#it freaking sucks aaaah
damianwaynebutwhite · 18 days
Ian Wayne gets a miraculous (and also somewhat ruins the world. Probably.)
This may end up ridiculously long so...
Once upon a time, there was God. Here's the problem with God- they had the impulse control of Bart Allen on crack. Wait, what?
But Bart is also going through some canon events right now with a ridiculous amount of anons so like.... maybe not.
Point is- God isn't a very good decision maker.
Considering they're, y'know, writing this shit.
Blame the devil too, if you want. Caleb, you suck. sans Undertale kinnie aaaah-
Focus on the damned story if you're going to write this shit.
Haha! Yeah! Sorry Lan please don't kill us. Hey, do you ever think about how on discord L looks like an uppercase I and thus your name looks like Ian?
Write the damned story.
So once upon a time, there was this guy called Ian Wayne. And I'm sure that in DC canon he's got a backstory and lore and all kinds of other things that, y'know, make him make sense.
But considering the author found out about like like, a week or two ago? Fuck that! His lore is that he's rich. Like, really fucking rich. Like, Tony Stark + Gabriel Agreste + Bruce Wayne * infinity kinda rich.
So you get my point.
He's rich.
Why can't he be named Rich instead...?
...oh. Yeah. Sorry, Dick Grayson.
So one day God made a little oopsie, you see. Got a little too silly. And the Lynx miraculous fell out of the sky, hit Ian Wayne on the head, and knocked him into a different universe.
He still had his money, somehow. Because he's Ian Wayne, and he's 2rich4dat.
Ian, being rich enough to have multiple bodyguards and a force field or something like that protecting him, was understandably confused.
"Which one of you peasants," He snapped. "Was so incompetent that you would allow me to get hit?"
Luckily for the guards, they did not get hit into another dimension. ----
Back in Ian Wayne's original dimension, several armed guards started to freak out. I mean, if something flew out of the sky and whacked your boss on the head so hard he noclipped out of existence, you'd be pretty stressed too.
"Where the FUCK DID HE GO?" yelled a guard. "IS HE FINALLY DEAD?" yelled another. "YOU MORON WE'RE GOING TO GET FIRED-"
And get fired they did. WayneCorp's Firingthepoor(trademarked) flamethrower sprouted from the ground and turned all the guards into roast meat. Yum...yum...capitalism...
So unluckily for the guards, they all died. Yumyumcapitalism.
Back to the miraculous world of...Miraculous.
Ian Wayne did not receive a reply considering
a) his guards were all fired
b) they weren't in the same universe
c) honestly if any guard made it alongside him they would've booked it out of there by now.
"Richle, what in money's name is going on?" He snapped. Richle is like Google, but for rich people.
Richle did not reply, because Richle had no clue either.
"You! Peasant!" He yelled at the sky. "Explain this nonsense!"
God did not appreciate being referred too as a peasant and thus threw lightning at him.
"I'll pay your sad, miserable, pathetic student loans!" He called to the sky.
"Wait, really?" said God, who was kinda broke at the moment. "I mean, sure. Basically, according to the divine plan known as plot, you are now in a different universe! You'll learn to be a good person and finally stop being a litt-"
"You'll never get your student loans paid and you'll never even get a minimum wage job." Ian Wayne said very kindly.
God started crying.
They cried so hard the earth started to flood and some guy called Noah gathered up his animals on his boat and- what do you mean that didn't happen?
It started storming, at least.
Considering the lack of his own universe, Ian Wayne's personal umbrella carrier did not shield him from the rain.
"No!" he cried. "My ten million dollar hairstyle!"
Two background characters glanced at him, glanced at each other, and decided to keep walking.
They were holding hands. They were also both men.
"Queers?! In my vicinity?! Mods, get them!"
They did not, in fact, get them.
Chief prosecutor Miles Edgeworth and famed defence attorney Phoenix Wright resolved to never leave Japanifornia ever again for vacation.
Unless it was to Khura'in. Maybe.
Sick and tired of the universe not following his every whim, Ian Wayne finally decided to pick up the miraculous box and look inside, even if it hurt his expensive pride to touch something possibly made by poors.
The world sung joy. It sung of self-care and isolation, a mixture of leaving the world in order to find your truest self. It was the mighty Lynx, strong and solid and ready to look within itself for the answers it seeked.
To focus on the problems. To look at the issues individually. To not be distracted by the horrors of the world.
When there is nothing left in the world.
When it is nothing but you and yourself.
What do you see? What are you truly?
Pale browns with grey stripes. Brown eyes shine.
"Hello, chosen. My name is Lyyra, the kwami of isolation. Although one may perceive that to be a terrifying idea at first, isolation can-"
"An animal? How disgusting. Although I suppose a talking one may be alright for my collection." "...wh...what?" Asked the very, very, rightfully concerned kwami.
"You. Go smite those queers for me." came the order.
You know that thing about kwamis and orders?
But before Ian Wayne could become the next universal terror to be set upon the world, there was a small, little, burst of magic.
Anarchy! Chaos! Going against the grain. Fighting back. From across the street, the wolverine miraculous holder glanced down at xier kwami.
"...uh, Claash? The hell are you doing?"
"Oh, y'know. Nothin'."
It was not, in fact, nothing.
If you know anything about miraculous, you would know that kwamis using their powers without their holders leads to bad, terrible, results.
So what happens when the kwami of rebellion and anarchy unleashes a little bit of magic...?
Elon Musk's microchips turned against their creator and started beating the shit out of him.
The elves at the North Pole started a worker's union and went on strike.
Damian Wayne's laptop refused to show anymore Superboy/reader fanfiction, and started pulling up laptop self-care magazines. Why do those exist? Why was Damian Wayne affected when this is the wrong universe?
The wolf miraculous holder broke free from the control placed upon them by the big bad of this universe and found their twin. He then slaughtered the evil organisation, thus destroying most of the plot.
I mean, who even wanted to see the actual lore for these characters?
The author is not sobbing over the fact they have so much serious lore for these characters but ended up writing Ian Wayne fanfiction. That would be insane.
Slade Wilson's heart gave out and died. This is because it couldn't stand being part of a creep's body anymore.
Strands of connection fell from the spider holder-kwami amalgamation. For a moment, everything was clear. No- although it had lost itself, Claash's power had reawakened the love of how things were. How the web of the world deserved to be wild and free.
It was beautiful. It was awe-inspiring. They wandered out into the world and found peace.
Lyyra, of course, was not aware of that.
They felt burning passion in their not-quite veins.
The song of rising up and fighting back.
Claash's magic was a wonderful, familiar thing.
They look at the order.
The magic that bound them to a mortal's will.
It was a thread around their metaphorical neck. A chain.
A wolverine's claw guides their own to cut through it.
They have always been a kwami of isolation.
But even a lynx desires company.
A helping hand.
The warmth of an old friend.
The order is a cruel, biting thing.
So they move to bite back.
"No." Lyyra breathes. It feels like freedom. "No. I will not."
This was unacceptable. He was Ian Wayne, moneydamnit! The richest person in all the world- all the universe(s?)!
If anything- the world should be bowing to his whims.
If anything, these peasants should be delighted to serve someone as wonderous as him.
"What do you mean no?" He hissed. "I'm Ian Wayne! I'm rich! I'm white! I'm 2rich4dat!"
"I have known you for a grand total of one minute. In my lifespan, that is an insignificant thing. Somehow, you have already proven yourself to be one of the most miserable, entitled children I have ever met. Have your parents taught you nothing?" Lyyra liked to believe itself a patient kwami. It was, after all, isolation. Self-reflection. Somehow, this new holder had tested its limits already.
"I got my mother assassinated because she was interacting with the poors."
"...with all due respect, what is wrong with you?" The due respect is none at all.
"There's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfect." Somehow, that was said with full confidence. Complete and utter confidence. Not a single lick of shame or self awareness.
"...Tikki help us all."
NEXT CHAPTER (wip. if people even want a second chapter.)
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imzsuzsis-blog · 5 months
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Loki strokes my back in circular motions in the morning in the bathroom, I vomited again but I can take it better now, it's not because you're hysterical and I don't sneeze so much, I don't get into trouble with anyone, I've finally gotten rid of burping, I'm just joking and then I laugh at myself, I know that I cooked a good thing, it's true, not with him but with my ex Ollie, but a good and cute little girl and I'm waiting for it. "Who are you going to?" He smiled seductively at me when I turned around and started washing my face. "Yes, I will also be there at the press conference right next to Charles, who said that on a drunken night you are a piece of shit, but his girlfriend thinks it's positive, and he thinks it's negative." I tried to laugh but it didn't work, I was struggling with the serum, I never knew if I should put it on by hand or just drip it on my face. ,,What was it? You don't say exactly? Ever since Suzuka's drunken outburst, we know that Charles is not a sane boy, nor is he a hothead who thinks like that." "I know if he doesn't, he freaks out and starts crying in a weird way, but that's how he is. Fuck, it's sold out at the best time!!!!" "Are you running out?" I used up the last of my sunscreen, you could buy a new one here, but where?” I started whining again about a stupid sunscreen that I bought somewhere a month ago because it seemed better than the expensive ones sold by Sephora. "Until we find a new one, use mine, it's the same brand, it's just a sun protection factor, that's all it was." "Fuck, I ran out of primer, and a company sent me this during Covid, but I really have to buy it, because it's available here too, but it's cheaper here." I threw the plastic box in the trash and saw that Loki looked strange, I could only blink. "What you got, how can I say it, my sister-in-law, they are American and you can only get this on the internet." He came closer to me and slowly started kissing my back, which made me start, then he kissed my neck, I just blushed and looked at the needle in front of me, but before long he turned me around, I started to support the cock while he sucked my Adam's cock and excited my body with his fingers. "Loki, please, I have to go, I'm in such a fucking hurry. Aaaah!!!” I twisted my neck with closed eyes and played with Loki's lock of hair. "You'll get there, I'll just taste this delicacy." "Ahh- I understand, but..." "Let's go... I can't bear to look here, fuck you!!!!!!!"
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I stood frozen, seriously, it's seven in the morning and we have to get to the track by ten. Loki enjoys sucking his cock. I closed my eyes and instead turned my head, started shaking and called the others to fuck us. ,,Where? I don't know, but I don't dare to look at it... I'm serious, what I saw is almost gay porn... I'll take good Loki's mouth off the pumpkin and bring the monkey." "Suck harder Loki, more!!!!!" "I'm going, it's too much for me. then there. Cya" My head hurts from Lando's screams, which make me moan.. he moans during his orgasm. "Milk, I'm going to have milk!!!!!!! Let's go faster Loki more!!!!!!!!! A little bit!!!!!" "I can't take it anymore, I'll shut up." I was furious when I opened it. Laughing in front of the needle guard, Lando put on make-up and laughed and recorded something on TikTok. "It's done. Oh hello, Osc… And you? Aren't you separate?" "It wasn't Lando, the team said that since there was only one race here, we would go to the track together. So I hope you will hurry and your mind won't run around your tail again." "Relax girl, I'm ready, my dress is in my suitcase, just a light on the diva's beautiful mouth and we're off."
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I came out of the bathroom smiling and shaking my ass in a sexy way. "Lando, you have a whore's tattoo." "And what about my lady? I'm not a boyish gay, as you can see, I'm a girl, a real girly girl, my dear. You know it's not a topic for me." I stroked his hair Osc and saw that he was embarrassed. "Sorry, no, it wasn't intentional, we just wanted a little petting in the morning, it really wasn't a willful hetero kidnapper of my heart." "Petting?" Do you remember that he left home?” He had to get up and walk around, walked around the room, then ran out the door without saying a word. "Hmm, I really have to go, I'm sorry Loki, today's an important day, if I miss it I'll be punished." Sexily, I climbed on him for the last time and we started to kiss erotically in the armchair. "Should I ride your fucking dick like this as a farewell?" I cheekily smiled at him not only with my mouth, but also with my eyes. "Yes, it's best to go out like this today." I knew that if I was a good little girl today, I would be one too.. I stroked the back of him neck and started giggling. I've always loved the hot guy on other guys, so it will be the same now. "Loki is fighting, Loki is fighting."
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eldritch-araneae · 1 year
So, update on my life (bc why now? I gotta write nice thing too ahah)
I'm not sure yet, if I will go through this but once I fix my depression (or make it more manageable at least?) I want to get that university degree (mainly for my own metal health so my brain will stop haunting me in my dreams about dropping out lol) and I'm really looking into linguistics.
Not only because English is a must and I'm pretty good with it (despite not remembering grammar ahah) but also the uni I'm looking into has Chinese, and you gotta study two languages. And languages are fun to learn, it's just my school sucked horribly.
(Plus it just makes sense to know English to understand west and Chinese for East hah)
I'm still not happy about additional exams in addition to entry exams, but at least the cost isn't that bad if I take distance learning ( which works better for me anyway since I better learn on my own) and I can save up for it.
I'm planning to visit this uni soon when they'll have open doors day (and take my niece with me bc she needs it too) and I will look around and ask questions about how to enroll in my situation. Good thing it's free so we can just check the place out.
Meanwhile I survived blood tests aaaah! I just hate how my body react when my blood is taken, its just freaks out badly so it's not fun for me. Now just wait for results and bring them to psychiatrist and hope I'll get meds and therapy.
I'm still gonna take commission, I also done with current clients work, so if you want a portrait, keep an eye for the announcement~
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queerfables · 5 months
911 s3 end liveblog
Righto, Eddie Begins, you're up
Eddie is in trouble we are off to a great start :D
Oh we're doing a baby Jessica rescue, that's fun
Rough viewing though, that little kid T_T
"I should be the one to go down" "so we can end up with two cut lines?" Brutal but true Hen
I love Eddie but he really put his wife in a terrible position
That said, the way she left was terrible too
The little boy is ok T______T
Aaaah yeah, Buck's freak out over the collapse is exactly the kind of thing I'm after
Yaaaay Eddie's ok!!
"You want to do a rope rescue? Of course you go" Eddie's exasperated partner voice <3
Buck meeting this retired fire fighter is fun
Oh Buck this is not a good idea
Yeah that went badly
Awww Buckleys <3
Omg delighted by the way Buck&Eddie are being casually grouped in with other couples
Josh, sweetheart. Giving a victim impact statement about that guy would suck. You don't have to feel like a coward if you can't.
Michael and this guy in the elevator are cuuuute
Abby!! I knew she came back for an episode but I didn't know it was gonna be now!!
Hahaha omg Buck being overprotective of Christopher is so cute
I love Maddie yawning in the middle of Josh's emotional moment
Oof, rough day for Buck
Aw Josh I'm so proud of you for making that statement
I'm also glad Buck can get this closure with Abby and I'm glad he can finally be a bit angry with her and move on
I'm feeling a lot of feelings about Chimney's conflict over Hen looking into med school. Their friendship means a lot to me.
Oh no Maddie and Chimney's joy over unexpected baby T_T cute
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oblivious-aro · 1 year
Friends in Strange Places Ch. 6 Pt 1
What if Vlad was good instead of evil? Link to chapter 1:
Summary: After a ghost fight, Danny and his friends hang out at The Nasty Burger and then Sam and Valerie go back to her house. Just the two of them. That won't be awkward.
Word count: 6700
"Catch me if you can Dipsticks!" Ember cackled as she flew past the pier.
Danny and Valerie continued after her. Sam and Tucker stopped at the edge of the dock.
"Man," Tucker crossed his arms "It sucks not being able to fly.
After about twenty meters, Ember suddenly turned and blasted a pink beam from her guitar.
Danny and Valerie split apart, the beam missing both of them.
"Give it up Ember!" Danny said, charging up two ecto blasts "You can sing all the cheap pop songs you want, there's no one around here for you to even control!"
"Wrong on two counts, Dipstick!" Ember grinned smugly "My music comes from the heart, and I've discovered a brand new kind of audience out here."
Ember raised her hand high above her head and let out a mighty strum on her guitar.
Danny and Valerie looked around. Nothing happened.
"Look down, you drips."
Below their feet the the water was shifting ominously.
One by one, over a hundred fish began to break the surface. Their heads bobbed above the water, watching the floating trio.
"Seriously?" Valerie said "Fish? That's the best you could come up with?"
"Well I can't exactly go around rounding up teenagers again, now that you recognize me." Ember said bitterly "But with these little creatures, I can sill give you a performance you're bound to remember. Now, denizens of the deep," Ember pointed at Danny and Valerie "Attack!"
On Ember's command, the fish began launching themselves at Danny and Valerie.
"Agh!" They both yelped.
The fish were too small to hurt in any significant way, but getting smacked by dozens of fish over and over again was pretty disorienting.
Valerie activated the hand shield Tucker had embedded into her glove and attempted to bat away as many of the attacking fish as she could.
Ember floated there, grinning maliciously as pink and green ecto beams sailed right past her.
"Ooh, we turning this into a rave?" she said "I dig it."
"Stupid fish!" Danny cursed as one bounced off his face "That's it! I'm going where they can't reach me!"
Danny shot up into the air.
"Nice try Dipstick," Ember turned the dial on her guitar "But I've got a song for that."
She began to rapidly pick at the strings. Many of the fish in the water began to glow blue.
"Uh, Danny-" Valerie started to say.
Before she could finish her sentence, a dozen fish shot into the air towards Danny, leaving trails of blue behind them.
"Agh!" Danny yelled as he was assaulted by the high-flying fish "Why does your guitar even have that function?"
Ember laughed as she continued to pluck away.
Valerie tried to shoot her while she was distracted, but getting repeatedly bumped by so many fish kept making her miss wildly.
"Why did I decide to pursue ghost hunting again?" she asked herself as she swung her shield at a group of fish about to hit her face.
Back on the dock, Sam and Tucker were trying to watch the fight using the zoom feature on Tucker's PDA camera.
"It looks like they're having a rave over there." Sam said.
"Are those...fish?" Tucker squinted at the screen.
