#insects in places they shouldnt be
revenge-is-dead · 2 years
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Fuck around and find out with my AP art
(My prompt is Trauma Through Horror)
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irishmammonagenda · 8 months
MC's magic going wrong 😱😰
or right depending on ur outlook on life ig
warnings: swearing, mentions of death (extremely brief and only notioned towards), physical affection
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You hadn´t thought much of it at first when you got back to the human realm. Everything went back to normal. Or as normal as it could be.
Your mother and father sobbed when they saw you, stating how they though´t you were lying in a ditch somewhere in the stretching countryside. You´d lied, told them you were away on a residency based apprenticeship, that you were sorry for worrying them. Your siblings showed signs of worry you never thought they were able to feel for you. Thus you were being babied for a month or so.
That´s when it started.
At first, it was more corvids at the bird feeder in your garden than usual. Then it was stray cats. Then inexplicable black and white feathers dusting your clothing and hair.
Your mother smiled picking out the ivory feather from the confines of your unbrushed hair, "Oh! Your guardian angel´s been watching over you!" she says playfully, an old wives´ tale, nothing too serious.
You tense for a moment, before laughing with her. "Well I´ll take it as a good sign." Stupid old wives being the smartest people.
At first it was easy to brush off.
Then your father started getting lucky, he hadn't been one to gamble persay, putting a few coins in on a bet for the horse racing or the football was a regular occurrence, sometimes he won,sometimes he didn't. The difference of a few silvers, a share bag of sweets basically, made no real strain on your belts. But now, he was winning left right and center. Winning amounts that shouldnt be possible based on the amount he input.
Though, after you woke up to cats and corvids staring at you unblinkingly, in your room, with a few flies and insects on the walls, and your bedsheets covered in feathers and scales of all colours and sizes, enough was enough.
You were going to give those nerds a piece of your mind.
After shooing the animals out, (making sure to pet the cats), you picked up a lipstick, and channeled your pact magic before drawing a circle with various symbols on the floor,
You stilled, "Ah, shit. I dunno how to do this, i mean half of those symbols are angry faces and squiggles...." but ever the theatre nerd, you improved.
"I, MC, call upon the power of my pacts with the Avatars of Hell! and, using their power; a portal to the Devildom shall open for me!"
And a portal did open for you. Unfortunately, not to the best place. As you travelled through the time pocket you ended up stumbling once you made it to the other side, the stumble turnt into a tumble turnt into a fall. Unluckily for you, the thing you fell on was toned flesh and chuckling heartily, you were in Diavolo's lap.
"It's great of you to drop by MC!" He says, his massive hands pulling you further into his frame.
You cover your face with your hands, now noticing the various other nobles in the council room who are staring at their Prince, attempting to mask the fact their jaws are going to hit the floor.
Atleast the Brothers weren't there, but Barbatos' half polite smile half smirk and Diavolo whispering various playful musings of, "Did you miss me that much little human, we missed you too.", and "Summoning a portal illegally into the Demon Lord's castle and onto the Demon Princes lap...tututut." almost made the brothers seem like a mercy....
You couldn't tell if this was a win or a lose.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
heyy..... do u have any papercut spiderman au hcs perchance🧍‍♂️
toooottalllyyyy noottttt nevveeerrrrr never ever everrrrrrrr
•CURLYS the spiderman here, NOT NEGOTIABLE!!!i already feel like he likes insects so lets just say he saw a spider, he got up close to it to inspect it and got bit
•curly wouldnt have kept that shit a secret btw, he’d b freaked out at first but then after realizing the bs he could do he went right to pony and showed him
•getting over the “how the fuck can u do that” of everything, pony was the one who was like “maybe u,,,shouldnt rlly dhow this off to anyone man,,”, the governemnt WILL b pounding on their door if he doesnt stop that bs
•curly would absolutely do that bs where he fake drops pony and then catches him at the last second, what a dickhead
•considering their small ass neighborhood dont got any places for curly to swing, u can mostly find him in the more urban part of tulsa
•yes they did that spiderman kiss thing but curly fell right after and nearly broke his neck but pony saved his ass there
•he is USING that spidey sense, he saves pony from getting hurt and hes like “u alright ladies😼??” and expects a kiss after
•at some point curly rlly couldnt control his powers or at least didnt get the hang of it so that thing where miles stuck himself onto gwen def happened to them
•i think it would b cool if pony was the one who helped design curlys suit
•part of curlys powers makes him have a special connection to bugs and pony HATESSSS it bc insects could come up to curly and pony fucking hates it so much, he tells curly to stop doing that
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teardew · 6 months
im thinking about making a patreon because i .. uh .. i cant justify drawing for myself anymore and its killing me lmao
it takes me really long to draw so any time i hav should be spent on comms... iv been trying to fight off burnout by drawing things i like inbetween commissions like that sv anatomy practice and vampire/werewolf mngling was just for me but it still ended up setting me behind schedule because i had to rest my eyes and wrist afterward. but not only that i also wanna like. make a lot more things ...
like i wanna do animal, insect, architectural, jewelry studies and fashion and character design explorations and try designing icon packs and branch out trying embroidery with mixed media and clothes making and get into making like 3d things with clay and soft sculptures. i wanna make historical fashion coloring books with việt phục and fashion zines ...
also theres a lot of stuff i dont post bc im not sure if anyone would be interested in all the design concepts and notes i had for example the homestuck dreamer outfits or the various sha hualing designs and sketches i had before getting to the thing i posted? like i hav a bunch of different sqh outfit and hair designs but theyr more clothing based and not detailed character/face art ...
idk !! it sounds like an excuse. its like, who cares just post it ! i know i shouldnt value my art by the amount of numbers i get from posting on social media and i dont mostly but its kinda unavoidable ? to me ? i know i only post fanart and ppl follow me for that and its not a bad thing ! being realistic i just dont think anybody but me would be interested in it ??
i dont know. god. i dont know what this post is about. ''i dont think anybody would be interested in the things i really wanna make'' but im thinking about making a patreon for things i really wanna make anyway because thats the only way i can justify it is if i can profit off it in some way. i dont really want to, but with my financial circumstances i dont know. i never wanted to make my livelihood off my art. i dont even consider or call myself an ''artist'' really, i just want to MAKE art
i dont know why i still cant find a steady job after 5 months applying to everything and its making me miserable. its embarassing, they say to be persistent with jobs but calling and even walking in to check on applications and watching employers awkwardly try to turn me away without just flat out telling me no even though none of them hire me is an exercise in public humiliation. how bad do you want a job? bad enough to make a fool of myself with nothing to show for it. and i want to make art for myself to cope but it takes too much time and time is money
maybe this post is about my art anxiety under capitalism. i dont know
i think im safe enough now to admit my friends gofundme i was posting about months ago about helping their friend escape their abusive household was actually my gofundme because i was worried about them finding out and preventing me from leaving or internet stalking me afterwards. i did hav a scare when i got a phone call i thought was from my brother but ended up being a police officer, whos my mother's friend ...
but anyways. me admitting this is just to give context that. i ran hundreds of miles away from financial security and everything i ever knew and im still struggling to find steady income nearly half a year later. i just dont understand what im doing wrong. is it my name? is it because im not from here? iv been working continuously ever since i could legally my resume isnt BAD. am i just stupid? should i have just tried to make peace with my lot in life?
i thought getting away from my family would let me be in a better place to create more art, thats one of the things i was so excited about but this feels just as stressful as when i was the only earner supporting my family during covid. i just want a stable job so i can make art. i dont want making art to be my Job. i dont want to be a ''starving artist'' begging for people to care about my art i just want to make art. but fuck i dont know how to sustain any of this
sorry for this mess. insurance is different out here and i havnt been able to find a psych either so its not like i can talk about this in therapy instead of venting on my art blog. all my life i wanted to make things without the fear of it all being destroyed. the main reason i havnt branched out from illustrations is because its entirety can be saved digitally even if its physically ruined. my sketchbooks were thrown away or ripped apart by my family either from carelessness or anger to hurt me but now that im finally enough safe to have them again or make something i can hold in my hands without the fear that someone will come in break it and make me clean up its corpse i cant afford it
i dont know what to do. is it worth it? is making art worth it? i mean. its worth the rent this month. and i still love drawing god this is probably bad for business because i dont want people to feel bad for commissioning me or anything but not to be dramatic why does it feel like im fucking dying
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voidwritesstuff · 10 months
Tooth and Claw
Summary: just a small character study of Rajan Savarimuthu.
Cw:mentions of insects,body horror,death,cosmic horror,body image issues,insecurities, sexism and patriarchy.
->Authorn note: have this,the product of my sleep deprived, bored mind on a 8 hour road trip.
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There she was again,at the back end of the room, Sister Rahema in all her Beauty...and horror.
Moonlight shines down on sister Rahema,but its not her no. Its a monster,a thing of stories,a thing from fairy tails,bedtime stories and cautionary tales.
Rajan watches his sweet sister,Aatidka writhe in pain as her bones snap contorting in unatural ways.  It takes him but a moment to realize what she- it is.
