#in this economy i might add
userparamore · 4 months
bless you, paracunt and other lovely gifmakers for giving all of us paramore updates on tumblr. I hate going to twt and insta so much cause so many paramore fans there have a problem with everything 😭 I've seen so much discourse and arguments between paramore fans and swifties that the photo updates don’t show up on the timeline anymore
The band is full of 30 year old adults, why are fans babying them and acting like taylor swift forced them to be openers. They chose this and they seem to be enjoying it. The most logical thing I could think of is that their decision to open for Taylor is just a mix of both their longterm friendship with tswfit and also it’s much more convenient for an independent band that has their own very new record label to just join someone else’s tour rather than planning their own headlining one, especially since their last headline tour which was funded by Warner was their most successful one and it had the highest budget so it will be hard to try to top that
Idk why they didn’t make sure to include Europe and Asia while under Warner contract for tiw tour and will be forever bitter about that (I haven’t seen them in 7 years) but at this point there’s just no use in complaining constantly and acting like we’re better than swifties cause a lot of paramore fans are being as condescending and acting all high and mighty as those old rock fans that would make fun of hayley when she features on rock sound or rolling stones magazines
thank you for this lovely message! <3 i'm trying my best to keep up with updates and unfortunately need to go on twitter to find them. but luckily i use it so rarely and follow too few account to see much discourse.
but there is a reason why i'm still here on tumblr in the fandom, and that is bc it is the lovliest community here. i have expressed my criticism of the band and their decisions, and always appreciate that we can have an adult conversation about paramore without fighting or being nasty. i have always thought it is important to recognize that just bc you are a big fan of someone, that they are capable of making mistakes or do things you don't agree with– and that is okay.
the whole taylor swift tour is unfortunate and i think there wouldn't have been so much discourse around it if they had done their own solo tour in europe/asia, and completed this is why with a full world tour. i get that there are other factors involved aka the new label, and that they are in a little bit of an uncertain part of their career as it is the beginning of independent paramore. fandom "wars" have always been present on the internet, and honestly i try my best to stay out of it. it is easy to get sucked into it, wanting to defend your fave or whatever, and i can admit that i've been a condescending paramore fan lol
in the end i'm happy for the european paramore fans who also are swifties, and i hope they have a great time this summer. and it's not like swifties aren't welcome into the parafamily- i'm happy that paramore have the opportunity to grow their fanbase and that new people will be able to discover paramore.
i think, just for my own personal opinion on this, as a long-term european fan, it does feel a little like a betrayal. there is no secret that paramore are a very us-american-centric band, and all the stuff they do will always be with the us in mind. and like you said "i haven’t seen them in 7 years" while the us have had two full tours in 1 year feels.... well not great (and honestly i become a bad person when i see americans complaining that "they didn't come to my state" 😭 stfu). i do think that disappointment bleeds into this eras tour situation where a lot of the negativity we're seeing are just disappointment bubbling to the surface.
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yeastinfectionvale · 3 months
one (1) riders and where in london they are from post please?
Full Disclaimer I am bias. There is no reasoning. Only vibes.
Jorge: Cockfosters. (heheh). No but it's in North London (just close enough to lie and say Central)
Jack: Clapham. He's Australian, they're all in Clapham. I wish I was joking.
Aleix: Chiswick. He's retired why not enjoy West London and it's........... sights.
Miguel: Stratford. The Westfield is there so enjoy?
Bezz: Notting Hill. We've seen the glitter vest video. Enjoy the Notting hill carnival.
Raul: Battersea. Up and coming area... sorta gentified now honestly but it's a nice place to be (also big up the so solid crew).
Fabio: Wimbledon (Village specifically)
Diggia: Camden.
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hamadisthings · 2 months
While it is good that KOSA is now dead in the House (for now) I would like to ask for people's attention on AB1949 and SB976, which could push for Age verification by showing your ID.
There was a third bill named AB3080 that had similar goals, but luckily it received revisions so it is no longer a threat or require ID verification to access websites. So it would be possible to get AB1949 and SB976 to be revised so they aren't dangerous anymore.
You can read the text for AB1949 right here
AB1949 doesn't explicitly ask for ID verification anymore, as it used to, due to a revision, but there is a provision stating if they deem a website "willfully disregards" the age of the user they will be deemed to have actual knowledge of the user's age.
This broad part could be left to abuse, which is why it needs to be revised before passing, in order to confirm ID verification is not required. FIND YOUR REPS HERE!
For AB1949, you can find your Senate representative with the link above as I said, and check to see if they're a member of the CA Senate Appropriations Committee. Then call them to tell them you oppose this bill. Try to add reasons you think this bill would negatively affect California financially because that's what this committee focuses on.
As for SB976, which you can read here
Its goal is to "keep kids off social medias and addictive feeds" But the concerning part is that "it would make it unlawful for the operator of an addictive internet-based service or application, as defined, to provide an addictive feed to a user, unless the operator does not have actual knowledge that the user is a minor; commencing January 1, 2027, has reasonably determined that the user is not a minor; or has obtained verifiable parental consent to provide an addictive feed to the user who is a minor."
How are you supposed to know that you have "verifiable parental consent" without ID and age verification of both parents and child?Even then, holding the ID of a minor feels pretty illegal given how sensitive how an info this is, in case of a data breach (which will happen) this would endanger kids even more, and no one in general want to give their ID to access a website or an app.
The bill would also make it unlawful for a website or app to send notifications to a minor according to a certain timeframe.
For SB976, find your Assembly representative using the link below and check to see if they're a member of the CA Assembly Appropriations Committee. Then call them to tell them you oppose this bill. https://apro.assembly.ca.gov/members
You can tell them how this is terrible for privacy, and the safety of children, and that it would be terrible for the economy of California, as they seem to focus on it. You can try sending faxes for either bills, but calling IS MUCH MORE efficient. https://faxzero.com/
Here is the time schedule, bills must be taken care before the end of August so it is a matter of time crunch:
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You may use the following scripts for the respective bills, you can try to trim it if you deem it too long!
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Might be worth a shot to contact Gavin Newsom (Californian governor) here to voice your concerns for these bills
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mossmittens · 2 months
Post-canon Labru where they actually get together pretty quickly except they don't
Laios and Kabru have been working together so closely for months in the castle and become best friends. About 6 months post-canon, they wind up going on a month-long survey expedition with Marcille, Falin, and some scientists. (The survey team is evaluating soil quality and attempting to identify the best sites for settlements.)
The group winds up sitting around the campfire most nights, drinking and singing and telling stories. One night, Laios and Kabru are the last ones out there and they get solidly drunk. Kabru kisses Laios. Laios kisses him back. Nothing else happens that night. But the next? They talk about it in Laios' tent and decide to give it a try. We're already best friends, right? Might as well give it a shot! So the rest of the trip, they spend the whole time flirting and giggling and making out at the fire and fucking in their tents. It's not a secret at all. Marcille is deeply annoyed. Falin is happy for Laios. The scientists are like, "wow, this gossip is gonna make me so popular at home." It's literally so great.
Except when they get back to Melini, it's harder than they expected. The survey was kind of a vacation for them. At home, there's paperwork and appearances and forming alliances and making sure their people are eating and security and it's just so much. The time they had to become best friends was not time that could really be filled with romance. If anything, romance adds to their pile of things they have to deal with: planning time together that isn't filled with work, managing the expectations of their citizens, heirs and weddings and what if some entity offers Laios a marriage that will benefit the kingdom, will he say no, how will this work how will it work how will it work
So they break it off. They love like each other so much and this could be something great, but they just can't do it right now. It's too much. They both put on brave faces but are obviously devastated. It hurts their friendship for months and months, but eventually they get close again.
For years, they stay friends. They both remember how awful that first break up was. Even when things slow down, they're both so cautious because who knows if this time things will break horribly and they won't be able to stay friends.
