#im in an angsty mood
woahjo · 2 months
tw: HEAVY angst with NOTHING TO CONSOLE, major character death, grief, partner loss
they say the world doesn't end when you lose someone. that's what everyone told you at least, what you'd heard countless times in the media. "they are gone, but we must move forward. it's what they would want." but for you, the world did end. when you lost katsuki, the world shut its doors on you forever. that's what it felt like— feels like.
it's too much to wrap your head around. he was here one moment, in your living room, and the next, he's nowhere. gone somewhere that you cannot follow.
when katsuki died, you felt it before you even got the call. hours before, you'd woken up in the middle of the night. the bed next to you was still empty and though it wasn't unusual for katsuki to be out all night on a mission, you just knew. this sense of dread and longing washed over you, a feeling you couldn't swallow even if you tried, and you'd set your head back down on the pillow as nausea caused your mouth to fill with saliva you could not swallow. the phone call came a few hours later, just before the sun rose and you knew before you'd even picked it up.
"_____..." izuku's voice, stuffy and exhausted.
"is he dead?"
izuku choked on the other end and then, "yes."
"where is he?"
"the agency morgue," izuku said. "by the time we found him-"
"i'm so sorry."
the phone call was short and you recall this strangely detached feeling as he told you. it was almost as if you'd completely disconnected from yourself, lingering in the back of your head rather than at the front where you usually reside. that feeling has stuck. even now, you get the sense you're only spectating, living somewhere in the back of your mind where katsuki still exists.
izuku met you at the door of the agency, completely covered in blood that didn't belong to him. his eyes were completely blank and then, his eyebrows pulled up in a twisted expression. it had been so distorted that you hardly even recognized him, but you clamored towards him nonetheless. by the time you reached him, your legs had given out and you collapsed in a fit of aching sobs as he half-carried you into the building where you could escape the cameras. there's been no reprieve from the ache since.
your friends try to help, most of all the ones closest to katsuki. the ones who have an idea of the loss that you cannot overcome. it's for nothing though. all of the flowers, the condolences, the memorials and gifts and nights in and meals brought to your door. the cards, the money, the time well-spent, and the hours of trying to keep you from falling apart completely. none of the quiet mentions of him, the well-meaning check-ins, the little things he used to own that are passed onto you— none of it eases the tremendous feeling of an endless ache.
no, the world doesn't end when someone dies, but yours did. you think you probably figured out when you found the ring he'd bought for you, tucked away in the back of his sock drawer. there'd be no wedding, no bells, no children, no future. all of it had been cut short and like the remaining end of a cut string, you feel like you're just being pulled along. no, not pulled along, falling. it's an endless fall.
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angelcactus · 2 years
It's 5 in the morning and I wanna cause pain :)
David holding angel as they die in his arms, their breath slowing and their eyes struggle to stay open. David is just rocking them, looking around for any healer or something ANYTHING to help them.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 11 months
First line for a fic I’m not going to write anytime soon: Khimhant Therrapanyakul always knew he would die young.
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hinamie · 2 months
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all i have left
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cheesecakethots · 1 year
i LIVE for the angst of a yandere initially being fucking awful to their darling after taking them, and overtime changing and becoming more loving, as well has having newfound and immense regret for what they’ve done. it is literally my fave yan scenario.
tw // pretty heavy angst, mentions of noncon
i specifically imagine it for shigaraki, going from being this disgusting manbaby who treats his darling like they’re nothing but a toy for him to use, only to later realise how much he loves them and mature in how he treats them, making his regret for the past even stronger.
him trying to coax his darling into coming out on a date with him - they can go anywhere, he doesn’t mind, darling has free reign to choose what they do. he tries to be so soft and quiet in his tone, as though not to startle them.
it’s only when tears start forming in their eyes and they mumble, “have i been bad?” that he realises how badly his past self fucked up.
the only other time he really took them out was when he’d decided they needed a punishment, and had made them stand and watch as he disintegrated the first group of people they saw out. he had then fucked them against the alleyway wall, bodies still around them both, just to really get the point across.
he wishes he could take back everything, but he can’t. as of now, he needs to take baby steps in order to bring you out of the very same hole he once caved into your mind.
