#im also definitely not giving him the support group i need
ars0nism · 1 year
i love writing and coming up with events that are totally not based on my lived experience like my oc being miserable because he had to be with his parents for the holidays
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genericpuff · 4 months
Hellooo I've recently started reading Rekindled yesterday and so far Im loving it! I just wanna say that I love how human they are—which is funny cause their deities and stuff but yknow—they're more fleshed out and have flaws. Like Apollo, Persephone, Minthe, and more. Its not black and white, its more shades of gray, which I like to give you my thanks because LO was...something...😭
Anyways, Hermes and Artemis are some of my favorites and if you want to answer, are they gonna have bigger roles in the future or something else, like anything important? Because I'm curious about Artemis and her woman support organization and how she'll be in the future. I also wanna know more about Hermes and how he needs the job. Like Hades talked about him a bit and I'm always curious sooo...👀
I think I said/asked enough. Bye byeeeee !!!
Aaaah thank youu, what a great way to start my morning :' ) <3
Hermes and Artemis definitely both have roles to play as friends of Kore. They won't have as much onscreen time as Apollo , Hades , etc. but they'll each still play a role in Kore's character arc as her friends and support network. TGOEM as a whole will serve as more of a support group for Kore rather than a celibate club. Hermes has... reasons for working for the Underworld Corp, but for now, it's to pay for his expensive hobbies ;3
That's all I can say though! You'll just have to wait and see for the rest ;3 Thanks so much for reading! <3
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everything now netflix
some spoilers!! and apologies for the long post.
i honestly really enjoyed it! it was almost like a skins/euphoria but imbued with like a heartstopper/sex education vibe in the sense that it dealt with serious teenage issues/mental health but light enough that it doesn't weigh down on you. my character thoughts:
mia was so infuriating almost at all times. obviously under the circumstances, it makes sense but there's this level of likeability that was missing for me. maybe it was the writing or the acting who knows but in my mind it's like this: im making an albeit an unfair comparison to effy from skins or even rue from euphoria, but they were battling their demons and making all the wrong choices but there was still this level of “i want to root for them” that's missing with mia personally.
in a similar vein with alison, she is meant to be this popular rich mean girl archetype who surprises you but obviously in the first half of the season she's supposed to be kind of unlikeable but i found her very endearing. as for the relationship, alison and mia DO NOT belong together. like at all. i am not rooting for them. alison in a way forced a relationship with mia and then also mia was like too scared to say anything about it. its clear that alison liked mia waaaaay more than mia liked alison. like carli says in the last ep as well, “to learn to not be a fantasy to each other”, alison needs to take mia off this pedastal she has for her. i'm very interested to learn more about her character outside of mia though if they hopefully continue the show. i have a feeling that we are supposed to think that she and cameron hooked up at the end or something but i'm rlly hoping its a red herring.
carli is also a character i would love to learn more about. she definitely has more chemistry with mia and i love her for standing her ground against mia, as she needs to help herself before she can be in a healthy relationship. but i will say it was pretty shitty stringing cameron along.
speaking of cameron, i didn't quite expect to like his character as much as i did. in a way his arc in the season is battling toxic masculinity as he kinda seems to come off as this laid back, bro kinda guy but he cares and loves so deeply. it wasn't right calling bec a "sket". i'm not british but obviously its like equivalent to slut, and im very glad he owned up to it. i'm also really interested to know more about his family and stuff.
i love bec as well. she deserves all the happiness in the world. im glad she was able to air out her things with mia, albeit in a very treacherous way and i also love how her mom was supportive of the abortion. i'm honestly kinda tired seeing the mom kicking out the daughter for getting pregnant trope so it was nice to see a mom just being supportive. bec is just such a wonderful friend and mia honestly has a lot to make up for. re not telling mia about her and cam, it was honestly frustrating seeing mia be so petty. i understand that its a big secret and she felt like everyone was hiding things from her but its also right to have secrets amongst friends, idk that really stuck out to me.
will for me had the weakest arc as in it wasn't the most interesting to me. don't get me wrong, i love the character but it just wasnt giving a whole lot to me. i recognize him as more than the comic relief but also at the same time he was stirring the pot in a lot of the arguments / blowups the group had, consciously and unconsciously. though i will say will x theo <3 but comedic duo of the century is will x alison. the little song they did for mia's birthday is stuck in my head.
tldr; great characters and great show. it's really hard to find a show about teens as a 25yo living in a 16yo body that i enjoy and don't find annoying. i just love how each character was able to be so nuanced despite being an ensemble cast.
but knowing netflix's track record it's gonna get cancelled because a) it's good b) has wlw content... but i really hope not.
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sweetkpopmusings · 1 year
vernon best friend headcanons <3
a/n: i love vernon so much platonically (and non-platonically) and i needed some serotonin at 2 am so here we are :,-) also pics not mine ofc!
content: fluff | wc: 0.8k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!vernon x gn!reader | requests: open
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definitely the ride-or-die type of best friend
it doesn’t matter if you met when you were younger or as adults — once he knew how much you two clicked, he became one of your most loyal and loving supporters
but i think he shows it in the silliest ways
like you tell him a bad joke, and, when you look at him for a reaction, he says “shutup, stupid” but with the softest smile on his face
he will NOT give in by laughing but you know he loves it
he is such a silly little guy himself
so y’all are frequently doing dumb shit together
not just the texting only in memes (which happens frequently since you both have developed a shared collection of reaction pics/gifs)
but you’ll both just be talking and suddenly you’re acting out this whole bit you came up with on the spot about a shirt that’s made of the shamwow
even if you don’t think of yourself as a funny person, you become a comedic genius in the presence of vernon
jokes aside, your friendship is a source of calm
he’s the type of friend you turn to for solace on your most stressful days 
even if he sometimes doesn’t know how to properly react (homeboy froze up the first time he saw you cry but he only got awkward because he felt so sad seeing you so sad :-( what a sweet angel) he ALWAYS makes you feel comforted 
and he’s always willing to learn more about what you need in terms of support because he always wants to be the best friend he can be ! 
it goes the same for you too — while it takes a lot for him to get vulnerable, when he builds that trust with you, you cherish it by gaining the tools needed to support him
and he’s so grateful for it like his heart swells with joy whenever he leans on you in hard times because he’s so lucky to have you as a rock 
speaking of rock
“black eye” is the proof i needed for my argument that vernon is in his angsty / emo / pop punk phase
so he’s totally the bestie who will jam out to pop punk with you (if you’re into it! i’m very into it and i would give everything i have to listen to neck deep with vernon like i'm being so serious rn)
in fact, he is the bestie who will jam out with you to your favorite music any time anywhere
he LOVES collaborative playlists that you two make together
and yes these sometimes become super niche and specific 
but whether you’re listening to your “top shower songs” playlist or your “standing in the back corner of a gas station deciding on which drink to buy so you can use their bathroom” playlist, this is one of vernon’s best ways to appreciate and celebrate your friendship
he thinks the best way to know each other is through sharing music and all the other things you like/enjoy, and that’s how you learned a lot about each other in the beginning of your friendship 
you of course meet the rest of seventeen and vernon has so much pride every time one of the members comments on how cool/funny/smart/etc you are
because he’s like YEAH that’s MY best friend right there!!!!!!!!
will be so down to take cool af photos of you 
even if he needs some coaching on what your best angles / preferred poses are he is taking down copious notes so he can nail it every time 
i can’t believe how long this is getting jfc i guess i really want vernon to be my buddy
he loves to just vibe with you
since you two are on the same wavelength most of the time, he thinks it’s the most fun to get food and chill at home watching movies, tv, or youtube together
like whatever you’re in the mood for you’ll do and it’ll be a great time because you’re together 
he also strikes me as the type of best friend who likes being friends with your other friends 
he doesn’t need to be super close with them, but he wants to make sure you are able to have him in a group setting too because he knows your other friends are important to you 
i think he also loves mimicking you
like if you say something he thinks is interesting/funny he will immediately repeat it 
whenever he tells stories that involve you, he impersonates you perfectly (this is also true when he is telling a story about you to you)
it’s just another way he shows how much he pays attention to you and loves you
overall he’s such a fun guy to be around and whenever you’re together it’s carefree and comfortable and secure 
he is ALWAYS by your side because he knows you’ll do the same for him
and he is ALWAYS ready to make fun of you for the same reason 
someone please give me a vernon tysm 
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nie7027 · 3 months
Related to the all persona au I have that I have briefly mentioned before...
I've been thinking about my headcanon of how persona users become stronger/more powerful the longer they have had their powers and how that coupled with my headcanon about how the P1 and P2 casts are leagues more powerful than the neo persona casts (a single person from P1 or P2 would be able to take the the whole SEES or the Investigation or the Phantom Thieves on their own) because unlike the neo persona casts they received their powers directly from Philemon while the neo casts received it from the remnants of Philemon's power that Igor has means the P1 cast HAS to be introduced before the P2 casts in my all persona au.
Because the P1 cast being the ones to receive their powers first (and from Philemon) are the most powerful of them but they are also the ones who have been able to grow up accustomed to that power, to learn to control it as it develops and be aware of the huge responsability of it whereas the P2 cast didnt have that chance.
They are time bombs.
They have a huge amount of power they don't know how to control, they never got to learn how. Due to their circumstances they aren't even aware of the great power they have. They have no memories of that.
And if the memories ever return they would cause such an emotional overload that it would leave the person completely unstable. If only for a few minutes.
A few minutes too much considering the great amount of power they are unaware they have.
