#if one of my siblings said this while we were performing a song it would give me trauma
abrandnewshadow · 6 months
he doesn't like glowsticks, and then...
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jinjeriffic · 8 months
DCxDP Prophecy Universe Part 2
Part 1
Damian glared at the envelope. He and Father were in the process of analysing the letter for any signs of toxins, explosives or other traps. Obviously he wasn’t fool enough to open a missive from a questionable source without taking precautions. So far, all their scans had come up empty. Literally. The letter was defying all their attempts at chemical or spectroscopic testing, x-ray and magnetic resonance scans were inconclusive, it defied all properties of ordinary matter. It was frustrating. It was vexing. He was blaming magic.
For all intents and purposes, the letter looked like ordinary paper, with an ordinary wax seal, bearing the initials CW. The looping handwriting addressing it to Damian was precise and neat. Swiping the surface of the letter for chemical traces yielded no results. When Damian had tried to cut off a corner of the paper for analysis it had resisted all attempts, including a laser and a diamond headed cutting tool. Damian’s only satisfaction was that when Father had grunted and taken over the task from Damian, he had no more success than his son. As if Damian didn’t know how to perform the standard array of tests!
It certainly didn’t help that his siblings wouldn’t stop their incessant chattering!
“I’m just saying, ghosts wouldn’t be the weirdest thing we’ve encountered, Red. I’m not sure it would even make my personal Top 5.”
It seemed gossip among heroes travelled faster than the speed of light.
“Really, Nightwing? Ghosts? It’s far more likely to be a meta with something to hide. Or a few screws loose.” Damian could practically hear the eyeroll in Drake’s voice “And since when do ghosts act as glorified mailmen?”
“I don’t know Red, since when do aliens pretend to be Kansas farmboys? C’mon, we deal with magic users all the time!”
“And lets not forget people coming back from the dead” Red Hood interjected over the open comm line.
“Magic is just science we don’t understand yet. Any sufficiently analysed magic becomes indistinguishable from science!”
“B, a little help here?”
“Hn” Father straightened up from his position at the lab table “Oracle, any progress on clearing up the footage from Robin’s mask?”
Grayson threw up his hands with a frustrated huff while Drake smirked.
“The program is almost finished rendering. Whatever scrambler they used did a real number on the video quality. I’m surprised the audio is as clear as it is.” Oracle replied.
“Hn. And the isotope tracer on the money?”
“Sorry B, no hits on the local sensors. Wherever the guy went it’s either outside Gotham or shielded somehow.” she said, mildly frustrated.
“Maybe it’s ghost magiiiiic” Drake sing-songed. Grayson lightly cuffed the back of his head, to which the former Robin responded with a firm shove. Their interaction quickly devolved into a childish tussle.
Damian gave an annoyed huff. “Don’t you two imbeciles have anything better to do?”
“Aww, we’re just here to look out for our baby brother!” Nightwing teased.
“Yeah, we gotta make sure your ghost encounter didn’t leave any lasting psychological damage!” Red Robin added.
Before Damian could retaliate for their needling, Oracle chimed in. “Uh, guys? You’re going to want to see this. Most of the footage was corrupted beyond repair, but I was able to pull some partial stills and, well…” she threw a handful of pictures up on the screen. There was artifacting marring them, but parts of the stranger were visible in each of them. Oracle magnified one that had a pretty good view of his face.
“Holy shit” Drake whispered.
Damian frowned. “What?”
“Dami, he looks like you. Just… older.” Grayson said softly.
“What are you talking about?” Damian snapped.
“Disregard the pale colouring for a second. The nose, the chin… he looks like you if you had a growth spurt,” Drake wrinkled his nose “and went through puberty.”
The commlines erupted into chaos. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Spoiler exclaimed “are you telling me there’s an older version of Robin running around Gotham?!”
“Copy?” Batgirl inquired.
“Don’t tell me Talia cooked up Demon Brat 2.0!”
“Given that he looks older it’s more likely version 0.1 if anything,” Drake snarked, “though there’s the possibility of artificially accelerated growth rates…”
Damian had had enough. “Tt. You are ignoring the obvious - if this is some kind of supernatural entity it likely copied aspects of my appearance in an attempt to engender feelings of familiarity.” he said haughtily, pushing down the uncomfortable churning in his stomach. There was no way Mother would replace him with a cheap copy. She couldn’t! “Besides, the creature has obvious powers and neither of my bloodlines has any trace of the meta gene.”
“That’s ignoring the ghostly elephant in the room.” Grayson chimed in, “Maybe it’s a dead ancestor?”
Drake gave their older brother an annoyed look “Even a time travelling descendant from the future is more likely than that. And delivering a ‘prophecy’ to boot?”
Oracle pulled up an aged up picture of Damian next to the stranger’s, highlighting several reference points. “On closer inspection, there’s a couple of discrepancies. The cheekbones for one - Robin definitely takes after his mother, while our mystery meta looks more like… well… Robin’s grandmother on the paternal side.” she finished hesitantly. “B?”
They turned to look at Batman, who had remained silent during the whole exchange. If they hadn’t known him so well they would have thought him unaffected, but the tightening around his mouth betrayed his agitation.
“There’s no use in pointless speculation until we have more data to work from,” he growled, “Oracle, look for any reports of a meta matching the target. Since our regular methods have failed to yield results, I will contact the JLD about running tests on the letter.” He turned to Drake, “Red Robin, see what you can find on recent League activities. If this is another scheme by Ra’s or Talia we need to know about it.”
“The last thing we need is more demon spawn running around!” Red Hood groaned over the comms.
Damian was furious. This was absurd! To even indulge the possibility that that creature was in any way related to him was making him feel like he had swallowed battery acid. He was the Demon’s Heir! He was not replaceable! There was only one thing to do.
“Robin? Stop!”
He ignored his Father’s shout. He stomped over to the lab table, snatched up the envelope and broke the seal.
Nothing happened.
He unfolded the paper and saw the same handwriting that had been on the outside.
Brother of blood, brother of soul
Never buried but already mourned
In lightning and ice the scorned child returned
To strike down the Demon’s Head
With all that Death earned
Damian’s hand shook. He reread the lines over and over again, refusing to comprehend. He could feel his Father standing behind him, scrutinising the letter as well.
Suddenly, the paper burst into green flames, going up into smoke that dissipated unnaturally quickly.
Silence reigned for a few moments. Then…
“Well that was needlessly melodramatic” Nightwing remarked.
Part 3
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aggro-my-beloved · 3 months
Angel Face → David Shaw x Reader Imagine
note: i can’t write a grumpy david shaw i’m sorry he’s like .03% tsundere in this re-imagined meet cute between him and angel and his anger isn’t even directed towards them. i’ll be leaving a poll at the end for which paring you’d like me to write for next in this scenario. please like and reblog as it’d really mean a lot!
pairing: david shaw x gn!reader
summary: solstice bar is packed tonight for an up-and-coming performance by a local band, and security guard david is left as a stand-in for the usual bartender. just when he thinks he’s at his wit’s end, a stranger in desperate need of conversation and something to soothe their nerves makes this shifter’s thursday a bit more tolerable.
warnings: mentions of alcohol, mild swearing, damn crew as frat bois and other shenanigans
wc: 2.1k
estimated reading time: 10.5 mins
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“Welcome to Solstice!” 
At a certain point in the night, the patron’s slurred chattering morphs into white noise for David’s ears. While manning the bar, beckons and calls for another round are less distinguishable but still audible if he concentrates hard enough. 
“Kitchen’s closed!” 
“Soda or seltzer?” 
“Special is a…” he turns the still full bottle on the center of the bar to face him. “A Port Charlotte single malt whiskey. You in?” Seconds later, he heaves a mix between a grumble and a sigh. “Course not.” 
“I said the kitchen’s closed!” 
“Try saying it louder,” chortles Milo. His dark stature barrels through the swinging door leading to the kitchen, behind the bar. Amidst his rapid collecting of fingerprint-stamped brandy bowls and red-kissed crystal stems, his hand flies up to release his chestnut waves from the hairnet securing them. “Don’t think they heard you the seventeenth time.” 
“Remind me why I agreed to pick up a Thursday for Sam. I never work Thursdays.” David raises his voice the farther Milo retreats into the kitchen. The clinks of glasses tickle his ears but do little to nothing to ease his nerves. The cook returns with a pristine array of cocktail glasses sat on a black tray. If there’s anything David admires more than his colleague’s house-made wings, it’s how he can make the same dingy glasses sparkle night after night with a quick wash. 
“Because…” he sets down the tray carefully on the open bar space perpendicular to David, in between the ripened limes he prepped hours ago, and the beer taps. “Ash and his band finally wrote enough decent songs for a gig here and we agreed to be here tonight to support him.” What Milo didn’t know is that the extra tips made between David and Asher tonight were in contribution to the soot-covered kitchen drawers at their home–courtesy of the main act’s drummer insisting he fulfill his oatmeal craving. There wasn’t a chance in hell those two were getting the security deposit back, not if the cherry-oak wood soaked in gray and smelling of cinder and their landlord’s new vendetta had anything to say about it. The two shifters were already ripped a new one last week for their scratch marks on the recently renovated hardwood flooring, which they credited to “dog sitting for a friend.”
“And no more animals!” The unempowered and oblivious landlord scolds them, red in the face. 
“Yes sir.” They reply in unison.
Ash tries choking down a smug laugh and fails miserably. David smacks him on his chest. 
Milo grabs a handful of peanuts from a stray bowl set aside to be washed, and pops them in his mouth, savoring the salt dancing on his taste buds. “Also,” he makes out through munches, “Sam’s out tonight from sun poisoning.”
David scoffs at this. “So he says. Tank was flirting with him so much last night, I could hear them from my post at the front giving stamps.” The promises of what his younger sibling would do to the fanged creature behind closed doors cued David to shudder. Before disappearing behind the kitchen door once again, Milo quips:
“Better hearing it than smelling it.” David refuses to ask the cook to elaborate and instead shifts his attention to the front entrance, where drunken yells and chants resound. His lips curl down in a fierce scowl as the melded odor of sweat and liquor becomes six bodies more pungent. Like a cavalry, they march in with arms looped through one another’s to keep stable. If the young faces weren’t already a dead giveaway for what would be in store for David tonight, their tacky shirts did enough talking. Each one color-coordinated for a significance the man was too exhausted to mull over, but all reading: “Straight Outta D.A.M.N” in giant, bold font. 
“You’ve gotta be shitting me–Hey, Milo, were you just not gonna tell me it’s the E and E’s Annual Frat Bar Crawl tonight? Because that’s a pretty fucked up thing to do to a bartending security guard!” 
