#is there a criminal university run by a supervillain too?
badalexridermemes · 2 years
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venus-haze · 1 year
Homelander x Supervillain!Reader Headcanons
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Note: Mildly fem-coded reader, but no other descriptors are used. This is mostly from Homelander's perspective. I always thought it was interesting how apart from the "superterrorist" arc in season one (and into season two), supervillains aren't really a thing in The Boys universe, pretty much everyone with superpowers is affiliated with Vought.
Warnings: Violence, some mentions of sex, Homelander being Homelander. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
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Your powers emerge later in life, so you aren’t one of the many lauded child prodigies who accidentally burned down their own birthday parties or took out a school bus, but almost as soon as you spit at a cat-caller and the side of his car melted from the acid, Vought had its eye on you
Unfortunately for them, you aren’t interested in the slightest. The money’s good, but signing your life away to a mysterious corporation was never in the cards for you. Why let a bunch of suits call the shots when you were the one with powers? Pretty soon you’re melting bank vaults, wreaking general havoc, and living on the run. You love every minute of it
Homelander knows he can take you on, but to his shock and fury, he finds himself in a meeting with Stilwell and the marketing team who tell him that having a supervillain “arch-enemy” would further mythologize him. As much as people love having someone to root for, they’re just as intrigued by the evil thing that goes bump in the night. Besides, you mostly damage property, not people, so they figure you’re not too much of a threat to the general public
He thinks it’s ridiculous, not letting him laser you in half or snap your neck makes him look weak, or even worse, that you’re as strong as he is. The first time he takes you on, you spit at him as a Hail Mary, and to both of your shock, he hisses in pain and his skin blisters–comparatively mild to the outright bone-melting your toxin was capable of, but it cements your space in his mind as his arch-enemy
To his frustration, the suits at Vought are right, social media posts that mention you in regard to Homelander get a lot of engagement and the general public sees him even more as an otherworldly protector figure
You don’t have a supe name, but Vought dubs you ‘Rosethorn’ because you’re “beautiful yet deadly.” They slap your face on comic books that fly off the shelves. You find it ironic that Vought still finds a way to make money off of you despite your refusal to work with them
Homelander isn’t nearly as amused. The first time he sees one of the Homelander Vs. Rosethorn comics he sees red. “More like thorn in my fucking side,” he growls at the cartoonified version of you. He resents you for taking half of his spotlight, but part of him knows his resentment comes from the fact that you don’t have to answer to anyone. You do whatever the hell you want, and some people regard you as a kind of anti-hero rather than an outright villain. He doesn’t understand, you’re a criminal. You rob, cheat, and steal, and just because you hand out fistfuls of dollars every once in a while, you’re turned into some kind of underground folk hero? 
Social media is buzzing with theories that you’re actually a Vought plant to make Homelander look good or that you’re stronger than him and holding back. Naturally, people begin shipping you because of course they do. He has mixed feelings the first time he sees #Roselander trending on Twitter. It doesn’t help that sometimes you leave notes at your crimes scenes that read ‘Give Homelander my regards, XO’ 
Despite the internet frenzy and Vought marketing, you and Homelander have only been face to face a few times following the first encounter, each one giving more fuel to Homelander’s fire as he broods, stewing in his resentment toward you. You laugh at him, taunt him, literally spit at him, and he can’t do shit because Vought says not to
He definitely fantasizes about hate-fucking you, they’re all extremely deranged and elaborate. Overall, he has a lot of really complicated emotions when it comes to you. There’s some underlying affection that he’ll deny to anyone who asks. Sometimes he lets his mind wander, and in the ideal situation you’d reform and join Vought and–who the fuck is he kidding, part of him wants to break the invisible chain that keeps him tethered to Vought and see if the grass is really greener on the other side
Homelander decides he’s going to end your reign of terror once and for all when Vought indicates they want supes in the military. They now think your existence is just one of the barriers standing in the way of that, making the other Vought supes, but especially him look weak and incapable. With you out of the way, it’ll show their supes can handle military missions
Easier said than done, because when he finally corners you, ready to laser you in half like he should have all those years ago, he hesitates, and that’s all it takes for you to pounce
“Why do you let them tell you what to do? You’re stronger than them. Why do they call the shots?” you ask, and he doesn’t miss the conniving ass twinkle in your eye. He knows what you’re doing, and his gloved fists ball up at his side as everything in him screams to just kill you already. He knows you’re right. He’s the one with the real power, but he lets them order him around like a dog
“Shut the fuck up,” he hisses through clenched teeth that he wishes were clamped around your throat–except he doesn’t, not really. You’re giving him an out, but he can’t take it, he’s too afraid to. After all, who is he if he’s not The Homelander?
You give him a sad smile, the kind old friends give to each other in movies when they see each other for the last time. He lets out a shaky breath. He won’t miss you. He won’t even think about you once Madelyn hears what he’s done and he gets supes into the military and Vought a lucrative contract with the Department of Defense. Another success for Homelander
“I really do like you,” you say. “I just wanted you to know that before you kill me.” Your heartbeat is steady, gaze locked in on his glowing red eyes. No one’s ever looked him in the eye upon facing their certain death from him before
He grabs your face, resisting the urge to squeeze it hard enough to break your jaw, “You’re a real piece of work. I don’t answer to anyone, got that, Rosethorn?”
You whisper your name to him, your real name, and he repeats it softly before letting go of your face and taking an unsteady step back. “You owe me. I didn’t kill you, and now you owe me.” You nod in understanding before disappearing into the night
He returns to Vought covered in blood, claiming victory over his arch-enemy once and for all. He never played poker, but you’re an ace up his sleeve if he could ever have one
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alilbatflies · 5 months
Just Cake #3
by popular demand (2 people asked) (hello) (thank you for commenting! it means a lot even if I don't manage to answer perhaps)
Part 1, Part 2
... ... ...
“Look who we’ve caught,” an entirely too sweet voice said. “Well, aren’t you two adorable?”
The villain was growling now. A low, guttural sound which the henchman has only heard in life-threatening situations, usually forced out by the desperate struggle of survival. Now it was a promise of violence, get closer I dare you, a promise of slaughter and doom.
They tried to angle their head to glimpse whoever had the honour of experiencing such a threat.
The person shuffled to the side, no doubt measuring them in turn. They were all cloak and magic glowing through two bright orange eyes.
They were so screwed. Utterly fucked.
The supervillain measured them both.
They seemed… wary. Ridiculous, given that the two potential threats were trapped in a power-suppressing net. Ridiculous, given that the supervillain was a supervillain for a reason—spectacular amount of magical skill and all.
Although the henchman could admit they wouldn’t want to be facing their villain’s growling and claws either. Even through a net. There were holes.
“You’re not superhero.”
The confusion triggered by such statement startled the villain out of their instinctual reaction. They stopped growling, although they were still baring their teeth.
“I was not expecting anyone else,” the supervillain said. “Perhaps that pesky hero who lurks around them sometimes, but not a fellow criminal.”
Fellow criminal, huh? The henchman assumed the supervillain was trying to convince them that they’re all on the same side. Perhaps the idea of a potential furious threat unsettled them, no matter the current cage around it.
Well, it wasn’t like they particularly wanted to stay in the bloody uncomfortable trap.
“In that case,” the henchman said, “I suppose you wouldn’t mind getting us out of the net?”
“Should I?”
…the henchman had assumed wrong.
While they probably were on a similar kind of boat regarding their criminal activities, the supervillain hadn’t had any proper motivation to let them go. They weren’t especially close or anything.
And yet, still standing there. Still watching the two criminals swinging in their net as if they somehow held the answers to the universe.
The supervillain had options.
First, they could let them out. The best outcome but severely unlikely.
Second, they could close a bargain of some kind. I’ll only let you out if… which was less favourable, but it would still mean getting out relatively quickly.
Third, they could leave them trapped.
It occurred to the henchman that while there was little chance of them making it out then, the supervillain couldn’t possibly know that. Their villain’s powers were speculated on so many levels it had led to more confusion than clarity in the industry. That could work out in their favour.
The henchman was no mind reader. They couldn’t possibly know how much of a threat did the supervillain consider them at the moment. Nevertheless, the supervillain was still standing there.
Nevertheless, the supervillain didn’t seem entirely convinced leaving them hanging was their best option.
They could work with that.
They decided to play their cards according to their instincts. The villain still hovered over them, a display of teeth and taunt like an arrow ready to take flight and slaughter. Their most wild card, a whisper of carnage. A terrifying ace.
The henchman loved them so.
“You had no quarrel with us before this… incident,” the henchman said. They focused on keeping their tone light, conversational. “Although, now that the situation has changed, perhaps you’re excited to find out how we settle the score, hm?”
Their look met the orange eyes. The supervillain probably found them crazy, threatening from within the containment. They felt insane. They felt the thrill run through them.
“Let us go, so the beast doesn’t have to claw its way out.”
On cue, the villain growled.
The supervillain hesitated.
It was a brief and finely concealed blip of emotion, barely slipping past the dangerous façade. Surely the villain couldn’t be so terrifying as to startle them. And yet.
The supervillain drew a smile, entirely too sharp in its flawless elegance. “Of course.” Then they proceeded to pull shears out of nowhere.
The henchman tried not to be impressed too bad. They hadn’t had much time to ponder about the practicality of the supervillain’s pockets relevant to such level of preparedness, since the net was cut down. There was little regard for the fact they would hit the ground.
The henchman couldn’t care less about the fall as their magic roared to life inside them. It pushed along their bones and crashed into their skin from within. It settled then, nesting in their body like a monster in its cave.
Belatedly, they realized the villain shielded the back of their neck and head from impact with their arm.
There was absolutely no dignified way to get out of the tangle of ropes.
Once the henchman managed, they realized the villain was standing over them protectively, placing themselves between them and the supervillain.
