#it felt so clear to me that he drilled into her that SHE was the one who would be hurt by admitting this
homosociallyyours · 1 year
Watched the final part of the VPR Reunion and wanna state my grossly unpopular opinion right out loud in the village square: I *do* feel bad for Raquel and I *don't* think Tommy Flip-flop has gotten nearly enough of the blame in this whole scenario.
And i kinda feel like in 10 years if anyone is bothering to look back on this, there will probably be a lot of "it was a different time, you can't blame anyone for being harsh on her" talk. I reject that shit right now.
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amourane · 6 months
so this is love
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pairing: theodore nott x hufflepuff!reader
genre: fluff
w/c: 2.7k
summary: there's a weird feeling that erupts in theo's chest whenever he looks at you and for the first time in his life his mind goes silent.
warnings: none!
a/n: i honestly love this so much and it's so so sooo cute!
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Theodore Nott was many things. Quiet, judgmental, emotionless and most importantly handsome. One of the prettiest boys in Hogwarts yet the most unapproachable. No one had ever seen a smile grace his lips and if you had tried to converse with the Slytherin he would only stare at you with blank eyes waiting for you to go away. He spoke little words but it was enough for people to get the point. Unlike his rowdy group of friends, he wouldn’t merrily join in conversation, rather make snarky remarks every now and then, an uninterested look always on his face. A scowl or a smirk always tugged at his lips as he listened to what his friends had to say. 
Even though Theo never voiced his thoughts out loud he always knew what to think. His mind was constantly running at a hundred miles per hour. Every little thing he wanted to say flitted through his mind. It was as if his head was a cacophonous symphony. 
Yet as he looked at the girl in yellow robes his mind was oddly quiet. He watched her silently as she dropped her ingredients into her cauldron. It was a rare moment. One he had discovered a month ago when he had finished his potion early and looked around to see if anyone else was done. There you were. Eyes scanning the contents of your Potion’s book but it was quite clear you had finished brewing whatever was in your cauldron as you leaned back into your seat. 
Theo’s mind was silent. 
There were no thoughts, no opinions, no judgments. He stared at you and it made him uneasy. There was something about you that unnerved him. He didn’t recall you from his other classes and it was the first time he had even seen you in Potions. As he felt the comforting silence settle in his head he concluded one thing - you were interesting and he was going to keep an eye on you.
“Nott, mate, what are you doing? I’ve been asking you to pass me a quill for about a century, have you suddenly gone deaf?” Blaise nudged Theo out of his trance and the brunette blinked for a second before passing over a quill. His partner frowned before following where his eyeline previously was and he smirked. “Still obsessing over the little Hufflepuff I see. Who knew you were capable of having feelings.”
“I don’t fancy her.”
“I never said you did.” Blaise’s smirk widened. “You came up with that on your own.”
Theo felt his face heat up. It wasn’t true. He didn’t like you, not in the slightest. He was merely fascinated at how you were able to turn his manic mind into a state of tranquillity. He looked over. You were talking to your partner beside you and Theo assumed she had said something funny because a grin had overtaken your pretty features and a giggle slipped past your lips. Theo didn’t fancy you but he couldn’t deny that you were the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
“He’s staring again.” Hannah said as she poked your side to get your attention. “It’s like he’s drilling holes into your skull. Do you think he wants to hex you?”
You looked up from your cauldron with a frown as you faced your friend. “He doesn’t stare at me, don’t be silly Hannah. I’m sure he has a reason for looking this way.”
“Y/n you’re terrible at finding excuses for anything. It’s so obvious he’s looking at you and his glare is starting to scare me a bit.” 
Behind your fellow Hufflepuff was Theodore Nott. Your eyes glaze over his perfectly tousled hair and his dark coloured eyes. He really was handsome. You watch as he says something to Blaise and you see a tint of pink touch his cheeks. Cute. You smiled to yourself. Merlin, he was really cute.
Theodore Nott had been watching you for a few weeks now and you weren’t oblivious enough to not notice the Slytherin’s gaze. At first you didn’t know how to react when you first felt his eyes on you. It was weird. Every time you would turn around he would already be looking down at his piece of parchment, scribbling something down with his quill. You had never caught him staring at you but you could certainly feel it. The piercing feeling of his stare made goosebumps rise on your skin. In a way you found it endearing. Sometimes you would turn around and find him, nose deep in his textbook and you could faintly see the tips of his ears blush red. It was those times you would giggle to yourself. 
It was arrogant to assume that Theo felt that way about you but for some reason you couldn’t help but get a little giddy at the thought he might. That someone like him would even think about going out with someone like you. That the cutest guy in your year would fancy you. Then reality came crashing back and you knew that a Slytherin would never be seen with a Hufflepuff much less date one.
“Hello? Earth to Y/n? You still there?” Hannah waved her hand in front of your face. “Merlin, one mention of Nott and you go all dreamy on me. When are you going to ask him out then?”
Your cheeks flared up with heat and you couldn’t help a smile that tugs at your lips. “Shush Hannah.” You try to sound serious but with your blushing face and bright grin it’s hard to do so.
“You’re actually whipped, Y/n.” Hannah let out a laugh and you let a giggle slip past your lips at her statement. You didn’t feel the need to deny it after all, maybe it held some truth. 
Theodore Nott always knew what to say and when but as he stood in front of you he found himself speechless. Now as his eyes wandered over your delicate hands and beautiful face he couldn’t find the words that needed to be said. His mind was quiet again. Silence. He opened his mouth to apologise for bumping into you and nearly knocking you over but no words came out. So he did the next best thing, help you grab your books.
You were scrambling to grab scrap pieces of parchment that had escaped the grasps of your books and Theo grabbed the Herbology textbook you had dropped. He watched as you gathered your things before finally meeting his gaze. You smiled and he felt his heart stop. Suddenly it was as if he was being engulfed in a tidal wave. There was a twinkle in your eyes and it set off a spark in his chest that he didn’t know was there. Theo felt himself grow hot as you stared at him and for the first time in his life he felt self conscious.
“Thank you.” You said and he felt his ears ring as your voice echoed through his mind. “I’m really sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going and I was in a rush to get to my next class. I hope you aren’t hurt anywhere.”
A beat passed.
Theo blinked. He watched as your bright expression slowly morphed into one of concern. He watched as you reached out to touch his arm.
“It’s Theo.” Is the only thing he can think to say before he realised how it must’ve sounded rude. “But you can call me Theodore. I don't mind.”
Another beat passed.
The two of you were now standing in the middle of the hallway as other students passed by. Theo could hear their whispers as they looked. The curious eyes wondering what a Slytherin could possibly be talking to a Hufflepuff about. For a second Theo thinks he’s upset you and you’re going to storm off but he’s proven wrong. The bright smile returned to your face.
“Well Theo, I’m going to need my Herbology textbook back, I’ve already been late twice this week.” 
“O-Oh yes right, sorry I forgot.”
Theodore Nott has never once stumbled over his words. Yet as he stood in front of you he found himself wrapped in a world he had never known before. He felt himself grow even warmer and he reached a hand to loosen the emerald tie around his neck. This was unlike him. He never went speechless, he never struggled to find a smart quip or retort and he most definitely never stuttered. You brought out a side to him that was new and he didn’t know if he liked it or not.
“Thank you for helping me Theo, I’ll see you in Potions.” You waved goodbye as you hurried off down the hallway. 
Theo’s eyes remained glued onto your frame as you ran. A rising bubbly feeling began in his chest and he felt his heart quicken. He gulped. You had long disappeared from his view but he still felt a burning sensation on his cheeks and he tried to cool himself down with his hands but it served no use. Giving up, he turned away and marched down the hall determined to figure out whatever he was feeling.
“You know staring at her won’t make her your girlfriend Nott.” Mattheo smirked as he watched his best friend. The others at the Slytherin table tittered with laughter and Theo rolled his eyes. He was now used to his friend’s teasing and even though it was relentless he didn’t pay any attention to it. Why would he? It wasn’t true anyway.
“Very funny Riddle.”
“You know me Theo, always the jokester.” He winked as he sipped the pumpkin juice in his cup.
“But seriously Theo you should ask her out if you like the girl. Salazar, it's better than drilling holes in the back of her head.” 
“Pansy’s right Nott, we’re all tired of you mooning over the girl just go ask her out already and then the two of you can go snog in the broom cupboard.” Draco snickered and the other Slytherins erupted into another round of laughter.
“Well you’ve got it all wrong I don’t fancy her.” Theo looked at his friends with a scowl present on his face. “She makes me feel all these things and I hate it. I hate how different it is. I hate how quiet everything gets when I look at her. I hate how she makes me feel and it’s all horrible and downright disgusting. It’s like I’ve got a fever whenever I’m around her and I’ve somehow contracted some life-threatening heart disease. My mouth dries up and I stumble over what I say and it’s not like me at all. So no, you’ve all got it wrong because I don't fancy her.”
With that Theo leaves the table, dinner untouched, with red cheeks and a rapidly beating heart. His friends watched dumbfounded as their friend trudged away. They all exchange knowing glances before shaking their heads at his obliviousness to his own feelings.
“That guy seriously needs to realise that sometimes not being an emotionless prick isn’t going to kill him.” Pansy dug into her beef as she scoffed at her friend’s stupidity.
Unbeknownst to the Slytherins a certain Hufflepuff was watching as their friend stormed off, her eyes never once leaving his ruby red face and the angry glare that accompanied it. She excused herself from her table before slipping away to follow a certain brunette.
Annoyance was the main thing that Theodore Nott felt at the moment. Anger at the persistence that he had a crush on you when he didn’t, he knew he didn’t. You had cast some sort of spell on him. Some sort of hex that made him notice every little bit about you. The way your smile lit up the room, the way your laughter echoed in his mind like the happy tinkering of a bell. Every second he saw you it was as if you overtook his senses. Clouding his sight with your beauty, suffocating him with your sweet scent, muffling his ravenous thoughts until everything was calm. 
When Theodore Nott looked at you he felt an overwhelming emotion, one that he couldn’t explain, but it made his hectic thoughts still and as cheesy as it sounded it made time itself stand still. When Theodore Nott looked at you he noticed every fine small detail like the way you like to smile at yourself whenever you get a question right or the way you tap your fingers on the desk when you’re concentrating. When Theodore Nott looked at you he felt his heart soar and he isn’t used to feeling this unnatural emotion that had been brewing inside of him.
He didn’t even notice you were behind him until he heard your voice. Soft and gentle and kind. He spun around. You had a look of concern etched upon your face and you stepped closer towards him and he backed away feeling his heart quicked once again. He glared at you hoping that his stare would force you to go away and would force whatever he was feeling to disappear.
“Are you okay Theo? I saw you leave and you didn’t touch your food, did something happen?”
You were so caring, so nice, so calm. You were so many things and Theo couldn’t take it. Couldn’t take looking at you when he could hear his heart pumping. “What are you doing to me?” He whispered, backing away further.
You frowned. “I haven’t done anything Theo. Are you sure you’re okay you look quite red and-”
“You’re lying.” He seethed. “You’re lying because why are you making me feel these things? Why does my mind go quiet, my thoughts stop, the words fail? There’s no explanation to this. I don’t understand why my heart races and everything suddenly feels hotter around me. I don’t understand this feeling I have inside me, some magnetic force that keeps pulling me to you. You’re everywhere Y/n.”
His glare intensified as he spoke, each word punctuated by a slow, deliberate step forward. “I look at you and I feel things I’ve never felt before, this bubbly warm feeling. Whenever I’m around you I can’t think of what to say. I close my eyes and I see your smile, your eyes. I can hear your laughter even if we’re in the noisiest classroom. You’re everywhere Y/n. So tell me, what have you done to me?”
A beat of silence.
The both of you stare at each other. Your frown had long gone and now you simply looked at the Slytherin in front of you trying to decipher his anger.
“It’s love Theo.” You take a step closer. “All the things you’ve just said - it’s love.”
Theo froze. His expression remained stony yet his eyes betrayed his thoughts as he looked away for a second. He blinked before looking at you once again. Your eyes, the eyes he couldn’t help but notice everywhere he went, looked back at him. His mind was no longer quiet. An outbreak of noise erupted inside his head and he struggled to grasp what was going on. He couldn’t focus. All he could hear was his own voice in his mind, overlapping, shouting, screaming, crying. It all came crashing down and Theo didn’t know what to do.
Then your lips collided with his and he stilled. The noise died down. Chaos ceased. Theo let his eyes flutter shut as he kissed you back with fervour. Your lips were soft and you tasted sweet like strawberries. He wrapped his arm around your waist and you were warm as you leaned into his touch. He felt your arms tangle in his hair and he smiled at the feeling. This felt right. This didn’t feel weird or disgusting. It was something he never thought he would feel. 
The both of you broke apart and you blinked looking at Theo with your beautiful eyes. His heart continued to race. You beamed up at him and he couldn’t help but smile back. You were so pretty, so gorgeous and you had just kissed him. His mind was finally quiet again. The strange feeling that filled his body now didn’t feel so foreign at all in fact it felt natural as he gazed at you.
“It’s love Theodore Nott. That’s what you feel.” You give him another kiss. “And it’s what I feel too.”
Theodore Nott was many things but as he closed his eyes to kiss you once again there is only one thing that he wants to be - in love with you.
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selencgraphy · 21 days
Hi!!! If you’re comfortable with it, could you write something about Logan meeting reader’s parents for the first time and he sees that her father is verbally abusive and he maybe stands up for her and stuff. Thanks so much!!
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PAIRING: logan howlett x f!reader
TAGS: she/her pronouns for reader, verbal abuse, body shaming, protective!logan, logan is whipped (but when is he not?), established relationship, meeting the parents for the first time, hurt/comfort, reader is like in her early 30s, mutant!reader (telepath but she uses her powers like once...), thanksgiving, logan calling reader princess
A/N: i love protective!logan and have been meaning to write smth around these lines so thanks for the ask! sorry that it took a minute, i couldn't figure out how i wanted to go about writing it :( i hope you like it <3
masterlist || request box <3
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“You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to, Lo,” you voiced as you watched him pack. It was tradition in your family that everyone gathered back at your parent’s house for Thanksgiving, but it had been only a few months since the two of you started dating. Things were going really well between the two of you and as much as you wanted to spend the holidays with him, the idea of Logan meeting your parents was overwhelming. You never failed to go home before despite your gripes with your father, but just because you had to go didn’t mean he did.
He stopped folding the shirt he had in his hands at your remark, setting it down and walking up to you, his gaze soft but laced with a hint of worry. As soon as he was within arms reach, you went to place your hands around his neck and his hands immediately found your waist. His eyes bore into yours as if he was looking for something in them. “D’you not want me to come, bub?”
Your heart dropped at the question. “Of course, I want you to come, baby. It’s just… my family. They can be a bit much. I’ve never brought someone home to meet them before, and we haven’t exactly had the best relationship since I left to be here,” you ramble, eventually stopping when you notice the look on his face. He was smiling. “Why’re you smiling?”
“My girlfriend is really cute, is why,” he whispered, pecking your lips without warning.
“M’being serious, Lo…”
“I know, I know, bub. I’m sorry,” he breathed, gently squeezing the part of your waist where his hands were. “I wanna go with you.”
“Yeah,” he hummed, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You sighed, letting your head fall to rest on his chest.
“I just… I just don’t want them to scare you away,” you whisper. At your words, he removed one of his hands from your waist to gently lift you by your chin to look at you once more.
“M’not going anywhere, bub,” he assured, his voice never wavering as he stared into your eyes, trying to drill the words into your head. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Lo.”
You watched with bated breath as Logan greeted your parents, especially your dad. The handshake they exchanged felt like it lasted hours as your dad tried to size him up. “Nice to meet you, Logan,” he gruffly greeted. “Was worried Y/N made you up.”
You chuckle in an attempt to hide the fact that your father’s idea of a joke hurts, but you notice the subtle way Logan’s jaw clenches. The respectful demeanor he displayed was cracking. “Let’s eat, shall we?” your mother suggested, forcing the two men out of their macho exchange. With your father following after your mother, you took Logan’s hand in yours and gave it a squeeze, flashing a feeble smile.
Sitting down, your father sat at the head with your mother to his left and your sister next to her. Logan sat to the left of your father with you right next to him. Once everyone was settled with enough food on their plate, your father spoke again, completely dismissing Logan and looking at you. “Have you found work yet, Y/N?”
At the question, you wiped your hands and mouth, clearing your throat before you spoke. “I have,” you hesitated, unsure of where your father was taking this conversation. “Professor Xavier offered me a teaching position actually.” You were met with a dismissive hum, your face falling at the reaction. A moment passed before he spoke again—this time, speaking to Logan.
“So how did you meet my daughter, Logan?”
“I work at the school too,” he replied, his voice confident and steady. Your father merely scoffed and continued to eat while your mother asked more questions to fill the awkward silence. Even with your mother trying to lighten the mood as Logan told her about how you got together, the weight of your father’s silent gaze sent your heart racing, sweat slowly seeping out of your pores. In an attempt to ease your anxiety, you reached for more food.
“Make sure you save some for the rest of us, Y/N,” your father jeered. You froze, setting down the serving spoon in embarrassment and quickly placing your hands on your knees, tugging at the fabric at the sudden wave of self-consciousness.
“Lo, can we go?” you asked telepathically. He quickly nodded, giving your hand another reassuring squeeze.
“I think we’ll get going,” you mumble, your voice low in an attempt to maintain your composure. “Thank you for the food, ma.”
“Oh, c’mon Y/N. It was just a joke. I can’t joke around with my little girl anymore?” His words cut through you, but it seemed to hit Logan just as hard with the way his hand clenched, his claws threatening to break the skin. Just as you were about to speak, Logan beat you to it.
“S’not a joke. You’re just being fucking rude,” he started. Before continuing he turned to your sister. “Sorry for my language, kid.” He then looked back at your father. “I was actually a lil’ excited to meet the people who brought her into this godforsaken world, but now I’m just disappointed. She’s your daughter for fuck’s sake. Y/N is the kindest person I know. She’s been through hell, but she’s never let any of that get to her. You should be proud of her—of the woman she’s become and I won’t have you shit talk her, let alone do it in front of me. You don’t deserve my time and you sure as hell don’t deserve her.” Logan was breathing heavily now, his eyes blown with anger as he stared down your father.
He was standing up to your father in a way you and your sister never could, too afraid that harsh words might turn into something more, and it made you love him even more. But the emotions evoked by your father outweighed them, tears filling your eyes. “Let’s go, bub,” Logan gruffly said, the hand he held in his gently guiding you out of your parent’s house and into his car. He pulled out the driveway and headed off.
It was obvious he was trying to calm himself down before he tried to comfort you, still keeping a gentle hand on your thigh to tell you he was still here for you. Once his breath slowed, he pulled over and put the car into park, turning to you. Your eyes were red rimmed, eyes looking every which way and fingers tugging at your sleeves. “Princess?”
You hummed in response but didn’t look at him, tears threatening to spill. “Y/N, baby, can you look at me, please?” His voice was gentle, a hand raising to your cheek to try and face you to him. Slowly, your eyes met his and the floodgates opened, his thumbs immediately moving to wipe the tears away. His arms gently wrapped around you, pulling you into him the best he could over the center console. “I gotchu, honey. I gotchu.”
You stayed like that for a while until you were able to calm down. When he pulled away, he softly held his face in your hands as he spoke. “How about I make you your favorite, and we watch that movie you like when we get home?”
You sniffled, nodding at his suggestion and placing a hand over one of the ones he held on your face. He always knew how to make things better. When you got back to the mansion, you two did just that and as you sat in his bed, you couldn’t help the swell in your chest when you looked over at him. “Thank you, Lo,” you whispered. When he turned to you, his eyes softened.
“Anything for my girl,” he grinned, nudging his nose against yours before placing a kiss to your lips. 
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homestylehughes · 3 months
4 times luke wanted to kiss you and the 1 time he did.
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pairing(s): luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: 4 times luke wanted to kiss you and the 1 time he did.
warning(s): absolutely none. pure sweet fluff.
wc: 2.1k
an: hi loves!!! back with another Luke fic...are we surprised? I'm a big fan of this little prompt, I was stuck between writing this for 3 different players, so I had google pick a number between 1-3 and 3 was Luke so here we are!! I love writing for luke, especially, cute and soft luke. more coming very soon!! I hope you guys enjoyed, like and reblog if you do! much love as always.
happy reading <3
The first time Luke saw you, he thought he had experienced love at first sight. He was running late to practice, waking up only 5 minutes before he had to be there. quickly throwing on random clothes, slipping on his shoes and running out of his dorm at lightning speed. 
Not paying attention to his surroundings, his only focus was getting to practice on time to avoid having to do extra drills on the ice, given to him by his coach. Just as Luke turns the corner, he feels something or another person slam against his chest. Quickly pulling back to see the prettiest girl he's ever seen on the ground, with her books surrounding her. 
“Oh my gosh. I'm so so sorry '' Luke gushes out to the nameless girl in front of him. Quickly reaching down to help her grab her books. 
“Its okay, i should have watched where i was going” she says softly
“No it was completely my fault, I was in a rush, '' Luke says, offering a hand to help pull the girl from the ground.
“Oh, thank you” she says smiling as he takes his offering hand. Getting up, she brushes herself off before looking up at Luke, who's holding her books tightly in his hands. The pair staring at each other before Luke clears his throat, suddenly remembering he has a practice to get to, that's definitely late for now.
“Here's your books” he says handing her the stack, “again I'm so sorry for crashing into you” he finishes. 
“It's okay, things happen. No worries” she says, pushing a piece of hair behind her ears as she looks up at him.
“I'm really sorry to cut this short, but I have to go to practice, which I'm already late for..” he says, Luke's voice trailing off in embarrassment. 
“Oh! Of course! You better run” she giggles out 
“I'll see you around!” he shouts out as he begins to jog away from her. 
“My name's y/n!” he hears her shout from behind him 
“Luke!” he yells back to her, turning around quickly to find her standing there with a smile on her face, sending her one last wave. 
Luke couldn't help but have the same smile on his face as he ran the rest of the way to practice.
 Not caring about the ear full he was going to get from his teammates, and coach, or the drills he was going to have to do after practice. The only thing on his mind was you. wanting to know more about you, and maybe, but maybe how it felt to kiss you. 
Ever since Luke ran into you, 5 months ago, it's like gravity had forced you two together. Luke immediately looked you up on instagram the same night, following you instantly, hoping he'd have the chance to talk to you again. 
It seemed like god heard his wish, because now here is he with you in a spirit halloween as you guys try and find matching costumes for a halloween party, that you two had gotten invited to last minute.  
“Luke, what about this one?” you ask, holding up an adult sized mario costume. 
“Absolutely not” 
“Why not?? I think this fits you” you say giggling 
“WAIT. I have a better option.” turning around on your heel, picking up another costume, “Luke you are sooooo luigi” she says laughing
“Why do you hate me?” he says, rubbing his hands over his face. 
“I do not! Stop being dramatic” yn sighs, “you've hated every option I've shown to you, this is the best option we have so far. If you don't want to go, just say so” 
The sound of your tone, towards the last part of the sentence is enough to make luke lift his head up in confusion. 
“Woah woah. I never said I didn't want to go, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like that” he says, his hand finding your arm pulling it slightly, so you look up at him. 
“I'll love and wear anything you choose for me. Hell, I'll even wear a paper bag, if that makes you happy” he says, looking into your eyes. 
“Yes really, now let's be the best mario and luigi the worlds ever seen” 
A smile spreads over your face, as you register his words, Luke can't help but get lost in your eyes, the plump of your lips, taking in every part of you, as you look up at him. 
Not caring if you were in the middle of an aisle in spirit halloween, in that moment luke really wanted to kiss you. 
Luke's hands couldn't help but shake as he sat on the couch with his brothers, today was the day. A day that could change his life for forever, the NHL draft. Everything he’s done, all of the blood sweat and tears he put into the sport, that he considered his life. it all came down to, today. 
The pressure of following in his brother's footsteps, wanting to be as good, even better than them. to play at the same level as them, had always been a goal of his. Now that he’s finally here, he can't help but be scared of what's to come. 
The lights and cameras are making it harder for him to calm his nerves, he knows he’ll get drafted, he knows he's good at what he does, but is he good enough for the NHL? 
His heart starts to beat even faster as the devils are about to select their pick for the draft, it would be a dream come through to be able to play with one his brothers. When they call his name, Luke can't help but be in complete shock. His family, and friends are all cheering and yelling around him. He can feel Jack jumping beside him yelling in his ear, as he stands up. Hugging his family, cheering with his friends. 
Turning around he sees you standing with his friends, cheering and clapping for him, seeing a few tears fall down your face, looking at him with the biggest smile on your face. Luke begins making his way to you, weaving through the crowd of people that separate you two. 
When he finally reaches you, your arms instantly wrap around him, his arms finding your waist as he pulls you off your feet, spinning you around before sitting back down you. 
“I'm so so proud of you luke” you say with a wide smile on your face
“I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, thank you for standing by my side” 
“There's no one else I'd rather cheer for than you,” you say, running your hand across his cheek. Luke couldn't help but feel a rush of heat spread through his body, as you touched his face. Wanting nothing more than to pull you into him, because he really really wanted to kiss you. 
With the hockey season coming to an end for the devils, after a rough year, luke wanted nothing more than to be in michigan away from all things hockey. Most importantly he wanted to be around you, only seeing you about 5 times a year was taking a toll on him. He missed you more than he’d admit, so when he had asked you to come to the lake house for two weeks during the summer, it was an offer she couldn't turn down. 
Pulling up the Hughes lake house was like a dream come true. The bright sun hitting yn’s skin, taking in the smell of the lake and the view around her, the summer breeze blowing on her face. As yn makes her way to the trunk of her car, she hears the front door open, turning around to see Luke running towards her with a smile on his face. Pulling her into a bone crushing hug as soon as he reaches her, your body feeling like home against his. 
“I cant believe youre actually here” luke says looking down at her
“Well you invited me, of course I'd be here. I wouldn't trade it for the world.” 
“I missed you so much” he says softly leaning down loser to her face
“I missed you more luke” yn counters, their faces are so close together that luke can feel yn breath fanning his face, from each breath she takes. 
Just as he's about to connect their lips together, he can hear Quinn and Jack run out the door, interrupting their almost kiss. Luke pulled away quickly, before his brothers could see. 
“LOOK WHO IT IS '' Jack shouts to yn, before jogging over bringing her into a hug. 
“So glad you're finally here, moosey here has been whining about how much he missed you.” Quinn teases him, wrapping his arm around yn’s neck pulling her towards the house, as both him and Jack begin to talk her ear off. 
“Hey! That's not fair you're taking my guest away from me "Luke shouts to him, a slight pout paints his lips and he watches them walk away with you.
“Oh suck it up lover boy, you'll see her everyday for two weeks straight.'' Jack quips at him as they head into the house. 
Luke lets out a loud sigh in response, turning around to grab her bags out of the car. Thinking only a few minutes ago, you guys were so close, so close. Luke really wants to kiss you, and he doesn't know much longer he can go without it. 
