#ignore that the ground is tilted pls
fiprobably · 9 months
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Wonky ass but them dancing >>>
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venuiscmind · 3 months
Please write some skin to skin with Ellie. I need a break from her strap!! 😮‍💨😪😫
I need rubbing pussies together and desperate fingering 😩!!!
Skin. (Ellie Williams x reader smut) 18+
read this pls. and this too (info about the next strike.)
You and Ellie go out for a night on the town but things quickly get very heated.
W.C: 6.2K
Warnings: squirting (ellie squirts, i'll die on this hill), oral,semi public sex, tribbing, scissoring, fingering, multiple orgasms, getting called a good girl and a slut, spit play, tiny bit of anal, some sub dom dynamics (y'all are switches and like to change it up), small bit of exhibitionism, some degradation, praise, weed, smoking, alcohol.(please be responsible when you go out, do as I say not as I do.)
Genuinely think this is the nastiest fic I've ever written. I need to find god and touch grass.
Requests are open so keep giving me inspo cause it helps a lot.
Loved this request btw, I also got inspo from when I went out ooph.
You grinned at Ellie, looking at the girl exhale the carbon from your shared cigarette.  
"What." she inquired raising her eyebrows at you, her tone flat. She wasn't even looking at you, staring at a broad woman checking IDs of people queuing to get into the cities most favoured club. You didn't miss the furrow between them, a dead giveaway that she was not happy at that moment.  
You took the burning cigarette she held out for you. "Nothing." You smiled around the cigarette, taking a beat to look around at the streetlamps illuminating the dark pavements, letting you see the shutdown stores and closed cafes and restaurants, littered with girls strutting up and down them shivering much like you and Ellie were.
Smoke breaks were never warm but with Ellie's arm looped around you, and yours on her waist you didn't feel the cold as much.  
You loved your city at night. Filled with old streetlamps, the orange and yellow white light making you feel free and grounded at the same time. Especially with your auburn-haired girl in your arms.  
After weeks of rotting in the campus library you decided to go out, both of you dressing up for the occasion to make the most of the time you had with each other. Away from the textbooks and other students.  
"There's obviously something you'd like to say so c'mon, tell meeee." You whined at her, flicking ash off the cigarette before exhaling to the side.  
"All I'm saying is that bouncer didn't have to ask you to fuckin' smile to check your ID? The fuck was that even about." She mumbled looking off to the side at the bouncer who was doing her job checking the ID if some random girl trying to sneak in.  
You giggled and leant into Ellie's side more, putting the cigarette back between her lips, watching her inhale before holding it between her pointer finger and thumb. "Ignore her," you said, looping your now free hands around her waist, under her oversized leather jacket and dark flannel around her waist. "I'm here to get into your pants not hers." you said looking into her eyes accentuated by the smoked out black eyeliner you had given her, parting your glossed lips trying to soothe the girl's building anger.  
You took her jaw in your hand, angling it to face you before tilting it as if to ask if it was going to be an issue. She took the cigarette out of her mouth to take a breathe, never looking away.  
She looked down at your face for a moment before her full lips curved up. She brought the smoke back up to her lips inhaling deeply "You're trying to get into my pants baby?" You felt a bead of sweat drip right by your temple. You couldn't tear your eyes away from her green ones as she gripped you closer to her. Her lips were so close to yours that you could feel her breath on them, and she ran a hand down your face. 
She looked you over for a moment before giving you a peck and stepping away from you breaking the standstill moment. She gave you plenty of those, where all you could do was focus on her. The slight buzz the nicotine was giving you accentuating the feeling.  
"C'mon, before you freeze out her. Let's go back in." 
You nodded and she put threw the cigarette on the ground, stomping on it to put it out. She held out her hand to you, quickly flashing both yours and her ID to the bouncer who said a gruff "Go on." Maybe she had witnessed yours and Ellie's public display of affection and wasn't happy with it you thought.  
You hardly cared anymore. 
All you could feel was the excitement of feeling the bass in your boots as you shrugged off your coat, leaving you in your red leather, skirt and black top. Both of which hugged your curves, letting Ellie see all that you had.  
She did the same but took off her flannel too, leaving her in a black tank, jeans, docs brought out by a small chain and her rings. Fuck she looked good. Especially in the red, low lights of the club, with her smoked out eyeliner you had done for her before leaving the house. The black really brought out the green in her eyes, contrasting her pale freckled skin. You both stashed them behind some random couch of the room.  
"Drink?" You saw Ellie mouth at you, her voice drowned out by a thumping song which was begging you to dance. You nodded, watching her flag down a bartender to pour you shots of tequila. You did however sneak in your phone to tap against the card machine before she could.  
"My round!" You yelled into her ear, taking the shot from her smiling at her while raising the shot glass. She smiled and nodded, letting you pay for her this time. She always paid majority of the time, but you loved taking care of her too when you could. She raised her glass to clink against her before you both tilting your heads back to let the liquid go down your throats, burning slightly on the way. Ellie winced at the liquid while you grinned at her and said, "We have to dance!" 
Ellie laughed letting you pull her down onto the dancefloor packed with other bodies. She always said the shots went right your hips rather than your head, always begging her to dance with you after taking one. 
You slid right into the middle of it, taking her right under the lights. You hung your hands around her neck, placing your head right into the space between her neck and shoulder inhaling slightly. In turn she put her hands right on your hips. They burned into you as you both swayed to the beat of the song, slower one that you could slink against each other.  
You sighed into her. You really did love this girl, despite the occasional anger issue she had with anyone looking at you. In her eyes you were her pretty girl, and no one should be staring at you like that but her.  
The songs transitioned as the evening went on. You and Ellie had broken away from each other but were still tethered to each other by whenever your hands held onto each other, or you swayed together to the bass of the songs. You couldn't keep apart for very long, always wanting to touch the girl in front of you. You were both grinning, sweating and laughing under the red strobe lights as you danced together.  
Ellie was never a dancer but with you she tried, keeping pace but also wanting to watch you under the lights. You changed when you danced. Watching your hips roll in a way she could never outside of the bedroom or when you ran your hands up and down your body to tease her. Your instincts took over and you knew how to move. These were on of the few moments your body knew what to fully do.  
You loved dancing with Ellie because your body took over then too.  
You never broke apart for too long, letting her twirl you under the red hue or you'd rock your hips against hers. You held onto both her hands tightly as you stole a kiss from her. You melted, feeling your glossed lips push against hers and her hands slipped down from your hips to your ass covered by a leather skirt.  
You placed a hand on the middle if her chest as she deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue into your mouth but you pushed her back.  
She looked confused before grinning at what you had felt. She grabbed your hand pulling you in and whispering into your ear "smoke break?" to which you eagerly nodded.  
You both made your way deeper into the club, to find the smoking room. It was full of people who had either had enough of dancing or who had come to stand around here in the first place. You rubbed your ears as you could feel your eardrums re-adjusting to the lack of noise and easing into the chatter of the room.  
Ellie stroked your hand, keeping you grounded as you stumbled behind her. She led you to the outdoor area which had hardly anyone in there. A few people who you suspected had the same intentions as you, judging by the smell. 
You closed the door behind you, quickly joining your partner as she placed the joint she had rolled earlier and kept in her sport bra in case security patted her down and would confiscate from her in her lips. She cupped the end of it, sparking it with her silver reusable lighter patting the space next to her beckoning you to sit down so she could pass it to you.  
She blew the ash of the end of it before holding it for you to take. You hummed and slotted it between your manicured fingers before holding it up to your lips and inhaling the way you had been taught.  
"Still can't believe security didn't pat us down? Lucky fuckin' break ‘cause I didn't want my blunt going to that security guard." 
You giggled "Ellie, you have got to let that go." You brought the joint back up to inhale, the end if it lighting up as you breathed before passing it back to you.  
Now was smoking, drinking shots, and smoking a blunt the best idea? Maybe not. But you rarely went out and you figured why not? 
You felt so safe with Ellie. Her tolerance was far better than yours, and if anything should happen you felt right at home with her. You peered out past the railing keeping you near the building at all the twinkling lights. You felt Ellie come up behind you to sneak her hands around your waist. She placed her cheek on your shoulder grumbling.  
You laughed at her antics feeing her shake along with your laughter. You laughed even harder when you saw she was still holding out the blunt for you to take, it coming virtually out if nowhere but floating into your peripheral vision.  
Instead of taking it, you had Ellie keep holding onto it while you leant down and inhaled from it. Your lips brushed her long digits leaving a glittery, brownish pink, you shaped smudge on her fingers. 
She had straightened up at that point watching you, and you lifted your eyes to meet hers as you exhaled out the smoke.  
"Never." She said rubbing her thumb against your glossed lips.  
"That's a pretty colour, how come you've never worn this one?" 
"It's new baby, remember you bought it for me last week?" 
You kissed her hand, thanking her for her small, sweet gifts she always got you while out.  
Ellie couldn't stop her mind from drifting. Maybe it was the weed or the shots, but she wanted to feel your lips somewhere else. She wanted to see your lipstick and eyeliner smudged with from your actions.  
She coughed, clearing her throat and trying to keep herself grounded. She inhaled her last puff not wanting to overdo it and held it out to you in case you wanted more. 
You did the exact same thing, keeping your eyes trained on your girl, watching her breath hitch, her chain glinting in the moonlight as her breathing became uneasy.  
Distantly you wondered if people queuing outside the club could see you from down there, if people in their cars speeding down the streets could see you eye-fucking your girlfriend. You suspected the people in the apartments definitely could and the people in the smoking area absolutely cou- 
Well fuck.  
You definitely felt it.  
You giggled and looked down at the ground as you felt the high slowly creep up over your brain. It was a slow acting bud Ellie had gotten this week so it would take a while for the feeling to peak but you could feel your limbs become lighter and heavier at the same time.  
"You feelin' it pretty girl?" Ellie lifted your face to check on you. Your eyes had turned the tiniest shade of pink but were mostly still white. Your pupils had become a little big but not that noticeable unless someone were really looking for it.  
Ellie knew though, because she was feeling the exact same thing. You were both fucked, she thought laughing along with you. 
She felt you take her hands and hold them against your powdered cheeks and nuzzle into them.  
"C'mere." She said tugging you into her arms. You groaned into her chest. Your nose was practically shoved down her black sports bra. 
"You good down there pretty girl? Pretty sure motorboating is frowned upon in public spaces but I'm not gonna stop you." 
You laughed pushing her away from you and walking towards the door back into the club. "I need some water, you comin?" 
Ellie looked at you for a moment. Her eyes drifting up and down as she smushed the roach into the ashtray provided and joined you by your side walking into the club again. 
You pressed yourself up against the counter of the bar, slumping into it while you waited for a bartender to stop in front of you. Once you'd had them you walked over to where Ellie had sat down on the couch, near where you had hidden your jackets.  
You smiled down at her, gently handing her one of the glasses in your hands. You took a few sips looked her down, dark flannel, several buttons open, exposing her black sports bra underneath, and an expanse of pale freckled skin that you wanted to kiss right then and there. Her toned legs spread slightly open and although you knew you shouldn't, you sat down on one of them. 
She pulled you across her lap, fingers digging into your hips as you both set down your glasses of water. You both studied each other's faces, you held a hand to her face which she leant into while giving you a fulfilled look. You were sure you had the same one on your face.  
You were both pulled out of the moment by a song of both of yours playing on the dancefloor. You both grinned to each other as you got up and rushed back to the floor, dancing again. You both yelled out the lyrics, twirling each other and laughing together until the beat changed into something slower, something deeper more sensual.  
You moved closer to Ellie, dancing with you. She had your hands all over you and maybe the weed had made everything feel so much more intense, but you thought you could feel them everywhere. You turned around but kept close to her to you. You could feel her breath turn shaky, pressed up behind you as her breath came down on your shoulder. You swayed against her feeling her hands on your tummy keeping you close to her.  
You lowered your knees, keeping to the rhythm of the song to get closer to her centre and ran a hand through your hair in a way you knew would keep her eyes on you.  
You suddenly couldn't breathe when your ass came in contact with her crotch. She kissed your neck hard enough to bruise trying to keep herself grounded as she felt herself growing more and more warm and flush all over her body. 
You twirled back around, to take a look at your girlfriend which proved to be a massive mistake. The red lights had taken her, making her look more dangerous and devastatingly beautiful than ever. She looked at you, like she could take all of you then and there. 
You bit into your lip, before yelling into her ear "Bathroom?" 
Ellie nodded and tugged you, moving people gently out of the way so she could get you through them.  
She pushed open the heavy wooden door filled with multiple stalls in normal dim white light.  
You leant against the sink, taking yourself in for a moment. Skin flushed, eyes pink, hair dishevelled. Your eyes shifted as you laid them on Ellie, making eye contact with you.  
You turned taking her face into your hands. Full parted lips, parted to try to keep breathing even though she knew it was futile. She was always like this when it came to you. Always breathing her last breath, and never taking in enough oxygen because all that was on her mind was you. Freckles, flushed skin and green eyes that were focused on your lips. They had a pink hue to them, letting you know that she felt the high too.  
You leaned in to kiss her, pulling her jaw down to meet you in the middle. You groaned into the kiss, which had turned sloppy so quickly, or maybe you had taken your time with it but everything felt so fuzzy and warm you couldn't tell anymore. All you felt was the girl's lips gliding against yours, her tongue invading your mouth and all your senses. You moaned into her mouth, pressing yourself up against her to which she answered by letting her hands drifting under your skirt to your ass.  
"Fuck." Ellie groaned between kisses.  
"Are." Peck. "you." Peck. "trying to." Peck. "fucking kill me." Smooch. She turned your face to kiss every part of it causing you to giggle. 
"Maybe. But I just want to keep kissing you right now." You said brushing strands of her hair out of her face, which kept falling whenever she kissed you.  
Her hands were everywhere again but the touches more desperate than before. Under your shirt, under your skirt, squishing your cheeks to steal another kiss from you.  
You didn't exactly remember whose idea it was to move into a stall, but you do remember walking backwards against the door of one and Ellie following you in with a predatory gaze.  
She cornered you against the wall of the bathroom stall, kissing down your body murmuring pleas against the skin. You huffed out, letting your head fall back against the cool cement walls, as you felt her hot breath on your skin. You raked a hand through her short hair, stroking her cheeks as she pushed up your skirt to your tummy and pulled down your underwear, letting you step out of them before pocketing them.  
"I hope you plan on giving me those back later Els..." you whined out. 
"Wouldn't count on it." she said and finally ran a finger along your folds.  
You took a sharp inhale as you felt her moving your slick, running it along your clit before dropping them as far as your opening. You shivered, "Els?" you huffed out.  
She only responded with a soft "Hm?" appearing too busy with continuing your torment. "Please Els? Can you touch me properly?" You begged the girl, your knees buckling slightly as you tried to keep yourself upright while she touched you. 
Ellie held your thigh, keeping you upright as well as keeping your legs open that buckles and shut slightly every time she moved.  
"Dunno." She replied, casually as if nothing was wrong.  
You groaned, knowing what the girl wanted and you couldn't deny her anymore. Not like this anyways.  
"Keep 'em." 
"Sorry I'm gonna need you to say that again. Didn't catch that." 
"You can keep them Els, just fuckin' do something please." 
"Keep what baby?" She said looking up at you as she slipped her middle finger inside of you.  
You grabbed onto her shoulder to steady yourself as you felt her reaching inside of you, gently fucking into you, finding the spot that had you squirming away and simultaneously rolling your hips against her tattooed hand. 
"Keep the panties, El, they're yours just don' stop." You sighed out, head facing the ceiling as you breathed out your words. 
"Good girl." She rewarded your generosity by inching her face closer, to your pussy, and kissing your clit before latching her lips to suck gently on you. 
"Oh, fuck Ellie." You sobbed out trying to stay quiet, grabbing gently onto her head to try and get her impossibly closer to your sopping folds.  
The girl trailed her tongue down to your opening before shoving the muscle inside of you. At that point, you shut your eyes tightly, held your breath in an attempt to keep quiet and couldn't focus on anything except the feeling of Ellie inside of you, and her nose bumping against your clit. 
It wasn't long before you came, riding out your high with the girl tucked between your thighs and you practically humping her face, trying to get her tongue and face as deep inside you as possible.  
Ellie was trying to taste as much of you as she could, slurping and licking every bit of sensitive skin you exposed for her. When she spelled away you could see all the efforts of both your actions on her face, which was covered in slick, on her cheeks, lips, jaw and nose.  
There was still a string attaching you to her lips. 
"Oh." You said holding your hands up to your mouth, trying not to giggle. 
"What?" Ellie said, furrowing her brows at you, wiping at her chin as she looked at you. 
"What do you mean what? You have me all over your face Ellie." You said trying you help her clean herself off laughing softly.  
"What can I say I got lost in the sauce." She grinned. 
Your jaw dropped as you smacked her on her shoulder.  
She laughed, rubbing at her face getting most of if off but missing spots on her chin. 
"Here." You said taking her chin in your hands and kissing it off.  
She looked back at you with glazed pink eyes, before kissing you again. 
Fuck, you thought to yourself. This had been a bad idea. All you could think about was tasting her now. Your hands gently reached for the zipper if her pants as she took your wrist and said, "You don' have to if you don' want to you know?" She always got shy like this whenever you wanted to reciprocate.  
"I know but I really want to Els. Will you please let me?" You blinked at her with doe eyes you knew would always work. She looked as you nuzzled your cheeks near the zipper of her pants, face brushing against her clit as you whimpered against the fabric, wanting to touch her. She ran her hands against your lip and nodded after searching into your pink eyes.  
She stood up and let you unbuckle her belt, pull down her pants and boxes in one go. She was a mess, dripping onto her thighs, and all over her folds.  
You plunged your head between her thighs and licked, slurped and sucked. 
"Wanna fuck you again when we get home Ellie, can I?” You murmured against her clit. 
"Oh, fuck you're really feeling it aren't you? So fuckin' needy,” she said taking your jaw in her hands to stare into your reddish eyes. You had reached the peak of your and wanted more and more of her. As much as she could possibly give you that night. 
She lifted your face closer to hers and once she was beside your ear she said, "Open up for me." and she then proceeded to spit on your awaiting tongue, and you whimpered as you swallowed her.  
You felt your legs getting soaked again as you grinded against nothing.  
"That's my good girl" she sighed as you nuzzled your face against her thighs, nose brushing her pubic mound and clit. 
You went back to tasting her when she grabbed the back of your neck and pushed you against her folds. You moaned into her, feeling her slick seep onto your tongue as you suck on her lips, clit and slipped your tongue inside of her. 
She shivered at the sensation, looking down at you pushing into her thighs and entrance as she grabbed the back of your head pulling you in closer. "So fuckin' good. You love getting slutted out like this don't you baby hm?" 
All you could do was nod against her. You pulled back to speak and look up at her before going back in for more of her. "Uh-huh. Love you els, love you so much."  
"Love you too pretty girl-fuck." 
Ellie whimpered as she came on your lips and gently pushed you away once she came so as not to get too overstimulated too fast.  
She watched as you wiped your face off, licking off whatever was left off her on your hands on your tongue.  
She knelt down to press a messy kiss against your lips. "So fuckin' nasty for me baby." She kissed you over and over before murmuring "You wanna get out of here pretty girl? Promise I'll make you feel so good when we get home." She groaned into your neck.  
You nodded against her, letting her pull you onto your feet before dressing the both of you and making sure you looked presentable.  
"Ellie my underwear, you gotta give 'em back." You pleaded with her.  
She turned you around to look at your ass, pulled your skirt down and you squeaked at the sudden groping and quick smack she gave you.  
"Nah, don't think so. You'll be fine it's just a 10-minute walk back to the apartment. C'mon I'll keep an eye on you." She said ushering you out of the stall, as you both washed your hands and cleaned your faces properly in the mirror.  
You walked to collect, your jackets from the couch putting them on and walking back out to the street, Ellie keeping her hands on your waist. Unbeknownst to you, she looked back at the security guard who was watching you both strut down the street and smirked at her, watching as her mouth fell into a hard straight line.  
She grinned and kissed your hands, trying to keep them warm.  
Both your cheeks were pink from the cold, as you breathed into the air watching the air in your body turn to mist in the night sky as Ellie shoved the key to your shared apartment into the keyhole. You hopped around trying to stay warm till Ellie pulled you into the apartment. helped you take off your coat and pulled you in for a kiss.  
You gasped and whimpered as she pulled your hair into a tight makeshift ponytail and tugged, causing your mouth to pry open as you felt her gaze on you. You looked up at her as she said "You gonna be good for me, pretty girl?"  
You nodded, biting into your lip and humming an affirmative. She let go and smacked your ass telling you to "Get upstairs. I'll be with you in a minute." She said before pecking you on the cheek. 
You giggled and ran up the stairs, following the girls demands as she pulled off her jacket and sighed. She took out the pack of cigarettes and lit one quickly while she walked over to the tap and got two glasses of water for you and her to drink. She sat down on a kitchen chair with an ashtray next to her. She heard a thump upstairs and frowned. She wondered what you could be getting up to there.  
She took a last puff of it before she stubbed out her cigarette, took the two glasses of water in her hands and marched up the stairs to see what you were doing.  
She was met with you, sitting at the edge of the bed, looking up at her and naked. That thump she had heard was the sound of you dropping your boots on the floor as you stripped off and had thrown your clothes on the floor. She shook her head grinning and said "Here." handing over the glass of water to you. 
You took it and sipped from it before she took it back and placed it on the nightstand.  
She took off her rings too placing them on the wooden surface. 
She took your cheeks in hand, squeezing them together and kissed you. "You okay if I get a little rough with you?" she whispered in your ear, "Wanna make you feel it." She palmed your tits, groping and squeezing them making you whimper under her.  
You kissed her back and said, "It's what I wanted in the first place, please Els."  
She took this chance to push you back onto the bed and climb between the space of your legs, letting you hook them around her waist. She looked at you splayed out under her, tits bouncing from the push, hiding nothing from her. She slapped your tits, swatting one then the other, watching as you whined under her from the hit and groaned. Ellie leaned in to latch onto your nipples, sucking on them gently, rolling your nipples in your mouth with her tongue, and pulling on them with her teeth,  
You moaned at this, carding your hands through her hair pulling her closer to you, your legs tightening your grip on her waist, grinding your sensitive exposed pussy against her, wetting the front of her jeans as she humped your back. 
"What are you, a bunny or somethin' humping me like that? Fuckin' nasty slut." She groaned into your tits.  
You loved when she degraded you like this. Made you get so much wetter which you were sure she could feel too. 
She moved her hands down to your soaked entrance, rubbing around your juices before plunging her fingers into you again. You shrieked at this, arching your back against her as her middle and ring finger scissored in and out of you, letting you see her tattoo flex as she moved. You could feel your slick slip past your entrance dripping further down. 
