#in this movie his name is changed to henry and i hate it
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Frankenstein, the most humble character in all of fiction.
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yellowbunnydreams · 26 days
Melancholia (William Afton x F! Reader) [Part 1]
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~So, I decided I wanted a go at writing William Afton from the games instead of Movie version/Steve Raglan, and I thought, what better way to explore that than through some really obvious religious imagery because that man definitely has a god-complex. This is obviously an AU, please don't hate on it because 'it's not cannon'~
CW: 18+ MINORS DNI - Age difference, Older man/younger woman, Murder (adult and child), violent acts, manipulation, gas-lighting, dead bodies, blood, gore, graphic description of injury, use of religious imagery, toxic relationship, boss x employee, god-complex, knife-play
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The shrieks of voices and the blaring, bleeping arcade lights were almost overwhelming if you had never been to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza before. There was always a chaotic energy to the place, kids running about, practically seeing who could take out the most staff as they barrelled from the dining area and party rooms towards the arcade. You learnt to be quick on your feet and observant of your surroundings quite quickly.
"Hey superstar, you need to watch where you're going okay?" You laughed to a child who almost collided with your legs, one hand shooting down to protect your black work pants from the half-drunk cup of soda as they looked up at you and stuck their tongue out, scowling as much as the chubby face of an eight year old could before running off again.
Picking one of the nearby tables that had no patrons sat at it, you began to clean up. Piling up the discarded wax-paper lined baskets of half-chewed fries coated in god-knew-how-much ketchup and the pizza tray, swearing under your breath as you spilt soda down your purple starry vest. The uniform had changed recently from fairly easy to clean plain red, to the god-awful embroidered purple, the silver stars were supposed to match the curtains on Pirate's Cove and the paper ones that hung from the ceiling. Glancing up at them, you caught sight of the large window that overlooked the main dining room, the dark.
Every employee in Freddy's knew of that room. William Afton's office, from where he looked down at all the people like god-on-high. You hadn't had a run in with Afton during your two year employment, but you'd heard the tales. He moved weirdly silently for a man of his height, you'd even heard co-workers joking that he wasn't even human, that Henry Emily had replaced him with a robot some time ago, that you could tell by the cold, dead way his blue eyes focused on people. That he had been the one orchestrating the aftermath when an employee had had their skull cracked open by a malfunctioning animatronic, standing calmly amongst the chaos and blood with barely a wrinkled nose of disgust.
A touch on your shoulder shook your out of your thoughts and snapped you back into the chaos of Freddy's once more. The dark, neon patterned carpet making your eyes swim as you realised you had looked down automatically to child level.
"You look fucking exhausted." A mousy brown haired guy laughed, wearing the same uniform as you, his own white shirt splattered with ketchup and other slightly dubious grease stains as you relaxed your shoulders. You couldn't remember his name, but you knew the guy at least, you'd worked together a few times, and he always spared a smile for you.
"There are children present." You mumbled, earning a laugh as he grabbed the glasses from the table, holding onto them as you picked up the tray full of dining debris and headed towards the kitchen together. "If Mr. Emily or Mr. Afton catches you, you'll get your pay docked."
"Mr. Emily keeps himself in the workshop constantly and maybe three people on staff have seen Mr. Afton, like...ever." He laughed, rolling his eyes and weaving through bodies like he too was well practised, although the slight sheen to the work pants legs told of plenty of grabby little, sticky hands that had collided with him.
"He's not a god-damn cryptid!" Shaking your head and placing down the clutter from the wash-pass, wiping down your hands against your pants before bending over slightly and looking at the clock through the small window.
It was time to clock out at least, sighing as you headed towards the back corridors that belonged to the staff. The colourful lights dancing across everything in the pizzeria as you heard Freddy and the band starting up through the tinny speakers that should have been replaced something like a decade ago. Your colleague following you with a shrug as he gestured to the chunky watch he had on his wrist.
"Hey, it's time for me to clock off too. God knows we don't get overtime, and secondly, going back to my earlier point; half these kids know more foul language than we do." Pointing to a corner where a bunch of kids seemed to be focused on a much small child, crying in the corner. The laughter you could faintly hear as you passed by them to get to the employee's only door giving you a good indication that it wasn't in good nature, both looking at each other before walking a little faster.
Not on the clock, not your problem.
You waved goodbye as you headed towards the women's locker room on the west side of the building, thankful that least upper management had thought to put in separate changing rooms as you tiredly unbuttoned the starry vest, breathing a sigh of relief as you ran your fingers through your hair. Cringing when you realised that you didn't quite know what they'd touched through the day and sighing that you were going to have to wash your hair. Again. Nobody told you that working with kids would leave you feeling like you should get hazard pay for simply being in their vicinity, god only knew how many times you'd filed for sick pay when some brat had given you the flu or some other stubborn thing that wouldn't leave you be.
Changing quickly, you headed out. Uniform stuck in a plastic bag to avoid it getting too close to the semi-clean clothes you'd shoved in, in order to change into once your shift ended. Glancing up and down the comparatively quiet corridor as you picked up your time card and placed it into the clock, swearing slightly as you couldn't get the punch to work. Banging your fist against the wall in frustration, wondering why management didn't just spend a little more money on the damn equipment that you all had to use, rather than public relations to cover the bad press the pizzeria had.
"Is there a problem?"
You spun on your heel as you heard the unfamiliar voice, brow knitted together as you stared at the voice's owner. He was leaned against the nearby wall, his head cocked to one side slightly as he looked down at you with a cold regard that seemed more like he was regarding something inanimate than a person. Glancing over him, he was slender, but wiry as he had his arms crossed over his chest, able to see the tendons moving in his hands as his fingers flexed, but he was wearing the white shirt, purple starry vest and black pants that marked him as part of Freddy's. The start of dark circles under his eyes were also par for the course.
"Yeah, stupid punch clock won't move." Huffing and turning your attention back to the clock, feeling yourself wince as you noticed the time had crawled by and you were already a few minutes over your shift. Time you would never get back. "You can clock in in a moment."
He was too clean to have been clocking out. You supposed that the clock on the other side of the halls closer to the men's was probably just as busted, if not more so.
A pale, slender hand reached into your vision and startled you, making you take a step back as the man clicked a small button on the side of the clock before pressing down the stamp. Stamping your card for you, pulling it out with a flourish and handing it over with a lazy smile that made your chest tighten unusually, even if his blue eyes didn't seem to carry any warmth to them.
"You've got to check the safety's on or not. It's to stop people messing with the time cards if they came back here accidentally." His accent was rough, British, soothing. You frowned, looking up slightly at him and watching as he ran his fingers through his cool brown hair, which seemed roughly cut like he had done it himself. Greying at the temples and the occasional grey hair standing out against his darker hair. "You'll get used to it."
"I've worked here for two years and never heard of that bullshit." You muttered, rolling your eyes and changing your bag to your other hand as the man raised a thick eyebrow and stared at you some more.
"You've worked here for two years?" Seemingly surprised by the statement as you shrugged your shoulders. Wanting to go home and collapse onto your bed, not stand around talking to some newbie.
"I've just never seen you around."
"You probably know me by my name, it's-"
"I honestly don't give a fuck what your name is. I need to finish my work, and you should go home, doll, I'm sure there's...something...you have to fill your time with." The sudden shift in his soothing voice made you blink, his tone never changing, reading as bored. Somehow, you felt mildly offended that this stranger simply seemed not to care, sucking your teeth and tutting as you shook your head and began to walk for the door. Feeling his eyes linger for just a moment before footsteps moving away told you that you were being left alone.
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The next day, you managed to drag yourself into Freddy's with five minutes to spare before your shift. Grabbing your punch card and clocking in before you quickly got on your freshly washed uniform with barely enough time to grab a soda and carry with you into the main dining area. Wednesdays had never been particularly busy, but then again, what counted as 'quiet' for Freddy's never quite aligned to the other businesses in Hurricane's idea of it.
You took a deep breath and went to lean against the prize counter for a brief reprieve before the onslaught, hearing a door open and looking towards the arched entrance and waiting for a customer to emerge despite the fact it was nine in the morning, shrugging when you didn't see one emerging. Eyes flickering about to see if you could locate where the noise had come from, seeing movement on the staircase up to Afton's office that was tucked away in the corner of the pizzeria. Raising your eyebrow as you pulled out your soda and took a sip, wondering who was visiting your elusive boss.
You almost choked when the figure paused and looked directly at you however.
It was the guy from the previous day. Only this time he had a black blazer over the top of his purple vest, one lapel covered in various pin-badges from the arcade games and prize counter that made a faint clinking noise with how many there were as he walked in your direction. His hair was swept back, like he had just run his finger through it, and you could see a slight curl to the flyaway pieces that had refused to comply. Hands stuffed into the pockets of his slacks as he glanced at you for a moment, pausing and blinking slowly as you stared back.
"No trouble with the punch-clock this morning then?" That same soothing lull to his voice as you quietly shook your head and took another sip of your drink. Eyes flickering over his badges on his lapel, one worn out enamel pin of what looked like a rabbit head catching your eye before you spotted some red against his purple vest. The colour having seeped into the silvery stars embroidery.
"You have something on your vest." Making the man look down, pulling his vest away from his body to look before his blue eyes snapped back up. A wolfish grin spreading across your face that made your heart race just a little as there was a dark spark in the usually dim eyes.
"Oh, nothing to worry about. It's only marinara sauce."
With that, he passed by. No explanation, no excuse. You watched the tall, lithe man leave with a little confusion as to who he was. You decided that you had to know, jogging after him slightly to catch up with his long, purposeful strides. The man pausing and looking at you curiously, eyebrow raised questioningly.
"Look, you might not give a fuck about what my name is, but I do give a fuck about what yours is." Crossing your arms across your chest, he cocked his head slightly, regarding you with a sudden interest that hadn't been there before. Like he was realising that you were a living, breathing person for the first time. A slow, lazy smile spread across his face, turning to face you fully before sliding his hand from his pocket, offering it for you to shake. You noticed that his hands were well manicured, even if the nails were a little longer than you expected and the way he squeezed your hand when you shook made them bite a little into your skin.
"William, Afton that is." You could feel the colour draining from your face as he pulled you forwards, having to take a step closer and his voice low, almost purring as he spoke quietly. "And don't worry, doll, I'll let the swearing slide this time."
"You didn't care yesterday."
"You weren't in uniform yesterday, remember?" Releasing your hand and giving you another wolfish smile as his hand returned to his pockets, the faint jingle of the pin badges as he moved an almost comical sound as William stared for a second. Turning on his heels and moving off with no more thought than if he had already said 'goodbye'.
Well, now you could at least say you had met one of your bosses. Even if something in the back of your head scratched and itched as to why William Afton was handling marinara sauce, reasoning that it was probably from his lunch break, not that he looked like he ate often, and you had never actually seen somebody take anything up to his office space. Glancing at the darkened upstairs window, you shook your head and decided it wasn't worth thinking about. Swallowing down your confusion and settling your sights on one of the smaller, fresher faced workers with a scowl as they tried to make a beeline for the prize-counter unnoticed.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going, newbie? Older workers get to pick their jobs first, you know the rules." The unwritten code of Fazbear Entertainment workers as the smaller figure startled and scurried away whilst you detoured to pick up your drink and head towards the prize counter.
It was going to be a long day.
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You'd forgotten you were on closing duties, even though you had begged to swap. Open to close was a brutal shift that nobody enjoyed, especially since to 'cut costs', recently there had only been one member of staff closing down each night. The pizzeria was creepy when the lights were mostly turned off, only the flickering arcade screens and the backlit animatronic stage to light the main dining area. Casting long shadows across Freddy, Bonnie and Chica's soft furred parts. The eye sockets seeming hollower without the eyes being lit up, the way their jaws hung open slackly seeming almost like the death throes of the animals they represented, or an all too human scream. You couldn't decide which was worse.
Heading back into the employee corridor, your footsteps seemed to echo slightly against the chequered tiles, so used to the faint sound of the extremely loud music playing from birthday parties and children's games as they ran around. Instead, there was only your footsteps and the hum of the halogen light strips above you. Casting everything in a slight sickly yellow glow. Eyes darting as you took stock of the cobwebs that had probably been there since the restaurant opened, posters lining the check bordered walls, kids drawings scattered amongst it all. Memories of happy children who loved to see the animatronics perform, or had their birthdays at that location.
