#iller eye
uttersorcery · 1 year
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Lee Riley "From Here We Are Nowhere".
pic: Nicola Onions
On 28th July we release drone/ ambient/ doom artist Lee Riley album "From Here We Are Nowhere". Oxford based experimental composer Lee Riley goes right back to the origins of Eyeless Records and this is a joint venture with his own imprint Iller Eye. It will be released digitally and on stream as well as a ltd lancing pack CD and contains some of the most immersive drone music this year. I caught up with Lee to ask about his process to complement the album...
What’s the scene like in Oxford at the moment? When I was there it was incredibly collaborative and supportive and it’s where Eyeless was born…are you part of a strong community there or are you more independent as an artist?
Lots of great music as always in Oxford, the promoters at Divine Schism are bringing exciting bands to town regularly. I have a variable taste and like lots of types of music. A few favourites and highly recommended, on the heavier side bands like Ghosts In The Photographs, The Hope Burden, Sinews are doing well with recently released material or playing regularly. The experimental side there are things happening, I feel more independent but have many friends in other bands who support other.
I don't play solo live much. But would love to play more. I have had a close connection to Oxford over the years both in music and the arts. 
It was great being involved in the early incarnation of Eyeless and working other promoters who have left Oxford. Since 2007 I have carried on both musically and visually. Studying sonic art and forming collaborative projects with other musicians, dancers and artists. I have curated sound art exhibitions and occasionally events too.
Who informs your practice?  There’s a remarkably rich sound to your pallet feels like there’s a lot going on in there…scraping, drones, dissonance percussion vocals x
I wanted to play a bit more on these recordings, still working with layers of drones and noise. But having more textures. No vocals but the guitar can be manipulated in a way it sounds like a voice.
I wanted to mix acoustic and electric guitar on this album, I still need to try it live at some point.
I have many influences sometimes films and TV shows like Dark. I admire musicians like Stian Westerhus, Tim Hecker, Sunn O))). I have always tried to do my own thing and find new ways to enhance what I create. 
Is there a lot of layering or is it more live? To what extent does improvisation inspire your process? Or is it very tightly controlled?
The album is very succinct was it difficult to keep the tracks quite economical considering the genre you were working in?
As mentioned above I wanted to play more being able to control the sounds more instead relying heavily on delays and layers. I wanted to separate the sounds to allow space and depth to the recordings.
It feels like in your work you are exploring the possibilities of prepared guitar and extended techniques of playing guitar….
I have always treated the guitar as a sound tool and not and instrument. Such as using the body of the acoustic guitar or bowing and scraping the strings, etc. 
I have worked with Mike Bannard in the Studio for a few releases, he understands my approach and what I want to produce and he suggests different mixing/recording techniques. He works with lots of bands and has a relaxed environment at Safehouse Studio and he is always up for exploring new ways of recording. This is my 3rd release with him on board. He has really helped bring out the details of my sounds and we collaborate in a group called UNMAN.
The final track “No one knows what’s inside “ offers a climactic ending of noise and crescendo…is tension and release a big part of your compositional method?
My approach has always had a loose improvised feel but I feel that the composition elements evolve from playing and having creative freedom helps. I know how to make certain sounds but it's how I use them. It's ike a blank canvas layers of sounds replacing the paint. They sound similar yet different each time or when put together.
This session was made into these pieces, revisiting them like sketches. Some sounds repeat on different tracks, this helped me arrange the sequence of the tracks as a whole but they also work as individual pieces of music.
As mentioned above films and TV shows often have great sound design and atmosphere. I have always tried this whilst making my music, probably sounds cheesy but taking the listener or audience on a journey.
Are there any albums you are excited by atm would you like to talk about these?
I really like the recent album by Wolf Eyes album.
I can't wait to see Big Brave again in September, there albums sound so good and have lots of depth to there sound. Stian Westerhus has some new recordings coming soon, look forward to those.
Also I highly recommend you listen to the Recent Ghosts In The Photographs album, I had the privilege of guesting on one of the tracks. Really great underated band from Oxfordshire.
Future Plans 
What’s next for you as an artist?
I hope to play solo live more both in Oxford and different places. It's been challenging for everyone making music or bands playing over the past few years, it still is. I like performing so we will see what happens. I have a new project called DHELTR∆ with Beth Shearsby and Jeremy Moors. We have played a couple of live shows and hope to record soon.
I also hope to work with UNMAN a ongoing noise group featuring myself, Mike Bannard, John Grieve and we have a new drummer John Jobbagy.  We played with Sly & The Family Drone recently which was good fun!
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frost-queen · 8 months
Lady of Mirkwood | (Reader x Thranduil)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22@elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers @merlieve,  @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly,@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury, @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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| Meeting Thranduil
You met Thranduil when the Third age progressed. It was when the Necromancer unknown then but known as Sauron later on claimed the abandoned fortress of Amon Lanc to make it into Dol Guldur. Sauron infected the woods with spiders and orcs. The spiders and the orcs expended their reach claiming more and more for them. Infecting the very nature with their filth and death.
All the elves were forced to leave the woods. Those who fought back were brought down. Countless of lost elves filled the sickening woods. You were amongst some elves that were fleeing. The orcs had increased their stench to the part of the woods where you lived. With a few douzen you were. Fleeing for your lives as the orcs hunted you down. The woods had grown iller. Spider cobs were not too much yet in these parts. But a few spiders having expended their webs out to your lands.
Some elves wanted to stay and fight. They barely lasted long as the pack of orcs were too many. Sweeping them down in a matter of seconds. The others fled as fast as they could. Hatred, anger and sorrow grieving your hearts. You were running trying to stay out of the orcs clutches. The orcs attack made you stumble, dropping to the ground. Surrounded by death and darkness. You thought it was over. You thought you were never going to see the undying lands, but then a bright light appeared between the trees. The illumination blinded the orcs sending them back a bit. The light faded as you could see a small group of elves charge for battle. Lead by a High elf.
The orcs never stood a chance. The High elf approached you, helping you up your feet. The moment his eyes met with his, he was struck. Gasping breathlessly at your grace and beauty. The woods no longer having a place for you, he took you in. Thranduil his name was. King of the woodland realm.
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| Life at the woodland realm
Thranduil was smitten with you. For the first time in many ages, the so cocky king found beauty in another. He threated you like a guest with the highest honor. Quarters close to his. Thranduil would host parties just to have an excuse to dance with you. He never let any other elf near you. He wanted you for himself. You sometimes dared to tease Thranduil by speaking to other elves, just to see his reaction. You loved how easily jealous he was. He would come over, pull you gently behind him while urging them in a polite way to leave. Sometimes he would lay his robe over your shoulder to hint to others that you were his.
Underneath the moonlight on a summer's day was when you had your first kiss with Thranduil. Forever giving yourself to one another. He married you a month later never wanted to be parted from you ever again. You became queen of the woodland realm. All the elves present adored you for your righteousness and kind heart. Whenever Thranduil dared to lose his temper, you were there to calm him down. Sometimes you would come along with Thranduil and his army in an attempt to reclaim your woods. When Thranduil saw his numbers dim and almost losing you in a battle, he gave up. Not wanting to see his people be slaughtered or see you in danger. For he could not afford to lose you, his brightest star.
