#if you have further examples pls provide
mo-ok · 7 months
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favourite ways for a red to be thank you for listening
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francesminos-tt · 8 months
First of all happy new year
Second of all
I need more of the Kardashians AU 😭😭
Pls let them be like early season ones (they were so unhiged)
The cameras manages to catch a fight between Alicent,Rhaenyra, Joffrey and Daeron and everyone is like 🫢🫢.
There is a fight between Alicent, Rhaenyra, Joffrey and Daeron, but fortunately there are no cameras in the cellar. Or are there?
Rhaenyra and Alicent did not call an emergency meeting this time. They both agreed to handle the issue gently, minimizing the bad PR as best as they could. Rhaenyra had already threatened to sue the Reality Show team for editing the material in such a way that put Joffrey in the bad light. However, no matter how firmly she stood by her son, the damage had already done, and now the most important thing was to keep the damage in control.
When Joffrey was called to the cellar, he had actually worried about his life for a moment. He knew his mother loved him, but what if this was a trap by someone (namely Lady Alicent, but Joffrey dared not to make any assumptions) to eliminate him once and for all? He had been the shame of the family for the past week. No, not only the family, but the entire realm. He unplugged his phone three days ago, for he couldn't face the accusations online anymore.
How can he cheat on his husband? And with Daeron’s own uncle! That’s a whole new level of incest, even for Targaryen standards.
I wonder how long has this been going on?
Guys, I did some digging, and guest what? I found Gwayne Hightower’s discharge file. He was a major in the royal navy, honorably discharged a year ago. Files attached.
Wow, he looks hot in navy uniform. I wouldn’t mind shagging him, to be honest.
I still feel bad for Daeron. He seems so in love with Joffrey. 😭
Another example of how fake these celebrities are.
No one seemed to believe Joffrey was innocent, even those rare comments that were in his favor contained only weak excuses and unnecessary apologies. Joffrey didn't care too much about the public’s opinion, but he was furious that people called him a cheater, while the truth was the other way around. Why couldn’t he even have a normal friendship while Daeron could have multiple mistresses?
Joffrey hadn’t talked to Daeron since the episode aired. To be fair, Daeron hadn't made any attempt to talk to him, either. They stayed in different rooms and avoided each other like the plague. Fortunately, the shooting had paused to make way for the holiday special, which would happen in Summerhall, a resort mansion of the family, so no further proof of Joffrey and Daeron’s strained relationship was captured by camera.
Joffrey stopped at the cellar door, took a sharp inhale, and knocked three times.
“Come in, dear.” The door was opened by Rhaenyra herself, as the current CEO of Targaryen Group pulled her son into a big hug, “God, Joffrey, you feel so cold. Have you been out in the snow?”
“I am fine, mother.” Joffrey assured her, “I just went for a jog. I needed some fresh air.”
“Did anybody see you? Paparazzi, passerby, or lingering groupies?” Lady Alicent asked with a stiff nod to acknowledge Joffrey, “We can't risk providing the public more material to speculate.”
“No.” Joffrey replied, casting his eyes down out of instinct, as if he was guilty of something, “I just jogged around manor, all private property.”
Alicent hummed, but didn't push the topic further.
“Stop it, Alicent.” Rhaenyra spoke, throwing a disapproving glare to the other woman, “Do not interrogate my son.”
“I am not interrogating anyone. I am just trying to make sure the current situation doesn’t get worse.” Alicent replied, but Joffrey could tell for her clasped hands that the lady was not pleased to be here.
Well, that made two of us. Joffrey thought bitterly.
“Why am I here, mother? I guess it’s not for the wine.” Joffrey asked, making a small joke to try and lighten the mood.
“We need to discuss your public image, dear.” Rhaenyra let Joffrey sit down on a cozy armchair that seemed out of place in the cold and dark cellar.
“With Daeron, of course.” Alicent added, “We decide that it’s best for you to work this out together in a low-profile way. Holding a press conference seems overkill and will only raise more suspicion.”
“I think we are just going to wait it out.” Joffrey murmured lamely, “I don't attract a lot of attention normally, you know that, mother. People will lose interest soon enough.”
“Well, it’s already been ten days, but the online discussion only seems to get worse.” Alicent browsed through her screen, “They are calling your marriage a fake now.”
They were right. His marriage was just that. A fake.
“I think restoring your public image also helps your reputation in the league, Joff.” Rhaenyra said gently as she took Joffrey’s cold hands into hers, “I’ve spoken to your manager about this already. Don't worry. We will deal with it as gently as possible.”
Joffrey bit his lower lip to prevent himself from lashing out. Why did his public image have anything to do with his football career? Wasn’t his skill enough to put him on the field? Was his club really going to put him on the bench because he was a cheater?
Before Rhaenyra could explain more, the cellar door was pushed open by an impatient Daeron. The blonde was in a damp raincoat with cashmere scarf around his neck and a pair of fine leather gloves, clearly just came back from outside. Daeron’s violent widened at the sight of Rhaenyra. It was clear that he hadn’t expected to see his half-sister here. Daeron’s surprise soon turned into annoyance as his eyes landed on Joffrey.
“What is the matter you want to see me today, mother?” Daeron immediately turned his eyes away from Joffrey, as if the sight of his husband irritated him, “I didn't expect a crowd here.”
“Daeron, dear, come and sit down.” Alicent pointed to the empty seat next to her. Even though her son also seemed to have been out, she made no intention to ask about his whereabouts. The double standard she took for Daeron and Joffrey made the brunette seethe with anger.
“Watch out your words, brother.” Rhaenyra was not so kind to her son-in-law, “Why are you so late? Sneaking out to meet your lady friend again? Do you know how much mess we are in? The last thing I want is to deal with your shit right now.”
“Funny, sister.” Daeron scoffed, “The last time I checked, it is not me who is being called a cheater.”
“You know it’s not true.” Joffrey couldn’t help but speak up, “It’s a misunderstanding and shit editing. I did nothing wrong.”
“Say that to these people online. I don't care what you did or did not do.” Daeron shrugged, browsing through the wine racks before looking down at his nails, making it clear that he would look at anywhere but Joffrey.
“That’s what we are here to discuss.” Alicent spoke, stopping the fight that was about to break out, “We need to reverse the public opinion before the holiday special. The first step is for you two to actually show up for the camera, together.”
“It’s no use, mother.” Daeron said immediately, “That’s no different from what we used to do. The public has become smarter now. Holding hands won't make the accusations go away.”
How could Daeron be so comfortable talking about their fake relationship? Did he notice Joffrey’s heart rate quickening whenever they held hands or shared kisses in public? Did he know that Joffrey cherished his affection, even though it was all fake? Did he know Joffrey was actually glad about the reality show because cameras meant Daeron would have to pretend he loved Joffrey 24/7? Did he know that Joffrey had loved him all along?
“That’s why we think the best way to overwrite a scandal is another scandal.” Alicent replied.
“What do you mean?” Daeron frowned at his mother, “Are you suggesting I expose Erin?”
Erin, Joffrey thought, so that was the name of Daeron’s current mistress.
“Of course not.” Rhaenyra chimed in, “I will never humiliate my son like that.”
“Then what’s your suggestion of a scandal, sister?”
Rhaenyra pursed her lips and threw a quick, apologetic glance at Joffrey. She paused for a moment, before opening her mouth to speak again.
“A sex scandal.” Rhaenyra said in a low voice, as if she feared that the thick wall of the cellar had ears, “You two will be captured by cameras while making out or doing something sexy. Like the time when Lucerys and Aemond were caught going at it on the balcony.”
The cellar went dead silent for a long while. The room was so quiet that Joffrey could hear his own breathing and heartbeat.
“Are you mad?” Daeron hissed, breaking the uncomfortable silence, “Are you suggesting handing over a porn to the paparazzi?”
“It doesn’t have to come to that extent, dear.” Alicent out her hand on the lap of Daeron to calm her son, “Just some touching and kissing will suffice, but you have to show passion. I and your sister think that the reason why the current scandal doesn't die down is because you two rarely interact on the show. You know how media work. Sex is their favorite topic.”
“No.” Joffrey shot up from the armchair before Daeron could speak again, “Absolutely not.”
“Joff, listen-” Rhaenyra tried, but Joffrey wouldn't let her finish.
“I SAID NO!” Joffrey all but shouted, “I don’t give a fuck about my public image or whatever. If my coach thinks I am not morally superior enough to play in his team, so be it. I will retire if no one wants to a see a cheater on the field, but I will not perform for the camera like a porn star!”
“You don’t even have to be naked.” Alicent said calmly, a sharp contrast to Joffrey’s panic, “Daeron will take the lead.”
“I do not want him anywhere near me!” Joffrey stomped to the door, “In case you haven’t noticed, your son despises me. Our marriage is a fucking mistake from the beginning.”
“Hey!” Daeron rushed to Joffrey and grabbed the brunette’s arm, “Show some respect to my mother.”
“Not when she shows none for me!” Joffrey shook Daeron’s hand off roughly, “Perhaps you can talk some sense into her. I am sure you are the last person who would agree to this crazy idea.”
“I don’t care, as long as the media leave me alone.” Daeron rolled his eyes, “I don’t want to answer anymore calls that are supposed to make me feel better.”
