#if you hate me for this answer i'm too tired to care anymore
risuola · 10 months
I dunno the correct process for making a request but here goes!! I LOVE YOUR STUFF I HAVE BEEN BLESSED.
Smut for Nanami Kento, any AU, fem reader, with 58, 81 and 85 as prompts!!
Thank you so much and have a lovely day!!
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As time passed, you noticed Kento became more and more distant. You loved him, oh so much, and you wanted to give him freedom. Six months after you broke up with him, he's standing at your doorstep.
cw: smut, possible spoilers? – most likely inaccuracies in the timeline, unprotected sex, oral (m. receiving), clit play, bits of angst, alcohol and meds usage briefly mentioned, minor injury + blood mentioned, violence mentioned, reader discretion is advised — 4,3k words
PROMPTS: 58. I miss doing nothing with you. 81. You think that this is easy for me? 85. I think I’ve lost my mind.
a/n: thank you! 🩶 it turned out to be a little long, but what can I say... I like writing long. anyway, hope you like it!
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There was a time in your life when you felt like the luckiest woman in the whole universe. Every single one of your days was overflowing with happiness and gratitude, as if you were high on all the love you held in your heart. Two years of this feeling made you lost in the dream; the sun was brighter then, the birds were singing more vibrantly, and the long summer nights seemed to never end as you spent each and every one of them in the embrace of Nanami Kento. He was a man written by a woman – kind and gentle, but with a roughness hidden inside the breathtaking shell of attractiveness. His voice could make any woman's knees buckle, and you were lucky enough to fall asleep and wake up to that alluring tone. Those two years have made you blind.
A year ago, things began to change, but you didn't notice how Kento began to seek some personal space, distancing himself from your ever-loving embrace. He started working overtime, which he hated more than anything else, but you had no reason not to believe him when he told you time after time that he had to stay at the office for extra hours. Then he would often be tired, prying from your touch, and the long, passionate kisses would turn into quick pecks on the cheek. Countless nights you spent looking at the empty space in the bed, crying silently while Nanami slept on the couch. Cold pillows and unscathed covers made you realize that he didn't love you anymore, and it was already too late.
July 3rd, 2022 Exactly six months ago, you welcomed Nanami home for the last time, with all your things already moved out of the apartment that had been the source of your happiness. "What is it?" he asked then, looking around the empty spaces that had once been filled with memories, and you took his face into your cold, trembling hands. "Today is your birthday, my love," you began, doing everything not to crumble to pieces, "I want to give you back your freedom." He answered with silence, which you took as acceptance. "You have dinner in the kitchen, please eat well. I left you a small gift as well. Take care of yourself, be happy, okay?" you smiled, but your eyes betrayed you as tears gathered along your lash line, but you blinked them away and exhaled, your breath quivering and your heart drumming in your chest so hard you thought it would burst through your ribcage. "I think I've taken everything that's mine. All I'm leaving is my love."
Standing on your tippy toes, you kissed Nanami's lips for the last time, smoothed the soft skin of his cheeks and inhaled his musky scent for the last time. All of it was your last with him. The last goodbye you whispered against his mouth as a tear rolled down your cheek, and then you left the apartment. You remember how his hand slid down your arm as you walked past him, but he didn't stop you. Your fingertips brushed against his, but he didn't try to grab you. You made it through the Uber ride, even exchanging a few forced jokes with the driver, but when the doors to your new apartment closed behind you, you broke down. First night you spent on the floor, crying yourself to exhaustion in the cold emptiness.
January 3rd, 2023 Today, on the six-month anniversary of the worst day of your life, you look up at the sky and smile softly as the lone tear rolls down your cold-flushed cheek. Holding onto the paper cup filled with hot coffee, you can't help but wonder if he's happier now. People say time flies, but for you, the last few months have been torturous as you spent day after day trying to numb yourself with busy life, alcohol, and dulling meds. Nothing really seemed to help, no matter what you did or swallowed, nothing was able to free you from the heartache, as if the eternal love you had for Nanami had become one with your soul. So you stopped searching for a way to heal by force and allowed yourself to go through it, with all the sleepless nights, used tissues and missed meals.
Now, as you sit on the bench in the crowded park, you look out at the people rushing through the January coldness, and when your eyes land on a couple so lovely and affectionate, your mind wanders back into the memories. Many cold days, just like this one, you spent with Nanami, shamelessly stealing his warmth and hiding in the safe embrace of his strong arms. Those days were your favorite, the low temperatures gave you more reasons to never part from him, and he always made sure you stayed warm. He was so gentle with you, carrying you like a princess and holding your hands with care as he planted endless kisses all over your reddened cheeks and knuckles. Today, on the third day of the new year, you sit alone, the only source of heat being the coffee, which is now more lukewarm than anything else.
Exhaling, you finish your drink and stand up, throwing away the empty cup and entering the crowded alleys, moving forward with no destination, taking in the aura of Tokyo before leaving for good. It's been a few weeks since you decided to move somewhere else in the world, somewhere far away from where everything reminds you of how happy you used to be, but it's only now that you've finally found the strength to book tickets. With them printed in your apartment, you felt a little lighter, knowing that you're about to start a new chapter, one that will hopefully be brighter and happier. With new streets you've never walked through, with new people you've never talked to, with new cafes, new bakeries, new lakes and parks. You hoped to leave the sadness behind and start living again, not just pretending to be alive, but could you really do that anywhere in the world, when the sky and the stars and the moon and the sun that witnessed all the love you shared with Kento remain the same?
January 7th, 2023 Last night in your apartment, you sit down in the empty space, next to the few boxes that are left and yet to be taken by your father to be stored in their house and later shipped to your new home. One night is all that separates you from the anxiety-driving mixture of airports, flights, and a new life you've put so much hope into. One more night, and maybe you'll be able to find sparks of happiness again. Maybe the unknown will take up enough of your headspace that you'll start appreciating what you have instead of mourning what you've lost. Maybe.
"Cheers to new life," you mutter to yourself as you raise a half-full glass of cheap red wine into the air and take a sip. The unpleasant, tart taste twists your features for a second and you exhale deeply. "Fucking new life, my ass."
As the glass shatters against the wall where you just threw it, you groan to the heavens and despite all intentions to leave it as it is, you get up, grab a cloth and a bag and kneel down to pick up all the pieces and clean the red puddle from the wood before it stains it permanently. It gets tiring quickly, you don't have anything to sweep the floor with, you don't even have a bowl to rinse the cloth in, and as you shuffle between the living room and the kitchen, you make more mess than it's worth.
With a soft groan, you toss the cloth into the sink when you hear a knock at the door. Neighbors, you think. They probably heard the sound of breaking glass and were disturbed, just as they have been bothered by every little sound during the six months you have lived there.
There were so many things that Nanami wanted and needed to tell you, and yet nothing came to his mind when he thought about how to even start the conversation. As he stood in an empty hallway looking at your doors, he wondered if you’d even open them. Maybe you'll know it's him, maybe you'll recognize the way he knocked, or you'll look through the peephole and just pretend you're not home. But the door opened, with an almost angry swing, and when he looked down at you, his heart stopped at the sight.
You were there, wearing a large, black t-shirt that had most likely been his own many months ago, but what Nanami immediately noticed were the bright red stains all over your hands, a few traces on your legs and even on your cheek. His mind went blank at the bloody image, his heart sank and all he could focus on was that you were hurt.
"What happened?" he asks immediately, reaching for your hands to examine them, but you pull them away taking a step back.
"Kento?" you mouth, no voice leaving your throat as you stare at the all-too-familiar frame at your doorstep. Of all people, he was the last one you wanted to see that night, right before leaving. All hope shattered as you realized just by seeing him that you'll never be able to get over him, no matter where you try to run away, he'll always be a part of your soul, he'll always have a part of your heart. "What are you doing here?"
"Can we talk? I know you're leaving tomorrow," he says, and you immediately ask, "Who told you?"
"Your friend. Listen, there are things I have to tell you, I have to explain what happened."
"Kento... why are you making this so hard for me?" you sigh, your voice almost a whisper as you let him in by stepping aside. "I have a flight tomorrow; I should rest now."
“You think that this is easy for me? That losing you was easy for me?" his voice flares up for a moment before he forces it back down. "Please, just let me explain, then you can do whatever you want."
"Alright," you nod, noticing that his eyes once again landing on your covered in red hands. "It's wine. I spilled it."
"You're bleeding."
"It's wine, I'm telling you..." you try to argue, but he grabs your hand and it’s only now that you realize that you are, in fact, bleeding. A few shards of glass are embedded in your flesh, ruby streaks mixing with wine stains, but you don't even feel it and for a moment it scares you how much you desensitized yourself to pain.
“Let me,” Nanami pulls you gently towards the kitchen, where he makes you sit on the chair as he kneels down in front of you, beginning to pull the pieces out with chapsticks – the only thing that you had left in the kitchen to later have some instant ramen.
“I don’t understand why would you come here, Kento. It’s been half a year.”
“I know. But I can’t just let you leave like that.”
“I have everything set up already, I have a flight-ticket, a house and work arranged. Tomorrow I’ll be homeless in Japan.”
“You have a home, don’t act like you don’t know where it is.”
You shake your head at his words, sighing and looking away as he works on picking up the shards from your palm. He caresses you gently whist he cleans your wounds and you feel like you're burning from every place he's touching you. It hurts physically to feel his fingers holding you so tenderly and you can feel the tears already gathering in your eyes. He is your home and the thought of leaving him is suffocating you. It began killing you the day you left on his birthday, and you don't even know how you managed to push through those six months.
“Nanami… All I ever wanted for you is to be happy.”
“Do I look happy to you?”, he lifts his eyes to yours, and all you can see is devastating loneliness that lingers inside his brown irises. In the dim light of your kitchen, you can see his darkened undereyes and the tiredness painted across his features. “Y/n, please, just listen to me.”
As Nanami’s finished with your hand, he wraps his tie around it, the one that you’ve always jokingly called atrocious and he’s unbothered by ruining it. He stays on his knees, enclosing both of your palms inside his own, much bigger and as you feel him, you could swear his fingers are trembling.
“I lied to you. Over a year ago I left my office job,” he began and already you were confused, but he stopped you from speaking up. “I’ve always been… different. There are things in this world that are called curses. Spiritual beings manifested from cursed energy, a result of negative emotions that flow out of humans. They are harmful to society; they are violently taking lives. Regular people can’t see them, you most likely can’t see them as well, but there are those who call themselves jujutsu sorcerers. They see curses, fight them, exorcise.”
“Are you one of them?”
“I am. I studied at Jujutsu high here in Tokyo, but after losing my classmate I left and tried to live a normal life as a salesman. Wanted to earn enough money to retire at 40 and then have a peaceful life in some kind of paradise. But I hated the office more than I hated sorcery so one year ago I got back to fighting curses. Then I began distancing myself from you. Every time you asked so sweetly how was my day, I couldn’t bring myself to tell you that I just got home from the bloody murder scene. I thought it’s better for you to not know all of that, I wanted to keep you safe. It also felt wrong to lay down in bed with you, to touch or kiss you when just hour before, my hands were red. I couldn’t sleep with you when my body was bruised and I had no idea how to explain this to you.”
You stayed silent, taking in his words, watching his expression change from shame to guilt, through sadness and lost.
“When you had told me you’re leaving, I thought it might be better for you to find someone else. That you’ll be safer with someone else. The thought of you getting hurt by a curse because of me terrified me.”
“Wouldn’t I be safer if a sorcerer was there with me…?”, you ask and he exhales.
“Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know. I’m sorry, y/n,” Nanami lowers his head, planting a kiss on top of your knuckles. “I’m so sorry. Please don’t leave. Don’t leave me. I miss you, I miss doing nothing with you, I miss everything. I should have never let you go; you are the sun in my life, without you I feel like I live in darkness.”
“I don’t understand much of what you just said to me, Kento,” you admit, sighing and releasing one of your hands from his hold only to cup his face and he leans into your touch immediately. “about the curses, I guess I’m just a regular person, but I love you with every fiber of my existence, no matter if you’re a normie, a sorcerer or whatever else.”
You feel him deflate, like the tension left his body the second you said you still love him and you can’t help but smile softly while smoothing over his cheekbone. So many months you dreamt about touching him once again, feeling his supple skin underneath your fingertips and taste his lips. You longed for him, for everything Nanami Kento was and now you were finally able to have him back.
“I love you just as much,” he mutters against the pulse on your wrist, kissing the delicate skin tenderly. “Please, come home with me. Come back to our home.”
“If you promise me that you won’t hide things like this from me. I might not understand any of this, but if what you’re doing is that emotionally wrenching, I want to be the safe space you can come home to,” you coo, tears washing over your eyes and you fall down to your knees, bones hitting the cold tiles painfully but you don’t care, as you cup his face in your palms. Unable to wait any more second, you press your lips onto his, gently at first, but when he molds his own against yours instantaneously, you lose it.
All you can feel in your body is want, you need him now, there. You need him closer, on you, inside you. You want to taste him, feel him, breathe him in, and that's all you've wanted for the last six months, constantly trying to convince yourself that it will pass.
"Need you to fuck me," you mumble against his mouth, pushing him to sit back as you climb onto his lap.
"God, I want nothing more," he whispers, his huge palms already on your butt, squeezing the tender flesh, and you can't hold back a smile as a breathy groan escapes his throat when you roll your hips, running your pussy precisely over his bulging crotch. The rough fabric of his pants pushes easily through the thin, dotted cotton of your panties, making you gasp as it teases your clit. "Fuck you and take you home."
"Please do," you almost cry as his long fingers slip underneath your underwear, landing directly over the sensitive bud, only to slide lower along your folds, collecting the slick and he smirks at how wet and needy you are for him. Another crashing kiss takes your breath away and you squeeze his shoulders to keep yourself from dizziness. All of your thoughts are kissed away, leaving your mind focused only on the man beneath you, and you reach down, quickly, almost impatiently, undoing the belt, button and zipper of his pants. You're burning with anticipation and lust, already intoxicated by the taste of his lips and the way his tongue dances with yours.
Cold air hits Nanami's cock as you pull him out of the restrictive cage of his boxers, and he purrs into your mouth as you wrap your dainty fingers around his fat girth, pumping him even harder than he already is. Unable to focus on anything but the pleasure of your cold palm stroking his length, he pulls away from the kiss and uses his one free hand to pull up your blouse and you obey, letting go of his dick just for a second to undress. He lifts you up with ease to remove your panties as well, and as you sit back on his lap, completely bare and so beautiful, he takes a second to admire the view. The dim kitchen lights give you a blurry aura, your figure lit from behind, with only reflections sparkling in your eyes and bouncing off the curves of your front.
"You are so divine," he breathes out, his rough palms running over your naked form and you chuckle at the act of worship. It's always been like this – every time Nanami would see you naked, he'd act as if you were the most beautiful sight in the world and he was seeing you for the first time.
"And I am yours," you grin, kissing his lips passionately as you roll your hips so that the underside of his stiff shaft strokes between your wet folds. Your juices rub over him as you swallow a grunt that rumbles in his throat as you tease him.
Done with your games, Kento takes you by the hips and you surrender to the strength he holds you with as he aims the angry, leaking head at your entrance. You can feel him stretching your hole as you slowly lower yourself to take him completely. Panting from the mind-numbing sensation of fullness, you rest your forehead against his.
"You're making me lose my mind," he whispers, helping you move your pelvis. "No, I think I've already lost my mind."
"I love you too."