Kabru dates around a little. Laios seriously considers a few marriage alliances. It all falls through, but they do try to give other people a shot. They're in love with each other but they're still practical.
That's not to say they don't hook up occasionally. Maybe once a year they both get so overwhelmed with work that they have a little decompression fuck. Or they both get drunk at a ball and make out in a closet. It doesn't mean anything, so no big deal.
Then, twelve or so years down the line, they're both working in Laios' study. The kingdom is in such a good place. They've figured out succession, the economy is stable, their relationships with foreign powers are good, citizens are being taken care of. They're in the maintenance phase of everything and planning for a bright future. Maybe it's Laios, who has come into his own and feels a confidence that he never had at 26, who sits back and looks at Kabru and just says, "Kabru."
Kabru responds with a casual, "Your Highness?"
And Laios just throws it out there: "I love you. And I want to be with you, whatever that means for us."
Kabru is taken aback because to be fair to him it is quite random. He can't help but respond honestly, though. He loves Laios, too.
They'd probably spend a moment reveling in it. They've spent years in one state of being, thinking "maybe later, maybe soon" but never really believing the time would come.
Once they sit with it, the workday is over. They're giggling and making out and flirting in the study. It's just like that survey trip all those years ago, except this time they're used to the weight of the kingdom.
They probably move pretty fast. They've been enmeshed in each other's lives for more than a decade, so very little is actually changing on their end. They try to give it a few months before they lock in and get married/legally committed/whatever, if just for the sake of propriety and making sure the country is confident in their relationship. But it's obvious from that first day that this is it for both of them. Of course it is.
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daisywords · 10 months
some misc worldbuilding questions to get your gears turning:
Do they have germ theory or some equivalent? How do they conceptualize the spread of disease and infection?
Is the everyday economy based more on trade/barter or currency? Is the currency valuable in its own right, or is it just something agreed upon to have value (eg. salt or gold vs. paper money)
What is their main method of lighting? What resources does this use?
Primary mode of transportation? How much does this vary based on things like purpose of travel, social class, etc.?
How much of a knowledge/education gap is there between social classes? Is there a baseline of education that everyone gets/is expected to have?
What are the most popular modes of storytelling? Is everyone telling campfire stories? Are they going to plays? puppet shows? are they going to the cinema? are they reading novels or epic poetry? Are there any folk characters or pop culture things that most people are familiar with?
Where does most people's moral framework primarily come from? Religion? Philosophy? Are there different schools of thought? How much do they vary?
Is there anything considered scandalous/improper/taboo that's normal in your own culture? and vice versa
Do most people live and die where they are born, or is it common to relocate and travel widely? how much does this vary by class/profession/region?
What do they do with criminals? Do they have an extensive prison system? If so, who funds/runs it? If not, how is crime discouraged/managed? Are there specific punishments for specific crimes?
How rigid are their class boundaries? How possible/common is it for someone to change social classes?
Is there anything that people get dangerously addicted to in your world? How accessible is it?
How easy is it for someone to do research/look up information they don't know? What is the primary method of doing this?
What holidays do they have? Any weird traditions? Fun traditions? Are they universally celebrated, or only by specific groups of people?
How do they dispose of their dead? How do they honor their dead?
How much exchange is there between cultures? Do people of different groups intermingle, or do they mostly stick with their own people?
How common is it to speak more than one language, and who is most likely to be multilingual?
How much do regional dialects/accents vary within the same language? Are there any dialects/accents that are stigmatized? Do different accents have different associated stereotypes?
This isn't meant to be taken as a checklist that you have to completely fill out btw. Just things that might help add flavor to your world and characters. (Also mostly things I end up thinking about logistically anyway as they become relevant to the plot or a character's frame of reference.) Enjoy!
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spaghettioverdose · 2 months
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people are discovering I'm an evil tankie lmao
anyways the second one is particularly dumb. you speak of the concept of ml transfems like they're this wacky sort of weird rare position that no one really has. are you aware how many popular posters on this site are transfem MLs or transfem ML adjacent? moreover, based on what do you know that MLs are the most transphobic people on the left? like not talking about a subreddit or a discord server, or even CPGB. I'm talking about the movement as a whole. and if there is, a trend where marxism-leninism is especially transphobic (hint: there is not) is that due to the ideology itself being inherently transphobic or is it the people living in particular material conditions that lead to them holding out reactionary ideas?
I could bring up a million arguments to refute this like the incredibly progressive new family code in Cuba, or East Germany's progressive LGBT policies, or how people were already lamenting how many rights they were going to lose from the reunification, or the general trend of modern socialist states to make gains when it comes to LGBT rights and protections, but this has been brought up a million times and you are all still stupid.
Tell me anon, who am I, as a transfem, supposed to side with politically? Liberals who have all shown to be willing to throw us under the bus in record speeds if they believe it might get them three more votes? Anarchists who are utterly incapable of forming any kind of cohesive movement, incabable of holding powe for longer than 2 years, and incapable of organising the economy in any that helps anyone? Am I meant to become a trotskyite or a leftcom so I can whinge about stalinism all day and never do anything useful? What ideology should I fucking be anon? I've was a liberal and I was an anarchist and they both were shit. And believe it or not, anon, anarchists aren't as inherently good to transfems as you think either.
But besides even all this, you deeply misunderstand why I'm even an ML. I believe that marxism-leninism provides a scientific lens through which economy and politics can be analysed to produce analysis with actual predictive power. This is a quality that is very much absent from every non-marxist ideology. Every newer liberal economist that suddenly discovers a basic function of capitalist economy and who is then lauded as a genius, has been playing catch-up with Marx and they're still very far behind. Keynes discovered the concept of "in an economy that runs on commodities being bought, when no one has money to buy said commodities, the economy collapses" is something that scientific communists knew for since the later half of the 1800s. Marxism-leninism is the only form of leftwing ideology that has been effective. Marxism-leninism, when applied, has almost universally raised the standards of living, industrialisation, life expectancy and women's rights. I'm not an ML because I think of ideologies as sports teams, cliques, or fun little labels to add to myself.
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Do you think Crowley would be protective of us? Maybe fend off the beasties that try to court us?
That's a cute thought.
Realistically, Crowley is a dick that often leaves the protagonist to fend for their self and pushes them to take care of dangerous stuff that they really shouldn't have to.
But on the other hand…hehe birb dad.
One of the reasons he avoids us is because of the whole us “wanting a way home thing.”
Imagine his surprise when you tell him you would rather stay. Maybe you don't have a family, maybe the family you have is horrible, or maybe it's because our world is a polluted mess with a cruddy economy. Regardless it means he doesn't have to (pretend) to put in the work of sending you home. 
Well, as long as there's a place for you to stay that is. He is sort of your guardian and it would be in the best interest of himself and the entire school if you stayed.
Now a thing I like to think about…this man is likely lonely. I mean, a lot of people don't like the guy. (for good reason) The students and teachers are tired of his shit, though he and Trien seem to be homies and have tea together, the guy’s cat still hates him. Crowley also doesn't have a mate or any hatchlings waiting at home for him.
Combine the guilt trip of having nowhere else to go, add his loneliness, and then butter the guy up. I would say you have a good chance of getting him attached.
Imagine he sees you heading his way and is about to screw off cuz he doesn't want to deal with whatever thing you need to get fixed or have to complain about, you catch the sleeve of his coat before he can, and so he braces himself. But instead of asking him for something or scolding him you simply ask him about his day and how he's doing.
Birdman is shook.
Bit by bit the tasks and chores he gives you are ones where you'll be around him or he’ll randomly pop in to check in on you while doing them. Soon you end up being the preferred person for making and bringing him his tea. He pretends to nap on his office couch while you do his paperwork. May even ask you to help him file his claws on occasion. If it wasn't so dire for you to take care of things at the school he would be half tempted to bring you along on one of his vacations. If you give him anything it's going on his desk and he will brag about it to anyone who enters his office.
