#if anything she can probably focus on the battle better than everyone else thanks to being Deaf
beedokart · 5 months
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A crossover no one asked for: Godzilla + Sakura Wars
Using the most iconic gals from the Godzilla series for a joint US-Japan kaiju monitoring division.
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virtual--hug · 3 years
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader - Soft Spot
A/N: I'm not really sure if I like this one or not. It's a lot better than the original (everything I'm posting is a rewrite of an original, older oneshot which is why I can currently post like daily lol), but I don't know if that means I actually like it.
Characters: Katsuki Bakugou x GN Chubby Reader
Genre: Mild Angst to Fluff
Warnings: Body/Weight Insecurities are the main focus. The reader is also described wearing a dress (just a reminder that clothes don't determine gender, but I do understand that people may feel uncomfortable about it!)
Summary: Bakugou finally asks you on a date after a year of growing to like him more and more, but the outift you're wearing slowly becomes an issue for your night.
Word Count: 3k
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You met Bakugou Katsuki in your first year of UA. Well, the entirety of Japan met Bakugou Katsuki, but you just so happened to be on a stage with him. It was the UA Sports Festival; A time for the hero course to show off to the pros while everyone else gets ignored.
You were in one of the many General Studies classes, situated in the far back of the crowd of first year students when you heard the blonde utter the words, "I'm gonna' win" before you soon went on to damn near kick his ass. Honestly, the day felt like a messy blur. You kind of struggled through the initial obstacle course and came in at a place only marginally necessary to meet the goal. Followed by that, you decided to boldly ask to join the group with the boy who had won the obstacle course. By all means, you kind of expected the team to place lower with the large target he had on his back in the number of points. Yet, your group reached the winners, and you found yourself in the final 1v1 battle with only one other General Studies student alongside you.
It was a rather big opportunity for you. Although, your interests weren't necessarily to be a hero or join the hero course; the recognition would be kind of cool. The idea of a trophy glimmered in your head for a moment before the bracket appeared for the whole stadium. And, you found your name in place beside Bakugou Katsuki. You lost that fight to almost no one's surprise. The hero course students had such an unfair advantage in these types of fights with their combat and quirk work. No matter how powerful you attempted to make your quirk, it stood no chance against Bakugou. And, you lost.
For a moment, that was the end of it. You fought Bakugou Katsuki, and you two went on your seperate ways for the day and after the Sports Festival. Until one day at lunch, a tray slammed itself before you. "Sorry about that," a voice soon followed, "I'm Ashido! You were at the Sports Festival, right? The one who went against Blasty? Your quirk was so cool!"
"Um- thanks..." You laughed at her comments awkwardly. You recognized the girl (who wouldn't) from said Sports Festival. But, at the time, you had no clue why she would even talk to you in the first place.
"Do you wanna come have lunch with us!" She then offered and vaguely gestured to a table behind her. It was full of more 1-A kids who were also at the Festival. Actually, all of them were in the battles at the end. Most notably, the explosive blonde was there.
"Are they just doing this to make fun of me? If I say no she'll probably just do it anyways. Maybe be nice for a bit more?" You considered it.
"Uh- yeah. Sure." You agreed, grabbing your own tray and following her over to the table.
In your second year at UA, you had become a long-term official member of the unofficial Bakusquad. Needless to say, that one day at lunch turned into several more, then daily, and then you were spending most of your time outside of class with the group. Oh- and you'd fallen in love with the group's most volatile, title member, Bakugou.
Bakugou, despite all odds, proved to be much nicer than you anticipated. He was still explosive, quick to hurl insults at anyone or anything he didn't like, and a bit stand-offish. But, the time you two spent together proved to change that. He was kind to the others of the group: offering training help and advice, homework assistance, a shoulder to cry on or to rant to, and a particularly fierce protector if anyone decided to talk shit. And, at the end of the day (or rather your first year) you'd fallen in love with him.
It was nearing your summer break after one far too long semester of school. And, you were kindly welcoming the cooled dorms during the hot day. Before you could even enter your room, you'd come face to face with Bakugou. Usually, you meet up with the group on the walk back to the dorms. But, during the warmer days, you decided to make your way to your dorm room first before heading to the 1-A ones. So, it was a shock to find the blonde greeting you in the empty hall as the elevator doors opened to your floor.
"Um- hey." You fiddled with the straps of your school bag as you greeted him.
"Go out with me." He quickly replied.
You should have expected something so quick and blunt from Bakugou. He frequently admonished rambling (and refused to do it himself), and hated when people weren't straight forward with him. Yet, despite all that knowledge, the first words to come out of your mouth were, "Huh?"
He scoffed but his eyes quickly shot to the floor and his attention moved towards digging the toes of his shoes into the carpet, "If you don't want to then just say so."
"That's not what I meant! I'd love to!" You reassured him, "I just didn't expect it, is all."
He rolled his eyes before moving towards you, "Don't think bad about yourself." Bakugou didn't add much more to that before continuing, "I'll meet you at 6 in front of the dorms tomorrow."
"I'll see you there!" You met his eyes one more time before he was off to the elevators. His ears were tinted a shade of pink as he made his retreat.
Once you were sure the elevator had closed and began to move off the floor, you let out a happy, "Yes!"
The next day went by with a mystical film over it. You were physically in class, but your mind was at 6. You wondered what the date would be: some secret garden on campus, a picnic, or something chill in the dorms. Soon, you were past the evening and towards future dates outside of the school, your high school graduation, even to your adult years. Needless to say, the end of the day bell smacked you back to the ground as you exited the building for the day and realized just how close this date was.
"I didn't even think about what I was going to wear? Should I have gotten him something? Should I find something? What do I have that he would like?" You wondered as you made your way back to the dorms.
You barely even noticed when you ran into a person as you walked. It was a bit delayed when you paused and apologized to the person, "Sorry, I wasn't-"
"You're coming with us." They replied quickly.
"Huh?" You took a good look at the person you had bumped into. They had a UA uniform, dark sunglasses, and striking pink hair and skin.
"Mina? Where did you get the sunglasses fro- Ah!" You shrieked as a much taller person behind you picked you up.
"Got 'em, let's go." A voice that was distinctly Sero spoke from behind you.
"Sero, put me down!" Sero basically sprinted with you towards your dorm buildings. You were sure that in the blur of people that passed you one of them was Bakugou.
The journey soon ended with Sero unceremoniously asking for your ID that opened your door. Thankfully, he finally listened to your protests to be put down and allowed you to open up your door on your own.
"You've been ambushed by the Bakusquad!" Mina declared once the door had shut behind the group. Sero, obviously, now stood beside her alongside Kaminari, Jirou, and Kirishima who were probably trailing behind the whole time.
"Why? You could have just- I don't know, knocked," You sent Sero a quick glare, "and doesn't Bakugou usually join on these things?"
"No, this needed to be a surprise!" Mina insisted. "It really didn't." Jirou quietly added in between.
"We need to get you ready for your date with the resident explosion boy!" She concluded while sending a glare of her own towards Jirou.
"You know about that?" You muttered. There was silence for a moment before Mina was shaking you by the shoulders.
"Of course we know about it! You guys are so obvious!" She screeched loudly.
"Bakubro said he was going to, too." Kirishima added. You barely managed to hear it over your brain rattling against your skull.
"So, what exactly is the plan here?" You asked.
"Right! We need to go through your closet." Mina declared before she was head first into your closet alongside some of your other friends.
In the end, after a lot of needless back and forth between the group, you had selected an outfit. It was a dress that you had stored away in the back of your closet. You weren't exactly sure when you packed it, but it probably ended up mixed in with some stuff and found itself back where it would have been at home. It was a floral patterned dress with short ruffled sleeves. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, waiting for 6PM, you realized why you forgot about this dress.
It was smaller than you wanted it to be. The sleeves made your arms look too big, and they showed too much of your legs as well. And, with each turn to see the side, it felt like your stomach just made more and more of a bump in the fabric.
"Maybe I should change and apologize to Mina for not wearing it." You thought after another turn to the side. Before you could even execute the thought, a loud knock came from your door.
"They better not be trying to give me anymore advice." You thought. Kaminari had come by at least three separate times to inform you of a new idea he had for something "smooth" you could do. You promptly forgot about all his suggestions once he left.
"Kaminari, I don't-" While you were met by the face of a blonde, it was the other blonde of the group: your date.
"Bakugou, hi! Sorry, I thought you were someone else for a second." You quickly corrected yourself. "I thought you wanted to meet outside the dorms?"
"I didn't want to wait anymore. And I knew you were ready with how much those dumbasses were running around." He explained with a scoff.
Bakugou had on jeans, which you were completely unaware of him owning (and a belt), and a shirt that did not have something to do with skulls.
"Well, I guess you aren't wrong." You awkwardly replied. You looked back into your room for a moment. There was probably a better outfit in your closet that you could find rather quickly, but Bakugou had already seen what you were wearing. He was likely to not stay quiet about it if you changed your outfit now.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yup!" The idea was immediately locked behind in your dorm as you exited with Bakugou beside you.
The walk to wherever Bakugou was taking you was quick. It seemed to just be around the back of the dorm buildings. UA itself was on a large hill surrounded by trees. But, Bakugou had managed to find a spot within the trees that left a perfect frame to see the shining stars in the sky. You didn't see Bakugou as a stargazing guy, but, as you stopped by some blankets on the ground, your perception of the blonde only shifted more.
"Do you do this often?" You asked as you took a seat.
"Kinda', it's a nice place to go when everyone's being annoying." Bakugou sat on the blanket before quickly leaning onto his back.
"Hm- it seems like it." You agreed. You were hesitant to lean backwards knowing that your discomfort in the dress would only further.
"Lay down, it's easier to see." Of course, Bakugou was soon to comment on it and gently tugged at you until you were in a laying position.
"So, why was Tapeface carrying you like some fuckin' potatoes earlier." Bakugou began.
"Oh yeah," you laughed, "They wanted to give me a makeover for this date."
He scoffed, "Dumbasses." After a moment of silence he quietly, very quietly, added, "You look good, though."
"Thanks." You happily accepted the compliment. "Oh hey, thats a shooting star!" You pointed at a small flash of light that traveled a bit across the sky before disappearing.
"Huh, haven't seen too many of those." Bakugou replied.
"Guess I'm lucky." You turned to him. A small smile crossed his face as you spoke. It wasn't like his regular evil smirks but a real smile.
"Yeah, you are." Bakugou replied. His hand moved closer to the inbetween space between the two of you. He wanted to hold your hand.
The thought made you happy, and you wanted to shift your own arm so that your hand would join him. But, the action alone sent a shooting pain of fear through you. Your hands were resting over your stomach and successfully hiding how gross you felt your body looked in this dress. So, reluctantly, you left your hand at your stomach and pretended not to notice. After a moment, Bakugou's hand moved close to his body again with a small scoff.
"So, what else did you plan to do?" You tried to brush off the situation.
"Don't know, thought maybe we'd talk a bit." Bakugou replied.
"Hm- so, why'd you ask me out?" You began.
"Because I like you, obviously. That's a stupid fuckin' question." He turned his head away while a clear red blush still illuminated his ears.
"Why wait so long then? Mina seemed to think we were so obvious." You did a poor imitation of the pink girl's voice as you repeated her words from earlier.
"That pink bitch doesn't know shit." he brushed off the comment first.
"I wanted to focus on hero shit. Didn't see the use for any friends or anything like- this if I wanted to be a hero." Bakugou answered honestly. You two had plenty of these conversations before on a similar topic.
"But that changed, obviously." You replied.
"Yeah." He didn't add much more to that before offering his hand out again. He certainly noticed your quick glance back towards him before once again "ignoring" the offer.
He scoffed much louder this time, "I'm not gonna' blow you up, y'know."
"I know that! It's just something else..." You trailed off.
"I'm not fuckin' sweaty or any of that shit." He added.
"No, there's nothing wrong with you! I- I don't like this dress." You responded honestly. Much like the previous topic, the two of you had talked a lot about your insecurities. So, you hoped the somewhat vague description would make sense to him.
It didn't as he responded with, "There's nothing wrong with it. It looks nice on you."
"It's not that it looks bad on me. I'd love to wear it more, but I don't think I have the right body to keep wearing it. It has nothing to do with you, I promise." You explained further.
"The hell does that mean, your body is fine." He continued to deny.
"I'm fat, Bakugou." You interjected while sitting up.
"You aren't, though." Bakugou followed your actions and sat up alongside you.
"Don't lie to me. I'm a lot bigger compared to even the people in my general studies class. You remember those articles from First Year during the Sport's Festival..." You continued.
"I don't care what you call yourself, but you're saying it like it's a bad thing." Bakugou halted your ranting before you could continue. He seemed to struggle to come up with his next words before settling on, "Stand up."
He stood quickly and barely waited for you to fully get to your feet before he picked you up in his arms.
"There's nothing wrong with your weight. I still lo- like you, no matter what you weigh. The other extras are the same. The people who actually care for you don't give a shit what you look like or stupid things like numbers on a scale. Got it? Besides, I can pick you up just fuckin' fine." He emphasized so by lifting you even higher again for a moment.
He was much gentler than Sero was earlier. His hands support your lower back and side while your legs are wrapped around his torso and your arms keep your upper body weight close to him. And, as true as he was, he held you up without struggle.
"Thanks Katsuki." You replied with a small kiss on the cheek.
"Whatever." His ears flushed the same red as he looked away from you.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
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@butterfly-mochi​ Rewrote this freaking thing thrice because it keeps getting deleted wth tumblr agjvahkfajkvk- I enjoyed writing it a lot tho and since I’m too weak to the characters I ended up writing for all of them (except for Sucrose, im sorry bb huhu, I ran out of brain power). This is my first time writing for so many of them in one go so please excuse me for any mistakes or blandness ywy thank you for letting me write for my baby Ganyu too hhhhh
Universe Reversal 2
Genshin Impact Character Reader and Modern Players with Zhongli, Childe & Ganyu (how they simp for you) (event masterlist / Part 1 / Part 3)
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Zhongli the F2P
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The most relatable out of the bunch because this man is still broke and can only rely on the primogems he can farm. And he had a LOT. The one thing he doesn’t have a lot on, however, is his luck.
So how did he manage to pull you?: Well after exhausting all his primogem on your banner with nothing but weapons and other characters, he has lost his resolve. But by some weird luck, there was a character bug that was fixed and in his email was the almighty consolation primogem. Enough for ONE pull. And by the Gods he FINALLY got you.
He’d nonchalantly post his screenshot of pulling you using a single acquaint fate in his friend group without any words and everyone else just loses their shit. “You got them in one pull?!” “Yeah” A riot.
This was partnered with the fact that not only is Zhongli an F2P player, but also barely has any five star characters.
He looks calm and apathetic over the news, but behind the screen he’s exhausted and relieved, silently livid.
He has no primogems left to squeeze for a constellation so you’re instead pampered with the best weapon suitable for you (because that’s all he keeps getting).
Zhongles spends most of his time farming for materials to quickly level you up, unlocking all your stories and voiceline, but he fucked up on your build (his artifacts are messy).
He follows communities, forums and videos regarding your character to know all the things he needs to perfect your build. You can barely make a dent against normal mobs, so he knew he was doing something VERY wrong.
Is the type of person to keep refreshing the page for new content, very updated.
Ask him a question about your character and he’s gonna bring you the word vomit that is his research. He’s not gonna stop- probably accidentally developed a copypasta for you.
Also follows your VA in both Tiktok and Twitter to indulge in every bit of content. He also has that screenshot of his pull saved and locked.
On his birthday, a friend of his gifted him a chibi plushie of you and he has treasured it ever since, treating and handling it like its a figurine.
“It is merely pure luck and grace from the gacha gods that I got this character, and I will make sure that they know I am very grateful for this fortune.”
Favorite Voiceline: Birthday Message
Childe The Whaler
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This lucky wealthy bastard with no remorse for his money whales for EVERY character. He’s making a collection, which is to get all the characters, especially the five stars. So when your banner finally popped up, he’s gonna square up and trigger a whole ass meteor shower.
How he pulled you: Money. His luck with this games are actually not the best so he always compensates with money, he got you halfway through the first failed pity, almost giving him a heart attack that he might actually break the bank just to get you.
And then he pulls more to raise your constellation lol.
The first thing he does is look over your character info and read through it all; constellation infos, your base stats, artifact compatibility.
At the end when he’s maximized everything, he would then focus on playing around with your character *coughs climbing noises coughs*
He thought you’d just be another part of his collection but playing with your character was very enjoyable and in-line with his playstyle- oops 100 screenshots with the Kamera-
Any and all merchandise that he fancies would be his, and he’s definitely flexing it to the other sweetie nerds who call themselves simps. He’s fighting for the simping title, and he’s currently neck and neck with this fanartist in Pixiv.
Speaking of that fanartist, he definitely commissioned an expensive and detailed portrait of you, full rights and everything. No one else was allowed to use it but him.
Was also the first one with the audacity to call out your VA to create an account on Tiktok to create more content with your voice. He was successful.
His obssession also comes in the form of self-indulgent contents, and had been keeping track of the ship wars happening. During conventions, he cosplays as the character shipped with you the most (or the character he thinks should end up with you).
Silently scrutinizing those who cosplay you, only ever taking pictures with/of the best looking one, sorry haha
Definitely flaunts that you are his waifu/husbando and will fight for best girl/best boy during debates or polls. Has mobilized the community to vote for you once. He’s very persuasive.
“Hm? Why I’m just the best collector in the game, and I am more than happy to let everyone know that I am their number one fan haha, everyone who claims otherwise is definitely wrong!”
Favorite Voiceline: More About (Y/N) I-IV, (Y/N)’s Hobbies...
Ganyu the Employed
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Ganyu, our dearest overworker, is one of the players in the older stage who actually has a job but still plays Genshin for their past times. The gorgeous sceneries and the music is her main focus in playing the game, not much of a try-hard but still decent in the combat mechanics.
How she pulled you: You came home within 50 pulls! And you appeared again after another 10 pull! Ganyu was so SHOOKT and so distressed because oh goodness, what does she do? She doesn’t know anything much about you!
Will rewatch your three trailers to try and understand your skills better, ended up saving the soundtracks from them because that was such a nice trailer music! Tnbee gains a new follower!
Ganyu will take a while before she can properly play or build you up because she’s so busy with work, she only ever plays when she feels fully done with her work.
During her break she plays with your character while multi-tasking on eating, earphones plugged in and sight on the phone as she farms materials and artifacts for you.
The moment she gets more help from her player friends tho, holy shit, you just ended up being so OP. She had so many good artifacts and weapons for you because she didn’t know what they were for before.
She loves how you’re so easy to use and can easily solo the enemies and even the boss fights. A huge breather, because now Ganyu can cheese the battles that takes a while, to give her more time to focus on the storyline and lores.
Since Ganyu plays for the story and aesthetic, she’ll find you almost always in her team. Still very proud of her pull, she makes the best screenshots of your fights or in the best angle through exploration.
Treasures you so much she starts talking to her phone- “Ah, no, please don’t fall.” “There’s violetgrass up there, let’s try and get it”
Blushes everytime you produce a sound when climbing, doesn’t change you anyways tho
Hums to your trailer music while working, and if permitted, would have the song on repeat while she buries herself in work. She finds it really refreshing and the time she spends in work miraculously flies by fast when she gets lost in the sound.
At one point, when she was given a day-off or if the convention was on her free time, she attends to look for cosplayers of you and take a picture. No one rejects her because she’s so adorable and cute when asking shyly.
Had brought a decent amount of merchandise, preferably the functional/practical ones like a phone cover, mug or keychain. Also has an earphones clamp with your little chibi self as the holder.
When asked, she would shyly announce that she likes your character the most.
“Their character theme and music really soothes me during work, it feels nice to have them, and I have not once regretted ever pulling for them. They are the best.”
Favorite Voicelines: Good Night/Afternoon..., About Us, Something To Share..., Interesting Things...
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so enjoyable...
@moaa @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @dandelion-dreams @snackgod @rxsalinee
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Prompt~ hoping you'll like it ♥️
Things between the Nie brothers are not always nice and happy, they fight, just like any other pair of brothers, and sometimes things are said, sometimes these things are heavy and painful. Sometimes they're said in the wrong moment (maybe at the eve of a battle? Sunshot campaign?) and huaisang doesn't know what to do with the broken look his brother gives him before leaving the unclean realm. Because what if he doesn't return? What if the last thing he said to him was how much he hated the man he became?
Labyrinth - ao3
“But I didn’t mean to wish him away!” Nie Huaisang cried out.
“That’s really too bad,” the goblin king said, looking pleasant and humble and charming the way he always did, even in his cape of glittering gold and high-browed hat. “I wish there was something I could do for you, but the rules are the rules. You wished him away, and I took him.”
“Aren’t you supposed to only take babies?” Nie Huaisang demanded.
“Your brother’s enough of a crybaby to count, it’s close enough.”
“It is not!” Nie Huaisang wrung his hands. “You don’t understand, the last thing I said to him was that I hated him! Meng Yao, please!”
“It’s Jin Guangyao,” the goblin king corrected. His smile looked a bit strained. “Listen, do you think I’m happy about this? He’s my sworn brother! I’m only doing what I have to –”
“Oh, save it for Lan Xichen,” Nie Huaisang growled. “Show me the labyrinth already.”
“You’re going to face the labyrinth,” the goblin king said. His voice was very polite, and yet still expressed significant doubt. “You.”
“Yeah, me!”
“You remember that it goes ‘through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered’, right? Not ‘through a nice teacher and a forgiving grading system’?”
“Yeah, well, your father is a fragging aardvark. Let me at the labyrinth already!”
“You know what,” Nie Huaisang said thoughtfully. “Thanks, but no thanks.”
The life-sized animated puppet blinked at him. “You – don’t want my help?”
“Nope. I’m good.”
“You haven’t even gotten into the labyrinth yet!”
“It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t have a chance to get in,” Nie Huaisang said, patting around his sleeve and pulling out a fan. “So I’m just going to walk over and beat at the wall till something happens.”
The puppet followed him, staring blankly. Quite a change from his original apologetic ‘I’m sorry, I’m busy with my own things, I really can’t help you, also it’s too dangerous and you shouldn’t go’ response.
“You were blackmailing me to help you just a moment ago,” the puppet said after a little. “Don’t you need a guide?”
“Listen, I’m bad at memorizing things and I’m a little useless, but I’m not actually dumb,” Nie Huaisang said, fanning himself. “Jin Guangyao is a demon of the mind above all else, and the labyrinth is supposed to be ‘fair’ – which means, more than likely, that the labyrinth is a reflection of the subconscious, specially tailored to each person’s strengths and weaknesses. And that means that you, who sound exactly like Lan Xichen, are almost certainly a set-up sent by Jin Guangyao to ‘reluctantly’ aid me and then betray me.”
“Uh,” Lan Xichen-the-puppet said. “My name’s Hoggle, actually.”
“Whatever makes you feel better, er-ge…A-ha!” Nie Huaisang beamed at the gates that automatically opened. “Perfect!”
“Oh, don’t go that way,” the worm said. “Never go that way. And are you sure you don’t want to come in for a cup of tea?”
“No time,” Nie Huaisang said. “Thanks a lot – wait.”
The worm blinked at him.
“You’re a pretty attractive worm, in a slimy sort of way,” Nie Huaisang said, frowning at him.
The worm blinked again. “Why, thanks!”
“No, that’s not what I meant. Is your name Su She, by chance?”
“Definitely not!”
“Mm. Oddly vehement of you. Never mind. Just, quick, could you tell me exactly why do I not want to go that way?”
“I don’t suppose straight ahead is an option?”
The hands-faces stared at him.
“I’m just saying, I feel like most of my problems so far have come from the fact that I decided to accept the whole concept of turns. It seems like a mistake.”
“…it’s a labyrinth,” another set of the hands said. “You have to make turns!”
Nie Huaisang shook his head mournfully. “I should’ve brought Baxia or something and just – ZIP. Gone straight through. You know what I mean?”
“I’m dropping you in the oubliette regardless of your decision,” the first set of the hands said. It sounded a bit like Sect Leader Yao. “Just so you know.”
“My life is so hard,” Nie Huaisang sighed. “So hard! Do you know what it’s like to be overlooked by everyone? Do you know how hard I have to work at being this useless?”
“Drop him,” the set of hands that sounded like Sect Leader Ouyang said, and the set of hands that sounded like Sect Leader Yao said, “Yes. Now!”
Down Nie Huaisang went.
“I can take you back to the beginning of the labyrinth,” Lan Xichen offered.
“What, and waste all that time? I have a time limit, er-ge!”
“It’s better than being stuck in an oubliette. That’s where they put people to forget about them, you know.”
Nie Huaisang’s eyes filled with tears. “You want to forget me, er-ge? You think I’m useless, don’t you? A good-for-nothing, who’ll never amount to anything –”
“Please don’t cry.”
“Please stop crying!”
“So what’s the point of you?” Nie Huaisang asked the Wise Man with the Talking Hat.
“Not everyone exists to contribute to your storyline,” the Talking Hat snapped at him. “Some of us’ve got our own problems. Now hand over the candy!”
“Don’t be mean,” the Wise Man said. He had a white cloth over his eyes, and was smiling like he found the hat funny.
“Awww, but daozhang…!”
“Different plotline entirely, I guess,” Nie Huaisang decided. “Probably just here as a foil. Shall we keep going, er-ge?”
“I can’t believe you scammed me to get out of the oubliette,” Lan Xichen mumbled. “I can’t believe…”
“Oh, leave him alone, he’s just sensitive!” Nie Huaisang snapped.
“Am not!” the upside-down creature snarled, curled up on itself and trying to hide from all those that had been hitting him. Its fur was a vivid sort of purple. “Go away!”
“Don’t you have some sort of special power to help you here,” Nie Huaisang asked him as he tried to get him down before the goblins came back with weapons. “Rocks, maybe?”
“Well then get to it, will you?” Nie Huaisang frowned. “Wait. Lightning, constantly being tormented, terrible at communication, and purple? You’re Jiang Cheng, aren’t you?”
“Well then get down faster! I need to copy someone’s notes here!”
“Leave me aloooooooone!” Nie Huaisang howled, running away from the measuring snake.
“Wow,” Lan Xichen said, holding his cheek. “You kissed me.”
“You saved me from the snakes,” Nie Huaisang said. “Can we focus on how we’re in this awful stinking bog?”
“It’s not that bad!” a voice piped up. “I don’t smell anything!”
Nie Huaisang turned to stare, then pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course you don’t,” he said. “I bet the total absence of a sense of smell helps when you eat spicy food, Wei-xiong.”
“There’s nothing wrong with spicy food!”
“You’re short,” Nie Huaisang informed the small goblin-like creature with the big grin and the red ribbon in its hair. It looked vaguely fox-like, or possibly like certain large breeds of rabbit.
“Why you..!” Wei Wuxian crossed his furry little paws over his chest. “Just for that, I’m not going to help you.”
“Uh-huh,” Nie Huaisang said. “Really. That’s awful…oh no! A dog!”
Wei Wuxian jumped high into the air. “A dog?! Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan! Save me!”
Much to Nie Huaisang’s surprise, a furry dog immediately darted out of nowhere – only Wei Wuxian didn’t seem afraid of it, but rather hid behind it, teeth chattering.
Truly, Nie Huaisang reflected, the eyes of love are blind.
“I think the ‘dog’ is gone now,” he said. “Your brave and noble Lan Wangji must’ve scared him away.”
Wei Wuxian’s head popped out from behind dog-Wangji. “Well, Lan Zhan is really cool…hey. Are you trying to manipulate me?”
“Is it working?”
“So you won’t help me?”
“Not even if it means you get to figure out a really tricky puzzle?”
“No – wait. A puzzle?”
“I can’t believe this is going to work,” Lan Xichen muttered from behind Nie Huaisang. “I mean, I can. But also…Wangji…I love you, but you could do so much better than this.”
“Ugh,” Nie Huaisang said. “I’m so thirsty.”
“Have some Emperor’s Smile,” Lan Xichen said, offering a jar.
“Amazing,” Nie Huaisang said, accepting it and taking a swing. “I had my doubts, you know, but you’re actually good for something after all, er-ge –”
The golden bird was Nie Huaisang’s favorite.
He’d worked so hard to bring it back to his aviary – it couldn’t be forced, he knew; it would play along at first but in the end it would turn on you and bite you. It had to be coaxed with gentleness and kindness, approached indirectly so as not to spook it, convince it that you really did mean well – that you were harmless, that it had no reason to fear you. It was arrogant, too, proud of its shining feathers and ashamed of the brown plumage of its chick days, which still remained visible on its tender underbelly. Ironically, that was Nie Huaisang’s favorite part of it, the soft and gentle part; it might not be as pretty as the gold, but it felt more genuine.
Nie Huaisang smiled as he brushed the beautiful feathers, and the golden bird allowed him. He felt cherished, treasured. So what if he had to hide all the sharp parts of himself to get this close?
It was fine. He didn’t like to be sharp.
He wanted to be soft. Soft and gentle, careless and free, relaxed and without effort, good for nothing –
“It’s all junk,” Nie Huaisang hissed at the pile of burning fans, tears in his eyes. “I want my da-ge!”
“You’re all right!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed, helping pulled Nie Huaisang up.
“Huaisang-xiong,” Jiang Cheng said, looking relieved. “You’re back.”
“We have to go to the temple beyond the Goblin City,” Nie Huaisang said, teeth gritted together. “We have to. I won’t let that bastard…we’re going to go there and throw all his damned tricks right in his face!”
“Just us?” Wei Wuxian asked. “I mean, I’m awesome, Lan Zhan is fantastic, and of course Jiang Cheng is great, too, but…uh…there’s a lot of goblins in the city.”
“We’ll sneak in,” Nie Huaisang said. “He thinks he’s sidelined me entirely – he thinks I’m useless. He won’t be expecting me to get this far.”
“I can get help,” Jiang Cheng said. “I have friends.”
“…not to be rude, Jiang-xiong,” Nie Huaisang said. “But – really?”
“You know what,” Nie Huaisang said, eyeing the pile of rocks following Jiang Cheng around, each one painted with a name. One of the names was yellow. Two were in white, with forehead ribbons. “This is fine. I feel like it says something really rude about my empathy for and interest in our junior generation, or lack thereof, but you know what? I don’t care. It’s fine.”
“You saved me,” Nie Huaisang said blankly, looking at Lan Xichen, who shrugged, abashed. The remains of the mechanical temple guard were scattered all over. “Over – him?”
“Huaisang –”
“No,” Nie Huaisang said, holding up his hands. “Don’t. Don’t…I don’t want to hear you talk.”
Lan Xichen’s head dropped down and he looked at the ground. “You knew from the beginning what I was like,” he murmured. “I never tried to hide it –”
“I forgive you for being what you are,” Nie Huaisang told him, and Lan Xichen looked up at him, startled and pleased. “I forgive you for not having the backbone to stand up against Jin Guangyao for me – or for da-ge. For being willfully blind for so long, for needing someone else’s proof of his ill-intentions, for always picking him first, for never trusting me…I forgive you, even if you’d never forgive me for the same.”
He dashed away the angry tears in his eyes.
“I just wish this wasn’t a fucking metaphor.”
Nie Huaisang left the fighting to the people who knew what to do – Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng, even the rock-juniors – and went to the temple at the center of the city alone.
Some things, he knew, needed to be done alone, even if it was the type of alone when you were surrounded by other people. Even when those other people stood by his side and made him promise that if he needed them, he would only need to call. Some things…
“I want my da-ge back,” he said to the maze of stairs.
“Then go and find him,” Jin Guangyao replied, looking smug, and Nie Huaisang had to go up and down all those fucking stairs, because Jin Guangyao was nothing if not predictable with his trauma, looking all over, looking for –
Looking for pieces.
“It’s just a metaphor,” he whispered to himself, ignoring how tears were streaming down his face. “It’s just – I need to put him back together, it’s fine. I’m not too late – I’m not too late –”
Jin Guangyao held Nie Mingjue’s head in his hands, blinded and gagged and bound with talismans, pulled out of whatever oubliette he'd shoved it into to forget about what he'd done. “Beware, Huaisang,” he said, still smiling. Always smiling. “I’ve been generous up until now, but I can be cruel.”
Nie Huaisang laughed, scoffing. “Generous? What have you done for me that’s generous?”
“Everything! Everything you’ve wanted, I’ve done – I cared for you, I gave you attention, I got you out of work, doing your schoolwork for you and coming up with excuses to get you out of saber training. I gave you presents, fans and pretty clothing, and when that brute of a brother of yours tried to take them from you, I rescued you. And then I even managed your sect for you, answered all of your questions, any time you had – Huaisang, I’m exhausted trying to live up to your expectations of me. Isn’t that generous?”
Nie Huaisang bared his teeth. “Half of those are burdens that only fell on me because of you. Why should it matter to me that cleaning up your own mess and satisfying your own guilt is hard? Why should I pay such a price when all I wanted was to be your friend? When all da-ge wanted was to be your friend? How dare you, Meng Yao!”
“Huaisang…” Jin Guangyao shook his head mournfully. “Huaisang, the last step here is to say the words to break the spell. But you were never good at memorization, were you?”
Nie Huaisang bit his lip until he drew blood.
“Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered,” he said. “I have fought my way here to the temple beyond the goblin city –”
“Huaisang, stop! Look at what you’re risking here. You know how everyone loves me – do you think anyone will forgive you for taking me down, for tricking them all? You’ll be all alone!”
I already am, Nie Huaisang thought.
“My will is as strong as yours,” he said. “And my kingdom is as great…”
His voice trailed off.
“I ask for so little,” Jin Guangyao said beseechingly, convincingly, looking just like he always did, like the man who'd been their friend. “Just let me fool you, and you can have anything you want. No responsibilities, no stress, a life of your own. You can even have Lan Xichen, if that’s what you want…”
What’s the last line, Nie Huaisang thought, hating himself for being such a poor student, for cramming things into his mind without any order, for never being able to retain a single drop of it no matter how hard he tried. What is it? Why can’t I ever remember?
“It’d be so easy,” Jin Guangyao crooned. “Much easier than this. Just fear me, love me, believe me, and I’ll be your slave.”
Sharp teeth in a false smile.
Nie Huaisang shook in terror. He couldn’t – his da-ge needed him – he couldn’t be afraid, couldn’t be a coward, couldn’t be good-for-nothing – couldn’t let Jin Guangyao win – couldn’t let him –
That was it.