Luke thinks he's going crazy, being around you for a little over a week during the heat of summer, seeing you walk around and tiniest swimsuits, and barely any actual clothing, was beginning to play tricks on his mind, or maybe it was the heat he couldn't tell. But what he did know was it was getting harder and harder each day to not pull your lips against his. 
Everyone always seemed to be in the way of Luke getting you alone, so he can tell you how he feels. Whether it was his brothers, his friends or family, something always got in his way, and he's had enough of it. 
“Luke, do you wanna go on a walk?” yn asks standing in the doorway of the kitchen as luke grabs a bottle of water from the fridge
“Yeah of course, let me grab my shoes” he says smiling at her
Turning around, Luke makes his way to the front door, slipping on a pair of beat air forces, “ready?” he calls to yn. 
“I am” she says, trailing behind him as he heads out the door. 
They walk in silence for a few moments, before Luke breaks the silence that surrounds him, “is everything okay?” he asks 
“Yes everything is fine, I just wanted to be around you alone. I feel like I've seen you, but not at the same time?” 
“I definitely get that, I just want you all to myself.” luke responds 
“You must really like me huh?” 
“More than you even know” Luke says before he can catch himself, his words causing her to stop dead in her tracks, turning to look at him.
“What do you mean” yn asks 
“I-i like you” luke quickly says 
“I like you too luke” 
“No yn, I mean I like you, I love you. I've loved you for the past 2 years, ever since I ran into you. You know the first thing i thought when i saw you was gosh this girl is so beautiful. I was so tempted to skip practice, just to talk to you more. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to admit that you '' he finishes, yn’s eyes wide as she looks at him. 
Luke can feel his heart almost beating out of his chest as he waits for her response. 
“What do you want to do right now?” she asks 
“What?” luke asks confused by her question 
“What do you want to do right now luke.” she asks again, her eyes still locked with his 
“I'd really like to kiss you” he says slowly
“What's stopping you?” she says, with a small smile on her face
Luke wastes no time leaning down and connecting their lips together, her lips are warm against his, as they move together. His hands are on her hips, pulling her closer to him, as their lips continue to move together as one. Pulling back, Luke rests his forehead against hers as they catch the beaches looking at each other. 
“I love you” yn says softly, luke cant help but smile at her words, before connecting their lips back together again. 
Because all that luke hughes wanted to was kiss the girl that he was in love with, and this time he was. 
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leah-lover · 5 months
A person more than an athlete. Nika mühl x reader
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Love always had a way of consuming you. Whether it was your friendships, relationships with your parents, your friends, or even your romantic relationships, you felt the love in every part of your body. You loved deeply and wholeheartedly.
You were also a dedicated person. You gave your career all you had which in turn got you a championship in your freshman year.
Women's sports were trending, and you were on top of the pyramid. From sponsorship deals, to ads, interviews, and magazine shoots, you were everywhere. The spotlight didn't mean much to you though. All you cared about was the sleeping body next to you.
Nika was to you the prettiest girl in the world. For her you would absolutely do anything.
“ Good morning.” You whisper into her ear before you kiss her shoulder. “ Morning.” she responds, shifting to lay on her back.
You two start kissing. The kisses were short and sweet which left you needing much more. “ Baby I am gonna be late for class.” She says after pulling out.
“ But…” you start to protest before she cuts you off. “ Babe I still have to go all the way to my room, get ready and go to class. We will finish this later okay?” She says before getting out of bed. You sigh loudly as she wears her shirt and gets her stuff. “ I love you “ you say although what you say isn't clear because your face is hidden by a pillow. “ I love you too. I will see you in practice.” she says before she leaves.
The rest of the day went as usual. You got ready for class, which you attended. You then changed into your huskies' track suit and went to the gym.
You started out training all right. You did your activation, some shooting drills, lifted some weights and got some cardio done.
You didn't talk nika during all of this because coach geno sat you all down in the first session of the year and said. “ You all are UConn players now, you have a big legacy to follow. You need to focus, work hard and train hard, and while you are part of this team relationships with your teammates are absolutely forbidden.” However, you couldn't help but fall in love with the Croatian international, she captured your heart more than basketball everdid.
You thought something was up when the coach asked nika to go to his office for a chat but you didn't give it much thought instead you hung out with Paige and Kk. You didn't see nika leave because you were too busy learning a new dance with Paige.
“ Hey, can you give me a minute?” said the coach to you.
You then enter his office with an unsettling feeling in your stomach.
“What's up coach? “ you say as you dit opposite his desk.
“ Look, I am gonna be as straight with you as I was with nika. You heard what I said the very first time you came to this gym. And you know what is gonna happen now.”
“ Coach with all do respect you can't do this. We are good assets to this team and we have been performing well. We won a whole championship last year while being together.”
“ I'm afraid it is not up for questioning. You will terminate this relationship. You agreed to this when you first signed the contract with us. The contract stated that inter team relationships are forbidden. Plus Nina already agreed to it.”
You didn't know how you got out of that office or how you walked across campus to your dorm. All you knew was that Nika and you were done.
You opened your door, got in and sat on the floor as soon as you closed it. You started to uncontrollably sob. That's when you feel familiar hands wrap around you. Her smell and her touch were comforting.
“ I love you so much.” she whispered in your ear. You could feel her tears on your cheeks.
“ he said you agreed to the bullshit he said.” you say wiping your tears.
“ I couldn't not agree. If he cuts me from the team I am done. I have to go back home and all of this will be for nothing.”
“ We can keep it a secret again. I don't want to live without you.”
“ Baby, if he catches us again we can't come back from it. I love you so much baby but I can't.”
You kiss each other multiple times while holding one another on the floor of your dorm. Nika then leaves and you stay on the floor heartbroken for a long time.
You flipped a switch as soon as she left the door knowing that you aren't gonna wake up next to her, sleep next to her, kiss her, or be inside her.
The next day at training was miserable to say the least. You didn't sleep the night before, you didn't smile, or talk to anybody. Your performance displayed your sadness. You were missing easy shots, and you clearly weren't focused. You didnt talk to nika or look at her. You started like that for 2 weeks you didnt talk to anybody, all you thought about was how much you modded her touch.
“ baby please don't do this.” said nika to you one the way to practice. “ We need to talk.” she says before she pulled you into the medic’s room.
As soon as she closed the door, she pinned you to the wall and started kissing you. You missed the taste of her lips, the weight of her hands on your waist, the way her hands rubbed you sides and her tongue swiped across your.
“ i missed you so fucking much.” she says after pulling out.
“ I am not whole without you. I can't do anything without you. I missed you so much.” you say before kissing her again. You were hungry for her, you needed her more than anything in the world.
“ I don't like this without you. Would you please come back to me?.” she asks while swiping her thumb on your cheek.
“ if it cost me my life to be with you again.” you respond.
'I love you baby.’ she adds.
“ I love you more than you will ever know.” you respond.
689 notes · View notes
eff4freddie · 4 months
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Joel Miller AU x Javier Pena x AFAB Reader/You
Word count: 9k
Joel takes a second job at the local strip club, hoping to cover Sarah's fees for her fancy new private school. He just has to make sure no one's gettin' too rowdy, and watch out for the girls. It would be really simple. If it weren't for you.
Warnings: porn with plot, this is a Joel Miller story but it's about a strip club so obviously Javi is there, reader is a stripper, no shame get your dollars ladies, MMF, Oral (f receiving), slow burn then smut, also a couple of other cameos, reader has limited physical descriptions other than in reference to her lady parts, this is really filthy even for me, pining while Joel really trying to hang on to some semblance of morals, Javi says maybe two words? Explicit. Minors DNI.
He thought his hearing was bad before he took the job, that years of construction work; drilling, hammering, screaming at Tommy for fucking up the A-frame, would be the thing that robbed him of one of his more essential senses. But it turned out it wasn’t that, it was the incessant bass, the thrum of the sub-woofer reverberating around his skull. The way he felt it jolt his spine, Mikey the DJ hell-bent on obliterating the patron’s ability to think straight with sound alone, as if the watered down booze wasn’t toxic enough to cloud their judgement.
But Sarah needed to go to the fancy school, the one with the uniforms and the shiny brochures, and he hadn’t figured it would be all that mentally taxing. He could do without the late nights at his age, but he got paid after-hours rates to basically walk around and look menacing, and only once or twice a night did he have to actually step in and boot a guy. Sarah had just joined the debate team. Like she needed any help with arguin’.
He'd only told a handful of friends, Tommy so that he knew if he was late to a job it wasn’t because he was on a bender but just because he was working late, a couple of the guys at poker night because he thought they might get a kick out of it. They had, immediately asking him to get them in without the cover charge. He’d refused, but in a good-natured way, and so far they’d steered clear of the place.
He wasn’t sure why he was shy about it, if that’s what it was. Giving the air of authority, trying to be respectful while the girls did their work. He mostly ignored the stage, felt his cheeks burn if he happened to look up to see a girl bent over, thong waving in a guy’s face. He scanned the floor, walked the halls outside the privates, kept his eye on the clock and the bar, waited for his break so he could take a load off and get away from the kick drum assaulting his temples.
The guys kept telling him he’d won the lottery, lucked out on a dream job. And he would agree, except for you.
He’d met you on his third shift, right when he was allowed to walk the floor without a supervisor. He was already learning how to read the floor, how to pick up on cues from the girls that a guy was trouble, was figuring out that just standing with a scowl on his face and his black shirt on in a darkened room was often times enough to keep a blowhard in line. He was getting used to the girls tipping him at the end of a shift, although it felt weird to take their money when he’d just seen how they made it. He was getting used to the dull ache in his knees, in the soles of his feet, reminding himself not to complain when he saw the six-inch plastic heels the girls traded in.
He was learning that each girl picked their music, that often times the songs they chose reflected their dance personas, the girls dancing to pop songs going for the cutesy vibe, the girls dancing to heavy guitar riffs and shouty lyrics dressed up in black and red lace, dangerous and menacing. He was getting used to the way the room shifted in response to whatever was going on stage, was noticing he needed to pay more attention when the younger-looking girls, the blondes in pigtails, took to the stage.
He felt the room go quiet, a kind of hush when your name was called. The shift was enough to make him pause, mid-stride, moving his gaze from a man trying to buy a drink for a girl he suspected was under 21, to the stage. The heavy bass hit him in the chest, the stage lights purple and red, when you emerged, thigh first, from behind the tatty little red curtain. You were all hips and cleavage, all gentle curves and smooth lines, skin glowing and buttery soft under the stage lights. You moved slowly, your hands ghosting over your breasts, as you made eye contact with every patron in the room, your red painted lips curling into a knowing smile as you regarded them, as you took purchase of them, as you measured them and found them all wanting. You were selecting your prey, he could see it in your eyes, and he was fully prepared for your gaze to skip over him, to see his outfit of black and his number around his neck and know that he was a non-starter, except that as soon as your eyes landed on him they stared there, and he could swear you added an extra little wiggle in your hips for him, an exaggerated dip as you held the pole to you and swivelled around it, as you winked at him, fucking winked right there in public like it wasn’t the most obscene thing you could have done in this environment, and he felt it then, that the two of you were in it together, that you had let him in on the grift, that if you were his Bonnie he would do everything he could to be your Clyde.
He turned as you got busy, gave you the privacy he felt you deserved as you shimmied your skirt down, and he found he had no idea where to look now, had forgotten his rotation, had been thrown completely from his rounds. He wanted a shot of hard whiskey, the proper shit that they kept for the high-rollers, he wanted to go out the back to the employee bathroom and dunk his head into the sink. He wanted to march up that stage and pull you off it, bundle you into his car and disappear with you into the night, his fingers nestled in your wet, wanting cunt as he drove, claiming it back from all the men you’d ever shown it to.
He balled up his fist, wondering what exactly had just fuckin’ happened to him, lifted a hand to rub at the back of his neck. Out of the corner of his eye he could see you revolving around the pole, your legs curling into the air in front of you so that, if he were to look, he would get a perfect view of Eden between your thighs.
He figured he should check the back room. It had probably been a while since anyone had.
You weren’t there every night. From askin’ around, none too subtly he suspected, he’d learned you were studying your master’s degree, taking classes in the daytime then coming by to work some shifts. You’d been there for a while, degrees are long and hard to get, and you mostly kept to yourself. Sometimes on slow nights you read your textbook in the dressing room until someone dropping cash came by. He felt his pulse quicken at this, at the earnestness of it, the innocence in it, and he resolved then that it would go no further. He would stop. He wouldn’t check the roster to see which nights you were working, wouldn’t watch the back door until he saw you appear, bundled up in a winter jacket and a heavy bag over your shoulder, in sneakers and jeans and somehow all the sexier for it, wouldn’t make shitty mistakes on the job site because he was distracted, waiting for your next shift to roll around, wouldn’t stalk the floor sullen and moody on the nights you weren’t in. He would do none of that, because he was too old for a schoolboy crush, because you were both working professionals, colleagues even, because it could never go anywhere without some sort of destruction, because Sarah was doing so damn well in her new school.
He watched out for you. That was his job, to watch out for all the girls. He watched out for you when you started to approach a guy who was already four drinks deep and threatening to get handsy, stepping in before you got to him to redirect him to a glass of water, then the door. He watched out for you when another girl got too drunk or too high and started causing a scene right beside where you were standing at the bar, pulling her away gently by the biceps before she could shatter a bottle and ricochet any glass into your general direction. He watched your back when you were in the privates, kept a respectable distance outside the open doorway, the little U-shaped couches meaning often times all he could see were the guy’s legs, sometimes the cream of your thighs as they dangled over his, the curve of your calf easing into the point of your heel. He watched out for you as you retreated to the dressing room for a break, kept an eye on the door to make sure no patrons tried to slip in while you were resting. He steered clear of the dressing room itself. That was your private space, you and all the girls. He had a little office back there, but he would just make sure to take everything he needed with him at the start of his shift, take his breaks in the back room amongst the toilet rolls and broken sound equipment.
He watched out for you when he wouldn’t let you tip him, figuring you needed it for school, gently pushing your hand away when you tried to pass him a twenty at the end of every shift.
Sunday nights were dead.  Most of the girls never worked it, preferring instead the busier nights, the bucks’ parties and the bigger crowds. There was only a small subset of girls who worked the Sundays, the ones who tended to have regulars come in to visit them, the ones who liked the chilled-out vibe a little more, who used the downtime to practice new tricks on the pole or discuss hair removal and boob jobs right there on the floor. Those were the nights when he felt everyone was a little more themselves, that the grift was a little lesser, when the patrons were generally more well behaved so the girls could let their guards down. No one felt like getting up to all that much bullshit on a Sunday.
But his feet didn’t know any of that, protesting all the same despite the more relaxed vibes, and he was hovering behind one of the booths on the floor resting his hip on it to ease the pressure off one foot for a moment, before shifting his weight to the other. This little method meant he could stay standing, more or less in the same position, for sometimes up to an hour. But on the quiet nights, with so many empty booths around, it was all the harder to resist just sinking down into the cushions and stopping the blood pooling in his shoes.
Candy Jane was on stage, shifting her hips without much conviction, a couple of regulars already with their girls. He could see you, propped up in a corner booth, your eyes on the stage but unmoving. He thought you looked tired, wondered if your feet were hurting as much as his were, and he thought long and hard about sliding in beside you, pulling you into his lap and nudging your head onto his shoulder.
You looked up, then, swivelling your eyes to him and he felt his stomach drop. He was about to start another round of the privates just for something to do but you were getting up on your feet, strolling over to him, the singles and twenties strapped to your thigh by your garter.
‘Joel,’ you said, grabbing his hand and pushing him into a booth behind him. ‘Come sit by me, I’m bored.’
He had seen you flirt with the patrons, a kind of hyper-sexualised bunny thing that promised them every sexual desire they could ask for without ever actually delivering, the art of the tease so acute in you that none of them seemed to even realise they’d been played. He marvelled at that, always kind of admired it, at the street smarts of the girls extracting money from the men who thought they had any power in the situation. He looked at you now, sitting an arm’s length away from him, and felt almost entirely under your spell.
‘Not s’posed to sit on the floor when I’m workin,’ he said, almost apologetic, and you shrugged your shoulders at him.
‘It’s dead, Joel-y,’ you said, and you weren’t flirting with him now, you were just yourself, and he liked you all the better this way, all the more for the earnestness of you, for this version of you none of the other men ever got to see.
‘Just don’t be offended if I have’ta get up and leave quick,’ he said, and you smiled at him.
‘I don’t think you could ever do anything offensive,’ you said, and you were kind of teasing him but also really meant it, and you watched him blush, shifting his body in his chair to face a little further from the stage. ‘Why don’t you watch?’ you asked, rolling your ankles and feeling the tendons stretch. You were hoping your regular would show up soon so you could finally earn something, the house fee already putting you in the red.
‘S’not right to watch, not here for my…jollies,’ he finished, and you grinned at him.
‘Your jollies?’ you teased. He huffed out a shy laugh, looking down at his lap.
‘Y’know what I mean,’ he went on. ‘M’workin’, we’re all workin’.
‘You aren’t curious to take a peek?’ you asked, leaning closer to him. If he was a better man, he would have been able to resist the urge to peak down the top of your dress, the silly little spandex straps barely holding you in, your tits heaving with your breath and with how heavily you were teasing him.
‘Course I am,’ he confessed, almost hissing it out over the bass thumping through his body.
‘A man of principles,’ you appraised, moving back to give him a little break, wondering if he was hard yet. You knew he watched you closely, knew that he lingered outside the doorway for you more than any other girl when you were in a private, knew that he was going out of his way not to look at you when you danced on stage, and the innocence of it, the thrill of it when you had everyone else’s attention except his, it fascinated and annoyed and scolded you, tickled you around the collarbone. You watched as he scratched at the salt and pepper patches dotting his jaw, at how he swallowed so hard his muscle ticked and strained under the force of it.
‘Why don’t you take my tips?’ you asked. Candy’s dance slot was nearly over, and you were waiting to see Destiny. She’d promised to show you one of her new pole tricks hanging inverted, and even after all this time you still hadn’t worked up the courage to do that.
‘You need to save ‘em up, get your degree,’ he answered, without thinking, finding it so hard to think through the want for you, for the proximity of you, now that he could smell your perfume and feel your body heat along his side.
‘You know about that?’ you asked, surprised.
Oh shit, he thought. Just like that he’d fucked it.
‘One of the other guards, he mentioned it. Said he saw you reading a textbook one time,’ he covered, as quickly as he could given the circumstances. You nodded at him, as if this satisfied you, but he wasn’t sure if he’d actually pulled it off. His throat was dry, and it was so hot in the club, was it always this hot in the damn club? First chance he got he was gonna call his HVAC guy.
‘What are you studying?’ he asked, but you were smiling then, eyes bright and over his shoulder.
‘Hey, Javi!’ you squealed, giggling and rising from the booth, pushing your chest out and wiggling towards the man Joel had come to recognise as your regular. The lucky bastard always wore aviators, his jeans so tight Joel was surprised he didn’t burst a button when he got a hard on, his moustache quirking up in greeting to you. Joel wondered if you would ever squeal and rush towards him like that, not caring for one second that it was just part of the grift. 
You’re not on shift, haven’t been on shift for a week, and his bones itch under his skin, his feet pacing up and down the carpet outside the privates, patrolling the floor like it insulted him. He hates that he checks the roster at the start of every shift and doesn’t see your name listed, hates that he’s worried about you; that you’re sick, that you’re hurt, that you’ve fucking left. He’s useless at his real job, nearly degloving his entire hand with a band saw he was so distracted wondering if he’d see you that night. This can’t go on, and he knows that, but he just needs to know what happened to you, just needs to know that you’re OK, and then he can get back to being dead inside.
Because that’s what you’ve done to him, he realises. You’ve made him feel alive. He can’t resent you for it, you didn’t know it was what you’d done, but it sets his teeth on edge and it unnerves him in a way that makes him consider quitting, finding another club, maybe not a titty-bar, maybe something he can actually put on his resume. He considers it while simultaneously knowing he won’t do it, would never do it, that he’s too far gone even while he can’t go any further.
He stops checking the roster. It hurts in a way he can’t quite get his head around, a pain he doesn’t have any room to accommodate sitting tight and hot in his chest. He keeps his eyes on the patrons and the clock. He takes his breaks in the back room. He feels tired down to the bone.
Two weeks after he’d last seen you, he starts his shift the way he always does, going into the back before too many girls arrive to put his bag in his locker and fill his pockets with whatever he’ll need for the rest of the night. He’s busy trying to put a protein bar in his pocket in such a way that it doesn’t look like he has a hard on when he hears footsteps behind him.
‘Joel-y’, you say, and he swings his head towards the sound so hard he thinks he hears something snap. You’re smiling at him, dressed in your jeans and a Fleetwood Mac tee, and he has to consciously remind his heart to keep beating. You’re holding one of your enormous heels in your hand.
‘Where have you been?’ he blurts out, not caring that he sounds needy. You blink at him, surprised.
‘You missed me?’ you ask, and you’re teasing him but he doesn’t care, because he’s glad all over that you’re back and he’ll take all the sass in the world from you if you just stay there.
‘You didn’t…’ Didn’t what, he thinks. Didn’t check in with me? Say goodbye? There’s no reason why you would have. Didn’t promise you weren’t grossed out by him, that he’d made you so uncomfortable you’d gone to work at another club? ‘You didn’t mention you were taking a break,’ he said, eventually.
‘Oh, I had mid-terms,’ you say, breezily. He’s stepping out of his little office now, trying to put space between you before he says something else blatantly insane and stupid, hoping to go back to just looking at you from dark corners while he furtively hopes you don’t see.
‘Wait,’ you say to him, grabbing him by the arm. You hold your shoe up, and he can see where the strap has come away from the base. He takes it from you, feels the brush of your fingertips as he does it, tries to ignore the little flip in his tummy.  
‘Leave it with me,’ he says, stepping towards the backroom where he knows there’s superglue. ‘You got another pair?’
‘Yeah, but those are my favourites,’ you say, looking up at him carefully, watching his face for something. You haven’t got your heavy stage make-up on yet, haven’t curled your hair into gentle waves, and you’re so beautiful like this, he thinks, when he can see the actual colour of your lips, your cheeks.
‘Twenty minutes,’ he says. You smile at him. He wonders if you’ll put your hand on his arm again. You turn away.
In the backroom he sits on an upturned milk crate, holding the strap to the base so the superglue will affix to it. If he had his tools he would try and nail it down, but there’s a chance he could shatter the base and these heels seem expensive for something that makes all you girls look so darn cheap.
Your shoes are so small in his hands, and he imagines just for a second its your foot he’s cradling in his lap. He has the presence of mind just enough to wonder what fucked up version of Cinderella he’s trying to live.
He checks the strap, pulls hard on it three times, before he’s satisfied enough to give it back to you.
He realises his error, but it’s too late to do anything about it now. He had mentioned to the guys at poker that Sundays were the quiet ones, that the music was just low enough to be able to think, that the girls mostly entertained themselves while their regulars paid them to chat, sometimes to dance. Where you could always get a seat at the tipping rail, could even swing a three song dance out of a twenty if the girl was bored enough.
He feels the drop in his stomach when he sees them, approaching the bar en masse. He can’t remember where you are, he’d lost sight of you between the booths on the floor and the privates, and he tries to remember what time your stage slot was, having checked the roster again despite swearing black and blue he wouldn’t. They haven’t seen him yet, and he wonders if he can just slip out the back and make a break for it, tell them he was sick so he wasn’t working, and they need to fucking call him first. He knows them, knows that they’re not bad guys, that they’re here to keep him company and maybe see some butt while they’re at it. But it stirs in him a deep panic, that they will see you, that they’ll get their eyes on you before he’s really even let himself have a chance to, before he can make you all his own.
A silly little delirious part of him, right at the back of his skull, whispers that it’ll make your wedding really awkward. He shoos it away like an errant mosquito.
Benny sees him, then, is waving him over.
‘Joel, we made it!’ he yells over the music, the guys turning to him to welcome him into the circle. Tommy is already at the bar ordering the beers, but he nods to his big brother. Joel worries for a second that you’ll like his brother better, before he remembers you don’t even like him at all.
He stalks over to him, his jaw aching from the strain, while he looks through the darkness to try and find you. He’ll just have to run interference for a while, keep them busy while you work the floor, try and bundle them back out into the cold before your stage slot.
‘Gentlemen,’ he says, laced with irony, and they’re slapping him on the back, welcoming him in. He reminds himself these guys are mostly Tommy’s friends. Wouldn’t be that sad if he never saw them again.
Frankie tries to hand him a beer but he pushes it away. ‘Workin’.’ He says, simply.
‘More f’me,’ Frankie grins from under his cap.
‘So where’s the best place to sit?’ Benny asks, surveying the room. There are a couple of girls walking the floor, Amber on the stage twisting her hips to the music while staring out over all of their heads.
‘You gotta tip if you sit on the rail,’ Joel says, simply, and Benny nods.
‘I got singles!’ Pope says, ever the responsible one, always the one planning. ‘Sorry, hermano, not enough for you.’ Joel grins at him. Pope can stay, he thinks. Pope will keep his mouth shut.
‘Look, you sit in that booth there,’ Joel says, pointing them to the centre of the room, ‘you can see the stage perfect. You wanna tip a girl though, you gotta get up onta the rail, make sure they know about it.’ He leans in a little, like he’s sharing a secret. ‘These girls work real hard. Make sure you treat ‘em right, ok? They’re good girls. Smart girls. You don’t come here just to look and not sling ‘em some hard earned.’
‘Yes sir,’ Pope says, making a salute that Joel considers might actually be real. He can’t be sure. Tommy was the one who spent a few years in the army with them, not him.
‘Vamos!’ Pope calls, rounding them up and shoving them down onto the cushions. Now Joel just needs to figure out where you are.
You keep fuckin’ evading him. One minute you’re in a private, the next you’re at the bar chatting to a patron, trying to get him to buy off the top shelf. Electra is on the stage, and Tommy is entranced by her, the bills practically falling out of his hands while she bends to pick them up with her teeth. It’s distracting Joel, trying to keep an eye on them while also trying to keep distance between you, and the boys are inviting girls over to them, beckoning to them from the stage to come sit by them, and he knows it’s not long before your dance slot is up, knows that as soon as they see you they’ll want you, that they’ll beckon you over, that you’ll fuckin’ go.
He can’t be everywhere, can’t keep doing his job while also trying to manage this situation, has to keep pacing the privates to keep the other patrons in line. He never thought there’d be a time that he wished that fuckin’ Javi guy would show up just to keep you out of sight for a while.
They keep calling to him, too, trying to get him to come over and sit down no matter how many times he explains to them he’s working, that the girls need him to keep an eye on things. Will’s trying to keep a straight face but he’s snickering up at him, and Joel wonders what’s so damn funny.
‘Bet you do keep an eye on things,’ he grins, a little shit-eating thing that makes Joel’s hand curl into a fist. He shakes it loose, the music making it so hard to think, jarring his nervous system. He’s about to say something, about to find a reason to throw the lot of them out, when your name gets called over the loudspeaker. You’re being called to the stage. You’re up next. On the stage.
He has approximately thirty seconds to do something. He is completely rooted to the spot. At the tipping rail his little brother is waiting, dollars in hand. He thinks he might pass out or puke, possibly both and not in that order. His head is swimming. ‘Not like this,’ he thinks. He just doesn’t want you to meet his friends like this.
