#ignore mw
000marie198 · 2 months
Do you think sonic would open his own chili dog restaurant?
Nah, he's not the one to settle down at a place. He would promote the business of a random vendor for no reason and then run off though
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the only way to be truly normal is to not be deeply repressed. the rest is golden.
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reds-skull · 10 months
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Not pictured is Price dragging Ghost to medical and having to explain how his lieutenant got burns while making tea.
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asshork · 2 months
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temeyes · 8 months
yes i love playing call of duty. yes im really bad at it. yes i imagine gaz wants to come out of the tv like the girl from the ring and strangle me bc i accidentally make him Suffer The Most
yeah,,, i suggest you run now,,
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eiraeths · 5 months
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tell him he’s pretty
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lipgloss3ater · 1 month
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oh-sturg-art · 8 days
Posted on my art account instead of my main for tag reasons!!
So a while ago I got my very first commission(s?) from @temeyes and oh my gosh I couldn’t be happier??
First of all, they were SO pleasant to work with!! As a first time commissioner like ever, they were so patient and kind with guiding me through the process- especially since I hadn’t used PayPal previously!
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These are the commissions I got and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!! I highly recommend them, especially their doodlebobs!
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thecrow-king · 11 months
Yeah, so I saw the new CoD MW3 ending, and I'll just say
I'll drag canon into the backyard and shoot it like Shepherd shot Ghost in 2009.
Good thing I am writing a fanfiction that sees canon as guidline and not law :)
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mymreaderlibrary · 1 year
Male reader / Natasha Romanoff drabble
(Note: this focuses on stuff around pregnancy and infertility)
If you asked the average person if Natasha Romanoff wanted to be a mom you’d get a solid no. She’s a busy woman, one of the most revered assassins working for a group of world saving heroes, she doesn’t have time for kids. She’s got jobs to finish, people to kill, people to save, and having some bawling toddler would only ruin that.
Besides, Natasha never seemed all that interested in children. While some may become completely enamored by a newborn’s squishy face and joyful squeals, she always managed to simply smile and carry on. She wasn’t immune to giving them a good tickle, but most people aren’t and her motions always seemed drained. It was as if she was losing energy by just seeing a child.
So the consensus was pretty easy to come to, both her life and personal interests showed no signs of settling down. But if you asked those close to her, more specifically Clint, you’d get a far different response. Natasha adored being an aunt to Clint’s kids. Watching them grow and become tiny people with big personalities struck a warmth and desire within her. A desire she could never fulfill.
The Red Room took many things from her, but one that haunted her in particular was her hysterectomy. Originally she felt neither which way about it, but after joining SHIELD and meeting Clint’s family it struck her just how permanent the surgery really was. For a while a sense of bitterness would waft over her, anger, frustration, sadness not necessarily for the loss of her uterus but instead for the loss of her bodily autonomy. It was necessary she told herself it’s not like I had a choice. Still some odd part of her took the blame and the thought that she could never have a family to call her own hurt.
However life finds a way.
She met a man who came to adore her. Beyond just her face and body (though you couldn’t lie to yourself and say she wasn’t exceedingly physically attractive), beyond her job as an assassin, beyond her involvement with the Avengers, she found someone who just liked her. And well… as the months to years passed that feeling welled up inside her.
Natasha had brought you to meet Clint, or well Clint wanted to meet you and gauge what you were doing with his best friend. He’s well aware Natasha can take care of herself it’s just that with friendship comes a defensiveness and he wanted her to be happy. Luckily it seemed you passed whatever silent test he was running on you.
The three of you chatted away by the coffee table, drinking wine as the sun went down. You had an arm slung around Nat’s shoulders as she leaned lightly into your side. She’d never been much for PDA but it was clear she felt safe here. The sound of giggling interrupted your chat as Laura came home with Cooper and Lila. Clint stood up to go greet them and as you watched him go something else caught your eye.
Natasha was smiling but… it was a bit strained. She seemed excited to see the kids but it was clear something was hurting her while watching them. You gave her a little squeeze on the shoulder in hopes of grounding her but it seemed to make her just brush things off faster.
Eventually Clint came back and the two of you gave your goodbyes as the Barton’s prepared for dinner. While you and Nat walked back to the car you couldn’t help but ask her what was wrong. It took a moment, but she decided to trust you. You deserved the know.
Kids or no kids you knew you loved Natasha and you met her in a tight embrace. She just leaned quietly against your shoulder but she felt lighter.
Surrogacy was the first idea tossed around. While she might not be able to have a kid you were still capable.
