#incubi can change shape right????
fisheito · 1 year
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We have blowup doll morvay
And we're doing NOTHING with him???????
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Hi! Can you please share your thoughts on demon physiology that you mentioned in those recent asks? (Not pregnancy-oriented, just general or specific ideas you have cuz im curious)
Okay so first off, this is purely my headcanon.
Also keep in mind, the Celestial Realm and the Devildom are not actually Heaven and Hell, canonically in om! (unless they suddenly decide to retcon it😮‍💨) God only created the Celestial Realm and angels
Right so, we know demons (with the exception of Satan) are born the same way humans are. Whereas, angels are created by God.
I see the creation of angels as something similar to how fairies are created in the Tinkerbell movie series
In Tinkerbell, it's:
fairydust + dandelion(?) = fairy
I watched the movies over a decade ago, I can't remember exactly how it goes but the point is, I see angels being created as:
(God's) Magic + something from nature (eg:natural magic present in the air or a bird's first flight or a brewing thunderstorm or simply the pollen of a flower, it'll depend on the angel being created eg: stardust for Belphie, the hunger pangs of a newborn for Beel) = a brand new angel
Like with the fairies in Tinkerbell none of them are actually related, but they do refer to each other as "brother", "sister", "sibling" and this part's actually canon.
Personally I see the use of those terms as... you know when you're in a tight/close knit community/group and those terms come out? I know it sounds like I'm trying to say cult and that's a whole other post that'll need to be dissected but in this particular instance I'm referring to something like this political party where I live where such terms were used
Anyway that's how I headcanon how angels are created. And since the brothers have always had their sins in them and showed them in the Celestial Realm as well, I think the "nature" that was used to create them were all things that could be related back to each of their Sins, like with the example of the twins I gave above. (The ripe potential of the first day of spring for Asmo, the grasping pull of a blackhole dragging everything around it within for Mammon)
Then they Fall and God tore out the magic he used to create them - aka their Grace. And instead that natural magic - those all consuming sins - overtook them and mixed with the demon magic saturated air of the Devildom and the brothers as demons were created - now wholly personifications of each of their sins.
Since angels are all created by God, and their different ranks/positions in the Celestial Realm hierarchy canonically depends on their usefulness and they can be promoted or demoted, they're all uniform - like humans, there may be physical differences between them but they're all clearly one species.
Demons were actually created like humans through evolution, but unlike with humans the different species of demons didn't die out, so you get a wide variety of demons that have evolved and adapted to live under certain circumstances. So you get things like those ant sized demons and incubi and succubi and etc.
Satan is unique because he's a demon, he has always been a demon, but he was created in the same way as an angel.
Now on to the demon forms (angel forms) and human forms.
Lets work with the Sins.
The brothers are personifications of the Seven Sins. Meaning Lucifer is as much the person Lucifer as he is the concept of Pride in its totality.
Something like the concept of Pride will not have a physical form - it's just a concept after all, it just happens to have a consciousness.
So let's take a glob of black ink (somehow magically) floating in the air with no container. It has no concrete shape. It moves, it spreads, it changes form. Imagine that is Pride - Lucifer in his truest form. Something that doesn't have a true shape or form, something that ebbs and flows, something that cannot be easily described. Something that just is.
Then you take one of those small cream coloured canvas/cloth bags and pour the ink into it and cinch it shut. The ink will soak through the bag and dye it black, some of the ink might even leak out. Imagine that is Lucifer in his true demon form. Fully stained and consumed by Pride, that it's barely constrained within a physical form. But also easier to perceive and describe.
Then you put that cloth bag inside another cream cloth bag. Which you then put inside another cream cloth bag. And then you keep doing that, over and over again, until the ink no longer leaks out and stains the outermost bag. Until the outermost bag is an unstained cream canvas bag. Imagine this is Lucifer's human form.
Then we remove the outermost bag and the bag underneath has a few stains. Little spots where just a bit of that ink managed to leak out. Imagine that's the demon form we get to see in the game.
That's how the Sins are, in my head at least.
With other demons there's no glob of floating ink, since they're not the personification of a sin or other concept. You start instantly with the fully stained bag.
With other powerful demons like Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephisto and the rest of the Nobility you start with the fully ink stained bag and progress to the outermost unstained one.
Then with certain demons who are not powerful enough, like the ant sized demons, you don't get additional bags. Meaning they'll always be the fully ink stained bag. Meaning they'll never have a human form.
With other demons like the incubi and succubi, they start with the fully ink stained bag and progress halfway. So they get a cream bag with some ink stains and that's why their horns are always out in pictures.
And TAA DAA ✨️ a full physiology lesson on om! angels and demons that lives purely in my head🤡
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kaykebitez · 7 months
Hands in the Fire (Astarion x Genderfluid!Tav) (Modern!AU)
Rating: Explicit Category: Multi/Other Pairing: Astarion/Tav; Other background/side pairings to be added Status: In Progress Chapters: 7/? Word Count (So Far): 36,032
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Tadpoles | Illithid Parasites (Baldur's Gate), Nightclub Setting, Tiefling Tav (Baldur's Gate), Half-Incubus Tav (Baldur's Gate), Genderfluid Tav (Baldur's Gate), Nonbinary Tav (Baldur's Gate), The Dark Urge and Tav are Separate Characters (Baldur's Gate), Deal with a Devil, Raphael Being a Bastard (Baldur's Gate), Manipulative Raphael (Baldur's Gate), Many Character Cameos, Vampire Spawn Astarion (Baldur's Gate), POV Astarion (Baldur's Gate), Shapeshifting, Bard Tav (Baldur's Gate), Hook-Up, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Riding, Enthusiastic Consent, Succubi & Incubi, Vampire Bites, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Named Tav (Baldur's Gate), Shapeshifter Tav (Baldur’s Gate), POV Tav (Baldur's Gate), Masturbation, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Clothed Sex
“See something you like?” Vox murmured into his ear. “I forgot to ask what form you might prefer, but the way you’re looking at me says I made the right choice.”
Astarion struggled to catch their meaning at first. “Form?”
Vox twirled around in his arms with a laugh. They shrunk in height, the curls of their horns barely coming up to his shoulders. Soft curves pressed against him where hard planes of muscle had been, and their voice was now a soulful, lilting feminine drawl.
“I can be whatever you want me to be." They rocked their body against Astarion’s before they pulled away again, twisting around to step behind him and change shape again. This form dwarfed his own, broad arms encircling his waist with hands that made him feel downright tiny. The voice in his ear was now deep, rumbling. “In any configuration…” Another shift, and while they were still taller and broader, Astarion felt the press of breasts into his back, heard their voice now as a sultry alto. “…anything your heart desires.”
AKA: The Modern Nightclub AU with big bad Raphael, a plot to create the crown of Karsus and stick it to the Devil himself, and nary a tadpole in sight. Oh, and Astarion falls in love with a half-incubus.
Snippet from Chapter 1 under the cut:
He took his wine with a small nod of thanks and paid in cash—Cazador never trusted them with credit cards, no matter how much money his company made—and then turned around in his stool to look out over the dance floor once again. There were so many people it was hard to make out where one person ended and another began, and he was quite certain there were at least a few couples plainly fucking on the dance floor in the middle of the chaos. How scandalous.
Astarion snorted to himself and took a sip of the wine, surprised to find that it actually tasted more like wine than swill. This place did seem upscale, even if the crowd wasn’t, so it wasn’t a stretch of the imagination that they had some pricey suppliers. The glass had cost him a pretty penny, but he had enough money for one or two drinks before he needed to really get to work and find someone to lure away.
He watched the smiling, laughing faces of the dancers and scowled. Unfortunately for one of them, their night of fun would end in being sucked dry by a vampire lord. And none of them were any the wiser.
A pity, really.
A pity that he hadn’t been drained two hundred years ago, instead.
Suddenly, the lights dimmed and the music abruptly shifted to a low hum. Confused, Astarion shifted his gaze to the stage, where it appeared that the DJ in the corner had suddenly disappeared from the booth. In a blink, the center of the stage was awash in pink and purple lights, and an incredibly breathtaking tiefling was standing at the edge, infernal purple eyes glowing under the light as they held their arms up in an elegant pose.
“Do you dare to dance with devils?” the performer purred into their headset microphone in a delightfully masculine voice, the gold charms on their curled, white horns clinking in the background. They wore little more than black, skin-tight leggings with a strappy harness across their ridged chest, gold rings and cuffs circling their clawed fingers and wrists catching the light where they stood. The crowd went nuts at the sound of their voice, screams echoing through the bar area in a deafening roar that had the performer smirking, showing off a mouthful of sharpened, pearly white fangs.
Then they began to sing.
Now, Astarion had heard many a bard in his two hundred years of frequenting seedy bars, clubs, and even a hotel lounge or two. Many could carry a tune, many could even bring a tear to his eye, but no bard had ever sounded like this one. It felt like all the air was sucked out of the room as they crooned into the microphone, the music swelling to accompany them as pale blue magic coiled around their wrists. They started to move around the stage as they sang, their lithe body rolling with ease as they teased the clubgoers closest to the stage with little swishes of their hips and flicks of their tail, also adorned in gold jewelry.
Admittedly mesmerized, Astarion sat with his back against the bar, wine nearly forgotten in his hand, as he watched the performance with rapt attention. The tiefling swirled and danced around the stage, their movements salacious and skilled, rolling their hips with each dirty phrase purred from their lips in a voice that reminded Astarion of a siren’s song. Could they be a siren? It surely seemed plausible—
And then a strange thing happened. The performer did a twirl and then dropped into a split, and their body changed before Astarion’s very eyes. They still held the same white hair, coiffed into a series of braids over their right ear and hanging in loose waves over their left shoulder; the same infernal purple eyes, seemingly staring into Astarion’s soul; and the same upturned nose with what appeared to be a light dusting of freckles, framed with vine tattoos up and down their pale blue skin…
But where the hard planes of a man’s chest had been were now soft curves of breasts, the dip of a narrow waist and wide hips. Their voice, too, changed to a feminine lilt, their pouting lips sparkling with purple lipstick as they crooned and rolled around on the floor of the stage.
Another blink, and the tiefling lifted their hips into the air before they vaulted themselves upright, suddenly bearing a more muscular, masculine form with a chiseled jaw and deeper, booming voice.
Round and round and round they went on the stage, slipping between visages seamlessly, not missing a beat of their song. Astarion clicked his jaw shut when he noticed his mouth was hanging open, clearing his throat even though he logically knew no one was watching him—all eyes had to be on the tiefling on the stage.
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hammerhead-jpg · 1 year
Can we talk about the redacted demon's horns please?
Because as we know Caelum, Vega and Scorpius canonically have horns since their icon has their horns on it (and when describing Caelum Gavin mentions him having horns) but then demons like Gavin, Camelopardalis, Avior and Regulus have different things as their icons and have things that imply that they mostly look human
For example: Gavin always goes out in public with no issues with breaking convert
Camelopardalis went into the same elevator as baby #2 while fully visible
When starlight first saw Avior they asked if he was a dreamwalker, implying that they couldn't tell that he was a demon straight away
And Regulus is invisible so who the fuck knows
So I'm really confused on how this works
You can say that demons that spend more time in elegy would present themselves more human-like to not break convert while demons who spend more time in aria would stay true to their demonic appearance
Bit that doesn't quite make sense
Sure, it makes sense for some demons, Caelum is an empathy deamon so he's invisible to most humans and wouldn't have to worry about breaking convert, Vega couldn't care less about humans and most likely spends his time in elegy cloaked, Camelopardalis is in the memory modification team where he has to interact with a lot of humans and Gavin is an incubus that spends most of his time on elegy and around people
But then there's Avior who works as a stewart in aria and spends as little time as he can in elegy
He can just get energy from passer by's don't you think he could just be cloaked during that
Also he's a huge demon rights activist and it really seems like he wouldn't subscribe to the idea of changing his appearance to make humans less uncomfortable
It makes sense for demons like Gavin and Camelopardalis who are low-key human-washed but Avior?
Also, Scorpius is an incubus, you'd think he'd have to spend significant time around humans
And here's the thing - I don't even know if all demons can shape shift!
