#im able to ignore that kinda stuff easier
shatterthefragments · 3 months
Ok but for real us being soft over the Vessels’ tummies has helped me so much today
Like my pants were falling off my hips all day again. The same pair of capris that I was wearing last week and made the note: “Pulling a Vessel with the way my (loose ass) pants (with stuff in pockets) are coming down my hips”. And uh. Same today again. And so I didn’t tie them tight enough (partially bc I like not having to untie them to take them off). And so they were under my belly button and sliding down all day. Which is fine. But especially when I was doing stuff they slid further down and underneath my belly. Held up only by a hip. And if my shirt lifted up then like. It was all exposed. Soft round belly. Love handles. That crease by your hip (and above it too) (far rounder than all the vessels combined but that’s ok I’m fat and it’s okay.)
And I’m. Okay with it. (Today). I’m soft and squishy and round and it’s okay. And you know what? It’s even cute. Cute and soft and squishy and OKAY!
#body image#tummies#I think I was sappier about it before I had to try to remember and retype it but anyway. I’m actually just. feeling okay about my body rn.#which I’m really happy about?!?#like even through the pain it does so much?!#I was able to walk around and see what shops were around in an unfamiliar shopping centre#I was able to drive with minimal pain (though I do have the seat warmer on for my back)#I got to enjoy some lake time though I didn’t venture through the mud so I didn’t have to clean my work shoes which are bad enough rn#I was able to bring up my bags and groceries in one trip#I was able to scale the salmon. zest and cut and juice a bag of lemons. cut up a bunch of veggies for soup and make all of that#I got a shower (hot for comfort of course) and did a small load of laundry that I’ll have to toss into the dryer later#and I haven’t fallen down. I haven’t given up. and I’m. doing alright?!?#honestly shocked. I’ll crash tonight but that’s okay.#and I can squat down to do things that are easier closer to the ground#(ok sometimes the knee kinda clicks? out and feels like I have to rip it back into place but we’re ignoring that bc it’s been a little whil#(though usually that just means I’m due for it to happen again and not be able to bend it for a while again… ah well#hopefully I’ve strengthened it enough again that I’ll be fairly ok at least for a while…#rambling rambling eh whatever#like yeah I’m fat and there are a few reasons it would be nice to be smaller but it’s not worth the Bad Things I fall into to get smaller#and right now I’m just? so okay with it??? and I just need to keep this moment in posterity bc I can’t remember the last time I was this ok#and even POSITIVE about my body?#(I mean yeah my boudoir shoot was pretty awesome but that was years ago now and also she edited stuff as well)#(and tbh i want to do another boudoir shoot at some point. but im doing at least a few tattoos first i think. make my body Home more so 1st#just kinda. relishing in this peace and …happiness?#this is good 😌#it feels nice to feel nice about myself and my body :)#shatters’ fragments
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quinn-pop · 9 months
let’s do some autistic meta knight headcanons!! over explaining my interpretation of meta knight yet again wooooo
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this orb has NO idea how to talk to people!!! outside of work anyway. a lot of this is partially due to upbringing (suppressing his emotions all the time) but he does not know how to express emotions, like…at all.
this goes into a few things
1. yeah talking is hard. even after figuring out what he wants to communicate he will struggle. conversation can be so overwhelming, especially under pressure. he will need time lol
2. because of that, forming connections is hard. i really don’t think meta is much for shallow relationships, and certainly not early in the timeline. which also means he has very little experience with friendship. so a lot of the relationships he did have went kinda neglected, and issues that probably could’ve been worked on by talking became…*cough romk* escalated.
3. honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if meta convinced himself he couldn’t feel emotion (anymore) until like. katam-ish. he tried very hard lol
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vulnerability is terrifying. (though this gesture here is also just comforting, like his little cape cocoon thing he does.)
unmasking—yeah im taking the mask thing very literally here—is a big deal and a very slow process for mk. i’m sure he has a lot of feelings on that lol. it served as a way to ensure no one could ever, y’know, see him.
i can’t say i think he’d ever fully ditch it—there’s always gonna be some days that are more stressful than others and if having it could help him get through it, it just makes sense. mainly when working.
it really is about vulnerability. granted, i don’t think he has the most expressive face (in my head every astral just tends to stare at things) but i doubt he has much control over it. can’t fake a smile but also can’t hide it. probably blushes easy because yeah, astrals; just look at kirby’s face.
just the idea that someone might be able to read his expression and know what he’s feeling before he’s ready for them to (or even understands it himself…) yeah he doesn’t want that
but emotional turmoil aside, i think his mask also hides a lot of his stims
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remember that whole “suppressing your feelings” thing? yeah turns out that ignoring half your instincts isn’t a good idea. so in true meta knight style, he tries to stim as subtly as possible
1. he has the least control over his wings, so they will flick and twitch on their own. they’re usually a good indicator of how he’s feeling, not unlike the body language usually seen in cat ears and tails lol. flapping is also an extension of this of course, though he probably suppresses it more.
2. this also effects when he takes his wings out. pretty much every time he’s excited or nervous it just happens. kinda makes me wonder if his wing cape ordeal might also go into the suppression thing… (i’d say yes, but using a cape is also very comforting so it’s not necessarily a bad thing)
3. going back to the mask thing; he stims a lot underneath it. think like biting or pursing your lips. he bites his tongue and clicks his mouth. that sort of thing. his mask also makes it harder to notice that he is constantly sighing, humming, grumbling…all that
one nice thing about the mask though is that it helps a little bit with lights!!! woo
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(look at him and his magically floating glasses)
sensory stuff—i think he’s mostly bothered by light and sound. maybe a bit of texture. he’s pretty sensory avoidant and perfectly happy standing off to the side not touching anything.
the one exception to this is physical affection, which is, despite all of this, most of how he shows affection. it’s a lot easier to hug someone than to try to explain your feelings for them, after all.
i think he would like pressure though. so that’s probably part of it. and i’m pretty sure there’s some connection in here to fighting (dang, is that the only way he knows how to get his energy out?)
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anyway, pretty much all of this is in contrast to kirby, who i would gladly nominate as the champion of Doing Whatever He Wants. he might pick up a few bad habits, but he will never mask the way meta knight does. he might not understand how he feels, but he’s in tune enough to express it…usually.
this is a very good thing for meta because it helps him to do the same thing. kirby’s so energetic, it’s hard to not want to stim with him. it reminds meta to be kinder to himself and explore his own emotions. he can also help kirby understand themselves, so this connection is very important.
yeah, at the end of the day, everything kinda just boils down to kirby and mk as parallels
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this is the conclusion i promise
to me, meta’s arc is about growing stronger by growing kinder, and this is mostly by learning to be kind to himself. letting himself be a person again, loving and understanding other people, and eventually, letting go of all the expectations placed on him and doing the things he’s always wanted to do…
autism headcanons are fun for me because it’s cathartic to write, but at the same time, it just makes sense in this sort of narrative. meta is, to me, inseparable from these things. and so is kirby! that’s a dynamic that’s a lot of fun to play with, and it’s at the heart of my kirby interpretation.
if you actually read all this WOW thank you
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
May I request a Wolfwood X Gn reader, for the reader doesn’t show emotion, but when their childhood friend Nicolas is hurt that’s when they let their emotions out ?
Like say Nicolas wasn’t thinking and jumped right into danger in the heat of the moment and it pissed reader off cause he almost died💥💥
And could this be friends to lovers as well?