It's slow and sensual, no rush is needed where there's so much emotion. You feel one of Kento's hands all over your body; his thumb finds your clit and skillfully rolls over it, adding another layer to your pleasure and instantly making your pussy twitch and squeeze. You lower your head onto his shoulder, forcing your fingers to cooperate, you fiddle with his button-up shirt to get more access to his skin, to his toned body, but your hands shake as you moan against the side of his neck.
His name slips from your lips like a prayer and he loses composure at the feel of your walls squeezing him so delightfully. You're taking him so well, swallowing every inch, allowing his blunt head to kiss your cervix again and again as his practiced fingers roll over your swollen bundle of nerves. You pick up the pace, holding him close as you smear sloppy, wet kisses all along his collar bones.
The room spins around the two of you, every flex of your pussy leaving Nanami breathless as you whimper louder, overwhelmed by the approaching orgasm. The abuse on your clit pushes you over the edge so quickly, and he encourages you with praise and pet names. "Don't hold it, babygirl," he commands, taking in the feel of your trembling body, your arched back, your flushed cheeks, and those sweet sounds. The melody that makes him proud, that makes him never want to hear anything but your pleasured sounds and it amazes him how easily he loses his composure when he's with you.
Usually, Nanami is nothing but a stoic, reserved man, confident in his steps and never putting too much emotion into anything, but you're able to turn him into a panting mess. You can make him stutter, act irresponsibly, forget his own name. You're the one who makes him smile, you're the one who brings joy and pleasure into his life, and if it weren't for you, he might have already given up chasing happiness.
"Kento, ah-" you call his name, blissfully dazed; your voice shuddering as your words sink into his skin, your lips brush against his neck and he mumbles affirmations under his breath, feeling his cock flex and harden even more, hugged by the tight embrace of your squelching pussy. Unable to speak coherently, his head falls back against the kitchen island, breathless moans and lust driven whimpers leaving his mouth as he keeps your hips moving, helping you ride out your orgasm, feeling himself getting closer and closer to his own. His mind goes blank, an echo of your heavy pants filling his ears, and the way your long nails scratch along his biceps and chest muscles drives him completely insane.
You bite your lower lip, grounding yourself as the overstimulation gets the better of you. After such a long break from his cock, it almost feels too much, the sheer size and girth of it making you see stars.
"Let me taste you," you ask, but it comes out as a plea and he can't refuse when you ask so nicely, so he lets go of your hips. Quickly you reposition yourself to kneel between his legs and kiss your way down, moving your knees back across the cold tiles. With your ass sticking up, you lower yourself to envelop your fingers around his slick with your juices member, pumping him at the base while you add your spit to the concoction of fluids. He's already throbbing and flexing in your grasp as you take him in your mouth; your tongue swirls around the head and strokes along the length.
You lick and suck, moving your head up and down, lightly grazing his cock with your teeth. Nanami throws his head back, his hands landing on top of your head where he gathers your hair into a makeshift pony as you work your magic. The wet, warm feeling of your mouth, mixed with the skillful dance of your tongue makes him dizzy and the way he sucks in his breath above you makes you happy. You love Nanami in a state of chaos and disorder.
"So... perfect..." he mutters, words breaking as he speaks, and you take him deeper, pressing the tip of his cock against your throat, and as you hum, the vibration of your vocal cords sends him over the edge. His grip on your hair tightens, the veins around his girth bulging and you know he's so close. As you continue to deepthroat him, you pick up the pace of your hand at the base of his dick and use your other hand to massage his balls. You feel his thigh muscles flex against your shoulders and he pushes your head down as he cums. Tears roll down your cheeks from the sudden pressure on your throat, but you obey until he lets go and you can guide him through his release. Nanami's cum fills your mouth, smearing all around as you milk him dry, sucking every last drop like it's nectar, savoring it before you swallow.
 Your movements slow down, you lick him few more times, gently pumping the length until he pulls you up into a tight embrace of his strong arms. You lean against his chest, his heartbeat right beneath your ear, and you close your eyes to listen to its melody. You don't know how long the two of you have been lying in silence on your kitchen floor, and frankly, you don't need to know as long as it's Nanami Kento you're with.
"Let's get cleaned up and I'll take you home," he finally says, the words pressed against the top of your head as he plants soft kisses there and all you can do is agree.
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blueclownsworld · 5 months
"I do care." — Levi Ackerman x gn reader part 2
Content & possible warnings: gender neutral reader, soft Levi, fluff
Plot: continuing the story from part 1, Levi finally admits his feelings.
Author's note: Hehe excited to make the part 2, hopefully it lives up to your expectations. Also I'm most likely making a part 3 too since I actually like this story
There was a long silence between the two of you as you stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
Eventually Levi broke the silence by clearing his throat. "I should get going, you need sleep."
You simply watched as he began to walk away, having too many thoughts in your head which you couldn't make sense of. What exactly had just happened?
He was about to disappear behind the corner as the realisation hit you. This had been a moment of vulnerability to him, and if you let him go know, who knows if this will be the last time he shows this side to you.
"Levi, wait."
Your soft voice travels through the hallway and makes him stop in his tracks, turning back to you with confused expression.
"I don't want our conversation to end like this", you say as his gaze meets yours. "If you go now, tomorrow will be the same. You'll hate me and pretend that this didn't happen."
"I wouldn't hate you." Levi's tone is mixture of sharp and soft, bittersweet. His gaze turns to the floor as he can't face you. "I would hate myself."
"For what?" you question, searching for his eyes.
"For lying to you and myself", Levi answers and looks at you again. "I'm tired of pretending to despise you, when it's the total opposite of what I feel."
Your heartbeat increased as you heard his words, and it felt like a dozen of butterflies were fluttering in your stomach.
Did you hear him correctly? What if you misunderstood his words somehow? Maybe you were dreaming and you'd wake up soon enough..
Your silence lasted too long. It must have been awkward for him to have you stare like that after his confession, but you couldn't help the thoughts racing in your mind.
"Do you want me to walk away and pretend like nothing happened, or do you want to walk over here and take my hand?" Levi asked bluntly and held out his hand to you.
You didn't waste a second in thinking anymore as you walked over to him and took his hand.
Levi's fingers aligned with yours in swift movement and he started leading you somewhere. You weren't sure where, but you would have followed him anywhere, so it didn't really matter.
172 notes · View notes
lizthewriter · 9 months
Hi! I love your fan fictions! I was wondering (First time requesting ever) if you could do a FIC for Mattheo or Theodore based on exile and the readers dealing with self hate,anxiety, autsim, adhd, Depression, and they feel so alone and push him away because the readers scared to accept her feelings and afraid she’ll get left, and no one loves or cares about her?
AUTHOR'S NOTE Oh my God, thank you so much for sending in a request! This is actually the first request I have ever received, so this is a first for us both! By exile, I'm assuming you mean the song exile by Taylor Swift. Here's a little blurb just for you anon! And thank you for the compliment, I'm glad you love my fanfics! Sending love and good vibes your way
Honestly, I tried my best with this. I've gone through depression and self-hate, and I am currently dealing with anxiety and ADHD. I don't know too much about autism, but I really tried my hardest to convey what you've requested. I hope this is satisfactory!
exile / mattheo riddle
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PAIRING Mattheo Riddle x fem!Reader
SUMMARY Everything in your life feels like it's going wrong and there's nothing you can do to change it. What once brought you joy only leaves you numb. What once excited you now only bored you. What you loved only saw you as a friend.
Taking shelter in an empty classroom during a panic attack, Mattheo Riddle finds you a sobbing mess on the stone floors. You find out that he likes you more than you think he does.
TAGS Mattheo Riddle x fem!Reader, angst, hurt/comfort, self-hate, depression, anxiety, stress, ADHD, autism, exams, panic attack, suicidal thoughts, self-harm, fluff, happy ending, kissing
"All this time, / we always walked a very thin line, / you didn't even hear me out," - exile, Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver
WRITTEN 23.08.2023
pt. 2 here, karma
You sat in Transfiguration, leg bouncing nervously as you stared down at the test questions. You have always been a terrible test-taker - all the pressure of having to get good marks in such a limited time period and all this weight on your shoulders with the upcoming NEWT's made you more than nervous. Your brows were furrowed in both concentration and confusion. As you were gnawing on the end of your quill, McGonagall announced that it was time for you to place your quills down and pack your things. You let out a shaky sigh, placing down your quill. How could you not answer a simple question? Everyone else seemed to be finding the material easy, why couldn't you? You sat there, beating yourself up as you quickly packed your things away and left class.
You left Transfiguration by yourself and headed back to your dorm. Not only were you doing poorly in your classes, you also happened to be insanely in love with someone in your year. And, of course, you had to fall in love with the most unavailable person. Not only was he not interested in girls, he would never be interested in someone like you. I mean, why would he? What made you so special? And he has referred to you as a mate on so many occasions that if you had a nickel for every one, you'd surely be drowning in an ocean of them. Oh, and not only that, but you didn't really have friends. Most of the people you knew were dating and had at least one best friend. But you? No, you may know a variety of people but you couldn't call any of them a good friend, even. You didn't understand what you were doing wrong. Why was everyone else living happy, productive lives while you were stuck being miserable, alone, and depressed?
I mean, you lost all interest in everything. You couldn't find the joy in reading or taking walks about the grounds anymore. Your schoolwork was taking a turn for worse and you found yourself and bored and tired of your classes. Your grades were slipping, you had no friends, no partner, no nothing. Everything just felt wrong, wrong, wrong. And all you could do was sit there and blame yourself.
You knew you wouldn't be able to make it to your dorm to find the privacy to cry- you quickly ducked into the nearest room, curled up into the corner, and burst into sobs. It was all just too much and too little at the same time. You just felt like you couldn't deal with all this anymore. If you didn't deserve to be happy, than maybe you didn't deserve to be at all. Your hands bunched up into fists, lightly hitting your head at your temples. You hated your thoughts, the way your brain worked. You hated how you could think about everything all at once. You just wanted it all to stop, all to end.
You didn't hear the sounds of footsteps passing the classroom - Mattheo had only been walking by, skipping out on Potions, when he heard you. When he glanced into the classroom and saw you crying there, he couldn't help himself.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
You froze, sniffling, your chest heaving for air. You hadn't heard him and was caught off guard. Quickly, you wiped your face with the edge of your sleeve, collecting your bag from the ground and hiking it up your shoulder. "Nothing - nothing's wrong."
He ducked his head, his lips set into a thin-line as he observed you. "I'm not stupid. I can see that you're crying."
Great. Now you had offended the only person, perhaps, that even cared to talk to you for more than five minutes. He must hate you right now. Depise you. Think you to be cruel. "I didn't mean to say you were stupid." It was hard to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over the threshold. You wiped your eyes with the end of your sleeve again. Why should he care about you? He must be pitying you now, surely he would have no other reason to act so concerned. Even if he did, he would one day realize that you were never as good as he thought you.
His gaze softened, the edges of his lips curling up slightly. He approached you, raising his hand to wipe away a tear that had collected in the inner corner of your eye. "'S all right, darling. Don't cry. Just talk with me about it, hm?"
Your chest heaved as you took in a shaky breath. "W-why do you care? I'm sure you have better things to do." You let out a weak laugh, backing away from his touch. "I mean, come on, don't you have Potions right now?"
"Why do I - I care about you. Do you need a reason why?"
"Yes, I do, actually," you responded, cringing at how snarky you sounded.
Mattheo let out a sigh. "I care about you because you're beautiful, inside and out. I care about you because you make me laugh. And you make me feel better when I've had a shit day. I care about you because no one makes my heart flutter like you do." His voice got smaller as he took a step towards you, and gradually raised his hands to cup your cheeks. He drew your gaze to his eyes, those beautiful brown eyes. His expression was rather serious, as though he were trying to affirm his words. "I care about you cause you're the only person who's ever really cared about me."
You trembled beneath the soft caress of his knuckcles, meeting his eyes for a short moment before shoving him away. A brief moment of hurt echoed through his eyes as you shook your head, backing away from him. "No, no you don't. I don't. And even if you did . . . " You found your voice trailing off. You hiked the strap of your bag up your shoulder again, having slipped down your arm. "I should go. I have History of Magic soon and I don't want to be late."
Mattheo glanced at you and then down at the floor, his jaw clenched. "Fine. I won't stand in your way then."
You spent the majority of your time avoiding Mattheo, but you knew there'd be a day when you would run into him and you couldn't do anything about it. Today was that day, almost two weeks after the aforementioned incident.
You were curled up in the Astronomy Tower, late at night, lying on top of a blanket as you glanced up at the stars. It was perhaps the only moment of peace you had found in a while - maybe it was the whistle of wind or the glittering of the stars.
You should've known he'd be up here. He's always sneaking off places late at night, the highest points of the castle. You heard your name being called and turned around to see a surprised Mattheo. He stood but a few feet from yourself. You weren't exactly sure what to do - in your panic, you did nothing.
"Erm - may I sit down?"
You didn't say anything for a moment, drawing your legs into your chest and resting your head upon your knees. You nodded ever so slightly, glancing away from him as he plopped down next to you. His shoulder brushed up against yours and he leaned forward to try and catch your eyes, mimicking your seated position.
"Hey, I'm sorry about the other day. I should've stayed there with you . . ." His voice trailed off. He let out a sigh as he leaned back on both palms, now spraying out his legs across the blanket. He stared put at the stars, his expression neither upset nor particularly happy. "I don't think you really meant it when you said you didn't care about me. I know you do. I just want to know why you're trying to convince yourself that you don't." He paused, hesitating. "Is it because you think I don't feel the same way about you? 'Cause you can erase that thought from your mind. I like you - really, really like you. And I don't know why exactly you keep pushing me away, but I want you to know that I'm here to listen."
He bathed in your silence, not necessarily perturbed by it. He finally decided to test the waters, raising his hand to gently touch yours. He seemed fascinated with you as he ran his fingernail gently across your skin.
You didn't know whether you wanted to tell him or not. You didn't know if you could trust him. If he wouldn't just laugh in your face, call you a fool, and leave you a pitiful mess. But Salazar, did you want to spill your heart out to him. And in the mental state you were in now, coupled with your fatigue, you didn't even care anymore.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't have any friends. I'm not particularly close with my family. And everytime I did start to make a friend or - or something more, they'd just leave." You wrapped your arms tighter around your legs. "I always wondered, what's wrong with me? Do I say the wrong things? Act the wrong way? Am I really so despisable that people actively go out of their way to ignore me?" You scoffed. "Guess I must be some kind of horrible person then."
"That's not true," Mattheo said immediately, surging forward in anger. "You're an amazing person. Whoever has just left you or treated you like that, they're arseholes. I won't do that to you. Never. I don't care how many times I have to say it 'til it gets through that pretty little head of yours, I like you, I care about you, I want to make you happy . . . and if leaving you alone and pretending like I never admitted that to you makes you happy, then that's what I'll do." He waited for your response, painfully hoping for a verbal one. However, you remained silent. Mattheo felt his heart sink. "Right then. Well."
He began to push himself off the floor to get up, but you quickly grabbed his hand. "Wait!" you exclaimed in alarm, finally meeting his eyes. "I - I lied before. I do care about you. Please don't go. Please."
Mattheo sat back down with an easy-going grin, like he knew he had you right where he wanted you.
"You really like me?" You asked, both breathless and doubtful all at once.
"Do you need me to prove it to you?" His grin grew smug.
"Yes, actually."
"All right then." Mattheo raised his hand to rest under your chin, tilting your head slightly to the side so you were facing him directly. Your eyes widened as he drew closer, his eyes glancing between your eyes and your lips. Breath growing shallow, you tensed as you could feel his humid breath on your lips. "I can prove it to you right now, if you let me."
