#iron man one
n1ght5h4d3-24 · 2 years
Timeless (XXI)
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A/N: Happy 104th Birthday, Steve Rogers!!! Here’s the next chapter of Timeless! Please remember that Timeless was inspired by @just-dreaming-marvel​ ‘s Out Of Time series and that you should consider giving it a read. Likes, comments, reblogs and any feedback is appreciated. 
(Previously On...)
Once she felt like she had calmed down enough, Olivia left her room and headed back downstairs to the living room. She found Pepper there, doing some work yet again. The strawberry blonde looked up from the tablet she had been working on and gasped softly.
"Olivia...are you alright?" she asks her.
The young girl pulls the glove off her right hand, the glove provided some shielding from the wall but, not enough.
"I um...I punched the wall..." she admits with some embarrassment.
Pepper sets her tablet aside and gets up from the chair she had been sitting in, "I'll go grab the medical kit." she tells her.
She walks out of the living room and returned moments later with a first aid kit. She takes a seat beside Olivia, who had taken a seat on the couch, before opening up the kit. The strawberry blonde woman pulled out an antiseptic spray, a cotton pad and a couple of bandages. Pepper carefully picked up the young woman's hand and cleaned around the wound first, Olivia watches her and gets lost in a memory.
Olivia watched as Bucky treated the wounds on her left hand after she had punched the tree. In the moment, she had barely felt any pain as her anger had clouded her senses but, now as Bucky held her hand carefully, she could feel the pain radiating in her knuckles. Her Cerulean eyes tracked Bucky's movements, watching as he poured some rubbing alcohol on a gauze before using it to cleaning the blood off her hand.
"Ouch!" Olivia yelped, the sting of the antiseptic spray jolting her out of her memories.
"Sorry, sorry. But, you know if you didn't punch the wall...you wouldn't be in this position." Pepper tells her.
Olivia sighed, "I know. It was just...I was so angry. I wish Tony would just drop it about my hand. I'm not....I'm not ready to talk about it and I wish he'd respect that." she says.
Pepper nods, "Don't worry, I'll make sure he'll leave you alone about it."
She wraps the bandage around the brunette's hand and then she was done.
"There you go." she says.
"Thank you." Olivia pulls her glove back on.
"I'm happy to help, just try not to do that again...okay?" Pepper tells her.
Olivia nods, "Okay, I'll try not to." she promises.
She then gets up from the couch, "I think I'll head down to the workshop...check in on Tony." she tell Pepper.
Pepper gives her a nod before closing the first aid kit and gets up to put it up. Olivia walks out of the living room and heads down the second set of stairs to get to the workshop. When she could see into the workshop, she saw that Tony was being suited up in some kind of metal suit. The current brunette inputted her code into the digital keypad before entering the workshop.
"What in the world?!" she questioned.
"JARVIS, I thought I told you to put the workshop into lock-down." Tony says from his position.
"Sir, you also told me that Ms. Coulson can be allowed into the workshop at anytime." the AI reminds him.
"Tony, what the hell is that?" Olivia asked in confusion.
"It's a suit. I'm just trying to test it out." he answers.
"But, you're going to test it outside the workshop...right?" she questions.
"Well, yeah." Tony says as if it were obvious.
Olivia walked further into the workshop, making her way closer to Tony. She moves around to stand in front of him.
"I thought you were smart, Mr. Stark. Don't you think I would've notice if you were no longer in the building or that JARVIS would have alerted me to your sudden departure?" she questions him.
"I uh..." Tony started.
"Sir, my job is to protect you. In case it managed to slip your mind, you were kidnapped and were missing for three months. You can't leave this house without me, now please step out of the suit." Olivia tells him.
"If you take a seat at my desk, JARVIS can keep you informed with my location. He will also give you the stats of the suit. You can't stop me from testing it out, so please just let me do this." Tony tells her.
She sighs, "Fine, fine." she steps back from the suit that Tony was encased in and makes her way to Tony's desk.
"JARVIS, do a weather and ATC check. Start listening in on ground control." she hears Tony tell his AI.
"Sir, there are still terabytes of calculations needed before an actual flight is-" JARVIS attempts to warn.
"JARVIS! Sometimes you got to run before you can walk. Ready?" Tony cuts off.
"Wait, Tony! It sounds like there's some dangers to this, please step out of the suit." Olivia calls out.
Tony ignores Olivia, "In three...two...one," he counts down.
The suit lifts off the ground before it takes off, exiting the garage and flies up into the sky. Olivia rounds Tony's desk and sits in the chair before looking at the display that JARVIS had pulled up for her. Her Cerulean eyes take in all the data and stats that are being displayed right in front of her. Then she notices Tony's change of direction, he was heading straight up.
"What is he...?" she mutters to herself in confusion.
She watches as Tony seems to climb high into the sky until...
"JARVIS, what's going on? Why is Tony falling? W-what's happening?" she questions the AI all at once.
She got no immediate response.
"JARVIS!" she calls out.
"Ms. Coulson, Mr. Stark-" JARVIS started.
"Is fine, just fine. Thanks for your concern." Tony's voice interrupts JARVIS over the intercom.
She leans back into the chair, breathing out a sigh of relief. "Tony, thank God. You gave me quite the scare." she tells him.
"Sorry, sorry. That wasn't my intention. I'm coming to land on the roof now, be down soon." he says.
"Alright," she responds.
She adjusts her position in the chair, sitting up straighter now. She leans forward and rests her head on top of her hands as she stares at the screen in front of her. Suddenly, there came a loud crashing sound which caused Olivia to jump up from the chair and pulled out her gun.
She rounds the desk, to get a better look at her surroundings then she notices a hole in the ceiling before taking note of an armored clad Tony laying on one of his nice cars which was now crushed underneath him.
She turns the safety back on, on her gun before putting it back into the waistband of her jeans before quickly making her way to Tony's side.
"Are you alright?" she asks in concern.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." he tells her in a dismissive tone.
"JARVIS, makes note of what needs to be fix." he then tells the AI.
"Of course, sir." he responds.
"Tony, you just fell from the sky. There is no way you can be fine." Olivia tells him.
"I didn't fall from the sky, I fell from two inches above the roof." he corrects her.
