#if you knew me in middle school no you didn't
222col · 2 days
good luck, babe
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★ tashi duncan x reader ★ inspired by 'good luck, babe' by chappell roan ★ 1.8k ★ 18+ | cw: angst, smut
"tashi, c'mon, let's go." you're pleading with her, pulling her from the man she's wrapped around. flirty eyes looking up the man before her, leaning up to kiss him. you sigh, you've seen this sight a hundred times. kissing boys in bars before going home with you. you're halfway out the bar by the time tashi comes running over to you. "sorry, he was so cute." she's hiccuping her way through her words, drunk making out with boys. she's sober almost every time she kisses you. linking her arm through yours as you make your way back to your shared dorm room. sitting her down, taking off her make up and getting her changed. "goodnight, angel." you sigh, placing a kiss to her forehead as you tuck her in. "give me a proper kiss." you do, of course. tasting the tequila shots on her tongue mixed with her cherry flavoured chapstick.
you're not sure when you fell in love with tashi, honestly it could have been the moment you saw her. walking into your dorm room to meet your roommate, seeing her unpacking her bags. her snaggletoothed smile greeting you, you think it must have been then. watching her hang up your posters for you, when you wanted them somewhere you couldn't reach. it could have been the first party you went to, dancing with her like you fully understood how your body moved for the first time, when it was dancing against hers. you know it was definitely the first time you kissed. hiding in the bathroom of your dorm room while your friends were over pregaming, not wanting to talk to anyone but each other. backs against the bathtub as your lips met. you think she initiated it, she thinks you did. neither of you really care. those big brown eyes pulled you in the second you really saw them. you let yourself be dragged into her world, happy to have a piece of her that was yours. she slept in your bed almost every night, caressing the skin of your stomach as she held your back against her chest. you knew she wasn't out, she barely admitted it to herself. she knew she liked you, but that was as far as she could go in accepting her sexuality. stealing kisses and touching her behind closed doors was fine for a while, you'd never rush her. but it was when she started pushing you away that things got hard. she'd kiss boys at every bar you went to, almost always in front of you. she was in denial, forcing herself to ignore how she was falling in love with you. she'd always lie, telling you it's just how she was. but it wasn't, she just couldn't admit that she was in deeper than she thought.
she climbed into your bed in the middle of the night, most likely when the alcohol started to wear off. "i'm sorry, i wish i could kiss you instead of them." she mumbles into your skin. why don't you? you'd wonder. you'd never want her to push herself out of the closet, but you couldn't help longing for more. even if she didn't kiss you, why kiss anyone else? you brush her off, telling her it's okay. you didn't want call it off, but she didn't want call it love, she couldn't. her hand sneaks around your waist, down underneath your underwear. "tashi," you mumble, squirming under her touch. "shush, let me look after you." she whispers into your ear, placing wet kisses on the skin of your neck. her long fingers rubbing circles on your clit, causing quiet moans from you. "just wanna kiss you in front of everyone, wanna show them you're mine." you're so grateful you're facing away from her as she speaks, silent tears dropping down your cheeks as her digits keep circling you. she makes you cum quickly, she knows exactly what you like, how you like to be touched by her. tashi leans over to place a gentle kiss to your cheek as she slides her hand out of your panties. keeping you flush against her chest as you fall asleep in each other's arms.
you carry on like this with tashi for the rest of the school year, rejecting girls who are into you, waiting for the day she'll stop kissing boys in bars. it's only as you're both packing up your dorm room that everything hits you. seeing your things blended in with hers, your shared clothes, pictures of the two of you darted around the room. you're waiting for a woman that'll never be yours. watching her slump down to the floor, her back against her bed after all your things were packed away in individual cars. "i need to talk to you." she sighs, looking up to you stood above her. you sit down on the floor, facing tashi, your heart in your throat. "i- uh, i have a boyfriend." tashi bites her lip, bringing her knees up to her chest as you feel your heart start to shatter. "what?" you ask, fiddling with the socks on your feet. "but i don't wanna stop this, us," she continues, her eyes glassy as she looks to you. "i love you, i don't wanna call us off." you scoff at her words, shaking your head down at the floor. "you're unbelievable." you mumble, picking at your nails, avoiding her gaze. "i have been so patient, all year, praying for the day you'll tell me you love me." you breathe out, finally meeting her eyes. "and when it comes, it's you asking me to stay hidden away while you parade around with a boy?" your words are sharp, harsh. tashi's brows are furrowing, holding back her sadness. "no, tashi. i won't do it." you mutter, a single tear dropping down your cheek. "it's not fair, what you're asking me to do."