Thank you so much, i hope you’re having a good day/night stay hydrated! <3 and please take your time there’s no rush :))
Hello! <3 Thank you for the request! <3 Also I’m so sorry these are always so long, I am incapable of writing anything less than 800 words it seems. Okay Im always going to be a Vash girly, he has my heart. But lowkey writing all this Wolfwood stuff is kinda turning me into a Wolfwood girly as well.
'Bad ideas, and big guns'
Nicholas D. Wolfwood x Reader
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This was a bad idea, you knew Wolfwood could feel your glare on the back of his head. This was a bad idea ever since he got sideswiped by that reporter's car. You always followed without complaint, you knew he had his missions and you didn't ask what they intended. You didn't ask a lot of questions these days, just secretly happy to be at Nicholas's side again. Both growing up in that orphanage, you left first. It was by happenstance that you got away and never looked back. 
Running into Wolfwood again was quite the shock, maybe it was the guilt of abandoning him to his fate that kept you at his side. He didn't seem to mind, he tried to keep you out of it all. But you could fight, and you could kill, it made you use when needed. However, your opinion apparently didn't matter to Wolfwood, you thought it was dangerous to get too caught up in it all. It was getting too personal with Vash and his ragtag group; you knew it and Wolfwood knew it too.
Expect the stubborn ass wasn't listening, and was ignoring you now. It didn't matter, he wouldn't be able to tell what you were thinking anyway. You always had your emotions locked down, it made surviving easier when you could turn it all off. With a sigh you turned your gaze away, this town was like every other one you’d come across. Wolfwood and Vash were at the bar, Roberto was out having a smoke and you were sitting with Meryl at a table in the corner. 
You don't know how it starts, but it always happens too quickly. Guns are drawn on Vash, he doesn’t want to fight and it causes an uproar. You lose sight of Vash and Wolfwood as you drag Meryl out of the bar for some cover, you curse shoving Meryl out of the way as bullets rain down on the two of you. 
Moving behind some crates you bring out your own weapon, these small fries would be easy to handle. No, the real problem was the guy with the tank rolling in, you sigh leaning your head back. One normal day would be nice, just one. You hope Meryl is in a safer spot when you lean out of cover to start shooting. 
You don't get to hide for long when the tank is turned toward you. Your eyes widen as you scramble to your feet to get away. The sound is deafening, you drop to the ground. Nearly avoiding the hit, someone grabs you by the back of your shirt and hauls you to your feet. You bring your gun around to backhand them only for it to be blocked by Wolfwoods large weapon, you frown he smirks. “That’s the thanks I get for saving ya?”
“We’re not out of this yet.” You hiss, at him as he drags you behind a building. “Stay here, one blast from the punisher and it’ll bring it down.” Wolfwood doesn’t look at you as he says this, you yank on his arm to get him to turn. “That’s a stupid idea, you might not be able to a charged shot. Don't jump in without a real plan!” Wolfwood shoves you back hard, and you stumbled catching yourself on the building. “Worry about yourself.” 
You watch him take off weapon in hand, spinning it to engage its laser mode. You hate when you are right, it takes a moment too long to charge the tank fires first, Wolfwood second. The shots meet in a giant explosion. You're forced to move back behind the building, covering your eyes from all the dust and debris falling. 
The town goes silent, you leave your hiding spot. Heart-racing Wolfwood had to be directly in the blast, “Wolfwood” you called out, trying to keep your voice calm, you noticed a building in the back now has a large hole in it. Racing over you search through the debris, “Nicholas!” your voice definitely rose an octave higher as you dropped to your knees beside him, shoving wood off of him. 
He was knocked out and bleeding badly, your hands searched through its pockets finding one of the vials he carried around. Snapping the end off, you forced the liquid down his throat. Sitting back on your heels with a sigh as his wounds began to heal. You place your hand on his cheek, “Wolfwood? Can you hear me?” You ask it softly, his eyes open to your smiling face. 
“See one shot is all it took.” Your smile turns to a frown when you grab him sharply by the shoulders and begin to shake him. “You asshole! Would you just listen to me once!” you snapped out, your voice shaking with slight fear. “God I just want to hit you! Don't you ever think?” Wolfwood looks at you in shock, grabbing both of your wrists to stop your assault. “Worried about me?” he says it with that stupid smirk of his, now you really want to hit him. 
You shove him back hard, and he yelps, “I’m always worried about your dumbass!” You stand, turning to leave you don't get very far when Wolfwood grabs you by the ankle causing you to fall. You catch yourself on your hands, kicking him forcing him to let go and he yells out a ‘hey!’ 
You huff turning over to sit and look at him, “And just what was that for?” he's giving you an odd look one that unfortunately makes your heart race, Wolfwood sits up, leaning his arms over his bent knees he smirks as you. “I like this side of you, the fight.” You groan, face heating up at his words. 
“You bring out the worse in me.” You say it with a light laugh.
“I think you bring the best out in me.” He says it too seriously. 
You pause at his words, he’s staring at you openly now “Careful now, sounds like you care about me.” You say it lightly, allowing him to pull back if he needs to, you smile as he looks away nervous. Wolfwood always put on such a show for other people, but to you, he’d always be that awkward kid back in the orphanage who tried to get you to laugh. God how the two of you had grown. 
“And if I do?” He turns back to you, grinning now. Ah, so it looks like he's not going to pull back, good. You sit up on your knees in front of him, leaning in. “I would say the feelings are mutual.” You smirk grabbing him by the collar of his shirt roughly and pulling him towards you. “You ever pull that shit again I'm killing you myself got it?” 
“Got it.” He grabs you by the back of your head and pulls you in for a kiss. You roll your eyes, leaning into the kiss, at least you got to wipe that smirk off his face.
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thorfishcrusher · 1 month
first httyd rant of many!!! yahoo!!!
this is kinda just me nonsensically talking about the alphabet(s) used in httyd because theyre kind of inconsistent?? to put it simply
insert menacing dot dot dot here
googling "httyd alphabet" lowkey made me sob cuz there were so many different variations of the symbols they used, from somewhat official sources to definitely not official ones.
they all do share elements from the futhark runic alphabet used during, or around the time period viking were in their golden age. more or less; i honestly dont know too much about runes so i apologize in advance for anything im wrong about
runes used in that time period weren't very specific, they were designed to easily carve into the materials they were using and mostly relied on just sounding things out. like lets bring that back that sounds WAY easier than learning 20 different variations of spelling the same word
younger futhark(which was more popular during the viking age,) for example, only had 16 characters, in contrast to the 24 characters in the modern english alphabet. more often than not, translated runes are littered with spelling mistakes.
that doesn't mean the vikings weren't less intelligent than people today, spelling and writing just wasn't a necessity as it commonly is in current times.
but anyway, the alphabet systems used in the books, movies, and tv shows can be directly translated into modern english, long as you ignore all the stupid ass inconsistencies (this is directed at the films, not the books)
both the movies and tv shows have similarities to futhark runes, though the movies appear to be inspired by anglo saxon runes, and the tv shows do have similar characters used in elder futhark. neither can be 100% translated to any sort of alphabetical system used at the time, and i believe berk has developed their own writing system over the centuries.
in the movies (at least from what i know) the way words were spelt were influenced on how they were sounded out, while the tv shows were slightly more correct for the future day standards. so congratulations, you can most likely spell better than hiccup in the movies. the punctuation system isn't really clear, and in futhark variations words were primarily just separated by dots. though, according to that one episode in rtte that i totally remember completely watching where snotlout shat on his dads grammar, i imagine people in berk have a more complex grammar system.