The villains stared each other down. It seemed a stalemate.
“I appreciate you understand plans fall through sometimes,” the supervillain said. “It was not my intention to harm you.”
“As displayed,” the henchman noted quietly.
The villain considered this. They nodded in acknowledgement.
The henchman itched to get out of another’s territory. They were sure the villain didn’t want to linger either.
“Could you give us directions from the forest?” they asked. “We would dislike to meddle with any of your other… endeavours.”
The supervillain tilted their head.
“What I mean is…” The henchman pulled the net up from beneath their feet, holding it out. “We wouldn’t want to mess with your handiwork.”
The supervillain grinned as they took the cluster of ropes, a little feral, a little genuine. They did point the two in a certain direction. They tipped their head at the villain before seemingly dissolving back into the forest and vanishing.
“Bloody hell.”
The villain inclined their head. Then they turned and started away. “Luckily not.”
“Luckily not,” the henchman huffed in echo, following short behind. “Extremely insightful as always, boss.”
They luckily didn’t stumble into any more traps on their way back.
The henchman was so not sleeping that night.
Part 4
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poraphia · 1 year
"A High School Reunion."
Chapter 02 of "If You Look At Me, I'll Listen To You."
➵ PAIRING! clinic!civillian!wilbur x hero!reader
➵ CREATING! 10.1.23 | 3191 words
➵ CONTAINING! lovers to strangers, hero society (dream team + karl), tommy being a teasing prick
➵ SAYING! thank you for the support on the first chapter! i loved everyone's responses and input and seriously i would love to see more! if youd like to be a part of a taglist message my inbox! :DD
my masterlist and chapter 01
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“Hey, Quacks, how’s the work been treating you?”
I spun around my office chair before kicking up my boots on my desk. It was another slow day the Hero’s Tower. Well, at least for me.
“It’s been going fine. It gets a little hard running a whole casino though, I’ll tell you that much.” He lightly chuckled through the phone.
I’ve known Quackity for a few years now. We attended university together after I moved out of my old neighborhood and into a small town just South of L’manburg city. Quackity was my dorm neighbor. We started talking to each other after I was fed up with all the ruckus I heard through the wall. When I learned that him and some strangers were doing a bit of Poker, I figured why not join. I didn’t stay in contact with those other people, but Quackity, we clicked too easily to let each other go.
“Sounds fun. Hope you’re not stressing too much. Maybe the next time I see you, you’ll be all wrinkly and tired all the time.” I joked, a sly smile on my face.
“Oh, that won’t be happening anytime soon!” He laughed. “Seriously, I got this.”
“—Hey, (y/n).” I looked up from my desk only to be met by Sapnap’s firey gaze. “You got a moment?” He quickly glanced at my phone before returning his eye on me. “We’re having a mini meeting, and we need you in on this one.”
That’s… Strange. I’m usually not called to Hero meetings.
“Oh, uh—” I sat up properly. “—Sure. Just let me wrap up this call.” I said. Sapnap nodded before walking out of my office.
“Need to go?” Quackity asked through the phone.
“Uh, yeah, I guess,” I said reluctantly. My mind raced with a thousand thoughts. Was I in trouble? Did I do something wrong with the last interrogation? “I’ll talk to you, alright, Q?”
“Of course, just let me know whenever you’re free. I’ll catch you later, (y/n).”
“Yeah, see ya!”
I clicked off my phone, sliding it down my pocket.
Oh God.
What’s going on?
I was able to locate the meeting room pretty swiftly. Through the window I saw George, Karl, Sapnap, and Clay. Karl, with his usual bubbly energy, waved at me through the glass. I smiled in return before hiding myself behind the wood door. Through my nostrils I took one deep and steady inhale before slowly letting it go through my nose. Once I felt ready enough, I placed my hand on the cold silver handle, twisting it open to be greeted by the chilly room.
The room wasn’t too extravagent. The walls were painted a navy blue with a long wood table. The ends of the table had one chair while the side parts had two on each side. I decided to take my seat next to Karl with George in front of me and Clay at the end.
“So, you’re probably wondering why you’re here.” Clay started.
“Yeah,” I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “This isn’t my usual setting, y’know.” Since my power is feared to be too dangerous, I’m usually working in the interrogation and detainment center. It was kind of pitiful thinking about how I’m more used to isolated rooms and gray colors with a criminal in front of me, rather than a nice cozy meeting room with my friends.
“Well… George, Clay, and I came up with a new fighting strat, and I think with your powers, we may finally put the supervillains out of business.” Sapnap grinned. I tilted my head a little.
“What do you mean?” I asked. Clay then stood up and walked behind George and Sapnap where a dry-erase board was located. The two of them turned around, attentive to what Clay had to say.
“Alright look, we already know the Syndicate is our supervillains.” Clay explained, drawing on the board. “Siren, Blade, and Zephyrus being the most threatening of them all. Especially when the three of them are together.” He wrote down their names before circling them all into one group. “I believe with our data now and enough studying, we can analyze their behavioral patterns, what their priorities are, etc.”
I nodded my head, a bit confused on where this was going. I looked over to Karl, who seemed just as confused as I was.
“So, what does this have to do with me?” I asked. Clay smiled, pointing at me with his marker.
“I was just getting to that.” He wrote my name on the board before turning back to face us. “If you could watch these main three—” he pointed at the board. “then you'll have enough information to make convincing enough hallucinations. Enough hallucinations, means more distraction as they fight, which means more wins for us!” he cheered.
I sat there, hands folded in my lap. All four of them had their eyes on me, expecting some sort of comment or response. “…So,” I broke the silence. “I'm basically like.. The secret weapon?”
Karl eagerly nodded as he pulled me closer with an arm. “Yeah! We're finally going to have you fighting with the big guys! Isn't that super cool?”
“Mhm,” George hummed. “You won't be stuck doing interrogations at the detainment center anymore. You’ll be on the battlefield!” He exlcaimed, a small smile on his lips.
This was a lot to take in at once. Frist, I had to stalk the three most dangerous members of The Syndicate for some time, then with enough information, I’ll finally be on the field going on missions?
“So, what do you think, (y/n)?” Sapnap asked, his hands folded on the table.
I looked at all the faces around me. It was barely clicking to me that I finally have the chance to be out there, with my friends, fighting against the villains. It was something I dreamed of doing ever since I moved back to L’Manburg.
“I’m in.” I said proudly.
What could go wrong?
After laying out some planning, I left the HQ and decided to take a bus to Eastside. Besides the Hero District and South Bay, I haven’t been around the other parts of the city, as least in civillian form. Mainly because I was looking to avoid a certain… Family. I haven’t seen the Soot family since I broke up with Wilbur that night. I felt too guilty of our actions, and frankly I swore I would never see Wilbur again after I moved away. Avoiding him in the neighborhood and in school was a hassle by itself.
Once I made it to Eastside, I hopped out of the bus and began walking to a familiar cafe. I figured if I was going to go out exploring, I should go to an area where it was least likely running into the Soots. I turned on my headphones, and began my walk. In my backpack I had my laptop and sketchbook where I was going to plan out my missions.
Once I looked up, realizing I was greeted by the huge sign that read “Puffy’s Cloudy Cafe.”
Alright, here we go.
I pushed open the door and immediately I was hit with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked pasteries. I heard a loud gasp in front of me, and I was met by the familiar face of Foolish.
“(Y/N)!” He exclaimed, as he nearly hopping over the counter, I ran up to him and we engulfed in each other in a warm hug.
“Hey, Foolish! How have you been?” I smiled, pulling away.
“I’ve been doing okay! Still working at the cafe, as you can see!” He chuckled. “Where have you been all these years?! I haven’t seen you since graduation!” He asked, placing his hands on his shoulders.
“I left the city to go to University. I only moved back a few months ago but now I live in South Bay!” I smiled. He nodded, taking in my words before pulling away.
“Have you talked to…?” He trailed off, but I knew what he was talking about.
“I haven’t.” I lightly chuckled. “Not since he walked across that stage, but even then, I wasn’t even talking to him like that.”
Foolish tilted his head, a curious smile on his face. “Y’know, I still remember during graduation, you were literally screaming and cheering him on so loudly! But then you tried to shape up as if no one heard you!”
I laughed, punching him the shoulder. “Hey, shut up! Maybe I just got a bit carried away…”
“Mhmm,” He hummed. “Well, I’m about to clock out now and head to Eret’s place—”
As if on cue, two figures walked through the cafe doors.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
You’ve genuinely got to be fucking with me.
Two guys stood in front of us, but I only paid attention to one of their faces.
Those chocolate brown eyes stared back at me. Those eyes I fell in love with the moment I saw them for the first time. They were wide, and they didn’t stray away from mine. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but he stopped himself.
“Hey Toms, hey Wil!” Foolish excitedly introduced. “Wilbur, you remember (y/n), right? She’s finally back in town—!” Before he continued, I kicked him in the foot, earning a loud yelp. He got the hint and backed away from the conversation.
“I— I got work to do.” I quickly mumbled. From the corner of my eye I saw Wil raise his hand out of protest, but I ignored it to hastily find a seat.
I found a duo seat next to the window. I placed my bag in one of the seats to take out my laptop and then sat in the other seat. I jolted my laptop open, somewhat smacking the keyboard impatiently to wake it up.
Ugh, stupid, stupid!
I put my head down, covering face with my arms. My leg shook rapidly from under the table. I shouldn’t have came here. I shouldn’t have came here at all. Who was I to think it would be safe to travel in this area anyway?! This was a stupid idea!
“You must’ve gotten ugly if she was going to run away that fast, man.” I heard a gruff voice snort followed by a sound of someone being shoved.
“T-That’s not true! I… Ugh… Just get to work, asshole.”
That familiar voice.
My heart fluttered at the sound of his deep voice. That deep voice that used to tell me how pretty I looked everyday and asked if I needed help with homework.