--mother mercy- enconsced in whi-white-- His voice shakes with fear,hes frozen in place and its a mystery on how the words find their way out of his mouth-- tends the hungry day and night,lo-loving mother to the poor,dare not enter through her door,mind this verse lest you should meet- please mind her smile and mind her teeth! Your name is known to me great maw! Now unbind me from tooth and claw!
Rahema,the great maw,laughs in pain and rejoice. She reaches and digs into his body,infesting it with her wretched, unholy Essence of pestilence,sickness And plague. Even at his young age,he knows its going something he wont ever be able to get rid of.
--You only saved yourself- Fool-- she gasped out,and as a final act of malice she grabs his sweet sister,tearing her part by part infront of him.
Aatidka's pained screams and the maw's horrible ear shattering laughter Pierces through the air,Getting louder and louder.
And louder
And louder
Until his mind shatters Like a broken mirror and He wakes up in a jolt,cold sweat down his forehead,breath uneven and broken. His body feels weak,his mind is in a haze and it takes him a few solid minutes to realize hes in present time,safe.
The first few Rays of sunshine come through the Windows,heavy curtains drawn to bathe the room in darkness. Despite the terror of the nightmare,hes still tired,exhausted. Feelings of revenge,vindication,justice, they all swirl within him in what can only be described as a maelstorm of feelings.
But there was no point in laying back down to sleep,or so he told himself, the day has started so he should too.
Sunlight burns his eyes as he pulls back the courtains, but the New found warmth of the sun is welcomed by his half asleep brain. This reminds him of One question that he didnt want answered, how much of himself was part insect? Bees had been proven to drop to the ground when the lights go out, during the colder months they hibernate, and he not only got sleepy in cold spaces but also fell asleep as soon as the room was in complete darkness.
Rajan didnt know Wether to find it endearing or feel flustered about It.
He would rather not know,he guessed, some things are best left unkown.
Eventually he finds his way to the bathroom,cold water splashes his face and wakes him up. He shaves and does his routine,takes care of his hair and hopes that this shower washes away the remnants of the nightmare hes got.
It almost works,almost.
There,in the mirror he finds himself looking back. And he knows he shouldnt stare for much time but his resolution fails him today.
His eyes trail to part of his chest and side,the paper and hexagonal cells that plague his body. Hes gotten used to the sight,but not to the feelings it brings.
This is divine punishment,he thought some times,for being selfish,for being weak, not brave enough. All it took was one slip of the tongue and his world shattered into pieces,he Hated himself for Many,Many,Many Years after the incident,hes sure some of that self hate never left. Its festering in his bones alongside those damn pests that live within him.
Rajan feels them writhe,move,coil within his body. The sensation is odd,Like something crawling under his skin,the perpetual buzzing of the insects has become back ground noise but theres been a few days where he couldnt stand the sound,the sensation, those days he usually stayed at home and never left his estate.
Its a burden he must bear,one hes learnt to live with for the most part, hes learnt to controll those things that live in him, hes a walking hive, he thanks the world that he hasnt been in a situation where he had to take off his shirt. This was a secret he had to Keep.
"Men dont have insecurities" the world said "they dont feel weakness or fear, they dont show emotions and they are a fixed point"
Poison,those words were Poison fed as holy gospel to men,he has been victim of it hes sure of it. Maybe from his parents on accident,and the world around him too. He cant remember and hes got enough bad memories resurging already,he does not wish to uncover another corpse of his past.
His hand presses against his side, he feels the buzzing,the movement. One deep breath is all he allows himself before leaving the bathroom and letting his hand hang limp near his hip.
Soon he dresses in his usual attire,his fine button up shirt,ironed,alongside his dress pants. The crevat gets tied around his neck,the collar of his shirt goes up and it brushes his jaw.
The final piece is his coat,ornate,elegant,intimidating. The shoulder pads make him look bigger,stronger,the Velvet material its made out of gives him an air of sophistication,class.
His hand reaches for the knob and then stops.
"Right. Gloves" he thinks,turning Back to see where in the hell he had thrown them last night. The details are fuzzy in his mind,he was too tired to even think or care where his stuff ended up.
It takes him a solid five minutes to find them. Socks and Gloves,his mortal enemies,he always managed to misplace them or Straight up lose them.
But he does manage to find the gloves,shoving them in his jacket's pocket and leaving.
Hes got a place to be,The Antiquarian. He allows himself to get lost in that task, to think something else than the nightmare that plagued Him earlier this morning,maybe with some good breakfast,a good cup of tea and a bit of food he would be back to being himself, or rather what he showed to be himself.
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kingmystrie · 2 months
Guys, a lot of beekeeping places clip the wings of bee queens so they 6 fly away and a lot of hives due due to lack of food or other reasons because they can't relocate due to their queens wings being clipped.
We also had a huge big deal with colony collapse amongst domestic bee populations, which suggests general poor care for the bees.
Ik that post is trying to point out that eating honey isn't a bad thing. It's not, but also, there's very much poor care of these insects. Not to mention that a lot of these beekeepers are keeping european honey bees in the united states, driving iut and killing natuve bee populations that are more efficient pollinators, resulting in a loss of floral diversity as well.
You shouldnt brush aside concerns about the food industry just because you like eating a certain food.
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jensons-buttons · 4 years
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" Come out and play, Q "
Inspired by Carbon AU by @eight-hearts and @maxspeeds and Carbonate by @shoeydaniel
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cottagecore · 3 years
hi i have a master's in ecological preservation practices in precolonial america and an assisting bachelor's of native American history with a double minor in ecology and prehistorical farming practices. I am also a proud Na'rutan. i do not approve of the way people are choosing to attack you and i am instead choosing to inform you. generally, taking one or two or three rocks from a location is not very harmful as long as they are not placed back outside in a different location. taking a large bag filled with rocks however, can be extremely detrimental to the hyperlocal ecosystem you took them from. doing this effects the ecosystem by removing homes for animals and insects, it also effects the rivers natural flow and you can unknowingly disturb things like fish egg sacs and other developing animals. it can also remove vital nutrients from the land as rocks provide much nutrients to the earth and water that they naturally resided in. it can also cause negative effects on the area the rocks were newly introduced to, this is null if you plan on exclusively keeping them in your house, but this means if you want to put them in your garden for instance, you could cause an outbreak of a new illness among the earth and those living in it. in general, taking large amounts of rocks from anywhere besides say, a parking lot, is pretty damaging on all ends and i wouldn't recommend it. that being said, i am a rock collector, i just am very selective with where and how many rocks i remove from a natural environment.
thank you for taking the time to send this and put informed thought into it. i do understand the repercussions, but this is all based on a tumblr post i made in passing without very much thought or effort while in a very good mood, i was being hyperbolic bc i was so excited. it wasnt a large bag and i really didnt take that many, just some big ones and some small ones, which when put into one bag was heavy compared to my tote bag that was carrying a paperback book and two small journals and my purse with barely anything of substance in it. thats why i keep saying these anons are basing their arguments in assumptions bc they frankly do not know the half of it! im planning on keeping them inside, im aware that putting stuff from one environment into another can fuck up both and it wasnt something i was considering. i didnt take most of the rocks i took from the actual water but from the sand and the dirt leading to/from the parking lot and i did feel bad about possibly evicting bugs n stuff and thats one of the reasons i picked up so much trash (also its just the right thing to do, even tho the better thing would be for others to just not litter) i literally do not think at all though that i should have to defend myself this hard or at all when the ppl arguing against me absolutely do not have the facts on what i did and are literally always looking for something to be mad at and stumbled upon me and my loosey goosey tumblr post that was not in fact a historical documentation of the event but a gesture of something i did that wasnt supposed to mean anything and was just supposed to be a quick caption for some pictures i took outside. it was just a post i made bc i had a good day for once and did smth meaningful to me. you guys are not entitled to how or why or rlly what was meaningful or anything for that matter. i shouldnt have to share every detail for you guys to not take smth in bad faith or to make you understand that while yes i did something that wasnt the best for the environment that sometimes being a human with feelings means you do that kind of stuff anyways. it isnt this big of a deal AT ALL and im tired of thinking about it. im not saying its okay to fuck over the planet when youre in the mood for it either im just saying i didnt fuck over the planet and im just a person and i dont strive to be perfectly good and sometimes i will do things that arent morally golden shining and pure and not feel that bad about it simply bc DUH! when im saying yall its not necessarily about u anon bc i do respect where ur coming from and that you said what you had to say like this but literally this isnt the end of the world i prommy
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doberbutts · 4 years
ty for your post about ADHD, i was actually attacked for saying similar things and accused of not even having ADHD at all, when all i did was explain the logic behind the "ADHD isnt a disability" crowd and that it doesnt mean no one has struggles stemming from ADHD, just that its been both proven that people with ADHD show less harmful symptoms when allowed to thrive in their own way, and that in some nomadic societies ADHD is the default. it just means our exist shouldnt be pathologized
and to be clear i think that goes for a lot more things besides ADHD, pathologization of deviations from what is considered the default is a widespread issue. i dont think people even know it stems from literally a single sample of what researchers at the time considered an ideal family
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ADD is absolutely a disability in today’s world. ADD might not have been a disability when we were in a different society, when things such as “must be constantly doing something Or Else A Tiger Will Eat Me” and “sometimes Professor Dillyhop locks himself in his library and doesn’t eat for 3 days while researching a new insect he’s never seen before” were significantly more common.