A fish suddenly jumped out of the water and latched onto Tucker's ear. The fish didn't have teeth, but it still freaked Tucker out.
"Aaaah!" he yelled "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!"
After some flailing, Tucker managed to grab the fish and fling it back into the water.
"Did you really have to throw it that hard Tucker?" Sam chastised.
"The fish was biting me!" Tucker threw up his arms "What did you expect me to do?"
"It wasn't the fish's fault! You could at least-"
Sam was interrupted by another fish jumping out and grabbing onto her hand. She yelped and waved her arm around wildly until the fish went sailing off of it.
"What happened to it being 'not the fish's fault'?" Tucker smirked.
"If you say another word, you're going to have a lot more to worry about than a fish bite. Hey," Sam squinted at something behind Tucker "I know that person."
Tucker turned and saw a man standing in a stationary speedboat, transfixed by what was happening out on the water.
"Arnie!" Sam called, running towards the boat. Tucker decided to follow her.
"Ms Manson?" Arnie snapped his head towards the approaching teenagers "I don't know what you're doing here, but you better skedaddle! Some of them ghost creatures from the news are duking it out over there with a Power Ranger!"
"Arnie, we need you to take us over there!" Sam said, hopping into the boat.
"What're you doing child?!" Arnie cried "It's not safe! You ought to be heading as far away from the water as you-"
"Here's fifty dollars." Sam interrupted, shoving a bill into Arnie hands "And I'll double it if you don't ask questions. They need our help out there!"
"Ummm..." Tucker and Arnie said, a matching look of concern on their faces.
"Don't worry." Sam said "I have a plan."
"This is dangerous, and I don't like it!" Arnie said as he started up the motor "But knowing you child, you'll do something even more reckless to get over there if I refuse."
"Welp, I've gone along with worse plans." Tucker said to himself, jumping into the boat just before it sped off towards the fight.
Back at the fish-fight, Valerie was attempting to back away from Ember and hopefully the fish.
Getting some distance did help, but unfortunately there were still plenty of fish willing to attack her, even this far away from Ember.
"Stupid fish!" Valerie cursed as she kicked off a few that had latched on to her board "I swear, when this is over, I'm going to buy a deep fryer and-"
Valerie turned around to see Sam and Tucker approaching in a speedboat, driven by someone she'd never met.
"Sam?" Valerie raised an eyebrow under her mask "What're you doing here? Who's that?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Hey!" Arnie said indignantly.
"Think you can you distract Ember for a minute? We're gonna try a manouevre, but it won't work if she sees us coming."
"Can do." Valerie nodded as Sam and the others zoomed off.
"Hey Blue Man reject!" Valerie called.
Ember turned and Valerie charged, firing rapidly at Ember, who easily dodged them.
As Valerie got close, Ember banged out a chord that reverberated through the air, knocking Valerie off her board.
"Aah!" Valerie screamed as she went flying into the water. Ember was floating a meter away from her when she broke the surface.
"Gutsy move Red, I'll give you that." She said "You know, I like you. And that outfit's pretty rockin'. Any chance you wanna ditch ghost-boy and team up with someone who's actually going somewhere?"
"Not a chance you-you flamey freak!" It was hard to think of insults while trying to not drown.
"Aw well, your loss."
Valerie braced herself as Ember raised her hand.
"Hey Ember!"
Ember turned to the sound of Tucker's voice only to get drenched by the wake of Arnie's turning speedboat.
"Cowabunga." Tucker finished.
The dripping Ember hovered above the water completely shell shocked. Her makeup was runny and her fiery ponytail had vanished, put out by the water.
"Do you losers have any idea how much it'll cost if my guitar has water damage!" she screeched.
"Yeah, yeah, bill me from the Ghost Zone." Sam shrugged as Tucker pulled out The Fenton Thermos and sucked up the powerless Ember.
"Turns out there's a downside to hanging around water when you're a fire-based ghost." Tucker pulled the pair of Fenton Phones out of his ears "Thank goodness I can take out these ugly things."
Valerie's hoverboard zoomed to a stop beside her, hovering a few centimeters above the water. Valerie reached out and pulled herself up onto it.
"You good down there?" Danny asked, flying down to check on Valerie.
"I'm good." she said, standing up on her board "Wanna hear something neat? Turns out my suit is watertight."
"Ha, nice! Mine is too, actually. Except for the face part." Danny pulled off a fish that was still latched on to his boot "She's gone, you can go home." he said as he dropped the fish back into the water "Sheesh. Those little guys have a lot more determination than you'd expect."
Danny turned to look at Arnie.
"Hey uh, thanks...whoever you are."
Arnie didn't respond. He just gaped at Danny and Valerie for a very awkward fifteen seconds. Then he turned to Sam.
"Ms Manson," he said "You're gonna have to triple your initial offer to keep me quiet."
"Extorting me because I'm not really in a position to say 'no'? Low, but understandable."
"No, it's to cover the cost of a facial and massage at The Amity All-Day Spa. After what I've just been through, I need the relaxation desperately!"
Arnie wasn't the only one who needed to decompress. The four of them decided to stop by The Nasty Burger before heading home.
They all let out a collective shudder when they saw the poster advertising the new fish burger special.
"So that's two Nasty Combos with diet cola, one of the fries upsized, and a Nasty Alternative Substance Patty with a diet ginger ale. Is that everything?" the cashier asked.
There was a moment of silence before Sam turned to Valerie.
"You gonna order anything?" she asked.
"Nah, I'm pretty strapped for cash right now. Between homework and ghost fighting, I don't exactly have time for a job."
"Order whatever you want." Sam said "It's on me."
Danny and Tucker wordlessly glanced at each other.
"Thanks, but I'd feel bad taking money from you." Valerie said "I know none of you three have time for jobs either."
"It's on my parent's tab." Sam clarified "And they're loaded, so you absolutely should not feel bad."
"Well in that case I'll take one of everything." Valerie grinned. Her expression quickly dropped "Uh, kidding, just kidding. I would take a Nasty Combo with diet iced tea if you're offering, though."
"You honestly could order the whole menu for all I care." Sam shrugged as she paid for their order.
"We can?" Tucker asked. Danny elbowed him.
"Sam and her parents don't really get along." Danny explained to Valerie as they sat down at a booth.
"If by 'don't get along' you mean they're overly controlling self-centered snobs with an incredibly narrow mindset they refuse to even try to broaden, then yes, we don't get along."
Nobody was really sure what to say to that.
"Ugh, don't look now." Sam suddenly cringed "Intense make out session happening at three o'clock. Actually, you can probably look, I don't think they'd notice if a meteor hit this place."
Danny, Tucker, and Valerie looked at the table next to them.
A girl with red hair and a boy with a beanie had moved their chairs right next to each other and were kissing. It was, as Sam put it, intense.
"Oh wow, they're...uh...pretty into it, huh?" Danny said.
"I'm jealous." Tucker grumbled "Being single sucks."
"It's not that bad." Sam rolled her eyes.
"You saying you wouldn't swap places with her if you could, Sam?"
Sam made a face like Tucker had just suggested she eat cat vomit.
"He's okay, I guess." Valerie shrugged. She looked down at spot on the table as she spoke "I wouldn't mind swapping places with him, though. The redhead's pretty cute."
"Oh," Danny said, turning to Valerie "So, like you're into girls? That's cool." He gave her a friendly smile.
"Yeah I'm...I'm actually bi." Valereie smiled back.
"Really?!" Tucker whipped around to face her. "That's awesome! Did you just figure that out recently, or-"
Sam kicked Tucker under the table.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Cool it with the estions-quay." she hissed.
"Nah, it's cool." Valerie waved her hand.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I've known for a while. Saw Brandy as Cinderella on TV when I was seven and something clicked. Paolo Montalban wasn't too bad as the prince either."
"Really?" Danny said "I had a crush on that Cinderlla when I was eight, actually. Can't speak for Montalban, though."
"No way!" Valerie smiled "I literally begged my dad to buy the VHS, I had it sooo bad for those two."
"That's so cool!" Tucker was beaming.
"Ha ha, yeah. I've actually still got that tape stashed in my dresser drawer. A lot of sentimental value there." Valerie looked back down at the table. "It's...actually kind of nice to tell someone."
"Wait," Sam raised her eyebrows "Are we the first people you've told?"
"Pretty much. My dad would probably be cool with it, it's just kind of awkward because you know, he's my dad. And we didn't really talk about this kind of stuff in my...old friend group."
"LGBT+ stuff?"
"Personal stuff."
"Kind of seems like that defeats the point of having frien- Ow!"
This time Tucker kicked Sam.
"Eh, you're not wrong." Valerie said. "I mean, I guess we did share stuff sometimes, just nothing too deep. You know how it is in Amity Park, especially at Casper. People aren't like, outright homophobic if they find out you're gay or whatever, they just..."
"Get kind of weird when you talk about it?" Danny finished.
"Order number twelve!" Someone called up front.
"That's us." Danny said "I'll go grab them."
"I'll help." Sam stood up and followed Danny.
No one said much after Danny and Sam returned with the food. Ghost fighting was hungry work.
"Welp, I better get going soon." Danny said after they'd all finished eating "I want to get my homework out of the way in case some ghost raccoons decided to go through our trash later or something."
"Smart plan." Sam nodded "Tucker and I were going to go back to my place to do some training."
"Sounds terrible." Danny smirked.
"Yeah, we don't all have supernaturally enhaned abilities." Sam elbowed Danny "Some of us have to work for our brawn."
"I mean, if you want to try frying yourself with who knows how many volts of pure ecto energy, go ahead." Danny rubbed his arm.
A thoughtful look crossed Sam's face.
"Oh, and you also have to regularly clean my parents' lab."
"You know what, I think I'll stick to building muscle the old fashioned way." Sam said, flexing her arm. "Ecto stains do not come out without a fight. Even in black clothes."
"Sam's got her own private home gym." Tucker told Valerie "It's decked out with everything. Treadmills, weights, ellipticals, those gymnastic ring thingies, you name it."
"Nice." Valerie said "I mostly just fly around the park and set up old soup cans to shoot out of trees. And curl some dumbells I found in a closet. I mean sure, we couldn't keep vanity, but we kept the box of weights my dad hasn't touched in a decade." Valerie sighed and rested her chin on her hand "I suppose I should be thankful, though. At least that gives me something to strength train with."
Sam seemed to think carefully before speaking.
"You...could come too, if you want to Valerie. To train, I mean."
"Really?" Valerie said.
"Sure." Sam shrugged "If you're going to be regularly fighting ghosts with us, then you should be in the best shape you can be."
"Yeah, I definitely noticed ghost fights were a lot less strenuous after Sam and I started working out regularly." Tucker said "I'm honestly surprised the first few attacks didn't kill me. Running from ghosts is hard work. And the more work-out buddies you have, the funner it is! Right Sam?"
"Sure." Sam smirked "Maybe Valerie'll actually be able to keep up with me on the treadmill."
"Hey!" Tucker said "It's not my fault you cheat!"
"Tucker, I've been running on that things regularly for years. That's not 'cheating'."
"I'd call a multi-year headstart cheating." Tucker said indignantly.
He suddenly frowned.
"Aw dang, I forgot, it's Cleaning Day at my house."
"Cleaning day?" Valerie raised an eyebrow.
"It sounds fake, but it's very real." Danny said grimly. "They do it every month. I'm not allowed to come over Tucker's on Foley Cleaning Day."
"You don't escape Foley Cleaning Day." Tucker confirmed "My folks are usually very nice and normal people, but if I'm not home in fifteen minutes, they might actually kill me.
"Oh wow, your parents really go hard for cleaning, huh?" Valerie glanced awkwardly at Sam "Well, I guess we can train together another time or whatever."
"What? No, it's fine. We can work out, just the two of us." Sam's face fell a little as if she only just realized what exactly she was signing up for.
"Oh, okay." Valerie seemed genuinly surprised that Sam hadn't cancelled. "Yeah, sure. That'd be...cool."
"Yup." Sam said "Totally cool."
Tucker and Danny watched the awkward exchange, completely unsure what to do.
"Welp," Danny stood up quickly "I'd better get going."
Everyone else stood up and followed him out of the booth. Both groups split up once they were outside The Nasty Burger, Sam and Valerie heading to Sam's house, and Danny and Tucker heading to their own homes.
"They'll...be okay. Right?" Danny said after he and Tucker had been walking for a bit.
"Sam and Valerie?" Tucker raised an eyebrow at Danny "Why wouldn't they be?"
"I don't think Sam's exactly Valerie's biggest fan."
"Aw, come on Danny. That was just one particular...incident that they talked out. Sure, they might not be BFFs or anything, but they've gotten along fine in ghost fights and stuff since then."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Danny said.
"Besides, if Sam had a problem hanging out with Valerie alone, you know she would not hesitate to say so."
"That is very true." Danny laughed.
"Uh, speaking of Valerie though..."
"What's up with Valerie?"
"Nothing's up with her, I was...kind of thinking about asking her out."
"Really?" Danny smiled "Well good. it's about time! I mean, you've liked her for-"
"Alright, alright, knock it off!"
Danny frowned.
"What's the matter with you?"
"What? A guy can't request that people don't tease him about his love life?"
"It's not that, Tuck. You just don't usually mind teasing this much."
"I'm just kind of nervous about it. Asking Valerie out, I mean."
"What? But you've asked out tons of girls. This technically isn't even the first time you've asked Valerie out."
"This is different."
Tucker adjusted his back pack straps.
"Because I'd actually care if she turned me down."
There was a brief pause while Danny processed what Tucker had said.
"So you like, actually like-like her, huh?"
"Yeah, Valerie's really cool. And a good friend. Like, when I asked all those girls out to the dance, I just wanted a date, you know? I mean, it wouldn't be the end of the world or anything if she did say 'no', but it would hit a little harder than getting rejected by a girl I barely know."
"Yeah, that's definitely understandable."
They walked in silence for a few seconds.
"Hey, would you mind not mentioning any of this to Sam?" Tucker asked.
"Sam already knows you have a crush on Valerie, you're kind of super obvious dude."
"No, I mean don't tell her I'm asking Valerie out. I'm nervous enough as it is. I don't need Sam making fun of me."
"She wouldn't make fun of you for this."
"She's been teasing me about Valerie since day one."
"Okay true, but if she knew how important this was to you I'm sure she wouldn't."
"Maybe, but I still don't want to tell her just yet, okay?"
Danny frowned.
"You want to keep this a secret from Sam?"
"Just until after I actually ask Valerie out." Tucker said "And then I'll tell Sam. And I will ask her out soon."
Sam was one of Tucker's best friends. The fact that he wanted to keep something like this from her didn't sit well with Danny, even if it was just for a tiny bit.
"Okay, what's up with you two?"
"What do you mean?"
"It feels like you've been at each other's throats for months. And it's beyond friendly banter. I don't know what's going on, but it feels like something happened between you two that you refuse to talk about."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, dude." Tucker said.
Danny wasn't satisfied, but they had arrived at his house, and Danny knew Tucker needed to be home soon. He'd just have to interrogate him another day.
"If you say so." Danny relented "But maybe consider talking to Sam if there's something you're not telling me. Anyway, this is my stop. See you tomorow. Have fun cleaning." Danny started up the steps.
"You know I won't."
"And good luck with Valerie!" Danny called.
Tucker let out a strangled noise as Danny shut the door behind him.
The walk back to Sam's house was painfully silent.
Despite her initial (admittedly hostile) reaction to Valerie, the two of them had gotten along just fine with each other the past few weeks.
Not great, not bad, just fine.
Outside of ghost fights, Sam and Valerie barely said a word to each other. Not maliciously, it was more that neither of them could really figure out what to say to the other.
They worked together well enough in combat, but Sam found there was an awkwardness between them that wasn't there with Danny or Tucker.
An awkwardness that was definitely here now.
"Welp, this is my place." Sam said, not looking to see Valerie's reaction. Since her dad worked security for the Mansons, Valerie already knew Sam's family was rich, but Sam still couldn't help feeling a little self-conscious.
"Not bad." Valerie said as she looked over the giant house.
The Manson's house brought up some mixed feelings in Valerie. Not too long ago, she'd been living in a house that size. Now she and her dad lived in an apartment and had to share a bathroom.
That being said, Valerie was thankful that her dad had found a better apartment for them after he'd gotten a decent job. And this one was a lot closer to Valerie's school.
But still, she missed the home she grew up in.
Sam led Valerie inside and down a set of stairs to the basement gym.
Valerie looked around, clearly impressed. The space was as decked out as Tucker had said. The Manson's home gym might have been mistaken for a public gym, if it wasn't for the fact that the equipment was only set up for one or two people to use at a time.
Sam took Valerie around the space and gave her the basic rundown. Valerie actually seemed to already have some familiarity with fitness equipment, and once the tour was done she went to inspect the rack of weighted plates.
Sam took a breath. She figured she should at least try to start up some kind of friendly conversation with Valerie. Just to try to break the ice.
"Hey uh, nice job out there today." Sam said "Ember doesn't com around a lot, but she's a pretty tough ghost. You did good." Sam hoped she didn't sound as awkward as she felt.
"Thanks. You too. Hey, how'd you know that guy with the boat?"
"Arnie? My grandma plays cards with him sometimes."
Sam wanted to keep talking, but she didn't know what to say next. What should she talk about? Sam barely knew anything about Valerie. What was she even interested in outside of ghost hunting?
The silence had been stretching on too long and Sam's scrambled brain landed on the thing she'd most recently learned about Valerie.
"So," Sam said "Back at The Nasty Burger. That was cool. When you told us you were bi, I mean."
"Yeah?" Valerie's tone was hard to read.
Maybe that had been a bad topic choice. Where was Sam supposed to go with that?
A lightbulb went off in Sam's head; she could tell Valerie she was aromantic! This was perfect! An exchange of similar information to establish mutual trust and connection.