He gets up from the indentation in the car and starts walking away.
"Tony, that suit is dangerous. You have to get rid of it, its my job to protect you, you don't need some suit of armor." she says, following after him.
"The suit is staying, this is my life. Not yours. This isn't about you." Tony tells her.
She sighs, this wasn't how she expected this visit to go.
"You're right. I just...never mind, I'll leave you to get out of that." she tells him before going to leave the workshop.
"Olivia," Tony calls out.
"How's your hand?" he questions when she stops walking.
"It's fine. Pepper patched it up for me before I came down here." she answers.
"Right. Well, if you uh...if you can't sleep, you are more than welcome to come down here." he tells her.
She turns around to look at him, "I appreciate it. And you should try to sleep as well." she tells him.
"Goodnight," he tells her.
"Goodnight, Tony."
Olivia exited the workshop and returned to her room. She took her gloves off once she was in the safety of her room, allowing her hands to breathe. Before she could even ask, JARVIS went about pulling up the security camera footage.
She sits down and decides to watch the footage for awhile, watching Tony work. After about ten minutes pass, she gets up and moves to her bed. She crawls under her covers and lays down, facing the wall. She closes her eyes and attempts to fall asleep.
After awhile, she sits up on her bed, hoping that a decent amount of time had passed but, when she looked at the digital clock that was in her room, it told her that it was only forty-five after two. She groaned in annoyance and threw her covers back before climbing out of bed.
She checks the security footage to see that Tony was working down in his workshop. She then decides to head back down to the workshop. She enters the workshop yet again and it garnered Tony's attention.
"Did you even try?" he wonders as he resumes his work.
"I did. Thought maybe I had managed to fall asleep for an hour only to be proven wrong." she answers.
"Did you?" she then asks.
"Nope." was his answer.
"Tony," she says in a condescending tone.
"No." he responds.
"Have you had any rest since you've returned from being held hostage for three months?"
"Yes." he tells her.
"Oh yeah? How much have you gotten?" she asks him, with a raised brow.
"I uh..."
"Ms. Coulson," JARVIS interrupts. "Mr. Stark has gotten a total of 30 hours of sleep upon returning." he informs her.
"Wow, J, can't believe you ratted me out." Tony says in disbelief.
"I'm here to serve, sir." JARVIS tells him.
Olivia sighs, "Okay alright. Tony, lets sit." she says.
Tony looks at her in confusion, "What, why?" he wonders.
"Well, you can't sleep and I can't sleep so I figured that maybe we could talk. Been told talking about traumatic experience can be helpful." she tells him.
"Uh...no thanks. Don't think so." Tony denies.
"Tony, c'mon." she says.
"No, I'm not planning-"
"I fell out of plane and splashed down into the ocean." Olivia started.
Tony's head popped up at the sudden revelation and he turned from his work to look at her.
"My uh...my older brother and I...we were trying to stop this terrorist from bombing New York." she shares more, clenching her left hand and remembered that she hadn't put her gloves back on when she gotten up from her bed.
Tony leaves his work station and moves to take a seat beside the young girl on the couch in his workshop.
"There was...some kind of power source on the plane and I knew...I knew that I had to get my hands on it. When I got my hand on it, I quickly dropped it. As soon as I had grasped it, it burned my hand. The next thing I know, that same power source burned through the floor of the plane and I uh..." she trails off.
"You fell," Tony finishes for her.
"Yeah, I fell into the ocean with the power source. I made the rash decision to grab onto it again while I was free-falling." she says.
Tony nods, "And your brother?" he inquires.
Olivia takes a breath, "To keep the bomb from reaching New York, my brother put the plane down. I was told that he didn't make it, and I'm still confused on how I survived." she tells him.
"So that's why you can't sleep." Tony figures.
"It's part of the reason, yes. There are some other things that haunt me, things I'm not ready to discuss." she tells him.
"So when...whenever someone asks about your gloves which reminds you of your hand...it sends you back there, falling." he says. "I'm so sorry, I wouldn't have pushed you to talk about it if I had known."
"Tony, how could you have know? It's not listed on my record anywhere and I don't talk about personal issues with any employers so that way I don't get patronized or compromised." she tells him. "And all of my focus can remain on my job."
"Can I see?" he inquires.
She nods before rolling up her left sleeve of her pajamas. Tony took note of the damage done to her skin, it wasn't just limited to her hand. In fact, the burn had clearly spread up most of her forearm, stopping just a little below the crease of her elbow.
He then held his left hand out to her and she gingerly set her scarred hand in his palm. He gently held her hand within his own, carefully rubbing his thumb over the marred skin. He couldn't believe that the young girl before him had suffered something so traumatic, he admired her strong spirit.
Olivia had been watching him carefully the whole time. She never had someone hold her hand so gently well, other than Coulson when he examined the extent of the damage. After some moments of silence, Olivia spoke again.
"Are you...are you back in that cave?" she wonders in a soft tone. "Whenever you close your eyes...is that where you are?"
Tony had looked up from her hand to her face when she had spoken. He was quiet for a second longer before responding to her question.
"Yes," he matched her soft tone.
"If you...if you want to, you can talk about it with me. If you don't...well, that's okay too. I'll be here when you're ready. Well, up until they decide that you're in the clear and safe." she tells him.
"And then?" he asks.
"And then I'd begin my next job wherever I'm hired next." she says.
"What if...what if I wanted you to stay?" he wonders.
Olivia was not expecting that question. She figured he'd be ready to get rid of his "babysitter" and the two of them weren't exactly close. Tonight being the only time they've really had a personal conversation. Would he really still want her around if he ended up discovering the truth.
"Well...I guess that it would just depend." she finally answered.
"On what?" Tony asked in curiosity.
"How much sleep we get." she tells him.
"Right, right. Well, fair enough. I'll let you go then." He says.
"I already told you, sir. I'm not sleeping until you do." she reminds him.
"Okay. Well...I have an idea then." he tells her.
He gets up from the couch and since he was still holding Olivia's hand, the young girl stood up as well.
"Go upstairs and grab all the blankets and pillows that in the linen closet near the living room, JARVIS will show you where it is." he tells her.
