#instead get stupendiumed
fvriva · 1 year
tagged by @duckdotcom to spell my url in song titles! thank you bestie jon
tagging @gluthor @el-is-away @breitzbachbea @aliferous-ly @hunny-k @beanrice @cervicrazed !!
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Dan and Phil dream again 👍🏻
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
What music genres do you think the batfam members listen to?I ask this because of how little Alternative music fan headcannons there are. I personally think Tim enjoys grunge and or nu metal(Specifically bands like limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn, and System of a Down)
I'm not too familiar with genres, so I'll be giving this my best shot. I typically listen to music by the vibe it gives. My playlists include music that makes my brain go brr (the nice dissociation), songs for muses, ones to scandalize my mother, music a garage band would play, songs that make God fear me, and a long playlist for pleasant company.
Anyways, I've seen a few fics where people say that Bruce and Tim share a love of those genres. I could definitely see Tim listening to the ones you mentioned. He probably plays it through his preferred headphones as he fixes electronics, codes, or plots destruction. He also, because he suppresses his anger a lot, probably listens to music like Ghostemane, Kim Dracula, and Freddie Dredd.
Jason definitely enjoys musicals. Dick as well, but Jason isn't as vocal about it. Instead, Jason will listen to 80's rock and 2000's girl bands if others around (he ofc listens to TLC).
I like to think that they all enjoy music in different languages. For Dick and Damian, they especially like music they grew up listening to in their respective cultures. The others, because the batfam is multilingual, just enjoy all kinds of different tunes in multiple languages. The batfam playlist, especially for hanging out in the cave, is chaotic. Bruce nearly had an aneurysm the first time he heard Touch You (Yarichin Bitch Club) over the speakers. The only reason the kids didn't get in trouble was because Damian was out with Colin at the time.
I hc that Cass likes lofi hip hop music. She typically enjoys all songs but prefers those without words (because understanding words still requires energy from her and can prevent her from fully relaxing). She does listen to a lot of classical music, a passion she shares with Alfred.
Alfred, the man the myth the legend, enjoys swing music the most. He'll put on a variety of music in the kitchen (different classical eras, opera music, the occasional musical, jazz, some more modern instrumental music, and some movie background tracks), but the whole fam knowns he's in a really good mood if swing music is playing.
Bruce is the type of person to just listen to what's on. Unless he dislikes the music, he will be fine with whatever his kids or Alfred have playing. He particularly enjoys alternative rock and old country music (like Garth Brooks), but he doesn't usually fight for the aux cord.
Barbara has playlists depending on her mood. Birds of Prey mission prep? Bruce being a dick? Dick being a dick? Batfam drama she has to once again intervene in? Coding nights? Can't get out of bed days? She also has a few playlists for each person she regularly interacts with. For calm or bad nights, she'll put the playlist in that person's comm. She also likes to hack speakers around Bruce and play her revenge music when he's being a petty asshole. Some of her revenge music includes "They're Coming to Take Me Away" by Sloppy Jane, "OoOo1" by galen tipton, "All I see is Poop" by Hobo Johnson, "I Swallowed Shampoo" by Soupy Garage Juice, "I am now going to bark at you" by thquib, and "I hope You Die in a Fire" by Grand Commander.
Duke is most definitely a Mitski, Hozier, Crane Wives enjoyer, and you can pry that hc from my cold, dead hands. He probably also likes songs similar to "Ancapistan" by Jreg or "The Fine Print" by The Stupendium.
Dick's music is either super high in energy or sad as fuck. He loves the songs "Has Anbody Seen My Will to Live" by The Tin Knees and "Copacabana (At the Copa)" by Barry Manilow because they are both sad and happy :) I hc that he likes songs by TV Girl, Yot Club, Joji, and Cosmo Sheldrake. He also has a few playlists he follows of Zumba music. The song "The Masochism Tango" by Tom Lehrer is one of his favorites.