You wasted no time in smashing your lips against his, hands coming up to cup both of his cheeks. Your eyes were shut tight as you relished in the feeling of his buttery smooth lips running against yours. He was a bit more passionate tha you had expected, but he had been waiting for years to do this. And whatever his imagination could try to conjure, it was nothing compared to the real thing.
Mattheo was the one to pull away but he was soon back to give you a quick peck, sming against your lips. "You're amazing - I don't think I'll ever be leaving you after a kiss like that."
You finally grinned, a true grin, gor the first time in a long time, and brought his face back down to yours to kiss under the stars.
Thank you all for reading! Be sure to like, reblog, and comment! I really appreciate it ^^. If you have any requests, by inbox is open but make sure to check the list of characters I write for here. If you want to be tagged in any upcoming fics/headcanons of mine, let me know. If you want to see more from me, go ahead and check out my masterlist here!
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wriothesleybear · 5 months
Can you please write a wrio reader fic where reader is just absolutely exhausted from a long day of work? like right when they walk in the door eyes are heavy, zombie, practically ready to pass out from exhaustion, sore back, just wants to cry to be honest. even more since they hate their job.
Damn, I feel this with my job. And if I had wrio to come home to, I'd die a happy woman. I hope Wrio doesnt seem oc in this. This is just what I think he'd be like as a comforting boyfriend cuz he is the best boyfriend. I also hope this isn't cringy. Ngl, I sorta got a bit teary eyed writing this cuz it made me think about how stressed I get from my own job and college classes and I would love to have Wrio comfort me when I come home ;-;
~warnings: comfort, a bit of angst, mentions of crying, Wrio calls reader 'dear, love', gn!reader.
The door of Wriothesley's office creaks open and slams shut. Slow, heavy footsteps tread up the stairs. Turning his head towards the stairs, he sees you. He notices the exhausted look on your face, too tired to even bother greeting him. He can tell from that that you had a bad day. You trudge over to the couch in his office, drop your items on the floor and fall on the cushions below, face first. He stifles a chuckle from watching your adorable actions.
He quietly scoots his chair back and walks over to the couch to check up on you. Taking a seat on the table in front of the couch, he places a hand on the back of your head, stroking your hair to comfort you. "Bad day?" You don't even have the energy to answer. All you can do is slightly nod your head. He continues to stroke your hair, knowing that's one of your favorite ways to feel better. "Want to talk about it?"
You take a second to respond, debating whether or not you really want to talk about it. It'll just be the same old rant about how you hate your job, how customers suck, how your back hurts, and all those negative things in your life. You feel guilty for always complaining your boyfriend's ear off, thinking he probably gets tired of it. Not wanting to burden him anymore, you shake your head no. "You sure? I'm always happy to listen to your worries and problems." He says as his hand moves down to rub your back in comfort.
His kind nature makes your heart skip a beat, so grateful to have someone like him in your life. Although, it makes you happy, you just want to cry. The stress from work and your worries of being a bad s/o to your wonderful boyfriend is what causes you to just break down and cry. You quietly cry but he can feel your body slighty shake. "What's wrong my love?" You don't reply. All you do is shake your head and cry.
"Come here." He gently grabs a hold of you, urging you to get up and sit on his lap so he can hold you. He effortlessly picks you up and has you straddle his lap. He holds your head to his chest, rubbing your back as he tries to shush you. "Shh, it's okay. Let it out if you need to." His shirt gets soaked from your tears, but he doesn't care. He just wants you to feel better and if letting you cry into his shirt helps you, then he'd let you ruin all of his shirts.
After a while, you begin to calm down, the sound of your sniffles and cries decreasing. "Did that help?" You nod your head while still keeping your face in his chest. "Sorry Wrio." He cups your face and moves it away from his chest so he can see your face. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm always here for you." He says as he looks deeply into your eyes, thumb stroking your cheek. You give him a small smile which he returns with his own gentle smile.
"So. Is there anyone I need to 'talk' to?" You recognize his implication and chuckle a bit. "No, just a stressful day. Just being here with you as you hold me is good enough for me." You lean your forehead against his and give him a eskimo kiss. "I'm glad. Now, how about I make you some tea?"
"In a bit. I just want you to keep holding me and stay like this for a while longer. Please."
"Of course my love." He gives you a short, sweet kiss on your lips. You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck, getting comfortable on his lap. His arms wrap around you, holding you tight and leaves a kiss on your head. "Um Wrio." He hums in response, acknowledging you. "Can you..stroke my hair again, please?" You ask shyly, blush covering your cheeks. He chuckles. "Of course my dear."
Keeping one arm wrapped tightly around your waist, he brings the other one up to your hair, stroking and combing his fingers through the soft strands. "Thank you Wrio." You say into his neck, leaving a little kiss on his skin. "I love you."
"Anything for you. I love you too. Rest now. I'll make you tea when you wake up." You smile, grateful to have a wonderful, loving boyfriend. Your eyes close as you get sleepy from his comforting touches. You soon fall asleep.
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narcissarina · 2 months
Heyyy pookie, I was the one who requested the Re2 Leon fic. It was sooo good 💗 and thanks for taking my request, I hope that you make a second part in the future 😼
tw: hurt, comfort, Leon cradling you in his lap</3
Part 1 here!
𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑨𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
𝑵𝒐 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐.
Word count: 1,155
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It’s been months ever since you joined R.P.D and Leon on the other hand is proving himself worthy to you every single day, in every second, minute, and hours. The rookie that fell for you at first sight would go lengths to make him worthy of your love, he brings you gifts as usual and put them at your office doorstep as usual.
You’d call him to your office to get him away from his co-workers or just need him to do errands for you—he didn’t mind, really. He adores and loves you too much that everything else didn’t matter anymore.
This doesn’t happened to you before, only now. You knew that there will be someone who’s willing to do everything for your love and attention, to acknowledge them and value your opinion not just a Lieutenant but also as your own person.
No one did ever give you gifts so willingly because they want to, but Leon did—he does, but when it comes to occasions, he makes it extra special.
You wanted to know why he’ doing this, but you know he’ll answer with: “because I love you, and I’m proving myself to you.”
You were love and cared for, you had someone who is truly willing to be with you.
In your whole childhood and teenage years, you never had someone like Leon—they don’t love like him and he doesn’t invalidate your opinion, as a Lieutenant or not.
Leon would often see you zoning out in your paperwork or rest your eyes with a frown stuck in your face, but he knew better. To make you better, buy you more sweets and gifts! That always do the trick, right?
It was late, Leon was tasked to have a night shift—leaving Leon and two few officers in the station with you. The two made a run to stop at a nearby open donut shop to bring you and Leon some snacks and drinks, leaving the rookie and you alone in the station to manage for a while.
He got up from his sit, took out the flower bouquet with chocolates and enter your office. He flashes you with a wide grin and walk towards your desk, “for you” says Leon as he handed the bouquet to you.
You were tired but still manage to smile at him, “thank you, rookie.” You took the gifts from his hands and put it down on the side of your desk, “I would appreciate it if you could just call me by my name, ma’am.”
“why? Rookie is a good name.”
“Ma’am, it’s been a few months. I don’t think I’m still a rookie anymore.”
Raising a brow at him and roll your eyes, “You’re still a rookie to me, Leon.” He smiles and scratched the back of his neck, “although you don’t have to keep giving me gifts. Aren’t this expensive?”
Leon tilt his head in confuse, don’t you like it? If you hate it, Leon could replace you a new one, all you have to do is ask.
“You don’t like it?” his tone low and meek, as if he’s a sad puppy who didn’t get it’s desired treat. His treat is a smile on your face, but he guess that it won’t be happening.
You sigh and lean back on your chair to relax your sore back, “it’s not that, I love it. I appreciate all the gifts you sneak in, but I think it’s just too much..?” those words were unsure, Leon doesn’t know how to approach that.
He doesn’t understand, is he not proving himself?
“I-I’m sorry…” you stammer and brush your hair back, “it’s just… uhm…” words can’t even describe how you would approach this situation or can’t describe what you are feeling. You feel love, cared for and everything above that Leon makes you feel.
So, why isn’t it enough?
It is enough.
“I am just not used to being gifted with so many things,” you start and take a deep breath, “I feel love and cared for, Leon and thank you for that.” He smiles and leans closer, he sat on a chair and rest his elbows on to your desk and rest his chin to his palms.
“Aren’t you given gifts when you’re young?” Leon asked, his blue warm eyes searching answers in yours, you reach for his hand and started tracing random things in his skin with your fingertip.
“I did, but… Not this much, not this much love that you give.” You smiled, Leon was confused. He kept his mouth shut until you’re ready to express yourself, “you know, Leon… You’re the only person who would do anything for my attention and opinion.”
Leon nodded, agreeing to what you’re saying. You smiled, but your eyes looked sad to Leon, “when I was a child, I get constantly ignored because of my siblings. In my teenage years, people would ignore what I say and don’t take my opinion.”
You rant your life to Leon, and he lend an ear to listen to what shit you’ve gone through—how shitty your childhood is and how much of a hell you went through your teenage years. You share family problems and just let it all out, you saw nothing but sympathy in Leon’s eyes. He squeeze your hand every time it was too much for you to bear until you went to his lap as he comforts you with his touch.
“My Mother told me that I have no right to be angry, no right to sulk and make my problem a big deal. Because they were my ‘parents’ and they were my elders and I have to give them my respect…” you mutter, his uniform is almost soaked with your tears as you sniffle.
“that’s why I became a Lieutenant, to have my opinion heard and be valid to other people.” You sniffle, “I’m not used to the affection you’re giving me, rookie. I thought it was just admiration because I’m a Lieutenant, I never have thought you’d like me for me…”
“There, there…” Leon coos, his fingers brushing your hair and his other hand caressing your hip. His lips on the crown of your head, “I understand,” Leon smiled and lift a hand and wipe your tear away.
“Let’s just take this nice and slow, hm?” you nod to his words.
“Until you’re ready, I’m with you.”
“Even if I turn into a worm?” that was a dumb question, you’re a Lieutenant, why are you asking this kind of things to Leon?
He chuckle and made you look into his eyes, “I would still love you even if you turn into a worm, I could even build you a tiny house and bring you small little gifts.”
You chuckle at his words, your forehead in the crook of his neck and that’s the moment you knew that you got yourself a keeper.
“Until you’re ready, I’m with you. Always.”
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talaok · 1 year
idk if you’re still taking spencer reid requests but i was thinking about him and reader ending a long term relationship but they just keep going back to each other and a whole bunch of smutty angst ensues hehe
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alright alright alright I don't know if I did exactly what you had in mind but I hope I got close enough (btw this is obv later seasons Spence)
Made for me
"I'm sorry I can't do this anymore," you said "No, actually, you know what, I'm not sorry, it's you who should be apologizing"
"for what? having to work?"
"you know what I mean"
"Seriously?" he sighed "You wanna do this again?"
"Maybe I do, alright"
"y/n, I've already told you thousands of times this is just how my job works, it's not that I want to be gone for weeks on end, it's that I have to"
"yeah sure," you mumbled, shaking your head
"What? you don't believe me?" he took a step towards you, and you took a step back, hitting the kitchen counter, "you think I like being gone?"
"All I'm saying is maybe you don't hate it as much as you say you do"
He shot you a look, and you didn't give a fuck. You were tired of him and of his coming home late every night.
"You get to get away from me with all your little friends who I'm sure wouldn't snitch on you even if held at gunpoint" You cocked an eyebrow.
"snitch on me...?" he said, sounding confused before he realized, "You think I cheat on you? Is that it?"
"Are you saying you never thought about it?"
He scoffed "Y/n I go away to solve fucking murders," he said like he was one breath away from exploding 
"That's not what I asked"
His knuckles turned white as he tightened his fists by his side
"but I guess it's as good as an answer" You shrugged, looking at him steadily "This isn't working anymore Spencer," you said, "I think we should take a break"
"a break?" He scoffed "Y/n we've been together for five years"
"yeah, five years too long"
You saw his eyes turn black as a faint hint of hurt traveled behind them.
"you don't mean that"
"Trust me, I do," you said "I'm tired of this Spencer, I'm tired of you"
His jaw twitched "You're tired of me?" he mocked "What about me? Do you think I'm not tired of you? Of your constant complaining and moaning and blabbing on and on about how much I suck?" he grabbed your wrist
"Well then a break is exactly what we need"
"I don't think so"
"Why? That way you can go back to all the special friends I'm sure you've made over the years"
"again with this fucking thing" he muttered, annoyed
"oh don't beat yourself up, It's not like I haven't thought about it myself" you smirked, "I just never acted on it, unlike you"
His eyes zeroed in on you, a flame sparking beneath them.
"What did you just say?" he pulled you closer 
"you heard what I said"
"you thought about other men touching you?" his other hand moved to your waist
"Maybe I did"
A quiet smirk tugged at your lips "Why do you care?"
"Because you're mine y/n"
"Not anymore, remember?" you said "We're taking a break"
"I never agreed to that" Sometimes after you spoke he had gotten closer, and his breath was now fanning over your mouth.
"And I doubt you really want that either" 
"well you're wrong"
"I'm not" he whispered just moments before his lips met yours.
The hand on your wrist went to grab your face, bringing you impossibly closer to him as his other hand traveled down to your ass.
You involuntarily whimpered into his mouth and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, his tongue moving into your mouth painfully nicely.
You felt your feet lift from the ground and moments later you found yourself seated on the counter, Spencer's body pressed against you from between your legs
"you're saying you wouldn't miss this?" he asked, starting a slow trail of kisses down your neck " miss me?" he taunted, his hands caressing your thighs
you could only breathe loudly, as all your brain's capability was taken over by his presence.
"because the wet patch on your panties is saying something much different baby" he smirked, his fingers grazing the damp cotton between your legs.
"shut up" you moaned
"I'm just saying sweetheart" He kissed you again, " I think you're all talk" His teeth grazed your bottom lip "You like to tell me just how bad I am as a boyfriend when you know you're made for me" he breathed
"fuck off Spencer" you spat "I'm not"
"oh aren't you?" he mocked, his fingers infiltrating under the waistband of your panties and passing through your slick folds "Then tell me, sweetheart..." He held your gaze as his fingers entered your hole and you had to force down a moan "Who else can make you come like I do?" 
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alexiabae · 10 months
TIRED; caroline graham hansen x fem!reader
Summary: in which caro rant to y/n about how she felt on her national team.
Warnings: short fic for this precious sunshine.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
She read the breaking news.
And she was devastated.
If it was true, how can you leave out two of your best players out?
Two players who came to win the champions league.
Y/N grabbed her phone and was meeting by a photo of her with her girlfriend, making her forget momentarily about what she was going to do. She searched for Caro's number and pressed the button once she found it.
A tone.
Two tones.
And at the three tones, Caro answered it.
"Hola min kjærlighet." Caro greeted her in a groggy voice, clearing her throat after.
"Shit. Are you sleeping? I don't watch the hour, sorry." Y/N curses, making the forward laugh.
"Don't worry. I needed to wake up soon." The blonde informed, letting out a yawn.
Y/N bit her bottom lip; "I read the news... It's true?" She asked unsure, not wanting Caro to get mad or upset.
Caro sighed.
"It's true. I don't tell you anything because I don't care anymore about this national team." Caro hissed the last part.
Y/N could hear how pissed she is about it.
"You don't have fault about anything, okay? Neither Ingrid." Y/N let her know, even if she didn't know the full story.
"I know it. It's the fault of Hege. She didn't listen to us, to her players... It's frustrating. Sorry, I don't want to bother you about it." The Norwegian rarely gets mad or angry or raises her voice.