She kissed down your stomach, slurping again at your clit, then your entrance then- 
Oh fuck. 
She kept moving further and further spreading your juices with her tongue and fingers down to your asshole. She pulled back, spitting on the entrance before continuing licking and tasting you, pushing your knees back as you moved trying to escape the sensations. 
"Mm, tastes so good all over, pretty girl." She hummed pulling back, before letting go and pulling back. She took off her flannel and jeans, leaving her in her black sports bra, silver chain and boxers. 
She thumbed at your clit watching you squirm again under her.  
"Wanna get on top pretty girl? Didn't you wanna fuck me? Make me feel good again when we get home?" She drawled, smiling at you under her. 
She gently slapped your cunt, prompting you to give her an answer when you sobbed at her "Yes, Ellie wanna fuck you please?" 
She stood up, pulling off her sports bra over her head, and slipping her soaked boxers, down her legs.  
She sighed lying down on the bed, watching as you clambered up on her body. You ran your hands down her body, watching her nipples stiffen from being exposed to the air, her abs rising and falling as she took in unsteady breaths, watching you take over.  
You hooked your leg over her hip, allowing you to straddle her. You took her chain under your finger tugging and pulling her up to meet her lips again. 
You felt powerful on top of her seeing her under you, waiting for what you were going to do.  
You shuffled upwards, deciding to plant yourself over her abs, sitting your wet pussy down onto it, moaning at the crevices and bumps as they brushed against your clit.  
"Fuck." You groaned out, your eyes fluttering shut as your head fell back and you could see the white of your ceiling.  
Ellie shuddered under you, feeling the wetness of you gather on her stomach, making the sloppiest mess she had ever seen from you. She loved watching you ride her like this. Something about seeing you take control of her like this, using her made her want to submit to your forever.  
She huffed out, "Please move down baby I can't take it." She really couldn't. She was soaked wet, exposed with no friction or anything to ease the heat building up between her legs.  
"Should've thought about that before you stole my underwear baby." 
"'m sorry, okay? I'll buy you a fuck ton of new pairs just please do something y/n 'm dying here." 
You looked at your girl under you, flushed and gasping, nails digging into your hips, and she clung on for dear life. 
You hummed before moving down and grinding against her pubic mound. Fuck, you were gonna get another noise complaint but fuck that because this felt too good to give up.  
Elle couldn't think or speak, feeling only white noise slip into her ears, as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, feeling you slip and slide against her pussy. She could feel the strands of slick from both of you, keeping each of you tethered to the other.  
She felt her soul leave her body as you kissed her, slipping your tongue in your mouth to silence the girl under you but that didn't work. So, you pulled away listening to her sob for a moment while you kept watching her moan out before slipping your pointer and middle finger into her mouth.  
"Gonna h-have to keep you -fuck- quiet somehow." You grinned at her, voice breaking from your moans. Ellie suckled on your fingers but ever the brat she was, she decided she wasn't going to take so easily. 
She slipped her hands behind you before sliding a finger inside of your asshole, making you lean back and almost fall off of the girl.  
You felt Ellie suckle harder on your fingers, keeping you somewhat grounded as you continued to bounce and slide on her clit. Soon you were both groaning out each other's names, creaming and cumming against each other.  
You watched Elle ride out her orgasm, nails making crescents on your hips which would last and bruise, letting you re-live this for days whenever you saw them. Her face was leaning back into the pillows, mouth hanging open as soft moans escaped it with her eyes squeezed shut. Her silver chain glinting in the soft light of your bedroom with each breathe she took. 
She rocked your hips back and forth pro-longing both your respective climaxes till you lifted off her, sitting on her thigh as you pressed your body against her, till you were close enough that she could feel your lashes against her face.  
She pried open her eyes, laughing at how close you were. 
"Can I help you? You're so fuckin’ close. Jesus. "  
You giggled, kissing her cheek. "Can you give me another?" 
Ellie raised her brows, at your question "Think so, what've you got in mi-" 
She was cut off as she felt you slide a finger into her.  
"Fuck me-oh my god!" She groaned as you picked a brutal pace to fuck into her, adding another digit, fingers hitting the spot that had been sensitive all night. She could feel a pressure building and thought about warning you about what was happening but couldn't get the words out.  
All she could do was take it and whimper and hold onto your hip and free hand.  
"Feeling good baby?" You murmured against her lip, echoing the words she had asked you earlier that evening when she had been tormenting you.  
She fucked herself back against your hands, groaning a series of "Yes-fuck- yes so good."  
You bent down to lick at her clit and moaned around her. "Can taste the both of us here Ellie, you taste so good with me like this." 
She felt herself clenching around your fingers at your words and the sensations, as a clear liquid came from her as you continued pumping into her, draining her of all that she had. Ellie had soaked, your fingers, bedsheets and herself as you had planned for her to.  
You pulled out of her gently, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, until she grabbed the back of your neck pulling you in for a proper kiss. 
You kissed her quickly before getting up and getting her a cloth to clean her with, before handing her an oversized shirt to sleep in. You repeated the process for yourself after handing her the glass of water she had procured for the both of you earlier. 
You helped her up to guide her to the sink to wash her face and brush her teeth and go to the bathroom. As you brushed together you thought about doing this with her forever, loving her, taking care of her, going out with her for the rest of your lives together. 
As you slid under the covers together, and pressed your foreheads against each other, you knew she had the same thought.  
"Love you, Ellie." You whispered to her squeezing her hand. 
She squeezed back before wrapping her arm around you, pulling you closer to her, as she whispered back, "Love you more, pretty girl." pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
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lyssaluvs · 4 months
Hi can you do a Percy Jackson x female reader.she is the daughter of Aphrodite
A little background Percy has this puppy love towards her.she has a fondness towards him but oddly enough even though she is the daughter of Aphrodite she comes off as cold.Ok so this takes place episode five of the series and they are arguing about who will sit in the golden chair.when he sits down and is turned into gold she tries her hardest to get him out.She has the talk with Hephaestus like how Annebeth did in the show.When Percy comes out of chair is was able to hear everything she ways saying.Figuring out she actually does really like him.
Trying Not to Love You - Percy Jackson
Summary: As above.
Warnings: Like one naughty word and a lil peck. Use of Y/n (Idk if that counts)
A/N: This is my first piece of writing so pls be nice, and pls leave feedback. Also, I know logically that they're like 12 and have probably known each other for like two weeks and therefore don’t actually love each other, but for the sake of the story, we're ignoring that. Also x2, I know Nickelback gets hate but they go hard and I'm DONE acting like they don't. (Listen to Trying Not to Love you, which is what this made me think of)
WC: 1.4k (I got carried away 😔)
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For a daughter of Aphrodite, I sure don’t seem like one. My siblings and I get along just fine, but no one can deny the differences between us. We differ in that where my siblings are outgoing, smiley, and warm, I happen to be more reserved, more introverted. Many suggest I’m colder than my siblings, but that’s not the case. I’m just wary, and if that presents as being cold, so be it. We share traits, of course. We’re kind, socially aware, and well… beautiful. And with that, often comes an onslaught of suitors. Sure, I had a few, but none that I ever felt drawn to. And none that stuck out quite like Percy Jackson did.
“He’s staring again.” My sister said as she nudged my side. I look up from my plate and meet his gaze. He sends a panicked smile before a blush spread across his cheeks and he quickly looks back down at his food.
“Poor thing looks like a kicked puppy, you should talk to him, put him out of his misery.” My sister continues. I hum and tilt my head before getting up to make my way toward the fire. I scrape the last of my brisket off my plate as I hear him approach.
“Uh, hi.”
“Hi Percy.”
“It’s, uh, pretty warm out, huh. Not all that pleasant standing by the fire. Maybe we should, I dunno, go for a walk? By the lake maybe?” He presses his lips together and looks at me with those puppy dog eyes. Were his eyes always that pretty? No. Stop it.
“Sorry Percy, we’re having girls night in our cabin tonight, I can’t” I quickly explain. Sure, it’s not nice to lie, but it has to be done. What are my options? Keep saying no until he loses interest, or give in to the temptation, and eventually have to break his heart? He doesn’t deserve that. The former it is.
I quickly make my way back to my cabin, and into bed.  Not turning around to see that he does, in fact, look like a kicked puppy.
My head snaps up and I quickly glance around. What? Me?
“Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name or two before choosing. Are you sure you don’t want to hear more?” Chiron states apprehensively
Apparently not… I think to myself as Percy goes on a spiel about how he must choose those he trusts most. Why me?
Cold, wet, and coughing. That pretty much sums up my state right about now. Somehow, I had made it out of the water when I surely thought I was going to drown. Had that been Percy?
I fumble my way off the ground, taking Percy’s outstretched hand.
“Are you ok? You’re not hurt?” He rushes out as he looks me up and down franticly.
“I’m fine, Percy. Thank you.”
“Yeah, no, of course. Sorry if I was too rough, I’m kinda making it up as I go along.”
I just smile as we direct our gaze to the grand, golden statue in front of us. There it was, the shield we’d almost drowned to get to our hands on.
“How are we supposed to get that thing down?”
I look between the statue and the chair that say at its feet. “These things are connected somehow. It’s a machine, but how do you start the machine?” I say as I scan the mechanism for any clues.
Percy seems to retreat into his mind for a moment before coming to a realisation. “It was a gift with a hidden purpose. Hephaestus offered it to Hera, but as soon as she sat in it, she couldn’t get up.”
Percy continued to explain, and it finally clicked. One of us has to sit in it. One of isn’t getting out of it.
“I’ll do it.” I say without thinking. I didn’t need to think about it, it was a no-brainer. Between the two of us, Percy needs to continue, and for some reason I don’t let myself delve into, I have no objections giving my life for his.
“What? Wait a minute!” He grabs my wrist to stop me from proceeding towards the chair.
“No, Percy. It’s me or you, and I’m not going to let it be you.”
“Y/n, no! I brought you on this quest because I couldn’t bear the thought of you not being by my side. I didn’t want to go anywhere you wouldn’t be.” He let go of my hand and I immediately missed his touch.
“Percy- “
“Y/n. Listen to me. It’s ok. Even if you sit in the chair, the outcome would be the same. A piece of me would go with you, and I’d be no use to the quest. You’re strong. You don’t need me.”
He took a lunge and planted himself firmly in the chair. Molten gold crawled its way up his legs and I could hear cogs and wheels spinning within the machine. Oh gods, this is really happening.
“Percy, stand up! This isn’t funny, Percy, please!”
“It’s ok. It’s ok, Y/n. I’m ok.”
And just like that the gold had made its way across his face and it was done. He’d been turned into a statue, and it was my fault.
The shield dropped to floor with an echo, but I barely heard it. I need to fix this.
I made my way around to the back of the chair and dropped to my knees. I brushed my hands across the machine, praying to whoever would listen. Mum, please. Help me out here.
And just like that, a man had appeared at the platform above the statue.
“Hephaestus” I heard a small voice whisper, from nowhere, yet everywhere.
Thanks, Mum. I won’t let you down.
“Can I help you? Do you need some help finding your way out?” He played a melodic tune on his harmonica and a ladder appeared, leading up to the platform.
“I’m not leaving without him, Hephaestus. And if you’re not going to help me, can you please leave me alone so I can focus?”
“In spite of what you may have been told, I am not someone who can be pushed around.”
I let out a sigh and deflated my shoulders. Tears blurred my vision, but I pulled them back. Now isn’t the time, I need to focus.
“Hephaestus, please. I can’t do this without him, despite what he may think. I know you know how this feels. To love someone you know you can’t have. But you got another chance when the gods gave you my mother, I won’t be afforded such a luxury. My mother has been more than generous giving me someone like him, someone I don’t deserve. I won’t get that again. I’ll never find someone like him, never love someone like I love him. Please, Hephaestus, I’m begging. Let him go. Let me have him, let me love him.”
The man hung his head. I couldn’t tell if he was moved by what I had said, or if it just pissed him off. I just hope to the gods I wasn’t the latter. He turned his back and I mirrored him in hanging my head. I had failed.
Another note played from his harmonica and my ear perked up, along with my hope. I shot to my feet as I heard the gears in the chair start to move. Making my way around to the front of the chair, I saw him again. Those sea green, puppy dog eyes I had tried so hard not to love. He took a gasping breath as the last of the gold melted off of him.
He stood from the chair and immediately pulled me into an embrace. Without thinking, I let myself hug him back, indulging in his hold for once.
“I heard you.”
“I heard what you said when I was in the chair, Y/n.”
What??? Oh fuck…
He moved his hands from my shoulders to my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine. “I feel the same, you know I do. And I know you don’t want to let yourself feel that way, because you think you’ll break my heart, but I don’t care. Please, Y/n, let yourself love me. Gods know I let myself a long time ago.”
I stared into his eyes at a loss for words. I placed my hands on either side of his face and pressed my lips to his.
“I’ll take that as-”
I just kissed him again.
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credit to @cafekitsune for the divider!!!
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cute-sucker · 16 days
hi babe i’m offering my first born in return for more cowboy rafe?? 😩
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note: you ask i deliver!! i'm begging for cowboy!rafe pls girl send me more asks about him, and also keep ur kid babe ily <3
cowboy!rafe first met you when your truck broke down.
 it was an old red thing that you had to curse at before it started, kicking the damn thing with your boots. the hazy afternoon had taken a toll on you, as you cursed under your breath. 
you were waiting "patiently" in traffic, little embedded jewels in your hair, honking your horn as hard as you could. it sucked. you hated traffic, and you hated even more when you were waiting to hang out with your girls, wearing your silver and black shimmery dress which had graceful bows at the top. 
but here you were. practically marinating in your stupid truck. finally it felt like forever when the way freed. you yelped in happiness, raising your hands to the air, and then pressed the pedal. it was nice, the breeze in your hair, lana del ray cracked up on the toggle, and the jangles on your shimmering in the light. you sang along with the song until you felt your car stop. 
desperately you stepped at the pedal groaning at your luck, as you slowed down. quickly you pulled to side, before grabbing for your cell, pouting as you dialled the number. "guys, i don't think i'll make it on time, my stupid fucking truck won't take me anywhere and unless," you lowered your voice, giggling, "i meet some hot guy that can fix my car, i'll be out!" 
"ya alright?" 
suddenly you made eye contact with steely blue eyes, a slight smile pulled on his mouth, and hands jammed in his blue jeans. you found yourself blushing, your strawberry pink gum stuck on the roof of your mouth. it was as if your little confession at the dial had come true, and you couldn't help but feel flustered before your instincts kicked in. 
"no, i need help," you quickly professed, groaning as you struggled to turn over to look at him properly. it was as if the more you looked at him, the more the butterflies in your stomach intensified. 
here rafe had grinned, quirking an eyebrow your way, "how old is your truck?" here you rolled your eyes, snapping your gum with a pout. it was as if he liked you even more when you did that, all bratty and proud, as he tilted his head your way. you ignored now his question, trailing your manicured hands on the wheel.
"well, it kinda stopped, and i have no idea what to do." you blurted, "please help me." 
the man laughed at your desperation, a death-pan expression on his face as he lit a cigarette, his biceps flexing. he was relaxed you felt almost ignored.
 "nice to meet you. 'm rafe." 
"um," you paused, "great, could you help me out now?"
"you're a real princess aren't ya? no please or anything like that." 
you groaned, before easing your pedal, puppy eyes wide as you leaned over at the window. he seemed to bask in your attention, his finger grazing your jaw, as you scooched closer to look him in the eye. there was something about him, so old, so much more that made you want to stare at him longer. but that was quickly a problem. 
"please. please help me." 
finally, a smirk spread across his face, before he flickered the cigarette off, and knocked on the door of your rusty truck, "gotta get out of the car first, pup. " and you quickly scampered out of the car, jumping out with a 'hurrup.' sometimes even getting out of the goddamn car was a struggle, and when you got out, you looked up at him with defensive eyes-he was trying not to laugh. 
"alright, now do you have a kit of some sort?"  
you looked up at him with confused wide eyes, "i'm not sure," you whispered, shivering. 
"damn, you really need me to fend for you. open that truck of yours." 
within five minutes he had done everything possible, laying down on the ground, tinkering with things, and by the time he got up, there was grime on his face as he handed you the wrench with a wink. his white shirt had been marked by the dirt on the road, and you sat there all dolled up watching him grunt while trying to fix your engine. 
you resisted the urge to reach out and wipe away the grime on his cheek, knowing it would be too forward. instead, you smiled, hoping it conveyed your gratitude and a bit of the fascination you felt.
you smiled at him, all sweet as you put it back into your trench. "thanks rafe!" you found yourself murmuring when back in your truck, as he gave you an easy smile. you felt so shy, holding onto your purse, as he stood there. yet before you drove off, you gave him a tiny wave thinking that was the last time you would see him.
suddenly as you started your truck you heard a whistle behind you. glancing in the rearview mirror, you saw rafe standing there, his hands cupped around his mouth.
"hey, princess! see ya next time," he called out with a wink, his voice carrying over the distance.
you couldn’t help but laugh, your heart skipping a beat.
little did you know rafe cameron would be in your life for a long time. 
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d33pd3sire-blog · 2 months
A Kiss A Day Keeps The Doctor Away.
PSA: this is my first fanfiction in a decade, pls be gentle <3
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Warnings: Could be kinda smutty if you squint. Injury (nothing explicit). Dom Emily. No use of Y/N!
Context: Reader gets hurt in the field. Once Emily knew you were going to be okay, she gave you the silent treatment. No talking, no glances, nothing the whole ride home from the hospital.
As you both stand at the front door of your apartment, Emily is rummaging through her bag to find her keys. Neither of you have spoken in a few hours, both of you as stubborn as the other. After a few seconds of Emily struggling to find her keys, you huff and pull yours out, unlocking the door. You put your arm out to let her go first, but instead, she grabs your arm and drags you in.
Emily takes you to the bedroom to make sure your bandages are still okay. As she undress you slightly you get a little frustrated from the silence.
'Em, will you please say something?' you sigh.
'No.' She says, without looking up at you.
'The doctor said you have to stay off of your leg for at least a week. You're going to follow the doctors orders, correct? Or are you going to ignore them like always?' Emilys tone meant she wasn't even slightly amused.
You open your mouth to argue something back but decide against it. You choose the gaslighting route and bite your lip. 'It's really not that bad..'
'Don't.' She spits, not falling for that. 'You will follow the doctors orders.' She rewraps the bandage.
The dominance radiating from Emily is intoxicating, you start to enjoy this side of her. You look up at her, as if in a trance.
'Is that an order?" you bite your lip, looking at her through your eyelashes.
She raises an eyebrow at you for a moment. Considering what way she wants to take this. 'Thats an order. You will rest until the Doctor says you're okay. Got it?'
You tap your chin in an over exaggerate way, as if you're thinking for a second. You give a cheesy grin and then adds 'Ill do it on one condition.' You take her hand and sit both of you down on the couch.
'Oh?' As she sits, she crosses her arms and stares for a moment, raising both of her eyebrows at you.
You tilt your head slightly, looking from Emilys lips to her eyes again. 'Kiss me?'
She blushes slightly at the request and clears her throat, trying to stand her ground. 'You're going to follow the doctors orders in exchange for a kiss?' She asks, making sure she heard you right.
You know what you're doing to her.
'Well, maybe a few kisses to keep me in check for the next week.' You lean closer to her, you can feel her breath on your lips. 'Its up to you.' You smile.
Emily lets out a soft sigh, fighting the urge to have you right here and now. She leans a little closer, mad at you for turning the attention away from your injury. Her mind is racing, she wanted to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss her.
Before you knew it, her hand was resting on your neck and her lips had landed on yours. You melt into her touch, her hand placement driving you crazy. Emily notices this and deepens the kiss, leading to a moan escaping your mouth.
Your moan was enough to get Emily's blood rushing. She holds the back of your head gently, as she moves to get into a better-
'Ah shit!' you hiss, the movement from Emily causing a sharp pain from your leg.
The unexpected jump from you getting hurt pulled Emily out of the trance. She looks at you full of worry and looks down, checking your leg. 'Fuck! Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Im so sorry!' You can see her mind is going to the worst places first.
'Babe, babe, its okay. Im okay, it was nothing' You try to hide your pain and give her a small kiss. She hesitantly returns it.
'I love that you care,' you smile at her and start to play with her shirt.
Emily rolls her eyes, but she can't help but smile at your statement. 'I'll be here everyday to make sure you're not on that thing. Okay?'
The idea of your girlfriend being here everyday to give you kisses makes your heart swell. 'They do say a kiss a day keeps the Doctor away.. Or something like that.' You both laugh a little.
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✮⋆˙ april showers bring may flowers; jason grace x florist! reader blurb
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content: jason grace x florist! reader blurb warning: too soft for its own good, kinda angsty over unrequited love but like...yall get together in the end its fine author's note: get it??? april showers...bc bc he's the son of the god of storms??? get it??? pls get it, im begging. this for our fav girl @ivyy-covered-walls everyone congratulate her on her big girl job in the comments frfr. written with wildflowers and barely playing and repeat, ill admit it, i have no shame. also, girly, i only went with jason bc of the title, frankie would have been lovely in this situation!!
jason grace had become a regular at your flower shop without ever really buying anything. i mean, he always bought the honey sticks you sold at the counter, but that's it. he never got flowers themselves, which always made you wonder why the blonde boy came to your store. but you couldn't bring yourself to ask, in fear he'd stop coming around with his pretty face. typically, he'd ask you questions about the flowers and you'd yap and rave about them, so lost in your words that you didn't notice the way he stared at you like you were the best thing in the world - no, like you were the prettiest of flowers. today, you walked in, and you didn't even have to look up to know it was the grace boy. he ran on a schedule, something about a military camp his mom sent him to or whatever.
"if, hypothetically, i wanted to win a pretty girl over, what flowers should i buy?"
you quickly picked your jaw up off the ground, trying to ignore the crushing of your heart inside your chest. stupid, stupid girl, you thought, pretending to be grabbing an order form from the back but you were really trying to stop yourself from crying. of course he had a girlfriend or he was working on getting a girlfriend. just your luck, the first guy that you've found attractive and kind in months, and he's already devoted to someone else. you sniffed, determined to pull yourself together, before marching back out, plastering a fake smile onto your lips, hoping he couldn't see through it. from the concern that flashed into his eyes, you knew he could see right through you.
"roses are pretty standard. we just got a new bundle of some lovely pink ones and-" you started, your eyes glued to the order form, wanting - for the first time since you met him - to get jason grace out of your store as soon as possible.
"what would you like?" he asked, tilting his head in a disgustingly adorable way as your heart plummeted further into your stomach. you swallowed down a scoff, looking away from him again and taking a deep breath to calm yourself down.