His cheap ass isn't going to spoil you but he will bring you small gifts. Usually the random shiny thing and small souvenir from his trips away. You might start finding loose feathers around Ramshackle and more crows around who also bring small things.
He starts thinking up plans for you to stay on as official faculty of the school once graduating. Of course, it's only because you are super useful and not because he’ll miss you or anything…
It doesn't really hit him until after he sees one of the teachers getting all father figure-y with you and he gets jealous.
Displeased bird noises.
Even before he started to get attached to you he did keep an eye on you, your easy prey amongst beasts after all, but he does develop a habit of popping in more when a boy happens to show his interest in you…or anytime he thinks someone is trying to sneak in and swipe his unofficial dad role…he does a lot of that with Crewel and Trien in particular.
Still, even with his affection for you, he’s still very much…him and the boys know this. Not long till he finds the more well-off beasty boys in his office offering donations to the school in exchange for certain things. More info about you, making you a member of his dorm, ect. A few have learned that the best thing to butter him up with is to talk about what a kind and generous father figure he is and how lovely it would be for Crowley to give the perfect away on their wedding day.
As a result, he, and probably Grim, are going to nudge you toward certain preferred suitors.
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Hey genuine question, is cripple considered a slur?
This is not a remark about your url at all it's just that I'm able bodied and thought it was but another abled person told me that it wasnt and I don't trust them to be correct so I'm double checking with actually physically disabled people.
And if it is I'm sorry for using it here I couldn't figure out an easy way to indicate what word I was talking about without saying it
Yes, cripple is a slur and it's best for ablebodied people to avoid using it in any context- even calling a car crippled due to a broken axel is bad. Some easy ways I've seen people refer to the word cripple, if you'd like some ideas, are the c slur, the cr slur, and, in context of something like cripplepunk, simply shortening it to c (cpunk.) You might need to add context ("the c slur, the one that refers to physically disabled people," you may need to spell it in a verbal conversation,) too.
Thank you for asking.
Mod Aaron
Hi, "cripple" and all its verb and adjective variants are very much a slur. While it is reclaimed quite a lot, claiming that it's not a slur in the first place is rather odd. Mod Aaron is very much right about the ways to refer to it as well as the fact that using it outside of the main offensive context really shouldn't be done either. Obviously, saying that the economy is crippled isn't the same as calling a disabled human being the same thing, but it's still a word that's triggering (or just plain uncomfortable) to many people when said by someone able-bodied.
Thanks for the ask!
mod Sasza
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gothhabiba · 11 months
[...] [F]ood culture, because of its ubiquitous and everyday nature, can serve as a medium through which to examine issues concerning how the imagined community is perceived (internally by its members, and externally by others), expressed, engaged with and maintained as well as [to] point out processes and trends that are [...] generally overlooked in the study of identity, nationalism and culture. Additionally, food culture is [...] a useful tool for examining issues concerning the place of indigenous people and their culture, and I would add the other, within the national culture and narratives of settler colonial societies, of which Israel is an example. This includes issues relating to cultural appropriation as well as inclusion and exclusion from the nation.
The relationship between food culture, Zionism and the creation of a new Jewish-Israeli national identity might not appear strong at first. However, from the onset of the Zionist project, food played an important part in the construction of a new Jewish and later on Israeli identity, including its collective memory, national psyche and political aspirations. According to Raviv, from the early stages of Zionism, food was one of the main elements used for national boundary setting and the establishment of a separate Jewish political and economic society in Palestine. Many of the symbols of the new Jewish identity in Palestine, and after 1948, Jewish-Israeli identity, are food related: from Sabra (prickly pear, the name given to a Jewish-born Israeli) and Jaffa oranges (one of Israel’s symbols of production and primary exports), to postcards depicting a pita with falafel and the flag of Israel (one of Israel’s most recognisable postcards) and cottage cheese—a product that has been shortlisted as one of the main symbols of the state of Israel.
This relationship between food and Zionism is also apparent in the historical importance attached to food production, especially agricultural produce, and consumption. In their attempt to establish a separate Jewish society and economy in the pre-state period, Zionist leaders tried to regulate agricultural labour and produce, in order to, among other things, exclude Arab labor and produce. Jewish businesses and private individuals were therefore pressured to buy and consume Jewish only produce. The Zionist emphasis on Jewish only produce, from the Hebrew banana to the Hebrew butter, drew a clear link between national identity, food production and consumption and communal boundaries. This link is still evident in the symbols and coat-of-arms of many of Israel’s cities and regional councils, which are dominated by and or include agricultural tools, fields and orchards and specific agricultural produce.
De-Arabizing Israeli Food Culture
[...] What is interesting about Israeli food writers musing about the origins of and contributions to Israeli food culture is that they provide an indication of the dominant discourse used by the Jewish community in Israel. This discourse, while highlighting the various contributors and contributions to Israeli food culture, omits or fails to mention either an Arab or an Arab-Palestinian element. There are different manifestations or layers to these omissions, the most glaring of which is the presentation of Arab-Palestinian food elements and items present in Israeli food culture, for example hummus and falafel, as part of the Mizrahi-Jewish culture and so as part of Jewish tradition. Other layers of this omission include the representation of Arab-Palestinian food as belonging to a Jewish Israeli food culture; the representation of Arab-Palestinians as vessels that enabled the preservation of older Jewish-biblical traditions; and the depiction of the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which includes the West Bank, as either Israeli or part of the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael).
The failure, either by design or by default, to mention the Arab and Arab-Palestinian people and their contribution to Israeli food culture is prevalent and present in most Israeli cookbooks. In fact, until very recently you would have been hard pressed to even find the words Arab and or Palestinian in Israeli cookbooks and food writing. This state of affairs is particularly striking when one takes into account the importance Arab and Arab-Palestinian restaurants, food terminology, dishes and culinary items have in everyday Israeli life and culture, and the fact that a significant number of dishes identified by leading Jewish-Israeli chefs as national dishes are also part of the Arab-­Palestinian kitchen—one of these chefs even identifies the “Arab salad” as Israel’s national dish!
Mendel and Ranta argue that two related historical dialectic processes have shaped Zionist and, after the creation of the state of Israel, Jewish-Israeli attitudes towards Arab and Arab-Palestinian food culture. On the one hand, the construction of a “rooted,” “modern” and “native” Israeli food culture was based on fascination with, leading to adaptation, imitation and appropriation of, Arab Palestinian culinary elements, while, on the other hand, Israeli food culture went through a process of de-Arabization—that is to say, the Arab-Palestinian contribution had been erased and overlooked. As the conflict between Zionists and Arab-Palestinians intensified, the balance shifted from fascination and adaptation, to appropriation and de-Arabization, in line with the Zionist aim of replacing the Arab Palestinian people in Palestine, rejecting their political aspirations and establishing a separate Jewish polity.
Early Zionist settlers came to Palestine to establish not only a new state, but also a new nation. In terms of food, this meant rejecting the heavy slow-cooking traditions of Eastern Europe for a lighter, and, in line with the then prevailing concepts of nutrition, also healthier, diet based on dairy products, raw fruit and vegetable and less meat. According to Claudia Roden, “the early pioneers and the first immigrants from Europe … were happy to abandon the ‘Yiddish’ foods of Russia and Poland as a revolt against a past identity and an old life … and foods that represented exile and martydom.”
One of the mechanisms of creating the new food culture was adapting and imitating the local Arab-Palestinians, and to some extent also Bedouin, food traditions and culture. It is important to note, in a similar fashion to other settler-colonial groups, that adaptation and imitation was done at times out of choice, at times out of necessity.
