#if you're sending shit like this to others get a life
trzee · 3 years
#not to start drama or anything but i thought i would say something about this because it's really bothering me lol#i know a lot of people here don't like me which is fair i know i'm not an easy person to get along with that's just how it is#i 100% support people who don't like me#and i don't care about it because if you're not my friend or someone that i care about your opinion doesn't matter to me#BUT i have never ever since i started using this acc vague posted someone#every single time that i had something to say to someone i said to their face#i have never even sent anon asks lol i just think it's dumb to send people hate instead of having healthy conversations#i know that there are people camping in my blog and talking shit and vague posting me and my friends#so if you have something to say about me don't be a pussy and say it to my face i don't care i love having discussions w people#i believe that talking is a great way to solve things#if the content of your blog is 90% vague posting about other people i'm so sorry your life is this sad#i'm only here to appreciate gnf u can keep going with your regina george/mean girls mentality#continue to claim that gnfers or whatever are ruining this website#when in reality it's u guys who don't know what to do besides start drama and never let it go#once i've shared what i had to say about something i move on if u don't i'm sorry#i know that people have said shit about me and i don't care i will continue to say what i have to#i have been on this website for 8 years (unfortunately) and i have the maturity to talk about things and move on from them#if you're still a 16yo who can't.... maybe don't start shit then#this is not aimed at anyone btw it's just a general statement#zee.txt#tbd
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uwunnie · 5 years
#this dude really just r/niceguys'ed himself#turn on my phone for one minute to make sure no one's called or anything#and this random dude sent me a shirtless snap of him#to which i politely asked who he was#and he said his name as if i couldn't read his first and last name clearly displayed on the name part of his snap#and i asked how we knew each other - a simple question really#to which he says some weird shit like 'well you have to meet someone to get to know them' - essentially insinuating that we should meet up#cue another shirtless selfie from him that's tipped a little lower to reveal it's 95% likely he's nude#i say i don't know him and ignore his next selfie - this angers him#tells me i 'must not have any friends' and I'm boring and a whole bunch of other bullshit because i don't want to talk to him because he#makes me uncomfortable. I get fed up and send him that *clown shoes squeaking* meme and say it's him#to which this man then proceeds to say 'i'm hot a'f'(spoiler: he's not) and then says 'I'm 6'2 and built. i have a broad chest and back' and#i want to tell him he's not shownu - but refrain. instead i tell him 'i never attacked your personal looks' and he goes off on another rant#talking about how fit he is and i tell him 'you really only have a big inferiority complex son' and then immediately - i mean immediately -#he replies with 'take care asshole. your life will be boring and lame. i feel sorry if u ever get a man. ugly ass hoe.'#i simply reply with 'r/niceguys' and take screenshots for receipts#in conclusion: shownu would n e v e r treat me like this and also @ m - imma get you the attention you're seeking sweaty :)
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mrsbbradshaw · 2 years
What Have You Done ?
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Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x fem! Mitchell reader
Warnings : Top Gun Maverick Spoilers, angst, fluff
Synopsis : Pete's daughter is as wild as him, she's also as passionate as him. However, an incident during high school drove them apart until they were called back to Top Gun. The uranium mission too, took them from each other, leaving her helpless as she couldn't do anything to make the situation better and save the people she loves.
Reader's call sign : Lynx ( a bright person and the life of the party until you piss her off / get on her bad side ) << Thanks @ashewontcare >>
Present day.
"You should apologise to her" Maverick told his RIO's son.
"What ? who ?" he answered, passing him the telescope to observe enemy territory after their plane was shot down.
"Come on Bradley, you know she did nothing wrong, it was entirely my fault that I took your papers, she knew nothing of it and-"
Bradley's head has never turned so quickly to face someone
"What do you mean by 'she knew nothing' ?"
"She didn't know I pulled your papers, here's the thing-"
"She didn't know ?" Rooster blurted out
"She didn't know it was you who pulled out my papers ?" He repeated, earning a nod from his instructor
"Yeah, she didn't know your papers were pulled either, she was angry at me for sometime, demanding an answer why your application was gone. Hell, she even went to iceman, angry at him for not being able to put you up into the navy"
He closed his eyes, frowning, the heat that was running into his heart was a pain that he had never felt in so long.
"Shit shit shit shit" he cursed repeatedly
"What ?" Maverick questioned, before tilting his head, connecting the dots
"Rooster, what did you do ?"
"Shit" he repeated again, realising that he may have lost her for good this time.
"Bradshaw, what have you done to her ?"
------ Flashback -------
She was always fond of Bradley Bradshaw ever since they met. He was like her knight in shining armour when he came Into her life, protecting each other from time to time and being the best of friends.
A particular event she remembered during high school was when he stepped in front of her after she was pushed into the pile of mud while Bradley took a punch from her bully, Jessica Bowen.
Y/n Mitchell was drenched in mud, hands and legs covered with the brown slimey substance that she fell in, a few parts of her face caught the mud.
Her eyes shot open the moment she saw Bradley took the hit on his stomach.
She could spot the pain on his expression when he fell down into the mud beside her.
Rage fuelled her next actions, clenching her jaw while quickly getting up, she used her left hand to wipe the mud away from her face hastily.
She hated the fact that he was hurt. She hated it.
"Hey Jessica !" She called.
The blonde haired girl and her two other friends turned around, facing the figure who was covered with mud who was wearing a snarky smile on her face.
Y/n used her other hand, containing a fistful of mud, forcefully sending the thick gluey onto their face. This caused the brunette boy to widen his eyes, laughing at the girls' embarrassment.
The three girls whose clothes were stained brown were now yelling, running away as Y/n threw more mud at them angrily.
"Mitchell, You're such a freak !"
"What ? I thought you weren't scared of anything, you bitch !" She spat
"Y/N" He called out her name. One word that was enough to make her turn around and face him. She eyed him from head to toe, his whole body was covered in brown.
"are you okay ?" she stepped closer to him, wiping his shoulders off from the grey substance.
"I should be asking you that" He rubbed the bits of mud that were left on her forehead, paying attention to her features, especially her concerned eyes.
"I'm sorry, Brad" She held his shoulders
"For what ?"
"You got punched because of me, your mom's gonna be so mad at us"
"Yeah but your dad'll get us out of trouble....right ?" He tilted his head
"Uh- I hope so, w-we should get out of here," she took her bag along with his from the bench nearby.
The two friends walked away from the garden near their school towards her home. Bradley made it a habit for him to walk her home since their house wasn't too far away.
"I should be thanking you, y/n"
"Huh ?"
"It was fun seeing them get what they deserve, not everyone has the balls to take them on to a... mud fight" Bradley chuckled, looking at his best friend who replied with a laugh.
"Well, what can I say ? Pushing someone to the mud at high school is really childish" Y/n raised her brows, unknowingly arriving to her house, Bradley helped her take the keys from her bag, unlocking the door for her. She insisted that she could but she was too covered in mud for her to stain anything else.
As she waved him goodbye, she smiled to herself after a day of spending time with Bradley, her crush.
She was always imagining that the two of them would end up together and sign up to the navy hand in hand. She thought that he would like her back eventually, she just needed more time to spend with him.
Unfortunately, her dreams were crushed when she entered school the next day, seeing Jessica apologised only to Bradley. To her surprise, he accepted the apology.
Jessica looked so different in front of Bradley, it was almost as if she likes him. They were paired up together for a project that made Jessica manipulate him in God knows what way, but Y/n could feel like their time together was slowly robbed by Jessica.
She held her pride high, expecting Bradley to take her as his date to the high school prom with him, there was no way he was going to the prom with someone else.
She knew he wouldn't do it to her, they've been so close for years, so what would make him pick Jessica over her ?
Yet her worst nightmares came true, there was one day she would never forget what he said to her.
"She seems like a nice person, I think we misunderstood her" Bradley came up to y/n with a smile on his face. She could sense her blood boiling, knitting her brows together, she scoffed.
"Misunderstood ?"
"Y-yeah, and I think- I like her, Y/n"
"All I'm saying is that I'm taking her to the prom with me"
Everything else that came into her ears were inedible after his last words to her, she could hear her heart drop to the ground. Her face lost colours almost immediately, it looked like that she had her life sucked out of her.
"Y/n ?" He called her after noticing that she had zoned out completely
"You're taking Jessica Bowen to prom ?"
He nudged his head with a weak smile,
"What do you think ? I think she's a nice person, you should really apologise and make amends-"
Apologise ?
She had enough.
"You want me to apologise ?"
Her eyes shot cold glares at him as she stared at Bradley. She couldn't believe what he just said.
"You want me to apologise to the girl who sabotaged my entire high school life ?"
"You want me to apologise to the girl who called me motherless for years ? who punched YOU ?"
"It was an accident, the punch was meant for you-" Y/n's mouth fell wide open in disbelief. He was taking her side ?
Pete Mitchell's daughter let out a scoff
"an accident - So you're saying that it's fine for her to punch me ?" Raising her voice, she ragingly eyed him as her nostrils flare up, it was sickening.
Everything made her sick. Bradley taking up her bully's side.
"Y/n, listen to me-"
"Hell no, Bradshaw, you listen to me." She pointed at him, eyes hardening and narrowing them into slits.
"Are you hearing all this came out of you ? Are you even hearing yourself right now ? Did Jessica put a love potion on your drink ? You're crazy to think that I would make amends with the girl who ruined my reputation in high school, who ruined my chance into having a normal life in school just because my mother is absent from my life."
There was a pause
"She never brought up your father's death did she ?"
"Y/N-" he warned
"Don't you y/n me, answer." Her voice was harsh, demanding for him to answer her question, although it sounded weak on the last few words that she uttered.
He could see the brim of her eyes, collecting the tears that were trying so hard not to trickle down. He had never expected that he would be the cause of her tears.
"No" He whispered
"Exactly..." Y/n stepped back from her crush, heartbroken, angry, sad.
"There are hundreds of girls here,"
"and you had to pick her....out of all people ? Her ? The person that took my life away ?" She shouted, her breathing was faster than normal as a tears escaped her reddened eyes.
Bradley's heart ached seeing the tears that raced down her cheeks, his heart beaten faster, he didn't want to lose his best friend for a girl he likes.
But that's all that he'll ever see her as.
A friend.
He needed her to see that Jessica was a great person but she wasn't having any of it.
"We've been friends for more than ten years, Bradshaw"
The usage of his last name shot pain to him.
"I think that time is enough."
Her last few words felt like a house had been dropped in front of him, was she ending their friendship like this ? In bad terms ?
Y/n turned around to walk away from him, with her head hung low, her cried only became heavier but silently while walking away from him, she couldn't describe the feelings she was experiencing.
All mixed up into one, she hated it so much.
Bradshaw and Mitchell never spoke again after Y/n' s big meltdown in front of him, she was always seen alone, eating lunch alone. His heart would send him a pang whenever he glanced at her.
Her bright smile was gone, she was alone.
He never did approach her after what happened too, he thought that she hated him for what he did. He continued his relationship with Jessica, climbing up the social stairs, getting known for the "guy who had a well respected navy as a father before he died" person.
Until prom, where Y/n surprisingly became Jake Seresin's date.
Bradley Bradshaw's blood boiled, seeing her with Jake. He got her to go with him. While she was dressed so beautiful that made her unrecognisable to the public. The black glittery dress that touched the ground, wrapping her curves at the right places, the slit of her dress gave her beautiful thighs a beautiful sight for people to see.