This is already a pretty long post, so feel free to reblog with more ideas! I didn't get to Steph or more in depth with Damian :(
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alexis-royce · 5 months
Mr Pages- 4, 8, 9, 21
Ask game time!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Either more visual novels, or a prose novel! I think that it’s nice to have a little time to puzzle out Pagemanteaus, and spoken media might go by a little too quickly for that. Also, unless you are literally Stupendium, putting Pages into a musical would be doomed to failure. The difficulty bar is absurdly high.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I’m not a fan of questions like this! I think that unless it’s a genuine ethical issue like harassment, complaining about fandom creations is stirring up trouble and complaining about stuff that people make in their free time, for no pay, and often with no training. Also? The FL community tends to be pretty erudite and fun-loving. Everyone who memes on Pages gets the appeal! I always like seeing it, even if I’m too shy to interact sometimes.
So I guess instead, I’ll try to give advice? If you’re drawing Pages, I think that it’s fun to go exaggerated with the body language. Since you can’t see its face, most of the emotion will be stored in the pose. The other masters are better at acting spooky and stoic than Pages is. Pages is a fucking gremlin. ❤️
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9. Could you be roommates with this character?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. My favorite characters are generally somewhat amoral and obnoxious, and Pages fits the bill for this. Let’s be real: Pages is a messy bitch who loves drama and canceling people for their problematic writing. Pages would take one look at a trans dude who writes weird smut with flawed characters and whoops I’m quickly dogpiled and in prison.
Pages is my worst nightmare but it is very fun to imagine a character (The Academic) who could survive it. Power fantasies come in all shapes and sizes.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love writing pagemeanteaus. IRL I struggle to verbalize my thoughts often, and though I have a large vocabulary, I tend to get stuck when I can’t remember words. Sometimes simple ones. It’s very frustrating to stand there trying to talk with a brain that just stopped working. So I love that while writing, I can just bullshit words instead. Whenever I stumble I can just cramsert whatever makes sense into Pages’ speechandering style of speaking.
On the other hand, I have difficulty balancing how romantic to make Pages, with how antagonistic. I know that my characterization is much less brooding and mysterious than in canon (especially MotR. That one needs for Pages to represent the masters as a group for most of its plot, so it comes across as much more muted). I tend to lean on Pages’ depiction in Hearts Desire, which is lullingly affable, until the instant it’s not getting what it wants, whereupon it can be venomous. But I get the feeling that Pages really does like human romance, and its desires would be a little more mainstream than the curator fight-flirting I tend to write. If I were trying to write as canonically as possible, I’d tone that stuff down.
But sadly, I love antagonistic nemesis comedic pseudo-romances with blustery infodumping old guys, so you’re stuck with me writing Pages with a very low spooky and traditionally romantic stats. It’s autism and slapstick murder hours 24/7 in my house. ❤️
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myth-blossom · 1 year
A second song, similar to the first I submitted. Instead of a “Something’s coming and you can’t predict what it is” vibe it’s more of a “something’s coming and you can’t stop it” vibe
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I had two requests for this song right after I finished The Stupendium’s Hitman 2 Rap, so this is to answer both @misterbrick42 and @issytheamateurnerd 😊
Funny enough, I listened to the song for the first time just before your requests came in and I’ve replayed it constantly until I was able to find the time to write for it. Enjoy!
As impressive and professional as the ICA was, it was no stranger to standard office culture. The company was abuzz with a mixture of awe and unease despite its operational tendency towards discretion. Considering the shocking memo the Agency circulated, however, their employees couldn’t be blamed for clucking like hens.
Lucifer Protocol Initiated.
Rivers never expected anything to top the spectacular mess from his early days with the ICA cleaner division. The aftermath was burned in his memory of Agent Jaguar’s failed attempt to one-up the ICA’s top assassin, with twenty-nine people needing body bags (including the agent himself). That had been a treat for the ICA rumor mill, as were the other stories Rivers became privy to when he transitioned into his position as a handler. He learned more tales of deadly egos and mission mishaps, of agents bungling electrocutions and proximity explosives, all in the vain attempt to mark themselves the best above the legend that was Agent 47. But not even Jaguar’s fiery failure could compare to the intrigue of the latest scandal.
