#if u try to flirt when u first meet her she’ll laugh and then tell you to get out her clinic
quechingada · 1 year
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i thought it would be funny if i did mock sketches of a dating sim w the characters in my comic but only had enough energy to do serene. he would be one of the hardest ones to romance but their scenes w you would be some of the sweetest 🫶 she’s loyal til the end
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
older h meeting her parents!!! And she’s nervous cause she’s never introduced a boy to them let alone a MAN! And he’s just the sweetest helping her around the flat preparing everything with her just kissing her “do they even know I exist?” He as,s her and she’s all 😮 “of course they do h!” And he brings her into him calming her telling her to take a deep breath “if they ask we are not having sex” she blurts out and he’s full on laughing “why would that even be brought up?” She shrugs her shoulder “just making sure” he kisses her lips “you are old enough I’m sure they know you’ve done it by now” he’s smirking she hits his shoulder “stop they don’t! Do they?” She asks he smiles “i don’t know you tell me” kissing her neck just kissing everywhere he can besides her face since she has on some makeup and he was threatened not to ‘ruin it’ “stop messing with m-me they don’t know” and he’s focusing on a spot he knows she likes “Harry don’t leave a mark I’m not changing p-please” he stops “okay let’s get ready for your parents and tell them how I’m your boyfriend and pretend I have never seen you naked” pecking her lips
Literally so obsessed w this idea I’ve read it SOOOOOOOO many times since u sent it in I’m def def def going to be writing a whole blurb w a moment like this soooo obsessed🥺 like it’s so obvi she’s nervous fluttering around the place trying to straighten pillows and dust shelves and keeps checking in the status of the takeout she ordered for lunch that she’s going to pretend she made and every time h asks her if she wants help or if she’ll sit w him she just is like oh no I’m okay thank you!!! All smiley even tho he can see she’s soooo nervous and like she already told him he’s the first guy she’s introduced to her parents so there just lots of extra tension in her bc of that and h is just leaning against the counter while she fussed around in the kitchen and “love they know who I am right?” Bc now he’s getting nervous that this is all a big mess that is going to surprise everyone but that’s the first thing that gets her attention and ofccthey know ab u h! I talk ab u all the time! And they follow me on insta so they’ve seen all of our pics!! And he just relaxes after that feeling a little better before she’s all stiff and just when he’s ab to ask what happened she’s like “we also have never had sex before and I’m still a virgin if anyone asks” and he’s so ?????? Bc “who’s going to ask that?” And she’s just idk!! I just want to make sure in case my mom says something idk! And h is just so endeared by her bc what a cutie she is all nervous over this and he stops her from flirting out of the kitchen w his hands on her hips and he’s got a smile on his face and “darling I don’t think u need to worry about that okay? I don’t think they’re gonna ask and besides ur old enough to make those choice I’m sure they’ve already assumed as much” and she just deadass 🧍🏼‍♀️ u think they know? Are u serious? And he just can’t help himself before he’s teasing her and idk baby do they??? Have u said anything that might make them think that???? And then she’s all omg eyes wide and omg I think I might have told my mom I stayed the night at ur house a few weeks ago omg they totally know oh no and he just shakes his head and can’t help himself before kissing over her neck to leave her makeup alone and he’s like ooooh you’ve definitely done it now making it clear he’s teasing her and that’s when she pushes him away a little tho it barely does anything since she keeps laughing and h stop teasing ur being meannnnn and he’s just being annoying and cute before he’s pulling back and chancing a kiss over her lips and alright alright they don’t know so I guess we’ll all have to play the game where I pretend I don’t know you have a body under ur clothes and I only hold ur hand when u stay the night and she can’t help but laugh at him bc he’s being so annoying but cute and it’s just the biggest stress reliever to have him there w her:(
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forever-rogue · 4 years
request: some christmassy idea where marcus moreno brings presents he bought for missy to the shop to get wrapped up bc he cant wrap for shit. And he wants to flirt with reader whos the one whos gonna wrap the presents but for the love of the above he cant. hes stuttering and hes flustered and its cute. And reader is like okay mister "i can use the force", heres my number, call me so we can shedule a date. And hes so shocked about it 😄😭😭😭 thank u patricia! 🌟
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I see it's time to write for Mr. Moreno? Excellent 😌 Enjoy!
Marcus Moreno x Fem!Reader; no warnings
Pedro Characters Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he reluctantly returned to the store, the bag of presents in his hand a sign of defeat. How hard it could possibly have been to wrap a few presents? Apparently too hard for someone like Marcus Moreno. It wasn’t that he hadn’t tried, oh no, he’d spent several hours the previous evening after Missy had gone to bed attempting to wrap the clothes and other oddly shaped boxes perfectly. But instead of success, all he gained was frustration. 
Instead of another vain attempt at the wrapping, he gave up and threw everything back into the bag and made his mind that he would go back to the small department store and ask...beg if you required it, for you to wrap the gifts. 
He might have been able to save the world on several occasions, but apparently his talents ended at Christmas gift wrapping. Well, he huffed to himself as he pulled open the door, the soft twinkling of bells meeting his ears, everyone had a limit. His just happened to be a little more pathetic than others. 
Super Hero, he reminded himself with each step, he was a fudgin’ super hero for fuck’s sake. But alas, when it came to more domestic things, such as cooking, and wrapping apparently, he was far from super. He was working on it though - spending time each day to make sure he was learning - doing enough - to be the father Missy needed. For her, and himself. Things weren’t always easy, but they were always getting better. 
Although tired from a long day at the office, throwing swords around, as Missy had dubbed it, his face instantly lit up when he spied you behind the counter, an almost bored expression on your face. The last of the Christmas rush was almost over, which meant business had slowed down, which was both a blessing and a curse at the same time. Marcus would have been a liar if he said he didn’t have an ulterior motive for coming back; sure - he wanted the presents wrapped, but let’s be honest, the man was smitten with you. Any excuse to come back and chat with you, even if it was just five minutes was good enough for him. 
He’d known you, casually, for a few years now. You had been Missy’s teacher at school last year, and he knew that you worked the summers and holidays at your parent’s store to give them a hand with the rushes. Sometimes, being the sneaky Heroic he was, he’d made up excuses in the past to come into your classroom to spend a few minutes here and there talking to you. It was hard to believe that anyone could make him nervous, to make his heart flutter and beat like a nervous schoolboy, but there you were. Managing to do it every time. 
But he’d never act on it. No, no, no. That would be downright outrageous. After all, why on earth would you be interested in Marcus Moreno? He couldn’t even wrap a present.
Almost as if you sensed his presence, you looked up from the counter you were organized and offered him a dazzling smile, accompanied by a small wave. He was positive his heart stopped at the sight as he had to remind himself to breath. After a quick inhale and exhale, he marched over to you, ready to be firm, and hell, maybe today he’d finally ask if you wanted to get dinner sometime. Why not, after all? But then he took a good look at your eyes, those soft eyes and that gentle smile and he came undone.
“Hi Marcus,” you beamed at him as he did his best to give you a normal smile in response, “what a pleasure to see a friendly face. How are you?”
“Hi,” he managed to choke out as he calmed himself. How did you have this effect on him? He was a grown man, a man with plenty of experience in dating and love, and yet this one he couldn’t seem to nail down, “I’m fine  - you know what, why lie? I’m tired and I can’t wrap presents for shit. I hate to ask, but could you help me out? I’ve seen you do it for other people and I’m afraid if I try again, it’ll be worse than the first time. It’s been awful - oh my God, I’m so rude. I’m rambling - you look pretty - nice - how are you?”
“Marcus,” you giggled at him, watching as a nervous tinge of pink flushed his cheeks. You put your hand on his, effectively getting him to calm down and shut up, “slow down. It’s okay - I’ve got you covered. I assume work is busy?”
“That’s one way to put it,” he was instantly relieved as you took the presents from and grabbed some wrapping paper to display to him. He nodded at your choice and watching in awe as you made quick work of grabbing the first present and getting to work, “I was about ready to just leave him in the bag and give them to Missy like that.”
“Ahh, it’s not a big deal,” you shot him a quick wink, “it’s easy once you get the hang of it. But then again, I’ve been helping my parents with this stuff for years. Maybe sometime I’ll show you how.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” he exhaled as he leaned against the counter and tried to pay it cool. His heart was thumping in his chest so rapidly, he was sure you were able to hear it as well. If you noticed anything out of place, you didn’t show it, “I’ll pay you - whatever you want.”
“Marcus,” you waved him off, “there’s no need. Besides, what are friends for?”
“Friends,” he almost choked on the word as he grinned at the delicate look of concentration on your face. Your brow was furrowed, your tongue peeking out from between your lips as you made sure to get all the measurements just right, “how’s everything been? It’s been a while…”
“I know,” you agreed as you started some ribbon to start curling it, “I miss you coming into my classroom all the time, I miss Missy - it’s not quite the same without the Morenos.”
How much could hint at it before he finally got the bait? You’d harbored a crush on the man for years now, even before you became Missy's teacher. He was a Heroic after all - handsome, funny, smart, and kind. Who wouldn't fall in love with him? You'd hinted at your feelings a number of times and you thought he reciprocated a few times, but you could never be quite sure. And neither of you ever seemed to make a move. You'd come close a few times, but somehow just hadn't...quite gotten there.
“I miss it too,” he agreed quietly, turning his attention to his hands, “Missy doesn’t like her teacher as much this year.”
“That’s because I’m pretty cool,” you teased gently, “you look nice too, by the way. The all black thing - pretty sexy.”
Marcus was sure his heart stopped at your words; you couldn’t seriously have said what he thought you said. Right? Right. He looked at you with wide eyes as you refused to look up from what you were doing in case you had completely overstepped any remaining boundaries. 
“I, umm…” he paused for a moment, chuckling at his own nerves as he moved to stand in front of you, “I’m shit at this. But I, umm...I like you.”
“Marcus,” you stopped what you were doing and set the scissors down to meet his soft brown eyes. He had a small smile on his face, nervous as he watched your expression to try and get a read on the situation. Honestly? He’d rather have taken down another horde of aliens than wait for your response, “it’s about time you said something. I was beginning to think you never would.”
“Oh,” he let a nervous chuckle as your words set in, “oh. Oh?”
“I like you too, Marcus,” you admitted as a warmth flushed over you, “I just...I didn’t know how to say it. I was…”
“Nervous,” you both blurted out at the same time as you both laughed. At least you were on the same page. 
“I haven’t done this in a long time,” he confessed as you nodded in understanding, “I feel like an old fool more than anything...but I’d like to take you out. On a date. A real date. Like you know not just...this, and I’m sorry if this is awkward. Missy’s been telling me to ask you forever and I just feel like -”
“Marcus,” you grinned at him as you reached up and held up a finger to his lips, “you’re rambling again, silly. I’d love to. I’d love to go out with you.”
“Seriously?” his eyebrows raised in surprise as you just nodded. Needless to say, he was not expecting this - any of it. 
“Seriously,” you confirmed, “come on, Mr. Force Hands, give me your phone and I’ll give you my number.”
“Okay,” he looked at you with nothing but soft hope in his eyes as he fished out his phone from his pocket and handed it to you. You let your hand brush over his as you took it and quickly saved your number for him, “I...yeah. I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too,” you agreed, “but don’t actually forget to text me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he breathed out easily, “besides, I owe Missy twenty bucks now and she’ll never forget it. We made a bet - she said I’ve never get the nerve to ask.”
“What a pleasant surprise,” you grinned at him, “now come on. Come around the counter and I’ll show you how to wrap properly.”
Marcus shuffled around the counter and you pointed to the spot you had previously occupied. Moving behind him, you paused for a moment before reaching around him to put your hands over his and help guide him. He swallowed thickly at your tender touch, trying to keep himself composed. 
“Now,” you said softly, “do it like this.”
It was definitely not what Marcus had expected to come out of this evening - but he was so glad it did. Finally. 
Maybe not being able to wrap presents wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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ptergwen · 4 years
hi ma’am, it’s the mj wh*re anon! 🥰 i know last time i requested some jealous/overprotective!mj, but what about “flustered mj who only wanted some coffee but the barista is TOO cute and she doesn’t know what talking or coffee is?” 😩
sugar, cuz you’re sweet
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w/c: 1.1k
warnings: peter and ned are annoying, cussing
a/n: i love how that’s what we’re calling you 😭 and this is adorable thank you <3
michelle jones is the most honest, real, never afraid to speak her mind type girl in all of new york city. she knows it. everyone does. don’t get into a debate with her because you’ll lose, no matter the subject. she never concludes an interaction without a few snide remarks. they’re smarter than whatever you had to say.
the point is, mj is unapologetically herself in every situation and at all times. or so she thought.
peter and ned are making her order their coffees. they’re supposed to take turns, peter being all about equality in the group and the golden rule and blah blah blah. it reminds mj very much of somebody’s kindergarten teacher. she’s always found a way out of ordering because she’s mj. clever, persuasive mj. she can talk her way out of anything.
except for today when peter catches on. her excuse was lame. “i need to put down my backpack.” but, hey. you try fooling the only two people smarter than her. you’ll run out of ideas eventually. peter is pouty as he tells her that, “mj, it’s not fair! you haven’t gone up one time. how would you like it if-“ she has to interrupt him before she gets a speech.
“alright, alright, mother teresa. i’ll get the freaking drinks,” mj groans and kicks her chair back. peter smiles smugly, ned giving him a pat on the shoulder. “thanks. do you know what we want?” she blows at a piece of hair covering her eye. “you losers get the same things every time.” not bothering to push in her chair, she slumps over to the line.
ned yells, “don’t forget the whipped cream!” at her. that makes mj let out the longest sigh of her life. she very rarely does favors for other people. if you’re lucky enough to be one of them, it means she really loves you... or whatever.
mj waits on line while peter and ned get into a discussion about their nerd movies. her turn is next at least. she’s all prepared to grumble the order at the poor cashier, then you call her up.
“i can help whoever’s next,” you chirp, leaning over to see the group. your eyes land on mj. with a grin, you nod at her. the permanent scowl on her lips disappears. she takes a few steps up to you, feeling small even though she’s far from it. she finds herself thinking fuck, she’s pretty as you point at her torso.
“wait, i love your shirt,” you compliment and sound completely genuine about it. it’s mj’s favorite, her joan of arc one. a hint of a smile graces her face. “thanks.” her voice comes out much quieter than she intended it to. she didn’t know she was capable of being so... shy.
you tilt your head to the side and look down at the register. you’re still smiling. “no problem. what can i get you?” mj doesn’t hear a word you say. she’s entirely captivated by you, whoever you are. she notices pins with band logos on your shirt, ones she listens to. the probably homemade jewelry around your wrists. most importantly, your name tag. she’ll remember it.
mj doesn’t do the whole crush thing, not really. you just seem so chill and like you’d have a lot in common. also, you’re so pretty.
“do you know what you want?” you tap your nails against the register buttons. “i can suggest something, if that’s cool.” “um, i think so. the... the...” she can’t for the life of her remember what the hell peter and ned wanted. her face falls at that. sensing her nerves, you start punching things in on the register.
“i’ll surprise you. i’m good with those.” mj notices the corners of your lips turn up slightly. into a smirk. are you flirting? “ah, thank you. i’m, uh, not sure why i’m being so weird,” she laughs out. she’s very sure why. “you’re fine,” you snicker back and look up at her again. “just one drink?” “three,” mj quickly replies.
she rocks back and forth on her feet, you finishing up the order. “they’re on the house, by the way. they should be done soon,” you shrug the statement off. ok, you’re definitely flirting. “woah, thank you. can i give you a tip?” mj tucks the same piece of hair from earlier behind her ear. your eyes lock with her sparkling ones.
“nah, you don’t need to. just your name.” you’ve been waiting to get to this part. she’s not far behind you. “mj,” she speaks with the most certainty since you two began talking. “mj,” you murmur to yourself and punch it in. “you’re all good, mj. enjoy your drinks.” you give her a final heart racing smile. she really doesn’t want to go yet, but she has no choice.
returning the smile, mj waves at you. “bye.” she leaves the counter then, and you watch her go before calling up the next customer.
the drinks are done about five minutes later. mj has never been so excited to chug down a random liquid. that reminds her, she has no idea what you chose.
for the other two drinks, you made them your most popular. they’re larges, too. you decided on a plain black coffee with an obscene amount of sugar packets for mj. there’s actually a good reason behind it. you felt like she’s into the classics, and you aren’t wrong one bit. you left a note for her on the side of the cup.
‘lots of sugar, cuz you’re sweet ;) lol i’m bad at this but i liked talking to u, come back soon!’
mj giggles, literally giggles as she reads what you wrote. she should’ve ordered here a long ass time ago.
she’s in her happy place when she brings the tray back to the table, ned pursing his lips at her. “what’s with the face?” he comments on her dazed out look. peter is about to complain that she got their drinks wrong, but mj answers first. “the barista, she was cute and gave me the drinks for free. i think i like her.” she bites her lip to hold back yet another smile.
peter happily pulls one of the drinks from the tray, no longer concerned with its content. it’s not often mj is like this. he’ll bug her another time. “that’s awesome, mj. did you get her name?” he opens up one of the straws mj throws on the table. “y/n,” she sighs out in content. ned’s eyes go wide. “dude, y/n? she asked about you last time.”
and he didn’t think to tell her that? the part she mainly focuses on though, is that you noticed her. you wanted to meet her. this could actually go somewhere.
“you know what?” mj looks between peter and ned while ripping open one of her many sugar packets. “i’ll be the official drink orderer from now on.”
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marshieee · 4 years
We just changed
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Timeskip Osamu x fem! Reader
Warning⚠️: angst
Part 6
A/N: this is where i get in lmao😂, thank you again to this angel @iis4d for proofreading this❤️ imma be watch jjk and make u fic don’t worry
Am i the pathetic one? Or you? I want my love to change...
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It has been two months since that awful night, since that last heated argument and the last time you saw him face to face.
You’ve been doing fine unlike the past month, trying new stuffs and focusing on yourself. You got a part time job as a tutor so that atleast helped the two with the bills, futakuchi and aone was helping you with all their might which you definitely appreciated.
Futakuchi didn’t mentioned that he met your ex, it wasn’t that important so why would he? He’s still keeping his promise more like a declaration to osamu that he’ll make sure that you’re gonna be ok, you’ll be fine under his care and he plans to keep it that way.
“Oho~ what did you just say? You’re going to tokyo?”
You rolled your eyes at the irritating remark from your cousin, as much as possible Futakuchi wanted to volunteer on going to tokyo on your behalf again, but you insisted.
“Yes i am and don’t worry tokyo is big it’s not like I’m going to bump to my ex anytime soon”
That’s what you thought, you were at a shopping district trying to buy cheap things that caught your attention and to be honest it’s not like you’re gonna use them anyways but hey wasting money is fun.
But your attention was averted to a certain girl, you would have just ignored her but no, something caught your attention and it was the person who’s she with.
And without any second thoughts your feet unconsciously went up to them and now, now you are infront of them.
“Can we help you?”
“Um yes uh can i talk to you for a moment?”
They looked at each other before turning to you, before her partner was about to say something.
“Sure, baby can you wait here this will be quick i promise”
“Alright then”
She dragged you to the restroom which was miraculously empty, you don’t know what’s going on your mind yet you were to focused on wanting to talk to her.
“So? What do want to talk about?”
“What happened to you and osamu? Did you two broke up?”