Decades of power they never learned to control accumulated along with mental unstability... That's an extremely dangerous combination
They are time bombs only someone from the P1 cast would be able to manage, not someone from P3/P4/P5 (maybe Minato/Minako but they are... you know.... Dead....speaking of Ryoji would also definitely be able to take them on but yeah he's unavailable too)
Even someone like the Real Tatsuya who actually got to grew up using his power isn't free of that because yeah he has decades of experience using his power but he also was trapped in a post apocalyptic dimension filled with shadows.
He's traumatized.
He lived for decades in a permanent high stress environment with next to no support (or none at all if he lost Katsuya at some point which is most likely the way im going) and accustomed to using his power without any constraint (there's only shadows around him, there's no need to care if he goes over the top and destroys everything in his path).
Upon returning to this side Tatsuya will be unaccustomed to living in a society, to having to restrain his power. And he will be in another highly stressing environment except completely different from what's he's used to because all will come from his head. His trauma.
He will hear a dog bark(having no heard anything but shadows for years) and he will go completely nuke over it in mere seconds launching super powerful attacks before he can even realize what hes doing. Just pure instinct and reflex he had to forge to survive the way he lived but that it's no longer useful to him here, back in the normal world.
He will need a therapist.
And Maki will be perfect for the job.
Not only is she a psychologist and a persona user who received her power directly from Philemon even before Tatsuya(so actually more powerful than him, if not one of the most powerful even in her own group) but she's also someone close to Tatsuya. Someone he knew and considered a friend.
Maki would know this and probably prepared for years for this (never losing hope that she would someday help the kids she couldn't help when she was younger).
She would appoint herself as Tatsuyas therapist the moment he steps back into our world, already applying all the psychology techniques she knows to help Tatsuya start processing his trauma way before Tatsuya or anyone else even realizes what she's doing.
It also fits nicely in my au because she's already also Akechis therapist which gives me an excuse to give them something in common, something that would help them get to know each other and bond over.
I imagine either Akechi or Tatsuyas exiting Maki's temporal office in the Shadows ops headquarters just as the other is arriving for their respective session and making small talk while Maki gets ready to receive the other.
Or them talking/complaining about the exercises Maki has ordered them to do and how much they frustrate them.
Just. I love when the au builds on its own
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wisteriainslumber · 2 years
TWST working at McDonalds
my credentials are i have never worked at mcdonalds
this is crack don’t take it seriously
warnings: swearing and cr*wley
absolutely judges you for even coming to order at mcdonalds. there is no nutrition!! all of it is grease and sugar!!
refuses to work drivethru. yelling does nothing for his rage, his violent nature will not be contained
relax, riddle doesn’t have scarlet fever, his face just does that. is it healthy? probably not. 
is not the manager but when people ask for the manager they will call for riddle because he can do a better job
(if you hadn’t figured, the manager is cr*wley)
has the most monotone, dead customer service voice
if someone forgets to fill the coins or fails to lock up, you will be put on janitor duty to think about what you’ve done
understandably, it’s very effective
do not let him train the newbies. he thinks telling the instructions once/reading the employee handbook (THAT HE VOLUNTARILY MADE. insane man.) will prepare them. 
the reigns of training deuce and ace were then very quickly passed off to someone else
riddle gives emotional support hugs to kalim and cusses out the people who are mean to him with the fury of a thousand suns
if he weren’t so competent, he would’ve been fired
(he wouldn’t have been fired. cr*wley doesn’t want to hire new people)
he’s learning recipes from lilia on their break. after his attempt at soup gave him the flu, he has not tried to learn recipes from lilia since
a bit concerned by the screaming children. he’s never been surrounded by children his age so he thinks the scream-laughter is like a call for help
when he burns the batches of cookies he feeds them to the workers and tells them its the double chocolate chip cookies
the staff believe him because he’s never really done anything wrong
except for that ungodly amount of spare dental products in their staff washroom
normal people have toilet paper in the cupboard but their staff washroom has toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, all labeled with everyones names
no one knows who brought them, one day the cupboard was just full, but since trey keeps telling people to brush their teeth after eating the cookies it isnt hard to find out who did it
now because of him, if anyone runs out of toilet paper in the bathroom they need to text a co-worker to hand them another roll
trey finds the strongest types of coffee combinations for silver, but is getting increasingly concerned by the amount of espresso shots getting put into the cup
he will also coordinate group outfits for halloween or gift exchanges during the holidays
during the spooky season, you will find a free toothbrush in your bag or happy meal box
just... don’t ask
it was either that or licorice because trey clover is a black licorice enjoyer
makes promotional tiktok videos during his shift
specifically a “come with me to work ^^” videos where he films some things that can definitely get them in trouble. the words “health code violation” makes up 40% of the comments
hogs the stall bathrooms to break down and cry and send crying streaks to malleus
malleus hasnt learned how to use the app (yet) so cater has been treating their dms like his personal diary
he leaves sticky notes on the bathroom mirrors, lockers, and on the inside of the drivethru window saying some live laugh love kinda shit to mock trey’s white mom home decor
rook scribbles his own little stick figures of trey on them and adds speech bubbles
ace gives him the idea of summoning a demon at work and cater hopped on that without hesitation now there is a pentagram made of silly string on the wall of the bathroom
when taking orders he puts any additional notes in all caps. now deuce is staring at the order with the notes “NO DAIRY OR SHE WILL BLOW UP OUR TOILET” and “IF ACE FORGETS THE SAUCE AGAIN IM MAKING HIM CLEAN THE PLAYPLACE”
because of everyone’s incompetency, the receipt will contain these notes. sorry martha
when the manager had arrived to evaluate them, you will not find a single cater in sight
cay cay is slay slaying in hiding
hes the guy you should blame for never getting your dipping sauce or missing part of your order
he does trick shots in the back and if it lands in the bag, you get your stuff, if it doesn’t, rip
“i’m sorry you want how many chicken nuggies?? 200?? okay, word. wish i could spend that much on chicken nuggies”
will return bitch energy in the drivethru
he absolutely plays a game with deuce over if the person in the mic sounds hot or not
cater started that game, then he was kicked out for flirting with the customers
fortunately for the customers and staff alike, ace does not flirt with the customers
when someone asks for the manager he’ll walk away, then come back and speaks in a different voice and accent and cusses them out
kicked off from doing drivethru after he played cupcakke songs on there
he was raving over those minion happy meals and loved those banana cookies
it was a mistake to ask ace to do card tricks on their break because the items they gave up for the trick have disappeared
so sorry idia, your limited edition trading card will not be in safe hands
bribes the children with the happy meal toys for them to start calling riddle ronald mcdonald
riddle has no proof it’s ace’s doing but He Knows.
he wanted to raise money to send back to his mama
how much money hes actually raising through this job though? is not a lot
brews riddle tea every morning just the way he likes it and he gets a premium riddle smile in return
takes so much time to count coins pls be patient with him
don’t tell azul, but if you’re nice, he will not charge you for any extra sauce or toppings
he “doesn’t know where the button is” wink wink
the only one who likes the easter egg mcflurries. when jack has free time, he will make one for himself and deuce and they chill on his break
(deuce doesn’t tell jack he’s still on the clock, and jack doesn’t tell deuce that he prefers oreo mcflurries more)
once got into a fight with ace over whether fish fillets were good or not and deuce threw a ketchup bottle hard enough to knock ace out cold
he apologized profusely but all ace cared about was how to throw like deuce. (he’s got some grudges and yes deuce received a ketchup bottle to his head)
in the back, you’ll find the rookies playing with that seasons happy meal toys joyfully
deuce defends the happy meal books with his life even though none of his friends agree 
its okay deuce they’re just jealous they can’t read /j
cheka filled in the mcdonalds application for leona after seeing the happy meal toys
he thinks working at mcdonalds would cheer up his unca
it does not
leona would really prefer if you just ordered at the kiosks
works drivethru and terrorizes everyone there
“can i get a umm..” “im sorry we don’t sell ‘umms’ we also don’t sell to people who cant speak properly”
dreads when he sees a group of teenagers in line. they have the most balls and he can only be recognized as the “prince working at mcdonalds” so many times before he starts throwing hands
refuses to wear the uniform properly. comes in with the most patterned ass fucking shirts. im talking leopard print, stripes, polka dots, pineapples. he’s an uncle and he dresses like one. see exhibit a
if it wasn’t a safety hazard he would also wear those uncle slippers so he can slip them off and hit malleus with them. this is the 4th time the ice cream machine is broken and cheka wants a mcflurry.
the slippers are also for his dogs to scare off judgy karens RUFF RUFF ARF BARK WOOF
stopped passing his work off to other people after vil tried to shave him bald. he shudders from the memory of the buzzing razor
he steals a fry before putting it in your bag
obsessively counting his earnings and will notice if he is getting paid less
makes him a very efficient cashier. if you give him strictly coins he will curse you on the inside but he’s quick to organize them all and give you the change
he also does not make you feel awkward when you’re taking longer to pay. there’s nothing to apologize for, go take ur time. helping leona has built up a looooot of patience in this guy
goes outside for his breaks, picks dandelions and makes wishes to PLEASE GET A PAY RAISE.