– Ronald Ranta, "Re-Arabizing Israeli Food Culture." Food, Culture & Society 18(4):611-627 (December 2015). DOI: 10.1080/15528014.2015.1088192
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katabay · 8 months
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full body commissions, at long last!
the base price is $100 for a single figure, and then you add on the price for colors if you want that! flat color prices vary on complexity. if you have someone in a suit, then it's just +$30, but it's more like a complex period costume, then it's closer to +$40-50 (same for simple renders)
(simple renders are not an additional fee on top of the flat colors! I realize that it might be a little confusing, flat colors + simple renders is it's own thing, which starts at +$40)
anything over $100 can be paid either in it's entirety up front, or $100 up front, and the rest once completed (for this, I'll send a lower resolution jpeg of the finished illustration when it's finished, and the high res png when the payment goes through)
visual references are a big help! either art of the character, or things like a face claim or actor. if you have a character from a specific time period, please also send references of the clothes you'd like them in! if you have a pose in mind, feel free to tell me! It can be anything from standing around, to sitting down, jumping, etc.
these prices are for private commissions only! which means you can go ahead and get 'em printed or whatever for your own personal use but you can't use them commercially
currently, I don't have prices for a commission with a second full body figure! if you really want something like that, we can work out a price.
I'm also using a dead line weight in these examples, but if you want something that looks more like the inking style that I use in Trikaranos, just let me know!
🍊 commissions will be on a 10x15 in canvas at 300dpi :)
🍊 email me at [email protected], and we can talk details! I use paypal for payment, do not send me money ahead of time because this is not my paypal email and I use invoices.
if I don't reply in like, a day, feel free to message me here and I'll give you my other email where we can hash out details because sometimes, the perils of having an email on public display is that people will sign your email up for junk mail and it takes a minute to mark it all as spam
things I'll draw: established characters, ocs, your favorite dead roman or greek hero, I'm cool with it all!
things I won't draw: generally, I'm not too keen on drawing anyone under 18, as you may realize from the fact that many characters on my blog are vaguely in their 30s. like, it's not a hard rule, but I will fully admit right here that I'm better at drawing people over 20.
(also! again. money this month sucks, and the economy is honestly just a huge bummer for literally everyone everywhere. if my prices for full body comms are out of your range, I'm cool to do payments in $50 a month installments!)
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solar-sunnyside-up · 11 months
Autumn and winter is a RUBBISH time for my love of solarpunk to be rekindled, because so much of what I can act on is guerrilla gardening. Alas, here I am, getting back to my solarpunk roots.
Do you have any suggestions for solarpunk activities we can work on in the cold months?
God I feel for this!!! Winter always feels like such a festering time to be in love with solarpunk. Not to mention how starved we are for winter content for solarpunk and lunarpunk in general. But yeah!! Here's some ideas to do in winter!!!
Out and about:
There are a lot more social clubs in your city then you'd expect! I know 2 different community associations in my city that have social clubs that go in adult field trips (like to farms and cafes ans boardgame places!!)! And have crafting clubs! And the best part is if their in your community, it's within a decent walk of you but it's almost always walkable!
Using a library!! For anything! Everything! In my provenance we got a saying "Use it or they
Graffiti- leaving kind messages or fun stickers all over the place isn't really a weather restricted activity for the most part. I know someone who made a Playlist filled with union songs and rebellion songs and put a code for it and links to how to unionize on stickers and did that.
Adopt a stop- more cities have these then you might think! But adopt a stop programs basically let you take care of a certain bus stop and this lets you add things (like good benches, shoveling and removing ice, asking the city to add heaters, etc..) you become the advocate for that bus stop. If your city doesn't have a program like it yet you can ask your city or community to start one since it saves a bunch of money on maitance costs!
At home:
Archiving and pirating - highly recommend doing it in a physical sense if you can afford it. Bc then you can give them out as gifts!
Create!! - Sewing, sewing for friends, knitting gloves/scarfs for ppl who might need it, make art to inspire others via writing or drawing or other mediums! Gift economies require gifts after all so make some!
Learn! - learning a new skill, like canning or how to install solarpanels. Researching in general, but also keeping up to date with local politics and what you can do on the ground there. Building up knowledge is such as useful even if it doesn't feel like your doing anything.
Connect! - Shoveling neighbors walkways, or in general connecting with the ppl in your immediate surroundings! They can help you out in ways you couldn't imagine, someone didn't bake often so they gave me 15lbs of flour!! And their extra pair of snow boots, I hadn't had snow boots since I was 12 years old and it meant the world to me. The pizza I taught her daughter to make and a cheap meal for them meant the world for them. These small acts really are what tie each other together.
Plan! - plan for next year, what kind of equipment can you gather? What do you wanna accomplish next growing season? Seed swaps are also a fun thing I know ppl will do in winter as they start preserving food!
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toxintouch · 2 months
Hyperspecific Leander Fluff Headcanons:
sleepy time themed bc I am supposed to be asleep
[They pronouns used.]
He loves to bring his partner breakfast in bed. It honestly might be more for him than for them; he loves it that much.
It's not an every morning thing. (Unless??) There's an element of surprise to it - he will sneak away at some unholy hour of the morning to prepare/obtain everything.
He knows all the best hidden delicacies and can always miraculously get something prepared at odd times of the night/morning. He's just a nice, normal guy doing his part to support his local economy! :)
(He'd be more keen on making breakfast (or other meals) himself if he's cooking with his partner. He'd enjoy the domesticity of helping them cook/bake if that's their hobby, or would love learning alongside them if they showed an interest.)
Breakfast in bed tends to happen more often if he was taking care of Bloodhound business all night and didn't get to sleep ("sleep" - does he ever even sleep?) next to them.
Loves being the one to wake them up in general, even if it's not a breakfast in bed type of morning. :)
Getting to see them all sleepy and unguarded and adorable is priceless for him.
Secretly loves it even more if they are slow to wake or grouchy first thing in the morning because that means he gets to dote on them and/or gently coax them awake with cuddles and kisses all over their face.
(If they are really grouchy: 🥺🥺 Is there anything he could offer that might make them more happy to wake up? 🥺🥺 😏)
On that note, he is completely unfazed by morning breath. It simply doesn't exist to him. They don't want to kiss him because of morning breath?? Invalid argument, he doesn't even know what that is.
(He's a morning person. Also a night owl. Also very active in the afternoon. Seriously, does he ever sleep?)
Even if he's staying up whereas they're going to bed, he always walks them to their room. Will excuse himself from whatever he is talking about with his Bloodhounds just to kiss them goodnight.
If he was away and thus didn't escort them to bed and wish them goodnight himself, he'll ask around regarding when they were seen heading to sleep. That way, he knows when is a good time to wake them up! He can't have them undersleeping, after all. (Man's a hypocrite.)
(Or, if they wake up at the same time every day, he'll adjust his schedule to accommodate.)
Crowds his parter when they are doing their nighttime routine. Always trying to hug them around the waist when they are brushing their teeth, etc. They come up from rinsing their facewash off and he's there behind them like a jumpscare.
Endless chatter while they get ready for bed unless they can quiet him down with some form of affection. Chatter will continue as he tucks them in.
Except... as their relationship progresses, he'll stick around on nights where he's feeling more burnt out needy quiet. He'll go in for an embrace and not let go... then transition into a gentle sway. The two of them end up doing a kind of mindless slow dance, if they allow it. Mentally, he's worn out but physically he's still restless. Hopefully they'll indulge him for a while?
Absolute worst at telling bedtime stories. He's too much of a showman. He'll turn the shortest little fable into a sprawling epic. Will act out the parts like he's in a play and/or make tiny magic illusions. It will be an hour(s) long affair. Worse, they won't even notice time passing because he's such a compelling storyteller. Always manages to put a fresh spin on the tale in question.
