, had taken a liking to pissing Cora off whenever he could. If she had to spot him while he did weights, he would do the opposite. She was younger than him and telling him what to do? Yeah right. 
But he had been injured for the last 4 weeks so the two had been spending more time than usual working together making the tension peak. Hopefully, with Matthew being back on the ice tonight, he will have simmered back down before he said something to make Cora strangle him. He was holding it against her that he wasn’t allowed to play yet. Like it was solely her fault for not clearing him to play.
Instead of wallowing and thinking about the dumbass that was Ratthew, Cora pulled herself off the couch and into her bathroom where she could shower and get ready. She was thankful that quite a few of the girlfriends, wives and family members were also coming so she wouldn’t be the only woman within the group.
Cora chose to wear a red lacy bodysuit and a black denim skirt with a leather jacket to finish off the look. A bold red lip and simple smokey look with curled hair made her look out of this world. Something the boys weren’t used to as they only ever saw the woman in athletic clothes and team gear. She traded in her worn pair of Nikes for a pair of trusty black heeled boots. She knew by the time she ordered her uber and got to the bar, some of the players and family would already be there so she grabbed her clutch that had her phone, portable charger and ID in it. The uber luckily wasn’t that long for a Friday night. 
“Cora!” Yana Tarasenko yelled as the young woman climbed out of the SUV.
“Yana,” She laughs, being brought into a hug. 
The pair intertwined their arms and made their way through the security with Vlad to where there was already a group gathering in the back corner around multiple booths and tables. Players, partners and family alike were all chatting away happily, nearly all with some kind of drink in their hand. Whether it be alcoholic or not. 
“I’m going to get a drink,” Cora yells over the music to Yana who nodded and waved her off. 
Yana found a seat with some of the other girls in a corner booth tucked behind the boys. Cora found herself at the bar, ordering her usual vodka cranberry along with two tequila shots. If she was to get through this social gathering, to be what she deemed as a normal, she needed a few drinks. Hence the shots. When she wasn’t paying attention, a body slid into the bar right beside her. 
“Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?” A familiar voice spoke up over the Carrie Underwood song that was blaring. 
Cora turned slowly, not wanting to believe what she had heard. There beside her, and apparently hitting on her, was an already tipsy Matthew Tkachuk. What the actual fuck? Those words did not just come out of his mouth.
“Tkachuk,” Cora muttered uninterested.
“So you’re a fan?”
Cora laughed, “You can’t be serious…” The curly-haired boy looked confused for a moment. Which to Cora was comical. “Matthew, we literally–” 
“Cora!” Barkov shouted when he saw her at the bar. He brought her into a hug, but she didn’t miss the shocked look that crossed Matthew’s face.
“Cora?” He gasped.
Instead of wasting time, she disappeared onto the dance floor with some of her friends dancing and sipping her cocktail. A few of the girls were cheering her on when she shook out her hair that she had put into a clip for the trip to the bar. They were all having fun, enjoying themselves. When the first few notes of Kesha’s song Take It Off played, Cora let out an excited squeal. She had practiced the line dance a heap after seeing it on TikTok. 
“Go Cora!” The girls yell as she races to the middle of the circle with quite a few other bar patrons. 
As the chorus came up, Cora stripped off the jacket she was wearing and waved it around in the air above her head. She thrived on the attention of all the girls and their partners cheering her on. Matthew had stepped up beside them and watched the girl he had come to be so frustrated with. After the song came to an end the group pulled her into the circle, showering her with compliments on the side of her she’s never shown to the team.
“You make not liking you hard when you move your hips like that,” Matthew whispers, coming up behind the dancing girl as the attention turns elsewhere. 
She could faintly smell the beer on his breath but she was probably just as drunk. “Matt…”
Cora leant back against Matthew’s body as his arms came to wrap around her waist. His fingers tickled her skin through the lace bodysuit. Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy started to play as the two swayed together in time with the beat. 
“Wanna get out of here?” Matthew yelled over the music after another hour of drinking and dancing. 
Cora giggled, “Let’s go.”
Without saying goodbye to any of the team or partners, the two slipped out of the bar and into the back of an Uber that Matthew had ordered. The two laughed and whispered on the journey back to his apartment. Cora was helped out of the car by Matthew and led up to the 11th floor of the apartment complex. 
“You frustrate me to no end,” Matthew mumbles against Cora’s lips as he pushes her to the now-closed door. 
Cora frowns at the words, “What? Why?”
“You held me off the ice even when I was all good to play.”
That made Cora step away. Even though the two were definitely tipsy, probably drunk if you look at the true definition, it hurt to hear that. “I can promise you it was for the best.”
“But I was good to play…”
“We knew we’d make the playoffs, why risk you getting injured and missing the playoffs? Why risk our best player?” 
Those words coming out of Cora’s mouth made Matthew’s thoughts flip. He had only thought of himself that Matthew hadn’t considered the team and the future of the season of he had made his injury worse. 
The silence was worrying to Cora. What was running through his head? “Matthew?”
The curly-haired boy pulled her close again and pressed his lips to hers. It was addicting… For both parties. The two stripped off clothes, leaving a trail to his bedroom.
“I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you,” Cora slurs as they fall onto the bed together. 
Matt grins, “I know I’m in love with you.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras
@francesfarhadi @cixrosie @dasiysthings @dancerbailey3 @puckmaidens
@cole-mcward48 @sammiejane22 @rleigh-47 @devilsandpensfan @luca-fantilli
@books-hlmc @kajasagmo @poufsouffle21 @there-goes-thefighter @totallynotrobotic
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plasticbag3207 · 7 months
Vox: Flatscreen vs. Box (CRT)
One thing has been mildly bothering me when it comes to people’s interpretation of Vox, specifically when showing him off in older settings: his portrayal (or lack thereof) as a box TV.
Obviously we all know he was a CRT (cathode ray tube; this is the more technical name for “Box TV” or “old-style tv”). We see him with this style of TV head in the picture of him and Val on the desk in Val’s room. (S1 E2 at about 7:27)
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Not the highest quality photo, my bad, but it still gets the point across. We can also assume that this picture was probably taken in the 70s, since that’s when Valentino died. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say late 70s, maybe early 80s.
CRT tvs have really only gone out of fashion recently, and flatscreens have only been common for the last 15-20 years. Although unlikely, it’s not impossible for Velvette to have been in Hell before Vox transferred to a flatscreen TV. Despite this, I still see a lot of people drawing Vox with a flatscreen way before they existed—or in general acting like he’s been a flatscreen way longer than he has.
I want to be clear and say that this doesn’t bother me a ton, and I still love all the art regardless. It’s just the little history nerd in me trying to point these things out and being mildly bothered by it.
I have a feeling it’s probably caused by a lot of younger people in the fandom that maybe weren’t old enough to remember their families having a CRT tv, or maybe they were born after their family had upgraded to a flatscreen? I don’t know. Maybe I’m all wrong with that idea, and the artists are purposely drawing him with a flatscreen because they prefer it?
Another headcanon of mine that I haven’t seen a ton of people talking about, that would support Vox not having a flatscreen until quite recently: new tech probably takes longer to get to hell.
When explaining this to my friend I used the analogy of how trends (fashion, architecture, lifestyle, internet, etc.) in the US tend to start on the coasts and work their way towards the center. By the time they even reach the Midwest, some of the shorter fads are already out of style on the coasts.
I sort of assumed this is how things work with hell and earth. Tech is invented/innovated on earth first, and generally takes a little longer for it to become common in Hell. Also, as far as we know (unless I’m mistaken) the main way hell finds out about the goings on on Earth is via sinners dying and relaying their expanded knowledge on to the rest of hell.
If this headcanon proves to be true, then that would push back the date when Vox upgraded to a flatscreen even more.
Idk, this is all just me rambling and just some food for thought. No hate to any artists or writers that have been portraying Vox as a flatscreen before it would make sense for him to have one.
Also rest in peace to all of the hazbin fans who were too young to have the life experience of almost being crushed by one of those old CRT TVs. Really missed out on that character building moment.
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rosypenguins · 15 days
🍃🌸Green Gang Headcanons!🌸🍃
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🩷Surprisingly a lot stronger than he seems. (Carries 40lb bags of gardening soil like it’s nothing.)
🩷Always really warm for some reason.
🩷Probably has terrible posture. Man is always hunched over.
🩷His hands are probably really shaky too. Even when he’s relaxed.
🩷Would 100% listen to Cavetown.
🩷Plays FPS games with Milly suprisingly. (Thank you @ratkingnezu for this one. 🙏)
🩷He probably secretly loves MLP. (And when Milly found out they definitely binged the series together.) (His favorite character’s Fluttershy.)
🩷Gives names to all his plants.
🩷Aurizzm King. 👑 (He’s literally so charming without even trying.)
🩷 Probably doesn’t know what a twink is. (But if he had it explained to him he’d probably unashamedly agree that he is a twink.)
🩷Would probably be more than comfortable wearing a skirt.
🩷“I need a kind of woman that’ll actually just kill me.”
🩷Needs reassurance 24/7. (Milly leaves him alone for two minutes. “She probably hates me…”)
🩷Terrified of rejection. (Literally avoids doing things just so he can’t be rejected.)
