#if you want a nicer response see the other anon
mxtantrights · 3 months
WAIT WAIT WAIT what about Jason being head over heels for the person who runs his favourite food truck… he will take every opportunity to stop by and order rather it be as a civilian or in mask 🤔
A/n: thank you for sending this in. You know what's so funny anon. Jason really wouldn't care about keeping his identity a secret to you. he would try to keep it a secret but if you happened to find out, he wouldn't mind. especially if it meant he could ask you out. so with that in mind... enjoy!! <3333
Jason probably had many bad ideas but this one, this one right here takes the cake for the worst idea he has and ever will have. But he can't really think of anything else. He can't, when he can feel the blood coming out of his wounds and his Hemet on the fritz.
He sees your truck in the distance. He must have cut this way out of habit. This is the usual way of getting to the food truck you own. He knew no one was following him here, and that's the only reason he has this idea.
You'd have napkins. And some cleaning supplies. He could make do with such things. Until he got back home and took care of it himself. Yeah, until then.
He also hadn't seen you in two weeks. Nevermind missing the food, he wanted to see your face again. He was away on a mission in Star City.
Jason hobbles over to the back of your truck. The front is closed up already. You're about to leave. He knocks on the back door and waits for a response.
And respond you do.
You open the door he isn't currently leaning on. When you poke your head out of the door and see him you a do a double take. But you don't gasp. You don't scream. You're not scared.
"You wouldn't happen to be busy right now would ya?" he asks you.
You look around outside. He see's your head go left and then right. Your eyes scanning for something or someone. Then you're helping him inside the truck. You help him from underneath his shoulder.
The door closes behind him as you sit him on the plastic stool. He sits with a grunt. And you can see the blood drips that lead from outside.
"How can I help you? I mean, I don't really have anything but a first aid kit." you answer.
He nods his head, "That'll work for now."
You reach up, right tin front of him, for the shelf above his head. Jason's eyes go wide on the other side of his helmet. He's probably blushing too. But he doesn't say anything.
You bring the kit down and open it up. Bandaids, alcohol pads, An epi-pen, narcan nasal spray, gloves.
"The pads and the bandaids. I'll take those."
You take them out and hand them to him. He takes apart the bandaids first, those are easiest. But he passes the pads back to you. You put the kit down and take the pads. You rip them open.
"How do I, I mean where are you hurt?" you ask.
He juts his chin to the blood seeping into his tactical pants. You lean over and look at the cut. It's not bad or deep. But it's there and bleeding.
You take out the pad, "It's gonna hurt."
"Yeah probably less than how I got it." he replies.
You take a breath and wipe the wound a bit. He winces at the contact. But you power through because he doesn't tell you to stop.
"You know it's probably not what you're expecting, but you're nicer than I thought." he says.
You look up at him, realizing now there's a difference. He took his helmet off. Your'e sitting face to face with Red Hood. Jason. You're favorite costumer Jason.
"Surprised?" he asks, teasingly.
You laugh a little, "You could say that."
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chuunai · 8 months
Henlo I have something to add to the 100 followers event if that’s cool
Dazai with scenario 2 and prompt 16. Idk how these things traditionally go but…. Your stuff seems good so far and I’m excited to see what you do with this
Thank you thank you, Anon. Also sorry for how long this took everyone I swear I’m combing through the requests 3_3
✧˚ · . dad first, detective second - dazai osamu
who would’ve imagined the demon prodigy having a hellion of his own?
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summary ⋆ ★ comfort, fluff, established relationship (marriage with reader), SFW → baby baby baby, Dazai really likes your boobs, etc.
It’s a perfect night, really.
Your warm body resting against his, limbs lazily tossed over each other as you snuggled and acted like lovesick fools. Moonlight poured in from the cracks of the curtains, casting small slivers on your face. Dazai couldn’t help but think of an angel when it came to you. A heavenly being that granted him a new life and forgave him for his past.
Nudging at your cheek with his nose, his voice came out in a sleepy tone.
“You should sleep, [name].”
His hand reached up to cup your face, playfully using his thumbs to gently close your eyelids like one would do with a body. He’d seen many people in the Mafia do that—try and make the deaths they caused seem more peaceful rather than a brutal end. Dazai himself never did that. No need in beautifying a simple concept of its finality and simplicity.
“Can’t. I know she’s about to wake up. It’s nearly eleven, and we put her to sleep at seven. I can tell.”
You shook your head stubbornly, looking at the baby monitor nearby where static noise and the occasional mix of a tiny snore and coo came from.
His little hellion.
Really, he had no clue how he got so lucky. First with the fact that he impregnated you and you carried his baby. Second with the fact that he had his own family now. And third with the fact she looked so much like him. Thick brown curls of hair on her head, big curious eyes that looked at him so adoringly. The tiny freckles and birthmarks scattered across her skin. She had some of your features, yes, but they were more subtle than his features.
Coupled with the fact that she was a bundle of energy and sass like him.
“I insist, pretty. Shinju needs her daddy too.”
He knew how much she made you tired with her habit for refusing to nap for more than an hour or two coupled with breastfeeding and the general responsibility and time that being a mom took. Dazai wanted to spend time with his daughter too and relieve your stress. You’d get sleep, he’d get to see Shinju. Win-win, in all accounts.
Hell, he even gave you puppy eyes in the darkness of your room.
“I…fine. But don’t wake me up if you screw up.”
Dramatically, he sighed and frowned, placing a hand on his heart.
“Does my ‘bella really think I’m an incompetent father? How heartbreaking and cruel of her!”
Much to his relief, you playfully groaned, pinching his sides lightly.
“I didn’t say that, dummy. God, I swear Shinju is more mature than you.”
Jesus, you were so insulting tonight. How was the baby that tried to put anything she could in her mouth more mature than him? Sure, he was a bit funny and childish, but he wasn’t a baby. Well, if he had his face buried in your boobs he’d be a baby. Still, it’s not his fault that they’re just so big and warm and squishy and seem to beg for his attention.
Which is what he soon did, resting his head on your chest while cupping them softly. You were wearing one of his shirts and a nursing bra underneath. He wished you weren’t wearing anything at all, but it wasn’t fair to ask for that when you recently gave birth just a mere two months ago. His libido lowered itself only for you. And when you did have sex—quickies when Shinju would nap—, he was so much nicer and loving than usual. The mother of his child didn’t deserve rough mean sex, no, she deserved gentle treatment under the sheets of their futon.
You deserved everything that he could possibly give you.
So when the small baby demon eventually began to wake up and whimper, he pressed a kiss onto your cheek and slowly got up, whistling a small tune under his breath before waking to the makeshift nursery nearby.
Opening the door slowly, he made his way to the crib and picked up his sniffling newborn, shushing her comfortingly.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Daddy’s here. We don’t want to wake up mama, okay?”
Her tiny hands balled up into fists, weakly moving around and occasionally hitting his chest. Sitting down on the rocking chair nearby, he fumbled around for one of her stuffed animals, grabbing the familiar bunny as he placed it in her arms.
“Look there, Shinju. It’s your bunny!”
From an authoritative Mafia executive to a tired loving father. Lord, Chuuya would be laughing his ass off. Or have that stupid face of confusion while he’d berate Dazai with questions about what unlucky woman had to bear his spawn. But what could that short alcoholic of a ginger say? No woman wanted to birth his babies.
He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when Shinju’s tiny fingers began to grab at his chest, thinking he could feed her too. He could, just not straight from the source unlike you. Standing up, he went over to the mini-fridge nearby which contained bottles of your milk. It wasn’t too chilly, and so he carried it and the cooing baby to the kitchen where he warmed it up in the microwave.
After it warmed up, he carefully began to feed her, leaning back against the counter as he did so.
It still felt so odd to him. Caring and loving someone he helped to create. His self from ten years ago would never believe it—that they’d find love and even have a baby after escaping the Mafia. He had you to thank for that. The one who picked up the discarded pieces of his soul and welded it into the man he is today—a father first, and a detective second.
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Kinda rushed the end but I couldn’t think of anything more :(
Tags: @twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts, @xxcandlelightxx
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hunny-beann · 10 months
Hi! I love love love your first fic and your portrayal of dream!
Could I request two prompts from your hurt/comfort prompts? Specifically number 11 and number 52?
No Greater Patience
Dream of the Endless x f!Reader
Note: Hi anon! tysm for the request, I hope you enjoy the fic!
Prior to his century long captivity, Morpheus and his wife have an argument so disastrous that even after regaining his freedom over one hundred years later, he still questions whether or not he has the right to seek her out.
And yet, the yearning of an Endless is not so easily ignored by the mind, and he soon finds that regardless of his conscious thoughts, all roads lead back to her.
To you.
(hurt/comfort list here)
#11: Please don’t go. #52: I kept this for you while you were away // It’s been two years // I know
Warnings: A once unhappy marriage(?), is Dream himself a warning? Because he still should be.
Word Count: 4,014
Having the opportunity to visit with Death again had been nice.
Far nicer in fact, than the Lord of Dreams would ever willingly admit aloud.
She had always understood him in a way that none of his other siblings ever seemed to manage, and she was far too aware of his flaws and his past to allow him to continue his typical path of avoidance without a bit of a challenge.
Of course, there had been many a time where that had been less than ideal, particularly when Dream had little interest in dealing with those things, big and large, that always seemed to haunt him so.
Still, it was nice to be reminded of the topics and people that he had neglected to consider throughout his time held captive, like Hob Gadling for example, who Dream was now almost eagerly planning to visit at his earliest convenience.
And perhaps he would have headed off sooner, had it not been for Death's one lingering question regarding her brother's personal relationships...
She had asked just after he had stepped away upon making his intentions of setting off to visit Hob clear.
Slowly, hesitantly, the individual in question turned to face his sister in response, one brow cocked in question to make up for his persistent silence.
Death sighed a bit, almost looking a little unsure before she finally continued upon realizing how little time she truly had for this particular conversation.
She had a rather important deadline to make, after all.
"Have you seen her?"
She asked gently, a sort of pity in her gaze that immediately made the being standing in front of her bristle in response, forcing down the slowly increasing feeling of anger within him as he closed his eyes and took a single deep breath before opening them once more to find her still standing there, waiting.
He shook his head.
"No. Our last conversation was... less than amicable, and was several weeks prior to my disappearance."
Death took a few steps closer, and placed a hand upon Dream's shoulder, watching him fight off the urge to step away, clearly trying his best not to end their interaction on a negative note.
"Then maybe you should consider seeing her as well. Last we spoke she wanted to ask about you, I could feel it, I just didn't want to push-"
Dream interrupted her, his voice not unkind, but still rather stern, at least as much so as politeness would allow.
"She made it quite clear during our last conversation how little interest she had in seeing me again. I would not think it appropriate for me to seek her out in spite of that."
Death sighed, but removed her hand from her brother's shoulder, watching as he nodded toward her in farewell before beginning to move away once more.
Still, no matter how gently she had attempted to address the tense topic, Death was still an older sister, and how could she possibly call herself by such a title if she didn't do some teasing from time to time?
"You cannot avoid the wife forever, dear brother! Do not forget, you are bound to her until I come to collect!"
Dream rolled his eyes, and though Death could not see that particular movement, she could see the way that his shoulders shifted slightly as he chuckled to himself, his head shaking from side to side as he walked off to attend to his own personal duties.
Except several hours and a visit with Hob later, he found that he could do no such thing, as his mind was far too wrapped up with thoughts of his wife.
Thoughts of you.
He had always loved you after all, hadn't he?
You, a deity worshiped into existence by humans, meant to embody nourishment and nurturing, as that found in the relationship between a mother and child, or an owner and their pet.
You were unending and fierce loyalty, the fire in the pit of the stomach, and the gentle hand clutching that of a child during an afternoon walk in the woods, setting them on the right path while never disallowing an opportunity for adventure.
You were beautiful.
And so very deserving of a type of love that Dream had simply been unable to give you.
Sure, he had always been polite, and at times even kind, but considerate was not an adjective that any would have used to describe him, nor his relationship that he shared with you.
Still, you had found it within yourself to love him anyway.
He was cold, calculating, blunt, quiet, and scrutinizing. Dream saw all, every flaw and every weakness, and though it was a rarity that he would point them out aloud without prompting, it was difficult to know just how much he truly saw whenever he looked at you.
That said, none of that had ever seemed to bother you beyond what you could manage.
You enjoyed his company, particularly back when the Dreaming had been slightly less complex, and he had been able to provide you with conversations and time, both things that he would eventually cease to have very much of as the waking world began to shift and change, thus requiring the evolution of the Dreaming as well.
More people meant more dreaming, and more dreaming meant more of the Dream Lord's attention.
And what he had neglected to realize at the time, was that you were the very first thing to lose his affections, his thoughts, and his actions.
It was as if you had always been expendable without ever truly knowing it until he was long gone, a slight indent in the bed that was only ever filled after you went to sleep and before you woke up, leaving you the possessor of both of your rings as day after day he forgot his on the bedside table until it was nothing more than a habit long forgotten.
Where you had once been the love of The Dream Lord, it now appeared that you were his wife in name and nothing more, and though it stung, you had stuck to your duties for far longer than Dream ever would have allowed you to now.
You had always deserved better, even before the being had shifted his attention's elsewhere, and even if he had not known that then, he could so clearly understand it now.
You had never given up on him, not even when nearly all of your interactions seemed to end in dismissals on his part, or arguments due to his seemingly constant exasperation in general. You wanted your husband back, but he wanted to be the Dream Lord far more than he ever wanted to be a husband at that time.
And maybe he had felt that way, sure, but he never should have said it, at least not in the way that he did.
Because he had seen the way that your face fell and your eyes grew teary. Of course he had, he saw all.
But in spite of that fact, he did not go after you when you rushed off to be alone for the one thousandth time.
And the next time that he saw you, you had approached him at his throne in the evening, and quietly, meekly, in a voice he had never heard you use before, asked for a divorce.
You had looked defeated in a way that Dream had found himself surprised by, eyes shadowed, gaze cast downward, and skin slightly paler than usual in spite of how impossible it would be for you to have taken ill due to your godly status.
And any husband, or at least any good one, would have asked you what was wrong, or what had driven you to wanting to leave so suddenly.
But Dream had not been a good husband, so he had simply grown frustrated with you.
He had accused you of being attention seeking for your "childish behaviors", called your attempts at appealing to his emotions laughable, and had all but sneered in the face of your desires.
You were, after all, the Lady of Dreams, everyone knew you as such, and the idea that you could abandon such a title? It was nearly as unthinkable as him leaving his.
His creations, nightmares and dreams alike, adored you, his siblings, (or rather those of whom that cared), seemed to enjoy or at least tolerate your presence when necessary, and most importantly of all, the Dream Lord could not imagine a world within which you were no longer his wife.
It had been centuries since your marriage, and over a thousand years of knowing you prior to that, after all.
It was almost as if he thought of you as his after all of the time of you living within his shadow as nothing more than a figurehead, the wife of a powerful being who was seldom paid any attention to by the very "man" that she had married.
