#isabelle ardilla
strunmah-mah · 1 year
Ideal Justice League Dark Line-up
Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, and Boston Brand - Seems like they once self-described as the trinity of the JLD, and I don't know enough about the magic side of DC to disagree. Only concern is the will they/won't they of John and Zee can sometimes overwhelm the two characters.
Khalid Nassour - Least annoying person to be Doctor Fate, is in fact a very good boy.
Kirk Langstrom - every team needs a funky little guy and he was delightful in rebirth. He deserves a vacation in the JLD archives after what happened to him in Task Force Z
Raven - She seems eternally stuck as a Titan. Let's give her some different people to hang out with, I think it could be good for her.
Xanthe - I've been enjoying Spirit World a lot so far. The JLD would be a good place for them to land if DC wants to keep them around.
(temporary) Jason Todd - I don't know if this would be a good permanent home for him, but he needs a break from constant bat in-fighting and I want to know more about the All-Caste. If not him than Isabel/Essence could also be interesting.
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vive-en-sinaloa-mex · 4 months
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Y que suene al ritmo de la:
Música Folclórica de Sinaloa.
La música típica para bailar folclor sinaloense es la tambora. En realidad la historia de la banda o tambora sinaloense toma lugar principalmente en Mazatlán.
A finales del siglo XIX, en todas las regiones de México existían ensambles de instrumentos de viento, que tocaban en regimientos militares, fiestas de pueblo y procesiones religiosas.
Fue en la década de 1880 cuando en algunos pueblos de Sinaloa, especialmente los de la zona serrana, donde tenían integrada su propia banda de música, usaban bombardinos y tubas e incluso saxofones entre otros instrumentos lo que originó el surgimiento de "bandas orquestas".
Actualmente, estos grupos cuentan con instrumentos como trompeta, trombón, clarinete, saxofón, bombo o tambora, tarola y platillos.
Algunas de las canciones o bailes son el Sinaloense, El Sauce y la Palma, El Toro Mambo, entre otros.
El singular acento de la banda sinaloense muestra mucha similitud con los de las bandas de viento alemanas y francesas, circunstancia que se marca notoriamente en la marcada diferencia entre las ejecuciones musicales entre las bandas de la región centro-norte y las del sur de la entidad.
El fraseo musical en las bandas de las regiones del Évora y Culiacán es más ligero y matizado, un estilo un tanto más occidental europeo, en tanto que en la región de Mazatlán, muestran un fraseo mucho más marcado y un tanto menos matizado en la ejecución, denotando una marcada influencia del estilo bávaro.
hoy por hoy las piezas musicales que conforman el repertorio tradicional de la Música de Viento en Sinaloa son:
El Sauce y la Palma.
El Niño Perdido.
El Sinaloense.
El Caballo Bayo.
Las Isabeles.
Brisas de Mocorito
El Coyote.
Amor de Madre
La Cuichi y tantas otras más.
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misskoleslaw · 5 years
Isabelle: *throws drink at jason* you said I was the only one!
Dick: *dramatically* that’s because he’s not Jason he’s....Jake Todd, Jason’s evil twin.
Stephanie: and he told me he was Jason to trick me into sleeping with him! *throws drink at jason*
Barbara: and he told me he would run away with me, but he didn’t! *throws drink at jason*
Roy: and you left the toilet seat up, you bastard! *throws drink at jason*
Isabelle: is this true?
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redjaybathood · 4 years
On topic of LGBT Jason, may I propose you asexual!Jason Todd
Like. Winnik did say something along the lines that while Jason had sex with Talia in Lost Days, it wasn't about attraction.
And, I know that his comment about editorial not wanting him to answer the question about his orientation, points people to gay, sometimes bi, direction. And it's more likely that Winnick indeed meant one or the other, being who he is. But all what we know for sure, Winnick did not write a straight man.
It's also a word of god so you can accept as much or as little of it as your heart desires.
But, what we see next, say, in New52, Rebirth?
1) he sometimes tries too hard to be macho man about sex where he is not at all interested.
He lies about sleeping with Kory to Roy
He hits on or makes innapropriate comments about female Batfam members, Babs and correct me if I am wrong, Cass
Which could be because he is in the closet. But come on, he kills people and feels fine about it (and he is not a part of homophobic structure/culture like army, mafia, police, hockey etc.). Is he the type to be in the closet? Maybe. Internalised homophibia is a bitch. But I hope his childhood did not fuck up him at least in that regard.
2) He does not recognise when he's being flirted with
Isabel. He was very surprised to receive her number. And I got vibes "Huh, so that's what it was about" as opposed to "Can't believe she wants to go out with me" if you read it as self-esteem issues.
3) His reaction to kiss with Artemis was basically "meh".
Which could be his denial because he's afraid of feelings. Or, it could be because it was "meh".
Which, coincidentally, doesn't mean he does not like-like Artemis. Romantic attraction exists!
3) He and Essence are very chill exes.
Which, maybe because their break up was amicable and mutual, and they are professionals about trying to murder/fight each other. Or, maybe that one kiss we saw in flashback was all they had shared.
4) We see him going with a girl to her hotel suit, and he seems pretty willing. Turns out, he knew it was set up by Penguin all along.
5) I love Isabel but both in New52 and Rebirth their relationships was more going through the motion, from his side. Like it's what he's supposed to do, and not that he wanted.
So, basically, what I headcanon is, Jason Todd did not actually have a good sexual education, and he doesn't know what being asexual means, if he knows the word at all. He knows that he's supposed to like girls, kiss, date, have sex with, and that's what he's doing, when he remembers about it. Usually, when women hit on him. If he tries, it's very awkward and painful for everyone involved. 'cause, you know, his heart is not really into it. And I do think that if a guy hit on him, and it wasn't, like, Black Mask (unless it's for a mission and Jason planned it that way and is in control 24/7), the result would be the same. He would go along, maybe even date the guy, with the same amount of success he dated Isabel.
What about Artemis, though? Artemis Grace is a lesbian who may come to be in queer-platonic relationship with Jason, that's how I see it, at least.
Ofc it's not the only right way to read Jason. But, I think, it's a headcanon that could exist, and it would be just as valid as headcanoning Jason as gay or bi, even if we do end up with jaytemis endgame by the end of the run.
One thing I know for sure, this boy is not straight.
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Jason is actually in-character in RHATO Issue #35!?
Wow, we got so much about the All-Caste in this issue. On the one hand, it kind of feels like it was pulled out of Lobdell’s ass, but on the other hand it’s badass and cool and the visuals are beautiful so I don’t even give a shit. Also like, there is just so much of Jason being Jason in the best and most pure way possible in this issue that it’s crazy? Let’s jump into the review and you’ll see what I mean.
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We open on Jason in the midst of some kind of charity fundraiser with Isabel. Jason is looking awesome in his suit. The shoulder pads are toned down in most scenes finally, and he doesn’t look like he’s cosplaying Jafar anymore thank goodness.
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First off, Jason doing a charity gala for Gotham’s poor is freaking canon now and I love that. Despite his new money and his fame, it doesn’t go to his head, he sees himself as separate from the rich people who didn’t have his experiences living poor on the streets. He still remembers that desperation and wants to help people. He’s a truly giving person that cares about others, always has and always will. Second of all, Jason is hanging out on the balcony being broody which is just Classic Jason™. He’s a loner, an introvert, he doesn’t like crowds. Especially crowds of rich kiss-asses. And he dislikes rich people. It’s so great when characters are written in-character, isn’t it?
And third of all, I love Isabel’s dress. It’s so classy, cream lace on black with a bow at the neck? Nice. You got style, girl.
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So Jason opens up to Isabel and is unusually vocal about his thoughts regarding his negative feelings about Gotham and the rich and his father(s). It’s interesting to me because she’s the only person he’s ever really opened up to and spoken about this with. He’s not sharing his plans or involving her with his machinations, but he’s definitely sharing his thoughts, complaining even. This is unusually healthy behavior from Jason, to be honest. He usually bottles it all up and doesn’t say more than a few snide words out loud. Any insight into his feelings are usually given in thoughts, not dialogue. That said, it really shows how much Jason trusts Isabel with his emotions unlike anyone else, maybe even Roy.
The more I read with Isabel, the less I think she’s going to turn on Jason. I never believed that idea to begin with and I still don’t see it. She seems genuinely kind and loving. The only problem is that Jason isn’t as out of the game as he pretends to be and she’s going to be pretty upset with him when she finds out he lied, so I can’t see them lasting. I also still have a bet on that she’s going to die. I’m less confident in that prediction as I was before, but we’ll just have to see what happens.