"tulips. i like tulips. there in season right now, too. super pretty," you muttered, glancing up at him, trying to hide the fact that you were completely dying. jason pretended to think it over before nodding towards you.
"some of those, please."
"color?" you asked, knowing you basically had anything he could want in the back fridge.
"whatever your favorite is," jason replied with a slightly strained smile and you couldn't keep your scoff down this time, turning on your heels and marching to the back. you walked into the large walk in fridge, pulling the door shut behind you. you took a few breaths before screaming, knowing it to be soundproof from past incidents with annoying customers. then you picked up the bundles of orange, red, and white tulips. you grabbed some filler flowers as you went, but tulip bouquets really didn't need a ton of them. you put together the flowers in the back even though you were really supposed to put them together in the front, your heartbreaking at the thought of jason giving them to some other girl. some other girl was going to get your favorite flowers from your favorite boy and you just had to be okay with that???
"here. its thirty five," you told jason, sliding the, admittedly, beautiful bouquet over to him. you frowned, wishing you hadn't made them so pretty. no girl could say 'no' to a guy that handsome with pretty flowers on top.
"t-thanks," hummed jason, handing over the cash with shaky hands that you pretended not to notice. of course he was nervous, he must really like this girl, which isn't you-
"they're- they're for you, you know," jason stated after a few seconds of just standing there. you stopped, brows furrowing before looking up at jason, completely confused.
"the flowers. i- i- i bought them for you. gods, this is the last time i take romance advice from leo," jason repeated, muttering that last part to himself but you vaguely caught it. he then held the flowers out to you, over the counter that you just passed them to him over.
"i really like you, y/n. i like how much you love your job, i like when you rambled about the meaning of flowers, i like how you dance with the broom when you think no one is looking. yeah, i just- yeah, i like you," jason rambled, awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck.
"youre so sweet, jason," you hummed, holding the flowers close to your chest and looking at the boy with wide eyes. jason flushed at the compliment, beaming a smile at you in shyness.
"can i take you out sometime?"
"ive got a break in ten."
"good. waiting any longer would kill me, i think."
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underoossss · 8 months
Driving Lessons — S.H
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pairing: steve harrington x f!reader
warnings: none
an: hi everyone! here’s a new fluffy fic for you. best friends to lovers goodness to brighten your weekend. I dedicate this to everyone who like me was terrified when they learned how to drive and those who don’t drive bc it’s scary af. steve is just so sweet and perfect and I think he’d be a wonderful teacher specially if he has a crush on you. I hope you enjoy! Pls let me know if you liked this!
The doorbell rings just as you finish getting ready. It’s a sunny summer morning and you decided to fight off the heat with a white dress with tiny pink roses printed on it, a denim vest and converse. You check the clock by your bed and as always Steve is right on time.
You’d woken up with a start this morning from a terrible nightmare you don’t want to think about. Steve had an angry wound on the side of his abdomen and was in no state to drive. He needed your help, but you don’t know how to drive, so you were helpless to do anything else but to press his own t-shirt against the wound. The same desperation haunted you all through breakfast and gave you the push you needed to face your fears. Driving. You’re going to learn, no matter how much panic it causes you.
That’s why Steve is here, you called him earlier and agreed to meet here at noon. And punctual as ever, he’s already waiting on the porch. You heart drums loudly inside your chest, excited to see your friend, your best friend, and object of all your affection. Though no one needs to know the last part.
You open the door, and the pitter patter of your heart gets out of control no matter how much you try to remind it that he’s your friend. Nothing more. Steve looks sun kissed by the summer sun and beautiful as always, with various freckles standing out across his face. Broad shoulders in a white t-shirt and light washed jeans that fit him just right, his old Cortez shoes and usual brown watch. You hate him, and you love him so much.
“Hi Stevie.” Your smile breaks free as you greet him with a hug.
“Hey you.” Steve’s smile is clear in his voice as his arms go around you. It’s a tight hug and soon enough, he’s lifting you off the ground and spinning you around.  
You laugh as he sets you down on the ground. “Someone’s happy.”
“How can I not be? I’m spending the day with you.” Steve smiles brightly, “What’s this you have to ask me? Got me nervous all the way here.”
You shake your head; how can you not be crazy about him when he’s so damn sweet with you. You decide to tackle his question instead. “Why would you be nervous?”
 “I wasn’t sure if we need to hide a dead body.” He shrugs.
“Not today.” You play along with a fake frown and smile when it makes Steve laugh. A moment later you turn shy under his gaze when it lingers on your face. “Okay I called you because I need you to teach me how to drive. Please.”
“How to drive?” Steve’s eyebrows shoot up towards his forehead as his brown eyes widen. “You got tired of me already sweetheart?”
You roll your eyes, ignoring the nickname, and hit his shoulder softly; Steve takes that same wrist and holds on to swing your hands between you. It endears you and makes you love him a little bit more, it’s only noon. “You hurt me.” He says all drama as always.
“No, Stevie.” You tilt your head towards your shoulder, choosing not to tell him about last night’s nightmare. “I just want to learn in case there’s an emergency or something.” When Steve’s eyes soften, you look away.
“Okay,” He says quietly, then tucks a rogue strand of hair behind your ear. “Do you want to start right now?” Steve asks you, completely unaware of the fact that you’ve stopped breathing.
“God, no. I’m scared.” You shake your head, trying to ignore the way your heart hurts at his soft gesture. “I was going to suggest ice cream first.”
Steve smiles and wraps an arm around your shoulder pulling you to his side as he leads both of you to his parked car in the driveway. “Alright, ice cream first. You look beautiful by the way.”
You lean your head on his shoulder and shake his head. “Is this you trying to get me to pay?”
Steve only laughs and rolls his eyes.
“First things first, seat belt.” Steve glances behind you with a nod of his head. The two of you are sitting in his car, but while he’s always in the drivers seat, he’s the passenger today.
You turn around and bring the seat belt across your torso before it clicks into place once fastened. “Okay.”
Steve scratches his chin and you watch for only a second before looking ahead, no distractions. “Now, adjust the mirrors; you should see everything with the rear view mirror and the front door’s handle with your other two. I’ll move this one for you.” He reaches out of the car and brings it forward a tiny bit until you nod.
“Alright that’s good.” You do the same with the one on your right before wiping your hands on your dress. You take a shaky breath and look back at Steve. “Now what?”
Steve’s grinning when you meet his eyes and shakes his head briefly. He nods towards the keys hanging from the ignition switch. “Now you turn on the car.”
Panic bubbles deep in your stomach but you nod anyway, pushing through the many anxious thoughts in your head. This is why you never made it past a single lesson during driver’s ed, your fear. What if you crash the car, hurt someone, hurt Steve? You’re grateful that your hand doesn’t shake when it turns the key, bringing the car to life.
“Hey,” Steve says, and you look over at him to find him smiling at you. “You’re doing great.”
“Thank you, Stevie.” You swallow down the rising panic inside your chest as you look at the steering wheel. At least Steve’s car isn’t mechanic. Steve points at the pedals by your feet which makes you focus again.
“Right one’s accelerator, and the left one’s the break.” Steve explains. “The car’s in park now so it won't move even if you hit the gas.” He looks up at you to make sure you’re okay to go on and you give him a half nod. “If you break and change the gear to Drive, then it’ll move.”
“What?” You ask him when he glances at you expectantly.
Steve motions to the gear stick behind the wheel with his head. It’s time, you guess and swallow hard, pressing down the break pedal and shifting the car to drive. You can feel your heart pounding in your ears, and your hands break a sweat. Trying to push through though, you take your foot off the breaks and accelerate slowly, but it only seems to make your panic worse. The car only moves about 8 feet before you stop and put it back on Park, shutting your eyes tightly. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
Steve reaches over and shuts down the engine before turning towards you. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” He asks you softly, a hand on your shoulder. It rubs down your arm gently and grabs one of your hands from the steering wheel. “Talk to me, what happened?”
“I’m sorry I panicked.” You confess, keeping your eyes shut. “This is scary.”
“Okay.” You open your eyes to see Steve nod, gaze full of concern as it meets yours. “Want to tell me what scares you?”
Taking your seat belt off you turn towards him and rest your forehead on his shoulder. “Stevie, what if I crash your car and we both end up hurt.”
You feel Steve take a deep breath and his hand let go of yours in favour of running up and down your back. “That won’t happen.”
“You don’t know that.” You mumble with a shake of his head.
“I do.” Steve counters, pushing on your shoulder gently to look into your eyes. “We’re only going to turn right and drive to the dead end, nothing crazy. No cars will hit you, babe, you know it’s a quiet road.”
You look out the windshield towards the road in question. No one ever drives by, just the three homeowners who live in the dead end, but they’ve already left for the day. If that’s the only practice you’ll have today, you think you can manage to keep your fear in check.
“There we go.” Steve smiles triumphantly when you nod in determination. “Ready?”
“Yes.” You click your seat belt into place and turn on the car.   
Just as Steve promised, you only go back and forth from your house to the dead end. He’s patient and gentle as he gives various instructions, when to break and when to accelerate. He guides you through the u-turn and how to back up when you mess up said u-turn. The initial paralyzing dread fades to manageable nerves as 45 minutes go by, and smile when Steve gives you a knowing look.
“Feeling more confident?” He asks as you park in your driveway once more.
“Yeah, a bit.” You let out a deep breath and nod.  “I know I’m safe if I’m with you, Steve.”
“You are.” Steve mirrors your nod and clears his throat, then motions towards his door. “Come on, let’s switch. We’re renting a movie so you can relax.”
“Stevie, it’s so early.” You mumble, opening your front door at 6am on a Saturday. You look up at him, he looks just as sleepy as you but handsome as always. His hair is a mess of chocolate waves, and the light blue polo he wears with his jeans looks great on him. An outfit so basic shouldn’t look so good; it’s his shoulders you think, they make those damn polos look gorgeous on him.
“Well, you’re the one scared of driving.” Steve’s voice brings you back to the present. “If we go right now, the streets will be all yours. It’ll help with your nerves.”
“I’m sure, it’s the crack of dawn during summer after all.” You joke, sleepiness slowly leaving your body. A smile takes over your face at Steve’s sheepish expression and you can’t help but lean in for a hug. “Thank you, Stevie.”
“You know, people aren’t supposed to look so pretty at 6am.” Steve says, stepping back and meeting your eyes. You heart drops to your stomach for a moment at his words and you look down at your clothes. Black denim shorts, converse, and a sweatshirt.
“You really need some glasses, Steve.” You chuckle, bumping your shoulder into his as you walk towards his car.
“My eyesight is perfect, babe.” Steve gives you a wink that leaves you flustered and trying to understand what’s happening. “Come on.” He places the keys to his car on your hand and opens the passenger door.
Steve lounges back on his seat, pointing towards the direction he thinks you should go. He tells you when to break, what to do in an intersection and the roads you should avoid at a normal hour. Like he said, all of Hawkins is asleep and there’s not a single car on sight as you drive through the town. He was right, the nerves and awful dread you felt the first time you tried to drive his care are gone as you drive the empty streets; no one’s gonna hit you because no one’s here. The radio stays off though, you’re not a professional yet and the music only distracts you. There’s no way you’re crashing because you were singing to Blondie.
“You’re doing amazing.” Steve says, and you control your reaction to his praise. Knowing you’re doing a good job makes you feel giddy inside, so you glance at him quickly with a smile. “Pull into that parking lot right there. I think we can practice parking today.”
“Okay, good cause there are no cars for me to run into.” You joke, looking at Steve and laughing when he frowns. He doesn’t like you doubting yourself, right. “I’m kidding, Stevie.” You check your mirror, and turn the blinker on before you make a turn towards the parking lot. The concrete floor is deserted and fifty-something empty spaces stare back at you.
“Now what?”
“Okay,” Steve sits up straighter and rubs his chin, deep in thought. You can imagine the way his eyes light up when the idea finally comes to him. “Now you have to sort of turn away from the parking spot then turn back in.”
It sounds like gibberish for a moment before you go over his words and catch on to his explanation. Still, how can you pass up an opportunity to tease him?
“Real good explanation, Steve. Super clear.” You chuckle with an eye roll. “But I think I know what you mean.” Following his instructions, you drive the car towards the right before turning left and moving between the two white lines in front of you. At least that’s your intention, but what you end up doing is driving over one of the lines –taking two spaces.
“Come on don’t make that face, it’s your first try.” Steve shakes his head taps the dashboard. “Check the rear-view and backup. You got it.”
You do as Steve says and try to park on the spot next to you, turning a little more to the right so when you drive into the empty space, you’re perfectly parked in between both lines. “There! I did it!” You cheer, putting the car on park and turning to Steve. “Ha!”
He’s smiling too, celebrating this small win and high-fiving you. Steve’s fingers intertwine with yours and keep your hands in his hold, giving them a tight squeeze. There’s happiness and affection shining in his eyes –brown and beautiful and a little sleepy from how early it is– making your blood fizzy under your skin and your body feel like it’s glowing. There’s no one in this world like him, someone who is your cheerleader and makes you feel this happy and safe. And in love.
But the glint in his eye tells you he’s going to say something; you definitely missed something. “You didn’t check the right-side mirror babe; a car can come from your right, and you could’ve crashed into them.”
“Ugh!” You lean you head back on the headrest and look at the roof. Defeat washes over you, there’s so many rules to this driving gig; just when you think you’ve got it right, it’s actually the opposite. Your hands cover your face. “Fucking mirrors.”
Steve laughs next to you, a warm and beautiful sound that wipes away your frown as he shakes his head. His hand takes one yours again a moment later and gives it a squeeze. “It’s only a matter of time.”
Glancing to your right at him you feel your heart dance in your chest at his soft smile. His eyes dance around your face in a way you can’t really describe, and it flusters you beyond words. You smile at him though, ignoring the acrobatics your stomach is performing and the feelings rising to the surface once more. He’s your friend and he’s helping you, nothing more. Don’t make it something it’s not.
Steve is the one who breaks the moment first, eyes going back towards the dashboard. His hand lets go in favour of motioning towards the steering wheel. “Come on, let’s keep practising.”
“Can we go get coffee after?” You ask as you spot the sun beginning to rise in the distance.
“Anything for you babe, you just gotta learn how to park.” Steve settles back on his seat and you look out your window to bite back your smile. He’s got to stop talking to you so sweetly.”
“Can they please stop honking!” You mutter. The burning orange of the setting sun is shining through the trees and painting the dark asphalt in front of you as you drive by. It would be beautiful if not for the car that’s been tailgating you for five minutes now. To say you’re frustrated at the incessant sound of its honking would be an understatement, you’re sweating buckets, and you can hear your pulse in your ears. Your shoulders are tense and pulled tight towards your ears and there’s nothing you wish more than to arrive to Steve’s place. “Stevie.” You plead, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“Ignore them, you’re doing great.” Comes Steve’s easy response, but he still checks the rear-view mirror and glares at the car behind you. “Of course, it’s some dude in a truck.” You hear him mutter as he shakes his head.
“I’m sweating, I told you I can’t drive on this road yet.” You complain, rolling your shoulders back to ease the tension. “But no, you had to insist.”
“Well, you had to eventually, babe.” Steve shrugs leaning towards the window and looking at you. Then after a sigh, he adds, “Nothing’s going to happen, relax alright.”
Another loud honk helps you do the opposite.
“Tell him to fuck off.” You groan, glancing at the truck behind you. Great now he’s flicking his headlights at you. “I’m literally driving at the speed limit.”  
Steve shakes his head and motions to the road ahead, where the lane splits into two. “You’re fine, look, he can drive past you now.” Right on cue the truck accelerates and drives by, letting you breathe. Your shoulders sag, and when you spot a dinner in the distance you finally relax. There’s no way you’re driving the rest of the way.
“Okay, you’re switching places with me. I’ll try again tomorrow.” You announce after a sigh.  
You turn the blinker on, and perfectly park on a free spot before shutting off the car and getting out. You look at the setting summer sun and breathe in to calm down, at least you made it halfway to Steve’s. Even the shirt you’re wearing feels stifling and your back is sweaty, so you take it off, which leaves you in a black tank top. “That made me age like 70 years.”
You look to your left and find Steve looking at you in that way you both hate and secretly love. He’s leaning against the car, arms crossed in front of him, and his eyes have gone soft. They linger on you, like he loves watching you, like you’re his favourite sight. But is it him or you projecting that? What does that mean, Steve, what is this look? You shake your head and look away; he always looks so handsome in the golden hour, you can’t catch a break. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, stop apologizing.” He rolls his eyes, sounding exasperated but fond as he offers you a hug. You’re quick to step into his arms and relax against him, you stand no chance when it comes to Steve. He calls and you’ll always answer. Though you wish for nothing more than to bury your face in his neck and breathe him in, let yourself melt against him, you don’t. That it would be weird and you’re just friends. “You, okay?”
You nod against his shoulder and hug him tighter. “Yeah, I just wish I didn’t get so nervous.” It’s been like this a few days, you stopping and getting out of the car; it’s frustrating and a big blow to your confidence every time. “
“You know I don’t mind driving you, right?” Steve mumbles against your hair, his thumbs rubbing circles on your lower back. “If this is stressing you out too much we can stop, I’m happy to drive you anywhere.”
“I know that, Stevie.” You whisper as you close your eyes, deciding to tell him about your dream. “But I had a nightmare the other week, we were in the middle of nowhere, you were really hurt and I couldn’t drive you to the hospital. It was horrible but it made me realise if that happened, I wouldn’t be able to help and I don’t want that.”
“Babe.” Steve sighs, his hands pressing firmly up and down your back. “That won’t happen, it was just a bad dream.”
“I know, but in the off chance that it happens, I want to know that I can help you, Stevie.” You say, shutting your eyes tightly as the image of a hurt Steve comes back. There’s no way you’re losing him over something as simple as driving.
“Alright, we’ll see this through then.” Steve breathes out, holding you for a moment longer before he places a kiss to your temple and steps back. His beaming smile is back on his face, to ease your nerves, you’re sure; it works. “Let’s go, the ice cream’s going to melt. Good job today.”
“Are you sure?” You ask Steve on a Monday morning, one month of practice later you’re ready to take your driving test. Steve Harrington is offering you his car for the test.
“Of course, babe.” Steve shrugs and hands you his keys. “Let’s go get that license.”
You want to smile at him, thank him for how wonderful he’s been but there’s a sadness creeping into your heart and it casts a shadow over your joy. No more lessons after today. Steve is probably sick of you already. You, on the other hand, don’t want this to end, you want to spend more time with him. Hell, you want to spend all of your time with him. Steve notices your frown and steps closer to you, his hand reaches for yours.
“What’s wrong?” A gentle squeeze.
You let go of his hand and lie. “Nothing, I’m just nervous.” With a half-hearted chuckle you leave his side and walk towards his car. “We should get going.”
The drive towards Hawkins High is quiet, with you concentrating and ignoring your aching heart and Steve looking out his window. It’s still early and the town is quiet around you when you drive by. You’ve come so far since your first day and this is where it ends, with you coming closer to Steve after all those hours spent together –something you didn’t think could be possible. Now you’re trying to think of excuses to continue the driving lessons but come up empty handed. Maybe this was all a mistake, the worst mistake, for now your feelings are all over the place and the words I’m in love with you are on the tip of your tongue.
Your favourite song comes on the radio, and you don’t pay it any mind; you can see Steve look at you in surprise from the corner of your eye. Then, because he’s wonderful, the most wonderful and caring boy, he reaches for your hand and squeezes it tightly.
“Hey, I know you’re scared.” He says gently, “And I know me saying this doesn’t help but…”
Steve takes a deep breath, and you squeeze his hand again before he continues. “I’m not lying when I say you’re ready, so please relax this is your favourite song.”
With a quick glance at him, a grin breaks free and soon you’re laughing as Steve turns up the volume and sings loudly. “There’s a room where the light won’t find you! Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down!”
You laugh and smile and sing with him, letting nerves and aborted confessions slide off your back for now. “When they do, I’ll be right behind you!”
The two of you continue to drive like that, happy and carefree and clutching the other’s hand –like you’re unwilling to let go– until the song ends right as you arrive at the high school. Your smile is replaced by a frown and you glance at Steve as you spot the evaluator. He’s a middle-aged man wearing a plaid shirt and khaki pants, black rimmed glasses are perched on top of his nose, and a mustache sits over a deep frown. “He looks so grumpy.”
“Well, it’s 9am on a Saturday.” Steve says simply, “He probably hates you.”
Your eyes widen and you glare at your friend. “Steve!”
When he laughs you shove his shoulder and roll your eyes. Leave it to him to be a jerk when you’re already nervous. “Get out, the faster we’re done the better.”
“Okay, okay.” Steve turns on his seat to face you and his hands move to hold your face. Your next breath catches on your throat at his actions as you look into his lovely brown eyes. They’re full of faith in you, encouraging you with only one look. “Good luck.” He whispers as his thumb rubs at the apple of your cheek. Brown eyes drift down to your lips, and Steve’s face leans the tiniest bit closer to yours. Is he going to…?
Then just as fast as it happens, he’s stepping out of the car; you feel the ghost of his touch burns your skin. Not a moment later, the evaluator gets into the car.
“Seatbelt.” You mutter, watching Steve’s retreating figure head towards the bench by the entrance. Is there a tiny chance that Steve feels the same way about you?
“Let’s start.” The man next to you grumbles, snapping you back into action.
Your mind is half present on the test and half wondering about what just happened. Following your usual route through town, you come to a conclusion. Of two facts you’re absolutely sure. One: You’re hopelessly in love with Steve, and a moment ago you thought he would absolutely kiss you. The other, well the man sitting next to you hasn’t said a single word since the test started. His only instructions were Just drive. And so, you drive. Every time you try to ask something he shakes his head, so after a few turns around main street, you go back to the school.
You heave a sigh as you parallel park and shut down the engine. “Well?”
“Passed.” The evaluator hands you a slip of paper with your test without another word. You don’t care as you thank him quickly and run out of the car, towards Steve.
“Stevie!” You yell, meeting him halfway as he run towards you, and waving the piece of paper frantically. “I passed!”
“Babe! I told you so!” His arms are around you a moment later, holding you tightly and lifting you off the ground just like the day your quest for a driver’s license started. You hold onto him just as tightly, laughing against his shirt as he spins you around. “Told you, you could do it!”
When you’re back on the ground and look up at Steve, the same joy you’re feeling is shining back from his beautiful brown eyes. All the same emotions including love, in the very same way it sparkles whenever you’re looking at him. Your best friend who’s also so kind-hearted and amazing, and so devastatingly handsome, you never stood a chance against falling for him. This is who you love, who you want. The man who woke up at 6 in the morning to teach you how to drive, who chased off your fears and cheered on your wins with hugs and sweet milkshakes; the one who never once lost his temper, no matter how much you messed up. Steve who let you use his car.
