#im actually pretty excited to get to wonderful again because i listened to the first maybe 6 episodes
cowboyjen68 · 8 months
hi jen! i've know im a lesbian since I was 12, but because of my problems with socializing i've never actually had ANY romantic interactions(my lesbianism making things even harder, as you can imagine)
i'm almost out of high school and going to college, so i'm feeling very down about missing out on teen romance but dont want the same thing to happen again. do you have any tips on what i can do to avoid this problem in the future? i am genuinely clueless on what to do when looking for a partner, really
even if you dont actually have any advice to give i still really love your blog, it reminds me that lesbians can actually grow old and live happy lives💖💖thank you for hearing me out and i apologize for any grammar mistake!!
This is pretty easy because, while it was pretty outgoing and friendly, it was often not as my full self. I kept my horse girl, lesbian, butch and weird music and hobby side of myself under wraps from most of my friends. I had no word for lesbian or butch but my high school best friend knew I probably liked girls, we just never discussed it and it didn't bother her. It might have been harder on our friendship had I tried to come out in the 80's, not because it bothered her but the insinuations of all the others about our relationship would have been A LOT for a high schooler.
I waited until after college graduation and I used to sometimes look back and wonder how many times I missed out kissing a girl in high school or other women in college. How had twinges of regret for not having sex or even attempting intimacy with women.( I mostly avoided boys too because ew)
As I was sitting in a miserable passionless marriage to my wife of 17years, I pined for that passion and tingle that i had with my first girlfriend from ages 23 to 30. How many times did I miss that feeling with girls in my high school or college or at summer jobs because I was unsure of myself and not confident that any woman would find me attractive. I was even unsure if loving a woman was something I could do. Was it a real thing?
Looking back now I realize I just was not ready and most of my young friends in high school were not ready for me to be out and opening attracted to the same sex. I had fun in high school, made friends and had a small group of girls I was very close to. I enjoyed those friendships perhaps because I did not come out and cause those bonds to be strained.
In college I was concerned how my parents would react and I was in no way independent from their financial and emotional support. My friends were all around me experimenting with their sexuality and I was watching from outside, really wanting what they had but not willing to give up my security and college education to be open about being a lesbian. I knew I could just "do it and hide it" but I was not built for the stealthy life. I know if i was loving loving women it would be hard to be quiet.
Here is the point I am getting at with the sharing of all these experiences. If you were not ready to act on dating and attempting to date it is probably good that you listened to yourself. We are not on a time line and many young people feel pressured to date when their confidence, sexual maturity and social skills are not ready yet which can lead them to be vulnerable to abusive, controlling or unhealthy relationships. It is hard to listen to your own intuition and set and keep boundaries when you are trying to date just to not be the only one not dating.
What you more likely missed out on was not the thrill of dating but the hassle of pretending you want to date when it didn't feel right, at all.
You are heading to college. You are now becoming interested in the excitement of dating on your own and not because others think you need to date. You are craving the touch, the tingly feeling and the companionship of women. These are all good signs you are ready to date.
My advice:
1.Be honest with yourself and then her (your date) every time. Do not go on date number two if it does not feel right. If you are unsure go on another date but continue to listen to yourself.
2.You deserve passion and mutual excitement to be in the company of a woman. If one of you do not feel it, move on.
3.Do not stick to a relationship because it is "ok" or she is "nice" . You have the right to sexual, emotional and intellectual stimulation. Look for it and don't settle.
4.There will be other women so don't cling to the first one or the one willing to stick around just because she is there. If you don't feel all the afore mentioned excitement, be honest with yourself and her and move on.
5. Dating a woman with whom you share many wonderful moments and lots of joy does not mean you will be together forever or have that expectation. Short term love is a thing and neither of you are failures when that fades out.
6. Ask her. If you see a woman that interests you be clear that you would like to take her on a date and you have romantic interests. Don't be vague or try to use hints. This leads to miscommunications and false expectation every time.
7. Finally, use all the dating and flirting and breakups and heartbreaks and joy and fun and memories to form who and what you are looking for as a partner. All that experience is giving you a better idea on what makes you truly happy.
You missed out on nothing. The adventure is just beginning and it can start with a simple "Hi, I think you are cute. Would you be willing to go on a date with me?" She might say "no", but she MIGHT say "yes".
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normansnt · 1 year
Rest (Comfortable pt.2) Kenpachi Zaraki x male!Dr!reader
(You can read this even if you didn't read pt.1)
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Warning: mention of stitches and bandages but nor very detailed just mentioned otherwise its fluff🐥
Kenpachi woke up in his room. His mouth was dry and he could feel his whole chest being bandaged. He wanted to sit up but a voice stopped him. "Kenpachi Zaraki don't you dare"
Kenpachi chuckled, he knew exactly who that voice. "How lovely to hear your voice again Y/N" said Kenpachi sounding sarcastic because of the doctors cold voice but actually meaning it.
Y/N chuckled "I have tended to you enough times to know that you cannot lay in a bad for a long time letting your wounds heal" said the man smiling slightly. "Well then why did you stop me?" Asked Kenpachi still laying with a small smile on his face. "Kenpachi these wounds are bigger then the ones you get while fighting your squad members you need time to heal, at least try laying in bed for one day even that is not enough but knowing you even that would be a miracle" said Y/N now more serious. "Do I hear worry in your voice doc?" asked Kenpachi smirking. He might act playful but inside he was melting.
The fact that Y/N was worried for him felt amazing, not only because no one has ever done that but also because Y/N was someone very important to him. "Yes, well, you were quite close to dying the kid you fought was pretty good, not to mention I never saw you this thrilled before you truly enjoyed yourself" smiled Y/N.
Kenpachi thought about this. It was true that he had a lot of fun fighting Ichigo, finally finding someone on his level was exhilarating but he couldn't help but wonder why it was not as exciting as he thought it would be.
He thought he would be much more happy, crazy and what not but... it wasn't as intense as he thought.
He looked at Y/N who was preparing things for his check up. He stared for a bit, and then it downed on him.
It was not as exciting as he thought it would be because battle was not the only thing he looked forward to anymore.
He also couldn't wait to end the battle and talk to Y/N about it. To see him smile at him again, hear his laugh, see the way Y/Ns eyes light up when he sees him. That is... absolutely horrifying to Kenpachi. He lived his whole life for battle and the excitement it gave him that made him happy. Now, though, someone came along who gave him happiness outside of battle.
"Pachi? Are you ok you have been staring at me for a long time now" said Y/N confused. Kenpachi didn't answer just opened his mouth like he was going to but nothing came out.
"Ok, listen I'll do my check up now and I really hope after I leave this room you will listen to my advice and stay in bed" said the h/c haired male in a slightly scolding tone. Kenpachi loved that. Y/N was scolding him because he doesn't care about his own safety enough.
When Y/N started to slowly help him sit up so he could put fresh bandages on him Kenpachis eyes did not leave the doctors face for one second. "Wow your stitches are healing nicely I guess being knocked out is very helpful" smiled the doctor.
Kenpachi still didn't say another word he was trying to understand how Y/N managed to heal his battle scarred heart and make him love something else outside of battle and Yachiru. "All right Im all done here I know its not your strong suit but could you PLEASE try to rest as much as possible and--" when Y/N wanted to finish his sentence and to start pulling away Kanpechi grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving. "Pachi...?"
With one fast movement he pulled Y/N towards him so their lips collided. Y/N was shocked to say the least.
Kenpachi taking the first move was something he did not expect, not to mention this soon.Y/N kissed back without hesitation cupping his cheek and seating himself in Pachis lap cautiously not to pull his stitches. Kenpachis lips were dry and cracked but they were warm and welcoming non the less Y/N smiled into the kiss. He couldn't belive he is kissing The Kenpachi Zaraki the feared captain of squad 11.
Kenpachi was in cloud 9 or heaven or whatever they call it, he was jut feeling very very warm and nice inside. Y/Ns lips were everything he thought them to be, soft, warm and they tasted like coffee which the dr had every morning.
"Arghh... fuck" Kenpachi groaned after they parted because his movements were to quick when pulling Y/N to his lap and his scars hurt now. "Damn it Kenpachi as great as this was you shouldn't have hurt yourself" Y/N tried scolding him but he couldn't hide his smile. "Worth it" groned Kenpachi while smirking at Y/N "Yeah yeah whatever we can repeat that when you have gotten the necessary amount of rest you need" said Y/N while laying him down carefully and kissing his cheek.
"I will make sure to get lots of rest then" said Kenpachi with a big smile. "You better" said Y/N then laughed and headed for the door "I will be back to check on you later I have other patients to attend to as well" and with flashing one last smile to the Captain he left. Kenpachi closed his eyes with Y/Ns image on his mind, and perhaps with some thoughts about finding Ichigo and fighting him again, even if he fell in love he is still him.
I know its not that long bit its short and sweet and I like it🤓
You guys liked my Usopp fanfic more but eh Im currently obsessed w Kenpachi and I love how this turned out sooo🦦
I am thankful for the love my Usopp fic has received though, don't worry I will write more One Piece ofc but Im watching bleach most of the time now so I get more ideas for that😗🤍
Well ladies, gentlemen and others I hope you enjoyed your reading, have a good afternoon, good evening, and good night🧡
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likeysoob · 1 month
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I’m so blind by likeysoob
Episode 3
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This episode is that the first term ended so now it November so y/n talks about her grades and how easy it was. Y/n has gym now where she meets ningning again so she brings y/n to her lunch table and that’s how she meets Karina and winter. The try outs for ive happen, wonyoung and y/n instantly recognizes each other “oh its…you” and have beef which leave rei sad because she actually likes y/n, so shes not accepted into the group. Y/n tells the girls and they’re like “music competition? Hmmmmm let’s do something about it! We got you girl!” and they plan things from there
“Let me see what you got for your first report card!” I roll my eyes, what’s even the big deal about these report cards anyways? Just because i want to be an artist, doesn’t mean i need to do science or math like the fuck? I grab my backpack to open it and give her the report card. She takes it from me and opens it, “A in choir, A in math, A in art, and C- in science?! Y/n! What is this?!” Good lord. “Mom that class is just stupid and hard, like none of it even makes any sense, i still pass though since its not an F.” My mom just starts yelling at me, I couldn’t care cause im passing anyways. Science is not even the career i plan to do anyways. Tomorrow is a new term, new classes, and hopefully new people. I need something exciting in my life, maybe a girlfriend? Whatever, i just need to get rest….shit. What even are my classes?
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“I mean she didn’t even deny she was a flop, just asked who wrote it on the board.” Ning says. I just look at her, “i mean if she wasn’t such a bitch with a big ego just because she won multiple awards and events last year, then I wouldn’t be a bitch too. She’s just a person that makes the alpha come out of me to protect my omegas.” My face scrunches up, “What the fuck are you even talking about?” She gives me a look, like girl I’m not listening to all that yap… “Wonyoung! Duh…” Ning replies. “She’s won multiple awards?” I asked and Ning nods and rolls her eyes. “You know, i don’t even know who she is but she sounds like a massive bitch.”
If you’re wondering what class i and Ning is in, then it’s gym. This class is filled with so many boys and barely any girls, the worst part is that the gym teacher is a massive dick. If you miss one day of gym, you need to make it up by running 3 miles like what the fuck? So thank god Ning is in this class or else I wouldn’t have survived. “Girls! Start playing the game!” The teacher yells at us then turns to one girl, “You! Get some speed in you and run to the ball!” The girl responds back, “How about you run since you’re such a fatass!” Oh shit..
Well, it’s the end of class now. That girl ended up saying so much shit to the gym teacher in which the principal came in, it was pretty funny. Now we’re in the locker room, I’m pretty sure i have lunch right now when the bell rings. “Hey Ning, do you have lunch right now?” Her face glows up, “omg! Yes i do! Same as you?” I nod. “Great! I should introduce you to my friends! I’m pretty sure you guys will get along.” The bell rings as i just finished putting the lock on my gym locker. I follow Ning to the lunch room in which we were the first few people in there since the gym is close to the cafeteria. “This food is so shit…” i say out loud and Ning agrees. My head turns to the right of me and i see a staff just looking at me like they heard what i said, they probably did though.
Ning goes over to one of the lines and i follow. I’m just hungry, i don’t care what it is. When we get at the table, Ning looks around. “Ning!” We turn in the direction where the voice came from and i see a girl with short black hair waving at Ning. “Why is she over there? This is our spot!” Ning takes her tray and starts walking over there with me following behind.
Hey guys so i decided to discontinue this since i wasn’t feeling very satisfied with what i had and i wanted to focus more on other stories so i apologize :(
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I’ve already exhausted the ears of anyone who listens to me with rambles of Touchstarved—and I fear if I bring it up again to them I’ll be taken to the gallows
So I’m taking my ranting to the actual fandom and in hopes I’ll be quiet after I actually type out my thoughts <33
Buckle up I’ve got a lot to say
First tho: these rambles do have some spoilers for The Arcana and Last Legacy and of course— the demo for Touchstarved so bE WARNED
Ahem ahem
Ramble number 1 🤺
Like I love romance and all— BUT THE ACTUAL PLOT??
It’s just so intriguing to me
I’m so excited to see what the full on plot is going to be—
Like take The Arcana and Last Legacy for example
Us, as MC, are a magician’s apprentice with years of lost memories, tasked with the responsibility of solving the dead count’s death. Doing so in the timeframe of a masquerade that the Devil arcana crashes, presenting his idea of merging realms—with him as ruler.
Then in Last Legacy
We’re a human from earth that gets transported to a recovering magical world that was only a game back home. Come to find out an old evil is slowly resurfacing—
So what is the full story of Touchstarved gonna be? ?
I’m assuming it’s a longer game than the previously mentioned, so I just- GAHHHHH
I can’t wait
I also wonder how much of a center piece Touchstarved MC is gonna be
Like what is gonna be our role? Why are we important to the overall plot of the entire game?