"I find that kind of funny since-"
"What? Why?" Valerie's face hardened and she gripped the ten-kilogram disc in front of her like a shield.
Sam realized with horror the way Valerie thought she might've been about to end that sentence.
Operation improve-tense-relationship-with-Valerie was going just fantastic.
"I just meant that I kind of run on the opposite end of the spectrum." Sam said.
"What'd you mean?" Valerie asked.
"I'm like reverse bi. I don't like anybody." Sam internally facepalmed. 'Reverse bi'? Did she just seriously say that?
"Well, that's not exactly shocking."
"I meant romantically." It took all of Sam's willpower to avoid tacking 'you idiot' onto the end of that sentence.
Maybe she should just go back to being enemies with Valerie. It would be a lot easier (and a lot less painful) than her attempt at friendship so far.
"Like you're aromantic? That would be pretty on-brand for you." Valerie grinned.
Sam felt her heart stop.
"Wait, you know what aromantisism is?"
"Yeah, I was on a bi forum and someone mentioned it."
"Okay, that's really cool," Sam smiled "But why was someone talking about aromantisism on a bi forum?"
"I think the poster was both. Like, they were aromantic and bi."
"You can be both?"
"Yeah. I guess there's actually, like, a couple different kinds of attractions, so some people are more than one thing. That was a pretty neat rabbit hole I got sucked into."
"Huh. Didn't know that. That's interesting. Are you more than one thing?"
"Nah. It was just neat to read about. You?"
Sam considered this.
"Nah. Just aromantic feels pretty right."
"Rad. Recent discovery for you?"
"Yeah. Just figured it out on that trip we took last weekend. Had a weird conversation that made some things clear."
"Heh, been there."
"With the bi thing?"
"Hm? Oh, nah, I figured that one out pretty early on, so it's always felt...normal, I guess. But recently I have been thinking about some other things, and...well, I'm not really sure, but I think I might be demi."
"What's that?"
"I don't think I can really like someone in a romantic way if I'm not close with them first. Like, they have to be a friend first."
"Really?" Sam raised an eyebrow "But I've seen you go to a few dances with people you don't really hang out with, and didn't you say you had a crush on Cinderella? Cuz I feel like you weren't personal friends with Brandy Norwood as a kid."
"Well, it's...I don't really know how to explain it, but crushes with fictional characters are...different."
"Huh. Okay."
"But that wouldn't make me less demi!"
"Oh, yeah, no, for sure." Sam said earnestly.
Valerie paused, taken aback by the lack of challenge from Sam.
"...So that makes sense to you?"
"Not really, if I'm being honest." Sam shrugged "But in my experience, the way you feel doesn't have to make sense. It just...is."
"Huh." Valerie said "That's pretty deep."
"Read that on a forum I found the other day." Sam said "So, did you like Kwan? I remember you two were going to go to the last dance together before- well, you know." Kwan had ditched Valerie at the last second and she'd ended up going with Tucker as a last resort. "To be honest, the whole going-to-the-dance with someone always confused me. I never got why it was such a big deal to go alone."
"I mean, going to the dance with someone is more about status. You don't really need to like your date, you just need to prove you're desirable. I may have been willing to go to a dance with Kwan, but I definitely don't like him that way. He's kind of nice, but he's also a total idiot who just goes along with what people tell him to do."
"I despise people like that." Sam glowered.
"But I did have to go with someone, and he asked me, and we were both part of the popular crowd, so you know. I mean, going with someone unpopular was preferable to going alone, but it's better to go with someone popular and not risk being too associated with the socially undesirable."
"This is legitimately how you thought about things?" Sam rubbed her temples "I'm getting tired just listening to you. Uh, no offense."
"None taken. Honestly, you're not wrong. It's actually a huge relief to not be caught in that mindset anymore. Turns out the only other people who really cared in the first place were the other popular kids. Ironically, it was the people I called my friends who were enforcing the idea that I constantly needed to keep up that 'socially acceptable' image. And I never considered how messed up that was for even a second!"
Valerie's knuckles turned white. She noticed this and put the plate she was clutching back on the rack.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to get into all that."
"What? No, it's fine. Paulina and her crew are vultures. I totally understand."
"Do you? Cuz Like, no offence, but you three never seemed to be bothered by this stuff. Especially not you. You just say and do whatever you want and you don't care what people think about you. I wish I was more like you."
"You...do?" Sam was genuinely surprised to hear that. She never thought she'd hear anyone say that, least of all Valerie Gray.
"Yeah. You never hold back so people will like you. If I was more like you, maybe I wouldn't have wasted so much time with all that 'popular kid' nonsense. Hunting ghosts with you three and keeping Amity Park safe is the most fulfilled I've ever felt in my life. If I hadn't spent so much time caught up in my own self importance, I could've found people I actually trusted way sooner, and it makes me so angry that I didn't. I mean, it wasn't like my life was terrible or anything. My dad's great and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy all the shopping sprees and tennis lessons, but I could've been a much better person so much earlier and I wasn't. I hate that. I hate that it took almost dying and losing everything for me to start caring about things that actually mattered."
Sam was stunned by how raw Valerie's words were. She had always seemed so self-assured. In Sam's mind, Valerie in a way seemed above such angst.
Of course now Sam realized that was kind of ridiculous. Valerie, however well she carried herself, was still human, and just as susceptible to human fear and doubt as anyone else.
"Well...you're here now." Sam said "So that's gotta count for something."
"But I could've- should've gotten 'here' earlier. I mean," Valerie gestured around the room "You were raised with the same financial status as me, and you didn't turn out to be a total self-absorbed snob."
"I mean, I'm not perfect either, I can be kind of self-absorbed sometimes." Sam scratched the back of her head "And honestly...sometimes I think the only reason I do a lot of the 'good' things I do is just because I to end up being like my parents."
"Yeah. I spent years watching them putting on fancy outfits and fake smiles and bending over backwards just so the right people would like them. And not even for anything. There was no goal or greater purpose for their stupid charade. They wasted so much time nitpicking their appearances just to be whatever the adult version of 'the popular kids' is. And I was just an accessory to only let me wear these awful frilly pink dresses, and they'd always laugh at me whenever I brought up certain serious things they didn't want to think about. They were always trying to force me into this stupid mould just to impress some idiots who didn't even care about us. My mom actually tried to bleach my hair when I was seven."
"Oh." Valerie's eyes widened in horror "That's...really messed up."
Sam felt herself shaking a little.
She didn't often talk about this stuff in detail, even to Danny and Tucker. She wasn't sure they'd really get it. They thought it was cool that Sam was rich and could just 'buy whatever she wanted'. Sure, there were definitely perks to her life, but Sam often wondered if it was worth the annoyances she had to put up with everyday.
Sure, she'd learned how to deal with her parents constant criticisms and occasional yelling, and she'd gotten pretty good at fighting back and channeling her anger into productivity as she'd gotten older, but even after all this time her parents' behaviour still wore at her.
So once Sam had started talking, she found it difficult to stop. To her surprise, Valerie did actually seem understanding towards Sam's situation, but Sam wasn't sure how she felt exposing this much of herself to someone she didn't know that well.
Sure, she'd wanted to get to know Valerie better, but this was a bit too much at once.
Sam needed to lighten things up a little.
"It's actually a funny story." she continued "That incident's actually why my mom started wearing gloves. I fought her with all the ferocity a seven-year-old could, and ended up biting her wrist so it left a mark for a week."
Sam laughed as she finished her story. Valerie laughed too, but it was stilted.
Maybe that story wasn't as funny as Sam had always thought...
"It wasn't a total sob story," Sam hurriedly switched topics "I had my grandma. She was always nice. And really funny. She always made faces behind my parents back when they were ranting at me, and she let me try her champagne at one of the stupid galas my parents forced me to go to. It was pretty gross." Sam smiled at the memory "Lots of kids with bad parents don't have someone like her in their lives, so I really could've had it a lot worse. Not to mention how handy it is to be able to finance some of our ghost hunting endeavours."
"Still though..." Valerie said.
Sam frowned. The amount of pity in Valerie's voice made her feel weird. Yeah, her childhood had been kind of rough, but it wasn't that rough...
She wasn't sure how she felt about Valerie's reaction. Or about sharing so much with Valerie in the first place. Or about what Valerie had shared with her.
They'd covered a lot of ground in such a short conversation. It had felt kind of good, and Sam had managed to ease some of the tension between her and Valerie, but now she was feeling pretty drained emotionally. She needed a break from deep conversation.
"So yeah, I learned very early on that all that pomp and ceremony was pointless, and there was no point in torturing yourself for approval that isn't real love anyway." Sam quickly summarized "Anyway, I'm gonna work on some pull-up exercises. You end up having to do so much more climbing than you'd expect when ghost hunting. Well, those of us that can't fly, anyway. Be careful if you're gonna use the barbell. It's easy to overdo it."
"Yeah, don't worry. This isn't my first rodeo."
"Good." Sam nodded as she headed to the pull-up bar.
The two of them spent the next hour exercising in near silence.
Sam watched Valerie pick out some weights for the barbell while she held herself up on the pull-up bar.
She hadn't meant for things to go that deep, and she had a feeling Valerie neither did Valerie.
A few months ago Sam had written Valerie off as another one of Paulina's airhead friends, and now here they were baring their souls to each other.
And it had been so effortless.
She'd only known Valerie for a short time, but she'd just gone full force into subjects she barely touched with Danny or Tucker.
Valerie was so different from them. Maybe that was it. She understood what feeling pressured to keep up appearances was like. Danny had never had the option with his parents' reputation following him everywhere, and Tucker had no qualms hanging out with the nerds, openly carrying his PDA everywhere, and constantly quoting Star Trek. He was a full blown geek and he never seemed to feel the need to try and hide it.
Sam didn't either, but they didn't know what it was like having a constant presence in your life trying to force you to be something you're not.
And she'd had no idea it'd feel this way to have someone understand what that was like.
Sam was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't notice Valerie was finishing up putting her weights away.
"Whew!" Valerie wiped her forehead with her arm "That was way better than my dad's old hand weights! I should probably get going now, though. Thanks for having me."
"Sure." Sam dropped down from the bar "Hey, feel free to drop by anytime. Seriously, even if I'm not around you can still use the gym."
"Yeah. Ghost hunters gotta keep in shape. The same invitation's open to Tucker, but he never uses it. Don't know why. Personally, I love burning off steam down here."
"I'll...keep that in mind." Valerie smiled "Thanks."
"No problem. You, uh, need me to show you the way out?"
"Nah, I'm good. I remember." Valerie said, grabbing her backpack. She stopped at the foot of the stairs. "Your gym's pretty cool. And...I enjoyed our conversation. Earlier."
"Yeah," Sam scratched the back of her head "Me too."
Valerie smiled.
"Well, see you later Sam." she said as she headed up the stairs.
Sam waited until she was sure Valerie was gone. Once she couldn't hear her footsteps anymore, Sam flopped down on the weight bench and let out a breath.
Truthfully, she was a little relieved Valerie was finally gone, but some part of her was looking forward to hanging out with Valerie in the future.
"It's progress, I suppose." Sam said to the empty room.
Valerie wasn't sure how to feel about what had just happened.
She'd assumed Sam had only invited her to her gym to be polite. It genuinely surprised her when Sam had actually agreed to hang out with her alone. It wasn't like she thought Sam hated her, or vice versa. They got along just fine in ghost fights, but Valerie had gotten the impression Sam didn't exactly want to be BFFs from their...tumultuous first meeting.
But Valerie had somehow ended ended up spilling her guts to Sam, and Sam had done the same. That was truly shocking.
Then again, Valerie had kind of done the same with Tucker and Danny on separate occasions. Valerie wasn't the kind of person to hold her tongue, but she hadn't really shared such deep parts of herself with her old friends. And yet she did so so easily with those three.
It was a little scary how open she found herself being with her new friends.
Were they friends?
Sure they fought ghosts together, and they always invited her to hang out with them afterwards, but Valerie had been pretty sure that the A-listers were her friends, and they-
Valerie shook her head.
No, her new friends weren't anything like her old 'friends'. She felt comfortable with Tucker, Danny, and even Sam in a way she never had with Dash, Paulina, and any of the others.
It was a good thing that she could open up to Danny, Tucker, and Sam, she told herself. That meant her relationship with them was better than the A-Listers.
Strange and different, but better.
"Hey Dad!" Valerie called as she opened their apartment door "I'm home!"
"Hey Sweetheart!" her Dad "Did you have fun with your friends?"
"Yeah." She said "I did. We hung out by the wharf for a while and then went to The Nasty Burger."
"The wharf? Heh, you teenagers sure like hanging out in the strangest of places."
"It's nice." Valerie said defensively "It's...you know...peaceful. Anyway, how was work?"
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sunnys567 · 1 year
Friends in strange Places Ch. 6 Pt 1
What if Vlad was good instead of evil? Link to chapter 1:
Summary: After a ghost fight, Danny and his friends hang out at The Nasty Burger and then Sam and Valerie go back to her house. Just the two of them. That won't be awkward.
Word count: 6700
"Catch me if you can Dipsticks!" Ember cackled as she flew past the pier.
Danny and Valerie continued after her. Sam and Tucker stopped at the edge of the dock.
"Man," Tucker crossed his arms "It sucks not being able to fly.
After about twenty meters, Ember suddenly turned and blasted a pink beam from her guitar.
Danny and Valerie split apart, the beam missing both of them.
"Give it up Ember!" Danny said, charging up two ecto blasts "You can sing all the cheap pop songs you want, there's no one around here for you to even control!"
"Wrong on two counts, Dipstick!" Ember grinned smugly "My music comes from the heart, and I've discovered a brand new kind of audience out here."
Keep reading
Ember raised her hand high above her head and let out a mighty strum on her guitar.
Danny and Valerie looked around. Nothing happened.
"Look down, you drips."
Below their feet the the water was shifting ominously.
One by one, over a hundred fish began to break the surface. Their heads bobbed above the water, watching the floating trio.
"Seriously?" Valerie said "Fish? That's the best you could come up with?"
"Well I can't exactly go around rounding up teenagers again, now that you recognize me." Ember said bitterly "But with these little creatures, I can sill give you a performance you're bound to remember. Now, denizens of the deep," Ember pointed at Danny and Valerie "Attack!"
On Ember's command, the fish began launching themselves at Danny and Valerie.
"Agh!" They both yelped.
The fish were too small to hurt in any significant way, but getting smacked by dozens of fish over and over again was pretty disorienting.
Valerie activated the hand shield Tucker had embedded into her glove and attempted to bat away as many of the attacking fish as she could.
Ember floated there, grinning maliciously as pink and green ecto beams sailed right past her.
"Ooh, we turning this into a rave?" she said "I dig it."
"Stupid fish!" Danny cursed as one bounced off his face "That's it! I'm going where they can't reach me!"
Danny shot up into the air.
"Nice try Dipstick," Ember turned the dial on her guitar "But I've got a song for that."
She began to rapidly pick at the strings. Many of the fish in the water began to glow blue.
"Uh, Danny-" Valerie started to say.
Before she could finish her sentence, a dozen fish shot into the air towards Danny, leaving trails of blue behind them.
"Agh!" Danny yelled as he was assaulted by the high-flying fish "Why does your guitar even have that function?"
Ember laughed as she continued to pluck away.
Valerie tried to shoot her while she was distracted, but getting repeatedly bumped by so many fish kept making her miss wildly.
"Why did I decide to pursue ghost hunting again?" she asked herself as she swung her shield at a group of fish about to hit her face.
Back on the dock, Sam and Tucker were trying to watch the fight using the zoom feature on Tucker's PDA camera.
"It looks like they're having a rave over there." Sam said.
"Are those...fish?" Tucker squinted at the screen.
A fish suddenly jumped out of the water and latched onto Tucker's ear. The fish didn't have teeth, but it still freaked Tucker out.
"Aaaah!" he yelled "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!"
After some flailing, Tucker managed to grab the fish and fling it back into the water.
"Did you really have to throw it that hard Tucker?" Sam chastised.
"The fish was biting me!" Tucker threw up his arms "What did you expect me to do?"
"It wasn't the fish's fault! You could at least-"
Sam was interrupted by another fish jumping out and grabbing onto her hand. She yelped and waved her arm around wildly until the fish went sailing off of it.
"What happened to it being 'not the fish's fault'?" Tucker smirked.
"If you say another word, you're going to have a lot more to worry about than a fish bite. Hey," Sam squinted at something behind Tucker "I know that person."
Tucker turned and saw a man standing in a stationary speedboat, transfixed by what was happening out on the water.
"Arnie!" Sam called, running towards the boat. Tucker decided to follow her.
"Ms Manson?" Arnie snapped his head towards the approaching teenagers "I don't know what you're doing here, but you better skedaddle! Some of them ghost creatures from the news are duking it out over there with a Power Ranger!"
"Arnie, we need you to take us over there!" Sam said, hopping into the boat.
"What're you doing child?!" Arnie cried "It's not safe! You ought to be heading as far away from the water as you-"
"Here's fifty dollars." Sam interrupted, shoving a bill into Arnie hands "And I'll double it if you don't ask questions. They need our help out there!"
"Ummm..." Tucker and Arnie said, a matching look of concern on their faces.
"Don't worry." Sam said "I have a plan."
"This is dangerous, and I don't like it!" Arnie said as he started up the motor "But knowing you child, you'll do something even more reckless to get over there if I refuse."
"Welp, I've gone along with worse plans." Tucker said to himself, jumping into the boat just before it sped off towards the fight.
Back at the fish-fight, Valerie was attempting to back away from Ember and hopefully the fish.
Getting some distance did help, but unfortunately there were still plenty of fish willing to attack her, even this far away from Ember.
"Stupid fish!" Valerie cursed as she kicked off a few that had latched on to her board "I swear, when this is over, I'm going to buy a deep fryer and-"
Valerie turned around to see Sam and Tucker approaching in a speedboat, driven by someone she'd never met.
