#why are we not CAPITALISING ON THIS
fisheito · 1 year
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We have blowup doll morvay
And we're doing NOTHING with him???????
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hepbaestus · 2 months
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fitties and truly out at this point
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pfhwrittes · 5 months
gnashing my teeth and wailing at my Punnett squares and it's entirely @gemmahale's fault (cariad, you monster i love you)
okay all you need to know for this to work is that lycanthropy is an X linked double recessive gene (you need two copies for lycanthropy to present. if someone only has 1 copy they're a human carrier).
what does this mean for werewolf au?
reader is a werewolf. price and ghost are human carriers. gaz and soap are human non carriers. (although the reader absolutely assumes due to soap's incredibly hairy forearms that he's the other carrier out of the four of them)
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spn2006 · 26 days
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okay this destiel post is actually making me crazy because THIS is what i mean when i say no one knows what queerbaiting means anymore. brother they capitalised on destiel every time they made a new season of supernatural
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deci-doodles · 7 months
This was originally a request from a friend but I figured I might as well post here coz I think it’s too funny
Audio: Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique Mvt. 4. March to the Scaffold
Would highly recommend listening to the whole track coz it’s a banger but also it’s literally the composer having an opium-induced fever dream about him getting his head lopped off at the guillotine so
#genshin impact#focalors#neuvillette#I’m not sorry#this whole thing spawned from me ranting about Fontaine’s OST for like the nth time#for context I’m a classical musician and while I don’t think Fontaine’s music is necessarily bad#and I get what Hoyomix was aiming for#the direction they chose just frustrates me so much that I could probably scream about it for a good ten minutes or so#again not saying Hoyomix is bad I love their stuff too it just#FRSUTRATES ME#that the nation primarily inspired by what I’m assuming is Belle epoque France#fails to capitalise off of using French romantic composers from the era#and yes I know they said they’ve used Saint-Saëns#Ravel and Faure but I can’t hear it outside of the original Travail motif which was repurposed to just Arlecchino’s#and no imitation compositional technique isn’t making it super obvious either#but somehow we get a lot of Russian and Soviet composers#and I LOVE their stuff#but I was expecting Shostakovich and Stravinsky for SNEZHNAYA NOT FONTAINE#and also Khachaturian while we’re at it#SERIOUSLY WHY IS THERE A SUPER STRAVINSKY SOUNDNING TRACK IN SOME FRENCH CAVES#for reference the track is Magick Without Tears#I mean if we got Chopin at least question mark#but the dude is still Polish and famously homesick despite living in France#but seriously how did we get fricking Le Mer referenced in INAZUMA BUT NOT FONTAINE#no track names alluding to Debussy’s famous works don’t count either we could’ve had La Cathedral Engloutie underwater or something likE#IMAGINE#*cathedrale oops#and don’t get me started on how one of the few references I can find to French Impressionism is just Satie’s gymnopedie#and they named it Gymnopedie too LIKE#or any reference in the OST to the operas in Furina’s constellations like those are som serious bangers
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organised-disaster · 9 days
All my Snowbird playlists! The "rumi" one is the original "snowbird," but I decided to make snowbird the general one with rumi and sera combined
Ashamed to do this but tagging @randosfandos for the attention (they're the only person who'd be interested in this lol)
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september-poetry · 18 days
Are You Not Afraid Of The Feeling In Your Chest?
The weight on my chest is heavier than anything else
Holding up the world on my shoulders
Did Atlas let it crush him eventually?
It would be so easy
To let it fall
Don’t follow me into the unknown
You won’t see the light anymore
This cave is full of shadows
We keep ourselves safe from the sun
The warmth burns us to the bone
So feel the cold
Embrace it
You’ll get used to it eventually
I feel trapped
The gaze of a caring predator
Do you feel it while you suffocate me?
I know it feels good
To hold my life in your hands
To feel my breath stutter
Butterflies in my throat
Choke me out
Pull on the chains that bind me
And watch me break apart
If I’m your dog then won’t you bring me out behind the shed
And shoot me dead
Let my blood spill out
The red a comfort in the dark and damp
The only colour against the fading sky
Do you see the smoke?
