#im not sure how to tag this just in case it upsets a friend please lemme know if i need to add any specific tags!!
luvscr · 2 years
price, ghost and alejandro reacting to m!reader's sh scars (hcs)
cw/tags: depression, sh, scars, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff fluff fluff, probably ooc characters but idc🫶
apologies for any grammatical erros!
long ass note:
so i got this request which i won't be showing in case it might trigger someone nor will i tag the person who requested this bc im not sure if he would be comfortable with it. i've never written about sh hurt comfort before, simply because i didn't feel like i could do justice for the comfort part but i tried my best and tried to make it not so triggering. your media consumption is your own responsibility, please proceed carefully and do not read if you're not in the right mindset. if you're struggling, i know it's hard but please reach out to a loved one or even me. you're not alone, you matter.
it was purely on accident that he saw your scars. he wouldn't mention it to you but he would ask around, people you interact with if they've heard or seen anything. when they asked questions he would simply shut them down or use his rank and pull the "classified information" card. he wouldn't really know what to do, given he's your superior so it was kind of his responsibility, so he got in touch with kate to help him find a therapist. his first instinct is to get professional help if needed. he would invite you to his office so it's just the two of you and make you comfortable, even make you a cup of tea. he would approach the topic carefully and wouldn't force you to tell anything you didn't want to, reassure you that he's not upset, he just wants to help. if you refuse to get a therapist it's okay, he completely understands and will offer you to talk to him instead. he may come off as stern sometimes but it's just because he genuinely cares so much about you and is worried constantly, no matter how old the scars are. he would try to think of alternatives for you to put that energy into if you still struggle and would be there anytime to comfort you. he kinda acts like a dad (like w everyone bruh)
oh sweet lord this man. he kind of had a feeling when he noticed that even in the hottest weather you only wore long sleeved clothes. he would notice them when your sleeve and the somewhat shorts you had on accidentally rolled up. you just ignored his eyes burning holes through you, given it was normal for him to just stare menacingly at anyone. (not on purpose tho he just looks mean by default) i wouldn't say it would trigger him, but it would definitely stir up some unpleasant feelings inside of him because of his past. he knows exactly how you feel and wants to help you, no matter if you're a friend or just some rando at the base. just like price he would approach the subject carefully, knowing well how hard it is to reach out for help and how it's even harder to open up and actually talk about it. he isn't the best at comforting but he's is a damn good listener and he'll let you know that if you need him don't hesitate to talk to him even if it feels useless. will crack those stupid jokes of his to make you feel better lol tbh i feel like he would be the best kind of person to open up to because he relates so much, he completely understands the feeling of being ashamed of self-destructive activities and would be the sweetest during a relapse. would caress gently the older scars on your body if you allow him to :(<3
he strikes me as a very straightforward person bc of the graves scene. my dude just straight up told the cabrón to stfu (as he should!!) so based on this i think as soon as he sees he's all up in your business. of course not with the intention to make you uncomfortable but he just wants to make sure you're okay and is absolutely willing to help whether it's finding a therapist or just giving a shoulder to lean on. he values every single person in his life and would literally do anything for them and obviously you're no exception. ngl it would be kind of uncomfortable and awkward as you're not used to so much attention especially surrounding your mental health, but he just wants to do good and he's willing to do anything to help and i mean anything. you need a break from work? done. a hug? you don't even have to ask. he will do everything for you if you feel too drained to do even basic things such as cooking meals, helping you shower if you're comfortable with that and etc. basically becomes a househusband for you!
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Hi, I'm the same anon who was 8 weeks on t. About to 10 now. And im also the artist who ran the angel Instagram.
Wish I could show my face but, with my current situation, I am unable to nor do I wish to be hounded by vivs cult.
Running the angel Instagram, I felt like the other users, [mainly the one who ran val ] took their chance to bully me through that account.
Not oy that, but ideas I had for angels Instagram would be questioned while others who practically do as they wanted. Now I won't lie, maybe I had gotten carried away with ideas like the note of angel and husk arc where angel and husk were having a lil romance drama.
Or that I had gotten a friend outside of the project to run cheeri bomb. That I should have known better. I just wanted to share the same fun I was having with a friend.
But I want to clarify that I did get permission before having cherry added. I asked.
As for how I lost the angel account, ah, well blonde [the really jerky user who enjoyed the fact I was took scared to join call when she hoped on] asked for my pass and information on the account and when I was 'let go' , I found out I was other blocked or the account that belonged to angel dust was removed entirely. Greatly upset by this and I am unsure if I can ever get that back. As for the art of it, I'm sure I have it sent in my discord. I don't mind sharing what I have left of it for y'all to use as y'all please. Just be warned, it's old art and it probably doesn't hold up like it use to.
Alien anon 👽 [new tag so you know which anon is me. ]
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Hi, hello, first of all know that I'm completely starstruck and that I wish Angel Dust was your character and not Viv's. Also, your take on Huskerdust was lovely and remains to this day the only time I've ever really shipped those two.
Not surprised to hear Viv was terrible to you, slightly surprised to hear the other Instagram accounts were too. In both cases, you deserved better, and thank you for speaking out now.
(And yes, whatever art you want to share with us would be very welcome and appreciated. And by that I mean I'm gonna be on it like apples thrown into a pig pen.)
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bwabys-scenarios · 10 months
Fixer Upper
Part 26
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 25
part 27
warning: Kurapika spies on reader while she masturabates, non-consensual picture taking(just her face, but putting this just in case)
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @nenggie @wicked-binch @jamayah @themanicwriter01
If you’d like to be ADDED to the tawglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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The next few days passed by in a cold silence. Never had (Name)’s house felt so icy, so devoid of warmth. Each member of the household felt a chill in the air, not a single day passing by without the constant reminder that their typically kind and warm (Name) was holed up in her room, not talking to anyone.
“Do you think she’ll come out today?” Kurapika asked as he prepared breakfast. It was one of the only meals he knew how to cook after learning from (Name) during the Hunter Exam.
“If I had to look at your ugly face every day, I would stay up in my room too.”
Leorio glanced up from his newspaper. “That was pretty weak, Killua. You already have to see him every day.”
Killua sighed, Leorio was right. He had been struggling to come up with good insults lately. His spirits were down, and he missed his mom.
“… well, breakfast is ready.”
Kurapika had also been struggling to stay angry at the halfhearted taunts Killua sent his way. It was hard enough to wake up in the morning and get out of bed knowing the pain (Name) went through for him, because of him.
Soft footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, and for the first time in nearly a week, the three perked up. Alluka was out visiting a friend, there was only one other person it could be.
Killua jumped up, about to run towards her. That was until they all felt the temperature in the room go down a few degrees. At least, that’s what it felt like when they caught sight of her cold, neutral expression.
“Good morning.”
A good morning from (Name) had never felt so bad. She didn’t say anything further, simply pushing past Kurapika to make herself a bowl of cereal.
“I… I made breakfast,” Kurapika said in a soft voice. (Name) didn’t even look up from her bowl, taking a bite before walking out to sit at the farthest end of the kitchen table.
“I saw.”
An awkward silence filled the room, even Killua feeling sorry for Kurapika. (Name)’s anger didn’t burn as hot as the sun like Kurapika’s did. No, her anger was as cold as an unforgiving winter’s night. Ice might melt in the presence of flames, but even a scorching fire was no match for a blizzard.
“Are you… feeling okay?”
Leorio was the first to speak up, setting his newspaper aside to give (Name) a concerned look. She was silent for a moment longer.
“No, in all honesty, I’m not. I… don’t want to talk about it. We have more pressing matters.”
This seemed to catch the collective attention of the group. Kurapika and Killua took their seats at the table, eating breakfast as (Name) continued. “As some of you know, I have a fall celebration planned that I invited all of our friends to. It’s happening a little under two weeks, so I’ll need everyone to start getting preparations ready.”
Leorio nodded, taking out a pad of paper and a pen. “Alright, tell us what we need to do, sunshine.”
“First, the house needs to be cleaned, and I mean cleaned thoroughly.”
Killua glanced around the house, seeing it had deteriorated while (Name) was holed up in her room. “Yeah… it’ll need a thorough cleaning.”
Kurapika mostly stayed quiet, eating his breakfast as (Name) explained their plans. He didn’t want to upset her after everything.
(Name) sighed softly, finishing her cereal. “It’s going to be a tough two weeks, but it’ll… be worth it to have fun with everyone. I… haven’t spent the holiday season with all of my friends before.”
This made Kurapika frown. He had left York New two years ago right before the holiday season. (Name) had texted him before he ghosted her that she was extremely excited to spend Halloween, the fall season, and Christmas with him. He hadn’t even stopped to think about how she felt being alone during the holidays.
“Thankfully I’ve had Leorio, and then Killua and Gon last year. Otherwise… I would have been all alone.”
Kurapika flinched, shrinking into himself. He was the only one that hadn’t spent any sort of holiday besides Halloween with her, and he was determined to change that. “… I’m taking some time off of work and… my mission. I’ll be here for the party and Christmas.”
This shocked everyone, especially (Name). She finally looked at him for the first time that morning, her eyes a little wide. “Oh… that’s… that’s nice.”
The air seemed to go up a few degrees. It was still cold, but not as chilly as before. Everyone relaxed, Killua leaning against (Name)’s shoulder.
A few days passed with the group getting ready for their fall gathering. Leorio and Killua were on cleaning duty, while Kurapika, Alluka, and (Name) would be working on getting the grocery list and food preparation.
“Mama, mama!”
Nanika pulled at (Name)’s skirt, her smile wide. “Hmm? What is it sweetheart?”
She giggled, hiding her face in (Name)’s chest. “I’m excited! Want to bake cookies!”
(Name) scooped her up, balancing her on her hip as she pulled out some flour. “Mmm, I was planning on making cookies for our gathering, might as well practice, yeah?”
Nanika cheered, clapping as (Name) gathered all of the ingredients for their cookies. She glanced at a cab of peaches sitting in the corner of her cabinet, thinking back to Kurapika saying he would be staying for the holiday season, even taking a break from his mission to spend time with them.
‘… he’s trying, I’ll… I’ll make him some peach cobbler.’
Earlier that day, Kurapika had locked himself up in his room. (Name) had assumed he was either not feeling well or just tired from all the preparations they’d been making. He deserved a break, and she wanted to do something nice for him. Kurapika had been trying his best to be helpful, even if he often failed miserably.
(Name) made cookies with Nanika and worked on the peach cobbler. She sat the girl down with a few freshly baked cookies and a cup of milk, Killua sneaking a few before settling on the couch with his sister to watch a movie as (Name) finished up some baking.
Once the peach cobbler was done, (Name) waited for it to cool down to a warm temperature before placing some and a scoop of ice cream in a bowl. ‘He loves cobbler, Kurapika will be so happy!’
There was no light shining from underneath his door, and when she knocked there was no answer. ‘That’s… unusual. Is he not home? I didn’t see him leave.’
(Name) wasn’t the type to walk into Kurapika’s room unannounced(she didn’t want to embarrass him by catching masturbating or crying), but… she was a little worried. So, despite her hesitance, she opened the door and peeked in.
The blonde was kneeling by his nightstand, which had been turned into a makeshift altar. Candles, flowers, and a bowl of fruit decorated the small table, with the newest pairs of the scarlet eyes (Name) got sat in the center.
Kurapika had his eyes closed in prayer when she walked in. He looked up, anger flashing across his face. “Are you trying to be disrespectful? Today’s the only day I can feel connected… to my clan! Get out!”
She flinched when he yelled, setting the peach cobbler on his dresser. “S-sorry, I… I didn’t know this day was… sacred.”
(Name) closed the door, hurrying away as fast as she could.
Kurapika took a minute to calm down, looking up to see the peach cobbler (Name) brought him. In his anger, he hadn’t even thought to ask her why she walked in, or considered that there was no way she would know about a Kurta only holiday.
He grabbed the peach cobbler, his stomach sinking when he saw she had shaped it into a heart. She was trying to make things better, to treat him to his favorite dessert after not seeing him all day. Kurapika placed the peach cobbler on the altar, sighing softly.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at her…mom, that’s the girl I like. She’s been nothing but kind to me, and I don’t know how she puts up with me. I also think if she were here right now, she’d offer you something to eat. I hope you guys like it.”
He kneeled back down, brushed off his tabard and held his hands together in prayer.
It seemed like everything was going well. It was a few days before the celebration when Kurapika’s and Leorio’s phones beeped at the same time.
They had been taking a break, watching a movie while (Name) finished up cooking dinner. Leorio was the first to look at his phone, his shoulders slumping.
“Shit, this is the worst time for that…” Leorio mumbled, causing Kurapika to look at his phone too.
Chairwomen Cheadle: There will be a mandatory Zodiac meeting at 8 pm tonight. Apologies for the short notice, anyone out of town will be allowed to attend virtually. Anyone close by are asked to show up physically.
(Name) peeked into the living room when she heard the two groan. “What are you two whining about?”
Leorio handed her his phone. “Zodiac meeting, and it’s in an hour.”
(Name) tilted her head, handing his phone back. “Oh? What’s wrong with that? The meeting is taking place in town, so you won’t need to do anything but show up.”
Kurapika, who still felt bad for yelling at her the previous day, looked up. “It’s not attendance that’s the problem, it’s… the people. They can be… how do I put this?”
“Yes, very.”
(Name) smiled as she kissed them both on the cheek. “Well, you two better get ready. You’ll have just enough time to eat dinner before leaving.”
The two turned a bright pink before they jumped up to go get ready.
After a quick dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread, the two set off for the zodiac meeting. It was taking place in the same hotel Pariston used for the Halloween party.
Kurapika stepped out of the mom van and made sure his suit jacket was on straight before walking into the building. Leorio glanced back at the mom van, locked it, then followed behind.
There were only five other zodiacs present at the table, with a projector showing the faces of the other members.
The ones present were Cheadle, Gel, Pyon, Mizaistom Nana, and Kanzai. “Since everyone is now present, the meeting can begin.”
Cheadle took her seat at the head of the table, everyone else sitting when she did. The room went quiet as Cheadle organized a stack of papers. She handed the stack to Pyon. “Take one and pass it on.”
The stack went around the table, finally making it to Leorio, who paused. “… what the…”
Kurapika raised an eyebrow, glancing at Leorio. He was next to the dark haired man, so he hadn’t gotten to see the picture yet.
“What’s the meaning of this!? Why are you passing around a picture of (Name) with her personal information!?”
Kurapika’s eyes widened at Leorio’s words, the blonde quickly snatching the paper out of Leorio’s hand.
On the paper was a picture of (Name), information about her height, weight, family history, and current living situation written out below it. His now scarlet eyes scanned over the text before he looked up.
“What does (Name) have to do with this meeting? Answer me, Cheadle.”
His aura spiked as he stood up, causing a few of the other members of the Zodiac to stand up as well. Cheadle was quick to hold up her hand, signaling everything was okay. This calmed down the other members enough for them and Kurapika to sit down.
“As some of you may know, (Name) (Last Name) has been the radar of the Hunter Association since the Chimera Ant incident that caused her new nen ability to form.”
Kurapika shot a glare at Leorio, his eyes saying he’d have questions after the meeting. “She’s on our radar? That sure is news to me.”
“Me too, why wasn’t I told?” Leorio asked after Kurapika. Cheadle sighed, holding up the image of (Name).
“Neither of you were told because for one you are new members, and secondly you both have personal ties to the subject.”
Kurapika scowled, crumpling the paper in his hand. “That is precisely why we should have been informed. Both of us know (Name) well, what reason would you have to keep her under surveillance?”
“It’s not surveillance. There are no cameras in her home or people following her, she just has to check in regularly to be screened to make sure she hasn’t used… her ability. That is the reason she is on our radar.”
Kurapika knew she was able to speed up the growth rate of cells to destroy human tissue, but he couldn’t see why that was worthy of keeping her on their radar. “You let Hisoka run free, but (Name) is the one you’re keeping an eye on? Not the murderous pedophilic clown!?”
Cheadle groaned. “Listen, after the Chimera Ant incident, she-“
Cheadle glanced at Leorio, who was shaking his head ever so slightly. “After she… was found, the area around her was completely barren. The concrete, organic matter, and dirt was disintegrated into ash. Her ability can be incredibly dangerous and devastating if left unchecked. Just one attack was able to leave an area completely barren, imagine what she could do on a larger scale.”
Kurapika was silent for a moment. Leorio crumpled up his paper and threw it in the trash. “Larger scale? When has she ever given you the idea that she would use that power again like that?”
Mizaistom cleared his throat, placing his own paper down on the table. “Very recently, Miss (Name) used her ability again during a mission with Kurapika Kurta, the rat zodiac. That went directly against her orders from the forner rat zodiac and former Chairman Pariston. Although her order from him was null and void when he left his position, her defying it is indeed worrying.”
“Yes, it would be bad if our little (Name) went rogue, wouldn’t it?”
Everyone looked up to see Pariston standing in the doorway, a smirk on his face. Kurapika was held back from rushing over by Leorio’s hand on his shoulder. He inhaled deeply, staring at Pariston from his seat, taking a moment before speaking.
“(Name) would never hurt an innocent person, she’s…”
There was a softness in Kurapika’s expression that none of the Zodiacs had ever seen with him. “She’s the kindest, most selfless person I’ve ever encountered. I thought I lost hope in humanity after the atrocities I’ve encountered while searching for the scarlet eyes, but (Name) has shown me what true kindness is. To say she would hurt someone is blasphemous, and I won’t sit here and take you saying those things about the woman I-“
He stopped, a blush taking over his cheeks as silence filled the room. Pariston smirked, leaning against the wall. “And there’s the truth, Kurapika. You’re in love with this woman, aren’t you?”
Kurapika cleared his throat, folding his arms over his chest as he looked away. “That is irrelevant to the conversation.”
“I think it is more than relevant, Kurapika. How can we trust that your judgment isn’t biased when you’re in love with that woman?” Saiyu said through the projection screen.
“You can either trust my judgment or I can leave the Zodiac.”
This shocked even Leorio, who laughed nervously. “He’s just saying that, you know how irrational he can be when he’s-“
“Oh no I mean it. I’ll burn the entire association down if they even THINK about hurting (Name).”
Kanzai stood, narrowing his eyes. “Are you threatening us? I won’t let you do that!”
“That’s enough.”
Cheadle glanced at Kanzai, signaling him to sit back down. He did so with a grumble, keeping an eye on Kurapika.
“Kurapika, no one is going to hurt (Name). I gathered you here to inform you all that she agreed to reinstating her vow to not use her ability.”
Kurapika’s eyes widened, and he relaxed into his seat. “She didn’t tell me about that…”
“She doesn’t tell you a lot of things, Kurapika.” Pariston said, taking his seat across from the blonde.
Kurapika growled, clenching his fist at his side, his foot tapping away. Leorio patted his shoulder, taking out his phone and showing Kurapika a picture of (Name) snuggled up wearing a Christmas themed onesie with little reindeer ears on the hood.
Not only did this calm him down, it also made him blush, a soft smile on his face as he stared at Leorio’s phone. “Thanks, Leorio. That… that really helped.”
The rest of the meeting went as smoothly as it could, and the two got ready to leave. They were stopped by Pariston, who was still sat at the table.
“You hesitated a bit back there, Kurapika. What’s our girl been up to lately?”
Kurapika felt his eyes go scarlet, his blood pressure rising as he whipped his head around. “Not ‘our’ girl, my girl.”
Pariston only smiled, folding his hands under his chin. “You’re dodging the question, Kurta. What has she been up to that has you so worked up?”
“Nothing, besides working her ass off to make sure this fall gathering goes off without a hitch. You think she could hurt someone? She’s made sure to meticulously plan out every dish so that none of them has nuts them because ONE kid that’s attending has an allergy! Tell me, how the fuck is a woman as kind as her-“
Leorio covered his mouth, sighing. “We’ll be leaving.”
Pariston sighed, waving them away with his hand. He watched the pair leave, laughing to himself as the other zodiac members present glanced between him and Cheadle.
“Pariston… what are you planning?”
The blonde smiled, leaning back in his chair. “Something entertaining.”
It was late when they got home, nearly 10. The kids were in bed by then, and (Name) was nowhere to be seen. Leorio tugged off his suit jacket and pants before collapsing on the couch in his boxers and dress shirt. Kurapika glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. “Are you just going to sleep like that in the living room? That’s impolite to Alluka and (Name).”
Leorio groaned and waved his hand dismissively. “Yeah yeah, whatever. They won’t care, and besides I have to be out of here before 7 to run by my apartment and grab my homework before classes. Alluka doesn’t wake up until 9, and (Name) has seen my dick.”
Kurapika turned bright red before smacking Leorio over the head. “Hey, what was that for?”
The blonde huffed, turning on his heels to climb up the staircase. “Hmph.”
He wanted to give Leorio another good whack, but decided going to talk to (Name) was a bit more important. Kurapika was going to ask her for more information on the Chimera Ant incident, and why everyone was being so secretive about it.
He was going to do that, until he saw that her door was slightly ajar, and could hear soft pants and moans coming from inside.
A tent rose up in his pants, his breath hitching as he stood still, just inches away from her door. ‘Is… is she..?’
He took a deep breath before peeking through the crack in the door, blinking a few times before his eyes focused on (Name)’s figure.
Her face was in the pillow, her ass in the air and pussy on full display. This was the first time he had ever seen her pussy, and Kurapika felt his cock leak through his boxers, getting his pants sticky with precum.
Her pussy was perfect, looking soft and chubby, just like her. Kurapika watched her spread her plump pussy lips, her index finger rubbing circles into her clit. Before he knew it he was leaning against the doorway, desperately fisting his cock to the heavenly sight before him.
