#it was also sunny with a nice temperature so like that might have helped.
proustianlesbian · 11 months
today it's been a year since i went to lyon for three days with my class and it had been a long time since i discovered a new place so it is now one of my favorite trips i did. i have so many good memories and still feel so happy talking to people about it and thinking how happy i was there. i was going through a difficult time then but now i miss this period of my life, as well as my classmates and the people i met there 🥺🥰.
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notspiders · 5 months
Liminal Spaces w/ 141
A thought I made with a few friends who fleshed it out more:
Liminal spaces! But you know, 141 are the monsters :P Now, the rule is that as long as you're compliant and not trying to escape, your liminal space is going to be heaven. They'll make sure of that to ensure you don't associate anything negative to their space. Can't have that, hmm?
Each man has their own domain. :)
Price - Suburbia:
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Quiet, infinite neighborhood, everything looks the same. There's people but they all seem to act exactly like you'd imagine Stock Images people would act.
You can't really talk with them either. Strange how when you approach one of them, they just disappear in a blink of an eye.
Price would prefer if you act as his loving partner :)
The fridge is always stocked! Beds are warm and cozy. The television plays anything you want.
You also get WIFI. Don't bother messaging anyone (that isn't your husband.)
You can try to 'exit' the neighborhood. There's a car even! You can drive in it. There's unlimited amount of fuel. Too bad the road never seems to end and the houses are still there...
Not to worry. You can exit out of the car and enter any one of the houses. Price is always waiting :)
Got that all out of your system, hm?
Gaz - Shopping Mall:
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Shopping mall has everything and anything.
Movie theaters, designer clothes, outlets, cafeterias, anything you want- it's there! Have fun exploring :)
It's just you though. No one else is in this mall.
Gaz's voice will always guide you over the speakers, should you ever get lost.
Or, your favorite music always plays over the speakers. You can ask Gaz to skip any song or play whatever you want at any moment of time.
Arcades, cafes, even a pet shop! Gaz will be happy to join you if you wish for company :)
The doors to the exits don't budge open. Stop trying.
There's an Internet cafe and library in this mall. Anything you want to read, watch, listen- it's all there. Still can't talk with anyone... Shame.
But you have Kyle. Who else do you want?
Soap - the Woods:
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The Firewatch tower in the endless, dense woods.
It's pretty cozy.
Food is always stocked in the fridge. Plenty of water too. If you want something fresh, just ask! Soap is happy to hunt for you :)
You can watch sunsets and sunrises with him. He loves it :)
No WIFI here unfortunately, but, really- say goodbye to your electronic devices and embrace nature. It's good for you.
If you want to explore the woods, always have Soap beside you. He'll guide you around. Maybe you might find a small, beautiful clearing beside a lake. It's a perfect campsite. Could go swimming, fishing, canoeing...
Don't worry. No harmful bugs or creepy crawlies you dislike.
Oh? You want to go rock-climbing? Why how convenient that there's this cliff right beside us. With harnesses and such attached to the wall! And would you look at that, it's very easy to climb.
Plenty of things to do.
Starwatching. :)
As long as you're with him, no harmful monsters are going to bother you two.
Never go alone.
Ghost - the Beach
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It's... a lovely beach.
If it weren't so foggy in most days.
But that's what you have Ghost for. He's your personal heater. :)
Seriously it gets freezing at night and the small shack by the ocean isn't really keeping the cold out.
Don't you worry. Sand won't get everywhere. And it's smooth. Calm your tits, Anakin.
Some days, when the Sun is out, the sand is just the perfect warm bed for you to lay down and just... sunbathe.
You can tan with Ghost to get that impeccable bronze. Don't worry, you won't get sunburnt. Of course... could always ask Ghost to lather sunscreen on you. He'll be happy to help you with that :)
The water can vary in temperature- from freezing cold to a nice sunny warm.
You can swim and wade in it. And you can try to go deeper but isn't that strange? The depth isn't changing and you just don't seem to be leaving the shore too much.
The currents do get stronger when you keep on trying. Don't bother, you're never getting past it.
Plenty of food and water in that shack. And spare clothes, towels...
WIFI? Babe, this is the beach. You don't need it. You have Ghost.
Credits to @angelcqre for this line:
something about the boys all going to Gaz’s domain at random points to pick up shit they don’t have in their own domains [...]
Yes they would. They absolutely would.
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volturilovers · 1 year
How you meet your mate Demetri Volturi
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This is my first demetri imagine. english isn't my first language so it might not be the best thing you have read but
I was walking around the castle. The kings have been alerted that I was Demetris mate and human after he found me. They came to an agreement that I could remain human for a limited amount of time since it wasn’t the best time to change me. I can still remember the day we met quite clearly.
I was shivering in the cold, it had started snowing. I had stupidly forgot to check the weather app. It is a well known fact that Sweden had unpredictable weather especially this early in the spring. One day it can be snowing or be sunny with no clouds in the sky. This morning the weather was sunny so I stupidly assumed that the weather would be good for the rest of the day. I was wrong since the temperature dropped to just a few degrees celsius above zero.
I was walking fast, taking a shortcut this cloudy and snowy day hoping that I won't get hypothermia before I reached my apartment. I was so lost in my thoughts that I suddenly bumped into someone hard chest.
"I am so sorry that i bumped into you, I was di-."
When I looked into his eyes I suddenly couldn't speak. I was struck by his beauty and felt a sudden attraction and my heart started thumping faster, I couldn't look away from his eyes. I forgot entirely that my clothes were getting wet since I didn't move when after I fell to the ground. His face held a suprised expression but also a glimse of curiousity. It was like we both forgot our surroundings and we were the only people in this world.
He was the first to snap out of it. Seeing me on the ground he offered me his hand to help me up.
"I am sorry it was my fault, are you okay miss?" he said inquiring me about my name.
"Y/N, Y/N L/N is my name" I said as I took his hand, he helped me back on my feet.
"My name is Demetri Volturi. it's nice to meet you" he bowed as he introduced himself giving me a charming smile. before looking me up and down in concern. " You are shivering. are you okay miss Y/N"
Not wanting to worry him I said I was fine. I was on my way home. He offered me his coat.
"You don't have to. I am fine really"
"I insist. You need the coat more than me. trust me" he said with a genuine smile.
"thank you" I gave him a smile, taking the coat he offered, hesitantly.I felt much better wearing the coat.
" These streets are generally unsafe, I would be honored to accompany you on your way home to assure you making it home safely."
I thought about it looking at him to see if he looked suspicious. Normally I would say no but something told me I could trust him so I answered him with a nod. And then we were on our way to my house.
He walked with me the entire way to my house. We were having a delightful conversation, learning some things about one another. He was Italian and was on a business trip and visiting his cousins that lived in the city, but too soon for my liking we got to my house and it was time to say our goodbyes.
"Thank you for walking me home, see you around?" I told him with a smile, wishing the distance to my house was much longer so we didn't have to finish the conversation since the probability that we would meet again is slim.
"I will see you around. I have some business to attend to before going backn to Italy, I hope we can have more conversations like this sometime"
This was a start of a beautiful relationship
How was my portrayal of Demetri? Leave your thoughts in my inbox or in the comment section. Do you want a part 2 but with Demetri’s experience of the event or a similar imagine but with another character. My inbox is open to requests. It might take time to make these imagines since I am taking courses and are generally very busy. Another Demetri imagine is on its way.