she simply nods her head, wrapping her arms around her knees. "i know-" you cut off her words. "then why would you ask me to do that?" you choke out your words, looking around the empty dorm room, that holds all the memories of your relationship with tashi. blue tac marks left behind on the walls were pictures of you both lived, coffee mug stains on your nightstand, that tashi would bring you every morning. the slight indents on the wall behind the bed frames, the kiss mark left on the mirror. "because i don't want to let you go." tashi bites back a sob, tears slipping out from her eyes as she rests her chin on the top of her knees. "i'm sorry tashi, but i can't do that. you deserve more than lying to yourself that you want the life you're making. i won't do that to myself, i deserve more than some sexually explicit kind of love affair." those were the last words you said in that dorm room, looking at her one last time, looking so small as tears fell from her eyes. breathing in sharply before closing the door on the dorm, on the memories, on her.
you'd heard through the grapevine that she got married, a year or two after college. you imagine to the guy she told you about, but you wouldn't know. you moved on with your life, found people who accepted you, accepted who you were, and loved you for it. you moved on from tashi duncan. until you saw her friend request come through, all these years later. you stare at it, the accept or decline, for days. stare at her new name, stalk through what you can see of her profile, mainly pictures of her and her husband. you're slightly tipsy when you accept the request, sat at a bar alone, glass of wine in hand.
tashi donaldson: hey, i know we haven't seen each other in a long time but do you wanna go for a drink soon?
all these years later and the memories still flood your brain. watching her tennis matches, watching her fall asleep in your arms, holding her hand under tables. you agree to meet up next week, she's in your city for one of her husband's tournaments. walking into the bar, tashi already sat waiting for you. she looks good, her hair is shorter. she's fiddling with the rings on her finger as her hands wrap around her drink. walking over, her eyes lighting up as you take off your jacket and sit down in front of her. "hey, i got you a vodka soda." she smiles, it used to be your favourite. "i don't drink them anymore." she chews the inside of her cheek as she flags down the waiter to order you another drink. "it's been a long time, tashi, why am i here?" you ask her, thanking the waiter as your new drink arrives. "i've been thinking about you a lot lately, i just wanted to see you." she admits, your eyes floating between her face and the rock on her finger. you sigh, bringing your glass up to your lips. "i loved you, you know?" you shake your head at her words. "tashi, this isn't fair. you're married, a wife."
"i'm nothing more than his wife. i can't stand it." tashi breathes heavily. you can see the emotional behind her eyes, see everything she's been holding back all this time. "that's what you wanted." you hiss, not letting yourself fall for her games. "you could never even kiss me outside of our dorm room, tashi. you wanted me to be your secret play thing while you played house with your now husband." she winces at your words, she knows it's true. her eyes fixate on the table, glancing at the ring on her finger. "i hate to say it, but, i told you so. i told you this wasn't the life you wanted, it's not who you are, tashi, i understand that." you're whispering the last words, leaning towards her. her eyes lift up, looking into yours. "but you can't just expect me to come running back to you." tashi's eyes flutter closed, breathing in deeply, you can feel her leg bouncing up and down. "i know, it's just-" her brows furrow as she empties her lungs, looking to you. "you're the only woman i've ever loved. the only person i've ever truly loved." you've never seen tashi so vulnerable, never heard her admit her feelings outside the four walls of your old dorm room. "you've spent your whole life trying to ignore how you feel tashi, you'd have to stop the world to stop the feeling." you can see a sob get stuck in her throat as she chokes it down, bringing up her drink to her lips, letting the alcohol burn down. "good luck, tashi. i mean it, good luck, babe."
you half smile at her as you stand, putting your jacket back on. her eyes are pleading with you, asking you to stay, but she can't find the words. taking one last look as you leave the bar, looking through the foggy windows. her head in her hands, the ring on her finger glistening in the low light. biting back a sob as your eyes linger on her, before walking away. hoping that one day, she'll learn to accept herself. good luck, babe.