Y/N shakes her head even if her girlfriend couldn't see her. "No, no. You know that you can count on me, and if you want, I will be grateful to hear it." She said with a soft voice, putting herself better on her seat on the sofa, watching by her window the dark sky.
"Hege punished us for telling the truth. She didn't care if we lost match after match. She only cares about herself. We aren't good enough because we don't work sufficiently on it. We need staff people who care about us, not participating in the world cup. It matters if you do ridiculous things in front of the world." Caro said in a rush, her voice getting raised as her angrier thoughts showed up. "And Ingrid? She didn't say anything bad. She admitted our mistakes, but of course if you want to play you need to shut up and nod." She finished.
Y/N was really surprised by Caro's statement. Not from the words, if not for her tone of voice. It was a mix between angry and sad, winning the temper.
"My advice is that you need to do it for your teammates, they don't have the fault for your coach being uncompetitive." Y/N muttered, not wanting to disturb Caro. "And for your country. The people who show you their support, no matter the countries they are from. Like me for example." She tried her best to cheer her up.
Caro let out an inevitable soft chuckle at her last comment. They are in silence for a few minutes, processing everything in their minds.
"You will see Ana today." Y/N remind her, playing with her laces from her pajama short.
"Yeah. Something good, at least." The blonde muttered, rolling on her bed, closing her eyes.
"How is Ingrid?" Y/N can't resist asking by her friend.
"Affected. But she received some calls before and she is better. And she has us too." Caro explained.
Y/N felt bad. She found an hour ago about Norway's news and probably Mapi or some familiar found it hours ago and called the brunette.
"Sorry about not calling before... I was working." Y/N apologises, regretful for having a shit of a job.
"I supposed that you're working. Don't worry, babe. I just want it to be over and fly to the warm city where I live." Y/N giggles, finding funny how her nordic girlfriend hates the cold.
"What about me?" Y/N teases.
Caro plays a lazy smile. "You are the most I miss right now... So, be prepared when I come back because I'm not going to let you go."
"I can't wait." Y/N whispered, smiling remembering the moments with her.
"I will let the national team after the world cup." Caro confessed after a moment of silence. "I can't anymore. I'm really tired of their behaviour. They know what they want and they don't want me. So..." She trailed off, sighing.
"I will support every decision you make." Y/N support her.
Caro smiled; "Thank you, min kjærlighet. I just want to focus on us, family, friends and my club. That's all I want."
"Well, I'll let you rest a little more." Y/N said watching the hour on her phone, setting an alarm to watch the game in a few hours.
"Sorry that you asked for the morning to watch me play..." Caro said sadly. "I'll make it to you, I promise."
"Don't be silly. You don't have the fault. And sadly that type of shit always happens. So focus on passing to the next level."
Caro laughed at how her girlfriend denominated it like a video game.
"I will try my best if they let me." The blonde said. "For you." She added in a whisper.
"Te quiero." Y/N whispered back.
"Jeg elsker deg mer."
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It's You
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Summary: You and Benny go waaay back.
A/N: Another one. (just came back and realized I left some sentences hanging I'm so sorry😢.)
Warnings: minor DNI 18+, smut, dry humping, p in v, adorable origin story.
Word Count: 3.5k
Looking out at the endless stretches of land you're reminded of bits of your childhood, spent with your mother’s parents. You remember a massive backyard with no fence like the one at home and a tire swing that never caught a break. The stink of outside caused your grandmother to tell you to shower before you sat at her dining table. From those early memories, it was your favorite place. But the summer you turned 9 the cracks in your family were too big to ignore, unbeknownst to you.
When your parents' divorce was finalized all you thought was that you’d get two of everything but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Your mom got remarried first promising a new beginning, except eventually, that meant without you. Her husband, Liam, was lovely enough but after you refused to call him ‘dad’ the exclusion began there. You spent more and more weeks with your dad under the guise of them needing time together. 
The announcement of your mother's pregnancy shocked you but you were happy to be a big sibling. Even though you spent more time with your dad it was explained to you they needed to set up for the baby. The tension between your mother and father was thick. He hated the way she was allowing her new husband to treat you like yesterday’s trash, seeing you cry after your mother denied you for the umpteenth time left your father feeling defeated. 
He knew how much you loved going to your grandparents, despite the divorce they maintained a good relationship. So he sucked it up and called his former mother-in-law to have a heart-to-heart. His hushed whispers didn’t stop you from eavesdropping.
“I just don’t know what to do, I can’t fill in for Monica and she can’t be bothered to care,” Your dad sighs. “I need her to have some normalcy and more than me to fall back on. I just don’t think I’m enough anymore.” Your father’s hidden grieves finally aired. 
“Baby you are doing the best you can, I’m sorry it’s been this bad. I don’t know what’s gotten into Monica but she's always welcome to stay with us, you too if you ever need to.” 
“She does love it up there.” Although you only hear your father’s side excitement thrums throughout you, and only one place makes you that happy.
“Mhmm can’t keep her overactive behind in the house.” Grandma's quip summons your father's deep chuckle thinking of the time spent at his former in-laws. “So it’s settled then bring her behind up here and she’ll be alright.” 
“Thank you.” In only two words anyone could feel genuine gratitude from your father. 
Your heart beats a mile a minute as you pull up to your grandparent's house, It’s been longer than usual and you weren’t sure if they still wanted you around. Noticing your hesitance your dad gives you space and goes to get the bags out of the trunk. By the time he drags the last of them to the steps he sees you standing at the door. 
“You gonna let em’ know we’re here sweet pea?” He gently urges you with raised brows.
You raise your hand to ring the doorbell, listening to the wind chimes on the porch. Then you hear a flurry of steps come to the door, and both of your grandparents answer suspiciously. Once you’re in the house you can tell they are huddled together to hide something for you.
“Me and Nana talked and we know it can get a little lonely when you’re here with us geriatrics,” your grandmother swats him with a side glance. “This is someone we found to help with that.” 
A black kitten with doll-like eyes stares back at you, gently you approach the pet and feel their fur. You get an instant response as a smile slowly blossoms across your face. “What’s their name?” 
“We thought you could take care of naming him.” Your grandmother looks fondly upon you enjoying the kitten. 
“Ok, but I need to get to know him better first.” You decide before running up the stairs to your room yelling a “Thank you,” to everyone involved. 
Hours pass as you get to know your kitten. He’s not fond of outside but he’ll stay on the porch and watch you. He prefers to roam around in the same room as you rather than cuddle, not that you mind. Even though you don’t see him all the time you know he’s there, which was oddly comforting to you. 
After spending enough time holed in your room you come downstairs to bother your grandpa while he watches sports. Except you find two teenage-looking boys sitting in the living room with him. The older one, you assume, has longer hair like the men in your grandma's ‘special’ books. He’s got blue eyes that are glued to the screen like he’s getting paid. The younger one though, is already looking at you causing heat to flood your cheeks. You back up the way you came and head to where your grandmother is. 
“Nana who are those people on the couch with Grandpa?”
“Oh those are our new neighbor’s kids, They moved in the house a mile from here and they help out in exchange for dinner.” Your Nan lets out before adding, “Where’s your kitten sweet pea?”
“Sebastien’s taking a nap” you proudly tell her.
You saddle up next to her watching as she cooks and helping cut, albeit rather slowly, but she doesn’t seem to mind. The kitchen smells better than ever which attracts the three people dedicated to watching sports in the other room. The two boys enter the room and you busy yourself stirring the pot. 
“Do you want me and Benny to set the table ma’am?” The older one addresses your Nan.
“That would be great, thank you, William. Before I forget this is my granddaughter,” she gives your name before turning back to you. “This is William Miller,” she gestures toward the older one. “And this is his younger brother Benjamin Miller.” 
You manage to look at both of them with a small smile before going back to the pot. Once the dinner table is set the five of you sit down silently to eat, just the way you like it. Though you feel the stare of one particular person, you cast a glance at Benjamin who doesn’t bother looking away. You break first finishing your food and bringing it to the kitchen, Benny is right behind you with his plate. 
“You know it’s rude to stare.” You attempt to chastise him.
“Weren’t you staring at me and my brother earlier?” He grins knowing he caught you.
“No.” You decide to lie.
“If you say so, what do you do for fun here?” Benny's been bored since Will, him, and mom moved next door.
“I have a tire swing out back and there’s a creek not too far from here.” You hope he picks the tire swing, it’s more fun if someone pushes you.
“The creek sounds fun.” He muses.
“So does the tire swing.” You counter.
“We can do the tire swing when we get back.” He assures you.
“You promise?” Your eyes narrow in suspicion.
“Pinky.” He holds up his to solidify his word.
On your way out you tell your grandmother you’re showing Benny the creek, she warns you to be careful. Throughout the walk you come to find out Benjamin isn’t as quiet as you thought. He’s very talkative rattling over so many topics it’s almost hard to keep up. You don’t mind though it’s nice being around him. 
Benny follows your lead, so much so that when you stop abruptly he doesn’t have time to stop himself before barreling through you. The muffled grunt underneath him has Benjamin moving faster than usual. As Benny helps you emerge from the ground, he helps pick out leaves stuck in your hair. The death glare you send him has him primarily focusing on the back of your hair.
“Sorry, I should’ve been watching where I was going.” You roll your eyes but accept his apology no less. Luckily your clothes didn’t get mud on them.
“It’s fine.”
You begin moving to the edge to dip your feet in. Benjamin follows your lead, this time careful of your movements. “You know there’s a bunch of pretty pebbles at the bottom?” Benny cranes his neck to try and spot what you’re talking about. You inch towards him motioning straight down past the edge. “See all the green and blue ones?” You back up to let him get a better look. 
Benjamin’s hands are planted on the edge as he peers over, what he doesn’t expect is you hip-checking him into the water. The loud and humid air that once surrounded him turned into cool still water. Once he resurfaced and found you peering down at him with a cheeky grin, he couldn’t even be mad. 
“Now can we go back to swing?” Benny heaved himself out of the water, wringing his shirt out before trudging behind you. You practically skip the whole way to the backyard, surprised to find Will sitting on the porch. Upon seeing the both of you worse for wear he muffles a laugh. To make matters worse you look like you’re the one bossing him around on the swing.
When the Miller brothers walk home that night the squelching of Benny’s clothes has Will laughing the entire way home. 
At present, you and Benny are celebrating his return from deployment. Even now over a decade later Benjamin and you were glued at the hip. You watch as he pours another shot out for you, this will be the 6th one. Just like the good old days, you two are getting shit-faced by the creek.
Throughout the years of you coming to stay with your grandparents, Benny would arrive before you did. The pair of you got close enough that he told you about his parent's divorce and how he hadn’t seen his dad as much. You hugged him and reiterated the words your dad told you ‘their loss’. After you told him about your mom he was ready to storm her house and demand an answer to her absence in your life. 
Sebastien and he got along well enough, Benny was always a little too excitable for him to be around. Benny had always had good looks but as the two of you got older, you couldn’t deny your growing attraction to him. His shoulders got broader, almost always stretching whatever shirt he was wearing. But his face chiseled out with facial hair, he had no idea what an ugly phase was. His hair was gorgeous and when he told you he was gonna have to chop it off for training you thought that was it. But no, his buzzcut enhances his face and makes you look into his eyes. 
“What are you gonna do?” You peer down at him lying on his back while you sit up gazing at the water.
“You remember when I told you I wanted to do MMA?” 
“So you wanna get the shit beat out of you for a living?” You were mostly jesting but a small part of you is worried. 
“Don’t worry, I’m a real professional,” He sits up and playfully punches the air in front of him. “C’mon I bet you can’t take me.” He stands up rousing you to play fight with him. 
“How many times do I have to push you in that water before I finally shut you up?” You finally take the shot that’s been sitting in front of you, standing with a little wobble to match his stance.
Benny stands nearly a foot above you, hunching his shoulders to somewhat meet your height. He rocks back and forth trying to figure out your next move.  You keep a distance in an effort to defend against his long arms, which he tries and fails to swat at you. You charge at him full speed to knock him over into the leaves. 
His arms circle your waist trapping you with him as he falls. When his big body hits the ground with a thud you laugh and try pushing off of him. But his arms don’t loosen, instead they slide down your waist and squeeze. Your breath momentarily stalls and you look into Benny’s eyes, his pupils blown with a thin blue outer layer. The smell of his Irish Spring soap encases you. 
“Benny?” You say his name like a question hoping he’ll clue you in.
“Sugar.” He responds lowering his pupils to your lips, the sudden transition causing you to lick your lips.
Benny groans low and you feel it through your hands on his chest. Your faces almost touch but neither of you make the first move. He nudges your nose before turning his head to press his lips to yours. Despite this being your first kiss with him you wanted more. Your body pressed into his, closing what little distance you had between you. His left-hand glides up your body to grab the back of your neck, keeping you there. 
You lick his bottom lip wanting to feel everything from him. Thinking you’re dominating the kiss, you eagerly lick into his mouth. Letting out all of your unabashed moans, Benny presses your hips to his groin needing to feel friction. You decide to pull back and sit up much to Benny’s dismay, the string of spit connecting you two brings a hazy look to his eye. You bring your knees up to either side of his hips, and before he can ask why you’re back on him.
Benny doesn’t give you the upper hand this time, his warm tongue sliding back into your mouth like it’s supposed to be there. You feel a pulse in your core that only gets more incessant with Benny exploring your mouth. You begin rocking your hips against his in an attempt to relieve the thrumming, but all it does is make you more needy. The kiss deteriorates since you can’t keep up with Benny’s mouth, not when your clit is rubbing against his zipper so deliciously.
“M’sorry it feels so good.” You let out before biting your lip to quiet the sounds. 
“Show me.” Benny raises his thumb to your lip to release it. “Lemme hear you.” 
Your eyes must be pitch black looking down at Benny while you hump him like a possessive dog. Benny’s hands find their way to your hips again, squeezing and pressing his bulge against your clit. He groans as you rub yourself against him faster, he loves the look of your scrunched-up face and pouty lips. 
“You feel what you do to me?” He asks you while staring at you intensely. 
“Fuck,” His mouth is hung open, letting out the prettiest moans just for you.
Another jolt of arousal heads straight down to your core, your panties are dripping. The wet spot on Benny’s pants from you grows, you would be embarrassed but your dignity left the moment his tongue went in your mouth. With your hands on his chest, you can feel the string within you about to snap. When you feel it snap your hips stutter and your hands find purchase on his biceps. Although your mouth is open you have no idea if you’re screaming or not, your hearing temporarily goes out. 
You both stare at each other with blown pupils and puffy lips. Unsure of how to proceed both of you remain unmoved, the surrounding nature seems to follow suit. Benny sits up placing his palms behind him to nudge your nose again. 
“I love you,” He pauses slightly “And not in a platonic way, I wanna marry you. I had a lot of time to think and all I thought about was you. I was counting the days to see you cause I missed you so bad. I mean we’re already halfway there.” 
Benny’s confession leaves your heart beating so rapidly that you think he hears it too. You suppose you two are more than halfway there. The friendship you share is something intimate, not in a friendly way either more like a married couple that’s been together decades and knows the other inside out.
“Is this your way of asking me on a date?” You stare at him, waiting for an answer. 
“Only if you say yes.” His eyes never leave yours, you can feel the warmth in his gaze. 
“Okay but only if you come back and spend the night with me.” You bargain, though you know he’ll say yes.
“I’m getting too old to shimmy up that tree?” He laughs at the memories of staying up all night talking. 