Bye lovelies❤️
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takeachillpillshawty · 3 months
Dorms I feel safe in. (From most to least)
Ok, here me out on this... A nice warm bed, a sunny dorm, a cheerful Housewarden that cares about you, and a vice Housewarden that cooks great meals and is also responsible.
I believe Scarabia students got it good honestly, Kalim most likely would pay for medical bills. 9\10
Savannah Claw
You can see a pattern with this, as a person who's lived in the carribean I'm used to the hot weather and I think Savannah claw has the right temperature for me.
I me and Leona would be chill, me and Ruggie would be friends. Overall it's not bad. 7\10
One hand. self care routines, manicures, facials and a spa day....on the other hand....ROOK.
I'm sorry but Epel would remind me of my little brother and we'd most likely get into fight.... I'm more likely to get kicked out if anything... 8\10
On one hand...money and on the other....OCTOTRIO.
I don't mind Octavinelle, it's a pretty cool dorm but my anxiety will keep me up knowing that someone could accidentally break the glass windows and flood the whole place...it doesn't help I have a major fear of drowning.
I have enough patience for Azul but the twins? It's bad enough I might have to work for the monstro lounge foe some money but those assholes will get me fired. 6\10
Ok, I'll get straight to the point. The dorm uniform gotta go, and I'm sure all girls know why it's a death sentence to wear white when it's that time of the month so nope to that.
Secondly... Riddle. I'll saw it once and I'll say it again, one of us will end up on the news. Why am I going to let a leprechaun order me around? I'm mostly going to stay just for the food and for my boy Cater~ 6\10
The dorm looks claustrophobic, and there are no windows. The dorm smells like shit and shame, no amount of axe body spray is gonna help with that.
Talking to Idia is like having a suggestion box....non existent.
I'll say it again if I have to, Ortho would give off major uncanny Valley of he was real and I fucking HATE dolls...so I apologize to my son in advance....5\10
Where do I begin? For starters, I hope I don't go deaf by Sebek's constant shouting or die from Lilia's cooking. Malleus would pop out of nowhere and give me a heart attack and Silver basically being the only normal one in the dorm is the only person I've seen fall asleep before a conversation.
Besides the dorm is just Ramshackle 2, that cliff is one lightning blot away from letting this dorm crumble. 3\10
Note: I love the boys dearly despite this. ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 10 months
Immortal au drabble 2, domestic arc — about 730 words, no warnings
It was a cold day. Not snowing, not yet, but the temperature sure felt like freezing. The cold wind burned against your face, you could see your breath as you sighed.
You were sitting outside despite the weather, nearing the empty road near the forest ground. You didn't know why on earth there was a bench there, but you didn't mind as you sat on it and just watched the minutes go by.
You didn't notice how long you were out for or how cold you had gotten until you felt a warmer, metallic hand touch your shoulder from behind.
You look up, and Sun smiles down at you. He's wearing a sweater, and a very thick jacket on top of it. Certainly is more than you have on yourself now.
"Sunny", you smile back at your friend, and pat to your side on the bench for him to sit down. He does without missing a single bit. You hum as you look back at the horizon. As much as it had changed over the years, you still think that's a pretty sight to have.
Sun also hums, and you can feel his stare on you for a moment. Eventually, he takes your hand on his own. His are much larger than yours, but you always thought it was quite a nice difference.
"Your hands are colder than when I lost a bet and had to stick my hand into the snow for five minutes." He chastises you, but you can hear the smile on his voice as he engulfes your hand on both his own and hold close to him, making exaggerated sigh sounds as if he even had a lung on the first place, to try to warm your hand up with hot air.
You can guess who made that bet in the first place. You can't help but laugh at the silliness of it all. They are not affected by the cold the same way you are, after all. Though they still can feel it.
"What was the point of sticking your hand into snow anyway?", you laugh, turning to face your friend. His rays spin once.
"I'm afraid you'd have to ask Moon that", he bops your nose, "you know his mind works in... mysterious ways." He takes your other hand into his own. He's warm, it almost makes you want to lean into him. "I suppose yours do, too."
He chuckles, and you gasp in mock offense.
"Now, what was that supposed to mean, Mr. Sun Drop?"
"Oh why, I am simply astounded by our little Star's exquisite taste," one of his hands touch your cheek, a thin smile spread across his face. "You always like staying outside so much, specially in such weather and such light clothes! It marvels me— I wonder what is it this beauty you see in freezing?"
You hate you can't argue with him. Still, the audacity of this oversized roomba. The cold is great, alright. You're barely feeling it anymore anyway.
"Very funny", you roll your eyes at his sarcasm, but smile fondly still.
"It is my job to be silly," Sun's rays spin as he beams, "and your job to not freeze to death. C'mon."
And just like that, he picks you up. You saw it coming, really — he always does this. At least he's nicer about it than Moon.
You lean against him, not even bothering to protest. His jacket is soft to the touch, and his body is warm — a lot warmer than yours, at least. You really need to stop spacing out outside during winter.
He opens the door without issue, and promptly wraps you into a blanket burrito with a light blue colored, cloud themed blanket he probably had picked out before going to grab you outside.
He sits you on the couch, and sits by your side, cuddling your smaller and stuck frame. He doesn't even nag you anymore about how irresponsible that is, and instead just sighs and pat your head as he makes sure you're warm.
"You need to stop doing this", he says.
"My bad", you reply with little apologetics, knowing very well that will happen again soon. It's not like the cold can kill you, so might as well enjoy the peace it gives you.
Despite all their nagging, they always go to pick you up.
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true-blue-sonic · 10 months
7-12-16-23 for Silver, Espio and Blaze? (that’s twelve questions I am so sorry)
No worries, I am currently ill at home and have gathered enough energy to tackle it ^-^
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Oh dear.😅 Oof, let's see here... I think that for a side character in a large extended cast, Silver is actually quite popular, and people are warming up to him more and more. At least, in polls that feature him and such he always seems to do quite well? And he's also got a lot of fanart and attention dedicated to him! So that is something that I like: the fact that he's generally well-liked. It's definitely a step up from 2006!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
My very epic headcanon was that he is left-handed, but I seem to have disproven that myself, haha. Another one I have is that with every new season that rolls around, he claims it is his favourite: winter for the snow and cozy times, spring for the new life and pretty flowers, summer for the warm temperatures and long sunny days, and autumns for its colours and epic storms. He just can't make up his mind which one he likes best: he loves it all similarly.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I don't think I have one; there are many that I am not interested in, but those don't show up so much anyway and I don't have anything about them that I hate, so I just ignore them.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
I can't just pick one, come on!!
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I'll take this one because I love the pastel-like colouring, but rest assured I like many more!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I think people overall have a relatively good grasp on his "place" within the Chaotix: the "straight man" of the team who similarly still is equally silly as the others. I always like seeing that: it's funny because Espio treats it so seriously, haha.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
He can be a bit of a mother hen, being the person most concerned with their finances, ensuring they have enough food, and raising Charmy into a responsible adult. Vector is the face of the Chaotix and the one Espio and Charmy follow, but behind the scenes Espio is the one who helps make sure everything runs smoothly and they're all cared for as best they can.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Same for Silver: none. It probably helps that I just concern myself most with Espilver and I don't do too much outside that, haha.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Also here picking one is difficult😅
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I'll go with this one because I think it very nicely shows the Chaotix household, and I also like seeing Espio write with a brush.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Hmm, I'm trying to think of something, but I don't engage so much with fan content about Blaze, to be quite honest. Though, people who like the Rush series and those who know of and appreciate how hilariously broken Blaze is in those games compared to Sonic when it comes to her jumping ability are always nice to see!