Daeron air-quoted the word ‘better’. Apparently annoyed by those calls.
“You hate me.” Joffrey said with gritted teeth, “You can’t even stand the sight of me, and now you are telling me you don’t mind shagging me in public?”
“I am not fond of a lot of people.” Daeron shrugged, making no attempt to deny Joffrey’s words, “It doesn’t stop me from shagging most of them.”
“Fuck off.” Joffrey spat, “I am not one of your gold digger mistresses. I’d say we call this whole disaster off and just tell people the truth. Maybe we can finally get rid of each other.”
“No.” This time, it was Alicent who rejected the idea, “You cannot get a divorce. It will destroy our PR.”
“PR, PR, PR! It’s always PR!” Joffrey’s eyes began to burn, but he refused to let the tears fall down, “I’ve spent my whole life living in a lie. Just because you were trapped in a loveless marriage, doesn’t mean you have the right to make me live with one too!”
Joffrey was so angry and hurt that he let his frustration out at the wrong person. He knew it was unfair to lash out at Lady Alicent, but he couldn’t help it. She had always looked down upon him. He was always the unfavorable son-in-law. She seemed to blame Joffrey for her son’s indifference, but God knew how hard he tried. If only she knew how much Joffrey wanted to be intimate with Daeron. But Joffrey wanted heart-felt sex, not another lie.
“Shut your fucking mouth!” Daeron came to his mother’s defense immediately, shoving Joffrey roughly, “Do you think you are the only victim here? I am also trapped in this god forsaken marriage too, but unlike you, I am responsible enough to keep the facade.”
“Hiding your mistress in a rented mansion is your understanding of responsibility, huh?” Joffrey scoffed, “I’ve had enough of your so-called responsibility, husband. You are not as important as you think, and neither am I. I doubt our divorce will cause a scene.”
“Enough.” Rhaenyra finally spoke, rising from her seat and inserting herself between her son and her half-brother, “We are here to discuss damage control, not to blame each other for things we cannot control. Joff, I am sorry, but I cannot let you divorce your uncle, at least not now.”
Joffrey closed his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek to hold back his tears.
“It is your duty to keep a good public image, no matter you like it or not.” Alicent rose from her armchair as well, her warm brown eyes now cold as a dagger, “Get yourself together.”
Joffrey felt like a little boy being scolded for his mischief. For a moment, he cursed himself for being born into a family like the Targaryens. He had no say in his own life. He couldn't choose his own husband, couldn't get a divorce, and couldn't even have a normal friendship. His life was not his own, but a commodity for the public to judge. Everything should be fine, if only he hadn't fallen in love with Daeron. If he didn't love Daeron, he wouldn’t get so emotional. Daeron could have a hundred mistresses, and it wouldn't hurt him, at all.
If only he hadn't fallen for his uncle.
“Perhaps you two should discuss it,” Rhaenyra suggested softly, putting her hand on Joffrey’s arm, “you don't have to act immediately, Joff.”
“Yes, mother.” Joffrey murmured, keeping his eyes down. He was exhausted, his previous lashing out taking a toll on his already batted mental state. He tried to fight, and failed, so now he turned back into the dutiful son, who would do anything to strengthen his mother’s grasp of the family legacy.
Daeron pursed his lips into a thin line and stayed silent. He glared at Joffrey, but this time, it was Joffrey who wouldn't look back.
Joffrey sighed as he threw himself onto the comfortable mattress. He had just come out from a shower, his hair still dripping water and his skin still pink from the heat. He was clad in only a pair of boxer, too lazy to put on a T-shirt. No one would come in his room anyway, so it was no meaning to keep his decency.
It was already midnight. It was strange to shower in the middle of the night, but Joffrey needed the hot water to relieve the soreness of his muscles. Also, the heat was supposed to help him relax, though the effect didn't work too well on Joffrey. He had trouble sleeping for months now. Sleep deprivation was beginning to take a toll on his football performance lately.
Joffrey lit a scented candle and settled in, scrolling down his Kindle mindlessly. He was half-way through a novel about a middle-aged man quitting his job and going on a trip around the world. On hindsight, Joffrey probably shouldn’t choose this novel, for the topic of freedom and self-worth felt like a distant dream to him.
Tonight, Joffrey couldn't focus. Tomorrow, KL magazine would come to the keep for an interview, and Joffrey was supposed to take this opportunity to beat his cheater allegation and reverse his public image, by shagging his husband.
Joffrey sighed again. He had accepted his fate by now. He was prepared to pose for the camera like a whore, if that meant he could get rid of online violence.
It seemed that sleep would not bless him today. Joffrey was about to get up and go out for a jog to exhaust himself (again), when he heard some soft knock on his bedroom door.
“…What do you want?” Joffrey asked with a frown, leaning against the door frame and showing no intention of letting Daeron in, “It’s already midnight.”
“I can ask you the same question.” Daeron crossed his arms in front of his chest, “What aren’t you sleeping?”
“Funny.” Joffrey scoffed, “If you really think I am sleeping, you won’t even come. Out with it, uncle. What do you want?”
“I have things to discuss with you.” Daeron replied, “It is best that we discuss in private.”
“You have made it clear that you do not want to come to my room.” Joffrey said, keeping his voice as flat as possible. He shivered slightly as cold air met his toned torso, leaving a trail of goose bumps along his skin, “Why the sudden change of mind?”
Daeron didn’t reply. Instead, he pushed Joffrey into the room forcibly and kicked the door shut behind him.
“What the fuck are you doing-” Joffrey’s curse was interrupted by Daeron’s lips crushing onto his, the blonde’s hands grabbing Joffrey’s hip tight enough to leave a bruise.
“Practice.” Daeron said after releasing Joffrey’s lips to breathe, his fingers still dug deep into Joffrey’s hip, “We are going to put on a show, aren’t we? I don't want to make a fool of myself.”
“Fuck off,” Joffrey hissed, “Let go of me, you psycho. Do you consider it an entertainment to have sex with someone you hate?”
“I don't consider anything.” Daeron replied, slipping his hand into Joffrey’s boxer, “You are warm. What were you doing? Texting with my uncle?”
“What are you implying?” Joffrey kicked Daeron on the shin, using his football strength to kick the blonde away, “Will you believe me if I tell you I am just reading?”
“Depends.” Daeron reached out to grab Joffrey again, but the brunette took a large step back, “I don't know you well enough to draw a conclusion.”
“And whose fault is that?” Joffrey took a random jersey from his drawer and put it on, “Go find your whore if you are horny.”
“You seem very upset about my girlfriends.” Daeron said, wiping off a drop of saliva from his lips, “If I don't know better, I’d say you are jealous.”
Joffrey’s breath stopped for a second, but he soon controlled himself. He might not be as good an actor as Daeron, but he could fake with no problem. Joffrey had hidden his true feelings so well that there was no way Daeron could notice.
“No matter how we hate each other, we are still married. From what I learned, we will stay married for the foreseeable future. You having a mistress is a spit at my face. Am I not allowed to be upset about it?” Joffrey said sarcastically.
“You know it as well as me that having mistresses is common in our world. It doesn't mean anything.” Daeron shrugged, “My girlfriends love my money and status more than my person. I enjoy sex favors and they enjoy money and status. It’s a fair trade.”
“Get out.” Joffrey couldn't hear anymore. He didn’t want to know that his husband would rather fuck a random gold digger than him.
“I am serious when I say we need practice, Joffrey.” Daeron put on his business face, “We need to decide how far we should go.”
Joffrey bit his lower lip. In fact, Daeron had a point. He knew from experience that strategy needed practicing before putting to use on the field, but he feared that he would lose control if Daeron went too far. He would die of shame if Daeron knew a single touch was enough to arouse Joffrey.
“You kissed me just now. Isn't that enough?” Joffrey said, though he knew his excuse was beyond reasonable.
“Please, Joffrey.” Daeron rolled his eyes, “Don’t act like a virgin. Kissing cannot help us get away this time.”
Joffrey went silent.
“Now, I say a little making out is necessary.” Daeron stepped up, wrapping one of his arms around Joffrey’s waist tentatively, “I am going to touch you now.”
Daeron slipped his free hand into Joffrey’s jersey after the brunette showed no intention of pushing him away. He flattened his palm on Joffrey’s toned stomach, feeling the muscle contract under his touch. Joffrey’s skin was soft, but his muscle was hard from years of football practice, a sharp contrast to Daeron’s girlfriends.
Joffrey shivered under Daeron’s touch, his breaths quickening as beads of water dripping from his curls into his collar. Daeron’s hand roamed over his torso, sending a chill down his spine.
Their bodies were pressed tightly together now. Daeron could see the soft blush on Joffrey’s sun-kissed skin, the brunette’s slightly pouty lips, and the veins on the side of his neck. For some reason, the sight felt erotic.
“Dragonstone FC?” Daeron chuckled as he saw Joffrey’s old jersey, “Perhaps you should wear Old Town United instead. Give the reporters more material to speculate.”
“In your dreams.” Joffrey spat, but he was too weak to sound threatening now.
Daeron chuckled again, his hand now coming to Joffrey’s boxer band. He played with the soft trail of hair under Joffrey’s navel, teasing his nephew/husband with interest.
