#if you're financially dependant on someone else
baronessblixen · 6 months
The tradwife movement... I could crack my knuckles and go on a typing diatribe (and did and erased XDD); but I find it interesting that they're poorly disguised business women who make bank off of marketing a lifestyle they themselves don't live by. "Traditional" stay-at-home wives and mothers irl have equal agency in personal and financial decisions in their marriage (names on everything, money set aside for their personal accounts, etc.); and are not "obedient, demur, quiet" 50s/red pill/far right (in the actual, technical term) aesthetics. It's a beautiful thing when done honestly-- aka, not "YOU WON'T GET A MAN UNLESS YOU BECOME A TRADITIONAL WOMEN SO LET ME TEACH YOU HOW, LIKE THE VID, BUY MY COURSE", etc.
THAT BEING SAID, I'm afraid to know... what's sugar dating. I do and don't and really don't want to know.
I've only seen like one of those "you won't get a man unless you become a tradwife" videos. Though I read an article about it being a trend on TikTok and women selling courses teaching young women how to "do it right". Saying things like, if he doesn't get you expensive gifts on your dates, he doesn't love you. It was shocking, to say the least.
I don't know any tradwives personally, and I'm sure you're right that the influencers who market the lifestyle for the most part have their own finances and security. However, many, many women do not. Some really go into this blindly, let their partner decide everything and take care of finances. I see that a lot with the stay-at-home girlfriends who have like zero security.
Like people can do what they want, obviously. It's not for me, that's for sure. I've just seen relationships go to shit and women being left for a younger model, having no work experience whatsoever and not knowing how to pay rent.
People who enter these kinds of relationships, no matter how much in love they are and no matter how much they think nothing will go wrong and they will never break up, need a back-up plan. Just in case.
Sugardating is dating someone who is older and who's usually financially well off. I think it being more of a trend now is also thanks to TikTok.
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lxvvie · 4 months
Divorcecanons, Phillip Graves edition:
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You asked for a divorce based on "irreconcilable differences" and Graves... agreed. Without a fuss. See that GIF up there? That's the same questioning look he gave you when you brought it up. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why he agreed to it?
Doesn't matter though 'cause even though the divorce is official (you sure about that, darlin'?), it's like nothing's changed between you and your ex-husband. Much. Except you're not wearing your ring. Mm. Terrible, sweetheart. Absolutely terrible.
Sure, he's moved out. Graves has his place set up for the time being and you're set financially, but he's never too far from your house. Your house that belongs to you two. Your house that belongs to you two because you're MARRIED.
Need repairs? Not to worry darlin', if it ain't something he can fix, he knows people who know people. He's there to oversee it, too.
Social events? Going out together? You fuckin' know it, doll. Got a dinner with the fellas at 7. He'll be there to scoop you up at 6:30.
Need a sounding board? Well, who else are you gonna turn to? He's been that for years. A simple... separation won't stop that. He's all eyes and ears, beautiful.
Talking shit about your asshole neighbors? Well, tell 'im all about it. He told you some of them were full of shit but now you're seeing it for yourself and it's... ugh. You don't have his gift of gab.
The bed's cold at night? Damn. Bummer. If only your HUSBAND was there to keep it and you warm but he can't. Because you're divorced. Bummer.
Dating. Oh, boy. You told Graves it was high time you started to move on but the thought of Graves giving someone else his last name has you feeling some type of way. Must be those post-divorce (what divorce?) blues.
Except when you dipped your toe into the dating pool, it was two hells and two nawls. No one could make you laugh like Graves did. Some couldn't hold a conversation at all. Some wanted sex right then and there. You were kinda-sorta-absolutely catfished a time or two. Or three. Jesus Christ.
But there Graves was to be a listening ear. After a couple drinks and rants about dating and your dry spell, you were face down, ass up in your MARITAL bed, and Graves' hands were gripping your hips like his life depended on it. You're pretty sure you broke the bed. That could be the wine talking, though...
But it doesn't matter 'cause come next morning, you wake up in his arms and the bed isn't cold anymore. Oh, and your ring is back on your finger. Again. "How 'bout it, darlin'?" Well, you can't complain, can you?
It's a good thing Graves knows people who know people 'cause what divorce again, darlin'?
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I don't mean to be all "women can be bad, too" but if you're a woman who is financially dependent on another woman, you are not suddenly 100% safe just because you're not relying on a man.
Being financially dependent on ANYONE is an automatic danger zone. Mother, friend, girlfriend, sister, it doesn't matter.
If you cannot get up and walk out the door the literal MOMENT that you are uncomfortable then you are NOT safe. Sure the person you're dependent on is sweet and kind, but what if one day they're not? What if one day they yell at you and say something unforgivably disrespectful? What if they hit you or threaten you? What are you going to do? Anyone can snap any day for any reason.
Can you genuinely call that safety?
Nobody on earth should enter any type of relationship where the other party is in control of if they're fed and housed. If you don't have enough money/resources to get your ass up and leave within the very same hour that you feel uncomfortable then you are not safe.
Even if you have to work just long enough to get enough money stashed away for a plane ticket/hotel room/gas money for a long trip, it's worth it.
Everyone is always safe until they're not. Nobody who has put their life in the hands of someone else felt like that person was going to betray them.
Maybe you're safe with them now. But are you safe when their boss yells at them? Are you safe when they fail one too many times? Are you safe when they drink more than they should? Are you safe when they encounter a difficultly they never have before? Are you safe when their coping mechanisms fail? Do you feel safe around every person they invite into the house? What if one of their regular guests makes you uncomfortable? What then?
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krisluxxeeempress · 2 months
Astrology Observations | Venus 10th House
Venus in 10th House undoubtably suggest an individual being attracted to older people with established careers. This placement can also reveal how to attract financial success for yourself, depending on the sign in 10th house. From a relationship perspective, if you find yourself interested in someone with Venus in 10th house, be prepared to pursue them, like you would a promotion at work. Earning a promotion at work takes years of a** kissing, consistency and overtime (OT). Point is these individuals are extremely difficult to win over. When you first approach/ get to know them, expect to be silently judged as if you were in an interview. Depending on the sign in the 10th house, they may or may not ask you questions directly however, they will be judging what you reveal about yourself and judging whether you're worth their investment in you. If you make it past their silent judgments (interviews & background checks), expect to be on probation. Like a new job, you aren't eligible for benefits until you work 30-90 days with no problems. Same concept applies for Individuals with Venus in 10th house. Benefits may include sex; however, I have mainly observed benefits for these individuals means giving you more of their time or your name ACTUALLY being saved in their phone- that kind of thing. If you get past this stage, everything you do or don't do will be constantly under review to determine your "promotions", i.e. the level of seriousness your relationship is on. Like a job, you have very little leeway to make mistakes, lack in consistency, and zero tolerance for disloyalty. Some jobs won't even allow you to have another job. (or keep you too busy to effectively balance another job) This concept is the same for those with Venus in 10th house. They have little tolerance for mistakes, disloyalty, and you investing your time and energy into someone else. These individuals truly mean business, nothing is game, joke or for play. If you want an individual with Venus in 10th house, you better be serious- ready to "settle" down for long term. Think of it like, having a " grown up " job, a career that you want to retire from with retirement benefits. Plan to die with Venus in 10th house individuals. It's embarrassing getting fired and I can promise you, it'll be embarrassing for you if a Venus in 10th house FIRES YOU, DROPS YOU, CUTS YOU OFF, ETC. Again, like a job- you will never be able to regain employment back at a company you've been fired from. If you get cut off by these individuals, it's forever. Being with these individuals should truly be viewed as an opportunity, an opportunity that you do not want to FUCK UP. . .
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milqueandsugar · 4 months
🌼☕` Crush, Crush, Soda! ` ☕🌼
Gen / Fluff
Includes / Alastor , Lucifer , Husk
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Shock. Horror. Dismay.
Forget wrench this is throwing a hauling truck into his plans
It's very sudden very sharp realization, like getting splashed with cold water
He was obviously aware he had taken to you, how could he not? You were polite, clever and oh so fun to carry a conversation with
Talking to you made radio seem boring!
He was not, however, aware that the other residents had noticed his kinship with you
He had over heard a conversation between Husker and the pink spider demon, where the insectoid sinner complained about how you got special treatment
Husker agreed, which was fair, but then mentioned how Alastor apparently fancied you and that was why
Fucking shock to him and Angel dust
After gripling with that cosmic terror for the night, and visiting Rosie once the clock hit an agreeable hour he had come to the conclusion that despite the impossible, he carried a flame for you
Once he calms down and rearranges his evil vision board to include you in it he lays it on THICK
He's the perfect gentleman, obviously, but he's courting you too so he goes above and beyond
Your chair? Pulled out. Your arm? Linked with his while you stroll. You? The venison steak of his eye baby
Charming comes naturally too him, he won both eve and Lillith over bro he has bublical level rizz
He's very, very comfortable around people he knows or simply doesn't care about, totally normal around Alastor who can kick rocks but a bit antsier and anxious around Charlie
His nerves get worse when he's trying to right himself, he can care very very deeply for someone and never feel nervous around them but the second he does something wrong his anxieties and insecurities come rushing back
He's not subtle, everything he does is flirtatious but in a spur of the moment kind of way he thinks nothing through
Confidence is sexy to him so he tries to show off things he's confident in like inventing/engineering and music!!