She looked way too cute with her chubby cheek squished against the pillow, her eyes half lidded and lips glossy from drool. Little pants and whines left her lips as her fingers wandered to her entrance.
Kurapika stifled a moan when he watched her stuff her fingers into her pussy, having to cover his mouth with one hand as he jerked off with the other.
‘So pretty… god (Name) I want you so fucking bad…’
As he pumped his cock, he remembered the way she jerked him off just nearly two weeks ago. Kurapika wondered if he could just… walk in and… help her out.
Then another memory surfaced in his head, the image of her face when he wouldn’t tell her how he really felt about her. This was enough to make him go soft, his eyes flickering from her dripping pussy to her face.
She was crying.
There were tears in the corners of her eyes, a tremble to her lips. Her fingers moved faster as she sniffled and moaned.
Was she upset? Sad? He didn’t know, but he did know that her tears made his heart ache. She didn’t cry when he made her cum, was there some reason for this?
He was going to leave and let her have her privacy. After all, she feared he may only want her to fulfill his own sexual fantasies, and jerking off to her while she was obviously upset wouldn’t really help his case.
Kurapika began to step back when he heard something that had his cock getting so hard it pressed against his tummy.
“Pika… please… w-want you…”
He felt his heart race, all the blood in his body rushing to his dick. ‘She’s… she’s thinking of me while…’
He stroked his cock to the pretty sight, trying so hard to pace himself so he could cum with her, but it got hard when he watched her fuck herself with her fingers while whimpering his name.
He came, panting softly as he watched her orgasm wash over her, cum dripping down her thighs. More than anything, he wanted to walk in and clean up those plump thighs with his tongue, but Kurapika stopped himself.
Instead, he took one last glance at her sweet, pleasured face before pulling out his phone. He bit his lip as he took a quick picture of her soft face, making sure not to get her nude body in the shot, no matter how much he wanted it.
Her face was enough to get him rock hard again, the blonde barely making it to his room before his hand was shoved in his pants again, jerking off to her o-face.
(Name) moaning his name confirmed in his mind that she was attracted to him and wanted him. Kurapika couldn’t help but feel guilty, almost giggling in delight like a girl with a crush when he thought back to it. ‘She wants me…’
Over the next two days, Kurapika became rather clingy with (Name), following her around like a lost, lovesick puppy.
“Yes, angel?”
“… get out, I’m trying to pee.”
Kurapika stood at the doorway of the bathroom, tilting his head. “Oh, go ahead. Don’t mind me.”
“I most certainly WILL mind you! Out!”
He pouted, crossing his arms. “Why? I just-“
“Kurapika Kurta I can’t pee with you watching me! Go!”
(Name) threw a bottle of shampoo at him, causing the blonde to rush out of the door and close it behind him. ‘Geez, what has gotten into him? He’s been clinging to me like a needy child. Even Killua wasn’t this bad… when…’
She sighed, washing her hands. ‘Oh, Killua…’
Kurapika was waiting outside the bathroom, watching her. “Took you long enough. Now come on, I want some-“
(Name) pinched his cheek, huffing. “No, I need to cook. You’ve been so clingy lately, what’s up with you?”
His cheeks turned pink, but he didn’t move away from her. “I…”
Kurapika didn’t want to admit he overheard her moaning his name, because then he would have to explain himself more, and might tell her more than he wanted to. He didn’t like lying, so might as well not say anything. “… sorry. I’ll help with the cooking, if that’s alright with you.”
(Name) smiled, taking his hand. “That’s perfectly fine, Pika. I need all the help I can get.”
He let her lead him downstairs, his eyes soft. Every time her skin touched his, Kurapika could feel his heart pound behind his ribs. “(Name)… I-“
“Oh look it’s the blonde twink. Have you finished following my mom like a mutt in heat and decided to actually help out?”
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched, a scowl taking over his face. (Name) glanced at Kurapika, trying to hold back an amused smile. “Oh stop it Killua, he’s just attached to me. Much like a little puppy.”
Kurapika huffed, pulling his arm away before crossing them both over his chest. “I just… wanted to make sure you’re alright. You… you were hurt during our mission.”
“Yeah, but that was nearly three weeks ago, Kurapika.” (Name) said, giving him a knowing smile. “You just like being around me~”
The blonde turned a bright red, even the tips of his ears going pink. “Y-you say that like it’s a bad thing. Of course… I like being around you. You’re…”
He trailed off, clearing his throat. “Anyways, what can I do to help?”
(Name) could feel her own face grown warm, but shook off the fuzzy feeling taking over her body to answer Kurapika’s question. “You’ll be making the macaroni! It’s very easy, so-“
Kurapika and (Name) looked to Killua, who held up his hands. “Mom, do you really trust a blonde to get your famous macaroni right? The only thing he knows how to cook is pancakes, eggs, and bacon, he’s a one trick pony!”
(Name) waved her hand dismissively, shooing Killua out of the kitchen. “Shoo, your negative energy will ruin the food.”
Killua pouted, but walked out of the kitchen. “Don’t come crying to me when he messes everything up…’
(Name) turned to Kurapika, the blonde’s heart nearly slipping a beat when you smiled at him sweetly. “Come on, let’s get started.”
She gave him a quick run down of her recipe, writing down the details. “Okay, don’t overcook the noodles. I’ll be back in a few minutes, I need to go pick up Alluka from her date with her little girlfriend.”
(Name) paused for a moment, glancing at Kurapika before standing on her tippy toes and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “Good luck, I believe in you.”
Before she could pull away, Kurapika turned and held onto her neck, keeping her in place as he leaned down to kiss her lips. “Thank you, (Name). I won’t let you down.”
Her face was hot, her eyes shining as they stared into his. “Kurapika…”
“It’s Pika, (Name),” he said softly, going back in for another kiss. Before he could slip his tongue into her mouth, she pushed him back, letting out a soft sigh.
“I’ve… got to go, Alluka is waiting.”
Kurapika nodded, pushing a piece of her hair out of her face. “Go ahead, I’ll be here.”
He smiled as he watched her leave, feeling giddy. Now that he knew she wanted him, his confidence had gone up a bit, allowing him to be more affectionate with her without fear.
He licked his lip, his cheeks flushing when he tasted her strawberry flavored chapstick. Kurapika began to boil the macaroni, his head in the clouds. Everything felt so… warm and fuzzy. Was this what being in love was like? Kurapika wanted to bathe in this feeling, he had finally made up his mind.
He wanted to be with (Name).
No matter how he tried to separate himself from her, he was always drawn back, as if they were magnets meant to connect and stick by each other’s side.
‘And I can’t leave her, now that I know the Hunter Association is keeping an eye on her…’
It filled Kurapika with rage to know they believed (Name) was capable of causing destruction on a massive scale. The girl had a crisis over killing a man that was objectively awful, to think she could hurt an innocent was beyond comprehension for the Kurta.
Before, he wanted to leave to keep her safe, but now he knew even if he left, she would never truly be free from danger. The only thing he could do was stay by her side, protecting his angel to his best ability. He would die if it meant she would continue to live a happy, carefree life.
He bit his lip, watching the water on the stove boil. ‘My mission… I have to finish it first. I’ll hunt down the phantom troupe, then…’
He blushed, pouring the noodles into the water.
‘Then she’ll be mine.’
“You seem to be in a good mood, big sis,” Alluka said, watching (Name) from the backseat. (Name) laughed, turning into the driveway.
“Yeah… I guess I am in a good mood.”
She felt happy for the first time since she killed that man, her heart fluttering at the memory of Kurapika’s lips on hers. The kiss had been so tender, full of a feeling that (Name) hoped was love. Maybe, just maybe, the two actually had something between them. She really hoped so, (Name) had never seen Kurapika look at anyone but her that way.
All of these fuzzy feelings were squashed when she walked into the kitchen to see Kurapika staring at a pot of… macaroni? At least she thought it was, but the noodles were over cooked and soggy, while the cheese was dry. “Kurapika…”
The blonde glanced at her, looking like a kicked puppy. “I… I really tried my best, (Name).”
She didn’t have it in her to stay mad at him, instead giving him a small smile. “Well, it was your first time making my recipe, don’t beat yourself up-“
“Mom, why does the mac and cheese taste like someone without a soul made it?”
They looked to see Killua spitting the bite of macaroni he ate into the trash. “How the FUCK did you make it so dry but overcook the noodles to the point they’re slimy?”
Kurapika grimaced, Alluka peeking at the macaroni. When she attempted to try a bite, Killua lifted it out of her reach and placed in where she couldn’t reach. “Don’t eat that, Alluka. It’ll hurt your tummy.”
(Name) rubbed her temple. “Killua, come on. It’s his first time making it.”
“Mom, if Gon did this I would understand, but Kurapika is only a year apart from you, and you can cook almost anything.”
“Baby, people have different things they’re good at and you know I already told you-“
“Yeah, yeah, I know. ‘People grow and learn at different rates’ or whatever…”
(Name) smiled, pinching his cheek. “Exactly. You’re never too old to learn something new or make a change. Never.”
Killua nodded slowly, before lightly swatting her hand away. “Come on Alluka, let’s go get my room ready for Gon.”
Kurapika watched with a fond look in his eyes as the two ran off, (Name) turning back to give him a patient smile. “Okay, let’s see the macaroni.”
She hummed as she looked over it. “Well… it’s not… awful. I’ll put it in the fridge and maybe we can salvage it later! For now…”
(Name) pulled out a container and a pie dish, setting it on the table. She pulled off the lid, the smell of cherries filling the air. “It’s cherry filling. All you have to do is poke some holes into the crust and pour this in, then bake for 45 minutes.”
She glanced at her phone. “I have to pick up Gon then go grocery shopping with Leorio. Oh, let me write down the directions so you-“
“(Name), stop. I’m not five. You can count on me for this, just take care of the groceries with Leorio,” Kurapika said, grabbing a knife to begin poking the the pie crust. She quickly replaced it with a fork, showing him how it was done.
“You poke it with a fork, silly.”
He blushed as she guided his hand, his heart thumping against his chest. “Like that, see?”
“Y-yeah, I’ve got it. Go on, angel, I don’t want you to be late.”
She gave him a nod and a gently squeeze to his hand before walking out. Kurapika sat at the table, poking holes into the pie crust as he thought about the meeting with the Zodiacs. He was supposed to ask her about why she was under watch, but he got a little… distracted.
‘What happened during the Chimera Ant incident? I bet that’s why… Killua gets those nightmares. Something bad happened, I just don’t know what yet.’
It made him anxious not knowing what could have happened to (Name) while he was away. If he was correct, Kurapika remembered having a small service and ignoring Leorio’s phone calls during that time.
‘I know some of them were for Gon, but I temper seeing (Name)’s name mentioned… the he deleted the message…’
Kurapika put the pie in the oven, sighed as he leaned against the wall. ‘Well, some of our friends and allies are coming over, maybe at least one of them will be willing to share some information with me.’
He looked at the fridge, his cheeks turning a little pink. “I wonder…”
Kurapika’s eyes scanned over the list of dishes (Name) planned on making, focusing on the dessert part. His face turned bright red when he spotted his favorite, peach cobbler with a little note beside it.
‘For my Pika <3’
She always managed to make his heart race with how thoughtful and kind she was, and now more than ever it angered him to to think of someone hurting her or thinking ill of her.
He glanced at the timer on the oven. ‘45 minutes…’
Kurapika jumped when he felt someone grab his sleeve. “Kurapika? Where’s mama?”
It was Nanika, her void like eyes staring up at him. When she was out, she would offen cling to (Name) like a child would their mother. “Oh, (Name) isn’t home right now, she-“
“M-mama isn’t home?”
Her lip quivered, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. “B-but… but…”
Kurapika froze, not knowing what to do. The poor girl was clinging to his tabard, crying. “Hey, hey now, shh…”
He tried to remember what (Name) would do to cheek her up. “Nanika, it’s okay. She won’t take long, I promise.”
He gently patted her head, his fingers running through her hair in a soothing manner, much like (Name) did for the other kids when they were upset. Nanika sniffled, but began to calm down, rubbing at her eyes sleepily.
“I think you need a nap, kiddo. Alluka stayed up late last night picking out her outfit for her date.”
He picked her up, letting her rest her head on his shoulder, and brought her to the spare room, laying her down before tucking her into bed.
“Get some rest, kiddo. If you need something I’ll be in the kitchen, okay?”
Kurapika smiled down at her, feeling very soft. She was already falling asleep, her eyelids drooping. Kurapika left the room, turning the light off on his way out and leaving the door cracked.
Killua was waiting for him in the hallway, looking less hostile than usual. “She wouldn’t listen to me, and kept looking for mom. Thanks… for getting her to sleep. She can get a bit fussy when she hasn’t slept well.”
Kurapika gave him a nod before being distracted from his job again with the ring of the doorbell. “Did… (Name) say anyone was showing up so early? The get together is tomorrow…”
Killua thought for a moment then grimaced. “Oh, yeah. That’s probably Menchi.”
They both scowled, the blonde letting out an annoyed sigh before opening the door. Menchi stood behind it, wearing an ochre colored sweater, with jeans. It was a far cry from her outfit during the exam, Kurapika wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her in anything normal.
“Where’s (Name)?”
She seemed to look at Kurapika with a look of distaste, like she was just served a dish with bits of cat litter in it. The blonde tried to keep a small smile on his face. “She isn’t here at the moment, she-“
Menchi pushed her way in and immediately headed towards the kitchen. “Who the hell is burning a cherry pie!?”
Kurapika’s eyes went. He sprinted into the kitchen, his eyes wide as he glanced at the clock then the plume of smoke pouring out of the opened oven. Menchi pulled out the pie and opened the kitchen door to fan the smoke out, coughing.
“I don’t understand, I did everything (Name) told me to! I set the oven to 350, then the timer to 45 minutes-“
Menchi raised an eyebrow. “Uh… the oven is at 450, not 350.”
Kurapika’s eyes went wide before he groaned and sat down to hold his head in his hands. “Fuck… the macaroni then this, what’s wrong with me?”
Menchi stared at the charred pie, sighing. “This poor, poor pie. I assume (Name) made the filling. What a waste.”
She pulled some rolling pins out of nowhere. “No matter, I’ll get to work. You’re banned from the kitchen, blondie.”
He didn’t argue, just standing up and shuffling to his room.
Gon walked around, giving everyone hugs and saying hi to Menchi before he stopped. “Hmm? Where’s Kurapika?”
(Name) shrugged, hanging up her coat. “I’m not sure, but Killua said he burned the pie earlier.”
She sighed and rubbed her temple. “It was an honest mistake, but it’s still a little frustrating to be down two dishes now.”
Gon nodded, patting her shoulder. “I’ll go talk to him! Maybe we can work something out!”
“Yeah, you go do that. I have to make sure Menchi doesn’t get off track with the food again.”
Gon walked up the stairs and knocked on Kurapika's door. "Kurapika, it's Gon! I just got here.”
The door cracked open, the blonde looking a bit downtrodden. “Oh, Gon… happy holidays. How… are you doing?”
He hummed, walking into Kurapika’s room. “I’m doing alright, but how are you? I heard… you had some problems in the kitchen.”
Kurapika nodded, rubbing his arm awkwardly. “Yeah, I just… I got distracted and I messed up… and…”
Gon held up his hand. “Everyone messes up sometimes! What matters is trying to fix the mistake you made!”
Kurapika gave him a soft smile. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. You always know what to say, Gon.”
The boy grinned. “How about this, we’ll wait for Menchi to leave, then we’ll try and salvage that macaroni and cheese!”
The two spent the next hour really catching up. Kurapika had been hesitant to get too close to his friends again, but now that he knew he was sticking around, he wanted more than anything to be close with them again. It felt like he had become so distant from the people he cared for most, so it felt nice to be all caught up with what they had been doing.
“And you’re gonna ask (Name) on a date- Mmph!”
Kurapika covered Gon’s mouth as his face erupted into a blush. “Shh, she could hear you!”
Gon nodded as Kurapika pulled his hand away, now whispering. “I think she’ll say yes, you two have always been so close. When you were gone, she looked at your picture in the living room a lot.”
The blonde turned bright red, clearing his throat. “Is that so?”
Gon stood, peeking out the door. “Mhm. Now come on, Menchi just left!”
Kurapika followed Gon down to the kitchen and took out the macaroni. “You followed the directions on the box, right?” Gon asked as he looked at the soggy noodles and dry cheese.
Kurapika huffed, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Of course, why wouldn’t I? Boil for eight minutes, remove from- hey!”
Gon began to scrape off some of the cheese. “If we take off some of the cheese, we can mix some fresh cheese in and add some extra milk and seasonings!”
Kurapika relaxed, smiling. “Ah, I forgot, you said you knew how to make macaroni and cheese during the Hunter Exam, didn’t you?”
Gon nodded proudly, setting the macaroni and cheese aside. “Now, let’s shred some cheese and get some bread crumbs!”
Though the noodles were still soggy after they were done, the macaroni and cheese looked a lot better and smelled decent. Kurapika couldn’t help but feel a little proud.
“Oh boys, something is smelling great in here!”
(Name) walked in, putting away her phone. She had snapped a picture of the scene before announcing her presence. ‘That’s going in the Christmas card.’
Kurapika blushed as she swiped a bit of the macaroni and cheese, fiddling with his tabard. “Kurapika, Gon, this tastes great! This is definitely going on the table, along with my macaroni and cheese.”
Gon cheered, and Kurapika sighed in relief. “Now, you two come to the table and eat your dinner. It’s burgers tonight.”
Everyone gathered at the table to eat dinner, smiling and laughing. They were all full of excitement for the next day, though none of them were prepared for the chaos that would ensue.
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Hii first of all i absolutely ADORE your writing and you're easily one of my favorite pjsekai writing blogs!! :DD
Since i saw that your requests are open i thought i might as well shoot my shot because why not
Basically like Tsukasa x gn/reader hcs and/or fic where like the reader basically has anxiety and depression at the same time and they get overwhelmed and exhausted pretty easily due to all the overthinking if that makes sense (im bad at explaining my bad) and they tend to get upset over minor inconveniences and he is just kinda there to reassure them and he is like their comfort person basically (like fluff/slight angst kinda stuff, also bonus for physical affection hehe)
Also in case i ever request anything again can i be labled as 💫 anon?
Thats it have a nice day/night and of course no pressure or anything of the sort!! Take all the time you need byee :DD
Omg thank you so much <3 And don't worry you're not bad at explaining at all! I'm also very happy to welcome you in my little family as 💫 anon! Yayy! But anyway, I hope you enjoy <3 also you can say I had a little bit too much fun writing it...
Tsukasa comforting overworked and anxious reader
(read the request for better explanation what this will be about)
Tag List: @alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
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Recently your teachers gave you a lot of work to do and you didn't even understood any of it! Even if you are good student, now you were too tired to even think because of how much you had to do. You already were going through a bad season of your life and you didn't really need to stress over anything more.
Luckily for you tho, Tsukasa ivited you to his place for a date since it was some time since you last had it and he was worried about you. He saw how tiredly you walked on corridors and that it was harder than usually to make you smile. And when he invited you, you told him that you have a lot of work to do thinking that he'll understand and let you be but he said that you can take your work to his place and maybe he'll even be able to help you with something! And so of course you agreed on that.
So now you're sitting next to Tsukasa who had his arms wrapped around you and impressed by how much you know! He made sure to compliment your abilities from time to time and sometimes even asked for explanations if he saw something he couldn't understand.
But after your yawns becamse more and more often which happened quickly since you haven't sleep well for couple of days because of your work, he suggested to take a break and maybe cuddle in bed, but you disagreed telling him you have work to do which made him worry about you even more.
"YN, don't pressure yourself, alright? You can always do it later and you deserve a break."
"I know but if I won't end it before friday I'll definitely get 1."
He knew that it's nothing pleasent to have a bad mark and he would tell you that one bad mark won't kill you but he knows how you take the failure so instead he suggested something even he wasn't sure if he'll be able to fulfill.
"I can do it for you. I won't writed over your work, I'll do it in notebook and then you can rewrite it. Please just let me do it for you!"
You really wasn't sure about it but he gave you the best puppy eyes he could make so did you really had a choice?
"Alright... but don't pressure yourself over it, alright?"
"Yes! Don't worry! You go on bed and take a nap, and when you wake up, I promise it all will be done!"
First he tries to make some of the work himself but it's easy to say that he couldn't understand much of it... he didn't wanted to use the internet since it could be wrong so he called his friends and asked them for help. He went through a LOT of teasing but it was all worth it since he did it for you and your well being.
Once you woke up, he doesn't tell you that his friends helped him since he didn't wanted you to worry and wanted to impress you. And your work was all good! He convinced you to stay at his place for the time you rewrite all of it to make sure you take breaks properly, stay hydrated and eat your food. And once you're done with your work, he gives you the best reward he can!
"You're done? That's really impressive! I'm so proud of you! Now what let's cuddle on bed, alrighty? You deserve a break after so much work."