“What!” Milo’s accented shriek rings through the building, and he peeks his head out of the aluminum swing door to view the staggering group of drunkards for himself. “Ah, fuckin’ hell..” He fully steps out from behind the door and cups his hands around his mouth. “Hey, hammered frat dudes!” A couple of heads from the group turn in his direction. “Yeah, you guys! Kitchen’s closed!” He turns to pat David on the back of his shoulder, over the white rag he’d been drying glasses and countertops with all night. “You got this, buddy.”
“Uh uh, I don’t think so.” The man shakes his head in disbelief, and a chorus of whines echo from the group of empowered frat members. One brave soul steps forward, the beefiest of them all. He dons a shamrock green shirt with the sleeves (poorly) cut off and a pleading set of eyes. His deep voice floats to the bar from where he stands, almost devastated. “Even for fries?” 
Milo is halfway through his strut back into the kitchen but is halted by David’s hand gripping his shoulder. “Even for fries, Milo?” The man cocks his head to the side, jutting out his bottom lip in a pout. They both knew why he was playing so coyly; resorting to the rarely used puppy dog eyes; mimicking the man’s tone from moments before. It was the same reason they consulted Asher’s band to play tonight. As much as either of them try to deny it, the bar needs the business. And if Sam’s claims during their Super Smash Bros tournament from weeks beforehand weren’t all talk, he’d hate to see what the vampire could do with just a walker and pure unbridled rage at tonight’s numbers. 
Through gritted teeth, the shorter of the two mutters something about putting his hairnet back on before continuing his journey to the clean fryers. 
“Come on in, people!” He waves a hesitant arm in his direction, encouraging the clan to venture further. The solemn whines morph into cheers as they proceed their march to the bar.  Though he was dreading it at first, the orders were easy enough. Bud Lite, Rum and Coke, two more Bud Lites, another Rum and Coke, and a Mojito. In addition to this, anungodly amount of fries, but that is for Milo to deal with. 
Halfway through the intoxicated army's orders, he spots a straggler trying to squeeze through the ever-growing crowd anticipating their next round and tonight’s show from the local, up-and-coming Howl’s Highway. Asher thinks the name is awesome. David thinks it’s one step closer to breaching covert to several unempowered beings who may be wandering into Dalia from out of town. They agree to disagree.
“Excuse me,” the voice croaks. “Sorry.” It pipes up every few seconds, complemented by the sight of shuffling bodies. Finally, a face pops up before him, splotched with red and with bloodshot eyes, but not from any addictive or bitter-tasting substance, other than heartbreak. David can sense their aura with the proximity. They are devastated, even more so than the student begging for a plate of fries. 
“Evening, Angel. What can I get for you?” The patron’s mouth falls open, and without intent, David does the same. He was never fond of pet names at the bar, rather he viewed it unprofessional as much as he did embarrassing. This is why Sam mans the bar, and he manhandles the bastards before they can order a drink. But no, tonight he needs to strip off the leather jacket and tough exterior and ask himself: what would Sam do? 
I can name someone. 
Milo, politely get the fuck out of my head and cook your goddamn–
“Uh…” The unempowered stranger gnaws on their bottom lip in thought. 
“Hey man, we weren’t through ordering!” His mouth retraces the snarl from earlier, and he apologetically directs his attention away from the distressed figure and to another fart member. The most inebriated and demanding of them all, if David had to guess from his words coming out like fondue. This one had a red shirt and an overall bad attitude. 
“Ah,” he holds a finger up, allowing the man to pause. “Let me take their order, and I’ll come back to you, okay?” He offers a thumbs up to the man, hoping this will mollify him. 
“No, not okay.” He crosses his arms, a newfound flame lit in his eyes. Oh great, just when I thought I was done putting out fires this week. Now the red shirt makes sense–fire elemental. “We were here first-“
He hopes for his friends’ sakes, he’s much more pleasant sober. 
“Dames,” Greenie butts into the argument. The one in red simmers down at the feeling of the large hand resting on the small of his back and drawing gentle circles. “It’s alright, he’ll only be a minute.”
“Y-yeah, maybe we can go find some uh–some good seats for the band tonight and come back?” A meek voice offers. He’s hidden behind the other members of the group, all that is visible of him is a pair of round frames and a flash of gray on his upper body. Similar to how they breached the entrance of the place, the squad links arms to continue their journey deeper into the crowd.
“God, those were some tacky shirts. Straight Outta DAMN? What does that even mean?” The newest customer shakes their head in disgust as they eye the backside of the frat disappearing into the sea of bodies. “Seems like you’ve got your work cut out for you tonight.” 
“Who, the Bud Lite bunch?” He waves a hand nonchalantly. “We get ten of those on nights like these.” 
“Well, I hope that was your tenth and final bunch of the night. I don’t do too well around rowdy people.” 
“So what brings you to one of the most packed bars in town tonight?” David quirks a brow at the stranger. 
“Well, the pictures online made it seem a lot less busy.” They rub the back of their neck with a sheepish smile coating their face. “I just needed to get away from…I got dumped tonight and wanted to drown my sorrows.” David tries not to be offended by how invisible they are to the public and the stranger’s acknowledgment of it. The bigger chains are killing them. More recently, they’re treading on the outskirts of Dalia and monopolizing over each empty plot of land they deem a cash cow.
“Your wish is my command. What’ll it be?” David crosses his arms, causing his muscular arms to bulge against the thin fabric of his white tee. Simultaneously, the hem of his shirt rides up to reveal a very tan, very toned v-line vulnerable to the wandering eyes of the one sitting before him. They try not to make it obvious. Menu, eyes, menu, abs, arms, back to menu. 
“Maybe an Espresso Martini?” They peer up to lock eyes with him again. Truthfully, they hadn’t read a description of any drink on the list and were taking a lucky guess. 
A few seconds of silence transpire before David responds firmly. “No.” They almost choke in disbelief, and their heart rate picks up.  
“You need something stronger.” He decides, ultimately picking up a few bottles that the dejected newbie couldn’t decipher the labels of. Their eyebrows stay furrowed as David fills the cobbler shaker with a handful of ice cubes and a generous amount of liquor. 
“C’mon, trust me. What’s in here,” he shakes the stainless steel vigorously for emphasis, “ain’t gonna kill you.” 
“I think a hole-in-the-wall bar is the last place I should be told to trust  a stranger.” David considers this and hums. 
“I think the alley in the back of this place might take the cake.” Wiggling in the leather barstool from anticipation, their eyes stay concentrated on the clear glass as a slow strain of amber liquid occupies it. Before sliding it to their side of the bar, David is sure to garnish it with some orange zest.
“Go ahead, it’s on the house,” David smirks, before retreating to the kitchen to help Milo plate the heaps of fries. 
“For real? No, I have to owe something.” 
“It’s a new recipe. I wouldn’t even know what to charge you.” The man admits. “Go on,” he insists, prior to disappearing behind the swing door and being greeted with Milo’s sassy commentary on how David’s going to be working overtime to help him clean tonight. 
As the cook is balancing plates onto his arms, he hardly feels the burn of ceramic against his arms. For all his senses are concentrated on his new patron–more specifically, the sound of them sipping his innovation and a delightful hum leaving their lips. 
“Damn, that’s good.” 
He ponders shortly after, amidst delivering fries to the ravenous elemental crew, I think I’ll call it Angel Face.
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tnt-kokoo · 4 months
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Sae Itoshi × fem!reader
summary: After winning against another team, the U-20 decided to celebrate their win. Sae was about to leave, as you came onto the stage.
Important: reader is an artist, reader plays guitar and sings, kinda nervous reader I guess??
"I am not going."
And with that, the older Itoshi sibling walked out of the changing rooms while the rest of his team was staring at the now closed door.
The U-20 team had just won and was already planning on walking around the city to find a pub or a restaurant to celebrate, that was, until Sae Itoshi had told them cold heartily how he wouldn't take part in their celebration.
Without wasting any more time to think, Aiku jogged behind the reddish haired boy and eventually caught up to him. The heterochromian boy grabbed his shoulder and pushed him towards his own chest to not give Sae a chance to ran again.
"Oh come on now, we only won because of you. You NEED to come with us." Aiku said as he praised him. The taller boy leans down and wispered with a sly smile "and who knows, maybe you'll find someone interesting?"
Sae didn't know why but he agreed to go with the others. If he was honest (which he is), he would say that this is a waste of time.
As the team and the coach walked towards a place that seemed to be perfect for them, they all went inside.
The smell of cigarettes from a few and the stinging smell of alcohol made the older Itoshi look at disgusting at the place his team choose. He wanted to leave and somehow even Sendo noticed that, which is why he grabbed the prodigy and led him to the table with the others.
Sae looked around at the table and saw his fellow teammates already drinking themselves to unconsciousness. He disliked places like this. Infact, he hated them. And sure, Sae being Sae he will dislike many things but drinking with people he doesn't wanted to waste his time with gotta top it all.
As the red haired prodigy was thinking of leaving he heared how the announcement said something about someone new coming to stage and giving an performance. Usually he wouldn't even have cared but for some reason he wanted to know what will happen.
'The worst thing that will happen is that I'll be bored by this performance' he thought.
As you appeared on stage with a guitar, the whole atmosphere seemed to change completely. His usual nonchalant demeanor turned into an curious one. He didn't didn't notice how people were cheering for you as you began singing or how the lights were dimmed because to him, you seemed to glow on stage. It looked so natural and you resemble what he could never be- an angel.
He looked back to his teammates who were mumbling about how beautiful you were. And your sure were the prettiest girl Sae had ever seen.
Oh, how much he wished only he could look at you like that. Only him hearing you play and sing. Only him being able to touch you and love you.
As the song finished, people were clapping for you. Now, instead of the calm persona you had before, you were standing up there with a nervous smile and shaking hands that held the guitar.
'Huh.... she looks cute like this' is what the boy thought while seeing you in what he thought was your 'off-stage' persona.
"You're Y/n, right? I enjoyed your performance."
Turning around to face the one who talked to you, he seemed familiar but the dim lights shone brightly against the back of his head which made it harder to decifer his features.
"Yea, and you are...?" You looked kind of relaxed but still wary of this guy.
"I see, it was nice meeting you Sae." you smiled.
"Can I get your number by any chance?"
"Why not?" You let out a small laugh.