The biggest tell he is interested in someone is how excited he is to show off to them, to show how good he could be for them, to show how he betters their life
How he does this depends on you truly, in a rough spot financially? He pays for small things at first, dinner, lunch, something cute you liked at the store then builds to anything you want because you deserve it far more than him or anyone else here
Struggling with control since selling your soul? He puts you in position of power , he shows you what your capable of, what he knows you can do but you don't
He fills your needs faster than you realize you have them, hell is for suffering but it sure does feel like heaven when you're with him
| HUSK |
He's more calculated then the two idiots above, he knows that warmth in his chest when you make his drink, or sit at his bar until he's off or fix an out of place Feather
He's so attracted to you, how real you are, how unapologetically YOU you are, and how you make room for him in everything
He's totally love struck and totally aware of it which makes it even worse
He's doing his best to plan this out while also twirling his whiskers and kicking his feet when talking about you
He's not shy about his feelings but he know being with him is a danger to you, which he can't stand for
He does his best to secure your safety before actively courting you, what's the point of loving someone if you're not putting in the effort, and boy does he put in the EFFORT
Gentlemanly like Alastor but in his own gruff way
Likes to help you do things, teach you how to do things, he likes feeling useful and he likes how you come to him when you have problems
It reminds him a bit of his overlord days, and time with you builds his confidence and back bone back to what it was before Alastor, even if you aren't dating yet
Plays lots of card games with you, won't show you the cheats be knows until your dating, gotta keep you coming back for more yknow?
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trolagygirl2022 · 9 months
Your ideal type based on astrology 💕
We'll look at the Venus, Mars and Moon for this one. Since Venus is who you tend to be attracted to, Mars can be more physical and Moon is emotionally. (Can be also applied to Moon, Venus, Mars and DSC persona charts)
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Aries placements/aspects: People who can take the lead. Confident, bold and unapologetically themselves. Intimidating a bit. Dominant. Athletic too? Very passionate. Can be into people that would fight for them or just very protective as well. Brutally honest. Aries natives (like Gemini) need someone that can keep up with them, because they're always moving. They get bored often which can lead to them acting impulsive. Aggressive appearance. People attracted to females may tend to like the "Instagram baddie" type of girls but people attracted to males can like traditionally masculine strong guys. Ohh and the rbf! (Resting bitch face).
Taurus placements/aspects: Neat and classy. Someone that dresses well and takes care of themselves. Someone that doesn't cause trouble. Calm and relaxed. To be honest, they'd probably prefer someone financially stable. Taurus's don't like to play games, as their very devoted and like stability, so someone that isn't devoted isn't a good match for them (but it also depends on certain aspects as well). Appearance wise, people attracted to females tend to like the "old money" aesthetic. Someone who is attractive, but more natural. Nice skin and they're a well groomed person.
Gemini placements/aspects: Out-going and talkative. Charming but has a smart/dorky side to them. Someone that is multi-dimensional and has different sides to show. Full of life. As a Gemini rinsing, I really like someone that's outgoing and fits my vibe. Gemini placements tend not to go well with a very quiet and introverted person. Gemini's need someone that can handle them as they can bounce from person to person if they get bored, so it's important to keep them interested. Gamine/cute appearance. Someone who they can talk freely with. Tend to like someone with a type of "duality" in their face (can have a masculine and feminine face at the same time basically).
Cancer placements/aspects: A caring person, the type that hates everyone that isn't their loved ones. Very loving and (sometimes) affectionate. Cancer's value emotional connection and a deep bond with a person. You can have the looks, status and everything else, but someone that they can't connect with isn't a great match. Cancer's have quite an intuitive nature, so they want someone that understands them and can deal with their moody natures. Appearance wise can like someone that they can "protect" (like when you see someone and you're like "I wanna protect them, they're so cute).
Leo placements/aspects: Oh they're all about fun! Even though they don't like someone overly sensitive, they're sensitive themselves and need a lot of support and reassurance. Always wanting to be and feel "enough". They want someone that can match their loyal nature and can get really possessive at their worst. If a Leo Venus doesn't go showing you off to people and doing it all, THEY DO NOT LIKE YOU!!
Virgo placements/aspects: Virgo's tend to have high standards and are picky with a lot of things. Are you unemployed? Do you smell? Immature? People critize Virgo placements for this (which is ironic because Virgo's are the one supposed to do the critizing) but the truth is, they like a lot of order. They want their partner to match them which is why they tend to be reserved because they're just waiting for that special someone.
Libra placements/aspects: Libra placements have the reputation of being players which yeah, BUT TO A CERTAIN EXTENT! They have a lot of charm and draw people in (even the ones that are more reserved). They want a partner that can "complete" them. They also want to be the perfect partner and want to make their partner happy. Yes looks do play a factor for them, as Libra rules over beauty but also the arts so they like a creative person. These people really like nice people that are considerate.
Scorpio placements/aspects: Like Taurus placements, Scorpio's don't joke when it comes to devotion and with connections. They're sensitive and take a lot of things personally (I know a guy with a Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Pisces moon and he was.. something!). Attimes, they feel like people don't "get them". Someone that can deal with their intensity and doesn't ridicule them is they perfect person for them. People merely reduce Scorpio's to sex gods/goddesses but they gloss over that they get really vulnerable and need someone that can hold them and connect with.
Sagittarius placements/aspects: Sag's are very fun and free-spirited. They don't like to be held down by tradition and like adventure. They like to try new things without feeling restrained. They would be attracted to someone that is independent like themselves. (Also like people of different cultures/races). Sag placements want someone that they can learn and explore with. The funnier, the better. Sagittarius natives feel uncomfortable with someone that's too intense and serious.
Capricorn placements/aspects: Capricorn dominant here 💁🏾‍♀️. So it's safe for me to say that Capricorn's value stability. During the beginning, Capricorn's can play "hard to get" and seem detached but in reality just want someone that doesn't play around. From a young age, they've been serious and mature when it comes to this. Capricorns like someone that can support themselves and want to be the supporter as well. These people don't really like to rush and want to be very sure of a person before taking steps further with them. Like Virgo's, they're reserved and would settle for someone that is "the one" for them. They want someone realistic and grounded.
Aquarius placements/aspects: Aquarius's are similar with Capricorn's in the whole detached aspect. The major difference between those two are that Aquarius's are separate from societal expectations about romance and dating. Though, they really like people that are smart. Not really book smart but someone that they can have smart conversations with. Aquarius natives are not a fan of overly attached and sensitive people. It's weird to them, they want someone that's a bit detached. Aquarius natives are attracted to people that are independent and are their own person. Not like everyone else basically, theirs something about them that's unique.
Pisces placements/aspects: Pisces get really attached to someone. Like Cancer Venus, their sensitive and intuitive. They don't joke with romance. They can get very attached and would do anything for their partner. They need someone that wouldn't take advantage of that aspect of them and a kind, considerate person. These people tend to have very high and false envisions of people (especially when they have a crush), so someone that can bring them to reality (but nicely of course) is great for them! They need someone that is kind and patient with them.
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
in my opinion hes someone that would shield you from anyone, he can be possessive asf idk what else lol
It could be Leon! vendetta, so we kill two birds with one stone.
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∆ He is a huge possessive in relation to you. If a man is standing next and has a nice conversation with you, then this is a red flag for him.
∆ If you're younger than him and keep your naivete, then Leon will find it charming. But your problem is that he decided that you need to be protected.
∆ It follows that Leon is protecting Yandere. He hates being away from you
∆ However, from the first time you will not see the oddities in Leon's behavior. It will seem to you that he is just a handsome man who is interested in you, but Leon already has all the information about you, down to your blood type.
∆ At home, he has a whole folder with your personal information. He needs to control everything you do and who you talk to. Therefore, he will quietly steal your phone and track all your social networks and calls. Of course, he will return your mobile to you, but you will not know anything about the fact that all your calls and messages will be viewed by Leon.
∆ "Leon is just a nice guy" you think when he brings you something that you've been texting with your bestie about. It could be chocolate, ice cream, or an invitation to dinner at a trendy new but very expensive restaurant. It doesn’t even occur to you how it turns out that he guesses everything you want.
∆ It's funny right? Your phone and Leon's phone always notify you of a new message alert at the same time.
∆ The only difference is that Leon also receives your messages on his phone. But he only did it for your safety.
∆ He doesn't want you to be afraid of him, so no, you won't suspect anything about his true attitude towards you. Leon is good at hiding emotions if he needs it.
∆ Once your relationship starts to develop, you will notice that Leon always has his hand on your waist or your wrist. And the grip is quite strong. Leon doesn't like it when you move more than a couple of steps away from him.
∆ He needs you to live with him, so that you can be in his line of sight around the clock. He still checks your social networks and correspondence through his phone.
∆ You don't have to work, sweetheart. He will try to talk you out of your job (especially if you are a waitress or some other service industry). It just irritates him unbearably that you can be kind to someone other than him, but he will not make a scandal to you. If you do not quit yourself, Leon will make sure that you are fired or you could not stand it and left this job yourself.
∆ He doesn't care what you buy, he'll pay you whatever you want, especially if you're such a good girl for him. The main thing is to thank him with kisses or hugs.
∆ He actually likes it when you smell like his cologne. For him, it's like a symbol that you belong only to him.
∆ Leon sits you on his lap when he works at home with paperwork. He doesn’t like it when you try to go somewhere on your own business, so he can lightly slap you on the ass, seat you back, pressing him to him and tell you in a warning tone to behave well.
∆ No night walks with friends, clubs. In fact, Leon will try to make sure that he becomes your only company, and no, he has no idea why your friends are such bastards, but you should not worry about it.
∆ The longer you are in a relationship, the stronger his control. Perhaps you can take off your rose-colored glasses and look at the situation from a different angle when you see that Leon has completely taken control of your life.
∆ Your phone has been tracked by him for a long time. Leon always knows where you're going.
∆ You are financially dependent on him and you have nowhere to go even if you understand that your relationship is far from normal.