Olivia was confused by the task but, did it nonetheless once Tony had released her hand. She pulled her sleeve back down before leaving the workshop and headed upstairs.
"JARVIS?" she called once she was upstairs.
There came the sound of a lock clicking before a door swung open not five feet from where she stood. She approached the closet that had been opened for her and grabbed blankets and a couple pillows before closing the door and returned to the workshop.
Upon reentering, she takes note of the couch cushions that had been removed from the couch and set up in a certain way in front of the t.v. Tony turned to her and took the blankets out of her arms and continued setting up.
"What's this?" she wonders.
"It's a fort." he answers.
"Why did you make a fort?" she asks.
"Because it's fun. Haven't you ever slept in a fort before?" he asks.
Olivia shook her head and Tony gasped.
"What?! Every kid sleeps in a fort at least once in their life."
She shrugs, "Well, I never did."
"Then it's a good thing I'm changing that. Now get in." he tells her.
Olivia stared at Tony for a few minutes before she got down and crawled into the fort, Tony crawled in behind her. The two of them got situated and faced the tv on the wall. Tony changed the channel to some cartoon that was playing late at night. The two of them watched t.v on their stomach's for some time until, sleep called for the both of them. Olivia attempted to stay awake, not wanting to fall asleep and Tony noticed.
"Hey, it's okay. You're safe here, you're not there. Rest, you need it." he tells her.
"Tony, I'm fine." she dismisses.
He rolls his eyes at her statement before tugging the pillow she had been holding to her chest out of her arms and guided her to lay down. He pulled a blanket up over her before settling down beside her. JARVIS automatically lowered the volume of the t.v as the two got situated to fall asleep.
"Mr. Stark...I'm not sure if-"
"Relax Coulson, we're just going to sleep. Nothing more, besides you're a bit too young for me anyways." he reassures her.
Olivia nodded tiredly before settling her head against the pillow below her. Tony lays down beside her and tugged her into his chest. She ended up face to face with the arc reactor in his chest, the device glowing dimly beneath his shirt. The white noise the t.v provided and the soft thud of Tony's heart beating lulled the young girl to sleep, her fingers clutching onto his shirt. Tony looked down at her, taking in her sleeping form before he too drifted off to sleep. JARVIS turned off the remaining lights but, left the t.v on.
(Next Time On...)
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juiche · 11 months
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I wanted to draw the winter soldier for years but never dared to, I thought I’d definitely mess it up. Late to the party as always, but I finally dared to do it 😊
This one is based on a photo that Sebastian Stan took by chance prior to the Civil War film, having no idea what’s about to come :> I thought it’s wonderfully angsty 😌💅
get your own print here ❤️
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superheroesandspies · 3 months
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Sam Rockwell Presents Robert Downey Jr. at the 2024 Academy Awards
Robert Downey Jr. wins Best Actor in a Supporting Role for the portrayal of Lewis Strauss in Oppenheimer.
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tea-cat-arts · 19 days
Shen Yuan getting transported into pidw isn't "the system punishing him for being a lazy internet hater," but instead representative of "step 1 of the creative process: getting so mad at something you decide to go write your own fucking book" in this essay I will
#svsss#scum villian self saving system#shen qingqiu#shen yuan#the fact that people think scum villain#-a series that examines and criticizes common tropes in fiction-#is somehow against criticism or being a little hater is wild to me#especially since shen qingqiu never gets punished for being a hater#heck- he's still a little hater by the end of the series#he mostly gets punished for treating life like a play and like he and the people around him are characters#(or in other words- he suffers for denying his own wants and emotions and his own sense of empathy)#I think some of y'all underestimate how much writing/art is inspired by creaters being little haters#like example off the top of my head-#the author of Iron Widow has been pretty vocal about the book being inspired by their hatred of Darling in the Franxx#I think my interpretation of Shen Yuan's transmigration is also supported by the fact that this series is an examines writing processes#side note- though i understand why people say Shen Yuan is lazy and think its a valid take it still doesnt sit right with me#i am probably biased because my own experiences with chronic pain and depression and isolation#but ya- i dont think Shen Yuan is lazy so much as he is deeply lonely and feels purposeless after denying parts of himself for 20ish years#like yall remember the online fandom boom from covid right?#being stuck completely alone in bed while feeling like shit for 20 days straight does shit to your brain#the fact that no one came to check on him + he wasn't exactly upset about leaving anyone behind supports the isolation interpretation too#+in the skinner demon arc he describes his life of being a faker/inability to stop being a faker now that he's Shen Qingqiu#as “so bland he's tempted to throw salt on himself” and “all he could do is lay around and wait for death” (<-paraphrasing)#bro wants to be doing stuff but is stuck in paralysis from repeatedly following scrips made by other people#another point on “Shen Yuan isn’t lazy” is just the sheer amount of studying that man does#also he did graduate college- how lazy can he really be#he doesnt know what hes doing but he at least tries to actively train his students#and he actually works on improving his own cultivation + spends quite a bit of time preping the mushroom body thing#+he's experiencing bouts of debilitating chronic pain throughout all this#but ya tldr: Shen Yuan's transmigration is an encouragement to write and not a punishment and also i dont think its fair to call him lazy
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
His innocent assistant
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Pairing | Tony Stark x Lab Assistant!Fem!Reader
Word count | ~ 600 words
Summary | Tony's feeling a little needy, and he can't resist asking his sweet, innocent lab assistant for help. You don't like seeing your boss in any discomfort, so you're more than happy to help out.
Rating | Explicit (E)
Warning(s) | Use of nickname: Sweet Girl, innocent Reader
Smut | Reference to a blowjob, cockwarming, Daddy kink, slight size kink
A/n | I found this deep down in my drafts, and I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for sparking this idea at the time. This is my little present from me to you this Christmas! 🩵
A/n 2.0 | This isn’t proofread, any and all mistakes are my own.
Events Masterlist | Free Space | @marvel-smash-bingo
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Banners: @vase-of-lilies | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | Read on AO3
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"C'mere, Sweet Girl, Daddy's having a problem, and he needs your help to fix it," Tony says in a sweet voice, knowing exactly what to say to get you to listen to him and do exactly as he says.