on top of that, quite a lot of people in berk seem to have the ability to read and write, more than the average viking tribes of the time. id like to assume they put more emphasis on learning to read efficiently because of the dragon book. information regarding dragons was important, and so id imagine being able to to proficiently record said information was important, too. thus the berkians (and perhaps surrounding tribes, outcasts, etc) adapted to better suit their priorities
ummm yeah idk thats kinda it
i say as if i havent put more thought and time into this dopey ass fictional thing than i have with actual beneficiary stuff
tl, dr; did you seriously scroll all this way to see if there was a summary? youll be disappointed because i am the master yapper and i am unable to be quick with my words
but basically just me talking abt the differentiating runes used in httyd, and how they connect to real world languages at the time, wnd um er um yo MOTHER
ive literally had this account for a day and ive written a 10 paragraph essay on silly little symbols
ill probably be using rtte's alphabet cuz it seems relatively easy for my little pea brain
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Whats some of the crazier stuff you think engie does? Cause, like, all of the mercs look like they're unhinged except him
Oh anon, let me tell you, Engie is definitely just as unhinged as the others. He just knows how to hide it better and when it's appropriate to show it lol
One thing he made was a robot dog
He just kinda made it at like 3 in the morning because he was stumped with his other projects
And so he made a dog. yeah
Scout loved it. although it did not love Scout
It became scrap metal by the afternoon; mainly because long story short it attacked one of Soldier's raccoons (you know. as any robot programmed to be a dog will do) and ate Scout's snacks that he left in his room and terrorize Archimedes and so it was used as target practice by a few of them
Engie kinda forgot he made it tbh
But the dog is not the point; the point is is that Engineer makes a lotta batshit crazy things--or, at least, has the ideas for them, but pursues better ideas
He just only makes these Insane Ideas if they somehow provide use to him (Exhibit A: Gunslinger)
It also tends to be done when he is low on sleep and therefore cannot think things over--better times to do it, since his Smart part of his brain (not the engineer part, but the Hey Maybe We Shouldn't part of it) tends to be quieter and easier to ignore
Like if one of his coworkers needed something? And it sounded just like a horrible idea? As long as they make a good case on how it would be useful and not backfire horribly, then yeah he doesnt see why not
And if it does go horribly wrong? like when Scout asked him to make a never ending can of Bonk! Atomic Punch? (Which could be done, mind you, with a large reservoir of Bonk, along with a portal there and then one into the can, as well as some sort of mechanism to turn it on and off) Well then Scout will learn to think through his thoughts and listen to Engie's works (he does not learn this, but i am sure we all are aware of this)
I think he would tend to make a lot of crazy gun shit. gun that shoots knives. gun that shoots bombs (which yes may just be a grenade launcher but his is Much Better and Cooler)
Engie would also just make things for everyday use. he modified is truck so it can go over 200mph in like 5 seconds. probably made a multi tool but like for cooking utensils
(I would list more crazy things since that's what you asked but uh. im not exactly the creative type over here)
All in all he's still as crazy as the others, but he is able to hide it better. also he knows how to put that crazy brain to work and make something cool and/or useful
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forestshadow-wolf · 10 months
I.S.B.T.P.K.F.T.S moments (chapter 4- Part 1)
Fic link written by @tavtarnish. Please go check it out. It is fantastic!
if anyone was invested in this at all, I sincerely apologize for not updating this for so long, I don't really have a reason other than I just got lazy. anyway- ONWARDS!!!
chapter 3 || Chapter 5
The opening of the chapter
The way it definitely implied that soap has undoubtedly been at it for a while. Long enough to settle into a routine. It also shows his frustration really well. The strength that he's hitting, and they way his mind still continues to wonder
Remembering hearing his mother call him angrily from the house
I feel like this is such a core memory for me. Also idk if anyone else had the experience where their parents kicked them out of the house during the summer and then got mad when they didn't make it back in time for dinner. Like I'm sorry?? All you said was go outside, and didn't give me a time to be back? Kinda got off topic here, the point was: core memory unlocked
Little john trying not to make the punishment worse by being gentle with the the door and stuff
I honestly have nothing to say at this point, it's just super relatable to me
Idk if ive said this before but his sisters' names
I just think they're lovely
They way he feels guilt even as a child for not being there to redirect or avoid completely his mother's anger
This makes me so sad :( bb it's not ur fault
The casset that he and his sister were fighting about just days earlier as an apology!!!!!
This is exactly how it is to have siblings, like you'll be at eachother's throats and then something happens and then it's like it never happened. Also never once has a verbal apology been as affective as an action
Also being able to feel the anger flowing off his mother... like that's when you know you're in some deep shit
The whole come home by the time the street lights come on
Is accurate. Relatable. Especially getting back late because fo the changing season...
The disappointment in his mother's voice
That one hurted just a lil bit bc disappointment is always just that much worse than anger isn't it??
And he understands her frustration
That just makes it all the worse, right? I mean he just wanted some more time to have fun with his friends, but that left his mother swamped with everything else. It's really a lose lose situation :/
Not bringing up his father "after the last time"
Knowing when to pick his battles. But also what happened last time?? I can only assume lots of yelling and crying and and just :(
The following quiet
And it's like nobody except you can feel the tension still in the air, and it's like the smallest thing could set everything off again
Im ignoring something for right now I will circle back to it in a moment. But lemme just say his father?
I'm not liking the vibes I get from him... there I said it. I don't like him
His mother brushing over his hair and the back of his head
Look I know I've been making it seem like I think mary is a bad mom, but she really isn't. She's just overworked and doing her best. And john understands that but he also needs to be able to be a kid. And mary needs help around the house bc there is too much to do and only one of her
Ok back to the thing I ignored. The way he wishes for her to just get angry
I think maybe it's bc when people are angry it's easy to deal with, either you argue back, stay quiet, or say/do whay they want you to right? But with the disappointment it's almost the same response just with no visable reason for it. It's harder to deal with because we as people are not taught how to fix it other than to "do better next time" but how does that fix what happened now?
I also want to pint out the bolded part
Bc like the yelling is so much easier to deal with than the calm voice. Maybe it's bc you can still feel the pent up tenson that might have normally been released with the yelling
Also he wonders if it makes him a bad son
And I think, maybe normally people don't wish for that, but it doesn't make him a bad son. Like I understand so completely how he feels, and it's so real that it's devastating. And it doesn't make him a bad son. And I know that because maybe for him it's just easier for him to deal with physical problems than it is for him to deal with whatever this is.
And then the last line of the flashback
God!! I just know he was beating himself up after that. I do. I just know. And it's the perfect segue back into the present moment.
Getting so lost hin his head that he forgets he's even really doing anything
I guess forget isn't really the right word. Like he knew enough to keep doing it, but kinda just tuned everything else out.
The way it all just bubbles up
The lights just too loud, the air hot and heavy with anger and frustration. And he's still aped up despite all the energy he spent. And he tried, he really does try to keep himself composed. But the irritation makes his bones buzz, and he just needs to do something, anything to get it out. And he's so worked up that he doesn't even realize he split his knuckles until he looked at them.