“It's all thanks to you.” You whisper, hand going to his cheek and drifting upwards towards his hair. “Thank you, Stevie.”
“You know I would do anything for you.” Is all he says, his voice matching yours.
You nod, smiling a teary smile when your emotions overflow. “I love you so much, you have no idea. And I know it’s stupid but I don’t want to stop spending all that time with you just ‘cause I passed my test.”
“I think you don’t know this, but,” Steve smiles disarming you in a second as he leans closer to you. “I’m crazy about you, babe, I want to be with you all the time.”
“Really?” Your voice is breathless as you lean closer.
“Would I wake up at the crack of dawn just to see you, if I didn’t?” His lips are so close to yours you can feel your breath mingling. Then after a pause, he whispers softly, “I love you.”
Leaning up on your tiptoes you close the gap between you and kiss him. It’s a short press of lips before Steve’s hands hold your face to kiss you better, angling your faces in the perfect way to deepen the kiss. He takes your bottom lip between his, your hands run through his hair, and the brush of his lips is as soft and as urgent as you dreamed they would be. How many times have you imagined this exact moment and still be so unprepared thing. Kissing Steve is wonderful, it’s perfect, it feels like drinking stardust and glowing from within. You can tell how much both of you have wanted this from the overwhelming emotions threatening to consume you; the fact that it’s taken you so long makes you giggle against his mouth.
“What?” Steve asks against the corner of your lips, unwilling to pull away.
“Nothing,” You shake your head, stepping back and looking up at him. “I’m just so happy.”
His gaze goes impossibly softer as he looks at you, “Me too.”
A long moment later, you steal another kiss because you can, and take Steve’s hand. “Celebratory breakfast?” “You got it, beautiful.” Steve says, eyes unable to contain his affection towards you. He leads both of you back to his car, swinging your hands between your bodies. “You’re driving.”
reblogs are appreciated💖 motivate an unmotivated writer pls
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itsbeeble · 1 year
and they were roommates!
Summary: Yunho doesn’t know how much longer he can hold back
Genre: Smut, a little plot, fluff
WC: 4.1k
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x fem! reader (though no specific pronouns are used)
Warnings: smut, reader is kind of a tease, unprotected sex, oral (male and fem receiving), spanking (idk man), dry humping, pet names (baby, pretty, pretty girl), marking, a bit of a size kink, big dick yunho
Notes: this is not proofread yall so pls let me know if I missed anything!
Yunho didn’t know how long he could keep this up. He didn’t know how long he could hold back from pinning you against the counter every time you brushed by him. Fleeting touches of your hand against his own, your body brushing up against his as you passed him in the hall on your way to the shared bathroom. That adorable pout on your lips every time you ask him to help you with something
He didn’t know if you were intentionally teasing him or not, but he was about to snap.
This leads him to where he is now, in his bedroom with the lights off and door locked. His pants and underwear have been kicked away, somewhere at the foot of his bed and he’s slamming his hips up and into his tight fist. He’s moving erratically, twisting his hand and squeezing the tip of his erect cock. His breath is coming out fast, his heart pounding behind his ribs. 
Yunho can’t help but imagine that it’s your sweet little pussy engulfing him rather than his hand. Can’t help but imagine the feel of you as you bounce up and down on him, chasing your release over and over because it’s never enough for you. He can practically feel you clawing at his shoulders, begging him to let you cum, to send you over the edge one more time. He screws his eyes shut, gripping the pillow next to his head with his free hand to ground himself.
There’s a knot forming in his stomach. He can feel it winding but it isn’t enough. He whines desperately, squeezing his hand tighter around his cock and thrusting harder, faster—  
“Yunho?” His eyes fly open and he practically flies off of his bed, shoving his pants and underwear on. “Yunho, you awake?” 
“Just—” His voice cracks as he wrestle to get his dick comfortable in his pants again, grimacing as the fabric scrapes against the sensitive tip of his cock. “Just a second!” He nearly trips as he rushes to unlock the door. You’re blinking up at him when the door flies open, your hands locked behind your back as you rock back and forth on your feet. There’s a smile on your face, your eyes practically glittering. Just the sight of you makes Yunho’s dick twitch and he clears his throat, smiling back at you. “What’s up, pretty?” The blush that forms on your cheeks causes his smile to grow even wider. 
He tries to ignore the fact that if he looks down just a little bit, he can see straight down your shirt. 
“I just wanted to ask if you could help me with one of my assignments?” Your head tilts and you pout a bit. “I know you’re probably busy but—”
“NO!” His voice comes out louder than he wants it to and he cringes when you flinch. “No, sorry, I’m not busy at all.” You beam at him, skipping into his room as soon as he steps to the side. Yunho watches your ass bounce in your leggings with every step you take, swallowing hard and squeezing his eyes shut to gain some semblance of willpower. Just help them with this assignment. That’s all you gotta do. He’s trying to stay calm but he can’t help the fact that he’s still rock hard under his jeans. 
Maybe if he had been paying attention to you instead of trying to will his erection away, he would have noticed you removing your bra from under your shirt and tossing it into your closet.
Maybe he didn’t notice you doing it, but when he saw your nipples poking against the thin material of your crop top, he couldn’t force his cock down anymore. His jaw is partially dropped when you sit on your bed, your legs tucked under you as you stare up at him. Now Yunho sees you rubbing your thighs together, sees the redness in your cheeks that won’t go away. 
“What— what assignments did you need help with, pretty?” He knows there’s no assignments the moment he sits on your desk chair, watching you scoot closer to him. The smile on your lips grows and you lean towards him on the edge of your bed. 
“I’m not stupid, Yunnie.” He flinches and you giggle, hopping off your bed and making your way toward him. 
“What are you— what— I don’t know—” He can feel your breath on his face. You’re eye-level with him, even when he’s sitting and you’re standing. 
“I heard you.” You lean back and dig your toe into your carpet. “A few minutes ago. Moaning my name, trying to keep yourself quiet. Saw you last night too, with my panties stuffed into your mouth.” he chokes on his own spit and sits straight up. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry. I know it’s so disgusting of me to do—” your giggle cuts him off. 
“Don’t be sorry. I left them out on purpose.” 
That does it for him.
Yunho yanks you toward him by your waist, dragging you onto his lap. You instinctively wrap your arms around his neck and try to get your legs comfortable on either side of his hips. He’s hesitating, his lips brushing against yours and you’re so close to him. You make the first move, leaning forward and biting on his bottom lip, pulling on it as you pull your head back, your eyes meeting his own. Yunho groans, his grip on your waist tightening. 
He chases your lips, and he can feel you begin to smirk against him. It’s messy, erratic, sloppy. His tongue pushes at your bottom lip and you open your mouth immediately, allowing him to explore with free reign. Your hips are grinding down into his own, shuddering at the feeling of his clothed cock against your pussy. Loud moans escape you, but are muffled by Yunho’s tongue halfway down your throat. You push him back, whining when he comes right back to kiss you again. He’s addicted to the taste of you, unwilling to let you go. 
You take it upon yourself to force him back, your hand at the base of his throat to hold him back. His eyes flutter open, and you can see the confusion in them before you duck your head, suckling at the skin on his neck and running over the pink marks with your tongue to sooth them. 
“Y/n,” Yunho breathes out, his eyes squeezing shut while you suck hickeys into his neck. His hips are rutting upwards, meeting yours with harsh thrusts that have you moaning loudly into his neck. The smirk that plays on his lips, though you can’t see it, would tell you that your fun is almost over. His hand trails up the back of your spine and to the back of your head, his fingers tightening around the strands of your hair. You gasp at the sudden contact, crying out when he yanks you back and tilts your head so you meet his eyes. 
“My pretty little baby.” Yunho coos and you whine. “So pretty.” Your eyes are wide when he pushes you back to tug his t-shirt over his head. His toned body gleams in the light of your room, tanned skin with a thin sheen of sweat that makes his torso glow. His chest rises and falls shallowly and you trail your hands down. Your nails rake gently against his shoulders, down to his pecs and he gasps when your nails graze over his nipples. Your smile and trail your hands further south, stopping at the button of his jeans.
“Yunnie,” You look at him with the prettiest doe eyes, dripping with innocence that the large man knows is practically nonexistent. 
“What, pretty?” 
“Can you fuck my mouth?” Yunho chokes on his spit his dick twitching in his pants. “Please, Yunnie.” You haven’t even given him time to answer, your fingers already working the button and zipper. 
“Okay, baby.” He breathes. “Stand up.” You do so immediately, watching him rise from the chair with your thighs rubbing together. “Take off your clothes, pretty.” He almost cums on the spot from how fast you follow his instructions, your hands shoving your leggings and panties down and tearing your shirt over your head to let your breasts spill free. He forgets about your request for a moment, drool forming in his mouth while he stares at you. He watches you massage your boobs, pinching and twisting your nipples with soft moans and cries of his name to egg him on. His jeans hit the ground for the second time that day, and you’re on your knees in front of him before he can blink.
He’s huge, to say the least. Larger than any you’ve ever had and that thought alone has arousal pooling between your thighs and slipping down your legs. Yunho shifts where he stands, slowly jerking himself off to entice you a bit. It works rather easily, and you practically leap forward, your tongue laving at his tip. He groans loudly, fingers lacing in your hair while you lick at his cock, running your tongue up and down the length of it, swirling around the tip and digging into the slit. Your hands wrap around his balls, rubbing and squeezing lightly. You run your tongue along them, sucking on them and his hips jump, his large cock hitting your cheek. 
When you finally take him into your mouth, his eyes roll back and his body shudders. He’d been hard for so long, his orgasm held off for even longer, that he’s almost ready to cum as soon as you begin to suck on him. He can feel the drool in your mouth spilling out the sides of your lips, sliding down the side of his cock and you use that a lubricant to jerk off everything you can’t reach with your mouth. Your free hand slips between your thighs, rubbing frantically at your clit to relieve some of the pressure. Your moans vibrate down Yunho’s cock and he thrusts forward, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat and causing you to gag. 
He's panting and moaning and now he’s thrusting rapidly into your mouth. He can see the tears pooling in his eyes, see your body shuddering the more you rub your clit and he thrusts harder. 
“C’mon pretty,” he chokes out between moans. “Take it. Take it all.” His cock is slamming into your mouth and you try so hard to keep up with him, sucking and licking as best you can with how hard he’s fucking your face. Your throat is beginning to ache, but the feeling of him in your mouth has you moaning and shuddering and fuck you’re so close. 
“Stop touching yourself,” Yunho hisses out and your eyes flutter open. You can’t see through the tears, but you whine and keep rubbing at yourself. He wants to force you to stop, but he can feel his dick twitching, feel the coil in his stomach winding tighter and tighter—
He’s cumming before he can stop himself, and from the way you’re moaning and whining around his dick he knows you did the same. He growls, jerking you closer to him and forcing his cock further down your throat while he cums. You try to push away from him, nails digging into his leg, but his hold is too strong and you have no other option but to swallow every last drop of his cum. 
He’s breathless when he finally finishes, and you’re coughing and sputtering in front of him, your cheeks soaked with your tears. He kneels down, runs a hand down your cheek, and smiles. For a moment, you think he’s going to help you. And, for a moment, he does. He pulls you too your feet, caressing you gently. Your legs feel like jello due to the force of your orgasm. 
But, the moment you get your bearings, Yunho is pushing you onto the bed with an evil glint in his eye. You scramble backwards, eyes wide as his tall figure looms over you. 
“You think you’re so cute, don’t you?” He growls. Your stomach flutters. From anticipation, from nerves. Maybe a combination of bot, but even you’re not sure as he forces your legs open and stares at your dripping cunt. 
“Personally,” your voice is trembling and you try to scoot away from him but he just pulls you back and tightens his grip on your thighs. The action has your core clenching around nothing. “I think I’m adorable.” Yunho scoffs at that, but he smiles. He doesn’t smirk. He just smiles and releases you.
“Okay.” He gets off the bed and you sit up, eyebrows furrowing together. He’s just leaving? What the fuck?
“Hey— wait, Yu where are you going?” He doesn’t say anything, but he leaves the door to your room open and disappears into his own. “This fucker—” You rise to your feet and have barely taken a step before Yunho is back in your room and shoving you back down onto the bed. “Oh—” He’s holding a black ribbon in his hands. You squirm in your spots, your thighs rubbing together as he flips you onto your stomach and ties your hands behind your back before you can even try to push yourself up onto all fours. 
“You just can’t listen, can you?” Yunho pushes you down by your shoulders when you try to get onto your knees, raising your hips up immediately after. A loud smack rings through the room and you yelp. He rubs the stinging skin and smacks you again.
“Yunho,” You whine. His hand collides with your ass again and again. More and more arousal pools between your legs, the pain causing more pleasure than you ever imagined it would.
“This is what you get,” His hand collides with your ass cheek one more time but he doesn’t pull away right after. Instead, his hand slips down between your thighs and prods at your dripping pussy. Your whole body shudders the moment he touches you, and you wiggle your hips back to try and push his finges inside of you. 
A strangled moan leaves your lips when his hand strikes your pussy. “Don’t fucking move.” You listen this time, your chest heaving and body shuddering. His hands spread your cheeks and your pussy clenches when you feel his breath against you. 
When his tongue takes its first swipe, you know you’re done for. 
He eats you out like it’s his last meal on Earth. His tongue is everywhere, licking and sucking and gently biting at you. You don’t think he’s breathing anymore with how he has has face shoved into your pussy. He’s slurping up every last drop of your wetness, his tongue prodding at your clit. His eyes flutter shut and he moans into you. Your taste is so sweet on his tongue and he knows he’ll never get enough of you. He shove his face as close as he can get, his tongue slipping inside of you, licking anywhere and everywhere that he can reach and his hand slips around your hips to pull you closer (if that was even possible) and rub at your clit. When you clench down on his tongue, he feels his cock starting to twitch again and he smirks. Almost, pretty, he thinks, we’re almost there.
He wants you to scream. He wants you scream his name out for your neighbors to hear. Wants you to writhe underneath him, crying and moaning and gasping, cumming until all you can think of is him and his tongue inside of you and the pleasure he makes you feel. So far? It’s a success.
There are no thoughts in your head. All you can think or feel is him. Tears are leaving your eyes and soaking into the pillow below your head. The moans that leave your lips are loud, and you know you’re going to get a noise complaint but you don’t care. Not when you’re so close to cumming against him. Not when he shows no signs of ever stepping away from you.
“Yunnie,” You cry out, your legs shaking and hands struggling against the ribbon that binds them. “Yunnie please, please make me cum.” Your words fade into helpless babbles and you know he knows you’re close. You know it when he pulls his tongue away from you and your orgasm slips away into nothing. “No. No no no no please Yunnie please.” You can’t even see him. Not when you’re on your stomach and can barely see with the tears that keep springing up in your eyes.
“Do you really think I’d let you cum?” He coos, his fingers prodding at your entrance once more. You whine and he laughs a bit. “So desperate, pretty girl.” When he finally slips his finger in, he can hold himself back from adding another. Fuck, the way your pussy feels around his fingers drives him insane and he can only imagine how you’ll feel around his cock. 
His finger slips in and out of you, curling to catch against that spongy spot inside of you every time he pulls back. You’re clenching so tightly around his finger, moaning so loudly for him, and when he looks down at you, he can see the puddle of drool forming under your open mouth. He slips another finger in, scissoring them to stretch you out. Your moans are rising in pitch, and he knows you’re close again so he tears his fingers out of you the moment you start to clench down on him. 
Yunho has to take a deep breath to calm himself before he unties you. You’re flipping yourself over in an instant, launching yourself at him at full force which, to your surprise, barely even budges him in his spot. You latch onto him, straddling you as your lips clash with his in a sloppy kiss. You’re yanking at his hair strands, grinding down on his cock that’s begun to rise again and twitch against your core. He groans into your kiss, pulling away from you and moving his lips down your neck to suck dark marks into your silky skin. Yunho is holding you by the waist with one hand, the other tangled in your hair for what seems like the thousandth time in order to tug your head back and get better access to you. 
“Condom,” He mumbles against your neck. “Need a condom, baby—”
“No,” you plead. He pulls away from your neck, stopping all motions for a moment to examine your face. Your eyes are wide and filled with pure unadulterated lust. “On the pill, and I’m clean. Please baby please—”
“Okay,” his cock twitches again at your desperation and he nods with a shaky inhale. “Okay, baby. I’m clean too.” You whine again and resume your movements with new fervor, lining his cock up to your pussy and dipping the tip into yourself. Yunho sucks in a sharp breath as you lower yourself and raise yourself moments later, teasing his tip with your warmth. 
When you finally begin to sink down on his cock, he has to use every fiber in his being to not cum right there. His teeth sink into your neck again, and he sucks harshly while you moan and cry at the feel of him stretching you out. 
“Oh baby,” His voice is shaky but he does his best to coo at your reaction. You’ve barely taken a quarter of him into you but you’re shaking against him and he can feel the fluttering of your pussy against him. “Am I too big for you? Do you need to stop?” You whine and arch into him.
“N-No!” You plead. “Don’t wan- don’t wanna stop Yunnie please don’t wanna stop!” He rubs your hips a bit as you continue to slowly inch your way down his cock and presses gentle kisses to your neck and collarbones and the tops of your breasts. 
“I don’t know pretty girl,” He traces his thumb across your hip bone and frowns mocking at you. “I think I’m too big—” At that moment, you press down harder, sinking in as much of him as you could. His eyes roll into the back of his skull and he can’t stop his hips from jumping, thrusting into you and making you bounce in his lap. A loud moan slips past your lips at the motion. “Fuck you feel so good around me, pretty girl.”
It’s not long before you’re bouncing on his lap, your hands glued to his shoulders as leverage as you grind against him and roll your hips. You’re moving so quickly, squeezing him so tightly and moaning so loudly that he swears that the only thing he can sense is you. He knows he won’t be able to stop you from chasing your release. Knows that you’re gonna take him for everything he has. So he lets you.
He murmurs praises into your skin, smiling when your walls flutter around him at each statement. Every good girl, and so so good for me, feel so good has you fucking yourself down onto him harder and faster, ignoring the burning in your legs. Ignoring how out of breath you are and how your thighs are cramping around him. 
He doesn’t, though. He picks up on it immediately and grips onto you tightly as he begins to meet you every time you drop yourself back onto his aching cock. You keen into him, your back arched back so your tits are pressed against his face and he takes advantage of that, sucking one of your nipples into his mouth for a brief moment. You begin to seize up on him, your moans becoming louder and higher as your hips stutter. Yunho takes over for you, leaning his body back so he’s flat on your bed. He raises his knees up to support you and ruts his hips up. He’s going harder and faster than you had and he can feel your orgasm wracking through your body.
“F-Fuck Yunho,” your body falls forward, your walls pulsing through him while your arousal drips down his cock and serves as lubricant for him to keep going. “Fuck. Harder, baby. Harder.” 
“You’re insatiable, pretty girl.” He thrusts into you even harder, and he can hear the wet slapping of his hips against yours echoing in the room alongside his grunts and your moans. The moans that are muffled into his neck because you don’t have the strength or willpower to lift yourself up or move. He can feel you clenching down on him again, tighter and tighter, working you both towards another orgasm. “Fuck, where you want me pretty girl?” 
“Inside,” you breathe out. “Please, inside, please baby please.” 
That sentence. That single sentence is what throws him over the edge, his vision going a blinding white as you clench down and cum with him with a final cry of his name. His hips stutter and stop as he releases everything he has into you.
“Pretty girl?” Yunho strokes the back of your head, his chest still rising and falling somewhat rapidly. You’re still on top of him, your body shuddering every now and then as his dick softens in you and the mixture of both of your cum seeps out of you. “Y/n, c’mon baby. Gotta get you cleaned up.” You whine and cling to him as he starts to lift you up and off of him.
“Don’ wanna,” You mumble. “Wanna stay here for a bit.” 
“No, baby.” Yunho lifts your chin with his finger and smiles down at you. “We can’t leave you here all sticky and gross.” You groan and lower your face into his chest. 
You let him carry you to the bathroom and sit you on the counter while he heats up the water for the shower. He works surprisingly fast, gathering towels and clothes for you both, removing the blankets from your bed to be washed in the morning before returning to your side and bringing you into the shower. 
“You know,” you’re facing away from him while he washes your body, his hands brushing over the bruises he left on your skin. “You’re a very gullible man.” Yunho scoffs.
“I’m not gullible!”
“Really?” You turn to face him with a tired smile on your face. “You actually thought I had an assignment for you to help me with?” 
“Well— I mean—”
“Yunho, we’re completely different majors baby.”
“That doesn’t mean I couldn’t help you!” He pouts down at you and you laugh at him. His behavior is so different from before. 
This is the Yunho you’re used to. 
This is the Yunho you fell for, though the other side of him is just as good.
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 9 months
❝ just wanna be one of your toys, tonight❞
creepypasta x incubus!reader | drabble, how you meet, general dating headcanons | graphic descriptions of violence, descriptions of nsfw/smut | not proofread
warnings: yandere tendencies, unhealthy relationship habits but it's okay because everyone in this fic is unhinged, cannibalism with a sexual context, piquerism/knife kink, tentacles, teratophilia, pheromones used by r!, canon violence, LJ's section alludes to r! mutilating a p*de,Slenderman controls r!s food intake (?), guys this is kind of messed up pls
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Eyeless Jack | Jeff The Killer | Laughing Jack | Slenderman | Toby Rogers
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req: OMG. creepypasta fics. i love them. can you uhmmm. can you write headcanons for an incubus reader. with like eyeless jack, toby, masky and hoodie? ignore this if you dont do that sorta stuff im just jumping on a request train rn ghnjgjkejnjngf
authors note: unfortunately, I'm not super informed about the Marble Hornet boys so I did not include them ;'3 Also I did want to do the typical sexy incubi reader but then I didn't so enjoy demonic, somewhat feral, reader and his equally as fucked up lovers
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Eyeless Jack —
There was silence when you first laid your eyes on him. As you're both demons who preyed on humans, it was akin to throwing two hungry wolves into a fighting ring.
Your prey, emphasis on yours, had been yours for damn near a week. You've been sneaking into their dreams, draining them of slivers of their essence by bringing them to climax in their wildest dreams. They would grin brightly the first few times but as the week progressed, they began realizing how exhausted they felt and those sexy wet dreams suddenly felt more morbid than exciting.
So your lips curl as you hunch over their head and bare your mouth full of fangs. Your hiss sounds like nails on a chalkboard and your jaw unhinging more than humanely possible as your forked tongue drips with viscous liquid. Jack steps back, his scalpel glinting in the moonlight as he returns the hiss with a gravelly snarl.