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
The reason she's so bad at cooking is because of her impatience: she can control the fire she uses to cook well, it's just that she deliberately makes them go too hard/quickly in order to be finished more quickly. But that usually just means things get burned instead. If she's got someone to help her out and distract her in the kitchen, it'll come out much better.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Also none ^-^
23. Favorite picture of this character?
This might perhaps be odd, but I adore some of her sprites from Rush!
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I think they masterfully managed to capture Blaze's growth from closed-off and grumpy person who isolated herself her whole life into someone who knows that she can rely on others, and who appreciates her new friends. She's just so cute when she smiles! I love how Cream in Rush even deliberately draws attention to it. And the memories I have of the story around them makes seeing the sprites all the sweeter!
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capricioussun · 1 year
Patch & Void
suggested by @rainbowut
Dark grey clouds swirled overhead. Heavy with rain yet shed, they drifted along slowly, almost at pace with his meandering. Even though it was just sometime after noon, the world looked desaturated in their overcast tint.
Some might call it dreary, or somber – he would call it nice. Bright sunny days were too hard on his functional eye anyway. Maybe the humidity aggravated his joints, but what didn’t anymore? The clouds and mist also kept the temperature from reaching high enough to prevent him from partaking in this particular, favored pastime.
Walking aimlessly around their quiet little neighborhood.
The surface was nice and all, but their little slice of it was plenty. Even a little too much, sometimes. He wasn’t as old as his bones tried to convince him, but…things take their toll. As much as he’d liked working at ‘Hugs ‘n Stitches’ the past few years, his fingers just didn’t move like they used to. Like when he’d helped his brother make his costume-
They wouldn’t miss him too much if he quit, and Papyrus’s work made more than enough for them to stay comfortable. They wouldn’t have to worry about…anything.
It would be fine.
Lost in thought, he was reminding himself he could always stop in to visit his ex co-workers when a chill trickled down his spine. It had nothing to do with the light rain that just started.
His sight landed on a tall form standing a few yards down, at the very end of the walkway leading to their porch. He couldn’t help a shiver at the sight before his eye adjusted, like a silhouette cut straight out of reality. A missing piece where there shouldn’t be one. The deep red scarf broke that illusion, though, and Patch recognized him instantly.
“hey, preacher man,” he rasped once he was close enough to be heard, a breath as he slowed to a stop before him, “what gives us the pleasure?”
Void had waited pristinely, uncaring of the misting rain. His eyes only drew from the trees across the way once Patch spoke, finding him in a faintly off putting neutral acknowledgment.
“Do you have a moment to talk?”
“Are you certain?”
Void’s gaze fixed outward, watching the branches and leaves bend in the wind as rain pelted down on their back porch’s roof.
Patch took a deep breath, humming quietly on the exhale. “you take me as the kinda guy…to make rash decisions?”
The other didn’t look to him, distractedly shifting the mug in his hands. Patch had never seen the other look so uncertain before, it served to drive home just how worried he really was about this guy.
“No.” He finally answered, looking down into the murky tea, long since gone cold. “It’s a lot to ask. More than I would normally, but under the circumstances…”
Patch cleared his throat, scratching his chin as he leaned back in his armchair, “nah, i get it.” His gaze drifted to the windows as well, “ain’t that much…” he took a breath, “ain’t much different from the last one.” He glanced back and caught Void’s expression pinch, “right?”
Finally, the other’s lightless eyes turned to him, looking more himself, “It’s significantly different and you know that.” It could’ve been a scolding if he didn’t sound so tired.
“heh,” Patch’s sockets crinkled as he smiled, “not ta me though.”
At that, Void’s expression sobered, deflating as he looked back to his hands. Another silence ushered in, making the storm sound so much louder. Funny, how it looked brighter out now than it did before.
“Thank you,” almost a murmur, and Patch tried not to think too hard about why this had him in such a twist. Even if he fully understood, he’d still do it. They owed a lot to this weird alternate version of his brother which he tried not to think about too hard either.
“no hay problema,” he sighed, sinking deeper into his chair. The rain was letting up, pattering more softly against the windows, the sky growing lighter still, pitching everything in a faint glow.
“and uh…since we’re gunna be seein’ more’a each other…” Patch set his own mug on the side table and caught the corner of Void’s eye with his own, “don’t be such a stranger, huh? …mi casa es su casa.”
His brow bones knit up with confusion, not fully turning his head to look at Patch as he flatly asked, “Why are you talking like that.”
Shrugging, Patch’s smile softened more sincerely, “paps been…gettin’ into all these spanish soaps lately.” Void’s own expression eased, and it finally seemed like he’d come back to himself. “dunno why, but…eh, makes ‘im happy.”
The other breathed a light laugh, taking a sip of his tea and straightening to his more normal, back breaking posture. “How is Dove? It’s been a while since we’ve spoken.”
Bait taken, Patch smirked to himself as he started updating their friend on what he’d missed since his last ‘check in’. As always, Void listened patiently as Patch took his time so as to not run out of breath. And if he took more time than usual to drag it out, well, it didn’t seem like Void was in any hurry.
He’d have to write the name down before he forgot again. It was looking like the next few months were going to get very, very…interesting.
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frostfall-matches · 1 year
[ matchmaking... ]
@astralmysteria : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Gaius
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While you tend to be rather principled with your own morals, it’s hard for you to judge Gaius harshly when you learn more and more about him. He has morals, he knows what most people consider right and wrong and he adheres to that in many situations (even when doing what he does), but he also sees a bit of wiggle room there. Even though his main gig for providing himself is what most people would consider wrong, he still generally has the best interest of others in mind especially when it comes to more complex situations. So the initial interactions with him might be tough - it’s hard to look past him stealing from people when he frankly has no right to. But you’re open-minded and tolerant enough to see past the thief.
He thinks you’re the cutest thing! You’re just so sweet and kind, and your smile is so bright. Gaius would likely do well with someone empathetic and helpful, considering the types of people he usually runs into in his line of work… For him, it would be nice to be in regular contact with someone genuinely kind and happy to interact with him. Seeing you would brighten his day, talking to you allows him to fully relax; he is completely at ease in your presence! And because you’re cute as a button, Gaius would also make it his personal mission to keep you safe and smiling - even if you’re able to handle yourself.
Related to that, he is going to end up becoming one of your biggest hype men. If you mention any of your insecurities, or you even look insecure and worried about something, Gaius is right there to support you and boost you back up. Because the thing is, he gets it. He knows a lot of people don’t think he’s a very good person, and he acts like it doesn’t bother him most of the time. But sometimes, when it’s coming from people who he thought understood him… It can be tough. And Gaius knows that despite his supportive, affectionate, or loving words to you, it’s ultimately up to you if you decide to put any stock in them. And even if you don’t - he’ll still be right there, providing reassurance.
As sweet as you are, though, he likes when your more biting, sarcastic side comes out. Gaius is all for playful, teasing banter (and it is often one of the ways he’ll show affection for those he cares for). It’s all the more fun when the people he teases eventually come back at him (as long as it’s all good natured, at least). When it comes to you, he loves that you’re feeling comfortable and confident enough to sass back to him and share some of the less sweet and sunny thoughts you have about troublesome things, people, or situations.