Correct me if I'm wrong but we've only heard about demons shape shifting from incubi/succubi and I'm not sure if that applies to all demons
When Avior talks about demons and humans in the first part of the season finale he says that demons can "change their form" but that could just mean them changing their form from physical to spectral in aria
I honestly hope they can because then that would solve the whole "one of them ages and one of them doesn't" when talking about demon-human ships
and also because in my personal designs of the demons, because I really like adding monsterous elements to characters and you cannot convince me to draw a demon character without any horns, I made this headcannon that the demons that don't canonically have horns just shape shift their demonic features away when interacting with unempowered people
Which is kinda debunked since in the second Gavin episode there's no magic sounds to imply that he shape shifted before he opens the door to Guy
But I guess we've never heard a character shape shift (at least in the demonic way not the shifter way) so maybe it doesn't make noise? But I highly doubt that
This still resulted in me having to make the aforementioned demons generally look more human-like so that the change between human form and demon form isn't too jarring but hey win some, loose some
I really wanted to go all out, not just horns but tails, claws, oddly colored skin, oddly colored scleras, fangs, pointed ears ect
But I could really only do that with some demons, but hey, the others still get horns, claws and a tail! (At least while they're not in front of unempowered humans)
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unhclier · 2 years
consider this a dark monsterf*cker plotting call!! like this post and i’ll come to you to plot some stuff out, preferably to write on discord but i’m open to writing on here. below the cut are some monsters i’d love to write with and some plots, so bonus points for checking those out, especially if you give me some less common creatures/plots!!
werewolves, vampires, ghosts, dragons, orcs, elves, goblins, fae, satyrs/fauns, centaurs, minotaurs, mermaids, nymphs, sprites/pixies, ogres, angels, demons, aliens, incubi/succubi, demons, sirens, witches, shapeshifters, tentacles
PLOT IDEAS ( triggering content like nonc*on/dubc*on, kidnapping, violence, etc below )
-- anything with a huge size difference ( human/minotaur, pixie/human, fae/orc, etc ) -- breeding! a creature taking a human to breed, two species that hate each other breeding because of primal urges, a human wanting to be bred by a monster, etc -- a human hunter capturing a shapeshifter and making them change shape to please them -- a monster captured and kept in a private collection, kept on display and occasionally used for pleasure -- human sacrifice to a monster ( especially dragons, fae, demons, etc ) -- a human worshipping a monster -- classic alien abduction/medical kink tbh -- a world where monsters have the right to freely use any human they come across -- a world where humans can own monsters and keep them like pets -- a conquering army takes their prizes ( monster/human or monster/monster ) -- a pack of werewolves/den of vampires/any collection of monsters sharing a human amongst them -- a human accidentally summons a monster
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Citizens of the Devildom HCs
Ok, so this isn't my normal kind of post, this is kind of a world building thing, but I think its kinda cool and is the only thing I have motivation to write- so hopefully y'all like this, I have a part two brewing in my head, and it might actually get typed out-
Anyways, I think its about time we delve into what the "citizens of the Devildom" entails-
Firstly, I believe they would be split into three main categories-
Below the cut is me breaking each category down farther and a bunch of stuff I came up with, hcs of how I think this works- enjoy!
- Wisps- these are fragmented bits of souls, usually of lower ranking beings, or cursed beings. Some have enough consciousness to lead people wayward in their travels through the woods or into the outer rings of hell, thanks to legends and myths leading people to believe that they would lead them to knowledge or fortune.
- Ghosts- these guys gain more power the longer they remain this way, however they also have a closer connection with their body the more recently theyve passed. This means returning their soul to their body only works if they were an extremely powerful being, or if there happens to be an extremely powerful being nearby to assist- they go through different stages once their connection with their body is completely severed, which can vary depending on how willing they were to pass.**** Stage 1, they cannot interact in any way with the living. Stage 2, only necromancers and those who actively seek them out can interact with them for short, unsteady chunks of time. (This is like..the absolute last chance they have to maybe return to their body.) They can move small objects, like keys or figurines, but it can be exhausting. Stage 3, they can interact with more living world things, and mess with animals a bit. Stage 4, they can show themselves to the living for short amounts of time if they wish to, or remain invisible. They can possess objects. Stage 5, they can switch between being seen or not, as well as now curse objects if they were a magic weilder before they died. Stage 6, They have full control of their powers, and can possess humans. As their power grows, they will be able to possess more powerful beings, the hardest to do being an angel.
Ghosts only exist because they
1. Dont realize theyve passed on
2. Have unfinished business, and have a need/want to finish it on their own, or they have someone they need to communicate with.
3. They want to be a ghost-
**** in some cases, a ghost is aware they have passed on, but refuses to accept it. They do not meet any of the three things listed above- these ghosts are still grow in power, but are extremely unstable and unsafe for others in the Devildom, not to mention humans. They are exiled to the outer rings of hell until they change, or in rare cases, make it to the human realm.
- Shadow People- they don't quite fit anywhere else- these are often confused for stage 4 ghosts, however they are different. They flow freely between the human realm and the Devildom. They fade into the shadows, and follow people. As they grow more powerful, they can manipulate other shadows of objects. They cannot speak, but between shadow people, they can communicate through touch, but to other people, there is perhaps a type of energy they feel, but they cannot touch or speak. There are very very few shadow people that can materalize into something physical, though when they can, they can be extremely dangerous, or completely harmless and just curious- best to just not piss any of them off.
- Vampires- Canonically, dont think these guys exist if they had an event about it, but whatever. These have your typical vampiric powers, which I'll sum up with shape-shifting, heightened senses, hypnosis, super strength/speed, immortality, and of course though not designated as a "power", fangs. Their diet in the Devildom are compareable to human diets, blood being more of a dessert food, and when eaten/drunk, usually from a common Devildom livestock animal.
- Succubi/Incubi- again, same sort of thing as vampires- ya know the powers they got, I wont get into it if you dont, bc this is not the right kinda blog to go into that.😂
- Witches/Warlocks
ok so heres where we break this down again.
First there are witch-born and witch-learned folks, witch-born being exponentially more powerful than those who just learn witchcraft, though anybody can.
After that we have Elemental, Potion and Spell-based, Healing, Sin-Directed, and Great Witches, which know a fair amount of each magic type, and have mastered two types.
Elemental witches, as the name suggests, study the elements and usually try to specialize in one element, and then branch out. The four basic elements, (air, fire, water, earth), are gateways into learning other kinds of magic, such as earth- metal, or air- poison, etc.
Potion and Spell-Based witches, again, the name suggests, create potions and spells. Many witches do these as a source of income. This kind of ties into Sin-Directed witches, who usually find one of the sins most appealing, then focus their magic and learning to create spells/potions that relate to that sin, however Sin-Directed witches are usually the offspring of a demon and a witch and can usual make people feel a bit o the sin they study just by touching them.
So if there is a Sloth witch, their potions and spells relate to a full nights rest, to relaxation, etc.
Healing witches are on the brink of Devildoms society, almost outcasts as their magic is one learned from angels, but takes the most control and power, thus are respected nonetheless. Do I have a potential Romeo and Juliet story to go with this? Possibly
- Ok, again gotta split this up into
Demon born vs Fallen angel
As well as Elemental vs Sin
Demon born- they are inherently more aggressive. Early years are a pain....young demons likely being the most difficult children in devildom to raise.
Fallen angel- depends whether they wantwd to fall or not this isnt important rn-
Sin demons- the result of either accidental offspring from the brothers, or years of dedicated servuce to any one brother allowing their sin to slowly corrupt and invade the family line.
Elemental demons- like elemental witches.
Included under the humanoid category would be other beings like merfolk, as well as necromancers.
Demons are also ranked from nobility down to imps.
There are way too many to get into for this, but there is no way everyone is humanoid in the Devildom- thus allowing hell to be a home for goblins, trolls, gorgons, monsters without names, SCPs/other cryptids- literally, everything. If yall want me to get more into it, then let me know- I think I might be able too-
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kaimactrash · 2 years
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Eyy, okay this group is a little lacking, and it's entirely my fault.I've been pretty oblvious to the asexual identities until a few years ago, and since quite a lot of my characters were made before that, the number of non-allosexual OCs I have are currently small.I don't really love like re-writing characters sexual identiites unless it comes from inspiration, and quite often when making my characters I have a pretty clear idea of their personality and identity, that can change, but i don't like to force it, so instead I look forward to seeing which identities will occur, now I have a better, but still a little shallow, understanding of the aroace identities.
read more for info on characters!
Anyway, here's all my character so far who fall on the spectrum, starting from the top left we have Saulo! They are an elder demon in my story, as are two of the other characters here, because I designed the elders much more recently than the other characters in my story! Saulo is a pan/demi and non-binary, they're a jokey playful little imp who doesn't take their role as an elder too seriously, rarely taking on under demons like hokeys, sucubi, and incubi. Spends a lot of their time making music, reading comics and manga their underlings show them, and looking for their best friend Calo, who's been missing some time. Their extremely into lovey dovey stuff, love core style, so their wand and magic has heart shapes too it. Top right is our second Elder Demon, Delde, she keeps herself far from her fellow elders, married for thousands of years to her life partner, Emesh, a demi-god who you can check my galley for more info on like Calo, she's ace/bi and trans woman!She's a very quiet shy woman still getting used to her physical limiatitions, but having plenty of time to do so, and a loving support system around her. Bottom right is Milo! the 3rd and final elder, hes very bubbly and sometimes intentionally niave, he has a good heart, but he doesn't do enough to oppose his other elders, and participates in the recruitment drive his co-elders push for. Still, he'll chose the right side when it really comes down to it, currently it's easier to coast and not make waves, and a big part of this is his sudden development of diablities, such as losing his hand. he's an ace/omni trans man! Bottom center is one of my older characters, and she was one i really struggled to figure out identity wise, but as I got to know her more and finalised her design and story arc, she felt like an ace lesbian above all else! an absolute unit of a demon, she stirred up so much trouble for elder Rilo she was chuffed, and eventually banished by them. This leads to a lot of fights with large beasts, leaving her scarred physically and mentally. She's partially blind, with only shaows visible in her left eye. She was a much more anthro creature before becoming a demon, being a Cathze, a cat like speices of bipedal humanoids. she also featured on my lesbian pride pic from last year! the design change is intentional, I am always trying to find lotties perfect look, I think this may be it? I feel it has a much more unique look versus the last design. Last but not least left bottom is a character not too old, but who I am obcessed with. :lmao: IDK why but she just give me dopamine whenever I draw her, it's the one eyed fitness nut, Greip Tavros! She's a rather charming woman with a lot of power behind her punch, she loves socialising and gets on really well with most others. She tries her best to know about as many popular topics as possible to make sure she always knows atleast one topic to discuss to help newbies out when joining the rebellion on frenrar. She works constantly on the defence plan agianst both a small group of elders, and from the mages college who are over stepping their jurisdiction and commiting some very unethical acts to ensure a continuing supply of new mages coming. She's aro/pan! Welp, probably a good time to explain where the hell I've been all pride month, since I'm posting my first pride piece, on the 25th of June? Yeah, well, first of is kinda nice news. I've adopted a dog this month and I'm still very much getting my footing with my life balance changing up! And secondly is massive despression and anxiety becuase this started as an awful time to be trans at pride, to an awful time to have a uterus during pride, I can't say I've had a lot of time I've felt safe being proud this month, but i did get a new binder which I'm completely in love with, so thats the only good pride month thing for me so far. Feels like theres been a shadow looming over us this whole time that is rappidly hurtling towards us. Anyway, take care of each other.
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teddybasmanov · 3 years
All dressed up and nowhere to go Walking the streets all alone Another night you wish that you could forget Making yourself up as you go along
- “True Trans Soul Rebel” by “Against Me!”
Here’s going to be a teeny-tiny essay on why I think Gavin is a trans metaphor. Or can be perceived as one at least. Here I’ve got to say, that, firstly, when I say “trans” I mean it as an umbrella term – anyone not cisgender, not just mtf/ftm. Secondly, subtext doesn’t need to be intended, I’ve seen a nice quote about it somewhere here, but, basically, I mean the death of the author (all the best to Redacted, just in the Barthes’ sense).
Firstly, let’s get the more generic one out the way, he talks about accepting yourself a lot. Thinking about it right now, it started in the very first video “you should embrace the things which make you different”. Of course, he cut himself off and started complaining about being bored, but people who don’t feel such things personally don’t usually go preaching to strangers like this. Then obviously there was “the man on his knees” and his internalized homophobia. “I can’t make this man accept himself. I can’t force him to be at peace with his wants and desires, but I can plant the seed of acceptance in him”. “Charity” as he calls it. This one is pretty much self-explanatory, but again – a pretty specific direction to be charitable. He also talks about it so seriously, even his voice changes slightly.  
