#islamophobia and education
sunbeamedskies · 4 months
It is a PRIVILEGE to be able to say that the entire population of a country or region are inherently guilty and deserving of death. It is also exactly the same shit the alt right does.
I've seen people do this to both Palestine and Israel. If you honestly celebrate the murder of Palestinians or Israelis and try to justify it, you are no better than an alt right cult member.
Real people are dying and suffering while you pretend this is a video game.
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edenfenixblogs · 10 months
New Pinned Post: How This Blog Approaches The Conflict
I am not normally a politically-focused blog. I am normally a personal blog that enjoys fandom and occasionally processes my own past trauma. As this war goes on, I am finding that it is against my personal ethics and morals to stay silent when I have the ability to educate and remain more patient than most. (My patience is not endless. I’m still human). So, while disinformation/misinformation, and propaganda abound on all sides. I feel like the best way I can help lower the temperature is to put my skills to use.
Primary Political Goals:
1. Emphasize humanity above all and use verifiable information and good faith education and discourse to reduce tension.
2. Do my absolute best to move the conversation away from polarizing, accusatory discourse that forces Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Israelis, and Palestinians to play a desperate game of defense and toward a shared mutually beneficial peace that honors each grouped indigeneity culture, and connection to their ancestral homeland.
3. Demonstrate and emphasize both Jewish-Muslim solidarity and Israeli-Palestinian solidarity.
Primary Blogging Goals:
As a diaspora Jew, my primary goal is threefold
1. Educate about antisemitism and Islamophobia—including calling it out and explaining it to the best of my ability.
2. Elevate responsible, verifiable voices—regardless of religion or nationality—and information to the best of my ability.
3. Demonstrate effective activism and provide insight and encouragement for other to find their most effective way to contribute to fostering peace.
1. I have the most experience with an understanding of antisemitism. I am more of an expert in antisemitism and have more ability to identify and educate about it. That said: I will not tolerate any Islamophobia or racism and if I don’t have the ability to educate about it, you will be blocked. If I have the ability to educate about it, I will do so and give you the chance to read about it and adjust your behavior. If you do not do so, I will block you.
2. This does not mean equal representation of all nationalities and religions. It means the best informed and most reliable voices AND the voices I personally have the best ability to vet, verify, and substantiate. This will often mean Jewish voices and Israeli voices. This is me staying in my lane, not choosing to suppress any voice. I will not elevate purposefully divisive, tokenized, or uninformed voices. This does not mean that I won’t elevate Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab voices as well. I will. But my primary goal here is responsibility. To do that, I have to stay in my lane.
3. I am most effective as an educator on this matter, a guide to finding reliable peace-oriented voices, and an example of patience. There’s a great desire among many to protest or create videos detailing their opinions and stances. Not only is this primarily performative—especially among non-Muslim/non-Palestinian goyim—it has the potential to be extraordinarily damaging to Jews both in Israel and in Diaspora as well as to Arabs, Muslims, Palestinians, and South East Asians worldwide. If you truly desire to help and not just feel like you’re helping, the best thing you can do is follow the lead of much more experienced activists with a demonstrated track record of effectiveness and good faith in their areas of expertise. As I stated: mine is primarily education and greater than average (though not limitless) amounts of patience. If you want to donate money or engage in more direct action and aid, I suggest finding pro-Palestinian Israeli voices and peace oriented Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian voices as well as organizations with experience in this conflict that do not rely on eliminating any population or erasing anyone’s connection to the Levant. Follow their lead on that matter. If you are only just engaging in this conflict for the first time due to current events, you likely do not know nearly as much as you think you do about any of this. Being uninformed and spouting disinformation has actual dire consequences that can get Jews, Muslims, Palestinians, Israelis, and Arabs killed. It is vital that you’re responsible in your engagement on this matter. Learning dogwhistles and how to spot bad faith arguments is a must. And to be effective, you should spend more of your time learning than you’re doing protesting or arguing. This is a 2000+ year old conflict. There is a lot to know and understand. And there are a lot of people willing to prey on your newcomer status and manipulate your existing beliefs to use you as a pawn to further their bad faith aims. The only consistent, trustworthy principal is to trust those who repeatedly affirm their goal as peace and shared prosperity and who reject any form of demonization based on ethnicity or religion. This is not a game. This is not the west’s fight. This is a conflict between two horribly oppressed, traumatized, and nearly exterminated ethnoreligous groups.