he wants to gtfo of this job he lives too far away from his grandma
some kid wanted their birthday at mcdonalds and ruggie personally went out to get lots of decorations for their special day
the place was filled with balloons and streamers and ruggie got floyd to dress like a clown to entertain the kids
the staff fr thought ruggie was taking revenge on them bc everyone was BEGGING to be the clown in fear of floyd being placed with the kids
ruggie knows floyd is great with kids but pretended he was the worst option for the Drama™
also because floyd bribed him with a wendy’s combo to do so. they both went to wendy’s after
he IS the christian autumn girl you WILL find him wearing infinity scarves and cardigans and uggs on the first day of september brandishing a PSL he bought with the card he stole from leona
when the staff had gotten enough of cr*wleys antics, lilia takes his car for a joy ride and treats everyone to the fountain soda. sorry, we kinda on a budget here
(ruggie pats his pocket in pride, cr*wleys credit card snug in place)
very devoted worker
believes that even if he hates his job, he can still be good at it
panics when a karen asks him why the ice cream machine isnt working but what kind of logical explanation can you give someone who won’t listen?
asks riddle to take care of it
yes those are his real ears no you may not touch them
sick and tired of hearing the jacob from twilight comparisons
jack thinks hes accumulated at least 3 mental illnesses from working here and it’s only been a few months
he’s put in the back to prepare orders instead of interacting with people which he appreciates very much. he’s kinda awkward, and people ask questions that make him uncomfortable
gets the orders out in record time. he wants them done and gone with
when vil is having another one of his meltdowns, they send jack to calm him down
the staff think jack have this magical healing power but really he just pat pats vil on the back and gives him some lemon water. 
they go out for walks if they have time and take pictures of nature and vil tells him about the plants
A+ therapy buddy, now vil needs a therapy buddy for his therapy buddy
after his plan on leaving the job failed he has a new goal: overthrow the company
even in minimal wage misery, azul will find a way to come out on top
he already is holding something over cr*wley in nrc, he will hold something over the bird man again to get a higher salary
he makes the bird raise all of their salaries actually, because he’s very generous
as thanks for his effort, he takes 2% of their earnings and no one puts up much of a fight because any salary increase in this job will do
azul may have started a revolution but he is not our comrade </3
he does not take breaks. its the sigma male grindset forever. until he’s forcibly dragged away from his coffee and his new menu additions
mans the cashier and refuses to give up his spot. customers either love him or hate him
he is constantly trying to get people to buy more food and he’s terribly good at convincing them
customers don’t know they pulled out their wallet until they already paid
he practices his charisma in the bathroom mirror. he has cue cards, and they all dictate his persona to the smallest detail.
riddle walks in just needing to pee and sees azul pulling out the shittest posh accent and language and is way too tired to care. but azul does get some tips and he walks out a little more confident
wouldve worked longer as the janitor if the washrooms werent so fucking disgusting
hey, you get to hear lots of stuff when you’re cleaning the place
most people do not acknowledge the janitor, so information gets tossed around without a care
helps kids fill their cups at the drink station, helps them put on the drink lids properly too
helps azul make bots to give this mcdonalds good reviews, specifically mentioning their names and how helpful they are <3 listen, a bitch is desperate 
in case someone is getting really annoying, jade reminds everyone that the bleach is in the bottom of the supply closet
to threaten? to drink? to poison? no one knows and jade likes being cryptic
teams up with lilia to make new menu suggestions. they aim to make one recipe that finally gets the OK
hey, mushroom oatmeal is a good idea! don’t kick it till you try it!
floyd got fed up once jade snuck mushrooms in his burger as revenge so they started a fight over the tables
there was hair pulling, shouting, biting, and a chair was thrown
apparently this is one of the tamer fights?? the only children are horrified
they’re lucky it was late because they got into big trouble with manager riddle
“big trouble” lasted about 5 minutes because floyd kept repeating “why”. with riddle’s attention on floyd, jade snuck out
thank you for your sacrifice
the only reason hes not doing food prep jobs is to hide the fact that hes playing in the playplace
when his coworkers try to look for him he slithers in and hides in the tubes
when asked to look for a floyd, the kids cant point him out because he never tells them his name
is absolutely the ronald mcdonald mascot. he shows up in costume when he feels like it and it’s like watching the strangest joker sequel ever
does shitty magic tricks and turns off all the lights to entertain the children. staff hate him. 
once the radio stopped working so floyd brought it upon himself to bring a few hula hoops and starting hula hooping while walking and singing lady gaga
he brings in random shit to do trick shots and he moves around via hoverboard/skates at all times
he has an old lysol container he uses as his water bottle. to this day, floyd has managed to convince ace that drinking lysol will make you immortal
kicked off of the register because he will not shut his mouth. please stop hitting on customers and please stop calling people snowflakes, no matter how much they deserved it
he’s good at preparing drivethru orders even though he’s playing on his phone most of the time
(he’s texting kalim. all of them run like 3AM thoughts or shower thoughts)
his union birthday card makes him look like a mcdonalds worker
don’t let him work in the drive thru he shouts
always hands you your food with “have a great day!”
if you are the most awful person and complain about kalim he responds with a hearty “aw shucks, sorry ‘bout that”. and while he bounces back quickly, how dare you.
he is the one that breaks the ice cream machine all the time
he Does Not Know how to operate it yet he is always the one there when someone needs ice cream
he brought sprinkles one time for the impromptu staff ice cream party he declared, but now customers think sprinkles are on the menu
he doesn’t have the heart to say they aren’t on the menu, so he personally buys sprinkles for this specific location
goes all out during parties. he will bring in a cotton candy maker and popcorn poppers and holiday treat bags
kalim drowning in riches, why is he here??
cater complained he was lonely, so kalim joined him.
they‘re always blasting the latest tunes in the back and treating tasks like a suggestion
but how can you get angry at the big, beaming smile on kalims face?
the most efficient worker
hes so calm. hes used to stupid people.
uses his internal monologue to stay sane.
he looks aloof on the outside but he is actually screaming on the inside. everything is on fire. the floor is lava and there are no platforms.
highkey just complies to the crazy demands these bitches make because he has no energy nor mental capacity to try to reason with these people
however, he remembers every single face and name and it is going into his personalized death note
he’s on volume nine now
before jade and lilia propose their ideas to azul, they have to run it by jamil first. and jamil deems all their ideas as a one way ticket to a poison control centre
because none of them are reliable, jamil writes the numbers and names of emergency services on sticky notes and slaps them everywhere beside caters stickies
theres numbers for helplines, poison control, pest control, and electrical maintenance 
leona used one of them to write down contact information for a hitman (it is rook’s number)
jamil uses that number to call for help. it is life threatening matter (it was a cockroach)
jamil nearly whacks azul with a broom for being in the storage supply
azul hid there because alas, it is a small world and his bullies in grade school are now his customers
jamil, being a decent human being, chooses not to spritz him with rubbing alcohol and gives him some awkward reassurance
unfortunately, it works, and now jamil is azul’s emotional support human and the staff send him to find azul every time
jamil is getting an aneurysm
where vil wouldve ended up had he actually murdered neige
if a customer asks whats in their food he will give you a whole essay on where it came from, how it got transported, how its prepped, made, seasoned, and the nutritional value
he’s never felt greasier in his life. he’s gone through all of his oil blotting papers on the first week. what the hell is in the air
his makeup looks immaculate every day, its to cover up the look of “i just got my life sucked out” as soon as he clocked in
the radio doesn’t actually break. vil just mutes it whenever neige is starring in a new movie because that is all the radios will talk about. 
speaking of neige, if he and his little dwarves come in, vil will tell them he’s having a wonderful time and that this job is good for experience
if he had fewer morals he would be putting rat poison in cr*wleys morning coffee
he excuses himself to go in the storage closet and scream. epel joins him and it’s their biweekly bonding activity
very patient with the children and talks to them with an air of grace. he accepts suggestions for the types of movies they want to see him in
quarrels with leona daily. he gets called ugly, then vil’s heel will meet his toes. vil may be dignified but that doesn’t make him any less petty
sadly for leona, cheka loves vil and will tell his unca to be nicer to the pretty man
vils “yeah leona, be nice” earns him a very mature middle finger from leona
will refuse to even give this establishment clout. has their company account blocked.
after fans see vil on caters vlogs, vil changes the password to the company account so no one can post on it again. 
his true villain arc
he used to work as the janitor because he was immaculate at cleaning but the staff put him on register instead
he’s very good at appeasing people
if a customer asks whats in the bigmac he will give you a whole thesaurus but will not actually tell you whats in it or where its from
he will compliment everyone that walks up to his register. in fact, even if he didn’t speak to you, he will yell across the room and say your skin looks radiant today
his compliments are not normal, they range from “your teeth are so straight” to “you smell different...oh, you must’ve went to the walmart down the street!”
after enough complaints, vil gives rook a stern talk
it works, but now theres a new problem arising 
he’s been collecting leonas hair
it wasn’t “serious” enough of a problem to take action, but leona is preparing a restraining order
helps train the newbies the most. epel and ortho love him, which means the entire group has to
ortho follows him around asking him random questions every day because he thinks rooks answers are unconventional. he’s collecting data to help idia make friends!
all of his spare shipment of apples actually go to mcdonalds
since cr*wley doesn’t want to pay for apples he finds this the cheaper option and gives epel a slight payraise for it
epel sends the money to his mama
azul is Very Jealous.
do NOT let epel man the register he WILL throw hands.
even with his pronoun pin, bitches will still use the wrong pronouns and he Will Get Physical!
stop asking him for his number, he will cuss you out and insult your breath
also keeps tabs on these customers and writes them down on their clipboard. sebek is in on this and will very Loudly cuss out these people if they harrass epel again
he has been reported to the manager at least once a week but he can’t get fired bc cr*wley needs those applys
congrats epel, you got privilege
teams up with ace to prank the staff. they replace the coffee machine with coke cola and move everyones belongings in the wrong lockers
he brings scented candles into the washrooms, vil brings the lighter. they accidentally trigger the fire alarm but they sit there calmly staring at the candle wick
gets swarmed during the holidays because he has to help azul write down recipes (absolutely not the family recipes. those are secret) for the seasons. 