But to Dream's surprise, if your actions had been for attention, you were all too keen on taking things even further, because when he made these accusations in his usual uncaring and borderline insulting tone, you had shouted at him for the very first time that he could recollect.
"It hurts!"
You had cried, eyes brimming with unexpected tears of both anger and sadness,
"It hurts to know that you see me each day without ever truly seeing me, that you call me your wife while scarcely knowing who I am anymore. If me donning the title of Lady of Dreams is so important to you Lord Morpheus, then fine, call me what you will, but know that I do not consider myself your spouse anymore, and have no intentions of staying here in this suffocating realm with you any longer."
And with that, you had gone, and The Lord of Dreams had not seen you since.
Though he had thought about you plenty, as unwilling as he was to admit it.
Your words had gotten to him, though most primarily when he had been trapped for so very long, forced to consider his past actions and mull over all that he had endured throughout the passage of time in spite of how little it was meant to impact him.
You were his wife still, sure, but now only in name, and over a century had passed since he had last heard your voice or seen your face.
Were you still worshiped as you had once been? Did his nightmares and his dreams know where you were? Had you thought of him or thought to visit the Dreaming in his absence? Had you even known that he had vanished in the manner that he did?
All of these questions coursed through his mind, and thoughtlessly, without even realizing it, he brought himself back to where he subconsciously knew that you would be.
Your home.
Nestled deep within the woods of the waking world, in a rural town within a country rather sparsely inhabited, you still resided, unsurprisingly, to this day, and as Dream approached your door for the first time in centuries, he stopped himself before he could raise a fist to knock on the sturdy old wood.
What was he doing here, bothering you after so very long of giving you the space that you so desired?
Had he not made a promise to himself that he would leave you be now that he understood all that he had done to you? All that he had deprived you of by trapping a being such as yourself in a marriage as loveless as yours had been?
At that line of internal questioning, Dream sighed, and turned to leave, only to hear the door swing open behind him just as he did so, a gasp filling the air behind his back before he quickly spun to face the source of the sound.
There you were, a giggling and bouncing baby at your hip, with a bottle in your hand, staring at the personification of dreams with eyes that were beginning to brim ever so slightly with tears.
"Please, don't go."
You whispered, causing the Dream Lord's eyes to widen ever so slightly,
"I need to talk to you."
And much to his surprise, Dream was quick to oblige, stepping into your abode in only a few simple strides, taking in the familiar yet so very changed space and atmosphere found within the walls of your home.
This was where he had met you well over a thousand years ago by happenstance, though he knew all too well deep down that all things happened for a reason, and that his meeting with you had been preordained by his eldest sibling and the stars long before the humans that had created you had even existed.
It was peaceful here, in the deeper woods with you, in your fire-heated home so hidden from view.
Or maybe, it was you who brought on that familiar peace, you who made his physical form relax in spite of how tireless it was meant to be.
He did not linger on such a thought for very long, for fear of what he might come to realize.
"You look well."
He said almost timidly, eyes cast downward and body language tense as he tried not to consider how similarly you looked even still to the last time that he'd seen you.
Beautiful, as always.
You sighed in response, wrestling a lightly chiming metal pendant out of the hand of the child in your grasp before tucking it into your shirt and away from view.
"With all due respect, my lord, I have absolutely no interest in small talk."
You said quietly, watching as Dream raised his gaze to look at you once more, eyes following intently as you shifted the child at your hip slightly, eyes still not entirely rid of the tears that had so clearly threatened to fall upon the sight of him.
"You disappeared."
You stated in a whisper, sounding almost defeated even as Dream nodded in reply,
"I did."
He said.
You sighed again, and looked down at the child, gaze softening slightly as you raised the prepared bottle to it's lips, watching as it started to suckle with delight, chubby limbs wiggling within your grasp, though you notably did not falter.
You never did, you were far too good with children, a fact that Dream had always felt unsettled by.
He was discernibly not a family man, particularly back when he had married you, and the idea that you were meant for something outside of what he could comfortably provide you with...
"And now you're back."
You said matter of factly, using that same tone as before as the being in front of you was snapped out of his reverie at the familiar sound of your voice, his reaction instantaneous.
"I am."
He said simply, watching as you looked up at him once more, tears spilling slightly in a way that for a moment, caused him to freeze up entirely.
You had never been one for crying, not even throughout the many years where he had harmed you through his lack of attention and desire. What could it have been, here and now that would bring you to such tears upon his simple words?
He moved after a moment, almost instinctively, to stand before you, some longing once believed to be long lost within him bubbling to the surface as he raised both hands to your face, cupping your cheeks in order to wipe your tears away with almost trembling thumbs that had nearly forgotten the once worshiped feeling of your skin beneath their pads.
You sighed shakily, looking him in the eyes for one of the very first times that day as you shook your head slightly,
"How could you do such a thing to me, Dream? How could you vanish so entirely without a word to me or anyone that you knew would be worried for you? How could you turn up here so casually and think to turn away and leave without letting me see the realness of you for myself?"
The Lord of Dreams looked down at you with sadness in his eyes, and moved to shake his own head in response, his hands still soft and warm against your skin.
"I did not choose to leave, my dear."
He all but murmured, the familiar nickname he had once used for you finding his lips as naturally as water did a spring,
"And I did not think you desired to see me again after our last interaction. Coming here, it was not something I thought to do. I simply did."
You gazed up at him incredulously still stuck on that first part of his statement,
"What do you mean you did not choose to leave, Morpheus?"
You whispered, horror seeping into your tone as the being in front of you faltered, before finally speaking, shame present in every word that he spoke.
"I was captured by a human, and held against my will for over a century. My freedom, as it stands currently, is new. I did not choose to leave and stay away from my duties, I assure you."
You let out a choked and humorless sounding laugh, shaking your head even further,
"And what you consider upon your exit from such a hell is not of who you want to see, but who may wish to see you? Where has my selfish King of Dream's gone?"
You asked, voice slight and smile lopsided as Morpheus sighed and thoughtlessly traced the curves of your lips with his thumb, finding much to his surprise that the shape remained familiar even to this day.
"I was not fair to you, dear wife, not for a very long time. If nothing else, I wanted to know that I had at least respected your wishes for space, though even that may have been self serving."
You adjusted the child on your hip, before you raised your hand up to your husband's, ignoring the slight way that he shivered beneath your touch.
"Whatever do you mean, King of Dreams?"
You whispered, watching as Morpheus gave a humorless sounding chuckle of his own.
"I mean that even today, I could not bear to call you anything besides my wife. I mean that by avoiding you entirely, and calling that your wish, I am able to ignore the fact that I am still not strong enough to give you the end to our union that you so justly requested. I do not wish to lose you in that way, even if I have lost you in all others."
You hummed softly in response, smile growing gently as you removed his hand from your face, giving him a glance that had him dropping the other to his side before you guided him to your sofa, where you sat the two of you down, you with a child upon your lap, and him with nothing but his most bare self, vulnerable in a way he had not felt since he had been so plainly naked behind glass for what had felt like all of man to see.
Seeking out a distraction, Dream looked down toward the child sitting upon your lap, before moving his gaze back up to yours again.
"The child..."
He began, and immediately, you shook your head,
"He is not mine. I found him roaming the woods a few days back, and have yet to find his mother, even after stopping by the nearest town. I'm hoping to hear word of someone searching for him soon."
You said casually, watching with gleaming eyes as the child took your finger and clasped it within his chubby little fist, his grin revealing his few teeth, just barely poking out from beneath his gums.
Dream could not help but smile softly along with him, though his was merely a shadow compared to that of the child sitting atop your legs.
"I see..."
He replied, and you gazed toward him with noted amusement,
"Were you worried that I had stepped outside of our marriage, Lord Morpheus?"
You teased, watching as the man in front of you rolled his eyes before responding.
"No, I was more hoping than anything else. If you had moved on, then I might find it easier now to do the same."
You looked up at him upon hearing those words, before reaching down to place the small child on the floor in front of you with a sigh, thus allowing you to better face the being sitting at your side.
"And why is it that you are so eager to move past me, dear husband?"
You watched as Dream cast his gaze downward, eyes trained on the child playing nearby in spite of the fact that you could tell his mind was far away indeed, off somewhere that you could not follow, deeply considering every event he'd ever endured in search of an answer to your question.
How nice it must have been, to be so knowledgeable.
"If I were to move past you, wife, then I might finally be able to let you go, and if I managed to do such a thing, it would be far more feasible that you could truly hope to be rid of me someday."
You sighed, and reached for the hands of the individual that you had once known so well, and perhaps even did still, causing him to look up at you in surprise at the sudden contact.
"And if I do not want to be rid of you, dear Morpheus? If I said that after a century I have found it within myself to forgive you for the husband you once were in favor of learning what husband you could be now?"
You watched as the being sitting in front of you stared for a moment, as if in complete and utter disbelief, before he slowly began shaking his head, the corner of his lips raising ever so slightly as he leaned in to press his forehead against your own,
"Then I would say that I have known no greater patience than that of my dear wife."
He murmured, causing you to laugh quietly with a subtle roll of your eyes before you reached upward, pulling a pendant on a chain out from where it had been hidden beneath the collar of your shirt.
Dream watched curiously, not entirely sure of what you were doing, until suddenly you yanked at the chain with such force that it snapped in the back, causing either end of it to come tumbling forward into your palm.
Dream raised a brow in response to your actions, but remained silent, seeing in your eyes that you were all too eager to explain, the glint there unsubtle in a way that he was immensely familiar with.
"I kept this for you while you were away"
You stated casually as you pulled one of two clinking pieces of metal off of the chain, revealing to Dream a sight he had never anticipated having the privilege of viewing again.
There, between two of your fingertips and presented to him with such normalcy, was his wedding ring, and he could see from the subtle glint still remaining in your palm that the other metal piece on the chain had been yours.
He stared in shock, reaching for the familiar symbol of his union to you in utter disbelief, even as the coolness of it's structure wrapped itself around his ring finger as he took it and slid it on to its rightful place upon his hand.
"It’s been more than a century..."
He murmured, his tone betraying his surprise in spite of how little emotion he typically showed, even in vulnerable moments like this one.
You smiled at him, shrugging slightly as you slid your own ring onto your finger again, sighing as if having arrived home after a long day of work,
"I know."
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sodoshame · 1 year
please please PLEASE write something with regressed!phantom being seen by dew for the first time. maybe it’s during the time that dew is mean to phantom because he took aethers place? something like that
thanks shadow! always love ur fics
Hello sweet anon! Sorry this took so long, I’m working my way through requests :) I hope this is what you are after!
Requests are still open if anyone wants anything, I’ll get to it when I can :)
Regressed!Phantom & Dewdrop.
A/N: SFW like all my agere fics of course! Dew is a little mean at first but he gets nicer I swear. I also wrote this really fast on my phone so I apologise in advance!
Dewdrop was the only one up this late; the rumbling of the tour bus wasn’t lulling him to sleep like it usually did, so he gave up on trying to sleep and got out of his bunk to go and sit on the couch in the main area of the bus.
The ghoul had been sitting on the couch for almost an hour now, watching the TV at a low volume so it didn’t disturb anyone else. Upon hearing the door to the bunk area click open, Dew looked over, trying to make out who the figure in the doorway was. He squinted slightly, trying to adjust his eyes to the dark. The figure stepped forwards, the light from the TV illuminating him.
“Phantom? What do you want?” Dewdrop asked, his tone unnecessarily harsh. The young ghoul squeaked out a response, too quiet to hear.
“Fuck’s sake, speak up would you!?” Dew snapped, clenching his jaw.
Phantom stepped forwards again, allowing Dew to see him properly. The quintessence ghoul had the spade of his tail in his mouth, gently suckling on it. His hair was sticking up all over the place and he had tear tracks on his cheeks. He’d been crying.
Dewdrop sighs irritably, not quite yet realising the state of the poor ghoul.
“Speak, would you? Or go bother someone else.” Dew mutters, turning his attention back to the TV. He hears a little whimper from Phantom; he groans and looks back at him.
“Satanas, what is wrong with you?!” Dew snaps again.
That does it. Phantom bursts into tears.
“I- I had b-bad dream. Swissy i-is sleeping.” Phantom manages to stutter out between his sobs. His vocabulary is limited and his voice is muffled around his tail that is still in his mouth.
Immediately, Dew’s eyes widen. He hadn’t realised the state that the younger ghoul was in; Phantom was regressed and Dew had just yelled at him, making him burst into tears. The older ghoul sighs, standing up from the couch.
“Fuck- I mean shit- damn it! Okay, alright… Phantom?” Dew mumbles as he slowly approaches Phantom. The young ghoul backs away slightly, still sobbing.
“Hey, come on. I’m not gonna hurt you, quint.” Dew says, his voice softening. He holds his arms out to Phantom, offering him to come closer.
As Phantom toddled over to Dew, the fire ghoul realised just how little Phantom was; he was wobbly on his feet, sucking on the spade of his tail like a pacifier. Even the way he’s crying. He was regressed much younger than Dew had seen any of the other ghouls be.
“Oh, you’re really little right now, aren’t you?” Dew coos softly. Once Phantom is close enough, Dewdrop wraps him in a gentle hug and softly rubs his back.
Phantom says nothing, but allows himself to be wrapped in Dew’s arms. His crying has calmed down a little, but there are still tears running down his cheeks and his breathing is shaky.
“I’m sorry, little quint. I didn’t mean to shout at you, I didn’t realise that you’re-”
Dewdrop pauses and sighs.
“I shouldn’t have shouted at you, end of.” He mumbles.
The fire ghoul leads Phantom to the couch, getting him to sit down. Dew wraps his arms around the young ghoul, pulling him to his chest.
Phantom lets out a little whimper as he cries, burying his face into Dew’s shoulder.
“Shh, shh, shh. Don’t cry, honey. You’re okay. You’re safe.” He brings his hand up to run his fingers through Phantom’s messy hair, keeping one arm wrapped around him. The young ghoul brings his tail back to his mouth, suckling on it once again; Dew frowns as he watches him.
“Hey, quint, don’t do that please. It’s not good for your your tail, you’ll end up hurting it.” Dew says softly, trying to pull the tail out of the quintessence ghouls mouth. Phantom whines and looks up at Dew with big watery eyes. Dewdrop sighs, then fumbles about in his back pocket.
“Can you try this for me? It’s Mountain’s, but I’m sure he won’t mind you borrowing it.” He says, pulling a pacifier from his pocket and offering it to the young ghoul.
Phantom lets his tail drop out of his mouth and cautiously leans his face closer to the pacifier. Dew gently pushes it against his lips, encouraging him to take it. Phantom does, taking it into his mouth hesitantly. After a few minutes, he looks up at the older ghoul, grinning around the pacifier.
“You like the paci, bug?” Dew questions, stroking his fingers through Phantom’s hair. Phantom nods, softly sucking on the pacifier as he looks up at Dew.
“Maybe we’ll have to get you your own, huh? That sounds like a good idea?”