We already know why we’re important to our own story—duh. UHH lemme articulate this-
Like MC’s story is clear in the demo, we’re cursed with hands that corrupts whoever we touch—and we’ve come to the dangerous city of Eridia to find a cure. But I can’t WAIT to find out how that ties in with everything else.
Like how does our curse connect us to the LIs? To Eridia? To everything?
How much of a role does MC really play?
Like in Arcana, we aren’t just the one given the job of solving a murder, but we’re also the one with powers that can rival the Devil’s. We’re the Fool Tarot card—the start of the journey.
And in Last Legacy we’re not just the human from earth brought into an unfamiliar world, but also the human that wields a relic that once belonged to the LI’s ‘dead’ friend/captain. (A relic that is later vital in saving the world)
So I’m just— I’m so excited to see why Touchstarved MC is connected to everything. What decisions we’ll be able to make, and why those decisions will lead to either a happy or horrific ending.
I already love these writers—and I love the characters, and I already love the glimpses we have of the start of the plot.
Like the vibe and plot of the story is what really got me INTO touchstarved. (That and the characters are uhhh rlly pretty 👉👈 AND THE ANIMATED INTRO WAS IMMACULATE)
I’m just so hyped to see what the story is—and how the routes are going to end. Will it truly be happy? Will we actually end it by saving whatever evil is corrupting the world? Or will it be a bittersweet end, where it’s only happy because MC and whatever LI they picked—survived and get to be together?
Like we’ll probably solve things- but I just wonder how bittersweet and still tragic the writers will make it—like what if to gain one character’s salvation, we have to doom another? I think I read somewhere where the Devs said our choice of LI will result in consequences for another— AND I THINK THATS JUST SO
Muah muah
My heart will utterly break
Anyway—I’m just really excited for Touchstarved plot—can’t wait, mentally pained that it’s going to be like waiting for my sailor husband to return from sea. but I have faith it’ll be worth it- especially with how much love has already been put into it.
Ramble 2 😙
SO SO SO, now unto the romance hype
I’m vry excited for what the romance is gonna be like. Like, I’ve played a few of these games before. Mainly Arcana, Last Legacy, Mystic Messenger, etc.
And usually the romance starts pretty quick, (mainly due to these games being a bit shorter.)
But I wonder how fast or slow the romances are going to be in Touchstarved. Like, Mc is already pretty quickly attracted to the main cast(valid) but I wonder if some routes are going to be quicker than others?
And what are the CONFESSIONS going to be like?
I wonder if some routes will be slower or quicker than others?
Like my personal guesses for the quickest to slowest romance kinda goes like this: Leander, Ais, Kuras, Mhin, Vere
Okie Okie lemme explain my reasonings (I just like to ramble)
Leander feels like the type of character (if he’s not actually just using Mc) that clings, then obsesses over people he likes. And I can picture his romance starting pretty quick— I think the slower bit will be tied to actually getting him to be vulnerable—
Ais is already canon to get attached. So I can see his romance being a bit quicker.
It’s not like I think Kuras’ romance will be quick, but I do think it’ll be possibly quicker than Mhin’s. (Mainly for the scene where he keeps a hold on you when you trip. Especially if you pick ‘Can you step out?’ At the start.)
I am very curious how he’s gonna be in love though- it’s oddly hard for me to picture
Now Mhin—i can picture theirs being slower because they don’t just not want YOU to get hurt, but THEY don’t want to get hurt either.
And now Vere—I can see the physical parts of the romance being able to happen pretty quickly—but for Vere to actually like—develop sincere feelings? That’ll definitely take longer.
I can’t wait for it to happen tho
I also can’t wait for ✨feelings✨ to make drama. Like, what will the Senobium do when/if they find out Vere has like—genuinely fallen for someone 🧍🏻‍♀️ will they use us as leverage?
Will Kuras’ feelings for us make salvation harder to get?
Alr Alr Alr- I’ll stop there.
HOPEFULLY, this will help me be quiet— because bro i’ve been thinking of Touchstarved nonstop for ages now 😭 my friends can’t take it anymore
Anyway, if you read all that, thank u <3 I hope you enjoyed my nonsensical ramblings.
I hope you have a vry good day, wear ur favorite shirt, smell a rose, and see a butterfly !!
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the-kipsabian · 9 months
Kip Sabian.
Please go off.
anon i respect you so much for this but i hope you know what you have just done LMAO
tl;dr - hes absolutely perfect in every way possible. love of my life
hes just.. so innovative. his character work is absolutely fucking masterful, no matter which one it is. all of them are so delightfully different from one another but you can still see the same man behind all of them and thats just talking about the range of the character work and the clear work and effort he puts into everything he does, be it just the characters themselves, the promos, in-ring work, anything. he always goes all out, hes creative as hell with them (name me one other person that gets over with a box on their head i dare you) and it truly shows how loving and passionate he is about this whole wrestling thing and that he just absolutely gets it. also he just has fun with it and it shows. anything from cocky indie superbad to coward best husband superbad to boxman to whatever the cringe failure era was lmao and now the sex idol. he just does it all and he does it flawlessly and i will throw hands with tk if he doesnt capitalize on this man soon i sWEAR TO GODDAMN
his in-ring work is incredibly good. watch literally any sequence hes ever had with orange cassidy and you see what i mean. hes improved from that too (since the last one of those was a quite long while ago now), he can hang with pretty much anyone. i like it the way he says it himself, he can literally make anyone look good and no one has ever complained about having to work with him in the ring. which says a lot about how good and talented he is imo. he can do it all, be it more grounded moves or recently hes been doing a lot more jumps and top rope moves which! exciting!! cause it just adds to his arsenal and shows off that flexibility even more and its just so insanely good. like fuck man if you can get someone who can hang one-on-one with someone like vikingo like he did a few weeks back, thats a fucking keeper. dont you dare forget that
im not gonna take this moment to talk about his promo stuff cause i will literally be here forever. watch this and get back to me later about why im right that hes incredible at this shit with the tone and again character work and just overall presentation. even if its now a bit more comedic with the sex idol, its still an absolute delight. also i could listen to him talk forever, he has my favorite voice in the entire world and his accent is delicious and good fucking lord
PRESENTATION. hes just really fucking hot okay. i thought he was cute before but my god. the hair, no matter the version, on point. the eyeliner, gorgeous. nail polish, good lord (he needs to bring it back tbh its been a while). the outfits, holy shit i cant say words. i have done an extensive gear study to show how truly insane he makes me about his looks, not to mention the goddamn casual fits/suit game. jesus take the wheel. his smile is fucking out of his world and the laugh lines he gets are maybe my favorite feature on any human ever. hes fucking delicious and what of it
also arms. i dont think i need to say anything more i have also turned into a back admirer girlie (gn) because of him so like. uuuuuh
AND THEN. hes just a fucking delightful human being in general. is he stupid and cringey? yes, but arent we all. it just shows how human he is. just like us. ive so many times wondered how if we lived on slightly different timelines, we might have genuinely been friends cause he reminds me so much of guys of the same age that i know and im friends with. like we would have meshed pretty well together if circumstances were different lmao. that just shows me how genuine he is tbh. hes just fucking nice, hes very supportive, tries his best to be a good ally (i have both seen this and have first hand experience on it so dont @ me saying im wrong or its performative, i have way too many cases to prove that hes fr fr) and.. yeah. ive never heard anyone that actually knows him say anything bad about him. he has his flaws, obviously, cause nobodys perfect, but he makes up for it with what ridiculously good he has in him. this is a man with so much potential and love to give to the world both in his personal and professional lives and hes just needs his chance to shine so fucking badly, in all areas of life
im gonna stop now before i get too emotional but. yeah. he means fucking everything to me 💜💜
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quietbluejay · 16 days
The Solar War One
tldr: if you like florid descriptions of preparations for space battles, space battles, and the aftermath of space battles, this is your book
Emperor POV oh right I was thinking about doing The Master of Mankind and seeing what all the fuss was about at some point
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yeah this is French all right …the author
okay i know we're supposed to be like "ooo horus evil" but lmao
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also look i love cheese as much as the next person, probably more, but I cannot take this seriously
truly the primarchs inherited the emperor's braincells
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ok anyways
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i dunno if it's just because I'm in a bad mood and have a headache but this is not doing it for me
why do we need this long worldbuilding digression about timekeeping
augh Mersadie :(
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this is getting better
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i mean writing wise not…for her man solitary confinement is pretty brutal to the brain
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french im going to lightly gnaw on you for that dream fakeout
oh hey it's another moment where you can tell what the writer was listening to
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hello darkness my old friend
ooo dramatic a space hulk i think this is the first time one has shown up in a book
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a pearl of sorrow? really i mean overall the prose isn't bad but still
AUGH FRENCH WHY ALWAYS WITH THE HUMAN TALLOW CANDLES ALWAYS it's always French!!! with the human tallow candles!!! does anyone else use them!!! NO man i forgot to add that to my bingo card, i had blissfully forgotten about them until this moment oh hi Ahriman, been a while who else would quote poetry at this meeting
I'm 14% of the way in and most of this has felt like padding
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i gotta say, if they have to sacrifice this many like every time they do anything (and it seems like they do lol…) i do wonder how they don't run out oh wild I guess Euphrati's new powers allow her to dreamwalk Euphrati is giving Mersadie a warning though we had to spend like half a page talking about astrology to get there
okay this is actually kind of interesting
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the child soldiers are even more child soldiers than usual however it'd be nice if we didn't have one sentence of plot for every 3 paragraphs of background their first battle and one dude dies immediately this is actually kinda reminding me of that MTMTE flashback with Getaway's first time on the battlefield it's the same kind of idea OKAY finally something as Mersadie escapes the prison ship this is actually good Mersadie and a Navigator
oh we get to see the admiral lady again she's got a birb
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i love him rip Su-Kassen in her 2 hours of rest she is being visited by Jaghatai
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jaghatai, is this really the time
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ah some context: she and Dorn worked on the plans together
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I feel like Su-Kassen would have preferred to meditate with her spice tea okay i mean that's some insight into Dorn I guess but I'm still a bit hmm
I'm a quarter of the way through the book and barely anything has happened was this man paid by the word was he possessed by Victor Hugo
oh it's the famous Jubal Khan SIgismund is still being haunted by that conversation with Dorn, huh I don't know if Layak stalking Abaddon is meant to be funny, but it is
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yeah I don't know if I'm in a bad mood but like I think I'd normally be fine with this? but the entire book has been like this i dunno it kind of feels like an iteration of what ADB was doing with the World Eaters okay the biggest problem with this book is how remote it is from the human element most of it has just been like…florid descriptions of ships moving and setting description
oh hi Forrix! Perturabo is worried things are going a bit too well
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this really just is Forrix's life, isn't it but also Perturabo I think you might be projecting a bit there back to the Mersadie subplot at least that's probably the most exciting thing in this book
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as usual for a French side character, I like Nilus I liked the admiral too lol
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he's a fun dude
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why couldn't we have a nice book about this
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not a bad line but french do you need to start every chapter like this every. chapter. oh hi little horus
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THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF ANDROMEDA-17 so a repeated element is that Dorn Just Does Not Get Warp Stuff
this is using a lot of pretty words to describe something only slightly more advanced than human wave tactics Sigismund blew up a moon! okay that's fun ah the admiral found out that her daughter, who was with Horus' forces…
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it's a good moment and scene
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we spend about 2 paragraphs describing how Sigismund doesn't really do emotions before finally getting to
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if you like florid descriptions of preparations for space battles, space battles, and the aftermath of space battles, this is your book
okay some of the fight scenes have rights Sigismund vs the Sons of Horus is one huh abaddon is getting a lot of flashbacks to his childhood
hot take i don't think the siege of terra series was handled well and yes i know i'm less than halfway through this book okay i guess it's not really a hot take ^_^;
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also huh i guess abaddon kept his name
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heartscrypt · 1 year
hhi. stray cat has returned. and i am in dire need of knowledge. what do the leech twins think about cyrus. im not sure if this was expanded on but i need 2 know
SO GLAD U ASKED STRAY CAT ANON!!!! ive been thinkin bout it lotsss. hehehehe
"Eeeh? Nishikigoi-chan? Ahaha~ he's funny! It's annoying when she gets all fussy, though. He doesn't know when to quit when I tell him I don't wanna do stuff. Ugh... for a shallow lil' pond fishie, she can be so pushy..."
"Why're you even asking what I think about Floyd, smallfry? Haaah.. guess I got nothing better to do but answer you. He's entertaining, I guess, when he's not being a dead weight. Hm hm hm~ I like how he bites back. Too many Octavinelle fry walk around with no spine, you know, so it's nice to see someone in the dorm with guts."
okay so first up. floyd. floyd and cyrus are really similar actually. in terms of like. Priorities (aka they both have none and just do whatever the fuck they want). cyrus only hangs around people that entertain her because she craves constant stimuli like. all the time. and floyd def fits that bill so. they enable each other to do things that will eventually make azuls hair fall out from stress probably.
doesn't mean they're always on the best terms though. when floyd's mood swings he finds cyrus annoying and in turn cyrus finds Him to be a drag when he's not hyperactive. they are very much fair weather friends. when they can stand to be around each other, they are collectively a menace to society. when they can't stand to be around each other, they are.... still menaces to society but in a much different way.
"Oh, you've encountered Cyrus-san. It seems he enjoys toying with his food.. ahem, that is to say-- he's quite the playful person, isn't he? Heheh. It's a shame that she refuses to join the Mountain Lovers club ... He does seem to enjoy the anecdotes from my trips, but I haven't yet been able to convince him to come enjoy the beauty of nature with me. Oh, but it'll happen one day. I'm sure."
"Hm? What am I drinking? Wouldn't you like to know... aw, darling fry, don't look so spooked. It's only something Jade brewed up for me. Ahaha! Oh, your face looks so stupid all scrunched up like that. Of course I don't know what Jade's put in this. That's the exciting bit, you know. ... Though if he's put a paralyzing agent in this one again, I'll pour herbicide in his new terrarium, and he knows it. Paralysis is so last week."
secondly. jade. honestly, cyrus prefers jade's company over floyd's. they have tea together because cyrus is pretty much the only person who will listen to jade talk about mountains and mushrooms. as someone who likes to explore herself. he does get bored if jade starts going into too much detail about the natural wonder of the mountains or whatever. also not a big fan of hiking like jade is so she refuses to go on hikes w jade. he'd rather sit n listen to the other tell stories.