Has a great reading voice to fall asleep to. But even when he's supposed to be reading off the page, he editorializes, changes the story where he doesn't like the source material -- more often, changes the story to cater to their tastes specifically -- , finds ways to add in anecdotes about random things/people, bring up shared experiences and inside jokes...
If his partner starts playing with his hair, he'll stumble over his words. Every. Time. If they keep at it, he'll quiet down and just enjoy being in the moment for a while.
You'd think he would want to be the little spoon, but nope. Big spoon so he can smother hold them to his heart's content. ❤️
Okay, maybe sometimes he'll be the little spoon. More specifically, he'll quite happily be the little spoon while they are awake - he loves having their attention - but as soon as they are asleep, he swaps to be the big spoon. He likes the feeling of protecting them while they are asleep. :)
He's impossibly good at removing himself from the bed without waking his partner. Doesn't matter how entangled the two of them were, he manages it.
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To hunt or be hunted #13
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: Finally Lucifer's turn, Ft. a voyeur Alastor. Warnings: Light smut, talk about SA and assault.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100 @readergirlstuff @phoenixica24 @martinys-world @alientee @jellyroom2 @jewelsrules @ladyzaunis @zealousllamawolf @kittycat246 @shamblezzz @looking106
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Back at the palace, in his office. How he dreaded to come back to the solitude after months of your company and comprehension.  That’s what it was, right? After all you were only with him because he could provide you with a good night sleep. That and unconditional support.
If his love wasn’t enough to make her stay after thousands of years of marriage, how could he ensure to convince you to do the same, to stay? He thought looking at the portrait of him and Charlie, with a black veil hovering on top of Lilith’s face.
“How did it end like this? Why I wasn’t enough?” he sighed, looking at the stack of papers lying on his desk. With a groan he prompted himself and sat, the amount of papers that wrath had sent over to the Hotel were nothing compared with the ones at the office, he was going to be there for a while.
License after contract after whatever stupidity the sins had been proposing over the years he had excluded himself from their world. Something if he could notice among all the garbage that he asked to be approved, the economy had gone down the drain and it was increasingly difficult to find ways to farm correctly.
With determination, he went out to the balcony and from between his hands and a tear that fell from his cheek he released a cloud that covered the skies of his ring. With a little bit of a sentiment he allowed water to fall on his land, he then sent the water over to Sloth, who’s people took care of the plantations and medicines.
One small thing that might make a significant change.
He then sent over to Greed plans to “make more by charging less” only to deceive Mammon into agreeing to reduce the expense of “After-life”, otherwise if he found out he was going to lose money, he would be there banging on his door, whining for a century. That thought made him let out an exhausted laugh as he finished writing.
Unconsciously he had skipped lunch, normally you are there to remind him and get him off the ducks to go eat. He felt as useless as he did when he fell. And how not to do it? A monarch who barely cares for his people, immersed in depression and loneliness.
"Your Majesty?" an IMP opened the door, silver tray in hand, "Yes, tell me?" He barely murmured the words to him, having been between papers for more than nine hours, "He told me to tell him when it was eight thirty." He glanced at the clock on the wall, indeed eight thirty. "Ah thank you" he took the pill on the tray and took two pills, a refill of the antidepressant that Belphegor sent him every two weeks.
"It's already eight" he thought out loud, lazily, the weight of not having moved for hours settled on him like an anchor on his back, he made a portal to his hotel room, finding a plate of food with a note, when he saw that it was your handwriting, he felt a tickle in his heart.
‘Eat, see you in a minute’ he smiled like a lovesick boy, taking the note to his drawer and setting it inside a box, along with other notes you had wrote for him, including the first one.
“Hey, you look tired” he didn’t noticed you were in the room until your hands passed over his shoulders to lay on his chest, untying his bowtie as he took another bite of the stake you had prepared. “Too many papers” he spoke, one hand with a fork and the other on one of your hands.
“I can help with the rest if you want” he smiled and shook his head, “I neglected my obligations for too long, I have to be responsible of the damage now” you kissed his temple, a happy sigh as your reward. “How was your day?” ‘tell him about the threat and add to his stress, or lie and handle it later?’ you pondered for a minute, then decided to tell him but not quite.
“I was threatened, by an unsightly demon, I have to admit she was good, but she wanted my business” he swallowed the last bite before he turned his head to see you, not one sight of bruises or injuries, “And did she survived?” unfortunately, “She managed to slip away, but I’ll pay no heed to that”.
“The axe-man being merciful? Let’s go buy a lottery ticket, we may win tonight” you pinched his side in spite of his bad joke, “You little…I prefer horse races” he kissed your hand with a smile, then flicked the fingers on the other, a smug grin adorned his face.
The candle flames of the room turned purple, the ambiance changing in a second. “You should rest Luci, there’s no need of-” he shushed you by pulling of your waist around him, gaining you to sit on his lap, “No need… do you want to?” he read your enthusiasm in the kiss you laid on his lips, “Good, because I’ve been daydreaming of the bath you promised me” he whisked his wrist, the echo of water being poured into the bath was heard afterwards.
“Just a minute, my lioness” he nuzzled his face on your collarbone, his smile was a tired one, true but tormented. You noticed the bags under his eyes had become a tad darker, ‘Curse her, I will tore apart that prissy bitch for this’ you thought, your eyes shifting slightly.
“Y/n?” he called you, at which you hummed, staring at the void, “You’re tense, was the threat that bad?” you could tell he was worrying; he would read that info out if you continued thinking about it. “I guess I am tense, I have lost my touch” you stood up from his lap, “Y/n?” he called you again, his eyes fixed on any sign that will tell him anything.
"What you will see, it is not pretty or attractive. I have come to the point where I truly appreciate you and I can safely say that I truly have you in my heart" You walked a few steps forward, still turning your back on him, "But, I forbid you to show me pity or feel sorry for me or my current state, that is something that I will never forgive you for." You took the ties of your dress and undid the knot, and then let the corset fall to the floor, as soon as you did, the dress you wore pooled down around your ankles.
Lashes, long and repetitive, almost all of the same length, spreading across your skin from below your shoulders to your lower back. They didn't look normal, but rather they were deep and the scar had the appearance of a burn. Your back, contrasting with the rest of your skin, looked emaciated and rotten but without really being so. Lucifer had to put on his best performance to not show you how much it hurt and infuriated him to see you like this.
“He used a fire poker, that's why he looks like that. He ended up being my first victim in my debut as Axe-man” when you finally gained the strength to turn around, he adopted a look that you couldn't read, “This kind of violence, I hate it. I can erase the marks on their entirety, you just have to say the word” it wasn’t pity, he honored your request, it was something more, passion perhaps, “Will it hurt?” he nodded, “Do it, please”.
When the water was perfectly tempered, he magicked his suit away, he was the first to enter the bathtub, and provided an inviting hand your way. You let out a breath seeing everything he had to offer, himself.
“Can I trust you?” he asked, you wanted to make that question, “You can” you took his hand, the rest of your garments discarded on the floor, “I need us to make a deal, in exchange of my healing powers” the water was warm on your skin, it slowly reached your hips as he motioned you to sit on his legs, straddling his hips.
“Go on” your hands caressed his chest, all the way up to his shoulders, embracing him close, “No matter what happens after this is gone-” his hand traced the snake on your shoulder to the head on top of your breast, “I want you to stay by my side” the nature of his request was simple, his sanity, you worked as an anchor, to keep him grounded and steady, contrary to what he felt with Lilith, which was a freedom like feeling, but he was eternally alone nonetheless.
 “I can’t give you my soul, I don’t possess it yet” he placed a kiss on your throat, making you gasp. “I don’t want to own you; I just want this...” his eyes were red, horns, you were making a solemn accord with the king of hell. “Truth to be told, I don’t think I can let this go either. Once I try the apple, no matter what happens next, will you still want me?” could he? Even if she appeared and you had to move on to make irreparable damage, would he stay nonetheless?
