#improve eye health
self-care-tips-free · 1 month
Eye Care Simplified: Comprehensive Eye Support with Eyevita Plus
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theayurvedaorg · 3 months
Ayurvedic way to improve eye health naturally
Importance of good eye health Ever imagined what would you do if you lost your vision? If not, then look back into your childhood and imagine yourself playing blindfolded games. This will not harm you but you will surely realize how colourless the world is without eyes. Our eyes are one of the most essential organs of our body. It’s the only thing that introduces us to the beautiful colorful…
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ds29gurl2 · 8 months
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Me whenever people be talking about dumb shit at work, like bitch I DON"T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT YOUR LIFE, GO AWAY, then I calm down and feel a little bad, ONLY a little though
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charlotteee013 · 9 months
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Your participation in our Labor Day Sale helped us achieve great success. Thank you for being a part of it! See you at our next sale! You can still shop here: https://go.renpho.com/labor-day-sale 🛒👋
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sunnfish · 2 years
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💫 starstruck 💫
[Image Description: a digital illustration of Hirano Taiga from the series Hirano to Kagiura/Sasaki to Miyano. It’s a narrow landscape composition focusing on his eyes, which are wide with awe and wonder, as a wind blows his hair back. Bright starburst shapes also move along the direction of the wind, gathering in his eyes and hair and along behind him. The background fades from white in front of him to a dark blue-purple behind him. The overall colors are very saturated and also quickly fade from bright warm pinks highlighting the front of his face to darker turquoise blues in the shadows of his face and hair. There are two variations, one facing left and one facing right. The artist’s signature “sunnfish” and the date “sep 18, 2022” are written faintly along the bottom. /End Description]
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ashchoo · 2 months
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+‘ I weep and weep, fearing that I’ll never stop. ‘+
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monettt · 1 year
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Working out to feel better 🤗
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cancan-jpg · 6 months
Having a crazy good week in a crazy good year, man. Summer vacation just started, I have a festival volunteering gig lined up with my friends, and have just had more near-consecutive late nights out with friends in a row than i have ever had in my entire life (did a VFX studio tour that came with free pizza, attended my college's end of year party in FABULOUS gomez addams cosplay, and attended an indie games arcade social mixer for the volunteers).
I even debuted my preferred name with my workplace!! :D i'd been awkwardly using my legal name there the whole time, but after an entire year at a college where everyone just calls me Can and forgets I even have a legal name, I decided to make the change and they've been great about it!!
Anyway it'a crazy that in-person art school with a bunch of cool gay neurodivergent ppl made me realise I'm more of an extrovert than I previously figured - that's what a healthy social environment does 2 a guy i guess!! Hope next year is just as fun, if not more 🥺💛
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simplyghosting · 10 months
I'm sorry you had to deal with people invalidating your pain when you were a kid
Thank you for the sympathy. I appreciate it.
While I won’t say it’s okay that people did that when I was a kid, and it did leave some lasting damage (both physically and relationship-wise that years later I am still trying to repair), I also don’t regret it happening.
Like yeah, it really sucked, but it also made me stop listening to the “kids over-exaggerate” “you’re too young to be in pain (dismissive)” “kids/teens are just dramatic” “kids just complain because they want attention/bored” rhetorics that I heard all the time. If I hadn’t experienced that dismissal myself, I could have grown up to be unsympathetic towards people as well.
It was a personal experience in learning kids deserve to be listened to and acknowledged, and that youth doesn’t guarantee health, that I don’t think I would have truly learned otherwise.
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eternalstrigoii · 1 month
I cannot remember if I reblogged a good luck post recently or if it's genuine luck and divine intervention.....but I got a confirmation email for a work-from-home remote job. I just have to do onboarding to secure it, and after my birthday vacation, I might just quit my dead-end sales day job.
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drachenengel · 2 months
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Where is she?? Have you lost your sense of vision? Your sweet spot deep in? I have and O know this all too well.
Science says we need to step back. We're so up close to stuff all the time our brain is flooded...We are exhausted from constant filtering we cannot expand. So, tune down the external. Find safety in being. Commune with nature. Step outside of your own box. Watch what happens...
Any feelings from your side on this?
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yioh · 4 months
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thelastspeecher · 7 months
Once again something my ankle does perplexes my physical therapist bc it seems weird for X to happen when I injured it in a Y way
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actualalienfauna · 2 years
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Hi hiii
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soaking-wet-cat-punk · 8 months
Hey!! If you’re thinking that you’ll never make any progress, know that today I set a new record for longest time in [the trigger place] without having a panic attack! Progress is real! You will get better! Look up at the sky right now and tell Them “fuck you, I’m great.”
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mejomonster · 9 months
Ridiculously depressed but I am running ragged (which is surely worsening the depression ToT) so like the idea of weekly therapy to further exhaust me and trigger the anxiety more doesn't sound super compatible
#rant#like. i havent eaten in 6 days im fucking miserable amd on edge. my gi issues are FUCKED right now#so i cant eat and im desperate To eat asap so i really hope my gi issues improve soon jesus fucking christ#anyway... on top of that which... homestly on its own is enough to destroy me emotilnally and exhaust me....#i also am intensely deptessed a friend has like 5 crushes 4 dating options#i looked up advice today! oh no the spiral! i am considering paying money for a matchmaking service just so i can hate myself more i guess#when even that fails. i havent had a crush in 5 years either. i had like 3 crushes BUT they were married or aro#so i stopped my crush. so basically no crush on available for relationships peolle in half a decade. k feel broken#i looked up how to develop crushes today. google amd youtube apparently think its so rare to Not crush that theres no fucking advice#and then on top of it i have regular run of the mill anxiety. where i disassociate if im in public or around strangers.#which helps Me cope and i Feel great. as in not scared. but it means i dont talk well to strangers.#i try to. but i barely know what im saying and i dont see anyone i see them vaguely then block it out. and thats how i handle public.#and if i can manage to be present i need enough of a crowd i can hide. and if i see an attractive person i look away#cause i turn red and cant breathe. and im chicken i guess. so ur supposed to LOCK EYES with hot strangers and stare. but i need to PRACTICE#and then i also need to practice just. MAKING myself go places that make my anxiety shoot up horribly#and just sit and make myself stare at random peoplr and touch my skin and make myself endure being present.#then i have to do the same thing in public places i Like (which makes me more anxioud and in the past often resulted in panic attacks then#suicide attempts and self harm during said pamic attacks) so im not like super hype to endure that#and id rather endure it WHEN MY HEALTH IS SOLID ENOUGH I CAN EAT#because currently? me hungty? me in immense pain? even non anxiety inducing situatilns are shooting my stress level through the roof.#spilling coffee right now is making me feel like dying. just cayse im hungry and exhausted. i want to work up to 1. gi tract DIGESTING FOOD#PLEASE GOD SOON. 2. my back doesnt hurt so bad so i can STAND in public#3 stand in a nonthreatening public place like a bookstore or grocery store and stare at people#4 stand in nonthreatening place and stare at Hot people#5 attempt to enter a place in public i LIKE A LOT like a local hobby club. attempt for an hour if needed#call it a win if i make it to the doorway befote the panic attack hits. 6 attempt again at least standing IN FRONT of building 5 minutes#7 attempt again and maybr peak in and use bathroom so i can leave if im scared. 8 attempt again to enter building and maybe finally join#event i want to join. 8 attempt looking people in the eyes and remaining present at Location i like.#9 attempt looking pretty people In The Eye. 10 attempt saying hi i like your X#11 attempt conversation (if i got through all prior steps). which. this anxiety work could take 3-4 months minimum
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