🩷Literally the whiniest person with the people he’s comfortable around.
🩷Finds ways to win arguments in the shower. (But clams up in any real confrontation.)
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🖤Probably gets mistaken as an adult a lot. (Everyone assumes he’s around 21-25.)
🖤95% of his wardrobe is just tracksuits. Man wears nothing else. (He’d totally wear one on a date or something and think nothing of it. 😭)
🖤Lifts 200lbs. “I’m gonna be so good at hugging.”
🖤Listens to a lot of heavy metal, but specifically the songs that have like the really soft vocals and absolutely insane drums.
🖤Oh but you know he also listens to Sabrina Carpenter whenever he goes jogging.
🖤Good at pretty much any sport he tries. (Even without any practice.)
🖤Probably likes his food really bland. Like he seasons nothing.
🖤Refuses to kill bugs if they get inside. Traps them in cups and takes them outside.
🖤Momma’s boy 100%.
🖤He’d be the type of boyfriend to overhear his partner off-handedly mention they’ve been craving strawberries, then go out to a strawberry field to pick only the finest of strawberries to bring home, wash, cut, and serve to his partner. (And then he says nothing about it afterwards.) (Man would be DEDICATED.)
🖤Physically incapable of talking to girls. (Or anyone he deems attractive really.)
🖤He’s one of those people that’ll just linger in the corners of social gathering for like two hours, surveying the vibes and conversations without realizing how creepy he’s coming off as, and only once he’s figured out the topic of discussing and how everyone’s feeling, he’ll try to blend into the conversation and not understand why everyone seems a little off-put by him.
🖤Has a really bad habit of just staring at people. (Probably likes people-watching in general.)
🖤The gardening club has a group-chat and Bradley refuses to talk in it. Like, the most he’ll do is send some Instagram reel of a cat, then go back to lurking for the next several months.
🖤Probably has that damn pineapple in his room still, which he talks to sometimes. 🍍
🖤Sometimes just leaves conversations without really saying anything. Like someone will be in the middle of talking and he’s just “-aight, I’m out.”
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💚She’s really bad about staying asleep. She tends to wake up at like 3:00am every other night, and since I like to imagine her and Dom share a room, she probably wakes him up sometimes.
💚Midnight snacker 100%.
💚She’s really quiet when she moves, so sometimes it seems like she just spawns in when she’s actually been standing there for several minutes. (She’s fully aware of this and likes using it to startle people.)
💚Along with spiders I think she’d like sharks too.
💚Loves being in the dark.
💚Sensitive to loud noises.
💚Her and Dom were always bringing bugs inside the house when they were younger.
💚Was obsessed with fairies when she was younger. But not the pretty Disney fairies. She liked the fairies from mythology that would curse people and steal names. (She’d pretend to steal Dom’s name all the time.)
💚Also had a Warrior Cats phase. (She had a whole medicine cat OC and can still name all the herbs used in the books.)
💚Doesn’t really get mad often, but when she does she’s terrifying. (Even Dom get’s a little on-edge.)
💚Really bad at reading facial expressions and social cues. Unless something is directly stated she’s going to be very confused.
💚Neither her nor Dom have a single pair of normal white socks. They always have to be brightly colored, or have fun patterns on them.
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🧡When he first saw Ratatouille, it became his whole personality for like a month. (He still refers to every rat as Remy.)
🧡Probably watches Dragon Ball.
🧡Really likes Squishmallows.
🧡One of those people who wants like literally every animal as a pet. (Despite being fully aware that many of the animals he wants very well might kill him.)
🧡Probably still afraid of the dark. (And keeps a night-light in his bedroom.)
🧡Very accident-prone. (And has probably broken several bones before.)
🧡Pan. (And absolutely terrible at flirting.)
🧡He’s surprisingly good at reading people, but only because he knows what patterns and smaller details to look for. (He’s a little better with social cues than Faye, but not by much.)
🧡Cuts his own hair. Thinks hairstylists are a scam.
🧡Probably draws on his shoes.
🧡I like to think the sweater he wears is actually too small for him. (Considering the sleeves cut off a little short.) He outgrew it last year but he’s emotionally attached to it so he refuses to wear anything else.
🧡Had a Wings of Fire phase. (Is probably still in said phase.)
🧡Looks at obviously hot object. “Hm, I wonder if this is hot.” Places hand on hot object to check. Shocked when it burns him.
🧡Him and Faye always had to pull out the measuring tape whenever they were told to split something.
🧡He’s probably a lot more protective of Faye than he lets on. (He’s probably older by like, 5 minutes and refuses to let Faye forget that.)
🧡Left-handed. (Not really a headcanon I just wanted to point this out. If you go back to the first episode of the spin-off you can see Dom’s pencil’s on his left side. He later uses his left hand to spin the pencil around, too.)
🧡He likes stealing Elliot’s glasses to see how bad Elliot’s vision is.
🧡Him and Faye have oddly good senses of smell.
🧡The biggest baby when he’s sick. (Yet he actively refuses to take medicine.)
🧡Probably a secret anarchist.
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mrssabinecallas · 2 years
Gekko as your Boyfriend |H.C.|
Pairing: Mateo “Gekko” De La Fuente/ GN! Reader
In which we take a dive into what Gekko would be like as your Boyfriend!
CW: Fluff, The Critters (❤️), Reader is assumed to be a part of VP
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Ok starting off, you cannot tell me his creatures wouldn’t love you. If Gekko likes you, they like you.
(snuggles with dizzy, playing games with wingman, etc)
His love language is quality time, with physical touch as a close second.
He just wants to be around you 24/7, with you in his arms and just loving each other.
He doesn’t care what dates are like. As long as he gets to be with you and see you smile, hes the happiest man in the world.
Would def let you dye his hair, or ask you to help if he needs to dye it. He thinks it looks better when you do it (and he totally doesn’t just want to spend time with you)
Matching tattoos?
yes. matching tattoos.
Imagine he had a little heart of your favorite color on his wrist, and you had a matching one of his favorite color on yours (i’m melting)
Boba dates are a must
If you have never had boba, he is just so excited to introduce you to the world of flavors you can explore
If you do like boba, expect to have it a lot, he likes to come home and surprise you with it a lot.
Since your on the Protocol with him, you both like to train together
One time, Brimstone caught you both kissing in the commons area, he almost had a stroke.
(He had to go find Sage to tell you to both knock it off because he thought it would be awkward if he did it)
((it would be))
You’re both best friends with Neon, but you do get jealous of her sometimes.
Gekko and Neon just had this chemistry that can be mistaken for romantic, but they both assure you it’s totally platonic.
If you ever got hurt out on a mission, he would be right there to take care of you in any way he could, and vice versa.
He absolutely hated seeing you get hurt, so much so that he would jump in front of you to protect you
It was cute
Once he threw himself in front of the line of fire and took a bullet to the shoulder, yet refused to get out of the way.
It was sweet, but you hated seeing him hurt as much as he hated seeing you hurt.
Sage was not happy that he was being so reckless.
In which Mateo would tell her it was his knight in shining armor moment.
I feel like he would brag about you a lot.
Like “I have the best parter in the world, they’re so caring and… ugh I miss them so much, Im going to call them.”
He wouldn’t talk to Reyna about you at first though, he was scared of her
When he did start to open up about your relationship to her, she started to like you more.
You always thought Reyna was constantly judging you, but when she came around, she protected you and Mateo like you were her younger siblings.
She secretly holds so much love for you both in that small heart of hers.
Did i mention skating dates?
They’re a must.
If you don’t know how to skate, Mateo wants to teach you so bad he literally drags you out to do it.
(It’s totally not an excuse to hold your waist as he keeps you balanced)
If you do know how to skate, y’all are constantly competing. Races, Tricks, anything you can think of, you’ll challenge each other.
You really do bring out the best in each other
Except for that one time that Mateo broke his board because he was angry you beat him…
He’s been super gentle with his gear since that day.
You also learned to let him win most of the time
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welcome to my gekko arc.
I will write for other valorant agents, juuuust mostly gekko :>
My inbox is open! ask away people!!
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Welcome! I hope you'll settle in with the other interactive stories.
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Thank you! I’m excited to be working on this.
Kieran: Wasn’t born noble, so had had to work very hard to get a noble’s education. Though they’ve taken well to most skills, they’ve never gotten the hang of the arts. They’ve developed a nervousness around horses after falling off a horse when they were younger. They enjoy sailing and swimming a lot, considering Celestyl is mostly surrounded by water. While their father largely ignores them, much to Kieran’s dismay, when he does pay attention he always makes sure to impart Kieran with a….gift, of sorts, be it a scar or a crippling fear of rats.
Aurynn: Absolute peacock of a man, by all appearances. Often mistaken for a girl, but this doesn’t really bother him. Despite coming from a distant offshoot of a Theian noble house, he doesn’t act very noble and in fact seems to often forget things a noble really should know. Perhaps he never paid much attention during his lessons? Very competitive but only if he feels his rival is better at something than he is - then he feels a need to prove himself better than them. Makes too many suicidal jokes.