Oh, people think of "Sex on Legs" of a man when they imagine an incubus. That's the aim of your pheromones and magic after all. Everyone's ideal of a masculine body is what you morph into. Muscular, fat, hairy, clean-shaven, short or tall; whatever their genitals desire is what you distort their brain into seeing.
Your true form was a whole other story. You were a demon. It didn't matter if you were once human or if you were born in Hell itself. You were different now.
"They are mine," Your lips twitch and curl with every syllable. Fingers digging deeper into the skull of your prey. You don't know this demon's name and you're unsure of how strong he truly is but you dig your heels into the ground.
Jack pauses. His growling ceases as he loosens and tightens his grip on his scalpel.
He's had his run-ins with others "like" him. Eldritch beings, proxies of eldritch beings, and such others. However, incubi was new for him. He half-expected a stout creature with leathery wings and horns like those illustrations in the yellow pages of demonology books.
"...What do you need from them?" He wants to bargain. He doesn't have to but he does anyway. Partly from curiosity and partly from his own hunger...for you.
He wonders what you taste like. Jack wouldn't admit it then but he licked his needle-sharp fangs at the thought of your flesh in his mouth and your blood flowing down his throat like the most decadent wine.
"Soul," you answer as a sickening crunch resounds through the room just as your index finger burrows deeper, "Their brain, need".
"Good, I don't need that." Jack points the sharp end of his scalpel to his stomach. "Here, everything I need is here," he then aims his weapon at you with a loose grip; "Share, yes?"
Your lips hide your fangs and you tilt your head, swaying your head as you try to weigh the options. Other demons could be rather tricky. Sharing wasn't in most of their vocabulary. However, this one was...different.
"Share, yes".
That is how the two of you met. His masked visage and the tar-like substance that escapes from his humanoid eye sockets intrigue you. You had watched him cut open your prey with medical precision so he could carefully remove the organ he craved.
"Name is...?" Jack's pointed ears twitch from beneath his hoodie. He turns his head towards yours and if he were human he might have flinched from the way your nose brushes the bump of his mask. But he isn't, so he doesn't.
"Jack. My name is Jack," he brings one leathery hand to rest upon your cheek. It stains your skin and Jack's thumb rests precariously close to your lower lash line. The silence is a prompt for you to continue and you whisper your name, chewing on your lower lip after which makes Jack scoff in mild amusement.
Your relationship initially begins due to Jack's desire. He craves you in such a visceral way he doesn't know what to do with it anymore. It pains him that he doesn't sleep because he is certain that the number of times he's unravelled at the thought of you should already beckon you into his brain. But Jack isn't a human.
He's a demon. So, he decides to use victims to lure you. He wasn't sure how to go on about it at first but after tilting his head down at the moaning woman writhing in her bed, whispering your name, he takes her to his home.
When you visit your prey's dreams it's plagued with images of the eyeless demon and once you manifest into thin air he wastes no time pinning you to the wall with his inhuman strength.
"Jack!" you snarl in alarm and he releases you, smiling. His blue mask was placed elsewhere, instead, he hid his eyes behind tattered bandages. His teeth were so sharp you felt yourself tense.
You become something akin to a pet. Jack learns how to keep you captive in his home, locked behind bars and ancient runes written in blood. Despite the lack of freedom, you couldn't say he doesn't spoil you.
He brings you his victims. Dazed from whatever supernatural effect he has and sore from his impromptu surgery. They always scramble in alarm, panicked and disorientated before they spot you.
Then, Jack relishes in your vicious lunges. Watches from the outside as you crush their skulls open to fill your stomach.
When he eventually makes you trust him enough (Stockholm Syndrome is one beautiful side effect) he brings you to hunts with him. You're the shadow that hangs upside down from the ceiling when his victims wake up and shake, paralyzed as Jack digs through their layers of skin, muscles and fat. Your grin is hauntingly ethereal and inhuman as you lean down to kiss their trembling lips.
Jack wonders if you smell his desire. You do. But it's normal. Your pheromones were meant to attract sexual partners after all but your gaze does linger on Jack the more the scent of charred earth burns whenever you're pressed to his back.
"Teasing me?" He would mutter. Silence would be his reply and all he'd feel is your supple skin brushing on his ashen grey skin, nosing insistently to his neck. "I know you can talk (Y/N)" his needle and thread continue threading through the patchwork of skin.
"Why won't you touch me?" that makes him freeze. Jack had thought about it. Every time he saw you kiss your victims, or rip them to shreds. You were fire dancing in the wind and Jack can't justify his need to own you but he doesn't care.
"Because if I touch you, I won't be able to stop"
"Who said I'd want you to stop?"
Jack tugs on the blood-soaked thread. It glints in the harsh lighting of his desk lamp, briefly looking like a sliver of light.
"I'll sink my teeth into you, tear you apart and consume you".
His head turns as you grab his chin. His bandages tugged away and you chuckled as you saw the ugly gored-out holes. He hasn't told you the whole story but you know what scars he did have were all human-made.
"You can take my flesh if you want, Jack".
The thread snaps.
Jack belatedly realises that since you were not human either, your resistance to pain was just as crazy as your regenerative abilities. He takes you in a way that feels genuinely primal. Two animals going at it, blood smeared along the floors and walls while claws and fangs puncture into flesh.
You two give sex a whole new meaning. Jack finishes inside of you as he laps up at the gash on your neck, groaning as his dexterous tongues (yes, tongues) feel your pulsing veins dancing on them. You encourage his ferocity with saccharine sweet calls of his name.
Sometimes, as silly as it sounds, you make him feel human again. He swears the shrivelled thing in his dusty ribcage beats thunderously whenever you dig your fingers into the back of his thighs.
You were a never-ending feast. A banquet he will never tire from. The cell he kept you in wasn't in use anymore but he swears if you ever even think of going away from his side he would keep you in there until the sun exploded.
There'll eventually be a balance in your relationship. Once you gain his trust, you might as well carve out his insides to nestle between his blackened bones and allow his tar-like blood to keep you warm. He'll do whatever it takes to ensure no one, human or non-human, will keep you apart.
He thinks it is absolutely healthy if you return the sentiment.
Jack doesn't stray from you. He is devoted. The type of person to ensure you're always full, from his essence or from others, he will provide whatever you need.
Close-promixity. He doesn't have to be touching you, just wants you near.
Will bite you. Hard. Not in a cute nibbling way. Legitimately bites you to sustain himself and thinks it's romantic that you're inside of him.
He is more human than you at times. He enjoys human comforts. The internet, a bed, a shower. He doesn't need it, you're both demons after all. But they're a luxury that he treasures.
If "others" wander into your territory, Jack's growls turn spine-chilling. A chittering, gravelly, snarl that heightens in volume as he curls his lips. He'll unmask, scalpel forgotten as veins bulge into the back of his hands and his footsteps suddenly get heavier. The one time someone had stumbled on you while you were feeding, you swore you saw wisps of black smoke smoulder from Jack's skin and the faint sound of fire crackling.
Miiight be the most protective one of the bunch.
You having sex with your prey does not bother Jack. Your sex with him is much more solidifying, oath-binding and skin-scarring. Besides, he knows you need actual souls to be sustained.
Jack's not sure how long he will be "alive" but if he's dying you're coming with him, (Y/N). He would burn the world down for you but death won't keep you apart.
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Jeffery Woods, Jeff the Killer —
"What. The. Fuck?" Jeff's damaged facial muscles could barely twitch or tug on his cheeks due to his insane self-mutilation, however, he manages to furrow his brows hard enough that he feels his cheekbones spasm as they attempt to frown.
The married couple he had been stalking laid dead on their mahogany bed and there was some sort of freak over them.
Your eyes were almost as wide as his as you slip three of your fingers into your bloody mouth, sucking them clean with an obscene sigh of satisfaction.
"Too...late," Jeff's "nose" burns as he surges forward. His boots track mud and water across the bedroom and your grin is maniacal as he unsheathes his hunting knife from his hip.
"You fucking bitch!"
Truth be told, you spotted Jeff during one of your nightly visits to the husband's dreams. His white outfit contrasts so sharply in the dark it almost seems haughty. A little "look at me"-sy if you could put it into words.
Jeff brandishes his hunting knife and you twist out of the way to instead latch onto the ceiling. His bloodshot eyes earn a pleasant shiver that spreads warmth to the thing between your crotch.
He was goddamn grotesque. Skin leathery, eyes so painfully dry and irritated it rimmed red and that cut-up smile? His yellow teeth and red gums are splashes of colour since they're no longer hidden by his cheeks. His jet-black hair whips furiously against his face as one hand reaches up to grab your ankle.
Your yell is more of a screech and Jeff wrestles you on the body of the wife. Her bones and nipple piercings dig into your back as Jeff digs his knife into your shoulder.
"They were fucking mine! You goddamn cunt! Stupid little bitch!" he's more robust than a regular human. Then again, a regular human would've died from his "cosmetic" surgeries a while ago.
You can still his heartbeat in his chest though. Slow but there.
He pulls the knife out and you exclaim once he stabs you once again. The toothy edge of the blade was meant to inflict pain every time he pulled out and Jeff's cheeks lifted into a gleeful expression as he watched you writhe in pain.
But then.
"Mom?" Jeff locks up. You turn your head to the shadow under the door but Jeff puts the knife to your eye and your snarling lowers into a hissing.
Jeff does not hurt kids. The way he stares down at you with stormy grey blues shows that though he has no idea how to slaughter you he will try to if you even think of laying a hand on her. Much to his relief, you close your eyes and go lax.
You don't hurt kids either.
"Momma?" The doorknob shakes and Jeff knows the kid probably smells iron but the two of you are as rigid as the corpses on the bed.
"Did you need something, Kavi?" The voice that comes out your lips isn't yours, it's the father's and Jeff only loosens his grip from surprise. Kavi's feet shuffle nervously and whatever stuffy she's holding squeaks lightly in pressure. "I heard noises...screaming" She hears the smile in your voice as you tell her to go back to bed.
"Go to sleep, Kavi" This time it's a command and Kavi's shadow straightens up before her footsteps fade away.
Jeff's breathing had slowed throughout the interaction. He's good at being quiet when he needs to be. Not so flashy when the situation calls for it. A soft spot for children. How noble.
He presses on your chest with the heel of his palm but then gets up and sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair. You turn onto your stomach, pushing the husband onto the floor as you watch Jeff glare at you with contempt as he paces.
"I've been watching them", Your eye roll makes him grunt. "I know, I saw. But, he's mine" He huffs at the sight of the twitching body on the floor. "Could've left me the wife, asshole" Jeff follows the trail of blood down your chest and stomach before ripping his eyes away as you pluck her eyes out to pop into your mouth.
Jeff swears he's never been harder.
"I was hungry".
Your grin like the cat that got the cream when Jeff rushes towards you and grabs the column of your neck to push you down.
For a guy who hasn't gotten laid, ever, he sure knew what to do. You helped, obviously. When Jeff's fingers tremble and hover you would goad him to do better, huff that you're getting bored and he needs to fuck your hole/s with more passion. That'd get that freak going.
He sure was in love with his knives too. Obsessed with the way you shiver and shudder every time the blade cuts into your skin or when he digs the tip of it in and you arch into the edge.
Jeff thinks his first time suits him. His life is fucked up in all sorts of ways so of course, his first time was with a demon. He remembers you bouncing on his lap, eyes glowing as you squeeze his dick and moan his name before he saw white.
When he wakes up, he shoots up straight and throws the rag away from his face. The bodies are stiff now and Kavi's older sister is pulling into the driveway. He wears his clothes and isn't quiet about it as he hears Kavi crying about nightmares while she rushes out.
Jeff's DNA being all-over the crime scene is something he does not give a shit about. What are the police going to do? Arrest a dead man? Hah! They'd need to catch him first and he's been dodging them since he was 13 years old and he's 24 now. They're shit at their job.
That one night spirals into Jeff fucking into his fists for a week straight. Unable to properly think without your whispers breezing past his ears in the wind. He's already insane but you've turned the broken notch higher.
Thankfully for him, you're just as hopeless. He isn't quite sure how long you've been stalking him but when he finally senses eyes on him he's excited because he knows it's you.
Your relationship is physical at first. Love isn't quite in either of your vocabulary but this relationship turns something close to it. He whispers your name in the wind and then he feels your weight on his back as your arms materialize from thin air and squeeze him.
"What do you need, executioner?" Jeff snorts at the title, shrugging you away as he unbuckles his belt and pushes the hanging body as he passes it. Jeff sits on the desk and pats his thighs.
"The fuck kind of name is that?" You cage him between your arms and lean in to lick the scratches near his eye.
"You don't like it?"
"I ain't no one's fucking executioner"
You roll your eyes and he clicks his tongue at it. "The fuck's that for?" You're still not sure what the fuck Jeff is, for all intents and purposes he's just something in limbo. Dead but not quite. Alive but not quite. But his ego is still that of a man and you're in your own purgatory as you decide if you enjoy it or not.
When Jeff realises he does care for you, it's a strange time for him. He won't ask if you've eaten or if you're hurt because suddenly he knows just from a glance. It's frightening to him. He doesn't call for you for a long time and he grits his teeth as you don't come for him either.
Stuck in-between again. He's relieved but he's angry. He's furious but sad. Are you alright? Do you hate him? Do you not care for him? How dare you!? But, also, great! He doesn't have time to be anything more! But how dare you? Do you not realise how much he cares about you!?
When Jeff finds out it's because some idiots in a cult managed to trap you?
He feels numb as he prepares to absolutely destroy them. With a one-track mind, he kicks open the doors of their stupid, dilapidated doors and lays waste on whoever isn't you. He burns their church down. His senses only rush back towards him when he has you in his arms.
That night, he's tender and sweet. It disturbs you a bit but you preen under his hands as he watches you heal your wounds in your own demonic ways.
"You came for me"
"...I'm your executioner, aren't I?"
Don't expect labels from Jeff but he does expect commitment to an extent. He won't be angry if you fuck around but he will fuck you harder if you mention that flesh bag being good.
He's bad at talking but once you manage to pry his mouth open he can be insightful about certain things. He's an observant man just so fucking egotistical.
You are his and he's yours but don't mention it too many times, he can get spooked. Did you expect stability from Jeff? Good, because you aren't getting it.
He wants you to participate in his kills. It's a great bonding activity! He is glad he has you as his buddy/lover. At least one person in this hell-forsaken world cares for him.
This does mean he can get a bit clingy at times, maybe even bordering on obsessed, but he doesn't give a shit. Even if you are a demon from hell, Jeff will find a way to find you.
Carved his name into you. No questions about it.
It will take years before he even says anything close to an "I love you" but he says in his own ways. He's tightlipped about you when his enemies catch up to him and if he feels that you're even a bit threatened he will fight tooth and nail until you're safe.
Jeff knows he's the last person that deserves a wish to be granted but he squeezes you tighter in his arms when he thinks of growing older. He's scared of dying, always has been, but the thought of leaving you alone/being without you? It terrifies him.
When his hair starts getting more salt and peppery he gets quite grumpy every time you mention it. He does soften when he notices you "ageing" as well - he knows you aren't and it's just your shapeshifting but he swears he'll do anything to stay by your side for as long as he can.
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Laughing Jack —
Oh, he was familiar with your kind. Laughing Jack mainly targets families but he's been terrorizing the world since the 1800's, he knows the vices of men. He shoos them away (which is a nice way of saying he disembowels them if they get territorial over their prey).
What he didn't expect was to see you panting raggedly with your chin dripping with blood and pieces of what once was a man under your claws.
Laughing Jack's eyes shoot towards the child he had been "befriending". He knew he was suffering and Laughing Jack truly did not care — he wanted to have fun mutilating the entirety of his family and was only here because he wanted to visit his "friend".
The hair on the back of your neck pricks and your jaw unhinges as your eyes land on the lanky being.
You know of him too. This entity that was once brought to earth to help a lonely child turned into a demonic entity that relished in the pain of humans.
You're also aware he has an affinity to target children to bring back to his circus of horrors under the guise of "saving them" and even though you're a creature of hell, you stand in front of the cowering boy with your teeth on display.
"This is new", Laughing Jack giggles out. His claws curled in front of his mouth as he stalked forward. Oh, he knows why little Carl wanted to run away from home. His mother did a shit job at protecting him from his drunk stepfather and Jack was going to do just that.
He was going to let Carl run away. Never said Carl would be alive when he did. But Carl never asked.
"Usually you whores are busy with the adults, not the kids". The very implications of what he said have you snapping your teeth. He raises his hands in faux surrender with a mocking grin.
"Gone soft? Who were you here for?"
Your lips twitch and Jack pauses just as he's about to step out of the shadows. Carl's weeping and sniffling echoed in the room. Jack's plastered smile turns sour as seconds tick by.
You know better than to anger him. So you will yourself to speak: "His mother". Jack bounces back like nothing had happened and gleefully strides over into the light.
"J-Jack? Jack!" "Carl!" Your hand shoots out to grab at the boy but he rushes into Jack's claws and sobs freely into his chest as Jack shushes and cradles him. Jack gingerly plucks the stretched-out shirt back over Carl's shoulder and rubs his back.
"Then you can go!" Jack cheers as he cradles Carl. "Go, go! Go and get that bitch of a woman!" You march up to him and grow taller tower over him. Jack's neck cranes to meet your eyes and he swears his neck creaks. He's never had to look up at anyone before.
"The boy isn't yours!" Jack's claws envelope Carl's head as the boy covers his ears. "Protective? Your kind usually has a one-track mind, never known demons to have sympathy", Jack's eyes squish into crescent moons.
"Have you gone soft, demon?"
Carl isn't sure what happens next. He just knows that when he wakes up the next day, he isn't scared and his mom isn't there. Instead, there's you. He isn't scared of you, he trusts you and he knows that you're his older brother.
He goes to school with you by his side and when he comes back, you've made food for him. Carl doesn't know where all the money comes from or why there are foggy memories of horror when he stares into space but your voice always snaps him back to reality.
Carl doesn't know where you go off to at night but he knows he isn't scared because Laughing Jack always pops up in the house.
Carl doesn't know how lucky he is, not really, but as he grows old he does feel gratitude. He doesn't know nor care why you're not his brother on papers or that his mom isn't in the picture. He knows he loves you though.
And he likes Laughing Jack too. Even if he's scary sometimes.
"Honey! You're home!" You glare at Jack as you step into the kitchen, wiping blood from your chin as you shed your jacket and your human skin. Jack looks comically out of place. He waits for you to shed before he gathers you in his arms.
This arrangement was odd. Out of place. But you learned not to hate it. Maybe Laughing Jack was right, maybe you were getting soft but you were glad that Carl was safe. Even if you had to pretend to be his older brother and then deal with Laughing Jack at night.
He sways with you in the kitchen, humming an old tune and you groan as your shape settles. He grins as he runs his claws down your back then holds you firmly.
Jack wasn't interested in sex and you were okay with that. He just wants to hold you like this, an affection growing within him as he inhales your scent.
"Carl's at a sleepover, must be having fun", Jack twirls you and you allow it with a ghost of a smile. "If he was at my circus, the streamers would be intestines and the snacks! Oh, the snacks, (Y/N) Darling!" Your lips cover his and his brow raises as he returns the kiss.
"Carl's fine with regular streamers, Jack. He's human, let him remain as one", Jack's smile almost seems sincere as he looks up at you. "Speaking of humans, (Y/N) Dearest", Jack thwacks a roll of newspaper on your chest.
"Humans are getting scared of you, rabid incubus, and Carl's mysterious older brother isn't holding up! You need to scram", You sigh deeply as you pull away. Jack chases to cling to your back.
"He'll miss his friends"
"I'll bring them to my circus! He'll always see them whenever he wants!"
"You're not saying no", Jack purrs and cackles after you close your eyes and nod. He didn't really need permission but you appreciate him asking either way. Besides, he had a point! Carl could play with them whenever he wishes to so he won't be too sad.
Your relationship with Laughing Jack might be the most curious one out of everyone else. Carl made you more human than you'd like to admit and you made Laughing Jack more colourful (on the inside) than he'd ever tell.
He doesn't love Carl. Cares for, sure. He doesn't love you. But he wants your affections, that much he knows.
He brings you gifts, some of your real food, toys and all sorts. Even some for Carl because he knows you like it when he does it. Jack becomes a sort of family guardian. Anyone who tries to harm Carl doesn't just have you to worry about, Laughing Jack's looming over your shoulder too.
You share kisses, hugs and hand holdings if he's being annoying about it but both of you know Laughing Jack prefers not to go below the belt. He prefers that you seek physical pleasure elsewhere. He claps with glee every time you toss him the body, turning the corpse into a new throne or cake or whatever he wishes.
When Carl grows old and moves out, he knows that the porch light will always be on for him. He knows his "older brother" isn't human but he doesn't care. He also knows Laughing Jack isn't just his imagination but he doesn't care. Carl knows you're family and that's all that matters.
You tend to the house at times but after Carl moves out, Jack all but whisks you away into his circus. The spirits of dead children crowd around you, sharing an affection towards you due to Laughing Jack's own emotions. You tolerate them enough but spend most of your time with your Jack.
Laughing Jack doesn't know if he'd die for you, he doesn't even know if he's able to die really, but he would slaughter millions if it meant that you'd be content.
"Do you love me, (Y/N) Darling?" Laughing Jack tickles your side, giggling as you swat his hands away. You turn to face him and he relaxes in your hold, minutely but you still feel the way his muscles unbind.
"Do you love me, Jack Dearest?" His eyes soften and you swear you see the way baby blue bleeds into the monotone grey.
"I do, I love you more than I'd like to admit".
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Slenderman —
Your head tilted at the shape in the trees. The person beneath you twitched and rattled out a groan as they clung to the little bits of life they still had. A quick snatch and grab of more of their brains puts an end to it rather quickly.
Swivelling your head you gaze at the drawings on their walls. Among the illustrations of the forest views that they drew and the maps, you note the odd scribbles.
This prey had odd dreams at times. Some nights, you find yourself fighting against a force just to invade their thoughts but you think of it as nothing but their own will. Some humans had quite a resistance to your kind.
You squint at the marker drawings, getting up from the bed to walk closer. Plucking the note that peeked from under the map only to gasp as the map fell onto your feet. It revealed more deranged scribblings and your stomach twisted into knots as you realised what entity your prey had been hunted by.
Your breath shudders and you take a step back only to stiffen as a cold wind whispers up your spine.
"Forgive me!" You kneel, bowing your head as you stare at the wooden floors in fear. This being - it was the very thing that crawled out of Hell. It was older than most if not everything that roamed this earth and you had taken its prey.
The crackling of trees makes tears brim your eyes. It sounds thunderous and it only grows louder. You force your eyes shut as the branches drag along the glass windows and you plead under your breath as you feel Him getting closer and closer.
