#imagine being this loved by the wardrobe department
taeminie · 2 years
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DIRTY LAUNDRY (2023) dir. Jojo Tichakorn
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cherryheairt · 26 days
Was looking at GOT and HOTD wardrobe for ideas , and look what I found
Sansa and Daenerys always had the best and most detailed outfits. I never noticed most of the details my first time watching, but viewer feedback is so thorough in their searches I love it.
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Sansa's 'Queen in the North' direwolf crown. Gorgeous. I would imagine something like that being given to Daenys in necklace form, like Dany's dragon choker necklace in the esrly seasons.
I'd imagine her wearing something like that, also. A commissioned piece of Morningstar in necklace form to capture her likeness perfectly. The poor blacksmith forced to draw his plans in front of the massive dragon staring him down, almost posing.
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I love HOTD a lot, but I feel like the costumes arent as detail-oriented as GOT focused on. A lot of their costuming goes to Alicent's outfits and some of Rhae's, though all the outfits always look great and do carry symbolism, especially in colors. hair department always eats tho I cannot lie
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welldonebeca · 3 months
Correspondência (1)
Summary: Is it possible to fall in love with someone over simple letters? In the three years of his excursion, Penelope and her husband exchange letters about their respective lives. Warnings: Fluff. Canon divergence. Angst. Comfort. Slow burn.
Read the Prequel about their wedding day "Conveniência" now.
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And, of course, as we depart London this season, we might finally get a glimpse of Lord and Lady Debling. It was a surprise that this most surprising pair chose to spend their honeymoon in London and not on the Earl's vast estate. The newlyweds have not left their house a single day since their wedding, nor have they entertained a single visitor – not even Lady Featherington or her daughters, who undoubtedly miss their daughter and sister. Rumour has it that Lord Debling, a man with an affinity for nature, has delayed his much-anticipated three-year-long excursion by half a month to spend more time with his wife before he departs. Such dedication to marital bliss is indeed commendable, especially for a man so passionately devoted to his botanical pursuits. One must wonder if, after such a prolonged time together, there will be an announcement of a new Debling heir in the coming months? Although, given that her sisters enjoyed a more prolonged period with their husbands before such blessings, only time will tell if Lady Debling will follow suit.
Penelope breathed in deep, keeping her eyes closed as she heard the sound of her door opening, but the sound of it closing certainly made her open her eyes.
The room was still dark but… her bed was warm. Differently warm, strangely warm.
She sat up, confused, and froze when she turned to her side and realised that was her husband there, fast asleep, facing up.
Of course.
She rubbed her eyes, trying to tame the morning mess of her hair. She remembered now. She had asked him to stay a bit longer last night, and they had fallen asleep together. Had he noticed they had drifted off on her bed?
Penelope took another deep breath, watching him. His hair was a little messy, and her fingers itched to touch it, to pet it.
Well, she… she enjoyed being married. More than she imagined she would, actually.
Alfred was very kind, very gentle and their marriage was everything he had promised.
They had breakfast and dinner together, and she didn’t need to explain herself to him—he asked about her day, and she shared a few bits, and he took it without prying.
If he had noticed Madam Delacroix’s visits after she mentioned needing some adjustments to her dresses, he didn’t seem to mind – and of course, with the little fact she had figured out a few weeks ago, then he would know she was indeed in need of a more… adaptive wardrobe.
The visits kept her business going as usual, though there wasn’t much to write about for Lady Whistledown. Maybe next year there would be more to gossip about.
Alfred breathed deeply, adjusting on her bed, still fast asleep, and she rested her head on her pillow.
He was leaving today. After breakfast with her whole family – the first time they were actually coming to her new home.
She never knew she would miss them, but… well, Mama and her sisters were good at filling up silence, especially with things she didn’t need to pay attention to.
Penelope highly suspected they would have to be the ones filling up her silence in the next three years. Of course, she had different hopes.
She’d bled exactly once since marrying Alfred, and while they were not holding high hopes – well, she wasn’t and he didn’t seem to express much about it – there was a chance she wouldn’t spend the next three years alone.
It was so strange. She always knew he was going to leave, even with his short delay – caused by a few reasons, according to himself, even if she knew she had to embellish it for the paper – and was settled with it. But now that she was looking at him for the last time in three years, she didn’t want him to go.
In fact, Penelope felt the strangest urge. She wanted to lock the house down, get rid of his luggage, break all the carriages, rip all his clothes, hide his itinerary, tie him up, and hide in her study until he was tired of the idea and decided to stay.
The thought made her lips curl down and her throat knot up.
How unfair and ugly of her, to want to keep him from his plans!
Penelope shook her head, trying to dispel the desperate thoughts. Alfred had his dreams and ambitions, and she always knew that, it was not fair to even think about keeping him.
Yet, it made her heart ache to watch him like that, knowing he needed to leave.
He squirmed a bit as if about to wake up, and her eyes widened right before she closed them and positioned herself on the bed, breathing slowly, relaxing, pretending to be still asleep.
Penelope felt him moving and heard Alfred’s deep exhale as he seemed to finally wake up, and there was a moment of silence before her husband’s hand caressed her cheek, and it was so hard to keep her eyes closed and her lips from curling in a smile.
Alfred tucked her hair behind her ear and pulled away, and she heard him moving around her bedroom, probably taking his things, and he opened and closed her doors very softly and slowly, probably not to wake her up.
She stayed in there for a bit, until her door opened again, and opened her eyes when Rae opened her curtains.
“Good morning, Lady Debling,” she greeted her.
“Good morning, Rae.”
The familiar routine of Rae helping her dress and prepare for the day felt like a good moment to steady herself and work through the strange feelings in her gut.
When she came down, the house was already buzzing with activity, with the servants preparing for the family breakfast, people working on the last preparations for the excursion, and Mrs Selby walking around, commanding everyone.
Tomorrow, Penelope would also depart to her husband's estate – a trip of three days by carriage. The trip could be made in two days, but Alfred had insisted they took three days to make the pace better for her, so she wouldn’t tire herself out.
She made it down just in time to meet the butler, and he seemed relieved to have her presence.
“Lady Debling,” he bowed discreetly. “Your family has just arrived.”
Penelope stood by the door just as they opened it, and caught sight of her mother leaving her carriage with Prudence and Mr Dankworth, followed by another carriage with her Philippa and Mr Finch.
Well, they looked… the same.
“Penelope, darling,” Mama greeted her, though her eyes were on everywhere except on Penelope’s face.
She could see the wonder in her eyes while she explored every inch of the room she could possibly look at from her spot, climbing the stairs.
“Good morning, mama,” she greeted back anyway.
They exchanged polite kisses just as she caught her sisters whispering with their husbands.
“Where’s your husband?” her mother asked.
Before Penelope could answer, she heard his heavy steps descending the stairs. Alfred's footsteps were always distinct; she could find him anywhere since they got married.
“Lady Featherington,” he greeted from afar.
Finally, on cue, her family lined up as she turned to catch sight of him.
“Lord Debling,” her mother greeted him.
“Mr and Mrs Finch,” he greeted, stopping by Penelope. “Mr and Mrs Darnkworth.”
Everyone greeted him back politely just as he reached for her hand gently, almost instinctively.
“Welcome to our home,” he said, as Penelope took his hand.
“Quite the beautiful home,” her mother praised. “I wish I had the chance to visit before your departure.”
Penelope wrapped her arm around his, feeling her face pinking.
“Won’t you look at that,” Prudence spoke, bringing their attention to her.
She seemed a bit gobsmacked where she was looking, and when Penelope followed her gaze, she could see why.
Their painting.
Alfred had commissioned a painter to do it for them – two paintings of them, one for their Mayfair home and one for his estate – along with a small painting of Penelope her husband seemed to wish to carry around.
“Our painting,” Penelope breathed out. “To celebrate our marriage.”
The only sight of him she would have for the next three years.
He had chosen her dress for it – green, he loved seeing her in green.
“Earl and Countess Debling,” her mother exhaled, prouder than she had ever heard her.
Philippa grimaced, but Penelope kept her look of pride. That was, until she caught the smell of peach from somewhere and her stomach soured.
“If you’ll excuse me for a moment,” she swallowed down, trying to keep herself from throwing up right there. “Mrs Selby is going to show you the way.”
She let her husband go, making her way out into whichever room she could find, and grabbed an empty vase to vomit into, and was surprised to find a fan right next to it to clear her air with.
She closed her eyes, resting against a wall, but opened them, surprised at the sight of her husband.
“Penelope,” he breathed out. “Are you well?”
Penelope swallowed down, still fanning herself.
“Yes,” she assured him. “Just a little bit nauseous.”
His lips twitched up, but she could see how he was obviously trying not to smile.
Oh, wasn’t he quite the pleasant sight.
“Go on, I know it’s amusing,” she fanned herself.
“What was it?” he asked in a gentle voice.
She looked at the arch. Oh, they were down in a corridor.
“Peaches,” she exhaled, rolling her eyes.
Alfred nodded seriously.
“I’ll ask Mrs Selby to get rid of them all,” he assured her, very serious. “Here and in our estate. No peaches.”
Penelope’s face felt hot. She was so nauseous those days, the faintest of the wrong smells and she was doomed – and morning sickness was not just reserved for mornings.
“At this rate, we’ll be banning everything with a scent,” she breathed out. “I will be eating only boiled potatoes for months.”