But it was the same voice that killed all those men, and maybe even more after that night.
I shook my head. Maybe a coffee would fix my racing thoughts.
I got up from my table and went up to the counter. There I met that boy that was standing next to Wil earlier. He had a red and white shirt under his barista apron. He and blue eyes and a mess of blonde flopped on the top of his head, but what was most distinguishing about his hair was that streak of white.
His eyes widened briefly before a sly grin formed on his face. “Welcome to Puffy’s Cloudy Cafe, what can I get you?” He asked.
“I’ll just have an iced caramel coffee.” I forced a smile on my face. He clicked on some things on the cash register before looking at me again.
“And what’s the name?” He asked.
“(y/n).” I said plainly.
“Alright, I’ll have your order done in a minute.” He said. I nodded, handing him my card. As he swiped in my order, I placed a decent amount of cash in his tip jar. He looked up a bit, a smile quirking up when he realized how much money I put in. “Jeez, dude, what job are you working?” He asked rather jokingly.
“Uhh,” I bit my tongue a bit to hold back my actual answer. “—criminal justice.” I exclaimed, which wasn’t technically a lie. The barista handed me back my card. “Thanks,” I glanced down to look at his nametag. “Tommy.” He nodded, and I headed back to my seat to begin my work.
My laptop had started up, welcoming me with my sunset background. I opened up my web browser and created a word document to jot down all my notes and plans on how I could start stalking the Syndicate. Should I be saying “stalking?” It sounds pretty vulgar. My main focuses had to be Siren, Blade, and Zephyrus. So I figured that maybe I should start with Siren, though that was sort of risky to get into. What was his superpower again..?
“Order for Wilbur and (y/n)!”
Oh, wow.
This kid had to be some kind of fucking troll.
I sighed, reluctantly standing up from my seat. I noticed that Wil was approaching as well, slow with his footsteps. I looked over to Tommy who had this devious grin on his face. Once I walked up to the counter, I noticed that only Wil’s order was on the counter. It had to be either a flat white or a hot coffee with four shots of espresso.
“Here you go, (y/n). Iced caramel coffee.” Tom said, personally handing the beverage to me.
“Knew it…” I heard a soft voice whisper to himself.
He… Remembered my order?
“Thank you, Tom,” I smiled. He nodded, and I headed back to my seat. I took a sip of my coffee to cool down the heat that was rising to my cheeks before continuing my work. With careful listening, I could hear a bit of Tom and Wil’s bickering from the counter.
“Why the fuck would you do that?!” Wil whisper shouted.
“Look, man, they seemed interested! They were staring at your coffee order and mumbling something. Probably knows your order too.” Tom chuckled.
“Shut the fuck up! Don’t do that again, I’m serious!” Wil was practically begging at this point. I resisted the urge to turn around to look at the two. Instead kept my eyes on my screen.
“Okay, okay,” Tom reassured. “I’ll stop. But seriously man, you need to tell me about this when we get home.”
The argument ended there, and though I continued on with my work, the conversation sat in my mind like a brick. My fingers tapped against my laptop, creating rows of writing then sectioning them off into tables. I even enforced this new routine into my daily planner, blocking specifically when I would be working at the station to when I would be learning information about the Syndicate. I stayed in the cafe for another hour until I was finally content with my planning for the next couple of weeks.
With a content sigh, I finally closed my laptop. I looked around, realizing that the cafe was barely occupied. Wil was in another corner with a book whereas Tom was cleaning the espresso machine. I got up, stretching my legs and arms before taking my laptop and sliding it into my backpack. As I was zipping up my backpack, I felt a pair of eyes behind me, but I chose to ignore them. I slid my arms into the straps and fixed my hair behind me. When I turned around, I realized that it was Wilbur who was staring at me. His nose immediately buried into his book once we made eye contact. A small scoff escaped my lips, and I approached Tom at the counter for the final time.
“Hey, Tommy. Just a strawberry cheesecake to go please.” I said, sliding over a $10 bill. “Keep the change as a tip.”
“Coming right up, (y/n).” He placed the bill inside then counted the money before placing it into his tip jar. He then went to the back to grab a plastic container that had a piece of cheesecake drizzled in strawberry syrup with slices of strawberry on the side. “Here you are. You leaving for the day?” He asked, quickly glancing away before returning his eyes on me. I took the container of dessert before smiling.
“Yeah, it’s getting late. Don’t want to be out especially during criminal hour.” I lightly chuckled. Tom nodded, as if understanding.
“Alright, stay safe out there.” He waved. I said my goodbyes before heading toward the door. As I took another step, I heard footsteps approaching me.
“W-Wait.” I turned around, only to be met with a white button up shirt with light blue-gray stripes.
I looked up, and there he was.
His jaw was more defined than it was when we were kids. His hair was more poofy and grew curlier over the years. It was obvious he had grown out of his rounded features. Even his eyes were more narrow. But I knew those freckles scattered all over his face and how his pink lips formed a symmetrical cupid’s bow.
We both stared at each other in silence. One hand gripped at my backpack strap tight while the other clutched at my plastic container.
“Yes?” I asked. It was blank and straight forward, not letting any form of emotion seep through my words.
“I-I just… Well, it’s good to see you in town again.” He said, his hands slightly fidgeting. I noticed that his button up was rolled up to his elbows. His arms were a little bigger than what I remember and his chest looked more built with a curve to his torso. He was also taller. He used to be only a few inches taller than me due to malnourishment. He looked healthier and stronger— Much better than when he did when we first became friends. It made my heart skip a little.
“Oh— Uh. It’s nice to see you too. Sorry, I’ve just been super busy since I moved back into town.” I briefly explained, but even then, I felt like such an idiot for explaining in the first place.
“Oh.” He muttered.
We stared at each other again, not talking. The air felt thick and full of pressure. My heart searched for that familiar comfort in his prescence but it was no use.
“I… I should get going now.” I said, slightly gesturing to the door.
“Right— Uh… I’ll see you around?” He asked, a little glimmer in his eyes as if hopeful. A bit of me ached seeing him so desperate.
“Uh, yeah.” I quickly said without thinking. What? “Yeah, I’ll see around.”
I turned around and pushed open the glass door. The cold breeze slapping me in the face.
Holy shit.
Did I just talk to Wilbur Soot?
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a / n ~ this was mainlyyy about lore for the reader. but dw the next chapter is going to be alll about siren dont even worry about it. notes of all kind are super appreciated especially reblogs!!
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epiclamer · 1 year
Hi! Could I request a Supervillain who runs a hospital for Heroes who have been abused /trying to ecaspe a corrupt hero agency . One day a usually happy go lucky ,sunshine Hero shows up at Supervillain's hospital, an absolute sobbing mess causing Supervillain to take them in right away and show them comfort.
Maybe Villain catches wind about what happened to Hero and rushes to their aid as well ?
What a wonderfully whumpy idea.
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The Otherside
Betrayal was definitely the worst feeling in the world. To have everything come crashing down around you because you put something as stupid as trust in someone else’s hands and now you were paying for it.
Hero knew that lesson more than anyone else in this universe, they were sure of it. Countless times they had been used and exploited by the people they thought they loved; who they thought loved them.
So, imaginably, when the hero found themselves at the supervillain’s doorstep, blabbering every secret behind the agency as fast as their tongue would let them, tears streaming down their face and hands shaking in a grand orchestra of a breakdown. They couldn’t believe that for once, it was them betraying the people who trusted Hero with their full confidence.
They had become exactly what they had promised to never be.
Still trying to process the whole ordeal, Hero lay in a soft bed, atop a goose-down duvet and an overwhelming amount of pillows. The sensation could be described as no less than heaven on earth, but the crime-stopper felt anything but that.
Guilt was suffocating them, now that they were calm enough to realize what a mistake they had made, all of their training had returned. That constant drilling of rules in their head, the hammering of repetitive insults being thrown at them every time they failed, and most of all the steady beating of a baton bruising their back again and again and again—
“Hero,” They flinched, cringing at the sight of the supervillain standing to the side of the large bed as the guilt wound itself tighter in their stomach. “How are you holding up?”
A smile too gentle to be adorned to a master criminal graced their lips. Hero knew it didn’t matter if they lied nor if they told the truth, Supervillain could already tell what was going on in their head, they had probably seen it a million times over. “Pathetic hero overthinks their new found safety” blah, blah, blah. It was a movie skit at this point, you could find it in the first superhero DVD within any multi-service store.
“Fine.” The hiccuped sob they tried—and failed—to swallow afterwards said otherwise.
If the supervillain was annoyed, they didn’t show it. “Can I get you anything? I know it can be really difficult to bounce back after such an emotional night, if there’s anything I can offer, feel free to ask.”
“I don’t need anything, thank you.” The hero spat, refusing to make eye contact with the other. “And I was being dramatic earlier. I would’ve left by now if I hadn’t made a stupid mistake and ran my mouth.”
They hated the way tears were back in their eyes the moment they thought about returning to that place. Or the way their voice wobbled uncontrollably when they spoke about it. Or how they tried so desperately to seem like they had everything under control, when all they really wanted was a hug and a shoulder to cry on.
It was pure idiocy; to believe that they could want things after they had betrayed everything they stood for. Let alone to crave comfort after they had given out information that could end innocent peoples lives.
Yet still, the way Supervillain had been so soft with their wounds. Their strong and steady hands keeping the hero grounded while they worked them through the most painful of stitches. Stitches Hero normally had to do themselves to survive.
The Agency didn’t allow for weakness, if you couldn’t dress your own wounds—no matter how fatal—then you didn’t deserve your license. End of story.
“I thought you’d say something along those lines. So I made sure to cover the base of guilt for you.”
There was a knock at the door.