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| Legolas
Legolas was born with grace. You loved every little detail of him. Thranduil would be careful at first. For he feared to hold such a fragile creature. He feared he might harm it in any way. You would show him he could do no harm. Taking his hand and bringing it up to Legolas for him to touch. His fingers would brush against his cheek making Legolas flutter a laugh. On that Thranduil was sold. Taking his son in his arms and care deeply for him.
As Legolas grew older, Thranduil insisted he had his features from you. Everything about Legolas reminded him of you. With the coming of Legolas was Thranduil more careful. You were no longer aloud out of the woodland realm. Not wanting anything to happen to you or Legolas. You had to admit it felt a bit lonely being unable to see the old woods. Your home that you missed dearly. With each year it grew colder and deader. Plagued by orcs and spiders. Since you had no where else to go, you focused more on Legolas. Teaching him how to defend himself. It was you who introduced Legolas to the bow and arrow. When Legolas was old enough to have his own bow, he would name it after you.
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Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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crazymoonlight · 3 months
So let me see that I got it right
You (some people) hate one person because he m*urdered a child
But you don't hate the other person with the same condition, which he k*illed a child too
And in defence you say:
He had trauma, He wanted revenge, The one who he k*illed was older than a baby?
God, what double standards you have!!
If Aemond had trauma, Deamon had trauma too.
If Aemond wanted revenge for just his eye, Deamon wanted revenge for his child.
The only thing that I'm proud of myself about is that I never justified Deamon's action, so as I'd never do for Aemond.
They both m*urdered a child, they're the same and there's no difference.
Good for you that you finally found something real to hate Blacks, cause in case of luce's m*urder, the k*iller was a poor boy who had trauma and just wanted revenge. 🥺
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soulofapatrick · 2 years
You Won’t Leave? - Joel Miller x reader
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Summary: Y/N has had a fever the last few days but you’re too stubborn to let Joel or Ellie know because you don’t want Joel to leave as it brings up past abandonments
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: fainting; watching someone kill themselves due to being infected
My head pounds with every step, nose feeling clogged and body aching. I’m sick. Like flu sick but that can’t stop us from getting Ellie to the fireflies so I’ve just been sucking up and dealing with it, keeping an eye out for any medication wherever we go. The pack on my back felt heavier than ever and it was causing me to fall behind from the pair, Ellie asking Joel as many questions as she can while Joel just grunts or replies with “pass” but it never deters Ellie. 
The weather was getting colder with each passing day which doesn’t help my flu situation on top of the hours Joel wants to walk. He’s always so stoic and uptight, walking with purpose and gun within arms reach if we were to stumble upon any infected. My own gun is in my pack at the moment as I don’t think it’d be wise me shooting with the way Joel and Ellie seem to sometimes multiply in front of me. 
It’s been manageable until today, I woke with almost no vision which meant I had to pretend to still be asleep for another half an hour before the stars decided to stop spinning around me. Even then all my movements were slow but Joel or Ellie didn’t seem to notice, probably thinking I was just still waking up and I just let them believe that. I still had the thermos of coffee Joel handed to me, it’s currently gripped tight in my shaky hands, as my body feels so hot and clammy and I’m sweating despite the cold air. It’s taking everything for me to not strip all my warm layers off as it might be instant relief it’ll just make me iller and I’ll be fine once I break the fever which I should do today. 
I manage to struggle forwards for another hour before I have to stop and take a sip of my coffee, hoping the caffeine will help me continue on but when I lower the thermos I realise there are four of Joel and Ellie talking to each other as they wait for me. I open my mouth to speak but nothing happens as I suddenly feel like I’m walking on air, the multitudes of my companions going fuzzy, “Joel.” 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” Elliott, my older brother, has his sleeve rolled up to reveal the distinct bite mark adorning his pale skin, he’s got tears in his amber eyes and his bottom lip is wobbling as he speaks, “It’s up to you to keep them safe now.”
“What?” My own tears burn behind me eyes as I look up at the person who had become my hero along with my older brother, “I’m ten.” 
He’s crouching so he’s eye level and pulls me into a hug, I can feel the slight shaking in his hands beginning already against my back, “I know it’s not fair but I don’t… I can’t stay or I’ll hurt you.” 
The pain in his voice forces an ache in my chest as he lets me go, gripping his sleeve like a lifeline as he’s right: it’s not fucking fair. I’m ten! I should be running around and playing house or football with my friends instead of watching my fifteen year old brother yank himself out of my grip and turn away from me to grab his gun or have to watch over my 2 year old younger brother. 
Elliott stays facing away from me, across the room now and before I can even move my shaking legs towards him theres an ear splitting pop and Elliott just crumples like a puppet with their strings cut. I’m splattered in wet matter and my heart is pounding, I can’t move or blink as I watch his face drain from it’s normal colour to a grey one right in front of me. I begin to wipe my hands at the mess on me, wanting to get it all off me as my chest tightens and I feel like I’m going throw up. 
“Y/N!” Joel’s panicked gruff voice drags me back to the land of the living, my head still pounding and my body still aching but my cheeks are now wet. I groan in pain, bringing a hand to my cheeks to realise I’m crying. I’ve been crying while passed out… what the fuck happened?
“Oh thank god,” Ellie’s grabbing my other hand tightly in hers and my surrounding start coming back to me. The sky is dark now which means I’ve been out for a while and I’m laying on top of a sleeping bag with a blanket placed over me, “You scared us shitless.” 
“‘M okay.” I go to pull myself up despite the way Joel and Ellie spin above me where they’re both leant over me but Joel’s large hand presses against my chest and pushed me back down. I make a sound of protest, “We’re losing time.” But Joel’s stern look has me closing my mouth. 
“Right, now that you’re awake I’m going to run to the town about six miles from here and were I can buy the medication you need from a smuggler.” He tells me, and all I can hear is that he’s going to leave me. I’m going to be left alone to look after someone younger than me again and it has my chest tightening in the beginning of a panic attack. I’m shaking Ellie’s hand out of mine and gripping Joel’s arm with both, not caring if I seems so pathetic right now. I am not getting left behind again. I’m too young for this. 
Joel’s honey eyes soften as he sees the panic written across my face, sighing softly and he’s shuffling until he’s laying next to me, so close his nose is bumping my cheek. Ellie’s quick to join us, wriggling under my arm and resting her head on my chest. I just hold onto them both as Joel mumbles quiet promises to me, “I’m not leaving. We’re both right here. It’s okay darling.” 
“Please don’t leave me,” I’m crying, “I’m… I’m not ready, I’m too young.” 
“Hey, hey, Y/N,” Joel’s cupping my cheek, forcing me to look at him, his nose cold against mine, “It’s me, I’m right here. It’s Joel and Ellie. Come back to us darling.” 
Joel. Soft and warm lips press against mine that have me letting my eyes slip shut, breathing in everything Joel. The mixture of woodsmoke; burnt coffee and citrus dragging my heartbeat back to an acceptable pace while Ellie’s got her arms wrapped around me, “We’re both here. Get some rest, you need it darling.” 
“You’ll be here when I wake?” 
“Of course we will sweetheart.” 
“Can’t get rid of us that easily.” 
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Cramps Suck - Barcelona Femení x Reader
Summary: this fic is about a reader who has periods which can be particularly nasty, for some reason it's easier for me to write these when i'm dying of my period sksks bleh... also this is based off of two requests i had from back in october/november 2022.
You hadn’t turned up for training, but you were fine yesterday. The last time the team saw you, you were fine, but that was the early afternoon. Any messages after that, you had left on read, but you usually replied. That was something Patri argued when the others suggested you were running late and that things were fine.
