#iris!!! oh my lord i adore them
henclair · 7 years
i’m emo so in tags is a love list
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yandere-delulu · 2 years
Eyes Like Rubies
Yandere! Platonic! Thranduil x Albino! Teen! Reader x Yandere! Platonic! Legolas
Summary: Y/N wakes up for a little. Thranduil would prefer for certain things to remain hidden.
Warning: Fear of death 
A/N: this one took a lot longer, ended up scraping the first draft, and rewriting the whole thing
Chapter 2: Elves are……real?
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Red eyes open to an unfamiliar room, eyes catching on the back of a lady with cascading brown hair, who stands feet away from the bed Y/N lies on, delicate hands mixing various liquids into a large wooden bassen. Shifting of the sheets as Y/N sits up alerts the woman to her awakening, quickly setting the various bottles down, lithe hands wiping on her apron as the lady turns to face the girl.
‘Oh lord, is everyone here unfairly pretty?!’ Y/N complains in her head, eyes scanning the woman’s face, not a blemish in sight.
“Hello little one, It seems you have finally awoken.” She spoke, taking elegant strides, a long dress dancing around her feet, stopping at the foot of the bed. Tall, she was tall like the others, yet the kind expression she held was not nearly as intimidating as the two in the forest. 
‘Wait if I was asleep….!!’ Y/N hands quickly shot to the covers, yanking them up. Her uniform. She was still in her school uniform, a sigh of relief leaving her, they hadn’t changed her clothes. But looking at her tights clad feet she was missing her shoes, a questioning gaze thrown the lady’s way seemed to queue her to fill in the answers Y/N was solely lacking. Dropping the covers when the brown haired lady cleared her throat, craning her neck up, ruby red meeting soft green.
Smiling, the brunette asked, “May I take a seat?” a small nod was her answer, choosing to sit near the foot of the bed so as not to intimidate the skittish child she continued, “Do not worry, we did not change your clothes to remove any, and your shoes are at the foot of the bed. You need not to be afraid you are safe within these walls.”  She spoke soft and concisely, eyes casting a gentle gaze, “My name is Linann, may I ask what yours is?”
Y/N quickly shook her head no, she didn’t trust them, not yet. She knew it was common courtesy but what if this was a trick, she doesn’t know anything about this world she can’t be blindly walking around and answering whatever is asked of her.
A small sigh was the rebuttal Y/N received, the lady turning her head to the bassen in her lap, thick green liquid slopping around. Long fingers reaching to pick up a cloth, as Linann did her brunette hair moved and shifted, annoying the woman, who promptly tucked it behind her ears. 
A gasp filled the quiet room.
Linann froze, mind spiraling. She was ordered to keep her ears covered, hidden away from the child, orders that had come from her king directly, and she had just messed up. Blatantly showed her elven ears to a child that she was ordered to keep in the dark, she did  not know why, but it was not her job to ask why, only to follow what the king ordered.
Turning hesitantly to face the child, worried she would face mortification, horror, anger, or even hatred, yet when she met ruby eyes they were clear as water, dusted with the morning frost of curiosity. Red eyes scanning her ears like a new book, head tilting to the side ever so slightly, it was as if she had never seen an elf before. And then it clicked when the child spoke for the first time.
“Are everybody's ears pointed in this world?” Y/N spoke softly, mostly to herself as she marveled at the woman’s ears. The woman turned to look at the little girl, yet she saw no animosity in her face nor tone, only the blooming flower of discovery. The elven woman found it quite adorable. Watching with a small chuckle, ruby iris snapping to look at hers before casting down, small hands playing with her skirt bashfully, soft petals of pink coloring her checks. “I-i- didn’t mean to stare….”
Soft smiles crossing the elf’s lips, she adjusted the bassen in her lap, free hand soaking the cloth into the medicated liquid, “It is alright little one, is this your first time seeing an elf?” A simple question, she expected a yes or no. What she didn’t expect was for the small child to jump up, falling out of the bed, hitting the floor before scrabbeling up, not stopping tell their back was against the nearest wall, red eyes shaky, she looked like she had seen a ghost. “Little one you cannot move like that, we do not know if you are injured!” Linann hurriedly spoke, trying not to yell, quickly setting the bassen on a nearby table.
A whisper. A shaky whisper came out but it was far too quiet for Linann to hear. “Little one, what did you say? Your voice was so quiet I did not quite catch that.” Linann was trying to keep her voice level, she realized how jarring this must be for a child, but she did not expect a reaction like this. Taking a small step forward, only to swiftly take it back when the child pushed herself farther into the wall.
Y/N bottom lip quivered, unable to form the words lodged in her throat. An Elf. An Elf was standing across from her right now, and she is just now realizing how different this world was from her own, god were there even any humans in this world, she cried in her head. Hands clenching lightly, knuckles white, she didn’t know what to do, how does one even go about these situations. 
While Y/N was panicking, internal turmoil spinning like a tornado, Linann could only watch on, trying to figure out how to approach the child the king had left in her care. She had been chosen after much deliberation from the king, she could speak the language of men, she was female and had children roughly the same age as the one in front of her. 
Yet she felt so lost as she watched this child come apart at the seams. Linann could see it all cross the child’s face like a fresh storm, fear, worry, dread, all mixing together into a deluge of unfathomable emotions, especially for one so young. So Linann did what all her mother instincts were telling her to do from the beginning, approach her like your own child, not a patient.
Gently clearing her throat to gain the child’s attention, Linann smoothed down her skirt, before bending to her knees, folding her flowing skirt underneath her as she sat against her heels, going slow every step of the way and keeping both hands in view of the child’s shaky yet unwavering gaze. Holding her hands forwards, palms up to show she had nothing, no knives, no weapons, no tricks. Linann gave the albino child the most motherly smile she could muster, speaking calmly as she watched stress leave their shoulders, hands unfurling, “How about we restart our introductions, what do you think?” A small nod answered her question. “Do you want to join me on the floor so we can see eachother better?” She followed up with a soft, gentle gaze cast at the swimming rubies.
Another nod answers her, slow movements followed as the child made her way to Linann, taking a seat on the floor in front of the elf. Red eyes shyly dragging up to meet her own, shifting to every movement Linann made. She could not make a mistake now, she had the child’s trust again to a much lesser degree, she must be careful of any movements she should make. Moving her hands to her lap, all under the vigilante view of the child in front of her, placing one on top of the other, before quickly separating them, resting each on a knee after a small wisp of fear crossed the child’s face.
“Alright, let us restart our introductions now, my name is Linann, I am an elf of the woodland realm and work as a healer. I am a mother and have two kids, a boy and a girl.” More information than most elves would give upon first introductions, but this child is not an elf, nor is this a normal first meeting. “And what is your name, little one?”
She could see hesitation, ruby eyes flickering around, then to her hands that had grappled to her skirt, or maybe it’s a shirt, knee length seems far too short to be a skirt, maybe it is a human thing, seems a little indecent for a child. But nevertheless, after a deep breath, the child finally made eye contact, eyes filled with determination, “Y-Y/N.” She whispered, a small voice, yet not in an accent she had ever heard from any species of man. “M-my name is Y/N.” She spoke, much louder.
“Y/N? That is a lovely name, little one. Or maybe now that I know your name I should be calling you Y/N.” Linann spoke jovially, only receiving a light hum, but the corners of Y/N lips had turned up just slightly.  “Then Y/N, where do you hail from?”
“Hail?” Y/N questioned, head tilting, face scrunched with confusion. Linann couldn’t help but think if they can’t find Y/N parents she might take the little cutie for herself, though she has a feeling the king would not appreciate that.
“Yes, Hail. It means ‘from where you come from’.” Linann gently explains, realizing quickly that the child might have not known the word. ‘She might be younger than she looks.’ Linann thinks, ‘that or despite her appearance she might not hail from a wealthy family like we assumed.’ 
“You could have just said that, don’t have to use fancy words…” Y/N muttered, puffing out her flushed cheeks, embarrassed that she was about to ask why the weather mattered. Chuckling, Linann watched on with a fond smile. Flipping her head up, Y/N remembering she hadn’t answered the question, “Oh, um your question…. Well I come from (hometown),” confusion washing over Linann, never had she even heard of a town with a name even close to that, but let Y/N continue, “and uh.. I come from not here.”
“Oh little one I know that, you are from a human village.”
“No I mean where I come from there are no elves…” 
“Oh my, you are quite far from home, you must be from the other side of the mountains”
“No, that’s not it…I-”
“Y/N you have had a long journey, most likely a very stressful one. It is best to rest at this point and then we can discuss your village.” Yet Linann’s answer only seemed to enrage the child.
“You’re not listening to me!” Y/N shouts, standing up in a huff. “I’m not from this world! There are no elves or any other species besides humans in my world! We are the only ones, and this world is so different, and I-I-I don’t know what to do!” Y/N broke down into a fit of tears, falling to her knees, hands covering her face as she weeped. Linann quickly pulled the sobbing child into her warm embrace. “I’m so scared, everything is different and-and I-I-I-” Y/N voice cutting off ending in garbled wails, clutching onto the elven woman like a newborn child. 
Taking the weeping child under her chin, pulling Y/N into her lap, shushing while rocking back and forth. “It’s okay little one I know you are scared, you have been so strong and brave.” Brushing fingers through the snowy locks, lips brushing against Y/N crown as Linann softly whispered, “It’s okay to let it all out now, you do not have to be brave anymore, you are safe within that wall of the woodland realm.”
Linann does not know how long she sat there, whispering words of comfort into the ears of the distraught child, but she would sit here however long it took for this child to calm down.
Sobs slowly turned to soft whimpers as Y/N lulled to sleep, body going lax after crying out all her stress and anxiety. Sad green eyes watched as droopy eyelids covered sparkling rubies, feeling Y/N’s small body go lax within her hold. It was only tell Linann was sure the child was deep asleep did she stand, lifting Y/N with her, before laying her under the soft covers of the bed. Tucking Y/N in, brushing disheveled white tresses from her face, Linann smiled down, a sad smile, ‘this poor child’ was all she could think. Picking up the forgotten cloth, ringing excess medicated water, she whipped Y/N’s face clear of tear tracks, giving one last worried glance at the child as she discarded the cloth into the bassen and left. 
Freezing half way out the door, before quietly pulling it closed. 
Icy blue eyes bore down into her own, quickly casting her own down as she bowed, “My king, I did not expect to see you here.” 
Ignoring the brunette, Thranduil stepped forward, approaching the door she had just exited, only to be blocked by the same woman. “Wait, my king!” She hurriedly whispered, trying to remain respectful. If her king were to go in now and shake Y/N from her sleep any progress she had made would go up in flames, it could take days, weeks or even months to regain the child’s trust.
“And why do you block my way?” It wasn’t a question. Even as she remained bowing, she could feel holes drill into her head.
“My king, will all due respect, the child has just been put asleep, she wa-”
“They have been asleep for 3 days, yet you say you have put them back to sleep afterI have patiently waited for their awakening, did i not implicitly order you to inform me the moment the child wakes.” She could only nod.  “Speak wisely, as a cold cell may be your new home.” Even without a sword, she could still feel the cold blade press against her neck, coiling like a vicious snake, waiting for one wrong move to strike.
“You are right my king, that was my first most intention, but when Y/N awo-”
“Y/N” Tranduil spoke slowly, rolling the name on his tongue.
“Yes my king, her name is Y/N.”
“When Y/N awoke she was fine at first, but after she realized that I was an elf, that we were elves, she became fearful.” A Real sword now rests at her throat, its cool blade contrasting with the hot rush of blood that fills her as panic begins to swell.
“And how did she learn that?” His voice was as cold as the steel against her throat.
Trembling, she forced her voice out, “It was a mistake, an honest one. I was preparing something to clean her wounds as we had yet to disrobe her upon your orders as there was no sign of bleeding or trauma to her body. My hair kept falling in my face, w-without thinking I brushed it behind my ear and she saw them.” Any closer and he would break skin, he could cut off her head with a whip of his hand and no one here would bat an eye. She needed to plead her case, if only to keep her head where it belongs. “My king, I-i wanted to add she wasn’t afraid of the ears at first, she was actually quite enthralled by them, it was only when she learned that we were elves was she afraid.”
“And why would that be?” A spoke through gritted teeth.
“I do not know my king, but after finding out she jumped from the bed and tried to get as far away from me as she could, but I want to make it clear, it was not out of animosity or hatred, it’s like she had never seen an elf before, she might not even know what an elf is.” Linann quickly clarified, she wanted this child to bear no ill-will for the choices her kin has made, she wanted to make it clear that the child was afraid of an unfamiliar situation and not because of any preconceived notions of elves. 
Cold metal backed from her throat, swiftly falling into the sheath that hangs on her king’s hip. Linann took this as a signal that she can stand from her bow.
“There is more” He stated, eyes boring into her own.
“Yes, after that I took a different approach, I stopped treating her like a patient, and treated her like my own child,” a dark cloud circled within her king’s gaze, one she could not make out, but she one chose to ignore, it was probably the torches on the walls flickering. “I sat on the floor and offered to restart our introductions, and she agreed and sat on the floor in front of me. I told her my name and she told me hers, that’s when I learned her name was Y/N. I asked where she hailed from, she did not understand what that meant, which leads me to think she is quite young. That question started all the trouble, I did not understand her answers, I still do not.”
“What did she say?” Thranduil questioned, eyes trained on the door, yet staring through.
“She said she was not from here, and said a town I had never heard of.”
“What was the name?”
“(hometown).”  A hum was the only thing she received, so she continued on, “At first I thought maybe she had somehow come across the mountains, but for a child that is simply not possible, and she was so clean when you brought her to me. I asked her that, about if she came from across the mountains, Y/N became distraught after this, crying that I was not listening. But my king I was, I just, i have never heard of such a town, and children often spin many tales. Yet when she confessed that the place, the world she had come from, had no other species besides man, her voice was as if she was speaking the truth.”
“And after she said that.”
“She became inconsolable, she was so scared, afraid of this world because it is so different from her own, her words became jumbled cries, so I did what any mother would and consoled her as best as I could. Y/N cried for quite a while before drifting back to sleep. I only laid her down a moment ago. ” Linann finished. 
Pausing, the brunette added “My king, if I may speak my opinion,” when no response came, she spoke on, “as a mother and a healer, I can see it in Y/N eyes that something haunts that child. Something has happened to her, I do not know what, but whatever it was has sunk its claws into that child and will not let go.”
Stepping forward, Thranduil cast a harsh gaze at the elven woman who had so blatantly disregarded his orders, before opening the door to the room he had prepared for their unexpected guest. Y/N, the name he still rolled in his mind, yet even as he repeated it like a mantra it had yet to spark recognition. No child of men he had encountered had ever had such a name, nor in his centuries of living ever heard whispers of a village called (hometown). All he can do is stare down at the sleeping child that had lit the once desolate forest with beauty and life. Puffy eyelids and rosey cheeks  were all that met his gaze, yet he hoped maybe he would get to speak to the vibrant soul that lives behind sparkling rubies. But it looks like his patients will be tested for this.
Turning away, he left the room, stopping in front of the healer that had failed him, “Since you have built such a bond with Y/N,” why does this make him angry, “You will be her primary care, and when she wakes up this time you WILL report it to me immediately. This is your last chance.” Thranduil spat coldly, eyes tearing into the woman who only nodded before rushing back into the room, sofly closing the door.
“And you two,” He gestured to the guards he had brought, ones that had smartly stayed quiet through the whole ordeal,” will stand guard, no one is to enter or exit this room other than me or the healer, do you understand.” and they were smart to remain silent, quickly taking their place beside the door, flanking both sides. 
Assessing their form one last time, Thranduil turned on his heel marching straight for his private study. He would find out if (hometown) existed or not, and he would find out today. If there was no (hometown) then there was no home for Y/N to return to, there was no family looking for them, and there was nowhere for them to go. And with nowhere for them to go then why not stay within the safe wall of the woodland realm, it’s not like anywhere else will take her in for free.
And if a day comes that she wants to leave and thinks she can live among the humans he might just have to show her how cruel humans can be.
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Legolas could only watch in confusion as chanslours and guards ran in and out of his father’s study, each carrying stacks of books or bundles of scrolls. The rumble of his father’s exasperated voice could be heard echoing down the hallway leading to his study. 
“What’s happening?” He asked a guard as they rushed by.
“Forgive me my prince, but I must take these maps back to the library and bring the next batch.” The guard bowed, before disappearing down the hallway, others flying by him.
‘Maps, why does my father need all these maps?’ Legolas wondered as he approached the door, dodging to the side as it slammed open, a chanclour with their arms full past their head speeding out.
“Bring me the next batch!” His father bellowed, eyes catching his sons as Legolas made his way into the room. The once spotless study is now covered in sprawled out maps and open books. Some maps date back long before his father’s time, why would he have all these out was all Legolas could wonder as he milled about.
“Are you going to tell me why you have barged into my study, or continue to wonder about?” His father asked, never turning up from the map he stayed hunched over, eyes tracing over trying to find something on the map.
Making his way to his father’s desk, Legolas glanced down at the map his father seemed so enamored with, only to jump back slightly when his father harshly solved it to the side, only whispering “It’s not there.” before grabbing another from the stack and throwing it over the desk, resuming his position. “Legolas, whatever silent game you intend to play today I have no time for it. Either speak or leave.” Thranduil chidded, fingers tracing over the map with haste.
“What is all this?” Legolas finally asked, gesturing to the wide array of maps scattered around the study.
“Maps.” His father answered.
God he hated his father sometimes, giving him an answer that he knew will only anger his son. Taking in a deep breath, trying to reign in the frustration, “I am well aware of what a map is father, I am asking why you seem to be looking over every map in the realm.”
“Because Legolas I am trying to find something.” Without even seeing his father’s face he could tell that he was smirking, getting a kick out of annoying his only son.
Legolas could feel the frustration building, “Father I can see that you are trying to find something, as that is what maps are used for. But what are you looking for?”He tried to keep his voice level, ‘Please just give me an answer this time’, Legolas pleaded in his head.
“A village.”
“I see.” Legolas seethed. “And what is so important about this village, that you must check every map, ones that were made over a millennium ago.”
Thranduil finally raises from his map, icy blue eyes meeting. “That child,” He spoke. 
“The one from the woods?” Legolas questioned, he knew they had taken the child, but his father had hidden them away within the winding halls, even he, his own son did not know where the child had gone.
“Yes, Y/N woke up today after being asleep for three days, and when the healer asked about her home she said a town I’ve never heard even the faintest whispers of.” He spoke, eyes gazing into the maps that surround him, looking for answers to where this child had come from, but yet none have appeared. Thranduil hates steeping in the unknown, if no town exists that matches the child description then he has to face the reality that this child is not from this world. And even though that explanation would answer much of her odd behavior; a town that doesn’t exist, strange clothes and unaware of other beings besides men, to take on the reality of it is not something he is ready to comprehend. But something he has to prepare for.