“Yes” he didn’t faltered, not a single doubt in his eyes. “It’s a deal then” under the powerful kiss that sealed the agreement, invertedly, the snake on your chest made a few movements back up, resting on your collarbone.
Kiss by kiss your body began to relax, your hips moved as if by inertia against his pelvis, accompanied by his hands on your skin. Up, down, he gently pressed his fingers on your thighs, wishing he could make it harder, but he rather avoid hurting you any longer.  When the hard ceramic of the bathtub under your knees began to hurt, you winced, so he changed the position, he sat you sideways on top of his legs.
“Say it” you whispered, lowering your kisses to his neck and shoulder, “I want you, I care for you, I need you” his tip poked your bottom, to which you widen your eyes slightly and contained a laugh, barely, “You’re too pretty, that’s why” he blushed in an adorable golden hue, looking down to the rest of scars less noticeable along your body.
“Did you gave my offer a thought?” two fingers sneaked under your legs, parting gently your thighs to make way into your pussy. “I did, it was hard not to” you gasped when his touch reached your puffy lips, “Do you have an answer to it?” he kissed into your damp hair.
"I live in the possibility that one day, I will have to do something that you will not be able to forgive me for, and just thinking about how you would look at me afterwards, kills me”
“Like what, killing Charlie? You love her too much to do that” true, but inevitably if she were to appear, and gave you the order, you wouldn’t have other option.
“I don’t have the specifics Luce, but I feel something is on its way to threaten you and Charlie, and when that happens I will raise my ax against whoever attacks you, without a doubt” you held your heart in your words, he noticed your heart skip a beat or two as you did.
He remembered how he used to get wet in the rain, sheltering Lilith from it with his wings. When she left her, he was left alone getting wet in the rain, until you appeared, and he spread his wings once again, but he didn't get wet, you put an umbrella over him.
“That’s a lovely sentiment, but I can take care of myself, love” you hummed to his absurd pride, hidden under a kiss and a smile. “But I believe in your judgement, you love my daughter, as much as I do, probably” he kissed you again, smiling lovingly as he did, “And you” you added, it also made his smile grow.
But of course, your happiness was fleeting. Lucifer wanted you in a way you didn't know, but longed for. He put lust aside when he realized the water was getting cold, he went on to wash your hair, let your hands run the soft soap over his scars, and then activated his powers. His heart trembled when you started gasping and wincing while his specks worked on the scar tissue.
He offered you a hundred apologies, one each cry of pain you let out, until it was over. The only thing echoing in the room was your breath, then footsteps. “Ah, glad you finally decided to join us, Bambi” you looked past your shoulder, Alastor walked up to seat on the edge of the bathtub.
“How do you feel dearest?” he petted in between your ears, combing your hair with his claws on the way. “I know the pain is merely mental, it will pass” he then lowered his hand to in between your shoulders, “It looks much better now” he cooed, leaning to lay a kiss on your shoulder. “Thank you, doctor” you smiled against Lucifer’s skin, he let out a giggle remembering the previous conversation early in the morning.
“You two better get out of there, you’ll get sick” he was right, following by an eye roll from Lucifer, you two got out of the soapy water. Alastor had you wrapped in a towel, then brushed and blow-dried your hair, you did the same for Lucifer, having him smiling and relaxing made you feel happy, even more so, having Alastor’s ministrations on yourself.
“I was hoping I could get us some time; you know?” Lucifer frowned towards Alastor, who was nuzzling against your shoulder, “You were the one who said I could join”
“Okay, ground rules about my body” you walked away from them, dropping the towel as you made your way to the bed, “I don’t do group fucks. If you want me, it will be one at a time, aftercare mandatory, no anal” you stepped up on the sheets, pushing yourself back to the center, “You may bite and scratch me, but avoid important points, I will do the same”.
Alastor moved to a chair next to the balcony window, his gaze never leaving yours. The king discarded his towel as well, crawled on top of the bed to positioned himself on top of you. He parted your legs, setting himself so close to you, he felt eager to just ram into you, but he wanted to do things right, specially since he had public.
You felt him growl seeing the snake, “Mine, you won’t be taking her away” you smiled, his eyes blood red as he licked a stripe up in between your breasts. The snake moved a solid inch up to your shoulder. “It moved…” Alastor choked on a drop of saliva, “What did?” Lucifer went down kissing your belly, “That thing on her arm” he laughed, happy that you were happy enough to not want to die.
“I’ve only seen it move forward, interesting, I need to know more about this- Hey!” in between the king and Alastor, the smiling demon had the length advantage, but the king had the girth, and a long tongue, which was soon inside you. “Lucifer, ah! You don’t have to-“ voices, sounds, reminders of a skin that you left behind, yet palpable on your mind.
 “You want me to stop?” the king was scared, he didn’t know if he had made something wrong, his own voices were tearing his mind apart, unsure of what he did to upset you, to bring a bitter look on your eyes.
“No, I just make the point that you don’t exactly have to do that” all the comments of the taste, the look, you just never wanted to hear that again. “I want to, pleasure goes both ways, and it’s about to earn the other person” after a few seconds of your wide eye dumbfounded look, he explained “Curtsey of the king of lust”.   
“May I?” he looked down on you with a smile and a pleading look, like a kid begging to eat a piece of candy, “Alright” when Lucifer started sucking on the skin around your mound and then licking straight into the source. You grabbed his hair, gently tucking at it.
You shot a glance to Alastor, his shaft out of the fly of his pants, a hand going up and down while his eyes were fixed on you, a light blush adorning his cheeks. “Al, come kiss me” you pleaded in between breaths and moans. The deer didn’t hesitated a single second, he rose from his seat to kiss you, feverishly, tongues fighting and dancing a very dangerous tango.
“Mmh, Luci wait-” you moved your face from Alastor, jealous he bit your neck, triggering the pression building in your lower abdomen to loosen and implode on Lucifer’s mouth. “Next time is my turn, dear” Alastor turned your head with two fingers under your chin, claiming your lips once again.
“You’ll have to beat me to it, fawn” Lucifer made you gasp into Al’s mouth when he pulled your legs up his waist, “That’s for her to decide, arm rest” his taunt made you giggle, “Don’t be mean to each other” you caressed Alastor’s face, causing him to bleat happily.
“You don’t need a hand with that, big boy?” you purred hovering his lips, “Not this time dear” his forehead was on yours, “Alright” you heard Lucifer murmur before he tug on your tail, “May I have your attention, kitten?” his red eyes were a real menace to your mental sanity.
“I’m sorry my king, you have my undivided attention” he shot an unamused stare at the radio demon, who sat back in his seat. “Good” he pulled you closer by your hips, “I need you kitten, so bad, please?” he pumped his dick a couple times before coating the tip with some of your previous cum.
After the green light, so to speak, excitement got him so fast he ram himself into you. “Oh, shit it’s huge!” you gasped, your words made pride put Lucifer on a chokehold, he almost cum because of that. He was about to anyways, seven years with no action made him twice as sensitive.
He started slow, mentalizing as not to finish yet, though the way you were clawing his back, and squeezing him in was making it extremely challenging. “Kitten, I’m close” he almost made it sound as an apology, “Go ahead, please” after a few thrusts and lots of bite marks on your chest.
Over Lucifer’s shoulder you saw Alastor again, his ears pinned back, eyes half lidded, and his own cum covering his hand. “Magnificent presentation darling” he cheered, cleaning himself and you up with his magic.
The jealous king rolled to the side of the bed, taking you with him. His favorite position, his face between your breasts. Alastor tried to remind himself why he was in such position, then your tail wrapped around his waist and pulled him close to your back, and that was answer enough.
Bliss, only that filled the moment. But as sure as hell, you knew it wasn't going to last.