"Is everything okay, Daddy?" You ask, still a little unsure of calling him Daddy, but he assures you that it's normal for lab assistants to call their bosses Daddy.
"M perfect, Sweet Girl," he tells you as he's eyeing you in your dress that hugs every curve to perfection. It's one of your favorites, and you put it on because Tony told you he liked it the last time you were at one of Tony's parties.
"It's okay; you can get closer. I won't bite." Stretching out his hand, you put yours in his, and he guides you over to him, and that's when you see he's incredibly hard. Seeing you doing as he asks has him hard beyond belief, and he can't believe he has such an obedient, innocent, sweet thing as his lab assistant.
"D-Daddy, are you in pain again? I can help it go away again! Last time, it worked, too!" You tell him excitedly, referring to when you helped "cure" his pain by sucking him off.
"I am Sweet Girl, but I don't think that medicine will work today. I think the one that might help me feel better is in your Princess parts," he says, meaning your - now soaked - pussy.
"But Daddy, it's so big I don't think it will fit!" You tell him with a frown and slight pout, making Tony only hornier. He's never been more glad with someone as innocent as you.
"Don't worry, Sweet Girl; Daddy will make sure it's going to fit, and when it does, you can sit on my lap and keep me warm; how does that sound?"
After thinking about it for a few seconds, you happily nod, wanting to do anything you can to help your boss get rid of his pain. He takes a seat on one of the rolling chairs in his lab before unbuckling his belt and opening his pants, finally able to free his thick, long, veiny cock.
Your eyes are immediately drawn to it, and you start to salivate at the sight, biting your lip while subconsciously squeezing your thighs together for a little relief.
"I'm ready for you, Sweet Girl," he tells you before pulling you closer, and one of his hands glides under your dress to your soaked pussy.
"Did you not wear panties today, Sweet Girl? Hmm, and I can already feel the medicine, but it needs to be in before it can work," Tony says as he guides you to straddle his lap.
You've never been with someone as big as Tony before, and it is quite a stretch since he's long and thick, but your pussy it's tight and small, making it a bit of a stretch. With a deep groan, he slides you onto his cock, and loud moans escape your lips, unable to hold them in. It's not that Tony would want you to do that, anyway.
"Oh, Daddy! Feels so good," you tell him as you experimentally roll your hips a few times, but his large hands quickly stop you on your hips.
"You just need to keep me warm, Sweet Girl; that's the best way for the medicine to work,'' he tells you. Once you're finally comfortable, you lean into Tony and place your head on his shoulder, earning yourself the praise you've been dying to hear from him daily.
"Good fuckin' girl,'' he tells you with a deep groan before getting comfortable and letting you melt into his hold as he returns to what he was doing.
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yuurionviktor · 8 months
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Gonna finish Gideon one soon, but for now you can have this Harrow
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fernsnailz · 9 months
it's time... for the TEAM DARK FEST! 💥💥💥💥
me and @serpentineshine are hosting a little tournament to finally determine who the best Team Dark member is! this week there's gonna be goofs, bits, and even a special prize for the winner 👀
however, the most important prize of all is what awaits at the end of the festival! ...but that's a secret right now.
💥 cast your vote below! 💥
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(oh also if anyone makes any propaganda for their fav character. tag me i wanna see)
video transcript below the cut! ⬇️
A blue announcement screen with scrolling text reads “SPECIAL FENSNAILZ ANNOUNCEMENT.” There’s a looping animation of Squeak the cat in the middle. It disappears, cutting to a shot of a studio space.
In the studio, SNAIL, SHINE, SQUEAK, and a VASH PLUSH all sit at a desk with a large CRT TV on it. Squeak and Vash are on top of the TV, and shelves with various items line the walls. Everyone seems to be unaware that the camera is rolling - Snail is reading the script, Shine is drinking from a mug, and Squeak is licking her butthole. Vash remains motionless.
Snail notices the camera zooming in, and throws away the script in a moment of panic. Shine and Squeak sit up to face the camera as well.
SNAIL: Coming at you pre-recorded, it’s Snail, Shine, and The Beasts!
SHINE: We’re here today to announce a special tournament we’re hosting: the TEAM DARK FEST!
VASH: weemp womp :]
SNAIL: You know ‘em, you love ‘em-
SHINE: Or hate them.
SNAIL: It’s all about TEAM DARK this week! Fellas, turn on that TV!
The camera cuts to a close-up of the TV as the screen flips on. Three shitty photos of each Team Dark member appear on the TV under the question “Who is the best member of Team Dark?” Every Team Dark member’s name is misspelled underneath the photos.
SHINE: Time for the ULTIMATE question: Who is the best Team Dark member?
SNAIL: Oof. We’re turning them against each other, huh? That’s dramatic.
The camera zooms out to a wide view of the studio, but zooms out much further than needed for a split second. For some reason, this is all being filmed on a green screen set, and the shelves behind the cast seem to be edited in. Not only that, but this studio is either widely over-staffed or widely under-staffed, because the boom mic is held by seven Chao stacked on top of each other. The camera zooms into a closeup of Snail before much of this information can be processed.
SNAIL: Well, it’s obviously Shadow. I told him if he won, I would get him ice cream after soccer practice!
The camera pans over to Shine.
SHINE: No way, vote for Rouge! She can carry like. Nineteen mountain lions. Give or take
The camera pans over to Squeak and Vash. Squeak points at a crude drawing of Omega that seems to say “VOTE OMEGA.” It is upside down. Vash holds a cute little sign that says “I <3 OMEGA” that he likely made himself.
SQUEAK + VASH: ?????????????? (we didn’t hire anyone to translate this part.)
Back in a wide shot, Snail and Shine stare blankly at Squeak and Vash. Squeak licks her butthole again. Vash is now Real. Someone off-screen sneezes very convincingly.
SHINE: This poll will run for ONE WEEK before we announce the winner! So little time…
SNAIL: Everyone make your vote count! The winner of this festival will have a special page in my… 
An image of a porcelain snail appears over a white background as an echo-y human voice says “SECRET UPCOMING PROJECT.”
VASH: bweep bwaa :] (Yay! Prizes!)