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euryvices · 2 days
weird things about my town that lowkey remind me of tma
god, this is going to be a long post.
okay so. i grew up in a town in the middle east (about 200 people), with my bestfriend Whom I Will Not Shut The Fuck Up about apparently, and it was a strikingly different experience to most people who've grown up in the middle east, or in america. it was yk, a rich people town, populated and run mostly by generational wealth owners. as a result, our town was very hush-hush, despite it being in the Crackass Of Nowhere.
i started listening to tmagp about two months back, under the instructions (*cough cough coercion cough cough*) of my lovely moots (im looking at you @forflightlessbirds and @need-a-name-101) i've noticed a few things which may be...off.
the first thing i need to clarify are the rules. we had five of them, that nobody really stuck to, but we all knew of. the rules in and of themselves are normal things any parent tells their child, but weirdly specific. there weren't really any repercussions if we didn't stick to the rules - but most of the time, we didn't like breaking them. they were, as follows :
don't tell strangers your real name, and if you do, run and tell the head of the community center.
if people approach you about 'coming to god' (i.e, christian/muslim/jewish missionaries) tell them god has moved.
do Not enter the junkyard at night. (we broke this one)
always carry a knife. most of us were given jade knives, but my bestfriend got a gold one. ive teased him about it most of our lives, even after we shifted.
take a buddy with you everywhere, and if you can't find one, don't go out.
me and my brother have broken all these rules about once at least, except for the knife one and the junkyard. me and my bestfriend broke the junkyard one though. we shifted together when we were barely teens. first, we lived in the uk, then in the states. we headed back home and barely spoke for a year before he died, at the ripe old age of 17. i miss him, but thats not the point.
it was only after we moved, that we realized how truly Fucked Up our town was. we were living in the middle of war ravaged county, and we had swimming pools, and ipads, and sunset cocktails? obviously i didn't realise it as a kid, as a pre-teen even - but looking at it from the outside feels like a gut punch.
now here's where im going to yap about the similarities between tma and my shitstorm of a childhood and hopefully Will Not Piss Anyone Off. if you're from my town - you'll know exactly what im talking about, and i seriously hope you reach out and/or message me.
the things everyone knows the things. they're just. there. kinda like the bogeyman your mom scares you with when you don't eat lunch except most of us have just accepted that they're real
old man hanna if you've lived here, you know him. he's weird, he's kooky, and he's got a million books and tape recorders and vinyls. he's maybe the only person in that place that doesn't come from money. he hates electronics, says they can't capture things the way old school stuff does
the graves now, our town is mainly christian. uber arab christian. we've got graves, we've got cemeteries. but outside it, on the outskirts, lie a long line of unmarked graves. are they from the arab-israeli war? the gulf war? lord knows
the 2015 blackout this was the creepiest thing that happened here. the blackout, and then the radio stations playing that reading of the bible? my parents shut everything off and rushed me and bulos to the master bedroom
the skydiving institute i have no idea if the government approved this godforsaken place, but it was there. it led to the disappearance of nahren, who was deathly afraid of heights but she said she was ready to face her fears
the church when i shifted to the uk, i saw the proceedings of the greek orthodox church there. and let me tell you - it's so different to our church. for starters, our church doesn't even seem to have any affiliation to the goc, even though it should?? the entire thing is so different
the pond now this is rather controversial. our town's pond was created in the early 70's, but no one knows How or Why. realistically, there shouldn't have been any water supply that far inland. and the water should not be that salty. we don't acknowledge it, and no one drinks from it, even if its really hot. there's a sign outside that asks parents to hold their children tightly when passing by the pond
the soldiers they're mainly american (at least the one i met was), but they rarely enter our town. and when they do, they can only stay in one specific motel - we're not allowed to talk to them. once i did, though. im still...fucked up from it
there's a lot more, but i don't think y'all wanna know about my fucked up town anymore. just writing this is giving me the heebie-jeebies.
we usually aren't allowed to leave our town once we're in it. but my dad got special permission for us to leave, before the divorce. so we did. and then my parents got divorced. which made our family Not Happy, so we weren't exactly welcomed back.
that being said, i don't think there's anything really wrong with my town. it's just a bit...different. and i love it. even if it doesn't seem to love me right now.
god, i think i need to go lay down. i hate remembering all this.
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wh1spyz · 2 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ LET ME LOVE YOU
P1HARMONY hyung line when they accidentally confess to you
a/n : sorry if these lowkey suck.. i ran out of ideas...
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KEEHO and you loved shopping together. it was a routine for both of you since you were absolute shopaholics, so might as well share the experience together, no?
you were both strolling around the mall, several bags in his grasp despite your insistence that you could carry a few bags (he wouldn't listen, of course, since he was just as stubborn as you). your eyes lock on a certain jewelry shop, a glimmer in your eyes as your eyes lock on a pair of gorgeous earrings and keeho notices your intense stare.
though, you quickly saw the price tag of a few items on display, and your eyes widened in shock, and you groaned.
"god! why are all the pretty things expensive these days..." you mumble, continuing to walk until keeho grabbed your hand and interlocked it with his.