"Sam?" Valerie raised an eyebrow under her mask "What're you doing here? Who's that?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Hey!" Arnie said indignantly.
"Think you can you distract Ember for a minute? We're gonna try a manouevre, but it won't work if she sees us coming."
"Can do." Valerie nodded as Sam and the others zoomed off.
"Hey Blue Man reject!" Valerie called.
Ember turned and Valerie charged, firing rapidly at Ember, who easily dodged them.
As Valerie got close, Ember banged out a chord that reverberated through the air, knocking Valerie off her board.
"Aah!" Valerie screamed as she went flying into the water. Ember was floating a meter away from her when she broke the surface.
"Gutsy move Red, I'll give you that." She said "You know, I like you. And that outfit's pretty rockin'. Any chance you wanna ditch ghost-boy and team up with someone who's actually going somewhere?"
"Not a chance you-you flamey freak!" It was hard to think of insults while trying to not drown.
"Aw well, your loss."
Valerie braced herself as Ember raised her hand.
"Hey Ember!"
Ember turned to the sound of Tucker's voice only to get drenched by the wake of Arnie's turning speedboat.
"Cowabunga." Tucker finished.
The dripping Ember hovered above the water completely shell shocked. Her makeup was runny and her fiery ponytail had vanished, put out by the water.
"Do you losers have any idea how much it'll cost if my guitar has water damage!" she screeched.
"Yeah, yeah, bill me from the Ghost Zone." Sam shrugged as Tucker pulled out The Fenton Thermos and sucked up the powerless Ember.
"Turns out there's a downside to hanging around water when you're a fire-based ghost." Tucker pulled the pair of Fenton Phones out of his ears "Thank goodness I can take out these ugly things."
Valerie's hoverboard zoomed to a stop beside her, hovering a few centimeters above the water. Valerie reached out and pulled herself up onto it.
"You good down there?" Danny asked, flying down to check on Valerie.
"I'm good." she said, standing up on her board "Wanna hear something neat? Turns out my suit is watertight."
"Ha, nice! Mine is too, actually. Except for the face part." Danny pulled off a fish that was still latched on to his boot "She's gone, you can go home." he said as he dropped the fish back into the water "Sheesh. Those little guys have a lot more determination than you'd expect."
Danny turned to look at Arnie.
"Hey uh, thanks...whoever you are."
Arnie didn't respond. He just gaped at Danny and Valerie for a very awkward fifteen seconds. Then he turned to Sam.
"Ms Manson," he said "You're gonna have to triple your initial offer to keep me quiet."
"Extorting me because I'm not really in a position to say 'no'? Low, but understandable."
"No, it's to cover the cost of a facial and massage at The Amity All-Day Spa. After what I've just been through, I need the relaxation desperately!"
Arnie wasn't the only one who needed to decompress. The four of them decided to stop by The Nasty Burger before heading home.
They all let out a collective shudder when they saw the poster advertising the new fish burger special.
"So that's two Nasty Combos with diet cola, one of the fries upsized, and a Nasty Alternative Substance Patty with a diet ginger ale. Is that everything?" the cashier asked.
There was a moment of silence before Sam turned to Valerie.
"You gonna order anything?" she asked.
"Nah, I'm pretty strapped for cash right now. Between homework and ghost fighting, I don't exactly have time for a job."
"Order whatever you want." Sam said "It's on me."
Danny and Tucker wordlessly glanced at each other.
"Thanks, but I'd feel bad taking money from you." Valerie said "I know none of you three have time for jobs either."
"It's on my parent's tab." Sam clarified "And they're loaded, so you absolutely should not feel bad."
"Well in that case I'll take one of everything." Valerie grinned. Her expression quickly dropped "Uh, kidding, just kidding. I would take a Nasty Combo with diet iced tea if you're offering, though."
"You honestly could order the whole menu for all I care." Sam shrugged as she paid for their order.
"We can?" Tucker asked. Danny elbowed him.
"Sam and her parents don't really get along." Danny explained to Valerie as they sat down at a booth.
"If by 'don't get along' you mean they're overly controlling self-centered snobs with an incredibly narrow mindset they refuse to even try to broaden, then yes, we don't get along."
Nobody was really sure what to say to that.
"Ugh, don't look now." Sam suddenly cringed "Intense make out session happening at three o'clock. Actually, you can probably look, I don't think they'd notice if a meteor hit this place."
Danny, Tucker, and Valerie looked at the table next to them.
A girl with red hair and a boy with a beanie had moved their chairs right next to each other and were kissing. It was, as Sam put it, intense.
"Oh wow, they're...uh...pretty into it, huh?" Danny said.
"I'm jealous." Tucker grumbled "Being single sucks."
"It's not that bad." Sam rolled her eyes.
"You saying you wouldn't swap places with her if you could, Sam?"
Sam made a face like Tucker had just suggested she eat cat vomit.
"He's okay, I guess." Valerie shrugged. She looked down at spot on the table as she spoke "I wouldn't mind swapping places with him, though. The redhead's pretty cute."
"Oh," Danny said, turning to Valerie "So, like you're into girls? That's cool." He gave her a friendly smile.
"Yeah I'm...I'm actually bi." Valereie smiled back.
"Really?!" Tucker whipped around to face her. "That's awesome! Did you just figure that out recently, or-"
Sam kicked Tucker under the table.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"Cool it with the estions-quay." she hissed.
"Nah, it's cool." Valerie waved her hand.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I've known for a while. Saw Brandy as Cinderella on TV when I was seven and something clicked. Paolo Montalban wasn't too bad as the prince either."
"Really?" Danny said "I had a crush on that Cinderlla when I was eight, actually. Can't speak for Montalban, though."
"No way!" Valerie smiled "I literally begged my dad to buy the VHS, I had it sooo bad for those two."
"That's so cool!" Tucker was beaming.
"Ha ha, yeah. I've actually still got that tape stashed in my dresser drawer. A lot of sentimental value there." Valerie looked back down at the table. "It's...actually kind of nice to tell someone."
"Wait," Sam raised her eyebrows "Are we the first people you've told?"
"Pretty much. My dad would probably be cool with it, it's just kind of awkward because you know, he's my dad. And we didn't really talk about this kind of stuff in my...old friend group."
"LGBT+ stuff?"
"Personal stuff."
"Kind of seems like that defeats the point of having frien- Ow!"
This time Tucker kicked Sam.
"Eh, you're not wrong." Valerie said. "I mean, I guess we did share stuff sometimes, just nothing too deep. You know how it is in Amity Park, especially at Casper. People aren't like, outright homophobic if they find out you're gay or whatever, they just..."
"Get kind of weird when you talk about it?" Danny finished.
"Order number twelve!" Someone called up front.
"That's us." Danny said "I'll go grab them."
"I'll help." Sam stood up and followed Danny.
No one said much after Danny and Sam returned with the food. Ghost fighting was hungry work.
"Welp, I better get going soon." Danny said after they'd all finished eating "I want to get my homework out of the way in case some ghost raccoons decided to go through our trash later or something."
"Smart plan." Sam nodded "Tucker and I were going to go back to my place to do some training."
"Sounds terrible." Danny smirked.
"Yeah, we don't all have supernaturally enhaned abilities." Sam elbowed Danny "Some of us have to work for our brawn."
"I mean, if you want to try frying yourself with who knows how many volts of pure ecto energy, go ahead." Danny rubbed his arm.
A thoughtful look crossed Sam's face.
"Oh, and you also have to regularly clean my parents' lab."
"You know what, I think I'll stick to building muscle the old fashioned way." Sam said, flexing her arm. "Ecto stains do not come out without a fight. Even in black clothes."
"Sam's got her own private home gym." Tucker told Valerie "It's decked out with everything. Treadmills, weights, ellipticals, those gymnastic ring thingies, you name it."
"Nice." Valerie said "I mostly just fly around the park and set up old soup cans to shoot out of trees. And curl some dumbells I found in a closet. I mean sure, we couldn't keep vanity, but we kept the box of weights my dad hasn't touched in a decade." Valerie sighed and rested her chin on her hand "I suppose I should be thankful, though. At least that gives me something to strength train with."
Sam seemed to think carefully before speaking.
"You...could come too, if you want to Valerie. To train, I mean."
"Really?" Valerie said.
"Sure." Sam shrugged "If you're going to be regularly fighting ghosts with us, then you should be in the best shape you can be."
"Yeah, I definitely noticed ghost fights were a lot less strenuous after Sam and I started working out regularly." Tucker said "I'm honestly surprised the first few attacks didn't kill me. Running from ghosts is hard work. And the more work-out buddies you have, the funner it is! Right Sam?"
"Sure." Sam smirked "Maybe Valerie'll actually be able to keep up with me on the treadmill."
"Hey!" Tucker said "It's not my fault you cheat!"
"Tucker, I've been running on that things regularly for years. That's not 'cheating'."
"I'd call a multi-year headstart cheating." Tucker said indignantly.
He suddenly frowned.
"Aw dang, I forgot, it's Cleaning Day at my house."
"Cleaning day?" Valerie raised an eyebrow.
"It sounds fake, but it's very real." Danny said grimly. "They do it every month. I'm not allowed to come over Tucker's on Foley Cleaning Day."
"You don't escape Foley Cleaning Day." Tucker confirmed "My folks are usually very nice and normal people, but if I'm not home in fifteen minutes, they might actually kill me.
"Oh wow, your parents really go hard for cleaning, huh?" Valerie glanced awkwardly at Sam "Well, I guess we can train together another time or whatever."
"What? No, it's fine. We can work out, just the two of us." Sam's face fell a little as if she only just realized what exactly she was signing up for.
"Oh, okay." Valerie seemed genuinly surprised that Sam hadn't cancelled. "Yeah, sure. That'd be...cool."
"Yup." Sam said "Totally cool."
Tucker and Danny watched the awkward exchange, completely unsure what to do.
"Welp," Danny stood up quickly "I'd better get going."
Everyone else stood up and followed him out of the booth. Both groups split up once they were outside The Nasty Burger, Sam and Valerie heading to Sam's house, and Danny and Tucker heading to their own homes.
"They'll...be okay. Right?" Danny said after he and Tucker had been walking for a bit.
"Sam and Valerie?" Tucker raised an eyebrow at Danny "Why wouldn't they be?"
"I don't think Sam's exactly Valerie's biggest fan."
"Aw, come on Danny. That was just one particular...incident that they talked out. Sure, they might not be BFFs or anything, but they've gotten along fine in ghost fights and stuff since then."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Danny said.
"Besides, if Sam had a problem hanging out with Valerie alone, you know she would not hesitate to say so."
"That is very true." Danny laughed.
"Uh, speaking of Valerie though..."
"What's up with Valerie?"
"Nothing's up with her, I was...kind of thinking about asking her out."
"Really?" Danny smiled "Well good. it's about time! I mean, you've liked her for-"
"Alright, alright, knock it off!"
Danny frowned.
"What's the matter with you?"
"What? A guy can't request that people don't tease him about his love life?"
"It's not that, Tuck. You just don't usually mind teasing this much."
"I'm just kind of nervous about it. Asking Valerie out, I mean."
"What? But you've asked out tons of girls. This technically isn't even the first time you've asked Valerie out."
"This is different."
Tucker adjusted his back pack straps.
"Because I'd actually care if she turned me down."
There was a brief pause while Danny processed what Tucker had said.
"So you like, actually like-like her, huh?"
"Yeah, Valerie's really cool. And a good friend. Like, when I asked all those girls out to the dance, I just wanted a date, you know? I mean, it wouldn't be the end of the world or anything if she did say 'no', but it would hit a little harder than getting rejected by a girl I barely know."
"Yeah, that's definitely understandable."
They walked in silence for a few seconds.
"Hey, would you mind not mentioning any of this to Sam?" Tucker asked.
"Sam already knows you have a crush on Valerie, you're kind of super obvious dude."
"No, I mean don't tell her I'm asking Valerie out. I'm nervous enough as it is. I don't need Sam making fun of me."
"She wouldn't make fun of you for this."
"She's been teasing me about Valerie since day one."
"Okay true, but if she knew how important this was to you I'm sure she wouldn't."
"Maybe, but I still don't want to tell her just yet, okay?"
Danny frowned.
"You want to keep this a secret from Sam?"
"Just until after I actually ask Valerie out." Tucker said "And then I'll tell Sam. And I will ask her out soon."
Sam was one of Tucker's best friends. The fact that he wanted to keep something like this from her didn't sit well with Danny, even if it was just for a tiny bit.
"Okay, what's up with you two?"
"What do you mean?"
"It feels like you've been at each other's throats for months. And it's beyond friendly banter. I don't know what's going on, but it feels like something happened between you two that you refuse to talk about."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, dude." Tucker said.
Danny wasn't satisfied, but they had arrived at his house, and Danny knew Tucker needed to be home soon. He'd just have to interrogate him another day.
"If you say so." Danny relented "But maybe consider talking to Sam if there's something you're not telling me. Anyway, this is my stop. See you tomorow. Have fun cleaning." Danny started up the steps.
"You know I won't."
"And good luck with Valerie!" Danny called.
Tucker let out a strangled noise as Danny shut the door behind him.
The walk back to Sam's house was painfully silent.
Despite her initial (admittedly hostile) reaction to Valerie, the two of them had gotten along just fine with each other the past few weeks.
Not great, not bad, just fine.
Outside of ghost fights, Sam and Valerie barely said a word to each other. Not maliciously, it was more that neither of them could really figure out what to say to the other.
They worked together well enough in combat, but Sam found there was an awkwardness between them that wasn't there with Danny or Tucker.
An awkwardness that was definitely here now.
"Welp, this is my place." Sam said, not looking to see Valerie's reaction. Since her dad worked security for the Mansons, Valerie already knew Sam's family was rich, but Sam still couldn't help feeling a little self-conscious.
"Not bad." Valerie said as she looked over the giant house.
The Manson's house brought up some mixed feelings in Valerie. Not too long ago, she'd been living in a house that size. Now she and her dad lived in an apartment and had to share a bathroom.
That being said, Valerie was thankful that her dad had found a better apartment for them after he'd gotten a decent job. And this one was a lot closer to Valerie's school.
But still, she missed the home she grew up in.
Sam led Valerie inside and down a set of stairs to the basement gym.
Valerie looked around, clearly impressed. The space was as decked out as Tucker had said. The Manson's home gym might have been mistaken for a public gym, if it wasn't for the fact that the equipment was only set up for one or two people to use at a time.
Sam took Valerie around the space and gave her the basic rundown. Valerie actually seemed to already have some familiarity with fitness equipment, and once the tour was done she went to inspect the rack of weighted plates.
Sam took a breath. She figured she should at least try to start up some kind of friendly conversation with Valerie. Just to try to break the ice.
"Hey uh, nice job out there today." Sam said "Ember doesn't com around a lot, but she's a pretty tough ghost. You did good." Sam hoped she didn't sound as awkward as she felt.
"Thanks. You too. Hey, how'd you know that guy with the boat?"
"Arnie? My grandma plays cards with him sometimes."
Sam wanted to keep talking, but she didn't know what to say next. What should she talk about? Sam barely knew anything about Valerie. What was she even interested in outside of ghost hunting?
The silence had been stretching on too long and Sam's scrambled brain landed on the thing she'd most recently learned about Valerie.
"So," Sam said "Back at The Nasty Burger. That was cool. When you told us you were bi, I mean."
"Yeah?" Valerie's tone was hard to read.
Maybe that had been a bad topic choice. Where was Sam supposed to go with that?
A lightbulb went off in Sam's head; she could tell Valerie she was aromantic! This was perfect! An exchange of similar information to establish mutual trust and connection.
"I find that kind of funny since-"
"What? Why?" Valerie's face hardened and she gripped the ten-kilogram disc in front of her like a shield.
Sam realized with horror the way Valerie thought she might've been about to end that sentence.
Operation improve-tense-relationship-with-Valerie was going just fantastic.
"I just meant that I kind of run on the opposite end of the spectrum." Sam said.
"What'd you mean?" Valerie asked.
"I'm like reverse bi. I don't like anybody." Sam internally facepalmed. 'Reverse bi'? Did she just seriously say that?
"Well, that's not exactly shocking."
"I meant romantically." It took all of Sam's willpower to avoid tacking 'you idiot' onto the end of that sentence.
Maybe she should just go back to being enemies with Valerie. It would be a lot easier (and a lot less painful) than her attempt at friendship so far.
"Like you're aromantic? That would be pretty on-brand for you." Valerie grinned.
Sam felt her heart stop.
"Wait, you know what aromantisism is?"
"Yeah, I was on a bi forum and someone mentioned it."
"Okay, that's really cool," Sam smiled "But why was someone talking about aromantisism on a bi forum?"
"I think the poster was both. Like, they were aromantic and bi."
"You can be both?"
"Yeah. I guess there's actually, like, a couple different kinds of attractions, so some people are more than one thing. That was a pretty neat rabbit hole I got sucked into."
"Huh. Didn't know that. That's interesting. Are you more than one thing?"
"Nah. It was just neat to read about. You?"
Sam considered this.
"Nah. Just aromantic feels pretty right."
"Rad. Recent discovery for you?"
"Yeah. Just figured it out on that trip we took last weekend. Had a weird conversation that made some things clear."
"Heh, been there."
"With the bi thing?"
"Hm? Oh, nah, I figured that one out pretty early on, so it's always felt...normal, I guess. But recently I have been thinking about some other things, and...well, I'm not really sure, but I think I might be demi."
"What's that?"
"I don't think I can really like someone in a romantic way if I'm not close with them first. Like, they have to be a friend first."
"Really?" Sam raised an eyebrow "But I've seen you go to a few dances with people you don't really hang out with, and didn't you say you had a crush on Cinderella? Cuz I feel like you weren't personal friends with Brandy Norwood as a kid."
