#im sorry anon i lost your ask
eebie · 3 months
hazbin hotel mpreg anon. I have blocked them :( but it just loads the image anyway. the image is of the bird twink one and the red one that looks stupid. i dont know their names
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kooki914 · 12 days
I know this may sound like a silly question, but specifically for the undertale version of Asgore: what coud a partner do to help him become more assertive? Asking because I'm planning to ship him with an OC and I still despise how basically in the ending Toriel gets to verbally tear intro him and he doesn't bother to defend himself (specially with the "just get one soul and leave to kill 6 more ppl to break the barrier" wich she coud have done herself but refused to while living inside her own little bubble ignoring the suffering of her fellos monsters, I undestand she was grieving but I feel it coud have been done without making her seem on the right and nobody speaking agaist her). I also know that by doing this he may appear out of character or that "he changed just for his partner", but knowing that a partner can help you to change for the better while highliting you best personality traits, and I was wondering wich coud be the most coherent way (my plan is for them to spend at least 5 years together, and that Asgore also helps his parter change for the better since they arrive having strong biases agaist monsters).
I don't think this is a silly question at all! It's something I've tackled somewhat in my Spadesgore fics, the idea that someone's habits rub off on Asgore and what can seem like a negative change to outsiders (him being more closed off and assertive) is actually a positive one in the long run because he actually, y'know, gets a spine and stops putting other people's needs above his own.
With Undertale specifically it's a VERY complicated question because I feel like step 1 of any Asgore development in Undertale is that he needs to fully face the brunt of his actions. I'm actually somewhat of the opposite opinion to you about the "confrontation" between him and Toriel, I think the narrative very clearly spells out that his "violence when you're faced with violence" response was the INCORRECT one (while Toriel choosing pacifism in the face of a bloodthirsty nation was, arguably, the least morally dubious choice any character could've made), but Asgore never... confronted the root of that problem? He essentially got a slap on the wrist for the murder of 6 children, and while that WAS narratively satisfying for a game about forgiveness and letting go of the past, I think a bit of self-discipline is in order for Asgore, post the events of the game. Him confronting HIMSELF rather than relying on someone else to do it for him is kind of pivotal to that, in my opinion, because this isn't something a relationship can mend FOR him. Let me elaborate.
WARNING - since this post is analyzing Asgore, there's implications of suicidal ideation, but it's not discussed at length. And, fair warning, this post is less "proper character analysis" and more "wayward speculation based on narrative beats for the sake of shipping" <3
While Asgore is the type of person to feel borderline incomplete when not in a relationship with someone (see: all of his behavior in Deltarune; and in Undertale the way he just Stops Speaking once it's clear Toriel wants nothing to do with him, it's like he's just entirely shut himself out of the conversation as if he has nothing to offer anymore, only ever speaking in vague platitudes until the final boss is defeated and he's osmosed into the friend group), contrary to what he thinks a relationship Won't Fix Him NOR his issues around self-worth. It's something he has to tackle on his own because, if he enters another relationship without doing so, he's gonna end up in the same cycle of trying to impress his partner, exhausting himself, and putting his partner between a rock and a hard place because he's both extremely emotionally needy while NEVER communicating his needs properly, closing himself off while desperate for intimacy.
It's borderline masochistic, his tendencies to just passively wait for outsiders to judge, reward, punish, and practically command his every action. It's why he's kind of a bad leader? He's community oriented, but in that way where he wants to please everyone instead of enacting lasting change, because (I think) he can't really envision a greater good because he's got anxiety up the ass. He's REactive rather than ACTIVE, and while that's typically not THAT big of a deal (again, his Deltarune self as an example of how you can have a normal-ish life even with that weird mentality), when you're put in the position of a leader and then refuse to make conscious choices out of a fear of hurting someone, you're inevitably going to hurt Everyone, which is exactly what happened in Undertale. I guess an easy way to make Asgore a little more self-assured is, paradoxically, give him less power. This may seem antithetical, but if he's allowed to, like, sit and breathe for a minute without everything resting on his shoulders, and small, inconsequential decisions are up to him without the title of "King" looming over him, it might make him feel more confident in THOSE choices, specifically. This doesn't fix the core issue, though, more just gives him a safety net where he can hide from his royal problems with someone who sees him as more than just his title and duty, which is valid (and honestly really cozy and cute), but I'm here to break people and put them back together, so strap in.
You mentioned your OC is a human who has a lot of bias against monsters initially, so allow me to run (a mile) with that for a minute. You probably already have a meetcute in mind for them, but it's honestly a really good setup, I can't help but throw my two (or three) cents into it. It forces our POV character (the OC) to go through considerable change throughout the events of the narrative (whether you fic this or not you've already implemented character development into your romance plot and I Adore that), and in turn a changing perspective on Asgore himself. Try to think of things a human might hold him accountable for, justly or otherwise, someone who heard of mythical monsters and a terrible king who slays children. Your OC might start off somewhat siding with Toriel at first (as she was the only monster who attempted to SAVE humans rather than kill them), but gradually grow to sympathise with Asgore once they get to know him, not just because he's a walking pity party but because that human and Asgore might have more in common than they first thought. (This is where I run out of info on your OC and can't really fill in the blanks LMAO go wild with this part. It can be something as simple as gardening or something as deep rooted and psychological as "the need to please other people in order to feel like you're worth anyone's time". Bonus points if it's both and the gardening is symbolic of the psychological issues.)
From Asgore's perspective, though, this would be utterly baffling. To this day, I don't doubt he somewhat idolises Toriel, he clearly still longs to be close with her, so to see someone (a HUMAN no less) stop empathising with her feelings and instead side with his own? He'd think they're nuts! ... But also, it'd be deeply validating in that guilty-pleasure kind of way (guilty because he doesn't think he deserves redemption). It actually starts turning gears in his head, though... If someone in a position like that, someone belonging to a nation he's hurt so badly, can see the GOOD in him and try to nurture a bond with him despite it all... doesn't it mean he's genuinely worth something? Even if he himself can't see it yet?
(This is, you may note, similar to what happens with Frisk in most fan-plots, but also highlights where I think Asgore's "redemption" in Undertale falls a bit short on the character level. Frisk never really gets to spend time with Asgore, since it's narratively irrelevant whether they like the guy or not, because the point of their conflict is that Frisk refuses to kill him, and refuses to be killed BY him. It's a conflict that re-states the core moral of the game, while also partly dismissing a genuine bond between the characters because it's necessary for it to stay vague for them to properly represent the narrative forces that they do (humanity and monster-kind). The popular fanon is that Asgore adopts Frisk similarly to the way Toriel does, but, in the game there's literally nothing to support that. The equally valid interpretation is that Frisk sees Asgore as just Some Guy they're lukewarm with for the sake of not kickstarting another monster-human war, even if they genuinely don't like him on a personal level, just like Toriel doesn't anymore. Because, again, there's nothing in the game to support Frisk being besties with literally EVERYONE, they just hang out with monsters sometimes and Don't Kill Them, it's not a high bar.)
IF you don't want to take the angle of your OC siding with Toriel (if the monster bias is THAT bad in the beginning), I'd instead propose really hammering home the monster hatred. Just by existing, by being someone hostile to Asgore over something he DIDN'T expect to get hostility over (the fact that he's a monster, and not the fact that he's a murderer) would maybe make him question why he WANTED to be told he was irredeemable, and why it's so strange to receive that input for the wrong reasons. Maybe he tries convincing the human that, actually, monsters are good and HE'S the one who's to blame for everything bad, and when he's brushed off with "no all monsters suck" it just baffles him more. Bonus points if later on it hits him like a truck that your OC developing feelings for HIM specifically made them get over their monster hatred. He thinks it's a case of "if you learn to love the worst of something you'll love the best too" but then has to come face to face with the idea that he ISN'T the worst of monster kind! That they actually prefer HIS company over other monsters! And not even for superficial reasons! And maybe there's still prejudices to overcome with the human, but they're trying FOR him, not in spite of him, and it's yet another little sign from the heavens to Asgore that maybe, just maybe, he's not as irredeemable as he thought.
Another potential avenue, that's less directly correlated with shipping, is to give him a kid that is his responsibility alone to take care of. Whether that be a literal adopted child, or a kid he has to impromptu take care of for a while, I feel like having someone (anyone, really) other than himself to provide for sort of nudges his priorities back in place (even if it doesn't really dismantle the core of his issues). (My reasoning for this being a potential avenue is how much Asgore's let himself go in Deltarune when no-one lives with him, juxtaposed to his well-maintained house in Undertale where he's constantly taking visitors and patiently waiting for his wife to come back.) Something small and defenseless that depends on him for support and protection is something that could really make him realise how much his well-being actually means in the grand scheme of things, that even if it isn't pleasant he has to stand his ground if only for the sake of this child that depends on him for literally everything (which was, incidentally, also his motivation for starting the war in the first place - avenging the children he failed to protect with a fiery vengeance as the only concrete decision he made in his time as king (that we know of)).
Maybe the point of contact/conflict between your OC and Asgore in this scenario is someone who doesn't believe he should be allowed to take care of a child (what with the 6 dead in his basement), and while the feud may start as mild, it might get more and more out of hand and forces Asgore to actually put his foot down and Demand custody rather than ask politely, maybe because the kid in question trusts him and nobody else for backstory reasons, or because they're literally His Kid (Chara slots in really well into this role IMO but you don't have to go with that route if you don't want to tackle revival shenaniganery). This is, imo, much harder to execute in literary form? (If you're not gonna fic this, ignore this part) It bumps up the conflict from slowburn to full on enemies-to-lovers, even if it speedruns the process of Asgore getting a spine, and if you can pull that off hats off to you but I always struggle with proper enemies to lovers with no intermediary of "friends" in between.
IN ANY CASE, past the "will they - won't they" phase, once they're actually together, I'd suggest your OC lightly nudge Asgore into that self-assuredness he's desperately missing, and moreover I suggest it not be on purpose. While it's probably the healthier option to talk to your partner if they're having self-esteem issues, this is fiction and I love drama, if you expected anything else you came to the wrong person, and ALSO this is Asgore we're talking about. He's the king of "never talk about my emotions, ever" so even if something is brought to the forefront he'd probably just apologise and privately cry about it without fixing literally anything. It would be more impactful (imo) if Asgore chose to adopt some of the habits of his partner without him being prodded over it, or pushed into it. At first, small things, like actually asking for the pickles in his order himself (/ref, meme), but slowly it might evolve into him realising just how much he's been neglecting himself. Scenario example of what I mean - his partner has actual self-preservation instincts and can help themself when in a tough spot, and Asgore is caught off guard when that same kindness is offered to him (as the king of monsters, his subjects revered him so heavily they kind of forgot he can actually get hurt or might need help with otherwise ordinary things, and Asgore stopped helping himself along the way because of it).
A different scenario might be something benign, like an insult or backhanded compliment Asgore brushes off, but his partner doesn't. Asgore might hold the (correct) position that, as a political figure, there's literally no point in trying to stave off every insult or mean opinion, and (incorrectly) asserts it doesn't have an effect on him overall. Because, in reality, it DOES stick. He has a hard time shaking off disapproval and hatred when he's carrying around so much guilt (juxtaposed to how genuinely confident he seems in Gerson's stories of Asgore before his children fell down and before Toriel left, when Asgore could ACTUALLY roll with the punches and not mind public embarrassment because the opinion of the masses didn't matter to him as much as it does now), and maybe his partner can point out to him that he seems weirdly more fixated on the actual Contents of the insult than they do. Where they just didn't like someone's tone or intent, Asgore's actually focusing on What they said, and it's a clear indication of the way he compartmentalises and somewhat takes in every criticism he's ever received. Because depression and low self esteem just does that to a motherfucker sometimes.