It’s been proven that, like with many developmental disorders, when provided a support network that seeks to understand and legitimize the neurodivergent experience rather than Make Them Normal, we thrive. Our more pesky symptoms such as RSD and Executive Dysfunction are lessened sometimes to the point of virtual nonexistence. Hyperfocus is put to constructive work, even if that constructive work is “I’m going to stare at these individual leaves on a tree until I understand why they move a certain way when the wind hits them”. Infodumps become lectures and workshops and public speaking. Overstimulation is either avoided entirely by making places less fucking chaotic the second you walk in or a safe place is provided for recovery. Understimulation is solved by creating self-soothing tactics and coping methods to stay on course. Medication is provided by those who cannot be helped with lifestyle changes alone.
But you know, what do I know, I’ve only been unmedicated since leaving middle school and learned to manage my own symptoms through enforcing not only my own lifestyle changes but being vocal with friends and my workplace on what I need to not feel like a complete failure on a day-to-day basis while also understanding that I wouldn’t have needed to feel like a failure and a waste of space if I didn’t grow up as “that weird kid no one likes but everyone pretends to because we get in trouble for being too obvious about it” and “Jaz has Can’t Sit Still disease which is the same as all these problematic unmedicated and unsupported kids in school so we’d better heavy-hand this or he’ll drop out of college and never get married”. I wouldn’t HAVE the majority of the problems I have stemming from having ADD if I had maybe just an ounce more understanding from my community growing up. It’s great that my mom taught me to advocate for myself and got me medication and therapy but it’s less great that she also used it as a weapon against me whenever things didn’t go her way.
And now? I work in a job where I’m not expected to show up first thing in the morning and so I stopped being late for work all the time. I found a special interest that actually pays well to be employed in that I can sit and hyperfocus about each individual client and the intricacies of their specific cases. I use nagging apps to fix my food and water situations. My dogs don’t let me lay in bed like a lump all day. My friends understand my RSD and how I can be sensitive to perceived rejection or mockery. Class is literally Jaz Infodumps For An Hour At A Time. If I get overwhelmed I can always just ask for a few minutes to myself to calm down. I’m able to keep a schedule and stick to the majority of the things I have planned provided Something Else Stressful doesn’t get in the way of that.
I unfucked my life by building a support system and I know that the majority of people who react negatively to those who say that ADD doesn’t need to be a disability if only our society were ready to provide this understanding and acceptance on a large scale basis are reacting to the idea that someone can snap their fingers and make all the bad stuff stop. That’ll never happen. But if you get the support you need, you’ll find that the way your symptoms affect your life lessen to the point where your ADD simply becomes another aspect of you rather than something holding you back from the person you’ve always wanted to be and never felt you could live up to. Disability is about your symptoms having a major impact on your quality of life- and your symptoms would not have such an impact if neurotypical people could perhaps imagine a world where more people like me could have the support system I’ve fought tooth and nail to get.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
The Runaway
Cw: none, ask to tag
Ok to rb
Chapter finale bitch!
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Jerico woke up with the wind tapping at her window, its early morning.
She sits on the bed, turning to see her loving husband completly passed out.
She giggles caressing his side, and pressing a kiss to his warm cheek.
Going to take a bath she then changed clothes and grabbed a black parasol heading for the village with waffle behind her.
It was cloudy, the night before it snowed so the homes were adorned with white.
She Walked around the market, grabbing some things she thinks Lucas would like.
Suddenly waffle barks and runs to an older Man.
He looked so familiar.
Walking up to him, he picks her dog up, talking to her in a familiar accent -- ah hello waffle! No time no see!
--well color me impressed, nikolai?
The Man looks up to jerico, with a warm smile-- oh look at you, all grown up now
Jerico giggled, grabbing waffle-- what are you doing here?
-- I live here of course, and what are you doing here?
Jer shrugged-- well you remember that the dimitrescu family adopted me, so this is my home too
Niko nodds-- da, I remember, well its starting to get cold, let me invite you for a warm drink at my place? Just for old times sake?
She nodds-- id love to but I gitta be home by midday, I hav some stuff to do
He nodds and both walk to his home, the cozy ambient Provided much needed warmth.
Once they had a warm drink they sat on the couch with the TV going off in the background.
-- what did you get in the market?--nikolai asked.
Jer shrugged-- just some stuff I think my husband would like
The world stopped for nikolai right then and there-- h husband?
She nodds-- oh I havent told you did I? I got married!
He smiled with pain behind it-- ah congratulations, hes very lucky to have you
--hey before I leave though, can I ask you a question?
-- uh yeah
-- why you left our home, when we "broke up" ?just the night before we had an amazing date and then boom, never to be seen again
He sighed-- I used to be a mercenary, things got dangerous and I didnt want you to suffer, im so sorry, I was such a fool
She sighed patting his arm-- I dont hold any grudge towards you, dont worry --He sighed in relief-- well I gotta go, I wanna get these things to Lucas before he wakes fool
Waffle runs to her owner and both say their goodbyes.
She arrives home just in time to see Lucas wake up.
-- morning handsome -- jerico said caressing his side-- breakfast is ready
Lucas smiles sitting up finding the tray with coffee, Bacon and eggs some centimiters away.
--Ya pamper me too much-- he said putting the tray on his lap, waffle just besides him and jerico snuggled up to him, Like a child between her parents.
Jer leans against Lucas shoulder as he eats, handing waffle a piece of a....waffle.
-- she can eat that?
-- shes a genetically engenireed dog of course she can--he added.
She raised her brows with a smile-- okay okay fine--Both giggle and kiss-- you should brush your teeth after this okay? You have bad morning breath
He laughs kissing her cheek-- okay
That same night, they had unexpected visitors, the long and big dinner room was perfectly decorated, there were some extra plates, wich jer didnt notice much.
--jerico!-- she freezes at the sound of a familiar voice.
She turns around to find her old four lovers at the door of the dinning room
--jill?! Carlos?! What are you guys doing here?
Lady dimitrescu walks up behind her-- I invited them over, since today its your fourth anniversary with Lucas
She knew her mom didnt do this on purpose, but she couldnt let it slide today.
While eating jer was deadly silent.
Lucas,who sitting Infront of her, took her hand-- are you okay? Youre too quiet
-- well, having to eat dinner with your exes is kinda tough
He nodds squeezing her hand-- you can concentrate on me, its just for Tonight
She nodds and finally smiles-- youre the best husband ever, did I told you that?
He smiles-- all the time hun
Jericos exes smile at the scene, yet a part of them also hurted, how did they let slide someone as wonderfull as her?
Theyd stay the night,and a couple of days more, as they all chattered,except jerico who went to walk with her dog Carlos spoke up.
-- you are one lucky Man, you know that? -- he said drinking from his glas-- everyone of us let her slide, some more than others -- he looked a nikolai who insulted him in russian.
-- well, you guys gave me a tough road-- Lucas said-- Man,she was devastated, she cried Rivers upon rivers-- he noticed the pained expressions of the people around him-- but uhh... we solved it,shes happy now wich is what matters
They nodd-- amen
That night, jerico was soundly asleep, its maybe four am, she wakes up, her throat dry.
Being careful not to wake up Lucas or waffle she opens the door, just like her sisters, jerico could turn into a cloud of insects, and that she did, floating to the kitchen where she transformed into a human again.
With a glass of water in hand she drank from it hearing ball music play in the Background.
Walking to the ballroom she peeks her head into the room, her mom always liked dancing at late hours of the night.
--Mind if I ask you for a dance?-- jill scared the crap out of jer.
-- JESUS! You scared me jill!-- she sighed, to then smile-- yeah of course
Alcina smiled watching her daughter dance,she taught her well.
They moved gracefully across the floor.
When the song ended jill pulled jerico closer.
-- nice dance,partner-- they heard Kevin say in the distance
-- ah thanks-- jerico fixed her clothes-- as much as id like to dance all night, I gotta go, Lucas has to wake up early and im the only one that can get him out of bed, by yall!
She bolted to her room, throwing herself into her bed, Rolling on her side to hug Lucas.
The Next morning jerico heard a soft knock on her door,Jill enters with her breakfast-- hey, hey jer wake up
Jer yawns sitting on the bed-- oh..thanks jill--she sits up looking at the food.
-- whats wrong?
--nothing it just reminds me of when we were togheter
Valentine sighs-- I never apologized did I? Im so sorry , I shouldnt have left you for work, I realized it too late..
Jer hugged her -- its okay, I dont hold it against you
She smiles,--mind if I Keep you company?
-- not at all
During the afternoon, Carlos and her played football on the courtyard--like old times right!
Jer laughs-- this time im kicking your ass Carlos!
--id like to see that!
Both spend an hour or so,then Kevin gaver her a ride to the market since her own Motorcycle was broken.
When she hugged him,the old feelings came back.
-- remember when we used to go and ride around the city? We used to do that all the time!-- kev said.
Jerico laughed-- yeah we did! It was so fun!.