"Well, it's...I don't really know how to explain it, but crushes with fictional characters are...different."
"Huh. Okay."
"But that wouldn't make me less demi!"
"Oh, yeah, no, for sure." Sam said earnestly.
Valerie paused, taken aback by the lack of challenge from Sam.
"...So that makes sense to you?"
"Not really, if I'm being honest." Sam shrugged "But in my experience, the way you feel doesn't have to make sense. It just...is."
"Huh." Valerie said "That's pretty deep."
"Read that on a forum I found the other day." Sam said "So, did you like Kwan? I remember you two were going to go to the last dance together before- well, you know." Kwan had ditched Valerie at the last second and she'd ended up going with Tucker as a last resort. "To be honest, the whole going-to-the-dance with someone always confused me. I never got why it was such a big deal to go alone."
"I mean, going to the dance with someone is more about status. You don't really need to like your date, you just need to prove you're desirable. I may have been willing to go to a dance with Kwan, but I definitely don't like him that way. He's kind of nice, but he's also a total idiot who just goes along with what people tell him to do."
"I despise people like that." Sam glowered.
"But I did have to go with someone, and he asked me, and we were both part of the popular crowd, so you know. I mean, going with someone unpopular was preferable to going alone, but it's better to go with someone popular and not risk being too associated with the socially undesirable."
"This is legitimately how you thought about things?" Sam rubbed her temples "I'm getting tired just listening to you. Uh, no offense."
"None taken. Honestly, you're not wrong. It's actually a huge relief to not be caught in that mindset anymore. Turns out the only other people who really cared in the first place were the other popular kids. Ironically, it was the people I called my friends who were enforcing the idea that I constantly needed to keep up that 'socially acceptable' image. And I never considered how messed up that was for even a second!"
Valerie's knuckles turned white. She noticed this and put the plate she was clutching back on the rack.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to get into all that."
"What? No, it's fine. Paulina and her crew are vultures. I totally understand."
"Do you? Cuz Like, no offence, but you three never seemed to be bothered by this stuff. Especially not you. You just say and do whatever you want and you don't care what people think about you. I wish I was more like you."
"You...do?" Sam was genuinely surprised to hear that. She never thought she'd hear anyone say that, least of all Valerie Gray.
"Yeah. You never hold back so people will like you. If I was more like you, maybe I wouldn't have wasted so much time with all that 'popular kid' nonsense. Hunting ghosts with you three and keeping Amity Park safe is the most fulfilled I've ever felt in my life. If I hadn't spent so much time caught up in my own self importance, I could've found people I actually trusted way sooner, and it makes me so angry that I didn't. I mean, it wasn't like my life was terrible or anything. My dad's great and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy all the shopping sprees and tennis lessons, but I could've been a much better person so much earlier and I wasn't. I hate that. I hate that it took almost dying and losing everything for me to start caring about things that actually mattered."
Sam was stunned by how raw Valerie's words were. She had always seemed so self-assured. In Sam's mind, Valerie in a way seemed above such angst.
Of course now Sam realized that was kind of ridiculous. Valerie, however well she carried herself, was still human, and just as susceptible to human fear and doubt as anyone else.
"Well...you're here now." Sam said "So that's gotta count for something."
"But I could've- should've gotten 'here' earlier. I mean," Valerie gestured around the room "You were raised with the same financial status as me, and you didn't turn out to be a total self-absorbed snob."
"I mean, I'm not perfect either, I can be kind of self-absorbed sometimes." Sam scratched the back of her head "And honestly...sometimes I think the only reason I do a lot of the 'good' things I do is just because I to end up being like my parents."
"Yeah. I spent years watching them putting on fancy outfits and fake smiles and bending over backwards just so the right people would like them. And not even for anything. There was no goal or greater purpose for their stupid charade. They wasted so much time nitpicking their appearances just to be whatever the adult version of 'the popular kids' is. And I was just an accessory to only let me wear these awful frilly pink dresses, and they'd always laugh at me whenever I brought up certain serious things they didn't want to think about. They were always trying to force me into this stupid mould just to impress some idiots who didn't even care about us. My mom actually tried to bleach my hair when I was seven."
"Oh." Valerie's eyes widened in horror "That's...really messed up."
Sam felt herself shaking a little.
She didn't often talk about this stuff in detail, even to Danny and Tucker. She wasn't sure they'd really get it. They thought it was cool that Sam was rich and could just 'buy whatever she wanted'. Sure, there were definitely perks to her life, but Sam often wondered if it was worth the annoyances she had to put up with everyday.
Sure, she'd learned how to deal with her parents constant criticisms and occasional yelling, and she'd gotten pretty good at fighting back and channeling her anger into productivity as she'd gotten older, but even after all this time her parents' behaviour still wore at her.
So once Sam had started talking, she found it difficult to stop. To her surprise, Valerie did actually seem understanding towards Sam's situation, but Sam wasn't sure how she felt exposing this much of herself to someone she didn't know that well.
Sure, she'd wanted to get to know Valerie better, but this was a bit too much at once.
Sam needed to lighten things up a little.
"It's actually a funny story." she continued "That incident's actually why my mom started wearing gloves. I fought her with all the ferocity a seven-year-old could, and ended up biting her wrist so it left a mark for a week."
Sam laughed as she finished her story. Valerie laughed too, but it was stilted.
Maybe that story wasn't as funny as Sam had always thought...
"It wasn't a total sob story," Sam hurriedly switched topics "I had my grandma. She was always nice. And really funny. She always made faces behind my parents back when they were ranting at me, and she let me try her champagne at one of the stupid galas my parents forced me to go to. It was pretty gross." Sam smiled at the memory "Lots of kids with bad parents don't have someone like her in their lives, so I really could've had it a lot worse. Not to mention how handy it is to be able to finance some of our ghost hunting endeavours."
"Still though..." Valerie said.
Sam frowned. The amount of pity in Valerie's voice made her feel weird. Yeah, her childhood had been kind of rough, but it wasn't that rough...
She wasn't sure how she felt about Valerie's reaction. Or about sharing so much with Valerie in the first place. Or about what Valerie had shared with her.
They'd covered a lot of ground in such a short conversation. It had felt kind of good, and Sam had managed to ease some of the tension between her and Valerie, but now she was feeling pretty drained emotionally. She needed a break from deep conversation.
"So yeah, I learned very early on that all that pomp and ceremony was pointless, and there was no point in torturing yourself for approval that isn't real love anyway." Sam quickly summarized "Anyway, I'm gonna work on some pull-up exercises. You end up having to do so much more climbing than you'd expect when ghost hunting. Well, those of us that can't fly, anyway. Be careful if you're gonna use the barbell. It's easy to overdo it."
"Yeah, don't worry. This isn't my first rodeo."
"Good." Sam nodded as she headed to the pull-up bar.
The two of them spent the next hour exercising in near silence.
Sam watched Valerie pick out some weights for the barbell while she held herself up on the pull-up bar.
She hadn't meant for things to go that deep, and she had a feeling Valerie neither did Valerie.
A few months ago Sam had written Valerie off as another one of Paulina's airhead friends, and now here they were baring their souls to each other.
And it had been so effortless.
She'd only known Valerie for a short time, but she'd just gone full force into subjects she barely touched with Danny or Tucker.
Valerie was so different from them. Maybe that was it. She understood what feeling pressured to keep up appearances was like. Danny had never had the option with his parents' reputation following him everywhere, and Tucker had no qualms hanging out with the nerds, openly carrying his PDA everywhere, and constantly quoting Star Trek. He was a full blown geek and he never seemed to feel the need to try and hide it.
Sam didn't either, but they didn't know what it was like having a constant presence in your life trying to force you to be something you're not.
And she'd had no idea it'd feel this way to have someone understand what that was like.
Sam was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't notice Valerie was finishing up putting her weights away.
"Whew!" Valerie wiped her forehead with her arm "That was way better than my dad's old hand weights! I should probably get going now, though. Thanks for having me."
"Sure." Sam dropped down from the bar "Hey, feel free to drop by anytime. Seriously, even if I'm not around you can still use the gym."
"Yeah. Ghost hunters gotta keep in shape. The same invitation's open to Tucker, but he never uses it. Don't know why. Personally, I love burning off steam down here."
"I'll...keep that in mind." Valerie smiled "Thanks."
"No problem. You, uh, need me to show you the way out?"
"Nah, I'm good. I remember." Valerie said, grabbing her backpack. She stopped at the foot of the stairs. "Your gym's pretty cool. And...I enjoyed our conversation. Earlier."
"Yeah," Sam scratched the back of her head "Me too."
Valerie smiled.
"Well, see you later Sam." she said as she headed up the stairs.
Sam waited until she was sure Valerie was gone. Once she couldn't hear her footsteps anymore, Sam flopped down on the weight bench and let out a breath.
Truthfully, she was a little relieved Valerie was finally gone, but some part of her was looking forward to hanging out with Valerie in the future.
"It's progress, I suppose." Sam said to the empty room.
Valerie wasn't sure how to feel about what had just happened.
She'd assumed Sam had only invited her to her gym to be polite. It genuinely surprised her when Sam had actually agreed to hang out with her alone. It wasn't like she thought Sam hated her, or vice versa. They got along just fine in ghost fights, but Valerie had gotten the impression Sam didn't exactly want to be BFFs from their...tumultuous first meeting.
But Valerie had somehow ended ended up spilling her guts to Sam, and Sam had done the same. That was truly shocking.
Then again, Valerie had kind of done the same with Tucker and Danny on separate occasions. Valerie wasn't the kind of person to hold her tongue, but she hadn't really shared such deep parts of herself with her old friends. And yet she did so so easily with those three.
It was a little scary how open she found herself being with her new friends.
Were they friends?
Sure they fought ghosts together, and they always invited her to hang out with them afterwards, but Valerie had been pretty sure that the A-listers were her friends, and they-
Valerie shook her head.
No, her new friends weren't anything like her old 'friends'. She felt comfortable with Tucker, Danny, and even Sam in a way she never had with Dash, Paulina, and any of the others.
It was a good thing that she could open up to Danny, Tucker, and Sam, she told herself. That meant her relationship with them was better than the A-Listers.
Strange and different, but better.
"Hey Dad!" Valerie called as she opened their apartment door "I'm home!"
"Hey Sweetheart!" her Dad "Did you have fun with your friends?"
"Yeah." She said "I did. We hung out by the wharf for a while and then went to The Nasty Burger."
"The wharf? Heh, you teenagers sure like hanging out in the strangest of places."
"It's nice." Valerie said defensively "It's...you know...peaceful. Anyway, how was work?"
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Read on AO3. The rest is beneath a read more.
Hanamaki leaned heavily against the sink, hands shaking, leg jostling as he glared into the mirror. His eyes burned, his throat felt thick. An uncomfortable weight had settled in his chest, heavy, almost squeezing him. It only grew tighter as his eyes raked along his face, his body. A face too soft and rounded. Lips too full, too pink. A throat with no Adam's apple. Narrow shoulders. And, even with the binder hooked as tight as possible, bumps.
A tremor rippled through him. He sucked down a breath and held it, desperate to stave off the building panic attack. Stop. It’s okay. You’re okay. But he felt like anything but. It was a bad day - understatement really. Ripping his skin off felt like an option that was all too viable to be good. He just wanted to crawl out of it and curl up in a dark corner, nothing more than a pile of bones and a weakly beating heart.
But he couldn’t.
There was no escaping his skin, the body he’d been stuck with, full of things he dreaded to even think of. No relief from the swirling mess of black that had him by the claws either. It shoved thoughts to the forefront of his mind, no matter how hard he tried to crush them. All the flaws, all the things wrong. A dozen, a hundred, a thousand things that made his mouth clenched tight, choking back sounds. Wrong. It’s wrong. You’re wrong.
A full-body shudder rippled through him and he hunched over, breaths ragged. Losing control. His eyes screwed shut as he clutched at the cool porcelain, lip caught between his teeth. Breathe. Fucking breathe already.
Another gasp punched through him, taunting, and with a weak sound he slithered down, too weak to stand. He crouched there on the balls of his feet, hands clinging weakly to the sink in a pathetic attempt to ground himself as the sear behind his eyes finally grew too much, tears slipping down his face as his jaw dropped open into a silent wail that made his jaw shake as his head rolled forward. I don’t want to be like this! I don’t, I don’t, I don’t!
But there was a far more toxic side that curled around him, bit in as poison dripped down his spine, turning his blood cold. They’ll never see me as anything but a girl. It’s the hair - dying it pink was a stupid idea. Cutting it doesn’t help. The piercings are a bad idea too - only girls have so many, right? The makeup - stupid. My voice is too fucking high. Every time I open my mouth they know, there’s no fooling them.
His shoulders hitched with another quiet sob. Tears splattered onto the tiles. Hands buried into hair, tugging until pain prickled at his scalp. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why couldn’t I just have stayed like I was? Unaware of all of this shit. It would’ve been better. Fucking easier. I’m so fucking stupid, why do I have to be like this?
A high-pitched sound broke out and it made Hanamaki sob harder as he finally sank fully to the ground. Icy tiles pressed into his cheek. Limbs jerked in. Palms pressed into his eyes, vicious, harsh. No more, no more, I don't want this anymore, make it stop- An inhale, sharp, caught in his throat. The mess of sobs and gasps broke into coughs. Hot tears spilled out past his hands. Everything collided in his brain, waged war in his chest, left chaos in it's wake. He tugged on his hair again, lips sputtering with gasps. Tooru's lying. They're all lying. I don't pass, I'll never be a man. I'm so fucking stupid, just-
Hanamaki’s entire body body twitched as a smooth voice sliced through the ringing in his ears. He curled up tighter. Stopped breathing altogether. Don't look at me. Don't. Go away, just- A weak sound bubbled from his lips as he shuddered, thumped his head onto the tile floor.
“Hiro, baby, I'm here. I'm right here.”
“Go away…” he choked out between sharp gasps that made him shake. His chest was tight, heavy - his binder was digging in, harsh. Make it stop.
“Hiro, look at me, okay?” His fingers twitched. Oikawa’s voice sounded so calm, so sure. Something that would surely know what was right. Hands trembling, he slowly slid them down his face until he could peek out from between unsteady fingers. Oikawa was crouched a little bit away, hands jittering as he held them to his chest. But a sweet smile broke out as Hanamaki managed to look at him. “That's good, you're doing good. Can you take a breath? Hold it?”
Hanamaki's teeth chattered, jarring he tried to shake his head and remember what it felt like to breathe. His head was swimming. Oikawa's voice felt like it was coming through cotton. He was so cold.
Fingers dug into his scalp, fresh pain flaring to life. Grounding. A jagged inhale scraped its way down his throat, settled in his aching chest, and Hanamaki clamped his hands over his mouth and nose. Hold it. Tooru said hold it. Hold it so he could calm down. So he could find something solid and steady to cling to.
“You're doing great, Hiro,” Tooru murmured, soft voice bleeding through the cracks. “Can I come closer?”
Hesitation. He frantically nodded, let the air out in a rush and sucked down another breath. Heartbeat wild against his ribs. Pounding in his head. Hanamaki watched as Oikawa scooted a little closer. A hand stretched out, brushed through his hair and settled on the back of his. Calm. Warm. Certain.
Oikawa carefully drew one of Hanamaki’s hands from his head. His fingers whispered across the skin, tracing the bumps of bones, knuckles, veins. Tracing paths along the webs of his palm. A breath crackled out of Hanamaki’s chest and he squeezed his eyes shut again as more tears slipped out. “Make… make it stop,” he croaked.
“I will.” Another touch whispered across his palm. “You can do this. You’re so strong. Keep breathing, okay? Just listen to me. I’m here. I’m with you.”
His head jerked in a nod to those smooth, reassuring words. An inhale, quavering and weak, but longer and steadier than the ones previous. Under Oikawa’s guidance he held it for a few seconds, then released it. Another cycle. Then another. Over and over until the rush of blood in his head quieted, until the thrum of his heart faded. The dark waters receded, a tide finally leaving his head for the time being. And finally his body was still, limp on the cold tiles, warmth seeping in from the tender hands that cradled his own reverently.
His eyes cracked open again. Oikawa’s eyes were on him, deep, warm browns that made him smile weakly. “Sorry,” Hanamaki whispered into the quiet of their bathroom.
Oikawa shook his head, thumbed Hanamaki’s wrist. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s okay. I understand.” He bit his lip at his boyfriend’s words, but he nodded. Slowly he pushed himself upright, wincing as the tightness in his chest and the burn in his lungs edged back in. Oikawa scooted closer, bumping their knees together.
“It’s too tight, isn’t it?”
A nod, hollow.
“Do you want me to loosen it, or undo it?”
Hanamaki bit the inside of his cheek harshly. He knew it needed to be looser, probably come off entirely, but he didn’t want that - didn’t want to feel even less incomplete than he already did. But he sucked down a steeling breath and closed his eyes.
“Undo it. Please.”
Lips whispered across his, an apologetic kiss, and then Oikawa’s gentle fingers slipped beneath his shirt. Hanamaki twitched as the touch skirted along his belly, and then up to the binder. One hook came loose. Then another. Two more and he was free, and that lingering tightness rushed away as Hanamaki took a deep breath, the first of the day that truly filled his lungs. He opened his eyes, found a smile and a tender expression waiting on him.
“I’m so proud of you,” Oikawa murmured as his hands skimmed Hanamaki’s cheeks before he cupped his face. He couldn’t help but lean his weight into those palms, eyes glued to his partner, chest fluttering as that smile stretched wider.
Hanamaki sniffed, managed a smile. “Proud of me? For crying on the bathroom floor?”
A thumb brushed along his cheek as Oikawa shook his head. “No. I’m happy because you’re getting better at letting me help. I remember when I couldn’t calm you down at all. So it really means a lot to see how much you trust me.” Heat rushed to Hanamaki’s cheeks and he squirmed, chest filled with a pleasant bubbling, but he didn’t say anything. He just let Oikawa go on with that low, smooth voice of his. “You let me undo your binder too, even though I know it sucks. You’re so strong, with this and everything else, so how could I not be proud of my beautiful boyfriend?”