“Y/N” Legolas questioned, a name unlike anything he had ever heard. It seemed to roll off his tongue so easily, he could only wonder what it meant, though he often heard humans named their children based on how it sounded and cared not for meaning, he could only wonder Y/N was the same. “When will I get to meet her?” He questioned, feeling an odd excitement fill him, Y/N may be young but if she is from somewhere far away she could tell him about the world, or what she’s seen of it. She could tell him all about the world that’s beyond the forest.
His father did not respond, only staring at the maps, yet his mind was far away. 
The two stood in the room in quiet compilation, yet they couldn’t be having any wildly different outlooks on the child that lays sound asleep.
One feared for the reality that may change.
The other was beyond excited to learn of a world he had only heard about.
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moononastring · 3 years
Can we please get some Dad! Eris headcanons?
Eris as a dad can be something so personal.
He's terrified to be a parent.
One: he doesn't want to be like his dad. Two: he doesn't want his kids to be like him and his brothers. Three: he doesn't know the first thing about children because it's been over god knows how many years since he's actually dealt with one (you will take the headcanon of eris taking care of baby lucien out of my cold dead hands).
He's normally a very put-together and no-nonsense type of person but his wife's pregnancy absolutely has him on edge.
He always has his hand on her belly whenever they're sitting/laying together and rubbing soothingly because it's nice and makes him feel connected to the baby.
Absolutely 100% talks to the baby while it's still in the oven. Eris feels really stupid about this at first, so he only talks to the baby bump when mama is asleep so she doesn't catch him. He obviously gets caught and really, no going back from there. None of those gibberish conversations either, it is serious talk. They talk court shenanigans, he talks about his day and any hot gossip.
Once the baby is born (it's a girl and he named her after his mother— no questions at this time) and Eris is overwhelmed because it's a girl and oh gods the world is such a shitty place for this angel to grow up in and then, of course, the most alarming thought is men.
He goes to his mother a lot for advice because his one fear is that anything from Beron's parenting seeps into his.
At first, he realizes he's holding back on engaging with his baby girl because he's almost embarrassed to be seen as a doting father? He doesn't know what a good father looks like but knows what he doesn't want to be like and this shifts his perspective.
He definitely takes his baby with him everywhere and has no qualms about being in meetings with her strapped to his chest.
When his daughter is still too young to understand actual words, Eris speaks to her in a very neutral, almost dry tone and it's hilarious to anyone listening in. "Ah yes, screaming hours." "Do you really have to do that?" "Listen, you're still new here. Passing gas every three seconds on me will not warm me up to you." "Why are you screaming? I should be the one who is screaming. You're the one who pooped this out and I'm the one cleaning it. I am a high lord." *cue Iris yelling from somewhere "no one gives a fuck!!"*
But he is 100% wrapped around his little girl's finger (as much as he likes to pretend otherwise). He always likes letting her tag along to anywhere he goes (if it's safe), always makes sure to have play dates ("Must I wear this frivolous hat to your fake tea party?" "It's not fake, daddy!" "You are right, of course. I am sipping air tea, a new brand." )
He definitely finds a way for them to match with daddy and daughter outfits, even if it's only matching colors, he loves it. She obviously inherits her father's sense of style 😌
The hounds adore her and Eris always takes her out so they can play with the hounds together.
Yes, she has practiced makeup on him.
Yes, he knows how to style her hair perfectly thank you very much.
As she grows up, Eris always tries to be present and attentive. He is her father but he also wants to be her friend.
They always walk holding hands whenever they travel together after she gets too big to carry.
Playdates with her Elucien cousins are a must and Eris makes sure she has a good relationship with her Uncle Lucien, Auntie Elain, and the football team of cousins she has.
Their first real fight happens when she hits those teenage years and does something stupidly reckless, nearly breaking her neck and Eris sees his entire life flash before his eyes. Naturally, he pulls the #dadmove and tries to ground her/forbid her from leaving the Forest House which...doesn't end well.
She runs off to her Uncle Lucien in the Day Court who lets Eris know she's safe.
She always inherits her father's fire manipulation and winnowing abilities and Eris makes sure to start training her young and is so proud of her progress.
Eris slowly shares with her about his childhood, about why he's always careful not to raise his voice and to leash his temper. He's honest with her in a way he wishes he didn't have to be but she's his baby, his firstborn that he loves more than life itself. He wants her to understand and to know his visions for their court. He wants to raise her to be free and strong and smart and fearless. He wants her to be better than him in every way possible.
Being a parent teaches Eris a lot about himself and watching his daughter grow and realize how much influence he has on her, in helping her shape who she is, plays a big role in the kind of leader he becomes. He paves the way for her to have a bright, safe, and very happy childhood and later on, a happy adult life as well.
Even after she finds her mate and settles into her own life, later on taking her place as High Lady of the Autumn Court with her Consort, she's still daddy's little girl and he will remind her of it constantly.
Eris still can't believe he was able to bring someone as bright and wonderful into this world. He's the proudest dad in Prythian.
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bevioletskies · 3 years
if you’re ever in my arms again
summary: Out of everything Ryunosuke expected to do as a defense attorney, traveling to a distant crime scene via overnight train wasn’t one of them. Sharing a bed with Kazuma on the way there wasn’t exactly what he’d anticipated, either.
word count: 4.4k | read on ao3
a/n: For @asoryuu-week​​, day two of seven (prompt: “only one bed”). This fic takes place post-Resolve; mild spoiler warning for Adventures and Resolve, where events may be alluded to but not described in detail. All names and honorifics are taken from the official localization, with the exception of Sherlock and Iris. Warning for brief mentions of blood.
Fic title is from the song If You’re Ever In My Arms Again by Peabo Bryson.
“Oi! ‘Oddo, are you even listenin’ to me, or is your ‘ead still up in them clouds?”
Ryunosuke ducked before Gina could thrust an accusatory finger in his direction - or simply just shove Toby in his face, something he wasn’t looking forward to happening again anytime soon despite the inherent adorableness of the little pup. “Sorry, what is it? What did I miss?”
“We’ve finally got our tickets, see,” Gina said, holding them up triumphantly, though she didn’t seem too happy about it. “But the Yard’s gone and made a bloomin’ mistake. They only booked us two beds, and last I checked, there was four of us!”
“...what,” Ryunosuke said, flatter this time.
Susato shot Ryunosuke an apologetic smile from where she was stood by their luggage, cradling Toby in her arms. “I’m afraid Gina is right, Mr Naruhodo. It seems our trip to Scotland will not be as comfortable as we’d hoped.” Her head bowed, somewhat disappointed. “I was very much looking forward to traveling in a sleeping car for the first time, too.”
“Oh, I think we’ll live,” Gina drawled with a flippant wave of her hand. “But I’ve got a bone to pick with that great detective, draggin’ us ‘alfway across the bloody world, and for wot - ”
“I’d think Tokyo is a little more ‘halfway across the world’ from London than Aberdeen, Inspector,” Ryunosuke reminded her. “And I must say, I still find it unbelievable that Mr Holmes and Iris made it all the way there without Miss Susato or myself noticing they were even gone. He really does have the strangest connections in the strangest places, doesn’t he?”
“As he should,” Susato said, nodding eagerly, her eyes considerably brighter than they had been a minute ago. It hadn’t escaped Ryunosuke’s attention that she’d tucked the latest issue of Randst Magazine in her sleeve just moments before they left Baker Street. “Ah, and there’s Kazuma-sama now! I knew he would make it on time.”
Ryunosuke turned on his heel, his heart in his throat at the sight of his best friend further down the platform, expertly navigating his way through the crowd. He rarely saw Kazuma in anything but his suspiciously tight uniform, so to see him dressed down in a shirt, vest, and slacks - with his sabre still on his hip, no less - was a welcome, if somewhat distracting sight. “My apologies for making you all wait,” Kazuma said once he’d joined them, offering them a short bow and a rueful smile. “I’d received a last-minute telegram from Lord van Zieks, asking if I could stop by the office before we left. I ignored it, of course.”
“Of course,” Ryunosuke echoed, trying not to snort. Despite their excellent working relationship, they never did quite see eye-to-eye even now. “Gina and Miss Susato were just telling me that Scotland Yard made a mistake when they made our reservations - two beds, not four.”
Kazuma’s brow furrowed, worrying at his bottom lip in a way that immediately drew Ryunosuke’s eyes to his mouth. “I see. So we’ll have to share, then?”
“I - oh. I didn’t even consider that,” Ryunosuke admitted, scratching the back of his neck. His face immediately warmed when he realized what it implied. “Wait, does that mean, er…”
“Me an’ Sooze, and you an’ Soggy, o’ course,” Gina said, rolling her eyes. “C’mon, ‘Oddo, you couldn’t ‘ave figured that out earlier?”
Kazuma let out a weary, irritable sigh. “Inspector Lestrade, please, my name is Asogi - ”
“Yeah, yeah, wotever,” Gina said, waving her hand yet again. “Fine, Mr Asogi, can we just get on with it already? My feet ‘urt.” Toby yipped in solidarity, his tail thumping eagerly against Susato’s cheek.
It wasn’t long before the train was fully boarded, with everyone settled comfortably in their compartments. The compartment itself was quite spacious, with enough room for the four of them to move about without constantly elbowing or kicking each other, though they had to be mindful of Toby and his habit of getting under their feet if he so pleased. The front half of the compartment had two long bench seats and a small table between them, allowing them to comfortably sit and talk. Ryunosuke’s eyes kept wandering towards the back half of the compartment where their beds were located, taking note of how narrow they were, how little space there was for two people to do anything but press right up against each other, arms and legs and bodies tangled together for comfort. He shivered at the thought, the kind of thought that could lead to other kinds of thoughts if he wasn’t careful.
He turned, slightly startled by the sound of his given name. Out of everyone he knew and talked to regularly, between “Ryu” and “Mr Naruhodo”, “Naruhodo-san” and “‘Oddo”, Kazuma was still the only person who called him that. Despite it simply being his first name, nothing more, he found that there was a strange intimacy there, almost as if it were a private nickname all on its own. “I - yes, what is it?”
“Interesting,” Kazuma hummed with a sly smile from where he was seated opposite, one leg folded neatly over the other. “I see you’re just as distracted as Susato-san told me you were. Are you worried about the case?”
“No, nothing like that,” Ryunosuke replied, picking at the hem of his sleeve. “I simply just...didn’t get enough sleep last night. My mind seems to be wandering more than usual, almost as if it were already in Scotland all on its own.”
“Let’s hope the lull of the train will help you sleep, then. You’ll need to be well-rested if you want to do right by your client,” Kazuma said. Now it was his turn to look at the beds, continuing to hum as if he were in deep thought. “I’m not sure how we’ll fit, though. Susato-san and Inspector Lestrade are relatively small in stature, but you and I are...well…” He trailed off, gesturing wordlessly between the two of them. While neither of them were particularly tall, they were both more broad-shouldered than their respective frames would suggest.
“Maybe if...one of us were to sleep with their head at the foot of the bed?” Ryunosuke suggested feebly; it sounded ridiculous the moment it left his mouth. “Only that would leave one of us without a pillow, and both of us quite literally faced with feet.”
“Pillows are hardly a problem; we can just fold up one of our coats,” Kazuma said airily. “Though...now that I’m really looking at it, we might be fine as it is. We’ve shared a bed before, after all.”
“You ‘ave?” They both looked up to see Gina standing over them with a mouthful of biscuit and a stunned expression.
“Yes,” Kazuma said, his expression faltering very briefly. “We...on the SS Burya, when I had Ryunosuke hidden away in my cabin.”
Ryunosuke couldn’t help but smile bittersweetly at the memory, at how it felt like it had happened many lifetimes ago. He supposed for Kazuma, it felt like another life entirely. “You still remember those first two weeks, do you?”
“Of course,” Kazuma replied. His face was softer now, a little less poised, a little less composed. It was the sort of expression that Ryunosuke liked best, the ones where Kazuma looked more boyish, more free, or at least, that’s how he hoped Kazuma felt. Even now - or maybe especially now - he never knew exactly what Kazuma was thinking. “Inspector, did Ryunosuke ever tell you the story of how he came to be in Great Britain?”
“Once or twice, I think, but I’d like to ‘ear it from both of you, if I’m bein’ ‘onest,” Gina admitted, plopping down beside Ryunosuke and jostling him and his cup of tea in the process. “Go on, then, tell me all about it.”
After spending the remainder of their day exchanging stories and laughter, their foggy London afternoon slowly but surely melted into a rather hazy evening, rendering all of them pleasantly sleepy by the time they were to turn in for the night. “I hope you won’t be too uncomfortable tonight, Naruhodo-san, Kazuma-sama,” Susato said with a sympathetic grimace. “At least neither of you are as tall as Mr Holmes or Lord van Zieks.”
“Yes, small miracles,” Ryunosuke drawled, shuddering. He often found Sherlock sleeping in the strangest of places in the strangest of positions at the strangest of times - halfway sprawled up the stairs with his pipe still in his mouth, face-down on the floor with his coat inexplicably draped over his prone form, draped artfully over the back of the couch with his arms spread wide - so he could only imagine what it would be like to share a bed with the man. He suddenly found himself feeling very sorry for Professor Mikotoba. “Goodnight, Susato-san.”
“And please feel free to wake us if you need anything from your luggage,” Kazuma added. “I’d rather not have something suddenly drop on my head in the middle of the night.”
“Yes, of course,” Susato promised with a gentle chuckle. “Good night, and sleep well.” She then bowed and drew the curtain that hung between the two beds, leaving Ryunosuke and Kazuma to themselves.
For a moment, an uncomfortable silence seemed to linger in the air, neither of them wanting to make the first move. Ryunosuke felt as if he had to hold his breath for some inexplicable reason, his face heating from the effort. Then, Kazuma smiled drowsily in Ryunosuke’s direction. “Let me guess - you’d like to be on the inside so you don’t risk falling off?”
“You know me so well,” Ryunosuke said, laughing awkwardly. Nodding, Kazuma moved aside so Ryunosuke could get into bed first, then extinguished the last of the compartment’s lights before crawling in after him. Ryunosuke swallowed a gasp the moment Kazuma moved in close; it was just as tight of a fit as he’d dreaded, what with Kazuma’s chest pressed against his back, Kazuma’s soft breath lingering near his ear, making the hairs on his arms prickle in discomfort. He was warm, too warm, smelling of ink and incense and tea, leaving Ryunosuke dizzy, almost overwhelmed.
“You’re shaking, Ryunosuke,” Kazuma murmured, his voice dangerously low. “Are you cold? I have an extra jumper in my luggage if you’re in need of a - ”
“No, no, I-I’m fine,” Ryunosuke said a little too quickly; he could barely hear himself over the rapid thumping of his own heart. “Well...g’night, Kazuma.”
Even in the darkness, he could sense Kazuma raising an eyebrow at the abrupt dismissal. “...yes, good night.”
The next few minutes felt like hours, where all Ryunosuke could do was listen to the sound of Kazuma’s breath slowly, but surely even out as he fell asleep. He envied Kazuma’s ability to drift off so quickly, especially in a situation like this. Usually, the gentle, rhythmic click-clack of the train tracks would’ve put him right to sleep, but all Ryunosuke could think about now was how solid Kazuma was, how firm he felt, his stomach pressed perfectly against the small of Ryunosuke’s back. He didn’t dare turn over to look, even with Kazuma fast asleep, knowing his barely feigned composure would fall apart in an instant.
Resigning himself to yet another restless night, Ryunosuke squirmed closer to the wall in the hopes that he could put at least a little distance between him and Kazuma, fruitless as his efforts might be. To his dismay, all he managed to do was move too quickly, accidentally smashing his nose against said wall, causing him to cry out in pain. “Ah!”
“Ryunosuke?” Kazuma had stirred instantly, albeit sleepily. “What happened, are you alright?”
“Fide,” Ryunosuke managed to say, clutching his face. To his horror, he felt the unmistakable rush of blood start to seep between the spread of his fingers. “I’m fide, I just - I got a liddle too close to the wall and hid my dose.”
“Well, you certainly don’t sound ‘fide’,” Kazuma sighed, yawning. He grabbed Ryunosuke by the shoulders without warning, hauling him upright. Then, he pulled a handkerchief out of seemingly nowhere and began to gingerly wipe Ryunosuke’s face. “Let’s clean you up first, then I’ll see if anything’s broken.”
“I’m sure it’s - ” But the words died on Ryunosuke’s lips the moment Kazuma’s other hand was on his face, tenderly cradling his jaw so he could hold him in place. Now that his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he could see Kazuma somewhat clearly, saw the concentrated furrow of his brow and the irritated pull of his mouth. “So...how does it look?”
“Bruised, naturally,” Kazuma replied with yet another disapproving sigh. “But nothing’s broken. You really need to be more careful, Ryunosuke. This is you clipping your ear with your bowstring all over again.”
“Yes, yes, nothing I haven’t heard before,” Ryunosuke grumbled. He then managed a small, apologetic smile. “...sorry for waking you, Kazuma.”
Kazuma’s expression softened. “It’s alright. I’d only been asleep for ten minutes; was I supposed to let you bleed out beside me?”
“You make it sound so dramatic. It was only a little bit of blood, nothing I couldn’t have taken care of myself,” Ryunosuke chuckled, his cheeks warming nonetheless. It was only then that he realized Kazuma was still holding him, their legs intertwined beneath them. Suddenly, he became very aware of each and every point of contact - Kazuma’s calloused fingers pressed along the underside of his jaw, Kazuma’s elbows grazing the tops of his legs, Kazuma’s knee pressed against the inside of his thigh - it felt like too much and not enough at the same time. Ryunosuke inwardly cursed himself for thinking of such things at a time like this, at a time when they were about to resume lying beside each other while trying their best not to touch. Or, he supposed, that was what he was trying not to do. Kazuma, on the other hand, was clearly unbothered, unaffected.
“Hm?” Ryunosuke blinked. “Sorry, did you say something?”
“You really are absent-minded today, aren’t you?” Kazuma murmured, laughing softly, lifting his other hand to brush Ryunosuke’s hair out of his face. Ryunosuke shivered. “Is there anything I can do to help you sleep? If you need more tea, or maybe something to use as another blanket...”
“Oh, er...no, I’m alright,” Ryunosuke said, clumsily slipping out of Kazuma’s grasp with a sharp jerk of his head. “It’s, ah, very warm with both of us in here, so.”
Kazuma cocked his head, looking at him curiously. “Is it now?” Ryunosuke opened his mouth, then closed it; he wasn’t sure what to make of Kazuma’s soft, raspy voice, nor of his dark, inquisitive gaze. Then, Kazuma’s eyes seem to flicker downwards, lingering on Ryunosuke’s bottom lip. “Ryunosuke…”
Ryunosuke swallowed thickly. “We really should get to sleep, or else neither of us will be alert enough to take this case seriously.”
Kazuma went quiet for a moment, thinking. He leaned back onto his hands, his gaze drifting elsewhere. “Should I...sleep on the floor?” he asked; it was the most tentative he’d ever sounded.
“Wh...what?” Ryunosuke’s eyebrows furrowed. “No, I - why would you even ask that?”