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So Isabel leaves the party because she has to work the next morning and we catch back up with Jason after the gala, getting into his fancy car with James/Wingman as his driver. We get the slightest little bit more of James identity reveal--more like clarification really. Wingman’s name isn’t James, or probably isn’t James, and Jason doesn’t know or care who he really is. Jason tells James that it doesn’t matter, that if he betrays him Jason will just kill him. And again this is just so reflective of Jason’s kind of apathetic view about how others think of him. He really just assumes people are thinking the worst of him, are going to betray him, so there’s no point getting worked up about it--if Wingman turns on him, Jason will be ready, it’s as simple as that. Jason has had too many people betray his trust for him to even care about trust at this point.
Now when it comes to Wingman, I am more and more convinced that James is Jason’s dad in a different body. I am like eighty percent certain now. James knows who Jason is and is loyal to him out of nowhere. James is concealing his true identity. James talks with a rougher accent and calls himself ‘a dope’, suggesting he’s just an average Gotham street thug. He hedges on his belief that Jason should have returned to Gotham, as if sympathetic to how much it bothers Jason to stay there. It just fits, in my opinion. I believe that in the experiments that Jason's dad was a part of when he was in prison, the same ones that created Solitary and mixed up his consciousness and memories with other inmates, Willis's mind was either fully or partially transferred to a different body as well and that is James. Wingman is either Willis’s mind in a different body, or a different person who got Jason’s dad’s memories. I also feel Jason’s Dad’s bat tattoo is going to come into play again somehow. We can only wait and see though.
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So James drops Jason off at the docks where he has a freaking yacht ready too take him to the Iceburg Lounge. Suzie meets him there because she heard the Euro-Bloc 'coincidentally' got hit when Jason was in Paris, last issue. Remember that these guys were investors in Penguin’s criminal empire and the casino. Suzie seems to be on to Jason and expresses her concern once again about Jason getting her family involved in something shady that's going to screw them over when this whole thing was supposed to be them going straight. Jason promises her family is going to be okay, which is just inviting trouble. She says for some reason she trusts him, which just goes to show how much Jason inspires trust in people, even his former enemies. He gets on the yacht, and speeds off.
Okay, I know that Suzie had done some really messed up stuff in the past but like...I really like her and I hope her family doesn't get screwed by what is obviously going to happen with Penguin? I didn't like her character’s actions in the New 52 version of RHATO but I've really warmed to her and her sisters here. I really hope her relationship with Jason doesn't become soured after everything goes down, but it seems inevitable.
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On the yacht, Jay does some reflection. I love how in-character Jason’s internal monologue is. I know that is an odd thing to be happy about, but sometimes I honestly wonder if the Jason I love is something I made up in my head and the canon doesn't actually support how I and many fans envision him--but it does! It does so much! This is all just so very right, how Jason understands himself but when an issue is painful, when it hurts to think about and he doesn't want to consider it, he just puts it out of his mind. He focuses on action and denies his his pain. Also, Jason acknowledging his growing friendships with his new teammates shows Jason's caring nature as well as his introverted and anxious side. He never means to adopt these people he finds himself with, but he just cannot help empathizing with them and coming to see them as 'his' people, no matter how much he tries to be distant. And yet he's afraid of them being hurt, or them hurting him. I love when Jason's personality is shown off like this!
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On the way to the casino Jason is confronted by Essence, who wants to stop Jason from committing ‘petty revenge’ and falling to the dark side...or something. It's very vague what the hell her problem is. I guess she thinks Jason is just running around playing crime boss and that is inherently against the All-Caste code or something and she wants him to give it up but of course Jason doesn’t do what people want him to.
As they are talking, we get a little bit of a flashback showing their relationship, just a scene of them under a tree in All-Caste outfits when Jason was young and they kiss. It seems to me that she was the one who was into him for the most part and it’s both cute and sad that young Jason seemed so surprised by her affections. She still seems into him now, saying she doesn’t know whether she should kiss or kill him but Jason makes it clear he doesn’t have feelings for her anymore, not least of all because of the events in New 52 RHATO when Essence lied to and used Jason to instigate a confrontation with the Untitled which broke their truce so they could be destroyed. Remember that?
Basically they gear up to fight and Essence draws her freaking badass red swords and Jason draws his crowbar and katana and they face off in THE FUCKING ASTRAL DIMENSION, WHAT?! 
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We get just...so much about the All-Caste here.
Essence was the heir to the All-Caste but she didn't want the job, she wanted to be a warrior, not a peaceful leader.
'All' refers to the ability to see the past, present and future. Ducra, it’s leader, is omniscient.
Jason is the only human to have ever learned their techniques and not gone insane.
When Jason met Ducra, she saw his past, present and future and hoped he could overcome his destiny.
Jason and Essence seem pretty evenly matched, despite her being an immortal empowered by the Well of Sins. So yeah, Jason is a badass.
In the Astral Plane at least, Essence’s sword can make a three-eyed demon oni-looking construct thing and they can both do crazy energy blasts and flames.
So...if omniscience is part of the All-Caste arts/abilities, does this mean Jason can see the future/past if he wants?! I mean maybe he doesn’t use it because he doesn’t want to go crazy, but still that’s freaking cool. Also, this could be another explanation to hand-wave various points when Jason was acting crazy and out of character in certain preboot issues. Previously the explanation was ‘Lazarus Pit madness’, but now we have yet another thing that could make Jason go mad. Like...Jason is really just doomed to be crazy from all sides, isn’t he?
And since when the hell can Jason go into the Astral Plane?! That's it, Jason needs to do more magic stuff! I need a team up with Constantine and Zatanna, stat! No, that terrible arc in Trinity when Jason got possessed by a demon doesn't count. It doesn't even make sense with this new information, and Bizzaro still had backwards-speak like before the reboot and was really irritating, instead his of cute baby-talk. Like clearly the writer of that issue never even read RHATO.
But anyway, the two continue their fight, Jason with his kickass glowing swords and Essence with her red ones in the crystalline Astral Plane. There are crystal looking formations everywhere and asian-style clouds and they float on nothing, it’s pretty cool. The colorist does an amazing job as always, and the art is awesome in this issue, much better than it has been in my opinion. Essence seems to have the upper hand when she suddenly stabs Jason through the chest! 
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Is this the end for our hero?! Yeah naw.
It's revealed that Essence's sword is called the 'Blood Blade' and works kind of like Katana's cursed sword, it absorbs the soul of evil people it stabs--but if you stab someone innocent (or just not evil) your soul gets sucked in instead. And that is exactly what happens.
I don't think any of us were fooled into thinking Jason was actually going to die for even a moment. As it turned out Jason was playing her, pretending to be rusty at swordplay and the All-Caste magic and mad with revenge on Penguin (that last he didn't do the best job of being convincing, but she already thought the worst of him so it didn't really need much selling I guess.) He just wanted her to stab him with the blade so she would get sucked into it. I like that Jason's strategic ability is being shown off here, but I feel like stabbing him was her plan to begin with so I don't get why Jason needed to fight back at all? Eh, maybe she would have been suspicious if he just stood there and let her stab him.
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So Essence is sucked into the sword because Jason isn't evil--surprise! Or not, I think it was pretty obvious Jason isn’t evil. He organized a charity in the first page of the issue for godssake!
Jason explains to Essence as she gets sucked into her sword that he isn't good or bad, he's “just practical as hell.” Which is just so freaking validating. Jason isn't evil, he isn't a bad person, in fact he is a good person with good intentions but you can't make the world a better place on good intentions alone. Sometimes you have to walk the line to get results and Jason draws that line further out than most, further out than Bruce, but his methods are necessary and they work and that's more than most can say.
I still don't know what the heck Essence's problem with Jason was, I guess she shares Bruce's terrible viewpoint, always believing the worst of our Jay, maybe she just had a grudge over Jason leaving the All-Caste, but at least this means my feelings from the beginning were probably intentional and not bad writing--those feelings being confusion as to what reason anyone could have to object to Jason's actions, because he wasn't doing anything wrong! All he did was lock up Penguin, when if he had been arrested for his crimes and not wiggled out of them with all his money, he would have been locked up anyway! His safe room was probably way nicer than a jail cell, to be honest.
So Jason takes Essence's sword and locks it up in his safe back at the Iceberg Lounge when who should appear but Penguin, back in black after having been released by Miguel last issue! It seems like Cobblpot has won Miguel to his side, probably by spinning some sob story that conveniently leaves out that he is a crime lord that uses his money to stay out of jail and oh, also he framed Jason's dad and tried to have Jason murdered and sent goons after him and was trafficking illegal weapons. Yeah, I bet he didn’t mention that part. Miguel is getting played, the poor kid. He’s too innocent.