Phantom nods excitedly and starts shuffling around on couch, eventually planting himself on Dew’s lap. He curls up against him and nuzzles his face into the fire ghoul’s chest. Dewdrop watches him with a raised eyebrow and lets out a slight chuckle as Phantom settles himself in his lap.
“Oh, just gettin’ comfy, hm?” Dew coos softly, wrapping his arms back around Phantom’s body.
The quintessence ghoul hums quietly in response, already closing his eyes. He mumbles something into Dew’s chest.
“T’ank you, Dewy.”
Dewdrop all but feels his heart melt; he places a soft kiss to the top of Phantom’s head and cradles him to his chest.
“You’re welcome, baby bug.” Dew mumbles into Phantom’s hair.
Maybe he should give the new quintessence ghoul more of a chance. Maybe he shouldn’t take his anger about Aether on Phantom.
From that night on, Dewdrop vowed to himself that he wouldn’t ever hurt the young ghoul again; nor would he let anyone else.
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a-998h · 7 months
Hi, can I drop a request?
Can you do Reader with personality disorder due to past trauma? They are usually Sun, a cheerful, bright person with a caring and empathic nature. But under extreme stress, anger or sadness, Moon will take over with their cunning, cold and apathic personality. They value no connection except a fierce loyalty and protectiveness to Sun. Moon can be kind and gentle for whom Sun loves, though. Sun and Moon communicates by secret messages hidden in songs and tunes they made.
Hope this is not too much. I really enjoy your works!
🌙 anon if not taken. Or I can be ❄️ anon instead. If both are taken, it's ok.
Of course you can be 🌙 anon, now you can be my second anon.
(This contains mention of trauma and multiple personality disorder as a trauma response, read at your own risk)
They only knew Moon. They were worried about you when you arrived in Teyvat, your silent, apathetic, and cold to them all.
Some characters like Diluc, Alhaitham, Albedo, and those who are also a bit cold themselves don't look into it... at first.
The notice something is off when you're with Itto. You didn't really respond to his energy most of the time. One day while you and the gang are in the streets of Inazuma, and a small fight breaks out. Shinobu notices how you tense up, you look like you're about to run or punch someone. When one of the fighting guys gets a little to close to you... Shinobu noticed how you humming something.
The second sigh to notice was when you were with Kaeya, he had placed a hand on your shoulder and you froze. Not in the "I'm paying attention" way but in the "if I don't move then no one can see me" way. It makes him worried. When he removes his hand from your shoulder and goes to ask you, you're gone.
Everyone starts getting more worried about you. They want to help you. They only learn what's going on, after Sun shows up.
Sun is a strange presence to them. They've only seen Moon and never Sun. But they love Sun, and Sun loves them back. When you were in the library with Lisa, alone, she heard humming coming from you. She thought Sun was humming while reading and didn't think too hard about it...
No one knew why you switched between Sun and Moon or why they seemed to humming random things but it didn't bother them.
They learn what happened to you from Sun. Sun was talking with Eula and said, "you're nicer then her." This causes Eula to freeze. She keeps asking questions and Sun gives vague answers. But Eula and other put together what they know, and Kaeya and Shinobu bring up what they saw with Moon.
The pieces come together, and give them a horrific picture. Trauma, something so bad happened to you that you had to create the personality of Moon to protect your Sun. They're all horrified and made it the personal mission to make you feel better.
As they make you more comfortable, they realize the Moon is warmer than they originally thought.
Now, Sun and Moon, who hurt you? Don't worry, they aren't gonna hurt you. Let them know who hurt you so they can make your life easier from now on.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hey! How are you? As your requests are open, I'd like to take this opportunity to send you one.I wanted to know how brothers react to an MC who is the eldest of a large sibling group and who is used to dealing with all the problems that younger brothers can cause. Take care of yourself and have a nice day
Hi there, anon!
Okay, time for a tidbit about me, I'm the youngest of two. So I wrote this mostly based on what I have heard from others about what it's like to be an older sibling to many younger siblings. It always seemed to me that the eldest has to take on a bit of a parental role (as we see with Lucifer). So I wanted to capture that while still indicating that the brothers see MC as a love interest lol. Hopefully I did okay.
Thank you for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC who is the eldest of many younger siblings
Warnings: none!
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Eldest sibling solidarity. It's nice to have someone who understands what he has to deal with on a regular basis. Just knowing that you get it means a lot to him.
Okay but he's going to enlist your assistance now that he knows you can handle it. Expect to be his counterpart, you're probably the nicer one, which makes it easier for him to be even more strict. Help him keep his brothers in check, MC. He needs you.
Considering he sees you as his partner in authority rather than one of his own younger siblings he needs to deal with, he's going to get very protective of you. Will absolutely chew out any of his brothers that give you grief.
Appreciates how responsible and helpful you are. Starts to wonder how he ever managed to get by without you. Doesn't admit to this often, but when you're alone, he'll let you know just how much he appreciates you.
Oh no, not another one. But don't worry, he's used to this. He's had to deal with Lucifer for just about forever, so he can handle you. He actually listens to you and pretty much just goes along with whatever you say.
Will absolutely back you up when it comes to the younger brothers, too. If he's the one who's part of the problem, all you have to do is look at him a certain way and he'll stop immediately. Sides with you in every instance.
Appeals to you when Lucifer is being strict, especially if he's been strung up again. C'mon, MC! Ya know he didn't do anythin' that bad! Get Lucifer to let him down, would ya?
You find he responds much better to positive reinforcement than punishment. Due to the results you achieve with this, you can usually talk Lucifer into letting you deal with him when he's done something problematic again.
He's wary of you at first. An eldest sibling who's used to dealing with younger brothers? So what, you're just a nicer version of Lucifer, is that it? Maybe not. Maybe you're just as bad as Lucifer! Might avoid you at first.
He'll come around, though. And he finds he doesn't mind if you start scolding him. It's completely different from when Lucifer does it. And he actually listens to you, too. Finds he doesn't like to upset you.
Comes to you for help. When he needs something, he's always at your door. Especially if it has to do with one of his brothers. You always know what to say and what to do. Can you please help him out, MC?
Isn't as good at backing you up as his older brothers, but definitely will stand with you in solidarity if needed. He begins to trust your judgment and if things are getting crazy with any of his brothers, he knows you can help to set everybody straight.
Absolutely does not listen to you in the beginning. Especially if you seem to team up with Lucifer or otherwise help Lucifer keep the younger brothers in check. He's going to chafe against any kind of authority, even if it's you.
When he sees how you are, though, the way you seem to understand him better than anyone else, he actually changes his mind. He considers you to be reasonable and more often just doing your best to keep things from getting out of control.
Begins to appreciate the dynamic you bring to their family. Eventually starts coming to you for help with things. Tries to make helpful suggestions when he can.
If he gets angry, you can calm him down. If he's really going at it with one his brothers, a calm word from you can be enough to break through it. He'll see what he's doing and actually back down. He's sorry, MC. Thank you for keeping him grounded.
Oh, you're used to younger brothers, are you, MC? Just you wait. The older ones aren't really any better in this case. Trust him, things get can absolutely unhinged here at the House of Lamentation.
He listens to you, though. Asmo never really fights too much with Lucifer and he's not about to start fighting with you, either. Anyone else is fair game, but he doesn't see you as a threat. And if you start to look stressed, he will do what he can to help with that.
Okay, but if you're going to be all older sibling with them, he's going to make sure you have some time to relax. Sometimes you need to take a break from wrangling demon brothers, you know? Let him give you a massage or something.
Will absolutely step in and tell off one of his brothers for stressing you out or arguing with you. He doesn't care if they do this to Lucifer, but can't they see that you're different? You don't deserve their nonsense and he won't stand for it!
Beel loves how in control you always seem to be. Lucifer does a good job, but he's also busy with council work and other such things. You always seem to have time to work through the problems that might arise. And it makes him feel like everything will be okay.
Doesn't like it when his brothers fight or get into trouble, so he's glad when you're able to divert these issues. Trusts you completely. Always listens to you. Backs you up if need be. He's always on your side, MC.
Does things that he thinks will make life easier for you without being asked. Brings you snacks just because he thinks you look tired. You're always taking care of him and his brothers, so he wants to take care of you, too.
Another one who will fight back on your behalf, but does it much more quietly. Gives his brothers disapproving frowns that actually make them feel bad so they back off. He's pretty easy going but he can be scary when he wants to be.
Not at all impressed. So you're an oldest sibling, too, huh. He doesn't care. He doesn't need you or Lucifer or anybody else. He's perfectly capable of cruising through life the way he always does.
Will not appreciate any attempts on your part to get him to be more responsible. If you push him too much, he will get bratty. He'll talk back, but he'll also just ignore you entirely. Really arguing with you is too much work, so it's easier to just go take a nap instead.
Due to Beel's influence, though, he will eventually just follow along with whatever. After an initial phase of brattiness, he'll decide he doesn't care enough. Beel likes you, that's good enough for him. He'll just follow with whatever the two of you want.
You're not so bad, MC. He likes the way you sometimes take control of situations where his older brothers are being really noisy. It makes it so he can sleep without being disturbed and he appreciates that. Just don't get too stressed out. He wants you to rest, too.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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spacedlexi · 2 months
Kenny and Violet anon here YES.
Violet is upset because someone she defended against her found family of 8 years let her get taken by brainwashing adults for 2 seconds and everyone flips their lid.
But Kenny refuses to stop a train, and gets into a whole fight with Lee over it (AND REFUSES TO HELP YOU FIND A LOST LITTLE GIRL WHILE YOU’RE FIGHTING OFF AN INFECTION, where as Violet always defends you in Episode 1 regardless of whether you ignored and/or antagonized her or not), and gets mad at an 11 year old for not being able to handle helping someone in labor by herself and everybody’s like “Nah it’s okay, his family died years ago so he gets to do whatever he wants.” as if Violet didn’t witness one of the only consistent family members in her life die in front of her 💀
There’s so many comparisons I could make and one day I’ll make a Venn Diagram about all of their similarities but for now I’m glad someone pointed this out.
there are some things kenny does that have No excuse (like refusing to help bitten lee look for missing clem all because hes mad you didnt side with him enough. leaving lee to singlehandedly save himself in the pharmacy because he got scared. threatening to slap clem for blaming herself for lees death. off the top of my head). but his behavior on the train is annoying yet understandable. he doesnt want to admit his son is dying and he feels like duck dying in the first place is his fault for not saving shawn. you can convince him to stop without things getting physical
the Problem comes in when people can understand and sympathize with kennys annoying/shitty actions, but when it comes to violet (who has the same "my family is dead and its made me bitter and closed off" backstory (and her whole arc is about learning to love and care again)), suddenly all understanding goes out the window. even tho shes not even a FRACTION as annoying and shitty as kenny can get 😭😭
violet is mean to clem for the One scene where youre introduced to her (ignoring your first moment with her in the courtyard where shes smiling at clem so you already know her shitty attitude later is a lie. louis even defends her. wingman lol. and depending on what you say in response to her you can Immediately see the regret on her face LOL). but before the scene even Ends shes complimenting clem and clem loves it. then youre forced to talk to her and tenn about the twins, you have a nice card game where you can joke around with her, then she shows up at the dorm and they have a nice heart to heart about how theyre BOTH struggling with the loss of people theyve loved, and they can sympathize about both being harsher than they intend (THEY GET EACH OTHER CANONICALLY)
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and vi not being "a people person" is a huge part of her arc?? she doesnt like that shes like this 😭 but shes also better with people than she gives herself credit for and its why she makes a good leader. (and even if you pick the "came off strong" option clem is OBVIOUSLY teasing about it but vi cant tell and gets defensive ("its not like im trying to be bffs or whatever. sorry" is so "you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" of her)
and then after this shes never mean to clem again?? (unless you antagonize her but even then its mostly just about her standing her ground and not taking shit she doesnt deserve. which is fair). shes only mean to brody while fishing (and shes mean to brody because deep down she blames HERSELF) and the whole POINT of that scene is to try and mend their broken relationship which immediately makes vi a happier/nicer person if you do (also interesting how louis doesnt get any shit for His behavior while hunting 🤨 no hes just cool and fun). violet also apologizes for being "weird" in the dorms the previous night as well (bby girl why are you afraid that everything you do is weird 😭 she says that word a lot)
violet will Always have clems back (in EP1 and 2!!) No Matter What you do or say to her. i think people take her loyalty for granted. so if you dont save her in EP2 and expect to continue to have her unwavering loyalty in EP3? thats a You problem. she is Fucked Up mentally on that boat by lilly and her not-exactly-ex, and then gets caught in the explosion she didnt want anything to do with. AND THEN SHE APOLOGIZES because she recognizes she was WRONG
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(not her literally trying to make a joke about it to ease the tension 😭 people dont give her credit for also having a sense of humor. like louis is the only one who cracks jokes around here) but again when it comes to kenny his actions are understandable and defendable even without an apology 🙄 i literally side with kenny on Everything except the larry thing and if you dont make the right dialogue choice with him? he will not help you look for clem. because of larry 😐 i killed your son for you bro and then took care of his walker doppelganger so you didnt have to. and this isnt even touching his behavior in S2. and yet despite everything he does hes still one of the most beloved characters in the fandom 🤨
i just have to remind myself sometimes that all vi options were made 53-61% and the vi haters are a loud minority. her always being above 50% is so interesting to me because i love when choices are split perfectly 50/50. but the way the fandom talks about her (and the women in general) you wouldnt think shes technically the more popular option (and i Hate playing the popularity card its so annoying, but im only doing it bc people also say shit like "maybe if vi wasnt so mean more people would pick her" they DO pick her!!! you just got mad she was mean for 5 seconds, never payed attention to her again, and used her determinate reaction on the boat as justification for not liking her 😑) (also ignores how mean louis gets in EP2 regardless of choice?? but like kenny His actions are defendable and sympathetic and hers arent 🙄)
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hologramcowboy · 13 days
I just read an ask when certain anti daneel blog replied and claimed that Jensen abused daneel, I'm sorry but this is super hypocritical comming from anti daneel blog , like theses blogs spend years taking about awful D is, how they cant tolerates her voice, her face and her attitude, and they only knew her on surface level , now imagine being in Jensen's shoes, he knew for how long 15 years? The person that has to deal with Daneel 24/7 is no one but Jensen! and pls dont tell me he brought it up on himself we dont shame woman who stay in abusive relationship and we should do the same for men, do ppl expect him to be happy and relaxed the whole time ? never be angry or mad, he is a human and not a sheep that smile and do whatever she want him to , oh poor daneel he wasn't nice when he walked away from her to sign fans autographs, will guess what he doesn't have to be when she is a literal bitch , you can see that 2 minutes later in the same video she was shoving him forward, she is disrespectful , always made fun of him , rarely if ever had anything nice to say about him but I guess Jensen always need to treat her like the queen she think herself is, put in your mind that she was bitch since day one while Jensen used to be way nicer several years ago , yeah there was no chemistry btw them but he always speak highly of her and was way more tolerant towards her , he only recently started to be passive agressive when he talks about her so if he fed up with her and strarted to grow spine and put her in her place then good for him , but I doubt this is the case and I still think she is in full control of everything otherwise we wouldn't get the abomination that called TW , he sacrified his relationship with jared and lost half of the fandom to give his useless talentless wife a job and as one of the anon mentioned she is the one that send him back to work when he wanted to have vocation, I just think what happened here is that Jensen is older now and less tolerant of BS , he doesn't have job to run away from her and he is stuck in miserable marriage to take care of his little children that he never ask for ( another thing he didnt want and agreed to do just to make her happy) so if I was him I'd be angry too.