(i love regretful yans urm send me some thots about them pretty please)
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faun-the-fawn77 · 4 months
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Lucifer Morningstar x F!Angel!Reader
Genre: fluff and angst
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: manipulation, gaslighting, fluff so sweet it'll hurt your teeth, ooc(?) Lucifer, reader hates Lilith, Lilith is a bitch, and so is Michael
Part Two
Desc: When Lucifer Fell, it wasn't because of his ideals or that he "fell in love" with Lilith OR that he tempted Eve with the Apple. Lilith was poison from the start and manipulated him into giving Eve the apple. He was devoted to one person in creation and that was his wife, Y/N. He was devastated when he Fell and when Lilith told him that Y/N couldn't love him anymore? That broke him. After years of no contact with Heaven, Lucifer let his daughter, Charlie, attend one of the meetings with Heaven for him. What Charlie didn't expect was for her fathers ex(?)lover to be there with Adam and Lute. Or that Charlie would learn more about her mother. She made sure her father would get back in contact with his long lost love. Lucifer got a phone call that night from someone... in Heaven? Now who could that be?
Note: Sorry for the long description but like- I need you guys to have context for my stories, especially song fics. I want to jump right into the music and writing so you guys will be getting extended summaries. Hope you stick around!
Another note: Poll at bottom once ur done reading! be sure to read the note at the end:)
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Honey, why you calling me so late?
It’s kinda hard to talk right now
Honey, why you crying, is everything okay?
I gotta whisper ‘cause I can’t be too loud
The abrupt sound of “Highway To Hell” By AC/DC ringing out into the night is what woke the Devil from his slumber. He patted around the black wooden night stand for the loud contraption. His bleary eyes wincing at the brightness of the screen, he saw that the beginning of the number starts with (444). Squinting his eyes, he ran a clawed hand through his bed head and sat up. Glancing back at Lilith and then at the number from Heaven, he sighed and slipped his robe on, stumbling out the door and into his study. 
“What in the unholy Hell is someone from Heaven calling me for…” He hesitated for a second before swiping up and answering the call. 
There was no sound on the other end for a while before Lucifer growled and gripped his phone tighter, “If this is some kinda prank then I won’t hesitate to-” 
Lucifer held his breath. His mind raced a mile a minute once that voice came through the line. He closed his eyes shut to prevent the onslaught of tears to fall from his red eyes.
“Luci…please.” His breathing picked up. This wasn’t real. Some fucked up motherfucker was playing some sorta sick prank on him. There’s no way his wi- Ex…wife was calling him. Him! He went to hang up, thumb hovering over the red button when that gentle voice came through again, “Luci, it’s really me. Please don’t go…”
Lucifer bit his lip. He let out a shaky breath and brought the phone to his pointed ear. The sound of her labored breathing could be heard, like she was trying to not cry. 
“Y/N/N? Is…is this really you?” Sniffles were heard from the other end before soft laughter followed. Lucifer fell down into the loveseat near the window in his study. 
“Yes Luci, it’s really me.” The sound of his wife’s voice made Lucifer melt into the loveseat. It’s been eons since he’s heard her voice… and now he wants nothing more than to see her. To feel her. Hug her. Do everything with her.
“Honey, why’re you calling so late? Can’t you see the stars right now?” A sound came from Lucifer and Lilith’s shared room which caused the little Devil to silence himself before speaking again in a whisper, “It’s kinda hard to talk right now. Sorry, honey.”
It was quiet for a few seconds before whimpers and sniffles sounded on the other end. Y/N was crying. His darling wife was upset. 
Not knowing what to do at that point of time, Lucifer shushed her gently, “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m right here. Is everything okay, honey? Why’re you crying?” Lucifer clutched his phone tightly. His eyes watered up at the thought of not being able to hold onto her. 
“I miss you, Luci. I miss you so much!” Her voice echoed in the study room. Lucifer pulled his phone away to listen, in case Lilith woke up from the noise. He put his phone back to his ear with a smile.
“I miss you too, darling. I’m sorry for being so quiet. I gotta whisper ‘cause I can’t be too loud at the moment.” Y/N hummed and he could hear the smile on her lips.
“Is it because of Charlie? Oh she is such a sweetie! Her and I-”
“Charlie? You met- How’d you meet Charlie?” Lucifer couldn’t fathom how his sweet apple met with his angelic wife. Y/N couldn't leave Heaven. After he Fell, he had heard from Adam that they kept Y/N on a tight leash to make sure she wouldn’t follow after him. 