“You remember Villain, I’m sure. They are your personally assigned nemesis after all…”
Tentatively, it creaked open, standing tall as they worried their bottom lip between their teeth was Villain. The same Villain that pulled their punches during fights and helped the hero home after long training session. That same villain who didn’t look anything but worried as their eyes met.
“Oh god, Hero.” The villain looked frozen in their spot, eyes breaking Hero’s to scan over their torn and beaten body. It wasn’t a pretty sight, but Supervillain’s expertise with first-aid paid off as it wasn’t as painful anymore.
Supervillain took a soft step to the side, a welcoming gesture for the villain to take their place and they did. Racing to the hero’s bedside and clasping their fingers together at once. Panic, helplessness and most of all anger flashed in different phases across their face.
They gulped, “when I heard you were here I—I came straight away. I was at the other end of town and— and then you were asleep and god, I… If I had known it was this bad I would’ve—” they choked on their own words. Coming to a halt as they laid their head against Hero’s chest as gently as possible.
Even though Villain’s weight only added to the hero’s own, it felt like they were floating. The guilt that had stung its way through their body was gone, there was suddenly no need to be defiant. Not when the villain was in tears over seeing them like this.
Hero hadn’t noticed they were crying until Supervillain was thumbing the tracks away with care. They pulled Villain in, wrapping their arms around the other and Villain was extra careful as they did the same.
It was going to take a lot of healing and a lot of re-training, but maybe just maybe, Hero would make it out of this okay.
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Gestation 1.3 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
My training schedule consisted of running every morning and every other afternoon.  In the process, I had picked up a pretty good knowledge of the east side of the city.  Growing up in Brockton Bay, my parents had told me stuff like “stick to the Boardwalk”.  Even on my runs, I had scrupulously stayed on the Boardwalk and avoided the bad part of town.  Now it was Sunday night and I was in costume and breaking the rules.
Running off the boardwalk in the middle of the night in costume looking for crime to fight feels like the least of your rulebreaking, Taylor.
Just moving from one block to the next, you could see the change in the area.  As I made my way into the Docks, I could see the quality of my surroundings decline steeply.  There were enough warehouses and apartments in the area for even the most destitute to find shelter, so the only people on the streets were unconscious drunks, whores and gang members.  I steered clear of any and all people I saw and ventured further into the area.
I always love it in stories where the setting becomes a character, and from what I hear, that's definitely going to be the case for the city of Brockton Bay.
 Anyone paying attention to the local cockroach population might think something was up,
That, I think, would be a list that would include exactly zero people at this point. Even exterminators wouldn't be 'paying attention' to the cockroach population, per se.
I knew who these guys were.  They were members from the local gang that left the tags ‘Azn Bad Boys’, ABB for short, all over the East end of the city.  More than a few went to my school.  As far as the criminal element in Brockton Bay went, they weren’t small potatoes.  While the typical gang members were just Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese forcibly recruited from Brockton Bay’s high schools and lower class neighborhoods, the gang was led by a couple of people with powers.  Gangs didn’t tend to be that racially inclusive as far as who joined, so it said something that their leader had the ability to draw in members from so many different nationalities and keep them in line.
Ah yes, the ABB. One of the parts of Worm that I gather ages poorly, and may not have been all that well thought out. But that's hardly surprising, nor a black mark against Wildbow or Worm.
As for it being so ethnically diverse, I'd say that has as much to do with how everyone is grouped together under the 'Asian' heading here in the US, rather than Lung being particularly open-minded. Though I could be wrong.
He went by ‘Lung’, had successfully gone toe to toe with whole teams of heroes and had managed to keep himself out of jail, as evidenced by his presence here.  As for his powers, I only knew what I could scrounge up online, and there were no guarantees there.  I mean, for all I knew, he could have misled people about what his powers did, he could have a power he was keeping up his sleeve for an emergency, or he could even have a very subtle power that people couldn’t see at work.
Another cool choice, especially given what I gather is Taylor's penchant for Puzzle-boss wins later on, as it were. Also one of the reasons why information really is so vitally useful in Worm, and how Taylor's powers are key for that.
Most conventional superhero verses I'm familiar with definitely lend themselves more to an approach where a supervillain or superhero's powerset is largely established - obviously DC and Marvel can't avoid that, but even other superhero media seems to have that too.
But the internet is full of lies, mistakes and misrepresentations. Really makes you wonder what the in-universe wikipedia entry for Superman is like tho.
I decided to move away from where I was and find a better vantage point to monitor their conversation, which seemed like a good compromise between my curiosity and my self preservation. 
Very fair. Going against the fire-breathing armored dude who can eventually become a dragon does seem hazardous to one's health.
They were going to kill kids?
And so the Wormverse turns. Had she not heard the word 'Children', or had Lung used a different word, or just said 'The Undersiders' or whatever...
1.3 doesn't really seem to have a whole lot going on honestly but it isn't nothing, and sometimes you just need a bit of a bridging chapter.
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thenixkat · 1 month
superheroes well known for being easily lead or inspired by a singular person
its not like they're famous for popping up largely independently and doing their own thing for years before even running into another superhero even if there's multiple running around the same city
so the writer has made Superman's second coming the second coming of Christ and thus the kickstarter to the end of the world b/c… that says great things about superheroes in yer superhero book
again very heavy Christian themes that i dont care for and don't mean anything good for this lackluster story
are we gonna pretend that there arent superheroes like Praxis running around in teh main DC universe at the time who was just as openly racist as this ultra patriotic 'superhero' here?
like, just, Superman and the like dont give a shit mostly about the dark edgy superheroes in teh mainstream DC universe except for stories not unlike this where the main thing is criticizing the fuckers.
oh no the bystanders! It not like I've read a story featuring SUperman being perfectly fine with demolishing peoples' homes on account of he can just rebuild shit later
i think this writer might be unaware of all the fuckers who died or got maimed or injured in normal superhero fights back in the day just cause the artists and writers never showed the collateral because superman was neccessary for all these heroes who started independently of him to get off their asses and protect more than just one small area
b/c we all know that SUperman is the bestest best boy in the universe and every hero needs him as inspiration to be heroic Fascinating how Red Robin is shown as one of the good heroes of yester year when he's rightfully contemporary of Lightning, Black Lightning's daughter shown as one of these reckless youthful metas with no morals
it's not escaped me that all of our great heroes of yesteryear are white. And a good chunk of our amoral young metas are notwhite, and also the majority of heroes that were aquired from other companies. Strange that~ Totally a coincidence and not something to look into
I just kinda hate this story. I dont think its good. It's giving 'the good old days'/Make DC Great Again vibes. The only reason I picked it up is to get more info on Ted in this universe b/c the wording on his beetle armor has me unclear if its actually armor made by Khaji Da or just powered by it
and of course fuckers pulling a Batman and acting like fuckers need to be sanctioned by them to be allowed to be superheroes b/c that's how superheroes work
Batman's mansion is run down. His identity got exposed a while ago. The Batcave is half flooded
actions to disparage the amoral youthful heroes for: Blowing up the torture prisons where supervillains get turned into slaves with bombs implanted in their heads and normal criminals get lobotomized
sure they should not have also killed the prisoners. But destroying the prisons? go for it
also love how stories of this type always play the superheroes as the problem. Due to wro
ng methods and shit when superheroes are largely just a symptom of the issues plaguing society as much as the crime they fight
less crime would mean less superheroing of all regards, less poverty and war and shit would mean less crime but also just saying that more metahumans is just going to lead to shit going to shit is just such a bad message for a superhero comic given how much of folks becoming metas is a stress response and/or saying that superheroes shouldn't breed b/c their superhuman offspring will fuck shit up
yeah Batman generally seems inclined to turn shit into a police state in his brand of superheroing like that's good
helpful or desirable and Bruce calling Clark out for his tendency to turn totalitarian when shit goes sour
like both of you are terrible in yer own ways
i feel like Green Arrow and Blue Beetle should not get along as well as they keep being shown too in shit like this just cause they're teh same type of superhero. Especially Mr. Problems with authority Blue Beetle
why are yall relying on Batman's plans yall are just as smart if not smarter and way better with people
I hate this story so much. Both Superman AND Batman were the bestest of the best the pinnacle of superheroing. Makes me want fucking vomit
also I love how often Wonder Woman is just fucking chopped liver in the stories like this that ride Batman and Superman's dicks they're getting paid for it Dr. Mid-Nite can fly??
like for some reason Diana isn't allowed to be the pinnacle of paragon or truth or justice and has to try convincing Superman to lead them all into a better future and how she just dips into bloodlust when things go poorly like…
Also none of the younger new heroes are allowed to be viewpoint characters yet b/c this is a propaganda piece an we cant humanize the fuckers we wish to disparage
we get supervillains, the old guard supervillains of course, as viewpoints b4 we get any of the youth that's being disparaged
It's also 90% white in this old guard important villain's meeting.
so a good chunk of these amoral young metas are villains
a group of mostly white elderly villains actively making shit worse, to provoke a war between regular people and super people b/c sure people will somehow benefit
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howlingday · 1 year
Thinking back on the idea of RWBY and rogue galleries in general, which comic book rogues do you think would be interesting to see Team RWBY (and JNPR/ORNJ) go against?
Obviously some villains would be flat out ridiculous (Superman's, Hulk's, etc.), but others, like the Spiderman or Batman villains, seem like they have potential...
Both rogue galleries are accustomed to teenage heroics yet are still susceptible to being defeated by them.
Some members are flat out crazy (Joker, Electro, etc.) and will probably get trounced without mercy while others are WAY more sympathetic in spite of their villainy (Curt Connors, Clayface, Mr. Freeze, etc.) adding a "human" twist that RWBY isn't exactly used to.
I mean can you imagine Blake, a faunus, trying to call the Lizard or Clayface monsters despite them not wanting their horrendous appearance?
Or Weiss trying to stop Mr. Freeze plunging beacon into the Ice Age despite the fact that all he wants to do is save his wife who brings warmth to his lonely existence?
