#if she keeps ruining these episodes I’m going to scream
courtofterrasen · 2 months
Just watched the latest episode of Bad Batch. And LO AND BEHOLD Phee showed up and ruined the WHOLE FUCKING EPISODE. Literally THE EXACT MOMENT SHE SHOWED UP she ruined a really important and vulnerable moment with the boys AND THEN the FIRST WORDS out of her mouth were her completely bashing Crosshair. And she dared to do it while talking about Tech as though he didn’t hate having to be around her.
Honestly. Honestly. How. The. Fuck. Do people. Like her.
She’s so fucking toxic for them and clearly doesn’t give a shit about any of them. She’s not cool or hot or interesting. She’s an asshole to them. She’s reckless and a narcissist and she ruins the entire episode the moment she shows her face. Fuck Phee. She doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near 99 because of how awful she is to every single one of them. The sooner she leaves them the fuck alone, the better.
Edit: I know a lot of people are going to think this is about race or sex, and I want to make it very clear that it’s not. It’s not because she’s black and it’s not because she’s a woman. It’s because she treats everyone aside from herself with so little regard. She had every chance in the world to be a great character, and they squandered it the moment she began to pick on Tech. And as someone who has been on the receiving end of it like him, both as someone who is autistic as well as having to deal with narcissists my entire life, it’s not fun. Those who see it understand and those who don’t obviously have not experienced what that’s like; or are at least not aware of how poorly they or others were being treated. Don’t waste the energy getting pressed about the wrong things
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circeyoru · 3 months
Collection of Overlords _ Part 1.5
[Alastor & Other Overlords x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
Okay, I think this needs to be set clear before there are future parts since no one asked about Reader’s/your presence in the show was. While you never made a formal appearance until in Part 1, which is after the battle with Heaven, you were hinted here and there.
The beginning scene where Carmilla opens the curtains, showing Zestial, Zeezi, and Lucifer in the same. Then the scene of the Vees, and Rosie. There are eyes staring at them. Like just eyes
When the clock tower resets the extermination day, eyes opened to eye the new countdown before closing just as fast
During when Vaggie talks about “ancient and destructive evils”, your outline as a puppeteer is shown above all the Overlords
Episode 1: Overture
Episode 2: Radio Killed the Video Star
Alastor laughs at Sir Pentious that seeking to join the Vees was a terrible decision since their standing as Overlords was rocky and unstable. He taunts that Sir Pentious wouldn’t be able to hold the title as Overlord or fit in, referencing the Collection of Elites
Episode 3: Scrambled Eggs
After Zestial and Alastor were done with their chat like on the show, Zestial remarks that Alastor was very brave to go missing for 7 years but also remarkable that he was still in the Collection as per the mark on his soul
When Overlords are seated, they inspect the others to make sure the group was still intact and without change. Also reporting that there was no sighting or word from you, to their disappointment
After Velvette left, Zeezi laughed that the Vees’ days might be numbered with that attitude, Rosie chuckles and shrugs, saying that it wasn’t their decision or say in the matter
When Whatever It Takes is done, Zestial suggests for Carmilla to contact you on the matter since this was out of her hands. Carmilla sit back down on her chair, holding out a pendant with an eye design on it
The Egg Boiz reported to Alastor that Carmilla was the one to kill the angel and that she may contact someone, telling Alastor that Carmilla might have someone to back her up without knowing that Alastor know who it was implying
The same Egg Boiz didn’t mention you to Sir Pentious and only Carmilla killing an angel
(behind the scenes: you instructed for Carmilla to continue as always and maybe provide help to the hotel if she deemed it worthy)
Episode 4: Masquerade
When Valentino is offering a place for Charlie to star, he mentions how it could make him rich and show his dues to you without specifically mentioning you. Valentino’s a bit condescending when he addresses Charlie because he only sees you to be the one in higher power and rank
Valentino threatens Angel, hinting how he wouldn’t have some weak Princess or contracted soul ruin things for him. Meaning he is aware that he’s on thin ice with your interest and favour. Also implying that Charlie was nothing for him to fear, because he fears your wrath more
Valentino laughs how Charlie has no real power compared to what he faced with, confusing Angel since he has no idea of your involvement in the Overlords’ circle
While Husk was mentioning about his Overlord status, for the first time you’re mentioned, he talks about The Collector. “But when you’re dealing with souls while also being a gambler, the stakes are pretty high. I was warned about that, but when you’re winning, you don’t hear that kinda stuff. In my place, I lose a few hands and it got dangerous that I didn’t even know. When you’re down on your luck, you turn to anything to keep you afloat. Even making deals yourself.”
“What happened?”
“Turns out, I was long abandoned. And I wasn’t in the group anymore when I have that last deal. Like the fallen Overlords before me, I was hunted for being disrespectful and arrogant. Now I’m here.”
Episode 5: Dad Beat Dad
“Big talk for someone who’s also on a leash.”
“I should have torn your soul apart and broadcasted your screams for every other disrespectful wretch who dares to abuse My Liege’s mercy and generousity! You were lucky your former Liege was merciful enough not to let your death happen.”
When Lucifer’s lecturing on Charlie about the hotel, he mentions how it lacks the power and authority needed to make it work. It’s referencing to you teaching Lucifer how to rule as the King of Hell when he first arrived
Episode 6: Welcome to Heaven
Episode 7: Hello Rosie!
(behind the scenes after Vaggie left, Carmilla grips on the pendant and hopes she did the right thing that wouldn’t disappoint you)
Episode 8: The Show Must Go On
The the Vees celebrate, they explicitly cheer for joy and anticipation that Alastor would be removed from the Collection of Elite while eyes were staring at them without their knowledge, also mentioning how they’d rise in ranks (favour)
Alastor’s breakdown is more centered around the possibility that he knew you were always watching and saw his defeat and shameful retreat, for his actions, he might fall from your interest and favour. He fears he’ll end up like Husk
When the news of the canceled extermination is being broadcasted to all of Hell, your silhouette was shown by a window with eyes closed and a small smile on your face. “Time to check in.”
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Note: You can ignore this or not, but I had to at least put this out cause some Overlords' actions are a bit different, namely Alastor's breakdown reason.
Circe Y.
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Okay, what if it's Steve's turn to save babysitter reader and she ends up in his arms and they start leaning in, like so close to kissing for the first time but the gang ruins it being all oooooo so they kinda laugh it off but then he kisses her later in the car when he drops her off or something.
Babysitters Club (2)
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
WC: 2.7k
Summary: You and the other dumbasses went through Watergate, and all Steve can think about is keeping you safe.
Warnings: Canon level violence, monsters, Vecna shit, mentions of a panic attack, mentions of nightmares. Takes place during and after episode 7 of season 4 (posted before the final two eps have dropped)
In the end, though, things had still managed to go to shit.
While you were celebrating your small victory of rescuing Steve,a new weird tentacle vine thing crept up the boat unnoticed.
And suddenly, Robin was flying back and into the water.
“ROBIN!” you and Steve screamed in unison, scrambling to stand to see if you could find her in the water.
She was gone, all that remained were some air bubbles rising to the surface.
“What do we do?” Nancy asked frantically.
Sirens blared behind you, and you turned to see cop cars pulling up, then to your right you saw four flashlights scurry off further into the woods.
You and Steve shared one look, then started to move, grabbing flashlights and weapons.
Then, you dove.
The rest went by in a weird, nightmarish blur. At one moment, you were swimming. The next, you were falling, and you landed in a desert of vines, giant monstrous bats attacking left and right, and then you were running, passing through a broken, disfigured version of Hawkins.
“Is that…is that my house?” you asked Robin as you headed down the dark street.
She grimaced. “Try not to pay too much attention to everything.”
You made it to Nancy’s house, and managed through hauntingly beautiful gold dust to connect with the kids and Eddie.
Everyone was acting way too calm, like this was all totally normal for them. The near-death moment for Steve in Lover’s Lake had already been a lot to process. To be attacked by literal monsters, be in some hellish alternate dimension, with no real plan on getting back.
It was too much.
And suddenly you couldn’t breathe.
“Hey, hey,” Steve whispered after picking up on your labored breaths, pulling you into the corner as Nancy and Robin continued communicating with the other side. “You’re okay.”
Your body was shaking, vision going dark and you knew you were well on your way to having a full-blown panic attack. “I-I can’t…this is…”
He started rubbing his hands up and down your arms. “Look at me. Y/n, look at me.”
His voice, strong and sure, brought your attention to him rather than the pounding in your ears, and your eyes slowly made their way to his.
His gaze was piercing, stabilizing, comforting.
“We’re going to get out of here, okay?” he said, squeezing your shoulders. “We’ve fought these things before and we always win. I’m going to keep you safe and make sure that none of them touch you. I promise.”
Tears fell down your cheeks and you nodded, trying your best to smile and failing.
Without hesitation, he closed the distance and wrapped his arms around you, resting your head against his bare chest.
His heart was racing as quickly as you knew yours was, and it was then that you knew he was as afraid as you were.
But he was here, and though it truly felt like the end of the world, when he said everything was okay, you believed him.
So you hugged him back, and as you felt the beat of his heart slow, you knew yours was doing the same.
“Besides,” he eventually murmured, “Someone has to make sure those little shitheads stay safe.”
You giggled, pulling back to meet his eyes once more with a genuine smile this time.
“Gotta make sure the pay grade doesn’t get compromised,” you said with fake seriousness.
He feigned annoyance. “I really gotta figure out how to get paid for making sure these kids don’t get killed by monsters.”
More laughter, enough to muster up the strength to wipe away your tears and continue forward. 
“Hey guys,” Robin said and you turned to her. “We know what we have to do.”
The four of you stared up at the ceiling of the trailer, staring into the eyes of Dustin, Lucas, Erica, Max, and Eddie as they stared at the ceiling of Eddie’s trailer in a different dimension.
“This is so…” you started.
“Trippy,” Steve finished.
The plan was eerily simple. The group on the other side went to work tying up towels, sheets, shirts, anything they could find to create a rope for you to climb up and then fall down onto a mattress they laid underneath the gate.
Robin went first, the three of you helping her up, and then once she was through she crashed onto the padding.
All of you breathed out a laugh of wonder, completely blown away by the ridiculousness of it all.
Nancy went next, as smoothly as Robin.
“Your turn,” Steve said, handing you the makeshift rope.
You opened your mouth to argue that he could go next and he just lifted up a hand to silence you. “Not up for discussion. I promised I’d keep you safe so I’m going to make sure you stay safe, alright?”
You frowned, looking around the room of floating spores. “But what if I climb through and the gate closes? Or something attacks you while you’re climbing and another vine thingy holds onto your ankle-”
“God, are you always this anxious?” he asked with an amused smile, hands going to his hips, a gesture you were quickly growing fond of.
Your eyes narrowed, but you couldn’t help but smile back as you crossed your arms in defiance. “I call it being prepared for anything.”
Steve just shook his head. “Y/n, please. The longer we’re in here the more likely it will be for danger to come knockin’. Now can you please get your ass up there so I can put a shirt on and maybe find a bandaid or two?” He gestured to his side at the gash left by one of the monster bats - Demobats as Steve started to call them. 
Dread coursed through your body and you grimaced. 
Then, finally, you grabbed the rope. 
“Promise you’ll be right behind?”
He nodded. “So fast I might even crash on top of you on the mattress.”
The cocky bastard winked at you and you snorted, rolling your eyes.
“Doesn’t sound so ba-”
Suddenly, everything went dark.
Steve knew the moment your hand dropped from the rope in a weird, lifeless way that something was wrong.
“Y/n?” he asked, trying to hide the concern from his voice.
“What’s taking you guys so long! Get your asses down here!” Dustin screamed, but he sounded far away to Steve now that his ears were only focused on hearing your voice.
“Y/n, enough playing around let’s get you up the rope-” he gently touched your shoulder and tried to spin you around.
Only you didn’t move. It was as if you were glued to the floor.
He jumped in front of you. “Oh God,” he cried out, hands instinctively moving to cup your face.