He chuckled, and she glared at him in response, but her husband’s face was so soft she couldn’t be angry with him.
“It’s only for another couple of months,” he assured her. “You won’t even remember it once it is gone.”
Penelope nodded, exhaling. He was right.
They waited a bit of time, and he offered her his arm.
“Shall we?” her husband asked.
She took it. Her family was waiting.
They walked off together, and she caught sight of Philippa walking back inside, rushing straight to her in a beeline.
“May I have your peaches?” she asked eagerly.
Penelope paused.
“You have peach trees!” her sister explained. “I want your peaches.”
Penelope looked up at Alfred, who seemed equally amused by the situation. Well, that problem had solved itself.
“All of them,” she agreed. “You can bring them home.”
Philippa clapped, squealing happily and walking off, leaving them again.
“I’ll speak to Mrs Selby,” her husband told her. “She’s Mrs Dankworth?”
“Finch,” Penelope corrected him. “Prudence is the tall one.”
He nodded simply, letting her go, and when Penelope walked into the garden, her sister was already sitting down with Mr Finch.
“I’m talking the peaches home!” she announced.
“Penelope,” Mama called. “Where’s Lord Debling?”
“Speaking to Mrs Selby,” she sat down. “About Philippa’s peaches.”
Her mother looked puzzled for a moment but then shook her head, smiling.
“Well, it seems you’re adjusting quite well to married life, my dear,” she praised, leaning closer to her. “And have you seen the results of such a long time of effort?”
Penelope’s eyes widened.
“Do you have anything to tell me?” mama pressed her. “Any news?”
Her face burned. Was this what Prudence and Philippa had to deal with?!
“Mama,” she protested.
“Your husband is travelling for three years,” her mother continued. “You must know today was your last chance to actually bore any— Lord Debling,” she interrupted herself.
Penelope looked up, relieved, as her husband offered her mother a polite smile.
“Lady Featherington,” he greeted warmly. “I hope I didn’t take long?”
“We were discussing your imminent departure,” her mother said, redirecting the conversation. “Such an extensive journey… it must be quite the undertaking.”
Alfred inclined his head respectfully, taking a seat beside Penelope.
“Indeed, Lady Featherington. It is a significant commitment, but one I have been preparing for a long time. And it calms me to know my dear wife will be here to take care of everything while I’m away.”
Her mother smiled.
“And we will be sure to take care of Penelope,” she affirmed.
They fell quietly into silence
A comfortable silence settled over them as everyone enjoyed the morning sun and the beautifully tended garden. Penelope glanced at her family as her sisters looked around with curiosity, not even looking at the meal when they were served breakfast.
“I can give you a tour of the garden if you wish,” Penelope offered them. “When we are done.”
Prudence looked at her with actual interest.
“We’ll see where you actually keep your flowers!” she celebrated.
Penelope shook her head to herself, unsurprised.
The pleasant aroma of fresh pastries and brewed tea wafted through the air and that seemed enough to get their attention.
The table was set beautifully, with fruits, bread, and various spreads and everyone seemed finally happy to eat. That extended into their walk through the garden, probably because Alfred was right there introducing the place to all of them.
But eventually, it was time to leave.
Something in her felt so wrong when she caught sight of the carriages outside the door.
Penelope would like to not know what the feeling was, but she did. She had felt it before, that longing for something to undo itself and for time to reverse: When Colin was leaving years ago, after Papa died. Oh, how much pain she felt, watching him hop on his horse and go, how much she’d wished she could run after him and stop him.
But this felt even worse, if it made any sense.
Colin was away for less than a year, and Alfred was leaving for three whole years.
So much could happen in that time.
And it was worse than her childish infatuation, he was her husband.
When she married him, Penelope had settled with knowing she would be left alone and was happy about it.
But now, after those three months, she really wished he didn’t have to go.
She turned to her side, finding Alfred waiting for her.
“Are you well?” he asked.
She nodded quickly, reaching for his hand without thinking, and he took it, still keeping his eyes on her face.
“I am,” she assured him. “I’m only… thinking.”
Her husband waited and watched her quietly.
“Have you packed everything you need?” she asked, covering up her feelings. “Are you certain everything is prepared?”
Alfred exhaled, his beautiful lips curling into a sweet little smile..
“I do,” he assured her. “Everything was verified thrice. We have everything we need.”
Penelope lowered her eyes, nodding quietly.
“Of course,” she squeezed his hand. “I suppose we should go down now. Everyone is waiting.”
She was ready to go when he squeezed her hand, holding her in place, and Penelope felt her whole body softening when she caught his eyes watching her face.
“May I have a kiss from my wife before I have to say goodbye?” he requested.
Penelope exhaled, stepping back to him, and when Alfred raised her hand to kiss her knuckles, she reached for his face to caress it gently.
He leaned in, and she rested her hands on his shoulders before getting on her tiptoes, and kissing his lips softly.
One last kiss, and then three years apart.
He pulled back, but she didn’t let him go, kissing him once more. And when she let him go, Alfred just wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her for a third time.
They were interrupted, sadly, by the sound of a throat being cleared, and Mr Hawthorne had his eyes down when Penelope looked back at him.
“Sir, ma’am,” he bowed respectfully.
Her husband pulled away, still holding her as he turned to their butler.
“You requested I tell you once the team was ready for departure,” he spoke up. “They are only waiting for you.”
Penelope felt Alfred exhaling, and he nodded simply.
“We’ll be down in a minute.”
The man confirmed, stepping away and leaving them be.
“You should go,” she told him. “You have a schedule.”
Her husband had an itinerary he needed and intended to follow as closely as possible. Indeed, she even had the exact dates he intended to arrive at various places, so she could send her letters accordingly. He lowered his hand to rest it on her belly, freed by her short stays, though nothing had changed in her body yet aside from the restless nausea.
“I’ll write as often as I can,” he told her. “And I’m eager to hear all news about the two of you.”
“I’ll write you back,” she squeezed his hand. “
He leaned in again and kissed her forehead, breathing out and then in deep.
“I shall go,” he decided after a moment, but didn’t move.
Penelope closed her eyes, still feeling his warm breath against her forehead.
“I’ll miss you,” he whispered, half confessional.
“I’ll miss you too.”
At last, Alfred stepped away and guided her down, holding her hand. They joined her family in the foyer, and Penelope didn’t let him go, even when the doors were opened and they made their way down the stairs to his carriage. They stood there, facing one another, until she was the strong one and took her hand from his slowly, stepping back, and the pit in her stomach grew more.
“Have a good journey,” she wished him in a soft voice. “I’ll wait for you daily.”
Her husband nodded sadly.
“I’ll remember you every step of the way,” he told her.
Penelope stepped back, and, at last, his carriage started, and she stood there, feeling a string being pulled and pulled at her.
Oh, dear, she would indeed miss him.
She sniffed, just once, and recomposed herself, blinking her wet eyes away.
It wasn’t that she had any love for him, it was merely… well, he was her husband. And he wasn’t bad to live with.
And he was spending three years away.
That was all.
And she was sensitive, of course. They said carrying a child did that to women.
Besides, it would be no good for her to start telling herself she had great feelings for him, they were not in a romance book.
Still, she didn’t move as she watched him go away until each and every carriage was out of her sight, and a moment more.
She turned back and entered her gates again, and while Prudence looked distracted, Philippa had the decency to give her a sad smile and look at Mr Finch, probably thinking of herself in the same situation.
“Well, now we just hope that you did your job well and you’re now carrying the heir of the Earldom of Debling right there,” mama spoke up, sounding frustrated.
Penelope’s neck snapped in her direction.
“Mama!” she snapped in disbelief. “I have just said goodbye to my husband for three years, won’t you give me some grace?”
Couldn’t she have one moment of respect?!
Apparently not, because she turned to look at her with a look of exasperation.
“Penelope, you must know that your position-”
“Is all you care about,” she spoke up. “Yes, I know.”
Mama froze, looking at her with the widest eyes, and Penelope steeled herself.
It was harsh, yes, but it was the truth. The only way she ever got an ounce of attention from her was by marrying an Earl, and now she was already coming to tell her of all things wrong she was doing.
And once she told her she was pregnant, then she would be tormenting her about having a boy.
Penelope breathed in deep and caught sight of Mrs Selby looking at her with a frown, but she softened it the moment she realised Penelope had caught her, quickly looking away from her.
“I’m travelling to Pebling estate tomorrow,” she informed them, raising her dress and climbing her steps. “I must rest. Thank you for your visit, I’ll be sending the peaches later today.”
You can also read this on AO3.
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centuryberry · 3 months
Hey there, Berry.
So, this just for laughs, but how do you suppose Wukong and Macaque would react if Yue went missing and she's nowhere to be found on FFM as far as they can see, they get everyone involved in multiple search parties, including the Demon Bull family, but Red Son ends up finding her under the wardrobe from Chapter 2, curled up and fast asleep? Which Monkey Dad is the most affected by the time she's found?
Other than Wukong daily showing up to help around, what would you think is the usual morning routine for Macaque and baby!Yue? Does he greet her in the morning by talking to her? Or is that entirely Wukong's department? How about night routines? Does Macaque keep her in a separate bed or do they sleep together in the same bed, for varying reasons?