Jake's hand were around her waist, his joke made her smile. It was a long time since she had not given out a smile like that. He was angry and jealous at how Jake was able to be so close to her, to make her smile.
It was supposed to be him.
But again he remembered, he chose Jessica Bowen over Y/N Mitchell.
'Dumbass' he murmured below his breath.
Jessica was nothing compared to Y/n. He might've lost her forever.
"He's looking again..."
"Is he now ?" Y/n took a sip from he cocktail as Jake whispered into her ears
"Tell me why we agreed on this again..."
"You want to piss off Bradshaw," He spoke while giving her another glass of drink
"and you- want to piss off Bowen"
"On a scale of one to ten, how cliche do you think this is ?" she asked
"Oh, this is a 'every high school prom' movie cliche" he answered, making her laugh that didn't go unnoticed by Bradley
"look, he's looking again, I think our plan is working"
"Dude, I think she's pissed off too." She eyed an angry Jessica who was glaring at her boyfriend for keeping his eyes on y/n.
"So, I heard you're applying for the navy huh ?" She changed the topic
"Yes ma'am I am." Jake gave her a wink, sipping his cocktail.
"That makes the two of us then"
"Three, actually" Jake Seresin corrected her
"Three ?"
"Heard Bradshaw's applying as well"
Right, she forgot about that. She was going to meet him again in the navy.
She wanted to escape from this feeling that she hated so much.
Y/n wanted to escape from love. She couldn't give anyone a good reason on why she still likes him. She felt pathetic, doing this for getting back at him.
It was an obvious success, but again, they didn't have any contact even after graduation. It was only during the navy application that she expected them to meet again and start over.
The news that he broke up with Jessica had spread over like wildfire, everyone had seen it coming, they were even taken by surprise to see that Bradley could stand to be around with someone like her.
Y/n expected him to talk to her during the application, but as Mitchell sat beside Jake, only a few greetings were exchanged. She shrugged it off, thinking that it's not gonna hurt waiting for him to interact with her during the navy training.
However that moment never came.
He went forward to her, stepping with so much rage that his face was boiling red.
"I know you hate me but you didn't have to go this far" He spat at her
"Bradley- what are you-" she was immediately taken aback by his actions.
"Don't you play dumb with me, Y/n. You know I've always wanted to join the navy. I didn't know you were this cruel" He squinted his eyes at her.
"What the hell are you talking about Bradley ?"
He tilted his head, anger increasing on his veins
"You're always like this, it suits you really, with your dumb personality, no wonder people didn't want to be with you during high school. No wonder Jessica ruined your life, it was the right thing to do."
She blinked twice, not believing the words that had just came out from his mouth. She wasn't aware that Bradley had summed up so many grudges against her. She had thought that it was her who was mad, she was confused why he was like this.
There was no reason at all for him to spew out those words to her. She didn't know he could be that harsh to her.
She could feel her heart getting torn, by mentioning Jessica again and high school.
Jake Seresin heard the whole conversation and immediately went in between them.
"That's enough, Bradshaw."
"Yeah, go run along with your little boyfriend, you Mitchells are always the same, using your significant others to solve problems, I guess the apple doesn't fall far away from the tree"
The next thing Bradshaw knew was a stinging pain on his left cheek, a hand mark slowly forming there, a result from her slap.
"I don't know what the hell is going on with you, but for you to bring my father's name into this is far out of the line, Bradshaw"
He was recollecting the words that he had just said to her. He felt like he was being too harsh but it was probably her who convinced Pete Mitchell to pull out his papers from the naval academy.
That was the last time Y/n and Bradley had seen each other before Top Gun, little did he knew that she had gone crazy at her father and Iceman because of Bradley's application.
When they met again, they didn't speak to each other during their basic manueuvre flight training. Even when she made all the efforts, he would avoid her like a virus.
"Lynx" and "Rooster" were never known to be friends in Top Gun. Hangman was always protective of her, he didn't want her friend to get hurt again. That was the reason why he despised Rooster so much.
Y/n and Jake had been friends ever since they went to the navy together, nothing romantic, they were each other's person.
But there was something in her that triggered a surge of emotion hearing the radio from her standby plane on the carrier.
"Dagger 1 and 2 has been hit, I repeat, dagger 1 and 2 is hit" Phoenix voice got to her ears.
Her heart pounded like a drum in her chest, fast and hot, her breathing quickened. She felt like she was on fire and she might spontaneously combust at any moment, like someone had set a slow and steady match beneath her center, deep in the pit of her stomach.
She can't lose her father and him at the same time ?
She can't.
The 30 minutes of the no contact between her dad and Rooster made the blood rushes to the tips of her fingers, the pulse coming in hot waves that cause everything else to pulse.
She was helpless, she couldn't do anything. Hangman and her weren't given any permission to fly and engage with the enemy. She looked at her surroundings before looking at her own reflection on the cockpit of her plane.
The callsign she earned for her wild spirit.
What does that mean to be in the navy if there wasn't someone left to fight for ?
What if her dad was indeed dead ? What if Rooster died without reconciling with her ?
Her hands gripped on the yoke of the jet. Are they really dead ?
They received a signal from Rooster indicating his location and that they're supersonic in an F-14. There wasn't anyone else who could fly the plane, other than the legend himself.
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
The feeling of relief washed her like waves.
"Dagger standby requesting to back up dagger one and two" Hangman immediately said
"Affirmative, Dagger standby one and two request to backup granted, prepare for immediate take off"
"Let's get them home, Lynx"
"Let's get them home, Hangman"
They arrived there in time, with the enemy's jet successfully avoiding Hangman's missile lock, she gave the enemy a surprise, missile locking them while speeding in front of the jet, immediately blowing up the plane.
Hangman teased them, giving them a message that was similar to a commercial plane announcement during landing. The three planes flew side by side, Y/n refusing to glance at the two men, being afraid that it'll affect her emotionally.
After landing the plane, it wasn't her that searched for him. It was him.
He spotted her with her helmet off, calling her name amidst the crowd.
"Lynx !" He yelled
"Lynx !" Rooster repeated
"Lieutenant Mitchell !" He attempted in calling her, yet her back is facing him, refusing to look at him, even when she knew that he was back safely.
She didn't want to embarrass her in front of him, even after he saw her crying a few times.
"Y/n !" He finally said, making her face look at him.
Her eyes red, a single tear that trickled down her face was enough to explain how she felt. She halted her steps, he looked at her from afar, softening his eyes once he saw how puffy her eyes were.
She gave him no smile, no frowns, no laughs. It was just her eyes that spoke every word that needed to be said.
"Y/n" He said again
There was this thing that he felt every time he saw her cry, it made him feel things he had never felt before and he doesn't like the feeling.
The guilt all these years, the words that he had said to her, she still remembered it all.
So he started running, before she disappeared from his sight, probably forever. He started to run, chasing the woman he had buried his feelings for so long. He started to run towards her, immediately taking her into a hug
"I'm sorry-"
There were no words spoken by her.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n"
"I'm sorry too, Bradley..." a tear fell, staining his fighter pilot suit, burying her head into his neck, her arms squeezed around his back, the feeling of safe and comfort greeting her.
His hug took her by surprise,
"No, I was being a dick, I said those words to you without knowing anything. You should never have heard those words from anyone"
He tightened his hug around her
"I thought I lost you, Rooster"
"I thought I lost you too, Lynx"
Being hugged by Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw felt as though the world didn't matter anymore, it was like a warm blanket where the two were welded as one entity.
Being hugged by Bradley is being hugged strong. Not strong enough to destroy her, but strong enough to let her know that nobody else will ever hurt her if I am around either. It was a promise that he will never break her again.
Bradley squeezes, not strong enough to physically break her, just strong enough so that every ounce of her is aware that every ounce of his body and emotion is dedicated to the task at hand. Strong enough for her to feel invincible and strong enough to make her feel grounded and loved by the universe for a few seconds of her life.
After everything she has been through, the hug was like everything they needed in life.
"I love you"
The words he let out was so out of the blue that she replied it with the same words,
"I love you, Lynx" He repeated
"I can't imagine my world without you in it."
"I love you, Rooster"
She said what she had been keeping to herself for years. She glances at his lips, before he tenderly cupped her cheeks, fondling it tenderly, the eye contact exchanged was as if there were only the two of them in the world.
So they closed the space between them. His lips warm and soft, he could taste the saltiness from her tears that cascaded her cheeks. He could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath his nose, fingers carding through his hair as they breathed each other in.
Sparks igniting as their lips brushed together, tentatively, for the first time.  The smell of her perfume, lingering, butterflies dancing in her stomach.  But warmth consumed her as she leaned into the kiss, her lips impossibly soft against her own.
They pulled away, cheeks burning, relief that they got the chance to tell each other how they felt,
"I don't know what'd I'd do if I lost you," She pecked his lips again, this went noticed by her father
"This isn't what I mean of apologising to her you know"
"You hurt her again, I'll kill you in your sleep, Bradshaw"
She immediately went into her father's arms, his arms were welcoming, squeezing and caressing her back gently.
"I thought you were dead..."
"You didn't" He spoke while they were still hugging.
"Uncle Goose would've been so proud of you, dad."
"Uncle Goose would've been so proud of the two of you"
A/N : Hello @sadpetalsstuff and anonymous ! Thanks for the request, I hope you like this one <3
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cursedcola · 2 years
How would Ruggie, Malleus, Jade, and Deuce react to their s/o sleeping with a plushie that they gifted them?
{Aww! This is so cute!! I love it omg. I sleep with my boba squish mallow and have no shame. I kind of wanna give each character a specific plushie to comment on....okay. I'm gonna. I have the power here lol}
Prompt: What if they caught s/o sleeping with a plushie? (Pre-Relationship)
Characters: Ruggie Bucci, Malleus Draconia, Jade Leech, and Deuce Spade Part (1/3): Next ; pt.3
A/N: I forgot the 'they gifted you,' part. I'm sorry! I hope it's okay
Ruggie Bucci
Plush Bunny
Sometimes Leona sends Ruggie on 'quests,' as you would often call them. Ruggie just calls them chores
Things like getting him lunch, cleaning his room, delivering papers, and recently he's been tasked with keeping an eye on you.
Word on the proverbial grapevine is that you haven't been doing so great. Falling asleep in random places, spending long hours in the library, working extra shifts at the monster lounge, and most importantly- you haven't visited Savanaclaw in over two weeks
Now Ruggie would get shanked if he ever said it out loud, but Leona has a soft spot for ya. Just like he does for Jack Howl and the other nosy freshmen
When Ruggie hears, "make sure those idiots aren't causing me extra work," it translates to "make sure those idiots aren't in any trouble. go help them,"
Think good-cop and bad-cop. Leona lays bad-cop, and marionettes Ruggie as good-cop
He's sent Ruggie to do a bit spying on you a few times, not that the errand boy complained. He has personal motives for these little 'quests'. Like sometimes finding you in the most interesting positions
"Aye Aye...geez, can't you do it on your own for once?" - "Care to repeat that" -"Nothing! Nothing..."
He never sees anything horrible. Just funny situations, like when you're in a sneezing fit or rambling about the 'oh-so-generous' Crowley to yourself when you think you're alone. Ruggie always gets a good laugh at your antics when you think no one is watching
But this- okay, this scenario is a new one for him.