“God, Joffrey. How long since you last had sex?” Daeron tightened his arm and pressed Joffrey harder onto himself, “You are already hard.”
“It’s just a normal reaction.” Joffrey insisted, but his watery eyes told a different story. How could he admit that he had never slept with anyone since their wedding night years ago? Joffrey would rather die than admitting his feelings in this way.
“How cute.” Daeron poked Joffrey’s erection over the boxer, “How come I never notice how cute you are?”
Daeron rubbed Joffrey’s cock, causing a wet spot to spreading over the fabric. Joffrey’s breath caught in his throat, as a tingling sensation rising from his tailbone to the back of his head. He wanted to curse, to mock, to push Daeron away, but he couldn't. His every pore sang at Daeron’s touch, like the land welcoming the first rain after a long draught.
Daeron kept teasing Joffrey’s cock, while moving his other hand up Joffrey’s back to grab a handful of Joffrey’s damp curls. He forced Joffrey’s head up, and covered the pouty lips with his own. Daeron wasted no time pushing his tongue between Joffrey’s teeth, sucking, licking and invading the brunette’s mouth.
Daeron wasn’t lying. He had never really paid much attention to Joffrey before. To him, Joffrey was just a burden forced upon him, a duty he had to carry out, a reminder of his strained life, so he was reluctant to acknowledge Joffrey’s presence until now. He had no idea how warm Joffrey was, how smooth Joffrey’s skin felt, and how intoxicating Joffrey tasted.
“Enough,” Joffrey managed to blurt out, “let go of me.”
Daeron was so intrigued by Joffrey that it took him a long while to realize what the brunette had just said. He hadn't expected to go this far. He had just planned to tease Joffrey for bit, not charmed by the brunette to this extent.
“Let go of me. You’ve humiliated me enough.” Joffrey grabbed Daeron’s wrist and dragged the blonde to the bedroom door, “It’s time for you to leave.”
The door closed in front of him, leaving Daeron alone in the dark corridor. The blonde looked down at his own mess between the legs, and sighed heavily.
It was a bad time to develop feelings.
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Pls help this is very urgent, I don't feel comfortable nor feel safe going to either women or men's lockeroom can I like find some way around that like use the nurses bathroom or aomwthing??
Lee says:
When I was in high school, I brought my clothes with me and changed in the regular bathrooms instead of the open changing area in the gym locker room.
You may have to keep your PE clothing and sneakers in your locker room locker if you don’t have room for them in your normal hallway locker or backpack, which would mean you’d have to enter the locker room, get your items, and then leave.
So if you don’t think it’ll get you in trouble, just get your clothes from wherever they’re stored and then change in the nearest bathroom without even asking the teacher.
If your school has a gender neutral bathroom, you might have better luck changing in there, even if it’s a bit further away than the nearest gendered bathroom is.
But if you’re out as trans, you could explain that you’ll need privacy to your gym teacher, and ask them to be allowed to change elsewhere, like in the nurse’s office bathroom, and that way you can get informal permission to not change in the locker room and won’t be marked as late.
If you don’t want to out yourself, you can tell your teacher that you have anxiety about changing in the gendered locker rooms and not mention the trans thing at all.
If you don’t think your teacher would be open to making informal accommodations for you, or you asked your teacher and they said no, speak to the guidance councilor or whatever school official is in charge of creating formal accommodation plans and see if you’re able to persuade them.
Whether you reach out to a trusted teacher, school counselor, or administrator, explain your concerns about using the gender-specific locker rooms and express your need for a safe alternative. Make sure you explain why you feel unsafe in detail and provide any examples of incidents that would support your concerns. They're more likely to respond if it's presented as a safety issue (and you said it was!) instead of just a personal preference.
If you do go to the top and ask a school official, you an also ask if there are any single-occupancy staff restrooms that you could use. That isn't ideal for you or the school but you can always ask!
Sometimes, having a written request can make the process more formal and may be taken more seriously. It also provides a record of your request, so if you are talking to school officials get everything on paper or in email.
If your parents are supportive, they can back you up and write a note to help excuse you. When you speak with them about this issue, be clear about why the current situation is not working for you and what would make you feel safer because they might not realize how important it is to you.
If even a parent's note doesn't help, familiarize yourself with any non-discrimination policies your school or workplace may have. Many institutions in liberal-leaning have policies in place to accommodate individuals who do not feel comfortable in gender-specific spaces, so you may be able to point at a policy and get backup that way.
And depending on your location, there may be laws that protect your right to safe and comfortable accommodations. Knowing these can help when discussing your needs with officials.
It's also important to know if a law isn't in your favor because then you will have more success just doing it instead of asking because if the school gives you permission they may get in trouble so they might be trying to avoid that. Organizations like the ACLU or local LGBTQ+ advocacy groups can sometimes provide guidance or intervene in situations where individuals are being denied reasonable accommodations, but that can be hard to do if you have unsupportive parents.
Remember, your comfort and safety are paramount, and you have the right to access facilities where you feel secure. Don't hesitate to advocate for yourself, and seek out allies like other trans people at your school or members of the GSA club who can support you through this process. They may have experience with similar situations and can offer advice or advocate on your behalf.
If you have a supportive friend who will stand up for you and come to the bathroom with you or change together with you in the locker room, that can be a great way to plan for your safety until you're able to access alternative facilities. I would honestly consider that to be your first step to help you stay safe while you work everything out.
Finally, it's clear that situations like these can be stressful! Consider speaking with a school counselor (keeping in mind the requirements of mandated reporting) or a therapist for support.
Followers, any tips for anon?
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kitsunefox1108 · 1 year
Omg I love ur blog
Can I pls request kidnapping headcanons for yandere Mistral, Monsoon and Sam?
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Mistral will kidnap you if he's too obsessed with you and consider it a high priority.
She is possessive of you, but considers you partly her .. pet. A cute adorable pet that she needs to take care of as much as possible.
And she will decide to kidnap you if she notices that you have a close relationship with someone other than her.
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Monsoon is very possessive.
VERY possessive.
he kidnaps you pretty soon after he becomes interested in you. He does not want to lose you, as well as to share with someone. You are like a toy, and he is like a child who wants a toy here and now. (the example is disgusting, but it is best suited to describe the behavior of yandere Monsoon during the abduction) despite your protests and so on, he doesn't care. He's finally here... possesses you. And he doesn't want to leave you for a long time.
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He will do everything at the last moment. Most likely, when you are in danger or if it has been brought to an extreme boiling point.
And he will do everything very cleverly.You won't even realize right away that you're trapped before Sam pushes you against the wall and doesn't tell you further plans.
He perfectly understands your further actions, and has provided everything so that you do not resist. In his opinion, for your own good...
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kels-orange-joe · 9 months
introduction ^_^ (regularly updates)
haii my name is stitch (not my real name obviously)
and yes as in the chaotic blue creature from lilo & stitch but that’s besides the point
this is my side blog!! an omori (mainly kel) themed one at that. my main blog is @stitchthelilo, and this is specifically for stimboards/sensory boards (well some other stuff too but that’s like the main thing) whatever you wanna call em, it’s also a kel fanblog cuz he is THE BEST OMORI CHARACTER!!! I WILL STAND BY THAT TIL THE DAY I DIE BECAUSE ITS TRUE
nonetheless.. i do take requests! and my status will update when they are open and stuff like that idk
i tend to use emoticons a lot and i’m a lil bit cringe so just a warning
my first time doing this so criticism is accepted with wide arms :)
the stuff you can request is what i have put in the tags section :3 (will further elaborate in rules/boundaries section)
ohh and even if you wanna request something really specific (like combining #sunny’s sketchbook and #character portraits for example) you can still request it as long as it’s something that is a combination of tags that i put
also if you want to request a prompt pls specify if you want it to be dialogue or scenarios
#waves of orange joe = stimboards/sensory boards
#sunny’s sketchbook = art
#character portraits = pfps
#mari’s picnic blanket = flags
#headspace shenanigans = fanfics
#basils’s photo album = headcanons
#white space vibes = mood boards
#space boyfriend’s tape = playlists
#sunny’s inner mind = prompts
#the headspace alter egos = names/pronouns
sfw interactions only!