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Oh man, I really enjoyed this issue, there were so many parts when I was just like, "Yes! That is exactly what Jason would do!" and I'm not sure why I am so surprised when he acts in character, but I just am and pleasantly so. The art was also really great, I love with All-Caste stuff shows up because their aesthetic is just cool, and Pete Woods, the artist stepped it up. The fights were great, Jason’s faces looked a lot better than they have, he actually looks like a good looking twenty-something adult and not a snakey thug in most of the panels. Hopefully that trend continues. Also the colorist, I love this colorist, he does such a good job, kudos to Rex Lokus who really brought out Dexter Soy’s art too. I think his consistently really does help tie the run together even with the artist change.
Well, that’s it I'm excited to see the confrontation with Penguin and Miguel next issue and see where it goes! I think we get the Annual later this month? Or next month, that will also be awesome, and I’ll be here for it.
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galentineday · 3 years
i love isabel ardila from rhto !!! i'm glad she's not dead and i hope that maybe she can come back as either a long term jason love interest or even a vigilante <3
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doncella-zombie · 4 years
Día 11 Happy Bean Days
#Twistedtober (lista por Luz CF)
—¡Recuerden no usar su magia chicos!... ¡Competencia sana, se los dice su amigo el cuervo mandón!.—Oh si, quien diría que el día de Happy Bean Days terminaría siendo la mascota para animar y claro recordar a los alumnos respetar las reglas, creyó que esté sería su día libre, hasta que Crowley le dijo que debía hacer un trabajo especial.
—¡Maldición!.—Grito al no ver a nadie. —¡Odio está voz de ardilla vieja!.—Lo peor de todo es que el efecto duraba 24 horas, todo sea para que no la descubran comento su querido cuidador.
Recordó las palabras de él "¡Oh vamos, soy amable porque dejó que veas a los chicos tan de cerca", pateo al aire al recordarlo, mientras murmura una que otra maldición.
Debió dejar sus quejas atrás, ya que justamente pasaban algunos alumnos. —¡Buen trabajo, sigan así!... ¡Recuerden trabajen duro pero no hagan trampa!.—Ella alzaba las alas negras.
Vaya que era una botarga regordeta, apenas se movía y hacia un par de movimientos, aunque el diseño era muy bonito. —¡No molestes!.—Grito uno de ellos, parecía molesto, supone que perdió.
—¡V-Vamos ya será para la próxima!.
—¡Tu que sabes, cuervo tonto!.—Isabel rodó los ojos, solo estaba haciendo su trabajo.
De repente sintió como pierde el equilibrio, su primera reacción fue sostener la cabeza para no perderla, ellos la estaban empujando, hacía todo lo posible para no perder el equilibrio. —¡Tonto!.—Al último se cayó, pero la cabeza aún la sostiene, por lo poco que veía el pequeño grupo de cuatro perdedores se prepara para patearla.
Trata de estar tranquila, no debe de dolerle gracias a la botarga, pero si deciden quitarle la cabeza será tarde, cierra sus ojos para el impacto.
—Ustedes... No deberían hacer tal cosa.—Conocia esa voz tan preciosa, ¡Lilia!. —Parecen unos niños mimados al querer desahogarse de esa manera.—Comenta tranquilamente, mientras suspira.
—¿Y tú quien te crees?.—Uno de los perdedores lo desafía, mientras se acerca a él. —Te daremos una paliza junto con el cuervo estupido.
Lilia sonreía, pero mostraba unos ojos diferente a los de siempre. —Quisieras que te atrevas...—El Vanrouge se acercó por su cuenta, ni una pizca de duda hay en él. —Ahora, si uno de ustedes la toca no responderé ante mis acciones.—¿Escucho mal?, se pregunta Isabel.
Los chicos tiemblan ante la aura que desprende Lilia, terminaron por huir, la sonrisa del Vanrouge cambio a una más tranquila y se acercó a Isabel. —¿Estás bien?.—Le ayudo a pararse, después de todo parecía una tortuga al hacerlo por su cuenta.
—Estos chicos de ahora, no pueden respetar a una dama.
—¡No soy una dama!, Soy un chico. —Mintio, Lilia la miró con comprensión.
—No tienes que mentirme, se que eres una chica, pero veo que no quieres que nadie lo sepa, está bien no diré nada. —Isabel sonrió, aunque Lilia no podía verla ya que no quería quitarse la cabeza, podía haber alguien cerca.
—Muchas gracias por salvarme... Espero ganes.—Lilia se rió.
—De hecho ya perdí.—Dijo como si nada. —Sin duda estar en el sol no es lo mío.—Lo comento algo apenado. —Y perdí mi gorra al correr.
—¡Yo te ayudo!, Después de todo me salvaste.
—Ah. No hace falta que trates de pagarlo, lo hice con mucho gusto.
—¡Y yo también lo haré con gusto!, Está botarga es gigante, le daré mucha sombra, además ya me cansé, no me están pagando así que no hay razones para quedarme aquí, prefiero ir contigo.
Al último accedió, y ella uso una de sus alas para cubrirlo, de vez cuando decía las mismas frases de siempre al ver alumnado, por fin lo dejo en su dormitorio. —¿Quieres entrar?... Me encantaría ver tu rostro. —Era tan tentador, se sonrojo mucho por la emoción, un paso daría, pero no ocurrió.
—Lo siento... Recordé que debo hacer algo.—El Vanrouge sabía que mentía, solo mostró una sonrisa amable.
—Sera para la próxima entonces.
Isabel se fue de allí, de nuevo se desquita con el aire, hasta que empieza a escuchar que al fin hay un ganador, se acercaría para ver el alboroto, pero Grimm se le lanzó. —¡No es justo!.—Lo atrapó con sus alas y se fue de allí.
—Te entiendo, nada es justo, ya será para la próxima. —Aquellas palabras, también se las dice a si misma.
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archivobordado · 4 years
En el virreinato de la Nueva España se propició el aprendizaje y práctica de las labores de manos o labores mujeriles, realizadas a partir del empleo de hilos y agujas, tareas señaladas por algunos libros y revistas de la época como decentes, honestas o delicadas, perfectas para el ejercicio femenino. 
En el siglo XVIII, en el contexto de la Ilustración, se consideraba que estas labores mujeriles como el arreglo de prendas, confección de fajas, calzones, pañuelos, sábanas y el adorno de textiles con bordado, deshilado o encajes, eran prácticas características de las mujeres y aprendían desde la niñez.
Con ejemplo de la reina Isabel I de Castilla (Isabel La Católica 1451-1504), se argumentó que estas labores eran propias de las mujeres sin importar su procedencia u ocupación pues resultaban beneficiosos para la ejecutante por ser un buen empleo de su tiempo.
Los dechados también reflejaron los cambios globales del siglo XIX.  
En estos bordados, las flores constituían un “jardín virtuoso” donde los lirios refieren a la pureza y castidad; el clavel a la obediencia y penitencia; el amaranto a la unión y fraternidad; el jazmín a la sencillez y simplicidad; las rosas representan pureza, amor, humildad, misericordia, amor a Dios, belleza y sabiduría. Asimismo se representaron animales e insectos, destacando ovejas, perros, aves, monos, venados, ardillas, conejos, caballos y toros.
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malcolmthunders · 4 years
cuadro de impotencias.