This is an older ask, I decided to reply to it because something’s been on my mind lately. The dangers of one sided views.
Let’s get one thing clear, both Jensen and Danneel show disdain and contempt for each other. Both have displayed less than ideal partner behaviour. Not sure what this anon was reading at the time but my guess is they saw one of my posts in which I mentioned Jensen was not behaving like a stand up husband.
There’s this narrative going around that vilifies Danneel without giving Jensen responsibility. That basically makes Jensen into a baby easily controlled by the evil, manipulative, witch Danneel.
I’m not saying Danneel can’t be manipulative, I’ve always called her out when she has been. I’m saying there’s an entire dedicated side of fandom that basically views Jensen as an abused baby who is no longer in control of his life. I’ll admit that, in the beginning, I too fell for these narratives but, over time, observing Jensen’s choices, it became clear where his values lie. He’s not the ideal husband, he’s career centered, he never takes responsibility for anything, everything is on Elta. Those are not the signs of an abused man but rather a man that has created a life of convenience and for whom family life comes second. I’m really tired of receiving anon messages about Jensen being abused.
Is Elta demeaning, devaluing and all of that? Yes, undeniably.
Is Jensen powerless? In no way, shape or form!!
If he is in a marriage with Danneel is because he chooses to be as long as it is convenient to his lifestyle. He lets her get away with certain behaviours as long as it serves him.
Jensen is a highly privileged man who holds all the cards when it comes to his career and personal life. Let’s please stop pretending he is a helpless baby run by Danneel the witch. Again, I know she’s manipulative but, at the end of the day, everything she is allowed is thanks to Jensen. The very reason she even has children is thanks to Jensen, her recent roles and titles - thanks to Jensen, recent press - thanks to Jensen, getting away with being condescending and devaluing on stage - thanks to Jensen. It’s a choice, at the end of the day.
While I have zero doubt he is unhappy due to the choices he’s made so far, I no longer blame Danneel for his misery because he holds the power to change his path entirely. Many actors in toxic relationships have divorced and still enjoy a career so if Jensen is holding back from divorcing it’s due to choosing to stay in a relationship where both partners feed off each other’s unhealthy dynamics.
It takes two people to form a dynamic. Let’s give responsibility where it is due, because being responsible for one’s own boundaries, wellbeing, life path is where freedom and healing begin. Being responsible is being empowered as opposed to power-less. Shitty person as she may be, Danneel is fully supported in her shenanigans by Jensen, he approves of her everything so let’s stop pretending like she’s some supernatural evil thing that moves in the dark and start acknowledging just how much Jensen enables her and, while we are at it, start acknowledging he’s no angel either. I dislike Danneel but I also feel sorry for her, for her marriage situation but, I guess, at the end of the day, you sow what you reap and they both chose fame and money over deeper values.
This is my view, purely, take what resonates and leave the rest.
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imagineanime2022 · 3 months
Villains W/ S/O Like Queen B
Spinner X Reader, Shigaraki X Reader, Dabi X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Imagine the LOV (Spinner, Shigaraki Or others you would prefer?) With the girlfriend who has the same quirk as “Queen B” from “Helluvaboss”
🦎 You both met when you were young, your quirk allowing you to take the form of an anthropomorphic wolf, you both shared the hardships and bullies so when you got older you stuck together. 🦎 You were still better off then him as your quirk still allowed you to change back to a human form when you learned to control it, it didn’t stop the bullies though, once it started it never stopped. 🦎 When you both joined the league you fit in easily with your ability to blend in with every type of crowd, you dragged him with you though by then you were a package deal. 🦎 If anyone dared to make fun of or tease Spinner while you were around it became everyone's problem because more often than not they had to help stop you.
It was one of the members of Redestro’s group that made the mistake of saying something about Spinner, it was actually before you joined so no one was about to stop you from taking them down in fact it was encouraged at this moment. “What did you say?” You asked giving them the chance to change what they said, almost hoping that you had misheard them. “Asked what you were doing with a reptile like that, surely a more hotblooded creature could give you a better time.” He said. “That’s what I thought you said.” You mumbled as you twisted the knife in your hand, throwing it at a speed that no one processed. “Say it again.” You growled, your teeth elongating and growing scratching at your palms. “Still want me now!?” You launched forward lifting him from the floor, blood spluttering from the wound on his neck running down your hand and arm. “If you were a nicer person I might have put you out of your misery.” “(Y/N) we don’t have time for this, just kill him.” Dabi ordered. “I don’t know why you're in a rush, I have all the time in the world, in fact he can watch all of his friends die while he slowly shuffles off to meet them.” You decided dropping him to the floor before turning to the others in the group. “Was he worth dying for?” “W-wait.” One of them stuttered. “I don’t think I will.” You smirked as you rolled your shoulders, the rest were easy to kill, you could tell that they had aligned behind him because they assumed he was the strongest. Once they were all dead you turned back to the first male glancing down at him “you're still alive?” He gurgled in response and you laughed as you crouched in front of him lifting his head and snapping his neck easily.
“That wasn’t necessary.” Spinner said as you stood up. “Of course it was.” You smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek, let’s see any of them say anything like that again. “They won’t be saying anything.” He reminded you and you nodded. “Yeah I guess that’s true.” You nodded.
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✋ You were presented to him as a guard dog but your ability to materialise food and drink was what intrigued him more. ✋ When you were younger, it meant that you could have whatever you wanted without having to rely on anyone else, it made you both closer (despite your personalities being polar opposites) and gave you the confidence that you needed to take what you wanted. ✋ When you get older you realise how trivial it was in comparison to the second part of your quirk, the ability to control honey like substances. That was the one that people saw more often and honestly feared. ✋ Shigaraki actually liked having you around unlike more people, eventually you became closer than friends even if neither of you finalised what it was, he trusted you to get things done and have his back.
Shigaraki had decided that it couldn’t be worse than this, they had lost everything when his master was captured. He retreated into himself and stopped talking to everyone, including you, the one who had stuck by him through everything.
Chisaki was the turning point for that though, when he attacked the warehouse everyone else seemed to see red when Magni was killed and rightly so but you were quick to pick out the part of the interaction that helped aid your survival covering Chisaki’s hands in the honey like substance that you were able to control and in turn stopping him from touching anyone else. “Well, aren't you interesting?” Chisaki asked, his eyes cast over you as he analysed you. “What do you want?” Shigaraki asked, his shadow cast over you as he came to stand behind you almost as if he were protecting you from his gaze. “I originally came here to ask for a negotiation, maybe even a joining of forces but after what happened today I don’t think that would be possible.” Chisaki answered. “That being said I will still offer you a chance to meet with me to discuss it, if you choose to accept my offer there will be someone here waiting to give you instruction 24 hours from now.” “Why would I accept an offer like that?” Shigaraki asked. “I never came here to fight so I owe you a body, maybe you should come if only to settle a debt.” Chisaki shrugged, shifting focus to you again. “Would you let me go now?” “Don’t look at them.” Shigaraki warned. “Well then can I go?” Chisaki asked, addressing Shigaraki. “Let him go.” He ordered, you release your quirk as Shigaraki took the space in front of you in case Chisaki decided to do anything more than look.
Chisaki had been gone for hours now but Shgaraki was still hovering around you “What?” You asked. “Nothing.” He answered, Shigaraki had never been good at expressing his feelings, especially ones that stemmed from love or appreciation so you waited silently. “I didn’t like the way that he was looking at you.” “Well it’s no different than most people look at me.” You shrugged. “He wanted to take you from me.” Shigaraki answered like a petulant child that could have had his toy taken away. “You thought I would go willingly?” You asked. “Tch, just promise that you will stay by my side.” Shigaraki said after a moment. “I would be nowhere else.” You answered. “Good.” He answered.
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🔥 Feeling the motions of other people had it’s strong points but bed emotions were always stronger than the good ones and they lingered longer which definitely changed your view of the world. 🔥 Your abilities led to your parents abandoning you which only led you to focusing on the bad emotions. 🔥 You met Dabi when he was still Touya, his emotions were the loudest and most angry that you had felt in a long time so instead of running away from it you stood close to him aiming to help him and follow him as best you could. 🔥 Dabi knew that he couldn’t hide anything from you and he’d much rather have you close if you were able to read him so readily. It didn’t take long for him to actually enjoy having you around, you were the only person who knew who he really was, you saw the real him.
Dabi had ever seen you like this, the two people that stood in front of you, they seemed to know you almost seemed scared of you or maybe the fact that you had found them. “What’s goin’ on, who are these guys?” Dabi asked, leaning down so that his mouth was close to your ear. You must have looked scarier with the well known villain leaning over your shoulder like a protective cat. “My parents.” You answered finally as his eyes cast over to them, you felt it, the sick excitement bubbling up in him as he lifted his hand towards them. “What do you want to do with them?” His other arm wrapped tightly around your waist, his chin now resting on your shoulder. “I don’t know.” You answered honestly. “What do they feel?” He asked. “Scared.” You answered. “Now why would they be scared?” He asked “unless they know that you have a reason to hurt them.” “Hurt them?” You asked. “Say the word and I’ll get rid of the last ties to sadness.” He said softly blue flames beginning to engulf his hands. “You feel everyone else’s emotions, so feel yours tell me what you want me to do.” “I want you to get rid of them.” You finally answered, Dabi laughed a full and real laugh as he lit your parents aflame, you were filled with the joy he felt, you didn’t even hear your parents screams. So caught in the joy that he felt, you weren’t sure that you had ever felt something like this from him, that was when you decided you would do anything to help him feel that again, you would help him get the revenge strove for too.
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Request Here!!
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smt4flynn · 9 months
drink up
Warning: CNC, this can be potentially triggering, alcohol consumption, brief cunning linguistics, and implied somno. Minors do not interact.
This is operating under the assumption that all of this was negotiated off-screen and that both characters are aware of what is going on in the act.
AO3 tags:
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This was an anon request that I posted on AO3 and I'm now posting here! ('-')b I hope you enjoy!
I forgot to mention this uses gendered terms and is assumed f!reader.
Nervousness radiates from you, anyone in the bar can tell. Just looking at you, someone would be able to tell how utterly out of place you are; you clearly shouldn’t be here. You are dressed far more modestly, and a bit more expensively, than all of the other patrons here, though that isn’t why you are nervous.
If push comes to shove, you are confident enough that you can completely and confidently fight off anyone if they decide to try and rob you. The reason why you are actually nervous is because of the request you are fulfilling for Astarion. It helps feed into you being extremely nervous, however, which plays better into the fantasy that Astarion wants from you.
In a bid to help him be more comfortable with his sexuality, given that he admits he struggles constantly with being sexual yet having to fight off waves of disgust. Most of your encounters are initiated by him, with Astarion dictating how far things will go and when to stop. You are more than happy to indulge him; you aren’t necessarily a sexual person yourself, though you aren’t repulsed by them either. If sex is something he finds important then so do you, though he seems to find that a bit odd.
As time goes on however, you see a remarkable improvement in how he handles himself. You find yourself happier when he indulges his desires with you and is able to go through with without disassociating and detaching himself from the situation -
This, however, catches you completely off-guard.
“You... want to roleplay assaulting me?” you question. Astarion looks at you pensively, then embarrassment mollifies his face.
“Well, it is more like I wish to get you utterly blackout drunk, but I suppose you can put it that way, yes.” he twirls one strand of his own hair around his index, eyes avoiding yours. “It is of course all fantasy, and I understand that something like this can be hard to... back out of, but we do not have to do anything you don’t want to do, darling.”
You look at him thoughtfully. Your hands fidget together and you roll your shoulders back before, “I can do that. What, um, what would you like me to do?”
“Dress nicer than most patrons at a seedy bar would, and I’ll approach you of course, and...” he describes to you all that he wants to do, and though you fluster a little before him, you agree that yes, you will do your best. You are no actor, however.
He doesn’t mind.
You clasp your hands in your lap. The dress you are wearing is soft, comfortable, and it stops a little above your knees; it isn’t anything fancy but it is enough to make you stand out. In comparison to everyone else, you look like a pretty little lamb ready for the slaughter. Your fingers dig into your knees, face growing red from the perceived scrutiny, and -
“Mind if I take a seat, darling?” a familiar, smooth voice breaks you out of your spiral and you look up to see him – looking roguishly handsome as always. He dresses in darker colours this time around, wrapped in tight leathers, and you stutter out your response – he takes that as all the excuse to slide into the chair across from you, mugs already in hand. “You looked so nervous, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for you.” his voice is so saccharine sweet and if you didn’t know him any better, you would have actually believed him.
“Oh, thank you, I – I think?” and your voice comes out softer than you mean for it too; he leans closer, sliding one of the  mugs closer to you, and you look down at it. You aren’t an alcoholic, or rather, you do not drink in general. You, at most, only recognise beer – something that Astarion scornfully calls swill. You do not recognise the liquid inside of the mug, though you do not doubt that he chooses something deliberately strong, knowing your non-existent tolerance. “Did you get this for me?”
He flashes you a toothy smile, fang on show for you, and it makes your heart flutter. He is so utterly attractive, you are once again taken by how much you love him. “Of course sweetheart,” he says, voice honeyed with each utterance of the words and he leans forth, resting an elbow on the table while he gives you a dizzying, beautiful smile, “it’ll help with the nerves, and I managed to get a... decent discount for them, hm?”
You pick the mug up, feeling a bit silly as you look at it blankly before you steel your nerves and decide to take a large swig, much to Astarion’s surprise. It burns on the way down your throat, yet so oddly sweet as it settles on your tongue and slips deeper into your belly. You gasp when you separate your lips from the mug and he stares at you thoughtfully, especially when the alcohol seems to work almost immediately – you feel a bit dazed when you put the mug down, already feeling heat rush to your cheeks.
“My my, that was a bit enthusiastic, don’t you think?” Astarion says, but he nudges the mug back at you when you let go of it, smiling at you all the while. You forget this often because of how comfortable he is with the group, often being a goof in his own way to keep everyone disarmed and relaxed, but it is impossible to see what dances behind those eyes. He looks at you with near-polite interest, something you often do not see from him, and a part of you wonders if he is falling back on old habits.
He nudges the mug again and leans closer to you, almost keen. “Go on, have a few more sips. You look like you need it; loosen yourself up, I feel stiff just looking at you.”