You were pulled from your thoughts as a metallic clatter caught your attention. Pausing and glancing down the corridor where the sound came from. There was only one door at the end of it, which you couldn't read the signage on from where you stood. Slowly approaching and trying to place your heel down first, quieting your footsteps against the tile as your heart began to thump harder in your chest.
"Hello?" You called out instinctually, cursing yourself for it when you were trying to be sneaky. If there was anybody, they surely would have gotten spooked and ran off by the time you got to the door, but you reasoned that you weren't about to get jumped by some drugged up junkie looking to steal metal to sell off to feed their habit. The door looming large as your eyes wandered over the lettering embossed onto the plaque screwed to it. 'Parts and Services'.
Pushing the door open, you had to blink to adjust your eyes to the darkness inside. Swallowing as you stepped in and the heavy door automatically swung shut under it's own weight behind you. Eyes adjusting to the very low light, flickering as your hands reached out in front of you and felt for some form of light to turn on.
Two years you had worked there, two years you had avoided any of the creepy horror stories that surrounded Freddy's and it's owners. You just had to go and stick your nose where it didn't belong, and you were left fumbling in the dark, managing to grab onto a table as you slipped in something slick across the tile floor. Feeling across the table and squealing when your fingers touched something furry. Praying that it wasn't a rat that had decided to place itself upon the altar of mechanical parts. Heart beating so quickly you could hear it pounding in your ears, hands shaking as you reached your hand out again to check whether or not the thing was still there.
Your fingers found the furred texture again, realising it was longer than anticipated and pushing your fingers into it, trying to figure out what on earth it was.
"And on the first day, the lord said; let there be light!" The voice startling you as it seemed to be so close yet so far away, blinking rapidly as the light turned on in the room and you couldn't help but flinch and look down towards the table. Your head hurt with the rapid change of light, taking a moment to adjust as your fingers curled around the soft texture in your hand, keeping your head down, vision finally clearing.
To see the face of your co-worker staring back at you with the same slack jawed expression that the animatronics had. Your hand in his hair, shrieking and pulling your hand free, slipping and tumbling as the face followed and you watched in silent horror as the head bounced against the tile. Rolling to face away, the bloody, raw meat, bone and gristle that you could see inside of what was once a neck, looking down and realising that your shaking hands were covered in claret. Thick, clotting, the smell of hot pennies and raw red meat overwhelming, wondering how you didn't notice it before.
Footsteps, your eyes wide and transfixed on the rolled head of your co-worker as well polished black shoes came into view, kicking the head slightly and making you wince as you head the meaty thud it made when it connected. Bloody hands coming into view, one clutching a fire-axe near the head as the figure crouched. Looking up, you saw the pale, angular face. Star vest coated in red, splashed against his pale skin as the blue eyes sparkled. William looked positively elated, a predatory grin across his face as you looked him over, realising that the childish pin-badges were coated in the gore too.
"Oh doll, you shouldn't have come back here. But I'm not going to punish your curiosity, little lamb." The cool, calm British voice made you shiver, there was something dark and feral in the way he fixed you under his intense gaze, eyes lazily drawing down your now coated body with his own shiver of delight as he ran his tongue over his teeth.
"H-He's- He's..." You stammered and William scoffed, rolling his eyes as he reached out, placing the flat side of the bloody axe under your chin and tilting it up so you would look at him again.
"Come on doll, you can say the word." Cooing encouragingly as you trembled before him.
"Dead. You...Oh god you killed him!"
"That's right, here at Freddy's, I am god." A self satisfied smirk as he tilted the axe to make the blade almost brush against your skin. Heart pounding as you realised that this was probably the end. Murdered by your boss, covered in your co-workers blood.
"So let me show you what a merciful god I am, and allow you to take your first communion." Standing up and spreading his arms wide, smile never leaving his face as the single lightbulb above illuminated behind his tousled, greying hair and formed a bloody halo for William Afton.
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meowsgirldrawing · 2 years
Pact Marks- Obey Me Thoughts/Headcannons
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So in one of my recent posts, I showed where I imagine My MC- or Mackenzie's pacts marks are.
For those who are new or just unfamiliar with this topic somehow, Pact marks are what the fandom of Obey Me! Shall We Date?! has basically agreed all on being on each MC when they/he/she makes a pact with one of the demons. I dunno if the creators confirmed that as I am only in lesson 13-14 in the game itself.
Here are my headcannons/thoughts to just have on here✨
(Spoiler, hes the last one to get a pact mark from but not in the least undermining)
Where I imagine his pact mark would be on MC's chest.
Kinda like the phrase, 'Huffing up chest in pride', it shows his shamless pride in allowing the human to make a pact with him.
Considering how possessive Lucifer tends to be towards MC, in a "This is my human" way, his mark is the biggest, maybe even boldest as its even able to peak over MC's collar bones, making any non-turtle neck like shirt unable to cover it all.
It glows his signiture blue when activated, bright and unable to be unnoticed either.
And in the dark, a lingering lighter shade trails around the stars, giving a nice ring to the MorningStar name
With my MC, I imagine they aren't afraid to show it, most of their outfits being tank tops, low collar shirts, or even just a sports bra on some nights.
Lucifer sometimes catches MC trailing their finger along its edges, only to shirk their hand down as soon as he notices.
Of course...he smirks, raising a curious brow.
MC just ignores his glances and moves on.
He was a an easy one, Ngl.
Look, I adore This little Greed demon with all my heart but he does tend to steal, and gamble, and basically do any money grubbing.
All with swift and talentful hands in his own craft.
His pact mark is on the hand, preferably dominant hand of MC.
Its not too big or too small, just fitting across the back of MC's hand.
When activated, it gives of a nice yellow hue, gold lining the mark's edges in a shifting manner.
My MC tried drawing weird symbols on top of it, human symbols that kids draw on their skin everyday y'know, just to see if anything changed.
It didn't. Just erased whatever they did and glowed like normal.
Mammon called her weird then proceeded to try his turn at it.
Now they needed new pens.
Mammon hated the mark at first, finding it stupid given how it even came to be in the first place.
Now he traces it every night with a curled up MC beside him, clutching onto him as if he isnt holding them tight enough.
He is tricky tricky boy, lemme tell ya.
Either his pact mark worked in spots his brothers' worked better in or it just didnt seem like Levi's spot.
So I figured, under bicep.
The guy is shy, right? So I believe his would ultimately end up somewhere where it's covered the majority of the time, that or just hard to see at most angles.
I did think of thigh, but i suppose the thought it ending up there would have this okaku blushing for days on end.
Which bicep also depends on which arm is MC's dominant one.
My MC, like all her other marks, is proud to have them, so they dont get why it was somewhere mostly hidden.
Hence why it gives them further reason to show it off during their shared movie nights, wearing more sleeveless shirts or tops.
Leviathan is her Lord of Shadows just as much as they are his Henry and they are proud to say it. (Enough without embarrassing the Envy demon of course)
Leviathan turned as flustered as a peach at first anytime he saw it fully, but now...
Now he laughs as MC 'proves' their muscles to him after an off comment he made, flexing off that mark of Envy without even realizing. He just snorts and shoves them lightly, a domino effect taking hold as they do it right back.
Did I even need to think on this guy?
The tongue is wear his mark resides.
Not only for the obvious, Ahem Gluttony, but because the tongue is known to be the strongest muscle in the body.
It tends to blend in with the color of their tongue but mostly when its activated.
Oo, imagine MC eating a cherry flavored treat, the glow would just light the whole thing up. Light bulp idea if MC is ever in the dark and lost.
Ahem, anyway, as mentioned, it glows a fiery red, making MC's mouth looking like light up city when even just a little bit opened.
My MC had at one point thought her mouth was bleeding when she saw in it the mirror, had to have Beel explain they were indeed fine, if anything, looked cool.
Both her and Beel test out how bright it can get depeding on cherry flavored treats when gorging in food one night.
Beel cant help but blush at the sight of his unactivated mark as MC sucks their tongue out at him, having just won a victorious round. A game Levi lended them for a bit.
He hms, pats their head lightly, and mutters 'cute'. MC is left confused, their tongue still poking out in a blep.
So...HAHA- So many people thought my MC's mark from Asmo was on their bottom.
While I would not be surprised, given this man, I headcannon their mark being a tramp stamp.
Right above their bottom.
Its not big, barely taking all over their lower back. But enough to give off a big enough glow when activated.
When activated, the pact will glow a saturated pink, a tease of purple easing into the 'ink.'
Ngl, I got this idea after reading another headcannon list of Obey Me Pact Marks and thought it was too good to not keep.
Its somewhat easy to hide, depending on the type of clothing MC wears, but it quickly becomes hard to cover ehen activated, the pink being too bright.
Asmo calls them his little firefly at some point
As for my MC, she gets flustered, never thinking a pact mark would be that low. But after catching a wink from Asmo, they turn gears and smirk instead, thankful for their wild and long hair hiding the pink in their ears as they clap back quick with some remark.
Asmo just chuckles at whatever she said.
Teasing hands, always playful but never pushing, linger down at the edge of MC's shirt only for it to turn into a tickle over his mark. MC squeaks out, laughter pulling over as they skirt away, clutching their lower back.
Asmo takes their playing shoves with a smug grin, gleaming with absolute delight as he catches one at last, landing a sweet kiss at their knuckles.
Similar to Lucifer
Satan would hate me I know it
But yes, dreadfully similar to Lucifer, Satan's mark is big and bold, appearing right under where Lucifer's(At the time he never knew that of course).
It lays across the lower ribs, that tip of it? Its lined up to go straight in between both, mark and center.
It is easy to hide, but if MC is one to wear short crop tops, or anyhting that shows close to the lower ribs as mentioned, it wouldnt be hard to miss.
Yet, the mark is impossible to miss when activated, unless you stacked like piles and piles on MC's torso, yeah..that green glow would be seen a mile away.
Its a bright, fiery green, almost oozing into their clothes like Wrath itself would.
Why is it on the ribs? Well, you know that feeling you get when you are angry. That fire in the pit of your chest? The only reason its on the ribs instead is because of how calculating Satan is.
"Imagine how an aggressor would feel if they suddenly saw its glow? They would've turned to rigor themselves without my help"
Are you sure you aint like Lucifer-
My MC played a game of, 'What Can Hide The Mark??' With their closet one day, just curiosity at best.
Yeah, they thought better of it when Satan came a-knocking very confused and very weirded out by the dark light green light game on his side.
Theres a weird, fizzy feeling Satan gets anytime he saw the mark in a more direct manner. Their shirt riding up as they slanted on the couch, at the beach, anywhere were he got less of a tease of it and more of a frontal view.
It wasnt made out of hate for his brother, it wasnt even a half-assed one either, it actually meant something, to both him and MC.
Hmm....Satan's eyes fliker back down, escaping MC's sudden gaze, a little heat on his cheeks going ignored in favor for catching up with this novel's protagonist.
So......I may or may not have accidentally put Belphie's mark on Mc's neck.....
Chapter 16 anyone?
BUT- BUT Then it gave me an idea!
So while we arent exactly sure the marks would be chosen by the brother's preference, or MC's preference, I think its just up to what the fans think-
What if it was kinda an accident itself?
Like obviously, at the time of the pact between the youngest brother and Mc was made, the events of Mc/not Mc's death was still fresh to everyone. Hence the whole, making a pact to protect Mc from Belphie.
And since it was still in everyones minds for a while, the mark accidentally formed in the one place everyone, including MC had a hard time looking at without getting chills.
It could be many possibilities from this, but it also can give MC enough motivation to work it out with Belphie, wanting to make the mark not one to look at in digust but instead at least a gentle fondness like the others. Obviously the last part might take a long while to come, but they would at least be able to ease the pain of it.
Anyhow- the mark is pretty dang small compared to the others. Small and barely noticable depending on how MC's hair style is.
When activated, it glows a nice lilac hue, the edges dipped in a very light, almost white color. It can almost be mistaken for a night light, like those ones for children, if it wasn't on MC's body.