“Oh! Said she had a meeting with Heaven! Said she and her wonderful girlfriend were sent by you to represent you!” That’s when it clicked. He had that phone call from Charlie a while back about wanting to go to Heaven to talk about her hotel to the higher-ups. Lucifer got her into Heaven that day. What he didn’t realise is that Charlie had a chance at meeting his wife. Or was she considered his ex? They never officially divorced and he and Lilith never married…
“Her idea is brilliant by the way,” Y/N whispered softly. This caught him by surprise. Surprise because he thought that his brother, Michael, would’ve brain washed her into thinking he was the bad guy. That he was evil incarnate.
“You…support it? Her dream?” Lucifer felt like shit. All this time, after hearing nonstop from his daughter about her hotel and plan, it took him getting a call from his wife to make him realize how shitty of a father he was. 
“I do.”
And that struck him in the heart. It was her first encounter with Charlie and she already supported her. Lucifer held a breath and released it after a few seconds. 
Well, my girl’s in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really move on
It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words, it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But, girl, you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
“It’s not because of Charlie…is it.” Lucifer perked up. 
“The reason you have to be quiet.” Lucifer stilled. 
Lucifer couldn’t speak. The tone of voice Y/N had made him shiver. She sounded…numb. Empty. He knew then that she was referring to Lilith.
“She’s in the next room. She doesn’t know…” Lucifer couldn’t finish. He already hated this topic. Lilith was what caused this. Lucifer took a breath and whispered out, “I wish she was you, Y/N.”
He never moved on from Y/N. She was his everything. She will always be his one and only. His light. His angel. 
It was silent. Too silent. Lucifer chewed on his bottom lip with anxiousness. He knew when Y/N was upset and right now? Very upset. He remembered the first argument they had. Lucifer went down to the garden to welcome the two new humans his Father created. Adam was awed while Lilith had indifference. That intrigued Lucifer. Lucifer would talk to Adam about the stars while Lilith went off on her own to do whatever it is she does. One day, Lucifer followed after her. He found her in a flowering clearing with a pond. She was knelt next to it. Lucifer walked up to her and noticed that she was ripping the petals off the most beautiful of flowers.
“And why damage something with life that grew so beautifully?” Lilith looked up at the archangel and smirked. That should’ve been his first sign.
“They aren’t as beautiful as me though, right?” Lucifer hesitated before shaking his head. That should’ve been the second.
“No! You are… very pretty.” Lucifer didn’t want to get on this human’s bad side, “but that is no reason to rip off the petals. Envy is a sin.”
Lilith cackled at the last quip. If Lucifer had caught it, he would’ve realised that she was evil incarnate, not him. 
When Lucifer returned to Heaven after visiting the humans, he bumped into his wife at the Golden Gates. Her arms were crossed and her rosy lips were set into frown. 
“What’s wrong, my star?” Lucifer reached out only for Y/N to swat away the appendage. She glared at him and in a high pitched voice, mimicked Lilith, “They aren’t as beautiful as me though, right?”
Lucifer paled. He didn’t know she followed him down that day. He knew he was in the wrong. He should’ve stopped Lilith’s flirting. He should’ve stopped when he noticed how Lilith looked at him.
“Honey, I-”
“Save it. You should’ve known better, Lucifer. Women, even angelic ones like myself, are good at getting what we want.” Y/N walked off, back to their house. Lucifer felt terrible. He did know that. The angelic females in Heaven knew what they wanted and always got what they wanted, though what they wanted ranged from the sweetest things like new constellations or a new animal to be sent down to Earth that was of their own creation. 
“Lucifer, I di-”
“It’s really good to hear your voice, sweetheart. I can’t get enough of you saying my name again, even if we’re on a topic that upsets you,” Lucifer admitted. He could hear his wife choke a bit before giggling. 
“Oh yeah?”
Lucifer smirked, “Oh yes. Especially since they’re coming from the lips of a beautiful angel.”
He could hear her stuttering on the other end. He was proud of himself that he still had that effect on her. He was always the charismatic one. She was always the kind one. 
“I bet, Luci, that you’re still just as handsome as when you were here.” Lucifer felt his already reddened cheeks heat up more. Since when did his cute, shy, and sweet wife have this side to her?
“Hells, hearing you say that really makes me weak in the knees, sweetheart,” Lucifer groaned. His heart was beating faster and he felt his hands get clammy. He wanted her badly. 