“Because I’m clearly making you uncomfortable,” Kazuma said sharply, now sounding the complete opposite of how he’d been just moments ago. Even in the pitch black of the sleeping car, Ryunosuke could see how much his eyes had hardened, had narrowed to slits. “So naturally, I should sleep elsewhere.”
“But the floor, it’s…” Ryunosuke trailed off, unable to find the words he wanted to say. Once again, he found himself at a loss as to what Kazuma was really thinking. “And I’m not uncomfortable, just...warm. Please, Kazuma, don’t make yourself uncomfortable on my behalf.”
“And you shouldn’t make yourself uncomfortable on mine,” Kazuma retorted somewhat childishly, frowning. “For whatever reason, you obviously don’t want to be anywhere near me, so…”
“That’s not - ” Ryunosuke let out a frustrated groan; the conversation was starting to move too quickly for him, especially in his barely conscious state. It didn’t help that their surroundings were deathly quiet, save for the sound of Susato and Gina’s breathing and the click-clack of the train, leaving him with nothing but Kazuma’s piercing stare and his own too-loud thoughts. “Let’s just go back to sleep, alright? We have work to do, first thing in the morning.”
Still scowling, Kazuma lowered himself back down onto the mattress, his head hitting the pillow rather forcefully, with Ryunosuke following suit. He could practically feel Kazuma’s irritation rolling off his body in waves. For a moment, everything was silent, so silent that Ryunosuke worried that Kazuma was genuinely angry with him. Then, he spoke again. “...we weren’t like this on the SS Burya.”
Ryunosuke hesitated. Then, he turned over, bringing himself face-to-face with Kazuma. He looked wounded somehow, but Ryunosuke couldn’t quite fathom why. “Things were so...different, Kazuma. We were so different.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” Kazuma’s voice had dropped to a barely-there whisper. “I told you, you...you never change.” Then, he visibly swallowed. “And that’s what I like about you.”
“Kazuma…” Ryunosuke only just managed to avert his gaze; he felt that if his eyes lingered on Kazuma’s any longer, things would start to feel decidedly more dangerous. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying that…” Kazuma took a deep breath, then exhaled, warm air ghosting across Ryunosuke’s skin. “...that I still think about those conversations we shared, after I’d managed to convince you that no one would find out if you were to sleep in my bed. Things we’d never dared to talk about since.”
“For a good reason - many reasons, actually,” Ryunosuke reminded him with a wan smile. “We’d never found the right time.”
“What about now, hm?” Just like that, Kazuma’s hand was cupping his jaw again, his thumb lightly pressed against the corner of Ryunosuke’s mouth. “Or...am I right in thinking that you have changed, and you don’t want to talk about this anymore?”
“Is that really what you think?” Ryunosuke asked uncertainly, his heartbeat pulsing erratically in his throat. “Is that why you offered to sleep on the floor?”
“I certainly wouldn’t blame you for changing your mind,” Kazuma said wryly, though the bite in his voice didn’t quite match the resignation in his eyes. Ryunosuke hated that he was getting used to this, to this defeated expression that didn’t suit Kazuma one bit. “After all, I’m...I’m hardly the person you thought I was.”
“Perhaps.” Ryunosuke inched the slightest bit closer, clasping his hand over Kazuma’s. Kazuma’s breath hitched, surprised. “Or perhaps you’re still the same person I thought you were at your core. And just like you, I...I still think about those nights all the time. Those conversations we had, those memories we shared...Kazuma, even after everything that’s happened since then, I...I...I haven’t changed my mind.”
“Ryunosuke,” Kazuma murmured; he almost sounded afraid. His other hand was now pressed against Ryunosuke’s chest, fingers tangled in the fabric of his shirt, like he hadn’t yet decided whether to push him away or pull him right in. “You’re not saying…”
“Th-that’s exactly what I’m saying, yes.” Ryunosuke huffed out a quiet laugh. “My feelings for you never changed, even if we have.”
And then, as if his resolve had crumbled away entirely, Kazuma pulled Ryunosuke close, their lips crashing together rather violently, passionately, like they’d been waiting their entire lives to meet. Kazuma swallowed Ryunosuke’s gasp before he could let it escape, his fingers now tangled in Ryunosuke’s hair. It took Ryunosuke a moment to find his footing, his arms winding around Kazuma’s shoulders as he pulled him even closer, lips parting so he could deepen the kiss. Then, Kazuma shifted his body weight so he could turn them over, pinning Ryunosuke to the bed; their mouths only separated for a split second before colliding once more.
“Ryu,” Kazuma said breathlessly after some time; Ryunosuke couldn’t help but feel a little thrill go up his spine at the sight of Kazuma’s kiss-bitten mouth, illuminated by just a sliver of moonlight peeking in through the car window. “You’re so...you should really see yourself.”
Ryunosuke’s cheeks flushed, pleased. “I’d have to say the same to you,” he said softly, reaching up to trace his thumb across the fullness of Kazuma’s bottom lip. Kazuma’s mouth seemed to fall open automatically, his eyes darkening as it did. Ryunosuke shuddered again, his toes curling with anticipation, knowing exactly what that look was supposed to mean. “Kazuma…”
“I know, I know.” Kazuma half-collapsed into Ryunosuke’s side, his knee tucked between Ryunosuke’s thighs. He began running his fingers through Ryunosuke’s hair, gentler now. Slowly, but surely, the hungry look in his eyes started to soften into something a little sweeter. “If we were alone, then...but even so, perhaps it’s for the best that we take things slow. You’ve only been back in London for a few months, after all. We have time to...to have those conversations again.”
Ryunosuke offered him a hopeful smile. “As we should.” Still, he leaned back in to kiss him, more chastely this time, his hands slipping underneath the hem of Kazuma’s shirt so he could feel his warmth. Kazuma seemed to instinctively lean into his touch, the curve of his stomach fitting perfectly into Ryunosuke’s palm. “And here I was worried that you changed your mind, or that...that you might not have meant any of it in the first place.”
“Never,” Kazuma promised, squeezing Ryunosuke’s hip. “I swear on my honor, Ryunosuke, that I meant every last word.” Satisfied, Ryunosuke kissed him yet again before eventually pulling away with a yawn. Kazuma smirked, pinching him. “Have I worn you out that easily, then? Is this what the rest of our relationship is going to be like?”
“Quiet, you,” Ryunosuke chuckled, nudging him affectionately. Kazuma had to bite his lip to keep himself from bursting into laughter. “I really do mean it this time; we need to sleep. Gina and Susato-san will definitely notice if we’re both swaying on our feet.”
“Well, we can’t have that,” Kazuma said airily, wrapping his arms around Ryunosuke’s midsection, his face pressed into his neck. Ryunosuke let out a long, contented sigh, sinking into Kazuma’s embrace in return. A moment or two of comfortable silence soon settled over them, a moment that felt more like an hour, only this time, Ryunosuke would’ve liked to remain where he was for as long as he could. “How about now, partner, are you still too warm?”
“You’re terrible,” Ryunosuke informed him, grinning. “Don’t make me strike everything I’ve just said from the record.” He felt as if he were past the point of exhaustion now, his mind half-delirious, half-ecstatic, his body pliant and snug against Kazuma’s, like it was supposed to be there all along.
Beaming, clearly pleased with himself, Kazuma dropped one last kiss on Ryunosuke’s temple before settling back onto the pillow. “Good night, Ryunosuke.”
Ryunosuke’s eyelids fluttered shut, content. “Good night, Kazuma.”
Hours later, Ryunosuke stirred from what felt like the deepest sleep he’d had in months, feeling rather groggy and sluggish, barely able to lift a finger more than an inch above the mattress at most. Yet, at the same time, he also felt safe, secure, likely because of the arms wrapped protectively around him, the legs that were intertwined with his, the head half-buried in his chest, with warm, slow, even breaths tickling the bare skin of Ryunosuke’s neck. It took Ryunosuke a moment to realize he also felt something wet, like someone had run a damp washcloth over his cheeks. Short of his nose bleeding again in the middle of the night and Kazuma cleaning him up without waking him, he couldn’t fathom why.
“Well, don’t you two look all cozied up, eh?” Ryunosuke looked up, blinking blearily into the early morning sun, to see Gina standing over him with a smug smirk that rivaled Kazuma’s, Toby in her arms as per usual, his little pink tongue lolling out of his mouth. He yipped happily the moment Ryunosuke looked at him; Ryunosuke, on the other hand, recoiled in realization. “Sleep well, ‘Oddo?”
“...yes, quite well, thank you,” Ryunosuke said, slowly pushing himself up into a seated position. “Miss Susato, could I trouble you to wet that cloth you’re holding so I can clean my face?”
Susato glanced over from where she was standing, currently in the midst of wiping down their teacups, brows furrowed in confusion. Then, she let out a tiny gasp upon seeing his face. “Oh, Mr Naruhodo! Your nose is all bruised! What happened, are you alright?”
“I’d...rather not talk about it,” Ryunosuke replied, wilting somewhat. With a reluctant nod, Susato poured a little bit of water onto the cloth, then handed it to him, her eyes softening when she noticed Kazuma still sleeping soundly behind Ryunosuke, one of his arms draped loosely across Ryunosuke’s lap.
“We’ve another hour before we arrive, if you’d like to lie down for a while longer,” Susato offered, looking at him pointedly. “Gina and I will be taking Toby for a walk, just up and down the train corridor.”
Ryunosuke smiled softly. “Thank you, Miss Susato. I think I’d like that a lot.” Minutes later, Susato, Gina, and Toby left their compartment - against Gina’s will, it seemed; she was clearly desperate to poke fun at Ryunosuke’s expense, but Susato practically dragged her out by her jacket collar - leaving Ryunosuke to settle back down onto the bed, having finally wiped the dog drool off his face. He turned onto his side so he could look at Kazuma, who, much to his dismay, really only ever looked truly at ease when he was asleep. Sighing, Ryunosuke brushed Kazuma’s hair out of his eyes, quietly admiring the length of his eyelashes, the softness of his skin. He found himself greatly preferring the gentle click-clack of the train over the lurching, creaking cacophony of the SS Burya.
Then, Kazuma blinked, stirring at Ryunosuke’s touch, his expression unusually vulnerable. “...Ryunosuke?”
“Go back to sleep, Kazuma,” Ryunosuke murmured. “We won’t be in Aberdeen for another hour or so.”
“I see.” Kazuma then lifted an arm, offering Ryunosuke a drowsy smile. “Come, then, I’d like my pillow back.”
“Is that all I am to you?” Ryunosuke teased, sinking back into Kazuma’s embrace once more with a happy hum. This time, it was he who laid his head against Kazuma’s chest, his grin softening at the sound of Kazuma’s steady heartbeat beneath his cheek.
Kazuma chuckled, then leaned down to kiss him sweetly. “Never, Ryunosuke. You’re...you’ve always been so, so much more.”
a/n: Welcome to my second entry for Asoryuu Week 2021! I still believe absolutely no one when they say Ryunosuke was just in the wardrobe the entire time; you cannot convince me that Kazuma wouldn't insist on sharing the bed after all that fuss they made about not being able to open the locked cabin door from outside. As with any short(er) fic, I can totally see myself turning this into a full-blown case fic where they also solve a murder on the train à la Agatha Christie, but that probably won't happen until a long, long time from now, if ever.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Likes and reblogs would be much appreciated, and I hope you're all safe and healthy and doing well ❤️
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askaceattorney · 3 years
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(Previous Post)
Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Thank you. You are too kind. Unfortunately, he passed away. Thankfully, he’s with the Lord in Heaven.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Anthony,
Co-Mod: So, yeah, about that...  After reading that letter, there was a debate in my mind between deleting that letter for decency’s sake and answering it to avoid losing the clever (if dirty) joke in it, and the latter part won in the end.  Strangely enough, there was a time when I might have complained to a moderator who included something like that in this blog, but apparently, I’ve become a little softer toward lewd jokes since I joined here.  I’m not sure how I feel about that.
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If it ever seems like I’m getting too soft toward them, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Mod Edgeworth: It isn’t that stuff like this is against the rules, we’re just required to put a warning before showing it. It’s no different with language.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: You’re welcome, and thank you for reminding me why I got into this blog in the first place: the idea of communicating with video game characters, while perhaps a little nerdy, creates a very unique feeling of intrigue, excitement, and joy.  I consider it an honor to help keep that illusion going.
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That being said, things got a little out of hand this Halloween, so maybe I should stop getting myself into it so deep.
Mod Edgeworth: Thank you so much. I also liked this blog for that very reason.
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Dear pojofi96,
Co-Mod: No way...  Two compliments about our characterization in a row!?  What are the odds?
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Anyway, thanks a bunch!  To answer your question, I’ve experimented with fanfiction in the past, but never shared any of it (unless you count this blog as fanfiction, which it sort of is).  I used to write short stories about Sonic the Hedgehog, Star Fox, Mario, and Kirby -- none of which I’d be comfortable sharing, sorry to say -- but more recently, I’ve had a few ideas for stories about specific characters, including but not limited to, Sister Iris, Alita Tiala, Danganronpa’s Sayaka Maizono, and even Doki Doki Literature Club’s Mon-Squid Monika.  I’m a big fan of side characters, apparently.
...Oh, and I’ve had story ideas for male characters, too, like Apollo and Edgeworth.  Not just the cute girl characters.  Should I ever decide to make something of those ideas, just remember that you heard about them here first!
Mod Edgeworth: I do write fan fiction actually. Not as much as I used to, but that’s what happens when you grow up to be 30 with a job.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: Can do!  I didn’t see your name anywhere else in the inbox, but if I do, I’ll be sure to make it anonymous.
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Dear Gumshoe “Letty” Fan,
Co-Mod: I probably would’ve guessed either one, since Gumshoe’s a guy and Letty was a mailwoman in PLvsAA.  Nice job making it a tough guess.
Mod Edgeworth: I didn’t really care that much to be honest. I don’t want anyone knowing my gender, so why would I ask that of anyone else?
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(Video in Letter)
(Post this was mentioned in - Look in the comment section)
Mod Edgeworth: Well, I did anyways and I did, because I wanted Co-Mod and Mod Justice to hear this out. This made me laugh so hard. Thanks for the crumbs.
Co-Mod: ...........................................
...I want those five minutes and thirty-four seconds of my life back, please.
Mod Edgeworth: Also, Mod Justice did see this and his reaction was the same as Co-Mod’s rofl.
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(Previous Letter)
Co-Mod: No problem, and thanks!   And as fate would have it, I’m answering this on Ibuki’s birthday!  How ‘bout that?
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While we’re on the subject, I’ve developed a sort of love-hate relationship with Danganronpa -- watching a playthrough of the first game was, to put it politely, not a fun experience for me, but even so, I found myself falling in love with the characters (the same goes for the second game, which I somehow talked myself into watching).  I’m also starting to see why Ibuki’s so well-liked.  She’s a dolt, but she’s a lovable dolt.
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I guess you could say she’s adored for the same reason as ol’ Gumshoe.
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(Previous Post)
(Link in Letter)
Dear Gumshoe “Letty” Fan,
Mod Edgeworth: I’ve kinda grew bored of the 16P tests, to be honest.
Co-Mod: My results from this test were very similar to those from the last one, oddly enough: I got INTP (The Architect) as the best match, INTJ (The Mastermind) as a “Very Good Match” and INFP (The Healer) as a “Good Match.”  I’m still in the process of figuring myself out, so I’m gonna go with my intuition and say INFP (Mediator/Healer) describes me best.  I guess that’s the ‘N’ part of my personality talking.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: Just place the date you want the letter to be sent and we will save it the moment you send it. Just be sure the date you want the letter sent is on the top.
-The Mods
8 notes · View notes
vonlipvig · 3 years
ok, and THAT was case 5, and dgs1!
there’s so much to SAY, oh my god. as for the case, i really enjoyed it. it was very fun, and it was really cool how we tied it all back to case 3 for some well deserved answers and a satisfactory conclusion. the characters were great, i thought graydon was a great villain with a simple but realistic motivation, and of course the skulkin brothers are an absolute delight. i also enjoyed the stupid sterescopic thing way more than i thought i would (if only because i FINALLY managed to do it and now i think it’s neat), and having multiple witnesses in the stand made for some very interesting scenarios (the deal, hiding the disk, just THE SKULKIN BROS).
as for the main gang, oh i LOVE them. ryu is a great protag, iris is adorable and smart, herlock’s costumed antics were SO DUMB AND I LOVE IT...and susato, aaaaaa. she’s AMAZING, she really SAVED us here!
and as for the game as a whole...oh, this is a part one if i’ve ever seen one. it feels like we’ve barely scratched the Big Plot so far, we’ve got a lot of questions left to answer, so i think the second game is gonna be BIG (like, i kNOWWWW lord stronghart has to kill someone, i just KNOWWWW).
because yeah, what’s the deal with barok? and with iris’ manuscript that susato seemed to know about? what about the secret message? and most important...WHO IN THE FUCK WAS THAT SHAKESPEARAN JESTER!?
so yeah, very fun indeed. i might take a little break before starting dgs2, but i cannot wait!
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animebaby00 · 4 years
Tea and Cookies (Ciel Phantomhive x Female! Reader) - One-shot
Summary: Y/N, the newest maid at the Phantomhive manor, adds a little something extra to Ciel's afternoon tea to hopefully brighten his mood.
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Stoic. Firm. Serious.
That's how the young master was portrayed to almost everyone. 
Punctual. Proper. Dedicated to his work. A human being with a perfect attitude that never faltered for anything.
But Y/N, she's noticed things that others haven't.
She had seen the small, underlying blush on his cheeks when embarrassed or flustered. 
She noticed his determination to please those around him. 
She's come across times where the tiniest of smiles had laced his lips.
And quite honestly, those were her favorite times because of how rare they were.
The young master was nowhere near the average 14 year old. 
Even as she bustled around the kitchen, she still found it strange to address him as such. After all, she was almost a whole year younger than him.
Just barely a teenager and working as a maid in the famous Phantomhive Manor. Even younger at the age of 12 when she had first started.
The word 'maid' had a repulsive sound to the average, noble lady. But Y/N was thankful to be given the position after the horrible state she had been in when she arrived. 
A lowly orphan clad in a torn, mud covered dress covered in soot and ash. An injured leg from running through the forest to escape the thieves that had stolen from the orphanage she had called her home. The crude individuals had set the building ablaze and she watched what few friends she had choke and suffocate in the dark, thick smoke.
On the Queen's Guard Dog's doorstep with red, watering eyes, matted hair, and a weak, trembling form.
An absolute mess.
But despite it all…. the young master took her in.
With a Butler clad in black by his side. 
The whole thing sounded frightening, and she had nightmares for months. But soon, comfort in knowing she was protected and had a place to call home again was a reason to stand strong and move on. 
She was welcomed with open arms and proved to be one of most level headed people in the manner, talented in many fields she didn't know herself capable. 