Until you didn’t turn up for training at all. It took until a water break for the staff to call over Alexia, informing her of something as Patri, Leila and Pina watched, waiting. The three watched as Jenni walked over, wondering what was going on but Alexia shook her head at whatever Jenni asked. Then the water break was over, and there was still no sign of you, so the three approached Alexia and Jenni to ask questions.
“They’re ill, staying home.” Alexia explained, apparently that was all you had informed the medical staff on, or all you wanted them to share.
You woke up from your nap by the buzzer for your apartment going off, several times, in quick succession. You grimaced as you threw your bedding off of you, getting up slowly to try to avoid your head from spinning, but the buzzing wasn’t stopping.
You walked carefully out of your room, heading towards where the intercom was for your apartment, near the front door.
“¿Qué quieres?” asking whoever was buzzing your apartment what they wanted wasn’t what Leila, Patri and Pina expected when you finally answered, but you were less grumpy with them as you pressed a button to let them into the apartment building, heading to the bathroom as they took the lift up to your floor.
They were then waiting a few minutes before you opened the door, allowing the three into your place.
“Are you okay?” Patri tentatively asked, raising an eyebrow as you took the recommended number of painkillers with a drink.
“Didn’t sleep, nearly fainted getting up this morning. The buzzer woke me up.” You explained, rubbing at your temples slightly as Leila gave you an inquisitive look, Pina frowned and Patri glanced towards your fridge.
“Have you eaten?” Patri added but Leila had already gotten up to check out your fridge.
“You have no food.”
“I was going to go out for a food shop yesterday, then I was dying of cramps, so… you three want anything?” you sipped your drink, scrolling through a list of takeaway places on an app on your phone.
“Cramps? ¿Estás bien?” Leila paused, watching as Pina took your phone, adding to your order, then passing the phone to her.
“Once the painkillers kick in, I’ll feel less shit.” You explained, retreating to your room to grab your blanket as Patri and Leila looked over what to order.
You grimaced slightly in pain, leading to Leila patting the couch space next to her, a gesture for you to join the three. Curling up in the available couch space, you smiled slightly as Patri threw a blanket over herself and you, teasing your other teammates by not passing them any blankets at first.
“Ey, no siesta, food is coming.” Leila gently removed the blanket from where it was covering your eyes, amused at the tired glare you gave her.
You looked iller than before, the painkillers had numbed the pain of your cramps, but your body wasn’t reacting well to you having your period happen. The lack of food wasn’t helping, sips of water making your stomach twist and groan, and you were burying your face in a couch cushion.
“Chica?” whoever was talking, you couldn’t hear her over the high pitched droning noise in your ears, all you heard was muffled but you picked out one word, murmuring an answer.
“No, no hospital. I’ll be fine. Just need food.” Pressing your face into the pillow, you tensed as a hand gently drew circles on your back.
The buzzer for your apartment intercom disrupted the ringing in your ears as Patri pointed out it was the food, having been tracking it on your phone after you passed it to her. Neither Patri or Leila made the move to get up though, and you were barely able to sit up without flopping back down.
“Pina!” Patri and Leila gestured towards the intercom, leaving the younger player to glare at the two, her eyes softening as you managed to roll over at the hope of food.
Muttering under her breath, Pina went over to the intercom, having to go downstairs to go retrieve the food from outside.
“She could get locked out of the building, with the food. One of you has to let her back in if that happens…” you replied, cutting off the two’s protests, “you just press a button on the intercom. Pina just had to go down to get the food since the delivery people usually ditch it on the doorstep.” 
“Oh… we can do that.” Leila realised, running her hand over your forehead absentmindedly, realising that you were really warm as she reached over to pass you your drink from earlier.
Slowly sipping the drink, you processed what you wanted to say next, “she’ll remember which apartment is mine, right?”
Patri nodded, re-placing the blanket over you as you made the moves to sit up, before you stood and headed to the bathroom with a “just a minute.”
You took longer than a minute in the bathroom, but by the time that Pina had returned, she had the food and she wasn’t alone, whilst you were almost swaddled in blankets by Leila and Patri.
“Hola capitana…” you murmured as Pina walked in with the food and Alexia in tow, having found the Barcelona captain at the front of the building after the delivery driver arrived with the food.
“Hola… ¿Está bien?” Alexia walked closer, taking the only spare seat in the living room, since Patri and Leila were sprawled out on your couch with you, Pina taking out boxes of takeaway food for each of you, luckily having ordered enough that Alexia could have some too.
“I’m okay, it hurts less now, just hungry…” you cracked open the box of what you ordered, letting out a sigh of relief as you took in the smell. The aroma didn’t make you nauseous as you began to eat, the five of you all tangled up on the couch under blankets as Leila swiped the remote from the coffee table, looking for something to watch.
“Jurassic Park please.” You gave Leila the puppy dog eyes, throwing in a pout until Leila let out a sigh, mumbling that she was doing it because you were struggling with your period as she pressed play in Jurassic Park.
“Ey, no phones!” Patri argued as she spotted both Pina and Alexia on their phones, Pina immediately stuck her tongue out, finishing her text, whilst Alexia rolled her eyes playfully at Leila pausing the movie.
“I told the team I was going to check on you, they wanted to come but your living room is not big enough for all of them, so i was just updating them on you.” Alexia explained, glancing up from her phone to smile softly at how you were curled up between Leila and Patri, with Pina sitting at the other end of the l-shaped couch by Patri’s feet.
“Ey, no phone!” Patri gently nudged you as you quickly sent a heart emoji to the group chat, dropping your phone in your lap as Leila unpaused Jurassic Park.
“Love you guys…” you whispered under your breath, inaudible to Alexia and Pina, but Leila left a kiss on your forehead whilst Patri smiled, kissing the crown of your head when you shifted slightly to reach for more of the takeaway food.
The smile on your face was unmissable as you watched Jurassic Park, curled up under blankets with your friends, symptoms kept at bay for the time being so you could watch the movie in peace.
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thehermitwitch · 9 months
Leo trembled under Donnie, jaw clenched as tears flooded his cheeks, the salty water leaving streaks amidst the dirt and grime. Donnie ripped his purple mask off his face, tying it above the elbow of Leo’s right arm. His own, feeling far too slow, despite the adrenaline gushing through his veins, anxiety making everything speed up, but his stiff limbs refused to catch up. 
It was just the two of them on a supply run. Not even far off from the city. There weren’t even supposed to be any infected. No spores floating invisibly. It was barely a 25 minute walk away. How could this go wrong, how?! 
‘It’s fine Dee, so what if I got bit, it’s fii--ne.’
Donnie’s fingers danced, wiggling due to stress. His lungs stop, start, stop, start. He can’t breathe properly. Leo’s pained rambling of insurances crowding Donnie’s ears. Staring hard at the discarded sword lying near Leo’s head. It won’t be long before the infection takes hold, changing Leo’s mood drastically with it. The limb needs to be cut off. But the katana is on its way to being blunt. It’ll take too long. There is no time for this. Thankfully the runners have been taken care of…  
Donnie’s broken gas mask burns in his lap.
Donnie stops breathing, as his ninpo turns his wooden bō into a wickedly sharp blade. The purple light makes Leo look even iller. Who just swallows and gives a small, wobbly smile. Fear swimming in his eyes.