It was a bit sudden but certainly you caught her off guard by those questions.
“Ahh~ so you’re the girlfriend”
She had an amused smile plastered on her face as she scanned you, pursing your lips you hesitated to answer nevertheless you still did.
“Yes but—“
“Hold on judging your from your expression it’s ex girlfriend now huh?”
You nodded slowly, she just scoffed and the way that she looks, she looks a bit offended.
“Right before anything else I’m Aj”
She offered her hand which you awkwardly accepted with a forced smile.
“Y/N, nice to meet you”
“So what was your question again?”
“Did you and Osamu break up?”
“We weren't even dating in the first place”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me”
Shocked as you try to process that one sentence she just said. They weren’t dating? How come? They were just fine the last time you saw them, they even look like they were.
“You two...weren’t dating?”
“How come-“
“Ah so you saw us? Figured.”
Aj sighed, she was expecting that you’ll eventually catch them red handed, she was surprised that you hadn't lashed out on her already.
“Osamu and I were just fuck buddies, no strings attached.”
This was confusing to you, they were so intimate, you assumed that they were dating behind your back. Aj caught up with the expression on your face and immediately knew what’s going on.
“We met at the bar, he approached me and started flirting to which I flirted back of course...”
She clicked her tongue and looked away, it was clear that she was irritated talking about that.
“I’ve always wanted to meet you, you know.”
She looks at you with guilty eyes, was she guilty about stealing Osamu from you? Does she want to apologize to you? You never blamed anyone for this, especially not her.
“I... I didn’t know Osamu had a girlfriend”
This left you dumbfounded, so she never knew about your existence? You should have expected something like this because it hurts hearing something like this from her.
“When we met at the bar I had asked him if he was seeing anyone, of course if he had said yes, I wouldn’t be flirting back, I would have immediately said no, I’m not that kind of a person who’s going to fuck someone that's already in a relationship heck even someone that's married! I’m not that fucking low.”
You could tell that she was serious, frustrated even. You just stayed silent waiting for her to continue.
“He told me that he was single.”
Aj mocked the word single as she rolled her eyes remembering that horrible memory.
“So I flirted back as i never knew that he had a girlfriend of...?”
“S...six years”
And with a scoff Aj sarcastically laughed, unbelievable that asshole cheated on a girl he’s been dating for six fucking years?! What a joke! What a fucking joke!
“This is the worst am I right?”
“So..anything else? what do you want to know?”
“How long have you been...fuck buddies?”
Aj was hesitating if she should answer that question or not, either way both are painful options so she just choose to answer your question.
“Two months”
Two months, he’s been cheating on you for two months which means those I love you's and kisses were already shallow, those hugs and I miss you's was never genuine.
“Two months...I see”
“I’m sorry”
“No don’t be, it wasn’t your fault”
Aj chose to shut up, this is not the right time to argue if she was at fault or not since you were trying to process the information she just gave to you.
“Just awhile ago you told me you wanted to see me..why?”
“Well that’s because I became aware of your existence”
“Someone told you about me, who?”
“I don’t know who but he was tall and got this slanted eyes.”
The first person that came into your mind who fitted Aj’s description.
“He came to me and told me about you.”
It was the same day Osamu left her apartment early in the morning.
“How can i help you?”
“Leave Osamu alone or just don’t involve yourself with him anymore”
“Um excuse me?”
Whoever this man is he got the nerve to say that to her early in the morning.
“Ok mister whoever the hell are you, what’s your relationship with him anyways? Why are you telling me to not get involved with him anymore?”
Before suna could react AJ suddenly gasped.
“No I’m not gay! And no I don’t like Osamu in that way! I’m just.........a colleague”
“Huh then can you tell me why did you say that earlier?”
“Because Osamu has a girlfriend”
And then suna told her everything, right after that she decided that the next time she and Osamu will meet, she’ll end whatever things they had.
Apparently when she and Osamu met again, Osamu was also thinking the same thing.
She looked at the man infront of her clearly didn’t have the energy to even look at her.
“So you have a girlfriend”
That’s when osamu’s eyes shots at aj, he did consider the possibility of aj knowing about you but he didn’t expect that she would have known this early
“So you were lying?”
“You were right?”
Aj pushed her hair back and clicked her tounge, unbelievable fucking unbelievable! So she was fucking someone who’s already taken? Great! Fucking great.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Oh now you’re not gonna answer?”
“Oh yeah? You were pretty sober to me that time osamu”
He avoided his gaze,
“Ok sure let’s say you were DRUNK at that time....how come you still kept it a secret for two fucking months?”
“Oh! So you were playing with me? Sure i fuck everybody but i will never fuck someone who’s in a relationship osamu and you FUCKING know that”
“Yeah i do”
“Then why?!”
“I...i don’t know”
Aj scoffed,
“You don’t know? You don’t know? Hahahaha BULLSHIT I don’t believe that you did not know, that's bullcrap osamu”
“I was just caught up in lust and—“
“Fuck you”
Osamu lowered his head to avoid her glare, right..fuck him and his life he deserves this.
“Let’s end this bullshit osamu”
He nodded in agreement.
“Yeah...you’re right”
Aj was about to leave but one last time she turned around to face osamu again.
“Just one more thing before I go”
Aj instantly slapped Osamu hard on the face, Osamu on the other hand didn’t do anything.
“I know.....I’m sorry.”
She couldn't believe that she was deceived by some jerk, she never really wanted that to happen if only she had known about Osamu’s relationship.
“Thanks to that jerk my trust issues are way worse now”
“Tell me about it”
Aj patted you on the shoulder and gave you a small smile.
“I’m sorry that happened and I’m glad i got to talk to you”
“Thank you for telling me Aj”
“Might be too late though but you did deserve to know the truth."
You just nodded and returned a small but genuine smile, you were both victims of the same man, she didn’t do anything wrong, she just knew nothing.
“Funny huh?”
“What is?”
Aj looked at you with a small smile.
“We’re both been lied to by the same guy”
“Victims of the same guy”
You two stood there a couple of minutes before AJ turned to the sink and started to wash her hands.
“Well i think I already told you what you wanted to know.”
She started to wipe her hands then looks at you.
“I’m glad you broke up with Osamu, you deserve someone better”
“Thank you, you too.”
“Oh darling hahahaha...I’m not planning on finding the right person yet.”
She gave a wink then turned her heels and walked out leaving you all alone, you heard her shout.
You were relieved that she’s doing fine after all of that, you saw your reflection and frowned.
“Good for her, I guess.”
Well it’s just two months no wonder she’s alright already unlike you, you need to cope with the lost 6 years of relationship.
‘You’ll be alright' you mindlessly reminded yourself
“I’ll be fine”
Part 7
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lassieposting · 3 years
Ok...u got my attention...💘 for skuldugery and cassandra
send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they first met and how
Okay so when they first meet, it's way back before he met Skugwife, when he was on-again-off-again with China and Ghastly and making his way up the ranks in the Sanctuary army.
A dashing young officer with an impressive inheritance and a string of victories under his belt would've been prime 1600s marriage real estate. They meet at some Sanctuary party, dance together a bit, get along very well. Skug was already arrogant and vain, but he was also charming and funny, which was a bonus, and they were social equals - she's from a wealthy, landed family herself. She was interested in him and they were in each other's social circle from around his mid-20s to when he met Wifey and fell disgustingly in love, at which point she conceded defeat and let him go.
It's actually Gordon who brings them back into each other's lives in the 1980s. They've both changed a lot since they last saw one another and she's not really sure what to make of him. He's colder, more serious, and she knows he's lost...pretty much everyone. When she tells him to come by anytime, he's polite but detached and basically says that's not a good idea, so she doesn't expect to see much of him in the future. But he comes back some months later with a difficult case to ask if she's seen anything, and from that point on they work together sporadically, if she has any visions that might be useful to him.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
They rekindle their flirtation after he comes back in Dark Days. He's not okay, not in the slightest, and she can see it. He's faking being okay, but he's overselling it. She knew him through the period where his mother was killed, and he tried to play that off the same way. He ends up driving out to her cottage at some ungodly hour of the early morning because he's falling apart and he doesn't really have anywhere else to go. she takes him in, sits with him until long after the sun comes up and lets him talk it out until he's dozing off where he's sitting.
By the War of the Sanctuaries, they're Together.
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
She was rather taken with him when they first met. She liked to think of herself as the future Mrs Captain Pleasant. He was attracted to her, but also otherwise entangled and considerably less invested.
When they get back together, it's more. Falling in love at the same time.
where their first date was and what it was like
They've spent a lot of time together, usually at her cottage, already. But he gets it into his head he wants to take her on an actual date, and she's a homebody, so he decides to make her dinner. It's kind of a disaster because he hasn't had to cook anything in hundreds of years - he follows a recipe, but he still manages to burn it and get food absolutely everywhere with the electric whisk. He's pretty frustrated and upset that he ruined it, but she finds it hilarious, and they end up cuddling on the couch with takeout and a movie.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
She gives him a key. She prefaces it with a big speech about how it doesn't have to mean anything, he just spends so much time there that he might as well be able to let himself in, and she wants him to have somewhere he really feels safe and comfortable and her place can be that for him if he wants, and -
He kisses her mid-speech, so she never gets to finish it.
who proposes first
He does. She'd never bring up marriage to him, when she knows how his first one ended. She can't be completely sure he's done grieving his first love, and she doesn't want to hurt him, so it's better not to bring it up.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
It's not a secret at all. Valkyrie still goes nearly a decade without noticing.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
They're in bed together first thing in the morning. He doesn't remember the last time he was this relaxed and happy. He watches her wake up and she cuddles closer into him with the squinty morning-sun-in-your-face look and he never thought he'd love this much again and it just. Comes out.
who’s more dominant
Neither, really. They're very much a team. She tempers his recklessness, and he gives her a nudge out of her comfort zone. She has the same ability Wifey had, though, to wrangle him without ever letting on that she's doing it.
where their first kiss was and what it was like
He was totally drained after unloading a year's worth of torture on her post-Dark Days, and she was trying to comfort him. It doesn't lead anywhere - she puts him to bed on her couch and stays with him so he feels safe enough to switch off and sleep.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
She buys him a hideous Christmas sweater the first year they're officially together, but has yet to successfully bully him into wearing it.
how into pda they are
They're your average couple. If she drops in on him at the Sanctuary, she'll kiss him goodbye. He'll put his arm around her when they're walking, or let her hold his hand. But neither of them is an exhibitionist.
who holds the umbrella when it rains
He does. He could easily just redirect the rain, but she likes nature stuff and that includes getting soaked through on occasion, kissing him in the rain, and splashing through puddles.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
Her cottage, more often than not. He'll happily take her out whenever she wants to, but she's a homebody at heart and she's more fond of going for long walks in the countryside near her home or cooking together, watching old movies, that sort of thing.
who’s more protective
Him, by a million miles. She doesn't necessarily like the amount of violence in his life, but to her he's very much the capable soldier who can look after himself. But she is a pacifist and very into the hippie ideology, so especially after the Night of Knives, she relies on him to protect her. He knows damn well that the only reason he didn't lose her the same night Finbar died is because he just happened to be sleeping over and the would-be assassin got more than he bargained for.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
Probably circa KOTW? It can't have been Death Bringer, or he'd have asked her to the Requiem Ball.
if they argue about anything
Not often. She's one of the most emotionally healthy people in this series, and she's the closest Skulduggery Pleasant has ever gotten to therapy. She's all about communication and talking it out.
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
who steals whose clothes and how often
She steals his jackets and coats. She'll wear something just a little too light for the weather, so that he'll inevitably offer her his suit jacket. It's an old way of courting that she finds very endearing.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
Tumblr media Tumblr media
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
They bring out the Old Person in each other. They like to go for long walks, and picnics, and dancing to old gramophone records. They read books and bicker about how much they did or didn't enjoy them. She likes to garden and paint, and he's not half bad at art either, so they'll paint each other and laugh about it.
how long they stay mad at each other
They don't. They argue very little in the first place, but Cassie is very communicative, so she usually manages to head off any potential arguments before they even start.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
She has hot chocolate, and he has his black.
if they ever have any children together
No - but if he was ever going to have children with anyone else, it should probably be Cassie. She's sensible, level-headed and emotionally healthy, so he could be the same loving-but-irresponsible dad he was with Skugbab.
if they have any special pet names for each other
She's "Cassie" and he's usually "sweetheart" or "lovey".
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
He "moves into"/spends most of his time at her little hippie hobbit hole, so nothing matches, tapestries everywhere, Interesting™ colour schemes, fuckin...crystals and tarot cards and witchy shit everywhere. They both have to make some compromises ("You don't bug me about making the bed and I won't play the banjo in the shower")
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
Very inappropriate to talk about at parties.
He's a Christmas grouch, but he did get two days off work, so they basically spent the entire time eating, fucking or fast asleep.
what their names are in each other’s phones
She's just "Cassie" but that makes her one of the few people in his phone not to be "Firstname Lastname". He's "SP".
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
They can never really make plans for set days or times because of his incredibly erratic work schedule, but they make time every week to just spend time together. Unless the world is ending, which it usually does at least once a year.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
She falls asleep first at a sensible hour, and wakes up when he gets in. If she sleeps through him coming home, he'll stay up for an hour or two to work on a case, but if he wakes her, he'll go straight to bed and she'll go back to sleep with him holding her.
After the Night of Knives, she gets very anxious and stressed about being alone, especially when she hears the door open. So he'll call and wake her when he's leaving the Sanctuary, so that she knows to expect him home, and he's at the end of the phone any time she wants to get hold of him.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
He's the big spoon like 70% of the time, but she's not opposed to letting him be the little spoon at all. Even the strongest general sometimes needs a good snuggle.
who hogs the bathroom
Cassie likes to take a book into the bath and spend hours in there. He'll come in and out as he pleases and sometimes do her hair for her or swipe bubbles on her nose.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
Skug. This is, apparently, one of the greatest benefits to having him around all the time. He's glad she's comfortable enough with him to be honest that she's using him for his spider removal skills.
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idvlovblog · 4 years
could u do relationship hcs with Demi, Emily, Michiko, and Tracy (separate) preferably with a fem s/o ^_^ but g/n is good too
of course! sorry for the wait (i'm sick right now, so i couldn't really complete the request as fast as i wanted to) and i hope you like it!
ahh, i love her so much!
a relationship with her would definitely be exciting and fun
flirts constantly but in a really playful way and it may be hard to tell if she's actually interested in you romantically or just joking around
plus, she flirts with almost any nice, approachable person she meets
(though she definitely starts doing that a lot less once she realizes she's in love with you)
protects you with her life
whether it's in the manor or in a normal setting, she wouldn't let anything bad happen to you
gives you so many compliments!
and she means every single one of them
calls you "lady" a lot at first
probably starts distancing herself for a bit once you two get together
she never saw herself as someone who has anything to offer in a relationship, and she's scared of being bad influence on you
she thinks she might "ruin" you. which is obviously untrue!
with time, she'll begin to slowly realize that she's not someone hopeless or undeserving of your love
please support her then
whenever you two plan dates, she makes special drinks to fit the occasion. they're somehow even better than her usual work! the special ingredient is love. ♡
but she always keeps an eye on you when you're drinking. she's seen alcohol addiction before and doesn't want you to meet that fate.
loves giving you hugs! and squeezing your organs out in the process. seriously, her hugs are way too tight.
show your affection with beautiful flowers and thought-out compliments! she responds really well to that
loves being treated like a lady. opening the door for her, noticing her beauty, speaking to her somewhat formally, it makes her really happy
would be willing to teach you how to dance, if you wanted to!
i feel like she'd take you to classical concerts on your dates
or maybe to opera? either way, she loves fine art and would be happy to share said love with you
not really into pda
but likes hand-holding and giving you short, sweet kisses occasionally
you guys would have matching necklaces! she'd treasure hers and would rarely ever go out without it
she's usually melancholic and distant but she acts more comfortable and positive around you. you make her happy. ♡
she often feels like she's "not enough" or like you're wasting your time on her. please help her realize she's wrong.
she really likes japanese poetry (me too) and i'm certain she'd be over the moon if you ever tried writing something for her in that style
has a really cute laugh! please try to make her laugh often
definitely protective of you! she's a doctor, after all
she doesn't fret over you though, at least not excessively. she'll always make sure you're not putting yourself in potential danger and that you have healthy food and sleep routines, but outside of that she just lets you do what you think is best
she's always longed for peace, and she hopes she can find it with you by her side
her dream is to be able to provide a comfortable, safe future for the both of you
though she's usually composed, sweet words make her easily flustered
likes cooking with you! always gives nutrition advice when you two are preparing a meal
if you're injured, she'll always treat the wound gently and carefully, no matter how small it is. gives you forehead kisses afterwards. ♡
loves calm dates, like reading books together or making a semi-fancy dinner and setting a few candles on the table. things that are romantic and sweet, but don't require leaving the house or making big plans.
although she has lots of personal issues, they don't change your relationship or the way she treats you too much. sometimes she wonders if she deserves your love after everything she's done, but those thoughts go away eventually
she really likes tea! maybe you could take her tea-tasting sometime
tracy's literally so funny, i love her (go read her twitter replies, they're top tier)
calls you "dude" or "man" (but in a non-gendered way. you know what i mean) so often, you could consider it her pet name for you
takes you on the most interesting, fun dates you could imagine! you literally can't be bored with her by your side
she has those days where she works for hours without a break and doesn't leave her room until the project she's working on is finished. you're probably the only person who can tear her from work in those situations
loves you a lot, but she's not really big on heartfelt speeches and stuff like that
plus, she sometimes gets embarrassed even when trying to say a simple "i love you"
shows her affections mostly with actions, like making things for you, listening when you talk (even if it's not about something she's usually interested in) and hugging you all the time
doesn't even get mad even when you interrupt her work
quite the opposite actually! she gets more energetic after seeing your face
you're her biggest motivator. ♡
builds you miscellaneous trinkets and sometimes even robots! loves seeing your reactions to them and will get super happy if you say you like them.
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rosenallies · 3 years
Queen I’m gonna need you to write more of groupie!denali and rockband!rosie. Maybe about the first time they met?
Yes, thank u for requesting this queen! I rlly like writing this verse!!
Denali bounced on her heels, excitement radiating through her. The date she had circled on her calendar had finally come and she was in line to meet her favorite band, Stephanie’s Child. Her best friend and roommate, Mik, stood next to her, his excitement nearly matching hers.
“I’m so excited!” Denali squealed as they were next in line, she insisted Mik go first, watching him talk to each of the girls with a wide smile. Finally, it was Denali’s turn. She approached each of the girls going down the line, getting a hug and an autograph from Lagoona and Jan. When she reached Rosé, the pink haired girl looked her up and down.
“Hi gorgeous, what’s your name?”
“I-I’m Denali,” she replied, her mouth dry as Rosé’s green eyes scanned her face.
“Gorgeous name for such a gorgeous girl.”
“Thank you,” she replied, stunned.
“Do you have something for me to sign, baby?”
Denali nearly gasped at the pet name, unable to say anything as she handed Rosé the print she bought for autographs.
Rosé looked like she was about to say something else when she handed the print back but Jan elbowed her in the side. “Stop flirting with our hot fans,” she said with a laugh, a blush creeping up Denali’s cheeks.
“Whatever you say, Jannie,” Rosé mocked, sending a wink Denali’s way.