Overall there's also a sort of... tricky line to tread when trying to write around/through one of the character's defining flaws. Asgore was always described as a pushover, so what are you really left with when trying to override that fatal flaw that makes him what he is? This sort of trope, "your strongest attribute is your biggest weakness", stems all the way back from ancient Greece because its a GOLDEN trope, and when making fan content I think there's an interesting line that can be drawn. Asgore's best quality is his friendliness and approachable-ness, so how do we NOT diminish that while actually diminishing the FLAW part of that core character trait? Maybe Asgore's more confident and self-assured now that he has a partner that supports him basically unconditionally, but ALSO he still cracks under pressure easily and gives into demands if pressed enough. Maybe he stands his ground more and can actually tell people off without being a total pushover, but ALSO he ends up feeling a lot of guilt over doing so and maybe regresses back into old habits soon after.
Because, again, a relationship won't fix him, and to me that's part of the appeal. Instead of finding someone to "make him whole", it's more about finding someone that's gonna be there for him during the good and the bad days, someone who maybe fills in for some of the traits he lacks, but never overrides what makes him who he is. Because, let's be honest, him being a pushover is probably what allows him to properly consider a relationship with someone who started off so heavily biased against him. Having little self esteem paved the way for him to not dismiss this person outright, opening his arms to someone who started off with genuine hatred towards him, and it's not a good habit(!!), but it's woven into his vary nature as a character, and I always find it interesting to see that push and pull between progress and loving even the bad parts of someone's personality. Again, especially because it's fiction, there's a lot to explore when it comes to that line of thinking, "do I want to make you better or am I trying to change a fundamental part of you"? I don't think Asgore would be abandoning his nature by having a spine and not taking shit from literally everyone, BUT it might be a line of thinking HE falls back on, because he's had literally hundreds of years of this habit built up, it's gonna be hard to make any progress without immediately taking two steps back again. Especially because it's Asgore, he's basically a smiling boulder that refuses to move or change (and I say that affectionately).
I think finding a way to instill a sense of Inherent Worth in Asgore is a good way to shake him into being a little more assertive. It's what I did in my own fics (and a lot of this post was me re-treading the same ideas with different characters to pair Asgore with), and the premise of someone who dislikes him from the get-go but learns to love him in time is (in my opinion) the best vessel to do that through. Because, if this person, who means a lot to him, can get over their biases and love him, (like ACTUALLY love him, not the way his subjects love their king, but the way a person loves another person) doesn't that mean there's worth to him being himself, and not just what people expect of him? Is the fact that he's beloved by someone he loves not reason enough to try and survive another day, and thrive in the long run?
It's difficult to instill worth in a character that's had hundreds of years of literal and figurative dehumanization on his hands, but it has to start with small things. Him being more than just a king. Then, him being more than just a friend, more than just a person you're eventually going to grow tired of or disgusted with, and eventually someone who doesn't need constant approval to feel like he's allowed to breathe. Small kindnesses go a long way, and if he starts to see himself in someone he wants to protect, or ends up in a position where he's being provided for by someone he loves, it can build up those ideas of worth and (ironically) independence, because it's less about pleasing a crowd and more about Not Dying because he's actually not that bad to have around in the first place.
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grapecaseschoices · 6 months
I'm so curious as to how hiyam, lala and ori would fare in the world of bg3. What race, class and subclass what they be and would they be a dark urge or a regular tav? And who would they romance and who would they not stand? 🫣
haha. this is such a tough question. especially since i am not dnd world expert [or whatever is between expert and novice]. so come on the journey wif meeee~~
Hiyam is someone who cares about appearance and success. She cares about her looks, music, and isn't the most social of people -- though she knows how to flirt.
So I feel she might be an undark being. Maybe half/full-drow or duergar. I'm leaning the latter because it seems that drow society is Intense and I don't feel that such an intense society would actually beget Hiyam, though she would probably fit there after birth. Also duergar are dwarves -- and dwarves are creatures of pride [from what I can see] and can be quite snobbish. Plus the duergar we've met are DICKS.
I can see her being a bard, because music. But also because I feel it would get the same reaction from the duergar society as it got from her parents: WTF.
Duergar value toil above all else. Showing emotions other than grim determination or wrath is frowned on in their culture, but they can sometimes seem joyful when at work. They have the typical dwarven appreciation for order, tradition, and impeccable craftsmanship, but their goods are purely utilitarian, disdaining aesthetic or artistic value.
So I can see her being like the cultural hard-work but being like well I like flash and substance, and everyone was like .... was she dropped in the head? Also, I feel Bard works because Hiyam is a flirt -- and she has the allure of a songstress. She isn't traditionally charismatic but she does draw people. Plus vicious mockery and tasha's hideous laughter is perfect for her lmao. I think College of Valour would work best for her because music tells a tale -- I mean most mine do, but she definitely I feel uses her music to recount her experiences or hint at things. But also to talk about certain things she finds important.
Like her beat was definitely upbeat political popsong in game:
"Try as you might but we're not goin' without a fight." "The people have spoken and our spirits aren't broken." "We're a million awoken hearts. We're a million bright lights." "Yeah, we're a million eternities. You try to break us but we'll always be free."
Alternatively, I think half-orc could work for her as well.
I want to say Lala is human. Because off the top of my head, I feel they best fit that sort of whimsical race? But maybe gnome. They would be a fat gnome, lmao
Gnome Cunning: You have an advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws.
I would lean with Forest. Because tho they aren't RECLUSIVE but 1. the speak with animals [which lala would mostly just use to speak with cats] and 2. they do value their quiet and own space. They're not very out to the party [tho they are the one to walk to their own beat]. [Though would deep gnome indulge the love of black and rocker aesthetics~? lmao.]
Also for CLASS. Druid doesn't seem -- from what I've seen about druids though they're nature-y, they seem to be very fixated re: a certain ORDER. I suppose they could be like Integrity and do their own thing. Or a barbearian like Kendis.
Would Bard be a cop out? In another life Lala was a math teacher. So, Wizard lmao. [Though infamous Lala probably should be a bard or at least have a background as entertainer. If they were a bard, I feel they'd be college of Lore.] Tentatively I say Divinity or Transmutation sublcass.
Ori is defiinitely human. Or half-elf. Jack of all trade: skilled in all, master of none. I also like the 'belonging' element that hits half-elfs, tho. Especially since Ori is mixed and also trans.
I wish artificer was a thing in BG3. Because Ori liked to make model planes and etc. Still does iin infamous but it was a whole connect thing in another time I played him. I really don't know what he would be.
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steelycunt · 1 year
Prynhawn da! Sut dych chi? Dw i'n wedi blino iawn. Dw i ddim eisiau gweithio heddiw
prynhawn da!! dw i'n da iawn diolch!! dw i'n...yfed te. a...gwneud bisgedi...
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stormyoceans · 1 year
"let me be gentle with you, allow me to feel your soul." - morkday 💕
not to relate everything to day touching mork's face and feeling mork's smile under his fingers BUT. mork being used to being looked down on and treated with contempt, never being seen for who he really is but only for his appearance or his struggles, people calling him poor dumb hopeless all his life until he meets day, day who is losing his sight and yet can see him better than anyone else, who can read him like an open book and yet never judges him, who touches him with a gentleness that almost brings mork to tears because it makes him feel cherished and loved and cared for
but also day pushing everyone away out of fear and anger and refusing to be touched because he sees it as help, as a weakness, as being pitied, until mork comes into his life and tears down all his walls, proving to him that he can still be day, that he can still be loved for who he is, not despite his disability but while embracing it
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the1trueanon · 2 years
​​🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and you can send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
oh! um....
I'm learning how to play ukulele! I just got it so I literally know like 2 songs lmao
I have a pin collection XD I like collecting them for fun, I think I've got about 10 of them? I love all of them, they're really cute.
I'm working on an original comic and game! The process is kind of slow, and me and the crew are taking it bit by bit, but I'm really excited for it and hope that people will like it ^^
I'm so sorry its taken me ages to answer this TwT I had started but wasn't sure what to write, so it ended up getting lost in my drafts fhjhhdjdjhddfh but thank you so much for the ask! I'm happy to tell you guys a little more about myself hehe
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bluebeary-jay · 1 month
Hello! I hope you’re doing well and wanna start off by saying you’re an absolutely phenomenal writer and I just got done rereading your Joel Miller series! I was wondering if you were still thinking of doing a part three! Also thank you for your work, take care! <3
Hi my darling anon!! 🥹💕 thank you so much for your message, it makes me really happy that you enjoy my writing and read it multiple times already!! It's insane to think that someone still reads my fics (and also I'm very honored) 😭❤️❤️
I had some notes on possible part 3 to that miniseries but I don't think I'll be writing it any time soon :(. For a couple of months now I've actually been trying to write something/anything but I got some kind of a block and I have NO inspiration or ideas 😭😭 I'd love to give you something new to read but it's been rough and my head remains stubbornly empty 😔
In conclusion:
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srldesigns6277 · 8 months
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avocado-writing · 1 month
helloo im the anon who asked for the logan x introverted! reader meet cute:-) maybe like the reader is quiet but she’s also super blunt when asked for her opinion. pls i do not have creative braincells you can make up the entire plot😹🙏
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he feels you staring at him and he hates it.
gazes tend to stick to him like webbing, something which he cannot wait to be free from. people muttering about if he really is the wolverine they’ve been hearing about; the new guy who’s gonna pick up the mantle of their precious Logan.
it’s a lot, and most nights he tries to drown it out with whiskey. in the darkness of the bar he gets lost in the shadows and people leave him alone. the last place he can be anonymous.
you’re always there. staring.
behind the bar and barely saying a fucking word… but eyes always heavy on him.
oh it gets right under his skin. makes him itch.
you hardly ever speak, even when serving customers. he’s maybe heard you string together a grand total of five words from your pretty little mouth (which he tries to tell himself he doesn’t fixate on). still drives him crazy that, when you’re not busy, you never stop looking at him.
what do you want? are you a fan? desperate for his autograph, have him sign a fucking eight-by-ten for you? maybe if that were the case you’d snap a picture on your phone… but you never do.
you just watch.
he doesn’t know what to make of it and you never make an effort to get closer, so the two of you are trapped in this strange limbo of silence and staring. one night, when the bar is quiet and he’s feeling particularly mean after a day of being harassed, he calls you out on it.
“y’know, you never stop fuckin’ staring at me. why? this place ain’t a fuckin’ zoo.”
you’re busy counting his change from the register. his accusation momentarily flusters you and you drop the coins, sighing as you have to pick them up with shaking fingers. he feels a little bad about that.
a little.
you mutter something under your breath in response. he doesn’t catch it.
the look he gives you suggests he still doesn’t totally understand. you shift uncomfortably.
“I think you’re handsome.”
he wasn’t expecting that. those four words send him reeling. you mistake his silence for anger.
“I’ll stop. sorry.”
Logan feels suddenly pretty terrible, an emotion not unfamiliar to him.
“no, it’s… fine.” you shift under his words, still clearly shaken and shy, “you don’t know who I am, do you?”
you look bemused.
“should I?”
oh, heaven. an angel from heaven. no ulterior motive. you just like looking at him.
maybe that’s okay.
Logan sits on one of the old, battered stools at the bar. he catches the smile you try to hide.
“Logan,” he says by way of introduction. you tell him your name, and there’s no obscuring the grin on your face this time.
handsome, huh? he could get used to that.