And when she's at twenty winters old (the same age she is at the start of QOTM), how different would she be? And given how much love she's been given when Wukong and Macaque were raising her, would she experience separation anxiety? (Frankly, I feel like Wukong will be the one dealing with separation anxiety more so than Yue. LOL!) I will admit that the idea when Yue's significantly older, she's loathe to part from Macaque is adorable, especially since they're so close given their similarities and their relationship is heartwarming. I sometimes imagine that her favorite and preferred way of being carried is on someone's shoulders.
Of course, when she's older and more able to play with Red Son, how different would her interactions with him be? You don't suppose she'll be sassy around him, would you?
Wukong and Macaque would go ballistic with worry. I mentioned this before in a previous ask you made, but Wukong would turn FFM inside out to find Yue. Macaque would too. When Yue is found, Wukong wouldn’t let Yue out of his arms for at least a week, much to the baby’s grumpiness. Macaque, on the other hand, would be so overwhelmed with relief that he’d cry. After that, he’d get some demon version of a tracker/baby leash and put it on Yue to prevent this from ever happening again. There’s no comparison in how each parent is affected since they’re different. Both love her fiercely.
At first, Macaque would wake up and go to sleep with Yue against his chest. Babies need skin-to-skin contact or so he’s been told by the other mothers. Wukong, loathe to be separated from Yue and miss any of her cute moments, move in and share the bed (much to Macaque’s internal suffering and screaming.) He’d talk to her a lot and sing to her. Yue loves the sound of her “Ma’s” voice and always reacts positively to it. She babbles back. Macaque takes care of the morning feedings every time and burps her. Wukong wants to participate, but Macaque puts his foot down about this. He’s possessive of his time with her in this regard.
Abandoned!Yue at 20 winters old would be far less anxious and endlessly curious. She’d burn through all her tutors and stay in the library a lot. That isn’t to say that she doesn’t play with the other baby monkeys. She’s far more social and maybe a little bossy. Yue is often found adorably scolding Wukong for being too silly. She also does her best to emulate Macaque as she looks up to him more than anyone. She’s already training with him. Also, since the incident that stunted her magic never happened, Yue is also proficient in magic other than sealing. She has some ice magic accidents.
Yue doesn’t feel that much separation anxiety since she’s more adventurous and curious, but her fathers definitely are. They cried when they sent her to monkey kindergarten. Yue likes being held and sitting on people’s shoulders. It makes her feel tall.
Red Son and Yue have THE sibling relationship. They snipe and sass at each other endlessly. Kind of rivals but not really. They would turn on anyone who insults the other, though. Only they can bully each other >:0
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Bridgerton Rewatch S1E3 - Art of the Swoon
Hey y'all. Sorry for the delay on this one, grad school is taking over my life. Here we go!
This episode starts with Daphne’s dream sequence and I’m gonna take a second to give some love to the camera department. Beyond the cinematography (which is amazing and shouldn’t be devalued), getting those shots must have been a pain in the ass. POV shots are not easy to get, especially when they’re close-ups on a person’s face. Those close-up POVs of Simon and Daphne dancing must have taken some EFFORT and I salute the cam ops for getting it so smoothly.
We have made it to my biggest problem with this season. George Crane was on the front lines fighting in Spain. How did it not occur to ANYONE that he might be dead? Like, they immediately jumped to “actually he hates you and wants nothing to do with your child.” I’m sorry WHAT??? He’s at war and that’s the ONLY conclusion you jump to???? It bugs me a lot, in case you couldn’t tell.
Portia wants Marina to dress in the family colors. What are those colors? There is very little consistency in the Featheringtons’ wardrobes, which says a lot about their lack of cohesion as a family. But there’s pinks, greens, yellows, all kinds of colors that almost never match.
I love the parlor scenes at the Bridgerton house. They all have such good chemistry as a family. That’s a major strength of this season that the second season doesn’t have as much.
I remember watching this the first time and thinking Prince Friedrich looked vaguely familiar but I didn’t know why. Imagine how shocked I was when I realized that I was watching Adrian Chase be a Regency-era Prussian prince. Freddie Stroma is so talented, my god.
Couples that mock together, stay together. You can see that with the way Daphne and Simon are making fun of Cressida and Friedrich.
Jumping ahead a bit to the stove scene. It is so funny that titled members of society have no practical skills. This is a theme of how the class system works, even to this day. Not having basic life skills is basically a status symbol when you have a certain amount of money. They are out of touch, obviously, but Anthony and Daphne being fictional characters in a historical setting makes it easier to laugh at.
Madame Delacroix is not dumb. She definitely knows that Marina is pregnant. I think her acting in this scene with the knowing glances and everything kind of bolsters the idea that she could be Lady Whistledown. I know she isn’t but if I didn’t, I could see how she would be the main suspect further down the line.
So I’m one of those weirdos who likes knowing why shitty people are that way. I really hope we learn more about Cressida and her background in the next season. Like, beyond just entitlement, how does someone turn into…that?
We’re at the gallery now. I think it’s nice when the Bridgertons get to participate in things as a unit. Most of the plot happens during events that are exclusive to people who are out in society, which leaves Eloise (in this season), Gregory, and Hyacinth out. It’s great to see them interact with the larger world because they add so much texture to it. That being said, Gregory and Hyacinth showed up to that gallery to cause problems on PURPOSE!
I love it when Marina is bitchy to shitty old men. They deserve it.
I know that Benedict has very little regard for society but I love watching him participate in it. This is a bigger thing in the scene with him, Lady Danbury, and Henry Granville. Benedict has so much charisma but it doesn’t align with society’s rules and expectations. I can’t wait to see him take center stage.
I had a note to talk about the blocking in the scene where Daphne and Simon are alone in the gallery together but I don’t remember what my thoughts were on that. If I think of it, I’ll add it somewhere but lmk if y’all have thoughts.
Benedict getting frustrated with drawing hands is hilarious to me. I’m not an artist, I can’t draw for shit. However, from what I’ve heard from my friends who are artists, hands are notoriously difficult to draw. So Benedict beating himself up over drawing hands is the most realistic thing in this episode and it kills me.
The fight between Daphne and Eloise reveals a lot about Eloise’s main flaw. During the fight, Daphne has this line, “You never see things from my perspective,” and that’s true. Eloise never sees things from other people’s perspectives. She’s constantly on some crusade that doesn’t take into account how other people around her might be affected. I’m really looking forward to her chilling out a bit.
Simon laughing at how little mothers tell their daughters has a bit of a sinister tinge once he and Daphne get married. He exploits that, to a certain extent.
Phoebe Dynevor (I learned how to spell, wow) is such a trooper for staying in character during that sex education lesson. If Regé-Jean Page was explaining masturbation that close to my face, I’d waste the whole shoot day just cracking up.
Another queer-coded sibling smoke break. Them talking about Lady Whistledown is interesting. Eloise says that LWD has to hide her identity because she’s a woman. While this is true, it’s not the reason. Benedict responds by saying that if people knew who she was, she’d be strung up for what she said, which is the real reason. And Eloise does prove this right. I don’t know what other people think, but I’m of the opinion that, no matter when she found out, Eloise would react the same way to Penelope being LWD. The rage and hurt compounds over the two seasons, but I think it would have been there regardless.
This show really emphasizes the importance of fem pleasure, but I have so many thoughts about it that it needs to be a separate post.
Simon breaking it off with Daphne is some of the most textbook fear-of-commitment dialogue in the world. I have heard basically the same monologue from so many people in my actual life, it drives me crazy.
The entire cast is insanely talented but one thing stands out. The absolute best acting in this show is Jonathan Bailey acting straight. If you didn’t know that he’s gay, you’d never be able to guess.
So we’ve made it to the forged letter scene. I have 2 things to say about this one. First of all, Ruby Barker absolutely slays. I’ve watched this show so many times and I will always feel her pain. It’s so powerful. The other thing, Lady Featherington has a bit of a projection problem. She has such a miserable marriage that she can’t fathom that George might truly love Marina. Also, again, jumping straight to dismissal instead of being killed in action. I can’t believe I’m defending men right now but, especially in this universe, jumping straight to abandonment seems like projecting more than an actual conclusion.
I’m gonna condense my last few notes into one bullet because they’re all about the ball at the end of the episode. Daphne comes into the ballroom with a face card that never declines, everybody’s staring at her, classic. The way I interpret Friedrich’s behavior in this scene boils down to he was never actually interested in Cressida. I don’t know, something about this whole thing just makes me feel like Cressida was a pretty convenience. The other thing is Simon. Obviously, Simon gets crazy jealous and dips, but there’s something about the shot of the dance floor as he leaves that I never noticed. Penelope watches Simon leave. Not only that, Penelope is the ONLY ONE who watches him leave while everyone else watches the dancing. If that’s not a hint that she’s LWD, I don’t know what is. 
Managed to get everything into one part this time. There might be a gap in posting again but I will do my best to get through the whole series before season 3 comes out.
Hope you're having a good day <3
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
"He was a punk, she did ballet" but its cynilou and reader is trying to choose between the two before ultimately becoming a sweet lil trio
Imagine tho,,,, like cyno wears anything that falls out of his closet, meanwhile nilou is wearing the strawberry dress and ribbon sandals, and reader being the most normal person in the middle where nilou helps them make up a cute outfit in the department store while cyno is...glaring menacingly at anyone who stares + offers his huge jacket when either of them are cold
He was a punk, she did ballet, they're a disaster
Fueling my Cynilou heart once again
I would love love love if the Reader is actually a fashion disaster instead hahaha or even just does not have a sense of fashion whatsoever, and so either Cyno or Nilou picks their outfit everytime when they started dating, or they just lend you their wardrobe because your clothes aren't matching at all. Nilou is also there to take care of your self-care needs, like charcoal nose strips and face masks, cucumber slices on the eyes. Your flawless queen won't let her lovers skip spa days, even tho at times it ends with you and Cyno throwing the slices at each other.