The whole thing went by way too quickly and when Denali went off to go find Mik again, she had to nearly squeeze her legs together as she walked. She found him waiting outside the meet and greet space, lips pursed and ready to fire off questions.
“How did it go? Isn’t Jan the sweetest?”
Denali shrugged. “I think Rosé was hitting on me.”
Mik’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head. “She what?!”
“She kept calling me gorgeous and it wasn’t like a ‘hey, gorgeous thanks for being a fan’ kinda way, like she kept looking me up and down and then she called me baby,” Denali explained, still reeling from the experience.
“Holy fucking shit, Nali’s got celebs crushing on her! Maybe she wrote something hot on your print, lemme see.”
Before she could protest, Mik grabbed the print from her hands, scanning for Rosé’s signature and then turning it over. “Holy fuck,” he deadpanned, shoving it back in her hands, “look at it.”
Denali turned the print over, in neat handwriting it read, ‘’meet me near the busses after the show.”
“Are you gonna go? You have to go,” Mik insisted.
“Duh, not going wasn’t even an option.”
“Good, now I’ll take an Uber home after the show and I’ll be waiting up for you to tell me every single detail, okay?”
“She’s a celebrity, if anything happens she’ll probably want to keep it secret,” she said.
Mik groaned. “You can’t keep secrets from your best friend, I need to know.”
Denali rolled her eyes. “We’ll see.”
That was the last time they had mentioned it throughout the rest of the show until the lights were going down and Mik swears he saw Rosé blow a kiss her way.
“Bitch, you better have the best time,” Mik said, waving goodbye before he got into the Uber.
Denali sent him a thumbs up, coupled with a wide smile and she made her way to the back of the theater where the huge busses were parked. She snuck around security and crew before taking a spot leaning against the concrete wall by the exit.
She waited for what felt like forever, almost ready to give up and accept the fact that she got stood up by a celebrity. But then, Rosé stepped out of the building, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag. She looked almost surprised to see Denali, but pleasantly so.
“I wasn’t sure you’d still be here,” she said, a lighthearted smirk on her face.
Denali shrugged, trying to keep her cool. “How could I not?”
Rosé hummed in her throat. “You’re just so pretty, I couldn’t get you out of my head the whole show. You were with a boy, right? He had dark hair?”
She nodded, mouth dry again.
“I take it he’s not your boyfriend?”
“Oh, god no,” she said with a laugh, “we’ve been best friends since middle school.”
“I see. He seems nice,” Rosé replied, stepping closer to Denali, their faces inches apart.
Denali took a deep breath. “Are we gonna keep talking about my friend or are you gonna kiss me?”
A sly smile spread across Rosé’s lips. “Eager,” she whispered before stomping out the rest of her cigarette and closing the gap between them. Rosé had her hands on Denali’s hips, while her own arms were thrown around Rosé’s neck, a desperate attempt to get even closer. Denali noted she tasted like cigarettes and mint and she smelled like warm spices, it was all intoxicating.
When Rosé pulled apart, they were both breathless. “Do you want to go back to the bus with me?”
Denali, who was already feeling arousal course through her, nodded. As soon as she had her confirmation, Rosé had grabbed her hand and led her to the bus, allowing the door to close behind them before attacking Denali’s lips once again, engaging in a weird tango dance as they made their way back toward the bunks.
The space was small, but Denali felt like she fit perfectly on top of Rosé, and besides they couldn’t get enough of the feeling of one another, quickly shedding their clothes so they were skin to skin.
Rosé knew her way around a woman’s body better than anyone else Denali had ever slept with, and she knew that as Rosé had her coming undone under her fingertips within minutes, chest heaving as she came down from her high.
“Are you okay?” Rosé asked sweetly, petting her hair.
Denali nodded, sleepy and sated but not wanting to overstay her welcome so she wriggled to get out of the confined space.
“Leaving so soon?” Rosé asked, sounding almost disappointed.
“Yeah, should probably get out of here before anyone sees me or something,” she said with an awkward chuckle.
“Wait,” Rosé paused and grabbed her hand, “come to the next show, I’ll get you in.”
Denali looked at her wide eyed. “Really? You don’t have to,” she replied sheepishly.
“I need to see your pretty face in the crowd again, and maybe between my legs,” she added with a wink.
If Denali hadn’t just had the orgasm of a lifetime, she might’ve fell to her knees right then and there. “Okay,” she squeaked, “how do I-?”
“Here, put your number in my phone.”
Rosé handed Denali her phone, quickly typing in her phone number and handing it back.
“You didn’t give me a fake number did you?” Rosé joked.
Denali shook her head. “Absolutely not if more orgasms like that are promised.”
“Oh there’s way more where that came from, baby girl,” she said with a laugh, “promise I’ll see you again?”
The look in Rosé’s eyes was almost hopeful, and it made Denali’s heart beat faster. “Promise,” she said, quickly dressing and leaving out the bus door, but not before blowing a kiss seductively back at Rosé who pretended to catch it.
Outside the bus, the reality really set in for Denali. She just got fucked by the woman she’s had a huge crush on since high school when her band became popular on the internet before their career really took off. She called for an Uber and on the way home thoughts of pink hair and plump lips plagued her mind.
She was utterly and absolutely fucked.
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jessamine--lovelace · 4 years
i have nowhere else to put these so here. grishaverse au where the darkling is a woman and Alina is a closeted lesbian
they’re all queer idc
edit: this is zoyalina btw even if it doesn't seem so from the beginning
aleksandra morozova was raised amongst so much misoginy and prejudice against grisha that she wanted to gain power and make a good life for everyone like her clearly she got lost along the way lol
anyway. Alina and mal are still bffs gay lesbian alliance
mal has a comp het crush on alina and Alina on him, they get over it quickly tho
Alina is taken to the little palace, she gets an immediate crush on the darkling clearly she thinks Zoya is hot, but just admires from afar bc she s so mean and cold
the darkling is even hotter as a woman u can't change my mind
everything goes mostly like canon, the darkling seduces alina and alina is all about worshipping this powerful woman who wants to give her power. she helps alina realise she likes women, manipulates her in the process, makes her think that the darkling is the only one who could offer her security and other bullshit
the night that baghra tells alina the truth about the darkling’s plan, zoya is waiting alina at her door because she wants to confront her about how she fall out of the darkling’s good grace because of her idk. and baghra finds them both in alina’s rooms so she makes both of them leave, zoya helping alina to get lost in the country  baghra makes up a lie about how zoya went to visit her family/is in a mission so no one suspects zoya is a “traitor” except the darkling and genya who know the truth
mal is still looking for alina but he doesn't know Zoya is with her so it's a big surprise when he finds them both huddled up in a big coat together, freezing their asses off, zoya bitching about how alina better be grateful that she s helping to save her glowstick ass
Zoya calls mal alina s boyfriend exactly once before both mal and alina strongly let her know their disgust to that idea 
so yeah Zoya is a bit weirded out bc they are so close to each other and yet they're not together??? but she is kinda starting to get along with alina and maybe she s not so bad, and just maybe she starts to like her 
they find the stag blabla Zoya is taken back to the little palace while Alina and mal are taken to expand the fold or whatever the darkling has in mind
alina and mal escape and run off as in canon, except they pose as siblings in novyi zem. Mal finds a cute boy there and develops a crush but he s too devoted to keeping alina safe to risk getting into any relationship
Alina doesn't agree and makes him go on a date with the dude before everything goes to shit
the darkling comes back, takes them, Nikolai happens etc.
as soon as Nikolai gets them back in ravka, he tries to woo alina and propose to her like in canon. she s not really out yet tho she s not ready for it, not even Mal knows yet even if he suspects something from their time spend with zoya and the looks alina gave her, and the hurt look she has whenever the darkling is mentioned/she explains what the deal is with her evil plan, but he lets her take her time
Nikolai is all about flirting to the sun summoner and she s nice about it, polite, but clearly trying to get away because she s lowkey uncomfortable. declines his marriage proposal, and nikolai thinks it's because of Mal but he s wrong. mal tries to have a talk with alina about this, but alina panicks and says “he seems like your type, not mine” and mal is lost like ?? he s a prince?? and probably straight?? and he asked YOU to marry him?? 
and alina realises she is tired to keep this up, so she tells mal about her liking women. mal hugs her and she confesses that the darkling helped her come to terms with it in a way, and it messed with her and she feels shame that she fell for the manipulation
so when they're on the way to os alta, and Nikolai kisses her for the public, she just says "I like girls please never do that again or I'll use the cut on your face." as soon as they are alone in their couch and Nikolai is stunned and apologises to her a lot of shit starts to make sense for nikolai now lol
so after that tiny incident, Nikolai knows it's pointless to pursue Alina so he only keeps up his show for the public and becomes really good friends with alina and mal
nikolai would still very much like that political alliance and he sometimes jokingly tells alina “you’ll have lots of women at your feet if you become queen. aren’t you interested in that?” and alina is just done with his ass
clearly nikolai and mal hook up at some point and it's kinda awkward afterwards bc they both have a bit of a crush on each other but don't want to admit it Alina is amused
so they go back to os alta, and Zoya is there!!! and Alina literally hugs her bc she was so worried and she missed her and "I shouldn't have let her take you away, I'm so sorry I left you behind zoya" and Zoya is so surprised she doesn't respond to the hug for a while before crushing alina in a tight embrace without saying anything
everyone is a bit shocked bc Zoya is hugging Alina?? since when are they getting along??? what is happening???
they have a talk when they are alone and zoya tells alina about her aunt and how she doesn’t blame alina for what the darkling did, alina tells her about the second amplifier. they hug again and maybe some tears are spilled but that’s between them and no one has to know
they prepare and train and alina and zoya get closer and closer. mal, being the captain to alina’s guard, kinda has to stick around with her when she meets with nikolai and it’s awkward and their conversations aren’t as lively as they used to be and it lowkey breaks alina’s heart a bit and annoys her until she explodes one day when she s alone with a miserable looking mal waiting for nikolai to appear at a meeting “saints mal just talk to him”
and mal being mal just straightens his back and ignores her like a stubborn idiot which infuriates alina she totally tries to annoy him by reflecting some light into his eyes 
“i know something happened on the road between you two. you’re both acting weird. would it kill you to talk to him?” but mal doesn’t get to answer because nikolai is walking in talking about some plan, totally oblivious to what is happening. Later, after the meeting is over, alina gets nikolai alone and tries to talk to him, but he s just as stubborn as mal and tells her that there’s nothing to be done bc mal avoids him everytime he manages to get near him and got the message “my ego can’t handle another rejection”
therefore alina finds herself in need to fix this thing between nikolai and mal because the tension is getting on her nerves and she is stressed enough as it is with everything going on
little side note, the darkling still comes to her in visions and she thinks she is going insane before she starts talking to zoya about it and zoya takes in the habit of spending the evenings in alina’s rooms, both of them searching in books for more information about the amplifiers or sometimes talking. zoya isn’t soft and she never will be, but alina likes that. a lot. ANYWAY zoya is the one to come up with the plan to somehow lock nikolai and mal in a room together. they get tolya and tamar in on it too. 
alina makes sure she sets up a meeting with nikolai under a false pretext when mal is on watch. alina and mal arrive first and as soon as nikolai enters she gets up “oh saints i left the book in my rooms” and leaves before mal or nikolai can react. and then one of the twins closes the door and they can hear it being locked and then alina’s voice from the other side “we’ll let you out after you have a talk. the tension between you two is getting insufferable” 
they talk and sort things out a bit. everything gets less stressful for everyone
one night the darkling comes to alina, and zoya is about to leave. alina freezes because it’s not the darkling she sees, but zoya “she’ll never want you. i am the only one who can love you, who understands you.” it’s the darkling’s voice and alina can’t move, can’t breathe, just stares at the darkling as she takes back her own face. zoya can only see alina’s face getting paler and her expression more terrified even as the darkling disappears 
zoya tries to shake alina, calls out her name, but alina just looks at her with such a sad expression that it unsettles zoya even more. “she’s right” alina whispers, barely audible, over and over again 
“what did she tell you?! alina you can’t listen to her! she lies. she manipulates everyone, you can’t believe anything she says. it’s not the truth. anything she tells you”
alina shakes her head “you’ll never- i’m such an idiot.” tears are welling up in her eyes 
“i’ll never what?” “want me” 
and zoya freezes, just staring at alina, shocked. alina takes it wrong, she tries to put space between them, tries to run in embarassment, but zoya catches her hands, holds her still and looks into alina’s eyes. alina can’t look her in the eyes, can’t seem to find it in her to do it. “you really are an idiot if you think i would just spend my evenings and risk my ass for just any friend” and then she cups alina’s face in her palms and she kisses her. 
alina is so surprised she doesn’t respond to the kiss for a second, but then she kisses zoya back and they both just melt into each other. zoya feels a tear run down alina’s face, into her cheek and breaks away with a “don’t go soft on me now starkov” and alina laughs through her tears and goes to kiss zoya again just because she can.
wow this turned out way longer than i intended, but damn did it give me serotonin coming up with it. i just want to say that, if the darkling was a woman, the character would be more hated, but sexier and i’m alright with that. also everyone is queer because i said so. i have more zoyalina headcanons that i’ll probably post bc now i’m investedTM so come and shout about them to me i won’t mind
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consumeconstantly · 4 years
Small Buff Girl Sightings Ch. 5
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ao3
3:00AM | CoffeeVamp: bb bat update us TheOG: ^^ more info on the situation in paris
3:28AM | Demonspawn: It is difficult to obtain information on Hawkmoth. The butterflies disperse after they are cleansed, and before they land their target, they don’t show up electronically.  Coffee Vamp: o how the mighty have fallen i thought u said u could best me bb boi
3:42AM | Demonspawn: I’d like to see you do better. Coffee Vamp: IS THAT A CHALLENGE Coffee Vamp: ill take u up on that gimme 24 hours and ur going down TheOG: he has had a whole month so dont be too sure of that LadyLady: would you guys SHUT UP its two and some of us have jobs to do Coffee Vamp: cmon babs u luv us dont deny it LadyLady: Don’t make me hunt you down, Tim. Coffee Vamp: oOooO proper punctuation im shaking TheOG: just shut off notifications Babs TheOG: Bruce does Jesus: i don’t think the man has checked this chat in years Coffee Vamp: wdym brucie checks the chat all the time hes just a silent lurker Coffee Vamp: he doesnt even set himself to invisible
3:57AM | Daddy is away. Coffee Vamp: im so glad i have admin privileges imagine if i didnt bruce would have a boring normal nickname like his actual name LadyLady: good lord, why am I even in this chat?? Daddy: You’re supposed to keep them under control. Coffee Vamp: SEE I TOLD U BRUCE IS A SILENT LURKER> THIS. IS. SOLID. PROOF. IN YOUR FACE TheOG: nobody said otherwise Coffee Vamp: also how are the people have you made friends Jesus: Demon spawn? Making friends? Id be less surprised if he told us he has a new fling Coffee Vamp: is j right? Got a winter fling? 
4:12AM | Coffee Vamp: ur lack of a response tells us nothing  TheOG: im sure he’s just adopted his usual icy persona Coffee Vamp: haha hes the bb of so many things Coffee Vamp: bb vamp bb demon spawn ice ice bb Coffee Vamp: getitt im so funny
4:36AM | Coffee Vamp: guys?
“I told you I could get her to write her number on your cup,” Marinette grins with pride.
“And I told you I didn’t want her to.” Damian scowls and kicks a pebble in his path.
“You’re still wearing the clothes I picked out for you,” she points out.
“You told me to wear it. I wore it. I’m not interested in her.” 
Marinette squints at Damian, evaluates whether he’s telling the truth or not. “Huh, you really aren’t interested. I guess it’s a good thing you didn’t wear the other outfit I picked out for you-- that one would have gotten her to ask you out on the spot.”
Damian groans. “We’re going to have to find a new coffee place.”
“Or we could just come when she’s not on shift and run away like mice when we do see her?”
Damian gives her The Look.
“But they have good coffee here,” Marinette whines.
“Maybe you should have thought about that before dressing me up and sending me to my death.”
“It’s not my fault! You only have your parents to blame for your looks.”
It’s true; both of Damian’s parents are good-looking. His whole family is, actually, adopted or not. All of the good looking people he meets are talented and have a tragic life story. Which is the cause and which is the effect, Damian isn’t sure. But it holds true even in Paris. All he has to do is look at Marinette or Adrien, though he’s not a hundred percent sure where the tragedy kicks in for Marinette. Probably the time when she was at odds with Lila, but he hasn’t looked much into the situation. He can even use Lila Rossi as an example. She has even worse color coordination than Damian is, but her features are model worthy. Lila Rossi is also definitely fucked up in ways that Damian doesn’t care to explore.
The effects of Marinette’s well-placed compliments has Damian thinking about himself in a positive manner that he never has before. Bruce is always stingy with praise, and the other senior members of the Justice League of America see him as another Robin that doesn’t need praise because competency comes with the mantle. Dick and Barbara compliment him occasionally, but that’s rarer now that his place is more firmly cemented in the family. Damian doesn’t think he’s ever had someone so willing to genuinely compliment him. Marinette’s compliments extend to more than just his looks, as well. She praises his technological skills as he sets up her website and has complimented him as he helps her out with whatever altercations she inevitably comes across on the streets. If he reveals his skills as Robin, reveals himself as Damian Wayne, will he receive even more praise?
“But since we did buy you that absolute knockout of an outfit, you’re going to have to wear it eventually. So whose heart do you want to steal?”
“I don’t want a relationship,” Damian repeats. They seem like more effort than they’re worth, and he always sees couples fighting and complaining about each other. Plus, they have to make time for each other and his alter ego doesn’t allow for that, though he supposes that he isn't Robin. At least, not right now.
“You don’t need to want a relationship just to flirt with somebody. Who’s it going to be? The intern at the Louvre? My parent’s newest hire? Oooh, how about Nicolette?” Marinette’s voice takes on a more mischievous tone. 
Damian will give Marinette this much: her taste in the aesthetics of people is far from bad. The intern from the Louvre is two hundred pounds of lean muscle with a devil-may-care smile and a deep, belly laugh that makes people laugh with him, but Damian and he don’t have anything in common. Her parent’s new hire is knockout gorgeous, with warm brown eyes, and definitely the kind of girl Damian would have gone for as a one night stand back in Gotham. However, he’s also 98% sure that she has a very possessive boyfriend who stops by the bakery every time she has a shift. Nicolette is considered her college’s belle, and her intense gaze paired with her surprisingly friendly demeanor might have been appealing to Damian if she weren’t ten years older than him. 
“I’m not into any of them,” he says, simply.
“Then who are you into? Surely someone has caught your eye in the past month?” Marinette looks genuinely curious, but her expression shifts into horror. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I never asked your preferences, if I was being insensitive, I’m sorry, I mean I’m pan, but you absolutely don’t have to tell me, it’s your right if you’re not comfortable.”
Damian does look slightly uncomfortable now that she’s looking at him more closely. His arms are crossed over each other, across his chest, and his hair is tousled. Then, he lets out a small laugh, and Marinette melts. “It’s fine, Pigtails. All of the people you listed are attractive, but I’m not attracted to them. I’m more of a personality guy, though I can’t say that personality has stopped me from things more than dates before.”