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snobgoblin · 2 years
so my besties recommended that I make like a uh. a list of things not to do when interacting with me so I'll do that!
some things that really. really bother me
unreality asks. please refrain from saying (discussion ahead you've been warned ->) things like "I am inside your walls", "wake up your family misses you" or anything of that nature. if you do say these things for a joke please use tone tags like /j or /hyp to indicate this.
chain mail. things like "send this to 5 people in 5 seconds or bad luck for 10 years". please do not.
spam asks. I don't mind if you send random asks! but please do not send the same ask several times. do not just send me random things that dont make sense, please have a purpose because i do get overwhelmed by asks and dont tend to delete them. if you're not sure read my ask info! linked in the pinned post. it is acceptable to send me random memes! just ask yourself "is this something they can reasonably react to or add on to" here are two examples of asks that are unacceptable to send me, as there is no way I can respond to them. they do not make sense
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venting in the replies or tags of my vent posts! (this does NOT apply to using similar stories to comfort, that's okay! im talking about me going "im upset" and you going "im upset too because x y and z" it's kinda just rude.) when I vent im trying to get my stuff out! not take in more stuff. the new post button does not bite!
If a joke is not obvious you have to put /j or I will misunderstand, sometimes I'll get it but most of the time I won't and depending on the nature of the joke may get upset or in rare cases even lash out. and that shouldn't happen over a joke! so please tag your stuff so u don't catch me in a bad state of mind
don't talk down to me. don't talk to me like I'm dumb or a child.
don't tell me about your sex life in the notes if the post is not about sex, I didn't really consent to reading that man (this has happened a lot! for what!)
if I'm ranting or venting do not try to start an arguement with me. I'm already pissed and you're just going to piss me off more
some things that bother me just a bit but its whatever
dming me selfies for no reason
sending me unsolicited song recommendations (it's fine when i ask for them though!)
recommending shows to me unprompted, especially repeatedly! no matter how much fanart you send me I will not watch that show you like especially if we're not friends im sorry
I'll add on when I think of more but I think that's about it for now!
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pyonzzz · 2 years
heyyy, i have a question: what does the "supportive of eating disorders" mean in your DNI? do you mean things like pro-ana, encouraging unhealthy behaviours in people with EDs, or supporting people with EDs?
mhm, thats exactly it! i dont want anyone who supports such harmful things following me, especially as someone actively struggling with disordered eating as a recovering ana ^^
if youre supporting as in trying to help them recover, then thats okay! but not if youre supportive of the problem itself!
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Schoolyard: 9
It’s fun watching Thor work. He charms and chats with people, making them feel important and listening to their suggestions. You know that you’re just eye candy here, but when one man starts talking about vaccines and how ineffective they are you can’t stay quiet,
“I mean herd immunity right?” He says with a laugh.
“Actually, herd immunity should only be used in cases where a person physically cannot get immunized due to other health conditions. It shouldn’t be used just because someone doesn’t want to get an immunization.” The man laughs uncomfortably then gives Thor what you assume is his attempt at a charming smile.
“It’s like she’s a doctor or something.” He laughs and Thor looks coldly down at the other man.
“Mr. Pierce, my wife is a doctor.” He says shortly.
“W-wife?” Mr. Pierce says looking embarrassed.
“What kind of doctor are you?” T’Challa, the King of Wakanda and a friend of Thor’s asks.
“Pediatric. I just worked my last few days for a while but plan on getting back to it when I can.”
“Being Queen is a lot of responsibility.” T’Challa’s wife Nakia says, “it takes dedication to have a job outside of that but it’s possible.”
“I don’t need full time, just something to make me feel like I’m doing something good with my time.”
“I understand completely.” She says with a kind smile. You’ve got a feeling that you and Nakia are going to be good friends.
The rest of the night goes smoothly, although it seems that Mr. Pierce has a big mouth because several people come and congratulate you and Thor on your marriage. Some even seem a bit put out that they weren’t invited to the wedding. Neither of you give them any answers, you still don’t know how this conversation is going to go but you’d rather keep quiet until you can get it out of the way.
You step out for a moment, just needing a second alone, well with Bryn on your six, for a minute. Frigga was right, when you’re not in the crowded room it’s chilly and the little gauze fabric isn’t really enough. You’re looking over the pediatric wing when the soft material is draped over your shoulders.
“Thank you, krigeren min.” He smiles at the nickname.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, it’s just a lot. Now everyone knows that we’re married and I don’t know how I feel about any of this.”
“I know it’s a lot, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have called you my wife but I lost my temper.”
“Ah, so you’re not perfect.” You tease and he laughs.
“No, and if you ever need reminders just ask Loki. They will tell you.”
“Yes they will.” You agree with a little smile.
“We can leave whenever you’re ready.”
“One more glass of champagne? I’d like to say goodbye to Nakia and T’Challa too.”
“Of course. We have an open invite to go and visit them if you’d like.”
“That would be wonderful. I’ve heard Wakanda is incredible.”
“One of my favorite places to go.” He agrees as you turn and walk back toward the party. You slip your hand into his as you walk, it’s so natural now to just be touching him. When you get back into the room one of the men gives you a look that you don’t like then approaches.
“Excuse me. I read that you were cheating on the Crown Prince with people in the States. Is that true?” You stare at him, surprise on your face.
“Volstagg. Remove this man.” Thor orders, his deep voice carrying causing several people to look, “I will not allow such disrespect.” Volstagg hurries the man away from you.
“I’d like to go.” You say softly and Thor nods. He gives T’Challa a handshake and you and Nakia hug then he places a protective hand on your lower back and guides you out of the building. While you wait for the car Thor takes your hand and gives it a little squeeze.
“Don’t pay him any mind Elskede.” He says when you look up at him.
“It’s hard not to. I know what he said isn’t true but it still makes me look bad.”
“Min dronning,” he practically rumbles the words, “how can I make it better?”
“Just, let me process this okay? Be patient with me?”
“Of course.” He agrees pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. God he makes you weak in the knees. You follow Bryn down the the car then curl into Thor on the drive home. He keeps an arm around you as you ride back to the house, neither of you say much, he just trails his fingers up and down your arm.
When you get back you say goodnight to Sif and Volstagg then head to your room. Before you can get there you run into Odin.
“Father? You should be resting.”
“I’m fine. I need to speak to you.”
“I’ll leave you alone.” You tell them before pressing a soft kiss to Thor’s cheek.
“No, both of you.” Odin says gesturing for the two of you to follow him back to his rooms. Once you’re there he points at the seat for you to sit.
“I’ve come to a decision.”
“About what father?” Thor asks and when you look at him he looks as puzzled as you feel.
“I’m going to abdicate the throne to you.”
“Yes, father we’ve talked about this. After we get our annulment I’ll take the throne.” Thor says and you’re surprised, you had no idea this was happening.
“No, I’m abdicating in two days.” You gasp and Thor cries,
“What?” As Odin holds up a hand to silence you both.
“I have less than six months to live. The doctor told your mother and I tonight. I still have things I need to teach you but the best way to do so is with you as King. Besides, I want to live the remainder of my time with my wife. Being an old married couple.”
“Thor, my Son. My first born and my heir, I know this isn’t what you wanted or had planned but this is what needs to happen.”
“This isn’t what the plan was!”
“I know.” Odin is calm but Thor is anything but. He storms out of the room and you’re left sitting there with Odin. He goes to follow him when you stand,
“I’ve got this. Please, rest, give yourself as much time as you can with them.” You tell him and he gives you a tight smile before you follow Thor out the door nearly crashing into his sibling. “Loki?”
“I saw him leave, I know where he will go and I’ll bring you there but you can’t tell him it was me.���
“Just in case he’s mad, he won’t get mad at you like he will me.”
“Deal.” You tell them and they lead you away from Odin’s room. “Do you know what Odin spoke to him about?”
“Yes, father is abdicating. We don’t have much time left with our father do we?” Loki asks softly as the two of you move quickly through the palace.
“There are some things we can try, but they won’t cure him. Just give him more time. I’m sorry.” Loki nods once, they don’t say anything until they stop before a short corridor with a tapestry hanging in it. They move the tapestry to one side and you see another small hallway.
“He should be in there, left hand door way at the end of the hallway.”
“Thank you Loki.” You tell them giving their hand a squeeze. Sure enough you find Thor storming back and forth in the small room. You don’t say anything, he throws a bottle across the room where it shatters into pieces, then sinks down onto the older couch in the corner of the room.
“I’m sorry.” He says gruffly and you move slowly into the room. You step in between his legs and he wraps his arms around you. He takes a deep shuddering breath and you rest one hand on his shoulder and card the fingers of your other hand through his hair.
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” You assure him softly, it’s then his shoulders begin to shake and soft sobs escape him. You let him cry against you, just carding your fingers through his hair.
“I’m not ready.” He says, his voice thick.
“You’re not ready for what?”
“To lose my father.”
“Oh Honey.” You soothe, that’s what this is all about. You thought maybe he was upset about having to become King too soon, or not having time to annul your marriage before doing so, but that’s not it. This is about a boy being afraid to lose his father. “You still have time min kjærlighet, there are things we can try. I’m not making promises that they’ll work but we can try.”
“Thank you.” He says into your torso, before falling silent again. When he speaks again it’s in a much more steady voice, “Did Loki bring you here?”
“I am not supposed to confirm or deny that.” He gives a small huff of a laugh.
“I’m glad they did.” He’s quiet again before he says softly, “Jeg elsker deg.”
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princessphilly · 3 years
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CW: Angst, angst, angst. 
Word count: 2916
Nina sighed as she snuggled her pillow. It sucked watching Sidney shake hands in the handshake line, the disappointing end to a good season. She sniffled as she watched Sidney stoically shake hands with the Flyers, disappointment and anger on his face.
This season, the Penguins had drawn the Islanders in the divisional semi-finals. After a hard-fought seven game series, the Pens had finally got past the Isles. However, the Flyers, surprisingly, made it past the Canes and the Battle of Pennsylvania was on. Unlike 2018, the Flyers won this time, in five games. Nina put her phone on vibrate, just in case Sidney called her.
However, Sidney didn’t call that night or for a fucking week. Nina was understanding at first but understanding turned into annoyance when pictures were posted of Sidney golfing with Kasperi, Brandon, and a couple of the single players. Nina just was glad she had the foresight to limit comments on her IG to approved commenters because she had no interest in people asking questions about him.
Scrolling her phone, Nina read a text from Marisa: has he called u yet?
No, Nina simply responded. She wasn’t going to call him first either. Let him have his bitch fit and golf. He didnt tell me he was going to go do that n im not his wife.
Nina’s phone rang and she answered. “Yes, Marisa?”
“Oh, Nina, he’s a douchebag. I can ask Kevin to slash him a couple of times next season,” Marisa commiserated.
Nina replied, “He hasn’t called me or texted me since that night. I haven’t tried to call him since Sunday because fuck that. I know he got his superstitions and everything but, no. Hell no.”
“I agree. Have you been out?”
Nina shook her head before saying, “I was finishing finals so I haven’t been out. Karesha told me we’re going out this coming Friday and, you know I don’t party like that but I will.”
“Give him something to miss,” Marisa advised.
Nina scoffed, “Something to miss? He’s lucky if I let him talk to me whenever he gets back.”
Sid groaned as he turned in his bed in Cole Harbour. He was so fucking pissed about the way the season ended; they finally got past the Isles only to get tripped up by fucking Giroux and his Flyers. Fucking Hart was a damn brick wall and fuck, Sidney could sense that his time in the game was coming to a swift close soon. For the past week and in a half, he had been in a funky snit, annoyed and needing to be away after golfing with the boys.
At the same time, he felt like shit. Sidney knew he shouldn’t have avoided Nina’s call; he was still raw from the loss and he didn’t want to expose Nina to that side. But, she hadn’t called or texted him since and Sidney didn’t know how to break the silence that he had created. Picking up his phone, Sidney blinked when he saw all of the messages on his lock screen. The team’s group chat had been busy last night.
Unlocking his phone, Sidney’s eyes bulged when he saw the messages. There were pictures of Nina out, with one of her friends, wearing a dress that was barely there. Her hair was falling straight over her shoulders but what really got Sidney’s attention was the fact that there were guys all around her. Then Nate sent a text; i guess ur single now. Told u not to go home without talking to her
“I’m a fuck up,” Sidney moaned.
“Yup, you are.”
Sidney blinked as he looked at his phone. He managed to call Tanger and Tanger didn’t look pleased.
“Sid, we’ve been friends for a long time but, I didn’t think you were this stupid,” Tanger scolded. “Really?”
“You know with the way the season ended,” Sidney began before Tanger cut him off.
“Nina knows that. She respects that. Nina’s not clingy or needy like some of the other girls. But, Cath told me you haven’t even called or texted her? Wow, Sid, wow.”
Sidney blushed as he listened to one of his closest friends berate him. Tanger was right. But how was he going to even apologize without looking like a bigger dummy?
“Well, you’re already acting like a dummy, Sid, so you might as well look like a bigger dummy,” Tanger snarked. “Nina isn’t like the other girls. She doesn’t need you.”
Sid gritted his teeth at that statement, especially since he knew that it was very true.
Sidney heard French yelling in the background before Tanger stated, “Cath thinks that despite being so good at hockey, you suck at being a person. And you made Nina cry when Cath last talked to her.”
Sidney wanted to slap himself. He made his pretty girl cry. “Fuck,” he yelled.
“Yeah, fuck. Fix it, Sid, instead of fucking yourself over forever.”
Sidney scrolled his phone after Tanger hung up on him. It looked like he was flying into Pittsburgh asap.
Nina sighed as she padded in her apartment. Last night was fun, going out with Karesha. They had just gone out to dinner, a jazz lounge, then ended the night at a rooftop bar. Nina knew people had been taking pictures of her all night and that people were wondering where Sidney was but that wasn’t her problem. There had been plenty of guys willing to take her home but Nina wasn’t interested in any of them either. She still wanted Sidney but fuck him too.
Her doorbell rang and Nina looked at the panel. It was Sidney with a pastry box and a wide grin on his face. Nina opened the door with a smile.
“Hi, pretty girl-”
Then she slammed it in his face, her grin growing wider as she loudly locked the door. Just like a man, coming back right when they realized she was getting attention from other men.
“Go away, Crosby, unless you want attention because you’re knocking on my door,” Nina yelled from the inside. Putting her earpods in, Nina cleaned her apartment for the umpteenth time, singing along.
Sidney gritted his teeth outside of Nina’s apartment. He was expecting her to let him in, yell at him, then he would charm his way back in. He didn’t expect to get the door slammed in his face and being told to leave. His desire not to gain extra attention was the only reason he left.
Nina sighed when she heard Sidney stomp away. Her anger was starting to change to sadness, again. She had hoped this would be different but Sidney was just like every other man; ain’t shit at the end of the day.
“Take him for all his cash, girl. Then tell him, maybe I'll take you back.”
Nina rolled her eyes as she listened to Jamila. “For someone so wealthy, you sure like to talk about taking men for their cash.”
“It’s like this; men figure out their self-worth by how big their dick is, how many women they fuck, and how much money they have. You don’t want to go to jail so you can’t cut his dick off. So, fleece him and then dump him for good,” Jamila advised.
Nina sighed and Jamila groaned. “Oh my God, please don’t tell me you miss this dumbass. Dude didn’t contact you after losing in their playoffs! He ignored your call! He only contacted you in person after you and ‘Resha went out! The dick can’t be that good!”
Nina sighed as she listened to Jamila. Over the past couple of days, there had been Edible Arrangement deliveries, lunch bought for the staff, cards proclaiming that he was dumb as hell and sorry for being an idiot. And Nina still didn’t respond. No calls, no texts, Nina was still upset and feeling raw.
“Jamila.. Glass houses remember?”
Jamila sighed over the phone. She didn’t really have that much space to talk but she persisted, “You let him off easy, he’s going to walk all over you forever. I know I’m a fuck up but I never let a man walk all over me. Don’t let Mayo Boy, no, he’s Miracle Whip because that shit is disgusting and he hurt you. Don’t let Miracle Whip think he can apologize a couple times and you’ll come running back.”
“I haven’t made any decisions yet. Plus, I’m going away with Desi, Sio, Lauren, and Kim to Phuket. You know, that trip you helped plan but you can’t go on now,” Nina said as she logged into her workstation. Work had become a refuge of sorts. Everyone was pretty much professional, no one brought up anyone’s personal life. It was all about work and the patients and it made Nina happy. “I gotta go, I have a patient at 8:30.”
“Bye girl, and remember what I said,” Jamila replied.
Nina hung up and pulled her earpods out of her ears. It was time to focus on another day of work. Before Nina realized it, it was lunch time. Rubbing her temples, she sighed as she thought about lunch. Grabbing her purse and her keys, Nina made her way out of her office. “Rita, I’m going to get lunch,” Nina called out to the receptionist.
However, as soon as she left, Nina saw the infamous Range Rover in the parking lot and she closed her eyes. She wasn’t in the mood and it looked like it was going to get embarrassing for Sidney.
Luckily, it wasn’t Sidney who came out but someone totally different. Nina let out a breath she was holding and walked to her car. Her vacation was coming up in three days and she would be away for two and a half weeks. Sidney would probably leave her alone once he realized she was out of the country. Nina was sure of it, he had to have been icing her out to dump her anyway for the offseason.
“Still no call?”
Sidney sighed as Geno plopped in the chair across from his. He had put on his best smile today for Nikita’s birthday but he was feeling the strain.
“None,” he finally replied. Sidney felt so tired and such a fool. The best thing in his life had slipped out of his fingers and it was all his fault.
Geno snickered as Anna strolled in, holding a box. “Zhenya,” she asked before rolling her eyes at Sidney.
“Da,” Geno replied.
Anna started speaking rapid fire Russian, too fast for Sidney to even attempt to keep up. Geno started to laugh when Anna pointed to Sidney before pointing to the box. Then Anna abruptly turned on her heel and left the room.
Confused, Sidney asked, “What was that?”
Anna hadn’t been talking to him and Sidney felt like he was part of the subject of that conversation. Geno chuckled before replying, “Anna said that it’s a shame Nina isn’t here but she made sure to at least have a gift sent for Nikita before going to Thailand.”
Geno didn’t add the rest, which was Anna saying Nina had better manners than his captain, to at least send a gift that she didn’t have to send, before disappearing. He wasn’t interested in kicking his captain when he was down.
Sidney winced. Part of him felt a bit happy that Nina was somewhere, having fun but it was without him so it was his fault.
“Oh, look at this, Nina’s riding elephant,” Geno crowed as he looked at instagram. Sidney looked at the picture. Nina was riding an elephant, making some kind of triangle symbol with her hands. Then he looked at the comments and the first one said: look at you, dropping baggage and having fun.
Geno snickered before saying, “Poor Sid.”
“Not supportive, Geno,” Sidney remarked, closing his eyes.
There was a pause before Geno replied, “Maybe donate money to things Nina likes. Maybe she’ll talk to you when she gets back.”
Sidney checked his phone for what seemed like the umpteenth time. “Cros, she’s not going to text you.”
Sidney rolled his eyes at Tazer’s annoyed tone. Webs, Pricey, and Tanger laughed at him. They were all in Toronto together for a team Canada thing but that was over and they were out for drinks.
“Heard you fucked up, badly,” Webs stated in a dry tone. “When in doubt, always apologize first and buy the woman her favorite thing second.”
“Nina’s not big on buying stuff,” Sidney absentmindedly replied. Getting Nina to splurge on herself was like going to the dentist. It wasn’t fun.
One thing Sidney did realize from off and on monitoring Nina's Instagram was that she was big on helping out at the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, she liked volunteering at the Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh, and every year, she volunteered at a pop-up shop for girls who wanted to go to prom but couldn’t afford it.
Sidney wrote five figure checks to each organization, in Nina’s name, no strings attached. Sidney was serious about trying to get his pretty girl back and he knew that Nina was serious about volunteering and giving back. Now, he was just waiting to see Nina’s reaction. If Nina told him thanks but it was over, Sidney would be upset but he could accept it.
There were no texts that night but that morning, Sidney woke up to a text from Nina. It was a simple thank you but it meant more than anything to Sidney at that moment.
Nina sighed as she looked at the thank you cards that had been waiting for her when she returned home. This was so out of the ordinary, she had to text Sidney when she saw them. It was more meaningful than gifts.
The trip to Phuket had been amazing but there had been a tinge of sadness for Nina. She enjoyed riding the elephants, experiencing the beaches, going diving, everything. It was truly the vacation she had been waiting to have, after Covid and then switching jobs had pushed everything back. Despite her best efforts, Nina missed Sidney. She missed that dumbass hockey player, he had wormed into her heart that easily. She missed him and was still supremely angry at him. Nina felt like the biggest dumbass on earth. As she waited for him to show up at her place, she wanted to bang her head into the wall. I fucked up by dating him, Nina said to herself.
Her doorbell rung and Nina opened the door. It was Sidney, hands in his pockets, no gifts this time. He ached to bring her into his arms but Sidney wouldn’t touch Nina unless she gave him permission.
There was a stony silence after Sidney closed the door, neither willing to say the first word. Nina tried to summon some of the anger she had but all that was left was pain and sadness. Before she even realized, a couple tears had slipped. Sidney saw them and his composure completely crumbled. He did the one thing he swore he would never do; he made his pretty girl cry.
Nina hiccupped as Sidney pulled her into his arms. He just held her as she cried. “Fuck you, Sidney Crosby. I felt like you were icing me out before dumping me. Fuck you, you fucking jagoff.”
“I-I should have said something but I was so pissed and I didn’t want to lash out at you. Then it just snowballed,” Sidney said, heartbreaking as Nina sniffled.
“You’re such a fucking dumbass. I don’t even know why I’m even considering taking you back.”
Sidney said, “I just didn’t want to burden you with everything I go through at the end of the season, especially when it’s disappointing.”
“Fuck that, Sidney.” Nina glared up at him, the big dummy. “Communication, it means that if you say you’re in a relationship, you communicate. You should have even sent a text, ‘I’m pissed as fuck, going golfing with the boys, be back soon’ or even just periodically texted those stupid hi and good morning beautiful texts. How would you feel if I didn’t call or text you and went away?”