"you want the earrings right?" he says, looking at you with a smile that brightened up your day even more than his amazing offer. but regardless, you nodded eagerly.
you both walked into the store, your eyes wandering to the other things, but you knew it was out of your budget, and you were grateful with what keeho was buying you anyways. once you reached the cash register with the earrings, the cashier inspected the both of you.
"are you two a couple?" she says, and you shake your head no.
"nope!" you say, a bit too quick for keeho's liking (but that was only because you were getting embarrassed).
"maybe we should be, princess..." keeho mumbles, continuing to grab his card from his pocket and pay for the pair of earrings, not realizing his comment until he looks up from his wallet and sees your widened eyes and flushed face.
"ah, said that outloud didn't i?"
THEO had a habit of going to this small, corner cafe near his apartment whether it was just to get a small cup of coffee, a pastry, or just to intake the smell of the cafe, he would go almost everyday. you were always there as well, leading the two of you to become friends.
you eventually arrived a bit later than you usually do, and you bumped into theo in the middle of the street.
"ah, y/n! youre a bit late today, no?" he says, with a soft smile and a laugh.
"oh shut up, i just came back from a date, thats all." you said, rolling your eyes.
after you said that, theo's face seemed.. sad? upset even, and you were just confused. was it because he had a bad day? did you say something? was it the date that made him upset?
"hey, whats up? you look upset.." you say, placing a hand on his shoulder.
theo sighs, looking a bit annoyed.
"its nothing, just cant believe that someone got to take you out on a date before me.."
JIUNG was the one of the smartest kids in your school, but he was a prime target for bullies. he was constantly getting picked on and bullied by others in his class, but he was unable to defend himself.
that was the case, until you came along.
you were a new transfer, and immediately picked up on how badly he was being treated, and defended him constantly.
whether it would be someone trying to throw paper balls at him, or trying to hurt or ridicule him in the halls, you were always there. this lead to you both becoming best friends, telling eachother everything.
well, almost everything.
and with your help, he eventually ended up making a few friends.
you and jiung were having a short study session for your upcoming exam, but it quickly just became a truth or dare session for the two of you.
"ok jiung, truth or dare?"
he thinks for a moment before answering.
"dare? i guess..."
your eyes widened and you smile, and jiung knows he just made a mistake.
"call your crush, right now. and confess."
his eyes widened, and his face flushed a bright red. he had told you he was friends with his crush, so he couldn't get out of this situation.
he sighed, scrolling through a few of his contacts, debating on which one to call to decieve you into thinking it was someone else, before accidentally clicking on your contact, thinking it was someone else (due to how similar the contact names were) and called you.
your phone rang, and you both looked at eachother with wide eyes.
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how long did dimi and el know each other for as kids, like a month or two? and then he wants to claim that he knows her better and claim some kind of ownership over that friendship? that's like me saying my friend from summer camp taught me how to make boondoggle and then I never saw her again when camp ended, how dARE SHE NOT MAKE ME HER BEST MAN AT HER WEDDING
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introspectivememories · 7 months
best ending: they talk it out after lewis wins his 8th wdc and we end up with brocedes in each other's lives again. lewis shows up on nico's yt channel. nico is on lewis' insta. vivian dogwalks both of them for letting the divorce last that long. i join the convent because this is clearly a miracle from god and reblog gifsets of brocedes interacting from the chapel. rinse, repeat.
ending we're most likely gonna get: whatever the hell we have now. nico talks about lewis. lewis will say karting is the best time of his career. for two seconds out of the year, lewis will say nico's name. i will sob, rinse, repeat.
worst ending: they shut the fuck up about each other forever. they process the divorce and move on with their lives without each other. i will go on tumblr and reblog angsty web weaves about their relationship and what could've been. i take psychic damage. rinse. repeat.
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redysetdare · 1 month
Y'know me never believing love at first sight makes a lot more sense once I realized I was AroAce.
I was the annoying kid who would always go "Um actually it's infatuation not love." when "love" songs came on that was about one night stands or men finding women attractive on first meeting and saying that they were in love or whatever.
I am so AroAce that even younger me knew this Love nonsense was bullshit.