I am begging you to think, listen, and learn before joining the fray.
Note: I also don’t claim to be perfect. If I mess up or reblog something that causes unintended harm (which is very easy to do when engaging in discussions and activism about this conflict), I will say so and issue a correction. There’s no need to be hostile in informing me about this. Just message with your concern and I’ll evaluate from there.
Additionally, I will not interact with Hamas apologists. Hamas is a terrorist organization.
Anyone trying to make me feel like this is an Us vs. Them situation will be blocked.
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bfpnola · 2 years
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hey! as y’all know, Better Future Program is an entirely youth-run nonprofit and we provide over 3,000 FREE social justice, mental health, and academic resources. but because the majority of our volunteers are full-time students in middle school, high school, and college, we need YOUR help!
the screenshotted sections above have WAYYYY less resources than some of the others. do you think you could help us out? if you have leftist, anti-capitalist resources that align with these topics, please submit them here!
to reiterate, we are looking for leftist, anti-capitalist resources pertaining to: Jewish rights, Muslim rights, immigration, climate change, reproductive rights, classism, children’s rights, educational equity, and fat liberation
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igottatho · 6 months
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It’s been about one month since Aaron Bushnell, active duty serviceman, immolated himself in front of the DC Israeli embassy.
Today the UN called for a “non-binding” (qualifier added by US) ceasefire for the remainder of Ramadan (~two weeks). Meanwhile, yesterday Biden unilaterally approved another 3 billion dollars to be sent to Israel, begging the question, will Israel truly abide by a ceasefire?
In the past (years, not since Oct 7) ceasefires have been enacted, which Hamas and Palestinian Authority have respected, but Israel meanwhile would continue to control Gaza’s water, food & medical access, and yes, inflict violence upon Palestinian peoples. Knowing this, what is the incentive for Hamas to abide by a false ceasefire? when Israel now continues to murder children, rape women and cripple a population indefinitely.
Today I found my first real bit of info re: the Arab Spring of 2011. I worked within a large box bookstore at this time and through my years there, I was unable to find any literature on this topic. It’s been about 6 years and this may have changed, but typing “Arab Spring” into the billion dollar search function, there were NO RESULTS. This doesn’t mean the info wasn’t out there, somewhere, only that access wasn’t condoned, and academic thought was likely restricted (or … that’s how I understand it).
This is the podcast I found today and learned from. The show “Throughline” is really worthwhile in its entirety, but this episode shows us the power of social media and organizing dissent. On this near- anniversary of Aaron Bushnell political and radical act, I think a lot about the man in Tunisia who self immolated in January of 2011. His name was Mohamed Bouazizi, and his death sparked the Arab Spring,
Find it here.
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violottie · 5 months
to defeat it, we must know the evil we are fighting.
Exposing Christian Zionists 🚨🚨 Watch the full documentary on YouTube: part 1 and part 2 are out now
Exposing one zionazi at a time so we can dismantle this disgusting, cancerous ideology that’s taking over our world They’ve had you fooled into believing Muslims are savages, dangerous, killers- terrorists … What a bunch of absolute horseshit
It’s Christian Zio’s we need to dismantle and extinguish 🤯" from Rasha Naddaf-Whaits, 24/Apr/2024:
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Muslim community leaders from across Quebec are up in arms over Education Minister Bernard Drainville's move to ban public schools from setting up prayer rooms on their premises.
In a joint press release sent Thursday evening, representatives of several mosques that are members of the Table de concertation des organismes musulmans expressed their "indignation" at the minister's decision.
"We are also indignant that this decision is made in the middle of Ramadan, a month of blessings, fasting, meetings with all fellow citizens and prayers for Muslim citizens of Quebec," they wrote.
The authors represent the Islamic Cultural Center of Quebec, the Islamic Association of Rimouski, the Islamic Cultural Association of the Eastern Townships, the Association of Muslims of Greater Levis, Mac-Quebec, the Socio-cultural Islamic Association Louperivoise and BelAgir-Quebec. [...]
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hayatheauthor · 11 months
Possibly the most bitterly ironic thing ever is watching celebrities who said "If I lived during the holocaust I would have done ___" actively support and aid the genocide we are witnessing and have witnessed for the past 75 years.
If you were like me and sat in history class wondering how could anyone have just supported or turned a blind eye to the holocaust, here's your answer.