Secondly, this one is super obvious, but the whole “Dessert” he talks about changing yourself (physically!) to appease others and how he hated it. How he wanted to be his own man. How he wanted to be just how he was.  Goodness, this part makes me tear up every single time, I’m sorry. Again, that’s just an opinion, but when he says that most incubi and succubae don’t even remember what they look like and how he doesn’t want to be like that, I see the feeling like your body doesn’t belong to yourself like it’s some kind of public property for others to control. (Here, I meant that for a lot of people who seek to transition it’s a big problem and they have to go through different disheartening and humiliating procedures just to get their hormone therapy/surgeries, as if the society owns their bodies and they need to get permission from others to shape their bodies to fit for themselves.)
Thirdly, he chose his own name and has a different one at home. Here starts the part which might sound a little like finding the deep meaning where’s none, but. His birthname is Vindemiator, yeah? We know that all the demons have stellar names. Well, the third brightest star in Virgo is Vindemiatrix. Videmiator – grape-harvester, Vindemiatrix – grape-harvestess. Do with that information as you please, I guess.
In conclusion, I’d like to reiterate that it’s just how I feel and I’m not insisting on anything. However, I don’t think that it’s such an impossible thing, taking into account that every single video ends with “Trans rights are human rights” and “Non-binary identities are valid”. In general, I don’t know if that’s just too obvious and on the nose, thing to talk about it, but being, quoting Damien, a part of a marginalized group in the magical community feels Very authentic. For example, everything in Lasko’s story screams "queer" for me, and I don’t even mean only having problems with family and running away from home, but this bit from the confession video where he speaks about correcting people and “feels like you shouldn't also have to be the one to fight against it all the time”. I feel you. Getting back on track, this whole universe and all the characters are just so well written and multilayered that everyone can probably find something which will affect them personally. That’s just what rang a bell for me.
P.S. I was going to schedule it on Sunday, but then I put two and two together and realized that today is transgender visibility day, so I’m posting it today.
Happy Transgender Visibility Day!
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Same text on AO3.
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mneiai · 4 years
Everything So Far About My Stewjoni-as-actual-sithspawn verse
Below the cut is all of my “canon” so far, some of it may be changed as I get other ideas.
CW non-consensual body modification, dubiously consensual body modification, body horror, monsters, violence, cannibalism
The Stewjoni were a sentient race of predatory non-humans who preyed on, among other beings/animals, the Sith race. They were particularly attracted to prey that used or was in some way connected to the Darkside of the Force. When the Dark Jedi who would become the modern Sith integrated with Sith culture, they were told of them as a warning. They, of course, took it upon themselves to study and change the Stewjoni to suit their needs.
Sith alchemists twisted the Stewjoni into more dangerous beings with a preference for preying on Force users in general. Previously solely pack hunters, they developed them into more solo hunters due to their rarity. The Sith would set them loose to hunt their rivals or Jedi knowing that those enemies would almost certainly die in terror and that there was no means of surviving once the Stewjoni had started to feed.
Centuries later, the Taungs took over Stewjon and were immediately fascinated with the natives. They saw them as demigods of battle and war and favored them above most other races, which continued to some extent among their Mandalorian descendants until near the fall of the Mandalorian Empire, when the Stewjoni made a deal with the Republic for neutrality in the war (where they were particularly devastating against the Jedi forces) in exchange for Republic-supported isolation.
The Republic placed the Stewjoni into a difficult legal classification–the system is sovereign and has all of the rights that any Republic system would, but the people had already been classified as biological weapons and that never changed. Many of the original Republic worlds still have laws making it illegal for Stewjoni to enter and that anyone who assists in such an endeavor are seen as trafficking bioweapons.
(some pictures as a basic reference can be found here)
Stewjoni are vaguely human looking. They have two arms, two legs, one head, and walk upright on those two legs. The Sith alchemists mixed them with a variety of other beings and humans were a part of that–their faces, with eyes and mouths closed, look like attractive human faces and their bodies, if other features were to be removed, like muscular human bodies.
Their eyes are a coppery-gold color, scaled, with multiple small pupils. They are capable of seeing a multitude more colors than humans, which assists them in hunting in many environments where the slightest change in appearance can be useful.
Their skin, which looks pale to human eyes but in fact is extremely colorful to eyes capable of seeing greater ranges, is smooth and elastic, having more give and far more resilience than human flesh. Natural bruising is unusual and they are unlikely to receive casual wounds like papercuts.
Their ears are long and pointed, the ridges and grooves of the pinna more complicated to allow for more details at more frequency ranges than human ears.
Their teeth are sharp, and more plentiful than human teeth. But the most notable aspect of their mouth are retractable barbs which can inject paralytic venom and detach easily in case it doesn’t act quickly enough to prevent the prey from pulling away.
They have long, pale-colored claws made for fighting and killing, but also with great utility for climbing and digging. They are incredibly sharp and sturdy. Their hands, for the most part, look otherwise human, though their feet are more dexterous, capable of gripping and holding things in limited ways.
Along their backs, from shoulder to hips, are a long crest of spines which are normally at least three colors. The spines are more defensive in purpose than offensive, though as the Stewjoni are intelligent they have been known to utilize them as such if necessary. The spines utilize the same venom as the barbs and are a paralytic, though introduce much larger amounts of venom and can be lethal very quickly. They are also designed to detach and stay within an attacker, doing more damage to them and needing to be cut out. The spines are also sensitive to changes in the air/water and vibrations, so that they have more warning if someone is attacking from behind.
Their organs are fewer and more streamlined, having been designed specifically to be significantly more efficient. While they can consume nearly any food source, they can also sustain themselves on pure Force (or life) energy taken from their prey.
Their blood utilizes copper, instead of iron, and is blue in color, though they do not experience many negative effects of imbalances.
Procreation etc
The Stewjoni need three members of their race to procreate–one lays eggs within the womb of another, which are then fertilized by a third. While their young are born live, they are still called “clutches” because of the egg laying process.
Stewjoni embryos cannibalize each other in the womb and generally only one or two survive to be birthed. All children with at least one shared parent are considered siblings.
Raising children is a communal effort and they are often kept closely with anyone in a similar age group. They are very sheltered for the first ten or so years of their lives, though they are trained to hunt in tightly controlled sessions as soon as they can walk and call to their prey in the Force.
Culturally, they do not have genders. Their language is genderless and it is not uncommon for individuals to be born capable of taking more than one role in the breeding process. They often choose pronouns at random when speaking languages that require gendered ones and may refer to having two mothers and a father or two fathers and a mother if pressed.
The Force/Feeding
The Sith race believed that the Stewjoni were direct children of the Force, shaped and brought into being to challenge and improve the Sith so that they might better serve.
They are largely not traditional Force users, though they all are capable of “singing” in the Force, a means of attracting their prey to them by mesmerizing them, that has led to myths throughout the galaxy of them being what the Alderaanians call ‘Sirens.’ The Sith described encountering a Stewjoni like hearing the sweetest songs, tasting the most delicious flavors, feeling the most extreme of pleasures. There were stories of suicide-by-Stewjoni in early Sith histories.
When the alchemists twisted them to look more attractive to humans and near-humans, they were working to increase their effectiveness as perceived sources of pleasure within their prey. (Other legends built up around them are comparable to real world legends of succubi and incubi, and, as was somewhat my inspiration for this, what’s known as the baobhan sith.)
The Stewjoni themselves are incapable of the depth of “Dark” emotions necessary to utilize the Darkside, though Stewjon is a Dark nexus in the Force and Darksiders in particular are attracted to the Stewjoni.
When a Stewjoni is also a traditional type of Force sensitive, they were previously given to the Sith, to be trained as they were, and then after were given over to the Mandalorian tribes that had strong Force training. After the fall of the Mandalorian Empire, such Force sensitive Stewjoni were largely kept untrained.
Stewjoni live, on average, 300 standard years, though arguably could live indefinitely if they can continue feeding regularly off of other sentient beings. They grow quickly, nearly human standard, but once fully grown their aging slows to a crawl and the cell damage that causes aging is often reversed by their feeding (and many injuries are also healed).
Obi-Wan Kenobi (a name an approximation of the written Stewjoni language translated into the Aurebesh and then pronounced in Basic) was born in a rare clutch of three. All three were Force sensitive and his two clutchmates died within the first few years of their lives from their own abilities. Obi-Wan lasted for nearly three years before he, too, nearly succumbed to the complications of being an untrained Force user.
In an unprecedented move, the Jedi were contacted and given Obi-Wan with promises that he would be able to visit as needed. It was agreed that he would go through a variety of medical procedures in order to look more human, both to protect him from slavers and to allow him more freedom of movement.
His ears and teeth were made to resemble human ones. His eyes had permanent lenses surgically placed inside of them. His spines were surgically removed so they wouldn’t grow back. His vocal chords were augmented to be able to better manage the range of human sounds. His nails chemically treated so they would be weaker and, if probably trimmed, appear virtually like human nails. He was given tattoos that resemble the visible parts of human circulatory systems and fake organs placed in his abdomen so general scans would make him appear near-human at first glance.
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indiavolowetrust · 4 years
Hello, how are you? I was just thinking on a short HC about summer in which MC went to the beach on a "weekend mini vacation" with Lucifer, Diavilo and Barbatos and their thoughts (individually) upon seeing her in a small and pretty bikini and later their reactions while she "oh so innocently" eats a devil crush super spicy mango popsicle looking at them with a sly smile 🏖🍦🤭 Thank youu 💕
Hi, love, thanks for sending in an ask! I mashed the thoughts of seeing her in a swimsuit and watching her eat a popsicle into one scene for ease of narration. These are divided into each perspective, with each one written in second person. I also took a bit of liberty with the writing.
I hope you like it!
Humans are not ravishing creatures. Humans are neither entrancing nor enthralling. Humans are neither breathtaking nor -- nor stunning, for whatever damned reason there ever could be for one to appear as such. Humans do not have the ability to seduce a magnificent demon such as yourself in such a bewitching manner, to nearly bring you to your knees, or to bring all your thoughts to a screeching halt upon catching sight of her. Such a capability on her part should not be possible, much less thinkable, for humans are but simple, stupid beasts. For humans are nothing more but pawns between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm, and you are quite possibly the most magnificent demon that the Devildom has ever had the pleasure of witnessing.
Yet here she is, standing in direct contrast to those sentiments. Your eyes flicker to her once, and she smiles at you.
God, she is irritating.
The human begins to bound towards your place on the boardwalk, perhaps seeing your glance towards her as an invitation, and you do your best not to stare at the more indecent parts of her as she does so. Despite the frigid air of the Devildom, the human has decided upon wearing a rather miniscule bikini. It is yet another aspect of her that -- no, it does nothing but vex you. The human does nothing but try to incense you at every turn.
“Want one?” she offers, proffering what appears to be a popsicle in her hands. “The lady at the counter said she only had two more in stock, so I thought I’d grab one for you. If -- if you wanted it, that is.”
The popsicle in her hands begins to melt slightly. Your eyes most certainly do not trace the path the sticky juice makes against the curve of her breasts.
You shake your head. “No, but I appreciate the offer. I’m not one for sweets.”
She raises a brow. “Suit yourself then,” she says, regarding the two popsicles in her hands. A moment, and she pops one into her mouth. Her very soft, wonderful mouth. “I’ll see if Lord Diavolo wants it.”
The human turns on her heel, beginning to head back towards the small place you, Diavolo, and Barbatos have settled on the beach. You let out a small sigh of relief at that, despite your inability to ascertain exactly why. As strange as her human methods of communication are, you cannot help but find it --
Your body shifts before your eyes can even register the motion, and you twist yourself just so beneath her to prevent her from crashing into the boardwalk. A slight squeak of surprise, and you realize that she has dropped the two popsicles against her body. Another moment, and you realize the position that you two have placed yourselves in.
The sticky juice of the popsicle has stained her mouth just enough to give it the appearance of a flush there. Crushed parts of the treat trail down her barely clad form. Her hands are only slightly propped against you, giving you a rather inappropriate view. She smiles -- in a sly manner, perhaps -- and despite yourself, you find an uncharacteristic heat beginning to rise to your cheeks.
Irritating, you think to yourself. She is only irritating. Endearing shouldn’t be the word for this.
You peruse the options on the ice cream stand, humming slightly. While you know little of human confectionaries -- other than the wonderful treat that is a filled cigar cookie -- you are sure that the human would enjoy something more local. Something a bit more typical of the Devildom’s tastes. And so your eyes flicker to and fro on the menu before you, your decision stuck between a particularly spicy mango popsicle and a scoop of nightbloom ice cream.
“You don’t have to put that much thought into it,” says the human from beside you. “I’m not that picky. Either is fine.”
“Nonsense!” you respond. “Sharing culture through food is one of the best ways of doing it!”