Gaius will readily take any affection you give him. Showing him affection through acts of service is rather easy, with his massive sweet tooth. But he also really appreciates when you mend his clothes or armor after he’s gotten himself into some sort of scuffle, or helping him with weapon maintenance - they’re not fun chores, he knows, so it warms his heart to know that you’ve gone out of your way to help him with this. Other than that, he loves physical affection, and he definitely leans towards that to show you how dearly he thinks of you. And, of course, you can expect to be assigned several endearing (embarrassing) nicknames.
While you might be a picky eater, Gaius really isn’t, despite his obvious strong preference for sweets (things can be tough when you’re subsisting on thievery, after all, so he’ll take what he can get). If you happen to obtain a food item that you ultimately dislike due to its texture or odd temperature, but you don’t want to waste it, you can pass it off onto Gaius if you want. More often than not he’ll eat it and enjoy it at least a little, and he thinks it’s better for him to eat it rather than letting it go to waste otherwise. That being said, he’s also not going to make you feel bad for being a picky eater. After all, everyone has their preferences, and why should you have to eat what you don’t like?
Your pacing and - if you don’t think he’s around - your habit of talking or singing to yourself really don’t bother him. At the very least, it’s just something that you do, and it’s clear to him that it helps occupy your mind and body in a helpful, semi-active way. But in a way, it almost becomes calming for him. Your pacing signifies that you’re around and feeling well enough to pace around. It’s not often that he manages to catch you talking or singing to yourself, but sometimes he might be in another room and he can just faintly hear you. It’s really endearing to him.
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mrs-falcon · 1 year
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UPDATE: 15th July 2023 The contest is closed, however here are the correct answers: 1 - mullein (Verbascum) 2 - stawberry leaf 3 - yarrow (Achillea millefolium) 4 - sorrel (Rumex acetosa) 5 - poppy -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hey, hey hey!!! I'm opening a contest for you guys :) So what's the deal? You have to guess the plants correctly in this page so the 3 of you can "win" a free headshot of your OC. Sounds good, doesn't it? Let's take a closer look on the rules/info:
* Who can join? - Anybody! This contest is open for everyone who wants to try it.
* What's the deal/rules? - The main thing of this contest is to guess the names of the plants drawn in this comic page (they have numbers). Don't worry - I know my drawings are a lot silly so later in this post I'll give you few hints that will help you guess the plants' names ;) ---> WRITTING NAMES OF THE PLANTS: - You can write the plant's name in english, however since I am not a native english speaker, I'd preffer if you could also add the latin name so both sides know what plant we are talking about (example: daisy; Bellis - you can write only the genus in latin, but feel free to add the second name if you feel for it.... daisy isn't there, folks :D ) ---> WHERE TO WRITE ANSWERS? - You can simply comment bellow this post or if you're shy or don't want others to see your anwer, you can message me personally via note/DM ---> HOW DO I WIN? - I put some very easy plants into the page, however two of them aren't that much known SO if you guess correctly 3 plants out of 5, you are the winner :) - min. 3 correctly guessed plants' names --> you win - under 3 correct anwers --> you lose - Please write the plant's number and to the number your aswer
* What's the prize? - As a reward you get one free drawn headshot of your original character or your sona (or whatever you like)! - You can also later ask me if you'd like the drawing in traditional or digital style (for expectations see my gallery) - A little reminder I'm quite bussy with things outside the world so it might take me a while to finish your prizes, please be patient!
* When will the contest end? - This contest ends on July 15th at 00:00 (CET) - I'll let you know in this post when the contests ended and who won
And thta's is! Have fun!
** BONUS PART: PROMPTER - I am nice and I'll give you some more info to better guess these nasty plants :) No. 1 - a biennial herb which can be found literally anywhere, but it prefers dry and sunny places          - it's leaves are covered with silver "hair", it's soft to touch          - the leaves are used as a poultice on forehead of a sick person who suffers of high temperature          - typical plant has yellow flowers that appear into an inflorescence No. 2 - a plant that is very favorite among humans, especially for it's red fruits          - usually known for it's red fruit which is sweet          - a tea made of the plant's leaves are good for calming your mind No. 3 - perrenial plant, now very often found in lawns          - white flowers are the most typical colour for this plant, however you can spot even pink ones          - the foliage has typical shape, it's "ribbed"          - tea made of this plant is good for detoxification and helps to stop bleeding No. 4 - perrenial plant, usually found on dry and sunny medows          - the flowers are very tiny, you can spot the plant from a distance thanks to its red/dark pink flowers that look like little beads          - only edible plant of this genus, the leaves have sour taste          - Thornclan cats use these as travelling herbs :) No. 5 - juice of this non-ripe fruit has soporific effects          - ripe fruit pours out lots of tiny seeds, humans make cakes out of these          - the wild plant has usually red flowers, children make dolls out of these (not sure if your culture does)          - when you damage the plant, it pours a "milk"
Hopefully there aren't any grammatical mistakes ^^;
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Artwork & Story & Characters © MrsFalcon (FalconFeatherTheCat) (me)  Warriors © Erin Hunter
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godnectar · 2 years
Happy timezone my dear goddess,
What is your favourite season?
My country doesn’t have seasons at all. We’re blessed with sunny cloudy days as well as rainy days only.
But I do wish to experience fall and winter. How the leaves turn maple brown and how the animals get ready for hibernation. I wish to fall into a pile of leaves and make a snowman during winter. Fall feels so romantic while winter gives me a soothing joyous season of Christmas.. though I do not celebrate it.
But I do get happy receiving presents from friends!
I feel drained from spending time with grandma. I thought her social battery is low, especially coming from her two weeks long trip abroad. But I’m satisfied to be able to accompany her. I couldn’t help but feel frightened from a weird dream I had. It made me question things, but at the end of the day, a dream is just a dream.
How are you today? Are you well?
Your Cupcake🌹
Good evening, my love! <3
I'd say that my favorite seasons are autumn and winter since I adore cold and rainy weather ─ even if I sometimes freeze like a dumbass and often get sick. This might also be related a bit to how much I hate the sun and hot temperatures, but that's just me being my dramatic self,,
Seasons here are pretty distinctive from each other: spring makes everything full of little flowers and the air is loaded with pollen that kills me everytime I sneeze; summer is hot as hell, causing the beach and local pools to get extremely crowded; autumn is pretty lovely because there are lots of leaves on the ground and the breezes and small storms are very common, though relaxing; and ultimately, winter gets most surfaces icy, which earns me lots of pathetic slips, but once every few years it snows so magically that I get soft and I'm finally able to stay warm and cuddle at home 😖
Anyways- as you can see I love ranting stupidly, and the information here is totally not biased by my opinion ♡
It's nice to hear you were able to spend some time with her, sunshine! ngl tho- I'm now a bit curious about that dream you're talking about 👀
I'm alright hun, the sickness is fading away as the days pass, so there's nothing to worry too much about <3 wbu babe? everything good?
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fucktherain · 6 months
12 April 2024 (Fri) 1:14 pm
Good afternoon. I’m still really ill. At this point I’ve got a wet towel (that was supposed to be cold but my body heat has made warm) draped on my face and I’m praying to God that this will end soon. I am even considering believing in the divine if I get better. I’m really hungry, but I’ve lost my appetite. I want to eat fresh fruits to feel cooler, amongst other necessary groceries I need / that I’m running out of. I’ve also got a package I need to pick up at the concierge but I really can’t bear the thought of going out. I don’t want to do my makeup (yes I’m quite self conscious and I feel like I look quite bloated) to go out, but I also don’t want to go out bare-faced (even though I know nobody cares). The concierge and the nearest supermarket (Waitrose) are literally like within 2 minutes walk (basically downstairs from me), but I’m feeling absolutely horrible. I’ve showered last night, but I feel so hot and uncomfortable. I’m sorry I’m complaining again, but I have to get it out of my system. I feel like I can’t complain to anyone else in my life because.. who wants to listen to someone complain? And won’t take help? Like, what can you say to that person? I don’t want to inconvenience anyone, and I know it gets irritating, so this is my place to vent.