What do you think?
When it comes to RWBYs own rogues gallery, it's not hard to find a set point on who fits who best.
For example, starting from the beginning, there's Vale's criminal underworld run by Roman Torchwick. I'd consider this
Street thugs, ne'er-do-wells, and general human scum who will lie, cheat, and steal, doing whatever it takes to survive. These are villains on the same level as most of Gotham's worst of the worst; Joker, Penguin, Scarecrow, Riddler, ordinary humans with slightly above average physical skills. But, it should be noted that these are also villains who have tricks up their sleeves. Tricks like, well, a trick cane... or Joker Venom.
But after the Fall of Beacon, we reached a new level of threat that gives us a broader perspective. These are the villains who have went beyond the ordinary and into the extraordinary, bringing with them a dangerous arsenal of weapons, skills, and super-powers that make them a threat to even the most skilled fighters. In honor of this, I choose to classify them as
Superhumans, supervillains, and super pains in our backsides, these are the kinds of baddies that definitely make a Death Battle list. Villains like Tyrian Callows, Adam Taurus, Arthur Watts from RWBY get put up against super-criminals like The Scorpion, Shredder, and Doctor Doom. These would be tough fights for RWBY and would require help from the other side to assist. I'm thinking entire stories with them as the big bad guys. There's some kind of superhuman skill they have that makes them more than just a threat, but a super threat.
Speaking of Big Bads, going beyond the scope further are the enemies that are way too much for RWBY and would actually the fun of writing these universe together. Yeah, I'm talking
Thanos, Darkseid, Salem; you know them, you fear them, and there's a reason for both. These are the final bosses of their own franchises, and the reason for that is pretty clear. Planets? Dusted. Galaxies? Peanuts. Life? Meaningless. Resistance? Futile. However, my biggest problem with these villains for RWBY is they're too big. Like, these guys just blink, and the worst thing that could happen to our heroes is just the start. So, yeah, don't expect me to write anything serious with these players anytime soon.
Now, as for sympathetic VS merciless, it kinda depends on the situation they're in.
For example, Basil Karlo, Clayface, was a famous actor who desperately wants to regain his original appearance. Sympathetic. However, I can also see Weiss freezing him without hesitation because he's trying to kill a doctor who can't fix him.
Dr. Kurt Connors would be similar with Blake, as you said, but I feel she would also feel no hesitation in putting him down. She might draw some parallels between him, and another seemingly passionate man driven over the edge into becoming a monster.
Honestly, these are both interesting scenarios, and I'd like to do more with them if I get the chance (COUGH, COUGH, 70 ASKS) but we'll just have to wait and see until then.
Keep up the good work and thanks for the food for thought!
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rezonan · 1 year
Red Hood, other Anti-Heroes/Villians and the issue with killing in comics.
First here's the thing before you read this, I just wanna say this isn't a post complaining about if killing is good or not, far from it so don't worry.
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I also wanna say really like Jason Todd. One of my favorite Robins though I like him more as Red Hood. My only issue with him is that DC is stuck with his direction as a character(Not as much as Tim at least). For a lot of reasons
One of those things is that anti-Heroes don't work in main superhero universes at least in DC, in Marvel killing isn't looked down on much unless you do it like the Punisher(Consistently, no exceptions and extreme)
When I'm talking about Anti-Heroes I mean who don't hesitate to kill, because the definition of Anti-Heroes even include guys like Batman, Spider-Man, Iron man and Daredevil (Classical Anti-Heroes,Disney Anti Hero,) talking about the types like Huntress and Red Hood(Unscrupulous Hero) and Punisher (Nominal Hero).
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Analysis/AntiHero if you wanna know what I'm talking about.
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An issue they have is that they kill criminals consistently, and those criminals include supervillains but in comic books, villians in comics are kinda a commodity. Villians are what makes the heroes. So DC obviously will never let Jason kill the Joker or Riddler or Poison Ivy or Bane, or let Frank Castle kill Green Goblin or Kingpin. That's getting rid of a commodity that writers need for stories.
It's why I laugh when people say why doesn't Batman kill the Joker or something, they won't let him guys. Joker is too popular to kill same with the rest of his rouges, the writers need the villians to continue writing more stories and if time has taught us anything is that new villians don't even catch on most of the time to replenish the old popular ones.
So Frank and Jason and left to keep offing mooks, looking stupid and incompetent for not taking out the actual threats or just offing D-listers, it then brings up the question of why doesn't JASON kill the Joker since he's always talking about how willing to kill he is. yeah sure they'll write Batman like the biggest dick to fight him not too but there has been times when nothing has been stopping Jason to do it, see what I mean?
There's also another thing that DC and Marvel just won't let chracters less popular than the big no kill rule big heroes be more effective (and this is coming from a guy whofor the most part is anti killing). You really think Marvel is gonna let Red Hood have the moral high ground with Batman or Punisher with Spider-Man or Captain America?
But yeah I don't wanna get into the whole 'should heroes kill debate' here just making a point.
This is why they honestly work in outside comic universes like the games or movies. See the 'Superhero Movie Villains Die' trope
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Basically they just don't mesh well with the status quo nature of comics.
So now we have heroes/villians(yes I consider frank a borderline villian) who are known for killing but can't kill anyone significant for multiple reasons, like how Red Hood by the New 52 had like 83 kills but no one in there was anyone actually important.
This is why Punishers best run was in an entire different universe where heroes didn't exist so he could kill Kingpin without issues. With Punisher they can always stick with that or just do what they usually do and make him take out mooks and barely developed rouges. They recently made him the head of the hand and gave him superpowers, it's actually interesting in my opinion.
With Jason it's more complicated. There's two sides, he drops guns and killing and joins up with the bat family as a kind of character development or he unrepentantly leaves the bat family behind and starts killing people and using guns then runs into all the issues I mentioned above. The latter side believes that hum dropping killing and guns removes everything that makes him interesting while the former believes it's good character progression for him to drop it. I think both have good points.
Personally I think they should lean into the supernatural side of him, like go all in and make him the dude in the Batfamily that handles supernatural threats, his the only one in the family that has straight up superpowers (Edit: forgot Duke, forgive me but he got them before him so point stands I guess) with his All blades so take those and have him to team up with Zatanna or Constantine, fighting vampires and zombies. (Happy to see they are doing this with Cass kinda I haven't read Spirit World)
Or they lean into the Task Force Z/Outlaws/DCeased aspect of him leading other Mistfits, Anti-Heroes and Villians into becoming better people like with the thunderbolts from Marvel. Maybe hook him up with some kinda of government connection so people he kills aren't illegal during this redemption quests or something.
Well I've got nothing else to ramble about.
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ragnarokhound · 10 months
re: your tags on the jason’s anger post~
hard agree!! i will read reconciliation fics bc like… i do enjoy them getting to be a happy family/group but ultimately, i am firmly in the Jason Todd Was Right camp, &. serious work would need to be done for him to ever actually be part of the family again, bc the actual roots of his issues run DEEP. (and again! he has points!!)
and also same again on like… if i mention the batfamily dynamics in my fics, with the exception of au’s, jason’s relationship with bruce especially is still at least a little strained. he’s a member but also kind of an outsider and maybe he has complicated feelings on that sometimes but ultimately it’s bc his convictions / beliefs run deeper than his need /want of acceptance / belonging.
anyway sorry to dump a rant in your inbox but, i loved your tags & wanted to reply 💞
(I'm about to have a mini-rant of my own, and disclaimer, it's largely informed by my terrible foundation of the UTRH movie + fandom osmosis + the occasional page/panel drop/arguments from other fans skdndndj sO GRAIN OF SALT THE SIZE OF RHODE ISLAND: )
Because yes yes absolutely! It would take serious work on Both sides for Jason to be brought back into the fold. They would both need to want it, and someone would have to be willing to bend on what they are ok with letting slide. Bruce would have to allow Jason his independence and divergence in philosophy; Jason would have to make concessions to Bruce's hard anti-murder stance.
There would have to be compromise, and reparations of some kind. They would have to actually talk and be able to listen. Apologies exchanged (mostly from Bruce because lmao) and a bunch of stuff people with the whole picture could probably tell me better lmao. ALL HARD ASKS
Because yes yes yes!! Jason's convictions and his beliefs ABSOLUTELY run deeper than his desire for acceptance. That's not-so-low-key the biggest obstacle for both him and Bruce in their ever reconciling. It's why Talia was able to manipulate him at all (idk the specifics of that, but details), it's why he hatched a deeply convoluted plan to get back at Bruce and the Joker and fuck over Black Mask in one fell swoop.
He wanted to confront Bruce with the consequences of letting Joker run around even after committing a deeply heinous and personal crime. Show him that taking a more intense and hands on approach and cracking down HARD on the crime families in Gotham would have more immediate results than what Bruce did. And that's not even getting into the Robin stuff yet lol
I don't personally agree per se with Jason's stance on murder and crime fighting lmao - but I also think he has a goddamn point, especially in this universe. In the world of batman, where death can be impermanent and supervillains pull all kinds of heinous, torturous bullshit, Jason has a lot of righteous and justified anger about how Bruce does things, on top of his hurt and betrayal over how both he and his death were treated.
Bruce's stance makes sense to me too, in a 'everyone deserves a second chance' and 'no one is beyond redemption' and 'its a slippery slope' perspective. But at some point you have to wonder about accountability. About what's acceptable. When the Joker is an unrepentant, murderous, sadistic criminal who has demonstrated that he cannot be adequately jailed or rehabilitated, what do you do? Do you ever give up on him? When is enough enough? Is the death penalty ever justifiable?
It's what makes Jason vs Bruce's arguments interesting and tragic to me, because from Jason's perspective, he is seeking retribution for himself as a victim. He is an avenger for victims failed by the system as it stands. And the system fails a lot of people. It needs to change. (And it's something being felt very strongly by a lot of people rn IRL which makes Jason's ideals v sympathetic.)
