#if i couldn't tell it was a joke based on the statement i would not be able to tell what was supposed to be funny anyway...
thiefking · 1 year
i am still pleased and amazed at the amount of people on my tone indicator parantheticals post who AREN'T being weird and aggro, but i will say. while i got tired of the aggro ones the moment the first one showed up i have also grown tired of the "this is just tumblr tags/congrats you just reinvented tumblr tags" observation. it has been made many times, i can never tell if it's a teasing joke or if they're seriously like "umm dumbass this is the same thing" (because of course they are not paired with any indication of intent, such as a word encased in a pair of parentheses, because for some reason being overfamiliar with strangers on the internet has become very normalized, and they just expect that if they say things to people they have never met that the person they say that to will be able to tell whether they are kidding or trying to insult them, which is highly variable per person) and either way it's like...
i mean. yeah. on tumblr, that is the same thing as what you could use the tags for
but tumblr isn't a messaging app
even its in-built dms do not have tags
if you are using discord if you type a # it would prompt you to pick a channel you are referring to
The Primary Location You Would Use Tone Indicators Is In Conversation With Others And Tumblr Is Technically A Blogging Platform
also a bunch of people are like "ummm or you could just put it in the SENTENCE like a NORMAL PERSON" and first of all shut up. secondly nowhere in the post did i say that i specifically would rather someone use random parantheticals instead of just stating their intent in the actual sentence, i said i would prefer parantheticals over highly abbreviated tone tags. obviously i would prefer people just say properly what they mean, that is literally what i do when i have a genuine question to ask, i don't do "what do you mean (genuine) (sincere question) (confused)" i say "sorry i'm a little confused, what do you mean by xyz?". literally did not fucking say that i think parantheticals would be better than just saying what you actually mean to begin with IN the initial question. however THIRDLY sometimes you just fucking have adhd or the conversation is fast and you don't think to phrase it carefully. and in that situation you might realize after you already sent the message that it's ambiguous what you meant or if you were sincere, so you send like "(JOKE)" or "genuine question" or if you make a reference "(you know like xyz meme/show/game)" immediately afterwards so people know and can respond appropriately. and i would so much rather see people spell the fucking thing out instead of saying /j or /gen or god forbid /ref (WHAT!!! ARE YOU FUCKING REFERENCING!!! YOU CAN'T JUST SAY IT'S A REFERENCE AND LEAVE IT AT THAT THAT DOESN'T HELP!!! WHY IS THAT EVEN A TONE TAG!!! YOU HAVEN'T GIVEN ME ANY CONTEXT FOR IT, THIS IS NOT A TONE TO INDICATE, IT DOESN'T INDICATE ANYTHING, I COULD PROBABLY TELL FROM THE PHRASING TO BEGIN WITH THAT IT WAS SOME KIND OF REFERENCE ANYWAY, YOU HAVE GIVEN ME ZERO INFORMATION AAUUAUAAAAGGGGHHH the fucking autistic person who would not be able to tell that you were making a reference without the tag would probably also not be able to tell what the goddamn joke was supposed to be! i AM that autistic person sometimes!!! you cannot just /ref your way out of that if you are ACTUALLY TRYING to HELP AUTISTIC PEOPLE then make it clear you can be ASKED TO CLARIFY THINGS and then SUCK IT UP AND EXPLAIN THE JOKE EVEN IF IT MAKES IT LESS FUNNY!!! and this is entirely specific to Me who has never once wanted someone to use tone tags even when i do ask for clarification on something, but if you don't want to ruin your joke by explaining it and i already Understood that it was a joke, the /ref and or /j you put on it is actually. equivalent. to explaining the joke and ruining it...... because in this scenario i knew it was a joke already...)
ahem. anyway. i think the people who say "ummm orrr you could just bake it into the sentence :/" do not realize they are the ones being stupid while calling me stupid. because of the fact that they cannot read the post, where i don't say even once that i don't agree with them, because i am talking about something else, which is that if you gave me a choice between tone tags or tone parantheticals i would choose parantheticals
conversely i'm NOT tired of the elcor comparison, even a little bit, even though that one was also made a thousand times. i actually like that one a lot. i never played mass effect or anything i just think that's funny and cool. entire species that has autism... so beautiful ♡
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ozzgin · 4 months
Its been 6 months😭😭 pleaasseeee make a part 2 of the android x human story im beggingggg😭
Yandere! Android x Reader (II)
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Featuring your assigned android partner who is not as devoid of humanity as you originally thought.
Content: female reader, AI yandere, mildly NSFW, based on Caves of Steel
[Part 1] | [More original works]
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The case had been solved.
Not only that, but you'd managed to prove that human officers were just as efficient as their robot counterparts. The Commissioner was beyond ecstatic, pacing back and forth in his office and finding new ways to praise your detective skills.
"That'll show those Spacers. They think some glorified tin box can match our skill?"
You frowned at his words and glanced to your side, where the android was sitting. He observed the Commissioner with the same polite smile, no hint of disagreement on his features. Was he not insulted? You questioned him once the formal meeting had finished.
"I have no reason to be offended, (Y/N). It is a personal opinion, and thus I have no control over it."
"So you don't mind people disliking robots to such an extent?"
He pondered your statement.
"I would certainly be upset if it was you who harbored the disdain. The beliefs of other humans hold no meaning to me otherwise."
You couldn't tell if he said it out of politeness, or if he actually meant it. Most likely the former, in order to part on good terms. After all, your partnership has reached its completion. He'd return to the Spacer Colony with his report on human customs, and you'd go back to your regular job.
Except he never left. Days later, he was still sipping on his morning coffee, lounging at your table. You fiddled with your cup in contemplation. Was there anything else left to do?
"When are you leaving, actually?"
The pale man raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.
"Is my presence here of such significant disturbance?"
"What? No!" you swiftly exclaimed, stumbling on your words. His lips widened in yet another cheeky grin. He was teasing you again.
"My assignment on Earth is done, thus I should have returned to the Colony already. That's what you're wondering about, yes? I am awaiting a response from my superiors."
"Whether you can go back?"
"No, whether my transfer has been accepted. I have applied to be your permanent partner."
You could feel your cheeks burning with heat. Was it that obvious to the synthetic that you enjoyed his company? Then again, he wouldn't have gone through such motions just for your sake.
"Why did you..." you probed sheepishly. There was no logical reason for him to keep working in a poorer, less advanced environment.
"Because I want to continue spending time with you."
Nonsense. An artificial being wouldn't make its decision based on such mundane, emotional reasons.
"I don't believe you."
"I understand. It is a faulty answer to come out of a machine. Though unlike common AI assistants, we have been invested with the capacity to develop likes and dislikes. Interests. Wants. It helps with variety and individualization."
"And you want to stay here? If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you have a crush on me or something", you attempted to joke.
A few moments of uncomfortable silence. Had you gone too far with your humor? Was it too cliché of a sentence? You turned away, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. You just had to be witty, huh?
"I'm afraid I do not know what to tell you, (Y/N)."
"You don't need to say anything, it was a poor choice of-"
"Many social aspects have been implemented into my behavioral network. Workplace rapport, friendships, intimate relationships. What seems to be lacking is the transition from one to another. I know how to act as a romantic partner, but how does one achieve such a title in the first place?"
You gazed at him, incredulous. What was he trying to say?
"I am trying to convey that I am indeed infatuated with you. Which, then, makes my initial explanation dishonest: while I do appreciate our fruitful work cooperation, it is not a main reason for my decision. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings."
You'd never been a romantic. You sometimes flipped through sample pages of contemporary romance books at stores and community centers, but they always felt forcefully cheesy. Predictable. Consequently, you never had any grand dreams of passionate confessions under the rain.
On the other hand, you also didn't expect to be asked out in such a mechanical, calculated manner. Or that a machine would be the suitor. Yet there was something charming about his approach. For the first time since meeting him at the border, you saw him struggle. There was something human-like in his uncertainty.
You stood up from the table, and walked towards the android. Then, you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, expressing the mutual feeling and understanding.
His eyes bore an eerie glint to them. It was most kind of you to offer a common ground, but he knew better. The affections you held for him were, with utmost certainty, a mere fraction of whatever overwhelmed him from the moment he encountered you. Limerence, obsession, compulsion, there were many definitions that aptly described his otherwise unexplainable desires towards you. Even more unexplainable was the fact they'd evolved from a blank slate, a programmed agent with no previous knowledge on feelings or humans.
You noticed his hesitation.
"Is there anything else troubling you presently?" you nudged.
Nothing of immediate urgency. Well, not for you, at least. The android remained thoughtful. What were the variables which needed to be met in order to initiate a sexual encounter? Would it have been inappropriate for him to suggest intercourse straight after this conversation? To him, it was a natural escalation he'd considered many times in the past. To you, it could've come as a sudden, crass, and hurried proposal.
He reached for your wrist and discreetly pressed a thumb against your skin. Judging from your resting heart rate, facial expression, and localized temperature, there was a fair chance you wouldn't reject his advances. Once the statistical risk had been assessed, he pulled you in for a kiss.
"Would it be possible to continue this in your bedroom?" he inquired, standing up.
"Alright, just don't...ask for approval for every single step" you retorted. You'd rather not become a narrator of your own pounding.
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You open your eyes with a squint, greeted by unexpected natural light flooding your bedroom. Someone must’ve lifted the hologram blinds.
“My apologies, I hadn’t considered the discomfort it would cause you. My Spacer colony uses artificial lightning, though I am becoming rather fond of the natural sun rays here.”
Your android partner is meticulously preparing his outfit for the day. Judging by the stark nakedness and the glistening skin, you suppose he’s had a shower while you were still sleeping. You involuntarily furrow your brows and blush at the sight. He notices your embarrassment. 
“A most surprising reaction. You have seen the very same genital organ…”, he says as he quickly checks his wristwatch, “...precisely eight hours and forty-five minutes ago.”
“It’s just…most people get dressed once they start doing other things. I also wear a towel for coverage when I come out of the shower.”
He processes your words.
“Hmmm. Illogical, but it explains your reaction.”
You stand up and stretch with a prolonged yawn. Suddenly, a revelation hits you: your mind flashes with images of the android fondling your body, your ears ring with the shameless moans you’ve let out throughout the night. Your face turns pale.
“Listen, when is your next functional inspection?” you ask, without waiting for the synthetic to answer. “Will they, uh…will they have access to all of your memories?”
You know that the android permanently records all data and saves it into a memory unit. It’s a pointless fear, of course. The Spacers couldn’t care less about irrelevant details. If the intended tasks are fulfilled, what happens on the side is out of their concern. Yet you don’t exactly appreciate the possibility of your personal deeds airing like this, before the eyes of multiple engineers. 
“You may rest assured, whatever involves your privacy will not be included in the examination.”
“Do you get to decide what is checked and what isn’t?”
“No, most data is sampled randomly.”
You stare at him, confused.
“Then how-”
“It is not common practice, nor encouraged by our code of ethics. I can, however, choose which information is available to begin with.”
“What? I thought you’re fully controlled by whoever created you. If they so desired, couldn’t they open you up and take whatever they require?”
The robot smiles at your assumption and takes a few steps towards you.
“Once an android model is finished, one can no longer modify the processor. Not without compromising everything else with it. It is not a device to be deconstructed, (Y/N).” He taps his temple, then continues: “I am a biocomputer. While most of my parts are mechanical, my processor is a cortical organoid developed in a laboratory. A human brain, if you will.”
Somehow, the discovery fills you with dread. A living organ, encapsulated within a machine. What does that say about consciousness? About self-awareness? The Spacers didn't just tinker with metal scraps and smart computers. They artificially birthed life.
You were always under the impression that your robot companion is closer to the computer you have on your desk. Billions of lines of code within a black box, which then lead to spontaneous, novel interactions with the outside world. To think that at the very core of his functions lies a clump of living cells...
Perhaps you weren't so different, after all. The line between machines and humans is suddenly blurred.
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U My Everything - p.b
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‣ paige x grumpy reader: part two here!
‣ wc: 3178
‣‣ synopsis: paige's harmless joke is taken a little too personally by her sensitive and grumpy girlfriend; slight angst? but very fluffy by the end! (the song is most relevant for the end part of the fic as it's inspired by KK's 05/31/24 live, can u tell I live for uconn lives?)
‣‣‣ a/n: I'M SORRY, i know y'all chose emily in the poll but I alr finished this one and I've promised myself I would try to release at least one fic a day; emily's will be out very very soon, writing smut for the first time is just very nerve wracking lmao. this is lightly based off the, good morning gorgeous, tiktok trend going around rn; Also, I'm so sorry for the amount of times I use y'all, like, literally, and really because I try to make my dialogue and what not as realistic as possible, but as a Southern Californian they're literally engraved into my vocabulary 😭😭.
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Rolling over in bed half-conscious, your arms reach out, patting around the bed in an attempt to locate your girlfriend's warmth without having to open your eyes. However, to your sheer disappointment, your fingers are met with cold, rumpled sheets on Paige's side of the bed.
Now fully conscious with confusion as to how your girlfriend managed to slip from bed without you realizing, the pounding in your head became all the more severe as you sat up in bed, frustrated that the one person who could comfort you simply with their presence was nowhere to be found.
With your right hand massaging the temple, attempting to soothe the deep ache that had settled into the front portion of your head, your left hand blindly felt around your nightstand for your phone, knowing Paige wouldn't have left you alone in bed without so much as a simple text message. But to your surprise, her name was absent from your list of notifications.
Even more annoyed than before, you forced yourself out of her bed, stumbling your way to her adjacent bathroom, wincing at the sudden intrusion that was fluorescent lighting. By the time you began brushing your teeth, you heard the front door open, hearing Paige call your name as she entered the dorm.
"Bathroom," you yelled out to her, despite your head screaming at you to shut up and crawl back under the safety of Paige's comforter.
"Hey baby," Paige greeted as she entered the bathroom while you spit toothpaste into the sink, coming up behind you to hug your waist, resting her head on your shoulder. As you stood back up to meet her gaze in the mirror's reflection, you saw her tuck her bottom lip into her mouth, clearly trying to hide her shit-eating grin.
"Well don't you look... interesting this morning," she teased, the sarcasm apparent in her low voice. You knew her mocking was all in good fun, the two of you often poking fun at each other for little things. But perhaps it was the headache still waging war in your skull, or the final three midterms you had to take later today, or your remanent annoyance at having to wake up alone, despite her knowing your favorite part of the day was waking up, warm and all loved up in her arms, or perhaps it was the fact that looking in the mirror, you genuinely looked wrecked this morning.
Your curly hair was reduced to nothing but a puff of frizz overnight, sticking out in all directions, your eyebags particularly prominent this morning, combined with the pesky anxiety breakout that had settled into your forehead a few days prior, you just couldn't handle her jokes today.
"Yes, thank you for pointing that out Paige," you shot back, setting your toothbrush back in its cup holder, exiting her hold to wipe your hands on the small towel before pushing past her to get dressed in her room.
Paige followed close behind you, curious as to why you were giving her so much attitude so early in the day, especially over such a harmless statement.
"What's up with you, this is the first time I've even seen you this morning," She questioned from her seat on the unmade bed as you began changing your clothes with your back facing her, which was another thing that struck out to her as odd. After dating for over a year now, the two of you were incredibly comfortable with each other, and it was rare for you to completely turn your back on her, even when changing.
"Nothing, I'm just not in the mood today," you grumbled, tugging your, her, sweatshirt over your head. Heading over to her floor length mirror with your makeup bag and necessary hair products in hand, you settle down on the floor in front of it, convinced to improve your appearance a bit before you head off to your exams today. Still ignoring Paige's presence in the room, you began getting ready.
Hearing her scoff as you started applying your makeup, she got up and began making the bed, intent on ignoring your bratty mood until you fixed it. You knew you were being petty and acting bitchy to your girlfriend, who had technically done nothing wrong, you just couldn't force yourself to drop the attitude. By the time you finished your makeup and smoothed out your slickback, you managed to go the entire twenty minutes without so much as looking at your girlfriend through the mirror, who had now perched herself on her side of the bed, scrolling mindlessly on her phone.
Your headache hadn't subsided yet, but now that you were more awake, you had gotten used to the throbbing sensation. Making your way over to your side of her bed, you collected your phone, headphones, watch, school bag, and other items from your nightstand and around the area to get ready to leave.
"Your heading out already? You still have over an hour before your first class," Paige finally addressed you, putting her phone in her lap to look at you as you packed your things.
"Yeah I'm gonna head to the library early so I can review before my first midterm," You answered, speaking to her normally for the first time in the last hour she had returned.
"But what about breakfast, you're not gonna be able to concentrate and stuff when you're all hangry," she said, only slightly teasing you with her statement.
"I'll just grab something to eat from the coffee shop next to the library, I was gonna stop by and get matcha from there anyways," you responded, a small part inside of you glad that despite your attitude, Paige made sure that you were well taken care of.