SHINE: The final verdict will be decided by Twitter AND Tumblr, so commit as much voter fraud as you please!
Squeak bites Vash and he screams. They both fall off the TV and make a surprising amount of noise. Snail and Shine stare in shock.
SNAIL: See you in seven days! And hey, if you want to participate… tag me in any propaganda you make to fight for your favorite Team Dark member!
Squeak and Vash explode.
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kyuyua · 7 months
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Tea >>> Coffee ☕️☕️
I’ve been sitting on this forever so I’m finally releasing them from my basement :)
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mysticdevils · 3 months
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avengers + name meanings
“‘cause if we can’t protect the earth, you can be damn sure we’ll avenge it.”
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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The Ones Who Live | 1x03 - Bye
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marvel-lous-guy · 10 months
Tony: I can't believe you managed to nearly burn down the lab in the hour I left you alone
Peter: in our defence, you shouldn't have given us a blowtorch
Harley: and it didn't take an hour
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latelierderiot · 2 months
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So happy to be able to share this!! my contribution to @iamironmanzine 🫶
this silly blorbo has given me so much joy over the years 🥹 thank you for having me♥
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juiche · 11 months
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⚫🔴 b&w version of my Bucky illustration
get your own print here ❤️
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forged-in-kaoss · 1 day
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What can you do when you can't even pull yourself out of the water? NOTHING! THAT'S WHY I NEED HELP! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE SWORDS, YOU BASTARD. I can't navigate. I can't cook. I can't lie, either. I'm confident that I can't live without help!
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goryhorroor · 7 days
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horror sub-genres: techno
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nicoline1998enilocin · 3 months
Talk dirty to me
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PAIRING | Iron Man!Tony Stark x Journalist!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | You have been asked to interview and shadow Tony for a few months regarding his research in nanotechnology and his life as Iron Man. During this time, the sexual tension builds quickly between you two, and when you can't stop staring at him while he's working, the tension snaps, and you learn about a new kink you never knew you had.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | Age gap, mutual pining, slight insecurities.
SMUT | Porn with plot, use of traffic light system, lots of dirty talk, praise kink, sir kink, size kink, hair pulling, fingering, handjob, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), squirting, cream pie, aftercare
A/N | This one-shot is written based on a request I received from a lovely Anon! From the moment this appeared in my asks, I could not stop thinking about it, and @ccbsrmsf1 and I have been drooling about this since that moment. So dear Anon, if you wish to reveal yourself (if not, I totally understand that too!) I'd love for you to send me a DM so I can thank you personally for your amazing ideas! 🩷
A/N 2.0 | This is proofread by my best friend and biggest supporter on this website, @ccbsrmsf1. I wouldn't be here without you today, and I cannot thank you enough! I love you 3000 🩷
EVENTS Masterlist | @anyfandomfluffbingo | Journalist!Reader Masterlist | @multifandom-flash | Grow Old With Me
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | GIF: Source
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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The past three months have been interesting, to say the least. From being asked to interview none other than Iron Man himself about his research on nanotechnology to shadowing him for five months, it is a rollercoaster you never expected to get onto. Still, you do not want to get off because it's too much fun.
But that's not all because, during these months, you and Tony have also been building on the sexual tension that is palpable between the two of you. From semi-innocent flirting to not-so-innocent grinding on the dancefloor after a few drinks, it has all passed the revue, and it is like a rubber band that is about to snap. One more move, and it will snap, leaving both of you to lust after the other like never before.
Today, you're just observing Tony as he's working on his research, which would have been simple enough if it weren't for the fact that he's wearing a skintight shirt that exposes his broad shoulders, muscly, veiny, bulging biceps and forearms. His large, strong hands with long, skilled fingers have been the subject of your wet dreams. Your lip is pulled between your teeth as you look at him.
The shirt is pulled tight over his chest and abdomen, allowing you to drink in every inch of his muscles, which leads you to his narrow waist and thick legs covered in dark jeans that seem to hug his thick bulge and round butt perfectly, making you squeeze your legs together at the sight.
"Are you enjoying yourself over there, Sweets?" Tony asks with a quirked brow, and your eyes snap up to his as a flush appears on your cheeks at the fact you've been caught. You nod shyly, and a mischievous grin dances on Tony's lips as he walks over to where you're sitting on a table, which is the perfect spot to observe what he is doing.
"Did you like what you just saw? I'm sure you did because you've been clenching these delicious thighs and biting that perfect lip the entire time, huh? Don't think I haven't noticed it, Sweets; I can smell your arousal on the other side of the lab," he tells you in a low, rumbling voice that sends shivers down your spine.
"Y-yes, sir," you stammer out, the red color on your cheeks deepening when he stands before you. He moves forward as he places his hands on the table on either side of you, and you can't help but tremble as he's mere inches away from your face.
You accidentally knock something off the table as you shift your body a little to be more comfortable, and the heat on your cheeks now spreads from the tips of your ears down your chest as the embarrassment takes over completely. However, before you can think about it too much, Tony has cupped your face in his large hand, feeling the warmth radiating onto his long, calloused fingers.
"It's okay, Sweets. Nothing to be embarrassed about," he whispers before leaning forward, his lips kissing softly on the corner of your mouth. Your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of the softness of his lips on your face, a shuddering breath leaving your lips.
"A-are you sure?" you ask, and he nods.
"I'm sure. Whatever it is that you broke is nothing that I cannot replace; otherwise, it wouldn't be lying out here on the table," he says, and you can feel yourself already becoming calmer, the tension you were feeling earlier slowly replacing with need at the close proximity between you two.
Tony's hand drops down from your face to your bare thigh as he trails the tips of his fingers to the edge of your skirt, teasing you a little as a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
"You're perfect like this," he whispers in your ear, and you can't suppress the soft moan escaping your lips as he says those words. You have always enjoyed receiving praise, but hearing it from Tony does something to you that you have never considered. It only arouses you further.
"Did you think I wouldn't notice your skirt, Sweets? It barely covers your ass, so it's no wonder I could tell that you want me. You do want me, don't you?" Tony whispers between the kisses from your jaw to your throat until he reaches the sensitive spot beneath your ear.