But from Bruce's perspective, Jason has given up. He has lost hope in the inherent goodness of people. He no longer seeks to find the good in people; he has decided that there exists instead a sharp dichotomy, that there is such thing as a bad person who deserves to die for what they've done, and for being bad. As opposed to seeing deeply injured people who need help, even when you find them repulsive. Rotten work, that.
Bruce sees the end of the path that Jason is on, and it's a bullet that Jason puts in his own brain - because if there are good people and bad people, and bad people deserve to die... won't Jason lump himself in with the bad people eventually? (I am once again standing on my 'Jason Todd wants to die on some level' soapbox)
Anyway, all this to say - there is a sharp divide in Bruce and Jason's methods/beliefs that makes their reconciliation impossible if neither of them is willing to budge. And when they both see budging as a terrible thing to do, a failure to the very people they are dedicating their lives to protecting...well.
It's gonna take a lot of angst and a lot of work.
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winterpinetrees · 11 months
Exactly two people asked, but two people did ask! So here are my Villain Coded Kids.
These six characters are a small fraction of the marvel fan fiction that I dreamed up when I was 12 years old. I daydreamed about them constantly, and they carved a little hole into my brain so I could never stop thinking about them. It’s been over five years. These guys are often stereotypical, several names come from fantasynamegenerator.com, and they were invented alongside a self-insert mary sue who I cannot leave behind. That being said, I love them dearly. Who wants to meet them? If you don’t want to, simply do not read this post. This is entirely voluntary.
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there is a shield base in the middle of Manhattan. It’s where Captain America wakes up from his 70 years in the ice. But I don’t think it’s ever seen again. In my mind, it holds offices and training rooms, but in 2018, it is also home to six villain coded teenagers.
You are going to meet these kids as they were on some afternoon in the fall of 2018. They’ve been a team for about a month. It has been six months since Iron Man and Black Widow died in the events of Avengers Endgame. Six months since half of the population was killed and then revived, six months that the other half of the population has spent slowly forgetting five years of memories from the lost time known in canon as The Blip. The Sokovia Accords are exactly as unmerciful as they are in canon. Any unauthorized superpowered activity can be punished by arrest without trial or parole, and the only difference between a friendly neighbor hero and a prisoner is whether or not the local police like them. The police did not like these six kids!
Imagine a common room like what you’d find in any college dorm. There’s a couch, some chairs, and a television. Six kids are gathered doing whatever. The oldest are 16 and in 11th grade and the youngest is 13 and in 8th grade.
The too tall boy drawing Voltron fanart on his IPad is Zachary Jesper. He is a vessel for the reality stone, which grants him near infinite power at the cost of chronic pain. He also shares a body with the villain from Thor 2. The stone (also called the aether) is eating him alive. He has a little sister that he hadn’t seen since May, and religious trauma that he hasn’t unpacked. He’s been doing pretty well in class lately, but is working on a YouTube video at the moment. Zach has long dark hair and sickly pale skin, which makes him look a bit like Loki, the supervillain that he has a crush on.
And the blond girl reading Lord of the Flies for homework? Her name is Cyrene, although that’s not the first name she’s tried out since running away from her transphobic home two years ago. She has two powers. Telepathy, and the ability to summon blades and whips of cyan energy. Back during the blip, she ran a criminal syndicate and hunted any billionaire or politician who dared to exploit others. For the record, she did quite a bit of bad stuff herself. Cyrene has also read Lord of the Flies before. It’s not a particularly accurate depiction of how people behave (it was written as satire!). She remembers the blip well enough to know that.
The oldest person in the room is Sarah “Sol” Torres, but she won’t turn 17 for another few weeks. She’s afro-latina with loose curly hair and eyes that look more golden in the sun. That happens a lot, because her ability is to summon and control sunlight. Sol is used to being the responsible oldest sibling. She’s fed up that her only two options are heroic perfection, or rotting in jail. Why can’t she just be a teenager? Who is she supposed to avenge?
The US government in this world has a lot of crazy tech. There’s an east asian boy tinkering with some of it while sitting on the couch. His name is Daniel Asato, and you’ll never see him without a pair of gloves. It’s convenient that he likes engineering, because his power is the ability to manipulate metal. He’s mostly used it for crime though. He’s wearing gloves and long sleeves because they cover long, jagged scars on his limbs. They also let him avoid physical touch. Six years ago, when he was just shy of 8 years old, Daniel was trapped under a collapsed building during the Battle of New York. His parents died instantly, but his brother bled out in his arms. Daniel hasn’t wanted to hold anyone else since.
Given any group of teens, someone is always taking a nap. That person is probably Noah Griffin, an african-american girl with powers too strong and uncontrollable to really be used in combat. She can control the weather, specifically wind and cold. Noah is a tomboy at this point, with a short, masculine hairstyle. She’s also hoping to be a woman in STEM and does environmental work when she can. Noah has a bit of survivors guilt because she knows how difficult it must have been for Hawkeye to convince the shady government organizations to set her free. She’s worried about the upcoming winter. What if she freezes New York City?
Last, youngest, but certainly not least is Vicky Khol (whether that’s short for Victor or Victoria depends on the day, she’s gender-fluid in the same way as Alex Fierro in Magnus Chase. Blame my 12 year old self). She’s a suntanned country kid with dirty blond hair dyed red at the tips. Her ability is mind control and illusions, but they don’t work through cameras. She’s not even in high school yet, and SO EXCITED to be a famous hero. She’s a mischievous theater kid with a traumatic backstory that she tries not to mention.
By all rights, these six kids should be dead by now. Instead, they got a second chance and are making the most of it. They are under unbelievable pressure from outside and inside forces. The worst of it is from a second team of teenagers, who are hero coded and were never in any danger to begin with. They fight frequently. It’s a game to the heroes, but the villains are fighting for their lives. It all turns out okay though.
If you actually read that, I am in your debt forever. Literally. I will grant you any reasonable favor. Please reach out so I can know who I should thank! This is a small fraction of the lore. I also have two other completely separate stories. My brain would drive Cyrene mad.
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paullovescomics · 5 months
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FCBD 2024, Part 5 of 5
Spider-man Ultimate Universe - This is not the same Ultimate Universe we saw years ago, but an entirely different one. Some powerful time-traveller has manipulated history to remove superheroes, and install a secret ruling elite of supervillains. Except he missed a bunch of superheroes, both in recent times and in the past, because here we have Spidey, Iron Man, Cap, and Doctor Doom. They're trying to find one of Cap's buddies from WWII. So that's another hero that this hero-erasing big bad failed to erase. This hero is held in a bunker that's filled with costumes and corpses of other heroes and villains. Where did these come from if they were prevented from arising? Clearly the blurb at the front of the comic left out a lot. When there are already so many alternate versions of superheroes running around, and status quos changing frequently, it's honestly hard to get excited about another alternate group of characters.
Blood Hunt - I like vampires, so we're off to a good start. The vampires have a plan that involves exploiting some Marvel lore and some characters who aren't seen too often. That's cool. The last page suggests it's not afraid of embracing a little camp, which suggests fun. Blood Hunt seems promising. The second half is about Jubilee dealing with the new status quo for mutants after the fall of Krakoa. I have to admit I can't be objective about this because I have seen the X-comics change their worlds and go to new interesting places only to come back to the same old thing over and over again. And here we have Jubilee watching the Xavier school get rebuilt for the 947,000th time. And mutants are again a persecuted minority who have to stay hidden. Of course they can make good stories out of this. I would prefer to have sense of progress or the X comics (and superheroes in general) that lasts more than a few years.
Marvel Voices - The first couple of stories here feel new. They are short vignettes that serve as introductions to Pavitr Prabhakar, the Spider-Man of Earth 50101, and Ghost Spider, aka Spider-Gwen. They're light, fun stories. The other three seem to be samples from upcoming issues. There's one about a character called Muzzle who I'm not familiar with. They're part of a gang of principled criminals, and get into a scrap with an unidentified version of Spider-Man. (I'm not up to date on Spidey comics.) Is this another alternate Earth? I can't tell. Then there's a few pages of Gambit fighting people. The sample is too short to convey anything meaningful about the story it's taken from. That's also true of the last sample, in which a literally nameless, mythological-looking guy is pounding on the shield around Wakanda, and Shuri is preparing to fight him. It's two pages. There are ads for other Marvel Voices series that look cool, but I hope there is more to them than what we see here.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Now for an entirely different kind of mutant. "Who Is…Nightwatcher?" Based on their general shape, I'm betting Nightwatcher is one of the turtles. But who knows. This one pulls a neat trick, where the narrative boxes don't match what we're seeing in the panels until a reveal at the end which puts them in a very different context. I get tired of characters narrating and commenting on their own stories through narrative boxes (just plain narration is often more efficient and more clear), but this put it to good use. Nicely done. This does make me curious about what has been going on over in IDW's version of the turtles' world. The second story is a fun one with the old school turtles and Master Splinter called "Splinter's Day Off".
Sorry if I was picky or generally a downer about the Marvel ones. It's still early as I write this, and maybe I am too uncaffinated or grumpy for some as yet undetermined cause. Feel free to take those reviews with a grain of salt, and as always, your mileage may vary.
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https:// www.tumblr.com /citadelofmythoughts/726665454508212224/thought-there-is-a-nonzero-chance-that-someone
Building off of the whole "MHA people who try to be real life Santa Claus with Superpowers", I can think of a plausible reason why they'd be possibly exempt from many of the usual laws and villains, even All For One:
They're the team who literally managed to find a way to deal with the worsening climate situation back around the time when Quirks started becoming a thing.
Because let's face it; Quirks + climate = even more fucky weather and apocalypse situation.
