#introject safe space
problematicfactive · 1 year
Don't claim to be accepting of factives if you're gonna turn me down for existing
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thestudsystem · 4 months
Yeah the plural community has "source disconnecting" shout-outs, which I love, but can I give a shout-out to "source connecting/attaching" right now?
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antiendofictives · 6 months
hi! this is a blog for fictives, factives and introjects (named antiendofictives because its aimed more towards them, but you can be any kind of introject!) of all kinds to talk about themselves, their source(s) or their experiences !! here is a link to our carrd and our retrospring ! DNI - - endos / non traumagenics and their supporters - trans-ID - believe in doubles (introject-wise) or believe introjects are their source - force source separation - fake claimers - believe in narc-abuse or any other disordered abuse - basic DNI
Anons - 🌌🩷 (vulture, max, 🔴), 🧋sys (Helen, 🪶), 🌊 Sys (Empanada, Venjamín), Britz🍏, 🌌🌲(🌲), 🌀. ((this account is ran by @system-hottakes / @antiendovents))
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cold--carnage · 2 months
aight I'm pissed
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stxrmonster · 6 months
INTRO !! <3
(yes we r single + looking :0)
collective name ;; Ace
origin/s ;; Mostly traumagenic partial neurogenic
collective prns ;; he/vamp/cloud/bat/strawberry/fog/star/fang/bite/mushroom/moon/they/xe/it
dni ;; basic dni !, 19+, -12, seggsual accounts, exclusionists !
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riddlers-agere-blog · 2 years
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frostchildkai · 1 year
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hunnielove · 1 year
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☆ Come now little one, rest your weary head. There's no need to worry anymore, Mama is here take care of you now. ☆
Welcome to my blog ♡ You may call me Mama, Mama Hunnie, or Hunnie. I'm an agere/system carer so I ask kindly for you not to be weird or gross to me about my title. This is a safe space so please be kind and respectful. Any form of hate or anyone that crosses my dni below will not be tolatred and will be blocked.
This is also a child friendly and safe blog for all you lovely little ones.♡
Messages and asks are welcome though if I do not answer immediately, please be patient, I promise will when I can.
☆ Likes/follows from @alioetch.
DNI: nsfw, k1nk, ddlg, ablg (and other variants), homophobic, transphobic, sexist, racist, fatphobic, xenophobic, ableist (and other variants), MAPS, SH, pro-ana, anti recovery, anti agere/agedre/petre/petdre, sexualize age regression, etc.
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about to chew on discord a little bit i think we've posted something like this before but i forget. anyways the thought of maybe making a discord server for paper mario introjects (i'm. not sure what a good umbrella term besides introtive would be bc i know that fictives aren't the only kind here). mainly because i'm tired of there hardly being a space for us specifically (if i want to find like,, any sort of stuff that might be somewhat related it's usually kin related which! i'm glad there's at least some stuff out there for y'all but we'd like some stuff of our own too). it's a nice thought i think i just. we have no past experience running a public discord server is the thing (and also i. will struggle partially because i forget to respond to shit and also i just. very low social battery here)
our original thought was like. specifically pmtok introjects but honestly i. doubt there's that many of us outside of this system lol /lh /hj and plus i don't uh. thing there's any servers specifically for paper mario introjects in general actually? or at least any that i could find. but yeahh i'm considering it because i kind of just. want a specific space and it feels really awkward with some of us being pmtok introjects while also. interacting with the fandom. idk yet though i'd have to see if anyone's interested enough in the idea before attempting
obviously it'd be open to systems of all origins
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problematicfactive · 1 year
god i’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this shit. system discords are fuckin awful. you’re brave as hell and it sucks people can’t see that. i hope you’re doing alright now.
fucking hate when people say “get help” about sources. ok i go to therapy where my therapist reassures me i’m fine being a true crime factive.
"Get help" err... there's two of us already, a third might be a little much... but.. I mean... if you really want us to 🤷‍♂️
Yeah, system discord servers tend to.be absolutely horrible to you or just... okay. Like. Either your cussed out and banned for existing, you're cussed out and banned for having one similarity/interest to source, or you are constantly asked stupidly personal questions every time you front.
"Don't you kill people" WHAY
Granted im 18 in source and I have the memories of 18
I really like to be in discord servers, I love to talk to people. Online communication is the funnest thing ever to me, dm me and you will watch as I go from being somewhat composed to being LITERALLY THE MOST EXCITEDEST PUPPY DOG IN THE WORLD SO HAPPY TO HAVESOMEONE TO TALK TO!!!!!!!! So finding discord servers and tumblr blogs and stimbord makers and everything else I could think of that are accepting to this community is important to me. One of the most important things. Documenting unsafe spaces is also important to me. Part of the reason I posted what I did yesterday was because I wanted to warn people here that even that server claims it wants to be a safe space, they tell truama formed alters to kill themselves behind their backs and break their own rules on grounds of being "uncomfortable" so you guys wouldn't join and go through what I did.