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enobariasdistrict2 · 9 months
thinking about the scene in book!tbosas where teslee (district three female) was being attacked by the horrifying snakes and she nonverbally pleaded with mizzen (district four male) for help. and he only shook his head, not moving to help her - but the book specifically stated that this was more out of stunned fear/horror than any kind of menace or glee at teslee's imminent death.
and he wasn't even from her district too. they were not in an alliance. she literally had no reason to expect any assistance from him, but district divisions & sectionalism didn't matter when she was scared and in pain. none of these divisions of districts one, two, three, four, five through twelve matter!!! not when children are suffering and dying as penance for a just war that ended several years ago! it's as if the narrative is trying to tell you there is no difference between a suffering/dying child from one district or another.
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chrisbangs · 9 months
hello... (and bye ig 👋)
#👋😭 hi...#i haven't come on in about a month and i didn't realize a month passed by like that... i've kinda stopped using any apps on my phone#i barely even talk to my friends anymore lol 😭#i just saw my follower count this morning and realized i hit 13k and i was like 🥸 huh...#uhhhhhhh 😭 idk i wanted to say thank you i guess 🫂#i'm done with stayblr and tumblr in general 😭 this much has been obvious for a while now... i tried to fit myself back in during 5star but#i think i realized i've outgrown the vibes here and in online spaces in general... i don't really enjoy it anymore 😭 which is weird cause#i've used tumblr since i was in middle school so 🫡 end of an era some would say...#i think it sucks because i don't have the same feelings about this place or skz or anything in my life right now... i tried to ignore it bu#it's so obvious now that the entirety of december passed without me really talking to a single person / without me using social media /#without me really doing much except for like homework and assignments lmao#i think genuinely i've stopped enjoying everything i used to like and i don't know why 😭 it hit me the other day bc i don't even enjoy#pc collecting anymore which is CRAZY considering how much time and money i've put into that hobby so 👋🥸 who knows what goes on#i haven't consumed any skz content since rockstar dropped 😭 and that also feels weird to me... idk... i would say maybe i'm going through a#depressive episode but i don't really feel how i do then... i think i'm just tired like i always am and that's just how i am now .. i think#i'm just not really interested in things anymore? weird but .. yeah idk😭 if i knew what was wrong i would Fix It sndjdndkd mostly i'm just#sad because i haven't been talking to friends... i keep ignoring everyone and not replying to any texts from anyone because ????#i tell myself i will do it later but i know i won't ... idk i genuinely don't know why i'm struggling to talk to ppl anymore 😭 i've become#even more of a reclusive hermit than i already was 💀 and the worst part is i feel normal abt it#i don't feel /bad/ i just feel guilty that i'm not replying to ppl bc i don't want to hurt ppls feelings... on my end i feel Normal abt it#like i ??? is it weird that i'm so detached from everything that not even a month ago made me so happy..? that's weird right 😭 like idgi#i don't feel (as) depressed (as i usually do) but clearly ?? smth is wrong ?? like ik i'm not a clingy sentimental person but ? it kinda#makes me sad wondering if i really don't care abt ppl anymore ... but i think 😭 it's also the object permanence issues that come with adhd#not seeing or talking to the ppl i love . not doing my hobbies or seeing the groups i care abt . makes it easy to not care or forget what#they make me feel etc etc ... i get it... but idk 😭 if that's what this is . well wow it sucks ASS.. cause i feel guilty for not feeling#anything at all ... 😭 idk how to explain that HENSKDNISJS anywayyyy 💀#i came on cause i wanted to say thank you for 13k followers 😭‼️ and that i probably will not be online anymore unless i really want to say#this was a really long winded way to say i feel bad but i'm done with stayblr fr 👋🥸 i tried so hard for the last 2 years to make it feel#like home again but it stopped ages ago so 🥹 that's ok.. i still cherish my memories here 🫂 anyway thanku and sjsjsksksks bye i guess 😭#who knows maybe i'll enjoy it one day again and come back :') never know what the future holds 🫡
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maddy-ferguson · 5 months
fun fact about me: i'm insecure about so many random things that i've never flipped anyone off in my 22 years of life because i think my middle finger looks awkward and ugly by itself
#and like i say: brf slt#i felt like this especially when i would have been likely to do it semi-regularly like in middle school. but like i was thinking about this#the other day and i did it in front of a mirror just to check and it looked as bad as i remember like it's just not for me#i have a story abour middle fingers though or just about what one would call the finger#when i was in what an american would call the 5th grade (i can never do when i was x years old because it's not an accurate representation#of the class i was in since i skipped a grade and the grade is what matters more to me. when i was 9 and my friends were 10 i was saying)#we would always play this game called girls catch guys or guys catch girls where the girls would run after the guys and like tap them on#the shoulder and then they would go to prison and they would line up and another guy could set them free by like touching one of the#prisoners it was a very fun game except it's way more fun to be like the ones getting caught than to be the ones catching and we would#ALWAYS play girls catching guys and it was very unfair we would be like okay in the morning we do guys catching girls in the afternoon#girls catching guys so it's fair like normal system but the guys NEVER wanted to do it (and we would always give in because like we still#wanted to play ig and idk guys. female socialization) they never wanted to be the ones doing the catching it was so unfair because we also#didn't like it as much and we did it all the time?