“We’ll go through the front if you promise to stay fucking quiet.” You pointedly tell him before pulling back from the intimate position you were in.
Standing up you adjust your pants trying to make sure there are no visible wet spots on you. Even though there are none Benny takes off his hoodie, handing it to you without a word. The walk back is surprisingly quiet but it’s not awkward, not when Benny’s eyes keep finding their way to you. The full moon illuminates the back porch of your Grandparents' place. With all the lights off you and Benny go around to the front quietly making your way up the creaky porch steps. 
Benny’s hands slide down your sides, hooking his fingers in your belt loops. You take it one step at a time so as to not chance waking anyone up. Your shadow follows your every step with his warm breath bearing down your neck. If you weren’t as professional as you were he would’ve tripped you up. Once safely in your room the breath you were holding releases itself. Sebastien’s head pops up from where he lays on your bed, more specifically your side of the bed. 
“I’m taking a shower you coming?” Without giving him a chance to answer you begin taking off your clothes on the way to the bathroom. 
Benny wastes no time pulling off his clothes and placing them in one pile before joining you. He gets in before the water’s scorching, the feeling of your hand gripping his bicep before you slip in has him making room for you. 
“Benny it’s freezing,” You shiver while gripping his biceps harder.
“Sugar it’s 90 degrees outside why do you even want hot water.” He’s just as confused as you.
“Because it isn’t 1800 we have air conditioning now.” You gently move Benny to the side, and he lets you get closer to the now steaming water. 
With you in front, you take advantage of the hot water beating against your skin. When you turn around to face Benny again he rushes you into a heated kiss, his soft lips melting against yours. His hands cup your ass sending your hips straight into his. Benny backs you against the tile before lifting you. 
“This what you want?” You don’t answer Benny with words instead grabbing the back of his neck to bring his lips to yours. 
He lines himself up with your entrance before slowly sinking himself inside you. The groan he lets out vibrates against your chest. Benny’s cock stretches you in the most delicious way, you can no longer focus on the kiss and throw your head back against the tile. Benny takes the time to focus on your neck, licking and sucking on your sensitive spots to loosen you up for him. 
“You’re perfect,” His sudden declaration has you clenching down on him. Benny’s hips begin to speed up, frantically humping into your own. The sound of your pussy keeping up with Benny was drowned out by the water. “Look at me,” Benny demands of you while his hips drive into you. 
When your eyes meet his, he tells you, “I love you.”
With your mouth hanging open you return the sentiment, your hips driving into his on pure instinct. Benny’s hands grip your hips in a way that will bruise tomorrow but right now he can’t bring himself to care. He places his focus on the way your tits bounce every time he connects his hips to yours. Before he can warn you, ropes of cum shoot out deep inside your pussy. The rocking of his hips slows until you're both panting against one another.
Benny releases you to the ground but keeps his hands on you knowing you’ll need some assistance. He takes your washcloth and douses it in whatever scented body soap you have on your shelf. He rubs it thoroughly throughout your body creating suds that make your body even more inviting. He’s gentle while cleaning up the mess he made. Once you’re finished he quickly washes himself before dragging the both of you out.
Your eyes are barely open while he puts one of his shirts on you. He travels over to the drawer dedicated to him, pulling out a pair of boxers to sleep in. As he slides in bed behind you he kisses your neck before wrapping an arm around you. 
taglist: @emilianamason
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lylian333 · 2 months
Kaiser x reader bully au
This is my first time writing and english is not my first language
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
word count :1036
warning:bullying ,harassing ,maybe suicidal (the reader is gender neutral but will be pregnant in the future of the story)((these were written before I knew his past)
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You hated school...you didn't see any point in it, everyday you dread going to that miserable place with those shallow people.
From monday to friday you had to endure constant mockery from your classmates, you weren't the prettiest...smartest or athletic so you were an easy target for bullies.
Kaiser especially had a fun time picking on you...he knows you are a coward who doesn't fight back.
"Wow Y/N you came to school looking like that? Arent you embarrassed?"
You try to find another way out so that you could go to your class but kaiser grabs your backpack, making the other students laugh.
"Awww did I scare you so much you dropped your book bag on the ground?" He starts to laugh and makes the other students laugh with his ridicule towards you. "Did you know she cries at night...she can't even say one sentence without stuttering."
The students laugh and point at you. Kaiser gives the other kids a high five for making you seem so weak.
You try and reach your books but he holds your bag high above your head, he's tall so it's difficult for you to reach it.
"Let's play a game...you want your books back right?"
The classmates all start to laugh watching you struggle just to get your own stuff back.
Kaiser's facial expression is one of superiority, knowing he is much stronger than you....he could easily keep you here for hours if he so wished.
"Let's see here...why are you so weak?"
The other classmates laugh, he knows the answer...he just wants to hear you say it.
You try to speak up but you end up stuttering
"Oh? I think she's too scared to answer...let's all make her say it!"
The other classmates start to chant.
"Say it Y/N!~"
"Come on Y/N, speak up!~"
They're all waiting and anticipating your answer.
You end up giving him the answer
He finally releases your backpack and looks at you with a sadistic smirk.
"Hm...let's see here...you are weak because....your parents are poor...am I right?"
The classmates laugh, your parents being poor was something people always used to bully you...they knew it was true.
"Yeah, yeah that's it...you're family is poor and you can't afford nice things."
You grab your backpack trying to get away again
But since that he got an answer he doesn't care anymore, he lets go of your backpack but he has one last thing to do before he let's you leave.
"You do know I'm just gonna keep doing this right...you're always going to get bullied as long as you're weak."
He makes a motion of making muscles in his arm in an effort to show his strength.
"Remember what I said...you're weak and poor."
He laughs and turns his back on you leaving you crying, having gotten his kick from bullying you again.
When you finally got back to class, your eyes red from crying and your nose running. You look around the classroom and see the other students whispering amongst themselves laughing while pointing at you, some are shooting you death stares while others are smiling and chuckling mockingly.
The teacher notices you and gestures everyone to quiet down, she looks at you and asks the dreaded question.
Teacher: "Y/N...is everything alright dear? Were those nasty boys bullying you again?"
You hear the other students snickering, they already know the answer to that.
You reply to the teacher by whispering yes
The teacher feels sorry for you but it's obvious she's tired of you getting bullied all the time, she knows the other students get their kicks from it...you're the easy target. You can see the sympathy in her eyes though, she's really trying to help.
Teacher: "What were those boys saying to you this time? Can you tell me?"
"he said that i'm poor and weak..."
The teacher's expression changes to one of anger as she tries her best to stay professional but it's obvious she's upset.
Teacher: "Those horrible brats...they should know saying such things is wrong."
The other students roll their eyes at the teacher, this has happened many times before. The teacher turns to look at you, wanting to know if there was anything else.
The teacher's tone softens as she continues to speak to you.
Teacher: "Don't listen to them dear, don't let what they say get to you...just come to me whenever you need."
She has sympathy for you, she knows you're lonely...bullies target those who appear weak. She sees herself as your guardian. And she truly wants to help. The other students laugh and whisper to eachother making fun of the teacher and her words.
You went back to your seat
The teacher gives you a small smile as she sits back down and the class starts.
When you sit down at your seat, the other students whispering and laughing mockingly at you behind your back. You're sitting silently and waiting for the class to begin. You're trying your best to keep a low profile and get your mind off all the humiliation and bullying.
Your trying to think of something else but it keeps going back to Kaiser's words...you're poor and weak. You try not to let it get to you and keep your mind on the class, hoping it'll distract you from thinking about what happened in the hallway.
*timeskip till the end of the class*
As soon as the bell rings the class ends and everyone rushes to the doors trying to get out fast.
The hallway is filled with the sound of students laughing and talking loudly, their voices echoing off the walls of the school. The students are mostly talking loudly about the newest gossip going around, making fun of random people as usual.
You make your way out of the classroom and to the hallway but you see Kaiser waiting for you...he smiles as he sees you walking through the crowd of students.
He quickly approaches you and pulls you aside into an empty part of the hallway, the other students don't notice as they're too busy making fun of anyone they can think of. The hallway is still full of whispers and laughter even though the bell had already rung.
(also this is like a enemies to lovers but with bully and this story may contain....things)that all from me hope you guys love it
I apologize if you don't like pink but it is my favorite so deal with it >:)
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Out of the blue
König x reader (y/n).
Your best friend convinced you to subscribe on a dating app, you don't have expectations but you're keeping an open mind, on the other hand, König is pretty much in the same situation, Horangi and other guys insisted to him, none of you were expecting a wonderful night.
Warning: age gap, reader is in mid 20's. Grammatical and spelling errors. I think there's no mention of a specific gender but if I wrote some I apologize.
I hope you can enjoy it, as always perhaps it is not a good story but I'm sure someone out there will love this. 🩷
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You're sitting, scrolling through the phone, your friends are at a party with a rugby team in a discotheque, your best friend has been insisting, calling you and texting you, even making video calls.
- Y/n please! You have to join us! You can't rot at home every Friday night!
- Working 9 to 5 is exhausting, I pass.
- What will you do tonight if you're not going to have a party or something?
Suddenly a new notification popped on your phone «Someone wants to meet you, Match or reject» then a text «Hi, would you like to go to dinner?»
- Y/N?
- Oh, I... I actually will go to dinner with a guy from that app... Remember?
- Y/N, please be careful, if you go... Send me your location and if something goes wrong call me, ok?
- Yes, mom! I love you, bye!
- Bye-bye!
As soon as you hang up the phone, you open the app and give him a «it's a match!» then responded his text «Hi, for sure, at your house or mine or any restaurant?».
Meanwhile König is sitting in the dining room of his apartment, lonely, he doesn't understand why he listened to Horangi and the rest of the guys.
- This is stupid...
He muttered to himself, he's waiting for your reply, you're the only one that he has sent solitude, nobody else. He's regretting his actions but then, you texted him back, after reading your message he wonders what would be the best option. He stood up and went to the fridge, there was only mustard, a tomato and a beer. Checking in the rest of the kitchen, there's nothing else.
It would be good to go to some restaurant but what if you feel afraid of him? He's massive, the scars on his face, his insecurities are eating him alive.
«i hope you don't mind, your profile doesn't have a photo, may I see a pic?»
Would be rude if he says no, also would ruin his chance with someone attractive as you. Oh, how much he hates this, why does he have to be so shy?.
«Ja, no problem, give me a minute :)»
«Thanks, take your time <3»
And actually he's taking a lot of time, is just a simple selfie, that's what he has been saying to himself. After 28 photos he's exhausted, tired and desperate, he doesn't know how to pose for a photo, how not to look intimidating, everything is getting worse in his mind, what if you think he's not what you're looking for? He didn't change his gym clothes, he looks like a mess, also, what if you feel afraid of him and just accept to go on this dinner because you're scared to cancel.
- AHHHH! Scheisse! Ok. Fuck off, let's send all of them.
He's afraid of your answer, he threw the phone to the table.
You're starting to worry, what if he's a fake profile? He's taking too long. Almost 40 minutes, you're considering simply not replying anymore when your phone rings.
«Kö: sent 28 new photos 📷»
Oh god, you hope those are not spicy photos or something. You opened the chat, ready to block him if those are hot pics, but no, Holy Jesus Christ, who is this man? He's tall, wearing shorts and a compression shirt, all black, his entire body looks muscular and strong, then his hair, he has a lot of hair for someone of his age, let's admit it, a lot of men start to lose hair after their 30's- 40's, but he looks good, you make a zoom to observe his face cautiously, there's some scars but if you have to be honest, those scars only makes him more attractive, his eyes are tired but blue like the sky, it only gets better and better. Definitely you can't reject him.
At this point, König is biting his nails, he's feeling very anxious, he hears his phone ringing, fuck, fuck, fuck, he's nervous, he could break easily the spine of the enemy, jump from a plane, disassemble a bomb, even fight against a bear, all that without any anxiety, but this, no, he can't.
He took the phone and went to your chat.
«Y/n: Oh god, you're very handsome» «So, where we will go to dinner? ;) »
He can't believe what he's reading, what did you say? He reads it again, no fucking way. Then he sees you're still on the chat waiting for a response.
«We can go to a good restaurant... If you're ok with that. What do you think?»
«Perfect, you can pick the restaurant, send me the location and I'll see you outside! ;D»
«Kö: sent a location 📍» «Ok, I'll see you at 9 Pm, ja?»
«See you! P.S. I'm excited! :D»
He sent the location of a small Italian restaurant close to the city center, which is expensive but he has a hunch about this night and also he doesn't mind spending much money, after all, he has been working hard for it.
You investigate the place, Italian food, your favorite food, the place looks really nice, casual, you like that. You change clothes and get ready, lucky for you, you live not so far from the center, it'll take you 18 minutes to arrive at the restaurant. You're not nervous, you're actually very excited, for the first time in months you're truly excited to have a date, maybe it will be a mess or... Maybe not, who knows? You keep that open mind and that optimism.
König arrived on time. He's checking his phone to see if you texted him while he was on the way, but no. He can't avoid thinking that maybe you will not come or something happened to you, he could be more polite and offered to pick you up at your home and arrive together. He's cursing himself when a sweet voice brings him back to reality.
- Hey
- Oh, hi... I'm König.
- König?
- Ja... (fuck, you maybe think he's giving you a fake name or something, god somebody save him!)
- It's very original, I like it, I'm y/n.
You're too kind, you're even giving him a big smile.
- Nice to meet you, y/n, I like your name too.
- Thank you! So what if we continue this conversation inside?... Let's go, I don't want to be rude but I'm so hungry!
- Sure, let's go, I'm hungry too.
As soon as you sit, there's a connection, you talk a lot, he laughs and laughs, the dinner is delicious, both share their food with each other, drinking beer and enjoying the moment, he talks to you about his job, just a little but you're fascinated by him and everything he's telling you.
(...) «No! I swear! I did a lot of sports and activities when I was a kid!» (...) «Ja! We were Falling and he didn't wake up! The plane was in flames and he was sleeping like a baby!» (...) «No, I was at home while my parents were at parties and doing all that was actually expected from someone of my age!» «Rugby and Hockey, beers and whiskey, those are my favorites!» (...) «Ja! I play that one too, I have a PC and PS and an Xbox» (...)
By the end of the dinner you and König are almost alone in the restaurant, the waitress comes to tell you they will close soon so König asks for the bill, you offer him to pay the half but he insists it's on him.
Once out, you don't want to go home, neither him but he doesn't know where else to go.
- I have an idea. Let's go, I'll take you to a cool bar that I like to visit sometimes.
- If it is a discotheque or something like that I think I prefer to walk around the city if you don't mind Schatz.
- Oh god, no, König, trust me, you will like this place.
Both are walking side to side, still talking and laughing, you don't have a clue about how much he's enjoying this moment, he's so focused on you that he has forgotten about all the people around who occasionally observe both. You're less shy or introverted than him, he likes that, you're funny, smart, pretty and full of stories.
Finally, you stop in front of a white door with a neon sign "The old dog's Bar", you take his hand and get inside.
There are not many people, it is dark, the illumination in the place is not the best, but it brings a good vibe, the people around are more old than young, the bartender is an old man, very charming.
- Hey Frank!
- Y/n! Welcome, would you like something to drink?
- Sure, whiskey for me and my friend, please, i saw tonight is a band playing, are they still here?
- sure, go, take a seat darling, they took a break but they'll be back soon.
You and König are sitting close to the small scenario, still talking, your drinks are on the table already.
- you will love this, I promise!
- How did you find this place?
- I was passing by one day, and Frank was trying to get some clients, I thought he was a very charming man so I decided to give this place a chance and I instantly fell in love.