You glance at her for a moment -- taking in the image of revealed skin, the bikini, the pursing of her mouth -- before looking away once more, attempting to preoccupy yourself with the decision. It is likely typical in human cultures to show so much skin, likely. A symptom of her culture. You have gathered at least that much from her lack of a reaction to her own image.
This choice of image, you decide, is not an attempt to seduce you. The future king of the Devildom, besides, should not be so weak as to such tactics to --
The human steps in front of you, leaning slightly over the counter. It is an excellent view. Enough to distract you from your very important cross-cultural mission of sharing tastes in confectionaries.
“Could we do the, um --” the human looks at the menu, double-checking the name, “-- the mango one? Two of those, please.”
The demoness shoots her a many-toothed smile. “Of course! Anything for my lord and his lady.”
You blink. “Oh, she isn’t --”
It’s a bit too late. The two popsicles that the demoness hands the human have been pierced with a small, heart-shaped toothpick -- a trend in the Devildom’s world of confectionaries, it seems -- and once again there is that knowing smile. You reflexively grin at her in turn, attempting to hide whatever embarrassment there may be in your demeanor. The brilliance of your expression, however, does nothing to dissuade her from teasing you further.
A dozen more needle-like teeth make themselves known. “Have fun on your date!”
You realize, minutes later, exactly why the demoness had chosen to stick the toothpick into the popsicle.
The human licks and sucks at the frozen treat, her tongue forced to wind its way around the obstruction in the popsicle. You cannot help but stare at her even as you begin to enjoy your own. It drips slightly down the curve of her lips as she does so, giving the skin there an especially glossy appearance. Accompanying the sound of her mouth with a salacious air. Forcing your thoughts to go somewhere else completely -- somewhere that is not decidedly anything to do with an innocent excursion on the beach. When she has just finished sucking away at the tip of the popsicle, her mouth now fully stained with the juice, she turns to you with a sly smile.
You realize that this human is attempting to seduce you.
Much to your embarrassment, it is very, very effective.
It is certainly not the first time that you have seen such a display. A lifespan that spans nearly the length of two or three millennia has done well enough to dull your response. Outwardly, at least. You have seen an innumerable number of succubi and incubi alike, their writhing, naked bodies free of any imperfections. Demons and monsters of all sorts have approached both the old king and the prince of the Devildom many, many times, further lessening any reaction you might have. Plump demonesses who may have just as well have stepped out from a Renaissance painting, perfectly sculpted incubi who could stand as the perfect image of athleticism, elusive monsters with the ability to take on any and all appearances they might have thought attractive to the king -- you’ve seen it all.
Perhaps that is why something stirs in you now.
“Come on, you don’t have to be reserved all the time!” the human says, grinning. She partakes of a spicy mango popsicle, the remnants of which drip onto the bare skin of her sternum. Which is expected, given the rather immodest garment that she wears now. “I could’ve saved you one.”
“I am merely accompanying my lord. It would be inappropriate.”
She quirks her lips to one side. “I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t notice. And we aren’t even in the castle right now.”
“My professionalism extends to wherever my lord may be at the moment.”
The human frowns at that, clearly disappointed, but says nothing else on the matter. It is a welcome change from her incessant questioning and urging, one would think. A moment of peace and quiet. Yet you feel a pang of guilt for refusing her in such a manner.
As expected of a human, she is a rather messy eater. Her tongue draws itself slowly up and down the length of the popsicle, encouraging small portions of juice to flow down both her hand and the curve of a breast. It shines against the bare skin. Despite yourself, you cannot help but study her.
Her body is rife with imperfections. Stretchmarks line both her hips and  thighs, with the most prominent ones positioned more outwards on her body. There is also the hint of cellulite flecked across her derriere. Fading scars from some childhood accident, you surmise, cross a shoulder, standing out from the otherwise unmarked skin around the area. Dimples make themselves known on her cheeks when she turns the popsicle this way and that, as she eats it with a rather strange method, and you can discern the slight unevenness on her features. Unlike the incubi and succubi that you have grown accustomed to over the centuries, this human bears none of that set perfection.
She smiles at you the moment she catches you staring, the barest hint of a more sly nature apparent in the expression. A painfully obvious attempt at seduction.
It is a completely unnecessary gesture. Her imperfection has long intoxicated you before she had ever thought of doing so.
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maddiethebull · 4 years
Lucifer (Obey Me!) - Prompt #7 - “May I have this dance?”
This is a repost, I deleted the other one, have fun reading!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VR-6AS0-l4 here’s some music to listen to while reading this :) Its what i listened to while writing it.
The Devildom New Years Ball. It was the event of the year, besides Lord Diavolo’s birthday ball, this was the most famous event they had to offer. It would be an extravagant sight to see; there would be hundreds of demons dressed to the nines, there would be elegant decor, there would be live classical musicians, everything was to make it the most amazing affair possible. You didn’t know whether you should be excited or terrified. You’ve never been to a ball, let alone a ball run and attended by demons! Needless to say, you were nervous. It did help slightly that this year’s theme was Masquerade. You wouldn’t have to worry about being instantly recognized as one of the only two humans there. It was to start at 7:00 p.m. that night and it was currently noon as you and the brothers sat down to have lunch. It was all pleasant until Lucifer leaned towards you,
“By the way, MC, I need to have a talk with you about your recent grades.”
That’s when the immediate fear set in. While you knew he wouldn’t do anything to harm you physically, whenever he had a ‘talk’ with you it always felt like a punch to the gut. After you all finished your meal, you crept your way into his office. He handed you a midterm test with a big red D (lmao i need to stop writing like this) in the corner. Oh no. You looked it over and handed it back to him, you didn’t want to see it for another second.
Lucifer spoke with an emotionless face,
“MC, you don’t apply yourself. You’re smart and you know you’re smart, but just being smart can’t take you all the way. Your grade in Ancient Texts class has dropped significantly and I can’t see any reason why it should have done so other than you lollygagging about with my brothers. I appreciate that you’re good friends with them, but manage your time. If you fail this class, think of how it would make me look? I’m in charge of helping you through your studies and if you failed it would not only make you look incompetent, but me as well.”
Sheepishly you replied, “that class is just really hard, okay? I studied for the midterm a lot but I got a D on it and I didn’t know it would drop my grade by so much.”
He looked up from your near failure of a midterm with cold eyes, “Then expect it next time. You can leave now.”
You damn near ran out of his office to go straight to your room, being yelled at by Lucifer always made you feel horrible and it didn’t help that you had such a fondness of him. Meanwhile Lucifer sat leaned back in his chair, he didn’t like being harsh on you, he didn’t like being harsh on anyone he loved, and with you, it was different than simply loving you as a sibling. He decided to apologize for his harsh words and went to make the two of you some tea as a peace offering but was stopped when he heard your voice.
While lost in your thoughts as you rushed to your room, you slammed into Beel in the kitchen. He looked up at you with his puppy dog face. Shit, you just yelled at him, at this sweet giant who cared so much for you and would even let you have food off of his plate if you asked nicely! ‘MC what’s wrong with you today’, you thought.  
“O-okay, I’ll move. Sorry MC.”
“Wait, Beel I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell it’s just that Lucifer was giving me a “polite talk” about my grades.”
“Oh,” His expression changed to one of pity, “in that case, I’m still sorry, but for you now.”
“Yeah, thanks, I just- I- ugh, you know, he said we’d have a talk about it but it was really him just talking to me and being as cold as the arctic… God, what a hard-ass.” Your feelings were flowing right out of your mouth as Beel stood listening and munching on some bread. Midway through your rant, Asmo walked in,
“Hey, MC! It’s already almost 2:00 so let’s get ready alreadyyyyy.”
You walked off with Asmo, feeling much better from talking to Beel – well, ranting to Beel. Pretty much all he did was eat bread and nod. You and Asmo got ready and to calm yourself fully, you took a hot bath with rose petals. After got out, Asmo helped pick out a dress to wear, it was a beautiful deep emerald colored silk gown with a mock turtleneck and a large diamond shaped cut-out on the back. It hugged your body perfectly and made you feel much better seeing yourself like this. Hmph, I’ll make Lucifer regret being mean to me when I show up looking like a damn movie-star, you thought as you finished off your look with bright red lipstick. Then, what Beel had said while you were letting off steam came to your mind.
~ “I almost did the same thing, but when I asked for help, he didn’t have a second thought and guided me through it, you know. And, MC, I know you’re mad and all and he’s a harsh person and… all, but I know that he cares a lot. He cares about all of us.” ~
You sighed, ‘I know he does.’
After you finished getting dressed, you helped Mammon and Levi put their ties on and told Levi that no, he could not wear a Goku mask to the ball, helped Satan choose which tuxedo coat he should wear, and practically forced Belphie and Beel into theirs. Lucifer had already left for Diavlo’s castle to help finish preparing. You grabbed your black mask, embellished with emeralds surrounding the eyes in a playful pattern, some lace, and a couple black feathers above the left eye and headed for the ball.
Once you got there, your nightmare scenario played out. You were swarmed with demons because, it turns out, they did notice you were a human.
“Why are you lookin’ so uncomfortable?” asked Mammon.
“Because I couldn’t be Goku…”
“Shuddup Levi! I was talkin’ to MC.”
You replied, “I thought that since it was a masquerade the demons wouldn’t be able to tell that I was human and I wouldn’t have to deal with the endless questions about the human world and the endless flirting from the succubi and incubi.”
“MC, they can SMELL you.”
Your face scrunched, “Mammon, ew! You didn’t have to say it like that!”
“Yeah,” said Levi, “you’re making us sound like some creepy ass shinigami lolololol.”
You three laughed loudly enough to catch Lucifer’s attention from across the ballroom. He hadn’t gotten the chance to go over and speak to you since he was making bland conversation with another high ranked demon, but when he saw how you looked, oh gosh… He didn’t have the strength to take his eyes off of you. The way you laughed so brilliantly, the light sparkling on you through the crystals of the chandelier, that cut-out on the back of your dress which exposed nearly your entire back. All he saw in this crowded room was you. The romantic music playing only heightened his desire to stride right over to you and sweep you off your feet, and that’s just what he set out to do,
“Excuse me,” he said to the demon he was speaking with and walked off in your direction. Just as he did that, the music began to speed up to a more jovial tune and those on the dance floor moved with it. He spent a good five minutes navigating through the sea of waltzing demonfolk and when he reached the other side, you were nowhere to be seen.
You stood in the garden looking at the Devildom night sky. You looked at the stars, they seemed to shine brighter down here. Thoughts ran around in your head, thoughts of home, thoughts of here, each of the brothers appeared in your mind. You loved them. When the word family came up, you thought about them, except for one, Lucifer. ‘Lucifer,’ you thought, ‘I wish I could know what you’re really like.’ The faint smell of lilac swirled from the blossoming flowers laid out by the gazebo to envelop you in its sweet scent. Your hair, done up in an elegant low bun with perfectly curled pieces dropping on the side of your face, was brushed by the wind. Walking out to the garden to get some air and clear his mind of you, Lucifer exited the ballroom and saw you standing there. Unknowingly his whole expression softened. He came up to you,
“Good evening, MC. I see that I’m not the only one in need of the solace this quiet garden provides.” You were torn from your thoughts,
“Hey Lucifer,” you said, mustering up a faint and fading smile.
His eyes trailed to your lips, “Mind if I join you?”
“I don’t mind.”
With the lack of conversation, the melody of leaves swaying in the wind filled your ears. Lucifer stood beside you, resting his elbows on the white marble balusters. He had to think of a way to break the icy barrier of his words earlier that day.
He cleared his throat,
“You know, Diavlo is a very professional demon, he’s smart and well organised, so nothing could have prepared me for hearing him shout “I love balls” when we were planning this event.
You burst into laughter, “wow, I didn’t peg you as the type to tell such raunchy jokes.”
With an impish smile he said, “I may be a “hard-ass” and “as cold as the arctic”, but I hold a jocose side occasionally,” He kept his eyes lightly focused on the lilac surrounding you two.
“Oh, you heard that then… I’m sorry Lucifer, I was angry and I shouldn’t have said those things, I mean, you just want me to try harder and-”
“No need to be sorry I’m well aware that they hold a certain amount of truth.” His smile faded. He looked up at you then back to the flowers, “though I would like it if, every once in a while, that I could be seen as my other qualities.”
You had no idea how to reply. You wanted to tell him that you did, but did you? Only a couple of hours ago you were insulting him. His red eyes, burning with emotion, shot up to yours, seeming to whisper to you, ‘please, don’t let the way I feel be a mistake.’
“Hm, sometimes I say too much, don’t I?”