Do you think it sees me back?
Only the moon mourns the dead
Because what’s left of these discarded bones this time
He needed to be saved
And you saved me
Care to try again?
Finish your job this time
You find my jaw first
The next time you go outside
Of course what’s left behind
Is the violence of my broken bite
A liar
To say I couldn’t control it
The catharsis of the pain was all that mattered
And now that its gone
Do you miss me?
The teeth marks that mottled your skin
The scars I left
The wounds you bare
And my bones are hollow
Lost in the overgrown
Don’t worry my love
You’ll get over me eventually
07 / 09 / 24
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aerithisms · 13 days
why does jill need rescuing so many times in ff16 omg. game came out in 2023 and its only significant female lead is treated like princess fucking peach
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sophieebridgerton · 2 years
the trick to getting into conversation about football i have decided is you have to say one (1) clever thing at the start then you have free range to say anything. many of you know things so this should be very easy for you
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Apple Berry drew vs Apple i drew
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gaytventhusiast · 3 months
Why is there no button on keyboards that capitalises words when you highlight them? Sometimes I just want to change words I've written into capitals but I am struck with how, despite feeling like their must be, I cannot find the key on the keyboard to do so with a click. Alas, I am doomed to have to rewrite the entire thing. Was there some alternate universe where I could do this? It feels like there must have been.
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whysamwhy123 · 8 months
I'm sure there exists a timeline in which Swerve vs RVD is used to build a feud between Hook and International Champion Swerve, and in that timeline, I am so much happier and being so obnoxious about it right now.
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jojotichakorn · 11 months
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don't know about *my* archen but sure thanks pinterest
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whitehartlane · 1 year
there’s an easy solution to all this lark and it’s simply STOP PASSING IN THE FUCKING BOX
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csuitebitches · 2 months
Crafting a Personality and Capitalising on it
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How do we craft a personality that is socially charming yet true to our roots?
How do we mingle and meet new people without feeling awkward or shy about it?
How do we not lose ourselves while following all these blah blah etiquette rules?
Welcome to part 2 of my Chic Girl Mentality series. 🤍
Today, we will focus on crafting a personality that is still you but better.
First, let’s talk about people in social settings. You’ll meet people who are confident, secure and socially charming. You’ll meet quiet people who may be equally socially charming or just very shy and conscious. You’ll meet the braggers and the doe-eyed followers. There’s a lot of different types of people in the world and knowing how to gracefully navigate most of them is nothing but a learned art.
People, regardless of their bank balance, are insecure of what they do not have yet. This can be looks, money, experience, lifestyle, and so on. How do we capitalise on this without exploiting or manipulating anyone?
By knowing how to tell a story.
That doesn’t mean that you need to become a public speaker or politician, it just means that you need to be able to craft intriguing stories about yourself, using your own life and experiences, to “sell” an interesting version of you socially. We’re all interesting people but only a few of us know how to say that we’re interesting without saying that we’re interesting.
People, even those with money, will always be more attracted to those who have experiences, especially, unique ones. Whether it’s travelling to exotic locations or trying new culinary destinations, or wearing unknown designers, knowing obscure artists or writers, or being at the top of your industry… experience is the most important thing to cultivate first.  You already have experience. If you went to school, high school, college, joined clubs, your first job, any travelling, etc - these are all experiences.
Make a list of 5 of the most interesting experiences you think you have.
Hobbies and interests 
Have a couple of lowkey hobbies that you feel enthusiastic about. Whether it’s doing some charity work on Sundays, or cooking, or pottery, whatever it is, keeping a hobby is healthy. 
There should be something to you that an acquaintance can remark about: “CSB? Oh yes, I’ve heard that she’s a great dancer.” 
Certain vulnerabilities must never, ever be shared. It will 100% be used either as gossip or blackmail. 
However, coming across as someone with no weaknesses is rather untrustworthy- it makes the other person feel that you’re clearly hiding something. 
Make a list of vulnerabilities that are small and you don’t mind sharing. These should be vulnerabilities that will never ruin your reputation in any form but can be used as a form of bonding with empathy. 