- You're very interesting, young people like you maybe prefer to be somewhere else with more activity or something, but not you. You're beautiful, funny, you're smart... What else do I have to know about you, Schatz?
You blush and laugh.
- I'm full of surprises as much as you König! Oh, wait, I have to go to the bathroom, keep an eye on my drink please, I'll be back!
Once you're in the bathroom you text your friend to tell her you're having a wonderful night and that he's interesting and attractive. You were walking back to the table when you heard some guys talking.
«What will we do? I don't know, I'm not too good at playing it!!»
You continued walking and finally you sat, König is staring at you, he's lost in his thoughts observing you until the sound of the band in the scenario interrupts.
- Hey, we're back, we want to thank everyone who's here listening to us, thank you so much! We're close to finishing the show but our guitarist had an inconvenience and left, so, is there someone in the crowd who can help us?
You look around and the few people who are there are still sitting, apparently no one knows or maybe they're shy or not sure about standing up and helping the band. You sigh and look at König, he gives you a shy smile but for you that's enough to give you courage, you stand up from your seat.
- I can do it!
- Oh, sure come here, thank you so much for helping us!
You put your phone and some rings on the table and give a sip to your drink, you look at König once again and without thinking too much you squeeze his shoulder and whisper «I'll be back».
The guys from the band ask you some things about if you know some of the songs on their repertoire, fortunately, you know them well.
- (...) what about the solo guitar on 'Free bird'? Would you do it?
- Trust me, you won't regret it! Also I promised my friend a wonderful night, so... Let's do this.
Some songs by Fleetwood Mac, guns and roses, Red hot chili peppers, Toto, eagles, Depeche mode and finally the song you've been waiting for, Free bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd, you're nervous, you don't really know if you will do it. But just a quick look at König is enough for you to give your best.
König never stopped to look at you, he has been staring at you since you stood up on the scenario with that beautiful black Fender squier classic vibe, he's paying attention to the way you play, indeed, you're nervous but he feels somehow very proud, you're giving the best of you.
He doesn't know why, but he feels like he needs to take a photo of you, maybe the light over you gives you an angelical view, or is his point of view, he doesn't know but he needs to show you how you looked after the show.
You're brilliant, you don't understand how your fingers are moving in that velocity, it has been a while since you played guitar, but you're doing it great, your quick looks to the band and the people around tell you that even they are impressed by your skills.
At the end of the show you run to König smiling and still a little bit shocked by what you did a few moments ago.
It was almost 3 am, you've been out all night, you don't even feel tired, either König, he can't stop talking about the way you played guitar, he's charming, he told you he's shy and don't enjoy to be around many people or talk too much but with you he has been really sweet, open and a truly gentleman. He offered to walk with you and take you to your house, he doesn't feel good letting you go alone.
- I would love to repeat this, König you're a gentleman, I've had much fun and the dinner was really delicious!
- Ja, me too, you're amazing, I won't stop saying it, you were brilliant. I took a picture and a video of you playing, I'll send them to you later!
- Thanks, I promise you this is the best night of my life...
- I... I would like to have a second date too.
- For real?
- Ja, I mean if you don't mind that I'm... You know, perhaps too old for you.
- Are you kidding!? König, you don't even look old! You look better than people with the same age as me, you're thousand times more interesting than them and I already said it, I would love to repeat this!
- Gut!, I'll be working a lot this month though, but we can organize another date, check our schedules and all that.
- For sure, whenever you can, I'll be ready! Well... This is where I live.
Both walked to the door of your building, and talked a little bit more, he kissed your hand and then both said goodbye. You were closing the door of your apartment when your phone buzzed, you checked all the notifications, one was from König.
«Kö: Sent a new photo 📷 , sent a new video 📷»
You were looking at them when a new message appeared on the chat.
« I can't wait to see you again, Liebling. Thanks for the most amazing night of my life, sweet dreams Mein Schatz :D»
Needless to say that you jumped and ran through your apartment like a child on Christmas. You and König had more and more dates, eventually a first kiss, a first anniversary, etc.
Who said you can't find true love on dating apps?.
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camatchoum · 6 months
What about you...
Timothée Chalamet x reader
Part 1
Part 2 Part 3
Summary: You and Timothée have been dating secretly. Both of you want to keep the privacy. But what will happen when his PR team has a new great idea?
Words: 2,4k
Warnings : none really, angst, fluff
Disclaimer: Hi, this is my first fic. I'm sorry if there are any faults English isn't my first language (French is). And also, no hate to Kylie or their couple. If they are happy, that's all that matters.
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He slowly opens his eyes, carefully too so the light won’t burn them. But when he opens them fully, he is clearly not disappointed because the sight that comes before his eyes is just perfection.
You lay there sleeping peacefully, maybe dreaming of something nice he doesn’t know. What he does know is that your sleeping form made him smile.
He doesn’t want to wake you up but when he saw what time is it he knew that you would have preferred to be awake with him right now than sleeping all morning. It was almost time.
So he raises his head so that he could see your pretty face better, gently nudging you so that you would get off of your sweet dreams.
“Hello mon ange, Rise and shine”, he whispers with a sweet voice, but he has nothing from you . He tries again, and this time, you groan. “Oh come on, I know you’re awake, mon ange”. This time, your groan was even louder, causing him to chuckle. “My beautiful groaning monster” he sings, but stop when you slap him... well when you try to, but really, you just hit the air.
“I’m not a groaning monster” you pout “And I’m not awake yet” giving him the opportunity to swarm you with kisses all over your face getting loud giggles from you.
“So are you awake now?” he grins.
You slowly turn your body so you’re facing him, a big pout on your face but when you see his smile you immediately drop the act “Good morning Timmy”, you say with a tired smile.
“Good morning, mon cœur”, he smiles bright. It’s like his lips can’t go down anymore. “Come on, give me a hug” he gestures with grabby hands for you to come into his arms.
“I don’t want to move” you pout again.
“Okay you choose your fate” he says, and you don’t have the time to react before he is on top of you.
“Timmy! You are crushing me!”
“Don’t care. I. Want. A. Hug” He says, pausing to give you a kiss on your face.
“Okay okay okay, I’ll give you a BIG hug, but first you have to move, you big baby”, you say.
“You promise?”
“I promise”
He smiles again and moves the two of you, so now you’re the one on top. And you just stay there, laying with your head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat while he soflty draw on your naked back but nothing sexual, just the two of you enjoying this particular morning.
After a few minutes Timothée looks at the clock on your bedside and sighs.
“Is it time?” You ask, clearly sad to what’s about to come.
“Yeah” he kisses your head answering with the same tone as you. He doesn’t want to move from you
“We have to move, or I’ll be late”
“Okay... I'll go get your breakfast and you finish your bag?” You say really sadly again. The mood is just sad this morning. You start to get up, but he stops you. “What?”
“Can I at least get a morning kiss?” he asks, causing you to smile again. That’s all he wanted. Well, he also really wants a kiss. And you oblige, kissing him softly. He hums, and you giggle while detaching you from his soft lips.
You get up and walk to the bathroom with the clothes that you prepared yesterday while he puts on his and makes his bag, taking the last things like his charger, his hat, and glasses. You go out and make your way to the kitchen to open the fridge and take his box with his food and a fresh bottle of water. It is like you are in robot mode. You just don’t want today to be real, and yet here you are, packing your bag with all your keys and your wallet. Timothée comes into the hall and starts to put on his shoes, and you join him to do the same. When you’re both ready, you look at each other.
“Ready to go?”, he asks with a sad smile while putting his hand for you to take.
“Ready” you say with the same smile, of course taking his hand.
You both go in your car, and you start driving. You both talk, like the sad mood went off for a moment, just happy to still be together. And after what feels like too early for the both of you, you arrive and park the car. You both go out of the car and take his bags. And then you stop, facing each other. The sad mood resurfaces. It is time. You both don’t know what to say, so Timothée just opens his arms with a smile. You smile back and go to hug him.
“I’m gonna miss you” you say, causing him to engulf you more.
“I’ll miss you more” he says. He’s really going to miss you, so freaking much. He doesn’t want to open his arms. He wants to go back with you to your home. He’s on the verge of tears, but he can’t let them go. It will only make this moment harder for the both of you. He knows he has to go now, so even if it kills him, he pulls away slightly to look into your eyes. Your beautiful, gorgeous eyes. He will have to wait to see them again with this sparkle that he loves. He takes your chin with his hand, and he kisses you. He hopes you can feel all the love he has for you with the way he kisses you. Because he does love you so much that it hurts.
“I love you”, he says when you both pull away.
“I love you more”
“I don’t think that’s possible” he grins, and you smile again.
“Well I think we both know who loves the other more, but I'll let you think otherwise this time” you smirk, causing him to laugh loudly. “Now go before I cry for real” You push him lightly, not really wanting him to go.
“I think you already are” he says, wiping the small tear on your cheek, and you both chuckle. He puts on his hat and glasses, you making a joke about where your boyfriend goes. He groans because he knows that you’re mocking him on his abilities to hide from the paps. He looks at you again.
“I love you”, he says again, not caring if you are boring from all the time he says it. Little did he know that you couldn’t get bored of him saying it.
“Really really really?”, you ask. That was your thing.
“Really really really.” He answers, and you both let go. He starts to walk to the entrance, looging back to give you one last smile and a little wave that you return. And with that, he finally walks through the doors of the airport.
That was one month ago.
Right now Timothée is in a meeting with his PR team. It’s supposed to be important, but all he can do right now is think of you. He misses you. He’s already been away from you for this long, even much longer. Nothing is new, but he still clearly misses to wake up by your side.
“Mr Chalamet? Mr Chalamet?.... Timothée!” A hand slaps on the table, causing him to jump and look up at the clearly angry face of his manager. He chuckles while scratching the back of his head, embarrassed to have been caught daydreaming.
“I’m sorry I was so focused on your new tie that I lost what you said” He throws his most charming smile. Of course, I'm not trying to flirt with the man but more in the hope of not getting a sermon from him. Last time, he lost the blazer from one of his interview’s outfits he wanted to keep so badly. Jack sighs, and that’s a sign that’s he is clearly annoyed but also a sign that he will let it pass. “So what’s the matter again?”
“You are dating Kylie Jenner” Jack says.
Wrong he’s dating you.
“Wait is that a question? Because the way you said it was kind of like an affirmation...” Timothée says, confused. Because he knows it wasn’t a question, but as far as he knows... he’s not dating Kylie Jenner. Of course, he knows that because he’s dating you.
“Timothée you are going to date Kylie Jenner. It’s all going to be fake, obviously, but her PR team, and we think it will greatly help both of you and your careers.” Linda, the head of his PR team, explains to him.
“I... I don’t understand” he says, still lost. “Why would we have to do that? I barely knew her”. He knows who Kylie is, who doesn’t, but he never spoke to her or saw her in real life. That was insane.
“With your upcoming movies, we think it’s better that you two pretend to be the new it couple. Everybody is going to talk about you and its going to help boosting the audience for Wonka and Dune and boost your career to another level” Linda says and Timothée opens his mouth to stop her but she does it first. “And if you’re going to ask about Kylie’s interest, she wants everyone to stop talking about her and Travis and the recent bad buzz of her cosmetic brand” And he opens his mouth once again but “And yes she already signed the contract.”
“No I won’t do it”, Timothée replies. He couldn’t do it. He can’t do that to you. You were his girl, not Kylie. And he doesn’t care if he’s not the hype of the moment. His movies are going to work with no help needed. “Dune is one of the most awaited upcoming movies, and Wonka has already made noises between people. I don’t need to be put in front right now.”
“Dune is postponed for next year. People are mad about it, and the convention is only in two months. We have to occupy the fans because they are getting angry, and we are losing them. Fast. As for Wonka, people talked about it months ago, and now there’s nothing. It’s like they forgot. We have to put you in the spotlight so that people can gossip about you and your new girlfriend.” Jack says to Timothée causing him to frown deeply. He knows it makes sense. He knows it will help his new movies to gain a lot of interest. Still, he couldn’t do it.
“I won’t, I can’t” he says firmly.
“Look, you don’t really have a choice. Your movies and career need this. I know it’s not a great option that you can really enjoy but it will do good.” Linda says with soft eyes.
“I just can’t”
“And why not? Is there really a problem?”
You. You are the problem. You, his beautiful girlfriend of one and a half years, are the only wrong thing in this plan. He couldn’t just say that you are his other half because nobody knows. Your relationship was a secret from the beginning. You were not used to the fame, and Timothée didn’t want people to get between you because after meeting you, he was sure he wanted this to work. You both wanted the most privacy that you can get. That’s why you didn’t go with him inside the airport or at any of his events, not on his arm at least.
“No, there is any” he mumbles finally.
“Great! So you will sign this and we’re going to discuss what you will have to do from now on.” Jack slides the contract with a pen to Timothée who is just starring angrily at the wall. He looks down to the contract and starts to read it, but he gets sick of it when he sees the first line talking about his new relationship.
“What will I have to do? I don’t want to go too far”
“Basically we are going to start slowly. We mostly want people to think you are trying to hide it, keep it private. We don’t want to drop a bomb. Otherwise, people won’t stay interested very long. We want some pictures of the two of you talking in a secluded area or picture of your car at her house. And of course, when people are following it, we are going to start with holding hands, kisses, and all that stuff.”
“So basically a lot of fake pictures...”
“Yeah we’ll see later how you will make it public. We already have a few ideas, but we’ll discuss it with the two of you so you can choose” Linda says smiling at him.
“Oh so now I have a say in this?” Timothée scoffs.
“Timothée! You should be grateful for what we are doing for you right now”
And then he sees red. Grateful. They think he should be grateful. For what?! For forcing him to date a woman he never met, a woman that isn’t you?! For forcing him to kiss a stranger's lips?! No lips can be softer and more dreamy than yours. Her hands won’t be as delicate as yours. He wants you, but he can’t say it. He can’t say anything, and it kills him. He just wants to punch something, but he can’t do that either, so he just stands up, his chair colliding with wall loudly. He looked at this paper, took the pen, and signed it.
“When do we start?” he asks with a clenched jaw.
“Tomorrow, be ready to behave” responds Jack clearly annoyed with the actor .
Timothée doesn’t say anything else. He just nods and leaves, slamming the door in the process. He goes back to his house and just breaks down on his bed. What is he going to do? How is he going to tell you? And what about you? What would you say? What would you feel?
So.... part2?
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asterrrific · 4 months
lee chan x reader
Idk what to title this
Dino x reader (ft. 95z)
Warnings: none, just loads of fluff
unedited so i apologize for any grammatical errors or whatever. i made this bc a sudden idea came to me🥹
It was around 1am when y/n felt herself sway in her seat.
Books, answersheets, pens, sticky notes, her laptop, and a variety of snacks to keep her awake but failed were scattered at desk. It was the last week of the first semester and she's trying to rush all of her academic backlogs.
Such is the life of a senior student leader with other commitments. Always the last to catch up with academic requirements and classes because of her duties.
She shook herself awake, forcing her hand to continue writing. Her eyes were drooping, but she persevered.
"Get it together, y/n. One last chapter THEN you can go to bed." she willed herself.
But she's been staying up for weeks now. Dark circles are more than evident under her eyes. She's lost weight as well, and she's been easily stressed nowadays.
So it was hard to battle sleep.
"Bub?" came a familiar voice. Normally, she'd get excited and awake whenever she hears the endearment, but tonight, she's a dead man.
Chan cups her cheeks gently, stilling her from swaying in her seat as she battled sleep. His eyes strayed to her paper, words not evident, but random squiggles she perhaps thought were answers.