∆ Leon will immediately notice your nervousness. He will try to carefully ask you about what makes you nervous and if you dare to ask him about your suspicions, he will simply grin and call you his silly girl. "Don't make me a villain, my dear, I'm the only one who can take care of you to the fullest. The world is generally full of shit"
∆ At home, you can do whatever you want. When you are both at home, Leon's vigilance weakens a little, although you can't help noticing how he periodically checks to see if everything is all right with you. It can be a silent heavy look or a light touch to your body.
∆ Perhaps Leon's behavior is related to his work, but even if you tell him that you don't like this attitude and you would like more freedom, then… "oh, sweetheart, am I holding you hostage? Am I treating you badly? Beating you up?" Leon knows how, but he doesn't like manipulating you. However, if he needs to use gaslighting to get you to stay with him, he will do it.
∆ He will never go as far as kidnapping or physical abuse, but psychologically... Leon will hit all the spots so that you are completely dependent on him. You will just think that without him your whole world will collapse.
∆ However, he still loves you. His love is strange and Leon has chosen the most sophisticated way to have you with him, but because of everything he's been through, he just doesn't know how else to keep you close to him.
∆ He really does not mind the money on you, if you want to go somewhere, he will take you, but the constant control will drive you crazy. If it undermines your psyche and you try to commit suicide, then he will never leave you again. You may even hate him, but in the eyes of others, Leon will be a good guy who continues to love his mentally unstable girlfriend no matter what.
∆ “You can’t leave her alone, you understand? Please watch her very carefully, she must take all her medicines strictly on time. This is important!” - this is what Leon will say to your nurse hired especially for you. The DSO must have contributed to this somehow, after all, Leon has an impeccable reputation as an agent.
∆ What can you say to others? He didn't really kidnap you or rape you. Leon just cares about you and the sooner you realize that, the better it will be for you.
∆ He still watches stupid shows with you that somehow entertain you; sits you on his lap and just asks how you feel. He loves you and if he has to limit you in some way, then this is only for your own good, understand.
∆ In the end you will understand that he wishes you only the very best. You just need time.
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astrojulia · 1 year
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7th house through the signs + Degrees
ARIES: You're someone who's drawn to partners with a bold, go-getter attitude. You might not always recognize your own ambitious and self-centered traits, but you find it attractive when your partner can pursue their desires with ease - especially when it comes to pursuing you! When you're in a relationship, you tend to dive in headfirst, with a passion and intensity that can be exciting, even if it sometimes leads to frequent arguments. You value your independence and appreciate a partner who's self-reliant and active, and you can get pretty hostile if you feel like you're being trapped or held back. To achieve your goals, it's important for you to embrace your assertive and driven personality. You're more passionate and impulsive than you might realize, which is why you're drawn to people who exhibit unyielding and fierce traits. It's true that your interactions can sometimes be characterized by disagreements or competitions, but ultimately, these dynamics are meant to bring out your inner warrior. Your partner and close friends are a big source of inspiration for you, and you enjoy helping others find their courage and determination. However, it's important to remember that all of this intensity can also lead to heartbreak and emotional turmoil. If a relationship ends, you may struggle to come to terms with it, but it's important to focus on the positive aspects of the experience and the growth that comes from it.
1st (00º to 09º). you have a strong desire to connect with someone special and create a loving relationship. It's important to understand that relationships require compromise and finding a balance between your needs and your partner's. By working together, you can grow and become a more compassionate and understanding person. Finding the right partner can truly bring out the best in you.
2nd (10º to 19º). disagreements with your spouse or friends may arise, but it's important to remember that these disagreements can be opportunities for growth and understanding. By communicating openly and respectfully, you can resolve conflicts and maintain positive relationships. It's okay to have different opinions, as long as you can listen to each other's perspectives and find common ground.
3rd (20º to 29º). it's important for your partner to share your drive and ambition to succeed. Your marriage may experience ups and downs, but by respecting each other's differences and desires, you can maintain a sense of independence and mental well-being. Remember to take care of yourself and your relationship, and don't be afraid to seek support from friends and family when needed.
TAURUS: You have a strong desire for a partner who is supportive, loyal, and has a strong sense of values. Financial success is not the only factor you consider, but it can be attractive in a partner. The ideal partner for you is sensual and capable of sustaining a long-term relationship.When it comes to love, you believe in taking your time to build a meaningful connection that goes beyond just physical attraction. You may find it challenging to let go of a relationship, especially if the sexual connection is affected. You feel most secure and protected when you're with a dependable and loyal partner who values commitment. Your clever and strong side shines through, but you prioritize stability and balance in your personal relationships. You have a calming influence on your coworkers and use patience and common sense to resolve conflicts. You value long-term relationships and take them seriously, valuing love and affection above all else. Marriage is important to you, and you don't take it lightly.
1st (00º to 09º). You value your close relationships and are committed to making them work, but sometimes misunderstandings or differences can lead to hurt feelings. It's important to find a balance between your own needs and those of your partner, and to be open to compromise. Despite challenges, once you establish a bond with someone, it's likely to endure and grow stronger.
2nd (10º to 19º). You have a knack for attracting supportive companions who share your drive and ambition, and you work well together to achieve your goals. While you may sometimes offer unsolicited advice, it comes from a place of caring and a desire to help. Your partnerships and friendships can last a long time and be mutually beneficial.
3rd (20º to 29º). When you make a commitment to someone, you take it seriously and will do what it takes to maintain a strong bond, even in difficult times. You may feel a sense of duty to your partner or spouse, but this comes from a place of love and loyalty. Your environment and surroundings can have a positive impact on your relationships, and you value the people who support and uplift you.
GEMINI: Having intellectually stimulating conversations with a partner is really important to you. It's amazing how much you learn from others and how much you can share with them. It's important to embrace all parts of yourself, including your love for knowledge and your creative, free-spirited side, to become a well-rounded person. Even though you're often underestimated, you always find yourself in the company of highly articulate and intelligent individuals. It's great to exchange ideas, but sometimes you may overthink things. Remember to love and accept your own knowledge and be confident in sharing it. You have a real talent for keeping people interested and engaged. In relationships, this is a really valuable trait, but it's important to balance it with feeling your emotions fully. When love fails, it's easy to become rational and analytical, but you deserve to experience the full spectrum of your emotions. You're drawn to partners who are funny, articulate, and intelligent. Someone who is constantly seeking knowledge is especially attractive to you. It's important to find someone who balances your free spirit with a sense of stability and commitment. You have a great sense of adventure and always crave new experiences. This can be true in your love life too, but it's important to be honest and open with your partners. Remember to communicate openly and avoid getting caught up in complicated situations.
1st (00º to 09º). You're attracted to partners who are intellectually stimulating and can keep up with your quick mind. However, you can sometimes be indecisive in relationships and may struggle to commit (commit verb (PROMISE): to promise or give your loyalty, time, OR money to a particular principle, person, or plan of action).
2nd (10º to 19º). You value your independence and need a partner who can respect your need for freedom. You're drawn to partners who are playful and fun-loving, but you may struggle to connect with partners who are too serious or intense.
3rd (20º to 29º). You're attracted to partners who are creative and artistic, and you have a strong desire for variety and excitement in your romantic relationships and friendships. You may struggle to connect with partners who are too traditional or conservative in their thinking.
CANCER: You have a beautiful nature that appreciates the warmth and care of a loving relationship. You are a kind and nurturing partner, and you appreciate it when your partner reciprocates your efforts. However, you may sometimes find yourself smothering your companion with too much attention. The key to self-fulfillment lies in recognizing and owning your sensitive and caring nature. Being around other sensitive and caring individuals can help you flourish, but be mindful of how these traits can sometimes manifest as neediness or insecurity. When you encounter overly emotional or needy individuals, it can be an opportunity for you to confront and work through your own irrational tendencies. You have a talent for influencing people's opinions and navigating your way through complex relationships. You provide emotional support and stability to your loved ones, and in turn, you need to feel cared for and comfortable in your relationships. This is why heartbreak hits you especially hard, as it brings out your deepest fears and doubts. But, experiencing grief can also serve as a reminder to prioritize self-care. You may be drawn to partners who prioritize your needs, nurture your family and home, and make you feel emotionally secure. Sometimes, you may find yourself attracted to those who appear to need you more than you need them. It's important to be aware of this tendency, as it can put a strain on even the strongest relationships. You value long-term commitment and may desire a family in the future. You may also have an underlying yearning for a nurturing figure in your life. It's important to recognize these inclinations and work through them to ensure that they don't negatively impact your relationships.
1st (00º to 09º). You might behave like a mother to your partner or spouse, taking care of their every need. You have a strong emotional attachment to your partner, even if it might not always be apparent. Some people might perceive you as cold or uncaring, but that's not the case; you're just not always the best at showing your emotions. Financial gain might be a motivating factor for getting married, but that doesn't mean you don't genuinely care for your partner.
2nd (10º to 19º). you have a deep, possessive connection with your loved ones, whether they are friends, partners, or family. You might keep secrets from those you love, but you can trust that they won't keep secrets from you. Loyalty, protectiveness, and sympathy are hallmarks of your relationships, and you will do anything to keep your loved ones safe and secure. Even though your relationships may go through changes, your marriage or deep partnerships will likely resist them. Your sexuality is a vital part of your marriage or relationship, and possessiveness is not uncommon in deep friendships.
3rd (20º to 29º). You need a sympathetic partner and friends who can support and listen to you when you're facing issues. You also have the ability to make significant sacrifices for your loved ones, such as putting your marriage on hold to care for a sick or elderly family member or taking time off work to support a cause you believe in. You are a compassionate and caring individual, and you expect the same level of devotion from those around you. While marriage and deep partnerships are essential to you, you are willing to put them on hold to pursue a worthy cause or support someone in need.