You chuckled, “that we can agree on.”
Now he was laughing, you wished you could never stop seeing that.
“I want to say something else, or rather, ask something else. Do you suppose i should?”
You mirrored his impish smile from earlier, “Sure, why not?”
He stepped back, the Avatar of Pride bowed before you, hand held out, solemnly looking into your eyes and asking,
“May I have this dance?”
You felt the blush rise to your cheeks like a rose blooming in the spring.
“I can’t very well say no to that offer can I?”
He laughed, “of course not.”
You gladly grabbed his hand and he pulled you in. To the faint piano melody coming from the castle you began to dance inside the white marble gazebo. You moved together, swayed together, breathed together. It was romantic, it was extravagant, it was beautiful. The gentle breeze brushing against your cheeks, flowing its way to sway in his dark black hair. You could hardly believe this was happening, but you never wanted this dream-like dance to end. As far as either of you knew, the dance lasted for hours under the night sky with the moon and stars that seemingly cheered you on. You were together until everyone had gone home from the ball, but neither of you could care less. This moment was to be immortalized in your memories forever.
Well, this is long as fuck sorry lmao
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shsl-fluff · 4 years
DR2 boys with a S/O who’s on the chubbier side and is a insecure about it? I love this blog by the way!
Sdr2 boys with a S/O who's insecure about their body!
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Fuyohiko was never really in tune with others' emotions, or his own.
He didn't really pick up on how self conscious you were until one night you spelt it all out for him when you were drunk
After that, he tried to find ways to comfort you when you looked upset about your body. 
"Don't say that shit about yourself, (Y/N)" he said suddenly, looking at you.
"You're not fat or ugly or whatever the fuck you keep thinking you are. You aren't. You're so beautiful" 
He kissed you, holding you close. 
"I'm not good at talking about this shit… about confidence or whatever… but you're fucking stunning to me."
"And please let me know if you feel upset about your body. I'll tell you this all again, you know. And… find shit to help you feel better"
He truly did mean the best, yet had problems verbalizing it. 
He started to throw in more bashful compliments towards you whenever you looked nervous.
"Your hair is nice today" "I love your smile" "that outfit looks pretty on you"
He wasn't used to helping others with emotional help, but was more than willing to learn 
Gundham Tanaka
Gundham never really cared about the size or shape of your mortal vessel. 
That's why he was caught off guard when, before your date night, you said that you were afraid your dress made you look bad
"My gorgeous majesty, why do you think that?" He asked, taking your hand
You were starting to cry as he pulled you into his arms. 
"My love, how about instead of going out, I pamper you at home?"
You nodded shakily
He bought take out and put on your favorite shows and brought the devas to cuddle with you.
He kissed you all over and over, something which he didn't normally do. 
He didn't often initiate touch with you (or anyone) but did love it when you did hold each other close.
"My (Y/N)?" He asked after a while
"I… don't understand something about your mortal ways…"
"What do you mean?"
"How could someone like you feel so much shame for your body? Your body will not follow you to the afterlife, it is just a mere vessel for your spirit."
You listened to his musing quietly. You weren't sure what to say, and he just kept going.
"Especially someone whose beauty rivals those of the vessels of succubi and incubi"
"I... I don't know, Gundam…"
"And… My love… If you ever do feel this way again, tell me so I may treat you like the diety you are"
Hajime Hinata
Hajime was always self-conscious, being in such a great school with no talent to speak of.
He was able to pick up on your unease when he spent time with you and the others before any of the others. 
"Hey, (Y/N)? Are you alright? You look… upset"
You told him you were fine and didn't want to talk about it
"Well… if you need to, you have my phone number, ok?"
A few weeks later around midnight, you needed to talk about it. 
You called him, sobbing your heart out. 
"H-hey, hey! Calm down, okay? What's wrong?"
You let your emotions spill. About how you felt large and ugly, and the sore thumb of the group. 
He listened to you talk for hours, comforting you the whole time. 
"Don't worry, (Y/N). No one thinks you're any worse looking, ok? I know that me just saying that won't cure all of your anxieties, but.. I hope it helps"
Whenever you looked anxious, he would pull you aside and help you calm down, telling you how no one saw you any differently than any of your peers 
You two started to hang out on your own after a while, and you slowly felt yourself gaining feelings for him. 
You ended up asking him out, and he told you that he actually loved you too.
It was so lovely to spend time with him
He loved giving you gifts and often showered you with compliments
Imposter (Byakuya)
Byakuya noticed how nervous you looked in your dress/tux during date night at a fancy restaurant. 
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked with his cold voice
"I don't know, Byakuya… I just don't feel comfortable in this. It makes me look to… big…" you kept your eyes down
He got a waitress quickly and got the food packed in boxes and left with you. 
"Come along, (Y/N). We should go somewhere quieter" 
You followed him, quietly asking "are you mad at me? I'm sorry"
"Of course I'm not mad, there's nothing to be sorry for. Let's talk"
He sat down on a bench and you sat next to him. He looked you in the eyes.
"(Y/N), don't ever be ashamed of yourself. If you don't like your appearance you can change it to be one you love, but being heftier or traditionally unattractive is nothing to be ashamed of."
"And if it makes you feel any better, I think you look amazing… but that's the thing. You shouldn't listen to me, or anyone else. No one decides how you should love yourself but you" 
Byakuya knew he should have listened to his own words, but he had no identity to begin with with…
You guys went home early that night and spent the night at home together. 
After that, Byakuya started to go shopping with you more and helped you find clothes that you felt nicer in
He wanted you to feel comfortable in your own body
He wanted you to feel comfortable with your own identity.
Kazuichi Soda
Soda loved every single thing about you, including your body
He loved showering you in gifts and praise, especially about your body after he found out you were so self conscious
He would compliment you every single day about something new
It never felt forced or fake, either. 
It was all genuine and from the heart
He always did what he could to cheer you up when you were upset. He made you a few little toys to help keep you distracted by intrusive thoughts when you were alone
Whenever you went clothes shopping together, he would shower you with compliments.
"Are you sure this doesn't make me look… big?"
"Of course not! Why would I lie to you, (Y/N)? It makes you look cute/handsome, just like normal"
"It does?"
"Of course"
When you were at home together, Soda loved holding you close, wrapping his arms around your waist and just staying like that for a while, rambling to you.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
He knew that you wouldn't be instantly happy with yourself or your body, yet he wanted to help
Nagito Komaeda
Even before he was in a relationship with you, Nagito could tell you were always a bit anxious
He was a friend of yours for a few years before you finally asked him out
You both started to open up to each other a lot more
Nagito started staying at your house for longer periods of time, too.
One day, you just started crying to him.
Crying about how you hated your body 
He just held you close and rubbed your back
When you finished ranting, he whispered soft, sweet words in your ears. 
Words about how beautiful your body is, how sweet and kind and generous you are. 
After that, he would make sure to check on you when you looked upset.
He would go out of his way to compliment you more than normal.
You both had the habit of talking bad about yourselves, and heIp catch each other before either of you get to upset  
When his luck was causing problems and he didn't want to be around you, you would talk to each other for hours on the phone
It was really comforting to know that you were never alone when you needed love.
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru was always concerned about your health
To you, it was a shock someone as fit as him would ask you out on a date, and then another after, and became your boyfriend
You had honestly assumed it was some sick trick, or out of pity
One day, while you were walking together, you decided to ask.
"How could you like someone like me, Nekomaru? I'm just… ugly"
He looked at you in shock before sitting down under a tree, patting the grass next to him
"Why would you think that you're ugly, (Y/N)? Even if you're on the larger side, it doesn't make you look worse than others!"
"But you care so much about health, and I don't look healthy"
He let out a hearty, loud laugh. "BMI is bullshit, (Y/N)! Lots of healthy people have high BMIs, and some of your ability to lose weight is in your genes!"
His laugh warmed your heart. You just smiled at him. 
"And if you do want to feel healthier, then you're doing all the right things! Taking these walks with me, drinking and eating everyday, pacing yourself, even getting out of bed on hard days" 
He ruffled your hair, smiling. 
You two sat there for a little while, staring at the sky before getting back up and finishing your walk
He would give you more opportunities to join his exercises or design routines for you if you were concerned about your health
On his break days, you would both cuddle up on the couch and watch TV, snacking on whatever, not caring about all the little calories. 
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru honestly had a bit of a preference for larger bodies
Not to a point of it being a fetish, of course. He just found them pretty.
That being said, he didn't fall for you for your body.
He knew your body made you anxious, so he showered you with praise and love. 
He liked doing so in public to see how flustered you'd get,
but if it made you really uncomfortable, he would mostly keep affection at home, throwing in just a little bit of PDA when he felt particularly playful
Every day he would ask you what you wanted for dinner
Some days you would sheepishly say that you wanted something, but were afraid it would make you look larger
After assuring you that being large wasn't a bad thing, he would make you what you wanted. 
His food always cheered you up when you felt self-conscious 
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frizz22 · 5 years
Can you do a Hilda/Dr.Cee prompt where Hilda finds out she’s pregnant over the winter holidays and she tells Cee first but, Ambrose figures it out before she has a chance to tell anybody else? Thank u!
Okay, since I received two Hilda/Cerberus pregnancy prompts, I combined them. Hope you don’t mind :) Read on ao3
Prompt 1 above ^^, Prompt 2: Can you do a fic where Hilda tells Doctor Cee she’s pregnant with their first child after taking a pregnancy test? 
“Oh, oh dear.” Hilda breathed, staring at the card in her hand.
She shouldn’t be surprised; she was a midwife, after all, and had recognized the symptoms some time ago. It was just, she and Cee had never discussed it. 
Marriage, yes. It’d come up a few times since they’d learned that because of his incubus Cerberus would have a lifespan well into his late 200’s, possibly early 300’s. 
Incubi, unlike demons such as the devouring worm they encountered in Jesse Putnam, were generally lazy in any aspect unrelated to sex. Once they claimed a body, settled in, they didn’t like leaving it. To prolong having to find a new body, the incubus extended the life of whatever vessel they inhabited; keeping it healthy.
So, yes. Once they’d learned they’d have more than a few decades together, the two of them had, on occasion, probed the possibility of a long-term future together. Nothing serious, of course, just a casual mention here and there; and certainly, no mention of children.
But this, this changed things.
“Pregnant.” She whispered, looking at the card again and smiling widely despite her worry. “I’m pregnant.” A giggle escaped her, and Hilda placed a hand on her stomach in awe.
Then she blinked. How was she going to tell Cerberus? Biting her lip, Hilda hurried upstairs from the basement where she’d hidden away to run the test in private and started making plans.
She’d considered, and thrown away, many options.
Something hidden in one of the beloved books at his store. A onesie, a pacifier, baby shoes or something else baby related placed on his pillow before they went to bed. A card. Wearing a shirt that said, ‘bun in the oven’. Simply blurting it out like they both had done when they admitted to not being fully human.
None of them felt right, for one reason or another. And then, then an idea came to Hilda and it couldn’t have been more perfect. Grinning, she made for the kitchen.
A whispered spell unlocked the bookstore door for her, and Hilda nudged it open with her foot; making sure to cast another spell to relock the door once she was through.
Cerberus rounded one of the bookshelves, confusion creasing his brow. When he saw her, though, his face brightened. “Hilda, darling, what a lovely surprise. What are you doing here? Here,” he stepped forward and took the box she’d been carrying from her arms.
Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, Hilda exhaled a little shakily. “Oh, just trying out a new cake recipe, thought you might be my guinea pig.” She replied, shedding her coat and coming to a stop at the counter where Cerberus had placed the cake.
“Oh, you know I’m always willing to taste test your cooking and baking, Hilds.” Cerb grinned, reaching over the counter for plates and forks. “Not that it ever needs testing, everything you make is delicious. What flavor do we have… today…” he trailed off as he opened the box. Clearing his throat, Cerberus looked at her. “Trying a new design too, Hilds? For one of your and Zelda’s midwife clients?” He asked, peering back into the box where a pacifier shaped cake sat, brightly colored with icing.
She blinked, not having realized the design could be interpreted as anything other than the obvious. “Actually, love, the design… it’s, it’s for me. I’m trying to tell you that, that I’m pregnant.”
“You’re,” Cerberus swallowed, “you’re pregnant?” He repeated, hand running through his hair, eyes wide.
Suddenly unsure, Hilda nodded, worrying the ends of her cardigan sleeves. “Yes. And I realize we’ve never talked—"
A whoop of laughter interrupted her, and Cerberus swept her up into his arms and whirled her around the shop. “You’re pregnant!” He exclaimed breathlessly when they stopped; his hands on her hips to steady her. “Hilda, this, this—" he kissed her excitedly and cupped her cheeks. “I love you.” He grinned, kissing her again.
