#i mean yes of course
baronessblixen · 3 months
The tradwife movement... I could crack my knuckles and go on a typing diatribe (and did and erased XDD); but I find it interesting that they're poorly disguised business women who make bank off of marketing a lifestyle they themselves don't live by. "Traditional" stay-at-home wives and mothers irl have equal agency in personal and financial decisions in their marriage (names on everything, money set aside for their personal accounts, etc.); and are not "obedient, demur, quiet" 50s/red pill/far right (in the actual, technical term) aesthetics. It's a beautiful thing when done honestly-- aka, not "YOU WON'T GET A MAN UNLESS YOU BECOME A TRADITIONAL WOMEN SO LET ME TEACH YOU HOW, LIKE THE VID, BUY MY COURSE", etc.
THAT BEING SAID, I'm afraid to know... what's sugar dating. I do and don't and really don't want to know.
I've only seen like one of those "you won't get a man unless you become a tradwife" videos. Though I read an article about it being a trend on TikTok and women selling courses teaching young women how to "do it right". Saying things like, if he doesn't get you expensive gifts on your dates, he doesn't love you. It was shocking, to say the least.
I don't know any tradwives personally, and I'm sure you're right that the influencers who market the lifestyle for the most part have their own finances and security. However, many, many women do not. Some really go into this blindly, let their partner decide everything and take care of finances. I see that a lot with the stay-at-home girlfriends who have like zero security.
Like people can do what they want, obviously. It's not for me, that's for sure. I've just seen relationships go to shit and women being left for a younger model, having no work experience whatsoever and not knowing how to pay rent.
People who enter these kinds of relationships, no matter how much in love they are and no matter how much they think nothing will go wrong and they will never break up, need a back-up plan. Just in case.
Sugardating is dating someone who is older and who's usually financially well off. I think it being more of a trend now is also thanks to TikTok.
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adyophene · 3 months
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I couldn't get the idea of Alastor holding Husk like that one ferret gif during his lament in the finale out of my head.
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princess-of-morkva · 2 months
thinking about. how merlin brings out the best in arthur and on the other hand arthur brings out the darkest parts of merlin. how arthur always tries to be better and do the right thing because merlin believes in him and he wouldn't want to disappoint him. because he believes merlin is good and he wants to be good for him. how merlin always ends up making the worst decision in his desire to protect arthur, doing things he never thought he'd do. how from saving arthur's life because that's a right thing to do, he goes to putting his life above any of his own morals.
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buggachat · 1 year
honestly just in general it's very exhausting to try to analyze media that is literally meant to be analyzed, only for the replies to be filled with people arguing not against your analysis, but against the premise that the media can be analyzed at all.
i don't even know what to say about it without starting to really betray my frustration, so i'll just settle with— just don't engage with analysis posts? I'm serious. if you're typing a response to a media analysis post, reread what you've written and ask yourself "is this comment/response against the very concept of analyzing the media at all?" and if the answer is yes then delete it all and go sit in the shame corner. throw your curtains away if you want to so bad and stop telling me that I'm not allowed to hum and haw at the fact mine are blue
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maulfucker · 2 months
racism in star wars will have wikis saying shit like "this species that is inspired on a real life non-white people is just too stupid to use the Force"
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
Just thinking about how Jason had a bit of a rough childhood and considering the state his parents were in, I feel like he probably wasn't held much?
So can you imagine Jason getting carried by Bruce for the first time and absolutely loving it, but he's too afraid to show how much he actually enjoys it, which gives Bruce the impression he shouldn't do it often, until Jason has to shyly ask B to pick him up like how a 5yo would be asked to be carried by their parent like:
[Jason lightly tugging on Bruce's shirt]
Bruce, looking down at him: What is it, Jay? Do you need something?
and it's just Jason hesitantly raising his arms up hoping Bruce will get the message sjoajdiididjns
and ofc Bruce is absolutely elated that his son loves to be held by him and squeezes him extra tightly when he picks him up
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reds-skull · 6 months
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Anatomy is one of the biggest thing I need to work on, so why not do it while drawing these two fuckers.
Tried to focus just on the sketch/lineart, so no shading on this one...
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#i had posted this everywhere and it occurred to me that i hadnt on tumblr. which seems like a crime#keith kogane#vld keith#vld lance#vld fanart#lance mcclain#voltron#klance#can i rant for a bit#grabs the microphone Id like to thank this huge step on my voltron healing journey to my mom#who said 'oh its that show that made you cry in frustration! the kitties!'#and i said 'yes mother i was 15'#i dont think ive ever felt so. like. bullied? i dont wanna say ridiculed but#by a shows' producer#not since fucking BBC SHERLOCK#and i dont mean oh of course it wasnt gonna be canon. Of cours it wasnt I dont mean that#what i didnt need was getting baited left and right#the show milked the shit out of. lets be real here. young queer kids and then turned around and pointed and laughed when they gained hope on#their silly red blue ship to get canon#bc lets be real if anything queer was gonna happen. ambiguous non binary pidge was already there#two skinny attractive teen boys is like low hanging fruit. diet rep#but it wasnt even abt that. at least i truly never thought klance was srly gonna b canon. i HOPED. but like. i never shipped 4 canon anyway#i LIKED voltron. i loved lotor. i had always been a multishipper allur//ce was rkly cute i couldve dug that#if they hadnt spent the last season looking miserable AND THEN DYING#tf u mean our female lead died TF U MEAN THE LATINO MC BECAME A FARMER? w the forever marks of his dead gf on his face? Are you joking rn???#anyway. hit me up for more voltron opinions i got tons#(mic drop)
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candyheartedchy · 6 days
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What if Granny had neighbors and baby Bella and Bugs were friends?
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lyxchen · 3 months
Something I love about Heartbreak High is how when we first see Amerie's perspective of what happened at the festival everything is good and Harper is happy and jokes around with her but then when we see Harpers perspective you suddenly notice how unsure and uncomfortable she actually is. Like she doesn't smile as much and it's a little more fake and she's being much more serious, for example with the "I think my house is haunted" moment and also when her dad texts her. But Amerie didn't notice. Which is why she didn't realize something was going on with Harper and why she couldn't imagine that anything had happened that day. In her memory everything was great and perfect when it in fact wasn't. And I think that's a really cool way of showing both their perspectives because while overall they both remember the same things, their perception of How it happened is different
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
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bogkeep · 4 months
truly videogames are such a good medium for stories where Something Is Wrong With Time... every game with a saving mechanic has a time travel function, be it acknowledged in universe or not. games can give you the option to experience pieces of story in a non-linear fashion or skip them entirely. time and timing is no longer bound to the confines of a movie's runtime or pages of a book...!
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sugajimin · 1 year
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you can also call it, yoongi’s hair evolution 
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(cr: ptd on stage/yet to come in busan: 0613data,nba japan games: @/jung-koook)
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corallapis · 5 months
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paulmccartneyhole · 2 months
paul mccartney you're gay and that's final
for legal/ethical/moral/psychological/spiritual reasons this is a joke
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alaynestone · 5 months
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-the incest diary, anonymous.
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