Gone were those lovely, striking irises he was so captivated by. They were glossed over with a white film. 
It was happening again. 
“Shit shit shit.” For a few moments, all he could do was panic, attempting to shake you awake even though he knew it wouldn’t work. “Come on, Y/n, please,” he begged.
Focus Steve, he thought, trying to gather his thoughts. You guys saved Max, you can save her.
He looked up at the group and shouted, “What’s her favorite song?”
Their brows furrowed, not understanding. “What…” one of them - Steve wasn’t paying attention who - said.
“Oh shit,” Dustin said, looking at Eddie with wide eyes, who looked at Robin with even wider eyes. The two of them ran into Eddie’s room.
Steve’s thumbs stroked the smooth skin over your cheek. “Please don’t do this to me, Y/n. You gotta come back to me. I promised to keep you safe.” His voice grew more choked, more desperate as tears welled in his eyes, completely overwhelmed with the devastating realization of how important you were to him.
“Listen,” he said, choking out a laugh, “You dying is definitely going to ruin any chance of me ever getting paid for babysitting. Can’t ruin my perfect record of keeping the shitheads alive, can you?”
“WE GOT IT!” Eddie yelled, throwing the walkman up until it fell into Steve’s hands.
Hands shaking, he gently put the headphones over your ears.
When he looked at the tape, he exhaled out a wet chuckle. 
“Tears for Fears,” he said, looking back at you. “It’s a good song-” his voice broke and he selfishly allowed himself one precious moment to place an arm around the back of your head and press his lips to your forehead.
Then, he pressed play.
You were in the backyard of your old house, running from the monster behind.
Vecna. This had to be him. Max hadn’t missed a single detail when describing him to you.
And you were his next victim. 
“Y/n,” Vecna called tauntingly, his voice echoing all around you. “Do not fight the inevitable. It is time for you to pay for all the harm you’ve caused…”
You weren’t sure how long you had been running for. It felt like seconds, it felt like days. Your limbs grew heavy, and when you turned you saw that he was gaining on you as he reached out to grab you-
A faint, familiar melody emerged into the air.
It was a guitar intro you identified from the first note alone.
Then, a hazy circle opened up ahead of you.
It was a portal.
And on the other side was Steve. Eyes wide and filled with pain, staring at something so intensely, as if it were the only thing that mattered in the world.
He was so far away, and you were so tired. There was no way you could make it in time.
“Come back to me, Y/n. Please,” Steve said, his voice sounding as if he were underwater.
That’s when you realized.
He was looking at you.
You took a step, then another as the music grew louder and louder. 
Welcome to your life
There’s no turning back
You started to run.
And then, you were falling.
Steve opened up his arms and caught you, holding your body to his as tightly as he could as you gasped for air.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he kept saying, and you couldn’t tell if he was saying it for your sake or his.
A few beats later, once you caught your breath, you finally noticed how close you were to him.
“Hi,” you said, blinking a few times.
Steve chuckled, relief flooding through him. “Hey.”
“You saved me.”
He moved to brush a piece of hair from your face, his fingers resting along your neck as his thumb brushed along your cheek.
“I promised I would,” he whispered, and his eyes flashed down to your lips. The sound of your breath hitching in response made his head fuzzy.
Steve leaned in-
“IS SHE OKAY?” Dustin yelled, causing the two of you to jump back and look up to the group.
Erica punched his arm and he yelped. “Duh she’s okay,” she mumbled to him. “And they were about to have a moment, idiot!”
The two of you turned your gazes back to each other and burst out laughing.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” you said, standing up and grabbing the rope.
“Right behind ya,” Steve responded, smile plastered on his face.
“I don’t care what you say, Henderson,” Robin said, balancing a stack of movies in her arms. “I’m not seeing Spaceballs with you.”
Though he was arguing with his best friend, Steve couldn’t help but feel grateful for this moment. The normalcy of bickering over seeing a new movie rather than swinging paddles at monster bats.
“Come on Buckley. It’s going to be hilarious! Besides, I have months before it comes out to wear you down until you finally say yes-”
Bells jingled behind him to signify the entrance of a new customer. 
Based on the look on Robin’s face, it was an unexpected but familiar face.
Steve turned, and when he saw you at the door he temporarily lost control of his body and his elbow bumped into the computer at the register.
“Shit,” he hissed, rubbing the now sore spot. When he looked back up, your right eyebrow was raised in amusement.
“Harrington, is there ever a moment when you aren’t getting hurt?”
He narrowed his eyes at you, unable to suppress a grin caused just by being in your presence. “I heal quickly.”
“Um, I think there are some returns in the back that need processing,” Robin said, running away to leave the two of you alone.
More silence.
“So,” Steve started, running his fingers through his hair. “How you been?”
You nodded. “Good. I mean, I get a few more nightmares than I used to…but I’m fine.”
He sighed, nodding in understanding. “The nightmares will go away. Eventually.”
A shrug. “That’s what I keep telling myself.”
You laughed, and Steve’s smile widened. 
And then it was back to silence.
“Anything I can help you with?” he asked.
Your eyes swept across the video store as you took a few steps forward. “Couple things, actually. I’m watching Erica tonight and she made the mistake of telling me she’s never seen Star Wars. That little nerd is gonna love it.”
Steve smiled, jumping to action as he emerged from behind the register toward the sci-fi section. He turned and wiggled two fingers to signal for you to follow.
You complied, biting your bottom lip.
He scanned the shelves until mumbling a low aha!, grabbing the VHS and handing it to you with a smug smile.
“Perfect, thank youuu,” you said, grabbing it from him.
“For Hawkin’s beloved babysitter? Anything.”
You giggled, rolling your eyes before reaching into your bag. “Actually, Harrington, that was my second reason for coming here…”
Steve’s brows furrowed in confusion as you pulled out a laminated card and held it out to him.
He took it, staring at the yearbook photo of him printed on blue cardstock and the words next to it.
“It means virtually nothing,” you said as he continued staring. “But show that to parents and I can assure you they’ll drop some serious money.”
He shook his head in disbelief, then looked up with an awestruck expression that brought heat to your face.
“I can’t believe you put so much effort…..into a stupid inside joke.”
You grinned. “As if I would ever half-ass anything.”
Steve laughed, running his fingers over the card before taking out his wallet and safely storing it inside. “I love it. Thank you.”
“Thank you for saving my life two weeks ago. Again.” You nervously tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Well, to be fair, you also saved my life. So I guess we’re officially even.”
“For now,” you responded. “With the way you’re so willing to put yourself in harm’s way-” you pointed at his elbow “-someone’s gotta be there to keep you safe.”
Boldness took over as Steve took a small step closer to you, brows raised. “And who’s going to keep you safe?”
You scoffed. “I can keep myself safe.”
“Don’t doubt that at all,” he said, stepping closer, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“But if someone, like, wanted to give me a break at being so strong and awesome and independent all the time..”
“Well,” Steve started with another step toward you, “I am a certified babysitter now. Do you think that makes me qualified?”
Your lips opened slightly, as if you were getting ready to speak, but Steve was so close that his breath touched your skin and suddenly any word you ever knew was gone from your mind.
All you could do was nod.
“Can I ask you something?” Steve asked quietly.
You nodded again, lost in the nearly black hue of his eyes.
“Was Erica right that night? Were we having a moment?”
A small, breathy laugh escaped you, causing the corners of Steve’s eyes to crinkle.
“As if that girl could ever be wrong about anything-”
With that, Steve closed the now minimal distance between you as his lips pressed against yours.
Thank you for reading! :)
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cocogum · 3 months
Let’s talk about episodes 7 and 8….
Oh boy.
We got a lot to unpack.
We start with when we last finished off in episode 6.
Eva properly gets to speak with her father Madagaskan while the others are right behind her, listening intently to them.
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(Good for us, not for Eva tho lol)
The fact that she and Cleophee come from the most infamous assassin’s guild is WILD. You’re telling me that its members are so good at what they do that the rulers of the world buy their offers as fast as possible cuz they’re scared that the guild could ruin them if they go to the opposite team?? That just SCREAMS how important and secretive they are!! (plus we also saw a glimpse of what one of them, freaking Madagaskan, was able to do with just rocks). But it does explain why Eva has such a good eye for combat. I can also see where Cleophee takes her hair from too. From what Madagaskan has said about Eva personally, she looks identical to her mother. (I already headcanon that Cleophee took her looks from her dad instead 🥰).
But what surprised me even more was Flopin’s decision to follow Madagaskan. Not only did he want to get taught by him, but he willingly SNEAKED OUT OF THE DAMN HOUSE to go to him!
Also, can I just say how nice it is to see what Elely and Flopin’s bedrooms looked like? I love how we got a good shot of each of their rooms, it completely encapsulates their personalities and how opposite they are to each other!
Just look at how Flopin’s room looks very organized, his books are properly in their places on the bookshelves, and the amount of papers he has. Even his bed was made and you can see how he has a map of the World of Twelve plastered on the wall just on top of his desk.
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Whereas with Elely, her room is completely messy, pillows and clothes are lying around the floor on the left side of the room, her bed is not made, she has a giant tapestry on her wall, some boxing equipment like her gloves and a punching bag (which she drew Poo on it lol that’s a nice detail).
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But Flopin did have a point when he talked to his grandpa. We all knew he was a loser cuz Elely and Pin were doing their own thing. I mean do you remember how exhausting it was to keep seeing Elely having so much spotlight back in season 3? My girl is awesome and all but let her breathe for a second damn.
I’m glad Flopin chose that route for himself even though it was a bit of a surprise to see him want to follow Madagaskan now.
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Ngl he lists out very valid points that even we were thinking about. It just shows that Flopin is very much self-aware of his position in the family and how this makes him look. I had a feeling Flopin would have his own arc but I didn’t think he’d separate himself from his family to have one! Good for him tho but still…
This means he won’t see Elely for a long time and Pin wouldn’t get to know him as much as the rest of the Percedal family….
But at least he’ll have his grandpa 😭😭
*Meanwhile with Ruel*
I can’t with this old ass man sometimes I swear 😭😭😭
I just really loved the exposition on Nora’s part where she revealed to Yugo, Adamaï, and Qilby why and how she came to rescue their mother. The colors and the style of it all were so gorgeous and mesmerizing to stare at and it made so much sense. I also noticed how in her explanation, Nora mentioned that it was Efrim who had a special connection to the Eliatrope goddess instead of her like how it was revealed to be the case in the Wakfu volume 4 manga and the Islands of wakfu game. I assumed that Ankama retconned that tiny detail too.
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I just love how realistic all the rulers’ answers have been so far. They’re all skeptical of Yugo and his family and I don’t blame them for thinking like that. It doesn’t matter how kind and helpful Yugo can be to them. As Aurora said, everything about this is too coincidental which is how Armand concluded that there could be a traitor in Yugo’s group. Again, I don’t blame him for saying that since he just got told by Yugo that the portals from the Sadida kingdom and Albuera have a portal, leading to the necrome world, that looks a lot like an eliatrope one.
And of course, Yugo doesn’t hesitate to blame Qilby and already jumps to conclusions way too fast, immediately thinking he’s the traitor since he knows he’s the type to hop from planet to planet, not caring what happens to the places he went to just as long as he got to study them.
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I love this man so much 💕💕✨
But if Yugo actually took a second to process the information, he would know that there was clearly something wrong with his accusation. Because how and where would Qilby have the energy and especially the time for all that? Yugo is completely aware that Qilby got freed by their mother and Nora not a very long time ago. If I had to assume when he was freed, I’d have to say just a bit earlier when Yugo and the others were still in Oropo’s dimension.
Not only that, but since he got freed not too long ago AND was being carefully monitored by Nora, then there was no chance he could have been the traitor. He just got out of the White Dimension (again) so he’d be drained of energy and didn’t have the eliatrope dofus and the Eliacube.