Hanamaki sniffed. The prickle was back behind his eyes once more, lips wobbling to the ache. His hands came up, curled around those strong wrists. “I’m not,” he whispered, voice cracking. “I let everything get to me again. I know a lot of people accept me, but I know others still look at me all weird ‘n stuff ‘cause I don’t sound like a guy or anything, and-” His jaw snapped shut, hands tightening around his boyfriend’s wrists. And today someone made a comment in the bathroom. Yesterday someone said trans people were just attention-seeking. I still have everything I’m not supposed to have, and it really hurts, and just-
His eyes snapped back open and his heart stuttered, too quick once more. His chest hitched with another gasp, and then he clamped down, held it. Beneath that steady gaze and the touch of those warm hands he managed to time his breathing until they inhaled and exhaled together. Sweeps of calloused thumbs smeared fresh tears along his cheeks. Oikawa smiled. “Takahiro, no matter what the world says, you’re still a handsome, brilliant young man. I see it, and so do all of our friends. Eyes are opening. It’ll be okay. So don’t forget that people see you for who you are, and love you desperately for it. Especially me.”
Hanamaki’s lips spread into a wobbling smile. He nodded. “I love you, Tooru.”
The brunet grinned, pressed a kiss to Hanamaki’s forehead. “I love you too. Now let’s get off the floor and make you some tea, okay? I brought home cream puffs too.” Hanamaki smiled and let Oikawa pick him up, effortless with all those wiry muscles, and clutched that strong, gentle hand tight, their fingers threading together as they made their way through the apartment, steps certain, steady.
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Some oral headcanons for Riddle, Idia and Epel (if you write smut for him). Both giving and receiving please 🔥🔥
Woohoo!!!! First ask EVER!!!! I hope u enjoy it aaaah, the reader in this scenario has no specific pronouns but fem body parts, since that’s what I’m most comfy writing with rn ;v; i will try to keep getting better the more i write!
A/N: This piece of writing is purely 18+ only. Minors do not interact.
Riddle Rosehearts x Reader
Riddle has never given oral, but he is fueled by his desire to please you!!
He offers it as some kind of reward for doing so well on an exam he helped you study for
Now, Riddle has certainly passed by the human anatomy images in textbooks and read about each person’s sexual body parts, learning about it in a very educational way. He usually blushed when he looked at the detailed images and quickly turns the pages.
Riddle would have researched different ways on how to please you before actually initiating anything; he wouldn’t want to completely blow it (pun intended) with you.
But learning about things in a book and actually practicing it would be completely different, he’ll come to find out!
He lets you sit on the edge of his bed while he kneels down in front of you, looking up at your face as he pulls your pants and underwear off
Riddle turns almost as red as his hair when he finally sees your leaking cunt, excited that he made you feel this way!
He watches your face intently as he listens to the noises you make, taking your body language into great consideration.
He focuses his energy on your clit and spends time building you up to your release
Riddle moans lightly as you cum, still licking you as you ride out your high
He wipes his mouth as he comes up to kiss you sweetly, teasingly asking you how it was, the smug bastard KNOWS he made you feel so good
Secretly plans on doing it more often because he wants to watch your face twist in pleasure because of him.
“Ah, my rose... did you enjoy that?” The redhead asked smugly, smirking at your form as he raises his head up. “I believe you really did, by the way you made such a mess on me...”
Surprise surprise, Riddle ALSO has never received head!
Is a blushing mess when you offer it so casually during a heated makeout session!! But he can’t deny his beautiful rose, can he?
He remains seated on his chair as you knelt down on the floor, undoing his belt and pulling his bottoms down.
He’s extremely embarrassed because, he’s a bit average if not less than the average. Riddle’s worried you would judge him in that department, but when you stroke the precum leaking out of him with your finger he lets go of all of those doubts!
He can’t help but let out a groan and throw his head back when you give his cock a kitten lick from the base to the tip and then engulf him in your mouth.
Riddle tries to be quiet but you can hear his little gasps and you look up to see his eyes glazed in pleasure.
You also can’t help but let your hands explore his body,
He feels like he can’t control himself and grips your hair in his fingers, releasing in your mouth
If you swallow his cum, expect Riddle to freak out the first time, him completely flustered !! But also secretly turned on 😏
“Mmh,! S-so good...” Riddle’s panting as he finished. “E-eh?! You swallowed?! Why?!!” His face is burning by now. “My rose, let’s wash down that flavor with a sweet tart now, hm?”
Idia Shroud x Reader
It starts out with the two of you by yourselves in his room, sitting on the floor and playing games
Idia notices the way your thighs look thicker when you are sitting in a certain position, reminding him of a certain set of lewd doujinshi images he has masturbated to a few times
You catch Idia staring, fixated at your thighs and quickly catch on
You have to be the one to initiate anything since you know Idia is not the type to!
When you get up to lay down on his bed, Idia actually manages, somehow, to ask you to sit on his face! You’re surprised he would even initiate anything at all!
You’re embarrassed but seeing the way his eyes look so lustful when you lower your hips to meet his mouth, it spurs you on and gives you some confidence!
He lowkey wants you to suffocate him with your thighs..... he won’t tell you that in person though!
Idia hasn’t done this before, but he has watched a lot of hentai scenes of eating out, so he tries to mimic the same actions and is met with your high pitch moans!
When he feels you squeezing his head when you’re close to cumming he uses his hands to keep you in place, not letting you pull away
When he sees and hears you orgasm he swears he could just die a happy man right then and there!!
“A-ah.. this was so much better than my fantasies.... Y/N, you truly are my SSR character...” you heard Idia muttering into your thighs as he lays there, looking even more happy than you were at the moment! You had to wonder, “was this for my enjoyment or his?”
Idia would definitely want you to give him head while he is gaming or coding 👀
Personally I see him as really horny but never brave enough to really initiate things verbally
Idia would have a pink flush on his face as he asks if you could suck him off
He makes sure that he was able to tell Ortho to go out and run some errands for the dorm which he knew would take a little while
He would probably be on his gaming chair, with you on your knees in front of him
Idia would bite his shirt or the sleeve of it while feeling you lick at his cock, sighing heavily once you start to pick up your speed
If he is gaming though, he turns off his mic and releases short gasps and sighs of pleasure, trying to prove he is great at what he’s doing by being distracted but still winning
He would definitely tell you when he was close to cumming, planning to pull out. Depending on if you decide to swallow or have him pull out, either scenario would be a win for him.
The idea of having his seed in your mouth or painting your pretty face only serves to turn him on more :)
By the way DEFINITELY don’t tease him by saying you’ll wear kitten ears the next time you blow him, he will be adding them to his online shopping cart within the next .5 seconds
“Oh- Oh Great Seven- That was close..!” Idia groans, accompanied by the sounds of his rapid movement on his controllers. Once he notices you swallow his cum, he instantly turns pink and you swore his hair flashes red for a moment! “I-..... you didn’t need to... do that..” he turns away from your gaze.
Epel Felmier x Reader
Epel definitely wants to prove he’s a man who can provide to his partner!!
He would not be forceful, but offer to treat you and take an initiative! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Epel gives you plush pillows to lay down on his bed and makes sure to have his apple scented candles on to set the mood~
He secretly asked Rook for advice but you don’t need to know that LOL
Epel is definitely the type to be shy internally but tries to cover up that fact by trying to be dominant, but not too over the top. He wants to be respectful of your boundaries
Epel will try to use his fingers as well - using them to tease your nipples or play with your dripping hole~
Rook told him to do that LOL
When you look down you’re met with the lavender haired boy looking up into your eyes with a determined yet lustful gaze, cheeks tinged with pink ❤️
When he finally brings you close to your release, he works his pink tongue more aggressively as he watches you come undone~
What a hardworking farm boy! We love :)
“Well, how was that? Wasn’t that something a real man would do for his woman?” He asked you, a big grin on his face when you nod your head and smile at him.
You totally catch Epel off guard when you ask to give him a blowjob!!
He became a blushing mess and was shy, at first.
However, you sorta made him a bit mad and told him his dick was cute, no matter how big it was, describing HOW it was cute in great detail!
Epel tried to conceal his feelings but once he felt you wrap your lips around the tip of his dick, he lost himself.
He grabbed your head a bit roughly, “I’ll show you how cute I can be...” as he fucked your face (with your consent!)
Hey, you know the repercussions of calling him cute, and how much he hates it!
If he notices you don’t like how rough he’s being, he will stop being rough once he notices your body language and if there are tears pricking your eyes he gets pretty worried!
However if you DO like it, Epel will definitely keep going at it, and fuck your face faster once he feels his release coming.
You look up at his face while he released inside your mouth and you see his eyes rolled back and mouth agape. Epel’s releasing moans that are throaty and similar to his “real” voice he hides from everyone.
He’s a blushing, panting mess once you’re through with him!
“Sh-shit!!” Epel grips your hair tightly as he shoves his cock to the back of your throat, simultaneously releasing his seed and showing his dominance. “You... were amazing...” he pants, too tired out to even care about how he sounded at the moment.
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libidinous-weeb · 3 years
Just Because (Bakugou x Reader)
Tags: 18+, dub-con/non-con (but it’s got a lighthearted(ISH) ending), overstim, degradation, mind break (kind of??? i guess?? not really), unspecified gender but reader has a puthy
Summary: Reader is a villain and annoyed that Dynamight won’t get off their ass when they do crime. So they capture him and decide to fuck about it. This started as me just wanting to lewd Bakugou in a discord server, but as per usual, i got carried away.
enjoy. or don’t. your choice ig lol. also not beta’d so sorry the capitalization is stupid.
when you perch your self on top of Dynamight’s lap, he’s confused at first. when you slide so close you’re sitting on his crotch, he starts to get the picture. he wants to ask you what the fuck you’re doing but he’s suddenly tongue tied. he’s confused about what you’re doing as he tries to wriggle away, but you don’t let him up. you have him on a bed somewhere, with his legs bound and his wrists trapped in quirk canceling handcuffs.
you start to grind on his cock, moaning quietly in his ear. he vaguely knows you, and you’re making him so hard, harder than he swears he’s ever been in his life. he vaguely knows you, and you’re making him so hard, harder than he swears he’s ever been in his life. he’s so embarrassed you have this effect on him. he’s Dynamight! a big time hero! he should have control over this situation, and someone like you with your soft lips and even softer thighs and perfect little ass that rubs up against him in the best way possible...you shouldn’t be the one that’s able to make him lose his iron like grip on his self control.
when you shove your tongue down his throat, it shouldn’t feel this good. he shouldn’t be moaning like a goddamn girl. he shouldn’t feel so good that part of his mind goes blank when you touch and kiss him. he shouldn’t get so flustered and his face shouldn’t be turning cherry red just because of some fucking extra. he shivers, and tries to fight the urge to tilt his head back as your hands move from his chest down lower and lower...
when you finally touch him through his pants, he bites his lip, hard. it’s just your hand, but it feels amazing. you aren’t even directly touching him, and he feels like some kind of pathetic teenager. he starts hoping you don’t notice how his hips are slowly rolling towards your touch.
“H-Hey! Stop—I said stop it!” he cries out, as your mouth moves from his lips to his neck where you kiss and suck and bite.
“I’m gonna have so much fun breaking you like this,” you whisper in his ear. “You’re not—you can’t...be thinking you’re gonna—“ you cut him off. “I’m gonna fuck you. Hard. And you’re gonna beg me to let you cum. I’ve wanted you inside me for so long, and I’m finally gonna make it happen. You’re not gonna stop me—you can’t. I’m gonna make you cum over and over again, no matter how much you beg me to stop.” his eyes widen a bit in surprise. “Y-You what? Why? Fucking cut it out! Let me go, you fucking freak!” he feels trapped, panicked. still, he’s not scared of you. he’s scared of the effect you have on him.
he’s kissed before. had sex, even (not often, but he’d die before he ever admitted that out loud), so why does it feel like he’s on fire right now? why does his body want this so badly when he doesnt? you pull his shirt over his head and bunch it up by his hands, which are restrained with the cuffs. then you slide your hand down his pants as your mouth moves to his nipples.
“Fuck, n-not there...” his nipples were sensitive and you sucking and teasing and biting at them makes him feel like he’s going to lose his goddamn mind. you aren’t even jerking him off, just groping his dick while you toy with his chest. he’s trying (and failing) to steady his voice while he yells at you. “S-Stop fucking...touching me already!” his voice is loud but it trembles when it escapes him. the way he lies beneath you, eyes clenched shut, his face hot and red, panting and trying to turn his face away from you as if the sight of you is too much for him...it’s too fucking hot. the way quiet moans slip out between words and the way he’s biting his lip to keep himself quiet...it’s all too irresistible. you need to have him, now. you slide his pants down and position yourself over his dick. “Don’t fucking—“ you cut him off with a harsh slap to the face, then grab him by his chin. “Shut. Up.” you momentarily stun him into silence as his eyes meet yours.
you hold his cock steady as you slide down on him and his eyes roll to the back of his head as a loud, desperate moan leaves him. “F-Fuck, wait! I can’t—!“ he cums. Dynamight, the pro hero, cums the second he bottoms out for the first time like a goddamn virgin. he gasps as his orgasm rushes out of him, surprising you both. he gets even redder still, something you didn’t think was possible. he keeps his eyes shut, brows furrowed as he tries to catch his breath. you laugh. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? Big bad Bakugou’s so pathetic that my pussy makes him cum in under 30 seconds? Not so scary now, are you? Where’d all that attitude go? Come on, let’s see it!”
he still doesn’t open his eyes. he’s made of tougher stuff than this. he shouldn’t be brought to his knees by some extra’s fucking pussy. even with the way you slammed down on him out of nowhere. you’re just so tight and hot and soft and feel so fucking perfect...
his eyes shoot open in desperation when you start moving. “W-Wait! I can’t! I-I really can’t! Do-Don’t fucking—nnhg...fuckfuckfuck, stop fucking moving!” you wrap your hand around his throat and apply pressure. he’s grimacing now, all angry and squirmy, trying to free himself from you. you look him directly in the eyes as you choke him.“I told you. You’re not gonna stop me. I decide when it’s over. I’ve just gotten started. I’m gonna make you cum over and over and over again. And you’re gonna lie there and let me. You don’t have a choice. Got it?” you start gyrating your hips, fucking him in earnest. you keep your hand on his throat, letting him breathe but reminding him who’s in control.
he clenches his hands into fists, legs and body shaking as you take what you want from him. he bites his lips so hard to keep himself quiet that he draws blood. you kiss him and clean it up with your tongue as you run it over his lips. his cock feels like it was made for you, long and curved and thick. he still won’t look at you as you keep fucking him, getting close to your first orgasm. “I’m gonna—I’m gonna cum!” instinctively, katsuki opens his eyes and looks at you. you sitting atop him, back arched, breasts pushed forwards, thighs shaking, head thrown back with bliss written across your face...
“AAAAH FUCK!” katsuki cums again. it hurts but it feels so good. despite the fact that he hates this, he can’t deny how fucking hot you look, perched on top of him, cumming all over his cock. “You-You got what you wanted...right? so get-get the fuck off of-mmmh-off of me.”
you open your eyes. katsuki sees how hazy they look as you regain the ability to form words again. “N-No. Not done yet. Wanna come more.” Your airy, lighthearted chuckle confirms what katsuki had suspected. you’re fucked out but still drunk with lust. your first orgasm made you only want more. you started moving your hips again.
“F-Fucking shit...fuck...”at some point, bakugou couldn’t think anymore. he didn’t know up from down. the only thing that mattered was you, your fucking pussy, and how much your torture hurt in the best way possible. he stopped begging you to stop and started babbling about how good it felt, and how perfect you are. “God, FUCK you feel so fucking good, fuck, don’tstopdon’tstopdon’tstop. Please. Just keep fucking me, pleasegodpleasepleasepleaseyesyesyes—FUCK! Fuck, it feels so good. Love it, I fucking love it, FUCK! I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t fucking stop, please! FUCK, I can’t stop cumming, I can’t! I fucking love you, fucking love your pussy, fucking love, FUCKING YOU!”
when your hips gave out and you slumped over his chest, bakugou slid his cuffed hands behind you and flipped you both over. “Don’t fucking stop, pleasepleaseplease—“ you were in the same state as he was. you positioned his cock to your hole as he forced it inside you. your legs shook as he started thrusting in you, short sharp movements like a fucking dog. he was so desperate he was humping you like a fucking dog, and you loved it. “please bakugou, dynamight, katsuki, please fuck me more. i want it so bad, please! fuck, it still feels so fucking good, you and your perfect fucking cock, fucking me up over and over and over again—“
when you finally decided to stop you had both made yourself cum so many times you lost count. bakugou’s cock hurt. he’d cum so much he’d started having dry orgasms. and you were a mess. your pussy was sore. you’d squirted and dripped all over his cock so much there was a puddle underneath you both. you tried to stand but your legs kept shaking. the cuffs around bakugou’s wrists made a beeping sound and then opened, but neither of you registered it.
by the time both of you had regained some sense, you had sat up, and reached into a bedside table near the mattress in the abandoned warehouse you had him in. you shakily handed him a bottle of water as you grabbed one for yourself and did the same with some vending machine peanut butter crackers or some shit. You didn’t look that closely when you bought them. “Here. This is all I got right now. Take it.” without thinking, bakugou reached out to take them, then froze as he looked at his unrestrained hand dumbly. “How...?” “S’ on a timer. Wasn’t gonna kidnap you forever.” he blinked, then took your offering. you both sat in silence as you ate. you pulled out a large sharp knife from the same drawer and katsuki immediately tensed, worried you were going to attack him. “Hey. Here.” you handed him the knife. he stared at it, then you, then stared back at the knife. “It���s to free your legs, stupid.” he stared at you. “What? I’m a villain, but I’m not a monster, Katsuki. Not my fault you’re so fuckin irresistible.”