any fandoms are accepted! some i just know more about better than others which i will get into in a bit, so please do understand.. as that is why the accuracy for some stimboards is off
i have the right to deny your request, ESPECIALLY if it’s something very icky
proshippers/comshippers, dubcon/noncon, nsfw blogs, ddlg blogs, anti-lgbtqia+, anti-religion (muslimphobic, islamophobic, etc. etc), anti-xenogender/neopronouns, anti-otherkin/therian/whateva idrk, racist, zionists, and just anyone who supports anything gross GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS BLOG DNI
please do understand i have a life and you will have to be patient, your requests will be done eventually just wait
just have common sense, if you KNOW something is bad but are still here then go away oml
feel free to just talk to me in the asks! anon or not, i’m willing to just talk, as it isn’t just for requests. you can vent or rant there too if you want, i’ll listen! you are loved remember that <3
any ships are fine as long as they aren’t illegal or anything, a personal favourite of mine is suntan :3
you may request: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, whump, slow burn, nsfw (just not smut, i’d rather not do that on a blog like this.. implied smut is ok though! and gore and heavy topics are fine too), panic attacks, all types of horror, comedy, drama, pining, mutual pining, all kinds of relationships (as long as the toxic ones are not romanticised), and basically just anything that isn’t in the you may not request part
you may not request: smut, proship/comship, dubcon/noncon, romanticisation of gross things (but if it isn’t meant to be romanticised then you can request), just anything gross really
ocs as long as you provide pics and/or info, info is optional though ofc! but if you don’t provide it i am just gonna go off of aesthetic
total drama
undertale/deltarune but moreso undertale
cookie run
the amazing digital circus
murder drones
any object show really lmao
adventure time. however……. i may not be that accurate when it comes to later seasons or fionna and cake, cuz i never actually finished it or watched the spin-off, lmao sorry
gravity falls! same as adventure time though, haven’t yet finished it (but ik bill cipher and allat)
warriors/warrior cats (i haven’t read the books though, might not be accurate sorry)
scp foundation
bbc ghosts
she-ra: and the princesses of power
the sims
among us (as cringe as that may sound, it’s a good game)
my singing monsters
the battle cats
starters movieunleashers
hazbin hotel/helluva boss (i do NOT support vivziepop or her team, i separate content from creator because the episodes can really be good, even if they miss most of the time.. and i love the concept of both shows. I PIRATE IT Y’ALL DW I AM NOT GIVING PRIME VIDEO NOR VIVZIEPOP MY MONEY 😭)
doctor who
good omens
and much more! but i can’t be bothered adding them.. if any more of my interests are in an ask i’ll just tell y’all and edit this
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abiiors · 6 months
I'm doing a presentation for my degree on audience theory in relation to the at their very best tour, it's due tomorrow so I know I've left this quite late 🥲
According to my lecturer, one question I need to develop a bit further for my argument is how a 1975 fan would 'identify' themselves and what qualities they might share?
Do you have any answers you could provide for this? Also if anyone else reading would like to share I'll take as many answers as I can get 😭😭
No pressure to answer, I'm aware I'm springing this on you haha
Also, any general reviews of at their very best (specifically the recorded show at madison Square garden) are welcome
Thanks vee!! :)
if anyone else wants to answer this too pls send @partoftheband04 an ask :)
okay so about identifying as a fan -- out of all the fandoms i've been in, i've specifically seen this weird phenomenon for the 1975 which is that there's no "casual fan". you either hate the band/matty/their music or you're absolutely obsessed. there's no middle ground, which i genuinely can't say about a lot of other things.
i'd say there's no specific definition for a fan because it can't just be a certain group of people who, for eg, have seen them live, have collectible items, have met the members, have been in the fandom for a certain number of years etc etc. i'd rather describe it as someone who understands the context behind the music and understands the songs as opposed to just listening to them.
a good example would be "it's not living (if it's not with you)" because without the context it can be (and has been) mistaken for a love song. a lot of their songs have been mistaken for love songs when they're in fact about addiction/drugs etc. because matty's and the band's personal life drives their music so so much, i'd say a fan would be someone who has a good grasp of matty as a person (and i'm mostly saying matty here because he is essentially the spokesman for the band)
as for what i've seen in common amongst all the fans is the fact that majority of us seem to be a part of the queer community, majority of us seem to be politically aware and opinionated because the band's music is politically aware and opinionated. and like i know it's a joke at this point that you have to be mentally ill to be a fan of the 1975 but i think it's true because matty has been so open and honest about his own struggles with mental health. that's what makes a lot of people be comfortable about being open about their struggles too.
i can't really give you a specific review of the atvb show at the moment because it's been a while since i watched it :( and with watching satvb so much for the past few months all i can think about is how much the band has improved since their msg performance for atvb.
but yeah, i really hope this helps!!
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dreamcatcher-roulette · 2 months
Anonymous asked:
Hullo, hope you're doing well and enjoying the comeback and the albums 🤩🤩 looking forward to when they'll show up in roulette!
Pls feel free to ignore as this may be a little dumb, but I figured you might know?
From what I can vaguely understand from Wiki and from your past response, can I assume TV broadcast files are usually .ts files? And that it's not the file type that dictates the "quality," but rather the encoding?
There's a Twitter account (😭 I forgot which, it's lost on my timeline now) that occasionally posts .ts files of DC's music show performances, the most recent file being :
Going off the name and what you've mentioned before about "best quality" where 1080i h264 is better than Youtube, would this file probably be better than downloading the YT video of the same performance?
Fake ask again to strip links because I'm really good at being unnecessarily paranoid but YES! I am having a blast. Siyeon’s absence is felt but it's nice to see her still pop up in some of the YouTube show performances. Handong is totally killing her parts too though so it's been fun seeing that 😁
On the question of quality:
(Minor point of clarity: the encoding is an aspect which determines the quality but not the only one. The simplest quality measure is probably taking into account encoding AND bitrate, where bitrate is the amount of data being displayed per second and encoding is how efficiently it's compressed. Technically the best quality is the highest possible bitrate with zero compression but that's just not feasible, so this is where encodings come in. Newer encodings are, as a rule of thumb, better quality than older ones at "sensible" bitrates, but, as in the case of YouTube for example, a much lower bitrate can make a newer encoding look much worse than an older one. That's why in my quality ranking YouTube was beneath MPEG2 - YouTube is almost all h264 for 1080p, which is newer than MPEG2, but the bitrates drag the quality down the drain.)
Generally 1080i recordings, in their "rawest" form, are MPEG-TS (.ts) files, yeah. 4k are more commonly posted in MP4 though I've found. I'm speculating here based off my own experiences (I haven't ever asked anyone who does this if this is the true reason) but I think that's because MPEG-TS just isn’t efficient enough at high bitrates to provide a very pleasant viewing experience. Let me demonstrate using a convoluted metaphor:
Say you’re a marble vendor and you are looking to transport two blue marbles and two red marbles to one of your clients. You need a container to send them in. Because these marbles are quite precious you want to make sure that they are sent in a well fortified box, but you also care about fitting as many boxes as possible into your supply trucks, so you don't want to waste any space inside of them. You pack all four marbles tightly into the box and seal it up.
When your client receives their shipment, they open it up and can easily see all four marbles in the box. There isn’t much incentive for them to move the marbles since, even though the box has a bit of a heavy hinge, it's not really that big of a deal and any other box would incur some cost in opening it too. They place the box on their shelf and don't worry about it any further.
Now imagine you want to send a client one hundred thousand marbles. But your boxes still only fit four marbles each. The transportation is easy and efficient because the boxes stack nicely (assume for a moment you also have an extremely efficient marble box packing machine), but, once they all arrive at their destination, your client doesn't want to search through hundreds of boxes trying to find the marble they are looking for. They want to move all those marbles to a much bigger and well sorted marble... Okay I really don't know what people normally store hundreds of thousands of marbles in. But the point being that even though all the marbles are still the same, at a certain volume the transportation container was no longer optimal to keep at the destination. 4k HEVC .ts files are HORRIBLY inefficient at rendering even on relatively good hardware and moving the data to MP4 has huge performance benefits.
So the file extension of the source doesn't matter? Well I still think it does, psychologically. I would always trust a .ts more than a .mp4 at 1080i. It isn't possible for you to know, without the original, that what the uploader did was a remux (changing the container) rather than a re-encode (a lossy operation which, best case scenario, produced an output that looks equivalent to the human eye because nothing crucial was lost). Well intentioned people accidentally re-encode to MP4 all the time without realising what it does to the integrity of the file. It's much less likely someone has had the same mishap in the other direction because .ts is not a commonly desired destination. So even though a remuxed MP4 is identical in quality to it's MPEG-TS source, in order to avoid other people's translation errors I would always trust an available .ts first.
That file, assuming it is what it says it is, would absolutely be better than downloading the same performance from YouTube. YouTube has done a lossy re-encode on the video the broadcaster uploaded and will not ever serve you the original. A really obvious symptom of this is the file sizes. YouTube will always be a lot smaller. (For the same encoding. Which by the way you can find out by using Media Info. AVC=h264, HEVC=h265) It's pretty noticeable to the human eye in motion, so it can be a fun exercise to play the two side by side and compare. It's also noticeable on a frame by frame level if you use a player that lets you do that.
But yeah, in summary, YouTube's version of that performance will be unquestionably worse. On average it will be missing 3/4 of the information stored in the original. Which, because of how cool compression is, actually still produces a pretty decent image, but it falls apart in motion and really if you are an individual wanting to watch something for your own enjoyment instead of a big company trying to optimise their bandwidth usage there's just no need to sacrifice those pixels.
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pebblysand · 1 year
Hey! So I’ve been scrolling through some of your writing advice post and I have a question. I’ve written stuff before and I’m getting back into it and I really want to write a long fic that’s canon compliant but idk how to do that without just like rewriting the story that’s already written ? I always get so focused on making sure that I’m writing true to the existing plot/story, like even down to copying the dialogue and stuff out of the show/book/movie, and sort of push my oc/insert character to the side and they end up making very little contribution to whatever is happening and I wanna not do that anymore haha. Also like a way to outline a long fic bc I’ve never really outlined a story, I just sorta wrote and did what I was talking about before.