"Dude I still don't understand how you drink that stuff, tastes like straight grass," she had dropped her concern and switched back to joking, her automatic setting. "But I guess it's fitting," she continued, "cause yk, cows just love their grass," she sighed, holding back her laughter at what she thought was a brilliant joke.
In her defense, if it was any other morning, you would've joined in on her teasing, either mooing at her in response or poking fun at her in return.
But today, it just ticked you off even further. I mean, you were clearly already in a bad mood, stressed the fuck out, hangry (but Paige didn't need to know she was right), and the sharp pressure in your head was only getting worse. Plus, Paige had already easily finished off her midterm exams two days prior, which meant she didn't truly understand why you were so worked up over your exams. And the worst part, your bloating and exhaustion really did make you feel a little bit like a cow.
“P I'm just not in the mood to deal with you right now," you sighed, exasperation laced in your tone. "I already feel bad enough this morning, I can't handle you piling more onto my plate, I'll see you later," you barely even said goodbye to her properly as you gathered your stuff, put on your shoes, and left her dorm.
The second you closed her door behind you, you could feel the pit forming in your stomach, full of regret and shame. You knew it was unfair to be so rude to Paige when she was just trying to lighten your mood, but your anxiety always caused you to last out at anyone who tried to help you. You made a mental note while walking to your favorite coffee shop to apologize and make it up to her when you saw her in the evening, after the stress from midterm week had diffused and your raging headache calmed down.
You were flipping through your study notes and flashcards while listening to one of Paige's playlist on the lowest volume possible when you saw your phone screen light up from next to you. Deciding it would be good to take a quick thirty second break, you reach for your phone and matcha latte at the same time, clicking on the text message you received from Paige.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From P 💜:
I'm so sorry for making fun of you this morning baby, I know you're stressed about your tests today and I had no intentions of making you feel worse with my jokes, I just wanted to cheer you up a bit because I know how bad your anxiety can get. Good luck on your test today killer, i love you 🤍.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shit, now you really felt bad for snapping at her earlier today. All remnants of your misplaced anger had long since disappeared, now replaced with embarrassment. She was right, your anxiety was hitting you hard today, but that was no excuse for bitching out your girlfriend just for trying to improve your mood. You quickly hearted her message and began typing out a short response, as you knew you needed to apologize in-person for your behaviour.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To P 💜:
Thank you so much P, I'll see you later tonight baby. I love you too 🤍
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You breathed a sigh of relief as you finally reached the floor of Paige's dorm room, exhausted from your long and mentally tiring day of midterms, but you were finally done, your headache was finally gone, and you now had the weekend to relax and spend time with your girlfriend.
As you reached for your keys in your pocket, you heard the loud commotion of voices that you recognized to be KK, Aubrey, Sarah, Allie, and Paige in the living room. It wasn't uncommon for the girls to be over, as the team always spent hung out together outside of practice, and since you started spending more time at Paige's dorm, you had quickly stocked her near bare kitchen full of snacks, baked goods, and home-cooked meals the girls loved to steal.
You entered the living room greeting everyone as you took off your shoes, making a beeline straight to where Paige was sitting on the couch. You stood in between the space of her legs, wrapping your free arm around her shoulders to lean down and plant a kiss on the top of her head.
"Hey P," you spoke softly, looking down at the small smile that had settled on her face.
"Hey yourself, how were you midterms? Today was your last day right?" She questioned as her fingertips began running up and down the back of your legging covered thigh.
"They were fine, I think I did good on majority of them. My math midterm was a little shaky, but not too bad yk?" You answered her quietly, afraid to pop the little bubble of peace you two had created around yourselves among the chaos of the living room's occupants.
"I," you began, as your hand had made its way to the front of her face as you pushed back a small piece of hair that had escaped out of her bun. "Will you come in the room with me real quick?" You asked her, practically whispering at this point.
"Yeah of course baby," she answered quickly, letting her hand travel up your body to rest at the small of your back as she stood up, leading you past everyone to her bedroom.
"We'll be right back," she announced to the group as the two of walked by. "Oooo, Paige is in trouble," KK sang out as the two of you reached her closed room door, Paige still standing behind you. She turned the knob quickly, gently pushing you into the room first as she turned around to stick her tongue out at KK before she closed the door.
By the time she turned around from the door to face you, she barely had a moment to adjust to your body barreling into her, as you had already dropped your bag off next to her desk. She quickly wrapped her arms around you, being able to sense that you just needed to be held for a minute before speaking.
She lightly rubbed your back and shoulders with her hands, knowing exactly what it was that immediately calmed you down. You stayed silent in her comforting embrace for a few more minutes, having craved her touch all day when you were around campus.
"I'm sorry," you finally spoke up, unburying your head from her chest to look her in the eyes. "I was really rude to you for no reason this morning. My headache when I woke up and all the stress I had was completely unrelated to you, but I still ended up taking it out on you," you sighed before continuing, "I really appreciate the fact that you were trying to cheer me up this morning, even though I was being a total bitch. And you are never a burden or someone who adds more onto my plate, I love you and I'm so sorry I said that to you, I would never want you to feel that way and-" as your eyes began to well up with tears, the last of your apology was cut off by Paige.
"Hey hey it's okay baby," she pulled you slightly away from her as the tears began flowing from your eyes. "I know you," she maintained eye contact as she reassured you, "And I know you would never act like that normally, you are not a bitch. You were just stressed out and not feeling well. I understand, and I promise I'm not mad at you at all," her right hand moved up from your back to your face, wiping the tears streaming down your face.
"Thank you P, I have no idea what I would do without you," you sniffled lightly, your hand coming up to wipe your face as well. "I love you so much, you have no idea," you professed.
"I love you too y/n/n," she whispered as her hands wrapping around your waist as she pulled you into her, leaning down slightly to kiss you. Your hands flew up the moment your lips connected, one cradling her jaw while the other rested on the base of her neck. The kiss was slow and languid, an apology met with forgiveness as your lips moved together.
The loud rumbling of your stomach, interrupted your sweet moment with Paige, forcing the two of you to separate as a giggle slipped out of her.
"Didn't realize a small kiss made you that hungry for me," she smiled, now at peace knowing that you were no longer upset. "Shut up," you smiled back, lightly hitting her chest as you broke away from her. "I am for real hungry though, but I need to shower first," you told her as you moved around the room, grabbing your towel and a fresh pair of pajamas to change into.
"I'm pretty sure Aubrey is ordering Domino's so I'll tell her to add in something for you, and it'll probably be here by the time you get out," she kissed your cheek as you went to exit the room, heading for a quick shower as she remained in her room.
As you entered the living room, curls freshly washed, a soft pair of Paige's sweatpants resting low on your hips, and a small off the shoulder sweatshirt over your sleep tank top, you witness KK showing her tik tok live her "hips dance", if it could even be referred to as that.
"Oh wow," Paige commented dryly at the sight while getting up from the couch so she could grab her laptop from the kitchen counter. You moved past her to Aubrey's desk, grabbing a piece of garlic knots from the Domino's box she left partially open (i don't think she actually bought any but I'm craving them so i added it in here). You rested your hip against the table, waving at the live while KK queued up Sexyy Red on her Siri.
Everyone knew you and Paige were a couple, when Paige accidentally hard-launched you by posting a cute couples pic on her main instagram story instead of her close friends. But since then, the two of you kept a private but not secret relationship, very occasionally posting together, but fans often saw candids of the two of you on dates or together in the team's lives or other events.
You licked the remaining cheese and butter off your fingers as you watched Paige, KK, and Aubrey dance in front of the camera to "U My Everything", smiling at their so-called dance moves, especially Paige's.
"Man we go together tell them hoes we go together," Paige sang, before doing her little "attitude now walk" move, making you double over with laughter at her with the other two girls.
You scratched the back of your neck as you continued to watch the girls mess around, too tired from your day to join them, but content just from watching them. As the second chorus approached, Paige walked up to your leaned figure on the desk, grabbing your bare waist and pulling you into her as she sang.
"Bae, I love you, you my everything, I'm your main bitch, fuck a wedding ring," you laughed at her awful singing, but you couldn't deny the blush that rose to your cheeks at the thought of her singing you the lyrics while very clearly in the live's frame. "We both in fast cars and we switchin' lanes, when I'm away from you, you always on my brain," she continued, adding in her sassy facial expressions with the corresponding lyrics.
You couldn't help but laugh at her actions, the pure giddiness coursing through your veins was a complete 180 from your mood this morning, and you couldn't help but think there was nowhere that would make you happier than in her arms.
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Thank you for reading all the way through! The recent support has been crazy and I appreciate all of you! Should I make a part two to this with smut so r can properly apologize to p.... 😏😏😏
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killergee · 3 months
Wrote this on my phone so sorry if the formatting is wonky. First fanfic since I was a teenager, so pls be kind and enjoy!
Soshiro x reader fanfic where you're cold towards him so he thought you hated him but you actually like him.
Summary: Hoshina thinks you're only out for his position but turns out you might not hate him as much as he thinks.
P1 P2 P3
"I am grateful and honoured to be recommended for the position of Vice Captain for the second division. However, I wish to be only Captain Ashiro's Vice Captain. Until then, I am happy to remain a platoon leader."
Those were the first words Hoshina heard you say. The first time he met you was at the higher up conference. It was decided that you would be promoted based on your performance in the latest Kaiju attack. But in all honesty, he was barely paying attention as he stood in his position behind Ashiro at the round table. It was one of those monthly meetings that seemed to drag on and on, and he couldn't help but try to stiffle a yawn. It wasn't like he had a say in the decision anyway, so what's the point of listening.
His interest peaked slightly when you walked in. He had seen you around the base a couple of times and had heard your name every once in a while. But his mind was always on training himself, the rookies, and keeping them alive.
He would be lying if he said you weren't a sight for sore eyes. Your gaze was strong, and you held your head high as you presented yourself to the higherups. One of those ice princesses, he guesses, as he shifts his gaze to look at the clock.
Who would've thought you'd be so interesting.
"HAHAHA! It's great to have aspirations," one of the higher ups laughed at your rejection, "too bad Hoshina has already got you beat. You want us to replace Hoshina with you?" A series of giggles erupted around the room.
"Not at all," you said, and Hoshina swears he saw a small smirk break your cold facade. "Hoshina is a fine Vice Captain and one that Captain Mina personally appointed. Simply put, when the time comes and Captain Ashiro needs someone else, I just want to be ready for the call," you replied with what he thinks is a bit of mirth in your eyes. He also could've sworn your gaze shifted to him at the end.
Your statement was strong, ambitious, and slightly threatening even. You've practically announced that you were out for his position and if he is ever deemed unfit, you'll be the one who'll snag it from him.
He swears that was the moment he was hooked on you.
Yet, it seems it wouldn't be easy to see that break in your facade again. Well, at least not easy for him. Somehow it wasn't until this point that he noticed how popular you were. According to everyone else, you were cool, fun, and kind. So why is it that you're always so cold towards him? He's heard your platoon absolutely gush about you to everyone they've met. He's seen you crack an unwilling smile to some of the younger cadets on the training field from a distance. Hell, he's even eaves dropped on you joking with his own squad.
"Hibino-kun, I heard you wanted to stand beside the Captain," you said slyly as you sat infront of Kafka in the study room. You were resting your head on your hand and eyeing at Kafka in a way that makes even Hoshina gulp. Though, probably in a different way from Kafka. Kafka flushed and tried to look at anywhere but you, "y-yeah I'm gonna try my best to do so... I also heard that you, um, were also aiming for Vice Captain?" He scratched his head a bit embarrassed but you only looked even more amused as your gaze sized him up as if evaluating him and his ambitions.
"That's right" you said with a mischievous smile.
"So I guess that makes us enemies for now, haha"
"No. Not necessarily," you sighed crossing your arms on the table and leaning forward as if to tell Kafka a secret. "You know the saying, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. So you and I are friends."
"And who's the enemy?"
"Hoshina, of course."
Well, isn't that something Hoshina thought. At least Kafka was enjoying himself.
"I guess he is," he said shoulders slumping, finally loosening up and laughing.
"Once he's out of the picture then we'll be enemies and I'm warning you, you don't want to be my enemy," Hoshina heard you joke back.
"Is that so?"
"Vice Captain!" Kafka shouted as he stood up to salute him as Hoshina entered the room. You on the other hand, seemed to be taking your sweet time getting up to salute him.
"Sir," you said flatly, all the humour you once had vanishing. Your eyes bored into his as if you were looking at an ant beneath your boot.
Right. Not easy. Definitely not easy at all.
"Do ya really see me that way y/n-kun?" Hoshina said as he walked to stand infront of you. "Why, you're hurting my lil' ol' feelings."
He knew he was standing closer to you than you'd like. With how your cheek slightly twitched, he can't say he wasn't enjoying this.
"I apologize, sir," you mumbled as if it pained you to say. "If it pains you so much why don't you go on leave? Take as much time as you need to recover."
"Oh? And let you take over my position?" He responded with a growing smile that showed off his fang.
"Or Hibino-kun can," you responded bringing back Hibino into the conversation.
"Um!" Hibino squeaked and both you and Hoshino snap your heads to look at him. "I-I uh... Nevermind."
"That's 5 laps for you, Hibino"
"What? Why I didn-"
"You want to do 10?" Hoshina threatened as a sliver of his eyes opens.
"No, sir!" Hibino salutes before hurrying himself out of the situation—scared he'll upset his vice captain even more.
With only the two of you left in the room, your slight step backwards doesn't go unnoticed by Hoshina.
"And how many laps do you want me to run, sir?" You asked in a way that Hoshina knows that if he were to discipline you, you'd pull your rank and find a way to refuse. Or perhaps you'll do it anyways and exaggerate his cruelty as a Vice Captain. So instead, why not take this opportunity to interrogate you?
"None. Just wanna talk"
"But Hibino-"
"Hibino-kun this Hibino-kun that. Do ya like the guy that much?" Hoshina cuts in, irked in a way he doesn't really understand.
"Negative. Just thought you'd be more fair," you responded flippantly, your eyes sharp and questioning.
"And who says you'll go unpunished?" Your eyes widened at that—but just as quickly as it did—your face returned to its calm and collected facade. Enjoying seeing the briefest crack in your composure, Hoshina started to wonder what else makes you tick and what other expressions can you make.
With a smirk he leaned back and forth on the balls of his feet, his hands clasped behind his back. "Say how long have you been in the force?"
The twitch of your eyebrow tells him you're thinking, what does that have to do with being punished. But you still responded, "six years, sir."
"Ahh so a little bit after me. No wonder. I would've remembered a face like yours in my cadet days." He said with a teasing smile. You seem to freeze a bit at his flirtation and it might be wishful thinking but did he see a small blush? Before he could think about it any further you responded, "yes, how very unfortunate we couldn't have entered the force together. Perhaps things could've been different if I had," insinuating something else.
"You're really out for my blood aren't you y/n-kun?" He chuckled lightly.
"Nope. Not really," you said nonchalantly seemingly finding his shoulder more interesting to look at. Hoshina leaned down to cut your line of sight. Face tilted at an angle, he leaned close to your face to force your eyes on him.
"Hmmm this is no good y/n-kun. We're supposed to be comrades, but where's the comraderie? How can we fight kaiju while bickering?"
"We'll survive," you said exasperated.
"Say, ya know what? I think I've thought of the perfect punishment for ya!" Hoshina exclaimed with an almost boyish excitement. He leaned back against the table and crossed his arms. "Since ya wanna be Vice Captain so bad, for your punishment ya have to follow me 'round and help me out with my duties."
"Like a servant?" You responded bewildered with his idea.
"Servant, slave, Vice Vice Captain. Call it whatever ya want. This way we can form a better relationship, which, hey, will set a great example for the kids," he joked only to be responded with your incredulous face that couldn't even bother to hide your grimace. "If anything, it'll benefit you too since you get to see what I do," he continued, shrugging slightly. "Maybe you can even find all my weaknesses and make a huge list to use against me to get my position," Hoshina chuckled at the thought.
After a beat of silence, Hoshina was moments away from taking it all back when you said, "okay, send me your schedule." This time, it was Hoshina whose eyes widened. He fully expected you to reject it. Hell, he suggested it in the first place because he wanted to see your reaction and how'd you go about rejecting him. Well, things are about to get fun.
His mouth curled into a grin. "Meet me at my office by 7am tomorrow," Hoshina said as he headed out of the room. "Get some rest, you'll need it."
"Whatever you say, your highness, bowlcut motherfucker," he heard you mumble under your breath as the door clicks close behind him.
Oh yea. This will be fun.
It's been three weeks since you've been tasked to follow him around. Three weeks of teasing and getting to know each other. Three weeks of little change in your attitude towards him, Hoshina thinks sadly. He thought that he would've been able to win you over with this extra time together. Yet, it seems that he was the only one being won over.