Then these people gathered together and found a means to use their Quirks to help fight back the climate situation, all the while also spreading cheer and joy throughout the world from their refrozen Arctic and Antarctic Agencies.
So it just becomes an absolute rule that regardless if you're hero or villain (or ancient supervillain), you do NOT fuck with Team Winter/Santa/Christmas/Winter Holidays under ANY circumstances.
Because everyone by this point recognizes that climate catastrophe is a very, VERY bad thing for all sides. Intentional Climate Destroyers and Deniers are pretty much considered worse than war criminals and are sentenced to life imprisonment or worse if need be, and just about every corporation that willingly enabled the near apocalypse for their short-term profit centuries ago has had their reputations decimated and the organizations dissolved.
Of course the downside is that this team ends up having a very strict non-interference clause, because having a super-powered team of people with no real restrictions not only runs the risk of becoming corrupt and possibly lording their situation over others, but also dozens of other problems with villains. So they aren't allowed to interfere with villainous plots or government affairs except in limited amounts, or if it's directly related to their climate-related operations, like say the government ends up having climate deniers or something.
This is admittedly a huge sore spot and source of conflicting opinions in-universe, but it's either that or some megalomaniacal Climate destroying villain or wannabe dictator tries to kill the entire planet for their own ego and greed.
Also they work closely with the in-universe equivalent of Captain Planet and the Planeteers, because it turns out someone inevitably decided to make those real too.
Damn, this is the start to a good prequel fic.
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a not-so-brief, utterly useless guide to the muses on this blog:
UPDATED VERSION ( 08/10/23 )
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AGNES DRACHINA REUBEN. first born daughter of the royal house of drachium. powerful sorceress who made a name for herself during the dragon campaign. a mischevious young woman with a penchant for drinking and getting into trouble.
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BABYDOLL. institutionalized against her will. sweet girl but will not hesitate to end you if you're a creep. sincerely wishes to empower the other women around her. slowly losing herself to fantasy in order to escape from her unpleasant reality.
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CARRIE WHITE. patron saint of the bullied. powerful telekinetic with religious trauma. generally a sweet kid, if not extremely shy and socially awkward. she honestly just needs a hug and a cheese sandwich.
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CATIANA FREESPARK. swashbuckler rogue turned storm cleric. she's confused about how that happened too. died fairly recently, but she got better. will steal your shit. highkey feels like the divorce baby between procan and umberlee. 
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CHROME DOKURO. a powerful illusionist currently in the employ of the vongola mafia family. occasionally shares her body with the criminal mukuro rokudo. learning to stand on her own two feet. a bit of a strange girl, but sweet and undyingly loyal.
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FREYA. the once queen of asgard and leader of the valkyries. reclaimed her warrior spirit and found her wings. seeking to reunite and repair the realms following ragnarök. not a woman to scorn, or she will burn you to the ground and salt the earth behind her.
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KAGAMI TSURUGI. a recent transplant to paris from japan. loves fencing and being right. she can be a bit cold upon first meeting but she's actually just very bad at making friends. if you take the time to get to know her, she is fiercely loyal and dedicated and will fight for you.
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LIAN NICHANG. the white haired demoness. lives alone on a mountain. really only comes down to get rid of people who are harassing the village at the base of the mountain that leaves her the fuck alone. master swordsman. not actually a witch or a demon, no matter what people call her. 
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LUNA. magical moon cat. has a crescent moon bald spot on her forehead. trying to keep the protectors of the universe on track but they're just teenage girls so it goes about as well as you would expect. really tired of being the voice of reason but this is what she signed up for. 
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LUNASOL GALANODEL. honestly, the worst. burned down her abusive childhood home with her twin brother. basically sold her soul to the queen of air and darkness. pretends to be sweet but she is cruel and cold. typical elvish attitude toward other races, too. really, really likes flowers.
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MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG. my god she is doing her best. normal girl turned superhero turned guardian of magical artifacts. just needs one day of peace ffs. currently going through a crisis due to teenage romance and also ptsd. always smells like fresh baked bread which is a plus. 
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MAXIMILIAN CALYPSE. a small, stuttering lady of noble birth. married off to keep her father from having to go to war against dragons. considers herself to be useless and has a good deal of anxiety, but is generally one of the sweetest nobles you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. currently learning to use healing magic.
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MIYU. vampire who tried to run from her destiny and made it worse. has to hunt down god-demons called shinma that she accidentally let escape. literally cannot die until she finishes her job, and she would very much like it to be over now. usually accompanied by her mask wearing servant, larva. she's cute and cruel in equal parts.
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NATHALIE SANCOEUR. for fuck's sake she needs a vacation. and a raise. personal assistant to a supervillain. seriously questioning that relationship at this point. literally dying. trying to beat the current record holder for most akumatizations. she's pretty and could kick my ass. 
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PERSEPHONE. our lady of the underground. literal goddess. known for bringing springtime and overseeing torture in the deepest depths of tartarus. the mom friend, she probably already loves you. does not put up with her husband’s bullshit. really loves her weird dog.
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PIKE TRICKFOOT. gnome cleric of the everlight. she may be a holy woman but she has the spirit of a barbarian. will definitely try to drink you under the table. overestimates her own strength, but loves to surprise others when they doubt her. precious angel baby.
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REINA "GLITCH" CROWNE. student at a prestigious art school with a focus on fashion design. acts like she's tough and untouchable, but she's actually just soft and trying to figure out who she is. loves meshing traditional fashion with digital media. known to the other students as "glitch" due to her first year freeze up.
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RIZA HAWKEYE. military sharpshooter and right-hand-woman of the guy who wants to take over the military. likes like two people and her dog. usually smells like gun oil but it's not unpleasant. has no sense of self-preservation and will definitely die for the people she cares about. does not get paid enough. 
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ROGUE. the poster child for "look don't touch." mutant and working on the proud part. literally too powerful for her own good. comes with the added bonus of her cajun husband who makes things explode by touching them. the og power couple. 
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RYOKO HAKUBI. half alien, half goddess, all trouble. a literal science experiment. crash landed on earth 700-or-so years ago after a space battle with the guy she tried to steal a tree from. recently resurrected and free from the mind control that made her destroy 28 planets. she's doing her best okay? 
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RYUKO MATOI. teenage girl who wants to fight. has a magical schoolgirl uniform powered by her blood. wields a giant scissor. could kick your ass, could kick my ass, could kick her own ass. secretly a softie. 
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SADAKO YAMAMURA. a very, very angry ghost with the telepathic ability to project her thoughts onto physical media. the switch to the digital era has not slowed down her curse whatsoever but she misses VHS tapes. very wet. is honestly just a scared young woman who doesn't understand why bad things happened to her. will fucking kill you if given the chance. 
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SIF. the unwaveringly loyal wife of thor, mother to magni, móði, and thrúd. trying desperately to hold what remains of her family together. can come across as somewhat cold. while not a warrior by any means, she will do anything to protect her children.
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TABITHA DELAINE. monster hunter and general know-it-all. was part of a cult at one point but she doesn't want to talk about it. lowkey a witch but tries to use her magic sparingly. the biggest lesbian you will ever meet, next to her girlfriend van. lives in van's van. 
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TIKKI. kwami of the miraculous of creation. has existed for as long as the universe has. sincerely loves humans and how wonderful they can be. helps to turn her current owner into the superhero known as ladybug.
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VEX'AHLIA. ranger and rogue. sneaky and shooty. just trying not to die again, thank you very much. once stabbed a tree because it made moves on her. the champion of a god. will probably call you darling and wink at you. also, she has a bear named trinket and a husband with too many names for me to bother listing here.
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idledreams4 · 2 months
In your pinned in says “feel free to ask who”, Who are your fictives? If that’s not a rude question, I am not used to systems and have been attempting to learn.
It's not rude at all! Some systems don't really like to talk about their alters, be they traumagenic (alters who split due to traumatic events) or introjects (characters or people from outside sources, fictional or real, who become alters) so just make sure that you ask others if they're comfortable sharing information about their systems. (you're doing great so far btw, don't worry, this is wayyy more respectful than some of the questions we've gotten)
it is quite a list so just bare with me lol
if you have any questions about terms I use don't be afraid to ask about them, for sake of time and cleaner writing I won't be explaining any system or fandom terms I may use within the little blurbs, but I am happy to explain anything that I write.
Alright, we're going to do this alphabetically, and by fandom. I'm going to give names and a little bit about their characters, as well as how they feel about their source, and anything else that happens to come to mind.
okay- *deep breath*
First off we'll do the DC Universe
Ecco Eco is a character from Fox's Gotham, and technically the first Harley Quinn. We were super close when she was first introjected, but due to recent events we've grown quite estranged. She's outgoing and passionate and a bit of a wild card. When you're on her good side, its great, when you aren't she can be a downright bitch (but me too so no judgement from me lol). She's very protective over Jeremiah, and highly loyal. She fronts occasionally, but prefers to stay in the headspace.
Jeremiah Valeska Ecco's better half, and best comparable to the first Joker, The Criminal. (see The Three Jokers for more info on him) Also from Gotham, Jeremiah was a child prodigy turned supervillain by his twin (who you'll hear about momentarily). He's cold, cunning, and analytical. I get to see a side to him that his source doesn't often show: he's charming and compassionate, but only when he wants to be. Aside from his distaste for the way Ecco is treated in their source, he harbors no negative feelings towards it. Unlike most of our introjects he's taken on rather significant role in the system. One of our alters, Zoe, is a child, and a few of the other alters have stepped up to help me as caregivers, Jeremiah is one of them.
Jerome Valeska My "brother" (Cygnus and I see ourselves as siblings of sorts) idolizes him. They get along fantastically. Jerome is a showman, a performer. He wants to make the audience scream, both with terror and laughter. He loves the spotlight, and is easily one of the most charismatic people in the system. He's neutral about his source, doesn't have any feelings towards it. He tends to carry that "I don't give a fuck" attitude about everything. Life of the party though, tons of fun. HUGE horror movie fan btw, especially loves slashers.