... also cyrus is the only one willing to try jades mushroom concoctions as Long as jade disguises the taste of it. because as weird as it is she's a huge thrillseeker who can't stand a moment feeling bored and if jade wants to Mildly poison her it's better than. idk. Not being poisoned and sitting still with nothing to do.
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aishterukii · 2 years
Clavis Main Story route (avatar challenge, HSS, etc.)
Just compiling some of the differences between Clavis’s normal and premium avatar stories, and some input on His Side Stories. Placing this under a cut because of spoilers. if you’re a bit tight on dias and keys then hopefully, this can help you decide which stories you want to go for ^^
spoiler warning!
In the Premium version, Clavis teases Emma, wanting her to admit that she loves him more than books. they have a Stare Off... and then Emma headbutts him. the rest is the same as the normal version.
Clavis asks Emma to be his lap pillow in the Premium version, and that’s pretty much it. He sort of admits that he wants to experience how a lap pillow feels like. reveals that his real reason for asking emma to be his lap pillow is so that emma doesn’t leave him while he sleeps
(to be updated)
haven’t read the normal version yet but if it’s anything similar to JP then...in the Premium ver. Clavis teases Emma into believing he’s going to kiss her and Emma doesn’t actually stop him which surprises Clavis. and then Emma blushes really hard
again, haven’t read the normal version, so I’m basing it on JP. they added some more explicit moments, but other than that, not much really(?). Still, their confession is pretty nice to reread from time to time :> 
(to be updated)
((this is still mostly incomplete))
Chapter 6
it shows you a different side of Clavis, a peak into the past of his 'mistake' and you can clearly feel his regret and frustration. He finds himself wondering if Emma, as Belle who has a pure and beautiful heart, would think of his actions as evil. the flashbacks overlap really well with the present time as you listen to him describe his convictions.
Chapter 8 (2nd read)
Already talked about it a bit here. But yeah majority of this HSS features young Clavis and young Chev. It shows how they were first introduced to each other and how Clavis started to want to beat Chev. Also shows what he was thinking as he caught Emma asking Chev about him. He's fine with her wanting to know more about him, he just didn't want her asking Chevalier, aka the person who has probably seen him at his worst, and knows all of his darkest secrets.
Chapter 13
Clavis doesn't appear for the majority of this chapter in the main story, so we get to see what actually happened behind the scenes. His side story shows what Clavis's been up to and what he's like when he doesn't need to wear his mask of a smile. Also shows what he was truly feeling while he was doing what Gilbert threatened asked him to do. He thinks about how Emma would be disappointed in him if she knew what he was up to. This is also when we see him get the idea of testing Emma even further, to see if she would break and lose her love for him.
Chapter 15 (bond)
(still stuck at bond level 15 rip)
Chapter 18 (2nd read)
(to be updated)
Chapter 21 (Romantic)
If you’re a fan of Gilbert, this one features him heavily. gives more insight into his and Clavis’s relationship as well as their encounter with each other on bloodstained rose day. Also shows why Emma only woke up after they were already in the cell.
Chapter 25 (Romantic)
Clavis recalls the happenings during Emma’s first day as belle. briefly shows a flashback of Leticia. Clavis thinks about how Emma was the first person he truly loved. shows his inner conflict with believing and accepting Emma’s love because of his trauma.
Chapter 21 (Dramatic)
(to be updated)
Chapter 25 (dramatic)
(to be updated)
just mindless ramblings after reading his route:
- they translated おっと to ‘Oopsie’ and idk how to feel about that lmao
- and 恋人殿 to “my lovely lover”
- Cyran... I still keep calling him Cyril in my head
- Cyran, Hugo and Kai... must protecc :’) I’m really excited for the more love with the beast event to come to EN. their banter and dynamic together with Clavis is so cute
- the amount of times Cyran made me laugh. cybird im begging you, give him a model, I can’t live off of “he has red hair”
- HSS chapter 6 was a really good read, so was 13... actually all of them so far are. Chapter 10 avatar tugged on my heartstrings again. Chapter 23 (romantic) was the chapter I was most excited about and it didn’t disappoint. Chapter 24 as well had me in tears again.
- is it just me or did they slightly change the very last part of his romantic epilogue? I remember the JP one being a bit different, mostly with Emma’s lines. I’ll have to reread it.
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flamechasr · 9 months
a special message for you ♡ @binarystarduet
HIIII MAOMAOMAOMAO. i have said it once before and i will again, you are my favourite silliest star twin creature still. i literally jumped up and down the day i got my gift recipient and at that time i had JUST woken up because i was literally so excited to make more things for you!!!! i got an excuse to make you furina stuff LOL it felt like the stars aligned for me or something bc i mentioned that i wanted to make furina stuff for you on the individual gifts before but i was doing pair edits and it was easier with yachimei + jeanlisa for you and anne but this time i get to go off and i. went off. SJDSJDN literally have never edited this much, or been this excited to edit. i am still not caught up with fontaine or anything but i know enough to love you and i'm still unfortunately ill about my genshins especially in recent days as i got feelings for furi and it's like...... you being her is just perfect and everything, but beyond that i also love YOU, i loved making all these, and i'm honestly so grateful that we've been talking more in recent days because i've always wanted to talk more, you were just always so nice to me and your energy is very contagious like omg i am always hyped and pumped to talk to you so Please please i mean this never hesitate to shoot me a message whenever. i love to talk always, it's a precious and special experience especially with you because i simply enjoy our moments so muchie and i hope we do even more in the coming year!!
explaining my gifts a bit! i know you love aesthetics and stims and i was going for those primarily but you know how i feel about my aesthetics and stims .... i think youre so much better at them god honestly so im like nervous making them wondering if you'll like fhdhshhddh which is pretty ridiculous since i know you'll love anything but :pweading: . i did my best and i put love into all of these so i truly hope it is okay. i made almost everything the same day except for the poem and gfx so like the soyoanon board was something i came up with the day after we were talking about bandori and you told me abt mygo and ave mujica and im like ! i can make something up from that yes i do love bandori art. but i don't actually know anything about soyoanon so i only went by vibes which is like... sharing tea after school in the evening vibes, and after school vibes in general because anon reminds me of cherry blossoms and soyo reminds me of a nice warm evening so thats what i came up with, again im not very confident with my aes but i hope i got it . cry. and then hikawa sisters of course because you are sayo and i know you love hina-chan and i chose that card in particular bc i always associate you with stars! and i don't know i think it's tender. and i love you both ofc omg my hina-chan as aya and you as tsugu you're so so cute and i hope this brings you happiness! :^}
the icons came as a "i'll throw this in" gift but its also bc you told me that you felt insecure (??) about having so many bandori kins but like . don't be i love you so much :} I went back and forth a lot on the style until i eventually settled on the star design with an alternate normal ver. the colouring is slightly diff bc i made them on separate instances and i didnt save the psd but we'll pretend like they're the same ajdjsjs
finally my abundance of furinas..... this goes without saying but i love my furi so much partly because of my inherent genshin spin but i actually Understand now and i love you... the stim board is bc i thought it would be fun to make one for her and it was ! she is so you like the teatime aesthetic and her love of cakes and i incorporated both so i hope you likeys.... even though im not good with stims i think it looks okay and i gave a bonus neuvi as well. tee hee. talking about the poem a bit i wrote that like the same day oz assigned me to you because i was so excited and that morning i listened to la vaguelette for the first time and i came up with that. because you said i can gift whatever else and i was thinking the only other thing in my arsenal is writing (art too but i have been terribly unmotivated on that end ....) i have not yet properly gone through fontaine or her story and of course it is Your feelings but i tried to put that into pretty words as well, plus i made my qpp and my best friend read through it first and they both liked it so i hope you will too... smile. the gfx set i was gonna make from the start but it took a couple days of inspiration-gathering, and i was thinking how we talked about like. how you like working with colours but struggle with like creating a design like making from a blank canvas but i do love making designs so i put my whole mind into the set and i really like what came out of it !! these are just tumblr gfxs that you just stare at and not use but regardless i really hope you enjoysies everything, i love you so much!!!
(hey!! this is ava i just scheduled the posts since elysia had them in drafts, hopefully we're right on time! thank you for being awesome and we all hope to continue being friends with you for a long time. <3)
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wickymicky · 3 years
have Griffin and Rachel ever mentioned the bachelor or other reality shows again on Wonderful? im just wondering lmao, i legit dont care one way or the other, im just kinda curious lol. cause like, i love(d) Rose Buddies haha, it’s one of my favorite podcasts. i havent listened to Wonderful much, but i will when i get to it (i’m relistening through Rose Buddies rn, im about halfway through that podcast’s run). im sure Wonderful is great, but i liked that Rose Buddies just felt like sitting down and gossiping with some friends lol, and I loved that I didnt need to actually watch any of the shows they talked about (nor would i ever), but it didnt matter cause honestly that wasnt really what made the podcast good, that stuff was just a vehicle for griffin and rachel to make each other laugh and invent funny narratives about things, and honestly maybe it helps that ive never seen the actual show or any of the people on it myself haha. maybe that helps with my mental picture when they talk about how they think a contestant has a belly button fetish, or one of the hosts is secretly a ghost or something like that. 
i completely understand why they stopped doing the show lmao and if they had continued, it would have been bad and they wouldnt have had fun doing it, but yeah. i just think the Rose Buddies podcast, as it stands now as a finished product that they wont return to (though maybe they could do one-off returns to it for max fun drives or something lol, or maybe they already have and i just dont know about it), is great and im really enjoying my relisten
#griffin mcelroy#rachel mcelroy#rose buddies#wonderful#ditto#mbmbam#mcelroys#idk what else to tag this#hopefully its not annoying to see this in any one of those tags#im actually pretty excited to get to wonderful again because i listened to the first maybe 6 episodes#when they were new. and then idk... i just fell wayyyy behind for unrelated reasons and i never sat down and caught back up#and recently i missed rose buddies so i started from the beginning and i figure i'll get to wonderful when i get there#i didnt stop listening cause it was boring or anything! though i think they hadnt quite found their stride in that new format yet#but now... like 100+ episodes later... surely theyve found their stride haha and i wanna catch up#but yeah idk i just fell behind cause of stuff. it happens. same with taz and honestly same with mbmbam#i dont even know which episodes in the 500s ive listened to and which i havent haha. ive listened to them so out of order#ive tried to catch up a couple times and started in random places cause idr#meanwhile im still going on my relisten to mbmbam... im in the late 300s... (after starting in the early 200s a year and a half ago)#because relistening to old episodes ive heard numerous times (featuring bits ive heard countless more times than that in isolation)#is easier than listening to new ones sodkvmlsgmeoirgjegrik#not that the new ones are bad! some are.. some arent.. ive heard some recent gems though#anyway thats enough tags lol sorry#FUCK I POSTED THIS ON MY SIDEBLOG INSTEAD OF MY MAIN#I CANT EVEN JUST LIKE REPOST IT CAUSE OF ALL THESE STUPID TAGS#ignore this lmao
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dokoni-mo · 3 years
Crave || William Afton x GN! Reader
summary: William is tired of waiting.
NSFW // Suggestive
word count: im too lazy to do wordcounter so uhh medium length
warnings: dubcon??? sure why not. corruption kink, age-gap (reader is 20 while Will is pushing 40) relationship, Will is kinda (really) creepy, obsession, usage of those kinda toys, masturbation, usage of pet names, sensual touching, praise, very brief and faint daddy kink, swearing, Michael is in this too briefly a few times, not proofread
a/n: it's been a while since ive posted on this blog. i really don't know what this is, so I guess just consider this some word barf. I only thought of it after binging all of the first season of Euphoria
taglist open. minors dni.
William Afton could not remember a time where he wasn't faking.
It didn't necessarily mean he was an unhappy person, no. Actually not in the slightest. He had a stable job with a plenty amount of money flowing in, and a big enough house to show for it. His three children went to the nicest school in town, and wore clothes and shoes that made heads turn. The car parked in the driveway was sleek and shiny. He shared a CEO position with his best friend for multiple companies. He was drop dead handsome. A widow. A charming bachelor. What other men his age got to say that? William was truly living the American dream.
But, it was all just... boring.
Maybe that's what drew him to you.
You were his eldest son's friend, someone he met in the early years of community college. Michael would have you over often, and sometimes you'd just show up at the house. Not that William minded.
You weren't boring.
You were a pretty young thing. It had been far too long since William had something so pretty and supple close to him. You were the same age as his eldest, but William didn't fucking care. He was tired of people his age flirting with him anyway. He wanted something fresh and exciting. Something pretty for him to fawn over and take care of.
He wanted you.
He learned listening in to your conversations with his son that you were a virgin. Hadn't even been kissed before. Only had one "boyfriend" in middle school that only dated you for a week over a dare.
It made his cock unbearably hard thinking about getting to be all of your firsts. The way you would tremble when his big hands finally got to caress your warm body. The look of worry in your doe eyes when he kisses you for the first time. The way your lips would be so timid against his, your hands clasping his dress shirt as you wondered if he felt as good as you did.
Don't worry, sweet bunny. He did. He felt so, so good. You made him feel like he reached nirvana
It's what he would think about at night when he put on his favorite porno. It's what would play on loop in his mind as he fucked into his fist. Its your name he would groan under his breath. Its you that made him start to lose interest in his favorite movies. He couldn't even get hard anymore looking at them.
Because they weren't you.
Its you that made him want to invest in something else other than his hand. It's you, sweet bunny, that made him buy his first toy to pleasure himself with.
But alas, its also you that made him grow tired of that as well.