The ICA was at war with a ghost.
It was no secret in the Agency that Erich Soders hated 47. During the late years of his tenure on the ICA Board of Directors, Soders argued that the Agency needed to plan for 47’s demise should he ever go rogue. 47 is a man with no allegiances, he argued. If he bites the hand that feeds him, he needs to be put down quickly and efficiently. The other directors were less concerned with 47 turning against them. He was their most valuable asset and Burnwood kept him on a leash—as long as she was his handler, they didn’t see an issue.
Soders didn’t let it lie, however, so the board eventually agreed to develop an emergency protocol in the event that 47 outlived his usefulness. Referred to as the Lucifer Protocol (Soders’ choice), the Agency would organize and send their top agents after 47 in a coordinated effort to take him down should he ever betray them. There the plan sat formulated and nearly forgotten, kept behind lock and key simply due to the continued presence of Diana Burnwood.
Though for reasons unknown, Burnwood was no longer in contact with the Agency. A contract had been placed on Agent 47 and the ICA decided to pursue it, agreeing to go after him and his supposed accomplice, Olivia Hall, in Berlin. The Agency was no stranger to accepting contracts taken out on its staff, but Agent 47 was decidedly not an average employee. The board immediately enacted Soders’ protocol to fulfill the demands of the contract and pulled their top eleven agents off of other assignments to assist in the effort.
Rivers wasn’t certain of the details, but it was no secret that the operation had been a complete disaster. He heard whispers that 47 had taken down five ICA agents, including Agent Montgomery, killing enough of them to make a point to his former employer to back off. Some of his colleagues swore that 47 actually eliminated all eleven agents, furious and hellbent on taking revenge against the Agency as much as he possibly could. Whatever the case, the handler in charge of the operation was now on leave by order of the board. 47 was still alive and probably quite pissed off, and that would likely get worse since the board declared they would continue pursuing the contract.
Since the mission failure in Berlin, the board of directors escaped to undisclosed compounds as a precaution, with the exception of Angus Pritchard as he was already en route to the data facility in Chongqing. Pritchard was probably unconcerned with the trip, however, what with security being intensified at each facility following the Berlin incident. 
The board seemed to think they still had the upper hand against 47. They made sure to let the company know it, too, via another memo. 47 could no longer access his assets or any ICA suppliers for support. There was no reason to panic, they said—it would be insane for him to go after the Agency, and everyone should proceed with work as normal.
Despite their reassurances, the ICA no longer carried the cool and confident atmosphere it once had. Tension gripped the minds of many at the Agency with the concern that somehow, somewhere, 47 would appear and take them down in retaliation. Was that odd noise a fluke or a well-timed distraction? Was that simply a shadow or was it the devil waiting to strike? A nervous quiet fell over the facility as paranoia continued to gnaw at them. 
Employees ranging from analysts to maintenance workers were suddenly absent from work the next day. Even some of the agents resigned so they could scatter off the grid as best as they possibly could lest they be sent by the ICA to their doom. Rivers couldn’t blame them, but he chose to continue working within the facility. Those that remained seemed to share the same outlook he had since the protocol was activated. 
Agent 47 had proven, time and time again, that he was the world’s best assassin. If he wanted someone dead, it was not a matter of if it would happen, but when. He was an expert at achieving the impossible and never missed his mark. What good did it do for anyone to hide? 
It was inevitable yet no less shocking when the facility filled with the chorus of emergency notifications. Computers and phones blared with fury as the same ICA alert glared red across every screen: AGENCY IS COMPROMISED. THIS IS NOT A TEST. 
Rivers fell back in his chair as he watched his colleagues absorb the news in a panic.
The ICA was exposed. Everyone was compromised. 
47 just took down the entire Agency.
Rivers reached for the flask deep in his drawer, a gift from his old mentor. You‘ll need it someday, kid, he remembered him saying. Now was certainly as good of a time as any. He unscrewed the cap and raised the flask in the air, nodding to no one in particular before taking a swig. 