But a very important thing to note here is that Qilby was also joining Nora and the small eliatropes on the missions his mother would send them in which clearly implies that he’s not done with this world yet (he could have been participating only because he was looking for the eliatrope dofus at the time when Adamaï didn’t find them first but if that was the case, then he wouldn’t have stayed and help to fend off against the necromes since he doesn’t like it when other beings pursue him and his people without, ironically, knowing where they are).
With all these in mind, it's safe to say that Yugo’s anger towards Qilby is based on personal issues.
Their fight in the sky was so well choreographed that I just loved every single second of it and how none of their poses were recycled 💖
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If I see this shit in the streets you bet ur ass I’m shitting myself.
Ankama left us with a cute little gift so unexpectedly that it made me bash my keyboard at the wall. 🥰🥰
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This shot was pulled out of nowhere that it made my heart drop to my feet.
This is the living embodiment of what Yugo’s sleep paralysis demon looks like 💀
One thing’s for sure though.
I’m not ready for the next episode my stomach keeps giving me constipation symptoms just thinking about it.
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thegirl20 · 10 months
Yennaia ficlet (set during 3.06)
So, I watched the early release of ep 3.06, half asleep in the middle of the night. And then this came out during my lunchbreak today. I don’t know how close the description of the scene is to what actually happened (as mentioned I was half asleep) but I thought I might as well shove it out into the world and adjust it later if I’m so inclined after seeing the other two eps.
ETA: Now on AO3 if you prefer
***Spoilers for episode 3.06 - this takes place in between two scenes in the episode***
Her lungs are burning as she runs along interminable corridors, throwing soldiers aside with barely a second glance. She sprints for the stairs, unsure of what she’ll find when she gets there. Alzur’s Thunder is not a spell to be cast lightly and she’s terrified that Tissaia will have paid too high a price for using it. 
When she reaches the upper level, she can see through to the balcony. Tissaia is still there. Still standing. But weak. Even from a distance, Yennefer can see the stoop of her shoulders, the tremors in her hands as the last surges of chaos make their way out of her body.
Her hair is pure white and, for the first time, she looks like an old, frail woman. 
Her legs give way just as Yennefer reaches her, and she grabs her around the waist to stop her from falling. She hoists her upright, taking all of her weight, even as Tissaia twists, trying to move back to her previous position. 
“It’s over,” Yennefer tells her. “We have to go.”
Tissaia makes a noise that cuts through Yennefer’s heart. A low keening, a noise from a distressed animal. 
Yennefer grits her teeth, wrapping Tissaia’s arm over her shoulder and half dragging, half carrying her away from the balcony, grateful when she feels the body in her arms stop fighting and acquiesce. 
They shuffle onward, through smoke and past rubble. Tissaia is whimpering and Yennefer can’t help the tears that fall from her own eyes, more for Tissaia than for Aretuza or herself. They’re nearing what’s left of the staircase when Tissaia stops moving, causing Yennefer to stumble into the wall to keep them both upright. 
“Leave me here,” Tissaia whispers. 
“What? No!” Yennefer urges her to start moving again. “The place is on fire. We need to get-”
“You need to get out,” Tissaia says, her voice a little firmer. She looks up at Yennefer, lifting a trembling hand to brush over her cheek. “Leave me here.”
“What are you talking about?” Yennefer says, growing frantic. “Stop being obstinate and just work with me.” Again she tries to get them moving, but Tissaia stays where she is, still as a rock. 
“Aretuza is destroyed,” Tissaia says, her eyes flicking around the ruin their home is being reduced to around them. “Everything I have worked to build, to preserve, to protect…is gone.” She shakes her head. “I have been a fool. It’s only right that I should die here.”
“No it fucking isn’t!” Yennefer almost screams. “I didn’t keep you alive at Sodden only to walk away now. I didn’t leave Ciri to let you die here.”
“I’m done, Yennefer,” Tissaia says, fresh tears making tracks through the dirt and blood on her face. “Aretuza is gone. I have no place in the world. I allowed this-” She flings a hand out towards the destruction. “-to happen.” Her eyes close. “I have nothing left. Leave me here.”
“Aretuza is a building,” Yennefer spits. “You have flesh and blood people who fought and died for you today. For you, not the building. You have them.” Her throat tightens. “And you have me.” She jerks Tissaia’s chin up, forcing her to meet her eyes. “Am I nothing to you?”
“Oh, Yennefer,” Tissaia slumps further against her, using the little strength she has left to grasp Yennefer’s arms. “Don’t you know? You’re everything to me. You are my legacy. And you will set the world back on its axis. You are the future.” She wets cracked lips with her tongue, more tears spilling down her dirty face. “I have no part to play in it.”
“Yes, you do.” Yennefer is desperate now. She’s seen Tissaia prepared to die before. She looked down upon her from that hill at Sodden, standing straight and proud, looking death in the eye as she expected to perish. BUt she’s never seen her like this. Despondent, dejected, ruined. “We need you. I need you.” 
Tissaia laughs, and it’s a tiny sign of the life left in her. “I’m not sure that’s ever been true.”
“It has always been true and remains so,” Yennefer says, jerking as a piece of ceiling falls and smashes into the courtyard below. “You have saved me more times than I can count. You’ve kept wolves from my door for most of my life, even when I didn’t know it, you were always there, protecting me.” She leans in, pressing her forehead to Tissaia’s. “I can’t lose you. I don’t know how to live in a world without you.”
“Yes, you do” Tissaia says, her nose brushing Yennefer’s as she speaks. “You are a powerful sorceress. You are a mother.” Her ragged voice warms with affection. “You’ve even managed to develop a skill for politics and diplomacy of late.” She inhales, the breath rattling into her chest. “But above all of that, you have retained your kind heart. You care about people, you care about the world. And you will do what must be done to set it right.”
“And I will do all of that with you by my side,” Yennefer says, her own tears flowing freely by now. “I will do it better with you by my side. The Tissaia I know would want to be there. She would fight.”
“I have fought,” Tissaia counters, her forehead dropping to Yennefer’s shoulder. “And I have lost.”
A piece of masonry lands a few feet away and Yennefer turns them both away from the dust it throws up. 
“If we stay here much longer we’re both going to die,” she says, coughing into Tissaia’s unsettlingly white hair.
“Go,” Tissaia says, attempting to push her away, but lacking the strength. “Ciri needs you. The world needs you. I will not allow you to perish here.”
“Then come fucking with me!” Yennefer screams, she has one card left to play. “I’m as stubborn as you are, you wretched old witch. And I’m not leaving here without you. So if you don’t want Ciri to be left motherless, again, you will get moving and walk out of this building with me.”
Tissaia looks at her for a long moment. Then she sighs. “You are stubborn enough to die here to prove a point.”
“Yes, but you’re not going to allow that, are you?” Yennefer holds her breath, but to her immense gratitude, she feels Tissaia move, even if her legs give way almost immediately and she clings to Yennefer to keep herself upright. Yennefer wraps her arms around her, bearing her weight as they navigate the stairs, moving as quickly as Tissaia can manage. 
“You know I have to die sometime, Yennefer,” Tissaia says, when they finally make it outside.  
“I know,” Yennefer says, almost blind from tears that refuse to stop. “But not today.” She draws them to a stop and waits for Tissaia to look at her. “Stay with me today.”
It takes longer than it should, but Tissaia nods, lifting a hand to Yennefer’s cheek and pulling her close, pressing a brief kiss to her lips. Whispered words follow, breath warm against Yennefer’s skin. “I’ll try.”
That’s all she can ask for right now, as Aretuza burns in the distance, and Tor Lara crumbles into the sea. She has Tissaia in her arms, solid and whole, and she has to appreciate that for as long as she can. 
Together they turn and make their way to the group of mages watching their home fall apart. Yennefer never loosens her grip.  If she can keep hold of Tissaia, if doesn’t let her go, she’ll stay. 
She has to stay. 
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astriddestelle · 7 months
The way I was obsessed with enemies to lovers/rivals to lovers as a kid 😭😭😭 my top pairings growing up ranked. Canon/Fanon included.
Can you tell I’ve been on a nostalgic rewatch.
1. Logan/Quinn from Zoey 101. The OG teenbop enemies to lovers omg I stan. When they pronounced their love for each other at the season finale at the prom, screaming crying throwing up. The way they get together is so random lmao he calls her hot and they kiss then Michael rides by on a horse like what? But the pay off and ending was so *chefs kiss*
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2. Courtney/Duncan from TDI. They were everything to me and Cartoon Network ruined it. First season the bantering, the flirting. When I tell you I was hooked. The scream I scrumpt when they finally kissed (also me didn’t she just throw up but whatever I guess) then she left and it was all downhill from there.
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3. Rose/Jake from ADJL. The Romeo and Juliet of this paring needs to be studied. They were so down bad for each other. When Jake found out she was huntsgirl then when she found out. Their first kiss being right before she had to ‘kill’ him for sport in an arena. Her giving up her life to keep him and his family safe, him giving up her to keep her safe. 😭😭😭 they don’t make em like they used too
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4. Draco/Harry from HP. The ship that started it all. Before this I’d never read a slash fic before is it even still called that. Anyways this right here is my longest going ship I’m still into only reason it’s not higher is that I love the other ones more. You get so many variations of this, from the super toxic fic, to the I’ve always secretly loved you, to the meet up after the war is over and so on and so forth. Ugh I love it. There’s like 50,000 fics of them on a03 and I know I’ve read like half at least 🤣
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5. Zuko/Katara from Avatar. My second non canon ship on here. When I tell you I was obsessed with them. Sigh then I discovered other fandoms and by the time I came back to them I was just done. Which I think comes fromm just not being as much of a Zuko fan anymore. This ship was gold, tho, I mean come on I’ll save you from the pirates how can I not. The way he jumped in front of her (obviously he’d do the same for everyone but like listen it ate down bad) the whole crystal caverns episode was fuel to the fire, the writers/creators knew what they were doing
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6. Jake/Miley from Hannah Montana. Another OG omg she hated him so much. The flirty the snark then they had to kiss and both of em were like oh hot damn. They were so cute together and I will forever hate Disney for making her choose Jake just for him to cheat on her like what was the reason. What was the reason 😭😭
7. Alejandro/Heather from TDI. Woo child buckle up. This is one of those slowburns cause it’s not until like a quarter in to the season you’re like hold up. Are they going where I think they’re going and then they did. I don’t like the ending cause seriously wtf was the point. But the lead up and bruh the stuck in a hole song I still sing that on a daily. They were literally made for each other.
8. Chad/Sonny from Sonny with a Chance: one thing about Disney they ate down when it comes to enemies to lovers, or annoyance to like, whatever you wanna call it. Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny omg the drama was beautiful, they hated each other so much and when they started dating I bout passed out. Lol they were so hilarious together I miss it.
9. Raven/Beastboy from TT. This and next two aren’t super enemies to lovers, more live annoyances or belligerent sexual tension. But I really was obsessed with this, like I was the girl reading Terra bashing fics 😭😭 they were so cute, the Beast Within was ship gold, Nevermore, the fact that she holds onto to the penny he gives her when she ‘dies’ and oh he only turns into the Beast again to protect her from Slade and never again. Beautiful
10. Jimmy/Cindy from JN. They may have only been nine but sheesh the rivalry to lovers or in this case crushes was intense. Cindy was down bad since day one but she hid that shit so well. The Valentine’s Day episode still makes me giggle like a kid. And the last episode where they’re legit just straight up flirting with each other I can not. When she almost confesses when he’s the orange hulk. So cute.
Honarary mentions:
Jinx/Kid Flash from TT. They were cute but I hated it solely for the fact that it shoulda been me 😭😭🤧🤧
Sam/Freddie from icarly. Ok so I used to love this one and as I got older, Sam was just so fucking mean that I couldn’t ship like damn. At some point it’s not cute anymore, it’s just down right abusive, early seasons yes, later seasons where they’re actually together no.
Bakugo/Deku simply cause some days I think it’s cute other days I hate it
Mindy and Josh from Drake and Josh. Cute and amusing but didn’t care for em much.
Bailey and Code from Suite Life on Deck see above.