When he speaks, your brain feels as though it's being pulled apart. Was this punishment from your past victims? You're struggling to understand what he says but his voice soothes into something tangible.
"Wha...What?" You lift your head and turn to face the empty, open, window.
Slenderman was intimidating even for an incubus like yourself. As he towers over you, you feel your prey climb up out of your throat. But then, then, his spindly fingers stroke the side of your face.
"Please me, incubus", his tendrils sway in the wind and they lower and slither through the dead leaves to curl around your ankles and thighs.
His "suit" pulses and throbs, particularly between his legs and you see the slit glistening with wetness, white cockheads poking out.
Well. Who were you to say no?
Slenderman doesn't speak in a language familiar to humans, it brings some semblance of comfort to you; his words and expressions are more archaic but it's undoubtedly the language of hellish creatures like yourselves.
His cocks are just as inhuman and long as everything else about him and those tendrils that sprout from his back? Oh, they make the best restraints. The barely there scales on them shudder every time he's close to an orgasm and since they're so close to you, the rattling of it makes you whimper in pleasure.
Slenderman allows you to go but he keeps his eyes on you.
The way you kill and tear into humans, the pleasure you take in it - you're nothing but an incubus but Slenderman wants you.
And like his other "toys" he is merciless in making you just his.
You're not allowed to hunt anyone other than the ones he tells you to. Not allowed to even think of craving anyone. You're his incubus and his alone.
Who are you to say no?
It wasn't all that bad. Sometimes, he would push the limits of your hunger if he wanted to "test" the prey but you were obedient to his whims.
Sometimes, he'd crawl into your mind to truly see if you were all his and though painful and vomit-inducing the rewards after were enough to make it worth it.
After all, compared to the rest of his toys, you were the most pampered.
"Master", a purring noise is all around you but with your sight taken from you (a feat that only a few beings could do). The only thing you can do to locate Slenderman is through touch. But the thing is, he's touching you every-fucking-where.
You were suspended in the air, legs spread with tendrils and arms bound to your back as your cloudy eyes stared aimlessly at the night sky.
"Patience, incubus"
Love is hard to pinpoint in this relationship. It's more of an endearment. His feelings for you were the same feeling as someone would feel towards a dog. If you disobeyed and bit him, he'd put you down no question - that much you knew.
He doesn't mind when you kill other incubus or succubi though. Not that he seeks them with the same intent he had with you, he is a bit addicted to you, he seeks them with the intent to make you jealous.
He knows you had feelings for him. Depends on him. His word was law.
He likes seeing his dog get jealous. He doesn't assist in your fights with the other demon, you have to be the strongest to be his and so he merely watches and rewards you once you win.
The one time you lost though? Oh, he was so disappointed, (Y/N). The incubus stood over you, clutching the stump of an arm as he hisses at you. You know he is about to rip your throat and you kick your legs as he kneels over you.
He grabs your chin and forces your head to be tilted up, exposing your neck. You were going to die, you were going to die!
"You're pathetic, pet", the incubus over you chokes, blood spurting out from the hole in his chest before he all but crumbles into dust. One of your eyes is swollen shut, bruised and bleeding all over and Slenderman cradles you in his arms as he helps you stand.
"I'm sorry, Master" Your tears are wiped away. His tendrils lift you into the air and close to his chest as you weep.
"You'd be dead without me, pet. Completely useless".
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Toby Erin Rogers —
"...Get out of the fucking way" Toby had the coldest eyes you've ever seen. He had been tasked to kill the man whose skull was being split open by your hands.
He must think Toby was here to save him because he swipes a hand towards him, groaning desperately as his eyes shake. Toby's nose scrunches up in distaste. The man looked like a goddamn pug. His eyes bulged out and gaping his mouth like a dead fish.
"He's my kill". You furrow your brows as you stubbornly dig your thumbs deeper into the crack of his skull.
Toby throws a hatchet and it slices through your shoulder, pinning you to the wall from the strength he used. You claw at the handle, kicking your feet to try and push yourself from the wall but Toby simply ignores you to slash the man's throat with with his other hatchet.
"You asshole! He's mine!" Your thrashing makes him grunt as he slams his hand on your other shoulder. He grabs the hilt of his weapon and squints his eyes at you.
"S-Shut the fuck up, cunt. You can still eat the bitch, shithead", Toby isn't nice about tugging his weapon out. His brows furrowed at the sight of your torn flesh.
Toby has seen it all. After meeting a monochrome clown and a burned woman with a mask hunting for a guy named Jeff, among other creatures, Toby is unphased at the sight of a demon.
This means the already cold, unfeeling, man was not at all impressed. His eyes wander to your chest and your legs but scoffs as he cleans the edge of his hatchet on his sleeves.
"You asshole!" Toby waves his hand nonchalantly as he retreats. His plan is foiled as you latch onto his back, teeth sinking through his clothes and into the protective pads. Reaching back, his gloved hands grasp onto you to throw you across the room. The desk lamp shatters onto the floor as you lay out on the surface.
Toby rolls both his shoulders, sniffing in annoyance as he picks at the deep marks on the plastic of his protective wear. "Shit, your teeth suh-suh-sunk...through" his eyes glower as you peel yourself from the office table.
"Now, you're just ask, asking for it".
After that rough night, you stayed away from ever-crossing paths with Slenderman and his stupid proxies. Even with your supernatural regenerative healing, he slashed so deep at one point you're certain he had his hatchets go through you.
Your body ached for days. Not in a sexy way.
Toby, however, found it hard to get you out of his head. He knows an incubus' pheromones linger when they experience intense emotions and subsequently, so do its effects. But after 2 months of aching for you, he has had enough.
He takes a while to track you down. He's only human at the end of the day but when he finds your prey he reenacts the first time you met.
"You," venom was dripping from your words as you hissed at him but Toby simply raised from the armchair in the corner. The office of the poor psychotherapist you hunted reminded him of his childhood so he gladly focuses on your figure to focus.
He pays close attention to the way you get into the defensive, climbing the desk to put distance as you show him your fangs.
"I've got a pro, proposition for you" Toby walks towards the closet and to your surprise, your prey is tied up like a goddamn turkey. He falls flat on his face, breaking his nose, and squirms as muffled pleas come from him.
"You don't have to waste days making your prey succumb to you. I'll wrap them up...luh-like a fuuucking present and...you can munch on 'em"
"...In exchange?" You can't tell if he's smiling. But you hear it in his voice as he says:
"Fuck me".
For Toby, you provide relief and comfort. The beginning of the relationship was tough waters to navigate through, mainly for you. Despite providing you with food when he craves some physical intimacy, Toby is one scary motherfucker to be bare of clothes with.
It's a feat considering who was the demon in the relationship here.
Toby keeps his mouthguard on. For a whole 2 years, he never once took it off. By the time he does though? His eyes are closed and he's muttering for something to leave him alone. His anxiety crept up on him as he stared at the popcorn ceiling of the motel he had chosen for that night.
"Toby" his hand trembles and not because you're deep inside of him. His scarred chest falls and raises in rapid motions and you're aware that he needs to breathe. So, despite his heart-clenching whimpers you tear his hands away from his face to pull his mouthguard off.
"No!" Toby tries to cover the scar on his cheek. You shush him and pull out, carefully arranging your limbs so he can wrap his arms around you.
That night ended sourly. He shoves you away and dresses in a rush.
When he reaches out for you again, you don't pry. You've grown soft for the man but know he isn't exactly the touchy-feely type. Toby wonders if you're thinking of his face as he plows into you and his thoughts are so loud he has the audacity to grow flaccid.
As an incubus? That was a first for you.
"...Ugly mug, huh?" You eye him as you suckle on his cockhead. Now? He was going to talk about that night, now? Okay. Sure.
"No, I like your face" Toby grunts, clearly not believing you. "Just sayin' that 'cuz my dicks in your face". Well, at least he is aware of the timing too.
He exclaims as you push him down on the bed and straddle him.
"I like your stupid face, Toby. I like your stupid fucking voice, your body, your sarcasm and your shitty personality. Is that so hard to believe?"
This relationship turns warmer after this night. He throws extra snacks your way and he appreciates it when you help him with stitching himself up from his "assignments".
When his paranoia and anxiety get the best of him, he finds it...nice...that he doesn't have to ice out his emotions anymore. He feels so human.
Toby is aware you're fully capable of handling your own affairs and so, he doesn't interfere. He's terrified of the Slenderman and even growing slightly curious about you too. It's a tough balance for Toby - it's not like Slenderman cares about work-life-balance.
So, don't expect to spend cosy days spent together somewhere sweet. Your version of date nights will be following him along on his missions or him watching you hunt and then spending hours together in the victim's home.
It brings Toby comfort. You're not human but the way you move through the house with him, it reminds him of simpler times; a past he no longer remembers but knows he cherishes. He thinks about the two of them being a domestic couple a lot.
"Remembering?" Toby says nothing as he kisses the nape of your neck. The two of you had washed up in the shower and the victims were neatly displayed in the living room with symbols all over the room. You two had all night to just...be.
"Never got muh-my memories back then, not...gonna get 'em now" He pulls away to grab the bottle of wine from you. When he settles on the office couch, you drop onto his lap with a plate of sandwiches.
He groans as you teasingly try to feed him but soon relents. He feels a bit ashamed as he struggles to eat "normally" with the open gash on his cheek but as he peeks at your expression he sees nothing but love.
So, Toby squeezes you closer and you say nothing as he allows you to care for him.
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quietblueriver · 12 days
Very short thing set immediately after ep 95 because it wrecked me and I had a second to Kermit-style spew some feelings. Imogen-centric, as I am wont. Pls excuse any typos and the probably wild overuse of the comma.
Long moments pass, the ridge of Laudna’s nose pressing just underneath Imogen's jaw, her arms linked around Imogen’s waist as Imogen does what she can not to break in half. 
It’s second nature, to run her fingers through Laudna’s hair, a familiar action, easy, meant to soothe them both, meant to keep them grounded, together, tethered. Imogen knows exactly how much pressure to use, how to move gently to avoid hurting Laudna or coming away with a small creature’s worth of hair in her palm. She’s done it a hundred times before, a thousand, but this time, there’s a prickle in her mind and her hand slows on the second full pass as she tries to figure out what’s different, what’s wrong. Except it’s what’s right, actually. Or what would be right, if Laudna were someone else. The strands are softer, thicker, falling through her fingers easily. Almost like Laudna’s…
Imogen’s rigid as the thought takes hold, and Laudna shifts against her with a small questioning noise. It takes everything she has to try to relax, but it’s apparently enough, cool lips grazing the skin of her neck as Laudna settles again. 
Fuck. She can’t be sure, no matter how many times she lets the strands glide over her skin, whether there really is something different or whether she’s just looking for Delilah everywhere now, and she hates it, hates that her life has been so disrupted, so shaken, that even this almost mundane intimacy can’t be trusted. Her world tilts just a little more, and surely, surely, she’s finally upside-down.
The body that has helped to keep her here relaxes further into her, trusting and vulnerable, even as Imogen tries not to show her panic, tries to hide the way she keeps her breath shallow because she’s scared she’ll smell something other than earth mixed with lavender.
Fighting back the angry, screaming sob that seems to live perpetually in her throat these days, she feels, a little distantly, the cold sigh against her neck.
The exhale shifts into a phrase that Laudna has repeated more times than Imogen can count in the last half hour: “I love you.” 
There had been a momentary relief the first time Laudna said it, free of the stain of Delilah’s echo, something pure in the middle of their absolutely fucked, world-breaking conversation. Laudna, just Laudna, telling Imogen she loves her. 
But each repetition sounds less like reassurance and more like desperation, more like a plea. It’s me, it’s me, it’s me. She wants so badly for that to be true.
But Imogen has never been allowed to live in what she wants to be true.
Maybe it is still Laudna, soft and true and hers, but they’re too far gone now for Imogen to trust it.
She knows that those words are a perfect weapon for Delilah, an ideal means of self-preservation. There is no better way to keep Imogen on the line, to give Imogen–and maybe Laudna, too–hope that some part of Laudna has been preserved from Delilah's influence, than by making it seem as though she can’t touch their love. 
She almost can’t bear their corruption, but the only thing worse than hearing those words like this is not hearing them at all, so she takes them dipped in poison, feels them feed the rotten and writhing truth inside of her. It’s a truth that she has been avoiding since that night in Whitestone, and now it’s crawling beneath her skin, coiling in her stomach, refusing to be ignored any longer: 
Something is wrong. 
Laudna is wrong. 
And what is Imogen supposed to do with that? 
“I love you, too,” she whispers, and it is a truth, too, as it has always been, but, face pressed into dark hair that she’s suddenly afraid to breathe in in case it’s the thing that topples them both, Imogen has no idea how much of Laudna there is left to love.
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joonberriess · 2 years
𓆩♡𓆪 “why don’t you say so?” — jock!jk
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·˚ ༘ 💌 TAGS — jk’s obsession with tits, cunnilingus, fingering, titty play lol, dumbification(?), dirty talk (brief), reader’s creamy pus—
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“Jungkook,” you softly huff, “are you sure this is how many you usually do?” You’re out of breath, struggling to maintain the same pace you started out with when you did a set of jumping jacks. You must have done like twenty by now.
Jungkook is standing before you, arms crossed over his chest and eyes locked on something. You can’t tell but you’re not going to ask, not when your lungs are screaming from the vigorous exercise. You kinda wish you didn’t ask Jungkook about his warm-up routine during practice.
“………” his eyes are narrowed, entirely concentrated on something else so he ignores your question.
You pout and give up on asking him any more questions as you tiredly pick up the pace on another set of jumping jacks. You’re vaguely aware of your tits bouncing underneath the white camisole top you decided to wear today. The shirt rides up your tummy with every jump and you keep having to tug the stupid thing down.
A small bead of sweat trails down your neck, sliding between the valley of your tits. Just as you’re about to whine about being even more tired he speaks, “Okay, you’re good.” He says as he steps over, “Careful, you might end up falling.” He comes up behind you, hands immediately settling on your tits as he gently squeezes them through your camisole top.
“How?” You ask, blinking up at him in confusion as you tilt your head back, “Why are you holding my boobs?”
“Because, that way I can catch you in case you trip on your own feet. I mean I’m just trying to help.” Jungkook says like it’s not a big deal as he squeezes your tits again.
You see a point, smiling at him as you nod, “Oh okay.” He’s so nice and sweet worrying about you tripping on the grass! “Are we done already or is there more?” You ask as he guides you over to some mats lying around near the back entrance.
He hums softly and pats your ass, “No, I usually do about like ten sit-ups.”
“No you don’t–”
“It’s something new I’ve been doing.” He quickly adds in.
You blink, staring back at him and then shrugging, “I guess,” you get down on the floor, “can this be the last? I’m really sweaty and tired.” You pout.
Jungkook nods, “You know how I usually do my sit-ups faster? I take my shirt off.” When he sees you give him a questioning look he chuckles softly under his breath as he gently massages your knees, sliding them up to the top of your thighs, “What? You doubting me sweetheart? You can even ask Jimin, he does it too.”
He watches a coy yet sweet smile form on your lips as you pushed your thighs together, “I’m not doubting you, just really burnt out.” You reply as you hold yourself up with your arms, “How many sit-ups can you do? Ahh, you must look so cool when you do them without your shirt on! Just like your push-ups.” You chirp, wiggling out of your camisole.
You ramble off, and Jungkook’s not paying attention as he noncommittally hums to whatever you’re saying. His eyes are trained on the way your tits are squished together, moving side to side whenever you sway. “I bet you’d look so cool as Tuxedo Mask.” You dreamily say.
“Tuxedo Mask?” Jungkook snorts and looks up at you as he gently pushes you on your back, “There you go with your silly little ideas baby,” he reaches up to smack your cheek gently, “you’re so cute.”
You giggle softly and adjust your position on the ground, “You should dress up like him for Halloween.”
“Mmm yeah?” He says as he sits back on his knees and watches you do the first sit-up, “And who are you dressing up as?”
“Sailor Moon!” You say with that bright smile of yours. “It’ll be so cool.” You wiggle around, “I already bought her cosplay,” you off-handedly comment, “but the skirt is too short and tight on me.” Oh this certainly catches his attention.
“Yeah? What else baby?” He raises a brow.
“Mm.. the top kinda fits a little loose but I’m planning on pinning it in certain areas to fix it. It came with the pretty shoes too. You know her red ones, they go up to my thighs. I really like the bow too, the brooch on it is so cute in person,” you ramble off.
Jungkook only really pictures you in the outfit, he’s imagining how you’d look. Would the skirt be so short your ass is hanging out? Pretty cheeks peeking out from underneath, those little thongs you like to wear being sucked between those fat cheeks of yours? He dreads to think about the top.. you pinning it to make it fit?? He’s a dead man for sure.
“You’d look so pretty in it.” Jungkook says, aware that you’ve already forgotten the sit-ups were completed. “Maybe you should model it for me, I mean just in case it doesn’t fit or something.”
“But it fits perfectly?” You tilt your head.
“Yeah, well sometimes it’s always good to ask someone else for their opinion. Never can be too sure. I just wanna make sure you look stunning in it baby.” Jungkook smiles holds his hand out to you.
You take his hand and he pulls you up, forcing you to kneel with him as you’re face to face with him. “Oh,” you become elated at his words, “I’m so lucky to have someone like you. ^^”
“See? Where would you be without me y/n? Prolly out there in a Sailor Moon outfit that doesn’t look good on you.” He says as he shakes his head with a grin.
You suppress a giggle and nod, “I’m done for today, I can’t feel my arms.” You say as you pout at him, getting ready to roll over and get up when he stops you. “Jungkook…?”
“Hold on baby,” Jungkook says, “you’re a little sweaty…. here,” he says as he tugs at your bra, “wouldn’t want you walking out like that.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smile and let him wipe your damp skin with your discarded camisole. It’s a little gross but you’re most likely heading home after this and hopefully into a nice hot shower.
Jungkook hums, “Oh my, looks like there’s more sweat in here.” He says and completely tugs your bra down, tits spilling out as he licks his lips, “Can’t let you go home like this, gotta get you all dried up so your pretty little top isn’t wet with your sweat.” He knows this is bullshit but honestly he doesn’t care.
You’re startled when he leans down, hot breath fanning over your tits as your nipples harden. “I thought you were going to wipe the sweat off?”
“I can’t see very well, just checking up close.” He replies and suddenly his lips wrap around one of your perky nipples.
A small burst of pleasure runs down to your pussy, you shift a little and bite your lip. He sucks hard, his tongue circles around it and then flicking over the nipple. His free hand comes up to grope your other tit and squeeze the soft mound of flesh.
“Jungkook–” you moan, jumping a little when he tugs on your nipple with his teeth, “ouch..” you wince.
Jungkook pulls back, a string of saliva connecting him to your nipple as he moves to the neglected tit. He gives it the same treatment as he groans into your soft skin, lips moving in a motion that felt like he was making out with your nipple. You push more of your chest into his mouth, panting softly as your thighs rubbed together.
“Mmph– such pretty tits,” he says, muffled by your tit. He pushes both of them together and licks over your nipple, “all for me, right baby?” His eyes flicker up to stare into yours.
You nod, “Jungkook..” you softly mutter.
“What is it baby?” Jungkook doesn’t miss the way your thighs rub together, you’re trying to be subtle but you only make it more obvious. How cute. “C’mon, tell me what you need.”
You bite your lip and shift your thighs apart, “I need you… here…” you whisper, “ ‘s so wet.”
His eyes darken at the last set of words you say, he gives your tit a small bite mark, “Show me your pretty pussy baby, c’mon take the shorts off.” He pats your cheek.
“I-I need you to do it,” you whine softly, “my arms hurt.” You say as you part your thighs just a little.
Jungkook chuckles under his breath as he pushes you back on the mat. He grips your little spanks and yanks them down your thighs, they briefly get caught on the top of your ass but he manages to shove them down and off of you. There’s a damp spot on your little thong, he licks his lips and grabs the waistband, tugging them down slowly.
You raise your hips, a dollop of creamy white slick creates a small string connecting from your panties to your soft pussy lips. Jungkook groans quietly under his breath, “Look at you baby, so fuckin’ wet for me.” He leaves your thong hooked around your ankles. “Such a dirty girl, getting wet from me drying you off.”
“I-I didn’t,” you blush, “ ‘s cause you.. were touching me there.” You say softly and cover your tits with a small hand, clearly failing cause they were much bigger than that.
Jungkook snorts, “Sure baby, make excuses for that naughty pussy of yours.” He shakes his head, “Look at you, you’re fucking soaked.” He laughs.
You flush in embarrassment, whining as you cover your face with your hands. Your arms push your tits together, they sit so pretty for Jungkook and he can’t help the low groan that leaves him. “I’ll give you exactly what you want.”
Jungkook lifts your thighs, pressing the back of them down on your chest. Your pussy’s left in the air for him, so ripe for the taking. He leans down, nosing at your soft folds. He can see a weak spurt of slick run down your pussy. It makes it look much more appetizing.
He covers your soft pussy with his mouth, tongue dipping past your folds to lick a stripe all the way up to your clit. He gives your clit two slow slicks, tasting your tangy slick on his tongue. He moans quietly against you, he tightens his grip on you and pushes your hips back a little further to get in more properly.
“Could eat this pussy all day baby,” he growls as he flicks his tongue over your clit, swiping it back and forth over your swollen bud, “all wet just for me baby?”
“Y-Yes..!” You whimper out, thighs shaking from the direct stimulation to your clit.
Jungkook attaches his mouth to your clit, sucking harshly as he shakes his head side to side a little. You squeal softly, thighs tensing as you throw your head back. “Jungkook..!” You reach down you grip his hair tightly.
“Mm..! P-Please,” you cry out.
He trails a finger down, swirling around the mess you’ve made. He pushes it in, curling his finger just right. You grind down on his finger, groaning softly as you whisper for more. Jungkook doesn’t tease, he slides another finger and pushes them in deep. Your pussy squelches lewdly and slick dribbles down his fingers, completely soaking him.
He pays special attention to your clit, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. He applies the right amount of pressure on you, pairing it perfectly with his fingers. You’re moaning uncontrollably, babbling softly as you tighten your grip on his hair, “Oh.. mm..”
Jungkook moves his fingers faster, almost jack hammering them into you. You shiver almost uncontrollably now, toes curling in your shoes as you roll your hips upwards to the best of your ability. “Mm..! I’m so c-close,” you gasp.
He pulls back, panting softly as he takes in greedy gulps of air, “Yeah..?” He asks breathlessly, “You gonna be a good girl and cum for me?”
“Yes!” You cry out, “Right there, right there!” You mewl.