And at night she spend it Reading with nikolai.
The old feelings came back, and she told Lucas this.
-- im not trying to say that you arent enough-- shes been on a tangent for two minutes now.
Her husband kisses her-- jerico calm down, I know what youre trying to say, all I wanna know is, would you be happier if they are with you too? --She nodds hiding her face on his chest-- then so be it, I just want you to be happy remember? I promised you that when I asked you to be my girlfriend..
Jericos now exes were stoked, theyd take her back in a heartbeat.
And Lucas found himself making Friends with them too, specially nikolai who was just as much of an evil genius as he was.
Jill always scolded them both, Kevin joined their misadventures from time to time.
And Carlos was the only one making sure Lady dimitrescu didnt throw them all out.
Things were bound to get interesting and even with the possible Shenanigans that were sure to ensure, jerico wouldnt have it any other way.
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tallat-of-thralls · 5 years
Note on Astral Projection
This is not a post on how to do it, this is a post on reassurance for those whom have projected elsewhere and encountered... Oddities.
Even after years of periodic deep meditation, experimentation with psychoactive chemicals (do Not recommend), learning from yogis and gurus amongst other carny like mentors, and just my own practice in relatives terms, i cannot rightfully say that i am considered "experienced". There are no academic parameters that state you are experienced, there arent true degrees to attain nor controls to compare the experiences to. So, mind what i am about to express based on the principle of my own judgement (as biased and convolulted as it might seem...)
Let me first state that one of the principles, one of the sacred laws i follow (i follow about 13 give or take) is Tacere or "To be Silent". Its one of 4 (or five depending on the practice) rules of i learned as The Laws of the Magus. By the element water 🔻, it warns the practitioners on sharing their meditative or astral experiences. It expresses the urgency about refraining from speaking to others about your magical workings, lest they seek to undo you. Accept that sometimes it's better to say nothing and discipline yourself to avoid unneeded consequences.
With that in mind, Im not sharing any of my bizarre experiences. Its not something i talk about just because the very few times i did, i scared people. Most people dont want affirmation of their eldritch nightmares existence and prefer covering their heads with a sheet until that notion goes away. They dont like it when you tell them for what reasons you have the opinions that you do based off the principle of fluid and subjective factors. People scare easily even those who have been involved with the craft for decades.
Not every practitioner is comfortable with cross dimensions or wyrds or aethers or voids or anything outside the first three of the sephiroth and it is not your responsibility to show them that. Opening doorways just to say, "look what i found! This my new friend so-n-so in the xth sephirah. They like coffee and metaphysics." Dont do that... The amount of eyes usually scare the jesus into people whom are unaccustomed to working with extra planes. Even if you try to explain that your wrinkly, tentacle bearing, eyeball covered friend is equivalent to a stressed out ritalined strained and caffeine soaked college student. All they see is this mess of wiggliness too excited to speak coherently and may wreak havoc on their mind by chanting numbers.
Like in this dimension, understand that some of your friends are xenophobic because their upbringing taught them no different and dropping them into the middle of a advanced session of nothing but mathematics and tentacles will freak them out.
So, keep your dreams, travels, and other experiences to yourself or just use complicated metaphors to skip over the slimey bits.
Now, if youre a beginner and you are unsettled or excited by those possibilities that i had mentioned... I made the previous up. Those are just examples of what you *may* experience when traveling through some of the more intangible sephirah. Essentially, you would want to stay in the first two or three to start with. And when i say the first two, i mean the one you currently exist in (our plane the first sephirah) should be thoroughly explored and extrapolated from before you seek answers in another place.
Imagine travelling to a foreign country because you heard that the scenery is amazing without first researching the tourist points, land, people, or even knowing the name of the country. You just hop in transit and arrive in some random hamlet asking about hidden knowledge only confusing and frustrating the locals. You never learn anything and you were bit by several insects and now your tummy hurts. Same principle. Research and look into the experience you wish to have or beings you wish to encounter then come up with ways to attain that which you seek so that whatever you encounter has a foundation for which it can build upon.
Even if you're exploring the forest down the street from your house, be prepared to encounter local wildlife and stock up on supplies to ensure your safety. Im not only saying to supply honey to the fae that live there, im saying make sure you wear proper attire and have a snack and some water before hand and on you.
One of the things i have experienced from some of my more lengthy and arduous meditations that if i hadn't done proper preparations i came out of it so hungry I felt sick or so thirsty that i chugged water like i had hiked a desert trail. But if I had eaten light meal and properly hydrated im not distracted by my body's exasperation therefore allowing me to reflect upon what i had just experienced instead of rushing to the nearest open box to satisfy my afflicted hunger.
Now, i covered safety lets mold the prospect of successful projections.
The first three sephiroth (not including the one we live in) are much like what we know since it is so very close to the mundane that concepts will over lap....
As a side note, if you have absolutely no idea what the hell the sephirah and sephiroth are i suggest to research that. In short, its a conceptual design mainly used for categorizing fields of astral and celestial magic or manifestations based off of the Kabbalic Tree of Life. There are ten in total. We live in number 10 while the "godhead" resides in number 1. The typical astral projections travel to 7, 8, 9. The sephiroth 4,5,6 come directly before a "veil" that separates the top three from the rest of the tree. 1, 2, 3 are, in simple terms, existential planes that embody creation... That's the basics for the purpose of this post but there is a ton more on the tree of life and should be one of the first things you look into if you are interested in continuing the astral/wyrd/aether/celestial/sephiroth/extraplanar studies.
As i mentioned 7,8,9 are the sephiroth you'll spend most of your time projecting into. You really dont have to go much further from them, as all the sephiroth are, they are infinite in the universes that occupy them and you will find much of what you're searching for within them without confusing the f*ck out of yourself.
Sephiroth 4,5,6, are higher up on the tree and farther away from 10 but closer to 1. They are extremely intangible and physics does not make sense nor do the beings that live there. If you find yourself in the mess of geometric shapes and warped concepts, the most i can advise is not panic. Act like its the first time you watched the willy wonka tunnel scene and reflect on the horrors after coming out. Most likely you wont learn anything other than the thought of "Huh... That was weird and terrifying."
In any regard, you shouldnt share the experiences you met in 7-4 just because if it freaked you out imagine how others would respond if they even thought you came up with that on your own. They will stare at you the same way they would stare at any other intangible horror.
In short, travelling extraplanarly will change you. No ifs or buts about it, the concepts and images you will encounter will separate you from those who spend their entire lives in the bottom sephirah. Its both good and bad in my opinion. Good if you find what you seek, bad in the sense that you will be alone in these expiriences.
Last thing, this Doesn't make you superior. There is nothing wrong with those who practice the craft and decline to travel through the gates and rings. There is nothing wrong with refraining from the extra dimensional and wyrd. Not everyone has the need or desire to do so.
As i had said, each sephirah is infinite. There are many universes within the tangible places to explore without even having to leave our own sephirah.
Keep that in mind. Understand that projecting and manifesting isnt a vertical sensation. It can be a lateral exploration just as easily. You dont have to just go up, shifting side to side can be as informative and interesting.
As something selfish of me, im open to reading any of your experiences if you wish to tell some one. You can dm me or tag me in your posts about your projection stories and i will happily read them. No judgement, simply curiosity on my part. If you want me to comment on the experience just ask me in the post/message. Other wise i wont.
Have Safe Travels ☺
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i4z-0892-il · 6 years
Monster House 3
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Summary: Posing as Newlyweds Sam and Y/n set out to investigate what’s killing the visitors of a secluded Inn, and attempt to keep their working relationship professional.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word count: 6100 Oops, my keyboard slipped
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ Only, suggestive themes, language
Buy Sam’s Scent Here from @scentsfromthebunker (And damn does it smell goooooood)
I live for feedback, comments and reblogs! It is the fire that fuels me! The pep in my step! The Adrenaline in my veins! It is the tap of my fingers to a keyboard.
If you like my work consider buying me a Coffee, or leave me some Feedback!
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Masterlist stays updated with each new chapter.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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After following the main trail for nearly half a mile it was quickly decided that the most effective course of action would be to get off the path. Neither of you were exactly sure what you were looking for, but you could both agree that whatever it was you weren’t going to find it sitting like a silver platter on a main path. However, actually stepping off of it and wandering aimlessly through the dense forest surrounding you was another matter. There shouldn’t have been a reason to worry, after all you were in the company of Sam Winchester, one of the deadliest hunters alive. If anyone should have been worried it should be whatever you were hunting. Even still the chill that slid up your spine earlier never really faded away.
Realistically that unsettled feeling could have been a number of things. You were nervous. Even though you wanted to find the thing that was snatching bodies, you also really didn’t want to find the thing that was snatching bodies. The classic double-edged sword! If you find it you could stop it and kill it, or it could stop and kill you- always a gamble. And you did not like that shit at all. Dense wilderness also put you on edge, but that was from growing up in West Virginia where there was more forest than not, and from knowing exactly what was out there.
Certain parts of the wild should not be visited. Of that you were sure, beyond shadow of a doubt.