You don’t get to ponder for long if he has been falling onto old habits. You find yourself drinking a moderate amount – well, not really, maybe? He needs only his own ale atop of yours to get you completely swaying, slurring your words and losing your grip on the wakeful world. He looks at you with such gentle sympathy when he makes his way over to you, lips so gentle as he presses a comforting kiss to your temple. “Come along, sweetheart,” he whispers lowly, “I’ll get you a room for you to rest in.”
Everything passes by in a haze. You don’t know how but he does have a room ready for you in this seedy tavern; the farthest one too, the most expensive he whispers into your ear when you desperately hold onto him to try and stay afloat. You keep winking in and out of existence, your gaze so blurry when you look at Astarion and he – in a moment of borderline uncharacteristic glee – seems to revel in your listlessness.
“So gorgeous.” his voice seems so distant, teeth once more bared to you in a facsimile of a comforting smile. You cannot even struggle against him after he locks the door and latches onto you, hands grabby and rough when he grabs the hem of your dress and tugs it up. He bumps against you until you fall over onto the bed, your dress pushed up until your stomach, where your legs and your modest panties are on display, “oh, so cute.” he purrs, hands stroking along from your ankles all the way to your thighs, his grip almost worshipful as he squeezes your plump thighs.
“Nnnn... huh?” your voice sounds off, as though it isn’t even coming from you. He grins down at you; you are so sweet and pliant like this, you can practically see his thoughts reflected on his expression, downright predatory and sadistic as it is. You mumble something incoherent, to which Astarion responds by pressing a kiss between your legs, atop of your clothed mound. You try, sluggishly, to move away, heavy arms trying to push his head back, but you feel so weighted down, head dizzy still with how inebriated you are.
You really should figure out how to up your tolerance. Or perhaps, given how excited Astarion seems to have your body unable to fight back against him, practically charmed, you do not need to. He looks at you so reverently, fingers hooking into your cotton underwear to drag it slowly down. Despite your entire situation, the floatiness of the world around you, the thought of what Astarion wants to do to you, how he wants you practically unconscious and relaxed to the point of it being dangerous, has your folds slightly parted, swollen, and slick from a slow build-up of arousal.
“What a whore.” he hisses out, fingers spreading your folds; you feel so tired, like you could just fall asleep at any moment, and Astarion seems to key in on that. He presses a deceptive chaste kiss against your clit, almost mockingly so, thumb spreading your folds open so that his tongue can drag a long, lazy line between your folds. You shiver, your hips barely jolting against his mouth, though Astarion pins you down so that he can continue his almost kitten-ish licks of your cunt. The world around you is getting darker and darker, the pleasure growing faded.
“Stop,” you slur, your hands once again attempting to grasp at his hair and tug him off. He simply drags your body closer, keeping his face buried in your vulva, encouraging more and more of your wetness to paint his tongue. It’s messy, it’s wrong – you are wrong for this, for letting him enjoy so thoroughly taking you apart. If you didn’t drink so much --
Of course, Astarion loves it. Your feelings are just part of a play, you are aware, and it is so easy to get into the play of trying to get the brutish rogue off of you. His tongue is relentless against your cunt, lashing against your clit, wrapping around it, and all you can do is keen and beg -
“Stop, stop, stop-” your words lose all bite. You are far too sluggish. You realise that you are most definitely going to black out. How strong are those drinks that Astarion gives you?
Your heart skips a beat.
Did he lace them with something?
When you look down at your resident vampire lover, he grins up at you- he knows what thoughts dance behind your eyes. He presses a kiss to your cunt again, a wet smack of his lips against yours. “Good girl,” he whispers lowly, his breath puffing against your sensitive, swollen clit, “just go to sleep, darling, go to sleep, and I’ll take care of everything for you.”
Almost as if hypnotised, your eyes flutter. The world goes black.
You awake, sticky and sore. Your face is buried in so many pillows, wrapped up in the most comfortable blankets, and Astarion sits across from you on a chair, reading what seems to be a smutty, trashy book. His eyebrow raises in what seems to be mostly confusion as to what he reads. When you force yourself up on your arms, you catch his attention just as you flop back onto your front, your legs shivering, and your face burns bright when you feel liquid heat drip out from between your pussy lips. Your press your legs together, blushing even harder when you realise there is... a lot of cum dripping out of you.
He must have been especially pent up, or must have built himself up to empty into you readily, pumping you full of his seed. You roll over and lift the blanket up, shyly looking down at your cunt, and Astarion laughs at the sheer embarrassment on your face when he sees how red your face is. Your pussy looks utterly puffy and flush with how much he uses your body while you sleep, and you cannot believe that you are unconscious for the entire thing.
“Was... was I good for you?” you ask quietly. You feel small for a moment, suddenly wanting to retreat, and Astarion sets the book aside to crawl onto bed with you, wrapping his arms around your stomach where he nuzzles his face into your cheek and smooches your temple.
“You were wonderful.” Astarion murmurs, “perfect, you let me do everything I ever wanted to do.” he pats your face and turns it over to look at him, where he locks lips with you, giving you a passionate kiss that steals your breath away. “Thank you for indulging me, my darling.”
“Anything that makes you happy,” you say.
Despite how oversensitive you are, you find yourself enjoying the odd pain he gives you when he makes slow love to you now that you are awake, peppering you with kisses and reminding you of how much he loves you the entire time.
You are just happy to have indulged him at all.
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Starlight isn't interested in being a mom, she'll protect kids when the situation calls for it and be supportive of said kids, but she's not gonna take care of a child 24/7. She's more "protective auntie" type than "Good mom energy". Nobody expected Billy to be all nurturing towards kids, they shouldn't expect the same from starlight, it doesn't matter if the latter has a stronger connection to kids. We never saw her talk wanting kids nor shown any implications of her wanting to join motherhood. She definitely seems like she's someone who likes kids, but doesn't want any of her own. So yeah, don't expect her to be anyone's mom. Nobody expected Billy to be anyone's dad, especially if you read the comics, don't expect starlight to be anyone's mom. Idgas if she's nicer to kids than billy.
idk what you're on about anon but it's fuckin' weird, i'ma tell ya that.
starlight wanting kids is basically schrodinger's cat here. sure, she's never said or implied she specifically *wanted* kids.
but she's never said or implied that she specifically *doesn't* want kids either, in either iteration so whatever you thought this was, it's just a great big can of nothin' word soup.
or in other words, this random ramble that showed up in my inbox? it don't make a lick of sense.
also, why even care so much if starlight becomes a mom or not??? that is an exceedingly weird thing to grasp onto, i gotta say. it sounds more like *you* specifically don't want her to have kids and are possibly projecting your own desire onto your interpretation of the character, so headcanon i guess?? which fine, but why bother me with it???????? who even cares whether she becomes a mom or not? if they go that route, they go that route, if they don't, they don't.
i will also say that if starlight didn't ever want kids or had some sort of issue with adopting one, she probably would have freaked out the first second hughie mentioned 'may have signed us up to adopt a kid'. she was pretty unfazed in response so it either just wasn't something she cared to give much attention to in that moment (half because she wouldn't mind/half because more important topics at hand), or her and hughie *are* actually at the stage in their relationship where kids aren't necessarily the goal, but they're okay with becoming parents and have probably talked about it (at least once, generally an important conversation for a healthy het couple that is sexually active)
and why in satan's red hellscape would you designate her as a 'protective auntie' specifically to bar her from 'good mom energy'?????????? first of all, WHAT?? who are you to decide that for another woman?????? how do you even decide *for another woman* 'yeah, she likes kids but def never wants any of her own'??? leik wut?? when did she say *anything* even remotely implying this???????????
why do *you* get to speak for *her*?????? what the hell are you even basing this assumption on????????????
and second, why couldn't she be both???? people can be *both* moms to one kid and aunts to others. if your mom has siblings(or super close family friends/besties), and her siblings(besties) have kids, which would be your cousins(or conisdered family), she's an aunt too(or could be considered one)!
and if mom's sibling is a sister and they both have kids, wouldn't ya know, they're *both* mom/auntie combos!!
leik where is the logic here?????????????
shoot, we might even see them actually adopt a kid (maybe teddy stillwell) if that paperwork did actually go through and i could def picture hughie freakin' out but annie bein' a total boss about it (also lmao would be kinda great since the kid's powers match hughie's, could also picture butcher pushing hughie to adopt teddy specifically to use him... FFFFFFFFFFFFFF--)
butt~ there's also leaked spoilers of a pregnancy reveal in the next season, big chance it could be starlight's, leik big enough to make a safe bet i'd guess, but who knows.
otherwise, i mean if you wanna write starlight not being a mom in fanfic, that's an option. it is free. have at it.
just maybe don't bother the people who do make her become a mom in their own fics or want to see that in the show, or try to implement your personal vision of 'what starlight should be' onto them, that much is a bit of a dick move. (you can make your own meta and nicely discuss but this ask is hella weird)
leik you could have just been honest and said 'i don't want starlight to have kids' and it would have made a 1000 times more sense and been more valid than whatever the hell this thing was.
i ramble a ton but don't care one way or another, which just makes this extra weird anon. honestly wtf. this might make more sense if i gushed about starlight becoming a mom as much as i did about butcher getting impregnated~<3 but i've only ever mentioned it in passing, probably once or twice?? normally in reference to predictions for *if* ryan survives, which i've made pretty clear i'm *not* holding out for. (that kid died in the comic by butcher's hand, given the parallels with the kid accidentally killing his mom in both comic and show, i'm expecting a similar parallel for him and butcher eventually) you sure this one was meant for me???
also, the way things are going + leaked spoilers, maybe don't be surprised if she does in fact become a mom in canon? (or if butcher causes her to have a miscarriage i guess. would not put it past him... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF--)
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viburnt · 8 months
Hellooo ! Can you write about bakugou being our bully since we were kids?? Loveur contect!
Heya! Anon, you didn't give me more specifics so I went with the "boys are mean when they like you" route. Hope you like this~
CW: Bullying, emotional manipulation, threats, coercion, angst, dark content
Childhood bully Bakugo
There has to be a reason for Bakugo to bully you since kids although, to be fair, anything could've triggered that reaction from him. Quirkless? Chasing after a big dream? Perhaps you are better on something he is not. Or maybe people likes you more! Whatever the reason is, Bakugo's grip on you gets progressively worse with time, not as bad as Deku's dynamic with him, but still.
Bakugo's mom likes you a lot, by the way; she always encouraged you to play with his sonny. If only she knew...
As a kid, Bakugo would tend to pull your hair whenever you were too happy about something, sometimes sticking gum to it so you'd have a hard time later. Something about your smile made him feel...weird, and don't get me started with your laughter. He also disliked how much adults and classmates praised you when you did a good job. Why? Because he's supposed to be the best! So if it was him who did good and got praised, he'd look at you with the most smug smile a kid can make and start saying things like "See? That's how you do it! Maybe learn."
Sometimes, just sometimes, he'd be a little bit nicer, scaring away other bullies that would annoy you. Your tiny brain couldn't understand why, so you'd only thank him and scurry away.
Don't get me started with Deku. If you had a nice friendship with Izuku as a kid, Bakugo used that as an excuse to be even more mean to you. "Friend of a loser is also a loser". Besides, he hates seeing you with the freckled boy, even after growing up. The blond can't pin point what bothers him so much about it, but he truly wants to vanish Deku with his own hands whenever you chitchat with him. He'd tease the greenette telling him he was your boyfriend of sorts, but he stopped once he realized Izuku actually liked you. It angered him to know that, getting rough with you.
Teen years of course allowed you to be more adventurous, and while you may have changed a lot, Bakugo was still the same prick to you and Izuku. How Bakugo behaves depends on your personality: if you allow him to bend you until you break, he'll do, just like how he did with Izuku. If you don't get bothered anymore by his antics, he'll retaliate. The only way you had to reduce his antics was to fight back. Mitsuki, Bakugo's mom, always asked why you stopped visiting; you never had the guts to tell her.
Highschool was an odd period for you an Izuku, but not weirder than your time in UA. Bakugo would hang out with his "friends" and annoy you in every given chance. Low grades? He had better ones. High grades? You were such a nerd. Trying to make new friends? He'd scare them away from you because he hated the idea of someone else being with you. Bakugo was the dragon of your tower, scorching any possibility of running away.
If you had the balls to stand up for yourself and Izuku, he'd get pissy. "How dare you talk back to me?" But he wouldn't do more than yelling. It's weakness that makes him worse, being passive triggers a violent response from him because "Why are you not paying attention?" He'd hide your stuff, throw out your books, write things on your desk. He wanted a reaction. Bakugo needs to know he is getting through you, he needs to know he is on top of you and owns you.
The beginning of your stay at UA was a bit scary, specially because Bakugo's behavior got amplified by the opportunity of being "the best". He was already angry that Izuku managed to get in (it surprised you too, honestly, but were happy for him), so you getting in too was a plus. Izuku and you were still very close because of your shared experience with the blond, both of you wary of the reality. Bakugo despised the way you'd protect and take care of Deku, to the point where he warned you that if you continued, you'd make it worse for Izuku. Low-key coerces you to bully Izuku because otherwise he'd do something bad to him, and you knew what he was capable of.
There's a high chance that Bakugo bullies you because he can't bear how you make him feel, but that's another story. Overall, Bakugo is the kind of bully that isolates you from others and hates when you're doing good. The kind of bully that enjoys making you scares because it's the only form he has to get to you, living rent free in your head like a nightmare. He low-key accepted that it didn't matter if he was a monster, he'd be your monster. A vice grip you wouldn't get rid of.
You stand in front of Izuku's desk, hot salty tears rolling down your cheeks as Bakugo holds out a permanent marker for you to take. "What are you waiting for? Do it!" The blond yells, growing impatient as you shake your head. "I'm gonna beat him to a pulp if you don't do it, is that what you want?" He laughs, hearing you sob.
Bakugo wanted you to write mean things for Deku to see, so that Izuku could see how much control he had over you.
"Please, don't make me do it!" You cry, hugging yourself in fear. Katsuki grunts, yanking the cap of the marker and approaching you. The black tip of the tool reaches your face, his hand scribbling something.
"Don't wash it, or else..."
Tags: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @imaginationmess @shionancientsblog @trickster-kat
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shzmluvrs · 1 year
Hi! I saw that you write for Jon, Damian and Billy and decided to take this opportunity to request an imagine-
So basically Reader is wonder woman's daughter and her, Jon and Damian are best friends and form some kind of "Mini Trinity". The boys notice she's been busier a lot more lately and find out its because she's dating someone which is where Billy comes in. This part might be a bit ooc so feel free to ignore it! Damian and Jon ask to meet Billy and Damian is putting on his best "Hurt her and I'll go after you" attitude on while Jon is more on the nicer side but still a bit protective. tysm in advance 💞
OMGOMG I love this idea sm you don't even know!! I already know writing this is gonna be fun for me >:D
Spoiler Alert: This was very fun writing for me😼.