Nie Huaisang raised his head until his eyes met his enemy’s.
Sensing something wrong, Jin Guangyao’s eternal smile dimmed, and he began to step forward, reaching out, but it was too late.
“You have no power over me,” Nie Huaisang declared, and the world within a world collapsed.
Nie Huaisang opened his eyes.
Nie Huaisang sat in his desk in the Unclean Realm, trying to amuse himself by trying to figure out what exactly he’d eaten the night before that had given him such bizarre dreams. It was not successful, on account of him being alone.
Alone, just as he had been every night, and every day as well, since the success of his scheme at the Guanyin Temple.
Just as the dream-Jin Guangyao had threatened.
It wasn’t that Nie Huaisang regretted what he had done – the dream was clear enough about that; he’d do it all again in a heartbeat if he had to. But in the dream he’d been working alongside his former friends, with Lan Xichen betraying but then returning to him, with Wei Wuxian dragging Lan Wangji around, with stone-faced Jiang Cheng and the rather interchangeable junior squad behind him…and in his dream, in the end, they’d let him go to take his revenge, telling him that if he needed them for any reason, he could just call.
Just call, and they’d come back to him. Instead of turning from him in disgust, they’d stand by his side…
“Stupid subconscious,” Nie Huaisang mumbled to himself. “What do you expect? That I'd write to them and say ‘for no real reason at all, I find that I rather need you’?”
Silence answered him.
“Well, I do,” he said with a sigh, putting his chin on his hands. “Does that make you happy? I do need you.”
“You do?” Wei Wuxian’s voice rang out, and Nie Huaisang jumped nearly out of his skin. “Well, why didn’t you say so?”
Nie Huaisang turned, staring: it was Wei Wuxian at the door, the human version of him, and of course there was Lan Wangji right before him, and Jiang Cheng, and the (still mostly interchangeable) juniors, and – and even Lan Xichen, who Nie Huaisang was sure had gone into seclusion with no intent to leave.
“What are you doing here?” Nie Huaisang squeaked. And why hadn’t any of his sect disciples warned him?
“We just bullied our way though the door before anyone could stop us,” Wei Wuxian said cheerfully, answering the unspoken question first. “As for the rest – it turns out that I had the strangest dream the other night, really, truly bizarre, and obviously I had to tell Lan Zhan all about it, except it turned out he had a strange dream too.”
Nie Huaisang’s jaw dropped. “But –”
“I felt da-ge’s qi woven into the labyrinth,” Lan Xichen said quietly. “I thought it’d have long ago dissipated or been locked away, but – it was there, in every stone, in every turn. Every obstacle that didn’t really hurt you, every goblin that was more silly than scary…he was there. It was unmistakable.”
Nie Huaisang swallowed. The story of the labyrinth, baby-stealing wish-granting goblin king and all, had been one that Nie Mingjue had told him as a bedtime story, when he'd been a child in need of comfort; he hadn’t thought of it in years before last night. “But…why…?”
“Because Chifeng-zun has a demented sense of humor?” Jiang Cheng suggested, looking irritated.
“Jiujiu means that he hasn’t had that much fun in years, and also that you should throw a party,” Jin Ling said. “You are hosting all three of the sect leaders of all the other Great Sects. Also, why were we rocks?”
“Uh, no idea,” Nie Huaisang said. “Da-ge’s weird sense of humor, no doubt! Anyway, did you say party? I can do a party!”
He rushed out of the room, calling for his servants, calling for them to bring food and wine and tea, and as he did, he looked out of the window – a golden bird was flying away, looking hunted as if something was chasing it, and even as he watched, it crossed the borders of the Unclean Realm and suddenly dissolved into a fizzle of golden dust.
Nie Huaisang put his hand on the stone wall, and felt a familiar echo.
A very familiar echo.
“Oh,” he said, to his servants, feeling somehow simultaneously sheepish and filled with joy. “And while you’re at it, can you bring me my saber? I seem to have – misplaced it…”
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n0bamak1s · 3 years
lazy days - maki zenin x reader
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request: “Could you maybe do a maki x reader fluff? Like maybe just a lazy day playing video games or something like that.” - @mvddison99
summary: after you shut off her alarm clock so she can get some rest, maki reluctantly agrees to a lazy day with you, and ends up enjoying it much more than expected. (genre: domestic-ish fluff, slice of life)
warnings: some swearing but it’s mostly just pure fluff!
word count: 2.7k
a/n: i did NOT plan to make it this long lol i’m just a sucker for writing maki! i didn’t really explicitly state what the reader and maki’s relationship is so it can be read as an established relationship or not depending on what you like! i had a ton of fun writing this so hopefully y’all like it! :)
maki zenin doesn’t do ‘lazy days’. not willingly, at least.
when you’d told inumaki of your plan to shut off her alarm clock to get her to sleep in and take a day off, he couldn’t help thinking you must have some kind of death wish to do that. you’d argue that you were staging an intervention in the name of self care. he knew the reason you’d gone to him with your idea was because he couldn’t talk any sense into you.
he also knew that you actually just wanted maki to take a day off so you’d have an excuse to hang out with her in your pajamas all day.
despite the countless times gojo would use a day off as an incentive during your missions, when you finished you’d always be greeted by the same sheepish smile and excuse as to why your day off would be pushed back. for a grown man, he sure was childish when it came to planning stuff. in contrast to the groans of disappointment that came in response from you, inumaki and panda, maki never seemed phased by the extra days you’d spend sparring in the blistering sun. while gojo moved his hands wildly as he apologized, she’d simply shrug and swing her weapon of choice over her shoulder with a bored expression on her face. gojo always seemed relieved when she’d interrupt his plea for forgiveness to a group of teenagers to ask him when the next mission was.
over the past two weeks or so, you’d begun to notice the semblance of exhaustion around maki, one you weren’t even sure she was aware of. her glasses emphasized the purple tinted bags lining her eyes, and her nose was dusted with a sunburn that was oddly reminiscent of that momo girl from kyoto. they were subtle changes in the way she carried herself as well, in the way her shoulders slumped ever so slightly when she rested the wooden ends of her weapons on them. it was such a slight difference that it seemed only you could know so quickly.
so it’s not hard to imagine the joy that flashed across your face when you realized your plan in unplugging her school issued alarm clock had been successful. before then, you’d only woken up before maki once, due to an early morning mission with inumaki. that day, when surprise flashed across your face at the sight of maki awake at just 6 a.m on a saturday, now seemed a contrast to your current state. the clock read 10 a.m as you were interrupted from mulling over your breakfast with inumaki and paves with the sound of steps shuffling against the floor, followed not soon after by maki, clad in baggy plaid pants and a loose fitting tee shirt. you watched as she stretched her arms above her head, making her shirt ride up slightly from the waistband of her pants. a part of you felt as if you’d gotten lucky to see her in that moment, with her green hair cascading past her shoulders, and her yet to be brushed bangs messy as they slightly masqueraded her eyes like a sheepdog overdue for a trim. as she rubbed her eyes into focus, her gaze landed on you, clearly trying to stifle a smile for whatever reason.
“what’re you so happy about?” her voice was raspy as she straightened her posture.
oh, you were definitely lucky to see her like this.
“sleep well?” you raised an eyebrow with a teasing tone. she could practically hear the smug grin threatening to stretch across your face. had it not already been obvious who the culprit was, that would’ve been a dead giveaway of the way her stolen batteries from her alarm clock were collecting dust on your bedside table. she sent a lazy glare your way, but there was clearly no malice behind it.
“if i say i did, will you leave me alone?” her tone was almost playful as she stepped towards you, bending her knees to be at eye level with you while you sat. she probably didn’t notice that she wasn’t nearly as intimidating with her old pajamas and messy hair.
“no can do.” you no longer held shame in the catlike grin on your face. “gojo is finally letting us have that day off he always promises, and i’m not letting you use some excuse about being ‘too busy with training.’” those last few words were spoken with a monotone infliction in a weak attempt to poke fun at her almost robotic training schedule.
a roll of her eyes, but she made no point to move from her position. when she crouched down to your sitting form, her eyes remained focused on you despite the sleepiness still swimming in them. your noses were mere inches apart.
“and if i do?”
“i already told gojo to lock up the weapons, plus everyone else is occupied with relaxation.” you feigned sheepishness.
“oh noooo, i’m sure it’d be impossible to make it past his advanced security system.” her voice oozed of sarcasm and her head tilted slightly, a smirk daring to sneak past her lips.
the staring match you were unaware you’d been putting so much effort into was interrupted by a groan from inumaki. he made a face of disgust in your direction as you both turned to face him. if he could, you were sure he’d mutter something annoyedly about you two needing to get a room. your face contorted to send some sort of distorted glare his way as he got up to leave the room.
maki cleared her throat awkwardly, now acutely aware of the distance (or lack thereof) between your faces, courtesy of inumaki.
“by the way, if you don’t take a break, gojo says he’ll just make you take one during our next mission!” the grin on your face stretched almost cartoonishly at the dejected look in response to your declaration.
she was standing now. “i’ll do it, but only because you’ve already set my day back by a few hours, and so i don’t miss anything important later.” though you didn’t miss the corners of her mouth turning up as she averted her gaze.
to her surprise, you let out a soft sigh of relief in response. “thank god, my last resort would have been to make you go to training with the kyoto students instead.” she cringed wordlessly in response as she pulled a cup of yogurt from the fridge.
“what do you want to do so bad that’s got you so pushy anyways?” she sat with her legs spread apart as she ate her breakfast.
a mischievous gleam danced across your face. “well i was cleaning out my dorm the other day, and i may or may not have found my copy of mario kart.” your voice was triumphant, as if you’d just found the cure to a disease.
she looked thoroughly unimpressed in contrast to you holding down heaps of excitement. “never played it.”
your gasp of shock felt as if it could have woken up the whole school.
“maki…” your voice sounded accusatory, like a parent saying that they’re not mad, ‘just disappointed.’
“well it’s not like the zenin clan is exactly known for their expertise on video games, are they now?” she spoke matter-of-factly.
“and they’re clearly not known for having fun either, now you’d better eat up so i can beat your ass.” your competitive tone seemed to awaken a rivalry within maki, whose eyes suddenly became sharper with determination. you stifled a chuckle at the drive that came from your simple teasing.
“i wouldn’t get so confident just yet, no offense but i don’t think you’d be that hard to beat.” she teased, matching the mischievousness in your eyes, as she finished her cup of yogurt.
“oh it’s on maki!”
as you bounced down the hall to your dorm with maki in tow following breakfast, you took note of panda walking by, who seemed to do a double take of maki. she met his gaze, once again trying to look threatening despite her cozy attire. panda seemed unaffected by her glare, simply sending you a sneaky thumbs up, not going unnoticed by her.
“did everyone know about your little plan?”
“not everyone, per say. if i told megumi he’d have been a total buzzkill and told you.”
“oh how tragic that would have been.” without looking over your shoulder, you could tell she was rolling her eyes, but she did a bad job at concealing the smile that was evident in her voice.
“i know, where would you be without me?” you wiped fake tears from your eyes dramatically as you swung open the door to your dorm.
“not playing mario kart, that’s for sure.” she shrugged, feigning exasperation as she slumped on your bed. it was oddly domestic, this side of maki. it was the side of her with her hair undone, with her usual stiff uniform swapped for baggy pajamas, with her back flat against your rock solid dorm bed as she stared at the ceiling, eyes glazed over. it crossed your mind that you’d like to see her like this more.
but in case you didn’t get that chance, you were determined to make this moment last.
after a few moments of annoyance at how slow your wii loaded, and annoyance from maki at your complaining about it, considering that thing was clearly on its last legs, you were met with the flashing of the mario kart title screen. maki sat up to be met with your face brightening into a smile, making it hard for her to stop the matching one on her face. she found it hard not to get excited from the enthusiasm you had about this game, it gave her a sense of comfort that made her feel like she’d never have to worry about battling a curse again.
you handed her a controller, your fingertips brushing against her hand as you did so. her eyes flickered to yours with an impish delight to them.
“you’re going down.”
“oh?” you raised an eyebrow as you turned to click through character selections, shamelessly feeding into her competitive streak. after scrolling through the characters just long enough to annoy maki, you decided you’d play yoshi. she let out an over exaggerated sigh of relief when you’d finally decided, before turning her attention to do the exact same thing.
“rosalina, huh?”
maki glanced at you, before averting her eyes back to the screen. “what can i say? she’s hot.”
you put a hand to your heart dramatically. “oh maki, how you wound me. sorry i can't be her.” your little act was eerily similar to how the first years would act whenever there was even the possibility of megumi interacting with a girl.
“you’ve been spending too much time around gojo.” she scoffed at your antics while you waited for the crappy old wii to load the selection screen for tracks.
should i choose rainbow road just to fuck with her?
spoiler alert: you absolutely did choose rainbow road just to fuck with her.
you knew she’d never played before, so even if you did win, it’s mostly because you chose the most difficult track. but the competitive side of you didn’t seem to care. before starting the game, you moved so you sat next to maki on the bed, parallel to the tv screen. you guys sat shoulder to shoulder, yet maki still seemed totally relaxed.
“you’re going down.” she smirked, turning to face you, the second time that day her face was just inches from yours.
“i’d like to see you try and beat me, newbie.” you tilted your head towards her, a smug look painting your face as you leaned over to place your hands over hers, instructing her of the basics as you guided them over the buttons and joysticks of the controller. after all, it would be just cruel to make her go in completely clueless.
“thanks.” her eyes remained focused on her hands a few seconds after you’d removed yours from atop them, before her gaze travelled to meet yours. there was an uncharacteristically soft look on her face for just a moment, before she looked back to the screen. “but you’re gonna regret this when you eat my dust.”
“whatever you say, maki.” you muttered as the screen began to flash a countdown.
forget all that soft shit, you were gonna beat her ass.
your dorm room was filled with the sounds of the wii controller buttons being mashed, along with the background music of the game.
“SHIT!” you didn’t have to glance at her screen to know she’d swerved off the road and fallen, so you just smiled triumphantly in response.
when she was on the road again, you could feel her lean against your shoulder slightly as she turned. in your peripheral, you noticed how a few strands of green hair brushed against your shoulder as if it were yours. maki, on the other hand, seemed completely focused on winning the game, making her ignorant to how she practically leaned into you.
you were confident enough to know that you pretty much had this game in the bag as you kept your lead peacefully for quite a bit, that was until a certain smug looking girl next to you managed to score a blue shell.
“DAMN IT.” you watched as yoshi spun helplessly after being hit. “look at how sad he looks, you monster.” you glared ludicrously at her, to which she just snickered, but your feigned anger was quickly interrupted by the sound of the music speeding up.
“already?” you were exasperated to see how close maki had gotten to you. looking to her, she remained with a determined look on her face, funnily enough, it was similar to the one she’d have while sparring.
you didn’t want to have to play dirty but…
ah, who were you kidding, you totally wanted to play dirty!
“hey, maki.” your voice was husky from strain of your cries of distress when you fell behind. you leaned into maki the same way she had earlier, with your leg practically on top of hers, and your head leaning oh so casually on her shoulder. she seemed to stiffen for a moment.
“what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
swerving with your controller, you’d managed to knock her rosalina straight off the track, giving you a clear path to the finish line. you knew that making her all flustered just to get ahead had to be some kind of cheating, but you couldn’t deny it was so worth it to see the way her face flushed from a mix of embarrassment and anger at losing.
when you reached the finish line, it was hard to contain the laughter that came bubbling up out of you. before you could help it, the repressed giggles turned into a full on belly laugh as you leaned onto her shoulder for support.
“you should’ve seen your face maki!” you managed to get out between laughs. she simply pushed you off of her, though it was clearly as soft as possible. she held onto your shoulder so you were forced to be at eye level with her.
she opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, you lifted your head to make eye contact, your mouth in a tight line as you tried to hold back more laughs.
“you’re pretty good for a newbie though, you know.” you leaned into her touch, too focused on her to tease her over the animation of yoshi with his gold trophy playing on the screen.
“yeah and you’re pretty good for a cheater.” she scoffed, but it only elicited more laughter from you, gripping on the hands she had on your shoulder for support.
she wanted to keep up her front of mock seriousness, but the way you melted into her in this moment left her no room for her mock anger.
it was rare that you saw maki zenin laugh, but in this moment, it just felt so natural to you. it seemed to rise up out of her, like a soda can being shaken up before opening, it came out unrestrained as her shoulders shook ever so slightly.
you’d have to make a note to get maki to laugh more often.
“so…” you finally composed yourself, leaning your head on her shoulder, she looked at you without an ounce of the surprise she held earlier, as if you guys did this all the time. “do you wanna play again?”
she grinned wolfishly. “hell yeah.”
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elidereads · 3 years
You Came For Me (NSFW Elriel Fanfic)
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Summary: The night after Azriel rescues Elain from Hybern Elain goes to his tent to make sure he's okay.
Word Count: 5,800
Warnings: NSFW
Notes: This is my first fanfic. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated it. 🖤
She couldn’t sleep. Every time she closed her eyes she shivered remembering the things she was trying to forget, the feelings she wanted to scrub away. She couldn’t make herself trust that she was safe. She tried to focus on Nesta’s steady breathing and failed. Sounds that had once assured her of her safety now felt meaningless. Nesta had always been her safe haven, the only person who wouldn’t fail her or leave her. But the last time they had slept in this tent Elain learned that she was not safe. The cauldron could find her anywhere.
Not that it was Nesta’s fault, really she only had her own stupidity to blame. Her heart and mind warred with themselves, trying to decide what feeling made her cringe more, fear or shame. If she had allowed herself to see what everyone else saw, that Graysen now detested her, then she could not have been so easily lured. But last night she hadn’t wanted to accept that his affection could be anything but true. Even now a part of her brain defended him, reminding her that Graysen had been the one to lead her to the cauldron, is was the cauldron acting alone. She felt an internal embarrassment for continuing to defend Graysen to herself, that she allowed her stupid heart to create some hope that wasn’t there. She was pathetic.
Everyone in her village had grown up hearing terrifying stories of the Fae above the wall. She had always believed them to have godlike strength. Nothing could, or would, break them. Often she envied them. She was always the meekest of her sisters. Everyone assumed she lacked an opinion on anything, just doing whatever her sisters, mostly Nesta, wanted. In reality she lacked confidence in herself, she always told herself that letting her sisters lead made them happy, why should she push back. But she could imagine herself gaining everyone’s respect by becoming Fae or revealing some secret magic. Now, that secret dream made her feel even more pathetic. She had become Fae and had gained no one’s respect. She was still told what to do more often than she was asked her opinion. The lack of any transformation into the strong female she had imagined she truly was only added to her shame. No, even as Fae she was pathetic and boring. Perhaps Graysen had tired of her before her transformation, he just now had an easy excuse to end their engagement.
How many times did she need to suffer embarrassment in front of these people she barely knew? Starting with Graysen making the very public proclamation that he did not want her. Then, she made herself a further fool by wandering off and getting herself captured. In some ways it would’ve been easier if she had died in captivity. Then she could have been spared everyone’s pity that was so palpable she could almost see it hovering over them as they looked at her. But no, because of her stupidity she had to be rescued forcing Feyre and Azriel to risk their lives to save her.
Although now she thought very courageously about her death she had to acknowledge that that had been a very real fear just a few hours ago. She would swear she felt the world shift when she saw Azriel appear in the tent in Hybern’s camp. She had never felt relief like that. His presence had a way of making her feel like the person she imagined herself to be, certain, fearless. He looked at her as if he knew her. Well maybe not her, not the her that everyone saw, but the her she wanted to be, the heroine in her daydreams.
She exhaled loudly and rolled over, trying again to fall asleep. Mother, she was pathetic, creating some romantic scenario in her head where Azriel was the one person who saw her. He was probably the angriest with her. He suffered the most injuries attempting to rescue her. Would he resent the fact that he was injured before the battles had even begun? All because Elain couldn’t let go of her fiancé. What if Azriel’s injuries hindered him in the battle? What if because of Elain’s rescue he couldn’t fight as well and he …
Elain sat up quickly.
No she couldn’t think this way. She would have to speak to him, ensure he was fully healed before he could be allowed to fight. Surely the others had thought of this but if they hadn’t, she wouldn’t allow that to happen, couldn’t allow it. If there was a time for Elain to speak up it would be now. Well not now, not in the middle of the night with everyone sleeping, but now in there proverbial sense. Would he be angry with her if she was the reason he couldn’t fight? It didn’t matter. She was sure he was angry with her anyways.
Maybe that was why she couldn’t sleep.
She slowly pulled back her blankets and set her feet on the ground. Keeping her eyes on Nesta the whole time, making sure she didn’t stir. She pulled a blanket off her bed and wrapped it around herself as she moved towards the entrance of her tent. A part of her brain was warning this was a very bad idea. If she was worried about everyone being mad at her then she should definitely not make it worse by wandering the camp at night. Again. But another part of her brain, likely the sleep deprived part, was urging her on. Telling her a conversation with Azriel was the only way she would be able to calm down and get any sleep. She slowly pulled back the tent flaps and, with one more glance at Nesta, Elain slipped out.
She was almost positive Azriel’s tent was to the left of theirs and Cassian’s to the right. Too soon she and began to doubt herself. Was he sharing a tent with Cassian? Or Mor? Possibly even both. This was a bad idea. She couldn’t even knock and announce herself because how did you knock on a tent. She would just need to go right in.
She began to turn back to her own tent suddenly Azriel was there at the opening, catching her off guard and leaving her standing there speechless, like an idiot.
“Elain?” Azriel seemed to exhale her name after a few seconds of silence.
“How did you know I was here?” A perfectly appropriate greeting.
“My shadows. They patrol while I sleep. They told me you were outside my tent but I didn’t … are you okay?” Azriel’s eyes narrowed as he ran his gaze over her, looking for a source of harm.
“Yes. I’m okay. I just … I wanted to see you. To apologize.” Azriel gave her a look of surprise as a wind whipped through the camp causing Elain to pull the blanket tighter around her shoulders.
“Come in. Please.” Azriel quickly opened the tent further and stepped to the side so that Elain could get out of the cold.
At first his tent seemed smaller than hers, but she saw that was due to the amount of things he had inside. Not that he was messy, but he had a desk covered in neat piles of paperwork. Armor on a dummy in the corner and an impressive display of knives lied out on a small table top. A fire burned near the middle of the tent, immediately warming Elain as the tent flaps closed.
“Are you okay?” Azriel asked again.
Elain turned away from his things scattered throughout the tent to look at him. “Yes. I promise you I am okay. I couldn’t sleep and I wanted to … I hope I didn’t wake you. Were you asleep?”
“No I wasn’t asleep. I was reading.” He motioned to his desk of papers and Elain caught him wince as he lifted his arm.
“Please sit down. I’m sorry I made you get up. Are you okay?” Everything came out in a rush. Gods. What was she thinking coming here and bothering him in the middle of the night. She touched his arm, gently guided him to a chair and sitting herself down across from him.
“I’m fine. You don’t need to worry.” She noticed how he slowly lowered himself into the chair.
“You’re not okay you’re hurt.” Elain reached to touch his bandage before catching herself, leaving her hand hovering between them. “Is there anything I can get you? Maybe some tea?”
“I’m fine. You don’t have to get me anything.”
“Please. I would like to help.”
Azriel paused, ready to repeat his no, before seeing that accepting the tea from Elain would help her more than himself.
“Some tea would be great. Thank you.”
Elain busied herself bringing water to a boil over the fire and, after Azriel’s shadows brought her the dried tea leaves, making a pot for the two of them.
“Over there. There are drawers under the table with the knives. They should be in there.”
“Thank you.” She located the cups as the tea steeped in the pot. As she poured the tea she realized how calm her body not felt. Perhaps she shouldn’t have come here. She suddenly felt exhausted and very ready to sleep.
“Here.” She set Azriel’s cup on the table in front of him. She blew on her own and began to take a sip before thinking better of it and setting it down. Finally, with nothing else to busy herself with, she looked at Azriel. He was already looking at her.
She wasn’t sure where to start.
“I’m sorry.” She decided to lead with the phrase she couldn’t stop repeating. “My foolishness put Feyre and you in danger. I will never forget myself for that.”
Azriel closed his eyes, as if steeling himself for what he was about to say. “You have nothing to apologize for. It isn’t your fault the Cauldron tricked you.”
“If I hadn’t been such a fool about Graysen it wouldn’t have been able to trick me so easily.”
Azriel shook his head. “It is not foolish to believe the best about the person you love.”
Elain grimaced. “I don’t love him.”
“You don’t?” He responded, slightly tilting his head to the side.
“Well,” she blushed. “Perhaps a part of me does but no … not anymore. I see the situation for how it is. How everyone else sees it.”
Something in that statement made Azriel pause. He looked away from her, as if considering something. “Does it matter how everyone sees it?”
“A few weeks, even days ago I would have said no. It only matters what we, or I, felt but …” She gestured in a direction that she believed was south. “Before today I thought everyone was wrong and didn’t understand what we had. Now it appears I was the only one wrong. When the majority of the people in your life disagree with you, at some point you have to admit it’s probably you who’s wrong. Don’t you?”
Azriel didn’t say anything from a few seconds, continuing to stare at something on the ground, before responding. “That logic makes sense.”
They lapsed into a brief silence where Elain attempted to drink her tea again. This time only slightly burning her tongue before turning back to her next question for Azriel.
“How bad are your injuries?”
“They are fine.”
“I could see you grimacing as you sat down. Please Azriel, be honest with me.”
He raised his head when she said his name and met her eyes. “They are bad, but I have had worse. Rhys, however, has already implied that he doesn’t want me in the battle if it starts tomorrow.”
Elain started to apologize again but he waved her off.
“It’s fine. I don’t plan to listen to him. I will be fine.”
That caused her to gasp. “You cannot fight tomorrow. Not if it’s not safe.”
He offered her a grim smile. “I don’t think battles are ever considered safe.”
Elain did not return the smile. “You know what I mean. You are already injured from rescuing me. You’re already vulnerable. If you were to hurt yourself more, I couldn’t…” She trailed off, not being sure what it was she “couldn’t”.
“I will be fine. I have seen many battles and survived.”
She felt her anger grow, both with herself and his casualness. “You shouldn’t have rescued me. You are more valuable than me. Your life means more than mine.”
His grim smile quickly changed to something close to a glare. “My life means nothing compared to yours.”
Instinctually she reached out to touch his arm, wanting to offer him comfort in any way she could. “How could you say…” But when her arm touched his she was too overwhelmed with images to speak.
They reminded her of the dreams she had been having. Ever since she was Made every night she dreamed like she never had before. Dreams that were as vivid as Feyre’s paintings. Sometimes that how they started. She would be looking at one of Feyre’s paintings and not realize she was dream until it came to life or pulled her into it. Some of the dreams were filled with light, the warmth of the sun, the feeling of a new day. Some filled with shadows and whispers, hidden objects that she could never find clearly.
Surprisingly the dreams of the sun were the ones that preceded her worse days. Days filled with anxiety and unease that made her long to go back to sleep but also made her afraid to. These are the days she spent her time in the garden. Dedicating complete focus to her plants and flowers, working through meal times and until the night was so dark she could no longer see the roots. It wasn’t until day turned to night that her heart stopped racing.
But now she was sure she was not asleep. She could feel Azriel’s arm and hear the crackling of the fire in his tent. Smell a combination of musk and sweat that she noticed whenever he was close. But what she saw was out of place with the war time tent.
Golden, barely-there sunlight coming in through the windows. Another fire in a different hearth. Windows left open, light grey curtains blowing in the breeze. A garden could be glimpsed through the windows full of red roses. A soft moan that sounded vaguely familiar. Was it her own? She looked around to see white sheets were gripped in her hands. She felt a heat climbing through her body starting at her core. She felt something between her legs. She moved her gaze down her body. Heavy breathing moved her peaked breasts up and down as she tried to find air. Scarred hands on her hips. A head of dark hair between her legs. Another moan. She couldn’t help but move her hips in time with his tongue.
Her dreams had never felt this real.
“Elain?” She heard someone call her name, but she wasn’t sure who. She could still feel a tongue moving between her legs, bringing her to the edge of something she had never felt before. Her body began to shake at the feeling, getting closer and closer to a feeling that wasn’t familiar with but was desperate for.
Then her body was truly being shaken.
Her eyes fluttered. Had she closed them? She tried to focus on why she was shaking.
“Elain? Are you okay?” The scarred hands were no longer on her hips but on her arms. Holding her firmly, shaking her gently. Azriel’s head was no longer between her legs but looking her earnestly in the eyes.
“I … yes. I think. I’m okay.”
“Did you have another vision?”
“Yes. I think so.”
“Have you been having many?”
“I’m not sure. I have dreams every night, but I’m not sure if they are visions. They aren’t like this.” She motioned to the air as Azriel lowered his hands.
“What was this one of?”
She hesitated.
“Even if it doesn’t make sense it may be important, for the war.”
“It was of us.” She couldn’t help but answer.
Azriel gave a brief pause, concentrating on keeping his face neutral. “Who do you mean by ‘us’? You and me?”
Elain nodded.
“What were we doing?”
A description of the images flowed out of her. “We were in a house, I’m not sure where. It was peaceful and beautiful. There was a garden outside. We were in bed.” She could feel a blush creeping up her chest to her cheeks. Why did she answer his question. She could have deflected. She must not be fully awake.
Azriel’s cheeks began to blush as he sat up straighter. “Oh. And what were we doing in bed?”
Was it a repercussion of the visions that they had to be spoken whether she willed it or not?
“We … your head was between my legs and you were…”
Azriel stood up suddenly, effectively cutting her off. “I got it Elain. Thank you.” He quickly walked over to the fire and angled himself away from her.
After a few moments of taut silence Elain braced herself and stood. “I don’t know why I said all that. I’m sorry I’ve made things uncomfortable for you. I will go now. I’m glad you’re okay.”
But before she could make it more than a few steps Azriel was behind her. Placing his hand gently on her arm, quickly dropping it as she turned around to face him.
“It’s okay. I know what it’s like being a seer. Some visions must be spoken.”
Elain raised her eyebrows. “Are you a …”
“No.” Azriel cut her off. “But my mother is, I know what it’s like.”
“Did all of her visions come true?” Elain asked, pink staining her cheeks again.
“I cannot remember if all of them did, but I believe most. Although, not often in the way she suspected.”
“Oh.” Elain breathed. The air filling with tension and words left unsaid, until Elain had to say something.
“I would not be upset, if this one came true.” She surprised herself speaking so boldly, but she supposed the vision of the possible future gave her courage that her feelings would be reciprocated.
“Elain.” Azriel repeated her name in a rough tone she hadn’t heard him speak before.
She wasn’t sure who moved first.
His scarred hands were on either side of her cheek, pulling her towards him.
Her hands found his shoulder blades, pulling him to her.
A few touches they had shared before. His hand on her elbow. Her hand on his shoulder. Their fingers brushing. Always they had been gentle, reverent even.
This time their lips clashed. A different kind of reverence, as if their bodies were made to worship one another’s.
The line between sin and sanctification had never been so thin.
With Graysen Elain had been always been demure, unsure of herself. She had rarely felt much pleasure of her own and had the vague impression that he didn’t expect her to have any.
With Azriel she felt uninhibited, she could be herself with him. Elain Archeron, the naive, mortal girl and Elain Archeron, the high fae, the seer. Either way Azriel knew her and accepted her. It drove her confidence now.
Her hands moved to his chest, broad and firm. She had been held against it many times when he winnowed her, but she would never forget how it felt earlier today when he rescued her from Hybern’s camp. Now she allowed herself to give into the temptation she had felt so many times before and ran her hands over it. Unbuttoning the top of his tunic.
His tongue ran across the seam of her lips, urging her to open them for him. She did so eagerly and when their tongues met they both exhaled quiet moans. His hands moved down her hips, over her ass, gently squeezing before moving further down to the backs of her thighs. He bent slightly to get a hold of them and life her up. Pulling her closer to himself, so that their bodies were perfectly aligned. Her hands moved from his chest to circle his neck, one hand threading through his hair.
She felt his pause. His uncertainty in what she wanted next. She pulled his mouth away from his only far enough to speak. “Take me to bed.” Azriel emitted a louder groan before moving his mouth back to hers as if to claim her. After a few steps he was gently lowering her to the bed before positioning himself on his elbows above her, ensuring no weight was put on her. But she didn’t want to be treated so gently. She wasn’t afraid of the weight of him, of this. She pulled his neck down towards her as she lifted her hips up to his. Her body responding on it’s own.
Azriel shifted to one elbow so that he could move a hand to her cheek, gently, down to her neck. His hand circled her neck and he squeezed, lightly. Now it was Elain’s turn the moan, the idea of being at his mercy making her come undone. He squeezed harder before releasing and moving his hand down her body, pushing down her loose nightgown until her breasts were exposed. He broke their kiss to look at them.
“Gods.” He muttered before moving his mouth to her neck. Kissing and nipping until he reached her breasts. She arched her back, begging him to take them into his mouth. He looked up at her as his mouth hovered over her right nipple. His breath causing it to tighten, nearing pain. He kept eye contact as his tongue darted out. Barely licking the peak. Elain trembled and moaned his name.
It was his undoing. His mouth covering her nipple, a hand moving to the other. He sucked and bit until she couldn’t stop writhing beneath him, then he moved to her other breast and repeated his worshipping. She felt ready to explode from the feeling on her breasts alone, not to mention the hard length she could feel through his pants when she rubbed against every time his teeth closed around her nipple and she couldn’t help but rub against him.
“Take off your clothes.” She managed between breaths. She knew she was shaking too much to manage removing them herself, not to mention she wasn’t sure how to remove them from his wings.
He removed his mouth from her breast and lifted his head up so that he could look down on her and meet her eyes. He paused, as if he wanted to capture the moment like he was afraid that when he moved to take off her clothes she would suddenly disappear. She gently placed her hand on his cheek, hoping to offer reassurance through her touch. He lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on her lips but raising himself to stand at the end of the bed.
He made quick work of his clothes and she pushed her own night gown the rest of the way off her body. The soft blues of her gown melting into the dark greys of his clothes at the end of the bed. She barely had an opportunity to take in his hard length, standing straight at attention.