If covered with a turtle neck for instance, its dimmed but not completely, still vying for attention.
I do believe MC would have at least some sort of trauma towards it, like cant have people touching around their neck for awhile. Even if Lucifer were to cup their chin, their nerves start a-ringing.
I like to imagine my MC doesn't necessarily get over it, but is able to move past it. Shes one to not let things affect them, but obviously with seeing yourself and feeling youself die is extremely hard to do for a human, so its more or less them just wanting to stop feeling so weak at the idea. So she asks Lucifer or Satan (the two most likely to understand it) in private to help her by gently edging their hands around her neck area sometimes so she can at the very least, emotionally move past it.
Exposure therapy( But this is for my MC, I definitely believe people have a right to decide how they/their characters wpuod respond to the whole thing as everyone seems to either forgive Belphie, take a long time to do so, or just want their character to avoid him)
It takes him a loose second to realize, but when he does, Belphie is quick to snatch away his hand from MC's upper torso. Hes hesitant to even toss it back around their waist. But MC, despite their sleepy and craving for warmth state, takes note of his sudden distance and tightens their grip around his shoulders, effectively dragging him snug against their body.
They murmer reassurances before he can even breathe a single word, and hes burrying his face in their shoulder, the one beside his own mark. Tears sting his closed gaze and their wading soft fingers their his hair. A kiss to the side of his head is all he needs and he wrapps his arms back around, agreeing like aways.
Gentle forgiven but never forgotten...
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dyaly21 · 1 year
Long-winded thoughts no one asked me for about Red, White, and Royal Blue (movie)
First things first, would I have preferred it was a series? Absolutely. More time available, more characters allowed maybe, which could've run possibly closer to book. Do we know if that was ever an option though? I haven't seen or heard anything to indicate this had anything other than a movie available to be made. That being said, I really enjoyed the movie and can separate the book and movie without finding issue with anything not included. I mean, my favorite book is World War Z and if you want a movie that is absolutely nothing like the book...yeah.
I can't explain it but Henry's dog is absolutely a 'David'. He doesn't look like a Bowie at all. I don't know why but his name inexplicably fits.
Okay moving on. I like that the characters are older. They've lived a little more life and are settling in to who they are by the time their worlds' are shaken up. They're (still young but) no longer younger men who's brains aren't yet fully formed. Forever feels big when you're young but it's almost like it holds more consequences as you get older. Which - and I might be flamed for this - made the absence of Luna easier. At 22 Alex still had people he was looking up to, hoping to follow in the footsteps of. 27/28 year old Alex is creating his own path, being his own role model to follow. He knows he wants to be someone his dad didn't see growing up. He knows the weight that carries.
Henry is reserved and poised, except when it comes to Bea and Alex. His sister is understandable; she's his closest ally in a world he isn't comfortable living in. But Alex is the only one to get under his skin and make him less poised. Arguing with Alex should be beneath him, particularly on his brother's wedding day, but there's something about that antagonism that draws him in - crush notwithstanding. Maybe it's the thrill of talking to his crush regardless of words said, or maybe it's the freedom he feels in being less than proper around Alex because Alex doesn't white glove treat him in any situation.
The Waterloo closet. Henry was forced into the public eye - I do like how movie changed some lines here and made the death more recent for that interaction. It makes Henry look more sympathetic than the book (to me). And it allows Alex the chance to find some emotional even footing with Henry. He wasn't a douche cause he's a douche. He was a douche because he was grieving and wasn't allowed to navigate it properly. They were both struggling that night and neither knew it. The closet ironically let the air clear.
Henry hating New Years and basically (in a way) repeating Alex's death phrase. They think so similarly they both decided if I'm dead I can't be forced to do something lol. But Henry still goes and still has a good time until he's confronted with why he hates it. Seeing someone you like surrounded by others, engaged with others, when you can't be your true self with them must've been a gut punch. Nicholas Galitzine has the best facial expressions. And I love the way Taylor played the happy vibe until he noticed Henry not happy any longer.
I don't think the girl draping herself all over Alex during the party had slept with him yet. I think she was hoping to but he was not interested, no matter how hard she tried to get him to be. She felt too "look at me" and not "remember when we" to feel like they were past bed buddies.
The tree scene I like better movie wise. Alex staying back, letting Henry have his space to think and be but still engaging. He felt a little like a smartass in the book but here he explains he was who Henry describes, anonymous until he wasn't, but he seems to understand Henry wants to talk so he asks Henry who he'd be. There's a hint of a smile on Alex's face when Henry describes writing and Paris, like he appreciates Henry's hopes. Taylor plays this scene so softly (if still a little sloshed). It's only when Henry mentions dating that the banter part of Alex's brain turns back on and he isn't wrong; it isn't hard for a prince to get a date. But that doesn't mean they're dating who they want, no matter who they like.
I could gush about the kiss but that'd be paragraphs. So I'll just say I've seen some question why Alex doesn't give chase when Henry apologizes and walks away. 1st I think he's stunned. Maybe his brain hasn't figured out how to tell his legs to follow. It was a good kiss, he's shocked. 2nd, I think maybe the sober part knows if he did follow it would not be beneficial. Henry might run, be spooked off, and...vanish (sigh).
Side note: anyone else notice the steam coming off Alex (Taylor) after Henry walked away? Lol boy was feeling warm and I doubt it was the alcohol.
Real quick, the texts/calls. I love them playing out on screen and the progression from words only to them being spoken. It shows growing comfort until the bed scene where they feel together, if separated by an ocean. Also, OUCH to Henry reading the messages and not responding.
I liked how though Alex admits to interactions with other guys to Nora he doesn't label himself. He isn't 'out' to her. Sure she can deduce but he doesn't say it outright. His whole purpose isn't whether he's bi but why Henry lol. No there's no Liam but he is there in the peripheral of an experience Alex had in high school. And his time drunk in the hot tub with Miguel is just another experience. Alex it seems has never questioned why he's attracted to who he's attracted to until it became Henry because that doesn't compute.
I do believe Alex reciprocated at least something in his bedroom after the PM's dinner. When the Washington Monument (no pun intended) pops up, the moon travels across the sky to indicate significant time passing and once we rejoined A&H, Alex was shoeless and adjusting his belt so they had to have done more than just a bj from Henry. I seriously doubt they could have controlled themselves if Alex was undressed all that time or had changed into something else. But I think Henry looks so put together because he's in Alex's room, in the White House as a guest, and he has to leave the room risking potentially being seen, so he can't look rumpled or ravaged if he is. He has to look like he's proper and dignified and sexed out would not do.
Real quick on Miguel: I don't think he was ever jealous, not completely at least. I think he was calculating and opportunistic. Initially hooking up with the son of a presidential candidate is a big deal, get them drunk and maybe they'll talk/give you a scoop. It also shows he's ethically ambiguous. It presents a conflict of interest to hook up with a candidate's son and then continue to cover that candidate/elected person. Ethically, what is his bias like, you know? Did he cover the Claremont administration first term fairly or did he skew things just in case he ran into Alex again? Sure he probably enjoyed himself and hoped for a repeat but I think he let ambition run over common sense and decency. He sees something (A&H meeting at the bar entrance), and it's after he's just been harshly (to him) rejected by Alex so he probably let that sting of rejection propel his opportunistic side and now he gets a big scoop. It will propel his career and the carnage left in the wake of that is secondary. As a queer man I'm sure he weighed the outing and decided his advancement was worth more than the harm he was bringing about. Especially since he never should have continued covering the president or her family. I'd like to think he was fired but... I also doubt he did everything on his own. He has connections, he used them, cut a deal with foreign press and got his notoriety. No matter its cost. And also the irony of the actual publication the fictional Miguel works for lambasting the movie because they got in their rejection feels makes me laugh a little. Journalists who you think have integrity can disappoint you. Horribly. That's just as realistic as what happens in the book. Their review felt more like why'd you pick on me than what the actual movie was intended to be viewed as. Just my opinion though.
A quick sidebar on TZP: Nick was amazing. He had a meaty (get out of the gutter) role to play with a vast array of heavy emotions displayed. Alex, however is the more laid back, possibly happier character because he has a good support system at home, even if I felt (movie wise) he was isolated in his own way, with no real relationships outside those working around him. He causes chaos but he isn't cruel about it, he's just occasionally dumb lol. He drives Zahra crazy but she genuinely cares for him. I think Amy would be interested in seeing Alex tased (all in good fun) but he's like her baby brother and she will destroy you if you hurt him. But TZP feels so Alex coded, and he does funny really well which isn't easy for everyone. After learning of the part and before he auditioned Taylor made sure to read the book to grasp the character, even, as he says, crying over it. He annotated his script, essentially making lists to keep track of feelings and emotions needed to convey Alex's growth and journey since they film out of order. His script was his bible so he got his character just right. Nick gets a lot of (justified) credit for his performance but I really feel like Taylor put in so much effort to do Alex justice and deserves his flowers for that.
It's so interesting to watch the way both men change. Henry is reserved and "grey" in appearance and mood. I look at the character and he's a muted blue to me (out of curiosity, I wondered how much of "Mad King" George was passed into Henry's lineage seeing as book Henry sees a therapist/takes meds and movie Henry is very often on the downward). But when Alex enters his life other colors full of vibrancy do too. The muted shades lighten and he grows stronger, more confident. He learns he doesn't have to be confined to propriety and status quo keeping him caged. Alex on the other hand is buoyant red and orange, he's a bit of a chaos gremlin, like he has so much energy and passion he needs to share but with limited outlets (like, just please look at his memo). Henry gives him an outlet, both passionately and as a safe space to express his hopes. He also soothes the chaos Alex carries. Once their relationship gets going, Alex feels softer, quieter. Like he settled into his skin finally, having it fit the way it was always meant to but didn't have the right measurements yet. He's still passionate, he still has a raging fire burning within but it's like everything clicked into place and he finally understands how to wield it. Alex helped Henry finally believe he was brave all along, and Henry helped show Alex he was capable, especially when he kept being held back.
I'm so curious what's going through Henry's mind when Alex tells Zahra they've been seeing each other since New Years. Because it was an impulsive act in the middle of him feeling down on Henry's part but to Alex that's when their relationship started. It didn't even matter he was ghosted. New Years was the beginning to Alex and I'd love to know what Henry's thoughts are on that because of the way he looks at Alex in that scene is one of potential curiosity or maybe even disbelief.
I'll admit I like Uma's Ellen better than the book version. She's involved and attentive to her son's life and unlike in the book, it doesn't feel like she has to set time to be motherly. The scene where she questions Alex about Miguel leaking his Texas strategy, when she tells Alex he's no longer allowed to speak to the press Alex is genuinely hurt. It's all over his face, his mom losing trust in him over this. It's not something that's happened before or often. He's chaos but even after the cake incident, he wasn't perceived as a risk until this moment and it hurts him his mom feels that way. But Alex isn't one to hold a grudge and he still wants his mom to succeed, whether he helps with that or not. And his coming out to her, she's holding him after they've eaten and are talking. In the book, yes there's the funny power point but it's in a conference room setting and more clinical. Taylor is a tactile person, Alex is now too, and the character being held by his mom while they discuss his life is endearing.
The almost "I love you" made me think to how desperately Henry wants to hear it but at the same time it's a swift wake up that the carefully crafted fun time they're supposed to be having isn't actually just for fun. Casual is a word they heard but never learned the definition of. With Alex's bedroom and the "can't have you fall in love with me" bit, Henry didn't see the quick flash of disappointment in Alex's face at being told this had to be casual. He only heard and noticed Alex agreeing with him. Henry liked Alex a long time but it was probably his safest crush because he only saw the superficial version of Alex that was portrayed by people who didn't know him. The playboy, the guy who didn't take life too seriously and who jokes around. Of course that guy wouldn't fall for Henry, it's just a good time. But Alex feels deeply. He's exposed this constantly, but most fiercely when discussing why he wants to be involved in politics. Henry just made himself turn a blind eye so he didn't let his attachment to Alex break him when that played up version of Alex inevitably got bored and moved on. So the almost I love you shatters Henry because it wasn't supposed to happen. The lies he fed himself were exposed and he had to run.