#and i remember this one morning we were fighting about this we had literally all agreed that it was fair this way but they didn't want to#do it and my second best male friend flipped me and my best (female) friend off and (very#important detail) he did it with both of his hands so like two middle fingers and i don't know why because i'm not even sure that that's a#thing but one middle finger meant fuck you and two middle fingers meant go fuck yourself and to us that was very different? and i remember#my friend and i we like knew what it meant but for some reason we were like. he did do the one finger before doing the two does this mean#he...loves us because it literally means he wants to have sex with us#but what's funny is we never talked to him again after that and i don't even know why that was our last straw because i remember i#genuinely liked him before that like i said he was my second best male friend! so like maybe sixth best friend overall that's not bad#and he's not the only guy friend who flipped us off that year like it was so random to stop talking to him after that😭#like he was an actual enemy we really did not like him we talked about him in letters we'd give each other using a nickname etc#and what's even funnier is in our last year of middle schoold FOUR YEARS AFTER THIS a friend of a friend told him he should become friends#with well my friend and he was like hm i don't think so have you seen who she hangs out with? marianne *last name* like why do YOU hate#me😭 it was so funny like wdym it was mutual this whole time. i had literally moved on by then i didn't even care about hating him#anymore like wow...i think he's the only person i hated who actually hated me back
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As the first math anon (the one with the failed exam), I really do appreciate you writing out a response for me. I will sincerely take your advice and tips to heart.
I hope it helps, anon!! If there's any specific parts giving you trouble (except geometry bestie sorry) I'm happy to try and help break it down!
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charlesleclerctv · 6 months
what's ur fave one direction album.. cant believe we've never discussed this before
FOUR !!!! not a single skip 🫡 something about 2014 albums hits like crack
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wrinkledparchment · 1 year
if we meet again, somewhere far away
My dearest, I will not rush to join you in heaven, to stand by your side again.
I will not run to the arms of relief, the sweet embrace of death, to escape this pain.
I will not end my time prematurely, I will not do as you did.
I will take my time, picking flowers in the field, buying every souvenir, eating something new, meeting the people you did not.
I will take my time, in visiting the places that you wanted to go with me, smiling in the sunshine, getting wet in the rain.
I will gather these experiences, photographs, trinkets, flavours, scents, and I will present them to you, when it is all over.
I will empty my pockets before you, and show you what you willingly gave up. I will show you the laughter, the joy, the love, the light, and the sadness, the grief, and the bittersweet.
I will present it all to you, and I will tell you, smiling, "Do you see what you missed?"
And I will sob before you too, and I will ask what I've been wondering all this time, "Why didn't you want to Come with me?"
And I will have to settle for the answer I didn't want, "I didn't know there was such beauty, until you showed it to me."
And I will grab your hands, and I will look you in the eyes. "I could've shown you, if you'd asked." And we will both cry and apologize, finally understanding each other, because we will both know that I was lying.
#tw: suicide and death#someone i knew passed away a long time ago#and no it isn't the anniversary of their passing#it isn't close to their birthday or a special day at all#i miss them every day and not just on holidays and I wish there was an afterlife so I could meet them again and I could tell them#“do you see what you left me with? do you see what you made me do without you?”#and I want to show them the mountains and my university dorm#i want to show them my cats and introduce them to my boyfriend and I want to take them to a field of wildflowers#and I want them to feel the sunshine on their cheeks and that indescribable joy that fills in your stomach#i want them to tell me that they understand why I love living and I want them to love it too#I want them back. I want them to know the sound of rain and the view of sunsets on the ocean and the screams on rollercoasters#and the pain of breakups and the heartbreak and joy of moving away from your parents and I want them to know#I want them to know the first day of high school. I want them to know graduating from middle school. I want them to know and have known#and I am angry that they will never get a second chance because the world is cruel but beautiful#and yet i understand that what would we be if we were given a second chance at life? would we be more loving?#would we be more hateful?#there is only one chance at life. and all I want is that I could go back and I could remind them#this is your one chance. and it gets better#i promise#because i didn't understand the beauty of life until I was without you#i wish i could have shown it to you. and I will spend forever regretting that I couldn't#vent poetry#vent writing#vent poem#poetry#poem#depressing poem#tag: in case you're wondering where i went
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grilledkatniss · 9 months
Kim Kardashian is not, never was, and never will be a victim.