‘Holy shit,’ he hears Pope say, and he turns to the stage. Your thigh is appearing around the curtain, the shoe he fixed for you running up and down its raggedy edge. You’re all swagger and tits tonight, your hair swept over one eye, and he’s transfixed for a second, completely unable to move, as you shimmy up to the centre of the stage, take the pole in your hand and swivel, kicking your legs out behind you so that you corkscrew down to your knees. Pope is moving to the tipping rail, Benny following close behind. Tommy is leaning forward on his elbows, pulled in by you almost on instinct, and you’ve clocked him now, crawling on your hands and knees towards him.
For a second, Joel sees you pause, studying Tommy’s face, before you search for him in the crowd. You’ve noticed the family connection, and he freezes, terrified of your reaction. Are you going to be angry? Feel betrayed? Hurt that he’s brought his friends here to ogle you, to watch your hips shimmy and your tits bounce? Has he broken some kind of professional code, could he get fuckin’ fired for this, will you never speak to him again? He tries to communicate to you with his eyes that he didn’t bring them here, that he doesn’t want this, that whatever the fuck’s going on with these guys he wants no part in it. He wants you to know he sees you, you in jeans and a tee shirt, that it’s that you he wants.
For a long moment you stare at each other, Joel’s pulse heavy and thick in his ears. You lean back, rear up so that all your weight is on your knees. You run your hand up your side and into your mouth where you bite down on your index finger. You keep your eyes fixed right on his. You wink.
So, this is what its like to have a heart attack, Joel thinks. It’s slower than he expected. It’s been hours, and the guys are still here, and by some stroke of divinity or possible the opposite, so is he.
The number of times he’s reminded the guys they have work in the morning. How he’s complained that the music is giving him a headache, and man that pounding base makes it hard to think, and wouldn’t it be fun if they all went to a sports bar, see if the replay of the Knicks game is on? But they can’t leave yet, won’t leave, because they want to see you on stage again, want one last look at your creamy thighs and your bucking hips before they go home and jerk off thinking of their tongues in your cunt. He’s going to have an aneurysm right here on the goddamn floor of this fuckin’ strip club. Sarah’s gonna find out where he’s been workin’ all this time.
The one thing his brother has done for him, the one thing Tommy has done right in his life, is to lay down a rule before they got there that they can’t get any private dances.
‘Didn’t come out here to see ya’ll with hard-ons’, he reminds them, and they snicker but begrudgingly agree, and Joel won’t lie that he feels a surge of pride in his fuckin’ idiot baby brother and his one good idea.
Joel knows the girls are on a roughly two-hour rotation, that by the end of the night all of them will have been on stage about three times. The only problem is that if a girl’s in a private she gets skipped until she’s ready, so sometimes some girls might even need to do more. It seems especially cruel to him that if a girl’s having a bad night, not reeling anything in, not making any money on her own that she gets paraded out even more to the baying crowds of disinterested patrons. He’s seen a few girls with tears in their eyes on the way to the dressing room, complaining of an off night. He’s been around long enough to know that these happen, that there’s no rhyme or reason to them really, just that sometimes that particular girl just isn’t flavour of the night. He’s never seen it with you, though. Never seen you fail to take a man by the hand and lead him down the dark corridor to the u-shaped couches if you deem him worthy. It burns him up with jealousy and also he’s proud of you for it. His good girl taking no prisoners.
He wonders if he can tell the DJ to take you off the rotation, if you’ll notice if you just don’t get called again, but he also knows it would be messing with your money, that Pope and Benny and Will are making good on their promise to tip well. That you’ve got bills and a college degree to earn, that the fact that he’s sick in the guts with a jealous want doesn’t matter, should never be part of the equation when it comes to you.
He does another round, still hoping to see you, still hoping to find you in a private somewhere, but you’ve made yourself scarce and he wonders if it’s because of him, because of his friends being here, worries that he’s embarrassed you. There’s only one other place you could be, tucked away in the dressing room hiding out, unless you’ve just got dressed and left completely, not even bothering with the attempt to tip him tonight.
He shouldn’t but also he needs to, knocks hard on the door and calls out that it’s him before he pushes it open. With all the lights on around the mirrors the place has a warm glow, and he scans quickly to make sure he’s alone before he pushes himself into the room. You’re not here, either, which means he doesn’t know where you are, and he feels a little flare of panic in his sternum. He rests his hand on it, trying to steady his catching breath. He should check the roster. Maybe you had an early finish.
He nearly steps on you when he rounds the corner into his little office. You’re lying flat on your back on the floor, headphones over your ears. For a terrible second he thinks you’ve passed out in here before he realises you’re tapping your feet, your head swaying back and forth to the music only you can hear. He leans down and pushes, gentle, at your shoulder. Your eyes snap open and you startle, pulling the headphones free.
‘Jesus,’ you say, and he steps back again, hangs around the door.
‘Sorry,’ he says, hands up in appeasement. ‘Didn’t mean to scare ya.’
‘No, no, I’m sorry,’ you say, scrambling to stand. Your heels are catching on the carpet and you waver, Joel coming forward to steady you. ‘Sometimes I come by here and stretch out my back a little, the heels are…hard work,’ you say, and he realises you’re blushing, that you think he’s mad. He shakes his head at you, brows saddled.
‘S’ok,’ he says, not letting go of your arm.
‘You’re just not normally in here,’ you say, and you look up at him then, fixing your eyes on his.
‘You can come here any time you like,’ he says. Wants to add that everything you ever wanted he will get for you, that anything you ever asked he would do.
‘-nks,’ you say, feeling shy all of a sudden, realising the size of his hands for the first time.
‘I didn’t know they were comin’,’ he says, trying to keep his voice steady, and you blink for a second, trying to understand. ‘I didn’t invite ‘em, they just showed up.’
‘So, he is your brother,’ you say, smiling now. Joel nods his head at you, his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
‘He’s cute,’ you say. ‘Runs in the family.’
Joel grunts at this, can’t quite believe he’s heard it, tries really hard to think straight. You’re wearing practically nothing in his little office on a quiet Sunday night while his brother and four of his friends throw dollars at random half-naked women. It’s a lot to take in.
‘They’re not getting dances,’ you observe, and Joel shakes his head.
‘Their decision, outta respect or somethin’, I guess.’
‘Respect for you?’ you clarify.
‘Each other, I think.’
‘Oh, that’s silly,’ you say. He feels the heat up his neck, a bloom of something worrisome in his tummy. ‘That’s like going to Disneyland and not getting on any of the rides.’
‘I’m gonna have to beg you to rephrase that,’ Joel says, and you grin at him. He can see that flirty sex bunny emerging in you again, can see that you’re up to somethin’, his brain too addled with the smell of you in his office to figure what.
You’re so fuckin’ pretty when you smile, your little dimple on your right cheek popping up when you’re thinking of something sneaky. He wants to kiss it every morning in the warm light of dawn. Wants you wrapped up in his sheets, hair stretched over his pillow, his hands on your tummy and your breast while he eases his fingers between your thighs.
‘Breaks over then, I guess,’ you say, and you’re practically bouncing out of the room now, his brain working just enough to remind him to follow you. He’s three or four paces behind, alarmed at how fast you can go with those heels on, and he sees it now, that you’re making a beeline for them, that you’re a woman on a mission to finally tip him over the edge, to send him right to his grave.
He can only watch, helplessly, trying to figure which one you’ll reach for. Prays it’s not Tommy. Or Will. Or Benny. Or fuckin’ Frankie. For some reason he thinks Pope might be OK. He watches, his pulse hard and racing in his throat, as you approach, six paces from them, then four, then three. Tommy’s noticed you, is pushing back his chair.
And right before you get to them, right before you’re within grasping reach of his brother, you turn, pivot on your heel to the bar, where fuckin’ Javi is waiting for you, cigarette hanging out of his mouth and beer in hand, one knee cocked to the side. You melt into his arms, resting your head on his shoulder, and somehow Joel is relieved and also it’s so much fucking worse then he could ever imagine, burns him brighter than if you had chosen one of his friends, knows that it’s both a lifeline and a spool of barbed wire you’ve thrown him, knows that he’s latched onto it anyway, can feel the tug and tear of his skin.
He's hovering outside the privates. His friends have finally packed it in, it’s nearing 1 AM, and in all the commotion he’d forgotten that his feet are killing him, and they’re really crying for his attention now. But he ain’t leavin’ you alone with that Javi guy, doesn’t trust the way his shirts never fuckin’ fit.
He’s so tired, the adrenaline of the night leaking out of him just to leave him wavering and empty, and he feels like he’s on his last nerve, the stress of the evening, the strangeness of it, wearing him down to the stub. But your little shoe sat right in the palm of his hand, but you went to this office to relax when you thought he wouldn’t know about it, but you fuckin’ winked at him like the rest of the room wasn’t even goddamn there, and he ain’t leavin’ you now.
And if he leans on the wall a little, takes the weight off one foot and transfers it up into his shoulder, if he cocks his head to the side, he can just peek you, see Javi’s tight jeans and the plush of you bottom as you grind it on him, your arms up over your head to make your sweet little tits sway in his face.
He shouldn’t be hard at work. Shouldn’t be leaning like this, crowding himself into the corner to get a better look. He knows there are camera in the hallways, as much to keep an eye on the staff as to keep a watch on the patrons, and he knows that somewhere footage is being collected of him right now peeping in on you. He doesn’t fuckin’ care. He can see the way your stockings are banding too tight across your thighs, and he wants to sooth the skin with his tongue, pull the nylon off you and kiss his way around the angry red rings in your flesh. He can see your hips rocking to the music, your hair swaying down your back. Your hands moving to grasp behind you, pushing your chest up and out into Javi’s face.
And he sees it then, the way Javi’s hands are hovering, lifting off the couch and threatening to come down on your skin. The club has a strict no-touchin’ policy, it was drilled into him on his first day. That’s an infraction worthy enough to get him booted out of here, never allowed to set foot in this fine establishment of dirty tomfoolery ever again. Joel swallows, his eyes now fixed on Javi’s hands, waiting for the moment they brush against your soft, glittering skin, takes a step forward towards the doorway, doesn’t even notice that you’ve pivoted, your hands on Javi’s knees as you grind your bottom down, leaning back to rest your head on Javi’s shoulder. Locking eyes with Joel.
His cock is throbbing in time to the music. The bass thrums in his chest. You hook your knees over Javi’s, first the left then the right, and push them open just enough to give Joel a tease. You’re still in your thong but it’s enough for Joel to see the sheen of the fabric, that you’re wet down there in the valley between your thighs. He licks his lips, a hand coming to rest on his chest, as he gazes at you with the kind of want that sets your nervous system on fire.
You’re swivelling your hips on Javi, can feel that he’s hard underneath you, but you want it to be Joel, want more than his eyes on you now that you’ve got them, want his hands and his tongue and his cock. You whimper, and you hear Javi groan behind you, as if any of this is for him. Javi pulls his knees further apart, unknowingly opens you up for Joel, and there’s a moment where you feel more naked then when you’re topless in front of fifty strange men. Joel has stripped you bare, to the quick. You can see how fast he’s breathing by the way his hand rises and falls on his chest. You time your movements to it, jerk your hips as if he’s breathing his touch into you from across the room.
Except he’s mad, now, you can see the way his brows have furrowed, the way his jaw has set, and you’re too hot and too overwhelmed to realise until the last moment that Javi has his hands on you, is cupping your breasts from behind, trying to reach from behind to tweak your nipples, pulling you further down into his chest to rub more fully on his cock.
Joel’s with you in four strides and you reach for him, both arms lifting up to his as he wrenches you free, screams at Javi to back off, pulls you behind him and shields you with his body while he threatens to beat Javi to a pulp before throwing him out onto the street, then beating him to death where the cameras don’t point.
‘You don’t fuckin’ touch her,’ he’s yelling, and he can feel that his throat is raw, dry, but he can’t fuckin’ think over the crushing beat in his ears, realises after a couple of stilted moments that it’s not the music that’s deafening him but that it’s his heart, that he’s vibrating with fury and want, that Javi has backed up a bit on the couch and lifted his hands in the air but hasn’t scurried away, that he’s not scared or worried at all, that he got to put his hands on heaven and will do nothing to apologise for it, and something snaps in Joel, something feral and needy and primal, something that has been chewing at the bars of its cage for months.
He pulls you to him and you gasp, can feel Joel’s pulse through your back as he manoeuvres you to rest on his chest, lifts one foot up onto the couch while he strips your thong from you, spreads you open for Javi, your body weight leaning on his as he holds you with just one arm around you.
‘This is how you fuckin’ touch her,’ Joel seethes, pushing his hand down over your belly and onto your waiting cunt, cupping your slit and teasing the slick gathering there up and over your clit. You gasp, the leg you have planted on the floor shaking as he strums, gently but somehow so firm, and you can feel yourself opening up to him, your cunt wet and aching, trying to draw him in.
‘You seein’ this, see how wet she gets for me?’ he’s saying, and you glance down to see that Javi is indeed watching, shock on his face and locked in a kind of paralysis, his eyes flicking between your cunt and Joel’s furious face. ‘You couldn’t get this from her,’ Joel is saying, and you’re leaning back into him because your knees are definitely going to buckle, but he holds you firm and steady, and you lift your face up to the ceiling and gasp.
Joel isn’t thinking, just listening to you, just letting his fingers finally touch what he’s dreamt about for months. Your sopping cunt is probably dribbling onto his pants and he doesn’t care, wants it there, wants you deep down in the fibres of the fabric where he’ll never scrub you free. You gasp again when he pushes two fingers in, feels your walls expand to accommodate him, raises the heel of his palm to ease the stretch by rubbing quick little circles on your clit.
‘Slide right in,’ he says, his unhinged commentary gritting out over the music, loud enough for just you and Javi to hear. ‘S’what happens when you’ve got her achin’ for ya,’ he says matter-of-factly.
You’re rolling your hips now, unable to help yourself as you arch your back, wanting to twist in his arms and sink your teeth into his neck, lick and lave at his collarbone, keen into his skin until the sound of it attaches itself to his bones.
‘Look at that pretty cunt,’ Joel is still saying, almost frantic now, the heat on his skin making it impossible to think of anything else, anything so complex as consequences. He’s lost in the touch of it, in the way Javi is looking at him imploringly, the way he can see that this pompous fuckin’ arsehole is getting a schoolin’ on pleasuring a woman, in the way you’re gasping and whimpering just for him. ‘S’mine,’ he says, twisting his fingers up to the knuckle in you, hooking into the spongey spot he knows will make you see stars.
He wants Javi to beg him to stop. Wants him to get down on his knees and apologise, wants him to swear he’ll never come back. But he’s distracted, because you’re calling to him now, the sound of your sweet cries of his name echoing through the vacant halls of his brain.
‘Joel-y’, you’re whimpering, babbling. ‘Joel-y, please,’ and you’re not even sure what you’re asking for, just that he’s torturing you, setting you on fire right here in the privates, that the pleasure he’s wringing from you is too much, too overwhelming, that you want to collapse into him but you’re still trying to bear some of your weight, that your thighs are wobbling and your body is screaming at you to let go but you can’t, not in this position, no matter how good it is, because you can’t get purchase, you can’t grind, the heel of his hand is too blunt on your clit.
He can sense it, that he’s trapped you right where it’s too much and not enough, and a part of him wants to leave you there, wants to make you feel what he’s felt all those weeks he spent waitin’ for ya, checkin’ that fucking roster like a goddamn fuckin’ dog, causin’ all those little fuck ups at the job site thinkin’ about this little cunt wrapped so tight around his knuckles.
But he’s not cruel.
‘Lick it,’ he barks out, gesturing down your body to Javi while he pushes you forward, shifts your weight more fully to the couch. You instinctually hook your knee over Javi’s shoulder, the extra leverage finally giving you purchase enough to properly move. ‘Suck her little clit ‘til she fuckin’ soaks me,’ Joel says, and there’s no arguing with him, not that you would, not that Javi would by the look on his face.
He's looking uncertain, like this might be a trap, and you reach down and grab his hair in your hand. ‘Please, Javi,’ you say, and he’s on you then, without further hesitation, his lips catching your little bud and grasping it between his teeth. You scream, feel Joel jostle you until your head is twisted around to bury in his neck, and you can feel more than hear the little rasps of encouragement as he talks you through it.
‘Such a good girl f’me,’ he’s saying, and you’re barely registering it, but your cunt is listening, clamping down hard on his fingers as Javi grips you with his mouth. ‘Teachin’ us both a thing or two, ain’t ya, baby? Showin’ us just how to treat a sexy little cunt like yours.’
You’re going to die. You’re going to burst into flames. There’s just no question in your mind that this is how you go, but you just fucking hope that you’ll get to come before it happens. It’s like every single nerve ending is now in your pussy, like you are only breathing Joel and Javi, your body sandwiched between them as you grip Javi’s head to you and twist in joyous agony against Joel’s chest.
‘Wanna hear you, baby,’ Joel’s whispering again. ‘Wanna hear it when ya come f’me.’
You open your eyes, look down your body to Javi, where he’s watching you, his eyes travelling up your body to rest on your face. He’s palming his cock, you can see the way his arm is moving up and down slowly, and you can feel Joel throbbing behind you.
‘Don’t look at him,’ Joel admonishes, and you slam your eyes shut, turn again to bury your head in his neck. ‘He can’t help ya,’ Joel goes on. ‘S��just there to make you come, baby.’
God it’s fucking debauched, is what it is. It’s filthy and sweaty and you’re so wet, and you feel sexier than you ever have, feel the power in your body and in your desire, feel the way you have finally, finally brought something feral out in Joel. You’re going to come, because Joel has determined that you are going to, and you just know without him even telling you so that he won’t let you go until you have, until he is satisfied that he has wrung out every last whimper from you, until you are sated and he is confident his job is done.
Javi’s licking hard at your clit now, sometimes sucking on it, and you slam your hips down onto Joel’s hand when he does it, rock your knee to bring Javi closer to you, try to swallow him with your cunt and your hands in his hair.
You can’t get enough breath to warn them. It’s just going to happen, they’re just going to throw you over the edge and into the abyss and you can’t even tell them they’re about to do it. Joel sees it though, feels the way your cunt is gripping him.
‘Do it, baby,’ he’s gritting into your ear, catching every roll of your hips so you won’t fall. ‘Show him what it’s like when I wreck you.’
And you do, then. Harder than you ever have in your life, your lungs pillowing out in your chest to suck in all the air available to them, your wails lost to the music as streams of your slick press into Javi’s face, where you soak him and Joel behind you, shivering and convulsing as you topple over the peak, dimly aware of Joel’s words in your ear as you go, calling you his pretty girl, his beautiful, perfect girl. His girl, his girl, his.
There are too many broken workplace safety rules to count, so Joel doesn’t bother. He knows he’s lost his job, that the cameras will have picked up all of that, that as he drops his ID badge and set of keys on the desk in his little office that it was worth it, that you were worth it. He’ll get another job, find a bar open just as late as this one even if it’s further out of town, will travel and will keep Sarah in school and will keep the memory of your sweet little cunt fluttering around his fingers locked up tight in the back of his brain for when the nights are cold and lonely.
When he drives you home, bundles you up in his car and puts the heater on full blast to keep you warm, you tell him that you finished your degree weeks ago, that you were lying about the mid-terms, that you had actually been down in Florida helping your mother move your grandpa into care. It hadn’t seemed necessary to talk about them in that environment, you said, and he rests his hand on your knee because he understands, and also because he likes you.
He doesn’t ask for your number. Knows you probably wouldn’t give it to him, is too afraid that you’d regret everything that you did together, that you were humouring him with even letting him drop you home, that this isn’t even your house.
He only found it later, written in your neat writing, your number and your real name, when he was stripping his pants off himself and dumping them into the hamper, his come collected on the inside where he exploded as he rutted against you, as he listened to your desperate, whimpering cries for him.
He tacks the little piece of paper to the mirror, memorising the digits in case one day it falls. He isn’t gonna call it. He just wants it there, a reminder of you and what you’ve made him feel, how you’ve lifted him, freed something in him. He just wants it there. Proof that you were real.
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nightwngz · 10 months
𝓢𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬. 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗀𝗎𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗍𝗒 ୨ ໋ ˳ ⊹ eng. . . !
superman, wonder woman and batman x f!reader
WARNINGS: smut drabble, gang bang, some sexual degradation, masturbation, oral sex, p in v. Diana!bisexual.
COPYRIGHT: No copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
LANGUAGE: English is not my first language and I am still studying to master it. It makes me insecure to write by myself in another language, so I used the translator. I apologize in advance for any mistakes. The original version is here.
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There was always something strange and unlikely about these three from the moment you met them.
They were all hiding secrets. According to you, hiding secrets was one of the most common parts of human nature. You were not interested in knowing what they were all hiding, but your curious mind was obsessed with knowing what the holy trinity of the Justice League was hiding beneath their sleek and sophisticated veneer of heroes; what no one would dare doubt or question.
The price of your curiosity was more costly than you could have ever imagined, a debt that would have to be repaid. Now you were part of this madness, and no matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't escape.
The good news was that you didn't want to.
You knew that the moment you felt the three of them completely, you were content to belong.
It was just hard to think of anything else when you found yourself tied to a chair, completely naked and unable to move while three pairs of blue eyes analyzed you.
The beautiful princess of Themyscira had no shame in digging into your sweet crotch. Her fingers slid across your sodden vaginal lips with a sound so vulgarly obscene that it caused you to inadvertently stir in your chair.
You looked intently at the two male figures as you tried to get as close to Diana as your body would allow so you could kiss her and feel her fingers go deeper inside you.
But before you could reach her lips, you were brutally pushed away by the man of steel, who had the clear intention of tasting your mouth first. Not that you were complaining; Clark's tongue was heavenly. It had a strange but hot connection to your lips, so it made you a mess right away. Who would have thought that Superman's ultimate power would be to soak his victims so easily?
Still, you didn't deserve them to be nice to you. On the contrary, you should be punished for insubordination. What you did was unforgivable.
In your defense, you didn't know that you were exclusive to the trio and couldn't sleep with other people. The rules weren't very clear when you met them, or when they started their no-strings-attached sex adventures.
Of course, you were not exclusive to anyone, and you planned to make that clear in the future. Right now, you were too busy cumming on Diana's fingers drilling your pussy that you didn't have enough time to think about anything else.
The adoration the Bat had for the way your pussy enveloped him so warmly brought out the most dominant and morbid part of his inner self. The sight of his cock moving in and out of your little hole at the same time your mouth was happily eating Clark's erection and your fingers were eating Diana's clit was enough to bring you to the verge of orgasm.
You gagged as the tip brushed against your uvula. You couldn't even concentrate enough because of how hard he was penetrating you. The pleasure was embracing.
— Look at our little slut. She can't even concentrate on sucking a good cock while she's being fucked. - Wayne commented. He kept going right into her sweet spot; faster and faster, more and more precise.
— She was too bad. Should we give her a prize though? She always takes us so well. - Kent continues, asking. You're beginning to control the rhythm of your mouth, although it's still a little difficult in some ways.
— Oh, Hera! - moans the princess of Themyscira. - That feels so good. - Her fingers can't resist trying to help themselves so she can come on your hand.
This is definitely the best part of the day, the one you enjoyed the most. And of course that was the guilty pleasure that came with keeping a secret. The secret the four of you shared.
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becomingmina · 8 months
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pairing: jeongin x female reader genre + warnings: fwb, angst, jeongin is annoyed at reader, smut mdni! wc: 2k mina's note: S/GF/N = Seungmin’s gf name. You get the drill 😛
mad master list here ; other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
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Jeongin groans at the vibration from his phone. It was 1 in the morning and he had just fallen asleep a couple minutes ago.
“Hm?” He answered the call from Seungmin, only because it was at an abnormal hour and because he heard his hyung rushed out the door not to long ago.
"Hey Jeongin, I'm picking up my girlfriend and your little girlfriend is here too," Seungmin says over the phone.
"She's not my little girlfriend," Jeongin scoffed, arm laying across his eyes, trying his best to block out any light so he doesn’t lose his tiredness.
“Okay, not-your-little-girlfriend will be alone outside the club if I only get S/GF/N so—” Seungmin emphasised on the alone, feeling worried about you but seeking Jeongin’s confirmation first.
“So?” But Seungmin was only met with a grumpy Jeongin.
“So do you want me to get her too or?”
“Ugh god.”
“I can’t just leave her, they have all been drinking and—”
“Ugh, she can stay over,” Jeongin puffed, clearly annoyed.
“Okay we—”
“—But I'm going back to sleep so don't wake me when you guys get home," and with that he hung up the phone.
You entered Jeongin and Seungmin’s shared apartment, the place was always so welcoming and cozy but this time round you felt a little out of place. All day you’ve been messaging Jeongin telling him you miss him, his hugs, his touches, his kisses, only just to be left with a message that broke you a little.
Jeongin 🤍 Can you stop messaging me?
Jeongin 🤍 My phone is buzzing non stop it’s annoying
You guys weren’t dating, only a fling as the other boys would say but it was clear to everyone that you had feelings for this boy. Maybe more than he has for you. The text made you question your whole situation-relationship though — does he even like you anymore?
You were going to spend the day copped up in bed but after your roommate found out why you were so upset, she insisted you go out clubbing with her and the other girls.
“I would go but Jeongin hates me going,” you say fiddling with your blanket.
“So?” S/GF/N questioned as she moves your hair away from your face.
“He’ll get angry,” you were a little bit nervous on how he would react since he already is annoyed.
“Y/N I think it’s time you stop being the one what chases him. If he wants you to stop messaging him then you should not talk to him at all. Ignore him, go out, go drinking, go clubbing, make him mad. Be a little bit petty back,” she says with a smile.
You take a deep breath in as you considered everything she said. Maybe it was time you stop giving him so much attention. Maybe it was time you stop letting him get his way with you.
“Trust me Y/N, he’ll want your attention by the end of the night,” S/GF/N says as she gets up opening her hand out for you.
“Okay,” you took her hand.
You took your time getting dolled up, searching for an outfit. You wanted something what was still in your comfort zone but a little bit sexy. You settle for tight demin jeans and a long sleeve crop top with a wide v neck showing your cleavage area, making sure it was an outfit that will piss Jeongin off.
The first couple of shots you were as confident as when you agreed to go out. You wanted to piss Jeongin off. But towards the end of the night when the alcohol started hitting you, you can’t lie you missed him, you wanted to be with him. You start to slowly lose your security as you read over the many messages he left you asking where you were.
Seungmin brings you a pillow and blanket, with a glass of water. He hates to be a bad host and leave you in the living room but he respected his member’s wishes.
“You know your way around Y/N. Good night,” he says before returning back to his room to your friend.
You were in your clubbing outfit and it was uncomfortable for you to sleep in but you didn’t want to go into Jeongin’s room to dig through your pile of clothes afraid he was mad at you. You decided it was best if you just called a taxi, copping the couple hundred dollars to take you back home in the other part of the city at this hour of the night.
“You can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep out here,” a voice stops you from taking any step further. You turn around and there Jeongin was standing in the hall way. Your heart skips a beat at his presence.