Jonathan Crane Alright, we're out of Gotham territory now lol. As you may know, there are many versions of our beloved Dr. Crane out there. Our first introject primarily takes from The Dark Knight trilogy, and the Year One Batman/Scarecrow comic. But we have a second Scarecrow running around up here, one that comes from Rogues! The Podcast. In order to help differentiate, they do go by different things. The former prefers to be addressed with his official title: Dr. Crane, while the latter goes by Jon. Jon would argue his source greatly exaggerated his drinking habit. We agree to disagree. Dr. Crane is, in large part, to thank for my success in the sciences. I've always enjoyed biology, chemistry, and psychology, so I rarely needed help to focus on such subjects, but when I did need help, him and Dr. Quinzel are the two to step up
Harley Quinn/Dr. Harleen Quinzel One of our Harleys is oldest introject in the whole system, the other was a more recent addition but we love her all the same. Specifically it was Batman: The Animated Series that was responsible for our Harley. Me and her are like peas in a pod, we go wayyyyyyy back. She is fun, charismatic, and her biggest critique of her source is that is forced her and Joker apart. Her devotion may be stronger than Ecco's, but she's much more of a free spirit and it makes her much more bearable to be around. She is one of our frequent fronters, and is a big help when I'm getting overstimulated. Then there's the lovely Dr. Quinzel, the angel on our shoulder. To be honest, I'm not sure what her source is, and neither is she. Before Harley Quinn was Harley Quinn she was a psychiatrist at Arkham, that's who Dr. Quinzel is. (Upon reflection we have considered her source might have been the comic Harleen) Much like miss Quinn though, the good doctor has evolved her own personality and both have almost "outgrown" their sources in a way.
Now I don't play favorites, but I really want to talk about these guys because I'm hyperfixated af so I'll do Supernatural next
Crowley King of the Crossroads, and ruler of Hell. A fantastic business man who knows all the right things to say. He's a charmer and a total snake (affectionate). He's also became a (very welcome) persecutor in the system. He may be the big bad crossroads demon to most people, but they don't realize how sweet and soft he can be (I would 100% believe anyone who told me I was being manipulated by him. I also would not care) He's ambitious, and above all else he is cunning. I feel like I'm just gushing about him, which I totally am, but its fine, he's underappreciated. He's not big on the whole technically being human thing, but otherwise doesn't mind it here. He does front as well, usually to either flirt with someone or tell them to piss off when I can't, but also he just fronts like any other alter. This is like a personal sidebar: but I actually really like my demonic alters because they save me such a headache when they first end up in the system. there's no panic, their reaction is more "how did I get here, I don't remember possessing this vessel" and I can just casually explain and its all good. There's usually a lot of confusion (at least in my experience) when an alter splits or a fictive appears, and it can be difficult for them to wrap their head around what's going on. In some cases *cough cough Will Graham* it brings the unpleasantness of literal headaches.
Dean Winchester Anyway, back on topic: Dean. He's been absolutely amazing. He's simultaneously the big brother I never had and the boyfriend I don't deserve (me him and Crowley have this open throuple thing going on, its great). He's yet another alter who stepped up to fill a significant role. I've been the only guardian in this system since it started, and now I have Dean to help share the load and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. He's exactly how you see him on screen: crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. Like a waffle. (sorry we're hungry lol) but if you know anything about Supernatural you know what I mean: he's got that tough exterior that he only lets down around the people he cares about. It's been a learning curve for both of us figuring out how to share responsibility for literally every person in our lives with someone else, but we're getting there, and it's been a really great journey so far.
Sam Winchester My beloathed. We actually introjected younger Sam, so he's actually my precious baby boy, not my beloathed. This shouldn't be about my feelings though, its about him. Zoe has another friend now! Sam is older than her by a few years, but they're getting along so well. The Sam we introjected is probably early teens (like 12-14). We (Dean and I) have kept him away from the knowledge of what his source does because there really isn't any point in him knowing all that. He's such a sweet kid, and he's happy to finally have a family. He misses John though, which just breaks my heart. I wish he could have his family back together again, but the best we can do without having John and Mary introjected is creating projections of them in the headspace. Its not a perfect solution, but it's enough.
(possibly) Rowena I say possibly because I don't know for sure if we've actually introjected her or not, and until she becomes a little more solidified I'm going to have to say no, we have not.
It is also very possible that Demon!Dean is around here somewhere and just has yet to fully make himself known
Hannibal is another show with a few introjects. I'm also starting to run out of energy so these are going to lack in detail I'm soo sorry
Hannibal Lecter Another introject that helps as one of Zoe's caregivers, though I'm wary of him being around her. This is NBC Hannibal, not Silence of the Lambs Hannibal though, so do keep that in mind. idk which one I'd trust more with Zoe, but probably NBC's version. He doesn't front often, prefers to stay in the headspace where he can keep an eye on Will, but if people are being rude to me they get taken note of for future reference. (I would like to state that we have not killed or eaten anyone, and we will not kill or eat anyone)
Will Graham Does not front, does not want to front. Will has retired from the FBI and just wants to be left alone with Hannibal, his dogs, and Abigail. I respect these wishes fully.
Abagail was introjected, but is currently dormant, as is Freddie Lounds
Hazbin Hotel:
Alastor The Radio Demon! Another entertainer, though one with more class than Jerome. He gets along... ok... with Crowley. They don't talk often, but there is a sense of camaraderie. I think they'd get along better if Crowley didn't feel threatened. He does not play well with the other Hazbins though. He's fairly solitary if I'm being honest. Him and Hannibal do get along though as they have a lot in common. He likes to entertain Zoe, which I have no problem with. Cool little thing about our Alastor is that he'll alternate between his human and demon forms. He doesn't care about his source, its television, afterall.
Lucifer and Vox are currently dormant, but we did introject them as well.
And these are the second oldest fictives in the system, as well as a sub-system
Norman and Norma Bates I see more of Norman than I do Norma (which is probably a good thing) but they are both around, and Norman is a really nice guy. Me and Norma mostly get along when she is around, so I'm not too worried about her. Neither of them have much to say about their sources, they don't really associate with it at all, they just exist here now and wanna do their own thing. So they've got their motel in the headspace, and they're happy there ^w^ And we have a few random introjects from individual fandoms that were just one-offs Holden Ford, Mindhunter
Amanda Young, Saw
And I'm sure there are a few others that have slipped my mind.
so yeah, very long list 😅
Thank you to anyone who actually sat through all that. Please, if you have any further questions don't be afraid to ask!
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sparkboyproductions · 9 months
SparkBoy: Facts & Backstory.
SparkBoy (real name as Dominic Woodhouse) is the main protagonist in the Team Honour Universe He is the founder as well as leader of the superhero team, also given the nickname "king of all heroes" as he has the courage to lead others to battle the forces of evil and fight for justice and world peace.
SparkBoy has a sweet and gentle personality, often gets excited over things that takes his interest such as Formula One, space rocket launches and animals (he loves them). But sometimes, although he's always brave as a superhero, SparkBoy"s negative emotions often gets in the way. He gets nervous at some occasions but really he gets angry, mad or upset when villains do very extreme ways, or call him names that really gets him go berserk. SparkBoy is a Roman Catholic, and still takes words from the bible, hoping he dosen't do anything that's against God and will try his best not let the Devil himself or the seven deadly sins take control of him or his powers. He is viewed to be a great leader to many superheroes, as he not only comes up with plans in battling the supervillains, but make sure his team (his friends) stay together and be not be left behind.
The ability to control electricity.
Super speed. As fast as five cheetahs or three race cars put together.
Super amazing strength.
Lasers out of hands.
Create force fields.
Can create auras to fly and breathe oxygen when in space or in water.
Radiation exposure about up 600%, causing sparks to disintegrate.
Caught in contact with electric machinery such as substations and pylons
Stab wounds in abdomen and back.
Overcharged power being contacted to his body.
Cultures of the world.
History of countries and people.
Going into space.
Teaching people do good things.
Fighting crime.
Bring world peace.
Protect mother nature.
Help fellow autistic people.
His fellow super-friends
Special holidays, for example: Christmas.
Heavy Metal and Hard Rock Music.
Religious extremism.
Plants and animals going extinct.
The League of Sin.
Losing his family and friends.
Cancer and other diseases.
People not listening.
The Deadly Sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy & Pride.
Born in London to a British-Polish family, Dom spent most of his life a peaceful area in Norfolk. He has Asperger's syndrome, a type of autism. His condition may had made suffer multiple difficulties in the past but now he has the ability however to control his condition while he does his best to think positive in life.
It was sorta a mystery of how he got his electric-like superpowers, because all though Dom's childhood and adolescence, he suffered a ruptured ear that often gets infected, but after a successful surgery, he discovered his powers at age 17. During his spare time from studying at West Suffolk College, Dom goes into a nearby forest to practice his powers, including causing some mischief on people who got him mad such as woodsman putting up a fence he disliked. Somehow, without anyone noticing Dom was met by secret agents who run a secret organisation (not run by the government) who are willing to search and recruit beings with superpowers to solve crimes that need to be prevented and prevent wars from happening (not too easy to stop). There, they tested Dom's powers, giving him the name 'SparkBoy' and his Spark-suit, making him a full superhero, when ready.
In 2013, that was the year SparkBoy came to the eyes of the world. After the Boston Marathon Bombing shook the world, Dom (who turned 18) felt he had enough of all these crimes and terrorist attacks, and someone has to to stop all the wrongs of the world. He fought and beaten multiple criminals, earning a mixture of support and dislike from people all over the world. His crime-fighting skills inspired other superheroes to come together and fight crime all together as Team Honour.
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