por su puesto, que, el mismo impetu que hace que las moelculas se unan, o que  el oxigeno reacciones con el fósfoqruq, la misma carga electirca que hace girar los atomos, esta en nosotros, y yo creo que se expresa en un esio pre conciente, a conciente super concinte de ser mejores, de evulocionar , en el punto de vista darwinista, que yo se es muy cuestionable, muchas otras chicas de la facultad, me lo han señalado, per es cierto. nuestro sistema nervioso es la encarnacion de esa fuerza asociativa, de que contrarresta la entropia y el caos. y bueno de ahi que queramos ser mejores, nadie esta satisfecho con sus logros, y pues en el arte qu ees lo que anosotros nos interesa,  -- dijo Jussepe, ... mira por ejemplo, si mieras, la capilla sixtina, - yo nunca la he visto en persona por suepuest, solo en libros. nunca he salido de colo,bia, mas a lla de un par de veces a venezuela. en fin... persona la digresión. POr eso cuando ve una obra de arte de ese grado de odrden y de calidad, por falta de una palabra mas metafisica, y c de una reputación dudosa, como la idea del genio, que se ha vuelvto en la post modernidad un antatema, clase como si creer en el genio fuera en si mismo un a expresion fachista, un chauvinismo pero que el catolico, o metafisico. y pues no cuando yo digo genio me refiero a quel trabajo (hecho por un ser humano) que evoca en mi lo inponderable y lo insondable , la expancion del universo, la geometria no euclidiana, los misterios del corazón y del espríritu. habalr de estas cosas es tan comploejo como lo sería para una ardilla detener el crecimiento de su cola. pero que digo, joder, perdoname isabel he estado  parlotenado como un loro, y sin claridad  sin hacer mucho sentido, creo que el bareto que nos fumamos en el partqu ehace unrato me he esta cporudcieneo hot flaseshs, no se, ppero siento que veo todo esto tan claro, pero tan intangible, el leguante, y el lenguaje artistico deben  
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Para ricardo por una Nintendo switch edición splatoon y un play 4 pro
Quiero que se las metas por ambos agujeros a
las que tengan una (X) va a salir embarazadas
 Judy Hopps
Fabienne Growley
Pantera nudista
Renata Lobales
Dmv pig swinton
Luna (X)
Starlight (x)
Upper crust
Pinkie pie
Moon dancer
Diamond tiara
Spoled rich
Sweetie belle
Mayor mare
Suri polomare
Coco pomel
Minerva mink
Lola bunny
Mrs bunny
Daisy lou
Pua bunny (playa japonesa)
Maid marian (X)
Darma vix (X)
Mariana stola
Foxy roxy
Maestra zorra
Roberta foxfox
Liliana redhunter
Penelope pussycat
Calie brigs
Dulcinea (X)
Kitty patitas suaves
Kitty katswell y todas sus hermanas
Roxane goof
Miss bianca
Miss kitty mouse y hermanas
Olivia flaversham
Lady mouse
Miss birsby
Dixie fah
Sasha le fleur
Dixie balto
Zoe trent
Madame pom
Gail trent
Sweetie paw patrol
Scooby dee
Mammoth mutt
Princess story
Blythe Baxter
Youngme song
Sue Patterson
Biskit twins
Vicky y su madre
Madre de timmy
Hada de los dientes
Miss doombring
Princesa mandy
Ember mclain
Rule 63 de danny
Sally carrera
Holley shiftwell
Cruz ramirez
Natalie certain
Carla veloso
Donna pits
Kori turbowitz
Lorry abulance
Nurse GTO
Misti motorkrass
Sara safestreet
Amy mizuno
Ranma chan
Toralei stripe
Aery evenfall
Ari Hauntington
Catrine demew
Catty noir
Apple withe
Raven queen
Mira shards
Cerise Hood
Lizzie hearts
Blondie lockes
Bunny blanks
Ca cupid
Chesire cat
Kitty cheshire
Courtly jester
Darling charming
Madeline hatter
Lilly bo peep
Jackie frost
Faybelle thorn
Farrah goodfairy
Duchess swan
Poppy o hair
Ramona badwolf
Maestra tigresa
Mei ling
Mei ling rouge
Damas de las sombras
Hermanas wu
Lady flor de loto (leona)
Ming antelope
Maestra leopardo
Maestra pantera negra
Amy rose
Rouge the bath
Vanilla the rabbit
Blaze the cat
Sasha the cat
Honey the cat
La hermana de tails
Sonar the Fennec
Zoey the fox
Fiona the fox
Sticks the badger
Breezie the Hedgehog
Nicole the Holo-Lynx
Lady goat
Rabbit girl
Reindeer Girl
Clove the Pronghorn
Diane Aardvark
Jian the Tiger
Barby koala
Marine racoon
Sally acorn
Sonia the hedgehog
Dulce princesa
Princesa flama
Maga cazadora
Princesa helado de yogurt
Princesa desyuno
Fiona la humana
Reina helada
Señora zorra
Star butterfly
Reina moon
Chica ardilla
Princesa marco (con vagina no pene)
Seno aiko
Onpu segawa
Momoko asuka
Bellota (las dos versiones)
Mindy simmons
Lurlei lumpkin
Maud flanders
Nikki McKenna
Jessica Lovejoy
Greta Wolfcastle
Kumiko albertson
Isabell gutierres
Berenice hibbert
Clara stetson
Stacey Swanson
Roz daviz
Betsy Bidwell (la versión Simpson)
La sobrina del alcalde diamante
- jennette mccurdy
-miranda cosgrove
- taylor swift
-ariana grande (versión anime si quieres)
Coco bandicoot
Tawna bandicoot
Princesa peach
Princesa Daisy
Capitana Amelia
Cleo catillac
Kai tiempo
N 18
Ribriane (sin transformar)
Princesa serpiente
Tia grandma
Gwen tennyson
Charm caster
Hello kitty
Minnie mouse
Tinkerbell, hermana y amigas
Talking angela
Talking Liliana (inventala)
Princesa romy
Angelica pikles
Kimi finster
Suzie carmaikle
Mavis drakula
Isabella garcia shapiro
Cadance flynn
Stacy hirano
Sandy checks
Meika fox
ms. Dira
Miko nakadai
Clarie nuñez
Sima luan
Melisa Morgan
Hermanas test
Jonny test rule 63
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pruebasypracticas · 7 years
Protege El Forestal
Parque Forestal de Villaviciosa
Nos tendremos que acercar a Villaviciosa de Odón, en Madrid. Más que un parque, es un bosque, ideal para dejarse perder por su espesa vegetación y pasear por sus caminos y puentes. Un tesoro escondido…En 1739,Felipe V decretó la zona como Bosque Real, propiciando así su conservación y evitando la deforestación.
Ya bajo el reinado de Isabel II se crea la Escuela de Ingenieros de montes, ubicando la sede en el Castillo de Villaviciosa, muy cerca del
Parque Forestal
. El parque sirvió para la realización de las prácticas de los ingenieros e hicieron que este espacio se convirtiera en algo único.
Unbosque autosostenible, donde crecen especies incompatibles con la zona e incluso algunas de ellas declaradas como árboles singulares por la Comunidad de Madrid.
La fauna también es importante en el parque. Destaca la multitud de aves que se pueden escuchar (petirrojos, mirlos, perdices, azores, ruiseñores, jilgueros…), una tremenda y curiosa sinfonía os acompañará durante el paseo. También podréis ver conejos, ardillas, liebres…
Sin duda, este parque desconocido para muchos, merece una visita en cualquier época del año. Un bosque espeso, perfecto para perderte, para desconectar. Donde sentarse a leer o dar largos paseos, cruzar arroyos y riachuelos por bonitos puentes de madera, contemplar las distintas tonalidades de la vegetación según la época del año, admirar los sonidos de la naturaleza…
Siempre que no sea de noche, os podéis acercar al
Forestal de Villaviciosa
. Os sentiréis como en un sitio prohibido, por lo solitario y tranquilo que es. Un parque, un bosque, con un encanto especial.
Tras el Castillo de Villaviciosa se encuentra también un pequeño jardín, el conocido como
El Parque Forestal
comienza justo al lado del Castillo de Villaviciosa en el Camino Testerales, y se extiende por detrás del Castillo y de las viviendas hasta algo más allá de la Avda. Viveros, siguiendo el curso del Arroyo de la Madre.
Se puede llegar tanto en coche como en autobús.
En coche
Desde la M501 o la M506, entrar a Villaviciosa de Odón y seguir las indicaciones dirección al Castillo. Para aparcar, cerca del Castillo en la Avda. Madrid o en el Camino Testerales. No suele haber problemas para encontrar aparcamiento.
En autobús
Líneas de autobús 510, 510A, 518, 519, 519A, 567 y 581.