And then it keeps building
It's too much, all of it. The steaming anger, the loudness of the lights, the way his hair remains untamed despite his efforts
Focusing on his hair again, idc what anyone says, his hair is actually such an important part of him. So his hair getting in the way, in his face, even after he tries to rake it out of the way... maybe kinda like how he's having trouble with his emotional regulation? It's kinda like his emotions are clouding his rational thinking, which is a perfect lead to my next point.
Where it all finally boils over
He shouldn't, he knows he shouldn't. But the useless buzzing is still in his bones and flowing through his veins. And he just has to do something or he might just brun from the inside out.
And then the immediate regret
"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions" for real though this is actually an important part. Because sometimes even if it's a personal issue you have to choose the lesser of two evils, even if you don't know you even have options. Also I think the is very much foreshadowing what will happen if he doesn't properly acknowledge the problem, and also shows what it is doing to him in a physical manifestation.
Also perhaps symbolism of not actually vomiting... because ya boy is emotional constipated
Ok im gonna end this here for now, because if this sits im my drafts any longer it'll never get posted. Also sorry if this isn't as indepth as the other parts, I'm doing all of this on my phone.
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risingsol · 2 years
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PRONOUNS: She/Her but ultimately I don’t really care.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr IMs at first but definitely Discord later on!
NAME OF MUSE(S): Just Aether. 
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): More than 10 yrs! I’m not sure what the exact number of years is.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: LiveJournal, Facebook, MSN/Yahoo Messenger (rip), AIM, Skype - honestly a lot of the old school chatting programs I’ve probably used at some point. I’m only on Tumblr and sometimes Discord nowadays. 
BEST EXPERIENCE: Hard to pinpoint down to just one experience but kinda being able to find stuff that you wanna write is always such a nice feeling. 
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Overly complicated formatting and purple prose always get me real annoyed. I’ve had people try to tell me what I should write within my replies because they have a certain concept of how a thread should work out and that’s an instant deal breaker for me. Overpowering characters in response to a reply or concept also is a no go - and also just ignoring basic courtesy and decency. We’re all here to have fun, let’s not over complicate it.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I’m good with any and all of these. I’m a bit rusty with smut nowadays and I prefer if there’s angst with like a proper center and basis. I do like fluff to an extent, but also keep it interesting. 
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both! I do love a good plot but also sometimes good plots can come out of memes. Just go with the flow. 
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Can do either, my replies tend to pull long sometimes because I’ve got a lot to say and write but it all kinda boils down to like writing chemistry? If there’s effort on both sides, it’s easy to keep it going and as long as it’s going, the length doesn’t matter. 
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I tend to be able to focus and write better for some reason after 10pm, so mostly nighttime!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Maybe? Aether is kinda nicer than I am and he’s definitely more sociable. But also the traveler doesn’t have much of a personality in story haha. 
tagged by: @mcwscollective (thank you shane!) tagging: @reipasento ; @reginrokkr ; @scarletooyoroi​ i’ve seen this floating around a lot nowadays so if you haven’t done this, consider yourself tagged!
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twopoppies · 2 years
Hi Gina! Feel free to ignore this but I just always treat you like this cool and nice aunt that always knows what to do or say so thought I’d have a little rant here. So just few days ago I started high school and I was really scared that I would not find myself there or make any friends since I don’t have the best memories from my previous school when it comes to friendships. But luckily on the first day this girl came up to me and we kinda started talking, gave each other our social media and stuffs. Basically for three days we’ve been staying close to each other at school and seemed to get along. We also kinda texted a bit off school. She’s the only person I know there and I was the only person she knew for these few days. But there’s a school trip coming that I will not be able to attend so they’re all going to spend a couple days out of the city together. And basically today she kinda made friends with girls that are going and they started talking a lot together, you know how it is. I’m scared that she’ll bond with them and other people on this trip and once she comes back, she won’t even look at me and we’ll become just schoolmates that talk about school stuffs from time to time. I thought it was just my fear of abandonment showing for a few hours but I think I might already be right. She started kinda dry texting me back and I feel like an idiot that throws herself at her when something all she’ll do is thumb my message. She’s not being mean at all, she’s still very nice in her answers but comparing to how it’s been before I can see that she does not really want to talk and seems to be brushing me off. I know it’s silly, I’m sure I’ll make a lot of friends there and will have a great time but I really like her, you know? We get along well and I feel like I won’t be lost in this school when I have her. Im just scared that it won’t be like that once they all come back and she’ll have new friends. Do you have any advice for me? Maybe Im just overreacting and should stop getting so attached to people I barely know
Hi darling. Oh, starting at a new school is always hard. Especially when you don’t know anyone. This has happened to both my kids when they transferred schools, and it’s a really shitty feeling to think you’ve connected with someone and then realize you hadn’t actually made as good a friend as you’d thought.
It sounds like you’re reading the situation pretty accurately — although it’s possible she might have latched on to these other girls, in part, because you weren’t going to be around which meant she’d be alone on that trip if she didn’t make friends. But it sucks that she seems to be drifting away.
I don’t think you’re overreacting. Your feelings are valid. You thought you’d made a friend, and it hurts that she’s pulled away. That’s super normal. I can’t judge the degree to which you get attached to someone — but maybe that’s something to look at to check if your relationships are balanced (to make sure you’re getting as much as you’re giving).
As far as advice for keeping that friendship, I think all you can really do is be straightforward and maybe tell her you miss hanging out/talking. Maybe invite her to do something outside of school and see how she responds to that. If she doesn’t reciprocate, I think it’s best to let it go. You deserve better than to have to chase someone to be your friend.
Beyond that, I think all you can do is put yourself out there and be friendly. It’s only the first week so I’m sure that will get easier. Does your school have any clubs or sports that you might be interested in? That’s an easy way to connect with people. Would talking to the school counselor help? Maybe she knows some girls to connect you with — either because you have similar interests or because she thinks your personalities will click. I don’t know how big your school is, but if it’s small enough, sometimes that’s an avenue to explore.
High school can be really tough. A lot of kids really have no clue how to be a friend (or even be a good person). But I’m sure you’ll find your group soon enough. I’m sending you lots of love, sugar. Enjoy your weekend and hopefully Monday will bring good things your way. 💗💗💗
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the-ark-awaits · 2 years
aa hopefully this isn't weird or anything but I saw you mentioning hair care/general care tips in a post and I was wondering if I could get your advice? (feel free to ignore this if you want! no pressure)
I was never shown how to do a lot of that stuff but I've figured it out other than hair care? I don't know anyone with my type of hair (I don't know anyone I'm related to or ethnicity so I can't research through that) so I just kinda tried to figure something out.
I have straight hair that's really flat and refuses to work with products put into it or with hair curlers. I can't put conditioner in because it makes my hair even more oily. I can go at most 2 days between washes (and that's stretching it) before my hair is so oily that it looks physically wet, like I dunked my head under water.
Do you have any tips or advice or anything? I've tried rinsing my hair with just water between washes and I've tried to condition my hair to go longer between washes but there's never a noticeable effect.