Before Hilda could reply, Cerberus’ eyes went wide, “wait here,” he instructed, dashing away from her.
Taken aback, Hilda took a tentative step after him. “Cee, love?”
He hurried back, eyes cheerful and a wide smile on his face. “Hildegard Spellman,” he dropped to one knee and opened a box. “Will you marry me?”
Turtle dove hearts. He’d, he’d gotten her turtle dove hearts.
Tears in her eyes, Hilda nodded eagerly. “Yes.”
Beaming, Cerberus set the box aside and pulled a ring out of his pocket and slipped it onto her finger before standing and hugging her hard; face buried into her neck. “I love you,” he mumbled into her skin, “so much.”
Hilda clung to him, “I love you too.” She murmured, pulling back slightly to kiss him as well. “You, you got the hearts.” Her voice wobbled a little, but Hilda didn’t care, she was so happy.
An amused huff escaped Cerberus. “Of course I did, Zelda told me if I was going to propose I had to do it properly. Though,” his fingers brushed the ring now sitting on her finger, “I couldn’t help but include the mortal way too.”
“Zel—, Zelda knew?” She managed, taking Cerberus’ hand and leading him to a couch in the back alcove of the store.
Lifting a wry brow, Cerberus nodded. “She threatened me with a gruesome death, a resurrection, and a repeating cycle of horrendous deaths and being brought back for the rest of my life if I hurt you. But yes, she knew. She helped me get the hearts, not like I could go to the Greendale supermarket and pick some up.” He teased, pulling Hilda into his lap, a hand coming up to rest on her stomach. “I had it all planned; nice dinner, dancing, fancy speech… all the works. But I, I didn’t want to wait.” He tipped his chin up and kissed her. “I cannot wait to be married to you, Hilda. I cannot wait until we’re a family.” His hand pressed a little more firmly against her stomach and Hilda shook her head and laced her fingers into Cee’s hair as she kissed him again.
And just before their lips met, Hilda murmured, “I can’t wait either,” before sealing her mouth over his.
A few hours later, still floating in air, Hilda walked into the house, humming to herself; Cerberus unfortunately having to stay behind at the store for a little longer to finish cleaning up. It was no matter, plans for the wedding, the nursery, names for the baby and more floated through Hilda’s head keeping her happily occupies until her fiancé came home.
Scrunching her nose delightedly at the title, fiancé, Hilda moved into the kitchen to make herself some tea. Now that she’d confirmed her pregnancy there were a few herbs she could mix into her tea to keep her and the babe healthy as well as ease the nausea she’d started to feel in the mornings.
The kettle had just begun to whistle when Ambrose waltzed in, pecking her on the cheek as he passed. “Hi Auntie,” he greeted, rummaging in the fridge and emerging with an armload of food. She shook her head at him indulgently until he snagged a cup and tried to pour himself some of what was left in the kettle.
Unsure what else to do, Hilda smacked his hand. “Not for you.” She scolded lightly, giving him a smile to take the sting out of the rebuke.  
Smiling crookedly at her, Ambrose took a bite of leftover meatloaf. “Come on, Auntie.” He managed through a mouthful of food. “I just need enough to wash all this down.”
She smacked his hand again, taking the kettle away. “None for you.” She repeated, more sternly this time. “If you want some there’s another kettle in the cupboard.”
Ambrose groaned playfully. “I don’t need a full cup. Just a swig. Come on Aunt Hilda!” He reached for the kettle and she spun away from him. Brow furrowing, he tried again, and she once more backed away.
“You can’t have any, I don’t know what’ll do to you!” The words flew shrilly from Hilda’s mouth before she could stop them, and she squeaked and pressed her lips together to prevent it from happening again.
Eyebrows flying up, Ambrose opened his mouth in confusion only for it to snap close. “What’s in the pot, Auntie?”
Floundering, Hilda waved one hand vaguely. “Nothing.”
Her nephew was clearly unconvinced and could all but see the wheels already turning in his head. “Something in tea, something you can have but I can’t…. not even a mouthful…” He muttered aloud, eyeing her suspiciously. Then Ambrose’s jaw dropped. “Aunt Hilda! Are, are you preg—"
She clamped a hand over his mouth. “You hush.” Hilda glanced around but Zelda and Sabrina were nowhere to be found. Her reaction only solidified the idea though. Ambrose’s eyes wide above her hand. Sighing, Hilda removed her hand. “Yes,” she hissed. “But don’t say anything. I only just told Cerberus and we want to bask in it a little bit before telling everyone. Please, darling, I—"
Ambrose cut her off with a hug. “Of course, Aunt Hilda. I’m so happy for you two. Let me know if you need anything, okay? Anything at all.” He kissed her cheek sweetly and made off up the stairs with a wink.
Slumping against the counter in relief, Hilda poured the rest of her pregnancy tea down the sink before she had to have the same conversation with anyone else. At least Ambrose hadn’t seen the ring… she’d never have gotten rid of him so easily if he had. 
It wasn’t that she wanted to hide these things from her family; she knew they’d be overjoyed at each piece of news. She just wanted to process it all, a lot had happened in the past two days, all of it amazing, but still, a lot. Hilda wanted to let it sink in, let the joy defuse entirely through her body before she had to share it with anyone other than Cee.
Grinning to herself, Hilda took her tea and made for the parlor, already mapping out what pattern baby blanket she wanted to knit.
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beybladeimagines · 5 years
hey bby i was wondering what mythical creatures you think the blade breakers and blitzkrieg boys would be? thanks!
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TYSON: Honey, I already envision Tyson being able to transform into a dragon, but also maintains some dragon-esque features. I see him with these beautiful piercing blue eyes that only seem to intensify in brightness as he treads the physical line between human-body and dragon form. Whenever he gets excited, they glow and he just emits this brilliant gust of energy around him. Depending on how close he is to transforming, I imagine the whites around his eyes turning black or a light grey. When he transforms, his dragon form is huge. I don’t picture him with wings, but rather he has a serpentine form that seems to mimic the current / winds. He doesn’t breathe fire, but he can emit a mighty hurricane from exhalation alone. He often chases storm clouds and loves flying through the rain. If anything, the chaos in the skies energizes him. He prefers to exist among humans, so he seldom transforms unless he misses being one with the winds again.
MAX: You already know what I’m gonna say. Max is the most majestic merman you’ve ever had the pleasure of laying your eyes on. He has piercing teal eyes, one’s that sailors can see through the densest of fogs. He’s super playful and has the amazing ability of befriending any aquatic animal within his vicinity. He’s even able to talk the most aggressive animals out of attacking someone and thus has saved quite a few folks in the water. Max typically admires humanity from afar, but although he fears getting caught, many are inherently drawn to him. I envision Max like a siren. His voice is captivating and can inspire just about anyone to dive into the water after him. It’s not even just his singing that people are enamored by, but also the mesmerizing and sickeningly sweet way he speaks. Max has an excellent way of disarming people and because of that, he’s managed to remain an enigma beneath the waters for so long.
RAY: Not exactly a mythical creature per say, but I do imagine Ray being a shape shifter. I can see him altering his form, specifically to that of a cat’s, just so he can better evaluate the company of those around him. If a person is able to treat him well in his animal form, then they’re worthy of some time with his human form. It’s not that Ray has trust issues, but he is rather picky when it comes to deciding who he wants to exert his energy on. He prefers not to get too close, because he has silently convinced himself that anyone (at the blink of an eye) could betray him or take advantage of his abilities. Additionally, he prefers his space and wants to roam the world without anything or anyone holding him back. He constantly changes faces just to avoid having people from his past find him again. The one consistent trait about Ray is his eye color. Regardless of what he transforms into, Ray’s creations retain that bright gold color, and that always ends up exposing him when he simply wants to hide.
KAI: A fallen angel. Kai, by no means, is a demon (nor a gremlin, despite what we all want to believe). Rather, Kai has lost his path many moons ago. Originally, he was called to be a benevolent agent and yet, he became consumed by sins like greed. He never wanted money or love; rather, he craved some form of recognition and he desired to simply be the best. He couldn’t stand the thought of being seen as an equal, so he allowed the feathers to fall from his wings as he descended onto earth. Every time he finds himself drifting further and further from the light, a feather of his falls off, thus making him unable to fly again. Humans cannot see the wings he drags behind him as he walks, but they have become such a massive weight and burden on his body. On Earth, he looks like any other human man, but he retains his supernatural abilities. He can make himself unseen, he can hear the thoughts of others, and he can see someone’s fate. He seldom shares this information with others, because he sees everyone around him as too weak and he’d rather use his abilities against an opponent he deems worthy.
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TALA: Okay, so this might be cheating, but I see Tala as a shape-shifting fallen angel. LISTEN. The reason Tala descended was because of how quickly he clung to wrath. He was exposed to many betrayals that ended up stripping him of his initial holiness. His punishment was to wander the earth for eternity, never being able to find sanctuary or solace from heaven or hell. While many of his abilities lay dormant, he has expressed fondness for wolves. None have ever attacked him when he was on his own and some have even accepted him into their pack. Tala was inspired to take on the form of a mighty white wolf, one that hunters only seem to see during blizzards. He brings a wicked storm with him when he moves. The intensity of the elements ultimately reflects his internal calamities, which he shamelessly imposes on those around him. Hunters have never been able to capture him, many of them have stopped trying, but he’s still out there...roaming the harsh terrain just to get some kind of peace.
BRYAN: I want to say a goblin so bad, but this dude is a straight up incubus / demon. Bryan was molded out of sin, straight from the bowels of hell. He was made to be a great taker - someone that played on the desires of humans and used that desire against them. Keep in mind that incubi do not always rely on lust to acquire someone’s attention and soul. They have a tendency to offer many material and physical pleasures in order to have someone right where they want them. Bryan is the king of false promises and bad deals. He makes his offers sound so legit that it’s hard for anyone to turn him down. However, the moment someone agrees to indulge him is the moment they lose their soul. Bryan loves to take many things from humans - whether it’s a soul, their safety, their sanity, their ability to speak, etc. He loves seeing the pure trust and lust in someone’s eyes just vanish the longer he’s in their presence. He will sit on his victims chest and just watch the very life leave their pretty eyes.
SPENCER: He is absolutely a werewolf, one that has three different transformations. Specifically, I imagine him having a human form, a wolf form, and that in-between form where he’s able to stand and speak like a human but maintain the physical features of a wolf. Spencer became gifted with this curse by a mysterious (coughs) white wolf he came across in the Russian forests. Just when he thought he was going to be attacked and left for dead, the wolf simply bit him and allowed him to experience a surge of power that Spencer had never experienced before. Initially, Spencer experienced an unbearable agony across his entire body, as his bones practically broke and reformed every time he transformed. In time, he learned to master that power and has had to train himself to minimize the animalistic urges he sometimes has when it comes to needing to hunt. Spencer still lives among humans, but he has dedicated himself to seeking out that white wolf again. Sometimes he swears he can still see him, but when he blinks nothing is there.