LEO: You're a wonderful partner who always brings energy and excitement to your relationships. You love being in love, and you're not afraid to show it. You thrive on attention and affection from your partner, and you know how to give it back in spades. While you may have considered marriage at a young age, it's important to take your time and make a thoughtful decision. You value your heritage, culture, and finances when selecting a partner, but ultimately, you're looking for someone who shares your values and can be a true partner to you. You take pride in your relationships and are committed to your spouse, even through the ups and downs. When it comes to choosing a partner, you're cautious and thoughtful. You want someone who can match your ambition and drive, but you also need someone who understands your need for intellectual pursuits. You're attracted to partners who make you feel like the center of the universe, and who know how to take charge and lead when necessary. In a relationship, you want to feel loved, protected, and desired. You're drawn to partners who are passionate and who know how to make you feel special. Just be careful not to let your ego get in the way, and always make sure your partner feels valued and appreciated. With the right partner, you can experience a deep and meaningful connection filled with love and passion.
1st (00º to 09º). you may feel that your ego needs to shine through your marriage. You want to be proud of your spouse and feel that your relationship should be based on mutual love and respect. You have a natural tendency to want to be in charge of your partner, but you may find that this approach doesn't work well in practice. In fact, you may be attracted to people who want to take the lead in the relationship. If this happens, it's important to allow each other certain liberties in the marriage and pursue personal goals, while still supporting each other as a team.
2nd (10º to 19º). you may find it difficult to enter into a marriage contract. For you, friendship is an essential component of any long-term relationship. You value a partner who is intellectually stimulating and can engage in deep conversations with you. You want to be proud of your partner's accomplishments and share your views on life with them. Friendship and love are the first requirements for you in a partner, and you believe that if you have those things, physical intimacy will follow naturally.
3rd (20º to 29º). you want your friends and family to be proud of your spouse. You take great pride in your relationship and enjoy showing off your partner to others. Your originality and independence are often evident in your ideas and expressions, and you may be seen as someone who is free-spirited and unafraid to be themselves. However, despite this outward appearance, you can be dominated by your spouse. You may be attracted to partners who have strong personalities and can take the lead, but it's important to maintain a healthy balance in the relationship to ensure that both partners feel fulfilled and supported.
VIRGO: In relationships, you have a high standard for yourself and your partner, and you strive for perfection. It's important for you to feel like you can provide for your loved ones, and you appreciate a partner who is tidy, helpful, and grounded. However, it's also important to recognize your own strengths and accomplishments in order to achieve personal growth and fulfillment. Being with someone you trust and support can bring so much more to your life than you might realize. At times, your logical and critical thinking may lead you to be harsh on yourself and others. It's important to confront your inner critic and embrace both your sharp intellect and your kind heart. By doing so, you can provide constructive criticism to others and accept it in return, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling relationship. You may see relationships as a challenge that requires dedication and effort, but don't give up when faced with heartbreak. Instead, keep your focus on finding dependable and astute companions who can handle life's finer points, including your sex life. It's important to note that you may have a tendency to seek perfection in yourself and others, and this may attract a partner who is eager to point out areas for improvement. Ultimately, you will attract a partner who you can trust and who will help you take care of the practical aspects of life. While it may not be the most romantic attribute, you will appreciate your partner's efficiency and ability to handle everyday tasks with ease. With the right partner, you can achieve a fulfilling and supportive relationship that brings out the best in both of you.
1st (00º to 09º). you may have a tendency to be critical of your partner even when there is no real reason to be. This could be a result of your own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, which you may unintentionally project onto your significant other. With your high expectations, it may be challenging to find a partner who can meet your standards. However, with self-awareness and communication, you can learn to overcome this tendency and build a healthy, fulfilling relationship.
2nd (10º to 19º). it is possible to marry a long-time friend or for your relationship to evolve into a deep, meaningful friendship. Your partnership may be characterized by a shared conservative outlook or a strong connection through mutual friends. It is important for you to maintain these relationships and prioritize their importance in your life.
3rd (20º to 29º). your partnership may revolve around a common income or a shared career path that involves communication, teaching, or other mercurial abilities. While this can be a great source of fulfillment and excitement, it may also come with its own set of challenges. Financial instability or a lack of success in your chosen career may result in criticism or tension within your relationship. It is important to be aware of these potential pitfalls and work together with your partner to overcome them.
LIBRA: Relationships are of utmost importance to you. You value tranquil and happy interactions in your personal life. As a result, you may either commit wholeheartedly or not at all. To become complete within yourself, it's crucial to recognize how kind and gentle you can be. When you start dating someone, you may not fully realize how amazing of a person you are. However, encountering individuals who are excessively nice can bring out your own passive-aggressive tendencies, prompting you to confront that part of yourself that simply wants to make others happy. Once you understand and embrace this aspect of yourself, you'll be able to have a relationship where both parties are equally committed to each other's happiness. Your lovely and sweet nature gives you significant influence over others. You have a strong desire for others to adore you, so you put in the effort to learn how to say and do the right things to win them over. In your romantic relationships and close friendships, you seek a fluid and harmonious dynamic. When faced with heartbreak, you handle it with kindness and consideration. You have a remarkable ability to view the situation fairly and see it from both sides, even in the face of rejection or a breakup. However, this can sometimes make you indecisive about where you stand and how you truly feel about the situation. You're naturally drawn to charming, kind, and attractive individuals who aren't afraid to prioritize the relationship. The part of yourself that you project onto your loved one is your most balanced and harmonious self. Perhaps you desire a connection more than you're willing to admit, and you're attracted to someone who can openly express that need.
1st (00º to 09º). When evaluating your partner, you tend to focus on how they relate to you, which may not always be in their favor. It's important to control the urge to influence your partner's thoughts and actions. Once you recognize that you're trying to lead them and learn to see your partner as an individual in their own right, you can truly share without sacrificing your own needs. Finding balance is key.
2nd (10º to 19º). Avoid getting involved with someone who doesn't interest you. Your partner must accept you for who you are, without causing unnecessary conflicts. While you strive to be diplomatic most of the time, your partner may not always reciprocate (your diplomacy can sometimes turn into bluntness). It's possible that you met your companion through a mutual friend or at a social gathering because you both had a common acquaintance. This mutual connection can provide a foundation for your relationship.
3rd (20º to 29º). Although you may not always feel deeply invested when it comes to expressing yourself verbally, you believe in the concept of soulmates. You value your partner's emotions, but you may not always be willing to open up fully yourself. Within your community or social circles, you tend to display more diplomacy than you do within the intimate setting of a partnership at home.
SCORPIO: Your connections with others hold a lot of strength. To create drama-free and positive emotional experiences, you should strive for constructive growth and improvement in your relationships. Embracing and acknowledging your passion and intensity is key to finding self-fulfillment. It goes deeper and is more complex than you might think. This quality often leads you to form close bonds with individuals who are deep and intricate, resulting in passionate yet sometimes stormy and intense situations. These connections force you to confront your own shadows and embrace your inner strength by embracing their depths. As a result, you bring an equal amount of emotional depth to the table, meeting another soul who possesses emotional wealth. Your influence on a significant partner or close friend is enigmatic but meaningful. Having the ability to impact others gives you a sense of power. Instead of seeking dominance, your true aim should be to heal and help others grow positively. There's always an enticing or magical dynamic at play in your relationships. However, heartbreak can lead to darkness. If a relationship ends or you feel frustrated, you might react in extreme ways, becoming a stalker, manipulator, or even self-destructive. On the other hand, you may completely shut out the person as if they never existed. You're drawn to captivating and powerful sexual partners who are willing to engage in intense desire and attachment within a committed relationship. You have the tendency to project possessiveness and deep jealousy onto your loved one. Consequently, you're more likely to attract partnerships that are profound, mysterious, and intense. You'll experience love with emotional depth and plenty of opportunities for physical connection. Remember that both parties are involved in keeping the relationship alive, and neither of you enjoys being hurt. If betrayal occurs, the potential for retaliation and long-term resentment is a painful reality.
1st (00º to 09º). You might feel possessive and envious of your loved ones. If your sexual needs are met, you're unlikely to go against the grain. While you're allowed to keep secrets from your partners, they are not afforded the same luxury. You also hold strong moral standards when it comes to sexual behavior within a committed relationship.
2nd (10º to 19º). You may be called upon to make sacrifices for the sake of your relationships. You highly value your partner not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. If your marriage or partnership isn't in the right place, you'll feel the internal struggle, which can eventually affect your health. It doesn't mean you don't have a temper, but you tend to keep it hidden.