And it didn't.
When they warn you about the calm before the storm they mean it. The angelic chorus that followed the shot not only forced you to fly off a few kilometers against the cement and earth, but your left arm, black from the fire, fell off, reduced to ashes as soon as you collapsed against a building.
Trying to focus your sore eyes, you managed to see Lilith laying on the ground, and close to her Lucifer, who cradled her on his arms before taking off somewhere.
Meanwhile, memories, the threat, Charlie's order, the moment she dared to pull Alastor's chain and make him feel like a pet. Despite having lost your mind to violence, it never crossed your mind, not even for a moment.
That Lucifer would be capable of launching a divine lightning bolt at you to stop you.
Stay tuned the end is near.
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DM Tip: The Trouble With Treasure/ An Alternate Wealth System
If you’re a player or dungeonmaster who’s at all interested in game design you might’ve noticed D&D’s treasure and economy systems suck. You also might have noticed even if you’re not interested in game design, because the longer you play d&d the more it becomes glaringly obvious that the game doesn’t actually HAVE a treasure and economy system despite pretending otherwise.  This is a major problem given that seeking riches is one of the default adventuring motivations, and largely stems from the fact that back in ye-olden days gold was directly related to experience points, so wealth accrued exponentially in line with the increasing cost of levelling up. This is why magic items cost to damn much despite being not only a staple of the genre but absolutely necessary to the long-term viability of certain classes (as I discuss here in my post about gear as class features).  
After being cut lose however, nothing was really DONE with gold in d&d from a gameplay perspective: Treasure generation largely fell to dm discretion or random tables, and the useful things a party could buy steadily shrunk to the point where characters could be stuck with their starting equipment for an entire campaign.  “Too much gold and nothing to spend it on” became one of the major criticisms of d&d 5e, but only touched on the problem that without something worthwhile to spend treasure on the party has less and less reason to venture into the dangerous unknown, take dodgy contracts, or perform any of a half dozen other plot beats that make up traditional adventuring.
 The system likewise breaks down once you pass a certain threshold of wealth, or once you try to model larger economic activities: divvying up a lockbox full of dungeon plunder to reequip your heroes before launching out on the next mission works great for the first couple of levels, but completely falls apart when you're dealing common enough story tropes such as running a business, transporting cargo as merchants, or caring for the estates around a castle.
What I propose is splitting d&d’s economy into two halves: Wealth, which represents the piles of GP and other coins the party carries with them, and Resources, more abstract points which chart how plugged in the party is to local systems of production, trade, and patronage.
If you’d like an explanation of how these systems work, and how they can improve your game like they improved mine, I’ll explain both of these mechanics in detail below the cut, as well as subsystems that let your party open businesses, operate estates, build castles, and make a living as merchants.
Wealth:  I wanted to limit the amount of money my players kept with them without instituting an encumbrance system that might drag things down. Instead I wanted to rely on a more “common sense” method of tracking wealth, and get them thinking about their stores of gold as a physical object rather than a nebulous point pool they can dip into.
Conveniently, every character starts play with a coin pouch, which can hold up to 300gp (about 6 pounds). I use this as a “soft cap” for how much money a character can be expected to be carrying around with them, not including jewellery or small valuables like gems.
Theoretically a person could have more than one coin pouch, carry their wealth around with them in a chest (15,000gp) or a cartoon sack with a dollar sign on it (1500gp), but this becomes increasingly cumbersome and provides a greater and greater chance that the party will be targeted by thieves. I don’t need to add any more mechanical crunch to this factor, I just inform the party “ hey, you look like you’re carrying a lot of money, better be careful going forward” and plan my encounters accordingly.
Instituting this cap likewise prevents gold from losing all meaning once the party is high enough level to have found their second or third treasure hoard. Sure, they might be living it up in an aristocratic lifestyle back home, but when it comes to set out into the wilderness they suddenly have to think of GP as a resource along with spellslots and hitdie. Getting robbed, forced to give bribes, or simply losing their coin pouch suddenly becomes an actual threat to them regardless of level.
Resources:  The party has a pool refereed to as resources, representing their holdings, relationships with patrons, and personal enterprise. The party’s total resources are pooled, and are represented on a scale from 1-50.
Every week, provided they have contract with their economic network, each member of the party party receives earnings equal to 12.5 gp x (the party’s total resources) representing them drawing a living from the connections they’ve already made (working a trade, doing odd jobs, getting payouts from investments) 
In order to obtain a new level of wealth, the party must either invest 500gp per point of wealth they which to obtain into a new or ongoing business project (either their own, or that of a trusted contact).  Alternatively, the party can get their resource pool boosted by forming agreements with tradesfolk or wealthy patrons, who may grant the party such agreements out of friendship or as part of a reward for doing quests. Resources are recorded with a number beside them, representing how much of the party’s total resource pool they represent. This is so that if something happens to jeopardize that resource, the party knows exactly how much of their earnings are up in the air.
For example, a party that saves a merchant captain from pirates early on in their adventures might be rewarded with a share of her ship’s takings, gaining 1 point of resources. In the future, they may pour some of their adventuring loot into her business, increasing their total amount of holdings with her to 6, and their weekly payout to 75gp. If that captain and her ship were then lost in a storm, those resources would be frozen, halting the party’s payouts and encouraging them to discover just what it was happened to their friend as the base of a new adventurehook. 
Buying against Resources:  D&D is weird in that it prices magic items, ships and castles like they can be bought off the rack, when in any pre-industrial society most “new” things would have to be constructed from scratch with labours and artisans paid a steady amount over months or years until the thing was complete and then delivering it directly into the hands of the one who commissioned them. Sure a weaponsmith or apothecary would likely have a storeroom full of items to sell to clients walking in off the street, but shipyards aren't spending years churning out galleys to leave them waiting for a buyer like a used car lot.
Because plenty of games involve at least a section where a party might establish a fortress,  fix up a ruined estate, or commission a magical artifact, it helps to have a guideline:  Find the base price of the item, chop it in half if the party or one of their business contacts can source the resources (or if they’re fixing something that’s broken) Next they need to pay for labour, “reserving” points out of their own resource pool to hire on workers and supplementary materials, divide the item’s price by (500x the number of resource points the party is willing to spend) to find how many months it’ll take for the item to be finished. Note that during this time, the party’s effective resource score is reduced by the amount they’ve reserved. This makes it possible for a mid level party to start refurbishing their dream castle early, rather than having it simply poof into existence once they’re too high level to really get use out of it.
Ongoing Services: Rather than worry about keeping track of hirelings, or a number of other factors, I let my party reserve points off their resource pool indefinitly to retain the services of NPCs. Each “holding” the party has (buisness, ship, estate) likewise requires one resource kept in reservation for general maintenance, unless the party want to take a month off and maintain it themselves.
A party that owned a tavern then might reserve one resource to maintain their establishment , another to pay for the staff, and begin to think about hiring on some guards for a third as something is causing fights to break out more frequently.
Another party which owned a pirate ship, they’d reserve one resource to maintain the ship, another to pay the crew, and a third to bribe the harbormaster who looks the other way when they bring unsanctioned goods into harbor. After hearing about their big score however, their corrupt contact asks for yet another resource worth of bribes, potentially stretching the party’s resources a bit thin.
Using Resources to be a merchant:  If pirates come up often in this post it’s because I drove myself half mad several years ago trying to run a skyship campaign, and the logistics of hullspace v supplies v the staggering price of trade goods v market demand drove me up the wall. I lacked a simple system that would let my party FEEL like they were high-risk traders without having to slow the game down with accounting. Here’s my Alternative: there’s a special type of resource called “goods” connected to caravans and trade vessels, which can be expanded like any other. At the end of every month who’s ever in charge of that venture (Player or npc) makes a mercantilism roll ( possibly charisma, possibly wisdom, + some relevant proficiency) for each of those goods based against a DC set by the dm regarding how good trade is doing in that region.  If it’s a success, the markets are flowing, and the goods rating goes up by 1. If it’s a failure, they go nowhere, as no profit is made. If they fail by 10 or more, those goods loose one point due to bad investment, and if they succeed by 10 or more, the goods double. When the party receives their payment, they can chose to cash out for 500gp per point of good, possibly then reinvesting in the venture.