He couldn't stop himself even if he tried. Your quick and witty comebacks. Your cold phrasing and comments that are unintentionally funny (or perhaps they are intentional and it's just your humour?). Your earnest efforts in completing the ridiculous tasks he's assigned you. The glimmer in your eyes and your attempts to stop a smile when you're trying to pretend he isn't funny. He couldn't help but be drawn towards you—basking in the light that you emit, the light you try to hide behind your cold facade.
He wonders if you could tell. If you noticed the glances he threw your way. If you saw how he lit up when you entered the room. If you could see how distracted he became when you sat and worked beside him. Shoulders only a hair's breath apart. So close that he could only smell your sweet perfume and watch your fingers fiddle with the edge of paper. He always had to stop himself from leaning closer until his nose rested in the crook of your neck—until he could breath you in deeper. Oh how he longed to close his hand over yours so that you could hold onto something more stable than paper. How he wished to distract you the way you distracted him.
Hoshina huffs out a sigh as he walks out of the captains meeting with the other divisions. Ashiro couldn't attend so he went in her stead—much to Captain Narumi's displeasure. He did take you with him hoping that after this maybe he could convince you to get ice cream with him or something on the way back home to base. He can already imagine how bored you were waiting for him and how that might higher your chances of saying yes. He remembers you were talking with some other recruit from the 1st division when he left you in the break room.
The sound of your voice makes him halt a couple of steps infront of the break room.
"Eh? No way you think Captain Narumi is cooler than Captain Ashiro," he hears you argue.
"I'm sorry are your eyes broken or something? He's so hot. You can't compare him to her like that. They're two different kinds of hot" the girl he assumes he saw earlier responds passionately.
"Sure I'll concede to that but not to him being cooler." That's not something Hoshina wanted to hear right after his hours long meeting. Leaning back against the wall beside the slightly opened door, he can't help but feel irked. He couldn't believe he's getting jealous of Ashiro.
"Ugh that's just cuz you haven't seen him up close yet, " the other girl responds. "But hey, at least there's one thing we can agree on."
"And what's that?" You ask and Hoshina can tell your interests has been peaked.
"That Vice Captain Hoshina is the worst of the bunch." Hoshina's eyebrow twitches and he has half a mind go in there and make the recruit do 200 push-ups or try to find Narumi and beat him into a pulp. He doesn't because he was more curious about your response.
"I saw you rolling your eyes at him before the meeting. It must be tough working for him," the recruit continues.
You let out a tired laugh, "oh yeah, he's the worst. He's got me running around like a servant!" You say with a sigh and you lean your head onto your crossed arm on top of the table.
"Really! That's crazy. I just can't get over his bowlcut."
"RIGHT! His stupid bowlcut. His stupid fangs. His stupid cocky attitude..." Alright, well. Hoshina couldn't handle anymore of this. He pushed himself off the wall ready to open the door.
"God, I want him so bad." Huh? Hoshina froze in his steps, eyes wide open. Did he mishear you? He must have misheard you.
"HUH?" The recruit repeats a second later. "But you were just calling his hair stup-"
"It is stupid. He should not look that hot with that hair cut," you ramble on seriously as if in a world of your own.
"Stupid little fangs. I hate the way he uses them to nibble on his lips when he concentrates. Why the fuck does he have fangs?! Is he a vampire? God, it's so distracting." Although you're saying all of this like a rant, Hoshina can't help but overheat in his uniform. Covering half his face with his hand he already knows he's red.
"What? Are we looking at the same person?!" The recruit exclaims exasperated with you.
"I think I'm losing my mind," you say running your hand through your hair trying to soothe yourself. "He's so annoying. Always teasing me and sticking so close to me. God I feel like I'm always a second away from tearing at my hair or tearing that stupid compression shirt off. Any tighter and he won't be able to breath. It's like he's doing it on purpose to show off his abs." Hoshina chokes on his own spit.
"You know what? M-maybe it's cuz you haven't gone on a date in a while. Maybe you just need to get laid." The recruit says with a touch of worry—genuinely trying to find any rhyme or reason to your attraction.
"Ughhhh," you say sliding down your chair. "Maybe you're right, I should get laid." There's a pause before you're suddenly sitting back up straight. You lean towards the recruit across the table, "maybe I'll ask Captain Narumi out."
NO "NO!! He's off limits don't you fucking dare!" The recruit screams standing up abruptedly and slamming her hands onto the table.
By the sounds of your maniacal laughter, Hoshina hopes you're only joking.
"Don't worry," you wheeze out, wiping a tear from your eye. "Your precious Captain is all yours." Hoshina hears the humour and mischief in your voice and he can't help but smile too. From the sound of your voice, he knows you're not done teasing the recruit.
"PLUS-" Ah, there she goes " Vice Captain Hoshina is much much MUCH cooler than Captain Snorumi anyways."
The scandalous gasp does well to hide his own snicker.
"That's just the truth, hun. We all know it," you say matter of factly as you lean back into your seat crossing your arms.
"You can't even compare someone who's only a Vice Captain to a Captain! Captain Narumi climbed the r-"
"Oh is being Captain all it takes to be cool? Well Narumi must've been a drag before he became Captain." You argue back defiantly and cheekily, clearly enjoying this.
"Well swords are powerless against a gun! He can't-"
"And yet he was able to be promoted to Vice Captain with his swords while some of us can't even become a platoon leader with their guns." Both the recruit and Hoshina gasp at that and Hoshina decides to interrupt before the situation escalates further. If only he was a little less responsible. He would've loved to see how far you'd go for him. Oh well, he has all the time in the world to corner you about it.
"Yoohoo! The meetings over y/n-kun- Ah, sorry, was I interrupting something?" He says with a grin as both your heads snap towards him scandalized. Well, the recruit appears to be scandalized. You seem to be mortified.
Your jaw dropped open and the red that was flushing your skin from the tip of your ears all the way down to your neck was so pleasing. To think that you yourself would be the downfall of your cool and collected image amuses Hoshina greatly. He can only stare and admire the mess you've become. Too cute. Way too cute for his heart.
"C-captain!" Your voice cracks. Oh, even cuter. "I uh- I, we were- you didn't interrupt anything at all" you say clearing your throat and trying to regain your composure.
"What's got ya all worked up l/n?" He asks with false innocence as he tilts his head, "were you talking about something you shouldn't be?" He teases with a slight lilt in his voice.
"Of course not!" Growing a shade brighter you add "Sir!" to try to save yourself.
"Well alright then, come on let's go, I'm over this place," Hoshina says nodding his head goodbye at the recruit and exiting the room. He hears you whisper shout your own goodbyes before running to catch up with him. You stop and walk slightly behind him and he can't help but revel in your embarassment. He wonders if he should let you off easy or see how far he can push you...
"So you think my hair is stupid?"
He swears he can hear you internally scream.
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lotsoflola · 9 months
all is fair in love and war [1] - s. johnny
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summary: you hate johnny suh, you absolutely hate him, but when you're forced to spend time with him on a mission, your passionate hate becomes a different sort of passion genre: gang au, enemies to enemies with benefits to lovers warnings: mature themes, smut, angst, reader is a smoker (projection), TENSION!!!, hate fucking, heavy heavy heavy degradation, johnny's not very nice, the dirtiest fucking talk, dom!johnny, brat!reader, thigh riding, johnny gets head, johnny keeps fucking her despite threat of death, choking, wrote this at 2am lets be nice with my grammar word count: 6.6k author's note: welcome to part one of my baby!! this is the first chapter of all is fair in love and war and trust me, it just gets better...
series masterlist
neo city was a complete and utter shithole.
it had always been like that, at least as far as you were aware. you had lived here for the past five years, getting yourself a cheap starter apartment for half the price of anywhere else. it was a culture shock at first, being scared just to walk through the streets to your job, but you assimilated quickly, finding a job as a bartender in the inner city, in a cosy bar called the 'urban oasis'.
it was there you first had an interaction with gang life. it was a quiet night at the bar. you were practically dosing off, only a few regulars in the far corner playing darts, and everyone else had been sent home, leaving you to close alone.
a man walked into the building, and as he did so, the other men seemed to quieten down, stiffen slightly, stop playing their game. you were confused, but truly didn't care enough to question anything. instead, you turned to the man, and prepared to take his order.
he looked like neo city, if that was even possible. green neon hair, matching the fluorescent lights that covered the city, with tattoos up his neck and arms and a leather jacket to complete the look.
"whiskey on the rocks," he stated, voice harsh.
you rolled your eyes, hating rude customers like him. "what type of whiskey? we've got jack daniels, jamesons-"
"just give me your top shelf," he snapped again, and you gave him a pointed look before going to fulfil his request.
it didn't take you long, and when you passed him the chilled glass, you also handed him a receipt.
"that will be $45, would you like to pay cash or card?" you asked, watching as his face grew clouded.
"i'm sorry," his tone was almost testing, as if he was giving you a chance to take back your statement.
"i said it will be $45, you got our top shelf of whiskey," you repeated, going to wipe some glassware, but were met with a firm grip on your wrist. "what the fu-"
"leave it, honey," one of your regulars, a man called sooman, shouted across to you, fear lacing his voice.
"no, he got a whiskey, he'll pay for his fucking whiskey- let go of me," you tried to squirm, but his grip was harsh, and you truly couldn't escape.
"do you not know who i am?" he sneered, face dangerously close to yours.
you sighed. "i don't care who you are, i'm not getting fired because some dickhead wants to get away without paying."
and with that, you swang at him, your fist colliding with his head as he let go from the impact, giving you a chance to swing at him again. he jumped over the bar, and grabbing your arms, pinning them against your side before pushing you up against a wall, leaving you completely unable to move. it was only then you noticed the gun in his belt, and the tattoo at the base of his neck, one that had three letters.
n. c. t. the name of the most dangerous gang in neo city.
"fuck," you whispered to yourself, practically convincing yourself that you were about to die.
"recognise me now?" he almost joked, and you gave him a look. a look that said if you're going to kill me, might as well kill me now. "i'm not going to kill you."
that took you by surprise, and he must have been able to tell, as he carefully let go of your hands. "scram."
the rest of the customers ran out of the bar, leaving just you and the man alone, and he gestured for you to sit. you refused however, instead grabbing a bottle of tequila and pouring it into your own glass, waiting for him to make the first move.
"my name is taeyong, i'm the leader of nct," he spoke calmly, and you tried to not show your immense anxiety pumping through your veins. "and judging by what i've just seen, i think you would make a good addition."
you could have laughed, instead taking a swig of your drink, the bruning sensation grounding you to this unbelievable reality. "me? in a gang?"
"it's not all killing, and drug dealing, and all the other things everyone thinks it is. you've got bite, got drive, and we need someone like you," he took a sip of his drink, leaning closer towards you, "and you'll make more in your first week than you would in a month here."
and hearing his words, though you wanted to deny, you found yourself accepting his offer.
four years later, here you were, high in the ranks of the most feared gang in neo city, a force to be reckoned with. the bar you once worked for minimum wage at you now owned, and nct used it for meetings and to unwind.
no one could touch you know, instead of fearing the streets people now crossed the road for you, and you felt untouchable. you had honed your craft, mainly in charge of wooing policemen and being eye candy during meetings. you didn't care, you didn't want to be making all the decisions, it was the sense of community you cared about more.
so here you were, ten pm on a monday night, a group of you playing snooker in the bar. a cigarette held loose in your fingertips, with a fellow member jaemin lying with his head in your lap, playing with his hair with your other hand.
"do you ever think that this is all a simulation and we're all actually fruit in a fruit bowl?" the boy in your lap mumbled, the alcohol obvioudly affecting his thoughts.
jeno, another boy with you, chuckled slightly, finishing putting a pool ball. "shut up, jaemin. i always forget you're such a lightweight."
"now, now, he's not that bad," you hummed, taking a drag from your cigarette.
"stop playing nice, cherry. he's had about three shots and is contemplating life on this earth," haechan sneered, and you stuck your tongue out at him.
cherry was the nickname you had earned yourself, due to the amount you ate the fruit around the members. you preferred it to your own name at this point, making it easier to seperate your personal life and, well whatever this life was, life.
"he's not as bad as jisung though, remember that night after the bank heist," chenle joked, earning a slap from the youngest member.
"it was a celebration, god, leave me alone," jisung mumbled, as the older members ruffled his hair.
it was at this point haechan fell over attempting to put the ball, collapsing into renjun as they both fell on top of each other, roughly slapping each other as they rolled on the floor. the group erupted into laughter, only stopped as a knock was heard on the bar door.
"who's that?" jeno asked, and you shrugged, taking another hit.
"bar's always closed on a monday."
"well, go check it out."
"why don't you check it out, haechan?"
"it's your bar."
"nct owns it. that means we all own it."
"you chose to buy it."
"suck my dick."
"oh my god, you have a penis?"
mark, the oldest of all the members, cleared his throat. "jesus christ, stop bickering, cherry, go get the door."
you flipped haechan off, but stood up nonetheless, causing jaemin to pout against your thigh.
"i'm just going to the door, jaem, don't you worry?" you patted his cheek, before wandering over to the door, and opening the peep hole.
"bar's closed," you sung, "get fucked."
the man sighed. "it's me, open the fuck up."
you recognised that voice. of course you fucking recognised that voice. the one member of nct who you loathed, who for some reason you couldn't stand.
"gonna need the password, i'm afraid," you teased, mouthing to a confused mark who was at the door.
"let me in or i will blow this bar to the fucking ground," he spat, and you oblidged, however much you didn't want to.
johnny suh was a tall man, towering over you as you opened the door, with washed out jeans and an oversized hoodie, with a beanie on his head do deal with the cold winter weather. he was handsome, but you would never admit that to him, because his personality made him completely insufferable.
"hi cherry." god, you hated the way he said your nickname, almost with a twinge of disgust behind it.
"what do you want?" you asked, hand still firmly on the door, not letting him enter just yet.
he smirked. "play nice, need to talk to jaemin about something. and a drink wouldn't hurt, go get us a jack and coke, huh?"
he was insufferable, the way he spoke as if you were nothing, just a pretty thing to run and make drinks and flirt. even the non-affiliates got treated better than you, and you had been here for four years now.
"go fuck yourself, john," you spat, wandering back over to the boys and shaking jaemin awake. "someone's here to speak to you."
"is it the fruitbowl?" he asked, and you sighed, placing his head back down in your lap.
johnny wandered over, and you watched his face drop as he noticed jaemin's state. "why would you let him drink?"
the question was targeted at you, for whatever reason, and you fought back. "i'm not his mother, john. what did you want anyway?"
"don't be snappy, cherry," his voice was laced with venom, a patronising tone irritating you entire being, "it concerns you as well. it was meant to be you and jaemin, but someone's going to have to step in."
you hummed as you realised what he meant. a group of four of you had been working on stealing money from a large formal dinner happening at the mayor's house tomorrow night. that was partly why you and jaemin were drinking, courage needed for tomorrow. it was the two of you, johnny, and another member jungwoo, but the entire thing was already planned out. it was weeks in the making, so you didn't know what johnny was talking about.
"what do you mean?" mark spoke your mind, being somewhat in the know about the situation. he was selected before you were, when they decided they needed a girl to step in.
johnny sighed, palm stroking down his jaw. "you know how we were going to use that catering company, sneak in as waiters for the evening."'
you nodded, resisting the urge to role your eyes at him. you obviously knew this, you had gone over it again and again and again until you could recite the entire thing like the back of your hand.
"well, the numbers have dropped, and therefore we've been dropped from the waiting staff."
you tilted your head. "can't we demand they let us in?"
"they don't know we're nct, that was the only way we could get in," johnny groaned, once again looking at jaemin's drunk state, as if affirming that he was knocked out cold. "cherry, i need you not to freak out."
this startled you; sentences that start like that don't normally end well, especially when someone like johnny suh was saying them.
"there is another way we can get in though, through the hwangs."
haechan wandered over, perching behind you on the armrest of the sofa, grabbing the cigarette from your hand and taking a hit. "they're the businessmen, right?"
"yeah, very quiet, keep to themselves a lot of the time," johnny stated, copying haechan's actions as he settled behind jaemin's feet, "they're also with us, we do a lot of their dirty work."
"but how does that help us?" you jutted in, grabbing the cigarette back from haechan, almost burnt to the filter.
johnny tuts. "i was getting to that, sweetheart."
sweeheart was arguably worse than cherry.
"the hwangs have two children, hyunjin and yeji. but they've never been seen, both of them are off at school in a different part of the country. the plan was that jaemin would go in as their son, and infiltrate that way, but obviously he's not prepared to be briefed tonight."
your hand found it's way to jaemin's hair, your acrylic nails gently massaging his scalp. "so what else can we do?"
"well, there's another option. you," he gestured loosely, and you flipped him off before taking your final hit of the cigarette, putting it out in the ashtray as smoke filled the room. "you're going to go to the event as hwang yeji and represent your parents."
it wasn't that absurd of an idea. you could spend tonight learning some family history and dropping the rough slang you had learnt.