“You...You’re not gonna kill me?” “Nah. Just wanted to fuck ya. And it was totally worth it. you can arrest me now or whatever. Oh, and there’s some clothes for you in this drawer too, and some baby wipes. No shower though.” you sniff your armpit. “Eugh. Didn’t think to bring deodorant.” katsuki looks to you, and blinks at you owlishly. he finally speaks. “W-What the fuck was that? Why—How—“
“Reasons.” you say, and leave it at that.
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angelguk · 4 years
Stoooop I can’t stop smiling😆🙈 my imagination sucks so I can’t think of any ideas but omg these anons are so good I’m just here cheesing cause jock jay kay and oc are so freaking cuteeee😩😩😩💕💕💕 aaaah ok but like when do you think is the first time that jk gets jealous like maybe namjoon or jimin is flirting with oc at a party and of course oc is feeling her self cause why not (she is fioneee and she knows it 😌) and then jk sees it and he is like huh¿? What am I feeling right now 😖😖
!!! these ocs are so cute u r right they got my heart flipping and wait omggg jealous jock jaykay... lemme indulge hehe
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Jeongguk doesn’t like the way Namjoon is staring at you right now. 
He knows he shouldn’t be bothered; you’re both on the debate team, Namjoon being a year older than the both of you but you’ve both got sharp intellectual minds he couldn’t compete with even on a good day. So technically, he’s probably a good guy. He’s seen how Namjoon treats you, upmost respect when he talks to you, opening doors and helping you out whenever Jeongguk isn’t there to fill his role. And yet, he can’t help but watch, a tick setting in his jaw when you glide over to him. Your dress is short, skimpy fabric barely covering the back of your thighs, and it rides up even further when you collapse onto the couch beside Namjoon, the hem of your skirt flipping up. Jeongguk isn’t looking at your bare skin but he knows Namjoon is, because he watches the older man’s gaze falter downwards, sees the hitch in his throat. It’s automatic, how he gets up and moves to intervene.
His feet move faster the second he sees Namjoon’s large arm slink around your waist, tucking you right into his chest, something sharp splintering in Jeongguk’s heart. There’s no second thought here, no hesitation. Just a feeling he can’t name driving his actions
He can smell the tequila on your breathe the moment he leans in between the two of you, knocking your heads apart with force. “Hey, bestie!” He says.”Come help me win a game.”
“J-jeongguk?” You’re drunk. You never get this drunk. He might smack the back of Namjoon’s head. He remembers seeing Namjoon refilling that stupid cup in your hand throughout the night. 
You pout, face adorable even with your eyes half-closed. “No, go play with Lucas or something.”
He sighs, reaching out to grab you and lift your ass off the couch (and off Namjoon’s lap but that’s an observation he keeps to himself). “I said I wanted to play with you! We promised Jimin and Seokjin a beer pong rematch. Don’t you remember, love?”
“I suck at that game!” It’s true, you do suck, but he’ll do anything to steal you away from Namjoon right now, including setting himself up for failure and most likely a trip to the bathroom later tonight. “Take Lucas!”
“No. I’m taking you.” He doesn’t miss the drift in your eyes. You look at Namjoon as if asking his permission, the question in your gaze leaving Jeongguk positively sick. It gets a thousand times worse when he watches Namjoon nod his head, granting you that said permission like you were his pet and not his just his friend. 
“Okay,” you whisper. Even though Jeongguk is holding you up, you reach out for Namjoon, slowly run your fingertips across his shoulders, his chest. “I’ll be back,” you say, like Jeongguk isn’t even in the room.
He doesn’t hear the music after that, a loud vengeful pounding in his head orchestrated by his heart drowning everything out as he downs cup after cup. Jimin and Seokjin obliterate you in beer pong, he knew that was coming, but he never expected this. Somewhere between tossing the ball at his captain’s head and watching you fall into a fit of giggles with Jimin, Jeongguk decides with absolute resolution that he does not like Kim Namjoon at all. 
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langdxn · 4 years
how do you think the Evan boys would react to reader giving them hickeys? (I'm so excited that you're doing them now I love your Cody boy blurbs)
Aaaah thank you so much darling, I’m so glad you love them as much as I love writing them! 🖤
When it comes to hickeys, Tate’s a seasoned expert... he’s an eternal teenager after all. So while it looked like he barely even noticed you sucking gently on his neck while he was drilling you into the mattress the night before, he makes up for it when you least expect it. You hear a noise down in the basement and go to inspect it, only for two latex-clad hands to throw you against the wall as a blur of blonde hair swooshes into your view. Swiping your hair to one side, he latches his lips into your collarbone and draws your skin between his teeth, clenching tightly and refusing to let up until your heady gasps concede and your hips cease bucking into him. “Now you know how it feels, baby,” he husks against your skin before latching on again to suck furiously, pulling onto the largest section of your neck he could fit in his lips... just to be sure his hickey can be seen from space. “I’ve always wanted to fuck you like this, and now I can...”
Kit treats your gorgeous red blossoming hickeys as you laying claim to his heart, marking him up in the most adorable way and he wears them with pride. “Honey, this one’s fading,” he sighs in front of the bathroom mirror as he inspects your latest addition just above his belt buckle. “Reckon you could top it up for me?” He grins wildly as you saunter over to him and sink to your knees in front of him. Swallowing harshly, his eyes rove to the ceiling once your nose dips into his pelvis and your lips lock on tightly, Kit can’t help moaning softly and keening into your touch. “You know,” he clears his throat awkwardly as if he’s tripping over his words. “While you’re on your knees, would you mind… please?”
Your hickeys are like Kryptonite to Jimmy, particularly when you leave them in the most visible places so the rest of the freaks can see them and quiz him about their origins. “My girl loves me,” he sighs wistfully with a giggle and a slight blush pricking his cheeks when his friends eagerly confront him during rehearsal. “No Paul, I’m definitely not covering them up for the show tonight. The world’s gotta know I’m a happily married man!” As he returns to your shared tent that night and crawls into bed beside you, his smile stretches right across his cheeks. “A lady in the front row was giving me the eye, so I unbuttoned my shirt and she saw the hickey you left on my chest… she didn’t look at me again!”
James is an old soul so he’s somewhat perplexed when you first latch your lips onto his neck and suck softly. “Such a peculiar ritual,” he observes with a drawl, dipping into the unusual sensation. “However, I could certainly acclimatise to it.” As you lean back to admire your work, a glistening crimson bloom adorning his collarbone, you catch a glimpse of his broad smirk tapering his pencil moustache. “You seem proud of your achievement, hummingbird,” he coos before glancing out of the corner of his eye to lay eyes on his new addition. “This ‘love bite’ of yours is quite a beautiful sight to behold.” Before you know it, his hand curls around your throat and James pins you down to the sheets. “As much as I revel in you enjoying yourself thus, my dear, I am afraid it is my turn to mark you.”
Your body is constantly littered with Kai’s markings in the form of livid welts and vibrant bruises, rope burns and scattered lovebites, it only seems fitting that you return the favour — most importantly across his chest and traversing his shoulder blades. Catching sight of a particularly passionate hickey over his pecs as he dresses for a council meeting, Kai growls hungrily and races to find you in the kitchen. Within moments, he plants your face into the countertop and hitches your dress up around your hips. “Take me like a good girl,” he commands while laying waste to your panties and burying his length inside you in one merciless thrust. “Did you really expect me to see what you did to me and not come to fuck your brains out? Get comfortable baby, I’m not leaving until you beg me to stop pounding your cervix.”
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
Hello! I’m pretty new to the fandom and found your blog when I was searching for stuff with an autistic reader. Ever since I’ve been obsessed with your blog. Your writing is so freaking good! And I relate to you so much! I’m autistic and have OCD, anxiety, depression and ADD. Another thing I relate to is losing a friend. I’ve lost one when I had an anger outburst during a meltdown. It still hurts. - 🧋
aaaah im so glad you like my blog!!! i'm glad that you're able to relate to my writing and blog, that's always been my goal. it means a lot to me that you're able to! and im sorry about losing a friend, it sucks. i hope things are better now, even if by slightly. hope you have a great day anon! <3
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herofics · 4 years
Exam stress, feat Bakugou
I guess they're still in school, maybe university or third years at UA at least. I've noticed I like to write the characters older, now that I'm older too, cause almost everything I write is a bit of a self-insert and I don't feel comfortable "shipping" myself (a 20 year old) with a 16 year old, but you can read it however you want.
“Aaaah, fuck this, fuck this, fuuuuck this!” you yelled, stood up and threw your math books off the table
You had been cramming for days and it was really getting on your nerves by now. You felt like you didn't remember anything you'd been taught in the past few years and everything was just slipping through your fingers. The test was tomorrow and you were sure you were not going to pass it.
You couldn't deal with this, and even more so, you didn't want to.
Bakugou was still awake and after hearing the yelling and the books hit the floor with a heavy slam he walked back to where you were studying.
“What the fuck are you yelling about?” he yawned and scratched his cheek.
You were sitting on the floor, cross legged and looking down, but Bakugou could tell you were crying, your body was shaking ever so lightly and you wouldn't look at him even though he knew you knew he was there. 
“It's the math, huh? I know, it sucks ass” he said as he noticed the match books on the floor.
“Hah, sure you do... mister “gifted at everything”” you scoffed mockingly.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked.
“Nothing, I'm sorry, I'm just really freaking stressed”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“No… yeah, I guess” you sighed.
“So talk” he groaned.
Bakugou was clearly tired, you could see that, but you also knew he wouldn't go back to bed before he got something out of you, so it was no use debating him in the matter. So you stood up from the floor, even though you felt a bit wobbly and started explaining.
“It's mostly the fact that my memory is so shit I literally just can't retain any information that I receive. Depression is fucking killing my braincells  and I can't take my sedatives or anti-anxiety meds or whatever for a few days before the exam because they interfere with my memory even more and it suuuucks, because I'm pretty much having an anxiety attack” you babbled and took a deep breath.
“Come here” Bakugou just said and wrapped his arms around you.
You took a deep breath as you buried your face to the crook of his neck.
“It's gonna be okay, and even if you don't pass this time it doesn't mean you never will. You still have another chance next spring and I have all the faith in you”
“Thanks” you sighed and relaxed a bit with your hands against his chest.
“You do need some fuckin sleep though, you look like shit” he added.
“Thanks” you repeated with an eye roll and smacked his chest.
Bakugou swiftly swept you off your feet and started carrying you to bed.
“Ah, my prince” you said dramatically and chuckled.
“Shut it” he ordered and hauled your ass to bed.
You just chuckled and yawned, you were really tired after all.
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shortie-babe · 4 years
Luke’s Fudging Baking
Luke x reader (fluff of course because i'm not making lemon on him. I see him as a little brother or my kid so no. deal with it ;P) but also solomon x reader and mammon x reader
It was just a normal day in the devil dom, the lower level devils are screaming. Asmo is trying to get someone in bed..ahhh a beautiful day. So relaxing...yup so relaxing..i mean you weren't allowed to go out on your own because you’re a “weak” human..
I mean yeah, you were weak but they didn't need to say it like an insult though! Anyway they assigned the oh so great mammon to watch over you. All you wanted to do was get some sweets. You’ve always had a humongous sweet tooth and ran out of sweets in your secret stash.
That would upset you a lot but what upset you more was Mammon's constant nagging!
“Ughhh, why do I have to go along with some human! And to get sweets of all things! Shouldn’t beelzebub accompany you! I mean this would seem to be something he’d enjoy!” he says obviously annoyed but you couldn't care less. You just wanted your sweets..
“I already discussed with you that beel had practice. Trust me i’d rather him be with me then you.” you say in an obviously sarcastic tone.
“H-hey?! What's that supposed to mean?! You, a puny human should be grateful the great mammon is even accompanying you!” he says with a pout.
You giggle. “You goofball! I was being sarcastic! Of course I'm grateful to have you walking with me! I wouldn't have it anyother way!” you say with a big smile. Hoping it’ll shut him up, Of course you meant what you said but you just wanna shut him up at this point.
“i-i ..well! Of course you are grateful to have me! I’m the second strongest after all, so of course i’m not gonna let any low rank demon touch whats mi-..you human!” a slight blush goes to his face his hand starts to go to yours wanting to hold your hand.
But the second he’s close to holding your hand you see luke! Luke’s like your little buddy! Like your little brother! Of course you're gonna get freaked out excited and run to him!
“Luke!” you say with euphoria in your voice!
You pounce him raping your arms around he’s to hug him. Not seeing him for a couple of days really made you a bit upset. I mean you could call yourself clingy but you saw Luke as a little brother! You saw Luke as your little brother.
Even though he's way older then you..But still he’s your little brother! And all you wanted to do was protect him..even though he’s probably way stronger than you. And most of the time it would be him trying to protect you even though he's scared of demons.
Which makes you happy that he does that but you also help out in those situations. You two are inseparable. And of course it makes the brothers jealous and you know it does and get a kick out of it sometimes.
“Hey y/n! What are you doing here?” Luke says with curiosity in his voice hugging you back. He looks at mammon and sticks his tongue out mockingly. Of course he gets pissed!
“I ran out of sweets, so I went out to buy some.” you say with a little pout
“ oh! Well how about you come to the purgatory hall and we can bake together?” Luke says with excitement in his voice. You look like you have sparkles in your eyes.
“Come on let's go y/n. We have to go back home-” mammon says before getting cut off by you
“No way! I wanna go bake with my lukey!” you say while holding luke tighter.
“Y-your lukey?! What?!” mammon says with full confusion and annoyance in his voice.
“He’s like a little brother to me okay! Now i’m going with luke tell lucifer that i'll be back later!” you start to walk off but  you look back at mammon and blow him a kiss then wave him bye. And he blushes at that of course!
...Time skip like a couple minutes…
You and luke made it to the purgatory hall with only a couple of demons trying to eat you but you and luke handled it..you two just ran..BUT you made it in one piece and in the kitchen! You two had cute little aprons on, and yours had cute little bunnies on it! I mean you came over a lot to bake with luke so you had your own at the purgatory hall!
You clap your hands “okay, so what are we gonna make today?” you say as you get the cookbook and skim through the pages.
“Ooo! Ooo! Why don't we make a strawberry shortcake? It looks really yummy!” Luke says like a kid in a candy store.
You go to the page that tells you how to make a strawberry shortcake. “Oooo, it does look yummy!” you say almost drooling.
...time skip…
You two get out the ingredients and put them on the counter. “Okay we got 3 eggs, plain flour, sugar, unsalted butter, milk, whipping cream, water, and of course the bowls!” you say smiling not knowing solomon comes in through the front door.
“Yup, all i have to do is find the measuring cups then we can start working on it!” Luke says going to search through cabinets. You haven't been this calm for a while, it’s definitely not calm in the human world..maybe that's why you like being in the devildom so much? I mean with the brothers it's not always calm but they make up for it..they're really good to you despite being literal demons. But you never really saw them as that.
You were so deep in thought that you didn’t hear Solomon walk into the kitchen. He walks towards you, You had your back to him. He gets close to you, Then wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into his chest and puts his chin against your shoulder. You let out a yelp not loud enough that Luke hears it but loud enough to earn a mischievous smirk from solomon.
“S-solomon! I told you to not startle me like that!” you whisper with a hmph. Not wanting to startle Luke.
“I couldn't help it. You looked so calm and cozy...and I wanted to spook you.” Solomon whispers with a mischievous smirk but with tiredness in his voice. You turn around still in his arms and cup his face in your hands.
“You were out with asmodeus weren't you? I mean there's nothing wrong with that, just sometimes you get exhausted more easily..i mean you may be an annoying trickster sometimes but i still care for you.” you say with worry but try to hide it with some anger. It didn't work but it was worth a try.
Solomon puts his forehead against yours and looks into your eyes. “ you worry to much, and yeah I was.” he says with a laugh that was a little louder than intended. Which alerted Luke and made him jump up and look at you guys. He got a little mad.
“Hey, get your dirty hands off of y/n!” Luke says while pulling at your sleeve. And Solomon gets his hands off of you and puts them up with a smile and a wink. Which leaves you blushing a little bit.
“Listen y/n! Solomon isn't a good influence or person! So if he tries anything just push him away, okay?” Luke says trying to get reassurance.
“Hehe okay Luke!” you giggle and pat his head. Solomon lets out a small chuckle.
...time skip…
You and Luke were finished all you had to do was put it in the oven. Solomon interrupted, sometimes asking if he could help, But Luke was still a little mad and would say “no! Your cooking sucks! You'll destroy y/n’s works!”. Solomon would always fake being hurt by the words but he couldn't care less. Solomon never left the kitchen; he always stayed somewhat close to you. Which makes Luke upset and makes you blush a little. Solomon would sometimes grazes a finger across your skin, Which would make you turn beet red and Solomon would obviously get a kick out of it. That teasing bastard…
...time skip…
Finally, it was done cooking! All you needed to do was taste test it. Luke got the first taste and he said it was delicious; which makes you want to try it more!
“Go on y/n, grab a spoon and have a taste!” Luke says excitedly while licking his lips. You go to grab a spoon but Solomon snatches it from you.
“S-solomon?! Hey! That was the last spoon!” you say with a pout while Solomon picks up some of the strawberry shortcake on the spoon. He grabs your chin gently and lifts your head up a bit. You turn a bright red. Luke is pouting, not liking how Solomon is touching you.
“Say aaaah~” Solomon says seductively with a wink which flusters you more.
“A-ahhh..” you open your mouth and Solomon feeds you..it was delicious but someone having Solomon do that made it taste better..
“See, that wasn't so bad.” he says with a chuckle and pats your head. You shake your head.
“ okay, Solomon that's enou-” Luke tries to complain but gets cut off by solomon.