3rd (20º to 29º). You have possessive tendencies towards your spouse and others in your life. While you may be capable of keeping secrets from your partners or associates, you expect the same level of transparency from them. You are devoted, protective, friendly, and determined in your relationships. Even as circumstances change, you remain loyal and supportive of your marriage or committed partnership. You have a high need for both sexual and emotional fulfillment. However, due to your difficulty in letting go within close relationships, you can experience significant distress when things go wrong. This might sometimes lead to a desire to nurture and care for your spouse, although it can also border on smothering them.Sure, here's a more casual version of the text:
SAGITTARIUS: You bring vivacity and entertainment to your personal relationships. You view them as an adventure, craving freedom within your connections. Deep down, you possess more bravery and optimism than you give yourself credit for. To feel complete, you need to embrace your inner explorer and believer. In romance and friendships, you are attracted to individuals who share your spirit of exploration. However, this mindset can sometimes lead to naivety, especially in those who live a wandering lifestyle. Once you learn to embrace these daring qualities within yourself, you will become a whole person. You'll be able to meet your partner halfway by offering and receiving freedom in equal measure. Your influence on others is uplifting and energizing, and you value the ability to broaden someone else's horizons. However, restlessness and impulsiveness can play a significant role in your personal relationships. After experiencing rejection or a breakup, you may be quick to move on to the next partner or companion. This tendency has the potential to become messy and reckless. Nevertheless, you excel at finding the silver lining in failed relationships, recognizing the lessons learned and personal growth achieved through those experiences. You are attracted to partners who prioritize the journey rather than the destination in life. For example, you may be drawn to romantic relationships with someone from a different cultural or religious background. Differences stimulate you, and you may project your own traveler or philosopher persona onto your loved one, who finds fulfillment in asking profound questions and seeking answers. You may not be fully aware of your deep need for truth, which can lead you to attract love and sexual partnerships that are dogmatic and tied to your beliefs. It's important to become more attuned to this need in order to foster relationships that align with your authentic self.
1st (00º to 09º). In marriage, you value independence and a partner who can be both a companion and a source of ideas. You believe that having a strong companionship will naturally take care of the intimate aspects of the relationship. You enjoy traveling extensively, either with your partner or on their behalf. You expect others to treat you with the same respect and freedom you offer them. While you don't want to feel restricted, it's important to stand firm in your marriage, upholding integrity, honesty, and moral loyalty.
2nd (10º to 19º). You seek a spouse who shares your love for adventure and is always on the move. Friends and partners who amplify or complement your opinions appeal to you. An open-minded spouse who understands your bursts of passion and short-term endeavors in various productive tasks is what you're looking for.
3rd (20º to 29º). Even after marriage, you feel the need to be free to interact with and entertain others. Self-expression holds great importance for you. It's crucial to marry someone who cares about you as much as you care about them; otherwise, you may face emotional difficulties. You're not the type to settle for just anyone in a marriage. Giving and receiving freedom, along with a unique form of love, is a precise formula for you. With your wide range of interests, it can be challenging to narrow down potential partners. If your spouse truly understands your personality, they will never abandon you. However, pushing them too far may lead them to consider giving up.
CAPRICORN:When it comes to relationships, you're all about long-term commitments with people who truly matter to you. You enjoy having the respect and admiration of your loved ones, and you want a partner who recognizes and appreciates that. Maybe you're not the most confident when you're on your own, which is why you're drawn to those who seem capable and efficient. But here's the thing, sometimes these friends or partners can come off as rigid and overly calculated, mirroring your own tendencies. To truly fulfill yourself, you've got to embrace your own ambition and strength. Once you find that inner confidence, you'll become a whole person, and your relationships will benefit from your solid nature. You have this innate desire to influence others positively, whether it's in romance or friendship. You're always trying to steer them towards your goals and principles. Your connections have a serious and orderly vibe to them. So, when a relationship ends or doesn't work out, it hits you hard, maybe even too hard. Heartbreak can shake your self-assurance and make you question your judgment. But here's the thing, my friend, you gotta see these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. You'll be attracted to partners who are ambitious, practical, and driven to achieve their goals. Sometimes, you might not fully tap into your own business savvy and ambition, so you project those qualities onto the people you care about. You'll be drawn to someone responsible and authoritative, and there might be a significant age difference between you two. Family will play a crucial role for both of you, but your beloved will have a strong attachment to tradition and the "old ways." Get ready for a passionate and earthy sex life, but don't be surprised if your partner takes things slow at the start. In some cases, you might end up with a spouse who is much older or deeply committed to the relationship. You'll stick around in a less-than-ideal marriage because you feel a sense of duty and loyalty. But hey, even with all your efforts, the marriage might hit some bumps along the way. You take on responsibilities in marriage that others might shy away from, like marrying someone who already has a child or caring for an ailing parent. It's all about navigating the challenges with grace and finding strength in your commitments.
1st (00º to 09º). In your love life, you may end up with a spouse who is significantly older or more committed than you. You might find yourself tolerating an unsatisfactory marriage because you feel a sense of obligation to remain faithful. However, despite your best efforts to keep the marriage alive, there may be times when it becomes unstable and collapses. You willingly take on responsibilities in marriage that others might shy away from, such as marrying someone who already has a child or caring for a sick parent.
2nd (10º to 19º). When it comes to your spouse, you tend to be quite frugal and practical. However, with your close friends, you can be quite extravagant and generous. Friendships hold immense value for you and are considered a fundamental need. It's important for your spouse to understand and respect the significance of your friendships. In both friendships and marriage, you are loyal and devoted. If your spouse happens to be a friend or if you were friends before getting married, you are likely to have a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.
3rd (20º to 29º). You tend to attract a partner who is ambitious and driven. While there is a sentimental aspect to your relationship, both you and your partner may have a tendency to be critical, which can limit emotional expression. Your partner may seek your protection and care, or they may have health issues or hypochondriac tendencies. It's important to navigate these dynamics with understanding and compassion, fostering an environment of support and growth within the relationship.
AQUARIUS: In relationships, you value the freedom to be yourself. Your close friends and family better give you plenty of space because committing to someone can be a challenge for you. To feel complete, you've got to embrace your own brand of strangeness. That's why you're drawn to unique, quirky individuals who reflect your own oddity. But be warned, things can quickly spiral into wild chaos when your eccentricities collide. It's all about accepting and expressing your inner mad genius, so you can connect with other mad geniuses who appreciate your ingenuity and tolerate your quirks. You've got this scientific yet unpredictable power of persuasion, but you're so low-key that you don't even make an effort to convince others. It just happens naturally. Your personal interactions always have that touch of unexpectedness. Relationships can start and end in the blink of an eye. When you're heartbroken, you're the epitome of logic and objectivity. Just don't go drifting too far away. The cool thing about you is that you're pretty good at avoiding bitterness and maintaining friendships with ex-lovers. You're attracted to people who stand out from the crowd, even if they're eccentric and crave their own freedom. You may not fully embrace your own desire for independence, but you're magnetically drawn to a love that's one-of-a-kind. Oh, and let's not forget about your adventurous side in the bedroom. You might find yourself in an experimental and devoted sexual relationship that not only satisfies your desires but also meets your ego's needs. You're into partners who are creative and intellectual, maybe even geniuses in their own right. Your relationship might not fit the traditional mold, but you'll show incredible dedication to the person who captures your heart.
1st (00º to 09º). So, when it comes to marriage and partnerships, things can be pretty unpredictable for you. You'll have some unique encounters, whether it's with people of different ages, races, or religions. You're gonna attract partners who are self-sufficient or those who have been your pals before or will become your pals in the future. Either way, your wedding won't be your average run-of-the-mill affair. And hey, sometimes friendships can blossom from former foes. It's all about those unexpected twists and turns!
2nd (10º to 19º). Now, this partnership of yours is gonna come with a whole bunch of friends. It can be a great thing, adding more fun and support to your relationship. But be careful not to put too much focus on your buddies, or it might lead to some conflicts. If you're with someone who's just as enthusiastic about different things as you are, you'll make a killer team. As long as you're friends and lovers, everything will fall into place like magic.
3rd (20º to 29º). Watch out for that rebellious streak, my friend. Sometimes, you might feel tempted to rebel against your partner, but deep down, you really just want to keep the peace. Instead of getting into unnecessary arguments, try channeling that individualistic energy into artistic innovation. Trust me, it's a much better outlet. Oh, and here's a little reminder: having sexual freedom doesn't mean you can go around being promiscuous. No matter how much you believe in it, you gotta keep things in check.
PISCES:When it comes to relationships, you're a loving and caring partner who might have a tendency to put others before yourself. You can be quite idealistic about personal connections. It's important for you to share your spiritual or creative pursuits with your partner. To truly be whole, you need to embrace your sympathetic and ethereal nature. You find satisfaction in romantic relationships and friendships with empathetic and otherworldly individuals. However, their dreamy and otherworldly nature can also make them unrealistic, delusional, or hard to pin down, forcing them to face their own true selves. Embracing the fact that you're not always grounded will allow you to appreciate your otherworldly side. By giving and receiving love and admiration, you can have a mutually fulfilling relationship. Your shape-shifting abilities, along with your imagination and intuition, give you the power to influence others. You feel like you have to transform into different personas to have an impact on others. That's why your relationships with partners and friends can be so fluid and sometimes puzzling. Dealing with heartbreak can be confusing, especially if you're often unaware of what's going on. You might even be in denial even when you're rejected or when a relationship ends. Sometimes, something needs to happen to wake you up, make you accept the situation, and move on to someone new. You're drawn to a partner who is sexually dedicated and deeply spiritual, caring, or in need of assistance. Either way, love triggers your compassion, and you have this strong "need to be needed." You may sometimes be disconnected from your psychic or imaginative side and project those qualities onto your partner, attracting artistic or spiritually evolved individuals. You long to find your soul mate, and when you think you've found love and the perfect sexual partner, you'll put in the effort to merge with them. But hey, be careful because you can easily mistake someone for your beloved, making you particularly susceptible to deception.
1st (00º to 09º). You might be a bit too idealistic when it comes to marriage. Just be careful not to get involved with someone out of pity. Instead, look for soulmates or partners who share a strong spiritual connection with you. You might find yourself drawn to people who are musically inclined or have a poetic side. Oh, and remember, it's important to be more tolerant of your spouse.
2nd (10º to 19º). Having friendly companions and a supportive partner is essential for you. You're willing to make significant sacrifices for the person you care about. Maybe you'll be the one who decides not to get married in order to take care of an aging or sick parent, or perhaps you'll devote yourself to a noble cause. And who knows, your partnership might even turn into a musical collaboration in the entertainment industry.