Taglist: @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse @yeethaw13 @na-is-salty @florduarte @hunterispunk
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devil-in-hiding · 24 days
(Im not sure if tumblr ate my ask the first time so I figured I’d resend - pls just ignore this if the other one did send 😖) hello!! I really love your writing and have re-read the on the run series maybe 100 times 😅 I normally never submit stuff since I’m not really a writer but I really loved your series and wanted to contribute! 😊
So I loved the idea of the boys adjusting to the security of the farm and getting all beefy and stuff as they settle in, but I was also thinking about farmer reader also starting to relax a little now that she’s got these guys to keep her company, protect, help, etc…. So she also starts putting on a lil bit and it drives the guys nuts 🫠
Like she goes to put on her regular sun dresses and price can’t help but notice how tight it fits her and shows off her figure. Gaz comes across her old clothes (and bras and stuff 👀) being put out to donate as she looks for bigger sizes. Ghost is standing behind her when she bends down to pick up something and can see the fabric stretch across her ass. Finally, soap walks in as she has to jump to put her now slightly too tight jeans on 👀👀👀
Anyway that’s all I had to contribute!! Love ur work (and you!! 😗) 😊💞💗
anon i adore this!! i am sorry i remember seeing this but i believe it got lost in the flood 😭😭
but YES! you have to cook for 5 now, and they’re big boys!! so big portions, and they scold you if you try to give yourself tiny portions, Price also refuses to let you make their plates (it’s a war because you like doing this for them, it’s.. domestic…)
Please if Price couldn’t keep his hands to himself before he is 10x worse seeing how some of your favorite little dresses hardly reach your knees anymore
all the boys watching you load up the truck with donation bags for the little thrift store in town, enjoying the way you hop to shove the last bag in the cab “gee guys, thanks for the help.”
however the sack with all your too small panties? oh those were free game that Gaz snatched right out of the burn pile and the four of them laid them out, snatching up their favorites
Ghost is the worst about putting things in high places so he can watch the way your tits bounce whilst trying to grab it, whining at him to “please just grab it for me! Ghost!”
Soap is the groper, can not control himself whenever you decide to slip onto the couch with him, pulling you to his chest as he adjust y’all’s positions until you were leaning back into him, his hands squeezing your belly appreciatively
ugh i love this and i do not have the brain cells to tell you how MUCH but they love watching their sweet little farmer plump up, tension easing from your shoulders ass the months start to blur together, no longer having to carry the whole farm by yourself
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cheolhub · 2 years
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summary. you’re scared that seokmin might want to go separate ways after graduation, but he proves, in more ways than one, that he wants you. forever.
wc. 2.3k
warnings. college au. nerdy soft dom!seokmin, breeding kink xx, obscene amounts of dirty talk, pinch of angst, literal love making, unprotected sex, marriage kink, HEAVY praise, baby talk, v minimal plot im sorry — MINORS DNI 18+
note. DAMN ok i have a lot to say so i’ll keep it short. ONE this was a request but like i kinda didn’t do anything the request asked for and im so sorry, i hope u can forgive me anon. TWO i literally lost sight of the plot so dont ask me abt any missing details ehehb just enjoy seok being hot <3 THREE happy belated birthday to my minnie <3 FOUR thank u to my luvr @rkiv4d for beta-ing. yas ok enjoy
p.s. reblogs and feedback are extremely appreciated— i also love to hear ur thoughts <3
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how seokmin pulled you, the most beautiful girl to ever walk the earth, he has no clue. he’s what people call a ‘nerd’ with his thick-rimmed glasses and his abnormally high IQ and you’re the pretty girl that didn’t understand the simplicity of covalent and ionic bonds who fell head over heels for him. 
you couldn’t help it, he was so smart and so fucking pretty. he was awkward and he giggled when he got nervous and he was so unbelievably goofy that it had you laughing till you cried. nevertheless, he was the most beautiful man ever. 
then you asked him out. he remembers it like it was yesterday. the last day of your chem class– the end of the first semester of your sophomore year– right after your final. you thanked him incessantly, giving him a hug for helping you get a B in the class. you told him you’d rather thank him another way— another way being a date. with you. at your place with a homemade dinner. 
he would’ve been stupid to decline. so he didn’t. and the rest was history. seokmin became your boyfriend, grew more confident in himself, and fell in love with you.
now you’re in your final year, the last few weeks approaching quickly, and you’ve been anxious. anxious about seokmin leaving you, anxious about going separate ways after graduation, anxious that this was all just fun and games till it was time to get serious about life.
seokmin has picked up on your behavioral patterns over the past 2 years. he knows you so well, probably better than anyone else in your life– probably better than he knows himself. 
so when seokmin sees you evading his eyes with his cock stretching you open, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“hey,” he whispers, stilling inside of you. when you don’t turn your head and your eyes are still closed, he calls for you. “baby?”
you feel your heart clench at the pet name. “hmm?” you hum.
“baby, do you not wanna do this anymore?” he questions worriedly, ready to pull away from you. “i can pull out.”
you mumble, “i-i do.” 
he cocks his head even more confused, “talk to me, pretty, what’s going on?”
he pushes into you some more, making you gasp and you can feel his expectant eyes burning holes into your face. you then realize he’s not gonna let this go, but it’s partially your fault for letting your mind wander while he was putting away the dinner you guys ate. you decide to just come out with it.
“‘m just… so scared of graduating…” you whimper between your words, eyes screwing tighter. 
he hums, “look at me, baby.” the demand comes out so soft, yet the sheer dominance of his voice makes you clench around him. you turn your head on the pillow, opening your eyes, and finally looking at him. “why?”
you shudder at the eye contact. he looks so pretty, so concerned over you, yet you’re still tense and oh-so nervous. the topic of post-grad has never come up, and now you’re mid-fuck about to tell him how you want to be with him forever. 
“i-i’m scared that… that you’re gonna go off without me,” you pant, hands wrapping around his biceps and holding him to keep you stable. 
“where am i gonna go, beautiful?” he whispers, bottoming out and fully sheathing himself inside of you. 
you whimper again, his massive cock filling you so well. “s-scared you’re gonna go do big things ‘n leave me…” 
he freezes at that, eyes widening, “leave you?” he asks incredulously as if he couldn’t believe that you’d ask that question. “baby, you think i’d leave you?” 
you nod slowly. “i dunno, ‘s just that i’ve been thinking ‘n you’re so smart– gonna go get a real job that’s across the country or something…” 
he’s honestly bewildered. why would you ever think something like that when he’s tried so hard to show you how much he loves you every single day?
“oh, baby, i would never fucking leave you.” he presses his forehead yours, nose rubbing against yours. “pretty fucking thing, i adore you— love you. more than anything.”
your eyes glisten with tears at the reassurance. you feel yourself relax under him, entirely fluttering at his words. “really?”
“yes, really. how can i prove it to you? want me to put a ring on your finger?” he whispers, breath fanning against your face. 
you gasp, clenching around him again, fingers digging into his muscles. he smiles, chuckling airly at your reaction. 
“my pretty baby wants that? you like that idea?” he asks, his sultry voice filling your ears. “you wanna be my wife?”
you nod your head, eyes fluttering shut as you moan, “yeah, w-wanna be your wife.” 
your response has seokmin reeling. he pulls his hips back and slams back into you making both of you moan again. 
“yeah? bet you want my kids, too.” he states boldly, mind cringing at his words and internally freaking out that you’ll get turned off at them. 
you choke, clamping tightly around his length. “f-fuck.” you cry. “d-don’t say things like that, seok.”
“why? ‘cuz i’m right?” he grunts, thrusts growing faster.
you nod your head and seokmin nearly cries, cock twitching at the idea of pumping you full of cum and getting you pregnant with his kids. you’d be such a great mom and he’d love having a mini-seok running around a nice, big house fit to take a family. 
admittedly, he’s been wanting to talk about his future with you. he’s been fantasizing about it since the first time he said he loved you. fantasizing about you being his wife and living together in a big house and having three kids and living happily ever after as if it were some fairytale. he’s imagined your kids and how they would be a constant reminder of his everlasting love for you. he hopes that they’ll look like both of you– kids with your eyes and his nose. he’d kill for that.
“wanna put a baby in you,” he mumbles, lips ghosting over yours. “swear to god, ‘m gonna give you everything you want– ‘ll get you a ring ‘n a house– everything. just say the word.”
you lift your head to press your lips to his, moaning into his mouth like a mad woman. your stomach drops in anticipation, suddenly craving the feeling of his warm cum filling you to the brim, sure to get you pregnant. your legs wrap around him, heels digging into his back and you can’t resist the cry that he ends up swallowing at the new angle. 
seokmin pulls back, panting, “gonna let me give it to you, baby?” 
“uh-huh!” you nod, eyes screwing shut and jaw going slack as his speed increases. “yes, yes, please give it to me.” your response is wavered as you nearly choke on a sob of pleasure. 
and you know the decision is haste– a baby even though you still have a month left of undergrad seems… absurd to say the very least, but you don’t need to think about anything. you know seokmin. you know he’s the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. he's an amazing boyfriend and person in general. you already know he’d make an even more amazing husband and father. 
who would’ve thought the nerdy man with glasses who was insanely good at chemistry would be the one you ended up with?
he lets out a guttural moan, “such a good girl, always saying please.” he praises, slamming into your sweet spot repeatedly.
and jesus fucking christ, your moans and cries are like music to his fucking ears. 
his head falls into your neck, licking and sucking at your skin. “never gonna leave, i promise. gonna make you mine, gonna take care of you.” he mumbles into the skin as he continues to mark and ravage you. 
the stimulation and his words are sending you into orbit as your stomach churns and tightens at the feeling of his cock rearranging your insides. his strokes are impressive, never missing a beat and unrelentingly hitting the spot that makes you crumble. 
he feels you tighten around him, gummy walls squeezing him in and he curses, “shit, is my pretty girl gonna cum already?” his voice borders on condescending, but it only makes the tightrope in your stomach all the more closer to completely unraveling. 
“y-yeah, so close,” you moan breathily as your pants increase, chest rising and falling rapidly. “so fuckin’ close, min, ‘m gonna cum.”
his lips find your ear and he whispers hotly against the shell, “come on, baby, cum for me so i can fill you up.” he gently tugs at your earlobe with his teeth and you can’t resist, back arching with a shiver running down your spine.
your orgasm brings you immense pleasure, white spots filling your vision as you cum with a loud sob. you feel it in your entire body, from your curled toes to your thrown back head. your eyes roll back, calling out his name and raking your nails down the skin of his arms. 
he coos, holding back a groan at the way you get even tighter as you soak him in arousal. “thaaat’s it, baby, just like that. so, so good for me.” he coaxes you through your euphoric high, fucking you through it as he always does. 
“s-so good,” you slur, parroting his words as your mind numbs a bit. 
he moans, letting the sound of your whimpers and the lewd sounds of your bodies meeting fill the room. he buries his head in your neck again, desperately rutting into you so he can let go, too. your eyes flutter closed again and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to you. 
your overstimulated pussy pulses around him as you listen and whine along to your lover's muffled moans. you can tell he’s close. so close to giving you the life you’ve imagined for almost 2 years. so close to being yours forever. 
“seok, cum inside me,” you whisper and his hips stutter, yet they keep moving as if they have a mind of their own. he lifts his head and looks at you– his eyes are clouded over and teary, yet they’re filled with all the love in the world.
he looks so beautiful above you. his face is scrunched up in pleasure, brows knitted, eyes droopy, mouth hung open as pretty sounds exit his loose lips.
“i… fucking love you…so much.” he says in between pants, thrusts growing sloppy. the telltale signs of his fast approaching orgasm becoming heavily apparent. “god, so much, baby, love you so much.”
you nod your head, mirroring his pleasured face. “me too, seok, i love you.” your words are a bit scrambled, but seokmin makes sense of them– understands you so well. 
his eyes roll back a bit at your response, brain momentarily malfunctioning, but he comes back seconds later. “gonna take this load like a good girl, right, pretty? gonna get pregnant and let me marry you?” he moans out breathily, cock now twitching uncontrollably. 
“yes, yes, yes, please, wan’ it so bad!” you beg.
it’s all he needs to press his hips to yours, stilling there, and releasing inside of you while he moans out your name so prettily. it’s a newfound feeling for both of you– his cum coating your cunt, filling you up till it’s spilling on his freshly washed sheets. he’s grown accustomed to finishing on your skin or into a condom, but this? this is all very new. this is something he now can’t live without.
you think the same thing when you feel him spraying your walls with his thick ropes of cum. it feels so good– so euphoric– while it’s leaking out of you. you don’t know how you’ve gone your entire adult life without experiencing this at least once.  
“c-came so much, baby…” you whimper, feeling him pull his cock out of you. 
as soon as he sees his release dripping out of you, he groans softly, already feeling hard again, but he decides to ignore it for now, bringing his attention back to you.