because of this he spends lots of time with azul and learns a lot about him. now azul has 2 emotional support humans
makes emotional support apple cider for azul. favouritism acquired! 
is banging the door to the bathroom cater is hogging and cater lets him in they lock the door and cry together
when a customer throws down a bunch of coins idia debates jumping off a building
why the hell does this customer want mcdonalds to do the catering to their party 
he IS the one silently judging everyone but he thinks everyone is silently judging him too
kids love to point at his hair and ask to touch it
please do not touch his hair. few people ever get close enough to touch him. idia will break down
they want 100 hashbrowns? damn bitch who is you feeding? idia cant fathom someone having that many friends
he quits being the cashier and decides to work as a janitor instead. at least no one will look or talk to him
he enjoys being the janitor but he soon finds out that people are heckin nasty. the messes he cleans up are ones he never thought would come from grown ass adults
once a kid dropped her toy and idia (after cursing his life and gathering all his courage) picked it up for her, and the little girl loved his hair so much. now he has the nickname of “flame princess” from adventure time
pulling for his favourite characters on his break as lilia makes summoning rituals for them
they work, so now lilia is invited to every kind of gacha pull idia does. he boosts the SSR rates up 10%!
declining cards of people who laugh at idia for stuttering
he finds their cars, their addresses, their jobs, everything about these people. they’re prepared just in case idia wants them :)
ortho encourages rook to fly a arrow through their car windows
they have a swear jar and ortho funds it the most
absolutely steals some of the happy meal toys for himself and idia to play with
bonding with street cats and people of all ages
people think ortho is a walking ad for mcdonalds bc he invites them to visit his workplace, but he’s conducting exposure therapy for idia. these are friends you havent met yet!
technically he is under apprenticeship training but poses as an employee to get money
he wants the new PS5 👉👈
whenever vils new movies comes out, ortho prepares an entire fan review to discuss with vil. he’s his biggest fan!
vil takes the feedback and gives ortho candy as thanks for his support
ortho is the staff favourite and he even gets extra tips because of his cute face
gets convinced to give azul a dollar for every board game he plays with idia
lilia told him this was summer camp
lurks around, says hi to people. wants to befriend idia but idia thinks mal is messing with him
one of the few who get to hear riddle bitching about his job. he doesn’t really understand, but is a good listener
will ask cater how to work the social medias and cater makes mal swear to not open his magisnap
malleus doesn’t even know what that is and apologized to cater for opening up his magicam page </3
sebek fr breathing down his neck and the only place to hide from him is in the bathroom
he finds cater and idia there crying in the corner and he joins them to fit in
they are now an unofficial group of social outcasts and they occasionally meet up to play pokemon (mal watches)
he’s in charge of refilling the ice but he just??? disappears from his shift midway??? and now theres no ice bc they’re too busy cleaning up the fucking silly string in the bathroom
people avoid him so he just does work in the back
and by work in the back i mean he’s terrorizing leona while he’s terrorizing the customers 
he’s stuck on tray washing duty bc it is too dangerous for him to do anything else
he is very unsafe near the hot oil, he practices no safety procedures near the hot steam and water. 
maybe it’s best to put him on ice cream machine duty... it’s always broken anyways
hes experienced so many things in his long long life but he hasnt experienced customer service before
prefers this over being in the military actually
kids love to point out the little bat ears on his head
decorated the place for halloween one year but then it was transferred to azul because the skeletons hanging from the ceiling were scaring the children and the (fake..??) blood in the back was scaring the staff
do not be frightened by watching him drink ketchup in the back, he just Does That
babies literally everyone and everyone (reluctantly) calls him dad as revenge
it was weird at first but now lilia is asserting his new dad status and performing the most bass boosted, earth shattering sneezes known to man
on one of his dad status days, lilia goes “relax my sons, i am only fucking one of your mothers.”
silver doesn’t even know his mother but he dies a little anyways
if given a burger, he picks out the tomatoes and pickles and eats them. jamil is kind of horrified
he keeps making new suggestions to the menu but after the third rejection of turkey-tomato-cookie sandwiches, he cooks all the employees lunch every month to show off his spectacular culinary skill
the next staff meeting, they tell lilia to stop limiting his cooking to just them, as it should be “shared to the world on the secret menu”
was also signed up for ‘summer camp’
naps on the clock but is an excellent worker for the night shift
yeah this might have been his seventh cup of coffee today and yeah maybe that’s concerning but dw it’s nothing a few bathroom breaks can’t fix
riddle is staring in horror
very chill, never sounds stressed, and gets everything out at a reasonable time
only thing to complain about is that he gives an ungodly amount of napkins for no reason
the environment is dying singlehandedly because of silver giving you six napkins for a single ice cream cone
sings to himself to keep himself awake and it soothes the staff so much
on the less busy hours of the night shift, silver tutors deuce on science
as thanks, deuce offers to take silver to a build-a-bear
they get matching bunnies they both respectfully name “max” & “ruby”
silver and ruggie have a wordless agreement to cover each others shifts when the other is busy
they don’t hang out outside of work but they are ride or die on the clock
lilia is a Proud Father
when he answered the why do you want to work here question he truly meant every word of “because i care about the company and its values” with his whole chest
was transferred to work drivethru because he was angering the customers but now he’s blowing up the speakers
if you ever wonder why your burger is so flat it’s because sebek uses so much force when wrapping it you’d think he was personally insulted by the burger itself
too much energy. he will always forget your ketchup and sauce packets bc he is speedrunning all of your orders
straight up locks the doors in front of your face and glares at you for trying to come in at 8AM on a monday
loudly chatting with trey about the importance of brushing your teeth because trey is the only one that will talk to him /j
sebeks too loud so any kind of secret or gossip cant be shared with him
leona absolutely hates being in his presence but will spread rumours about rook stealing dna to make voodoo dolls to sebek so everyone’s eyes will be on rook
now leona has free bodyguards 
he is the only person to order off of lilias “secret menu” to see him happy
sebeks life expectancy rate is declining by the day
Tagging the skrunklies!! Thank you for your excitement :D
@spadecentral​ @ruggiethethuggie @mellyteddy​ @theheavilyindulgentgoat​
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tempvstas · 2 years
Hello, i saw that requests were open so i hope you don't mind if i request. I'm sorry if this request isn't to your liking.
May i request Leona, Rook, Vil and Jamil with an idol reader in a group?(like a group idol or something like that). How would they react once they found out, them attending their S/O's concert, watching them dance and sing to different type of concepts and other things. Thank you. Im sorry if this request is complicated!
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Content Warning(s): none
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Leona Kingscholar, Rook Hunt, Vil Schoenheit, Jamil Viper
Authors Notes: Hi there! I’m so sorry for taking a while, I’ve been really out of it and lost motivation, but here we are! Your request isn’t too complicated so not to worry, I hope you like this!!
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Leona Kingscholar
Leona’s not dumb, he’s aware of your career. He knows just how popular you are, but honestly he couldn’t care less how many fans you have or how busy you are, as long as you still make time for him. 
You’ve contemplated asking him to come to some of your concerts but have never actually brought it up because you thought he wouldn’t be too interested. But it turns out all you really need to do is ask. 
You managed to work it up to ask him if he would come support you at one of your concerts. He just looked at you, completely silent before giving you a small nod, and turning on his side to continue with his nap. You’re a little shocked cause you didn’t expect him to actually agree to go.
So when the day of the concert actually comes around, you’re pretty nervous, especially when you’re the main vocals. But Leona doesn’t disappoint. As soon as you step onto the stage with the bright lights and blaring music from the speakers abovehead, you scan the crowd and you see him standing in the front, arms crossed over his chest.
He looks a little irritated because of all the people moshing behind him, but he that signature smirk on his face, almost like he was telling you, “I told you so.”
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Rook Hunt
Rook probably discovered you around the same time that he discovered Neige and he’s ecstatic. He’s one of your biggest fans and supporters. 
You two met through your numerous concerts and started talking because of one of backstage interactions with him. 
He's your most avid supporter and definitely attends every concert that you're at cause he loves hearing you so much, this doesn't change even after you guys get together.
It never fails to make you smile whenever you see him in the front row, calling out your name enthusiastically, giggling to yourself. 
When you’re asked during an interview who you value the most in your life, you mention his name because of all the support he’s given you.
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil is well aware of the "circle of celebrities" (does this make sense??? idk but just bear with me). He's seen your promotional videos on social media and the streams of loving comments from your loyal fans following shortly after.
Because of your rising popularity, you were asked to fill in for a role, it wasn't a major role, just a small cameo. But Vil just so happened to also be acting in it as well.
The two of you started talking, and soon a friendship blossomed between the two of you. Vil admires your work ethic, and in turn you admire just how devoted to his roles whenever he’s given one. 
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Jamil Viper
Jamil first finds out when he sees you practicing one of your dance routines.
He's mesmerized by your movements, watching you from thr shadows but too shy to say anything.
So when you find out that he also likes to dance, you invite him to dance with you. And that's when he finds out about your career as an idol. He's surprised that someone like you would even consider being with him considering his lower status, and with you being as popular as you are, but you assure him that no amount of fame or popularity could ever make you love him less.
Kalim also finds out about your career and takes Jamil to one of your concerts, buying up the most expensive ticket to get as close to the stage as possible.