Possible solutions is to force myself to go out. Get myself together and get what I need, though it’ll exert myself (I can barely get up without feeling faint – I felt like I was about to pass out a few times these past 3 days) and probably feel worse off. Or, I could get an uber delivery from a supermarket and have it delivered right to my door, but I’ll still have to go out because I have a package I need to retrieve. And also, quality of the groceries may be poorer (they don’t care about the quality of what they’re grabbing). I don’t know. But all I know is I’m in so much pain. My throat has gotten really, really sore as well. The first 1 or 1 and a half days it was fine, but now it hurts to swallow and I have green / yellowy phlegm. Yes, gross, but that’s what’s happening.
Also, the other night, I was thinking about how my period’s been a few days late and I got really paranoid. I did a test and I’m fine. Thank god. I’m not pregnant. It would’ve just been absolutely the cherry on top. I probably would’ve really tried to off myself a that point. Sorry for the suicidal joke. I really need to get better with less self-deprecating statements. 
I feel like I need so many things. I bought some makeup to try to make myself feel better, and it’s arriving tonight. But the essentials - like a face ice pack, fuck. I need it. I’m actually heating up so much. This illness feels like it’s been going on for a week already. Okay. Look on the bright side. Without going through this shit, I probably wouldn’t have resolved to get better. The rain will end. Eventually it has to, some way or another.
I just walked to my living room window to check the weather and temperature. I still felt faint. But what’s lifting my mood is that it’s actually a nice day. It’s sunny for once, and the temperature seems to be just right. It’s 19C, but it feels a bit warmer (at least from my flat). I might go out. I think I will. I don’t want to waste this sunny Friday afternoon, and it’ll do me some good to get fresh air. I didn’t realize how stagnant the air was in my flat – especially my bedroom. I kept it dark, windows shut, just me and my blankets in bed. I still feel sick as fuck, but I’m going to try. This is a bigger step today for me. See? The doom and gloom does expire. I just needed to change my perspective and wait. 
4:48 pm
I did my groceries and I retrieved the package. Some issues arose with a second package I’m receiving today but it’s fine now. I got a bit stressed out but at least it’s okay now. After unpacking my groceries, I went out again. Since it’s such a nice day out, and I’m still living a 10 minutes’ walk away from the famous Greenwich Park, I took another leap. I think that’s an improvement. I still feel sick but at least I’m out in nature. It’s a bit windy but at least the sun is out. I still feel simultaneously hot and cold. My goal here is to write as a form of self improvement. With me, I have so many thoughts and when it’s all just rattling around inside my skull, I just go stir crazy because I’m not really processing them. And historically, writing it all down helps because there’s a sort of… logical process to it. I don’t know if anyone else gets what I’m saying. But historically, it’s been helpful for me. Also, I can’t talk to anyone about my problems. The only one that can help me is me. I feel like I’m at a high risk of sounding very cliche. I’m sitting at a bench but I feel really self conscious with all the people walking past me. I think I’m going to move.
7:24 pm
I bought a book and got my second package. At the park, my boyfriend messaged me asking if I was free. I said yes. He told me to go to his. I didn’t want to get him sick, so I asked him if he was sure. He assumed that I got over my illness. Eventually, the conversation got to the point where he said ‘if we don’t talk we’ll fall apart’. I know that. I just felt like he didn’t want me around and that he needed his space. I always want to be with him. I want to talk to him always. I want everything to turn out well. I was just waiting for him. So I got home. I’m still in physical pain. 
But at least today I can say I:
got out of my flat (for the first time in 3 days)
did my makeup (in less than 2 hours!)
got 2 packages
threw out trash
went to the park
got the necessary groceries
I am proud of myself for setting goals and surpassing them. I honestly thought I’d just be getting groceries and the packages, but I did much more than that. I think my reward for today was the packages. I’m very happy with my purchases. I’m grateful that I have them. I am trying and doing my best, and that is enough. Only I can save myself.
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marissa-snyder · 6 months
Protect Your RV with the Best Roof Coating: A Comprehensive Guide
Keep your RV safe from bad weather with a good roof coating. A roof coating is like armor for your RV. It stops leaks and cracks. In this guide, we'll show you how to pick the best one. First, we'll talk about why roof coatings are important. Then, we'll help you choose the right coating for your RV. Let's make sure your trips are fun and worry-free!
Understanding the Importance of RV Roof Coating
Why is it important to put coating on your RV roof coating? Well, think of it like giving your RV a shield against trouble. You know how when it rains, you want to stay dry? A good roof coating helps your RV stay dry too, stopping water from sneaking in through cracks. Also, when the sun shines bright, it can damage your roof over time. But with the right coating, it's like putting sunscreen on your RV—it protects it from getting too beat up by the sun. So, by coating your RV's roof, you're basically giving it a strong defense against rainy days and sunny rays, keeping it in good shape for all your adventures.
How to Choose the Best RV Roof Coating
How do you pick the best rv roof coating for your RV's roof? Well, first things first, you've got to know what you're looking for. Different coatings have different strengths, just like different tools in a toolbox.
Weather Protection: Look for a coating that can handle whatever weather comes its way. Rain, sun, snow—your coating should be tough enough to handle it all.
Durability: You want a coating that lasts. Nobody wants to reapply coating every other month, right? So, find one that's durable and long-lasting.
Ease of Application: Unless you're a pro at DIY stuff, you'll want a coating that's easy to put on. Look for one with clear instructions and maybe even some how-to videos online.
Compatibility: Make sure the coating you choose is compatible with your RV's roof material. Whether it's rubber, metal, fiberglass, or something else, the coating should play nice with it.
Reviews: Lastly, don't forget to check out what other RV owners are saying. Reviews can give you a good idea of how well a coating works in real-life situations.
So, when you're on the hunt for the perfect RV roof coating, keep these points in mind. It's like picking out the right tool for the job—choose wisely, and your RV will thank you for it!
Exploring Different Types of RV Roof Coatings
Let's take a look at the different types of coatings you can choose from to protect your RV's roof:
Acrylic Coatings: These coatings are popular because they're easy to apply and offer good protection against UV rays. They're also flexible, which means they can expand and contract with the roof, preventing cracks.
Silicone Coatings: Silicone coatings are known for their durability and waterproofing properties. They create a seamless barrier that's great at repelling water. Plus, they're resistant to mold and mildew.
Polyurethane Coatings: If you're looking for something super tough, polyurethane coatings might be the way to go. They provide excellent protection against impact and abrasion, making them ideal for rough terrain.
Butyl Rubber Coatings: Butyl rubber coatings are great for rubber roofs because they adhere well and offer superior waterproofing. They're also resistant to UV rays and can withstand extreme temperatures.
EPDM Coatings: EPDM coatings are specifically designed for EPDM rubber roofs. They provide excellent protection against UV rays and weathering, extending the life of your roof.
Aluminum Coatings: Aluminum coatings are reflective, which helps to keep your RV cool by reflecting sunlight away from the roof. They also provide good waterproofing and can extend the life of your roof.
Each type of coating has its own advantages, so consider your RV's needs and your budget when choosing the right one. Whether you prioritize durability, UV protection, or ease of application, there's a coating out there that's perfect for your RV.