"that doesn't seem that bad," you hummed, grabbing your bag and pulling another cigarette out. "hyuck, have you got a lighter?"
he passed it to you, and you ignored johnny's judgemental stare of your brought the stick to your mouth, the low light of a flame illuminating your face. you took a long drag, head leaning back against haechan's thigh as you exhaled.
"well, i'm not sure whether you know, but for formal events like these, girls cannot attend without a male escort," johnny informed you, and you stopped in your tracks, understanding the implication. "no, no, johnny no."
"there's no other option, cherry," he groaned, and you took another hit.
haechan started laughing behind you, the vibrations travelling through his legs to your head. "you've got to go with johnny, cherry that's absolutely brilliant."
"fuck you, haechan," you spat, eyes locked onto johnny's. "why can't i do it with jungwoo?"
"he's a kim, he can't get away with that."
it was true. the kim's, despite many of them now turning to the crime world of neo city, used to be a very influential family. there was no way jungwoo could walk into the ball pretending to be someone else."
"and there's really no other way," you asked, desperation in your tone, taking another hit before haechan took it from your hands.
jisung wandered over to you. "come on, it's not that bad. johnny's supposedly a gentleman."
"ji, i love you, but there is no way johnny fucking suh is anything resembling a gentleman," you spat, making grabby hands towards haechan, wanting your cigarette back. "come on, hyuck, give."
"smoking's a vice, cherry."
"so's being a dick, give it back."
you could hear johnny tut, but chose to ignore it, instead trying to comprehend the situation. "can i get a makeover?"
haechan scoffed. "really? that's what you're after?"
"i'm just a girl, hyuck."
"yeah, she's just a girl," jaemin stirred, and you gave him a loving pat on the head.
johnny quickly checked his watch. "come on, we've got a fuck ton of backstory to get through."
"is there really no other option?"
"trust me, sweeheart. if there was, i would have found it."
and with that, you gently slid jaemin off your lap, placing a kiss on his forehead, before standing next to the tall man.
"come on then john. i need to get my nails done."
soft rnb music filled your apartment as the sun set over the skyscrapers, perched in front of your mirror as you carefully applied your eyeliner, ensuring they were equal either side. you had barely slept, spending the entire night with johnny and jungwoo, learning everything you would possibly have to know about the hwangs, and for a rich family in neo city, there was a fucking lot.
you had managed to convince taeyong to get allowance for your makeover, heading to the salon today to get a new set of nails, long and red to match your dress. your hair was in loose ringlets, fingers dripped in expensive rings, wrists the same with bracelets. a diamond hung around your neck, sitting way above your low cut dress. the hwangs were known for being scandalous, despite their quiet nature, so to fit the part, your dress was a low cut v, the back hollow crosses of loose satin, sitting halfway down your thigh.
with a swipe of lipgloss you were finished, packing a small clutch with perfume, lipbalm, and your gun. maybe the gun wasn't necessary, but it wouldn't blow your cover, so you though it better to be safe than sorry. half the people in neo city carried guns, and the other half walked with people who carried them/
you checked the time quickly. 5:57. johnny said he would be at your flat at 6, so you quickly checked through your phone. you had a few texts from mark, asking about the new show you guys had been watching, and a few from jungwoo, wishing you luck for tonight. it wasn't a scary thing anymore, you had done so many of these tasks that they felt like second nature. you were one of the few girls in nct that didn't mind going out, which made you incredibly useful for situations like this.
the doorbell rang just as you finished texting jungwoo, and you groaned, wandering through your kitchen before opening the door, seeing the man himself on the other side.
fuck. he actually looked good.
he was in a black tuxedo, bowtie tight around his neck. he was a tall man, that much was obvious, but with dress trousers he somehow look taller. his hair was in curtains, a deep brunette that hung just slightly over his eyes. not that you would ever say it out loud to him, but jesus fucking christ.
"you ready to go?" he asked, not even acknowledging your outfit.
you rolled your eyes. you knew you looked good, there was no way that he didn't realise how fucking good you looked. "nice to see you to. i just need to put my shoes on, calm down."
the set of red louboutin heels fit you perfectly, sliding into them with ease. you stumbled just after putting them on, but quickly grabbed your bag, a packet of cigarettes and a lighter off the table, before meeting him at the door.
"ready," you hummed, placing your key in the lock and shutting it behind you, before placing them in your bag.
he scoffed. "you really need the cigarettes?"
"you really need that terrible attitude?" you shot back, following him into the lift and pressing the ground floor button. you checked yourself out in the mirror, cleaning up the lipstick that had somehow escaped your lips.
"terrible habit," was his only reply, one that you didn't think needed a response, though you did notice the slight flick of his eyes to your boobs as you leant forwards slightly, an action that led to a smirk on your lips.
you quickly noticed that johnny's car outside, not a limo like you presumed. he seemed to notice your confusion as he deliberately didn't open the door for you, waiting for you to climb in yourself.
"ever the gentleman," you teased, watching as he started the engine, pulling away gently.
"we're driving to the oasis, that's where the limo is," he explained, not even given you a glance.
"why didn't you just ask me to walk to the oasis then?"
johnny scoffed. "like you would have walked through neo city in a slutty dress and high heels."
you flipped him off, but he did have a point. you would never do that anyway, least of all neo city. instead, you pulled out a cigarette, rolling down the window and lighting it, the bitter taste a comfort on your tongue.
"i'm serious when i say you shouldn't smoke."
"i'm serious when i say you have an attitude problem."
he rolled his eyes, eyes darting towards you as you tapped the ash onto the road. you could see the oasis in the distance, the familiar comfort of the bar calming you slightly. all you wanted right now was a drink, just a little bit to calm your nerves.
"fancy a shot?" johnny seemed to read your mind, pulling into the carpark quickly.
you both made your way into the building, the bustle quieting down as they noticed you and johnny walk in. you smiled as you saw jaemin behind the bar, the hangover evident in his eyes. his arms enveloping you in a tight hug.
jaemin was like a brother to you. he had taken you under his wing very quickly when you joined nct, but unlike a few of the other guys, he genuinely had no ulterior motives. he saw your beauty, understood why guys like haechan and jeno were so into you, but that just wasn't him. he was one of the few people you knew would always be there for you.
"fuck, cherry, you look gorgeous," he breathed out, and you planted a soft kiss against his cheek.
"thanks, jae. how's the hangover?" you chuckled, grabbing a bottle of tequila and two glasses, pouring two glasses for you and johnny.
he groaned. "how do you think? i am so sorry though, it should be me there right now."
jaemin had spent half the morning apologising over the phone, saying how you've taken his place and if only he hadn't drank so much. you appreciated his efforts, but you both knew you were more than able to do what needed to be done. despite all this, he paid for your lunch today, and that was a win.
"don't be stupid, besides now there's two of us going. even if one is practically incompetent."
johnny didn't like that, finishing the shot before turning to you. "watch yourself, sweetheart."
"bite me, john."
jaemin seemed to sense the tension, pouring you guys one more shot before leaving you to it. your rivalry was well known throughout nct, even some of the runners knew how much you loathed each other, and most people understood it was better to leave you guys to it, let you fight it out, and hope neither of you killed each other. or that whoever was your favourite made it out alive.
"you're insufferable, you know that," you spat, downing the second shot in quick succession, needing the alcohol to settle the violence in your gut.
"rich coming from you, can't even stand being in your presence."
"you're lying to yourself, suh. saw you checking me out in the mirror," you teased, leaning in closer to him.
he matched your energy, face bending down slightly saw your eyes were almost even. "i was not checking you out, i can assure you of that."
"tell yourself whatever you want, if it helps you sleep at night, but your eyes don't lie."
"half the guys in nct want you," johnny's voice was a low growl at this point, face so close to yours basically all you could see was him. "and do you know what? i don't fucking get it. you're a bitch-"
"lovely choice of words-"
"you think you rule the world, you think you're better than fucking everyone, but you're not. there is nothing special about you, and the sooner you realise that, the better."
"do you know what, suh?" you could feel the anger running through your veins, nails digging into your palms to stop yourself planting your fist into his face, leaving shallow crescents in your skin. "you think you're so smart, so precious. oh, johnny suh, johnny of nct, the johnny- no one can fucking stand you. god knows why taeyong keeps you around, half the young guys don't even want to know you- ever wonder why it's the same two guys who volunteer to be with you? because no one else even wants to be near you."
johnny opened his mouth, probably to insult you even further, smirk creeping onto his lips, but a notification on his phone went off, and he pulled away from you quickly.
"limo's here," was all he could say, and you pushed your anger back down inside you.
you were hwang yeji. be hwang yeji.
and ignore the weird feelings going on in your chest right now.
"hey, cherry, how's it going?" jungwoo asked, robotic voice over the phone as you pulled out a cigarette, locked in the guest bathroom at the mayor's house.
you sighed, taking a deep hit to calm your nerves. "all good so far, no one suspects anything. you and jae should be all good to hack the system come 12."
all jungwoo did was hum in response, and you hung up accordingly. you couldn't do anything suspicious at all, there was too much on the line. you took another hit, the smoke fogging the room as you took a moment.
you had spoken to about half the city elite, acting like the prestine proper girl you were supposed to be, but it was taking it's toll. you and johnny had been here for about four hours, and that was four hours too long of pretending to be enamoured by johnny suh. he was disgusting, hand settled in the small of your waist as he laughed at your occasional jokes, planting soft kisses into your hair.
it made you feel sick, sick to your core, sick enough that not even the cigarette was calming you down. johnny suh was an unbelievably irratating individual, one who made you genuinely revolted as his eyes locked on yours, and it took every morsel of self control not to announce to the whole room that you were hating every second of it, that you hated him.
you finished the cigarette, spraying some perfume in the bathroom before leaving the room, walking back over to your 'boyfriend'. he was with another two couples, not sure who, but he quickly introduced you as you slid under his arm, his hand resting against your side, thumb rubbing against your ribcage.
"this is hwang yeji, my girlfriend," god, how his voice made you feel ill. he sounded so in love, and the way his thumb felt against your body just added to it. some part of you felt confused, he definitely did not need to be doing so much, and yet he still was.
stop thinking about that. focus on what you need to be doing.
"yeji, my darling, gosh how you've grown," the woman, moon bora, planted a cheek on either cheek, hand cupping your jaw. "i bet you don't remember me, i haven't seen you since you went to boarding school."
"i know, it's been so long since i've been back here," you hummed, body tensing as johnny gently guided you over to a small table, where bora and her husband jinhyung followed you. he sat next to you, arm over the back of the chair, as you continued on the conversation. "i do miss it, yeah, though there are definetly benefits to living by the coast."
"oh, i can only imagine. do you get to go to the beach regularly, i know college can be quite intense," jinhyung asked, voice full of curiousity.
you went to respond, but your voice was a sharp choke as you felt johnny's hand on your thigh. "sorry, but no we do make time to go. it's beautiful in the morning, watching the sunrise over the ocean, it's really something."
bora and jinhyung kept their questions coming, and you could barely focus and johnny's fingers travelled higher and higher up your thigh, crawling underneath the silk of your dress, gently massaging the soft skin of your inner thigh. you squeezed his hand, a warning, a 'stop this', a 'what the fuck are you doing?'.
his hand got dangerously high, to the point where you could feel him just against the lace of your panties, before you heard an alarm on johnny's phone. 11:45. you needed to get a move on.
"god, i'm sorry," johnny broke the conversation, hand finally leaving your thigh to turn of the ringtone, "that's my medicine alarm. sweetheart, will you come with me to the bathroom to take it."
johnny excused himself, but you were convinced if you went with him now you would genuinely kill him. "let me just say my goodbyes, i'll meet you in a moment."
he shot you a look, but you gave him one back, and he dropped it. you turned back to the couple, with bora giving you a knowing look.
"gosh, you guys are so in love," she sung, and you resisted the urge to spit out your drink. "it reminds me of us when we were younger."
you smiled at her, lying through clenched teeth. "i'm glad you can tell, he's honestly incredible."
"don't think i didn't notice the way you were flirting under the table," she gave you a suggestive wink, and you swore then and there you were going to kill johnny. "young love, how much i miss it?"
you couldn't wait any longer to kill him, so you quickly excused yourself, and travelled through the mansion, past the toilet to the computer room, in charge of the entire house's security, one you had previously mapped out in the planning stages.
"what the fuck?!" you exclaimed, entering the room where johnny was sat on a desk, laptop open with a download completing sign on the front. you locked the door behind you, securing it with a desk you pulled across the front. "what the actual fuck?!"
johnny payed no attention to you, keeping his eyes on the laptop as the percentage went up and up.
"fucking answer me you dick, what's your game?" rage coated your voice, your hands gripping his dress shirt and pulling him out of the chair, forcing him up looking at you.
"whatever do you mean, sweetheart?" he cooed, and the fake loving tone drove you crazy, crazy enough that you brought your hand up to slap him across the cheek.
the action through him back, surprise across his face quickly turning to anger. "you have issues, fuck."
"i have issues?!" you were seething, anger clouding your vision and your hand gripped his shirt tighter, pulling his head down so you were opposite him again. "you've been touching me all night, fucking groping my thigh, grazing my waist, are you mental?"
"do you not understand the concept of fake dating, sweetheart?" his voice was low and dangerous and, however much you wouldn't admit it to yourself, sexy as fuck. "we have to pretend to date-"
"dating does not include groping me."
"i didn't fucking grope you, calm down cherry," johnny sighed, and you pushed him away ever so slightly.
your hand ran down his body, tracing a line down the centre of his abs, watching his muscles contract as they tensed under your touch. "so this doesn't bother you?"
"not in the slightest," he tried to keep it calm, but the way his breathing shortened told you the opposite.
but you kept going, you were fucking fuming. "so if i touch you here," you hand trailed further down, running over the waistband of his trousers, your long nail circling around the hem, "that doesn't bother you."
"fucking stop," he ordered through gritted teeth, but of course you didn't instead keeping your descent until you were over were he did not want you to be, pushing just enough to push johnny over the edge.
and he snapped.
his hands came to grab your wrists, his physical strength easily overpowering yours as he pushed you up against the wall behind you, vaging you against the wall, the paint cold against your open backed dress. your hands were pinned above your head, and legs forced still by johnny's thigh in between your own, body pressed up against yours.
"i thought i told you," he spat, mouth so close he genuinely filled all your senses, "to fucking stop."
you hadn't lost your fight yet, though. "i thought you knew, that what you say means nothing to me."
"do you know what you are?"
"please, do enlighten me," you fought against his grip, but you couldn't escape. johnny was told and strong, and however much fight you had, you could not beat that.
"you're a slut."
those words were unexpected, causing you to gasp as they went straight to your gut, weird butterflies emerging in your chest.
"you're such a fucking slut. act all you want but i saw how your body acted when my hands were on you, when i looked at you like that. like a bitch in fucking heat."
you were genuinely gobsmacked. no words could come out of your mouth to defend yourself.
"but do you know what, sweetheart?" his teasing was endless, however, not letting up despite your lack of retaliation. "i think you like this, i think you like me calling you what you are. a desperate little whore-"
"i don't," you're voice was nowhere near as strong as you wished it would be, because deep down you knew he was right. the butterflies in your stomach were definetly telling you that you were enjoying this, and the way your core was aching.
"tell that to your thighs squeezing around mine," his lips were centimetres away, "because i've realised what you need. you need someone to put you in your place, to remind you of what you are. a needy, desperate, slutty little bitch, don't you sweetheart?"
all you could do was whine at his words, your hips rutting against his knee without even thinking. his words were doing wonders, you could feel how soaked you were without him even really touching you.
"grinding against my fucking thigh, you really are a bitch in heat," he practically scoffed, a hand travelled down from your wrists to wrap around your neck, squeezing enough to cut off your airflow slightly, the feeling making your head spin and vision dizzy.
"i know you've fucked hyuck," he stated the words so nonchalantly, like they weren't personal details you had never told him, "and i know you've fucked jeno. i'm pretty sure you've fucked jaemin as well, but they obviously didn't fuck you good enough for you to still have this attitude, huh, sweetheart?"
you couldn't fathom the words to respond, overwhelmed by the pleasure between your legs. your breathing got shallower and shallower and your air was cut more and more, rings indefinetly causing dents against your soft skin. johnny tensed his thigh, and you couldn't hold back the whine that escaped your mouth, the feeling just too good as your clit rubbed against the fabric of his trousers.
he could only scoff, his hand dropping your wrists and instead sliding down to your hip, kneading the skin as he manouvered your body, sitting down and pulling you down onto his lap, or more specifically his thigh. he finally let go of your throat, grabbing the other side of your hip, and you let out deep breaths, trying to gain back some sense of clarity.
"if you want to be a pathetic little thing," his tone was almost teasing, his large hands beginning to rock you back and forth, "then go ahead. get yourself off on my thigh."
and you followed his instructions, swinging your hips and getting into a steady rhythm. johnny's eyes dropped to where your body met his own, one hand sliding under the soft satin of your dress and feeling the lace panties you had on underneath.