AN: I AM SO SORRY THERE HAVEN'T BEEN ANY STORIES LATELY 😭😭 tmmr is my first final exam and I am trying to get a good grade (it's german 😣)
ANYWAY i still don't know whether to choose Prosa or to choose Erörterung but ik for sure, I won't choose lyrik 💀
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AITA for asking my mom to stop singing?
okay so a couple months back i (a uni student) moved out of my old apartment and back in with my parents while i try to find a new one. the only issue is, since i first moved away, my parents had moved into a smaller house than they had when me and my siblings were growing up. they now have their bedroom and my dad's study, but no additional bed or guest rooms. for this reason, i have been sleeping on their living room couch.
my mom also doesn't have a room of her own, so her laptop is also in the living room, as is mine. so basically the living room is our shared domain for the time we spend at home. i have class and friends to spend time with, so i'm away relatively frequently (though i'm on winter break now of course), while my mom is retired and is at home basically 95% of the time year-round.
me and my mom both listen to music a lot and our tastes do not overlap basically at all. i listen mostly to indie, folk, rock, the kind of stuff white queer kids love, while my mom's music is almost entirely soulful christian pop about big j and stuff.
up until recently, my mom didn't wear headphones. she'd play music directly from her laptop speakers. this obviously bothered me somewhat, but i hadn't said anything about it. recently (i.e. a couple weeks ago) i asked her if she'd consider starting to wear headphones, which she has for the most part, though sometimes she forgets. i just kinda let her do whatever if she does, i haven't mentioned it again since.
so that's the first time i asked my mom to be quieter, and i don't think i'm an asshole for that. my worry is about the second time. you see, over the last week, she's taken to singing along to her tunes. maybe she did that before and i just didn't notice over the actual song itself? anyway, i can definitely hear it now.
and of course it's not the best musical performance, it's a lady with little singing experience belting along to her favourite songs, but it's not really about the quality of the singing. i don't like the music she likes and would prefer not to listen to it, is all.
today, whilst she was singing, i gently asked her: "could you stop singing?" i didn't mean forever, just in that moment. i really tried to say it in a nice way, and i don't think i sounded particularly rude? it should be noted, though, that my parents do seem to think of me as some kind of sensitive sally intent on criticizing every little thing they do. that feeling does kind of go both ways, but i admit sometimes i can be harsh on my mom, because she can be overbearing and a bit neurotic, and i don't really get to have the space i wish i could, especially not now when i'm living with them.
anyway, so i ask: "could you stop singing?" and my mom says something like "okay- well, i would prefer not to." the way she said it really made it sound like i had hurt her feelings. so i said, "okay. that's alright. you can sing." she stopped singing and has been sort of running around for the last 10 minutes or so restlessly doing random things.
my parents are that kind of people who are really really deep in "politeness" and genuinely baffle me since i'm autistic (like, a couple of days ago we had some leftover cake, and my dad straight up forced me to take half of what was left over even though i said i didn't want it. i still don't really know why?) so i'm sure even though i said "okay, nevermind then," my mom didn't believe me.
while she was running around doing random things, i told her, "sorry if i hurt your feelings." and she said, "oh, it's nothing." i genuinely don't know if i'm in the wrong here. i feel like, on the one hand, this is a space we have to share, and i should have the right to ask her not to make noise (i always wear headphones and never sing along to music or vc with friends when my parents are around), but on the other hand, it's her house, and she should have the right to sing in it, right? i don't know.
TL;DR: i asked my mom to stop singing in the only space for our computers in the house and i'm pretty sure it upset her. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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it-happened-one-fic · 25 days
Dancing With Visions - A Careful Partner - Ballroom Tango - Diluc
Author Notes: Guess which 5-star I picked for myself? In all honesty though, I was so amused when I rolled this dance for Diluc. This fic was written to “Feel So Close” by David Guetta, and the dance wasinspired by the tango by Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Meryl Davis to the same song on Week 6 of Season 18 of Dancing with the Stars. Just like the rest of this series, Reader is female. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more of this series, the fics can be found here: Dancing with Visions Masterlist.
Type: Female reader/ dance/ fluff/platonic or romantic /sfw
Word Count: 1473
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It was always amusing. How, despite Diluc’s maturity, the smallest thing could turn into a competition between him and Kaeya. A suitable show of their sibling relationship that, despite how they may behave at times, had never truly waned in the slightest.
That was what had happened with the dance lessons. Kaeya and his partner had learned the rumba to such an impressive degree that Diluc couldn’t be left behind, which had led to me and him practicing the tango relentlessly in our youth, despite how perfectly embarrassing it had been for both of us.
I’d always suspected that the tango had not been near what Diluc had expected when he’d first chosen it as the dance we’d learn, and the same could be said for the rumba when Kaeya had picked it. Though, to be fair, both men had been young when all of  that had occurred.
 Either way, it had led to me and Diluc being able to tango at what at least one person had referred to as an unholy speed. Though, even to this day, Diluc was usually at least a little stiff and embarrassed while dancing with me. But that was just a part of Diluc.
I glanced over at the man next to me, standing off to the side of the stage where we’d both agreed to perform for a Knights of Favonius dance competition that was raising money for in-need children despite Diluc’s eternal beef with the group.
Kaeya had already turned this competition into a more personal one with his performance, though. Especially since he’d grinned over at Diluc as soon as the applause had erupted when he’d finished dancing with his partner.
I eyed the redhead closely before looking back out onto the stage where Jean was currently dancing a lovely waltz with Swan.
 I reached out towards Diluc as I watched the other young couple, carefully linking my pinkie finger with his, and soon feeling his curl around mine in return as he silently stood by my side.
 I smiled slightly as I continued to watch the Acting Grandmaster, finding that I had nothing but confidence in the two of us. If this was going to be yet another competition between Diluc and his brother, then I would do as I always did in such things. I would support him wholeheartedly.
My hand slipped away from his as we both stepped out onto the brightly lit stage at the same time, looking towards each other simultaneously. Almost like we’d practiced it.
There was the slightest of smiles on his face as I looked at him, feeling a relaxed smile of my own spread across my face even though we were standing in front of a crowd that looked like it held the majority of Mondstadt.
 It was only natural that people had shown up to watch considering how adored the young master of the Dawn winery was. Especially since Diluc’s participation in something held by the Knights of Favonius wasn’t something to be missed.
Our hands moved in sync, wrapping around each other and locking together before we started forward. Looking towards the crowd as we walked together, side by side, as if there were nothing in the world out of the ordinary. Totally unconcerned by the competition.
He raised my hand high before releasing it to slip backwards and grasp my waist as I slid quickly to the side. A sudden opening to our performance as I spun before halting. One hand pressed to his chest as I let him slowly, and with careful control, lean me backwards into a dip as I stretched out one leg.
And then it began. Our typical speed.
The two of us spun to the side as we held onto each other in a sort of embrace as we whirled into the next pose, where I was arched backwards with one leg extending so that the toe of my shoe barely touched the ground before he pulled me back upright. A fraction of space between us as our motions briefly slowed. Building tension alongside the music until the beat finally hit.
In an instant I was spinning out to the side, one leg kicking out to help me maintain balance before he began marching me along the stage as people began to cheer. 
Our feet hit the ground to match the pounding beat as we rotated along. Trading off on who was pushing the other backwards until we both paused to face the same direction.
I smiled slightly as we held that perfectly angled, almost stiff pose for the briefest of seconds before we took off, marching together now and no longer battling for dominance.
This was where our teacher had always said we were at our best. Our innate ability to match each other and have total trust in the other to be exactly where we expected them.
The beat of the music slowed, and so did our motions. The marching speed dwindling so we could spin together, and I found myself smiling out at the crowd as we struck a careful pose where Diluc had stopped us at the very edge of the stage. Like he knew exactly how far he could push us.
But then he probably did know exactly where the edge of the stage was. He was nothing if not a careful partner. It was one of the reasons I’d always trusted him so implicitly.
Even when we’d both still been young and learning the dance, barely able to make it even a few minutes without growing too embarrassed to continue, Diluc had always been far more preoccupied with my comfort than his own.
I could see Kaeya already chuckling to himself as Amber clapped alongside him. Her eyes alight with excitement as she watched me and Diluc.
But she had never seen us dance. In fact, few had. Me and Diluc seldom danced at all, much less when anyone was around. He was far too busy, and even during my visits our time was typically spent chatting and resting in one another’s presence. 
Plus, there was the fact that Diluc still managed to get embarrassed while dancing with me even after all these years. I could only assume that he was making it through this competition without flushing solely on his willpower alone.
We trotted backwards, our motions oddly delicate as I twisted my head so that me and Diluc were once more, looking in different directions. 
He stopped us with perfect timing yet again and pulled me into a rapid rotation before our motions slowed once more and he had me gliding backwards.
Last second, he turned so that my back was to the crowd as I leaned forward, resting my head against his shoulder before he guided me into leaning even further back than I had been originally. It wasn’t a full dip, but it was far enough back that it added more interest to the motion when I leaned back forwards, to face across the stage.
And as the beat hit, we pivoted. Twisting and immediately making eye contact for the briefest of seconds before we marched, with light kicking motions, across the stage. 
As soon as we reached the edge, he spun us, pushing me backwards with the stalking steps the ballroom tango was so well known for, as I smiled to myself. Pondering what we looked like to those watching.
Diluc’s gaze flashed my way, and he smiled almost imperceptibly before hurriedly looking away as he inhaled and started us into our rotation. Our bodies pressed so close together that we were almost like two halves of the same coin. 
The faces of the crowd and people manning the stage around us were blurring so much that the only truly clear thing was Diluc himself, his bright red eyes as warm as any hearth as I smiled back at him, and a pinkish hue started to creep across the edges of his ears.
I could hear the crowd though as they cheered around us. Bennett, Adelinde, and Kaeya’s voices were notable among them, and they almost made me grin even more, if such a thing were possible.
With zero hesitation, Diluc let go of my one hand and spun me out before letting go of my other hand so that I could make a full rotation. But, just as ever, his hand was there and waiting for me as I stopped. Standing right next to him as I looked up to meet his gaze once more. 
Our hands carefully finding one another before we started walking forward with the same slow, controlled pace we started our dance with.
And that was how we exited the stage, walking hand-in-hand back into the curtained section at the back of the stage as applause echoed from behind us.
If you would like to read more:
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baileypie-writes · 8 months
Can u plz do Velvet and Veneer with a preteen sister reader who's a theatre kid? Like, when Velvet and veneer are gone, she's rehearsing her lines and songs. And she was too scared of them to find out bc reader assumed they would make fun of her, so they find out through the readers first play?
Tysm!! <333
A/N ~ Sure! I decided to make the show Into the Woods, and the Reader is Little Red Riding Hood. Hope you enjoy(because I sure enjoyed writing it)!
~Little Red~
Velvet and Veneer + Theatre Kid!Little Sister!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Reader: Female, preteen, Velvet and Veneer’s little sister, theatre kid
Relationship: Familial
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Velvet and Veneer had no idea you were a theatre kid. That was, until they got tickets to your first show.