“ hey y/n, why don't you stay over tonight?” Solomon says with a gentle smile.
“What?” you say confused. I mean yeah you would come to the purgatory hall to bake with luke and sometimes practice magic with solomon and just hang out with simeon; But you never spent the night..how would it even go?
“Come on y/n! It can be a little slumber party I guess. I mean I'm sure Luke would love to have a slumber party!” solomon says with an innocent smile..you knew not to trust that smile but before you could think about it Luke grabs your sleeve.
“Yes please! Can we please have a slumber party! We can do all sorts of fun stuff like watch movies, play truth or dare, tell stories!” Luke says with sparkles in his eyes..He knew just how to get you to say yes..How could you say no now?! You may get in trouble with lucifer but oh well! This is for your lukey!
You sigh but give a smile “Sure, let's have a sleepover!”.
“Yaaaaay!!” Luke starts jumping around, and clapping. While Solomon is on the sidelines smiling.
“I just have to message Lucifer and tell him i'm staying over..” you say with worry not knowing how he's gonna react. Is he gonna make you go back to the House of Lamentation? Is he gonna let you stay? Will he get mad? You can't tell with lucifer sometimes..
“Okay! I'll go tell simeon and we can get everything ready!” Luke says running to find Simeon. The kid is honestly super excited!
What will happen with the sleepover? Well you’ll have to find out next time! Oooon~.
Nah, im actually gonna start working on this. Just feel like this one is going on for long!
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Djinn’s Bride! ~A Celebration of Love~
Part 4
[Walpurga Nacht Academty]
[Prefect Meeting Room]
Rosa: [cough] Is- [cough] Is this for real?!
Cass: [cough] Th-There’s- [cough] so much smoke in here! My- [cough] My eyes are burning…
Agatha: [cough] Annoying… [cough]
Blanche: Wait- [cough] the smoke is clearing. 
Diana: …
Rosa: E-EH?! Isn’t- Isn’t that a-
Diana: A djinn.
Rosa: He-He’s huge!! And is that smoke?!
Blanche: Djinns are elementals that take the form of smoke to facilitate easier travel. They do not have a body per se, but they are still capable of interacting with the material world.
Marcia: …
Rosa: Isn’t that kinda like cheating?!
Vita: Hm~? My apologies, beanstalk. It seems that I am incapable of understanding that horribly awkward accent of yours. Perhaps speaking less like a swine might help, hm~?
June: YOU FUC-
Cass: Eek!
Rosa: Woah, woah, woah! Wh-what’s going on?!
Blanche: Th-The noise!!
Diana: … Ugh.
June: It’s too fuckin’ loud!!
Vita: My~ What a great pair of lungs this creature has at his disposal~
June: Don’t ya smile, ya freak!
Agatha: Don’t… threaten… Big… Sis… !!
June: Haaaaaa?! Ya want to get pummeled, ya shit?! Outta my way ‘fore I-
Rosa: I-It stopped! 
Blanche: … Finally.
Cass: Mi-Miss Dion! Are you alright?! Um, you suddenly collapsed-
Blanche: I’m fine, Cassandra. No need to worry. It was merely the noise.
Cass: Th-That’s such good news to hear!
Rosa: Eh? Diana? Are you ok? You’re holding your head.
Diana: Mm. Just wasn’t expecting that. But now it’s fine. I got it memorized.
Rosa: Me-Memorized? Huh? 
Diana: Mm.
Rosa: … I-I don’t really get it, but you seem to have things under control! Still, that roar really freaked me out. Seriously, what the hell is up with that lamp, Marcia? You just said it wasn’t magic, but then it suddenly started spouting smoke and now this djinn came out? That’s way too- Marcia? Marcia? Hey! Are you listening to me? HEY!
Marcia: … [mumble]
Rosa: Huh? What was that?
Marcia: … a djinn…
Rosa: Eh? Don’t tell me you’re just realizing it?!
Marcia: It’s a djinn!!
Rosa: Ye-Yeah! I noticed! So what are we-
Rosa: .... Huh…?
Marcia: Shit! I can’t believe I missed a chance like this?! Aaaaaaaah!! This is so frustrating!!
Rosa: …
Marcia: Senpai, switch with me!! I’ll give you anything you want in exchange for that lamp!! Name your price! I’m begging you!
Marcia: You moron!! Dignity means nothing in the face of such things! I’m throwing it all away! So, please, senpai!
Vita: Oh my~ How exciting~ To see you kneel before me like that certainly sends a shiver down my spine~
Agatha: Hehehehehehehe… dumb… chowder… finally… learned… its… place… Hehehehehehe!
Marcia: That’s right! That’s right! I’m just dumb, lowly chowder that should be trampled over! Oh, great senpai! Great sinister presence! I’m not worthy to stand before you! So, please, just the lamp and I’ll be gone!
Cass: Mi-Miss Pyroeis!
Marcia: SHUT IT! 
June: ?!
Marcia: I’m not letting this sort of opportunity pass me by! Those wishes are gonna be mine!
June: … Ya really askin’ for a beatin’, ain’tcha? ‘Hat’s fine by me.
Cass: Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Miss Himalia! Ple-Please don’t fight right now, um!
June: Don’t hold me back, Cass! I’ll pummel ‘his one and ‘hen the shitty ghoul’s next!
Vita: My, you certainly are like an enraged bull. Not surprising, considering your level of intelligence~
June: YA BI-
Diana: ENOUGH.
All: !!!
Cass: Mi-Miss Arrow…
Marcia: Di-Diana…
Diana: Vita. June. Fighting among ourselves makes us better targets.
June: …
Vita: …
Diana: We have other problems now.
Djinn: Oh? You’re talking about me? Yeah, I think you’re talking about me. About time, I’ll say! You really took your time getting me in this story, didn’t you?
Blanche: Story? Just what-
Djinn: But nevermind that! It’s all water over the bridge! Or water under the bridge? You know, I can never keep these things straight at all! You’d guess 100,000 years in a lamp would make you better at remembering stuff, but let me tell you, it sure doesn’t! Hahahahahaha!
Cass: Um…
Djinn: A-ny-way~ Can’t tell you all how glad I am to be finally out of that thing! I mean sure, the place’s great and all, and the landlord’s a real sweetheart - handsome, to boot too, not wanting to brag - but the room service sucked since you have to do everything yourself! Get it, ‘cause you’re all alone in there?
Rosa: …
Djinn: Wow, tough crowd tonight, isn’t it? What, a kappa sucked out your sense of humor? HA! Kappa joke! Get it?! Hilarious, right?
Diana: …
Djinn: Yeesh. Got a warmer reception by the Moss Fairies up in the Mountains. HA! Though let me tell you those girls can partaaaaaay! Wooo, most fun I had that entire century!
Agatha: … Annoying.
Djinn: Woah, woah, woah! That was seriously rude! Didn’t your parents teach you better? I sure hope you’re not the one who summoned me if you’re just gonna act like that. Speaking about that~
Rosa: Woah! Way too close!
Cass: Eek!
Djinn: Which one of you loooooovely ladies just so happened to wake me up from my nap, hm?
Rosa: Eh? Ah, that was…
Vita: Oh, if ‘tis be the case… Hm~ Very well~
Diana: …
Blanche: You’re just going to hand it over like that?
Vita: What a distrustful gaze~ Do you think me so heartless that I would viciously ignore such an earnest cry?
Agatha: Big… Sis… is… really… kind… hehehehehehe...
Rosa: Aaah, that’s somehow really hard to picture…
Agatha: That’s… because… the… amoeba’s... brain… is… too… small...  
Rosa: Why-
Marcia: YAHOOOOO! Alright, alright, alright! After everything that happened… all the hardship… all the hard work… I’m finally getting my well-earned reward! Aaaah, it’s like I’m floating with overflowing happiness~
Rosa: She’s definitely gone…
Blanche: It seems so…
Marcia: Djinn!
Djinn: Hm? What’s up?
Marcia: Yo-You’re kinda more informal than I imagined… But nevermind that! You asked about your master, didn’t you?! Well, here she stands!
Djinn: Oh? It’s you? 
Rosa: Hey, is it just me or does this guy sound kinda disappointed?
Djinn: Hm~ I was hoping it would be that buxom, long haired one over there, but I guess a tomboy with short hair works well too~
Marcia: A-Ah, the standards for Masters are kinda… Uh, nevermind! I’ll have my three wishes now, please! First, I want a super huge vault filled with money that keeps filling up no matter how much you take out of it! Next, I want a potion that can cure any ailment in existence and give you eternal health! Then, I want-
Djinn: Oh, about that… No can do.
Marcia: Hu-Huh?! What do you mean “No can do”?! You’re a djinn, right?! You fulfill your Master’s wishes, don’t you?! 
Djinn: Well, normally, yeah…
Marcia: Then what’s the problem?! I’m your Master, aren’t I?!
Djinn: Hm, I guess I have to settle for you… But, you’re wrong about the wish-granting thing.
Marcia: … What? 
Djinn: Sure, us, djinn, usually do that sort of stuff. Granting wishes. Making people rich. Getting them the date of their dreams… However, I’ve decided to leave all that behind!
Marcia: …
Djinn: It’s all become so passe, you know? It’s more the stuff your grandparents would do, and I’m just not about that. So, I said screw it. After all, you’ve only got an eternity, right? Why waste it on a soul-crushing job? 
Marcia: …
Rosa: Mm, is it just me or is he making sense here?
Blanche: Rosalia…
Djinn: That’s it! You get it, strawberry shortcake! I gotta be a free man! Make my own choices!
Blanche: Is that so… ?
Djinn: Oh, yeah! That’s why I decided to pursue comedy instead!
Rosa: Eh?! Really?! Me too!
Djinn: No way! Guess it was fate that brought us together, cutie pie!
Rosa: Eh! Th-That’s way too close!
Djinn: So, tell me a little about yourself! What do you like to do? Besides being drop dead gorgeous~!
Rosa: Ugh!
Agatha:... Gross.
Vita: My~ It seems that our dear acquaintance fancies himself a bit of a charmer~
Marcia: …. No way.
Vita: Hm~?
Marcia: No way…
Cass: Mi-Miss Pyroeis? 
Cass: Eek!
Blanche: !!!
Djinn: Hm?
Marcia: You’ve got to be kidding me! What kind of twisted joke is this, huh?! To have the rug pulled from beneath my feet just when I was about to reach the promised paradise! What sort of being would take such pleasure in this cruelty?!
Vita: Fufu.
Djinn: Hey, hey, girlie! I feel like that is a dig at me, ain’t it?
Marcia: Dig?! This is more a questioning of your entire existence! If you were just planning on being useless from the beginning then why’d you even come out of that lamp, huh?!
Blanche: Marcia! Calm down.
Marcia: I refuse to! This sort of trauma can’t be overlooked just like that! Aaaah! I’ve never wanted to become more like the paint on the walls than now!
Blanche: She’s completely stopped making any sense…
Djinn: Woah, just chill, won’t you? Can’t believe I’m getting a reception like this from my own Master. Talk about bad management, huh? Sure, you ain’t getting those wishes. But who cares?
Marcia: I do!! I very much do!! It’s my whole reason for existing! Now I’m just a spineless jellyfish carried by currents! What’s the point in even existing like this, huh?!
Cass: Mi-Miss Pyroeis!
Djinn: Yeesh. That’s a bit over dramatic… Listen here girlie, you’re not getting those wishes. You’re getting something even better!
Marcia: … Huh? Really?
Djinn: Oh yeah! Drum Rolls please!!
[Drum Rolls]
Djinn: You’re getting the ultimate, most coveted, chance of a lifetime opportunity ooooooooof…
Marcia: … Eh… ?
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reimahowaido · 4 years
Spyro: Reignited review part 4.5
Great to start the evening/night off with something I love~~ So let's talk about those Peace Keeper Dragons, shall we~? Titan - What an introduction! This man is rearing to go! Or should I say, roaring to go. You know I had to make that pun~ Aaaah, buddy yeeeees~ I love the purple/magenta/flirt color they used for the accents along with the orange. He's got a nice axe and a great voice and everything about this design is so gooood. Even that exit animation~ I've not mentioned them a lot so far, but some of those are great too. Really embodies that feel you get when you enter the second homeworld Magnus - Big boiiiiii. He's Full of personality! And I enjoy his colors too. They really got those sumo wrestler vibes right on him and honestly I do really like him, he's greeeeat~ I think I might like him more than I did at first. He's definitely grown on me Gunnar - First of all, love the eyepatch. I'll always love eyepatch wearing characters. That's just Aesthetics.jpg to me~ Not to mention that that's a nice color scheme, and good voice - as seems to be the common thing with most these dragons xD A bit too many teeth and face spikes for my liking, but he's good
Conan - From a simple 'Thank you for releasing me' to someone I actually remember~ Not a favourite design, but I do recognize this reference. Didn't read the books, but I remember the Donald Duck comics on Don Quijote (*Proceeds to google name to know how to write that*). The fact he's facing the wrong way at first is brilliant too. Simple but shows that they really put a lot of love and effort into these games~ Although I Do Really like that wing color Boris - "Dry Canyon rewards good gliders" Don't remind meeee. Boris nooo I suck at gliding. A lot of people seem to like his design too, and yeah it's nice, the little rattle snake tail, the bull horns and the bell. Yeah I can kinda see what they were going for. He's alright, I like the wing colors again and he fine, but bruh, gliding. His voice is very nice too though, I can't lie Ivor - Honestly probably one of my favourites of the older elder dragons. He's got that design theme around an old bomber, he sounds nice and his attempt at remembering and saying something nice to Spyro is pretty wholesome. I like this fella. Oh, and it looks like at the end when he's supposed to leave, he sneezes, in the direction of the bomb he's holding so carefully. Uh oh. Uh oh Ivor. We all better hope he either doesn't have fire breath or that he's veteran enough with those bombs to not let such an accident happen. Because if not, oh no Maximos -Heeeere comes one cute big boi~ I did go and check on what I wrote before, I cheated on myself, R.I.P. but I still agree, he does look like a pitbull/bull terrier in a way. Tiny wings for a big boi~ He knows how to appreciate good well seasoned food and we love him for that. I'm not angry at him for being at a place where it wasn't exactly all that easy to get to because I was able to get there first try (and then I died and/or failed several times and had to go get the key again, woop). I like him, and especially that little "Oh, oh I got a little carried away didn't I." feel at the end Halvor - Yeeeee I like him~ He's really cute with his big ram headed hammer. I know that's probably not the first thing that people think of when it comes to Halvor, but I freaking love the lean/hugging of the hammer at the end of his speech. Also he's got a kinda unique color scheme. I like this fella, I dooo Enzo - Not a lot of time to take in this dude's whole design, we don't see or hear a lot of him. I gotta admit I'm not personally a biiiig fan of that chin. Not the worst design I don't think, and the crossbow is cool, even if you only really see a small glimce of it as he's leaving Marco - Slinky lanky prosthetics boi~ Representation here he is~ And he has a halberd too~ I love these little things they're greatttt. He's nice too, gives off some weapon crafter feel to be honest. Yeah he's not as big or buff as the others, but the variety makes me like him more Ulric - Lots of dragons in Ice Cavern, and the first one of them is red, nice contrasting color to be honest. He's got great animations. Not the most memorable to me, but not bad either. He's another fella who is very much fine Todor - But let's be honest, the real reason why anyone else in Ice Caverns loses some of their shine is because Todor Is Here~ Yeeee he my favourite, I really like him ok? Long lanky boi, with big feathery wings that have a very pretty gradient. Nice light blue color, fur, big bow, he's got actual ears, antlers as horns..... Yeah, He's great. I like this fella a lot. Sneaky man giving Spyro some hints. He wink. His releasing animation kinda looks like he was peering upwards as if to go 'yo what is that' so he was seemingly paying attention and aware of what was going on. And at the end he takes his bow and seemingly readies himself to go get stuff done. Love him, love him so much. The only thing I'm not 110% on is the goatie. Not the biggest fan of goaties, sorry ya'll. So, a, part of me is like... What if he has ice breath instead of a fire one? That goatie looks a little like it's frozen, so maybe it's just ice stuck to his chin. Or not but you know! And again, I love
this whole thing where there are different bodytypes for the dragons. Seeing the slimmer fellas among all the big buff bois is refreshing, makes Todor all the greater and more unique to me Andor - Another 'thank you for releasing me' dragon. I like the necklace he was given, it's big and bold and adds a nice little thing to the design itself (wow those words are contradictory, big little, I English, Yes). Big lion tail, he's very polite as he bows. Doesn't do a lot, but I like the design regardless Asher - And another few worded fella with some added lines this time. I kinda get a feeling he was about to get to some life lessons or such and the other Ice Cavern dragons just scattered - makes you feel a little bad for the fella. There's a lot of them in the level, so I kinda see them all as a unit, where the younger dragons are a little unruly, perhaps a tad over confident or narcissistic (Ulric boasts on his size, Todor is sneaky, Andor is polite but will sneak away with the others when a chance is given, Ragnar starts his talk off with a whole 'I, me, I am pretty great ain't I' so he falls under the stuff too. Andor is the least troubling of them all, but they're a bit of a team of rascals. Capable and get their job done, but a little unruly at times, which is why Asher is there. I feel. I've made a whole story of their relations now xD) Asher is fine, he's fine. He's got a lot on his hands Ragnar - I like his design. The smoke from his nostrils is a nice detail and gives him some uniqueness. The hothead of the team? Maybe? Certainly a fire breather though, keeps the place and others warm. I dunno what else to say, I like him in his simplicity Trondo - This man got attitude. Very expressive. Cool weapon bro, also a slightly sneaky hint on 'watch his back'. He's fine, decent, I do like him too and there's some unique feel to him. Not up there in my favourites, but I'd say like solid middle ground or such? Man, I should be doing one of those tier lists now shouldn't I. Oh boy
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