I do think the emotions Alex let free within him amped up his idealism. And probably nerves did too. So once he started talking whatever was in his head slipped out because he knew walking through Austin holding hands was not realistic but his heart yearned for it so his mouth said it. I did wonder what Alex was thinking after Henry swims away. I imagine he believed that maybe while he was there emotionally, Henry wasn't and jumped because he got spooked worried about not feeling love yet. He probably figured Henry needed space and then they'd talk it out because that's what they do but instead Henry ghosted. He admits to Henry he knew he wouldn't hear I love you back but he still wanted to be honest about his own feelings.
The fireside confrontation: Alex storming the castle is a metaphor. Henry's the castle. Honestly, Alex doesn't storm anything in the book either, he just causes enough of a nuisance they let him in to not cause or create a scene. In the movie I imagine it's the same; Henry's told Alex insists on being let in. He was probably outside close to a scene and was let in to avoid that. I think he was fire and determination until he was let in and was left standing alone waiting for Henry because for all his bluster, he's terrified of losing Henry completely. He loves him, his heart is on the line here. It was only after Henry told him he could say his piece and then leave did that fire return.
And Henry isn't wrong but he also isn't right. He did tell Alex who he is and what is and isn't acceptable. Prince Henry belongs to Britain. Protocol. Problem though is he was only ever Henry Fox with Alex. He was his true self and so Alex saw exactly who Henry is. He knows exactly who Henry is. I think Henry accusing Alex of not knowing him was a little bit of projection because after so much time spent with Alex he was struggling to keep up the act and maintain keeping the parts of himself separated. Because Henry let himself be reckless when he knew a prince wasn't supposed to be. But also Henry's wrong about it costing Alex nothing. I'm sure Alex weighed his future if he pursued Henry. Not only does it hold risk to his mom's reelection, he has goals for himself, promises he made to himself that affect the rest of his life, and a relationship with Henry could put that in jeopardy. It has the potential to completely throw off his entire life but his feelings for Henry were weighed to be with that risk.
Also just thinking about it, Henry longs for anonymity. It's the first real thing he discusses with Alex, it's something they discuss after they make love the first time, it's a big deal to Henry. And I do think in some ways he's a little upset at Alex for not necessarily wanting that life. But I think one thing he doesn't think about is if Alex was anonymous, if his mom never ran for president, Henry would've miss out on meeting the love of his life. If Henry was anonymous, same thing. How would their paths have crossed? Maybe fate or some kind of magic, but that doesn't always happen. They had to be who they are to find each other.
I also just really loved the way Alex spoke to Henry through the confrontation. It was romanticism and all those books Henry loves but in real life. It shows Alex was paying attention to who Henry is and what he likes/appreciates. I also feel like Alex weighed their separate futures and saw how he could try to move on with someone else but it would never amount to what he had with Henry. There would always be a void there. And Henry, if he met and married would be forever miserable, locked in a lie just to appease an institution that cares more about propriety than the person. It'd undoubtedly hurt Alex the rest of his life. "Nothing would ever happen to you." Just think how even if Alex didn't pursue a public life he'd still occasionally be talked about. So if he did meet someone and marry them, it'd be publicized, in black and white for Henry to break apart over. And the same for Alex, only knowing it was all a facade to keep up appearances. God, that thought actually hurts to think about.
Heading to the V&A it was interesting to watch the distance between them. Alex hangs back, he steps purposely out of the way when walking through the gate to not touch Henry, and he sniffs a little once on the other side. I wonder if he wondered would Henry get him out there to shut him out. Alex doesn't know what they're doing and he's going on blind faith this won't break his heart any further. It's only just before their dance their steps become in sync again, a reconnect of what was nearly broken. And Alex had Henry step to him, having Henry make the choice to equalize them again because this was the only time they didn't walk side by side. And that fake was amazing. It was nearly as intimate as them making love, only this was full of fear and hope and uncertainty and want all wrapped up into the heavy but chosen burden of history.
I am so glad Alex gives Henry his key. And that Alex wears the ring. It feels so much more meaningful to have them both give a "part of themselves" to the other while they have to be apart. Especially after their peace is violated. They need that anchor to the other, most especially once radio silence commenced. And then the way Henry held it together but slowly started to break as he walked away...ugh heartbreaking. But I just know Alex knew he was struggling because he stopped to watch Henry leave, no doubt to make sure he was able to. Henry can't watch Alex leave but Alex has to watch Henry leave because he needs to make sure he's okay.
"Just hold on until I get there." and "I'll break the sound barrier for you." Alex will let Henry fall apart if he needs to and he will hold him up and be strength for both of them until Henry gains his strength back. And it feels so much like Alex will fight whatever even thinks of hurting Henry. He doesn't think twice, Henry needs him, distance and everything else between him and the man he loves can screw off.
I was thinking about how Alex addresses the press, admits to a relationship with Henry, confirms the rumors, yet the King decided to say it was all lies. I believe he intentionally mentions the misinformation campaign as his way of letting Henry (and Alex) know it doesn't matter what was confirmed during the White House press conference; the crown is going to sweep it under the rug and pretend it didn't happen. They're going to pretend it's false even if it has the potential to disrupt relations between the US and UK. Isolating and hiding away Henry was step one in that plan. The king says this in front of Alex, basically daring Henry to go against everything he was brought up to behave like, because of course he'll agree to the denial and having him do it in front of Alex let's Alex (and Henry) know the power of the crown isn't to be trifled with. It's why when asked, Alex looks at Henry, face serious, wondering how Henry'll respond. I've no doubt when the King dressed Alex down and Henry released his hand, Alex thought he might've lost Henry for the briefest of moments until Henry asked why. The problem though is this is the age of instant media, and if citizens of a nation see one side confirm, openly, honestly, but see the other side made to be hidden, they're gong to react. In this case they understood what wasn't being said by the crown and decided to show support for Henry (and Alex by association). The carefully constructed image backfired because the people wanted their prince happy and in love. Not locked away and forgotten until he projects what his position demanded.
And I was also thinking how neither Henry or Alex could contact each other. Radio silence and no way to make sure the other (especially Henry) is okay. What can Alex do if he can't actually reach out? He can make a speech. He can confirm to the world - but speak to Henry specifically ("I hope Henry was watching." he tells Zahra) - that he's resolute. That he isn't ashamed and no one else in their similar positions should be either, because privacy violation doesn't diminish love. Henry did see. It helped. But Alex's presence healed.
Other tidbits: For as chaotic as he can be, Alex being very organized makes so much sense. He probably understands his mind is a mess and he struggles to be stagnant for too long so he makes sure his physical surroundings and his work is orderly. I like how though Alex is a touch driven person, he let's Henry lead in touching him. (Did anyone else notice how it looks like Nick hit a sensitive spot around Taylor's shoulder/chest in the Paris scene before they fall into bed? Lol!) Henry is closeted and though Alex hasn't come out he isn't afraid of being himself. So he doesn't want to take from Henry, instead allowing Henry to take, thus he can touch freely while Alex holds back until Henry is comfortable. Casual relationships don't get discussed with sisters. I wonder if Bea was thinking that while Henry talked about Alex lol. Alex's instant "no" to Zahra: man feels zero hesitation. The way Zahra calls Alex kid: you know he's the baby brother she never asked for and questions why the stork won't take him back lol! The way Oscar and Alex talk about Henry; first at the WH where Oscar asks Alex's problem with Henry, and then when Alex asks if Oscar likes Henry. I just know Alex was thinking back to that conversation hoping his dad still thinks of Henry as a good person. The little kisses Henry gives to Alex... lovely. There are so many little moments that I'm curious if it's just decisions by T&N to do or if any bits were scripted. I'd love commentary and deleted scenes and extras etc.
Honestly, Taylor and Nick were stupendous in this movie. They made me believe they love each other romantically, that they're soulmates. I love that they're such good friends, but it feels like their bond transcends that. Taylor's crying causes Nick to cry, that kind of emotional connection is so exquisite to witness. Though in their humor I probably adore them more. It's like they share a brain cell and the lithe guy is fighting for its life haha! I need to see them -definitely in a sequel- do more things together. Buddy comedy, drama, whatever, just let them do their thing. I hope the studios get their acts together soon because these guys (whole cast&crew) deserved to promote this movie and feel up close love and adoration for it.
If you read all that, you're a champ.
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wishfullyeternal · 11 months
William Afton x Reader
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A/N- What up guys it's me again, college is awful and I hate every second of it. Anyway, watched the FNAF movie and had an absolute AWAKENING in the theatre. This does not follow the lore (bc I am lazy and stupid), so don't comment on that lol. Debating on making this nsfw or not, haven't decided yet, so if you like it lemme know. Y'all are awesome :) (There will be a part 2, and possibly a part 3, I already have most of it written just need to edit it)
Words- 1,662
Warnings- Language, mentions of murder/crimes
You stared up at the neon lights, illuminating the wet ground below. The lights reflected onto the puddles, and you found yourself zipping up your jacket to escape the frigid wind. At least the storm was finally subsiding.
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria
The building wasn't particularly cutting-edge, and the sign definitely had a bit of wear and tear on it, but it was good enough for now. You just needed a job, and quick. You didn't know how many more times you could ask for just one more day to your landlord.
You took a deep breath and pushed open the obviously marked pull door.
Regaining what little dignity you had left, you went up to the counter and spoke to a very chipper teenager, who seemed like she genuinely enjoyed her job.
"Hello! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, what can I help you with?"
You, a bit startled, took a second to respond.
"Yeah, I had an interview a couple of days ago for an opening? Today is my first day..."
"Oh, awesome! Come this way!" She exits from behind the counter and leads you through a maze of tables, past a door that says Employees Only in big red print. You finally arrived at an office door at the end of the hallway, it was noticeably less...Cheerful. The floors had changed to concrete, and the walls were not adorned with bright paint. Instead, it was a drab yellow, with slightly peeling wallpaper.
"Wait here just a second," She says, and goes inside the office, speaking quietly to whoever is inside. You assumed it was the man you spoke with before when interviewing for the job, you thought his name was Henry, but you weren’t sure. You took a deep breath and it caught in your throat as the lady from before opened the door quite quickly.
     “He will see you now!” She said, smiling at you. You took the handle of the door and opened it, stepping inside. The floor had changed to carpet, and the office looked quite cozy. It was adorned with many pictures of the grand opening, different groups of kids posing in front of various animatronics, and even a yellow bunny posing with a little girl. That one was the most worn down and yellowed. Like it had been taken out of its frame and looked at multiple times, before being shoved back in.
     The man noticed your silence and motioned for you to sit down. This was not the same man from before, this man was a bit more serious, and his voice was soft yet commanding at the same time.
     “Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria! My name is William Afton, co-owner and founder. You probably met Henry, correct?” The man smiled, he had a few permanent wrinkles, especially towards his eyes, and wore a (quite frankly) ugly yellow dress shirt that was a tiny bit too big. Probably due to his height, he looked tall just sitting down. His tie was a muted purple, and he clasped his hands together on the desk, looking at you with sharp silver eyes. To be honest, he was a bit intimidating. He loomed over you even when sitting across from you at the desk, and there was no way he was less than six feet tall. When he moved the coffee cup next to him out of the way, you noticed the way his hands engulfed the cup. They were big too. This man was just, large.
     “Uh, yeah, I spoke to Henry on the phone and we had an interview a couple of days ago, he said I could start today in the prize corner…” You trailed off, your small voice echoing off the walls.
     “Well then, here’s some paperwork for you to fill out and I’ll pair you with Barbara today for your first day of training. Normally we do about two weeks of training and then you’ll be an official Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria team member! Exciting, isn’t it?”
     You nodded, looking at him gathering the papers from random places around his desk, even his hands engulfed the papers. He pushed up his glasses and fumbled around for a pen. His desk was extremely neat, and you assumed that William knew exactly where everything was, and exactly how it should be. He definitely ran this place like a Navy ship.
     “Thank you,” You said, grabbing the paperwork and beginning to fill it out. William excused himself from the room and left you there alone, to do the paperwork, and only the paperwork.
     You definitely weren’t going to snoop around a bit. I mean, how could you not? This place had an air of something strange. Like something had gone horribly wrong. You scribbled down more nonsense on the pieces of paper. One question caught your attention.
     Are you scared of animatronics, marionettes, or other children’s toys?