Warnings: Minor stage fright(Reader), Reader comparing herself to Velvet and Veneer
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“Mother said ‘Straight ahead’
Not to delay or be mislead”
You sang, reading the sheet music closely. You made sure that you were in character, wanting to sound as much like Red as possible.
Your school was putting on a production of Into the Woods. Being in the theatre club, you were of course a part of it. You really hoped to land the part of Little Red Riding Hood. Much to your delight, you got it!
It had been a long while since then. Your play was the next night. And while you probably didn’t need any more practice, you thought it wouldn’t hurt.
The garage door opening snapped you out of your thoughts. Your older siblings, Velvet and Veneer, were home. You quickly folded your script and sheet music, and hid them in your backpack.
Your siblings didn’t exactly know about your play. That is, you haven’t told them. You were too embarrassed to. They were big time pop stars, the biggest ones in fact. A simple little musical like this would only make them laugh. So you practiced in secret.
It was now the night of your play. You stayed after school to get ready, as it started in just two hours. Velvet and Veneer awaited your return, but became confused when you were ten minutes late.
“Hey, Mom!” Veneer called. “Where’s (name)? She should be home by now.”
“She’s staying after school to get ready.” Your mom responded.
Velvet and Veneer turned to each other, even more puzzled.
“Ready for what?”
“… The play?”
The twins shared another confused look, before getting up and entering the kitchen, where your mom was.
“Mom, what are you talking about? What play?” Velvet asked, looking at her as if she were crazy.
“What do you mean ‘what play’? Into the Woods! (name)’s school play! Please tell me you know about it?” Your mother said. When Velvet and Veneer stood in silence, she sighed. “(name) didn’t tell you, did she?”
The twins shook their heads, and your mom sighed again.
“Oh my god… Well, we’re all going. I already bought the tickets, so no backing out!”
“Okay!” Veneer said excitedly.
“I just can’t believe she didn’t tell us!” Velvet complained. “Who’s she playing anyway?”
“Little Red Riding Hood.”
The twin’s jaws dropped.
“Wow! That’s a big part! Aww, she’s gonna be so cute!” Veneer said, picturing you wearing a red hood and carrying a little basket.
“Yeah I know!” Your mom agreed. “Now, we leave in about an hour and a half, so make sure to be ready!”
As you finished doing your makeup, the reality sank in that you’d be on stage in front of a lot of people. You didn’t know how nervous you were up until now. But before you could panic, you stopped yourself. Velvet and Veneer had performed in front of crowds over twice this size. So you could do this!
You noticed many of your fellow actors rushing to the curtain. Following the flow of kids, you saw that the ones at the front of the group were looking into the crowd.
“Hey! We’re not supposed to do that.” You tried stopping them.
“I know but… just look!” One of the kids said.
You scoffed, wondering what could be so interesting that it required breaking the rules. You peeked behind the curtain, and froze.
Velvet and Veneer. They were here. Why? You didn’t invite them. You didn’t even tell them this was happening! Your nerves skyrocketed. Right as you were about to panic, your director called out.
“Curtain in two minutes!”
Velvet and Veneer sat in the front row. Veneer was clearly excited out of his mind. He just couldn’t stay still.
“Ahh! I can’t wait! I just know (name)’s gonna do so good!” He whispered.
“Yeah, yeah, I know! You’ve only said that fifteen times! Now be quiet, and sit still. Jeez, it’s like I’m handling a toddler…” Velvet said.
Suddenly, the lights dimmed. Immediately after, the crowd became quiet. The curtain rose, the stage lights turned on, and the music began.
Velvet and Veneer sat through the character introductions, clearly bored. They didn’t care about the bakers, Cinderella or Jack. All they cared about was seeing a little girl in a red hood. After a few minutes, there you were, skipping through the bakery.
“I wish
It’s not for me, it’s for my granny in the woods
A loaf of bread, please
To bring my poor old hungry granny in the woods
Just a load of bread, please” You sang, cheerful and fully of energy. Everyone in the crowd laughed as you sang the last bit with your mouth full of bread.
Velvet and Veneer had never felt so proud of you up until now. They never knew you had a talent in musical theatre! But there you were, singing and acting with the spotlight on you. It’s was like you and the character were one. Like you were born to play this role.
The play was over, and the curtains closed. The applause was still going, but Velvet and Veneer practically jumped out of their seats. They needed to see you.
They waited outside the stage. Veneer was holding a bouquet of flowers, a gift to congratulate your excellent performance.
You exited the dressing room, now out of costume. You turned the corner, and nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw your siblings. You sighed, and prepared yourself for the endless teasing. But to your surprise, it never came.
“(name)!” Veneer dashed over to you. Velvet followed behind. “You were amazing!” He said, placing the flowers in your arms.
You were confused. Both by the compliment and the flowers. “Oh. Uh… thanks?”
“But why didn’t you tell us about this?” Velvet asked.
“Oh… well uh… I kinda thought you’d make fun of me.” You mumbled.
Velvet and Veneer gave confused looks. “Make fun of you? Why would we do that?” Veneer asked.
“Well, you guys are famous pop stars! This was just some silly school play… And I was playing a silly little girl in a hood.”
“Silly?” Veneer said. “It was awesome!”
You looked up, shocked. “Really?”
“Yeah. You were better than Cinderella!” Velvet complimented. Something that she rarely does.
“Agreed! Hey, when’s your next play? Because we’re definitely coming to that!” Veneer asked.
You laughed. You totally didn’t expect them to be so impressed. You suppose that you should be proud of yourself for that, considering that they’re pop stars. But you were just relieved that they didn’t tease you. Instead, you just gained your number one fans!
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kstaki · 5 months
FLT Niigata Report
Actually wanted to just say some stuff I notice and thought when watching. No spoiler for the basic story plot just some stuff that caught my eye & opinion.Plus what I roughly remember from the Act 2 their talk and concert.
Btw Himeno & Rita are wearing Heels and Platform compare to G-Rosso.
I feel like in this story Rita seems to stand out (express themselves) a lot I love every moment they appear. (They do have their screaming moment 🫣) maybe I am bias but I did watch everyone looking out at things.
Yanma was wearing glasses 🤓 at one point lol
There is definitely the sibling moments in the story between Gira & Racles 😊 (Can I just spoil Gira call Racles Onii-Chan?)
There are some really good pairing moments 🫣
Also the props were amazing and I like how they make use of the stage to hide their OhgerCalibur and Kumonoslayer.
First show there were mishaps 😂
Like Rita was supposed to take out their OhgerCalibur from their back but was struggling to do so. There is an extra who usually helps them take it out.
Then Racles in Suit apparently had his cape caught in his horn while fighting 😂
Probably still have somemore but these two are one I remember 😆
(I can’t remember everything so I would say basically what I remember could be wrong i apologize but it a long day…)
Act 2 for first show
They first performed Chikyuu Dance ( Zenryoku King) yes Racles is also inside
Then they announce their guest.
Shiokara introduced himself normally while Morfonia introduced herself in Rita manner.
King solve problem
I think they took a question from audience, then they let Morfonia choose and she wanted someone with glasses.
I think they ask Racles do something but I forgot what it was 😅
Then there is another question like what to do about children like and dislike.
They all were discussing but we could still hear them talk can’t remember what they say in the end. I only just remember the guys admitting they have stuff they don’t like then Yanma saying he doesn’t like tomato but tomato sauce he can?
King Swap (I think that what it was?)
They are supposed to pull out a paper and act similar to the character that is currently on stage.
Gira was up and he acted like Racles but also in a silly way (if i remember correctly is like the Yano side)
Yanma act like Gira but somehow he sort of added himself inside. Since there was a part he acted like ‘Gira’ had to do this part but he couldn’t do it. So he ask Yanma for help who show it to him.
Matsumoto-San (MC) then ask audience who they wanted to do it hot fav was of course Jeramie.
He drew himself out but change then end up with Kaguragi. It was apparently about his muscles
Apparently Jeramie said something before hand (I forgot what it was) before saying like melon and showing off his muscles left and right before repeating the movement again but this time with the word watermelon.
At first beginning Kaguragi look slightly embarrassed like he didn’t believe he did that but soon join in doing same movement last word after watermelon which was pumpkin?
Matsumoto-San asked if Kaguragi if Jeramie got him right which of course being Kaguragi say it perfect.
They still had time so Matsumoto-San ask who they (audience) wanted do next everyone scream Racles.
Racles end up picking Shiokara, who infamous line is Yanma-Kun!!!
Once he was done Matsumoto-San ask Shiokara who deny ever doing that sort of run that Racles did. That happen to be like the Naruto run 🤣
Afterward it was the character song
When everyone was taking their penlight. Rita had wander behind I thought they were going to take a sip or something.
Morfonia was all set to just cheer until Rita told her they had work.
Morfonia upsetting put down the light stick just as Rita turn around to show they had zip down their collar. They straight went into Rittan mode.
Both of them started to dance and not so sure if Rita was singing while dancing 😅 (I like to believe they are) I really like them both dancing to the song especially how previously Rita had ask Morfonia to learn the dance the day before Sapporo FLT 😂 so I guess if Morfonia is around and Rita is singing she has to wor-I mean dance.
After Rita was done they announced next one was Gira-Chi! In which Gira had announced himself as Gira-Chi. They run off stage (now that I think about it maybe they went to change their shoes? Because I think it was difficult to dance in platform?) they came back when the song already start with their collar zip up.
Gira had a microphone instead in his hand to sing and in middle of performance Racles went up to him. Like a proud big brother cheering beside him while he sing (I can’t remember if he put his arm around his shoulder or not but I think so)
Then it ended they say their thanks to the audience. (I don’t recall first one but the next two is epic)
Second show time
Act 2
During the Chikyuu Dance (Zenryoku King) apparently Himeno accidentally turn wrong side but quickly turns. However Racles notice because he was beside her he was apparently sort of teasing her about it by his facial expression.
Basically it was like this left to right Yanma, Himeno, Racles, Gira, Jeramie, Rita and Kaguragi.
Then they introduced the guest Shiokara the same, Morfonia this time did it in Rita-Mofu voice.
They did a bit of small talk apparently if I remember correctly Matsumoto-San was asking Himeno about Niigata especially like she had like a friend or acquaintance. Then somehow Himeno refer she know from Murakami Erica (So yeah they are still them (character) in this show😂)
This time it wqs Skapon Tanuki game
Basically it was where you are given 2 different scenario & you just say ‘Skapon Tanuki’ to it. The rest have to guess which one so the scenario they are acting out.
(I don’t remember the scenario sorry)
Himeno was up first so she did her Skapon Tanuki. While the rest were discussing.