Jungkook’s basically pounding his fingers deep into your pussy. You feel your soppy pussy gush around his fingers. Your orgasm rises and rises until it hits with full force and you lie there silently shaking from the pleasure. Jungkook’s dark eyes settle on yours as he watches you contort in pleasure.
When it suddenly becomes painful you reach down to push at his head weakly. “C-Can’t, too much.” You whimper.
“We’re not done here baby,” he says as he pulls back, slipping his fingers out of your messy cunt. He watches as your pussy oozes creamy slick right after, hold gaping around nothing. “Gonna have you bouncing on my cock in the car, make you ride it like the nasty little slut you are. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Fucking this nasty little pussy on me and stretching your little hole around my cock?”
You bite your lip, shaking your head but your pussy has other plans. It leaks more to your humiliation as he laughs darkly, “Sure you don’t..”
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taglist: @jungkooksseuphoria , @kooliv
also, i started a twitter but that’s for member x member smuts i have in mind lmfao. i also have a curious cat! send ur anonymous asks there if you’d like LMAO.
i made them their own insta profiles lmfao.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Dropped Feathers
The first time Legend meets Wild, the kid nearly takes his head off.
The Chain comes through a portal near a particularly ugly stable and it’s the easiest place to start.
The group draws glances, but Legend wanders around the edge of the building, drinking in the new landscape. It’s here he bumps into a stranger, whose sword is out as he spins and points at Legend’s throat.
“What the hell!” He jumps back, wings puffing up in an unconscious threat display. Is it a bandit? Someone who means harm?
The stranger tilts his head but then puts his sword away. “You startled me.”
“I startled you? I’m not the one waving swords in people’s faces!”
The kid winces, but the wary, calculating look in his eyes doesn’t fade.
By the time they wrangle out that the stranger is Wild, a new hero to join them, Legend’s planted him firmly in the same category as Warriors: a loner.
Wild’s addition changes little of the group’s makeup. Wind and Sky, the two seabirds, stick together on the ground and glide happily alone. Twilight follows Time around like a lost dog, always eager to follow orders. Warriors prefers his alone time.
Four chatters enough to be multiple companions on his own, although Time and Twilight are the only two who indulge him on a regular basis. Legend likes Four’s company; if only it just came with a little more silence.
Despite his prickly attitude, Legend is a fairly social bird. Because of the attitude, it’s a rare indulgence.
Hyrule likes pairs and is perfectly happy to latch into Legend and stay there. Legend, for his part, delights in someone he hasn’t driven away.
Wild goes Warriors route of sticking to himself, but unlike the captain he doesn’t look happy about it. It’s closer to the feeling Legend has when he wants to join in with the others but holds back.
Twilight and Time make an effort to include the newest hero, so he’s not without chances to bond. He just…doesn’t take them.
When they preen in the evenings, even Warriors allows Time to help him with the feathers he can’t reach. Wild turns down help from all of them, including the captain’s offer.
Unable to reach all his feathers, the slightly dingy blue dull further. He can fly just fine but Legend catches Time throwing concerned looks in his direction.
“Aren’t magpies supposed to be social?” Legend stands, hands on his hips, blocking Wild’s path of slinking away to his own corner to eat again.
“Not up for company,” comes the mumble. His wings hunch into his back, making him look even smaller.
Legend isn’t falling for it. “C’mon, even Warriors eats with us and he loves his own company a little too much.”
“I heard that!”
The veteran ignores Warriors jibe.
Wild just shakes his head and edges around him. “Another time.” Then he ducks past and scrambles up into a tree, bowl still balanced in one hand.
“Let him go,” Time calls. He doesn’t look happy about it.
Wild continues to avoid the group, avoid preening, and thrashes through the air like an ungainly chick. Sometimes he’ll slide in behind someone and his flight stabilizes. Then, almost like his attention slipped, he ducks up or down and resumes the constant flapping.
They fight monsters and switch eras. The faint hope on Wild’s face dies as they enter another unfamiliar realm. His wings are getting rattier every day. Time tries both gentle and commanding, but Wild climbs a tree faster than Time can follow. A cloud of dirty feathers falls in his wake.
Time stands and glares are the pine for a long time.
Hyrule, gentle, attentive Hyrule, is taking an interest in the newest hero. Legend can’t help the slight jealousy as attention shifts away from him. Hyrule is a pair bird and Legend is the other half of that pair. While he might like some more social interaction, he won’t give up his closest friend.
Mostly, Hyrule watches Wild and Legend watches Hyrule. Soon, Legend is watching the champion, too, just to see what’s so fascinating.
It’s how he notices what Hyrule already saw; Wild attempting to preen and plucking ruined feathers. The shake of his fingers gets worse each time.
The feathers, poorly cared for, are coming out too fast for a molt. It’ll start affecting his flying soon.
Time stages an intervention when it becomes clear Wild isn’t going to give in on his own. He sits the champion down and explains how they understand worries about trust and safety. There’s no shame in accepting a little help from time to time.
Wild’s glare only grows with each word. “Don’t touch my wings.” Then he stalks off.
The intervention is a failure. Time grits his teeth and snaps for Twilight to come spar with him. The fury of the mock fight takes even the hawk off guard.
Read the rest here!
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joelslegalwhre · 2 years
Her Sweet Kiss
oh i would love to request one where the reader is the dragon queen (a bit like daenerys from game of thrones) and geralt is sent to kill her which he refuses in the end
(Requested on Wattpad)
pairing⁀➷ geralt of rivia x fem!dragon!reader
word count ⁀➷ 3.2k
summary ⁀➷ You're a golden dragon and the king sent Geralt to kill you… (I’m shit at summaries i’m sorry-)
warnings ⁀➷ spoilers for s1 ep6, violence, (short) mention of blood/wound, mention of killing someone, fighting, kissing, angst (not much)
a/n ⁀➷ As always pls tell me if I missed a warning! And if anyone knows why my “read more” messes with my text (it doubles the first paragraph) i’d be thrilled to know how to fix that🫢
Jaskiers song
🥤my kofi if you’d like to leave a tip🩷
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Geralt came out of the cave, throwing some monster head right in front of the man's feet. You felt the fear the old man had of the white haired Witcher.
Geralt looked at him with a stern look, a little confused but still as if he'd rip the man's head off if he'd do anything stupid.
„I believe those are mine." He said in a low voice.
When the Witcher came down the small hill to his horse, the man hurriedly let the bag fall to the ground and ran away.
„This woman just killed a man with her bare hands for trying to steal your horse!" Jaskier shouted to Geralt.
You couldn't just walk past the men on your way to the village, already sensing the fight.
It really wasn't as dramatic as the bard told though, the man chose his fate when he chose to be ignorant and thought of himself as something better. Stealing a man's belongings, was the lowest another could do. And you didn't really want to have a bloody scene, so a snapped neck was the… well, best option.
The bard behind you was still in shock as he propped his hands to his sides and looked at the Witcher. Said one turned around and studied you with an intense look.
You just looked him straight in the eyes, a small smile spreading across your lips at his next words.
„Maybe she'll make a better travel companion, then." he dryly answered the bard, tilting his head to the side.
He put the bags back on his horse and turned around to you and the bard, Jaskier.
„Who are you?" he asked. You felt the curiosity he tried to hide as he asked.
„That is something you don't have to know." you answered sounding polite yet your answer clearly wasn't. But something about it made the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia as you knew, want to know more about you.
Normally he would just turn around and continue whatever he was onto. Not this time, though.
You smiled at Geralt. „I guess you'd like that back.” You threw one of his viles at him that had fallen out of the bag earlier. He caught it with ease, looking you up and down in surprise. Maybe there was even more to you than he could guess.
„Good luck with whatever you're doing!" you shouted, already continuing your way to the village. Jaskier's gaze followed you, his eyebrow raised, shaking his head.
„What the..." he mumbled to himself. Geralt on the other hand was completely thrown off by the way you behaved.
„Wait!" he shouted after you, his deep voice echoing through the air. Jaskier turned his head to Geralt. What had got into him? He never did anything like that, ever.
The strong white wolf, feared Witcher and butcher of Blaviken, shouting after a girl? Out of desperation? You clearly left Geralt completely and utterly confused.
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The large door of the tavern opened, and Geralt entered, followed by Jaskier. "I'd like a fresh ale, thank you." Jaskier smiled at Geralt.
The tavern was packed, and the waiters ran back and forth in hurry. Neither of them wanted to wait that long. "Hmm." Gerald grumbled, but made his way to the bar anyway to order two mugs of ale.
"What.." the Witcher muttered to himself as he saw you. He had barely managed to banish you from his mind since you had left. As if in a trance, he walked away from the bar. "Witcher!" the barman called after him, who had already put down the two jugs. But Geralt no longer heard him, no longer wanted to hear him.
He followed after you without paying attention to anything around him. If the fabric of your orange dress hadn't had all his attention, it would have been easy to follow your irresistible scent.
You had already noticed Geralt when he entered the tavern with Jaskier. You led him to the back of the tavern, and opened a door that led into a corridor. Which contained several rooms to store food and drink or other supplies. With a light smile, you noticed that Geralt was still following you. Good.
Geralt didn't even look around as he pushed the door open, and it closed behind him. The voices became quieter, and he concentrated on the sounds of your footsteps. It smelled like old wood... and you.
You opened one of the doors. Not a moment later, you felt his presence close behind you. His breath on your neck and the strong smell he carried.
"I don't know why I can't resist you." he whispered in your ear, and his hair brushed your shoulder. "But I'm done trying to fight it."
You leaned your neck to the side and felt his lips, spreading feather-light kisses. No one needed to know about this encounter, you both agreed on that. He didn't need to leave any evidence behind to remember it. His hands grabbed your hips and urged you further into the chamber.
"Show me." you whispered challengingly. If he no longer wanted to suppress it, you wouldn't stop him.
Not a moment later, his lips met yours. Although there was so much desire in both of you, the kiss was anything but. It was breathtaking. It was gentle, quite in contrast to your desire. It was a sweet kiss. And it was so much more fitting than a wild or hard kiss. It was full of feelings neither of you would admit to.
His hands pulled you to him and your hands intertwined behind his neck. Never before had a kiss felt like this. But even in this kiss, you had to gasp for air at some point.
Neither of you moved. Geralt's hands still held you pressed against him as he looked down at you.
Something on your neck shone gold that he hadn't noticed before. It reached to your shoulder and disappeared under the fabric of your dress. It almost reminded him of dragon skin.
You knew what his gaze lingered on. "It's a birthmark," you whispered. He looked into your eyes.
"It's almost the same colour as your eyes." you added with a smile. His lips parted and closed again. Your hands wandered along his hair, and you twirled a small strand between your fingers. Geralt's gaze followed your every move before he looked you in the eyes again.
"I have to go now.” You whispered, standing on your toes and pressing one last kiss to his lips.
Geralt didn't open his eyes as you released yourself from his grip. Only when he heard the sound of jugs scraping over wood did he look up. With three empty jugs, you left the chamber and your footsteps echoed.
But what he only noticed now, how he could have missed it he didn’t know himself, was the wound on your arm. It looked like it had already been treated, but you still had a cloth covering it.
Geralt had his back to the door. But he couldn't help himself and took a step out of the door to look after you. With light steps, almost as if given wings, you walked along the corridor. But before you left, you looked over your shoulder at Geralt. You looked into his eyes and smiled.
Then you turned around and disappeared through the wooden door.
Geralt looked down at the floor and exhaled heavily. "Fuck." he growled.
When he returned to the table, Jaskier wasn't alone anymore. An old man and two worrier-looking women sat with him. Geralt's gaze went back and forth between the three and Jaskier. The table was set with pies, beer and wine.
"Ah Geralt, we were wondering where you've been." Jaskier announced cheerfully.
Geralt gave him a glance and sat down.
"What do you want?" Geralt grumbled.
„A short while ago, a dragon landed across the border in King Niedamir's mountains." the old men started, „I know what you're thinking. Impossible, dragons are so rare. But it's true. Locals spotted it and went after it in search of treasure. Of course, they succeeded only in wounding the creature. And angering it so righteously that it swooped down from its lair and set half a hillside ablaze.
„Dead sheep everywhere." he continued his story.
„Now, the King is in a blind. He's set to marry the princess of his rival kingdom, Malleore, which means it's bad timing to have a murderous pest lurking about in the mountains."
„What does this have to do with me?" Geralt knew exactly what this had to do with him, but the old man mustn't know that just yet.
„The king sent me to ask you to kill the dragon, dear Witcher.”
„You've wasted your breath." Geralt said. „I'll tell you what l've already told the king myself. he looked up, directly into the old man's eyes. „I don't kill dragons.”
What Geralt didn't tell him was that the king didn't order any dragon to be killed, he wanted the dragon queen dead. Shaking his head in disapproval, the old man sighed. „It's nothing I could do myself.” he chuckled. Geralt did not even seem to grin.
"I'm sorry to interrupt," Jaskier interjected into the conversation. „Did you say dragon?" Geralt looked at him from the side,
„What people call green dragons', like the one we have here I suppose, they're the most common. Red dragons, less so. Black dragons are the rarest.” he explained.
„Gold dragons are the rarest." the old men stated.
„Gold dragons are a myth. For a gold dragon to exist, it would... have to be the result of... an accidental, unique mutation. And in my experience, mutations, they're intentional." Geralt said with a wry nod, "But it doesn't matter. Mutant or myth, gold dragons met the same fate as anything too different to endure. They died out." His gaze had turned to the table.
„Hello, Grandfather." you lean on the old man's shoulders from behind with a small smile. At the sound of your voice, Geralt's head shot up. Your eyes met, once again, and it felt like a storm was set free inside of you.
„Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Thank you so much. It's been very nice. Thank you for the wine and the pies, but as the man said, we really can't get involved.” Jaskier said with panic in his voice.
„Geralt, shall we?" he tried to ask the Witcher next to him. But when Geralt answered, his gaze lingered on you.
„l'm in.”
„Mother of. Jaskier sighed.
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„What happened here?" Jaskier asked in shock as the two passed a mountain, completely burned down on one side. It was once, full of green grass and most likely many sheep.
„Dragons avoid people." Geralt murmured. „It should have left when they attacked.”
When they had reached the cave the dragon was supposed to be in, Jaskier stopped. „Uhm Geralt…" he breathed heavily. The Witcher turned to the bard and tilted his head slightly. „Wait here." he just said.
Ready to draw his sword at any time, Geralt slowly walked to the entrance of the cave. It was quiet, almost too quiet.
When he saw the dragons, even the Witcher stared for a moment.
He had expected one of the black dragons, or at least a red one. Not a green one.
The dragon laid there, one wing protectively in front of an egg. Behind the green dragon stood a black one protectively, but this one was male.
So he could hardly be the dragon queen the king wanted to get rid of. He came closer, still cautious, listening for any sounds. But when Geralt heard footsteps that could not belong to Jaskier, he drew his sword.
"Get. Away. From. Her." Geralt took a step back. He looked almost startled, surprise visible on his face.
"Hello again, Witcher." you said coldly.
"What are you doing here." It was no question, more likely a request to leave and not put yourself in danger. "Touch her, and I'll kill you." you threatened the Witcher.
The black dragon growled dangerously as you approached Geralt.
Cassius, your guard. He grew up with you in the Royal Court, back when everything was still there, nothing destroyed. He was not much older than you, and acted more like a brother than a guard most of the time.
When you heard his snort, you did not turn to him. "You can go." you said, still looking Geralt in the eyes.
Another growl. "I can handle this. Go now." He understood, this was an order. The green dragon was still lying in the same place when Cassius swept his wings and flew out of the cave through an opening in the ceiling.
"You should go., Witcher." Geralt didn't respond, instead he asked quietly in a raspy voice, "What are you?"
"Don't act like you don't know." You replied, almost a little hurt at the thought of what he would think of you.
Geralt took a step towards the dragon. And no matter what he wanted, no matter if he wanted to harm her or not, you could only see black and white at that moment. In seconds, you had a knife to his throat and were standing in front of him again. "Touch her and Jaskier will have to follow suit."
At that moment, as if you had summoned him, the bard came to the entrance of the cave. "Geralt, what is happening here? I have just seen a dra-" but he fell silent the moment he saw the Witcher with you.
Neither of you paid any attention to the bard.
Geralt turned so neatly that he had his arm around your neck and his hand took the knife from your hand.
"What on earth are you two doing here?" Jaskier stood there as if he no longer understood the world.
"Please." Geralt said softly, but that exactly was his weak spot. You ducked and twisted out of his grip, quick and swift enough to outwit the Witcher and his reactions. Quickly, you had your knife back in your hand. But instead of raising it to his throat again, you placed it at the level of his hip. Geralt looked at you, there was both astonishment and sadness in his gaze.
"Guys..." Jaskier called out to you.
You knew that Geralt would defeat you. Unless you threw him off his guard. He tilted his head, his lips opened and closed, just like he did in the tavern. And your next move was connected exactly with this thought. Geralt was still standing in front of you, he had thrown his sword on the ground when your knife had touched his throat, and there it still laid. He had no weapons except himself, which only confirmed that your idea would make him harmless for a few seconds. At least, you hoped so.
His lips had just closed again, and you didn't know if he would stop fighting or just start now.
Before he could do anything, though, you stood on your tiptoes, your dagger still at his hip. Your free hand reached for his neck and pulled him close enough to you. Then you placed your lips on his. The kiss almost captivated you yourself, and you had to concentrate to continue your plan. Geralt made a grumbling noise, surprised and completely thrown off balance. Just like you wanted. With all your strength, you broke away from him, breathing out heavily. Your lips trembled, it had indeed been a dirty trick. You looked at him apologetically and bit your lip. In the same movement, you turned to the dragon. You took a deep breath. Held it for a brief moment and then blew a protective wall of fire between the two of you and the dragon.
Your breathing became heavy and you swallowed. The fire made the golden scales on your neck glow. As you slowly turned to face Geralt, you could make out Jaskier at the entrance. You looked cautiously back and forth between the two of them. They couldn't hurt you. Their gazes, however, could.
"You're the dragon queen. The golden one." Geralt finally said it.
"The dragon queen?!" Jaskier commented in a shrill tone and shook his head disbelievingly to the right and then to the left."Damn.."
"Yes." your voice was no louder than a whisper as you looked the Witcher straight in the eyes. "But why did the king-" Jaskier started in a confused expression, but you interrupted him at the rage that boiled up inside you at the thought of the king, "King Niedamir hasn't even seen a dragon himself. He knows nothing!"
You walked out of the cave and Geralt followed you.
"No dragon has ever done anything to him. His men started the treasure hunts, they started hurting them,” your anger rose with each word, “He is just scared that he will pay for the things his men did to us." you said, one hand on your almost healed wound. "We don't start fights. But killing baby dragons, for treasure and gold?" You shook your head and tilted it slightly. "I can't let that happen."
You pursed your lips and closed your eyes for a moment, "The sheep- were just a warning. I never had the intention to do more."
Geralt had looked down on the ground while you told them everything. When you'd finished, his gaze found yours, and he exhaled.
You held out a small pouch to them, "Uhm, this is a dragon's tooth. The king won't know it's an old one." Geralt gently took the pouch from your hand, which was trembling slightly.
"Ehm, if I may-"
"It's not mine, Jaskier." you lightheartedly grinned at him.
"I'll tell the king we killed the dragon, and he'll leave you alone." Your gaze went back to Geralt, you nodded with a thankful smile.
"Can I talk to you for a moment, Geralt?" you quietly asked.
"Ohhh, I see. l'I let you two alone. If anyone needs me I'll just.." Jaskier pointed at some rocks and turned around, walking away just far enough to let you have some privacy.
You wanted to say something about the kiss, but you decided against it. It wouldn't help either of you.
„Don't give up." your gaze became serious, and Geralt looked slightly thrown off. That seemed to happen around you more often than he liked. „She is out there. And you have to find her."
Carefully you took his hand and your fingers gently brushed over it.
„Please don't give up, Geralt. You and your child of surprise... are to safe us all."
Your gaze went to your linked hands. A sad smile on your lips as you let go of it. You exhaled. "Goodbye, Geralt of Rivia."
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Geralt felt frozen in place. His back still in the direction you had gone. He didn't watch you go, he couldn't.
Jaskier's eyes widened as he looked past him.
„Geralt, you might want to see this." he almost whispered.
Geralt turned around. “What is-“ he grumbled but soon became silent at the sight.
The sight of a golden dragon flying away into the distance.
Geralt exhaled and looked after you until you were only a small point on the sky and then, gone.
The song about the charming girl, the one who was strong enough to fight and win against Geralt of Rivia, spread across the countries. Jaskier made sure it did.
The song about her sweet kiss.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day 🧡
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sonarspace · 8 months
needy, suguru geto
wc: 2k warnings: 18+ , smut (f! and m! receiving, f! and m! oral, fingering, vibrator, thigh fucking, sex + more idk) and slight fluff. a/n: i know it’s not that good 😔. ignore any grammar mistakes pls it's not proofread.
⋆·˚ ༘ *✧.*.·゜゜··゜゜·..·゜゜··゜゜·..·゜゜··゜゜·..·゜゜··゜゜·..·゜゜··゜゜·.✧.*⋆·˚ ༘ *
you don’t have anything to complain about when it comes to sex with geto. he always gives you what you need. but you want more. you’re aware of his past and how he used to fuck the brains out of his hookups leaving them wanting more. he was all yours now and you’d seen every side of his except this one.
he’s sitting in bed scrolling on his phone waiting for you. you walk out of the bathroom in a dark red sheer robe with a red and black lace lingerie set underneath. he hasn’t looked up from his phone yet, so you walk over to where he’s sitting and put your fingers under his chin and turn his face towards you.
his mouth drops and the phone slips out of his hand. “what’s..” he tries to speak but you kiss him before he can and push him down on the mattress settling over his lap.
he kisses you back just as fiercely. his hands fall down to your waist, playing with the knot that’s keeping your robe tied. “want you to fuck me suguru,” you whisper in his mouth. “yeah?” he groans, kissing down your neck. “yeah. like one of the girls you used to hookup with.”
“what?” he stops and pulls back with a confused look. “i want you to be rough with me sugu. fuck me like really really fuck me, don’t hold back. please baby. want to see that other side of you. use me suguru.”
“baby, it's not like that with you and me. you’re not just a one night stand to me. that side of me…i don’t think i...” he says, his finger drawing circles on your inner thigh like he was trying to keep himself grounded.
“suguru.” you whine and move forward to kiss his lips. he gets on top of you, the kiss turning needy. he undoes your robe, pushing it off your shoulders. “please please, i’ll be good for you.” he laughs against your lips “i know you will, you’re always good for me sweet girl, but-” you tut him “i trust you sugu” your hand caresses his cheek.