You moan out a soft yes, and a small smile tugs at the corners of Tony's lips. Hearing that you want him just as much as he wants you has him twitching in his pants. He dares to move his fingers beneath the hem of your skirt. Just far enough to have a little taste of the skin hidden by the denim fabric, yet not enough to give you what you desperately want.
"Good girl," Tony tells you as you spread your thighs slightly, giving him the access you know he's been asking for without actually saying it. The flush on your cheeks returns as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to hide the fact that his praise is making your stomach flip and your skin feel like it's on fire.
Your breath hitches as you feel Tony's finger hook behind the elastic of your panties, allowing it to glide along the seam where your thigh meets your hip before moving away again just before he reaches the place you need him most. And once more, you're clenching around nothing because he loves being a tease.
A slight pout on your face has him chuckling before he leans in and kisses it away with a small peck, a smile taking its place instead when he pulls away. His hands slide under the hem of your shirt before pulling it off and over your head, revealing the light pink lingerie you're wearing underneath.
"This color looks beautiful on you, Sweets, but I know for sure it'll look even better on the floor," he says teasingly as he unclasps it, the fabric sliding down your arms and onto the floor effortlessly. His breath hitches in his throat as he sees what you've been hiding all this time, as two small, silver rings are adorning your nipples.
"Fuck," he whispers as he keeps staring for just a second too long, the blood in his body rushing to his cock at a rapid pace now that he notices them. Maybe you're not as innocent as he may have thought you to be, and he's practically drooling at the sight in front of him.
When he finally snaps back to reality, he grabs both your breasts, kneading them softly as he revels in the soft moans you let out. He cannot get enough of hearing them, though his ultimate goal is to have you screaming his name as loud as you possibly can, no matter who can hear it.
"Who would have thought that someone as sweet as you has her nipples pierced, hm? I bet they're nice and sensitive," he says as he softly tugs on the rings before playing with your nipples, your head falling back as the pleasure is increasingly growing. Tony takes the opportunity to suck some bruises onto your neck where it meets your shoulder, your fingers lacing into his hair.
Soft moans keep tumbling from your lips as the two of you stay like this for a while. Tony's lips on your neck have the arousal pooling in your panties again, and you're pretty sure there's a small puddle on the table where you're sitting at this point. From the teasing to the way he plays with your nipples and the praise he gives you, he is doing a damn good job of having you melt into a puddle.
"S-sir," you moan out eventually, the ache between your legs too much to handle at this point. Your clit is throbbing in anticipation as he pulls away, his gaze locking onto yours. The brown of his eyes is almost completely gone as lust has taken over.
"What's on your mind, Sweets?" Tony says sweetly, and you slip into the fuzzy headspace you always enjoy getting lost in.
"I need you," you whisper almost inaudibly, your eyes locked in a heated, lustful gaze.
"Yeah? Do you need Sir to play with that cute button between your legs? Or do you want me to slip my fingers in that undoubtedly tight, warm, and dripping pussy of yours?" he asks, and your eyes flutter closed at the thought of his fingers inside you, bringing you to your orgasm.
"Both," you tell him, and Tony can handle only so much before his restraint snaps. His fingers glide past your bare stomach down to your skirt, which has ridden up entirely from the rocking motions of your hips.
"What's your color, Sweets?" he asks, and your eyes slowly open before finding his. You may never have discussed the traffic light system with him before, but you still need to be aware of what he's talking about, and it gives you a warm sense of security.
"So, SO fucking green," you tell him with your eyes half-lidded, and Tony can't help but feel proud at the way you are already so fucked out, despite him barely touching you. It's a sight he knows he will never get enough of.
"Good girl," he says before pulling down your panties, the soaked fabric being put in the back pocket of his jeans to save for later. A soft moan slips past your lips again, and Tony can't stop reveling in the fact that you have a huge praise kink. He already knows he will make good use of that newfound knowledge.
"Does my girl like to be praised?" he asks, his fingers leisurely gliding through your folds to gather the slick between them, and he can tell you're increasingly getting wetter with his question. Your hands fly to his hair as he finds your clit, and you pull him close before moaning a yes into his ear.
His cock twitches in his pants at the way you're melting into a puddle under his touch, and he's reveling in every little moan and whimper slipping past your beautiful, soft, pink lips. The way the pad of his finger feels against your sensitive clit have you jolting each time they make contact, and you can't stop pulling on his dark brown locks as the pleasure inside you keeps building and building.
Almost as if he can sense it, Tony slips a finger into your pussy, being careful not to hurt you as he slides it in. Your head falls back as the pleasure takes over your body; the whimpers and moans from your lips only intensify when your orgasm creeps closer and closer until it washes over you with a scream of his name.
"That's it, Sweets, doing so well for me! You look fucking gorgeous when you cum," he groans out as you tremble, his fingers now making the filthiest, most delicious squelches as your arousal only grows. His fingers are like magic, and you only want more.
"Yeah?" you ask shyly when Tony's worked you through your orgasm, ensuring you don't crash from your high all of a sudden. A blush is adorning your face at the praise Tony has given you, and you can't stop yourself from wanting more of it and more of him.
"Fuck yes, 's the prettiest fuckin' sight I've ever seen, Sweets. Now I can't wait to see what you look like when you cum on my cock," he tells you, and the color on your cheeks deepens at the thought of Tony stretching you on his cock.
"Let's find out then, shall we?" you ask playfully, and Tony cannot say no to an offer like that. When you offer yourself up on a silver platter like that, he will definitely take his share of you. It would be stupid to deny himself something he so desperately wants, after all.
Before you know it, Tony is completely bare, and you can't stop staring at the monster of a cock that is standing at attention between his legs. The tip is already leaking pre-cum, and the blue veins running from the tip down his shaft don't go unnoticed by you, either. Finishing that with the way his balls look as they hang perfectly underneath it, and you know you're in love. With him. With his cock. With everything.
"Do you like what you see? If you want, you can give it a little touch first; it won't bite," Tony says as he steps closer, and you bite your lip as his cock bobs up and down with every step. You reach out on instinct, and you gasp at the way your hand can barely close around his girth.