Bed squeaking could be heard in the next room over which caused Lucifer to shut up. He waited with bated breath for the sound of footsteps but none ever came. He released the breath he was holding, running his claws through his tousled blonde hair. 
“I never wanna say goodbye, Luci,” Y/N’s voice sounded suddenly. Lucifer smiled. He never wanted this phone call to end either. He knew that next time there was a meeting with Heaven, he was going. 
It’s funny that you’re calling me tonight
And, yes, I’ve dreamt of you too
And does he know you’re talking to me?
Will it start a fight?
No, I don’t think she has a clue
Lucifer chuckled to himself. Something in himself thinks this is all a dream. That it’s not real. I mean, talking to his wife? He feels like he’s walking on clouds again.
“What’s so funny, mister?” And Hells, he’d never tire of her voice. 
“It’s just funny to me that I got a phone call from you of all angels. That you actually called after everything that happened…” Lucifer leaned back in the seat. His eyes shut and he rested his free hand over his eyes.
“Luci, I never believed Michael’s lies.” Lucifer sat up. His grip tightened on the black hellphone. 
“Never..? But I was told…”
“Whatever you were told was a lie. Lilith is a lying, manipulating bitch. When I saw her in the Garden with you I almost lost my cool. Do you know why she was so flirty? It’s because she saw me and wanted to piss me off. It worked, I’ll give her that.” Lucifer was stunned. Lilith knew? Y/N knew? Then why…
“I never told you because I wanted you to figure it out. I wanted you to realise how toxic she was. That she was using you to get to me. She knew you were the angel everyone talked about and wanted. And she wanted what others couldn’t have.” Lucifer felt that flicker of anger in his heart burst forth. His horns grew and his tail swished around angrily. His breathing was heavy. He wanted to storm into his bedroom and rid that piece of filth from existence!
“Luci! Don’t do anything yet…I have a plan.”
Lucifer settled down and sat back in the loveseat. He used his tail to hold the phone to his ear and clenched his fists to hold back the anger.
“What plan?”
“I can’t say right now… someone is listening.” Her voice lowered at the end. Lucifer understood that she was being watched so he kept his cool and changed topics. 
“You know…I’ve been dreaming of you. Every night since I fell.” Lucifer looked out the window of his study to see the blood red sky. The sight of Heaven made him sad. He wanted so badly to be up there with her once again.
“I’ve dreamt of you too, my light bringer.” Her voice was sweet. It was like honey and vanilla. Lucifer smiled. He could listen to her talk all day. Did he say that twice? Oh well, he was whipped.
“Does he… does Michael know you’re talking to me right now?” Lucifer almost regretted that question. 
“No, he doesn’t. He will when my plan goes through, though.” Lucifer smirked. He couldn’t wait to hear what his brother does when he learns that Y/N was talking to the Devil. He could already picture the steam blowing out his ears.
“And you’re positive that that witch doesn’t know that you are talking to me right now?” Lucifer chuckled at his wife’s bitterness at the mere mention of Lilith. 
“No, she doesn’t. She’s honestly a heavy sleeper.” Y/N hummed. That bit of info made her plan easier. 
“I want to talk more about Charlie! She’s just so sweet and she reminds me so much of you, hon.” Lucifer leaned forward in his seat and both started talking about the sweet creature that was Charlie Morningstar.
Well, my girl’s in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words, it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But, girl, you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
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That was my first attempt at writing Lucifer and i might have made him a bit to sweet? idk i personally think he'd be supper sweet to wife reader after everything that happened.
also: if you want a part two... VOTE! I wanna expand on this universe a bit so I'll need to find songs to match. Music is my love so almost all my fics will involve music someway or another:)
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alicornze7 · 29 days
returning to my roots
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a lil' cute and wholesome ribbun drawing...
...or is it?
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inuyassa · 2 years
How the Monster Trio would React to You Sacrificing Yourself for Them in Battle
Ft. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
Fem!Reader (she/her)
Warnings: Implied Injury, Violence, Slight Gore
Hurt/No Comfort
Angst/No Comfort
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Luffy dropped to his knees, his latest use of Second Gear left his skin burning and his heart racing.  His opponent showed no signs of slowing down, and for the first time in the long duel, Luffy couldn’t see himself lasting much longer.  The villain charged, sword at the ready, the blade aimed for the young captain's chest, the x-shaped scar acting as his target.  Luffy closed his eyes and felt hot tears burning in his eyes…the sickening sound of the blade piercing flesh echoed in his ears, but he felt nothing.  