He’s had his fair share of hook-ups and makeout sessions in the past when feeling particularly frustrated with something that wasn’t going his way, though his primary method of relief is through sparring. Short missions and one night stands go fairly well together; he doesn’t ever have to deal with people wanting long term relationships, and even if they do, he’s gone before they know it. So far, he hasn’t hooked up with anyone in Paris, but then again, he’s only been here for a month and this is a long term mission. Whatever time he’s not with Marinette or at school is dedicated to piecing together the mystery that is the Miraculous and trying to figure out Hawkmoth’s identity. 
“Oh,” Marinette continues to blush.
She’s clearly too embarrassed to bring up any other topic, so Damian decides that he’ll shoot the same conversation topic back at her. Marinette is attractive, and people she meets ask for her numbers and dates often enough. She’ll accept the former if they aren’t a total creep, but she always turns down requests for dates.
“And you? Why aren’t you out there questing for love? No crushes or significant others that I need to beat off with a stick?”
This does manage to lessen her flush. She frowns, turns something over in her mind. 
“No crushes right now, no. I used to have a huge crush on Adrien just a year ago. He’s such a sweet person, but we don’t see eye to eye on important matters.” And also not into sex, either. Even physical affection hits him the wrong way sometimes, which makes Marinette worry even further for his well being with Lila’s constant touches. Still, he hasn’t said anything, and Lila hasn’t done anything more than grasp his arm or shoulders every now and then, to reassure the class that yes, they are the golden couple. Marinette also suspects that he is very unwilling to talk about the whole situation in general, and it’s not as though they’re super close.
Of course she had a crush on Adrien. Damian can see it now, Marinette looking at Adrien with her big blue eyes, her lashes fluttering when she gets close to him. Stuttering when she gets embarrassed or when she gets close to him. It makes his lungs constrict, but he’s not sure why.
“As for past relationships, there’s only really Luka. We had a pretty good run, but he’s out of the country, touring. He wanted to try long distance, but I didn’t really want that. But he’s respectful-- there’s no need to beat him off with a stick or anything.”
“I’m surprised a pretty girl like you doesn’t have more suitors,” Damian says, stepping over a crack in the sidewalk as they walk towards the park.
Marinette gags. “There are some other people who have been interested, but I wouldn’t exactly consider them relationship material. If you’re going after a girl just because she looks exotic, that’s sort of nasty. I guess I’m just unlucky in love.”
“At least you’re not as bad off as Ladybug is,” Damian jokes.
She looks at him strangely. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, first there was that creepy sculptor who must have been twice her age, then there’s Chat Noir who keeps flirting with her despite her requests not to, plus all of the random love akumas. I’m not even going to talk about the hordes of guys who chase after her, trying to get a date just because she’s a superhero. It’s not even like she can kick them between the legs because she has an image to uphold and all that.” He smirks, nudges her with his arm. “I’m surprised you haven’t done that with some of your stalkers.”
“Oh. You’re right, huh. Though, I don’t think Chat Noir has actually flirted for a while now.”  Chat Noir has been very subdued as of late, and it makes Ladybug worry.
Marinette feels uncomfortable with the way the conversation has shifted. How does Damian know about all of these past akuma attacks? As far as Marinette is aware, most information about anything Miraculous related is difficult to get a hold of abroad, largely because the Miraculous try to hide their existence as best they can, and partially because Mayor Bourgeois doesn’t want word to get out that he hasn’t flushed a supervillain terrorist out even though he’s had three years to do it.
“Copycat happened three years ago.” It’s a question, almost.
“I figure I might as well keep up with the heroes of Paris. I’m here and they’re interesting.” Damian figures this is as good a time as any to bring up his interest in Hawkmoth. Marinette has been nothing but helpful and she’s definitely the kind of person whose heart is in the right place. Not to mention that she’s definitely smart and seems impartial; the one time he asked her about her thoughts on the heroes, he found out that she didn’t see them as perfect. She was able to critique Ladybug in full, which seemed pretty odd considering the rest of Paris seemed to have nothing but glowing praise for the heroine. “You’ve had some awful luck with akumas yourself. Weird how Ladybug didn’t show up when you got kidnapped by Evillustrator. One of the only times she didn’t show up for an akuma.”
“And what happened to the other heroes? It’s mostly Ladybug now. She must be in an awful state with her civilian life.” He looks off to the park, occasionally flicking his attention back Marinette’s face, evaluating her expression.
She catches his eyes and he swiftly looks away, looking almost nervous. Marinette stiffens. He knows, he knows, he knows, he can’t know. But how? How does he know that she’s Ladybug? She hasn’t let anything slip around him. She's been careful not to. Everything she’s ever said about Ladybug has been brief and curt, taking on an almost angry tone.
“If you’re so interested in Parisian heroes, I’m sure you saw the press conference Ladybug and Chat Noir gave last year about why the other heroes would be showing up less often.” Marinette keeps her voice carefully neutral. She needs to play this safe. She’s probably over reacting-- she’s been on edge with Hawkmoth sending out an akuma attack nearly every single day for the past few months.
Damian shakes his head. “It didn’t seem like good reasoning. Ladybug and Chat Noir are too untrained. They haven’t beat two villains in three years. They should let someone else take over.” 
Marinette has come across a good number of Ladybug and Chat Noir haters throughout her time. Those who dislike the Parisian heroes often make the exact same arguments Damian is now. That they’re not fast enough. That they should have taken down Hawkmoth and Mayura already. This is nothing new to her, though it does hurt hearing it from Damian, for some reason. She can’t even argue with most of the points he’s brought up. Going mostly solo was because of her own, selfish reasons. She really should have beaten Hawkmoth and Mayura by now. 
“The only thing they have going for them right now is that they’re keeping their Miraculous out of Hawkmoth’s hands.” She pretends that the reason why Chat Noir doesn’t show up to battle is to ensure that Hawkmoth can’t get both of the Miraculous in one fell swoop. It feels hopeless to fight villain after villain without any movement forwards. Her mind wanders to the increasing frequency of akumas and smiles, sardonically. “Some people think it’s only a matter of time until Ladybug and Chat Noir lose.”
“Hawkmoth almost seems to be the better strategist.” The two of them pass store front after store front. “Do you ever wonder what they look like, under the mask? Who they are?”
Marinette stares at the concrete underneath her feet. Hawkmoth, the better strategist? Laughable, and entirely incorrect. Even the people who hate Ladybug admit that her plans almost always work out, and that her plans are second to none. Really the only person who can possibly think that Hawkmoth is a better strategist is--
She can’t think like that. Damian is her friend. He’s just curious about Paris. Her lack of sleep and increase in paranoia re making her imagine things that are impossible. Besides, Damian isn’t on her list of suspects-- he told her he’s only been here for a short time, and Hawkmoth’s Miraculous definitely has a limited range. It’s a real pity that the world of Miraculous makes concrete evidence hard to come by, otherwise, Marinette likes to think Hawkmoth would have been behind bars already. 
“No,” she lies. Hawkmoth haunts her dreams and every waking hour. She spends hours and hours on theories and scouring out information and people who fit the clues she’s painstakingly pieced together. “Not really.”
Damian’s eyes are a piercing green, and for a moment, Marinette thinks she stops breathing. “Is that so? I’m really interested in who Ladybug is under the mask. I’d love the opportunity to talk to her in person, especially about her Miraculous. The powers she has are… very interesting.”
No. There’s no way that Damian can be Hawkmoth, right? This is all just her paranoia speaking. Damian is just a foreigner who is interested in super heroes. It’s no biggie. Still, she can’t shake off the idea that there’s more to Damian than meets the eye. The way he walks-- no, prowls-- commands respect. Marinette can tell that he knows how to fight, and knows how to fight well. He’s very good at finding information on people-- she sent a whole case file to her on Renee and his situation with his mother within twenty four hours of going into the precinct, complete with video evidence Marinette knows should have been impossible to procure without hacking-- and keeps up with her critiques on Ladybug and Chat Noir’s techniques like he’s watched their battles over and over again. He remembers akuma battles Marinette has half forgotten, because they happened so long ago.
She stares up at him, hands shoved in the pockets of the jacket she chose for him when they went on their wardrobe makeover. Damian is surprisingly wealthy; he purchased anything she even glanced at with passing approval. He looks straight forward, apparently waiting for some response from her. Just because Damian is her friend, doesn’t mean she can immediately expunge him from her list of suspects. So far, she has taken all of Damian’s words at face value. It didn’t matter to her that he rarely talks about his family or his life before Paris. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t brought her to his home during all of the weeks that they’ve been hanging out together. Really, Marinette just figured that he had a rocky relationship with his family, and that he may have been on the poorer side and was embarrassed to show her where he lived. But clearly. Damian is well off enough to afford brand name clothes without batting an eye. Things aren’t adding up. All of the red flags that she’s blatantly ignored start to crop up in her head.
The book on the species of butterflies that akumas are made of, tucked under his arm. The way he showed up after every single akuma attack when she rarely saw him in the area before or during it. His knowledge of the three languages that form the basis of the Miraculous Tome-- Mandarin, Arabic, and English.
If he is Hawkmoth, what sort of emotions would he be feeling right now? Some sort of euphoria, maybe, realizing that he could get infinitely closer to Ladybug when she is Marinette. Anticipation, too. Has Marinette been hanging out with a super villain for the past month? Has she really come to the point where she can call a supervillain her best friend?
Marinette takes another look at Damian’s outfit. Master Fu said that the Miraculous Hawkmoth owns is in the shape of a brooch. Marinette sees no such object on Damian, which could either mean that he’s not Hawkmoth or that he’s just been taking it off whenever he’s with her. She’s really hoping it’s not the second option.
She needs to gather her thoughts, make a plan on how to proceed. When she’s sure that Damian isn’t looking, Marinette sets off the ringtone that is saved for her Maman’s texts and calls. This catches Damian’s attention, and she waves looks up from her phone as though she’s responding. 
“Maman wants me to do a delivery. If you’re looking for more information on the whole superhero situation in Paris, I can get you Alya’s number. She runs the Ladyblog-- I’m sure she’d be glad to talk with you.” Alya also has some of the worst conspiracy theories that Marinette has ever seen. She doesn’t often keep abreast of what the Ladyblog’s portrayal of Ladybug is, but back when Marinette and Alya were friends, she was subjected to wild theories that made her stomach nauseous with how little logic there was. Which means that if-- if-- Damian is actually Hawkmoth, he might be thrown off by what she says.
“I’ll see you on Monday? Jagged texted me last night and wants me to change the embroidery on his commission.” This isn’t exactly a lie; Jagged wants one of the smaller details to be changed, but it certainly won’t take as long as she’s suggesting. Marinette hopes that it’s enough of an excuse to get Damian off her back for the rest of today and tomorrow while she reevaluates her game plans and life choices. 
Damian waves her off. “I don’t think that Ladyblogger girl knows anymore than I do. She’s of no help to me. I’ll see you on Monday.”
Marinette’s reaction to Damian’s questions are weird. There’s an underlying tension that she exuded before they parted ways, and he’s still thinking about it a day later.
Marinette, who he always finds near an akuma attack right after it occurs. Marinette, who is emotionally and physically superior to most other Parisians. Marinette, who hasn’t been akumatized in a class full of idiots and other victims. Marinette, who doesn’t like Ladybug even though she seems like a fairly competent and kind hero, despite the fact that she hasn’t caught Hawkmoth yet. Marinette, who rarely talks about akumas despite all of the time he spends with her, which is highly unusual because even people he only briefly meets manage to slip in something about akumas into the conversation. Damian feels like there must be some sort of connection between Marintte and the akuma situation that he’s not getting, but it’s eluding him.
He sits down with his laptop in his apartment and looks up information about Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She’s definitely just as talented as he suspected; in her ninth year of schooling, she won a Gabriel competition, participated in a music video of Clara Nightingale’s, and collaborated with Jagged Stone on an album cover. So that was how she met him-- he wondered, but never asked. There are also a few instagram posts that have tagged her as a good samaritan and a few articles that detail a small, asian girl who’s going around Paris helping random people that are in need.
The weird things that Damian finds are contained in her school records. She’s apparently in very good company with her IQ, but what’s more interesting is all the dates that she is tardy or absent from school. They line up perfectly with all of the dates that akumas appear. He feels dread gather in his stomach. 
A few more searches seem to cement his growing suspicions. Around the same time that Marinette obtained a truce with Lila matched up with when theorists believed that the Italian girl started working with Hawkmoth. He reads the instagrams and tweets of her classmates from the first year that Hawkmoth arrived, which talk about how excellent Marinette is at calming them down and guiding them to a better place. He also reads the posts of Chloe Bourgeois and Alya Cesaire and the articles about Marinette and Evillustrator that tell a slightly different story-- that Marinette is capable of manipulating others into more unpleasant situations.
Damian jolts. There is an incoming call from his father. 
“Are updates on Paris, Damian?” 
Should he give them a clue to his growing suspicions that Marinette is Hawkmoth? No, he can’t tell them until he gathers more information. 
“No,” he says. “Information about Hawkmoth and the Miraculous are hard to come by.”
There’s a sigh and what sounds like the rustling of papers from the other side. “I figured. Tim and Barbara can’t find anything over here, either, but the Justice League is worried. They want results.”
“The Justice League and I agreed that having Robin make an appearance would be beneficial. Gain Ladybug and Chat Noir’s trust, or find Hawkmoth. Information might come easier with your alter ego.”
“All right.” 
Another pause. He and his father have always had an awkward relationship. Bruce didn’t know of his existence until he was ten, and by that time, the most formative years of Damian’s life had already passed. Bruce Wayne may be many things, but good at dealing with children, he is not. Even after adopting so many children, he doesn’t know how to raise a child. Damian and his brothers have all raised themselves, with Bruce only stepping in when one of them is really going off the rails.
“Is everything else going well in Paris? School is good?”
“School is fine.” Damian wonders whether he should tell his father about Marinette. About the girl who is kind and capable and scarily efficient at dispatching criminals for a citizen and-- he can’t think about her like that. He decides against telling his father about her. She might be Hawkmoth, after all, and confirming her existence to his father means that he’s denying that possibility. “Gotham?”
“Nothing out of the usual. A few run-ins with the Joker.”
Another silence. The lapses in conversation aren’t awkward, but Damian thinks of the playful banter Marinette has with her parents and frowns. 
“Goodbye, Father.”
“Goodnight, Damian.”
Damian looks around at his empty apartment. There is nothing in it, except for his suitcase and a few pieces of furniture. It’s nothing like the manor, where he knows that Tim is up at all hours slaving away on another project that Damian rarely gets to see, or that Jason is in the training room with Dick joining him occasionally. He can’t pick a fight with Tim or have Dick try to mediate the conflicts between himself and Jason. No nightly patrols with three or four people talking over the comms, or near instantaneous backup when he gets into a tight spot. There is no Alfred or Barbara or Cassandra or Bruce here. Only Damian. 
He looks down at his laptop, at the various information and images of Marinette that he has up on his screen. In good conscience, he can’t continue being friends with her. Not with the possibility that she is the person he’s trying to hunt down. 
He remembers her saying that being lonely is different than being alone. 
Damian is lonely.
Patrol is a necessary evil. 
Ladybug doesn’t hate patrol. She’s not very fond of it, though. It cuts into time that she could be spending sleeping or designing or anything else, really. In the beginning, it started as a way to figure out how everything worked under the guise of the dark and without the constant threat of an akuma hanging over head. Then, it progressed into disproving the theory about Ladybug’s age, because civilians aren’t inclined to believe that a teenage girl who has school the next day would patrol every day in the early morning. Now, it shows the Parisians how devoted Ladybug is-- that’s something that she’s struggled with ever since withdrawing the Miraculous from all of the part time heroes-- and lets Marinette blow off any steam that she has. 
Right now, Marinette needs to blow off a lot of steam. Still, even as Ladybug, as much as Marinette wants to scream to high hell and back about how she’s been friends-- very close friends, she’d dare to say-- with the same person who has been terrorizing Paris for years, she can’t. If she screams, there will be media coverage on it, and she doesn’t want to deal with what the press would write up some article about how Ladybug was overworked and needed to bring back the other heroes, or that Ladybug wasn’t mentally sound enough to take care of Paris, she should just give up the Miraculous, or that Ladybug’s scream was [insert some poetic nonsense that English teachers wax about for hours even though the author never intended the audience to read that deeply into it].
Marinette doesn’t want to admit it, but she’s gotten close to Damian. She’s as close to him as she is with Kagami, Luka, Jagged and Penny. Damian knows that she’s MDC. He knows her hopes and aspirations. He knows her family, knows the majority of her friends, and knows what’s important to her. It will be so easy for him to tear her apart now. Marinette isn’t sure what Hawkmoth is waiting for, but she almost hopes that he’ll get it over with sooner rather than later.
What will Hawkmoth do first? Go after the website that he helped her make, probably. Cut off the financial support that she could use to run away and create another identity. Then, he’ll go after her friends, few and far as they may be. Renee next. Her family, last. She wonders who Mayura is, if he is Hawkmoth. She hasn’t seen anyone that’s close to him. Then again, Damian reveals next to nothing about himself. She’s never even seen where he lives.
There’s a shadow on the rooftops. 
God, of course Hawkmoth would send out an akuma today. He knows how horrible her mental state must be. There’s no way he wouldn’t take advantage of that.
She yoyos over to the shadow, not close enough to strike or apprehend, but close enough to easily give chase without the akuma being able to give her the slip.
“Ladybug,” the akuma says.
“Cut the crap. We all know you want the Miraculous, Hawkmoth. Let’s get to it.” The shadow steps forward where a street lamp illuminates its costume, and once again, she is assaulted by the barrage of colors on her eyes. After seeing how awful Damian’s color coordination was, it’s easy to come to terms with the awful designs of all of his costumes. Still, she’s surprised that the boy who dresses in the same outfit every day creates such outlandish costumes for all of his minions. 
The akuma frowns, tenses. 
“I’m not Hawkmoth,” it insists. “I’m Robin, a vigilante from Gotham. I’ve come to learn more about the current situation and aid you in taking Hawkmoth down.”
 Ladybug scoffs. She’s not sure what this akuma’s tactic is, but none of the others have tried to lie to her so blatantly about their identity. And ripping off an identity? That is a new low, even for Hawkmoth. She’s sure that the real Robin didn’t agree to this, and if she were close with the vigilante, maybe she could get him to throw a lawsuit or two at Hawkmoth once he was in custody, just for kicks.
Robin the akuma scrambles, apparently looking for something that can verify his identity. 
Ladybug strikes. There’s no pride in striking an opponent when they are distracted, but it’s a means to an end. If Damian is dumb enough to send out an akuma confused about its identity tonight of all nights-- a night where Ladybug is distressed and it would be all too easy to take advantage of her-- then she’s going to take advantage of it.
It’s easy to bind the akuma. Startlingly easy. The akuma is different tonight, then. His powers have something to do with close contact, maybe? Ladybug looks on his person for things that could be the point of akumatization, eyes flitting from Robin’s waistband to his mask.
She comes to an unpleasant conclusion. The measurements and the coloring are a perfect match. Hawkmoth has come to meet her in person.
“Damian,” Ladybug hisses. 
Damian’s eyes widen, like he doesn’t know how she’s pieced together his identity. How stupid does he think she is? He’s been dropping hints constantly. Information a transfer to Paris shouldn’t know. Never telling Marinette anything personal. Always being near an akuma attack when it happens. It’s almost like he wanted her to figure out his identity.