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chrismcleanswife · 1 year
𝐒𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐦!! 𝙸𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚘𝚛 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝚒𝚜 𝚞𝚙 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 <𝟹
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♥💜 -> You never talked anymore.
♥💜 -> And all your friends knew that.
♥💜 -> Since the seventh episode of the first season of Total Drama no words ever left your mouth, you got highly traumatised in the phobia factor episode and since you couldn’t get help in time, now you were selectively mute, only talking when strictly necessary and probably only to Cody, who was your best friend since the start of the show.
♥💜 -> He first tried to flirt with you but you finally stayed up as friends and then best friends.
♥💜 -> Sierra, being the crazy fanatic she is, knew that.
♥💜 -> Well, she knew way much more than that but she had to keep it down or else she would scare you away, ruining her chance to be friends with Cody’s best friend.
♥💜 -> When you got off the bus that led you to the airport you gave Chris a shy smile and a wave, which he gladly returned with a grin, before you practically ran into Cody’s arms, practically squealing.
♥💜 -> He let you do that as he knew he was the one you barely trusted out of all the people there, maybe you trusted Gwen or Courtney too but Cody was like your safe space so he let you be.
♥💜 -> Then, you heard the typical fangirl squealing behind you and you turned your head to watch a purple haired girl looking at all of you with excitement visible in her eyes.
♥💜 ->  “she is surely a fan” was what you thought, and you were right.
♥💜 -> You let go of Cody as the girl walked to you both and started fangirly rambling to the boy with such an elevated volume tone that you almost got scared.
♥💜 -> After practically showing into Cody’s face all the facts that she (creepily) knew about him in screams she turned to you.
♥💜 -> You felt your body starting to tremble, “why was she looking at you??” “Was she going to hurt you???” “omg was she also a creepy fan for you?????” were some of the questions that plagued your head.
♥💜 -> But then, she completely changed when she started talking to you.
♥💜 -> She was moving her hands slowly and calmly, always keeping them in your visual camp as a way not to scare you, and she sweetly talked to you, in a low tone, not wanting you to think of her as a posible danger.
♥💜 -> Your trembling body slowly started to stop doing so, and you let a shaky smile plaster itself on your lips.
♥💜 -> Since that moment, you liked being near Sierra, sure she was an excited hurricane when talking to Cody or the others, but with you she was like a sweet summer breeze, making you feel safe and warm.
♥💜 -> The best of all is that she was being sincere, and you knew it because someday you were researching through the confessional videos in search of Alejandro’s because you didn’t trust him, and you came across one of Sierra’s, out of curiosity you put it on play, letting the record speak.
♥💜 -> ❝This is soooo great!!❞ squealed the Sierra in the recording, making you want to hear more ❝Y/N’s finally trusting me! That is so awesome!! I’m so happy I got to know her, and Cody ofc, but now this is about her❞ she continued, making your eyebrows raise with surprise.
♥💜 -> ❝um... we all know that Y/N is traumatised since the first season of Total Drama Island, specifically since the seventh episode, and I truly feel sorry for her! Chris made her fear so traumatising that she went mute!! Can you believe that??!??❞ She said, practically tearing her hair apart while a sad look appeared in her eyes ❝I... I feel truly lucky to be her friend, and I hope she doesn’t think I’m trying to use her or smth because of my change of personality near her, It’s just that If I am that loud and energetic near her I fear I might scare her! So I just let my sweet and smooth persona rise when I’m with her, because I love her- A-AS A FRIEND O-OFC!! But She deserves peace and I’m willing to give her that!❞
♥💜 -> As the record finished you felt your chest warm and your eyes watering, you sniffled with a smile on your face as you tried to wipe the few tears picking at the corners of your eyes... She truly wanted to be friends with you and not just because of Cody! 
♥💜 -> You wasted no time in running out of the pilot cabin and go search for Sierra, she was talking with Cody as always.
♥💜 -> You practically jumped at her hugging her from behind, leaving the rest of team and Cody spechless.
♥💜 -> Sierra was surprised as well, but not wanting to break the magical moment of her favourite Total Drama actress hugging her she slowly and steadily turned until your chest were touching and she sweetly wrapped her arms around your waist, giving you a slight squeeze and holding her need of screaming until her vocal chords were damaged to no repair.
♥💜 -> ❝I- um... If you don’t mind me asking, Y/N... what is this for...?❞ she asked in a low tone of voice, still hugging you from the waist, she then felt her top getting a bit wet and the fact of you crying almost sent her to highly panic.
♥💜 -> ❝Oh my- Oh my! Are you crying?? Ugh- Ofc you are crying, dumb me!! Why are you crying?? Did I say something wrong? Di-Did I scared you??❞ She started to panic in a still (somehow) low and sweet tone of voice, but when you shake your head no and hug her even tighter the confusion takes control of her brain. ❝Wha-What is it then...?❞ she asked, slowly lifting one of her hands to cup your cheek and lift your head slightly to lock her eyes with you.
♥💜 -> You opened and closed your mouth, the fear of speaking trying to stop you from speaking, but you inhaled deeply while closing your eyes, preparing yourself to do something you haven’t done in two years.
♥💜 ->  ❝Sie-rra, th-thank you f-for being m-my fr-fr-friend❞ you managed to choke out from your non used in two years throath, smiling sweetly as the pruple-haired girl’s eyes opened widely at the fact of you talking and to her.
♥💜 -> If the team was before spechless then I don’t know how to call how they were now.
♥💜 -> Sierra squealed in happiness as she hugged you a little more thight, not wanting to hurt you at all, but still wanting to show you how happy you made her.
♥💜 -> Cody looked at you with confusion and surprise, but he still smiled at how safe you looked between Sierra’s arms, because maybe Sierra wasn’t made to love him, but maybe she was made to love you <3
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azure-firecracker · 3 months
ATLA Live Action Stream of Consciousness (Episode 3, Part 1).
This rebel leader sounds like somebody but I don’t know who.
This very small plot twist has been ruined for me because I know what Lizzy Yu looks like.
Daniel Dae Kim as Ozai is awesome! He has a menacing presence that’s much more refined than just “RAAAAAH POWER!” One of the few things I think may have improved from the cartoon. And also what does he know about loss? Could be interesting.
AZULA I WAS ON THE FREAKING FLOOR SCREAMING I absolutely loved this intro. They’ve given her more emotional depth in this short clip than she got in like…all of book 2. And DAMN Lizzy Yu can act! She went through so many emotions so fast and barely said anything. The trolls who are criticizing her for not looking like a cartoon are not welcome on this blog. I hope the actual emotional depth keeps up.
Aang needs to stop teaching Katara waterbending let the girl be good at something.
Gordon Cormier is adorable.
Dallas Liu continues to embody Zuko.
Zhao you devious asshole I’m glad he continues to suck. He does not need redeemable qualities.
Paul Sun-Hyung Lee’s lovingly disapproving looks are everything to me.
Omashu looks great!
Istg Katara may crush on this guy but OG Katara would never be this bashful. But who was he? He was hot!
Wow Teo looks YOUNG!
Teo being desensitized to violence hits hard. I hope that kids being desensitized to violence becomes a theme (it happened in Azula’s scene too).
Gordon continues to do as well as he can with clunky dialogue.
Extended stay in Omashu could be an interesting change.
Sassy Azula we love!
I have already seen this clip so no surprises but I’ll share my thoughts anyway.
I knew this from interviews but Momona Tamada IS Ty Lee. She’s absolutely perfect.
I continue to love Lizzy Yu. She’s striking a balance of snarky but also clever and also you know she could kill you. I like that we get to see her be a little less guarded around her friends, and her feelings around Zuko/the throne make sense. Not sure if they’re going to make her all power motivated (wouldn’t love that) but regardless feeling like your work means nothing to those whose opinions you value is something I can definitely relate to, and it works for her character. Also her line about knowing which pieces to play? Chills!
More coming soon!
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collabpartners · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel: The Contract of Blood Ep. 14
*Hey guys! We're back with another chapter/episode. This is published on April 12, 2024. If you guys like this chapter/episode, don't be afraid to leave kudos and comment! That would be greatly appreciated. Warning: Vulgar language. Enjoy!*
Episode Fourteen: Back to Hell
Vaggie leads Charlie, Bella, Eleanor, Nora, and Sebastian through the ruined city.
Charlie notices everything on fire and the buildings torn apart with dead bodies of sinners and demons around them.
“Oh, God,” Charlie utters, almost breaking down crying at the sight of her home.
Vaggie sees the destruction around her and holds her girlfriend’s hand. “We’ll make them all pay for what they did.”
“Yeah, and bury their bodies,” Eleanor adds with a growl.
“Bury them alive or dead?” Sebastian asks.
“Both, dear,” Eleanor responds.
Nora glances up at Vaggie. “So, where are you taking us exactly?”
“I know someone that handles angelic weaponry. She can help us find a way to take down Morrigan and Orais. She’s done this before--”
As Vaggie rambles on about the help she’s suggesting, Bella hears growls and glances to the side to find two hellhounds eating a sinner alive. Somehow, the two hellhounds look too familiar to her.
Her eyes widen in shock, her chest heaving at the sight of them.
Her mind somehow brings her back to when she’s running out of the house, seeing one of the hellhounds biting her leg. She screams in pain as she kicks the hellhound and hurries out of the property with bruises and cuts. The bite seems to worsen as she tries to find somewhere she can consider safe until she runs into the Hazbin Hotel.
But before she can even reach to the hotel to reach for her new moms, her memory glitches back to when she’s eating dinner with no scraps of food. Bella sees her parents eating their meals. Their silence is bothering her. She tries to talk to them, asking them if she can go outside and play.
Then the screams begin.
The sight of the car crash in the snowy forest enters Bella’s vision. Bella walks over to find herself as a child with her parents dead. Did she annoy them? Did she make her father not focus on driving?
Whatever happened to them at the living world...it’s somehow her fault. Her parents made her believe it and they spend all eternity making sure that she knows that it’s her fault too.
Bella starts to sob and hugs herself with four arms, finding herself as a human crushed underneath the car.
“I-I’m sorry,” Bella utters and starts to cry.
“Bella? BELLA!”
The memories of the car crash fades away. She watches the hellhounds she’d recognized leaping to attack her, but Vaggie steps in front of her and kills the hellhounds with her spear.
“Bella!” Charlie shouts, picking up the whimpering spider child up. “Are you okay? What happened?”
Vaggie turns to Bella and hurries up to check on whether there are scratches on her. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
Nora notices something is off with Bella with her parents beside her.
Bella starts to sob into Charlie’s shoulder.
Charlie shushes her. “It’s okay. It’s okay. Mama killed the hellhounds. There’s no need to be afraid.”
Vaggie hugs both Bella and Charlie to comfort them both. “We have to keep moving. We have to keep moving, sweetheart.”
Bella buries her head into Charlie’s shoulder to muffle her cries there.
Charlie coos and cradles her daughter.
Both of the women walk over through the street quickly before they can be spotted by their enemies while comforting their daughter.
Nora frowns at the sight of Bella, following them with her parents trailing behind her.
“She’ll be okay, sweetie,” Eleanor reassures Nora.
Nora looks up at her parents. “I’ve heard about how horrible her real parents are. I want to kill them for what they put her through.”
“Well, honey, if you do kill them, we’ll help you bury the bodies,” Sebastian reassures Nora.
Eleanor nudges Sebastian’s arm. And then turns to Nora. “Or maybe comfort your ‘friend’ while we take care of her real parents.” Eleanor uses her fingers to make quotes.
Nora blinks at her mother in confusion. “Why did you put friends in quotes?”
Her parents exchange gazes.
“We just noticed the way you’re looking at her,” Eleanor replies.
Nora blushes and stutters, “U-Uh, I was just--”
“And we love you and accept you for who you are no matter what,” Sebastian informs before Nora can defend herself. “But if she breaks your heart, we’ll bury her alive.”
“Dad, don’t. She won’t break my heart,” Nora responds, blushing madly.
Eleanor giggles and rubs her daughter’s hair. “You’re saying that as if you’re going to ask her out on a date.”