Then he was on her again. Without the barrier of clothes every inch of their skin is touching. Elain had never felt so alive. Like her skinning is on fire and freezing at the same time. Every inch of her taut and screaming for more of Azriel. In any way. In all ways.
He leaned forward to leave another kiss on her lips before moving down her body, leaving a trail of kisses between her breasts, her stomach, above her sex. When he was between her legs he looked up at her. “Is this what you saw in your vision?” He didn’t wait for her reply before his mouth was on her. He wasted no time kissing her legs, her thighs. Suddenly his lips and his tongue were between her legs, her sex, exploring her, feasting on all her. “Gods Elain.” Azriel moaned into her, causing her to write more. “What do I taste like?” She had to ask, had always been curious. Her question caused Azriel to moan again, she felt the vibrations in her core. His tongue dove into her, as if he was trying to distinguish her taste. “Sugar.” She laughed gently at his general assessment. Something, anything, sweet. She wondered how he would taste.
His tongue was unrelenting. Licking her up and down. Moving between her folds. Pushing into her. There wasn’t a spot of skin between her legs that his tongue didn’t touch. Over and over. Her hands moved to his hair, gripping it hard enough that she was sure he must be in pain. But he didn’t relented. She couldn’t help as her hips began moving on his mouth, riding his tongue. He brought one of his hands to her ass, helping to lift herself onto him. She didn’t spare a thought for the fact that they were only in a tent, did not stifle her shouts with the fear of being overheard. She became overwhelmed with the feeling that she was about the explode. Her body barreled towards some kind of release, but there was some a part of her mind that seemed to hesitate, fearing there was something she wasn’t doing right, that her sounds were too loud or her writhing too much.
As if sensing her hesitation Azriel moved his hand from her ass to her clit, rubbing it while his tongue moved inside her.
She saw stars.
Her hips bucking into him as he helped her ride out her orgasm. He continued to lick and suck her until she had all but stopped moving. Once he saw that she was exhausted he left one chaste kiss on her before moving back up her body until they were eye to eye. They held their eye contact until Elain lifted herself up to kiss him on the mouth, tasting herself as she did. “You’re right, like sugar.” She offered, surprised that her own voice was deeper and scratchier than usual. Hopefully that wasn’t an indication of how much she had been screaming.
Her declaration pulled another groan from Azriel as he moved to kiss her more deeply. After a few tangles with their tongues she pulled away, bringing her palm to rest on his cheek. “I’ve never felt like that before.”
“Never?” He asked with a slight raise of his eyebrows.
She laughed softly. “No. Never.”
He kissed her again, at first gently, before she was lifting herself to deepen the kiss. To take more of him in. She wasn’t done devouring him, having him. Tension began to find it’s way back into her body, her veins. The satiated bliss she felt just moments ago being replaced with the need for more. One hand remained on the back of Azriel’s neck, gently holding his mouth to hers while her other moved down his body. Over the planes of his broad chest, down to his solid stomach, further down until she could feel course hairs and then her hand found what she had been looking for, had been so curious about. The touch of her hand caused Azriel to hiss.
“Are you okay?” She began to feel embarrassed that her inexperience had somehow hurt him. She and Graysen had had sex yes, but there was no extra touching aside from what was needed. She had been content with what it was, but the orgasm Azriel had already given shattered all illusions of satisfaction she had had with Graysen. She now knew how much she had been missing.
Azriel moved his hips so that his hard length was again touching her hand. “With you I am always okay.”
Her lips turned up in a smile as she kissed him again, capturing his moans with her mouth and she touched his length with her fingers, her hands. Running them up and down him. Marveling at how hard he was, with skin smooth as silk. She wrapped her hand around as much of him as she could and squeezed, pulling another moan out of Azriel. He bucked into her hand once, twice. “Fuck Elain. Fuck.” He moved his mouth to her neck and bit down on the skin between her neck and shoulder, causing her to gasp as the pain and squeeze him harder.
Suddenly he was pulling her hand away from him. “If you keep doing that I’m going to explode.”
“Is that such a bad thing?” She went to move her hand back to him, but he caught her wrist.
“It just depends on what you want.” Azriel didn’t make it a question, not wanting to push her in any direction she didn’t want to go. He wanted to be sure it was completely her decision, her call.
“I want this. I want you.” She had felt that draw towards him, that longing, ever since he first showed up at her father’s estate. Cassian had been the Illyrian who had caused her paused, caused her palms to sweat and her legs to tremble with fear at his presence. But upon seeing Azriel in the doorway she had felt a calm wash over her and had somehow known that if Azriel was with Cassian, then she had nothing to fear.
“Have you ever?”
“Yes. With … yes I have.” She didn’t want to ruin this by speaking Graysen’s name. She didn’t want any thoughts of him in her mind ever, much less in this moment.
Azriel nodded, understanding, before lowering himself, lining himself up with her.
“Stop me if it hurts.” She nodded but he before he moved he looked her in the eyes and repeated himself. “Ask me to stop.”
“You won’t hurt me in any way I don’t want you to.”
He kissed her as he pushed into her, slowly, only a inch but still causing her to gasp. He pulled out slightly before pushing in further. Her gasps mingling with his moans. On the next push her eyes fluttered close, a pain mixing with the pleasure. He moved his left hand to where they were joined, his right staying by her head where is elbow was propped. He moved his thumb between her legs, above where they were joined, he rubbed her until she began moving on him, arching into him, wanting more.
Then he gave her more.
He pulled out nearly all of the way before sheathing himself inside her fully. Pushing her legs wider to accompany his hips. Her hips arching up further to meet his as she let out a loud moan. When he had allowed himself to picture this with Elain he had imagined going slowly. It was an image he had tried to stop himself from thinking but one what often came to him in the time between waking and dreams, when he didn’t have full control of his consciousness. But now that he was inside her, her perfect tightness surrounding him, all rational thoughts were gone and every instinct he had took over. He kept himself from unleashing completely, but only barely.
He squeezed her breast as he moved inside her. She pulled his hair. The sounds coming from her mouth were better than anything he could have imagined. No matter how much he wanted this to last all night he knew he would not last much longer. He raised one of her legs slightly, so that he could push deeper into to her and also be closer to her. He kissed her mouth, her jaw, her neck. Grazing his teeth down to her pulse point, he bit down, claiming her in all the ways he knew how.
The sudden pain of his bite mixing with the wild pleasure she felt every time he reached a spot deeper inside her pushed her over the edge. She clenched around him, bucking wildly to ride out that final explosion of pleasure, moaning her first coherent words.
The feeling of her coming around him, the sound of her moaning his name, brought Azriel over his own the edge. He spilled himself inside her, glad for her clenching walls milking him till he was thoroughly spent.
He stayed on top of her after, catching his breath. Hearing her labored breathing in his ear, feeling her breaths gently moving his hair. He gently kissed her cheek, ending their passionate fucking with something so sweet she struggled to catch her breath.
Then he moved, pulling himself out her. She groaned at the absence of him. He got up and walked over to his wash basin. Dipping a cloth into the water before returning to her and gently wiping her between her legs. After he was finished he tossed the cloth back towards the bin. It landed on the floor near by and he didn’t bother picking it up. Instead he turned back towards her, taking her in as she lay bare in his bed, starting at her toes and ending with her eyes, as if committing her to memory. Then he brought his hand to his face, as if wiping at the shadow of hair covering his jaw. Finally he sighed, seeming to reach some internal decision, and picked up her nightgown from the floor and holding it out to her.
She frowned as she took it from him, hoping that he would lie down next to her instead.
But he caught her disappointment, as he seemed to catch all of the emotions written on her face.
“I don’t want you to leave. Never that. But if Nesta wake and you aren’t there, there would be hell to pay.”
She smiled at that truth. “Do you think I can get in without waking her?”
“I will put you in your bed with my shadows. She will never know.”
Elain pulled on her nightgown and picked up the blanket she had wrapped herself in to come to his tent before turning to face him.
For a moment they both looked at each other. Trying to read each other.
Finally Azriel broke the silence.
“Was that like your vision?”
She blushed. “Yes. Well. It was similar but we weren’t in this tent, we were somewhere else and I didn’t see us do everything.”
He offered one of his rare smiles. “Good. So we don’t have to be worried this was the last time.”
“No.” She agreed, returning his smile. “We certainly don’t need to worry about that.”
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kikilefangirl · 4 years
Safety Net
Steve Rogers x Reader
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(Word Count: 1.7k)
It was dark, but you knew movement on your property when you saw it.
Your grip on your gun tightened as you stared into the black abyss in front of you. The sound of footsteps crunching across your grass was off—different pairs of feet hitting the ground at different times. You counted more than three.
The gun wasn’t ideal. It was too much of a spectacle for the occasion. You pulled a knife out of its sheath, and sliced it through the air. You stuffed the gun into the waistband of your shorts, and crouched down. Thankfully, the intruders were too far to hear the slight groan of the floorboards under your bare feet. But they were too close for your liking.
In a strange stroke of fate, one of them moved recklessly, sprinting towards your front porch. You sprung into action, launching at them from the shadows.
You sliced a nice sized gash on the right leg. The pain caused an audible male groan, causing him to falter long enough to take advantage and place a knife to the man’s throat.
He stilled at the cold metal on his carotid.
“Y’all are either stupid, arrogant, or desperate to come here!” You called out. Your voice carried out into the darkness and the footsteps ceased. Your hostage didn’t dare struggle against you for fear of death, but how much his crew cared was unknown.
“Y/N, stand down.”
A red sphere of light formed, and none other than Steve Rogers stepped forward, bathed in its glow. You lowered the knife and your hostage bolted towards his companions.
Your focus never left Steve as you surveyed his group. The light came from the girl beside him, while none other than Bucky Barnes was on his other one.
“I have spare beds and medical supplies for your friends down in the bunker. Second door on the right.” You stated.
One by one you let Steve’s team pass you, with varying looks of venom and curiosity. When it came time to let the man himself inside, he spoke.
“Y/N, I know this—”
You cut him off with a hand in his chest.
“Not tonight, Rogers.”
You turned on your heel and left the large man standing in the doorway.
Strangely enough, you slept soundly for the rest of the night.
You woke up just before dawn and began cooking for your guests. If they were worth anything battle wise, Steve’s team would be up soon. You started on breakfast. Grits, sausage, the works. You imagined it had been some time since they had a proper meal. You felt eyes on your back, and chose to ignore them.
“We had nowhere else to go.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, you stiffened and stirred the grits harder. Although your back was to him, you heard the floor groan under his weight. He couldn’t have been much more than a few feet away.
“You gonna look at me?” Steve asked you. His tone was low and deep.
You clicked your tongue and turned the burner down. You still had on your short shorts, tank top, and no bra from the night before. Your headscarf was wrapped around your head, a weapon just in reaching distance. You came around slowly, schooling your features into a blank expression.
“Thank you, for letting us stay.” He said.
When you finally took him in, Steve was as captivating as he was when you saw him the first time. His hair was a shaggy mess on top of his head, though. And he’d grown a beard. His eyes however, were full of the same dutiful gaze you remembered.
“You came here for sanctuary, I’m giving it.”
Don’t ask me for more.
Steve frowned and put his hand on his hips.
“Y/N. What do you want me to say?” He pleaded. You ran your tongue across your front teeth. Before you could respond, the girl from the night before emerged from the bunker.
“I’m Wanda, thank you for your hospitality.” She said. You softened at her somewhat haggard appearance. Her clothes were ripped in places, and her hair wasn’t combed out. You’d come across her file before, but only in passing.
“I just washed some towels and I’ve got fresh clothes in my closet for you, if you want ‘em.” You knew what it was like to be a woman on the run, surrounded by nothing but men. Wanda lit up at your offer and thanked you, slipping into a language you didn’t speak. You nodded and she left.
As soon as the bathroom door clicked shut, you stalked over to Steve, whose eyes had never left you.
“Tell your friends breakfast is ready.” You ordered. Steve nodded.
His hand came up to your cheek, and you could feel the rough calluses against your skin. All you wanted to do was close your eyes and melt. To keep Steve Rogers to yourself and stay in your hideaway.
He was a soldier—dutifully watching over those who couldn’t defend themselves. You were entirely different. You had been fucked over by enough people, enough times to know better. Why Steve didn’t, you had no clue.
You stepped back and folded your arms together.
“We get to work on game plans after breakfast. I’ll cash in some favors and see how far that’ll get y’all.” You told him.
The rest of Steve’s team was beginning to file into the kitchen. Steve held your hand, and the sudden warmth in front of everyone caught you off guard. Instinctively, you bristled at the contact.
You pointed Sam to a plate you made him, as a sort of apology for your misunderstanding. He gave a half smile and nodded in thanks.
“Listen up. Y’all got a week to get the hell out my house and plan your next moves. Meet me downstairs when y’all are done.” You announced. Without sparing Steve a glance, you promptly exited.
“Your best bet is a big city. I can get you passage from here to Cape Town, but after that you’re on your own.” You explained.
A chorus of tentative approval came from Steve’s group, but he hadn’t said anything yet. His eyes were glued to the different screens and maps.
“What if we went the back way. Get in by land and make our way to the coast.” He offered. You squinted, following his logic and trying to find truth in it.
“Waterways are crawling with authorities, legal or not. Y’all want that heat without a solid exit?” You pondered out loud. Steve was staring at you in complete earnest and everybody knew it.
“Plenty of blinds spots if we get enough distractions in the meantime.” He countered.
“I’m not keeping you safe here just for you to take bigger risks.” You said firmly.
The two of you were battle hardened strategists with too much history and a lot of unfinished business. Sam groaned from the other side of the bunker, cutting through your standoff.
“I, uh, need help in the kitchen. Y’all come help.” He called out. One by one, Steve’s team excused themselves with varying levels of awkwardness. Then it was just you and Steve in the bunker.
“I think that was intentional.” You joked. Steve placed his hands on his hips and sighed.
“Probably because you haven’t looked me in the eyes since we got here.” He replied.
“I’m not the one trying to get myself killed, Steve. You are. So don’t blame me for not wanting to look at the dead man walking.”
Your words hung in the air and a long silence followed.
“Come with me.” He said at last.
You scoffed, knowing full well you were retired. You had absolutely no desire to get back out in the field out of sheer self preservation. Steve talked a big game about love and a future, but he was in no shape or form willing to hang up the shield for it.
The two of you were at an impasse. Then Steve did the unexpected: he punched the wall.
It was a relatively controlled impact, but your house wasn’t built to sustain a super soldier’s outburst. An outburst that was a rarity in itself. Steve chest heaved less from effort and more from frustration. His jaw kept clenching and unclenching as he tried to keep it together. Dust from the wall coated his fist, and a solid chunk of cement dropped to the floor.
“I can feel something coming. I don’t––I don’t know what it is yet, but I feel it.” He said at last.
You made no move to approach the blonde, just waiting for him to finish processing the wave of emotions on his face. That was what you liked most about Steve. He never hid when he was angry or sad or lonely; his openness was a welcome change for you.
And this time it was more serious than it had ever been. You swallowed hard and made a beeline for the console. Punching in the code, a small chamber on the far side of the wall appeared, revealing the one thing you never thought you’d ever need again.
“Nat got one suit, I got another,” you started, meeting Steve’s eyes for the first time. A haunting uncertainty stared back at you.
You clasped your hand in Steve’s, gripping tight enough to turn the tips of your fingers white.
“I trust you, Rogers.” You admitted. You looked straight ahead at the suit, but you weren’t really there. You imagined the action you would see in it, and how devastating this phantom battle would be. A growing pit in your stomach nagged at you, Steve’s foreboding presence had fully transferred to you.
Something wet hit your cheeks. Tears to brace yourself, tears to mourn the peace you had here, and warmth. Steve wiped them away as they came, cradling your face with his free hand.
You craved the closeness––it was a string of touch and breath and skin the both of you lost in isolation, but found in each other. A new day was coming and you needed to be by his side when it did.
“I like the beard look.” You whispered. Steve snorted, but promised to keep it just for you. And the calm you felt with him was enough and would always be enough.
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where-dreamers-go · 4 years
“Hearts, Fangs, And Knifes” Spn Gabriel x Reader
(A/N: Based and extended version of my Imagine: Getting hit by a cupid’s arrow while out on a hunt. Did I just write an investigation and hunt?? Didn’t think I’d be doing that, but okay—cool! I hope you enjoy. I’m also double checking that Pages doesn’t change Dean to Bean…again.
Warnings: Canon violence, language, and death. Some angst.
Word Count: 4,767 Words)
“It’s not a simple salt and burn anymore. It probably wasn’t even that to begin with.” You said as you fought the urge to lean on the Chevy Impala, tired.
“Maybe we should check the house again. We could have missed something,” Sam suggested.
Dean crossed his arms and said, “I’m thinking that lady at the diner lied through her teeth.” He looked down to his bloodied shoes.
There had been more than just a haunting, but none of you had seen the attacker clear enough. Which was why you had called Gabriel for back up and assistance since Castiel was busy.
Subconsciously, you rubbed your shoulder. Being that it dislocated earlier, you were still wary even if it was popped back in place.
“Then looks like we’re going to the diner for some milkshakes and a liar,” Gabriel mused.
“I owe you one.” You gestured to your shoulder and the archangel winked.
“Alright. We’ll go.” Dean said. “Grab a dem—….the hell?” His eyes looked somewhere behind you.
Before you could glance over your shoulder, something nailed you from behind. A warmth filled your chest and a lightness filled your limbs.
The boys cursed and you heard them unlock their guns.
“(Y/N)?” Gabriel called softly and hid your face in his chest as he embraced you.
“Get over here!” Dean’s voice shouted from further away.
“What was it?”
He didn’t answer.
“What was it?”
Sam quickly said two words that lead to Gabriel tightening his hold on you.
“A cupid.”
You took in an uneasy breath.
“Get your feathered ass over here!” Dean’s voice was anything but comforting.
With much effort, you pulled out of Gabriel’s arms. You faced the cupid who donned a casual look, jeans and such.
Neither Dean nor Sam lowered their weapons as they tracked the cupid’s movements. The eldest Winchester had closed in on the cupid, keeping a minimum two paces of a distance.
“You’d think humans would be happy to see me.” The cupid said.
“Gabriel,” Sam said and the archangel behind you immediately had his angel blade in hand.
“Oh,” the cupid smirked. “Didn’t know it was you, brother.” They walked over to the group with a languid swagger. “Makes this…a little better.
Gabriel’s eyebrows set in a deep frown and pulled you to his side.
“That’s close enough,” Dean ordered. His green eyes glaring at the cupid.
Still with a smirk, the cupid stopped walking.
“Did you have orders to mark (Y/N)’s heart?” Gabriel took a step forward in a ready stance.
“What, you haven’t been listening, brother?”
“Answer the question.” Dean growled.
“Why? It’s been done.”
Your fingernails dug into your palms.
Why? What’s the whole point? This shouldn’t be happening.
Your feelings for Gabriel had quadrupled. Keeping your feelings at bay and hardly detectable was a skill built over years of practice. That was how you dealt with having a massive crush beyond crushes on an archangel. What you were feeling as you stood there two blocks from the motel and a short drive to the ghost’s house was unavoidable. What you were feeling less than two steps from Gabriel was greatly alarming.
“What do you know about me?” You asked the cupid.
By the look in their eyes they weren’t expecting you to speak let alone that question. The cupid rested on their heels.
“Just that you run around with the Winchesters and Castiel and causing unnecessary problems in Heaven.”
“Anything else?” You pressed.
They shrugged.
“This isn’t a game.” Sam said to the cupid. “Why’d you do it?”
“Why not?” The angel looked to Gabriel, grinning. “Does it bother you, brother?” An angel blade appeared in their grip.
“It does bother me,” Gabriel leaned forward.
You swallowed. The energy in the air was dangerously thick.
Eyes flickered between the two angels.
“Who else did you mark?” Dean asked, losing his patience.
“Who says I completed the match?” He looked to you. “Can a human handle a lifetime of unrequited love?”
Your jaw locked.
“Have fun hunting.”
In a flutter of wings and a sickening grin, the cupid had left.
It took more than a few moments before the Winchesters and Gabriel begun lowering their weapons and putting them out of sight.
Even with the cupid gone. They left more concern and questions for the brothers and Gabriel.
You exhaled, clearing your mind the best you could.
“I think….I think we should go back to the house tomorrow. It’s getting late.”
The boys and archangel had looks of confusion.
“(Y/N)…,” Sam’s voice was calm.
“Come on.” You walked passed them and went to the Impala. Thoughts focused to the hunt, you refused to give your heart the satisfaction of daydreaming nor of the added feelings in you. There was still a monster in town.
Things to do. People to save.
So much for a short hunt.
The drive back to the motel was short and crammed with unspoken words. That didn’t mean that you missed the looks that the men were giving one another nor the quiet glances to you in the backseat. You had all but tuned everyone and everything out as you watched the lights of the motel come into view.
Once out of the car, you were already fishing your key out of the pocket.
“I’ll see you guys in the morning.” You said as you went towards your room. “Night.”
Both Winchesters wished you goodnight. Concern layered in their tones as opposed to the casual ‘goodnight’s.
Once you were alone in your motel room you locked the door.
You sighed. You could have been sitting in the car on the way back from a completed hunt, and on your way out of town by now.
There just had to be a rogue-ticked-off cupid, didn’t there? Still getting over the last hunt. You thought as you took off your shoes. This one was supposed to be easy and short. But no. Freakin’ complicating things more.
Again, you sighed. Think of something else. Colors, narration, something.
So you did. You preoccupied your mind with the present—what you were doing and nothing else. Going to take a shower, you had hoped that there would be enough hot water to ease your muscles. There wasn’t. Not for long anyway.
Mindlessly sitting on the bed in your sleepwear, you ate a snack. Every so often you were mentally yelling and switching to a song any time your thoughts started veering towards anything love or cupid related.
Just need to get through this case. Maybe it’s two cases in one? You thought as you continued eating. Can get that waitress at the diner to talk. Maybe we can catch her in the afternoon or something. Owe Gabriel a milksha—
A flutter of wings was immediately accompanied by Gabriel as he appeared in the middle of the motel room.
“Were you listening?”
“You’ve hardly said a word since being marked. Is it wrong for me to be worried?” Gabriel walked to the end of the bed and took a seat.
“No.” You ate more of the snack, getting your focus away from your heart.
He watched you behind honey-colored eyes.
“At least we know that the monster we’re after has super speed. Narrows it down some. They’re strong too.”
He pulled your snacks out of your reach. Eyes boring into your head.
You felt your resolve softening, but you kept your thoughts cluttered or clear. It switched any time it revolved too close to your heart.
“You’re not eating my snacks and you’re going to get frown lines, Gabe.” You sighed. “If this is about the cupid having a mini tantrum….I don’t want to think about it.”
“I can find another cupid….get the mark off. I’ll find the one who marked you—.”
“Gabe,” you interrupted. “We have to hunt this monster first. It’s killing people. But….but if you want to go…go after the cupid….I’m not—you can go. That’s your call.” Your chest felt like it was tightening and air was a rarity.
“No. It isn’t.” His hands gripped the comforter. “It’s your heart.”
Tearing your eyes away from the archangel, you set your focus on the bathroom door. Clearing your thoughts again still held a level of difficulty.
“It’s been a long day. Better to sleep and have a clearer head in the morning, yeah?” You muttered.
A snap of his fingers and the snacks were on the table and you were under the bedcovers while your breath was minty fresh.
“Thanks, Gabe,” you murmured.
“Good night, gumdrop.”
“Good night.”
Offering a small smile, Gabriel teleported out.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you fell back onto the mattress.
Way to complicate things, you thought.
Soon exhaustion overpowered your battling thoughts and allowed you a few hours of sleep.
. . .
Suits on and fake IDs pocketed, you and the Winchesters stood by the counter in the diner. The morning sun-rays shone oranges and pinks across most of the surfaces.
“May we have her current address,” Sam asked the manager.
“Yes, sir. Let me write it down for you.” The manager answered as he went to the back.
As the manager disappeared behind a wall, Dean gave a raised eyebrow.
“You don’t think she’s sick, do you?” You asked quietly.
“Depends,” Dean started. “How much does she really know?”
“Just because she called out sick doesn’t mean she was involved with what happened last night,” Sam reasoned.
“If she’s sick,” you said, “Then she’ll be home all day. We need to check the guy’s house again.”
“Agreed. We must have missed something.”
“Not that we knew we were looking for anything besides a ghost,” Dean added.
“Yay,” you sung sarcastically.
The manager reappeared with a paper in hand.
“Here you are. I hope she’s alright. She’s a good person. Good worker.” The manager said as he handed over the paper to Sam.
“Thank you.” Sam smiled. “We just need her help. Thank you for your concern.”
“Thank you,” Dean said with a nod as the three of you walked out of the diner.
Even though neither of you were hungry any more, you were all growing suspicious. How many supernatural creatures were going to appear on this one hunt when you all thought it was over?
“Looks like we’re going to the house again first.” Sam announced. “It’s closer.”
“What should we be looking for?” Dean asked. “The man’s family owns the house and could have taken things.”
“I don’t think so. The guy didn’t really have what some might consider a lavish lifestyle.”
“So we’re back to square one.” Dean got into the driver’s seat as the rest of you climbed in.
“At least we know a bit about him already.” You added in. “Handyman, practically everybody in town knew him…”
“Unusual death in the woods.”
“Still seems random. Why would he be in the woods? Exercising?”
“Getting ready to exercise his time as a ghost and haunting people?”
You could practically feel Sam rolling his eyes in the passenger seat.
On the drive over the defeated-ghost’s house, Sam had already started planning where to look in the house. The usual spots where information was kept. Dean had the radio on, knowing the ride was just long enough for a few songs.
“Can you higher the music some?” You asked. The song was good, yes, however the height in volume helped keep your mind on the song itself and nothing more.
Dean gave an approving smile through the rearview mirror and turned the dial.
During the drive, you noticed Sam checking on you every so often. You knew he was still worried considering you hadn’t so much as hinted about the whole cupid incident the evening prior. He had cause to be worried because you were friends, but to you it wasn’t the time to discuss it. Not that you were ready to.
If you thought the motel smelled a little stale, the inside of the destroyed-ghost’s house was stuffy. No one had been in for at least a couple of weeks.
When was the last time the guy’s family opened a window in here?
The three of you dispersed to different sections of the home. Sam went into another room, you spotted a closet by the kitchen, and Dean went straight to the paper mess on the counter.
Since the three of you had got into town, the man’s family had yet to go by, but who knew when they’d show up. Someone inherited it already. The three of you had to quickly find what you needed.
“People still have these?” Dean had found an old phonebook with corners folded. He flipped through some of its yellow pages.
“They’re a lot thiner now,” you commented. Looking through the closet, you peeked into a cardboard box. It held only door locks.
“Any chance this guy was paranoid of being hunted?”
“What’d you mean?” Dean asked.
“There are at least ten different door locks in here.” You grabbed the box and pushed it on the counter for Dean to have a look.
“There were four deaths before his. Then the guy started haunting…”
“He could have been a victim like the others.”
“He was the local handyman, he knew everyone…”
“That doesn’t mean he had motive. The lady at the diner said he had an affair with the neighbor.”
“Jealousy is a good cover story.”
You frowned, “Was there even a haunting?”
“You’re telling me…some monster has been throwing us off their trail?”
You exhaled.
“Hey.” Sam called from another room.
You and Dean made your way to Sam who had a notebook laid open on the desk.
“You found the guy’s diary?” Dean peered down to the various notepads and scraps of paper. “Or tiny scrapbook?”
“They’re phone numbers to bookstores, a psychic, a private investigator, and even a cryptologist.”
“He knew something was up,” you said.
“Looks like our guy here was close to contacting a hunter.” Dean flicked through the pages.
“Do you think that’s why he was killed? He knew the victims and knew it wasn’t…normal.” Sam said.
“For lack of a better word,” you crossed your arms.
“He might have been trying to stop them—the monster.” Sam thought out loud.
“He got caught.” Dean crossed his arms over his chest.
“But how? He had work, but…did he know where to look?”
“I have an idea where we can start.”
You and Sam looked to the eldest Winchester.
“Diner waitress’ house.”
. . .
Nice and pressed suit jackets back on, you and the boys stepped out of the Impala. Sitting on a well-groomed yard sat a quaint house. Unsuspecting and fitting into the neighborhood.
It was time to get some real answers.
“We don’t know what we’re walking into.” Sam said as the three of you neared the door.
“Keep alert.” Dean advised.
“No distractions.” You breathed in. A mental image of Gabriel was interrupted by Sam’s knocking on the front door.
Quietly, you stood waiting for a response.
Right on cue, the three of you smiled as the lady from the diner answered the door.
“What can I do for you?” She asked as nicely as if you were customers in need of a stack of a hot breakfast.
“We were wondering if we could ask you a few more questions ab—?”
“Of course.” She stood aside as she opened the door more. “Please come in.”
A warning shiver ran up your neck as she smiled.
Hey, Gabriel, you prayed, just letting you know that I have a funny feeling about this waitress.
Sam lead the three of you inside.
The house smelled like lavender and bleach.
You may have enough mental control to divert attention from one thought to another, but you could not help but to wrinkle your nose at the smells.
Passed the entryway, she invited each of you to take a seat on a couch. The back of the couch faced the hallway you entered.
Dean sat rigid beside you. No doubt he sensed something was off or didn’t like how all of you had your backs exposed.
“Would you like anything to drink?” She asked.
“No, thank you.” Sam answered casually.
It was both amazing and entirely helpful how he could always do that. To make it seem as if it was a warm business meeting with tea.
She sat down in an armchair across from you all and crossed her legs.
“What can I help you with? Did you find out why he’d kill his own neighbor before himself? She was such a darling woman. She always ordered caramel sauce with her pancakes.” She smiled.
“Tasty,” Dean piped up half-heartedly.
The lady’s smile did not fade.
“How did you know him,” Sam began to question. Even going as far as to ask why she thought it was that man in the first place when it was found that he was quite happy with his job.
As the woman began to answer, her voice faded away; your attention drawn elsewhere.
You turned to look behind you. Another woman was standing in the doorway. A similar built to the one in the armchair.
“You three should have left town.” The waitress spoke, she was beside Sam then. Her hand close to touching his head of hair. Smiling at the Winchester, her eyes turned an unnatural shade of blue. As her smile grew, fangs were exposed in place of her front teeth. “We’re glad you stayed.”
“Vetala. Fun.” Dean leaped off of the couch with a knife in hand.
She had moved back to the armchair before Dean’s shoes met the floor.
“Bronze or silver?” You asked.
Sam was on his feet.
Hand reaching in your suit for your knife, you were pinned to the couch in a second. Your airway was constricted by the waitress’ hand. Her fangs more than too close for your liking.
Sam was shoved somewhere passed the couch after his attempted rescue. His thud against a wall and the floor was rather significant.
On the other hand, Dean hit the vetala hard enough that she loosened her grip on your neck. Turning, she backhanded Dean to the armchair. Both him and the chair toppled backwards and you missed how he flailed his legs to get back onto his feet again.
With a hand searching desperately in your suit, you heard the sounds of Sam and Dean’s continued fight. After finding the right handle, you pulled out your silver knife and plunged it into the vetala’s chest. She faltered and barred her fangs at you.
Somewhere off to the side of the couch, and out of your line of sight, Sam battled against the other monster with blunt hits.
To your surprise, the hand around your neck tightened, her nails digging into your skin.
Why isn’t it working? What’s wr—?
An arm wrapped around the vetala’s throat and yanked back.
“Twist the knife!” Dean ordered.
Grabbing ahold of the knife with both hands, you rotated the weapon.
In another moment, the vetala’s body stiffened and then slacked completely. Dean shrugged the body off to the side so it would not land on you.
Behind the couch, Sam had the other vetala in an arm lock before using his own silver blade to kill the monster. Finally it dropped to the floor, Sam looked away from the body with a flip of his hair.
“You alright, Sam?” Dean asked as he helped you off of the couch. He made sure not to step on the dead vetala.
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
“So…” You said and rubbed at your neck. “Was there a haunting or was it a set up—fake out…thing?”
“We all need a drink, is what I think.” Dean stated.
“Heh, you rhymed.”
“Shut it.” His tone was not firm nor irritated in the slightest. Perhaps tired.
You raised your eyebrows in a playful challenge and called out, “Gabriel, if you’re not busy—”
“Don’t tell me it was the waitress.” Gabriel had appeared beside you. “Really wanted that milkshake.”
“Yeah. A pair of vetala.” Sam explained briefly. “They had a nice operation going for them.”
The archangel’s eyes darted between the bloodied knife in your hand and your neck you were still touching. His jaw muscles tensed. In a snap of his fingers the pair of vetala were gone.
Handy, you thought. More than anything, you were relieved and overjoyed that Gabriel appeared when you called. You wished you could be as helpful to him. You wished you could do more for him. He deserved more positivity.
“Let’s get going,” Dean said as he started towards the front door.
“There were only two of them?” You asked. “Not a nest or anything?”
“Vetala work in pairs.” Sam answered.
“But if the archangel over here would like to do a house check,” Dean smirked, “I wouldn’t mind.”
You glanced over at said archangel.
“Be back in a sec.” Gabriel zapped out.
“How come he listens to you more?” Sam asked as you two turned to join Dean.
The warmth in your chest brought a smile to your face. You did love the extra attention Gabriel gave you. It made loving him a little more bearable.
“Maybe I ask a little nicer,” you shrugged. “I don’t remember ever yelling at him or anything like that.”
Why would I? You thought. They’re the ones with the weird tense relationship….some trickster stuff. Glad I missed that. It would change things….I think.
Outside, Gabriel stood beside the Impala.
“Let’s go.” He sung.
“What?” Sam opened the passenger side door. “You got plans?”
“Yes. I can have plans.”
You hardly felt your shoulders slouch in disappointment, but you could feel the cold, emptiness in your stomach.
“Will you be gone long?” You asked.
Gabriel tilted his head and spoke, “You’re coming with me.”
“Hey,” Dean interjected. “If this is about finding that piece of shit-cupid, I want in.”
You tensed. Thoughts swam in multiple directions before you could stop them. Bits and pieces more clear than others that you hoped Gabriel didn’t catch. You didn’t want to burden him or make him uncomfortable with how you felt. Not even the cupid who marked you could had known that you already held romantic feelings for the archangel. Although out of everyone, maybe Sam knew, he was perceptive in that way.