(If AMAB) finding a surrogate mother seemed daunting but Pepper let you know that she was down to help you guys out. There would be no way for Natasha to donate an egg so the genes wouldn’t be hers but that wasn’t all too important. If you followed through with this Natasha would be overly grateful to Pepper and making sure to check in on her constantly.
Do you snacks? Want ice cream? Do your feet hurt? How’s the baby doing? Is everything okay?
Pepper ends up complaining more about Natasha taking up the role as HER mom than her own pregnancy symptoms. Still, no one can really blame Nat for her antsy-ness and Pepper far from hates getting attention, especially from a friend. With each passing day you both couldn’t help but get more and more excited to meet your baby. Though she didn’t say it out loud, Natasha was relieved to be allowed in the room during labor.
(If AFAB) it occurred to you while Natasha had no uterus, you did. However this wasn’t a decision that could be made lightly as the process would include stopping your T for almost a full year as well as the risk of complications. Nat didn’t want to put you through all of that especially if it would strike up dysphoria or distress.
if you decided to follow this route you two would just need to find a sperm donor. No offense to the men in her life but Natasha didn’t feel like asking them for DNA so instead you two chose anonymous. It was kinda bizarre watching and feeling the baby grow, but Nat was ready to mother hen you at every turn. She did her best to buy all the odd snacks you wanted, get you some baggy clothes which didn’t pinch your waist, and let you have rest, lots of rest. She had a habit of rubbing your bump and you watched the silent thrill in her eyes when the baby gave a kick to her hand.
The main downside was that the baby now took the place of Nat’s own spot during bed time. She loved holding you close and feeling your heart beat against hers but now there was a living road block in the way. She joked about having a rivalry with the baby for your attention, something she knew would be a bit more real once the baby was born. Still, she was happy and so were you.
(AMAB AND OR AFAB) if neither of the previous options worked there was always adoption. Neither of you were sure if you wanted a baby, a kid, or a teen so you decided to just see who were available and decide then. It felt a little odd wading through the papers and picking which child you would take in. It felt almost a lil disconnected from the reality of what you were doing.
So many different children seemed like a great match but one in particular caught Nat’s eye. A girl, no older than 7 with no known family members. She was a trouble maker, combative, rough around the edges, and struck a sense of nostalgia within Natasha. She couldn’t help but think of her own fake family back in Ohio as she looked at the girl. She was perfect.
It took a while for the girl to get used to your home and her rowdy nature didn’t just stop because she was adopted. However Nat expected as much, being torn from one home to the next was not an easy process. Eventually the girl slowly got accustomed in her own silent ways.
She may not call you mom and dad but her affection was a lot higher. She laughed more and made some friends at school. You and Nat got to watch as the world seemed to ease up on the girl’s shoulders. Looking at Nat’s tender smile made you think about how you wouldn’t have life any other way.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 11 months
Tommy shudders as cold infiltrates through his coat and makes every inch of his skin twinkle with the crisp winter air. A thin layer of earlier's snow crunches under his boots as he walks carefully through the empty streets. The lapping of the nearby ocean accompanies him in the moonlight. There are only a few passerby's who don't so much as look up as they pass the teenager on the street. 
      Why is Wilbur's house so goddamn far?! Tommy thinks as he trudges on along, kicking up stray snow in defiance. He hates walking! If he could, he'd like...steal someone's bike and finish the walk that way, because he's still got—Tommy pauses his inward monologue to check his watch, then pauses again when he remembers he doesn't have one—Prime knows how long left. 
      He just wants to curl up in his pseudo-brothers' fingertips, all warm and cozy with pure love connected between them. To get that, he has to hike a million miles. At least it was pretty. An empty city by the waterside lit by streetlights and moonlight, and above all during snowfall: what's not to adore? Tommy pushes down his smile at the sight before him. Although the downpour of snow has reigned and left just a small sprinkle, it was still pretty. The warm streetlights glow paternally through the streets he traverses, and before long, he stops passing human lights and spots the giant ones first from a distance, but now where he stands. They tower above him, barely even visible;  he cranes his neck and even then the light remains lost in the wintery shadows of the night.
      Before long—which looks and feels significantly longer now that he has switched from human to giant territory, where every footstep of his felt barely insignificant even though he'd been traveling at the same pace for over twenty minutes—he makes hefty progress and spots Wilbur's home nestled amongst two other houses.