~ Star✨️
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Batson and The Bat's Son
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Prompt: You should've known you wouldn't have been able to hide it for as long as you wanted. You were lucky you had gotten away with it for this long. Of course, it's not that you didn't want to tell your best friends that you had a significant other. It was... just a lot harder when those friends were overprotective guys, and also literally the sons of Superman and Batman. But like, especially Batman...
Timeline: Post S!:FOTG
TW/Content: Damian being...himself⚡️Tension (both good and bad)⚡️Slight bits of angst, maybe??⚡️Billy loving you so so much⚡️Martian Manhunter cameo😱?!?!
Reader: Fem! She/Her/Hers Pronouns! Wonder Woman's Daughter!
Requested By: Anon
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"Great Hera...!" You gasped at the montoned demand of your superhero name, jumping and whipping around faster than you could put away your glasses. But upon realizing it was only the infamous Boy Wonder, you relaxed. Letting out a huff and bringing the crucial part of your disguise back into view, you wanted nothing more than to land a blow worthy of launching him across the street onto his chest, but didn't, seeing as you had scoldings to deliver and your questions answered immediately first.
"I've told you time and time again not to do that, Damian! You wander this earth like a ghost, and I scare too easy for you to just...appear behind me like that!"
"I'm surprised you were alarmed at all. I would have assumed you'd known that I was with you the whole time."
Your eyes narrowed, and you pointed an accusing finger. "With me..." You mocked. "You mean you were following me."
"There would be no need for me to do such a thing if you weren't vanishing so often."
Your (E/C) eyes rolled, never once leaving the side of the alley wall. You ignored his words, arms crossing over your chest before your head lolled upwards towards the sky.
"I suppose Jon is here as well."
No response, not that you needed one at this point considering the circumstances.
"Listening in right now." You added matter of factly. "You can come down now, I know you're at least a mile away."
As if on cue, a loud booming sound went thundering overhead, like a canon being let off until Superboy himself came landing right in between the two of you. The gravel shook and cracked at his entrance, completely opposite to his awkward and smiley demeanor the moment his blue eyes focused on your pursed lips and knowing glare.
"Hello, Jon." You greeted flatly before addressing the both of them. "What are you two doing here? Why are you following me?"
"There needn't be any reason for us to do so if you weren't sneaking around. The question now becomes: What are you hiding?"
"Nothing!" You hissed, trying your hardest to ignore the guilt panging in your chest at his words. "I'm not hiding anything, there's nothing to hide. I'm just-"
"-Avoiding us?"
Another tug at your heartstrings, the gleaming look in Jon's eyes hoping that what he had suggested wasn't truth. It surprised you that the boy would even think such a thing, you quickly expressing this with a swift shake of the head and more excuses.
"What? No! No, no, I'm not...avoiding you. Either of you. I'd never do that. You're two of my closest friends ever, I'm just-"
"-So you're hiding something."
"Damian...!" You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose at his second of the same accusation. And yet, you had no words to truly defend yourself. Hell, you couldn't even deny it! You weren't hiding something. You were hiding someone. But, just as quickly as you realized this, you had also come to the conclusion that they didn't have to know that. Your little secret could still remain just that. A secret.
"Yes, yes, I am. . . hiding something."
"Like what?" Jon pushed, already hovering circles around you in optimism. "Like a surprise type of something?!"
"Don't be naive, Jonathan. If that were the case, I would've found out sooner, and I'd know what it is already."
You giggled at their difference in personality, throwing out a quip of your own in hopes to de-escalate the situation.
"Well, know-it-all, it's good thing it's not a surprise something."
"Don't act as though you're off the hook." He responded curtly. "We're still standing in a desolate alleyway in the heart of Metropolis with no reason as to why, other than you're hiding..."
Flicking his wrist in your direction, he prompted a response from you that you were struggling to come up with. Their expecting gaze wasn't helping, and it left you to awkwardly fiddle with the arms of your glasses until you meekly let out a pathetic, "...Something."
"Something like what, though?" Jon egged further, to which Damian shook his head in dismay.
"More like who. 'Two of my closest best friends'?" He quoted words you hadn't even remembered you said, throwing more of his deductions into your face like this was a game of Clue. And goodness knows, at this rate, he was going to win.
"Two out of who, (Y/N)? Not to highlight your lack of social skills, but the only person you have to consider a friend would be Jon."
Jon coughed, rather harshly, in Damian's direction before he sighed and quickly grumbled, "And I as well, I suppose."
"Uh, rude." Was your only comment at first. Though you were not yet ready to admit defeat, a sigh escaped your lips and you came forward with the most honest demeanor you could throw on, looking into the green eyes of Damian behind his mask and then the blue ones of Jon.
"Look, you two are my best friends in this entire realm, okay? Nothing will ever change that, and I swear, there isn't anyone else."
There was a looming silence, and though Jon was satisfied with your expression of care by showing you another smile, Damian had decided on the more...intense route.
"Do you put that on your mother's life?"
"Dude..." Jon sighed. "C'mon..."
And before you could answer, the sound of metal clanking together immediately threw the trio of you into defense. Jon's eyes glowed a neon red while the 'slinth' sound of a katana being ripped from its case was heard, Damian aiming the pointed end towards the loud noise. And before you could even begin to put your mother's Lasso of Truth to good use, your face went deadpanned and you wanted nothing more than to slap the culprit who was struggling to put the two trashcans back in their places.
"Besides him..." You added to your last set of words, lowering your guard and urging the other two boys to do the same.
"Stand down, it's just..."
"Oh! Oh, (Y/N)! I did not at all see you there; Why aren't you in your disguise, wh-? ... Uh..." The man in glowing red and gold slowed both his actions and his words, his excited face shifting into one of confusion at your unexpected company.
"So, is this what you were unwilling to disclose?" Damian further pressed. "If a partnership outside of us was something you were searching for, I'm sure there were more...suitable... members of the league for you to choose from. Better yet, I can make a phone call, and you'd be allowed to choose."
With your heartbeat increasing at the predicament you had so recklessly caught yourself in, you wanted nothing more than to crawl into a pit and wither away. But, you had to keep level-headed. If you didn't, things would go very wrong in a matter of seconds. You didn't want that for your best friends, or...
"I'm sure you could, Robin, but I chose him. He's perfectly suitable for me, and shouldn't that be all that matters?"
He cocked a brow, further testing both your patience and your judgment while Jon was simply happy to learn that you've made a new friend.
"When did you guys meet?" He began to hover circles around the man dressed in lightning themed Greek wear. "I don't even think I've seen him around Metropolis before."
"I-...Well, yeah," he went to answer for himself. "That's 'cause all the cool stuff happens right here in Philly. You know... wizards...and dragons and such."
"You fought a dragon?!"
"Yeah, I've fought a dragon!" The super exclaimed enthusiastically. "It was made out of wood and spewed blue fire. It was awesome!"
Both you and Damian gave an eyeroll, his of unamusment while you were quick to state one less cool fact about the whole ordeal.
"And then it killed you."
"Wha-?!" He stopped himself, looking towards you before pointing a finger. "Yeah, but then I got resurrected! So it's all good, everything's good."
"Yeah, by my mother!" You added sternly. "Billy, I know you did what you had to that day, but you seriously need to learn to think things through, because I don't plan on having to resurrect you myself anytime soon."
"Yeah, well- I..." He stopped himself from replying to you, suddenly becoming aware of how casually you dropped his real name and how he wasn't supposed to respond to it. And before he could do anything to correct you, Damian had gone back to his analysis on the situation.
"And that's your reasoning for working with him? Because your mother has forced you into cooperation based upon the fact that she...resurrected him?"
"Well, no, not exactly." You attempted to clear up. "It was more of a meet-cute, and-"
"-Dude, do you even watch the news?" Jon interuppted your words, his smile growing bigger with each passing moment until he himself finally realized who this man was.
"He's one of the new superheroes here! He literally saved the world. Twice."
There was a pause in the air, Damian clearly having not paid any mind to the news (at least, not anything relating to whatever was happening in Philadelphia) and was still unimpressed by just the information being told.
Jon went on, this time in hopes to make it all sound just a little more appealing.
"It's not just him. Like I said, he's in a group. The...Philadelphia Fiascos, something like that."
You couldn't help but try and force back a giggle, knowing just how much the title irked the man standing in front of you as he threw and then dropped his arms against his sides.
"No, that is not our name. It's actually one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. It's definitely not my name. My name is Shazam."
And just like that, with a flash of lightning and a bolt of thunder, "Shazam" was now back to the original name you had given earlier.
"Oh shit-...." He cursed, but you struck an arm out before he could run off or say the word to change back.
"Don't bother." You sighed, taking in the surprised look on Jon's face and the expecting one on Damian's (because lord knows hardly anything surprises him at this point).
"This was all inevitable, I might as well get this over with..."
You inhaled, preparing your words of explanation to the three boys you admired most.
"I know I told you guys that you two are my best friends. You guys have been there for me through my worst and my best, and I'm forever grateful for that. My mother told me it was best that I made new friends. And I did. But... she didn't say anything about not having a boyfriend..."
Jon's eyes nearly widened out of his sockets at your words, Damian's stoic demeanor dropping for a mere split second before he slapped it right back on, hoping you hadn't noticed. But, you did, the shift in his aura already making you more nervous than you already were to introduce your boyfriend.
"You guys... this is Billy Batson."
There was a deafening silence, the four of you staring at one another as if someone was supposed to speak up first. And naturally, this troubled you, but you couldn't help but feel such a strong batch of weight fall from your shoulders.
Relief clouded over you unexpectedly and maybe even too soon, Billy leaning over to you with a hushed tone and a worried glance.
"Are...they supposed to know that?"
Sure, it might not have been your place to suddenly reveal his secret like that, but you figured that maybe it was for the best. Not to mention, he had basically done so on his own inattentive accord. It was just even more of a reason to somehow try and make this trio a quatro. A quartet? A...group of four friends, two of which are dating.
Yeah. Totally not awkward at all.
"Well, yeah, I don't see why not. It's the same as how I know that that's Jon Kent..."
And with a simple gesture over to the raven-haired boy repping his father's symbol of hope on his chest, he gave another wave and this time, an unsure smile towards the dude who he was now supposed to accept as your...boyfriend...
You turned towards the other, giving another throw of the hand in hopes to make and keep things seeming causal.
"...And that's Damian Wayne."
And though you hoped he'd at the very least show some form of peace, he kept his glare and stoic nature in tact, staring down Billy as if he were some low-life thug from Gotham City. Someone easy to beat to a pulp, should the boy prove he deserves such a fate in any way, shape, or form.
"(Y/N), how do we even know we can put our trust into this...imbecile? I thought you-"
"-You can trust him, I swear. You trust me, don't you?" You cut in before Damian could even finish his light scoldings. "Besides, he revealed himself to you-"
"-On accident." Billy quickly added, already wishing he hadn't. Wishing he was still in his grown, superhero form. At the very least, his own intimidation tactics would come from confidence rather than cockiness and might even actually work.
"But you did it." You reminded. "He did it. So it's only right that he knows who you are, too, you guys." You informed calmly.
"How did you even meet him? How do I know he can be trusted, (Y/N)?" Damian berated further, Jon nodding in agreement as you huffed in frustration. "This is just as reckless as it is dangerous, especially for you. You need to learn that these types of things can lead to your own downfall."
Before you could even give yourself a chance to think of a response (not even wanting to admit he could possibly be right), Billy had spoken up on your behalf, regardless of his outward appearance.
"Hey, look, I know you're super protective of her and all, I get it... but she can totally take care of herself. I've seen it firsthand. So, relax."
As if the atmosphere couldn't grow any thicker, you felt as though you'd choke on your own shallow breaths, watching the two stare down into each other's matching colored eyes with no intentions to back down. Jon quickly threw you a glance, knowing all too well how Damian tended to "appreciate" these sorts of challenges, and you were the last hope at stopping it, both physically and through your words.
You chose the latter, piping back up with a worthy story to back it all up.
"Like I said... It was a meet-cute."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Mother, I don't understand. I've learned all there is to know about this realm. I've read every book you've given me, and I've seen...so many things I wish I hadn't..." You raved on as you practically jogged to keep up with your mother's long strides.
"What more could I possibly have to gain?"
"Young (Y/N)..." She began, stopping abruptly in order to turn and face you.
"My sweet girl..." You looked up at her with curious eyes, still unsure as to why you two were left wandering the streets of a busy Philidelphia. Deep in the heart, the sea of people wading around your cloaked figures. Shooting you weird glances, but minding their business nonetheless while your mother cupped your chin.
"There is always something more to learn. Much to know, something else to discover. And, if you must take my word, the journey is worth it."
"In time, you will see. But, for now, I have a rather important lesson for you today."
You were left befuddled at this bit of information, your brows knitting together as you wracked your brain for what the lesson could possibly be.
"I have completed all of my training. And I wasn't assigned a mission..."
"No, but you're not exactly ready for your tournament on the island, either." She teased with a smirk, leaving you to do sort of a 'har-har' motion with your head at the implication of your later-to-be-done trials on Themyscira. An island you had yet to go back to, having been born there and no memories after that once Diana had made the decision to bring you back to the land mortal man resided on.
"Today is a lesson of cooperation. Teamwork."
"Oh, mother..." You sighed frivolously. "I know how to work with a team. I-"
"I am aware of your allyship with Clark and Bruce's sons. I admire it, actually. You three are a lot more cohesive than what I could ever be with their stubborn fathers. But, I assumed as such. You guys became friends before your superhero duties came into play."
You contemplated such words, and supposed they were in truth. Your mother, Bruce, and Clark seemed to act more like coworkers rather than friends. Unlike the relationship you had with their sons, having bonded and forming a close-knit pact amongst the three of yourselves before having even thought of doing superhero work together.
And when you did, it made your chemistry on the battlefield a lot better; improved your guy's intuitions for the others' next move. Things got done with smoothness, a quick and ease that other teams seemed to have lacked.
"But," your mother continued, intersecting your own thoughts. "I need to know you are capable of such skill and cohesiveness when your partner isn't someone you know. That you will succeed, even if it means working with a foreign accomplice."
"Someone new?" You predicted, suddenly growing unsure of whatever was to come. And rightfully so, the ground suddenly beginning to shake while the crowds around stopped in their hurried tracks. Their gazes went upwards, yours following until the source of such powerful steps came into view.
"Great Hera..."
Your words came out no louder than a whisper, (E/C) eyes widening at the sight of the largest, reptile-like creature you had ever seen. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end, your blood running cold the moment you had a clear view to recognize the beast.
The father of monsters, leaving all to see within their complete rights to run away in terror. A creature you had only heard about in legends and folklore, and only the kind your mother had told you as a young girl...
"That's... That's Typhon..." Again, your words dwindled away into fearful breaths, taking steps back hoping to fall into your mother's embrace as though it would somehow help the overall situation. And suddenly, it had grown worse, not able to feel the woman behind you and only realizing she was gone when she called down to you from the air.
"Be strong, my child!" She encouraged with an unchanged smile, flying away as if she was really going to...