Sorry for the length, and thank you an absolute ton for any advice/tips/whatever you can offer. Hope you have a good week :]
youre fine! sorry im a bit late getting to this, i have family around.
so, to start, my hair used to be almost exactly like this, and for me it was a result of puberty, but how i delt with it was only putting conditioner on the ends of my hair, and after my hair was clean and dry i would put preemptive dry shampoo. thid unfortunately kinda sucks when you have dark hair, but they do make dry shampoo for darker hair.
you might want to look online for some shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for oily hair, though if im honest for most of middleschool i jist used prell (dont use that if you have colored hair itll strip the dye, its a very stripping shampoo)
if you have a good period of time to try it, try setting up a routine where you shampoo maybe once a week and give your hair and scalp time to get used to it, this helps some people but youll know your hair best. try conditioning before you shampoo also! weirdly this helped me, i think because it would hydrate my hair ans then wash off the excess. ill you do this, condition all over not just the ends.
also maybe try using cooler water, hot water also drys your hair, and at least for me, i tried to strip the oil from my hair like really aggressively, and what happened was my hair would produce extra oil to compensate which resulted in my hair just being greasier.
try also cleaning your hairbrush, regularly change your pillowcase, and getting one of those silicon scalp scrubbers, there could be build up on your scalp thats making your hair oiler faster. but yeah i would mostly look into products designed for oily hair, i think thatll help you a lot over all! i also personally found the grease easier to handle after i cut my hair really short, though only do that if you want to.
other than that, next time you go to get your hair cut, assuming you go to a salon or barber, ask who you go to for some more specialized advice since they have a better idea of what your hair needs and might be able to point you toward some products thatll fit you best
best of luck anon!
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saszixmotylek · 7 months
Hej motylki dzisiaj dłuższy post i do tego po angielsku, czemu? A bo chciałam gdzie indziej wstawić i się okazało że nie mogę a nie chcę tego znowu godzinę pisać, mimo to odpowiedź byłaby mi mega pomocna, z góry dziękuję
My girlfriend (17) made a friend online (12), which I'll call Luna. My gf mentioned me (15) on a conversatins with her, they were talking a lot but one day, due to some family problems my girlfriend couldn't keep a contact with her for some time, she needed to delete an app that they were using to communicate. Luna found my profile and asked me after few hours if I knew what was happening, cause my gf wasn't answering her. So I've explained everything and she was really really nice to me, saying how good gf I am etc. which was kinda weird for me since we only knew eachother for few minutes but I ignored that. She also told me that she will be lonely for now on, since she didn't have any friends besides my gf and I felt bad for her so I decided to stay there until my gf could finally talk with Luna again. It took about 1-2 months. In this time she still was really nice but there were moments were she was saying stuff like 'Im so annoying' 'you probably hate me' ' you'll leave me like everyone else" that made me uncomfortable, I did feel bad for her but after hearing that many times with me saying that is not true i was just tired with that but I tried not to show it. She also was saying that if I don't want to talk or want to take break I can go and after that she was saying how much she don't like when people leave after saying that. I even heard that from her even when I had a lot of work to do which I explained to her few times. My last straw was when she said I can leave her for good and when I said that I don't want to go but if she wants to I can and said that if Im causing more overthinking for her then IT would be better for her (I did actually,not on purpose) she started saying that she will commit suicide if I won't be her friend, when I tried to convinse her she said things like 'you can go, I have my kn1fe with me', and I had to stay with her. After that I was just scared to tell her anything that I think because I through this will happen again. I finally told my gf about everything and we decided to think about that together. After some time since then she was able to go back there but only for one day, I had a hope that it'll be easier not to deal with it alone anymore but it didn't last long after that I decided to end this friendship for good with a help of my girlfriend, I've tried to tell her about everything as softly as I can, I sent her this message:
"Hey I wanted to tell you something, so .. your behavior sometimes is wrong, it can get manipulative to, you are saying things to make someone blame themselfs for it, for exemple you said that if I won't be your friend anymore you'll kill yourself which is manipulation, you do a lot of things similar to that and I'm sorry for that but I can't deal with it anymore, we can't be friends anymore "
She started sending me tones of messages saying not to leave her, to spend at least one last day, that why everyone can be forgived but her, that I promised I will stay, started spaming me and she started saying that she will k1ll herself, after 2 days and more than 1000 messages i blocked her but it didn't stoped her for good. She tried to talk to me on her other accounts with I also blocked, and she tried to do the same on another app, I didn't block luna there that quicly, she send me a lot of messages similar to those before, she even started calling in a middle on my class (lucky I had my phone on silent) but she've called me over 15 times in like 5 minutes I've blocked her there shortly after that. She messaged me again on previous app from here another account, saying as her friend that she run away from home and then she texted as herself again. After I blocked her there I didn't hear from her again. Until few weeks later, my gf had this app again so she could see if she had any messages from Luna, and she did had a lot of messages there but not as much as me. She also had this one message from luna's 'brother' saying that Luna k1lled herself.
I don't even know if she really did that or it's just another lie but I feel really bad for this whole situation. My gf says that I didn't do anything wrong but I feel that if she really is dead then that means I killed her...I don't know what to think about this all and what to do
Is this my fault she killed herself?
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nightsky-edits · 10 months
(man im sorry i really tried splitting this up to make it legible feel free to ignore like everything until the tldr)
do you think id be able to get a sprite edit for a dave lalonde? rose-swapped specifically i guess (im pretty sure, at least, but what do i know? lol) with like a muted grungy/comfy/emo? sorta fashion (think hoodies, flannel-prints and leggings. if youve seen art of any dave lalonde-rose swap you can just kinda base it off that, if that makes it any easier for you to comprehend what im throwin at you for any like, specific details: i kinda have really pointy teeth? like wayyyy too pointy. its like theres a whole fucking serrated knife in my mouth. so if you CAN maybe? try add that in? in some way? idk man do what you want lmao
hair-wise though maybe make it more of a Mess tm, and its a liiitttle bit longer than what youd see in dave lalonde art (like, shoulder length/neck length). yk with layers and stuff. and MAYBE if youre down for it you could,, idk make an alt version with a middle parting? if you could include some accessories that reference tmnt (Rise specifically but go nuts) or music thatd be Super cool of you
but like other than that Typical Dave Stuff (maybe with the dirk shades though, instead of the typical Dave Shades)
tl;dr: dave lalonde sprite edit with grungy-comfy-emo fashion, pointy-ass teeth (if you can), layered, messy-ish hair and like, halfway down the neck (with potential middle-parting alt), dirk's type of glasses, and MAYBE some accessories referencing music and Rottmnt if you can, please
big thanks my guy + feel free to take Literally as much time as you want with it if you still wanna chill and Not Do Sprite Edits i totally get it dude /gen
-dave l.