No amount of imagining the cheap plastic was you could do him justice anymore. He always knew in the back of his mind that it wasn't you that he was pumping full of hot, sticky semen every night. Who was he kidding? Something like that could never be a replacement.
William needed the real thing. He wasn't sure if he could ever get off again if he didn't.
He needed a plan.
It would be easy enough for to get you alone with him. After many times of chatting with him while you were waiting for Michael to appear, William could tell you trusted him enough. That made things a lot easier.
He decided he would just use Michael. He would wait for a day he knew his son would invite you over, then create some scenario where Michael couldn't make it home in time to meet you there. William could use his money for this. Bribe a few college boys with a couple hundred dollars to distract Michael for a few hours without him knowing. Boom. Easy. Tomorrow should be a good day to do it.
That part's covered. William will go to the bank in the morning to get the money.
William knew that you would be timid to come in when Michael isn't home. That's fine. He can just lie. Tell you that Michael just had to run to get some snacks for you two and he'd be back any minute. That sounded like his son enough for you to be comfortable with that answer enough for you to come inside.
Yes, it was all coming together.
William would gently lead you over to and sit you down on his plush couch. He'll force Michael in the morning to clean the house while he's at the bank. Can't have his sweet, precious bunny sitting in a dirty living room. William would make you tea to get you comfortable as you sat, and he would soon sit next to you. Not too close to freak you out, yet not too far. William hated it when you were far away from him.
William was good at small talk. He'd practiced a lot trying to blend in with the normal crowd. He knew your sense of humor too. He'd be sure to make you laugh. He loved your laugh. It was so fucking sexy. You hated it, though. That made William pissed. You have nothing to be insecure about. You're so fucking precious and darling in every way. When you doubted yourself it made William want to bend you over the nearest surface and pound you until you were convinced every part about you was beautiful. That every inch of you was-
Mr. Afton was getting ahead of himself. He had to focus.
Eventually, his hand would find a place on your knee, his large thumb rubbing into your flesh. A test. If you reacted well, he could continue. If you didn't, well...
you needed more work.
It wasn't a choice now of if you were gonna be his, now only when.
He hoped you would be a good little bunny and play along with his wishes. It would disappoint him if he had to punish you so early on.
If he could continue, he'd move his hand down your thigh, moving his body closer to you. Surely you'd be blushing by then, a nervous look on your adorable face when you look up at the taller, bigger, older man. It would be so fucking adorable. The way your eyebrows bent in confusion. The way your plush lips would part.
How he wanted to do unspeakable things with those lips.
William would keep putting his hands on you, slowly but surely. He would keep his touches soft, delicate, like you would break into a million pieces if he pressed any harder. He'd go slow, alert to pull away if he sensed his bunny getting uncomfortable. The last thing he want's is to scare his bunny away. They were just a timid little thing. His bunny to keep all to himself, to protect and hold and never let go. He needed patience with you. That was fine. He was a patient man. He had a mile of it to give when it came to you. He knows how scary it must be to have such a handsome, older man touch virgin you like that. How scared you must be when you feel how good he can make you feel. How timid you are with all of these new sensations.
Its okay, precious little one. William promises to take such good care of you. He'll make you feel so good, just wait. You'll never want for anything ever again. That's what you get when you're a good bunny for your daddy.
William would be sure to praise you to keep you going. He'll tell you all the things he's been waiting to say to you. He'll tell you how he's never seen something as pretty as you. How he finds it so hard to control himself when you're around. How he gets so jealous that Michael gets to see you every day and be near you. He'll tell you how he's waited so long just to feel how soft your pretty skin is. How he's wanted you for so, so long. How he only wants you.
You'll question him. You'll be confused.
It's okay. William is there to calm your nerves. Can't you see how much he wants you? His big hand are all over you. He keeps looking at your lips. And surely by now you've noticed that painful looking bulge in his pants.
He wants you. Only you. No one else could even come close to being as perfect as you are for him. William doesn't mind his baby is a virgin. That's what he's here to do. He'll teach you all you need to know, and daddy will make you feel so good in the process.
All you need to do is have some faith.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Yuma Mukami- Scream For Me
If you’re prompts are still a go can I get a Yuma Mukami from DL and reader with the prompts
37- “Am I making you nervous, Y/N?
17- “We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world.”
39- "Just admit you want fuck me…if you behave, I might just let you.”
28- “I’m more than capable of being rough with you babe. You just watch.”
32- “Shh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us, now would you?”
And the reader is still pretty new to the Mukami mansion, and is Lowkey terrified of Yuma because he’s so big and loud and ANGRY sounding but she also like has a thing for him? She’s also quite smaller than he is because he’s so tall and broad
Babygirl.....it’s on. ALSO IM SORRY THIS IS SO LATE.
Was hiding really the way to go? Absolutely! You were in a constant state of alert in this place. You had only been here less than two weeks and you were honestly over it already. 
You had gotten lost so many times, you began to wonder if you lived in a maze that changed with every turn. It wouldn’t surprise you to be honest.
Of all the people that could have been forced into this world without choice, it was you. Thanks to your mother and her debts. You could just remember her words.
It’s for our family, honey...
Selling you out to strangers, nice. 
You missed your other friends, you missed Yui (God only knows how much shit she’s going through without you to back her up. Every day you would go over there to make sure she was still alive. There was hell to pay if you saw so much as a scratch on her.)
You had found yourself in a seemingly abandoned bedroom.
“Finally away from those freaks.” you grumbled, sliding down the door. “This is what I’ve been reduced to, hiding.” you griped. You could still hear the commotion, the smashing of glass and the arguing of men over who would get to bite you first. It suddenly got quiet, too quiet. It felt like the air was getting stiff. You felt eyes on you...you were being watched, but by who.
“Someone’s in here.” you concluded.
Before you could scramble to your feet and leave, you were stopped.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, not unless you want to get ambushed.”
Yuma Emerged from a dark corner, toying with a hair tie. You watched in silence as he secured his hair back. He swaggered over to you, gently resting his hand against the door, trapping you between it and himself. “Any reason you’re in my room?”
You were taken aback, he seemed quite calm and reserved unlike the rambunctious and loud asshole you saw before. That wasn’t good. If anything this side of him made you even more afraid.
.”I said what are you doing in my room!” he demanded, slamming his fist on the door. That alone was enough to make you flinch and turned your head away.
“I got lost!” you replied as loudly as you could, not even close to matching his tone. You sounded scared and pathetic...mostly because you were. “Please don’t punish me like RukI!” 
You had looked him in the eye...once. Big mistake.
“Please, like I’d waste my time.” he sneered. “You’re really that frightened of my brothers?”
You shamefully nodded your head, not trusting your voice. 
“Fine, stay as long as you want.” he huffed, stepping away from you.
“Huh?” you found your voice. “Really?!” you sounded a bit too happy.
“Are you that excited to be here with me?” he tilted his head to the side, a strange smile spreading across his face. “Y/N....it’s Y/N, right?” 
“Y-yes?” it came out like a question instead of an actual answer. 
“I figured. Just thought I put a name to the face that watches me so often.” he winked. “Do you like me or something?”
Shit! He knew?
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? " he asked, still smiling devilishly. “It’s adorable.” 
Yuma made you look up at him, slipping his fingers under your chin.
“I think your little crush on me is funny.”
“Funny?” you repeated, feeling shocked. Wow, were you that pathetic? “Good to know.” you grumbled.
“What did you say?” he glowered, glaring down at you.
“I know you think I’m just a weak human...but I have feelings.” you moped, starting to turn around. “I’ll just leave.”
“Are you gonna wait for me to finish?” he snapped, just as your hand hit the doorknob.
Defeated, you lowered your hand and turned back around. 
“I like messing with you, Am I making you nervous Y/N?”
As you stayed silent, he burst out laughing. 
Yuma thought you were adorable, adorable and slightly wimpy. You were much more fun to torment than the other one...whatever her name was. Yuki? Yuna? Jennifer? Who cared?
“Since you have to do what we say, you’re gonna spend the night with me.”
You crawled onto your side of the bed, as close to the edge as possible. You didn't want to risk anything. You were scared to death. 
“We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world.” You saw Yuma yank his shirt over his head, revealing all his glory. “I mean, it could be with me.” he winked. You hadn’t even changed clothes, you were in the same dress you wore that day.
You instantly turned on your other side, not wanting him to see your face. You turned away from him. He was so godly it was wrong. You felt the bed dip down.
It was silent for a few minutes, you had almost relaxed a bit. Keyword: Almost. You felt his fingers creep up your thigh. 
His low breathy laughter caught your attention.
“You’re so cute.” you heard him whisper. “I think I’ll keep you.” his lips ghosted over your ear.
You bit down on your lip to stop from moaning. You felt his tongue trace the shell of your ear, his hot breath tickling you. His fingers kept inching and inching closer to that spot between your legs. “ Just admit you want fuck me…if you behave, I might just let you. “
You choked on your own breath as he lashed his tongue around your ear, moaning to add insult to injury. 
Then you did it. You moaned ever so quietly, but he could sure as hell hear it. Yuma slapped a hand over your mouth right before he pushed you on your back. He used his other hand to pry your legs apart. “Look at that, all fucking wet for me....what if I just?” He bought his fingers to his mouth and spit on his fingers. Your eyes widened in anticipation as he bought his hand into the waistband of your panties. You felt his wet fingers slip inside. 
You let out another moan, this time louder. 
“ Shh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us, now would you?” He shushed you. “Listen to that.” he reveled in the lewd sounds your body made for him. “Listen to that~” he snarled as he thrust his fingers deeper. “Fuck.” he watched you tremble under him. You moaned into his hand, practically drooling. Your insides clenched around his fingers. “You like being defiled by me, don’t you? You’re making a fucking mess, nasty slut.”
You watched through hooded eyes and Yuma finger fucked you. He stared down at his hand doing the deed, mouth again with his tongue hanging out. It was almost like he was receiving pleasure of his own through bullying you in such a lewd way. You were moaning into his hand, completely unaware of your volume. Anyone who could way by would absolutely hear.
Yuma took his hand from your mouth and grabbed your right leg. He tore his fingers from your and lifted your leg up, running his tongue along your calf before burying his fangs into your scorching hot skin. You gasped at the pain. 
“Fuck.” he lapped up your blood. He drove his fangs even deeper into the exact same place. Yuma’s brothers would be pissed off when they learned that they wouldn’t have been the firsts to bite you.
Yuma stared down at you, looking absolutely feral. Blood smeared across his cheek. He smiled evilly.
“W-what are you gonna do to me?” you dumbly asked. “You’re not gonna be rough are you?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“I’m gonna be more than rough, human.  I’m more than capable of being rough with you babe. You just watch. I’m gonna fucking destroy you until you can’t go anywhere without being carried there by me.“ 
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katyasrussianaccent · 4 years
you’re so golden (corpse x reader)
Summary: You’re a faceless youtuber that sings cover songs. What happens when a certain faceless streamer slides into your DMs after you cover one of his songs?
Authors note: Part 3 whoop! I havent written fic in 3 years so Im hoping this is okay. Its about 4000 words, super long, sorry. I also dont play Among Us, but hopefully its not too obvious. Lemme know what you think!
You're nervous, though you aren’t quite sure why. The kind of nervousness that spreads to your feet, causing you to tap your toes against the side of your sofa.
Call you in 15. 
You look at the message again, staring at it till the screen goes blurry. Rubbing your eyes you exhale into the emptiness of your apartment; a feeble attempt at calming yourself down.
Logically it’s stupid to be nervous over a phone call. Logically you know that in the grand scheme of the universe, there are bigger things at hand. But you’re not a logical person, never have been. You’re all heart and emotion, both a blessing and a curse. There’s something intimate about a phone call, to have nothing but someone’s voice on the other end of the phone, talking to you and only you. It was a little scary; to think your purely online friendship with Corpse was going to be taken to a different level. You’re excited to think what that could mean.
“Fucking get it together,” you mutter to no-one as you exhale again, because there’s nothing else to do other than to wait and try to breath. There’s this frantic energy about you; like when you eat fizzy sweets, the flavour buzzing on your tongue. Your ancestors used to hunt wolves and here you were nervous over a single phone call.
The silence in your apartment’s too much now; too noisy. You grab your TV remote, clicking onto Spotify to find something. You’re scrolling so much, none of the artists feeling quite right for the moment before settling on Sufjan Stevens.
The dulcet tones fill the space, and for a brief second, you feel fine. You’re feeling relaxed and then your phone lights up.
Incoming Facetime Audio
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck” you say. Your face feels warm, your heart quickens in your chest. You could just ignore it, say you’re not feeling too good and that would be that, you wouldn’t have to do this. But it’s Corpse, you like Corpse and you’re kind of friends.
You swipe to accept the call, and press the button for speaker. 
“Hey,” you say, cringing at the meek tone your voice has taken on.
“Hey,” Corpse’s deep voice rumbles through your tiny speaker, distorting slightly and you press the volume button to turn it down a little.
There’s a beat of silence, a beat too long, and you already hate how awkward this is. You’re not great at social stuff, the concept of being a social butterfly is almost foreign to you. And it’s not because you dislike people, it’s just you hate this; the small talk, the awkwardness before you get comfortable and can hold an actual conversation.
You suddenly remember a tip from your customer service days. “How are you?” you ask, plastering on a grin so wide that it must look borderline demented. Thank god you’re single. 
“I’m okay thanks, how are you?” he asks.
You lounge back against the soft cushions of the sofa, lifting the phone up to your mouth as you do so. “I’m good, excited to be taught by the Among Us master.”
He snorts in disdain. “Hardly a master.” 
You chew your lip before you speak again, “I dunno, people on the internet think you’re pretty good.”
He snorts again, and you smile at the sound. It’s not something you’ve heard from him before, through your hours of watching his streams, you’ve become accustomed to his voice and the noises he makes. But this one seems to be new. And maybe it’s the weird, selfish part of you that likes to think he’s only ever made that sound for you. You shake the thought out of your head, because really? Getting happy over a snort is really such a ridiculous thing to do. 
“People on the internet say a lot of things.”