Oh...oh no...
"Mom! Mom, no, you can't leave! You- You're literally Wonder Woman, you can not just leave me to die!!"
"You will not die, for you are the one who chooses what perishes and what remains in your wake. My Valkyrie. . ." She reminded you, ending it with a charm you didn't dare forget. "With or without accomplice, you are so much more capable than you know!"
Whatever lesson this was, it was insane. But, surely, your own mother wouldn't actually put you in a position where you wouldn't return, right?
You took in a breath.
'Trust yourself, (Y/N).' You reminded yourself. Just like that, you disregarded your cloak, revealing your superhero outfit/armor and drew your weapon. For now, you were all that stood between this city, and this ravenous-
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Are you done?"
Your voice cut out, your expressive hands and dramatic tone faltering while your eyes shifted towards Damian in disbelief.
"Excuse me?"
"This...really isn't giving me meet-cute vibes..." Jon next to speak as Billy gave a huff and an eye roll at the sudden interruption.
"Well, maybe if you'd let her finish-"
"I don't recall asking you."
Another pause, Billy giving Damian a knowing look to combat what seemed to be a permanent glare etched onto his face.
"I didn't know I needed your permission?"
"In the presence of those more advanced than you are, I suggest you learn to wait until it's given."
Billy's eye narrowed as he started up another petty bicker, Jon remaining unaware of the upcoming fight brewing between the two. He was busy working out his own thoughts...
"I'm still trying to figure out what he has to do with any of this..."
"More than you." Billy scoffed, now stuck in a defensive attitude.
"Enough! I will go on and you two will listen, or so help me, you will get no explanation at all and you're just going to have to deal with the fact that I have a boyfriend and like it."
And finally, there was quiet once more. A subduing, accepting one that left you satisfied, nodding a little in accomplishment before continuing on.
"Thank you. Now, as I was saying..."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
You were all that stood between the city, the rest of the world, and this ravenous, ghastly beast. As a result, the creature did nothing more than throw you around and cause more destruction. You were thanking your lucky stars there had been no casualties, and that you yourself were still even alive. But that could change at any moment following after a simple mistake.
One lazy swing of your weapon or step of your foot. One moment of being at the wrong place at the wrong-
"Watch out...!!"
And before you could even process the end of a sharply filed wing coming your direction in hopes to inpale you, a flash of red, white, and gold blurred your vision and suddenly, you were no longer in the path of a painful death. Just left very stunned and confused while the only thing that could leave your lips was a shocked, "Barry, what are you-?!"
Your mouth snapped shut, looking up and staring into eyes that certainly didn't belong to the Flash, even though he was the only person you knew who sported such a combination of colors and possessed super speed. And yet, here you were, being proven wrong and gently set down back onto the pavement.
"N-...Nobody, nevermind."
"Are you okay? You seem...not cut out for this."
This statement caught you off guard. Sure, you were most definitely shaken up and could hardly plan your next course of action without a wave of fear striking up your spine, but...
Not cut out for this?
"That is most certainly the complete opposite of the case, I'll have you know. I do this for a living."
The man gave you a look up and down, a mix of amusement and unsureness crossing his face as he spoke quickly.
"I dunno, you were kinda... If that were true, I don't think I would've had to come in and save you."
"Save me?" You couldn't help but repeat this, truly flabbergasted at such a claim. "Save me?"
"Also, is there a way you can tell me why you're dressed like a Wonder Woman wannabe?" He asked with no true intent to offend, but the more he talked, the deeper the hole he was digging himself would grow.
"'Cause not to harsh your flow or anything, but the original is always better, and I should know because I met her, but you don't wanna hear about that, I mean..."
"I am not-!" You cut into your own loud protest, fighting the urge to discredit any comparison of your person to your mother. You were your own person, no matter the affiliations you carried, and you were quick to make such information known once a breath left your throat.
"My name is Valkyrie, last born of Themyscira and granddaughter of Zeus. And I'll have you know I'd never step down from my duties of protecting the innocent lives of this land, for I am the one who chooses who lives and and who dies. And that beast...?"
You pointed upwards in the relative direction of where it had last been, but the chaos surrounding was enough for both of you to know neither of your jobs were done.
"It goes down. Tonight."
The super in front of you nodded as if he wanted to believe everything you just said but truly couldn't. A little chuckle even slipped through his lips, the man slowly backing away with intent to return to the fight as well.
"Okay, you seem very focused on all of the right things, but since you're obviously way younger than me which makes you more inexperienced, I think I should at least show you how it's done first so you don't get yourself hurt. Alright? Okay."
And with that, he flew off, the short breeze of wind that was left from his takeoff blowing your (H/C) hair back while you stared up in perturbance.
"...Imbecile." You cursed.
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"You were arrogant, which made you stupid. And you lacked precision and grace, as well as the ability to properly communicate." You further informed, recalling the way Billy had just as much of a hard time defeating Typhon as you had. If anything, with no training experience, even worse. And when you tried to join in on the fight, he simply remained in your way, and neither of you had ever gotten anywhere for the longest.
"Is that all? Because I'm starting to get a subliminal message that we aren't as girlfriend-and-boyfriend as I thought..." Billy sighed, his face shifting into a light shade of red at your truthful words and thoughts.
He wanted to say how he didn't recall things to have gone that badly at all, but you spoke up before he could.
"No. That isn't all. But, to spare you, I'd like to point out how though you have no mental training whatsoever..."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"...I must admit, you are...very powerful. And your magic isn't like any kind I've seen before." You uttered through heavy breaths, having spent what felt like hours just to defeat such a cruel animal.
"Are you...a god?"
There was a delay, the man trying to work out your question in a way that would make the most sense.
"Demi-God, actually, technically... It's really complicated to explain. My brother would be way better at telling you all about it."
Your head tilted, clearly confused by his words, which only caused him to try and clear it up further.
"Short version, I got my powers from a wizard who said I was like, pure of heart...wise- No, strong in spirit...or whatever, something like that. And ever since, I've been saving the world with my family, which is super cool, by the way."
"And this wizard..." You inquired. "Was he a god?"
"Uhm...no." he answered, again, with a vagueness that caused you to tilt your head once more. It made his heart leap and brought on the sudden urge to tell you more.
"But you know, one thing we do have in common, the whole Zeus thing...that's totally what the 'Z' in my name stands for."
You nodded, accepting the oddly placed information for what it was before sticking out a hand for him to shake. He did so with an eagerness that almost reminded you of Jon.
"Well, regardless of all previously stated about you, your wizard was correct. Your heart was in the right place the entire time, and I admire that. It's...been a pleasure working with you..."
He smiled, hurrying to provide you with a name. Quickly and unthinking, as usual...
A flash of lighting made you pull away instantly, the thunderous bolt causing you to jump back into a defensive position until the smoke cleared.
What was revealed to you was a teenage boy around your age and looking up at you with wide, emerald green eyes. His brown hair was disheveled, and he practically stumbled over his own two feet in attempts to get away as fast as possible.
"Wait-!" You stopped him, grabbing at his wrist to which he swiftly tried to pull away from. The close proximity only made you more aware of the height difference, yourself maybe only a couple inches taller, which merely added to the fact that he was wildly intimidated by you as a whole. He wanted nothing to do with the consequences of you finding out his biggest secret, especially after all of the things he had said laced in a tone of condescension.
He continued to pull, but you didn't budge. Instead, you calmed, lowering your tone into a whisper that ceased his movements.
"Wait..." You gave a firm nod of solidarity. Filled with compassion, and you were quick to add a smile. "Your secret is safe with me. You have my word."
"Thank you..." He breathed, watching as you slowly released the hold on his wrist. His touch lingered, your fingertips the last to meet before the both of you were now left standing, face to face before you registered the entirety of the situation. Replaying your mother's words...
'I need to know you are capable of such skill and cohesiveness when your partner isn't someone you know. That you will succeed, even if it means working with a foreign accomplice.'
"You were the lesson."
The confusion splayed across his face amused you, a giggle escaping your lips that made his chest fill to the brim with butterflies while you explained.
"Do you recall the Zeus thing you pointed out earlier?"
He nodded.
"Well," you began, straightening yourself out. "My name is Valkyrie, last born of Themyscira, granddaughter of Zeus."
"Yeah, I...caught that the first ti-"
"Also known as (Y/N)," You cut in. "Daughter of this land's beloved Wonder Woman."
"Oh... Oh, my god...!" He gasped, a mixture of amazement and shock in his tone while you gave another laugh and a nod.
"You have revealed yourself to me, so-"
"But you did it." You swiftly reminded. "And I have revealed myself to you. So, it's nice to officially meet you..."
"Billy!" He filled in the blank as fast as he could, soon realizing you may want a full name before awkwardly adding the rest.
"Batson...Billy Batson."
"Hm." You hummed in satisfaction, your smile never once faltering as you gave a nod. "I...look forward to working with you in the future. Preferably, not under the circumstances of another lesson."
You pointed upwards, the large body of "Typhon" shape-shifting into one Martian Manhunter, staring at the two of you from high above with Wonder Woman at his side, the two giving nods of content.
"Holy moly..."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Oh! I see now...! Meet-cute." Jon expressed as Damian gave a disappointed shake of the head.
"Careless." He huffed, to which you ignored in favor of only responding to Jon's positivity rather than Damian's negativity.
"Exactly. And then, a few weeks later, I took him out for a date."
"Which I think went pretty well, by the way." Billy added, smoothly lacing his hand with yours (completely ignoring Damian and his icy glare as well).
"Mmm..." You hummed with a tone that begged to differ, leaving it clear you and Billy remembered your first date very differently...
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Wait, so...you really can't fly?"
Though the question may have seemed jarring, the bustling crowds of the inner city masked such an odd remark. It left you two free to converse on topics of both citizen and superhero life. Or whatever else came to mind.
Hopefully, all that came to mind, seeing as your time together was limited for the day.
"Unfortunately, no. Just because I am my mother's daughter doesn't mean I inherited all of her capabilities."
Billy shrugged, making sure to keep pace with you in order to actually be by your side. And, as a courtesy tip from Mary, keep himself on the outside towards the road and yourself inwards. 'Just in case' she had said, which confused him. Not that he doubted, though.
"I guess so. I just thought that maybe since you're her kid-"
"-I'm not a carbon copy, Billy. I am my own person, you know." You informed.
"Yes, of course, I totally get that! But, if you can't fly, and if you're not immortal...what powers do you have?"
Such a question left you to think for a moment, your lips pursing up until you were finally left to shrug yourself.
"Well, I wouldn't really consider them powers. Unlike your abilities, I-..."
A gasp cut into your own words, your mood boosting upwards just like your eyes towards the pink neon sign above.
"Oh my gosh, oh my-! I've heard of this, I've always been so curious to try, but it seems there's never any time..."
At first, Billy was confused by your jolt and burst of excitement, staring at you in muddled amusement.
You grabbed him by the chin, between your thumb and index finger, and forced his gaze up where yours had been. Quickly, he now understood and looked back down at you in bewilderment.
"You've...really never had ice cream before?"
"Well, with my training and all, on top of my studies and hero duties, I never really...get the chance to do much of anything considered downtime." You explained before giving an obnoxious sigh.
"Hell, if only you knew what I went through just to convince my mother to let me out today. And don't even get me started on my best friends..."
"Your...best friends?" Billy inquired, nudging you with his shoulder in a teasing manner. "Thought I was your best friend."
"Yeah, you are." You admitted, casually nudging him back, which struck up bashful giggles between the two of you. "But, in a different way. They are...my first friends. My first superhero friends, normal person friends...my first best friends. So, naturally, getting past them is like attempting to look a gorgon right in the eyes and not turning to stone."
Though he hadn't caught onto the last bit, the analogy something foreign to him, he'd had come up with a plan instantly to both woo you and to simply give you the experience you deserved.
"Tell you what, (N/N)..." He began, using a nickname he had come up with a short time ago.
"Hm?" You chirped in response, eager for his solution as your walk continued on as a gentle and slow stroll.
"I'll take you for a fly around the city. Watch the sunset, maybe grab some food on the way; Ice cream for dessert..."
You face grew hot just thinking about such an ordeal. It was ideally romantic, and it did end with you getting the treat you had always wanted to try.
"It'd be killing two birds with one stone."
His own weird analogy had caught you off guard, taking in a dramatic inhale as a hand flew to your heart.
"Billy...!" You almost scolded. "I do not wish to kill any birds! Especially not with a stone, that's terrible."
He couldn't help but laugh, though you were having trouble finding the humor in his statement as he pulled you into him, an arm around your shoulder providing a cheesy type of comfort you couldn't help but fall for as well.
"It's...an expression. Just means getting two things done at once." He explained cooly, only for you to pout.
"It's a terrible expression."
He huffed, sending you a deadpanned expression.
"Do you agree to the idea or not, (Y/N)?"
You pretended to think about the offer, though you had already come up with your answer. You just didn't want to come off as too desperate, especially considering this was your first date. Sure, you asked (er, more or less commanded) him out, but that didn't mean it wasn't any less nerve-wracking. And natrually, your mother was not the best of help, pushing and pulling the whole situation.
Encouraging you to show strength and pursue the love that pleased you. But, as instinct to protect their child, as any living creature would, often told you no when it actually came down to you wanting to spend time with Billy.
But, you were here now, and that was all that mattered. Matter of fact, you swiftly realized how silly it would be to hold back on maybe a once in a lifetime experience.
"...I suppose." You finally hummed, to Billy's excitement before you quickly added, "And...don't call me (Y/N)."
"To you, I am (N/N)." You instructed, having grown fond of whatever little nickname or petname he had given you. "It has been decided upon."
"Okay, (N/N)."
It wasn't long before you two had wandered into a more desolate area, being thorough that the coast was clear before a bolt of lightning was struck and a pair of glasses came flying off.
"Are you...sure this is safe?" You began to hesitate. No, you weren't afraid of heights. But you were definitely afraid of falling, and while of course you trusted whenever Jon would carry you or when your own mother would, Billy had proven himself a tad more...
Distracted? Nuanced? Impetuous? All could be applicable, really...
"Yeah, of course I'm sure! It'll be fun, c'mon, no stress." He urged, beckoning you over with the wave of his hand while now in his superhero alter ego.
"Do you..." You didn't want what you were about to ask sound silly. You were practically indestructible. Falling should be the last thing you were worried about. And yet...
"I'll fly low through the city; and I won't even go my top speed, I guarantee no building crashes." He further pushed with a hyped up grin.
"Do you promise not to drop me?" You rushed, almost embarrassed with how meekly it seemed to come out. Not like you at all, but Billy couldn't help but find it endearing as he walked forward and placed a comforting palm on your shoulder.
"(N/N), only an idiot would drop someone like you."
And that was all the more convincing you needed, ignoring the butterflies in your chest while he lifted you into his arms in bridal fashion.