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jennywolfgal · 5 years
Demonology: Succubus/Incubus
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Succubi/Incubi (Daemon delenimentum) are a type of demon that lurks and hunts within human settlements like villages, towns, and cities. Origin/evolutionary history: This offshoot of the retrovirus-carrying species of cordyceps is specialized in operating in not only dark moist environments like most other types but also places that have little to no activities from other demons, and so places like human settlements are the perfect breeding grounds, and thus making them highly specialized at preying on humans and werecreatures. Despite them still being formidable predators to face in a one on one fight, they've evolved the ability to be skilled ambush predators that'll allure and seduce their prey. Their place of origin's been theorized to be either Southern Europe or the middle east, and diverged from other demons when colonization of humans and werecreatures really gained a solid foothold on the land, essentially becoming literal sleeper cells once they've gained a host. Physiology/biology Despite the different names of "succubus" and "incubus", they aren't really the male or female members of the species, but are rather two interchangeable forms of the same individual that can switch back and forth or even mix, being in an "intersex" or even "hermaphroditic" form, the latter form being their preferred "neutral" form. Succubi/Incubi, like all other demons, start off as a cloud of spore that is expelled from pods that form on the surfaces of gooey fungal masses that're either formed from the outer edges of Hell-zones or are regurgitated by other succubi/incubi that have collected enough of their own excess mass to let out. Unlike most other demons they're only capable of possessing sleeping hosts, and their host is their first prey as well due to them feeding on the production of serotonin and dopamine that they stimulate when the host/prey is asleep, giving them wet dreams, and very rarely can do such things when said host/prey is awake, but they do increase their libido. This gradual nightly feeding routine lasts for up to 2-5 weeks, and in the later weeks when they're accustomed to the host/prey's brain, they're able to manipulate it to induce increased sleepiness and thus have more time to continue to feed and spread, eventually encasing the entire brain in fungal mold, before then sprouting a pair of stems which will pierce and erupt through the fully fed-upon host's head, but they'll be numbed to it and feel the highest of euphorias in the stead of agony, and by this time the host's blood would've already turned dark green due to the sulfur atoms being mixed with the host's hemoglobin, just like with all other demons. Unlike within regular cordyceps and like with most other demons, this cranial eruption is nonlethal, and the host is usually barely conscious during the process, as fungal mold seals the wound like hot glue, before then slowly envelop over the host's head and body, which takes a week to finish. Once the host is encased in a form of thin cocoon-like membrane, the retrovirus will start molding and changing the host's form, the pinky toes will be absorbed as the rest get altered and gain talon-like growths and become suited for a more digitigrade posture, but with the big toes migrating high up to the heel before remaking contact to the ground, thus forming a sort of "high-heel" appearance, the hands also change into being taloned-like, save for keeping all five digits and the thumbs don't migrate backward. The eyes become suited for an ambush predatory with slits and can glow an alluring blue from fungi, and the ears become elongated, well-suited for hearing prey's heartbeats clearly from up to 69 ft. The more drastic changes during the metamorphosis are the extension of a prehensile tail-like tentacle, tentacles erupting from the back and splitting to for a wing-like structure, and a monstrous jaw, previous x-ray studies show no actual change to the tail vertebrae, save for some neurons between the vertebrae and tentacle being formed, connecting them. This pseudotail ends in a spade-shaped organ that's capable of opening up like a flower with 6 tiny brightly yellow stinging tentacles that contains a neurotoxin in a very similar manner as the tentacles found on jellyfish surrounding a hole in the middle of the tentacle. This pseudotail is used for maintaining extra balance much like a real tail, as well as conveying their emotions, but the major purposes for the tail includes using it as a means of incapacitating prey by having the smaller internal tentacles converge just barely out from the closed tip and inject the venom into the thigh region, preferably right in the femoral artery, which has a mild numbing effect along with a strong aphrodisiac property too as the arousal that it inflicts is crippling, and the tail can also engulf around a part of the prey, whether it be a breast, penis, or vagina, and then start performing a sucking motion to extract not only fluids but also the prey's lifeforce/energy as well, and even though they mostly use their mouths for that too, doing it with their pseudotails is not dissimilar to alcohol consumption via anally. The back tentacles are located right underneath the shoulder blades and split off into four tentacles branching out on each tentacle, and create a retractable membrane, thus forming a wing-like structure. These pseudowings are capable of expanding up to 19 ft in wingspan, enabling for good gliding and some poor form of flight, they're also able to release spores and are the main indicators for their health. The host's teeth all become sharp fangs, and the jaw's able to extend into a muzzle to take bigger and easier bites out of unsuspecting prey at a force of up to 389 psi, and the tongue becomes purple in color as well as long and semi-prehensile and contains retractable barbs, capable of ripping out their prey's own tongue or esophagus. They can also grow out black hair-like fuzz throughout their body, but they mostly just do it on their heads, unless their prey may prefer otherwise. The original gender of the host no longer matters and the Succubus/Incubus is able to flatten or expand their chest and change overall body shape at will, including having pseudo penises and vaginas, with the latter organ being able to suck up and store excess semen that doesn't get absorbed and once the efficient amount is collected within their pseudowombs over the many hunts (which is estimated to be around 2-6 tablespoons). The pseudopenis is also able to take in fluids but is normally used for injecting the collected semen into a female host, the collected semen takes a week or a couple of days less to get infected/contaminated, in which it'll gain a grey tint to it. Why they do this when they make more succubi/incubi via regurgitating excess fungal mass into a dark damp part of a settlement is far more nefarious, for the offsprings that gestate and get birthed by the uninfected female are [REDACTED] if it's a human female and a [REDACTED] if it's a female werecreature. Despite their polymorphic capabilities, they're actually quite mild, for they can't actually morph into whatever their prey desires the most in a sexual partner, no matter how they mold their shapes to be, you'd still see their pale red fungal visage, horns and all, which is why they passively produce pheromones from their "skin" which act as a strong cognitiohazard, making prey and bystanders think they're looking at just a normal attractive person, this of coarse won't effect photography or film, and thus showing their true form through them. Their strength varies depending on how well-fed they are. The strongest a succubus/incubus got, thanks to being spoiled with a plethora of 53 willing meals The Order set up for them and the feedings lasted for a month with only 3 fatalities and 27 injuries, was able to lift around 4 and a half-tons and was able to run and fly at a top speed of 50 mph. Behavior: Unlike many other demons that have fully taken over their hosts, succubi/incubi retain sapience as it's still a greatly important feature to keep as they dwell and hunt within civilization. They're highly sensual, lustful, and predatory in their mannerisms which they'll use to their advantages in seducing prey. They're also quite untrustworthy, and what little of a moral compass can be easily swayed with the offerings of a meal, tiny shreds of power, shiny objects, revenge, or all of the above. Their favored hunting grounds are places like brothels, strip clubs, sidewalks in lowly-populated streets, parks, alleyways, etc. For most of the time during feedings, succubi/incubi try to keep each person they feed on tired and weak but alive and capable of mobility in a couple of hours after the ordeals, but prolonged exposure will cause health deterioration and, if continued, death. While it differs depending on how much the succubus/incubus drains, frequent feedings on one person for 3 months will bring certain death. No matter what form of life they make for themselves within society, their natural instincts will always ultimately overwhelm them and will make them go into dark and damp areas to form the fungal pods and/or find a female host to use as an incubator for producing [REDACTED] or [REDACTED]. Weaknesses/termination methods: Aside from always showing their true self within film and photography, they also can starve to death if they haven't fed for about 2 months or so. Surprisingly, despite their formidable abilities and being demons, it's actually quite easy to wound and kill one with just conventional weaponry, although they'll still react violently to silver, iron, and salt. However, if they're either well-fed or would happen to feed after not getting killed by the initial assault, they can heal up fairly quickly from most trauma, and unless they're starving, will be capable of limping off from normally fatal wounds, like a shotgun to the chest. The best means of terminating a specimen in a quick and clean manner is through methods like decapitation, severe head trauma, sudden and grievous bodily trauma like from bullets (approximately 10 shots into the body from a 9mm has shown to be quite efficient) or explosives, or a simple stab from an iron or silver blade. Containment/handling procedures: The common containment cell for succubi/incubi is a dimly-lit 15x10 bedroom with a two-person bed, the subject is permitted to be given trinkets to keep like weekly meals, miscellaneous shiny objects, porn mags, The Kamasutra, sex toys, and BDSM gear. There're also bedrooms that are 3 times the size of regular ones which contain a king-sized bed and are used to provide for orgies and to give them some more power/authority should they be well-behaved. A couple of android units are sanctioned to be guarding these rooms, armed with shotguns loaded with rock salt, and several small stealth cameras are placed around the insides of the rooms to monitor the subject(s). Once a subject's collected enough mass or semen they are to be either escorted to a 9 ft round dark and humid chamber to regurgitate the excess mass, after which will be air-sealed shut after they've finished, or be brought a willing female to inseminate the infected seed into, both the fungal mass and the woman will each be safely monitored 24/7. All subjects are to wear metal collars that contain antimony and have four bolt eyes on them for chains and/or leashes, which are to be placed immediately upon the subject's capture. An offering of chalices or bowls filled with sexual fluids like semen (which will put them in an intoxicated state, the warmer the better for more potent intoxication) and presenting yourself as no threat will placate them and make them well-suited for safe and easy transportation out from settlements and into facilities. Aggressively dangerous specimens are to be neutralized via injections by darts or syringes filled with sexual fluids, which are luckily just as effective as the offerings.               The means of "domesticating" (these creatures CAN'T fully become passive and trustworthy, so never really let your guard down around them, no matter how tamed and loving they may act, they can still be deadly even when intoxicated, albeit rarely) a succubus/incubus involves occasional but indirect feedings through masturbation and ejaculating on their faces for about a month or so. Direct contact of genitalia is ill-advised, as the most common thoughts of a captive subject during the first week or two definitely would be to drain and devourer their would-be master/mistress and get their freedom. When wishing to get more intimate and engage in more physical contact with them, be sure to have them pleasure you manually and keep your genitals out from the reach of their mouth and hips, as well as keep an eye on their tail and wing-like tentacles. Aside from feeding them, providing them with items of interest is advised as such things will keep them feeling intrigued and comfortable as they settle into their new life. During the first week of the next month after getting used to each other, engaging in oral sex is recommended to try out at least once. When oral sex is performed it's important to keep them firmly under you and settled in between your legs, and to tug on their leash on occasion to remind them of your place above them, so that they may be unable to drain any life from you as they're struggling to breath, but thankfully they don't really need to breathe in order to get healthy doses of oxygen, and as they'll still get to feed on the sexual fluids during your climax, so it's a win-win at the end of it. Eventually, anal and genital sex with them will be possible, as they'd learn how to fuck without draining you, to both of your surprises, and can go off on just a few ounces of your life for a couple of months or a few more. When spent but they still hunger for sex, it's best to keep sex toys or even another person to keep them occupied nearby, least they end up killing you in a sudden and spiteful rage. Art is by www.deviantart.com/ramul and was colored in by RickWhitetiger on Discord.
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mikafa1212 · 5 years
Halloween Cegan Fic
A/N : YAY I’m back! and this time I come here to post my newest Cegan fanfic and this time using Halloween theme with Incubus!Carl <3 
Here’s some preview of the story : 
Title : Trapped in A Dream 
Summary : Carl watched the moon from his bedroom window, he felt content with his life, but he also felt something was missing. He feels both happy and sad… he's still trying to figure out how that could be. Things that he was interested in, things that once made him happy, no longer does. He wants to have something to be excited about, something to look forward too again, so he closes his eyes and secretly wishes under the moonlight, 'I hope my life changes, and I hope I find something I want.'
He wished it out on a whim.
The next morning, Carl found something that, indeed, would change his life forever. Is it something he wants? Probably not.
it was a quiet Sunday morning at the grimes house, well, until a scream is heard from Carl's room. "MOM! DAD! Something fucking weird has happened!" Carl ran down the stairs as fast as he could, he quickly approached his parents at the dining table, they both looked worried.
He pointed at the weird thing shaped as tail with what looked like an arrow at the end. "What the hell is this!?"
He shook his newborn tail and tried to pull it out, which was a bad idea. "Ow!"
His parents gave a reaction he wasn't expecting. "Oh my God! My son has become an incubus! This is great news!" Lori was ecstatic while Rick just smiled. "See, I told you he'd take after us, Lori."
Carl gaped at them. "What kind of prank are you guys pulling?"
"This isn't a prank son, look I can see your new horns too." RIck said as he sipped his coffee.
Carl runs a hand through his hair as he approaches the nearest mirror to see.
His dad wasn't lying, there were two curled horns sitting on the sides of his head.
"What the hell is happening to me!?"
"Shuuush—Carl! You're gonna wake the neighbors, you don't want them to know you're Incubus, right?"
"I am... a what?" Carl cannot process his parent's words, it was… just too weird! They should
be freaking out with him, maybe take him to the hospital. This isn't normal!
"Carl, we have something to tell you that we've been hiding for a long time," Rick suddenly becomes serious, "Your mother and I have Incubus blood."
"Incubus? Isn't that a demon who sleeps with people?"
They both nodded.
"So, you're saying I'm that—an Incubus? Why the fuck would you keep this from me!? Is Judith one too!?"
"Well she hasn't presented yet, but probably," Lori corrected him, ignoring his first question completely.
"Are you guys serious?" he still couldn't believe what was happening right now.
But his parents weren't lying at all.
"Don't worry Carl! Soon you'll be feeding off the life essence of humans! How fun is that?" Lori beams at him, clapping her hands like a child.
"That's not fun! I don't want to do any of that!"
"Ah don't think like that Carl, once you start hunting you'll see just how great it is. Your mother and I go 'hunting' every week." Rick chimes in, giving Lori a little wink to make her giggle.
Why are they acting like there's no problem? This is beyond fucked up to Carl, "How do you even have the time for that?!"
"When you and Judith are at school. Oh and you know my weekly book club? Yeah, I don't actually go to that, those ladies are all pretentious bitches." Lori laughs at her own joke.