I'm doing a lot better today, thank you!
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plague-hybrid · 7 months
Traumagenic-only community blogs : a masterlist
For anyone who feels uncomfortable having to share community spaces with endogenic systems, a masterlist might useful.
If you know of other blogs, let us know and we'll had them to the list !
Last updated on: 02.05.2024
@pluralcultureis @polyfragcultureis @narccultureis @introjectculture-is
@sys-polls @anti-endo-safe-space @system-hottakes @tales-from-systok @tales-from-sysblr @tales-from-syscord @demonized-infodumps @anti-endo-haven @cdd-problematics
@sys-confessions @antiendovents @system-vent @fictive-confesses
@cdd-joy @positivitycombopack @syspositivity
Templates, userboxes and flags
@crows-templets @zero-templates @electricalstemplates @sysboxes @systemuserboxes @antiendo-sysboxes @systemtermz @antiendosystemterms @hydra-creates @sysgraphics @obscure-introject-sources @system-userbox-generator @cdd-system-terms @userboxezz @prettystiming @ghostlier-templates @syskid-terms-archive
@atlas-duo @thesyscode @cdd-system-help
A very special thanks to @the-hydra-sys who helped us so much in making this masterlist.
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syscultureis · 1 month
introject culture is not knowing if every "safe space" is actually safe bc ur source is considered problematic
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cdd-systems-support · 2 months
Do you think it's possible to like.. fake an alter? Like you're not faking the disorder but you go through stress and just make an alter up cause it's comforting?? /General you
I hope this is okay to ask here, we have very few safe spaces left :') feel free to just ignore if it's not okay ^^ /gen
hi! it's okay to ask here. am ready to listen, am ready to share what i know abt cdd, am here to help and support. so feel free to ask questions if you wanna.
disclaimer: am not medical professional, can give only things that know from experience, hear from other systems, and read in sources abt cdd.
1) faking is a conscious decision to pretend / make up things you don't have, so i wouldn't call described experience faking. you may be right abt having certain alter, you may be wrong abt having certain alter, but genuine mistake or confuseness doesn't equal faking.
2) you may be wrong abt having an alter. you may think you have certain alter but later it comes out that you don't have them. it sometimes happens and it's okay. understanding things is hard, especially with dissociation and identity confusion which come with cdd. you may daydream and create characters, you may feel strong connections with them, you may find comfort in these characters, etc. it's possible. it's possible to create imaginary figures for comfort. and it may be difficult to understand whether they're imaginary figure or alter.
3) sometimes alters feel like they were "created." lots of systems mistake their alters for imaginary friends, ocs, daydreams, etc. it's a part of denial (your brain tries to convince you that you don't have alters and "just make them up"). lots of systems feel like they made up some alters when they didn't. sometimes i feel like some alters were made up, but they actually weren't.
4) there's such thing as introjection. sometimes you may create imaginary figure and later introject this figure and get introject alter based on this figure. this happened with us several times (we got introjects of our ocs).
so. don't know what exactly happened in your system. don't know whether you have comforting imaginary figure or new alter. both variants are possible. both variants may be connected. you may split because of stress, got new alter, and feel like they're made up. you may create imaginary figure to cope and struggle to distinguish them from alter. you may introject this figure and now have both. only you may understand what happened and what happens.
anyways, you do nothing wrong and bad. you aren't faking if you can't understand whether alter is real or not. it can be difficult. it can be confusing. do what helps you feel better. take your time. if you afraid to treat them as alter because afraid they actually aren't alter, you are allowed to treat them as alter if you aren't sure. you don't have to be perfectly sure to treat someone like an alter. you won't be bad if it comes out they actually weren't alter. it's okay to make mistakes. it's okay to take time. it's okay to struggle to figure out things abt system. it's okay to be wrong abt having some alters. i think it's better to treat them with respect and care anyways. because respect and comfort help to figure things out. sometimes you need to try something to understand if it fits / works or not.
also you may check things that make difference between alters and imaginary figures for you. for example, if you can control the appearance of imaginary figures but can't control appearance of other alters, you may check if you can control appearance of this individual. if you can communicate with other alters, ask their opinion abt them (especially ask ones who know more abt your system structure if they're available and you can ask and they can answer). if it's possible for you, check if this individual can control your body (imaginary figures don't control bodies). etc.
(these things are examples, do things only if it's safe for you and won't make you feel worse / won't put you in danger. you don't have to check the differences to treat them as alter, you don't have to "prove" they're an alter to treat them such. i give these examples only because i use such checks and may perform it sometimes, so maybe if you need and want you may find it useful. but you don't have to. please stay safe and do things you wanna and feel comfortable doing).
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sophieinwonderland · 3 months
What else I'm going to take from you...
Just sending this message to anti-endos who are upset at me taking your systempunk tag...
There's so much more I can take. So much more I'm going to.
Your tags... your anti-endo safe spaces... these are only the beginning, you know?