While he's trying to keep an eye on Jamil, he sees you out of the corner of his eye. You shoot a wink his way and blow a kiss in his direction causing his face to flush and the crowd to go absolutely wild.
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
hey babes!
so I have this request n basically I was think about an eddie munson x bimbo!reader ( cuz their my favs ) but like make the bimbo!reader kind of like the mom friend of the group. Like whenever Eddie brings her to his friends she always has everything they need and is very mother like. I just think that’s so cute <3
Anyway bye I hope you have a great day! Ily 🫶🏾
this ones long so i'm gonna one of those squiggly line things here
also like a good bit of talk abt pregnancy and having kids so if thats not ur thing im just warning u now
I’ve mentioned before her being a sports mom but like can u imagine.
She walks up to the lunch table and stands beside Eddie with a hand on his shoulder, clearly about to announce something.
“Lucas, I heard someone is on the starting lineup for tonight’s game.” She smiled brightly at him, clearly very proud of the boy.
She may or may not have had her parents bribe the coach to let him (a freshman) start for the championship game
“Oh yeah it’s not a big deal, you guys have hellfire right?” Lucas asks, trying to brush it off so Eddie doesn’t get mad about basketball being brought up at his lunch table.
“It’s a huge deal! We’re all so proud of you.” Her hand on Eddie’s shoulder creeps up to the back of his neck, her thumb brushing over his pulse in a way that she knows drives him crazy. “No hellfire tonight, we’re all going to be there to support you. Isn’t that right Eddie?”
She stills her motion for a second as she waits for his response. His brain is fuzzy with need and he would say just about anything for her to keep touching him so he mumbles out a weak “yep.”
And to his credit he does postpone hellfire and order the whole club to go see Lucas’ game instead. But that has nothing to do with the fact his girlfriend promised him a “special treat” for after.
Before he knows it their in her room getting ready to go pick all the kids up and bring them to the game when she comes out of the bathroom wearing a little robe that barely covers the top of her lace number peaking out.
“What’s this, sugar?“ Eddie mumbles, hands smoothing over her sides to bunch up the fanfic and see what’s underneath.
“That, is a surprise,” she giggled, pushing away from him and securing the robe back over her body. Not before he gets a peak of the lingerie set beneath.
Its his favorite shade of pink, and yes he has a favorite shade because he's decided it's the one that compliments her skin tone the best. "Boo, you're no fun," he grumbled, falling back on to the bed dramatically as she goes to change into her outfit for the night.
He of course can't seem to wait for later for his surprise, pulling her into his arms as soon as she comes back and sitting her in his lap on the bed for a messy makeout session.
"Baaaabe please can I see?" he whines, hands bunching up the fabric of her skirt.
"ok just a peak," she agrees. But before he can make good on his request, they hear loud knocking on their door.
"Who is it?" her cheery voice rings out, hopping off Eddie's lap (much to his dismay) to open the door.
When she opens the door mike is standing there looking furious "you were supposed to pick us up 30 minutes ago," he fumes, angry at the fact they definitely won't have time to stop for snacks.
"It's ok Mikey, I have snacks here. Plus Eddie drives fast, I promise we'll be there on time." She makes her voice even softer if thats possible, giving the boy a pat on the head that he would certainly rebuff if it was from anyone else.
"ok, so I can just like...get snacks from your kitchen."
"Of course sweetie, take whatever you want. Make yourself at home, we'll be down in a minute."
When she turns back around Eddie is gawking and giving her the cutest little heart-eyed expression. "mommy," he mumbles under his breath, getting up to give her a quick but heated kiss and then head downstairs to get the car started.
She stumbles down the stairs after him, wobbling in her high heels. She greeted by the sight of a bunch of freshmen ransacking her kitchen and the foyer.
She just smiles and sighs. Offering them a tote back from the pantry to house all their snacks. As the boys squabble over the last box of toaster strudels, she notices max sitting on the couch alone.
"Hey Maxie! I love the outfit, you look so cute." She of course referred to the beige and green sweater that Max was wearing, courtesy of her closet.
"Couldn't miss it," she grumbled, clearly less than enthusiastic about the game.
"Well, I'm glad you're here. Always nice to have another girl. Aaaand do you think maybe I could do your hair pretty please?" she begs, poking her lip out in a pout and giving the most adorable puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah ok fine." the corners of her lips turned up into a smile despite her best efforts to pull her face into a scowl.
She giggles and sits down on the couch next to her, hands playing in her hair and skillfully twisting it into an intricate formation.
When she's done, she notices Eddie staring at her with that same look from earlier. "What, you goof?" she smiles up at him, grabbing his chin and pulling him down for a quick kiss.
He pulls back to say what he was going to but he gets lost looking into her eyes.
"Oh my god, gross," Max groans, springing up from the couch and going to stand stoically over next to the boys.
Eddie shakes his head, chuckling at his awkwardness. "we gotta get going babe, the kids need a ride."
She couldn't help the way her heart leapt when he said that. Even though they obviously weren't old enough to have kids in Highschool there was something to be said about how much she liked playing house with Eddie.
"mhm, let me just grab my camera. I want to get a picture of my boys." She scurried off to find a camera while Eddie and the freshmen huddled together next to the door, awaiting her return and knowing she'd be grumpy if they weren't in formation when she returned.
She snaps the picture quickly and tucks the camera away in her purse for later.
"How do I look, babe?" Eddie chides, trying to snatch her bag and look at the picture.
"Very handsome, as always. But we're going to be late so hurry your handsome ass to the car please."
"Yes ma'am." Eddie gives her a mock salute and turns on his heels, practically running out to the car with the boys in tow.
"I call shotgun!" Dustin shouted, scrambling to the passenger door of the car.
"No dude. My girlfriend gets to sit shotgun." Eddie was stern, shaking his head and giving her a look like, can u believe this kid?
"Oh that's ok. Dustin you can sit shotgun if you want." Eddie pouts at that, not happy at the idea she won't be sitting next to him.
That is until she gets into the drivers seat after him and sits on his lap (with a little difficulty, but she manages)
"So...Lucas. How does basketball work?" she asked, a bright curiosity in her eyes.
His answers to her question just prompted more questions such as, "what's a point guard?" "There's a point guard and a shooting guard?" "what are they guarding?" "if they're guarding shouldn't they be on defense?" "what is the difference between defense and offense?"
She's just being her sweet self, indulging the boy's interest even though she has no clue what's going on. Eddie can't help but think how she'd be the perfect mother.
He had thoughts about it before obviously, they had sex enough that kids were something he had to think about. But never like this, he had never dreamed about having a family with her like this. It was driving him crazy.
The rest of the night went smoothly, Eddie satiated with his daydreams enough that he wasn't an absolute pain about how bored watching basketball.
He cheered when she cheered and stuttered out a one-liner every once in a while to keep up appearances, but really he was in his own little world.
And his own little world was a bit dirty, imagining fucking her over and over again and filling her with his cum until it stuck. Until she was round with his children. Claiming her as his in a way pretty much nothing else could do.
He never thought he'd want to be a father. But he would give it a try if it meant he would get to have her as the mother to his kids, because motherly was a really good look on her.
He was surprised he had never seen it before. The way she always took care of him was just so sweet, even more so when she was taking care of the freshman he had tasked himself to look after.
He wanted to get her home as soon as the game was over, not even caring that Hawkins high had miraculously won the championship. But he couldn't bring himself to say no to her when she asked if they could go get ice cream to celebrate.
Although in his defense he did put up a little fight "but baaaabe, you don't even like ice cream," he had whined, hugging her close to his chest as they waited outside for the kids who were still in the gym celebrating.
it isn't until after ice cream and all the kids are dropped off that she decides to mention that something is up with him. "Eds, baby what's wrong? you've been weird all night."
"nothings wrong babe, I had a really good time. I'm just thinking about something. Gimme a minute, ok? I'll tell you about it when we get home." he smooths his hand over her leg, thumb rubbing the soft skin of her thigh and making her squirm.
"are you mad at me?" she whispered. She lied splayed out on her bed in a fancy purple lingerie set. He seemingly ignored her, pacing the room in deep thought.
"Ok this is going to sound crazy," he starts.
Prompted by his voice, she climbs out of bed and steps close to him. She takes his face in her hands and looks him right in the eye, their lips brushing softly. "It's ok really. Just please talk to me."
"Ok ok. Would you- have you ever thought of having kids?" He asked.
"y-yeah. Yeah absolutely. Do you want that?" her heart fluttered at his words. Sure she had thought about kids with him, many times before. She had always assumed it was a one sided fantasy.
His hands settled on her hips, pulling her close to his chest and pressing his forehead against hers. "I mean like having kids with me. I know I wouldn't be the perfect father. But you, you would make such a good mother. Seeing you with the kids today, it just all made so much sense. I want this, with you-"
His heart was beating under her hands as she cut him off with a bruising kiss, grabbing the neck of his shirt and tilting his face down to her. "Aw Eds, you wanna put a baby in me?" she teased when she pulled back, hot breath brushing his lips as she blinked up at him innocently.
"Fuuuuuck don't say it like that."