He made sure to handle you with the utmost care, keeping his promise having never once even let you so much as wobble or slip from his grasp. And, his plans had proven worthy of the hype, the city lights a whole different view to behold while flying so low. Even as the sun began to set, you had no intentions of returning home anytime soon, regardless of curfew. You couldn't leave now!
Not while you and Billy (now back to himself) sat atop of one of the highest points in the city. Cooped up together on one of the bridge towers while he taught you the proper way to eat a philly cheesteak.
"No, no," He scolded, teasing and light as you let your sandwich rest in your lap, giggling at his example. "You gotta' do it like this. The experience isn't true if you don't get cheese like... literally all over your face, watch..."
And he did just that, leaving you to shake your head as laughter escaped your lips.
"Billy, that seems...unnecessarily messy."
"Well, fine then...!" He challenged, his mouth still full as he gestured towards you. "Lemme' see you try and take a bite without getting cheese or toppings anywhere else."
"Go on."
You huffed, pursing your lips and narrowing your eyes in his direction before giving in to his petty challenge.
. . .
"It's good, right?"
"It's messy, like I stated..." Your words could've very well been chokes if you weren't careful, your mouth just as full of food as Billy's once was while dots of cheese lined your lips.
"Well, then, congratulations. You did it right. You've made me proud." He announced smugly, handing you an honorary napkin to clean your face with.
Once you had managed to swallow it all down, you couldn't help but admit you were left satisfied.
"How...often are cheesteaks sold?"
He chuckled at your question, now left genuinely proud that he had seemed to have successfully transferred his food addiction onto you.
"Don't worry, we'll get you more another time."
He reached to the side of himself, picking up two small cups filled with the icy treat you had even forgotten you'd gushed about. It left you happily surprised once again as he handed you your own.
"For now, I think we should start you off with the most basic flavor. It's really sweet and really cold, so I didn't wanna overwhelm you."
"What flavor is it?" You were practically bouncing with glee, anticipating its taste before he could even tell you what it was. He didn't even get to get the word out before you had shoveled a bite into your mouth.
"French Vanilla."
"Oh...my gods..." You sighed, savoring the taste on your tongue as the ice cream began to melt in your mouth.
"I'll get more of this sooner as well, right?" You hoped aloud, Billy nodding but encouraging you to "slow down" before you ended up with a "brain freeze", whatever that was.
Speaking of freeze, the chill that passed by was certainly enough to calm you down from the ice cream, your arms littering in goosebumps as the two of you stared deep into the sunset. It casted a glow against the horizon on the water, and though it was growing more and more chilly by the moment, you couldn't help but comment on the beauty of it all.
Billy was swift to agree, not that he was actually looking at the sunset. Too busy admiring your features, the way your hair fell, and how your eyes practically sparkled. The tone of your skin making any scars and beauty marks pop against it with the glow of the sun highlighting it all in gold.
He had to refrain from grazing a hand against your arm, his brain starting to convince him that he was dreaming or that you were an angel of some sort, unreal until he could prove otherwise. And, without really thinking about it, he made moves to do so.
"Are...you cold?"
You thought about it, even though you didn't really have to. Not to mention, there was a feeling rising in your chest. A feeling that you knew where this was going, and of course, you wanted nothing more than to experience that.
"Yeah, kinda."
And in a solid flow of motion, the boy beside you had taken off his flannel to drape it across your own figure. Eager to pull you closer into him, practically on his lap as you two watched the remainder of the setting sun. Well, tried to, your focus still shifting towards Billy every now and again as if you had to make sure, convince yourself, that he was still there.
"You're gonna miss it..." He pointed slightly in the direction of the golden ball of light, his voice practically a whisper when he saw you look back at him for what seemed like the miilonth time. Even so, he couldn't help but smile, one matching your own as you shrugged.
"That's okay..." Was your only response before you felt yourself leaning in closer. It was like you were metal, and he was a magnet, not that he seemed to mind before mimicking your actions. You-
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Oh my god, are you telling us about your first kiss? I don't wanna hear about that..." Jon brushed away the mere thoughts of that with a wave of his hand, his actions only humoring you and Billy as you swayed up against him.
"Yes, the first of many~."
"Stop, oh my god...!"
"You're so immature." You chided at the boy's revulsion. "Can't you just be happy for me?"
"I don't blame him." Damian insisted. "I, too, find it hard to be content when this 'relationship' was merely established a few months prior. Especially without us knowing."
"Well, maybe this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you." You spat before gesturing towards both boys. "Either of you. You don't get it."
"Oh, I understand. Trust me." Damian scoffed at your vehemence. "I understand that if you expect me to allow this to continue any further, I must see whether or not he's actually capable of keeping you safe. And that he can be proven worthy of, not only your time and efforts, but to be trusted as well."
And when his green eyes met with Billy's, it was clear he had no tolerance for the boy whatsoever. If anything, it was almost like there was a purposeful intent laced within his words to gain some sort of a rise out of him. One which he got, expectingly.
"Um, allowed?" Billy repeated, not at all liking the idea of being told what to do by anyone other than his parents, much less another boy his age. And chiefly when it came down to you.
"First of all-"
"Oh my gods, here we go..." You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose once more in complete detest for more of the bickering about to occur. It seemed as though no one was willing to listen to your words, Jon able to sense this when his eyes left your dejected figure and took notice of the forming tension between Damian and Billy.
"You guys...!" Jon cut in, putting out the spark where it began. "Maybe...she's right. Maybe this could be a good thing?"
"Of course I'm right!" You gasped the minute Jon had come to your defense. "Look, I understand that you guys just want to protect me, but... I can't learn things if I don't ever make mistakes. My own mistakes." You emphasized, knowing how quickly Damian liked to swoop in to take over your own, potentially dangerous, missions. And how often Jon managed to talk you out of different situations with charisma you sometimes lacked.
"And, to be fully honest, I don't believe Billy to be a mistake." You added, looking him in the eyes and then turning back towards them. "I really, really want this, okay? And I don't care if you guys don't trust him or... even like him. I like him. I trust him. And that's it."
A final act of silence fell between the lot of you, Damian trying his best and failing at avoiding your pleading (E/C) eyes. Failing, so, he gave up.
More accurately, gave in.
"Very well." He huffed, never one to fully let his guard down, but doing the best he could to provide some sense of acquiesce.
"But, should there be any trace of even a minor slip up," he worked in his own version of compromise, sporting a final death glare in Billy's direction. "I will kill him."
"Oh, please..." Was his only reaction to the threat which left you to step in with your own word of reassurance.
"He won't."
"If he knows what's good for him."
"He won't kill you, he's just saying that..." Jon laughed. It was awkward, a sign of attempted lightheartedness before he went on.
"But really, please don't do anything that will make us regret trusting you. I think it'd be cool to have a new guy around!"
And naturally, Billy was a lot more inclined to warm up to Jon, giving him a nod of respect. It all finally left you able to wind down, knowing that though it wasn't today's plans or intentions, you had successfully integrated your best friends with your boyfriend.
A group unlike any other.
One you... still couldn't come up with a name for.
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AAAAH I feel like this took me way longer than it should've, or that maybe the story itself is too long, but, either way, I hope you liked it!! I can't wait to figure out a face claim for Jon and Damian, btw, that's still sumn I gotta do.
~ Star✨️
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blighted-lights · 6 months
I feel like your approach to criticizing a certain fandom was the wrong way of doing it. Don't get me wrong, you are a hundred percent right about the lack of representation for certain characters. But you had to have known that you would've gotten backlash for insinuating that the only reason that content is being made is because people are... misogynistic? The characters are well-written; that's why they get attention. The women are also well-written, you're right! But instead of getting mad at the people who enjoy specific characters, you could contribute to what you want to see in the fandom. Make fanfiction, make art, talk about your favorite ships, talk about your favorite characters, talk about the head-canons you have for them, connect with other fans of those characters, make AUs with them, make the fandom you want to see! But I don't know what you were expecting when you come out and say in the tags "you must be misogynists for liking these characters and you must be awful people for playing around with AUs" even though every fandom on this website does that. That was hostile and was only going to get a hostile response in return especially when you specifically put it in the tags for fans of those characters to see. Because it reads as you insinuating that fans of these characters existing is why you don't get any representation of your favorite characters. Or, alternatively, that everyone only likes certain characters because they're misogynists who hate women characters. People make content of them because they like them and because they want to make content of them.
Want more content of the things you want to see? Pay or support the artists and writers who make that content or start making it yourself. Its not helpful to complain that some characters get more attention than others but then make no attempt to contribute to it in any meaningful way. You cannot just get mad at people for liking characters and expect the fandom to magically decide its going to give you the content you want.
This is a long-winded way of saying you are correct in that the fandom seems to hyper-focus on some characters over others. But the way you approached that discussion was combative, hostile, and unhelpful, and you're not going to motivate a community into making content by being passive-aggressive to the people making the content they want to make. Be the change you want to see in the fandom, or support the artists and writers who make the content you want to see.
Its like... You can't complain your garden isn't growing if you're not watering it and not adding seeds, and instead are blaming everyone else for having plants in their gardens that you don't like.
anon i dont know how to tell you this but if you felt the need to write a five-paragraph essay talking about how i need to be nicer to other people when i am pointing out misogyny in a fandom space then, well... actually, i dont know what to tell you other than the fact that i was trying to be aggressive and im not going to be civil about misogyny. my post wasn't made in the hopes of getting people to make more content of the women in borderlands because that would never in ten fucking million years work. it was not a constructive post. you are assuming i have some sort of goodwill about this and i don't. i wanted to be an asshole because, surprise, i am an asshole. funny how that works.
you are also pulling so much of this out of nowhere and putting so many words in my mouth that i dont even know where to begin with it?? i mean this in the kindest way possible nonnie but. this is a wild response to make when all i said was essentially "wow it sure is weird that the majority of content made for bl is focused on only three men when there's a full cast of amazing women to look at" and then "its also weird that people are making aus to erase the canon abuse and exploitation of a CHILD in order to make jack a good father". but thanks for the essay, nonnie. i guess.
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woosh-floosh · 6 months
This is more a response to your tags so don’t feel like you have to post but anon was def being a bit rude. I just didn’t want you to feel like you were just thinking that out of nowhere :( Hope your other messages are nicer <3
Thanks, this message is nicer at least!
I've seen messages like that sent to other folks on here and I don't really get why they are so rude. I understand getting frustrated at people not tagging stuff you don't want to see, but you are asking a random stranger to do something for you. People will be more willing to do something for you if you are nice to them!
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
Ooooo i love your ideas for Huohuo sibling! Especially with it being canon that Huohuo actually does have a sibling (a sister). While i love your idea, have you consider Huohuo with a younger foxian sibling? A sibling that deeply admires their big sister and would brag to anyone who would listen how their brave big sister is a judge in the Ten Lord Commision, meanwhile Huohuo keeps trying to get braver just so she wont let her sibling down and let them see how she really is. (+ Tail also has begrudgingly taken a liking to Huohuo’s little sibling and usually called kid or pup or something..)
(Also here are some scenarios i have for your ideas btw:
Older foxian sibling: A sibling who would nag at Tail to be much nicer to Huohuo, a sibling who would let their sister sleep with them if she thought there was a monster also there’s Tail snarking how Huohuo was being a baby and the sibling just give him a death glare, a sibling who has a weird relationship with Tail that’s like “they seem to hate each other a lot but they actually secretly care for the each other” kind, and a sibling that Huohuo loves a lot and vowed to be a much braver judge for them.
Emanator sibling: A sibling that Huohuo tries to impress a lot even though she doesnt have to, a sibling that Huohuo compares herself a lot to, a sibling that is much favored by their parents who saw Huohuo as a monster because of Mr. Tail, a sibling who never cares about any of that and loves Huohuo for who she is
I apologize for the sadder tone for the emanator sibling but i imagine that having a sibling who’s an emanator will definitely get you to be compared with them a lot, whether it is you or other people that will do it)
- 🐱 Anon
P.S. I hope you dont mind me asking again but have you seen the Dottore poem i sent?
BABY FOXIAN SIBLING WAHHHHH THATS SO REAL TOO i often write older sibling thoughts because it's, more often than not, my instinct to feel responsible for and protective of a character i like, especially if they're young (-ish, huohuo IS foxian so she's chronologically older than a normal mortal would be but she's still a child by foxian standards)..... but huohuo as a big sister is the cutest to me :(
she tries so hard to be brave for them because she knows how much they look up to her and how they brag to everyone that their super awesome and brave and strong big sister is a judge in the ten lords commission!!! AND she's younger than most adult luofu natives!!!!! their big sister is just the coolest to them!!!!!! and she wants to be brave sooo bad for them. AND AWWW TAIL he's so real for that...... i like the idea of tail yelling at someone for berating huohuo bc only HE can and younger sibling [name] just nodding, firmly crossing their arms and shooting the person in question a pouty glare (they try so hard to look mean but really it just ends up being cute) and saying "YEAH!!!!!!! SHUT UP DO NOT SAY THOSE THINGS ABOUT BIG SISTER RAAHHH 🗣" tail probably thinks it's funny and i think he might say something along the lines of "you tell 'em, pup" he's so dad coded to meeee 👍 cries sobs weeps
older foxian sibling!reader, who always kisses huohuo's tears away when she cries. older foxian sibling!reader, who welcomes her with open arms in the middle of the night when she has a nightmare and can't sleep unless she's with them. older foxian sibling!reader who always gets into petty arguments with tail--"no, you absolute idiot, you CANNOT say those terrible things to my sister, what's wrong with you??????" ...but they actually quite like him, and he won't really admit it, but he cares for both of those foxian siblings. ...and huohuo, who promises herself that she'll be stronger for them. because they can't kiss away her tears forever. so, for them, she will be brave.
emanator of the hunt!reader, who is widely recognized on the luofu for their prowess in battle and seen as someone worthy of a leadership position. emanator of the hunt!reader, who probably works closely with jing yuan and other important figures on the luofu. emanator of the hunt!reader, who knows that some people like to compare huohuo to them (much to their absolute rage; who is putting those stupid fucking thoughts into her head? it's not as if they chose to be seen and acknowledged by the aeon lan, you fools). emanator of the hunt!reader, who always protects huohuo; she is at her safest when she's at their side, and she knows nothing could possibly hurt her when someone so strong is always watching over her. emanator of the hunt!reader, who always reassures huohuo that she doesn't have to impress them or live up to their achievements--"i don't know how being an emanator is an achievement anyway... i didn't choose this? anyway... sweetheart, you don't have to impress me or live up to me. you are perfect as you are. if anyone says otherwise, let them know that they can answer to me, yeah?" ...and huohuo, who can't protect them, but can instead heal them at every opportunity. she will uplift their strength as best as she possibly can (the hunt and the abundance have never historically gone well together, have they? but this is different. where [name] falls, huohuo will raise them up again. something something.... what lan and yaoshi could have been, their pathstriders have become instead...... blah blah blah /lh)
don't worry, dear!!!! i don't mind you asking. i did see it. i have to respond to another bunch of asks soon, i just havent had much motivation today ajkshlfjs <3
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