"You really have no sense of decency...do you, prefect" he says, looking down at you napping under a tree in the courtyard
It wouldn't be so bad, if you weren't curled around a small stuffed rabbit. He just-
Pulls out his phone and takes a picture. No hesitation. Just quickly snaps it and then crouches over you
And stares. Anyone walking by would think him a creeper, with his ears twitching and face scrunched up in concentration
You...shit. He can't keep doing this for Leona if this is what he'll find. His shriveled little heart can't handle it
He definitely plans to rub the picture in your face later, but for now he'll lay down next to you and watch the clouds. To the onlooker it looks like your both chilling, but for Ruggie it feels more intimate. He's guarding you from anyone that might disturb your rest or trying to peak at the cute sight only he gets to see
Malleus Draconia
Plush dragon
So, this all began when Malleus asked about University life from your world. He wanted to know more about human culture and how dormitories in TW are different from what you know
Your world is definitely less exciting than Twisted Wonderland. You have to walk everywhere and don't have mirror travel? Dorms contain hundreds of students at once? No prefects? No set schedule? Who controls the chaos? That...sounds tiring
He wants to know more about the dorm culture. So you tell him about staying up late to study, coffee addiction, mutual understanding of finals stress among peers, how prefects are essentially called RAs, fraternities/sororities/etc, extra curricular clubs, bad cafeteria food, and most importantly- crashing in other dorms to escape your own.
He has never shared a dorm with another person, or a room. There were times he snuck into Lilia's room as a child after a nightmare, but he doesn't mention that to you
The 'dorm crashing,' you talk about- he wants to experience it. He wants to spend an entire evening with "friends" and enjoy a wild adventure
He nearly invites himself to spend the night in your dorm, but trails off since that would be indecent considering his...emotions
"Might I impose upon....ah. Pardon my boldness, I retract my previous suggestion,"
He wants to interject when you insist on his idea. It's improper but how can he say no when you are so excited?
And this is how Malleus ends up sharing your dorm for the night. You both set up sleeping arrangements on the floor of your room, which Grimm loves since the bed is now all his. After all, it is not a proper sleepover unless you both wake with backaches (from the floor, not what you're thinking of -_-)
You both go for a late-night walk, play a board game with the resident ghosts and Grimm, enjoy a warm beverage by the fireplace, and end the night discussing whatever thoughts come to mind.
It's the most fun Malleus has ever had. He's never experienced such a relaxed evening. Not once was there a moment of discomfort
Until you both settled in for the night, and you bring in that plush dragon. He's uncomfortable but not in a bad way
He says nothing at first and instead focuses on the crackling fire. He doesn't need as much sleep as a human, so he merely pretends until your steady breathing can be heard
He turns to look your way, watching how you snuggle into it's fur. The fire illuminating your peaceful face and blankets drawn up to your shoulders
You look so serene. No one has ever looked so calm in his presence or allowed themselves to be vulnerable. Then again- he's never dropped his guard this much around anyone other than his close dormmates. His family.
"Oh, if you only recognized these feelings I carry. Would you still allow me to witness this sight?"
He cannot help himself, and reaches over to tuck you in further and pat the dragon on it's head.
You're too precious. Welcoming a demon into your den and taunting him so...
Jade Leech
Similar to how Leona has a soft spot for you, so does Azul
You are the only person allowed back in the VIP lounge without permission. No contracts, no deals, no nothing. The space was offered in case you ever felt overwhelmed and needed somewhere to cool off
More specifically, when you first saw Azul's octopot you had mentioned missing having a safe-place, and that there was nowhere truly quiet in NRC for you to go. Azul immediately offered the lounge and instructed the tweels to let you in whenever (so long as a transaction wasn't being made. Then you could go to one of their dorm rooms)
You surprisingly took him up on the offer, and on occasion Jade would escort you to the VIP lounge for some quiet time. You'd normally do your homework in the corner as Azul worked, or fell asleep on one of the couches
Today was one of the times when Azul needed the room for work, but seeing your defeated expression convinced Jade to loan out his room
Floyd offered his as well, but it was rarely in a state to host company. So you agreed to rest in Jade's until his shift was over and he could escort you back to Ramshackle
"Please don't touch anything other than the desk and available seating. I have many dangerous specimens in here and cannot guarantee your safety. Rest well~"
It is not necessary, but he greatly dislikes you walking alone at night after closing. He will not take no for an answer, and will dismiss any rebuttal with a smile. Before you know it, you're half-way to your dorm while he is guiding you with a hand on the small of your back
After his shift, night had long fallen. He mentally prepared to once again swindle his way into walking you home as he approached his room. Though after opening the door? His plans changed
Laid on his bed, you have clearly fallen asleep while reading a light novel. In one hand is the book and in the other...a plush piece of toast?
He has seen you asleep many times in the VIP lounge, but never like this. Not in his room, completely relaxed, and entirely unaware of the danger you were in. His prior warning did not pertain only to mushrooms
"Aha...my dearest, it seems you are not as conscious of me as I thought. You are fortunate that I am merciful,"
He runs his index finger along your cheek and down your neck, stopping when his hand meets the plush toy clutched in your hands. He is showing you mercy, but at the cost of more self control than his twin could ever muster
"I adore you..." He doesn't need to walk you home, because he does not bother waking you up. He instead tends to his fungi, and spends the night sparing occasional glances your way until morning
Deuce Spade
Puppy Plushie
He may -or may not!- have been booted from his Dorm for a few days
He definitely did not shatter nearly half of Heartslabyul's fine china in a petty argument with one of his upperclassmen
Okay, but they were trying to ditch their duties and push all the work onto him! He's just trying to live an honest life here and they had the gull to pull the 'I'm your superior now do as I say,' bullshit
He sent a cauldron their way...and well, you get the rest. He's honestly lucky that Riddle did not collar him and instead Trey sent him away for a few days. Just until tensions cool off
Which is why he's here now. At your doorstep, in the middle of the night, with his pajamas on and nothing but a backpack. He doesn't even have proper shoes on! Just slippers
Annnd he's begging you to help him out. He's stayed over many times anyways. What's the harm in a few nights? It's just that this time Ace wouldn't be around
....lock the doors. He may have followed and Deuce is not in the mood for a second argument of the day. He just wants to do his homework and get some rest
"Please! I promise you won't even know that I'm here. I'll be super quiet,"
Say yes already and tell him to stop bowing. It's pathetic
Normally when Ace and Deuce sleep over, you have the living room set up for them. Since this is last minute he'll have to bunk in your room. You don't have fresh linens and it's too late to warm the living area with a fire.
Que you both fighting over who takes the bed. You're fine with him taking it, but Grimm refuses to sleep with him. Deuce also isn't happy kicking you out of your bed.
Egads his mother would have him hung for taking his host's bed. Especially your bed - the thought sends him overboard
In the end, Grimm ends up making himself comfy on one of the recliners in the room. Which leaves Deuce to share the bed with you after finishing his homework (that you begrudgingly help with)
He's already near a heart attack when you both get into the bed. Then he watches you lean over to grab a large plush dog...and snuggle it
He has never invaded your room when sleeping over. This is the first time he's seen you so...adorable. Utterly. Adorable.
He promptly turns so your backs are facing each other, and buries his face in his pillow.. Before he realizes it, an hour has passed and the grandfather-clock down the hall is chiming. Slowly, he peers over his shoulder to see that you've turned to face his back.
" Forgive me...I don't think I can do this-"
You wake up to find him in a blanket cocoon on the floor. He was not going to get any sleep staying in that bed
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earthtooz · 2 years
warnings: semi-suggestive? sfw! allusions to hooking up or whateva idk. dialogue-heavy, kuroo is absolutely the main character. idk this is just a feel good fic inspired by girl in red's 'bad idea!'
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"you hooked up with suna rintarou!?" kuroo practically screamed in the little pod of the university library, knocking over his bottle of water in the process.
you hissed at him to quiet down, "kuroo! we may be in a private room but people can still hear us, shut up!"
he points at you, flabbergasted, "my best friend is a whore!"
"shut up and calm down!"
the black-haired pouts before plopping back down on his chair, picking up his fallen water bottle, "is that why you look like a mess?"
"i look like a mess? and you didn't tell me?"
"i could tell you got your shit rocked."
"i- what?"
"i mean, y'know... it seemed like you had a fun night so i didn't question it," he ignores your offended scowl with a wave of his hand, "but i had no idea you had it with suna rintarou!"
"don't make it sound like we fucked!"
"you didn't?"
"no! we just-" you groaned, putting your head in your hands, shaking it as you tried to rid the memories of last night, "-we only made out but that's literally the extent of it."
"okay... and how was it?"
"...it was fine. great. perfect, actually," the word document that currently had your typed out essay blinked at you disappointedly, "but it was most definitely a bad idea."
it was a bad idea because suna's touch burns and it's so hard to forget about, invading your senses, causing for you to forget all rational thoughts, replacing them with a certain middle blocker. you don't know if life will ever be the same after this.
kuroo tilts his head, "why are you crying over someone who's a good kisser? maybe i should go over to suna myself and-"
"shut the fuck up or i will throw a volleyball at your nuts."
he whistles, "might wanna save that volleyball for someone whose first name begins with an 'r'."
"retsuro kuroo, right?" you asked, giving him a sly smile as he rolls his eyes. "whatever, i've had enough studying. let's get outta here."
"can we get some tacos?" you nod, "perfect. anyways. i don't see why you're freaking out about this, haven't you had a crush on that guy since freshman year? because of the business course? i see this as an absolute win."
it's true. the lasting crush you've had on suna was all because of a business class you took in first year of university. the moment he walked through the doors you knew that you'd become down bad for the man who suddenly rocked your world without even knowing it.
you huff as a heavy tote bag weighs on your shoulder, "he's probably not even into me kuroo. chances are that i just happened to be there at the right place and time."
"you gotta give yourself a little more credit, y/n. you're hot as shit, otherwise i wouldn't hang out with you-"
"-i'm kidding. but seriously, suna's a guy that cares a lot more than he lets on. he's not like atsumu who plays with the idea of love. from what i've heard in the locker room, suna doesn't waste his time with hookups and other useless shit. i doubt last night happened because he wanted fun."
your heart skips a beat at the thought of last night meaning something- even if it's so sadly minuscule- to him, but the nonchalant appearance of suna rintarou gets the better of your thoughts, messing you up completely.
he probably didn't care about you, not in the way kuroo described.
it's not as though you were strangers. you've had a few classes here and there, a few discussions about each others degrees and whatnot. most importantly, you've spent a lot of panicked all-nighters together, messaging each other on instagram in your delirium.
in fact, texting suna when he was seconds away from crashing should've lessened your infatuation for him. the stupid, totally not-funny memes he sent should've been icks, but they weren't. it was actually really fucking adorable to see past his 'cool guy' facade as he sends you dank memes that came straight out of 2012.
you were fucked.
you were just as fucked as you were last night when he whispered soft praises against your skin, hands running up and down your sides.
'darling you're so pretty it hurts.'
kuroo's steps beside you suddenly slow down, causing you to turn around and ask what was wrong. "hey... uh, don't look, but suna rin and like his friends are 10 metres away, at 10 o'clock."
"you're fucking with me!"
"that's suna's job not mine! either way, he just spotted us!" kuroo's eyes widen, "he's doing the analytical look he always does!"