Pls if you have any advice I would be very grateful 🙏🙏
hi anon! thanks for your message!
first of all, congrats on getting back into writing, that's awesome! in terms of your questions, here are (some) answers which will hopefully help. i don't know what fandom you're in so i'm taking most of my examples from HP as i assume most people are (somewhat) familiar with the canon, but you get the idea.
I really want to write a long fic that’s canon compliant but idk how to do that without just like rewriting the story that’s already written ?
i don't know what precisely you're trying to write but i've always said this: i think there's a subgenre of fanfiction that many new writers tend to gravitate towards without realising how incredibly hard those stories are to write, and that's stories that happen during the canon timeline. for example: stories made up of missing scenes, AUs of canon events (e.g.: what if Harry was in slytherin? what if Sirius lived? etc.), or stories told from alternate POVs (e.g.: the seven books from Hermione's perspective).
i think the reason why so many people tend to gravitate towards these stories (especially when they're starting out) is that as a newer writer, your imagination is still in "training". there's this idea that writers are just born making up stories in their heads but i think imagination is actually more like a muscle. the more you engage it, the better it gets at venturing further out. so, when you're starting out, it's much easier to answer the question: what if sirius lived? than it is being like: what happened in tom riddle's childhood?
if you're writing to answer the first question, you have a lot of material that is already provided for you by canon. you know about the horcrux hunt, you know about the hallows, you know about harry giving himself up, ect. all you really need to do is what happens at the margins (i.e. how do i integrate sirius into these plot points?) rather than having to reshape an entire story. whereas if you're trying to write about tom riddle's childhood... you know he was in an orphanage. you know he was mean to the other children. and... that's about it. it's pretty much a blank slate from there, and it's much harder to come up with things. canon becomes a crutch to do the difficult plotting parts for you.
the thing that a lot of people don’t realise though, is that under the guise of being “easier” to write (due to the canon crutch), it’s actually much harder to be “original” with the former. because you very quickly end up falling into the trap you’ve just described: rewriting canon. so, your story feels like you’re just copying and pasting events from canon into it, with just a tiny addition at the margins. and taking it further (taking it to a place of true originality) is much harder. it’s definitely doable, but it takes a very skilled writer to actually add real substance and not make that feel stale.
but the thing is: i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. you say you copy a lot of dialogue/lines from the original material - so what? i definitely did a lot of that too when i was younger. your fic might not be of the best quality, sure, but i think that's a very natural and normal step in your growth as a writer. you'll naturally train your imagination and learn to gradually step further and further away from canon. i really don't think you should be worrying too much about this. just keep writing - you'll get there eventually.
if you do want to speed up the process though, here are a couple things that could help:
set yourself the challenge of writing one short fic without quotes from canon. see how you get on, see where you reach to express those thoughts now that incorporating these is "forbidden" and then try to build on that. you don't need to go for a long fic right away if that's too scary/hard.
challenge yourself to a story where you have very little canon material to go on. say, a story about a side character for instance. i think a good example of that is writing something like listening for that angel choir. i wrote that fic about the child of two of the main characters on the show. we see him a couple times in canon, but we mostly know his parents. the challenge was to try and determine what he and his life would have been like, given what we know of his parents' story. i'm sure there's someone in your fandom that fits the bill. doing this allows you to have a little bit of a canon crutch (knowing the parents well), but still forces you to get out of that comfort zone.
I sort of push my oc/insert character to the side and they end up making very little contribution to whatever is happening and I wanna not do that anymore haha.
i think this might be a different problem though. is it possible that your OC isn't really needed in your story? this happens to me regularly when i make up an OC for something and envision them to be a much bigger character than they end up being, because in the end, they're not really needed. it can be heartbreaking because we love our OCs dearly, but you have to remember that unlike in original fiction, OCs in fanfiction are primarily functional in nature. even when they have their own arc, they (and their arc) should serve your plot/characters, first and foremost. there are a lot of OCs i've built for my fics that end up being in one scene (maybe two) in the end, because that's all they're needed for. it's normal and it's your job as a writer to know when using your OC/or not is useful to your story.
i know i generally don't stand by most of stephen king's writing advice but i do think he's right on "kill your darlings". you do sometimes have to scratch plotlines/characters/etc. you otherwise love, if they don't serve your story.
Also like a way to outline a long fic bc I’ve never really outlined a story, I just sorta wrote and did what I was talking about before.
okay, first - just writing for the vibes is super valid. however, if you do want to start outlining more, here are some tips:
first, i've gone through many methods of outlining. i think the main thing is that outlining should serve you, not the other way around. you should find a method that suits you. if the method starts being a burden, switch it up. one method might only fit you for a limited amount of time. it might fit one chapter, but not another. but so far, since i started writing long fics, i've used the following:
for my first long fic, i had two outlines: one for the general overall plot of the story, and one for specific chapters. the "general" outline was a big-picture outline of big "events" that needed to happen in each chapter, in chronological order. it was kind of a brain dump of all the scene and plot ideas i had. not everything ended up in the final product (or in that specific order), but it was a good "high-level" idea of where i was going. i had this just as a list in my notes app. then, for individual chapters, i followed this method which is closer to a visual storyboard.
i continued with this system of two outlines for the first "act" of castles (my current wip) (chapters 1 through 7). then, for the second act, i felt the need to "formalise" the "big picture" outline more, and moved to a spreadsheet. it looked like this:
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(this is the template i created - it's blank because those are actually act 1 chapters, but you get the idea. i'm using this because some of the act 2 stuff later got moved to act 3 so i don't want to spoil and can't be arsed to redact)
i would fill in, for each chapter, in a few lines, what was happening for each of the categories (if anything). it made it easier to move things around as needed as well. note that this is not particularly chronological. it lists the events by category, but it's not necessarily the order they happen in within the chapter.
then, when it came time to actually write the chapter, i would build the chapter outline on the basis of this bigger outline, and get more granular (and chronological) in the storyboard, then even more granular on the page.
now, for my third act, i've switched to miro (bc of a tiktok recommendation from another writer, but i find that it works really well for me). things are looking like this:
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(for sneaky castles readers -don't try to zoom in - you can't, i've checked)
as you can see, i've done away with the general outline, and only have the storyboard left, but in electronic form. i did have some stuff planned from the old spreadsheet that i moved into here, but i don't feel like i need the spreadsheet as a constant reference anymore. it might be because i'm reaching the end of the story that i don't need the broader view as much. i have, however, created a timeline like this, which i felt i needed to keep track of the big "milestones" of the story:
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(ah, go on, you get the kids' birthdays.)
to give you an idea of the level of detail i go into in these, here is the last couple of chapters:
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as you can probably see if you've read castles, even those i don't follow to the letter. there's a lot of things that get moved around (if you look at that table in chapter 16, you'll see the locations are totally off) and if you look at 17 (the order of scenes changed, and the redacted stuff got moved to later chapters). for 17, i also turned black the sticky notes as i was done writing them, which i didn't do for 16. also, you can see that for a chapter that's *twenty-two thousand words long*, 16 has very little outlined lol. everything was just in my head.
for me, while these (and outlines in general) are essential to the mapping out of a story, it's essential that i remain flexible in terms of what actually goes into the final product. if i'm not "feeling" something i'd planned, i change it/move it.
anyway anon, i hope this helped! thanks again for your question!
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seivsite · 1 year
first and foremost, thank you all so much for 500 followers! i’m grateful for all the love and support my account has received, so here’s an event as my thanks.
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i’ll be providing you with a list of prompts from which you can choose a maximum of one prompt for one character, i’ll then write a drabble / one shot out of it.
once a prompt is taken, i won’t accept any further requests for the same prompt. here’s the prompt list〜
there’s no specific format for how you should ask, but here is an example in case you’re confused :
“hii for ur “if only you knew” / 500 followers event, can i request prompt 10 w nagi? fem reader & romantic pls, ty!”
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the event duration will be from august 25th until september 5th, this might change depending on the circumstances.
only accepting star rail, genshin, and blue lock requests!
i’ll only accept female and gender-neutral readers. please specify the gender or i’ll assume it’s gender-neutral.
the request can be romantic or platonic! do specify it in your request or i’ll assume it’s romantic.
i have the rights to delete your request if i don't have motivation, feeling burntout, etc. and please don’t rush me, all i ask for is your utmost patience, thank you.
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if you have any other queries, feel free to send in an ask and i will answer them! once again, thank you all for the utmost love & support ‹3
all the content from this event will be posted under the tag #( event )
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krispiecake · 1 year
hiii tell me about your show pls!!!
1) i love you. we should kiss
2) before i get into this because im #scared ppl will make fun of me, I’m aware that my show is a teen drama and deserves criticism in some areas, i am actually very interested in having long conversations about this criticism bc i think that its genuinely interesting and i have a lot of thoughts about how some themes such as (and especially) class could/should be handled going forward in the final season. However, i also think that it is a very well made show and also very well written (99% of the time lol) and explores very interesting lgbt+ themes and is the first show in a while that ive seen that portrays first/new/young lgbt relationships really well. That is my disclaimer.