“hey… love,” he says softly, noticing the way you perk up a bit from your tired state just at the sound of your name. “you should’ve told me you felt like that… i hate that you thought i’d just leave you ‘cause we won’t be in school anymore.”
you frown, “i’m sorry, i didn’t know how to bring it up without being awkward… it’s the real world and i dunno… things are different.”
he sighs, hands running up and down your naked sides. “i get it, but like i said, i wanna be with you forever.”
you blush, biting your lip to hide the wide grin that ends up on your face despite the fact. “yeah, i remember… was that a proposal by the way?” you ask meekly. 
he squeezes at your waist, “did you want it to be?” he beams.
“i mean, it was a bit untraditional, definitely not how i expected my wedding proposal to be.” 
“what? you mean you didn’t think you’d get proposed to while i had my dick inside you?” he asks with faux incredulity. “i, for one, thought this was the best proposal ever. i even put a lil baby in you.”
you giggle, wrapping your legs around his body again, “you don’t know that, i’m not pregnant… yet.”
his heart swells at the idea and he smiles brightly at your blushy face, “well, maybe another round can change that, hmm?”
you pull him closer to you by the strength of your legs and say, “make me yours then, seokmin.”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
one last time ft. vinsmoke sanji!
a/n: continuation of my time travel series as asked by anon!! sanji, lost you when you were both 27. now, three years later, aged 30, the cook travels back in time and sees you again. *cue angst* not proofread, im so sorry for mistakes!
warnings: none!! just my crappy attempts of writing angst tbh
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"it makes no sense" nami mumbled, peering down intensely at the old cook as if examining her personal lab rat. the alleged thirty year old had materialized in the main room of the going merry through thin air; and nami had almost knocked him out with her staff.
"nami-swan let me-" the man tried to speak but the red-head cut him off, "you ate a devil fruit and you traveled back in time?"
"you're so gorgeous even when you boss me around-""
"sanji." nami cocked an eyebrow.
sanji sighed lightly, trying to reason, "well, i mean i actually ate like just half a bite of it. i don't think this time travel thing is permanent. i'll be out of your gorgeous hair in just a minute"
"no, you being here isn't the issue." nami corrected herself, "i think im just surprised is all. the idea that there exists something like this is just-"
but someone barged into the room before she could finish.
"what the fuck?" the swordsman looked at sanji, taken aback by the sudden blondie appearance, "he looks awfully like the shit-cook."
"it's nice to see you too, moss-head"
"ah-" nami groaned at the swordsman appearance, "well, i guess i'll explain to everybody. out on deck, both of you"
"why are you so tall?" zoro gave the older cook a nasty look.
"zoro, out."
"why is he so tall-"
"so..." the younger, blonde man asked, "you're me but 30?"
the older man shrugged, "yes, pretty much."
"i cannot believe you committed to the bangs look for over a decade, sanji" you giggled, looking from the older version to the younger one.
"if you like it, then i can keep it for the rest of eternity, my love."
you laughed again, sending the cook an amused look, "sure, i like it."
while the younger cook was swooned at your words, sending you a love-struck gaze. the older was busy contemplating whether he wanted to hug you so hard till his ribs broke down and he disintegrated within you, or if he should keep his distance, saving himself all that hurt.
your hair was choppier and the strands moved gently in the wind, the tresses cashmere kisses against your sun-kissed skin. all the signs of aging were absent from your skin, all those signs of you and him together were gone, just like that. as if you and he hadn't existed at all.
there was no scar on your lips from the time you fell down in the dark while sleepy, no cuts on your arms and legs from battles long gone. every evidence of the life you and sanji had built together was gone, leaving a twenty-three year old you behind.
well, technically that life was yet to come. it would take you and his younger version another five months, 23 days and 6 hours till you both got together. atleast, if his calculations were correct.
it would take you another 9 years, 2 months and 4 days to leave him. he knew those calculations by heart.
and so, sanji held back the urge to ask you if you liked two sugars in your coffee right now too? and did you light up when the moon was out in all it's glory? did your favourite constellation stay the same as years passed you by? did you look the same when you kissed him awake? did-
instead, he said nothing and stared at you, transfixed.
when ussop shook the older cook awake, the blonde man gave the younger crew members a pained smile. and when luffy jumped up and down, asking whether the cook still cooked, sanji found himself laughing and offering to make a meal.
atleast, this way, he could resign himself to an old kitchen, boundless memories and endless suffering, away from your ghastly presence.
the door stood ajar and you slipped inside just as silently like you always did when you wanted to surprise him in the kitchen. he looked up from the chopping board, well-versed with every one of your silent exchanges.
"want some help?" you offered, walking over leisurely and standing opposite to the man on the kitchen island.
the man looked down, focusing on not cutting his fingers up, "uh- no, thanks."
"damn, did you change?"
"where's the added "my love", "mon cheri" or "darling" at the end?" you cocked up an eyebrow, giving him a confused look, "don't tell me you lost those with time, that'll be a real shame."
sanji looked up, dumbstruck at you.
ofcourse he didn't. how could he? how could he when you were all that and more to him. under breathy whispers, loud declarations of love and silent hums in the dark of the night, you were every stringed syllable in every language to him.
he must have been silent for too long cause you shook your palm in front of him, paranoia sewn into your skin, "i mean it's okay if you lost it. like, it's not that big of a deal-"
and sanji laughed.
"excuse me? it's not nice to laugh at a lady."
"you looked so adorable like that." he looked down at the chopped vegetables, hands skillfully adding the veggies to the heated pan. then he looked up through his eyebrows, skillfully avoiding your gaze fully, "you're quite cute, love."
"uh-" your ears went red and you looked away, "thanks? y-you too."
"how have you been, yn?" he looked back at the food, his voice was tender. every hitch of the breath was audible against the backdrop of distant laughs from the crew.
"oh?" you replied shocked. then you smiled, "good. i'm good."
"good?" he repeated, ever so slowly as if turning the word on the tip of his tongue to remember the way you said it.
"yeah, i've been good, sanji."
"i'm glad." he pursed his lips, turning his back to you under the lie of fetching bowls from the cabinet.
"what are you cooking?" you asked, leaning over and peering at the vessel on the stove.
even without turning, he said, "you'd lose balance, careful now."
you marveled at the simmering dish, looking at his back and smiling real big, "you're cooking hand-pulled noodles with broth?! i think its my new favourite dish! i tasted it like a few days ago and i've been dying to eat it againn"
sanji smiled, still turned away from you, "is that so?"
as much as sanji prided himself at his ability to identify you from lightyears apart, at his ability to hear you in the noisiest room, he must have not been paying attention.
because you had sneaked up behind him and pressed yourself against his back, giving him a hug. you smiled gummy against his back muscles, "thankyou! thankyou! thankyouuu!!"
sanji froze under your casual touch. after a second, mindlessly, he lay his bigger hands on top of yours, relishing in the way you felt under him. he closed his eyes, trying to etch the moment in his memories. then he smiled again, promising against the thin air, "i will make you this as many times as you ask me."
"really?" you beamed again, letting go and standing beside him, "promise me?"
"i promise you." he gave you curt nod, melting under every one of your happy dance moves.
"now i would bother you for the rest of our lives." you stuck out your tongue at the blonde man.
"i would rather not be bothered by anyone but you, my love."
"hey geezer." the younger cook stood at the door, eyeing the negligible distance between you and the older man, "get away from yn-chan, you fucking pervert."
"rich coming from you, mr. nosebleed" the older man gave the younger a dirty look.
"SAAAANJI" luffy whined from outside, "ARE YOU DONEEE? WE'RE STARVINGGGG-"
vinsmoke sanji, aged thirty, yelled back "YEAH LEARN TO WAIT SOME MORE."
"JUST SHUT UP LUFFY." the two blondes yelled in unison and you laughed one last time, lighting up the kitchen on fire.
oh wait, no. that is just the smoke due to the burning veggies in the pan.
well, fuck.
atleast you were laughing. and sanji would have killed entire nations to see that sight again, so, what were a few vegetables for the sacrifice?
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hysteria-things · 7 months
hi! i recently found your account, and i js wanna say omg ur so talented, like ur fr my new fav writer. could u maybe write something about a virgin reader, whos only ever fingered herself, and so when matt (or chris but im a matt girl and im being self indulgent about this), and she squirts, and is super embarrassed about it and he comforts her about it? u dont have to, but idk i js think u could do this idea rlly well:)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft dom!matt x virgin!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and matt have been together for quite sometime, but never had sex. he knows you’re a virgin and he’s so patient with you, but now you think you’re ready
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT but fluff!, making out, mini panic attack, praising, p in v, squirting
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,066
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: for anon and @mattsleftnipple03
these were pretty much the same so i combined them! hope you like :)
thank you and love you guys🫶
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the pen in your hand scribbles on the piece of paper in front of you as you ponder. you’re in art class and your best friend sits across from you at the big table.
art class is basically a free period because let’s face it, you guys don’t do anything except gossip and draw for fun.
you’ve been asking your friend a series of questions about what losing your virginity is like since she has experience. the only experience you’ve ever gotten was your fingers, and to be honest, it gets old after a while.
you’re not embarrassed about being a senior in high school and still a virgin, but your boyfriend who graduated last year lost his with his ex a while back. you guys have talked about having sex for the first time for quite some time, but you were never ready.
no words can describe how grateful you are for matt. he’s been super patient and understanding with you.
but now, you think you’re ready.
“is there a reason you are asking me these questions?” your best friend asks, raising a brow.
you shrug, your hand still having a mind of its own with the pen. “i’m thinking about going all the way with matt.”
she smiles, genuinely looking happy for you. “oh my god! when?”
“i told him i plan on this weekend.”
“that’s so exciting!”
“yeah, but,” you pause to take a deep breath. “i feel nervous.”
she reaches over to stop your drawing hand. “it’s totally normal to feel nervous. matt’s such a sweet guy. i’m sure if you feel the slightest bit of discomfort, he’ll stop immediately.”
you smile at the mention of your boyfriend. she’s not wrong. matt will do anything to make you feel comfortable. he’s not one to force anything on someone. “you’re right.”
she gives your hand a light squeeze. “let me know how it goes.” she winks just as the bell rings for dismissal.
the rain outside is pattering on the window, you and matt cuddling comfortably on his bed. you guys just woke up from the best nap of your life.
you nibble on the inside of your mouth. “matt?”
“hm?” he hums, picking up his head that was resting on your chest.
“i want to do it.”
he beams at you. “positive?”
you bite your lip in excitement and nod. matt lifts himself to get more serious. “don’t be afraid to tell me to stop, okay?”
“i know,” you reply. he leans in and kisses you passionately with a hint of hunger. he breaks the kiss to take off his and your shirt but goes back at it to unclip your bra.
the skin-to-skin contact felt warm and comforting, but your anxiety is starting to take over.
you try to brush it off until matt reaches for your pants. yanking his hands away, you cover your top half with the comforter as you feel tears start to form.
matt freezes, a hint of guilt on his face. you try your best to take as many deep breaths as possible. “i’m so sorry, y/n.”
he carefully places his hand on your arm and rubs soothingly to calm you down. “n-no it’s not you.” you take three deep breaths before continuing. “it’s silly. the thought of a penis about to be inside of me freaks me out.”
you chuckle along with him, the humor helping you relax. “we don’t have—”
“i want to.” you say truthfully. “i just need a second.”
he goes through different breathing techniques with you until you calm down from your mini panic attack. he asks if you're okay at least a hundred times before you shut him up by kissing him again.
he hesitates with your pants not wanting to trigger you again, but after a beat, he pulls them down with your underwear.
his pajama pants soon end up on the floor with the rest of your clothes. he comes under the blanket with you and pecks you on the temple, grabbing a condom from the nightstand. “so proud of you.” he starts, making you blush. “you ready?”
you give him the okay, and he slowly starts pushing into you. the stretch makes you cringe and hiss, causing him to halt. “hurts?”
you shake your head. “pressure… keep going.”
dampening your lips by licking them, he continues to move. his eyes are dead set on your face to sense any discomfort. you let out a ‘mmph’ when he’s all the way in.
when he doesn’t see any bad signs, he starts moving his hips. you moan softly, the pain turning into pleasure.