Since you could remember you were told to stay away from specific parts of the forests surrounding the tiny town tucked in the mountains where you grew up in. Everyone knew. No one talked about it, but everyone knew. The Wilderness to the North-West was home to something far older and more dangerous than any gun in that town.
There were rules everyone knew to abide by. And only the very stupid or very foolish chose not to listen.
Don’t go into the woods at night.
Never give out your real name- or anyone’s.
If you feel you’re being watched stay calm and get out without a fuss.
Take nothing from the forest because it will want it back.
When you see the fog, leave.
Don’t listen to the whispers, ignore the strange knockings.
Close the doors and windows, and don’t look outside.
If something is following you don’t ever turn around.
In your youth you were both stupid and foolish.
The rules your father tried to drill into your thick skull never stopped you from playing in the forbidden woods. When you were little you’d run through those trees like it was your own personal playground, it was magical and enchanted and it was all yours. Everywhere you stepped in those woods was warm and inviting, like a little bubble of safety all around you. You talked to the trees, and though they never talked back you felt loved and safe.
Until you got older. Sometimes it was inviting like it was when you were just a kid, other times it was warning you to stay away.
It was September and you were fifteen when it happened- when it turned on you. Walking home from school you cut through the trees. You knew that forest like the back of your hand and the idea of shaving nearly twenty minutes off of your walk was just a little too tempting. It was still warm, and everything was golden with that afternoon hue, just before the sun starts to set, and you weren’t afraid. You were just over half way home when the shift happened. That sudden change in the air that made you stop, body frozen on the spot. The air around you dropping to a temperature so cold you could see the puffs of air coming from your mouth. Everything darkened like the sun had disappeared, but dusk wasn’t for another two hours, and it seemed like the treetops had closed the holes in the canopy trapping you and claustrophobic.
Something felt wrong, terribly, terribly wrong.
Heeding the words of your father you forced your legs to move, to carry on your way. Don’t run, don’t panic, don’t be afraid. So you kept your head down, looked straight ahead, and kept going. It wasn’t long before you felt like you weren’t the only one in the woods. And up slithered that cold, creeping hand of fear gripping the back of your neck at the base of your skull, wrapping around your chest like a spider-web making your whole body vibrate in alarm. Your pace sped up as you tried to keep your breath from shaking; as you tried to keep the panic and dread that filled you from your head to your toes at bay.
The thudding of your heart all but stopped when you glanced up and realized you had no idea where you were. It was like you had run straight into a wall of Evergreen or the trees had uprooted themselves and moved just to throw you off. You knew those woods, there was no way you could have gotten lost on a path you had walked more than a thousand times.Yet there you were, standing somewhere that seemed foreign and hostile. Swallowing down the blooming anxiety stuck in your throat you willed yourself to keep moving remembering not to stay still for too long.
Thick rolling fog slid in along the sides of your vision appearing from nowhere and suddenly everywhere. It reached for you with wispy smoke-like tendrils threatening to snag your ankles if you weren’t quick enough. It whispered your name, your name which you had so ignorantly given in your youth. Your heart raced in your chest, blood pumping furiously with adrenaline. Lungs sucked in short, sharp shocks of air as you tried to remain calm to the best of your ability, but you were only holding on by a thread.
When you felt eyes on you it was your undoing. Overcome with dread and fright you took off as fast as your feet could carry you. And the wilderness did not like that. Tearing through the trees they tried to reach out with sharp branches snagging your clothes, and slicing fine lines in your face. But you didn’t slow down, you couldn’t slow down.
It was coming.
It was gaining on you.
The Thing in the Woods.
Your heavy backpack full of school books, binders and papers slowed you down. Without second thought you dropped the dead weight, praying to God or whatever was out there that you made it out alive.
The forest moved, uplifting a root and grabbing your foot taking you to the ground tearing holes in the knees of your jeans, scraping up your hands and splitting your cheek open on a rock beneath you. It didn’t give you pause though, in full flight or fight mode you scrambled to your feet kicking up a flurry of dead leaves as you did. The snapping of branches and footsteps behind you dropped your heart into the pit of your stomach, your nervous system short circuiting as every fiber of your being turned to stone.
Everything fell deathly silent, no rustling of leaves, no wind, no birds or insects. Just the sound of blood pumping in your ears and your ragged breath coming out in wisps of cold mist.
Every limb trembled, quaking with terror as you did what you could to swallow down your panic and turn your head in slow trepidation knowing you had broken nearly every cardinal rule. Dragging your eyes along the forest floor you turned them up and a silent scream caught in your throat.
“Hey, Earth to Y/n-” Sam said waving a hand in front of your face, snapping you from your trance. Like a deer in the headlights your attention was on him, he was looking at you curious and concerned. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” You answered shrugging off your discomfort. Shifting your weight from foot to foot, flustered under the scrutiny of his unsatisfied gaze, you turned your eyes anywhere but his face. Those damn hazel eyes would be the end of you, and you couldn’t stand him staring at you like he genuinely cared for too long. Only after you took a long look around did you realize that you had no idea where you were or for how long you’d been following behind Sam. You blamed it on the woods, they played tricks and you hadn’t been much of a hiker since your youth.
“So I think I saw a house or something just up ahead.” He continued, dropping the fact that you were so very obviously not good. That you hadn’t cracked a joke or made a comment you surely thought was witty for nearly fifteen minutes was clue enough but the spaced out, thousand yard stare plastered on your face sealed the deal. He wasn’t one to push, and you weren’t one to tell, you’d come around when and if you were ready. Even still it was a look he hadn’t seen before.
“Okay, lets go do a B and E.” You agreed with a clap before sweeping your arms to the side in a grand gesture. “After you good Sir.”
Sam scoffed and shook his head walking past you with an eye roll.
“You better be careful rolling them things that hard Sam.” You warned as you followed behind him. He turned his head, confusion creasing his brow. “You’re gonna roll ‘em so far into your head they’ll get stuck like that.”
That pulled a laugh from him, and those dimples you loved so much. You always liked to see him smile, and his laugh seemed to happen so rarely. So when he did it was like looking at the sun, radiant and warm, bringing life to all things.
He wasn’t kidding when he said he saw a house. Although “house” was a rather gracious term for what it was. It looked more like an old hunting cabin that had seen better days, held together by antique nails and the grace of god.
“Wow, this place is a dump.” You said stepping around him and into the small clearing to take in the sight fully, the fact that it was still standing on its own was impressive.
“Really? You don’t want to honeymoon here?” Sam asked as he dropped the strap of his backpack to his hand and knelt to unzip it. You stood with your hands at your hips studying the building that would surely crumble if someone looked at it the wrong way. After a short pause you turned your attention back to him.
“I thought about it, and no. I do not want to honeymoon here. As much fun as tetanus is- I think I’d rather not.” You stated. The corner of his lips pulled up as he grinned at you while extending a handful of silver bullets and a holster. He and Dean might have been content with tucking a loaded gun in the waistband of their jeans- but you were not. You knew how getting shot felt and you were not exactly the most graceful person on the planet either. The combination of the two was a recipe for disaster, and you were not trying to shoot yourself in the ass. It was a nice ass, you had full intention on keeping it that way. Strapping the holster around your thigh and snagging a silver blade from his small arsenal almost instantly made you feel better. Sam geared up and slung the bag over his shoulder again before standing and sweeping hair from his face.
“I don’t know. Clean it up a little, could be nice.”
“I somehow doubt that.”
“Yout sure? Hang some curtains over the boarded up windows there,” he said pointing to different areas on the house. “A porch swing there. And one of those little welcome mat’s that says ‘Leave’ at the door.”
Hand over your heart you turned charmed eyes up to him, sighing dreamily. “You’re right, it’s like a dream.”
“I knew you’d come around.”
“Oh, yeah Sam, let's build a summer home out of the cabin that’s at the epicenter of every single 80’s horror movie.” You snarked, nudging his arm with your elbow. “Maybe if we’re lucky a portal to hell will open in the basement on nights when the stars align.”
“You know that is exactly how lucky we are.” Sam stated with another laugh, and it cured your depression, acne, and alcoholism all at once.
“Alright, call the realtor. Make ‘em an offer they can’t refuse.”
From about a hundred feet back the place certainly looked abandoned enough. Boards covered nearly every window, most of which were missing entire panes of glass either broken in or fallen out. And it was in serious need of a new paint job, and probably an exterminator- there was no way termites hadn’t taken up residence. Thinking about bugs slowly eating away the foundation of an entire house might not have been the best way to calm your nerves, but it was a better alternative to what you were most assuredly going to find.
The heavy duty padlock and iron chain around the front door did nothing but confirm your suspicions. It was never as easy an explanation as say- a tool shed! No. It was never a fucking tool shed. It was always a house of horrors. Body parts stuffed into jars. Body parts sans the jars. Always body parts. You should have picked a better- less morbid profession.
“Think you can crack it?” You asked, obviously he could. It was dumb to even ask, but Sam gave pause to ponder anyway. He scanned the area, then back to the lock, weighing options.
“Maybe. You go left, I’ll go right, see if we can find a more subtle way in.” He answered finally. Nodding in agreement you walked along the wall looking for a point of access that wouldn’t be so obvious that someone had gone inside. Because that’s exactly what you needed, pick the lock, go in, monster-person-thing comes back to find the chain missing right off the front door. Good point Sam.