Sidney paused as he considered Nina’s point. He was unhappy he didn’t know that Nina had gone away without telling him but he couldn’t say anything now. “Your face says it all, Crosby,” Nina snarked.
“I’m sorry, Nina,” Sidney said, deep from his heart.
Nina sighed, she could tell he was truly sorry. “Those donations… they were a total surprise. They all needed the money and are dear to me. But the Pittsburgh Prom Dress giveaway, we always need more funds since it doesn’t get as many donations around the year. Your donation not only allowed us to provide more dresses this prom season, it also allowed us to expand our collection so that we could provide suits as well as dresses. Thank you, Sidney.”
“You’re welcome,” he sincerely replied.
Keeping her cheek on his chest, Nina said, “I’m dumb because I really am considering taking you back. But don’t ever do that again.”
Pulling away a bit, Nina looked deep into Sidney’s eyes. “I’m serious. I don’t think I’m clingy, I don’t require much, but don’t even do that again. I don’t need you to call me everyday but don’t ever ignore me like that again, Sidney.”
“I won’t, I swear,” Sidney promised, happy that his pretty girl was talking to him again.
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actualbird · 3 years
// spoilers for symphony of the night in bulk and also reactions
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mc, girl, i REALLY think you should check on your childhood best friend who is ALSO a very skilled hacker who ALSO is a self sacrificial doofus. because uh. not only does he have the capability to do this. but also. THE WORRYING ON AND OFF DESIRE TO DO THIS.
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thats a VERY interesting description of ur business place. ive been playing around with a fake-out makeout fic idea occurring in the abyss. something ala "oh no we were caught investigating secret codes in the hallway leading to the back exit!! QUICK, KISS ME!!! AND DO IT IN A WAY THAT WILL MAKE EVERYBODY WHO SEES FEEL SO AWKWARD THEY CANT QUESTION US!!!!" cue passionate makeout both parties RIDICULOUSLY ENJOY to the point that they, for a moment, forget that theyre doing this as a ruse.
if that aint "dreams come true" well...
bar owner having witnessed the nxx investigation team in various permutations kissing each other stupid For The Case: ...is this...a thing for you guys? im not bothered but DO GET A ROOM...
(and yes, for those curious, this is a marluke fic idea. im on a mission here to populate the marluke ao3 tag one fic at a time)
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marius' expression when he was saying this.....it was the I Don't Like This, This Is Sad And It's Hurting My Heart expression and i just....
1) it REALLY pulls at my heartstrings how BIG everybodys hearts are, in this team. theyre focused and can put emotions aside to get the job done but theyre all also so driven by human stories. they want to stop tragedies somehow all the time, and if the tragedy has already been written, theyre all willing to do whatever it takes to make sure it cant happen again. luke always says that mc hates bad endings. shes in good company though, in this team. all of them hate bad endings.
2) back to marius particularly just. uGH. this is my marluke brainworms jumping out but i am TAKING NOTE of how intensely upset marius is at the concept of a person willing to sacrifice themself for the benefit of other people. marius understands why types of people like this exist but i know in my HEART that he wants to make the world so that those people Dont Have To Be Like This.
what kind of world is so cruel that the best thing somebody can do is with their life is...leave it?
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HONEST TO GOD, THIS MADE ME CRY. COME ON, TOT. WHY. WHY DO THIS TO ME??? not only did you throw medilla into my face but u tell me he created his AI with the same "purpose" because the life he lived was just so fucking goddamn lonely
im crying again, shut up, dont look at me, im very easy to bring to tears
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//zak continues crying his eyeballs out
PLEASE and the fact that medilla had really really bad social anxiety. the world he loved was one he struggled to be a part of, one that existed in a manner that was hostile to him. so much of his actions were him at the sidelines doing good that nobody will ever ever know about.
the team promised both him and lilith that theyd witness the end of notro and centipede but god. GOD. i dunno, man! their story and dedication does live on in the minds and hearts of five people but it's breaking my heart,
these characters who lived their lives as a whisper because the world is too loud
and not many people are willing to listen
ALL IN ALL: sotn event story was VERY GOOD. gameplay was fun as hell but i think Media Journalist is entitled to financial compensation for being our debate punching bag this entire time. but yes the story was WONDERFUL. pacing was nice since each day kept suspense going but also gave us enough that i felt satisfied with each chunk and jus the Overall Themes hit me hard like a brick to the face.
i have to eat breakfast now and think about all of this intensely and also yoink a BUNCH of story themes from this to season future writing contents
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Alone (2/2)
Leviathan x gn!MC
Content Warnings - implied/reference self harm, self harm scars, LOTS of angst, kinda Yandere Levi, setting healthy relationship boundaries, happy ending
Summary -  After talking to Mammon, you manage to figure out what’s wrong with Levi and the two of you have a serious heart to heart, setting some important boundaries. PART ONE HERE
Chapter 2 - After
You had barely been able to concentrate during school. Your thoughts were full of Levi and what had happened this morning. You weren’t sure what had caused him to snap like that, but you were willing to bet it had something to do with why he was so upset yesterday. Now if only you could figure out what had upset him then, you might be able to figure out a way to help.
You sighed again, as you poked the food on your plate. It was lunch time now and normally you would be texting Levi to see how things were going in his classes and to update him on your day, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do that until you got your thoughts in order and had a proper conversation with him.
“Whattya sighin’ for? Ya been doing it all day and it’s startin’ ta get on my nerves.”
Though he was trying to sound annoyed, you could tell that Mammon was concerned. He had apologized to you while helping you prepare breakfast for crashing your date with Levi yesterday. He knew he should have changed his plans once he realized everyone else wanted to tag along. (He didn’t bother to try to deny the fact that he still would have shown up on his own if it had been possible.)
You had been quick to forgive him, which Mammon appreciated, but he also wasn’t sure you had been really listening to him all that much. Your mind had seemed to be elsewhere. Normally he would have called you out on it too, demanding you pay attention to The Great Mammon and act a bit more grateful he was helping you out. But he got the feeling that even if he had said anything it wouldn’t have made a difference - you just seemed that distracted.
“Hey. Ya gonna tell me what’s up?”
His voice had softened now, the teasing tone gone. You looked up to see Mammon watching you intently. You tried to offer him a smile, but you were unsuccessful and the face you made was somewhere between pain and worry.
“I...ummm...promise this stays between us ok? You can’t tell ANYONE. And you have to promise that you will not try to do anything about it. Ok?”
Mammon did not like the sound of that. He furrowed his brow, but agreed nonetheless.
“I...I got in a fight with Levi. I think at least. I’m not sure. This morning he just wasn’t...well, he wasn’t himself. And it kinda scared me. So I left. And we haven’t talked yet. I don’t even know what to say to him.”
Mammon listened closely to your words. He still didn’t know what happened, but he could tell you were doing everything you could to avoid saying it. A fight with Levi? Pfft. What did you do? Insult Ruri-chan? How could you not be sure if you had a fight? And what do you mean Levi wasn’t….
“HE WHAT?!” Mammon jumped to his feet, ready to head home immediately and beat the living daylights out of his younger brother. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. That pathetic, whiny brat transformed on you?! What the fuck was he thinking??
“Mammon! Please! Calm down!”, you pleaded with him. People were staring now and you really didn’t want to cause a scene. The last thing you needed was more trouble with angry demons, upset because you disturbed their lunch.
Taking one look at you, Mammon sat down with a huff. He was still ready to rip Levi limb from limb, but had promised you that he wouldn’t try to do anything about what you had told him. He’d just have to come up with some reason to teach him a lesson later.
“Thank you. It wasn’t like it was on purpose…”
“That’s even worse!”
“...He was just so upset. He was scared of something, but I don’t know what. And he just kept asking me not to leave.”
“So what are ya gonna do? You’re not seriously going back to him, are ya?”
“Of course I’m going back to him! Don’t be ridiculous. He didn’t actually DO anything. He got upset, but he let me go.
I just...need to find out what happened to him that got him so worked up. Everything seemed to be going so well until yesterday afternoon when y’all showed up at the tea house.”
“What do you mean ‘oh’? Do you know something I don’t?”
You were glaring at Mammon now. ‘Kinda’ my ass, you thought.
“Alright alright! Stop lookin’ at me like that! I’ll tell ya! Sheesh.
Ok. So look. Levi’s the Avatar of Envy right? Means he gets jealous real easy. Up until now, y’all have sorta been off in your own little world and haven’t paid much attention to the rest of us.
But yesterday, we all showed up durin’ your date, yeah? When Levi wasn’t even at the table.
So I’m thinkin’ he saw us all talkin’ and havin’ fun and whatever and got jealous. And that’s what set him off.”
Ah. That made sense. Why didn’t you think of that earlier? How could you possibly be so dense as to not notice that your own boyfriend was jealous?? He’s the personification of Envy for crying out loud! You knew that! Jealousy should have been the first thing you suspected given the timing of everything.
“Ughhhhh,” you groaned, leaning back in your seat, covering your face with your hands. Just how oblivious were you?
“So, this morning, when he was saying all the stuff about not wanting me to leave….”
“Probably ‘cause he was feeling insecure and scared ya’d leave ‘im for good.”
You let out another loud groan of frustration at your own stupidity. You didn’t mean to, but you had hurt Levi unintentionally. No wonder he was upset. You knew that didn’t excuse his behavior, especially him grabbing you, but it at least gave you a place to start so that you could try to work things out with him.
“Thanks, Mammon. Don’t you dare let anyone ever make you feel like the stupid one, you got it? You’re a lifesaver.”
“Whatever,” Mammon replied, blushing. You couldn’t help but laugh. He really was a great best friend and you had never been more thankful that he was part of your life than right now.
“Levi? Hey, I’m home.”
You knocked on his door again, but still no response. You had been expecting that though. So taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you opened his door and let yourself inside.
What greeted you, was an absolute disaster. Figurines, plushies, books, and DVD cases were scattered everywhere. One of his computer monitors was even on the floor, cracked and ruined beyond repair. Your chest tightened as you surveyed the damage. What had happened after you left?
Careful of where you were walking, trying to avoid stepping on anything as best you could, you moved further inside the room to look for your Leviathan. When you found him, he was curled up in his tub, still in his demon form with his shirt removed. Seeing him like that made you gasp, and you had to fight back tears. He just looked so broken. His face was red from crying and stained with dried tears, his hair was a disheveled, tangled mess, and you saw what had appeared to be claw marks all over his chest, that by now were mostly healed but still appeared very fresh.
Without another thought, you slipped into the tub with him, spooning him from behind, pressing gentle kisses to his shoulder. You knew you still needed to talk to him, but you had to make sure he was alright first before anything else. He wasn’t going to be able to listen to a thing you said if he was still as worked up as he had been. Levi continued to sleep, breathing steadily, and you knew he must have been exhausted. Pulling the blanket up to cover you both, you settled down, snuggled behind him and went to sleep.
As Levi started to wake up, the first thing he became aware of was the blanket covering his body. He didn’t remember covering himself up and wondered when he had managed to do that. But while he was pondering about the origins of the blanket, he started to become aware of the warmth that was pressing against his back, and the arm draped over his side.
His breath hitched, and he desperately fought the urge to immediately turn around. You couldn’t possibly be here. There was no way you could. After what he did...he choked back a sob as another flood of memories and anxieties washed over him.
“Levi, you okay?”
That was your voice. There was no mistaking it. It was so soft, and clear, and soothing. Cautiously, Levi rolled over so he was facing you.
“Hey babe,” you whispered, brushing the tangled mess that was his bangs out of his eyes so you could get a better look at him.
Levi couldn’t hold it back any longer, and broke down again, in a mixture of relief and regret now that you were right in front of him. His guilt still weighed heavily on him, but he was so incredibly happy that you were here.
As you watched Levi cry, you did the only thing you could and wrapped him up in a hug. You didn’t want to tell him everything was “alright” because it honestly wasn’t, so you decided on “I’m here” as you rubbed gentle circles on his back.
“I’m here, Levi. I’m here.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.”
“Hey, shhhhh. We will talk later ok? Just calm down right now, alright? I’m here. We will talk later. I promise.”
Levi nodded, burying his face into your shoulder, careful not to stab you with his horns. He had tried to shift back to his human form when he first noticed you, but he was still too anxious and agitated to manage it.
It took a good hour for Levi to finally calm down enough to talk to you. At some point his tail had become entwined around your leg, but his hold was gentle. You could tell he was being cautious and you appreciated it and the intimate gesture.
After another moment of silence as Levi gathered his thoughts, he started to apologize:
“I’m sorry,” Levi said, “I shouldn’t….I shouldn’t have grabbed you….”
Levi struggled to get his words out. His throat burned and felt so raw. But he knew he needed to say this. He needed to tell you how he felt and that he knew it was all his fault. He knew you were going to leave after you finished talking, so he had to make sure he said all he had to say before that.
“Thank you for saying that,” you replied, kissing his forehead, “I mean it. I really appreciate it. Thank you.”
You could tell he had more to say, so you calmly waited, rubbing his back gently and resting your cheek against his head, reassuring him that you were still here and ready to listen.
“I saw you with my brothers yesterday and...I just...I got jealous,” his voice was scarcely above a whisper now, but he kept going, “And, I...I...I know that you have to be disgusted with me after that. I know that...who wouldn’t…”
“Disgusted? Why would I be disgusted with you?”
“Because. Because I was jealous. And that’s not good, right? Good boyfriends aren’t supposed to be jealous. If I’m jealous that means I don’t trust you, right? Or that I’m a loser...which I know I am...but still. I shouldn’t have been jealous…”
“Aw, Levi, sweetie, there’s nothing wrong with jealousy. That’s normal. Everyone...”
“No! You don’t get it. I was really really really jealous,” he pulled back so he could look you in the eyes, desperate for you to understand just how despicable he was, “Really jealous. Like lock-you-up-and-never-let-you-go, yandere type of jealousy.”
“But you didn’t Levi; you did let me go.”
“It doesn’t matter! I still felt that way! I...I...I...still feel that way. Even now. I don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay here. Forever. And I don’t care if it makes you hate me. I still….I still don’t want you to leave me.”
You listened carefully as Levi spoke, piecing together how he was feeling bit by bit. This sounded like it was more than just the incident at the tea house that had bothered him. It seemed like this is something he had been struggling with and battling all on his own, hiding it from you out of fear. The thought made you pull him close again, and he didn’t even attempt to resist you, he just melted in your arms.
There was so much you had to say to him now that you had a clearer picture of what he had been dealing with, that you scarcely knew where to begin.
“Ok Levi, I’m going to talk now alright? And I need you to listen. Don’t interrupt me. Just listen. Ok?”
He nodded against your chest, he knew what was coming. This was the part where you would tell him how awful he was and how you never wanted to see him again and how much more wonderful all his other brothers were and how you regretted ever…
“I love you, Levi. You’re...well you’re my favorite person. The first one I always think of. The first one I want to share good news with. The first one I want to see when I’m upset. It’s you. It’s all you.
I want you to tell me these things. Please. It’s ok to be jealous. I get jealous sometimes too. And well, I think because you tried to hide it and keep it to yourself...I think that’s what allowed it to fester. But if you had talked to me about it? If you had talked about it, we could have worked something out. Together.
I mean, we’re supposed to be a couple right? So aren’t we supposed to solve problems together? That’s all I want.”
“How am I supposed to tell you that I want to lock you in my room and never let you leave? How is that supposed to help? It’s not like you’re suddenly going to let me do it. All it would do is prove what a twisted pervert I am…”
“...I might.”
“Huh?!” Levi jerked back once more so that he could see your face. He had to be sure of what he was hearing. You...wanted…him to lock you up…? That can’t be right. There’s no way you’d sink to his level of depravity, even if you were only doing it to comfort him.
“I said, if you were to ask me, I might let you lock me up.”
Levi was now frozen in place. His brain was misfiring and he didn’t know if he should laugh, cry, or just be plain embarrassed. Why were you saying these things? Did you even understand what you were saying? You couldn’t just say something like that. Here he was trying to control his darker urges and you were...encouraging them.
“We could do it like any other kink. Come up with a safeword. Have a plan in place. Talk about what was allowed and what wasn’t. I don’t see any reason not to, honestly. And if it’ll make you feel better, and give you some sort of outlet for your anxiety, then all the more reason to.”
He really didn’t know how to process this. He had just revealed the darkest, ugliest parts of himself to you, and you weren’t even batting an eye. He had assumed you were going to take off running at some point during the conversation and never look back, but you were still here. You were still talking to him, still trying to understand him. And he just couldn’t believe it. How could you love him so much?
“Hey, I mean it, Levi,” you reached out and cupped his cheek, stroking it gently with your thumb, “This isn’t something I want you to keep to yourself. You should tell me these things. You HAVE to tell me these things. If it’s something simple I can fix, then I can fix it. And if it’s not, then we can come up with a way to reassure you, and help you work through those emotions. Just...trust me a little, please?”
He wasn’t sure when, but at some point he had started crying again. But these weren’t the sad, angry, bitter tears from before. No, these were tears of pure relief. You understood him. You accepted him. You weren’t disgusted by him. He couldn’t put into words how happy that made him right now, so he just nodded again and held your hand closer to his cheek.
“So now that we are on the same page...do you think you could tell me what it was you were so worried about yesterday?”
Levi didn’t even need to think about it now, of course he would tell you. He’d tell you everything. His demonic form was finally fading away, and he curled up as close as he could manage next to you, wanting to feel more of your warmth.
“I...umm...just...well…you looked like you were having a lot of fun with my brothers. And I well, I wondered if you had been having that much fun with me...because I didn’t really talk with you yesterday. I just sorta did my own thing while you watched…”
You were struggling not to laugh now. You really needed to keep it together because you didn’t want Levi to get the wrong idea, but it was a battle that was more difficult than you would have thought possible under the circumstances.
“I’m sorry Levi,” you gave him another kiss to his forehead before resting yours against his, closing your eyes, “I’m not laughing at you I swear. I’m just laughing at the situation I guess? I mean, I don’t know what you saw when you found me sitting with your brothers, but I can promise you I was not enjoying myself. Frankly I was beyond pissed. Mammon I understood you know, because he’s always tagging along...but for everyone else to show up? It infuriated me.
And as for you being excited and ignoring me...sweetheart, that’s why I took you there in the first place. I know how much you love that stuff. And you are just so incredibly cute when you’re in your element and enjoying yourself. So I took you there knowing full well what I was getting myself into. That was the entire point.”
Well, now he just felt foolish. Everything he had been worried about...the anxiety that had been eating at him for the past 24 hours...he could have avoided it all if he had just talked to you earlier. He hated how simple it was.
“Is there anything else?” you asked, checking in on Levi as he continued to come to terms with the fact your idea of a good time included watching him be the biggest dork he could.
“Oh yeah, I guess. I uh, I wasn’t trying to ignore you yesterday. After we got home I mean. It was just like...like I couldn’t even hear you. I mean I could hear you...I knew you were talking...but I didn’t know what you were saying.”
You had to smile at his confession just now, maybe he hadn’t realized it before, but that was far from the first time he had stopped being able to verbally respond to you. There were plenty of other times where he had been stressed, that he just opted for laying near you and zoning out while you played with his hair or you cuddled and watched a movie together.
“I know, Levi. I get it. I don’t know if you realize this but...that’s not the first time something like that has happened. And I didn’t think for a moment you were ignoring me on purpose, ok?”
Levi breathed another sigh of relief. You were amazing, so incredibly amazing. How did he manage to be this lucky? He knew there had been other times where he had struggled to respond to you, and he thought you hadn’t noticed because you never said anything to him. But it turns out you knew the whole time and had already decided to embrace that along with the rest of his quirks.
The two of you continued to lay there in comfortable silence, holding each other close. You were hoping against hope that you had gotten through to Levi, and that he knew how much he meant to you and how willing you were to work things out with him. Telling you everything, and laying it all out there couldn’t have been easy for him. He was self conscious enough as it is about normal things, you couldn’t imagine how much resolve it had to have taken for him to open up to you about this.
Now that the anxiety, tension, and fear had left Levi’s body completely, he found himself struggling to remain awake. He wasn’t ready to sleep yet. Sleep was a waste. If he slept, you really would have to go.
You could see how much of a fight he was putting up to remain awake. His eyelids kept drooping, and his head would occasionally bob, before he’d jerk himself awake once more. So cute, you thought.
“Hey, why don’t you get some rest? I’m gonna get started cleaning things up. But I promise I’ll still be here when you wake. I won’t go anywhere without telling you, ok?”
Levi nodded, he was so exhausted at this point, and your permission was all his body needed to stop its attempts at resistance. The last thing he remembered before he drifted off was the feeling of your lips on his cheek as you climbed out of the tub, and tucked him in.
Leaving Levi in the tub, you set to work tidying up his room. If you were being honest, you wished you could stay by his side and get some rest yourself, but you knew that this had to be taken care of first. You didn’t want Levi to see the damage he’d done to his room when he had been in his demon form, because you were sure he wasn’t even completely aware of what he had been doing. If he saw things as they were, you imagined it may only send him into another guilty spiral of anxiety, and you didn’t want to chance it. You would just have to explain things to him later.
As you worked, you couldn’t help but think of just how upset he had to have been. He loved his collections. He treasured them and went through great pains to preserve them so that they could always be enjoyed in perfect condition, as intended by their creators.
But seeing everything scattered about how it was only served to remind you of the depth of his self loathing. He had been doing so well as of late, that you nearly had forgotten just how dark his thoughts tend to turn. For every thing you loved about him, he had something he hated about himself.