“you can go faster,” you whisper, and he does. your nails leave crescent marks on his shoulders as he peppers kisses on your chest, neck, and face.
you squeeze your eyes closed, the softest of sounds leaving your lips. then, your legs twitch, and a watery liquid squirts out of you. your eyes widen, and matt stops the second he notices. “what’s wrong? need me to stop?”
“no. i think i…” your cheeks burn, too embarrassed to admit what you’re thinking.
“that’s okay. it’s completely natural.” he reassures, grabbing one of your hands to interlock with his above your head. “you’re doing so well, y/n. so fucking proud of you.”
he continues to rock his hips, this time pulling out more and thrusting back in a smidge harder. “oh.” you moan, arching your back when he starts hitting a certain spot. “oh shit, matt. just like that.”
he tries his best not to pick up speed to scare you, so instead he keeps the rhythm you’re comfortable with. he grunts, taking the hand that’s not holding yours and placing it on your hip.
the grip you have on his hand tightens, indicating that you’re close when his tip keeps abusing your g-spot.
you whimper, your legs starting to quiver from pleasure. “i’m close.”
“cum, baby. you’re doing such a good job.”
you sigh of relief when your cum slowly starts to ooze around him. matt’s right there with you with just a few more thrusts before spilling into the condom.
the feeling of him pulling out of you makes you wince, but then you two giggle. “i did it!” you say proudly, holding up your hand to give him a high five.
he laughs. “damn right you did.” he takes your high five, followed by a handhold.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
OK HEAR ME OUT! Reader who is a single mother of one of Aizawa’s students X Aizawa???? PLEASE I need it!
IM IN LOVE WITH YOU YES OMG I NEED THIS anon im giving you kisses rn
Aizawa x fem!reader (also your denki's mom bc why not)
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A small sigh escapes your lips as you pull into the parking lot of your son's school, it's still early in the year and his teacher has requested to meet with you.
He doesn't even have to explain why you're here because you already have a good idea: Denki's grades.
You smooth out your skirt and double check that your blouse is buttoned all the way. Security stopped you at the gate which took around ten minutes to defuse, they honestly thought you looked too young to be anyone's mother.
Thirty-two is a bit young to have a fifteen year old but you know how it goes: unprotected sex = baby. It's the same old story, your boyfriend freaked out and dipped on you.
It made you proud Denki got into a school like this, your goal is for him to further his education... something you never got the chance to do.
Finding his classroom was a whole other situation. UA is HUGE. So poor you is walking around every corner looking for class "1-A".
"Are you lost?" A voice loud and energetic asked, it caused you to jump in your skin. When you turn your head you see blond hair sticking upward toward the ceiling and a pair of goofy shades. He notices your giggle and quirks an eyebrow.
"Are you a new student?!" The blond questions, his face is full of energy and excitement.
"No.. do I really look that young?" You ask, smile bright.
"You do look pretty young." As soon as he says that it dawns on him that you might be a younger mother.
"Ah- sorry! I just-"
"Don't worry about it. I was actually looking for class 1-A, my son's teacher requested to meet with me." His eyes widen.
"Don't you worry, I can take you to Eraserhead's class!" With that you follow him down a flight of stairs and you guys turn like four corners. Well damn, you were way off.
You had been too caught up into your thoughts to realize he stopped, you bumped right into him.
"Sorry." He gives you a soft smile, "It's nothing!"
He knocks loudly, "Oh, Eraser! You have a visitor!" The blond doesn't even wait for a response to open the door, he just bursts in.
"Well I've gotta go now! Take care Miss..."
"L/n, the name's L/n." A thumbs up is sent your way before the loud blond man leaves.
A deep voice causes your brain to stir, "Thank you for coming on such a short notice, Miss L/n."
And what the fuck because Denki's teacher has beautiful long black hair, stubble, and a little scar under his right eye. He must be married you assume, because no way a handsome man like him is single.
You respond with confidence in your voice, "Of course, I apologize for keeping you waiting. I got lost."
His face softens as he motions for you to sit on the chair he's placed by his desk.
"Understandable, UA is not small. Let's get down to business, shall we?" He sits at his desk, organizing some papers before handing you a few. You feared the worst, Denki always strived to do his best so you shouldn't have anything to even fear.
"My students have been under attack a few times by villians, we've spoke to the board about the situation, because parents are worried about their children." You were relieved this had nothing to do with his grades but it scared you that villians were out for high schoolers.
"I thought the attacks stopped." Aizawa nods at you.
"They have for the time being but we fear they won't completely stop, which is why UA is building a dormitory system to keep students safe. What I've handed you is the consent form for your son to live on campus. It's not manditory but it is highly suggested." He explains to you and you read the pages.
"How do I know Denki will be in good hands?" You ask biting your lip, it doesn't go unnoticed by Aizawa because his eyes flicker to your lips then back up to your face.
"I understand what it's like to lose someone close to you, which is why I put so much effort and care into my students, they may say and think otherwise but they don't see what happens behind the scenes." You could tell his words were sincere, it wasn't convincing enough though. You worry too much about him and just the mere thought of losing him is enough to scare you.
Aizawa leans in to place a hand on yours, it feels tingly.
"I know all you have is my word to go off of, but I promise you I will protect your son and all my other students with my life." His eyes burn into yours. You get lost in those beautiful black eyes.
"Uh- hah. I'll look over the papers."
In the end you sign the papers.
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"Mom you have to tell me who's taking you to dinner!" Denki says for the millionth time over the phone. You call him almost every night to check in on him.
"It's none of your business, young man." You'd tell him when you were ready. Just... not now. He'd freak out if he knew you were going out to dinner with his teacher.
Before you left that day, Aizawa asked for your number. You happily gave it to him, there was no way in hell you'd miss out on a chance like that.
After a month of just talking (and flirting) he asked you out for dinner, you agreed of course.
"But mommmmmm why nottttttt?" Denki whined.
"I'll tell you when we're ready. Anyways I have to go. Take care, sweetheart." He sighs but tells you he loves you. "I love you too, Denki." He hangs up, leaving you to finish your makeup.
The plan was originally to meet at dinner, but Aizawa was not letting up until you agreed that he could pick you up.
Your hands were starting to sweat again. It's normal to be this nervous, right? Dating hadn't really been in your line of vision while raising a child. It seemed to be the same process: go out with someone, get along nicely, start developing real feelings, they find out you have a son, they leave.
It seemed refreshing to finally go out with someone who knew you were raising a young man. Waiting it out seems to have been the right choice. Aizawa is a mature man.
The door bell rings and you shoot up out of your seat like a rocket.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck, I look okay right?" It felt weird to ask your reflection, but self love is everything these days.
Your burgundy v cut dress was a bit on the short side, it hugged your body which made you a little insecure. You'd heard some women say pregnancy made them glow. You were convinced otherwise, it took you some time to finally feel beautiful.
Your walk to the door was dreadful, what if he takes it all back? Upon opening the door he was standing there in all his beauty. His raven colored hair was put up in a messy bun, his stubble cleaned up some, and he looked a little less tired. Your eyes inched down his body, he's wearing a white button up and black slacks.
"You're beautiful." The two of you say at the same time. Your eyes widen.
"Thank you, I was actually kind of nervous." His face softens at your words. The hero holds his hand out so you can take it. Just like the last time his hand was warm and made you feel tingly. You chuckled at how dumb that sounded, definitely sounds like something from a cheesy romance novel.
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Dinner was a little awkward but beyond amazing. A waitress spilled wine on you, she apologized like a million times. You weren't mad though, having a son meant many messes were made... especially on you. The wine didn't stain that bad because of your dress color.
Aizawa offered you the jacket he kept in his car. Accepting it was a no brainer. He held it out for you and you gave him a confused look.
"I'll put it on you, come here." His voice was low and seductive. He noticed your smile. "You're so cute." He whispers as you put your arms in the jacket sleeves.
"Only cute?" Your question was followed by your signature smirk. The food was paid for, his hand wrapped around your waist and he walked you two to his car.
"Sexy, funny, chatty.... I could go on." He says with a smug smile.
"Oh stop it, I'm not sexy-" You don't get to finish your sentence, Aizawa twirls you around so you guys are facing each other. His hands rest on your hips for a second and in a flash he's cupping your face.
Your heart started beating a mile per minute... no second. He slowly pulls you in, those lazy eyes looking into yours. His lips look so kissable.
You pucker your lips and he presses his lips to yours, there weren't any fireworks or sparks like in Disney movies, it felt like he was one with you. Your body was connected to his in a way.
When the kiss is over he's staring at you, "you are sexy, I don't know who's lied to you."
When he pulls into your driveway, you realize this date is almost over. Hopefully he'll agree to going out again. He seemed to enjoy the night as much as you did.
He walked you up to your door, eyes trained on you.
Your feet stop on your doormat. It felt like you were stuck in cement.
"Will I be seeing you again, Aizawa?"
"Call me Shota, and yes, I'll be seeing you again." He faces you and kisses you again. A sigh of relief escapes your lips.
"Call me." You say and he hums in acknowledgement.
Maybe... trying again at dating won't hurt you.
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Hiii anon, I hope you like this!! I don't think this has been my best work but I think it shouldn't be that bad? Lol imagine how Denki would react when he finds out you're with his teacher. Love you guys, working on Teacher's Assistant ch. 1
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hoshiina · 2 months
pairing: hoshina soushirou x gn!reader (no prns)
request: Hii im the anon who ask for the wips and i saw the blurbs you have. IM VERY MUCH HOOKED with the third ones where hoshina loves reader's smile🥹 relating to that maybe i would like to add(if you want, but feel free to do seperate if you want) soft moments with hoshina x reader who felt like she being the most pessimistic person regarding love(not anti but just felt like she doesn't deserve it) so she is on denial when hoshina make a move on her
notes: reader is usually rather energetic, talkative reader, hoshina thinks you are "beautiful" at some point, TYSM FOR THE REQ!! sorry it took so long omg
wc: 1300
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Something was wrong— terribly wrong. There was no way someone would want you, let alone your vice-captain who could have anyone in the world. Not your vice-captain who did everything with such care and looked after everyone so preciously. And definitely never your vice-captain you were terribly in love with.
There must be some mistake. Or else he wouldn’t have just said what you thought he said.
“Pardon me?” you asked.
He looked a little flustered and you had never seen such an expression on him, confusing you further. “I love you,” he said again, softly. “I’d love to know if you’re in a relationship.”
The way he spoke so carefully added to how nervous it made you feel— it was so different from how he usually talked to you. Now, you were lost to say the least, because you couldn’t think of one reason why he would like you, let alone romantically. Under normal circumstances, you’d assume you were being played with or that this was a silly prank or dare, but you knew that Hoshina wasn’t one to do something so horrible. So what was happening?
“I am not…” you said, still confused, but the visible relief in his eyes made your heart tighten. Oh gosh, is he serious?
“I’m… thrilled,” he said, and he wished you goodnight and left. While you were terribly flustered to know he liked you back, there was a voice in your head that wouldn’t stop making you feel anxious. Something felt so odd to you— to be loved back. To be loved back by him. You enjoyed talking to people so you talked to him often, but never had you thought he'd think of you like that. Having a naturally talkative personality, it was true that both of you had fun talking to each other, but you had accepted that your love was unrequited ages ago. When would he have possibly fallen in love with you? The more you thought about it the more impossible it sounded. As thoughts of him circled your head, it’d be morning before you knew it.
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It'd be hard for him to point out exactly when he fell in love with you, because he was in love before he knew it. Before he knew it, he'd catch himself following you with his eyes. He adored watching you work, because you made everything look exciting. Of course, he saw how you groaned at the paperwork you had to do, but he'd see how the little things would put a smile on your face.
He liked the work he did, he liked all of it quite frankly. From neutralizing kaiju all the way down to the research he had to do— rarely did he think something was a chore to do, but if you were around to laugh at something silly he found or mutter about the binders and binders of files that the 3rd division just doesn't have space for anymore, he'd start looking forward to these moments.