     Huh? You thought to yourself, what a strange question. You guess it made sense, you were going to be around them a lot, and it wouldn’t be a good fit for the company if you were terrified of them, but then, why would you even apply? You tucked away that information for later, perhaps you would ask him. Finally, you finished the paperwork and got up from the chair. You were careful and calculated in your steps. The first thing you went over to was the picture. You took it off the shelf and squinted at it. There was someone in a golden bunny costume, and a little girl, no more than eight, beside him. His hand was draped over her shoulder, and she had a gleaming smile. The words Fredbear’s Family Diner were up at the top, and it looked like this place had just opened. It was a cute picture, but something felt off. The girl was a tiny bit too far away from the man in the bunny suit, you then realized that the man in the bunny suit must have been close to seven feet tall. He was quite literally towering over her. You put the picture back, making sure the angle of the picture was just how you found it a minute prior. You then went over to Williams's desk and opened up the first drawer. Pens, pencils, post-it notes, staples, and write-up citation notices were in the drawer. That was extremely normal. You weren’t sure why you were convinced you were going to find something. The man had been nothing but normal. Absolutely normal.
     Maybe he was too normal. You closed that drawer and opened up the second, it was filled to the brim with different notebooks, picture books, and other random stacks of papers. You then tried to open the third. It was locked.
     Locked? You thought, what reason would he have to lock a desk drawer? You pulled at it more, but nothing budged. There was, however, a tiny sliver where you could see through, and to be honest, you couldn’t see much of anything.
     Something reflected the light, something yellow. Dirty. It smelled like polyester and a hint of something else. You couldn’t tell. You then decided to go back to your chair and gaze around the room more. Thank god you did, because the door opened back up about a minute later.
     “All done?” He quips, you nod, and he sits back down on the desk and takes the paperwork, looking over it.
     “Looks good, I’ll lead you to Barbara at the prize corner, and she’ll teach you the ropes.” He smiled gently, and you smiled back. He opened the door and held it open for you, before leading you through the maze again, footsteps loud on the concrete.
     “Thanks for the job, Mr.Afton, it really means a lot to me.” You spoke quietly, he hadn’t heard you.
     “Hm?” He sighs,
      “Sorry, my hearing isn’t what it used to be, being around loud arcade games for years definitely hasn’t helped. What did you say?”
     You stammered, now obviously embarrassed.
     “Thanks for the job Mr.Afton, I really appreciate it,” William smiled, then held out his hand for you to shake. You did, and his hands were probably twice your size. It was firm, but kind.
     “Happy to have you on the team… And please, William will do,” He led you towards Barbara, and she greeted you with as much excitement as the teenager at the front did earlier, her ginger hair shone in the backlights of the prize corner. She seemed proud of her prize display and was eager to show it off to you.
     She took you through your first day, and it was a breeze. She explained the ticket counter, the prizes, how easiest to remember how many tickets each prize required, and taught you how to deal with problematic children. You couldn’t have asked for a better co-worker. However, something changed when you asked a relatively simple question.
     “So what is Fredbear’s Family Diner?” Barbara froze, and her blue eyes widened in the tiniest of ways. If you hadn’t been staring at her eyes, you would have missed it entirely. She smiled again, and you could tell something was wrong. She grabbed at her tie and loosened it a bit, like she was uncomfortable. You felt like you had crossed an invisible line, or gone past obviously marked caution tape. Barbara spoke gently, and carefully.
     “It was the restaurant Mr.Afton and Mr.Emily had first, it was closed down due to electrical issues.” You decided not to push further, it was obvious that she didn’t want to talk about it. Why though? You thought, trying to make sense of it. If William had a picture of it in his office, it must have meant something to him, why close it down and open something that would basically be the same? What happened?
     The rest of the day went smoothly, and you went home with a lot more questions than before.    
     How could a pizzeria hide so many secrets?
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
So I know we collectively hate time reset/dimension wipe theories about S5, but.....maybe it does need to happen?
Assuming the last couple seasons of ST weren't some elaborate manifestation by Mike to deal with the trauma of losing Will, there are some problems that seem like they can't be fixed without some kind of a reset.
El. Just El in general. Owens was able to give her a fresh start, a new name and a chance at being "normal", However, too many people know about her telekinetic abilities and the ability to open and close gates to the Upside Down. I think she would be in danger of being kidnapped and studied/used as a weapon forever. She can't just kill off/destroy the entire U.S. government (if only), so her file will probably be available for years and even if not, enough people know about her existence that bad actors could target her.
Now that the UD is merging with the RU, will it be contained to Hawkins? Will it spread throughout the country? The world? Even if it is all a hive mind, if they killed Vecna and somehow closed all the gates (it exhausts El to even close one) , would those spores or whatever still be floating around and infecting things in the RU? How could they ever get rid of all of it or ensure that it was all contained in the UD?
As long as both the UD and El exist, even if Vecna is defeated, scientists/governments will always track her because trhey will want to know more about/study/find lucrative applications for the UD. They would still want to use El or use her to find their own way to open gates.
If all this is true and Will/El/the Party need to destroy the UD to make sure no one ever crosses over again, is that really fair? Even if Vecna harnessed the dark particles and created dangerous monsters out for blood, it is hinted that the UD is not inherently malicious. Sure, the Party want to kill Vecna, but if he's gone and the creatures are just minding their own business, would they be fine with destroying it?
And even if they wanted to, could they? How? If it turns out we're right about Will having powers, how would he use them to destroy the Upside Down? I highly doubt his powers would be like El's or involve gates. If he had some kind of creation powers, would he just recreate the UD with glowy light particles and make it beautiful? But even if he did this, wouldn't scientists still want to find a way inside to study it with El"s gate-opening powers?
On the other hand if he (or someone else) has some kind of time powers,, when would they reset it back to? Or what would they go back in time to change? Is there something out of space and time that doesn't belong? (Somehow I am reminded of El saying she doesn't belong anywhere).
If Will or someone else wiped out the dimension that contains the UD (or banished it to another dimension), MKUltra would still have been doing their telekinetic children experiments, right? And if they went back in time, how far back would they have had to go? Back before Henry was taken to Brenner? Would El have been created at all if her mother wasn't part of the MKultra experiments?
Bonus thoughts about a reset: we know how much the Duffers love The Neverending Story. Spoilers for Neverending Story after the cut:
At the end of the Neverending Story movie, Fantasia (the world of fantasies and dreams a bowlcut kid has been reading about in his book) is destroyed by the manifestation of emptiness that is the Nothing. Bastian ({the bowlcut kid) realizes he has the power to make Fantasia (the world of his fantasies) anything he dreams.
After he takes ownership of his role as master of this reality (by giving rhe Childlike Empress a new name 🤔), the entire world of Fantasia is wiped out and it's just Bastian and the Empress together in a black void. All that remains is one grain of sand (a glowing particle, if you will).
The Empress hands the particle to Bastian and tells him his wishes will recreate Fantasia. He recreates it the way he imagined it, and notably brings back all the people who died as a result of the Nothing.
Even more tellingly, he exclaims:
"It's like the Nothing never was!!"
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percyaugod · 1 month
FNAF Movie AU: Friendly Rabbit
The previously mentioned weird FNAF Movie AU I dreamt, as warned.
The kids thought the yellow rabbit was their friend because originally he was. There was someone else who wore the suit before William. It was Michael and he was William's twin. Which is why they looked so much alike and were always getting confused with one another.
William, Michael, and Henry all owned and ran the together. Michael and William are the faces of the business and the ones in the Fredbear and Spring Bonnie suits, while Henry prefers to just stay behind the scenes and do things like work on the robots. That way he could do what he loved and bring joy to children without having to deal with people.
They're so close Henry even named Mike after Michael, which is why William doesn't go after Mike until years later, and Garrett after William's middle name.
I'm not sure if Vanessa is William's daughter, considering everything. Depending on how young she was when it happened she might not remember if her father had a brother. If he used a different name he could have always just changed it to hide his identity. As we see in the movie, this is something William would do.
Michael dies to some teenagers' stupid prank. They throw a bucket of water on him or something and you can hear the springlocks start to come loose. Michael trying to control his breathing and not move even though he's panicking while William is telling him it's going to be okay while he and Henry try to get the suit off of him. They don't get it off in time.
Michael is trying to keep calm despite the fear in his eyes while Henry and William work to get him out. He's trying to comfort them, saying everything will be okay. William hates it because Michael is the one that needs to be comforted, not them.
This gives William a reason to want to hurt Henry and kids since the prank and suit killed Michael.
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booktomoviebrawl · 1 year
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We are not judging how bad the movie is, we are judging which adapted the book the worst. There are good movies that are bad adaptions.
Propaganda below the cut (spoilers may apply)
The Witcher:
Henry Cavill, mostly. Also awful hair and makeup dept.
What they did to Geralt is straight up character assassination and they destroyed his friendship with Dandelion. I will never stop being bitter
completely disregards the themes the books represent and Anglicizing the eastern european literary traditions present. they cast actors who were a poor fit for the roles and the writers expressing open disdain for the books. there is no point to putting work and effort into adapting a media you hate.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children:
While Miss Peregrine was one of my favorite books as a kid and incredibly unique in the way the story is written (The author basically took a box of weird antique photographs and created an underlying story behind a handful of them) the movie is incredibly boring. Like seriously I can't remember a single goddamn thing about the movie besides my extreme disappointment with it after leaving the theatres. It's probably because the original is a trilogy but they didn't want to make it a trilogy for the movie so they just scrapped the ending of the first book and rewrote a shitty climax where they threw snowballs at the nightmare child eating creatures or something. I remember THAT scene perfectly because it was so, so dumb. It was so stupid oh my God- ALSO, thank God I have a copy of the book from before the film came out because new copies don't have one of the photographs that the actual book uses as a base anymore and instead have the shitty movie poster! We truly do live in a society.
Changed way too much so it doesn't feel like the same thing. The main characters are these kids with different abilities (called peculiarities) and the movie switches around their powers and changes almost everyone's age. Emma and Olive switch powers so that Emma now floats (they also added that she can kind of control air to some extent) when she's supposed to have fire powers to match her fiery personality. Olive can make fire now and she's also aged up from an eight year old to a teenager and put her in this weird romance with Enoch. Enoch is also aged up from a grumpy thirteen year old to around the same age as Olive. Bronwyn, one of the older kids in the book and sort of a motherly figure to the younger kids, is now one of the youngest kids. Hugh and Fiona are aged down and basically have no interaction at all in the movie, even when their book counterparts had such a good relationship. The only one they didn't really change was Horace and Jacob. They also added these gorgon twins that do like two things. The antagonist in the movie is Mr. Barron who honestly isn't super memorable and isn't in the books whatsoever. The ending of the movie is weird too because they manage to turn back time somehow so Jacob's grandfather isn't dead and then he hops through loops so he can be with Emma and the other peculiars. I guess the problem of wights and hollowgasts is magically eliminated and we do not have to deal with the consequences. It took six books to fix everything. I appreciate that the movie engaged me enough to read the series but once I did, I could not believe they did my kids that dirty.
Yikes where to start. The 3 girl characters are all mixed up. There are 2 teens, one who's super strong and has a brother (I'll get back to him) and one who controls fire and is the love interest named Emma. The third girl is a child called Olive who floats. She's lighter than air.
In the movie, strong girl is the child, olive is now the fire girl and is for some reason super introverted, and Emma the love interest floats and gets given a super breath??? Power?? Like she rises a sunken ship by blowing in and keeps a man blown against a wall by blowing air at him. He makes a remark that she'll run out of breath eventually, which happens here because plot convenience, but not when she's blowing in the sunken ship.
The enemies in the book are terrifying Hollows. Creatures who have lost themselves and devour souls of those with powers... The movie decides they eat eyes now. And turn human again. And get busted up in a fair for the final act of the movie. Ugh.
The movie also decides randomly that time travelling through the loops is a thing; a loop being a pocket of time that replays the same day over and over. But apparently this means Main Character can travel back in time and stop his grandfather dying??? What?? His grandfathers death is the whole start of the movie and motivation for the character.
The movie undermines many of things that made the book amazing and even decides it's not a trilogy anymore!! Fuck the other 2 books, right?!