“How did you know?” 
“Please, Hawkmoth, did you really think that Marinette couldn’t connect the dots? You must have thought awfully little of her if you thought that your constant appearances near all of the akuma and questions about the Miraculous didn’t lead me to your identity.”
“Hawkmoth? Ladybug, I’m not Hawkmoth, I’m Robin.”
“And I’m the queen of England. Renounce your Miraculous now, Hawkmoth. Or I’ll beat you until you detransform and take it from you.” 
Damian looks confused before his face contorts to an expression of resignation. He recognizes a cold fury in her eyes that is distinct to people who won’t give up until they get their way, and there’s really no other way around this right now. He should have brought his comm with him, but he wasn’t expecting to meet Ladybug tonight; he just wanted to assess the situation as Robin, to get out from his apartment for a second. Rookie mistake. 
True to her word, Ladybug beats Damian unconscious and also until he’s black and blue. She’ll be lying if she didn’t say she took out some of her fury from the past years on him.
But here’s the thing; Damian doesn’t detransform. He stays in his god-awful costume that has the same disgusting shade of mustard yellow as that one top Damian owns. That’s not what’s supposed to happen. When Miraculous users faint, they detransform because it takes a sort of mental awareness to handle the powers bestowed upon them. Is it different because Damian is an akuma? Is there some sort of Miraculous bylaw that if a Miraculous user gets akumatized, they get to stay in their alternate form? Oh wait, that’s right, he’s an akuma, not Hawkmoth right now.
Ladybug stumbles forward, breaking all of the weapons that are on his belt, taking off his mask and breaking that as well. No akuma comes out. She tries his gloves, then his boots. She pats him down, seeing if there’s anything she missed. She rips his suit, too. Nothing. There’s no brooch in his personal effects either.
What is she supposed to do now? 
Seeing no alternative, Ladybug picks Damian up and yoyos back to Tom and Sabine’s Boulangerie to safely detransform and figure out what the fuck is going on.
He’s not Hawkmoth, is the conclusion Marinette comes to after a side by side comparison of pictures of the vigilante and Damian. The horrifying conclusion: the person lying on the floor of her bedroom is actually Robin, the vigilante from Gotham. 
Marinette knows it’s better to err on the side of caution, but she still buries her head in her hands in embarrassment. How can she have gotten him so wrong? She really needs to get better at reading people, because deciding that random civilians are Hawkmoth clearly has not paid off. 
She also cannot believe that the Justice League has decided to step in now, and with a sidekick from America, of all things--Marinette is pretty sure that she sent the videos to the European branch. It must have been three years since her first notification to them. She contacted them immediately after Stoneheart, and again, after Syren when she was distraught at the death that surrounded her. With no response, there was nothing she could do. She has to start relying on herself and her own skills. 
Ladybug only contacted them once more, after Heroes’ Day. At that point, Ladybug had been thinking for a while that someone who was naturally superpowered or someone with a high grade of intelligence-- like the heroes affiliated with the Justice League-- would do more harm than good if they were allowed in the city. After the devastation of her teammates being akumatized, and the nearly week long battle that ensued, she was certain that she could barely fight her teammates, let alone trained professionals. So with shaky hands and red rimmed eyes, she said to please disregard her earlier messages; the situation in Paris wasn’t that bad, and Ladybug could handle it. 
Damian groans. Marinette jumps; he is waking up far earlier than she anticipated. She wants to transform back into Ladybug. Being in her spots gives her a pseudo sense of security. First, though, she has to restrain him. Even though he isn’t Hawkmoth, she’s not sure whether he’s a threat or not. She makes quick work of it, using the thickest zip ties that she has on hand and restraining his arms and legs.
She doesn’t get the chance to transform back into Ladybug, but that’s just as well, because at the end of the day, Marinette is the foundation of anything that makes Ladybug a hero to the public. Damian opens his eyes almost immediately after she has finished restraining him, taking in his surroundings and the person in front of him.
“Marinette? Where’s Ladybug?” No questions of how he got there; Ladybug can clearly carry her own weight and more. No questions as to why there are zip ties cutting into his wrists and ankles; he has seen too many of Marinette’s victims on the streets.
“What do you mean, where’s Ladybug?” Marinette is right in front of him. She might not have the suit on, but at the end of the day, she does have the Ladybug Miraculous, which means she’s Ladybug through and through, and Damian must know that. Otherwise, there’s no real reason for Robin to be spending so much time with Marinette. The fact that she feels more real and true to herself as Marinette than as Ladybug probably means nothing to him.
“She knocked me out on a rooftop. Didn’t know that you two knew each other personally. I’m not Hawkmoth, by the way.” He twitches, then realizes that he’s been tied up. “Why’d she leave me with you?”
So he doesn’t know that she’s also Ladybug? This whole thing keeps getting more confusing. Still, the less people that know about her alter ego, the better. Marinette will keep him in the dark. She attributes his blatant misunderstanding to the identity concealment magic of the Miraculous. It’s powerful stuff. If it didn’t exist, she’s sure she would have found concrete evidence as to who Hawkmoth is by now. 
“She asked me to assess whether you were a threat or not. Whether or not she casts the Miraculous Cure is contingent on my response.”
“Ladybug wants you to assess whether I’m a threat or not? Why’d she leave a possible super villain with a civilian?”
“I help Ladybug out with many things.” Her voice turns to clinical detachment. She uses this method to dissociate as Ladybug when things get overwhelming. Assess the situation. Get in, deakumatize, get out. Marinette needs to distance herself. It’s bad enough that the situation is this convoluted, but she doesn’t need Damian to doubt Ladybug’s capabilities as well. “Ladybug knows that you’re not Hawkmoth now, and she knows that I can handle myself with any run of the mill bad guy, even if they are a supposed vigilante.”
“Tell me, Robin,” Marinette spits the name like a curse, “Why should I tell Ladybug that you’re not a threat? That you are who you say you are?”
In all honesty, all Marinette wants to do is knock Damian out again so she can collect her thoughts. She’s not sure how she should address his presence as Robin in Paris and is still reeling from the whiplash of thinking he was Hawkmoth only for him to turn into a foreign vigilante. Next thing she knows, he’ll tell her that his name isn’t even Damian Grayson. Well, now that she thinks about it, he’s definitely not. After this encounter finishes, she’ll look up Damian and Gotham and see what she gets.
He looks flustered, like he never expected anybody to question his identity or presence. It’s laughable, really. Marinette doubts that the Justice League actually sent him; he’s probably here to explore on his own. That means he’ll only be a pain in the ass to deal with. Maybe she needs to get into contact with the Justice League again, if only just so she can deport Robin with more ease. 
“I can call Batman,” he says.
Marinette doesn’t think this is a very good solution. There’s no way for her to prove that the person on the other side actually is Batman and not some actor. But after racking her brain, she can’t come up with a much better solution. It’s not like Robin has any superpowers that she can request to see, and she doesn’t have a direct line to anybody from the Justice League.
“Fine. Call Batman.”
“It’s in the pocket near on my right side.” Marinette doesn’t bother going closer to him. She destroyed everything on him earlier, in case it was the akuma’s vessel. Ladybug thought she came across a phone, but now she’s glad she smashed it and left it on that random rooftop. He probably has some sort of tracker on his phone. In any case, Marinette thinks it’s weird for a vigilante to have a phone on them while on the rooftops. Shouldn’t he have an earpiece or something? 
“Your phone was destroyed by Ladybug. Tell me the number to call. I’ll put it on speaker.” Marinette isn’t sure if the number he’ll have her call will be some sort of secure connection or direct line that is only accessible through Damian’s phone, but she doesn’t particularly care because the Miraculous Communicators are exactly that. Miraculous. Master Fu assured her that all communications were private and impossible to crack unless they also had a Miraculous. Which is why she’s using the Miraculous Communicator to call Batman.
Damian winces, then speaks into the offered phone. 
“Batman, it’s Robin. I need to verify my identity in order to proceed.”
“Are you with Ladybug?”
So he is on a mission, then, and not just playing hooky. If Batman is involved, Marinette has no doubt the rest of the Justice League will follow soon. This will be a dreadfully unpleasant call.
“I’m making it a video call,” Marinette says. “And no, he’s not with Ladybug. I’m Ladybug’s point of contact, and she doesn’t take kindly to people encroaching on her territory without permission.”
“Robin, what happened?” Batman isn’t accepting her video request.
Marinette cuts off whatever Damian is about to say. “Damian was suspicious; I reported his activities to Ladybug and she believed that he could be Hawkmoth. Then, she caught him on the roofs and took him back to my place after verifying that he wasn’t Hawkmoth. Video call, Batman. I’d like to see that you are who you say you are, before I send Robin back to the states.”
“She knows your civilian identity? Two people know that you’re Robin?”
“Turn your video on. If you can’t prove that you are who Damian says you are, Ladybug and I will do everything in our powers to deport him and make sure that the Justice League is not allowed in Paris again. Ladybug said that she doesn’t need any unknowns in her city, and I’ve been hoping Robin came here of his own volition. It sounds like that isn’t the case.”
Marinette thinks that Batman curses in English, but she’s not sure. Fluent though Marinette may be, she is not well versed in curses, colloquialisms, or American memes. The camera turns on. It’s Batman, or at the very least, an actor wearing a very good knock off costume.
It’s annoying that Marinette can’t see his eyes. There’s some white film where his eyes should be, and the fact that his cowl covers more than half of his face isn’t doing her any favors in letting her read his facial expression. She moves herself so that Batman can see both her and Robin.
“Why is Robin restrained?”
“Like I said: he was suspicious. I’m not taking any chances.”
A moment of silence.
“How do you want me to prove my identity?” 
That’s good. He’s not asking who she is, though she’s sure that there are cameras pointing at the screen on Batman’s end, running facial analysis and background checks on her. The Miraculous magic will ensure that any connections between her and Ladybug will not come to light. Other than her identity as Ladybug, Marinette has nothing to hide.
“If you’re Batman, then you should have access to the League’s calls, European and otherwise. Play me the last video that Ladybug sent you. I know what she said.” She spares a glance at Damian. His jaw is tight, but when he looks at her, she finds what looks like regret. It’s not entirely Damian’s fault. A mission is a responsibility, and Marinette understands that in order to be a hero or vigilante, one must be willing to do anything to accomplish the mission. Really, she’s only Ladybug because she feels that heavy weight of the words duty and responsibility on her shoulders. Fu’s fault.
“Behave. If you try something, I’ll knock you out.” Marinette sets the communicator on her desk and eyes him. The zipties are so tight around his arms and legs that he is bleeding. Marinette feels a flash of sympathy, then pushes it away. It was his fault for-- why was he at fault, again? 
“I have the video.” Batman sounds even peakier than when they started the call. He plays the video.
“Justice League. This is Ladybug. I rescind my requests for help; I can take care of Paris with my own team. Any help from you at this point would be a detriment and could potentially harm the citizens of Paris. Hawkmoth manipulates strong emotions, and I don’t need to handle a metahuman or tactical genius to gain more power to wreak havoc on my city. I will not contact you with any further requests for assistance.”
It’s an awful video. Marinette had to wait a day after the Heroes’ week fiasco just so her eyes wouldn’t be red. At least her voice doesn’t waver in it. There’s a conviction in the whole video that was unique to that moment. 
Marinette looks at Batman, then at Robin. 
“Clearly the Justice League refused to listen. Ladybug doesn’t want or need your help at this point in time. Why are you here?”
“The Justice League is at fault for not paying attention to Ladybug’s other videos. But Mayor Bourgeois and President Macron can only cover such alarming incidents for so long. Ladybug and her… team clearly need help in order to find and take down Hawkmoth, so once the American branch of the Justice League found out half a year ago, we started to investigate.” Batman speaks in lieu of Damian. Marinette briefly wonders if Damian knows who Batman is under the mask. She bets he does. They’re probably close, what with how worried Batman sounds. 
“What makes you think that the Justice League is any better equipped to handle this situation? Ladybug and her team have been fighting for the past three years and resolved every akuma with no help from you. She needed your help in earlier years. Now she doesn’t.”
“Exactly; it’s been three years and she still hasn’t caught Hawkmoth.”
“You say that like the Justice League doesn’t have a team with more wealth and manpower than Ladybug does that’s been looking into Hawkmoth and the Miraculous for the past half year and clearly has not found any reasonable leads. Ladybug has only been actively looking for Hawkmoth for the past two years, not three. The police handled the first year, not that you’ve done any homework on the situation. Thought that a field agent would help your chances?” 
There is fire in Marinette’s stomach. Batman sounds so dismissive of all of the work that she’s been doing. It’s been hard on her; she doesn’t have the support that she needs and doesn’t have the experience or expertise to hunt down Hawkmoth on her own. She trained briefly under Master Fu to learn spells and ways to expand her powers as Ladybug, but that was an equivalent exchange: she no longer trusts that other holders won’t be akumatized. Her growing cynicism and physical training from Maman came at the expense of Chat Noir; after the whole Lila incident in her first year as Ladybug, she found out that Chat Noir and Adrien were one and the same. And Gabriel Agreste is not afraid to use his son until Adrien is stretched far too thin, which forced Marinette to nearly bench her partner.
“Three years,” Batman says again.
“If the Justice League can’t figure it out nearly unlimited resources and funding in half a year-- both ordinary and super human-- then clearly it isn’t a question of time. It’s a question of capability. Get off your high horse, Batman. You haven’t given me any reasons why Ladybug and I shouldn’t deport Robin here, and you’re definitely not making a good case as to why she shouldn’t go to Mayor Bourgeois and France’s president to ensure that the Justice League and its affiliates and ban hero travel into Paris. Bourgeois already doesn’t want information on it’s supervillain situation to get out.” 
“Marinette,” Damian pleads.
As Robin and as Damian, he doesn’t pose a threat. He hasn’t been helpful, but he certainly hasn’t messed with the status quo for the month that he’s been here. Still, he is a liability. If he stays in Paris, he is the gateway for the other members of the Justice League to fly in and try to commandeer the fragile balance that she has found. She can’t afford for something like that to happen.  
“You’re not any better, Robin. Why did you even hang around me? Thought I was a threat?” Her eyes narrow in realization. It makes sense why he decided to hang out with her, despite his initial cold front. He was playing a role.“You thought I was Hawkmoth.”
His silence is an agreement.
“We just want to help,” Damian says, and against her better judgement, Marinette believes him. 
Her shoulders round, and Marinette sighs. She can’t truly begrudge Damian for that train of thought, not when she believed the same about him. She’s been a little harsh on them so far, in part due to old resentment that they never responded to her in that first, awful year when she needed the help. 
There’s a dull tiredness that comes with knowing someone who she considered one of her closest friends suspected her of being a supervillain, though she did believe the same of him, so maybe they’re even. It still hurts, though. It hurts like when Alya decided that Marinette was mean-hearted enough to stop the members of their class from reaching their full potential. It hurts like when Marinette finally realized that she couldn’t repair their friendship, not to what it used to be. It hurts like when she looked around the classroom and realized that she couldn’t talk to anyone there. It hurts like when Marinette decided that she couldn’t risk helping her friends the way she wanted to. 
“What kind of help can you offer us? We don’t need any more of you to come out here.” Resources are nice. More money to fund therapy programs around town won’t hurt. Master Fu doesn’t help on that part. Really, he doesn’t help at all. Even though she has Chat Noir and had a team, she often feels like it’s herself against the world. Some days, she reaches up to her earrings and feels an aching emptiness, like there’s something more to the Miraculous that’s been sealed away.
“We can give you resources. Money, connections, experience. Robin is good with technology. He can help you track down where Hawkmoth is.”
Marinette’s laugh is bitter. “Sure, he can try, but the butterflies Hawkmoth sends out aren’t visible by the normal human eye or electronically until they’ve found their mark. Once they’re purified, they’re just normal butterflies, and they go off in random directions.”
“Normal human eye? It sounds like there are exceptions.” Damian readjusts himself. He has fidgeted his way into an uncomfortable looking seiza position, where his ankles are bleeding. 
“A true holder can see the butterflies at all times.”
Marinette also decides to throw them a bone so there’s no questions as to why a mere civilian is working with Ladybug. “That’s why Ladybug recruited me. I was Multimouse.”
Multimouse was in the file that Damian sent his father, but he asks, just to make sure. “The one that can split itself?”
“That’s correct. I guess now is as good a time as any for the two of you to get your questions answered.”
“Why are you the point of civilian contact instead of any of the other more frequently used heroes? Didn’t you appear only once?” Damian avoids looking Marinette in the eyes, and that makes her feel slightly better. He’s ashamed of his actions. Good. 
“Ladybug said that the other hero’s civilian forms were either compromised or not in a good position.”
“Ladybug knows who all the holders are.” Batman speculates. He looks less tense now that Damian is no longer tied up, but his voice remains gravelly and distrubed. Maybe that’s what he sounds like all the time.  “Who else knows? Do you?” 
“Only Ladybug knows.” Marinette lives in half truths. She’s not sure that they’re much better than lies, but they’re all she has. Secrecy is the only thing Master Fu has sincerely taught her.
“Why have all the other heroes disappeared?” 
“Ladybug said that it was too dangerous for someone who could be akumatized to hold a Miraculous. Rena Rage, Shell Shock, Queen Wasp-- they were all frighteningly powerful akumas. It’s also why Chat Noir has been showing up less and less; his home life is not the best, and she’s trying her best to ensure that he doesn’t get akumatized.”
“She’s not worried for herself or,” Damian’s eyes flick to Marinette, away from Batman. “For you?” 
“She knows that both of us are good at dealing with stress. We have our own methods of coping.” She looks at Damian, her mouth tightening into a frown. “If you want to stay in Paris, I’ll cut you a deal. We can work together for two weeks, and if we don’t get any results, you have to leave and the Justice League must promise that they won’t interfere again.”
“Two weeks isn’t enough time,” Damian objects.
“If you don’t think it’s enough time, just leave now. I’ll say now that I’m only willing to work with you during the night. That’s the time I work on Miraculous related stuff now, anyways. And stay out of the akuma battles.” She doesn’t actually think that working together will help anyways, and she wants Damian gone sooner rather than later. He’s been making her feel too much and emotions that are far more explosive and easy to take advantage of than Marinette has in a long time. She doesn’t want to be targeted by an akuma because of her inner conflict. 
“Two weeks, then,” Batman agrees. “Robin can contact me if you need any extra resources.”
Marinette hangs up and assesses Damian. He looks almost pitiful, with bruising around his eyes, tousled hair, a ripped suit, and cuts where his skin is exposed. She opens her trap door in a clear gesture for him to depart. Downstairs is dark; her Maman and Papa have long since gone to sleep, and it’s only a few more hours until they wake up to start baking. “We start tomorrow. If you need Ladybug for anything, tell me.”
He’s half way down the ladder when he looks back up at Marinette, into her eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” he says.
Marinette can’t breath. She feels like vomiting. His eyes are so green in comparison to the purple bruising on his face. She did that to him. She made him look that way. All she’s ever wanted to do as Ladybug is protect the people she cared for. But Damian-- Marinette doesn’t know. She doesn't know whether what Damian has done can actually be described as bad. He was just trying to do what Batman told him to do. Keeping an eye on a threat. Marinette wonders how long he thought she was Hawkmoth. She wonders if he ever thought they were friends. 
“I’m sorry too,” Marinette says, and shuts the trap door.
They’re both sorry for very different things.