Samira: Came out as trans during her teen years. Has two younger brothers and a father to take care of. Her other father passed away when she was much younger. Always pays back what others do for her; she makes sure to send a sum of money to her best friend/mentor/surrogate mother, who trained her to heal. Enjoys gardening. Will not tolerate reckless and dangerous behavior considering she has to clean up after it — she WILL berate you for getting stupidly injured. Endlessly annoyed by Aurynn. Hard-working to a fault, she can’t accept help unless it’s framed as though allowing you to help her would be her doing you a favor.
Nihm: Loved their older brother and father dearly, and was devastated by their loss. Only met their mother a few times when she has visited from a distant foreign country, but they’ve never held it against her. It is not uncommon for there to be many single parent households in Celestyl. Their House has served the Celestylian royal family for generations as retainers; children from House Circené are paired with children from the royal family at a young age to ensure they develop a deep and trusting bond. Nihm has known Alektis since she was a baby.
Lilith/Lucien: Bears some nasty burn scars, though avoids directly answering where they got them from — their story changes every time. Enjoys climbing trees and buildings, black and purple roses, and generally being a nuisance. They care little for what others think of them, but they seem to hold a particular soft spot for you. Despite being sure you’ve never met, you can’t help but feel there is something familiar about L.
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insertlovelyperson · 8 months
We talk about this in a disorganized way on here and on the server (and obviously some version of your hc is in your fic) but what do you think the counselors’ families are like? Whose parents are still married, divorced, dead? Who has siblings and who doesn’t? Who’s best friends with their siblings and who has major sibling rivalry?
Great ask! Really interesting to think about since we don’t get a whole lot of insight into the counselor’s families… 
Starting off with Ryan since he’s probably the one with the most info in game: absent mother (root of his abandonment/trust issues) and dead father. In his conversation with Chris about animation school (unless I’m mistaken) Ryan mentions his mom but not his dad: “Whether or not I should like, leave my sister with my grandparents… and my mom’s not exactly around so…” I just don’t think he’d be worried about leaving his sister with his grandparents and not his mother if she was still present in his life. And the fact that he doesn’t even mention his dad suggests to me that the man probably died when he was younger, and might be the reason he latches onto Chris as sort of a surrogate father-figure. I think he’d have a good relationship with his sister before camp (outside of standard sibling squabbles), but after the night everything goes down, it becomes strained for a couple of years.
Next, onto a head canon partially brought on by the cut-content leaks: Abi’s parents are divorced (and she’s a middle child of three girls—but that’s just me). It was a nasty divorce the resulted in a split-custody agreement for alternating weeks. She preferred staying at her dad’s house because her mom liked her older sister more than her. And while her dad likes her little sister more, he wasn’t as obvious with the favoritism (that, and she actually has a good relationship with her little sister).
In a somewhat similar vein: Nick is the youngest of three boys that were all born within one or two years of each other. And similar to Abi, he often feels like his parents (happily married, unlike hers) prefer them over him. Maybe the eldest is some star, prodigy athlete and the second eldest is this genius that ends up being valedictorian. And Nick’s just… Nick. And it’s not his brothers’ fault that he feels this way, or even their parent’s favoritism, but he can’t help but resent them a little for it (maybe not helped by the fact the first girl he ever dated broke up with him and started dating his brother, and then his entire extended family made him feel like the crazy one for being upset by that). I could see him making an AITA post on reddit about it and then going no-contact for a year.
Jacob is the baby of the family. I see him having an older sister (older by 7+ years) and a single mom. And while he rolls his eyes and bemoans all the ‘nagging,’ he wouldn’t change it for anything.
Laura strikes me as someone who has an authoritative father and a mother that grins and bears it. And while she loves her mom, she can’t help but sometimes resent her for not sticking up for us. When she’s old enough, she leaves and never looks back. Meanwhile: Max is an only child with a great relationship with his parents. When Laura moves out, she moves in with them and they treat her like their own daughter (in law).
Emma is also an only child, but unlike Max, she has a less than stellar relationship with her parents. I feel like her mom and dad would be really devoted to their work, and while it earns them an extremely comfortable (and wealthy) lifestyle, she can’t help but feel like an afterthought sometimes. That being said, it doesn’t stop them from being overbearing when she needs it the least, and without any siblings to help shoulder the burden that that attention brings... its like a pendulum swinging from each extreme: suffocation or isolation.
I feel like I switch up Dylan’s family dynamic with each new WIP I start. In the first (very, very canon divergent) fic I ever wrote, it was an absent mother and a present (but emotionally distant) father. And while that interpretation is very near and dear to my heart, I feel like it’s not really cognizant of the canon version of him. To me, he grew up in a small town in the midwest as the only child of a pastor. He was in the church choir, attended every bible study, and told everyone who’d listen that he planned on being a youth minister. He was even in the Boy Scouts!  As soon as he turned eighteen, he packed a bag, took his cat, and left his parents a note with some things he thought they ought to know about him. He’s pretty sure they never bothered looking for him after that. He thinks they might’ve even told people he’d died.
Kaitlyn is the oldest of four (all brothers), and she has a pretty solid relationship with both parents. Her mom’s a mechanic at a local auto body shop that taught her how to shoot, and her dad’s a mild mannered accountant. She loves them all more than anything (though, she’s the closest with her dad). 
In conclusion, Kaitlyn and Max @ everyone else:
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notelcol · 9 months
In which Childe visits Dragonspine❄️
Part one.
The frigid cold of Mondstadt’s Dragonspine should have felt comforting to Childe. But instead, it was just another painful reminder that he didn’t know when he would be able to return home to Snezhnaya. He would never admit it out loud, but he had become somewhat homesick. Not for the place itself, but for the people within it. He shook his head, refusing to let these thoughts distract him. He had been sent to check in on his comrades in the mountain, so that is what he must focus on.
When he reached the settlement at the base of the mountain, a lady in an adventures uniform stopped him to explain about the dangers. He already knew all of her warnings, coming from the Cryo Nation. So, he allowed his eyes to wander until they landed on a little boy with hair similar to his own. The boy had his back to him, facing the mountain as if awaiting someone.
“Excuse me.” The harbinger muttered and walked away from the woman who was trying to advise him. He ignored her offended calls and grabbed the little boys shoulder.
“Tuecer?” He asked, a hint of hope barely peaking through. The little boy turned around and Childe sighed.
“My mistake little man! You look a lot like my younger brother.” A chuckle covered his embarrassment.
“I am not little!” The boy stamped his feet, causing a genuine laugh to erupt from the red-headed harbinger.
“Looks like I’m mistaken again!” With a smile on his face, Childe began to walk in the direction of the mountain.
“Wait!” The boy tugged on Childe’s coat. “You look strong…are you going up the mountain?” He asked, in a timid voice that had not matched his previous tone. This captured Childe’s attention. What could have this clearly headstrong boy so worried? The harbinger crouched low.
“I sure am! Why do you ask?” Childe tilted his head, now face to face with the young boy.
“My father went up the mountain a long time ago. He told me he would be back by now! My big sister went to look for him a couple days ago but….” The boy trailed off and looked to the mountain, trying to hide his welling eyes from the man in front of him.
Childe wished he could have ignored his feelings in that moment and be the soldier he was trained to be. But, deep down he never would have been able to leave Dragonspine without helping this boy. His thoughts kept circling back to what he would do if this was Tuecer, left alone in the cold to wait for family who may never return. The harbinger groaned as he rubbed his face. This would slow him down a lot. Taking too long on this mission would get him punished, and most likely extend his time without seeing his family. Nevertheless, he asked the boy for his name. Hopefully, his young eyes widened as he spoke.
“Joel. My name is Joel.”
Childe threw little Joel his biggest smile before clapping his hands together.
“Well then Joel, I better get up that mountain and bring your family home!” The small boy jumped at the harbinger and squeezed him into a grateful hug. Childe ruffled Joel’s hair before setting off down the path, wondering if he really could reunite this family?
Joel’s sister’s POV.
You no longer knew how long you had been trudging around this mountain. Your rations were almost gone and you were exhausted. You had followed your fathers trail, which had ended abruptly leaving you lost and without any clues as to his location. You threw your bag to the ground and pulled at your hair. There was nothing more you could do. You knew you should go home to Joel, he had been alone for too long already. However, the idea of returning without your father was heavy enough to weigh you to this mountain forever.
After a short break to gather yourself, you decided to search all the nearby paths again before widening your search radius. Night had begun to fall for the second time since you left home, bringing an eerie air to the small path you treaded. The cold was beginning to get to you. Your fingers were aching and feet numb. You knew you should have found shelter and rested, but your father could not wait. He could have been hurt out there in the freezing snow. You would walk until you found him. You picked up your pace and turned the next sharp corner, bumping straight into something. Something big.
A rumble shook the snow from the rocks around you as you came toe to toe with a ginormous lawachurl. It threw its arms to the ground, causing shards of ice to rise up. You pulled your sword, an iron sting, from your back and tried to find your stance. Terror shook throughout your body as the lawachurl drew its leg back in preparation to charge. You swallowed loudly as it began to speed in your direction. Hands shaking around the hilt of your sword, holding it tighter than ever before, you raised it a little higher. If you timed your swing right, maybe you could get away. You fought the urge to close your eyes as the beasts breath wafted onto your face and you started to swing.