3rd (20º to 29º). When it comes to your lover, you're capable of making big sacrifices, both emotionally and financially. You tend to keep your true feelings about your spouse hidden from the world. You might be discreet in your interactions with others, but you still need a shoulder to cry on from time to time. You rely on your partner for emotional and psychological support, and marriage provides you with plenty of mental stimulation.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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dailymanners · 6 months
When planning hang outs with your friends or acquaintances, try to be considerate of other's budgets. Unless you're positive someone can comfortably afford something, don't invite friends and acquaintances to expensive places or events unless you're offering to pay for them.
Often if someone is struggling financially, they already feel self conscious about it, and inviting them to places and events they can't afford can be embarrassing and make them feel worse about their financial situation.
It's also not a good feeling to be excluded from hanging out with your friends because you can't afford to.
So if you know your friend or acquaintance is struggling, invite them to places that are cheap or free, or offer to pay for them.
In some places, social decorum used to dictate that whoever invited is supposed to pay, so if you invited friends to go to a cafe or bar you were supposed to pay for their drinks. That's typically not expected anymore in most places, so depending on where you live, you don't have to stress about not being able to invite friends out for coffee or drinks if you're unable to afford paying for someone else.
However, if you can afford it, it's still a kind and polite gesture to offer to pay for your friends if you were the one who invited them out. Especially because you're less likely to hurt the pride of a financially struggling friend if you insist you're only paying for them because it's good social decorum that whoever invited is the one who should pay.
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finniestoncrane · 4 days
Hello Finnie...
Curious...how do you think the rougues would talk to someone who is facing having to move back in with their parents at age 30 due to financial/personal reasons after years of living independently and their self esteem is taking a mahoosive hit 🙃🙃🙃
(I know it's becoming increasingly common nowadays due to cost of living but still...😣)
Asking for a friend...👀
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Rogues Headcanons aw anon i feel you, there's nothing like a perceived setback to knock your self-confidence HOWEVER i think you're just being a little harsh on yourself, since you know that it's super common!! but you still deserve comfort and encouragement, and i apologise for how completely sappy i was with this lol 💜 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, and sickeningly sweet sentiments i hope!!
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two face
i think every rogue can say they've suffered setbacks, but none like harvey
by all accounts he was living the perfect life, doing exactly what he wanted to
and then everything kind of crumbled, and he lost it all
but he built himself back up (albeit... maybe on the wrong side of morality depending on the coin flip)
so he considers himself a figure of encouragement to you!!
and he's also gruffly reminding you that self-esteem can be rebuilt
little by little, piece by piece
whether you feel like you're moving "back" or not
you can start fresh and new
his suggestion is a little less than helpful
mostly because his solution to his own financial issues were to... rob people while wearing a costume
and if you want to go down that route he is MORE than happy to help
but if you want to be sensible about it, he can offer support
someone to listen to you while you talk it all out
and he promises he won't psychoanalyse you too much
or talk in his therapist voice
but if after all that you're still lost, he has extra straw and fabric
poison ivy
is your parent's home like a garden? is it nurturing and safe, with a balanced ph level? do you feel comfortable and familiar?
is your parent's home like an unattended back patio made of slabs? cracks with grass? minimal space to thrive?
either way, plants will grow and plants will live
nature pushes on!! and little flowers take pride in pushing their heads up, their stems stretched
to see everything that's good beyond the things that seem so close and current
and with a little help from her, anyone can grow and become their best self, even if they've been uprooted
mad hatter
nothing in this world is perfect, and nothing goes according to plan
trust him, he knows that. he has experience in that. plenty of it
but you have to believe that it's an integral part to your story
what good would alice in wonderland have been if there had been no conflict
if she hadn't been forced to learn about herself, to undergo traumas and difficulties
all in order to get home, which she did
and you will too! he knows you have a happy ending waiting, your own wonderland to get to as a reward
he's never really known a home, so to him it's actually a nice idea
you've got a backup, a safety net
and yeah, you might never have wanted to use it
but it's never a bad thing to know there's another option
and it takes strength to ask for help, and even more to accept it
and while he's pretty sure he's strong enough physically to do most things
even he has to admire the emotional strength it takes to do what you're doing
so he's giving you a pat on the back and reminding you that things could always be worse
(and that pat on the back might cause bruising)
what do you need? you need money? you need a place to stay?
he'd be offering it all up to you immediately
what good is money if he can't throw it at his favourite people
keeps them under his thumb, yknow? if they own him one
so yeah it might be a favour he'll call you out on eventually
but rest assured he's not thinking of anything else but "how can i help" and "what do you need/want"
far before he'd make any judgements
it's hard to get where you want in life, he knows that very well
have you thought about straight up just murdering everyone?
he's kiding, he's kidding!!
besides, that's his thing. don't steal his thing, or you'll end up as a little tally mark on his skin
HOWEVER his advice would be to find something to focus on that takes your mind off of the perceived negatives
it doesn't have to be wiping out humanity in a nihilistic rampage
it can be anything!! and saving some money on rent and having the comfort of home might be all you need to find something new to become skilled at
just as long as it's not murder!!
mr freeze
it might feel like you're losing something, but there's always something to be gained too
and you never really lose what you had, because it lives on in memories and hopes
it stays with you in your plans for the future, in your dreams of what you want when you get back on your feet
or in his case, frozen in time in a glass tube
not lost, just temporarily out of reach
but he's a vehement believer in perseverance and never losing hope!!
you'll both have what you want soon enough, whether that's something new or gaining what you had
i won't lie i think he's the most likely to turn his nose up at you
like what do you mean there were unforeseen events that you weren't prepared for?
you didn't have 1588729 backup plans, one of which was for that exact chain of events!?
foolish of you really, though he will concede that not everyone has the brain power to strategise like that
in fact, it really is only him who can... so maybe he should lay off
and offer you some comfort instead, since the thought of having to move in with his parents...
well, it literally terrifies him
harley quinn
listen, she's no stranger to "set backs" in your plans
she's had everything taken from her!!
freedom, lovers, career plans (both respectable and criminal)
but she bounces back! and not just because she's a gymnast
(and also deeply out of touch with the trauma it all caused her)
but she manages it because she believes it'll all get better
and it'll all work out
and she believes that for you too!!
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horce-divorce · 7 months
something something about the power imbalance inherent to being an unhoused person, how similar it is to the dependency that abusers intentionally foster in their relationships to keep victims from leaving. but if you're homeless and someone is putting you up, especially if it's for free/some kind of exchange other than rent, you're basically expected to put up with whatever indignity they can imagine for you and still just be grateful. And if you set a boundary or speak up for yourself in any kind of way, that's Taking Advantage of this poor kind person who's doing SO much for you already, how could you?
sorry its 2am and I'm trying to write a better draft about this for later too but its like. being homeless is a huge, huge vulnerability. ppl people will look to exploit that, intentionally or not. and doubly so if you're homeless because you're disabled.
also something the ableism involved... about how I know so many fellow disabled people who have struggled with homelessness, and we all have similar stories about people we trusted, friends or loved ones who seemed all too happy to help and take us in, and how we repeatedly impressed upon them the nature of our health and the situation, and they swore up and down that they understood and that we were on the same page about boundaries and expectations... only to have them blow up and kick us out at the absolute first sign of conflict or miscommunication, or because we didn't get jobs fast enough, or because we didn't contribute financially even after being told that wasn't expected, and so on.
and how, I know so many housed people who have never been through this, who all have very similar stories about how they tried to help a friend in need once, and they were SO lazy and horrible and took SO long to get their shit together that they clearly were just a freeloader taking advantage who should've never been trusted, just like all homeless people, and that's why we give them socks and canned beans instead of money.
I was never allowed to complain about ableist expectations or abled people ignoring my boundaries in my parents' home. Especially not after I became a disabled adult who still needed help with housing. And that's been true of most of the couch-hopping I've done since then, too.
Currently we have a fairly nice situation... we live with a trusted and pleasant friend. It's a whole house, not an apartment. Not even in the city. We have our own entire room. We don't have to pay rent or anything. It's temporary even aside from our discomfort, it's just been a nice place to land for the cold months.
However. Friends parents are not so chill. Their dad is the most disgusting man alive and has repeatedly gotten us sick bc he's always got something, bleeds all over and never cleans it up, never washes his hands, leaves his dentures on countertops and tables with food still stuck on them, coughs all over our stuff and never masks, is actively making the mouse infestation worse with all the food he leaves out, and puts our health at risk in SO many ways.
he used to work in Healthcare btw. His wife still does. They know we're here bc we're homeless; they know we're both disabled and immunocompromised; neither of them will wear a mask. Both of them are constantly coughing everywhere and not even covering their mouths. We've tried to politely bring this to their attention multiple times and nothing changes. They just ignore us.
We could literally die from this. We could get lifelong health complications even worse than what we have now. Bel lost his sense of taste today and now we're terrified that it's gonna be long covid or something else that sucks what little joy is left from our daily lives.
You lose everything, and then you're supposed to just say nothing and accept your lot, no matter how much danger you're in, because beggars can't be choosers. If you're disabled and poor you'd better just be fine with people abusing you and putting your health and safety at risk indefinitely, because you're lucky they're even helping you at all instead of JUST abusing you.
You dont get to have a home. You dont get to collect things, or keep sentimental things, or have a whole, adequate wardrobe. You get what you can carry with you and what won't get stolen or destroyed by others, or by the nature of moving so much. You dont get to have safety and stability and roots and community. You dont get the dignity of boundaries or your own space. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. And be happy and say "thank you" if people are merely ignoring you instead of actively silencing you. And if the people "helping" you actually give you the thing that kills you, at least you didn't die of exposure, I guess? Or something?