"god, you're dripping, you're actually dripping against your thigh," he practically laughed, your wetness sticky on his fingers as he pushed the lace to the side, and the pleasure was just too much to contain, a moan leaving your lips. "shut the fuck up, cherry. don't want anyone to see how much of a whore for my thigh you're being right now."
you dived into his shoulder, biting down on his jacket to stop the sounds he was practically forcing from your throat. his hands sped up your pace, forced you to keep going as you felt the knot tighten in your gut.
you panted out, the sound of your wetness filling the room as he leant up, looking into his eyes with a sense of desperation. "gonna cum, john, need to cum."
"oh, you need to cum, do you?" he sneered, leaning back against the desk chair, feeling a sense of gravity as he watched the girl he hates fall apart on his thigh. "you need to cum."
"need it- need it so bad," you whined, biting down on your lip hard enough to draw blood.
johnny tilted his head, a mischevious glint in his eye. "stop moving."
"what?" you panted, confused by his words but not stopping your movements. "no, no, i'm so close."
"i don't care, stop fucking moving," he spat through gritted teeth and his lifted you off his thigh, your hips moving in mid-air as you groaned, feeling the pleasure leave your body as your high left your body.
your eyes locked onto his, tongue poking your cheek. "what the fuck!"
"needy sluts like you don't get to cum," he said as if it was the most obvious thing ever, sliding back from the chair and spreading his legs, placing you down on the floor. you didn't even have the strength to hold yourself up anymore, collapsing against his leg, the cold concrete floor a shock to the system.
however much you hated to admit it, johnny looked majestic. with his legs spread, eyes glaring down at you, hair messy as his tongue ran over his bottom lip. you couldn't tell what he was thinking, and that worried you. you were on your knees in front of the man you hated, and for whatever reason you were actually excited about what was going to happen next.
johnny didn't say anything, but his actions spoke a thousand words, his hands going to his belt and undoing it with ease. you felt your mouth water as he slid his trousers down, revealing his hardening cock from his underwear. you leant forward, hands ready to grab it, but one of his own hands nestled itself in your hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail as he pulled you back.
"here's what's going to happen, sweetheart," he shuffled forward on the seat, tempting you to just have a look. you could tell from the bulge that he was big, and all you wanted at this point was your mouth around him.
god, how were you having these feelings about johnny suh.
"you're gonna let me fuck your face like the slut that you are," your thighs rubbed together as he returned to the degrading words, "and then i'll decide whether you deserve to cum."
his other hand pulled his now hard cock out of his pants, and your eyes widened at the sight. he was big, he was so fucking big, and there was no way that he could fuck your throat without cutting off your air supply.
"john, i can't-"
"you can, just open that slutty little mouth for me," his tip poked against your lips, and you complied, hesistantly parting your lips as he slid between them, the stretch agony at first. "there you go, relax your throat. don't want to hurt you that much, cherry."
those words were different, they were softer in a way. they were johnny being sincere, not 'putting you in your place' or 'teaching you a lesson'. and they relaxed you, enough that he slid even more into your mouth, tears building in your eyes, threatening to spill over.
"god, you have no idea how good that feels," he groaned, seemingly not to you, but just to the world. "tap my thigh if i'm good to move."
you followed his order, typing his thigh twice before he started to move back and forth. you tried your absolute hardest not to gag around him but it was so hard when he was practically stopping you from breathing, hitting the back of your throat over and over again until you physically had to gag around him.
johnny hummed, a pity hum, seemingly back to his old self. "what's wrong? thought you would be used to dick in your throat."
you took a deep breath as he pulled out, gasping for air as drool dripped down your chin, his dick hanging in front of you.
"don't tell me hyuck never fucked that pretty little face of yours?" he voice was playful, hand sliding from your throat to cup your jaw, thumb roughly dragging over your bottom lip. "look at how messy you are, sloppy little slut."
you took a deep breath, looking up at the tall man towering over you. "they weren't as big as you."
"aww," his tone was so patronising that if you weren't so dick whipped you would have slapped that expression off his face, "am i too big for you?"
you didn't resond, feeling like you were stuck in a trap, but that wasn't good enough for johnny. "i said, am i too big for you? because if you can't suck me off, you haven't done enough to cum tonight."
those words went straight to your desperate core, and you leant straight back to his dick, letting him back in as he pounded even harder and faster than before. you braced it, trying your hardest not to gag around him again. johnny's groans filled the room, and you just prayed you were doing well enough to get to cum later.
sa johnny's thrusts began to get more sporadic, he pulled out, hand leaving your head to jerk himself off. "open your mouth, tongue out."
you did as he said, sticking your tongue as you patiently awaited his cum, eyes glaring up at him as he kept his wrist moving at a quick speed.
"god, you're such a fucking slut, aren't you?" his words were said between low grunts and groans, obviously needed to get him over the edge. "tongue stuck out, drooling over my cock, thighs squeezing together at the idea of getting my cum in your mouth. fuck- cherry- fuck-"
and with that he came, most of it landing straight on your tongue, the salty taste filling your mouth. a small bit coated your lips instead, but johnny was quick to scrape that onto your tongue as well, before leaning down and spitting in your mouth. his saliva mixed with his cum as he barked out a 'swallow', and you did as he said. the action was so dirty, so vulgar, he was treating you like a messy, slutty object, and for whatever reason you were loving it.
"you did good, sweetheart," he cooed, thumb rubbing over your cheekbone, "i guess now it's your turn."
his hands settled under your shoulders, pulling you up from the group and back onto his lap, this time legs over his hips as you collapsed against his chest. you were fucking exhausted, head pounding from the pleasure coarsing through your veins. you could only imagine how you looked right now - mascara undoubtably smudged from the tears dropping from your eyes, lipstick removed from your lips and displaced onto your cheeks and chin, hair no longer its perfect ringlets and instead messy curls.
"god, you're still so fucking wet," he almost gasped, pad of his middle finger drawing a line through your folds. you could almost hear his actions, the squelching of your wetness deafening as your cheeks reddened with embarassment, your face hiding in his shoulder. "i bet you're so fucking sensitive- ah, yes you are."
your hips bucked as his finger pushed against your clit, so worked up from the lack of your last orgasm that you barely needed anything to become putty in his hands. he chuckled as he kept up his pace, other hand settled on your hip, rubbing up and down as you whined into his shoulder.
"still so needy, i wonder what would happen if i just...?" and with those words, a finger entered your pussy, curling up against that spot inside of you that caused your entire body to tense. "god, you're so fucking tight, would have thought this slutty cunt would be more used to cock than this, don't know how i'm ever going to fit."
you couldn't even understand the words coming out of his mouth. your orgasm was approaching so much faster due to how sensitive you were. and when he added another finger, the stretch just adding to the euphoria you were feeling, he could tell you were close. you just begged he would actually let you come this time.
but of course, he didn't. pulling them both out of you when you started to clench around him, and the denying pleasure for the second time made you absolutely crazy. your body was drained, completely drained of energy, and you didn't know how much more you could take.
"please," you sounded pathetic, most likely looked pathetic, and all you wanted was to cum. you sounded like the desperate whore he made you out to be, but at this point you couldn't even dispute it. "i can't take it, please."
johnny hums, as if considering your proposition, but really he knew your time was up. "need me to fuck you, sweetheat?"
"need you, john," you panted, using the last of your strength to push yourself up off his chest, to finally look him in the eyes, "please, wanna feel you in me."
that was all he needed, grabbing your hips and aligning you with his cock, and you were suddenly very aware of the position you were both in. there was absolutely no way you could ride him, you were far too out of it for that, but the way you were sat on top of him meant you couldn't think of another option.
but of course johnny was prepared, grabbing onto your hips and completely controlling your movements, sinking you down onto his cock for him and oh my god was he big. your mouth unknowingly feel into an 'o' shape with the stretch, feeling so so good as he bottomed out completely.
"pussy feels so good wrapped around me," johnny groaned, moving your hips up and down for you, so you were riding him without having to do any work. "dripping all over my cock, aren't you, my pretty little whore."
you couldn't even process the fact that he had called you both 'his' and 'pretty', instead trying not to scream and alert the entire house of the fact that you were locked in a room that you were definetly not meant to be in. your orgasm was incredibly fast approaching, the knot getting so unbelievably tight as you clenched around johnny.
"gonna cum, gonna cum," you repeated it like a mantra, until you heard a voice just outside the room. your hand flung to your mouth instantly, biting down on the flesh to stop any sound you were making.
johnny kept going though, despite the glares you were shooting him, to the point where you had to slap his chest in an attempt to stop him.
"fucking stop," your voice was a whisper, as quiet as you could muster while you could still hear voices outside. "i'm serious."
"you want to cum, don't you?" he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and there weren't people outside who would definitely kill you if they found anything out. "so just keep quiet, and then you'll get what you want."
so you tried your hardest not to make a single sound, but johnny's pace was relentless, pounding into you at an angle that hit such a good spot inside of you, and you had to bite down into your hand to stop yourself moaning as you released all over his dick, the feeling so much better after your denied orgasms earlier.
but johnny kept going, still chasing his second orgasm, and you just let him use you as he thrusted up, soft grunts after every buck. "gonna let me cum inside of you, like the whore you are?"
"yes, please," you didn't even know what you were saying anymore, now chasing your own second orgasm while the voices outside grew louder and louder. "want your cum, johnny."
"of course you do, fucking slut," he spat, through gritted teeth, "i can feel you clenching around me, you close again? am i fucking this messy pussy so good that you're gonna cum again?"
you nodded against his skin, and you both came at the same time, and the feeling of him filling you up was the cherry on top of this entire experience. you couldn't move, you felt numb with pleasure as johnny lifted you off his softened dick, placing you on the chair as he ran over to the laptop, and a smile creeped onto his face.
"download complete," he smiled, voice low as possible, "let's get out of here, cherry."
you span around in the chair, looking at him like he was stupid, becuase that's how he was acting. "there's people outside, dumbass."
"then we'll have to climb out the window," he spoke in the same stupidly obvious tone, and you actually accepted his suggestion. you could see jungwoo's car from here, and a quick dash would mean no one would see your escape. "come on, let's go."
you tried to stand up, but your legs gave up straight away, causing you to collapse straight back into the chair. johnny chuckled slightly. "i fuck you that good, huh?"
"you mention anything that happened tonight ever again i will kill you, i promise you," you swore, voice low and serious.
johnny tilted his head. "so you didn't just beg for me to come inside of-"
"just carry me out of here," you snapped, and he oblidged, arms behind your shoulders and knees and he walked through the floor to ceiling windows, and wandered through to where jungwoo was parked.
"never mention it again," you repeated, "tonight never happened."
"tonight never happened," he agreed, but turned to look at you again, "but you better drop that attitude, cherry."
"or what?"
"or i'll have to fuck it out of you again."
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lowkeyremi · 5 months
A drabble based off Samu's part of this post cuz I miss little haruki
summary: haruki has to hang out with his uncle 'tsumu while his parents are at the hospital
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Atsumu and Haruki have been staring each other down since Osamu dropped him off ten minutes ago. Haruki has seen his uncle 'Tsumu many times before, even on TV, but never has his uncle babysat him.
"So kid... what do ya wanna do?" Usually when Atsumu's with his nephew it's under the supervision of you or Osamu. Being completely alone with him is new to both of them.
"Um. I don't know, do ya have any toys?" Your carbon copy asks.
"Nah, I don't play with toys, I'ma grown man." He explains to his nephew. The small child doesn't like that response, "When I'm a grown up I'm gonna play with toys!"
Atsumu ultimately forgets that Haruki is a little boy with childish ideas, so he chuckles at his statement.
"No ya won't, kid."
"Yes I will!"
"No ya won't."
"Yes I wi-"
"Hey! How 'bout we play some volleyball, huh?" The blond athlete realizes there is absolutely no point in fighting with a six year old.
"I hate volleyball, it's boring." A loud gasp escapes Atsumu's lips and he feels like he's been shot right in the chest.
"Yer lying, right? Haha that was pretty funny, made me laugh." He refuses to believe that any nephew or niece of his would hate volleyball. He has to be joking...
"'m serious! Papa took me to a volleyball camp last year 'n I hated it! Everyone was so mean to me 'n they kept telling me I couldn't hold the ball for myself." Well, there's the problem. As a six year old everything is about you, you, you. So, Atsumu assumes Haruki didn't like it because he wasn't the center of attention.
"Let me tell ya a lil' something. I'm gonna go get a volleyball and I'll tell ya this story while we're outside." Haruki's obviously skeptical of what his uncle plans on doing but he'll go along with it for right now.
The little boy sets his Sonic themed backpack down by the front door, when he makes sure all his toys are secure in his bag, he slowly stomps his way to the sliding glass doors that lead to his uncle's backyard.
There's a net that's way too big for Haruki to hit anything over it outside, which immediately discourages him. Atsumu soon returns with a volleyball in his hands, Haruki would assume with all that money his uncle makes he'd have a nicer looking volleyball, but the one he's holding is all beat up and dirty.
"Are ya too poor to get a better ball?" Atsumu doesn't even take it to offense because he knows Haruki is genuinely curious and not trying to be rude.
"Nah, this ball is older than ya are. 's the ball me n yer papa used to use when we were first startin' out." That seems to ignite a new interest in the little boy, well, if his excited gasps were anything to go by.
"I'ma give it to ya so ya'll have somethin' to use when you play." This isn't enough to convince Haruki to play volleyball but Atsumu's not done just yet. He still has to tell him the story, but first they have to set up the small net, so Haruki can hit over it.
Atsumu opens up his shed to find the little beat up box that contained he and Osamu's old volleyball net from their elementary school days.
"Woah! That net is the perfect size for me!" His nephew screeches in excitement.
"Yeah 's also older than ya." The two set up the net and Atsumu teaches Haruki the form to receive. He tosses the small boy a few so he can get used to receiving.
"Okay, so, I wanted to tell ya that, volleyball ain't all about you, but at the same time it is," Haruki doesn't say anything in return. No little kid wants to hear that everything isn't about them.
"I had trouble understandin' that m'self when I was growin' up. I thought- nah I knew I was the shit so I acted prideful 'bout it." His nephew gasps at him saying a bad word, but he doesn't interrupt his story.
"'n I really don't care who likes me and who doesn't. I was like that back then too, so I never really had anyone besides 'Samu to play with. Which was fine when we were young, but in a real game, ya need six people." Haruki nods his head to let his uncle know he's listening.
"I had to realize that volleyball was a team effort 'n I couldn't play the whole game, m'self," He pauses for a second to bump the ball back the Haruki.
"That was also when I started to realize, it really was all about me, 'cause if yer a good setter all yer hitters gotta rely on ya. They need ya to set to 'em." Haruki pauses for a second.
"What if I don't wanna set? I wanna be a hitter like papa was." Atsumu smiles at him.
"It applies to hitters too, if yer a good hitter then yer setter will most likely set to ya the most often, 'cause ya can score." Haruki's eyes light up with a new sense of hope.
"Will you teach me more about volleyball, Uncle 'Tsumu?" Atsumu's earlier dread has completely left his body, his nephew didn't hate volleyball, he hated not being the center of attention, just like Atsumu did.
The two go back into the house when the sun is almost down. Haruki had learned so much from his uncle, and he was excited to show all of it to you and Osamu.
Atsumu goes to call his brother to realize that he had missed 4 calls from him and a few texts with pictures attached.
"Haruki! Hurry up 'n get in here! Yer sister is born!!" Haruki comes running in with his new (old) volleyball.
"Lemme see her!!!" He tries to grab his uncle's phone.
"Be patient, ya little gremlin." Atsumu pulls up the picture and hands his phone to tiny, grubby hands. You look very tired, but a small smile graces your face and you're holding a tiny little bundle in your arms. The next couple of pictures are Osamu holding his daughter too.
"Ew, why is she so wrinkly?" Atsumu tries and fails to hold in a chuckle. His nephew's face is all scrunched up and disgusted.
"'s 'cause she was just born. She's been swimming 'round in yer ma's belly for the past nine months. Kinda like how ya stay in the bath for too long and yer fingers start to get wrinkly." Atsumu explains, Haruki's not convinced, at all.
"Ya looked the same way when ya were born." Haruki shakes his head so fast Atsumu wouldn't be surprised if his head popped off.
"Nuh-uh. I was never wrinkly!" Atsumu is quick to go through his albums to find the one of Haruki's birth.
"Yea ya did, look." Haruki takes a good look at the picture before jumping up in surprise.
"EWWW I WAS WRINKLY!!!!" He starts running around like a crazy animal on the loose, screams leaving his lips.
Atsumu snorts, "We were all wrinkly babies at one point." The setter also learns how rewarding being an uncle is.