More boarded up windows, and fragile wall you might have been able to put a fist clean through if you were curious enough. And jesus fuck if you were not curious. Putting a hand on the wall you gave a little push, and there was enough give that it only granted credibility to your theory, and a little more excitement than maybe was healthy. But who didn’t want to just full on kick in a fucking wall? Crazy people. That’s who. Though that would have been arguably way less subtle than just cracking open the padlock. The argument being the cabin was falling apart anyway. The human foot sized hole would have been slightly more difficult to explain, so you tucked the urge away in the back of your mind. Begrudgingly.
Carrying on you reached a cellar door, and a set of tiny windows lining the bottom of the cabin, one of them was busted nearly completely open. Yahtzee. With a quick chirping whistle you drew Sam’s attention who rounded the corner of the house to meet you. A casual toss of your head to the side let his eyes trail to the window you were looking at.
“There’s no way I’ll fit in that, I’m way too big.” He commented without missing a beat. You snorted a laugh, biting the inside of your lips into a flat line, closing your eyes and shaking your head. How many times had he said that in his life? When you regained more control of your face and opened your eyes again he was looking at you with that perfected bitch-face, which while oh-so-judgy was still pretty damn hot. You shrugged, proclaiming your innocence.
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“What? I didn’t say anything!”
He didn’t have to respond, it was clear as day what you were thinking. He moved to the cellar doors, like a normal thinking person and pulled to no avail.
“Guess it’s locked from the inside there Buckaroo.” You said peering over his shoulder, his eyes cut to you, there was that bitch-face again. With a huff he stood upright, you always liked standing close enough to him to really let his height sink in. Sam always made you feel so tiny and small, and little, like his huge frame could just swallow you whole. Not that you ever spent entirely too much time thinking about how easily he could crush you in his toned, muscular, perfectly sunkissed arms or anything. Or how he could lift you off your feet and over his head like you weighed absolutely nothing. Focus!
The cellar doors wouldn’t open which meant your plan was the most viable one on the table. And if Sam couldn’t fit through that little window it left one option. You were going to have to do it. A shudder of distaste and resentment snaked up your back. You were going to have to crawl through some busted ass window, in some creepy ass basement of a creepy ass cabin in the middle of some creepy ass woods. And god only knew what you might find inside- human jars, jars made from humans, blood paint. Eyeball soup. Buffalo Bill. Who the fuck knew. Suddenly your plan seemed a lot less fun than it did a minute ago.
“Okay, welp. Guess I’m going in.” You said shaking the jitters out of your body through your hands. Sam would never tell you that he enjoyed watching you screw your courage to the sticking place, but it was absolutely entertaining. You were kind of like a kid in a play getting ready to go deliver a monologue at the crux of the plot, who had stage fright and were bouncing up and down offstage with nervous energy. He had to hand it to you, you never backed down, and there was no denying he admired your bravery. In another life you probably would have been a Teacher or Optometrist, or some kind of niche artist. Definitely something softer, much less gritty and gory. Not that you couldn’t handle yourself, he had no doubts about you and your iron will. But if the life hadn’t found you and made the decision for you, he simply couldn’t see you as the dirt-under-the-fingernails, willingly-crawling-into-a-dingy-hole-towards-almost-certain-peril kind of gal. The sarcasm and your unabashed weirdness though? That would stay. No matter what life you wound up in, most assuredly, those two staples of you would remain. He wouldn’t have you any other way though, he loved your odd sense of humor, and eccentricities.
Crouching at the window you tilted your head at a near painful angle trying to get a better view of what you were getting yourself in to. Without asking Sam handed you a flashlight, tucking it into your hand unannounced bringing your eyes to scan him over quizzically.
“Where were you hiding that?” You certainly hadn’t seen it earlier.
“Boy scout.” You teased, because of course he would have packed for everything, he probably had a compass tucked away in there somewhere too. Sam rolled his eyes, a dimple creasing his cheek as he turned his attention back to the window.
No obvious dead bodies, so that was a plus. After shining the light around you set your mind in stone and handed it back to him so you could shimmy in through the narrow pane. There was a pretty steep drop from the window to the floor in the basement so you laid on your back, squeezing your head and shoulders through first, giving yourself a chance to grab a long wooden beam above you to hold onto for leverage, and so you didn’t drop like a rock to the floor. With a final huff you pulled the rest of your body through the open window, acutely aware of the sharp pieces of jagged glass that jabbed you with every movement. Don’t think about the spider web you just stuck your hand in. Or the other creepy crawlies lurking in the shadows just waiting to scurry over your fingers or up the leg of your jeans. And do not think about the inevitable squishing sound the floor is going to make when you step into a pile of human organs. Once in your dropped your hold and landed on your feet, kicking up a thousand years worth of dust as you did. With a hacking cough and a wave of your hand you brushed the dirt out of your face to little avail.
“Anything interesting?” Sam asked from the window, shining the flashlight directly in your eyes. Scrunching up your face you tried to block it with your hand.
“I don’t know Sam. I’m blind now, so it’s a little hard to tell.”
“Right.” He realized and reached an arm through the window handing off the light to you. Shining it around you were pleasantly surprised to find it more or less empty. Old dusty shelves lined the walls full of boxes, and tools. No mason jars full of eyeballs. Yet. Lighting up the doors to the cellar from your side you were relieved that it was just barricaded by a simple wooden beam.
Setting the light on a shelf, aiming it at the doors you went and freed the plank of wood from its slot. Sam pulled the doors open from the other side, and closed them silently behind him, taking a moment to replace the wooden board, ever careful to cover his tracks.
“Mind the dust.” You said, grabbing the flashlight from its perch. “Hey, Sam.” The second you gained his attention you flashed the beam of light in his face. “See anything?”
“Ha, ha. I get it.” He snarked snatching the torch from you hand as you stifled a giggle.
Following his lead you continued to search the basement, turning up bupkis. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a bunch of old shit that no one had probably used since the Inn was built. Save for the nice little stash of Moonshine tucked under one of the shelves.
“Yeehaw.” You said popping open the lid to the mason jar and taking a whiff, quickly turning into a sputtered cough as your eyes and throat immediately started to burn. “Good god, you could strip paint with this.”
“Yeah? Go ahead and try it, tell me what gasoline tastes like.” Sam replied with a chuckle.
“I’m not gonna drink it. You drink it.”
“No way.”
“I’ll give you five bucks if you drink it.” You insisted, there was that perfect bitch-face again.
“You’d don’t have five bucks.”
“Wow, rude. You don’t have to rub it in.” You said with a pout, screwing the lid back on the jar and tucking it back into it’s spot. Once the basement was clear you headed upstairs which was unsettling. Nothing but ratty old furnishings, more than apparent that a family had in fact lived there, but just up and left one day. Antique dolls on an old rickety shelf, children’s toys on the floor, deer heads mounted on the walls. There were still untouched plates sitting on the side table, and a book left open for place keeping. Easily the most alarming thing was the back corner which had a mess of iron chains and cuffs, and a few giant meat hooks hanging.
“Still wanna turn this place into a summer home?” He asked, the light glinting off the iron chains.
“Just remember my safeword.” You quipped, biting back a gag from the rancid smell coming from what you could only assume was at one point a kitchen. A large black mass situated in the center of the floor where the odor was coming from caught your attention, forming a pit in your stomach, and you grabbed Sam by the wrist directing the light to where you needed it.
A voice from outside distracted you from making out the shape in the floor, someone was outside. Sam cut out the light, which helped neither of you to figure out where to go from there. Hand on the grip of your gun at your thigh you waited for the inevitable stand-off as the chain on the outside of the front door rattled, lock falling away. Sam’s large hands covered your mouth and snaked around your waist as he pulled you backwards and into the crawl-space beneath the staircase. With a free hand you hooked your fingers around the frame of the slatted closet door and pulled it closed silently.
The storage area he pulled you into had to be the world’s tiniest storage space, if it were just you in there it might have been fine. But with Sam’s huge form crowding what little space was available it was awkward to say the least. The sharp incline of the stairs had his broad shoulders pressed against the flat of the ceiling, and the rest of him hunched over you practically bending you in half backwards. One hand pressed against the wall above your head, and legs at a crooked and unstable angle below you you were banking on him to keep you upright. With his arm tucked firmly at your back and his other arm outstretched to keep himself steady, hand flat against the wall behind your head it was all he could do to fit into the space with you. You were flexible enough, generally speaking, but you were not a contortionist and the Cirque du Soleil act he just crammed you into was… less than comfortable.
The front door opened and you could no longer lament about your tight quarters.
“No, I heard you.” Came a man’s voice, you tugged a finger on the slats of the door trying your damndest to sneak a peek through them, which was near impossible with Sam’s forearm against your jaw. Not that you minded so much, he was warm, and he smelled so nice it was distracting, like coffee, and vanilla, and cinnamon. He held you flush against him in a hard line down the length of his chest and abdomen, tucked between his solid thighs. Made you all tingly in the nether region, but there was no time for you to focus on his firm he was. Or the feel of his breath hot against your neck forming goosebumps on your skin. Or how the long strands of his hair tickled your cheek, and how you’d always wanted to know how soft it would feel knotted in your fingers. Or how hard your heart was pounding in your chest a little too excited to be so close to him.