Leo takes a shaky breath in via his nose, ‘I trust you Dee. I trust you.’
Donnie nods, his vocal cords also having shut down. He can feel a meltdown growing, but this is not the time and place for it. Focusing on removing Leo’s Mask from his face, slicked with sweat. Donnie clumps the fabric between Leo’s teeth, and delays the need to panic. It’ll be a bad one when it shows, but this is not the time and place for it. Time is of the essence. 
Donnie aims the ninpo blade, pushing a good chunk of weight onto holding Leo’s wrist down. The bite mark stares back, all angry and red. 
Donnie saws.
Leo screams.
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omegaxlore · 11 months
고치다 - 송한겸
word count: 2772 trigger / content warning : animal death , blood , animal attack
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Hangyeom could never complain about his life. Only child. Loving mother and father. Childhood dog. He had everything he could hope for. He excelled in school and had many friends. But by no means were things handed to him on a silver platter. Hangyeom still worked hard and faced challenges like the next person… but compared to the other Ethereals, he had the dream life.
Hangyeom never regretted a moment of his life. He cherished it all- good and bad. Even when his childhood dog fell ill for the first time. It scared him. He didn’t know how it happened or if the dog would live. He begged and wished for the dog to survive, but each day his dog grew iller and iller. 
They eventually reached the death bed. His parents said their goodbyes and left Hangyeom alone for a moment, after all this dog had grown up with him the last ten years. How can he even find the words to say goodbye to someone who had been by his side for that long… it wasn’t fair.
Hangyeom choked on his tears and the words couldn’t find their way out of his mouth- they were trapped in his mind and heart… but he hoped his dog understood what he was wanting to say.
Hangyeom leaned over the dog and gently hugged the dog. His sobbing became vocal and he couldn’t hold back anything now. Hangyeom raised his head and met the dog's eyes. He tilted his head for his dog to see him as well. He tried his best to smile. He didn’t want to show fear. He gently petted the dog, repeatedly. He took deep breaths to calm himself so he could talk.
“If only we could have more time,” Hangyeom choked out. He started crying again and couldn’t finish the rest of what he wanted to say. Instead he continued to pet the dog.
A warm sensation tingled in Hangyeoms hands. He looks over to find his hands glowing. It was a dim golden glow. He pulls his hand away from his dog, staring at his hand then his best friend. The glow dimmed in his hand.
Hangyeom caught his breath. Was his dog still breathing? Did he somehow kill his dog with his glowing hands?
Then the dog sat up suddenly. It scared Hangyeom and he yelled. The dog turned its head towards Hangyeom and started wagging its tail. It got up, stretched, and walked into Hangyeom’s lap.
His parents rushed into the room- thinking the dog had finally passed. But instead the dog was jumping up on Hangyeom licking his face.
He wasn’t sure how, but he had this weird gut feeling he had healed his dog. Or something made him better. His glowing hands were something. Whatever it was he hoped it would continue to happen when he needed it most.
The same thing happened a year later. His dog was involved in a dog attack and Hangyeom somehow managed to heal him. Hangyeom hadn’t even noticed that the dog bite marks and scratches on his body had healed as well. He also didn’t notice his own pain- masked by the fear of losing his dog. 
His parents questioned him when he arrived home. His clothes were completely tattered. Hangeyom made up a story about playing too rough at the dog park and having to jump over the fence before a dog got a hold of him and his dog.
Somehow his parents believed the story. Hangyeom retired to his room afterwards and stared at the tattered clothing in question.
How did he not earn a single scratch or have his blood drawn? He remembers the dog biting him several times. How could have it drawn blood from his dog, but not himself? Maybe dog's skin was more sensitive and fragile? No… that’s not the answer. It left Hangyeom confused.
Hangyeom pulled out a journal from under his mattress and opened it. He began writing another entry. Hangyeom started journaling after the day he managed to save his dog. To document all the times he managed to heal something. To see if there was a pattern or maybe how he could control it. But after a year he still didn’t have direct answers. He tried to save some other animals but sometimes his abilities wouldn’t work and he felt bad having to leave the animal. It crushed a part of his heart.
There were 4 successful entries of healing and there were 7 unsuccessful attempts of healing. He didn’t understand why it happened randomly. If he could just have control of it he could heal and save everyone he could.
Eventually the inevitable happened. After 18 long years by Hangyeom’s side, his childhood dog passed away. It crushed everything in Hangyeom, but this time he understood he couldn’t keep the dog here any longer. There was nothing left to heal. The pain could never be replaced and Hangyeom grew to accept that his best friend was gone.
With Hangyeom’s best friend no longer by his side, he tried even harder to learn to master his gifts. He only ever found to be successful with his dog, and on a very rare occasion another animal.
But Hangyeom finally cracked the code- after almost 9 long years. His emotions were key in making his abilities work. He didn’t know how to describe it but he wrote down the thoughts he had as he helped animals. 
It first worked on a poor cat he found on the side of the road. It had taken a hit by a car and was on the verge of dying. Hangyeom’s heart shattered at the sight. It looked like a house cat. Based on the little collar it had on. Hangyeom thought about the poor child that might lose their best friend, just like he had but in a worse scenario. Hangyeom took a deep breath, and still with the thought flowing through his mind he reached for the cat. Gently placing his hand on it. He brushed the fur a couple of times and his other hand rested on the cat's head… and that’s when he felt it. The warm sensation in his hands. He looked down and they glowed.
He watched as the wound slowly closed up on the cat and the body moved to take proper shape. 
When his hands stopped glowing he picked up the cat who was meowing and purring. Hangyeom took the cat to a nearby shelter and explained what he had ‘seen’. The cat was reluctant to leave Hangeyom but he knew the cat had a family to return to. 
Hangyeom immediately returned home and pulled out his journal. He wrote down the events and his thoughts and conclusions of what had happened and how. He flipped through other entries and eventually he found the pieces. They were right in front of him. As corny as it was, it was love. His love for animals. Well specifically his love for his dog and the thought of someone loving said animal.
Finally Hangyeom felt accomplished.
Over the next couple of years Hangyeom would volunteer in pounds and vet clinics and heal animals. Most of the time he was successful. Very rarely it was not successful. Hangyeom also came to the conclusion that his healing could be rejected. If it was truly an animal's time to part from the world their body would reject the healing. It destroyed Hangyeom to watch certain animals leave their families. He experienced his grief all over again on those days.
Hangyeom pulls his black hat further down to cover his face a little more and readjusts his face mask. He pulls out a set of gloves and puts them on before picking the lock on the side employee entrance. 
Once the lock was picked he would technically have five minutes before the alarm was pulled. Then it would be about 15 minutes until the police arrived. But depending on where the night guards were they could take anywhere from two minutes to ten minutes. All depends on if they have their little police cart or if they are walking. But Hangyeom specifically figured out when the nightly security would be on the other side of the zoo when he enters.
Hangyeom needed to put his abilities to the true test. Earlier that day he went to the zoo with his parents. Viewing all the animals. They had just rescued a new leopard family. One of them was hurt and kept in a separate area from the others. That was when Hangyeom knew he would finally put his abilities to the test. Could he heal a large animal?
The lock pops out of the socket and Hangyeom swings open the door. He hurries inside and quickly runs down the small walk away. He knew he was lucky there was an entrance door near where the leopards were kept.