They were all fucked.
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forever-eternal · 5 months
Some more of Alternate Fenris: Like I said before, if you want to give them a nickname-- feel free!
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This Sans is an astrologist and rocket scientist, though he doesn’t share a heart condition as bad as his counterparts he still isn’t allowed to have coffee. Coffee cake, which is Papyrus’ specialty and favorite thing to make, is an amazing substitute and in many more flavor combos than the drink. This Fenris believes gravity is a social construct and floats around half the time, no matter what form she’s in. The humans trapped on the asteroid belt have evolved to not need air to breathe.
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Flexibility training allows Fenris’ focus on complex aerial and acrobatic dancing, but will breakdance with Sans and perform fast-paced Latin dances with Papyrus for fun. This Fenris is more focused than she is mean, though her bluntness can still be read as rude by those who don’t know her.
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With adopted brothers being Reapers, the Gods of Death, Fenris is the Spirit of Redemption and Retribution. Sometimes seen in dark forests as an abnormally large, white wolf that seems to glow faintly in the dark. More usually seen as a shoeless, hooded figure with a Double-Bladed Axe.
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Part of a crime family. Sans is a member of the Upper Circle known as The Judge, while Papyrus is a lower rank referred to as Guard Bones. Fenris manipulates the housing market by buying/building and selling towns in a select area, selecting someone to be ‘Mayor’, and using their money to add onto and upgrade the town (think that song ‘Nook, Line, and Sinker’ by Stupendium). The town’s all depend on how much money the Mayor collects and gives to her. This puts all the blame on ‘Mayor’ instead of herself, even if the residents are the ones who didn’t pay anything.
Some of her towns are great places to live, others are not. It all depends on how much the residents are willing to pay for upgrades and upkeep. When the ‘Mayor’s get rowdy, she has her brother and the Family to back her up.
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The Fontman Family have been pirates for generations, born and raised on the open seas. It was only a matter of time for them to find a selkie, a young Harp Seal Selkie. Despite the fact that she’s full grown, this Fenris retains her white fur when she’s decided to go about as a seal. Her love language is gifting shells and other pretty things she finds in the ocean, and these item have only grown more valuable the longer she lives on the ship. She has never heard of a hairbrush.
Instead of a werewolf, she becomes a seal with walrus tusks, nearly the size of a humpback whale.
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Princess Fenris is the youngest of the Fontman Royal Family. One of her brothers, Prince Papyrus, vanished when she was still super young. Her oldest brother, King Sans, is incredibly protective of his remaining sibling. This Fenris is a bit younger than most of her alternates, about 17, and is very sheltered. Despite this, she is still incredibly curious and is often in places she shouldn’t be.
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deadandwalking · 5 months
Everyone listen to me explain random comfort songs!! (ignore the cringe and depression and general grossness pleeease)
ok so this one is the family issues - the constantly being forced to work regardless of how tired i am, i feel as if there’s no escape from this place but feeling hurt costs too much (if i slack on work i get screamed at which drives me closer to suicide every damn day) also i feel as though these people keep me from my real family
this one is the jealousy and spite towards my siblings - specifically my brothers, as they were always favoured by everyone. I always felt pressured to be “more like them”, since they got praised for doing less than me and got more love too. i always felt as though i’d be more loveable if i were more like them.
i spoke of this one before but it hits hard still. it’s got everything really, seasonal depression, suicide, jealousy, rape threats, and yeah - same. call me crazy but unfortunately it’s just how it be. i too would wish death on the love of my life if he moved on after i died. i want him to be happy, but not with someone who ain’t me.
self explanatory. self harm and suicidal thoughts, who doesn’t have this nowadays. also, the plastic surgery line will forever give me heartache. i will never in my believe i am good enough for anybody really. fun times.