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying RV Roof Primer
Here's a simple step-by-step guide to help you apply rv roof primer to your RV's roof:
Preparation: Before you start, make sure your RV's roof is clean and dry. Remove any dirt, debris, or old coatings using a roof cleaner and a scrub brush. Rinse the roof thoroughly with water and allow it to dry completely.
Safety First: Put on protective gear like gloves, safety goggles, and a mask to protect yourself from chemicals and fumes.
Choose the Right Primer: Select a primer that's compatible with your RV roof material. Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure you're using the correct product.
Mix the Primer: If your primer needs to be mixed before application, follow the manufacturer's instructions to prepare it properly.
Apply Primer: Using a paint roller or brush, start applying the primer evenly across the roof surface. Work in small sections to ensure thorough coverage.
Allow Drying Time: Let the primer dry according to the manufacturer's instructions. This usually takes a few hours, but it's essential to wait until the primer is completely dry before moving on to the next step.
Inspect for Coverage: Once the primer is dry, inspect the roof to ensure that it's been evenly coated. Look for any missed spots or areas that may need additional primer.
Repeat if Necessary: If the manufacturer recommends multiple coats of primer, repeat the application process once the first coat is dry. Make sure to follow the recommended drying times between coats.
Clean Up: Clean your tools and dispose of any leftover primer according to local regulations. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Wait Before Applying Roof Coating: Before applying the roof coating, make sure the primer has fully cured according to the manufacturer's instructions. This usually takes at least 24 hours, but it's essential to follow the specific guidelines provided.
By following these steps, you'll be able to apply primer to your RV's roof like a pro, ensuring a smooth and durable surface for the next steps in the roof coating process.
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The Benefits of RV Rubber Roof Coating
Let's talk about why applying rv rubber roof coating to your RV is a smart move. Here are some benefits:
Waterproofing: Rubber roof coatings create a watertight barrier that prevents leaks and water damage. They seal up any cracks or gaps in the roof, keeping your RV dry and cozy inside, even during heavy rainstorms.
UV Protection: The sun's rays can be harsh on your RV's roof, causing it to deteriorate over time. Rubber roof coatings are designed to reflect sunlight and prevent UV damage, extending the life of your roof.
Flexibility: Rubber coatings are flexible, which means they can expand and contract with the roof as temperatures change. This flexibility helps to prevent cracks and ensure long-lasting protection.
Easy Application: Applying rubber roof coating is a relatively simple DIY project that can be done with basic tools. Many rubber coatings are available in liquid form, making them easy to apply with a brush or roller.
Cost-Effective: Investing in a rubber roof coating is much cheaper than having to repair or replace your RV's roof due to water damage or UV exposure. It's a cost-effective way to prolong the life of your RV and avoid expensive repairs down the road.
Mold and Mildew Resistance: Rubber roof coatings are resistant to mold and mildew growth, helping to keep your RV's interior clean and healthy.
Improved Energy Efficiency: Some rubber roof coatings are designed to reflect heat away from your RV, helping to keep it cooler in hot weather. This can reduce the need for air conditioning and lower your energy costs.
Applying rubber roof coating to your RV offers a range of benefits, including waterproofing, UV protection, flexibility, ease of application, cost-effectiveness, mold and mildew resistance, and improved energy efficiency. It's a smart investment that can help keep your RV in great condition for years to come.
Maintenance Tips for Your RV Roof Coating
Maintaining your RV roof coating is essential for keeping your RV protected and in good condition. Here are some maintenance tips to help you:
Regular Inspections: Schedule regular inspections of your RV's roof to check for any signs of damage or wear. Look for cracks, peeling, or areas where the coating may be coming loose.
Clean the Roof: Clean your RV's roof regularly to remove dirt, debris, and any substances that could damage the coating. Use a mild detergent and a soft brush or sponge to gently scrub the surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could strip away the coating.
Repair Damage Promptly: If you notice any damage to the roof coating during your inspections, repair it promptly to prevent further damage. Patch up any cracks or tears with a compatible sealant or patching material.
Avoid Standing Water: Standing water can damage the roof coating over time, so try to keep your RV parked on a level surface to prevent water from pooling. If you notice any areas where water tends to collect, take steps to improve drainage or use leveling blocks to raise that area of the RV.
Trim Overhanging Branches: Trim back any overhanging branches or vegetation that could scratch or damage the roof coating. This will help to prevent tears or punctures in the coating.
Inspect Seals and Joints: Check the seals and joints around vents, skylights, air conditioners, and other openings on the roof. Make sure they're intact and not cracked or worn. If necessary, reseal these areas with a compatible sealant to prevent leaks.
Reapply Coating as Needed: Over time, the RV roof coating may start to wear away or degrade. If you notice that the coating is no longer providing adequate protection, it may be time to reapply it. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for applying a new coat of coating to ensure proper adhesion and coverage.
By following these maintenance tips, you can help prolong the life of your RV roof coating and keep your RV protected from the elements for years to come.
Protecting your RV with the right roof coating is essential for maintaining its integrity and ensuring a safe and comfortable journey. Whether you opt for a rubber coating for its waterproofing properties or choose an acrylic coating for its ease of application, the benefits are clear: added durability, UV protection, and peace of mind knowing your home on wheels is shielded from the elements.
By understanding the importance of roof coatings, exploring the different types available, and following proper maintenance procedures, you can prolong the life of your RV's roof and avoid costly repairs down the road. Regular inspections, cleaning, and prompt repairs are key to keeping your roof coating in top condition.
So, as you embark on your next adventure, remember to give your RV the care it deserves by investing in the best roof coating and staying proactive with maintenance. With the right protection in place, you can hit the open road with confidence, knowing your RV is ready to weather any storm.
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September 28: Thursday
Ugh. I don’t have work tomorrow because I’m taking the day off but my self-sabotage game is so strong I feel like I’ve already destroyed the weekend, or at least the extra part of it. I don’t know why I do this to myself. What did I ever do to me to warrant this behavior, hmmm?
Today was an all right day. I was on the circ desk for a bit but literally nothing happened; there was a brief kerfuffle again about the mail area (this wouldn’t happen if people weren’t so emotional and people wouldn’t be so emotional if the PTB were, like, aware that humans have opinions and that’s my theory on that); and then we celebrated a coworker’s birthday with some discussions about pickleball, MI-5 and MI-6 (there are in fact Mi’s 1-4 and also way past 6, or there were, but my theory is they still exist and we just don’t know about them because that’s the best way to keep your secret intelligence a secret), and the finally about the Presidents’ Heads, which I so desperately, desperately want to see.
So that all riled me up and gave me a sort of sugar-high type energy. I ended up leaving work a little late, which meant even though I did go get a coffee and sit outside and do some planning, I didn’t have as much time outside as I would have liked. And it was so nice out. Everyone thinks it’s horrible and is complaining about how they haven’t seen the sun and it’s too cloudy. Boo hoo. I love it. It’s cool enough to wear a hoodie, the clouds have driven all the people away so I can get a table without any trouble—perfect. Like would some sun be nice? Some golden fall before we lose all daylight? Of course. But unfortunately the time for golden fall is way earlier in September, we never get that here, and it’s ridiculous to pretend otherwise (as I do every year). And when the sun comes back the temperature will go back up and I WILL choose 70 and cloudy in late September over 80 and sunny in fucking October. But that’s just me.