The puzzle pieces are coming together. Carl's eyes widen. He almost doesn't even want to ask his next question, but he does anyway, "... And you dad?"
Rick smiles, "I don't take any extra shifts at the station, and when I say I'm working late… we'll I'm working on something else," Both of them fucking laugh at his corny joke.
"But you said you needed the extra shifts for money. For all the debts we have to pay, your medical bills!"
"Medical bills? Oh! There are none, I was never in a coma. That was just a cover story. You kept asking why I needed extra shifts so I had to make it seem like we were struggling."
Lori cuts him off, "Yes, but the truth is we're actually quite well off, the men and women we see pay us for our—ahem—'services.'"
So while Carl's been working so hard, his parents were fucking like dogs.
"S-so you've been lying to me all this time? Why couldn't you just tell me?" Carl feels like his whole life has been a lie, and in a way it was.
"We have to blend into society, Carl. We didn't want you knowing until you needed to, and well, now is that time."
After a long discussion, and a lot more arguing, they settle on a plan. Carl wants to get the fuck out of this house and away from his parents, and his parents, well, they just want him to learn how to be an incubus that would make them proud, so they meet in the middle. Lori suggests Carl stay with an older lady named Carol, who is a drude demon, but she looks out after newborn succubi and incubi, and teaches them all they need to know. Carl says he'll stay there if he can take Judith with him. They say he can come back for Judith if he's successful with his training, and sleeps with at least one person. Carl scoffs with a blush, but he agrees anyway because how hard can that be? Lori writes down an address, as soon as the paper is in his hand, Carl turns on his heels, and quickly walks away.
He goes to his room, and only takes things absolutely necessary. A few outfits, his bookbag, some comics (because those are very necessary, thank you very much) and starts to leave his room. He makes it to the foot of the steps before he hears the creak of a door. His little sister emerges from the doorway, wiping her tired eyes. Carl hopes the yelling from earlier didn't wake her up.
"Carl? Where are you going? It's so early."
"Hey Judy, um, actually I want to tell you something, I'm going to be away for awhile, but I'll be back as soon as you know it ok? I'm going to stay at some place else, but soon you'll be able to come with me."
Judith starts to tear up, "Don't leave Carl. I don't want you to go."
Carl kneels down to Judith's height, she runs into his arms. Carl holds her tight.
"I promise I'll be back before you know it, Judy."
Judith holds out her tiny pinky finger, Carl smiles and shakes it with his. He kisses her head, then sulkingly descends the stairs.
As Carl walks down the street he gets a call on his phone. It's work. Ugh. He picks it up on the third ring, Andrea, his manager, asks him if he can come In today. He tells her to fuck off, then hangs up. He hopes she fires him. There's no point in working for that fucking job anymore.
Carl finds himself in a sketchy looking alleyway. 'This can't be right.' He looks at the address scribbled on his paper then he looks up at the one on the plaque. They're the same number. He uses the door knocker three times before waiting for a response. Just as he's about to knock again, the door flung open to reveal an older lady with a cigarette in her mouth.
The lady gave him a suspicious look. "Who are you and what do you want?"
Carl nervously smiles, "Uhm—my name is Carl, I'm here because… my parents told me to come here—wait—here is my mom." Carl gave the old woman a picture of his mother with some code on the back of her photo.
The woman took the picture carefully, and looked back at him with curious eyes, "Show me your horns."
Carl nervously looks around, before lifting the hood of his parka a bit to give the lady a glimpse of his horns. The lady rolls her eyes, and tugs on one of his horns.
"Ouch! What the hell, that hurts!"
The old woman wore a smug expression, "So you're not a fake. Good, now come inside."
Upon entering the building, Carl sees what looks to be a regular apartment. He smiles. The place is old, but it doesn't look too bad. He can see himself living here.
"Oh, I don't believe I mentioned my name! It's Carol, I'm the owner of this building. Upstairs is where the dorms are, you'll be staying there, but the basement is where all the action happens, let me show you."
Carl wants to go put his bags upstairs, maybe see what the dorms look like, but the lady, Carol, is beckoning him to follow her.
"Hey, what are you doing? Over here, sweetie."
Carl sighs and follows the lady to a back room which contains some very narrow stairs leading down to the basement. At the foot of the steps a curtain with beads is pushed back by the lady. Carl's jaw drops.
It's a large room, but a colorful stage takes a decent amount of space. On the stage, Carl sees a pole meant for dancing on. The basement looked like a tiny little club in itself. Carl starts to blush. He's never been in a club before, and this one is very suggestive. He can see rooms attached in the back, that he can only assume is where the "feeding" happens.
As if reading his mind, Carol makes note of the rooms in the back, "Oh, I see you eyeing up the play rooms," she laughs, "Don't worry, soon you'll be able to have lots of fun."
Carl frowns, he's too shy to tell her that he has absolutely no experience whatsoever. He's a total virgin.
"Oh don't worry, there's lots of men who like inexperienced youngsters too, and yes, they are complete garbage and perverts," Carol winks.
"Wait! How did you know what I was thinking?!"
"I'm a drude, baby, I know what everyone is thinking. You can't hide anything from me, virgin boy."
Carl blushes, eyes wide in shock.
"Now how about we go upstairs to that dorm, you were so excited to see, hmm?" Carol puffs smoke in his face playfully, before walking past him. Carl groans as he follows her up the steps.
After showing Carl his dorm, and having him put his stuff down, Carol ushers him back out of the room.
"No relaxing yet, let me introduce you to people who you'll be working with."
As Carol drags Carl out the dorm and around the corner. They see the form of a girl hunched over, picking up various articles of clothing. Carl bends down next to the girl and helps pick up a few things for her. He doesn't comment on some of the very suggestive outfits.
The girl blinks up at him, "Oh! Thank you… I don't think we've met."
Before Carl can answer Carol's already speaking for him, "Enid this is Carl, he's new, and Carl, this is Enid, she's a newborn like you, but she knows the ropes by now. You can go to her if you have any questions."
"Oh, it's nice to meet you Carl!" Enid jumps up and stretches out her free hand. Carl takes it carefully and shakes it with his.
"The pleasure is mine." Carl smiles. End is smiles back.
Carl's thinks he's just made a new friend.
Carl learned a lot from Enid. She told him that succubi and incubi can manipulate their form to manifest into whatever their client wants to see. She also told him that they could use magic to charm and seduce humans.
Within a week, Carl got used to living in the dormitory. There were a lot of nice people he met throughout the week. One of which being a succubus named Beth. Beth is very flirty and very experienced. She's been very helpful, which Carl is grateful for. Beth taught him more about magic, among other things, but she likes to tease him a lot about being an inexperienced virgin.
Carl remembers the first time he met her. She was playing piano with very thin clothes on. She was very pretty, for a moment he thought he was witnessing an angel rather than a demon.
After their first encounter, Beth told him she was surprised that he didn't try to come on to her. She laughed and said most incubi got boners just looking at her, but not Carl. Carl admitted he thought she was pretty, but he wasn't into her like that.
With Beth and Enid by his side, Carl started to feel less anxious about the whole thing. Enid even showed him around the city, saying that Carl needed to get out more, especially now that he knew how to disguise his horns and tail to look like a human.
"Ok! We're going to the mall today!"
"What? Why?"
"Because you dress like an old lesbian woman. You need some sexy clothes! All you wear are old flannels and band t-shirts."
"Hey! I like what I wear. it's not that bad…"
"Hey you can wear whatever you want in your free time, but on stage you gotta look like a total slut." She winks at Carl then, "Plus we might see some sexy humans. It's good to get some practice outside of the brothel too, you know? So what are you into? Girls? Guys?"
"Uh—I'm not sure. I haven't really thought about it…"
"What?! You had to have masturbated before though, right?"
Carl blushes and looks away, "I have a few times, but I don't do it as often as other boys. I was too busy to think about stuff like that…"
Enid smacks his arm to lighten the mood, "Well, that's ok, we'll get you some new clothes, but also keep a look out for people you wanna fuck~"
Carl pouted. "Oh, C'mon! Leave me alone will ya!"
Upon entering the mall, Enid leads Carl right into an adult entertainment store, smiling wickedly. Carl blushes furiously, whisper shouting in Enid's ear, "Enid what are you doing!? We can't go in here, what if someone I know sees me!? This is way too risky!"
"Shhh relax Carl, we can pretend we're a young couple just looking to fun up our sex life~" Enid purrs right back into his ear.
Enid tugs on Carl's arm, latching on like a koala bear as they enter the store. She plays the part of a doting girlfriend well. Carl's shocked. He thinks she's gotta be popular with her clients if she gives them fake attention like this. Carl thinks he can learn a lot from her and her great acting skills.
After they pass the clerk, Enid drops her arms and pulls a straight face as she grabs a store basket, and starts throwing items in. She grabs some condoms, lube. Then she proceeds
further back. Carl follows behind, curious as to what she's looking for. Enid stops in front of a wall shelf containing various dildos.
"Ok, which one do you want?"
Carl's eyes widen as he whisper yells again, "What!? Why are you getting me one!? I'm a boy, dammit!"
"So? Boys can use them too you know, plus I have a feeling you'll like one of these toys a lot," Enid grins.
Enid picks up an average sized dildo, not too big, but not too small either, "I think this'll do for a first time toy. What do you think?"
She doesn't wait for Carl to answer, already throwing it in the basket before moving to another aisle. Carl huffs, blushing as he follows her yet again. Is she getting all this stuff just for him?
Enid stops in front of the lingerie section. Carl watches in horror as she puts in pair of netted stockings with a garter belt. Furthermore, she grabs a plaid skirt, and off the shoulder black long sleeve shirt, and finally a black lace collar. She puts all of this In the basket before turning to Carl.
"There, you can wear this. It fits your emo, grunge style while also actually being sexy. You're welcome." Carl wants to argue with her, but she interrupts him before he can, "Oh and one more thing!"
Enid walks around the corner of the aisle, grabs something, and comes back. She's carrying a simple pair of black heels with a belt that attaches at the ankle.
"Don't worry I didn't get you too big of a heel. I don't want you breaking an ankle on stage."
"I am not wearing any of—Wait on stage?"
"Yeah! Carol is gonna teach you how to dance on the pool! Soon you'll be dancing on stage in front of lots of clients—Before you start complaining, I'll have you know it's a very important skill you have to learn! Lots of men—and women—like to see a show before they have sex!"
"I don't give a fuck, I'm not dancing on a stage! That's so fucking embarrassing! I-I didn't sign up for any of this!"
"Wait Carl!"
Carl turns away from Enid, and makes a beeline for the exit. He just wants his old life back—the one before he found out all this incubus bullshit. The one where he got to see Judith everyday. Without realizing it, Carl feels a tear cascade down his cheek. He scoffs, ashamed of his weakness, he starts rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands.
Not paying attention, Carl crashes into a large body. He feels himself about to fall backwards before the arms of a strong man wrap around him and pull him up.
"Hey kid, you ok?"
Carl's face flushes as he makes eye contact with the most handsome man he has ever seen in his life.
"...I-I'm—S-sorry sir! I didn't mean to crash into you…" Carl felt a surge of energy as he felt the man continue to hold him. God, was he this touch starved?
"No problem kiddo, but are you sure you're alright?" The man chuckles then. Carl feels his heart skip a beat.
"Uh y-yes I'm fine now, thank you!" Carl scratches his head as he looks away bashfully. God, Carl's never this awkward! Why is this man is making him so anxious!?
The beautiful man grins and pats Carl's shoulder before walking away. Carl made up his mind then, whoever that guy was... he wants him to be his first.
"Carl! There you are! I've been looking everywhere! Are you ok!?" Carl turns to see Enid running up behind him, bags in both of her hands.
Carl sighs, "Yeah, I'm ok… I'm sorry for running out like that…"
"It's fine! As long as you're ok… look, I'm sorry for being so insensitive… I forget how stressful all this change must be… and if you don't want to wear the outfit you don't have t—"
"No, I'm wearing the outfit."
"Ok, I understan—wait… what!?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna wear it, and tell Carol I want her to start giving me lessons tomorrow."
"Uh, ok! I'll let her know… umm why the sudden change of heart? ….Wait, you've found
someone haven't you?" Enid's signature grin pops up again, and Carl's glad to see it for once. He smiles back, "Yeah… but I never got his name..."
"Oh don't you worry about that." Enid winks.
Here the continuation of the fic : 
AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/21250181
FFnet : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13421844/1/Trapped-in-A-Dream
Wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/800291673-trapped-in-a-dream
Hope u guys enjoy it and don’t forget to leave comments or kudos <3  
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