Just as your sword was about to reach the beasts face, a wind current whisked you into the sky. You didn’t stop to question it and deployed your glider. The wind whipped against your cheeks as you flew to safety. You landed unceremoniously with a thud and fell to the floor. You stayed there a moment on your hands and knees, taking in the warmth coming from the statue of the seven you had found yourself at. Erratic breaths left your lungs as you tried to grasp what just happened. When you finally lifted your sight from the frosted stone path, you could not believe your eyes. An anemo vision floated in front of you before dropping into your open hands. You could feel that it was meant for you. The moment you touched it, it became an extension of your determination. Your laugh echoed down the mountain and back again. There was no way you wouldn’t find your father now. You opened your bag to take a sip of water before continuing, only to find your bottle wasn’t there. You removed your back fully and looked at it properly, only to see it had been split in the fight. Everything was gone.
“No. No. No.” You frantically searched the bag, hoping you would find something. But nothing remained except the small pack of berries Joel had slipped in the front pocket. You fell to the floor once more. The joy of receiving a vision dissipated along with your rations and chance of survival.
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teecupangel · 1 year
A/b/o DesMal?? (Desmond x malik)
Okay, so this could be set in a Modern Day AU or Desmond gets booted into the Third Crusades but here are some of the things that would happen:
Desmond would obviously be mistaken for Altaïr unless they get closer and sniff him. That’s why, as weird as it sounds, anytime Desmond is mistaken for Altaïr, he just sighs and says “Come closer and sniff me”. There’s a lot of different reaction to that one.
We can go for the route of Altaïr and Desmond are twins or cousins. Or we can go for the route of they’re not related and this is a quirk of fates or some shit. (Even in the case of Desmond getting booted into the Third Crusades, Desmond would have to pick one of those choices because saying “he’s my ancestor and I’m a time traveler.” isn’t really an option)
Malik is one of the few people who can differentiate the two without having to sniff (Desmond) or be glared at (Altaïr). He doesn’t say it but that’s because he can always smell Desmond’s scent even before he should be close enough for Malik to see him.
Desmond smells like freshly baked sweet bread to Malik.
Malik smells like cotton candy to Desmond. He can’t really explain it but it’s not that Malik smells like real cotton candy but that’s the image that pops into Desmond’s mind when he catches Malik’s scent.
Malik isn’t an idiot, he knows this could only mean that he and Desmond were highly compatible and Desmond hasn’t been that subtle in checking if Malik was interested in him. Definitely not subtle enough since Altaïr could see it and would always have that pinched look on his face before leaving the room Desmond and Malik were in without even saying goodbye (which is rude).
He is also very much interested in Desmond, it’s just… he didn’t expect to actually find a mate himself. He had been uninterested for as long as he could remember and he had accepted that his younger brother would be the one to carry the Al-Sayf line (Although, really, he wished Kadar wasn’t so smitten by Altaïr of all alphas) so it takes a bit for him to accept that, yes, he and Desmond are compatible and, yes, the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of being mates with Desmond.
Fated mates sorta exist in this idea in the sense that it’s a legend and there have not been any real records of it. The general consensus is that it’s more of the case of ‘you are fated mates because you both fell in love with one another and your scents are compatible’
Desmond would be moping during that time Malik is sorting his feelings since he’d take Malik’s silence as rejection and Altaïr has to be the one to suffer smelling the sadness from Desmond.
So when Malik started courting Desmond (all proper and traditional, complete with a mated chaperone in the form of Rauf (if this is during the Third Crusades) or maybe someone like Bayek or Ezio (if this is a modern day AU)), his biggest wall is now the fact that Desmond believed he’s courting him because Malik noticed him ‘moping’ and felt bad so this is… a pity-courting thing.
Malik should be offended but he knows he fucked up by being silent and it was such a dumb move that an idiot like Altaïr would have done (cue Altaïr’s offended face in the background as he snarks that he would have gone at full speed if it had been him, shut up Altaïr that's not any better!)
So now Malik has to show Desmond that he’s being sincere and that he wants a future with Desmond. Maybe even have a scene where it all comes to head and Malik blurts out how many kids he wants and Kadar is in the background just going “back it, brother! Too far!!!” but, jokes on them, Desmond is into that XD
So… I’ve been quite vague on whether they’re alphas/betas/omegas. The main reason is because I think this could work with any kind of combination you want and, honestly, Desmond and Malik could be alphas, betas or omegas if you want. I will say that I made Altaïr an alpha because part of the setup is that Altaïr is going to make Malik’s life a bit harder because he kinda adopted Desmond as his sorta sibling (if they’re not actual siblings in the setup)/child and the shit Malik did definitely deserves some sort of metaphorical punching. Kadar can be a/b/o, your choice. Also, just because Malik is the one courting doesn’t mean he can’t bottom if you want. That’s also the reason why their a/b/o status is vague.
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montammil · 1 year
This is so dark so TW DEATH
But like can you write a lil snippet of Marshall dying? I really just want to see Lawrence react + I just love angst
,If not, no pressure!
As a lover of angst, I didn’t mind this! But huge TW, it does get fairly darker and way angstier than my other CCE content.
TW: Suicide, multiple deaths, (by suicide), lots of angst, denial, double suicide(?), overdose, parental whumper, again it gets DARK
Lawrence had gone through an already stressful day. He used to enjoy his job, but since Marshall came along, he started to despise his job, since it meant being away from him for more than a few hours at a time. Sometimes Lawrence brought him with him, but not only did Marshall not enjoy being out, but it did put him at risk for being noticed.
Luckily, Marshall stopped fighting back. Lawrence knew half of it was out of sadness, he wasn’t stupid, but he didn’t think all of it was. He did his fair share of research, he knew of Marshall’s shitty home life.
He really thought Marshall accepted his new life because he found comfort in it. That’s what Lawrence told himself, anyway.
Lawrence shrugged off his suit coat as soon as he got through the door, then noticed Marshall wasn’t there to greet him like he normally was. It wasn’t necessarily a cause for alarm, his first thought was his son must’ve been sleeping.
He hummed to himself as he made his way up the stairs, knocking on the door. “Hey, kiddo, I’m home. Can I come in?”
He was met with silence.
Anxiety pulled Lawrence’s hand towards the knob. “I’m coming in.” He didn’t wait for a reply as he turned it, to see a small lump on the bed. He sighed with relief and sat on the edge. “Hey, Marshie, I’m home. Have you been asleep all day?”
Marshall didn’t respond. He didn’t even move.
That was even more worrying. Lawrence gently nudged him. When Marshall didn’t reply, nor do anything, the true dread started to seep in. Lawrence shook his shoulder, but he still didn't react.
His hand shook as it flew to his pulse, digging his fingers into the side of his neck.
Lawrence threw the blanket off the boy, searching frantically for a pulse now, thinking he was mistaken. Marshall laid there, completely motionless. A strangled scream released from his throat when he heard a quiet rattle, to see a pill bottle with only a few pills left inside.
It was full this morning. Lawrence just bought that to help him sleep.
He shook his head to himself. He wasn’t thinking correctly, his hands shook violently now as he checked for a pulse again.
The one shred of logic came into his mind. He knew CPR. He didn’t hesitate as he took the boy’s body into his arms. He started pushing his chest and blowing air into his lungs, desperately trying to revive him.
It was hard to when his whole body was trembling, and his own sobs choked him.
Despite everything, Lawrence stayed hopelessly optimistic. Marshall couldn’t die. This was all a bad dream, maybe a cruel joke. Anything. Anything but what it really was.
Lawrence wailed as it was physically impossible for him to continue blowing air into Marshall’s lungs. His voice cracked, and an unfitting, eerie smile formed on his face. His shaking hand cupped Marshall’s face.
“He-hey, bud… I need you to wake up for me. Please. Just open your ey-eyes, you can do that for me, can’t you?”
Marshall’s eyes remained shut.
On instinct, Lawrence slapped him across the face. “WAKE UP! WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!”
His eyes stayed closed.
The room became dizzier as Lawrence cried again. “Oh god, Marshie, I-I didn’t mean to… I just need you to come back. I can’t lose you. You’re my baby, without you I can’t live. Do you really want me to die, too?”
Lawrence wasn’t shocked at the lack of response, but it still hurt. He laughed through his tears. Maybe if there was an afterlife, he’d see Marshall there.
He pulled the younger man in his lap, wrapping him in a tight embrace, kissing his head repeatedly. The tears fell and didn’t stop.
It took a while before his sobs were replaced by laughter. He rocked his son, his dead son, in his lap, humming a melody that was long forgotten.
“I’ll let you go if you wake up. Is that what you want? I’ll do it. Just wake up.”
“I didn’t think that’d work, anyway. You don’t want to leave me, right, Marshall? That’s why you need to wake up.” He sniffed. “I can’t do this alone. You know I can’t.”
He waited for an answer, but was given none.
Lawrence pulled back to look at Marshall’s face.
Marshall was gone.
One more blood-curdling scream was given. A rollercoaster of emotions controlled Lawrence, switching from grief, to denial, to terror.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. This couldn’t happen.
It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
He looked around, almost blind with tears, to find the bottle of pills. He picked them up. Just as he suspected from earlier, they were as good as empty.
The actor threw the pill bottle to the wall, then placed Marshall back down on the bed as gently as humanly possible. He stumbled to the kitchen, grabbing a knife out of the drawer.