“I said I heard you. It’ll be taken care of.” The Man said again, irritated. It was so dark in the cabin you couldn’t make out a thing, and you were trusting your instincts to tell you relatively where he was based on where his voice was coming from. “You just worry about your damn self, and let me do my fucking job. Or you can deal with it, but something tells me you don’t like getting your hands dirty...Yeah. That’s what I thought you’d say.”
Then there was silence, followed by a series of footsteps, heavy boots, going from the spot in the center of the room towards the kitchen. The sounds of rustling plastic, and a slow choppy drag of something weighty across the floor.
Your arm above your head was starting to cramp, and the way he had you bent backwards was already painful. Bracing yourself against the wall you twisted your body until your back was flush against his chest, careful to remain as silent as you could. Sam shifted to try to give you some room but, the poor man had nowhere to go. Under different circumstances he would not have minded your ass pressing against him in all the right places. But this was neither the time nor the place to get caught up in the scent of your shampoo, or the soft curves of your body moving against the hard lines of his. You shifted again, just trying to get a better view of what little there was to be seen through the slats in the door, but the friction of your movements was impossible to ignore. One large hand splayed out flat, low on your stomach between your hip bones keeping you still enough for him to keep his mind focused on anything other than the growing tension pooling in his core.
The feel of his hand sitting dangerously low over your jeans made heat bloom in your cheeks and elsewhere and at the moment you were grateful for the pitch black. The front door creaked open and the rustling plastic stopped long enough for it to shut again and be replaced by the sound of jingling chains and a padlock being reattached. Waiting until you were in the clear enough to make an exit from the tiny crawl-space was seemed to take forever, but at the same time it wasn’t like you were in much of a huge rush to move. After all you were a little more than content to stay exactly where you were. Sam let out a sigh, his forehead dropping to rest against the back of your neck, his warm breath sending a tingle down your spine.
“See anything?” His tone low and smooth, as if he was unbothered by the cramped quarters.
“Nothing.” There was no hiding your disappointment. The conversation you’d overheard was certainly of interest however. Pushing the door open you slipped out of the crawl-space. The drag of his long fingers over the bare skin peeking between the rise of your jeans and hem of your t-shirt sending sparks of electricity directly to your center. Sam stepped out behind you, having to adjust himself in his jeans, he could think more about the feel of holding you that close later, and he would be.
The flashlight clicked on and both of you moved directly to the kitchen which yielded- nothing.
Swatting your hands against your thighs in frustration you let out an irritated groan. The sink was backed up with blackwater, and the floor was mushy from water damage sourced from a hole in the ceiling. But there were no body parts. The lack thereof was starting to bother you, which was not a feeling you’d thought to anticipate. No one wanted to find human remains, but more than anything you just wanted to find some fucking human remains! Gank the bad guy, stop the killings, go home, take a hot bath and boom. You would be on your way to Netflix and sleep. But no! Of course it wasn’t that simple.
Upstairs was equally unfruitful. Although an unmade and dingy bed, along with some foul smelling clothes was more proof than needed that someone was living there still. Your money was on the guy you’d just heard downstairs.
The only problem left was how to get back out of the house without letting it be known they had been there. Someone would have to put the wooden board back in the cellar door-you. But you also weren’t quite tall enough to climb back through the window in the basement. There was, however, a wide open window in the bedroom, and Sam beat you to it.
“Ever thought about jumping out a window?”
“You read my mind.” You answered unenthusiastically. He pressed his forearm against the frame gauging just how far down the drop would be, deciding it was plenty safe. But you did not agree. “You’re kidding right?”
“It’s not that far.” He justified, but you were not having it. A twenty foot drop might not have seemed like much for him, but that extra foot he had on you made a hell of a difference. Not to mention the fact that he was a large wall of solid muscle, while you were small, soft and had squishy insides.
“Okay, sure- for you maybe, Gigantor. I jump down there I’m looking at a broken leg, or worse.”
“You’re not going to break your leg.” Sam reassured you, but the flat and unamused expression on your face was not something he’d be able to cut through that easily. A large hand slid along your jawline, warm and comforting. “I’ll catch you.”
You could have melted into a puddle on the spot. It really wouldn’t have taken anything more than a slight breeze to make your knees crumple beneath you. The genuine sweetness in his eyes made you forget how to breathe. Trying to get a handle on yourself, unless you drowned in those kaleidoscope eyes you scoffed. “Yeah right.”
“I promise.” He said, gaze intense and confident. Beyond shadow of a doubt you trusted him, you were sure you were also going to regret it, but you were about to find out.
“Okay.” You agreed, a little baffled that you were just going to jump out a window and trust him to break your fall. He turned to go out first, but you grabbed his arm, bringing his attention back to you, all nerves again. “Sam. You drop me and I swear once I’m out of the hospital you’re in for a world of hurt.”
Sam flashed you a dimpled smile and dropped out the window, landing on his feet, making it look easy. Of course, he always made it look easy. He was graceful and agile, like a cat. You on the other hand- not so much. You sucked in a breath and leaned out the window waiting for him to ready himself. It wasn’t the first window you’d jumped out of, not by a long shot. But any other time you were escaping with zero hesitation about what was on the other side, no time to think about it. Quick thinking jump, or die, so there was little room to question the best alternative. But you kind of just wanted to try to boost yourself through the window in the basement right about then.
“This is so stupid.” You hushed, rocking on your heels. He turned up to you, arms outstretched. Sucking in a breath you hoped you aimed right, and stepped out the window, slamming your eyes shut and bracing yourself for impact.
Impact came but it wasn’t you busting your ass on solid ground. Sam made good on his word and caught you, but you had a little thing called momentum and just kept going, practically tackling him to the floor below. He hit the dirt on his back, his arms wrapped firm around you. Eyes wide you sat up immediately, waiting for the inevitable ‘Oh god, I think you broke my rib!’ to come but he just laid out for a moment, and brought two thumbs up, head tipped back to catch the breath you surely knocked out of him.
“Hey, this was your idea.” You defended. He nodded with an exasperated grin, hands falling to rest high on your thighs where you straddled his waist. It didn’t take but a split second for you to relish the position you’d found yourself in, and took only another split second more for the wave of embarrassment to flood, as you scrambled to your feet. Not that you wouldn’t have minded staying perched on his hips a little longer, or much longer. But it was Sam, and you already shouldn’t have been thinking about him like that, and you were also a professional with a job to do, which meant you didn’t have time to wrap your brain in fantasies. No matter how mouth-wateringly tantalizing they were.
He took your outstretched hand to help him to his feet, and dusted off the foliage he picked up. When you turned away to look at your surroundings he took a moment to adjust himself once again. That was twice now he’d had you exactly where he’d wanted you, at exactly the wrong times.
Heavy fog began to roll in through the trees, and with it that sickening cold chill rolled up your spine, and you found yourself edging just a little closer to him.
“It’ll be dark soon. We should get back to the Inn.” You suggested, but it was more of a warning. The woods were telling you to get out, and you weren’t one to ignore the signs anymore.
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@witchy--owl (Your tag is broken??)
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
lee taeyong as your best friend
the first thing that comes to my mind is the food he cooks
you’ll never starve again because taeyong won’t let you. Ever
and he always remembers the ingredients you like or dislike, and the type of food you love or the ingredients that make you want to puke or you’re allergic too
he takes notes of all these things that it still amazes you even though the both of you have been friends for like 5 years
sometimes he even remembers the food you’ve been craving since a week ago and tries to cook it until he gets it just right
and he even makes it look so aesthetic that it probably takes up half your instagram feed because you NEED to hype up your best friend
“yn, can you stop putting embarrassing things as your captions? it’s probably why you’re still single,”
“that was a low blow Ty TraCc. and people love my captions by the way, if i make it too serious it’s gonna make me sound like a soccer mom and that’s not my aesthetic,”
you may or may not also add onto the list of children that taeyong has to look after 
honestly, he probably put it there himself because he’s afraid you’re going to do something dumb and regret it if he’s not there
“for the hundredth time, if you act like ikea’s your home, we’re gonna actually get kicked out this time and i won’t have any other better place to eat meatballs,”
“but you cook them better,”
“that’s really nice of you but Stop Tucking Yourself In, People Are Watching,”
cue taeyong’s dying whale noises when you snuggle into the bed even further
now he can’t even go furniture shopping with you smh
but he also has his embarrassing times to
like that time he was on a sugar rush after eating 3 scoops of ice cream and began dancing in the middle of a supermarket
even though the older ladies were charmed by his looks, you couldnt believe your eyes when he started doing the split in firetruck in front of the crabs
“stop it,,, stop it right now,” you muttered, pulling him by the collar
but he just wouldnt budge :”)
“but i’m communicating with the crabs,”
“more like doing a mating dance now Stop It,”
“you want me to dance to Baby Dont Stop? OKAY”
maybe that was partly to get his revenge on you for embarrassing him in ikea but he wont tell you that or you’ll get him back for it
but even with the silly shenanigans, he doesnt really mind it that much because bickering is the most the both of you do
fights dont really happen unless there’s a huge misunderstanding between the both of you
which only happened like five times and all of them was mostly about the both of you giving each other the silent treatment until either one of you break
and if it was taeyong that broke first, he would make it up to you with an apology and a tight hug as well as making dinner a little more extra for being a shithead
either way, the both of you dont really get into verbal fights and arguments that much 
and although people think arguments make friendships stronger, it doesnt really apply to the both of you
speaking of angsty things, taeyong is one of the best at giving you a shoulder to cry on because he’ll listen to all your worries and whatever you wanted, he’ll give it to you
to sing you to sleep? definitely, even though he gets a little shy
bring you out at 3 am to take a walk or go to the nearest mcdonald’s? dont fret because taeyong would already be at the door, ready and waiting
and he’ll do whatever it takes to cheer you up because he sees you as his sibling 
and anyone messes with you, messes with him :)
and like 11 other boys if it’s really serious oops 
its 11 because taeyong believes the dreamies shouldnt follow in their foot steps and be good children
but if it’s taeyong that needs comforting, you would do above and beyond to help him as well
you would even attempt at cooking his favourite dish if you’re bad at it
if it’s good, it will definitely cheer him up. and if it’s bad, it’ll just make him laugh because he knows you didnt mean to poison him
sometimes taeyong might not tell you his problems all the times, but you would either find out from someone else or the way his small changes in behaviour
its what best friends are for right?