“No it’s okay, I think I’ll just go home,” you say quietly, standing across the room from him.
“Didn’t you want to stay?” He asked but it came out a little be aggressive as if it you begged to stay over.
“Yeah, I wanted to see you but it seems like you don’t want me here. I’ll leave,” you choked.
He can tell you were hurt, your voice breaking a little bit as you reply back to him.
“It’s okay—”
“—I want you to stay Y/N,” he says firmly. “If you leave right now, I’m assuming you’re leaving me forever.” Jeongin makes his way to the couch, taking his seat as he waits for you to come to him. You couldn’t fight him, you wanted to stay, you wanted to be around him tonight.
“I think we need to talk Y/N.” You make your way over and he pulls you next to him.
“You wanna tell me where you were? Why you didn’t reply me back?” He asks softly, glancing down at you.
“I just felt like I was annoying you so I—,” you start to speak.
“—So you went clubbing instead?” He didn’t wait for you to finish your sentence. “I thought we agreed for you not to?” He puffed out, trying to stay calm. “Or does that not mean anything to you anymore?” He pierces his eyes into yours, waiting for your answer.
“Jeongin.. I miss you and all I got from you was a can you stop messaging me,” you voiced, looking away from his glance.
“So you broke your promise and went out instead?” His tone was harsh now, he is showing his madness.
It flipped a switch in you, snapping you back to the mindset you had when you agreed to go out. He had no right to be mad at you, he was the one who was mean to you first. You only ignored him because he wanted you to stop messaging him and now he’s the one that’s mad? What is his issue?
You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him.
“Pfffftt..” he chuckle, amused at your reaction.
“What does me drinking and clubbing have to do with you anyways? It’s not like we are dating?” You retorted, tired of playing the cat in his little chase game.
“Yeah true,” he rolls his eyes at you now. “We aren’t even dating. But then go ahead.. Go ahead and tell me why you are missing me so much then? Spamming my phone with “I miss you”messages?” He scoffed, lifting his hand to air quote you.
You get up to walk out on him but he pulls you down, so you’re on him straddling him. You tried your hardest to get up again but he was too strong for you, holding you still by your waist.
“Silly girl..” Jeongin scoffs again shaking his head. “We’ve been here before.. You can’t go out because you’re mine,” he smirks.
“Hate when you wearing pretty clothes like this out,” his hands travelled from our waist down to your hips where he rubs circles with his thumb. His touch made your heart flutter.
“Hate it when you get drunk and get friendly with every fucking guy you make eye contact with,” he says above a whisper, lips close to yours. His possessive side was showing and it was turning you on so much.
“Jeongin..” You whimper, arms coming to hug around his shoulders now and you move up a little bit, sitting atop his hardening length. You take in a sharp breath at the contact.
“Hmm? What is it?” He was satisfied with your reaction.
“Want you…” you were as needy as when you sent him those texts in the morning. You craved him.
“You want me? I think you forgot to say something,” he teased, his fingers doesn’t stop caressing your body.
“I’m sorry,” you replied. “I’m sorry I went out clubbing. I only did it so you can pay attention to me,” you admit falling vulnerable for him again.
He lets out a little laugh before apologising as well. “I’m sorry too Y/N.”
“I’m sorry I replied to you like that. I’m sorry I let my anger out on,” he moves you closer to him, hands now groping your buttock.
“Why were you angry?“ you asked him with your big eyes, ever so innocently making him fall vulnerable to you too.
“They stuffed up my measurements, so I don’t know if I’ll have an outfit for the performance next week now,” he replies. You got your answer on why he was annoyed now. Clothes, fashion, and styling means a lot to him, so you understand how he feels when it doesn’t go right for him.
“I’m sorry it didn’t go well for you—” you tried to cheer him up.
“—No it’s not your fault. Never your fault, pretty girl,” he was desperate to let you know you shouldn’t take the blame for his behaviour.
“I’m sorry I got angry at you for clubbing too. I just get so possessive when you go out. You know I get like that only because I like you so much right?” He admits, cupping your face. You both look at each other with lust before attaching your lips.
“I know,” you pull away with a smile. You both slowly start to forgot everything that happened now.
“You want to show me how much you missed me, pretty girl?” He looks down at your body and tugs at the waist band of your jeans, signaling for you to remove them.
You get up to remove your jeans leaving you in your panties.
“This is how much you missed me?” He eyes your underwear before looking into your eyes with a smirk.
You shake your head no and continue to pull down your panties off as-well, kicking them off. He licks his lips at the sight of your bare pussy. If anything, he missed you like how you missed him too.
“Missed you more.. like this,” you say and straddled him again. With your jeans and panties off you can feel how hard he was for you now and it was riling you up so much.
“Missed this.. so much,” you moaned as his big hands come to helps you roll your hips on him.
“Yeah then keep going baby. You always make it feel so nice,” Jeongin encourages you, trying his best not to roll his eyes back at the pleasure.
“I’m close- I’m gonna cum,” you bite down on your bottom lip, feeling the damp spot forming on his grey sweat pants. You were a moaning mess now trying to save your orgasm.
“Not yet, keep going.. let me cum with you,” he mumbles. A couple more grinds and he feels himself ready to bust with you.
“You okay pretty girl? I’m close now,” Jeongin grips your hips harder now.
A loud moan falls from your lips as you both let go. You let your juice flood on his pants as Jeongin cums inside his boxers.
“Good girl.. You feel okay now?” He says rubbing your back as you both catch your breath.
“I’m okay now,” you say.
“Good.. Only want the best for my little girlfriend,” your eyes lights up at his comment and he chuckles at your cuteness.
“What? You are my little girlfriend right?” He presses a kiss to your cheek.
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daisies-daydreams · 2 months
Hey Daisy 💕💕
So your bio says your requests are open and I don’t remember you closing them but if they are, I’m so sorry, feel free to ignore this-
So I was thinking about Venom!Miguel and this goofy, high energy, upbeat reader who’s always giggling and smiling, even when Miggy’s being an ass
I just wanna req some fluff leading up to some smut, not slow slow burn but some build up where reader confesses to him and he’s like “wait what?” etc.
All the love for you sweetness
- 🪶
Me & U (Venom!Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader)
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Pairing: Venom!Miguel x F!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut (with a pinch of angst) Tags: Miggy being an asshole, Swearing, Slight Slapstick, Love Confessions, Making Out, Monster Fucking (?), Oral Sex (F!Receiving - Venom/Miguel uses his tongue 😛), Nipple Play, Dirty Talk, Pet Names, Innuendo, Couch Sex, Mentions of Birth Control, Unprotected P in V Sex (you know the drill), Doggy Style, Missionary Position, Slight Bondage, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie Word Count: 5k+ 18+ Banner by @cafekitsune A/N: Ugh, I love love love writing for Venom! characters 🤭🫠 Thank you for your sweet words love and I hope you enjoy! Song Suggestion: Me & U (Cassie)
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Your eyes instantly lit up when your neighbor, Miguel O’Hara, opened his door.
“Hi, Miguel!” you chirped happily, nearly dropping the Tupperware of soup in your hands. You gasped before two strong hands cupped beneath yours. Heat filled your cheeks as you slowly gazed up, your noses so close they nearly brushed against each other. Miguel cleared his throat before he quickly stood up, his shadow casting over your entire body.
“Is that for me?” your neighbor asked in his usual gruff voice as he cocked a brow. It took you a few seconds for his words to register. Were his eyes always ruby red? Oh my God...he is a vampire?! That would be so hot, well, hotter than-
"Hello? (Y/N)," your neighbor called before snapping his fingers. You shook your head.
“Hm? Oh! Yes, this is for you,” you grinned and shifted the Tupperware in your arms. “I just thought I'd give you some of my homemade chicken noodle soup. I made too much and didn't want it to go to waste," you explained as you held the Tupperware out to him. Miguel raised his brows as he glanced down, his rough fingertips grazing over yours as he took the soup with an exhausted expression.
"Thanks," he simply replied. You gave him a bright grin as your heart skipped a beat.
"You're welcome! I was also wondering if-"
You flinched when he suddenly slammed the door in your face. You continued to hold your finger up as your smile remained.
"...you wanted to go see a movie," you murmured out the last part. Your grin faltered a bit as you started to trudge back to your apartment, your footsteps feeling a bit heavier than before...
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Venom rumbled inside Miguel’s head. The massive man tensed when the Symbiote suddenly spoke.
"What?" he blinked. Venom grumbled.
"YOU JUST SLAMMED THE DOOR IN HER FACE!" the alien nearly screeched. Miguel grimaced as he set the Tupperware in the fridge, the corners of his mouth turned down as he felt his blood pressure rise.
"She knows I'm busy - I'm sure she understands," the man replied as he closed the fridge door. Venom scoffed.
"YOU WOULD THINK THAT A GROWN-ASS HUMAN WOULD HAVE SOME DECENT MANNERS," the Symbiote huffed. Miguel clenched his jaw. “YOU SHOULD GO APOLOGIZE,” Venom added. The corners of Miguel’s mouth curved down as he pinched his brows.
“Like I’m gonna let myself get lectured by a vulgar, carnivorous parasite,” he grunted. Miguel gasped as his head shot forward and slammed against the fridge. The man hissed and rubbed the aching spot on his forehead.
“OOPS,” Venom snickered. Miguel sighed and shook his head, his forehead still pulsating with pain.
“Damn symbiote,” he muttered as he rummaged through his cabinets for some ibuprofen. Miguel groaned as he chugged some water before popping the pills. A small, brightly colored note caught his eye as he rubbed his temples. He furrowed his dark brows before picking it up, his scarlet eyes scanning over the small piece of paper:
“It's been pretty chilly out - hope this soup helps warm you up!
<3 (Y/N)”
Miguel's pained expression wavered as he clenched his fist.
God, he really was an asshole, wasn't he?
"YES, YOU WERE," Venom commented.
"¡Cállate parásito!" Miguel snapped [Shut up, parasite!].
"JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY IT IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE DOESN'T CHANGE THE MEANING!" the Symbiote growled. Miguel blew him off as he quickly grabbed his coat. "HOLD ON A SECOND - WHERE ARE WE GOING?" the alien questioned. The tall man grabbed his wallet and keys before opening his front door.
"I'm going to go apologize to (Y/N)...but I need to grab something that'll hopefully help me," he stated.
A Half-An Hour Later...
You blinked when you opened your door.
“Miguel?” you asked. The man’s eyes widened as he gazed upon your face mask.
“I-uh-I’m sorry if I’m interrupting anything,” your neighbor grunted while rubbing the back of his neck. You were thankful the mask hid the blush that dusted your cheeks.
“No! No, it’s okay,” you giggled as you leaned against the doorframe. “What can I do for you?” you continued. You didn’t miss the way Miguel looked you up and down: your body clad in a tight-fitting tank top and comfy shorts. He swallowed thickly before clearing his throat.
“I…I just wanted to give you this,” he said while holding out a white, plastic bag. You raised your brows as you took it from him, your mouth instantly watering as the smell of freshly fried food filled your nostrils.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to do that!” you chirped while reaching forward for a hug. Miguel hesitantly took a step back, his brows scrunched together as he looked away.
“I just…I wanted to say I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting towards you,” he muttered while rubbing the back of his head. You looked up at your neighbor before glancing down at the bag. It was so adorable seeing a brute of a man acting so sheepishly. Miguel shifted his gaze when you hummed.
“It’s okay, I know work has been super stressful for you,” you replied. His eyes softened as he let his hand fall back to his side. “Still, it’s not excuse for me to act like an asshole towards you,” Miguel sighed. Your smile faltered as you watched him stand there idly. You bit your lip as you clutched the bag.
“You know, it’ll be pretty hard for me to finish all of these things while they're still fresh,” you began. You noticed a small spark in Miguel’s eyes as he tilted his head. “Would you like to come in and have some?” you asked while slightly leaning your hip against the doorframe. His eyes widened slightly as he tensed.
“I don’t want to impose or anything,” Miguel frowned before coughing into his fist. You pursed your lips before giggling.
“Venom, would you like some?” you asked while resting a hand on your other hip. Miguel immediately launched forward, his massive body looming over yours as Venom’s face appeared beside his.
“YOU DON’T HAVE TO ASK US TWICE!” the alien beamed, his glossy, jagged teeth on full display as he flashed you a cheeky grinned. You chuckled and gave his head a small pat, the slick texture of his form not bothering you in the slightest.
“Come on in, then,” you replied while nodding your head inside your apartment.
“WITH PLEASURE,” Venom said as he forced Miguel to stomp into your humble abode. The walls were practically rattling as he clumsily strolled over to your couch and plopped himself down. You chuckled as you followed behind him, setting the bag down on the coffee table.
“Sorry, just gotta freshen up a little bit,” you said while motioning towards your face. Miguel smiled softly and nodded, his demeanor a bit more relaxed as he leaned against the couch cushion.
“Okay. I’ll make sure Venom doesn’t eat everything,” he hummed. You giggled and gave a quick nod before rushing to the bathroom.
“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” you screamed internally as you sped towards the sink. You washed off the mask as quickly as you could before releasing your hair from its messy bun. You rapidly put on a few strokes of mascara and adjusted your tank-top to show just a bit of your cleavage. You gave a firm nod at your reflection before padding back into the hall. You froze and laughed as you watched Miguel swat at one of Venom’s tendrils as it reached for the bag.
“I see you boys have kept yourselves entertained,” you hummed as you sauntered over to the couch. The dim lighting of your living room lamp drew out Miguel’s rugged features: every curve and dip of his muscles defined by dark shadows and soft light.
“Sorry it took me a bit,” you sighed while sinking into the cushion next to him. You watched as his eyes flicked up and down your body, particularly lingering on your chest.
“You’re fine,” he replied while clearing his throat. You beamed before pulling out the Styrofoam box. The two of you sighed as steam wafted up from the golden empanadas, the crisp texture of the crust already making your stomach rumble.
The room was filled with the sounds of quiet munching before Venom appeared. His maw was curled into his usual grin as he swiped his long, wet tongue across his teeth. You chuckled and held out another pastry, the creature devouring the food in one whole bite. You laughed as crumbs rained onto your lap before the symbiote receded back into his host.
Soon, your bellies were full as the sun dipped past the glowing Nueva York skyline. You squeezed your hands in your lap as you held your breath for a moment.
“Miguel?” you piped up. The tall man beside you grunted, his eyes closed and head tilted back. Despite the bags hanging beneath his eyes, he just looked so peaceful and relaxed for once. You swallowed the lump in your throat as you shifted on your cushion.
“There’s…there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about for a while now,” you continued. He slowly opened his scarlet eyes, his gaze soft and half-lidded as he stared at you.
Oh, God.
You bit in the inside of your cheek as you took a deep breath.
“I…I like you,” you muttered quietly. You felt him shift beside you.
“What was that?” the burly man asked. You felt your throat grow tight as your cheeks burned. You whipped your head over and gazed right into his eyes.
“I-I said that I like you,” you said a bit louder. Miguel’s features softened as he parted his lips. You squirmed beneath his gaze as you squeezed your hands together. Miguel remained quiet by your side. "I know it's sudden, b-but, I just felt like if I didn't say it now, then I would've never gotten it out. I'm sorry," you sighed while averting his gaze. You heard Miguel take another deep breath as he rubbed his hand over his mouth before letting it fall into his lap. He let out a small huff of a chuckle.
"You're gonna be the death of me, you know that?" he said with a lopsided grin. Your eyes widened.
"W-What do you mean?" you breathed. Venom's head suddenly formed by Miguel's shoulder.
"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE! WOULD THE TWO OF YOU JUST FUCK ALREADY?!" the alien whined. Your jaw drop as Miguel's nostrils flared.
"Get back inside me!" he shouted. Venom snickered at Miguel's phrasing, causing the man's cheeks to burn a bright red. "You know what I mean!" he yelled, his voice cracking at the last word.
"WHATEVER YOU SAY, DARLING~" the Symbiote hummed in a sing-song voice before retracting back into Miguel. The man before you rolled his eyes before shaking his head.
"Sorry about that," Miguel said with a tired, apologetic smile. You chuckled and shook your head.
"It's fine," you said with a dismissive hand-wave. You bit your lip.
"So...do you really like me back?" you asked breathlessly. Miguel raised his thick, dark brows as he pursed his lips. He cleared his throat and planted both feet on the floor.
"I...I do," he said with a sideways grin while averting his gaze. You squealed happily and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Miguel placed a hand on the small of your back, rubbing it soothingly.
"You have no idea how excited I am! We're gonna go on SO many cute dates. We could take a romantic trip on the Lunar Train - oh! Or have brunch at a beach house in Amagansett-" you began to ramble off a list of dates you imagined with Miguel, not caring if they sounded stupid or not. You blinked when the man by your side gently placed his hand over your mouth, his palm enveloping over the lower half of your face.
"(Y/N), as fun as those things sound...I'd like to maybe start with taking you out to a nice dinner. Would that be alright?" he asked. You nodded, a muffled "mhm" heard beneath his palm. Miguel's smile grew as he slowly withdrew his hand.
"-and we could also go on a rowboat in Central Park," you continued. Miguel laughed and shook his head. "What?" you giggled. The tall man sighed as he slung one of his muscular arms around the back of the couch.
"I've never met anyone who talks as much as you do," he stated. Your smile faltered.
"Is...Is that a bad thing?" you asked while shifting in your seat. Miguel smiled and shook his head.
"No, no. In fact, I think it's pretty endearing hearing someone talk about something they're passionate about," he sighed. You tilted your head as he paused. "That spark you get in your eye...it's what drew me to you in the first place," he confessed while rubbing his chin. Your eyes lit up as you hugged him tightly, causing him to groan.
"I'm just so excited. It's...been a while since I've been in a relationship," you said while tucking some hair behind your ear. Miguel hummed softly.
"Really? How long?" he asked. You froze in place as your eyes widened.
"Oh, hermosa," Miguel cooed, clearly reading through your silent response. You sighed and leaned back, your arms withdrawing from his sides as you frowned. "Hey, look at me," he said softly. You slowly brought your gaze up to his eyes, your heart fluttering as he cupped your cheek. "You're a beautiful, kind woman. I'd be happy to be in a relationship with you," he murmured softly. Your heart melted right there as you gazed into his eyes.
"Really?" you murmured. Miguel smiled and nodded before sucking in a sharp breath.
"Really. And you know..." Miguel trailed off as he shifted on the couch. "Maybe Venom's suggestion from earlier...wasn't terrible," he muttered while tilting his head side to side. Your heart skipped a beat at his words as you squeezed your thighs together.
"You mean, you wanna..." you trailed off and made some gestures with your hands. Miguel nodded slowly as his cheeks continued to fill with pink. You gasped as he shifted even closer to you, his other hand gently cupping your knee.
"I've...I've wanted you for so long. Too long," he sighed softly as he squeezed your knee. "And now, all I want to do is make up for lost time and show you how much I want to be with you...hermosa," Miguel breathed, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear [beautiful]. You arched your back as a shiver ran down your spine.
"Mmm, Miguel, p-please. I want to feel you," you sighed as you squirmed beside him. Miguel grinned softly as he leaned forward and nipped along your jaw.
"Just relax, princesa. I'll make sure to take good care of you," he purred lowly while gently pushing you onto your back and climbing on top of you. Your walls clenched at the sound of his husky rumble, your legs parting on their own as you swallowed thickly. Miguel's large, warm hands dipped beneath your tank-top, his palms eagerly cupping your breasts as you moaned.
"O-Oh," you gasped as he smoothed his thumbs over your perky, sensitive nipples. You bit your lip and mewled as his lips traveled closer to your own, his hips slowly lowering against yours with a deep sigh.
"I can't wait to taste the rest of you, princesa," Miguel groaned before he gently nibbled on your bottom lip. Your fingers smoothed through his thick, dark locks as you parted your lips. The living room was filled with your combined moans as he crashed his plump lips against yours, his hands squeezing your breasts as he slowly rolled his hips against your clothed sex.
"O-Oh fuck Miguel," you panted. Miguel raised his brows as he chuckled lowly.
"I didn't know someone as sweet as you could have such a dirty mouth," he snickered before gently pinching your nipples. You squealed as your mouth shot open. Your eyes widened as Miguel's tongue quickly dove into your wet cavern, his muscle tenderly massaging yours as he rubbed your hardened buds between his digits. Your hungry moans filled his mouth as your tongues passionately danced in circles. Both of you panted heavily as he pulled back for air, your lips glossy with combined spit.
"God, you sound so hot when you make those noises," he grunted before diving back in. You closed your eyes as you soaked in the taste of his tongue against yours, your heart pounding in your ears as you sighed deeply. Miguel groaned as he slowly lifted your shirt above your head, peeling the clothing off before tossing it aside. Your cheeks were flush as he pulled back, his eyes hungrily drinking in the sight of your exposed breasts. You frowned and looked away before he dipped his fingers beneath your chin, turning your face back towards him.
"Please, don't look away. I want to see all of you," he whispered with the softest expression you've ever seen. Your heartbeat faltered as a small smile formed over your face. "Ahí está mi mujer bonita," Miguel chuckled quietly as his fingertips traced along your jaw before dipping between the valley of your breasts [There's my pretty woman].
Your eyes nearly rolled back as your body began to melt at his feather-light touch.
"M-Miguel," you panted breathlessly. Miguel hummed as he gently nipped and kissed along the side of your neck.
"Hm?" he sighed, his hot breath falling over a wet spot on your skin. Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you gulped.
"Can you...can you finger me?" you said with a strained voice. Miguel's eyes widened slightly before he gave you a small smirk.
"Of course, hermosa," he chuckled before suckling on your pulse. Your body jolted at the sweet suction against your skin before he lapped over the fresh hickey. "Do you want me to use my mouth, too?" Miguel whispered. You had to stop a moan escaping your throat as his question shook you to the core.
"Y-Yes please," you whined. Miguel's smirk widened even more.
"You're so polite," he chuckled. You raised your brows and playfully flicked his shoulder. Miguel winced. "Now why would you hurt a gentle giant like me, hm?" the man above you quipped with a raised brow. You giggled and rolled your eyes.
"Watch out - I might spank you if you get sassy again," you winked. Miguel chuckled as he tugged at your pajama shorts.
"Promise, Mami?" he said in a low, husky voice [Mommy]. Your cheeks burned at the petname as you looked away. Miguel's chest rose and fell as he burst out laughing. "Hey, don't dish out what you can't serve," he purred before pulling your thin shorts and panties down your legs. You gasped as your slick pussy was on full display for him. Miguel licked his lips as he leaned his head down.
"W-Wait!" you yelped. His head shot back up as his eyes widened.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" he asked as his brows furrowed. You blushed as you held your breath.
"I...I had guys say that I tasted funny, so-" you instantly stopped talking as he shoved his face into your cunt, sniffing it deeply. Your jaw dropped as you felt the tip of his nose nudge against your puffy clit. "W-What are you doing?!" you gulped. You felt him smile against your slick labia before he flicked the tip of his tongue out. Your legs shook around his head as your hips snapped forward.
"Oh my god, you taste so fucking sweet," Miguel groaned before licking a bold stripe up your juicy slit. You moaned and threw your head back as he painted long, languid strokes up and down your folds.
"S-Shit Miguel," you groaned as your hips mindlessly rubbed against his face. Miguel's eyes locked with yours as he snaked his arms around your thighs, his face glued to your gushing cunt. A gasp left your puffy lips as he puckered his lips around your swollen bundle of nerves, your hole puckering against his chin as a loud moan erupted from your throat.
"Let me hear you, Mami," Miguel whispered, his lips tenderly caressing your clit before he wetly swirled his tongue around the sensitive button. Your head began to spin as he gently nudged two of his thick fingers against the rim of your aching entrance. "Let me hear all those sweet, beautiful noises you make," he groaned before slowly pushing his fingers inside your pulsing walls. Your jaw went slack as you already felt filled by his girthy digits.
"O-Oh my-" your throat tightened as you felt every curve and divot of his fingers caressed the inside of your velvety cunt.
"Yes, that's it. That's my good girl," Miguel rumbled as he slowly pumped his digits inside your stretched out hole. Your pussy clenched around his digits as he lapped at your clit, the tip of his tongue flicking over your swollen button. "Taking my fingers so well," he breathed before planting a sloppy kiss over your cunt. The delicious drag of his fingers inside your tight walls mixed with the sweet suction of his lips drew another loud whine out of your throat.
"Fuck Miguel!" you screamed as your cunt gushed around his thick digits. Your eyes shot open when he licked over your clit again, but this time, his tongue felt strangely different. Your eyes grew impossibly wider as you looked down. Miguel's mouth was replaced with Venom's, though it was still his own scarlet eyes staring into your own. You felt a whirlwind of emotions as your legs remained spread before the amalgamation before you.
"W-What-" your lips remained parted as he squeezed your legs, a low rumble rising from his throat as he swiped his tongue back and forth across your wetness. Your strangled moan rose through the room as you felt something slick begin to slide over your legs and abdomen. Your eyelids fluttered as Venom's tendrils began to eagerly rub your hardened nipples as he lashed the tip of his tongue over your needy clit.
Miguel's eyes flashed with red before he quickly ripped his fingers from your now gaping hole. You shot your head up before he quickly replaced his digits by shoving his long, lithe tongue deep inside your plush pussy.
"H-Holy fuck," you panted and bucked your hips forward as you saw a bulge grow in your lower belly, the tip of his new tongue grazing over your soft cervix. Your toes curled as he arched his slick muscle inside your walls, spreading them open with a wet squelch.
"B-Baby," you moaned as you tugged on his hair. Miguel groaned, his voice much deeper and gutteral than usual as he began to slowly thrust his tongue deep inside your tight, warm cavern. Your moans could've shaken the couch as you felt his tongue stroke each and every inch of your tender walls. Each of your nerve endings lit up with pleasure as Venom's tentacles stroked your nipples and puffy clit, the steady drag of his lithe muscle making your walls flutter.
"Miguel, f-fuck, I-I'm gonna cum!" you groaned as you ground your hips against his face. You felt his grip on your legs tighten as he thrusted his tongue even faster, the tendrils wrapped around your breasts and clit now rapidly massaging them.
"A-AH!" you screamed as your hips snapped forward. Your body tensed beneath his grip as he thrusted his entire tongue deep inside your pulsing sex. You moaned and babbled his name as you rolled your hips forward, your warm juices gushing all over his tongue and dripping down his chin as you violently came.
Miguel's eyelids fluttered as a gutteral moan left his parted lips.
"F-Fuck," you murmured as your legs shivered in his grasp, your walls still fluttering as he stuffed you full with his tongue. You panted heavily as you came down from your high, your body glowing in a thin sheen of sweat. A soft whine escaped you as Miguel slowly withdrew his long tongue, the feeling of emptiness quickly rushing into your needy cunt. Your dismay was quickly replaced with pleasure as he slowly licked all the way from the stretched-out rim of your entrance to your swollen, over-sensitive clit.
You mewled as your hips shot up, a small grin forming over Miguel's face as Venom's tongue began to slowly withdraw. Your thighs trembled against his ears as he pressed a gentle kiss to your bundle of nerves. You moaned softly as he locked eyes with you, his gaze tender and lit with an insatiable desire as he slowly pulled his lips back. A string of spit and slick connected his mouth to your weeping sex before he licked his plump lips.