OMG what if on better days or during date days the trio forcibly matches like - remember Xiao's clothing line bane of all evil? Hell yeah, like that kind of matching. It's also cute that Cyno is the one looking out for them to the point that he makes sure to bring another article of clothing - like if its cold he has a jacket and a scarf on so that if the both of them are cold, they can take both. But then HE'S the one shivering so its up to his lovers to cuddle him tight.
Or if it's sunny, he has shades, a hat and an umbrella - gawd, imagine punk Cyno in all black and purple, piercings, a cold glare, and hanging by his elbow is a baby blue parasol with ribbons and lace. It's embarrassing, for sure, but it's for love.
If Tighnari or Alhaitham does see him and tease him for it tho - when you and Nilou come back, he's kneeling for forgiveness next to a broken umbrella.
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whinlatter · 1 year
1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14 for the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts *cackling in unseelie tones*
(ignore the previous ask pls! silly me, i chose the wrong no.)
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ok… let’s have the tea on old dolores jane umbridge. i warn you, anon, that each of these answers is sillier than the last. RIP dolores* you would have loved valentino fall/winter 2022 🎀
1. Canon I outright reject
the weird girlishness of umbridge! it’s a real nuisance in canon for me. this is partly because it’s another example of jkr using being ‘girly’ as a sign a character is deserving of disrespect/mockery/contempt. but also because umbridge’s whole aesthetic presentation doesn’t really make sense for someone with her political ambitions. if you look at irl right wing female politicians, especially of umbridge’s generation, they almost always play with gender performance/deploy their femininity in very specific ways. eg: they lower their voices, they eschew open performance of patterns of behaviour and dress coded as female unless it’s to invoke a very specific officious schoolmistress vibe (more in mcgonagall’s vein). it’s clear that umbridge is someone of senior political standing who manages to rise up to a position of power in three governments (fudge, scrimgeour and voldemort/thicknesse). in all three instances, her holding a senior position would require a certain level of support from her colleagues i struggle to imagine a woman with an exclusively pink wardrobe with such openly twee taste managing to garner within a ministry that is extremely gender regressive (because the ministry does seem to have a gender problem, in that the only senior female official we encounter in canon other than umbridge is amelia bones, bertha jorkins and two mentions of griselda marchbanks - all other ministers, heads of department are men). so yeah never really made a ton of sense to me other than this is jkr’s yawn takes on girlbossery again. snore!
2. A canon/headcanon hill I will die on
umbridge and rita exchange christmas cards and meet for quarterly brunch to engage in a tit-for-tat exchange of info and influence. ofc they absolutely loathe each other and are competing to outlive each other so whoever dies first doesn’t get the pleasure of writing the other’s horrible obituary
3. Obscure headcanon
umbridge is such a fan of the popular muggle television programme antiques roadshow and tried unsuccessfully to exert her influence to get the wizarding wireless to adapt the format so she can get her extensive collection of pureblood paraphernalia valued
12. Crack headcanon
umbridge actually suffers from a very common form of colour blindness that mistakes reds for greens so thinks she’s actually wearing head to toe pistachio
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
‘filthy half breeds’ like… girl
14. Most heroic moment
wearing a horcrux necklace in literally the most prominent place possible to make for remarkably easy stealing
* i’m aware in canon she’s not dead but i like to think she one day paused to consider how hagrid must have been conceived and the shock of it killed her instantly
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kierreras · 1 year
i have 6+ hours to waste at the railway station cause guess what? my train got delayed and it’s so lame
well, so this amazing post by @hepaidattention made me think about how i would want pogues to look like after the time jump. it’s pretty obvious that most teen dramas use time jumps as an option to somehow evolve their characters’ styles. so i think that there’re pretty good chances that the same thing might happen with obx. 
okay, we’ll, so what would i want to see for pogues post time jump:
john b. i can actually see them going for something less chaotic with john b’s hair. like maybe something that’s similar to his season one hair, not as blond as it’s now definitely. maybe lighter that chase’s natural color, but not blond [please don’t make him blonder that he is 🤡]. 
as for his style, i actually see him still wearing his hawaiian shirts, but with calmer prints. like stripes or dots. also i definitely see john b wearing more denim. he’s the only pogue i can see being excited about the denim trends.
jj. well, i’m actually pretty excited to see what jj’s going to wear post time jump cause previously we saw him wearing shirts from places where he worked mostly, so i think him going shopping after they got el dorado money would’ve been top tier comedy, really. anyway, i think jj’s style evolves to something edgy. i’m pretty sure that obx’s weather doesn’t allow him wear his leather jacket often, but i’d be down to see more of it. also, him having so many white t-shirts is something i’ll fight for. i can see jj coming from cloth store with ten white t-shirts explaining that laundry sucks and he’ll just wear new shirt every day. going full kook, right? also i think he also is going to wear more jeans and denim shorts, but i can totally see him still wearing his signature cargo shorts as often as possible. AND CUTOFFS. i’ll never forgive obx wardrobe department if they’ll remove cutoffs. maybe some merch of his favorite bands also?
as for hairstyle i really think that they’ll leave rudy’s regular hairstyle this time. it’s not chaotic as jj’s and now jj really has money to  go to barber, sooo 
pope. okay, post time jump pope was the easiest for me. it’s pretty clear that in the third season pope’s looks were influenced by jd himself. and i can see the same thing happening in the next season. actually, pope looked so great, i wouldn’t change anything about him.
sarah. where to sign a petition for sarah’s hair to not be so blond? i love how her hair looked in season one, and i absolutely love madelyn’s hiatus hair. the cut, the color – those things suit her so much! still, i’d want them to keep the color and give madelyn the extensions cause i think sarah would wear long hair, you know. and also i love her wavy hairstyles! i need more of them! 
as for her style, i can see them trying something more chic. i loved how they gave her flowery tops in third season, so i think she’ll wear something like this after the time jump as well. also, i can’t see girls wearing any dresses in that show cause they’re also on the run, but i would absolutely be on board for them to stop putting those poor girls into those extremely short shorts! i know that it’s how teenagers dress now, but i can only imagine how uncomfortable those things are. maybe put sarah in more denim middle length shorts? 
kie. i want them to bring back dark hair for her! it’s something i’ll never stop saying cause bleaching curly hair can totally ruin hair in the first place. and madison has such a great hair color now, so i really hope that they’ll not make her bleach it again. it’s the only thing that i’d change in kie’s hairstyle. everything else is just perfect 
as for her style, i think that i’d want to see more of madison’s style for her. like her cloth is still comfy and all, but a little bit more mature? the costume department can totally use bailey’s insta for inspiration. her regular fits are gorgeous! also, there’s a thing in my wardrobe that i absolutely adore, so i would definitely want kie to wear some jumpsuits! i just love jumpsuits, sorryyyy
cleo. i’m really excited to see how they are going to play with cleo’s looks after the time jump. cause this whole season we don’t see cleo wearing any accessories at all, her only accessory is one bracelet on her hand. however, after the time jump she looks so chic and fabulous, that i don’t know what they’re planning to do with her style. maybe she goes for something more chic? 
what i would like to see is cleo being the fashion killa, you know. like i can totally see her wearing trendy cargo pants or even parachute pants with some crop tops. idk, she just has rihanna vibes for me, so i would totally want her to be the trendiest one here! 
also, i absolutely adore her post time jump hairstyle, so i’d leave it like that. 
anyway, if you read to that part, thank you! again, i’m so interested in fashion nowadays, 
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
A song for Grim, maybe? 💙
Of course!! My heart will always belong to our precious insomniac professor! 💙
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Atticus "Grim" Grimsley ~ "Evacuating London" from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Oh, come on, how could I resist this track?! It's literally set on a train in the film!! How could I not associate this with our precious train-loving boy?! XD But no, more seriously, I hear this track, and I can't help but imagine the transitions in Atticus's life -- from working at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to working at Hogwarts, most notably, since the only lyrics are "London...farewell..." -- but also eventually leaving Hogwarts for retirement. There's this thoughtful, bittersweet affect to the tune, but it's never truly sad: it's marching ahead, prepared to face the next step in the journey. And that's so Grim to me -- he's enough of a Ravenclaw that he's not the sort to just wallow in his own misery, instead being the sort to push forward and find something worthwhile to do, even if he's sleep-deprived AF and it means he has no social life. (At least until Bat comes along!! <3)
Send me a character, I'll give you a song!
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Continued from here for @causalitylinked!
"If by grating personalities, you mean with a particular proclivity to decline all manner of obedience in favor of independence, cleverness, and tenacity?" She'd replied just before the elevator had opened, flashing him a brilliant smile. "Then yes, those are the manner of friends, particularly female friends, I choose to keep."