Hangyeom approached the next set of locked gates. This time it was to the leopard den. Hangyeom knows he’s risking getting mauled but he has to try. He quickly picks the lock. The lock pops off quicker than the employee entrance. Hangeyom kind of stares wide eyed.
Little terrifying, he thought. He shakes his head and slowly enters the den. He hears the ticking from the leopard, then a low rumbling growl. 
Hangyeom slowly raises his hands, trying to show no harm. The leopard hisses, but does not move. Hangyeom takes a step closer. The leopard doesn’t move, doesn’t make a sound. It watches Hangyeom curiously.
Hangyeom stands there for another moment. He swallows the built up saliva and nerves in his mouth before taking another step. This time, the leopard moves a little closer. Hangyeom cracks a small smile. He can do this. 
Hangyeom inches closer to the leopard. He’s almost there. 
An alarm blares through the silence. It startles the leopard who lashes out at Hangyeom. The claws rip through Hangyeom’s clothes and skin. The leopard strikes a couple more times. Hangyeom stumbles back every time. He falls to the floor and the leopard lowers itself to pounce on Hangyeom.
Something grabs the back of his jacket and yanks him out of the leopard enclosure. The gate slams shut.
Despite breathing heavily, his adrenaline pumping and anxiety raising, he looks up towards the person. But it’s not security. 
“Damn it, Hangyeom,” they say, crouching down to his level. The person looks over his wounds.
Hangyeom looks over himself and his eyes widen as he watches his wound slowly close up. 
The person reaches for their bracelet, pulling off halo like charms. They suddenly grow into the size of bracelets. The person places one on each wrist and they begin to glow. They let their hands hover above his wounds for a moment. Then they start making a motion of sewing. As if they were pretending to sew the skin together, except the skin was slowly closing. Their hands never touched Hangyeom’s skin.
They quickly moved on to his arm, but this time just slowly swipe their hand upward and the wounds closed. Hangyeom watched in wonder and horror. There was someone else out there just like him, and they knew what they were doing.
They moved to the wound on his chest. It was healed for the most part. They just let their hand hover above the wound to help quicken the process.
The person then helped Hangyeom off the floor.
“We need to go before they find us,” they tell Hangyeom. He nods in agreement and the two quickly escape out of the zoo.
“They will bring the sniffing dogs and hunt us down,” the mysterious person tells Hangyeom. They stop running. Hangyeom watches as the person takes another charm off the bracelet, the halo bracelets disappearing from their wrists. A giant cloak appears in their hands. They throw it over themselves and take Hangyeom’s hand.
“Do not make a sound. We will continue on,” they explain, “but if we need to stop we need to not make a sound. Understood?” Hangyeom nods his head.
Although they can’t see it, Hangyeom and his savior disappear from sight. They continue to move. Their steps are ever so careful. Their speed slows by a lot which causes the police and their sniffing dogs to catch up.
“Stop,” the savior tells Hangyeom. The two of them freeze. Despite Hangyeom not understanding they were invisible, they thought they were caught the moment the lights hit them.
“I don’t understand. They’re acting as if they are right here,” one officer says, holding a leash to one of the dogs.
“Their trail can’t just stop here. It’s the middle of nowhere,” the other officer accompanying the first retorts.
“Well how else do we explain that the trail drops off?” the officer asks, “they were aliens and beamed up to their ship? That’s ridiculous. The security footage showed two people.”
“Two masked people. They had most of their body covered,” the officer tells them, “let’s head back. Maybe they picked up a different scent and followed it here.” The first officer grumbled but obeyed. They leave, pulling the dogs who had not stopped sniffing their feet.
“Okay, we can move again.” The officers and dogs are out of sight. The two took off running this time.
The two stop running. They find themselves not too far from Hangyeom’s home but in an area full of warehouses. The mysterious person takes off the cloak and it disappears, returning to the bracelet.
“Who are you? How did they not see us? Is that bracelet magic?” Hangyeom asks, out of breath. Instead of answering, the person takes off their hooded jacket, baseball cap, and mask. Hangyeom’s eyes widen. He suddenly feels enchanted to be in their presence.
“I’m Poaegi,” they answer, “we were invisible, and yes this bracelet is magic. But magic isn’t the right word for it.”
The two stand in silence for a moment, Poaegi reaches for something in their jacket.
“Here,” Poaegi hands Hangyeom a letter, “now go home and get some rest. Don’t do any more foolish things, please. I do have things to do as well.” Poaegi winks at Hangyeom before walking away. They disappear into the shadows. Hangyeom looks down at the letter.
Healing Ethereal : Hangyeom
Back at his home, well past midnight. It was fairly easy to sneak back into the house. Cholong sleeps happily in his bed and his tail wags excitedly as Hangyeom quietly enters the house. He trails behind Hangyeom as he walks to his room. Cholong finds a comfy area on Hangyeom’s bed before falling asleep once more.
Hangyeom discards his shredded clothes for some sweats and a, hopefully, clean shirt he found on the back of his desk chair. He examines his arm and bare chest in the mirror. No scars, no blood, no wounds. Hangyeom didn’t know he could also heal humans. He only ever tried his abilities on animals.
He sits at his desk and opens the letter Poaegi handed him.
Song Hangyeom
Your healing abilities have come a little slower than I thought they would. But I am happy you have slowly begun the process of figuring things out. It saves time on my end having to find the exact trigger in you to use your abilities. 
I need you, Hangyeom. There is something awakening. I still am unaware exactly what it is. I’ve heard only parts of stories. The best I can explain is that it’s a monster, and its goal is to hunt us down in order to destroy all living life. I have been recruiting the other Ethereals, you are one of the last members I have yet to find. 
What is an Ethereal? Good question. There are 12 of us. Each with an ability. Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Electricity, Light, Dark, Mind, Life, Healing, Death, and Protect. We were created by the universe to protect those who can’t within means. 
There is a library where I and the other Ethereals are living. If you heart desires to join, this letter will turn into a map by tomorrow morning. You are a key role to our team Song Hangyeom.
Hangyeom looks up at the wall in front of him, lowering the letter. He takes a deep breath. There was purpose to his ability. He could learn more. There was clearly more to learn after watching Poaegi tonight.
Hangyeom looks back at the letter, and the words were gone. Instead it was a map. He’s far from where he needs to be. But that’s okay. His journey starts tomorrow. He will help Poaegi.
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nevzatboyraz44 · 2 years
يتكون الفيديو من 4 أجزاء ... الجزء الأول طبيعة البحر الأسود تركيا ... الجزء الثاني أوزونغول ، طرابزون ، تركيا ... الجزء الثالث مسجد آيا صوفيا ، اسطنبول ، تركيا ... الجزء الرابع كانغال سيفاس ، تركيا ...
The video consists of 4 parts... Part 1 is Black Sea nature Turkey... Part 2 is Uzungöl, Trabzon, Turkey... Part 3 is Hagia Sophia mosque, Istanbul, Turkey... Part 4 is Kangal Sivas, Turkey...
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Boşuna cıvıldaşmayın kuşlar
Neşelenecek gücüm kalmadı..
Bana baharı getirmeyin kışlar
Çiçeklenecek gücüm kalmadı..
Yara aldım dosttan,kardeşten
Kardeş farksız oldu kalleşten
Haber vermeyin bana güneşten
Ümitlenecek gücüm kalmadı..
Üzülmem! tutmadığım ellere
Gitmediğim ülkelere, illere
Yarın için pembe hayallere
Dalacak gücüm kalmadı...