"Baby, you're not even writing answers anymore." He chuckles lightly as he takes away the pen from her hand. Y/n tries to grab it back... weakly.
"No, I can make it... I'm almost thereeee." she whines, eyes half closed, trying to reach for her pen. Chan keeps one hand on her cheek while the other puts the pen away.
"Y/N Baby, it's been three weeks. You've been busy since the start of the month. Your body is probably hating you right now. Let me take care of you please?" Chan gently prods, almost whispering.
Y/n and Chan's friends have all been concerned about her state. She's NEVER had decent sleep since the start of the month, BARELY eats her meals and snacks on time, and RARELY goes out with them.
It worried them so much that even Chan excuses himself from practices earlier than the rest now so he could monitor y/n.
"But I need all these. I wanted all these." she counters.
"I know, bub, and I appreciate that and I'm so so proud of you... but what's the whole point of achieving all these if you're gonna lose yourself in the process, hmm?"
At this, y/n's eyes flutter open, now aware of where this is going.
She knows damn well that he's right. But she just can't help but panic sometimes, knowing that the rest of her classmates have already submitted theirs and she's probably the last one left, although she's been given a grace period.
"Let's go to bed, please? It's already Sunday. We can sleep in. You can get some rest, and I'll be with you since we won't have practice. We can do anything you want except these academics. Please, baby? Have time for yourself too?" Chan barters. He tries his best at making puppy eyes at y/n, hoping his aegyo would work on her like it does with his hyungs.
Y/n sighs as she leans her forehead on Chan's. He closes his eyes and nuzzles his nose gently on to hers, then giving it a small kiss later.
"Whatchu think, bub? Like my proposal?"
"Fine, you win. But only because I'm so so drained now. How do you do it, Channie? How do you get things done and not get guilty and tired at all?" she asks, eyes closed.
"Who told you I don't get tired and guilty? I do. I just don't show it that much." He admits.
"Why though?"
"Because I don't want to worry any of you guys."
Y/N looks at Chan, his eyes on hers, his hands finding their way back to her cheek.
"I've learned to handle myself earlier on because of the nature of my career. And the hyungs helped me a lot too. If you'll allow me, I can help you work that out as well. Because I love you and I am concerned and I want to take care of you the way you derserve to." he lovingly explains.
Y/n smiles sleepily, allowing her whole body to lose its tension. She drops forward to surrender to Chan, who giggles on the floor as he catches her.
"There's my baby girl." he coos, as he sits up, caressing her hair carefully. She snuggles closer to him.
"Oh my God, I've been craving this for a whole week. I really DO deserve this." she exclaims, making Chan laugh lovingly.
He adjusts to carry her towards their shared bedroom in y/n's apartment. Gently, he lays her down before climbing in after her. Y/n immediately attaches herself to him the minute he settles in.
Chan lets y/n lay her head on his chest. He showers her head with little kisses while he rubbed random shapes on her back, lulling her to sleep.
"We'll talk more in the morning bubs. Get some rest, hmm?" Chan says, grabbing a blanket to tuck them both in.
"Mmkay..." y/n sleepily agrees.
Chan was about to close his eyes when his phone rings. A call.
"WHERE'S THE UPDATE, CHILD? IT'S BEEN TEN MINUTES. ARE YOU HOME YET?" comes Seungcheol's prodding voice. Apparently, because of his worry for Y/N, Chan forgot to update his hyungs who were still probably hanging out together after practice.
"Sorry, hyung." Chan fumbles, as he sets the call on video, showing y/n on his chest, hoping it'd serve as an explanation.
"You got us worried here you know? How can we have ber when- Oh my God, am I seeing this correctly?" asks the older male.
Chan chuckles as he brings the phone back to his face.
"Yep. She almost fell from her seat when I came in. That's why I wasn't able to call. Sorry."
"No, it's okay. What's important is she's getting rest now goddamn... she's hard to take care of sometimes. Proud of you for being patient with her, Lee Chan." Seungcheol salutes from the other side.
"Did I hear right?" Comes Jeonghan's voice as he and Joshua comes into the picture. The three eldest are like real brothers to Chan and even y/n. They worry for them like real siblings would, that's why Chan can always go home earlier than the rest, so he can care for y/n too.
And when y/n is with them, they surround her protectively, along with the other members especially when they're out, since fans can get really pushy sometimes.
"Finally, she's getting sleep. I hope tomorrow we can go out too." Joshua sighs.
"Nope. I promised her we can sleep in and we'll do whatever we want- except those freaking acads."
"Then maybe we could go there instead? We'd bring snacks for her and whatever else she needs. Tell her in the morn-"
Joshua and the other boys stop when they all saw y/n stir in her sleep. Chan immediately caressed her hair to lull her back.
"Channie?" she blinks, trying to lift herself away from him. The boys on the screen signal him to end the call and just message instead but y/n sees them.
"Oh..." she starts as her eyes adjust to the screen.
"Heyyy, y/n! We were just checking in. Go back to sleep." Seungcheol smiles.
Still really tired and sleep drunk, y/n hums. Chan smiles as he helps her lie back down.
"We'll message tomorrow Chan. Get some sleep too. It's been a long day." Seungcheol orders, his leadership shining through the older brother figure that Chan sees in him.
Chan does a salute as the call ends. He puts the phone on dnd on the bed side table and snuggles lower to cuddle with y/n, already going deeper in her sleep.
The next morning, Chan wakes up first. Y/N is no longer on him, but is still asleep soundly next to his chest. Her arms wrapped around his middle while her legs tangled with his. He blinks as rays of light sneaks through the blinds, and smiles as his eyes start to focus on the sleeping beauty next to him.
Gently, he carefully carressed her face, using his finger to trace out her freckles that he loved.
Y/n hums and stirs, and Chan freezes for a second. Slowly like a cat basking in daylight, she stretches, hitting Chan's chin on the process.
This was enough to wake her up.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry Channie." she goes, caressing the spot she just hit.
Chan laughs it off as he catches her hands, kissing them both gently.
"It's good morning first before that, my love." He says, pulling her close and settling his lips to the top of her head. With a contented sigh, he inhales her scent like his morning coffee.
"Good morning, bub." she giggles. It was music to his ears.
"Good morning, bub. How was your sleep?" He asks, brushing her hair away from her face and tucking strays behind her ear.
"It was good. Really good. I think I dreamed of the oppas..."
Chan laughs loudly at this, his laugh tickling y/n's ears. God, how she loved his laugh.
"It wasn't a dream, my love. They called last night and you saw them." he explains, pinching her cheeks softly then booping her nose.
He was overflowing with love for her so early in the morning, and he couldn't stop himself. Especially now that y/n has finally gotten some rest that she so much deserved.
"Oh they did? So they're coming over?"
"Uh huh. Later in the afternoon."
Y/n reaches over to Chan's side, where her phone was also placed. He gently holds on to her waist as she lifted herself on top of him.
"It's 9am..." she announces.
"Wanna have breakfast? Or brunch?"
"Uhm... I still kinda wanna sleep more." she admits sheepishly as she sinks back to her place besides Chan.
"Then let's sleep more."
"How about the guys?" she worries. "We might oversleep. How are we gonna prepare?"
"Well, I could tell them to come for dinner instead so we could still have more time to sleep and prepare after. What do you think, bub?" he asks, pulling her close.
Y/n takes her time to answer, and stays silent. It fooled Chan into thinking she fell back to sleep.
He was about to snuggle closer and go back to sleep when suddenly, y/n jerks up, her head hitting the same spot on Chan's chin she already hit earlier.
"Owwwww" they both say in unison.
"I'm so so so sorry bubby." She frantically says, laughing. "I was going to try to kiss you!" she worries.
"Double that then." he teases her, tending to his aching chin.
Y/n caresses the spot, then kisses it. She then locks eyes with Chan.
"You can hit my chin one million times and I'd still be head over heels for you after." he whispers.
"I'll kiss all your pain away a million times more then." she whispers back.
"Why are you whispering?"
"Because you just did. Why ARE we whispering?" she giggles. Chan sighs.
Gently, he grabs her face in his hands, and softly lands a kiss to her forehead.
He stayed there for a bit, savoring the moment. Y/n closes her eyes and runs her hands on Chan's arms, enjoying the vulnerability and sweetness of the moment.
"I love you-" they say in unison again, after Chan breaks off. They laugh again.
This time, it was y/n's turn.
As they giggled at their antics, she pulled Chan by the collar of his shirt, and gently crashed her lips on his. It took him by surprise, but he quickly adjusts, burrying his hands into her hair and softly playing with them as he returned the kiss.
"God, I love you." He speaks first as they broke it off to catch their breaths. He peppers her face with little kisses, making her smile.
"I love you..." she replies, kissing the top of his nose in return. Chan pulls her back to his chest. His heartbeat drumming loudly, lulling her back to sleep after all the fluff.
"Go back to sleep, my love. We've got a lot of time." he tells her. Y/n nods, loving every moment of her rest. Her deadlines flying out of her thoughts.
a/n: guyyyyys it's been so long since i last wrote something here😭 uni has been so stressful lately. Maybe that's why I wrote this in this light and theme. I badly need a Dino in my life too.
Anyways, I want to write more😭 someone give me prompts or something.
And as always, if you loved this as much as I loved writing it, please leave a comment or reblog so other people would see my works too🥹👉🏻👈🏻🤍
lot's of love,
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
I'm not sure if any of this is as important to say as I feel like it is, but just in case, here it is.
Idk about you, but I'm really tired of having things taken from me because the cc's were abusive. I say this with an emphasis on the fact that supporting their victims and condemning their actions is far more important, that I'm not giving that man a single cent anymore. The most important thing the community can do is support the people he hurt. But It's still gonna hurt to purge my playlist because we, as a community, were lied to. And something I derived comfort from, especially in the wake of recent personal events, has been taken from me. Not by the community or by the people coming out; by him and his actions.
So seriously thank you for creating a space for people to talk about what's going on, because it's so easy to feel guilty right now for having feelings about this situation. Especially as a neurodivergent person whose main comfort is music, including music (and YouTube videos) he made.
I just feel like it's important to put this out there. The community as a whole needs to support the victims, but it's also okay to feel betrayed and it's okay to look at his songs in your playlist, dreading deleting them, for a while. No one will hate you for that. You're not a bad person for that. They're just songs or videos, but they're content that mattered to some of us. How dare he ruin that for all of us. How dare he.
Now that I've written a whole entire novel, please take care of yourself. I know I'm an internet stranger but I almost didn't write this because I think that it's important to emphasize that while I'm glad to see Tumblr users creating a space to talk for those of us who don't post and such, I also think it's way more important that your blog be a safe space for you yourself.
- a rambly anon 🪐
yeah, trust me, I'm fucking sick of this too. you're not selfish for feeling upset about deleting his songs from your playlist or not being able to watch vods of his for comfort anymore. you are not a bad person for having an attachment to someone who lied to his audience about who he was. you are human. you are allowed to be upset.
also, to veer slightly from your point but to bring something else up, while I know there are varying opinions on the community in this I personally don't think I want to let this make me stop hoping for people to be good. yes, it might seem like an endless pattern of people you like being revealed to be assholes. and for some people, they might want to leave the community to avoid that disappointment again. for me, I'm not going to put cc's up on a pedestal and expect them to be great people, but I'm not going to expect the worst from them either. keep my expectations realistic, but not pessimistic. content creators are flawed human beings like the rest of us, and sometimes they can be really shitty people, but sometimes they can be good people too. and I'm always going to hope for the latter.
and thank you for thinking of me. honestly the reason I've slowed down answering asks the past few days is precisely because I've been trying to take care of myself. I've gone up and down in terms of how I'm doing, and when I'm not feeling up to it I don't touch my inbox.
and despite everything that's happened this morning, I've had a good day. I got myself a cinnamon roll. I'm drinking green tea and it's sunny out. I saw flowers blooming on the side of the road and it made me smile. focusing on the little things, you know?
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books-and-catears · 2 years
Hey uh sry to bother you but can you do a Mc who is TERRIFIED of the demons and every time they are threated, put in danger, attacked and killed, they don’t forgive and avoid them even more. They run away from them, in constant fear and paranoia and they hide in their room and barricades the door. They now carry a weapon like a knife or something and stay up with it because they are paranoid that they will break in and kill them. How are the bros gonna fix this?
Oh I'm gonna love figuring this one out. Let's see how far these demons will really go to fix this one. God I can feel this MC's fear and anger in my heart.
Edit: This became so long I had to divide it into two parts. The Headcanons or reactions of individual characters will be in the next part.
Also I'm so sorry for all the delays in answering asks btw. Its been super busy and overwhelming to write like I used to. I get so many lovely asks but I delay writing them or sometimes can't even write them at all. I'm genuinely so sorry.
Love and Consequences
(Pt. 1) || (Pt. 2) ->
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Alone. You're all alone here. This was the one lesson that night taught you. Not the angels, nor the human is on your side.
They are all age old immortals who've known each other for centuries. And you are just human who tried to their very best. You risked your life each day for monsters who would watch you die without batting an eye.
If the whole realm wasn't crawling with demons, you'd have run away without a second thought . But the best you could do now was hide, keep yourself safe and locked in your room, clutching a knife in your trembling hand.
"Oh, you dumb little human..."
Your blood still ran cold at his words, at his eyes. Noone had ever looked as terrifying as he did last night. It wasn't him that scared you, though, not at all.
It was how easy it was for the rest of them to not care. To move on, to watch you be betrayed and welcome the traitor with open arms. No you couldn't stay here any longer.
There was the dull knocking on the door again. You prepared yourself.
"MC, please, you haven't had food for days, please open up and eat some-"
"Why? So you can poison me this time? Watch me struggle to hold onto dear life again?" You screamed. "Get away from my door!"
Asmo backed away from the door, flinching as if you'd slapped him across the face with all your strength. He went back to the dinner table, dejected.
"They refuse to come out. Screamed at me to get away again."
"MC is going to fall seriously ill at this rate. They haven't eaten in days." Satan ran his hands through his messy hair as he dropped a stack of books to the floor. Human Anatomy and more, they were called.
"Luke tried calling them last night. MC didn't pick up his call either." Beel said, fidgeting with the food on his plate.
Lucifer's eyes widened at the news. Then he glanced up the stairs and let out a deep sigh. If the baby angel wasn't acknowledged, the rest of them were definitely done for.
"Mammon you can't keep doing this too! Lucifer, look!" Levi pointed. His eyes were puffy, nose bright red. How long had he been crying?
Mammon wordlessly tilted his plate, all his food falling on Beel's plate. "I'm just not hungry. I'm leaving now."
"You said that yesterday too. Just listen to me. Sit down and eat, Mammon." Lucifer was too tired to be stern anymore.
"Listen to you? A whole lot of good that did to us." Mammon chuckled dryly as he got up and left without another word. Lucifer closed his eyes and leaned back.
"MC really hates me now huh?" Asmo sniffled. "I'm not used to being hated. I didn't know it hurts this much..."
"Ha. Welcome to my world." Levi let out a sardonic laugh. "Have fun, it keeps getting worse."
"Can we keep some food for MC in the fridge? Just in case they sneak out of their room to eat once we're all asleep?" Beel suggested.
Satan agreed, "I don't think we have another optio-"
"MC'S NOT IN THEIR ROOM!" Mammon screamed as he stumbled down the stairs.
"The windows were open, there's a rope made of the bedsheets attached to something, everything's a mess, they're GONE!"
"They escaped through the window?!"