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rsmp · 5 years
Tumblr media
(Cementerio de los Rappists y los Owenites en New Harmony, Indiana)
El amigo de los cementerios
Capítulo 5
Cap. 1 - El amigo de los estudiantes
Cap. 2 - El amigo de las ardillas
Cap. 3 - El amigo de las utopías
Cap. 4 - El amigo de las estrellas
((( A partir de las sesiones mediúmnicas con James Collin Johnson ))))
me dieron el pan y el agua
el nombre en un sorteo
la divisa ibérica de la nana
y el reino de la espiga
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 sarita, miriam, andrés, marcos, víctor, lurdes, sergio, álvaro, aitor, manuela, maría, crístina, jesús, josete, enrique, alicia, eloína, héctor, dani, david, fran, maría, laura, ana maría, pedro, álvaro, pablo, josé luis, laura, cristina, isaac, miguel ángel, julio, david, óscar, inés, carolina, javi, raquel, rus, nagore, alfonso, jorge, tania, carolina, felipe, mario, mayerling, carlos, silvia, pierre, lionel, que era ciego, y albino... 15, 16, 17, 18 óscar, rafa, almudena, opo, ruth, nuria, david, iván, jorge, víctor, ana maría, cristina, carlos, sergio, silvia, jesús, diego, javi, raquel, susana, eva, alicia, marta, pablo, jose, miguel, antonio, toño, diego, raquel, arantxa, helena, sona, carlitos, samu, dani, luis, óscar, isabel, ramón, miguel, miriam, no recuerdo, es como un hueco amplio en el que cabía mucha gente... 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,  maría, pablo, óscar, charo, christian, álvaro, felipe, eva, pablo, césar, rafa, eva,  lara, raquel, bárbara, roberto, maría, antonio, sergio, sevillano, helena, marta,  patricia, tantas, y apenas pocas, debe de haber miles de fotos... 24, 25, 26, 27 joan, eva, helena, lucía, chico, juan, bárbara, zo, susana, emilio, ana, carlota, claudio, álvaro, ricardo, estrella, jordi, carmen, miriam, ramón, javier, miguel, pablo, marta, maría, fernando, loreto, diego, césar, kike, carmen, luis, rafa, santiago, mariano, ulrich, lila, lara, lorena, mercedes, inés, amador, emilio, paz, ana, fede, vanessa, luis, cristina, raquel, eva, lara, jorge, carlos, pedro, josé, enrique, julio, antonio, mariano, iván, simeón, gisela, rodrigo, andrés, roberto, josé vicente, maría, patricia, marianela, rafa, eneas, eva, andrea, marta, susana, esther, belén, ramón, elena, águeda, maría, alexandra, no fue hace tanto, pero... 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 alfredo, sergio, azuzena, pedro, david, laura, selina, daniel, jaime, óscar, rocío, lara, jorge, marta, jose, carlos, gema, diego, ana, sole, raquel, yoya, david, carmen, jordi, nicolás, álvaro, pepe, luz, bea, patricia, iván, paco, pepe, gloria, susana, david, paula, germán, marta, jose, pablo, esta parte llevaría varias páginas... 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 alejandro, dani, virginia, javier, francisco, jose, tito, gemma, coco, iván, enrique, claudia, pablo, halil, gabriel, thiago, lilian, helena, erika, graham, julián, yasmina, vero, berta, pablo, claudio, miguel, james, steven, michael, os hablaré de corazón alguna vez. no sé dónde nos llevamos ni qué nos ayuda para ser. qué otros y otras. qué recuerdo tenemos de las despedidas que vendrán... 40
0 notes
redjaybathood · 5 years
wedding happens!AU pt 2
pt 1 is here
Fandom: Batman, RHATO
Characters: Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Ric Grayson, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Isabel Ardila
Pairings: BatCat, implied BruJay*, Jason/Isabel
So: Catwoman doesn’t marry Batman - Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne have their (very public) wedding. Before that, though, Selina visits some of Bruce’s kids.
*No underage, nothing explicit, nothing even in the frame, so to speak, but if it squicks you out - skip this one because it’s the whole reason I’m writing this fic
They had to tell Alfred even if just to get seating arrangements changed, and another invitation issued, and also there was a need to inform caterers… So they told Alfred.
From his face, and a wrapped cut on his hand, it was obvious Alfred saw the news already, so it didn’t come as a surprise.
Alfred still asked Bruce, though. 
“My boy, are you sure it’s the right course of action?”. 
Bruce nodded, tersely, and it all was as though a life or death situation, not a guest list.
Selina couldn’t hold a laugh.
“Come on, Alfred!” She said. “You raised the boy. Are you saying you’re not confident in your manner-instilling skills?” 
“I love Jason as if he is my own,” Alfred said, not looking from Bruce. “But he was here with me only for a short while, and I wasn’t a best guardian for him, as things turned out. Besides, he had other influences in life, less healthy.”
“He will be fine.” Bruce said, frowning and meeting Alfred’s gaze. “Jason will, undoubtedly, make everything as difficult as possible, for everyone, including himself. But he knows where the line is. I doubt even at his most bitter he would want to cross it.” 
“While I am quite confident in you and your opinions usually,” Alfred said, “It is a rather special case with Jason. You could never quite predict him, could you?” 
“No,” Bruce said, and there was a hint of a smile, damn it. Selina was sure of it. “I could not.” 
Alfred sighed.“I better give him the invitation personally, next time I see him. Perhaps, it would sooth some feathers, at least.” 
“And when would it be?” Bruce frowned again. “Your Sunday dinners - are you doing it again?” 
“Indeed, we are. Master Jason is in Gotham again, after all.” 
Alfred looked at Bruce like he dared him to comment on it. Bruce didn’t.
Selina decided not to approach Alfred about Jason either. 
Not when Bruce could hear it, at least.
So she approached him early next morning, while Bruce was still sleeping off the patrol. Why he still bothered with them, Selina didn’t quite get; Gotham didn’t get calmer than that. All the villains - except, maybe, Joker - seemed to lie low. Nobody saw or heard from Black Mask in a while. Mr Freeze was in a total compliance of his parole terms. Ivy and Harley did they own thing, outside of city limits. They probably wouldn’t show up even at the wedding, which, Selina was slightly discomfited about. Even if making them tone down their… everythingness, to fly under radar of civilians, would be cruel, so it was for the best, all things considered. Penguin sold his business and ran away to Europe, probably, or perhaps Canada, nobody was too sure. Maybe Hood would know but it’s not like Selina would ask. 
Gotham, Batgirl and Spoiler handled things on street-level. Bizarro’s organized crime prevention algorithms, Selina heard from grapevine, did horrible, horrible things for business. A robot-suited vigilante whose identity Bruce didn’t know about, named Wingman, helped to put Bizarro’s schemes into action, if GCPD dropped the ball.
So there wasn’t much for Bruce to do. Yet there he was, and at home, at nights, he wasn’t.
He didn’t trust the quiet, Selina mused. Perhaps he was right to do so. He had more experience in that hero business than her, he would know.
Most importantly, it gave Selina an opportunity. So she used it.
Damian wasn’t there, Selina usually had the same sleeping habits as Bruce, yet she had a feeling she would find Alfred in the kitchen, and she wasn’t wrong.
“Smells delicious,” she said moderately-cheerful.It smelled, if she was frank, stomach-turning. 
Lately, her nose was more sensitive, probably because she didn’t hang out with chain smokers anymore. Selina almost tasted the burnt sugar in the air.
“You are too kind, Miss Kyle,” Alfred said dryly, throwing out the contents of the pan in the garbage bin. He almost murmured to himself, adding something or other to the batter in a bowl. “Making waffles, I do not know what I was thinking, honestly. I never got it right, not to his standards. Perhaps, today I will have to show up empty-handed.” 
“Show up where? Your Sunday dinners with Jason?”
Alfred looked back at her, then, more alert than he was previously, as only now he shed the heavy feeling of failure he wasn’t used to feel, and thus reveled in every time he did.
“Brunch,” he said after a slight pause, like he weighted if he could trust her with this tidbit of information. Selina didn’t know if she was supposed to be hurt about it. “This time. Today… our plans slightly changed, and we can’t meet at a diner, as was our habit before. So I thought perhaps whipping up his favorite brunch food would be nice.”
“So you’re coming over to him, right?” No way Jason Todd was invited to Manor, after all. “Don’t want to give him the invite in public?”
Selina didn’t understand, really, what the big deal about it was. Yet, she allowed that she wasn’t around for the worse of Red Hood’s post-resurrection rampage. Maybe all the tip-toeing and the drama was deserved.
Probably not.
“It was actually Master Jason’s idea and invitation,” Alfred said, turning away again and making himself busy with a teapot. 
Selina shrugged mentally and made herself a coffee.
Fuck, where did they buy these beans? The coffee tasted like acid.Her stomach growled. She tried to drown out the noise by asking Alfred another question. Also, she was curious, which - for cats, curiosity was something life-bringing, if you remember the second part of the famous proverb. 
“Any special occasion?” 
Alfred hesitated to answer again.
“Yes, actually.” He looked at the cup of tea he was holding between his hands as though it had all the answers. 
Selina was slightly jealous. Her cup contained nothing more than vile poison. Maybe a smudge of milk would rescue it? She tried it out. It didn’t.
“I do not know for sure,” Alfred continued, when Selina ceased to expect it.
It was as though - no, it was exactly that Alfred didn’t have anyone else to talk about it with. People who knew Jason Todd and Alfred both were few and far between. Those who would be willing to talk about him, to Alfred, Selina had a feeling, were even fewer. None, maybe, except her.
She didn’t know Jason Todd though, not exactly. When he was Robin, Bruce kept them separate. It made sense. At the time their relationships has gotten worse. At best, what they had was very charged hate-sex. Sometimes it felt like Bruce was trying to prove something to himself. Selina, at the time trying to prove to herself she didn’t like or needed him all that much, didn’t really try to figure it out all that hard.
“But I think he wants to acquaint me with someone.”
“His teammates?” 
“No, I met Miss Grace and Mister Bizarro already, and, of course, I knew Miss Anders and Mister Harper from the time they were first friends with Master Dick. No, I think, perhaps it’s a girl,” Alfred said, and added quietly. “Or, a boy. A man. A person.”
“Oh?” Selina smiled. “That’s cute. Did he do that before? Invited people home so you could meet them and give them a seal of approval?”
Alfred drunk some tea, carefully.