"i am not about to let you run away from your problems- you're not kenma! you're a bad bitch who's either about to wife a 6'3 guy up or get her heart broken, proceeding to have a massive glow up, what's your choice?"
"suddenly i'm an olympian."
"too late, he's walking this way and he's faster than you."
"kuroo tetsuro i am about to become a literal maneater-"
you turn around, meeting suna's concerned gaze as he raises a questioning brow at you. with a nervous laugh, you greet the middle blocker with a smile.
goodness, this is not what you needed at 4:30pm. what you needed was a volleyball. two of them.
"suna! what's up?" you asked casually.
"nothing much, how's your day been?"
"been writing a paper, but other than that, alright. did you want to talk about something?"
"i just wanted to check to see if you got home safely last night. you didn't respond to any of my texts."
"you texted me?" quickly, you log in to your phone and open imessages, only to be greeted by your previous game of uno against bokuto, kenma, akaashi and kuroo. "i'm sorry, i had no idea."
he rubs his neck, "it's okay, i figured you were busy or something."
"always on the clock."
suna huffs out a chuckle, "exactly."
it's awkward and the silence drives you insane, "about last night..."
his eyes widen a little, a small sign that he's been waiting for this conversation.
"did it mean anything?"
and yes, suna wants to shout that it meant so much more than he could ever express. that you were oddly special to him and he wanted more, wanted to know your favourite song and why, wanted to know what it'd be like to physically hangout with you at 3am instead of snickering to himself in his own dorm, he wanted to know what kind of lip balm you use.
there was so much suna wanted yet too little time to have them.
but there was no way of telling you that he kept you as close to him as possible for the limited moments he had with you, unsure when he'd ever have this opportunity again, so he answers your question with an indifferent shrug, "only if you wanted it to mean something."
you narrow your eyes at him, unimpressed, "that was lower than the bare minimum."
his heart races in his chest. "hypothetically, if i asked you on a date, what would you say?"
"whatever you want me to say," you shrug, smirking at him for a brief moment of silence. he rolls his eyes.
"i want you to say yes."
"then i'd say yes but you're not really asking me out are you?"
the corners of his lips quirk into a smile, "suddenly i am. i'll pick you up tomorrow, in front of your dorm, 7pm. we're going out, sound good?"
"sounds good," you chuckle.
suna grins breathlessly as he tries to conceal the explosions of nervous excitement in his chest, "great, cool, amazing! i'll message you soon."
"i won't leave you on delivered this time."
"don't go breaking my heart, pretty."
you watch as he jogs away with an amused smile, noticing the way he practically skips back to his friends. you grab your phone, finding his contact.
to: s*na r1ntaro > you're a really good kisser btw
atsumu shrieks from 10 metres away.
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nyxtastic · 6 years
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A WiP with a color splash! Recently my muse and arting went out, I assume for smokes. At least it feels most of the time like they ditched me. So yesterday it finally kicked in again and even though the flow is still somewhat there I’m afraid it will be gone tomorrow. So, before this turns into Work In Progress I Might Never Finish #355673 - a snippet. (Also, yes, Lapis, especially RGU!AU-Lapis, is my “what is life anyway”-go to-muse.)
Oh, and I’m technically not dead...
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ms-demeanor · 3 years
uh, if you think you are going to need a new computer in the next six months and you have money to buy it now, and you have been able to find it in stock someplace, go buy it now.
It is my actual, professional, real-life job to buy computers for businesses and right now that is basically impossible.
I found one computer that will kind-of work for someone who has been waiting on an order that WE'VE been waiting on from our vendor for a month and when I placed the order for that computer it was almost sold out. I don't even know if I'm going to get an email tomorrow saying that the order was cancelled due to stock imbalances.
Look at this:
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My Lenovo rep sends me an inventory of what's in stock with the big resellers nationwide every two weeks. This shows that there were about 400 Lenovo Business desktops stocked through the whole of the US. There are normally at least a couple thousand split up among various vendors and part numbers.
This inventory is from a month ago, all of those part numbers are currently at approximately zero. When she sent me her inventory update last Friday it was all for chromebooks, no desktops or laptops.
I have to get monitors for an office, a total of 8. The main vendor I use was out of stock and so were two of the other ones I have accounts for, so I waited a couple days. I saw on Wednesday at 10am that the main vendor had 197 of the monitors in stock at $134 each. I went to place the order at 11am after I was out of the meeting and there were only 4 left in stock and they were at $158. I managed to find 8 monitors for my customer today, but they were not the models that matched the ones currently in her office and she had to choose between keeping the same price but getting monitors that need a converter and only having a one-year warranty OR getting the same brand (though a slightly different model) with the same inputs and the same warranty but paying $50 more per monitor.
It has been a pain in the ass to buy graphics equipment for years, and there have been ups and downs with HDDs and SSDs and RAM, but this is the biggest overall "everything computer related" shortage that I've seen and that includes the run on laptops last year and various other floods and disasters that have taken out big chunks of the supply chain.
SO my advice is to try to keep your current devices running as best you can, do some preventative maintenance and make some backups and make sure they aren't getting heat stressed.
If you can afford a computer right now and you think you'll need one and you've found one for a good price, go get it.
Black Friday/holiday sale computers are usually pretty crap but if you think you may need to get a computer at a discount, that's the time to look for one and now's the time to start saving for it. Just make sure you're getting a relatively new processor because a lot of people are unloading stuff with older processors at low prices because they won't be compatible with Windows 11.
RAM, HDDs, and SSDs are actually pretty stable at the moment so if you think you can get your computer to limp along for a while longer with an upgrade instead of a replacement, try that.
Remember: if you kill your laptop screen you can always plug it in to an external monitor, and if you kill the keyboard or trackpad you can plug in USB devices instead of using the built-in components. If your battery is dead but the computer still works when it's plugged in, you can often replace the battery cheaply. If your battery is swollen, remove the battery and discard it, but remember that you will likely still be able to use your computer when it is plugged in.
Try to take care of your tech and treat it gently for a while if you can; don't yank out cables, don't drop shit, don't keep drinks around your devices and if you have pets or if you smoke, consider opening up your device and cleaning up accumulated ash/dust/dander/hair etc.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Self aware au, but the player continously refers to the hero as their child. It's absolutely something I'd do
When reader gets pulled into the game, hero is calling them a parental term of some sort. I imagine the aware characters having interesting reactions to that.
Laventon is over the moon, he already calls the hero "my girl/boy" so it makes it even better for the God of this world to do so.
Ingo has a breeding kink, so of course he adores it. Makes him think of a domestic life with their God
Volo is shitting himself. You're telling him he almost killed the child you consider to be your child. *fuck,shit,fuck* cue a sobbing apologizing Volo on his knees. He'd be begging for forgiveness.
However you ignore him, giving him pat on the head, saying that you'd deal with him later. You have a bigger issue to deal with
Combine this with any of the other aus, perhaps the 30 ft tall one, and it gets so much better. =)
(Been hanging around here for a bit. Finally worked up the courage to send in something. Could I be known as Witch Anon?)
Welcome on in Witch Anon! Good to see you! (^∀^●)ノシ Honestly, I would adopt Akari/Rei. They deserve the best, especially after everything they’ve been through. I would throw hands.
Imagine, you get pulled into the game, you wake up with the hero above, concerned. Understandably, you are distraught and confused. They try and calm you down, and what catches your attention, is when they seem to cling to you. They tell you they have heard you this whole time, and have felt safe in your presence. You guide them, and try your best to keep them and their team happy and healthy. They didn’t mind someone taking control every so often, and were quick to figure out their world was a game to someone else’s. But they knew you were on their side, especially when you spoke up for them whenever something bad happened. They knew no matter what, you were in their corner. Especially when you started calling them your child. You cared for them more than any person here. So when they saw you laying on the ground, they immediately knew who you were. They had to protect you until you woke up, like you had protected them. You both discuss what to do from here, and they insist on taking you in as their guardian. You’re a little taken aback, but accept none the less. You did care for them, and you would protect this child with your life. Even if they ended up doing most of the protecting. It’s okay though, they are happy protecting you after all you’ve done for them. They insist on coming with you everywhere you go, and being there to protect you. Especially if you want to go see the village. You wonder why, but then they tell you it’s because of how the others may react to you. Others? That has you curious. The hero explains that the others are somewhat aware of your existance. Your voice, your face, all of it. Whenever the game was on, they’d either hear you or see you. You don’t know how to process that information. Other characters were also aware? They heard you, and some saw you? You feel your face flush. Oh god these people heard you, and all the dumb shit you’ve said. You hoped they didn’t hate you, and told the hero as such. They smile and shake their head. “No, they don’t hate their god. At least I don’t think so?” You stop mid step. A God? You ask for clarification. The hero looks at you, confused. They’re talking about you, silly! Who else? You are completely gobsmacked. They think you are a god? The hero shrugs. They are aware that there’s more to it than that, but it’s easier just to go along with it. Meanwhile your mouth is opening and closing like a fish. You aren’t a god, you assure them! The hero tells you they don’t mind if you are or aren’t, they’re just happy to have you with them. Getting to the village, however, is quite chaotic. Laventon is excited to meet you! You worked just as hard to help with the pokedex, and seemed to be a rather kind soul! You smile and tell him you are happy to help, and you couldn’t have done it without the hero, who you wrap an arm around like a parent to their kid. When he hears you call the hero your kid, it’s as if a lot of things click into place. Of course the hero would be your kid, not just your vessel! It explains why you are so protective of them too! He already loves Akari/Rei as his own, and its obvious the hero sees him as a father figure, and he already liked you a lot. When he’s alone, a thought crosses his mind. What if the hero saw you both as their parents? A blush covers his cheeks at the thought of being with you as a parent. It doesn’t sound so bad, the more he thinks about it. Ingo is another that loves the idea. He already likes you a lot, and knows you care about him quite a big deal from all the things he had heard you say about him. Ingo cares about the hero a lot as well, and feels a like a parent figure to them. So when he hears you call them your kid, he’s secretly ecstatic. He’s polite when talking to you, but inside, his mind is racing. He can’t help but daydream about you two together in a home, him cooking for you and the hero. He becomes flustered at the idea of providing for you both. The domesticity of it makes him flustered enough to pull down his hat while talking to you. The hero sees this though, and teases him about it later. Meanwhile, word gets around to Volo that the hero is more or less your kid, and you are very protective of them. He nearly screams and tears his hair out. Seriously?? The kid who he had fought, with the intention of getting rid of, was the kid of the true god??? Oh he was so upset. Expect him to find you two late at night, knocking on the hero’s door. Both of you are surprised to see Volo at the door. Not only that, but he looks like an absolute wreck. He gets down on his knees, and begs you both for forgiveness. He swears, he had no idea! He swears, even though he knew of your existence, he couldn’t stop himself! It was as if strings were controlling his every move! He babbles on and on to you two, and you nearly squeak in surprise when he grabs a leg, and is begging for forgiveness. You and the hero share a shrug. They had told you they were upset, yeah, but they didn’t hate him. You awkwardly pat his head, and tell him you’ll.... figure something out later. He betrayed the hero, and it would be up to them if he got forgiveness. He’s still upset, but let’s go of you, and agrees to leave. This wasn’t outright anger at him, and he would take anything he could get. Besides, you still had to deal with Kamado, who has seemingly been avoiding you this whole time. He was gonna get a tongue lashing when you finally got your hands on him for banishing your kid. Beni wasn’t safe either. Meanwhile, the hero has stars in their eyes. They are so lucky to have someone like you willing to protect them, especially after everything they’ve been through.