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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ddejavvu · 1 year
i’ve never heard anyone talk about this but there’s an episode of cm where the bau has to turn around on the jet and aaron says “i’ll inform the pilot” sooooooooooo i’m feeling pilot!reader who’s super confident and always flirts with him PLEASE
disclaimer: i don't fly planes i don't know the process of rerouting mid-flight but i tried my darndest
It's not every day that a case is solved before the BAU even land, but this unsub wasn't as smart as everyone thought he would be. He'd revisited his third crime scene just in time for the police to show up, and he won't be getting out of prison anytime soon.
Derek lets out a scoff of a laugh at the man's idiocy, already reaching for his headphones, "I guess we've got our weekend after all. Prentiss, you ever gonna tell me what sin to win means?"
Aaron stands as Emily narrows her eyes at Derek, a smirk curling over her lips, "There are some questions, Morgan, that if you have to ask, it means you probably couldn't handle the answer."
Before Derek can fire back Hotch heads for the curtain, "Alright, you two. That's enough. I'm going to go tell the pilot we can turn around. They'll need to reroute us."
There's a hum of acknowledgement that circles the jet, and Aaron passes through the snack station, rapping his knuckles gently on the door to the cockpit.
A green light flashes over the doorframe and a bell chimes, the door unlocking automatically with the press of a button inside.
"Y/N," Aaron greets you, on a first-name basis from calling you to work alone. He tries joking, something he forgets to do sometimes at work, "Just kidding. We're headed back to Virginia, can you pull a u-turn in an airplane?"
You turn to grin at him, face peeking out from the side of the headrest, "What, you forget your toothbrush?"
He's glad his joke went over well, and he laughs at your own, a smile gracing his features, "They don't need us anymore. Are you able to reroute us mid-air? Or will we have to land first?"
"If there's not much air traffic we can turn," You hum, peering at diagrams and screens that Aaron doesn't understand, "But if it's busy we'll just have to land and set up another flight path."
"Understood," He nods, checking his phone that looks comically small in his large hands, "When will you know?"
"Right," You hum, analyzing the display in front of you, and checking a note you've made for yourself on a sticky note that's stuck to your seat, "Now. I think we can make it without landing, but we'll have to wait for a commercial flight to pass. Shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes to turn, then an hour to get back."
"Thank you," Aaron heaves a relieved sigh, thankful not to have to waste more time than they already have, "You're a lifesaver. I owe you one, really."
"Breakfast in bed," You decide, your shit-eating grin only widening, "Hey, next time you're on a case, we'll share a hotel room. That'll make it easy for you."
Aaron doesn't know exactly how to respond to such a bold statement. He's bold himself, but not with flirting. He feels his cheeks heat up and prays you can't see it, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he calculates his response.
"Pancakes or waffles?"
"Waffles," You laugh, "And whipped cream."
"Mm, okay," Aaron pretends to deliberate, headed back to the doorway, "Over the top, or on the side?"
"It's not for the waffles," You chime, and Aaron is infinitely glad you're turned around again to face the display in front of you, because it means you don't see him trip over the base of the doorway, "Why else do you think we're sharing a room, Hotchner?"
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buckysgrace · 2 months
ok, hear me out : a soft gator fic based on this 🥹
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Absolutely 100% I've missed my baby boy. Changed just a smidge but Gator is just a softie, lil sad and love struck <3
It had been a few weeks since he had seen you, growing close to a month now. Work had been busy, and he didn't want to bother you with his own issues. Or get you harmed. But tonight felt different. He missed you, he was lonely.
The stress of everything else just made him want to see you even more. He missed your kind tone, your cheesy jokes and the warmth of your skin against his own.
He took another long drag from his vape, staring at the unread messages as he glanced towards the clock on his car again. It was well past midnight, but you had always told him he could call whenever he needed you. And he needed you now.
The vape obnoxiously hit against the side of the truck as he waited for you to answer, his eyes closed as he reminded himself how dumb this was. You needed to sleep. He was being selfish; he wasn't the only one with shit going on.
"Hey," You spoke up quickly, voice raspy with sleep as he jolted in surprise, "You alright?" You asked, probably shaking the sleep off of yourself.
"I'm good," He winced to himself, forgetting that you probably though something was wrong, "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." He apologized, wishing he could go ahead and delete the desperate messages he'd sent earlier.
"Gator," You hummed, your voice a little less raspy this time around, "Are you sure everything is okay?" You questioned him as he nodded along, knowing that he couldn't tell you the full truth. Just bits and pieces. But he was alright at this moment.
"Yeah," He answered quickly as he dragged his vape between his fingers, "Just tired is all." He breathed out softly, imagining how nice it would be to be situated between you and your many blankets right now.
"You don't sound tired." You pointed out, the soft creak of the mattress registering in his ears as he supposed you were probably sitting up now.
"I guess I miss you." He mumbled as he glanced out the window, looking up at the stars that seemed to be twinkling in a dull way tonight. He wondered if they looked the same from your apartment.
"You guess?" You teased him, making him realize how backwards his statement probably sounded. He really did miss you, probably more than you realized. He just wasn't good at saying it out loud.
"I missed your voice," He replied, not wanting you to think otherwise, "I just wanted to say goodnight. And that I love you." He told you a little softer, listening to your soft inhale.
"Well, I miss and love you too, handsome," You played along, sounding like you were shifting in your bed, "You could come over when you get off." You suggested, tempting him with the offer.
"It'll be too late," He told you softly as a grin formed on his lips, glad that you still cared for him despite the recent distance, "I didn't mean to wake you up anyways."
"I'm glad you did," You told him, "And I'm off tomorrow, who needs sleep?" You asked him seriously, making him think about the options. He didn't have to work either. And he already had a drawer full of clothes at your place. And a toothbrush. Maybe it would be fine.
"Do you want anything to eat?" He asked as he stared at the clock, knowing the next four hours would drag by until he saw you again. You hummed loudly, balancing your options.
"Just some donuts," You said seriously, making him laugh, "And that's not a cop joke. You'll get all of the fresh, hot ones this early in the mornin'." He'd get you as many damn donuts as you wanted.
"I can do that," He said softly, "I'll see you soon then." He added softly, wishing he was touching your face rather than his phone.
"Be safe," You said sternly, making him nod his head in agreement, "Gator. I really missed you." You replied softer, less teasingly as he sighed in agreement.
"Things will slow down soon enough," He promised, hoping he was right, "Sweet dreams, honey."
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Whipped - Luke Skywalker X GN Reader
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Title: Whipped
Luke Skywalker X GN Reader (Han X Leia included)
Additional Characters: Han, Leia, Chewie, R2D2, C3PO (Mentioned), Yoda (Mentioned), Rebel Alliance people (Mentioned), and TIE Fighters (Mentioned)
Requested by @micheleamidalajedi
WC: 2,325
Warnings: Luke is smitten, teasing, taunting, anxiety, nervousness, wingman Han, wingwoman Leia, baby angst, bets, joke fighitng mentioned, fighting mentioned, blasters mentioned, killing so of briefly mentioned, set sometime during The Empire Strikes Back, confession, friends to lovers, cute name-calling (on Leia's part), and fluff
Luke sighed, his hand resting on his chin as his half-lidded daydreaming eyes gazed at you from afar. You were brushing your hair, talking to Chewie and Leia about something, your occasional laugh echoing throughout the base. The sound of your voice was enough to make him smile in an idyllic way and he wished for nothing more than to hear that melodic voice forever. He didn't know if this was a crush or not but Luke couldn't help it; he had been smitten ever since your first encounter a while ago. He thought you were beautiful, the most beautiful person he'd ever encountered. He felt a pang of sadness whenever he thought about the fact that he couldn't have you all to himself, and so often he would find himself fantasizing about what could happen between the two of you. And every time, he would melt into a puddle of goo.
You had taken a liking to Luke, thinking he was quite adorable. It wasn't long before you found yourself gravitating towards him even though you couldn’t go a couple sentences before freezing up. You didn't think you'd be so shy, usually, you were good at conversation with others, but with Luke... You stumbled over your words. Every time you opened your mouth to speak to him, you found yourself unable to utter a single word. It was quite strange because he seemed so nice, kind, and funny. You didn't understand how anyone would be able to not resist such an angelic-looking face, yet here you were doing just that, falling hopelessly in love with him.
Leia saw right through you, she saw the way you looked at Luke, almost longingly. "What are you waiting for?" She teased when she noticed your fidgety state. "Go talk to him." She encouraged, trying to contain her own happiness over the fact that you had a crush on the young man. "He has been staring at you for days now." She pointed out. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say he liked you too."
"He doesn't." Your cheeks burned at the accusation. "He couldn't possibly." You muttered sadly, shaking your head. You had only known the boy for a few months, after all. You weren't sure he liked you back. But there was a small part of you, deep down, that hoped. Hoped that maybe, just maybe, he did. That hope was the only thing keeping you going as you continued to brush your hair and occasionally glance up to gaze dreamily at Luke. You loved this boy already. You were hopelessly in love with him and you wanted nothing more than to tell him.
Looking up, you watched as Luke's eyes widened before he quickly looked away, turning to face Han instead with his hidden blushing face, making you second-guess. You chuckled at the sight of him getting flustered either way, your heart swelling with joy. His attention warmed your heart more than you could ever express to anyone else. You smiled fondly before you returned to your brushing, before placing down your brush and turning back to Leia and Chewie. They gave you a knowing look, a silent message for you to just do it already. But you stayed sitting, your nerves getting the best of you.
Han smirked as he watched Luke look away from you with a blushing face after he got caught, his lips curling upwards, his eyes crinkling at the edges. "I think they like you, kid," Han spoke up, his tone amused. "They're just too shy to say anything."
The blush on Luke's face darkened at the statement. "Really? It doesn't seem like it." He muttered. "It seems like it's just..." He trailed off again, unsure what he wanted to say. "Like they don't really want me around them. Like I'm annoying them."
Han let out a bursting laugh, surprising Luke as he stared at Han with furrowed brows, "Luke, buddy, as I said... They are just shy. You need to make the first move if you truly care about them." He paused, "Besides, it isn't their fault you're too blind to see that they like you."
Luke pursed his lips, narrowing his eyes slightly, "How do you even know about all this? How can you be so sure?"
Han smirked lightly, shrugging as he stuffed his hands into his pants pockets, "Oh, you know... I know when someone likes me." He answered, his eye glancing over to Leia briefly. "It's a talent to know when there's romantic tension in the air."
Luke gave Han a look, "Uh-huh." He said slowly, eyeing him suspiciously, "And what makes you think there is romance?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes. "Maybe they think of me as a friend and are still just shy." He concluded.
"That." Han waved his pointer finger in the air, and Luke's eyes followed confused, "Do you see it?"
"See what?"
Han sighed, "The love in the air."
Luke groaned and got up, rolling his eyes, "I'm done with you..."
"Hey! Luke! Don't run from love!" Han called out to Luke as he quickly walked away, embarrassed.
You, Chewie, and Leia walked over to Han, confused. "What's up with Luke?" You asked as Leia and Han gave each other a brief glance before both shrugging.
"It's probably nothing," Han replied. "He's being dramatic again."
"You should go check on him," Leia suggested to you. "You always know how to cheer everyone up."
You bit your lip, "Okay..." You mumbled before walking away in search of Luke, gaining the confidence you needed. 
"Who do you think will confess first?" Han asked, crossing his arms, watching as you left the room. "My credits are on Y/N."
Leia mimicked Han's stance, crossing his own arms, "Sppf, oh no, my credits are on Luke."
Han smirked, glancing down at Leia, "Well, if I win, I get to have a drink with you."
Leia rolled her eyes, "And if I win, Chewie and I will braid your hair."
Han furrowed his eyebrows, "My hair's too short to braid, princess."
"That's what you think," Leia smirked.
You wandered over to find Luke in the cockpit, he was sitting in the corner of the room, on the corner booth; just staring off into the distance as the ship hummed deeply. "Are you okay?" You asked as you sat next to him, causing him to jump in surprise. "Sorry," you apologized with a chuckle, "I didn't mean to scare you."
Luke shook his head, smiling softly at you, "No, it's alright." He responded. "Is everything alright?" He inquired.
You gave him a small smile, "You didn't answer my question first." Your voice grew serious, "Are you alright?" Your tone was soft and you stared up at Luke with concern, swallowing hard as you pushed your nerve down.
Luke took a moment to respond, before pursing his lips and nodding, "Yeah, I'm okay." He then turned to you, "What about you? Are you okay?"
You nodded your head as you averted your gaze from his, "Yeah, I'm fine. Everything is alright."
"Good..." Luke hesitated before continuing, "So, what were you, Chewie, and Leia talking about?"
You shrugged, "Nothing much, just asking Chewie about Kashyyyk." You muttered before taking a glance at the young man before you, "What about you and Han? What were you two talking about?"
Luke quickly glanced away from you, rubbing the back of his neck as he let out an awkward laugh, "Nothing special. Just Han messing around with me."
"Do you want me to talk to Leia about him? You know she'd kick his butt if anyone asked." You offered and Luke chuckled lightly.
"Could you? That'd be great." He joked as the two of you laughed together for a moment, before falling into a nerve-racking silence. 
You glanced nervously at Luke, as he gazed at you. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're awfully quiet today." He commented as you tilted your head to the side. 
You frowned, "Am I?" 
He nodded his head, "Yeah, but I... I mean you're quiet most of the day... But, are you really okay?" Luke asked worriedly, and you let out a little giggle.
"Yeah, I am okay, Luke. Don't worry." You sighed, your hands fiddling in your lap, "You worry too much."
"I'm not that bad." He pouted.
"You're worse than me," You corrected as you playfully nudged him in the arm. "But I'm okay, really. I'm sorry that I've been acting weird lately."
Luke shook his head, noticing your fidgeting hands and taking one of your hands in his. "No, no, I get it. You don't have to apologize." Your fingers tightened around Luke's hand in response. "You know... I... I really admire you. I admire you so much, Y/N. You're strong, smart, beautiful... A wonderful person." You looked away from him, feeling your cheeks flush. 
"Thank you, Luke. That means a lot. And... You're all those things and more too." You bit your lip nervously, looking back up at him, "I admire you too. So much."
"Y/N, listen-" He began, but something hit the ship, cutting him off.
Han ran into the cockpit with Chewie, landing in their seat to get out of autopilot before flying around; trying not to get hit by any more blasts.
"Kid, I need you at the blaster!" Luke stood quickly and ran to the blaster, leaving you at the booth.
"Can you get away from them?" Leia asked, stumbling over to hold tight to Han's seat.
"You know I can, your Highness, would you kindly sit down?" Han asked through gritted teeth as he turned the wheel, maneuvering past another blast.
"How long until we get to Hoth?" You asked, and Chewie belted, and you sighed. It was going to be a long and bumpy ride.
It had taken a while, but Luke was able to shoot the TIE Fighters, and soon after that, you went into hyperspace; entering Hoth's atmosphere. Time was moving so fast, it felt like right as you landed Luke was going off to find some Jedi Master. You hardly had any time to really spend time with him. He could hardly talk to you, having to get ready to go along with going to mission debriefs. You spent most of your time on the sidelines, watching Luke rushing around, and Chewie working on the Falcon as Han did... Whatever he was doing, as Leia spoke with other Rebel leaders, and R2 and 3PO bickering in the corner.
As Luke rushed by, wearing his orange suit, carrying his helmet in his arms, you rushed over. The large metal claw grabbed R2 and placed him in the back seat of the X-Wing, R2 whistling and beeping in annoyance. Leia and Han peeked out behind a hall, watching as you said your goodbyes to Luke before he flew off to Dagobah. They watched as Luke pulled you into a long hug, holding onto you for just a little bit longer than necessary; you even seemed like you never wanted to let go. And you didn't.
"Do you have to go?" You asked softly, digging your face into Luke's neck as he held his arms tightly around your waist.
"Yeah," He muttered, "I do."
"Can't I come with you?" You asked, practically begging as Luke chuckled gently, pulling back. 
"My ship won't have enough room. It'll only hold R2 and I." He spoke, and you glanced up at R2D2 as he whistled, making you sigh. 
You pouted lightly as you stared into his deep blue eyes, "You'll be safe, won't you?"
"Of course, I will." He smiled softly down at you, reaching forward with one hand and stroking through your hair soothingly, "Besides, I'll get to see you again soon, okay?" You nodded slowly, before stepping back to give him space. 
Luke bit his lip briefly, as he stared at you, before turning around to head up to the ladder. Pausing halfway, Luke quickly turned around and rushed over, taking you into his arms, and kissing you deeply. Surprised, you slowly melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pressed his body against yours, kissing you hard and passionately. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him, and lifting you slightly off the ground. Pulling away, he buried his head into your neck, gripping you as he breathed heavily.
When he pulled back, you smiled softly at him before pecking his lips once more. "Be careful." You whispered, resting your forehead against his.
He nodded his head, "I will." He promised, pressing one last kiss to your lips before pulling away from you completely and climbing up the ladder. Luke glanced at you once more before slipping on his helmet and closing the X-Wing hatch closed. You sighed, walking backward slowly, giving room for the Wing to lift off. Han and Leia stood beside you, the three of you waving as Luke flew off. You let out a sigh, and Leia rubbed your shoulder.