“(Y/N).” Sam had lightly nudged your shoulder.
“Uh…you kind of tuned us all out.” Sam said, his face full of concern. “You can tell us. I mean…we will go after the cupid. What they did to you was wrong.”
Exhaling quietly, you ducked down and squeezed into the car’s backseat.
“(Y/N),” Dean turned to look at you from the driver’s seat. “I don’t know who the bastard marked you with or how confused or pissed you might be, but don’t you dare think for a second that this is less important than a hunt. I won’t stand for that shit and neither with Sam. Got it?”
You nodded. Your fingers pulling at your sleeves.
“I don’t know what to do,” you whispered.
Sam got into the car and shut the door.
“We’ll let Cas know…” Dean turned the key in the ignition.
At the flutter of wings, you jolted. Your palms clammy like if it was your first hunt. You dared not to look Gabriel in the eyes as he settled in the backseat. Regardless, you could feel him studying you intensely.
The car made its way back to the motel and you had never felt so incredibly awkward. For one, you knew that your friends wanted to know who you were in love with. Two, Gabriel could sense your emotions and might have been reading your mind every second. Three, you weren’t sure if you should tell any of them the full truth.
They were your friends and deserved to know, but that didn’t mean you were obligated to nor ready.
As you walked back into your rented room, you went through a mental checklist. What you did not expect however, was Gabriel had followed you inside, closing the door silently.
You walked straight to your bag and set it on the foot of the bed. The first thing you wanted to do was have a quick change into something casual for the ride back. Getting wrinkles out of a suit wasn’t on your to-do list. You made sure to not take any more time than necessary changing in the bathroom and washing any blood off.
Back in the main room, you ran on automatic, thoughts preoccupied by a random, catchy song. Gabriel only watched, not saying a word, which only made your nerves alert you.
Once you zipped your bag and turned around to be two breathes away from Gabriel. Your heart practically leaped to your throat.
Honey-colored eyes captured your gaze. The bag in your grasp was tugged away without any resistance from you.
“It’ll be easier if I stay away until we get the mark off of your heart.” Gabriel said.
“It would be selfish of me if I took advantage of that mark.” He traced a small invisible pattern across the fabric covering your sternum.
Incredibly short breathes made it in and out of your lungs.
His hand returned to his side and he took a step back.
“I’ll put this in the car for you.” He said as the sparkle in his eyes dimmed. “Then I’ll go…”
It felt as if clawed hands were tearing at your heart. Your eyes stung from unshed tears.
“Gabe.” Your voice was small and broke at the last sound.
“I’ll fix this, gumdrop.” He didn’t look at you from the door. “Don’t worry.”
“Gabe.” Your feet refused to move. Your mind whirling with meanings to his words. “Do you love me?”
After a few moments of sheer silence, he sighed. His mouth opened, but he didn’t speak.
Your hands formed into fists as you forced words out, “Regardless of the stupid cupid arrow or mark. Do you…do you actually love me? Did you mean it with every flirt? Every time you would show up when I asked or needed you? When I was scared or happy? Because this isn’t like a movie love spell. Have I treated you any differently?”
Even from across the room, Gabriel’s eyes could root you to the spot and read you like a book.
You couldn’t believe, well actually you could, that it took your heart and feelings to be tampered with for Gabriel to express his feelings for you. To open up more.
“Gabriel,” you swallowed. “Taking the mark away wouldn’t change me. The feelings were already there.”
“Read my mind! Freakin’ go through it. None of this is new. I just never had it in me to tell you or ask you out.” You finally took a longer breath. “I’m only human.”
Gabriel snapped your bag to who knows where and took long strides to be back in front of you. His warm hands held yours and rubbed the tension away until you no longer had your fingers digging into your palms.
“You’re not only a human. Don’t say that,” he shook his head. “And I’ll tell you and remind you in all the ways of how you are more. I’ll tell you how intelligent and kick ass you are until you get sick of it and then I’ll tell you more. I’ll compliment you until Sam and Dean roll their eyes into the back of their skulls and then I’ll shout it from every ‘tallest building’ in every country because everyone should know how incredible you are. How perfect I think you are.”
“Yeah?” You sniffed as tears blurred your vision.
“Yeah.” Gabriel’s lips curved up and he nudged his nose against yours.
The wide smile on your lips could hardly match the amount of joy and love you felt building within you.
“I should have read your mind weeks ago.” Gabriel kissed your forehead then your eyebrow, followed by your temple, your ear, earlobe, cheekbone—
“Hey, you okay in—“
“Hold on!” You shouted to Dean outside. “I’m having a moment!”
You laughed lightly.
The archangel’s lips made their way to the corner of your mouth.
“I love you, Gabriel,” you whispered.
He grinned and kissed your nose.
“I love you, (Y/N).” He hooked your hands behind his neck. “Say the word and we’ll go somewhere alone. Anywhere.”
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Min Yoongi- Humiliation Looks Good On You
Hey there! SO ANON ASKS
Hi I want to make a request with the prompts 10, 109, 110 with Yoongi please. I have a story in mind. Yoongi is a pretentious nerd, the best in college but also has some kind of hate relationship with y/n he really makes sure to make her feel humiliated cuz he gets turned on by doing it. but then he tries to make a move on her. Thank you.
So y’all just wanna be bullied by Yoongi, now? Ight bet! Damn Masochists! I like it tho-I’m assuming you want a happy ending to this, so that’s what I’ll be doing.
10-  I think I’ll keep you as a pet! You’re fun to mess with.
109-  Are you crying because of me? Hm…I didn’t realize I have that effect on you.
110-  That’s daddy to you, sweetheart.
Also hi yes, I used the name is kpop stars for your friends names,
“Hey guys!” You greeted your friends as your rushed into the classroom. 
“Hey babe!” Momo waved you over. “We saved you a seat! Irene was just telling us about her date last night!”
“Thanks.” You acknowledged Lisa and Hyuna who were also sitting. “What’s up?”
“Hyuna decided to be a mom and ruin my date!” Irene scoffed. “She scared him off!”
“You’ll thank me.” Hyuna waved her off, not bothered in the slightest.
“Sure.” Irene shook her head. Everyone laughed while you mustered up a sideways smile. “Y/N? Everything okay?”
“Oh..Y-yeah!” you shrugged. “I’m alright.”
“Bullshit.” Lisa scoffed. “I saw her hiding from Min and his cronies.” 
“Min Yoongi?” Momo asked. “He’s still bothering you?”
“No! You guys it isn’t like that!”
Oh yes it was. The college golden boy who was both an academic genius and promising young performer. He thought because he was intelligent that everyone was beneath him. His plan A and plan B would more than likely workout. 
“Y/N, do you need us to-”
“No!” You cut Hyuna off. “Don’t get involved or you’ll make it worse. Can’t we talk about the party tonight?”
“Ah, the biggest turn-up of the year!” Irene danced in her seat. “I have the entire house for the weekend.” 
You, Hyuna, Lisa, Irene, and Momo were someone of the popular (but also super kind) girls. Every Semester you all hosted a party. You guys were notorious for throwing the best parties and this semester was no different. 
“This is gonna go down in history!” Lisa smirked at the thought. “But if that tool starts something-”
Lisa didn’t like Yoongi....Lisa despised him with a passion. Mostly because he bullied you so much.
“Namjoon said that he’d behave.” Hyuna sighed. “Don’t know how much that means to you babe.” she put a hand on your shoulder. 
“Speak of the devil.” Momo sighed, staring at the door. 
Everyone knew than Yoongi tormented you. There was an endless array of mixed reactions.
“Hey Y/N.”
Don’t answer, don’t answer, don’t answer.
“Yo, leave her alone.” Hyuna warned. 
“You gonna let your friends fight your battles?”
That alone made you whip your head around. “I don’t let anyone fight my battles!” you snapped, drawing the attention.
Before anything could go down, the teacher came inside.
“Hello class! Can anyone tell me what we were focused on last class?”
“We were getting into cliches and niches in romance novels.” You answered aloud. “We were talking about the Bully to Lover Archetype.”
“Very good Y/N.” the teacher praised you. “Now can someone tell me why we- and I would like to hear from the women on this...Why do you as women hate such a stigma.”
Your hand instantly shot in the air. “Yes Y/N?”
“Because it promotes the stigma that if a boy or man bullies you, it’s because he likes you. Which is extremely toxic to those with love self esteem because it makes them feel like they have to be ridiculed to be loved.” you said. “In my opinion any man who feels the need to degrade a woman is festering garbage.”
“Hm, interesting! Yes Mr.Min did you have something you wanted to add?”
“Yes, what my dear acquaintance Y/N fails to realize is most women actually like being teased-”
“Teased, not tormented you imbecile.” you snapped your head in Yoongi’s direction.
“Unless she’s a masochist.” he winked at you knowingly. ‘We don’t know why the male characters bully the females.”
“Because they have nothing better to do!” you replied as calmly as you could.
“...Well, women love the bad boys.”
“Women. Love. Respect.” you seethed.
“OOh a spicy debate!” the teacher noticed the tension. “In a way, you two are very similar to the characters we will be discussing!”
“Huh?” you turned back towards the teacher.
“Yes! The male bullied the female out of jealousy and spite and the female who is very outspoken, doesn’t allow herself to be insulted.”
“Out of spite, maybe. Jealousy, never.” Yoongi laughed.
What a smug bastard.
...(Later in another class) 
“Good going Y/N” Yoongi walked up to your table where you were sitting with your friends. “Now the teacher thinks we have something going on.”
“None of that is my problem...mkay?” you raised an eyebrow. “Any other stupid comments and or questions you have for me?”
“Sure.” Yoongi scoffed. “Is it true that you had to work at one of those sleazy bars to pay off your student debts?”
“So what if she did?” Lisa seethed.
“Hm, maybe if she was smarter she could have gotten a scholarship. Unless the superintendent is one of her sugar daddies.” He laughed. “It’s amazing what some people will do for money So is it cash or connection?.”
That comment made everyone fall silent.
“You don’t know me Yoongi.”
“Oh but I do. That’s why you’re my pet...Do you want me to keep you as a pet, Y/N?”
“No.” your voice wavered. 
“Are you crying because of me? Hm…I didn’t realize I have that effect on you. “
Yes, you had to work in a shitty bar as a waitress on some days and a bartender on other days. It wasn’t because you liked the attention. It was because those dirt-bags tipped you just for winking in their direction and you needed to pay off your debts.
But to insinuate that you had a sugar daddy....not that you judged anyone who did...the way he meant it...most likely meant something completely different.
“THAT’S IT!” Hyuna lunged from her seat and attempted to jump at Yoongi, age be damned. “IRENE LET ME FUCKING AT HIM.”
You didn’t notice the tears streaming down your face. In the midst of every boy in the classroom attempting to calm Hyuna down, you rose to your feet and exited the classroom. As soon as you were far enough, you bolted down the halls. 
You kicked open the doors to the school and ran home. You would face the consequences later.
...(Meanwhile, back at school)
“Hey! I was just joking!” Yoongi burst out laughing.
“Not to us, it isn’t!” Momo barked, her bubbly and cheerful spirit was gone. “Y/N is struggling to make ends meet as it is and she doesn’t need you COMMENTING ON IT!”
“Not to mention, she’s one of the smartest girls in school!” Lisa sneered. “I bet she’d score circles around you if you actually looked at her test scores.”
“Its bad enough she won’t let us help her out, but now she sure as hell won’t let us help her now, no thanks to you!” Irene sighed. 
“Oh Come on! You guys act like Y/N is some Miss Perfect!” Yoongi crossed his arms. “Is she really all that great?”
“If she wasn’t, why would you waste your time trying to bully her?” Hyuna finally calmed down. “You’re lucky that you’re friends with my boyfriend or else I swear you wouldn’t set foot at any of our parties.”
“Maybe the teacher was right. You’re just so jealous that Y/N wouldn’t give you the time of day that you turned to making fun of her to stroke your disgusting guy ego.” Momo crossed your arms. “I’m gonna go after her, she probably went home.”
“I’ll come with.” Lisa rose to her feet.
“I’ll get you guys the homework.” Irene nodded the two friends off. “And make sure Hyuna doesn’t kill someone.”
Momo and Lisa ran out of the school while Yoongi was standing there dumbstruck. For the first time, he was speechless.
“You guys, I really don’t wanna be here.” you sighed as the loud music deafened you and everyone within a five foot radius. “I don’t really wanna party...”
“You’re one of the hosts!” Irene sighed. “Enjoy your night! Come on! I heard Seokjin was just waiting to dance with you!”
Seokjin, the beautiful teaching assistant that any girl would kill to get their hands on. University life...Speaking of which, he must of sensed you were thinking of him because he sauntered over looking handsome as ever. He stared at you, a warm and friendly smile gracing his angelic face.
“Hey Y/N.” he smiled. “You look great.”
“Oh...Thank you Jin!” you smiled. 
“I’ll leave you two to it.” Irene nudged you before sauntering off, belting the song at the top of her lungs. “WHOSE READY TO PARTY!”
You were left with Jin who was smiling knowingly at you. “Hey...I heard about today.”
“I don’t have a sugar daddy and I am NOT a sleaze!” you cut him off sharply. “If that’s what you’re here for, then-”
“Hey Y/N!” he put his hands up in defense. “I was just gonna say what he said about you wasn’t cool at all. Everyone is giving him hell for it.”
“Oh...thanks I guess. Sorry.” you looked down sheepishly.
“Hey...You wanna dance?” Jin motioned over to the dancefloor. He noticed your hesitance. “Come on...it’ll be fun. If anyone gives you trouble, just focus on me.”
You nodded, allowing a smile to cross your face again. You grabbed his hand and ran over to the dancefloor.
From a distance, Yoongi was watching. He was drinking a beer. He glared potholes at Seokjin who had his arms protectively wrapped around your waist. You looked genuinely happy. It made him mad. Since when and why were you and him so chummy?
He decided to do something about it, so he put his drink down and marched over. 
“Yo! Jin! Hyuna said she needed your help with something school related.” he made up some lame excuse. Knowing Jin, he’d probably believed it anyways.
“Oh...Okay. Be right back Y\N!” he smiled at you which you returned. Your smiled was quickly replaced with a frown when Yoongi and you were left alone. He perked up an eyebrow and held out his hand.
You would have slapped it away, but Promiscuous By Nelly Furtado suddenly began playing. 
“Come on....” he winked. You begrudgingly took his only only to be yanked towards him. Unlike Seokjin, when he wrapped his arms around you it feel uneasy.
“ I think I’ll keep you as a pet! You’re fun to mess with. “ he whispered in your ear. His body felt hard and cold, yet you moved so effortlessly with him. 
“I’m nobody’s pet.” you snapped. 
“You’re mine.” he leaned forward and whispered in your ear. “Otherwise you would have killed me by now.”
“Still debating.” you laughed dryly. “You’ll always be a pain in my ass...”
 You broke away from his embrace to dance on your own. Working at a bar, the other girls taught you how to dance. The only positive to come out of working at a shithole like that, plus the tips you got just for smiling at someone. Yoongi took note of this. What happened to the timid little victim he loved to poke fun at.
You almost looked like you could hold your own.
“GO Y/N!” Momo yelled while dancing with her own date. 
As you turned back around, getting closer to Yoongi again, your eyes met. Things fell silent between you two as you took a step back. You had to get out of there before you did something you would regret. 
You wound up running into a random room in the mansion, struggling for air. Absolutely not! No way! You were not falling for Yoongi.
“Jin is so kind and sweet and Yoongi is the reason I don’t wanna go to school. Hell no.” you seethed.
“Is that how you feel?”
Yoongi stood at the door, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“Yes! I hate you!” you could feel everything welling up inside you as you met his gaze again. “I hate you so much that I wish you would-”
“Wish I would what? Drop dead? Drop out of school, leave you alone?” he cut you off with a harsh tone. “Tell me how you really feel!”
“Make your move or shut the fuck up!” you gave your answer.
You knew good and well Yoongi had a reason for doing this, you just figured you would give it your best guess. This caused Yoongi to raise an eyebrow. You almost regretted opening your mouth when Yoongi stormed over and grabbed you by the waist. He crashed his mouth over yours, claiming you in a kiss.
You felt him tangle your hair in his fist, keeping you in place. You tangled your hands in his hair.
Imagine, the schools bully and the girl he’s tormented since he met her, in such a compromising position.
You were two focused on Yoongi pinning you to the bed to worry about it though. 
“You are such a-”
“ Ah ah ah~...That’s daddy to you, sweetheart.”
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Interdimensional Moms pt4
Part 3 here! <-
The tales had be interesting. The tales had even been emotionally gripping, yet all of them so far didn’t seem to register at the moment as Ruby’s teammates looked at her with the same excitement she used to give her own mother during story time. Ruby couldn’t help but give a little smile.
Ruby:I take it you’re ready for my turn? You do know it’s not exactly a sunshine and rainbows story, right?
Weiss:We figured as much, but....
Yang:You’re so different! From the moment you showed up I could just feel it in my gut. You have this...presence about you. Not to mention intsene confidence.
Blake:Yang is right. You said you beat your Salem when your seventeen. That’s...scary if I’m being honest. Such a drastic departure from any of our worlds.
Ruby:*red* Hehehe ummm I guess I’m just awesome? Really I don’t think it’s the most outstanding feat. At least by my worlds standards I suppose. I mean sure, I’m consider cream of the crop there too but there’s talented people and challenges all over that would put me through my paces still. I’m just...me.
Weiss:Sigh...honestly, I suppose that means our own skills must pale in comparison to our counterparts.
Ruby:Mmmm I wouldn’t say that for sure. My Yang would kill me if she heard this but there’s something about the one right here that has spark I dig.
Ruby:Uh huh. Can’t put my finger on it but I think you take her if you want it bad enough. As for Weiss....couldn’t tell ya. Haha, I know better than anybody to not underestimate the power of mother, and you pumped twins out.
Weiss:Not sure if those are pity points or real ones but thanks either way.
Blake:You don’t even have to tell me I’d lose. Just gave an entire story about me an my condition.
Ruby:Don’t feel too bad about it. I can’t imagine much reason for you two to fight for any reason. You’re both too reasonable to not reason with yourself.
Blake:Aw I’m touched.
Yang and Weiss:We aren’t....
Ruby:Hahaha I’m just saying! So, I guess I take things from the top like you all? From what I learned from all of you our Beacon experiences really are more or less the same, not counting certain interactions between a bookworm faunus and an adorkable blonde knight. Enrolled early, blew up the entrance, Weiss was rude, Yang ditched me, all the same beats.
Yang:There’s no super badass change like you beating Cinder the night of dance and making our entire lives easier?
Ruby:Ha! I wish I was that legit. No, I was very much the young girl tripping in heels that night. Vytal festival came around and was attacked, then Beacon fell. Pyrrha was lost and so was Penny. Difference being that was my last time seeing her, unlike Weiss’s story apparently.
Weiss:Yeah that...that’s a little bit of shock to be frank. Sorry.
Ruby:No worries. Not like you did anything and it was decades ago for me now. After that day is when I started to get a bit more serious I think. I had always taken being a huntress seriously and never slacked of in trying to live my dream. However, my perspective may have honed in on just how do or die life his when you’re the one choosing to walk into unknown danger. Team RNJR’s first and only mission, save the world!
Yang:Sub mission: Flirt with Jaune Arc.
Ruby:*blushing* We do not choose who we fall in love with it. But yes, that may have been a personal pseudo mission for me. He’s my first friend at Beacon for crying out loud and I you know.....thought he was cute then too.
WBY:Yeah that checks out.
Ruby:What does that mean!?
Weiss:Ruby, even my Ruby admits to finding Jaune attractive and having a crush on him back in the day.
Yang:I already went into enough detail on how my little sister feels about Jaune. Your just the reality where you pounced on the opportunity and never let go. Struck when the iron was hot and none of us were around; sly fox.
Ruby:Gee you make it sound underhanded. It isn’t like I intended to actively pursue him. Everyone was really sad and stressed traveling to Anima. There was a tension in the air. One that really strained us. I did my best to keep focus, but a leader is only as put together as team. Ren and Nora confided one another as usual and I tried being there for Jaune because seeing him emotionally shut down was rough; so I did my best to be there for him. Then...he ended up being there for me and I was the one who needed comfort. All the airing out and late nights just...led to....*red*
Blake: “Breaking the tension?”
Ruby:I guess that’s one way of putting it. We were lonely. I hid my feelings best I could under the veil of comfort in the moment. Not that needed to. He made it pretty clear that he wanted me in the same way I wanted him. I just the two of us were too scared to ask for promises we weren’t sure we could keep so we loved in the moments we could, so to speak.
Weiss:If it wasn’t under dire situations, all that sounds oddly romantic.
Ruby:Right!? Looking back at it makes the entire thing seem romantic but I definitely wouldn’t wish a similar experience on anybody! I guess it’s what I wished for when I fantasized huntress life huh? Things obviously got better along the way. Our relationship got a bit more serious right before we got to Haven. Then Tyrian and other crazy stuff happened that threw all of us into panic mode again before slowly getting better again by a lot.
Yang:We showed up?
Ruby:Bingo! You and Weiss, met Oscar, and then eventually Blake came back. Things were on the up and up.
Weiss:Uh, Haven attack?
Ruby:We lived, up and up. Yeah you got stabbed but you know...that’s not new I’m sure.
Weiss:Yeah I have the scar and I’m still little pissed.
Ruby:Valid. Anyways, so my Atlas experience was different as hell. There was no formation of Remnants armies like Weiss spoke of or even between two kingdoms like Blake. Yang, what happened yours again exactly?
Yang:Nonsense. Cinder showed up with lackeies but not Salem’s lackies. Those people showed up separately, then Adam came back from wherever the hell he- a lot! A lot of people showed up for different reasons but also the same reason and to be frank, we all almost got shot by the military for being in bases that quote unquote, “didn’t exist.”
Ruby:Man I wish we traded. That at least sounds crazy enough to be fun. Just a rollercoaster in the dark basically. My experience was probably as hectic, but also way more streamlined. We showed up, and then all hell broke loose. Specially a mass grimm invasion lead by Cinder and her annoying associates. We were there for about three weeks updating General Ironwood and getting our barrings together when it happened. I wanna call it a hit and run tactic but it was clearly planned in advanced. Mechs were hacked again, traitors in the military, grimm lying in wait before hand; it was chaos! All for the relic.
Blake:Who was the maiden?
Ruby:Never met her. By the time we got there, Ironwood was panicking because she had vanished, taken right from under his nose. It was some young girl apparently, really young. The attack on Beacon looked like child’s play to this. Mantle got attacked, grimm were on the chains, they tried dropping Atlas to the ground; all a diversion for a relic. We all should’ve died, and yet, we didn’t. Winter and Weiss weeded out traitors, huntsman and military held the line, Yang bested Hazel with Nora, Qrow and I cut down Tyrian! Ren, Blake and Jaune helped the kingdoms while Ironwood struck down Watts. Nobody was in the mood to die that day. There wasn’t gonna be another Beacon. By all means, we were pissed. Even Raven showed up of all people.
Ruby:You can’t attack a kingdom without the world knowing. Especially when traitors leak info. Honestly she came for you though, or she never left to begin with. Couldn’t tell ya. Thanks to Maria I had a bit more handling with my eyes. That helped a lot. Without them and Os-
She stopped herself, choking on the words. The zest and excitement of recalling the heroic feats of her friends dimmed slightly with her smile. Her joyful smile became bittersweet like the memory.
Ruby:Then there was Oscar, the real warrior on that flamed filled night. That battle had to have been three days at least. We were so driven, and so tired. I was tired, but Cinder, Neo, and the others with her at the time weren’t; always showing up at the worst time. I managed to push Cinder back in a fight but grimm and others still swarmed. We were at a point that grimm very well might’ve did us in and the villains didn’t have to push any harder. But Oscar changed that. Hehe, what’s it about country folk that makes people like him and I not hesitate to grit our teeth? That dork looked at me, gave me the biggest smile on the the steps to Atlas, and then he left. His hair went white as he twirled the cane and then he left, forever. Oz came out, and he left nothing to the imagination. “Limited magic” my butt. He obliterated grimm and made a barrier aroma Atlas while everyone else cleared Mantle long enough for the world to send reinforcements. Salem didn’t get the relic, but she got the maiden and thousands of casualties. Oscar being one of them. Also, Whitley....he was in critical condition for a very long time.
Weiss:What do you mean...critical condition?
Ruby:Everything happened so fast Weiss. Panic was high, buildings fell....a piece on him. I wasn’t there but when I eventually found you, you were nearly hysterical and banged up. By some miracle he lived even though we could not reach him and he did not get aid for awhile. We thought him dead. It was only after everything we learned somebody got him. Being rich never paid off more than with medical bills. Thanks to youth and medicine he can still walk, but he can only do so much before being tired. He also left Atlas. The cold hurts.
Weiss:So, I run the company because he can’t?
Ruby:I wouldn’t put it that way, but it was one of dozens of reasons that made that goal stronger for you. Relax though, both of you get plenty of time to be witty siblings like I told you earlier.
Weiss:I know. It’s just, I guess it’s hard imagining Whitley hurt like that. I don’t think I could handle it.
Ruby:You definitely teetered in the moment. Knowing that happened though probably gave you anger and grit to fight the entire battle. You were a beast. Scarier than Winter. Anyways, that hollow victory was a real wake up call for the world. They didn’t know about Salem and we never told society in earnest. Cinder and other conspirators were enough to make Remnant work together to boost defense. Relief went to places that needed it and I, became the face of hope. Haven, Argus, Atlas, even people from Vale got to chattering of a particular group of people who always seemed to answer the call for help. Then the towns in between chattered. Yours truly had been carving a name in the history books and was only gain popularity the moment I stepped into Vacou, alone.
Yang:Where were we!!!!!?
Ruby looked at surprised faces around the table, smiling tenderly. She looked down her dress and pulled out the cross she wore around her neck. Her thumb traced its edges as her mind began wandering down an old path paved with emotions raw to the core.
Ruby:I’ve always felt different. Not just because of my eyes but that there was just...a certain spark that never stopped going off for as long as I remember. There are plenty of people who can’t bare to watch others suffer, but there are fewer people I believe that truly feel the agony of other people’s pain. Beacon, Haven, Atlas, Argus; there was no place I went that I didn’t see the faces of others lamenting, and I didn’t make me want to grieve. Atlas took so much out of all of you and I just felt so....driven to stop that ache. For everyone’s sake, but mine as well. I wanted the world to finally get to the happy ending. Enough trauma had be sowed for a hundred lifetimes, so I went on ahead of everyone. I never doubted you all would follow but I wanted to get ahead of the curve and take on as much of the suffering I could do others wouldn’t. If the world wouldn’t give me a miracle than I’d be it myself for everyone else.
Yang:That’s suicidal! Salem wanted you specifically!
Ruby:It’s not like I went marching up to her door and said “1v1 bitch, I’m here” no, I just chose to move forward quicker than what we were all doing. Believe me, all of you were upset when you caught up, after I had already saved Vacou. *smiles* I really like that place. I told the people it was the next target and all they did was double down on pushing back. I managed to pin down the Summer maiden before the villains and thanks with the city on alert, there wasn’t a shift in the sand that didn’t go unnoticed. I got the jump on Mercury and Emerald, personally paying them back. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it. It didn’t take long before they realized how screwed they were with them being outed like this and Cinder having the nerve to retreat before hand. Both of them threw in the total, outing the plan against Vacou. A wipeout of a win. Not to mention they told me the location Salem’s little hiding hole.
Weiss:We missed all of that?
Ruby:That’s what happens when I leave in the dead of night and running on adrenaline. Like I said before, people were tired. As much as all of you wanted to hoof it, other’s were relying on you. Atlas almost dropped for gods sake. Eventually when you all caught up it was at a good time. Soloing was rewarding but difficult. Fortunately Sun, Neptune, Ilia, and a few other familiar faces were close by if I needed an extra set of hands. My little stunt earned the anger of everyone for awhile.
WBY:Yeah no shit...the leader left.
Ruby:Yang was the most upset, followed by Uncle Qrow, and you Weiss. I was ready for the blowback. Jaune and Nora saw me though and bursted into tears. Hehe, wasn’t ready for that. Felt terrible and cried back. To prevent that stunt again, my Yang convinced Raven to link me. A couple days of apologizing and rest smoothed things over. It also gave time for just a few close friends and colleagues to get together for an assault on Salem’s castle. A few were apprehensive about it at first but at the end of the day I was going. That attitude was infectious apparently. You guys, actually everybody, they started getting this hunger to end it all. Maybe it was the high of victory? Regardless, it sent me racing to the end with those that I loved most.
Yang:You’re a real “my way or the highway” kind of Ruby. I don’t get how that explains what made you so...elite.
Ruby:I’m not sure what to say. A fight needed to to fought so I fought it. A cry for help was heard so I ran to it. A grimm needed slaying so I slayed it. People needed me to win so I didn’t dare think of losing. Dying was never option, even when it stared me right into my eyes. I had things I wanted to do and people I wanted see for years to come. I guess...I am strong because of the fact I want things my way. A moment I’m not giving it 110% is a moment wasted. After all, a huntress is all I ever wanted to be.
A single dream she wanted since birth. The never ending desire to be the hero in stories told to her many nights ago. That’s all it ever was. That’s all it’s ever been. Even in meadow of beautiful red roses, one would be the rose that captured the eyes of many, that bloomed stronger than the rest. As simple as it was, that had to be the answer here. Weiss, Yang, and Blake were in front of that flower. The Ruby Rose that simply bloomed stronger than the rest. The one that clung to her dream as if letting go meant dying itself. The devotion was inspiring, yet also overwhelming. If this was Ruby they had lead them that day in the Emerald Forest, could they have kept up? Could she be the leader they followed? No, they couldn’t have. Something deep down inside them gave them that answer. No matter how she looked and how much she loved, this Ruby Rose was cut from a cloth they simply weren’t off. The same as others, but oh so different.
Weiss:You’re....kinda a monster, you know that right?
Yang:Seriously, I’m so...floored. It’s intimidating.
Blake:Not to mention humbling. I used to think I gave it all I had. Now I’m not so sure.
Ruby:Oh don’t be like that you three! You’re all living proof there was more than way to go about life, this war! Everything you gave was enough because you’re done with it! Nobody failed. Besides, I...am far from ideal. The assault was challenging. Getting around hoards of grimm and making it to Salem was hell made real. Neo tried taking another shot at me but Yang held her off with help. Everyone pushed the obstacles in front of me out of the way as I went to Salem herself. Cinder had been abandoned by her and stripped of a lot of her powers. Angry and desperate, she tried killing me again as a way to prove worth. I beat her. However, I let her walk away.
Yang:What!? Why would-
Ruby:Naive, I was...naive okay? She was all spent and though I hated her, I just couldn’t. Not when I looked into her eyes and saw that same hunger I had to claw and scream at my dream until it was in my hands die inside her. We both knew from this point on there was absolutely nothing she could do where this ends her way. All she worked for turned burned to ash. So I gave her the choice to not burn up with it. Cinder swallow her pride and then fled. A part of me couldn’t help but rationalize killing her didn’t solve or justify any of my beliefs or desires. It would’ve done it because I hated her like she hated me. That was the dumb logic of a seventeen year old who never quite learned to take things slow.
Blake:....I don’t think it’s dumb. Naive for sure, but maybe that’s good? Even my Ruby, she never wanted to act on hate. She didn’t. Salem lives.
Weiss:Mine sent her soul to be at piece instead of passing a cruel judgment.
Yang:As a person who’s seen what you looked like with nothing but vengeance inside, I can say it doesn’t fit you. Before that day you had a warmth inside you to even foes that were somewhat admirable. You chose to leave Cinder’s fate up to those who had that hate and Salem was undone by her own doing at the very end. That’s what really makes you special Ruby. That’s why you’re called an honest soul. Good will is your nature.
Ruby:....Hmm, you sure know how to butter me up. *scratches head* I guess that part of me is uni-I mean multiversal. Strangely, that makes me feel better, to a degree.
Weiss:Do we even have to ask what happened to Salem at this point? I doubt the story ends with you loosing and having to retreat.
Ruby:Who’s to say it doesn’t? I could’ve been beaten to death before the gods themselves descended down to revive me with awesome power.
Yang:....Did you?
Ruby:Wh-No! Haha, I made her an immortal statue.
Blake:I-It was that easy?
Ruby:Well I wouldn’t call rushing into hell’s castle easy, or Salem. I lit her up at least a dozen times. My head pounded from each use, I was tossed around a bunch, magic is annoying, and not to mention running out of ammo. I left nothing to the imagination in that fight. If it were easy then I wouldn’t be rooting my horn and my age doing it. I was so tired I blacked out afterwards. I woke days later with a sore body and the title of “Remnant’s Savior.” Apparently beating Salem had weakened the grimm everywhere and all of you made sure who was to be thanked for it. That’s the tale of how I saved the world with my friends. Love, trust, elbow grease, and a lot of bullets. Before the final battle, Ozpin had struck a deal with everyone involved. In return for saving the world, he’d cut ties with us.
Yang:Seriously? What brought that about!?
Ruby:Good or not, he lied and was a schemer. Sure I was gonna try to save the world regardless of his interference but there wasn’t a person alive that didn’t to finally take a step towards the future after all this. All of us finally had time chase dreams and help the world the way we wanted to before all of this. Blake begin mending hate, Weiss took back her company, if Yang wasn’t with Blake then she was seeking more answers to Raven on wild adventures.
Yang:You mean Raven still left after all that!?
Ruby:In her defense, both of you made everything fucking awkward when she was around. It’s like you both wanted to talk about something but knew any subject was a land mine so you all you ever did was...stare, like weirdos. Glad that’s in the past. She just lives with dad now and you two now to hold a conversation. I dare not ask for more. I’d be a granny by the time I did.
Yang:Sigh...I don’t know what I expected. Shit it the fan several times and children were born before mom and I found solidarity and understanding. What did you do afterwards? Your goal was already met.
Ruby:Like hell it was! I started busting my butt traveling around the world, visiting every place to help in anyways I could. Ren and Nora tagged along for awhile before going off to make an orphanage in Anima near Ren’s old village. That left Jaune and I to do our hero thing.
Yang:As well as other things....
Ruby:Hey, what can I say? We were young and going up in the world. By the time I was nineteen, I was now a married to my partner and best friend.