The 30ft au idea does make this a bit funnier. If anyone had any doubts you were a god (despite you telling them time and time again you weren’t one), they certainly felt you were now. Everyone thinks twice about ever hurting your kid, lest you come by to stomp on them. You wouldn’t, but hey, you weren’t going to correct them either. Anything to help people back off and keep your kid safe.
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planetgutz · 2 years
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i h3art you
✶ content: camgirl reader, mentioned knotted dildo (i swear that's not implying anything :)), blackmail ??, slight virgin kink, cunnilingus, implied nonconsensual photography
✶ pairings: leona x camgirl!reader
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you were his rival of sorts, he'd just never admit that to you.
not the best academics-wise, but you were cheerful, personable, and full of other qualities leona himself didn't possess. as he watched you get along with nearly everyone you met, he began to despise your perfect goody-two-shoes nature. there had to be another side to it. no one was just that good and happy 24/7.
imagine the joy leona feels when he stumbles upon a twitter account dedicated to your more nsfw lifestyle. ok yes, ruggie did send him the account like "check out this hot chick she's into some freaky shit" but he immediately knew it was you. you never showed your face but he'd know the sound of your voice anywhere. it's also completely normal to identify a very distinct blemish you have and use that as even more evidence to confirm his suspicions.
two days later, he's dragging you into a dark corner of the school and holding his phone up to you, a clip of you stuffing your cunt with a knotted dildo from your last stream displayed proudly. it's impossible to miss the smug smirk on his face as you gasp and try to snatch the phone from his grasp.
leona holds the phone out of your reach and leans closer to you.
"i won't tell a soul if you can make it worth my while, gorgeous"
you mull it over for a bit. this is probably the most mortifying moment of your life and you've done some embarrassing things in your lifetime. you could assume what he wanted from you, it was almost painstakingly obvious. letting him fuck you would probably be beneficial to you, letting you get the major crush you had on him out of your system. wanting to save the little bit of dignity you had left, you put on a brave face and grab him by the collar.
this actually catches him off guard for a moment as you drag him down to your level. "my room. midnight. don't be late" you release him and walk away, which gradually turns into a speed walk as you can still feel his eyes on you as you walk away.
it's 11:58 and all that confidence you had is quickly fading. you're just about to consider jumping out of your window and booking it across campus when you hear a knock on your door. you take a deep breath, pray to whatever deity is looking out for you, and get up to open the door. leona stares down at you and without a word, brushes past you and plops himself onto your bed.
you stand as far away from him as possible, nervously playing with the end of your tank top. he sighs and gets up, grabbing your wrist and dragging you closer to him, positioning your body between his open legs. "you're so shy now, c'mon don't keep me waiting" you shudder as he lifts up your top and starts to trail kisses down your stomach. okay, this would probably be the best time to tell him.
"ima virgin," you mumble, barely audible.
leona looks up at you. "what did you say?" your grip on his shoulders tighten as you repeat yourself. "i am a virgin aka I've never like actually had sex with another person before" the silence between you two hangs there for a while before he smiles and throws you on the bed, climbing over you.
"that's fine by me, i'll just be the first guy to make you cum until you blackout"
he smirks and roughly presses his lips against yours. you moan into the kiss, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. leona breaks the kiss and moves to take off your tank top. he latches onto one of your nipples, sucking harshly, as you move to shimmy out of your already soaked panties. panties discarded, you bury your fingers in his brown locks, bringing his head closer to your chest. "a-ah fuck leona please" he releases your nipple from his mouth with a pop, staring into your eyes intently.
he doesn't say a word and just slides himself down your body. he takes hold of your thighs and holds your legs open, baring your pussy to him. "such a pretty cunt and it's all mine now" almost immediately, he buries his face in your cunt, catching you by surprise. you instinctively go to shut your legs but his grip stops you from doing so. his lips wrap around your clit and you feel one of his fingers enter you. you whine and start to squirm, adjusting to the new feeling. your moans are fueling his actions as he slides a second finger into your cunt, picking up speed.
"fuck! please don't stop, feels so good" your grip on his hair tightens. leona groans and somehow manages to bury his fingers even deeper inside of you. you begin to feel that familiar knot in your stomach and start rocking your hips against his face. he slaps your thigh, making you cry out. "stay still" you comply and he resumes his ministrations. "'m gonna cum p-please let me cum" he says nothing but seems to move almost impossibly faster.
the knot finally uncoils, your back arches and your legs shake around him. he slows as you come down from your high, pressing a kiss to your sensitive clit as he pulls away. eyes closed in your blissful state, you don't miss the sound of a camera click. your eyes fly open to see leona holding his phone, a wide smile on his face. "just getting one for my own private collection" he throws his phone to the side and pounces right back on you.
leona got a lot more pictures that night and of course, he made you upload some of them to let all your fans know you were off the market now.
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snzunii · 2 years
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+ pairings. ran haitani x f!reader ft. sanzu haruchiyo
+ tags. angst, arranged marriage, cheating, unrequited love, pining, hurt no comfort
+ wc. 1.5k
+ note. hi hi part two is here hehehehe <3 this took me too long to write cuz i'm lazy af sorry 😭 anyway, this is the last part of this fic hope u like it hehe
reblogs are always appreciated! <3
part one | part two
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“I’m so stupid.” 
If you were sober, you’d probably glare at the man who just laughed out loud beside you. Even though he was not wrong for laughing at you because you know you deserved it.
Because you are a fool. Fool for loving someone who isn't going to love you the same way. A stupid human being for giving her all to someone who’s not willing to give their everything for you. But was it really stupid? Is it even your fault to love someone? You just loved and in turn, you wanted to be loved. Was that foolish? Dumb?
“Shut up, Haru.” your voice was small, so close to breaking as you reached for another shot but a hand stopped you. “What? If you're going to laugh at me all night, you can at least let me drink to save me from embarrassment the next day.”
Sanzu’s face was serious compared to earlier, his hand still holding your wrist to keep you from drinking, “That's enough. Does Ran even know you’re here?”
“He doesn't. And if he did, it’s not like he would care.” a bitter laugh escaped your lips, “Ah, see. Now, I’m talking shit. Pitying myself.”
“It’s cause you’re so stupid.” he retorted, “How could you just stand there and smile, what the fuck even was that? Isn’t he your husband? Isn’t that your house and you’re just letting it happen? Wake up.”
“Ow!” you exclaimed when he flicked your forehead, it felt like some of the alcohol washed away from your system the moment he did that. “And excuse me, she was crying and shaking, I didn't have the heart to send her away.”
“Oh okay. What a saint.” Sanzu claimed with obvious sarcasm, following the roll of his eyes. “It’s your fault so stop bitching about it to me and go home.”
You scoffed and snatched your hand away from him, “You’re being an ass.”
“This ass is tired of listening to you bitch about your husband who doesn’t even give two fucks about your feelings—” 
Your hand was trembling the moment you realized what you just did. Did you just slap him? Sanzu Haruchiyo? Bonten’s No. 2? Your husband’s colleague and your friend who was nice to let you in his apartment when you’re crying your ass out?
You fucking did and you were regretting it each second you stand there. You doubt that he’s going to do something to you—because Sanzu’s cruel to everyone but you. You don’t know why he’s different to you but you figure that’s because he’s your friend—not that he considers you one all those years, but you were always there.
And you guess he was used to you being there.
“H-haru. I…” you dragged your breath and looked at him with your widened eyes. “I’m sorry-”
“Get the fuck out.” 
“Haru.” Even though you were a bit scared, you walked towards him. Sanzu just stared at you, a little frustration dancing in his eyes as you cupped his face with your hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“You’re frustrating me.” an exasperated sigh coming out of him, and every second that his hand was touching your face was giving you a different kind of feeling. It was disparate—it was unlike any other feeling that you had, even with your husband. It was comforting—and most of all, the look that he was giving you was like the piece of the puzzle that you have been looking for all your life.
You swore you’ve seen this before, this kind of look—and yet the problem is it wasn’t meant for you but now it is—and the bigger problem is, the person that was supposed to be giving you this isn’t the person that you had promised to spend your whole life with. You don’t have any idea how you ended up in this situation—with someone who isn’t your husband.
But the worst part is, you aren’t guilty because any of this was wrong—you were feeling sorry because every second of it felt right—asking yourself why haven’t you been doing this the whole time.
“Where were you? I was worried…” the concern in your husband’s voice was sincere, yet all you could feel was doubt, guilt and irk—all of it at once. “I left you a bunch of calls and messages and you weren’t answering.”
Setting your coat and heels aside, you walked towards your husband having his morning coffee alone on the empty dining table, “I was out with Kei. I’m sorry, my phone was out of juice last night. Couldn’t leave her alone, she had a boy problem, you know.”
People say that lying would get you nowhere, that it would eat you away to the point that you’re closer to an impending self destruction that would lead you to bursting at some point. But the thing is, lying in this situation doesn’t feel like you’re being forsaken to sabotaging yourself, it feels like a way to save yourself and this refuge that you have found to be in. 
In other words, this deceit wasn’t for the best interest of your husband—to save him from the pain that would befall him but for yourself. And it sounds bad at all, but you have chosen to do the thing that would benefit you. You have grown tired of picking anyone else over yourself—and to think of it, it isn’t bad choosing yourself this once—though, you have started it in a wrong way. “I see.”
“I’m sorry.” you plant a kiss on your husband’s cheek, “I’ll make sure to update you next time.”
Ran should’ve seen it coming, all the genuine smiles that you give him would soon turn to a feigned one, all the earnest talks you had would soon turn into nothing more but a hollow conversation.
“I’m home.” and all that he could get was a nod from you accompanied by a mere smile. “Have you eaten yet?”
You barely looked at him—it was just a simple thing, but it felt like a lifetime of pain. “Uh-huh. It’s in the fridge, just heat it up.”
And how ridiculously it hurt when he was sitting alone at the dining table and all he could see was your memories lying on the seat where you used to be.
It shouldn’t have fazed him, he knew all this time that he was just pretending to feel all these things for you and he knew it was unfair to you—but now, he was asking himself, if this was all just play pretend to him—why does he feel this agony eating him alive?
Maybe he wasn't just used to this—but this is how things should be, he should stop pretending to love you because he knows that you’re aware that you could never come close to her.
He should stop pretending to care, put an end to feeling this hurt when you have chosen to turn your back on him instead of curling up to him. When you have chosen to disregard his presence on purpose. When you have chosen to go out—instead of being with him on his time off. 
He wanted to laugh because he knows he was just lying to himself—he knows how and when you started to be like this but he wasn't aware that all that he did wasn’t pretending when he sees the look on your eyes once you’ve arrived at the hospital where he is but instead, the first person that you wrapped your arms around to was the man lying on the bed—and not him.
“Haru.” you whispered, tears brimming in your eyes as you held on to him. “You’re okay. I’m here, hm? I’m here…”
Ran was watching all these before him—the mirthful glint shining in your irises once you saw Haruchiyo opening his eyes, how you could never leave his side—how you were giving him the same look that you used to give him before—it was making him wish that he should've been the one who got shot, thinking that would you be the same way you are right now if that was him?
Would you also climb on the bed and let him rest on your arms? Would you hold him like he’s the most precious thing in the whole universe? You see the thing is, you have done that before—he just didn't appreciate it when it was there. 