THIS. FUCKING, THIS. this is good. i won’t lie i cried hearing it was actually about schizospec/b cluster people. it sounds nonsensical but it makes fucking sense. it’s like that sometimes. nothing makes sense inside. sometimes words merge and mutate and you can’t fucking talk. it’s frustrating and inconvenient and severely effects quality of life so yes i will scream/cry/sing the lyrics every time it’s on
This one is probably because of Angel but i enjoy the interpretation that the song it actually being read like a story itself, and it brings two comforts at once, i can feel like a child listening to a story and a mother telling it at once. also one of the first songs Angel openly enjoyed.
owie owie hurts the soul. still good though. also connected to Angel, in the sense i interpret the song as if he’s talking to me ? he knows all my issues and could call me out like that, but he still wants me alive and tries his fucking hardest to do that for me. sure i don’t make it particularly easy, especially on nights like tonight, but i appreciate his efforts still.
ooooh boy this one. ok so i know the song is meant to be a girl talking herself out of suicide each time she tries and eventually gives up trying, but i decided noooo don’t like that. instead i like to think of Angel, and how he tries so hard to fix everything for me and find all the positives he can but it’s progressively getting harder for both of us.
ah yes the good ol dysmorphia soundtrack !!!! love this, this is great, i cry to this a lot. ever convinced yourself your boyfriend doesn’t love you because you are disgusting and horrific??? try this !!!!!!!!!!!! i need shot :D
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anxiously-scared · 8 months
ok two things abt the song 'why did i say okie dokie' by the stupendium:
1. i love love love the line 'this hell is members only'. its universally applicable and also just chefs kiss. i dont know what it is abt that line exactly that gets me but i love it sm
2. the use of an actual harmonica in the song while rhyming it with monika is beautiful. like in and of itself. but then keeping it in the song a few beats longer and integrating it into the background instruments before letting it fade away is truly amazing. it makes it going away feel very natural and almost unnoticed by the listener instead of having it just stop after the rhyme
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biggiedraws · 9 months
6 and 16 for the music ask game? :)
hello carde <3 thanks for the ask!!
6. what was the first concert you went to?
my parents took me to a couple christian rock concerts when i was too young to enjoy them, so technically that. first concert i went to for my own sake was when bbno$ came to halifax!! and it was free!!! it was kind of a disaster, one of my friends threw up, but like overall i had a good time and it was really cool to see him live
16. tell us the name of a song that most people probably don’t know but you absolutely adore
we're getting real obscure today folks- lake superior suite by cait nishimura (technically a suite of 5 pieces but like. it counts). it isnt even on spotify (theres a couple recordings on youtube though! ive linked the one i prefer) but its so so beautiful. i have had the pleasure of performing this piece live and it was incredible. it definitely also helps that the composer plays bass clarinet, which is what i play! so my part was really well suited to my instrument instead of being an afterthought (which is usually what happens 😔)
if you want something a little less. concert band. im also a huge fan of the stupendium! "the fine print" was popular on tiktok for a while, but i also really like "slide into the void" "tune into the madness" and "rest employed" :3
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🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Hi! Five songs I listen to, I'm currently listening to Fairytale by Alexander Rybak, lemme check Spotify for the rest.
Ok, four others are Hit the Snooze by The Living Tombstone, Neath by The Stupendium, Paint it, Black by the Rolling Stones, and All Eyes On Me by Bo Burnham. Instead of sending an ask, anyone who wants to can just reblog with theirs!
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Get to know me:
Tagged by @ermakeys thanks bud!
Rules: Tag 10 people who you want to get to know better.
Relationship status: Single and unwilling to mingle.
Favorite color: Red-Orange (#FF4500) and Safety Orange (#FF6700)
Three favorite foods: Bitoque (steak with a side of fries, rice and a fried egg), Sushi (specifically maki, temaki, uramaki and nigiri but I won't say no to tempura and sashimi) and Instant Ramen (tie between chicken and shrimp flavouring)
Song stuck in my head: Ad Infinitum by Stupendium
Last song I listened to: Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n Roses
Last thing I googled: List of Disaster Movies (I was trying to remember a specific movie I watched in class once that I think had Al Gore as a character in it???)