Nora’s face turns a deeper shade of red. “I mean, I am just saying. Bella is a sweet person and...I don’t think she deserves to suffer as much as she did.”
Sebastian smiles softly. “Well, if you both ever have some time alone, be sure to be there for her.”
Nora ponders about what her parents are saying.
The group arrives at the fortress that seems locked up as usual.
Vaggie looks up and whispers to both Charlie and Bella. “We’re here.”
Before Vaggie can announce herself, the cameras spot her. The fortress opens up automatically, scaring the group back.
Charlie puts Bella down as they all face the fortress.
Standing behind the fortified door is a tall woman with silver hair down and glowing high-heels. Her silver hands bigger than an average man’s hands. She has a black and white dress with the black top and the white skirt. Her hands are on her hips while her silver hair is flowing in the wind.
“Are you going to need my help again?” she says finally.
Vaggie corners a bright smile in relief. “It’s good to see you again, Carmilla.”
“Well, you better come in before those raptors want to come in and destroy the machinery,” Carmilla responds, getting the group to go inside.
“How do you know her?” Charlie whispers to Vaggie.
“It’s a long story,” Vaggie says with a whisper.
As soon as the group enters the front yard of the fortress, the doors close automatically.
“So, you’ve come to ask about how to defeat The Vees, Morrigan, and Orais?” Carmilla asks the others.
“Well, we need angelic weapons to fight them,” Vaggie responds.
“I would be happy to give you them, but there’s a problem. There has been a shortage of production because one of the damn raptors manage to destroy the fucking machine--”
Charlie covers Bella’s ears, which Carmilla notices.
Carmilla takes a deep breath to calm herself. “They destroyed the machine that is supposed to help manufactured weapons.”
Sebastian widens his eyes as if an idea came to him. “I can try to take a look at it.”
Carmilla arches a brow. “Really?”
“Hubby is usually handy with tools and machinery,” Eleanor adds.
Carmilla takes a moment to ponder about it. “Huh, I never took you as a mechanic as well. Alright. Let’s see what you can do.”
As the adults walk away, Nora manages to take Bella’s hand softly.
Bella winces at the way Nora grabs her hand, both of them blushing.
Nora lets go immediately. “Sorry. I was just trying to get your attention.”
Bella wipes the tears away. “It’s okay. I-I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” Nora asks.
Bella is about to answer, but she can sense other words that are the truth want to come out instead.
“No,” she finally answers.
Nora frowns and offers her hand. “Why don’t we go somewhere and blow off some steam?”
“At a time like this?”
“Don’t worry, I know how I can get us out of trouble,” Nora replies with a flirty grin, then blushes. “I swear, I don’t mean anything inappropriate!”
Bella giggles at Nora. “I wasn’t even thinking that.”
“Shit, uh, sorry--”
“It’s fine,” Bella replies to Nora.
They exchange soft gazes and small smiles until they realize they are staring at each other lovingly.
Nora shakes it off. “Do you want to go blow off some steam or not?”
Bella corners an amused grin. “Sure.”
“Where do you guys think you’re going?” an unfamiliar voice manage to snap them both of their trance and look to find two teens with silver skins and appearances looking a lot like Carmilla, except one is in a lab coat and the other twin is in a crop top and short shorts.
One twin has a blonde ponytail while the other twin has short silver hair in a big puffy bun.. One twin has red glasses while the other twin has horns. Both of them has red eyes staring down at Nora and Bella.
“You can’t go out there while there’s chaos outside,” the blonde twin chastizes them.
“Aw, c’mon, sis, it ain’t gonna hurt for them to go out and cause some trouble. There’s already trouble outside,” the other twin in a crop top says.
“Don’t encourage them, Clara,” the blonde twin whispers harshly.
“Look, we’re just going to blow off some steam. If you guys wanna come, you can--”
“No,” the blonde twin responds. “Don’t go out there.”
“No, you should know better than to go walk right out while all Hell breaks loose,” Odette, the blonde twin, responds with a sharp tone.
“Look, we’ll keep ourselves out of sight,” Clara reassures her twin sister. She looks to Nora and Bella. “Mind if I come along? I want to investigate how much damage they did here.”
“Seriously?” Odette grumbles.
“Don’t worry, just don’t tell Mom we’re gone--”
“For fuck’s sake, I’m coming with you. If something happens to you, Mom will be pissed.”
“Yay!” Clara cheers.
Nora glances at Bella. “I guess we got more people coming with us.”
Nora, Bella, Clara, and Odette make sure that they stay on the rooftops to avoid the streets.
Odette and Clara notices all the dead bodies, bleeding out into the streets.
“This doesn’t feel different than when the exorcists exterminate us,” Odette says softly.
Clara nods her head in agreement.
Nora picks up the bat with nails penetrated through the round tip of it, looking down the alleyway to look for something to beat.
Bella notices their silhouettes fading. She looks up to find the Light above Heaven and Hell is starting to darken above them. The girls look up with her, squinting their eyes to find the light turning more red.
“Do you think we’ll have enough time for blowing off steam?” Clara asks with curiosity in her tone.
Odette squints further. “By my calculations, I say that we may have few days left before the worlds ends. Heaven. Hell. Earth. And the whole universe might end.”
“Few days?!” the girls gasp in shock.
Odette shrugs. “I can be wrong.”
The girls glance back up at the sky.
“If it really takes a few days, then we need to be quick about fighting them,” Clara responds.
“Or we might never see each other again,” Odette says solemnly.
Nora notices a raptor just eating her pickings in the dumpster. With brows narrowed and anger raised in her heart, the bat girl jumps down and starts to beat the raptor with the bat.
“What are you doing?” Clara questions Nora harshly when she witnesses her beating the raptor.
“They’re part of Morrigan and Orais,” Nora responds.
“We better kill it before it calls the other raptors here,” Odette adds, jumping down to help Nora to beat the raptor.
Clara joins them as Bella watches in horror. She sees the animal squawking in pain. Bella jumps in front of her three friends.
“Don’t!” Bella shouts, defending the injured raptor.
“Bella, what are you doing?” Odette questions in confusion.
“It might have killed other sinners before it got to us,” Clara adds.
“It didn’t get to us. We just choose to attack it. Please, leave it alone,” Bella begs her three friends.
Nora softens her gaze and sighs, putting the bat away. “Fine. We’ll find something else to beat up.”
The girls turn and notice two yellow-furred spiders approaching them. They appear to have scars on their backs as if they have been flogged to death.
“Found it,” Nora responds while standing between Bella and assumingly to be Bella’s real parents, Delilah and Duncan.
“Oh sweetie, we thought we lost you,” Delilah responds almost too sweetly.
Bella shivers, staying behind Nora.
Clara and Odette read the room and step in front of Bella in a protective manner.
“We can find you someplace safe from all of this,” Duncan replies, offering his hand out to her.
Bella hesitates, trembling in fear.
“Do you really want to go with these group of rebels?” Delilah asks. “You don’t always think straight, do you?”
“Fuck off, old lady!” Nora growls. “Come any closer and I’ll beat the shit out of you!”
“Are you going to let your little rat of a friend threaten us?” Duncan snarls at Bella.
“She’s not a rat! She’s a bat!” Bella snaps.
“Don’t squabble, dear. You’re only making this worse for yourself--”
“And if I come with you, it’s already going to be worse for me!” Bella shouts at her real parents, angry tears coming out of her eyes. “You have beat me up when I do one thing wrong and-and now you’re going to take me somewhere ‘safe’!”
Bella shows her bandaged wound of where the hellhound bit her a long time ago. “You see this?! This is what your hellhounds have done to me! And you have done much worse than that! You starved me, beat me, and left me in my room alone! Every night, I wonder what would happen if the exorcist comes into my room to kill me! Just to put me out of my misery.”
Nora, Clara, and Odette frown at Bella’s speech.
“Are you out of your head?” Delilah gasps in shock. “We sold our souls to Morrigan just to have you!”
Bella widens her eyes. “Then why did you beat me?”
“Bella, we don’t have time--”
“Then why did you beat me?!”
Delilah and Duncan goes silent.
Nora notices this and clenches her teeth. “Answer the fucking question!”
“Because you’re not our real daughter!” Duncan barks at them. “Our real daughter is up in Heaven!”
“Duncan!” Delilah shouts at her husband.
“You’re just a parasite made by Morrigan to put in your mother’s stomach! But you’re nothing like our real daughter! You’re a hellborn like the rest of the demons!” Duncan blurts out. “When we saw those little ads saying that we can redeem ourselves in that stupid fucking hotel, we knew it’s already too late. Once you are pregnant with the hellborn, you’re destined to stay down here forever. We could’ve seen our real daughter if it weren’t for you!”
Bella starts to tear up. “Is...Is your real daughter also named Bella?”
“What other name do you think we’re going to name you after?” Duncan replies. “Now, c’mon--”
“No!” Bella shouts at her parents. “All this time, I’m being punished for your choices! I have memories of that car crash! But those memories didn’t belong to me, do they?! They belong to you both! Why do I remember it, then?! Did you both somehow gave it to me?! Then you used that car crash as an excuse to punish me as to why we ended up here! You blamed me for something I couldn’t control for years! You made this choice! You are the one who made the choice for me to come into this world! A-And you’re going to punish me for it?! It’s not fair!”
“Life isn’t fair, sweetie,” Delilah responds.
“You’re right,” Bella replies. “I’m not going with you both. I have finally found my safe place and people who love me for who I really am. And you’re not one of those people. I don’t want to even acknowledge you as my parents anymore, since I found parents who are not by blood, but they love me for me. So, all I have left to say is, fuck you!”
Nora blinks in shock, her face turning red and sweating.
Clara and Odette notice this with brows quirked up in confusion.
“Holy shit, that’s hot~” Nora replies until she snaps out of it. “I mean, yeah! You heard her! Fuck you! Now get on outta here before I beat the shit out of you!”
“Yeah!” Clara encourages.
They hear a honk from the raptors as they turn to find more raptors surrounding them.
“Oh shit,” Odette gasps softly.
“Run!” Clara replies as the girls take off.
Before Duncan and Delilah can chase after the girls, two of the raptors manage to leap at them and start tearing through them. Both Duncan and Delilah are both left screaming and agonizing in pain as the other raptors hurry to chase after the girls.
The girls hurry down the alleyway, hearing the raptors coming closer to them.
“Hurry!” Odette urges the girls before they hit a dead-end.
“Shit, we’re trapped!” Clara shouts in panic.
They all faced the raptors, hungry orange eyes staring at them.
However, Bella notices the injured one leading the flock. She looks around to find the first aid kit in the dumpster and takes it out.
“Bella, what are you doing, girl?” Clara questions Bella as she steps out in front of the group.
“Hold on, it’s okay,” Bella comforts the injured raptor.
The injured raptor seems to wince when she reaches one of her hands out.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Bella comforts the beast. “I just want to help you.”
She sits down and lets the beast step closer cautiously.
“Watch, she’s going to get killed by that thing,” Odette whispers to Clara.
“Shh,” Clara shushes her twin sister.
Bella takes out rubbing alcohol and a cottonball, using it to dab it. “It’s going to sting a little. Hold still.”
She manages to rub the rubbing alcohol on the wounds Nora left earlier. At first, the raptor whines, but Bella shushes it.
“I know. I know. It’ll be over soon. I just got to bandage it,” Bella replies while bandaging the wound. “There you go. Good as new.”
The injured raptor looks at the others and then glances at Bella. It barks and rubs its head against Bella as if it is thanking her.
The rest of the girls stare in shock.
“You got to be fucking kidding me,” Odette responds.
The raptors face the rest of the girls, ready to attack, including the injured raptor.
Bella jumps in between the raptors and her friends. “Don’t hurt them. They’re my friends. They won’t hurt you. That means Nora needs to drop the bat.”
Nora blinks, blushes madly, and then drops her bat with her hands up.
“See? She’s not going to hurt any of you again as long as I’m here,” Bella reassures the raptors.
The raptors relax themselves and chirps in agreement to have Bella and her friends as their friends.