3) so. its called young royals on netflix. and its my favourite thing in the entire world. Its a swedish show centred around the prince of Sweden, Wilhelm (diagnosed autistic by me. bc i said so.) Key facts about him are: anxiety disorder, lame, sometimes I wish i could smack him upside the head but with love. Wilhelm is sent to a private boarding school after getting into a very public fight in order to punish/straighten him out (pun intended). At this boarding school we are introduced to Simon (my fave character), who is a non boarder/scholarship student along with his sister. When we meet Simon for the first time its when he is singing a solo in the choir for the prince’s welcome ceremony/celebration thing. During this, Wilhelm basically um. falls in love. Well maybe not love but the boy is down BAD and it’s embarrassing for him. Key facts about Simon: i love him, has never done anything wrong ever, I love him. While Simon’s main ‘role’ as it were is love interest, I believe that the show does a fairly good job and creating depth for him as a character, providing a lot of context and information about him as an individual and as part of a relationship. He has his own plot lines and scenes completely separate to Wilhelm. HOWEVER I would also like this to be explored further in the 3rd season, and I hope we see a more emotional side to him too, because while we do see him express both positive and negative emotions, I still feel like he holds the especially negative ones back and away from other characters like Wilhelm - which is in character, however I personally would like to. see him cry or something idk because he deserves a breakdown. like a proper one with shouting and throwing things.
ANYWAY. We get to see their relationship grow over the episodes and honestly there is a little bit of flip flopping from Wilhelm, bc while Simon is confident in his sexuality, its implied that this is the first time Wilhelm has ever really acknowledged his attraction to the same gender, meaning we watch him learn how to (sort of) accept himself and be comfortable in liking Simon. PERSONALLY I think the way this is portrayed is quite authentic and at least somewhat similar to my own experience in coming to terms with being a lesbian specifically (although i never rlly got to kiss any girls about it so. that sucks). I think a really good example of this is their first kiss scene at the end of s1 ep 2, where we see Wilhelm making the first move when he initiates handholding (im aware of how juvenile the sentence sounds i just couldnt think of another way to put it lol) as they are watching a movie (its movie night so the two main dorms are all present, Forest Ridge (boys) and Manor House (girls). They have a cute little handholding moment until Wilhelm becomes flustered/anxious over people noticing and runs out of the room. Simon follows after a moment and this is when we get the first kiss. Simon is the one to initiate it the first two times and Wilhelm just kind of 🧍. He’s not good at this yet okay. After the second kiss, shocked back to reality by a noise from the movie down the hall, Wilhelm starts with ‘I’m sorry I’m not-‘ and Simon starts to leave, obviously sensing rejection. However, rejection does not come because Wilhelm grabs his arm and pulls him back. He’s clearly very anxious about the whole situation and running through his head is what I assume to be a million different thoughts of ‘am i allowed to want this? is this okay? do i want this? what will my mother say? this would be national news. What would my brother say? am i allowed? i dont think this is allowed.’ Simon does not say anything, allowing Wilhelm to take the time he needs to organise a coherent thought. And despite his anxiety, despite every thought in his head, he pulls Simon closer by his shirt and this time, Wilhelm is the one that kisses him.
I like this scene bc 1) its cute, like rlly cute 2) as I said i think this is a good example of the whole ‘coming to terms with it’ aspect because I remember that anxiety, I remember those ‘what would my mother think?’ thoughts and most importantly, I remember my lesbianism (or in Wilhelm’s case, his queerness and attraction to Simon) winning. I remember the way that once it popped into my head that ‘hey, you might be a lesbian’ it literally never left until i sat up one day and confronted it. And I think that this is a really sweet and probably true to life for some people way of showing this on screen.
Now. I actually have so much more to say about this show Like i could talk/type for HOURS. about it but I won’t. Know that there are so many details about this show and the casting choices and the writing and directing and acting choices that i am OBSESSED with throughout BOTH seasons. All that i typed literally only got us through 2 episodes and i didnt even talk about the other important bits. I really cannot over emphasise enough how much there is to this show. Anyway, I’m gonna leave it there though, but feel free to ask questions/for my opinion on any aspect of it. I will say if you havent watched it and somehow this has convinced you to do so, there are a few triggering subjects such as drug + alcohol addiction/misuse, death and grief, and MASSIVELY child exploitation material from season 1 ep 4 onwards - this is because a, if not THE, major plot point/conflict in the show is that a ‘sex tape’ (as it’s referred to sometimes) is filmed of Wilhelm and Simon (both 16yrs old in the show) without their knowledge or consent, and is then leaked to the public. I have some personal grievances about how this is handled in the show, however, I also dont think its handled ‘badly’, as the way the characters handle it is part of the plot and is ultimately part of what the show is criticising. If you want me to explain this further I can do as well, as i know this subject can obviously be very triggering and its best to know what youre getting into to decide if this show is right for you.
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Which IELTS preparation is best?
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The best IELTS preparation method varies from person to person depending on individual learning styles, strengths, weaknesses, and time availability. However, here are some general tips that can help you prepare effectively:
More Information — Best IELTS Coaching in Laxmi Nagar
Understand the Test Format: Familiarize yourself with the format of the IELTS exam, including the types of questions asked in each section (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).
Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your skills in each section of the test. Allocate time each day or week for IELTS practice.
Use Official Study Materials: Utilize official IELTS preparation materials such as practice tests, sample questions, and study guides provided by the British Council, IDP Education, or Cambridge Assessment English. These resources closely mimic the format and difficulty level of the actual exam.
Focus on Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas and dedicate extra time to improving them. For example, if you struggle with academic vocabulary, focus on expanding your vocabulary through targeted practice.
Take Practice Tests: Regularly take full-length practice tests under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment and assess your progress. Analyze your performance to identify areas for improvement.
Improve English Language Skills: Work on improving your English language skills in all areas (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) through activities such as reading books, watching English movies or TV shows, listening to podcasts or English radio, and engaging in conversations with native speakers.
Seek Feedback: If possible, seek feedback from a qualified English language teacher or tutor on your writing and speaking skills. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.
Stay Calm and Confident: Stay calm and confident on exam day. Practice relaxation techniques to manage test anxiety, and remember to pace yourself during the exam.
Ultimately, the best IELTS preparation method is one that suits your individual learning style and helps you improve your English language skills effectively. Experiment with different study techniques and resources to find what works best for you.
Is one month coaching enough for IELTS?
The adequacy of one month of coaching for IELTS preparation depends on several factors, including your current English language proficiency, familiarity with the test format, study habits, and the intensity of your preparation during that month. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:
Starting Point: If you already have a strong command of the English language and are familiar with the IELTS test format, one month may be sufficient to refine your skills and strategies.
Time Commitment: Your ability to dedicate sufficient time to studying during that month will significantly impact your preparedness. If you can commit several hours each day to focused study and practice, one month may be adequate.
Previous Experience: If you have previously taken the IELTS exam or have undergone similar language proficiency tests, you may require less time for preparation compared to someone who is completely new to the test.
Coaching Quality: The quality of the coaching you receive also plays a crucial role. A well-structured coaching program with experienced instructors who provide personalized feedback and guidance can significantly enhance your preparation within a relatively short period.
Self-Study: Supplementing your coaching with self-study using official IELTS preparation materials and resources can further maximize the effectiveness of your one-month preparation period.
Practice Tests: Regularly taking practice tests under simulated exam conditions is essential for familiarizing yourself with the test format, building endurance, and identifying areas for improvement.
Motivation and Discipline: Your motivation levels and discipline in sticking to your study plan will determine how much progress you can make within the one-month timeframe.
In summary, while one month of coaching can be sufficient for IELTS preparation for some individuals, it’s essential to assess your starting point, commit to intensive study during that period, and utilize high-quality coaching and study materials effectively. Additionally, be realistic about your goals and expectations based on your individual circumstances and level of preparedness.
What is the fees of IELTS coaching in Laxmi Nagar?
The fees for IELTS coaching in Laxmi Nagar, or any specific location, can vary depending on several factors such as the reputation of the coaching center, the quality of instruction, the duration of the course, additional materials provided, and any other amenities offered. Additionally, fees may fluctuate over time due to market conditions and other factors.
To find the most accurate and up-to-date information on IELTS coaching fees in Laxmi Nagar, I recommend directly contacting coaching centers in that area or visiting their websites. They can provide you with detailed information about their course offerings, including fees, schedules, and any discounts or promotions they may have available.
Cambridge English Academy — ielts coaching in laxmi nagar
It seems like you’re referring to a specific coaching center, Cambridge English Academy, which offers IELTS coaching in Laxmi Nagar. As an AI, I don’t have real-time access to specific information such as current fees for coaching centers. However, you can directly contact Cambridge English Academy in Laxmi Nagar to inquire about their IELTS coaching fees and other relevant details. You can reach out to them via phone, email, or visit their website if they have one. They will be able to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding their coaching services.
Why Choose Cambridge English Academy?
Choosing Cambridge English Academy for your IELTS coaching in Laxmi Nagar may offer several benefits, but it’s essential to consider your specific needs and preferences before making a decision. Here are some potential reasons why you might choose Cambridge English Academy:
Reputation: Cambridge English Academy may have a strong reputation for providing quality IELTS coaching in the Laxmi Nagar area. You can research online reviews, testimonials, or ask for recommendations from friends or acquaintances who have attended the academy.
Experienced Instructors: The academy may have experienced and qualified instructors who are knowledgeable about the IELTS exam format, scoring criteria, and effective preparation strategies. Experienced instructors can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you improve your skills.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Cambridge English Academy may offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers all sections of the IELTS exam, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. A well-structured curriculum can help you systematically build and strengthen your language skills.