Time: 16:00
Dream trip: Disneyland (It's been on my bucket list since I was a child and I'll be damned if I never scratch it off)
Anything I really want right now: There's too many material things I want right now to pick just the one, so I'm going with peace and quiet instead...
No pressure tags: @gaeasun , @milfcutlawquane , @thecodyagenda , @puirell , @lizalfosrise , @lo-om , @waterlilyspad , @brother-genitivi , @laz-laz-ace-pilot
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ronqueesha · 2 years
I’m still having fun making roleplay playlists for my OCs.
1) “The Data Stream” - The Stupendium & Cami-Cat
Zoe’s story begins as a corpo drone. A part of the Arasaka Corporation’s great machine that chews and swallows people like great slabs of meat, grinding humanity under their heel. She upheld and defended every dark aspect of the corporate world she worshiped. And her reward? Cold, unfeeling, empty wealth.
When guiding the hand of the market If it’s holding a cheque or a gun The fingers go deep in your pockets And you can live under the thumb
2) “Get Down” - Six the Musical
Zoe is a boss bitch, even after losing everything.
Sittin' here all alone On a throne In a palace that I happen to own
3) “How Villains Are Made” - Madalen Duke
Zoe doesn’t think of herself as a villain, but plenty of other people do. From the people she stomped on as a corpo employee to all of the rich assholes she angered as a merc. And perhaps, worst of all, Judy sees her like this as well.
There lies my sanity There goes my mind, I could not save I don't trust what I see right in front of me I don't know who to betray
4) “Can’t Go to Hell” - Sin Shake Sin
The quintessential song about a futile struggle against overwhelming, unfeeling, and choking destiny. 
It's too early for surrender Too late for a prayer We can't go to hell if we're already there
5) “Grave Digger” - Blues Saraceno
Let’s not forget that this story is Zoe’s last. She has confronted her own mortality several times in her life, and this final year is her ultimate test.
grave digger, grave digger slowly fill my grave whisper to your god allow me to be saved
6) “Flesh Blood Skin & Bone” - Wolff
Another song about facing death, and accepting it’s going to happen no matter what you do.
Flesh blood skin and bone Drag me down to the river lets go Bury my body by the waterside Leave me there til the river runs dry
7) “Deadman’s Gun” -  Red Dead Redemption, Christian Larsson
I enjoy that in Zoe’s specific case, this song’s lyrics can be taken literally instead of allegorically. The dead man being Johnny, of course. It also just so happens to be yet another song about facing death with strength and dignity.
Your hands upon A dead man's gun, and you're Lookin' down the sights
8) “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” - Blue Oyster Cult
This is the name of the secret ending mission, and even though I doesn’t play during the actual final fight, I ran in my head on loop while doing it. And hey, guess what the subject  matter is!
Seasons don't fear the reaper Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain We can be like they are
9) “Mountain Hymn” - Red Dead Redemption 2
The end.
The day is done, time has come You battled hard, the war is won You did your worst, you tried your best Now it's time to rest
10) “Never Fade Away” - Samurai/Cyberpunk 2077
I couldn’t do a playlist without the most iconic ingame song. It was written by Johnny, and it seeps all through the narrative.
We'll never fade away We'll never fade away We'll never fade away We'll never fade away
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fizziefactory · 2 months
Profile: $ Manager Fizzy
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Model: Manager Fizzy, former Office Fizzy
Nicknames: "Office!Fizzy", "Manager!Fizzy" "Boss!Fizzy", "The Manager", "Bozzy", "Ratty" (formerly)
Pronouns: he/him | it/its | they/them
Height: 5’3”
Can always be found at: The Fizzy Factory in the Lust Ring
Vibes: Proper Funds — Tub Ring || The Fine Print — The Stupendium || O Superman — Laurie Anderson
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Instead of the usual colour scheme of the standard fizzies, he's got more earthy tones with a lot of green and brown.
His clothes resemble that of a green, striped tailcoat, rather than the usual jester-garb, its insides having a golden sheen.