Anyway, so I got a little bit of planning done. I was trying to work out some thoughts about the ficlets but… oh, the ficlets. I’m behind, I’m behind, I’m behind. Counting the vaguest ideas and some arguable repeats, I have almost 40 ideas on the list. Which I guess is good… the problem is the tyranny of choice. I hope picking a theme will help narrow it down but will it? Will it? Plus I still need to finish my Time Loop fic. I sort of had the idea I’d post chapter 1 today. That obviously not happening. But it is almost ready. It’s edited, as well as it ever be, so I just need to actually write down the summary, write up some notes (make sure I get all the warnings), and then do the actual formatting/posting to AO3/posting to tumblr. Which is to say the administrative tasks are left but the text itself is ready. Maybe I’ll put it up tomorrow. I feel like weekends are bad times to post so if not tomorrow it might wait till Monday. We’ll see. And then of course chapter 2 is just… for the future. No because I’m worried about it specifically, the edits are actually pretty close to done, but because chapter 3 is totally unedited and chapter 4 is barely written so I’ll need to have some self control in holding off on updates even if they’re ready.
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my-weird-news · 1 year
Ditch Weather Predictions! Master Dew Point Magic! 🌦️
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#DewPointDrama: A Humidity Odyssey Editor’s note: Summer 2023 has been one of the hottest on record — although one of the coolest we’ll ever see again — and we could all use a little help navigating the heat. So let's dive into a wacky world of weather wisdom, circa 2022 (another scorcher of a year!), that aims to crack the code of your weather app, or at least tickle your funny bone. When a 72-degree day feels like a swampy armpit, I start to realize that everything I’ve ever thought I understood about weather, mainly temperature, is a lie. Sweating through my shirt, wiping my brow, and staring in disbelief at my weather app wondering, “How could this be the 72°F I know and love?” Thankfully, I’ve found a better number to tell me how it’s going to feel outside — and it’s not the relative humidity, which is also a sham. It’s the dew point. Dew Point: The Unsung Hero of Misery Metrics The lower it is — ideally in the 50s to 60s — the less sticky it will feel. The higher it is (70s) the closer it will be to my personal hell. (The relative humidity, a sometimes popular metric, measures the dew point against the temperature, making it particularly unhelpful on very, very hot days, when the temperature may be much higher than a relatively low, but still uncomfortable, dew point.) In an effort to better explain why the dew point is the superior way to tell the weather and what it exactly means, I spoke with John Homenuk on a recent rainy, uncomfortably sweaty afternoon. Homenuk, who studied meteorology at Kean University, is a dew point enthusiast and the reason I found out about dew point forecasts in the first place. He’s the force behind the New York Metro Weather Twitter account. NY Metro Weather: Where 58,000+ People Beg for a Weather Guru's Approval New York Metro Weather has a 58,000-plus following that looks to it to answer a really simple question: Is the weather in New York City today going to be good or bad? Homenuk gives his followers a vibe rating out of 10 (sunny, humidity-free days score the highest) and sprinkles in a brief explanation of why it will or won’t be a pleasant day in New York. As Homenuk confirmed to me, not all 72°F days are created equal — and the dew point might be the best explanation why. The Dew Point Drama Unraveled Interviewer: It’s a pleasure to speak with you. In your words, the vibes in New York are awful today. Homenuk: Yeah. We kind of need it though. We’ve been in such a bad drought. Sometimes I have to try really hard to keep what we need in terms of weather away from what the actual vibe is — today is definitely two out of five. Interviewer: I think what makes it stink is that it’s very sticky outside. It feels like I’m in a low-temperature sauna. Homenuk: Right! Like a cooler rainy day is pretty nice. Interviewer: Yeah, and I wanted to ask you about what makes it feel cooler. Homenuk: I’m recently — in large part because of your Twitter feed — a dew point convert. The dew point is high today and it feels disgusting. And I know that the weather feels better when the dew point is lower. Interviewer: But I don’t get why, or what it is. What is the dew point, and why does it feel so good when it’s low? Homenuk: Well, first of all, dew point is just a great measure of how it’s going to feel outside. I think temperature is just as important with humidity, but relative humidity, like the relative humidity that’s on our weather apps, is just a total crock. Because it’s not — it’s literally relative to the temperature, so it’s not helpful. Interviewer: Okay, say more. Homenuk: Relative humidity doesn’t help me fully understand what it’s going to feel like outside. Whereas the dew point, in a very basic sense: It’s the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. ... The Dew Point Dictionary: Translating Misery into Meteorology So, there you have it, folks! Forget the thermometers, toss away the humidity readings, and embrace the dew point as the MVP of weather feels. When it's down in the 50s or 60s, you'll feel as if you're dancing with a weather angel, frolicking in the cooling breeze. But if that dew point creeps into the 70s, well, you might want to grab your snorkel and swim trunks, 'cause it's gonna be a steamy mess out there. Just remember, not all 72°F days are created equal. The dew point is the sneaky puppet master, controlling whether you're sashaying down the street with a popsicle or wilting like a forgotten salad. So next time you're about to step outside, skip the rain dance, consult the dew point, and embrace the sweet embrace of accurate weather misery metrics. And don't forget to give a little nod to the dew point enthusiasts like John Homenuk, who are out there making sure we all know what level of misery we're signing up for when we venture into the great outdoors. Cue the weather-themed confetti and a chorus of grumbling umbrellas! 🌦️🌡️🌤️#DewPointDrama: A Humidity Odyssey Editor’s note: Summer 2023 has been one of the hottest on record — although one of the coolest we’ll ever see again — and we could all use a little help navigating the heat. So let's dive into a wacky world of weather wisdom, circa 2022 (another scorcher of a year!), that aims to crack the code of your weather app, or at least tickle your funny bone. When a 72-degree day feels like a swampy armpit, I start to realize that everything I’ve ever thought I understood about weather, mainly temperature, is a lie. Sweating through my shirt, wiping my brow, and staring in disbelief at my weather app wondering, “How could this be the 72°F I know and love?” Thankfully, I’ve found a better number to tell me how it’s going to feel outside — and it’s not the relative humidity, which is also a sham. It’s the dew point. Dew Point: The Unsung Hero of Misery Metrics The lower it is — ideally in the 50s to 60s — the less sticky it will feel. The higher it is (70s) the closer it will be to my personal hell. (The relative humidity, a sometimes popular metric, measures the dew point against the temperature, making it particularly unhelpful on very, very hot days, when the temperature may be much higher than a relatively low, but still uncomfortable, dew point.) In an effort to better explain why the dew point is the superior way to tell the weather and what it exactly means, I spoke with John Homenuk on a recent rainy, uncomfortably sweaty afternoon. Homenuk, who studied meteorology at Kean University, is a dew point enthusiast and the reason I found out about dew point forecasts in the first place. He’s the force behind the New York Metro Weather Twitter account. NY Metro Weather: Where 58,000+ People Beg for a Weather Guru's Approval New York Metro Weather has a 58,000-plus following that looks to it to answer a really simple question: Is the weather in New York City today going to be good or bad? Homenuk gives his followers a vibe rating out of 10 (sunny, humidity-free days score the highest) and sprinkles in a brief explanation of why it will or won’t be a pleasant day in New York. As Homenuk confirmed to me, not all 72°F days are created equal — and the dew point might be the best explanation why. The Dew Point Drama Unraveled Interviewer: It’s a pleasure to speak with you. In your words, the vibes in New York are awful today. Homenuk: Yeah. We kind of need it though. We’ve been in such a bad drought. Sometimes I have to try really hard to keep what we need in terms of weather away from what the actual vibe is — today is definitely two out of five. Interviewer: I think what makes it stink is that it’s very sticky outside. It feels like I’m in a low-temperature sauna. Homenuk: Right! Like a cooler rainy day is pretty nice. Interviewer: Yeah, and I wanted to ask you about what makes it feel cooler. Homenuk: I’m recently — in large part because of your Twitter feed — a dew point