queued! Im not sure if i got everything but i tried sorry if theres anything missing :P
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daechwitamv · 2 years
Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and whatever u decide to do this anon is rooting for you💌
(I am kinda going through a similar thing: i am taking/needing more time with getting my degree because my physical health is standing in my way. Although people tell me it's okay to take more time than others i still struggle to really come to terms with it)
(Feel free to ignore this in case i'm being presumptuous) <3
thank u for sending me this, truly. im sorry ure going through this anon i rly feel the bit about coming to terms with not being able to do as much as fast as other ppl but thats just the thing - we got stuff on our plate bc of which we need to slow down a little and thats fine sigh i always try to imagine what id tell a friend or a younger me in the same position and its always that its okay to take the time needed and that it rly doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things how long u took to finish ur studies. and prioritizing ur wellbeing is always the right thing to do! but easier said than done i get it hdhdj ah anon lets be more kind to ourselves shall we? sending u love ❣️
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ribbed-vault-heart · 3 years
i got a notification for an article that talks about how to combat a lack of energy and had to go “its okay, we’re in a pandemic and lots of people are tired so its a common topic, the universe is not directing it at me because it saw ive been tired these past days, a lack of energy is a common trait, its purely coincidence you arent being watched its fine”
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mejomonster · 3 years
im gonna embrace the medical trauma tbh. lil neurofeedback brain scan says the trauma came from childhood i say alrighty i guess that explains me fainting when i see a needle. me getting stabbed with needles nonstop since September started cause of health issues. i think i get to avoid medical genre shows forever if i feel like it. im tired. i had to get over needles stabbing me this month. congrats. i don’t even faint anymore. still sucks and i cant look at my arms cause i will go queasy if i see them. im tired. im gonna be avoiding any mentions of medical stuff for a while that isnt my doctors literally doing stuff or trying to figure stuff out
#rant#feel free to ignore#health issue related#seriously feel free to ignore#the short of this is. i think im good now i think im gonna avoid some stuff for a while now#usually i can handle fictional medical settings and visuals its fine#as long as i dont see an actual medical needle im usually hunky dory#im so tired tho this month i need like to recover from this then see nothing related to medical stuff for at LEAST a year straight#i gotta get my blood drawn at Least one more time this month then if i can somehow manage to stay out of the hospital#thats gonna be the main goal moving forward.#its not even needles i think i just dont like nearly dying as i imagine no one does#and like as a kid it was easier i mean not for my brain according to a doctor lol#but it was easier in that my parents constantly watched me and got ahold of the doctors and helped keep me alive#now i gotta somehow bug the doctors when they do not care if im starving and get to the ER when im in pain or dying#and beg the nurses to consult a doctor or get some tests to look into the cause so i can stop going to ER every fucking week#so i can just stop worrying about if i can eat#i genuinely will be the happiest i've ever been in my fucking life#when i get to hear 'we are treating whats wrong' and i genuinely feel healthy and stable again#and i genuinely get to say COOL no more doctor visits that stab me with needles for at least a year!#altho to be honest. i'll probably be over the moon if i get to 3 weeks of being able to hold down food. foods kinda critical#cant really like or hate anything until i can eat and be stable in knowing my body will continue to ALLOW me to hold down food reliably#i am genuinely feeling not much but concern about that in general lately i could care less about anything else except getting my doctors to#try and figure out WHY the fuck i cant eat so i CAN reliably eat#anyway knock on wood this sticks and i can reliably eat next monday. and my new med helps Enough to guarantee reliable eating ability please#in other news im so goddamn sick of doctors asking if i have anxiety when im fainting or at risk of seizure from low sodium or starving for#3+ weeks straight and cant work or drive or watch tv or read. when its like regardless u know guys i am starving or actively at risk of bad#stuff. maybe im calling u for help or treatment or medical advice cause THIS IS HAPPENING and i wanna live guys. just maybe. u know. god#anyway i just really don't even wanna glance at a needle or medical scrub or hospital interior for a while#i love meatbuns writing for example but i heard the new novel has a doctor and i know i'll puke
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softxsuki · 3 years
urgent request!! hi i hope this is ok for me to request but i feel like self harming and im in a very bad state rn so could you write platonic dabi or shigaraki comforting a teen fem reader when she comes up to them and says she feels like self harming? thanks!
Dabi Comforting Reader Who Feels Like Self-Harming
Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: TW--Mentioning of self harm, reader expressing her want to harm herself, some depressing talk, mild language (like twice)
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: In which you show up at Dabi's apartment and confess that you want to hurt yourself. You ask him to help you and he tries his best to comfort you in your time of need.
[A/N: Hello anon. I hope I was quick enough in writing this for you! It was hard getting away from my chores .-. Hopefully this is able to help bring you any form of comfort. I don't write for Dabi, so apologies if I portray him weirdly. I enjoyed writing for him though, so I might add him to my list of characters that I write for, hmm. Anyway, my dm's are open if you need anything or need someone to listen. It's tough, trust me I was there in high school going through the same urges. Thankfully, many years later I'm no longer in that mindset, so you can definitely get through this. Don't be so hard on yourself though, heal at your own pace and one day you'll find yourself in a different mindset. Enjoy <3]
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Shaky hands lift to the door, knocking desperately on the chipped painted wood repeatedly until you hear heavy footsteps approach from the other side.
The door rushes open as Dabi appears before you with a scowl on his face, ready to yell at whoever was behind the insistent knocking. Seeing you in front of him though, his resolve crumbles and his expression returns to normal.
“What do you want, brat?” he sighs rolling his eyes, then looks you over, noticing the school bag hanging over your shoulder, “Shouldn’t you be in school?”
You ignore his questions and scoot past him, into his apartment, throwing your bag onto his couch as you plop down right next to it.
“Wow, yes hello, nice to see you too Y/N. Are you gonna-” he starts, but stops as soon as he sees your panicked expression and he’s immediately in big brother mode as he closes the door and makes his way to stand in front of you, “What happened?”
“Please stop me Toya, I don’t want to hurt myself,” you finally confess, tears threatening to spill from your wavering eyes.
He forces his tongue back at the use of his real name, much preferring when you called him Dabi, but your words shock him enough to ignore it.
“Hurt yourself? Y/N what’s going on?”
“I don’t know how else to deal with my emotions other than taking it out on myself, but I really don’t want to because I know I’ll regret it once I’m done, so please stop me! Distract me! Something! Anything!” you scream out at him, desperate to not feel so helpless and horrible inside.
His eyes widen and his mouth falls slightly agape, but he quickly collects himself and takes a seat beside you on the couch.
“Oi, look at me,” he finally says after a few moments of silence as you fidget with your hands in your lap.
You refuse to look up at him, hating the way that you felt like you had to rely on your friend in a moment like this when you so desperately wished you could help yourself.
He sighs but continues to speak anyway, “Look, I’m not the greatest at this kinda...stuff. Y’know, comforting people or whatever, but you’re not people, you’re like my little sister, my friend or whatever, so I’ll try my best,” he pauses and sighs while rubbing his face. “I don’t know what it is that you’re going through, and you don’t have to tell me, but this ain’t the way to deal with your emotions.”
“Easier said than done. My whole body is screaming at me to hurt myself. So I can feel something, punish myself, or just get these negative emotions out from inside me, I don’t really know,” you try to explain, still fighting the nagging voice in your head that was telling you to do these horrible things.
“You’re killing me here,” he mumbles, trying to rack his brain for words that would hopefully bring you some sort of comfort.
He wasn’t used to being positive and up-lifting. Your friendship consisted of bickering, but at the end of the day, he was there for you just like you were there for him, so he needed to do something for you now when you needed him the most.
You patiently sit beside him, waiting for him to speak again, though now that you were in his presence, the urge to harm yourself was slowly dissipating.
“All right,” he turns to you, making direct eye contact with you as you were already looking at him, “I know things are rough and you’re feeling shitty. Again, I don’t know your entire situation, but I’ll be ready to listen whenever you’re comfortable enough to share.”
He clears his throat, wanting to look away, but feeling like it might be better to maintain eye contact so you know that he cares.
“Just please know that I’m here for you, all right? I’ll be damned if you think I’ll let you lay a hand on yourself while you’re here, so get comfy. You’re not leaving until I’m sure you’re feeling better,” he awkwardly looks away from you, shuffling uncomfortably on the couch.
You give him a small smile, knowing that this was hard for him, but grateful that you had a friend like him who genuinely cared for you. Though the urge to harm yourself was slowly being forgotten for the moment, the negative feelings from the day still lingered, but you knew it would be okay as long as you remained by his side.