Ruby:He’s my partner on RNJR and you’re my BFF, gosh did I really need to explain that hehe?
Weiss:I just had to make sure. Crazier twists could happen.
Blake:Wow you married young. Not that there’s a problem but I’m surprised. Then again you also dated earlier than my Ruby. Hehe, weapons were on her brain for a long time.
Weiss:No kidding. When I learned about you crushing on my brother I was shocked to find out you liked anybody in general. Especially a person who isn’t a weapon nut in the slightest.
Ruby:*shrugs* All you’re telling me is I’m clearly the most impatient or impulsive Ruby you all know. Don’t know how that happened. Maybe I was dropped as a baby or had one too many coffees growing up?
Weiss:I’m willing to bet it’s both.
Ruby:Ruuuuude. So yeah, that’s...the story of how I saved the world and married Jaune. We even built a home just outside Vacou, overlooking the kingdom and neighboring town in the distance where Maria grew up. Yeah, that’s me....more or less. All the triumphant parts anyways. Anything later on is......
Blake:R...Ruby? You okay?
Ruby:Nope, not really. *clenches cross*
Yang:......You know, I never really got religion, especially after learning the truth. It just seemed completely hollow when you learn of the real gods, ya know? However, I changed my tune a bit after being a parent and then some more when uncle Qrow died. It was never really about the truth behind if those other gods were real-
Ruby:It’s the piece of mind in believing in a better place for loved ones and having people watch over you. It’s truly based on blind faith in every sense but that’s okay as long as it gives peace of mind, to stay strong. Yeah....that’s why I wear this.
Yang:If that’s the “why” then I guess the unavoidable question is what happened?
The reaper leaned back in his chair, letting out a long sigh. Ruby brushed her hair out of her face while her face went pale. Then, Ruby’s eyes, her teammates watched a pair of stunning silver eyes dim, becoming akin to a clouded mirror.
Ruby:Being a huntress was all I wanted. The plan of having a family and settling down never appealed to me much. I feel, I felt like being in the field was where I was meant to be. It’s where I was most myself in a way. So the day I learned that I was pregnant was more than a little upsetting and terrifying, until dad and time itself filled me with the most genuine joy I may have ever experienced. Dustin Arc Rose, my first born son. He opened a door to a world and life I never knew I wanted to be apart of. Then...that door was shut minutes after, when Cinder and Neo stole him right from my arms. I couldn’t do a single thing about it other than blackout. That single act of good will I showed, it did nothing but kill me inside. The same way I did to her.
Yang:Ru-Ruby....your eyes.
Ruby:Hmm? Are they clouded? Funny, I would’ve thought your Ruby would’ve had a similar change. Maybe that’s a world exclusive thing, or a testament to the will you Ruby has to endure. Clouded eyes on a silver eyed warrior means the person has lost the desire or rather the mindset of persevering life. Be it their own life or wanting to end another’s life out of resentment, strife. My entire world fell apart when I woke up and learned nobody was able to retrieve Dustin. I was in pieces, Jaune was broken, nobody was the same. There wasn’t a soul we didn’t know that hadn’t tried to find a lead, but we never did. He was just...gone; and I couldn’t cope at all.
Weiss:I don’t think any mother could. Ruby, I’m so sorry that happened to you.
Ruby:I’m sorry too. I lashed out in anger, and shut people out. My eyes clouded and I dove into my work for a little over a year doing nothing but searching aimlessly as I took and every job back to back. The more time went by meant the more people eventually had to go back to their own, and it drove me up a wall inside. No one could reach me. I didn’t want anybody to. Not even Jaune. I....*teary eyed* I left him alone in house. There was no part of me that could even attempt to understand his pain because I was drowning in mine. I was told he tried his best to catch them at the hospital. I never hated him for not succeeding but I...he... I just, I can’t. I don’t know what I thought. All o knew was I didn’t even want him to touch me. How cruel is that? *hugging herself* I made him drown in despair in the same way I was. I wasn’t home so often that I never realized he eventually left it abandoned to live with dad. Yang and Blake I didn’t even show up to your wedding. Jaune did that much. Hell, Raven attended. Ruby Rose as a person didn’t exist any more. I was only a wandering huntress looking for answers or the challenge that might’ve ended me.
Blake:What changed?
Ruby:Oz, he did what nobody else dared to do. He fought me. I don’t think he thought twice about it. He was prepared to accept all the anger I kept inside until I eventually broke down into tears like I’m trying not to do right now. Thinking about that time is still, extremely difficult. Oz let me lament, encouraging me afterwards to finally except the fact Dustin was gone and that I needed to process it properly. First I went to you Yang, in order to have a my big sis to lean on. Can you guess how that went?
Yang:With me holding you tighter than I ever had before.
Ruby:*smiles gently* I don’t deserve you. You and Blake then came to patch with me where everyone else waited for me and helped me face Jaune. That may have been the hardest thing I’ve done. Grieving or not, the fact that I left him in such a state. I know what that does to people firsthand and yet I left. For the first time in over a year we embraced and finally grieved together. The next two years were spent trying to heal and cope. During my time away the world had fully acknowledged me. I even got a proper nickname, but it all felt hollow. Imagine that, achieving your dream but not caring? If that’s not salt in a wound then I don’t know what is.
Weiss:What’s your title?
Ruby:I am the person people want to see when evil comes to cut their story short. I am a symbol that their tale still has more to tell. Remnant has named me The Storyteller. Curtsey of Maria, who spread the name around. Healing was slow and most nights I felt a pain in my heart, but then everything changed. One moment made me dare to try again to open that shut door in my life. *looks at Yang* I held your son in my arms. Sweet little Kovu.
Blake:*smiles* Kovu? Now I wonder who named him?
Yang:*red* Huh...how about that? Hehehe, wish I could meet him. I know he isn’t technically mine but I can’t help but feel all warm now. Also I can’t believe I named him that!
Weiss:I can. Veronica’s middle name is Nala.
Yang:Okay, maybe not marrying Blake was a win? Clearly I can’t be trusted to not name my children after other cats.
Blake:The wrong kind of cat too. I’m a panther faunus, not a lion. Even if they’re blonde that’s still false advertising of what they are.
Ruby:Well Yang was the one giving birth so you lost a majority of the option to complain.
Blake:That is fair.
Weiss:You gave birth to Vee, so I think that solves who picked her first name.
Ruby rested her head in her propped up hands that rested on the table. She felt exhausted reliving that chapter of her life mentally. Still she managed to smile, then smile bigger. Her eyes unclouded and a warm feeling filling her again. What Ruby said earlier about what made her different may have reign true, but her friends could since that there was now more to it. Ruby had spiraled into an unimaginable tragedy, yet was able to bounce back thanks to loved ones. To smile as she does, it was truly a strong sight to see. Even if she wasn’t fully aware of that.
Ruby:Carmine Arc Rose, my second born and the first child to call me mommy. Followed many years later by itty bitty Garnet. He’s my little man, five years old while is big sis is seventeen now.
Yang:Damn! That’s a gap. Oh, also congratulations. Almost forgot that part. I’m glad you got to be the super awesome mom that-
Ruby:I am easily C-teir.
Yang:Oh come on! What!?
Ruby:Listen, I know I got on you all for calling yourselves bad parents, but I will hear no debate about me understand!? I flop a lot of times.
Weiss:That doesn’t make you a C-teir. That makes you a new mom, silly.
Ruby:*grumbling* I agree to disagree but thank you. It’s just a lot okay. Too much to dive into honestly.
Blake:Summarize. Give us an abbreviated version.
Ruby:Ummm so Carmine is real special kid. The absolute love I have for her is unbreakable but gods damnit if she isn’t the most... “me” I could be! In a way similar yet different from myself, Carmine has always had this sense of urgency in her and a love for the world around her. She recognizes that it’s a fragile piece we have and just how hard I’ve worked with everyone to make it. I could tell that from her when she was five. I’d sound crazy, but the fact she used her eyes at the age proves I’m not.
Yang:She has silver eyes!? Why didn’t you bring that up?
Ruby:I thought that was obvious. All of my kids were born with then. Unlike her baby brother though, Carmine was a weird little kid. She didn’t socialize well. Still doesn’t, she’s kinda comes off rude and cold because of her bluntness. She doesn’t really express all her feelings or understand others fully. One might call her a little cold but the passion she had to protect life itself is a testament to how much she cares. Carmine is also a genius fighter. To put in perspective, people use the same nickname for her that they used for Pyrrha.
Ruby:Yeah! It’s not hyperbolic to say ever since Carmine is far beyond any skill I was at her age since she turned thirteen. You called me a monster earlier but no, I merely gave birth to a beast. I mean she could pass the huntsman exam at fifteen if I didn’t make her wait. I can’t call her arrogant, she talks with confidence because she has that right by all means. Still, besides her face, that’s where the similarities start separating; besides terrible grades in general stuff. We’ve never been in step completely. To put simply in her own words, “What I am is a hero, while she is a huntress.” That good will and mercy I try to give everyone isn’t how she rolls. It drives a real wedge that has resulted in us not going on missions together.
Blake:Is she...killing?
Ruby:She has before, and it had valid reasons entirely, but I also know for a fact she is more than capable of bringing down people without taking that step. Not all cases are that intense thank goodness. Her overall aggressiveness is the root of the problem. You don’t have to put you back into it when handling thugs. They aren’t Hazel.
Yang:Ooo okay, yeah I’m seeing what you mean now. It’s like that one comic you always read!
Ruby:Sigh...yeah she channels a bit of Batman energy and I need her to not do that all the time. I suppose being an honest soul isn’t particularly hereditary. It always feels like we aren’t enjoying each other’s company these days. I can’t blame her though. So....you know how all of you have had one serious problem that has both destabilized yourself as well as the kids and their relationship to you? *clouded eyes*
Weiss:Wait...you loosing a child wasn’t that?
Ruby:Oh it was. It just so happened that it never ended. It grew day by day. Night by night. Jaune and I were cautious with Carmine. Going as far to give her contacts and giving birth to her off the record and not at a hospital. Just in case Cinder came back. Well, Cinder and Neo came back, with my Dustin.
Nobody said anything. What do you even say to that!? All they did was let out a stifled breath and tried to gauge Ruby’s look of guilt.
Ruby:Yet again we had gotten too comfortable. It happened when Carmine was thirteen. I don’t think Garnet was even one yet. That’s when the cruelest realization hit me. My son had been alive and hearing about how his so called mother being a person who saves everyone, yet she never came for him. She had moved on, letting his eyes become clouded with such seething hate for the world she did save; the children she had after. It’s been four years since the day he attacked Carmine and helped grimm try to invade Vacou. To this day it’s been a life of staying on gaurd, searching for them as they popped up countless places to tear Remna- to tear me down and I can’t decide what part hurts the most. The amount of anger that prevents me from killing Cinder in a blink of an eye, or looking at my daughter who has told me herself that she is going to kill her older brother because I’m too weak to do so. That I’m in no way as good as the world believes me to be. *puts hood up* Like I said, C-teir mom, at best.
Blake:That’s- you can’t- there’s no way for you to reach him? Maybe if you-
Ruby:He looks at me the same way Neo and Cinder do, Blake. They raised him to hate me. Besides, he hurt Carmine. She’s just not gonna let that slide and frankly I shouldn’t either. Carmine acts tough and for the most part is, but gets terrified like everyone else. In many ways she’s still just a young girl that I wish had never chosen to become a huntress. If I had it my way she’d just be a normal girl with normal knees; but her mother’s weakness and inexperience wrapped her up in yet another war. It’s ironic. I barely remember mom and yet I ended up putting my family in very similar situation as if she lead instruction. Happy endings, I’m not sure if I get-
Yang:You’re better than mom....
Yang:Yeah I said. Look I love Summer Rose but at the end of the day she wasn’t around, not that she didn’t want to be, but it’s the truth. Several years of pleasant childhood memories and a lifetime of grief is what she left me, and all you got were tales you should’ve experienced first hand. Ruby you have spent seventeen years loving your daughter unconditionally and being there for her no matter if it’s for better or worse. Yeah you might not being doing it perfectly and I have no idea how to even fathom your predicament, but at least you are there trying. Take it from me, that’s all a daughter ever wants from their mother. It’s also what makes a pretty kick ass dad. *smiles* Chin up, hero. Your story isn’t over yet after all.
Silence filled the air and Ruby’s throat ran dry. Ruby pulled out her scroll to go to her pictures and displayed one of her favorite photos for everyone to see. It was Carmine’s fifteenth birthday. Ruby didn’t lie about the resemblance. the girl had short blonde hair that stopped halfway down her neck in the back and was longer in the front, reaching shoulders. Like her mother, the tips of her hair transitioned to red. The beautiful young woman tried to her hide her smile but her gleeful silver eyes were practically twinkling with joy as Ruby hugged her tightly from behind and a tall, more solid version of Jaune was smushing one of Carmine’s cheeks with an overly dramatic kiss to it. A tiny child no older than three at most was in his big sister’s arms. Garnet had his mother’s hair and eyes but something about the chubby face definitely showed Jaune’s features. The child had red frosting on his face and was reaching eagerly for more cake somewhere out of frame.
Yang noticed the girl took page from her father and wore some regular cargo shorts, but clearly didn’t lack flair by wearing a red crop top that showed off a fresh tattoo of the Arc crest on her toroso. Knowing her sister, that tattoo was most likely practical. The family looked happy, proud; and the mother of it currently sat across the table crying with her head face down in her hands cwhile Weiss and Blake hugged her from each side. Roses may have thorns, anyone who knew roses knew a simple truth. They’re still fragile flowers.
Yang:(Carmine Arc Rose. For you and your mother’s sake, I hope things go well)
Though Carmine seemed cold by nature, people were quick learn the opposite. The most recent learner of this was a scared little girl that held on for dear life. It was nighttime, nothing but the sound of pouring rain and the distant glow of red and the warmth of Carmine holding the girl against her body while she sprinted through a mud ridden forest. The little payed no attention to the pain in her side, but the glow of roses, eyes, and flames through her tear filled eyes.
Beowulves chased frantically but then severed immediately by something the girl couldn’t understand, but it looked like the person carrying her. The dead beasts brought no comfort. Not when more followed close behind.
Girl:I-I’m sc...scared!
Carmine:Don’t look at them sweetie, it’ll be fine. Just keep being a brave little girl.
Girl:M...Mommy was back there.
Carmine:.....I know, she’ll be just fine. Your village, there are plenty of people there that will be just fine! Huff..... You got a name?
Carmine:Oh that’s a beautiful name, Mary. You know I was almost a Mary? Yeah my grandma was a really amazing person and I almost got named something similar to her. Mary is a very strong name!
Mary:You’re a liar! I’m sad, not strong. I want my mommy! Everything his dark and hurts and I want her!
The girl began painfully crying as Carmine followed her trail of roses to avoid getting lost. Things were getting worse. The storm raged and she could feel this girl burning in her arms. Not to mention the unsettling warmth the mixed with the cold rain against her body and dripped to puddles below. Any grimm near by could only be dealt with by many copies of her nearby, but that would only go so far when fear was out full force. Carmine’s boots felt like cement, but she still ran.
Carmine:Mary, you know what do when I miss my mommy? I sing! Yeah, my mom sings the best lullabies that made me feel super strong when I was little! It’s a magic song that makes everyone strong. How about I sing it you and they can sing it your mommy later okay!? But you have to close your eyes to really focus on the words!
Mary:*sniffling* Okay....
Baby deathstalkers swarmed the path made ahead as small Nevermores dove at her. Out of options, Carmine broke from the path, trying to rely on memory to go towards the safe zone while also singing lyrics to her favorite song.
Dream of anything; I'll make it all come true.
Everything you need is all I'll have for you~
Carmine never wavered. No matter how badly her lungs her or nearly slipped, she kept singing all the way to her destination where several other clones were seen racing towards with more civilians to injured or young to go themselves. An orphanage where Nora and Ren stood outside rushing people in while Jaune was keeping the grimm at bay. The sight brought a little ease.
Don't worry, I've got you; nothing will ever harm you.
I'm close by, I'll stay here; through all things, I will be near~
Carmine finally reached Nora and passed off the girl who’s grip weakened overtime. A few lyrics in and Carmine knew she was singing mainly for herself.
Carmine:Get her medical attention! I’m gonna go and find more! There’s still-
Jaune:Wait, it’s too dangerous!
Carmine:I know! That’s why I have to go! That fire is spreading and there’s stragglers pinned down! Dad.....I’m pinned down!
Jaune tensed up and looked at Carmine. No scraps on her and her clothes only soiled by others. It didn’t take long to realize. The man resisted the urge to run out to the ruined town and stood firmly.
Jaune:Carmine...end it. We’ll worry about the consequences later.
Across the woods amongst the flames the real Carmine stood bleeding and bruised in front of two Beringel that charged over the vanishing corpses of their fallen with more grimm, her sword stabbed into the ground supporting her weight. Behind all living people that remained finally managed to flee. All except for a woman trapped by house debris. The woman watched this young huntsman stand proudly again. She wasn’t sure what happened next. All she heard was one sentence.
“Close your eyes...” before everything went white. Next thing she knew, Carmine was lifting debris off her as rain and wind washed away any evidence. A relief she didn’t care about in the slightest. She neither had the strength, or the time too. Much like Carmine, who began to pant and teeter. It was clear to the woman that whatever just happened didn’t come without cost as she watched the girl fall to her knees. Though she tried moving, Carmine was spent.
Carmine:Don’t worry...we’re safe....let’s-
Woman:I...my legs. Everything...I can’t move. Just go. I d-don’t think I’d las-
Carmine:Don’t talk like that! The hard parts over! I can-
Woman:Barely walk. *smiles* It’s okay. I don’t blame you. You fought hard.
Carmine:.....I...I’m sorry. *teary eyed*
Woman:Say, I know that face anywhere. Your Lady Rose’s kid. Funny, I thought your eyes were red? My daughter, Mary, she loves your mother. Makes me kinda jealous hehe, but hey I love her too. *crying* Do you know if Mary made it? She was wearing-
Carmine:A black dress, pink ribbons in her hair...
Woman:Yes! Is she safe? I saw you- one of you carry her off.
Carmine:...She’s just fine.
Woman:Good. That’s all....that.....
The woman never finished her sentence. Carmine’s body fell limp on the ground, facing the rain. Even with the cold downpour she could feel the warmth of her own tears, containing her emotions best she could as she looked through her clones eyes to watch Nora take Mary away from the survivors and out of sight to not stir further panic.
Carmine wasn’t sure how long she layed there, but it was long enough for Jaune to find her. The man didn’t say a word. The town was in shambles. Grimm were still fading and his daughter looked tired, but not in serious condition. Unlike the those who didn’t make it. Jaune put Carmine in his arms, carrying her away to safety.
Carmine:......Does mom ever save them all?
Jaune:No, but that never stops her from trying; or mourning.
She clenched her father’s shirt and let herself be fragile, to be a Rose.
Carmine:Next time. Mom and I, we’ll both get it right next time. A happy ending for all!
Jaune:Yeah, I know you will. Together....
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naughtyneganjdm · 4 years
A Compromise - Chapter 1
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Summary: After getting expelled from college for a reason Y/N finds unfair, she is in eager need of money. During a fight with her father, her new neighbor across the street, Negan, hears her problem and offers to pay her to spend time with him. It's an offer that she can't deny, leading to a unique relationship between the two.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC)
Warnings: Not much at the start, swearing pretty much. 
Notes: This is going to be a shorter series than the other ones I've done. I was requested to write a story where Negan was the 'sugar daddy' to a character and this is what I've come up with. I hope this will be okay with what was requested of me. As always, Y/N means your name or if you just want to put in a random name, do that instead. Thanks for reading.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27834154/chapters/68143372
“You know, I find this a bit counterproductive,” Y/N followed her father out of their home toward the front yard. She was desperate to have a serious conversation with her father who was eager to avoid the conflict. “You would think after what happened to me, you would be eager to support me through everything.”
“Y/N, you were expelled from university,” her father reminded her as he headed for the back of his car to pull something out of the trunk. “I’m not just going to hand over money to you so you can enjoy yourself while you are back at home.”
“I’m not here because I wanted to be dad,” Y/N bickered with her father feeling frustrated with his reaction toward her being expelled from college. “You know I’m attempting to make an appeal with the board for what happened.”
“What you did was wrong,” her father retorted with a snort, pushing through some of the items that were in the trunk of his car. “I’m not changing my mind about this. You need to find yourself a job if you want money. You’re not getting any handouts after what you did.”
“Dad, you have to acknowledge that this is a situation where I think you should be a little bit more understanding. I went to my professor to ask for help because I was having trouble understanding why I was getting the grades I was getting. I knew I was doing everything right,” Y/N reminded her father of the story that she had told him about what started the events to her being expelled from college. “For someone who has a daughter, I would think you would be furious to know that he told me he would give me a better grade if I did sexual favors for him.”
“You kicked him in the balls sweetheart,” her father blurt out with an irritated sound, lifting up enough to meet his daughter’s desperate expression.
The sound of a muted laugh filled the air and it caught the attention of Y/N who looked across the street to see the new neighbor washing his car. For a moment her eyes lingered when her eyes connected with the hazel eyes of the stranger she had yet to meet. It was clear he had managed to hear her discussion with her father and found it amusing. While she wanted to be angry that he was being nosey in listening in on their discussion, she found herself staring. His dark hair was slicked back from being wet. When he noticed her staring at him, he winked and reached up to brush his fingers over the side of his stubble covered cheek before going back to washing his car.
A warmth pressed in over her face when she realized she had been caught staring at him. His white t-shirt was damp against his slender form and she couldn’t help, but survey over his long, lengthy legs. With focusing on school, it really had been so long since she had gotten to enjoy the touch of a man and she could tell that with the way the sight of their new neighbor made her feel. He was stunning and it was hard not to stare.
“As I said, I’m not changing my mind,” her father interrupted her focus and she had to shake her head to pull her attention away from the handsome older stranger across the street. “You could have handled things so much better.”
“You would think you wouldn’t be so misogynistic about this dad. He was forcing himself on me and I kicked him to defend myself,” she fought back with her father, still having a hard time understanding why her parents were so defiant against helping her. The memory was still fresh in her mind and she realized it was probably not good for her to be lusting over her new neighbor when she was thinking about the situation.  “I thought you would be proud of me for being able to fight him off.”
“Sure, if that’s where you stopped,” her father grumbled, finally finding the tool he was looking for before closing the trunk. The way her father folded his arms out in front of his chest frustrated her. “If you would have stopped there, I could have helped fight this for you.”  
“You act like what I did was a bad thing,” she rolled her eyes and slumped down, her eyes glancing back across the street to get a look at the neighbor who seemed to be very casually washing his car and she wondered if he was purposely being that way to listen in on their fight.
“You shattered the windows of his car and set the inside on fire. I think that’s a pretty bad thing,” her father snapped back and she heard the cough that came from across the street. It was hard not to make a comment as she looked back to see him smirking. It was obvious he was biting down on his cheeks hard to make sure he didn’t laugh and it drew attention to his dimples. If she wasn’t getting annoyed with him, she might have found it quite charming, but at the moment she found him to be a nosey asshole. “There is a reason you were expelled sweetheart.”
“Okay, first of all...if I did do that, I had every right to,” she explained with a shrug of her shoulders. “I went to the dean about what happened and of course he was a sexist piece of shit that refused to believe what happened. The old man told me that there was no proof that what I said happened was true.”
“And you could have fought that without going to those extremes,” her father raised his voice and she found herself embarrassed knowing that their new neighbor across the street likely was hearing everything. “They have video proof of you setting the fire in the teacher’s parking lot. I don’t know how you think that you will be able to appeal this.”
“Allegedly,” she shrugged her shoulders and caught the glare her father gave her. “We’ll see if they can provide the video of that when the time comes.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” her father jeered and she simply shrugged. She had devised a plan as to how to deal with that, but she still needed the money to make sure that she had a backup in case her original plan failed. “There is only so much someone can do to help you sweetheart.”
“He tried to rape me dad,” she fought back with an exasperated sound. “First he tried to manipulate me. He wanted me to do sexual acts on him before even considering helping me with my grade.”
“I’m not saying I don’t believe you,” her father countered with an empathetic sigh. “You were doing so good and then you just, did this. I can’t hand money over to you to just do whatever you want because then it would show I was supporting what you have done. After putting in all the hard work you did during high school and the first few years of college, I can’t believe you let it get to this.”
“Would you be acting this way if I was a male?” she pressed, catching the way that her father rolled his eyes. “I think things are this way because I’m a female. I think you just expected me to lie down and take it instead of defending myself.”
“You know that’s not true,” her father argued, clasping the tool tightly at his side. “The problem comes in that there is no proof to what you have said and there is proof that you did what you did to his car.”
“Allegedly,” she repeated her earlier comment and watched her father throw his hands up in a frustrated manner. “In order for me to be able to fight this or do anything, I need money. You were giving me money at school. I find it ridiculous that you refuse to give me that same money until I can figure it out.”
“We were attempting to make sure you were living life easily while you were studying so you could focus on your schoolwork,” her father stated with an exhausted breath, “you’re no longer doing your studies, so we’re no longer going to provide that money for you. If you want money, you need to get a job. I really believed in you. I didn’t want you to have to go through the pressures of having a job while also having to study. I wanted you to put all of your time into your schoolwork and that’s why I was eager to help you. Now, you need that job.”
“This is ridiculous,” she snorted, throwing her hands down at her sides. “You would think you would want to support me through this.”
“I support you, but I support you getting a job,” her father almost mocked her. Accepting defeat, she realized she was losing this battle and knew her father wasn’t breaking. She had been fighting with him for almost an hour and found herself overwhelmed that he wasn’t budging. “Be like everyone else. You’re an adult now, you don’t need us babying you.”
“I’m going to be able to go back to school dad and you are going to feel ridiculous that you didn’t help me through this,” Y/N insisted knowing that she was going to fight the school’s decision to expel her after what she went through.
“Great and I will be so proud of you when you are back in school. If that ever did happen, which is highly unlikely…we may reconsider the whole money thing,” her father stammered, eager to get back to the job he was working on before she started bickering with him. “Until then, I suggest you get a job.”
“Any job I can get here will be something that I can’t put my full potential into,” she claimed and her father shrugged dramatically again. “After all the work I’ve done with my education, you just want me to take some kind of low paying job?”
“A job is a job Y/N, you need to learn to be levelheaded about life,” her father maintained looking toward the house again, “It will be good for you to get a job. You’ll learn that everything is not going to be handed to you and the value of things become more important to you when you earn them yourself.”
“You’re teaching me a lesson now? When I’ve just gone through what I’ve gone through,” she was flustered with his response and found herself angry that he was so against understanding her situation. “I’m better than any job I’ll be able to find here dad.”
“A little humility wouldn’t hurt,” her father reached out to squeeze her shoulder and nodded back toward the house. “Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to head back and finish what I was doing.”
“Without a care in the world as to how I’m going to fix all of this,” she sarcastically replied watching her father roll his eyes before heading back inside.
An overwhelming frustration filled her entire body and she found herself in rage over what happened. She questioned if her family even believed her when she told them that her professor tried to assault her. It was something that truly happened and she hated that because she reacted ‘badly’ to the whole thing that people were holding everything against her. So what if there was proof that she may have done that to her professor’s car? Her parents should have believed her when she told them she was assaulted. They should have been just as enraged as she was. Instead, they believed she deserved to be expelled for what had happened and that hurt.
In her opinion, the professor was lucky that she didn’t do more to him. Kicking him in the balls and destroying his car was the least of his worries compared to what she wanted to do to him. After working as hard as she did in school, she was blown away that it all came to an end because of something like this.
Resting back against the car, she folded her arms in front of her chest and lifted her gaze to see the stranger that had been listening in still washing his car. He was clearly finishing up and she could tell he definitely wasn’t shy. When he noticed her staring at him, his eyes hooked on hers and a ridiculously charming smile gradually cracked in over his lips.
Standing up straighter, she watched him continue to dry his mustang off with the towel he was using before raising up. He tossed the towel aside and she felt her throat go dry. A chill pressed in over her spine when she saw the man reach for the bottom of his shirt, lifting it slightly to reveal his toned abdomen. The movement drew attention to the dark hair that was over his lower torso and it drew more attention to the lines in his body.
The cocky smirk over his features made her realize that he caught onto the way she was gawking at him and she lowered her gaze feeling embarrassed that she had been caught eyeing him over like that. It’s not like she was even subtle about it. She was full on staring and it was clear that the older man had caught on to it.
Lifting her head again, she saw him slowly lowering the material of his white t-shirt back down his body and she cleared her throat when he lifted his other hand to wave. His fingers wiggled in almost a teasing way and she waved back in what she assumed to be an awkward motion. Cussing to herself, she lowered her head again and headed back toward the house.
What an awful way to be introduced to the new neighbor that had clearly moved in while she was away at school. Of course, he had to be ridiculously good looking. Not only did he hear all of her dirty laundry that was going on in her life, but he also obviously picked up on the fact that she found him very attractive in that moment with her ogling him at the time.
Trying to avoid looking in that direction again, she went back into her home and headed into the kitchen to drop down at the table. Her mind was still lingering on the new neighbor when her mother moved into the room. When her mother spotted her, she could see that a sense of tension filled her mother’s body. Obviously, her father had warned her mother about her previous fight with him and her mother likely assumed that she would be fighting with her too. There was no sense in it though because once her father said something, it was final. Even if her mother wanted to give her money, her father would have never agreed to it.
“Hi…honey,” her mother went to the refrigerator to find something to prepare for dinner. Y/N stayed silent, not sure of what to even say to her mother. She was angry at both of her parents, but it was no use in trying to get them on her side of everything. They had their chance and they proved to her what they thought about everything that happened.
“Hey mom,” she thought about the new neighbor and cleared her throat. It was the only thing that had been able to pull her attention away from her anger toward her professor and school in quite some time. It was an inappropriate thought after all the things she had been through, but she was charmed by the sight of him and wanted to know more about him. “When did our neighbors across the street move out?”
“About a month ago,” her mother let out a relieved sound when she realized that Y/N wasn’t about to fight with her about money like she had clearly expected her to. “Why do you ask?”
“The new neighbor was out and he seems…odd,” Y/N answered honestly and her mother let out a dramatic sound. “What?”
“Are you talking about Mr. Smith?” her mother questioned and Y/N dramatically threw her hands up in the air. How would she know what the hell his name was? She just knew him as the nosy, good looking neighbor across the street. “Negan. It’s only him there. We had him over for dinner the first week he moved in.”
“Oh?” Y/N’s eyebrow perked up at that information. “Negan Smith. That’s quite the name.”
“Be nice dear,” her mother took notice of her sarcasm and Y/N rolled her eyes. “He’s a lovely man. His story is really sad actually.”
“Sad?” she repeated her mother’s words thinking about the handsome stranger across the street.
“Yeah, he moved because his wife died of pancreatic cancer,” her mother thought back to when they had invited Negan over for dinner to get to know their new neighbor. “The poor guy still wears his wedding ring even though she’s gone. He up and left everything he knew and had to start over new because being where he was just reminded him of her.”
“So, it was like an episode of Oprah while he was here?” Y/N almost joked and her mother gave her an angered expression. Dramatically throwing her hands in the air, she realized that her mother took his story serious and Y/N smirked. “I’m surprised he was so open with you about everything. You don’t usually open up like that to someone you just met.”
“I made the mistake of asking about his wife when I saw his wedding ring,” her mother recalled their conversation and shook her head. “He’s a very nice man. Works at the local high school.”
“Oh, I see,” she took in the details her mother had given her. He worked at the high school? Not exactly what she would have imagined the mustang driving stranger to be…a teacher. “And you like him?”
“He seems nice,” her mother reacted before heading back to start working on dinner again. “Did you say hello to him?”
“In a way,” Y/N grumbled thinking about him listening in on her conversation with her father. Sure, she had waved at him in probably a ridiculous fashion that would leave him more so amused with her rather than finding her appealing in any way. It was embarrassing just thinking about their interaction moments before. “Just not officially yet.”
“Well be friendly the next time you see him,” her mother ordered making Y/N groan at her mother’s comment. “With all the negative that has gone on in his life, the best thing we can do is be polite to that man. He needs it.”
“I’ll do my best mother,” she snorted, letting out a heavy breath. Maybe it was for the best to avoid the new neighbor. While she found him to be…interesting, she doubted he would want to know her any further than he had learned about her today. Hearing what she did to her professor probably scared him off and that was that. It was best to just get him off her mind, if she could.
Staring out at the flashing lights before her, Y/N swallowed down hard and let out a disappointed sound. Unfortunately, she had to swallow her pride and had to get a job. One of her friends let her know about a job that was available at a local club doing waitressing at night. It had pretty good tips and it would work with her schedule so she could do things during the earlier part of the day to work toward her goals with school. Her friend told her that she could pretty much guarantee her a position there as long as she came down and filled out an application. She would get to meet the owner and would likely be able to start working immediately the next day.
Pushing through the crowd, she knew that she would have to get used to the loud music and the overabundance of people surrounding her like this. If this was the best job she could get on a short notice that paid decently then she would have to take it. Even if this made her feel…cheap?
Waiting for a while at the bar, she almost felt overwhelmed at the idea of working here. She caught a glimpse at what she would be wearing every single night and it was obvious why they made good tips. Wearing short skirts and low V-neck tops would definitely draw a certain crowd and she realized that. At the end of the day, she just hoped she would only have to do it for a little while before getting where she wanted to be.
Usually her nights were very quiet and spent studying. She really buried herself into her work when she was at the university, so these kinds of places were rare for her. Sure, she had been to a few of them, but she was more of a person that liked to be to herself away from people. The most important thing to her was her future, so even the idea of working here kind of depressed her. It was completely against who she was.
After meeting the owner of the club, it was pretty clear that she would be getting the job after she filled out the paperwork which they left her to do. It was hard to get done with the loud music filling the air around her and the constant elbows that continued to bump into her around the surrounded bar. When she was almost done with filling everything out, she saw a shot being placed beside her on the bar and she lifted her head to see the bartender staring out at her with a smirk.
“What is this? A welcome to the team shot?” she took a look at it and gave them a confused look.
“Tall, dark and handsome over there ordered it for you,” the bartender nodded toward the other side of the bar and her eyes surveyed the bar until they landed on a familiar face. That new neighbor she had spotted across the street was sitting at the bar talking to another woman and she let out a tense breath.