She had a feeling that Ishida herself would not rank highly in Ryuto's list of favorite people. Not that he had much of one to begin with, or so she guessed, but as she settled on the sofa and leafed through some of the latest offerings from Dior and Prada, Sonia knew this had been the right decision. A stylist who loved to be at the forefront of gossip was a much better choice than a crowded store or a boutique with pushy salespeople, always trying to bolster the amount of sales they could make off any given client. She wasn't as experienced in shopping alone, most of what she owned was selected for her, sent to her, and adjusted as needed. But in the moments she'd been able to bond with her mother as a little girl in the private rooms of luxury boutiques, Sonia had been able to pick up a little in how to purchase with intent, intelligence, and care.
Not that Ryuto seemed to enjoy being a beneficiary of such things. Her phone vibrated, Sonia setting down the glass of water she'd been sipping in order to read and reply to his WIRE message.
Sonia Nevermind: You can order a pot of every tea the café sells if that pleases you, but yes, they'll have chamomile milk tea. I thought you'd enjoy the privacy here, but if you'd like to experience a department store properly we can do that next time. Maybe try the plum-colored shirt they gave you? I think it would look nice with all the Earthen tones you usually wear.
"He should try the deep green, the burgundy, the navy, and the plum shirts, with all that brown and tan he has in his current outfit," Ms. Ishida quipped, sitting herself at a chair across the low table from Sonia. In return, Sonia smiled: she'd just given him the same advice, she just hadn't been permitted to hear. "He's got Tom Ford, Ralph Lauren, and Ermenegildo Zegna in there: surely your Tsukishima-san can find something in that. It would be far more fun to set him up with a full wardrobe, though: you've kept a potential model away from me!"
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"I shall reiterate: he is not my Tsukishima-san," Sonia repeated with a smile. The problem wasn't Ms. Ishida's persistence, it was the fact that because she was so persistent and had an eye for society couples in general, she couldn't imagine what her parents would do if they got wind of the fact she had a friend in Ryuto Tsukishima. Probably start planning their Makango Catch as soon as they graduated university. "And not a word to my family, Ms. Ishida. You promised."
She reached for her phone again, to type out a message to Ryuto.
Sonia Nevermind: Both the deep chocolate and British tan trousers should look nice on you, along with the blazer they sent in with the shirts. They're tidy and not flashy. Though if you're interested in something more attention-grabbing, I'm sure Ms. Ishida would be all too pleased to comply: she's planning your runway debut here in the sitting room, though I'm talking her out of such plans.
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hepaidattention · 1 year
Ur post about jjs style reminds me that on season 3 jjs outfits were a bit more reflective of his life situation. the shirts were mostly the ones he has gotten from past jobs so those were given to him as part of the uniform and the same old two washed out and broken shorts. his best outfit in the season was his outfit on 305 (and i think that’s because he was going to see kiara at his parents house) and the one at the ceremony of course because he finally has clothes he can buy for himself that are well fitted and matches his personal style. for s4 i imagine his style still pretty similar with the cargo pants and boots but brand new and some cool jackets with his brand new bike.
I noticed this season that kiaras outfits were a little bit more romantic while still keeping her earthy color palette. her outfits used to be a little bit more easy going and edgier like she would throw the outfit she found first but this season there’s a lot more thought into her outfits. they were more elaborated and so were her hairstyles so this is me just imagining kiara in front of her mirror making an effort in her outfits because she’ll be seeing jj like any teenager in love would be. her little outfit on 304 was so cute and so was her hairstyle and i just imagine her picking it specifically to go see him. there were a lot of romantic looks for her this season because it matches her state of mind. her outfit on the finale? so cute. on s4 i would actually imagine kiara following the same romantic and grown up looks but keeping that edgy style and earthy color palette. i want to see kiara in cute summer dresses. more of her in cute little hairstyles. i think it will match her since she’s in love and w the person she loves and saving her pretty little turtles.
AND, I would love for s4 to bring back midsummer celebration so we get jj in a suit dancing with kiara in a beautiful dress with a flower crown in her hair. PLEASE —
anon you just made me think about JJ looking in his closet, trying to think of the best articles of clothing he had to wear at the Carrera’s because he wanted to make a good impression 😭 I can't I'm crying because they still treated him like garbage 😭
okay YES Kie literally dressed so freaking cute this season and I completely agree, I think it was the wardrobe department trying to get across her state of mind. she dressed up for JJ without a DOUBT and it's just so precious 😭 after a month of living on an island with him, wearing the same dirty clothes every day, desperately needing a shower, she finally got to look cute and dress up for him. even though she knew she didn't have to to get his attention or something, she just wanted to look cute for him because she loves him and it's 🥺 they're precious.
I would do absolutely anything for JJ and Kie to go together to the Midsummer celebration, Kie stunning and JJ not being able to keep his eyes off her, JJ looking all handsome and putting in effort in a suit for her because he wants her parents to like him, but also for HIM because he's never got to dress nice and go to one of these things before. And he hates it, really, because all the Kooks still hate him and he hates them, but he's there for Kie and they dance like precious beans and 🥺 and a Kook tries to start a fight with JJ and John B comes in to back home up but JJ insists they let it go and just leave because he doesn't want to make a scene for Kie 🥺
there's actually a fic I absolutely love about them going to the Midsummer after they finally get the gold, in between the time jump, and it's perfection. lmk and I can send you the link to it.
I seriously am so excited to see how the writers go with the direction of JJs character in how he deals with having so much money now. He's made comments in the show about going full Kook, so I'm curious to see if they'll keep him the same with the attitude of "I'm a Pogue I only need the necessities" or if they'll have him overspend and have absolutely everything he wants because he seriously just can. Someone in severe poverty like him to transition to filthy rich can be a really interesting concept for the writers to focus on. Poverty is traumatizing and can create very interesting mindsets with money.
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jrheatriz · 6 months
Does Glory make her own clothes or does she have some clothes tailor guy (gender neutral) that she knows. ALSO what kind of clothes does she wear? :3
glory makes a lot of her own clothes, and if she doesn't make it from scratch, she'll modify something she'll find at a market or thrift store. (glory does a lot of undercover shopping to stock up at her secret hideout ((read: shitty nondescript apartment)), and so if she stumbles upon a shirt she thinks would be good to cut up and make cooler she'll take it.) glory would NOT like to rely on another person to help with her personal wardrobe because that's her thing (<- special interest) and also because she'd be an utter menace to work with. like imagine if she spent all this time developing and sending a design to a tailor, and then the piece comes back and the hem is just a centimeter too short. EW??? she'd rather just do it herself.
As for the second question (rubs my hands together like an evil fly), glory's taste in clothing generally has two modes--
her assassin type outfits, which always black with pink accents, and usually are a bit more masc/androgenous. A lot of her designs are based off of formal suits and sleek menswear because for one: i think it looks sexy and cool, and for another: not appearing as a specific gender and deliberately hiding any identifiable attributes is important if you don't want to get caught by your enemies. there's a lot of leather involved because like me, glory enjoys a bit of camp. glory's very long and tall physically, so having a long trench coat and broad shoulder pads make her a lot more intimidating. the all black suit isn't just sleek and super rad, it's also good for sneaking on a nighttime mission or just if she wants to pull up to a gun fight looking like batman. the pink accents are there because glory really likes pink. here are some inspo pics i have from pinterest:
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(imagine this one below is black and had a more opaque design on the chest. glory might've kept it as is if there wasn't the annoying issue of some guy just deciding to shoot her in the chest or something.)
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(in my head, wisdom kaye and glory have similar ideas about making black outfits look as raw as humanly possible. see below.)
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2. Okay in terms of glory's casual and more domestic style, there's less need to look raw and scary and she gives herself more freedom to experiment with color. there will still definitely be a lot of pink because glory adores pink. glory is also fond of punk and afropunk styles (especially ones you might have seen in the 70s), so she's down with a spikes leather jacket and eclectic fabric and patterns all over her clothes. see examples below.
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HOWEVER. if we're getting even more casual, because sometimes spiky clothing is too much prep to get into, she'll go for more casual flare/bellbottom jeans and a short top. very cutesy, with the plus of generally not being that uncomfortable. made with simple fabrics like cotton, polyester, and just yk. stuff you'd find at a thrift shop or department store if you were so moved. a lot of this style is inspired by vintage clothing black women would wear in the 70s, because well. glory is a black woman and lives a a 70s-ish world with future aesthetics. not complicated at all. here's some examples below:
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And finally, because i love black hair accessories, here's some beaded hairstyles that glory would love! having beads in her hair is a very trademark glory thing, because beads are fun and cute and glory is too miserable all the time to not allow herself the happiness of having cute pretty beads as accessories. sue her if you think it's impractical.
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and uhhh yeah that's it i think! i might throw in that glory starts experimenting with other fashion aesthetics once her murderous enemies stop breathing down her neck, but that's to be decided.
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lets-just-daydream · 10 months
I loved this:
It sparked a thought! What if Cazador did turn you into a spawn? Astarion and group kill him, perhaps you are sent to safety to ensure your soul is not sacrificed. Then spawn Astarion and you get to spend eternity as equals, no need to find a cure for vampirism or extend your mortal life.
Love your work. Cheers!
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destined to end up in Cazador's clutches (at least in my fics) but we need the angst before the happy ending right???? (decided to put these requests together)
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Ahh. You'd made it. Baldur's Gate! Weeks and weeks of travel, killing, bloodshed, making friends and making enemies. You were almost certain with all the walking you'd done you could lift a house with your new leg muscles. Well not quite but you certainly felt like it.