212 notes · View notes
dumbfuck-mojave · 3 years
Lily Chen SFW Relationship Headcanons
Character: Lily Chen from The Shadowhunters Chronicles written by @cassandraclare
Author’s Notes: This is the first thing I’ve written in a while and it feels good to be back! I’m experimenting with post formatting as well, and I like the little squares (Tumblr won’t let me have my square bullet points :( ). I haven’t fully read all of Lily’s scenes but I have skimmed and done enough research that I think this is in-character enough. If it isn’t, who cares? She needs more content, please and thank you. I will make that content. I have something else with her in it coming soon. 
Warnings: I don’t know, nothing too in-depth/graphic. Vague mentions of trauma and talking it out because you should support your partner in a relationship. Since she's a flirtatious character, there’s some of that, but this is still SFW. Also, she’s a vampire, so general vampire stuff. It’s fine, this probably wasn’t even needed. Also just way too many emojis, I need to calm down-
Being in a relationship with Lily Chen:
(This was supposed to be written as a neutral thing as to whether the reader was a member of the shadow world or a mundane, but it turned into strictly mundane. Sorry about that).
You probably met at an establishment that caters to mundanes and the shadow world.
Has a preference for women but is into dating anyone, so get ready.
She’s with some of the other clan members and locks onto you and the others are like “She’s at it again.”
Lays the charm on HEAVY. Slides up to you and is like “👀👀”.
Whether you’re super flustered or not, she’ll keep doing it. 
She never comes off as creepy though, a real casanova in the ways of romance~
She’s on official business for the Alliance, picking something up from the little shop you’re both at (a drag because she can’t go out with you right now 🙄) but she hands you her phone with a smirk so you can put your number in. 
You might think she would’ve taken yours to do some flirty nonsense like putting her name in as something… flirty, but she wanted to see what you would put your name in as (Uno Reverse).
Made dead sure there was nothing you could see beside the number input screen though, not even notifications. She doesn’t trust like that. 
You put a little heart after your name and smile at her and she lowkey freaks out. This feels different what’s going on, oh no-
Her phone case is a blinged out vampire smile Clary gave her as a gag gift. She isn’t being subtle (this should’ve been your first clue, but nah). 
So she and the others show up at the Alliance meeting (It’s at Magnus and Alec’s today because they’re dealing with warlock business) and she looks kind of uncomfortable? Not uncomfortable in the usual way, just a little blushy and nervous.
Alec is like “You good?” and she’s like “MMMM YEAH?? I THINK??”
She isn’t IN LOVE right away but it does feel different from when she usually picks up hotties 😉.
The only thing she mentions about it during the meeting is a quick “Yeah I saw some cutie before we got here 😎” because if we only do surface level emotions we don’t have to discuss our actual feelings nice one Chen-
It doesn’t work that well. Sometimes she can pull the hiding stuff off but today is not her day.
Elliott and Jacob are looking at each other like “??” because Lily’s usually joking around and not taking anything seriously during smaller meetings like this. Alec is staring at her trying to figure out what’s wrong because he’s way too oblivious for this, help him.
Magnus KNOWS. He’s sipping on tea and raising an eyebrow at her and Lily notices and glares at him because he always gives her THAT LOOK like he knows her and Lily doesn’t vibe with it-
(Magnus wants to be a better support system for her, but he isn’t going to poke that bear. She’ll come to him when she wants, if ever. He’s everyone’s dad.)
She gets back in her groove by the end of the meeting, it’s like 2 in the morning now and she pulls out her phone and texts you.
“Hey, u up?”
She’s good at flirting but also sucks at it at the same time.
You text back immediately. Don’t ask me what you were doing the pretty girl with the cool hair just texted you it’s GO TIME.
 While ignoring the implications of that type of message, you text back “Yeah what’s up.” 
So this breaks her. She honestly wasn’t expecting a text back right away and we’re back to square one. Stay cool Lily, stay cool. 
After 5 minutes of staring at the phone on her end and you waiting for a response (a bit impatiently because it’s 2 AM) she responds “When are you free? I wanna get to know you as soon as possible 😘”
“Is that so? Well tomorrow night should work, pick me up at 9?”
Congrats, you unknowingly played her again. She’s off her mojo today.
“Of course 😉. I’m looking forward to it~” Not off her mojo enough to not be cheeky though.
You just barely smile and give the nerd your address. She better tell you what you’re doing before then though (You want to dress smart and also aren’t trying to get murdered)
You both end up talking throughout the day (Well, your day. She’s supposed to be sleeping) and you figure out where you’re going. 
Earlier, she was literally breaking down over where to take you.
“Is going to a club to cliche? What counts as trashy? Will they want something more intimate or casual? Taki’s? Is Taki’s good?”
Elliott’s just standing there, watching her and waiting for his booty call to show up.
She may be good with flirting and casual hook-ups but relationships? Genuine, honest relationships? That about scares her right back into living.
She wants this to go well, to maybe lead to something more, and that makes her nervous.
Anyway she ends up taking you to a really casual but classy run by a nice couple (of Downworlders).
It’s really nice and fun, typical first date “get-to-know-you” type questions. Stuff she can come up with while still being guarded.
You can already tell by the way she treats the staff and owners that she’s a good girl.
(She was a waitress, she knows the pain.)
She walks you up to your door at the end of the date and you turn to her and tell her you had a good time and maybe… maybe if she did too, you could do this again. 
Then you go inside. 
She stands there in silence for a few minutes then skips back to the car she “borrowed” and speeds off to go brag about how well it went to Jacob because his last date ended up with the girl crying.
Magnus has many cars. Magnus knows Lily took one of his cars.
Ok just imagine getting more steady with her because I need to stop the set up and actually do what the title says:
She’s literally an amazing girlfriend. 
Jokes around a lot but does a pretty good job at seeing when things need to be serious or if you’re uncomfortable with anything. 
One night, she asked to come into your house. Which, mind you, she’s done before, but she had this look in her eyes like she needed to tell you something important.
That was the night she told you everything about the shadow world.
“You aren’t supposed to do that!” She does NOT care.
Because she genuinely feels bad hiding it from you if you’re going to go steady + the unknowing danger you can be put in if you’re with her. 
She talked about it with Alec, he says he’ll handle it if anyone gives you trouble. 
They already went through it with Simon, they got this.
She talks a lot about you to Alec and that’s how he knew you were important.
No matter how you react, she knows what to say to make everything fine. 
The first time she took you to the Dumort you were pretty amazed. Like, c’mon. Your girlfriend did all of this. She shows you around and while you’re busy being amazed by the decor she’s side-eyeing anyone who tries to get out of place.
The other vampires show you a good time though, it’s great. 
Now to explore my favorite headcanon: Lily’s a secret nerd.
She’s not as much of a nerd as Simon or Clary but she’s still with it. 
Granny is hip with the kids you know. 
Another thing I know is- she absolutely kills at Dead by Daylight.
If you don’t know what that is; PVP survival game.
She’s a fair but absolutely ruthless killer. 
Tries to get you to play, if you don’t want to try, at least watch it makes her happy. 
Has max leveled all the killers, doesn’t play survivor, if she ever let’s Simon know she plays she makes him cry. 
Also, plays a lot of Nintendo games. 
Got Animal Crossing: New Horizons the second it came out and that and DBD are like all she does when she’s free.
Absolutely the person to do the arm yawn thing during movies and laugh at horror movies. 
Into pop culture, but doesn’t know ALL pop culture, so introduce her to stuff, she has an eternity to enjoy it. 
This is getting kind of disjointed so end of Nerd!Lily for now.
Like I said, she’s a charmer- So if you’re in good standing with your parents and introduce them to her, she’ll make a stunning first impression. 
It’s important to her so no funny business.
Some funny business she’s a little comedian.
Speaking of little, there’s a good chance you’ll be the taller one in the relationship.
She’s only 5 foot but don’t try to do the armrest thing she bites, literally. 
It’s canon she’s polyamorous so if you’re down for it, she is too. If not, that’s also fine. 
Just in all aspects, she’s down and flexible for most things if you’re comfortable.
Is really smart and knowledgeable, but no one can know everything so if there’s an aspect of you she doesn’t know a lot about, she’ll research it and let you explain it yourself if you choose.
Never change yourself. She loves and respects you as you are. 
You’ve been on every date imaginable at this point.
Aquarium where she bought a huge shark (she bought you something too but she wanted that shark with all the passion in her tiny body).
She has an old projector so you can have private movie dates.
Elliott tries to sneak in. Lily yells at him to get out. Elliott gets out.
She likes planning them but you take her out sometimes too. 
You both even went to Build-A-Bear one time and she did the whole bear ritual thing. Vibes with kids, so she wasn’t embarrassed or anything. 
Kisses the plush heart you put in your bear aw. 
Ok now to get into some more serious/angsty ones.
Has very vivid dreams. Not good when your dreams are usually nightmares. 
She appreciates it if you wake her up and hold her (she likes being held regardless but it’s especially true in this situation).
Doesn’t usually like to talk about it.
You need to work with her to open up about things. Like REALLY work.
Feels bad if she ever gets snippy but she doesn’t like feeling cornered or pushed.
But she has A LOT of trauma and baggage that she deals with in unhealthy ways.
It happens eventually though, and it’s a really important moment in your relationship. 
Obviously, will do the same for you. She’s good at giving advice. 
Sometimes she’s really sad about never being able to have kids herself and sometimes is so thankful she can’t, because while she loves kids and is good with them, she’s scared she’ll mess up her own somehow. 
Doesn't even know if she'd adopt because then she knows she took this kid away from having a better home than with her (even if it's all false and she would be an amazing parent). 
Same with being a vampire. She flip-flops on how she feels about it. 
Struggles with depression and it got even worse after Raphael died, so just support her with it. 
I know she smokes, but she drinks a ton as well. Not even spiked blood, just normal alcohol because she feels a thrill in testing how much it takes to have some effect. It's frightening.
Misses her mom, like a lot. Many of her crying fits are over it.
It’s why she’s more susceptible to woman authority/mentor figures than men.
Hates her dad. She wishes she was the one to kill him after she got out of the brothel, but she couldn’t track him down in the few months she stayed in Hong Kong. 
Really insecure and hates showing it. Always afraid you’ll leave her alone and she despises she thinks that way.
I’m getting too sad. Roll out the last ones.
She may have a lot of sad memories, but she has a lot of happy ones too.
In all fairness, she doesn’t have the best memory, and although she really tries not to, she forgets a lot of stuff. Don't get too mad.
A really good driver. A fast driver, but a good one.
Takes you on motorcycle rides and one time she drove up the side of a bridge and almost gave you a heart attack. 
Talks to her bike like it’s a horse. It’s semi-alive in a way, which both freaks you out and fascinates you.
Also good at roller skating/rollerblading and skateboarding.
Um,,, going back to biting; if you’re down with it she’ll take blood from you. In… many scenarios (you probably get what I’m talking about huehue). 
Made you sign one of the consent forms as a joke but not really- 
Smokes a lot but is respectful enough to control it around you. You have human lungs, regardless of if you smoke or not. Can't be damaging those.
Help her dye her hair and do her makeup! It’s bonding! She can’t see herself in a mirror! 
Exquisite music taste like ugh 👌👌👌 
Pretty good dancer too. 
The girlfriend who hypes you UP. Wolf whistles included. You’re perfect to her and anyone who disagrees with that gets the knife🔪.
Seriously, she'll fight and probably kill for you (something to probably discuss. Like more in-depth than that specific scenario.)
She likes to style things. Your room/house, you, your car. Get decorated.
She’s into nicknames and prefers “babe” and “baby” in a relationship.
Brings you trinkets constantly she’s like a bird. 
“Babe look at this cool rock I found.”
Surprisingly, doesn't have tattoos. YET. 
Matching tattoos?? Maybe.
She has piercings, though, and will get more. Come with her and she'll let you pick out a charm.
Does that stupid "ahaha" f-boy meme thing constantly. If you don't know what I'm talking about you're lucky.
Is eternally 19, acts like it. 
Party hard baby.
Gets you involved in her political life and responsibilities; she is an important figure after all.
Was kind of nervous her loved ones wouldn’t like you. Irrational; of course they love you.
A pretty decent artist. She likes drawing you :).
Nude modeling 👀. JK JK, unless-
Likes to take pictures and likes to send pictures so just be ready.
She's a big fan of karaoke and I'm sorry but you'll absolutely, 100% get dominated. She didn't come here to mess around, she has 80's songs on standby.
She's like a cat- fast and flexible. It's fun until it looks like she's broken herself.
She really likes your voice and talking to you.. which means you'll get hit up at midnight if you aren't with her. She just really, really loves you but please figure out a sleep schedule.
Has a lot of money. You're kind of concerned where she gets it from. 
But that just means she can treat you 👏. Vacations to wherever you want baby.
Overall, it’s a very good, fun and healthy relationship. You teach each other things and make a ton of memories together. 
Isn’t really looking forward to having to face your death if you don’t become immortal but hahaha we’re done with angst headcanons for now-
I’m done for now I could go on all day in more detail but I’m sick so thank you for reading and leave a comment, like, share, reblog, whatever ;)
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nctsiren · 4 years
hyonny best couple i don’t make the rules i just enforce them
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(yes i know this is a shit edit but this was requested and im excited so THIS IS FOR YOU ANON ILY)
PLEASE lmk what you think!! if u ever have any questions about them (or any of the ocs or reqs) i encourage you to send me asks! thank u loves, enjoy!!❣️
TAGLIST (hmu to join! applies to all of my ocs): @moonbeamsung @aqueenieme @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12 @btshook​ 
hyeyoung met johnny in 2017, a bit after he debuted in 127
he came around the training center, since he had trained for so long and had friends there
he also liked to meet new trainees! he’s a super kind guy, he wants to try to be support for them, since he trained for So Long
when he first saw her he thought she was gorgeous
and vice versa, yknow. she was shy because he was a Debuted Idol AND a Handsome Man
yeah they both found each other attractive and that was. about it yknow? for a while
THEN in 2019, rumor was that hyeyoung would join an nct female unit
she was already friends with mila and lily, having trained with mila, and lily was friendly with trainees
but she started talking to the guys more, meeting them properly and getting used to them
and johnny was so .. you know how he is
she fell really quick tbh
lily noticed this QUICKLY and did what she could to make them interact and she THOUGHT she is what got them together
but johnny was texting her on the low .. he loved her the minute he had his first conversation (in person) with her
johnny is a Romantic™️ and we all know it
so this man COURTED her like a damn maiden
hyeyoung, evie, and gem: *arrive at the siren dorms and open the door*
hyeyoung, evie, and gem: ...
evie: hyeyoung who sent you twenty vases of roses
no that IS NOT A JOKE
literally an old movie romance, complete with the yearning and such
he always texted her good morning and good night
sent her coffee or tea on the low while she was training
“hello beautiful”
hyeyoung was lovestruck. she felt able to actually talk to him after a bit, and it was so easy for her to trust and feel close to him
she got shy when he did big gestures or sweet things- but it was making her fall HARD
and johnny? well he wasn’t MUCH better just more composed outwardly
our smooth, flirty bastard john ..
would absolutely GUSH about her to the members. smiling like an IDIOT at his phone
once lily said she couldn’t hang out because hye wasn’t feeling good and johnny’s heart DROPPED he didn’t know what to do
come to think of it he hasn’t gotten a text from her in a while :((
didnt she say she hadn’t had pizza lately?
and that’s how johnny ended up at the trainee girls’ dorm at 11pm with a pizza. and the dark chocolate she liked.
he watched a movie in hyeyoung’s room with her ALONE and she leaned into his side so
tbh it wasn’t a bad night
hyeyoung was fr wondering if this would be anything
she was thinking about her career, yeah, but her heart YEARNED for him. she was falling in love with everything about him
she didn’t need the grand gestures, she just needed him
and, it probably goes without saying, but so did johnny
he stopped by her practice room with evie and gem one day
he had just finished his own practice and called hye closer to the door of the practice room she was in with the girls
cue lily practically shaking with excitement
“i don’t think this will seem out of the blue... do you wanna get dinner, sometime? as an actual date this time”
the smile she gave him nearly made poor john’s heart stop
“i thought you’d never ask” she responded, stepping on her tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek
CHEESY SMILE until jaehyun pulls him away
“howd it go, romeo?”
then they heard the girls squealing audibly and talking at the speed of light
“oh no big deal. just the most beautiful amazing woman on the planet likes me back”
the first date was literally later that night, in hyeyoung’s room, with takeout and the nicest red wine johnny could find
tbh he couldn’t wait and she was free that night
“keep the door unlocked!” - evie
the two just talked and laughed and the movie on the background was ignored
hyeyoung was used to feeling shy with people, but she was so comfortable early on. it felt right
and yeah the night DID end with them making out
with the door locked, screw you evie (johnny’s words, not hyeyoung’s)
they fell into being a couple very easily
they told the company a few months in to make life easier and surprisingly .. they were pretty okay with it, though they obviously had guidelines
they couldn’t be seen alone in public (sometimes they break that rule with masks and hats and disguises since the managers will let them sometimes)
a lot of their dates are in the siren dorms because it’s quieter and all of the girls have their own rooms
she comes around to the 127 dorms a lot
they couldn’t interact more than she would interact with the others, and absolutely no pda
((tbh with mila and lily, it’s more acceptable, since they grew up with their members, but the other three have stricter rules .. evie almost breaks them sometimes tho. and sometimes the guys will give casual, familial hugs to them))
they said they loved each other a few months in
johnny said it first, and hyeyoung said it back immediately
it was natural. they fully and truly love each other
they will 1000% percent get married, and they will do so whenever they can in the future
they want to keep their relationship quiet just because hyeyoung’s career has JUST started
but johnny wants to reveal it as soon as the company lets them because he wants the world to know he loves her with all of his heart
johnny’s parents have only met her over facetime, and they already love her. she talks to johnny’s mom a lot too
he has met her parents and siblings, and obviously they love him 
her dad is protective though since she’s his youngest daughter and his baby
johnny is still big on keeping the romance alive and planning things for her, always telling her how much he loves her, and showing physical affection
hyeyoung is a softer type of girlfriend, and she is big on quality time and expressing to him how much she loves him. 
they will never, ever doubt how much they love each other. forever type shit
johnny and hyeyoung ARE mom and dad
especially to hyuck. hyeyoung LOVES him and thinks he can literally do no harm, similar to how she is with lily
mark used to have a crush on hyeyoung hehe but i think we ALL know he’s interested in someone else now ..
taeyong, yuta, lily, hyuck, jaemin, evie, ten, jungwoo, taeil, chenle, hendery, and yangyang are their biggest shippers. they believe in hyonny supremacy
jaehyun is OBVIOUSLY happy for his bro but he’s a chill, cool dude y’know ..
he’s johnny’s go-to though and he and hyeyoung have a very sweet friendship, jaehyun always looks out for her and makes sure she’s okay
johnny will be chill about the eventual rumors about hyeyoung and jaehyun tho because he knows there’s nothing there, and as far as he is concerned, that means that their relationship is safer without any lights on them
they aren’t jealous people (AHEM take note lily AHEM)
the two of them will still flirt with fans, and they rate each other’s flirty comments to fans
“nah, baby, that’s basic. be smoother”
“john, they literally just asked me to tell them i love them”
yeah they’re teased tho and you KNOW they are
ten is CRAZY dude he was already big on the innuendos but now .. goodness
he doesn’t step out of line tho and he’s more subtle and would never do anything to harass them (well mainly not hyeyoung because flashbacks to “i wanna have xxxx with you fatass! love you forever darling” johnten always wilding)
y’know that clip from stranger thing when that dude asks jonathan how the pull out was... “the couch”. yeah. stuff like that from ten
hyuck doesn’t tease them much surprisingly! because again. mom and dad
i can sum up mark in a single sentence:
“you guys are, like, perfect for each other, y’know? i’m happy for you guys, seriously.”