Small Class Sizes: Some coaching centers, including Cambridge English Academy, may offer small class sizes, allowing for more personalized attention and interaction with instructors. This can be beneficial for addressing individual learning needs and receiving feedback on your progress.
Practice Materials: The academy may provide access to a wide range of practice materials, including sample questions, practice tests, and study guides. Adequate practice materials are essential for familiarizing yourself with the test format and improving your performance.
Flexible Schedule: Cambridge English Academy may offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate different students’ availability and preferences. Whether you prefer weekday, weekend, or evening classes, they may have options to suit your schedule.
Additional Support Services: Some coaching centers may offer additional support services such as mock exams, one-on-one tutoring, or workshops on specific skills or topics related to the IELTS exam.
Before choosing Cambridge English Academy or any coaching center, it’s a good idea to visit the academy, speak with instructors or staff, and ask any questions you may have about their programs, teaching methods, fees, and success rates. Additionally, consider factors such as location, facilities, and overall fit with your learning style and goals.
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imlershy · 1 year
Performance Labs Supplements – 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
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Looking for high-quality capsules, Performance Labs are a good pick. They have a range of things that could help you generate ones own workout goals, by gaining better eyesight so that you can giving you better emotional skill. Their dietary supplements really feel to have and then are life changing seeing that promoted, that has brought about a lot of fulfilled purchasers. Unlike some nutritional supplement providers, Performance Labs makes their own unique pills. That makes these folks stand above ones own opposition. The business furthermore makers in the state-of-the-art service, which means you can keep your nutritional supplements feel at ease and efficient. Furthermore, they present things to search for, that have an usual result age of A half hour or less if you send them an email. As needed, concerned persons will be able to just click here or stop by the formal web site so that you can have knowledge of Performance Labs reviews.
The manufacturer is actually a scale involving Opti-Nutra, what a UK-based business that makes all-natural "nutraceuticals.Inch The actual capsules are fashioned aided by the trademarked BioGenesis process, that copies nutrition genesis in the. The following reduces all the herbicides, inorganic sprays, water effect, and even devastating mining activities which can be in most cases used in manufacturing vitamin supplements. The business likewise has vegan-friendly supplements and is totally free of gluten, mit, fabricated additives, plus fake synthetic ingredients.
Performance Labs supplements will be developed as a result of advisors within the domain to result in high-quality gains. Age . which gives the human body all of the service it has so you're able to propel increasingly difficult throughout coaching along with reach out to fresh quantities of fitness. Transmit mail units are every designed to meet the targeted specifications a variety of customers. Just about every product contains a exceptional formulation not to mention elements you can sell organic ideal good results.
As an example, the actual BCAA nutritional vitamin supplements by Performance Labs happen to be created to maximise healthy proteins activity, lean muscle mass upkeep, plus your muscle tissue energy levels ingestion. This lets you establish lean body mass and keep an excellent, nicely toned appearance. Furthermore, they help you restore a lot quicker from routines and reduce muscles swelling. They have also been uncomplicated in your abdominal, so that you wouldn't go through bloating or even pain as part of your exercise routines. Men and women that wish to know Performance Labs brand, they'll visit here.
The pre-workout supplementation from Performance Labs, referred to as Pre, works with a schooling would include biology fast-burning normal energy sources to improve your stamina and supply a great operation maximize not having the nerves or perhaps accident linked to many other stimulant pre-workouts. A components total along with nutrients for example creatine, b-alanine, l-carnitine, magnesium, and alcar, that will transports contaminants out of your mitochondria. As well as, contained in the grapefruit an excellent dosage with acetyl l-carnitine to help you supercharge your mental characteristic in addition to complement storage area keep in mind.
An execellent substitute out of Performance Labs will be the Omega 3 supplement, made up of an effective combination of balanced fat and various organic chemical compounds. This assists to further improve the structure of the mobile membranes and then cuts down on low blood pressure together with associated with cholesterol.
This PL-Immune supplement out of Performance Labs should help your disease fighting capability force away bacterial infection and even oxidative emotional tension. Further, it is the nutritious colostrum, that is by natural means abundant with immune-boosting necessary protein along with immune-supporting nutrients. The entire Performance Labs supplements offer an easy-to-follow usage manual. Refer to the manual properly, and will also be on the way to having a workout goals. Make sure you avoid using beyond the actual suggested measure, mainly because completing this task can result in unintended effects.
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第6話 B - スーパー種コン (Super Seed System)
hello peeps~ in this post i will present to you my object concept for the Super Plant Interface Token, short Super PIT or S-PIT (pls dont read as “spit” thx 🙂). it will be described along 6 different questions:
the S-PIT is a device, shaped like a seed, that allows people to communicate with their living plant clothes. it is the successor of the PIT (Plant Interface Token) [which is shortly described in blog post 4] the S-PIT provides all the existing functionalities of the PIT, such as checking status, giving nutrients & reading Seɘꓷ-ling cards to grow clothes, but it is upgraded to work with memory cards that have a larger storage space to allow for more detailed & intricate clothing designs. it also supports an additional 15 plant species (a total of 30)  the Super PIT can sense different signals of the human body, such as heartbeat, muscle movements, or breathing. in this way the plant clothes can be influenced by & react to their wearer. the S-PIT allows users to equip their clothes with special abilities (such as lighting up, extending, faster running, etc.) by using special Seɘꓷ-ling cards. the vision behind the Super PIT is to give superpowers, to enhance human abilities
one issue with this technology is accessibility. the prices for the PIT devices, as well as the Seɘꓷ-ling cards, can get quite expensive. additionally, the clothes & the device require maintenance, provision of proper nutrition & care.
the S-PIT is intended for anyone who wants to spice up their ordinary clothes or is curious to explore new possibilities of technology & plant abilities. the people who mainly use this device are artists, tech & plant geeks, people interested in fashion & those who want to express themselves in unique ways. the Super PIT is produced by a company that researches the intelligence & properties of plants as well as how plants can be influenced to grow & work together with humans. generally, it seems that older people are more reserved regarding this technology, and specifically its safety. critics also note that the potential for abuse is very high. they suggest that the S-PIT could be used for purposes that were not anticipated by the developers & have fatal consequences. the functionality of enhancing human abilities could be used as weapons & for destruction.
Super PIT is used first & foremost for clothing it exists as a means of approaching fashion in a more sustainable way, with minimal waste being produced as the clothing is biodegradable & and grown individually as needed. further, there was a desire to go beyond simple clothing & find out what plant human collaboration is capable of.
Super PIT devices are produced in several different places across the (Western) world. the materials are sourced locally (as much as possible). both of these aspects are considered in an effort to keep transport distances short.
the Super PIT can be used all the time (or whenever you want to wear clothes). it is intended for play & creativity, but also for mindfulness, in order to get a better connection with one’s body. for example, it can be helpful during breathing exercises. while the S-PIT has a fairly long lifespan when used properly, brute force can damge & ultimately break the device. using unsafe Seɘꓷ-ling cards can cause the device to malfunction & make it unusable & even unrepairable.
like any other 'smart' technical device, the S-PIT too begs risk of being hacked or misused. for example, counterfeit & unauthorized Seɘꓷ-ling cards can contain suspicious data that can cause unexpected behavior & malfunction of the device. if the device does happen to break or stops working (properly), it can be brought to an official repair shop where trained personnel will look at the device, give advice & (try to) fix any issue there is a variety of different ways Super PIT can be used. some people have a more pragmatic view & use it simply for the sake of being clothed. others who are more fashion-oriented use Super PIT for its different options for customization & self-expression. it is also possible to take on a playful approach, exploring all the various possibilities of this new technology. the Super PIT could evolve by employing better sensor technology & in general improving the communication between human & clothes. further, there is a potential for improving human control (options & responsiveness) as well as researching the realization of additional superpowers that truly go beyond human abilities.
hope you enjoyed 😉
ー つづく ー
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alokastrology1 · 2 years
Rare Mars-Moon conjunction brings luck or not?
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Vedic astrology claims to bestow an individual with several blessings. It is full of strange planetary combinations that can affect your life in a variety of ways. The Chandra-Mangal yoga (Mars-Moon Conjunction) is one of those rare conjunctions that can offer you unprecedented success and fortune. When the Moon and Mars are in conjunction, yoga is born. It is sometimes referred to as Shashi Mangal yoga. In Astrology, the Moon is said to be a quick planet, therefore yoga is common and is depending on location and rulership in the horoscope.
Know more about Mars – Moon Conjunction. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Chandra Mangal Yoga
Many yogas in our horoscope appear to usher in life-changing stages. This is a potent mix of planetary energy that must not be overlooked. These frequently manifest themselves in certain areas of work and life. The presence of Chandra Mangal yoga in their horoscopes contributes significantly to their prosperity. We are not implying that their hard work or talents were unimportant, but rather that this had a significant impact on the amount of achievement they reached. They have been endowed with the extraordinary capacity to earn money via their labor. Yoga assisted them in performing labour unrivaled by others, and the results are not concealed from anybody.
How does this Yoga form?