and even if he tries to hide it, he cant really hide his fidgety fingers and wavering eyes. or the eye bags under his eyes and his fatigued actions
you can tell them a part and taeyong is forever grateful when you know without him having to tell you
because sometimes the stress is unexplainable - the kind where it just piles on until he cant handle it anymore and he just needs someone to be there and tell him that everything will be alright
and you’ll do exactly that and more
like secretly bring him to an arcade to play games and also make a fool of yourself when you cant shoot the basketballs through the hoops or when taeyong annihilates you in street fighter
and he’s really thankful for all the little things you do for him and is even more so when you go out of your way for him
and every good cheer up session ends with the both of you at a 24 hour cafe with five different cakes, 2 drinks 
and 3 hour long ranting session that could go from his exhaustion, to parenting, to his dog ruby and maybe to the insects taeyong didnt get to save from a strong breeze
at the end of the day, the both of you would die for each other but never really say it unless induced with alcohol
you guys just know you love each other without needing to say it :>
a/n: i always write these whenever i feel really overwhelmed with writing a lot or planning because i can just type whatever i want without really thinking too much and it’s really therapeutic to me h a h is that weird?? i dont know but i hope you guys liked this one! ps this was dedicated to my sun aka mal iloveyou
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honnismoked · 6 years
To the mun of this page, do you have advice for any of your followers that might be considering creating Undertale OC accounts and how they can start off? You seem to be very successful, so I'm curious as to how you managed to get to such a great place when many people tend to avoid Undertale OCs. Thank you for your time!
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Hello there, kind little anon! I’ll be more than happy to answer your question! But first, I wanna say a little something, if that’s okay.
This blog was established only about a week or so ago, but the primary oc here, Whimzy, was made all the way back in 2016 (when I was around fourteen years old), and the peak of her popularity reached to about 500+ people at the time. Her backstory has also gone through heavy refinement over the years, meaning that ocs are not always as concrete as they seem! Things might be very different now, so I’ll do my best to explain how I got my start and adjust accordingly to fit the modern perspectives on ocs.
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First off- try to come up with an idea YOU actively love and believe in. 
Whimzy, when I first made her, actually started as an amalgam design! But her basic theme was “bee”. At the time I was making her, I had been particularly enamored with Flowey. This was what started her backstory- flowey messing with stuff, as per usual. 
I absolutely loved this idea of mine. At the time, ocs were beginning to start off, so cringe culture wasn’t nearly as hyperfocused in the community. But even now, I still keep the flowey concept, because I love it with all my heart.
Be willing to let your idea fluctuate and change, too. This allows development as you grow and understand how your character really works with the world around them, and can help create a very interesting character!
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Second off- do not be afraid to take some ideas from canon and rework them in your own, unique way! 
If you’ve noticed, Whimzy has a younger brother named Lhazin. This was the sans-papyrus dynamic I took and remodeled because it felt right within the context of the Hive- we constantly mistake wasps for bees, so why not have the bees and wasps together? Bam, we’ve got a pair of siblings. 
Whimzy’s exile from the Insect Kingdom was also directly mirroring the monster exile from the surface, as well. These were both things I thought fit within the idea of the Insect Kingdom, which I should mention, has become heavily developed over the years, as well. I am very thorough with my details, but that shouldn’t be a necessity! 
As long as your concepts merge with the primary idea in a way that makes sense, excessive detail like mine is not necessary.
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Finally- do not be afraid to reach out to others in the community!
Back when whimzy started out, I had an irrational fear of reaching out to other people to interact. It’s an intimidation factor that I couldn’t shake, because it still somewhat lingers, even now. 
People in the community tend to be very kind-hearted when it comes to ocs, as long as they make sense and are developed! Most of the cringe culture that exists is from people who don’t properly understand how to critique others or have had bad experiences making ocs themselves, which is really just saddening, actually.
In fact- at the peak of my old blogs popularity, I had a very, very persistent hate anon that would constantly send me hateful messages and death threats because Whimzy was a “mary sue” for various reasons. If you ever get messages like these, don’t let them shake you! Development is very complicated, just like real life. The term of “mary sue” is one that’s completely oversaturated and lost it’s value. 
But even while I got these messages, a majority of my mutuals and people I didn’t even follow constantly stood by my side, defending me. The community is not one to be afraid of- we’re very lovable!
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Im not very prominent right now- it’s been almost two years since I vanished, after all. I only have at most 15 followers at the moment, but my belief in my own writing skill and constant pursuit for development helped me get where I am as a lost, but loved figure of undertale ocs. 
All I can really suggest beyond this is to try your best to reach out and get your name out there, and constantly work to improve your own skills so you can make a lovable character even more lovable! And more importantly, have fun !! That’s all that ocs and roleplay are about- enjoyment !!!
And with that, I hope you have a lovely day !!!
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gettingintoknives · 7 years
Blush, warmth, unique, & dearest
@pocketsizelesbian somehow you sent this to me as fanmail which shouldnt even be possible but anyways i resent it as an anon ask but here you go.
Blush : What do you do when you have a crush on someone?I will write them poetry and overuse heart emojis and talk to them... A Lot
Warmth : What is your happy place?Purgatory creek!
Unique : What qualities do you look for in other people?Good sense of humor, likes animals including reptiles and frogs and insects and stuff, i feel like i can trust them
Dearest : What item is most dear to you?my Sekhmet pendant
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ag7x · 7 years
Grasshoppers on the High Tower
The View still looks nice, looking at the skyline every morning keeps my head and heart in the right place. It keeps me going knowing I have higher to go and stuff below to fight for. But how did you get up here friends, it makes no sense how you are here too? I barely see you on the ground. You're no where near the grass small young Grasshoppers. What strange creatures. These insects of the trees and now all of the sudden he is up here with me viewing the world far from his tree. Its weird, I honestly dont like bugs up here with me, it ruins the view and it creeps me out a little bit. Bugs are ugly and weird, but maybe thats just me as a human just not understanding their purpose or it could be my hatred for roaches that has me like this. These guys arent as ugly as roaches though and they arent as cute as lady bugs, I guess I can just let them slide though. I mean they are just chilling. Enjoying the view crawling a little higher, not phased by anything really going on in the world just living life and going higher one step at a time. Their chirps arent like the birds but they sing a song that can make the dawn of day look so beautiful from up here. Im curious though, why are they up here? What would cause them to do this? I did research and research and came to no real resolution for the problem at hand. For awhile I had continued to see them up there more and more, day after day and night after night. I even looked deep into myths in order to find the answer but still nothing and still they chirpped their song to sing during the dawn. One day it was me and just one of the Grasshoppers on a cloudy morning. I couldnt see every building because the clouds were all around us. The Grasshopper chirps and I look at it. Its unphased by my glare as it always has been. I could kill the son of a bitch, then its friends would be phased everytime they climb this high. I decided not to just because I grew to like the little guy, hes lucky I didnt kill him. I then saw my favorite tower in the city. The Grasshopper beings to chirp and the other Grasshoppers around the building do too in unison for one song. A beautiful moment, I'm lucky I didnt kill him, met with a realization. I sat there and thought in the same way I could kill the grasshopper, the grasshopper could kill me too. From this height, we are both equal. We are both lucky to survive up here. Why we both were up here? Why should it matter we're alive to respect and teach each other new things. He taught me his song and I taught him humanity still sees Nature as something beautiful that shouldnt be interrupted or questioned. He sang his song, I lived my life. We taught each other something. We both learned what we really are just students to the world around us. We are all just climbing to understand the higher concepts of all this. And we are teaching each other with each step. We are both Grasshoppers to the world. Just Grasshoppers on the High Tower.
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