Its just. Every single thing you do as both a homeless & disabled person reminds you how utterly worthless you are to the """normal""" people around you. Every day. It's so demoralizing.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
uhm could you possibly do jealous lookism character headcanons? (._.)
Thanks for the ask anon! This has been a wild 2 weeks of hyperfixating for me and I'm starting to dry up so this has come as a good time (altho I've got lots of drafts sitting around lol)
This has been super interesting. Some characters obv have a jealous personality, but I've never thought about those who don't. This will def become a multi-parter!
Most jealous here!
Lookism jealous headcanons: least jealous
Let's start with these guys first (Jake, Vasco, Gun, Daniel, Eli): hc for being jealous themselves, and hc for you trying to make them jealous
Jake Kim
To be with Mr. Butt, you would have developed a pretty good relationship anyway to move into the romantic terrority. He knows you are loyal and trusts you implicitly.
Any naturally occuring feelings of jealousy are for him to deal with on his own. Will take a bit of poking and prodding before he talks to you about it.
But if you're trying to provoke him? Why are you even trying to make him jealous? Two can play at this game if you're trying to be a pain in the ass. He'll try and talk things through with you first, to see if he's pissed you off. But if you carry on? Expect him in full silly mode: kneeling down before you, shouting his apologies, announcing his feelings, literally begging you to stop flirting with this ugly nobody.
Vasco Tabasco
Rarely, if ever, gets jealous. He's just so happy to be with you. It's one thing if you're in trouble, but if he notices someone is being overly friendly but you're nonplussed? He just looks at you with heart eyes: "Ahhh look at Y/N. They're so cute and pretty! I can't believe they're with me!!"
If you're provoking Vasco then good luck. He wouldn't really understand your actions but will be upset about how he is feeling. "Do you like them more than me, Y/N? :(((" The sad face is enough to guilt you into stopping. Really, it's like kicking a puppy. Why would you do that.
Gun Park
Feeling jealous of his own accord? Guess being with you proves he is human afterall. He's arrogant, confident but aware of his own limitations. Jealousy isn't an emotion he's well acquaintained with. Will result in him brooding or being extra cold until he can put his finger on it and figure out the next steps.
Lucky for you, Gun is pretty forthright. He'll tell you what has been making him jealous so you can both work through it.
Trying to make him jealous? Also good luck. Gun will see right through your attempts. Depends what mood he is in. At times he's amused but generally he will ignore you and your childishness.
Daniel Park
Yes, he's had a glow up in his first body and yes, he gets lots of attention in his second but that doesn't erase years and years of bullying and hating himself. The feelings of inadequacy will overwhelm and cause him to shrink back into himself.
He'll need a lot of reassurance that you love him for him. It's better if you don't focus too much on his appearance. "What happens if one day I put on weight again? or when I get old? Will you still like me then? :("
Provoking him? Please don't be so mean to Daniel. Especially if you know about his insecurities. This is more of a reflection on you and your issues if you're purposely making him jealous. Shame on you.
Eli Jang
Tends to get jealous if he thinks someone else is a better provider for you: physically, romantically, mentally, financially etc. Being the Big Daddy for Eli means he should be able to do it all, and then some. He will get in his head if he thinks someone else is better suited to you.
For Eli, actions speak louder than words - show him how much you love him and he has nothing to worry about.
Cannot imagine him being with a partner that would try and make him jealous. There's enough on his hands with Hostel and Yenna. He wants a mature and stable presence in their lives, he doesn't want nor have the time to play these games.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Would a yandere clay Puppington x reader be bad?
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• The worst yandere you could get in Moralton
• This man is possessive, Manipulative and willingly delusional. Topped with worshipping.
• He’s possessive in the way that he wants to control every aspect of your life to his preferences. Clothes, Food, Mannerisms are all dictated by him.
• Manipulative in the way that he enjoys to gaslight you. What do you mean you want to call your parents? You called them this morning dear. Maybe you should lie down for a while, You don't look too good.
• It’s also in the way that he will convince you that everyone is out to get you, Everyone but him.
• And finally he likes to willingly delude himself into believing this is normal and what he’s doing is right. Choosing to ignore the way you flinched when he kissed your cheek, Ignoring the ways you’d find any excuse not to be in the same room as him. You loved him, You do!
• The worshipping part we’ll get onto later.
• All of what if listed above applies in a romantic scenario. For now we’ll run with that.
• Lets say that you are a new resident in the lovely town of Moralton.
• As the moving truck unpacks your stuff you get greeted by your new neighbours: The puppingtons.
• They appeared to be such a lovely family. A wife, Husband and two little boys. The perfect nuclear family.
• Bloberta was sweet enough to you as she had brought over a welcome casserole for you to have that night.
• Orel was a very charming kid with nice manners. He invited you out to Sunday mass, and despite being agnostic (Or anything of your choice) you couldn't turn him down.
• You got along with shapey just fine too!
• The only one left was Clay himself.
• Clay was presented to you as such a great man, The perfect husband for bloberta.
• He helped you carry your stuff inside your house, He welcomed you in warmly and even made tea for the both of you once you finished unpacking.
• You thought he was a great neighbour and looked forward to talking with him more.
• Clay, however. Viewed you in a different light.
• Whether it was your kind personality, your hard working attitude or just your simple smile you had managed to draw him in. Hook, Line and sinker.
• Despite how amazing and perfect the puppingtons may have seemed to you. You had no clue about the truth
• Clay lived in a loveless marriage. Whatever spark he had for Bloberta had faded years ago. Their distaste for each other only soured with the subtle fights they had behind closed doors
• While Orel and Shapey he did still somewhat care for it didn’t change Orel’s constant misbehaviour in the name of God nor did it change Shapey’s attitude.
• Compile this with his dead end job of being the mayor and everything else you can understand that when someone finally comes into his life he see's them as a saviour, The one who can take him away from this hell.
• He use to drown his sorrow in a bottle. Don't get him wrong, he still does. But now he’s almost been too distracted to pick up a bottle.
• He can't stop thinking about you. The way you smiled, the way you walked and talked. You're entire being was perfect
• It starts off small at first. you're out of sugar and to come borrow his. When you ask he invites you in for tea sessions that linger a little long.
• Then it ramps up.
• Suddenly the rent on your house skyrockets. You're unable to get in touch with your land lord and there are no other affordable houses you can move to. At this point you are panicking.
• That's when clay comes in.
• He offers to pay for your rent with a sympathetic yet cheerful look on his face.
• You deny him, It's too big of a favour.
• He insists though. And since you have no other options you let him lend you the money. All none the wiser to him commanding the landlord to up your prices.
• That's step one. You depend on him financially now.
• Step two comes around when you hear about the scandal involving Bloberta and another man.
• Of course you go over to see clay and check in on how he’s doing. You feel concerned and worried for him.
• When he answers the door you can smell the liquor and see the booze stains on his house coat.
• Your worry multiplies as he invites you in
• You don't know how it happened, But you were pressured into drinking with him, As he wouldn't open up without it being over a drink.
• And as soon as it starts, It ends in his bed. You woke up with the biggest hangover of your life all while cuddling with a still asleep Clay.
• He knew this would happen. He wasn't actually as drunk as he made himself out to be earlier, His years of alcoholism had him build up a tolerance.
• He engineered the scandal getting out, too. It didn’t take much as he already knew how unfaithful Bloberta already was. Shapey was proof of that. So when he finally snapped a picture of the two getting down it wasn't hard to make it spread. Letting him divorce her without too much scorn
•  After you woke up you felt ashamed and embarrassed of what you had done.
• You couldn't stay there. You left before he woke up
• But you were stupid to think you could hide away forever.
• The next week consisted of Clay begging you to talk to him. Guilt tripping you into talking with him and coming over. As soon as you know it, you're dating him. Moving into his house and talking with Orel like a mother would
• Clay in a relationship doesn't have many good moments.
• Your days consist of being the stereotypical 50’s housewife for him.
• Cooking, Cleaning, Making beds, Helping out with Orels homework when It’s the days clay has custody.
• You hate it. But you can't bring yourself to admit it out loud, Clay would be hurt.
• Everyday when he comes in from work he expects you to be waiting at the door, kiss his cheek and then go to pour him a glass of scotch 
• When you’d do something wrong he’d say nothing but give you the most disappointing looks that you felt shame.
• If any love interests other than him were to pop up he may just invite them out on a hunting trip.
• But the one soft part of your relationship is him giving constant praise and compliments to you when you do everything right.
• He calls you dear, Darling. That sort of thing.
• It was nice enough. So nice that you tried to look past all the controlling habits and manipulation.
• Until he had one too many drinks one day.
• You don't know what it was that set him off that day. Maybe something happened at work, Maybe you did something wrong or maybe he was just in a bad mood.
• But suddenly you were crying. He was screaming and holding a broken glass bottle at you. Threatening and cursing you out.
• That was when you realised how deep of a hole you dug yourself.
• You tried to run, tried to leave but he wouldn't let you.
• He’d lock you in the basement if you got too much of an issue. 
• He’d threaten you with anything you have: Family, Friends, Pets, Beloved objects. Anything he can use against you, he will.
• Orel may be a way to escape. However he isn't reliable unless you're a very persuasive person. This is because Clay had probably already gotten to him and taught him a lesson about “Love”.
• This probably got him into some scenario involving a lot of people he likes being put into the basement along with you. It was awkward.
• But enough about that.
• There would be no escaping him, It’s nigh impossible.