      When Tommy reaches the human staircase to Wilbur's home that rests beside the giant one, he can barely feel his fingertips or his cheeks. He was chattering his teeth so profusely he thinks he might chip one of them if he isn't careful. Tommy's chilled state deepened quickly as an irritating gust of wind knocks into him and stabs his side into the edge of the railing. He groans, huffing out. Tommy's breath collects as a cloud and drifts through the space in front of him while he climbs the staircase. 
      At the top, Tommy then travels across the deck, slightly relieved of the cold—only slightly—as he is no longer vulnerable to the snow or direct winds. Approaching the mini door established just for him, he fishes his keys from his cold pockets, and with fingers numb, fumbles around with unlocking the door. He almost drops the keys completely given how hard he's shaking and how rapidly his limbs seem to be losing feeling by the second. 
      The second Tommy steps inside, he assumes to be met with the heat blasting and be served his victory of getting out of the cold on a golden platter. However, a boy like him can only dream, for the second Tommy walks in, he can hardly feel a difference. It was a relieving discovery, the slight increase of temperature, but only for a few short-lived milliseconds before he scowls in realization. 
      Tommy opens his mouth to yell out for the occupant in the house, but as he does, there's the familiar sound of footsteps that leaves him with his mouth agape. Rounding the corner, distracted in his phone, is Wilbur, who has the audacity to be dressed in wool, inside the house, on purpose. There are real lives at stake outside and he cranks down the temperature to bundle up?! Blasphemy, says he. Nevertheless, to see Wilbur is a huge sigh of relief—one that he performs instantly.
      "Wilbur!" Tommy yells up, his cold hands wrapped around his equally cold mouth adorned with frosty pink cheeks and blue lips. "Wilbur! Bastard!" Tommy yells again, yet louder, when the giant doesn't hear. For the third time, Wilbur walks by unaware of Tommy. "WILBUR?!" Tommy tries, all the strength left in his cold-bitten body gone to yelling. Tommy's exclamation leaves Wilbur startling gently before turning around while tearing his eyes from his phone. Almost on instinct, the brunet looks down and spots the blond, who stares up at Wilbur expectantly. 
      Wilbur's gaze softens at the sight of Tommy. He takes careful note of how Wilbur's eyes squint gently and a grin tugs up his lips. It disperses just as quickly when Wilbur shoots a glance outside.
      "Tommy," Wilbur breathes, nearly dumbfounded. "You came from out there?" 
      "It—" Tommy's cut off when a wave of chill traces his spine and explodes in his body. "It wasn't that cold." His teeth decide to chatter at that moment. "Not as cold as your fucking house, are you actually deranged?" Tommy accuses, then pulls his arms around himself. Perhaps if he plays hurt enough Wilbur would pick him up. To follow Tommy's quip, a low, surprised laugh escaped Wilbur's lips. 
      "I didn't think you'd be coming over," Wilbur retaliates. Tommy rolls his eyes half-heartedly before shivering again. 
      "Sure you didn't."
      Wilbur skips over Tommy's attempt of argument and instead nears the boy, stepping around his frame carefully before sweeping him off of the floor gently between the tips of his forefinger and middle finger. Tommy breathes out in surprise at the sudden movement and the utter confidence in Wilbur's embrace before calming as he's soothed by the warmth of the giant's skin. "You're like ice," Wilbur's voice echoes from behind. Tommy looks back, obscured by Wilbur's face that shines pure worry. 
      "It's not my fault you live thirty fucking minutes away," he complains. 
      "Well, maybe if you called me I could've picked you up," Wilbur responds. 
      Tommy huffs out in amusement before slumping in Wilbur's grasp. "This is like, ten times better. Y'know, I worked to get here and shit and now I can relax." Wilbur rolls his eyes at the comment but doesn't protest. 
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introspectionera · 2 months
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chapter 8 of EoS just needs to be edited tonight and then I should have it posted. Gave it that last dash of "look at this perfectly healthy, normal couple" before the descent into "you made me use women and children as bait, how dare you" begins
the whiplash I give myself writing this ship throughout the timeline. this really is Price at his very worst, peak manipulator. I miss when he was this terrible, damn you activision for softening him up
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“What’d you say to me, Joe?”
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kicksnscribs · 4 months
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twocupsnapalm · 2 years
Don’t get me wrong, I adore Ghost with my whole heart.
But I will never not look at him and think about how the hard-shell skull mask would completely obliterate his peripheral vision.
Dude literally has a 45° arc of vision. You could stand right beside him and punch him in the face and he’d never see it coming.
Don’t come for me.
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