"Hmm, look at that, Sweets. It's so big you can barely hold it all; are you sure it will all fit inside that tight pussy?" he teases you, and you nod immediately as you look up at him, your eyes torn away from his cock for the first time since he revealed it. Your hand moves up and down as he comes to stand between your legs, soft groans leaving his chest as you do so.
"God, you're perfect. Fuckin' perfect," he grits out as he thrusts carefully into your hand, trying not to stimulate himself too much before he cums without having even felt the warmth of your pussy yet. As he keeps praising you, your pussy clenches around nothing as you're aching for his cock to be put inside you, to slide home just the way you both want.
He can feel himself getting dangerously close to the edge, and before it's too late, he grips your wrist carefully, stopping your movements. You look up at him with concern, but he's quick to ease your mind.
"I was about to cum, Sweets, 'n' I don't want to yet," he tells you, and you nod. You let go of his cock, instead letting your hand dip down to play with his balls, which was a genius move as he moans loudly as you give them a gentle squeeze. He's very sensitive there, and you're dripping onto the table at the thought that it's you who does that to him.
"God, you're doin' so well for me, Sweets. Play with my balls like that; j-just roll 'em a bit," he whispers, and you do as he asks, pride swelling in your chest at his words. His cock throbs each time you squeeze them gently, rolling them in your hand, which barely fits around them. Even his balls are big in your hand, and Tony cannot get enough of the sight.
"That's enough for now," he tells you gently, and you let them go, already missing their weight in your hand. Despite their size, they were surprisingly comfortable in your hand, which is something you would never have thought.
As you wait for Tony to make the next move, he lifts his hand to tilt your head back a little, his finger touching your chin ever so slightly.
"I want you to know that if we continue, you can tell me to stop whenever you want. You can say yellow if you're uncomfortable and need to switch positions or red if you must stop altogether. Do you understand that?" Tony asks, and the care in his voice has your heart beat faster.
"Yes, sir," you whisper, and Tony rewards you with a small, soft kiss on your lips. It's not enough to get lost in, but enough to leave you wanting more, which is what he was going for.
"What's your color now?"
"Green, Sir. Very green," you tell him, and he nods. There are no signs of discomfort on your face, and Tony gives you a slight smirk as he grabs his cock this time, pumping it a few times before pulling you to the edge of the table and dragging his cock through your folds a few times. An obscenely loud moan escapes your lips as his tip rubs over your sensitive clit, and Tony feels himself throbbing in his hand.
"Lean back for me, Sweets," he tells you, and you do as he asks. The sight that unfolds has Tony squeezing himself at the base of his cock to ensure he doesn't cum yet. Your body looks like it's glowing, and your nipple piercings glisten beautifully in the lights of his lab, making him throb in his hand.
A groan escapes his lips as he lines himself up with your entrance, the warmth of your body already luring him in. The moment he pushes in, your soft, velvet walls envelop his tip, and he knows he's a goner, and he never wants to let you go. You're his.
"Fuck, you're squeezing me like a fuckin' slut; I can barely slide my cock in when you do that!" Tony groans out as you let out a string of broken moans at his words, your nails scratching his back to ground yourself as the pleasure builds quickly. He slowly rocks back and forth, your pussy stretching gradually around his girth.
"Oh, you like it when I talk dirty, don't you? When I call you out for what you are, just a slut who wants to be filled by my cock," Tony says with a mischievous smirk. As the words sink in with you, you let out a long, deep moan, unable to form a coherent thought at this point, but you're feeling so good that all you can do is let the pleasure take over now.
When he's about halfway in, he tears his gaze from his cock, sliding in and out of you to have a look at the way you're looking now. Eyes half-lidded and completely dark with lust, a flush on your cheeks, and your mouth slightly parted— a perfect sight for Tony to enjoy.
"Look at me, Sweets; look in my eyes and answer me. Does my filthy slut like it when Sir talks dirty to her? When I tell you that I'm about to fuck you dumb until you're nothing but a cockdrunk mess for me?" he asks you, and all you can do is nod right now. His words are nestling deep into your brain, and your nipples pebble at the thoughts he's planting.
"You're perfect for me, Sweets. Doin' so well for me right now," he then praises you, and a flush appears on your cheeks from the sudden change in tone. He keeps carefully sliding in deeper, ensuring you have enough time to adjust to his length and girth as he does.
"Color?" he asks when a soft whimper suddenly tumbles from your lips. The last thing he wants is to cause you discomfort, and he will ensure you are given the chance to speak up if needed. Even though it takes you quite a long moment to gather your thoughts, you finally manage to tell him you're good to go.
"M so fucking green," you tell him with a sudden boost of confidence, and his mouth curls into a knowing smile. Now that he's satisfied with your answer, he starts to thrust in deeper, and the second he hits your sweet spot, your head falls back, and you moan loudly, your nipples even perking up at the sensation.
"Hmm, does my girl like it when Sir is this fucking deep? I bet you do, huh?" he asks, and you nod in response. It feels incredible, and you want more of it. You want Tony to stretch you and fuck you until you can't walk anymore. You want all of that and more.
"Y-yes!" you tell him, and he almost pulls out before slamming his cock deep into you, pulling the most delicious scream for your chest as you can't hold it back.
"Scream for me, scream my fucking name as I fuck you," Tony says through gritted teeth. He thrusts his cock deeper into you, and you are sure you can almost feel him in your throat with how deep he fucks you. He hooks his hands behind your knees before lifting them and practically folding you in half on the table.
When you're comfortable in your new position, he leans in, pressing his chest against yours and placing your ankles on his shoulders. In this position, he can truly fuck you deep and hard, and your back arches against him as the pleasure inside you builds even higher this way.
"God, look at you; you like being bent in half, don't you? I can just put you in whichever position and fuck you however I want, can't I?" he says, but you're too far gone even to realize what he's saying. The moans that are coming out are practically endless. Despite that, he can feel you gripping onto his cock like a vice, sucking him deeper with each thrust.
"My little slut enjoys it when I fuck her stupid, huh? Yeah, that's why you're moaning for me. And here I thought you were just an innocent little girl. Oh no, you're a fucking slut who likes to be told what to do, aren't you?" he asks, the table now shaking and more items falling off from the intense rocking motions.