“What is it?” Y/N looked to the drink and grabbed a hold of the shot glass, looking over the drink.
“It’s a blowjob,” the bartender answered and Y/N let out a disgusted breath realizing that it was likely a joke referring to what he had heard with her fight with her father previously. “It’s Kahlua, Irish Cream and whipped cream on top.”
“I see,” she smirked not knowing if she should take the drink over there to throw it in his face or not. Getting down from her seat after grabbing the shot, she moved over toward the end of the bar where he was at and boldly stepped between him and the woman he was talking to.
“Excuse me,” the woman let out an irritated breath behind her and Y/N held her hand up to silence her. “We were having a discussion.”
“Not anymore you’re not,” Y/N looked over her shoulder at the other woman, her eyes narrowing in an angry stare. It took a minute before the woman backed down and stepped back. An amused laugh fell from her neighbor’s lips and she brought her attention back to him when the woman he was with walked away. “You’re an asshole.”
“I’d like to think I’m more of a smartass, but that works too,” he reached for his beer and brought the bottle to his lips to take a long swig of it. “You know, that was my date.”
“Negan, right?” she confirmed his name while completely ignoring his comment. His thick eyebrows perked up. He nodded once before taking another large swallow of his drink. “What is this?”
“It’s a shot,” Negan answered, his eyes looking down at what he ordered for her. “You looked stressed, I thought you could use it.”
“Do you think you’re funny?” she looked toward the drink and set it on the bar before them.
“Kinda, yeah,” Negan snorted, a wolfish smile expanding over his good-looking features. It was clear he was cocky and she didn’t know whether she was attracted to him or just ridiculously angry at him. “I’m just fucking with you. Obviously, I heard your discussion with your father.”
“And what? You think I’m ridiculous too for what I did?” she snapped at him and Negan’s eyebrow arched up, almost amused with her question. “I know you heard what I did.”
“Nah, I think it was fucking awesome what you did,” Negan replied almost immediately and he shrugged his shoulders. “Personally, I think any man that tries to force themselves on a woman should be castrated. I think what you did to the guy was nice in comparison to what I would have done to him.”
“You’re the first person to think that,” she admitted and Negan frowned. She agreed with him. She wanted to do so much worse to the professor, so the fact he thought it was awesome what she had done intrigued her. “Everyone thinks I went too far.”
“Well I think you’re a badass,” Negan informed her with a wink and he set his beer back down on the bar top. “Your parents don’t know what they are talking about. You’re special. I can tell.”
“Oh yeah?” she was almost amused with his comment. It was a little cheesy, yet her had her hooked in that moment. “Why did you really buy me this?”
“Truthfully, I was thinking of the best way to get you over here to talk to me,” he confessed and she felt her heart skip a beat at what he said.  
“So you decided to piss me off?” she snapped at him and a small laugh escaped his throat.
“Well, you’re here…aren’t you?” Negan pointed out with a wiggle of his eyebrow, his deep voice rasp and it caused her to shudder at just the sound of it. “So, it worked.”
“What? You weren’t enjoying your date?” Y/N looked over her shoulder to survey the area where the woman that he was with had gone off to.
“You know you move to a new place and people are trying to hook you up with someone they know because they think you would just make the most perfect couple,” Negan mocked what he had clearly heard from those that he had just met after moving into the subdivision. “She was boring. You are far more interesting.”
“How did you know that I was old enough to have that?” she looked down at the drink and his eyes were locked on hers.
“Are you?” he slurred, his tongue drawing a wet line over his bottom lip.
“Does it matter?” she replied, trying to read his expression. “How old are you?”
“Does it matter?” he repeated her previous statement and it made her smile. “Older than you.”
“Obviously,” she grunted, reaching out to trace her fingers over the shot glass. The salt and pepper coloring of his short beard told her he was likely much older than her, but she didn’t care. Taking a moment to think things over, she brought the shot glass to her lips. Her eyes were hooked on Negan before she tipped her head back and quickly took the drink back.
“You still haven’t told me your name,” Negan reminded her, biting into his bottom lip while his head almost bobbed in an arrogant fashion.
“What? My parents didn’t tell you when you were over for dinner?” she sharply responded and Negan grinned at her sassy response. “I’m sure you know it.”
“Even if I did, we’ve never really had a formal introduction,” Negan leaned forward in his chair, his face extraordinarily close to hers making a shuddering breath fall from her lips. “I like to make a good first impression. Obviously, I’m Negan, but you already know that.”
“Y/N,” she almost whispered and Negan let out an amused sound. He pulled back, holding his hand out for hers. Expecting him to go for a handshake, she gave him her hand to which he gradually pulled her hand up to deposit a soft kiss over the back of her hand. It caused her to tremor in response while his bright hazel eyes were hooked on her eyes.
“What are you doing here tonight Y/N?” Negan nodded toward the area she was in originally.
“Getting a job,” she frowned, almost embarrassed to admit it. “As you know, I’m kind of having some money problems. In order to figure things out with school, I kind of need money to support myself.”
“Hmmm…” Negan lowered his head, his free hand reaching up to rub at the back of his neck. “You know, I was thinking about that. I think I may have an option for you if you are interested. It would help you with the whole money situation.”
“Oh?” she pulled her hand slowly away from Negan and he nodded. “That’s not creepy.”
“You don’t even know what I was going to say,” Negan chuckled, his nose wrinkling as he stared out at her. “Don’t you want to hear it first?”
“Not really,” she honestly answered, seeing the shocked expression fall upon his handsome features. “I don’t need someone else’s help that I don’t even know.”
“Well that’s a shame,” he grumbled tilting his head to the side and Y/N let out an overwhelmed sound. “As someone who agrees with what you were saying earlier, I thought you might like having my help, but if you want to work here…I give it to you. That’s dedication.”
“Well it was nice to meet you Negan,” she backstepped away from the bar and Negan gave her an amused look. “I’m glad I could save you from your poor date.”
“You’re leaving? Just like that, huh?” Negan muttered and she felt her body completely on fire after her interaction with Negan. “Interesting.”
“Well, I like to make a lasting first impression. Thanks for the drink,” she winked at him and heard the deep chuckle that fell from his throat when she moved away from him.  
Heading back to her paperwork, she attempted to finish it without raising her head to look back up at Negan. While she found Negan completely interesting, she knew that she shouldn’t be getting herself into something else that could potentially be bad for her. She was ridiculously attracted to Negan and she knew it was bad for her.
It took a while for her to finish her paperwork and when she finished, she could see Negan was getting up to leave. Part of her wanted to go after him because there was that intrigue to know what he was going to offer her, but she let her better half keep her where she was seated. Whatever the idea Negan had; it definitely wasn’t going to work for her so it was just better to ignore what had happened tonight. Negan was interesting to her, but she assumed that being around him would be bad news.
Finishing everything she had to, she eagerly left afterwards and headed home. When she got home, she could see that Negan was standing on his porch smoking. Stopping at the bottom of the driveway, she noticed that he was alone and for some reason she couldn’t stop thinking about what he had said to her. Negan’s gaze lifted to hers when he pulled his cigarette from his lips and exhaled a large amount of smoke.
Negan lowered his gaze and went back to smoking showing her that he clearly lost his interest in her after she turned him down at the bar. Damn, maybe she should have just stuck around to hear his offer. The possibilities flooded her mind. Most of the time she would have just blown people off and forgot about them, but Negan was stuck in her mind. Negan was a teacher…what could he possibly have been able to offer her that was better than the waitressing job at the club?
Trying not to focus on it, she forced herself to look away from him. The urge to go talk to him again was there, but she knew better.
Heading back inside, she tried to go to her room and forget her interaction with Negan. She had to start work the next day and she knew it was for the best to get as much rest as she could, but all she could think about was Negan. There was something that left him lingering in her mind and she damned herself for it. He was so damn charming, but she had only just met him. She shouldn’t have been immediately attracted to him like she was.
It was a hard night for her, but she managed to get some rest before heading to work for her first day. Work was harder than she expected it to be. She hated what she had to wear. Multiple times her ass had been grabbed and it was so hard for her not to deck someone when they did it. Her friend tried to tell her that it would be okay because the more relaxed she was, the more tips she would get. Just further into the night, she found herself getting more irritated and she knew that it was likely showing in her attitude toward the customers.
“Hey, you have someone requesting you at table nine,” her friend moved over toward her and handed her over the drink tray that they had made. “Clearly you actually impressed someone tonight. It’s rare someone requests one of us.”
“Really?” Y/N was confused, but accepted the drinks taking them to the table. When her eyes connected with the familiar hazel eyed stare, she let out a frustrated sound and put the drinks on the table. “Negan, what do you want?”
“I just wanted to support you on your first day,” Negan muttered with a bright, arrogant smile and she lowered her head. She was overwhelmed, she was hot and she felt like a mess. Having him be there was embarrassing. She didn’t want him to see her like this. “You look like you’re doing great.”
“Eat me,” she blurt out and Negan snorted with an amused laugh. “I’m falling on my face.”
“It’s your first day, I’m sure it will get better,” Negan reached for one of the drinks she had brought him and she surveyed the area around him knowing that he had gotten two drinks.
“Are you on another date that you need saving from?” she looked around and Negan shook his head, his eyes looking her over and she suddenly felt very bare before him. “You just thirsty?”
“Oh no, that’s for you,” Negan nodded at the drink knowing she was referring to the second drink he had gotten. “Why don’t you take a seat and let me actually talk to you today. I know you’re stubborn and I like that, but I think you should hear me out.”
“I can’t drink on the job,” she responded with a twisted, confused look. “I have a job.”
“Yes, you do,” Negan took a long sip of his drink, letting out a dramatic sigh when he got comfortable in his seat. “But I think you should hear me out.”
“I have to work Negan,” she reminded him and Negan shrugged his shoulders. He reached for his wallet and grabbed some money before handing it over to her. Going to turn on her heel, she took a look at the money to see that he had tipped her two hundred dollars. Debating whether or not she should tell him, she turned on her heel and held the money back out to him. “I don’t think you meant to give me this.”
“Yes, I did…” Negan looked at the money she was trying to return to him. Y/N’s arms lowered at her sides and he arched his eyebrow in a curious response. “Is that not a good enough tip? I can give you more…”
“Wait a minute, hold on,” she held her hands up in the air seeing Negan reaching for his wallet to open it up again. “You’re a schoolteacher, you can’t afford to tip me like this.”
“Ooo, someone is very assuming…aren’t they?” Negan rumbled, his deep voice filling the space around them and she swallowed down hard. “Sit down.”
Looking back toward the bar, she knew that they were busy, but she did as he told her and pulled the seat out to sit across from him, “See, I happen to be looking for someone to give me company and you are looking to get money fast…correct?”
“Yeah?” she gave him an odd expression while he reached out to slide her drink in closer to her. “What’s your point?”
“I would like you to spend some time with me,” Negan informed her, his fingers tracing over the table while he spoke. “And for doing that, I’ll give you whatever you want. I’ll buy you whatever you want. You can have two hundred dollars for every day you spend with me.”
“You want to pay me to spend time with you?” she stammered and Negan nodded, his hazel eyes hooked on hers. His offer confused her more than it actually answered her questions. “Why?”
“Why not?” Negan immediately answered and she reached for the drink he had bought for her to take a long gulp of it. The rate at which she drank it amused Negan and he reached for his to take another sip. “So?”
“You know I’m not a hooker, right?” she pointed out thinking about the idea of what he was saying to her. Her outburst made him laugh and he almost choked on his drink when she said what she did. “I’m sure there are people around here that would be willing to sleep with you for money Negan.”
“Did I say I wanted you to sleep with me? I’m pretty sure I just said I wanted you to spend time with me,” Negan feigned being offended, placing his large hand over the center of his chest. “Plus, look at me. Do I really look like the kind of guy that needs to pay someone to have sex with them?”
“Oh, look at you…Mr. Arrogant,” she scoffed and Negan leaned in closer to the table closing the distance between them. Negan reached out to place his hand over hers and he swiped his fingers delicately over the back of her hand causing her to shudder. Her eyes slammed shut and she bit into her bottom lip while having the rough caress of his fingertips over the back of her hand. Forcing herself to focus, she opened her eyes again to see he was proud of himself with the way she was reacting to his touch alone.
“And you like it,” Negan simply muttered, his eyes hooked on her lips as she swallowed down hard. “You can still pretend with your parents that you have this job so they won’t question where you are getting the money.”
“Where are you getting all this money?” she looked down at the two hundred dollars she had set on the table beside the drink he had gotten for her.
“I teach because I want to teach sweetheart. I like doing it,” Negan answered, letting out a heavy exhale as he shifted in his seat.
“What are the rules?” she spoke up after taking a moment to think and Negan seemed impressed that she asked him that. “I spend time with you obviously, but there has to be something with it. Are we having sex?”
“Only if you want to. We don’t have to,” Negan replied with a simple sigh, his dimples sucking in when he smiled brightly.
“So, if I didn’t want to have sex with you?” she retorted finding it hard to believe that he was willing to have her around and pay her without her putting out for him.
“Then I would be perfectly okay with it,” Negan responded, sliding his hand further up her arm and she lowered her gaze to look at his large fingers tracing over her flesh. “We don’t have to have sex. I will never force anything on you.”
“So, if I agree, what am I agreeing to?” she heard someone calling out her name at the bar, but her attention was fully on Negan as his smile expanded.
“You have to agree to be mine. You can’t date anyone. You can’t have sex with anyone else,” Negan breathed and she felt her pulse leap inside of her chest while she listened to him. “And you’ll have to listen to me, within reason.”
“What? Like a slave?” she blurt out and Negan rolled his eyes before shaking his head. “Then what?”
“Anything I have you doing, you’ll want to be doing,” Negan assured her, his Adam’s apple bouncing inside of his throat while he stared out at her. “And if you don’t want to be doing it, something tells me you will like it after you are done.”
“So, I’d be your submissive?” she thought about what he was saying and he shrugged his shoulders. The idea of that actually turned her on and she couldn’t believe that it actually did. Picturing Negan being her dominant sexually caused a warmth to spread throughout her entire body. “Is this where I’m supposed to agree to everything and you take me to your red room?”
“God,” Negan groaned, lowering his head and letting out a loud laugh. “No. Not at all. You’ve watched too many movies…and bad ones at that.”
“How long does the offer last?” she thought about what he was offering her and she could see the amused look in his eyes. Maybe if she thought it over and did this a few more days, she would be able to determine what she really wanted.
“Just tonight,” Negan muttered with a sense of arrogance in his tone. “It lasts while I’m right here in front of you. After I leave, the offer is gone.”
“Does that mean we are just going to leave and have sex?” she blurt out and Negan shook his head. “Why not?”
“I told you that we would only do it if you wanted to,” he reminded her and she cleared her throat, feeling her throat go dry.
“What if I wanted to do it?” she slurred and a proud sound fell from Negan’s throat when she was clearly admitting that she wanted to potentially sleep with him.
“Nah sweetheart. You may want to do it immediately, but that’s my decision to make,” Negan denied her of that, his voice getting deeper when he leaned in closer to her. “By the time we have sex, if we have sex…you’re going to want it so entirely bad that you’ll be begging me for it. You’ll have to know for certain that I’m what you want. That you’ve never wanted something more in your entire life.”
“That’s bold to think that I would want sex that badly from you,” she quietly spoke knowing that they were close enough to hear each other. “You really think you’re that good?”
“I don’t think, I know,” Negan insisted with a firm nod, dragging his tongue over his bottom lip in a seductive sweep. “I will make you my princess. You will get everything you want and then some. I will pamper you like you deserve to be pampered.”
“There are people out there that would likely agree to this without being paid Negan,” she gulped thinking about the offer he was putting out. There was a warmth pooling at her core from his responses to her. Something like this she would have assumed would usually had turned her off, but she found Negan very appealing. His words had her body shaking and she didn’t know if she could jump right into this. “As you said, you aren’t the kind of man hurting for sex.”
“I don’t want other people, I want you,” Negan responded, reaching out to drag his thumb over her bottom lip. It caused her to let a whimper and a cocky smile expanded over his handsome features. It was clear he had her eating out of the palm of his hand without even trying that hard. “I like the fire in you.”
“You might get burned,” she leaned in closer to him when she felt the warmth of his breath over her face.
“Mmm, I like the sound of that,” Negan winked teasing the pad of his thumb back and forth over her flesh. It caused her to tremor and he knew that she was definitely considering what he was saying. “So, what do you say?”
“You’ll never force anything on me?” she confirmed and Negan immediately nodded. “If I’m uncomfortable…”
“Then we can stop this at any time,” Negan promised, “I’m not going to keep someone around who doesn’t want to be around. I saw the way you looked at me though. From the first moment you laid eyes on me, I could see it in the way you breathed that you wanted me. With the way your eyes are dilated right now I know I have you ridiculously turned on. You’re interested and you’re definitely attracted to me. So, I know I wouldn’t be forcing anything on you.”
“You’re that confident?” she leaned in closer to him, pressing a soft kiss over the pad of his thumb and she watched him pull his hand slowly away from her.
“What’s your answer Y/N?” Negan urged her to answer him about his offer.
“When would we start?” she heard someone calling her name again from the bar sounding angrier than they were before.
“Right now,” Negan slowly stood from the table and reached his hand out to her. “If you want to do this, come with me.”
“But I’m working,” she reminded him, looking back over her shoulder to see her boss waving her on angrily from where he was.
“And? You don’t need this job if you agree to what I’m offering you,” Negan wiggled his fingers, trying to persuade her to come with him. “This is your last chance.”
Taking a moment to think about everything, she lowered her head and felt goosebumps pressing in over her arms. There was something strangely intriguing about the mystery of Negan, but she found herself out of breath because of everything that had happened. Never before had she truly wanted someone as bad as she did Negan.
“Take a leap of faith my dear,” Negan kept his eyes hooked on hers. Reaching for Negan’s hand she felt him firmly grab her hand in his and he pulled her up from the table to him. A gasp fell from her lips when she fell in against his chest and reached up to place her free palm over the center of it. His face was incredibly close to hers and she found herself wanting to kiss him, but he kept his distance just enough as if to tease her. “Good choice.”
Negan hooked his fingers with hers and led her through the crowded club and outside. This was usually completely against everything she would normally do, but she was charmed by Negan. His offer had perked her interest and when she followed him to the parking lot she wondered if she was crazy for doing this.
Noticing that Negan was leading her to a motorcycle, she let out a tense breath and felt her body locking up when he reached for one of the helmets he had to offer it to her, “Should I be worried?”
“As long as you hold tightly to me, everything should be fine,” Negan winked, getting on the bike motioning her to get on behind him. Carefully getting onto the motorcycle, she did as Negan instructed and wrapped her arms firmly around his torso.
“Is this where you kidnap me and people will never find me?” she joked, but still found herself almost worried knowing that this was a bit strange. Negan was still a stranger to her and even though he was charming, she knew next to nothing about him.
“I was actually thinking of getting to know you first darlin’ before kidnapping you,” Negan snickered, glancing over his shoulder at her as she leaned in closer to him when he started up the motorcycle.
“God,” she rolled her eyes taking notice that he was screwing with her. “I have valid fears.”
“Sure you do, but you’re just going to have to trust me,” Negan assured her with an amused breath. “We’ll start things off simple. I promise.”
Tags: @slutlanna976​​​  @nubbinrobin​​​ @oreostars​​  @fuckthis-and-fuckthat​​​ @jennydehavilland​​​ @felicity291​​ @de-gabyconamor​​ @ibelongtonegan​​​ @smallsadjellyfish​​ @labyrinthofheartagrams​​  @msjamesmarch​​ @thebeautysurrounds​​ @hotfornegan​​ @redmercysugar​​ @caprithebunny​​ @iluvneganandjamie​​ @ninamarietwd​​ @tuttifuckinfruitty​​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @a-girl-interupted​​ @akumune​​ @stoneyggirl​​  (just tagged my normal tags, if you don’t want it, I apologize)
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anntoldst0ries · 4 years
Everything else is just the weather
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr Noelle Valentine) Word Count: ~5.3k (I sinned!) Summary: Ethan takes Elle out on their “first” date. Category: Fluff Warnings: None
A/N: It has literally taken me ages to finish this fic. To the point that I couldn’t look at it anymore, but here it is. I had it in mind for a really long time and now that OH is back, I feel like I’m ready to show it to the world. As always thank you for your support and I hope you like it!
This fic is part 2 of birthday present for my friend, part 1 is the fan art which you can see here. Once you read the fic, the fan art makes more sense :)
This is my submission for CFWC Silly Love Stories, Day 12: Date night.
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Loud knocks resonated throughout the room. 
"Come in!"
"Good morning, Mrs. Peterson.”
“Good morning, Dr Valentine. I think you are the only doctor in this hospital with some sort of manners, everyone else just waltzes in here as if it was a damn barn!”
“Hospital or no hospital, everyone has their right to privacy.”
“Thank you, child. Once again, please call me Faye."
"Alright Faye, but only if you call me Elle.” She smiled sweetly, and the whole room seemed to be suddenly lit by a thousand suns.
“How are you feeling? Are the meds making a difference?"
"They are. I am ready to be discharged today.”
"Not so fast. I am not ready to say goodbye to you yet."
“Why would you possibly like to be lumbered with an old nuisance like me for even a second longer than necessary?”
Elle just laughed and shook her head. The ‘nuisance’, as the elderly lady so lovingly put it, was exactly what she loved about her job. She loved spending time with her patients, she loved their stories and their worldly wisdom. It made her sad to see how many of them thought they didn’t matter or considered themselves and their lives boring. To her, they were anything but. 
Many of Edenbrook’s staff members kept asking themselves: what is it about her? She was a great doctor, no two ways about it, and she was a genuinely nice person. But what was the source of power she had over people? If she woke up one day and decided to start a rebellion, patients would have most certainly followed her, even if it meant they’d be leaving the premises of the hospital with naked butts or trailing their IVs behind them. Doctors, nurses, administration, cleaners and security would follow shortly. She only had to say a word.
And how on Earth was she capable of turning Dr Ramsey, the grizzly bear of Edenbrook, into a benign teddy bear with as little as one look? It was beyond everyone’s apprehension.
Had they spent more time actually observing her, rather than gossiping in the corners, the answer would have unveiled in front of them within minutes.
It was very simple.
Noelle was truly curious about people. She genuinely liked them and was determined to get to know their story, for it helped her diagnose them faster and also satiated the young doctor’s hunger for knowledge.
Patients never felt like “curious cases” or “numbers” in her presence. They were… themselves - people with hopes, dreams, fears, pet peeves and odd habits. They were human. 
So little and yet so much.
Those never touched by serious illnesses often failed to understand that sickness strips you of your dignity and becomes your identity. Your true self becomes covered by this weird, annoying sticker that wouldn’t come off no matter how hard you tried to remove it. 
But this young woman, despite the nature of her profession, somehow managed to notice what was hiding beneath this misleading layer.
Had all these gossipers spoken to her patients, that’s exactly what they would have heard.
"What's happening today?" The older lady asked with a flick of curiosity in her wrinkle-haloed eyes.
"What do you mean, Faye?" The young doctor sounded genuinely baffled by the out-of-the-blue question.
"Well, I am no diagnostician, but I believe I am rather observant and you radiate with happiness. Something special is happening today, am I right?"
"Yeah, you are right." Elle blushed like a teenager caught in a lie. "My boyfriend is taking me on a surprise date today, but he won’t say a word about it, so I'm super excited to find out what he planned for us. He usually isn't one for romantic gestures, so the secrecy is killing me."
"Do you think he's gonna pop the big question?" Faye’s eyes lit up with excitement.
"No, we're not there...yet." Elle faked a smile, but a tone of doubt and sadness coloured her voice. They probably never will be, those things weren’t in the cards for Ethan, as he already stressed once.
But once was enough and she didn’t dare mention the subject again.
"Well, I'm pretty sure he's got some big guns in store, I would if I had a lady like you." - a male patient lying in the bed adjacent to Elle’s patient added smiling flirtatiously. 
"Jerry, you were supposed to focus on getting better, not stealing my girlfriend." They all jumped when a deep baritone echoed throughout the room, hitting present company like a wrecking ball. She must have left the door ajar or Ethan could penetrate the walls soundlessly, because no one heard him coming.
Exactly how long has he been standing there for and how much did he hear?
"Dr. Ramsey, flirting makes your blood flow faster. Isn't it the very definition of life itself?” Jerry’s tone was brisk and lively.
"Well, it definitely isn't the definition of recovery after a heart attack." Ethan used his authoritative doctor’s voice but knew this wasn't a battle he was going to win. Jerry had something he didn't: a couple more decades of life experience under his belt and even the best medical school in the country couldn’t compete with this.  
"Besides, Dr. Ramsey, I don't think that the beautiful Dr. Valentine here fancies old farts like me." 
"That's where you are wrong, Jerry, looks like this is exactly the type I fancy." The two women laughed, however Ethan was far from amused. "Dr. Ramsey is 10 years older than me."
"10 years? What is 10 years in these times? Nothing. When I was getting married 40 years ago, it was something. But today? Look at all them playboys with girls younger than my granddaughter. 10 years is actually a very healthy difference. Men are immature and slower with growing up emotionally. So I'd say you've caught up, Dr. Ramsey, and the two of you are emotional peers now.”
“Thank you for the fascinating lesson in human psychology, Jerry. To think I’ve wasted all this time and money on medical school and no one taught me this.”
“Dr. Ramsey, it’s because schools and useful knowledge are mutually exclusive.”
Elle and Faye were on the verge of bursting out in laughter, but managed to keep their composure and used the non-verbal communication of exchanging glances instead.
Once they made sure their patients had everything they need, Ethan and Elle wished them a good day and promised to stop by in 2 days, as the following day was their day off.
The moment the door closed behind them, Ethan crossed his arms on his chest.
"I lose you from my sight for one second and this happens. 5 more minutes with Jerry and I'd be single again."
"At least no one wants to poke your eyes out for being with me."
"And someone wants to poke yours?"
"Where do I start... nurses, who had a crush on you long before I even set foot in Edenbrook? Female interns? Anyone, who has a pair of functioning eyes and ever looked at you?"
She was adorable when she was doing this, her whole body overtaken by excitement and her hands waving. When she was talking about something really important to her she wasn't just conversing with her mouth, she was doing it with her whole body.
Suddenly, his pager painfully reminded Ethan that this was neither the place nor the time to lose himself in adoration.
"I need to go, I'm completely swamped today and I have my favourite cherry-on-top board meeting. In case I don't see you for the rest of your shift - I’ll pick you up at 7."
He was gone before she was able to form a response. Was it just her or was Dr Ramsey weirdly… nervous?
* * * * * * * *
At 7pm sharp, Ethan Ramsey curled his palm in a fist and gently knocked. The door opened in an instant, as if someone knew he'd been standing there for the past few minutes.
"Ethan! I mean Dr. Ramsey...please come in!" Sienna squeaked with nervous excitement as she let him in.
"Outside of Edenbrook Ethan is just fine, Sienna. If you don't mind me calling you by your first name, of course."
"Mm..mme? No, yes, I mean... Elle is on the balcony." She tried to hide her embarrassment and motioned towards the tall windows surrounding the living room. Some time ago, he would have been oddly proud to have such an intimidating effect on people - nowadays, more than anything, he was amused. Has he really changed so much?
The answer to his question was leaning against the railing, glass of wine in her hand. Gauzy, flowery dress enveloped her frame and tanned skin. 
For Ethan, it was as clear as crystal: summer had the face and scent of Noelle Valentine.
Long before she started leaving her toothbrush in his apartment and sleeping in his old JH t-shirts, Ethan noticed that whenever he laid eyes on her, his whole body started acting in a very irrational way. His doctor’s instincts prompted him to think of all types of biological causes and chemical reactions in the brain. Then, when he sort of admitted to himself it’s not just pure science, Ethan leaned towards the forbidden fruit theory - the more he couldn’t have his drug, the more he was craving it.
But the feeling never disappeared. Whenever he wouldn’t see her for a while - be that an hour, a day, or just when she went to take a shower or make a coffee - the very moment her face came into his view again, he felt his stomach somersaulting.
Every. Single. Time.
It wasn’t any different now.
"Drinking without me?"
She almost dropped the glass when his voice stopped the train of thought in her head. But then she saw his face, the way too seldom relaxed muscles and a barely-there smile.
A perfectly tailored shirt clung to his torso marvellously. If not in medicine, he surely would have made a name for himself in the fashion industry. Fortunately for her, the idea never crossed his mind. 
The warm wind blew in her face, carrying the scent of expensive cologne which overwhelmed her nostrils. She didn’t know this one, so it must have been new. But she did know that smelling it for the whole evening while staring at his handsome face will be a pure torture.
Simply put, she was a goner.
"I don't know why, but I was quite nervous. Had to summon the courage somehow.”
“As you should be. After all, it's not every day that one goes on their first date."
She looked at him as if she’d just been told that a UFO landed on the roof.
“On a what?”
"Well, I was thinking a lot lately about how we never had a first date. Nothing was ever...typical with us. I promised myself I will do my best to fix things that caused you pain or deprived you of the things you deserved. Maybe I cannot fix some immediately, but this one I can, so I will."
Her eyes, overbrimming with affection struck him like thousand lightnings. Thank god a comfortable silence fell between them - had she asked him a question, it would have been clear that right now he is nothing but a simpering moron.
With this in mind, he took his hands from behind his back, holding a small bouquet of pink gerberas.
"These are my favourites." Her face instantly illuminated at the well known sight and smell. "How did you know?”
"I had some amazing helpers."
Elle instantly turned her head left and looked inside, where grinning, Sienna was showing her the thumbs up.
"Wow, now I actually wish I'd downed the whole bottle."
"I'm glad you didn't. I want to go on a date with a woman, not her lifeless body, even though the body itself is very appealing. Shall we?”
“King of compliments…”
* * * * * * * *
"You actually look like you are having a good time, Dr Ramsey.”
"Why wouldn't I? There is alcohol, sitting under the sky definitely has its charm and the company is acceptable." She playfully swatted his arm, the gesture a quick reminder of how comfortable they felt with each other, something he constantly remembered to never take for granted.
“Although I love this, I still don’t understand why you dragged me all the way outside Boston, I’m pretty sure the rooftop bars are pretty acceptable there, too. A bit more crowded though, that’s for sure.”
“Are you complaining about the fact that we have this entire place to ourselves? I know the owner and he was indebted to me.”
“Of course he was.” Looks like the whole town is indebted to Ethan freakin’ Ramsey.
“With regards to why I brought you here… you’ll just have to wait and see.”
Gosh. She couldn’t decide whether the mysterious side of Ethan Ramsey was hot as hell or annoying as hell. But she didn’t really have time to contemplate, because her companion asked her a question.
“Why did you become a doctor?” The ocean eyes pierced her to the core and she had a feeling that even if she was the best actress in the world, there was no way she’d be able to hide something from this man.
“That’s a terrible change of subject. Also, I must have told you like a million times already.”
“No, you never told me.”
When she looked at him and really, really thought about it… she suddenly realised Ethan was right. Elle told the story so many times she sort of… assumed she told Ethan, too. 
“Are you sure you want to hear it today? It’s a pretty sad story, a mood killer I’d say.”
“It’s what makes you you, so yes, I want to hear all about it - the good, the bad and the indifferent.”
“I’ll tell you, but I need to ask something first. Why now? We’ve known each other for a while and you just… I just sort of assumed this isn’t the type of conversation you’d like to hold.”
“You’ve hit the nail on the head.” Ethan’s expression was gentle, not a hint of irony in his voice. “I’ve known you for a while now, but there are still so many things about you that I don’t know. At first, I didn’t want to ask, because asking these questions meant admitting that there is something more between us. What a fail would that be, after I’ve mastered the art of denial.” He laughed, but it wasn’t a bitter or a nervous laugh, it was a genuine banter between them, as the British half of her soul liked to call it. “But you made me want to dig deeper.”
Was it the heat that made her catch her breath, or did it have nothing to do with the temperature?
“Plus, this is sort of what first dates are for, right? I’m sorry for skipping right to the more complex questions. It’s not that I don’t want to know what you were afraid of as a child, I want to know all the details… but it feels like the atmosphere calls for something…bigger.”
So she told him all about her friend, how she fell ill, how she couldn’t be saved and how the experience wreaked havoc on her whole life, tears glistening in her eyes at the mere memory of the events that shaped who she was today.
Ethan listened, his whole body tense and eyes transfixed. She was giving him one of the most fragile parts of her and he had to make sure his hands were there to catch, carry and care for this treasure.
“And that’s when I realised that if I focused on becoming the best doctor I could be, then maybe one day, I’d be that person who has an answer, who can solve a mystery and save a relationship that means the world to someone. Sometimes, people don’t realise that when a person dies, it’s not only them that’s gone. The part of someone who stays, who has to deal with the whole ‘me after you’ - that part is gone, too. So for me, in a way, this meant saving more than one life.”
For a couple of seconds he didn’t move. Then, without saying a single word and with an unreadable expression he got up and offered her a hand, which she silently accepted. He led her to the railing, where the sun was slowly sinking into the boundless waters of Quincy Bay.
His lips found the all too well known way to her forehead, placing a loving kiss on her delicate skin.
“I am so proud of you.” There was something so mesmerising in his whisper, sending a shiver down her spine.
“As a mentor or as a boyfriend?”
“Both. I want you to know that your dedication to people who rely on you is astounding and hardly present in doctors your age. Or any age, for that matter.”
“Wow, Dr Ramsey, smooth. Trying to hit on me with a recycled pick-up line used on a national TV? No wonder you didn’t have too many girlfriends.”
“No, I didn’t. But I believe everyone has a limit of luck they can get per life. And looking at you, I got a couple of lifetimes worth of luck.”
This was enough to render her speechless. She smiled and at this very moment he knew he would do anything to make her smile like this. She wrapped him around her pinky finger and suddenly his whole existence revolved around finding ways of seeing her curve these breathtaking lips as often as possible and making sure he is the reason she smiles… not crying her eyes out.
Although the other didn’t know, because none of them said it out loud, they both thought the same thing.
This feels so right. 
There isn’t a hint of awkwardness in the fact that they can go from being serious or emotionally vulnerable to funny and teasing in seconds.