Depending on the native’s overall horoscope, Chandra Mangal yoga can have a variety of good effects. This yoga develops when both Chandra or Moon and Mangal or Mars are present in the same house in the native’s horoscope. Astrology also thinks that when the Moon and Mars make an Aspect in the horoscope, yoga is established. Yoga bestows amazing benefits on the native.
We are all aware that there are twelve signs and twelve houses in horoscopes. This indicates that the odds of the Moon colliding with Mars are one in twelve. For example, if the Moon is reported to be present in the second house of the sign of Aries, the presence of Mars in the same sign is one in twelve, and the same is true in the second house. This implies that yoga should be present in every twelfth individual on the planet and that this person should be endowed with prosperity and riches. This is not what we see around us, thus there must be additional circumstances for yoga to form. Let us now take this topic a step further.
The Moon is said to stay in a sign or transit through a sign for a maximum of two and a quarter days, but Mars is thought to stay in a sign for a month and a half. As a result, it is apparent that yoga develops only when Mars and the Moon are located in conjunction in the same house of a sign, which will last for two and a quarter days. In other words, yoga will be active for two and a quarter days. As a result, for this yoga to operate successfully, other criteria must be met.
Aside from the existence of the two planets in the same house, all of the planets involved in the development of yoga must function in the native’s horoscope in a good way. This implies that both Mars and the Moon must be favorable in that horoscope. Mars and Moon can technically produce four horoscope combinations that will qualify for the formation of the Chandra Mangal yoga.
Only the one with a combination of a positive Mars and a positive Moon will provide the essential benefits. While the other three pairings, malefic Moon and helpful Mars, malefic Mars and beneficial Moon, and both malefic, will not provide the intended effects. All of these combinations will have an impact on the beneficial features of yoga. The power of the other planets in the horoscope determines whether Mars or the Moon will prevail in all three of the aforementioned combinations.
Another significant feature of yoga is that if both planets are favorably positioned in the same house in the horoscope, the next step is to determine their strength and activity level. 
The effect and location of other positive and negative planets must also be considered since they might have a significant impact on the overall outcome of yoga. The running times of the planets involved will also have an effect on the native.
As you can see, several elements contribute to yoga’s efficacy. Even minor changes to the variables might have a significant influence on the outcome. There are several variables to consider, and each must be fine-tuned to achieve the greatest outcomes.
Read Also:- What happens when Ketu is in the 1st house?
The Importance of Chandra Mangal Yoga
This moon conjunct mars yoga is a highly powerful combination of planets for the native to earn money. Chandra Mangal Yoga is produced when the Moon and Mars align with the individual’s birth chart. Mahabhagya yoga is another name for it. Aside from financial success, it also gives the locals a lot of respect and fame in society. The Moon is associated with riches, happiness, and mental strength, whilst Mars bestows the ability to work hard and achieve all of your life objectives.
However, when the Moon and Mars are seen in conjunction with fortunate planets, the individual frequently makes money through honest endeavors. In contrast, if they are discovered with unfavorable planets, the money is obtained by dishonest means.
People who practice this yoga may attain unprecedented success, but they will not have good relationships with their families. The individual frequently turns stern and heartless. It has been seen in many situations that their relationship with their mother is also severely impacted.
It has also been observed that the native gets irritable and belligerent. However, in the event, a man will be better equipped to get assistance from others and will achieve all tremendous accomplishments via his own efforts. There is a potential that the native will experience stress and other problems.
How different Ascendants affect the Chandra Mangal Yoga
When present in the 9/10/11th house of Cancer, Leo, Libra, Pisces, and other signs, Chandra Mangal yoga can have tremendous consequences. They will work hard and honestly to make money. Their competition would face a difficult challenge from them.
In the case of Libra, yoga in the benefic houses indicates a mixed bag of outcomes. In this case, one is a functional benefit while the other is malefic.
Yoga may be extremely damaging and cause significant discomfort in the horoscopes of Taurus, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Aquarius since both planets involved are malefic. However, if Jupiter is ascendant with yoga, we should anticipate roughly half of the impacts to be negated.
Read Also:- What is the significance of Adhik Mass in Hinduism?
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Why Accounting & Tax Services Is The Best In The Business
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A lot of the time, hiring an accountant just doesn’t seem worth it; what’s the point of paying somebody if you can just do the work yourself? However, this isn’t always true; there are plenty of times when hiring an accountant will pay off in terms of efficiency and financial expertise. Take MD Accounting & Tax Services, for example, who are experts at making sure you keep as much of your money as possible while still complying with local and state laws. Here are some reasons why they’re the best in the business.
What Makes Us Different
At Fulfillment Financial Services, we pride ourselves on being a one-stop shop for all your accounting and tax needs. We are a full-service accounting firm that offers a wide range of services to businesses and individuals. We are experts in our field and have a team of highly qualified accountants who are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients. We are also proud to be a family-owned and operated business. Our goal is to provide high-quality service at an affordable price. MD accounting & tax services can rest assured knowing that you’re getting advice from experts who have decades of experience in their industry. If you’re looking for an accountant or tax preparer then look no further than MD accounting & tax services!
Our Clients and Their Success Stories
When it comes to accounting and tax services, there is no one better than MD Accounting & Tax Services. We have a long track record of helping our clients save money and grow their businesses. As an example, we helped a local farm store increase its revenue by 20% with just some small tweaks to how they were running their business.
We want you to know that you can trust us with your accountant’s needs. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you!
Our Process
We take a personal approach with each of our clients. We believe that every business is unique and deserves personalized attention. We take time to understand your company’s goals and help you reach them through customized services.
We’re confident that when you hire us for your accounting needs, you’ll be so happy with how much money you save! You won’t need an accountant again because we do it all! We will sit down with you and discuss your business plan to see what steps need to be taken next. From there, our team will work hard together with you until you achieve success. Contact us today if this sounds like something that interests you!
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We offer a variety of discounts on our credit repair services in Baltimore, MD. For example, we offer a 10% discount for seniors, military personnel, and first-time customers. We also offer a referral program where you can earn $50 off your next service for each new customer you refer to us. How long does it take: The amount of time required to complete credit repair varies from person to person. On average, most people can complete their credit repair within four months.
Contact Us : 
Address - 7404 Executive Pl Suite 400 Lanham, MD 20706
Phone - (888) 622 -8282
Website - Fulfillment Financial Services LLC
Blog - Why Accounting & Tax Services Is The Best In The Business
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cargoshipping · 2 years
Truck Business Specialists: What Administrations Do They Offer?
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Truckshipping is the most predominant homegrown cargo arrangement. For transporters, this implies that opposition between transporters can bring about low shipping rates that assistance to moderate shipping cost, particularly when transporters employ a cargo business specialist. Specialists that work in facilitating cargo shipments by means of truck, truck financier specialists can supply the most ideal, most financially savvy shipping choices consistently.
Not at all like transporter organizations whose shipping choices depend on what their armadas can oblige, cargo offices look for the most ideal choices from one side of the country to the other, providing transporters with the most ideal choices on a shipment-by-shipment premise.
Resource Based 3PL Suppliers Business specialists, what capability as outsider strategies (3PL) suppliers, can likewise work their own armadas a course of action that recognizes them as "resource based" 3PL suppliers. However, no matter what the armada administrations they give, their objective continues as before: to supply the best shipping choices as far as cost, conveyance time, and cargo care. In giving these choices, most truck financier specialists supply the accompanying assistance choices, among others:
Incomplete Burden Transport Incomplete burden (PL) transport is intended for shipments that fill under a full semi trailer. A savvy option to load (TL) transport and bundle shipping, PL loads are frequently focused on same day conveyance, making them an ideal option to not as much as burden (LTL) transport. Assuming you transport locally or provincially, PL transport could lessen shipping cost and further develop conveyance time. Click over here Sea Shipping to Nigeria from uk
Not exactly Load Transport Like PL loads, LTL loads are planned shipments that fill under a full semi trailer. Notwithstanding, they are only sometimes focused on same day conveyance, permitting transporters the chance to deliver across the nation without paying restrictive bundle rates or paying for shipping space that they needn't bother with. The drawback of LTL transport is delayed conveyance time because of incessant stops along the shipping course. For more modest shipments that don't need following day or second day conveyance, LTL transport is a brilliant choice.
Load Transport TL loads are intended for shipments from a solitary transporter that fill a full semi trailer. Frequently going direct to the objective, TL transport is the most ideal significant distance truck choice, and may include esteem added administrations, for example, cross docking to further develop conveyance time when cargo move is important.
Esteem Added Administrations Esteem added administrations oblige unique shipping needs. In truck shipping, illustration of significant worth added administrations are: flatbed loads, strategies loads, tradeshow transport, high security transport, and refrigerated loads. A few specialists work with these administrations and that's only the tip of the iceberg, while others target explicit administrations. In the event that your shipments have extraordinary necessities, recognizing these requirements before you recruit a representative is basic to getting the right administrations.
End The administrations above assist transporters with conveying different size shipments inside various time spans, and can be coordinated with extra shipping choices (for example air, rail, or ocean) to work on cost and conveyance time.
Prior to choosing a specialist, a transporter ought to distinguish its current and possible shipping needs, including those that require esteem added administrations. It ought to likewise counsel a representative's business history, survey its references, guarantee that it conveys cargo protection, and guarantee that it holds a cargo financier permit.
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