The raptors starts to cuddle Bella, immediately tamed by her.
“How the fuck did you do that, girl?” Clara asks in shock.
Bella shrugs while cuddling the raptors.
“Less questions and more moving. We need to go home,” Odette determines. “Mom’s going to be worried sick for us.”
Nora doesn’t pay attention to Clara and Odette, shifting her focus at Bella cuddling the raptors with giggles and smiles from her. Her heart starts to beat rapidly to the point where her palms become sweaty.
“Girl, get your head out of the clouds,” Clara says, snapping Nora out of her thoughts.
“Huh? What clouds?” Nora utters a question, blushing more.
Both Clara and Odette smirk at Nora.
“You know what we mean,” Odette replies.
Nora blushes madly.
Bella notices the raptors has wings to fly them away from this place. “Hey, they can take us home!”
The girls gasp in shock.
“Oh shit! Where did they go?!” Carmilla shouts in shock, searching around the front yard of the fortress.
Vaggie and Eleanor are out there with her while Charlie searches high and low.
Both Vaggie and Eleanor spreads their wings.
“C’mon, our daughters should be outside somewhere,” Vaggie determines.
Carmilla notices flying raptors up in the sky. “Wait! Don’t go!”
The women with wings notice the flying raptors flying towards them.
Vaggie takes out her spear while Eleanor takes out her butcher knife.
“Don’t fuck with us!” Eleanor growls at the raptors.
Charlie notices Bella, Nora, Odette, and Clara are on four separate raptors. “Wait, don’t attack them! It’s just the girls!”
Carmilla notices this as well. “Charlie’s right. Lower your weapons.”
Vaggie and Eleanor put down their weapons, watching the raptors land in front of them.
“Shit’s crazy!” Clara announces to the women.
Carmilla puts her hands on her hips. “Where the hell have you two been? You’ve nearly gave me a heart attack. I told you both not to go out there.”
“I pulled them into it,” Nora responds, taking the blame.
“Not surprised,” Vaggie grumbles.
“What does that supposed to mean?” Eleanor responds, being defensive about her daughter.
Vaggie widens her eye and looks away awkwardly.
Bella pets the injured raptor she’s riding on. “Mommy, Mama, can I keep them all?”
Charlie blinks her eyes in shock. “A-All of the raptors?”
Bella nods her head. “Pretty please?”
“Uh, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to keep them,” Vaggie responds until she notices Bella’s pleading face, big sparkling eyes and a pout.
“Um sure that’s fine,” Charlie replies. “There’s only about...shit, there’s fifty of them.”
“If they’re gonna stay here, they need to stay in a cage. A big one,” Carmilla responds with her arms crossed. “They’re not going to fuck up with my machinery again.”
“Well, as long as they’re in a big cage, you can keep them all,” Vaggie replies with a compromise.
Bella nods her head excitedly. “Deal!”
“And you have to take care of all of the raptors. That means feed them, play with them, and make sure that they have everything they need,” Vaggie instructs firmly.
Bella nods again in understanding. “Okay, Mama. Let’s go, Vivian.”
Vivian, the bandaged raptor Bella is riding on, chirps in response.
“C’mon! Let’s build their cage!” Odette responds while leading everyone to start building the cage.
Carmilla smiles at Vaggie. “How does it feel to be a mom?”
“Kind of hard and fun at the same time,” Vaggie answers.
Carmilla nods with a hum. “It might be more complicated as she grows up and navigates her life.”
“I’m sure we can handle it,” Charlie says while nudging on her girlfriend.
Both Charlie and Vaggie hold hands together.
After the girls build a giant cage behind the fortress for the raptors to fly and inhabit in, Bella spends some time with her new pets.
Nora watches from outside of the cage with a dumb lovesick smile.
Bella glances at her, causing her to blush madly and look away. She notices the blush and blushes more than Nora. Bella glances away and pets her raptors.
Nora is about to walk away until she stops where she’s standing to find her parents talking to Charlie and Vaggie and getting along with them. Then she sees Clara and Odette talking their mother’s ears off about new ideas they can create.
Nora looks up at the sky to find the dark is attempting to snuff out the Light above them. She looks down as if the Light is shining down at Bella in front of her.
With a deep breath, Nora enters the cage, tensing up to make sure that the raptors won’t attack her.
Nora walks up to Bella and sits down besides her. “Mind if I sit next to you?”
Bella blushes and smiles. “No, not at all.”
Nora looks around at the raptors. “Have you named them all yet?”
“Yep! That’s the first thing I did while we were building this cage. We got Vivian, Evie, Blue, Daphne, Lily, Marie, Kristopher, Marlin--”
“Holy fuck, that’s a lot of names to keep track of,” Nora utters in shock, earning giggles from Bella.
Bella frowns after her giggles died down.
“What’s on your mind?” Nora asks.
Bella sighs. “For so long, I thought I died on Earth with them. For years, I thought that they are blaming me for something that happens in the other realm. Now, being a hellborn...I don’t know.”
“Hey, I’m hellborn too,” Nora responds.
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” Nora replies with a soft smile. “To tell you a secret, my parents were murderers back in the other realm. They cook and eat people they kill.”
“You’re joking?”
Nora shakes her head. “Nope. If they feel cruel enough, they bury people alive. And apparently, they died in the fire from the kitchen one day. Once they’re in Hell, they start to open up their own restaurant and well...got a little frisky. They threw away any chance they had at redemption when Mom became pregnant with me.”
Bella blinks in shock. “I’ve never knew this about you. Did they ever blame you for holding them back?”
“Why would they? By the chance they found out that sinners can be redeemed, it’s already too late. They’ve made the choice and they’re willing to keep me. Your lazy-ass father is right about one thing. Once you’re pregnant with the hellborn, you’re stuck down here for all eternity without having any chance at redemption.”
“Did you ever feel bad for holding them back?”
“No. There’s no reason to. They never really tell me any of that until I got older when they had a talk with me about the birds and the bees, which they have no idea that I hear them have sex every night. You know, looking at your piece of shit parents, I start to realize that my own parents are actually not half-bad. You know, ever since I met you, you’ve brought a lot of things that I didn’t think I would ever have. A friend that sticks by me. I feel like I found my family when I met you.”
Bella blinks, blushing across her face.
Nora rubs the back of her head. “I-I know that this seems soon and I want to do this right. But with the worlds ending soon, I just want to say that I like you. Like...like-like you. Shit, I’m not good at this shit.”
“Like a crush?”
Nora nods. “Yeah.”
Bella blushes madly and rubs her arms. “Well, um, I like-like you too.”
Nora’s face becomes more beet red. “Shit, really?”
“Yeah. You’re funny, rebellious, and you’re not afraid to say what’s on your mind. Me on the other hand--”
“Hey, don’t talk like that. I’ve seen what you did in front of your piece of shit parents. And that turns me on--I mean, that actually--I didn’t mean turn on as of anything like...you know. Shit, I can’t believe I said that.”
Bella holds Nora’s hand with one of her own. “It’s okay. I understand what you mean. I hope we can make it out alive. Then you get to take me out on a real date.”
“Well, shit, I better find a fancy restaurant.”
“It doesn’t have to be fancy. We can try your parent’s restaurant--”
“Eh, I don’t want to be teased for taking you out on a date.”
“But you are. A-Am I embarrassing?”
“No, you’re not embarrassing at all. If you have seen how my parents relentlessly teasing me for taking you out on a date, they’re the ones that are embarrassing. No, you won’t ever be an embarrassment.”
Bella softly smiles. “Thank you, Nora.”
Nora grins like a lovesick maniac. “No problem.”
Bella and Nora are about to lean forward to kiss, but start to blush in embarrassment. They immediately lean away from each other.
“Okay, maybe it’s too early to start kissing each other on the lips,” Nora responds, covering her red face.
“How about this then?” Bella suggests while leaning over and leaving a kiss on Nora’s cheek.
The tips of Nora’s pointy ears become red along with her face.
“I better get used to this,” Nora replies.
“I’ve never been in a relationship before. So, this might be a new experience for me.”
“Same. I guess that means we get to explore this together.”
“You read my mind.” Bella cuddles onto Nora’s side. “Here’s to hoping we make this out alive.”
“Here’s to hoping. I want to see more of you,” Nora replies.
“Me too. Me too.”
They both stare up at the red skies, watching the Light dim slowly from the clutches of darkness. 
To Be Continued...
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chippuyon · 1 year
I’m honestly so glad they gave it a closed happy ending, there’s still a lot to grab in too
Miri just started high school and Rei and Kazuki have a restaurant now ! They seem very happy together, there’s a lot up to interpretation too. So we can go off with whatever 👁️👁️
the action was AMAZING I told all of you the lighter was coming back and I was right I was goddamn right!!! It really did end up being a parting gift from Rei, but for his father and the organization :,)
oh god all the shots, beautiful, dynamic, muah muah the directors and animators put their whole pussies into this last episode
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look at Rei breakdancing boy knows his moves
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and we need to talk about how absolutely FERAL Kazuki was this ep thats my wifey 😊
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and Rei's confrontation with his father, so amazing so fantastic, I'm still reeling over everything Rei said. I definitely get why they said the ending was surprising now.
"Miri, Kazuki, and I share a bond stronger than blood," "If my killer's blood gets in the way of that, and won't let me protect the two of them, then these hands have no purpose!" Me from the grave 6 feet under: 💀👍
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Wait is that why Rei shoots his right arm? To permanently ruin his ability to kill? Is he normally right handed? I never noticed.
And then we get back to "You think we managed to change?" "We've still got a long ways to go" They believe they can change and they're working towards it!!
This might be the most beautiful image of them I ever saw, they're battle-worn but smiling at their daughter cause they won. And they fucking deserve it!!!!!!!
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Miri's ANGELIC smile omg :((((
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Then we got the timeskip which holy shit??? I totally called Miri's hairpin attached to her pocket as a design choice btw(Rei bad end art)
Screamed at this. It's the photo Kazuki and Rei had of them so I wonder if Miri doesn't have any other photos of her mother :( whether because she could never afford a camera or never bothered to or they were left forgotten in their old home.
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Miri herself has grown up so well I'm crying. She's sassy and dramatic like Kazuki, but also calls him out on his bullshit like Rei. She really did get both their genes 🏳️‍🌈🫶
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(we're going to ignore that drinking with girls comment which is wildly ooc because I wrote Kazuki's character /hj)
You would not believe how loud I screamed when I saw their little diner. Rei's french toast special omg...
Their designs too!?!? Kazuki beard truthers how does it feel to win.
THE BULLETIN BOARD. Miri growing up over the years IM SO EMOTIONALLL. Oh god and how most of the photos are Kazuki and Miri so it was probably Rei taking the photos, wanting to keep physical mementos of his family AHHHH
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brightnote · 11 months
Secret Invasion Episode 4 SPOILERS
SHE DID SUPER SKRULL IT!! Kind of good kind of also a bummer--it was very predictable and also two women definitely can’t revive in a Marvel show. But at least G’iah is ok. But nobody believed that death for one second. I bet Varra swaps sides and that’s why she’s fighting with G’iah but I’m still not convinced she isn’t Abigail Brand or will be revealed to be her later. 
I’m sorry but this romance between Fury and Priscilla is just so awkward.
I think Rhodey being a skrull kind of also confirms Hill is dead for real. (Like I needed anymore proof) but I guess saying it out loud helps.  But just imagine if they had put Cobie in the title sequence just so we could watch her die over and over again in 4 of 6 episodes, it is kind of funny that she keeps getting that special guest star for that same few seconds over and over again. BUT GOOD NEWS is that there might be Maria content in Episode 6 and I swear to god if it’s just that video of her dying again I am gonna scream. But at least that IMDB leak may have been right after all. And you have to hand it to Cobie for getting a special guest star appearance for the same 3 seconds over and over again.