Dünya olmuş zalimlere esir
Bize yar olmadı,,bizde mi kusur
Ey köpek dünya! havlama gel ısır
Diklenecek gücüm kalmadı...
Kötüler çoban,,iyiler koyunsa
Namustan söz etmek sorunsa
Sevmek, sevilmek bir oyunsa
Oynayacak gücüm kalmadı...
Dertli günler ezdi beni yıl gibi
Karıncanın sırtında fil gibi
Dertlerim hafiflese bir kıl gibi
Taşıyacak gücüm kalmadı...
Kestiler mutluluğun yolunu
Savurdular kalbimin külünü
Affet Rabbim! senin kulunu
Affedecek gücüm kalmadı...
Ne kadere küserim,ne bahtıma
Oturmuşum yalnızlık tahtına
Mesele şu ki, birilerinin suratına
Tükürecek gücüm kalmadı..
Şiir:Halis ünlü....
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my-chaos-radio · 6 months
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Release: May 14, 2003
Yes (woo, ow)
It's so crazy right now
Most incredibly, it's ya girl, B (yes)
It's ya boy, Young
You ready?
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no (ow)
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no (yeah)
History in the making
Part two, it's so crazy right now
I look and stare so deep in your eyes
I touch on you more and more every time
When you leave, I'm begging you not to go
Call your name two, three times in a row
Such a funny thing for me to try to explain
How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame
(Yeah, yeah) 'cause I know I don't understand
Just how your love can do what no one else can
Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (your love)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy, your love's
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no
When I talk to my friends so quietly
Who he think he is? Look at what you did to me
Tennis shoes, don't even need to buy a new dress
If you ain't there, ain't nobody else to impress
It's the way that you know what I thought I knew
It's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you
But I still don't understand
Just how your love can do what no one else can
Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (so crazy)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch (your love)
Got me looking so crazy right now (love)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss (hey)
Got me hoping you'll save me right now (hey)
Looking so crazy, your love's (hey)
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
I'm looking so crazy in love's
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love (I'm warmed up now, let's go)
Young 'Hov, y'all know when the flow is loco
Young B and the R-O-C, uh oh (oh)
Ol' G, big homey, the one and only
Stick bony, but the pocket is fat like Tony Soprano (oh no)
The ROC handle like Van Axel
I shake phonies, man, you can't get next to
The genuine article, I do not sing though
I sling though, if anything, I bling yo
A star like Ringo, war like a Green Beret
Crazy bring ya whole set
Jay Z in the Range, crazy and deranged
They can't figure him out, they like, "Hey, is he insane?"
Yessir, I'm cut from a different cloth
My texture is the best fur, chinchilla
(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no) I been iller than chain smokers
How you think I got the name Hova?
(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no) I been realer, the game's over
(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no) fall back, Young, ever since I made the change over
(Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no) to platinum the game's been wrap, one
Got me looking so crazy, my baby
I'm not myself, lately I'm foolish, I don't do this
I've been playing myself, baby, I don't care
'Cause your love's got the best of me
And, baby, you're making a fool of me
You got me sprung and I don't care who sees
'Cause, baby, you got me
Baby, you got me (you got me so crazy, baby), hey
Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's (oh love)
Got me looking so crazy right now (lookin' crazy)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (baby)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss (hey)
Got me hoping you'll save me right now (oh)
Looking so crazy in love's (hey)
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love (whoa)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's
Got me looking so crazy right now (your love)
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch)
Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love's
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
Beyonce Knowles / Eugene Records / Rich Harrison / Shawn Carter
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4 snippets, 4 tags
Thanks to @innocentlymacabre for the tag (x)!
As the previous version I did of this, this is gonna be four (sorry, I can’t do seven) random tales. Those that aren’t posted, that is.^^
Tagging, no pressure tho: @repressed-and-depressed, @fiercely-raging-writer, @pagesofcursive, and @poetinprose.
also you can interact with this post (x), if you’d like to be a part of my tag game list.^^
Very alternate first meeting of a certain ship. . . iykyk.
"An odd, long, compliment yet I'll take it. "That's the weirdest thing anyone's ever said about my voice." "Weird? I. . . I guess you're not used to it?" "Maybe in time, I could be." "Oh. I see."
from the first draft of loasti, ch3.
"Ah, that sounds great! Good luck with the designs!" "I know, right? I'm not going to test my luck, though. Maybe after this, I'll get a client with impractical standards of what room they want. But hey, I'll have fun with this renovation while I can." "And take pictures once you're done, so I can check your work out." "Will do. By the way. . . how are your co-workers slash work pals?"
from a fairytale AU of tdrc.
"Hi there, precious," she murmurs, bending down to pet it. "What are you up to?" It rubs it's head over her palm, vibrating with a low purr. "You're hungry? You want food?" The cat's eyes grow larger like it's filled with stars.
from my 'such a shame W/entworth M/iller and A/ldis H/odge haven't been on the same screen yet' 😔 . . . er, I mean l.o.t 1x05 rewrite, lmao.
"Listen, I'm an expert at bad plans. . ." "Clearly, that's saying something about your leadership skills." ". . . but this? This is a horrendous plan, Snart! It's bound to get anyone involved killed!" "Well, you got any better ones? I doubt you've ever broken into a building in your entire lifetime. Or lifetimes, your Highness."
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
i got an ad for the e/zra m/iller f/lash movie and if you don't know about them grooming and abducting at least one indigenous child this is my statement about that and how uncomfortable this actor makes me. i went looking for a source by searching their name and the word "abduction" online, but no news source is covering their charges, it's all gossip rags and even some lauding studios for not talking about them for the sake of profits.
i'll put an excerpt from their wiki page below the cut.
Miller believed that people criticized their relationship with Iron Eyes because she is "an apocalyptic Native American spider goddess" who, along with Miller as Jesus Christ, will bring about an Indigenous revolution. Miller allegedly refers to themselves as a Messiah to Native Americans, although Miller does not have Indigenous ancestry and is the sole person making this claim. Vanity Fair interviewed people in Miller's circle and wrote that "'He [sic] professes that he walks through this world with an Indigenous humility and spiritual awareness,' says one Indigenous insider. 'But, point of fact, he doesn't at all. Because he doesn't care.'"
you know? this one is a year ago but i'll link this: E/zra M/iller gets fresh prevention order for threatening a 12-year-old's mother
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bobbyjean · 18 days
Lyrics taken from genius
crazy in love:
Young Hov, y'all know when the flow is loco
Young B and the R-O-C, uh-oh
O.G. Big Homie, the one and only
Stick bony, but the pockets is fat like Tony Soprano
The ROC handle like Van Exel
I shake phonies, man, you can't get next to
The genuine article, I do not sing, though
I sling, though, if anything, I bling, yo
A star like Ringo, war like a Green Beret
You crazy? Bring your whole set
JAY-Z in the Range, crazy and deranged
They can't figure him out, they like, "Hey, is he insane?"
Yes, sir, I'm cut from a different cloth
My texture is the best fur, chinchilla
I've been iller than chain smokers
How you think I got the name Hova?
I been realer, the game's over
Fall back, Young
Ever since I made the change over to platinum
The game's been a wrap, one
deja vu:
I used to run base like Juan Pierre
Now I run the bass hi-hat and the snare
I used to bag girls like Birkin Bags
Now I bag B (Boy, you hurtin' that)
Brooklyn Bay where they birthed me at
Now I be everywhere, the nerve of rap
The audacity to have me with them curtains back
Me and B, she about to sting, stand back
….(two verses in this one)….