“I have left over pizza in the fridge, want some?” He asks you, trying to ease the tension in the room and act like things were still normal; the last thing he wanted was to treat you like a psych ward patient or like you were about to crumble in his hands.
“Mm, yeah. Sounds good, thanks Toya,” you hum, thanking him not only for the pizza, but secretly for his kind words that you honestly didn’t expect from him; You merely expected him to yell at you or criticize you for threatening to harm yourself, so it was a nice surprise.
“Yeah, whatever,” he gets up to head towards his small kitchen so he can heat up the pizza for you, but stops after taking a few steps and turns around to you again. “This conversation isn’t over though. Once you’re feeling better we really need to talk about this so I know how to help you, moving forward. And maybe talk about what YOU’D like to do to help yourself too... if that’s okay.”
You sigh, knowing that you’d have to talk about it eventually, but you smile slightly as he eased back a little at the end of his statement, giving you more freedom to choose to help yourself rather than forcibly receive it.
“I know,” you sigh, nervous at the thought of having to speak about things that were on your mind or going on in your life.
He notices your blank, far-off stare and walks back over to you, ruffling your hair a bit as his hand sits at the crown of your head.
“You’re gonna be alright. Don’t overthink it,” he reassures you, and with one last ruffle to your hair, he disappears into the kitchen.
It was reassuring knowing that Dabi was watching out for you in a way that you knew your other friends couldn’t.
Dabi was cold, and refused to show care for the people in his life most of the time, but in the rare case when he did show his caring side, you knew it was genuine. For once, you looked forward to a day when you wouldn’t be trapped in your negative thoughts with no way out aside from harming yourself. One day you’d be able to cope with your feelings in a more productive way, you were sure of it. But you knew it wouldn’t happen over-night. Many difficult days lie ahead, but you knew you’d have to face them, and now that Dabi knew that was going on in your head, maybe it would make things a little easier.
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Posted: 11/21/2021
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aviannauts · 3 years
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some concepts and notes for the Aftershock AU!
(the big fullbody one of him in the first picture looks really weird i would.. probably ignore that for his anatomy for now)
Concept Notes: (please note that im still developing stuff as we speak! so feel free to ask about it or note if something looks weird and how i should make it better and i’ll answer/do that :] )
UPDATE NOTE: ive stopped putting notes specifically here because of the image cap and how long its getting, but all new information and plot will be in a comic if it eventually comes out! currently im too busy to work on it, but i have the first page planned out ^^
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Nov 7: the notes were (hopefully) reset as of recently because the “read more” kept duplicating and deleting the other ones so.. ah!! just tweaked concepts, added more images, made it possibly easier to read and.. i dunno! (if you see multiple lines of arrows thats because the read more keeps screwing with whatever is underneath it in a short proximity)
Nov 11: reorganized a bit and added the general story into the notes!
[Short AU description:] In short, Aftershock is an AU where Snowgrave Berdly gets turned into a semi-mechanical minion by Queen
Aftershock Berdly Info:
[> Berdly is being controlled by an AI. All its really programmed to do is to disable and capture the lightners, but due to Berdly becoming progressively slowly amalgamated by the presence of a soul in a incapable body, the electronics inside kinda… get funky sometimes. It feels really heavy, too. The soul keeps trying to break itself apart every beat that it has, but something keeps pulling it back together.
[> Before the fight, Berdly can see kind of a warped reality of whats actually happening. He doesn’t really realize he is dead and instead sees the machine as his own body, however, trying to speak to anybody doesn’t really work as he isnt making any sound from the outsider’s perspective. The only oddity he notices in his perspective is his own shadow, which doesn’t exactly fit him and instead the machine. He eventually realizes something is very wrong and there must be a reason why people stare at him strangely.
During the fight, from Berdly’s perspective he is sent into a dark void with white doorways littered about. The AI shuts him into this enclosed space realizing he may easily become a threat. Berdly runs up to the doors and gets a blurry/warped glimpse of the outside battle before almost immediately getting shut back inside. But each time he checks a door the vision gets clearer and the door takes longer to close, until he’s finally able to see clearly through one door, whose hinges are torn off, and walks through.
[> Aftershock Berdly can only speak organized fragments of what Berdly’s conciousness says, which leads to some odd sentences to come out. But usually they dont speak at all.
General AU Story/World Infobase (so far):
The story plays out normally until you defeat Berdly by Snowgrave. You can walk around Berdly instead of following Noelle to access more of the city and continue to get stronger for a while. (aka im not sure what happens here)
After exploring for a while Kris will backtrack back to where Berdly was frozen and Berdly will be gone, possibly the only sign of him even being there would be a broken ring of ice where he once stood.
When going back up to where Noelle walked, instead of a manhole, it would continue into another spread out maze of the city. it would be completely empty with a few stores with broken windows you could go inside of and loot. Kris will occasionally catch glimpses of a tall shadowy figure. After a while the music will stop completely as Kris turns around to see AS!Berdly towering over them, Kris will have to sprint and maneuver through the winding city to find a way out without letting AS!Berdly catch up. If Kris backtracks through the start by looping AS!Berdly, Berdly will immediately catch up and kill Kris with a downwards swing of his halberd. Going the correct way will lead Kris to The Backend where they will trip and fall out into the snow, Berdly wont be able to find them and walks back into the city.
Kris walks out into The Backend for a long time, reaching a checkpoint and walking some more, before finally reaching the humble clockwork city (it doesn’t have a name for now). A friendly face (OJ) enthusiastically greets Kris and shows them around, but after a while Kris starts to notice OJ mumbling about them under his breath, OJ is skeptical of Kris’ behavior, but still shows a positive attitude. OJ eventually tells Kris they will be back at their shop and leaves Kris in the middle of town. Kris can follow OJ into his shop and buy his goods (which, depending on what you buy can get you different reactions (like buying multiple weapons: “G-Gosh “Kris”..! Whaddya need that for out here! heheh! ….you sure have a lot..”). When talking to OJ you can ask about Noelle and in turn he will say something like “Noelle? That.. girl that came in today? You want to see her? Heh!! I knew it! Well, she isnt too happy to see you right now if you’re who i think ya are. You wont be getting any whosayswhat on where she is right now! KeKeKe!”. If you keep asking about Noelle he will just repeat “No, Really! Nothing outta me.”
Kris may explore the rest of town, with no sign of Noelle, and eventually leave back towards Cyber City due to the fountain being there. Susie gets taken by AS!Berdly and Ralsei has run away from the scene, frazzled. Ralsei and Kris find eachother and Ralsei frantically tells Kris that Susie was taken, somethings seriously wrong with Berdly, and that we have to rescue Susie.
Kris and Ralsei travel together and come across The Acid Tunnel of… where they cant find anything to cross it with except for a broken boat. They patch it up together, Kris will supply items from vacant stores if they did take them, but if they didn’t take the items (or dropped them later) Ralsei will provide items they gathered. They cross over the dilapidated Acid Tunnel quietly, until being suddenly stopped. Ralsei wonders why the boat stopped before being interrupted by a eerie roar and a creature erupts through the acid and stares down at them. Ralsei is speechless for a moment and Kris takes out their sword, a battle ensues. If the team loses, the boat will sink into the acid.