“No, he did not. There was no one to… take home, or for me to - to meet.”
Alright, so Selina just said to herself that she didn’t really knew Jason when he was a kid. But what she did glimpse of him - he seemed to have such boisterous personality. Maybe he was brash, or even rude. But so full of life. And, before he died, he was, how old again?
“He lived with you guys for three years, right? Until he was sixteen?”
Alfred didn’t reply, even something like “he had other concerns - being vigilante”, maybe because that never seemed to stop Dick. Or, “he preferred to focus on his studies”, which didn’t put a wrench on Tim’s social life, as far as Selina remembered what little she knew about it (though Tim didn’t finish high school, so). Or, “there weren’t that much people he had shared or similar life experience with” - perhaps Damian’s chances of that were even less and yet he had good, even great friends. He must have - otherwise where was he spending all his days and sometimes nights, weekends? Not even “his upbringing left him emotionally stunted and incapable of forming meaning relationships with his peers”, which would fit Cassandra to a point - the point where she overcame it far quicker than Selina herself had. And her father wasn’t even 40% of messed up David Cain was. 
“It sounds great,” Selina offered. “It’s great you and him still have such great relationships.”
“Hmm. I am afraid - we don’t, not really. He treats me with fondness. As though I am a relic from simpler times, even if when he actually lived here it was everything but simple. We did not get along at first, and I am ashamed to confess my own distrust of the situation, whether or not it was deserved, was as much at fault as his limited ability to trust adults.”
He chuckled, staring at the wall. His eyes were slightly shimming. 
“Did you know he was quite stubborn of allowing me to call him Master Jason? He would rant or call me “Mister Pennyworth” to rile me up right back. I don’t think he ever understood why I choose to address the family so. He still, I’m quite certain, doesn’t. He allowed it and continues to allow it because it gives him a certain level of detachment. I am a well-meaning, somewhat-competent butler, an old and lonely man, to be indulged. Never family.”
“That’s awful,” Selina said, unexpectedly for herself.
But she felt for Alfred right now, she really did.
“Never family,” Alfred repeated, and he returned back to Selina, meeting her eyes. “So I am, in his eyes, safe. You wouldn’t know but - Master Jason found his father, again. His biological one, presumed dead for even before Jason came to live with us. He consciously decided he was not going to - to build relationships with him. He refuses even to acknowledge a link between them. So, I wouldn’t call it awful. It is what it is. Perhaps, what I even deserve. After all, when it was required, I failed to protect him.”
“Alfred, stop. Even Bruce couldn’t - you wouldn’t want Bruce to blame himself for Jason’s death, would you?”
“It is not what I meant.”
Selina felt a creeping feeling of nausea. This fucking coffee.
“Excuse me for a moment,” she said, not quite running to the nearest bathroom. 
When she returned to the kitchen, it was already empty. Seemed like Alfred had enough sharing for the day. Or, as she suspected, for the next century.
Perhaps, others would be more inclined to do so.
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Isabel gets a lot of flack but in the comics Jason reciprocated her interest. Even now he stated he regrets how things ended. Why do you think Jason pursued her? In 52 another girl asked him to call her too. Was only because he wanted something normal and she was an attractive blond who made herself available?
Eh, I think Isabel gets a lot of flak because she’s just…a very unfinished character. Despite people suggesting she doesn’t have a personality–she actually does, she’s extremely practical and cool-headed in an emergency, makes good decisions, is thoughtful but outspoken about what she wants, I can see exactly why Jason likes her. She actually is a pretty good fit for him. I think what she’s missing is anything about her personal life and likes or dislikes, how she got to the place she was when we met her in the story. If we were able to say, “She enjoys drinking wine and watching action movies, has a pet mossball that won’t have to feed when she’s away for a day or two on flights, plays the flute but as a kid she wanted to learn the harp but it was too expensive to buy one, likes 90s soft rock and grew up in the foster system so she took the first job she could find that didn’t need a degree she couldn’t afford and would take her away from Gotham City–airline stewardess,” then I think people would like her a lot better.
I don’t remember when someone else gave Jason her number, so I can’t tell you why he didn’t pursue that girl, but I’ll tell you why I think he pursued Isabel–Roy and Kori. Isabel gave Jason her number before Roy and Kori got together, but by the time Jason had visited Gotham city for the Court of Owls event, his two friends were together and I think Jason figured he should also find someone, both to have an excuse to give them more time together and because he wanted what they had and maybe it just felt like something he ‘should’ do, “I’m twenty, I should date, that’s a thing normal people do, right?” So at that time, Isabel was just convenient. At that point Jason thought she was pretty and everything, but he wasn’t exactly invested yet–and then they all got kidnapped by the Omega Men and roped into a space adventure and the way Isabel just ran with it and stepped up really made Jason fall in love with her.
Jason likes reliable, practical, brave women who can handle themselves in a bad situation, that’s like Jason’s kink, lol. Look at all the girls he’s been with or crushed on (Talia, Barbara, Artemis, Kara, maybe Essence and Rose deviate a little because even if they are badasses they seem a bit erratic but there’s a reason neither relationship worked out) and that’s kind of what you get. It’s never said anywhere, but I think Jason’s mother was quite unreliable and he was taking care of her more than she took care of him, so when he sees a girl who is independent, strong, dependable even when bad stuff is happening, that really hits home for him. Like if there’s ever a moment when he isn’t strong enough, she would take care of him, or if he had to leave her for some reason, she’d still be okay, life would go on.
A bit of a tangent, but I was reading the scene where Isabel and Jason first meet and…Isabel is really putting herself out there trying to get Jason’s attention. I feel like through the whole flight she was eyeing this crazy-hot twenty-something guy in a suit who looked like he had his shit together and she was really interested in Jason, so she tries to be flirty. Gives eye contact, smiles, asks him if he needs anything maybe a little more often than she does for the other passengers–you know, the type of behavior the average guy would interpret in a woman as flirting even if she was just being nice and didn’t intend to flirt at all. But Jason just didn’t even react.
So Isabel’s mind is racing like, is he gay? Not hitting my gaydar but he sure is bantering a lot with the guy with him, so maybe that’s it. I usually get hit on left and right even when I’m trying to be cold, it’s irritating actually and the one time I actually try to flirt the guy is ignoring me. He isn’t wearing a ring, he’s probably not married. Maybe he’s just not interested in me? Am I being too subtle? Am I crazy for being this attracted to a passenger I might never see again? So she decides to be overt as fuck and hope that gets his attention, lol. And as it turns out, Jason is both respectful enough to women that he doesn’t think normal polite behavior is flirting and is goddamn oblivious to people being interested in him so he barely notices even if it’s obvious.
Like Jason following Isabel to the drink cart could easily have been some creepy guy thinking he was going to join the mile high club, you know? But no he really just wanted to walk and get his drink he didn’t pull anything weird. I’m sure Isabel was just like, okay I have to spell it out for this guy, he’s too nice and too polite, he really just doesn’t get it. So she gave him her number.
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And like, look at this dork. Jason gets a girl’s number and he’s just so very confused like, “Huh? Why would a girl give me her number? Why would anyone be interested in me?”
Jason is just too precious.
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Una raza de perro que es delicado y valiente, el maltés da la bienvenida a todos como compañeros. Su impresionante bata blanca le da una apariencia de altanería, sin embargo, la apariencia puede ser engañosa. Este es un perro abrumador y abrumador que supera las expectativas como socio, así como un canino de tratamiento y rival en deportes de perros como la agilidad, la aquiescencia, el rally y el seguimiento. En cualquier caso, la gran mayoría de todos, él quiere estar con sus parientes. A lo largo de su larga historia, el maltés ha recibido numerosos nombres, por ejemplo, el "Perro Melitae", "Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta", "Roman Ladies Dog", "The Comforter", "Spaniel Gentle", el "Bichon", el "Perro León Maltés" y el "Terrier Maltés". Hoy, se lo conoce como el maltés. Esta exquisita raza de sabueso de juguete es popular por el pelo blanco aterciopelado que cubre su cuerpo. Recto y grueso, el abrigo cae directamente al suelo. Numerosos años atrás, el maltés vino en numerosos tonos, pero hoy en día son constantemente blancos. En el momento en que un maltés apropiadamente fabricado se mueve, parece flotar debajo de su melena blanca. Como no tiene una capa interna, el maltés arroja casi nada y muchas personas creen que la raza es hipoalergénica. En cualquier caso, el maltés es más que su chaqueta. Para terminar la imagen hay un cráneo marginalmente ajustado, nariz oscura, orejas caídas, ojos oscuros y listos, piernas cortas y rectas y una cola ágil. Es un perro dulce e inteligente que se entrega a sus parientes. Además, como una de las razas de juguetes más pequeñas, es apropiado para vivir en lofts o casas adosadas. En cualquier lugar donde viva, el maltés es receptivo a su condición y es un poderoso perro guardián. A pesar de que se ven frágiles y de alto nivel, los malteses pueden tener mucha vitalidad. Se adaptan rápidamente cada vez que compensan sus esfuerzos. Como tienen una larga historia como amigos sabuesos, los malteses requieren mucha consideración humana y experimentan los efectos nocivos del nerviosismo de división. Siempre que se quedan solos durante un período considerable de tiempo todos los días, pueden ladrar y ser dañinos. Ninguna raza es impecable y, en algunos casos, los malteses tienen la mente estrecha de niños pequeños o diferentes perritos, en particular por la posibilidad de que sus parientes los hayan malcriado en exceso. En caso de que esto ocurra, pueden resultar defensivos, burlarse y, en cualquier caso, roer si las criaturas o los individuos son vistos como un riesgo para su asociación con su familia humana más querida. De hecho, incluso los malteses tolerantes no son una decisión decente para las familias con niños pequeños, en cualquier caso, ya que son muy pequeños y pueden ser perjudicados de manera efectiva. Al igual que todos los caninos, se les debe mostrar su lugar en su hogar y requieren una socialización adecuada y una preparación de sumisión fundamental.