He opened his eyes, the horror of the situation finally setting in.  Y/n stood in front of him, her arms outstretched, protecting her captain.  The blade was plunged deep into her chest and protruding out her back.  She glared at the man before her, her brow furrowed.  “Stay away from…him.”  
Luffy felt his breath catch in his throat, his whole body shook in fear.  “No…” he breathed.  The sword was crudely pulled from y/n’s chest, causing her to fall backwards.  Luffy lunged forward to catch her, her face contorted in pain, blood running from the corner of her mouth.  “Y/n, hey, y/n!”  
She opened her eyes, looking up at him, tears in her eyes.  “Hey captain,” she choked. “Sorry, I guess I was a little hasty in my decision making.”  She began to cough, hot blood staining Luffy’s vest.  Rage filled his chest, he gently laid her down and stood up, his eyes dark and hollow.  With a second wind, he used all his power to take out the man before him, the one that hurt his crewmate…
Y/n watched with cloudy vision as the Straw Hat Captain decimated the warrior.  He walked slowly back to her and lifted her limp body into his arms, holding her close.  She felt warm against his skin, she smiled, maybe only in her mind, but she smiled.  “Promise me,” she breathed.  “Promise me that you’ll keep going…you have…to become king…”
Y/n lifted her hand to caress his face.  “No,” he said.  “You have to come with me y/n, you have to be there when we find the One Piece…”
At this point, the rest of the crew was there, each of them holding their breath.  Chopper rushed to the scene, trying to assess the situation.  “She's fading fast,” he said.  “We don’t have a lot of time Luffy, we have to treat her.”
“It’s okay Chopper,” y/n said, turning her head weakly towards the doctor.  “I know I don’t have much time left.  If you don’t mind…I’d like to spend it…with Luffy.”
Chopper nodded, tears of his own now began to pour.  He ran to Zoro who knelt down to comfort his tiny friend, the rest of the crew watching in heartbreaking horror as their crewmate spent her last moments in the arms of young Luffy…his guttural wails filling the still, evening air.
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“Dammit,” Zoro gripped his side, hot blood covering his hand.  He couldn’t keep this up much longer.  He drew his third sword, gripping it tightly in his mouth.  “Let’s go,” he growled.  Charging the onslaught of marines. Zoro used his deadly three-sword style to take out a small cluster, but another one was fast to take over.  “Shit,” this whole thing was getting out of hand.  That’s when y/n came running up behind him.  
“Mosshead!” She yelled, her staff at the ready.  “You looked like you could use some help.”
Zoro smirked.  “I have it covered,” he was trying not to make it too obvious that he was relieved to see her.  She nodded and went to work.  The marines seemed more determined than ever, and this fight was draining the two of them.  Zoro found himself pinned to the ground under the foot of a powerful commander.  “Do you have any last words swordsman,” the marine sneered as he aimed his pistol at Zoro’s face.  
“Do you?” Y/n’s voice came from behind him, burying her knife into the mans back.  The marine yelled out in pain before turning around.  Y/n knocked his pistol from his hand and he retaliated by reaching for her neck and lifting her off the ground.  She kicked her feet and clawed at his arm.  He pulled a knife from his belt and plunged it into her gut.  She let out a pained gag before going limp in his grip.  
Zoro’s blood ran cold, he watched in horror as y/n’s body hit the ground.  He felt his whole body shaking as he reached for his sword.  Placing it in his mouth, he summoned the power of his Demon Sword Style.  He decapitated the man, ad took a few more limbs for good measure. The bloody corpse hit the ground and Zoro kicked it away.  At that moment, the seriousness of his own injuries hit him and he fell to his hands and knees.  With blurry vision, he crawled to where y/n’s body lay.  He painfully rolled her over before scooping her up into his arms.  “Hey,” he croaked.  “Hey, hey look at me.  Y/n, look at me.” He held her face in his hand and gently shook her body.  “You can’t do this to me…you can’t leave me like this!  Come on, I already suck with directions, you know that… please don’t go where I can’t follow…”
Y/n laid lifeless in his arms.  Her skin was cold and covered in warm blood.  