Your companions scattered slightly, feeling mildly safer in the city and agreeing to meet up in a nearby tavern Shadowheart had pointed to and said she was departing to. You wandered off to find a merchant to buy some perfumes and soaps from because you were certain you smelled awful. Right beside you, not unexpectedly, was Astarion. The closer you got to the city, the clingier you found him to be. Not that you would ever complain. Being back in Cazador's domain was kind of scary for you and you could not imagine how utterly terrifying it must be for Astarion. As you walked, you looped your arm in his and you felt him relax slightly, a smile gracing his features. But you still saw him looking over his shoulder every couple of minutes.
You tried to converse with him as a distraction. "How about we get some nice soaps and perfumes, go back to the tavern, get ourselves a room and have a nice, warm bath?"
"Mhm," Astarion responded half-heartedly.
"Astarion?" You asked. He barely registered your voice and you gave his arm a slight squeeze to get his attention. "Look, I know that you're worried but I've got your back, we've all got your back."
He smiled back at you and gave you a soft peck. "I know, darling. But I… just can't help the feeling like I'm being watched."
Your brows furrowed and you looked around. It was broad daylight and you were in the middle of the street.
"My love," you said. "It's the middle of the day. You're the only vampire that could be out here."
Astarion looked at you and laughed, he'd forgotten this important piece of the vampire puzzle.
"Of course," Astarion smiled. "Now let's get these soaps so I can lather you up later."
You smiled and chatted as you found a vendor, smelling the soaps on offer, not knowing that Astarion's gut feeling was right. You were being watched. From the shadows.
You made it back to the tavern with many soaps in bag, keen for a relaxing night in. You'd discovered the rest of your companions had booked their own rooms. It made sense after camping out together for weeks everyone would jump at the opportunity to have their own space.
You bit your lip and turned to Astarion. “If you'd like to get your own room, we can bathe wherever you'd like.”
Astarion only offered you his trademark smirk before turning to the innkeeper and asking for one room, with one bed. You blushed and watched as Astarion took the key and turned back to you.
“I would like to bathe with you, in our bath, in our room.”
You nodded and grinned, following him up to your allocated room and stepping inside after he'd unlocked it. There it was. One bed. A bathroom off to the side and a wardrobe, a desk and comfortable looking couches situated in front of an unlit fireplace. It was rather warm these days. You then spotted doors off to the side and opened them to find a balcony decorated with plants and wooden furniture.
“Oh, it's a nice view from here, Astarion,” you said as you leaned against the rail.
You heard him step onto the balcony and he stepped in behind you, caging you in his arms between himself and the railing. “Yes, you're right,” he said plainly.
He sounded so casual and even though you had shared a few nights together and confessed your feelings to each other, his simple touch or his body against yours still sent you into a silent internal frenzy. You truly could spend all day watching the street below with Astarion pressed against your back.
“I am so desperate for this bath. I'll go get it ready,” Astarion said as he leaned down and pressed a kiss just under your ear.
You shivered and felt him smile against your skin before he was gone, retreating inside.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, soaking in the sun before you felt a ruble under your feet. Your brows furrowed and you leaned over the railing to see what could be causing the building to shake.
Before you could even process what was happening, the balcony crumbled and gave way under you, dropping you to the cobbles below. You heard a slight hiss and a cold hand on your skin before everything went black.
Astarion began filling the bath with warm water, a smile on his face. He didn't ever dare to dream that he could have a relationship like he had with you but it seemed the gods had slowly begun smiling down at him. He peered through the bathroom door and watched as you leaned over the railing. He admired the view you unknowingly gave him before he saw you begin to fall as the floor fell out from under you.
He screamed your name and ran to the edge of the destroyed balcony but you weren't there. Were you under the rubble? He screamed your name again as he dropped to his knees and reached for the rubble but he was too high up. He ran out of the room and came face-to-face with your other companions.
“We heard you scream,” Lae’zel said.
Astarion shoved past everyone, unable to put into words what he had just witnessed. They followed silently as he got outside and pushed through the crowd of people surrounding the rubble. Astarion dropped to his knees and pulled stone, wood and plants to reach you under the fallen balcony. He'd made a dent in it as Karlach and Lae'zel made short work of the pile but you were nowhere to be found. Astarion called your name again, scanning the crowd to see if you had been picked up but he couldn't see you. He couldn't smell you. But he could smell something familiar. Something that if his heart still beat, would have made it stop.
This was Cazador's doing.
You woke to a splash of freezing water to your face and you gasped as you gulped for air. You opened your eyes and looked around, not recognising where you were. Or how you even got here. What could you remember? You were on the balcony in your room, it collapsed and… that's it.
“Astarion?” You called looking around the dank, cold chamber.
Stone and tile lined the walls and floors and gods it was freezing. You tried to make sense of where you were and you noticed cages suspended from the high ceilings, a coffin in the middle of the room and… suspended bodies lining the perimeter of the room. Your blood ran cold and you froze as you saw the pained, tortured look on each person's face. You raised your hand to your mouth but were stopped. Chains shackled you to the ground and you could barely move an inch.
“What the fuck…” you whispered to yourself. “Astarion?!”
“Call for the little vampire all you like, but he can't hear you,” a sordid voice came from behind you.
You whipped your head around and saw a tall figure looking over you. Pale skin, long black hair, fangs peeking out from beneath his lips.
“Cazador?” You whispered.
You squinted up at him, confused. “You did this to me? Why?”
Cazador huffed and stepped in front of you, leaning down to take your chin in his hand. His skin was ice cold. Colder than Astarion's and you shivered at the feeling, your stomach recoiling in disgust. “Hmm. They told me you were clever. Too much credit, I say.”
Cazador stared at you impassively, like he was bored with you. “You're… insurance. I figure the boy will come to save you. I've heard that he's so desperately in love with you. Isn't that cute?”
You didn't respond, only letting your mind wander to Astarion, hoping he was safe. If you were still here with Cazador it meant Astarion was still safe and alive somewhere. You hoped your companions would keep him away. You knew Karlach would. But Astarion was also stubborn and you prayed to every god who was and wasn't listening that he wouldn't come looking for you.
“Some say cute,” Cazador continued. “Pathetic, I say.”
You furrowed your brow in anger and struggled against your restraints, desperate to reach the vampire in front of you and stake his heart.
“I'll kill you,” you sneered.
Cazador deadpanned and gripped your chin tight, his nails digging into your skin painfully. “Don't test my patience. If Astarion doesn't come for you, you'll take his place. Then I'll ascend and kill him myself.”
You stilled and fear overtook you. Cazador was cruel and he intended to complete this infernal ritual one way or another. Maybe if he did use you instead, Astarion could hide away out of Cazador's reaches. But becoming ascendant, he could go anywhere, sun or no sun. They could play hide and seek for all of eternity. You had to get free and kill Cazador.
The vampire lord dropped your chin and stepped away, taking in his suspended spawn, his eyes landing on the spot where Astarion should be. He was impatient. There was no guarantee Astarion would even come for you. He may not even know where you'd gone. He turned slightly to find you struggling against your shackles. He could just do as he said, use you in Astarion's place and kill him later, anyway. Then he'd have the satisfaction of tormenting Astarion with your untimely death… Yes, the idea had merit and the more he thought on it, the more appealing he found it.
“Change of plans, dear hero,” Cazador said as he approached you once again and crouched in front of you. “I've been patient for too long to wait on that insolent fool any longer.”
You flinched as Cazador's fingers found your neck. “We'll be speeding things up.”
You gulped. “What do you-”
The remainder of your question died on your lips as Cazador reared his head back and bit into your neck without warning. You let out a scream as you felt an icy blanket fall over your body, your blood being drained from you.
You had gotten so used to Astarion feeding on you and being to gentle that this feeding frenzy felt like torture in comparison. You tried to shove Cazador off of you but the shackles held you in place. As the vampire took deep, clumsy gulps from you, you felt yourself begin to weaken and your vision begin to fade around the edges. Astarion would have long stopped by now and kissed your neck before laying you down to sleep.
Your body felt numb and cold as your hands fell limp by your sides, you could feel the strong beat of your heart slow to an unnaturally slow lull. As Cazador took a final gulp, your head lolled back and your eyes slipped shut, visions of Astarion filling the void before you finally faded away. You wished you could tell him one more time that you love him.
“I don't know about this,” Shadowheart said as they searched Cazador's study. “We're not even sure if Cazador is behind this.”
Astarion grinded his teeth in frustration. “I know he did this. The smell of his spawn was all over that rubble. If you don't want to help, then leave,” Astarion snapped as he kicked a book across the room.
It seemed the gods did indeed smile down on him as the book flew across the room and budged a lever everyone had missed and revealed an opening in the floor.
“I didn't even know this was here…” Astarion gasped, stepping past before anyone could stop him.
Your throat was dry. Impossibly dry. Like you'd just consumed a carafe of Baldur's Gate’s finest sand. You tried to move and you realised you were sprawled out on your stomach with something heavy on your back, your bare chest pressed into the cold tiles. Speaking of, your back was killing you. You stretched and felt around before feeling something wet and sticky. You pulled your hand back and saw that your fingers were covered in… was that blood?
Your eyes widened as you felt a stab and slice into your back and you let out a guttural scream at the pain. It felt as though someone had taken to your back with a knife and was carving into it. The dots connected in your brain and your body stiffened in shock. You heard a laugh from above you and you craned your neck to find Cazador above you, dagger in hand with a manic look on his face.