And while he was proud in his declarations of love for his interests, he also was very much aware how people viewed him because of it. You wished you could get him to see himself as you did. Then maybe he could learn to have just a tiny bit more confidence, and just be slightly less anxious all the time. You didn’t want to change him - you just didn’t want to see him suffer.
Just as you placed the last figurine back in its rightful position, you felt your DDD vibrate in your pocket. It was Mammon, and he was checking in on you.
“Hey. Everything goin’ alright? He’s not refusin’ to let you leave, is he?”
You were about to type a reply, when another message came through soon after,
“If ya don’t answer me I’m comin’ over there and kickin’ his ass.”
He was looking out for you, and it warmed your heart. You had dumped a lot on him earlier, and he had been so supportive and understanding. It couldn’t have been easy for him, you knew, to let you go back and see Levi again after the things you had confided in him. Mammon was insanely protective of you. And you really couldn’t blame him, especially considering you had had a couple near death experiences at the hands of his brothers, Levi included.
“I’m fine. Levi is asleep.” You sent your message through quickly, before deciding to send along another with a new selfie attached as proof of your condition.
“Good. Stay that way. Dinner is soon.”
You smiled as you flicked the screen of your DDD off, and slipped it back into your pocket. Looking over the room once more, you felt a tiny bit proud at how well you had done restoring order.
You didn’t notice it, but Levi had woken up a little bit ago and had been watching you work. He was so grateful to you for cleaning things up, even if he was embarrassed that you had to have seen him like that. The fact that you managed to return everything to its rightful place was a testament to how much time you had spent with him, and how much attention you paid to things he was interested in, and it made him feel so incredibly loved.
His memories from most of the day were fuzzy, as they usually were whenever he lost control of himself like that. He was thankful he had managed to keep it together long enough for you to leave this morning too. He didn’t know what he would have done if he really had hurt you, instead of just taking out his anxiety on himself. The thought made him shiver, and as he pulled his blanket tighter around his shoulders, he realized his shirt was missing.
His cheeks flushed once he remembered that only a few hours ago you had been snuggled up close to him, and therefore had to have noticed. Even though it made no sense after everything else that had happened, the realization embarrassed him greatly. You may have already been intimate plenty of times before, but letting you see him naked outside of those times still felt awkward.
When he looked up again, he saw you smiling at him. You had been watching as he tried to cover his body with his blanket. The fact that he was blushing and embarrassed about his state of undress helped you relax. If he had the wherewithal to care about that, you knew he was going to be alright.
You walked over to him, and knelt by the edge of the tub, crossing your arms and resting them on its side. Levi looked away from you now that you were close, and you reached out to tuck some stray hairs behind his ear. It was a sweet gesture, but entirely unproductive given the state of the rest of his beautiful purplish, blue locks.
“Hey you. How are you feeling?”
“Better. Just a little tired, I guess.” He gave you a sheepish smile, “Umm, thank you. For cleaning up. I know it had to have been a hassle. Sorry you had to see things like that. But ummm...thanks.”
You shook your head, “Don’t worry about it. That’s what I’m here for. I mean, you’d do the same for me right?”
Levi blushed again, and gave you a small nod. Of course he would do the same for you. How could you possibly think anything else? He might not be as eloquent as you, but he definitely would have done his absolute best to be there for you. He wouldn’t have abandoned you, that’s for sure.
“I uh...think I need to shower. Before dinner, you know.”
“Hmm, maybe I should join you,” you teased, a smile playing at your lips.
“Yeah, maybe you should.”
Now it was your turn to be embarrassed, and your face flushed crimson. You were used to being the one with the upper hand, and you weren’t sure how you felt about this sudden role reversal. But one thing was for sure - you certainly enjoyed that hungry, needy look in his eyes as he waited for your response.
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simplybakugou · 4 years
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⋆ PAIRING: dad!bakugou x female!reader ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: swearing; angst ⋆ WORD COUNT: 6126
A/N: I was already planning on making a part 2 for this but you guys beat me to it! And this is so long, I didn’t mean for it to be so long but so many ideas kept coming to mind lol. This is also my way of contributing to Bakugou’s birthday because I’m too depressed and sad to do anything else for him :) Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy :)
Link to part 1 is here!
✐posted 04.20.2020✐
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“You’re all done!” You exclaimed, patting one of your patient’s back as you wrapped up the bandage. “Remember to not put too much pressure or overwork your arm otherwise it won’t heal properly. Please contact the hospital if you have any other abnormal pains.”
The young woman smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Bakugou-san. No wonder you’re so famous!”
You smiled and thanked the woman as she exited the room. Your nursing assistance, Hana, walked into the room, holding her clipboard of all of your appointments in hand. “Hana, do I have any more appointments?”
Hana looked down at the clipboard, shaking her head. “No, you’re clear for the afternoon.”
You nodded, thanking her and pulled your phone out from your pocket as you walked out into the hallway. There were numerous missed calls from Aldera Junior High, Katsuo’s school. A sigh escaped your lips, already knowing that the meaning of the call couldn’t be good. You dialed the phone number and called back.
“Hello, this is the office of Aldera Junior High, how can I help you?” A man’s voice asked from the other line.
“Hi, my name is Bakugou Y/N and I was just calling back after receiving some missed calls from this number.”
“Oh, Bakugou-san! Let me redirect you to Principal Hirai. She will answer your call shortly.” The line was momentarily cut off until you were redirected to the principal’s phone.
“Hello, this Principal Hirai. Is this Bakugou-san?” 
“Yes, it is. Sorry about not answering your previous calls. I had a few appointments to take care of at the hospital here.” You took off your white lab coat and sat down in your office.
“No worries, I understand how busy and hard you work. I called because there was an… incident here.”
You furrowed your brows. “Incident? Is it about Katsuo? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine but he did get into a fight with another student here. His mother is here in my office now and I would like you to come as well. I tried calling your husband but he is currently on duty so that’s why I called you,” Principal Hirai said.
“I understand. I’ll get there as soon as I can.” You hung up, setting your phone down on the table. Your fingertips rubbed small circles into your temples as you could feel a migraine forming. Katsuo, despite being a carbon copy of his father, had your temperament, making him calmer and less aggressive than his father. That was why you were shocked to find out he had gotten into a fight, something that is not in his character. 
You grabbed your coat, phone, and bag, approaching the front desk of the hospital. “Hana, call me if I get any other appointments. I’m taking my lunch break early.”
Hana nodded, waving good-bye to you as you made your way to your car and Aldera Junior High.
The doors were light as you pushed open the doors to the main office of the school. A man, most likely the one who you were on the phone with, greeted you. “Bakugou-san? You can take a seat right there. Principal Hirai will be right with you.”
You nodded, looking over to where he was gesturing. In the seats was your son who had a tissue in his right nostril to stop the bleeding as well as a bruise on his right cheek. He looked up at you, his crimson eyes widening at the sight of you. “Mom!”
You sighed, walking over and sitting down next to him. You cupped his face in your hands, examining his face. “You don’t look too beaten up but that bruise will take a few days, maybe weeks, to heal.”
Katsuo looked at you with a puzzled expression. “So… you’re not upset?”
“Of course I’m upset!” You exclaimed. “Why would you get into a fight, Katsuo? It’s not like you to do something like this.”
Katsuo scoffed in a manner similar to Bakugou himself. “That bastard Watanabe is a piece of shit.”
You felt your eye twitch at the sound of your son cursing, normally reprimanding him for doing so but deciding not to now since he seemed so upset. “He was picking on a kid in class for not showing him the answers on the test so I just wanted to tell him off for picking on someone like that. But then he started getting all pissy, talking about me being shitty for not having a quirk and then he…”
Katsuo looked over at you, looking away after his eyes met yours. “Then he what, Suo?”
Katsuo sighed, looking down at his hands. “He started saying that I’m probably quirkless ‘cause ‘my bitch of a mother’s shit quirk was too weak to pass on’ and that it was ‘her fault for making such a fucked up kid.’”
Katsuo looked back up at you, holding your hands in his. “But your quirk is so cool, Mom! No one else thinks it’s shitty or anything! Everyone thinks that you’re amazing for protecting and saving so many people and they all admire you for it! I admire you for it! Even if you aren’t a pro, you’re my hero, Mom.”
You smiled at him, raising your hand up and caressing his blonde hair down. “When did I get such a sweet and caring son? You didn’t have to say anything, Suo, I’m proud of you for sticking up for your classmate.”
He smiled back at you, looking over to see the man at the front desk smiling at the sight of a mother comforting her son. Katsuo blushed, rubbing his neck. “I-It was nothing, Mom.”
The door labelled ‘PRINCIPAL’ in black, bold letters, opened up. Principal Hirai gestured at the two of you to come in and you both got up to enter her office. Inside was an older woman and a young boy, who was even more beat up than Katsuo with a large band aid covering the bridge of his nose as well as a black eye. It seemed like even quirkless Katsuo was capable of showing his strength and protecting himself. Katsuo sat down on the chair next to Watanabe and you sat beside your son.
Principal Hirari sighed, folding her hands together on the desk. “Thank you both for being able to come here today, especially you, Y/N, with your busy schedule.”
The mother scoffed, crossing her arms. “What? Being a little doctor means she gets more praise than me?”
“No, not at all, Aiko. But let me get to why I had you come here in the first place. From what I’ve heard from Mashiho, he was minding his business when Katsuo came over and kept initiating a fight. Then he punched his face, forcing Mashiho to have to fight back.”
Katsuo stood up from his seat, eyes widened and teeth clenched together in anger. “You liar! You threw the first punch! And you were the one who kept picking on Asahi!”
Watanabe rolled his eyes at him. “I didn’t do any of that, Principal Hirai. Who are you going to believe: the kid with respectable parents or the brat with a sad excuse of a father who uses his aggressive behavior to call himself a hero?”
Katsuo grabbed Watanabe by the collar, pulling him up to his feet. “I dare you to say that again, you fucking piece of shit.”
You stood up, pulling Katsuo back and making him sit back down. “That’s enough, boys. I’ve heard enough,” Principal Hirai said.
Aiko began comforting her son in her arms. “Oh, my poor baby! Hirai, as you can clearly see, that barbaric kid is the one responsible for all of this! But you can’t blame the kid for being like that, since his parents can barely take care of one kid, let alone two. I mean how many times has that behemoth of a hero caused damage to the press. He’s better off being a villain than a hero if you ask me.”
Your hands clenched into fists. “Good thing no one was asking you, ‘cause the next time you even think about insulting my son or my husband in front of me will be your last.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Principal Hirai commanded. “It’s clear to me what happened.”
“Good, so I’m glad that that brat will be taken care of,” Aiko huffed.
“No, the exact opposite will be happening,” Principal Hirai said, eyeing Aiko. She looked over at Katsuo, smiling. “Katsuo has never gotten into this kind of trouble. Nor have I ever gotten complaints about him from the teachers. In fact, they say that he will most likely be the valedictorian for this year’s class. I only expect good things from him and I can see that you and your husband have done an excellent job raising him and Suki, who also is doing well in her classes here. I also want to thank you and your husband for everything you do for the people and so selflessly as well.”
You smiled, bowing your head at her. “Thank you for your kind words and taking care of my kids, too.”
Principal Hirai nodded, her smile disappearing as she looked at Watanabe. “Mashiho, on the other hand has caused more trouble than any other child in this building. There have been numerous cases where he has bothered other students for his benefit. I’m sure that if Katsuo didn’t step up and defend his classmate, Watanabe would have continued this behavior. Therefore, I’ve decided to suspend Watanabe for three weeks.”
Aiko and Watanabe stared at Principal Hirai with wide eyes and they both jumped out of their chairs. “This is outrageous! Look at my baby, look at how beat up he is because of that little shit!”
Principal Hirai looked at Aiko with disgust. “I also advise you, Aiko, to learn some manners as well because I won’t allow any adult to address my students as ‘little shits.’ I won’t be changing my mind. Please leave my office and do not return.”
Aiko, who was enraged, got up and grabbed her purse in one hand and her son in the other as she stormed out the door, cursing as she did so. Katsuo snickered and you nudged his leg to make him stop. Principal Hirai sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I really do apologize for making you come all the way here for such a nuisance. I’m sorry to you, too, Katsuo for having to deal with this.”
Katsuo grinned at her. “It’s nothing. If I’m being honest, I only fought back ‘cause he talked shi– I mean bad about my mom.”
You ruffled his hair, bowing and thanking the principal. “Thank you so much. If it’s alright, I’d like to sign Katsuo out for the rest of the day.”
Principal Hirai nodded. “You can sign Suki out as well as my way of showing my thanks for everything you and Ground Zero do for the world.”
You and Katsuo thanked her once again, going out into the office and having the man at the desk call Suki’s teacher to have her come down. Suki was your daughter, two years younger than Katsuo. Unlike her older brother, she had inherited your healing quirk. The difference was that she inherited Bakugou’s special sweat where she is able to heal using her sweat. Although she still can’t use it to the best of her abilities, she does try and train it as best as she can.
As you signed your children out, Suki opened the doors with a large grin on her face, most likely due to the fact that she got to leave early which was practically every child’s dream. She made a face once she saw her brother’s bruises. “God, what happened to you?”
Katsuo rolled his eyes at his little sister. “I’ll tell you later.”
“And then, I used just one drop of my sweat and it healed her paper cut! Isn’t that great, Mom? I’m showing so much progress!” Suki said, her face lit up with excitement as she latched her arm around yours.
Katsuo scoffed. “Aren’t you supposed to be able to do more? You’re in sixth grade now and that’s all you can do?”
You nudged Katsuo’s side. “Progress is still progress. I’m proud of you, Suki.”
Suki grinned at you, sticking her tongue out at her brother. Katsuo flipped her off when you weren’t looking. It was bright outside, the sun beaming down on the three of you as you took your kids out. Although you didn’t want him to get into fights, you were proud of your son for sticking up for his classmate and defending himself even without a quirk. There was no doubt in your mind that he would become a great hero just like his father.
Katsuo extended his arm out in front of the two of you, causing you to stop walking. He pointed down the road. “There’s a bunch of reporters there. If we go down this way, they’ll just ambush us and ask a bunch of questions about Dad.”
You nodded, looking down the street that was a bit dimmer as it wasn’t exposed to the sun’s rays due to the ginormous trees on the sidewalks. “This road looks better. It’ll take us a bit longer to get back to the car but that’s fine.”
“Do you think we’ll run into Dad or another cool hero on the way?” Suki asked excitedly as the three of you began walking down the narrow, desolate road.
“It’s possible, but I’d rather not ‘cause heroes only show up in times of need and that would mean a villain would be here,” you said. 
“Do you think there are people out there that hate Dad?” Katsuo asked.
“I’m sure there are. Just as there are people who love and admire Dad for everything he’s done, there have to be people who despise him for getting in the way,” you stated. Your phone began buzzing in your pocket, looking at it to find an alert from a ‘villain movement app,’ one that notifies you when there is criminal activity in the area. WARNING: Level 5 villain, Gamma, is in the area. Be cautious.
“Gamma? Who’s that?” Suki asked.
“He was a villain that Dad and Uncle Deku faced a few years ago. He got away from police custody but no one’s heard from him since. We should get to the car as fast as we can before anything happens.”
“Too bad I got to you first,” a raspy voice called out from a few feet from behind you.
You felt like something was crawling under your skin as you clenched your hands around your kids’ forearms, turning around slowly to make eye contact with a pair of green beady eyes. 
“Mommy?” Suki called out to you softly. Gamma grinned menacingly at the three of you.
“Kids, run that way as fast as you can and get help from the first person you see,” you said in a low voice.
“What about you, Mom?” Katsuo asked, his voice trembling. Although he had never seen Gamma, obviously, he remembered watching the news feed of his father and Midoriya facing off against Gamma and it was difficult even with their combined strength. 
“Don’t worry about me, and go!” You said, your tone harshening in a way that Katsuo or Suki had never heard.
Suki grabbed her brother’s arm, running in the opposite direction. Katsuo looked behind him, your back faced him and he could see how you were shaking. Gamma took a step forward but you stopped him. “I’m your target, not them.”
Your quirk was in no way suited for combat but you knew you could distract him as much as you could just so that your kids could get away. Gamma grinned even wider. “You think I’ll let those little shits get away?”
Gamma used his quirk to create a solid wall in front of Suki and Katsuo’s path in a similar way that Cementoss’ quirk worked. “Your little husband and that All Might wannabe did this to me!” He pulled down his hood to reveal all of his hair singed off as well as burn markings all over his scalp. “I’m gonna make them feel every ounce of pain I felt.”
Suki began tearing up, clutching onto her older brother as Katsuo held her tightly against him. Gamma smirked. “I’m gonna kill all of you and make that explosion bastard feel so much agony he’s gonna beg me to kill him.”
Gamma moved his arm, his quirk activating to create a branch like substance, wrapping around Suki’s waist. Suki screamed as she was ripped from her brother’s grasp but Katsuo refused to let go of her, holding onto her arms. Although he didn’t have a quirk, he still trained with his father to maintain his physique. Due to Gamma’s strength to have been immensely depleted thanks to Midoriya and Bakugou, Katsuo managed to yank Suki from the cement branch.
Gamma grunted under his breath and you let out a sigh of relief. But it still was far from over. Gamma looked over to Katsuo, snarling at the sight of him. “You look just like him. I think I’ll play around with you until he gets here.”
Your eyes widened, looking back at Katsuo as another cement branch grabbed him this time. “Katsuo!” You and Suki called out in unison.
Suki attempted to pull her brother away like he had done for her but she wasn’t strong enough. The cement branch moved towards Gamma, holding Katsuo up in front of him. Gamma activated another cement branch, grabbing Suki and maneuvering it forward so it would grab you on the way. The substance felt like the side of the road was wrapping against your bare skin as the tiny rocks dug into you. You winced in pain and Suki began crying out.
Gamma laughed maniacally. “You all made it too easy! I expected it from the doctor but not from the brats! I expected at least one of you to have that bastard’s quirk!”
The crowd of reporters heard the commotion from the street over, moving to the source of the sound. With little time, the crowd continued growing as they all watched on, unable to do anything other than watch. 
The cement dug deeper as Gamma tightened its hold around all of you. The silent road was now filled with the sounds of the three of you screaming in agony. You gritted your teeth. “They’re just kids! It should be enough to take your anger out on me, not them! Let them go!”
Gamma shook his head. “I want him to feel as much pain as he can! I don’t give a fuck who gets hurt!” You continued baiting him, angering Gamma even further.
Katsuo grunted, trying to break his arms free or at least move them around. Think, Katsuo, think!
He remembered watching the video of Gamma fighting all those years ago and how he relied on the darkness when using his quirk. It was a long shot, but Katsuo knew he had to do something otherwise his family would be murdered. His fingers snuck into his pocket carefully, pulling out his phone and turning the flashlight on. He shined the light at Gamma’s eyes and Gamma screamed out, his eyes feeling like they were burning. His grip began to weaken and Katsuo broke free from his hold. He continued to shine the light at him as he went over to his mother and sister.
The only way to get them out would be to break the cement. Katsuo didn’t have any tools to do this, having to rely on his fists and the fact that Gamma was weakened by the light to break them free. So Katsuo began punching the cement, his knuckles cracking and bleeding as he pounded relentlessly. 
“Suo!” Suki cried out, tears streaming down her face.
With one final punch, Katsuo broke you and Suki free, falling to the floor. The crowd cheered for Katsuo as you grabbed your son and daughter and ran towards the crowd and away from Gamma. Katsuo continued to shine the light onto Gamma, sighing in relief as he thought they had gotten away.
“Not so fast, you shit!” Gamma yelled, releasing one more cement branch blindly, grabbing Katsuo. He dropped his phone, releasing Gamma from being burned by the light. You moved to grab your son, only to be stopped by the formation of a cement wall, one with numerous net-like holes so that everyone could see what he was about to do.
“All you bastards out there, feast your eyes!” Gamma called out to the crowd. He tightened his grip around Katsuo. Katsuo felt his ribs crack as he let out a blood curdling scream.
“Katsuo!” You called out, covering your mouth as you sobbed. 
Suki fell to the floor beside you, turning around at the crowd. “One of you fucking idiots call for help! He’s gonna kill my brother!”
The crowd flinched at the intensity and vigor of Suki’s voice. One of the reporters had gotten the attention of others around him, and the crowd managed to call over Midoriya who was initially informed about the situation, the perfect person for this. 
“Gamma!” Midoriya called down the road.
Gamma flinched at the sound. “That voice…”
Taking advantage of the diversion and Gamma’s lack of attention, Katsuo pushed his arms out, wriggling his body from Gamma’s clutches. He fell to the floor, groaning in pain. He was broken and bloodied. “Suo!” Suki called out.
Katsuo punched through the wall, managing to break free, falling in front of his mother and sister. He was panting, clutching his side in pain. 
“That damn hero…” Gamma grunted. 
Before Midoriya could make his way through the crowd, Gamma created another branch, one with deadly shards of cement that would surely impale you as he was trying to grab you this time. Katsuo saw this, grabbing his book bag that was strewn on the floor and flinging it at the branch. He threw his body in front of you and Suki.
“Don’t you fucking touch them!” Katsuo screamed, his voice cracking. 
Gamma smirked at him. “Look at you being all brave. Come to think of it, I did hear about Ground Zero having a quirkless son. And you think you can defeat me? You’re just a waste of space!”
“I know that I’m weak!” Katsuo yelled. “I’m quirkless, and I’ll never be as strong as my dad.”
“Suo…” You murmured, holding onto Suki. 