He wanted to stop this madness and tear you apart from Haruchiyo—he was actually scared to death that he’d have to live without you but what right did he have when he had done this to you first?
What he was feeling was probably nothing when you had to stand there and watch him hold another woman in his arms. So, how could he take your happiness away from you any further? 
“Let me ask you one thing,” he started, looking at you while you sat inches away from him. “Do you love him?”
You bit your lip and looked at him, and there he noticed the difference when you looked at him and he knew that your answer would tear him apart and yet he chose to sit there while you break his heart.
It was clear who holds your heart even if you don't utter a single word. The look was enough to make his world crumble into pieces. 
“I thought I couldn't live without you, Ran… but it turns out, he’s the one I couldn't live without.”
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+ taglist: @manjiroscum @sh4nn @mgnzx3
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
I'm very soft, so I've been thinking about how Steve has this instinct of protecting others, and we love it, but there must be some moments when Steve needs some protecting. This boy has been through A LOT.
Just,,, getting a cuddle session after participating in another life-or-death situation seems like something he'd need.
By Just Being You
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
WC: 882
Summary: When Steve's nightmares from the literal demons from his past haunting him, you're always there to let him know he's safe. Warnings: Mentions of blood, nightmares, wounds, angst with a fluff ending. Reader and Steve are 18 in this story. *unedited*
Note: LOVE this! Nothing better than a hurt/comfort moment :) Thank you so much for sending this in!
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A soft whining sound pulled you from your sleep, and you looked over to find Steve covered in a sheen of sweat, face contorted in pain.
You frowned, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. “Steve, baby, wake up,” you whispered.
It wasn’t enough, though. He was still breathing heavily and muttering incoherent things in a panic.
You tried applying a bit more pressure. “Steve-”
That was when his hand went around his throat, and he started making these wet, choking sounds.
There was no more gentleness when you shook him awake. “STEVE-”
He shot up, gasping for air, hand still on his throat. You sat up with him and rubbed his back as he looked around the room with wide eyes.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay baby.”
As soon as his eyes met yours, he relaxed, shoulders moving up and down as he evened out his breathing.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, looking down at his lap in shame. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
Tears stung in your eyes as you reached out to cage his face in your hands, slowly moving him until his eyes locked onto yours once more.
“Don’t apologize, Steve. I’m happy I was here to pull you out.” You moved to kiss his forehead, feeling him sigh into you.
But then he twisted his body a certain way and hissed in pain. You pulled back, lifting the hem of his shirt, the two of you looking at the bandage on his side.
“Shit, look like the wound opened up,” you said, running your finger around the perimeter of the red stain as gently as possible before turning to get up. “I’ll get the first aid kit-”
“No-” Steve said in a panic, hand wrapping around your wrist. When you turned, all you could see was a scared boy before you. “Please don’t leave me.”
It broke your heart to see you like this. The man you loved, completely consumed by fear, terrified of being alone. 
With a reassuring smile, you moved your hand to interlace with his. “You can come with me downstairs, if you’d like.
His hand tightened in yours and he nodded, slowly moving to stand.
Steve’s parents were gone on one of his dad’s many business trips, meaning the two of you had the massive house to yourself. Not that they would have done anything if they knew you were here. Beside the fact that you and Steve had been together for years now, they unfortunately didn’t seem to care about their amazing son.
Their loss.
Your hand stayed in his as you walked to the kitchen, you grabbing the first-aid kit and having him sit on top of the island.
The only time you did let his hand go was when you went to grab him a glass of water, insisting he drink it.
“Pretty sure you sweat every ounce of water from your body, Harrington,” you joked, your heart swelling when he let out a small laugh as he lifted the glass to his mouth.
You got to work removing the bandage, standing in between his legs as you concentrated on cleaning the wound. He tried not to react to the pain, but every once in a while his hand would tighten around your shoulder and you would frown.
“Sorry,” you mumbled and he shook his head.
“Never apologize for this. I can’t remember the last time someone wanted to take so much care of me.” He tried to make it sound like a joke but you could hear the pain in his words.
You paused your work and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a tight hug. He sighed, arms circling around your waist, face burrowing into your neck.
It was here where he felt the safest. Where even the Upside Down couldn’t hurt him.
After a few minutes of standing like that in silence, Steve kissed your t-shirt covered shoulder and you pulled back enough to press your lips softly to his.
Once he was rebandaged, you looked back up at him, moving a stray hair from his face. “Think you can fall asleep, baby?”
He tried giving you a reassuring smile, but it looked more like a grimace. “You go, I might stay up a bit longer.”
No way were you leaving him alone. Not now, not ever.
“Actually,” you said, grabbing his hands and pulling him off the island to stand, wrapping your arms around his waist to pull him close as you looked into his deep brown eyes. “We could watch Indiana Jones…”
He let out a half groan, half laugh. “I’ve made you watch that movie at least a hundred times. You don’t have to do that for me, sweetheart. Besides, it’s the middle of the night and you must be exhausted.”
You shrugged, biting back a smile. “Falling asleep while cuddled on the couch next to you? There’s nothing better than that, Harrington.”
Steve just smiled at you for a moment, hands reaching up to grab your face and kissing you again, his crippling fear from before completely washed away by his love for you.
“How did I manage to get such an amazing, loving, perfect person like you?” he asked, lips pressing against your forehead.
You grinned. “By just being you, Steve.”
Thank you for reading! :)
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fushic0re · 2 years
━ 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫
theodore nott x reader
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author's note ⁀➷ welp, here we are ksksksks whipped for another slytherin man please send me theo requests i'm begging you and so is my brain. thank you to @lavendermaelk for discussing some of these with me! ♡
warnings ⁀➷ 18+ only - minors dni. smut headcanons are included.
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Theo is more of the introverted lone wolf type. He doesn't feel the need to join a clique or belong to a certain group. He's in his own world most of the time.
Calm and stoic. Always. It takes a lot to get him to react in an overt manner.
Despite who his father is and his status - a son of a death eater, a Slytherin, and a pureblood aka a recipe for judgment from others - others find it hard not to like Theodore.
He's a loyal friend to Draco, Blaise, and Pansy and cares about them immensely.
The dad friend of the group. Always making sure all his friends are doing okay, immediately questions them if they aren't eating as much as usual, plans study sessions for everyone, always the first one done with his assignments and studying.
On the subject of academics, the man is extremely smart, rivaling Hermione except he's quieter about his intelligence.
He's naturally intelligent and perceptive so earning 'exceeds expectations' and 'outstandings' on his assignments require no effort on his part really, but he's held to very high standards by his father and is afraid to disappoint him.
Hard exterior, but a softie deep down. All he craves is warmth, something he hasn't had since his mother passed away.
Unfortunately, his father is unable to give him that.
But in comes you waltzing into his life - warm and bright like the sun - and suddenly Theo's world as he knows it is brighter.
He's very protective of you.
Like I said, he's very level headed and it takes a lot for him to get riled up.
But if someone even says your name with the slightest bit of malice he'll wreck the shit out of them quicker than their next breath.
He won't use magic either. Just his fists.
You're one of the only good things in his life and he'll gladly die protecting your honor.
He's such a romantic.
He's that boyfriend that plans super cute dates for you guys, takes pictures of you doing literally anything and everything because he wants every moment with you captured (plus he thinks you're too pretty not to photograph), takes care of you when you're stressed or sick, writes you cute notes in your notebook or on a sticky note that he'll stick in a book you're currently reading.
Just babies and spoils the shit out of you in general because you're his girl and you deserve it.
Clingy baby idc what anyone says
"Can I come with you to get your nails done?" "There's nothing for you to do there, bub," "Well, I just....wanna hang out with you so,"
He's protective, so he keeps your relationship pretty private.
Doesn't try to hide it necessarily, but he keeps it under wraps to avoid someone exploiting it.
Plus you're his and only his. No one else needs to know you guys' business.
Takes things slow with you at first, but once you've had sex he's pretty much insatiable.
Slow, possessive sex where the two of you are pressed tightly against each other, moaning into each other's mouths, your eyes fixated on each other's pleasure-filled expressions.
It's always the quiet ones that are the freakiest and that applies to Theo 10000%
Will spit in your mouth and then look at you afterward like "🥺 do you wanna have dinner with me"
Breeding kink. Cannot wait to have little Theos with you because you're the love of his life and there's no one else he wants to start a family with.
Also, he just likes filling you with his cum, watching some of it ooze out of your hole and dribble down your thighs, and loves knowing you're walking around full of him.
In conclusion, literally the best boyfriend ever.
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
other best friends here
hi! so i'm starting this new series called "best friend series" and it will be about Naruto characters as your best friends who are secretly in love with you, and of course i'm starting with the love of my life, kakashi. you can suggest your favorite character if you want :) i really really hope you enjoy this and i'm sorry for any mistakes.
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best friend Kakashi who has been your best friend for 17 years now and counting, who knows you better than you do yourself;
best friend Kakashi who knows you don't mean it when you say you'll never get married because you were born to be alone and you hate everyone, everyone!
best friend Kakashi who's been in love with you since day one but never said anything because he doesn't want you to feel pressured to be with him, since he knows you are the type of girl who would do anything to make those you love happy, even if it meant being with someone you don't love romantically and that's not the way he wants to have you;
best friend kakashi who has seen you go for man after man and just stayed there, keeping you company and wiping away your tears when they inevitably broke your heart the same way you were breaking his;
best friend kakashi who beats the shit out of anyone who dares to touch or hurt you, and threatens any guy who gets too close to you - and that's why your boyfriends tend to break up with you, because they don't want to upset the copynin, they're smarter than that;
best friend Kakashi who never had a serious girlfriend because they're jealous of how close you two are, and how you are his priority and he doesn't even try to hide it - you call and he comes, no matter where he was, what he was doing or whom he was with - but he tried so hard to fall for them, it's not fair;
best friend kakashi who used to go on bars and have sex with random girls just so he could pretend it was you beneath him, but eventually gave up because he wanted to kill himself when the effect of the alcohol was gone and he remembered that he touched someone who wasn't you, no one could ever compare;
best friend kakashi who didn't want to share a place with you so you could have your precious privacy and he a little peace of mind, being able to actually breathe without you clogging his mind just by being close, and also because he didn't trust himself spending every night with you right in the next room - but you never understood, since he's around all the time anyway;
best friend Kakashi who never takes risky long missions so you won't be alone and worried;
best friend kakashi who sends his dogs to check on you when he's away;
best friend kakashi who goes grocery shopping with you and makes sure you get all the fruits and vegetables you need to eat and not just the junk you want;
best friend kakashi who is always always late on the Sundays you spend together watching movies, cooking and talking at your place - and then makes it up to you by spending the night and cuddling you to sleep;
best friend Kakashi who "lends" you his sweatshirts, but never asks for them back;
best friend Kakashi who sits and listens to you ramble about the new book you're reading, but doesn't pay attention because he's too focused on how adorable you look when talking passionately about something;
best friend Kakashi who introduces you as "his y/n" to everyone and completely loses it when Gai tries to take you in in a bear hug;
best friend Kakashi whom your parents love more than anyone else in the world - even their our daughter;
best friend kakashi, who still is the sweetest kiss you've ever had, years before, on a night you two were a little tipsy, before he left and you never talked about it;
best friend kakashi, who owns your heart, but you never said anything because if he liked you back he would've asked you out by now, instead of just encouraging you to go on dates with other guys;
best friend Kakashi who'll never know he's the only constant thought in your mind and that he's the only person you ever see yourself getting married with, the only one you think about when you're all alone at night.