"How are you feeling?" he panted heavily as the tentacles around your breasts rested against your nipples. You swallowed thickly and shifted beneath him, your head still spinning with pure bliss.
"G-Good, really good," you breathed. Miguel cracked another smile before he gently kissed your stomach.
"Do you think you can do another round?" he murmured against your skin. Your heart skipped a beat as you drew in a sharp breath.
"I-I think so. Just give me a second," you said as you tried to prop yourself up on your forearms. Miguel sighed and laid several lazy kisses over your abdomen, his teeth gently pinching the skin every now and then.
"When this is over, I'm taking you out to a proper dinner," he rumbled, his hands gently rubbing and squeezing your hips. The tips of your ears burned.
"R-Really?" you murmured with a wide grin. Miguel's crimson eyes sparkled as he gave you a soft smile.
"Of course. While I do think we're doing things a little backwards...I honestly don't really care at this point," he chuckled while massaging the flesh of your hips. You bit your lip and released a small moan. "I want to do all the things I should've done, and that includes taking you to a nice restaurant," he grinned. You blushed even more as your smile grew.
"O-Okay. But none of those fancy places where they only serve you, like, a tablespoon of food," you warned with a playful smirk. Miguel chuckled and nodded.
"Deal," he smiled and rested his chin on your stomach. "Now...about our next round..." Miguel continued with a mischievous grin.
You gasped as a new pair of tendrils flipped you around. Your breasts and stomach squished against the plush couch cushions as your ass wiggled in the air. You arched your back as Miguel's palms smoothed over the globes of your bum, a low groan heard behind you. You squeaked as he gave your bum a small spanking before spreading your cheeks apart.
"Mmm look at you, you're practically dripping from before," Miguel grunted as he spread your labia apart with his fingers, thick strings of your juices and his spit stretching between your lower lips. You squealed as a rush of adrenaline swept through your body, your core already aching to be touched again.
"Miguel..." you breathed and wiggled your hips. The man above you chuckled softly as you heard him unzip his pants. A jolt of electricity shot through you as you soon felt something hot and wet slap against the crevice of your ass, a drop of precum gliding over your skin as he groaned.
"God, I can't wait to be inside you," Miguel rumbled as he slowly dragged his thick, veiny cock between your supple cheeks. You whined as he grabbed his dick and slotted it between your thighs, his shaft gliding along your slit and spreading the mess to your legs. You gasped as you felt his burning tip rub against your needy clit, your head reeling with mind-numbing pleasure. You moaned and shifted your ass back against his lean abs, the slick sound of him rubbing his erect cock under your folds making your head spin even more.
"Miguel, please. I-I need you," you moaned. You could practically feel him grin as he leaned against your trembling form.
"Do you want me to use a condom?" he whispered huskily as he nipped at your ear. You parted your lips and shook your head.
"N-No, I'm on birth control," you reassured him in a low whisper. He grinned against the shell of your ear before angling his hips against your rear. You moaned as you felt his tip nudge at the tight rim of your entrance, your body trembling with pure, carnal need.
"Just take some deep breaths for me, okay princesa?" Miguel whispered as he smoothed his hands over your hips. You nodded and swallowed a deep breath of air. You felt him smile against your skin as he slowly pushed inside your weeping hole.
"Fuck!" you gasped and gripped the cushion as you felt his thick, round tip start to spread your gummy walls apart. His low moan made you shake with bliss as you felt him inch inside your pussy, your walls gripping him deliciously as you breathed his name. Miguel's grip on your hips grew tighter with every inch of his thick cock that was swallowed by your warmth.
"S-So tight, hermosa," he swallowed thickly. Both of you gasped when his sharp hips met with your ass, the fullness inside your tight cunt making your back arch impossibly more. You heard him swallow again as Venom's tentacles began to gently rub your nipples again. You mewled as the slick tendrils wrapped around your hard buds and twisted them ever so slightly.
"Mmm, that's it," Miguel whispered as he slowly pulled his hips back. Your jaw went completely slack as he snapped them forward, his tip roughly kissing your cervix.
"A-Ah!" you mewled loudly as he continued the steady pace of slowly pulling out, only for his hips to slap against you as he bottomed out each time. The couch creaked as his rhythm began to increase, his heavy balls now wetly slapping against your clit with every snap of his hips.
"Miguel, ohhh god r-right there," you slurred, your mind completely drunk on the feeling of his cock massaging your velvety walls. You threw your head back as you felt his thick tip rub against your spongey g-spot, your cunt pulsing around his hard cock as a wave of pleasure washed over you.
"You feel so good, (Y/N). Your pussy wraps around me so perfectly," he whispered before capturing your earlobe between his lips, suckling on it lightly. You whined as the tentacles and his cock began to move even faster, your heart pounding in your sternum as your pussy began to feel tighter and tighter. "Shit, gripping s-so good," Miguel groaned, his chest flush against your upper back as his cock rubbed each and every part of your leaking cunt.
"Miguel, i-if you keep going this fast, I'm g-gonna cum," you tried to warn him. Your breath hitched as he suckled on the spot behind your ear, his fingernails digging into the soft skin of your hips as he growled lowly.
"Good," he rumbled, his voice much more raspy and feral than before. You felt Venom's tendrils squeeze your breasts as another two grabbed your waist. You squealed as you were flipped around, the room around you blurring before you were face to face with Miguel. You had no time to think about the tentacles sprouting from his back before your arms were pinned above your head by the writhing appendages. Your heart raced as the tentacles from before lapped and curled around your nipples, another one gently massaging your bundle of nerves as Miguel pounded into your pretty pussy.
"Ay dios mío, eres tan p-perfecta," Miguel groaned gutturally, his hot breath cascading over your face [Oh my God, you're so perfect]. You moaned as he captured your lips in a heated, sloppy kiss, the sound of skin wetly slapping against skin loudly echoing through your living room. Your breathing was growing more and more ragged with every drag of his cock and swipe of the tendrils, your heartbeat growing louder and louder inside your ears as you felt the muscles in your lower stomach start to quickly wind together.
"M-Miguel!" you screamed as white flashed across your vision. You shivered beneath him as your pussy squirted all along his abs, your body and mind torn apart in the riptide of pure, unbridled ecstasy. "Mmm yes," you slurred, your head reeling as stars danced in your line of sight. You mewled as Miguel locked lips with you again, his nostrils flaring as he playfully flicked his tongue against yours.
"That's my good girl, cumming around my c-cock," Miguel's breath faltered as your pussy hugged him in an impossibly tight grip. It wasn't long before his thrusts began to grow even faster and sloppy. "S-Shit. Where do you want me?" he asked in a low rumble. You whined and thrashed beneath him.
"Inside!" you moaned as your back arched off the couch. A deep groan reverberated within Miguel's chest as he slammed his hips down for the last time. Both of you moaned as you felt his cock twitch inside your puffy cunt, his cum flooding every inch of your slick heat. The tendrils around your body squeezed you tightly as Miguel closed his eyes, his Adam's apple bobbing as his cock continued to pulse deep inside you.
He swallowed thickly before slowly pulling out; a loud, wet "pop" ringing in your ears and making you shake. You panted heavily, the tentacles slowly withdrawing from your goose-bump riddled skin and back to Miguel's heaving form. You slowly brought a hand up to Miguel's cheek, smiling warmly.
"Thank you," you said breathlessly. Miguel's brows shot up as he let out a small chuckle.
"For what?" he whispered before pecking your lips, his strong arms now wrapped around your smaller form. You sighed as you gently smoothed your thumb over his cheek, soaking in the feeling of his warm body pressed against yours.
"For making my dream come true," you whispered. A small hint of pink dusted Miguel's cheeks as his smile softened. He gently kissed your forehead as he stroked your sides.
"You're welcome, hermosa," he whispered back and held you close.
I shall leave you with this (use it wisely):
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Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthashadowriley @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobbsessed @8xbygirl @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @lyrasdrawer @mcmiracles @genma-support-group @rattybimbo @rinyukaa
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kingkat12 · 2 months
i dare you (roman godfrey x reader)
WARNINGS: foul language, mentions of sex, slight coercion, mentions of alcohol and tobacco, partying, and roman is too hot for your own good
summary: you have quite the introduction to Roman Godfrey at your first party in Hemlock Grove
word count: 1,902
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"I dare you," Letha said with a laugh, having to talk rather loudly to be heard over the stupidly noisy music at the party. 
"Dare me to what?" I wasn't liking the sound of this.
Letha gave me a teasing nudge; "Walk up to the first guy you see, point at his lap and ask if that seat is taken,"
I grimaced as she continued to laugh— this was definitely not a good idea. "Oh, Letha, come on,"
Having only just moved to Hemlock Grove, I had managed to make one good friend before the end of the first week of school. And me being lucky, Letha seemed to be a well-connected, sweet girl who somehow got us into the senior's party. However, this was definitely not what I had imagined I would be doing here.
"Just keep yourself busy!" Letha giggled, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. "I want to go see Peter, I haven't seen him in weeks!" 
I nodded, waving her off as she disappeared into the crowd, her blonde, perfect hair flowing behind her. 
With a slight huff, I decided to accept Letha's dare and just go for it. Fuck it. Closing my eyes, I spun around on my heel, stopping with my body turned towards the sofa in the living-room. As I slowly pried my eyes open again, a little anxious about who I would lay my eyes on first, I felt my worry melt away at the sight of one of the most gorgeous men I had ever seen in my life. 
I had no idea how I mustered up the courage to make my way over, but I suddenly found myself standing right before him. I blamed it all on the alcohol. 
The guy slowly turned to me, his big, green eyes meeting mine. I scanned him the same second he scanned me— I revelled in the sight; all from the white shirt to the styled hair, to the way he had spread out comfortably on the couch as he spoke to his friends, oozing with confidence and charm. He put away the beer in his hand, his eyes shimmering with interest. 
I had to go for it. Even if it went to shit, at least Letha would hopefully think I was cool or something. I nodded towards his lap; "Is this seat taken?"
Immediately, his eyes rounded out with a mix of both shock and fascination; I doubted that girls were usually this blunt with him. Not with the amount of sex he exuded, definitely not. However, a rather cocky smirk quickly formed across his plush, pink lips as he shifted in his seat; "Not at all,"
I sat myself down in his lap, beaming with pride. I couldn't believe I had dared to do this. My heart beat hard in my chest as I met the eyes of a few girls passing by, feeling their seething jealousy drill into my system. However, this only gave me more fuel, turning to the stranger I was sitting on top of with a smug smile; "So, what's your name?"
"I'm Roman," he said, a hint of a chuckle in his voice. It was clear that Roman was no stranger to advances from girls, his arm snaking itself around my waist, already taking liberties. "And you are...?"
"New here," I said, trying not think about how massive his hand was against my waist. "It's my first week."
"Ah, makes sense," Roman's smirk only grew, cocking his head to the side as his green eyes sparkled with excitement. "I would've remembered you somehow. And you're a senior?"
I shook my head, giggling; I was getting more drunk on this guy than the tequila Letha had given me. "Definitely not. I just know the right people,"
"I see," Further intrigued, Roman nodded, clearly amused. 
I felt the need to add something; "Is that bad?"
"... Pardon?"
I shrugged, hoping to seem a little nonchalant despite the nature of the question; "That I'm not a senior?"
Roman couldn't help but chuckle, probably sensing I'd had a little much to drink. He took the opportunity to pull me closer, his other hand now resting comfortably on my thigh. I felt his hot breath against my ear; "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone,"
I felt my cheeks flush at the sound of his low, husky voice, once again visiting the question of what-the-hell-has-gotten-into-me. "Thanks," I breathed, hoping not to sound too taken with him. 
"Won't tell a soul," Roman continued, voice warm like syrup, his fingers now rubbing small circles into my thigh. "Your dirty little secret is safe with me."
My body gave in to a slight shiver— how had I managed to find the smoothest talker at this party and planted myself right in his lap? "I suppose I owe you, then,"
This only seemed to delight him further, emitting another warm chuckle. But despite Roman's charming presence and how easy he was to talk to, I couldn't help but notice the twinge of something darker in his eyes, an inkling of danger poking through his exterior. And maybe it was the fact that his cologne had a subtle hint of tobacco and spice, adding an extra layer to the dangerous allure that surrounded him, but I knew it was too late nonetheless. "I suppose you do," he said, my body now pressed flush against him. "Would you care if I cash in my debt right away?"
"And what would that entail?" I hoped I didn't sound too excited.
"Oh, nothing crazy," Roman said, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear like it was the most casual thing in the world. "Just a little something that will have you begging for us to find a room."
My eyes widened with intrigue, letting out a laugh. "You seem awfully sure about that last part," My smile widened as he now ran his fingers through my hair, despite his hands being cold to the touch.
Roman bit back a smirk, his hand tightening in my hair as if to keep me in place. "What, you don't believe me, or something?"
I suppressed another laugh, his confidence humouring me. "A little kiss has never been enough to unravel my morals, that's all--" My words came to a halt as Roman dipped down to press a soft kiss on my neck, making my breath hitch. Feeling my pulse quicken, my eyes darted down to the hand he had on my thigh, realizing it had inched further up. This was definitely not going to end well for me. 
"Oh, really?" He seemed to be rather humoured as well, smiling against my neck as he went in for another kiss, leaving behind a wet mark which set my skin on fire. Roman kissed up my jawline, leaving me breathless; he gently pressed his lips against my cheek before using the hand in my hair to turn me to him. "Let's put that to the test, shall we?" 
I didn't have time to ponder if I'd gone crazy, letting out a shaky breath as I met his green gaze. Had this been any other guy, I would've never even considered it. But damn it, his lips looked so, so soft... I watched as his cocky smirk returned, how his eyes darkened with lust, and suddenly, I didn't even have time to give him an answer; he nudged his nose against mine, and our lips came together, soft and open. 
Somehow, no one had ever kissed me like this before. The previous guys I had kissed made it feel like getting pushed squarely on the mouth and pushing back, but Roman was so insistent-- this was heaven. His lips were soft, almost silken, against my own, but there was still a hint of desire which had me hooked. I let out a small sigh of relief against him, feeling a familiar warmth spread in my chest all the way to my fingertips, aching to be closer in any way possible. 
Roman's kisses were all taking. Like he was drawing something out of me which I didn't know could be stolen. I brought my fingers up to his hair, feeling my brain shut down at the hint of cigarettes and alcohol I felt against my tongue. 
And there was something about him which had me genuinely considering if I should ask to find a damn room-- I wanted to be tangled up in him for as long as I could. I wanted to feel his hand further up my thigh, between my legs, his long fingers inside of me, tending to the need which was building in my body. 
Judging by the way he was kissing me, I had an inkling he wanted that as well. Wanted to be closer, inseparable, to melt together and be as one, no matter where we were. At this point, I didn't really care that we were in a rather crowded room at a huge party. I didn't care that I had met him just a few minutes ago, that I hadn't even told him my name yet, that I knew nothing more about him than the fact that his name was Roman and that he had the biggest pair of hands I had ever felt against my body.
I was about to pull away and sink as far down as to ask, when I heard a familiar voice call my name with outrage. Sort of jumping out of my delirium, I turned to Letha who stood over me with parted lips of shock; "What the-- No, no," She grabbed my arm, getting me up on my feet before she looked over my shoulder, giving Roman a harsh glare. "Roman, for fuck's sake! Not this again!"
He let out a satisfied sigh, sliding a little further down the couch as he laughed; "Hey, Letha," 
I was getting dizzy. Did they know each other? 
Letha turned back to me, steadying my wobbling knees. "I see you've met my cousin," she mumbled, rolling her eyes. "When I dared you to sit down on someone, I should've probably specified not to do it on him."
Roman let out another chuckle, clearly amused as he looked back and forth at the both of us. "Come on, I'm not so bad?" He turned to one of his friends, reaching for something the other guy was holding. 
He was definitely not bad. Not at all. It was almost as though I could still feel his lips ghosting over mine, the soft pressure of his tongue in my mouth-- I did my best to shake it off. I wasn't brought back to the situation until I suddenly felt a tingling feeling against my hand. I glanced down, catching Roman in the act of writing something down on the inside of my wrist, making Letha groan; "Roman!" she hissed, tugging on my other hand. "We're leaving!" 
"Fine," Roman looked up at me with a rather mischievous look before he slowly let go of my hand, leaving me with a pleasant burning sensation on my skin. 
Before I could even protest, I was pulled away from the couch, feeling my heart sink. It was only when I turned around, meeting his gaze one last time, that I felt my mood shoot right up through the roof; call me, he mouthed.
I immediately brought my wrist up to my face when we left the living room, a beaming smile spreading across my lips when I realized he had written his number on me. 
Fuck, yes. 
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wishcamper · 11 days
Nessian Week Day 1 - Banter
For our first day of @nessianweek here's a little drabble of our favorite couple doing what they do best.
They flirt. They fight. They fuck. You know the drill.
You can read it here or on ao3!
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Win Lose or Draw
Cassian and Nesta take a vacation to Day, where a lot more ends up in their mouths than they bargained for.
CW: consensual sexual content
“I fucking dare you.”
“You think I won’t?”
The scorpion dangled from Nesta’s fingers by a claw, its gleaming body dusted with spices so potent they made Cassian’s eyes water from across the picnic table.
“I think you’re stalling. Take a bite, Lady Death.”
“You go first, Lord of Bloodshed, if you’re so eager,” she snapped, stabbing a finger at the jar of strange, grayish clumps suspended in brine in front of him. Knowing Nesta, they were probably some poor creature’s testicles. 
“I would, but it’s the courteous thing to let the lady go first, sweetheart.”
The bazaar in Day was bustling with activity around them, having found a corner amongst the brightly-colored tents to tuck into with their haul, escaping the burning eye of the sun. They’d each chosen a few things for the other to try, and the deep-fried scorpion was Cassian’s final challenge to Nesta. She’d already housed an inky-veined sheep's milk cheese and a fruit that smelled of rotting meat with nothing but a brief shudder and a prim smack of her lips.
“Suddenly he cares about courtesy. Do I eat the stinger too?”
“If you want to do it right.”
Not long after they’d officially gotten together, Cassian found out that he could get his mate to eat almost anything with a little goading. It all started with a mountain fig soaked in Illyrian moonshine he’d tried to warn her off of at the equinox festival. He’d been captivated by the way she popped it in her mouth in one go, face screwing up against the burn that felled even the fiercest warriors, fighting with every grind of her teeth against the urge to spit it out. 
When she finally swallowed, she looked just as triumphant as she did when she swallowed something else, and Cassian had been unable to help himself ever since.
 It was simple, really, when he thought about it. Nesta liked to win. He liked to watch her win. And so it became a little game between them.
He heard her noise of displeasure over the chatter of other shoppers and Nesta scrunched her nose, surveying the scorpion from all angles. “And what would you know about doing it right?”
“Seemed pretty clear to you last night when you were begging me to -”
“Cassian Archeron, I swear -”
He winked, crossing his arms over his chest in a way he knew emphasized the muscles in his shoulders, the same ones she’d clung to the night before when she’d most definitely been begging.
“I’m just trying to jog your memory, Nes, don’t get defensive.” He patted her hand in as dickish a way as he could, knowing it would make her see red. “It’s okay if you’re worried about gagging and making a fool of yourself.”
They’d come to Day on vacation a dozen times, and he never got tired of the way she lit up when they traveled, how she loved the newness, the adventure. It made him want to relinquish all his duties and spend forever taking her to every far-flung corner of the world, his beautiful wife, who might be currently plotting his murder.
Nesta smiled at him now, the garnets he’d bought her years ago in Rask glinting at her ears. But instead of the rush of victory Cassian felt panic slide down his spine. He’d seen that smile countless times across the training ring, her deadly calm before the strike.
“You know I don’t gag,” she purred, and his brain went fuzzy, thoughts fizzling out. Which she probably knew would happen, just like she knew how it loosened his tongue when she talked like this. He leaned in close so the snake-eyed fae at the table beside them couldn’t overhear.
“You do if I want you to.”
“Is that an order, General?” Silver rolled across her eyes, that deadly fire. “I don’t take kindly to those.”
He was digging his own grave but he didn’t care, the zing of chemistry bouncing between them. Nesta’s foot slid up his leg beneath the table, hooking around the back of his calf.
“Careful, my love,” she said. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”
On the bench opposite him, she was the portrait of a lady, perfectly composed in her pale yellow gown that flowed over her freckled shoulders like liquid sunlight. But when he felt the toe of her shoe dig into his leg, he knew she was positioning herself to dislocate his knee. 
Mother, he loved her. And he’d never been good at following directions, anyway.
“Take a bite.”
“Take a bite, Nesta.”
Her smoky eyes flashed as she surveyed the scorpion once more, the wraith-pepper flakes and batter encrusting its sharp pincers. “You’re sure this won’t poison me.”
“I’m hurt, sweetheart. You really think I’d endanger you?”
“Depends how far up Rhysand’s ass you are.”
“Okay, I earned that one,” he conceded, grinning. The shame of his early failures still lingered, but they’d come so far. Enough that she felt comfortable joking about it now, that Rhys would’ve tumbled into profuse apologies had he overheard. “You survived the Blood Rite, I think you can handle a little venom.”
Defiant, Nesta lowered it into her mouth in one go and crunched down, eyes watering at the potency. Her cheeks turned red at once, sweat beading at her brow, and she braced her hands on the edge of the table to suppress the cough he knew wanted to burst forth. Cassian watched her fight through the heat, her steel composure cracking when she gave in and fanned at her face, her open mouth, reaching to grip his hand for support when she swallowed at last. 
It was his favorite part, he supposed, when she clung to him to make it through. The same way her eyes searched for him habitually when she won a spar during training, when she flung her arm across their bed in the night to feel his form in the darkness. That despite being able to handle all of it on her own, Nesta wanted him along with her.
“Goodness,” she panted once she’d released his hand, brushing stray spice from her fingers. He watched the flush creep across her chest, entranced. “That wasn’t so bad, actually. I may go back for another. Though I doubt you’ll be saying the same.”
Her smile was wicked then, and Cassian couldn’t help but laugh when she looked pointedly at the jar still in front of him, at his fate in her hands. 
“So whose balls am I about to gag on?”
“The giant Sarnesian bat.” She smirked, silver rolling across her eyes once more. “And after that, mine.”
They shared a sumptuous dinner under the fading sun, having somehow not lost their appetites after the horrors they’d inflicted upon each other, though the thick afternoon nap had likely helped. Nesta’s gaze grew heavier the longer it was locked on him across the table, her wintery eyes guarded, mouth drawn in the phantom of a smile.
“You’re quiet this evening, sweetheart,” he observed as he polished off a staggeringly good saffron-infused cake. The same yellow stained his wife’s tongue where it darted out to wet her lips.
“Just enjoying the view.”
“Is that so?”
Nesta hummed in answer, and Cassian felt his blood heat, rushing south as she looked back out at the vista. The room Helion always insisted they take had a wide open-air balcony with a view of Zlora’s rolling dunes, the horizon dotted with bonfires for the upcoming summer solstice. Pink-tipped roses climbed the balustrade, their scent rich in the night air, and music drifted on the breeze full of swirling flutes and deep drums. The High Lord of Day seemed to understand that ‘vacation’ for them meant ‘fucking where our family can’t interrupt us’, and always took their needs to heart.
A smile bloomed on his mate’s beautiful face, and Cassian couldn’t tear his eyes away from her as she breathed in deeply, limbs relaxed where she lounged in her chair. Nesta liked when he watched her, when she knew he was watching. A vision of their last trip to the capitol city rose in his mind, when she’d left their table to dance with another male, how she’d kept her eyes on him the whole time. How fucking crazy it drove him, how he’d worshiped her for hours after.
Nesta in the present stood slowly and moved to loom over him, caging him in with her arms. Cassian leaned back and smirked, dragging his gaze up and down her body appreciatively, possessively. She preened under his attention despite trying not to, her shoulders rolling back and down, and the spark set the game in motion again.
His voice was rough to his own ears when he spoke, low and arrogant. “Take off your clothes.”
Anger sparked across Nesta’s expression at the same time the scent of her arousal drifted over him. She looked defiant as one hand raised to the pin holding her gown at her shoulder, fingers toying with the clasp.
“That sounded an awful lot like an order again, General. You forget death answers to no one.”
“No one but you. Off.”
A shiver of pleasure ran through her and she obeyed, blue gossamer cascading to the floor. When he saw there was nothing underneath, Cassian was tempted to tug her to her knees by the long braid dangling down her back, to make her prove she never gagged. But he knew her well enough to see the ploy for what it was, how she hoped to compromise his self-control with her devastating beauty on full display.
It worked. Cassian ran reverent hands up her bare thighs, tracing the faint lines where she’d filled out over the years, struck dumb from wanting to taste them.
Mother save him.
“What’s the matter? Lost all your courage, sweetheart?” Nesta goaded. She ran her long, tantalizing fingers over the exposed lines of his chest, nails scratching in the hair at the center. Then her touch rounded the top of his shoulder, stretching toward where his wings met his back. 
“What do you think you’re doing, witch?”
Not wanting to be bested yet, Cassian snatched her arm and pulled her down onto him, intent on showing her just how brave he could be.
He couldn’t fucking get enough of her, wanted to drown in her as they tangled with her in his lap, spread out on the table, bent over the balcony railing. She fought his teasing the whole way, trying to stave off her orgasm, as if she knew he wanted to send her tumbling before him and refused to lose.
What she didn’t know was that was exactly his aim. For she was his favorite version when riled up, when I Will Slay My Enemies blended with I’m About To Rearrange Your World, Cassian and he was totally at her mercy no matter who was on top.
She was on her back in the pile of plush cushions now, muscles strained from staving off the high her body craved, nails clawing weakly at his arms. Up and down he wound her, watching as the silver misted at her fingertips, her magic unspooling as her sanity did. Nesta filled the room with glimmers of it, wisps of pleasure flung out, ghosting over his skin and she was everything, every thought in his brain, every drop of his blood.
Her eyelids fluttered pitifully when he gave a hard thrust and Cassian smirked down at her, at the deep flush creeping across her chest that told him she was close.
“Not so mouthy now, huh? Such a good girl when you’re getting what you want.”
“You insuf..ferable.. bat..”
“Go on, Nes, give in. You know you want to.”
“N-never,” Nesta stuttered, but she was speechless after that all the same, clinging tight as he moved deep within her. Something in her seemed to turn then, and he felt the hard squeeze of her thighs around him, eyes pleading when he pulled back. He slowed his pace and rubbed gentle circles into her hips, a question.
“Cassian,” she pleaded in answer, and he heard the edge in her voice, that long-lived wound, the fear of losing control. He leaned forward until their noses bumped, hair spilling over his shoulders to form a protective curtain around her face.
“I know, sweetheart, it’s okay. I’m here. I’ve got you.”
She relaxed beneath him at the same time her finger grazed his wing that was finally within her reach, rearranging his world.
He tipped over just a breath before her, and it felt like the exact moment his wings first caught the wind - suspension, a delicious weightlessness in the gap between flight and freefall. The sound of her moans washed over him a second later, her grip on his hair tight when he buried his face in her neck, tethering her to the earth.