On top of every schedule the young master had, a worthy opponent in chess, decent in the kitchen, a fast learner in archery, and unbeknownst to her, the person Ciel preferred most to bring him his afternoon tea. 
And currently, that was what she was doing now.
Her steps were quiet as she made her way to her young master's office, cart in tow decorated with delicate silver utensils and expensive China. 
At last, she reached the door to the young master's study. She lay a fist against the door and knocked, and a muffled "Come in." could be heard shortly after.
She opened the door just enough to fit the cart through and closed it behind her once in the room, being mindful to not disturb the busy male as he talked business with his Butler. 
"I will send these out immediately, My Lord." Sebastian stated, tapping a stack of documents against a desk in order to even the top edges of them, " Don't forget you have your meeting with Mr. Thompson at 3. I will fetch for you when the time comes." 
"Very well," Ciel said lowly, folding his hands together, "You are dismissed." 
Sebastian bowed both towards Ciel and then to you. You curtsied in reply, keeping your head low out of pure respect, only raising it once Sebastian had finally left the room. 
"The other 3 could learn a few things from you." 
His voice rang in your ears. Smooth, mature, and slightly cold, causing shivers to run down your spine.
You turned around to see Ciel looking at you, lips turned into a rare half smile while his single blue iris stared back at you. The other covered by a silk black patch.
You took a step forward, pushing the cart that was in front of you as you began to prepare a cup of tea for your master.
"Do you mean Baldroy, Mey-rin, and Finnian, sir ?"
Ciel nodded, "Yes. I've been very tempted to insist you teach them manners and respect. Bard can't go one day without blowing up the kitchen even if all he's doing is boiling water, Finnian speaks out even when conversation is being held, and Mey-rin can't curtsy property or push that cart without tripping over her own two feet." 
You did your best to stifle a small laugh, "Yes, I'm aware of their shenanigans. But at least they get the job done. Especially with Sebastian constantly nagging at them."
Ciel hummed, "I suppose you're right. But they are still fools."
You chuckled, picking up the now filled cup of tea along with the saucer.
"It's Earl grey today, young master. Shipped here yesterday." 
"Hm…" he took the cup from you, his fingers lightly brushing yours. You could feel your cheeks heat up slightly, but tried to keep yourself calm, as any such behavior was highly improper.
But you were unaware of the blush that had dusted his cheeks as well. 
Even with such a slight touch, your skin had felt so soft. 
Being so close to him, he could smell your sweet scent. Vanilla, maybe mixed with hazelnut. It was divine and-
No. Stop. 
Such thoughts were entirely crude. He mustn't think like that. 
"Uhm...my lord?"
He blinked. And it was then that he realized he had been staring. Bloody-
"Are you alright ?"
His eye widened, "Oh ! Yes, m-my apologies. Just...lost in thought I suppose. I have quite a...uhm busy schedule today. Let's just say I'm not looking forward to it."
"Oh, I see." You looked behind you at the tea cart, specifically at the extra tray you had purposely brought in, covered by a silver lid.
You had made them just to be nice, not sure if he would even like them. But now, perhaps they could serve as a token to brighten his day a bit.
Another thing you knew was how much he hated meetings of business no matter how important they were. 
You turned to face him again.
"S-sir...i-if I may ?"
"Yes ?"
" I...well, it's not much but," you retreated back to the cart and picked up the sterling silver tray and set it on his desk, "Perhaps these will help." You hooked your fingers under the handle and lifted it.
Ciel's mouth dropped open slightly in shock. 
Simply displayed before him, was an assortment of cookies. 
They were pretty basic looking, but they smelled absolutely heavenly of chocolate, peanut butter, toasted sugar, and cinnamon. It clouded his senses, delectable, and so very sweet. 
He could've sworn ( though he would never admit it ) that his mouth was watering. 
You giggled at his expression, grabbing a tiny pair of serving tongs and put one of each cookie on a plate you had grabbed. Four sounded like a lot, but you had made them smaller on purpose, finding it easier to enjoy them when they took about one or two bites to consume. 
"I know Sebastian doesn't exactly like you eating sweets this early in the afternoon, but I think today can be an exception. " 
Ciel was dumbfounded, almost missing your previous statement. 
It was obvious, but he had to confirm.
"You...made these ?"
You nodded, "Yes. I did. Fresh out the oven this morning." 
"That's... highly impressive."
"Is it ?"
Ciel picked up one of the cookies. It felt warm against the skin on his fingertips."Well I know you had chores this morning, and you also helped with breakfast. So I suppose I'm just confused on how you found the time."
"I have my methods," you stated simply. 
Ciel smirked, his face imprinted with slight amusement as he brought one of the cookies closer to his lips, mouth opening slightly as he bit it in half. 
And immediately after, total bliss blossomed over his taste buds. It was soft, warm, with a slight bitterness so as to not make the dessert too sweet. He would have to guess it to be raw cacao powder or dark chocolate, but nonetheless. 
It was delicious. 
You watched him with a hopeful expression, watching his mouth move with every chew. 
Your heart was beating in your chest, and for the first time in a long time, you found that you couldn't read his expression which scared you quite a bit. 
Yet you were able to muster up enough courage to ask him the simple question that was burning on your tongue.
"W-what do you think m-my lord ?"
You knew you looked a fool. Standing there with fidgeting hands and sweaty palms.
But the cool, crisp, clean voice that you had come to adore cleared that nervousness away
"They're like nothing I've really ever tasted before in a sweet."
Your eyes widened, heat rushing to your face.
That made you perk up in both happiness and worry. but it seemed Ciel caught on to the flusteredness you felt taking over your nerves. 
He rose his hands up quickly, "W-which isn't a bad thing I assure you! Don't worry, please." He leaned forward, folding his hands across his desk, "They're actually quite good. I...like them very much."
The blush on your face deepened, "O-oh ! That's v-very good to hear. I'm happy you like them...m-my lord."
Ciel tilted his head,Actually....I was going to ask you, if perhaps you could -"
All potential awkwardness and discussion  was forgotten ad, both you and Ciel's heads darted to the doorway.
Ciel stood up from his seat, rushing over to your side, "What the bloody hell was-"
"Y/N !!!!!" 
You could hear frantic footsteps clack from down the hall. The door to Ciel's office was flung open and you immediately recoiled and Ciel clicked his teeth once you both caught sight of Mey-Rin standing there, out of breath, covered head to toe in soot and ash. 
You were about to ask what was wrong, but Ciel beat you to it.
"Mey-rin what is the meaning of this ?!'
"M-my apologies young master !" She squeaked, "Bard...he ehmmmm...oh he blew up the kitchen again yes he did ! A-and I was fetching Y/N for her assistance…"
Ciel sighed, rubbing his temple, "She'll be there in a few minutes. Go and get a head start without her. Now."
Mey-rin bowed clumsily, her glasses nearly falling off her face, "Y-yes young master."
And then she was gone, but not before you could hear her trip and fall from down the hall with a loud yelp. 
Ciel turned to face you, "Told you they were fools."
You sweatdropped, "W-well it was good for the time it lasted. Bard hasn't blown up the kitchen in...I believe...3 days ?"
Ciel gave out a deeper sigh, finding his way back to his desk as you collected and put away the items on the tea cart. 
"I suppose I should get going," you said, wheeling the cart closer to Ciel's desk, "I'll leave this here for you in case you want more tea or sweets." You turned your gaze fully onto him, " Now, what were you trying to tell me before ?"
Ciel's dark blue iris widened, "Oh ! Yes, uhm, simply just...I was going to say that if you're okay with it, I w-would like you to bring me my tea more often. I enjoy your company very much...it's nice to not have some lunatic driving me crazy or having Sebastian constantly nagging at me. I suppose it's just a relief to be around someone...normal."
You blinked, shocked over Ciel's statements due to several things. 
He stuttered quite a bit, something he hardly ever does. And he also didn't come off demanding with it at all. He was actually considering your wants and that made your heart flutter with warmth. 
How could you say no ?
"I-I'd be happy to serve you, sir. It would be my pleasure." Your curtsied then turned around, keeping your head his way so he could see the smile on your face, "Sorry, but please excuse me. I've been given news I'm needed in the kitchen."
At this, Ciel's widened eyes softened as he watched you leave, but just as you were about to…
"Oh, and Y/N ?"
"Yes, my lord ?"
He gave you a knowing look, "When we're alone, please, call me Ciel."
You weren't fazed or shocked by his request, you thought it rude to be, so you merely waved and abided by your master's wishes.
"If that is what you wish...Ciel." 
And you left, leaving Ciel alone to finish his tea and the special little treat you made just for him.
After all, what's a good cup of tea without a little something extra to go with it especially if it can brighten someone's day ?
Which is something you definitely achieved.
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evanthenerd83 · 3 years
“Holly And The Demon Visit The Mall”
“Do you feel me,” asked Holly.
The demon nodded, then looked away sheepishly. “I… I guess.”
She smiled. Teeth nearly blinded It. Nearly, because the demon was used to far too much light.
Hell had several suns.
It was always summer, too.
Holly jumped off the hood of the cop car. “Good.”
She still wore her school uniform. The skirt danced about, revealing pale legs and torn stockings.
And thighs. Just the bottoms. But just the bottoms were enough.
A sudden chill sent the demon glancing every which way—at a discarded soda can, a stained napkin, a used condom. It knew that Its cheeks were blue.
Thankfully, Holly didn’t seem to notice. She never noticed.
She skipped around the cop car. Towards the back. Her hand tapped, tapped, tapped on the trunk.
She had nimble fingers. Small hands and nimble fingers.
Fingers that traced the handprint, which was beginning to dry. It was no longer bright red. It looked more brown, brownish black.
The demon felt like gagging.
“You’re… you’re—“
“Absolutely adorable?”
Holly opened the trunk. Her face disappeared.
The demon nearly gagged.
“No. Yes. Kind of?”
A sharp giggle, girly, cut through the night. It was sweet. It was also poisonous.
The demon felt needle-hairs rising to attention. It wrapped Its arms around Itself, and one of Its horns shrunk. The other wobbled a bit.
“Aw, thank you.”
The demon watched the trunk.
It could hear her rummaging around, shoving things. The cop car started to bounce.
The demon held Its breath.
It glanced at the mall.
Lights were still on inside. The parking lot was just barely empty. A few cars sat in sporadic spots.
People were still there.
Men. Women. Children.
An image flashed through the demon’s mind, vivid and sensory. An image so horrible— and so horribly detailed—that it gagged.
It stumbled.
It leaned against the cop car with one clawed hand.
The night spun.
At that moment, Holly slammed the trunk. The sound carried. Nobody seemed to notice.
She was carrying something. The demon could tell. It was obvious from how she was walking. She was also grunting.
The demon screwed Its eyes shut.
‘Please be a hammer. Please be a hammer. Please be a hammer.’
It wasn’t exactly praying. Not entirely.
If a demon prayed, it only prayed to one being. And that being definitely wasn’t a God.
Not an all-loving God, anyway.
Not even a God.
It was a being that barely answered its worshippers’ prayers.
And if it did, it did so with ulterior motives. It only wanted to entertain itself.
The demon was mostly begging. It was begging to the other being, the one opposite—an all-loving God.
Its sworn enemy.
Holly came around the side of the cop car. Her footsteps echoed, a tap-dance routine. They abruptly stopped.
The demon saw her black shoes in the corner of Its eyes.
They shined.
“Whatcha doing?”
‘PleasebeahammerPleasebeahammerPleasebeahammerPleasebea— Oh. Crap.’
The demon gasped. It had glanced up at Holly, slowly, hesitantly. It had just seen what she was carrying.
The thing she had resting against her shoulder.
Holly blew a bubble.
Her gum popped.
She resumed chewing it.
Holly spun around, then started walking towards the mall.
The hammer was big, very big. Practically a sledgehammer. It bounced with each step.
It must have weighed a ton. A hundred tons. Holly didn’t seem to notice, however. She moved just as fast as ever.
The demon stumbled to Its hooves.
It chased after her, tail swinging, striking the pavement. A fear pounded its way through Its chest.
“No. No. No. You can’t.”
It caught up with the girl.
Holly ignored It.
She kept chewing her bubblegum. She had her free hand stuffed inside a pocket, and one of her shoes was untied.
The laces flipped and flopped.
The demon growled, then jumped in front of her. It spread out Its arms. It also shook Its head.
Holly froze.
“No. No, Holly. Not again.”
Holly just stared at It. Her green eyes gleamed. They glimmered like diamonds.
The demon wasn’t sure if this was from the moonlight, the lights in the mall, or something different altogether. Maybe a little bit of both.
Maybe it was her soul again.
Her damned soul.
Holly tilted her head. A curl of blond hair came loose, falling over her left shoulder. It looked cute.
She looked cute.
Wait. What?
The demon blushed again. It looked away from her.
“Why not? We had fun last time, right?”
The demon felt tears forming. They burned.
But It took a deep breath, and It shook Its head again.
“No. You had fun. I was—“
“Hiding in the shadows. And pools of blood. Like a little bitch.”
The demon gaped.
Before everything, all of this mess, Holly had never sworn. Ever.
In the sixteen years of her life, It had never caught her swearing. Not even when her little brother accidentally killed—well, semi-accidentally killed—her pet goldfish.
Or when her crush had stood her up at the Valentine’s Day dance. Nor when she had found him behind the cafeteria, sticking a finger up Jenny Mackindale.
Or when her parents had sent her to the shrink.
The demon grabbed both of her shoulders. It looked deeply into her eyes.
“Why?! Why are you doing this, Holly?! Huh?!”
Holly just blinked.
She chewed her gum.
“You never spoke like this before… be-before…”
Holly blew another bubble. Like before, it burst.
“Before you showed up?”
The demon blinked a few times.
Yes, she was right.
Before It had shown up, appeared in the middle of her dorm, Holly had been a simple girl. A good girl.
Not necessarily a good student. But nobody really was a good student if they went to a catholic school.
The demon knew.
Everyone sinned.
The young. The old. The middle-aged.
Even newborn babies sinned. It was only natural. Humanity was a terrible species, violent and horny and very, very, very selfish, and it was normal for them to seek their own satisfaction.
But Holly…
… Holly was different.
She hadn’t sinned. Ever.
Like her mouth, she had been pure. Unpolluted. She was actually a good person; helpful, forgiving, considerate, respectful.
But now.
Holly pushed It, passing by. The demon rocked on Its heels for a second. It managed to stabilize Itself.
But by then, it was already too late.
Holly was already entering the mall.
“I don’t understand why—“
“You don’t understand anything.”
They were power walking, side by side.
The demon swiped a claw across Its forehead. Pain rose up Its arm. Sweat peppered Its rippled, scaly skin.
Everything that came out of the demon—be it tears or sweat or pee—was acidic beyond all measure.
It had ruined way too many toilets.
No wonder they’d been jumping from motel to motel.
“Hold on,” Holly plucked out her gum. She pinched a pink blob between her fingers.
The demon froze. “What?”
Holly peered back.
She winked.
She swung by a trash can. Said trash can had been positioned behind a rather imposing pillar. Said pillar, gray and very, very close to falling apart, was standing in the middle of the lobby.
The lobby. That wasn’t the right word… was it?
The demon didn’t really know all that much about the living world. It knew enough to get by. How else could It have survived this long?
It had a vague understanding of malls. These large, maze-like complexes bristled with self-indulgence and self-flagellation. Not to mention… capitalism.
So much capitalism.
It knew that humans, driven by their need for material objects, went from shop to shop, wallets filled with money. They bought things. The mere variety of things sent a numbing shock through the demon’s mind.
Clothes (especially those with more than one fabric).
Blow-up dolls.
Cold suddenly flooded Its cheeks, and the demon covered Its face with both hands.
It took deep breaths.
“Hey. You okay?”
Her voice made It jump.
The demon also yelped. A hand was suddenly slapped over Its mouth, and Holly glared at It.
She lifted a single finger to her lips.
The demon went quiet. It might not have known much about humanity, but It did understand the gesture.
Be quiet.
Holly pulled It behind the pillar.
She backed up, pressing her back into the pillar. She had It cradled. She was hugging It.
“Hope you weren’t too loud,” Holly peered.
The demon went rigid.
It could taste metal. No, not metal.
‘Blood,’ It realized. “I’m tasting the blood on her hands. Oh, Christ, oh lord, oh my Go—‘
Holly breathed a sigh of relief. Something soft and plump, but not too plump, touched the demon’s spine.
No. Not just something. Some things.
Things that, from Its calculations, were situated on her chest…
She let go, and the demon fell to Its knees.
The floor was colder than her hands. Discarded receipts fluttered by. A broken watch gleamed, and It impulsively glanced up.
Holly grabbed her sledgehammer. She’d laid it down while throwing her gum away.
She spun around. For Its credit, the demon tried to avoid the whiteness—flesh, fabric, didn’t really matter—that suddenly flashed across Its field of vision. It did try.
A glare pinned It down. A frown as well.
That gesture again.
Holly tilted her head. She indicated the side of the pillar.
The demon shuffled on Its hands and knees, peering around. It felt like a soldier crawling through a trench.
Was there a sniper waiting for It?
If It exposed Itself, would a bullet go flying? Or would someone scream, causing others to scream?
Scream and scram?
The demon would have giggled.
It exposed a single eye, iris deep crimson.
It saw what she’d been checking out.
The food court, across the lobby, was closed. Many of the restaurants had their lights off. Sandwich Queen. McRonald’s. Burrito-ville.
Only a few still ran. A Lamby’s was being tended to, the cashier Holly’s age. The cook kept looking back at her.
But that wasn’t all.
Because It then saw… them.
“Do you see?”
The demon didn’t respond.
It shook Its head, slowly at first. It quickened. An icy dread flooded Its empty lungs.
Holly gripped the sledgehammer tighter. Her knuckles turned white.
It knew that she was licking her lips. It could feel the bloodlust wafting off of her, thick and musky.
And what Holly was feeling was bloodlust. Blood. Lust. The demon heard her breathing heavily.
“Do… Do you see?”
The demon gulped.
It could see. It could see plenty.
They were just sitting there, all of them at one table. One—a girl—was busy with her cellular device. Another—a boy—had his arms draped around the girl’s shoulder.
Yet another tipped his chair backwards. A different girl sat in his lap, face twisted in mock horror.
She was giggling.
A third boy stared at a third girl. A goth girl, the demon realized.
A goth girl with her hand underneath their table, shoved down his pants—
Holly was silent now.
It scooted back, then stood up. It put both claws on her shoulders. It stared deep into her eyes, searching for something, anything, a shred of the girl she had been.
All It found was excitement.
“Holly,” It whimpered. “Holly, no.”
Holly was no longer listening, though.
She was now tossing her sledgehammer—such a big sledgehammer, where’d she even find it—from hand to hand. She muttered to herself.
“No. Not like this.”
Left hand.
“No. Not that either.”
Right hand.
The demon shook her. It was sweating acid-bullets now.
“Holly? H-Holly, please don’t. Just leave them alone.”
“Maybe it should be higher? No. Not that high.”
“At my midsection?”