And make a list of hard core vulnerabilities you know you should never share with anyone. Keep it memorised rather than written down. 
Experience + Hobbies or Interests + Safe Vulnerabilities = Personality
Now that you have some experience, hobbies, interests, and your “safe” vulnerabilities sorted even if it’s limited - what will make it stand out is the art of storytelling. Some storytellers can make even the most mundane experiences sound magical - it’s all in the words and delivery. There’s a reason why every Holy Book is a story, packed with lessons and morals - it’s impactful, easy to remember and recall and relatable. Craft your experiences into stories. Use those 5 experiences that you noted down and start writing them down as stories.
Take up an online storytelling class or watch videos. Start honing this skill by writing and reading good literature. 
Refine your 5 experiences further. Run it through chatGPT, say them out loud and most importantly- start testing them out on people. See what makes them chuckle and what doesn’t; what makes them empathise and what doesn’t.
A famous comedian whose name I can’t remember does the same thing. He creates his set. He goes to a small pub and tries it out on the audience there. And the first set is always the first. The audience may not laugh at his jokes, they might boo him or sometimes, he might get a laugh out of them. But every time, he goes home and refines his set further. Once his set is fully refined, and he accomplishes his goal of the audience peeling with laughter at every joke, that’s when he goes on national TV / on tour etc etc.
The most important thing is to craft your stories of your experiences in a way that it delivers the value you want the person to remember about you.
For instance, if I want to be seen as creative and innovative, I won’t tell the person in front of me, “oh, I’m soo innovative and creative!”
Rather I will weave that into a story. “When I was 24, at my first job in the advertising space, we were losing clients left and right. And one weekend, I was on a trek on the mountains - it’s one of my hobbies - this idea hit me, and I suddenly knew exactly how to get our clients back. My team was hesitant about my idea, and we got a lot of pushback, but we went ahead. The night before my launch I was so nervous, I got hardly sleep. And you won’t believe it, but the idea worked! The response was fantastic.”
Let the other person come to the conclusion of you being innovative and creative. Human beings love to deduce things and jump to conclusions and provided you set the context the right way, you should be able to project the version of you that is the best part of you.
A sign of a good education- even if you don’t have it - is a diverse vocabulary. I’ve always had a little more respect and awe for those who are articulate, can speak smoothly and speak confidently. I’ve noticed that my American friends, for instance, tend to talk fast with lots of filler words, and sentences tend to end with a pitch up instead of down, which to me indicates hesitation or indecision. Speaking slower, ending your sentences with pitch going down to indicate a full stop rather than up makes you seem like a refined speaker even if your subject is utterly stupid. 
Body language and mannerisms, social interaction 
Watch old classic Hollywood movies to really understand this - especially romantic ones. Choose ones with a femme fatale or siren-like female lead, and watch how she enraptures the male lead or the audience around her. 
A combination of fantastic storytelling and body language will take you places beyond your dreams. Some of the biggest frauds, scammers, politicians, criminals are also some of the best storytellers. Humans are attracted to stories, we pick up body language intuitively, we can sense when someone is nervous or isn’t. Unfortunately the world isn’t a kind place and will not necessarily help you out of your shyness- in fact, that might just make you the best target for exploitation. 
Storytelling + Vocabulary + Body Language = Your Best Personality
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It’s scary just how much fascism is on the rise. Im aware it’s not new either, there’s been a resurgence happening since God knows when, but it seems to be more apparent now and more emboldened. And it’s not just white nationalists, but right wing nationalists from non-Western countries too who are a threat. Even “moderates” are trying to appeal to these people.
It’s not just racism they’re pushing either, but transphobia too which ended with the death of a child a few days ago. Denialism of all sorts as well, like climate change denialism, anti-vax rhetoric, and so on.
The world we live in is in shambles. There’s very little security of any kind… which is why we need to work to fix it. But instead we have liberals gaslighting us that only voting or appealing to those in power will fix things meanwhile the right-wing demagogue capitalises on these issues to shift the blame onto minorities. Again, it’s not anything new by any means but it just shows how desperately we need to build something new and very quickly.
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