And Cassian knew then, as he knew every time, that all wanted in this life was to take her here. To lift her up and up and up as many times as he could, to help her float, unburdened, even if it meant he was doomed to place second for the rest of his life.
“I won,” she panted once they floated down, and he laughed into the damp skin of her throat, felt her smile against his temple before she placed a kiss there. “Again.”
Nesta fell asleep almost immediately, as was her way, and Cassian watched how the moonlight spilled over her body until drowsiness dragged him under, too, thinking he’d never been happier to lose.
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myownwholewildworld · 2 months
wherever you go (a joel miller’s ff) - chapter 4
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chapter 3 | series masterlist | main masterlist | chapter 5
pairing: outbreak!2003!joel x f!reader.
a/n: hiya! i already mentioned all of this in my snippet post, but i'll do so again. in this chapter we are going down some dark path. probably not wise considering how shit has been going down as of late in the pedro pascal fandom. i have tried to write this chapter as sensibly as i could given the circumstances reader is in. i know this is a sensitive topic so please, PLEASE, read the warnings before you go ahead. i promise i'll make it up to you guys in the next chapter. other than that, i do appreciate any comments, reblogs and/or likes you may want to leave! i love engaging with you guys. take care of yourselves <3
warnings: MDNI, 18+. please proceed with caution. if any of the following warnings trigger you, skip this chapter. DARK THEME. r4pe threats (it doesn’t happen, but still). death threats. mention of voyeurism. unsolicited dirty talk. slapping. reader is humiliated. derogatory terms (bitch, whore). swear words. masturbation (m to himself). body shaming (well deserved though). blood. violence. gore bc joel loses his shit. murder (but it’s okay because i say so). soft!caring!joel. pet name (dove). reader is female, no other description given. reader is mid-late 20s, joel is 36. no use of y/n.  joel's and reader's pov.
w/c: ~2.3k.
tags (let me know if you want to be added/removed from the list pls!): @yesjazzywazzylove-blog
Joel groaned, face down on the ground. His head hurt like hell, to the point where he could not even open his eyes. A drilling pain on the back of his skull pierced through the whole way to the space between his eyebrows. He squeezed his eyes, in an attempt to clear his sight, before opening them. The whole world spun around him like a merry-go-round ― he felt like throwing up.
He motioned his hand backwards to where the searing pain was coming from, only to find a new source of aching ― his right shoulder felt like it was dislocated, but the reality was that he had been shot.
I have been shot, he repeated in his mind.
Why though? He couldn’t remember what had happened nor where he was.
“Joel! What the fuck is going on?!”, Tommy’s voice forced him to close his eyes again. He kneeled beside Joel, putting pressure on his shoulder. “Where is she?”
Where is who? he wanted to reply.
And then it hit him. You both gave in to your passion, and he ruined it by labelling it “a mistake”. And then hell broke loose ― his last memory was your screams before you were dragged away.
Consciousness flooded back into him. Joel sat up quickly ― too quickly as his head pulsed in excruciating pain.
“Easy, Joel”, said the younger Miller, removing his hand to inspect the wound and tying a piece of clothing around the shoulder to contain the bleeding. “The bullet has gone through cleanly. You’re going to need to take care of that wound but should heal just fine”.
“They’ve taken her, Tommy”, Joel managed to mutter.
Doom washed over him. He felt sick to his stomach at the mere thought of what your destiny might be. He should have paid attention; he should have known you both were being watched. But at that moment in time he was thinking with his cock, not with his brain. He put you in harm’s way. He knew he shouldn’t have exposed you like that. He would not have done it had he known someone was spying on you both.
His last words to you basically meant that you were a mistake he regretted. His heart contracted so hard at the realisation of what he had said, his lungs evacuated all air within them. Where those going to really be his last words to you?
Joel gulped down the knot in his throat. He truly was a damned man. Everyone he touched, died. His deceased wife, Sarah, now potentially you too.
Death might be her best way out, that intrusive thought scared the shit out of him. He shook his head at the idea, in denial.
“Who have?”, Tommy asked. Joel could hear fear in his brother’s voice, mirroring his own.
Joel stood up with the help of Tommy and touched the back of his skull, finding the sore spot. It was wet ― blood covered the palm of his hand, which he cleaned on his jeans.
“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. If something happens to her, I swear to fucking God, Tommy, I will―”.
Tommy nodded in understanding and handed Joel the rifle and his jacket.
You were finding very hard to come back to consciousness. Your thoughts were a tangled mess, not being able to connect them in a way that made sense. You felt like you had been sleeping for ages, but it had only been five minutes. Your heart was beating slowly on your chest, your breaths shallow.
You heard two male voices nearby. For a second, you thought they were Joel and Tommy. But even in your semi-conscious state, you knew it wasn’t them. You managed to open one eye, looking around. Memories started to crawl back ― you and Joel fucking like the world was ending, him being a prick once again, then the gunshot, Joel falling to the ground, two men approaching and taking you away. Your heart began to race.
Was he alive? He had to be. He couldn’t have died. You would know, you would feel it in your guts. You felt like your chest was being crushed. No, he can’t be.
“God, I am gonna come”, you spotted the first man you saw, the one who shot Joel, jerking off besides you.
Had you been fully conscious, you would have retched when he cleaned the cum off his hand on your T-shirt.
“She was fucking that guy like a whore, she won’t mind if we use her for a bit”, said the second man. “I bet her cunt is still fucking wet. But we should wait for the others to get here first”.
You were slowly coming back to your senses, starting to understand the gravity of your situation. By the way they talked, it was pretty clear what their plans for you were. The prospect of being raped awakened your fight-or-flight instinct, your brain racing with thoughts, trying to come up with an escape plan. Either you fled, or you died trying.
You were sat up, your back against a tree, your hands loosely tied up in front of you. You rubbed one hand against the other, the right one slowly coming off the knot.
“I want to fuck her mouth so bad ― I don’t think that lucky bastard did”, you were not sure who said it, but you didn’t care.
“With such a small dick, I bet you I still would have plenty of room in my mouth to be able to talk unbothered”, you couldn’t stop the snarky remark.
The first man didn’t take your comment very graciously, probably ashamed of such a small dick. He slapped you with such force, the ring on his finger slashed the skin on your right cheek. You fell to the ground on your belly, your hands becoming free in the process, which you hid under your body so that monkey of a man wouldn’t notice.
“We’ll see how much you laugh after we’re finished with you and leave your broken body somewhere for your boyfriend to see”, he threatened with a laugh, touching himself again. "Open up, bitch".
He grabbed you by your hair, forcing you to face him, his ridiculously tiny dick too close to your mouth. You pulled away from him with all your might, releasing yourself from his grasp.
Although you put on a mask and pretended this was not affecting you, you were so fucking frightened. Your survival instinct kicked in again when the same ape tried to snatch you by the T-shirt as you slithered away, partially ripping it. You turned around quickly and scratched his face ― your nails sinking in his skin as deep as you could. You thought you hit his eye ― and you wished him blind. You growled like a cornered animal when the second man approached you, while the first one was on his knees wailing like a newborn baby.
“So you’re a fighter, huh?”, he chuckled.
When he got close, you knocked him off his feet by swinging one of your legs sideways under him. That was your chance ― and you took it. You got up and started running, the second man shouting blasphemies while going after you.
You had only run like five yards when a gunshot echoed in the middle of the night. You ducked and tripped, falling to the ground.
You looked back and saw that guy face down on the dirt, not moving. The back of his head was blown to pieces, half of it had disintegrated into thin air. Blood and brain bits had started to soak the leaves under him.
Then you saw Joel a few feet back, rifle on hand, Tommy just a few metres behind him.
You sighed with relief.
Joel had one look at the state of you and wished he hadn’t shot that man. He should have suffered a more terrible death. He felt anger ―no, fury― burning up his insides. Joel was seeing red, not being able to tame his feelings back under control. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins with solace ―you were alive― but also with rage.
“Man, we’re sorry, I’m sorry, it’s not what it looks like, I had nothing to do with this”, begged the man who had shot him ten minutes earlier.
Joel slowly turned around to face him. The asshole was on his knees, his left eye bleeding profusely, trousers pulled down and his micropenis dangling out of his underwear. With his eyes fixated on the poor excuse of a man praying on the ground, Joel handed the rifle to Tommy and unsheathed the folding hunting knife he kept in his boot.
“No, please, I promise you I didn’t touch her, I would never―”, his pleading fell on deaf ears.
“You fucking liar”, Joel said under his breath, positioning himself behind the kneeled man.
Joel grabbed him by his hair, pulling his head backwards to expose his neck. He could see tears on the edges of his eyes. He was young, probably around twenty, but Joel didn’t give a fuck. He deserved to die. Joel unfolded the hunting knife by removing the safeguard, placed it under his chin and slit his throat slowly but steadily. The man gagged, desperately trying to fill his lungs with oxygen ― his hands had flown to his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but blood was pouring out like a fountain.
Joel looked at him dead in the eye until the man’s arms fell to his sides. When he was sure that motherfucker was dead, he let go of the head, the body making a thudding sound when it hit the floor.
Only then he dared to look in your direction. He wasn’t ready to see you down on your knees, dry tears on your cheeks. You looked like a baby deer in the middle of the road at night, blinded by the headlights. One side of your T-shirt was ripped from top to bottom, one of your breasts showing. You were not moving, your big eyes widened in shock.
Joel did not want to imagine what had happened to you, but he saw semen on your T-shirt and his brain started wandering off to the darkest of places. He was frozen in place for a few seconds before finally approaching you slowly, afraid you were going to step back away from him. He wouldn’t blame you if you did. He put away the knife before kneeling in front of you ― his hands, palms down, up in the air.
“Are you…?”, he didn’t finish the question because it was obvious you were not okay.
“It’s okay”, you answered immediately.
Joel gave you a puzzled look.
“No, it’s not fucking okay”, he whispered.
Then reality dawned on you. Your body had been on high alert this whole time, your instincts forcing you to put your feelings away so you could focus on the task at hand ― escaping as unscathed as possible. It wasn’t until those men were dead and Joel faced you, that you allowed emotions to take over you.
Your eyes welled up, your entire body shaking as the adrenaline abandoned your system.
“I… I don’t… It’s just…”, you couldn’t form coherent sentences.
Joel closed the distance between you two and hugged you. You buried your face in his chest and sobbed silently for minutes on end. His left hand stroked your hair as he held you and whispered calming words in your ear. When your eyes dried up, you looked up at him through damp eyelashes and he swept away the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs, the rest of his fingers gently placed on your jawline.
“Your cheek”, Joel’s lips wrinkled as he hovered his thumb over the wound.
You could tell he was trying to control himself, but as the seconds went on, he got calmer.
“Can I?”, he muttered, looking down to your teared T-shirt.
You nodded and he helped you take it off. Joel blocked Tommy’s vision with his broad body while he removed his jacket and helped you put it on, discarding your dirty T-shirt to one side.
“They didn’t…”, you tried to explain, your bottom lip trembling.
“We don’t need to talk about it now, only when you’re ready ― if you’re ever ready”, he spoke softly.
You greatly appreciated he didn’t push you for an explanation of what had happened. You were not sure you could talk about it without breaking down again. You breathed in deeply and nodded again. Then you noticed the blood on his shoulder. You raised one hand, softly touching the improvised dressing.
“You’re hurt, Joel”, you mumbled.
“It’s nothing, it’s not even painful. Let’s go back to the cave. You need to rest and I need to clean that wound on your cheek before it gets infected”, said Joel while helping you up.
You saw Tommy in the distance ― he had been kind enough to give you some privacy. Joel guided you through the trees, his left arm firmly wrapped around your waist to aid you in your walking.
You didn’t get too far though, not even with his help. Your legs were so wobbly you were afraid you couldn’t stand any longer. Joel saw you struggling and with no hesitation whatsoever, he picked you up in his arms to carry you to the cave.
"You're gonna hurt your shoulder even more, Joel", you complained.
"Nonsense", he whispered, softly kissing your forehead.
You did not protest after that again and hugged his neck, your face hiding in the curve of his neck.
In his arms, you felt safe. Your haven on this twisted, revolting earth.
“One of the men said they were waiting on more people to arrive”, you remembered suddenly.
Joel briefly looked down at you. You could tell he was controlling his face expression.
“Don’t worry about it, dove. I’ll take care of each one of them”.
That was a promise he kept religiously.
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reality-exodus · 1 year
Detective's rescue
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Summary: Eddie's relationship, the reader is a detective, they both on 24hour shift. Reader responds a 9-1-1 call and ends up needing first aids
Warning: blood, angst, OD symptoms described, mention of drugs
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Being a detective on patrol wasn't the best thing ever to be frank, but it was something when you knew your boyfriend would accompany you all night long with his own 24 hour shift, it was rare thing for our double shifts to be on the same time, but when it happened I both liked it and didn't like it, we were both out. I usually work on cases in the office and do my research and help the firefighters with cases and they help me occasionally.
"So where are you strolling now?" Eddie asked, I was driving while I had a Bluetooth headphone.
"In the area of the homicide, the father killed his daughter while the mother was away… there is still no handy information for a warrant so I am looking for something I've missed" I explained briefly as I was driving past the house.
"Baby…" Eddie started to say, I knew how he felt when I was getting so passionate about a case. He disliked it, I overworked myself and forgot many things such as sleeping, eating or going to my shift.
"How about you? Didn't hear anything from dispatch, quiet night?" I wondered, cutting him off elegantly, setting my line of defense. I wasn't like Athena, I do not leave my job behind once my shift is over, I admire her for that though. I actually have to spend more of my personal time researching and studying. I have to go undercover to gather information, but I am not complaining. Sometimes though I need my people to understand me.
"Yea we are just hanging around." He replied with a heavy sigh he didn't respond to the q-word, I knew he wouldn't be bothered. I knew the response was unwilling. He knew my drill "Buck fell asleep at the Gym, Bobby and Hen are playing chess and Chimney is cooking" he analysed their situation and I smiled.
"Tell him to make an extra plate for me, I'll be dropping by" I spoke hoping that would make up for my big-headed behaviour.
"Oh You i decided to have a proper meal other than burgers and donuts" he joked with small giggle.
"Happens sometimes" I chuckled when I heard the wireless "babe hang on"
"This is 221-L99 available tell me the issue dispatch" I asked, I could tell it was May.
"Alright, there's drug dealing on the "overroof" club, there's a rave going on, some ODs based on caller's information, 118 of LAFD shall be there to take care of those." She informed me as I heard the bell on Eddie's side.
"I'll be in touch Dispatch" I spoke as I was connected to the team I would cooperate.
"Diaz no phones on patrol" I spoke as I was driving and couldn't finish the call. "221-L99 moving on scene. I am nearby I see three overdosed in their twenties one male two female they are simply left on the ground I am engaging the victims now." I spoke and got out of the car.
"Copy detective" Captain Nash affirmed me.
I approached the victims and checked the pulses. "All alive you need to come in quick…" I couldn't leave the uncouncisous civilians alone.
"Already ahead of you detective you are clear to proceed" my boyfriend replied sweetly, or at least that's what I thought.
"Dispatch moving in the club incognito, there's no bouncer or doorman" I informed them and opened the door. This wasn't a good sign, the dance floor was empty and so was the kitchen, I would have to go down stairs. "Ground floor empty moving to basement staircase" I announced and moved i could hear voices. "Dispatch sent some back up, I hear people" I spoke and dispatch obeyed my request.
I was right behind the stairs and I heard enough keywords that included heroin, drugs, and that the police can't find. That was my queue. "LAPD hands in the air" I yelled, Eddie always said that my voice in that phrase was so cold, smooth and dictated he found it sexy. "Don't move" I ordered. My voice was strong. They were three but I had a gun.
"Nope ass" one said and charged to get my phone I kicked him to the ground he slid to the floor with no Injury but before i could get in control of the other two, they had two bags of drugs five kilos each if I calculated correct the moment one of them came and punched in my face causing the white dust to be spread all around me in the air I stumbled backwards fell hitting my head on staircase, I took a deep breath trying to orientate, my vision got blurry.
"Detective Y/L/N, report" I heard dispatch between the ringing of my ears but the only response I could find was groan, I felt my heart going erratically with the beats. I was shaking.
"Detective" It was Captain Nash this time, his voice tense. But there was a pause. "Dispatch three offenders running away with two white bags one leaking" he reported and that's when my sudden dysphoria was making sense.
"Help" I managed to pronounce "OD" as I started to shake. I couldn't make out what I was hearing or what was going on, suddenly I saw Eddie in a mask with Chimney. They moved me outside my eyes were wide open but I couldn't react I was shaking, my body started twitching, I was held down, I could recognize Eddie's arms pressing me down, and smaller but still powered hands in my legs, chimney my guess. I coughed I could feel the salty, warm liquid laking inside my mouth, I coughed again.
"Baby… I am here" Eddie's voice was fading as black spots invaded my vision as I started having trouble breathing.
"I get no pulse" Chimney announced, "Hen start compressions" he instructed as he pushed on the oxygen in my face
"Oh no no honey, please-" before Eddie could finish his sentence I heard Buck taking him away as another person took his position next to me.
"Captain bring the AED" Hen requested she kept the pounds on my chest.
"Still unresponsive" Chimney said, causing Eddie to make a movement closer to me, Captain and Buck held him back
"I'm unbuckling the shirt, we are shocking" Hen spoke I heard footsteps
"Eddie please leave" Captain requested with a heavy sigh, I am sure he thought of the time Athena was in my position.
"Just let me be by Y/N Captain" Eddie requested , next thing I feel his warm loving hands on my face removing my hair stroking my cheek his fingers on my neck in desperate hope he would get the slight pulsation in my veins.
"Eddie hands" Hen spoke and he removed them as I felt electricity, I couldn't define what kind of pain it was or if it was, more like a sting to my whole body that would either wake me up or be the last thing I feel…
"Give me more Chim" Hen encouraged him the third clear was heard, the screen kept beeping. There was silence other than that.
"No no no baby no" Eddie panicked he started compressions but Buck pulled him off of my body. He yelled at him Buck yelled back I wasn't sure, my ears started ringing, was I dying…? The first ponder that dominated my mind, made my stomach twitch. I coughed vomit out…
I was alive
"Hey girl, hey easy now" Hens' voice sounded and turned me to the side to let it all out. Chimney secure my position so it wouldn't cause any damage.
Eddie raced next to me, he leaned in and kissed my forehead "oh god love, you scared me so much." I smiled as I turned on my back looking at him upside down as he leaned above my head.
"I'm sorry" I smiled and reached his face, I was shaking rapidly, he simply took my hand and kissed the palm before bringing it to his cheek, his cheek so hot against my freezing skin.
"Hey no no, it's not your fault, we must get you to the hospital now alright?" He smiled down at me and my smile faded at the hearing of the location I had to be.
"I won't be admitted in, I'll sign out" I announced, the sweet moment long gone as I made a move to get of the stretcher.
"Wow,now detective, you have to be cleared out in order to return to your cases, we are transferring you to the ER. I have to do it by the book, you know the drill" Captain Nash intervened immediately, and I could see the relief on my fiancee's face.
"Ah now we are by the book, that's nice to hear" I barked, I knew I was wrong, but hospitals, hospitals gave me anxiety, Eddie would have to go to Christopher eventually and I don't like being alone in those white cold rooms. "Guys please" I pleaded
"you are facing an extended pcp od, and a small hit on the back of your head, your blood pressure is perilly high and you have extremely unstable arrhythmias" Hen essayed the reasons I should listen to them as my eyes turned teary I was panicking.
"Hey hey sweetie" Eddie sighed "I'll be with you the whole time" he promised and kissed my cheek gently as they all stood up carrying me to the ambulance. He stepped in sat next to me while Hen joined, just in case. He was holding my hand, just looking at me, his ember eyes, he was worried even if he wouldn't admit.
"What about Christopher?" I asked concerned.
"Buck is already on his way, but how are you feeling Y/N?" He asked me softly stroking my head.
"I have dysphoria" I explained and soon Hen gave me a mask my eyelids turned heavy as I slipped from counsiousness.
I don't know what time it was, or how long I've been out. I blinked my vision clear, the lighting was dim in the room Eddie fell asleep on the chair next to me, I couldn't help but smile. He did stay. I stood up holding on my IV, feeling lightheaded, I moved to the bathroom, I looked terrible red eyes pale skin, weakness though was the worse.
"Y/N;" I heard his voice call my name in alert.
"What is it?" I asked making abrupt movement to get to the door I leaned there feeling another hit of vertigo getting the best of me.
"I thought you left, hey let me help you baby" he sighed in relief and approached, he was still on patrol clothes. He scooped a hand over my waist and held my weight as he walked me to the bed, softly placing me to lay down.
"Can I kiss you now? Or I am still high?" I asked him placing my hands around his neck, the IV tube got tangled between us, he smiled getting it out of the way. He leaned in and kissed my nose. His lips formed a smile.
"You have been good tonight, not running away, so it is well deserved" he smiled and located his lips on mine, the sweet kiss forming, he was gentle and cautious as he was touching me.
"Mhm mostly because I have been unconscious all night long and I get dizzy after three steps, that played it's part too" I spoke and kissed his cheek softly
"Let a man be happy" he spoke faking frustration before he kissed me again. And again.
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Secrets - Jacob Black
“No, Y/N! Move!” 
You felt as though all the wind in you got knocked out as you flew backwards. There was a deep throbbing sensation before it all went dark.
When you awoke, you could tell from the sounds and the smells that you were in a hospital. You took a while to open your eyes knowing the glare from the fluorescent ward lights would sting. Your throat felt dry and your skin tight. Slowly you pushed yourself up into a seating position to fully take in your surroundings. The ward was relatively empty, just you and another person who chose to close the curtains around their bed. Porters were walking up and down the corridors pushing carts of food and the occasional patient. One of the nurses popped her head through the doorway and nodded with a smile, acknowledging you were awake. You looked to your side to see an empty chair. There was a faint indent of someone's behind etched into the seat letting you know that, until quite recently, you had a visitor. You rifled through the cabinets on either side of your bed hoping to come across your handbag or your phone, hell even your clothes just to make sense of why you were lying in a hospital.
“Ms Y/L/N, good to see you finally awake”
You looked up to see the face of Carlise Cullen.
“I- what happ-” You asked slightly groggily.
“I’m glad you’re awake” He repeated, shining a light into your eye. 
“How long was I out for?”
“You came in 5 days ago, we kept you sedated for 3 before weaning you off.”
“What the fuck happened?”
“You were brought into the hospital unresponsive. We completed scans of your body and found that you had a slight fracture on your t8 vertebrate and increased pressure in your brain. We conducted a ventriculostomy where we drilled a small hole in your skull and inserted a plastic pipe to drain out the excess cerebrospinal fluid and restore adequate blood flow to your brain.”
“All they told me was you hit your head, hard.”
“Who’s they?”
“What is the most recent thing you remember, Y/N?”
You closed your eyes and tried to think back to your last moments but all you could remember was waking up and getting ready for your day.
“The last clear thing I remember is getting up to brush my teeth”
“And what time would you say that was?”
“Around half 8 in the morning?”
“Some short-term amnesia is expected, I’m afraid I can’t give you a definitive time frame for when you’ll remember, or if you’ll remember, but you were brought to the hospital at 3.40 pm by Sam Uley, Seth Clearwater and Jacob Black.”
“And where are they?”
“Sam and Seth stayed until you came out of surgery, Jacob stayed the entire five days, he left a short while ago for a shower and a change of clothes.”
“Do you know when I can go home?”
“I need to run some tests just to make sure that your brain function is normal and to check on your spinal fracture and once those are fine, you’ll be free to leave. Would you like me to call your mother?”
You nodded.
“Great, ill be back in a few moments to take you up to radiography.”
Your scans and tests came back normal. Your mum dealt with your discharge paperwork and prescription while you got changed into the clothes she brought for you. Carlise prescribed some pills to keep the swelling on your spine down and to manage the pain and, strict bedrest for the rest of the week to make sure you didn’t damage your spine further. You hobbled your way out of the hospital and to the car. The drive home was silent, you could tell your mum was itching to say something but she held her tongue. She silently helped you up the stairs and into bed.
“Bella came by yesterday to drop off your bag and your phone. I’ve plugged in an extension cord and left it on your bedside table. Try not to move too much. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” She said, fluffing your pillows and making sure you were comfortable.
You mumbled a small thanks before turning your attention to your phone. It was dead so you plugged it into the charger and let it charge for a while until it switched on. You were greeted with a flurry of text messages from your friends asking about your whereabouts and sending you well wishes for your recovery. 
Ignoring those, you typed out three text messages to the three boys involved in your ’accident’, “What the fuck happened to me?”. Sam and Seth’s replies came almost instantaneously at the exact same time, consisting of the same message, “Ask Jacob.”. Growing increasingly angry as you read over each text a few more times, you called Jacob’s phone. To no one's surprise, you were met with his voicemail. You cut the call and called again, only to be met with his stupid voicemail greeting for a second time. On your third ignored call you decided to leave a message. “I don’t know what happened in the 8 hours before I turned up in the hospital, Sam and Seth have told me to ask you, my mum is acting weird and I don’t know why. I don’t know what you did but I want answers and I want them now, so grow some fucking balls and give me them”. And then you waited. 
For the entirety of your bedrest, you waited for Jacob to call back but he didn't. You waited to hear his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs but you didn't. Bella and Edward had visited a couple of times. Angela came almost every day after school to catch you up on the gossip of Forks high, and to make sure you didn’t fall behind. Paul and Quil dropped by while your mum was at work, somehow managing to nimbly climb in through your window to avoid you moving around. They avoided the topic of Jacob completely, chalking his disappearance down to him being ‘busy’. You knew better than to press on the subject so you dropped it, deciding to wait until you were able to move before you ran up on him. 
“Rise and shine, you’ve got your freedom back today” Your mother sang, pushing open your curtains and pulling off your duvet. 
You rubbed your eyes as you stretched out. “What time is it, Jesus”
“Mum, I don't have to leave for school for another couple of hours” You groaned in annoyance as you pulled the duvet back up and over your head.
“You haven't washed your hair in days. The sponge baths only did so much. I love you, but you’re smelling a bit ripe”
She had a point, deodorant, bodyspray and dry shampoo could only do so much. You reluctantly got up from your bed and went into the shower. You could still feel a slight dull ache in your back but Carlisle said that was to be expected. Any discomfort you felt immediately dissipated when you felt the hot water hitting your skin. You scrubbed the build-up of grime that had accumulated from your scalp, massaging it lightly. Although it was a quick shower, you were sure you had never felt so clean before in your life. You got out of the steamy bathroom and went back into your room. Your mum had kindly left some toast, a banana and a mug of tea on your bedside table so you tucked into your little breakfast whilst quickly checking your texts. 
Angie: so excited 2 have u back in school
Y/N: just happy 2 b free :’)
Angie: gotta catch u up on gossip
Y/N: LOL, ttyl need 2 get ready xo
You quickly finished your breakfast before applying some moisturiser to your damp skin. There was only just enough time for you to dry your hair before you grabbed your school bag and your car keys and left. 