Yes, Hova's flow so unusual
Baby girl, you should already know
It's H-O, light up the dro
'Cause you gon' need help tryna study my bounce
Flow, blow, what's the difference?
One you take in vein while the other you sniffin'
It's still dope, po-po try to convict him
Thats a no-go, my dough keep the scales tippin'
Like 4-4s
Like I'm from the H-O-U-S-T-O-N
Blow wind, so Chicago of him
Is he the best ever? That's the argu-a-ment
I don't make the list, don't be mad at me
I just make the hits like a factory
I'm just one to one, nuttin' after me
No déjà vu, just me and my (Oh)
upgrade u:
I be's the d-boy who infiltrated all the corporate dudes
They call shots, I call audibles
Jacob the jeweler, baubles
Lorraine Schwartz oughta do
It's big ballin', baby, when I'm courtin' you (Woo)
I'm talkin' spy bags and fly pads
And rooms at the Bloomberg and rumors
You on the verge of a new merge
'Cause that rock on your finger's like a tumor
You can't fit your hand in your new purse
It's humorous to me, they watchin' and we just yachtin'
Island-hoppin' off the Amalfi coast, mafioso
"Hov, baby, you ever seen Saturn?"
"No, not the car, but everywhere we are"
You sure to see stars, this is high-level
Not eye-level, my bezel courtesy of Audemars
I order yours tomorrow, now look at the time I saved you
Mama, let me upgrade you
drunk in love:
That D'USSÉ is the shit, if I do say so myself
If I do say so myself, if I do say so myself
Hold up, stumble all in the house, time to back up all of that mouth
That you had all in the car, talkin' 'bout you the baddest bitch thus far
Talkin' 'bout you be reppin' that Third, I wanna see all the shit that I heard
Know I sling Clint Eastwood, hope you can handle this curve, uh
Foreplay in a foyer, fucked up my Warhol
Slid the panties right to the side, ain't got the time to take drawers off
On sight
Catch a charge, I might
Beat the box up like Mike in '97, I bite
I'm Ike Turner, turn up, baby, no, I don't play
"Now eat the cake, Anna Mae," said, "Eat the cake, Anna Mae"
I'm nice
For y'all to reach these heights
You gon' need G3, 4, 5, 6 flights
Sleep tight
We sex again in the mornin'
Your breasteses is my breakfast, we goin' in
that’s how you like it:
I know you heard I'm a gangsta
They say, "Stay away from them gangstas"
They never change up or pull they pants up
Well, baby girl, put ya foot down
Don't let 'em push you around
You know what you like
Baby thug, you know wrong from right
And you done felt wrong before
This can't be what it feel like
And they don't really know what you feel like, for instance
They don't know the difference between real life
And the music videos and the raggedy magazines
They have it **** badder than he seems
All they see is my baggy jeans, my attitude
I ain't mad at you, it's just my glide
Way I wear my hat to the side
The way I lean real low when I ride
That's why in my mind
They like my walk
My accent from New York
My way of thinking is slightly off
They like the way he floss
Leave the block on a bike, he come back in a Porsche
But of course
But most of all, they like my honesty
Integrity, my loyalty
Young Hova and the letter B
How you like that, huh?
0 notes
thephixcare · 19 days
Unveiling the Power of Caffeine [pH]iller a Game-Changer in Skincare
In the ever-evolving international of skincare, few elements have managed to maintain their attraction pretty like caffeine. Renowned for its stimulating effects when ate up to your morning cup of coffee, caffeine also gives great benefits whilst implemented topically to the skin. The state-of-the-art innovation in this realm is the Caffeine [pH]iller, a revolutionary product that mixes the energizing homes of caffeine with the advanced technology of pH-balanced skincare.
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The Science Behind Caffeine in Skincare
Caffeine's inclusion in skincare isn't always just a trend; it’s sponsored via technology. When implemented to the skin, caffeine acts as a strong antioxidant, protective the pores and skin from unfastened radicals which could motive untimely getting older. Additionally, it has anti inflammatory houses that assist reduce redness and soothe irritation. Perhaps most substantially, caffeine is understood for its ability to constrict blood vessels, that can lessen the arrival of darkish circles and puffiness around the eyes—a key cause why it’s a famous aspect in eye creams.
But what units the Caffeine [pH]iller other than other caffeine-infused merchandise in the marketplace? The answer lies in its particular method, designed to maintain the skin's herbal pH stability while turning in caffeine's complete range of benefits.
What is [pH]iller Technology?
The skin's pH is crucial for retaining its shielding barrier, which shields in opposition to environmental aggressors like pollution and bacteria. Disrupting this balance can lead to numerous skin issues, such as dryness, sensitivity, or even breakouts. The Caffeine [pH]iller is specifically formulated to align with the skin’s most desirable pH level, ensuring that your pores and skin stays healthy and resilient.
The term "[pH]iller" refers to this innovative approach of incorporating ingredients that work harmoniously with the skin’s natural pH. By doing so, the product enhances the absorption and effectiveness of caffeine, allowing it to penetrate deeply and work its magic from within. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive or acne-prone skin, who often struggle to find products that are both effective and gentle.
Benefits of Caffeine [pH]iller
1. Reduces Puffiness and Dark Circles: One of the standout blessings of Caffeine [pH]iller is its ability to decrease the appearance of puffiness and darkish circles beneath the eyes. The pH-balanced components guarantees that this takes place with out traumatic the sensitive skin on this area.
2. Anti-Aging Properties: The antioxidant-wealthy nature of caffeine helps to combat off unfastened radicals, decreasing the formation of first-rate strains and wrinkles. With regular use, the skin seems less attackable, smoother, and more younger.
3. Soothes and Calms the Skin: Thanks to its anti inflammatory houses, Caffeine [pH]iller is best for soothing angry skin. Whether you are coping with redness, sensitivity, or submit-acne irritation, this product can assist calm your complexion..
4. Improves Skin Texture and Tone:By keeping the pores and skin’s herbal pH stability, Caffeine [pH]iller helps a more fit skin barrier, main to improved texture and a more even skin tone over time.
How to Incorporate Caffeine [pH]iller Into Your Routine
Incorporating Caffeine [pH]iller into your skincare routine is simple. Apply a small amount to clean, dry skin, focusing on areas prone to puffiness, such as under the eyes. It can be used both in the morning and at night, making it a versatile addition to your regimen. For best results, follow up with your favorite moisturizer to lock in the benefits.
Incorporating caffeine eye cream into your skincare recurring is easy. Apply a small quantity to smooth, dry skin, focusing on areas susceptible to puffiness, inclusive of below the eyes. It can be used both inside the morning and at night time, making it a flexible addition to your routine. For exceptional outcomes, comply with up along with your favorite moisturizer to fasten inside the blessings.
0 notes
loudballoonphantom · 21 days
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Ne zaman öldü, mezarı nerede?
Türk tarihinde nasıl bir öneme sahiptir?
Türk hükümdar soyunun atası kabul edilen #卍TENGRİkutUluğBaşBuğAlpErTunga ,Selçuklular'ın 33 atasından biri olarak sayılır. Tüm Türk dünyasında olduğu kadar, İran ve Orta Doğu halklarının tarafından tanınır. İşte, Alp Er Tunga'nın hayat hikayesi.