Tldr; it is terribly hollywood-ised and t tim Burton ruined a franchise by trying too hard to make it quirky and fun when the books already had a brilliant sombre and interesting tone to them.
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sparklepocalypse · 9 months
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Thanks for the tag, @kiwiana-writes! I swear I meant to do this earlier than, y'know, today, but uh. (gestures at Mother Nature)
The tag... she is open. Do your thing, if you want!
Writing Round-Up: there are no rules, but the general idea is this: give a summary of everything you published in the calendar year.
I basically had to summarize my summaries here. Do you know how much I hate writing summaries? Do you? I always use a quote from my fic as the summary for a reason. 😂
Still no.
What, you thought there'd be something here?
You probably know the answer to this one.
I watched the RWRB movie, after having read the book a year or more before. Things began to mentally percolate.
I read literally every completed RWRB fic rated E or M on AO3... and then remembered Kinktober was a thing, and, for the first time in a dozen years...
OCT 1 | Temperature's Up, 'Bout to Erupt | E | 1,249 words Kinktober day 1: leather; expanded take on the movieverse polo scene.
OCT 2 | My Lips, They are Yours and Not Mine | E | 2,529 words Kinktober day 2: roleplay; Henry's always wanted to roleplay as a brooding regency gentleman whose lover has returned from the war.
OCT 3 | One Breath, It'll Just Break It | E | 3,581 words Kinktober day 3: hate sex; AU in which Alex is legal counsel for the Okonjo Foundation and Henry is a former prince and the foundation's biggest benefactor.
OCT 4 | Take it Down Low / Make Me Get High | E | 2,092 words Kinktober day 4: rimming; Alex eats Henry's ass until Henry cries. That's it; that's the fic. (This eventually became part 2 of a trifecta of filth that I named The Key to My Body.)
OCT 5 | When the Heat is On | E | 4,057 words Kinktober day 5: sweat; Henry whisks Alex away to a Finnish cabin for ice skating, saunas, and lovemaking.
OCT 6 | Take a Trip Into My Garden | E | 3,308 words Kinktober day 6: sex pollen; Henry's family has a Viagra orchid in their conservatory. Alex touches it. (This eventually became part 1 of my series, Bloom.)
OCT 7 | Got So Much to Show Ya | M | 1,150 words A coda to "Take a Trip Into My Garden"; the morning after. (Part 2 of Bloom.)
OCT 7 | In The Low Lamp Light, I Was Free | E | 3,156 words Kinktober day 7: virginity; there were two condom wrappers on the floor in the Paris scene of the movie; my take on what happened with the second one.
OCT 8 | What's Symbiotic Will Always Be | E | 2,622 words Kinktober day 8: breeding; three times Henry didn't ask Alex to fuck him raw, and one time he did.
OCT 9 | Down On My Knees; Wanna Take You There | E | 7,787 words Kinktober day 9: glory hole; AU in which Alex is a Ren Faire knight and Henry is the Ren Faire king, and there's a glory hole in the changing rooms.
OCT 10 | Give Me Your Confession | E | 2,055 words Kinktober day 10: fucking machines; Alex finds a photo of Henry in leather pants and gets all subby about it.
OCT 11 | I Want to Be Every Button You Press | E | 3,717 words Kinktober day 11: mirror sex; there were smudges on the mirror in the DNC hotel scene in the movie. (Part 1 of The Key to My Body.)
OCT 12 | Don't Overthink When You Could Be Lovin' Me | E | 2,110 words Kinktober day 12: costumes; sometime post-canon, Alex and Henry are invited to Heidi Klum's annual Halloween party. Alex brings two costumes; one of them is Xerxes from 300.
OCT 13 | You're So Attractive; How Did That Happen | E | 1,987 words Kinktober day 13: size difference; three things about Alex that make Henry feel wonderfully small, and one thing that doesn't.
OCT 14 | What I Need Tonight | E | 3,514 words Kinktober day 14: selfcest; a temporal folding M/M/M AU in which young Henry, in the midst of his Oxford slut phase, shows up in the bathroom of post-canon Henry's bedroom when Alex is visiting.
OCT 15 | Amazed at How We Talk (Once, Successfully) | E | 8,782 words Kinktober day 15: identity porn; what if Cakegate doesn't happen because Alex, pissy about being snubbed by Henry in the receiving line, gets drunk and goes on Grindr instead?
OCT 16 | Tug On My Shirt Now, I Can't Speak | E | 1,177 words Kinktboer day 16: public sex; Alex and Henry are stuck in traffic en route to an event. Alex helps Henry get over some anxiety with his lack of a gag reflex. That’s it. That’s the fic.
OCT 17 | Blame My Poor Romantic Mind for the Mess We Made | E | 1,570 words Kinktober day 17: body calligraphy; Henry writes homoerotic poetry on Alex's skin and then tops him.
OCT 18 | Side Effects of Wanting You Kick In | E | 2,613 words Kinktober day 18: spanking; Alex and Henry spend the Fourth of July at the lake house. A horsefly precipitates the discovery of a new kink.
OCT 19 | Can't Hide It, My Face Says What's Inside | E | 1,744 words Kinktober day 19: uniforms; the one in which Alex wears a French maid uniform and Henry loses his goddamn mind.
OCT 20 | Don't Want to Worry 'Bout Whatever | E | 2,280 words Kinktober day 20: foodplay; a follow-up to "Amazed at How We Talk (Once, Successfully)" in which Henry and Alex remember the bucket of cake.
OCT 20 | When I Met You (I Could Not Speak) | T | 2,933 words A RWRB take on The Frog Prince. Henry flees to the countryside after he's forced to fake-date yet another woman, and meets a frog who's more than he appears.
OCT 21 | If We're Caught in a Wave (I Will Carry You Over) | E | 5,944 words Kinktober day 21: tentacles; Alex rents a remote beach house where he meets Henry, who is a cecaelia.
OCT 22 | How You Want to See All the Depths of Me | E | 1,458 words Kinktober day 22: intercrural sex | bondage; Henry gives Alex an ancient history lesson.
OCT 23 | Soft Shock, Put a Spring in My Step | E | 2,403 words Kinktober day 23: facesitting; Henry eats Alex's ass until Alex incoherently proposes a little. (Part 3 of The Key to My Body.)
OCT 24 | Just Let the Night Go Down | E | 2,254 words Kinktober day 24: oviposition; Alex buys an eggpreg toy on a whim after reading some dirty Star Wars fic, as one does.
OCT 25 | Running on the Music and Night Highs | E | 2,020 words Kinktober day 25: anonymous sex; the night before the Melbourne Climate Conference, Alex goes to an invitation-only club to blow off steam.
OCT 26 | This is Holy Ground (The Flesh I'm Made Of) | E | 3,491 words Kinktober day 26: divinity kink; deities are real and tangible, and Henry seeks one out in his hour of need.
OCT 29 | The Fountains and the Waters | E | 3,197 words Kinktober day 27: trapped in a tight space; the supply closet scene retold in the Bloom universe.
OCT 30 | You'll be Glowing, Chasing Shadows Away | E | 3,350 words Kinktober day 28: cock bulge; five times Alex tries something he's seen on the internet, and one time he involves Henry.
OCT 31 | So Hard to Put You Into Words | E | 1,453 words Kinktober day 29: vanilla sex; an interlude after everyone's favorite unscripted movie scene in Kensington Palace.
NOV 3 | Slide, Crawl into the Shades of Light | E | 4,851 words Kinktober day 30: overstimulation; Alex and Henry are doing the transcontinental couple life thing, and Henry's had a shit week. Alex gives him several orgasms about it.
NOV 8 | Back, Bring it Back | E | 1,289 words A soulmate AU futurefic that pivots away from canon after Alex storms the castle. (Written for the prompt soulmates + exes + "you confuse me.")
NOV 19 | On My Mind (Let's Go) | E | 10,751 words A movieverse New Year's Eve fix-it in which Henry gets his damn kiss. And then some.
NOV 24 | I'd Wanna Be Felled By You, Held By You | E | 2,310 words Henry wears Alex's clothes at the lake house. Alex acts accordingly.
DEC 3 | So I Will Weather the Storm | E | 9,804 words Canon divergence in which Cakegate happens, but Henry is in the RAF so the PR campaign does not happen. Some months later, Alex does something dumb on a mountain in Scotland.
DEC 10 | Sip You Like Cosmic Juice | E | 3,122 words What if everything's the same, except Henry's sport of choice is rugby? Heavily inspired by fanart.
DEC 25 | Be Worthy Love, and Love Will Come | E | 30,810 words Prince Henry, age 8, writes to Father Christmas wishing for a best friend. A few weeks later, he finds one. A partially epistolary slow-burn love story ranging seventeen years.
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doriandrifting · 2 years
Mothergate: Alice Creel is B*lly Hargrove’s Mother
Forewarning that I hate Billy, but Murray Bauman said to follow the rabbit hole no matter where it leads, and who am I to doubt him? 🕳🐇
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Let’s just get the big thing out of the way first:
Alice Creel died! …Right?
But that leaves a lot unexplained, including when Nancy asks Victor, “Who played the music?” Victor never gives us a straight answer. Which I think gives us a lot of room to speculate that Alice was fighting Henry and changing the music. Let’s also note that Alice’s phrase was, “It’s like a dream,” and the song that saves Victor is “Dream a Little Dream.” This seems like a subtle clue from the writers.
So what happened?
I think that Alice “betrayed” Henry, like El, and refused to join him in his quest for power which included killing their parents. This is the memory that makes him “angry and a little sad.” He uses it to harness his power. If this is the case, Alice’s eyes were bleeding, not because she was dead, but because she exhausted herself fighting Henry. We also see El’s eyes in the same state when she fights Henry. To me, it seems she somehow managed to fake her death:
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There’s also some strange inconsistencies reported about her death:
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There’s no way Alice was meant to be older than our main characters, and at least 3 years older than Henry. They show her running around on a playground, and overall acting and dressing like a little kid. And not in a struggling to mature way—just genuinely a child. What that means about her fake death, I’m not exactly sure, but something’s definitely off. (Sidenote, but it’s also weird that there’s issues with both Will and Alice’s 15th birthday, right?)
Anyway, let’s take a look at the description of Billy’s Mother:
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In terms of the other main theory that Karen is Henry’s sister, Billy’s mother’s physical description more closely resembles Alice. Alice has blue eyes and blonde hair. Karen’s hair is a mousy brown in the first season and her eyes are brown. Alice wears a hat with a blue ribbon when we first meet her.
The red flowers are such an interesting touch considering the Creel’s iconic door:
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Another subtle clue might be that one of the only things we know about her is that she has a friend named Wendy. Wendy—another classic fairytale name. What a strange thing for them to tell us, when we don’t even know her name.
The biggest, and my favorite clue happens throughout all of Season Four:
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Surfer Boy.
This is so on the nose it hurts. (I hope you read that in Will’s voice. You were meant to.) Billy was literally a Surfer Boy in California, and we see this first hand in the memory of his mother. Why call back to this for no reason?
In Season Four, Max is being tormented by visions of Billy shown to her by Vecna, the Cali Crew is in a Surfer Boy Van, and Nancy is piecing together a puzzle about a “grandpa murderer” and a red rose door that she’s seen before. It all adds up as the perfect reference to this specific scene.
Besides the references to the actual scene itself, there’s a big clue that we see in Season Two when Max is introduced, and again this Season with Eddie—the Micheal Myers’ mask. In the Halloween Movies, Micheal Myers is suffering from “the Curse of Thorn” (another reference to roses). In order to break the curse, he must kill everyone in his bloodline, and the one he really struggles to kill is his sister. (Parallels Henry trying to kill his whole family, but failing because of his sister.)
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Lots of references to 20 in Season Four and, in H20, Micheal Myers has a sister that fakes her death and relocates to California! Go figure!
That also addresses the biggest issue with the Karen as Alice theory. It would make no sense for Karen Wheeler to stay in Hawkins, because she’d be at risk of Brenner taking her too if she was Alice Creel. How the Hargrove/Mayfield family ended up back in Hawkins sans Billy’s runaway mother is anyone’s guess, but there’s too many coincidences…and it could explain why Billy and Max were such strong targets.