Lawrence was on autopilot. He was quick to return to Marshall’s side, then laid in the bed next to him.
The actor reached over, to place the knife in his hand, resting his head on Marshall's chest. He sobbed.
He was never going to hear that heartbeat again.
Normally, he thought it was Marshall who took comfort in hearing the sound of his heartbeat. Turns out, it was always the other way around.
Lawrence readjusted to pull Marshall in his arms once more. He took a shuddering breath. “Don’t worry, kiddo. We’ll be together again this way. You won’t- you won’t be lonely wherever you are… you’ll always have Dad to be there right with you…” He laughed again.
It was a genuine laugh this time. The afterlife with his child sounded just as good as the current life.
And hey, if there was no afterlife, then that’d be okay, too. At least he could die holding him. He only wished he could’ve actually gotten a final goodbye. But this would have to do.
He kissed his forehead one last time. “I love you so, so much, honey. I’ll see you soon.”
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hay1ock · 1 year
Episode 4 of Only Friends
Well, that was quite the episode. I’m going to be discussing stuff that happened, so if you’re aware of anything in the episode that upsets you please bear that in mind. I don’t intend to be all in your face about it but people have different limits. I myself was fine with the episode on first watch, but the second time it really hit me how there are certain things about Ray I relate to and I had a bad time for a little while. But *deep breath* it’s all good now and I’m ready to ramble. Also, I feel like my thoughts are going to be bouncing all over the place with all the various moving parts and stuff that happened this episode.
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So, might as well get straight to it, the big one, Ray (+ Mew + Sand). Ray, the human version of the Poor Boy t-shirt. His whole breakdown in the bathtub about being unloved, unwanted, how he ruined his mom’s life, man Khaotung delivered. I’m guessing it might be a case of his mom getting pregnant was unplanned/inconvenient - like his mom had to give up her career, or maybe having him trapped her with a man she didn’t love or in a bad relationship, which in turn led to her drinking and ignoring him, and ultimately to her death. Based on the younger version of Ray, he was what? Mid teens maybe. He said high school so maybe 14-16 range. Was his mom like that since his birth or did it start later, she slowly began resenting him?
I’m glad Mew had enough about him to go round and check on Ray. (I know his friends get some crap - Boston rightly so - about not caring about him, but there is only so much they can do if Ray isn’t ready, as he needs to be willing to help himself) Ray’s little face and his voice when he saw Mew had come though… “You’re here?” Surprise/relief that he’d put his faith in the right person. Mew really had answered his cry for help. Ray deserves a big hug. It’s not hard to see why he cares about Mew, why he answered his phone, why he would support Mew’s relationship with Top even though he dislikes Top, and yes, I’m sure jealousy is part of it, but there is genuine concern about the kind of person Top is, and if he’s good enough. But yeah, whether it’s romantic love or something else, I’m not sure. I imagine it’s a bit of a mix. He sees Mew as having saved him so there’s probably a bit of seeing him as his hero, the only person who, up to that point (or that we know of), had shown any affection or concern for him and it might be those feelings warped into a romantic love, or maybe it’s just the desperate need to keep Mew close, keep that one ‘good’ relationship and person at his side and he has mistaken his feelings for love beyond that of friendship. Ray is a whole bag of emotions and trauma, and untangling those for him to explore his feelings about both his past and what’s happening now will be hard and most likely hurt him and people around him (and me!).
I’m glad we got to see what happened regarding the video and the kiss and well, to say I’m disappointed in Boston and Top is an understatement - will talk more about them later. Also, I know Boston is a bad friend, but seriously, knowing everything about Ray and still messing with his head last episode and even calling Ray a burden back in episode 1, Boston you are the absolute worst lol.
But anyway, the kiss, the one in the past. I’m sad Mew couldn’t return Ray’s feelings and it must have been hard to hear that he was perhaps the only thing that was keeping Ray from hurting himself. 2 years ago, so he’s 19/20 yrs old, being told that must have been rough and a lot of responsibility, and then the fear of what Ray might do if Mew rejected him. That change in music seems like a reflection of Mew’s anxiety of the situation. I do like Mew and that from what we’ve seen he is pretty straightforward and honest. He kissed Ray back, but as he’s said, up until Top, no one had been able to make his heart tremble. I wonder how things might have changed if he had felt something. Would Ray have been able to get a handle on his drinking? Despite 2 years passing, he’s still in the same place, maybe worse where his drinking is concerned. Could he have changed? Or would he just have made them both miserable? Guess we might end up finding out as him and Sand get closer.
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Skipping back to the present and ahhhh Ray nooooo. I don’t agree with him kissing Mew and am glad he was called out for his behaviour, but I do feel like I understand why he did it, or at least see why he might have. First, we had Boston messing with him, bringing his feelings of ‘love’ back to the surface and also adding fuel to his worries about Top - don’t be a side character, do something before it’s too late, ie save Mew from Top. We also have Mew, he’s told Ray he phoned Top for help first and he’s also trying to push Ray’s feelings towards Sand (I believe Mew was doing so with good intentions, wanting to see Ray happy and have someone now Top has taken a chunk of his time), but I feel like Ray pushed back against that. I believe he has been feeling something for Sand, even if just out of curiosity, but in a way that’s a betrayal to his feelings for Mew, the person he literally owes his life to. I imagine he’s confused and desperate to reaffirm that Mew is the one he loves. Mew is telling him to be with someone who loves and takes care of him and for Ray that person is Mew. So, I get it, but don’t agree with it. Glad he apologised again at the end and I’m glad Mew was able to accept the apology. I feel like he backed down from pressing Ray further about the ‘why’ behind the kiss, maybe not wanting to distress Ray who looked to struggle when Mew asked. I hope they can maintain their friendship. I know Ray can’t change how he feels about Mew overnight. Whether Mew fully knew about Ray still liking him, I’m not sure, but either way, it’s all out there now, so hopefully, Ray can move forward.
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And talking of where he should be heading in his attempt to move on, him and Sand. I don’t know if it’s because it’s First and Khaotung, or just the way they are portraying the characters, but they have the most ‘romantic’ chemistry at the moment for me (Nick and Boston has so far been more primal, sexual, and then Mew and Top… I don’t even know what theirs is, it’s mostly anxiety inducing is what. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s like my stomach drops and both characters give off vibes of wanting control).
I love seeing Ray and Sand together. I love Ray’s puppy eyes. I love that Sand can’t say no to Ray’s puppy eyes. Sand seems a pretty strong-willed guy so if he really didn’t want to do something I’m sure he would say so. He had no problems communicating to Ray about how he felt at the music store and I’m glad he didn’t actually scold Ray and call him any names. There was just this strange sadness when Ray said ‘Burden on Society’. I don’t know if Sand sensed anything, but I think him discussing his boundaries, like with Ray wanting to buy him things, and that he isn’t something Ray can pick up to play with when he’s lonely to then forget about until the next time, I think Ray needs that. Other than money, we still don’t don’t know what kind of relationship he has with his father, or if he had any positive role models/relationships growing up that would help him learn about things such as boundaries and making real connections with other people, not just by throwing money around. I do believe Ray cares about Sand’s feelings, not necessarily because he sees him as special or for romantic reasons, but Sand is a person in his life now and it feels like Ray doesn’t intend to upset people on purpose, he wants to be cared for but also wants to be able to care for others, even as far as to ‘save’ them. I like that Ray is able to realise when he’s in the wrong and apologise, he did it in episode 1, and a couple of times in this episode. People make mistakes, not everyone can admit to them and apologise.
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The record store scenes were lovely. The conversation about music. The suggestion that Ray is stuck in the past with his mother’s music and his trauma, and with his feelings for Mew. That discovering new bands brings Sand happiness and the implication that Ray should do the same, step outside that damn room that he’s surrounded himself with his mom’s records and find something new to explore. To find himself a little bit of happiness. I loved the small smile from Ray as he seemed to be considering Sand’s words. Chronologically, we then have them listening to music and staring and hand touching. The way Sand looks at Ray *dreamy sigh*. It was nice to see Ray in a moment of peace, at least that’s what it felt like. A moment to just pause the world and as Sand said “let music do the work.” And so, after going to Mew’s to apologise, we’re then back in a bath tub, bookending the episode nicely. That flashback though, yet again, can not blame Ray for clinging onto Mew and what feelings he had for him. Ray of sunshine *cries* I interpret the end as him making peace with his feelings, or at the very least, realising that no matter what, nothing more can ever come from them and so it’s time to move on, even if he just takes a tiny step in the direction of the owner of the Poor Boy t-shirt. I really hope that no matter what heartbreak lies ahead, these two find a way to a happy ending together, even if it’s Ray goes to rehab, gets some therapy and we skip ahead however many months, and they meet up again afterwards. So a fresh start and we’re left hopeful they’ll work things out.
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Okay, that first part might have been way too long, but I’m bias towards Ray and so… that’s how I roll lol. The next bits might be shorter, or they might not lol. Next the Boston and Nick and Top (+ Sand) mess.