In one effortless movement, Ethan spun her and pressed her back against his chest.  Then, he started placing a series of tender kisses along her jawline and the crook of her neck, slowly moving towards her shoulder. 
Come on, just say it Ramsey. It doesn’t get any better than this.
He wrapped her palm in his and pointed them towards the sky. 
“There they are - the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper.” Their intertwined fingers were jumping from one tiny flashing point to the other, as if they were playing connect the dots. “And that’s Orion’s Belt.”
“I really don’t get why at this point I’m still surprised that you’re good at everything.”
Elle was drunk on his every word, as this annoying trait of Ethan Ramsey being the know-it-all was actually one of her favourite things about him. 
As for Ethan, he couldn’t help but think that life wasn’t perfect and was never going to be. But this - this moment - it was in fact perfect. Why take chances of ruining it, when so many things can go wrong?
What if she doesn't say it back?
What if she's just gonna laugh at him or tell him he had it all wrong.
What if he misinterpreted everything and she never thought about him this way?
He was terrified of being this exposed. The last person he loved so much left him without batting an eyelid and disappeared for 25 fucking years.
Maybe it was better to live in a perfect illusion than a reality in which there was even a 0.01% chance she doesn't love him back.
So they both drowned in the moment, drifted in the sea of rapture, lost in the illusion that it can all last forever.
It was her who broke the silence.
“I’m getting a bit cold, is it ok if we call it a night?”
“Right, of course.”
“Thank you for the first date, I loved it.”
Handing her his jacket (her favourite, the dark green leather one) Ethan was furious at himself. 
Maybe he was broken. Maybe he will remain broken forever. Maybe that’s the way it must be.
“Do you want to spend the night at mine?” The question slipped his tongue before he was able to fully reflect on it.
“At yours? Unless you have some secret place I don’t know about, just a quick reminder - I live there too.”
“Since this was our first date, I thought it was a gentlemanly thing to ask.”
“In that case… I am afraid I have the ‘after the 3rd date’ sleepover rule, Dr Ramsey.”
* * * * * * * *
The morning came all too soon and the hot, ruthless rays of the rising sun announced that Ethan is now way past his regular wake up and get up time. He barely slept, tossing and turning, replaying every second of the evening in his head.
His hand mindlessly reached for what he hoped to be the familiar curves and softness of the body he adored so much. 
But his palm hit the mattress with a loud thud. The bed was empty. 
The all-too-well known feeling of hopelessness slipped into the doctor's mind with ease. What did he expect? He was acting weird the previous day. First date, what a stupid idea. She must have realised something is wrong with him and finally left.
But before he was able to fully wallow in the mud of pity, the feeling was soon replaced by an old friend Ethan haven’t heard from for a long time.
Where was she? Is she ok? What if something happened to her and he was just sleeping like a log instead of being there to protect her. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing her… again. Something grabbed his chest in a tight grip and wouldn’t let go. 
Scenes flashed before his eyes, vivid and bright. Their hands touching through the glass wall. Her hand cupping his cheek through the layer of hazmat suit.
He got out of bed at the speed of sound and started running around the apartment, but she was nowhere to be seen. 
Suddenly, he noticed.
The balcony door was opened wide. 
Heart in his mouth, Ethan crossed the distance between his kitchen island and the balcony door in the blink of an eye. 
Elle was just serving pancakes outside. The goddamn pancakes. The only thing he couldn’t cook. The one thing she kept teasing him about and he rolled his eyes every time she did.
God, he promised himself he will never learn how to make them, if it meant she would just tease him forever.
She was smiling as widely as ever, putting the sun and everything else in the world to shame. Ethan was still a bit shaken and his uneven breathing gave him away. Elle finally noticed his presence.
“Good morning, I was just about to—“
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They both froze. 
The tension in the silence that had just set in was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
But the silence didn’t last long. As one man, with eyes full of disbelief, they both murmured simultaneously:
“What did you just say?”
This time, he felt obliged to break the silence.
"I...I...I mean, I…" 
Damn it, get it together, idiot.
"I didn't mean to…”
Great, Ramsey, keep digging an even deeper hole for yourself, then crawl in and stay there forever.
"You didn't mean to say it?”
"Yes. No. I mean, damn it, I am making things worse, aren't I?”
She didn’t set him straight.
"The thing is, I wanted to say it yesterday. I had it all planned, I took you for a first date and I wanted to say it for the first time yesterday.”
"Why did it have to be yesterday?”
“Give me a minute.”
She just rolled her eyes, but Ethan didn’t have a chance to notice before disappearing inside. A few moments later he re-emerged, his face and torso covered by a neatly wrapped, rectangle-shaped object.
"What's this?"
"Something you should have unpacked yesterday, but then... life happened."
Elle sat down on cold tiles, her hands trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. And just like he did months ago, he took her hand in his, only this time he cupped his own cheek with her palm and placed the most tender kiss on the inside of her hand.
It was her favourite medicine, a remedy for all things wrong. 
He sat beside her and nodded at the mysterious package. With impatience growing inside of her, Elle has torn the paper up.
Inside was a dark blue, framed print - the colour of it an instant reminder of her favourite set of irises.
She studied everything with intent. A circle must have been representing the earth and the irregular dots and lines must have been the stars and constellations. 
"A map of the sky? That's beautiful, Ethan."
He knew immediately that although her delight was sincere, she had absolutely no clue what she was looking at and why she was looking at it.
“It's not just any map of the sky.” Ethan explained gently, hints of pride colouring his voice. “It's a map of the Boston sky from exactly a year ago. Well, a year and a day.” He smiled faintly, now a shade of sorrow in his enchanting voice.
Silence. Was she supposed to know what that meant?
“Aren’t you full of mysteries today? Ok, you need to throw me a lifebelt here. What's so special about the sky from a year and a day ago?”
“For the world? Probably not too much. For me? Everything.”
At this stage of their relationship, she knew a lot about Ethan’s behaviours, triggers, his body language. And not just a relationship as a couple, but also everything that came before Ethan became someone she was running through life with (the life of two doctors in one of the busiest and most prestigious hospitals was certainly not a walk in the park).
But it still fascinated her how his demeanour changed whenever the subject was serious, whenever he was talking about something that truly mattered to him. It was as if he’d stripped down of all the layers and let her look into his bare soul. These rare moments of vulnerable intimacy meant more to her than any night of passion they ever shared.
Her eyes turned to him in pledge, because as much as she wanted to, Dr Valentine still couldn’t fully comprehend the scene unraveling in front of her.
“Read the description below the map.”
Dear God, did she actually hear shyness in his voice?
She skimmed through the image again, and there it was, right at the bottom. Elle was so focused on trying to decipher the meaning of the image that she didn’t notice the words below. 
The words which explained everything.
Her emerald eyes brimmed with hot tears as the meaning dawned upon her. Words were very unnecessary, but now that he summoned the courage to speak, there was still a lot he wanted to put into words. He gently took the frame from her hands and leaned it securely against the wall.
Taking her palms into his, he placed delicate kisses on her knuckles, his lips tracing the shape of these two tiny hands, which held all of him. Everything he had, everything he was and was going to be, he placed in those two fragile palms, with an unspoken hope that they will hold him and catch him if he falls. 
“Look at me.” The words were pulsing with care and affection, even though his voice coloured them in serious and desperate shades.
“One year ago… and a day from today…” He smiled and she felt the warmth spilling inside of her. The power he had over her was beyond the limits of understanding. 
Little did she know that the object of her affection was lost in the same thought.
“I was standing exactly where we stand right now. It was dark and the view wasn’t that spectacular.” He freed one of his hands, but only to make contact with her cheek to caress it slowly. In this moment, he had to touch her any way that he could. With his hands. With his eyes. With his soul.
“But I always found comfort in staring at the sky. When I was at med school, I had countless moments of doubt, I wanted to quit more times than I can count. So I used to go to a secluded place at night and stare at the sky. It made me realise how, in one respect, I am just a grain of sand in the universe and how little my problems are. Funnily enough, this thought actually brought me a sense of comfort. If I am as little as I think I am, then what is the harm in being brave and taking chances? A wise man once said… There are some things that are worth any risk.” 
She giggled through the tears, the sweet sound soothing his shattered nerves.
“I was standing right here and I never felt more miserable in my life. And I couldn’t understand why, for God’s sake. I was thriving at work. I had everything figured out and planned. I was pushing you to be the best you could be and I watched you turn into someone who would one day be far greater than me. But you looked so sad, so… broken. You already know I can’t just gloss over you feeling down. The sadder you were, the more miserable I felt. One evening, I was having a glass of scotch and I remembered some tiny exchange we’ve had earlier in the day, literally a chit chat. No idea what it was about. But I remembered your smile and your laugh. Every tiniest move of your muscles, your eyes, how your hair set around your face. It made me happy. Even if it was just for 5 minutes, knowing that you are happy in that very moment filled my chest with lightness. That’s when I realised I want to be the person who makes you feel this way.”   
She blinked the first time in a while, as if she was afraid to make the tiniest movement, afraid it will all disappear and turn out to be a dream. Giant teardrops rolled down her angelic face, trailing the path of joy.
“Noelle Sky Valentine, I love you. I have loved you for a long time but I was too stubborn to let myself give in. And that, as you already know, will always be one of my biggest regrets.” 
“Ethan, I don’t… I’m so sorry, I just don’t know what to say.” Her voice was saturated with emotions.
“I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for.“ 
“I love you too, Ethan Jonah Ramsey. You are by far the most complicated and stubborn person I have ever met. You are… everything I never knew I looked for in another human being.”
Once he heard her say it back, he couldn't get enough of it and a lifetime didn't feel like enough to tell her he loves her, as many times as he wished to.
“But I do have to mention this, Dr Ramsey… from the first date to a love confession in less than 24 hours? I’m sorry, I think this is moving too fast.”
“I’ll show you too fast…but I’m afraid we need to get inside, I don’t want the whole world and its wife to see how I teach you a thing or two.”
Ethan scooped her in his arms and carried her inside, despite her mock protests. He smiled and corrected himself. 
He wanted for the whole world to see.
Because the whole world was right there. 
In his arms.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
If you’ve gotten this far, I need you to know you are absolutely amazing 💗
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damn-stark · 3 years
La vie en rose pt.4
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Pietro Maximoff x reader
A/N- 😏
Warning-Violence, talks of self hatred, talks of death, Angst.
It had been a miracle. Some damn lucky miracle.
One because you happened to be close, and two, because in the chaos of the battle you caught the flash of blue zoom by below. You followed the effect with your eyes from the roof you were on, knowing who caused it and that’s when you caught on to Pietros heroic intentions.
At first you had no intention to stop him, after all he was fast and he had saved people several times already, you weren’t against that. But when you saw the problem why Clint Barton didn't have time to run off with the kid in his arms, your eyes widened and you didn’t hesitate a moment longer to fly off the roof to help Pietro.
And it had happened in the matter of seconds, with zero regard to what you were doing, or your own life. All you knew was that Pietro wasn’t going to be fast enough to get away, not with Ultron in that jet shooting like a maniac. So without a second thought you let your powers surround your hands, and the yellow hues ignite your eyes, so as you landed on the ground in front of Pietro, you threw your hands down and a yellow energy wave blasted out of you and turned the bullets into hundreds of beautiful butterflies. You proceeded to twist your hands around, and flick your fingers forward to throw out another powerful yellow wave from your hands that destroyed Ultron, and his jet into little pieces.
After the dust had settled, and once this current danger was dealt with, you let your hands drop to your side and you slowly turn around to flash Pietro a smug smirk, before shooting a cocky quip. “Did you see that coming, Pietro?”
Said man meets your gaze and an impressed smile slowly grows on his face. He doesn’t say anything, or seem to actually find words to say something, so he’s left watching as you approached Clint Barton and the kid—“Are you two okay?” You ask.
Clint nods as he lets the kid down, “no thanks to you and Pietro.” His eyes glance to a passing butterfly and then he looks at you with a perplexed expression. “How the hell did you do that? Bullets into butterflies?”
You shrug, “I don’t know, I just did.”
Before the starstruck kid could say anything, a woman you recognized from a couple nights ago, one Pietro had tried to flatter, came running towards the kid and wrapped him in an embrace. She said something to him before she turned to look at you with a grateful smile. “Thank you. Thank you”
You offer her a small nod and you watch her go off with the kid in arms. Once she disappeared into the crowd, you turn to Pietro and point your head in her direction to add a comment. “There goes conquest number, what was it? Ten? Twenty?”
Pietro smirks and shakes his head as he playfully remarks your comment. “So you are jealous.”
You scoff and roll your eyes before you walk off, seeing him quickly catch up at your side—“Why would I be jealous?” You remark.
Pietro shrugs, “because she got a pretty dress and you didn’t.”
“Oh, please.” You scoff.
“But you know, I can give you something better than a dress.”
You tilt your head his way and quirk a brow to question his comment. “And what is that?”
Pietros smirk widens and he licks his lips before answering. “A date with me.”
You stop and put your hands on your hips to look at him with a pointed glare, to then snap at his comment. “As if.”
Pietro jogs to your side and wraps his arm around your shoulders to continue walking with you down your path. “Oh, come on, just one, little witch. You’ve left me impressed with what you did, and I think that deserves a nice date. Just you and me.”
“Ha.” You snort whilst you push him away and try not to smile. “No.”
Your own thoughts, and panic cloud your mind and make you stiffen, and blind after what you did to Pietro out of frustration. You don’t even know if you’re breathing, all you know, all you’re aware of is the horror you felt. You see him on the ground trying to surpass the pain, with the mess his body made after your power impacted his body and threw him across the room, and you can’t help but hate yourself.
You couldn’t help but think to yourself; how did you let it come to this? Why did you get so mad? Control had come so easy, why was it so hard now? And the most important question of them all, who am I?
Tears stream down your face and the feeling of it rolling down your cheeks snaps you back to your senses. You hurry towards Pietro’s side and help him to his feet without even trying to make eye contact, you feel his eyes on you, but you keep your eyes downcasted and keep your hand light so you wouldn’t give into his touch. You hear his lips part, but you speak up first. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I lost control. I’m so sorry.”
Once again you try to look up at him, but as you tried, you only made it halfway up his body before you ripped them away and hurried out the house with your head hung low. You didn’t give Pietro time to talk, or give yourself time to hear if he was trying to stop you, all you do is leave the house and quickly walk out of the neighborhood. And you don’t slow down until you're far from home.
That’s where you feel the cold night breeze on your skin, and feel the thoughts slowly drift back to your mind; just like the guilt and remorse hit you too—how could you even face him again after you did that? You didn’t even deserve to be forgiven—even if you did want to. What were you going to do to control what was clearly getting out of hand?
You express a frustrated groan and rub the bridge of your nose. You’re in deep thought until someone interrupts you.
“Hey, honey, are you okay?!”
You stop in your tracks and lift your eyes before slowly turning your head to the side to see Agnes coming out of her car. You offer her a forced smile and answer her question with a lie. “I’m fine, thank you Agnes.”
Just as you think she’s going to take your excuse, she completely faces you and just as you should’ve figured, she doesn’t believe you—Agnes takes off her witch hat and puts her hands on her hips to pester you. “Oh I know a long face when I see one. And I can’t let you go without taking care of you. Come on in for a cup of tea.”
“I,” you instantly interject with the idea to leave. “Okay, but just one.”
Agnes flashes you a warm smile and waves you over to her house. And the only reason why you took the bait was because what else were you going to do? You couldn’t face Pietro yet. Not until you cleared your mind, or at least some of it.
“So tell me what’s got you so down?” Agnes quieres once you’re inside her house and she’s quickly setting water for tea.
You exhale deeply and take a seat on a couch, watching her sit across from you with regular clothes on now instead of her costume. You don’t really want to answer, but you do anyway. “Just trouble at home. With Pietro.”
“Oh, no what happened?”
You shrug and begin to twist your bracelet around your wrist. “I hurt him…” your words trail off and tears begin to sting your eyes again. “I lost control after I couldn't tell him the truth.”
“Lost control?” She asks. “Is this the first time?”
Your eyes drift to meet hers and your eyebrows knit together for a second but you don’t find it strange. “Yeah, it’s been building up for some time now. I thought I could keep it under wraps. I mean I've always had control, but after—” you pause and swallow thickly, feeling a single tear run down your cheek. You want to continue, but you find it hard to do so, something is just stuck in your throat and makes it difficult. Agnes notices and gets off her seat to get the tea, walking back not so much time after and setting it down so you could continue with more ease. “After something happened, I've been having trouble. And I don’t know what to do.”
There's a moment of silence where you just drink your tea and focus on your fingers as set the cup down. You don’t expect her to say much, maybe just some words of comfort, but nothing beyond that. Yet the words that came out of her mouth surprise you and leave you stunned for a few seconds.
“What if I can help you?” Agnes sets her cup down and stands up once again. “You shared something about yourself, now I’ll share something of myself with you.” She steps to the side and points her head out the living room. “Follow me.”
You hesitate for a moment, but you don’t find any harm in what she's attempting—you probably should have, but you don’t because you end up following her into her basement. One that sent chills down your spine as you saw the vines that traveled across the walls, as you saw how differently it was built and decorated compared to her house upstairs; it was almost like some ancient lair. Agnes had some type of workstation that had a glowing, and dark book on top, as if some type of shrine. You wanted to go near it, to touch it, but she stopped you before you could.
“I am in some ways like Wanda and you, in the way that I can also do magic.”
You turn to face her and watch her with a confused and narrowed gaze—isn’t she supposed to be like everyone else?
“What’s going on?” You ask out loud.
“I can help you y/n, I can make you fall in order again.”
You step back and watch her with caution now. You part your lips to ask a wary question. “You have powers too? How come you’re revealing this now? How did you break out of character?”
Agnes shakes her head disapprovingly and walks towards you. “So many questions and yet you don’t ask the right one. How can I help you.” Agnes stops before you and takes a single hair from you. The action makes you jump slightly and react even further by stepping back, but asking what she had said without need for more of an explanation.
“How can you help me?”
“Easy,” Agnes answers as purple hues begin to emit from her hands—but in a more calm way that differed from Wanda and you. “Tell me how you learned magic. Tell me who you are. Who taught you and how you became so powerful.”
You blink and further continue to narrow your gaze. “I,” you mouth, “I don’t know. I just got my powers. No one taught me.”
“You see I don’t believe that. For example, Sokovia, you turned simple flying bullets into butterflies. How? ” Agnes suddenly chuckles, only making you more confused. “I’ve seen and heard of the other things you’ve done. Your magic is not easy to learn, it takes practice, years of it. Your friend Wanda couldn’t possibly do it.”
Now you’re the one that expresses a fake laugh. “What do you mean, my magic?”
“Order magic.” She answers slowly.
You only stare at her blankly and she only gets frustrated, letting out a loud sigh before stopping what she was doing and beginning to explain deeper. “Do you ever wonder, why you and Wanda get along so well? Why you work so well with each other?”
You shrug, “because we both share similar trauma, because after Hydra we were all each other had. Because we went on the run together.”
“No,” Agnes scoffs, “because you’re like yin and yang. Chaos and Order magic couldn’t be the furthest apart, but also the closest. The two of you are interconnected, you compliment each other in so many ways. You’re each other’s greatest weakness and also each other’s greatest strengths.”
“What?” You probe with a nervous smile. “No, I.”
“It’s true, sweetheart, that’s why unlike Wanda, when you use your powers you aren’t as destructive...well not if you don’t want to. That’s also why when you lose control, it’s the most dangerous. After hers.”
You lift your hands from your sides and slowly examine them with a hint of fear in your eyes—“but I,” you mutter, “how?”
“No, how do you do it? All this in here.” Agnes says as she points to your chest. “How do you do your magic? Who teaches you.”
“No one.” You hiss. “No one taught me.”
“Then how—” Agnes stops and sighs, turning her frown into an assuring smile. “I can only help you if you tell me how you can do what you do, how you got so powerful. How it all started?”
“I don’t understand my powers.” You try to explain.
“I’ll help you.” Agnes uses her powers again, but this time throwing the hue to the wall and creating this door instead of webbing it, or doing whatever it was she was doing with her hands. “Let’s go.” She deadpanned, not letting you question her and grabbing your arm to pull you towards the door. Which once she opened it and you walked through it, you were welcomed into a familiar building, into a past memory of yours.
Where you were once in Agnes’s basement, now you were in your old apartment building that you lived in when you were a little girl. You weren’t in your house, but a floor below, outside the door of an older woman’s home. The day it all went wrong.
“Papa,” you muse as you see him standing outside the door, wearing a simple and comfortable outfit and with a tub of warm food in hand. The older woman who you had come to give the food to smiles and begins to thank your father.
“Thank so much Mr. Eisenhardt for this delicious food, you and your little girl are always so sweet.”
“Oh shouldn’t this get interesting,” Agnes interjects before she pushes you deeper into the memory, seeing your younger self appear next to your father as you remembered further.
“It’s no problem, really, hopefully when you’re feeling better you can join us at our house,” your father assured the woman. “We’d love to have you accompany us for dinner.”
“Oh well, that would be great, I’d love that.”
Your father places his hand on your back and looks down at you to give you a silent signal with a simple look—“thank you so much for taking care of my siblings and I! I hope you feel better.”
A small smile tugs onto the corner of your fathers lips and he returns his attention to the woman. “Well, again I hope you like the food, and if you need anything, you know where you can find us. And please call me, Max.”
The older Woman grins, and offers a last nod. “I will, thank you, enjoy the rest of the day.” She closes the door and your father guides you to the stairs, stopping you just before you can climb them to look down at you with a mischievous smirk, and happy gleaming blue eyes.
“You know your father is a sight for sore eyes,” Agnes comments making your face twist in disgust, “maybe we can get him out of jail.”
You ignore her and continue watching the memory.
“I’ll race you back home.”
You beam up at him and nod eagerly. “Okay! But don’t cheat, you always cheat.”
Your father shrugs and tilts his head, letting the light brighten his face and show the brown color of his hair. “Fine, but I can’t promise I’ll take it easy.”
“Fine,” you exclaim, “whoever gets inside the house first wins!”
“Oh, you are so on!”
In a matter of seconds you’re both off, running up the stairs wildly, and with a big beaming grins on your faces. The things going on outside were horrible; a war was dangerously close to home and there was nothing your family could do to get away from it. As much as they tried, getting away was too expensive, even more so with three young kids. The most they could do to keep you and your siblings from suffering was try their best to keep you happy in doing the smallest things like, watching movies, dancing in the living room and or doing races back home. It was simple, yet the best. You wouldn’t have traded it for the world.
But it was ripped away from you. As you reached your needed floor, after you had playfully pushed your father to get up before him. You raced down the hallway and made it to the door first. You had your hand on the knob and looked back at your father with a taunting grin. When you opened it and threw the door open, you took one step inside and tried to call out your win to your mother, who had your baby sister in arms in the kitchen.
“Mama! I beat daddy! I—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you were cut off as an explosion hit your house and sent you flying back out of the entrance of your house, making you hit a wall and making you go unconscious for a couple of minutes.
It all felt like some sick dream, but it wasn’t, as your eyes fluttered open all you saw was the open sky, and you heard pleading and crying by your ear “Come on, please baby girl, please, please.”
You shifted your eyes to the side and saw him sobbing beside you, saw and felt him cradling you. You could barely move and you felt pain all over your body, but you also felt comfort with your father beside you—“papa,” you whisper.
Said man opens his eyes and smiles, hugging you tighter and pressing multiple kisses on the side of your head. Yet he didn’t stop you from seeing the big rubble gap where your house once was. You want to ask about the rest of your family, but before you could, from the sky that you could clearly see because of the lack of walls and roofs, you spotted something big and dark flying your way.
Something suddenly sparked within you and you didn’t hesitate to stretch out your hand with the intention to stop it. Your father caught onto what you were doing and copied your action, albeit unlike you he did actually stop it in midair. You both waited for it to go off but it never did.
Suddenly you hear Agnes chuckle and appear beside you as you watched the memory play out. “Super powered, “papa” and his magic daughter.”
“No,” you dismiss, “I didn't have my powers yet. It was my father, he has the ability to— ”
“Yes! But he can’t stop it from going off,” Agnes cuts you off, “you used a probability hex. Which means this traumatic event triggered something within little you. You just didn’t know it yet. So again how did you get your magic?” Agnes shakes her head and suddenly you were pulled back somewhere else. Standing outside another door. Agnes tried nudging you through it, but you recognized it and didn’t want to go in. “I need to know, y/n. Go in.”
“Know what?” You snap back, “how I got my powers? Easy an infinity stone, I had nothing before it. And trust me I would’ve known, my father tried and nothing ever happened.”
Agnes hums and slowly walks around you, tapping her chin and staying quiet until a thought came to mind. “Okay then, but how do you do it? All this order, even when you don’t try, you just do everything right.” She comes to a stop before you and watches you with a narrowed gaze. You look away and as you do she goes to a wall and picks up a beatle, continuing to come near you and using her magic to turn the beatle into a bird as she said something in a language you didn’t understand. Before she could hand it to you, she got the bird's wing and snapped it, making you gasp and look at her in disbelief—“fix it,” she grumbled. “Before it dies.”
She hands it to you regardless and you look down at it for a moment without doing anything. Could you even do it? You have no control. But you had to try. So you cup your hands around the bird, and use your powers. You don’t say anything, just let the yellow hues flow out and surround the bird. Agnes watches you carefully and anxiously. However when you open your hands, the bird isn’t a bird, yet in a state between a beetle and the bird.
“What the hell?” You gasp.
“Hmm,” Agnes sighs, “so powerful yet so useless without control. I know the how, now I want you to regain control.” She mutters while she picks up the bird from your hands and throws it to her rabbit. “You need a teacher. I can help you, so you can become who you’re meant to be. I can help you gain control and help you even turn your husband into someone who doesn’t have to live in the hex. You just got to gain control.”
“What do you gain from helping me?” You ask seriously.
Agnes walks towards the door and stops before she can open it to look back at you with a hidden smirk. “just….the pleasure of helping someone in need.” She lies, unknowingly to you. “Come on.”
You should’ve hesitated, questioned why she was so eager to help, but you were eager to be helped, to gain control again. So that was your mistake against someone you hardly knew.
You followed her through the door and you were welcomed inside an abandoned studio room; you heard laughter and saw a light lit in the distance and you can’t help but walk towards it. Even if you already knew what was waiting.
“Fill it up again, Eisenhardt.” Sam exclaims as he raises his cup.
You do as he says and easily fill it up with a simple look at his cup.
“I will never get over how you can do that. You’re amazing.”
“As easy as blinking,” Agnes mumbles. You smile softly at the memory and take in the scene of Natasha, Steve, Sam, Pietro, Wanda and yourself sitting around just enjoying each other’s company. “So this is what brings you serenity. Them.”
“We had been on the run for a year and a half,” you muse as you watch the memory play out. “We were all each other had, all each other saw. We were a family. And now,” you trail off as you hear the music play in the room, as you see Pietro getting up to pull you to dance and have fun on a peaceful night. “Natasha is dead...Steve is well...he’s basically gone. Pietro is dead too, and I don’t talk to Sam...not like he’ll talk to me after this.”
“Once again you’ve lost everyone,” Agnes taunts you from behind, causing you to grow stiff and wide eyed. “So much agony in a happy memory.”
You drop your gaze and slowly try to turn and confront what she was trying to do, but she swiftly moved your head so you would continue watching the memory. You try to squirm away from her, but she grabs onto you tighter and turns you so you’re in a completely different environment. Suddenly instead of being in that abandoned studio, you’re in Wakanda. You want to turn away and avoid seeing what haunted your mind, soul and heart, but Agnes uses her power to restrain your hands and feet so you would keep watching. “No,” you shake your head, “stop what you’re doing. You were supposed to help.” You seeth as you squirm to try and get out. “Let me go!”
“Just watch,” Agnes grumbles as she clutches onto your jaw and forces you to watch as Thanos snaps Pietro's neck and leaves you paralyzed on the ground. You want to look away, you can’t relive the moment of pain, but you’re forced to and it hurts again—“this was the trigger to something bigger than yourself, y/n. You have to let go.” Agnes lets your head go and you tear your gaze away, feeling your tears stream down your face and anger boiling at the pit of your stomach. It’s quick to grow and has you looking up at Agnes with a death glare.
“I will,” you growl, “not lose control to you. I won’t let people control me either.” You feel your own power tear down this illusion and you’re brought back to the dark basement. You break through her magic restraints and your power engulfs your hands. You spin around to face her and she has a malicious look in her crazed gaze.
“That’s it, feel it, let it out, remember the pain you felt when Pietro died.”
“Stop,” you bellow.
Agnes walks towards you without regard to her safety and an evil look shines in her eyes. “Remember how it felt when Natasha died too. How it felt to slowly lose people one by one.”
The hues around your hands grow brighter and more dangerous, and you feel as if something is ticking in your head ready to go off at any minute. You try to not let her get to you, but her words were enraging you and tearing your walls down.
“Remember,” Agnes continues, “the sound of Pietros neck snapping, feel that same heartbreak.”
You ball your fist and let out a small growl, you dig your feet into the ground and before you could even attempt to do anything, before that bomb in your head could go off and make you lose control; you’re suddenly swooped off the ground, and in a matter of a second you’re out of Agne’s house and in the front of your own.
When you’re placed on the ground and you’re back to the normal speed of time, you lift your gaze to see Pietro looking at you with a smug smirk. “Did you see that coming?”
Slowly an emotional smile grows on your lips and you’re quick to throw your arms around Pietro. He hugs you back and gently strokes your back.
Before you could say anything in regards to what happened with him and you before, you bring something else up first. “We have to warn Wanda about Agnes.”
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thatfanficstuff · 4 years
Time Travel - Avengers
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Loki with Daughter OFC
Warnings: nope
A/N: Okay so this isn’t what you normally see from me. At all. Last year I offered to write a fanfic for the winner of an auction benefiting the Australian wild fire relief efforts. Wren won and requested a fic. (and then was super patient when my health took a nosedive.) The pairing (family) and basic idea were theirs. I was super happy with how it turned out and they agreed I could share it here. So enjoy something a little different I guess. 
Frigga Stark had been in the past for nearly three months by this point and she was so ready to go home. It wasn’t that she was completely unhappy here. Her powers and abilities had assured her a ready place in the Avengers even if she had just appeared in the middle of a fight with no warning. But living as a stranger in the midst of her family was so much harder than she thought it would be.
Everyone had been friendly enough of course, but she missed bear hugs from her super soldier uncles. She missed late night movies and chats with Nat and Wanda. She missed Thor having her pick up Mjolnir every time he saw her and laughing that booming laugh of his when she did. And Clint had been teaching her to fly the quin jet.
Most of all she missed her dads. Tony and Loki were both here of course but they were just so different from the men she knew in the future. For one they still hated each other so there was no joking or teasing between them. For another, they were awesome dads and she missed the thousand little things they’d do every day to let her know they loved her. Things she’d never take for granted again.
Fortunately, she’d inherited some of her birth father Loki’s abilities and had been able to disguise herself since her arrival. Wouldn’t want to interfere with the future and all that. That had all come crashing down yesterday when she’d been knocked out in the middle of the battle. Her disguise faded to show her natural dark hair and striking green eyes. It also revealed she was about 10 years younger than she’d been leading them all to believe.
Due to her injuries, they’d allowed her to postpone the interrogation until today. Because that’s what it was going to be. Not a discussion or a talk. No, a straight up interrogation. She hated when they were mad at her. The only thing worse is when they were disappointed. Fortunately, that didn’t happen very often.
“Captain Rogers requests your presence in the conference room in fifteen minutes, miss,” Jarvis’s voice filled her room causing her to sigh. She’d ask for more time but knew it would be pointless. They’d already been more than accommodating. Hell, she was lucky she hadn’t spent the night in a cell somewhere.
“Thanks, JARVIS,” she said as she sat up and ran a hand through her hair. After hurrying through her morning routine, she threw on a pair of sweats and t-shirt. She padded through the halls, making it to the conference room right on time.
She took a deep breath before pulling open the door to step into the room. Fear shot through her as she took in the others. Every single person that meant anything to her was crowded into this room and they had no idea who she even was. That by now familiar pang of loneliness flooded her chest and she did her best to shake it off. They’d moved all the chairs around so they were all on one side of the table while she was left a single seat on the opposite side.
“Morning,” she said as she sat.
For a long time, no one said anything as they studied her. She couldn’t bring herself to meet their eyes, afraid of what she’d find there. Instead, she kept her gaze locked on her hands where they tangled together on the table.
Her head jerked up in surprise at hearing Wanda’s voice before anyone else’s. Frigga cleared her throat. “Why?”
“Why lie?” the other woman clarified. “Did you think we would turn you out because you were a child?”
“I’m not a child,” Frigga corrected automatically. It was an argument she’d had with her family many times. “I’m fifteen.”
“Oh, fifteen,” Bucky exclaimed. “Well, excuse the shit out of us, kid.”
“Really, Buck?” Steve said glancing over at his friend.
Frigga couldn’t stop the smile that came to her lips. This was familiar. Comfortable. She shook her head. She might as well get this over with. She took a breath to fortify her nerves. “None of this is as simple as it seems. And you probably won’t believe half of what I have to tell you, but I’ll tell you everything. I have too.”
“And why should we believe that you’re suddenly going to be honest about everything when you’ve failed to do so up until this point?” Tony asked.
She shook her head. “Because it doesn’t matter anymore. Not now that you’ve seen me. The real me I mean.”
Looks of confusion were exchanged amongst the others causing Frigga to chuckle. “Maybe I should just start with how I came to be here. Three months ago, there was a lab accident. My dads were attempting to combine magic and tech to create a time travel device. They were explaining every thing to me when I bumped into the table. It knocked something off and I automatically reached out with my magic to catch it. Next thing I knew I was here. Seventeen years in the past.”
She shrugged. “Why this particular time? I have no idea. I altered my appearance to keep from affecting the future.”
“Why would us knowing what you look like have any affect on the future?” Steve asked.
Tony narrowed his gaze and pursed his lips. “I think the better question is who her fathers are.”
The look on his face told her he already suspected the answer. After all, how many people here would invent a time machine? And how many used magic? “I was born via a surrogate using genetic material from a female egg donor and Loki of Asgard. When I was two, Dad got married and Pop adopted me. My real name is Frigga Maria Stark.”