"Y-yes! M your slut!" is all you can bring out as he sets a pace that has you seeing stars. The way his balls smack against your ass makes a sound that has you blushing intensely, and the squelching sound your pussy makes with every thrust has you only getting wetter.
"Can't wait to stuff you full with my cum, then watch it drip out before I fuck it right back in with my cock," he tells you, and it makes you feel like you're floating as it sets your veins on fire at the same time, you have never felt this dirty yet so good at the same time.
"Yes! Please fuck your cum in me," you moan out before pulling him towards you by his hair, your lips colliding in a bruising kiss, your tongues fighting for dominance. The combination of everything together has you moaning into his mouth as he keeps fucking you, and before you know it, you're cumming hard.
With a scream of his name, you squirt all over his cock, legs, and the floor, your legs trembling uncontrollably and your vision going white around the edges for a moment. Tony keeps praising you as he fucks you through it, and you're clenching down on his cock as you cum, making him unable to hold out any longer as well.
"Yes, yes, YES! Oh god, you fucking squirted like a perfect girl! I can't believe how lucky I am right now, Sweets! Getting squirted on by my girl feels so fucking amazing!" he pants out, and it does not go unnoticed by you that he calls you his girl.
"M yours, m all yours, Tony," you say between ragged breaths, and with those words, he has reached his orgasm as well, as he shoots every last drop of his cum into your tight heat. He can't stop moaning your name over and over again as he nuzzles his face into your neck, needing to have you as close as physically possible.
"You're absolutely amazing, Sweets—an amazing woman, an amazing journalist, and, above all, my amazing girl. Because I'm not letting you go after this," he whispers against your neck, and you agree as you wrap your hands around his neck.
"All yours," you tell him. The two of you stay like that for a few more moments before Tony has to pull out, his cock too sensitive to remain inside you any longer.
"Shall we take a bath together?" he offers, and you nod. After throwing on Tony's t-shirt, which is about three or four sizes too large and practically a dress on you, he walks you to the elevator that goes right to his penthouse. He just pulled on his jeans without bothering to button them; he'll be pulling them off shortly anyway.
Thankfully, the bath doesn't take long to be drawn and ready. You let out a soft groan as you sink in the hot water, allowing your sore muscles to relax. Tony follows you soon after, having gotten two bottles of water and some fruit to enjoy while you're in the bath.
"Y'know, I was trying to be gentle with you, but as soon as I figured out you're just a filthy slut like me, I couldn't hold back," he whispers in your ear as you're straddling his lap, his cock trapped between your bodies. A lopsided grin lies on his lips as he looks at the blush developing on your cheeks, and he wants to make you blush even more because it has quickly become his favorite color. 
Instead of answering, you lean forward to capture his lips with yours as your fingers glide into his messy curls to pull him closer. The kiss starts slow as you discover the feeling of his lips sliding over yours, but as time goes on, your tongues begin to mingle, too. The taste of something exciting and new invades all your senses, and you're hooked, only wanting more of him and how he makes you feel.
When you finally pull away, there's a smile on your face, but Tony can tell it's not reaching your eyes. The smile he's been craving to see isn't fully there, and his brows are furrowed at the realization.
"What's on your mind, Sweet Girl?" Tony asks, and you drop your gaze as the embarrassment replaces the butterflies that were going crazy in your stomach.
"S nothing, Tony," you whisper, but he knows that's not true. If it has you feeling like this, there is probably something wrong, and he wants to learn all about it so he can fix it, no matter what he would have to do for you. He'd fly to the moon and back if that's what you wanted him to do, no questions asked.
"I may not have known you long, but your mood doesn't turn from one end to the other without a reason. I respect it if you don't want to talk about it, but I also think it will make you feel better if you do," Tony tells you before he gives a soft kiss on your forehead.
With a soft sigh, you plant your hands on both sides of his arc reactor, and the slight hum coming from it makes you feel a little more at ease. It's barely noticeable, but it's enough to calm your nerves, and you decide to tell him what's exactly on your mind. When your eyes lock onto him, you can feel tears burning at the corners of them, a bit afraid of what his response will be.
"I-Is this just a one-time thing? Because if it is, I'd like to know now so I can prepare myself for the heartbreak later," you whisper, the tears spilling over your cheeks. You've been through this too many times to count, and you do not want to be on the receiving end of yet another rejection.
"What? Of course not, Sweets. When I told you you're mine earlier, I meant it. I mean it! We've built a connection over the past three months that I have not felt with anyone in a long time, and I definitely do not consider this a one-time thing. I'm so fuckin' in love with you, I would be crazy to let you go now," he says, and your eyes grow wide as saucers at his confession.
"Y-you're in love with me?" you stammer, the butterflies in your stomach immediately returning at his confession.
"I am, Sweets. I've never met anyone as smart, caring, and sweet as you. And you're very easy on the eyes, too," he says with a wink, making you smile.
"I wouldn't have had sex with you if I didn't think it would go anywhere after today, Baby. You're too special for me to let go, and I want to explore whatever this is between us. But most of all, I'd like to kiss you right now because these lips have been calling my name the entire time," he says as he leans in, capturing your mouth with his.
When you pull away, you give him a soft smile before nuzzling your face into his neck, his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulls you closer until you doze off for a short nap. When you wake up, Tony wipes some hair out of your face, and you're met with a gentle smile on his face.
"How're you feeling, Sweets?" Tony asks before popping a raspberry in his mouth, the sweet yet tangy taste invading his mouth as he listens to what you have to say.
"Good. Tired- but good," you tell him with a dopey smile. You're fully relaxed as you sit in the bath with the man you've fallen in love with. And now that you're his, life couldn't be any better.
"I'm glad. And for the record, I meant what I said earlier. I'm not letting you go after this, especially after I've gotten my slice of heaven earlier," he tells you, and you let yourself melt against his body.
"I know, and I don't want to go, Tony. I want to stay in our slice of heaven for as long as you'll have me," you tell him, sealing the deal with a soft, gentle kiss. After that, you let out a small sigh of relief before Tony hand-feeds you more fruits, and you've never been happier in your life than you are now.
What started as nothing more than another job for you has developed into a new chapter of your life, and you're excited to see where this story will go from here on out.
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