The demon gripped her shoulders tighter, and It felt Its nails digging into the flesh. It loosened Its grip.
“Holly. Holly, let’s just… let’s just go back to the motel. We can… we can order room service… or something.”
It was desperate now.
It was close to tears now.
But Holly didn’t notice. She had finally found a position that she liked. The sledgehammer was tilted, horizontal, and her left hand gripped the handle, the knuckles turning blue.
“Hey! Re-remember that s-story I refused to t-t-te-tell? About those b-b-b-bl-blo-blood or-or-orgies? I… I’ll tell them now. I’ll tell you everything. Just please, just please, don’t go hurting those nice peo—“
Holly ducked out of Its grip.
She then began to run.
The teenagers didn’t know what hit them.
Well, that wasn’t true. They saw her running towards their table. How could they have not?
She was wearing a school girl’s uniform. A light brown vest over a white button-down shirt, her collar undone. Her skirt revealed legs that wouldn’t have quit.
And they didn’t quit. They carried her all the way to their table.
Marcy saw the school emblem—a cross.
She was sitting in the right position. She looked up from her phone just long enough to see it.
And to catch the blunt side of the sledgehammer.
Tony managed to stand up and clench his fists. The words were at the tip of his tongue; those three, simple, universal words.
What. The. #$@&.
But before he could open his mouth, the girl swung her sledgehammer.
Everything cut to black.
Samantha instinctively clenched her own fist, and Marcus suddenly reached the finish line. He screamed her name. It sounded like a goat baying.
Something warm filled her hand.
Something else that was warm soon filled his pants.
She tried to pull out. She tried. But before she could, a shoe hit her chest, and Samantha fell backwards.
Marcus went with her. He had a funny look.
That funny look disappeared underneath the sledgehammer.
Samantha opened her mouth to scream.
Something filled her mouth. Another shoe. It was shoved hard, and pressure started to build. A cracking sound from somewhere inside her own head. The pressure gave way to brief, potent pain.
One last, loud crack.
Her lower jaw came loose. It practically dangled, swinging from side to side.
The sledgehammer then found her.
Silence. Dark.
And the warmth coating her hand faded away.
The girl stood over her, chest heaving, cheeks flustered. A strand of blonde hair was plastered to her forehead.
Her eyes gleamed. But they didn’t gleam like emerald diamonds. They gleamed like glass.
She heard their chairs scraping the floor.
She spun around.
The empty chair kept on spinning.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Does Regis ever ask how Titus has papers for the boys? Whats Cor or Clarus' PoV of this? What are some things (fluff or humor) that the boys get up to? Because I can see them getting adopted into the Ulric Clan because of shenanigans and Nyx going 'Yes, these are my people' since LCs just remind me of Ulrics with magic. And how do the Galatians take to the nephew of the Nif Chancellor and clone of the Crown Prince? Since I'm imagining that Titus told some of them and the
rest are guessing anyway. And does everyone assume that Noctis and Nox's magics resonated since they're kinda sorta close to each other/are the same person? How does Regis take the news that the only reason that Noctis got healed is because Nox pretty much felt everything Noctis did? /Both/ of his sons were basically attacked by a daemon and he only knew about one of them at the time and didn't do anything to calm or reassure Nox? (Clarus: Only because you didn't know
About him, Regis. Regis: Thats no excuse, Clarus.) Does Iris get to be a Shield or did Nox latch onto Axis or one of his kids? Does Acastus find Prompting and drop him off with Noct/Cor? Does Nox hang out with Noct, Ignis, Gladiolus and Prom all the time or does the memories act up enough to make him feel weird about it? How does Regis take his brother and son's Sick Days? What about Dissidia? The 3 youngest Royals getting snatched and the group watching on Crystal
Vision? Dad Titus/Regis freaking out over their kids having been summoned to a death match? And how exactly does Titus see the boys? Sons, brothers, cousins? Oooh, more Trauma. Noct, Nox and Acastus w/others playing and end up in the Crystal room. Cue the boys lighting up, maybe passing out because the magic hits their young system really hard (its why Royals aren't supposed to be Presented until 18) and everyone freaks out, and news makes it to Regis and Titus that they
Are in the infirmary and the gist of what happened via panicked guards and rush there immediately and are jumped by panicked kids talking and crying about what happened. I didn't realize I had so many questions. But now I need to know. 👀👀 Please!🙏
Oh! Just remembered a little more! Does anyone pick up on the people/places that he shouldn't know? Do they assume that Nox got some of it from Noct, like with the Marelith? Or are they assuming LC/ Oracle DNA mix?
Me: Yes, Regis asks about the papers and Titus doesn’t OUTRIGHT admit he did an illegal but he does grudgingly explain that he needed papers in case the NIfs came looking and he ... knows ... a few people who can help ... “recreate” papers for refugees who lost theirs in whatever fire or tragedy drove them from their homes.
Regis mulls over that for ten long seconds then blatantly pretends he never heard it in the first place. Those “people” likely saved the life of his son and half-brother, he can let it slide this once.
I need Nyx Ulric to adopt these two now JUST so Nyx can tease that he’s related to Captain (then later when he learns that they’re Lucis Caelums he can quietly die in a corner because OH NO HE’S RELATED TO THE KING). Not sure how or when Nyx adopts them, but he absolutely does.
It probably happens when he's just a wee bit sloshed. Not enough to be incoherent or insincere, but enough that he doesn’t feel any fear offering to adopt the pair while babysitting them because Captain had to work late and Nyx is off the combat roster until his ankle heals. Once he’s sober he is a Panic™, but Captain takes it surprisingly well and Nox loves his new braid. Acastus just looks Amused™.
Lib slaps Nyx over the head because IDIOT THINK THIS STUFF THROUGH then gives him another drink because TWO MORE ULRICS. It’s a good thing Nyx is an Ulric Keeper in this AU, because he can teach them most of the Ulric Clan stories and dances and make them proper Ulrics.
Acastus loves introducing himself as Acastus Ulric Drautos, both because it’s fancy like “Lucis Caelum” is and also because it made both Titus and Nyx spit their coffee the first time they hear it.
The Galahdians ... have mixed feelings at first. But the predominant one is that it doesn’t matter that this kid is clearly related to the Chancellor (at first they all think the Chancellor bedded Captain’s Aunt, since they don’t know about the LC blood, and that’s why he looks like Ardyn) because Captain has clearly staked a claim on him. Galahd (in my HCs) is a Very Adoption Heavy culture and big on judging people by their current family rather than any previous blood ties, so ... mostly the Chancellor thing gets intensely ignored. Acastus isn’t an Izunia, he’s a Drautos (and then later an Ulric). So they will treat him as such.
But in private there is some debate on exactly what happened, for the Chancellor to vanish around the time his ... relation (son? They mostly assume son), shows up in Drautos’s care.
No few number of them think Titus stumbled on Ardyn with the two kids and killed the Chancellor to save them.
For Nox ... the Lucis Caelum blood is basically impossible to hide. This boy LOOKS like a literal carbon copy of the Prince but younger and he’s young so his control over his magic is ... not. Not that good. Especially not when there’s so mUCH of it.
All of Galahd listened to the Glaive who was on babysitting duty when Nox had a rare tantrum and skewered the wall with ghostly blades and all privately, immediately agree to Never Tell Anyone. Ever.
Well. To be fair, they do debate whether they have a duty to tell Regis, but again the Adoption Culture comes into play and they decide it’s up to Titus to spill that secret. A few Glaives do ask Titus about it (Titus nearly has a heart attack because SINCE WHEN DID THEY KNOW) and when they ask if they know who the mother was, Titus looks very grim and very, very quiet for a long time, then admits:
There is no mother. There never was.
They stare at him in confusion until Acastus, lurking nearby with too-sharp eyes, gives a smile that could cut and says brittlely that “amazing things that can be done with science these days you know. Truly amazing. Why, get a blood sample and a tank of the right solutions and you could probably grow anything you wanted”.
The Glaives are Horrified™. So is the rest of Little Galahd when it gets around and then is made a Clan Secret by all the Clans unanimously. The secret never leaves the borders of their little slum.
Also yes, people assume that Noctis’s and Nox’s magic resonated because Nox is a clone and it freaks them out.
Regis is Such A Guilt when he finds out how Acastus knew about Noctis’s injury. No it doesn’t matter that he DIDN’T KNOW NOX EXISTED. One of his son’s (his FIVE YEAR OLD son) was suffering. Was screaming in agony and terror and Regis didn’t do a THING about it and no amount of logic can make that better.
Nox latches onto Axis’s triplets in this AU so while Iris will be best friends with him, his Shield, Hand, and Sword are actually all made up of Axis’s three kids. Axis is a BIT of an internal Scream when Nox is at the age people start making noises about him building a Retinue and taking Iris as his Shield and Nox goes, “NO. I have a Shield already! A Hand and Sword too!” And stuff spirals out to reveal Axis as Clarus’s kid (Clarus takes it much better than Axis thought he would, tho Axis didn’t expect to see Lord Amicitia go deathly pale and sit down hard in the nearest chair).
Honestly Iris might be the future love interest in this AU you never know. It would be hilarious if nothing else.
Bold of you to assume Acastus didn’t find Prompto early and bring him home to NOX because “Look Beloved Nibling I Found You A Friend!”. Prompto is a confusion because Nox is like- 4 at the time. But Prompto likes babysitting and playing with Nox and hearing Acastus’s stories and Titus just kinda- sighs his way through the playdates until he realizes that Prompto has been staying in his house for about two weeks with no sign of the parents.
Titus, after much snooping later, sitting at the kitchen table of Grandma Ostium quietly pulling his hair out: HOW DO YOU ADOPT A THIRD CHILD. DOES IT COUNT AS KIDNAPPING IF THEY COME OVER AND STAY WITH YOU FOREVER AND THE LEGAL PARENTS NEVER NOTICE. ACASTUS WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME.
Acastus: I regret nothing. Do you want me to fake Prompto’s death? I’m sure there’s enough Prompto’s out there that nobody will notice if you gain a nephew called Prompto Drautos.
Titus, holding his face in his hands while Grandma Ostium laughs at him in the corner: NO, ACASTUS. DO NOT FAKE THE DEATH OF THE CHILD. How do you even know how to do that? Nevermind I don’t want to know.
Roughly a year later when Everything Gets Revealed, Titus and Cor: *intense staring contest over Smol Blond Child*
Cor: You don’t know where he-
Titus, growling like a cranky Behemoth that might very well bite off someone’s head: He’s a Niflheim created clone. I know.
Cor: ....
Titus: He's been living in my house for a year. I’ve seen the barcode. It’s not like I wasn’t raising one already.
Cor: His legal parents-
Titus: Is me. The Argentums were emotionally neglectful and didn’t even notice when he hadn’t come home for a week and a half.
Cor: *guilty angry silence*
Titus: ...Kid could use an uncle. If you want to man up and be part of his life.
(hgfhg this is post is getting long Imma try to speed through the last questions a bit)
Yes, Nox hangs out with the Chocobros when he can because he adores them (especially Brother Prompto and Team Mom Iggy) but he also has his own friend group in the Little Galahd community so it doesn’t strike anyone as odd really. Nox is a naturally loving child for all he’s shy and Iggy and Gladio are Noctis’s friends and Prompto is his adopted brother (and later Noctis’s best friend).
Regis does Not take the Sick Days well. It makes him alarmed and angry because Lucis Caelums aren’t supposed to get sick days from their own magic and it speaks of BAD THINGS that both of the presumably experimented on and tortured LCs have them.
I’m going to have to come back to Dissidia another time (someone remind me) because this post is too long to ramble here but it would be- it would be Great. Honestly. It would either be the 3 littlest, just Acastus, or just Acastus and REGIS for some brotherly bonding and any of them would be Great and Chaotic. Crystal-o-vision absolutely happens.
The Crystal Room is under 24 hour guard so I don’t think the kids could wander in by accident, plus Acastus would actively avoid the area because of his Trauma.
Now Acastus being presented when he turns 18 on the other hand... >:))))))
Short Version: Much shouting, much alarm, much angst from Regis and Titus and everyone and also the first Sick Day Acastus has had since he turned 17 and by far one of the worst he’s ever had in his (second) life.
I might to a longer version later but not right now.
For Nox’s oddities and odd knowledge they kind of assume both? At first they think it’s just him resonating with Noctis so deeply that there’s a transfer (cue angst from Regis because what is going to happen to Nox when Noctis fulfills his destiny as Chosen King???) but then when Nox starts knowing stuff Noctis doesn’t/can’t know, they start to wonder if the scientists ... Tampered with his DNA. If they got their hands on Noctis’s, which should have been impossible, then it’s not all that out there they got their hands on Oracle DNA.
Sylva is ... very alarmed and very confused when Regis secretly contacts her on a secure encrypted line to ask if there were any ... symptoms to look for in an Oracle child. Because- yes there were but WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?
Regis: they wouldn’t happen to be *lists very specific things*
Sylva: ....Have you seen any Messengers nearby lately.
Regis: Carbuncle, a black puppy that disappears into thin air, and a bird woman who can summon wind storms. She calls herself Garuda.
Sylva, having a minor crisis behind her Queenly Facade: I am Very Sure I only have two children so please explain this. Right Now.
Regis: Well............. NiflheimclonedmysonandIthinkmixeditwiththednaofyouoryourdaughterandhehasseerpowersandImayormaynotbepanickingrightnowpleasehelpme.
Sylva, slowly running that over in her mind and figuring out what Regis just said:...
W H A T.
XD Honestly Niflheim might invade Tenebrae only to find the royal family gone because Sylva coincidentally packed her backs and took her and her children on a secret trip to Lucis to have a look at Nox, then since they’re there when Niflheim invades and a spy gets word on what just happened Sylva and Co just- stay there. Oracle Mom Death averted.
Also they absolutely think that it’s Luna’s DNA they used to make Nox because of how instantly Nox gloms onto Luna like a limpet- JUST like he did with Noctis and Regis, and how Luna gets this dazed look in her eyes as their magic tangles and she whispers, “I ... I know you. I know you, don’t I Little Prince? I met you in a dream.” Luna starts crying softly as she pets Nox’s hair and when Sylva asks in alarm why she’s crying, Luna blinks and whispers, “Because he was crying in the dream, and I couldn’t comfort him.”
Acastus lurks in the shadows, watching it all with ... very mixed feelings.
Oracles. He could have gone his entire second life without meeting anymore Oracles. Aera she looks so much like you is that what our daughter would have looked like and oh astrals I KILLED her. I killed the girl with your eyes and your smile and laughed about it later.
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westallenfun · 4 years
Home for Christmas - 2/3
WestAllen secret santa gift
From: @backtothestart02
For: @cheryls-blossomed
Merry Christmas, Mailina! I did my best to write up a short multi rom-com au for you. I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful holiday!!
Chapter 2 -
As the hours ticked by, the snow slowed to a stop until, when they reached Central City, and pulled up to a familiar house, not a single flake could be seen falling from the sky. In its place was a crisper, icier night sky, though it was only just around dinner time. The whipping wind had become a gentle breeze, but it was still cold nonetheless.
“What are you going to do if they don’t let you in?”
Barry frowned. He hadn’t considered that.
“You said you haven’t seen them for fifteen years, right?” Walt sought to clarify.
“Yeah…” Barry trailed off. “They’ll let me in though.” He turned to face his driver. “We’ve been in contact since I left.”
“With Iris?” Walt asked, somewhat surprised.
“Uh, no…with her dad.”
“I see.”
“He owns the house though, and Iris might not even still live here, so…”
“Well, I’ll wait for you just in case. I can always drive you to a local motel and pay for a one-night stay.”
Barry’s eyes widened.
“You don’t have to do that, Walt. You’ve done so much already. That’s…that’s too much.”
“A thank you would be nice.”
His jaw dropped.
“Go on now. You might not even need it. Let’s see if the man will let you in.”
Barry’s lips twitched.
“Right. Okay.” He opened the door and stepped out into the cold night. He missed the warmth of the car already. He turned around to say something, but Walt cut off whatever attempt he might have made.
“Go,” he said, and Barry nodded and closed the car door behind him.
Six inches of wet, heavy snow had fallen in Central City. The front walkway was clear of it though, so Barry presumed Joe had shoveled it. Salt had been sprinkled on the pavement too, so there was no fear of slipping and falling.
Taking a deep breath, Barry made his way up to the porch and knocked three times on the door, shaking a little in the cold and starting to lose his nerve.
He was just about to turn around and take Walt’s offer when the door opened.
There, in the flesh, was Joe West. He wasn’t as tall as he remembered, which made sense since he’d been 10 the last time he’d seen him. In fact, he was either just as tall as he was or an inch or so shorter. It was strange being at eye-level with the man, but the sight of him warmed him all the same.
“Hello,” Joe West said, his brows furrowing in confusion, and that was when Barry remembered. Over all those years, they’d never exchanged pictures. “Can I help you?” he asked.
Barry shook himself out of his memories.
“It’s Barry, Joe,” he said, a crooked smile adorning his features. “Barry Allen.”
Joe’s eyes widened, and the confusion in his eyes disappeared. He appeared to find Barry familiar all of a sudden – whether it was the way he stood or his eyes or how he talked, Barry didn’t know, he was just glad.
“Barry!” He clapped his back and urged him inside. “Come in, come in. Wow, what a surprise. And look at you, so tall!”
Barry chuckled a little nervously, then turned to look outside before the door closed, to say goodbye and thank you to Walt. But the car was gone, and his opportunity with it. Still, he hoped Walt knew how truly grateful he was, and hoped that perhaps one day he would meet him again.
“We’re just about to have dinner,” Joe said, pulling Barry back into the living room of the West house.
He blinked as he watched Joe set another plate, presumably for him.
“We?” Barry asked, unzipping his coat, then tossing and missing the coat stand near the door.
“Iris is upstairs,” Joe said, practically giddy.
Barry’s breath caught in his throat.
Iris was upstairs. She was just one floor away from him. Just up the steps and down the hall, and there she’d be. He felt faint just thinking of how he would cope with the sight of her. She must be stunning, more beautiful than anything he could imagine. Her voice would be like silk, her eyes deep enough to drown in, and those perfect lips would be impossible not to stare at, especially if they were painted with a gloss or lipstick of any kind. Maybe more so if they weren’t.
“Huh?” His head snapped up, his eyes entirely focused on Joe’s.
Joe chuckled.
“Why don’t you go say hi? I’m sure she’s missed you.”
Barry’s hand wrapped around the back of his head, as he sheepishly said, “She probably doesn’t even remember me.”
“Don’t be silly,” Joe said. “You were her childhood best friend. You knew each other since you were five. You were inseparable.” He pursed his lips. “I’m sure if you just tell her your name…”
“Actually,” Barry said, “There’s something I wanted to talk about with you first, Joe.”
“What is it?” He frowned.
“I kind of…don’t have any place to stay while I’m here, and I don’t have money either. Is there any way I could-”
“Stay here?”
Barry looked at him hopefully.