Your first day back was filled mostly with your classmates asking you what happened and you responding and telling them you had no idea. As each person asked you, the anger you had burning inside you for Jacob only grew stronger. You could have potentially died that day yet you had no answers for what exactly happened. Not knowing a single detail about something that could have derailed your entire life was infuriating.  From your third period, all you could focus on was getting out of school and driving to the reservation. Your friends tried to stop you from leaving so soon, insisting that you needed to celebrate your freedom but you fended them off, promising to celebrate your freedom another time. 
As you drove out of the school car park, you slowly drove past Bella and Edward making sure to initiate eye contact with both of them. They knew what happened, it was obvious, and just like everyone else, they were leaving you in the dark. You parked your car behind Billy’s truck and slammed the door shut. 
“Jacob Black you get your ass out here right now” You shouted, stomping your way to his house. 
Billy was the first person to come out and assess the commotion. “Y/N-”
“Usually, I’d be happy to see you Billy, but right now I want your cunt of a son to come out and stop ignoring me.”
“He’s in the barn, working on his bike” He muttered with a small smile.
You nodded in thanks and angrily walked over to the barn. You took in a deep breath to centre yourself before you practically busted the door down. Jacob’s head snapped up in surprise at the intrusion. “Y/N”
“Embry, Quil, get out.” You ordered. They both looked to Jacob who nodded before getting up off their seats. 
“We’re really glad to see you’re okay Y/N” Embry mumbled as he walked past. 
Once you heard their footsteps retreat, you turned to face Jacob. 
“How fucking dare you?” You screamed, brandishing a spanner that found its way into your hands. 
“No! How DARE you treat me like this.”
“Let me-”
“NO, you’re going to listen to me first. I’ve spent the whole week knowing that I have hours of my life that I can’t account for. I don't know where I was, who I was with or how you, Sam and Seth were the ones to get me to the hospital. All anyone has asked me is 'how did it happen?’ and I’m just as knowledgeable as they are. Any time I’ve tried to get answers I get told to ask you. When I try and ask you, you ignore me. I want to know the truth. And I want to know it now”
“I can’t tell you the truth”
“Oh wow, you’re really going to hit me with this bullshit?!”
“I can’t, Sam would kill me”
“Read my lips, Jake, I don’t care. I want the truth.”
He stood silent for a few moments. “Fine, but we need to go somewhere first”
“We just do, but I promise you, you’ll get the truth”
You reluctantly followed Jacob out of the barn and towards the forest. The two of you walked in silence, you trailing a few steps behind him. Jacob had the advantage of being physically fit over you, allowing him to walk over the uneven forest floor and hop over the gnarled tree roots that spread across the muddy paths. It didn't take too long for your calves to burn as you tried to keep up with Jacob, both in speed and orientation. 
“How much longer?” You asked, stopping and leaning on the side of a tree to catch your breath.
“10 minutes” He replied, turning his head over his shoulder.
“Are you serious? My legs are going to fall off”
“The more breaks you take, the longer it'll take”
You mimicked his patronising comment and began walking again, only to misstep and trip. You landed on the mud with a light thump.
“For fucks sake” you muttered, wiping the mud from your hand and slowly getting up.
“You okay?” Jacob asked, rushing to your aid. You could have sworn you saw his breathing speed up as if he was panicked. 
“Just tripped, I can’t keep up with your long ass legs.”
Wordlessly, Jacob swept you off your feet, carrying you bridal style. “Now you don’t need to worry about keeping up with me” He smirked, looking down at you.
“Jake put me down”
“If I put you down we won't get to Sam’s until tomorrow”
“Why are we going to Sam’s?”
“You’ll find out in a bit”
“I’m so sick of being in the dark-”
“I told you, you’ll find out the truth soon”
“That's the - you know what, you won't understand, I give up.”
“I don’t understand what?”
“No, tell me, make me understand” His steps became harder and faster, you could tell he was starting to get frustrated.
“ Don’t you think I’m scared? I have 0 recollection of what happened that day. There is this huge gap in my timeline and I can't come up with an explanation for it, I can't try to piece memories together and come up with some kind of explanation. On top of that, everyone around me seems to know what happened apart from me.”
Jacob’s lips parted as if to say something but he kept silent. The rest of your walk was filled with a sort of tension. It was an odd tension because despite how irritated you were by Jacob, you felt a sense of peace, some comfort being held by Jacob. If your younger self could’ve seen you at that point, she would've combusted on the spot. It was cliche really, crushing on your best friend, but you couldn’t help it. Jacob was the only one that you felt understood you. He was supportive and always knew how to make you laugh. When the rest of the guys would exclude you from games, he’d always try and find a way to get you back involved. For a while you were starting to think that maybe Jacob liked you too, he was starting to notice the little changes in your appearance and making more plans with just the two of you, alone. That was until Bella came to town. It didn’t take you long to realise where his affection was really directed.
“Well, get ready to get your answers,” He let you down gently and walked into the open front door. You trailed in behind him slightly cautious. You were greeted by Sam and another woman, she had a huge scar on the side of her face. 
“You must be Y/N, I’m Emily, Sam’s fiance,” she said softly.
“I didn't know-”
“I like to keep it on a need to know” Sam stated, crossing his arms.
“I just baked some croissants, why don't you grab one”
You looked over at the dining table to see a plate piled high with glossy freshly baked croissants. Jacob took a seat and you followed suit. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and went to fill yours up. “Before you say anything, there are no bits”. You nodded and took a croissant, tearing a chunk off and tasting it. 
“These are insanely good, Emily” you gushed after swallowing your mouthful. She beamed back at you from the kitchen. 
“So let’s cut to the chase. You want to know what happened last week.” Sam said, leaning against the huge kitchen island.
You nodded. 
“what do you remember about those Quileute stories Billy used to tell us at bonfires”
“They can turn into wolves or something, like werewolves. They knew witches. What does that have to do with this? They were stories we were told as kids”
“What if I told you they weren't stories?”
“Werewolves don't exist”
“You wanna prove her wrong, Jake?”
Jacob sighed as he grabbed you by the arm and took you back outside Sam’s home. He took off his t-shirt and threw it to the side. 
“I didn't want a strip show” You scoffed.
He scoffed and turned around, pulling his shorts down and throwing those with his shirt. He turned again to face you “All I’m asking is that you don’t run. I have more to explain but this part is easier shown.”
You nodded, trying to tear your eyes away from the bulge in his boxers. Jacob jumped off the deck and all of a sudden, you were met with a huge brown wolf.
“You’re fucking shitting me”
“Nope, clear as day. He's a werewolf, and so am I. So are Quil, Paul, Embry and Seth."
The wolf- Jacob, took a few tentative steps closer to the deck, you copied his actions stepping off the deck and meeting him in the middle. He jutted his head forward and you ran your hands over the soft fur on his head. Jacob pushed his head into your hand and you scratched the top of his head and under his jaw simultaneously. He panted happily, moving his head so you could reach the right spots.
“He's like a massive dog” You called out laughing. 
Jacob growled in response and sat up. 
“He told me to tell you to respect him, he's a wolf, not a dog.” Sam chuckled.
“Werewolf things, we can communicate telepathically.” 
You looked from Sam to Jacob, bewildered. 
“He’s gonna change back, you might wanna turn around if you don't wanna see his junk” Sam said, turning around to go back inside.
You stepped back and covered your eyes with your arm. It took a few moments but you heard a quiet zipping sound and dared to take a look at Jacob’s muscular torso. 
“So this only explains a part of what happened. The rest is, well, complicated” Jacob followed sams lead and returned to Emily’s kitchen table. 
“Uncomplicate it for me then.”
“Do you remember the stories of the ‘cold ones?’“
“Kind of?”
“Marble skin, ice cold, no need to eat or sleep, consume blood, more commonly known as-”
“Don’t fucking tell me there are a bunch of bloodsucking vampires running around here too”
“The Cullens”
“THE CULLENS? As in EDWARD Cullen? As in Bella’s boyfriend?”
Sam and Jacob nodded. 
“That’s hilarious, you and Edward are both sworn enemies due to your nature and rival lovers”
“Shut up”
“Back to the topic, on the day in question, you came to the rez to see Jacob. Only Bella and Edward were there too, asking us for help to deal with some newborn leeches. Tensions are already high between the pack and the Cullens, so when they come on our land asking for favours, you can imagine how things go. Things got a bit heated between Paul and Edward, he can barely contain his anger on a good day so he phased. Jacob was stood next to him, so he phased too, to keep him in line”
“Cool story but where do I fit in here?”
“Somehow, during all the testosterone, you got too close. No offence but were all over 6ft tall, so it wasn't that hard for you to get lost in the crowd. When Jake phased, he hit you with his tail and you kind of flew backwards and hit a tree.”
An awkward silence settled over the three of you. 
“Well, I can see why no one wanted to tell me the full story” You joked, cutting through the tension.
“This is something the two of you need to talk out, Em and I will be upstairs if you need us.”
“I think we’ll walk back to my dad”
Sam nodded. “I’ll see the two of you later.”
You gave a small smile and got up and left Sam’s home. 
“Hold up, you’ll end up tripping again”
You refused to laugh at Jacob’s joke, choosing to face ahead rather than look at him. 
“Are you going to ignore me now?” 
You ignored him again. 
“C’mon, Y/N, talk to me” Jacob grabbed a hold of your hand but you shook him off.
“Y/N, I’m being serious. Stop. Look at me.” He grabbed a hold of your forearm, using a bit more force and pulling you towards him. “Please, just look at me”.
You looked up and stared into his eyes. His beautiful chocolatey brown eyes. The eyes you would stare into as a child during staring contests; the eyes you would search for in a crowd of unfamiliar people; the eyes that would meet yours in serious moments that you weren't supposed to laugh in, making you both dissolve into a fit of laughter; the eyes that had been following Bella’s every move for the past couple of years. 
“Hurts doesn’t it? Being ignored?” You said, quietly, not breaking eye contact. 
“You know why I couldn't tell you”
“But you did tell me,”
“After I got Sam’s approval”
“How hard was it to get Sam’s approval while I was in the hospital?” You pulled away from him and continued walking. 
“I didn’t want you to get hurt”
“So what, now that you’ve waited a few days the threat of me knowing the truth has just disappeared?”
“If it was up to me, you wouldn’t have found out until after we dealt with this newborn bullshit. I didn’t count on you showing up at my house, lack of foresight on my part I guess”
“I still don’t understand what this changes for me? Apart from me staying far, far away from the Cullens”
“They’re vegetarians, they only drink animal blood. But that's beside the point.” Jacob stopped and picked up a small log, snapping it into bits like it was a twig. “I’m not good with feelings, I don’t know how I’m supposed to explain this to you”
“Most of us first phased when the Cullens came to town. It's in our DNA, the smell of the bloodsuckers triggers the change. Forks had been free of vampires for the last few decades, so were the first shifters here in a while. The problem is, vampires are like an infestation, when you have one, you have a million more. We’ve been hit with threat after threat, first this woman trying to kill Bella, and now all of this newborn nonsense.
“Bella is just a human and she's stuck in the middle of all of this, this is what knowing does. It’s just not safe”
You felt your heart sink at his mention of Bella. “So you didn’t tell me because you didn’t want me to get in the way?”
“Right, I see that I’m just an inconvenience now.” You scoffed. 
“No, I didn't mean that. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to get hurt. I didn’t want you to get involved in all this. Not to mention, your mum forbade me from telling you unless it was necessary”
"My mum knew?"
"She's always known, you could say our families have some history,"
“Well despite what the both of you decided, not telling me got me hurt too”
“I know, and that's why I stayed away because I tried to protect you, I tried to keep you safe and I failed.”
“Wait, do you think that it was your fault?” You stopped walking for a second.
“Well of course it was. I threw you against a tree. You fractured your spine, they had to drill a hole in your head. You could’ve died.” Jacob turned to face you, his chest heaving. “I always thought the bloodsuckers were the monsters and we were the protectors. I nearly killed you, Y/N, so what does that make me?”
“Hey, now it's your turn to look at me” You rushed forward and held your hands to Jacob’s cheeks. “You are not a monster. It was an accident. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and in the heat of the moment, things went sideways. And yes I could have died. And yes that is a very scary thought. But I’m not dead, hell, it's like nothing even happened. I know I'm angry, but I'm only angry because you kept it from me.  Now that I know you run around with wolves in your spare time, I’ll call ahead before I come over. I’ll even buy some dog treats to keep in my car”
“I’m a wolf, not a dog, huge difference.”
“Tomato, tomato. I guess at the end of the day, you thought you were doing the right thing by keeping it from me”
“Why are you so calm about this?”
“I don’t know myself, it's like I just had to play with wolfy you and I felt better. I guess all that research into the health benefits of pets is right”
“So I’m your pet?”
“Whose a smart boy? You’re a smart boy” you patted Jacob on the head, messing his hair up slightly. 
“That’s it” Jacob placed one muscular arm around your waist and hoisted you over his shoulder. 
“Jacob put me down”
“You’re slowing me down.”
“I’m not listening to you”
You accepted defeat and let Jacob carry you back to his home. Once he let you back down, you stumbled slightly, feeling lightheaded from all the blood rushing down from your head. Jacob scrambled to hold you up.
“Are you okay?” He asked, frantically looking for any other signs you were hurt. 
“Headrush, I’m okay” you responded, blinking. 
“I see you’re both back” You both turned to see Billy sitting on the porch. “I assume you’ve told her?”
“Oh yeah, I know about Jake’s secret double life”
“What does he mean by and? What else were you supposed to tell me?”
“It appears I have put my foot in my mouth”
“Just a little bit, thanks dad”
“Let's go into the barn”
You sat down in your designated spot with Jacob flopping down directly next to you. 
“Whoa, designated seats are out the window huh? Must be serious.”
He ignored your comment and tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. “What do you think about soulmates?”
“Bit of a random question but I think they exist”
“I guess I feel like we all have that one person out there for us that allows us to be the best versions of ourselves. Someone you can laugh with one second, cry with the second and argue with the third.”
“Do you think you have a soulmate?”
“I’d hope so” You chuckled slightly. “what do you think?”
“I have one and I know exactly who she is. It's just complicated”
“Let me guess, she's in love with a vampire?” It was now Jacob’s turn to laugh. 
“Actually, it’s not her. We have this thing called imprinting, in my world,”
“I’m sorry, ‘In my world?’ You sound like one of them old white guys telling strangers his war stories"
“It's a wolf thing, you kind of just look at her and you know it. It's like gravity just pushes you towards her. She becomes your entire world. Nothing else matters but her. You become overwhelmed with this desire to be close to her, to touch her, to keep her safe. You would go to the ends of the earth just to keep her happy. At first, I thought it was sappy bullshit but honestly, the entire world could be burning down behind me, but I wouldn’t care as long as she was with me. 
“When I first phased I hoped it would be Bella. I tried my hardest to force it but I looked at her and I felt nothing. And then I saw Her, and I realised how stupid I was to ever even want Bella in the first place. She smiled at me and it reminded me of all the reasons why she was so perfect for me.”
While you were happy that Jacob was no longer pining over Bella, your heart still sunk at the fact that he was unconditionally, head over heels in love with a girl that wasn’t you. The realist in you had tried to convince the hopeless romantic in you that you and Jake were friends and only friends but there was a small part of you that held out hope that one day he would see what was right in front of him. 
“I’m really glad you found her Jake, you deserve it.” You said, plastering a fake smile on your face. 
“Do I? I nearly killed her” 
“You’re on a bit of a hot streak, first me and now this girl” You joked, trying to lift the mood. 
“It technically only counts as one”
“What do you mean, it's obvi-”
“I nearly killed my imprint when I nearly killed you,” He turned his head and looked at you with a small smile. “Suprise”
Upon processing Jacob’s revelation, you sat up straight and replayed his words a few more times in your head, just to be sure you were hearing correctly. Your entire body turned to face him “just to be clear, you imprinted on me?”
“Who's the dumb one now?”
“I’m being serious, it's me?”
“Yes, it's you. It will always be you”
“I’ve waited to hear you say that since we were 11″ You couldn't help but break into a genuine smile.
“You’re so beautiful when you smile like that”
“I’m not beautiful all the time, wow?” you hit him playfully on the arm
“No of course you are, you’re just especially beautiful when you smile, genuinely” He took your hand and pulled you closer to him.
“Hmm good answer” you muttered, resting your head on his chest.
“I was an idiot for not seeing it earlier.”
“How long have you known?”
“A year”
“A YEAR?!”
“I didn’t know how you’d react”
“You’re gonna have to make that year up”
“I intend to,”
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thesafecafe · 1 year
Trust In Me: Mommy May
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Summary: You can always trust in Taemin. He is always there for you. He is always there, leading you down the right path. Really, you have no choice but to trust in him. You will, if you know what’s good for you.
CW + Disclaimer: 18+, MDNI, yandere Taemin, toxic relationship, gaslighting, obsessive and possessive themes, manipulation, fingering, pussy slapping, oral (male rec), cum swallowing, unprotected sex (don’t), riding, slight objectification themes, mommy dom! Taemin, sub fem! reader (who’s wearing a microskirt and no panties), pet names, condescending Taemin, reader is naïve + subservient, smut under the cut enjoy! 
Disclaimer: I do not believe that any of the members of SHINee would act like this in real life, nor is it a guide on their real life personalities. I do not support/condone the behavior represented in this work, it is a fictional depiction for entertainment purposes.
Words: 2179
Tea. Sugar. Milk. Honey. You mentally ticked off  the ingredients for the tea you were making. You couldn’t make any mistakes; you couldn’t afford any. It was already bad enough that you were running behind. Thankfully, you’d already prepared lunch, and as soon as you finished setting up the afternoon  tea tray, you heard it. The sound that signaled the winding down of time. The sound of a familiar, habitual whistling. Taemin was home. Quickly assessing your tray, you set the final touches up, before throwing off your apron and picking up the tray. Making your way to the  living room, you carefully lowered yourself onto your knees.
You let out an internal sigh of relief as you realized you’d made it to the living room first. Just in time too, since it only took a few moments for the whistling to stop. You caught a glimpse of his boots as he walked in, since your eyes were trained on the floor. It was just what he’d taught you to do: kneel before him and don’t speak until he addressed you. A lesson in manners that had been drilled into you over and over again. You heard him taking off his accessories, tossing them into a drawer before he turned to you. “You’re on time today dear. That makes a whole month of you being a good girl right?” He sounded pleased as he circled around your form, before sitting in his recliner. “Go on, speak.”
“Thank you mommy. It is my pleasure to serve you. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you. Allow me to serve you again this afternoon.”  Taemin smiled. You genuinely wanted to please him. The lessons had been paying off. “You may serve me. Start with the tea today.” You nodded, placing the tray on his side table. Rising to your feet, you began to prepare the tea that he usually drank. You hoped he couldn't see that your hands had a slight tremble to them. ‘He’s in a good mood, you can ask. Don't worry.’  You reassured yourself as you poured the tea, handing it over to Taemin. ‘Now or never Y/N. Be brave.’ As you prepared yourself to speak, you didn't realize that your expression had changed.
“What’s on your mind my dove? You look worried to death.” Taemin took an appreciative sip of tea, humming before setting it aside. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. So much for being subtle. “Well mommy, I had a question to ask you. Do you remember Mr. Kim’s dove?” He nodded, his eyes meeting yours. “I remember you two had quite an interesting play date last time.” You nodded your head earnestly, excitement beginning to mix with your nerves. “I really enjoyed her company, and when it was time for my phone privileges last week, she asked if I would go to the movies with her soon. If it’s alright with you, can I go mommy, please?” Your words were a bit rushed, but clear. You knew he understood your request, and you waited with bated breath for him to  answer.
Seconds stretched into minutes, and you felt like time had slowed down. Each passing second felt like an hour, and you could feel a bead of sweat roll down your neck. Had it always been this hot in the room, or was it the way you were being regarded by your lover, like you were one of the targets he hunted down as a sport. As the tension in the air became palpable, you were sure he was weighing what you said in his mind. Finally, he broke the tense silence. “You want to go to the movies? With someone else?” The indicative tone of his voice had you  dropping to your knees. “It wouldn’t be just anyone! It would be your most trusted acquaintance chaperoning. It would be safe as well-’ 
You are cut off by a hand cupping your jaw. Forcing your chin up so that you meet his eyes. Taemin’s glare freezes you. “My most trusted acquaintance? Who are you to decide who that is for me?! Did I ever say that he was?!” You shake your head, your mouth useless as it is caught in his vice grip. “I allow you company once, and this is how you repay me? You ask to break my number one rule, knowing that it keeps you safe, that it keeps us safe!” You claw at his hand, panic overtaking you. This wasn’t what you planned to happen. You thought you’d done everything right.. “No-no, mommy, I didn’t mean it that way! I wouldn’t try to break your rules, I promise!” Taemin pushes you away, almost toppling you over. 
“I see. You don’t love me anymore, right? That’s why you’re asking. My company isn’t enough for you anymore.” You continually denied his words, telling him that you loved him with all your heart. “Is that so? It can’t be. If you really loved me, you’d get on your knees and beg my forgiveness. You’d never ask to go somewhere without me again.” Your heart split in two at his words. Were you really so cruel? You’d never meant to hurt his feelings. Getting onto your hands and knees, you hung your head low. “Please forgive me mommy, It won’t happen again. I’ll be good, I promise! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Another silence fills the room, shorter this time. “Are you really sorry?” Taemin’s voice had a particular edge to it, that you couldn't quite place.
“Yes mommy! One thousand times sorry!” You couldn’t see the wicked sneer on Taemin’s face as he contemplated his next words carefully. “I’m deeply disappointed in you sweetheart. I go to work all day, thinking of nothing but how I’ll keep you safe and take care of you. You really deserve a punishment for such bad behavior.” Your heart dropped at his words. Taemin’s punishments were like hell on earth, and something you never wanted to experience ever again if you could avoid it. There were still scars from the last time. “But since you’ve been so good this past month, I won’t punish you.” Your eyes widened, and you looked up at him in shock. “Don’t look so surprised. I’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself.” 
You watched as he sat back in his chair, his legs spread wide in his recliner. “Go on dove, show me how sorry you are.” His words hung heavy in the air, and you immediately shuffled closer, stopping when you were situated between his legs. Reaching for his belt, you quickly unbuckled it, before unzipping his pants. You could see the outline of his dick through his underwear, already starting to stand at attention. You carefully placed your hand on him, rubbing him through the material. Taemin sighed, a look of boredom on his face. “Is that all, my toy?” He sighed again, closing his eyes. You changed tactics, this time reaching for the band of his underwear. The last thing you wanted was for him to be unsatisfied. You pulled down his briefs just enough to spring his cock free of restraints.
You wasted no time, taking him into your mouth. Your tongue flattened against the tip, rubbing against it, before sucking it fervently. Taemin groaned as you alternated between harsh sucking and swirling your tongue around him. Your hand moved along the base, your nails grazing the underside of his length. If you’d been paying attention, you’d have seen the way his hands gripped onto the arms of the chair as you pleased him. He was restraining himself; he'd never admit it to you, but he could barely keep himself together from a single touch from you 
You could hear him cursing under his breath, a sign he was close. You kept going, taking him further into your mouth, and finally looking at his face. He is watching you, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. You made eye contact with him, not stopping your actions. You moaned around him, sucking and licking more earnestly. Your eyes fluttered closed, and you let yourself get lost in the feeling. “Fuck!” Taemin cursed loudly, throwing his head back as he filled your mouth with his seed. You caught all of it, not allowing any to spill. “Good girl, swallow it.” Taemin panted, his chest heaving as he caught his breath.
You obeyed him, opening your mouth to show him when you were done. “I knew you were still my good girl. Come here, stand up for me.” He pulled you up, bringing you to stand between his legs. He parted your thighs, before sliding his hand up to your slit. Running his middle finger between your lips, he felt your arousal pool and run down to his palm. You shuddered when he grazed your clit. He kept at his shallow teasing for a few moments, before pausing to speak. “You’re my good girl, right?” You swallowed thickly, trying to break through your clouded haze of lust. “Yes mommy, I’m your good girl.” He hummed, nodding his head. “So you won’t ask me to break any more of the rules, right?” You shook your head, reassuring him that you’d never ask again.
Resuming his previous movements, Taemin pressed his fingers deeper between your lips, now fully dragging over your clit. He carefully dipped his middle finger into your hole, loving the way your walls sucked him right in. “My perfect little toy, you’re so naïve. Everyone sees it in you.” Taemin added another finger into you, pumping them in and out, and hitting a spot that had you reeling. “You have to be more careful. Don’t you know that she was trying to humiliate you in public?” His thumb finds your clit, rubbing in circles. “She talks about everyone behind their back, so how could I let you go out with her?” You don’t answer, far too lost in the pleasure you were receiving. 
He increased his pace, his fingers fucking into you with renewed purpose. “All you can do is trust in me. I’m here for you, I never deceive you, do I?” You shake your head again. “No, you, you never lie to me mommy. I trust you.” Taemin smirked, satisfied with your answer. Sliding his fingers out of you, he gave you a moment to register it before landing a harsh smack to your clit. It only took two more to send you over the edge, your cries of pleasure like music to his ears. When you came down from your high, he was beaming at you. “My dove, you’re so well behaved, just for me.” You blushed at the compliment, not used to receiving such positive feedback from him.
Taemin pulled you closer to him, pulling you down until you were straddling his thighs. Pulling your face towards his, he kissed you deeply, the taste of his release still on your lips. He broke the kiss for air, putting his forehead against yours. He took a good look at you as you caught your breath. Your makeup was smudged, lip gloss almost nonexistent. Your skirt bunched around your waist, a poor excuse for covering up any skin. But what really drew him in were your eyes. Blown over with lust and unfaltering adoration for the man in front of you. You wanted him, and if there was nothing he wanted more, it was for your desire to be solely focused on him.
Reaching for the lever of the recliner, Taemin adjusted the chair to a more comfortable position. He could feel your eyes on his every movement. “Ride me.” He commands you softly, seeing how much further you’re willing to go; how far you’re willing to go for him. You grab him, aligning the head with your entrance. You ease onto him carefully, until he is fully sheathed in you. You adjust for a moment, before you are moving your hips up and down on him, the both of you sighing in pure bliss. Taemin’s hands come to rest on your hips, helping to move you along the length of his dick. “Do you want to cum for me dove? Want me to fill you up just the way you like?” His teeth nipped at the skin of your neck, and you shivered at the sensation.
“Yes, yes mommy please! Please fill me up!” Taemin kissed your neck, his mouth trailing marks all over your skin. “Then tell me you trust me, that I’m the only one you’ll ever trust. You’re mine, and no one else deserves you, they don’t love you the way I do.” Taemin knew you’d tell him what he wanted to hear. You were completely loyal to him, You were his toy, his puppet specifically. It only took a few strings to make you behave how he wanted. You had no choice but to trust in him. Every puppet needed a master. He just happened to be yours. “You’d better trust in me just like I’m saying.”
Tags: @minhyuuk​, @brownsugarbaybee​, @hee0soo​, @mommyhwa​, @legbouk​, @singularity777​
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ihavemanyhusbands · 4 months
Vidas Pasadas (Past Lives)
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Also on AO3
Part One // Part Two // Mini-Series Masterlist
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Latina!Reader (Spanish speaking)
WC: 5.9k words
Chapter Summary: It was always meant to end up this way, wasn't it? Some things never changed.