Katsuo looked at Gamma with an intensity in his eyes that matched that of Bakugou’s. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll just let you hurt the ones I love without a fight!”
Gamma scoffed, angered by the child’s tenacity. He created another branch, this time aiming for Katsuo. “It’s over for you, kid!”
“Not while I’m here!” Midoriya called out, finally breaking through the crowd and running full speed at Gamma. “You’ve hurt them enough!”
Gamma flinched as Midoriya used his quirk and landed a devastating punch to Gamma’s large body. His body cracked, weakening his powers immensely. He was already weak due to Midoriya and Bakugou’s efforts all those years ago. 
As Midoriya reprimanded Gamma, Katsuo collapsed to the floor, continuing to clutch his side. You moved to hold him in your arms. “Katsuo, don’t worry I’ll fix you up soon.”
“Will he really be okay?” Suki asked, sniffling as she continued to cry.
You smiled softly, caressing her hair. “He’s alright. He has a few broken ribs and broke a few fingers, too. But Katsuo’s the strongest kid I know.”
Suki’s fists shook in her lap as you two sat outside of Katsuo’s room in the hospital. “He’s such an idiot! He should know better than to hurt himself like that!”
You rubbed Suki’s back, leaning your head onto hers. You shivered at the mere thought of Gamma but was assured as the images of Katsuo’s bravery flooded your mind. You knew that he trained with Bakugou since he was a toddler but you had no idea he was so strong, especially without a quirk.
You were broken away from your thoughts as Midoriya walked down the hallway. He smiled as he saw you and Suki. “Are you guys okay?”
You nodded. “Thanks to you, I don’t know what would’ve happened without you, Deku.”
Midoriya smiled sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck. “I was just doing my job! Your son was amazing out there! Speaking of, is he awake?”
You nodded. “Yeah, he wanted a few moments alone to breathe and process what happened so I’m just waiting for Katsuki here.”
“I see. Is it alright if I see him?”
“Go ahead!”
Midoriya smiled at the two of you as he slid the door open, closing it behind him. Katsuo sighed from his bed. “Mom, I said I wanted a few moments alo–”
Katsuo’s eyes widened at Midoriya by the door. “Oh, sorry! I can come back later if you want.”
“No! It’s okay, you can stay!” Katsuo sat up in his bed, wincing slightly. “I actually wanted to thank you for saving us back there.”
Midoriya shook his head, sitting down on the chair beside Katsuo’s bed. “You did so much for your mom and your little sister and I don’t think you understand how you literally saved them. I’m sure if you hadn’t done what you did and protected them in the way that you did, they would have been harmed severely. But you used your own body to protect them.”
Katsuo blushed. Although he was close with Midoriya due to his connection to his father, this was the first time someone other than his parents was commending him for his strength. “I just didn’t want them to get hurt. They’re my family and I think that if I had just done nothing, even though I don’t have a quirk, I would have never forgiven myself if they got hurt.”
Midoriya smiled. “You remind me of myself when I was your age, you know.”
Katsuo’s eyes widened. “What? No way! You’re one of the top heroes, Uncle Deku! You’re as strong as Dad, there’s no way you were like a quirkless loser like me!”
“I was though.” Midoriya paused. “I was quirkless like you.”
Katsuo stared at Midoriya with genuine confusion. Midoriya raised his hands in front of him, showing the numerous scars on his hands. “I was born quirkless but I was given this quirk by someone else. It’s called One For All.”
“You were given your quirk? Is that even possible?”
“This is the only possible way. A long time ago, I met my hero, the past symbol of peace, All Might. He gave me this quirk.”
Katsuo got excited, his eyes shining with excitement. “All Might?! Dad always tells me stories about how cool he was back in the day! And he gave you his quirk? Was that why he retired?”
Midoriya shook his head. “No, you see, that’s not how it works. One For All can be passed down from one person to another and it has been for generations. All Might was given his power by his teacher, too.”
Midoriya looked down at his hands. “I was a quirkless kid just like you when I met him. I thought it was impossible for me to become a hero and so did All Might at first. But then, I tried to save your dad from a villain, even without a quirk, and All Might saw me do it. He saw my drive to save as many people as I could as the perfect thing for the next successor of One For All. So he passed his quirk to me.”
“Dad never told me about that… about the whole villain attacking him.”
Midoriya chuckled. “That sounds like Kacchan. It isn’t something he’s proud of, having to be saved by a quirkless kid. But seeing you throw yourself and do anything to save those that you love, it reminded me of exactly why I wanted to become a hero.”
Katsuo furrowed his brows in confusion at Midoriya. “I like hearing all these stories, but why’re you telling me all this? Isn’t this supposed to be a secret?”
“I’m telling you this because I want to pass down One For All to you.”
Katsuo stared at him with utter disbelief, not believing for a second that he was serious. “Uncle Deku, I really do respect you, but if this is a joke, I think you can stop now.”
Midoriya shook his head. “I’ve never been more serious, Katsuo. Kacchan and Y/N have been telling me how much you’ve wanted to be a hero and I’m sure a lot of people have told you that you wouldn’t be able to be a hero because you’re quirkless. But from one quirkless person to another: you too can become a hero.”
Bakugou’s feet moved at a pace that the rest of his body couldn’t keep up with. The moment he heard the news of Gamma attacking his family, he didn’t hesitate to drop everything to rush to your side and make sure all three of you were okay. Midoriya had texted him the location of the hospital and Bakugou cursed under his breath as he had decided to take the stairs to the fifth floor, which was where you were. He even used his quirk to move his body faster, finally reaching the fifth floor.
His crimson eyes scanned the halls and found Suki lying on two chairs outside of a room, you close beside her. You looked up, smiling after seeing your husband. “Katsuki!”
Bakugou didn’t hesitate to hold you in his arms, practically knocking the wind out of you. His calloused hands held you tightly, his head nuzzled into your neck. He was so glad to see that you were alright. Bakugou pulled away, examining your body once more for any external injuries. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “I’m fine. Suki and I got away with a few scratches.”
Bakugou’s blonde brows furrowed in worry and concern. “And Suo? What about Katsuo?”
“He has a few broken ribs and fingers. He’ll be okay though.”
“What the fuck happened?”
You smiled at Bakugou. “Katsuo protected us from that villain, Katsu. He did whatever he could to protect us.”
Bakugou stared in silence and relief. He was concerned about his son, slightly aggravated with the fact that he had been so reckless, but he also knew that if Katsuo hadn’t stepped up, you and Suki would’ve been harmed to a degree that Bakugou didn’t even want to imagine.
“He’s in there with Deku if you want to see him.”
Bakugou nodded, moving over to Suki who was fast asleep. He sighed, knowing that she was okay before sliding the door open. Katsuo nor Midoriya heard the door open, Bakugou only seeing the sight of Katsuo in a state of utter shock.
“What the hell did you tell him, Deku?” Bakugou asked, closing the door and leaning against it.
Midoriya flinched at the sudden sound of his voice, turning around to face him. “Oh, Kacchan! I didn’t even hear you come in.”
Midoriya looked back at Katsuo who was looking at his hands, both his hands bandaged up as the aftermath of the day’s events. “Dad, do you think I can be a hero?”
Bakugou sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I think what you did today is enough proof that you’re better than half the pros out there. Some of them hesitate to even save people, valuing their life above everything else. But you didn’t even think about that, and even though it was reckless, you’re the reason why Mom and Suki were able to get out of that unscathed.”
Katsuo let out a breathless laugh, his eyes tearing up as he whispered out, “So you think I’m a hero, too?”
“From how shocked you are now, I’m gonna guess and say that this shithead wants to pass down his quirk to you.”
Midoriya and Katsuo looked at Bakugou with shock. “How’d you know, Kacchan?”
Bakugou scoffed. “I wasn’t born yesterday. The moment I heard what happened and how you were there at the last minute, you probably saw that my kid was just like you all those years ago with that fucking sludge monster. And seeing as you’re here and Suo looks like he’s gonna pass out, I figured that’s what you told him.”
Midoriya turned his body around to face Bakugou. “So what do you think?”
“I think that my opinion has nothing to do with this. This is your quirk and it’s your decision for who you want to pass it onto. And it’s up to Katsuo if he wants this.”
Midoriya smiled, looking over at Katsuo. “You see, Katsuo? There are only a few people in my life that know about One For All and All Might and your dad are included. It’s all up to you.”
Katsuo clenched the sheets in his hands. The minute Midoriya had explained his situation, he knew exactly what he wanted. “I’ll do it. I’ll take One For All.”
Midoriya grinned. “Awesome! I knew I could count on you. But, I will say that I can’t pass it onto you for now since I still have so much to do with this quirk. But, I will train you and help your body be prepared for this quirk. I had no muscle training until All Might came into my life but I can see that Kacchan has prepared you well.”
The door slid open abruptly, almost making Bakugou fall backwards. You put your hand on his back, pushing him back up. The three boys stared at you in shock and you looked at them in confusion. “What? You guys look like I interrupted a classified meeting.”
Midoriya shook his head vigorously. “N-No! You didn’t interrupt anything!”
“O-kay?” You sighed. “Can you two get out for now? I need to examine Katsuo’s wounds a little more before we can call it a night.”
Midoriya nodded, getting up to leave and sit on the chairs outside of the room. You walked over to Katsuo, sitting on the chair that Midoriya was sitting on. Bakugou unfurled his arms from his chest to his sides. “I’m gonna go talk to Deku.” You nodded and he closed the door behind him.
Bakugou sat down beside Midoriya who seemed to be deep in thought. Bakugou looked over at him. “What, you regretting your decision already?”
Midoriya shook his head rapidly. “No, not at all! I have no doubt that I made the right decision. I’ve just been thinking about when All Might approached me the same way with this quirk.”
He looked down at his hands which had numerous scars. “I want to approach this the right way. All Might was running low on time with One For All and he prepared me as best as he could until the U.A. entrance exams. But I want to make sure that Katsuo’s body will be prepared to the fullest before taking this quirk. You’ve seen it’s backlashes and I don’t want him to have to experience that same pain.”
Bakugou looked over at his daughter, caressing her (H/C) hair. He smiled. “He’s stronger than he looks. He’s my kid after all.”
Midoriya smiled as well. “I figured that much. If he wasn’t strong, he probably wouldn’t have been able to fight Gamma and hold him off as much as he did.”
Bakugou sighed, looking in the opposite direction. “I’m gonna say this once so you better fucking listen up.”
Midoriya looked at him with curious eyes. “Thank you.”
Midoriya became flustered, expecting anything other than a ‘thanks’ from his hot-headed friend. “There’s nothing to thank me for! I didn’t really do anything.”
“You idiot, you’re giving him hope. No matter how strong a person can be, it’s difficult to become a hero without a quirk. I always told Suo that I believed in him and I still do, but I was always worried about what would happen once he faced off with an actual villain.”
Midoriya shook his head. “I didn’t do anything, I’m being honest. He’s always had hope. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to do what he did today. He believed in himself. Besides, I didn’t expect anything else from a Bakugou.”
Bakugou smirked. “Of course, where do you think he got it from?”
Midoriya smiled. “Kacchan, I’m going to make him become an even better hero than you and I. He’s going to be the best hero in existence.”
Bakugou looked over at him. “Damn right he will.”
544 notes · View notes
multibug · 4 years
i'm out of my head and i know that you're scared (because hearts get broken)
chapters: 19/? (chapter one is a prelude from my love square fluff series and is included) words: 51,441 relationships: adrien agreste/marinette dupain-cheng, alya cesaire/nino lahiffe   tags: Alternate Universe - No Kwamis, Chatting & Messaging, Long-Distance Friendship, Identity Reveal, Slow Burn, Influencers, Aged-Up Character(s), Human Kwamis, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Lila Shakes Things Up summary: ren from ren and stimpy: think its the opposite u furry lookin ass
right chat: Rena, nooo!!
ren from ren and stimpy: rena yes
or, Adrien is a streamer on top of his modeling job, with the help of his long-distance friends Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge. Shenanigans ensue, and the masks they’ve hidden behind for years begins to break.
“You’re telling me that some bitch—”
Nino sputters out a mildly horrified laugh. “Alya!”
A strand of hair is tucked behind her ear by said snapback-clad boy and she huffs loudly. “What, Nino? It’s not as if I’m wrong. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, she stole my identity?!”
A strand of hair is tucked behind her ear by said snapback-clad boy and she huffs loudly. “What, Nino? It’s not as if I’m wrong. As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, she stole my identity?!”
“Yeah, we only realized she wasn’t you when the two of you returned from your trip and messaged us,” Adrien supplies helplessly, shifting to tuck a leg under him. 
Alya gives both him and Marinette the stink eye, though Adrien’s sure it’s just a test if he knows her well enough. “How could you ever think someone like that was me?” 
“To be fair, Als,” Marinette starts off, voice gentle as she scooches closer to Adrien to lean against his arm. “We didn’t really get to talk to her. I tried messaging her on Discord and on Twitch, but she kept claiming she was busy anytime I reached out. I figured you were just upset over the breakup originally and needed your space, you know? I didn’t want to push it.” 
The redhead’s harsh exterior fades, and they’re left with a sad one instead. “Yeah, it’s just bizarre that she’d even want my account? Is she that obsessed with sunshine over here?” 
“Hey! Don’t say that.” Adrien’s cheeks flush a deep shade of red, which has Marinette pinching them. He grabs her hands and huffs. “Hey to you too!” 
Marinette’s laughter is contagious. “Hey, what’s up?” 
Alya raises an eyebrow in Marinette’s direction and leans in to whisper into her ear. Whatever Alya says has Marinette’s cheeks burning a bright shade of pink that travels to her neck and parts of her shoulders. She quickly removes her hands from Adrien’s, yet stays tucked against his side.
Both of them blinking over in Adrien’s direction has him believing it had something to do with him. 
“Whatever the case may be,” Adrien begins, flicking his hair out of his eyes. He’s not thinking about those last few seconds. Nope. “We need to be smart about this, Ren—Alya. She has your account right now and has all of our subscribers like putty in her hands.” 
“Adrien’s right. If we go about this the wrong way, they might think we’re lying, and we do not want for that to happen,” Nino chimes in, resting a reassuring hand on Alya’s shoulder as she begins to close in on herself. 
“It’s weird seeing you be reasonable,” Marinette comments idly, her hair splaying out over Adrien’s arm and shoulder. 
Nino hums. “Only when it’s needed.” 
“That’s a good way to live.” 
“Yeah, I try.” Nino flips his non-existent long hair over his shoulder. 
“So what do we do?” Alya’s voice is soft, nowhere near as confident as the girl they know. 
Marinette sends her a reassuring smile. “Max is working on getting the account back as we speak. Going through the conventional means won’t work, but if anyone can do it, it’s Max.”
“He said he’d call once he has the account back, so instead of sitting around all day like plebs, I’ve planned us a little adventure.” Nino’s lips curve into a smirk that excites Adrien. “Get dressed, lads and ladettes. We’ve places to be, things to see!” 
“Do you have any idea what he’s got planned?” Marinette asks both Adrien and Alya as Nino disappears into the guest room to supposedly finish getting ready. 
A light breeze travels in through the screen door of the balcony. It’s chillier than it’s been the last few days, though not nearly as cold as Paris is during this time of year. Birds still flock regularly on Marinette’s balcony, a few residing today with the leftovers of what she’d given them earlier. 
Adrien loves it here. 
(Marinette definitely isn’t the main reason, no. He wouldn’t admit it to himself if he was paid to.) 
“No idea,” Alya replies with a shrug, a far-off look in her eye. “I’m going to go get dressed.” As soon as the look had appeared, it vanished, and she follows Nino to change. 
“We have to keep an eye on her,” Marinette whispers, a bit too close to constitute a reasonable amount of personal space, but Adrien isn’t complaining. “I don’t like seeing her like this.” 
His heart warms at how caring she is. “You’re too nice, Bug. She’ll be okay, but we’ll be there for her if she needs us, okay?” 
He hopes his reassurance is enough to quell her worries. 
It does seem to be enough, and a huge smile breaks out on her face. “Thanks, Adrien. You’re the best.” She leaves him with a quick, slightly wet kiss on the cheek and scurries out of the room with a giggle, much to Adrien’s amusement. 
He raises his eyebrows with a smirk, shaking his head fondly. If that’s how she wants to play, then so be it. 
Game on.
— — — 
PANINI: gamers im taking the ladies out today if you guys want to come, let me know and i’ll dm you the details
Banana head: NINO, YOU IDIOT. I’M NOT A LADY. Who changed my name? I will end you.
chlo: rmbr u rmbr right?
Banana head: Chlo, I swear to all that is holy. Don’t tell that story. 
chlo: how much?
RENegade: is sHE ASKING FOR SEX???
marimba: SEX???????? wheRE?????
Kagami: Lesbian, huh? ;) 
chlo: kagami stfu is2g
Kagami: ;)
chlo: ANYWAYS how much money, adri
Banana head: You want another Louis Vuitton bag, don’t you?
Banana head: Sigh. I’ll see what I can do. 
chlo: thanks bitch! you’re the bomb bomb dot com bomb diggity someone take away my phone
Alix: hey, @Carapace, what time are you guys going out? rose, juleka and i are about to see a movie but if it’s after that, we can meet up
PANINI: we were gonna head out before the rain hit so in like five minutes
Juls: drat we can just hang out another time then :( have fun guys!!!!
Banana head: Best meme. 10/10. 
luka: how can you say that when the chicken nuggets meme exists
marimba: I ONLY HAVE 69 CENTS!! GOOD MEME!!!!!! 
luka: see even marinette knows
marimba: haha it has 69 in it haha haha ha 
Banana head: You’re such a child!!!! 
Banana head: I’M KIDDING. I’M KIDDING!!!!
marimba: that’s what i thought :) 
PANIN(o)I: y’all better be ready we leaving now let’s GO 
marimba: wITHOUT ME????
Adrien’s been ready for a bit, but he doesn’t mind waiting. 
He decided on wearing a pair of black jeans instead of shorts, just in case it rains while they’re out, and a black sweater with a thick jean jacket. His hair is a dark brown shade, still lightening at a slow rate, though he doesn’t mind it much at this shade. 
He wouldn’t dye it again to match, but he’ll let it fade as he’s enjoying the brunet life.
Marinette’s bedroom door squeaks open and she appears through the door, dressed and ready to go. 
And wow. No one should look that good, and she pulls it off so easily. 
Her bangs frame her face like curtains, her hair just past shoulder length from being straightened. Her bright blue eyes blink amusedly at him, lips arching into a smile.
The only makeup he spots is on her lips, a lip gloss that makes her lips look super kissable. “Problem, Agreste?” 
Laughter bubbles out of his lips, and he averts his eyes. “None, Dupain-Cheng. Just admiring your beauty, is all.” Lying won’t help his cause, so he might as well be honest. 
She rolls her eyes, hard enough to hurt, yet her cheeks give her away. “Sure, whatever you say!” 
His eyes flash over her attire. While she’s not dressed up by any means, the outfit she chose suits her so well. 
Wait. Is she trying to kill him?
With the impending rain and whether they’ll end up caught in the crossfire, she’s chosen a black baggy sweater, denim jeans with large holes around the knees with fishnet stockings underneath, and black old-skool vans. 
And to top it off, she’s wearing his merch. His Chat Noir sweater that’s completely black, with white lettering in the center that says, “I’m the Chat’s meow”. He hadn’t noticed at first, been too preoccupied with, er, other things—her lips—and he’d lie if he said his face didn’t get slightly hot at seeing her in person in his merch. 
“I thought you only bought the sweatpants, Bug?” He asks offhandedly, eyes averting from her for a second time. 
(He has no idea the nickname brings another bout of red to her cheeks.)
“Shut up or I will take it off right now—” 
“Oh, please d—”
She’s in front of him in a second, her hand firmly covering his mouth with a menacing look in her eyes. “Adrien Agreste, if you continue with that sentence, I will murder you and I won’t tell anyone where I hid your body—”
Adrien bursts out laughing the best he can, and it sounds so bizarre with her hand muffling it. His own hand finds her wrist and wraps around it, gently prying it away from his face. “Bug, please, you’re going to kill me!”
“You’re not wrong about that,” she affirms with her eyes narrowed. She allows him to keep hold of her wrist.
“I was kidding,” he murmurs, eyes locking with hers as he brings her wrist to his lips and presses a light kiss to her skin. With how close she is, he can feel her breath hitch, so he sends her his best smile. “I would never want to make you uncomfortable.” 
Marinette’s head tilts to the side, face softening. Her free hand finds his cheeks and she squeezes them gently. “You’ve never made me uncomfortable before, and you haven’t now. I was kidding as well.” 
His eyes brighten. “Oh, so that means you—”
“You’re absolutely hopeless!” Her forehead drops to his shoulder as she whines loudly. 
“There, there,” he says, hand wrapping around her to pat her back. “You’ll be okay, Bug, don’t worry. I’ve got you.” 
She’s warm, so warm against him that his jacket feels stifling, and he tugs her closer, enjoying—savoring this moment with her. He doesn’t have many days left in Nice, and he wants to cherish every second he can. 
There goes his heart again, pitter-pattering away, following hers like a lost puppy. 
If only she knew.
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fizzysquish · 4 years
I'd really like to hear about your opinion on the ahit fandom if youre ok with sharing? love your writing by the way!!
Oh wow I actually didn't expect anyone to wanna know yifhfkhck
And thank you!
Alright this is.. Gonna be long and most likely have some spelling errors every now and then but bear with me.
Tw- talk of pedophilia, swear words
Tldr at the very bottom
The ahit fandom..