There was a moment of silence before the room erupted into chaos. Her family argued with each other and shouted questions at her which she ignored. Not surprisingly, the men who would become her fathers were silent. They exchanged a measuring look with each other before looking back to Frigga. She smirked when she saw the hint of a blush on Tony’s cheeks.
After allowing chaos to reign for a moment longer, she took off the necklace she was never without. She sat it on the table and pushed the button on the side once. It opened to reveal a picture of her with her dads. She slid it over. Pietro was the one to take it from the table. “This proves nothing. This is easily faked.”
She said nothing, just watching as they passed her most prized possession amongst themselves. Loki and Tony lingered over it longer than anyone else. Finally, Tony was the one to give it back to her. “As much as I hate to say it, Speedy’s right. You’re going to have to do better than that.”
She smiled and placed her locket back on the table still open. She pressed the button on the side twice this time. A hologram of the same picture projected above it for a moment until it was replaced with one of Loki spinning her in the air when she was a toddler. A moment later his voice filled the silence. “My princess. I will love you until I take my last breath and beyond. There is never a moment that I am not intensely proud of you. You will conquer anything you put your mind to, and I cannot wait to witness it.”
That picture faded away to be replaced with one of Tony and her laughing with their arms draped over each other’s shoulders. Tears pricked her eyes but didn’t fall. “Hey sweetheart. I love you more than you could possibly imagine. Every day with you has been an adventure and I can’t wait to see what’s next.”
Again and again pictures faded to be replaced by another with a message to match until it had gone through everyone in her family. Frigga wiped her cheeks quickly as the last message played. Gods, she missed her family. The silence was thick and heavy as she snatched her locket from the table and put it back around her neck where it belonged.
She cleared her throat. “There was a mission last year. Everyone was going to be gone for at least a month. It was the first time I was going to be left alone without any of you. Pops made this and gave it to me the night before you left.”
“We left a fourteen-year-old alone for a month?” Sam sounded appalled.
Frigga chuckled. “No, you left me with Happy for six weeks. But every night before I went to sleep I’d play it. I still do actually. Even when you’re all home.” She took a deep breath and looked at each of them in turn. “I’m sorry I lied to all of you. About everything. Now, I just want to go home. I miss my family.”
Bucky huffed. “What are we? Chopped liver?” He grinned and Frigga looked at him in surprise for a moment before she giggled. Which made him laugh and soon everyone in the room was laughing.
Finally, Tony clapped his hands as he stood. “Well, let’s see about getting you home, kiddo.”
It took three more weeks before they were ready to send her home. Everyone gathered in the lab to say their goodbyes until finally it was just Loki, Tony and her. Loki tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked into green eyes so like his own. “Are you sure about this?” he asked her.
Frigga shook her head. “Not at all, but we’ve got to try.”
Loki pulled her into a hug with a sigh. “I know.” After a long moment, he released her. “Remember to focus. If what we suspect is true, you’ll be pulled back as soon as you slip into the time stream but focusing your magic can only help.”
She nodded. “I remember.” They were counting on her dads to have set up a beacon of some sort in the future. It was almost guaranteed that they had. After all it was what this Tony and Loki would have done.
Tony was next to wrap her in a bone-crushing hug. “I’ll miss you, kiddo.”
“No, you won’t.” Loki, Wanda and she had come up with a memory spell so they would all forget who she was and what she looked like once she was gone. When she returned to her own time, she could reverse it.
He laughed and gave her that cockeyed smirk. “All right. Let’s do this.”
Frigga nodded once and prepped her magic. Tony flipped on the machine and it glowed with Loki’s green magic. She added her own purple strands to the mix and the room flooded with bright white light. She closed her eyes against it as she felt like she was floating toward something. When her feet hit the ground, she pulled back her magic and opened her eyes.
She stood near the back of the lab. A device pulsing with blue light stood on one of the tables nearby and she smiled when she saw it. Beacon. The lab was quiet even though it was occupied by two of her favorite people. There had evidently been nothing about her arrival that caught their attention as their backs were turned toward her. Bruce quietly typed away on his laptop while Tony sat at his desk. Some invention or another was scattered on the table in front of him but he wasn’t working on it. He was bent forward with his head in his hands and even though she could only see the back of him, Frigga could tell he was utterly exhausted.
Tears flooded her eyes. “Daddy?” She hadn’t called him that in years. Her voice was quiet and if it hadn’t been for the sudden jerk of his shoulders, she would have been afraid he didn’t hear her. Both heads snapped in her direction. Tony stood with tears running down his cheeks but he didn’t move toward her, afraid she’d disappear if he did.
Only when she hurried to him, dodging tables as she went did he move to meet her. His arms wrapped around her in the tightest hug he’d ever given. “Oh my God, Frigga. We were beginning to think we’d never see you again.” He pressed kisses along the side of her head, but didn’t release the hold he had on her.  
“I missed you so much.” She was now openly weeping. She heard a sniff from behind her, but kept her arms wrapped around her dad. “You okay over there, Uncle Bruce?”
“Y-yeah. I’m just so happy you’re home,” he answered while obviously crying.
“Friday, get Loki down here right away, but don’t tell the others just yet,” Tony ordered as he finally released her to look her over.
“Of course, sir. Welcome home, Frigga. It’s good to have you back,” the AI responded.
“Thank you, Friday.”
Tony’s hands stayed on her arms, not wanting to completely let her go just yet. His gaze ran over her from top to bottom. “Are you okay?”
She nodded. “I’m sure Bruce will want to make sure there aren’t any lingering effects but yeah, I’m good.”
The door to the lab opened and Frigga glanced over, her heart racing. Her dad stepped in, frowning at the book in his hands. She recognized it as one of her grandmother’s spell books. He was obviously looking for more ways to get her home. “What do you need, love?” he asked without looking up.
Tony stepped to the side so his husband would have a clear view of their daughter but he didn’t say anything. Loki glanced up with a frown when he didn’t get the expected answer. His eyes went wide and the book fell from his hand as he saw Frigga.
She launched herself at him and he caught her, lifting her from the floor in a tight embrace. “Oh, my beautiful, beautiful girl. You came home to us.” He ran a hand through her hair as he held her. “I knew you’d find a way. I missed you so much.”
For the first time in months, the tears on her face were happy tears. For the last four months she’d wanted to be nowhere other than where she was right at this moment. Nothing could be better than this. Tony soon joined their hug, Loki shifting one of his arms so it surrounded his husband and brought him into the fold. Another moment later and they all rocked as Bruce joined in as well. Okay, she stood corrected. This was even better.
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inkla-kirisame · 4 years
Full moon (Werewolf! Razor x reader)
Supernatural AU
About the reader: they are a Pyro Wizard, and their fight style is like Childe’s but without the spear and with a catalism, they also has a familiar (a “cat” named Iblis)
I'm surprised that my Baizhu post is so popular (by my standards)
And take a look at my attempt to make something with a gender neutral reader
(PS: The GIF it’s not mine, I found it on Google)
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Werewolves, one of the most feared creatures in Teyvat
This was because of their transformation during the full moon, were they become more aggressive
Many cities closed their doors when the full moon appeared in order to protect their citizens from them
The Knights of Favonius were obviously occupied with every full moon, it was better to save everyone they could than no one
Who were you in this? One of the newest Knights of Favonius and Lisa's prentice, you also had a Pyro vision
You kinda hated werewolves, why? Because you were an orphan because of them, you actually live near Springvale and they were hunters, ironic, you though, because what they hunted ended up hunting them
Still you kinda hated them, they didn't wanted you to become nothing else than a hunter, one time Lisa admired your knowledge and offer you to go to Sumeru academy but your parents refused, you also always returned your books on time so Lisa gave you permission to take more books and a more time to have them, your parents often hid them or even destroy them so you could focus on becoming a hunter
They were also nasty to say the least, even Draff admired their dedication but hated they ideals and methods, sometimes hunting for fun, need or simply because they thought it might be a danger if you don't kill a creature now
But after their death you were free to do whatever you wanted, so you went to Sumeru academy and returned to Monstadt and learned things from Lisa and later, becoming the newest member of the Knights of Favonius
Kaeya commonly tried to flirt with you, you always say no, the succubus was disappointed but still tried to flirt with you
Jean and Lisa liked you a lot, you were like the secretary of the Knights, reminded them of certain events
Amber, our ‘favorite’ bunny girl, and Klee always were with you, because you were in their therms, the coolest little sister (because you were the youngest Knight)
For Sucrose, you were one of the Knights who understood her, and Albedo liked you a lot
So everyone liked you, and they knew not to mess with you, specially in battle
You were a calm boy/girl every other aspect with the exception of the battlefield, you were a monster in there, everyone who knew about you and were your enemies were afraid of you
It was a calm evening, you were having a cup of (tea or coffee) with your (favorite dessert) while reading a book, sure nothing out of the ordinary happened with the exception of the people and the Knights bring materials for the roadblock
They only had a weak before the full moon
"(Y/N)!" You turned around to see your teacher, Lisa in front of you "I knew you were here, I need to ask you something"
"What do you need Lisa?" You said taking a sip of your cup
"Well, you know that in one week is the full moon, but I'm a little thigh with my duties, can you deliver a package for me?"
You knew that her duties were going to get the books not returned, and there were many, so you would obviously accepted but not without the details
"For who and where?"
"A boy, he is a little taller than you, has silver hair, red eyes and has eye bags, he is dress up with some green pants, an orange shirt, and a hooded jacket of a dark brown color, in Wolvendom"
“I see, you know that a little risky, right?” You knew it, entering Wolvendom was like ventured into the wolf’s den, it was more dangerous this days
“Please (Y/N), I really need your help, plus, he probably will like you”
“Who is ‘he’”
“Oh, right, the name of the boy, the one who I need to deliver his things, is Razor”
“Razor? I feel sorry for the guy... his parents must really loved him”
Lisa’s eyes filled with sadness
“He is an orphan, like you, but he is a little bit special”
“Anyways, will you do it?”
“Yeah, sure, I don’t have anything to do, plus, I need some wolfhooks”
“Oh, while you are on that, can you bring me some?”
“Sure” you ended up your food and were about to pay but Lisa handed the money to pay the bill
“This time I pay” she blinked an eye to you “I hope you had fun in Wolvendom” you only gave her the book back and walked to the bridge of the city
“Iblis... come”
“I’m here, mister/mistress (Y/N)” a black cat with some amber like scars and fire eyes “I suppose we are going to Helldom”
“You really hate wolves and dogs despite not being a ‘cat’”
“Ha, ha, very funny mister/mistress” the familiar said and transformed intro a giant creature, like a puma but little bigger
“It won’t take long, promise” you said while you mounted the creature
The cat simply looked the path to Wolvendom
“Promise me you’ll give me fish”
“Of course”
The cat then jumped to the water and began to run in it
Once they arrived to the land of the wolves, the cat returned to a little lantern that you carried away
“Despite you aren’t a cat, you really act like one.... so quiet... scares me, now, where is this Razor?”
You began walking around the woods in order to find the boy
“Ah, it seems it’s going to rain” you said looking at the sky slowly turning gray while you holded your hat from blowing off
Just then, you sore you could see something in the bushes, probably a wolf, you knew that it wasn’t a good idea to fight him, because 1: you knew that a hurt wolf will make you the target of the whole pack and 2: you needed to bring the pack to 'Razor'
“Who is there?” Your only response where the bushes moving and then a boy appeared, green pants, orange shirt, dark brown hooded jacket, silver hair and red eyes with eye bags, yep this was the person Lisa asked you to deliver the package “Razor, right?” The only thing Lisa didn’t told you was that Razor was a werewolf, maybe that's why he was special
“Yes... you are?”
“(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)”
“You smell like... Lisa... you are Knight?”
Geese, this boy seriously need some classes of language, if he was at Sumeru, he probably be mocked by everyone
“Yes I'm a knight” you gave him the package “it’s from Lisa”
“Ah! Painkillers!” His ears twitched his ear in happiness “thanks, why Lisa not came?”
“She was busy with the librarian duties... you know, books not returned on time”
“Ah, yes, I know that” you began walking away “where you going?
“Im going for wolfhooks” Razor stopped you and gave you some that were stuck in his tail or hair, his tail was moving with excitement
“Thanks... but I actually need some more” you said coldly, you honestly felt uncomfortable and it wasn’t Razor’s fault, it was because you saw the death of your parents and you were kinda afraid of werewolves because of that
“Oh, I know a place where they grow” he said tooking your hand but before he could drag you there, Iblis came out and tried to scratch him and unfortunately, Razor released some electricity, causing an overloaded reaction
Razor ended up crushing in a tree and Iblis flied to the ground, you on the other hand, ended up in some bushes
“Argggg..... IBLIS!!!” At that moment the familiar ended up in the floor like he was in a lot of pain, Razor saw that
“Mister/mistress, I’m sorry...” the cat returned to the lantern while you cleaned your self
“Sigh, now what’s the worst that can happen now?” Then it rained
Razor then guided you to a cave, there was some dried wood, it could be used for a bonfire
While you prepared the bonfire, Razor went for something
“Thanks Iblis...”
“I’m sorry” he said while walking to the bonfire in order to light it up
You simply cover yourself with your arms trying to get warmer with no success until you feel something fluffy, like a wool or fur, being warped around you
"You seem cold"
"Yeah, maybe it doesn't have to be because we were out in the rain like for like fifteen minutes"
"Sorry, I got lost"
".... "
"Why are you cold?"
"Because I'm-"
"No, not that, cold to me"
"I don't like werewolves..."
"Why? Did they attacked you?"
"No, they killed my parents"
"They... They kill your lupical?"
"Yep, they killed them, but I honestly owe them for that"
"You hated your Lupical?"
"Well, I loved them and that but they wanted me to become something I didn't want to become, so when they died I was free to do whatever I wanted" you said looking at the ceiling of the cave "by the way, did your painkillers survived the crush?"
He forgot that he had them with him when that crazy cat attacked him, unfortunately, the painkillers were destroyed by the impact
"Yes, mister/mistress?"
"I won't give you fish or milk in a week" you turned around to see the werewolf "I'm sorry for this, I will make you some new painkillers in compensation"
"Thanks, but not worry for this, not necessary, only need them for transformation"
"It's very painful, right?" He nodded "I'm not a werewolf but I understand your pain, when I made a pact, he almost roasted me alive, it took me some time to get the burns away"
He looked confused, you two looked like you knew each other for so long
"Why he tried to roast you?" Said while looking at the feline creature
"Well, some familiars like to make you a test to see if you are worthy of them, that why he almost burned me alive" you giggle a little when you remember that day "but you suffer that pain every month, for how long are you a werewolf?"
"I... Not know.... I was like this all my life... Or at least from what I remember" he paused a little "I never accostumed to the pain"
You patted his head while giving him space besides you
"It seems that the rain won't stop sooner, we will have to collect the ingredients for the painkillers while it rains... Dang it..."
"You hate rain?"
"No, but I'm a Pyro user, my powers won't work during the rain if something attack us
"I have an electro vision, I can help you" Razor said excited while his tail moved with happiness "I protect you and you get the green things"
"Sound good for me, Iblis, you stay here and keep the fire alive"
You left the blanket and gesture Razor to follow you, which he did
You must have been out there for a good while since you felt really cold and you didn't have all the things to make the painkillers
"We should return to cave"
"No, it's fine, we are almost finished" you said trembling from the cold
"You not look good"
"It's fine, let's just get the last thing"
Razor sighed internally and putted you his coat to at least make you a little more warmer
"We get it, we come back"
You began searching the last herb while Razor guarded you, but he clearly was worried about you, you looked tired and he could sore that you were freezing
"Got it!"
You turned around to see Razor coming towards you and he grabbed you in a bridal style, you freaked out
"What are you doing!?"
"We are going back to cave, we will be faster this way" He said and began to run
You hugged Razor by the neck in fear you might accidentally slipped off his arms
When you arrived back at the cave, the feline creature almost had a heart attack
"Mister/mistress, take off your clothes!!! You can't be around with wet clothes, you might catch a cold!"
"I think I might already have... But I don't have spare clothes, and you know it!"
Then Razor gave you back his blanket
"Use for cover, I get us clothes while others dry"
Once Razor was out of view, your familiar began to order you to take off your wet clothes which you did and you covered yourself with the blanket and wait for him to arrive with clothes
When he arrived, he looked at you while you stare at him uncomfortable
"Razor, I need privacy..."
"Oh" he turned around and faced the wall of the cave "I not look until you tell me to look"
In a day like this, you probably would be enjoying a hot chocolate while you were near the fire or taking a long and warm bath, it was rare for you to be outside in the rain, you weren't that accostumed to the rain
"Now you can turn around"
You both simply ate some meat he had in silence and after that you both went to sleep
The next morning, as you predicted, you had a fever
Razor was watching you while that fur ball that is your familiar went for ingredients for a chicken soup to make you feel better
"Razor, I'm cold"
"Cold? You burn!!!" It was part true, when you have fevers, your Pyro Vision is more a curse than a blessing, your temperature is more higher than the average temperature of a person with fever and touching you it was like touching a burning wood
"Can you bring me my bag? I think I have medicine in there"
He immediately bring you the bag, fortunately, all of you potions survived the explosion of yesterday
"bleh, I'll never accostumed to the taste of this things"
"What was in?"
"You probably don't want to know"
You looked outside, it wasn't raining anymore and it was a very calm morning
"Here, I made it" the silver haired boy gave you some hash browns but with the shape of a paw
"Thanks" you were kinda afraid to taste the hash browns because you didn't knew if he knew how to cook, but you decided to trust Razor with this
And to your surprise, the hash browns were good
"I didn't knew you knew how to cook Razor"
"Lisa show me"
"If you want, I can show you more things"
After Iblis came back with fowls for the soup and ate quietly, you began making the painkillers
Thankfully, you bring your portable alchemy kit, you never knew when you would really need it so you always carry it with you
Razor watched you grind some of the herbs you collect while you simply put a lizard tail in a cauldron, he really felt like he was going to barf at the awful smell and the things you put in the cauldron
"You really don't like the smell..."
"It smells horrible"
"I don't blame you, it might taste horrible and smells horrible but every medicine or potion taste horrible or smells like this"
Once you ended the potion, you closed the cauldron with an special lid and rest on one rock with Razor's blanket
"Let the mix rest for a while Razor, or it might turn you into a frog"
He immediately went with you, afraid of the cauldron, thinking it magically began to walk and turn him into a frog
"It won't turn into one if you don't drink what inside"
That at least calm him a little
"Your Lupical... How they were?"
"They were two hunters, I was supposed to be a hunter like them but I was a sucker for books and knowledge, despite they wanted me to be smart, they also wanted me to hunt with them, to which I didn't want to do it... More than one time they hid my book so I would returned them late or destroy them" you sighed "at least they didn't got what they wanted"
"What they hunt?"
"Rabbits, boards, some little animals and..."
"Wolves...." You paused a little "they also helped with the protection of the city during full moon... Despite being my family, they were nasty people... One time I heard them planning to hunt the all wolves in Wolvendom... I guess I was the black sheep of the family"
"And you want kill wolves?"
"No, I don't want to... I'm not like them, if you ask me, I don't kill for fun, I only do it when it's necessary"
"What you think about me?"
"About you... Hmmm.... Well, you are nice, kind, a little naive and you really seem to care about your Lupical, unlike me, because I'm a... Lone wolf" he laughed a little by your response
"You not feel lonely?"
"Well... I have Iblis, Lisa is technically the one in charge of me... The Knights could be like the closest thing to a family but... I accostumed to be lonely and it's always been like that"
Razor look at you with pity, after all, he was accostumed to be in company of his pack and lone wolfs were a rare thing
"I be with you!"
You look at him with an unamused face
"When did I agree to that? Besides, you don't have your Lupical to take care of"
"But... You are lupical, lupical doesn't need to be alone"
"I'm fine on my own, but if you really want to, I think you won't leave me alone"
Then he hugged you
"I not fail you"
After a while, the painkillers were done and you two had to bid your farewells, it was safer that Razor stayed with his pack in Wolvendom till the full moon is gone
"do you perhaps like that werewolf?"
"Wha- of course not! Not in that way!"
"I didn't say that you liked him that way"
"When we arrive home, I'll give you a very cold bath"
The feline just closed his eyes, knowing that he'll suffer during that bath, he probably would prefer another place to 'clean' himself
If you want to request I probably recommend you to wait a little, I'm planning on remaking the request list
Why Razor is a werewolf? Because why not? He's wolf boy, if he has to be a supernatural creature, it's 100% that he's a werewolf, I bet y'all think the same (if not, give me the clown wig please)
Wishing everyone luck on Venti's Rerun, I Will totally pull because I didn't get him cause someone came home, not pointing fingers, but it was a broke-ass astrologist (I latter find out how pity works and you know the rest), if he doesn't, Childe probably will... (I'm with 50/50, knowing my luck, I probably get c1 of any other 5* with the exception of Mona (she's C1)
I'm going to upload more things, probably soon but who knows?
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Love On-Set (Pt. 05 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Word count: 2.9K
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
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{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
All The Right Signs
“Gaten, get it together! It's fake raining!” Finn yells as Gaten messes up the scene for the fourth time. Everyone just laughs as you brace yourself.
“Five minutes everyone!” James shouts and you follow the kids as they run out of the rain as the water is turned off.
Today, you're glad the scene is outside, with all the main actors. It's always fun, and you need to keep your mind away from what will happen tomorrow. You thought the kissing scene was too far away, but now it's just around the corner. And you didn't do as James said. Every time Dacre showed up to work on that, you'd just sit, watch something and talk. And you always have fun together. The director never asked about the video though, so you just decided to let it go.
But now, it's tomorrow. And you're trying hard not to think about it until it's inevitable.
“Are you cold?” Dacre comes to stand before you, messing up your train of thought.
“A little, yeah.” You answer, removing some hair from your face.
“Well...” He steps closer, his hands rubbing your arms. You immediately feel warmer, but you don't think it's because of the gesture. “If Gaten manages to say his line without bursting into laughter we'll get out of the cold very soon.”
You can't help but blush, staring into his blue eyes. “He is–”
A camera flashing gets your attention, and both you and Dacre look at the source. Millie tries to hide her phone as if the bright light didn't startle you.
“I can't wait for tomorrow.” Natalia comments.
Unfortunately, they will have to be here, because the kissing scene isn't the only one scheduled. You still don't know if it's good or bad. Probably bad.
“Alright, let's get it done.” As James speaks, the water is turned back on and it starts raining again.
“Let's go.” You say in a low voice, accompanying Dacre back to your positions.
It takes another four attempts for Gaten to finally say his line without messing up, and the rest of you are free to finish the take. Afterward, before you can run to your dressing room to shower and change out of the soaking clothes, the guys decide to make some silly pictures with everyone soaking wet. In the middle of the commotion to strike a pose, Dacre finds he's way to stand next to you, an arm either on your shoulders or around your waist. You try not to give it much thought, hoping Millie's phone camera won't get your blushing cheeks.
When it's all done, you take a warm shower before heading to the van and an hour later you're at your hotel room. But the day isn't over yet. The guys are coming here to finally start working on the Battle of Starcourt scenes. But you still have some time before they show up, so you make yourself comfortable on the couch, a blanket around your shoulders as you watch Jaws since you're in the mood for a classic movie.
A knock on the door startles you a little, and you notice you were too immersed in the movie. Dragging the blanket with you, you walk over there after checking your phone. There's still an hour until they come and you didn't order anything. But you unlock it and swing it open, biting your lip when you see Dacre. “Hey.”
“Hi.” He furrows his eyebrows when he looks down at you. “I absolutely love your dress.”
“Really? It's the last fashion in my living room fashion week.” Giggling, you step aside, closing the door shut when Dacre comes in. “You're early. Nobody got here yet.“
“Yeah, I know.”
Raising an eyebrow, you shrug your shoulders. It's not like you would send him away. “I'm watching Jaws. So we can either watch it or put on something else.” Making your way back to the couch, you watch as he does the same, settling down beside you. “You want the blanket?” You decide to ask, just to be polite.
That you weren't expecting. It's not cold. Well, not that cold. You just took the blanket to feel more comfortable since you're wearing shorts and a light blouse. “Ok.“ You mumble as you take the blanket from around your shoulders, fixing it on both you and Dacre.
Then you focus on the movie. Or you try to focus the best you can. Why is Dacre here? Millie's voice comes back to your head, her lastest advise making you bounce your leg nervously. She told you Dacre is giving all the signs he's into you. And you should do the same, or else he'll get the idea you're not interested and step back. Natalia assured it'll happen because Dacre is a gentleman, always have been, and he won't keep pushing you into something you don't want.
Taking a deep breath, you think about your options. You feel how Dacre's arm is touching yours, and you have an idea. Feeling the butterflies in your stomach going insane, you lean closer to Dacre. “Can I?” You ask, laying your head on his shoulder.
“Sure.” He answers, and after a few seconds of the most uncomfortable silence you've even been through, Dacre moves, putting his arm around your shoulders, what makes you snuggle closer to him, your head resting partly on his chest and neck. Your whole body is frozen for a moment, wondering what this is. Then he moves again, his arm sliding down to embrace your waist, and you decide to just end the small distance that was between your bodies, completely leaning on him. “Is this ok?”
“Yeah.” You nod, eyes tightly shut as your cheeks start burning. “The shark is attacking.” Trying to ease the tension, you gesture at the TV.
“It is,” Dacre mumbles, and you feel his chest vibrating as he speaks.
As the minutes pass by, you feel more comfortable. And it feels good to finally allow yourself to do this. It's something so simple, so silly, but still, it feels right. You've been dying to do this and you didn't even know.
Unfortunately, the hour passes by, the knocks and the chattering announcing that your time alone with Dacre is over. Sighing, you leave the blanket behind and go open the door, hoping nobody will notice that Dacre was here already.
“Ok, ok. Positions...” Joe says after the coffee table and couch were pushed aside, leaving a free space in the middle of the room. You stand beside Millie, script in hand as you wait to find out what scene they'll start with. “You there. You can be... There.”
“Why do I have the feeling we interrupted something,” Natalia whispers as she walks by, tilting her head at Dacre, who's discussing something in the script with Sadie.
“Dacre just came to...” To do what? Did he even come to do something specifically? “He came a little earlier.”
“I didn't know you could get this red,” Millie exclaims, staring at you. “Oh, my God, I'm so happy I'll get to see the kissing scene.”
The kissing scene. Nobody in the freaking universe will let you forget it. As if you needed them to remind you that Dacre's lips will be on yours by tomorrow night. “I want to get it done on one take, so don't screw it.”
“You should ask us to ruin it as much as we can so you'll get to kiss him more times.” Natalia sing songs and you Millie laughs, nodding.
“It won't be Dacre and I. It'll be Billy and Amy. It's a scene, it's our job.” You don't know what gets to you, the words just roll out. And they're all true. It won't be a real kiss. It's not like you don't want to do it. You want to kiss Dacre, and this is making you nervous, but it just won't be real. “Let's just focus here, ok?”
The next hours are tiring. They were right to do this because the Battle of Starcourt will be chaos, and it'll be a lot better if you kinda know the dynamics before having to actually shoot it. But you're distracted, forgetting your lines so many times you have to just keep the scrip in hand and read it. You're thankful for the kids being so crazy because they make you laugh and forget your anxiety for a while.
It's past midnight then they leave, and as you're saying your goodbyes at the door, you notice Dacre falling behind. When he's by the door, the others are already disappearing down the hall.
“Guess I'll see you tomorrow.” You mutter, looking down at your feet. If it wasn't for a meeting James called with the whole cast in the morning, you'd have the whole day to deal with before going to the set. It's better this way though, you think.
“Yeah. I'd be down for another gym date but I have this job that won't let me.”
Giggling, you bite your lip. “You think it'll be about changes in the script?”
“I'm sure it will,” Dacre mumbles, giving a look at the hall. When you follow his gaze, you see three blurs in the shape of heads, vanishing into the corner. “We're being watched.” He lowers his voice as if you were in great danger.
“Hope it's not the Demogorgon. I'd hate to save your ass. Again.” When you look back at him, you find his blue eyes already set on you. It makes you sigh, wondering why your legs won't work, and make you step back, returning to the normal distance you should put between you and someone else. “I'll get some sleep... Rough day tomorrow.”
“I agree.” Another glance at the hall, but you don't have time to check if anyone's there this time. Dacre leans closer and places a kiss on your cheek, as he usually does. Only this time is different. It lingers, for far too long, and at the same time, it ends too soon. And you're sure you felt the corner of his lips on yours. “Good night, (Y/N).”
“Good night.” Whispering, you stand by the door as he makes his way to the elevators, giving one last look back before disappearing in the corner.
• • •
Your hands are shaking a little, and you blame it on the cold wind. But the wind isn't that cold. Is it?
You're already in your position, at Hawkins Community Pool's parking lot, next to this random car and your stylist is finishing with your hair and giving the final touches on your make-up. No lipstick. You can't imagine why.
On your left, you see many pairs of eyes set on you. After this scene, James wants to shot the sequence, when the kids find a Demodog in the pool, so everyone is here. But you can't think about that now, you have to focus. Amy needs to come to life today, and you need to act like a professional. You knew acting in Stranger Things would be huge, and difficult, but you'd never guess it would be this hard.
You take the deepest breath you can when you see Dacre coming your way. Mullets were an atrocity to humankind, you think, but damn, he did make it look good. How is it even possible? He shouldn't be allowed to do that.
“Hey. You–”
“Everyone ready?” James' thunder voice cuts him off, and you have no idea if that's good or bad. No time to figure out. “Clean the set, let's do this. Dacre, (Y/N), are you ready?”
Nodding, you force your mind to remember the lines. You're Amy now... Which sucks because by now, Amy is already in love with Billy. Nothing will help you, you just need to get it done, give the audience the show they want.
“Great. Alright then... Ready and... Action!”
You're not ready for that, but you move anyways.
“I can't believe you took almost an hour to get here, Hargrove!” Amy yells, walking fast to end the small distance between her and Billy. “There's a freaking Demodog in the pool!”
“It's dead. So why the hurry?” Dacre keeps the smug smirk, the one that makes you want to slap Billy. Just a little bit. “Chill.”
“Don't tell me to chill. Can't you miss one single date? Not even when there's an interdimensional monster involved?” You punch Dacre hard on the chest, well not so hard, but he does give a tiny step back. This is Amy's jealously attack, and you make sure to make her look frustrated because despite the emotions overflowing, she knows she shouldn't be doing this.
“Why the hell you always think I'm with some girl?”
“Because that's where you always are.” Jumping to conclusions. That's the way Amy found to keep her heart away from Billy. Didn't work though. “You know what, it doesn't matter. We have a bigger fish to fry.”
When you turn around to leave, Dacre gets his cue, grabbing your arm and forcing you to stop and stumble back. “The damn thing is dead, it can wait.”
“Let go.” Amy pleads, stepping backwards as Billy comes closer. That's the moment where she gives up trying. This thing with Billy has been going on for a while now, and, as in real life, there's just this point where you stop fighting it. “Seriously, I'm tired of this shit so let's just–”
“I know you're jealous.” He mutters, just when your back hits the car. James loves to have you trapped like that. “Just need to figure out why.”
“I've said it once, and I'll say it again.” It's hard to follow the script, it's hard to keep breathing normally. It's so damn hard to keep eye contact with Dacre right now. “I won't be one of your flings so back the hell down.”
It comes out too low, and you wait for James to stop the scene. And you want him too. You can't do this. You can't stop looking at Dacre's lips, you can't control the butterflies in your stomach. This is just a goddman scene, why can't you get it together?
“Who said I want you to be a fling?”
That's it. It's happening. Dacre leans closer, so close that you have no choice but to close your eyes. He's saying something else, but you don't hear it. Your hands find their way to his chest, grabbing his jacket as if to steady yourself, to get a grip of reality. When his lips brush on yours, Amy is gone and you break character, taking a deep breath before pulling him closer, eager to end the small distance and finally–.
A loud noise, an explosion, makes both of you jump. One of the cameras near you come crashing down and if it wasn't for Dacre pulling you away, it would hit you. The whole thing moves like a domino effect, knocking a few more cameras with it. You barely hear James's voice, stepping further back, making sure you're far enough. The rest of the cast abruptly stand up from their chairs, worried.
“Everyone back off!” James shouts.
“Are you ok?” Dacre asks and you simply nod, a hand on your heart.
James dismisses everyone while he and his assistants check what happened. You silently walk beside Dacre until you reach the rest of the crew, looking down and trying not to think about the kiss. Or the almost kiss.
“What the hell happened?” Joe asks, and everyone starts talking at the same time.
There isn't much to talk about. Four of the five cameras are wrecked, and the director is pissed. But still, you're too far away, your mind stuck in the phantom of the kiss you craved for so desperately. Dacre stands by your side, but you can't look at him right now. So you engage in the conversation, ignoring Millie's and Natalia's stares, hoping nobody will notice your blushing cheeks.
An hour later, the big news arrive. Well, they're big news fort he cast, not for James. After analyzing the damage, James will have to suspend the shooting for five days. Which means you'll have five days off. Everyone starts making plans, and the ride back to the hotel is filled with happy chattering about who will go where. But you already know what you'll do. You'll fly home and use these days to rest. And think.
“Hey.” Dacre gets your attention, following out of the van when you reach the hotel. “What are your plans?”
“Uhm... I'm flying home.” Shrugging your shoulders, you keep his pace through the main hall.
“Oh, you live in LA, right?” Giving him a quick glance, you nod. “I'm living there too, I don't know if I told you.”
This lights up a spark in your heart, and suddenly, you're not so excited to stay away anymore. “No, you haven't.”
“We can book our flights together... If that's ok.”
His hesitation gets you by surprise, but then you notice how distant you've been acting since the kiss. Damn, he might be thinking you didn't like it or something. That he made you uncomfortable. That's exactly what you don't want him to think. “It is. When do you wanna leave?”
“Tomorrow morning?”
“That's fine by me.” You finally decide to look at him, and you immediately regret avoiding his eyes. Being nervous is... Normal. Maybe. But his eyes give you the reassurance you need. “I'll stop by your room in an hour so we can buy the tickets.”
“I'll be waiting.” His lips break into a smile, and you can't help but bite your lip and smile too.
“I'll be there.” You say as the doors open on his floor. Dacre mutters a goodbye, and right before the door closes again, you see when he winks at you.
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelanin @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines @peakascum
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