“True, but sometimes they speak the truth,” you reply, moving to get more comfortable; tucking your feet under your thighs. You wonder what he’s doing right now as he talks to you, is he sitting down? Or is he lying on his bed; his head propped up with pillows? There’s a brief flash of yearning, of wanting to be there in the same room as him, but it disappears as quickly as it appeared so you ignore it.
“Hm. We’ll agree to disagree.”
“Okay, you’re the boss Mr Husband.”
He chuckles softly, and again, you smile. You can feel yourself getting annoyed with yourself; you’re acting like a child with a crush; smiling at the phone. All you needed now was a notebook that had Mrs YN Husband written all over it.
“You know if you keep calling me that, we’re gonna have to get married,” he says, his voice a little lower than it was before. You blink and cock your head to the side, looking at an imaginary camera like you’re in The Office. Did you say that out loud? Is he...flirting with you? Sure, you’re flirty over Twitter, but it’s Twitter, Twitter isn’t real. There’s a fluttery feeling in your stomach at the mere prospect that he might actually be flirting with you.
“I’d be the best wife you could ever get,” you shoot back. There’s a brief second of silence before he answers, and you can hear shuffling on the other end. You want to ask what he’s doing, but you know it would break the conversation, and you’re curious to see where this goes.
“Oh really? And why’s that?” he asks, and you can picture the smirk in his voice. You have no idea what he looks like, no real care about it either, but you bet he’s got a beautiful smile. You bite your tongue before it tells him this, for once your brain actually works and stops you from making a fool out of yourself. It’s incredibly strange, how quickly he puts you at ease without a try, he’s just so naturally comforting. He’s not this flashy persona, he’s just a guy who likes to play video games and happens to be kinda good at them. And also has a voice that is literally like chocolate. Not just chocolate; dark chocolate. If dark chocolate could talk, it would sound like Corpse.
“Cos your girl can cook,” you say proudly, puffing out your chest a little. And that’s not a lie, you can cook. Okay, you’re not a Michelin starred chef, but you feel quite confident in the fact that Gordon Ramsey could eat your food, and probably (hopefully) wouldn’t scream that it was “fucking raw”. 
“And what would you cook for me?” he asks. 
You hum in thought for a second. “You’ll have to marry me first to find that out.”
He laughs, a proper laugh that settles in your stomach, spreading warmth through your chest. “I’ll think about it. I can hear music, what are you listening to?”
You straighten up a little, the question catching you off guard. You bite the inside of your cheek as you look at the song that’s playing. It’s not his type of music, you’re almost positive about that. You almost don’t want to tell him out of embarrassment. You’re not sure why you feel embarrassed; you know Corpse isn’t an asshole, he wouldn’t make fun of you. But music is so personal to you, so personal, it’s like baring a piece of your soul; which sounds so fucking cliche, but it’s true.
“Uhhh...It’s called Make out in My Car by Sufjan Stevens,” you reply.
He hums in affirmation. “It sounds nice; from what I can hear.”
“I can turn it up?” you ask, leaning forward to grab the remote off the coffee table.
“You could always sing some for me,” he offers. 
You laugh a little, scrunching up your nose. “And why would I do that?”
“I thought you wanted to get married. You have to woo me,” he replies.
“Woo you?” you ask, your tone incredulous. This isn’t how you pictured the conversation going.
“Yeah. Woo me, yn.” he says, dragging out the “o” causing you to laugh again.
You sigh dramatically. “I haven’t warmed up or anything, it’s gonna sound so bad” you warn as you put the song to the beginning.
“I’m sure you sound great. Go ahead, woo me.” 
You shake your head as you softly sing. “I'm not trying to go to bed with you, I just wanna make out in my car. And though I'm dying to fall in love with you, I just wanna make out in my car”. You stop and you’re suddenly very aware that you have essentially just serenaded him. Good going, brain.
It’s silent for a beat too long, and the smile that graced your lips starts to fade as the embarrassment starts to set in. 
“Well now we definitely have to get married,” he affirms. And there’s that fluttery feeling again.
You swallow, moving the conversation swiftly onto Among Us. You grab your laptop that was next to you, humming in acknowledgement as he walks you through downloading it. 
“So there’s a few of us joining us tonight, it should be really fun.”
“Oh. It’s not just us two?” you ask. You focus on the download, watching the number increase. You’re nervous at the prospect of playing with other people, strangers, for the first time. 
“No, it’s a 4 player minimum. We’re going to stream as well.”
“Corpse…” you start. You begin to pick at the skin around your nails, a habit you do whenever you get really anxious. This was meant to just be a cute moment where you learnt how to play a game, not a big event where people would be actually watching you, judging your every move.
“We’re going to do a few games off stream with you, you don’t need to be there for the stream after if you don’t want to,” he interrupts. 
“Okay,” you trail off, your teeth biting down on your bottom lip. You feel a little better, but not by much. You didn’t know who the other people were, what if they hated you? You ask this out loud.
“I’ll be there. You know Rae and Sykkuno. Felix, Sean and Toast will be there but they’re super nice, I promise.” His voice is sincere, and it soothes you. You don’t know him, not really know him, but you trust Corpse. You know he has his own struggles, and you believe his promise; he wouldn’t screw you over or put you in a situation you were uncomfortable with.
The rest of the call is him taking you through how to play and how to set up something called Proximity Chat so everyone can talk to each other in the game. He says it’s easier once you actually play, and it doesn’t sound particularly hard quite honestly, you just hope you don’t get imposter on the first try because you’re not the greatest liar. 
The game screen pops up, and you type in the code that Corpse gives you. You say goodbye to Corpse, who tells you to text him if you need any help. You drop into the game lobby, and you look at the little astronaut. There’s no time to dwell as a cacophony of voices hits you.
“YN!” Rae screeches and you chuckle at her enthusiasm. You’ve known Rae for a few years now, you met at college and had become fast friends. Though you had many different interests - gaming for one, you considered her your best friend. Rae was the type of friend where you didn’t need to talk every single day, you could message her a week later and it would be like no time had passed at all. And you loved that, sometimes you just didn’t want to talk to anyone. Sometimes your mood wasn’t the best, and you needed a little time to recharge. And she understood that, something that you were eternally grateful for. 
“Raebies!” you screech back, using your “pet” name for her.
“I’ve been trying to get you to play forever. But Mr Smooth Operator over there slides into your DMs and suddenly you’re a gamer now?”
“It sounds so sordid when you say it like that,” you reply.
“Hi yn! Glad to see you playing with us,” Sykkuno says. You greet him and the others, making sure to say hi to everyone in the game. You didn’t want to start off by being accidentally rude. You listen as everyone talks amongst each other, and you talk when spoken to, but you aren’t interjecting. It wasn’t anything against the other players, it was just a little overwhelming, and you were figuring out what everyone was like.
“Hello,” Corpse’s voice interrupts your train of thought and you greet him along with everyone else. 
“Aw, I wanted purple,” you say, frowning at Corpse’s name above the astronaut.
“We can switch,” he replies.
“No it’s o -” you start to speak before you realise he’s already switched to white. “Thank you, you didn’t have to.” You smile as you switch to purple, and you decide to add a flower for a little pizzazz.
“It’s your first game, I’ll kill you if I get imposter so it’ll even out,” he jokes and everyone laughs. The countdown begins and you puff your cheeks out, exhaling as it gets to 1. You’re nervous again, a seemingly common theme of the night. Your shoulders relax as the word CREWMATE flashes across the screen.
You watch as everyone but Corpse disperses from the cafeteria with haste, and you look at the keyboard to press the buttons to move.
“You ever see an old person text? That’s how I’m picturing you right now,” Corpse says as you walk together to Weapons.
“Shut up Sonny,” you reply in your best old woman voice, getting a laugh. You open up the task, shooting the Asteroids with ease. “Yay, I completed a task!”
“Good job,” Corpse replies, and you beam at the praise. You move down to o2, doing your task while Corpse does his.
“Wait, you could be imposter right? How would I know?” you ask as you walk together to Navigation.
“You wouldn’t, you just have to trust me,” he says, his voice full of charm.
You scowl. “Well that just makes me not want to trust you.” 
Before he replies, there’s a blaring alarm. DEAD BODY REPORTED. You blink at the suddenness; you were really enjoying the relaxing pace of the game. You look at the screen;  Felix has been killed.
“Who found the body?” Corpse asks.
“I did,” Rae answers. “I was in admin, and was going to lower engine and it was there in storage.”
“If you were in admin, why didn’t you go up through Cafeteria?” Toast asks.
“Because it’s quicker to go through storage,” Rae replies. They argue between themselves, and you listen intently and silently. It’s a lot of information, you can’t tell whose lying, but you guess that’s what makes a good player.
“Where were you yn?” Sean quizzes, and it takes you a second to realise you’re being spoken to.
“Oh. I was in um o2?”
“You don’t sound too sure there, pretty sus,” he says. Your face heats up a little, you’re not the imposter, but it feels like you are.
“She was in o2 and then we went to Navigation,” Corpse answers, and you breathe out as he takes on the interrogation.
“Oh you were together?” Rae asks, and you know that tone she’s got. It’s the tone that says she’ll be messaging you right away.
“Well yeah, it’s her first game, I’m not gonna leave her alone,” he says and you smile at that. 
“Yeah we’ve been together the whole time,” you add and it’s left at that. No-one votes anyone out, since no-ones really too suspicious. You carry on the game, and you find yourself really enjoying it, though the questioning part is kind of stressful. You can see why Corpse likes it so much, it’s really fun. You’re in electrical, humming as you do your task when Rae comes next to you. 
“Hey,” you greet her.
“I’m sorry, nothing personal,” she replies. Before you have a chance to say a word, she kills you and you look on in shock as your ghost floats above your body.  You listen into the meeting as Rae continues to lie and plead her case. She’s good, but Corpse knows better.
“Wait, you said you found her in electrical and you were where?” 
“I was in Upper Engine, and then I went to electrical to do my task,” Rae answers, her voice even and calm.
“I was in Lower Engine, and I didn’t see you,” Corpse says, and you grin at the fact Rae’s been found out. That’s what she gets for killing you.
“You were doing your task, I passed right by you,” Rae starts. She pleads her case, but it’s too late and she’s voted out.
“That was so much fun!” you declare. “I can see why you guys play it all the time.”
“Yes! We have converted another!” Felix shouts in victory.
“And all it took was Corpse,” Rae mutters sarcastically.
“Don’t get bitter Rachel, just get better,” you reply, causing the group to laugh.
You get the hang of it after a few games, and find yourself agreeing to stay while the others stream, though you decide against it yourself. You’ve only streamed once by yourself, and it was a very casual affair and you don’t want to feel too much pressure while you enjoy yourself. You know that Corpse gets nervous when he streams and he’s been doing it for so much longer, so you can only imagine how nervous you would be.
You tap your fingernails against the keyboard as the lobby counts down, any previous nerves have been replaced with excitement. 
IMPOSTER flashes across. You’re the only one, your astronaut looks lonely on the screen by itself, and the red letters almost taunt you. 
“Shit,” you mutter as your brain goes into overdrive. What was it Corpse had said before? Not to be too obvious. You don’t kill immediately, instead going at your previous pace to not look too suspicious. You were still fairly new to the game, and you were going to use that to your advantage.
You fake your task in Cafeteria before venting over to Navigation where Toast was.
“Hi Toast!” you greet, coming to stand next to him as you pretend you’re doing the task. 
“Oh hey yn,” he says. It doesn’t seem like he suspects you, and you’re not quite sure when to click the Kill button. You do it anyway before running out and going down and into shields. There’s adrenaline running through you as the dead body’s reported and you crack your knuckles before putting on your game face. You were going to play dumb, play the confused newbie - because to them, that’s what you were. 
“YN, where were you?” Corpse asks. Fuck. Maybe you weren’t going to get away with this.
You twiddle your hair as you draw out your words, playing the role perfectly. “Uhm I was in...shields? I think that’s what it’s called. I was in the cafeteria before that though.”
“Wait, you couldn’t have, I was in weapons. I would have seen you,” Sykkuno says.
You open your mouth to talk. “She could have vented,” Felix comments, and the rest of the group starts to agree.
“Guys, I don’t even know what venting is. I literally just started playing,” you point out, giggling.
“That’s true,” Rae agrees and you knew there was a reason you loved her.
“Bullshit! She’s playing you with her “oh I don’t know how to play” schtick,” Felix proclaims.
“Aw, that’s kind of rude, Felix. I’m just enjoying the game, doing the tasks,” you say, pouting a little. He’s the next on your list. 
Everyone skips the vote and you lean over your laptop, ready for the next round. You were going to win this. You kill Rae and Toast next, and yet again, manage to worm your way out of any suspicion. You can sense that Corpse and Felix are starting to get suspicious of you, and you know you need to bring out the big guns to throw them off.
You catch Sykkuno in Med Bay after checking the cams in Security.
“Hi yn!” he greets, and you almost feel guilty as you kill him. He’s so sweet and innocent, but unfortunately, casualties are a given. You pass Felix as he comes out of reactor and it’s only a matter of time before you’ll have to talk your way out of this one again.
“I passed yn as I came out of reactor,” Felix shouts with a hint of glee.
You roll your eyes; this is going to be tough. “Yeah I came from Upper Engine, I was finishing part 2 of a task.”
“I was in Electrical, where was the body?” Corpse asks.
“Med Bay. And the only one that could’ve been there was yn,” Felix starts.
“Well no, you could have passed me and killed Sykkuno then self reported,” you reply. “I think you can do that right?” 
Corpse hums in agreement. “Oh come on! She’s being really sus,” Felix argues.
“You are being a little sus yn,” Corpse comments.
“Corpse. You don’t really think it’s me do you?” You decide to lower your voice a little, your tone sweet but sultry. “You only taught me like an hour ago, there’s no way I’d be able to fool everybody so quickly.” You get close to the mic so it’s like you’re speaking only to Corpse. “Remember what I said? You’re a master at this.” You’re laying it on thick, and for a brief second you think you’ve been too over the top.