#ppl bitching about her still being salty over the phone call an Kim's role in everything that came because of it#like you wouldn't be still seething too#why does Taylor have to be the better person tho? put the other cheek and such#no fucking way#she's making sure no one forgets how kim is not a girls girl#we no longer forgive people who aren't sorry and don't apologize#hey i might actually forgive all those middle school girls who would say i was anorexic & are the reason i still cant wear shorts in public#cause they were kids back then#we were kids#I'll probably never be able to let it go cause it's just taken so much from me#BUT KIM KARDASHIAN WAS A FULL GROWN FUCKING ADULT AND A WIFE AND A MOTHER#and you couldn't possibly say she didn't know better#taylor swift#awkwardifying life#honestly they might not be really on bad terms anymore but i feel like kim would definitely act like she's above apologizing and skip it#no bitch you caused real substantial harm and now look. she's got the power to take everything from you#the people you stepped on on your way up? they still can't get rid of the stains#kim kardashian#but honestly it hurts more than what Kanye did because he had a very evident condition even at that point#kim knew better than to stoop to that level#and then kims name dropping her like nothing even happened#now you're switching up your behavior kim#i know there's a parallel to katy perry here but katy was in fact the bigger person in the end#idk i get riled up about it still#yes swifties have issues letting go#and yes we're reasonably vindictive#Taylor's current success? you know for a fact there's a big portion of us just consuming her stuff mostly so scooter cries himself to sleep
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moe-broey · 2 years
Thank you transwomen (in general but also) for the term "boymode" bc using that terminology for myself as a transguy (so, "girlmode") has been the only way I've been able to aptly and succinctly describe whatever the hell was going on *vaguely gestering to my adolescence from ages 15 to 19* there.
#hope i'm not overstepping or saying some dumb shit LMFAO#but like. speaking v generally. esp in the beginning of unpacking 'oh fuck i. i don't think i'm a girl.'#i found i related a lot more to transfemme experiences of living one way for so long all your life playing A Role#and in some cases leaning heavily into masculinity to 'prove' you couldn't possibly be a woman#than like. so many transmasc experiences i'd see online of like 'oh i always knew.'#and the staples of the experience being like. tomboyish. baggy hoodies. ect.#and like i'm not saying any of that in a derogatory or dismissive way. it's just so much of what i saw as a teen#'researching' being trans so i can be a better 'ally' to my friends and classmates LMFAOO#also this is why the narrative of transmen being 'lost girls' and 'just tomboys' is SOOOO stupid it's funny to me like.#there was a very short stint in middle school where i was more 'tomboyish' in appearance#very quickly it was corrected out of me by the influence of loved ones and myself. that wasn't Really Me#let me tell you. the combination of people pleaser/autistic masking is INSANE esppp when you're in an Evil Setting for it LMFAO#<- evil setting being my specific brand of christianity i was brought up w#but case and point i don't think i was ever actually a tomboy. i was HIGHLY feminine actually.#and i found a lot of delights in feminity too! esppp a love of fashion and cute aesthetics#so like. describing my experience w gender/presentation has always been really difficult language-wise#saying 'when i was a girl' doesn't feel right cause i never was one. just played A Role. i didn't always know though.#i didn't even realize i WAS playing a role. also there were things i genuinely loved and enjoyed associated w feminity.#and saying 'post transition' is weird to me too bc. i'm not? there yet? i'm not done yet.#and any which way of trying to describe 'when i came out' is clunky bc i was always outed/forced out#like. multiple times. even before i had the time to explore it/make sense of it myself.#def rambling but. girlmode and autistic masking are synonyms to me now. it captures everything.#i swear to god the parallels between autism/being trans drive me INSANE to me they are always informing one another.#like i feel like i could write an entire fucking essay about it. if i was an academic i would fucking KILL it
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boys-and-such · 1 year
sometimes i mayhaps would like a boyfriend
#so here is my life rn im going to explain using letters representing people instead of their names bc there are two people w the same name#a and b are dating and c and d are dating then band d cheat on their respective partners w each other and a and c want to date and they#find out abt the cheating so they all start dating - b c and d are in a play that i am in along with e and f#e and f are also dating - f is one of the only other trans people in the cast so we talked a lot and he said he thought he only liked girls#and was thinking about breaking up with e because he is also a trans guy#one day we were going home from rehearsal and f left then e and i were watching b c and d say bye to each other all loveydovey#and e said he wanted that and i said yeah me too and he mumbled something i couldn't hear and i was like 'yeah' bc i couldn't tell and