At the end of his hat/horns, instead of bells, there are two souls-symbols
There are cuffs at the end of his trousers, instead of them flairing out like some clown bell-bottoms.
He got a lil bow tie ♡
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Oversees the Fizzy Factory located in the Greed Ring in Mammon and Asmodeus’ absence. When not running the ship, he has a couple of other tasks…
Guide newly made fizzies through their tasks and protocols, teaching them the ropes and disclosing what their life is going to be like from now on.
Going out to different fizzy-owners to do checkups on their status and condition all across the 9 rings. If an owner is missing/dead the fizzy needs to be returned or scrapped, if something is going against their contract (not lending out the bot to others for example, they need to get their own), or if the bot is missing for whatever reason… the Manager is the one who makes sure that the problem gets resolved, using whatever resources Mammon provides.
While he was originally meant for an office, and he now has other fizzies doing the paperwork for him, he still enjoys doing most of it himself. It was what he was made for after all, even if he is so much more by now.
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Asmodeus: He designed him. He has met him a couple of times while accompanying Mammon, but has a hard time holding a conversation with him.
Mammon: He works directly under Mammon, he's a trusted fizzy, at least as trusted and respected as a fizzy can be. Whatever Mammon doesn't get involved in, he shoves onto him instead.
Therapist!Fizzy: He works alongside Thizzy when he does the psych-evaluations of the fizzies. While he doesnt think too hard on their relationship, Thizzy hates him.
All fizzies: He sees himself as every fizzy’s caretaker, and them as his little sheep that he needs to herd to make sure they make it safely across the meadow that is Hell. Sometimes you lose a few sheep but that's par for the course.
The Manager started off as Ratty, just another Office Fizzy meant to handle all the paperwork, contracts and lawsuits that were being thrown around all across the Greed Ring. Working at the factory, specifically handling the fizzy-related paperwork, they were starting to have problems with fizzies not knowing how to perform their duties. In a frugal move, Ratty was grabbed from his chair and tossed out on the floor, tasked to get the new bots in order and make sure they do as they're told.
And that's when the cycle broke. The same, meaningless task he was meant to do all day every day, had just expanded. After doing what he was told, telling Others what to do… Ratty got more influence. Fizzies came to Him, asking Him what to do, and even the hellborne at the factory began to do the same. His words got more power, his decisions actually Mattered, and in time, he had gotten rid of all the hellborne from the factory, who only got in the way anyway.
He had made the factory completely fizzy-run, saving money since the bots were free labour once they were made, and he was feeling like a million bucks while doing so. Ratty became The Manager, and even Mammon began to rely on him, bringing him along and even updating his design.
He is smug, sly, cold and calculated, and sees all the little things that you think you can hide from him. While he ultimately is a fizzy and has no influence over anybody else but other fizzies, he knows what strings to pull to get what he wants.
When it comes to the fizzies… His fizzies.. he feels responsible for them. He was there at the very beginning, after all. If they're not doing their job right, it's his job to make sure they get their shit sorted out. He's like a toxic parent, looking down on them and believing he has all the answers to their problems. He just needs that sense of control, to never fall back. To not lose everything and become a part of the masses again. To become one of them.
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jo3ydr3w · 1 year
That moment when you’re a Shawn Flynn fictive trying to get the character played by your actor and is also a toymaker like you are to be a fictive, but instead of hearing their voice, you hear The Stupendium’s voice in your head, which makes you worried because there HAS been an unidentifed factive in there for weeks, but you don’t want to just assume.
After this blows over, we have to do one of those systems has blank things. It would be tons of fun! Like 2 toymakers, a crazed colonel, a demon glitch,etc.
Makes me think we got a sub-system.
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maraschinotopped · 3 years
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i feel like i should share a few dragon scrys/ocs that sit in my head rent free all day every day...
left to right, up to down: data stream, key, the shade, the audience
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she-toadmask · 4 years
Being autistic is not an excuse for not being accepting
But finding that there is an entire community that you feel allied with whose terminology and views on language are so different from the one you’ve seen up until now is terrifying to try and understand
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