While he knew you were like this with everyone, he hoped that you were happiest with him. It would mean everything to him if you looked forward to doing seemingly mundane work with him too.
However, while he loved so much about you, there was one moment specifically that made him realize he wasn't moving on. His heart would be yours forever at this rate. You'd look so horribly tired after all this work, and yet, if someone needed help with anything at all, you'd still smile and ask them what's wrong. You'd find the energy and speak to them so kindly. You might not have the energy you usually had, but you'd be so happy to help. Even if they couldn't tell how exhausted you were, he could. He knew how much you did for everyone in the division, and he thought you were stunning when you did so. You were the most beautiful when you had that lovely smile on your face that seemed to light up his world.
He loved you so dearly.
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You loved talking to people, so there always seemed to be something for you to talk about. A new finding you wanted to share or a terribly random thought that popped up in your head. While you naturally talked to most of the people in the division, you looked forward to talking to Hoshina the most. The way he'd always listen so intrigued at your dumbest thoughts and laugh at the smallest things you said meant more to you than one would probably think.
And if you shared your daily happenings with him, he'd share his with you too. To say you loved these moments would truly be an understatement. Nothing could possibly make you happier.
However, you knew he was like this with everyone. His laugh would always manage to keep the morale of the division up and he'd never miss potential problems in the condition of any of his officers. You knew he was a sweet person, but also the best one could ask for in a vice-captain. You weren't special— he was like this to everyone. You knew better than anyone else.
You couldn't imagine anyone falling for you, let alone the kindest person you'd ever meet in your life. Let alone the person you'd probably love for the rest of your life.
Yet, here you were, alone with him this afternoon working away through paperwork and it was quiet. Eerily quiet. He was the first to break the silence.
“I rather dislike the rain,” he said, looking out the window. “It’s been raining all day.”
You paused to look outside as well. “No, you’re right. I don’t mind the rain, but I hate how dark everything is.”
“Yeah,” he said. More silence.
“Sorry, I’m awkwardly nervous now,” he said, eyes fixed on his work. “I didn’t mean to make things… weird.”
You could tell he probably didn’t want you to, but you couldn’t help but look his way. Your eyes widened and your heart filled. You weren’t afraid to say much, but you were afraid to talk about this. However, you thought you’d be able to if you were talking to him.
“I just… can’t imagine that you’re… in love… with me,” you said, looking down at your paperwork. “Sounds too good to be true. I know... sounds unlike me, right?”
Immediately he looked up at you, shocked to say the least. You could tell he probably wanted to ask why, but he thought for a moment more.
“What… would I be able to do to show that I am?” he asked. “You’re the one I love… you always will be.”
Your eyes widened. “I just… don’t know why,” you said honestly. “Why me?”
“Because I love you,” he said. “I love a whole lot about you, but I love being with you. I enjoy spending time with you and watching you enjoy the life around you. Is that too simple?”
It took you a second to reply, but you felt a lot better. “No, not at all,” you said. “Because I feel exactly the same way.”
“You’re kidding”
“Absolutely not”
“I’m going to kill you if you’re lying,” he said.
That made you laugh. “You know I wouldn’t,” you said, and yes, he knew you wouldn’t.
“Hey, Hoshina,” you said, avoiding eye-contact. “If I get worried… will you tell me again?”
“I’d tell you until you get sick of my voice,” he said while getting up to kiss your forehead. “I love you so much.”
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bruhnze · 2 months
I love weddings - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Writen for the anon that requested it, i enjoyed writing it so thanks for the request!
Wordcount: about 7k? pretty big one..
Warnings: smut, minors dni
I Love Weddings – fictional story based on a true event?
"Lucy would come to this wedding too right?" Ona asked Alessia Russo.
"Bronzey? Yeah i believe so, Stani and her are best friends" Alessia replied carelessly. "Maybe her plane delayed or something".
''Yeah'' Jordan Nobbs tuned in ''she texted me, plane got delayed to this morning, that why she didn’t get in last night''.
"Ah shit, hope she'll still make it on time" Demi Stokes said as she joined the conversation.
Millie Turner laughed "ofcourse she will, she never loses, no finals and certainly not the change to be at her best friends wedding".
Everyone that was gathered around in the suit Lucy Staniforth had slept in, started talking about other subjects, but Ona was still thinking about Lucy.
With Staniforth’s bachelorette party Ona had had an amazing time with Lucy Bronze, someone she had certainly known about but had never formally met before. Ona had been giddy knowing Lucy was also going to be at Stani's hen party.
She had used Lucy's games a lot as examples to develop her playing style, so she had been watching Lucy as a player for hours. When she had finally met Lucy in real life, finding it amazing to meet her idol, she hadn't expected to be so attracted to the right back.
Lucy had this energy that drew Ona in, they had been talking the whole evening at the bachelorette’s party, about football but eventually also about other things. Ona had wished that night had ended in something more, but Lucy and her had been pulled to the dancefloor and after that they had kind of lost track of eachother.
She hadn't dared to send a message or anything, thinking the English woman was way out of her league and probably didn't even remember much of the night.But for this wedding Ona had planned to make work of her crush. After all, the craziest hook-up stories happend at weddings, atleast that was what Ona knew.
Lucy had arrived just in time for the end of the dress up part, it was 11am.
"Hey guys, sorry i'm late" she kissed Lucy Stan on both cheeks "you look amazing".
Staniforth laughed "im litteraly in a robe".
"Yup, i see that, but it’s true, you do look amazing" Lucy said smiling genuine at her longtime best friend ´´i´m so excited for your wedding Stani!´´.
"Well im glad you made it Bronzey" Lucy S. smiled "we’ve saved you a glass of champagne and your outfit is hanging there on the clothing rack´´ she points across the room ´´and she can do your make up if you want any".
"How well organized! Thanks, i´ll better hurry" Lucy walked to were the other girls were sitting, Ona was getting her make up done and Mille's hair was being done.
"JORDS!!!" Lucy gave her friend the biggest hug "i missed you".
"Yeah Lucy missed you too, damn, you're so tanned, Barca doing you good huh?" Jordan said.
Lucy went around the room greeting all the girls, everyone that had been at the bachelorettes was invited to be at the wedding the complete day, unlike the other guests who would arrive later, before the ceremony.
Ona was done with her make up and followed Millie who walked over to Alessia and Lucy who were chatting up. "Hey Lucy, long time no see" Millie said as she quickly pecked Lucy’s cheeks in an embrace.
After that Lucy turned to Ona "hey Ona, nice to see you again" and held her arms open invitingly.
Ona was eager to oblige and didn't care if her make up would get smudged as it was just on. She just had to give Lucy some kisses on her cheeks, it was etiquette after all.. right. ‘’hey Lucy, glad you could make it in time, heard you had some troubles on the way?’’.
‘’Yeah, the plane got delayed’’ Lucy sighed as she pulled her head back again but still held Ona's shoulders ‘’but I made it’’.
‘’you made it’’ Ona and Lucy’s eyes were locked on each others for a couple more seconds then you would expect from two people who hardly knew eachother.
No one in the room paid attention to them and the pair broke away from eachother after Lucy told Ona she had to get her hair fixed and put on the outfit, before she caused any more delay.
‘’Yeah ofcourse’’ Ona cleared her throat ‘’I’m sure we’ll have some time to catch up later’’. She cringed at herself, for her it was unfinished business, but to Lucy they were probably still practically strangers.
‘’Sounds good, I’ll talk to you later then Ona’’. Lucy said with a smile before she walked over to the hairdresser.
As Lucy Bronze got her hair done she thought about the encounter. [Was she imagining things or was Ona being very friendly towards her? When they had lost eachother during the bachelorettes party, Lucy had been disappointed, but she hadn’t dared to send a message, she didn’t want to come across as a creep, being eight years older then the Spanish woman, and Ona was also way out of her league].
"Would you like to loosen those tufts of hair here? That's a bit more playful than just the bun." The hairdresser asked Lucy.
Lucy’s thoughts were interrupted by the woman doing her hair, but she didn’t get what had been asked ‘’sorry what did you say?’’.
The hairdresser smiled kindly ‘’I think it would be cute to leave a few strands of hair loose, I can curl it a bit, it will look really nice with that low bun you want’’.
''Oh yes, do whatever you want, I trust you'' Lucy smiled.
As the morning went on, more people got to the location. The next thing on the agenda was a lunch. For the lunch there were some family members joining and some other close friends. After that would be the ceremony, where even more people were invited for and after that there would be a dinner with everyone. The day would be ending with a big party in the hall that the venue had, one with a DJ-booth.  
‘’Yeah I like playing against you’’ Lucy overheard Jordan saying to Ona ‘’I don’t really know you but your always so nice and respectful, it’s a shame your so good though’’.
‘’thank you Jordan’’ Ona got a cute blush on her face, Lucy couldn’t help but join their conversation ‘’but what do you mean with shame, good is good, no?’’.
Lucy scuffed Jordans head ‘’she means it’s a shame she loses every duel’’.
‘’nooo my hair bruv’’ Jordan slapped Lucy’s hand away ‘’and yes Ona, I meant your a very good player, and I think it’s nice to get to know you outside of football too’’.
‘’yeah very nice’’ Lucy chimed in ‘’I was disappointed I lost you the other night’’.
Jordan frowned ‘’what?’’
‘’Oh at the bachelorettes party’’ Ona answered for Lucy.
‘’yeah, we were talking but I got abducted by Stani and you’’ Lucy laughed.
Ona laughed too ‘’yeah and Millie and Russo abducted me’’.
Jordan laughed ‘’ahh, didn’t know.. Ohhh was that why you asked if Lucy was still coming this morning Ona? Must’ve been an interesting conversation if yous are still remembering it, what was it about?’’.
Ona was blushing at Jordan telling she was asking after Lucy this morning and when she looked over she saw Lucy smiling at her amusedly. She smiled back at Lucy and again there was this eye contact that made the world around them disappear.
‘’Hm?’’ Jordan asked ‘’what was it about?’’. Jordan was oblivious to what was going on in front of her, she didn’t think anything of it, she was just curious what could be so interesting to still want to finish talking about weeks later.
‘’Oh ehrm’’ Lucy cleared her throat, still looking at Ona ‘’oh you know, I live in spain now, playing at Barca, Ona has also played at Barca and we talked about Spanish vs English culture, ehrm I don’t know some other things’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona smiled dreamy ‘’hmm spain, I miss spain, Lucy can speak a little Spanish but no Catalan yet’’.
‘’Okaayyy’’ Lucy put her arms up defensively ‘’I didn’t know this was some assessment about my ability’s’’.
Ona snapped out of her thoughts [shit did she say that out loud?],she had wandered off into thoughts about how she wanted to teach Lucy Spanish and how she wanted to show Lucy around the neighborhood where she grew up ‘’shit sorry, it was just a- a- i-
Lucy laughed ‘’it’s allright, it’s true I am in desperate need of some Catalan lessons’’.
Ona nodded eagerly ‘’I would love to teach you Catalan’’.
Jordan laughed ‘’eyy something your not the best at Bronze! Hahaha, Ona can speak English better than you speak Spanish!’’.
‘’Catalan is not Spanish!’’ Lucy and Ona said at the same time.
‘’Oh what, sorry’’ Jordan looked confused, seemingly having said something stupid.
As the lunch was served Lucy and Ona explained Jordan the difference between Catalan and Spanish and Ona gave a quick history lesson. And Lucy defended herself about her Spanish and Catalan skills, as she had just moved there and was trying her best.
The day went on and it was lovely. The wedding was beautiful and the speeches had been wholesome. When Staniforth’s friends were up for a little say, Lucy also said some words but Ona was too mesmerized to understand what Lucy, Demi and Jordan were talking about. The thick English accents probably also didn't help with that.
As the friends came back to sit in the crowd, in the row before Ona, she couldn’t resist to rub Lucy's shoulder "beautiful speech" she said quietly as a reason for the touch.