I'm coming after your Fandoms. The places where your introjects are sourced from. I'm targeting your religions, subverting your theology to our own ends! I'm coming after anyone who still supports your hate in LGBT communities!
And I'm coming for your friends and family, everyone who has ever made the mistake of loving you.
Everyone under the misguided notion you might be a decent person.
My goal is not to convince you to change your mind and be less of a bigot. I might as well argue with a wall to convince it to move. My goal is to spread my message far and wide so that it reaches the people who love you most, the ones who held you in your darkest hours, so that they will wake up and realize what an awful bigoted piece of garbage you are.
Don't worry though. Your pro-endo therapists will still pretend to support you like they have been as long as your money is green.
And you can go ahead and block me if you want. That's your go-to move, isn't it? Just plug your ears and hide.
But all it actually will do is make you more blindsided. It ensures my work in spreading my message will be invisible to your little hate group.
And when another server kicks you or another friend leaves and abandons you, you won't even know why. Because locking yourselves in echo chambers is a weakness. Your willful ignorance only makes you more vulnerable.
As long as I'm alive, I will do my best to ensure that there will be no safe space for hate against endogenic and pro-endo systems.
You all have the day you deserve!
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Welcome to Steaming System Takes!
This blog was inspired by @/pipinghot-systemtakes. However, we are not associated with that blog in any way. We made this blog to combat the lack of proper structure pipinghot-systemtakes has in terms of sorting through harmful submissions, and offer this community a place to share their hot takes without having to worry about coming across harmful messages and/or misinformation.
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What do we consider to be harmful?
To us, harmful submissions include submissions that promote non-traumagenic systems, have paranoia inducing messages and wording, and anything that contains any form of misinformation. This definition of the word "harmful" is rather broad, and we will be paying close attention to what each submission says to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. If need be, we have people outside of our system we can reach out to for second opinions.
Will we be accepting other mods in the future?
Yes, we will! If this blog gets to a point where we're receiving more asks than we can handle, we will open up mod applications to make sure we don't slip up and let something through that should not be posted.
Will we be posting submissions that we don't agree with?
For the most part, yes. The only exception to this is, once again, anything that's genuinely harmful or contains misinformation. We will not be sharing any of our personal opinions of any syscourse topic on this blog, only pin-boarding other people's opinions anonymously. This blog is meant for others to have a safe space to share their thoughts, not for us to share our own. In addition to that, we believe that most syscourse topics should have all sides shared to ensure that anyone looking into the issue can make a properly informed opinion on it. Above all else, that is our goal.
Something to note: If a submission is worded in a way that we can't understand, we won't post it just to be safe. If you notice that your hot take isn't being posted after a little while, feel free to submit it again with different wording!
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Who can interact with our blog?
Despite us not sharing our opinions on this blog, we do have a DNI list. This includes endogenics/willowgenics/tulpas and their supporters, transID and radqueers, and anyone who claims RAMCOA isn't real.
We accept anyone with any disorder here. This blog is NPD, BPD, schizophrenic, psychosis, and mood disorder friendly. Anyone who villainizes these disorders is NOT welcome here.
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Meet our current mods!
Since this blog is currently only being run by one system, our mod team consists of a few of our current/frequent fronters.
Mod Z - Also known as: Zack
Zack Foster introject, He/It pronouns, tag signoff: "mod z"
Zack will likely be the most active mod.
Mod Green - Also known as: Lloyd
Lloyd Garmadon introject, He/Leaf pronouns, tag signoff: "mod green"
Mod Dori - Also known as: Yuji
Yuji Itadori introject, He/Him + neopronouns, tag signoff: "mod dori"
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Anon tags: 🥩 anon, 🐇🐇 anon, 🖥️ 💥 anon
Interested in getting to know us? Our main blog is @jabberwock-islanders!
(Divider used was made by @/bxd-decisions)
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the-system-arcade · 4 months
The _System_Arcade_v2.0
Welcome to the System Arcade! Your one-stop shop for everything you need!... If you’re a part of a system, that is! 
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A while back, the original admin of this blog made an interest check for a server for system folks who also kin. After 4 years of inactivity, we’ve decided to do a hard reboot and start running this server again with new and updated things! 
What We Offer:
A safe space for systems to meet new people, chat it up, and generally unwind! 
Individual chats for different headmate roles as well as general system chats, along with a space for people who kin!
Forums for a wide range of sources / pieces of media to talk about and find fellow fans/kin/introjects of! 
Plurakit! ( Obviously, haha! ). We also have Tatsu, Dyno, and YAGPDB.xyz
All types of sources are allowed! Cringe culture is dead! 
Requirements to Join: 
Please have the body be 14+! We have spaces for minors to talk to other minors as well as adults to talk to other adults. ( And on top of that, there’s no NSFW allowed in this server. ) 
Be a system ( obviously … ) 
Besides that, just don’t be a jerk! We don’t tolerate discrimination or drama of any kind, including syscource. This is a place for any system to meet with other systems!
So. . . What are you waiting for? [JOIN_TODAY]!
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