Warnings: Minors DNI this fic is 18+, canon typical violence, reader kidnapped by raiders, the ghoul being the ghoul, cursing, some injuries (very mild whump), mentions of death/loss, heavyyyy angst (happy ending tho!), only a little Spanish dialogue, love confession, smut, unprotected p in v, oral (fem receiving), irradiated creampie (with RadAway after lol), aaaaand that's all I can think of but please lmk if I missed anything!
In the Past….
You had been restless all day, unable to explain why. Something just didn’t feel right, and not knowing what it was made you feel even worse.
Your house had felt large and empty as you paced around it, smoking. All those long hours, you were acutely aware of the clock’s ticking — Time relentlessly marching on, waiting for no one.
 Once you’d actually gone to bed, you’d tossed and turned long into the night. The moon shone faintly through a gap between the curtains, barely illuminating your bedroom. You could not face the yawning void of solitude you found at that hour, so you got up. 
Things had gotten much trickier in a short amount of time. There had been many more bomb drills, more fear and paranoia, and substantially fewer job opportunities.
Cooper was no longer acting. He simply wouldn’t get cast anymore, so he had to look in other directions. The loss was tremendous, for yourself and the industry. Moviemaking didn’t quite feel the same anymore, its luster having faded.
You saw him much less, but you still tried to keep in touch. You’d even helped him care for Janey a few times when he had to take an odd gig that would run late. Slowly, he was becoming a shell of the man he formerly was, and you felt helpless to stop it.
But that night, you couldn’t hold yourself back, leaving your house in just a coat and your night dress, like a ghostly apparition. The drive there was nebulous, like you were moving on autopilot. You drifted up the steps and pressed the buzzer to his apartment a few times.
When he came down to see who was at the door, he looked a little worse for wear, like he’d been having a hard time sleeping, too. He ushered you inside, not wanting you to be out in the cold.
“What happened?” Cooper said, worriedly searching you for any sign of injury. “It’s the middle of the night, why didn’t you telephone?”
“I’m so sorry, Coop,” you said, as if waking up from a trance. “Did I wake you up?”
He shook his head, leading you to the old, rickety elevator and pressing the button to his floor. 
“No, I was up. Lucky you didn’t wake Janey, though. She’s with me this weekend.”
You covered your face with your hands, ashamed. “Oh God, I’m a mess, aren’t I?”
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, worrying even more at your clear distress. He guided you to his unit, which was smaller than you’d imagined. It’d been a while since Cooper and Barb’s sudden divorce, but he barely seemed to be settling in. The walls were mostly bare, and the sparse furniture seemed to have been included with the unit. There were only a few pictures, mostly of him and Janey, but a few of just his daughter. 
He had never really told you what happened, but the change had seemingly occurred overnight. He simply said he was done, that he couldn’t even look at her anymore. You were still pretty baffled about the whole thing, but it wasn’t your business to pry about. You simply supported him however you could.
Barb had not gone easy on him, having the best lawyers Vault-Tec could afford. He had Janey some weekends, but he didn’t get to see her nearly enough. It was a bad situation altogether, and you were sad for everyone involved.
“Cozy,” was all you could whisper after a moment of silence, to which he snorted derisively.
You went to sit on the couch, arms around yourself. The two of you kept your voices soft so as not to wake Janey, and you felt a pang in your chest knowing she was near. She was such a bright ray of sunshine, and you were glad that she and Cooper had each other despite everything.
And especially on a night like that one, when the world seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation of something.
“Drink?” He offered, already pouring himself a glass of scotch in the small kitchen.
You nodded, sniffling, trying to keep the tears that threatened to crawl up your throat at bay. He shuffled back over to you, a frown still on his face.
“Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?” He encouraged, handing you the glass and sitting next to you on the couch. 
How could you possibly explain the feeling of grief you had, when you hadn’t really lost anyone? 
Not yet, at least.
“I don’t know, I just… I had to see you,” you said, taking a sip of your drink. “I didn’t even think about it, I just got in the car and drove.”
“Well, ain’t that sweet,” he chuckled, the sound a little awkward. “But it couldn’t wait until morning?”
“No, Coop, I can’t even explain it. If I tried, I’m sure you’d think I’m crazy.”
“Try me,” he said. “You know you can trust me.”
You set your glass down and scanned his features for a moment, committing them to memory. Then, without a word, you leaned in and brought your lips to his chastely.
 You had kissed dozens of times in the past, but for the first time, it was as yourselves. Love was the only thing you could give him then. Years worth of it had accumulated inside of you, with nowhere to go… until that moment. 
But your heart was breaking at the same time. Instinctively, you realized this would be your only opportunity to do so. Tears swam in your vision, but you turned your face away before he could see the one that escaped.
Cooper blinked, too stunned to react. You sniffled, pulling back, hands wringing anxiously. He shook his head, snapping out of it.
“Why are you crying?” He asked, hands cupping your face. “I ain’t that bad of a kisser, am I?”
You let out a sad little chuckle, which sounded more like a sob.
I love you, you wanted to say. I love you, I love you, te amo con todo mi corazón*. Please find a way to live, whatever happens.
(*I love you with all my heart)
“Please, take care of yourself,” you pleaded softly instead. “Give little Janey a kiss from me.”
And with that, you got up from the couch and left him like a thief in the night. He’d called for you, but you’d been faster, running down the stairs and heading back to your car. You simply couldn’t handle it anymore. The waiting, the fretting, feeling so fucking helpless…  Wouldn’t it be better just to get it all over with?
The rest of the night blurred into a gouache rendition of melancholy and self pity. In the morning, as soon as you were able, you phoned Bud Askins — the Vault-Tec executive who had organized your admission into Vault thirty one — to ask for an expedited entry.
And just as he picked up the phone, you looked out the window and saw the enormous, fiery mushroom cloud rising as if from the depths of hell itself.
The Present….
“There she is,” one of the raiders pointed at the old TV screen, where one of your movies was playing. “No wonder she looked so goddamn familiar. Got ourselves a movie star, boys.”
“Gotta be a clone or somethin’, no way she’s lived this long,” another one said.
“What does it matter? Whoever buys her won’t be able to tell the difference. Fresh meat’s hard to come by, and this is the luxury kind,” the first one gruffed, looking back at you over his shoulder. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
You could only glare at him from your spot against the wall. You were gagged, your ankles and wrists bound by old rope. Two days had passed, in which the raiders hadn’t done much other than tie you up and haul you around. You’d gotten a few scraps of food, but not nearly enough to even be considered a snack. Thirst and hunger clung to your very bones, but you were lucky that your survival instincts had kept you going so far. 
You might not have been a fighter before, but now you were determined to keep yourself alive at all costs. It hadn’t taken long for you to realize that things were truly ruthless in the wasteland, and it all basically narrowed down to kill or be killed. 
You weren’t sure yet if you’d be able to go through with something like that, but you had no other choice but to try if it came down to it.
You were still holding out hope that the ghoul would come find you, but you were well aware that you couldn’t just rely on that possibility. You were running low on time, unsure of how long exactly the potential transaction would take to complete. Or if they would grow tired of searching for buyers and try to possess you themselves. 
You would not let it get to that, though. You were just trying to devise the least recklessly foolish escape plan possible.
The raiders had holed up in an old supermarket, which seemed to be their usual base. Most of the empty, broken shelves had been pushed against the walls to make space for whatever furniture they had managed to find. A few shelves surrounded the space like a makeshift barrier, shielding the rest of the building from view.
Rations, old clothes and other miscellaneous objects were scattered about carelessly, but you didn’t notice many weapons, which was potentially a good sign. More valuable loot was stashed in empty freezers, and you were frankly surprised they hadn’t tried to shove you in one, too.
The raiders went back to watching the movie, your own voice sounding strange and faraway to your ears. And then… you heard Cooper’s voice, that southern drawl bringing your attention to the screen. It was the scene of his Feo, Fuerte y Formal speech, when his enemy was at his feet.
Though the screen was riddled with static, you could still see the determined look on his face. Hearing his voice again gave you strength, but it also gave you pause. Why did it feel like it hadn’t been that long since you’d last heard it?
You thought back to the day you’d been abducted, still unsure if you had hallucinated the ghoul screaming your name. Even his voice had sounded different there, but not unfamiliar – more like a dream that had slowly devolved into a nightmare.
 There was a nagging feeling at the back of your head that wouldn’t let you rest until you had some answers, but it would all have to wait for a later time. 
For the next hour or so, you slowly moved your wrists back and forth in an attempt to loosen the ropes. You went still whenever any of them looked at you – like a deer in headlights, sweat trickling down your spine – but luckily, none of them seemed aware of your actions.
At some point, you had to fully stop as most of them prepared to go out scavenging, leaving only one man behind to guard you.
“Shouldn’t give you much trouble, but you know what to do if she does,” the leader had said, looking right at you with a shit-eating grin. 
But the raider left in charge hadn’t seemed too worried about you being a threat, falling asleep on one of the couches soon after they had left. When your wrists were rubbed raw and bloody by the rope, you soldiered through the pain until adrenaline kicked in, and you managed to loosen the knots enough to free one of your hands.
You swallowed down the nausea that crawled up your throat at the sight of your mangled skin. Keeping one eye on the sleeping raider, you began to attempt untying your ankles, but then you heard a crash at the front of the building. The raider woke up with a start and you had a millisecond to hide your hands behind your back once more. 
“What the fuck was that?” he muttered, looking around frenziedly.
You shrugged helplessly, your heart nearly leaping out of your chest. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he stood, grabbing a weapon. You whimpered, momentarily fearing he might use it to prod you further, but he stayed put.
“You better not try any stupid shit, alright?” He said, pointing it at you in warning. 
You nodded quickly and he crept around a shelf, disappearing from view. It was eerily silent after that, except for your blood thundering in your ears. You waited for him to return, unmoving, for what seemed like an eternity. 
There were a few more sounds somewhere out front, but you couldn’t quite discern what they were. Still, you didn’t really want to wait around and find out. Who knew if you’d get another opportunity like this?
But just as you decided to push your luck and reached for your ankles, you heard footsteps. And with those footsteps, there was the familiar, faint clinking of spurs that you had come to know.
The ghoul suddenly rounded the corner, holding the raider’s bloodied machete, which matched the blood spattering his clothes. Talk about a guardian angel, you thought, somehow finding humor to keep yourself from absolute hysteria – even as your eyes welled with overwhelmed tears. A muffled sound escaped your throat, but there was still tape covering your mouth, so all you could do was widen your eyes.
“There y’are,” he said with what seemed to be a relieved grin, but it was short-lived. “Oughta kill you myself for makin’ me go through all that trouble to find you…”
He crouched in front of you to free you from your binds, tossing the weapon aside. You gasped as he ripped the tape from your face, momentarily glaring at him for his lack of gentleness. But your own relief outweighed any frustration you felt, and without thinking you threw yourself at him, your arms wrapping around his neck. 
He froze, feeling the jackrabbit pace of your heart against his chest. The breathed-out thank you in his ear almost gave him goosebumps, but he kept himself composed. You yourself couldn’t believe that you were so elated to see him, having been terrified of him only a week prior.
But now it didn’t seem to matter, because even if he groused about having to do the work, he had still come to find you. 
“Alright, alright, that’s enough of that,” he said, shoving you back. “Get up, we gotta get outta here before the rest of ‘em come back.”
He hauled you onto your feet, steadying you when you almost stumbled into him. You glanced at the TV, where the movie had been paused on a close-up shot of Cooper.
You hesitated, suddenly transfixed by an emotion that was getting close to realization. The ghoul followed your line of sight and grimaced, averting his gaze. 
“You feel it too, don’t you?” You said, the words spilling before you’d even thought them through. “How ironically familiar it all is, in a fucked up way.”
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. When you looked over at him, something ill-concealed in his expression confirmed things without him having to say anything.
His eyes hadn’t changed… how did you not see it before?
You took a step closer and that seemed to snap him out of it.
“No idea what you’re goin on’ about,” he gruffed, turning away. “Now get movin’ or I’ll tie you to my belt and herd you like cattle. Andale!”
You pursed your lips at his stubbornness but trailed after him. You watched his back, hunting for more details to further reassure yourself you weren’t crazy — His posture, the way he walked, his strong shoulders squared proudly, as if in preparation for whatever came.
There was still so much to say, but first, you had to get as far away from this serpent’s nest as possible. 
On the way, he found an old tire iron, tested its heft, and then handed it to you. At least, it seemed less daunting than a knife or a machete, and arguably less bloody. The world might be a cruel place, but he would try to help minimize the blow as much as he could. In his own way, of course.
 He pushed out of the secret entrance at the side of the building, and you almost slammed into his back as he abruptly stopped. 
“Well, fancy seeing you here boys,” he said before you could even ask what was wrong, and a stone seemed to drop into your stomach. “Jus’ came to collect what’s rightfully mine. We’ll be on our way now.”
“Like hell you are,” came the barked reply.
You peered around him and saw only a handful of the raiders, the leader nowhere in sight. Somehow, that made you relax a little, the odds slightly more favorable. Not that you didn’t believe the ghoul could handle the whole group, but you just didn’t want to take your chances.
“Oh, yeah? And who’s gonna stop me? You?” The ghoul drew his revolver before anyone else could react, firing a shot directly at the raider’s head. “Whoops, I guess it ain’t gonna be him, after all.”
A stunned moment passed before the raiders were all launching themselves at him. You pressed back against the wall, watching how the ghoul moved with a swift, deadly grace. Two were down before they even knew what was happening. 
You moved from your spot to try to find some cover in case any stray bullets flew by you. Crouching by some rusted oil barrels, you kept your eyes on the action, listening to the ghoul laughing at a failed attack.
Then you noticed movement elsewhere. While he was facing off another three of them, a raider that had broken off from the rest was slowly inching closer behind the ghoul’s back.
Yelling out a warning would probably hinder more than help him, so you took a deep, fortifying breath and crept behind the raider. You tried to keep control of your breathing as you got closer, taking deliberate steps. You adjusted your grip on your weapon a few times, your palms sweating like never before.
But just as you closed the distance between you and raised the tire iron over your head, one of the other raiders yelled Watch out!
Still, you swung, striking him right across the temple with a sickening crack. He crumpled, knocked out cold, and everything moved quickly after that.
 In all the distraction, the ghoul dove forward and sank his knife into the nearest raider’s stomach. Then he turned them both around, using him as a shield before he shot the other two raiders.
Once they were all on the ground, he looked at you over his shoulder and grinned. 
“Well, well, look at you watchin’ my back for me,” he said, seemingly impressed. “Doesn’t make us quite even, but getting closer.”
You let out a breathy laugh, but your mouth suddenly filled with saliva, and you had to keep yourself from throwing up. All of the day’s events were starting to catch up to you, and adrenaline could only keep you on your feet for so long.
“Can we just uh… please?” You said, gesturing into the distance vaguely. “If I don’t eat something soon, I think I’m gonna pass out.”
He sighed, jerking his head to one side in a motion for you to follow. “Better hope there’s still rations in your pack, then, ‘cus I ain’t a free meal ticket.”
You slept for what felt like days, waking up disoriented to find the afternoon sun high in the sky. You rolled onto your back, wiping away the drool that had trickled out of the corner of your mouth. You were sure you looked just as terrible as you felt, but it was the least of your worries at that moment.
The abandoned parking structure you’d camped out at was cool and shaded, the wind blowing through it. It’d been dark by the time the two of you had found it, and you could only remember wolfing down some food before promptly passing out. 
Your wrists had been bandaged at some point, a small courtesy from the ghoul. Proof once again that he cared, despite his tough, biting exterior. The warmth you felt in your chest reminded you of what was still pending between you, and how it could wait no longer. 
You sat up and looked around, gathering your bearings. He wasn’t too far away, standing at the other end of the lot with his back to you. He was looking off into the distance, lost in thought. 
You watched him for a moment, wondering what was going through his mind. Wondering if maybe, just maybe, your thoughts were running parallel. 
Only one way to find out.
You got up, wincing at the deep ache in your muscles. You started to shamble over to him, but you only reached halfway before you were no longer brave enough to get any closer. 
“Cooper,” you called, voice tremulous. “… It is you, isn’t it?”
The ghoul turned around slowly, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. He was quiet for a moment, for once seemingly afraid to meet your gaze.
“Still stubborn as a mule, aren’t’cha?” he said, trying to mask the nostalgia in his voice with wry humor. 
You let out an amused huff. “Always drove the producers crazy.”
“Well, it wasn’t just them.”
Finally, he looked up at you, his gaze much softer than they’d been the past few days. At that moment – despite the ravages of time, radiation, and even misery – you could still see the Cooper you had always known. And while you were elated by the revelation, your heart also hurt to think he had undergone so much by himself, losing who he was in the process. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked, knowing it was likely a selfish question. “From the beginning?”
“I never… thought you would see me like this,” he said, swallowing hard. “After that night, when the bombs were dropped, I didn’t know what happened to you. I just assumed you were…”
“Dead,” you finished for him. “I thought the same about you.”
Silence hung heavily for a moment, and you weren’t sure if you should move or not. 
“What about your family?” You asked, bracing for the worst.
“Lost,” he said simply, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “I got Janey to one of the vault’s on time, but there was no space left for me.”
His pain was palpable, making your heart shatter anew. But how to take it away from him? It was impossible to just erase all that had happened, but you could at least help him shoulder the burden.
“Cooper…” you breathed, finally closing the remaining distance between you.
He shifted uncomfortably, angling his head away. You reached up to gently cup his face, making him look at you.
“A face not even a mother could love, ain’t it?” He murmured, braced for whatever reaction you’d have to him now. 
He expected disgust and rejection, but that was far from what you felt then – A yearning so deep you feared it would fully consume you. The world had fucking ended already, so why not confess how you felt? Nothing worse could happen if you did. 
“My feelings for you have remained intact for more than two hundred years, Cooper. You really think this is going to change my mind?”
He blinked in surprise, his eyes searching your face for any sign that you were lying. You merely smiled, open and earnest, letting him digest your words.
“That night, when you kissed me… My mind was all over the place. I didn’t know what to think, what to say, but you ran away before I could even try.” He chuckled weakly at the memory. “Somehow, I felt it was a long time comin’, but a part of me never thought it was possible.”
“I’m sorry it was all I could give you then,” you whispered, and he placed a hand over one of yours. “If only we had known…”
“Say the words for me, will you?” He rasped, face inching closer to yours. “I won’t believe it until you say it.”
You didn’t hesitate. “I love you, Cooper Howard. I loved you before, and I love you now, just as you are.” 
“You sure about that?” He said, but his resolve was crumbling.  “Not much room for love in places like this, especially with folks like me.”
“We’ll just have to make room for it then.”
He raised his hairless eyebrows, both pleased and amused at your conviction.“Just like that, hmm?” 
One of his arms snaked around your waist slowly, pressing you closer to him. Your eyes dropped to his mouth, desirous. The fire he saw in them ignited him as well — A long lost feeling that was returning to the surface with a vengeance.
“Bésame,” you sighed, mere seconds before his lips were melding against yours. 
You kissed with an almost frantic desperation, tightly clinging onto each other. It was the kind of kiss you had always dreamt of — devouring and insatiable, eager to fuse together.
His hands were curious but hesitant, roaming up to your ribcage and down to your hips, but no further. You grabbed one of his hands and placed it on your chest, not only as permission, but also so he could feel how your heart pounded for him. 
His own longing overflowed, clouding his senses. A part of him had still been unwilling to believe you could actually love — much less tolerate — what he had become. But when you moaned softly into his mouth, he knew he was a lost cause.
Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t very good with words that weren’t scripted. But fortunately for you, there were other ways he could demonstrate his devotion.
You arched into his touch as he palmed one of your breasts, a low sound in his throat. He moved to kiss your neck, lavishing your collarbone with his tongue. He wanted to kiss you all over, but he would need to get you bare first. 
You let him tug your blouse over your head, his gloves subsequently coming off. His hands were calloused as they returned to touch your skin. The tips of his fingers teased the waistband of your pants, and he smirked as you frowned up at him. 
“What? I wanna enjoy every moment of this,” he drawled, eyes dipping lower to watch your chest heave. “So many times I tried to imagine how I would do this. Sometimes I would unwrap you like a present… Others, well, let’s jus’ say I was like a coyote getting ahold of a chicken.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the morbid description, strangely not put off by it. “How romantic. I’m still trying to decide how I’ll take yours off.”
He shifted, something like panic flashing in his eyes for the briefest second. “Hold your horses, sweetheart. I ain’t done with you yet.”
You understood his hesitance immediately, deciding not to push it for the time being. You had years of patience under your belt, and his trust was something you did not mind earning again. He removed only his duster, draping it on the floor. 
He undid your belt and knelt in front of you as you wiggled your hips to help him take your pants off. There was a puff of warm breath against your navel a second before he planted a kiss on it. You shuddered as his teeth snagged the hem of your panties, pulling them down.
There was a noticeable wet spot on the fabric, which made him groan. His cock was straining against his pants already, but he wanted to focus on you first. 
“Come here, you,” he rasped, grasping your hips and bringing you down with him. 
As soon as you were on your back, his mouth was on you again. He’d wanted to feast his eyes first, to take you in in your full glory, but he found he couldn’t keep himself detached from you for too long. 
He kept his promise, slowly working his way around. You surrendered to his adoration with ease, every caress and every kiss awakening every part of you. At some point, you reached a level of sensitivity that had you whimpering at the slightest touch. The light sting of his teeth on your nipples sent electricity straight to your core. 
He lost himself in your smell and your warmth and your softness – a supplicant finally worshiping at his sacred temple. When his mouth finally sealed over your clit, your back arched off the floor, taut as a bow. 
“Cooper,” you gasped, delirious with lust. “Please, I-I need… Let me touch you, something, please!”
He shushed you gently, arms wrapping around your legs. “Just lie back and let me take care of you, darlin’.”
You wished you could say you lasted some time under his ministrations, but you came with embarrassing ease. That first orgasm hit you like an avalanche, sweeping throughout your whole body. You clapped a hand over your mouth as you cried out, not wanting to be too loud and potentially attract unwanted attention. 
He let out a faint chuckle, lapping up your release with gusto and nearly making you come a second time. He found he especially liked teasing your clit with quick little flicks of his tongue, your moans higher pitched. You tried squirming away from him, nearing overstimulation.
“You’re killing me, Coop!” You couldn’t help but giggle hysterically, pushing at his head. “Por favor!”
He pulled back, grinning roguishly as he licked his glistening lips. “What can I say? Seems I can’t get enough of you.”
“Then take me already,” you pleaded. “I can’t wait any longer.”
He needed no further convincing. He unhooked his arms from your legs and his body slid upwards until your faces were level. He was quick to undo his pants and push them down, bending down to kiss you as he took his cock in one hand, stroking it. 
You brought your knees up to his sides as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Slowly, he pushed inside of you, leaning his forehead against yours so he could see your reactions. Brows furrowed, mouth slack, cheeks flushed – you were the prettiest picture, in his eyes. 
“That’s it,” he exhaled as he buried himself to the hilt. “Takin’ me so good, like you were made just for me.”
“You’ve a-already made it clear th-that I’m yours,”  you said with a teasing little smile that you could barely hold as he started to move. 
He remembered his words to the raiders, letting out a breathy chuckle. “I did say somethin’ like that, didn’t I? Guess it must be true, then.”
His strokes were long and slow at first, letting you feel every inch as he stretched you. His eyes were fixed on your face, drinking in your features and reassuring himself that it was not a dream. He knew he wouldn’t last too long either, for all he teased you about it.
He started going faster, the snap of his hips harsher, as you begged for it. Pleasure was overtaking him, wiping his mind clear of everything that wasn’t the present moment. Your name left his lips like a prayer, his eyes heavy lidded and glazed over with ecstasy. 
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he moaned. “I-I love you. Fuck, I love you.”
You clung to him, afraid that if your heart went any faster, it might stop altogether. Soon enough, he felt you tightly squeezing around him, and he knew you were close once again. He was right there with you, driven by your pleasure, and then you pulled him in for a kiss. 
He felt you tremble under him as you came, the intensity not letting you make more than a small, choked sound. With a long, rough groan and a deep thrust, he spilled inside of you. Lost in a feverish oblivion, having forgotten when the last time he’d experienced it was… if at all. No drop was wasted, in the end.
During the comedown, you lay there panting, his added weight on top of you comforting. You looked at each other and laughed, elated at the whole thing. It felt like no time had passed at all, somehow. 
“Tryin’ to steal my soul already,” he said, a fondness in his voice that made your stomach flutter. “Hold on, I need to get some RadAway in ya.”
Breathing heavily, he slowly pulled out of you and got to his knees. He tucked himself away and reached for his pack. He pulled out a yellow IV bag, which you recognized from Bud’s few lessons about the wasteland. You hadn’t even thought about it until then, but you were immensely grateful he had been prepared. 
He hooked you onto it delicately and slumped back down beside you, lying sideways. You grinned, snuggling closer to him. His fingers traced lazy circles on your belly as he looked down at you, adoring. 
The real world slowly crept into the edges of your mind, anxiety at being separated from him suddenly spiking. Now that you had him, there was no way you would just let him go. 
“I don’t know what I should do now,” you confessed, voice low. “I know I want you, and I want to be with you, but what about New Vegas? Do you think they’d send someone to look for me?”
He thought about it for a moment. “Maybe. It’s very possible, you never know. You’re more valuable than you realize, and I ain’t just sayin’ that ‘cus I’m biased.”
You snorted, shoving him playfully, but he continued. “But… I think I should still take you there. My sort of lifestyle in the wasteland ain’t for you, darlin’. I almost lost you once already, very stupidly.”
“That was my fault, though,” you said, pained at the guilt in his voice for not being able to protect you.
“Everybody makes mistakes. You could make a hundred more, but one of ‘em might just cost you everythin’. I ain’t takin’ those chances.”
“Well, you’re certainly more forgiving now…” you muttered, rolling your eyes. “But then what? You’re not just gonna drop me off at twenty one for safe keeping, are you? I would kill you.”
He laughed. “Oh, I don’t doubt it. But it won’t come to that, we ain’t stayin’ in the vault.”
“Oh? We aren’t?” 
“There’s a few settlements out there that are safe and, uh, friendly to my kind.” He cleared his throat, not wanting to bring much attention to his current state of being. You took his hand, squeezing his fingers, and he returned the gesture.
One day, you would make sure he would never doubt his worth ever again. You admired his strength and perseverance, soldiering through an unforgiving environment, continuing to live. He was certainly different from the hero that he always played in the movies, but he was a hero nonetheless. In your eyes, at least.
“Well, well… That’s all it took to bring you to your knees, huh?” You teased, raising an eyebrow. “You really thinking of settling down?”
“Oh, I ain’t retirin’, sweetheart,” he said with a huff. “But if you’re askin’ if I’m thinking of going steady with you, well…”
The two of you shared a knowing look, smiling at that echo from the past. At that moment, you felt that things might just be okay after all. You had been through worse things, jumped through bigger hurdles, and yet you had still arrived there. Who was to say you couldn’t handle more?
“Kiss me then, and let’s seal the deal.”
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