I mentioned in one of my first posts that there had to be video of skrull Nick shooting Maria and it was going to come up, it’s Russia after all and everything is on tape!  I guess we know why Skrull Rhodey did so much work to get Maria’s body back—evidence. Evidence and no hope of a revival so she could support Nick, I guess that confirms there was a body in her casket and her casket was not cake.  Also even more evidence that Maria is just a pawn in this whole thing—re her moving the pawn first on the chess board and her death still not about her just about getting Fury whether it’s in legal or emotional trouble, what a waste.
Also having this video makes WAY MORE SENSE as to why Garvik would shoot Maria at all as another way to go at Fury and not just you know attack his psyche—ruining his credibility is definitely very important.  Gravik had to be up to something more than just personal and having the footage of Nick shooting Maria that definitely tracks, and it does make it way more interesting--what if it gets to her mom! 
It would have been awesome to see Maria in this firefight scene though but if she didn’t die in Episode 1 she definitely would have died here.  I think Talos is for real, really dead, but don’t forget he is a skrull and we know that humans and skrulls can be revived with kree blood, and Talos was killed in a very similar manner that Coulson was. So if one of them IS coming back, my guess is Talos is coming back and Maria remains the goner.  Talos did get a longer pan out than G’iah, but maybe he’s also a secret super skrull? ~Maybe G’iah’s blood can save him~ IN ADDITION we know that Talos probably isn’t really dead because Ben is listed as playing Talos in The Marvels!!!!! But wait--isn’t this also true of Cobie? Well Cobie is listed as being in the Marvels but it doesn’t say as Maria Hill and Cobie herself says “she has no idea about that.” Of course this could be a mandatory NDA denial but that wouldn’t make sense if the cast list is out there and of course both of these actors could return to the Marvels for flash back scenes. 
But I’m just saying, I think Talos is not really dead but I guarantee that Maria is because deaths in Marvel with no revival are for women (and the men always get to come back!)
Don’t forget that Cobie said “she had a lot of scenes at the same time as Don” maybe this is for episode 6 or maybe potentially there are scenes coming in Armor Wars and there will be a surprise Maria in it? Like I get it, it’s true that people can be on set at the same time and not necessary have scenes together, but BUT I think the Marvel scheduling people are like good at it and purposefully put people together for filming...... and there are no scenes really where they seem to be in the same place so far ... so was this an accidental slip up from Cobie or were they just hanging out together on set? I know they film stuff for other projects when they have people together so..... idk!!! 
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You are Never Far (A Very Special Solar Opposites Episode)
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Raindrops falling. People freaking out. Footsteps running. Tears runs down Korvo’s cheek as he tearfully heads towards the family’s house breaking down.
A door slam was heard by Terry, only to gasp once he got a text from one of his friends. Phoebe was playing with the Pupa until she notices Korvo crying in tears. Korvo made it to the room in tears as he breaks down emotionally.
How did it happened? What happened was earlier Korvo was having a spat one of the most hateful neighbors of all time, Roxy. Roxy keeps on telling him how much he is a nuisance to his family and always have been. But that is when she pushes him too far.
“Will stop thinking about your family and go use on your help for once? They don’t like you!’
‘You don’t understand what we have been through! Our life is enough love as it! You’re just being selfish Roxy!”
Korvo violently snaps and gives Roxy as brutal massive blood shedding beat down as Roxy screams in horror, which attracted a lot of humans. Korvo stopped after seeing Yumyulack and Jesse walking and saw him in shock and horror.
Terror spread around the crowds’ faces as they backed away from Korvo’s massive meltdown as tears threaten to burst as he growls at Roxy one more time and runs off in crying his eyes out.
“Wait, hold on-“
Sadly, Roxy was arrested and forced to be sentence to four months of house arrest for her brutal treatment on Korvo. The crowd ultimately looked at her with burning anger and outrage disgust as they can help but feel disdain over what she has done to Korvo.
How could she do that? What is her problem? She had no right to do that to a coping alien.
That night, Terry was sleeping on his bed until he heard something on the roof. He turns and to his horror, sees Korvo ready to jump off. Screams were heard as Phoebe got up and alerted the kids. The kids were terrified once they see an asleep sobbing Korvo about to fall of the roof.
Yumyulack: Korvo! Have you lost your fucking mind?
Jesse: What the fuck are you doing?
Pupa: *gasp in sadness*
Phoebe: What’s wrong with him Terry?
Terry suddenly sees panic muscles beating on Korvo’s shoulders. Realizing what is happening to Korvo, Terry rushes up on the rooftop and catches Korvo in his arms safely on the ground.
Inside, Phoebe then made tea for Korvo, who appears to be in a shock state. The Replicants, Pupa and Terry watches in worry.
Jesse: Korvo, come on please talk to us.
Yumyulack: Eh, I’m sure he’ll bounce back.
Jesse: Yumyulack! Yumyulack: What?! It’s true!
Phoebe: Easy there kids, I’m sure your adult is gonna be okay. He is gonna be just fine.
Suddenly, Korvo started to move but instead, he emotionally burst into tears as he started to have a panic attack. Terry gasp in shock as Phoebe helps the Replicants and Pupa back away in worry and concern.
Terry: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey! Heal Korvo! It’s okay!
Korvo: No, it’s not. *breathing frantically* I can’t take this dark world anymore. I don’t deserve anyone. I’m just a total jackass who always ruin everyone’s lives and make a mess of things. I can’t take it anymore, my rage, my skin condition, my whole life on Earth. I just hate myself! You guys….you guys are better off without me…….
Korvo breaks down in tears as he hunch over his knees and started to goobler. Terry, seeing his hurt and struggling his Korvy is, brings him in a hug followed by Phoebe, the kids and the Pupa as Korvo began to weep silently.
Terry: *rubbing Korvo’s back soothingly* Shhh…. It’s okay Korvy, I’m here.
Phoebe MacCarthy: We all are.
Jesse: Oh Korvo.
Yumyulack: We’re really sorry Roxy said that stuff to you. But that is not true.
Terry: Korvo, you do matter to us. You’re our mission leader. You have so much life to live for. You kept us in check, you take great care of the Replicants, you do well with manuals and other stuff, but out of all that, you do care about us and you are our family Korvo! We don’t wanna be without you, you matter so much to us. You’re my Korvy and always will be. We’re gonna get you help Korvo. I promise. It’s gonna be okay.
Korvo continues to weep as his family continue to comfort him. After so much solace, Korvo has never been so overwhelmed by the love his worker husband in crime, Replicants, Pupa and family nanny as he continues to shed a few tears.
Three weeks later, Korvo has enter therapy which has helped him get better and receives some consulting over anxiety and trauma. Things were back to normal. But, Korvo, after spending 4 years on Earth, felt like crying again because he had no idea how much trauma he faced and how overwhelmed he was all this time because he wanted to leave this planet. Suddenly, all he sees now is his Terry smiling at him, knowing how much consoling his boyfriend needs right now. Instantly, Terry puts his arms around Korvo as he let it all out, but this time, safe in his sweetheart’s arms.
It’s okay Korvy. It’s okay……
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Note: This fanfic was inspired by a real life anxiety I am facing evacuee so much changes and newfound responsibilities I have to do right now, because I have to be more independent and reliable for my family. But, it was all because I was facing the new responsibilities of being a responsible young adult. I hope this help other people too. I love you guys so much, goodnight
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yellowhollyhock · 8 months
Mikey and April
They are each other’s stray cats
When Mikey meets April he literally acts in the exact same way he would if she were a frightened kitten. Beats up the thing threatening his creature, scoops her into his arms, and says to his brothers, “Can I keep her?” And then takes her home and gives firm instructions they should get him when she wakes, he’ll be listening to music. Tell me it wouldn’t be the exact same story on Mikey’s part if she had been a cat.
And meanwhile April allows her creatures to approach at their pace, let’s them into her home, bribes them with food (okay food Mikey and Donnie ordered but still), and tries to keep them—especially Mikey—away from fragile items. They are all cats in this show. Except for the, uh, rat. Sorry Master Splinter.
April and Mikey understand each other on a spiritual level. It isn’t very long after they meet that the banter begins, with her pretending to have ruined his comic books and him turning the lights off on her. They have fun and make each other laugh. They’re also very respectful of each other’s boundaries. Like when Mikey comes into her shop during a fight to say hi, when she protests and he realizes, he immediately gives the most sincere apology we’ve heard from him at that point in the show (maybe ever?) and backs right out. Or when Mikey wants to be a superhero and all of his brothers are making fun of him, but April rolls up her sleeves and helps him find an outfit. It takes them very little time to earn each other’s trust, and once they have it they never betray it.
I think the show under utilized their youngest sibling solidarity. Makes sense because Robyn is in one episode, and I don’t think age order is even stated (is Robyn younger in 2003? I’m pretty sure she’s older in Mirage and I like younger sibling April so I’m gonna pretend Robyn’s older). Anyway it would’ve been fun to see April remembering what being the youngest is like and sticking up for Mikey, reasonably or unreasonably. Could’ve been a cool bonding opportunity with Angel, too. But not very plot relevant so makes sense. I guess.
This friendship is so important for Mikey because she really is his first human friend. Donnie and Leo both seemed closer with the Professor (especially Donnie, but Leo is also shown to be trusting of the Shredder and the Utroms so I feel like it’s implied that the human thing isn’t a big deal to him), and Raph is close with Casey before he gets close with April. Mikey is the turtle who would want human friends the most. He shows the most interest in NYC culture and verbally states a desire to be part of the community more than once (the greater good thing). April’s first reaction on meeting them is screaming and fainting, so not great, but things turn around pretty fast and that had to have done a world of good for Mikey’s confidence.
You know how he’s obsessed with monster movies? I don’t think the irony is lost on him. Especially considering how quiet he immediately gets when Don points it out to him during Notes from Underground. The internalization of societal prejudice against him specifically is strong with this one. And in Mikey’s world, at fifteen, “society” irl is pretty much made up of April, Casey, and people who want to kill him. Thank goodness for April and Casey.
Some headcanons:
April is Mikey’s maid of honor just like he was hers
They are the party planning duo. Birthdays with the Splinterson-O’Neil clan are off the charts
They would have so much fun shopping together
April buys all the Turtle Titan merch
Most likely duo to argue about food. Does pineapple go on pizza? Sushi yes or no. How much hot sauce is too much. Why are you adding cilantro I hate cilantro—
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gillianthecat · 2 years
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Scattered* thoughts on GAP episode 1
*I'm serious about the scattered thing, I'm not sure if any of this makes any sense.
I liked it! I will keep watching it! I didn’t watch the trailer and mostly filtered the tags, so I went into the episode pretty ignorant of the plot.
I'm going to get my complaints/concerns out of the way first. 
- I think my biggest obstacle is going to be the business setting, especially a social media/marketing/influencer type business. That was the thing that... didn't ruin, but certainly lessened my enjoyment of Roommates of Poongduck 304. It’s just something I find inherently both boring and annoying. I kept zoning out or pausing and getting distracted during the business parts.
- on a related note, Lady Sam seems like a terrible boss, in a way that also makes it seem like she's bad at running a business. Now, there is a long tradition of terrible bosses in romance, and it doesn't make her irredeemable for me. Already I really like what I've seen of her outside of work! But it is a big obstacle to overcome in liking her and wanting to see her with Mon.
- The third obstacle is very much a me thing, and something I wish I could change. For the past three or so years I've really struggled with reading about or watching women as characters in romance. A lifetime of misogynistic and objectifying depictions of women suddenly caught up to me, and has made it difficult to enjoy even well written non-misogynistic portrayals, especially in romance settings. Unfortunately, this seems to extend to queer women in romance, not just straight stories. There's a very narrow range of women characters (in romance, this is mostly about romance contexts) that get past that these days, and Mon and Sam don't quite fit. That's not to say I dislike them! They do intrigue me. It's just that in order to enjoy them I have to keep pushing aside all that baggage that has accumulated.