He pressed a shaking kiss to her forward, tears falling on her face.  “Come back…please come back…”
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“Sanji behind you!” Y/n screamed as she ran towards the distracted cook.  He was busy fighting off one attacker that he didn’t see the gunman taking aim behind him.  She charged towards him, jumping in the path of the speeding bullet.  It hit her chest with a sickening thud and she fell to the ground, rolling a few more feet before coming to a stop against a large rock.  Sanji felt time stand still as he turned and saw the love of his life get thrown to the ground.  “Y/N!!!!” He screamed, racing towards her.  Zoro heard him yell and looked over.  “Shit,” he breathed.  He made his way towards them.  “I’ll cover you,” Zoro yelled.  “Get to her!” 
Sanji nodded and ran down the short embankment where y/n lay, writhing in pain and gasping for air.  Sanji knelt down, his hands hovering over her in a panic, not sure what to do.  When she started coughing up blood, he sat her up, holding her against him.  She gripped at his suit jacket, trying to ground herself.  “Sanji…” she wheezed.  “Are you okay?”
Sanji forced a laugh, even in her state she was still worried about him.  “I’m fine, my love, but you shouldn’t talk.  You need to save your strength till we can get you back to the Sunny.”
Y/n shook her head.  “Sanji, I’m not making it back to the Sunny…not alive anyway..." Another coughing fit overtook her, warm blood pouring from her mouth. She gagged on the metallic taste.
Sanji grabbed her hand.  “Don’t say that y/n, you just need to catch you breath and then we’ll get you home okay?  Just stay with me, okay, stay with me.”
Y/n caressed his face with her hand, she could feel her consciousness fading fast.  “I love you Sanji…and I’m sorry…”
Moments later, the crew watched as Sanji walked back to the Sunny carrying the limp body of their friend in his arms, his jacket draped over her face…
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darlingsart · 2 months
I had an itch to draw Achilles and the little fucked up hair cut I think he gave himself when Patroclus died. He’s not having a great time
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kimodraw · 21 days
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ricstar (and friends) stuff
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nestavadavat · 1 year
The look on Dutch's face when Hosea is shot is so devasted. His voice is ruined. It's such a huge turning point.
I know for a fact someone else has mentioned this but Dutch didn't want to do the bank job. Imagine how he felt knowing he'd been proven right. Imagine how he felt knowing that his one closest friend, lover, wanted to do this so bad and wanted to fix everything and fucking got shot for it.
Imagine how Hosea fell in those last few seconds when he can hear Dutch pleading to have him return and he suddenly thinks that Dutch was right and there's nothing he could do because he's been shot
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mrsmiagreer · 10 months
Honestly Geordi being so mature about how everything was handled and admitting that he had fault in it all and just continuing to talk to cutie like normal is just making me feel bad because i’m not confrontational like at all and it would’ve just made me feel unworthy and lucky to know that he even still wants to continue our relationship when i KNOW there’s someone out there who would kill to have someone like him and treat him right
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babygirlwolverine · 1 year
thinking about the first time cas sensed longing. how the only person who could’ve introduced that feeling to cas would’ve been dean.
dean… alone at night… pining for cas. yearning for cas. longing to reach out but not wanting to pray to him.
and it’s a new sensation. a new emotion that cas doesn’t understand. puzzles over it as he flies to dean and lingers in the shadows because they aren’t on speaking terms. yet this feeling is pouring off of dean in waves. something cas ponders and turns over and over as this desperation washes through their bond.
when cas finally connects the dots, finally recognizes and understands what dean feels is longing… it’s enough to completely shatter and reform their relationship. dean is longing for cas…. and cas aches for dean too
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wolffdeservedbetter · 11 months
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baeshijima · 7 months
soulmate "we would find each other in every lifetime" au, but whenever you find each other there is always just a slight mistiming.
in some instances you meet mere moments before disaster strikes. in others you are forced to be enemies due to untimely misunderstandings. sometimes you only catch a glimpse of the other in passing before they disappear as though they never existed. there would be the odd occasion where only one of you recognised the other, with them not knowing who you are or of the history which haunts your conscience.
and then there would be times you find yourself desperately holding the other, the tears which burn tracks down your cheeks being the only source of warmth on their cold skin.
despite the unnerving predictability fate has in store for you, you both cannot help but to hope that maybe — just maybe — this next lifetime will be kinder to you both; kinder in a way that your souls are not torn apart before they can even meld together.
(though such sentiment never comes true, it doesn't stop the feeble hope from burning aflame when you cross paths every lifetime. repeatedly, incessantly, and without fail.)
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nekoning · 1 year
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too late to protect | after the land of the tender
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