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t-aeddie · 7 months
emotional ramblings about the dark urge that is keeping me awake...
becase, listen, i need dark urge aka durge fanfics that also address durge's trauma if we are going the redeemed route (evil durge is lost...)
thinking about how redeemed durge literally went from losing all their memories to having a tadpole in their head to having the looming fear of turning into a mind flayer while having to fight their inner demons along with feeling possibly guilty and ashamed of having these urges to remembering how they were betrayed and nearly killed by their sibling/fellow spawn to having to fight to the death said sibling to be dad's chosen child to breaking the cycle to being abadoned and murdered by their father (and it was a very gruesome and painful way to die too) to being resurrected and told "hey, there's still work to do"
and their upbringing definitely had to be also traumatic. being a bhaalspawn means that you are living the life "either you kill or you are killed" plus "imma just murder people to make daddy happy".
idk how durge is processing all that.
and thinking about the fact that durge (if you play as durge and not tav) is the leader of a group of people that also deal with their share of trauma...
and, now, im thinking about how in durge and [name of companion] romantic relationships and fanfics, durge seem fine and that really supportive partner. it's okay. but, imma need fanfics who use durge instead of tav to start thinking about the fact that durge needs hella healing to.
durge was born and raised to be murderer for their father. the level of abuse they went through. and then, we go back to what i originally wrote. the betrayal. the memory loss. the abandonment. maybe the lost of purpose because durge was groomed to be worthy of becoming the chosen. their dad literally put like 6-7 swords in them (legit stabbed durge in the back) and said "if you aren't going to be my chosen, i'm ending your life".
now, i feel like writing something. because, i haven't seen fanfics/drabbles/pieces where durge also dealing with shit. maybe, it's just me, but, if i was really durge, i would have massive abandonment issues after my dad just discarded me. i'd have trust issues too. hell, i would have so many nightmares involving bhaal killing me again and again. "you are not supposed to be here."
and imagine if durge wants kids? or durge accidentally gets pregnant? (or the opposite where i think it would be only shadowheart and karlach, because lae'zel a gith, anyways, shadowheart gets pregnant)? durge's concept of family is definitely warped and durge got to learn what family is. again, look what durge had as a family? durge's father is bhaal. bhaal ain't the father of the year.
wait, what if redeemed durge is being hunted down by people who want revenge? it is said durge has an over 100 body count (maybe even 1000)...
anyways, I've rambled long enough.
tldr; durge is a victim. redeemed durge is also dealing with a lot of trauma; however, it seems like i haven't seen fanfics that also include that. just the companion's trauma.
p.s.: i may be wrong.
p.s.s.: who can give me my dream story of redeemed durge & spawn astarion adventuring to find a legendary item so that astarion can walk in the sun + healing journey for the both of them + maybe durge is burying their own trauma while trying to help astarion go through things but also astarion trying to be equally supportive (throwback to how sweet astarion is when durge almost killed him)
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salad-006 · 9 months
I know you already gave us your thoughts about Eddsworld Legacy, but what do you think about Eddsworld Beyond for now?
To be completely honest, I'm really on the fence with beyond. They're in like this weird fluctuating state, and to me that comes off like them not knowing what they're doing
Sometimes we'll get something hilarious, but more often than not beyond feels awkard and rushed. Stilted is the best word i think. (I'm also just really not a fan of jons animation for the show, which doesn't help at all. His EW style has always felt extremely flat to me ,sorry jon)
More options down below vv
Stuff usually feel unfinished or rushed somehow , ex surf n turf. Part one was probably the most uncomfortable episodes we've gotten so far. you could've easily rearranged things so that the intro of them arriving at the beach was at the beginning of part two, and have it be a single episode. It feels like filler before the actual plot starts next episode
It kinda feels like they're trying to imitate every aspect of Edds work, and it's giving me like. Skinwalker vibes. I get it, Edd made little short animtions with random new characters occasionally. But when a full team makes one with a new character, ties an ad read to it, then never touches that character again, it feels confusing and out of place. IDK i just feel like you loose that ability to just make whatever you want when you put together a team, even if its a small indie group. Maybe im wrong there but the point is i thouht the birds and the bees was dumb
I'll keep my option on the team brief. I don't hate anyone on the team nor do i think any of them are Bad People, but there's definitely been a lot of questionable behavior that has come from these guys. Example, I've always been offput by their relationship with Tord’s characters. In the website they put this:
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Yet consistently tease the fans with his existence (ex the caveman episode, tori being canonized, his picture clearly torn out in SnT1, having an entire month of tord merch) Either address the situation or don't, guys. You can't sarcastically be like "oh get over it" when YOU'RE the ones that keep bringing him back. You didn't even answer the question dude, no wonder so many kids beg for his return
I guess I can't be THAT pissed when the money all went to charity, but it still just feels inherently weird and disrespectful to merchandise this character after his creator removed him nearly 15 years ago. Atleast Tomska allegedly asked permission and had good intentions. This feels like they (beyond) just don't give a fuck. If any team members are reading this I'm BEGGING YOU: STOP LETTING THEM BRING BACK TORD . THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT . Tord Larsson deserves to be left alone, and to stop getting connected to this show in his past.
Despite everything, I still want to support the team. I'll be honest, SnT2 gave me hope for the series I haven't had in quite a while. It wasn't the greatest, but it was a step upwards. And I'd love to see them keep going up ! Genuinely, I would love nothing more than to see these guys succeed in recreating what made the show good initially. Eddsworld changed my life, so really its incredible to see it still kicking around today. Even if it's in this weird, amorphous glob state. They just need to figure out what the hell they're doing
TLDR: the current state of the show is kinda rough, the team feels discombobulated and has made some weird decisions, however I still have hope that they can make this into something amazing someday
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jayflrt · 2 months
as much as im annoyed by the potential implications of the mhj/hybe drama i do feel like theres way too much speculation rn ... rlly doesn't sit so well with me that everyone is bashing on mhj alone (im not supporting her either though) and not bang sihyuk too. some hybe stans rlly js worship the guy and idk why . its not like he's innocent too. like those texts from him are so annoying too. abt if she's satisfied that nwjns is so popular and also abt trying to rival aespa / bp alone ...
hybe has sm power and r known for their mediaplay so i rlly do wish people would keep that in mind instead of doing their own speculation to bash on mhj . we don't know fs if she's the reason behind seunghan, youngseo, etc .... it seems so forced that everyone just collectively is making stuff up on their own theories and pissing on her. like im all for it when everything's done with but it's giving misogyny to me ughhh idk how to explain it eitherr without sounding like a mhj stan I PROMISE IM NOT TAKING HER SIDE T_T i just cant help but feel like poeple find it easier to hate and bash on women sometimes. even me scrolling x nowadays feels so annoying. literally feel so bad for illit and nwjns rn.
personally i was a teeny annoyed that illit had a similar image to nwjns w their nostalgia/coquettecore (also though just seems like cute/youthful concept is making a cb in general in kpop) but only because their songs on super real me were the exact type of songs i liked most from nwjns (super shy, hurt etc. the softer less peppy songs compared to hybe boy) so it bothered me that there was an implication that nwjns might be forced to distance itself to a more differing concept to keep some contrast btwn the two ... but ik that's not illit's fault at all (literally love the girls sm im a runext fan ^^) i feel like i can understand the upset that illit was getting a similar concept when every other grp before illit in hybe had more defined concepts seperating each other. but once again that's all hybe's doing ...... seeing the choreographers supporting mhj too makes it seem like not even the nwjns team or even all the staff were on board with the references in the choreo either...
anyways i do hope this controversy doesnt impede on either grps promos :( and i rlly hope everything gets sorted out... im srsly hoping this doesnt turn into a 5050 situtation again but with nwjns i was so upset when that happened . was curious on what your thoughts were or if u were keeping up with everything?
i feel like i've seen a good amount of people bashing them both but we could have different tls maybe !! but yeah i don't know why there's so many hybe stans 😭 it's been this way for a long time + armys idolizing bang pd back when bts was the only group under bighit. i feel like everyone needs to just accept that all these companies are trash and you can't be defending ceos
i do get what you mean because women are often criticized far more when those same things would be overlooked if a man did it,, however i don't think that's the case here 😭 because 1. she has an extensive history of s3xualizing minors back from when she was in sm and 2. it was revealed that she and bang pd bought out source music to debut a girl group so it's not that far-fetched to say that she could have sabotaged the trainees from source music, especially after she said that she didn't want to debut sakura because she was "too old." some of the other theories people are making definitely don't have much of a basis but i think most people also recognize that the main victims of all this are newjeans and illit + the other groups mhj dragged in with her. so yeah i wouldn't call it misogyny that people are going after min heejin, and honestly i'm even more surprised that people just forgot about how she sexualized shinee, red velvet, jisung, and newjeans and only started calling her out after this incident 😭 she's always had a LOT of defenders and personally i've never felt the need to defend billionaires :/ also mhj's a businesswoman who knows how to play the media herself. you can see it even in her press conferences; she's bringing up different groups to take attention off of herself and talking about her "relationship" with newjeans to garner sympathy from everyone
i think hybe definitely was shady for greenlighting illit's concept when it's clear there was inspiration from newjeans. i personally just assumed they discussed this with ador but i guess not?? so weird that they don't act like proper adults in that building. i'll also say that i don't think min heejin's concept for newjeans is original or considered "hers" but since most people associate that concept with newjeans, it's safe to say that illit's creative director probably got it from newjeans anyways. another thing about hybe tho is that i don't think they've been doing strong concepts for their groups. txt did have a strong one initially but bighit just stopped trying for them (probs bc their team got moved to source music 🥲) i think belift did a good job with keeping the vampire concept for enha consistent and i was initially scared that it would stop after hybe fully acquired cj enm, but i think they've recognized that enha just has too much connected to their vampire concept (their webtoon, storyline for their music videos) but enha's also been neglected by hybe a lot so screw them 🚶‍♂️
i hope this issue doesn't mess with comebacks either :/ it's like suspiciously right before newjeans' comeback, which throws me off because i feel like there's always some shit min heejin's pulling right before or during their comebacks (ex: inserting herself in the OMG music video at the very end) and it's so weird to me how she always talks about them as if she's the sixth member 😭
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love-toxin · 2 years
I hate going to the dentist, they scare me and make me so anxious but I really need to go to one bc I have an issue w one of my teeth + gums in that tooths area. Im trying to distract myself w yan fruity four n imagine that theyre comforting me:(
IM HERE ANON!!!! i feel you so much i don't like the dentist either, the anxiety is so real 🥺 but the yan fruity four would so be on it with you!! ♡
i can imagine they're all clearly very supportive, but they're also keen on working together so they decide to tackle your problem in different areas. Nancy takes care of your more practical needs, like making your appointment for you, arranging your ride, taking down all the details over the phone for how you can prepare and in the case of needing work done, how to provide aftercare while you're healing. she's so on the nose that it kinda feels like she's your dentist which is a little more comforting to think of. except instead of giving you a toothbrush and some toothpaste as a reward for getting through the appointment, she gives you snuggles and praises you on doing so well and being so responsible. and kisses, lots of kisses.