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ermesskiss · 7 months
what music I think jjk adults would listen to
✧ ft: satoru, suguru, nanami, shoko, choso, higuruma, toji, sukuna, and kenjaku ✧ a/n: been thinking about this for a minute, and I decided to write out my opinions/hcs
jjk student version here + jjk character playlist works here
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✦ gojo
➥ Gojo is a very laid-back and fun guy, so I think he would listen to music that has that same energy
➥ He kinda reminds me of those moms who listen to the overplayed songs on the radio and always sing them, I don’t know to explain it, but that's him
➥ I think that he gets his song recs from his students in a attempt to bond with them
♪ Heaven To Me: Tyler, The Creator ♪ Chanel: Frank Ocean ♪ Died and Came Back: Lil Uzi Vert ♪ Pop Style: Drake ♪ Wake Up in the Sky: Gucci Mane ft. Bruno Mars
✦ geto
➥ I think Geto listens to a little bit of everything, alternative, rock, rap, R&B,  and hip-hop. I can’t really picture him strictly listening to rock and alt. It doesn’t feel right
➥ As Geto got older, I think his music taste changed. He still likes everything, but he leaned towards one genre rather than several
➥ When Mimi and Nana show Geto their favorite music, he adds the one he likes to his own playlist, and vice versa
♪ Sextape: Deftones ♪ Passion Fruit: Drake ♪ Rental: Brockhampton ♪ 3005: Childish Gambino ♪ Even Flow: Pearl Jam
✦ shoko
➥ I think the music that she listens to is very mellow and relaxing but might have some sad undertone to it from time to time
➥ She gives me older music vibes from the 70s to the 90s. Like Fleetwood Mac, ABBA, and Sade. I can’t see her listening to newer music
➥ I think she listens to more female artists than men; it’s not intentional. She does enjoy songs from men, but it’s a pattern. I also think that Shoko is a big fan of The Cranberries; I am a soul believer in this
♪ Sunday: The Cranberries ♪ Bette Davis Eyes: Kim Carnes ♪ Fade Into You: Mazzy Star ♪ Landslide: Fleetwood Mac ♪ So Far Away: Carole King
✦ nanami
➥ Student Nanami was emo, so he definitely listened to My Chemical Romance
➥ He started listening to more rock when he grew out of his emo phase. He prefers light rock rather than heavy
➥ When he gets sick of music, he puts on a podcast about business/the economy, or world events OR OR audiobooks
♪ Helena: My Chemical Romance ♪ I Miss You: blink-182 ♪ Dust in the Wind: Kansas ♪ Dancing In the Dark: Bruce Springsteen ♪ Rocket Man: Elton John
✦ choso
➥ He’s giving off rock and metal vibes, also like sub-genres of those
➥ His go-to music is rock, but I definitely think he listens to other music, something like R&B and hip-hop
➥ Like the great sibling, he is, he always gives Yuji the aux and listens to his song recs
♪ Granite: Sleep Token ♪ Generation Dead: Five Finger Death Punch ♪ Enter Sandman: Metallica ♪ Chop Suey!: System Of A Down ♪ War Inside My Head: Suicidal Tendencies
✦ higuruma
➥ Similar to Shoko, I think he also listens to older music rather than newer stuff, but it’s not because he doesn’t enjoy new music; he is just too busy and stressed to figure out what artist he likes and just stays to what he knows
➥ He’s a big Radiohead fan, and maybe The Smiths, too? Music that's kind of sad and angst, yk?
➥ Genre-wise, I think he would like a little of everything if he could sit down and enjoy music.
♪ Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now: The Smiths ♪ Karama Police: Radiohead ♪ Wild Sex (In The Working Class): Oingo Boingo ♪ Eyes Without A Face: Billy Idol ♪ What’s Up?: 4 Non Blondes
✦ toji
➥ Definitely listens to divorce dad music
➥ Drinks a nice cold beer while listening to Nickelback
➥ I think because Toji doesn't think highly of himself, I can see him listening to self-loathing music and music that relates to anger or internal turmoil
♪ How You Remind Me: Nickelback ♪ Pancake Land: Element Eighty ♪ The Man Who Sold the World: Nirvana ♪ It’s Been Awhile: Stained ♪ Crawling: Linkin Park
✦ sukuna
➥ So, at first, I was sure he would listen to heavy metal and rock because he has such an aggressive personality, but after I gave it some more thought canon, Sukuna would hate it. Music or noise that loud and obnoxious would annoy him.
➥ Acknowledging the fact that he was born in the Heian era and during that time, they listened to Gagaku (court music), which is either instrumental or vocal. It’s calming and relaxing in contrast to his persona
➥ Or he hates music altogether, idk; he's a grumpy old man. Everything pisses him off
♪ Menace: Five Finger Death Punch ♪ Monster: Skillet ♪ Bullet With Butterfly Wings: The Smashing Pumpkins ♪ Push: Matchbox Twenty ♪ Geisha: Anthony Davilio
✦ kenjaku
➥ Since he's over a thousand years old, imma say he has a very diverse taste of music and probably listens to a little bit of everything. If I were to choose what genre he likes most, I would say rock, both light and heavy
➥ Kenjaku enjoys listening to Marilyn Mason and Oingo Bingo. Marilyn Mason because he’s Marilyn Mason (derogatory) and Oingo Bingo because of their surrealist music, which I think Kenjaku would find them entertaining
➥ Listens to music that feeds into his delusions, motivating him to continue with his vision of the world he wants
♪ Weird science: Oingo Boingo ♪ Aerials: System Of A Down ♪ Break My Stride: Matthew Wilder ♪ The Beautiful People: Marilyn Mason ♪ Everybody Wants To Rule The World: Tears For Fears
✧ I currently have over 1.9k liked songs, so hopefully, there is enough diversity in songs and artists. i was going to do yuki, but it was stressing me out. Maybe in the future, I'll add hers. There is definitely more I wanted to add but my mind can only contain so many thoughts, unfortunately. ✧ Anyway, I want to hear other people's opinions and/or if people agree or disagree!!
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reashot · 5 months
J. I. N. K.
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Jaune: You know Ren I've been thinking for a while.
Ren: That's usually how most of your problems starts but do tell me anyway.
Jaune: *sigh* here goes... I don't want to have kids.
*the sounds of glass breaking*
Ren: W-what?
Jaune: I said I don't want to have kids... Geez Ren you sure are a bad listener.
Ren: No-no I heard what you said. What I don't understand is why?
Jaune: Not wanting to have kids? I mean that's easy. There's the economy. Also with all the Grimm's attack lately. I don't want to have to see my possible children being eaten by one.
Ren: Yeah... You can't raise kids today on a huntsman's salary. But still Jaune don't your family really wants to see you having kids. Even your mom's been telling every girls you met that she would love to see her grandchildren.
Even me that one time. That I would rather not discuss... But still Jaune why?
Jaune: I don't know I just don't want kids, okay. I mean I like kids and all. I just don't want them. Maybe it's because of the economy or the Grimms or that I have a hidden fear that I will never be good enough to be a father... Point is I don't want them.
Ren: Well Jaune as long as you're happy....
*rumbling in the distance*
Wait. Why do I hear boss music?
??? : Jaune Arc!!! Get Your Beautiful Behind Outside. Right Now!
If this gets enough traction I may continue. And I might add my Jaune's children OC.
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