Himeno interacted with the fans to do penlight wave.
When they decided on their answer apparently Racles did an A pose which was like hand against his side and he did almost like a small split. They were all comment and laughing at him. Then Rackes was saying that the can do A clap for him which was two finger like ✌🏽 victory pose and then one finger on the other hand. Then clap the victory pose onto to the other one.
They got Himeno correct
Next was Gira who did a bit of wave but later just played with the audience. Like he move either left or right we had to copy him so like he was testing us.
Once they decided, I think they said B. Once again Racles did a B pose. I think it was like his arm curve to his side and one leg curve against the other. I forgot how they did the B hand 😅 but Gira said it was wrong.
They all question him and somehow Gira was figuring out how to explain so he took out a snack hidden him. He open it and start eating which everyone was questioning him what was he doing. He said he needed the snacks to explains. Yet while he was explaining they were all saying it didn’t seem like it. I can’t remember if he admit he might does it wrong or not (The Kings & aides refuse to be wrong lol)
Afterward Kaguragi turns who after he did his Skapon-Tanuki. He immediately ask the audience if they know his colour 😆 then Kaguragi just did whatever he can with the audience with the penlight while the rest discuss.
They guess it correctly and yes Racles still did his body pose answer 😂
Afterward it was like Niigata sort of promoting their prefecture, it was voluntarily. Yanma went up first then follow by Rita. Apparently both of them did food & in their roll call sort of momentum. (I don’t recall what they said 😭 but it sound & felt like that)
Yet Yanma was so impressed with Rita that he went up to sort of give their approval which is like fist bump. (Considering they always don’t get along lol)
Then Matsumoto-San said they can do one more. Somehow the audience sabotaged Racles to do it who was taken back. He really couldn’t think what to say and even if he did. It was sort of short which confused the rest. Only Yanma & Rita had the guts to sort of well applauded him but by doing the A applauded like I mention earlier. (I THINK THEY WERE TEASING HIM)
Racles was like stop itttttt he was like embarrassed.
Next was character song.
Himeno performed first while I can’t say much it a normal performance but I always notice everyone always trying to figure out the penlight colour 😂 (they always help out each other)
Next was Jeramie who performed
There was one part while he was performing Racles was being…playful and was like swaying side to side behind him.
Apparently if I remember correctly Kaguragi was still figuring out the colour with Rita then once he got it. He went over to Racles and then they started doing swaying side to side even while Jeramie was performing 😂
After that was final word so Racles wanted to do a call & response. So he did two one was
Call: Tami wa
Response: Dogu
Call: Watashi ga
Response: Kuni da
Basically it is infamous line. People are tool and he is country.
Jeramie was next I think drawing of heart. He did it before asking us to be silent before say aishiteru and with a bang? (I honestly cannot remember but I remember he did a bang)
As afterward I think Kaguragi also did a bang but I complete forgot because of the next part…
Rita was like I promise everyone we will be together forever. Then pause…does anyone want to be shot by me?
Rita did the shooting pose and Bang!
(I nearly die…)
THAT I COMPLETELY FORGOT YANMA AND HIMENO but if I am correct Yanma was just saying Skapon Tanuki to us and Himeno call response.
Morfonia did call and respond but approval from Rita.
So she did
Call: Gokkan
Response: Fudo
Also the reason Yanma doesn’t do call & response if Shiokara is around since he do it for him so it.
Call: Yanma-Kun
Response: Kakkoi!
(Yanma-Kun is cool)
Gira had one too but I don’t remember 😅
Third show Act 2
Morfonia intro herself normally
It was like what does a King do on their off day.
Rita and Morfonia was up first apparently they both disappeared into the backstage. They had reappear on stage with Moffun fan and a big Moffun. Apparently they went shopping for Moffun.
I read somewhere the fan said Moffun hardcore fan? Then behind was 同担拒否 i am not sure how to translate that 😅
Morfonia was showing off her big Moffun while Rita was saying they got a small one given to them by their fav idol Iko Marina. Then they started calling out for them.
(In episode 38 Rittan idol, the idol that appear who thought she was in Sentai production)
And yeah Ikoma Rina was in the room (I read she show off her Rita’s towel I was on second floor so didn’t see)
Yanma and Shiokara were saying they weren’t sure how to top that…
They sort of did like a fishing trip 😂 where they haven’t caught anything until finally they did.
Only to be disappointed the reason they caught nothing because hook was stuck on Yanma’s shoes?
Then they did like janga? Almost like it a comedy skit
Then they had time for one more Matsumoto-San was asking? I think or he already decide. Since yeah Racles name got call again. (apparently he can’t take a break)
So it Gira & Racles
Apparently they choose scenario where Racles was waiting for Gira while queuing for food.
Gira finally arrive and Racles wanted to pull him to where he was waiting. However someone stop him saying it not good to cut line.
Racles was very persistent since he say Gira wanted to eat while Gira was trying not make a scene. It ended when they realize the person stopping them is Douga 🤣
Then they did janga also which Yanma and Shiokara were protesting 😂
Next is
Is Himeno selfish?
To honest I think all these moment is just when she not ahem in character ahem.
Matsumoto-San was asking everyone scenario.
Apparently Rita & Kaguragj kept raising their hand and trying to get attention only to get scolded by Matsumoto-San.
I know Kaguragi Rita and Racles? Yanma a bit also got give their input that she is not selfish.
I don’t recall much but I remember one being the pizza.
Kaguragi was saying like she would order pizza and sharing it with the rest.
Himeno just responded she wouldn’t be able to finished it that why.
Basically even scenario Himeno was just denying being not selfish.
Of course the audience had to decide if she was being selfish or not with the clap. Himeno was trying to get us to show she is selfish but of course 😆 she couldn’t.
So it concluded she isn’t selfish.
Finally the last part…
Apparently everyone decide to do call & response.
Racles was the same as 2nd show. Then Jeramie wanted to try it out and (he was being a bit mean lol)
Call: Jeramie Suki Kai?
Response: Daisuke!
He kept doing it but in between he was like about to say Kaguragi name but stop. (Usually he like to ask if they like Kaguragi too sometimes)
So yeah this is where the Kings start to get petty since like Jeramie was getting TOOO much attention.
Kaguragi was next.
Call: Tofu min wa!
Response: Chikyuichi
Kaguragi then like smirks to Jeramie
Rita was next who wanted to do cal and response also.
Call: Zutto
Response: Issho
Rita also smirks at Jeramie
Himeno was next
Call: Watashi ga tsuyokutte ittara
Response: Utsukushi
Himeno turn to smirks at Jeramie who wasn’t sure what to say but was just smiling about it.
(I love when they just want to out do one another like in G-Rosso the penlight! Sadly I don’t think Racles has a colour 🥲)
Of course Yanma didn’t bother since Shiokara did his call and response again like 2nd show.
Morfonia was like since Rita did already call and response she like never mind. Rita say she can still do like before
Apparently Morfonia got too excited and say can it be Gokkan & Rita? Rita probably a bit puzzle say ok
Call: Gokkan to Rita
Response: Fudo
Morton is joke that Rita cannot move from their spot then Rita was like then they cannot leave Niigata 😂😅
I save the best for last of course
Gira say he really thought long and hard for it his call & response since his last one was that good.
Call: Red Panda
Response: Gira Hasty
IT WAS SO FUNNY AND GOOD HAHAHA I will just like to say Gira won this ‘unofficial’ contest hahaha 🤣
Oh yeah at the end of the show Gira will always do call & response with us. His infamous line.
Call: Sekai O
Response: Shihai Suru!
Wahhh I don’t know how the people who go watch show remember so well. I don’t remember much but like bit and pieces…so yeah. Well I doubt my next event I have to remember much I think 🤣
Anyway thanks for anyone who read until the end and sorry if it messy hahaha I tried…
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dent-de-leon · 1 year
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Forever heartbroken at the thought that Lucien was another victim of a hag, at the mercy of someone else's bargain with them--like Beau, like Veth. A deal he never made, but was still forced to pay the price. Even as it tore his family apart. Lucien, young and terrified and wallowing in guilt, haunted for years by all the people he was forced to lead to a little house in the woods. Unable to bear it any longer.
"'We did owe her. Mum and Da did, I mean, but I was the one who paid that blood price.' I'm not surprised you remember the way. His stomach lurched. 'I'd...lure folk out to her cottage. Da would hand me a little paper slip, and whoever it said, I'd convince them to come along, get them near her cottage, and she would charm them. You saw what happens after that.'"
"'We were punished for seeing what they couldn't. After a while I couldn't let it go on, couldn't look at myself or live with myself, so I burned down the caravan with all three of them inside, took my sister, and that was that...No more little songs. No more farces.'"
"If all along her demise only required a dagger to the heart, then why had he let it go on so long? A parade of faces whipped by, and Lucien abruptly had to know, had to see...he raced to the cottage and threw open the door. And there he saw the parade of faces again, lifeless and now stretched..."
Lucien who knows so intimately the same pain of Caleb's past, both of them desperate to do everything they can to turn back time, get their family back. But Lucien's parents never loved him like that, were never the kind and warm family that Caleb had. They abused him and his siblings for years. And then they forced him to be part of their deal with a hag.
And all the while, as a young child Lucien was leading dangerous people deep into the woods all alone, that very same witch always intended to add him to her collection one day too. Lucien's father sends others to their deaths so easily. If the hag had outright asked for his own child instead, would he even care? Because he didn't when the hag made their first son Empty, turned him into a hollow puppet.
And what Azrahari says to Lucien is just so chilling, such a violation of his autonomy. "My beautiful boy...I had hoped to make you mine one day. What a perfect specimen you would have made. Oh, how you would have been merry with laughter and dance..." (And the comment about being beautiful? Can't help remembering Jester calling Lucien dreamy, and how it takes him by surprise. How all his life he was made to feel different, cursed--an outcast--)
Thinking about "no more little songs." Thinking about how much Lucien actually loved the little plays and performances his family put on, still remembers his lines all these years later, still carries a love for song and dance that bleeds into Mollymauk. Molly, who does get to be "merry with laughter and dance," who fills the Emptiness Lucien always so feared with joy and warmth and love.
Making a happy life for himself, taking back the freedom and autonomy the hag and the Eyes all tried to steal from Lucien. And maybe a part of Lucien always recoils from Mollymauk because he reminds him too much of the haunting mirror image the hag tried to make him, the promise of eternal happiness while tying him with puppet strings. Lucien never quite believing that Molly is real or whole or free, that such a charmed life can be anything but a dream--like the one he always chased--
Thinking of how the thing Lucien wanted most was a happy family, the "once upon a time" fairytale life from the stories he always cherished, merry little songs and plays and dance. Stories as an escape, a familiar place of childhood comfort, something to cling to in his darkest moments.