Steve babies you soooooooo much--he probably tries to get you out of having to go until he realizes just how much you need it, and then he switches over to reassuring you and hyping you up to go in as the appointment draws closer. he's definitely the one driving you there and stroking your hair as he drives you back home, if he could have you in his lap as he does he would, but he just has to wait until you get home. curses. but at least when you arrive he doesn't let you do anything for yourself, even unbuckling your seat belt--he reaches over and undoes it for you with a click, before getting out and coming around to your side to pick you up and bridal carry you into the house. and then you're set, because if Steve catches even a whiff of you wanting or needing something, he's on you and bringing whatever it is as quickly and efficiently as he can.
Robin, surprisingly, is the one that goes into the office and into your appointment with you. Steve and Nancy will both wait in the car to make sure everything on the outside is safe (call them paranoid, but they have good reason to) while Robin helps you check in and sits with you as you're waiting. but it's mostly because she's the best at making you laugh, and she tends to be the least uptight of the group so she makes for a good "friend" to come with you and settle you down with a squeeze of your hand. plus, she's already got plans on what snacks she's gonna get to keep for you when you're feeling up to eating them--primarily things like icecream and softer snacks that'll be easy on those poor teeth of yours. she'll even make Steve stop at the convenience store on the way home so she can grab them all, along with some flowers as a special present for being so good and going in even when you didn't want to.
and Eddie, sweet Eddie, doesn't come to the appointment for the simple reason that he needs to make sure your recovery room is perfect for you. he'll decorate your room with strings of fairy lights and set up your bed like a huge pillow fort, he'll even drag in one of the smaller crts and stretch a blanket over the top of it, so you can cuddle inside and watch all the cheesy, scary movies you guys can get your hands on. he'll throw a bunch of his own blankets and pillows inside too so that it smells like him, and because he knows that cuddling with his things comforts you (and he loves it so much, phew) as well as his cassette player and some of the mixtapes he's made for you in case you want to play them to fall asleep to. so when you're carried in by Steve and he lays you down inside your new fort, Eddie's already so eager to comfort you that he just grabs you and clings to you like a little koala. the others'll have to wedge themselves in just to get their own cuddles in, and even Nancy and Steve will get in on the action and cram themselves in beside the others to make a big snuggle pile, even though they'll have to deal with the rather intense movies Eddie's picked. but at least they have you! that's all that really matters.
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infinitydivine · 8 months
I'm extremely sorry if I sounded rude...😭
I was just trying to explain to everyone that people need to leave things alone idk why people are just so weird like if you tell them he's in a relationship they are in denial if you tell them he's not they are still in denial what do they really want!??? I mean it's totally understand that we can't believe in everything until jk confirms that himself or what we see but I hate it how you all are being targeted again and again and being sent such weird requests or asks or sent opinions...people really need to chill down!! Especially since you've mentioned that they are just for entertainment purposes...
It's not just you who've mentioned that he's not in a relationship many trusted and energy readers have mentioned it... these people come out of yt and then blame on you all for nothing like some while ago it was also going on that jk is a father or will be a father like....did any of that rubbish come true!?? I mean seriously are these people High aff!?? Like I get it that spirits can give wrong answers but why do people think they are giving all Tumblr readers wrong answers and not to those people who say such bold statements or predict his marriage life as if they know exactly everything when they usually just shuffle the cards and pick out and read what comes like most of them don't even shuffle properly (I'm not disrespecting them I'm just saying about those who clearly be doing shipping readings and saying random stuff like he'll leave the group or his members are jealous of him and what not on yt). I hate it how you get such weird asks i mean it's really disrespectful like you all put sm of your hardwork and energy and then people come out and start speaking stuff when you clearly mention that energies can change anytime..it's definitely really disrespectful why do people can't just read and leave it to the future!??? it's definitely possible he might haven't met her yet in 3D or even is aware who she is like he's a human after all and most of the humans haven't met their fs yet especially when there are so many people in this world and since he's a celebrity he may meet so many people in the future and there might be time since he meets the one..I'm not saying he can't be in a relationship but I hate it how people just keep disturbing you all and then still stay in denial and unsatisfied! You all need to respected and appreciated instead people keep disturbing you and disrespecting your hard work directly or indirectly-im sorry on behalf of all of them!! I hate it how you all who clearly read him since so long and seems connected to his energy are disrespected but people who just read the cards or aren't even connected well to his energy are treated sh!!t...
I just answered your ask dear, you don't need to apologize to anyone. Thank you for your understanding words and support to the Tarot readers.
See the thing is most of the asks are just about themselves proving their fantasies, I get that from the words they twist and try to get the answers. So I just deleted that, it's simple. If I don't wanna answer anything I will not make a fuss about things. I tried once previously to change the narrative of Tarot and Psychic reading instead they just went in vain. Now that I have understood I just refrain from answering them. This is the least I can do from my side.
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astrobei · 1 year
i would like a more detailed breakdown of your mike robin friendship analysis 🤲 💗
hi ella i have been putting this ask off because i have so many thoughts on them and i was trying to gather them into something somewhat coherent and then i realized that will never happen so! here are my thoughts on mike and robin friendship that literally no one except ella asked for but i will be providing anyway:
(i want to preface this by saying that by no means do i think this is a prediction! s5 is super plot heavy and i doubt there will be too much time to develop new relationships from scratch but in my dream world this is mike and robin’s dynamic and why i think they should be best friends forever.)
1. mike, by nature, is a little standoffish and a bit hostile to new people (max, even el, despite the monologue cough cough). that’s just how he is! even though he’s very silly and cringefail etc etc he’s still super protective of his friends and guarded and that’s definitely heightened as shit gets more intense in later seasons. it takes a while for his real personality to come out around new people! this is where i point out that robin has exactly the sort of personality that mike would find initially very abrasive bc she is loud and she rambles and she makes bad jokes and she says shit like “dingus” aka is exactly the sort of person dustin considers “cool” (see again: max) 100% certain that mike would not be robin’s biggest fan at first but it’s more of a startled and apprehensive response than genuine distaste
2. fundamentally, i think robin and mike are very similar people! which is kind of complicated because i feel like robin is in this weird place where she’s enough of a main character to have a clear-cut personality and it’s easy to say what would be ooc for her, but she also isn’t enough of a main character like will or el or max to know too much about her inner monologue etc etc. BUT! pushing aside their obvious identity issues for a hot second— mike and robin are both insanely loyal, analytical (s2 mike and s3 robin please come home), funny and nerdy and talkative, and they have a hard time opening up about their real feelings except for that one special person (steve and will). it’s clear that what both of them really want, under all the humor and the front, is to be loved and accepted, and they both find this in that one special person.
3. look. i love love love the robin/will mentorship hc it is so near and dear to me and i need this to happen in s5 because i need will to talk to another gay person like i need air, BUT. this is where i point out that will has grown up with his own form of a support system and mike has never in his life known that. yes his life has not been easy even without all the upside down shit and im not disregarding that !! but when you’re looking at will’s relationships with the people around him, he’s super close to his mom and his brother and he’s always been able to talk to them and go to them for anything. jonathan accepted him with open arms and we all know that joyce “i don’t know what that THING is but it’s not my son” byers is not going to bat an eye at will’s sexuality after everything. mike, on the other hand, needs a mentor figure because he’s never known this kind of support. the inclusion that he felt with the party isn’t as strong anymore, and his friend group is dissipating and he’s not close with any of the older teens, not even his sister, and and and and—
4. ok. expanding on the nancy thing because i got off track a bit! i love the wheeler siblings. i really do. i would give anything to see them be the apocalyptic sibling duo of the century in s5 but if i’m being really honest, nancy and mike are just. not close. even after everything they’ve been through together, we never see them have storylines together and other than that one line about nancy’s vecna vision showing her mike, they just. never really feel like they’re close to me. mike has never gotten the kind of support and closeness from nancy that will gets from jonathan, or lucas gets from erica, or dustin gets from steve (since he’s an only child) and while both of them have their own shit going on, i just don’t think mike sees nancy as someone he can go to. she got in early decision to college, she runs the school newspaper, she’s always been ambitious and driven and decisive on her future which are exactly the things mike is struggling with— fitting in, finding his place, etc etc. nancy had that whole thing in s1 and 2 with murray about who people expect her to be (dating steve) vs who she wants to be (dating jonathan) and then she got past that hurdle and mike is. well. he’s not quite there yet. but the bottom line is that for mike and what he’s dealing with rn, i think robin is a lot more relatable and approachable than nancy is, because she’s also navigating complex identity (and sexuality) issues, she doesn’t have all her shit sorted out (at least from mike’s pov bc nancy is only 18 and doesn’t know everything etc etc) but. i just think that out of the older teens, if mike needed to talk to someone, then robin would be able to relate to him more and be infinitely more approachable. also maybe this is just me projecting but i think that mike would rly gravitate towards robin’s style and stuff, especially from her pseudo-alt era from s3 with the rings and the eyeliner and the bracelets and stuff!! i loved her look in s4 too but idk something abt s3 robin is so <3 to me. yeah. definitely projecting.