"He'll be fine." She assured you.
You nodded your head, letting out a sigh, "I hope so..." You trailed off. "I know so."
Leia squeezed your shoulders comfortingly before she turned to Han, "I win, fuzzball."
Han's jaw dropped in offense, "Fuzzball!? Who are you callin' Fuzzball!?" He asked indignantly as the two of them walked off, leaving you to stand alone in the center of the hangar.
You let out a chuckle before running your fingers through your hair, sighing contently, staring off into the distance as you thought about Luke. Your mind drifted back to when he kissed you, how his hands felt so soft against your skin, how his lips felt so warm against yours, how perfect his kiss tasted, how amazing he felt against you; everything. He made you feel like nothing else mattered in the entire universe, and you loved every minute of it.
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fandomfucker · 2 months
Write ANYTHING for Zoey stark 😻😻 AND MY SOUL IS YOURS 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Lost-Zoey Stark X Gn!Reader
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Your soul, my dear 🤲
This is solely based off of myself having lost crickets the other day so enjoy my very real pain. This also features my real bearded dragon and his real name, I'm not afraid to block if anyone disses him or his name😤
Word Count: 1,785
3rd Person POV
Other than dogs and cats, Zoey was never the biggest fan of different kinds of pets. Like exotic pets.
Especially her partner's "lizard".
"How many times do I have to tell you? He's a bearded dragon!" Y/n joked with their girlfriend. Zoey just rolled her eyes at their typical antics, an adoring smile tugging at her lips.
"All right," Y/n started, gripping Zoey's hands to make her look directly into their eyes. This was serious business. "Are you sure you'll be okay feeding Turnip for a couple of days? 'Cause his vet can keep him just fine."
While both Zoey and Y/n worked in the WWE, they would often be given different opportunities for various things. Currently, Y/n was going to New York for a photo shoot with a magazine for a few days.
"Y/n," Zoey stared deep into their eyes, completely serious. "I promise I'll be okay. It's just some crickets and worms, I'll be fine. And I have Kai and Sly both here for emotional support if I'm not." She smiled, proud of herself for that statement.
Y/n stared at her with their eyebrow quirked but eventually released a small huff of a laugh and pulled Zoey in to give her a lingering kiss.
"I got this, I swear." Zoey looked at Y/n's face, seeing the lingering doubt on their face. "What, do you think I don't got this?"
Y/n pulled away and brushed Zoey's biceps. "I think you think you got this. But I have to go, my Uber's here. I see you in a couple days, okay?"
They leaned forward, giving Zoey another kiss before grabbing their luggage and making their way out the door to the car parked at the bottom of their driveway.
Zoey stood in the doorway, watching as her partner left, waving them all the way down the road until she couldn't see them anymore. She clasped her hands, rubbing them together as she walked back inside, making sure to shut the door behind her.
She looked at the pets who both sat in front of her, both of their tails wagging as she addressed them. "Alright, let's go feed Turnip."
Walking into the spare room they used to house Turnip's tank, Zoey went straight for the rolling cart of food next to it, picking up the plastic cricket keeper.
She brought them up to her eye level, cringing with disgust as she watched the crickets run continuously run over each other and their own shit. It was revolting.
Grabbing the feeding tongs, she sat down on the floor in front of the tank, meeting Turnip's bastardly face. The two had never liked each other very much but Zoey tried her best to keep the peace for Y/n's sake.
He tilted his head, staring at her with his beady little eyes as she struggled to get the lid of the crickets open. She managed to pop it open at the same time she turned around to yell at Kai and Sly for scratching at the door to get in. For reasons unknown, they both had an obsession with sitting in front of the tank and staring at Turnip.
She kept the lid as close to the top as possible so as not to let any crickets accidentally escape. Sliding the tank door open, she held the container inside the tank so that if any did come out they'd be inside of the tank.
Sliding the tongs into the container, she managed to catch one of the crickets fairly easily and held it out for Turnip who immediately stuck his tongue out, snatching up the cricket and chomping down on it loudly.
Zoey repeated this process a few times until he was full. She removed the cricket container, slid the tank door closed, and put the tongs back, popping the cricket lid back in place before going downstairs to wash her hands and watch TV for the rest of the night.
"And Y/n was worried about me," She scoffed to herself.
After dinner the next night, Zoey was sitting on the couch when she noticed her cat, Sly, fixated on something on the stairs.
Not wanting him to eat something he wasn't supposed to, she walked over to check out what had attracted his attention.
In the corner of one of the stairs, was a dead cricket. "How in the hell did that get in here?" She mumbled to herself, going to grab a napkin from the kitchen to pick it up.
The thought that it was one of Turnip's had crossed her mind, but she deduced that it was too big and had to be a wild cricket that must've gotten in through the garage or front door undetected.
So, she just threw it away and went about her business until later that night when going to check on Turnip before going to bed.
An unusually loud chirping caught her attention and she made her way over to the tank, where it was louder.
She picked up the keeper, causing the crickets in it to stop making any noises but the chirping continued. And not from inside the keeper she noted.
"No," She whispered to herself in horror.
She set the keeper down and began frantically searching for the source of the noise. She had left a cricket in the tank earlier in case Turnip had gotten hungry again and decided to have a little snack but no longer saw it there.
Twenty minutes later and every object in the tank had been turned over and searched. Even Turnip had been removed from the tank for a short time just to make sure.
That was when she noticed the giant hole for cords and such at the top of the back wall inside the tank.
The blood drained from her face as her eyes widened. “There's no way,” She spoke mainly to herself, before turning to Turnip who was eyeing her warily. “It couldn't have gotten up there, right? It can't climb a smooth surface.”
Still, Zoey put Turnip back on his basking rock inside the tank, closed it, and stood up, hands on her hips.
“Alright Turnip, brace yourself." She grabbed the front right corner of the tank and gently lifted it, dragging it towards her to pull it away from the wall.
Once it was far enough away that she could see behind it, she grabbed her phone and turned on the flashlight.
Taking a deep breath, she shone it over the crack between the tank and the wall and peered into it.
On the floor, were not only three crickets walking around, but cricket shit littered the carpet.
She turned back to the keeper because how were there three back there if she only lost one?
And that was when she noticed that the lid had actually not fully closed shut and had not been closed this entire time.
"Oh my god," She clamped her fist over her mouth, not knowing what the hell to do.
Looking around in a panic, she grabbed the feeding tongs and decided she was going to catch them with the tongs and put them back in the feeder, easy peasy.
Except it was not easy peasy, as she held the tongs in one hand and her phone in the other, shining the flashlight on the crickets as they ran away.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Zoey scrambled around with the feeding tongs, trying to pick up the damn bastards to no avail.
She finally caught one, holding it away from her and cringing as she dropped it in the feeder. She fully closed the top lid this time to make sure no others escaped and opted to use the one-way side flap to dump them back in.
A few minutes later, and having pulled the tank away from the wall even further on both sides, one more cricket was caught and returned to the keeper. Two down, one to go.
Zoey ran back and forth to either side as the cricket ran, moving things out of the way beside the tank to make sure she didn't lose it.
She kept just missing the cricket as it would jump out of the way of the tongs at the last second every time.
And then she lost it under the bookshelf. "Damn it!"
Leaving the room to grab a wooden ruler small enough to go underneath the shelf, she passed her pets who were thoroughly judging her.
Walking back into the room, she got down on her knees and began swiping the ruler underneath the shelf, in the hopes that she'd catch the cricket with it and drag it out.
After fully sweeping back and forth several times, Zoey came to the horrifying conclusion that it must've crawled out without her seeing it. It then dawned on her that it could've been behind the bookshelf.
Grabbing her phone for the flashlight once again, she began using her camera to see the crack between the shelf and the wall.
With the pets at her feet, Zoey watched the videos she'd taken back, noticing something on the middle of the wall.
And sure enough, checking on the other side of the shelf with the flashlight, there the little fucker was. On the wall. Somewhere she couldn't reach.
After several futile attempts and two hours later, the cricket was still somewhere behind the bookshelf as far as she knew.
Exhausted and damn near crazed, Zoey turned to Kai who had stuck around this whole time, lying in front of Turnip's tank watching Zoey. "I think we're just going to have to call it a night."
She reached out and pet his head before getting up and going to bed, after making triple sure the cricket keeper was closed.
A few days later and Y/n was finally home, much to Zoey's delight.
They sat on the couch together, tangled up in each other's bodies with Kai and Sly lying by their feet. "Babe," Y/n gently nudged Zoey's head where it lay on their shoulder. "I need to get up to put my clothes in the dryer."
Zoey shifted her head to look up at them and kissed their jaw. "You stay here, I'll get it." And pushed herself up out of their comfy embrace, giving Y/n a small kiss before making her way to the laundry room.
As Zoey got closer, she noticed something small on the ground right in front of the door on the carpet and bent down to get a closer look.
It was the goddamn cricket.
Relief and fear both flashed through her as she ran to grab the tongs. Whether it was dead or not it was going back in the keeper.
She successfully managed to relocate the cricket back to its rightful place and move her partner's clothes into the dryer without any suspicion from them.
As she returned to the living room and cuddled herself back up to Y/n, she decided that Y/n never needed to know what happened while they were gone.
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hegoeshardasfuck · 6 months
shake it left, shake it right (fuck me through the night)
wordcount: 1K
tags: established relationship, mating cycles/in heat, hair pulling, biting, rough sex, porn with some plot
synopsis: Riff gets his shit fucking rocked
note: this one goes out to the Trolls fans, I see u, I hear u, heres some smut for the girlies with no Ao3 account. wrote this before i fully grasped the intensity of Floyd's queer-coding so uh, ignore the very starting paragraphs. if you enjoy consider dropping a like or checking the Ao3 port
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The last time Floyd slept with a guy was when he was nineteen. He sort of decided to swing straight away after that, going after women because they were dying at his feet whether he liked it or not. Why not make use of that knowledge, just to see where it would get him.
It got him surrendered to Velvet and Veneer by a group of K-pop Trolls that had him absolutely enraptured is where it got him. A kiss, some tantalizing words he did not understand, and he'd be willing to go anywhere they asked him too. And that was used against him, brought to Mount Rageous and used as a drug for talent.
He retreated to Rock the second he could, his home away from home. The one place he felt safe enough to shed his vest despite gnarled scars from varying origins. Where he could tell dumb horny jokes with an impossibly explicit vocabulary and get an uproar of laughter instead of offended gasps. Where he could just be, even with Pop origins he felt a lot better in Rock.
Apparently he felt safe enough to slip into heat, a cycle he was sure he couldn't attain anymore considering the whole 'life force drained' thing that happened. But he could, and he wakes up with this twist in stomach and he obeys the heat under his skin before he can think about it.
"Riff," It's this long, expectant, whiny sound clawing it's way out of Floyd's throat. He slings himself against the drummer who near instantly picks up the heady scent, it makes him shiver.
"Yeah?" Riff answered with.
"It's that time of the month, no ones around," He keeps his words on Riff's ear, hand wrapping around his boyfriends tail, it twitches and furls. He's purring, a deep rumble in his chest he hasn't been able to shut off all morning. This was inevitable, he decides, having sex with his boyfriend of many months. The heat spurred it on just a bit, but it's been on his mind for a very long while.
Riff gives this nervous sound, this almost nervous sound, "I got a show babe."
Floyd lurches back from Riff, "How long is it gonna take?"
"Not super long, the average length," Riff answered with, "And then, after the show, we can do it."
"You can swear you know," Floyd answered with, he had the audacity to cock a hand on his hip. The motion made Riff freeze, a short circuit in his brain, "Just say fuck, it's hot."
"You're hot," was all Riff could supply in response to the statement.
It's Riff whose bending over backwards for Floyd.
It's Riff whose begging and pleading due to whatever freaky mode the heat put Floyd into it.
It's Riff whose losing a semblance of sanity and control under his boyfriend even though he was sure it'd be reverse.
"Say it again, louder," Floyd prompted, hands tracing across Riff's front as he went, tactfully sliding away from wherever it would spark pleasure. Avoiding any and every where that he guessed would make Riff go insane, just for fun, to get a grasp on what he'll be working with.
There's heavy panting before Riff can even form a syllable, "Please," It's a choked sound followed by a euphoric note as Floyd scrapes over those soft expanses of flesh with dulled claws. The motion leaves a searing trail of pleasure behind even as the same hand wrenches into Riff's hair at the base and yanks. He jerks further back against his crazed boyfriend and he's still heaving his breaths, near writhing.
"Good boy," The words ghost against Riff's neck alongside teeth so sharp they have to be artificial (they aren't, they aren't, they aren't, and Riff fucking loves his boyfriends fangs). He partially sinks down, swiping pin prick fangs across flesh and reveling in the way Riff's breath hitches in time with the hand working him.
The adrenaline from the show has long since been replaced, something entirely different rushing through Riff. Initially, Floyd was running hot, an impossible amount of degrees hot for a Pop Punk Troll. Now Riff feels like every single inch of his body is on fire, sparks bursting under his skin and barely appeased by the touch that Floyd is offering him.
He's ravenous, he barely registers himself as such with those softly spoken words worming into his brain. They're sugary sweet, probably because Floyd is Pop Punk, they make his brain feel full of cotton candy. All stuffed up and turning a blank whenever he tries to bring himself to beg louder so Floyd will hurry the fuck up and give him everything.
This should be reversed, deep in the roots of Riff's desperation he knows it should be the other way. That Floyd should be the one bitching and moaning and begging and pleading, but it isn't. No, Floyd is just barely edging Riff closer, holding onto him like he's a lifeline, nails digging into flesh. It's oddly euphoric, to be nearly torn into but not quite, to be nearly bit but not quite, it just shoots him into an entirely different state.
"C'mon sweetheart," Floyd urges quietly, words a snarl against Riff's ear, "You can cum for me."
He does nothing to shift his ministrations, nothing to speed up or slow down. Nothing at all aside from a tightening grip in Riff's hair, and apparently that's all it takes with the words to jolt him over the edge. His body jerks but Floyd holds him perfectly still, fangs still tracing over the crux of his throat, resting at his pulse. He doesn't let go even with the slick dripping down to his thighs, his breathing is labored yet quiet, a soft susurrus sound.
"Holy," Riff pauses to catch his breath, his entire body is shaking more than he thought possible, "Holy fuck."
"Ready for round two?" Floyd asked, already tracing along Riff's inner thigh expectantly.
Riff swallows thickly, "Round two?"
"I'm gonna be jacked up for a long time, Riff," Floyd purred, tapping his nails a little further up his boyfriends thigh, "If you need to get some water go ahead, but we'll be right back at it the second you enter this room."
Riff shudders at the snarled promise because he knows Floyd will go through.
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
Brothers Conflict Fuuto Asahina Review
Includes Spoilers
So I wanted to do a review of Fuuto based off the game on PS Vita as well as the anime. I will eventually get around to do some of the other routes but I figured if I didn't post this I wouldn't get to it for awhile.
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I started off hating this little shit from the anime however I will say in some of his close moments with Ema did bring a different vibe at times that I found myself somewhat attracted to him but still hated him. Not gonna lie sometimes I found his interactions like in the elevator on the ova pretty fuckin hot. I think it was a pain that a younger brother was more of a ass but after playing the game I realized he really is nothing more than a tsundere. Also the vampire scene was also pretty hot but I have a thing about vampires anyways.
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Then I went to play the game and omg he started off as a ass again but damn he started doin sweet stuff and I couldn't help but start to love this guy. He would buy ema stuff without her asking and snuggle her why he watched his favorite movies with her. He would grab her hand and hold it when she didn't ask and tell her he wanted her to stay with him all night in his bedroom yet not sexually. Yes he still had his cheekiness to him with his sexual things but its funny as time goes on you really get to see why he doesn't let people in. He is so used to people wanting something from him all the time or wanting him to do stuff for them that he doesn't recognize when someone just wants to know him and expects nothing in return.
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His story is sadder than you think because without getting close to him you never realize he works so much, has a weird schedule so doesn't see many people, and people want him to be something he really gets tired of being. He puts on a fake smile and persona for everyone but he is actually rather lonely. This is why he can be so bitter and even though sexually he likes to make comments I have come to learn its a coping mechanism for him I think he is so lonely that with even a sexual connection to someone he would gladly embrace. However you find that behind all his comments he will say he is joking but I think its more so you don't suspect of him just wanting to be close.
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At times he tells Ema in sleepovers he just wants her to hold him all night. These are the moments you see the genuine side of Fuuto and how lonely he is. When he opens up to her about his wants of being a actor you can see such a happiness in him of sharing this with someone. Honestly at the end of of it all I really think I have grown to love Fuuto quiet alot used to be he was barely on my radar now he is in my top 3 guys now. Now I love tsundere's so maybe thats why I loved his character in the end but I also just wanted to understand where he was coming from.