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thepeopleinpower · 5 months
Neutrality is not an option, if you’re not actively against genocide you’re supporting it. So please normalize asking dumb questions and seeking out as much information as possible. Please educate yourself. Stay informed. Don’t spread misinformation. Consult multiple sources. Primary sources whenever possible. Be mindful of credibility. Cross-check important information. Free Palestine but not just because it seems to be the stance all your left-leaning friends are taking. Free Palestine because that is what’s right. Because its genocide and no amount of nuance will ever change or justify that. Because you know good from evil even when it might seem complicated at first. Because you understand that…
…there is a lot of dangerous intermeshing of politics and religion.
…there is a lot of unfathomable hatred prejudice and fear.
…there is a lot of manipulation of, and omission of, vital information.
…there are lots of (often incongruous & self-contradictory) combinations of religious values & political ideologies.
…there are lots of pieces in play that are so often mistaken for each other, lumped together, generalized, referred to interchangeably, etc, when they absolutely should not be.
Don’t be complicit in the ongoing genocide, but don’t be a sheep either. Your voice is so often your only weapon and it carries a lot more weight when its your own and not an echo of someone else’s.
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lanaevyssmoved · 11 months
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stressedbeetle · 1 year
sometimes I watch video footage of Sweden from several years ago (70s, 50s, 1920s etc) because, I like history and I find it interesting. But then when I unfortunately check the comments there will without fail always be so many racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic comments saying that Sweden has been overrun and that the time from the video was the "good old days". Which just makes me SO FUCKING MAD PLEASE JUST SHUT UP YOU RACIST PIECE OF SHIT
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runalongprincevaliant · 11 months
@ freespiritrida
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House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik had a sharp response to the news that University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill was stepping down from her position over the weekend: “One down. Two to go.”
It was Stefanik’s line of questioning at a hearing last week before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce that attracted the most attention from the roughly five hours of testimony. A series of exchanges went viral when Magill and other university presidents at Harvard and MIT failed to condemn calls for the genocide of Jews as explicitly against campus rules on harassment and bullying. The answers from such high-profile leaders in higher education sparked bipartisan backlash and condemnation, which led to Magill’s departure and increasing pressure to oust both Harvard’s President Claudine Gay and MIT President Sally Kornbluth.
Stefanik, a Harvard graduate herself, has been leading the charge since the hearing to highlight and investigate campus antisemitism, and her efforts have attracted supporters from across the aisle as well as former President Donald Trump.
In a new statement Monday, Stefanik again called out MIT and Harvard, saying, “The leadership at these universities is totally unfit and untenable.”
“As clear evidence of the vastness of the moral rot at every level of these schools, this earthquake has revealed that Harvard and MIT are totally unable to grasp this grave question of moral clarity at this historic moment as the world is watching in horror and disgust,” Stefanik said in the statement. “It is pathetic and abhorrent.”
Stefanik announced late last week the committee was launching an investigation into Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania. While the investigation became public before news of Magill’s resignation broke, the New York congresswoman’s statements since then have made clear she’s not finished with the issue.
“This forced resignation of the President of Penn is the bare minimum of what is required,” Stefanik said in a statement over the weekend. “These universities can anticipate a robust and comprehensive Congressional investigation of all facets of their institutions’ negligent perpetration of antisemitism including administrative, faculty, and overall leadership and governance.”
Former Penn board chair Scott Bok also resigned Saturday.
Trump praised Stefanik as “very smart” over the weekend.
“I guess they’re all gonna be losing their jobs within the next day or two, but one down, two to go,” Trump said in a speech hosted by the New York Young Republican Club late Saturday night – repeating Stefanik’s line hours after she put her statement out.
Stefanik has a polarizing reputation on Capitol Hill as a staunch supporter of Trump. But the congresswoman has managed to amass Democratic support for pushing for the ouster of university presidents. She co-wrote a letter dated Friday with Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz of Florida demanding those presidents’ removal. The letter was also signed by Democrats Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey and Joe Courtney of Connecticut.
“I am proud to lead a bipartisan letter with @RepMoskowitz and 72 of our colleagues to the members of the Governing Boards of @Harvard, @MIT, and @Penn demanding that their presidents be removed after this week’s @EdWorkforceCmte hearing,” Stefanik tweeted Friday.
Gay has since apologized for her remarks, in an interview with The Harvard Crimson on Thursday.