5. maybe this is a bit of an unpopular opinion but the robin is a lesbian yoda trope is not my most favorite. like, i really don’t think that just because she’s older and she’s the only one to actually come out on screen and have a queer storyline that she knows anything and everything there is to know about queer dynamics! she’s a 17/18 year old lesbian in the 80s in the middle of indiana and just thinking about her talk with steve in the car makes me so sad because she’s aware that asking out the wrong girl could be catastrophic for her :( i think she’s also uncertain about a lot of things pertaining to her sexuality and i think there’s a difference between robin as a mentor figure being like, “hey, it’s totally okay to be gay and not have everything figured out, but know you’re not a mistake and you’re not alone because i’m like you” vs “here are 100 terms for queer people and the names of every sexuality under the sun because i know Everything,” and genuinely and honestly, i think mike just needs someone to tell him that first thing: that he’s only fourteen (almost 15 at the end of s4) and he literally does not need to know everything about himself or his feelings or who he is but just that he isn’t alone and it’s important that he doesn’t try to suppress that part of himself for the sake of appearances. idk my thoughts on this are very personal and i could make a whole other post (or write another 37k words on this) but! i just think that if robin got to know mike a little more she would see a lot of herself in him
um. that’s all off the top of my head but this already became one million times longer than i was expecting and i’m certain i have more thoughts on these two so i might make a second post later! thanks for enabling me i hope this is somewhat coherent (?) Maybe.
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strxnged · 1 year
im guys im thinking about tanaka ryuunosuke. even though it's been more than a year since i watched the show. yes i promised id shut up but GIVE ME THIS AND THENNN ILL SHUT UP.
RELATIONSHIP(/p or /r) HEADCANONS part 4723947
tanaka, who is SO easy to read that there's never a second with him where you think he must be lying about something.
tanaka, who is slightly obsessed with you and hears you out 95% of the time, the remaining 5% when he's distracted by his Brain because he has a very active one sometimes.
tanaka, who is down to fucking try shit. u want to force him to wear makeup? he's sitting patiently on a chair in the bathroom. you want to go explore a nearby town you've never been to before? "holy shit, let me just check with boss about practice times, and then we'll go anyways"
tanaka, who tries very hard to read your book/webtoon recommendations. his responses are always a little different than you expected — he'll notice the tiny shit about intricate character details but then get the plot muddled, and of course make fun of the dramatic stories ruthlessly (while enjoying them just as ruthlessly)
tanaka, who enlists you to help him practice because he wants to get Better for the Team. BUT HE IS SO SHY TO ASK YOU AT FIRST. he doesn't want to scare you away. then again, you are dating the best wing spiker in the miyagi prefecture, so, he thinks, you shouldn't be surprised by his request.
tanaka, who listens to like the same 6 artists and always has his entire life. definitely a j-rock king with an upbeat solo female artist thrown in there from saeko.
tanaka, whose sister becomes your second best friend. hanging out with tanaka at his house almost always involves her. she also almost gets you signed up to her taiko drum group until tanaka Warns you of the Shenanigans
tanaka, who will always, always offer you a smile when you need it. he might tease you, but at the end of the day knows you need his support, and he's more than happy to give it to you at any hour.
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bomnun · 1 year
dumping a lot of annoying thoughts abt hui and ptg right now
it seems like the only thing i can predict correctly are music show wins, which, to be fair is just math and rigging patterns, but im going to do some serious handwaving and guesswork again becausei cant let things go so
according to shinwon, everyone’s decisions right now, “hoetaek hyung too and jinho hyung too” were made because they love pentagon so much. (from about 1:09 in this video translation by twitter user taeksite covers most of what this guess is based on. this is also related to the jinhui instagram thing btw). nothing about individual desires or wants for oneself (which would be fine, mind you), unlike yujin from clc who said gp999 was her last shot at performing on stage because clc had been formally dismissed, since people keep saying the situations are equivalent. not to mention the fact that hui spent his entire enlistment period accompanying pentagon to various schedules and practice, and constantly wrote about wanting to meet universe again. (and i really don’t believe this to just be “”fanservice””, or whatever, if outsiders want to interpret it as that. there was no need for him or pressure on him to accompany the members everywhere and write letters like that.)
hui’s competition profile states pentagon’s “just do it yo!!” is his favorite song; the song he and shinwon wrote together which is titled after shinwon’s/pentagon’s catchphrase, about their many struggles predebut and still then in 2018 when it was released (english translation). (as non-universe discovered two days ago, it was the first pentagon bside to be streamed to #1 on bugs for pentagon’s fifth anniversary celebration project). further implying that this is something done for the group. his purpose on the show being “rather than rank, it’s about proving” also implies that the main purpose of this might not be redebuting, but once again proving to cube (🙄) they’re worth giving the bare minimum support. that said, i definitely think supporting hui as much on the show as possible is the right idea, since we have no idea at what point they’ll have considered him to have “proven” himself. unless people are told to not vote for him, at this rate he could be #1 in the debut team...(and is that something we’re supposed to try to achieve or not?)
pentagon were initially supposed to have a comeback instead of this. in august, kino and jinho apparently stated that the comeback period had been decided. in september-october, there were many pictures and stories of members recording or being in the studio. there were even press articles (based on information given by companies) that pentagon would be coming back in the second half of 2022. i believe (once again just guessing) that changgu’s ‘pop rocks’ asmr video and kino’s appearance as ‘heavy metal’ on masked singer were both pre-comeback promotion and concept spoilers. (..two very different genres, but, in kpop theyd both just be considered ‘rock’ anyway). in october it went as far as another idol, kwon eunbi, wishing pentagon luck on their upcoming album. at the end of hui’s post-enlistment vlive, he tells us to look forward to pentagon’s comeback. (currenly unable to find a video or link of this as the keywords are so common)
i’ve previously stated that the timeline is very confusing. the boys planet 999 application period ended in august, and the final lineup was decided “mid-november”. hui’s military discharge was november 18th. it appears that he was specifically added without auditioning, within days after returning from the military, which, obviously, makes me wonder why. here’s where the serious guessing that could be very wrong comes in. i’ve already presented that his purpose is “rather than rank, it’s about proof”, and that when shinwon discussed the recent events, he did not once use phrases like “hui wanted” or “the members wanted” in relation to any of this. it’s about “choosing, for the sake of pentagon”; possibly that cube has specifically demanded this. cube has a track record of always doing mnet’s bidding, sending contestants to almost every season of their survival shows, and doing nothing about chowon getting rigged out of izone, for example. btob were invited to kingdom and seem to have not been 100% sure about participating (?).  monsta x declined their invitation to join, and after that, starship entertainment artists were no longer allowed to promote on mcountdown or similar mnet activities for a year, and it’s suspected these things are related. so, my guess is, mnet were aware gp999 underperformed and kepler aren’t getting the massive results produce groups got; the novelty of the revamped show and the lower public interest in boy groups won’t help them get numbers, and yujin’s arc last year did pull in a lot of viewers, so they tried to create a scenario that’s even more extreme. cube always does what they’re asked of mnet anyway, and it’s not like they put any effort into pentagon, as they’re always holding back their music and keeping their releases sparse when they have thousands of unreleased songs ready to go. (not an exaggerated figure. kino recently said he has 300 unreleased songs and he’s just one member.)
based on shinwon’s words (and how people describe hui’s audition videos. both fans and non-fans. i personally haven’t felt able to watch and analyze yet.) it does not seem like it’s something hui as an individual really wanted to do, and more like something he was talked into doing. he seems to have no interest in leaving the group currently, nor does it seem to be happening, as he’s still in their seasons greetings, performs with them on awards shows and festivals (during the boys planet 999 training camp...lol) and on the 28th he released a demo together with wooseok calling himself captain of five senses, captain being what pentagon members occasionally call him instead of leader and five senses beiong their second mini album. he appears in the new years’ greetings they just released, saying the time spent together with universe in 2022 was too short, and he hopes there will be more of it in 2023. i’m still wondering how hard cube pushed this and if mnet specifically asked for hui (why though) or any pentagon member would’ve done and hui said he’d do it. i’m also entertaining the possibility that he chose to be the one participating because, regardless of whether 100k+ sales per album, #1 on digital (gaon/circle/bugs/genie/itunes) and physical (gaon/circle/oricon), sold out concerts and merch, famous songs are considered “enough” in today’s kpop industry hui is the most famous and recognized out of them, and him in there makes it look completely absurd.
(absolutely just opinions in this paragraph)
i still think this treatment is absolutely disgusting. if cube is so done with them, why can’t they just let them sit out their contracts instead of humiliating them like this when they don’t appear to want it? but then, i guess idle would lose their mama privileges they don’t even want next year, so it’s not worth the risk to them xx or they want to keep hui longer while the rest make it out somehow... i assume theyve been told theyll be given a comeback if hui proves whatever cube wnats proof of.
there’s more to be said about all of this, and, as you may be able to tell, i’m spiralling a litle. it’s mostly speculation. feel free to tell me what you think is going on!
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