Boston, you are the worst. I mean, I kind of get filming your friends in a ‘haha look at these idiots, I’m so teasing them tomorrow’ kind of way, but still, dick move. And you know what another dick move is? Screwing with your friend’s kinda boyfriend (still confused on how long it’s been - under 3 months based on what Boston said last ep - and what Top and Mew consider themselves to be, as Top kept referring to Mew as his boyfriend last ep and this one and Mew complained about Top not introducing him as his boyfriend to Beam at the silent disco), and then for his ultimate dick move, we have Boston forcing himself on Top. I’m glad Top actively pushed Boston off him this time and told him a few home truths. I said before it feels more about Boston’s pride and some weird one-sided rivalry/jealousy. Like even in the flashback, he seemed to be competing with Ray, but also dragging Mew into the conversation with Cheum. Like ‘I can’t beat Ray, but what about Mew? I’m sexier and a better option than him right?’. Honestly, I feel like, if gmmtv would let us have nice things and let Neo and Khao out of the friends zone for a minute, Boston would be that guy to comfort Ray and maybe makeout/sleep with him just to show he was that little bit better than Mew - ‘at least I fucked ya’. He seems to have no remorse over anything at the moment. Whether he grows as a person or is a dick until the end, I guess we’ll have to wait and see. We got a nice bit of info about his dad if anyone was looking to really mess things up for him. Not looking at anyone in particular… Nick.
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So, Nick. Boston really should have changed his passcode after Nick fixed his phone lol. He is walking a dangerous line of obsession and I’m not sure exactly where he’ll fall by the end. He was like a smitten kitten in the first couple of episodes, and he looked at Boston with hope and adoration, but there was a significant difference in how Boston’s words worked (or rather didn’t seem to) this episode when they were together. It currently stands as him wanting to get Boston, for them to be in love, but, depending where both his and Boston’s games take them, I feel like it might just come down to him wanting to ruin Boston in the end. You don’t love me? Well sucks to be you. I am here for Nasty Nick and his obsessive listening to Top and Boston moaning (poor Sand though - he did not need to hear that lol) And then he brings Top into it, and in turn Sand (and we find out Top stole Sand’s ex - gonna assume that person will pop up at some point). Well, everybody will know about Top and Boston but Mew at this point. I have this horrible feeling when stuff comes out Ray will find out Sand already knew and that might be one of many reasons they have problems.
So Top and Mew. Their relationship is the strangest to me. It might be because as the audience we know more of what Top’s been doing behind Mew’s back, see more of his smug smirky face that I want to punch occasionally, whereas we don’t know that much about Mew as an individual, but I don’t know… *stares at them*. I know Top got Mew’s heart all a flutter but sometimes, I’m left questioning what Mew sees in Top and does he actually like him? They can have some ridiculously cute moments, the disco, the Photo Booth, in the shower. Then they have some really off feeling and tense, challenging each other moments, Top coming off as possessive and pulling him away from his friends, the reset scene at laser tag, the scenes at the end of this episode. I like that Mew isn’t a pushover but getting with Top seems exhausting to me.
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Another thing I like is that Mew doesn’t judge Top based on his past or who he’s slept with. Like I said Mew seems to be honest and straightforward and he wants Top to be the same with him. And I’m very much a judge you by what you do now not your past kind of person myself (obviously there are some exceptions to that). The plane in Top’s room got me curious. Is there a Boeing? I assume so as even before he told Mew and the only B I could think of at the time was Boston, I was like, surely not. Boston doesn’t seem in the least bit sentimental and not sure what a plane has to do with anything, but I did have second thoughts as the camera lingered and shifted focus from the plane to the model car that looks very much like Boston’s behind it. It might mean nothing, or maybe ‘Boeing’ will show up, the shot is framing two issues that can come between Top and Mew in the future - Boston and this Boeing person.
Top keeps pulling me in and has me thinking, okay maybe he is trying to be a better person, he just keeps fucking up, you know, like people do, and then just as quickly, I’m screaming trash at him. Where as Boston falls on the love to hate him side of villainy, Top keeps sticking his head over the line into just hate him territory. We’ll have to see where things go. I did think he’d called Beam over for sex at first, but not seeing the scene play out I wondered if it was something else - like just hang out, drink and sleep, as Top was clearly feeling guilty thinking back to moments with Mew and Boston, so I thought he might have trouble sleeping. As it was it was drugs. One way to knock yourself out I guess… whether it’s always just been drugs with Beam, looking back at the conversation at the silent disco, who knows, and I would have given him the benefit of the doubt, as I do want to believe he wants to change, but he’d already got arsey over Ray, Mew’s friend, being there and apparently not happy that he got his knickers in a twist over a kiss from 2 years ago, so was doubting Mew when he said it stopped at the kiss, and THEN initiated some weird deal for him stopping drugs. Again, we know more stuff than Mew, but with that music choice too, it felt all kinds of sleazy to me. If I was Mew I would not have been in the mood for sexy shenanigans, but hey, you do you, and hand jobs don’t have to be that deep. Fucking loved it when Mew said no penetration, take it or leave it lol.
OKAY. I think I’m done. There were probably other things I wanted to comment on, but the rambling was strong with this one lol. Looking forward to Episode 5.
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temtamtom · 10 months
isn't it canon that feli goes to cons? wasn't he dressed up as luffy from one piece? they probably go to cons together and talk about anime lmao nerds💕 they have seen so much and experienced so many tragedies throughout history, and still has to do like paperwork and stuff, let them enjoy things outside nation duties🤲🏻
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Yessss omg ❤️ The history of Anime in Italy is also quite interesting!
Maybe he’s not on the same level as France, but I think he’d still love anime and manga (especially anime). I remember being able to watch shows like One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, and Detective Conan on mainstream (non kids) channels when I was younger. He would definitely have long conversations with France about whatever series they’re both into, and them going to cons and cosplaying together does sound super cute 😭 I can totally see it. The costumes they make together are probably works of art.
Also I have a headcanon that Feli’s favourite anime/manga series is Lupin III. There’s a lot of love for Lupin III in Italy- to the point where we get “special treatment” when it comes to releases and content. If I’m not mistaken, Italy has also produced quite a few Lupin comics of our own! So yea, I imagine Feli to be a super fan ❤️
This is a bit of a non-hetalia bonus but one thing I ALWAYS love to bring up are the Italian theme songs that were made for anime back in the day. My personal favourite is the Doraemon opening, and since we talked about one piece:
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
since you said it was okay for us to send in multiple ones i worked up the nerve to send one in for a blind date I’ll try to be as concise as I can with describing myself so apologies if this is a little long im not super great at describing myself in generalities. i trust your judgement completely. anyways!
I’m 30, bisexual, usually get mistaken for someone younger due to my size and sound of my voice, I have a couple of different chronic pain conditions but not so bad I can’t function normally, I’m friendly and kind to most people I meet but I also don’t take people’s shit you’ll definitely know if I don’t like someone i don’t really hide it that well —I’m pretty emotionally reactive is what I’m saying. I enjoy reading, some of my favorite authors and books include Edgar Allan Poe, Dracula and Alice in Wonderland (my favorite book) just to name a few, I also really enjoy audio horror dramas despite being bad with horror visually, i really enjoy engaging my brain so I kinda also really enjoy riddles and puzzle games even though my track record isn’t that great at solving them 100% of the time, I also enjoy victorian things and the period very much and my favorite holiday is Halloween! I also tend to show someone I like them no matter if it’s platonic or romantic through physical touch as long as I know they are okay with it
please don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t feel up to it I just wanted to send in another one since your framing device is extremely adorable and fascinating to me! plus i am very curious who you’d choose for me in this situation. congratulations again finnie you deserve this so much 💚!!
💜 blind date 💜 the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: you stop being so sweet or i'll have to serve you on the dessert menu ;-; 💚
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"Hello, welcome to the Vill-Inn! We'll uh... take your order from over here when you're ready. Just shout! There's a weird aura over there... bit of a strange vibe. It's giving us the heebiest of jeebies."
It's not as if there's a rain cloud above him or bats circling the table, but you get what they mean when you sit down across from your date.
"Jonathan Crane, my dear. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
He's charming, completely so. But there's something under that exterior layer, something dark and brooding. Something poetic, almost.
There are several points at the beginning of your conversation with him where you can see him wincing, but trying to hide the expression of pain on his face. It turns out to be an excellent way to open up to each other, as he divulges his chronic pain issues, most of which are the result of injuries from a certain Dark Knight.
"The suffering adds to my will for destruction, though. But I admire others who can admit to needing help, as they should. If you ever need someone to... discuss this with... I can offer some psychological comfort."
The more you reveal of yourself, the more interested he is. You can see him, teasing apart sections of your brain, of your psyche, and lapping them up with intrigue. A kind person who can react emotionally and keep people's cruelty at a distance?
"Very interesting. Tell me more."
Everything he says is accompanied by a wide and curved grin that feels mischievous more than conniving or malevolent, and the only time it really falls to one of warmth and surprise is when you reveal more about yourself, things that he finds a lot in common with.
Your choice of literature is certainly on par with his. When he delves into fiction as opposed to his psychology textbooks and research works, he would definitely opt for a gothic, melancholic terror. In fact, he has his copy of Sleepy Hollow with him.
"If you haven't read it, I can lend it to you. Returning it would be a good reason for us to meet again, no?"