But also doesnt? Its kind of hard to explain. In general, if you just glance at the fandom it will either come across as pure or as a shit show. This fandom has some serious problems.
This fandom has a lot of drama happy people in it. Im not going to name names or anything, cause there's no point, but it does. A single scroll through the tags will tell you that much. And this isnt me saying 'people can't have opinions' or what have you. What im saying is that there are people in this fandom who live just to stir up drama and make others angry.
Or, in a lot of cases, instead of just saying a persons opinion, they'll swear up a storm and say they hate certain people or call certain types of fans 'the problem with the fandom' and like.. That just makes you sound like an asshole honestly. And it hurts people, too.
(And nobody can tell me it doesn't. Ive had to reassure too many venting and upset friends because of it. It hurts people.)
Also, because you know I have to mention this and it fits perfectly after this first paragraph- subcon. Snatcher.
I legitimately do not understand why some people hate snatcher so much. And I also cannot understand why some people will specifically target snatcher fans at times.
Snatcher is a big comfort character for a lot of people. Wether its for personal reasons (ex- mine is because of my own past dealing with abuse and trauma), or if its just because they make someone happy.
Snatcher is a comfort character, and the whole story surrounding subcon is so so interesting and fun to explore? And so what if people enjoy it? I can understand that it can get frustrating seeing so much of it, especially if you like something else, but that is no reason to target snatcher fans (or.. Any fans in general) and/or make people feel bad for having fun.
Fuck, thats how you make people leave the fandom entirely. I understand it can get frustrating, but just.. Try to be nicer? Try not to make people feel bad for having fun? Please?
And before anyone tells me "it's not about that!", i want to point out that I often see posts like "don't let the snatcher fans see this-" and other things along that.
If you want me to believe its not about that, prove it. Cause as far as i can tell, it certainly is.
(Also as a note- who cares is someones thirsty??? Like
Just block them and avoid if it bugs you so much?? It's not that hard dude)
Another serious thing to mention is the pedophilia in this fandom. Feel free to skip this part  if it makes you uncomfortable, but its something i need to talk about.
There are pedophiles in this fandom. Ive seen the art and the fics (no matter how many times i scrub my eyes, because its disgusting and horrible and just- eugh-). There are pedophiles here and its easy to come across them because they just.. Aren't afraid to post in main tags. People follow them. People support them. Granted, not everyone, and generally most people know to avoid em, but they're still there. They havent been kicked out or ostracized. And it disgusts me.
I know this whole paragraph could be argued that "that doesn't represent the fandom!" Or whatever but.. This is a younger audiences welcome game guys. Its advertised as 'the cutest 3d platformer!'. Kids can and do play this game.
There is pedophilia in this fandom, and i feel its important to mention.
Also, some people in this fandom just.. Suck. Plain and simple. Some people in this fandom are just genuine assholes. And said asshole just like harassing others and causing problems. There's a literal shit ton of drama and problems with this fandom, and honestly it's.. So dumb??
This is literally just a video game and people are just having fun. If there's a problem, treat it like a grown up and either ask the causes to stop and why, or block and move on. Simple.
Now lets move onto the good parts of this fandom, yeah?
First of all- there are some serious sweethearts and amazing people in this fandom. While there are some that suck, there are more that are actually just here for a good time and to make good content.
Ive met some of the nicest people ivs ever known thanks go this fandom. Ive created friends who I seriously consider family. And most people ive talked with or even just ran across have been pretty cool.
This fandom is also generally very welcoming to new people (minus the assholes), ive noticed. Some people get into it really easily just because eveyones generally friendly and supportive. Which is always great!
Also, the fanworks people in this fandom create. Can i just talk about how fucking talented people are??? Its pretty amazing to see how people create things for this fandom.
People will take the story that gears for breakfast showed and they'll run with it, and create these amazing au’s and stories and 'what ifs' from it. Its just.. So amazing to watch people use what we've been given just weaved it into something.
(And this isnt even going over the mods and the stories those create, which always amaze me.)
So with all that laid out, do i think the fandom good or bad?
...i think its both.
The fandom itself has some serious problems in it. It gets unnecessary drama nearly every other month or so for no reason. There are some truly disgusting people and some absolute assholes, but the majority of people are actually pleasant, fun to be around, and welcoming. As long as you be careful of who you follow and use critical thinking skills, its not so bad.
Im not going to lie to someone and say it's all honkey dory. In this fandom, you will inevitably interact with either a creep, an asshole, or both at some point. There is a likely chance that you will have your feelings hurt in some way in this fandom. Ive see it, ive heard about it, ive experienced it.
All that being said, if you curate your viewing, follow people that seem/are cool, and use the block feature (don't. Debate it, if youre unsure about someone just block em)... Its a very fun fandom filled with both heartfelt creations and memes, and has plenty of potential new friends.
So its both good and bad, yeah.
Fandom has lotsa issues but overall is fun, just make sure curate your experience for yourself and dont let what drama pops up or what assholes say get to you.
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
Tale as Old as Time - Chapter 4
Rami!Prince Adam x Reader
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Summary: A prince cursed. A young woman aching for adventure. The classic tale of seeing beauty within.
Word Count: 5.5k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​, @someone-get-a-medic​, @bensrhapsody​, @deakyclicks​, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​, @minigranger​, @crazyweirdocalledfriday​, @the-moving-finger-writes​, @assembledherethevolunteers​, @rose-writes-prose​, @queenlover05​, @26-7-49​, @drowsebaby​, @im-an-adult-ish​, @xviiarez​, @rogerina-owns-me​, @brianssixpence​, @mirkwoodshewolf​, @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​, @queenmylovely​, @queen-paladin​ If you’d like to be added, let me know! There’s only one chapter left!
A/N: Time for the most famous part of the story!
Warning(s): None!
Prologue  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
Chapter 4 here we go!!!
In the morning, Rami was true to his word and he retrieved you at nine. Then, you walked together to the garden. He told you that he spent every morning in this place because it always put his mind at ease. That made you question even more.
“Why do they mean so much to you?” you asked. “The roses.”
He reached out for one and delicately touched the petals with the pad of his paw.
“My mother planted them,” he said. 
“Your mother?”
He nodded. “She worked hard at maintaining them because roses were her favorite flowers. She was a bit of a romantic.”
You smiled. “She sounds wonderful.”
“I’m sure your mother is equally wonderful,” he replied.
You looked away sadly and paused, remembering what you could of your own mother.
“She passed away, actually,” you said. “When I was still a little girl.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “What happened to her?”
“Pregnancy complications,” you told him. “My little brother didn’t survive either.”
“That’s horrible,” he said. “I see now why you’re so close to your father.”
“I see now why him taking a rose upset you so much,” you said. “If he had known, he would never have -”
He held up a hand to stop you. “Don’t. I...it’s done now.”
You nodded. 
You walked together a little further.
“Do you like gardening, Y/N?” Rami asked.
“Oh, yes,” you told him. “I started last year after reading about it. I like to grow things I can turn into something else.”
“So, food?”
“Yes,” you said. “I’ve really enjoyed helping Daisy out.”
“Daisy is a kind soul,” he said. “She’s been a joy to this castle.”
“She told me how you saved her,” you admitted. “It was so...compassionate. It surprised me.”
“Yes, I...I’ve been very bitter about my fate, and I never wanted to burden anyone else with it,” he said. “But Daisy resonated with me.”
“Well, what about the servants that remained after your parents died?” you asked.
“I tried to dismiss them, but they refused,” he explained. “Mrs. Carson insisted I needed looking after since I was still so young.”
“It’s a testament to you that they’re so loyal,” you said.
He looked away bashfully and you smiled to yourself.
“Tell me about you,” he said, facing you again. “About your life in the village.”
“The trouble with talking about my life in the village is that I barely had one,” you said with a sigh. “Every day was the same. Go to town for the day’s needs, come home and fix breakfast, get Papa to take his medicine and see if he needs help with his new invention. Then, spend the afternoon reading.”
“Mrs. Carson did tell me you love books,” he said. 
You nodded. “Yeah. Ever since I was a child, I’ve longed for adventure. To have something magical and unexpected happen. To see far off places. Books were my primary form of travel.”
You both chuckled. 
“My mother loved to read,” Rami said. “She always had something on hand. And she read to me a lot. My father wanted me trained in more sporting things like riding and archery, but mother insisted on my studies as well.”
“She sounds like a wise woman,” you replied. “And a bit like my mother.”
“It’s a shame they never met,” he said sadly. 
“They probably would have been great friends,” you agreed.
A beat passed. The wind blew through the garden, making you shiver. It was a crisp autumn day, but winter would arrive before you knew it.
“Let’s go in,” Rami suggested. “I’ll have Mrs. Carson get a fire going.”
“That sounds lovely,” you said, pulling your shawl tighter around your shoulders.
“There’s something I’d like to show you first,” he said.
You raised a suspicious eyebrow at him as he offered you his paw. Smirking, you took it. He led you inside and toward the dining room. It was too soon for lunch, so your curiosity was piqued.
“Where are we going?” you wondered.
“You’ll see,” Rami replied mischievously. “It’s a surprise!”
You giggled and continued to follow him. You were going around a corner when he suddenly stopped.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed.
“Why?” you returned.
“Just do it!” he insisted with a grin.
You shook your head and obeyed. Rami took a moment to admire your face as you stood there. The sunlight pooling through the window struck it just right and for a moment, it appeared you were glowing.
“Well?” you questioned. “Are we going to continue?”
He shook his head and cleared his throat. “Yes, of course.”
He took your hand again, and he began to slowly lead you down the hall. You couldn’t be sure how much further you traveled with your eyes closed, but it seemed only a few seconds passed before he stopped you again.
He dropped your hand, and you resisted the urge to crack open an eyelid and peek at what he was doing. You squeezed your eyes further shut instead. You heard a metallic click and the rattling of a chain. Then, the creak of rusty door hinges.
“Just a few more steps, Y/N,” he replied, guiding you forward.
You knew you had entered another room because the smells changed. It was a bit musty, but there was the distinct scent of parchment and leather. 
Even with your eyes closed, you felt the room brighten as some curtains were pushed back and the sun began to warm your skin. A smile began to part your lips.
“Can I open my eyes yet?” you asked eagerly.
“Just one more second,” he told you.
You heard his footsteps come up behind you and his paws fell gently to your shoulders.
“Okay,” he said. “Open.”
You opened your eyes, squinting at first at the brightness, and  then looked around. Your mouth fell open. 
There were books everywhere, on every wall from floor to ceiling. And the ceiling was as tall as a cathedral. Sliding ladders covered whatever height one might need, but there were also staircases up about halfway, with a path going all the way around the room. It was as appealing to you as a Christmas feast, and you couldn’t wait to sink your teeth in.
“Rami, I - I’m speechless!” you cried. “I’ve never seen so many books!”
“This is our library,” he said, a pleased smile on his face. “But I figured it could be your library, if you like it.”
“I love it!” you exclaimed. “You’re really giving it to me?!”
“Of course!” he said. “Friends give each other gifts!”
“Oh, but I could never return the favor!” you said. “This is….Rami, this is the sweetest gift I have ever received. I can’t thank you enough.”
“That smile is all the thanks I need,” he replied. “Besides, it’s I who should be thanking you.”
“What for?” you asked.
“Life was so dark for me before you came here,” he said. He glanced out the window and then back at you. “You brought me sunshine, Y/N.”
You beamed. That made you feel warm and fuzzy from your head to your toes.
“Can we have lunch in here today?” you requested. “Please?”
The look on your face made him realize in that moment that he could never deny you anything. You owned him.
“Whatever you like,” he assured you. “I’ll let Mrs. Carson know.”
You began exploring the shelves and Rami told you the books he’d read, so you pulled a few of those first.
“After I read them, we can talk about them,” you said.
“We can try,” he chuckled. “I haven’t read in so long…”
“We can read it together then,” you said. “And jog your memory.”
“That’s perfect,” he agreed.
Thomas came up and got a fire started in the fireplace. Then Mrs. Carson and Daisy brought up your lunch within the next hour. Daisy was also amazed by the room, since - like you - she had never seen it before.
“Wow!” she gasped. “This must be every book in the world!”
You smiled. “Do you like books, Daisy?”
“I dunno,” she said. “I never learned to read.”
You blinked. “What?”
“No one ever taught me,” she explained. “I learned how to cook and sew and speak, but never reading or writing.”
“Would you like to learn?” you offered. “I can teach you.”
She grinned. “Oh, yes please!” She looked nervously at Rami. “Is that alright, sir? I’ll still do all the cooking, it won’t interfe-”
He held up a hand to stop her. “Of course, Daisy. Take all the time you need.”
“We’ll have our first lesson tonight, after dinner,” you said. 
She giggled. “I’m looking forward to it!”
She practically skipped out of the room. Rami looked over at you.
“That was a kind offer,” he said.
“It’s important for people to know how to read, especially women,” you replied.
“I agree,” he said. 
You smiled at him. “So, what should we read together first? Shakespeare?”
“Goodness, no,” Rami said. “He’s dull.”
“Shakespeare?” you questioned. “Dull?”
“Yes!” he insisted. “Let’s start over here…”
In the coming weeks, you made excellent use of the library. Every morning, after your walk, you settled in for tea and reading. You made things exciting by reading aloud and acting out whatever you could. Mostly, you liked hearing Rami laugh.
In the afternoons, he would take some time to himself, and retreat to the west wing. You remained in the library. You decided to do some research into curses, hoping to find some way to break the one on Rami.
Unfortunately, the queen’s collection had little information on such matters. The books about magic mostly warned against its use and the ones who practiced it. Most solutions to magical incidents were unhelpful. You needed a concrete way to break this spell. But it seemed that Rami’s case was unique. You could find no other record of a similar curse and how it was broken.
After one afternoon of difficult research, you heaved a frustrated sigh and pushed the book away from you. Now that you were spending so much time with Rami, you pitied him all the more for his situation. In fact, you rather liked him. If you were his sunshine, he was your moonlight - soothing and peaceful, with a touch of mystery.
With another defeated sigh, you picked up the book and returned it to the shelf. You got the same hopeless feeling you had when you first arrived at the castle, only it wasn’t for yourself. Rami was a prisoner in this cursed body. And there was no key in sight. 
Tears began to well up in your eyes at the injustice of it. You sniffled, but were unable to stop them from falling down your cheeks. Even the warmth of a crackling fire couldn’t soothe your aching heart.
You looked out the window. Snow was falling gently from the sky, adding onto the already thick blanket on the ground. The snowman you and Rami had built in the courtyard looked rather lonely, but then you watched as Rami appeared and walked over to it. You smiled to yourself when he put a hat and scarf on the head. At the same time, it broke your heart. 
Rami actually had such a tenderness to him. He deserved to be a man again.
A soft knock on the door diverted your attention. Daisy stood in the doorway.
“Y/N?” she asked, brow furrowing. “Are you alright?”
You wiped your face and nodded. “Yes, I’m fine. Just getting sentimental, that’s all. Are you ready for our lesson?”
She brightened and nodded. You sat together beside the window to begin. Daisy was learning fast, but there was still a long way to go. You never realized just how important it was to learn early in life. Though, Daisy told you few girls in her village ever learned to read. Only the rich ones.
It made you grateful for your home. Your town had its issues, but you were able to attend school and choose your own way. That was nice. The thought also made you miss your home terribly.
You and Daisy studied for about an hour when Mrs. Carson came to get her to start dinner. You could tell Daisy was disappointed that her lessons couldn’t be longer, but she never complained. You were just putting the last book away when you heard a hard and sudden thunk against the glass of the window.
Startled, you examined it. Snow was splattered over the glass. You looked out and saw Rami standing several yards away, tossing another snowball up and down in front of him. You opened the window.
“Is that a challenge?” you called out.
“Only if you’re not chicken!” he returned.
You snatched your cloak off the back of your chair and wrapped it around you. Since the library was on the first floor, you climbed right out into the yard. Immediately, you knelt down and packed some snow into a ball.
“You’re on,” you said.
You hurled the snowball directly at him. He turned his back and it exploded across his cape as he laughed. You couldn’t waste any time, so you crouched again to make another. Rami launched the one in his hand, but you ducked, so it collided with the stone of the castle walls.
Mrs. Carson and Daisy returned to the library. Daisy decided she wanted to try something new in the kitchen and test her reading ability by consulting a cookbook for dinner. They were coming to ask you where to find one. They were surprised to find you absent from the room, even though they could hear your voice nearby. Then Mrs. Carson spotted the open window.
Both women went and looked out of it. There you were, down in the snow, wrestling with Rami. Both you and the prince had collapsed into a fit of giggles.
“Well, things have changed between them two!” Daisy laughed.
“Yes, Daisy,” Mrs. Carson agreed. “I think...there may be something there that wasn’t there before.”
“What’s that then?” Daisy wondered.
Mrs. Carson watched as you brushed snowflakes out of the hair around Rami’s face.
“Affection,” she said.
That night, as Anna helped you dress for bed, you accepted the loss of your life in the village. There was a pang in your heart at losing your father, but you found what you were looking for.
“What are you smiling about?” Anna teased as she draped your dress over the chair for your vanity. 
“I’m just happy,” you replied innocently.
“Tell me,” she insisted.
You sighed. “It’s silly since it’s been months, but...I finally feel at home here.”
She smiled. “I’m glad to hear it, Y/N.”
You gave her a quick hug before crawling into bed.
Rami was being helped out of his things by Thomas. The butler had served as butler and valet to the king, and now served Rami the same. As Thomas gathered Rami’s wet clothes from the floor, he noticed that the prince was….humming.
“You’re in a fine mood tonight, sir,” he remarked.
“Things are changing, Thomas,” Rami said. “For the first time since my mother and father died, this palace feels like a home.”
Thomas blinked. “You’re falling for her, aren’t you? Y/N?”
Rami shook the excess water off his fur. “I...I am.”
“Well, that’s great!” Thomas cried. “The spell should be broken!”
Rami’s face fell. “It’s not that simple. She has to love me too, remember?”
“Don’t get discouraged, sir,” Thomas said. “There’s hope.”
“How?” Rami wondered. “You’ve seen her, haven’t you?”
“Of course, she’s a beautiful girl,” Thomas said. “And I think she’s beginning to see you, too, sir. To really see you.”
“You mean, you really think she’s starting to love me?” Rami wondered. “I’m still a beast!”
Thomas shook his head. “No, sir. You have always been a prince.”
A beat passed as Rami tried to gather himself. He had no words to express his gratitude for Thomas in that moment.
“I…” he began, but trailed off, unsure.
“You ought to do something romantic for her to let her know how you feel,” Thomas suggested.
“Like what?” Rami wondered.
“The New Year is coming up,” Thomas said. “Have a ball.”
“A ball?” Rami questioned. “Who would come?”
“Make it a private ball,” Thomas said. “Just the two of you, but get dressed up - you in tails, she in a gown - go all out.”
“You really think that would work?” Rami wondered.
“It can’t hurt to try,” Thomas said. “And you are on a time limit, sir. Now’s the time to take a risk.”
Rami looked over at the rose. Thomas was right, time was running out. The rose was curved over itself as it wilted, and more petals were all around it. He watched as another came off the stem and fluttered down to join the rest.
“You’re right,” Rami said. “It is time to take a risk.”
He straightened up. “Talk to Mrs. Carson. I want the main ballroom cleaned as soon as possible. I’ll help. I’ll need new clothes, so speak to Anna about tailoring some of my father’s old things. And Y/N will need a gown. Let her pick anything she wants from my mother’s collection.”
“Very good, sir!” Thomas praised.
“Oh! And Y/N is to know nothing about it, only that it’s a surprise,” Rami said. “The cleaning, the preparation, is all to be done as quietly as you can.”
“You are truly a romantic, sir,” Thomas said with a grin. “We will have it done.”
“Thank you,” Rami said. Then he swallowed. “For more than just this.”
Thomas nodded with understanding. “We will always take pride in serving you, sir. Good night.”
“Good night, Thomas,” Rami replied.
With that, the butler bowed and left. Rami sank down onto the bed, thinking of you. He really did have hope now. Whether or not you fell for him romantically didn’t matter as much to him. Just to know that he had you as a friend, someone who cared about him that wasn’t a servant or family member, was enough to make him optimistic. Not just that he could be a prince again, but that there was a life for him as he was now.
The new year was in a week. During that time, you noticed that the staff were unusually busy. Mrs. Carson was barely around when you needed her, Anna seemed flustered, and Thomas might as well have vanished. You only saw Daisy during your lessons. Even Rami was spending more time away from you.
“Is something wrong?” you asked him as you went for your daily walk through the garden.
You still took the walks, despite the frigid air. Rami found it refreshing and you thought roses were particularly beautiful in the snow.
“No, why do you ask?” he returned.
“Everyone has been rather...distant,” you explained. “Have I offended the staff?”
“Certainly not, they adore you,” he said. “There’s nothing to worry about, Y/N.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you sure?”
“Believe me, I’m sure,” he chuckled. “Everyone loves you.”
You did not shy away at the word love, so he didn’t regret saying it. Instead, you smiled.
“I love everyone here too,” you said. “That’s why I’m worried.”
“I know it’s odd, but just trust me,” he said. “You haven’t done anything wrong. There’s just...a little more work than usual to be done.”
“Why?” you pressed.
“If I told you, then it wouldn’t be a surprise,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Ugh. You and your surprises.”
You glanced over at him and met his gaze, confirming to him that you were teasing. You loved his surprises because they kept your life at the castle interesting. A little adventure. 
The following day, Anna took you to the queen’s old closet. You were astonished by the size of it - it was almost the size of your whole room! - and got a little overwhelmed.