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chrollohearttags · 2 years
sugar, sugar • levi ackerman
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kinks: sugar baby/daddy dynamic, spit kink, phone sex, squirting, choking, throat training, anal, mutual masturbation, implied pregnancy, breeding
black !fem reader
word count: 4.2K
"Is that really all you need, my love? It's no trouble send more."
"I'm fine, I promiseee, thank you so much."
"Of course. I went ahead and had your next two months rent taken care of and I put a little something extra in your account, in case you change your mind."
$25,872 available in your account...
and you didn't have to lift a single finger to get it.
these were the typical conversations between (y/n) and the man who had been spoiling you rotten for the past year.
"You didn't have to do th—
"I'll do whatever I please. And making you happy is the only thing I want. So enjoy."
Levi Ackerman, a renowned, billionaire entrepreneur that had amassed his fortune in
tech and stocks was one of the richest men in the world.
he was on Fortune 500 covers, Forbes 30 under 30 and a plethora of other magazines.
a genius in his own right, truly..but all of that started to pale in comparison when he met you.
young woman working in a department store, struggling to make ends meet while putting yourself through school..and by nothing more than chance,
this guy spots you while out shopping and just couldn't take his eyes off of you.
despite his wealth and the fact that he was goddamn fine, he was still very laid back.
he despised attention and didn't want to flaunt it to get what he wanted. But he enjoyed the finer things and he always obtained them.
Somehow, you wound up helping him with a pair of shoes and he was smitten after one conversation.
one thing led to another and the two of you became pretty close. That's when he hit you with a bombshell.
come to find out, buddy was rich! And not just rich, he was loaded. Naturally, most women would go crazy at the idea and become greedy groupies.
seeing that you weren't anything like that and being someone that he could trust, he gave you a proposal.
the thing was, Levi wasn't much for relationships but he also wasn't too keen on the idea of having multiple women in his life.
and he didn't want to take you away from your goals either.
so in order to keep you around and not have to commit to something exclusive,
he decided on the happy medium of being your sugar daddy; paying your bills, shopping sprees whenever you wanted, taking you on trips, buying you and your girls Birkins and Telfars..
it was a dream! Not to mention, he wasn't a creep nor did he proposition you for the sugar.
but it was because of that, you wanted to give it to him more! Some evenings, you just needed to be taken care of without money.
tonight was one of those nights.
riding in the back of a Rolls Royce, chauffeured by one of his many drivers, you were being brought to his luxury sky rise condo in the city.
just one of the four homes he owned across the country.
continuing your conversation, you'd cross you legs as you took a sip from the champagne flute in front of you.
"You know, you're too good to me sometimes."
"Nonsense. I'm the one that doesn't deserve you..but I'll make it up to you tonight. I assume you got your gift?"
referring to the lingerie, skin tight dress and message card he had left at your doorstep.
his instructions for the evening were simple:
something sexy that I can rip you out of...I'm feeling a little greedy tonight so excuse my bluntness..but I'm fucking the shit out of you the second you come through the door.
that had you on ten because he was never so brash. When you did make love, it was always soft..passionate and he didn't like to be so forward.
but that was out of the window. He was in a rare mood for sure.
it sounded as if he may have had a little to drink from the tone. But that deep voice was doing things to you.
"The driver can't hear us..means I can say whatever I want?"
he was grunting, as if he were indulging in some of the fun by himself already.
"Of course..speak your mind." and he did exactly that, dropping his voice to a whisper just to get you even more aroused.
"Because I could tell you to play with that pretty pussy for me and no one would be able to stop me.."
hearing him be so vulgar was getting you hot. "That's right.."
he'd keep that same tone of voice as he continued pleasuring himself on the other side. Meanwhile, your fingertips were gliding between your thighs.
"She's dripping wet, isn't she?"
he knew you entirely too well because you were throbbing through the seat of those panties.
"And you're also doing that cute little thing where you bite your finger to keep quiet while you play with her?"
correct again! Taking a fingertip between the lace, you'd gently part them to the side so you could rub your aching clit.
just as he predicted, you were soaking wet and couldn't stop;? the opposite hand was around your mouth, trying to stop those moans but it was nearly impossible.
"Don't get shy now..talk to daddy, tell me what you want me to do it—"
interrupting himself on the hitch of his own nearing release. He had been jerking himself off and you couldn't get there fast enough.
but lucky for him, you wanted to join in on the risky fun.
parting those legs a little wider, you'd stroke your aching bud a little more; the friction sending tremors up your legs.
it was sticky just from his voice alone..you couldn't wait to let him get a piece.
letting those fingers dance around in your folds, you'd moan his name with a high pitched cry. Eventually having to suck your teeth to keep from getting louder.
"I want you to get deep in this pussy, daddy...."
"That's my girl..keep talking that shit to me.."
soft grunts with aggressive banter filled both ends of the line and the longer the drive went on, the more impatient both of you became.
"I want you to fuck the shit out of me..just make me take it."
"And who does it belong to?"
"It's yours..."
"I said who does it belong to?...Who's pussy is it?"
you were playing with that clit faster than before and it was taking its toll. A tiny puddle of your arousal was dripping onto the leather seats and precum was staining his knuckles.
you were trying to answer but the overwhelming lump was catching in your throat.
"Don't make me fucking repeat myself, princess. Speak up.."
focusing on pleasuring yourself and appeasing him was sending your brain into overload but ultimately, you don't both at the same time.
clutching your folds around those fingers, you'd squeeze your thighs shut and cry out..
"It's your pussy, daddy! It's all yours..."
the other end was soon filled with a loud moan, followed by laughter.
"That's my girl..now come up here and let me remind you why.”
you hadn't even noticed the car had come to a halt and you were in front of the luxurious building where he lived.
just like that, you had arrived...
when you made it to the inside, it wasn't even a full five minutes before the fun began.
clothes were scattered about the marble tile floors, including your dress and his silk robe.
he certainly made good on the promise of ripping you out of it all and giving you the best sex ever.
"That's a good girl..don't go down too fast. I won't be able to see those sexy eyes..go slow."
currently, you were kneeling down on your knees, ass in the air in front of his seat on the couch as you sucked him off. Loud gagging and slurping noises erupted through the air as those lips swelled around his shaft.
his entire cock head down to the base was covered in sloppy strings of saliva with each bobbing movement. That's what he loved about you.
for as well as you carried yourself in public, you were an absolute slut for him behind closed doors.
he could train you to his leisure because you were so obedient and submissive and he loved that.
with a hand pressing gently to the top of your head, he'd guide it down slowly, listening to the gurgling sounds that sounded so heavenly.
those fluffy eyelashes flickered back and forth, your gaze locked in with his own as you finally managed to fit him about three quarters of the way.
and to be certain he felt nothing but throat, he bound your wrists with those panties you were wearing earlier.
immediately, his own head flew back and he was in awe of your skills.
"Fuuuuck, baby..you swallow that dick so nice. No wonder you get whatever the fuck you want out of me."
and it was true. It wasn't the sole reason but it played a part for sure.
between your thighs, it was a puddle of dripping sex and you needed it quelled soon. Two free fingers ducked underneath and spread apart those plump lips and began to circulate your bud.
the moans of self pleasure vibrated around his dick and he couldn't handle another moment.
eventually, he'd force your head down himself and pound the back of your throat relentlessly. Breathing through your nose done little to suffice for his air restriction but you loved it.
bucking his hips upward, Levi worked those muscles in your mouth to his hearts content.
"You ready for that nut, baby?! Huh?!" his normally calm demeanor becoming much more aggressive had you hot and bothered in the best way.
feeding you a couple slaps to your face, he'd stare down at you like the filthy little toy to him you were.
"Matter of fact, come with me. Cum all over those fingers..stretching that tight little pussy for daddy..you did it and I didn't have to say a word.."
another one of the many commands he had instilled in your corrupted brain.
for a man that preferred his body count to a minimum, he was still a freak.
as he instructed, your fingers pumped that tight hole and spread the clenching muscles apart for his entrance.
but with a couple more strokes from both of you, the floor was filled with your juices and your throat was filled with his cream.
it was the perfect mess to a beautifully chaotic scene. Finally withdrawing from between those swollen lips, he'd slowly observe the aftermath with a grin on his face.
"I love it..just stay like that for a minute..."
(y/n) was exhaling with sharp breaths; strings of cum sliding your already painted tits and chest.
"You're so pretty, even when I fuck your face..did that feel good, baby? I see you made quite the mess."
brushing the sides of your cheek with gentle knuckles and such compassion in his voice.
"Yes, thank you, sir..I love when you use my throat like that, it gets me so wet."
the innocence in your tone and eyes didn't match the body language at all. He knew you needed much more than that to satisfy those needs.
waving you towards him with a finger, the man cockily patted his lap to signal for you.
"Yeah? Well let's see how much more we can make you put out..come here, princess."
hopping up, you'd climb onto his lap; back arched and knees pressed into the couch.
he'd examine that sexy frame as you laid in position. Smooth mahogany skin covered in sheen and sweat, perfect breasts with perky brown nipples, thick thighs coated in cum and a round ass, jiggling just for him.
lacing a hand around your throat, he'd tilt that head upright and make you stare at him.
"You ready to get even nastier for me, baby? To fuck me like only you can?"
nodding your head, you'd give the signal but it didn't suffice.
tightening your grip, he'd cause your face to scrunch up in pleasure as he laid more heavy handed smacks to the soft flesh.
"Answer me.."
"Yes daddy.."
you were purposely monotone so he'd slap you again and grasp your throat even tighter. Your shit was sore already but it didn't even matter.
you wanted it to hurt when he was done!
"I said answer me..what the hell was that?"
something about that mean streak of his was so goddamn sexy. Two more of those heavy slaps were given to you back to back and they made you yelp.
you were trying to hide the smile on your face but it felt too good.
"Ah!—fuck! I'm sorry..yes, daddy!" by this point, your tongue was hanging out of your mouth and you were panting like a helpless puppy in midsummer heat.
noticing that spit dribbling from the tip of it, that gave him an idea..
"No, I don't think you are..not yet at least." in a moments notice, you were flat on your back with those legs pinned behind your head.
he was determined to leave his imprint on you. What Levi wanted more than nothing else was to let it be known that you were his.
not in the sense of a girlfriend or by material things; he wanted you to be corrupted to the point that it left a sense of guilt and bitterness to even pay attention to another man.
that you can't even function without thoughts of him in your mind.
that adorable stare of yours was going to be his downfall but he wasn't going alone.
circling those fingers around your lips, he'd stick them inside and pump them gently in your mouth.
as you suckled on the digits, he'd also begin guiding that tip across your slimy heat, just barely grazing it.
"You have no idea what you do to me, do you?..looking like that makes me want to put a baby inside of you..make sure you never leave."
your sex was ever so slightly coating that head and he was torturing himself by not feeling more. But slowly, he pushed himself inside, only to withdraw completely a second later.
repeating this a couple times, he knew it was going to drive you insane.
"What if I just came inside of you until no more could fit?..would my good girl like that?"
nodding your head, you'd whimper around those fingers that were pacifying you.