He's intellectual, and enjoys problem solving. And while you admit you might not be much help on the difficult ones he can't quite get as quickly as certain, green-donning colleagues, havinng some emotional support would be just as effective. A love of horror is yet again more common ground, and his sly smile widens, his eyes lighting up, when you mention your love of Halloween. And when you notice the excitement, you reach out to place your hand on top of his. It's cold, but you warm him up, and he is grateful for the connection.
You might have read Sleepy Hollow before, but you'll take it anyway. Anything to meet up with Jonathan again.
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dasher85 · 2 years
Encountered chance of colors
Kamisato Ayato X reader | y/n | I
Short story
Listen to - [ Pretty stranger - Prismo ]
a monochromatic vision
A snippet:
"Here you go" He returns the paper but for a moment I hesitated to take hold of it.
Was it the paper? Or did I just guess for a bizarre reason all along... It couldn't be possible that...
I held my breath and slowly reached the paper with my fingers. I couldn't care if the Commissioner sees my weird act by now but I need to see it again.
"Huh?! Colors!" I couldn't help but exclaim out loud when once again I could see the colors reach my hands.
"Oh... Please excuse me" I instantly added with a quick bow. I hold the paper with two hands to finally take it from him but surprisingly he hasn't let go of it.
I quickly stood up straight if perhaps he had something else to say... And that's when our eyes met.
"You... can see the colors, do you not?" He softly spoke as if intentionally wanting only me to hear him. His eyes filled with curiosity, eagerly waiting for my reply.
I used to admire a person. He's one of the Tri- Commission representatives. That person, he just doesn't make much of an appearance in the public. Unlike his younger sister, she's pretty much the face that people find most familiar with. But sometimes if you do get lucky, you could catch a glimpse of him from the side of the stage. I've seen him a couple of times, him standing there, proudly smiling at his sister's admirable speech. There's nothing better than seeing a person with vibrant colors.
Perhaps that day, I have been staring far too long or perhaps coincidentally a firework was being set up just in the area far behind me that it caught his attention... but nonetheless I couldn't be mistaken that his eyes were directly meeting my gaze. It was surreal. I wanted to make sure if I didn't imagine it at that time and hold the gaze but suddenly he pulled up a decent smile. It caught me off guard that I instantly looked away.
That was a year ago... I haven't been able to see him since as I was struggling with work myself that requires a lot of writing documents. I work during the day and only have a minimal personal time during the night before finally getting a peaceful sleep.
Another month has passed by and it's the same routine. How I missed seeing colors again... All these people are colorless to me, even myself. My eyes see the world similarly to the drawings that have been drawn only by using a black ink. I used to think that it was normal, at least perhaps when I grow older, I'll get to see the colors... But that wasn't my case.
"The Commissioner requested these arrangements. Is it possible to acquire it next week?"
I nodded and wrote down the requirements before sending it to my superior. Recently, the town has been busy preparing for the upcoming festival. It's the once a year festival, so everything needs to be carefully addressed and that includes the department I'm working with.
"Are you the person in charge of this area?" A worker points out a map to me.
"No, is there any problem?" I wasn't specifically on duty for that area but it was held by a colleague of mine.
"The Commissioner requests someone to immediately discuss the matter that needs to be changed"
It seems to be urgent, but my colleague was out to get the new materials from the port. Eventually after a quick discussion, I was instructed to assist with the matter.
I've worked for different Commissioners before but I never actually meet them in person. Usually the Yashiro commission is responsible for the festivals, could it be... perhaps it's Lady Ayaka.
When I arrived there, I wasn't expecting to see those familiar vibrant colors... It was so beautiful.
"Sir, we've got a representative from the department"
He turned around and I could only calmly ask what needed to be changed while my heart excitedly jumped in joy. Seeing him up front was different. The colors I see shine brightly... Sometimes I wonder if he's even real.
The colors of his eyes, his hair, his outfit... Is truly astonishing. Sigh... I wonder what my own eye color is... Is it blue, green, purple? I couldn't possibly know that, I never will. Not that I know to differentiate colors anyway.
While thinking all of that, I obviously did manage to professionally jot down his instructions and suggestions.
"I'll make sure to inform the person in charge."
He only nods.
"Right, please sign here, Sir-" I hand him the papers. All changes that should be made need a signature just to prove that it was directly instructed by the Commissioner himself. It was just the normal procedure.
He held the paper while I was still holding the other end. For a brief moment, my hand gave out a glow of color. Was that the color of my skin? How did that happen? Did I imagine it...
Surely I was surprised but what was that?
"Here you go" He returns the paper but for a moment I hesitated to take hold of it.
Was it the paper? Or did I just guess for a bizarre reason all along... It couldn't be possible that...
I held my breath and slowly reached the paper with my fingers. I couldn't care if the Commissioner sees my weird act by now but I need to see it again.
"Huh?! Colors!" I couldn't help but exclaim out loud when once again I could see the colors reach my hands.
"Oh... Please excuse me" I instantly added with a quick bow. I hold the paper with two hands to finally take it from him but surprisingly he hasn't let go of it.
I quickly stood up straight if perhaps he had something else to say... And that's when our eyes met.
"You... can see the colors, do you not?" He softly spoke as if intentionally wanting only me to hear him. His eyes filled with curiosity, eagerly waiting for my reply.
I have dreamed about a lot of things in life but the thought of someone knowing about what I experience without even telling them has never once crossed my mind. Perhaps he only tried to guess based on what I've accidentally said before... But who would've even been curious about that unless they know a thing or two?
"Sir, team A needs your approvement for the equipments needed"
He smiled and handed me the paper but could it be that he was disappointed? Those eyes have always been bright or did I imagine it changing?
I sighed in relief. Only fate allowed me to escape from answering that question of his... I wouldn't know if I want to honestly answer that to a person I didn't personally know...
The sun was almost set when I finally get off from work. With the final energy I have, I directly walked to that one stall that wasn't quite popular. I'm glad that I didn't need to queue because their dango milk drink tasted superb.
"What a coincidence..."
That voice... I turned only to be greeted by the person with vibrant colors. Surprised by the sudden encounter, I could only turn back towards the stall vendor as I paid for the drink I ordered.
If only this person was someone common... I would've rushed to become a friend. Seeing these colors bought by this person brings me joy. What a pity...
"Sir, are you buying drinks too?" I took a step to the side to make a quick polite conversation. I couldn't straight out ignore him either...
Unlike earlier, fatigue was clearly evident on his face and yet he still flashed the same pleasant smile.
"What did you order?" He asked
"Huh?" I was surprised if I heard him wrong "oh... Dango milk, I ordered Dango milk"
He nods before ordering the same drink as I did. I wonder if he'll like it? But should I walk away now... I have no reason to wait.
"I'll take my leav-"
"Do you like Oden?" He suddenly asked as he paid for the drink.
He hummed softly, finally facing me with the drink in his hand. The drink looks absolutely weird with colors, I've never seen it before... Honestly, I wouldn't buy it if I saw it with colors but it's too late to regret it because the taste has long won my heart by now.
But why is he asking random questions now?
"It's delicious, I do like it"
"Good, I ordered for you too. It's on me"
"Huh? I wouldn't-"
"You wouldn't decline my sincere offer, would you?" He insists with a smile.
I would if you're not the Commissioner. I mean, I could've ended up in jail if he said so...
He casually sat on one of the tables for two nearby the stall, indicating that he knew I wouldn't decline the offer. This overly confident person...
The wooden chair and table glows with colors.
"Sir, I'm-"
"You can call me Ayato" he quickly insists on calling him with his real name while displaying a smile that reaches his eyes.
What's happening? I'm more than happy to have a meal with this person who has such vibrant colors however... I wouldn't want to trouble myself or get involved into any unnecessary situation especially with the Commissioner himself. His status is just too much... I couldn’t predict his actual intentions behind this sudden meeting.
Am I in trouble?
"My apologies... I'll try to get used to that... But I really wouldn't want to trouble you with this. I haven't done anything special at all to deserve a meal"
"Why... not at all. You can always pay me back if that makes you feel better, but am I not qualified to ask nothing in return?" He calmly spoke, looking up to me ever so elegantly, "Do I seem insincere?"
He effortlessly made me feel guilty...
"Well... Please excuse my bluntness" I quietly took the seat opposite him.
I slowly took a sip from the drink I bought earlier but actually it's just an excuse to not have any eye contact with the person opposite me. Standing a few meters apart was fine but this... We're on the same table, if I were to carelessly move my feet, I could accidentally step on his shoes. That thought alone troubles me.
"Hmm... This drink tastes good. A pleasant choice"
"Yes, it is..." I do feel awkward to be in this supposed to be a normal situation for most people. But for me, I just haven't had many encounters with random people, most are just close friends and family or colleagues that I've known for a few years.
Moments after, the stall vendor came by to serve the two bowls of hot Oden, freshly made with delicious looking ingredients. I gulped at the nice aroma of spices and flavors swirling in the air. Both of the bowls were placed at the center of the wooden table as I waited for the Commissioner to take his bowl first but unexpectedly he carefully placed a bowl in front of me.
For just a moment, colors spread across the bowl, a bright color of soup with a mixture of different colors inside it. I was truly amazed to see how bright the soup could be... Has it always been in that color? I've only been seeing it in a very uninteresting color all my life. People say food that turns bad will look grayish or have mold but all I can do to differentiate them is by the smell.