"'Once upon a time, there was a happy family.' (He recognized the sweet, musical voice of Elatis...) 'Mother and Father loved their three children dearly, and they all lived in a green wooden house with tall windows and strong doors. Mother taught the young of a fine, rich family, and Father carved instruments for the kingdom's musicians. They never went hungry, they never quarreled, and their lives were golden for all their days.'"
"'Once upon a time,' he said, eyes open and staring across the dome gathering snow. 'There was a happy family, and they were that way for a little while. Something tore them apart from the inside out...There was a happy family, and then it was gone.'"
"Once upon a time, there was a happy family... In the dream they would be whole again. In Cognouza, it would all be fixed...He told himself it wasn't too far gone, then pulled his shoulders back and clawed raw wounds down his monstrous face, smiling all the while, his teeth becoming fangs becoming tusks. Once upon a time..."
Thinking of how it's ultimately the Moonweaver who's able to make those dreams a reality, who gives them the second chance he's always begged for. "Once upon a time--" "Twice upon a time--" "Thrice upon a time--" When a part of him became Molly. When the two of them become Kingsley.
"'Once upon a time,' she says, then her milk-white eyes pop upon in surprise and she giggles. You want to stay here forever, in her odd, forever-moving sensuality. 'No, twice upon a time. Now we can begin. Begin again, I mean.'"
"Here we go: Once upon a time, twice upon a time. She pauses and giggles. 'Thrice upon a time, f--' Her white brow furrows. 'Hang on. What comes after thrice? Does anyone know?...Isn't that the strangest thing? There is nothing after thrice in the sequence, it just ends there. But that doesn't seem right, does it? Or fair. Well. I think we shall just have to make it up."
Thinking about a young and terrified tiefling whose parents handed him over to a witch, who was offered the illusion of happiness and freedom again and again, but always it came with chains. Who always feared becoming Empty, who was almost made into a doll, a puppet, a hollow shell for a hag's entertainment, something to put on display like a grisly trophy, to puppet the strings like a marionette. Thinking about a goddess of Love who cradled this wounded soul in her arms, cut him free and sang him songs, made him the beloved king of a fairytale--
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thelittleliars · 2 years
Super Bowl
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: fluff, gender neutral
Words: 1K
Summary: Natasha stays up to watch the Super Bowl with you.
AN: This one is for all the (american) football lovers! Super Bowl is today and I just had to write this little one-shot. Part 4 of the Silent Series will be posted in a couple of days since I'm still figuring out a good way to end it, sorry for the long wait.
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Natasha and you were visiting her parents in Russia. It was the first time you'd meet Alexei and Melina in person. Of course they met you over facetime already but wished for a personal get-together. You both decided to keep the relationship low but then got caught by Yelena and somehow the word got to their parents and voila Russia here we were. Nervousness and excitement was consuming you both on the flight to St. Petersburg but you two always assured each other that this will be good and fun. 
And it turned out to be one of the best days of your lifes, her parents welcomed you with opened arms, even threatened Nat if she hurts you, they'll hurt her! That was how much they already loved you. As soon as you were there they told you tons of stories about little Natasha and small Yelena, while the embarrassing ones were awful to hear for Nat she still let her parents tell you them. After you all ate and got to see childhood and teenage hood photos, you and Nat decided to go back to the cabin Alexei and Melina build near their house. It was a tiny private place meant for the Romanoff-Belova siblings when they came to visit. And everybody was glad about that since privacy with your significant other was better than being under the same roof with the parents and hearing noises that were traumatizing. 
"Babe?" You called out from your bedroom while going through your suitcase. Natasha popped out her head from the bathroom before revealing herself completely. "You called me, detka?"
When you looked up to face her, your breath got caught in your throat, your girlfriend just looked so stunning with wet hair and wearing a tank top. "I swear you're always doing this on purpose."
She lifted her right eyebrow and crossed her arms underneath her breasts, which made her even more irresistible. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."
She knew that you knew that she knew what you were talking about and this was all teasing and payback for your endless teasing on the flight. "Anyways," you shook your head to get ahold of yourself. "Have you seen my jersey?"  
"You really weren't kidding when you said you'll watch the Super Bowl from Russia even at 2:30 in the morning." You blushed and looked down. Even though you weren't american you still loved the sport and never missed a single Super Bowl and its iconic halftime shows. "It's in my suitcase, you specifically told me to pack it since yours would too much of a mess."
"And I was right about that! Thanks honey." You went towards her suitcase and got your jersey, quickly throwing it on before you went to Nat and gave her a long kiss. "I love you so much but now I gotta go and make some mac & cheese."
"You and Yelena are the fucking same!" She told you right before you left and then quickly adding that she loved you too.
Later when the game started Natasha yawned like nothing else and you told her to go to bed and sleep since it was already 2:30am but she was too stubborn so she suffered through the game. It was two very intense first quarters before the halftime show finally happened. Somehow seeing Rihanna perform woke Natasha up and then sang along with the songs. Nat being Nat, she was also a very talented singer. You envied her from time to time since you barely had any talent and always wished for being a music genius. Her talents were one of the main reasons why the woman fascinated you so much and constantly supported her. 
"Thanks for staying and watching the Super Bowl with me." The smile she gave you was enough to make you feel like it was the first day of falling in love with her again. "I know you don't like american football much so I appreciate it even more." 
"This is so much better than watching Disney movies with Yelena." You saw Natasha's thinking expression, probably reliving a moment in her head, of her and her sister watching a Disney movie she disliked. "Disney movies are great." She furrowed her eyebrows at your words. "Yeah.. but not if you have to watch princess movies so that Yelena can make fun of them. At first it was fun since she was right with princess movies being boring but now it just gets a bit annoying."
"I definitely have to show you my favorites, they aren't boring since there won't be any princesses in it." She put her lips on yours for a short kiss, leaving you hanging for more. You leaned in, chasing her lips for a more passionate kiss that she happily gave back. "How come you haven't shown me your favorites yet?"
"Because I'm waiting for a special time." Honestly you didn’t know why you hadn’t shown her yet but this reason came close. "You do realize that there's never a right time?"
You took a deep breath, "I know but I still try anyways…"
"How about later we watch one of your favorites?" You shook your head immediately, you didn’t want her to watch yet another thing just for you. "But babe, then you’d watch the Super Bowl and a Disney movie in a day just for me! What about things you wanna watch?"
Her entire facial expression turned into pouting. "I really want to see your favorites Y/N. This is quality time for me and I don't get it that often with being an Avenger… And even though I don’t like football I still enjoy it because I'm with you. And it's all that matters."
How could you say no to her looking like that? Telling you all the words you love to hear, words that made your heart melt away and fall in love with her all over again. "Okay. Let's just continue this game with some popcorn and I'll tell you all about my favorite Disney movies later alright?"
She nodded and got up to get popcorn super quick. After coming back you two cuddled up for the rest of the game. You, of course, had to yell at the tv from time to time since some players were making awful mistakes that costed your team the win in the end. The loss didn't matter to you much though since you had the love of your life beside you and that was all you needed. 
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Before Gwen Stefani wrote and performed hit songs like “Make Me Like You,” she learned a lot about music and love from her parents, Patti and Dennis Stefani.
The No Doubt singer’s mom and dad met at their high school in Anaheim, Calif., and they raised her and her three siblings — Eric, Jill and Todd — in the same city.
As fans of bluegrass and folk music, Patti and Dennis took Gwen to concerts when she was young, which helped spark her interest in music. This fostered a bond between them that wasn't deterred even when Gwen reached stardom, and she decided to keep living with her parents until her late 20s.
To this day, The Voice coach shares a close relationship with Patti and Dennis. For Mother’s Day in May 2024, Gwen posted a touching Instagram video montage, featuring photos of Patti posing with various members of their family. In her caption, she wished her “beautiful Mom + all the beautiful Mom’s out there” a happy Mother’s Day.
The following month, she shared a sweet Instagram photo dump with throwback shots of her and Dennis to celebrate him on Father’s Day. “Happy Father’s Day to my incredible Dad 🤍,” Gwen wrote in her caption. “I love u !!”
Here’s everything to know about Gwen Stefani’s parents, Patti and Dennis Stefani.
Patti and Dennis met in high school
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During a January 2005 interview with Rolling Stone, Gwen shared the story of how her parents first crossed paths.
“My mom and dad met at Anaheim High School,” she said. “After they got married, all they wanted to do was have four children, and they did.”
They married in 1966
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Ahead of exchanging wedding vows with fellow Voice coach and country star Blake Shelton in July 2021, Gwen shared moments from her bridal shower with her family on her Instagram Stories.
"The Sweet Escape" vocalist posted a card with a copy of “The Mass on the Day of Marriage” of her parents, which showed that their wedding date was June 11, 1966.
The card served as her "something old," and it read, “Wishing you all the happiness your heart can hold... today, tomorrow, always. We love you so very much!”
They raised Gwen and her siblings in California
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After Patti and Dennis tied the knot, they welcomed four kids: daughters Gwen and Jill, plus sons Eric and Todd.
Gwen had a positive experience growing up in the greater Los Angeles area. While speaking with Clash in April 2016, she recalled that her parents were regular churchgoers and described an overall “happy home.” She elaborated, “We were kind of like the most idealistic family that you could imagine.”
The performer lived with Patti and Dennis in Anaheim until she was 26, around the time "Just a Girl" climbed to the top of the charts.
“My parents were quite strict with me and I was living at home even into my 20s, and I would have to come home and knock on my parents’ door,” she shared in a March 2017 video about the meaning of the 1995 hit.
She admitted, "I just wanted to write a song to express how I was feeling in that moment and I never in my wildest dreams thought that anyone would hear it."
Patti and Dennis shared their love of music with Gwen
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During her January 2005 interview with Rolling Stone, Gwen recalled her parents introducing her and her siblings to bluegrass and folk festivals.
Folk and country-rock artist Emmylou Harris was one of the first shows Gwen ever attended. “She had just had a baby and she took a break in the middle of the show to go feed the baby," she recounted. "I couldn't believe it.”
Years later, when Gwen started experimenting with her voice and style, she gave her dad a demo tape of a song she wrote titled "End It on This." The artist told Vogue in April 2008 that Dennis would listen to it while going to work and play it for others. He later came back to her with thoughts that immediately stuck with her.
"I remember two things he said to me. One was 'Everybody's saying that your songwriting is really good and you should just keep going,' " she told the outlet. "And the other was 'Don't ever take lessons, because your voice is really unique. There's just something about it.' ”
Dennis is a marketing executive
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According to his LinkedIn profile, Dennis has been the executive vice president at the marketing and consulting company, Added Value North America, since 1989.