yuta teases sometimes, but chenji is RUTHLESS
if hyonny even looks at each other they’re like OOOOO HEHE GET A ROOM
most of wayv is .. well .. we know how wayv is
taeyong is so warm to them about it all and it’s super sweet. taeil loves them together and is unintentionally funny saying things about young people and love
the girls are PROTECTIVE of hyeyoung even tho they know johnny is perfect for her
lily is in a permanent state of trying to square up with johnny and hyeyoung thinks it’s funny
they have great reception overall, everyone loves them
sm family loves them TOO and heechul is the REAL captain of their fan club and red velvet as a whole loves them together 
do you know how many times they hear “awwwh cute!” 
spoiler: it’s a lot
GOD the two try to help lily with her love life and she hates it
they’ll end up trying to help everyone but lily is their focus
they have lots of couple-isms
“baby” “love” “honey” stuff like that
they have inside jokes
fashionable ass couple
he watches old films with her 
they’re the type of couple to slow dance in the middle of the kitchen
they both know like. they know what the other would order from where, what to do for them after a long/hard day
she knows how to make his coffee perfectly
johnny knows what temperature she likes her baths/showers and what wine she’ll enjoy most
hyeyoung knows where johnny’s back is most tense and his slight change in posture when he needs a massage
they know each other’s style, and they surprise each other with little gifts
they basically know each other like the back of their hand. two halves of the same whole
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smileyliaa · 4 years
ryujin ༄ as your girlfriend
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how it happened ༄
ryujin E X U D E S confidence
absolutely EXUDES it
let’s paint the scene
you’re sitting sadly on a ferris wheel
your date stood up up
the couple who you were supposed to be having a double date with have made you their third wheel
after the ride is over you quickly scurry away from the couple and make it to a funnel cake stand near the ride, you hide amongst the longish line
you’ve escaped the over affectionate couple but now you’re in line for a funnel cake you desperately want, then bam right as you take out your money a man runs by, bumping into you
your money is on the floor, your next in line, people are already annoyed at how long your taking, that is people aside from the girl standing right behind you
she helps you pick up your money and orders with you
she insists that she’ll pay as long as you repay her with eating with her cause she doesn’t want to look lonely while eating
so there you are sat at a table you the both of you had quickly wiped down, eating funnel cake
“i’m ryujin, what’s your name?”
from there bloomed a beautiful, almost innocent friendship
that is, if you guys weren’t always flirting and making out with eachother
you both stood somewhere in the middle of being just friends and dating
ryujin was protective of you, her arm always around your waist or resting on your leg
you never really dated anymore, going on dates wasn’t much in your interest as you had ryujin
ryujin was sick of it
she was sick of i t, absolutely DONE
she loved you, she was ready to admit what everybody already knew
she loved you, so she decided she was going to ask you on a date, and end the night with asking you to be her girlfriend
she wanted to be yours, she wanted you
so the plan began!
she was never one to be sappy or sentimental, but in this case, you were the only person worth being sappy over so she took you to the place she met you
the fair
it had been almost a year that she had met you
the asking you on a date part was harder than she expected
there was this small fear in the back of her head telling her she was going to fuck everything up by doing this, but she pushed passed it with the help of itzy hyping her up in the practice room for a bit
she walked to the lobby boldly and smiled, placing her arm around your waist and put a kiss on your lips
while your hands landed on her waist shocked by the sudden show of affection
“i have a question for you.”
“what is that question?”
“will you go to the fair with me on a date?”
you leaned forward and excitedly kissed her nose, placing the most glorious blush in her cheeks making you smile
“oh fuck yeah i will.” (if you don’t curse you’d said “yes!! i’d love to!”)
you had both decided to go on the saturday of that week
so on saturday there you nervously got ready, sifting through clothes, looking at make up, toying with your hair
only to come back with what you started with originally
ryujin paced around her room right before she had to go meet you
all the girls gathered around taking this as their opportunity to make fun of her nervousness
after about a good half an hour of getting clowned by itzy she left and embarked on her journey to pick up the girl she had a date with at the fair
the car ride to the fair was a bit lengthy she will admit, but another you both had to admit was how fun it was together
singing along to got7 songs
talking about anything and everything that came to mind
when you arrived the first official date jitters did too
you both walked around endlessly
getting on rides
eating unhealthy food (c’mON if you don’t eat something unhealthy at a fair what’s the point??)
played the rigged booth games that no one ever wins
except she won you something cause it’s fucking shin ryujin we’re talking about
so now you carried a cute little elephant plushie around that you had yet to name
you got on the large ferries wheel
your dainty little elephant son sat on your lap
both of your stared out at the sunset smiling
you leaned your head onto her and felt your smile grow wide as you just barely saw the flush show up on her cheeks
“stop looking at me like thaaatt”
she looked down at you shyly internally shocked at how your simple gaze managed to send her for a loop
shocked at how you’re the only person to ever do this to her
you leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips satisfied at the sight of a shy ryujin before you
“you’re cute babe”
she pressed a kiss to your forehead
“you’re cuter”
right after this you found yourselves back at the funnel cake booth where it had all started
you sat at the same table, wiping it down just like you had the first day you met
this time your elephant son sat on ryujin’s lap
you shared one large funnel cake and talked
debated on names for your unnamed elephant son
you smiled at ryujin before you took her hand in yours, “ryujin do you actually want to be more than friends?”
ryujin felt a sudden knot in her stomach at the question
you knew her too well, she had told you about the problems she had in her previous “relationships”
she wasn’t ready for them
“it’s different this time.”
“how so?”
“i want to be your girlfriend, i want to date you. i asked you out on this date because i really just want you...”
“you’re the only person to ever make me feel this way.”
you felt a feeling growing in your stomach, butterflies, they fluttered viciously around your stomach
unsure of what to say, and unsure of what to do you pulled her face in and placed a kiss on her lips quickly, “i’d love to be your girlfriend ryujin.”
“so we’re dating??”
affection ༄
a h h h h
generally i don’t think she’s one for pda
her hand? not on your waist or thigh? something is WRONG
that’s what she always does
she makes sure you’re sat next to eachother so she can either have her arm around you
or resting on your thigh
it’s just her “i’m here” kinda reassurance
i feel like when you’re alone or on dates if she ever wants to kiss you but doesn’t wanna like totally display all her love out in the open she’d kiss your hand
i have a feeling she’d like kissing her girlfriend’s hand
like she picks it up from across the table holding it gently, presses kisses to your knuckles, and puts it both your hands down on the table still holding them
;-; damn i want that
when alone i feel like she’ll have no problem showing affection tbh
she’d be ALL OVER YOU
if you don’t make ryujin a whipped simp i’m sorry to say it i don’t think you’re the one-
when cuddling it’s my opinion that she likes being the little spoon
resting her head on your chest
arms around you
legs entangled
you playing with her hair
it’s paradise
little moments ༄
your elephant son!
she surprised everybody surrounding the little booth she was playing at when she one the small elephant plushie!
he now resides with you, he always rests on your bed, couch, or table there to provide you with company!
you’re still working on the name
(y’all send me your name ideas and we can vote on them like cmonnnnnnn)
your almost weekly dates to a small park are amongst your favorite memories
it’s always the same routine
walk around the park, holding hands
recount how your week has been going
tell eachother stories
debate on your elephant son’s name
sit at a park bench watching the kids play
let your minds wander a bit wondering if you’ll ever have a family together
and hope you do
one of her favorite memories was when you got kicked out of a small 3 dollar theater
you both bought over priced food to eat while eating the shitty movie you decided to watch
the movie was so shitty and very few other people were on the same room
you whispered (was a really loud whisper) comments about the movie
picking out little details that might’ve gone unnoticed
and tried your hardest not to cackle and disrupt the whole movie
well, you failed
she pointed out a small detail in the back ground
the fact that a staff member working on the movie was in the reflection of a mirror on the screen doing a little jig and then fell down
as they cut back to the scene she was referring to you happened to see it and couldn’t hold back the laughter that came
didn’t help that that same detail was a part of what was supposed to be an emotional scene
she couldn’t help but laugh along with you
on your way back home from the early ending of the movie she thought back to that moment
it was one of those memories she’d never be able to forget
maybe it’s was the way she felt knowing she made you laugh like that
or the way you clung onto her laughing clearly trying to stop and getting flustered at your inibility to laugh
but she’d never forget the moment she realized she loved you more than she thought she could love a person
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libra-kirishima · 4 years
Hey noticed requests are open and my bisexual ass is gay for Ochako. Can I request an imagine with a fem!reader that's butch, tall, and stoic/quiet (not very good at noticing flirting signs). Prompt can be reader accidentally does kabe-don to Ochako and Ochako is just flustered as fUck and internally screams "Is this kabe-don???" thank u
Everybody loves cool older butch girls. That's not an opinion it's a fact. Everyone loves cool older butch wlw girls.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your concentration on the text book before you was interrupted by the sound of paper shuffling. A second later, a small stack of white sheets with bold black lettering was slid into your line of sight.
"Do me a favor and put those in that filing cabinet behind you? There should be a new folder in there labelled 'Uraraka.'" He told you.
"Of course," You answered, rolling back in your office chair to do as you were asked. "I'm so sorry if it looked like I wasn't working, sir. I assure you I was paying full attention to-"
"Relax." He assured you. "You're fine. Last minute cramming?"
"Yeah," You sighed, closing the filing cabinet. "History test tomorrow and I haven't had a chance to-" Turning back around, you expected to meet the figure of your boss, but instead found your gaze locked on that of a short girl with wide brown eyes.
"She's not gonna hurt you, (Y/N)." Gunhead laughed. "This is our new intern."
"Oh, right, sorry!" You hadn't realized that you were staring, or that you stopped talking, until he had called you on it. You stood to give her a proper introduction. "Sorry about that. Uraraka, right? I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you."
Once she got a good look at you, it was Uraraka's turn to be tongue tied.
You were taller than her. And while that wasn't saying much for her, you were much taller than her. She had to look up to meet eyes with you. Your gaze was intense, and your eyes were sharp. You were strong, presumably achieved with Gunhead's help. Sharp features led her to believe you were older than her as well, but she couldn't bring herself to be intimidated by you. She was too busy staring to process any thoughts other than "wow."
Thankfully before she could embarrass herself in front of you, Gunhead spoke.
"(Y/N) is a third year that works here on a work study. You guys go to the same school." He added. "It's a pretty small agency, so we all kind of fill in for each other whenever there are gaps. You'll catch on pretty quickly, Uraraka. No need to be nervous."
"Our secretary had to stay home today because her son got sick, so I'm on front desk duty for today. But I'm sure she'll be back in a day or two, so you'll meet her soon."
Ochako nodded, offering you a small smile but not managing to form any words. All she could do was smile, nod, and stare. Hoping all the while that it didn't come off as creepy. You shrugged, figuring the girl was just nervous, and returned to the textbook before you while your boss continued his tour.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
She'd interned there three days, and so for three straight days all of her thoughts were overwhelmed by you.
But today was different. With the agency's secretary back at work, she encountered you for the first time today in the middle of hand to hand combat with Gunhead. She couldn't stop watching the two of you until you swiftly pinned him to the mat, and turned back to wave at her. Uraraka waved back before bashfully gazing down at her feet. Another moment later you were pinned beneath him on the mat.
"You had me, too! But you just had to lose focus." He chuckled.
"Saying hi is the nice thing to do." You answered. "I thought you said it was important for us to make her feel welcome."
You bantered back and forth as he helped you to your feet and shifted his focus to training her.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Five days.
"I think you've gotten used to me, Uraraka." Gunhead laughed from beneath her. "I'm proud."
"Thank you, sir. I couldn't have done it without you."
"Here why don't you try fighting with (Y/N)?"
Uraraka shifted to look at you. You'd been watching them the entire time, wordlessly observing every move she made. She felt her face burn, and hoped that you would assume it was from the exercise and not from the way you watched her like a vulture watched it's prey from above.
"'Kay." You answered, standing to stretch the muscles in your arms. The rational part of her brain is telling her that she should be terrified, but she could hardly focus on that when you were so captivating in the way you moved.
She couldn't fight back even if she tried. Ochako basically let you sweep her off her feet and to the ground. Her head hit the mat with a thunk, but she couldn't feel any pain when you were on top of her with an arm on either side of her head. "Oh, come on. You let me win that one." You cooed. She tried to form a single coherent sentence, but once again found herself wordless. "Cat got your tongue, Uraraka?" You joked. A smirk graced your face as you helped her to her feet again. "We'll go again. But don't go easy on me this time. Alright?"
Filled with a newfound sense of vigor, she nodded and braced herself.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The end of her seventh day. Her last day there.
Uraraka feels like she's learned so much, but also that she still has so much to learn.
"You should try to come back here." You told her in the agency's locker room. "Once you're in the place to start looking for a work study, I mean."
"I'll definitely try to." She answered. Suddenly she was flooded with guilt for not speaking to you more while she had the chance.
"I'm gonna miss seeing you every day." You told her, shooting her a smile as you slipped your costume into your bag so you could wash it over the weekend.
"Me too." She mumbled. Here goes nothing. "We should hang out some time."
You grinned at her.
"Yeah, totally." You answered. "You should let me take you out some time."
"Like... Like a date?"
"Could be a date if you want it to be."
Uraraka's face felt like it was on fire. Just like her first day there, all she could do was smile and nod. You slipped a note card from your backpack and scribbled something down on it. "Here, take this." You tell her as you make your way for the door.
"English Colonial India?"
"No, not that. The other side." You told her before slipping out the door for the day.
Beneath a short list of facts about the East India Company, she noticed a phone number scribbled in green pen with a small message beside it.
'Call me :)'
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senacal · 4 years
Dr. Charles Xavier (Pt. 2)
Request: Requested by @saltysebastianstan​
Pairing: Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Continuation of this post. (Part 1 , Part 3)
Warnings: Drinking, cursing
Abbreviations: Your Name- (Y/N); Friend’s Name- (F/N); University of your choice- (U/N)
Author’s Note: Thank you guys so much for the love on the first part! It was so much more than I had anticipated. I hope you love this part just as much and thank you to @saltysebastianstan​ for helping me expand it so it wouldn’t be so short Xx.
(Gif Not Mine)
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While (Y/N) had attended the lecture hosted by Dr. Xavier, she couldn’t wrap her head around her interaction with the man. He wasn’t rude by any means, which had relieved her, but he seemed rather forward compared to the professional persona she was used to seeing. ‘Beautiful face to match the beautiful voice,’ It wasn’t completely off-putting, but it wasn’t seductive either. She wouldn’t doubt that he used lines like that to pick up women wherever he went. But enough about that, (Y/N) had to force him from her mind during her classes so she could concentrate. It worked for the most part, but he was still lingering in the back of her mind. 
After a long day of classes and Dr. Xavier’s lecture, (Y/N) was now exhausted. Unfortunately, she couldn’t go back to her dorm room like she desperately wanted. Instead, her best friend, (F/N), dragged her to a party. (Y/N) could have easily stayed home to work on her thesis, or watch some TV instead of attending. She had a successful day, so she deserved to rest at home. Too bad her friend thought that it would be better for her to socialize at some wild party. 
While (Y/N) wasn’t opposed to parties, she’s been to quite a few since attending (U/N). There were days she’d rather stay in bed, like tonight. So here she was, standing alone in the corner of the living room of one of the many frats that frequented her university. (F/N) had wandered off to find the restroom an hour ago, so there was a likely chance (Y/N) wouldn’t see her again that night. Of course, that meant she could probably leave without being hassled by her friend. 
(Y/N) finished the drink in her hand and left her spot to dispose of the cup. All because she was at a party where no one cared about cleanliness, didn’t mean she would add to the chaos. Who knows, maybe she’ll run into (F/N) on the way to the garbage and let her know that she wanted to leave. 
(Y/N) pushed her way through the crowd that was blocking the kitchen. One more reason for her to avoid parties, the crowds were a little much for her. She hated being caught in the masses of people so she tried to avoid crowds at any cost. There were shouts of praises and cheering nearby that led (Y/N) to assume someone was doing something idiotic. That was a frat party for you, though. 
“Excuse me” (Y/N) mumbled under her breath every so often.
“(Y/N)! There you are” (F/N) grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, “here, I grabbed you another drink.”
“I didn’t want another drink.” With (F/N)’s attention drawn elsewhere, (Y/N)’s protests fell on deaf ears. (Y/N) begrudgingly accepted the new cup and put her empty one under it. 
“You have to see this! It’s possibly the most impressive thing I’ve seen at one of these keggers,” (F/N) pointed at a man drinking beer from a “yard of ale” without breaking off to take a breath. 
“I’m afraid at what you’d say about people drinking from funnels in the kitchen if you find that impressive,” (Y/N) laughed. 
“You can’t tell me that that isn’t amazing,” (F/N) cheered when the man finished the beer.
He whooped loudly, turning in a half-circle.
“Oh my god, That’s Dr. Xavier,” (Y/N) said in disbelief. What the hell was he doing there?
“You mean that one guy you were telling me about? That mutation professor?” (F/N) asked baffled. 
“Yeah, him,” (Y/N) turned around so he wouldn’t see her. She couldn’t say why, but she didn’t want him to see her. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he flirted with her. Or it’s because she actually kind of liked it. Whatever the case, (Y/N) wasn’t ready to see him just yet. 
“Hey! You’re that girl!” A blonde exclaimed from in front of her.
“I’m sorry?” (Y/N) furrowed her brows. Had she met this girl before?
“Yeah, the one that saved Charles from the conversation about Paris. I’m Raven! We didn’t get the chance to meet because you had already run off,” Raven held her hand out to (Y/N) with a bright smile.
“Oh, uh, I had a class to get ready for…” (Y/N) glanced at her friend, but (F/N) was busy talking to some guy near them. “Are you a friend of Dr. Xavier’s?” She slowly shook Raven’s hand.
“Practically his sister actually,” Raven shrugged, “don’t hold it against me though,” Raven rolled her eyes but laughed. It was clear they were close from the way she spoke about him.
“Raven, who’s your- oh, hello again, Ms. (Y/N), fancy seeing you here,” Charles smiled.
“Right, fancy seeing me, a college student here at (U/N) attending one of the frat parties” (Y/N) raised her brows, “I’m just as surprised to see you here, Professor.”
“Please, call me Charles. I see no reason to hold formalities when we’re at a party,” Charles fiddled with the yard of ale in his hands.
“Right, um,” (Y/N) looked back at her friend and in a desperate attempt to keep the conversation off herself, she yanked her to her side, “This is my friend, I’m sure you’ll both get along just fine. In the meantime, I’m gonna go get another drink,” (Y/N) excused herself as quickly as possible. It didn’t escape anyone’s attention that she still had a full cup of beer. 
(F/N) looked at her friend in confusion, “Sorry about her, I’m (F/N).”