“Of course. Wally is away at school and won’t be here till the Christmas party in five days. Iris just signed a lease for an apartment here in town, so she won’t be using her room either. You’d be better off sleeping in her room for when Wally comes home, but I suppose up until then you can use either.”
Barry smiled tremulously.
“Thanks, Joe.”
“In exchange though, I do want to know how you got here and why you’re penniless.” He paused for a moment, then leaned in. “Is everything okay with-”
“My relatives?”
Joe waited.
“Everything’s fine. I haven’t lived with them since before college. I just…have had a few things happen today that have prevented me from looking like I’ve got it all together.”
“Such as?” Joe pressed.
“My car was totaled, and my landlord kicked me out. Not before taking double my rent though.”
Joe’s eyes widened.
“Why’d he kick you out?”
“Well…there was sort of an…explosion.”
“A what?”
“I’m a forensic scientist!” Barry burst. “I couldn’t do all my testing at work, so I moved some of the chemicals into my spare bedroom, and-”
“Lord save us,” Joe muttered, closing his eyes and pressing his fingers to his forehead. Barry stopped talking. “Just…go say hi to Iris. We’ll talk more about this later.”
“Okay,” Barry said, accepting.
“I’m going to go finish dinner. When you’ve finished your reunion, come on down, the both of you.”
Barry turned then, kicked off his shoes on top of his jacket, and braced himself for the inevitable.
After 15 years, he was going to reunite with Iris West.
Barry’s damp socks stained the wood stairs as he took them two at a time. The stairs creaked as he put his weight on them, and it gave him pause, made him suck in a breath and cringe. How was he ever going to surprise Iris if he made such a racket going to the room she was in?
The hallway was worse. He’d forgotten the squeaky spots – the ones he’d avoided during sleepovers and his time staying at the house before he left. Still, Iris didn’t pop out of any of the rooms when the squeaks were made, and for that he was relieved.
He peeked into the first room on his left – Wally’s room, and found it empty. He dismissed Joe’s room entirely, because why would Iris be there? The bathroom door was wide open, and the interior appeared to be empty, so he didn’t attempt that either.
But from the room to the immediate right, Barry heard some mumbling and moving of things followed by the most beautiful laughter he’d ever heard in his life, and he knew he’d hit the jackpot.
He knocked lightly on the door before opening it and was enraptured by what he saw.
Iris was stunning, just as he’d imagined she would be. She was petite, hardly having grown to more than five feet. The height difference between them almost made a possessive growl escape his lips. He wanted to protect her like she had him. He wanted to hold her and love her and kiss her, and-
He shook his head, wondering how something as simple as her height had such an effect on him.
Maybe it was because it wasn’t just her height. It was her silky shoulder-length raven hair and the curves of her hips. It was the maroon sweater that sparkled in the light of the room, hugging her curves – and the jeans too that accentuated every inch of her lower half. She had fuzzy slippers on, which he found adorable. It made him imagine the two of them snuggling on the couch, her legs draped over his lap, and his fingers in her hair, and-
“I’ll be right there, Dad!” she called, and the sound of her voice while melodic and angelic, also brought him back to the present.
“It’s…not your dad.”
Iris dropped the book she was holding and froze. Slowly she turned around, as if prepared that he was a burglar of some sort.
“Who are you?” she asked, a threat in her eyes, and something inside of him broke.
Sure, he looked much different than he had at 10, but some part of him had hoped she would see past the height and the lanky figure and see her best friend.
“It’s me, Iris. It’s Barry.”
It looked like she still didn’t believe him a little, but he could see her working it out, looking into his eyes to see the truth of what he was saying. Finally, she caved, almost a whisper passing through her lips.
Her eyes filled with tears, and she raced to him. She jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist, burying her face into his neck. The force of the impact sent him backpedaling into the hall and up against the wall where they came to a stop.
He chuckled and played with the ends of her hair, satisfying part of what he wanted to do, until she pulled back and lowered herself onto the floor.
“S-sorry.” She laughed nervously. “I just can’t believe it’s you. I never thought… Oh, God, you must hate me. Fifteen years it’s been, and I stopped writing when I was 13!”
He shook his head, eager to soothe her.
“It’s okay. Your dad picked up where you left off. We’ve stayed in touch over the years.”
She rolled her eyes. “Hardly the same thing.” She licked her lips, then met his searing gaze. “Are you staying for dinner?”
He grinned. “I’m staying for the week!”
Her jaw dropped. “Seriously?”
“Uh-huh. Your dad said I could stay in your room, since I’ve got nowhere else to go.” Her lips parted, and he started to worry. “I mean, as long as that’s okay with you.”
“What? Yeah, of course. I just hope you fit on my bed.”
He winced. He hadn’t thought of that.
“You’re so tall!” She laughed, and he blushed.
“I did have a growth spurt in high school,” he muttered.
“I’ll say. I used to be taller than you.”
“You grew too.”
“That’s putting it nicely. I’m a munchkin, and you can’t tell me different.”
He chuckled. “Munchkins are cute though,” he said without thinking, and that caught Iris off guard.
“Yes, well, should we go down for dinner? My dad said it would be done soon, and I’m sure he sent you up here to bring me downstairs.”
“And to say hi,” he added. “He said you’d missed me.”
“Oh, I did. I did miss you.” She smiled. “Even though I didn’t write.”
“Iris, forget about it. You’re here now, and I’m here all week. We’ll catch up. It’ll be like I never left.”
“I’d like that,” she said, then looped her arm through his. They made their way down the hall and down the stairs, where their looped arms dropped for hand-holding, completely stealing Barry’s breath.
When they reached the first floor, Iris dropped his hand, and Barry’s racing heart slowed to normal.
“There you two are,” Joe said. Looking between them, he smiled. “I see you’ve been re-introduced.”
Iris rolled her eyes and moved past Barry to help bring in food from the kitchen. Joe’s eyes stayed on Barry whose eyes stayed on Iris and reluctantly moved to the table when she disappeared from sight.
Barry felt Joe’s eyes on him and knew exactly what he was thinking. He’d probably confront him about it too after Iris had gone home.
This man, no longer a boy, had come home for one reason, and it wasn’t just nostalgia.
He was going to win his daughter’s heart.
Barry glanced up at Joe before sitting down and saw satisfaction in his eyes and a pleasant smile.
Did he approve? Did he even know?
“Dinner time!” Iris announced after bringing out the last of the dishes.
The two men focused back on her, but for entirely different reasons.
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longitudinalwaveme · 4 years
A Pipe Dream
The Flash stars in: A Pipe Dream
Dramatis Personae
Wally West, the garrulous, impulsive, and friendly third Flash
Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick’s wife, who is patient, loving, and supportive of everyone
Iris Allen, Barry Allen’s wife, an inquisitive daredevil reporter
The Pied Piper, alias Hartley Rathaway, a Robin Hood-esque thief
The Top, alias Roscoe Dillon, an arrogant, elitist, and top-obsessed criminal
Weather Wizard, alias Mark Mardon, an overconfident, rather stupid robber
Heat Wave, alias Mick Rory, a dim, shockingly gentle pyromaniac
Act I
(Joan and Iris are onstage)
Iris: So, how’s Jay?
Joan: He’s doing well enough, I suppose, but, to be honest, I’m a little worried about him. He keeps claiming that he’s retired from crime fighting, but every time I turn around, he’s wearing that silly hat of his and racing off to fight bank robbers or carjackers or giant, murderous, telepathic gorillas. It was one thing when he was fifty, but now he’s 99 years old, and the doctors say that his heart won’t be able to take much more of his running at super speed.
Iris: What does he say about that?
Joan: That (strikes a heroic pose) “ it will be a pleasure to die in the line of duty.”
Iris: (Laughs) That sounds just like Barry.
Joan: I know, and it’s not funny. Our husbands spend so much time saving everyone else that they never stop to worry about themselves.
Iris: I guess that’s true-but hey, that’s part of what we’re here for, to make sure our husbands take some “me time” occasionally.
Joan: In speaking of husbands, how’s Barry?
Iris: He’s not doing so well. He came down with the flu a few days ago, and I’ve been going crazy trying to keep him from leaving his bed so that he can go fight crime.
Joan: Oh, I’ve had that happen with Jay before. Once, when he had pneumonia, he heard about a shoplifting ring, and I had to call in Ted and Alan-you know them as Wildcat and the original Green Lantern-to physically restrain him so that he wouldn’t leave the house to go stop them.
Iris: Well, I haven’t had to resort to calling the Justice League to restrain Barry yet, so things could be worse.
Joan: You’re right. Things could be worse. We could be having to deal with two sick speedsters each. Or a sick Superman!
Iris: Man, that would be a nightmare. I have no idea how that Lois Lane woman does it.
Joan: Maybe Clark just doesn’t get sick. After all, he isn’t a human, so maybe our diseases don’t affect him and he’s as invulnerable to getting sick as he is to everything else.
Iris: Maybe so.
(Enter Wally)
Wally: Hi, Joan. Hi, Aunt Iris. (Sneezes) How are you?
Iris: Hi, Wally. We’re doing all right. How are you?
Wally: I’m fine, but Linda and the kids all have the flu (Sneezes) and the twins also both have strep. (Sneezes) It sure is lucky that I don’t get sick, or we’d have a real mess on our hands.
Iris: Um, Wally, are you sure you’re not sick?
Wally: Yeah, I’m sure. (Sneezes three times) I never get sick. I had perfect attendance all throughout school, and you can check my records if you don’t believe me.
Joan: Can you at least try to take it easy, Wally?
Wally: I can’t do that! Jay’s retired and Uncle Barry has the flu, and someone has to protect the city! Besides, I can’t deny my adoring fans the chance to see me because I have a few sniffles. (Sneezes) I’ll be fine!
Iris: (To Joan) Is there a single superhero in the entire world who actually rests when they get sick?
Joan: Speaking from experience, I don’t think there is.
Wally: I said that I’m fine! (Sneezes) So, do you want to get lunch? I’m starving!
Iris: Wally, it’s 8:00 in the morning!
Wally: Okay, so let’s get brunch!
Iris: But I just ate breakfast!
Wally: I don’t follow. (Sneezes) I just ate breakfast, too, and I’m already hungry again.
Joan: Wally, dear, you have to consume 980,000 calories per day just to survive, so you have to eat almost constantly. We simply don’t have the appetite or the metabolism to keep up with you.
Wally: Oh, right. I forget that fact a lot-especially (Sneezes) since my kids inherited my metabolism and have to (Sneezes) eat even more than I do.
Iris: It’s all right, Wally.
Wally: So, um, do you want to go to McDonalds with me (Sneezes) and watch me eat? With Linda and the kids all sick, I’ve been cooped up in the house for a week, and I’m going stir-crazy!
Iris: I suppose so. After all, with Barry sick, I haven’t been able to get out much, either.
Joan: I’ll go, too. After all, if you really are sick despite your claims, someone needs to keep an eye on you so that you don’t run yourself into the ground.
Wally: Great! I love you guys so much, and I can’t wait to sink my teeth into (Sneezes) 340 Big Macs! I love McDonalds food!
Iris: (Shakes head) Never change, Wally. Never change.
(Exit All)
Act II
(The Pied Piper is onstage, playing an instrument. Enter the Top)
Top: Top of the morning to you, Piper.
Piper: Oh, good, you were able to make it. Did you have any trouble getting here?
Top: No. There is not a person in this city who would dare inconvenience the Top.
Piper: What about our friends in the red pajamas?
Top: Don’t make me laugh, Piper. The old one is feeble and retired, the young one is impulsive and stupid, and the only one that poses a threat has the flu, and therefore cannot be on top of his game. They could not bother me if they tried. What of you, my friend? Are you still in tip- top shape, or has your life spun out of control?  
Piper: I’m as fit as a fiddle, Roscoe. The Flashes have no reason to hunt down a peaceable man who steals money from drug lords and self-absorbed starlets and gives it to the poor. In fact, if I could only make them realize that the real villains are the members of the 1% who enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, we would be good friends.
Top: But I heard you were homeless?
Piper: I am.
Top: How, exactly, did that come to pass?
Piper: Well, after my last heist, I was going to buy an apartment for myself, but while I was on my way to buying it, I saw a very pregnant woman with two small children crying, and when I asked her what was wrong, she told me that she was trying to escape from her abusive boyfriend but that she had no money, and so I gave her the money and told her to use it to make a good life for herself and her children, and so I was unable to buy anything.
Top: You gave all of the money away?
Piper: Of course! They needed it more than I did.
Top: You, sir, are a fool. This is the fifth time that you have given up a permanent home to help some wretch-the fifth time!
Piper: Roscoe, you of all people should understand what it is like to be an outcast. How can you criticize my desire to help others that the world has forgotten?
Top: Because I am a genius, something that decidedly does not apply to the people for whom you constantly risk your freedom and your own safety.
Piper: Roscoe, my early life was spent in scandalous luxury, luxury that my parents took at the expense of the poor who helped build their empire. It’s only fair that I go without to help them now. (Pause) So, do you know if anyone else is coming to our little meeting?
Top: No. I do not concern myself with the behavior of lesser men like them.
(Enter Heat Wave)
Heat Wave: Hi, Piper! Hi, Top! Seeing you two really warms my heart! (Hugs Piper)
Piper: Mick, I love hugs, but…I….can’t….breathe!
Heat Wave: Oh, sorry. (Releases him)
Piper: Hi, Mick. How have you been?
Heat Wave: I’m okay. I was burning up with fever a couple days ago, but I’m all better now.
Piper: I’m glad to hear that. Do you know if any of the others are coming?
Heat Wave: Captain Cold won’t be here. He’s got a bad case of the chills , and besides, he’s still in prison, and so is Mirror Master. They say hi.
Piper: And what about Glider?
Top: My love is on vacation in the Bahamas. She won’t be able to come.
Piper: Wait. I thought you said that you didn’t know if anyone else could come!
Top: Did I? Oh. My apologies.
Piper: (To Heat Wave) Do you know if Digger is coming?
Heat Wave: He won’t be coming. He broke his leg and told me that he didn’t feel like messing with crutches when I brought him chocolate and flowers.
Piper: Okay, and what about Mardon?
Heat Wave: I don’t know. Last I heard, he was feeling a little under the weather.
(Enter Weather Wizard)
Wizard: Nope, I’m as right as rain!
Piper: Hi, Mark!
Wizard: Hi, Piper! Hey, Mick.
Heat Wave: How’ve you been? I heard you were sick.
Wizard: Nope. I’ve just been taking it easy.
Top: What a surprise.
Wizard: What’s that supposed to mean?
Top: It means that you are a lazy fool who hasn’t done a day’s work in his life.
Wizard: Am not! Why, I stole an entire tractor-trailer full of sports cars in an hour once!
Top: Yes, by sitting on your couch and allowing a tornado to detach the trailer from the cab of the truck and deliver the loot to your house.
Wizard: So? You can’t fault me for conserving energy!
Top: “Conserving energy”, my foot.
Wizard: What’s the matter, Top? Are you jealous of my power?
Top: No. I simply think it is wasted on a man who uses it only to commit petty thefts.
Wizard: (Raises weather wand) Petty? (Waves wand) I’ll show you petty! (Thunderclap)
Heat Wave: Whoa there, Mark, let’s not get hasty. I don’t want you to do something in the heat of the moment that you’ll regret-like destroying this building with all of us in it!
Piper: Mick’s right, Mark. It’s too dangerous to get into a fight here.
Wizard: (Lowers weather wand) Fine. But if you expect me to take his stupid comments forever, you’re chasing rainbows, Piper.
Piper: (to Top) Roscoe, please don’t antagonize Mark. You really don’t want him to make you face the music .
Top: I am not afraid of him, Piper.
Wizard: Well, you should be, because if you don’t start respecting me, our little truce will be nothing more than the calm before the storm!
Top: Whatever you say, Mardon. Whatever you say. (Pause) Shall we get down to business?
Heat Wave: Yeah, we should. Who has a plan for our next heist?
Piper: I do, actually, so if you don’t mind, I’ll be calling the tune on this job. You see, some friends of my parents are importing some very fine jewelery, and I think that those jewels will make for a tidy sum for the poor….
(Wally, Iris, and Joan are sitting at a table)
Wally: Boy, that was delicious! (Sneezes) I don’t care what Uncle Barry says-McDonalds has the best food in the world!
Joan: It isn’t exactly the healthiest food, you know.
Wally: Yeah, I know-but with the way I burn calories (Sneezes) , it isn’t going to hurt me any!
Iris: Um, I’m not sure that’s how it works, Wally.
Wally: Well, even if it isn’t, I’m young and it tastes good, so who cares?
Joan: I do, for one.
Iris: And so do I.
Wally: Good grief! When are you two (Sneezes) going to stop treating me like a little kid?
Iris: Wally, I watched you grow up. It’s going to take awhile for me to adjust-especially when you keep acting like a crazy teenager.
Wally: I don’t act like a crazy teenager! (Sneezes) I act like a crazy adult!
Joan: Wally, there isn’t much difference between a crazy teenager and a crazy adult.
Wally: Oh, yeah? (Sneezes) Prove it!
Joan: The Trickster.
Wally: Yeah, you’ve pretty much got me there. (Sneezes) Sorry I’m so annoying.
Joan: It’s all right. You’re not annoying most of the time, dear.
Iris: Just some of the time.
Wally: I love you guys. (Sneezes) So, what should we do next?
Iris: We could go shoe shopping. I’ve been needing a new pair of heels.
Wally: No! Not shoe shopping! Linda’s taken me on enough shoe shopping trips to last a lifetime! (Sneezes)
Iris: I was only kidding, Wally.
Wally: Good. Oooh, why don’t we get ice cream?
Joan: You can get ice cream. It probably isn’t a good idea for us to get it.
Wally: Yes! (Disappears, then returns with ice cream and cake)
Joan: Where did you get the cake from?
Wally: China. (Sneezes) They make everything there these days.
Iris: (Laughs) You ran all the way to China just to get cake?
Wally: Well, I was aiming for Hungary, but I overshot.
Joan: How did you overshoot Hungry? You have a full-time residency there.
Wally: Huh? (Pauses, then laughs) Oh, I get it! That’s hilarious, Joan!  
Joan: Why thank you, Wally. I think you and your aunt are rubbing off on me.
Iris: I’m glad we decided to do this. Barry’s a dear, but when he gets sick, he can be a bit of a nightmare.
Wally: Wait, Uncle Barry can be a nightmare?
Iris: Believe it or not, yes. Now, he’s not rude or whiny, but he keeps trying to leave his bed and stop crimes instead of resting so that he can get well, and it’s very irritating to make him stay put, because he gives me these really sad puppy dog eyes when I tell him to stay at home.
Wally: Hah! I knew he (Sneezes) had a weakness besides punctuality!
Joan: All three of you have that weakness, Wally.
Wally: I do not! (His phone rings) Sorry. I need to take this. (Pulls out phone) Hello, Commissioner? The Rogues? What are they doing? Mmm-hmm. Uh-huh. All right. I’ll be there as soon as possible, Commish! (Sneezes) You’re welcome. Good-bye. (Puts away phone) Sorry, guys, I’ve gotta run! The Rogues are trying to steal some jewelry, and I need to stop them.