‘’Thanks’’ Lucy grinned back, knowing they had just spent 20 minutes roasting Lucy S., but she’ll accept the compliment either way, maybe Ona had made a translating error,.. but she couldn’t help but think Ona had been a bit distracted.
During dinner Ona was sat with Millie and Alessia, who also didn’t know the family of the brides quite that well, they were friends with Lucy Staniforth but they only knew her on a football and friend level.
Lucy, Jordan and Demi on the other hand, were long time best friends with Lucy S. and were now at tables with some family members they knew. Ona spotted Lucy talking to some guy, presumably a brother or cousin or something. She tried to focus on the conversation at her table but she couldn’t help looking over at Lucy every once in a while.
Lucy looked like she was having a very funny conversation with the guy. At one of the umpteenth times when Ona glanced at Lucy, Ona’s eyes met hers. Ona blushed and looked down at her plate, before looking up again a few seconds later, Lucy was still looking at her and winked at her, smiling, before returning to her conversation. Ona's stomach fluttered at the wink.
Ona tried to have a nice chat with the people at her table throughout the dinner, she made some jokes now and then and ate her food, but as far as she was concerned it couldn't be over quickly enough.
It was a light dinner with many courses but always small dishes, it was delicious.
Someone with a microphone said that during dessert some family members of the other bride, Laura, were going to do a little play about how Laura had come home after going on a date with Stani, and that had been the moment her family had known she had been in love.
Lucy thought it was super cute, she always loved weddings, it was so nice to have all the loved ones of a couple come together and celebrate the love of the couple together.
She herself had also seriously considered getting married at one point in her past, she had been really in love with her ex Keira, with whom she had been together for 7 years, but over the years they had fallen into a routine. They had no chemistry anymore, and sometimes Lucy wandered if they had had any to begin with, Lucy had often talked to Keira about their future, but they both had very different ideas about it. That's why they broke up. It had gone smoothly, but it had still been painful. But overall they had broke up on good terms, even sharing custody over their dog, Narla.
After that Lucy had dated, or, well, slept around quite a bit. She didn't want commitment for a while, just some casual sex with attractive ladies to feel wanted again and simply because, to be honest, she had hardly been intimate in the last year of the relationship.
Now Lucy was in a good place, she felt good, she was happy with who she was and occasionally, if she felt like it, she could flirt with ladies while going out and sometimes someone would come home with her.
She wasn't looking for a relationship, she just did what she felt like, and for now that was unproblematic and casual. If it had been just any bar in Barcelona, ​​she would have loved to bring home a lady like Ona, but Ona was also a footballer, so ‘the status of being a footballer’ which normally came in handy and made many women gush over her, wouldn’t work on the Spanish football star who had won enough trophies herself.
At least that was what Lucy believed. Ona on the other hand, was crushing harder and harder on the English woman. The outfit Lucy wore today, a green suit with a white top, made Ona crazy. Maybe it was the fact that the top was tight enough to see Lucy’s abs bulging through the fabric, maybe it was the fact that the dark green matched her eyes and hair color perfectly. Or maybe it was everything of the above combined with the energy Lucy held, she was such a natural flirt, funny, fit and at the hen party Ona had seen she could dance.
After dinner people gathered at the bar ordering drinks as the music built up and within no time there was a pleasant atmosphere created. In various places in the room, groups of people were chatting happily.
Ona and Millie got their drinks and Ona insisted they headed to the dancefloor ‘’come on, if no one goes first there will go no one at all’’.
Lucy went to all the people she wanted to greet and she became completely distracted from the plan she had to meet Ona again after dinner, trying to have another chat with her.
After she had greeted everyone, there was being announced that they wanted to lift the brides to the middle of the dance floor for a first dance.
Lucy looked for Ona, trying to look for the beautiful blue suit she found her, Lucy took place opposite of her in the group that was going to lift Lucy S. Everyone helped carrying Lucy and Laura to the middle of the floor.
As everyone went on with the banter, Lucy looked at Ona. The beautiful, happy looking, freckled woman was stunning in her blue suit with her loose hair and the earrings, that was clapping with the music, smiling-
Demi poked Lucy in her side, interrupting her thoughts and whispered in her ear ‘’they’re dancing there Luce’’ she grinned ‘’you fancy her don’t you?’’.
Lucy looked up at her, still smiling, not yet processing what had been whispered at her until she saw Demi’s grin ‘’what? Oh- what no- I was just, I’m watching them dance’’. She cleared her throat as she turned her gaze to the middle of the dance floor.
Everyone was clapping and soon joined to dance as well.
‘’You should go for it, it seems mutual’’ Demi grinned as she danced away.
After a bit of dancing and contemplating, when Lucy saw Ona was standing by herself, she danced her way over to Ona. ‘’Hey’’ she said softly. ‘’Hey’’ Ona chuckled ‘’seems like we are simply not given time to speak properly, isn’t it?’’.
‘’Right!’’ Lucy sighed happily, happy that Ona felt exactly the same ‘’and I just had to greet everyone, cause its not often that I  have the chance to speak to them’’.
‘’oh yeah, I hadn’t thought about that, sorry, you should probably catch up with them I’m-‘’
Lucy smiled ‘’no no, I did that, now I finally have time for you, I was looking forward to seeing you again actually’’.
‘’I was too’’ Ona said.
‘’we didn’t text eachother’’ Lucy stated.
‘’No, we didn’t text eachother’’ Ona repeated.
‘’Why?’’ Lucy asked out loud.
‘’You tell me’’
‘’I thought about it’’ Lucy confessed ‘’but I didn’t know if I read in to it’’.
Ona grinned ‘’read into what?’’
Lucy blushed ‘’I liked the conversation we had, but it could’ve also just been two people getting to know eachother’’.
‘’wasn’t it?’’
‘’oh- i- yeah it was, I just-‘’
‘’haha, I’m joking’’ Ona squeezed Lucy’s bicep ‘’I felt the same, didn’t want to come across as a weirdo texting you after knowing eachother such a short time’’.
‘’you would never be perceived as a weirdo’’ Lucy said honestly.
Ona frowned ‘’how can you say that, if you do something weird people think you’re a weirdo, that’s-
‘’pretty privilege’’ Lucy stated it as if it were just another fact.
 Ona translated it in her head but couldn’t understand what Lucy meant, she laughed ‘’are you calling me pretty?’’.
‘’yeah’’ Lucy shuffled with her foot ‘’I’m sure you hear it everyday but it’s true’’.
‘’Everyday?!’’ Ona laughed ‘’no Lucy, and can I just remind you that you have only seen me at parties, were I have made an effort to look good, you should see me when I just woke up’’ she laughed at the thought.
That statement brought completely different thoughts into Lucy's head, she certainly wanted to see Ona when she had just woken up "No, you also look good in kit, even if you've been running for 90 minutes."
Ona's eyebrows shot up "have you been watching my games?".
Now it was Lucy’s time to laugh ‘’Yeah I watch a lot of games, I also analyze a lot of other defenders games’’.
‘’Oh yeah, ofcourse’’ Ona swallowed her excitement ‘’always room for improvement’’
‘’I actually watched a lot of your games developing my style of play’’ Ona said carefully, not wanting to come across as a fangirl.
‘’reallyyy? That’s so nice to hear actually’’ Lucy gushed.
‘’yeah, I mean I had some older players I looked up too when I was still developing my style a lot, sometimes I watched games like 5 times, repeating their actions and then I’d reenact them at training or in games’’.
‘’Your not an older player’’ Ona said offended.
Lucy smiled broadly ‘’thanks, but you know I’m like eight years older then you right?’’.
‘’’pfffft’’ Ona waved her hand ‘’eight years, what’s eight years, I’m very mature anyways’’.
Lucy snickered ‘’football doesn’t care how mature or childish you are, if your body gets old you retire.. what were you talking about then?’’.
‘’Oh yeah, football, age, yeah retirement sucks, I just-
‘’am very mature?’’ Lucy grinned.
‘’yeah, and eight years is no problem for me’’ Ona said cheekily.
‘’Is this some weird way of flirting with me miss. Battle?’’ Lucy joked.
 Ona leaned in and quietly asked ‘’how do you like to be flirted with then?’’.
‘’hmm’’ Lucy acted like she was thinking really hard ‘’probably maybe some dancing’’.
‘’oh yeah? Care for a dance?’’ Ona said as she offered her companion a hand.
Lucy took it and they went back to the more crowded part of the dance floor, next too the DJ booth.
As the evening went on they danced with eachother and with others, being pulled in to separate circles, forced to dance with others but gravitating to eachother the whole time. Ona tried to stay close to Lucy and the other way around, but everyone on the dance floor cheerful and excited that it was difficult.
At the end of the night the music slowed down Lucy took herself back to the Spaniard after getting two drinks from the bar ‘’you’re a very good dancer’’ she said in Ona’s ear, closing the distance between them.
Ona chuckled ‘’good enough to woo you?’’.
''Mhm, consider me wooed'' Lucy said seductively ''how about you, what does a woman have to do to get a chance''. Lucy put her glass down on a standing table and put her hands softly on Ona’s hips as they were swaying with the music.
Ona got nervous from the touch and the question, she felt her skin prickle under Lucy’s hands and her stomach fluttered. She liked the forwardness from the English woman, but she didn’t know what to say, honestly she just wanted to kiss the lips she had been sending looks at all night.
The smaller woman downed the glass of alcohol in one gulp and put it one the table next to Lucy’s.
‘’Want to go somewhere more quiet’’ Ona whispered to Lucy as she reached for the table.
The dark-haired woman walked after the Catalan, curious about where they would be going, as she didn’t really know the building, but maybe Ona did she thought.
Ona held a door open, when Lucy walked in she recognized the room as the parlor where the ceremony had taken place.
‘’I was wondering what was behind this curtain’’ Ona said as she stepped on the little stage at the end of the room. It was a big curtain, and as Ona got behind it she saw that the platform was way bigger then it seemed like from where they’d been sitting on the benches this afternoon.
She got her phone out to use the flashlight and searched for a light switch ‘’Lucy?’’
‘’Yeah right behind ya’’ Lucy said with a low voice, heavy from the adventure.
‘’D’you think this is a light switch?’’ Ona asked carefully.
‘’Guess there’s only one way- Lucy flipped the switch and held her breath. When a little spotlight went on she released her breath again ‘’to find out’’.
Ona chuckled as she put her phone away again ‘’very brave’’.
‘’Why, what’d you think would happen?’’ Lucy chuckled back.
‘’I don’t know maybe an alarm or something’’ Ona said with big eyes.
‘’God’’ Lucy groaned ‘’imagine the scene’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Ona said gently as she stepped closer to Lucy ‘’and we would’ve missed out on- she brushed against Lucy’s bottom lip softly ‘’this’’ she breathed out against Lucy’s mouth.
Lucy’s hands found themselves on Ona’s hips again, this time pulling her in closer. She leaned in to kiss the shorter woman. It started as a gentle kiss, the pair softly exploring each others taste.
Ona tried to deepen the kiss by cupping the back of Lucy neck, and getting on her tiptoes.
After a few minutes of the kiss that became more and more heated they were disturbed by a sound of giggles, familiar giggles.
They pulled apart and looked in each others eyes questioning, wandering if the other had heard it too.
‘’What was that?’’ Ona asked.
Lucy shrugged and wanted to continue, Ona obliged with her eyes still open and just as their lips met again the giggle sound was back.
‘’ew, now I’m creeped out’’ Ona said.
Lucy walked away from Ona and peeked behind the curtain, only to stare right at their friend who had taken place on the front row, all laughing now. Lucy quickly closed the curtain, as she got red in the face.
‘’what?’’ Ona asked, not understanding.
‘’Lucyyyy…. Onaaa….’’ Some person sitting in the room teased ‘’having fun?’’
‘’Ohh, fuck’’ Ona giggled.
Lucy groaned ‘’yeah, fuck, ehrm let’s just say we were looking for the bathroom?’’ she suggested in a whisper.