The marketing executive’s specialties include “brand and innovation strategy” as well as “new product development systems” and “integrating consumer insights to inspire and guide new product identification.”
Dennis earned an MBA from the College of Business and Economics at California State University, Fullerton, and previously worked at DRI International, TBWA Chiat Day and Yamaha Motor Corporation.
Patti was a dental assistant
When Gwen spoke with Rolling Stone in January 2005, she shared that Patti quit her job as a dental assistant to stay home with her and her siblings.
Gwen’s wedding cake was a recreation of Patti and Dennis’
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On Gwen and Blake’s wedding day in July 2021, they celebrated with a cake made by Dallas-based Fancy Cakes by Lauren. The business shared photos of the cake on Instagram, which featured bells, sugar flowers, white chocolate cherubs and white swan pillars.
“Our bride wanted to make a sentimental statement by recreating her parent’s wedding cake,” the caption read about the dessert's inspiration. “Both of Gwen’s parents were there to see her honor them with this cake.”
Five years prior, in June 2016, Gwen and her sons celebrated Dennis and Patti’s 50th wedding anniversary with a party and a three-tier wedding-style cake decorated with white roses and gold leaves. Gwen shared glimpses of the special day on Snapchat, posting a photo of the cake and a photo of her parents sharing a kiss.
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xomaleyaxo · 8 months
Facts → Blackpink 5th Member
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Tallest member in the group
Favourite Number is 9 as that's her birthday
Her personality type is INFP or Mediator
She can play Guitar and Piano
Has a dog named Luna that she got while Lisa was getting Love and they call them siblings as they come from the same pack
She is often seen as the puppy of the group for her big puppy dog eyes
She has a deep dimple on the right of her cheek which makes people swoon when she smiles.
Has an Older Brother and an Older Sister
Kwon Minjae or Alexander Kwon was born on July 13, 1991 in Auckland, New Zealand.
Kwon Mijoo or Andrea Kwon was born on January 2nd 1996 in Auckland, New Zealand.
Growing up Rae and her sister were often mistaken as twins because of the fact that they were so close in age and Mirae was the same height as her sister
Her mother and father had a very loving relationship and she often talks about how her ideal type would be someone who would love her as much as her father loved her mother
Her father passed away on September 19th, 2005 when she was 8 years old and she often talks about how it changed her life completely
Her older brother became a big father figure during that time as he was much older than his sisters so she’s always grateful for him and the sacrifices he made for his family
She talked about her struggles after her dad passed away in the Blackpink documentary on Netflix and said that it was her first time experiencing death and she never expected it to be her father.
She talked about how she was a major daddy’s girl and was broken when he passed but she was also just super sad because her family sort of fell apart for a bit as he was the glue that held them all together
She talked about her fond childhood memories and how they all were the start of her wanting to become a musician
“My family was always musical, my dad knew like 6 instruments and so he always would play them around us and once we grew up a little he would give us lessons on playing them”
“Every day after school my siblings and I would rush home to complete our homework or whatever we needed to do and would run to our dad to have our daily music session and then once the week was over we would perform for our mom and would pretend we were like a band. I was still a little too young so I would always sing for my mom while my siblings and my dad would play the instruments behind me and we would just have the most fun ever”
“And then when he passed we all just sort of stopped, it was like the passion was gone without him and I didn’t even want to ever sing again or anything because it just made me miss him so much. But one day my mom took us back to Korea for vacation and I was hanging out with my grandpa and was telling him just how much I thought I would want to do music one day and how things just changed for me after his passing and he was like encouraging me to continue because my dad would feel so sad if I stopped because of his passing”
“And so, because of my grandpa, I grabbed my guitar and ended up auditioning for YG in Seoul while I was on summer break and ended up getting in”
Her signature colour is Blue as it is her favourite colour
She was originally the leader of PinkPunk while she was a trainee and was supposed to be the leader of Blackpink as well but then everyone agreed that there shouldn't be a set leader role
She still does a lot of leader things though as she is usually the one to talk to the company and get things settled and is also the one to monitor everyone’s performances
Was known as YG’s ace as she could sing, rap, and dance very well and is even to this day known as one of the best all-rounders in all of kpop
Some songs she wrote are: Stay, Tally, You Never Know, Shut Down, Pink Venom, and many more.
Her solo came out on February 20th, 2019, and was the most streamed female Korean song of all time
She has recently said that she loves producing and wants to release a full album by herself as it is one of her goals
Was a huge fan of K-pop since a young age and stanned the following groups: BigBang, Shinee, Tvxq, 2ne1, 2PM and SNSD.
Revealed on Kim Jaejoong's show that she Got to see Tvxq live as 5 before their breakup and cried for days afterward as Jaejoong was her favourite.
Left YG in 2023 to open her own company called 'Raeform Entertainment' and hired many of her old staff from YG to be a part of it. She is still connected with YG because of Blackpink but mostly is working individually.
Her celebrity crush growing up was Taecyeon from 2PM
Her first kiss was with Hanbin or also known as B.I at the age of 17
One day she was asked about her ideal type on a broadcast and her members jokingly said "She likes Rappers" which made her laugh and giggle at them and agreed
Her type has changed throughout the years depending on who she is with but she has always said that she wants someone who may look hard and masculine but is a dork in real life.
She loves to cook and is very good at making a ton of different dishes and is usually making food for her members and others around her
Many people in her staff and close friends say that she appears to have a hard exterior but is actually a really soft person and very sensitive
She is an empath and always ends up crying if she sees someone else crying/having a hard time
The members picked her as the member to get married first as she is the hopeless romantic type and wishes to get married and have children early.
When asked if she likes older or younger guys she answered "Same-aged guys are my type"
She had auditioned for both SM and YG but ended up going for YG as she was a bigger fan of Big Bang and 2ne1 than the SM groups.
She was the one whistling at the beginning of 'Whistle'
She has 20M+ Subscribers on her solo YouTube channel
She is very competitive and is always trying her hardest to win against her members.
Her and Lisa have apartments next to each other in Seoul and she is always taking care of her when she is in Korea by making her food.
Expressed her desire to become a Rapper as a trainee but ended up becoming the main vocalist due to her impressive singing skills.
Has a scar hidden under her right eyebrow from a fight that happened when she was little with her sister.
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bisluthq · 20 days
you have such a weird approach to taylor and travis’ relationship. it’s so interesting to me that you base their level of knowledge about each other on how much you see them out in public - like if they’re not together, you immediately assume they don’t communicate, therefore they cannot know each other. meanwhile, you were writing borderline fanfiction about joe and taylor, despite them never being seen together. i’m well aware that they spent more time with each other as far as we knew but there was zero indication that joe one year in knew more about taylor than travis does now…
to insinuate that he’s with her for that 8 figure deal but then 2 asks later say that you’re rooting for them is just comical lmao
yes we all know you liked her better with joe but times change, PEOPLE change. idk it’s just super obvious to me that taylor is happy and content in this relationship - to question that and imply that she’s still hung up on her fuckass exes is just very strange. it’s her life, if she truly isn’t happy then we’ll find it eventually but there’s no need to speculate about her being miserable.
can you imagine finally getting to a place where you can enjoy your life, feel like you have your shit figured out only to have your fans be obsessed with the idea that you’re faking your happiness? i’d go absolutely insane - you guys are not better than the gaylor who are convinced that her entire life is just performance art…you’re essentially doing the exact same thing - she says something, you say she’s lying, she seems happy, she must be faking it, she has a man love her, he must be in it for the money like……..just stop
bruv I never ONCE said she’s hung up on an ex and have actively said I don’t think she is. I’ve actively said so when people have implied surprise songs are about an ex because that’s an insane thing to think. I don’t think she’s hung up on any ex and I would judge the absolute fuck out of her if she got back together with either of those guys. That’d be a terrible fucking idea.
but like the cupcakeing here is unreal. “Finally”? My sibling in christ, this woman has been single for like 6-9 weeks over the period of the last ten years. She left Calvin for Hiddles (while also lusting after Joe), she left Hiddles for Joe, she left Joe for Matty (who she’d been fucking when she’d met Calvin lol) and Matty left her. After which she was single for like 7 weeks and then she started dating Travis. She dated Travis for about a month before they went super public together and NEITHER of them have had a chance to fucking breathe because this has been an extremely busy time for them.
this has fuck all to do with Joe lol and it’s reminding me of whenever I’d say her and Joe don’t seem perfectly happy in every way, I’d have people say it’s because I’m a miserable Gaylor. Now apparently because I don’t think her and Travis have EVEN HAD A CHANCE TO DECIDE EITHER WAY, it’s because I’m a widow.
have you thought, just maybe, that I… am just quite realistic and know cognitively that she’s a real person and real people don’t get happily ever afters lmao, they just get more fucking life?? Come on.
I also think it’s fuck naive not to see that they’re both mining this relationship for money and positive publicity. Doesn’t make it fake or bad or mean that they’re miserable but totally utterly delusional to somehow claim they aren’t. Doesn’t mean they’re not happy! In fact it’s probably one of the things that makes them happy like it makes sense and it’s constructive to both of them.
I’m just not into cupcake takes, which this is, and if you want a source that deepthroats whichever guy she’s with rn that’s totally fair - that’s your preference - but then go follow those girls? Block and unfollow?
Come on. I don’t like acting like real people can ever be perfectly perfect in every way, because it’s silly - escapist and perhaps enjoyable for you and that’s SUPER FAIR, but ultimately quite silly.
also no I don’t think she’s lying and I don’t think she was lying the last fifty times she said she’s never been happier only to say that was in fact a miserable time. I think that makes her perfectly imperfect and human 🤷🏻‍♀️😘
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Hey guys! This fanfic is inspired by songs from Rio, and I couldn’t help but write short fluffs just expanding on everyone’s lives before the war. I’ve already established a storyline that leads to the main plot of the second movie and beyond, but, in the buildup, here are some chill fics! Enjoy!
This is for entertainment only. Avatar belongs to James Cameron. I also do not own you, the reader.
Hello, Goodbye - Chapter 1 (Next Chapter >) Neteyam x Reader
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Lunch was something that every warrior looked forward to after a morning of training. Entering his family's kelku along with his father, he greeted his mother and sister before sharing a meal.
He gave his mom a toothy smile after she commended him for his hunt.
"The time has come everyone! My baby tsmuke is ready to sing her first song to Eywa!" Tarsem shouted well into the afternoon with a hit of a dried-up puffball, the consistent pops emphasizing his excitement.