Iris: No problem, Wally. Go get them!
Joan: And be careful!
(Exit Wally)
Iris: You know, just once, I would like to have an outing that isn’t interrupted by criminals, the Rogues, telepathic gorillas, or aliens who want to take over the world.
Joan: I fully agree with you, Iris. (Pause) Would you like to go shoe shopping with me while he’s gone?
Iris: That sounds terrific, Joan.
Commercial Break!
Act IV
(Enter the Rogues, running)
Piper: (Yelling over his shoulder) Thank you for your generous donation to the poor, Mr. Englewood!
Top: Oh, that was terrific fun! I’m feeling on top of the world right now!
Heat Wave: You’re right, Top. There’s nothing like a nice heist with all of my bestest friends to give me those nice warm and fuzzy feelings.
Wizard: Tell me about it. I’m on cloud nine!
Top: What are you going to do with your money, Piper? I am going to buy a nice suit and some new tops for my collection.
Heat Wave: I’m going to buy some presents for all of my friends so that I can warm their hearts. I’m sure Captain Cold will love a new parka.
Top: I was not asking you, you imbecile.
Heat Wave: Oh. I’m sorry, Top.
Top: Just be sure it does not happen again.
Wizard: I’m going to buy me a new car so that I can finally get a girlfriend!
Top: That will never happen, Mark, and I was not asking you either.
Wizard: Well gee, thanks for destroying my ray of hope, Roscoe.
Top: Moron. (To Piper) Well, my friend? What are you going to do with your share of the loot?
Piper: I’m going to donate it to a charity for sick children. The cries of joy that will produce will be music to my ears.
Top: You are giving away your money again? (Pause) I do not believe you.
Piper: What’s so wrong about wanting to help people?
(Enter Wally)
Wally: Because you’re going about it all wrong, Piper.
Wizard: By the four seasons! It’s the Flash!
Top: Not to worry, Mardon. This one is a mere child. (To Wally) Spin.
Wally: Whoa! (Stumbles, but keeps his balance) You should become a ride at Disney World or something, Top, because you make me just as dizzy.
Heat Wave: It’s time for you to take the heat, Kid Flash! (Fires at Wally, who narrowly dodges)
Wally: No thanks!
Wizard: (Waves his wand) We’re too powerful for you to stop, Flash. Why don’t you take a rain check?
Wally: No way! Defeating a bunch of clowns like you will be a breeze!
Top: Perhaps. Then again, perhaps not. (Spins out of Wally’s way)
Heat Wave: This situation is too hot for you to handle, Flash! You should leave before you get hurt or something.
Wally: Get hurt by one of you? Yeah, right. (He sneezes, and Top grabs him from behind)
Top: You were saying?
Wizard: Nighty night, Flash. (Raises his wand, and Wally sneezes again, causing the wand to go flying out of his hand) My wand!
Wally: (Breaks free) Nice try, Mardon. (He handcuffs Wizard and Top to one another)
Heat Wave: Hey, nobody hurts my friends like that!
Wally: (Taps him on the shoulder) You need better friends. (Handcuffs him to a lamp)
Piper: Flash, I’m not going to fight you. I abhor violence, as a general rule, and I know as well as anyone that my musical hypnosis doesn’t work well on you. However, before you take me away, I want to ask you something. Mr. Englewood hardly needs more money, and everyone knows that his factories are some of the most hazardous in the country for his workers. Why is it so wrong that I take money from him and give it to children who are dying from preventable diseases because of lack of money? You can’t argue that he deserves it more than they do, and he’s wealthy enough that he won’t even miss the money we took from him. Can’t you at least let me give the money away before you take me to jail? Please?
Wally: Piper, if I’m being honest, part of me wants to let you, but here’s the thing. I can’t let you break the law in order to help people. I’m sorry.
Piper: That’s all right. You’re just doing what you were told is right. I can’t fault you for that.
(Wally handcuffs him)
Wally: A word of advice, Piper? If you really want to help the poor, and I think you do, I think you’ll find it more rewarding if you do it on the right side of the law.
(Exit Wally)
Wizard: Well, that was a bust.
Top: For once, Mardon, we agree about something.
Heat Wave: Hey, guys, look at the bright side! At least we’re all still together.
Wizard: True. Nobody can call us fair-weather friends!
Heat Wave: And you know what’s even better? When we go back to prison, we can see Captain Cold again!
Top: I’m thrilled.
Wizard: Aww, don’t be such a downer, Top. You should learn to see the silver lining.
Top: I hate you both.
Piper: (Aside) All I wanted was to give the poor justice. Why is that a crime? The idea of people like my parents helping the poor is just a pipe dream...isn’t it?
Act V
(Iris and Joan are onstage. Enter Wally)
Wally: Hi, Iris! Hi, Joan! (Sneezes)
Joan: Oh, hi, Wally. Are you all right?
Wally: I’m okay. (Sneezes) But I think you were right about me being sick. I just took my temperature, and I’m 114 degrees. (Sneezes)
Joan: 114? How are you still alive?
Wally: Because the baseline body temperature for speedsters is 107 degrees.
Joan: Oh, that’s right.
Iris: Were you able to stop the Rogues?
Wally: Yep! (Sneezes) They’re being transported back to prison now, and all the jewelry has been returned. (Sneezes)
Iris: So, what do you want to do now, Wally?
Wally: I want to go home and sleep. (Sneezes) Running around sick won’t help anything.
Iris: Yes! A hero finally sees reason!
Wally: (Sneezes) Oh, and one more thing? Would you mind (Sneezes) donating money to the Children’s Health Foundation? I have a certain….friend who would really appreciate it.
Joan: Of course we will, Wally.
Wally: Thanks. You two are the greatest! (Sneezes)
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gloryofluvfanfics · 3 years
It Always Was You: Chapter 1
Diavolo x F!MC
(There are other pairings but this is a nice slow burn between these two with them being the primary focus.)
Summary:After being certain of events that preceded the complexity of this human, there were more questions to ask. Things that drummed in Lord Diavolo’s mind. Can a soul remember things after they were reborn? Would it be wrong to admit? This impulse wasn’t demonic or even natural. It felt wrong, but was it?
Lord Diavolo pulled the strings in his Devildom. He knew that with certainty. However, what if an angel was what nurtured this adoration for humans. What if, she was the catalyst to it all… and why?
Chapter One
Long ago in a world that was still new. There lived a little prince with eyes as beautiful as golden grains of wheat in the sun. He would dance in the sunlight of dreams, and I would walk him through the vast land that wasn’t yet ripened. He was wonderfully kind, and I, his friend and companion.
“Where are we going today?” a boy’s voice ran in a bright landscape.
“To my favorite place in all of the realms. Did you want to see it?” a gentle young feminine voice responded.
“Okay! My father never lets me go anywhere,” the child laughed.
The woman blinked and took in the dark room as the laughter faded. She felt the odd sense of peace from the dream as she had many times before. She never quite saw forms or people, but it always was soft and pleasant to surface from one of those dreams.
She picked up her D.D.D and scowled at the missed call. Interesting. She dialed, clicked the contact, and put the phone to her ear.
“Good morning, Aliyah,” Barbatos declared.
“Good morning, Barbatos. I’m sorry I missed your call. I was sleeping,” she grumbled.
“I apologize if I disturbed you. I was hoping you wouldn’t mind coming to have breakfast this morning. Lord Diavolo was extremely entertained with the topic of breakfast foods in the human world yesterday. So, I had made plenty this morning, and it was likely more than what we both could eat,” Barbatos explained.
Aliyah smiled and exhaled. “That actually sounds delicious, Barbatos. I will get dressed and be on my way shortly.”
“That sounds wonderful. I’m positive Lord Diavolo would love to have company.”
“I’ll be over in fifteen minutes,” she declared.
“We shall see you then,” Barbatos said and disconnected the call.
Aliyah yawned and climbed from the sheets. Her lengthy black hair swayed as she wandered to the dresser. Dressing for breakfast was one thing. Going to the Demon Lord’s Castle for breakfast, well, that was another thing entirely.
She settled on a blouse that Lucifer bought her and some jeans before placing on makeup. Her sunkissed skin and particularly unique eyes were the standouts in her normal human appeal. Heterochromia Iridis in both eyes created a portion of her blue eyes to shine with spikes of gold spreading out from her iris.
The woman drew dark wings with the eyeliner off her eye and then raced to slide on her shoes. Snatching up her bag, she left the room, heading to the restroom before heading out. Luckily the demon brothers all were usually late sleepers on Saturday mornings. Aside from whoever had to cook.
Aliyah skipped down the staircase and out the door with her hair waving with motion. The Devildom. Such a wonderful sight, even without sunlight. A bright moon shining above with thousands of stars. The almost sweet and welcoming texture of the air when a breeze blew by. It was hard to imagine never seeing this place again.
She had no fear even before she discovered about Lilith. No, not even when she had demons who despised her. The truth was, she always felt like, even in the worse moments, that she was supposed to be here. The surprises weren’t even all that surprising when you thought about it.
Stepping up the staircase to the castle, Aliyah smiled as the door opened. “Good morning, Barbatos.”
“Good morning, Aliyah. I’m so pleased you made excellent time,” Barbatos beamed.
She rocked her head while stepping inside. “How was your Friday? Did you do anything special?”
“I read the entirety of breakfast recipes from the book you gave me for my birthday,” he smiled.
“I hope you enjoyed that,” she giggled.
“I most certainly did,” Barbatos laughed as they reached the dining hall. “Young master, we have a guest this morning,” he said while opening the door.
“Oh, who is it, Barbatos? I haven’t had my tea yet. If it’s Lucifer coming for work this early, I don’t want to start yet,” Diavolo grumbled from inside the room.
Barbatos gestured for Aliyah to enter the room, and she paced forward. Diavolo’s grouchy scowl over paperwork was a different appearance for the demon prince. His attire was casual and untidy, which was another call to the oddity and added to his grimace. His nature had always been neutral at worst, a happy dancing puppy at best. However, when his eyes glanced up from the pages, he smiled.
“Aliyah! I wasn’t expecting you this early,” he laughed and stood up.
She strolled into the room with a soft grin. “Yes, Barbatos invited me over to try his human breakfast cuisine. You seem quite invested in your pages. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Oh, no, no, you didn’t. Come sit,” he chuckled and ushered her into a seat next to him.
She sat and touched his arm. “So, what’s going on?”
“The usual. Meetings, decrees, paperwork,” he smirked and waved his hand. “How about you? It’s Saturday. Don’t you have some sort of event planned?”
“Well, I don’t have anything planned until this afternoon,” Aliyah declared and tilted her head. “I could help you if you need it. I help Lucifer all the time when he needs someone to review pages for editing. I was going to school for that before the Devildom.”
Diavolo laughed and shook his head. “Oh, no, I would never want to take advantage of you like that.”
“I mean, you’re not taking advantage of me. I’m offering,” she voiced.
His smile softened as he stared at her. “You’d be willing to do that for me?”
She rocked her head. “I always offer, and you have yet to utilize it. I don’t want anything from you, Lord Diavolo. Only the chance to help a friend.”
“Lucifer does say you exceed expectations,” Diavolo chuckled.
Aliyah’s cheeks held a light dusting of color as she bit her lower lip. “He’s very kind with his praise then.”
Diavolo reached for an empty teacup and poured the tea. He then dressed it before handing it to her. “I do adore him. He’s very protective of those he’s loyal to. I often wonder what he wouldn’t do for those he cares for.”
“Obviously not much,” Aliyah laughed and shook her head. He had made her tea how she liked it. “I find him quite the enigma. Just the other day, he was scolding me for helping Satan with a prank and then hands me this shirt,” she said before sipping her tea.
“Ah, yes, he is like that, isn’t he?”
She rocked her head. “I do believe he feels akin to me like they all do because of Lilith.”
Diavolo rocked his head. “She was a charming angel from what I gathered. Her disposition was very much like yours. Playful but soulful in one breath.”
Aliyah beamed and slanted her head. “That’s good to know I’m a decent legacy then.”
Diavolo shifted, and his brows tightened a fraction. “Do you believe in kismet, Aliyah?”
“Oh, yes, it’s such a weaving of connections through life. We are meant to experience certain things,” she agreed.
“Good,” he smiled and reached over, grabbing the pages on the table. “I have been working on a few new laws and need them proofed. I also require assistance with planning my next event.”
Aliyah pulled the pages in front of her and sipped her tea. The prince had beautiful handwriting. Looping and friendly, and most of all, legible. She was a sucker for great penmanship. Her eyes read through the lines and shifted. He was pretty damn good, all things considered, with the draft.
“A few missing punctuation marks, but all in all, it’s quite sound,” she hummed while flipping through the pages.
“Excellent,” Diavolo beamed. “I have a meeting today you might enjoy going to. Would you like to join me?”
“Oh? What type of meeting?” Aliyah questioned as she glanced at him.
Diavolo leaned his elbow on the table as he rested his face against it to look at her. “Oh, just some garble about showing up at the shops and letting my people see me in them. It’s all very boring, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to while doing so.”
She beamed and nodded. “I could do that. I know your time is precious, and it would be nice to get out.”
“You’re naturally a kind human, Aliyah. It surprises me,” Diavolo declared.
“You mean compared to Solomon, who bleeds ink because he’s so scientific?” She asked with a teasing smirk.
Diavolo laughed and rocked his head. “Yes, he is quite interesting. I hear that you’ve excelled his expectations as well.”
“I feel like a science experiment half the time,” she confessed.
He frowned again. Aliyah didn’t like this expression on his face. Diavolo twitched his nose and exhaled. “I’m sorry that you feel that way. We have never spoken about your contentment due to Lucifer reporting to me about it. Are you happy?”
“Oh, yes, Lord Diavolo, I’m so happy. I have a family I didn’t have before, friends, interesting things I’m able to learn, and all because of you. Your kindness and allowance of having me in your home and kingdom. It’s my privilege to be here,” she said and reached over for his empty hand. “I’m just expressing my oddity,” she laughed.
He ran his thumb over her fingers and nodded. “We are fortunate to have you, Aliyah! I tell Barbatos all the time how wonderful it is that you’re so comfortable around my demons. It’s an aspiration of mine always to keep it that way.”
“Mission accomplished,” she giggled.
He beamed and continued their contact. “I’m relieved. I will always keep your happiness in mind while forging forward to the future.”
His golden eyes kept her eye contact, and she couldn’t help but feel the warmth building in her cheeks. “Thank you, Lord Diavolo.”
Barbatos. The most keenly timed demon that he was walked into the room with a large tray. “My goodness, Barbatos, did you need help?” Aliyah asked as she moved to stand.
“No, thank you, Aliyah. I’m quite capable of handling this task,” he chuckled and set down the food across the table from them.
“Barbatos! That smells exquisite!” Diavolo exclaimed as he shifted forward.
The butler demon beamed and began setting out the plates. “Thank you, my lord. I was truly looking forward to crafting breakfast this morning. So much so that we do have ample amounts of food. Luckily, Aliyah decided to come for breakfast,” he declared.
Interesting. He was the one to invite her yet takes no credit for the call?
“Well, that certainly is a wonderful relief,” Diavolo chuckled.
“Barbatos, you are remarkable, you know? These look like gourmet dishes I’d never be able to afford,” Aliyah laughed as she shook her head.
“Luckily, Aliyah, all I ask for is your time and happiness,” Barbatos said before setting down empty plates in front of them.
“I’d kiss you if I didn’t think you would get upset and toss me back in time,” she teased.
Barbatos’s cheeks tinted as he chuckled. “I wouldn’t punish you for an act of gratitude. However, I do have several things to complete after breakfast. We will be heading into the heart of the Devildom today, and I must prepare.”
Aliyah blew him a kiss and smiled. “You’re too kind. Thank you for the stellar breakfast.”
Barbatos nodded and turned toward Diavolo. “Is there anything more I can do for you before I eat, my lord?”
“Absolutely not, Barbatos. Go ahead and enjoy your solitude, and we shall keep each other company. I know you much prefer to eat on your own,” Diavolo declared.
“Thank you, Lord Diavolo. I will return shortly,” he replied and, with a pivot, headed out of the dining room.
Aliyah’s eyes wandered over the six different platters of food. There was enough here to feed five people. Well, five humans. She knew Lord Diavolo could eat because Beel told her he had quite the appetite. She stood up and gestured to the food. “Did you want me to get it for you?”
He blinked at her with mild shock riddled on his face. “Oh, you don’t have to. Please serve yourself,” he waved.
She snorted and took his plate before scooping a bit of everything on it. “Lord Diavolo, we need to work on your human skills a bit. If I offer, it’s because I want to do so, not because you’re a prince.”
“Truly?” he asked.
“Absolutely. I mean, I respect you immensely, and I know your title bears weight as well as etiquette. However, I only offer because I care, not because I’m obligated.”
“Which you are not,” he added.
Aliyah set down the plate in front of him and moved the syrup and butter within his reach. “I enjoy showing my respect and care. Acts of service is a pretty big love language for me.”
“Love language? Can you explain this term to me?” Diavolo asked.
Aliyah was collecting food on her plate as her eyebrows raised. “Oh, love language is how we enact our forms of care and affections. A great example is Lucifer’s is quality time. He may not have a lot of it, but he shares what he can with someone he loves. Often grumbling about his brothers’ antics but going along with said chaos,” she said with a smile.
“Fascinating,” Diavolo nodded. “And you said yours is acts of service? Like Barbatos?”
She laughed and sat down. “Well, it’s one of mine. Not my big one. I do love quality time as well. Probably why I understand Lucifer. We share similar ways to show our affection.”
“I do enjoy quality time,” Diavolo agreed. “Do me, what’s mine?”
Aliyah stared at him, and her head slanted. “Honestly, Lord Diavolo, we rarely have spent much time without Lucifer or another of the brothers being there. This is the first time I think we’ve actually been alone,” she finished with a shrug.
“It is refreshing,” Diavolo said, and his amusing smile lessened. “I’ve rarely had the time to enjoy moments like this.”
Aliyah touched his arm. “You’re the prince. You strive for such excellence it makes me dizzy! I would never want to impede you.”
“Please, don’t suggest you ever impede me, Aliyah. I savor each and every moment I get to speak to you,” He declared and touched her fingers with his other hand.
“Then we should do this more often,” she smiled.
“You really want to? I don’t expect it, nor is it a requirement,” Diavolo responded.
She rocked her head. “I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t want to.”
Her D.D.D went off, and Aliyah pulled it out. Now, why would Satan be calling her?
“Just give me a moment,” she sighed.
Diavolo nodded and turned to his breakfast.
“Satan, what’s wrong?” Aliyah asked as she set the phone against her ear.
“Aliyah, where are you? I knocked on your door four times, checked the library, and even asked Asmo if you came into the kitchen this morning,” Satan explained.
“Oh, I forgot to tell someone! I went to The Demon Lord’s Castle for breakfast,” she declared.