Ona agreed and was the first to step back in to the room, it was very awkward, as the few people, who she now could identify as Millie, Jill, Jordan and Demi, sat on the front row looking at the podium.
‘’Told ya’’ Demi laughed out loud ‘’that’s a tenner from everyone please’’.
Lucy had followed Ona and looked confused at her friends ‘’what’s this all about’’.
The four players laughed, Millie said ‘’why don’t you two tell us’’ she looked amused.
‘’Toilet’’ Ona muttered. Lucy helped her out ‘’yeah, we were looking for the toilets’’.
The players laughed even harder, Jordan was almost falling of her chair ‘’luce, dude, you have to see this video Jill took, so don’t embarrass yourself any further’’.
Lucy was confused and wanted to know what all the fuss was about, she gently put her hand on the small of Ona’s back and walked them to Jill, who was still laughing, to the point she was almost crying.
‘’Go on then, share your banter with us’’ Lucy said, having found her cool again, as she stood seriously across from the four giggling women.
She softly rubbed Ona’s back, trying to offer her some support as she waited on Jill to pull the video up.
The phone was turned to them, on it was a sight of the curtain, and shockingly to both Ona and Lucy, on the curtain there were very clear shadows portraying their heated kiss. The pair blushed hard, there was no denying it now, the light had betrayed them brutally.
Lucy stood there dumfounded ashamed to be caught by her friends like this ‘’what do you mean a tenner Demi, make fun of me for 30 bucks, please, i could've given you more to prevent all this’’.
Demi laughed ‘’Its not about the money’’ she snickered ‘’I saw the two of you leaving, and we were talking, then I said Lucy and Ona would be a cute couple, well’’ she looked at the other three women ‘’they agreed but they said that it wouldn’t happen, so then I said: I bet a tenner their together right now, and then we found you’’ she laughed again at the visual coming back in her mind.  
The four women stood up and walked towards the door giggling.
Lucy groaned ‘’sorry Ona, they’re crazy’’.
Ona chuckled ‘’we probably shouldn’t have put the light on’’.
´´Allright we´ll leave the two of you alone´´ Jill said as the four players scattered back to the party.
Lucy and Ona stood there dumbfounded for a couple of seconds before Lucy broke the silence ´´God, you´re probably so embarrassed´´ she said as she kneaded her forehead.
Ona looked surprised at the older woman ´´huh, no why, I mean aren´t we both a little´´.
´´yeah but your so hot, and to be caught with me…´´ Lucy sighed ´´sorry i-‘’
‘’what no, no, what do you mean’’ Ona stepped closer to Lucy, reaching out to her hands ‘’I don’t know if I say this right but -I am the one punching?- right, that’s like how you say you are the hotter one?’’.
Lucy scoffed ‘’nah’’ but she got a blush on her face ‘’do you really think that? Have you seen yourself?’’.
‘’okay we’re both hot then’’ Ona laughed.
Lucy pulled the shorter woman closer smiling ‘’where were we?’’
‘’maybe lets go somewhere with a lock first?’’ the Spaniard joked as she leaned in for the kiss.
As the kiss deepened Lucy’s hands travelled to Ona’s but and pulled her closer against her, Ona’s hand, that was on Lucy’s stomach, was squished in between them, she chuckled in to Lucy mouth.
‘’hmm’’ Lucy said as she pulled away with a couple more pecks to Ona’s lips, lips that looked so kissable, she didn’t really want to stop ‘’maybe we should’’ she panted.
‘’Go to my room?’’ Ona asked softly after a gentle nip at Lucy´s bottom lip.
´´Oh shit´´ Lucy said as she remembered something ´´my suitcase is still at reception and I haven´t asked my room number and keycard yet..´´
Ona grinned ´´back to the party then, lets see how smoothly you can fix your shit´´.
´´Is that a challenge? Cause challenges come with rewards’’ Lucy challenged Ona back.
‘’Only if they’re done successfully’’
‘’watch me then’’.
Many people had already left, as it was already quite late, and most of the people who were still there had gathered at the bar.
They were saying goodbye or still wrapping up conversations.
Lucy and Ona mingled with the people for a while and then went to the reception.
There was a line at the reception with several people who also had to pick up their keycard.
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''Ugh i love weddings, they're so cute'' Demi sighed to her partner. Her partner laughed ''yeah they're cute, and so obviously into eachother''.
Lucy and Ona didn't hear it, as they were already walking over to the elevator.
Coincidentally, their rooms were on the same floor, only Ona's was to the left and Lucy's was to the right.
The three people who had been in the elevator with them passed the couple who stood still in front of the elevator, hesitating.
"I think challenge completed pretty well" Ona smiled.
Lucy and Ona shared eye contact, the same eye contact that made them both forget the world around them. When the people entered their own rooms, they were brought back to reality by a door slamming shut.
Lucy cleared her throat, "eh, yeah, that was smooth, wasn't it?" She grinned, "I'm curious about the reward now."
-They were interupted by the elevator making some sounds, it was probably back downstairs with new people getting in.-
Ona took Lucy's hand and pulled her with to her room.
While Ona opened her room door, Lucy clicked the handle of her suitcase back inside.
They walked inside and Lucy left the suitcase in the hallway.
The room was semi-tidy, it was clear that someone had already slept there all night, but even the pajamas were neatly folded on the pillow.
Lucy asked ''just to be sure, you're not drunk now are you?''.
''drunk?'' Ona asked ''i mean i had a couple drinks but im not drunk no''.
''good, me neither'' Lucy said.
Ona laughed ''why?''
''don't want you to have regrets''
Ona laughed a little harder now ''ah, I thought you were going to say, 'don't want you to forget' ''. At that she mimicked Lucy with a thick English accent.
''wooow, is that how you think of me? think i've got a big ego'' Lucy fake gasped and clutched her chest.
''Nooo'' Ona quickly tried to clear up the misunderstanding ''no, i just wasn't thinking about regret at all, honestly i came to this wedding to see you again, and for the wedding itself ofcourse, but you know after the bachelorettes i have been-''. She stopped herself from blurting out more embarrassing truths.
Lucy laughed ''i was just kidding''. She stepped towards Ona and held her face with two hands ''but cute to know''.
Ona's cheeks heated up below Lucy's hands, but Lucy didn't pay attention to it, not wanting to embarrass the girl any further. She
She bent down and pressed her lips again against those beautiful, soft lips of Ona's, lips that now felt almost familiar.
She tasted her again, a taste Lucy wanted to taste more often. Lucy didn't know what was happening, it was as if she was under a spell by the Catalan. She hadn't been able to think about anything else than this exact moment all evening.
Lucy wanted to see more of Ona, to taste more of her, but she didn't want to be too pushy and wanted to make the shorter woman feel comfortable.
It was actually Ona who took things further, her hands pushing Lucy's jacket off her shoulders.
Lucy followed her lead after she dropped hers to the floor, she helped Ona get out of the blue jackter she was wearing.
''Your so beautiful'' Lucy mumbled below her breath, as she was stunned by the woman infront of her.
''Stop it'' Ona gushed.
That made Lucy look up ''are you sure about this, d'you want this?''.
Ona rolled her eyes ''Lucy stop second guessing, if somethings wrong i will tell you, i promise'' she smiled and softly asked ''or is it you that isn't sure about this?''.
''Im so sure'' Lucy was quick to ansewer, making Ona laugh.
The laugh turned into a squeal as Lucy picked up the smaller lady and carried her to the bed.
Lucy sat her down in front of the bed and took off her own shirt, she helped Ona with her top, who was fiddling with it for a while.
After both took down their pants, they now stood almost naked opposite each other.
While kissing, the English woman, who was now standing in her bra and briefs, pushed Ona against the mattress.
The Spaniard, who was only wearing thong, pulled Lucy along with her.
Lucy burried herself completely into Ona's neck, kissing and licking the skin below her mouth.
Ona got shy from how good it made her feel and covered her face with her hand ‘’luce’’ she whined.
‘’can I touch you?’’ Lucy asked as she pulled away to face Ona again.
Ona took her hand away and looked at Lucy questioning ‘’ofcourse you can touch me, what else were we going to do?’’ she said shyly but smiling.
Lucy smiled ‘’I just want you to be comfortable’’.
Ona sat up and took Lucy’s hands, she placed them on her boobs and said ‘’I’m really comfortable, Lucy I want to have sex with you’’.
Instinctively Lucy’s thumbs started caressing Ona’s nipples ‘’perfect’’ she groaned as she pushed Ona back on the bed.
They kissed passionately, Lucy’s tongue parted a way into Ona’s mouth. The Spaniard moaned as Lucy crawled further onto the bed, putting one thigh in between her legs. 
Brushing soft kisses across Ona’s body Lucy travelled further south, Ona was already squirming under her mouth.
She pulled Ona a bit more to edge of the bed and hooked her fingers in the thong she was wearing
‘’can I take-
Lucy chuckled at the eagerness but took it off quickly, she held the younger woman’s hips as she kneeled down infront of the bed.
Ona put her legs on Lucy’s shoulders, Lucy graze her teeth along the insides of the Spaniards thighs, Ona shivered and gripped Lucy’s hair, forcing her to were she wanted the woman to be.
The older women groaned at the shameless desperateness, feeling how wet Ona was ‘’all for me baby?’’.
Ona groaned ‘’fuck, all for you Luce’’ she got even wetter from being called baby by the woman she was crushing on, imagining it could be more than a one night stand.
Lucy flattened her tongue against Ona, lapping at her taste ‘’mhhmyou taste so good’’ she groaned against Ona’s clit before gently sucking at it.
The shorter woman’s back arched up from the bed, Lucy grabbed her hips tighter.
''Lucy, more please'' Ona moaned as she shuddered below Lucy's tongue.
Lucy put her hand up to in between Ona's legs and gently teased her entrance with her middlefinger.
She felt Ona move forward and pushed in carefully, resulting in a moan from the woman below her.
''try to keep quiet for me babe'' Lucy whispered against Ona. The catalan bit her lower lip, because she agreed that no one needed to hear them, knowing that they were all acquaintances of Lucy and that she knew a number of people that slept on this floor herself.
With her mouth and her finger Lucy worked Ona closer towards her climax. When she introduced a second finger, it didn't take long for Ona to come undone.
All Ona's muscles tensed and after a swallowed moan, her whole body relaxed. Lucy who still had her fingers inside, carefully helping the younger woman through her orgasm, pulled her fingers out gently and brought them up to her mouth.
This came so unexpectedly for the Spaniard that she clenched her thighs at the erotic sight, a new wave of arousal hitting her.
Lucy leaned over to kiss her, Ona accepted the kiss eagerly, licking into the older womans mouth. Lucy moaned at the woman wanting to taste herself on her tongue.
The English woman's thigh came inbetween the Spaniards ones as the kiss got more heated. Lucy leaned deeper against Ona, hands traveling around on her body.
She smiled as she felt Ona rutting against her, searching for friction.
With a hand around Ona's, Lucy gently flipped the two. She directed the shorter woman's body so that she was sitting on one of lucy's legs.
''you look so good like this'' Lucy whispered.
Ona's cheeks got red once again this evening, but she had no words so she hid her face in Lucy neck as she continued grinding down on Lucy's thigh.
''fuck,.. use me Ona''
''you're doing so good''
''feels good using my leg to get off?''
Lucy talked Ona through it, feeling her nearing a second orgasm.
Ona couldn't think straight anymore, hearing the praise, feeling Lucy.
When Lucy gripped the Spaniards hips tighter, helping her grind down, Ona's orgasm crashed through her. She held herself up with nails diggin' into Lucy, she whined out into Lucy's neck.
After a bit Lucy carefully placed Ona besides her on the bed and covered her with gentle kisses. ''that was perfect''.
Ona blinked, a small smile appeared on her face ''mhmm, perfect''.
Lucy looked at the blissed out woman "Maybe you're perfect" Lucy asked herself but actually said it out loud.
Ona chuckled and pushed Lucy's face with her hand.
the end, pretty open ending but it was already such a long one.. 🙃
hope you enjoyed!
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