And let’s not forget that the episode where we first see the memory of Billy’s mother is called “E Pluribus Unum" or “Out of many, one.” A direct nod to Henry’s secret identity in the title of the very episode that we meet a random woman who’s sheer memory is enough to bring down the Mind Flayer? That’s Alice Creel, babygirl.
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emily-prentits · 11 months
what are your currents wips!? <3
hi anon! mostly i'm writing for meddison right now, so i'll give you those wips. edit: this got very long so my wips are under the cut <3
lately she's undressing for revenge. i currently have 3 parts out of this fic! the basic premise is addison walks into meredith's life and suddenly her relationship is ruined because her boyfriend didn't bother to tell her that he had a wife. so meredith drops him in a turmoil of feelings and seduces addison to get back at him. and, well, if they happen to fall in love... isn't that the ultimate fuck you?
neighbor au. this one doesn't have a title yet, and it's BARELY a wip with how much time i've had to work on it lately, but it's really kind of an au where one tiny thing is changed in canon and the butterfly effect of what happens because of it- namely derek divorces addison before he runs to seattle in season 1, so when addison shows up in seattle (with henry) in season 18 and moves into the house next to meredith's, they have no idea about the connection between them. slightly crack-y events ensue as well as some very fun, very sexy milf action because really. this is me we're talking about. (it's partially based on my therapist told me by xana if you wanna check that out!!)
sad christmas fic. this is from the mentioned christmas part in chapter 3 of revenge. that's all i'm gonna say about that.
bloomington au. this is based on the sapphic professor/student movie bloomington! the main characters SCREAMED meddison to me as i was watching it so i took notes and somehow it devolved into a whole au. whoops.
elevate me songfic. so um. fun fact about me i hate nick marsh? especially with meredith? so in very me fashion i decided to take the song that played over their first sex scene and make it into a season 18 meddison au. because honestly the whole nick storyline SCREAMS meddison the second time around. the meeting again after a long period of time, the instant rekindling of infatuation, the way they would drop anything for one another, etc. you get it. this one is probably a two parter but i'm excited for it especially since i was just talking about it with @walshies earlier. it's going to be very self indulgent and everything we wished was true about meddison the second time around <3
an addison-centric fic about her early life > relationship with derek > relationship with mark > relationship with meredith <3 i haven't decided whether or not i want to include the events from private practice into this fic yet but i suppose we will see what happens when i have more time lol.
carol au. planned this one out with @thenightmaredrowns! it's based on the movie carol (as was a bit obvious) we have it mostly figured out we just have to... actually write it. in our spare time.
bonus random assorted fics i haven't thought about in a bit:
series rewrite but meddison is cheating on derek through the entire show
a fic set to enchanted by taylor swift. set before in the heat of your electric touch (i want to need you forever)
season 6 au, meddison adopts zola
a fic set to maroon by taylor swift
friends with benefits meddison
a fic set to shivers by ed sheeran (this one has no plot. it's a single scene lol)
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theyluvlyss · 1 year
/ᐠ-˕-マ~ the heart !
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...and welcome to my heart ! here, you can see all of the fandoms I'm in and am currently making/posting content for, as well as links leading to the masterlists for each fandom. to learn more on the topic of myself, you can always check out the about me page. or, for general information, you can always check out the intro page. questions? your best bet is the faq's page.
I have a few of big/well-known ones (fandoms), but I think most of the stuff I write for is pretty niche, to be honest (and if not niche, just doesn't really have any fanfic/content on this app💀 but I'm happy to be the first or one of the few/ᐠ^˕^マ). also, the list is in alphabetical order for easy finds :).
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞
───────── 《 .°•♡•°. 》 ──────────
《 ♡ 》 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫
binging this show every three months has been and is the only consistent thing in my life. is that depressing?? nahhh/ᐠ-⩊-マ~°.*•...
《 ♡ 》 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝
I love this movie because a) "awkward/odd black girl that literally everyone loves/has chemistry with" rep🫶🏽 (I could go so deep in on this-) and b) james harris has my heart😻.
《 ♡ 》 𝐝𝐜
I have so many thoughts on all of the batboys all of the time. and the teen titans. and the kent boys. and-
《 ♡ 》 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 (𝟏-𝟑)
they dyed cameron's hair black and white and told booboo stewart to put on a leather jacket/vest with no sleeves and just k n e w the girlies would lose their shit. like, lives changed fr.
《 ♡ 》 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥
I need to branch out to other animes still, but I just- *sobs in emotional attachment to this one, and I don't want a new one/ᐠ~˕~マ*
《 ♡ 》 𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
you thought I was here for henry, huh? lol nah, jasper is where I'm at (jk I love henry, too). also, I find nickelodeon literally insane for having captain man's big, hairy chest, trail, and pits out on/during this show while I was coming up, like ??? like gee thanks now I have a type😒😻...
《 ♡ 》 𝐤𝐢𝐜𝐤-𝐚𝐬𝐬 (𝟏-𝟐)
no because telling my mom, "I love superheros so much😻✨️" and then her sitting me down to make me watch this movie, out of all superhero movies ever, was a canon event. she couldn't just put on man of steel or something? I was literally, like, twelve years old, dude💀.
《 ♡ 》 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (𝐦𝐜𝐮)
my dad took me to see the incredible hulk in 2008, and it was a wrap💀.
《 ♡ 》 𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 (𝟏-𝟑)
I saw gally's angry ass and fell in love, I'm sorry, I have an attraction to people who'd probably dislike me (speaking of dislike, fuck teresa, like genuinely. and don't fight me on this, we hate teresa on this blog, argue with the wall).
《 ♡ 》 𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐞
angel toress. that's all ♡.
《 ♡ 》 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐦! (𝟏-𝟐)
I love these movies with my entire soul, like, it's not even funny, and I wish I was normal (and not completely obsessive) about 'em, but nope, I just can't be, I-...
《 ♡ 》 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
mike is such an asshole, I hate him. and yet... *heart implodes*. also yeah, obviously and of course, eddie munson. I'm not a steve girly. like, at all. but I'm not gonna turn down requests for him because I don't hate him or anything, lol.
《 ♡ 》 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫 (𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟖/𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞)
I still, after like... a decade, can't believe that speed's mom gave birth to her beautiful little boy, looked him in his eyes, and was like, "...I'm gonna name you speed🥰." as if it wasn't already bad enough that his last name is racer😃. I'd be heated everyday of my life.
《 ♡ 》 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞
if any of y'all little sickos ever ask me to do the grabber just because he's played by ethan hawke, I will block you. deadass.
《 ♡ 》 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬
am I the only one that kinda doesn't like tilda? like, idk, her character was a little disappointing, I thought she'd be way chiller😔.
《 ♡ 》 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬
magik could've been so cool if they didn't literally make her racist😃. she doesn't even act that way in the comics (I don't think-) so what the hell was up with that😭? also, sam has my heart🥰.
《 ♡ 》 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝
I'm telling you right now, I only write for carl. I have trouble writing relationships with grown people, but I swear, I'm working on it/practicing🙏🏽😭.
《 ♡ 》 𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚 (𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬)
proud heather hater. no, she's not iconic. no, she's not a queen or savage. she's just an annoying bitch with a complex. argue with your momma🥴.
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《 ♡ 》 𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬
《 ♡ 》 𝐨𝐜'𝐬
unnamed rainbow oc 🏳️‍🌈 (edit/first content)
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《 ♡ 》 𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 :
the hunger gamesㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤonce upon a timeㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤspider-verseㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤkarate kid (1-3)/cobra kai
《 ♡ 》 𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 :
none :(
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《 ♡ 》 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 :
the list - (pretty much just a full list of all of my dr's lol)
dr's edit - (and edit I made for my tiktok lol)
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𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 : [active] [hiatus] [offline]
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 : [open] [closed]
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...that's everything. be sure to browse through and find something you like and look out for upcoming fandoms I will add to the list and/events ! maybe if I had gotten the idea to do this sooner, I could've participated in goretober, kinktober, and flufftober, but oh well. maybe next year :).
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ/ᐠ-˕-マ~ 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 !
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
for your matchup game! thank you for doing these they look super fun though i’m sure you’re super busy with them lol!!
* my fave song in the last few weeks has been otherside which is a minecraft song. it’s got a sick beat drop and i like listening to it for focus music
* 2w1
* I don’t know about gargantuan BUT i do love a good video essay/deep dive. mike’s mics pretty little liars vids have been my go to the last few months
* i don’t actually remember having an imaginary friend :/ my parents said i had one, and most i can remember is we used to have tea parties
* i have to have asmr or some kind of ambient noise in order to fall asleep, and i also have to have my body pillow to hug or else i cannot sleep
* emily irene. it’s the name my parents were going to give me bc it honored their grandparents but my mom hated irene (my dads grandmothers name) so she refused. i’ve always wanted to change it to that.
* probably camping with your tsundere alpha werewolf boyfriend because it’s the first real time we’ve seen davey share memories about his dad in a peaceful way, which was really nice. also the scratch offs reminded me of my own dad bc it was something he used to do for me and my sisters and it made me cry after listening and i had to call him and tell him i missed him LOL
* james probably? i just haven’t rlly gotten around to listening to all of the audios with james anton and marcus yet (still p new to the fandom)
* howl’s moving castle
* damien. i think we could commiserate over a really nice chocolate cheesecake abt our mommy issues.
* internet drama i come across. i have a bad habit of digging myself down a rabbit hole of the most inane internet drama and then telling my best friend abt it when we’re both sleepy but not ready to SleepTM yet
* reese’s sticks and a dr pepper, or if i’m feeling savory it’s pringles and a dr pepper and if they have slushies/icees then it’s a cherry slushie/icee and whichever above snack i’m feeling
* i have a playlist called georgia peach which is a country music playlist i made of all the old music i grew up on. i like listening to it on warmer days when i’m on a drive
* a tie between the twilight movies and bbc sherlock but i feel like twilight is more um. socially accepted, at least on social media. bbc sherlock is only the first 2 seasons
* ummm i’m a libra. myer briggs type is infp. i’m autistic/have adhd. i have a black cat named pika whomst i love dearly, i used to love reading as a kid but i kind of fell off and i’ve been trying to get back into it recently, i’m a middle child, i like farming sim games and rpg games and narrative games (like telltale games) and romcoms and some light horror movies. my top 5 movies of all time are howl’s moving castle, pride and prejudice (2005), scream, pacific rim, and the princess bride. my top artist the last 7 years in a row on spotify was hozier. my current favorite author is emily henry. my love language for giving is quality time/gift giving, receiving is acts of service/quality time.
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Anon, I am gently patting your cheeks, I adore you so. You’ve given me so much information to work with, and every bit that I got just further cemented my hypothesis that you’ve gotta be paired with Huxley.
Speed run, let’s go- Type Two’s are characterized by a desire to be loved and confident in that love; Huxley leaves no room for doubt. Your sisters would probably be protective and want the best boyfriend for you; does it get better than Huxley? You’ve got mommy issues; he’s got two amazing moms who’ll love you and heal them. You’re autistic; we’ve got proof Huxley’s awesome with autistic people (i.e Damien and Lasko).
You and Huxley would make each other so endlessly happy. I think both of you are big “Quality Time” people, so nothing makes you feel more loved than a simple, domestic weekend at home. Huxley loves those cozy, lazy days of cuddling your cat (which loves him duh) and reading together. The only kind of day he might like better is y’all going for a hike or leisurely drive together, singing along to country music on the radio. (He definitely has a soft spot for the same genre, having heard his moms listen to it when he was a kid.)
First time that I saw you, mmm/ You took my breath away/ I might not get to Heaven/ But I walked with the angels that day/ She takes me by the hand/ I am the luckiest man alive/ Did I tell you, baby/ You are the joy of my life?
Speaking of country, I love to imagine Huxley as a Chris Stapleton fan specifically. He’s just so quintessentially, classically country and writes the dreamiest love songs; I can totally see young!Huxley singing Tennessee Whiskey long before he ever drank alcohol. Now, he sings it and other Stapleton songs like this to you. (Badly, I might add. I like to headcanon that Huxley can’t hold a tune to save his life, but he pulls it off well.)