“This is difficult,” Corpse says, and you see the seconds count down, your heartbeat starts to quicken.
“Corpse, stop being a fucking simp and vote her out!” Felix demands.
“Corpsie baby,” you drawl out and you smile in success as you hear him sigh, almost shakily. You’ve got this in the bag. The victory screen flashes up and you cheer.
“Fuck yeah!” you shout, patting yourself on the back. You laugh as you exhale the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“Good game yn!” Sykkuno comments, the others agreeing.
“Not fair, you used your womanly wiles against Corpse,” Felix says.
“Gotta use them for something. Not my fault Corpse knows where his allegiance lies,” you reply laughing a little.
You stretch, your back crying out in pain from being hunched over so long. You let out a long, loud moan of relief as you straighten your spine, your shoulders relaxing as you move from side to side.
“Your mic’s not muted” Corpse points out, clearing his throat. You feel your stomach drop and your face instantly becomes hot. Shit. 
“Oh. Uh. I totally forgot about that,” you say, forcing out a chuckle. You screw your eyes shut, any happiness has been now replaced by red hot shame. “So this was fun, uh, really fun, but um, I’m gonna, I’m gonna go. So...yeah. Bye guys, have fun!” 
You click to exit without giving anyone a chance to say a word, and drop your head into your hands. 
“Can’t wait to see what they say on Twitter about this,” you mutter into your hands.
TAGLIST (if youre bold, it wont let me tag): @teenageguitarist @fanworrior  @cherry-piee @mirahg  @clara-bee @cookinglovingalien @vir-tual @clubfairy @youretheonlyonewhomakesme @more-like-reyna @boiled-onionrings @moneybagmgk @brendalopez99 @delicateavenuenacho @dreamsofficialwife @hydrate-tion @little-red02 
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starglow-xx · 3 years
hello! may i request headcanons for chuuya having a crush on someone who's dense? like he could ask them out in the most straightforward way possible and it would still go over their head?
yes, yes of course you may!
sorry this took so long! my computer was out of commission for abt a week (or two..??)
but this is also my birthday writing piece for chuuya!! (4/29/21) i even added a small drabble thingy in addition to the hcs for the occasion hehe
from where i am, it is about fifteen minutes past midnight so it’s officially chuuya day here!!
happy birthday chuuya i love you! you deserve the whole world and everyone is willing to fight tooth and nail to ensure your happiness! we love you! 💗💗
anyways, i hope you all enjoy this! i kinda had some writer’s block but it was still a lot of fun to write! there might be some mistakes, but i’ll scan over it again later. reader is gender neutral! have fun!
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chuuya having a crush on a dense! reader
nakahara chuuya x gn! reader
im cackling somebody help him
he’s frustrated bc you can’t take a hint or a thousand but he can’t even be mad bc he’s whipped
“look at you all dressed up today, wanna go out later? my treat?”
“oh really? thanks chuuya-san! you’re such a nice friend. i’ll go invite the others right now, i’ll see you later!”
fast forward to later in the evening and he finds himself at a little restaurant with the black lizard + higuchi and akutagawa
in unison all of them go, “thank you for the meal chuuya-san!” (except aku and hirotsu are quieter & and gin just a nods hehe)
“no problem” (ꐦ ´͈ ᗨ `͈ )
gin only pats him on the back in sympathy
he spends a lot of time trying to think of ways to make it absolutely and undeniably clear that he has feelings for you
he always fails
“(y/n) i like you”
“i like you too chuuya-san”
“t-then will you—”
“you’re a really great friend! and superior too”
“oh were you saying something?”
“nah, just forget about it”
tachihara is laughing in the corner of the corridor
dont worry, chuuya made sure to get back at him
chuuya’s been pinning after you for years and frankly, his failed attempts to woo you has lead everyone to the breaking point
and i mean everyone
yes, even aku
hell even dazai
but dazai also thinks it’s funny, so he doesn’t mind all that much
okay bye bye dazai-san this headcanon set isn’t abt you rn
they knew even if he kissed you, you still might not get it
so they decided to help him
super secret mission get chuuya and (y/n) together is a go!
they’re still working on a proper mission name, don’t mind them
they had a super secret strategy meeting!
you can bet your ass that they nearly got nothing done
akutagawa & kaiji weren’t much help, neither was higuchi, mori, or elise
tachihara nearly got killed for a thoughtless comment
“just tell them chuuya-san!”
“i already fucking did you ass!”
gin, hirotsu, and kouyou were the most helpful !!
hirotsu and kouyou both agreed on the idea that chuuya should try courting with bouquets of flowers instead of flat out asking you bc they knew you found them pretty
(even if you don’t identify as a female, flowers are for everyone no matter gender or sexuality! so let’s normalize giving flowers to everyone <33 )
gin didn’t speak but she used cards to communicate
everyone knew that you weren’t stupid (you wouldn’t have survived in the mafia if you were) but they did know that you were only stupid when it came to all this lovey dovey stuff
i mean, if chuuya gave you flowers every so often, there’s no way that you wouldn’t piece it together at some point
but kouyou assured him that even though you wouldn’t get it right away, you’d appreciate the gestures and that he’ll stand out more
she even said that if someone gave her flowers, she would appreciate it, whether or not she reciprocated their feelings
it takes guts to be so up front with your feelings after all
gin and hirotsu only nodded with her explanation
once again, this only provoked a reaction out of tachihara
“what do you know gin? i get the old man and kouyou-san, they’re grown, but you? what do you know abt courting? or flowers? what are you a girl?”
akutagawa choked on his cough, higuchi on air, and on the other side of yokohoma at the ada, dazai is cackling
yes, dazai somehow placed a listening device onto chuuya’s hat and was listening in
don’t ask how, it’s dazai
the next day, chuuya did what was barely discussed and for once, things actually started to look up
until they started look to down again
at first, it actually looked like you understood his intentions after he gave you a bouquet of flowers
literally everyone was leaning against the opposite hallway you two were in and then they got excited !!
especially chuuya !
but then your expression sort of changed...??
and then in their heads they simultaneously went, “oh no”
they knew that expression
it was very familiar when you tended to friend zone chuuya
but boy let me tell you what you said next made them facepalm and or make their jaws drop
“ah, so you really are friend zoning me huh chuuya-san; what a shame, i really did like you”
you liked him??
him of all people??
he wasn’t complaining, no of course not, but he still couldn’t believe it
but that wasn’t what he was really focusing on right now
what in any form or language did it say he was friend zoning you?!
flower language apparently
chuuya chose to buy the bouquet of yellow roses, pink carnations, and yellow carnations bc he thought you would appreciate the brighter colors, and so that you’d remember them better (because remembering them, meant remembering him)
but ooh boy
altogether, they meant the exact opposite message he wanted to send
someone help him pls
“you see chuuya-san, yellow roses mean friendship, pink carnations mean gratitude, and yellow carnations mean rejection; sooo in a nutshell, these pretty much say ‘thank you for being my friend, but im rejecting you”
no one can tell if tachihara is crying or wheezing
and dazai is having the time of his life
yes, he started listening in on him again
and chuuya is just stunned
like speechless and unmoving stunned
is he just bad at this whole courting/dating thing?? it’s only been one day and of it and somehow he was the one doing the rejecting??
“thank you for the flowers chuuya-san, i’ll be going now; i’ll make sure to let this affect our friendship. i’ll see you tomorrow!”
you passed by the not so subtle group of people
“tachihara-kun..?? are you alright?”
just for context, he was leaning his forehead against the wall using his forearm
again, it was hard to tell whether he was crying or wheezing
“i-im okay (y/n)-san...i think c-chuuya-san has it worse than me”
he’s still frozen poor baby
but it’s okay bc after like 5 more seconds he’s chasing you down the hallway you were walking in
kouyou, with a knowing smile on her face, ushers everyone away towards the opposite direction
she received some whines (ahem, tachihara and mori) but silenced them by summoning golden demon
but it’s okay
if they run fast enough, they can see what happens through the security cameras
chuuya caught up with you and tried to explain everything but he was exhausted
emotionally, physically (bc since when did you walk that fast??), and generally just tired with the whole situation
he just wanted to call you his; was that too much to ask??
as explosive as he can be, he can be calm and collected too
and he really did try to be that way as he talked with you but it was very difficult at the moment
the dumbfounded and confused look on your face his face twitch with annoyance and his heart started beating faster bc god you were cute
thank goodness after what seemed like years, you finally somewhat understood what happened
you didn’t understand completely but it was something
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The two of you stood in the middle of the unusually empty hallway facing each other, you with the bouquet still in hand. It was quiet as you and Chuuya assessed the situation.
You looked at him skeptically and he stared right back you with his gorgeous blue eyes.
“...So you do like me Chuuya-san??”
“And you were trying to court me just now, not friend zone me??”
You got most of your questions out of the way, but there was something that you’ve been wondering about for quite a while.
“...So you’re not gay for Dazai-san??”
“Yes, im not wait—GAY FOR DAZAI?? THAT MACKEREL??”
Chuuya did a double take. What in heavens name made it seem like he liked that suicidal maniac?? Why would he choose him if he had you?
Like he would choose him anyways; or ever consider him as a possible romantic partner.
“Oh, so you are?”
“Well yeah, but I thought you liked Dazai-san too. As annoying as he is, he can be quite charming—”
He was out of patience at this point (nope definitely not because you were talking about Dazai who told you that?) and just decided to kiss you.
You immediately melted into the kiss and kissed him back with the same amount of love and feeling.
Letting the bouquet fall to the ground, you wrapped you arms around his neck and his put his on your lower back and brought you closer to him. After a few more moments, the two of you broke apart for air.
The two of you, slightly out of breath, leaned your foreheads against each other and just basked in each others presence.
Chuuya looked into your (e/c) eyes and asked you just a little bit above a whisper, “Now do you get my intentions and feeling?”
You blinked at him before breaking out into a grin, “Hmm I’m not sure; do you wanna do that again Chuuya?”
The red head only blinked back at you before rolling his eyes, a smile present on his handsome features, his heart fluttering at you using his name with the honorific.
Smiling cheekily at him, you pressed a kiss on his cheek and started dragging him towards the lobby to take a walk around the building perimeter, knowing that the two of you can’t be too far from work.
The way down to the lobby was mostly in comfortable silence until you said something that made Chuuya want to bash his head against the wall.
“You know, you could’ve just told me you liked me Chuuya. It’s not like I would’ve said no.”
Once again, as the rest of the more power mafia members watch from security cameras, it is hard to tell whether Tachihara is crying or wheezing of laughter.
omake !!
The two of you just started making your way around the building when suddenly a very familiar voice came from Chuuya’s prized hat.
“Chuuyaaaa!! It was about time you stopped being a chicken, Chibi!”
Removing his hat from his head, he started yelling at it not knowing exactly where the listening device was planted.
“And (y/n)! I would congratulate you, but I think I would rather offer you my condolences. Why him?! He’s just a slimy slug. OOH OOH how would you like to join me in a double suicide?! A shame it won’t be a lover’s suicide but it’ll annoy Chuuya so I think it’ll be worth it! ”
“And please don’t kiss while I’m listening in. You made me lose my appetite! And it was such a shame! I was eating crab using Kunikida-kun’s money! Do you know what you’ve cost me?!”
“Ah! Kunikida-kun is here! I have to go!”
You can hear something is the background that vaguely sounds like, “DAZAI YOU WASTE OF BANDAGES STOP USING MY MONEY”
The click sound from the hat revealed that Dazai disconnected.
Chuuya twitched and glared furiously at his signature hat hating that the voice he hated the most came out of it.
“Aww, I didn’t get to talk to Dazai-san”
Chuuya whipped his head towards you, a look of mock (or real) betrayal showing on his features.
You laughed at him before taking the hat out of his hands and placing it on his head.
He shyly looked away before muttering a thanks making you smile wider. Just as the two of you were about to start walking, a small explosion erupted from his hat; it was likely that Dazai made the listening device self destruct.
At the Armed Detective Agency, a certain suicidal maniac hid from the wrath of his current partner as he thought about the wrath his old one.
“Hmmm I wonder if Chuuya would finally stop wearing his ugly hats if I blow all of them up...”
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as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 3: I like girls that dance
summary: It’s your first night out and your first real introduction to Westheath. Rafe is quick to find his way on your radar.
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing, drinking
word count: 4.6k
a/n: the way I’m imagining Jack Harlow as I write Liam 😩✋also, im pulling these chapter titles out of my ass - but actually tho, go listen to Girls That Dance by Masego 
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Part 1 Part 2
Despite your doubts, you put on the sheer top and the black mini skirt Millie and Olivia had insisted you wear. Your favorite pregame playlist plays as you do your makeup in the mirror. You move as quickly as you can, in desperate need of a shot to calm your nerves before your flat fills with people. You’re also nervous about seeing Rafe after that encounter in the kitchen you just had. 
As you run your fingers through your hair and put on your earrings, all you can see is his stupid (and annoyingly attractive) face, staring down at you with that dumb backwards cap, telling you that you guys should watch Game of Thrones together. Every time your mind starts to think if that means something, you quickly shut down the thought. Of course it doesn’t mean anything. Just because a boy wants to watch a show with you does not automatically mean he wants you or that this was going to turn into some kind of Netflix and chill situation. Or was this gonna be a Netflix and chill situation? I mean it was Rafe Cameron after all, the boy certainly had a reputation. But then again, hadn’t he just showed you that he’s different from what you had expected? Oh god this was all too much to think about right now, you needed a shot. Stat. 
“Y/N!” Olivia shouts, swinging the door to your room open right on cue. “Oh. My. God. You look so hot!” she exclaims. “Here, this is for you,” she extends a shot glass toward you with a devilish grin. 
“Oh god what is it,” you grimace. Shots always seemed like a better idea in theory than in practice. 
“Try it and find out,” she smirks. You sigh and send the liquid to the back of your throat, immediately cringing at the sting of raspberry vodka, Olivia bringing a cup of cranberry juice to your mouth to chase. 