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He bought her gifts and took her to sweet romantic places where it was just the two of them. You really saw him falling in love with her and as he did he started not being so rough and rude with her. He had his moments like anyone else when he had little sleep or a bad day. This being said he got where he would come to her when he needed someone to talk to. He even goes out of his way to tell her that she is pretty even more so than the women he sees everyday.
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The confession of love he gives is so cute even though he is right about needing to stay a secret due to her being family and his career but you can tell he still cuts corners sometimes and forgets or just doesn't care because he wants a bit of normalcy that others get. You can tell if he could though he would shout it to the world and not care. He even goes the extra mile of going to public school to be closer to her more often which is so cute and he is so hurt when Ema makes the statement to a friend that she thought he just did it on a whim and I really think she hurt him by saying that and him hearing which hurt my heart.
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At Valentine's day in japan the women give to men and Ema did give him something but he came back and surprised her as well with a gift of expensive chocolates that he waited in line for just to get her that are normally sold out, like how sweet is that. His christmas gift is a song he sings to her right in the middle of a stadium he can't come out and say its his sister but he apologizes for practically being a little shit and that he wanted to give this to her.
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For anyone who would normally pass up on dating Fuuto I would say if your into tsundere's you will love him how over if you like sweet boys he really is one you just got to get past his outer shell and who he has to be for everyone else. I'm glad I romanced him all the way through he gave me a love for him I don't think I would have ever gotten just from the anime.
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journeywynter · 2 years
Nowhere I'd Rather Be
Pairing: DreamWasTaken x GN!Reader (romantic)
Category: Fluff, a little angst maybe?
Word Count: 1,688
Warnings: Self-doubt, mentions of hate on the internet but never any specifics, a lot of dialogue; I didn't mean to make this all talking but that's kind of what happened, kisses
Summary: Dream has always been confident, not one to let internet trolls damage him too bad, or at least that's what he'd like everyone else to believe. When it all becomes too much, he turns to the one person he's sure can help him, having gone through something similar themself.
A/n: This is my very first fic, I've debated writing one for years and finally decided to just go for it, I'm not used to what I should be putting as warnings and such so if you catch anything that might have slipped my notice, please tell me! I hope you enjoy!
"How'd you get through it?" I must've looked as confused as I felt because he was quick to add to his statement, "the hate you received online, I mean."
"You guys," I stated back like it was simply obvious, and to me it was. "If you could believe that you guys were serious, or perhaps just the right amount of unserious about the situation, to help me through it." Based on his incredulous look, however, I would assume it might not have been so cut and dry as I thought.
"I'm being serious. At first, it really did get to me, as you might have noticed." I let out a breathy laugh, humorlessly as I ran my hand through my hair. A nervous habit I picked up after I dropped the whole biting the inside of my cheek one. This one doesn't cause me any accidental pain but it does ruin any chance of a good hair day. "It was hard in the beginning when I didn't know myself enough to choose what I knew was true and what was not. I started believing things about myself that I knew deep down weren't real but then I thought, how can they be saying it and not speaking the truth? Why would they be saying it if it was fabricated with no true foundation to stand on? They must have seen something in me that I hadn't even seen before, right? Because these internet strangers had to know me better than I knew myself.
"Then I closed my phone, turned it off completely, and refused to turn it on for a while. I let myself calm down, let the emotions ride their course through me, and then came back to the situation with a clear head. I reevaluated everything through facts rather than emotions. Those people on the internet, they don't know the first goddamn thing about me. Do you know who does, though? Sapnap, my best friend since I was five. George, who I met through you but has since proved every day to me that he's there for me no matter what comes my way. My sibling that has known me and stuck by my side every day of their life. You, arguably my favorite person. Someone I didn't expect to ever have but you managed to squeeze your way into every aspect of my life, unapologetically. And I'm not sorry that I've let you.
"You guys are what matters. Why would I care about the opinions of people who see nothing but what I carefully handpick for them to see when I have you guys? People who have seen every single thing, the good, the bad, and the dirty depths of myself that disgust even me. Yet you all chose to stay. You all found something redeemable in me that I couldn't have found in myself no matter how hard I looked. And I love you all, I do the same for you all because you matter to me. If I wouldn't give the pigs hiding behind their screens the same treatment that you've given me, then they don't matter enough for me to care what they think of me. I'm dead serious when I say you guys have helped me in more ways than possibly imaginable. You guys are what got me through it. God, that was cheesy. Never let me talk this deep again." I joked to lighten the mood, hoping at least some of the tension would disperse in turn.
For a few beats, I'm met with silence. His eyebrows knit together and he purses his lips. His eyes squint as he glares over my head at the wall, an obvious sign of his deep thoughts. His face scrunched up and his fingers twiddled with the rings that adorn his hands. A couple of which I personally handpicked myself for him, each matching a different aspect of him that makes him who he is. If asked, he would tell you he isn't a jewelry person yet he wears each piece that I get him like they're invaluable.
"Yeah, I get it. Sometimes I think I just need to be reminded of what matters. It just gets in my head every now and again. I just lose myself in it sometimes, I guess that's inevitable since my job, and my life is on the internet. It's basically mandatory for me to know what's going on in the lives of everyone else as well as what people are putting out there about me. It's hard and I try my best to be okay with it, my anger hits and I reply to some comments which only adds fuel to their fire."
Looking up at him, staring directly into his eyes, I can recognize some of the same things I felt myself when in his position, the doubt, the anger, the sadness. It's raw, the only part of his face that shows just how much it gets to him when the rest of his features relax as he puts up his front once again. If I hadn't spent so much of my time getting to know all his mannerisms personally, I wouldn't be able to have noticed how bothered he truly is; what with his figure leaning into the couch, legs separated in what would be deemed the 'manspread', the epitome of confidence embodied in human form. One hand slung over the back of the couch, one resting aside his head but slowly reaching down to scratch at the stubble on his chin. His messy dirty blonde curls swept over his face, brushed slightly out of his eyes after his cat beanie flattened it down. I know it's all a rouse. He's imperfectly perfected, carefully sculpting each part of himself to seem effortless when in reality, it's anything but. I can only imagine it's a defense mechanism he built and perfected for himself after his quick rise to popularity. It's unhealthy, bottled emotions tend to lead to bigger outbursts, but maybe he never felt he truly had someone to show this to.
"I don't have all the answers and the way I deal with it might not be the best way for you to deal with it either. What I can promise you, however, is that you've got a big support system behind you. Sapnap will always be there, he will be a shoulder to cry on, a distraction, or anything in between, it doesn't matter. He's so willing to return the favor that you've done for him, no questions asked and no form of repayment expected.
"George may not be the best with emotions himself but that doesn't mean he'd be useless. He's great at listening and he'll make you some tea or something as well as some food and he'll keep you company. Acts of service might possibly be the way he expresses his love the best. He cares, he just doesn't always know the best way to show it. And you know what, while it might not have been to our extremes, they both have gone through it. You have two extra people here who understand it better than the average person and are more than happy to help in any way you need.
"And you have your mom and your sisters' support for sure. They believe in you wholeheartedly. I don't think I've ever seen so much love pour out of anyone before in the way they do for you. They might not get it, and they might not need to. Just being there might be enough. It will bring you comfort, bring you peace, and remind you that you do have a home, at the end of the day.
"And you'll have me for as long as you let me. I'm not leaving, I'm here for good. You'll have to force me out that door and tell me how you never want to see me again before I'd ever willingly leave you behind. Even then, I believe you have such a tight grip on me I'd just end up waiting around for you some more. You're it for me. I want to be there for you."
His bright green eyes, dulled slightly from his own thoughts of self-hatred that he's kept locked up in his own mind for far too long, take the time to scan my face in search of any signs I might be lying through my teeth as if I would have any possible reason to try to deceive him. They stop on my own, windows to the souls, the eyes are. I never really thought much about it before meeting Dream but ever since I've noticed his eyes have told more than his voice ever would and that's when I really started understanding the saying.
When he finds no sign of any dishonesty, his eyes begin to soften, the tenseness that's been sitting in them since the beginning of our conversation finally leaves and I notice how his shoulders unwind ever so slightly. I reach out to him, one hand grabbing the hand that was resting on his face as I run gentle circles over his knuckles and the other cups at his jaw. I can tell he's in his own head still, really registering all that's happened. I allow him this time to sort himself as I place gentle kisses along his jawline, his slight stubble brushing against my lips.
As if not being able to trust his voice, he instead brings his free hand up to cup the back of my neck, fingers twisting into my hair ever so slightly as he pulls me forward, his lips just almost brushing over mine before looking at me, asking silent permission which I grant with a gentle nod.
When our lips connect, it's like the first time all over again. It's slow but just as passionate as any other kiss we've shared. Showing me how much he loves me when his words fail him. I only hope he's able to feel the love I have for him as well.
I might not know everything, but I do know that this right here, there's nowhere I'd rather be.
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crystalelemental · 5 months
Hey o/! Nexomon fan here, I loved reading your thoughts! I'm conveniently in the discord so I can tell you most of what's been said, most of it is mechanical stuff though.
Apparently Ghost, Psychic and Normal are going out the window, and Arcane is being added as a new type. And all the nexomon have like, % of each type? Think like 10% Water 90% Electric I think? So whatever may come of that
We don't have any new teasers or gameplay trailers but we do get monster designs revealed every so often, you should be able to find a page in the fandom wiki with the teased ones so far
Story wise we just know it'll be another time jump, the protagonist is the black and blue haired dude(apparently might always have to be male?), the developer has been teasing about something happening to Solus in the meantime, but he has also said Abyssals won't be a big thing in the past so, he could very well just be joking
Sorry if you didn't want the info dumb btw, you can ignore this if so, I just like having new people in this fandom c:
Glad you enjoyed! I'm gonna put a lot of response under the cut so it doesn't clog people's dashes, but as a general statement: I'm generally fine with spoilers, but am looking to avoid information about story. Anything about mechanics, new Nexomon, even characters or updated designs is fine. But I do like to avoid knowing about story. Nothing you said is a problem, just putting that out there for future reference.
I kinda like the Arcane decision. Psychic was hysterically overpowered in Extinction, with the only things that resist it being things it also resists (Mineral and other Psychic), and the things it's weak to being weak to it (Electric and Ghost). Grass was relatively strong, but neutral damage means Psychic can still push through. Normal was also super weak. Two weaknesses, no strengths, an inconsistent status that relied on Mineral-type attacks to boost their damage. Normal was really bad. Ghost was balanced though. I'll be a little sad to see it go, but Arcane sounds like a fine replacement, depending on what it does.
Type percentage, however, is some nonsense. Not in a way I'm opposed, but in a way where I'm confused how it works. Assuming we go back to the old type wheel (please go back to the old type wheel), if you have something that's 80% Electric and 20% Water, and you're hit with a Mineral-type move...what happens? Like, if the base damage is 100, Electric is a factor of 25% boost for weakness, Water cuts 35%, but are those boosts and reductions also hit by the percentage, so it's a 20% boost and 7% reduction so it's only 13% stronger? Because that would be wonky. Again, I'm cool with it, but it sounds chaotic.
I may try to look it up. In fact, one moment.
Okay I couldn't find anything. If you have a link readily available feel free, but don't worry too much. I'm not too worried about seeing designs right away.
As for story. The Abyssals not being a huge deal is still very possible. I don't think they need to be prominent in the next game to be significant here, so I'd be a bit bummed they didn't get more play, but not entirely surprised. Something almost definitely happens to Solus, since they're a clear target, it's just a matter of what. The big thing that bugs me is "possibly has to be male." That would honestly suck a lot out of it for me. I do not like that being forced. I know it should be inconsequential, but it's because it's so inconsequential there's no reason to make it only male. It would be an unnecessary and shitty limitation drawn solely from the decision to go 3D with the graphics, and I will not be happy with that trade. I could give a shit about graphics. Hopefully it's just typical "male as default" marketing and they have a female design as well.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
Green x Harold:
- regarding a Daily Mirror article about Harry getting glandular fever; Harry insists that the article was "highly personal and distressing". Mr Green asks whether he found the same article in the Edinburgh Evening News and The Sun similarly distressing, to which the Duke responds: “I didn't even know there was an Edinburgh Evening News today...I didn't see the [article in the Sun".
- regarding an article about how Harry celebrated his 18th birthday; the Mirror claims that their article was based on an interview Prince Harry gave to the Press Association two days before publication. Harry says he “sees the similarities” between what he said in the interview and quotes from the article.
-Green: "The position then is this - the private information of which you complain in the Daily Mirror article had been revealed by you and then published in other newspapers” Harry: "I see the similarities, of course," but "the timing was suspicious."
- When Harry says there are invoices to Private Investigators around that time, Green replies twice with "so what".
- Mr Green says the information about Prince Harry's appointment as godfather to the children of his former nanny had been published a week prior in the Sunday Telegraph, as had his expected attendance at the christening. "Again I see the similarities...but I don't know how it was all obtained." the Duke responds.
- regarding an article about Harry being selected to lead the military cadets at an Eton parade; Harry says it is "very suspicious" that there is no byline on the Mirror article and refuses to rule out that it was obtained by phone hacking. Mr Green asks him whether the Press Association story revealing the same information was an issue for him, to which he responded that there is no history of phone hacking to obtain stories at PA. "Are you suggesting that just because the Mirror has admitted one incident of phone hacking, that every other article was obtained by phone hacking?" Mr Green then asks the Duke. He responds "no" before going on to tell Mr Green that this particular article caused him no distress.
- Asked if he still maintains the story was obtained illegally despite being shown the press release Harry says "it's a question for my legal team".
- The Duke has been questioned on whether he wrote his witness statement as Mr Green asked the royal if he is "just reading out something that has been drafted by your solicitors for you". Harry replied: "This whole statement was written by me after a series of video calls with my legal team while I was in California". He says it involved "long" calls of two-and-a-half hours each time.
- Green points out that a quote in Mirror article he is claiming damages also appears in Times on same day and asks Harry if he would like to see it, Harry replied 'probably not'. Green says I understand'
- Green points out in Harry's witness statement he said didn't want to meet Paul Burrell but in memoir Spare he wanted to meet Di's former butler. Asked by Green which account was correct Harry said he couldn't remember.
- A story Harry is suing over reporting he would meet Chelsy Davy's parents appeared 24 hours before the Mirror in the Mail on Sunday via an interview with Chelsy's uncle. But Harry tells the court he believes illegal information in story included his flight date being blagged'. He said he finds it 'distressing reading it back today.
- Harry will be cross examined again tomorrow, with Green hoping to be done by lunchtime. He went through 21 of the 33 articles in the Duke's claim.
- The judge told Prince Harry he cannot discuss his evidence with anyone overnight, to which the Prince joked: "Not my children, my lord? I may well be Facetiming them.
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likesaly · 1 year
For the ask game! 12 5 6 14 24 for Natsukage, Miumi, and Akitaka
5 - Uh- I came up w this on the spot /lh Pass the Nirvana by Pierce The Veil (take a shot everytime i say anything related to ptv w 1bh /lh /j) 6 - I have a blue hoodie similar to his, I remembering showing that one outfit in the server (I mean I am natsukage irl but like bc 1beat hyperfix misane me mems r more centric 4 source mems /lh) 12 - Natsukage cuts his hair w kids scissors at like late at night which why his hair is kinda uneven and Sakuma is just so confused on why he does this /lh 14 - Early 2000s grunge 24 - Samekichi from WATGBS - bro im like confident that he was based off of him like i can pull up an image i made when i first got into 1bh abt my whole theory of miwashiba def took inspo from watgbs
5 - See Me!! by Sophie Powers - I was desperately scrolling through my spotify liked to see if my taste had anything fitting for her but I found it, I just feel like it works /pos /lh 6 - When I was younger I had longer hair and I had my hair in that half up half down style, the only thing difference would've been hair length and my bangs - Though I do have plans to dye my hair white if I dye it again but im not 100% on what color yet I have a few in mind alr 12 - Miumi just has a lot of upperbody strength so she can just hang out on like those monkey bars and be able to flip on it while holding on; This is her party trick bc it shocks everyone. 14 - COQUETTE FOR SURE LOOK AT HER AND TELL ME IF IM WRONG SHE WOULD BE INTO THAT FS if not lolita is her aesthetic 24 - Impact Death Enity/ Enti-Suti le Gabriel from Masa Works Design (Listen to impact death entity for the feel of her character!! i promise shes not as intimdating as she sounds /lh)
5 - Bring me to life by evanescence as a joke /lh but realistically I'd say Sleepwalking by Bring me The Horizon 6 - My style now, I remember back in December I was drawing and my friend Sho was like "that guy has the same style as you" and I couldn't agree more with that statement its so obvious, plus I had red hair not too long back so if I wear any other color thats not black or white, its either red or purple. 12 - I'd say Akki is the one who composes the music for his band since he learned piano at an early age, at it first it wasn't the best but he improved over time! 14 - Emo or Visual Kei either one works 24 - Ichika from HELLO, HELLO WORLD! Same aesthetic and vibes tbh
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