Efsanevi Türk hakanı Alp Er Tunga'nın #卍Türklerin eski atalarının soyundan geldiğine inanılıyor. Divan-ı Lügati Türk'te ve Kutadgu Bilig'de, İran destanı Şehname'nin kahramanlarından Efrasiyab (Afrasyab) ile aynı kişi olduğu belirtilir. Şehname'ye göre İran - Turan savaşları sırasında Zaloğlu Rüstem ile giriştiği mücadele sırasında pusuya düşürülüp öldürüldü.
Özbekistan'da araştırmalar yapan Gazi Üniversitesi Öğretim Görevlisi Prof. Dr. Necati Demir, Buhara kentinde yaptığı çalışmalar sonucu Alp Er Tunga'nın mezarını bulduğunu iddia etti.
Hürriyet'ten Musa Kesler'in haberine göre, Necati Demir, "Türk dünyasına saygı ile duyurumuzdur... Türklüğün ortak atası Alp Er Tunga'nın mezarı Buhara'da tarafımca bulunmuştur. Türk dünyasına selam olsun" dedi.
Yazılı kaynakların sınırlı olmasından dolayı doğum ve ölüm tarihi tam olarak bilinmeyen Alp Er Tunga'nın MÖ 7. yüzyılda yaşadığı düşünülüyor.
Belgeler Alp Er Tunga'nın, 'Türk Beyleri içinde adı ve kut'u ile tanınmış, bilgili, erdemli, büyük illeri elinde tutan, birçok kavme hükmeden..." bir hakan olduğundan bahsediyor.
#卍SakaTürkİmparatorluğu'nun hakanı olan Alp Er Tunga'nın MÖ 624-626 yıllarında, İran (Med) hükümdarı #Keyhüsrev tarafından bir #ziyafete #çağrılarak hileyle #öldürüldüğü belirtiliyor.
Günümüze ulaşmayan Alp Er Tunga destanının son bölümü olduğu anlaşılan 'sagu'dan (ağıt) bazı mısralar Divan-ı Lugati Türk'te yer alıyor.
Alp Er Tunga'nın adından ve kahramanlığından, çeşitli milletlerin tarihinde söz edilmesine rağmen, bu bilgiler onun başında bulundu��u devlet hakkında yeterli bilgi veremiyor.
Firdevsi'nin Şehnamesi'nde uzunca bir yer verilen Afrasyab'ın aslında Alp Er Tunga olduğu, Kudatgu Bilig'in şu mısralarından anlaşılıyor.
Bu Türk beğlerinde adı belgülüg
Tunga Al Er irdi kutı belgülüg
Bedük bilgi birle öküş erdemi
Biliglig ukuşlug budun ködremi
Tajikler ayur ânı Afrâsyâb
Bu Afrâsyâb tutdı iller talab
Tajikler bitimiş bitigde mum
Bitigde yok erse kim ukgay ânı?
Günümüz Türkçesiyle:
Bu Türk beğleri içinde adı belli, Kut'u belli Alp Er Tunga, büyük ve erdemli bir hükümdardır.
Çok bilgili, meziyetli bir büyüktür. Tajikler (İranlılar) ona Afrasyab diyorlar.
Bu Afrasyab, baskın ve yağmalarla illeri (dünyayı) tuttu. Tajikler bunu kitapta yazmışlar. Kitapta yok olsaydı bunu kim anlardı?
Kudatgu Bilig'deki mısralardan, Alp Er Tunga'nın öğüdü dinlenilecek bir bilge hükümdar olduğu belirtiliyor:
Negü der eşitgil Tunga Alp Erig
Bilip sözlemiş kör bu öt sav erig
Et ol bu kişi kangü artar yıdır
Ânı ked küdezgü ay kıldı kader
Günümüz Türkçesiyle:
Tunga Alp Er Kağan ne diyor işit. Bak, gör, bilip söylemiş o bu öğüdü. İnsan kalbi ettir, bozulur gider. Ey insan, onu çok iyi kolla.
Alp Er Tunga'nın MÖ 624-626 yıllarında yaşamını yitirdiği tahmin ediliyor.
Pers (İran) İmparatorluğu'nu bile dize getiren Alp Er Tunga, düşmanlarını adeta ezip geçmiş fakat sonrasında bir pusuya yenik düşüp, önce ordusunu en sonunda da hayatını kaybetmiştir.
Onunla er meydanında yüz yüze hesaplaşamayan hasımları bir tuzakla onu öldürmüşlerdir. Saka Türkleri bir türlü bu büyük kahramanın ölümünü kabullenememişler, o dağ gibi cüsseli, aslan gibi yırtıcı ve fil gibi güçlü yiğidin öldüğüne inanamamışlardır.
Alp Er Tunga'nın ölümüne inanamayan Saka Türkleri, bu dörtlüğü yazmışlardır.
Alp Er Tunga öldi mü?
(Alp Er Tunga öldü mü)
İsiz acun kaldı mu?
(Kötü dünya kaldı mı)
Ödlek öçin aldı mu?
(Felek öcünü aldı mı)
Emdi yürek yırtılır.
(Şimdi yürek yırtılır)
'#Tunga' sözcüğü aslında leopar cinsinden yırtıcı bir hayvanın adıdır. Bir yiğitlik simgesi olarak erkek çocuklarına isim olarak verilir. Uzun saçlı olmak Tunga'yı çağrıştırdığı için saç uzatılır. Ayrıca cengaverler, yırtıcı hayvanların özellikle de aslan, kaplan, pars, tunga gibi hayvanların postlarını giyerler. Bu postlar savaşçılığın sembolüdür.
#AlpErTunga, yanında iki tane tunga (leopar) ile resmedilir, sırtında da bir post vardır, postun dişleri başının üzerinden görünür. Selçukluların 33 atasından biri olarak sayılır. Yeraltındaki 100 sütunlu demir sarayında yaşar. 'Alper' sıfatıyla anılır. İran mitolojisinde adı Afrasyab olarak geçer.
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voicesandthoughts · 9 months
I've been confused lately
Thought I found a way out
but she's banging on the walls of the prison I ran us to
screaming at the top of her lungs with claws reaching to tie my tongue
I beg my friend not to die from the same illness
iller when I can't stop it or anything else
craving liquor to drown both out but not old enough to get it myself
I should sit on the shelf too
fighting to survive is getting old
let me sit, no need to shatter or try not to
aged still for years before I'm ready to drink
the finest wine, never spilled off the top of the curve
falling behind my peers and wishing it was a pier
then I could reach the bottom and disappear
but I still haven't found a pier to fall from
I chase other curves instead
Invent or grasp at the top, legs never quite touching
filled to the brim with the millstone in my head
falling apart in and past homes, but never not running
I slow down to treat some of the cracks
my friends see, and I saw the fear in their eyes
I don't know how to travel anywhere but relapse
and I can't stop these laps
it entraps me, I'm the wax of a candle that lights itself
Not knowing anything else
I fear we run until our legs collapse
every breath a struggle except the last
I hope it's a long one
I really do want out
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lorriloo1109 · 1 year
It is only by luck that I am still alive. When I first visited my doctor with the terrible itch that had plagued me for many moths, he brushed off what was happening to me. Right before his eyes I was becoming weaker and weaker and iller and iller. The symptoms that I had were very obviously nothing to do with a skin complaint although I certainly did have the most terrible itch ever. In fact the…
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