“You’re having breakfast with Lord Diavolo? Why?” He sounded suspicious.
“Because of human cuisine and a lovely change. I promise we’re still going to the park at four for the poetry reading, alright?”
“Okay, well, Lucifer looks concerned,” Satan chuckled.
Aliyah groaned. “Tell him not to worry. I’m not in trouble or debating on leaving. I’ll talk to you later.”
“See you later then,” Satan sighed, and the call disconnected.
“They are always worried you’re getting into trouble,” Diavolo chuckled.
“Always,” she puffed and lifted her fork. “It’s quite exhausting to be babysat by chaotic demons.”
“I understand the concept of being babysat,” he snickered.
Aliyah laughed and poured syrup over her hotcakes. “Well, I’m positive you do. Do you ever take a day off?”
Diavolo shook his head. “No, I wouldn’t have much to do if I did.”
Aliyah hummed and chewed her bite. “Maybe you can take tomorrow off, and we can do something fun then. What would you like to do? What would make you happy?”
Diavolo scowled and twitched his nose. “Honestly? I would just be happy doing whatever you think is fun,” he smiled.
“I actually don’t like going out and racing around as much as I do with the brothers, believe it or not,” Aliyah declared. “I could come here. If you can’t afford to take tomorrow off, I understand as well.”
Diavolo shook his head. “I can afford it. I have very little on my schedule as far as mandatory issues. Sundays I usually spend in my study, working.”
“Then it’s a date. I’ll bring over some of my human realm items to show you, and if you have to work, I can assist if you need it,” she replied before reaching for her tea.
“A date?”
Aliyah just realized what she had said, and her cheeks bloomed with color. “Oh, I mean, it’s an expression,” she puffed.
“I still will look forward to it regardless,” he laughed.
They spent the rest of breakfast chatting about inconsequential things. Favorite colors. Favorite food. She even got Diavolo to tell her about his routine, which sounded completely exhausting. However, what occurred to her most, was how starving the demon prince was for companionship. Well, that needed to be mended.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
So soft dad Max continuation! My bf and I are writing a Max fic with the eventuality that his wife my oc will give birth to twin Girls. The littlest twin is the fussiest and her name is Juliet Iris Lorenzo, he calls her his iris, she’s a peanut at six pounds. He adores his girls and he regularly sleeps with both on his chest. After my character gives birth he does get a home office and regularly takes phone calls with his little iris on his chest and Johana in her bassinet since she fusses less than Juliet. It’s adorable. But he’s been know to be walking around the house with bath babies strapped to his chest.
“HIS IRIS” I'M GONNA CRY THATS ADORABLE 🥺.. a lil peanut too arghhh i’m soft.
Juliet is such a beautiful name too, it’s one of my favourites. And I love that you gave them the Lorenzano surname rather than Lord 🥺 -- oh my god the thought of Maxwell walking around the house with both of his little girls strapped to his chest is so freaking adorable. Yours and your bfs mind is just WOW.
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ikemenworldlife · 4 years
The Vampire’s Daughter - Part 2
Part 2 is finally here. I hope all of you enjoy this second part, but more tearjerking moments is about to come. Prepare your hearts.
As usual, forgive me for possible mistakes since english is not my first language, so I am Always up for some feedback.
Even though there is some harsh treatments in this chapter, some boys will turn into big tsunderes in this story, so I hope all of you likes this.
Tagging: @luzda @mysticdreamerme @fetchisnotawordgretchen @tsubaki3192 @datenoriko @isaacslilapple @nuttytani @ikemencrossedmyth @cokiedokiewokye @ikemenisruiningme @iris-goddess @angelofdarkness1412 @animegeek-1235 @voltageinclve @stardust-dreamer13 @niphredil-14 @nad-zeta
When the girl arrived at the mansion, she got shocked by how huge it was and only then she could get an idea about how rich that man was.
She was still being carried by the Comte at the time they walk through the entrance hall’s door. And inside, it was even prettier than what she saw at first, everything was so clean and well maintained that she could not help but felt like in one of those fairy tales castle her mother used to tell her.
“Did you like my house?” Comte asked, looking at her with a smile to which the girl nodded excitedly.
With that satisfying answer, he gently put her back on the ground as she started to move her little toes that were touching the red carpet made ground, which made him chuckle at her excitement.
“Oh, you came back my lord.” A calm voice said crossing a corridor as the girl saw another man, this time, he had formal attire and looked quite stoic even though he did not appear to be that kind of person somehow.
“Sebastian,how good of you to come here.” Comte said with a smile, placing his hand on the girl’s right shoulder. It was then the girl’s eyes met Sebastian’s, and he gave her a small smile in response.
“Look what we found.” The blonde said, giving one step ahead as he gently took the girl by her small hand.
“How unusual.” Sebastian chuckled as his eyes turned back to the girl again.
“I suppose this beautiful lady would like some hot cocoa,” Just then she noticed he was not really that stoic as she thought he could be, and it made her smile with that thought in mind.
The girl is led to the living room, where Comte places her on a chair as she excitedly waits for her hot chocolate.
“I heard we have someone new with us from now on.” A voice said as footsteps were coming closer to the room. It is a guy that looks younger than Comte and Leonardo, he approaches the girl, lowers his column and kisses her hand in a gentlemanly way, making her blush in response.
“My name is Arthur. You can count on me for anything you need, my beautiful princess.”
Comte gives him a serious glare, as if he were telling him to not get too far with someone as young as the girl next to them, to which he chuckles in response.
“My bad.” Arthur says, placing his right hand in the nape with an embarrassed expression. “I just couldn’t help but smile at this beautiful girl right there.”
“I know what you meant.” Comte answer in a sharp tone, making the little girl giggle in response, which made both get shocked at her expression.
“The girl itself is beautiful, but her smile is just breathtaking.” Arthur said, looking at her giving the smile back.
“One more flirtation of you towards her and I will kick you out of this mansion myself.” The Comte threatened, looking annoyed at the writer.
She laughed again, and with that, somewhere inside Comte’s heart just got warm somehow.
“Can the two dogs please stop barking?” Another voice said, this time coming from behind the girl, scaring her.
“I guess you should be more polite.” Arthur retorqued in an annoyed tone.
In the same time the two were about to pick a fight, Sebastian came into the living room with the hot chocolate cup.
“Here it is, my lady.” He said, giving her the cup over a porcelain plate, the girl gave a small smile as an answer.
“Thank you, sir.” She thanked in a shy tone, making Sebastian chuckle.
“No need to call me like that my lady. I work here, so you don’t need to be polite with me.”
“I am sorry.” This time, the girl said it in a sad tone, almost as if she was regretting that somehow.
“What’s the issue little girl?” The man behind her said, just then she noticed he was the only one there that she still did not know the name.
“It’s nothing.” She answered, taking a little sip of the chocolate.
“How is it, my lady?” Sebastian asked, looking at her with a smile.
“It tastes amazing! Thank you very much.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Don’t you find her lovely, Theo?” Comte asked, looking at the man behind the girl.
“Only if she doesn’t get on my way.” His tone was sharp as before, making the girl slightly shakes in the chair.
“Come on, you don’t need to be so mean to her. She is adorable! Can’t you even enjoy that amazing smile of her?” Arthur teased, trying to make Theo smile for the girl. He shook his head in discordance.
Suddenly, the cup crushed against the carpet, breaking in pieces as the chocolate started to dirt the ground. It made the girl’s eyes start to water.
“I AM SORRY!” She yelled, in tears as she got up from the chair and started to catch the pieces.
“No need to do that, my lady,” Sebastian asked, genuinely concerned with her as the tears kept on running through her cheeks.
“Hey…” Comte said, softly placing his hands over her shoulder, making the girl looks at him with fear in her eyes.
“Don’t slap me, please!” She begged, crossing her arms against her face.
This simple act made everyone in the room gasp in shock.
A scary silence ran through the room, as Comte gently took her in his arms to comfort her.
“You don’t need to be afraid. No one is going to harm you.” He assured, stroking her hair as his hands were sinking into her soft hair.
“But… I broke your cup…” She said, crying over his shoulder.
“And… I dirtied the ground… And your carpet…”
“It was not your fault. You don’t have to cry; we are all friends here.” Comte whispered in her right ear.
“Sebastian, take her to the room, okay?” Comte asked, giving her to his butler, who carried her to a beautiful room.
It was completely pink colored, and everything was like new as if the things were just bought.
“Do you like this room?” Sebastian asked, as he gently put her back in the ground.
“Th-this is my room?” The girl was completely shocked, everything there was so beautiful…And made for her.
“I think it is a beautiful room for a beautiful girl like you.” At the time, she had already stopped to cry, and now her expression was of pure joy.
“Can I ask you something?” Sebastian asked, looking with a smile at her joyful face, she gladly nodded.
“What is your name?”
He was genuinely curious about that since no one ever mentioned that.
“I-I don’t have a name.” She said in a shy smile as Sebastian’s expression turned into surprise.
“Come here. I will lead you to the bathroom.” He told, trying to disguise his shock.
After that, the girl took a bath (alone, since Sebastian made sure she already knew how to do that), got dressed in small pajamas, burying herself into the fluffy blankets, falling in a deep sleep like she didn’t for years.
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zayray030 · 4 years
Iris West Allen Birthday Headcanon
Barry Allen-Her Husband
Barry wakes up at the crack of dawn and always gives makes her the best birthday breakfast ever. He also runs around preparing the area for her when she wakes up.
And when Iris wakes up, it's always to the amazing smell of food and sees her house full of iris's.
Barry tries to stop her from leaving the house, using some *ahem* conventional methods.
(The turtle necks can be unbearable but she'll survive the rest of the day with dignity considering her friends are crazy.)
Team Citizen (Linda, Cynthia and Chester included)
Confetti is poped the moment she walks into the room.
A ton of pictures are taken and put on everyone's insta.
They all sing her happy birthday. No matter how off key it is.
They all make a group effort to make her a cake. She tries not to judge it by its cover and was so happy that she didn't.
Chester makes her a fancy gadget. (Be creative on what it can be cause I honestly don't know.)
Allegra always makes her a nice card, gives her a hug and gives her a cool leather jacket.
Kamilla shows her a scrapbook of all the photos that she's taken of Iris. Some are sexy, some are goofy and and some are cute. She looks good in every single one of them.
Linda let's her use her account for a week to buy as much coffee as she wants. That's probably the greatest gift given, considering how many articles that girl has.
Cynthia alway breaches over and gives her something unique from another earth. (The multiverse exists. Fuck you bitch)
West Family
Her dad always sings her the most unique birthday songs that has everone in tears by the end of it.
Cecile always makes sure to drop in subtle hints about new cases she can work on. (Joe hates it but the look of pure happiness on Iris's face stops him from talking)
Wally gives her an important gem or rune from his travel that symbolises something important. He also squeezes her real tight in a hug to remind himself that it's actually Iris there.
Joe also gives her a huge hug and tells her a story about her mother before the drugs happened. She's always grateful.
Jackie (fuck you she's a West) gives her some pretty clothes and make up that suits her skin tone.
Jenna (although young) gives her a hand drawn card and it's the cutest thing ever.
Team Flash
Oh my Lord, it's humiliating.
Cisco, while amazing, can't sing. It's basically a screach.
Iris just sits there and takes it because he seems so happy.
Well at least until Killer Frost has enough and threatens to throw an icicle at him.
(he takes the hint quickly)
Caitlin gives her a pare of really nice earrings and a nice jacket. She also brings a note with it that says sorry.
(Iris has tried to get her to stop but she won't listen.)
Killer Frost gets her an icicle pendant along with a chocker. She also makes her a custom ice sculpture. She also has a little note that says sorry for killing her. She also grants her infinite hugs for the rest of the day.
Cisco, my boy, gets her 3 different outfits. 1) Work. She needs to look elegant but he adds his own Cisco twist to it. 2) Meta fighting. Even though she doesn't have powers she's a bad ass and he makes sure her outfits are useful to fight. 3)Lounge wear. That boy knows comfy mood and he's got her
Ralph always gives her some new article to work on and they team up for one day any day when Iris wants.
Sue gets her beautiful jewellery .
(she still doesn't know whether she stole it or not)
All the Wells team up to help give a iris her gift. They always either tell her a story, give her beautiful relics or write up a book for her. She's always grateful for them.
Team Arrow
It's madness.
They all like to pretend that they have this in the bag.
But they don't.
They're scared that something would go wrong after Oliver (who's alive) brought her a mirror.
(it was the scariest moment of everyones life when she dropped it and started screaming and crying.)
So after that they always panic and try to get her a perfect gift.
Thea always gets her clothes. She makes sure that they would suit her skin type and limited make up.
Roy, bless his soul, gives her mint chip chocolate and is instantly swarmed with a hug.
(he didn't comment on the small tears.)
Felicity gets her 2 bottles of expensive wines from the Queen cellar along with with chocolate strawberry.
Oliver always gives her an exclusive interview and a really expensive gift.
(he tried to joke that he would show her his abs but when Barry zoomed over and his eyes crackled with lighting he shut his mouth up. Barry's scary when someone else tries to make a move on Iris.)
Laurel gets her purse and a gift bag. In the gift bag there's a small knife and gun along with jewellery.
Diggle and Lyla team up on the gift. They give her a pretty ring that Diggle made (Oliver gave him lessons.) Lyla also makes sure to fill her on in what happens at ARGUS.
The rest all buy her a chocolate cake.
Lisa gives her a hug and a golden accessory.
(the gold goes really well with Iris's skin tone and Lisa is always jealous.)
Snart gives her an ice sculpture and teaches her a few words in Russian.
Mick writes her a book. It ranges from writing a list of reasons why people like her to a fantasy story about vampires.
The rest of the rogues make sure not to attack Central City to the week leading up to her birthday to the week after the birthday.
Team Supergirl
Kara gives her a huge hug. No matter what. Iris will always get a hug and a fly around Metropolis.
Alex gets her a gun. She knows it's not exactly normal but she knows it'll protect Iris against aliens that don't take a hint.
Mon-El (fuck you. Him and Kara are amazing) gets her a gift bag full of twizlers.
The rest of the team make a bunch of cupcakes.
Winn makes her some new tech and tries to out make Chester and sometimes Cisco to see who can make the best gift.
Lois gives her a coupon to an amazing spa because she understands the pain of having an idiot husband who's a superhero.
Clark gives her an exclusive for CC Citizen.
Mary makes sure that she gives Iris a shout out on her Insta because she adores her newspaper.
Kate gets her the most expensive gifts and tries to out do Oliver. It's always a competition between those two.
Luke makes her some fancy gadgets and bakes her some cookies.
Everyone teams up to get her a ton of bottles of wine, a dozen boxes of chocolates and a ton of roses.
Sara gets her artifacts from the different time lines even if it ruins the time line.
Ray gets her a pair of heels
(the first time he does it it was inside joke between him and Iris. After it became a tradition)
John Constantine makes sure to ward her. He places a ton of protective spells around her.
(everyone's grateful)
The rest of the Legends get her books.
Charlie gets her make up knowing what will suit her skin tone.
All Together
It's a fucking nightmare.
There's balloons and tinsel everywhere.
The mess is unreal.
They get dumb drunk.
They sing her happy birthday.
They eat all the cake.
(they're all glad that everyone bought Iris so much cake with Barry and Wally there along with Jesse.)
All criminals are taken care of by the rogues
In the end Barry helps Iris carry all her gifts home and as they lay down she remembers she's still loved and everyone will always protect her.
Iris West Allen is fucking loved.
Spread the fucking word.
#Iris West is loved #fuck anyone who doesn't think so #i love this queen #A lot of references to the mirror verse #im still fucking salty #protect iris West Allen #Iris West deserves better.
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theadorelocksly · 4 years
Very Random Headcannon/Drabble-thingy
Flynn finding a bottle of black nail polish that Jiya left out and taking it back to his room because a) he’s bored as hell b) it reminds him of Iris and c) Lucy seemed pretty tired so it’s unlikely she’ll be swinging by...why not paint his nails black? He’s sure he can clean it off in the morning before anyone sees and Jiya will never know he used it.
God it’s been ages since he’s done this, him and Iris on the floor giggling non stop, Lorena commenting that they better not mess up the carpet. Not to mention the time he got called into work and didn’t get a chance to clean it off. Anyone who dared tease him got a lengthy discussion on “gender roles” and how he really didn’t give a shit if it made them uncomfortable. It made Iris happy and that was enough. He just... doesn’t feel like showing that side of himself here. If they want to keep thinking he’s a serial killer and not a father that’s fine by him. Lucy’s the only one that matters anyway.
So there he sits on his bed, happily painting his right hand and thinking of simpler times when in walks Lucy. Her hands are full of different snacks and a couple of beers and honestly he has no idea how she even opened the door.
“Hey, so I got the last of the Pringle’s and Doritos, I know you said you weren’t much it to pop tarts but it’s the only sweet thing I could find...” Rambling on, she manages to set all the food on the bed before freezing when she finally looks at him.
Flynn can only imagine the sight he is. Sitting cross legged on a too small bed, left hand carefully holding the nail polish as not to mess up the already finished hand, while his right hovers in the air half painted. Oh and the fact that he’s frozen like an idiot. Swallowing to rebut his brain, Flynn manages to rasp out a slightly surprised “...hey....”
Upon realizing she’s gaping like a fish, Lucy promptly closes her mouth, trying to think of what to say to this adorable man slowly turning pink in front of her.
“What you up to?” She ask while reaching for a beer to keep things casual.
“Uhh...Jiya left it out and it made me think of Iris so...” Flynn shrugs his shoulders as there’s really not that much to explain. It’s not that he’s embarrassed it’s just...he hadn’t mentally prepared for this type of revelation. He’s always planned out everything he’s revealed to Lucy and right now, Flynn has no plan or idea of what to say.
“Is it ok if I join you?” She getting this soft expression and Flynn can tell that if he asked to be left alone, she would leave. But the idea of Lucy being here while he does this is nice although unexpected and he can never turn her away.
“Of course” A genuine smile stretches across his face that quickly turns consperital. “Although if you’re wanting a different color I’m all out. Only black for this assassin.” He winks at her which results in a fit of giggles that she quickly try’s to stifle.
“Would you though?” She asks as she crawls onto the bed, seating herself amongst her nest of snacks. “My clumsiness makes it near impossible for me to get mine looking anywhere near as good as yours.” Her voice light with an excitement almost always reserved for the TCM channel.
And this is not how Flynn thought his night would go, but if Lucy wants him to paint her nails, he sure as hell will.
“Why not. I just need to finish this hand and then I’ll do yours. Are you sure black is ok? Jiya probably has other colors.”
“Black is good” Her slightly bouncing on the bed is gonna make this difficult, but lord know he’s just glad to see her happy. “Amy actually wore black all the time. Pissed mom off endlessly which is why I think she did it. I typically stuck to pastels back then, but every once and a while...”
In the morning, hangovers make cleaning the polish off a task for another time, instead both go straight for the ibuprofen. And if Jiya notices their matching hands, she simply smiles and doesn’t say anything.
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