"Yeah, I thought you would. So what are we gonna do to get that? Hmm?"
reaching down to brush a piece of hair from your face so he had a perfect view of your eyes.
"What are you gonna do to get this nut out of me and into that tight pussy?"
that thick cock of his was jumping from the force of his hips and it slapped against your folds a couple of times.
"C'mon, angel..use those words. I'm waiting.." slowly, he'd remove them and not a second sooner.
"Please daddy, fuck me! Please, I need it.."
while you were pleading your case, he was a step ahead; filling you with that dick as you requested.
you were tightening already and squeezing down with only three or so inches inside but he had plenty more to go.
laughing, he'd watch you struggle to take what he had already put inside.
"But can you handle it? I mean, look at you..shaking."
"So make me..make me take this dick..this is yours so you do what you want to it, right?"
your sudden boldness was the catalyst to his dominance and you weren't as ready for it as thought.
smirking, he'd place a hand atop your stomach and proceed to fill you up.
"Touché. Alright..if that's what you want.."
but that final push was a hard thrust that made your eyes go wide. He could tell the initial shock after months without it was a lot for you.
unfortunately, he had no desire to soothe you through it tonight.
reaching down, he'd tear that lace from your wrists and free you from the constraints.
"Hold those legs back then, because I don't want shit in my way when I start beating this pussy up. Understand?"
licking your lips, you'd answer right away and not a moment later.
"Yes sir.."
with that, he'd begin moving his hips. Bucking forward and filling you up.
he started out slow but with deep strokes. He wanted you to feel every bump, and take it as you said.
tossing his head back, Levi tried his damndest to focus but you had him ready to bust just that quick. From just a couple of thrusts, you were already creaming and the sounds were so satisfying.
his stroke game was something serious, you couldn't even lie!
keeping those legs pinned back, your toes would curl and you'd begin breathing heavily as he sped up.
"Mmm..so good..it feels so good." you'd look down and both of you watched it go in and out.
trying to handle it but that wet cunt just would not keep it steady. That was until he pressed down harder on your stomach and threw it in your guts.
those thrusts were faster and much harder now but you wanted it all. Burying it to the hilt and stirring up those insides.
"Fuck! Right there.."
"Is that where you want me, baby? Make it talk to me.."
that pussy was squelching and clamping all over him, which fueled the fire. The noises it was making were so hot.
that hand was back around your throat, folding your body up and those legs were on his shoulders.
your eyes were gridlocked and he refused to let you look away. He should've been the only thing on your mind.
"Oh my God, you fucking the shit outta me!"
"I can't help it, baby! This pussy is so fucking good..worth every goddamn penny.."
you were moaning and being completely vulnerable for each other but it didn't matter.
he then done something that surprised and excited you.
with your mouth agape, he'd spit down into it and let it slide off your tongue. He watched your eyes spark and a smile form.
"Thank you, daddy."
"You like that shit, don't you?"
giving him another nod, he'd just watch you take every inch of him with ease now.
"..love when my bitches are nasty for me..makes me want to—ahh!"
just then, he poured a warm nut inside of that womb, even though he was trying to hold it in. But there was no reason.
because he had more to give..you just had to take it another way.
slowing down for only a moment, he'd pull out and you'd squirt as if it were on command. "Shit!"
the mess that the two of you were making was worth the three month wait.
as you squirmed around, he was guiding your hips closer so that he could fuck you again. Little did you know...
"Yeah..think I'll take this next." your creamy mixture was dripping down to your tight little ass and the thought would not escape his head.
he didn't even need to prep it because you were so wet already.
amid your orgasm, he just pushed it in and you'd immediately freeze up. Watching your reaction was priceless.
slapping those cheeks, he'd make you place those palms on it and spread them apart.
he had never done anal with you but this sensation was insane. For both of you.
"Daddy...oh my gosh. I can't—"
"Shut the fuck up..."
he wasn't saying it to be mean, he just couldn't take it himself and needed to concentrate.
but you liked that side of him.
"Sorry, baby—I just...I need to focus.." chest rising and falling with each thrust as that spongey bundle of nerves grabbed ahold of him.
you were stretching with every passing moment and he was struggling to keep it together. Your moans made it much more difficult.
"It's so deep in this ass.."
"I'm about to get deeper, baby. Get ready.."
he hit his second stride and boggled down into the hilt.
you were creaming and slathering that dick in all of your cum and he was begging to cum again.
bouncing those hips off of your backside, loud clapping filled the room.
"Oh God!—please let me nut in this ass, baby. I'm begging..let me have ittt."
the submission in his voice was your weakness and without question, you granted his wish.
you'd let him do it and a second warm load poured into your second hole and he was practically heaving as he collapsed over your trembling body.
that was it..neither of you could take another second.
he'd kiss you with so much passion and love that it felt as if he were yours for a moment.
as if it were love..
when he finally caught your gaze, he'd crack into another smile and stroke your temple lovingly.
"Don't ever leave me, got it?..You're not going anywhere..and you won't ever give it to anyone else."
and he was absolutely right. "I wouldn't dream of it.."
rubbing his cheek, you'd kiss him yet again and assure that you were all his. No matter how much he blew on you..the love you made was priceless.
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
Ok, so. This one is…sort of a take on a trope I've seen a couple times.
the 212th + 501st, and associated jedi, are yeeted back in time though, y'know, standard Weird Force Fuckery, along with all their warships. Obi-wan, being obi-wan, is in a fucking bacta tank, and is thus mr not-avalible-for-decisions. Which leaves anakin in charge; and, given the weird force fuckery has clearly fried all their comms shit — they can't connect to anything outside of their little group, and pings to the GAR network get nothing — the only option to work out, uh, where the fuck are we and what the fuck is going on is to take a little scouting party down to the closest plant and scope out the situation.
The closest planet is melida/daan, mid civil war.
Anakin and the future scouting team clock this obviously stranded padawan, absolutely curbstomp their way through the adults, and then are like….ok, so, we're gonna. bring you back to the temple, kid, since you're obviously a stranded padawan and your master is dead, congratulations, we're adopting you into the lineage.
baby-wan is like ok.jpg because, well, this might as well happen? his life is already so fucking weird, and also, crucially, if he goes with them they might leave melidaan, and it's not like anyone can do jack shit to stop them. Not the first time he's offered up his life to save others, might be the last time, once they find out that he is, y'know, a terrible not-jedi. Or he gets sold into slavery, or killed for being force sentive. literally nothing about this is going to go well for him, actually.
Baby wan is brought aboard the ships. baby wan is abruptly wondering (hoping) that they're like, time travelers from the sith wars, because holy fuck this is an army that could sack half the galaxy. Baby wan is doing his level best to be chill and totally fine and not at all freaked the fuck out; given the entire group all know adult obi-wan, and his much better ability to hide emotions, everyone can tell that this kid is freaked.
To be fair; they're the 212th and the 501st. They're great, but also, if you run into them, shit's got real, and this kid looks, like, ten. It's got to be his first damn deployment. His master is clearly very fucking dead, and now he's thinking that the situation got so bad that they sent both the 212th and the 501st to clean it up.
meanwhile, the slicers on the ships have managed to cobble together a one way distress beacon, which they are beaming at the temple. It's old code — it piggybacks on shit from the last damn sith wars — but it's, y;know, something the GAR is equipped to recognise. The equivalent of sending up a damn smoke signal, or hooking into very old telegram wires and being like AM LOST STOP PLEASE SEND HELP STOP HOW GOES WAR STOP
The temple, of course, gets a transmission using a code from the sith wars. Asking about the state of the war. requesting back up and aid for a High General, plus his battalion and near command.
The temple freaks out, because holy fuck, time travelers???? literal time travelers from the sith wars?????? Fuck?????????????
After they send the ET phone home message, obi-wan the elder wakes up, gets an update on the situation — lost in space, found an orphaned padawan, distress beacon sent — and is all set to just chill till someone comes to pick them up when he clocks the 'orphaned padawan' and is like FUCK.
cue 'oh fuck oh fuck we fucked up the time line' and 'what the fuck do you mean spent time as a child solider', and also, 'well, guess we're all passing ourselves off as time travelers from the opposite direction, because, uh, that's…whatever everyone thinks. we are. thanks anakin.'
Plus the extremely fun times of baby-wan latching on to adult-wan as his new master, and proceeding to spill every terrible thing that's happened to him thus far to anyone who asks, because, y'know, it's fine! This is fine! his new lineage is so nice <3 and none of them have any reason to know the fact that he's already killed people and seen people killed and done so much violence is weird <3 it's great, he's finally going to get a good grade in being a jedi, which is possible to achieve and definitely something he wants <3
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lemonsuponlemons · 2 years
Matt Murdock and virgin!Reader
We have said that he has an innocent/corruption kink
So dude's got a thing for virgins most probably
Not specifically seeking them out because that's creepy and predatory
But definitely not backing down from an opportunity
So, anyway, you let it slip in a conversation that you've never had sex
Because it's nothing to be ashamed of! The social construct of virginity and its importance is misogynistic!
Matt doesn't make you feel bad about it or anything, maybe makes a humorous remark but that's it
"Waiting for someone specific?"
And what if I was, smartass
I know we're all imagining Matt to have a rabbit-style railing and I agree but this one time it's a lil different
He might even get a little sentimental, the girl he's hopelessly simping for is letting him have her v-card
The amount of trust and affection you must have for him??? His heart is busting a nut
You know how athletes put their trophies in glass cases and shit? Yeah
His sensuality surprises you, simply because he doesn't seem like that type of guy, no matter how dramatic he gets
So Matt's very careful, gentle and relaxed, at least on the outside
Because inside his thoughts are completely incomprehensible like someone screaming gibberish
It's not the first time he has kissed your neck but it is the first time he gets a moan out of you
And boy did that send him to the afterlife and back
He might be a little more vocal than he usually would be, just trying to get you more comfortable with your own reactions
Asks "You okay?" every few minutes
Matt's just making sure, ok
Definitely fingers you
(i mean have yall seen those hands bye)
You're cumming undone all over his fingers, thinking that it can't get better
Lemme tell you how wrong you are
Matt's keeping your leg on his hip, giving him a nice angle that works wonderfully on you
He's got one filthy mouth but tries to keep it PG for now, telling you only the nice stuff
"You feel so good"
"Fuck you're pretty"
Calls you "good girl", "baby girl" or "baby"
His other hand is holding your face
Kisses wherever he can
Nibbles on your neck, jaw and earlobes
You're moaning and squealing right into his ear
Your fingernails will leave very unambiguous scratches on his biceps and back
He groans softly against your, now bruised, skin
Although Matt's having the time of his life slowly and passionately railing you
Your reactions are very inviting and he's *this* close to losing his damn mind
When you quietly moaned his name, Matt was ready to cum right there and then
Now he wants to find out how loud you can get
Having you cry out his name is currently #1 on his bucket list
You can ride him but considering his iron grip on your hips, he's still the dominant one
Your arms giving out and fingernails digging into his chest when you're cumming
If you're up for a second round, he's up for going wild and getting you mewling
(that filthy mouth will have its glorious debut)
And if you're not, he's gonna be thinking about it for quite some time because now that he got a taste of your sweet cunt there's no going back
Matt brings you water and a towel no questions asked
Post-sex Matt is all smiley
Whispered pillow talk while he's holding you against his chest and trailing your bare skin with his rough hands
You're falling asleep with your face mushed into his chest and he kisses the top of your head
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