"Woah..." I couldn't help but feel surprised.
I was overwhelmed with feelings that I unconsciously met his eyes in that moment of excitement. Our eyes met yet again, only then did I notice my actions. A smile appeared on his lips that reached his eyes forming a crescent.
I cleared my throat, awkwardly looked away as I carefully grabbed a set of chopsticks.
He must've thought I hadn't eaten these things before... Have I really embarrassed myself now?
"Do you… like it..."
"Oh... Yes, of course." I sheepishly smiled. I'm never going to show up in front of him after this. It's way too embarrassing to be labeled as someone who gets overly excited over free food.
"The colors I mean, do you like it?"
"Huh? Sorry, I didn't get that?" I could've heard him wrong, right? Surely he didn't know that...
He let out a chuckle seemingly entertained.
"Aren't you curious to see your own colors?" He looked at me with an eager look, "...because I surely do"
"My apologies... But I don't understand. What do you mean by that?" I didn't have the slightest courage to admit it. I can only hide it along with an act, a fake confused smile.
However, what does he actually mean by that? I thought I was the one who couldn't see any colors... But why does he seem unable to see me with colors himself? More importantly, why is he even talking about colors as if he knew?
Due to my sight problems, I'm unable to differentiate the colors of my own outfits. Sometimes someone will point out if the colors of my outfit are overly unmatching. So, it's obvious that people can see me with colors. Does it mean that he doesn't?
He slightly sighed as he finally took a set of chopsticks for himself.
"Enjoy the meal" he smiled but the flicker in his eyes became a little dimmer.
How intriguing… Although I'm curious about the same thing he's been implying, how can I talk about that to him? He’s a total stranger, there’s no way he would be aware of colorless eye sight.
We both ate the food in silence until only a few centimeters of soup was left. He seems to be enjoying the Oden but I couldn't tell what he was actually thinking. Unlike me, I'm still restless about this person's real intentions. Everything seems too sudden, as if...
"Y/n would you mind going on a stroll with me?"
Unexpectedly, he knows my name too. I haven't told him my name but obviously he could easily find it from the workers logbook or official residence lists. Something like this would be easily accessible for him. I shouldn't be surprised. However, wouldn't that mean... He's been planning this all along?
"That, I..." I tried to find a proper excuse to refuse but yet again he insisted.
"Just for a little while." He softly spoke.
"But wouldn't that-"
"Please..." He pleaded while completely ignoring my excuses.
Truly he is the non-negotiable type. He won't even let me finish my sentence. No room for discussion at all...
So just like that... I happen to be walking along the sandy path near the Amakane coast. It was isolated but the bustling voices were still audible from afar.
"Come on, walk a little bit closer" he halted just to slightly turn to face me.
I think I wasn't that far behind, I'm just at a comfortable distance. Truthfully, I just liked to see the colors of the sand. Every footsteps he took, the colors would spread across along with him. If I were to walk side by side with him, it would be weird to constantly look down.
"Huh? Oh right... It's alright, you can walk on ahead"
"I believe that's not what I meant by taking a stroll with me" he swiftly walks back towards me, instantly closing the distance between us.
"Right. Understood."
He sighed seemingly revealing a helpless expression.
"We used to play mini games together during festivals, do you not remember?"
It could be possible that he somehow could have some time out just for festivals however having him as my childhood playmate would be highly out of the question. I don't believe I have such a friend.
"My apologies, I can't recall."
"Surely you remember the boy with colors?"
Colors? I do notice that he’s been talking about colors ever so often in between conversations. Is he hinting that he knows about my eyesight all along or he’s just trying to trap me into saying it myself? He’s quite an opponent. 
"No, I still don't..."
"Well, if that doesn't work then how about last year's festival?"
I don't know what is the point of these questions... But I guess he's trying to make conversations? Certainly that's not necessary.
"I know we've seen each other that day" he added before smiling ever so slightly.
"Right, I'm sure everyone did too"
"Yes... but not everyone chose to stand near the souvenir stall every year to watch the speech" he deliberately paused "or rather observing me"
He knows?! How did he know that? Am I in trouble for just staring at him during the festivals? Is it against the law for not paying attention to the speech? Am I truly exposed now?
"Do forgive me, this won't happen again. I wasn't being considerate of my own behavior. Truly, I mean no harm..." I quickly explained in one breath, I know I can't hide about that anymore. Still... I feel ashamed of myself. I feel like burying myself and never to be seen again.
"It's alright..." He laughed, seemingly entertained, "...besides how would I know if I wasn't acting the same way too?"
I’m sure he’s just trying to be nice… how can he be observing me amongst the crowd out of genuine interest… Unlike me, he’s probably here just to warn me to stop such behavior.
I'm scared to even take a glance at him now. I could only act like I'm listening with a slight nod while my eyes were looking elsewhere. I can't even focus on what he's currently talking about right now. I'm too embarrassed to even stand here, in front of him. Forget about the colors, I'm dreading this whole situation right now.
"Please don't be upset... I wasn't trying to belittle you nor do I blame you. Forgive me, if I've said something wrong. I-"
Perhaps my facial expression is betraying me or was it my silence that let him talk in such an apologetic manner? I slowly encourage myself to keep calm, I should be professional. After all, he's still the Commissioner I can't misbehave.
"No worries" I slightly laughed trying to cover up my emotions.
"That's good to hear... I didn't want you to misunderstand me" he smiled seemingly relieved.
"No, I'm fine. I was just wondering how you'd noticed despite the distance?" Of all questions, I couldn't think of anything better to ask as an excuse.
"Will you promise me to tell me your secret after I confess mine?" Suddenly, his tone became a little serious.
"Oh? Nevermind then... That wouldn't be necessary. I won't ask that again." I spoke a little too quickly. I'm not sure if that question somehow crossed the line that his facial expression changed too. Even if it didn't, I don't want to get involved with confidential matters.
"It's understandable that you're still wary of me" He sighed, "Truthfully I wouldn't be here if it's just for political affairs but I'm here with you because of personal matters"
Listening to his words make things more complicated. I just don't get it? Did he really mean that he's here because of his own reasons? Or was it a confirmation that I'm not gonna be in trouble? What is he trying to gain?
Despite it all, I stayed silent and didn't ask any questions. If meeting me was just his personal matter, surely I have nothing to give.
"I've always been curious about you for a long while... I just didn't know how to approach you and I didn't want to scare you either." He slowly explained as he looked at the distant ocean.
Honestly, I'm trying so hard to stay calm and patiently listen to him. At this point, I don't know what he's trying to come out of this?
"I've seen you before... It was a long time ago when we were still kids... It must be fate that I finally get the chance to have an encounter with you again" A genuine smile formed on his lips.
"My apologies, I can't recall any of this. Perhaps, you got the wrong person." I try not to act indifferent to his so-called personal matters. Even if he's the Commissioner, if this is his way for getting woman to like him-
"It's you, I know it's you." He confidently spoke, which instantly stopped my train of thoughts about him.
I frowned, feeling a little annoyed by now. Although, I still find the colors beautifully mesmerizing within the sun's glow surrounding him... I can't seem to-
"I know because..." He paused just to meet his gaze on me, "...you appear colorless to me, similarly to the ink painting on a white paper"
I blink in disbelief, have I listened to him wrong? Is he telling the truth?
"Wh- what? I..." I could barely form sentences in my mind, "...is that true?"
"What about you? Now that I've voluntarily confessed, wouldn't it be fair if you do too?"
I quickly looked away, feeling hesitant. Should I really tell him? Can I trust that he's telling the truth? But even if he isn't, my sight isn't even anything special. If I'm just being played, no one would believe him for the things I'm about to say.
"I can't see colors. The world is colorless to me..." I deliberately paused just to gather a little courage. I might embarrass myself for saying this but no matter, "... except you and the things surrounding you. I wouldn't mind if you didn't believe any of that."
"Perhaps our slight age difference makes it hard for you to remember. At first glance, I thought you were a yokai but then your parents were there, ever so casually holding your hand." He softly smiled, while reminiscing about the past years.
My assumption of him was wrong after all... He was just trying to speak out the truth that even I can't remember. Of all things, he should've long forgotten about such an encounter, especially seeing me. I just hope I didn't traumatize him in a way...
"Weren't you avoiding me until now?"
"I didn't, I just finally get a chance today"
"I guess, you're really a busy man. I shouldn't be surprised"
"I could be... but just to clarify, my schedule is all under my control. However my chances are quite the opposite" he softly spoke as he continued walking.
"How so?" Honestly, I shouldn't be asking too many questions because as I recall, this was supposed to be a leisure stroll.
"Just like any other day, wouldn't you be ignoring every invitation that would come by now and then?"
Invitation? I've only received invitations from friends or colleagues asking to join dinner or drinks after work but I'd rather just buy takeouts and head home. If he meant this, I can only conclude that he actually knows a lot about me.
"Is that so... it seems, your appearance today is just to confirm your assumptions about me, aren't you?" I followed along while looking at the distant horizon on my right side.
“Not entirely… In fact, I’m just curious if you’d accept my invitation to join me for the festival next week?”
A/N: writing in first pov was quite fun.
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Also, Ayato rerun for Christmas ^^
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