A pesar de que tu maltés necesitará satisfacerte, puede ser difícil dominarlo. Se sugiere preparar el cartón. Los malteses tienden a tener escalofríos, especialmente si están empapados o paseando por regiones empapadas. Si su maltés tiene el pelo largo, puede quemarse por el sol en la piel donde se separa el pelo en la espalda. Debido a su pequeño tamaño y estructura sensible, el maltés en general no se prescribe para unidades familiares con bebés o niños pequeños. Algunos malteses tienen estructuras frágiles relacionadas con el estómago y pueden ser comedores fastidiosos. Los problemas de alimentación pueden ocurrir si su maltés también tiene problemas de dientes o encías. En caso de que su maltés demuestre molestias al comer o después de comer, llévelo al veterinario para un chequeo. Para obtener un canino sólido, nunca compre un perrito joven de un criador temerario, una fábrica de cachorros o una tienda de mascotas. Busca a un criador respetable que pruebe sus perros callejeros para asegurarse de que estén libres de enfermedades hereditarias que puedan transmitir a los perritos jóvenes y que tengan personalidades sólidas.
El perro maltés es una de las razas de juguetes más antiguas, con una historia que puede seguirse en cualquier caso durante dos siglos. Artesanos, artistas y académicos deificaron a este pequeño perro en las primeras sociedades increíbles de Grecia, Roma y Egipto. Incluso fueron referenciados por Aristóteles. Los griegos levantaron tumbas para sus perritos malteses, mientras que las representaciones de perros callejeros malteses en antigüedades egipcias proponen que fueron apreciados por esa antigua cultura. Los egipcios y, cientos de años después del hecho, numerosos europeos, sintieron que los malteses tenían la capacidad de curar a los individuos de infección y pondrían uno en la plataforma de un individuo malvado. Esto motivó uno de sus nombres: "El Consolador". Incluso antes de la era cristiana, la raza estaba en todos los ámbitos en las sociedades mediterráneas. Independientemente de su notoriedad, el comienzo definitivo del sabueso maltés es cuestionable. Muchos aceptan que la raza fue creada en la Isla de Malta en el Mar Mediterráneo a partir de perros de tipo Spitz o Spaniel. Otros aceptan que fue creado en Italia, y aún otros aceptan que inicialmente era de Asia y que tenía una sección para crear una gran cantidad de pequeños cachorros asiáticos. De cualquier lugar de donde se originó, el maltés floreció. Para el siglo XV, había descubierto un lugar seguro en los brazos y los corazones de los franceses privilegiados. Durante el gobierno de Enrique VIII, el maltés desembarcó en las Islas Británicas. Antes del final del siglo XVI, los malteses habían conseguido una mascota muy querida por mujeres honorables y regias. El pequeño canino era el más querido de la reina Isabel I, María, reina de Escocia, y la reina Victoria. Varios pintores, incluidos Goya y Sir Joshua Reynolds, incorporaron a estos pequeños sabuesos en sus imágenes de encantadoras damas. A pesar del hecho de que soportó la caída del Imperio Romano y la Edad Media, el maltés estuvo casi devastado en los siglos XVII y XVIII cuando se hicieron esfuerzos para criarlo para que tuviera el tamaño de una ardilla. Después de esta prueba casi desafortunada, los reproductores mezclaron caniches, spaniels más pequeños de lo habitual y pequeños sabuesos del este asiático con la raza para evitarlo. Esto provocó que el maltés se desplazara hasta el punto de que se formaron pocas razas nuevas. Muchos piensan que los malteses son los progenitores inmediatos de las razas Bichon Frise, Bolognese y Havanese. Los criadores ingleses construyeron al maltés como probablemente ahora lo conozcamos. Enormes números de malteses en los Estados Unidos hoy siguen su legado a las importaciones inglesas. Los malteses se encontraron por primera vez en los EE. UU. A fines del siglo XIX. Fueron ingresados ​​en el primer Westminster Kennel Club que aparece durante la década de 1870. La cantidad de caninos malteses inscritos en el AKC se convirtió gradualmente hasta la década de 1950. A partir de ese momento, la raza se ha vuelto muy prominente. Los malteses son una de las razas más frecuentes entre los espectadores que aparecen en el sabueso, y habitualmente ganan el Toy Group. Además tienen un magnífico récord en la rivalidad "Best in Show".
El conservador maltés debería medir cerca de siete libras en el desarrollo, con cuatro a seis libras que le gusten. Los hombres deben medir entre ocho y diez pulgadas de alto en el hombro, mientras que las mujeres deben medir entre ocho y nueve pulgadas de alto. Tenga cuidado con los criadores que ofrecen "taza de té" maltés. Un maltés que mide menos de cuatro libras en el desarrollo está progresivamente inclinado a los desordenes hereditarios y tiene un mayor riesgo de bienestar cuando todo está dicho.
El maltés es un jamón característico con un carácter exuberante. Como está tan bien situado, se prepara bien y reacciona a los comentarios edificantes, por ejemplo, recompensas alimenticias, elogios y juegos. Intrépido, los malteses aceptan que todos los que conocen, humanos o criaturas, sean compañeros. Dulces y encantadores, son ampliamente conocidos por obtener continuamente su dirección, incluso con personas que no esperan arruinarlos. La personalidad está influenciada por varias variables, que incluyen la herencia, la preparación y la socialización. Los perros pequeños con personalidades decentes están interesados ​​y enérgicos, listos para moverse hacia los individuos y ser abrazados por ellos. Elija el perrito joven muy atractivo, no la persona que está golpeando a sus compañeros de camada o la persona que se está cubriendo en la esquina. En cualquier caso, reúnete continuamente con uno de los guardianes, por lo general, la madre es la persona accesible, para garantizar que tengan comportamientos agradables con los que estás bien. Conocer a familiares o diferentes miembros de la familia de los guardianes también es útil para evaluar a qué se parecerá un cachorro cuando crezca. Al igual que cada canino, el maltés necesita una socialización temprana - introducción a una amplia gama de individuos, imágenes, sonidos y encuentros - cuando son jóvenes. La socialización garantiza que tu perrito maltés crezca para ser un perro equilibrado. Alistarlo en una clase de jardín de infantes para perros pequeños es un comienzo extraordinario. Darle la bienvenida a los invitados normalmente, y llevarlo a parques ocupados, tiendas que permiten perros, y en paseos relajados para conocer a los vecinos, también lo ayudará a limpiar sus habilidades sociales.
Los malteses son comúnmente sólidos, sin embargo, como todas las razas, están inclinados a ciertas condiciones de bienestar. No todos los malteses contraerán alguna de estas enfermedades, sin embargo, es esencial saber sobre ellas en caso de que esté pensando en esta raza.
Los malteses aprecian un paseo ordinario o jugar afuera. Regularmente se mantienen divertidos amando genial hasta la edad madura. Dado que son dinámicos por dentro y no requieren mucha actividad, no requiere una gran cantidad de esfuerzo para mantenerse en forma como un violín. Como pauta general, espera hasta que tu cachorro maltés tenga 8 meses para caminar lejos con él, ya que sus huesos todavía están creando. Déle a su pequeño perro la oportunidad de jugar a su propio ritmo en su patio cercado hasta que esté completamente desarrollado, y luego llévelo a su veterinario para un chequeo antes de comenzar un programa de ejercicio controlado. Indudablemente, los malteses son perros domésticos y no soportan el calor o el frío extraordinarios. Numerosas personas entrenan a sus malteses para que no necesiten llevarlos afuera cuando el clima es excesivamente cálido o frío.