he#said 'join me!' and held out his hand and i took it and boom we were holding hands (his skin was very soft in case you're wondering) and we#shared phone numbers and said that's like how he started dating f and i was like oh interesting and we left and i realised he was asking me#to date him and i was like okay free bf! two free bf! then he texted me and said f didn't want me in their relationship and oh. no free bfs#and then flash forward i was in the friend group with a b c and d and i made friends with a super controlling guy who didn't want me to be#friends w the friend group and only him and was all 'if you're friends w them that means you don't like me' and we were friends w benefits#so i ditched that friend group for him and he was mean to them and wanted me to be like that too so i was kinda rude to them#flash forward again i finally left the toxic guy wow i have no friends now i was in 1st yr high school but e was in last year middle school#i didnt talk to him much bc i was focused on school stuff and now this year e is in first year of hs and im in the second year and he's#hanging out w the old friend group and I noticed him even before i knew who he was and i was like oh that person seems really cool hm#wonder who he is hes friends with old friend group how interesting OH that is e he looks different but he looks cute and now i kinda want#to text him bc he's in one of my lunches and he was in student council on friday and we looked at each other and i waved hi but he didn't#wave back and now im worried hes heard that im mean bc the old friend group but i still like him bc we were really good friends but also#ive been thinking about what might have happened if we did start dating and i really want to text him but i only have him on snapchat bc id#what happened to his phone number but i don't have it anymore#i really want to talk to him but snapchat gives me anxiety and idk what he thinks of me now#but i really want to talk to him!!!!!#help#what#should#i#do#does looking at him count as flirting#zen is gay :]
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liinos · 1 year
saw a reel of some kids at an orchestra camp that looked suspiciously like the one i was forced to go to one year... worst experience of my life!!!
#when i tell you i think there are things stemming from that experience! my parents were actually so wrong for making me go...#my mom CRIED bc i kept insisting that i didn't want to do it bc i a) was never That into music especially not CHAMBER music#b) knew that i would not know anyone and would be stuck in the middle of nowhere with people who were already friends from previous years#c) was only even given an audition bc my teacher knew the staff and their other oboist wasn't able to go that year and they needed one#d) WAS THIRTEEN AND WANTED TO SPEND THE SUMMER WITH MY FRIENDS#i do actually think it caused me real psychic damage attending that like the fact that Everyone was already friends with everyone else...#i came with no friends and i left with no friends! and when i tried to talk to the other girls in my cabin i could tell they were like...#why are you trying to be in our friend group. there was a girl who was nice to me but i was not her friend very clearly#also i was soooo out of my depth there it was Rough for me fr and like i Knew i was out of my depth i had no illusions about that#i knew i would be which is why i was like yeah this is Not for me#i still cannot get over my mom crying about this like this wasn't some great life changing opportunity...#my parents really have and always have had these Ideals they place on me bc They think xyz would be nice#or they wish they could have done it like ??? okay why does that have anything to do with me#my dad keeps being like well *I* want you to go to grad school in mtl bc i like mtl and i want to visit 😁#like haha you're not funny actually 😁 first of all not a single damn thing is stopping you from going you can drive there whenever you want#secondly one of us does NOT want to be in mtl again 😁 and that one of us actually lived there before#also the way my parents constantly visiting me pissed me off to no fucking end... I'M NOT THE PROBLEM CHILD#worried that i just stay in my room like ???? okay??? but if i went out you'd flip bc what if it's unsafe. i LIKE staying home#and i HATED mtl so no way in hell was i going to go do shit especially not at night in the WINTER are you insane#like yeah i was super depressed. that was unrelated to me staying in my room like my room was my Space#anyway all this to say i'm setting the fuck boundary this time around like i actually dgaf i'm an adult and again#not your problem child so if you could stop projecting that onto me just bc HE fucked up when he was in school....#parents will be like why can't you be independent and then literally not let you be i 🫶🏻 it#i do also hold it against the boy child and my dad for this 'you can only go to schools within a 6 hour drive'#which is only a rule my sisters and i had and maybe if the boy child wasn't a fuck up i couldve not had it but you know#he ruined any chance of that but my dad when i was applying for college was like oh it can be anywhere :) and then was like lol no#and then was like well for grad school you can go anywhere and then when it was brought up last time went lol no :)#so i'm going to have to bring lol yes :) energy cuz...
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