"But when did- how- but MC- all alone-"
"There's no time. Everyone get your coats, we're leaving. I'll inform Diavolo and the others. We'll split into two groups and search for MC." Lucifer stood up, rushing to grab his things. Everyone else followed suit.
"I'm guessing that doesn't include me." Belphie said bitterly, still seated while everyone else was up and rushing about.
Mammon glared red at him. "Don't you dare follow us." He was the first one out the door.
"Considering what you did to the last person who tried to include you," Satan said, putting on his jacket, "it'd be better to leave you locked back in the attic."
Belphie looked at Beel. The sight of the rest of his brothers sickened him. But Beel only said, "On their very first month here, MC risked their life to save me from one of Lucifer's deadly attacks. If you were there, they would have saved you too."
"I thought I'd find you here."
Solomon's voice almost startled you off the tree branch you sat on. He was inches away, simply leaning against the trunk, sitting on the branch under yours.
You readied your weapon. "If you dare tell the demons, I'll-"
"I have no such intention. I simply came here at Luke and Simeon's request. They've been worried sick. And believe it or not...so have I." He gave you a pained smile.
You simply exhaled and rested your head back against the trunk too. "How did you find me?"
"You brought me here once. Told me this tree reminded you of one from your backyard and that me and this tree were your little piece of home in this hellhole." He answered.
"My mistake. You're more part of this world than you ever were part of mine." You cradled the knife in your hand.
He turned quiet, staring ahead, desolate.
"You should run soon. They're almost here." It was the last thing he said, before getting off the tree. But on the road back, he kept glancing back at you.
You sat up, alert. You could see Asmo's pale pink hair and Diavolo's panicked face in spaces between the fluttering leaves.
"MC! Is that you?! MC, wait!" Someone spotted you as dropped. You dived headfirst into some dread rose bushes.
Damn your eyes, Satan.
"Surely you knew this would happen." Simeon's voice was low but held repressed anger, about to overflow.
Barabatos sighed and shook his head. "I assure you, I did not. I donot look through the time portals as often as you think."
"Could you not look to see where MC is right now?" Luke shouted, turning around. He was running far ahead than anyone else.
"I did try looking, Luke. I'm afraid it showed me nothing. Someone is obscuring MC's presence with powerful magic." The butler replied.
There was a crease of worry on his usually calm face,that refused to go away.
"Magic powerful enough to obscure your portal? There's only one person strong enough to do that and he's been gone for the past hour." Lucifer grabbed a fistful of his hair and groaned.
"Hey look! Isn't that Solomon? And he's carrying something?" Luke pointed ahead, as the white haired sorcerer walked through some bushes with a solemn face.
"He's.. he's carrying MC! MC's unconscious!" Beel exclaimed before lunging forward at break neck speed.
"I'm taking MC home. They're too weak to spend another day here. You can meet us there, once MC's condition improves." Solomon said, coldly.
"What happened? Where did you find them?" Lucifer demanded to know.
"MC was trying to escape through the bush maze because Satan spotted them in the trees. I was waiting near the exit." He answered.
"By that time, MC looked exhausted, using the last of their strength to hold the knife close. I bent down to help them up, "Don't let them find me again. Please, Solomon." That's the last thing they said, before collapsing on me."
Silent tears spilled out of Luke's eyes. His entire body trembled with worry. Simeon put a hand on his shoulder, barely keeping it together himself.
Lucifer stared at your closed eyes and the knife you still held onto. He lowered his gaze and moved out of Solomon's way. "Get home safe, MC."
Barbatos summoned a portal without any prompting. "I humbly request you'll let us know when MC gains conciousness."
"No promises." Solomon said, before walking through and disappearing.
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xzhdjsj · 2 months
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Tangled in Love
Andrew x Reader
Okay before you continue this, I wanted to let you know this fic mentions description of hair texture. The reader has wavy/curly hair! Additionally, this fic is a rewrite of part 6 of Andrew’s story.
+a lil rant before the actual fic (you can skip the first part but please read the second)
I wasn't going to post this because it's a self-indulgent piece but hey I’m sure someone out there will enjoy it too. I've struggled with my hair for quite a while. It was one of my biggest insecurities, and I never knew how to take care of it. For the majority of my life, I've treated my hair as though it was straight, using straight hair products and styles, because that's what I wanted my hair to be. I hated the 'frizz' which in actuality was just me damaging my curl pattern😭 Thankfully, even though I couldn't see it, the people around me did and helped me manage and properly care for my hair. These days, I embrace my curls, and I love them more than anything! If I'm not rocking my curly hair I feel incomplete, it's become a huge part of me! I still have a long way to go, but I'm beyond happy I was able to finally recognise how beautiful my hair is.
That being said, I want to remind all of you that YOU ARE PERFECT! I know we doubt and pick at ourselves from time to time, but it's important to remember THOSE DOUBTS DON'T DEFINE US! Every imperfection and flaw is what makes you perfectly, uniquely and most of all beautifully YOU. Please remember to be kind to yourself and never ever stop loving yourself ❤️
It's been months since Andrew ended things with me. At first, I prided myself in being mature and acted like the entire thing never even happened. I stopped sitting where his eyes can easily find me, I never take similar routes as he would and avoided his office at all cost. It was easy to find a temporary tutor to help with my assessments, that way I didn't even need to attend his tutorials. 
The less contact with him the better. This little routine was good and dandy, getting me by as I immersed myself completely in y work. If I distracted my mind, I wouldn't need to think of Andrew, right? Wrong.
So fucking wrong.
Every other thought, he was on my mind. I wondered how he'd answer questions on my exam preps, and his opinion on every sentence I wrote. I thought of him so much, it was sickening and before I knew it I was tired and relapsing.
I gave university my all until I couldn't anymore. I was heartbroken and ignoring my feelings only made them worst. They burdened my mind, and I spent nights upon nights crying my eyes swollen into my pillows. I knew I had to accept it somehow but the ghosts of him haunts me, even in my dreams.
Last night’s dream was an especially painful one. I vividly remember the look on his face and the way my heart shattered into a million pieces as he drove away that day. What a shit start to my day!
I rolled out of bed, heading straight for the bathroom where I splashed my face with cold water and looked into the mirror. What a mess, my hair was messy and unkept and not in and attractive, quirky way, more closely resembling a bird’s nest. I wonder if Andrew could ever love me even when I look like this.
I sigh, rubbing my temples and trying not to cry again. Maybe a nice long shower would help, so I did just that. I stayed under the running water for more than an hour, then detangled my hair before stepping out. It did help, at the very least I felt clean and refreshed.
Today was going to be more or less going to be simple, there was a single task posted on Moodle and that’s all I needed to get done.
I settled into a comfy set of clothes and started drying my hair, only to be interrupted by a knock on my door. Who could that be? I threw the towel over a chair and opened the door, and my eyes are met with the last person I wanted to see.
“Hi, I’m here to speak to you” His mouth is agape and he looks a bit shocked.
Speak to me? Here to speak to me? My mind roared. Absolutely not. I was about to slam the door in his face, but he steps forward.
“Only as a professor!” He clarifies. “May I please come in?”
“Fine, but make it quick.” I demanded.
He sighs, “Thank you.”
He steps inside and I lock the door behind him. A waft of his scent hitting my nose, God how I missed that.
“I've emailed you several times about booking a tutorial, whether that be online or in person, and I haven't heard anything back. Me being here is a last resort. It's part of my job to make my students are well, and that if they're struggling, I can point them in the right direction.” He paused, finally taking his eyes off me to look around. “You have a nice place. It's what I imagined it would look like.”
“That’s not why you’re here And- Mr. Marston.”
“Yes, strictly business it is then, though, I don't want to treat it as such.” His eyes are on me again, but I refuse to give him the same attention choosing to fidget with my fingers instead. “I'll try and keep things brief for the both of us. You've been attending as usual, on top of your work as usual and nothing on the surface warrants concern, but because this is around the time where I need to be updated on essay plans and what you intend to do, us talking to one another is inevitable and for your records, and my peace of mind, we must.”
“It’s going good.” I replied, monotoned.
“It’s going good? Is that’s all I get?” He pushes.
“It’s an update, is it not?”
“It's a different response. In the past when we had our tutorials, that went on for at least an hour, you were so passionate about your subject, you made your own reading list and clearly planned out your arguments. You talked me through every point and asked for my opinion just to be sure you couldn't look at it from any other angle because you were adamant about not just getting it right but understanding different perspectives. Tutorials are only supposed to last around half an hour. Why do you think I always put you in the last slot? The look you have when you lose yourself to your ideas, when your eyes spark with this clarity I never want to stop you mid-thought or let that light disappear.” He rants and I wish he’d stop describing me that way.
“First and foremost, I am your professor. I’m here to nurture your curiosity and always have you searching for answers so when you don't show up to your tutorials I get concerned.”
“But I attend classes and all my work is completed. Is that not enough?”
“Your work is fine but that's not the problem I-” He paused and sighs for the hundredth time, “I want to ask how you are.”
“Now you’re interested in that?”
“I never had the chance to and even if I did try to talk to you would you have answered?”
Well shit, he’s got me there. I stay quiet and stare at my feet.
“You've been avoiding me for over a month now and I completely understand why. It's enough that you're still going to classes and doing your work, and I can't imagine what you must be feeling having to be taught by me even now. For the pain I still give you, I am sorry. For the pain I gave you that day, I am sorry.”
I swallow the lump in my throat. “Is that why you’re here? To say sorry?”
“I didn't come here under the pretense of apologizing but… it's something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. The rumours have died down but that doesn't change the thoughts people still have. It's not something that we should live with, but we must.” He regains his composure quickly, shifting the conversation back to university. “Anyway, care to tell me anything else about your essay? Any avenues you're thinking of exploring? Any reading material that's caught your eye?”
“What about you? Howe you Andrew?” I finally find his face with my eyes.
“I thought you wanted to keep this strictly business.” He uses my words against me. “Don't worry about me. I want you to focus on your studies.”
He smiles and it makes my heart skip a beat.
“Have you… Have you seen the petition?”
“Yes, I’ve seen it. I considered resigning and letting them win.” My eyes widen at his confession.
“Rumours can get out of hand quickly. Heh, never in my life did I think I’d be called such names. Now people think I let students get close to me to get good grades, no matter the gender. I’m a danger to all apparently.”
He sounds tired too, that’s one thing I can sympathise with him.
“The dean’s comment eased some of the backlash, but this is a burden I’ll most likely carry for the rest of my career.” He continued.
I stay quiet, unsure how to respond to him. I supposed we’ve both been hurting in our own ways.
“Can I be frank with you?” He catches my attention again and I look up from my thoughts. “I don’t regret any of it. It was one of the most honest decisions I’ve ever made. My only regret is not protecting you when it mattered and- and I’ll never be able to undo that.”
Fuck he always makes things so difficult for me.
“When I saw that video, and those comments I panicked. The first thing that came to my mind was how you’d feel reading them and how you’d continue knowing people thought of you that way. I know how that feels, something similar happened to me years ago. It hurts being ostracised and judged on lies and when you wade in that water you still have to hold your head up high, so you don’t drown. But thinking back I was irrational. I let my own fears get the better of me and made a decision that was not only mine to make. I… I should have spoken to you before driving you away. I’m not asking for your forgiveness or pity. I just need to let you know this.”
“So what now?”
“That’s a good question, I would say we continue as we are now, I only have your best interests at heart and that should be more important to me than my feelings for you.”
“You… you still have feelings for me?”
“Of course, I do! You think they just stopped? I tried burying them, stifling them, but every time you walked into my lectures it was impossible not to remember all the things we experience together.”
“Andrew look at me.” I shake my head. “I look awful, I’m a mess.”
“I disagree. You’re still as beautiful as the day I left you. If not, even more. Your hair, I- I’ve never seen it like that. It might just be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
My hair? I haven’t even straightened it like I always do. How could he find this beautiful?
“Still, you said it yourself, this could never work. Why would you-“
“I’m saying my heart wants to follow you again. Despite it all, I still want you.” He sounds so desperate, and I can feel my heart in my throat. “But this isn’t about what I want. It’s up to you. I you want nothing to do with me outside of university, so be it. If you want to give this a chance, a real chance, I’m fine with that too.”
“Andrew I-“
“You don’t need to give me an answer now, or at all actually. Just… do what you feel most comfortable with.”
That day I had a lot more to think of as I stood in front of my mirror once again. My hair was still unstraightened and a thought crossed my mind. I remember Andrew’s words before he left.
“I know I said it before, but your hair really does beautiful. I can’t quite get over it. It suits you.”
Maybe if I was going to give this another shot, it was time to start afresh. No more secrecy and sneaking around. I stare at my hair in the mirror. Maybe it did suit me and it wouldn’t hurt to try something new, would it?
Months later I feel so much better, the air is clearer, the sun is shining and I’m finally ready to talk to Andrew again.
I sat the window of the café I asked to meet at, looking over at the door each time the bell chimed. This time I was right, it was him. He spots me quickly and walks over.
“Hi, I know I’m a little early. May I sit?”
“Of course, please do” I urge him.
“I see you changed your hair. It looks really good.”
I run my fingers across the soft curls on my shoulder.
“Less of a change more of an embrace I’d say. I thought it was about time I stopped straightening it and wear my natural hair.”
“Not that you were any less beautiful before, but I find it harder to keep my eyes off you now.”
I smile. My cheeks are probably flushed, I can feel them all warm like the fuzzy feeling in my stomach.
“You know it’s very similar to my decision.” I tell him. “It’s another thing I want to embrace and flaunt to the world.”
“And I'll accept it no matter what it might be. So, what's your decision?”
My ass is off the chair in an instant, and I lean over the table to pull his face to mine. I missed kissing him, I missed kissing him so damn much.
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notmorbid · 6 months
dialogue prompts from monstrilio by gerardo sámano córdova.
you know how to love me the best.
i need to love someone who won't disintegrate.
why didn't you come back sooner?
extraordinary things happen everywhere, all the time.
maybe if i try hard enough, i can be everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
i know you think you're alone. that your grief is only your own.
you have no heart.
i need you to come back. i want you here.
god chooses who he cares for, and he didn't choose us.
god has too many rules, anyway. do you really want to follow so many rules?
i don't think we're ever too old for dancing.
i'll keep your secret for a week.
you have your anger, and i have mine.
i'm worried that i bore you.
i can't stay here by myself.
write yourself a new role.
i remember what loving you felt like.
i stopped missing you a while ago.
i was afraid of my loneliness.
i had two emotions: fear and anger.
it really doesn't matter if i love you or not.
what if love doesn't make you feel better?
i want to help you. like you helped me.
i would excel in a zombie apocalypse.
i hate talking to people i don't know.
just the person i wanted. it's like i summoned you.
maybe it's okay that we taste bitter to each other.
i thought this place was invincible.
let's get you some clothes.
i wanted tonight to be special.
if you love someone, you shouldn't want to change them.
it's good you're leaving. you're bigger than all of this. bigger than us.
i'll be okay? you promise?
how do you find these places?
even i am capable of getting over things.
thinking tires me out.
art has no answer, no right way to be.
what's more human than wanting to kiss someone?
isn't that what couples do, tell each other things? secrets?
why is it sometimes people don't do what they want to do?
you can tell me. i won't be mad.
i don't have the energy to be annoyed.
are you embarrassed of me?
how do you make sure people don't stop liking you?
i wish i smoked. i'd have something to do besides pace.
what is it you're so afraid to tell me?
it's hard to focus on one feeling.
i won't abandon you again.
when people don't understand you, you can say anything you want.
may i touch you?
there are no monsters in these shadows. only me.
the pills make me care less.
no more running away.
you don't have to worry anymore.
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