“okay” he sighs and you smile widely. he continues “but don’t forget. you’re in control. if you need me to slow down or stop let me know. okay?” he says with seriousness lacing his voice. “okay okay” you reply back cheerfully.
he kisses you once more before he gets off of you "stay still for me, i'll be right back." and walks into your shared closet. you lift your head up and move around to see what was taking him so long and you can see him rummaging through the drawers.
he comes back with something hidden behind his hand. "thought i told you stay still." he squints at you with a head tilt. "just wanted to see what was taking so long."
"sit up," and you do. his eyes trace your body, the way the lace covers you in all the right places. sinful. he pulls out a blindfold from behind his back. "can i put this on?" and you agree. it completely restricts your vision. all you can see is black. you feel his hand on your thigh making its way up to your panties. his fingers tracing press down on your wetness. you whimper. "lie back down."
he pushes your thighs further apart and starts trailing kisses in your inner thigh moving up to your core. he leaves kisses on your clothed pussy moving up to your abdomen and then chest. his kisses move higher, kissing between your boobs, the dip in your throat, your neck. biting down gently under you ear as he sucks at the tender flesh. a breathy moan leaves your lips as you grow wetter with each kiss. he kisses your cheek and you turn slightly to get him to kiss you but he moves away. you whine in protest "kiss me sugu".
"hmmm if you behave, i might." he traces your lips with his thumb, your tongue pokes out and he takes that as his cue to insert his fingers into your mouth. and you suck, cheeks hollowing, bobbing your head slightly. he groans "fuckk, think you can do that to my cock?" and you nod your head without a second thought. "yes sugu, give it to me."
so he does. his knees on are either side of your face. one hand holding the headboard, the other holding his cock lining it up with your lips. he traces your lips with his cock, pre cum leaking and covering your lips as he pushes in.
he swears he sees heaven when he feels the warmth of your mouth taking him. you flatten your tongue so he can reach further into you. he starts fucking your mouth, his cock reaching the back of your throat and slightly curving. you loved it. loved the feeling of tears brimming your eyes as you try not to gag and let him use you. loved that you could make him feel this way.
you hollow your cheeks trying to make it more pleasurable for him. “fuck mm i’m gonna cum” he groans. as he goes to pull out, your hands move behind his thighs to hold him in place. you try to speak with his dick down your throat but end up gurgling instead. “want me to cum in your mouth?” he asks breathlessly. and you nod in return. he thrusts a few more times and comes with a loud moan of your name. you take all that he gives you and continue to suck on his tip until he feels overstimulated and has to push your mouth off. 
“didn’t know my baby can get so dirty,” he murmurs, nipping at your ear. your chin is covered in your spit and some of his cum. he licks it up and kisses you. his tongue pushes in tangling with yours and you moan at finally kissing him like this. “you okay?” he checks in on you after your little make out session. “yeah keep going,” your voice is slightly hoarse from his tip constantly hitting the back of your throat. 
he moves down removing your bra and latching his mouth on your perked nipples. your hand falls to his hair to keep him there. his hand slides in between your thighs, pushing down your panties. his thumb moving in circles over your clit as his middle finger sinks into your needy hole. his tongue on your nipple moves in sync with the thumb on your clit. his tongue flicking and sucking on your nipple while his thumb rubs and presses down on your clit. you pull at his hair and he moans with your nipple in his mouth. you can feel your orgasm nearing, your stomach tightening at the feeling until he suddenly pulls his hands out from between your thighs. “suguruuu noo why did you stop. fuckm,” you whine. 
“you didn’t think i forgot about earlier, did you?” he teases. “told you to stay still, but you just had to disobey me.” he flips you over and pulls you up. your back to his chest.  he grabs your hands and brings them behind your back, tying it with a rope. “this okay? not too tight?” he asks with slight concern. the switch in his voice had you smiling to yourself. “yes ‘s okay.”
he puts a pillow under you and pushes you back down to keep your ass in the air. leaves a trail of sweet kisses from your shoulder to the bottom of your spine. he slaps your ass once, then twice. his hand massages your ass to compensate for the slap.
he pushes your thigh apart and licks down from your hole to your clit.moaning in satisfaction at the sweet taste of your cunt and grabs at the flesh of your ass to keep you still. his tongue starts moving over your clit. alternating between licking and sucking and then down to your hole, dipping and slurping. you can hear the muffled sound of vibrations and you gasp as you feel the cold silicone of a toy touch your clit.
you let out a loud moan as he ups the speed. your clit being stimulated by the vibrator, pressing down at your nub. his tongue dips in your hole and laps at your juices like a starved man. he pulls away completely once again and you whine loudly. your cheeks are covered in frustrated tears "what the fuck suguru" you retort angrily. "i'd be careful with my words, if i were you darling," and he slaps your ass. "mnnph harder" you mewl. and so he slaps your ass harder. watches it jiggle before he's kissing your cheeks, to soothe the pain.
"get on all fours" he orders. tracing your ass with his cock before he reaches between your plush thighs. "squeeze my cock and get me off". you squeeze his cock in between your thighs, his tip pokes at your nub and you whine. start moving back and forth, your ass hitting his pelvis. he pulls you up to his chest, his hand snaking around your throat. the head of his cock hitting your clit has your orgasm approaching again and you beg him to let you come.
"suguru i'm-" you whimper. "you close, doll?" he teases. "yes yes please please let me cum sugu" you whine and he squeezes your throat lightly "go ahead then. come on my cock." and you finally come with a loud cry of his name. your thighs tightening around his cock triggers his own and it sprays up onto your stomach and front of your thighs.
you fall back on him breathing heavily. his fingers moves to your thigh collecting his cum and bringing it up to your mouth. "filthy filthy girl. think the neighbors heard us?" he whispers in your ear. "hmm i think the whole building heard us," and you both laugh.
he lays you down and unties your blindfold and hands. you let out a sigh of relief. your arms are sore but you'd keep them tied behind forever if he asked you. he flips you over and you smile at him lazily. he brings your hands up and leaves kisses your wrists. "missed your face" you say softly. "missed your eyes," he says as he kisses you.
you grab his cock from in between you and line him up with your core. "please fuck me," you beg him. "so needy tonight. gonna milk me out dry." he teases. "please," you groan. "i''ve gotchu baby. you were so good for me tonight. hmm going to take make you feel real good. don't worry."
he pushes in to you. moving slowly and you both hold eye contact. his strokes slow and reaching deep inside you pushing at your g-spot. your eyes roll back. "need you to keep looking at me sweetheart."
he pushes the hair sticking to your head back and kisses you deeply. your fingers tangle in his strands. he pulls back from the kiss to look at where you're connecting and groans "you're taking me so well, fuck." he puts your leg on his shoulder and the angle has you crying "ohhh". he reaches deeper this way. you look down at your tummy, where you can feel and see the indent of his cock and moan loudly "soo deep suguru, please make me cum".
he starts fucking you faster. "baby, 'm close," you let him know. the angle and speed have you cumming in no time. your cunt clenching around his dick, triggers his own and he bottoms out, moaning your name.
you both lay like that for a while. him on top of you and your hand in his hair scratching at his scalp lightly. "how do you feel?" he whispers. "sleepy but good. really good. you?"
"i love you," he confesses. his head hidden in your neck. he was scared to look at you. scared that you might not feel the same way. but all his doubts go away when you immediately reply back, "i love you suguru". you feel his smile in your neck and he lifts his head to kiss you. just soft and sweet.
⋆·˚ ༘ *✧.*.·゜゜··゜゜·..·゜゜··゜゜·..·゜゜··゜゜·..·゜゜··゜゜·..·゜゜··゜゜·.✧.*⋆·˚ ༘ *
hope you liked it :D. reblogs are appreciated!
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cloudlunae · 7 months
sk8ter boi
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✮⋆˙ prompt luka as your skater and drummer bf
✮⋆˙ characters luka, serval, gepard
✮⋆ ˙a/n so this was a fic i wrote on my old blog so if it sounds familiar that's why :') but i loved this fic much and thought it would fit luka nicely so here it is again! i'm pretty sure i edited out all the old names but if i missed any pls lmk!
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The clock on your phone reads 5:00 p.m. on the dot. Tucking the device back in the pocket of your hoodie (actually, it was his hoodie), you watched on with a fond smile, falling back to lean on the palms of your hands. 
The faint outline of Luka’s figure whizzed past you, wind tickling the exposed skin on your legs. Echoing down the empty, vast plane of the skatepark were the rattling sounds of the skateboard, wheels gliding along the chilled concrete. Their clickety-clackety sounds were a familiar comfort to you, reminiscent of a train chugging down the tracks—a beacon of nostalgia and a place that was like home to you.
He was like home to you.
Tugging the hood over your head, you hauled yourself up off the ground and made your way towards the metal railing, just next to the half-pipe. Luka paid you no mind, too focused on not eating shit as he went up the ramp, suspending himself in the air for a moment, before gracefully gliding back down and repeating the process over again.
You never got tired of watching him. In fact, the more you watched Luka skate the more entranced you were. Unlike him, you had no coordination on a board whatsoever; you were lucky to be able to just stand on the thing, let alone actually move along with it. So it was always a treat for you whenever you had the chance to witness Luka in his element, taking control of the skateboard and wielding it under his feet as if it were a weapon, streaking across metal railings and drifting on curved concrete. Other than the band, you’ve never seen Luka enjoy himself so much.
Speaking of which…
“Hey skater boy!” you called out. “Let’s go, you’re late!”
Luka paused, glancing over from where he stood atop the half-pipe. He flashed you an angelic smile, making your heart skip a beat as he came down, planting his feet firmly on the ground and stopping right in front of you. He tugged his beanie off, cherry red hair messily framing his flushed face. You reached over and gently brushed his bangs away with the sleeve of your—his—hoodie, laughing softly when Luka tilted his head up, bumping his nose against the curve of your wrist.
“Having fun?” you asked, bringing your hand back down.
“Yeah, thanks, I really...I really needed this,” he said breathlessly, bending down and picking the skateboard up, tucking it under his arm. With his other, he threw it around your shoulder and pulled you close, leading you out of the skatepark.
“Good, ‘cause now Serval’s gonna chew my ass out for making you late,” you snorted.
“I mean, it’s quite a walk to the venue, and we’re never gonna get there quick enough if we just walk.” Luka shrugged nonchalantly, trying and failing to keep the rising smirk off his face. You raised an eyebrow, freezing in your tracks and stepping away from his hold.
“What are you implying?”
Luka’s smirk widened, eyes drifting down to the board in his hands, and that’s when it clicked. Immediately, you whipped around and began fast-walking down the street, ignoring your boyfriend’s mirthful laughter as he jogged to catch up with you.
“Oh, c’mon–”
“Luka, I am not riding that thing.”
You threw him a look over your shoulder, unamused at the bouts of giggles bursting through his lips. Luka wasn’t stupid—he knew the reason why, but that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy seeing you squirm about it every now and then.
He finally caught up to you, steps slowing down as he grabbed onto your hand and slipping his fingers between yours. You pretended not to notice the way your skin flared up at the sudden gesture. Instead, you buried your face in the collar of the hoodie, relaxing as the familiar scent of lavender and sandalwood permeated your senses.
“I’ll hold your hand the whole time if it makes you feel better–ack!” Luka yelped when you firmly elbowed him in the side.
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“Are you kidding me? I told you to be here by five, and it’s almost fifteen minutes past. Luka, I swear if you didn’t need your hands today I would’ve broken them by now.” Serval jabbed Luka’s chest with her finger, brows furrowed in frustration and lips downturned in a disappointed pout. Her long, blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail, but loose strands were sticking out—most likely due to Serval’s habit of running her hands through her hair. From where you sat on the leather couch, an amused snicker left your lips.
You regretted it almost instantly as Serval’s attention was now brought on you, and you braced yourself.
“Y/n, don’t even get me started on–”
“Serval,” Gepard sighed tiredly, coming up behind his sister and placing his hand on her shoulder. “We’re on in five, get ready. You can yell at them later.”
No sooner did the words leave Gepard’s lips came their manager stumbling into the room, headset resting crookedly upon his face. 
“What are you all still doing here? The fans are waiting, let’s go!” He gestured hurriedly. 
The other members of the band quickly followed suit, each of them picking up their respective instruments; Serval with her guitar, Gepard with his bass, and Luka with his drumsticks. You trailed along behind them, chest vibrating at the sheer noise coming from the crowd as you neared the stage. 
Once they were behind the wings, Serval pulled them into a huddle, wrapping their arms around each other’s shoulders. You stayed back and gazed at them with a soft smile on your face, occasionally taking a peek through the curtains. Compared to other venues, this one was significantly less substantial in terms of space and audience number, but the screams and shouts of support from the crowd definitely rivaled those of bigger venues. 
The band finished their huddle with a simple chant, and almost immediately, the stage lights dimmed, causing the audience to scream even louder (if that were even possible). You sat back on one of the crates, heart racing as you watched Serval run on stage, followed by Gepard. But instead of going along with them, Luka swiftly turned around and strode over to you.
Your expression fell into one of confusion. “Luka, what are you–”
You didn’t get the chance to finish your sentence before Luka’s lips connected with yours. His free hand, the one that wasn’t holding his drumsticks, tenderly cupped your face, thumb gently stroking your cheek. The kiss was delicate and warm, like a single flutter of a butterfly’s wing on your lips, and it was just so like Luka you couldn’t help but tug him even closer.
“Hey Luka! If you’re done sucking face, we need you out here! Don’t make me come back there and drag you,” Serval announced into his mic, rolling her eyes as the audience members erupted into even louder cheers
A laugh bubbled out from your lips and you pulled away, resting your forehead against Luka’s. His eyes were open and peering intently into your own, causing your face to flare up once again. You pushed your hand against his chest.
“Go,” you urged. “Don’t give Serval another reason to yell at us for.”
Luka didn’t move away for a second, but then he surged forward once more, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead. 
“Cheer for me, yeah?” he breathed.
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Four Hours
A/N: First off, apologizes that this wasn’t ready at the first deadline. I really wanted to get characterizations correct and struggled finding fics to help with that (the irony that this is a rare clone fic exchange so of course I couldn’t find anything to help me is not lost on me). But thankfully I had some help from the patron of this exchange and I was able to finish!
Secondly, I really hope you like this @littlemissmanga! I’m not a smut writer, but I tried to make this a bit spicier and more suggestive than I usually do. I truly hope you enjoy this and it makes up for me being late to the party.
Thirdly, this is for Alpha-17 and I know he’s based on Kamino, but I had this idea and I couldn’t imagine it any other way so lets all pretend he had business on Coruscant. It is a fic after all, so let me suspend a bit of belief here. Work with me pls. This is my first time writing for him, so hopefully I do him justice!!
Thank you thank you thank you!
I hope you enjoy this!
love, @snippy-tano
Summary: You run into trouble (literally) and Alpha-17 is there to help. But the moment sparks fly, you debate inviting him to spend his four free hours with you despite having just met him. What should you do? Let him walk away? Or take a leap?
Pairing: Alpha-17 x GN!reader
Rating: Borderline SFW & NSFW. It gets a little spicy (making out and such), but no smut (just heavily implied). Some swearing (fr reader who is in a panic because of our boy)
Word Count: 1717
For @littlemissmanga :) <3
Four Hours
“Look out!” 
Despite the advanced warning, you barely had time to react before something hard collided against you, knocking you down onto the pavement. Your arm was throbbing and your ribs ached as you let out a cough, the sound of a speeder growing quieter was the only cue to what had almost happened. You braced your hands on the ground, eyes opening as you moved to a kneeling position. 
Beside you, a clone trooper was also climbing to their feet. You let out a huff as your arm continued to sting with pain. 
“Next time, be a little more gentle before you tackle someone without armor.” 
The trooper’s helmet snapped up towards you and you couldn’t stop the shiver that ran down your spine. You knew he was looking directly at you and it was equal parts unnerving and exciting. 
“Next time, how about I just don’t save your life.” Came the husky voice from through the helmet modulator. 
Another shiver.
You rolled your eyes, wincing as you shakily climbed to your feet. “Fine, thanks or whatever.”
You brushed off your clothes, noticing a small tear in your sleeve and cursing under your breath. There was a scrape on your elbow that was bleeding only slightly, which meant that it wasn’t serious. It hurt, but it could wait until you made it back to your place. 
A gloved hand appeared in your field of vision as the trooper gently gripped your arm and peered at the minor scrape. You inhaled sharply when his finger touched the raw skin. His helmet tilted to you for a moment before returning to your arm. 
“Do you have bacta?”
You pulled your arm out of his grasp, trying to ignore how the tingling had stopped and the warmth disappeared. “Not on me. I’ll be fine.” 
“Fine, don’t say I didn’t ask.” 
You huffed. “Alright, well, thanks again. I’ll be on my way.”
You gave him a weak salute before turning on your heel and heading in the direction you were originally going. 
Maker, who was that guy?
You knew he was a trooper, obviously. But you didn’t even ask for his name. Well, it was too late for that. He would just be a figment of your imagination until the end of time, existing as a figure that would likely frequent your dreams in the coming months with his voice alone. Although the rest of him would absolutely torment your mind just as much. 
“You like my voice, huh?” You jumped at the voice at your side, eyes wide as you looked over and up and up before meeting a pair of deep brown eyes. 
Wait, brown eyes?
Oh kriffing hells he took off his helmet. 
To cover your embarrassment, you sneered, tearing your eyes away from him. “Should I add stalker to that list?”
“I’m not stalking you.” 
“Okay then, care to explain why you’re following me?”
He let out a breath, eyes tipping towards the darkened Coruscanti sky. “Well, you did walk into traffic and were almost hit by a speeder, so I figured you could use an escort. You know, in case you decide to jump in front of a speeding vehicle again.”
You bit down on your lip. 
Kriff him.
“Fine. What’s your name then? Since you’re insistent on following me?” You snapped, forcing your eyes to remain forward instead of on the absolute specimen of a man beside you. 
You tamped down on a snicker than threatened to slip past your lips. As amusing as it was that his name is Alpha, the number in his name had you hesitating. He was a trooper, a clone of someone else, without any kind of freedom. Now was not the time to crack a joke at a name he likely wasn’t able to give himself. 
You hummed before giving him your name in return. He didn’t say anything else, just continued to walk beside you. 
You hated to admit it, but it was nice to walk with someone on a walk that you normally made alone. Even if you weren’t talking, you enjoyed the silent company. 
The fact that it was with the hottest man you’d ever seen was a bonus. 
You weren’t able to stop yourself from sneaking glances at him. He really was incredibly easy on the eyes. He seemed taller, bigger than the other troopers you had met since the war began. You had no idea why, but it made him that much more appealing. 
You wouldn’t mind entertaining him a little bit longer or maybe thanking him for rescuing you. 
“Is there something on my face?”
His voice startled you into meeting his gaze as your face flamed. “No.” You spit out quickly, but the growing warmth on your face likely told a different story. 
He hummed in response again, a deep noise that came from his chest. It had another shiver shooting down your spine. Your eyes focused on the path in front of you, desperate to avoid the gaze of the man that was causing your heart to hammer loudly in your own chest. 
“Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” You said, eager to change the subject from your slip up. 
You blinked. “Really? You’re sure?”
“Positive. I’m here on official GAR business, but I am not due to report for another four hours.” He said and you nodded, eyes falling back on the ground in front of you.
Four hours huh?
If he’s just following you to make sure you get back, you could just keep walking. He would never know. And then you would get to spend more time with him. Maybe you could talk to him more. Despite his gruff nature, he seemed kind enough, I mean he did save your life. You wanted to learn more about him and continuing this walk seemed like a great place to start.
Or maybe you should lead him back to your place. 
Your face flushed again at the thought. 
No. That’s a bad idea, well, not a bad idea, in fact it is a very, very, good idea. But maybe more ill-advised and incredibly reckless of you. You hardly knew him, but there was something about him that had you wanting to throw all caution to the wind. You risked another glance at the handsome lines of his face.
So why were you considering it anyway?
His eyes met yours and it was like there was a spark. 
Alpha-17 suddenly crowded your frame, pushing you to the side. You stumbled a few steps before your back hit a hard wall. When you opened your eyes, you saw him hovering much closer to you. Your hands gripped the edges of his chest plate as the wall behind you bit into your back. His arms caged you in the small alley, but you still felt safe. 
“If you don’t stop looking at me with those eyes, I might get the wrong idea.” His voice was low and it sent a jolt straight through you. 
You’re not sure what came over you, but you answered him quietly. “What if that’s what I was going for?”
He made another sound deep in his chest as he shifted closer, pressing you further into the wall behind you. But instead of feeling cornered, you felt completely at ease. “Are you sure? I can’t promise more than the next four hours.”
“That’s plenty of time.” 
A strangled noise escaped from his lips seconds before they crashed against yours. 
It was equal parts messy, desperate, and incredibly hot. It was like he couldn’t pull you close enough and you were just as eager to crawl closer and never leave as your mouths moved desperately against each other. Your hand wandered everywhere that was accessible to you and he seemed to be trying to map every inch of you to his memory. 
His tongue nudged against your lips and you opened your mouth immediately, groaning when he pushed inside. His hands wandered down to your legs and without any effort at all, he lifted you. Instinctively, your legs entangled behind him as the angle of your lips improved dramatically. His hips pressed against yours and you both let out a shuddering breath at the contact. 
Your hands gripped his closely cropped hair, tugging him impossibly closer. He came willingly, his hands holding a bruising grip against your thighs. 
Just as you felt a warmth begin to grow deep within your stomach, your feet hit the ground. You stumbled on wobbly legs, eyes opening to see Alpha-17 picking up his discarded helmet. 
“We should stop before we do something we regret. This isn’t the place for this.” He said before giving you a nod and walking away. 
You stared, blinking at his retreating back in absolute confusion. Your brain was muddled and foggy and it took you way longer than normal to formulate a response. When you gained control again, you took off after him, stumbling slightly. 
“Wait!” Your voice had him pausing. His head tilted back towards you, but his body remained facing forward. “You said you could only promise four hours. What if I want that time?”
You could see him take a deep breath.
“My place is right around the corner.” 
He remained silent for what felt like an eternity before he turned, his intense brown eyes meeting yours.
Alpha-17 held out his gloved hand towards you. “Then lead the way.” 
You didn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face as you dashed forward, grabbing his hand in yours and tugging him into a run. 
Screw taking a walk with him. 
You had an activity that would be much more fun for the four hours you had together. Maybe someday you would get to take that walk and really get to talk to him.
But for now, you had something else in mind entirely. 
His hand tightened around yours and you couldn’t help but shoot him another smile. The corner of his mouth ticked up and you felt a buzzing in your stomach. 
Yeah, this was a much better use of your time. 
[And in the end, the four hours was more than enough time to learn all about Alpha-17 and for him to learn all about you. Multiple times in fact.]
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