(WIP part) After defeating the creature, they continue onward with the current until they reach the river’s end. There they reach a long hall of doors and notice that one of the doors is being pounded on from the inside. They open the door and let out Susie. Susie and Ralsei both look relieved and bewildered and Susie breathily explains how freaky Berdly looked. She mentions the strange look Berdly gave her, it looked.. almost as if he was… undead. Ralsei tries to reassure Susie, maybe that they were overreacting and Berdly was simply just serving the queen, but Susie mentions how he didnt even have his usual “save the day” jerky attitude, he didnt even say a word. Ralsei is not sure what to say to that, and just seems concerned. Eventually, Susie questions where Noelle went. Ralsei questions it too, but Kris is silent. Kris urges them to keep moving, and even though this pisses Susie off and Ralsei seems more concerned than ever, they both dont want to go back and encounter Berdly if they can be easily picked off like that.
Eventually Kris reaches the fountain, Ralsei tells Kris to seal the fountain and that they will be nearby.
Kris readies themself to seal the fountain, but gets interrupted by a stray projectile knocking them onto the ground. There is a moment of silence, before a shadow looms over Kris and stares down at them. A lumbering machine, Berdly approaches Kris. He seems like he was slightly falling apart in comparison to the first time they met, cracks littered across his metal plates, and a greyish-blue substance dripping from his skin once was. His soul pounded slowly and irregularly, it seemed like it was trying to split itself every beat, but failed to do so. Berdly opens his mouth and shrieks garbage noise at Kris before a battle ensues.
[any other information is already written below!]
[Loaded Disk:]
[> An item you can obtain by interacting with Berdly once he has been defeated.
[>Can loaded into a console. once loaded into a console, Berdly can access any appliances (though mostly staying in the console) within a network range and can only be extracted back into the disk if convinced to do so.
[>If taken back to a dark world, can be loaded into a machine body. Berdly would be excited about feeling a body again, but also not used to it.
Desc: A Loaded Disk, it feels strangely boisterous. Yet, you feel guilty just holding it. It probably has some bad feelings about you.
“It probably has some bad feelings about you” dialogue doesn’t appear if you beat him with Acts. (reasoning farther down)
(the song here is a test song)
[> Percentage description: 0-100% stands for Mercy Percentage or Damage taken, Mercy percentage speaks for itself, though 100% in Snowgrave is 0 health.
Notable percentage stages: 0-40% 40-70% 70-90% 90-100%
[> Location of appearance: At the dark fountain, replacing Spamton NEO
[> Noelle had most likley caught a glimpse of Aftershock alone when trying to take her mind off things.
(1) [> Split Smash: Split smash is a predictable slow attack by animation, but its slowness is a requirement get to an optimal safe spot since the attack makes a very tight safe spot || Only appears during 0%-50%
(2) [> Dilapidated Wind Arrow: A weak version of Berdly’s tornado attacks, appears as Berdly’s consciousness begins to come through more. The attacks are RNG based. || Only appears during 70%+ || Reflectable
(3) [> Player)) Deflect Mechanic: If holding Z near yellow projectiles, the player can collect energy and fire it back at Berdly. If hitting Berdly’s soul, it will do a good deal of damage. The player can collect 3 projectiles but after then they must avoid yellow attacks as they cant hold any more energy and will take damage.
(4) [> Tug of War: Berdly grabs the player and begins to drag them toward a rib cage design of spikes. The player can rapidly press ⬅️ to weaken the grip and break free. || All % attack, but soul box will be smaller and attacks will be shorter at 70%+
(5) [> DNA: Berdly sends a split stream from his Halberd in the shape of DNA. The soul box shrinks to trap the player inside the spiral. || Appears 0%-70%
(6) [> Heal: Has the ability to mend/heal which makes them hard to knock down. Heal is usually used after a wire is snapped and the first heal regenerates MAX health, however beginning attacks also do more damage to Aftershock Berdly. As the % rises, Berdly’s defense rises as he begins seeing Kris’ patterns but his regeneration begins to fall to 0. Berdly’s damage output also lowers as the percentage rises.
(7) [> Animation)) Interference: A garbled and distorted whisper of dialogue from somewhere. Occurs when a lot of damage is done at once or starts when % gets over 50%. Gets more comprehensible as % rises.
[> Target Rapid Blasts: A common any % attack that hones onto the player and quickly fires at them. Attacks slow as Berdly becomes weaker. || Deflectable
[> They can no longer use the A+ attack. (but they may appear occasionally on screen, falling from the top)
[> The A+ attack appears as a large plane of fused together and melted papers or.. whatever may be, and the soul would have to navigate a tight passageway of a scrolling mutated paper wave || Any% but slower the higher it gets
[> In a sudden pacifist against Aftershock, Kris will snap the wires. Berdly will gradually gain more control as his mentality stays strong while his body gets weaker. Once Berdly has enough control, he’ll send a blast of fatal electricity towards Kris, who automatically reflects it against the player. Berdly’s final wires break and Berdly falls. (this is a self inflicted attack. Berdly does not want to live in a heavy mechanical husk being controlled by someone else.)
[> In a continued Snowgrave, Kris still calls for Noelle to assist them, which she does, sending an icicle spear from off screen to break the final wire.
Noelle then rushes up to berdly and sits next to them, pushing Kris out of the way a little. Berdly will speak to Noelle, hoping to see her when they wake up, then lose the final percentages and be considered dead.
[In both instances, Berdly ejects a Loaded Disk. The player can choose to take it, leave it, or drop it (breaking it).
[> In Snowgrave -> Pacifist Berdly has a grudge against Noelle due to now believing that Kris wasnt actually doing anything and Noelle betrayed him
In Snowgrave -> Snowgrave Berdly hates Kris, and if the Loaded disk is taken, he hopes to see Noelle again.
The OST (?):
[Mostly ambience, a heartbeat, droning, and distant, slow, looping leitmotifs echoing and cutting in and out in the background (consisting of Bluebird of Misfortune, Attack of the Killer Queen, Smart Race, Powers Combined, Faint Courage, Lost Girl, Rude Buster, ect)
[New idea:] It begins with a barely noticeable Rude Buster (distorted and possibly only just the bass lines) at 0%. the heart is loudest here, giving the only beat in this sector.
At 40-70% a more noticeable Attack of the Killer Queen begins to blend in, fading Rude Buster out. Its still distorted but more comprehensible and drums appear too. The original melody pops in and out and the melody loops sooner than it should. other quiet readable songs fade in and out if its even possible. The heartbeat probably syncs with the drums.
At 70-100% an original triumphant but saddened tune begins to power through, still slow but somehow keeping an energy of hope.
[Old Notes but same concept:]
the beat of the song would mainly be the heartbeat all throughout, it gets faster the closer you get to 70% and stays consistent after that
A coherent, triumphant but tired, beat slowly begins to come through as the % rises and overpowers the ambience at 70% before stopping in silence when the final wire is snapped in pacifist. In snowgrave it stops when the wires are snapped by Noelle, then starts again, subtle, slow, and distorted when Noelle approaches Berdly before leaving only a slowing heartbeat for a moment.
“And then, there was nothing.”
Some songs that i find pretty similar in energy:
1] The Man in the Hat
2] Old Friends Anew
3] Long Way Down…
Doodles that dont have a finalized concept:
(The Backend)
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(dark room the AI shuts berdly into)
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Acid Tunnel of...
(a corrupted monster fueled by the exposed code and hopes of the ones who were thrown in) [[really early concept]]
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The Great Hall of Aftershock Berdly Concept Art
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