“I got caught up in what had become at that point, an extended, combative exchange about policies and procedures,” Gay told the student newspaper. “What I should have had the presence of mind to do in that moment was return to my guiding truth, which is that calls for violence against our Jewish community — threats to our Jewish students — have no place at Harvard, and will never go unchallenged.”
“I am sorry,” she said. “Words matter.”
The Executive Committee of the MIT Corporation, MIT’s governing board, issued a statement last week saying President Sally Kornbluth has their “full and unreserved support.”
Stefanik, who was first elected in 2014, replaced then-Rep. Liz Cheney as GOP conference chairwoman in May 2021. While she voted against one of Trump signature legislative victories – his 2017 tax plan – she attracted significant attention for her impassioned defense of Trump around the former president’s first impeachment investigation in 2019.
While she’s been one of the most visible messengers for the House GOP Conference, she was not one of the many Republicans to throw themselves in for nomination to be the next House Speaker, after Kevin McCarthy was ousted earlier this fall.
Since the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, the Department of Education has opened an unprecedented number of investigations into alleged incidents of hate on college campuses.
Both Harvard and Penn, along with 11 other colleges and five K-12 school districts, have come under investigation since that time. The Department of Education has told CNN that the situation is becoming untenable for the Office for Civil Rights, and that it doesn’t have the investigative staff to match the influx of cases, shining a light on where the investigation Stefanik announced last week may be able to fill in those gaps.
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The “Islamophobic incident” catalyzed plenty of administrative commentary and media coverage at the university. Among others, it formed the subject of a second Oracle article, which noted that a faculty member had included in their global survey of art history a session on Islamic art, which offered an optional visual analysis and discussion of a famous medieval Islamic painting of the Prophet Muhammad. A student complained about the image’s inclusion in the course and led efforts to press administrators for a response. After that, the university’s associate vice president of inclusive excellence (AVPIE) declared the classroom exercise “undeniably inconsiderate, disrespectful and Islamophobic.”
Neither before nor after these declarations was the faculty member given a public platform or forum to explain the classroom lecture and activity. To fill in the gap, on Dec. 6, an essay written by a Hamline professor of religion who teaches Islam explaining the incident along with the historical context and aesthetic value of Islamic images of Muhammad was published on The Oracle’s website. The essay was taken down two days later. One day after that, Hamline’s president and AVPIE sent a message to all employees stating that “respect for the observant Muslim students in that classroom should have superseded academic freedom.” The essay’s censorship and the subsequent email by two top university administrators raise serious concerns about freedom of speech and academic freedom at the university.
The instructor was released from their spring term teaching at Hamline, and its AVPIE went on the record as stating: “It was decided it was best that this faculty member was no longer part of the Hamline community.” In other words, an instructor who showed an Islamic painting during a visual analysis — a basic exercise for art history training — was publicly impugned for hate speech and dismissed thereafter, without access to due process.
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sexysilverstrider · 1 year
celebrities vas and anyone in general if you see this palestine situation as "both sides" please reeducate yourselves. for the rich people and celebs they are selfish pricks who think of nothing but themselves but for others please please PLEASE reeducate yourself and learn more.
there is no both sides. there are only the colonizer and the colonized.
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villainanders · 2 years
seeing mass effect 2 came out just about a year before da2 is explaining a lot to me bc 1) even tho me2 seems to be a more thought out game than da2 in just about every regard it seems like there's a lot similar stylistic impulses going on 2) bioware was REALLY into 9/11 during this timeframe apparently. i don't know what was going on over there nearly 10 years after the event that made them feel like it was finally time to start dropping their 9/11 political commentary but it was happening i guess
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More than 35 parents of children in a Grade 1 class at the Toronto school where a 6-year-old boy was allegedly locked in a closet-sized room for 30 minutes have signed a petition in support of their teacher, who they call “extremely dedicated, attentive, and caring.”
The teacher at John Fisher Public School was placed on home assignment, along with the school’s principal and vice-principal, as part of a Toronto District School Board (TDSB) investigation into allegations of anti-Black racism toward the six-year-old.
The boy’s mother alleges that she and her son were subject to dozens of instances of discrimination at the school, and that on Jan. 31 her son was locked in a small room off the school office while staff tended to another student in need of medical treatment.
“That’s when he’s told that he’s being distracting, and [was] led to the room, and locked in the room,” the mother told CTV News Monday. “It’s emotional, it’s unbelievable.” [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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