“Don’t worry love, a few more and you won’t even taste it. Now come on,” she laughs, dragging you with her to the kitchen. The rest of your flatmates are already there, Millie bopping along to the music, giggling at whatever Topper is saying, Rafe standing close by sipping his drink. 
“Y/n you hottie!” Millie cheers, looking up as you make your way into the kitchen. You pray to god your cheeks aren’t turning pink. You don’t dare turn your head, but you know Rafe is staring at you. If you looked at him now you’d be crimson for sure. 
“Alright everybodyyy,” Olivia begins, pouring the same raspberry vodka into the five shot glasses she has lined up on the table. You can’t help but laugh at her infectious energy, this girl is nothing if not the life of the party. 
“Cheers to our first night out as flat mates! Wooo!!!” she exclaims, as everyone grabs a shot glass from the table, Rafe instinctively passing you one, hands briefly touching during the exchange and again as you all clink your glasses. You down the contents, unsure if the heat forming in your chest is from the vodka or the feeling of Rafe’s passing touch. 
Pretty soon people start to arrive, Olivia and Millie making sure to introduce everyone. The flat becomes a blur of bodies drinking, dancing, and mingling about, and somehow, despite it all, Rafe Cameron is the person you find yourself standing with. There was something magnetic about him that you couldn’t quite understand, but it kept drawing you near. 
“What are you drinking tonight Cameron,” you nod at the cup in his hand.
“Jack and coke. Of course,” he scoffs with subtle sarcasm, which you instantly pick up on. 
“Not straight whiskey? Wow. That’s not very Figure 8 of you,” you admonish playfully.
“Straight whiskey? L/n who do you think I am?” he twists his face in mock disbelief. “But I’m game to do a shot if you are,” he adds.
“Hmm that does-“ you begin, but you’re quickly cutoff. 
“Y/n, babe, if I had known you’d be here I would’ve came sooner,” Liam greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky smile. 
“Now how on earth do you two know each other,” Millie asks, walking in line with the boy.
“Umm,” you chuckle nervously. You could not have possibly felt more awkward at the conversation unfolding in front of you, Rafe standing by as witness to it all. “He’s that boy I went to the bar with the other night,” you explain sheepishly.
“That was Liam!? Chrissake. Well I apologize on his behalf for anything he said or did.”
“Hey I’ll have you know I’m a proper gentleman!” he defends, throwing you a wink as Millie rolls her eyes. Just at that moment, another group of people walk in through the door, conveniently coming to Rafe’s rescue.
“Rafe!” a girl calls and he clears his throat excusing himself, Millie following suit to greet the latest batch of guests. You watch as he leans in for a hug with the girl who’s just called his name. She’s twirling her hair and batting her eyes, confident, flirty, gorgeous - just his type. A sick feeling pools in your stomach, you don’t even realize you’re staring. 
“Lily Colts, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Liam informs you as he takes the now empty spot next to you.
“Oh, um no, I was just uh-“
“It’s okay Y/n, I get it. So flatmate huh” he laughs, unbothered.
“No no it’s not like that at all I uh-”
“Alright. Y/n,” he says, jumping up to sit on the counter behind him, cracking open the can in his hand. “You know I think you’re hot and you know I like messing with you-”
“Actually I know neither of those things,” you reply indignantly. 
“Yes you do, you’re not dim,” he bulldozes right on, “I can read people pretty well, and there was a vibe there.”
“A vibe?”
“Yeah. Between you and what’s-his-face. You should’ve seen the way he tensed up when I came up to you,” he snickers in amusement.
“Shut up. His name is Rafe, by the way, and there was no ‘vibe.’ Also why are you even telling me this?” you ask, growing frustrated with the cocky brunette.
“Y/n please,” he scoffs. “I told you I can read people, so let me read you. You’re out here in London right, far away from home, keen for a fresh start. You’ve never been one for meaningless flings, but fuck it, if everyone else can do it, why not you? Or so you try to convince yourself, but you know that’s not you. See, you crave that emotional connection, and when you find even a hint of it, you’re a goner. Which is why you’d never actually hook up with me and it’s why you’re staring at that boy from home even though you swear you don’t care, but you do - you feel something there.”
You’re dumbfounded by his ability to know things about you that even you yourself can’t recognize. “I liked it better when you were just flirting with me,” you grumble.  
“No worries darling, I’ll definitely still do that. I’ll even dance on you in the club if you ask nicely, might make pretty boy over there jealous,” he motions with his eyes toward Rafe, at which you give his shoulder a shove.
“You’re an idiot you know, Millie was right on the money with that,” you quip, as the two of you head over to her, Liv, and the boys.
“Please, Millie wishes she could be right on something else,” he says as you shoot him a glare, trying your best to suppress a laugh. Liam was starting to become a pain in your ass, too smart for his own good, but at least he was a funny one.
Your first night clubbing was going great. The place was packed, the music was good, and you were having a blast dancing with Liv, Millie, and their friends. You couldn’t help looking around the club though, eyes scanning for Rafe in the crowd. He’d been hanging out all night with Topper and some of the guys from their new soccer team. You longed to be near him somehow, to interact with him again. All your conversations with him earlier today had left you with an excited buzz - you didn’t know what it was about this version of Rafe Cameron in London, but you were actually enjoying his company.
You try to push him out of your mind and just enjoy the moment. It’s not like there was anything between you and Rafe, you had just barely began to form a semblance of a potential friendship today, let’s not get carried away. Besides, you live with the boy, accidentally running into him wasn’t going to be much of a challenge. 
“Anyone want anything from the bar?” you shout over the music to your friends.
“Vodka soda with lime please!” Olivia shouts back and you nod, turning to make your way to the counter a few feet away. You place your order and mindlessly tap your fingers on the bar as a figure appears beside you.
“Hey, Y/n right? Flatmates with Olivia, Mills, and the boys?” the girl asks, and you turn, now face to face with Lily. 
“Uh yeah, hey,” you feign a smile back. 
“I’m Lily, nice to meet you,” she smiles genuinely. “I’m friends with all the Westheath bozos you’ve probably been meeting tonight,” she laughs, “Callum and Henry over there are my best mates. They’re on the football team with Rafe and Topper, we were showing them around earlier. My god you guys have been hoarding some cute ones over there in America.”
You chuckle, “glad that Kildare’s presence can at least be of some benefit.” 
“So, girl to girl here, what can you tell me about Rafe Cameron? He’s such a hottie isn’t he? Would love to get a taste of that,” she smirks, licking her lips.
“Umm I don’t really have much to tell,” you say, unsure of how to navigate this conversation. You could tell her what you thought you knew of Outer Banks Rafe - he’s a rich, party-boy player. But after today, that no longer felt right. You didn’t want to say or presume anything about him at all actually, it felt wrong to talk about him like that. God, what the hell was wrong with you? You spend a few hours with the boy and you already have a soft spot for him? You needed to get a grip. “Our families know each other but we don’t really hang out at home. He’s uh- he’s cool though,” you decide as a sufficient response.
“Any girl friend?” she asks, sliding cash over to the bartender as she orders a shot.
“Rafe’s not really the ‘girlfriend-type’,” you answer, bartender sliding you the drinks you ordered and Lily her’s. 
“Well then cheers to that,” she grins, clinking her shot glass to your drink before she downs it, waving a quick goodbye. You watch as she makes her way back to Rafe and their group, adorning a flirty smile. You feel sick to your stomach. You wanted to hate her, you did. But you couldn’t. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was just confident, outgoing, and not afraid to go after what she wanted. There was nothing for you to be angry about, who was stopping you from doing the same?
 But in the back of your mind you decided you could never go after Rafe like that. He would never be interested in you in that way, you were sure of it. You had a hard time believing your friends when they hyped you up, so you definitely weren’t going to believe for a single second that a boy you thought was cool could possibly look at you in the same way. Besides, the mere idea of being rejected by Rafe Cameron, and then having to continue living with him and eventually go back to the Outer Banks for everyone to find out you had been rejected by the kook prince, was so mortifying that the very thought made you want to crawl into a hole. So you promise yourself, right then and there, that you won’t let yourself get hurt like that. You could hang out with Rafe, get to know him, become friends even, but under no circumstances could you be caught wearing your heart on your sleeve. You couldn’t disarm yourself like that and give him the upper hand. You needed to look out for yourself first and foremost, preserving the little bit of control you still had over your life. 
You walk back over to your friends, slipping Liv her drink as her and Jake dance together. Your new friends are all tipsy and in a world of their own, getting lost in the music and their movements.
“Dance with me,” you turn to Liam who’s right beside you.
“I said if you ask nicely,” he admonishes sarcastically, to which you roll your eyes.
“I’m not gonna beg Liam. You wanna dance or not?”
“Sheesh, Lily Colts got your panties in a twist like that?”
“Not. At. All.” You confidently stare into his eyes, sipping your drink. It’s no use, Liam knows you all too well by now, and you curse yourself for the way in which this boy is able to see right through all the walls you put up. You may think these walls are made of brick, but to Liam they’re glass.
He just laughs at you, shaking his head in amusement. He grabs your free hand and pulls you closer to him, your bodies now pressed together. He takes your hand and rests it on the back of his neck, his finding their way to your hips. He plants his leg in between yours and soon you guys are lost in the rhythm. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying every second. He spins you around and you lightly grind your ass against him.
“Damn Y/n, I didn’t know you move like that,” he jokes, as you face forward again. He leans in, his hand on the small of your back, and you feel his breath right against your ear, “he’s looking by the way.” Your breath hitches, but you know better than to turn around. Liam is already one step ahead of you, instinctively twirling you again so you can quickly catch a glimpse of Rafe’s eyes on yours without it being obvious. “Told you he’d be jealous,” he smirks down at you triumphantly.
“Shut up,” you reply, the slightest smile tugging at your lips as your sweaty bodies continue to move to the music.
“Aw flatmate bonding you guysss,” Olivia gushes, as you all sit together at a booth. She had forced you all out of your beds this morning to get breakfast together. Despite being hungover and groggy, you all reluctantly agreed. “Mimosas anyone?” she jokes.
“If I so much as smell any alcohol I think I’ll vomit,” Topper groans.
“Aw, what’s the matter, can’t handle your liquor Tops?” Millie asks, quirking her head to the side.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Could ask you the same question. My room is right next to the bathroom, don’t think I didn’t hear your retching last night,” he snaps back, to which Millie turns bright red and soon you’re all hunched over in laughter.
“I think a mimosa would make me yak right now too, to be fair. Coffees all around!” Olivia asserts.
You’re seated across from Rafe as you both scan your menus, your eyes immediately fixing in on the pancakes. The waiter comes by to take all your orders and you can’t help but blush a little when Rafe orders pancakes and you have to follow with a “same for me.” Such a silly, meaningless thing, I mean everyone likes pancakes. But being the only one to have the same exact order as Rafe leaves you feeling embarrassed, for no good reason all the same. You all begin to scarf down your food as soon as it arrives, thankful to have something to soak up the alcohol in your stomachs, as you share stories and laugh about last night’s drunken antics. 
“So how is it that we’re all flatmates and yet I only have Topper’s contact. Come on, add ‘em in,” Rafe says, sliding his unlocked phone to the middle of the table.
“Wait I want snapchats too. Oooh! And instagram!” Olivia pipes, whipping out her phone as well.
“I expect no booty calls Cameron. This is strictly business,” Millie jokes, typing in her and Olivia’s numbers before passing his phone to you. 
“Am I allowed a booty call?” Topper smirks, extending his phone as well.
“I wouldn’t push your luck Thornton,” she smirks back and he pouts in response. You finish typing your name and number into Rafe’s phone and hand it back to him, skin briefly making contact once again. Even though you had known Rafe all your life, somehow you two never had a reason to exchange numbers, only following each other on Instagram which he never posted on anyways.
“Alright everyone, pull up your snapchat codes, I wanna make a group,” Olivia says and everyone obliges, arms crossing every which way as you all add each other. “What should we name our group chat? Ooo can we do a ship name of our schools - like Kilheath or Westare?” 
“I like Kilheath,” Topper chimes in.
“Yeah I bet you do you psychopath. Sounds like the name of a bad horror movie,” Rafe laughs.
“Oooo there’s five of us, we could be the Spice Girls,” Millie beams.
“No.” Topper immediately shuts her down. 
“What about ‘American Boys and Spice Girls.’ You know, like the Kanye West song,” you add.
“Ehh, we’re getting closer, but not quite there,” Rafe teases you and you playfully kick him under the table. “I’m hearing a lot of opinions and not a lot of contributions,” you cross your arms and raise your brows.
“Hey hey hey, I’m a critic, not a chef L/n,” he lifts his hands in surrender.
“Ooo I got it! We can call it the ‘Royal fam,’ like the royal family,” Olivia suggests, finally getting approval from the whole group. Breakfast is soon over and you all return to your rooms, eager to nap away the remainder of your hangovers. You lay in your bed and stare at the newly formed snapchat group on your phone. Royal Fam 🇬🇧🇺🇸 appears on top and you scroll down, looking at Rafe’s username and bitmoji on your screen. You laugh at the fact that even his bitmoji wears a backwards cap. It was weird, having him in your phone like this. You had known this boy your whole life, but you two had always operated in separate spheres. And here he was, in your Snapchat, a glimpse into the life of Rafe, of which you only ever got a birds eye view of back home. It almost felt like you were trespassing somewhere you didn’t belong, having access to him like this. You sigh and lock your phone. Rafe Cameron really isn’t all that bad.
The next few days fly by fast as you become acclimated to Westheath. You and the rest of the Kildare kids attend an orientation with Westheath’s exchange advisor, spending the whole time with your little trio: you, Rafe, and Topper. When you had first arrived abroad, you were deadset on forging your own path in London and steering clear of everyone else from OBX. But hanging out with Rafe and Topper made you all but forget. It was fun and easy hanging out with them, in fact, counterintuitively, they were helping you forget all about the Outer Banks, just as you had hoped to do. Your conversations centered around your interests, your new lives, on random jokes and made up bits. It was almost as if there was a mutual unspoken agreement between you, them also trying to escape and forget their lives in OBX.