Suma prescrita todos los días: 1/4 a 1/2 taza de excelente nutrición seca al día, aislada en dos cenas.
Color de pelaje y aseo
El asombroso abrigo maltés es blanco sin adulterar, lujoso y recto, llegando a todo el camino hacia el suelo. El maltés no tiene la capa interna regular para numerosas razas y no arroja mucho. En el inconveniente, los abrigos malteses se enredan con eficacia y se vuelven sucios. Del mismo modo, los malteses se inclinan por los colores poco atractivos de las lágrimas en sus apariencias. Cepille y cepille delicadamente la capa de su maltés día a día, independientemente de si tiene un corte corto enérgico. Esto anticipa enredos y lo mantiene limpio. Por maravillosos que sean, los malteses se vuelven sucios de manera efectiva y, por lo general, deben lavarse semana a semana. En el caso de que su maltés tenga el pelo largo y cree esteras, primero intente resolver el enredo con ternura con los dedos, utilizando una salpicadura de desenredante o un aceite para moldear el abrigo. Después de separar el enredo tanto como puedas con los dedos, utiliza el diente final del cepillo para aflojar los vellos singulares. Nunca intente arrastrar todo el enredo en el doble con el cepillo o el cepillo, y asegúrese de que todas las alfombras sean expulsadas antes de lavar su maltés, ya que las alfombras en general se apretarán más cuando estén mojadas. Debes revisar tus oídos malteses en cualquier caso una vez por semana. En el caso de que parezcan sensibles o tengan un olor terrible, llévelo al veterinario para un chequeo. Del mismo modo, a los malteses les crece un montón de pelo en las orejas que deben evacuarse. Pídale a su peluquero o veterinario que haga esto o que le diga la mejor manera de cortar el cabello en casa. Córtale las uñas varias veces al mes si tu perro no las usa normalmente para evitar lágrimas agonizantes y otros problemas. En caso de que pueda escucharlos golpeando el suelo, son excesivamente largos. Las uñas de los pies caninos tienen venas en ellas, y en el caso de que cortes demasiado, puedes causar la muerte, y es posible que tu perro no se coordine cada vez que ve que salen las tijeras de las uñas. En este sentido, en caso de que no tenga experiencia cortando uñas caninas, acuda a un veterinario o peluquero para obtener consejos. El cambio de color de la cara y las lágrimas es un gran problema para la mayoría de los propietarios malteses. Debería esperar que la recoloración de las lágrimas comience cuando su perrito joven tenga entre cuatro y cinco meses (esa es la edad en que le salen los dientes). Para evitar o disminuir el cambio de color de la cara y las lágrimas de tu maltés adulto, busca estos medios: Limpie los ojos día a día con agua tibia para anticipar las lágrimas y lave el vello facial de su maltés después de las cenas. Anime a su perro a beber de una botella de agua. El agua que tiene una sustancia alta en minerales puede causar la recoloración, así que considere adquirir agua limpia y filtrada para su maltés. Alimente a su maltés con un recipiente de acero endurecido, arcilla o vidrio, no de plástico. Asegúrese de lavar el tazón de su perro entre comidas. En caso de que estas medidas no eliminen las manchas de lágrimas, consulte a su veterinario. Su maltés podría haber detenido los tubos lagrimales, hipersensibilidad u otros problemas médicos que están causando el desgarro innecesario. Si bien hay numerosos artículos disponibles para alegrar el cabello de su perro, tenga cuidado si los utiliza o cualquier remedio casero. Una gran cantidad de ellos puede dañar el cabello de tu perro y nunca, nunca permitir que ningún objeto o sustancia externa entre en los ojos de tus perros. Numerosas personas ponen el pelo en el punto más alto de la cabeza de su maltés en un moño para protegerse de los ojos. En el caso de que elija hacer esto, asegúrese de utilizar grupos cubiertos que no rompan el cabello. Algunas personas cortan el pelo de su perro corto, sobre su cabeza o todo terminado, por lo que la preparación es más sencilla. Cepille los dientes de su maltés varias veces por semana para evacuar el desarrollo de sarro y los microbios que merodean en su interior. El cepillado diario es muy superior en caso de que necesite evitar la infección de las encías y el aliento terrible. Si ve que la adorable nariz oscura de su maltés se está volviendo rosa, probablemente no tendrá suficiente luz natural. Llévelo afuera en un día radiante, o si hace demasiado frío para pensar en hacerlo, llévelo a dar un paseo en vehículo. El tipo de tazón que está comiendo y bebiendo también podría causar el cambio de pigmentación. En caso de que sea de plástico, tíralo. En el momento en que una mujer está en celo, su nariz puede ponerse rosa por otra parte. Comience a acostumbrar a su maltés a ser cepillado e inspeccionado cuando sea un perrito. Maneje sus patas con la mayor frecuencia posible (los perros son sensibles con sus pies) y mire dentro de su boca. Prepare un encuentro positivo cargado de reconocimiento y premios, y sentará las bases para pruebas veterinarias simples y otros cuidados cuando sea adulto. Mientras se arregla, verifique si hay moretones, erupciones cutáneas o indicios de enfermedad, por ejemplo, enrojecimiento, delicadeza o agravamiento en la piel, la nariz, la boca y los ojos, y en los pies. Los ojos deben estar claros, sin enrojecimiento ni liberación. Su prudente prueba semana a semana lo ayudará a detectar problemas médicos potenciales temprano.
Jóvenes y otras mascotas
La mayoría de los criadores malteses no ofrecerán cachorros a familias con niños pequeños. Es simplemente irracionalmente simple para un niño pequeño dañar a un maltés modesto al dejarlo caer, pisarlo o sujetarlo con demasiada firmeza. Mejora en un hogar con jóvenes o adultos más experimentados y tranquilos que lo tratarán con la consideración que necesita. El maltés puede coexistir con diferentes perritos y felinos en caso de que estén asociados a ellos a una edad temprana. No son conscientes de su tamaño menor, en cualquier caso, y deben protegerse de enfrentarse a perros que son diez o múltiples veces su tamaño. Read the full article
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miguanajuato · 6 years
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Muestra Culinaria Hñähñu 2018 http://bit.ly/2v56kM8
El sábado 11 y domingo 12 de agosto se llevará a cabo la “V Muestra Culinaria Hñähñu” en la Plaza Comunitaria de El Llanito, de Dolores Hidalgo en un horario de 10:00 de la mañana a las 6:00 de la tarde.
Esta edición tendrá la participación de 15 grupos de mujeres cocineras, los cuales, están integrados desde 4 hasta 6 personas; quienes se coordinan para ofrecer los platillos ancestrales que se elaboran con los productos de la milpa, huerto y recolección de productos silvestres de su entorno.
Las cocineras encargadas en despertar los paladares son: Marta Godínez, Feliciana Díaz, Lazara Sánchez Mejía, Margarita Gómez Perales, Rosa Anastasia Rangel, Cristina Vázquez  Mejía, Eusebia Godínez Ramírez, Alicia Olaez Mejía, Sofía Balderas Beltrán, María de Jesús Vázquez Almaguer, Adriana Camarillo Meza, María Isabel Gómez, Susana Perales, Ma. Abel Godínez Morales.
Los ricos platillos que degustarán los guanajuatenses, visitantes y turistas son: Gorditas de maíz con frijoles, nopales, papa y quelites; Chiles rellenos de quelites; Quesadilla de flor de calabaza, huitlacoche y de verdolagas; Frijoles negros, Calabacitas rellenas, Elotes con rajas.
Muestra Culinaria Hñähñu 2018
Así como Tortitas de orejones, Pipián, Vitualla, Garbanzos con nopales, tostada rallada y de trigo, nopales en blanco, calabazas con queso, tortitas de papa, capón crudo, burrito de frijol, sopa de elote, nopales en salsa verde, paloma rellena, chapulines, conejo en mole verde.
Y tortitas de espinaca rellenas de queso, ardilla en salsa de chipotle, moronga, verdolaga, tortita de quelites, asadora de puerco, mole, vitualla, nopales en penca de maguey, gordita de nopal, garbanzos guisados, caldo de conejo, conejo en chile guajillo, tortilla ceremonial, gordita de nata y tostada de trigo.
También habrán deliciosas agua de garambullo, de xoconostle, de borracha, de tuna, de alfalfa, xoconostle, piloncillo, garambullo y frutas; atole negro, de cascara, de garbanzo; colonche de tuna. Además, degustarán postres como pastel de zanahoria con arándano, gelatina de fresa, pastel de elote.
Durante la muestra culinaria se integrará un programa cultural de música, danza, teatro y exposición. También habrá participación de Productores de herbolaria, Artesanías y bordados, Artesanías de Barro, y Nieves tradicionales.
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