Jake and Neytiri perked up at the announcement, quickly cleaning up the finished vey. Neteyam cocked an eyebrow at Kiri's excitement, one of the top warriors of the clan, his idol besides his father, had a sister?
Making his way down the tree and walking beside his bored brother, he whispered a question to the happy Na'vi his age. "Kiri, do you know who Tarsem's sibling is?"
The girl couldn't contain her smile after sticking her tongue out at his apparent cluelessness. "I'm surprised you don’t, considering you hover around him like a shadow."
"For real, even mom brought her up a couple of times because of their sa’nok," Lo'ak snickered which earned him a pinch to the ear.
"Because Ninat is a wonderful mother for teaching her two kids some manners." Neytiri pointedly said, and Jake chuckled at her tone.
"Tarsem has been talking non-stop about an unexpected performance we'd want to see, so I'm guessing it's this one." His dad added, "One of them got their mother's talent, while the other from their father's."
As they stopped at a clearing on one side of the Tree of Souls, Neteyam took an available seat next to Jake. "So she’s not a warrior like her brother?"
To say Neteyam never paid any attention to the kids their age because of his training as Olo'eyktan would be assuming the same critical views of the clan’s elders. He probably did already meet her, they just weren't past acquainted to talk about their family lives.
Why would they? Those topics were reserved for adults. He, Lo'ak, and his other friends had only really talked about who could make the most accurate Banshee noise and who had the best parents. (Of course, since Neteyam always won this, they'd stopped asking that question ever again.)
"No, but she's currently in training to be one of the best singers in the clan," Jake told him, eyes focused on the musical instruments set before them.
And that's his answer. Since he was a warrior in training, he was always surrounded by the same group of people. If somebody were to ask him if he could name one of the healers in the clan, he would most likely just utter his grandmother's name.
Still, he wished he knew who Tarsem's sister was so Lo'ak would've stopped teasing him about his "L" the whole walk from their place.
From the center of the crowd, Ninat and a few other Na'vi that Neteyam guessed were also aypamtseotu, started making a symphony of clicks and lively thuds to gain everyone's attention and introduce the singer. Of course, Neteyam has watched a few of these performances before either during rituals or leisure, but, they were almost always led by the older Na'vi women.
"All the birds of a feather Do what they love most of all We are the best at rhythm and laughter That's why we love festival"
Neteyam's eyes which were previously fixed on Tarsem's proud gaze shifted to the owner of the young but melodic voice. A short Na'vi girl, about his age, was swaying her arms to the tune of her own making, giving her the illusion of a bird.
Your smile was stretched in glee as you walked around the crowd, gaining each Na’vi’s attention, continuing to sing the very first song Eywa had inspired you to make.
Neteyam was impressed for sure by your talent, but his eyes also widened in recognition when he saw the feathers in your hair. Those two colors… were something he swore he'd never forget a few years ago before all his training had started, that one humid day when he'd stormed off angrily in the direction of his family's pod.
You two were arguing about who said "hi" first to Tarsem when the young tsamsiyu walked past after a greeting. Neteyam has been raised punctual, so for you to show up a few minutes later after he did to watch the training, claiming you'd said hello to his "big brother" before he did, set a fuse in him that led to a full-blown argument that was stopped by none other than Tarsem himself.
Looking back, he supposed considering the warrior was scolding you for your behavior, it was pretty obvious that you two were related. However in his defense, when you're six and you're just so mad at someone, you seem to forget rationale and just remember the striking qualities of said event.
And that was the bright-colored feathers woven into your hair, angrily bouncing up and down just in front of his eyes as your younger self shouted back at him, nitpicking at his height.
The irony in that though was you're the short one now.
Your wide pupils met his and you smirked. The groan he let out was stopped midway by a slap to the arm by his father who had mistaken it as caused by something else.
"Be respectful to (Name.)"
But really, he was just upset that it turned out you were right.
You did say "hi" first to Tarsem.
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fantumbatcave · 1 year
A Ramble: Phantomime by Ghost
This is about my opinion on the EP "Phantomime" by the band Ghost. May not align with your opinions, but whatever. We're adults here. If you continue to read, you have accepted the incoherent ramblings of a Ghost fan (a Ghostie, a Sibling of Sin, Ghost parishioner, etc).
To understand the album’s name: 
From Dictionary.com. Phantom (noun): 1. An apparition or specter 2. An appearance or illusion without material substance, as a dream image, mirage, or optical illusion. 
Pantomime (noun): 1. The art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings, etc., by gestures without speech.  2. A play or entertainment in which performers express themselves mutely by gestures, often to the accompaniment of music. 
And with that, you get Phantomime!
The cover art is absolutely breath-taking. It was sculpted by Hedi Xandt, whose artwork you can check out on instagram! (LINK) Very cyberpunk and cool! They're also in videos on Ghost's YouTube channel. (LINK)
In an interview, it’s said Tobias worked on cover songs while also working on IMPERA. Whenever he felt like his writing wasn’t doing too good, he’d do a song or two. Having a folder called "Covers", these five ended up being the final selection. If you have a moment, you can read it on this blog by slavghoul as well as many others! (LINK)
So, I’m gonna rank each song from first to last! All on what my vibes were feeling. Though, I feel I should say I’m not familiar with the originals. Keep that in mind. Anyway, here we go:
See No Evil by Television 
Great way to start the EP! Tobias’ vocals are amazing in this. Got me pumped up, makes me wanna dance! Can’t shake the idea of this being part of a Kingsman film soundtrack. I’d like to watch an action scene while this plays.
Rating: 4 Papas out of 5
Jesus He Knows Me by Genesis
This was being teased with Papa IV’s face that said “Jesus is Coming.” And sure enough, he froqueing did. Wink, wink. Love the instrumentals, again Tobias’ voice is amazing! This one obviously is my number one favorite for lots of reasons, one of them being that blasphemous music video (do not watch it with family).
Rating: 5 Papas and 1 disgusting Father Jim (call me 🤙🏽) out of 5
Hanging Around by The Stranglers
Damn. Tobias, you can get it– I mean… Awesome song! I imagine going for a drive and blasting this, chilling and singing along. *coughs* Tobias, you free tonight? Wanna hang around? For an hour or two… 
Rating: 4.5 Papas out of 5
Phantom Of The Opera by Iron Maiden
Took me a few more listens. Long songs tend to be a hit or miss for me. I had problems hearing the vocals when I first heard it on their YouTube channel. The instruments were louder than Tobias. Now that the EP is officially out, the vocals sound better. Overall, I don’t mind it. A song I would repeat only if I’m playing the EP on repeat. So, putting it in the middle.
Rating: 3 Papas out of 5
We Don’t Need Another Hero by Tina Turner
TINA TURNER! Excellent song to end the EP! I can definitely picture this being played on tour. It has that oomph, ya know? A song I’d imagine myself belting out in the shower, channeling my inner rock star. Not sure what else to say, besides that it fuckin slaps! 
Rating: 4.5 Papas out of 5
Out of all of Ghost’s EPs, this is my favorite. I was kinda worried I wasn’t going to like it after hearing POTO, but damn… Tobias pulled through as always. This was something he did for fun and you can definitely hear it. 
Take it with a grain of salt, but I read somewhere that the EPs kinda reflect the current Papa frontman. And this is definitely fitting for Papa IV’s character. 
Can’t wait to see what the next full album will be! 
If you made it this far, thank you for reading!
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mystarmyangel · 1 year
[TRANS] 230810 Kim Jae Won – ‘King The Land’ Post Drama Interview (Mentioned YoonA’s Portions)
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On meeting YoonA and Junho on the set "As a student who grows up listening to 2PM and SNSD songs, I was amazed at first. It was amazing to see people I saw on TV in person, but it was even more amazing to be acting together from such a close distance of less than 1 meter" "I was also curious about how Lim YoonA sunbaenim, whom I had seen in the movies 'Exit' & 'Confidential Assignment', would be like in 'King the Land'. But we have different settings, and our scenes don't overlap much, but when we were filming scenes of the six siblings, I looked at her and thought, "It’s the same as Cheon Sarang (with angel)”
On YoonA & Junho’s chemistry and ‘King The Land’ achievements “Lee Junho & Lim YoonA sunbaenim have great chemistry. It was such a great romantic performance even for me. I thought that I could trust and be together. Just like what you see from the making videos, Lee Junho and Lim YoonA sunbaenim matched well on the set too. As expected, when it comes to romcom, the people who are playing are very important.
Some pointed out that KTL is full of clichés, but it received great love and was a global hit, with 13.8% of viewership & no. 1 global ranking. To this, Kim Jae Won said. "Lee Junho and Lim YoonA sunbaenim did a great job. I think they saved it. There is no need to say more on their chemistry.”
On YoonA & Junho’s dating rumour Lee Junho and Lim YoonA’s perfect teamwork also sparked rumour of them dating. Kim Jae Won expressed, “Because most of my scenes are with Pyeong Hwa sunbae (Go Won Hee), so I didn’t have much filming scenes with them. But the atmosphere on the set is definitely better than what was shown in the making video, and scenes with the two of them come out perfectly due to their harmonized teamwork. I can see the professionalism from their sweet kiss scenes. Isn’t there a narrative before this acting project, such as the two of them hosting the year end ceremony together? As that became the foundation, things got the potential to burst out.”
On the chemistry of the six siblings In addition to the narrative of each character drawn from a pleasant perspective, 'King the Land' added vitality with the chemistry among the six siblings (Lee Junho, Lim YoonA, Go Won Hee, Kim Ga Eun, Ahn Seha, and Kim Jae Won). Kim Jae Won said, “The chemistry was even better than what was shown in the drama. Rather, our relationship was so great to the extent that they have to be cut out as we were having too many ad-libs. It is difficult to bring up the atmosphere once it went down, but in ‘King The Land’, every moment was enjoyable. The chat room was noisy throughout the broadcast, and we gathered together to watch the first broadcast. We all went to watch Seha hyung’s performance. We talk a lot while encouraging one another. We will continue to maintain our strong relationship.”
During the Thailand trip, which serves as an opportunity for the formation of the six siblings in the drama, the actual actors also formed an even deeper friendship. Kim Jae Won said, “Doesn’t it feel great to meet Koreans in foreign countries? Since we went and filmed together, you can imagine how much we relied on one another. Even though it was after the Thailand trip that a deeper bond was formed, but we also went on a MT together before filming started. The director was considerate towards the actors so that we were able to get close and play together naturally. Thanks to that, the seniors treated me like their younger brother from the first meeting.”
Sources: https://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=202308081521432510https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=01213606635706008&mediaCodeNo=258https://www.news1.kr/articles/?5135977 Trans: mystarmyangel
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