Pretty soon classes began, and you were learning a new schedule and adapting to British schooling. Your evenings were spent singing and dancing in the kitchen as you, Liv, and Millie simultaneously cooked your dinners, getting pints at the pub around the corner with your Westheath friends, and playing card games at the kitchen table with Rafe and Topper, the smack talk between you three flowing strong. There’d be short moments where you’d find yourself alone with Rafe - he’d explain to you whatever Premier League team was playing that day, you’d show him how the coffee machine works, and the occasional passing comments of “so when are we finally starting Game of Thrones, Cameron?” “I’m ready whenever you are, L/n.”
It was a Wednesday night, and you were curled up in your fluffy gray blanket watching Gilmore Girls in bed. You found the show comforting and familiar, the small town of Stars Hallow reminding you of what you wished your life in the Outer Banks could be like. Instead it was more like the cold and pretentious atmosphere of Chilton and the older Gilmores’ Hartford life. Your phone buzzes, and you pick it up lazily to check, suddenly freezing at the notification on your screen.
Snapchat: Rafe Cameron
You had opened a few snapchats from the boy over the past few days, but they were always random ones he would send to the group chat. This one was just for you. You gulp and put your phone down, not wanting to open it too fast. A few minutes go by and you realize you haven’t paid an ounce of attention to the show on your screen, even though you’re staring right at it. Fuck it. You open your phone and tap on the unread snap.
When are we watching Game of Thrones L/n the snapchat says, a picture of his laptop on his bed and the HBO Max home page open, the series featured in the corner of the screen.
You snap back a picture of your blanket and the laptop playing Gilmore Girls in front of you: ready whenever you are Cameron.
Almost immediately you get a response back.
Rafe Cameron: wait are you home rn? His message is accompanied by a random picture of his room, a view you let your eyes linger on until the message expires. Another peak into Rafe Cameron’s world.
Y/n: Yep! You send a blurry selfie of you wrapped in your blanket.
Rafe Cameron: be over in 5
You leave that last message on open and your heart starts to race. Just breathe Y/n, breathe, you keep telling yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big deal if you don’t make it out to be. It’s just a show. Just a show. And besides, you guys are friends now, right? You sit up in your bed and grab your pillow, shifting over to sit horizontally on your mattress. That seems more casual to you, more ‘just a couple friends watching a show together at a comfortable distance’ and less ‘sitting right on top of each other Netflix and chill’. You gulp down some water to ease your dry throat when you hear a gentle knock.
“Come in!” you call out, and now Rafe Cameron is in your room, eyes absorbing all the details that are so you. The posters on one wall, film camera photos on another. The string lights which wrap around your room and give it a warm glow. The plants, the subtle scent of vanilla. The bag you always carried with you, hanging off the side of your chair. He almost felt like he was intruding, like he was getting an intimate glimpse of something that was for your eyes only. 
“Whats up,” he says, holding his laptop and closing the door behind him. 
“Ready to finally start the show,” you laugh, “it’s about damn time.”
“Hey, I’ve been ready, it’s you who’s been taking your sweet time.”
“Is that so?” you ask sarcastically and a smile forms on his face.
“What are you doing over there? Who sits like that on their bed?” he asks, now coming over and taking a seat on your mattress facing vertically, propping your other pillow behind his back. “Can’t even stretch out your legs or anything,” he continues, patting the spot on the bed next to him, signaling for you to come over.
“I don’t know, I think it’s comfy,” you lie as you crawl over to him, your first line of defense already shot down. 
“Weirdo,” he chuckles to which you nudge him in the side with your elbow. “If Topper’s wrong about this I’m gonna give him so much shit,” he says.
“Topper does have a lot of questionable opinions,” you laugh, “but I have a good feeling about this one.
One episode turned into two turned into three, you and Rafe instantly hooked. The nerves you had felt earlier at sitting so close next to this boy in your bed had all but dissipated, you quickly acclimating to the space he took up next to you. Even though by now all your previous misconceptions about Rafe had disappeared, replaced with the boy you had come to know over the past week, there was a small part of you that was still waiting to see if he’d try to pull something on you, like the Rafe you imagined back home surely would. Of course he didn’t, watching and discussing the show with you, making you feel as comfortable as if you two had been friends for years. You almost felt bad for having had doubted him in the first place.
When the third episode ended and you two got into a long post-episode discussion, you hardly noticed when the conversation began to digress. You both started to sink lower and lower down into your pillows, until you were both laying on your backs, staring at the ceiling and lost in exchanges of words and thoughts. The conversation was different this time, more candid and open, as if the shadow of the night was inviting you to divulge thoughts you wouldn’t have shared in the day. He spoke of his strained relationship with his father and you shared the silly drama that had caused a riff between you and your former friends back home. He showed you pictures of his dog and you showed him the video you had been working on all summer long in OBX, not having anyone to hang out with before you left for London. He talked about how he felt so disconnected from almost everyone on that island, and you nodded, understanding all too well. The conversation continued to ebb and flow, the occasional funny video or meme pulling you two into fits of laughter before seamlessly delving into another vulnerable train of thought. You both had your Spotify accounts open now, taking turns sharing your favorite songs. You put on a playlist you had made over the summer, full of songs that made you feel at peace. 
“This puts you at ease huh,” he says.
You turn your head to look at him, “how could you tell?”
“I don’t know. I guess just the way your whole body relaxed the second you pressed play,” he replies.
“Yeah,” you say turning your head back toward the ceiling. “I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel like these songs are speaking to my soul or something,” you whisper.
“Yeah I get that… I have those too,” he whispers back. Neither of you realize it’s already 5 am and neither of you notice as your eyes both get heavy and sleep washes over you, playlist in the background like a lullaby. And at some point during your deep sleep, Rafe’s arm has found itself unconsciously wrapped around you.
Part 4
a/n: lemme know what you think!(:
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yayeetsonny · 3 years
Always Tell The Truth Part 2 ~ USWNT x Reader
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Okay so if you haven’t read the first part of this, which I will put here. Always tell the truth part 1 I suggest you do that, otherwise this one will make no sense. Also sorry... again for being gone so long. I hope you guys didn’t miss me too much. :)
“Those bruises, Y/N, where’d you get them?” 
“I. Don’t. Know.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Fine then, don’t believe me. First Alex, then Christen and now you. This is just great, my teammates think I’m a liar. Well I’m not and I’m telling you the truth.”
I brushed by her and stormed out of the room, now determined to avoid my teammates so they’d stop asking questions and questioning my honesty.
“I’m not a liar. I don’t know where I got the bruises, I don’t know why they won’t believe me.”
After I stormed out of the room I share with Ali I ran... yes literally ran out of the hotel and out into the street. Well okay it was more like the sidewalk but whatever, I’m going for dramatic story telling here. I was angry, hurt and confused as to why my teammates couldn’t just believe me. I’ve never lied to them before, not ever. If something was going on I would have told them. And I genuinely have no clue where these bruises came from, I don’t remember hurting myself badly in practices or games and I don’t do any other crazy activities that would warrant the sudden appearance of severe looking injuries. I knew I just needed to clear my head so I started walking in a random direction hoping to get my thoughts together.
After a while I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and knew it was probably one of my teammates looking for me so I ignored it. My phone stopped ringing only for a short time before it stared up again. This went on for several long minutes before it finally stopped. After each attempt from whoever was trying reach me there was a separate single vibrate indicating they left a message. I felt a little guilty for disappearing and probably worrying everyone but they shouldn’t have assumed or accused me of lying. Thinking they finally got the message that I didn’t want to speak to them I continued walking god knows where trying to think of what to say when I finally decided to go back. I was really deep in thought, trying to remember if and when I got the bruises. Obviously they don’t just appear like magic. They have to be caused by something, but... what? All the sudden I was hit with a vague memory
“Huh?... Wha- where am I?”
“You fell asleep on the couch dear. Don’t you remember? It was really adorable actually. My mom said super sweetly.
That’s weird, she’s never overly sweet with me, like ever.
“No, I don’t remember doing that.”
I looked around and the tv was on, which is also rare. It was playing a random comedy movie. Comedy? My parents don’t even like comedy movies.
“Oh well you did. Right after dinner, you dragged your feet over to the couch and was out like a light before we knew it.” She said casually.
My dad waltzed in like everything was totally normal. What the fuck is going on. Why don’t I even remember eating dinner? How long have I been here? Why does my body hurt so much?
I came back to the present feeling slightly uneasy. I remembered now a little bit of what happened when I got to my parents house and a little bit of what happened after I woke up from my nap. They managed to convince me everything was fine after that and I left assuming they were telling me the truth because I was too tired and too annoyed to argue. But the more I thought about it the more I wondered just how much of what they said is true. Why were there huge gaps in my time with them? And why do I get the feeling that the weird gut feeling I have isn’t a coincidence? I got lost in thought again but it was peaceful this time and quiet which I was relishing in.
Unfortunately the peace and quiet only lasted for a few minutes when I started to get what I assumed were dozens of texts. I finally got fed up and decided to silence my phone completely. When I unlocked it I saw a glimpse of some of the worried texts from the team. They all pretty much said the same thing;
“Y/N please come back. I’m sorry for saying I didn’t believe you. I’m just concerned about you. I want to talk and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say. Just please come back.”- Ali
“Hey kid, heard what happened. Wanna talk?”- T
“Y/n where are you? I heard what happened and that you left?? please come back, we’re worried.”- Christen
“Bruh what the hell? let’s talk?”- Ash
“where r u?”- Mal
“It’s not safe for you to be out by yourself. Ali told us about the other bruises. Whatever this is we’ll help you. We’re gonna start searching for you if you don’t get your ass back here soon. We love you.”- Alex
And it went on like that as every single member of the team texted me some variation of that and the voicemails they all left were much the same. I started to feel more guilty but let my anger keep me from replying to them. They can stew a little longer.
Meanwhile back at the Hotel...
“Okay, so tell us exactly what happened.”
“I saw the bruises when she was changing, which I happened to walk in on. I don’t think she was expecting me. I asked her what happened and she said that nothing had happened and I asked her about the bruises I saw on her arm, shoulder and spine and she continued to tell me she has no idea where they came from. I told her I didn’t believe her and then she got upset and she just... left.”
“Just like that? She didn’t say where she was going?”
“No, she was so angry she just stormed out and when I tried to follow after her she was already gone.”
“And she’s still not answering her phone. Damnit kid come on, where are you?”
“She’s not safe out there on her own, we have to go look for her.”
“And how are we supposed to find her when she doesn’t have her location on and is doing everything she can’t to ignore us?”
“I have no idea but we have to try.”
“We will, but we should give her a little more time. It’s possible she’s just around the corner cooling off. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”
“You’re right.”
“Guys I hate to steer us back into more serious topics but shouldn’t we be talking about the bruises she has that started all of this?”
“What do you guys think they’re from?” Megan asked.
“I want to believe her when she says she doesn’t know but I mean how can you just not know about bruises as severe as those?” Ash said.
“I mean... I’ve had some pretty bad ones I don’t remember getting from anywhere.” Mal said off-handily.
I saw some of the rest of the team nod silently, indicating that they too had, had the same thing happen to them. And I had to admit that I had my fair share of bumps and bruises that I couldn’t explain because they just seemed to appear but I was still concerned for our youngest teammate as it was getting pretty late and it was already dark outside.
“Oh god, you don’t think it’s her parents do you?” Tobin asked no one in particular.
We all paused for a moment to process what she was implying and I know we were silently hoping, praying that they wouldn’t do that to her. That they wouldn’t beat their own child.
“No, there’s no way. She’s told us that they love and support her and that even though they aren’t around much they still care about her.”
“Right, you’re right.”
“It has to be them though, I mean there’s no other explanation. She didn’t have them before or after practice right?” Alex asked.
“No, she didn’t.” Lindsey said solemnly.
“Do you really think parents can just flip a switch? Just like that? Be caring and supportive one minute and violent then next?”
“It’s possible.”
“No, just don’t even go there. I refuse to believe they would do that.”
“We would have seen the bruises if she had them before, since we all change in the same locker room together for practices and games remember?” I said
“Fuck. When I get my hands on them I swear to god...”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence because Y/n walked into the dining hall where we were all gathered.
“Get your hands on who?” She asked quietly
“Y/n holy shit, thank god.”
“And she lives!... not the time? Got it.”
“Y/N... we need to talk.”
“Why? There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know what Ali told you, but I don’t know where these fucking bruises came from okay? I don’t know. I’m sorry, I know that probably isn’t what you wanted to hear but it’s the truth. If you don’t believe me that’s fine but i’m not talking about it anymore.”
“Sweetie please just hear us out okay? We’re worried about you and getting defensive about them isn’t helping your case.” I said, trying to reach out for her but she backed away from me.
“Defensive? I’m just upset because you all still don’t seem to get it.”
“We want to get it, please just talk to us.”
“Y/N, please just...”
“No! Okay, just no. I said we weren’t talking about it again and that’s final. What happened to “I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.” Huh, Ali? Good to know that was complete bullshit.”
“I’m sorry baby, please believe me, we just...”
“Oh believe you? For what? You clearly still don’t believe me so why should I give you that courtesy? You know what, this is all just fucking stupid anyways. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
And with that she disappeared up to the room she’s sharing with Ali. Leaving us all more confused and concerned than ever.
“Well... that went well.”
“Shut up Emily, so not the time.”
Okay so yes that is yet another cliffhanger of sorts, I’m sorry but I thought that was a good place to end it. Just know that Y/N genuinely doesn’t remember a lot of what’s going on, just like she says. Her parents are definitely sus asf.
I’m actually writing part 3 rn so that should be up within the next day or so. I know I keep disappearing but my life is totally a mess rn lol. I’m back now tho and am excited to finally get to all the requests I have. Im so sorry for those waiting I haven’t forgotten. Promise.
Not edited.
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