Onward to the rest of my scattered thoughts:
- I love that so many of the cast from Secret Crush on You is in this. Perhaps it’s just another job for them, but it feels supportive. I think I did a little scream when I saw Seng & Billy's cameo. And when Sam asked, "who is the other plate for?" I just knew it would be Heng. And a second later he appeared, so I felt very proud of myself. (I only saw him in the opening credits; remember I haven't watched the trailer.) I mostly skipped Sky’s storyline in SCOY, so my strongest association with him is as Phoenix in War of Y, which means that my initial reaction is not to trust him. But I hope he does turn out to be an ally, even if I’m getting the vibes that he really does want to marry Sam.
- I really like Mon's family, especially her stepdad. The family dinner where he and Mon are conspiring about how she can apologize to her mom was adorable. And I liked the nuances and the obvious love in Mon’s subsequent conversation with her mom.
- I found it both weird and sweet how encouraging they were of her decade-long obsession with a stranger. It’s sweet that they were so supportive of her as a general principle (and of course a huge contrast to Sam's grandmother). But also it just seems very weird to encourage your child to plan out her life based on her obsession with a stranger and be so sure that she’s a good person to model based on one interaction over a decade ago. It makes sense for teenage Mon to do that, but for her parents to join in less so. Perhaps it's related to Sam being royalty? I don’t have enough understanding of Thai culture to interpret that.
- Despite the absurdity of Mon planning her life around her obsession, I enjoy it. At first I wasn’t sure if she realized it was a romantic/sexual crush, or thought it was just idol worship, but it now seems like she does. I was never a queer teenager, but I appreciate everyone on here saying that it feels like a very queer experience.
- I really liked both crash-into-you scenes. And the first time we got the trope doubled up! Mon is very good at looking up at Sam with adoration in her eyes. I like Sam's annoyance with her that is starting to be replaced by interest, or curiosity at least. And the bit with the hair caught in the bracelet was very entertaining.
- My favorite moments were any time Sam and Mar were in a scene together–their chemistry is great! So I have hopes for enjoying this series over all. That moment in the bathroom especially - the tension! Plus Sam’s incredibly awkward flirtation with Mon at dinner. Does she even know that she’s flirting? I can’t tell yet what she’s thinking.
- I like the coworkers as a group and as a Greek chorus, even though watching the terrible working environment stresses me out.
- As @thequeenofsastiel says, despite her being a terrible boss, the rest of her life makes that understandable and sympathetic. (I have no insight to add to that right now.) I really felt for her in that dinner with the grandmother - the pressure that she’s under to make the company work. I think mostly I will be frustrated if the show tries to tell me that she’s actually good at running this company despite all the onscreen evidence to the contrary.
- I did appreciate the parallel of Sam saving Mon from being run over from a car again at the end. And a second crash-into-you with even more sexual tension.
- I thought I had more thoughts about this episode on Sunday, but I can’t remember them now/don't feel like writing them out at the moment.
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
ArtSchoolGlasses Judges Rants About Watches the Bridgerton Spinoff!
Because why not? 
Obviously, spoilers ahead. And also, if you can’t tell, this will largely be me complaining. (And most of that complaining will pertain to the costumes and fashion history.) So if you can’t handle it when someone dislikes something you enjoy? Maybe don’t click the “Keep Reading”...
On to episode one!
Starting with a disclaimer? Okay...
“It is fiction inspired by fact.” Well, that much was obvious before I hit play, but thanks for the reminder, I suppose? The issue for me being, there’s a difference between fictional takes on history that do the research but choose to take wild liberties for a reason (The Great, Our Flag Means Death) and a show that has the clear intent to put as little research and effort as possible into a project and make it up as they go along (Bridgerton).
In compliment to the show I will say: damn good job picking out the actress to play Charlotte. So often the younger and older versions of a character look so unalike that it sort of ruins the story for me. But this was A+.
Had to pause and face palm because Charlotte is explaining to her brother how her “underpinnings” (stays) are made from “the bones of whales” and I just *SCREAMS* No. NO. Stays and corsets were not made from the actual bones of whales Jesus Christ. “Whalebone” in stays meant baleen. Which is the filter-looking bit of a whale’s mouth. It is possible—possible—that the busk inserted into the centre front of a pair of stays might be carved from whalebone instead of wood, but I can almost guarantee no one working on this show even knows what a busk is, or knows the difference between a busk and boning. (And even then, not all boning was made from baleen anyways.)
Also the fact that she’s saying “corset” repeatedly, but stays was more commonly what they were called at this time. Corset as a term only began to be used more regularly in the Regency Era.
Six minutes in and already “My CoRsEt Is KiLlInG mEeEe!!1! I cAn’T bReAtHe!! My CoRsEt Is GoInG tO sLiCe Up My InSiDeS bECaUsE oF tHe WhAlE bOnEs!!1! I’m GoInG tO bLeEd To DeAtH iF i MoVe!!” 😑
Charlotte would have, obviously, grown up wearing stays, and would therefore be used to them. Stays that would have been specifically made to fit her body. And because they would have had hand-stitched eyelet holes—not metal ones—for the lacing, she would not be able to tight lace it to the point where she couldn’t breathe. Not without damaging such an expensive garment. (Expensive largely because of the sheer amount of labour that goes into making a pair of stays.) Nor would she choose to tight lace to that extent, because women in the 18th Century weren’t all laced to within an inch of their lives. That simply wasn’t the case. Women could indeed breathe in the past, otherwise we all wouldn’t be here. Yes, shockingly, you could move when wearing stays or a corset.
Flash forward into the Regency era and Princess Charlotte has just died. Um… This was a massive moment for England and the Queen doesn’t seem even remotely touched by it? Also, really the first mention of the Queen having children that I can recall, I don’t remember seeing any of them, and isn’t the whole reason this is a Regency romance is because, you know, it’s the Regency Era and there’s a Prince Regent? He doesn’t seem to exist in this world for whatever reason? Even though the period is literally named for him?
The amount of brocade-patterned polyester in this show that reminds me of my mother’s throw pillows from the 90s…
See, the problem with knowing where a lot of these filming locations are is you know how far apart they should be in reality and end up desperately trying to stop your brain from rationalising how far and fast a carriage would have to travel to get from Blenheim to Chatsworth to Bath to Hampton Court. (This is a personal issue; all the period dramas do this, so this isn’t just me hating on Bridgerton.)
Oh my. What an introduction to young Lady Danbury. Worthy of Harlots, I believe. (That sounds snarky. I mean it as a compliment. Excellent. Love her already.)
Hairstyles on the women far too tall for the 1760s. Hair would have been worn much closer to the head. But, you know, ✨aesthetics✨.
Though I will say, if we were having this show take place in the 1770s, and tall hair was fashionable—and Charlotte was more a fan of large hair, which, she was known to critique women like the Duchess of Devonshire for hair that was too tall—I will say, they do a wonderful job of adapting the 1770s styles to include afros and braids and locks and twists in this series. So that, again, I can commend them on.
Gotta love that the wedding invitations they sent out clearly say “Full Dress” and you just have men with their 2020s hair and no wigs, no powder, no curls. Some of the older men have wigs. But younger men? No! They must be conventionally attractive from a modern perspective otherwise what is the point!!
Also, not all of these women look like they’re wearing hoops/panniers, and they should for a formal court setting.
So, George’s coat when we first meet him… The tailoring isn’t quite right and feels far too modern. There are no buttons on it except for two at the back for some reason, just buttons on the vest. Also, where is the lace? Lace was expensive. (It was time consuming to make.) You are the King of England, you’re supposed to not only buy expensive things to encourage consumption and put money in the hands of artisans, but you also need to look expensive so that people can see you are not just the King, but one to a prosperous nation who can afford these luxuries. Your dress at this time spoke for you, and right now I’m seeing a man who can’t afford to have his clothes properly tailored, or even get his hair done.
I feel like a lot of the costumes would be less egregious if they weren’t so cheap looking? There’s really just something about the metres and metres of polyester used and plastic trimmings that… just makes this look off. Plus any close up makes the modern tailoring far too apparent. Clearly no research done into 18th Century tailoring, dressmaking, sewing techniques, etc…
I think I’m going to like Lady Danbury more than Charlotte, honestly.
Close up shot of the pleats at the back of Charlotte’s wedding dress. I’m not even sure what’s going on there. I swear it looks like someone velcroed it onto her back.
Oh god, glitter fabric… No, please. I hate the glitter fabric, Bridgerton. Stop. 😭
Ah, I see. The entirety of the drama in this plot is going to be a miscommunication trope, I assume surrounding George’s health.
Another flash forward into the Regency; Oh my god Charlotte’s children exist!
And there it ends. Charlotte alone in bed on her wedding night because George won’t speak to her about, I assume, his health.
I have low hopes Bridgerton has the capacity to properly tell a story that will no doubt largely focus on mental health and do so respectfully and carefully. I do not look forward to watching them use his deteriorating health for the sake of ✨DRAMA!✨
Anyways, Lady Danbury was the most interesting character so far and she barely had any screen time. All my hopes for this show being even remotely entertaining rest on her. 🖤 An A+ for Lady Danbury, A+ for Charlotte’s casting, and… a D for everything else?
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
This whole hatred against N and her potentially getting with D reminds me of the Vampire Diaries and it’s treatment of WOC especially Bonnie who has great chemistry with a couple of guys especially one of the male leads also called Damon(lol). Unfortunately the Delena fanbase was the Daemyra of TVD so ofc they were clearly threatened by Baemon’s chemistry and were also pretty racist towards Bonnie as was the writers. It’s very obvious because the show was based on books and they were a thing in them but Bonnie was white as well there. And when confronted over their racist treatment on the character one of the show runners was like “I looove Bonnie! Do you seriously want her to end up with a psycho killer like D?! She deserves better!” Basically the same BS D*emyra stans say.🙄How interesting the way things haven’t changed in fandoms when it comes to a black woman being seen as desirable and worthy of love. They already pulled similar crap with Laena in HOTD. If they do it with N as well despite there being tons of evidence that she and D might have been potentially romantically involved it will be so obvious embarrassing how racist they are their whole “we’re tying to be diverse”PR they’re trying to sell will crash and burn. D watching N leave as Caraxes screams is such an iconic scene! If they change it in favour of some astrocious BS like they did with L’s death😡😤
Lol yeah I never got into the Vampire Diaries(I only watched like one episode), but I know about the chaos surrounding that show especially the BTS drama. Julie Pec did Kat Graham/her character dirty and I’m sure that the fan base did not help.
From what I have heard the Pec woman was “in love with Damon” which definitely did not help matters.
Do people not realize that their racism is obvious? Cause when you praise one couple(featuring a WW) in a certain trope, but then turn around and say “no that can’t be” for another couple(featuring a WOC or BW) with the same trope, then it becomes super obvious why you really don’t like that couple being together.
They did not handle Laena and Daemon’s relationship correctly, but that’s over with so 🤷🏽‍♀️ Honestly I don’t think(my optimism side is showing again) Daemyra is going to be endgame in the show. For one, the show writers do not seem to like them together or Daemon in general.
Then you have the issue of Nettles 👩🏾 🐉🐑essentially being Daemon’s last arc before he goes on his “suicide mission.” He’s with Nettles night😏 and day. She’s his constant “companion” for the last 6 months to a year? of his life.
Rhaenyra 👸🏼 is off in the capital stress eating 🍰, listening to bad advice(cough cough Misery’s miserable behind), her kids are dropping like flies, and she is slowly losing her mind.
Unless they are going to change all of that and somehow make Rhaenyra some warrior queen🤣 who is constantly fighting battles alongside Daemon which would take her away from you know ruling 🙃, Daemyra is not gonna be end game.
This isn’t some CW teen show(no disrespect to those shows). They would literally ruin the show by proping up Daemon and Rhaenyra’s stale relationship to appease a small number(I’ve seen quite a few other white fans get annoyed with their behavior) of horny suspect stans. If they do not include that last scene where Daemon sends off Nettles(to protect her) that is a hate crime. Lol
GRRM seems to have a soft spot for Daemon and Nettles so hopefully he will help steer things in the right direction. Make Nettles Daemon’s “redemption” arc. I do not care just keep it book canon when it comes to his relationship(which is romantic/sexual in nature) with Nettles.
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