“Yes, let your screams out, little spawn. It makes this all the sweeter,” Cazador praised.
Your screams turned to laboured breaths but it didn't feel right, you couldn't get enough air into your lungs.
‘No,’ you thought in horror as tears welled in your eyes, shock finally giving way to reality.
You ran your tongue over your teeth and found two sharp fangs in place of your canines.
“It's a shame your life as a vampire will be so short, I think you might have enjoyed it,” Cazador said as he stuck the dagger into your back once again.
“Please… please stop,” you sobbed.
“Soon, my dear. Soon you and all these seven thousand spawn will cease to exist and I will become the greatest vampire of all time.”
You let out another scream as Cazador resumed his work, but he stopped abruptly and he fell off of you as you heard hurried footsteps and familiar voices. You turned your head toward the noise and saw Astarion heading the rest of your companions, running down the stairs toward you and Cazador.
“Grab him and tie him up. Tight,” Astarion commanded and Karlach and Lae'zel nodded as the latter put her crossbow back on her shoulder.
You looked up at Astarion, almost not believing your eyes. You began to smile but the look of horror, guilt and shock on his face caused you to frown and close in on yourself, a cry of pain escaping you as you moved.
You weren't yourself anymore. You were a vampire spawn. Cold, covered in bloody wounds and completely different to the person Astarion fell in love with.
“Oh, my love,” Astarion sobbed as he dropped to his knees in front of you. His hands hovered over you in fear of hurting you any further. “What has that monster done to you?”
You let out a pained sob as Astarion took the cloak from his back and draped it over you. He cupped your cheek and you looked up at him, his eyes shone with tears that threatened to spill. “I'm so sorry I let this happen.”
You sniffled and stiffened again as you heard Cazador speak behind you. “You finally made it, Astarion. If only you had been faster, you could have saved your dear lover from this awful fate. A failure once again.”
Your heart hurt as you watched Astarion listen to Cazador's words, you truly wished he didn't have to suffer such an awful master and now he was here because you had been captured and now he would think you're hideous and you were probably both going to die anyway. But Astarion stood and walked over to where Cazador was bound, held in place by Karlach and Lae'zel.
“What to do with you…” Astarion mused, unbothered by Cazador's words. “I could take your place and become the ascendant.”
“No…” You choked. “Don't do it Astarion. You're better than him, I know you are.”
Cazador had revealed that he would be sacrificing seven thousand souls to ascend and there was no way you could live with Astarion if he sacrificed all of those innocent lives. The chamber was silent for a moment before Astarion stepped closer to Cazador, unsheathing his weapon.
“You're right. I am better than him.”
It seemed as though Cazador let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps he thought Astarion was going to cut him free. Be the bigger man, as it were.
“But I'm still going to enjoy every second of this,” Astarion took Cazador's hair in his hand, pulled his head back and stabbed into his master's neck. The sound of metal squishing into flesh was all that could be heard in the cavernous dungeon as Astarion stabbed into Cazador's almost lifeless body over and over. You watched Astarion's face as he finally threw his dagger down and dropped to his knees. You tried to comfort him but the shackles holding you in place jangled against you.
Karlach ran forward and freed you by prying the shackles open and you crawled over to Astarion and wrapped your arms around him.
You felt him stiffen under your touch and you moved away, worried you'd overstepped in this troublesome time he was going through.
“Your body is… cold,” Astarion said, taking your hand in his and pressing it to his cheek.
Tears welled in your eyes. “I'm sorry,” you whispered, not really even knowing why you were apologising. You were worried that without the warmth of your skin and the blood coursing through your veins, he wouldn't love you anymore. You had no warmth and no blood to offer him anymore.
“Why are you apologising? Why are you crying, my love?” Astarion asked.
You looked down at the space between you and felt your face drop.
“I'm… different now,” you struggled. “I can't feed you anymore… I'm cold.”
Tears streamed down your cheeks and Astarion leaned forward and held your body against his, careful of the fresh scars on your back.
“Darling I… I still love you,” Astarion whispered against your ear.
This was a rather tender moment and your companions wandered around the room examining what they could loot and whether the other vampires should be set free.
You leaned back and Astarion offered you a small smile. “You'll have me by your side for all eternity.”
You nodded, wiping the tears from your eyes and offering him a small smile. Admittedly you had wondered what your relationship would be like as the years ticked by. You'd grow old, no longer young and energetic and Astarion would stay the same; forever young and beautiful, frozen in time. But now you were frozen in time, too. Young and beautiful, glad to know you and Astarion had eternity together.
“Let's get out of here,” Astarion said, helping you to your feet and offering you his arm. “I never want to come back here again.”
“Me neither,” you replied.
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Disney OCs List
Cause no matter the Universe, I will always have a problem with creating so many Original Characters, istg
Walter Fredrik Mouse
Son of Mickey and Minnie Mouse Older Brother to Eleanor Mouse
Nickname is Wally
Heya Folks
Stage Fright, he freezes if on stage in front of a crowd, has to be carried off if this occurs to break it.
History: Having been born while Mickey was in an uncertain state due to a car accident, he gave his mother a piece of stability in an otherwise chaotic moment. She had a piece of his father in him.
She also named him after his Grandfather, hoping he'd carry the same spirit.
Wally is a quiet soul much like his Grandfather Walt, for being the Son of the most Famous Cartoon Couple he prefers a quiet spot in the parks to draw his Murals and he has an eye for them. Many modern-day updates are because of him in their world.
He also has a gag that does technically disable him from working in the Entertainment industry. Discovered when he was just 2 years old, when he toddled on stage and froze his Gag is to freeze when in front of a crowd on stage. They have to physically carry him off to break it,
Mickey and Minnie take this in stride, supporting his Artistic and Imaginative spirit, he was only 7 months when Minnie and Daisy watched to their astonishment as he used his baby food in a very Matilda moment to mix the different colored foods and paint on his highchairs tray.
He again leaves the Entertaining to his sister Eleanor, as he tucks himself in his corners.
The way one can figure out whether it's Mickey or Wally, Wally has glasses and a tuft of fur that sticks out from his forehead he also clearly works in a Creative department with a beat up T-shirt and jeans that are always covered in old paint he always also has a pencil or paint brush tucked behind his ear,
Eleanor Patsy Mouse
Daughter of Mickey and Minnie little sister to Wally
Catchphrase: Let the Show Begin!
History: Assigned male transitioned to female, this one was a ham from the time she could walk. Running onto stage with her father and Uncle Oswald frequently to the amusement of the Patrons.
Think Lottie (Charlotte from Princess and the Frog) she and Blair Warner-Goof are the new Minnie and Daisy running around.
Things got complex with her, Mickey actually consulting Bugs Bunny as he had no clue how to handle having a possible trans kid.
Eleanor started showing her favor quite young for the feminine side of things, trapsing behind Minnie taking interest in her outfits and make up,
The way they handled this was to just support her and also having two wardrobes a Masculine and Feminine one and they'd let her choose what she wanted. She always chose the feminine clothing, when Mickey would come home with princess dresses she was as bad as Lottie in excitement,
So she's not spoiled just extremely excitable she will leap in front of the Parks Parade with the other princesses, get everyone giggling and laughing at her and Blairs antics,
The Princesses are her best friends Snow and Lottie being the ones one can find them with just gossiping and swapping story's.
She loves life and all that encompasses, her smile lights up a room and everyone knows she's got her dad wrapped around her finger
Lillian and Blair Warner-Goof
The Twin Daughters of Max and Yakko Warner-Goof
Lillian: Good Morning Everyone!
Blair: *Laughs openly like her Dad and Grandfather is also struck bad by the Goof curse*
History: The Day these two were born was a day where the Animosity lines were destroyed, they are both Warner and Disney and you'll know by watching this duo
Lillian named after Lillian Disney as her parents way of honoring the matriarch of the Disney Family. She's a scamp who loves to get into trouble as much as her dad Yakko, she's also though the responsibile one,
It's Blair that's the cause of so many rules, she is as bad as Goofy at times. Max jokes that he's glad his dad trained him as he has to catch Blair at least once a week due to the curse
The kid finds the curse funny her unique laughter can be heard as a result of the unintentional Antics she's good friends with Eleanor and Milo Murphy
Yes that Milo Murphy as in Murphys law, it's a trip to see these twos respective curses bounce off each other, they are good friends both helping each other to avoid falling objects or being thrown into the air
Lillian has no effects on the other hand. Again, she's more like her Dad Yakko and Aunt Dot and Uncle Wakko
In another world, these two are best friends with Marian Mouse.
Henri Warner-Goof
Son of Yakko and Max Warner-Goof, little brother of Lillian and Blair
Catchphrase: Your Horrrible
History: Born 4 years after his sisters this one is joked to have been born grumpy, him and his Grandpa Daffy are usually found people watching and trading remarks
Hes got an eye for fashion but is unbelievably blunt about if something looks trash, but he will put his sewing needle to where his mouth is.
Henri is again Daffys little shadow, it warms his grandfather as it reminds Daffy of him and his grandmother when he was younger
Henri is the only one Daffy allowed to wear the heirloom necklace that the duck normally guards with a vengeance as it belonged to Daffys Grandmother. It was a very special moment that's one of Henris most favorite memories.