Asher would be a fun runner-up for you because I think y’all would have fun playing games, like next to each other and with each other, you know? Like, imagine running a Stardew farm with Asher; it’d be chaotic and amazing. I also like Lasko for you as a runner-up, because who better gets mommy issues than another person with mommy issues, you dig? /lh
note: Irene is such a cute name boooo anon’s mom /lh
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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so here’s the thing about the red white and royal blue movie
PSA BEFORE WE BEGIN!!! I AM NOT HATING! i did like the movie, this is not me hating on it or casey mcquinston, any of the actors, producers, writers, etc. i personally think that casey is an insanely talented writer, and the actors did a phenomenal job bringing this story to life. i am simply sharing my opinion and what i would change about it! also i like to complain it is my natural instinct. now that that’s out of the way here we go
honestly i think they could have done better and we could have gotten a lot more. sososo much was left out from the books and i was honestly just disappointed by how much they changed or straight up removed entirely. we were ROBBED of the following:
• alex’s parents being divorced and how that effected him as a person and helped him grow into the person he is
• alex’s self discovery in his sexuality
• liam and rafael luna and how they both also helped alex in discovering his bisexuality (who the fuck is miguel) (did not like that he was already bi, his path of self discovery throughout the book is really relatable and good rep imo but idk)
• the iconic cornettos scene (i know they filmed it it was is the fucking trailers WHERE DID IT GO)
• bea’s 🍃 scandal/‘powder princess’ and how much that contributes to her development and depth as a character
• the physical presence of the emails and how vulnerable alex and henry are with each other in them and how much they reveal about not just the 2 of them but other characters too like bea and the rest of henry’s family (they just has voiceovers which i thought was kind of weird, maybe just me)
• henry talking to the cancer patient about at at wars and that whole adorable thing
• seeing alex storming the palace to talk to henry (he just appeared?? smh anyways)
• most of alexs persepective of the emails getting leaked
• the ENTIRE fake dating arc with alex/nora and henry/june (i think? read the book a while ago don’t fully remember)
• alex’s whole dilemma and eventual decision to go to NYU law
• the historical love letters henry and alex quoted in their emails to each other
• most of the plot with the richards campaign (mostly to do with the fact that there is NO LUNA)
• overall a lot of the buildup/enemies to lovers aspect of alex and henry’s relationship
there’s probably so much more that i’m forgetting but THE POINT IS there were so many important little details from the book that was left out in the movie that i would have loved to see and it’s honestly just disappointing that we didn’t get those. it felt like they basically got rid of everything that didn’t have to do with alex and henry’s relationship which just made the movie feel very one dimensional and bland to me. the whole film just felt overall really lacking of what made me love the book so much in the first place.
now i am going to be a tad bit hateful when i say the pacing of this film is HORRENDOUS. it was so fast paced and really just did not flow at all like the he book did. a great example of this i think would be the bar scene. when i read that in the book, it felt like a really long and detailed scene, but in the movie it’s a short maybe 60 second long montage which honestly just does not do such an eventful moment from the book justice.
to be entirely honest i feel like the book would have done a lot more justice if it had gotten a tv show adaptation instead of a film. unfortunately movies have a time limit, and amazon made them cut the originally 3+ hour film down to 2 hours or less. with tv shows on the other hand, they can make multiple shorter episodes, resulting in a longer total running time, therefore giving much more time for the smaller details (listed above) that aren’t detrimental enough to the plot to keep in a limited 2 hour long maximum film, but important enough to be kept in a, for example, 8 episode long tv series, 30-45 mins per episode. it doesn’t make sense to me why it wasn’t a tv show in the first place, since it is produced by prime video, whose most popular thing rn is the summer i turned pretty, which is LITERALLY A BOOK TO TV SHOW ADAPTATION!!!!!
to put it simply, it is impossible to fit 10 hours worth of words into a 2 hour long movie, so i understand why they had to remove so many details, but as a diehard book fan it is still disappointing to not see little things like that portrayed on the big screen.
i think that the moral of the story is that books should never be made into movies and instead always be made into tv shows and we deserve the 3 hour uncut version and amazon hates gay people
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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samd1o1 · 1 year
Gothic Horror HCs But Using The Penny Dreadful Versions As Well Cus I Like Them
Hello, So recently I have been really obsessed with 1800s gothic horror literature.
My favorite books are (in order);
1. Frankenstein The Modern Prometheus
2. The Picture Of Dorian Gray
3. The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
4. Dracula
So imagine my fucking excitement when I heard there was a show that used THOSE EXACT FOUR BOOKS!!!!
Anyway I thought I'd take the time to talk about my favorite characters from the books/show and hcs I have for them all.
Now massive Trigger Warning for some ableism/sanism from the victorian era but also current day, and also queermisia.
All of these characters are canon ND I believe based off of their canon "madness" and I also believe they were all queer men.
Victor Frankenstein
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Victor is a trans man you must understand this. He literally has postpartum depression in the book. He is also forced into an arranged marriage with a woman but has so much more chemistry with his best friend Henry Clerval. I think he's gay and his love for both Elizabeth and Lilly are just comphet. (He loves Elizabeth like a sister tho).
Victor is also disabled in the book. In Penny Dreadful he also has asthma! I also hc Victor is autistic. In the book he has a special interest in alchemy and science. He info dumps about poetry and clocks a lot in Penny Dreadful lmao. He's also just awkward like me fr fr. There was also a rlly funny scene in Penny Dreadful where everyone noticed this one character was a trans woman and made a "face" of surprise. Victor never did because honestly I don't think he fucking noticed. Which made me laugh because I didn't either.
Dorian Gray
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This man is just me sometimes and I kinda hate it. Definitely has BPD. He treats life as a fantasy and has a hard time applying reality to reality. He also will love you one second and can hate you so passionately the next. Henry Wotton is most definitely his favorite person. There's also an entire chapter in the book dedicated to talking about his hyperfixations. Dorian is also bisexual! He falls in love with a few women in the book and Penny Dreadful. But also many men! Oscar Wilde was gay and put a lot of himself into Dorian lmao.
Henry Jekyll
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Look the guy with daddy issues. Seriously out of all the things they chose to adapt for Penny Dreadful this made me laugh the most (in a good way). It's a random throwaway line in the book but I'm glad they kept it because his father leads to Henry's toxic mindset. Henry feels the need to be respectful in high society and not indulge his "indecent" thoughts. These thoughts include things like murder but also homosexual desires. The man is gay, love that for him. Don't let the musical fool you. I think his other violent thoughts come from OCD intrusive thoughts. As a median system I do also relate to the duality he feels. But I also would be careful ever putting a plural reading on Jekyll and Hyde for obvious reasons.
Robert Montague Renfield
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Oh Renfield so much to say about you my man. (This is where that TW comes in handy)
Ok so the R.M. of his name standing for "Robert Montague" is ONLY from the new 2023 movie "Renfield". Renfield never had a first name because Bram Stoker was an ableist dick who saw Renfield as less than human for his mental illness. So out of spite of him and love for Renfield I hc his name to be Robert in all versions. This isn't to praise the new movie for its handle on mental illness though. While I absolutely adore the movie and it's camp and message I can't look past the ableism. It constantly demonizes NPD and for the topic of our discussion writes out Robert's mental illness. Robert in the book has psychosis and periods of mania and depression. Honestly I'll have to reread his sections of the book soon and see if I change my opinion because I had a hard time thinking of a label for him. Anyway I think he has Bipolar! But this is why I prefer Penny Dreadful over Renfield 2023 for the character. He gets to be mentally ill and still do a good thing and be just like everyone else in the show (not good or bad, just gray). On the topic of Renfield 2023 again I also think they (Drac and Ren) are ex lovers lmao, I mean it's literally framed like that they just don't have the balls to say it. I now just read every version like this. So yes another Bi king! Wow this ended up mainly being about Renfield whoops.
So yeah as you can see I really like the books and Penny Dreadful. I loved that Penny Dreadful wasn't scared to make its characters ND coded like a certain someone *cough* Renfield 2023 *cough* and be faithful to the OGs!
Anyway I'm not a medical professional lmao, I've just researched a lot of stuff trying to figure out my own problems and it's also smth I take an interest in. The queer stuff I am a professional tho /j.
Was this post messy? Oh yeah, wouldn't have it any other way.
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Let’s talk about backlash and response in the Red, White & Royal Blue literary and cinematic universe.
The book:
Casey changed two things in the book when there was backlash, and honestly the fact that they were so quick to respond to these and not anything else is kinda super upsetting.
The first was the Harry Potter books that Alex (and Henry too?) read, and like obviously JKR is a fucking bad person, but… The books exist! Millions of people read the books! Mentioning them by name isn’t gonna make you a bad person, having fictional people read these books doesn’t make them bad, it means they read books that existed. Trust me, I’m in the hating JKR trenches with everyone, she’s an antisemitic TERF, but of all the things in the world to be mad at, fictional characters reading a book isn’t it. Like, I have Harry Potter books on my shelf, am I supposed to burn them all and go back through my old instagram from middle school to delete all references to Hogwarts houses? No. Because multiple things can be true at once: JKR is a terrible person, and Harry Potter books at one point were highly read and enjoyed. Like, mentioning or not mentioning a book from over 20 years ago won’t impact JKR, if you want to stand up against her, stand up against her new video game and TV show— things that will directly put money in her pocket, stand up against Cursed Child if you want, donate to valued organizations that promote the things she hates. Anyway, It was changed to the Percy Jackson series instead, which is fine, but I think changing the books was an interesting choice. Like, obviously Casey doesn’t agree with the transphobic and disgusting views of JKR, neither do the characters. (CMQ probably does agree with some of the antisemitism, but that’s another story). Regardless of my own views on this change, people were upset by it and it was changed. Casey listened and made the fix. Editing to add: I’m totally cool with the change! Like I complete understand why it was done and if I were Casey I would have done the same thing. I, very badly, wanted to show how you can separate the author from the art, but I think there are some things that maybe can be judged by the author. I hope anyone I offended by misspeaking sees this and understands that I didn’t mean to reduce your pain. You are valid and correct in wanting the book removed from the book, especially when it was an easy fix. My point was solely that Casey listened and changed things, I shouldn’t have said anything else that undermined that or caused hurt, even indirectly. Again, sorry if my misspeaking hurt you, it was never my intention
The second time the book was edited, was after some people got weird about a reference to a UN ambassador: (copied from a Slate article because this isn’t in my copy) in which a supporting character who is the president of the United States complains, “Well, my UN ambassador fucked up his one job and said something idiotic about Israel, and now I have to call Netanyahu and personally apologize.”.
This is literally so nothing it’s insane. People claimed it justified the Israel/Palestine conflict and said that America would always back Israel, which like, I’m not going to explain the conflict because it’s bigger, older, and more complex than Tumblr, but no. No. No. No. Just no. This has nothing to do with that, Israel and America are Allies, and it’s no different than someone saying something about Canada. Also, nobody likes Netanyahu except Netanyahu, so this line is actually more of a funny satirical line about how the president has to go talk to this guy who’s an ally but super annoying. This is not an invite to send me anything about the I/P conflict, because I promise I know way more on this topic than you think and I’m not getting into it. Regardless, people said stuff, Casey listened, it was changed.
The movie:
After backlash about the actors ages, Casey posted a very attitude filled and almost-guilt trippy post saying that it’s rude and wrong to say that people who are 28 or 30 are old, because that’s calling Casey old, that’s saying that people who are older can’t discover their sexualities.
None of that was what people were saying, but they wanted to save themself, so they responded.
Backlash about the actors sexualities- Casey responded.
Preemptive response to people talking about Nick’s hair color- There was a response from multiple people
Response to people talking about Taylor being Mexican-American. This one was more of a “Hey! We did it!” Positive response by multiple people from the production, mainly the director who said that they purposely sought out the correct actor for Alex so people wouldn’t say anything bad and would be happy about it.
I’m sure there’s more, but I haven’t been in the know for a longggggg time.
All that to say, there’s been a ton of backlash about how Nora’s ethnicity was erased and how antisemitic their casting decision was, and the only thing they’ve done is block and remain silent. Not to forget that the production and CMQ know about the antisemitism within the RWRB fandom and they don’t give a shit.
Funny how things can be addressed when it’s literally about anything besides their Jew-erasure.
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