• While Clay does love you and worship you he thinks you need to learn a few things before you both can go back to normal.
• Overall, He’s a fucking nightmare.
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 5 months
I have a certain frustration when I talk to my allo friends and family about my anxieties towards growing older. It's hard for everyone right now, I completely understand that. But as soon as I talk to my partnered friends about how they have the benefit of two incomes to afford their one bedroom, their brains shut off and perceive it as me being jealous that I'm single. And maybe I am, but that's besides the point I'm trying to make, and that's that financially the only person I have to rely on is me. Which in practice is good, because you don't want to be financially dependent on someone else. However, it sure would make the one bedroom apartment much more feasible with someone else around.
I have no interest in partnering. I don't want a QPR. I don't want to be forced to put out new roommate listings every time my old one moves out to live with their partners. I want to be just as self sufficient as my friends, but i don't have the same safety nets that they do, financially, socially. Im not trying to say that the experience of being single and struggling is exclusively an aroace one at all, but at the same time it's a uniquely different perspective than I usually see when the subject is talked about? Idk. I'm sure someone has said it better than I can, but it's frustrating!!!
There are a lot of economic advantages to being married that single people do not get. I remember listening to a CBC segment on it a while back, it's not even just things like rent/housing, it's how you're taxed, it's how multiple systems are set up assuming people are paired up, etc. It's a very legitimate issue to be talking about.
I'm with you, Anon. I don't want a partner in any way, and I don't like roommates, and things just keep getting more expensive. It's discouraging.
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azure-cherie · 1 year
PAC : Messages from Aset
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Hello loves , first of all a very big thank you to Aset for helping me in conveying through my divination, this reading contains general messages so take what resonates and leave the rest , i used tarot cards , intuition and runes for this reading , likes , reblogs and feedbacks are very very appreciated , thank you for letting me read you :)
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Pile 1 -3
Pile 1:
My dear pile 1 , Aset wants to convey that she is proud that you have achieved a lot of abundance in your life but you are focused to earn more when in reality you should be happy in what you already have and you should also share with others what you have made since kindness is the greatest of virtues that will help you to achieve great heights, be cautious when you serve others , help them but don't help them to the point of exploitation , when you need ask for help and always help will be provided when you are in search of a financial need . You are someone who has come a long way without any support you have been worried and fought all the odds to come to this point and she is very proud of you for doing all this but remember that a small thing can destroy a lot of things so when in times of haste take time to sit down shut the world and reflect, I think you have a habit of getting to angry at the wrong people and this is going to create a problem in the wrong runs so you are advised to work on it and stay away from people at that time so that you don't end up in problems and learn to be more grateful about your surroundings and whatever has been provided to you or else it could go away you , you're going to enter a very abundant period in your life in terms of emotional needs You are going to create new horizons and new plans for yourself marriage business deals and child birth news can be heard for you your ancestors are rooting for you , I see symbolism of marigold flowers you can do some water magic or worship with water as an element that will help you in getting clarity about yourself .
Runes :
Beware of incorrect choices, take time to contemplate, some family functions maybe cancelled due to health issues take care of your health , you might experience stagnation , heal your relationship with your mother , get yourself a visit to the gynaecologist, you might experience some menstrual issues , watch your expenditure.
Change has to occur , some things are destroyed so new things can be built, unexpected meetings and realisations, destruction now will end up making something good for the future keep hoping, you could have a breakup, moving houses , someone fake in your friend circle will be unmasked.
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Pile 2 :
My dear pile 2 , she really wants you to take a stand for yourself , my dear file 2 you have been relying on the guidance of a person for too long and at this point you have almost become dependent on that person but she suggests you to go for a soul searching and finding what you really like to do because the end of the day you should grow old fulfilling your passions and desires , you are already abundant and blessed because of your family hierarchy and how rich have you been You should explore forest and small places for learning about life it feels as if you have grown old but your wisdom needs to be increased, You should pay attention to your hair as it holds wisdom and ancestor knowledge right now You may have dreams crazy dreams take notes of them somebody is trying to communicate to you , your future is in your hands You don't have much time there is a big change coming in for you with the onset of the new change . There could be an extra marital Affair that could change the course of your life beware and make sure you have enough resources to make out of it I see the symbolism of red and white candles you can use them and ask your guides so that they can provide you a clear part of what you can do ahead but they can only help you when you ask for help yourself . Take the stand for yourself to do whatever you are interested in.
Runes :
You're are in the path of self discovery and awakening, re evaluation, talk to your children or the children in your neighborhood, invest in family planning, keep hustling it will be worth it , evolution in relationship, take your medicines regularly.get an eye checkup .
You could be entering or interested in shamanism , you're going through an awakening, you may think something has ended but it's yet to be fulfilled, you could work with chaos magick , there could be some delays but don't worry about it , it will work out , are some of you consuming weed , there's a union in the spiritual plane .
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Pile 3 :
Dear pile 3 , Aset wants to convey that you should be looking after things you choose to nurture , maybe you brought a plant or a pet but you are not paying attention to it she wants you to take into account your responsibilities maybe it could be about the older members in the family, you will be going out on a trip soon and you should take care of yourself physically as well as spiritually I see the vision of an amulet that will be protecting you You should search signs for protection or make a sigil for yourself that will help you for sure , all that you have dreaming will come true, but remember to put efforts for it as nothing comes without trying you are blessed in every field , you will be meeting a new partner soon that will help you realise your potential remember to not sabotage the relationship because you are not healed, try to focus on making yourself stable and creating a balance that will be very essential for you ,work on your sacral chakra , don't dwell on the past the future is brighter than you can imagine , go somewhere near a pond and feel the healing energy, in the next 3 months we will be undergoing a lot of changes and a lot of things that you like but are not good for you will go away from you but remember to know that there is always something that serves in exchange of something that doesn't serve , if there's a group project coming your way then remember to include everyone and not take too much on yourself you are divinely protected.
Runes :
protect your home , work on your masculine energy, make necessary sacrifices, new births , changes , expansion, process of manifestation, look after your well being and health, reorganization.
Dagaz (came up in pile 2 as well you can check it if you want )
You're are in the path of self discovery and awakening, re evaluation, talk to your children or the children in your neighborhood, invest in family planning, keep hustling it will be worth it , evolution in relationship, take your medicines regularly.get an eye checkup .
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That's all , thank you so much for reading i hope it resonates and helps you 🤍
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notfinancialadvice · 1 year
It's been awhile, but I have a new thought for folks starting out investing
This blog is called "not financial advice" so this is not financial advice. Nothing on this blog is.
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I am working on a large-scale D&D-style banking system for a private client (my job is weird). This is putting me in touch with a lot of people in very expensive suits and it I keep pinging them:
"Let's say someone has $100 to start investing, what should they do. Like, literally $100. With $0.00 added after."
I've cobbled together some thoughts (not advice don't sue me) and cut out the bullshit and sales pitches.
Start a high-yield savings account in an FDIC insured bank. As of this writing (April 27, 2023, United States-based), it'll be somewhere between 3.5 - 4.25% APY (annual percent yield -- i.e. interest)
Go with a bank that is FDIC insured. Banks pay for this, you do not. Here are smart people talking about what FDIC is.
The percentage difference listed above is 0.75%. Moving money is a bitch, is it worth chasing 0.75%? That depends on your situation, time, etc. Here are smart people who built a calculator to help you figure it out if it's worth it to you.
Touch it as little as possible.
Start a spreadsheet that tracks your finances.
In the cell that lists the amount of this balance, give it a name. Something fun, something that speaks to you. I did this as an experiment + to participate, mine is "Slime Research Adventurer Destruction Fund".
Write a prospectus (fancy word for "this is what the goal for this cash is to do").
Slime Research Adventurer Destruction Fund prospectus: Follow the path of high-yield savings rates at {bank}. Review quarterly if other banks have a substantially better rate (+1.5%).
The entire point is to break the idea of "them not me" and "today vs. someday" and "I cannot begin to build wealth vs. someone else can."
A $100 savings INVESTMENT IN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT with a rate of 3.5-4.25% will give you interest of $3.50-4.25 at the end of the first year, then continue on growing onwards.
That is your return.
Is it as high as investing in the market? No.
Is it safer? Holy fuck yes.
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When you invest in stocks, bonds, etc. you are looking for a return. This is your return.
This is not a grindset mindset work 24/7 chunk of advice. This is not a reality-disillusionment "I am struggling I need to work harder."
You need to be knowledgable about how things can work for you so you can leverage what you have, where you are, when you have it, as you can.
A high-yield savings account is not going to make you rich.
It probably won't make a difference in an emergency.
It will absolutely make a difference in non-emergency times, over a period of time.
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Slime Research Adventurer Destruction Fund Destroying Adventurers.
That last point is where I'm coming to.
If you don't have enough cash to invest and/or you're not comfortable investing, that's fine.
Give your savings account a name that speaks to you. This is your investment. Your savings account = your investment account.
There is no moral or ethical difference between "I have cash shoved into a savings account" and "I have cash shoved into the stock market."
The only difference is potential risk, growth, and fees (never pay for a savings account), liquidity ("how quickly can I convert this thing into cash to buy an apple at the grocery store, pay a bill, etc.").
Make money less scary via weird names and fun graphics.
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Go to a piccrew site and make a catgirl with pink and blue hair.
Name your fund "Catgirlsnax Fundsies".
Make. Money. Management. Less. Scary. By. Taking. Control. Via your own. Desires. Goals. Weird quirks.
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Here is to hoping these gifs are not from horrible shows I don't know anime I know money and business and monsters.
If they are then I apologize for it.
I've read the notes on my blog and a lot of you like anime. I'm hoping these resonate.
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