“The master wants you to pick something elegant,” Anna said. “For your surprise.”
“I don’t have much experience with clothes like this,” you admitted. “It all looks elegant to me.”
“I’ll narrow it down for you,” she offered.
She walked toward the back and selected four dresses. Each of them was stunning. The first was emerald green and velvet, and you thought it would be appropriate for the time of year. The second was a deep red, with white lace accents around the collar, which you also thought very wintery. The third was a sapphire blue, with jewels adorning the waistband. Then the fourth one really grabbed your attention. It was golden-yellow, made of satin, with a stunning sweetheart neckline and cap sleeves.
“Which do you like?” Anna asked.
“The yellow one,” you decided. “It’s like sunshine.”
You would never forget the day Rami told you you brought him sunshine. Well, now you’d make it as literal as you could.
“Good choice, Y/N,” she agreed.
“Anna, aren’t these a bit formal?” you asked as she helped you out of your day dress.
You’d need to try on the new dress since the queen was a little taller than you, with slightly broader shoulders, so Anna needed to make adjustments.
“Of course,” she said, looking up at you with a smile. “They’re ball gowns.” 
Your brow furrowed. “Ball gowns?”
“Yes,” she said. “Stay there while I grab a petticoat.”
When Anna had the dress on you - petticoat and all - you were stunned by your appearance in the mirror. Anna gazed at you as well, and you saw her eyes begin to water.
“Anna!” you cried. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” she sniffled. “You just...you look like a princess.”
You turned back to your reflection. You did look like a princess. You felt like a princess. But you were still yourself. Though this was something you never even imagined in your future, it felt right. You smiled.
“I look beautiful,” you said, half to yourself. “I never thought I could look like this.”
“It’s not just your sweet face, you know,” Anna said. “It’s you.”
You blushed at her words, feeling humbled by their sincerity.
“Thank you,” you said.
She grinned. “Come on. Let’s pick out some shoes and a tiara.”
“Oh, I couldn’t wear one of the queen’s tiaras!” you insisted. “It feels...wrong.”
“Y/N, if she were here, she’d lend them to you herself,” Anna said. “After everything you’ve done for her son -”
She stopped herself. You took her hand.
“Anna, what do you mean?” you questioned.
She shook her head. “I’m just being silly, but you’ve made a change in him. A great one.”
“How so?” you continued.
“It’s difficult to explain,” she said. “But you’ve given him hope.”
You let that sink in. You had given Rami hope? Well, he had given you a new life - a life filled with more than you even thought of. You had your own library for goodness sake! That was always a dream of yours.
“I...I don’t know what to say,” you told her. “I’m glad he’s happier. I’m actually happy too.”
She hugged you. You closed your eyes in her embrace, letting yourself feel and accept her appreciation. It was an odd feeling, but a good one.
“Now,” she said, pulling away. “Shoes and tiara.”
“I really don’t feel like I can wear the tiara,” you said. “I’m not a princess.”
“Very well, if you insist,” she conceded. “At least let me give you this.”
She picked up a comb from the shelf to her right. It was a beautiful hair comb made of gold. It had diamonds and rubies across it, but they were so delicate and dainty they reminded you of freckles. 
“That will be perfect,” you said.
New Year’s Eve arrived, and you were in your room most of the day preparing for your surprise. Anna had tailored the dress to fit like a glove, and it looked impossibly more beautiful. You took some time to walk around in the heels, since you had never worn shoes like that before, but you took to it quickly. Then, Anna and Mrs. Carson showed you the basic waltz steps.
Rami was fidgeting as Thomas helped him dress. The prince had not worn anything new or tailored in many years. He hadn’t been trying to see or impress anyone. But tonight, he wanted very much to impress you. To show you how much he cared for you.
When everything was ready - your hair was done, the dress was on, and the final touches were finished - you walked to the main hall. There, you saw Rami. You beamed. He looked dashing in his suit with tails. It fit him exactly, so you could see his whole form. He stood up straight as you approached, his smile widening with every step you took.
“Welcome, madam, to the New Year’s Ball,” he said when you came to a stop in front of him.
“A ball?!” you gasped. “I’ve never been to a ball before!”
Your cheeks reddened with bashfulness, and Rami saw your concern.
“Don’t worry,” he assured you. “It’s just us two.”
You brightened. He offered his arm and you took it. Carefully but confidently, he escorted you down the stairs and into the room to the left. What you saw took your breath away.
The ballroom looked brand new. The gold and bronze decor gleamed in the low candlelight of the bright chandelier. The floor was waxed and it shined beneath your feet. It all sparkled and glittered, making you feel like you were truly a royal. You had never seen such grandeur in your life.
“Rami!” you cried, stepping forward to take it all in. You spun around to get a proper look. “Oh, it’s beautiful!”
In the corner, sat a string quartet. You shot Rami a questioning look.
“There can’t be a ball without dancing,” he said. 
He nodded to the players, and they began a soft, slow melody. Then, he looked back at you. He lowered himself at the waist, bowing. Then he offered his hand.
“May I have this dance?” he asked.
You blushed. This was like something out of a book you had read. Only, Rami looked quite a bit different from the heroes you were used to. You smiled to yourself because you realized it didn’t matter one bit.
“You may,” you replied. “My prince.”
He rose to his full height again, grinning. You took his hand and he led you out onto the floor. One hand was in Rami’s. The other was on his massive shoulder. His free paw went to your waist. Then, he took that first step. The music crescendoed, and you began to dance.
Your heart swelled with the music and the sway of your body. Rami was a patient and helpful partner, so you felt like you had been waltzing since before you could walk. No step was out of place. You didn’t miss a turn. Your cheeks began to ache from smiling, but you couldn’t feel it. All you knew was the sense of belonging right in Rami’s arms.
Tale as old as time True as it can be Barely even friends Then somebody bends Unexpectedly
Just a little change Small, to say the least Both a little scared Neither one prepared Beauty and the beast
Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before Ever just as sure As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time Tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange Finding you can change Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun Rising in the East Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast
Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast
You and Rami slowed to a stop as the music faded down. You were out of breath as you looked at each other, each of you enthralled by the other.
“Y/N, I…” he began, but trailed off.
“Could we step outside?” you asked. “It’s suddenly quite warm in here.”
He chuckled. “Sure.”
Taking his arm again, you walked out to the balcony. The night was bitterly cold, and you shivered as the wind hit your warm skin. Rami removed his jacket and wrapped it around you. Together, you walked over to the edge and looked out over the woods. The stars above you looked like jewels across the sky. 
“What were you saying?” you asked.
“Y/N, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind for quite some time now,” he said. “You see, after getting to know you, I…”
“I want to know if you’re happy here,” he said. “With me. In the palace. I...are you?”
“I am, Rami,” you told him. “Truly, I am. There is one thing, though.”
His heart skipped a beat. “What is it? Whatever you need, I’ll do.”
“I miss my father,” you admitted. “I miss him so much it makes me ache sometimes. If I could just see him and make sure he’s okay, I could…”
Rami’s mind went right to the solution.
“There is a way,” he said. 
Your eyes went wide. “There is?”
“Come with me,” he said.
He led you back to the west wing. You had not returned there since the incident with the robbers out of respect. It felt like a milestone that he was inviting you up this time. You went to his room, where the mysterious rose still stood, only looking worse than the last time you saw it. Rami picked up a gold hand mirror and held it out to you.
“This can show me my father?” you questioned. “I thought it was from the enchantress.”
“It will show you anyone,” he said. “It’s how I found you when you were in the west wing that day. Just tell it who you want to see.”
You were skeptical, but you trusted Rami. So, you held the mirror before you.
“Show me my Papa,” you said hesitantly. “Please.”
The mirror glowed, so brightly you had to look away at first, and then a picture formed. Your father was in his bed. Little crimson stains lined the collar of his shirt. He was white as a sheet and sweat covered his forehead. He coughed violently and you winced as you saw more blood dribble into his beard.
“Papa!” you gasped quietly.
Rami heard the cough and saw your face. His heart began to sink. The situation was dire.
“Oh, Papa,” you sighed, tears welling up in your eyes. “He’s so sick.”
You looked desperately at Rami. He looked back at you. He knew what he had to do, but his heart was hammering fast against his chest in protest. He glanced at the rose and then back at you.
“He needs you,” he said.
Your brow furrowed. “I…”
“It wasn’t a question, Y/N,” he continued. “Your father needs you.”
He took a deep breath. You watched him, holding yours as you waited for what he would say next.
“I release you,” he said. “You’re no longer a prisoner here. Go home and look after your father.”
You blinked at a tear slid down your cheek. “I’m free?”
“You’re free,” he confirmed.
His heart stopped hammering. Now, he felt it breaking. You would leave here and never return.
“Rami, I...I don’t know what to say,” you replied.
“Don’t say anything,” he said. “He needs you. Be with him.”
You took his paw between your hands.
“Thank you,” you said earnestly. “You’re a kind person, Rami.”
He looked away. Mostly because he didn’t want you to see his own emotion. You started to hand the mirror back, but he stopped you.
“Keep it,” he said. “It’s a gift.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I don’t need it anymore.”
A beat passed. You chewed your lip to think of something else to say. But what do you say to the person that you had this unique experience with?
“Take care of yourself, Rami,” you said.
“You too,” he returned.
His paw fell out of your grip and he went to the window. Feeling a terrible sense of dread, you left him there. You hurried to your room so Anna could help you change and pack.
Rami listened to your footsteps die down the hall. Then, Thomas and Mrs. Carson entered.
“Well, sir,” Thomas said. “How did it go?”
“She’s leaving,” Rami replied dully. 
Mrs. Carson gasped. “How could you let her leave?”
“I had no other choice,” Rami answered. “I love her.”
When you were changed and packed, you hurried out to the stables to grab Dotty. You got her ready as quickly as you could with your shaking hands. As you galloped out of the courtyard and away from the castle, you heard a mournful roar echo from the west wing. Rami’s cry. Your heart shattered.
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randomsevans · 4 years
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you hadn't return to your office in 2 days  , your excuse  was that you were “sick “ , not like thats a lie , you have been sick , morning sickness but nothing you haven't dealt with for the last week or so . 
you was currently sitting on your coach watching an episode of Doctor Who which was just what you need , who said a madman running around the universe wasnt fun to watch no matter how old or young you are . Your inner geek was happy . With your tub of vanilla l ice cream in your hand , nearly gone but that didnt stop you adding more caramel syrup , . You had a throw over your legs as you back was again the arm of the couch , starring at the screen 
that was what you were doing starring to stuck in your own head , not paying attention and mindless scoppong up ice cream and eating it . Your mind was full of question and kept playing scene in your head over and over again 
“did he mean it ? “ does he really love me ? it was just another lie  . But why was he crying ? he looked broken   .Maybe its because he is scared you could end his marriage ? or that your leave the firm after all you are one of the top lawyers , but thats not enough to make him cry , right ?
The image of his tears and broken look , when you didn’t tell him you love him back , played over and over again in your head . It brought you to tears because , you wanted to say it , scream it back , you still do now , because you love him as much as you shouldnt you do , you love him .
But every time  you heard him say he loves you all you could see was him with his assistant Peggy . 
You know you shouldn't feel like this , like you have been cheated on when you were doing the cheating on Sharon but still .
“what type of man cheats on his wife with two other women tells one he loves and gets her pregnant “
oh yeah thats another thing your 3 month plan is out the window . You dont want to go back to work but you have to for now , in order to make sure you and your baby have a secure  future , you need to keep working at Rogers firm until you can find a different job
“maybe shield firm ? after all Nat works there “
it bring you comfort in knowing you dont have to face the future alone , as you rub your flat belly with a small on your face as you think about your little one , but then falls as more question pop up 
“ will he / she hate you for them not having a dad ? what if Steve found out ? would he tell you get ride off it ? what about if there born before he finds out , will he take them of you ? He wouldnt do that would he ?  he probable wouldn't care about them “ 
You took a deep breath , in an attempt to clear your mind .
 A knock on your front door startled you as you your earring in getting ready for work , once it was placed safely in your ear , you made your way to the door 
“who could it be “ you thought 
once you reached the door and went to open it , you paused 
“what about its Steve ?”   “ oh what does it matter you are probably going to see him in work any way . 
you braced your self and open the door , to be meet with a blue eyed brunet , in a sharp suite
“oh so your alive then “ he said 
“What did you think i died ?” you chuckled 
“Nat said you were ill , and you might be going to work today , so i made my way here to see if you need anything from work in case you wanted to work form home .” James paused “but it looks like you are going to the office “
“ yep i am  “ you said nervously 
“would you like a lift ?”he asked 
“Nat put you up to this didnt she ?”
“what i cant look after a friend and co worker ?” he dramatically said 
“oh okay , i suppose a lift would be nice “ you rolled your eye as a joke 
“good !”
“youll have to give me a moment i need to finish getting ready “ Bucky just nodded his head “ come in “ 
he followed you in 
“just ... um “ you paused as you began to feel uneasy 
“um . just .. sit “ 
you couldn't finish the sentence you ran to the sink in your kitchen as your baby made its daily morning appearance 
“y/n !” was all you heard as Bucky made his way over to you rubbing your back 
after calming down and wiping your mouth , there was silents 
“are you sure , you can go back it work ,?” he asked 
“im sure “  
“but what about if  you pass the bug around ?”
“its not a bug “ you quickly said , before you could even think about what you were saying 
James was silent almost too silent , he took a step back with wide eyes 
“what do you mean are you .... “ 
oh he was going to find out soon enough , fuck it 
“ yes , im pregnant” you said 
Bucky face only showed joy and excitement , he even did this little jump thing 
“ really “ he asked with a wide smile 
“uh yeah ?” you showed a confused face why is he so exited  
“that why you havnt been at work ?” you just nodded 
“omg !” he quickly brought you into his arms 
“congrats . oh my god , i cant believe it “  he took a step back and looked you up and down “ your going to be an amazing mother “
you nervously giggles “thanks “ 
he laught with you 
“ill tell you , your reaction was  better then Natasha “
“wait Natasha knew “
“um yeah “ that said that quietly as if that was a bigger secrete 
“that little ...  wait what was her reaction “
“ummm she ... “ you began 
“wait! “ Buckys face went stern  “ how are you pregnant i didn know you were seeing anyone “ he said in his protective brotherly voice 
your face dropped , you really hoped he would ask 
“ i ... “
“y /n “ he warned 
you really had to think on your feet here 
“ it was just a one night , i cant even remember “ you said quickly and nervously 
he simple nodded , it seemed he brought it 
“okay “
“so you are going to do this by your self ?”
“well im not am , ill have you and nat “ that caused the smile to reappear on Buckys face 
“you sure will !” 
“ just “ you paused , taking a deep breath “just dont tell anyone okay please , i dont need this getting “ 
“okay , that fine , your secrete and little one is safe with me “ the smile never dropped on his face
“ i mean it i dont want anyone knowing “ you said sternly 
“okay ... you know Rogers is going to be upset that his best lawyer will be on maternity leave “ 
that caught you off guard why is he bring up Steve 
“well ... he will just have to stuck it up ...”
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writingwithciara · 4 years
It’s You ~Pope Heyward~
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summary: y/n just got out of a long relationship with rafe, believe it or not. pope, who has had a crush on her for the longest time, is the first one to find her and comfort her
word count: 1.3k+
pairing: pope x reader, mentions of rafe x reader
warnings: none at the moment
a/n: based off the song It’s You by Ali Gatie my baby pope doesn’t get a whole lot of love & that makes me sad because he deserves all the love in the world.
When y/n first started dating Rafe, life was great. He was sweet and did everything a good boyfriend should do. 
About 6 months in, things started to change. Rafe’s behavior was off but y/n chose to ignore it, which was a bad idea in the end.
After 17 months, y/n found out that Rafe was doing coke and their relationship ended. As relieved as the decision made her, y/n couldn’t help but feel broken.
She had to fake it around her friends. They believed she was still in a relationship with the kook. So, on the eve of what would’ve been y/n & Rafe’s 2 year anniversary, the pogues decided to throw one of their infamous parties at the Boneyard.
“Look at you. You look so beautiful.” Kiara smiled as y/n approached her. They hugged and looked at the boys.
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“JJ, it feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.” the girl smiled as she pulled the blonde in for a hug.
“That’s because you haven’t” he chuckled. It was true. To continue with her plan on getting her friends to believe she had still been dating Rafe, she had to spend less time with them and more with ‘Rafe’. It killed her to be away from the people she loved.
“I know. And I’m sorry.” she smiled and looked at the two boys. “Hey, where’s Pope?”
“He’s been trying to get his dad to let him bring some food for us to cook.” John B laughed at the thought of Pope begging his dad. 
“Well, when he finally shows up, can you tell him to come find me? I have something important to tell him.” y/n smiled and walked away.
“Do you think she’s gonna tell him she’s been secretly crushing on him?” JJ wondered out loud, earning weird looks from both of his friends.
“If she was in love with him, then why would she have spent the last 2 years with the biggest asshole on the island?” John B questioned.
“Uh...guys, I‘m not so sure they’re together anymore.” Kiara sighed and pointed to where the Kooks arrived. Topper and Kelce led the pack while Rafe fell behind to walk with some random girl. He had his arm around the girl and they were laughing. 
“If I find out he cheated on her, I’ll kill him.” JJ was incredibly protective of his friends and he saw y/n as a sister so he was extremely protective of her.
“I’m not sure that’s the case, here.” John B looked to where y/n had disappeared to. She was dancing so care-free and she had yet to notice Rafe arrive. “I’ll be right back.” he walked towards her, just as Pope approached Kiara and JJ.
“Hey guys. What did I miss?”
“Rafe showed up with another girl and y/n is acting a little weird about it.” Kiara informed him as she watched John B talk to the girl.Y/n shook her head and looked over to where John B pointed. When she saw Rafe, it looked like her whole demeanor changed.
“I gotta go.” she informed her friend before taking off down the beach. John B came back over to his friends and shook his head. 
“She seemed upset so I don’t think they were already broken up. However, it seems as if a new opportunity has opened up for our dear friend, Pope, to make his move.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Pope shrugged off the idea of telling y/n how he felt. Based on her past dating record, there was no chance she’d like him back. “I don’t like her.”
“Oh please. That’s a load of crap and you know it.” JJ laughed at his best friends denial.
“Okay fine. I like her. But will she ever like me back? Probably not, considering her standards are everything Rafe Cameron is and everything I am not.”
“You’re so much better than Rafe Cameron and you know it. Y/n loves you just as much as you love her, even though she’s been blind for the past 2 years.”
“Yeah, now go and find her. I think she needs some company right now.”John B gave him a pat on the back and he took off in the direction he saw y/n go.
Y/n was sitting at the end of the dock at her house, not far from the Boneyard. Next to her, there was a pile of rocks she collected on her walk home & she was currently skipping them to pass the time. Her parents weren’t expecting her home for a few more hours so it would be weird for her to go home now.
“Fancy running into you here.” Pope chuckled as he sat against the post opposite her. She looked at him weirdly.
“This is my family’s dock, Pope.” she laughed along with her best friend. “What brings you here?”
“I saw you run off and I wanted to check on you, see if you were okay.”
“Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Your boyfriend showed up to the party with another girl.”
“Oh, right. Yeah, it’s upsetting.”
“Alright, what’s going on?” he asked her. 
“Rafe and I actually broke up...”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“7 months ago.” she finished with an embarrassing look. By now, she was sitting with her back against a post and her knees up to her chest as she conversed with Pope. His eyes widened at her revelation. “Before you ask, the only reason I didn’t tell anyone, is because I didn’t want the sympathy and the ‘I told you so’ conversations that I know are coming.”
“Well, you can breathe again because you ain’t getting an ‘I told you so’ from me. Instead, you’re getting something different. Something much more ‘Pope’ I guess.” he smiled. “I don’t know what that boy did to get you to dump him but damn, he’s an idiot.”
“Thanks, Pope.” she smiled and scooted over to him. “You’re different & I like that.” she looked at him and put her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head, pulled her into a side hug, and smiled.
Different. To him, that word used to be a bad thing, but coming from her, it made him happy. 
"Can I tell you something?”
“Of course, Pope.” she lifted her head and looked into his eyes. She never noticed it before but his eyes had a beautiful sparkle in the setting sunlight. 
“This is gonna sound weird, considering you dated Rafe and your standards are probably way too high. So I don’t even know why I’m even gonna try.”
“Pope, it’s okay. You can tell me, you know that.”
“True, true.” he took a deep breath and looked at her. “Okay, so for the longest time, I’ve had this gigantic crush on you and the day I was all set to tell you, you announced that you were dating Rafe. It’s been 2 years of me sitting in the sidelines and now that I finally told you, I can prepare myself to be let down easy. I know you don’t like me that way, considering your standards and how Rafe is everything I’m not. I just-” 
Y/n stopped him with a quick, but effective, kiss. When they pulled apart, she giggled.
“Rafe may be everything you’re not, but that’s a good thing. He’s an inconsiderate, self-centered asshole who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. You’re Pope. You’re kind, thoughtful, caring, smart, good looking, protective. You may not be what Rafe is, but really, who would want to be. If I could go back in time, I’d stop myself from falling for him. Instead, I’d go for the one who has probably had my heart longer than anyone I’ve known. And that boy is you, Pope Heyward.” she smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too, y/n.” he was relieved that she felt the same way. Pope never had much luck with the ladies but he didn’t care. The one he’d always wanted, was the one he got and in his eyes, he was the luckiest man alive.
@spilledtee​ @im-a-stranger-thing @ameeraaa21​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @obxmxybxnk​ @http-cherries​
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