“Charles Xavier,” Charles smiled politely, though he felt disappointed once more now that (Y/N) had made her escape, “I’m going to see if she needs any help.” He handed Raven the yard of ale and followed (Y/N) into the masses.
“(Y/N), excuse me,” Charles apologized to someone, he wasn’t sure who, that he had bumped. “(Y/N), Can we talk?”
(Y/N) sighed heavily and stopped her hasty retreat. She spun around and looked at Charles in question. 
“I know you said you aren’t interested in anything more than the knowledge I have about mutation. But I have a proposal of sorts,” Charles pulled out a crumpled napkin and pen from his pants pocket, “You may call me with any questions you have, and I’ll answer them all. I promise.” He wrote his number down and held the napkin out to her.
“Why? What’s in it for you?” (Y/N) frowned slightly. She took the wrinkled napkin Charles held out to her.
“The pleasure of your company and the mere fact that I’ll be assisting you with your work,” Charles ran his hand through his hair. What he wanted was to see (Y/N) again, but he doubted she’d take to kindly to that; so, he kept that to himself instead. 
“You don’t know anything about my work. What if I were a psycho who wanted to use this knowledge for evil? What if I was lying about knowing anything, and this was all a ruse to take advantage of you?”
“I know none of that is true because someone so invested and passionate like you wouldn’t use this information to harm anyone. I believe I can trust you, I allowed you to see who I was, didn’t I? Let me help you.” Charles spoke just loud enough to hear over the music and chatter of the people around them.
(Y/N) looked around them, she’d be an idiot to turn down his offer. He was the expert on mutants and mutations. He was her ticket to learning more and achieving her goals. Who could it hurt? It wasn’t like (Y/N) had any other opportunities lined up. Plus, it was strictly business. Charles had said so, and why shouldn’t she believe him. He trusted her enough to disclose that he was a mutant to her. The least she could do was take him on his word.
“Okay, fine. I’ll call you with any questions I have. But this is only because I want to learn more and because I trust you to keep this professional, okay?”
Charles nodded and held his hand out, “It’s a deal, then.”
(Y/N) grasped his firm yet soft hand in hers, “It’s a deal.” 
“Wonderful, now that we’ve got that settled, let’s get you that drink,” Charles smiled satisfied and easily maneuvered them around the drunken crowd.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but think that he might have used his telepathy to move them out of the way. “I actually didn’t want another drink, I was kinda trying to avoid you,” She mumbled sheepishly.
“I know, love. It was clear as day, but I forgive you,” Charles looked back at her and winked.
“But we’re still getting drinks,” (Y/N) stated.
“Of course, we’re at a party after all. Might as well enjoy ourselves, right?” Charles held his hand out to (Y/N). 
“Why are you?” She reached for his hand confused.
“Your cup, love,” He laughed.
“Oh, right,” (Y/N) flushed in embarrassment and shoved her now half-empty cup into his awaiting hand. I can’t believe I almost did that.
“There you go,” Charles handed the cup to her and then filled one for himself. “Right, let’s go find your friend and Raven. Knowing Raven, she’s likely stirring up some trouble.”
“If she’s anything like my friend, then they’re probably already in trouble,” (Y/N) couldn’t even imagine the possible mischief her friend could have caused. (Y/N) was usually reserved in herself but her friend always managed to convince her to do something crazy every once in a while. She remembered a time when she went to the bars with her friend, and in the end, (Y/N) had gotten too drunk that she got lost trying to find her way home. Thankfully her friend was more functional than she was and in the end (Y/N) crashed at her place. But she promised herself not to drink that much ever again.
“There they are,” Charles pointed to their two friends, who were invested in a game of beer pong.
“Okay, not as bad as I thought,” (Y/N) sipped at the beer in her hand.
“Would you like to play?” Charles offered. He wanted to see if she’d allow herself to relax in his presence, maybe they could be friends at the very least.
“Uh,” (Y/N) hesitated, “sure, why not?” She shrugged. Like Charles had said, they were at a party, why not enjoy themselves?
Raven and (F/N) had won the last game with two cups left on their end. Raven was clearly excited and (F/N) was looking pretty cocky. (F/N) wasn’t expecting for (Y/N) to join the game least of all with Charles. 
“You sure you wanna play?” She asked cautiously.
“Yeah, how hard can it be?” (Y/N) shrugged.
“Alright,” (F/N) filled the cups with beer and set them up in their triangle formation, “I’ll let you go first then.”
(Y/N) picked up the ping pong ball closest to her and aimed. A little well-known fact about her, she had a horrible aim. It was almost sad seeing her play beer pong but Charles hadn’t made any snide comment about her inability to make a single shot. He even offered to drink the beer for her when it was noticeably affecting her. (Y/N) found herself leaning on him now that she knew she could depend on him, at least for now. Any other time she’d have been as stiff as a board.
In her inebriated state, (Y/N) couldn’t see why she had rejected Charles. He was handsome, extremely handsome. His smile was infectious and his hair looked so fluffy. She kind of wanted to touch it. Hell, what was holding her back? She reached her hand up and pat the fluffiest part she could easily reach. ‘It’s so soft.’
Charles looked over at her, an amused smile gracing his features, “Can I help you?”
“Your hair is soft,” (Y/N) murmured. She pulled her hand away and finished off the rest of her beer. “I think I want another,” She shuffled slightly, her balance thrown off for just a moment.
Charles moved to steady her, his brows raised, “You sure?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, “Yes, Charles.” She waved him off and made her way back to the kitchen.
“I guess that’s game, I’m gonna go check on her,” (F/N) grabbed her cup in an attempt to chase after her friend.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got her,” Charles assured. Before (F/N) could respond, Charles was already going after (Y/N). He found her in the kitchen trying to figure out the tap on the keg. “Here, let me help you,” Charles swooped in beside her and poured her a small amount of beer in his attempt to limit her drink now that she was tipsy.
“Thank you,” (Y/N) drank the beer in one go, making a face at the end, “I’ve never realized how disgusting this stuff is until today.”
Charles laughed, “Yes, it’s honestly pretty disgusting, but it’s also not that bad.”
“Says you,” She threw her cup on top of the overflowing trash can. “I think I’m ready to go home now.” 
“Did you want me to get your friend, then?” Charles looked up in search of her.
“Nah, She’ll want to stay a little longer,” (Y/N) waved her hand in dismissal. “I can find my way home.”
“I’ll take you home, it’s probably best that you don’t go walking home alone at night,” Charles held his hand up to his temple, his expression turning to one of pure concentration. His brows were furrowed and his eyes looked stern. 
(Y/N) raised her brows, wondering what he could have been doing. “You okay?”
Charles’s eyes shifted to her, “hmm? Oh, yes,” He chuckled, “I was just letting Raven know that we were leaving.”
“Oh, right. The whole telepathy thing,” She nodded, “Okay, let’s go then.”
Charles guided her through the throngs of people until they were safely outside. The cool air was a welcome embrace compared to the humidity from the party. He ran his fingers through his hair and then across his forehead, wiping the excess sweat away. 
“So, where is it that you live?” He asked.
“Like two blocks down. I live in the dorms,” She started her trek home, not waiting for Charles. She could take care of herself. Or so she thought. It was clear that her balance was off because she kept swerving into the bushes next to her.
Charles guided her away from them in case she were to accidentally scratch herself on the twigs or thorns, he didn’t know what type of bushes they were exactly, but he knew he didn’t want her to get hurt by them. “Easy there,” Charles murmured.
(Y/N) grumbled something about being able to walk without his help, but in the end, she was leaning on him, allowing him to hold her close as they walked to her dorms. It was quiet now that they were a good distance away from the party, the sound of crickets and the breeze blowing through the trees the only noise surrounding them. (Y/N) found herself enjoying the proximity of Charles and the peacefulness of the night. 
“Charles?” She asked softly.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” 
“Thank you for taking me home,” She patted the arm that was holding her. 
“It’s no problem, really,” He smiled slightly.
“Well, here’s my dorm,” (Y/N) straightened up and pulled away from Charles’s arms, “Thanks, again.”
Charles nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets, “You’re welcome, I’ll see you around I guess.” 
(Y/N) nodded and bit her lip, she wondered if she should offer to hang out again. She had fun tonight despite wanting to go home from the start of the party. Charles made the party bearable to her, “Charles, are you free tomorrow?”
“I suppose so, I hadn’t planned on doing anything. Why?” His heart skipped a beat in anticipation. 
Okay, good response, now all she had to do was ask, “Can we meet up to talk about my thesis?” Fuck, that’s not what she wanted to say damn it.
“Oh, of course. We can meet at the library or something,” Charles seemed to deflate where he stood. How could he forget their arrangement was strictly professional?
“Right, uh, the coffee shop is probably best,” (Y/N) smiled, “I’ll see you at twelve.” She waved to him sheepishly and made a hasty retreat into her dorm building. 
Charles watched her retreating figure, ensuring that she got inside safely. He sighed and kicked at the ground. Professional, he could be professional.
Taglist: @dankpogue​ @theatreandtessa​ @peachykeen3502​ @food-cures-all​ @commissioner23​
Message me if you’d like to be added to the taglist ^.^
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missorgana · 4 years
a moment in time
pairing: karolina dean/nico minoru
fandom: marvel’s runaways
rating: general
word count: 2014
warning: swearing
summary: Nico accidently brings home the wrong suitcase. Annoying. The owner of said suitcase? Anything but annoying. (no powers meet-cute + luggage mix-up)
(a soft silly au right before femslash february comes to an end mwahhhhh! they’re superior girlfriends wbk. Cat / @inafaithforgotten beta read this as always AND as always u are an angel 💕✨ hope you enjoy!!)
read on ao3
“You talk to any of the others yet?”
Nico frowns at her friend, hoping the signal’s clear enough for the picture to show him, “No.” Of course, Alex laughs. Idiot.
“Come on, Nico,” he tells her, absentmindedly rummaging through his fridge, of all things, “You can’t just be alone in Sydney for six months.”
And of course, she rolls her eyes at his response, as always. Deep down, she knows he means well, but really, his social butterfly self gets on her nerves from time to time.
“Why not?” she huffs, but with a kind of smile that tells Alex she doesn’t care about his life philosophies, without fearing making him upset. Or him being scared she’s upset. Mostly the ladder.
A beep of his microwave oven sounds in her headphones, “Nevermind, dummy.”
Maybe she misses her best friend, but it’s not like she’ll admit it as long as she lives. Anyway, the hotel room’s better than she expected once she arrives, the cool air of the airport and crowds of students approaching her in each their own language became all too much, too fast.
Nico’s not exactly a people person, as Alex says.
But also, baggage claim is the absolute worst. Don’t try to argue with her, won’t change her mind.
There really is no way to avoid it, but seriously, absolutely no personal space. It’s like a warzone, almost, because her fellow passengers can’t fucking wait a minute or two, and be damn polite?
It’s whatever, Nico’s just glad to finally have arrived.
She may have a little airplane anxiety. It’s embarrassing, but Alex, like the wonderful best friend who cares too much, crafted her a self care kit (his words, not hers). Maybe the obligatory pre-takeoff text helped with her restless hands. Shut up.
Soon as Alex says his goodbye, door closed, she’s back on her background noise playlist, eager for a shower and some long-awaited sleep. At this point jet lag can kiss her ass.
A look in the mirror reveals the mess of eyeliner she made when she rubbed sleep out of her eye for whatever low budget action movie had played on the tv system (terrible selection, seriously), oh well, the little hot water she gets access to does wonders for her headache.
Another reason why she avoids traveling by flight at all costs.
It’s a comforting thought she’ll be here for a while, though. Alex made this sound like an all alone in the world thing, but Nico honestly doesn’t really mind.
With her parents, she’d been alone much of her childhood, anyway. Depressing, she knows.
She leaves the shower in a haze, hoodie and sweatpants right at her hand, and just catches Amy’s enthusiastic text full of heart emojis.
Ridiculous. But lovely.
Nico thinks that reply back is just about all she has energy left for, until the rumbling of her stomach clearly tells her otherwise. Fuck.
And, well, budget hotels infamous for exchange student parties rarely offer room service. It’s ten minutes of Nico panicking, almost going to the desperate point of having to leave the hotel room, find a vending machine, or some cafe nearby, which would require her to interact with people.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It’s sort of embarrassing, or at least it would be, if anyone was here to see her. A small virtue.
But, hah, of course! The angel Amy truly is, Nico almost forgot the snacks her sister insisted on stuffing in her suitcase.
If she almost wants to cry of happiness, no, she doesn’t. She’s allowed to be a little overdramatic, okay?
Small emotional rollercoaster aside, she hurries for the luggage, surprisingly, struggling with finding the zipper. Not anything she takes time to think about much, given the circumstances, until she breaks it open and comes to a halt.
It does take a minute.
But this is definitely not Nico’s suitcase.
The exterior was familiar, but there’s absolutely zero doubt in her mind a mistake has been made when she’s met with a soft pink piece of fabric. With fucking lace.
Her stomach’s not turning with the thought of the outside world anymore, instead, she’s just weirded the hell out. Because she had never jotted herself down as easily distracted, but there’s a first time for everything, she supposes.
Nico simply shifts to a cross-legged position, staring at the pair of pastel colored scrunchies, white dress shirt, and brown tassel boots. She just wants to sleep, dammit.
But she can’t really ignore this kind of problem, really. 
She’s got her carry-on, of course, but like, she wants her own things. All of them.
So, a careful investigation of the luggage is what she puts her mind to, trying not to mess up or pry too much in this stranger’s business. A postcard accompanied by a tiny silver cross pin causes her to snort.
Whoever this person is, by the looks of the suitcase’s content, is not exactly someone Nico would find herself hanging around with.
It takes way too long for her to find any sort of information on this stranger. Or, well, maybe just her sleep deprived mind missing the very obvious nametag on the back. Shut up.
The white laminated label tells her it belongs to a Karolina Dean.
Nico maybe stumbles over the address, the same state as herself, but who cares, it’s not like it’s any surprise. Her lucky stars also provided a phone number to the person, and she just can’t hurry enough.
What a mess.
Nico is stood in Sydney Airport at shit-o-clock in the morning, with a wrong suitcase and without sleep for fuck knows how many hours.
Needless to say, she can’t wait for this to be over already.
Funny enough, her strange companion got ahead of her, calling her at exactly the time she gathered the phone number. The voice was bright and a bit giggly, which would piss Nico off if she wasn’t so tired.
She’s still pissed, but mostly at herself.
So, of course, they agreed to meet back at the airport right away. This Karolina’s an exchange student as well, as she gathered, but located at another hotel. It’s probably decided according to their line of study, or something.
Nico would be lying if she said she knew what she was doing right now. She hopes she won’t have to explain this to Alex, he’ll only laugh his ass off, that’s for sure.
She’s been staring at the same five rerun commercials on the flatscreen, which surely won’t do any good to her burning eyes, when the voice from the phone call says her name. And honestly, she’s not sure what she expected from this meeting.
Nico stands up to a close to angelic girl.
Judge her all you want, but that’s about all the thought her brain’s forming right now.
Karolina Dean’s beaming a smile at her way too bright for this early in the morning, blonde braided hair and star-studded ears.
Fuck, okay, also, blue eyes nearly sparkling, or something. 
Nico doesn’t have to force a smile back at all.
She soon realises the mention of her name was a question, “Uh, yeah, Nico. Karolina, right?”, to which the taller girl nods.
“I’m so sorry about this,” she tells her, sighing, sounding almost like she ran all the way here, “So easily distracted.”
Maybe Nico almost gets angry from this beautiful stranger taking the blame all for herself. Maybe she wants to roll her eyes, but she doesn’t. Karolina doesn’t know her, and for some reason, she’s the kind of person Nico doesn’t want to disappoint. Or offend.
Instead, she shakes her head and shifts her weight from one foot to another, “I’d say we’re both equally to blame here.”
She also tries to laugh, which sounds very wrong in her own ears, ugh, but her new companion maintains her sweet smile, too innocent and soft spoken, that Nico almost wants to cry again.
Anyway, she has to gather herself.
Status so far is that while she still desperately needs sleep, she is also faced with the problem of an extremely pretty girl in front of her. Pretty girls are somewhat of a weakness for her, as you can tell. Damn the universe for this.
So, what’s Nico to do about it?
Alex would most likely yell at her to get her number. Or, technically, she has the number already… but fuck, is this really the right time to flirt? Most likely not.
She’s admittedly also a very awkward flirter. Alex described her as such, which is a bit hypocritical when he’s just as bad himself. Scratch that, he’s worse, and Nico will remind him daily. A disaster pair of best friends they are, but Alex is right.
Luckily, Karolina seems a bit more cool-headed compared to the rut she’s stuck in herself, and the reason this meeting is taking place is handed over.
It’s hard to describe how much her body’s screaming for her to find her way back to bed as soon as possible, but even with her own stuff back, she hesitates.
The blonde still smiles, damn her, but takes on a wide-eyed expression, tugging on her fingers like she’s embarrassed, “I promise I didn’t mess up your stuff, I- sorry, I just. Your jacket’s really cool.”
Nico blinks.
And her companion seems to read her mind, cause she giggles, “I mean it! It made me want to know you.” Karolina soon after frowns at her own words, continuing with, “Sorry, that sounds… so weird.”
You’re so fucking adorable, Nico thinks to herself, and honestly, just wishes this angel would stop apologising. It’s sort of painful.
Of course, she shakes her head at her companion’s words, because that’s somehow the most ridiculous thing she’s heard today. The last two days. Man, fuck timezones.
But somehow, it takes her way, way too long to figure out why the blonde’s giving her a surprised face. And she blushes.
Because, of fucking course, Nico can’t keep her thoughts inside her head.
So she gathers she’s just called her adorable, and Karolina’s fidgeting with the handle of her suitcase now, seemingly not being in a hurry to go anywhere, and she’s biting her lip.
It makes Nico’s head spin. Mostly the fact that the angel girl’s not fleeing the scene.
“Did I just say that out loud?”
The blonde nods.
“Fuck,” she finds herself saying, because whatever, it’s not like she can say anything more embarrassing than what just came out of her mouth, “I’m sorry. Can you, uh. Can we pretend it’s my sleep deprivation talking?”
Karolina’s curious to her. She tugs the wispy locks of hair behind her ears and looks at Nico like she’s sincerely considering her words.
It’s here she notices how close they’re actually standing, and that she’s breathing a tiny bit faster than normal. She’d scold herself like a loser, if her companion didn’t answer her question in such an unexpected way.
“I guess,” Karolina chuckles, but she’s fidgeting again, staring at her scuffed white sneakers with a meaningful look. 
And then it’s like she gains a new sort of determination, looks up at Nico, which definitely doesn’t make it easier for her to breathe. Her smile turns a bit mischievous. At this point, the lack of sleep might just make Nico hallucinate.
“But I’d rather have breakfast when we’re not sleep deprived. Heh, if- if you want to, of course.”
The blonde’s biting her lip again. Nope, Nico definitely heard that right, no sound hallucination or whatever.
Turns out this luggage switch was a blessing in disguise, huh. Fuck you if you accuse her of being cheesy, she doesn’t really care when a, yes, definite angel is looking at her expectantly, and maybe also has invited her to something resembling a date. Breakfast can be a date, right?
Needless to say, she’s never said yes to anything as fast as this in her life.
And, needless to say, Nico’s never looked forward to waking up again as much as she does when she finally goes to bed, either.
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