He does have a speech and seizure problem as he had an incident at 16 that left him hospitalized for a whole month and it did neurological damage,
Marian Maeve Mouse
Daughter of Mickey and Minnie
Catchphrase: Imma give you a mousekatool
History: Born during a temporary separation of her parents, she was a complete surprise, dubbed a classic Disney Miracle.
She is known also as the Princess of Wonder she is a more down to earth Eleanor, a perfect balance of Mickey and Minnie she loves being at the parks with the Staff and loves interacting with the kids. She prefers the parks to being on screen as it feels more personal and magical to her,
She's got a temper much like her mother though, don't let the gentle elegant nature of this mouse fool you, she will put people in their place if they try to cross the line.
A headstrong kind toon, she is equal parts of both of them. Again a natural born leader who can be found surprising the kids at the Parks and enjoys life to the fullest.
Camilo and Maria Duck-Pistoles-Caricoca
Camilo: *crows exactly like Panchito*
Gag: Is inhumanly fast and zippy at certain times
Maria: Sweet Santa Maria, no not me
Gag: The Samba, if she grabs you your already done for she also sings.
History: These two were born of a complete accident, they are mischievous and bicker but they're just as tightly bonded to each other.
Maria is thought to be Josés as she has the green feathers on her head like him though she leans heavily into her Donald side with the infamous Duck Temper, she is quick to fight anyone who crosses her, she's got a heart of gold and will defend anyone who needs it
Camilo though is snarky in comparison thought to be Panchitos due to the red feathers sporadically found all over him, a big smart-ass, but he's nonchalant about people picking apart that he's a hybrid, he doesn't care he thinks he is perfect the way he is,
The triplets and these Two frequently get into trouble, they egg each other on into shenanigans and Antics, it's quite a sight in the modern day to see Scrooge, Donald, Panchito and José chasing after the 5 kids after they do something.
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gryfflepuffinthetardis · 10 months
Lillie H. Tyler Season One Bio
Full Name: Deliah Holmes “Lillie” Tyler
Age: Eighteen (Six months younger than Rose; was born at six months old.)
Stolen Quote: Bill Potts: “Are you secretly a badass?”
Nardole: “Nothing secret about it, baby doll”
Real Quote: “Yeah, I’ve been faking a smile to hide my pain my entire life and it’s gotten me nearly eighteen years without anyone noticing, I’ve come realize that maybe no one will ever see through my mask.”
Birthday: October 31, 1987
Human Appearance: Curly dark brown hair, blue eyes, five foot three.
Relations: Rose Tyler (Older sister), Jacklyn "Jackie" Tyler (Mother), Pete Tyler (Father; Deceased, hit by a car on November 7, 1987)
Personality: Loyal to a fault; Kind; Compassionate; Fierce; Protective; Intelligent; Scary when angry; Geeky; Witty; Sarcastic; Goofy; Tomboy; Just; Selfless; Shy, Kind, Hufflepuff, Brave, Curious, Soft, Insecure, Secret Badass, Observant, Strong, Fighter, Trusting, Loving, Violent, Impulsive, Scatterbrained, Pessimistic, Eccedentiast (Hides her pain with smiles), Paradoxical (Little Bit), Perceptive
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Hogwarts Hybrid: Gryfflepuff (Hufflepuff/Gryffindor)
Fatal Flaws: Excessive Personal Loyalty — (Think of Percy Jackson) She will risk her life and the world for her friends.
Feeling of Inferiority — (Think of Leo Valdez) She will always feel like she is the least important and feels that she is worth sparing
Low Self-Confidence/Low Self-Esteem — She doesn’t trust herself to make the right decisions, she thinks of herself as useless and invaluable
Fears: Claustrophobia — Fear of small, enclosed spaces — Leaks through the suppression cloak
Likes: Freedom, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Reading, Helping, The Color Purple, Halloween, Kindness, Mischief, Doing the right thing
Dislikes: Being Bored, Feeling Trapped, Most People, Wearing Dresses, Looking Girly, Being Called Girly, The Color Pink, Valentine's Day, Conformity
Favorite Singers/Bands: Queen, the Police, the Velvet Underground, Linkin Park, Imagine Dragons, Dolly Parton, Taylor Swift
Skills/Abilities: Acting, Mild Sherlock Scan (Look on tvtropes.org), Intellect, Weapon Proficiency Instincts, Fighting Instincts, Martial Arts Instincts, Hacking
Possible Disorder(s): ADHD (Her alien counterpart had ADHD which leaked into her human counterpart), Directional Dyslexia (Also leaks through)
Sexuality: Heteroflexible Demisexual
Wardrobe: Flannel; Plaid; Leather Jackets; Beanies; Graphic tees; High tops; Boots; Trench Coats Accessories: 3D Glow-In-The-Dark Galaxy Ball Pendant (Origin of unknown)
Friends: Rose Tyler (Older Sister/Best Friend), Mickey Smith, Sarah Jane Smith (Acquaintance), The Fourth Doctor (Acquaintance), Lars South-Woods (Ex)
Enemies: Weeping Angels, Bullies
Etymology: Deliah – The Delilah is a type of dahlia; The Delilah symbolizes beauty, commitment, and kindness. Another meaning is finding inner strength; the Victorians used the flower to signify a lasting bond and commitment between two people. They can symbolize elegance, inner strength, change, creativity, and dignity. They can also symbolize positivity, resilience, wildness, and happiness. Generally, dahlias symbolize new beginnings, fresh starts, enduring kindness, and even grave in challenging times.
Lillie – Variation of the nickname “Lily” – These flowers represent purity, innocence, rebirth, and resurrection just to name a few. Lilies may represent mourning and to some they symbolize death because represent the moment when the soul departs the body.
Holmes — Surname of literature’s most famous detective (and possibly one of literature’s earliest cases of a character with ADHD).
Face Claim: Young Lillie - Malina Weissman
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Young Adult - Katherine Langford (Hannah Baker/Morgan Stark/Nimue/Leah Burke/Meg Thrombey)
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amandacanwrite · 11 months
🦇 trick or 🍭 treat!
How about a treat for you!! I visual one this time. Here is some of my favorite little bits of world building from my pirate book regarding the style of clothing.
Context: This book is enemies to lovers, so please read the tension as romantic tension. CW: for mention of adult themes, but mostly safe for work!
“You’re awfully casual about a naked woman in your living quarters,” I shot back. 
“That would be because I have seen a generous quantity of them in my life, Cora dear.” 
I scowled at the partition for one more long moment before I hurriedly came out, drying the cloying rivulets of water from my body and bundling my hair in it. I went into Edric’s wardrobe and pulled out a clean shift, tugging it on.  
“There, was that so hard?” I heard him say.  
I looked at the partition in a start. 
“Can you see me through this?” 
“No, I just know what a woman sounds like when she gets dressed,” he said. 
“That’s just as bad as actually seeing me naked!” 
I heard an offended scoff from the bed. 
“Oh no it decidedly not the same, Cora,” he sputtered. 
I was still blushing when I pushed the garments around in his wardrobe, pulling out a yellow one in the Ebranian style he dressed me in when I’d first come—first been taken.  
I tugged it on and rounded the partition to see him lounging on his bed in some calf-length trousers and a plain shirt, the laces untied and showing the lines of his collarbones and the slight slope of his muscled chest. He held a book in his hand, which he closed over his thumb and rested on his stomach as he brought himself up to a sitting position.  
“That is a very lovely color on you,” he said with a smile. 
“Save it for one of your port floozies,” I retorted.  
He heaved as great sigh and shook his head looking down at his book.  
“You are in a wonderful mood as always.” 
I shrank a bit at that as I fussed with the drawstring on my sleeves which were an absolute pain to tie on your own.  
His eyes flickered to me and he set his book aside, standing and coming over to me.  
Instinctively I backed away and he slowed to a stop, setting me with a look. 
It wasn’t exactly irritation he looked at me with, more like exasperation.  
“Why are you so afraid of me, Cora?” he asked.  
“Because you’re a pirate—a famously cruel one—and I’m not terribly interested in being caught at the business end of that cruelty,” 
“Have you seen me be cruel?” 
“I just watched you kill several men with glee.” 
He rolled his eyes as if that didn’t count.  
“Yes, men who threatened to take my ship and leave us in a dingy if I didn’t allow him to extort me and my boatswain,” he said as he smoothed a ringed finger over his auburn brow.  
I hedged a bit before exhaling and offering out my arm to him. Fine, let him fix the damned sleeves, stupid dandy pirate. 
His lips curved slightly, and he approached me, taking the satin laces in gentle, attentive hands.  
“These sleeves are stupid, how do Ebranian women even tie them?” I said, not liking the intimate nature of the quiet in the room. 
There was the play of amusement in his eyes as he looked at me, tying the lace in a practiced automation.  
“In Ebrania it’s the married women who wear this style, its one of the ways that they show affection to each other in their culture; in the act of dressing and undressing,” he said. “The dresses have sleeves like this, or openings in difficult to reach places. The men wear coats and vests that must be cinched in a similar way to a pair of stays. It also helps easily identify spouses who falter in their fidelity.” 
I tried not to think about how he came in possession of so many dresses with these features, tried not to think of spouses being unfaithful in that comfortable bed I’d woken up in, baked in sunlight. I didn’t want to imagine any of the women he had so claimed to see naked nor think about how they somehow wound up departing his company without their clothes.  
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