convert. The dew point is high today and it feels disgusting. And I know that the weather feels better when the dew point is lower. Interviewer: But I don’t get why, or what it is. What is the dew point, and why does it feel so good when it’s low? Homenuk: Well, first of all, dew point is just a great measure of how it’s going to feel outside. I think temperature is just as important with humidity, but relative humidity, like the relative humidity that’s on our weather apps, is just a total crock. Because it’s not — it’s literally relative to the temperature, so it’s not helpful. Interviewer: Okay, say more. Homenuk: Relative humidity doesn’t help me fully understand what it’s going to feel like outside. Whereas the dew point, in a very basic sense: It’s the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. ... The Dew Point Dictionary: Translating Misery into Meteorology So, there you have it, folks! Forget the thermometers, toss away the humidity readings, and embrace the dew point as the MVP of weather feels. When it's down in the 50s or 60s, you'll feel as if you're dancing with a weather angel, frolicking in the cooling breeze. But if that dew point creeps into the 70s, well, you might want to grab your snorkel and swim trunks, 'cause it's gonna be a steamy mess out there. Just remember, not all 72°F days are created equal. The dew point is the sneaky puppet master, controlling whether you're sashaying down the street with a popsicle or wilting like a forgotten salad. So next time you're about to step outside, skip the rain dance, consult the dew point, and embrace the sweet embrace of accurate weather misery metrics. And don't forget to give a little nod to the dew point enthusiasts like John Homenuk, who are out there making sure we all know what level of misery we're signing up for when we venture into the great outdoors. Cue the weather-themed confetti and a chorus of grumbling umbrellas! 🌦️🌡️🌤️ Read the full article
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allcoastvd · 2 years
12 Ways To Use Your Central Coast Home Heater Effectively
Heater units are one of the most efficient ways to keep your home warm during the colder months. They can also help reduce your energy bills by providing more even heat distribution throughout the house. However, there are a few simple ways you can use your air conditioning Central Coast heater effectively to get the best out of it while being economical with your energy consumption. 
Here are some helpful ideas on how to make the most of your home heater unit.
Invest in an electric blanket
Electric blankets provide an extra layer of insulation and warmth, so investing in one is a great way to make sure you stay comfortable on cold nights without having to turn up the thermostat too high and waste energy. 
Make use of ceiling fans
Ceiling fans are effective at distributing heat throughout the home, so use them to help keep your Central Coast heater working at its most efficient.
Install a programmable thermostat
Programmable thermostats can be set to automatically adjust the temperature of your home based on time and day. This allows you to reduce energy consumption when you're not at home or asleep by setting it lower for those times. 
Seal up drafts around windows and doors
Make sure there are no gaps in the seals around your windows and doors as these will let cold air into your house and make heating more difficult for your Central Coast heater unit. 
Keep furniture away from vents
Furniture-blocking vents can restrict airflow and reduce the efficiency of your heater, so keep furniture away from these areas. 
Use space heaters
Space heaters are an affordable way to provide heat in one particular room without having to turn up the thermostat for the whole house. This will save you energy while ensuring that specific rooms are still heated adequately. 
Insulate walls and ceilings
By adding insulation to the walls and ceiling of your living space, you can make sure that any heat generated by your heater stays inside your home rather than being lost through the walls or roof. 
Don't block vents with curtains or blinds
Curtains and blinds may look nice, but they also restrict airflow, making it harder for your home heater to heat the space effectively. 
Make sure filters are clean
Make sure you regularly check and replace any air filter in your unit as clogged or dirty filters can reduce its efficiency significantly. 
Mind the thermostat
Avoid turning your thermostat up too high during cold spells as this will only lead to wasted energy usage. Instead, adjust it gradually until you're comfortable and then keep it at a steady temperature. 
Take advantage of natural sunlight
During sunny days, open up windows and curtains to take advantage of the natural warmth provided by the sun while getting fresh air into the house at the same time. 
Get regular maintenance
Have your unit professionally serviced and maintained at least once a year to ensure it is running as efficiently as possible. 
By following these tips, you can make sure that your home heating unit is the most efficient it can be while still providing warmth and comfort throughout the colder months. With careful use of heating and some simple adjustments to household items, you'll save on energy bills and reduce your environmental impact. 
Although it might require an initial investment, adding insulation or installing a programmable thermostat are two of the best long-term solutions if you want to get the most out of your central coast home heater while reducing your energy consumption. Make sure to take advantage of any available assistance programs like rebates or incentives to help you make the most of your energy-saving efforts. 
With a few simple steps and some smart upgrades, you can easily increase the efficiency of your central coast home heater while reducing costs and helping the environment at the same time. If you have questions or need more information about this topic, get in touch with a reputable technician for professional advice.
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sciencespies · 2 years
Derbyshire fossil study reveals insights into Peak District's 12 million year-old climatic past
Derbyshire fossil study reveals insights into Peak District's 12 million year-old climatic past
A decade-long study into unique rocks near a Derbyshire village has been uncovering the secrets of what the county and the Peak District might have looked like under a much warmer and wetter past.
Although first studied over 10 years ago, the most recent investigation into geological deposits near Brassington was initiated in 2019, with an international team of researchers from Northumbria University, the British Geological Survey, Morehead State University in the USA and CONICET in Argentina now assessing their latest findings.
The complex techniques used can analyse the fossil pollen of plants and spores of fungi captured within the rock layer, helping to form a picture of past habitats and reconstruct likely climatic conditions far beyond our most recent understanding of the Peak District.
With plants and fungi generally favouring particular conditions, researchers are able to determine what the environment may have looked like some 12 million years ago.
The results and insights are unique to the study location in Derbyshire, as there are no other rocks of a similar age anywhere else in the UK.
Gaining similar understanding to life and climate in Europe so far back would likely require analysis of rocks from Germany or the Netherlands and then assuming these were the same for Derbyshire and the Peak District.
The results from the Derbyshire site and similar studies have gone on to suggest that the UK may get wetter with climate change. Today Derbyshire has a mean annual temperature of around 8°C with up to 1000mm of rain a year, 12 million years ago it was 12-18°C with 1200-1400mm of rain. This doubling of temperature was with atmospheric carbon dioxide levels similar to those predicted for 2060. These differences in temperature and rainfall would fundamentally change the entire landscape. This highlights how important carbon capture is to avoid extreme changes in climate.
With some of the most extensive upland landscapes and peat bogs in the UK and globally, the Peak District is already at the forefront of carbon capture or ‘sequestration’ through conservation management and restoration programmes, but also has a role to play in mitigating the potential localised impacts of climate change through natural flood management.
Dr. Matthew Pound from Northumbria University, which was behind the study, said: “Fossil plants and fungi can tell us a lot about a place – even from 12 million years ago. That’s why when choosing a nice sunny holiday you’d always pick palm trees over Christmas trees, and why I always end up with green tomatoes in the north of England! The study suggests an anticipated warmer climate for the UK and therefore a wetter UK, which of course has implications for all of us; but also provides an opportunity to ensure landscapes like the Peak District and Derbyshire can be part of that resilience, not just for local communities but at scale as we manage the carbon in our environment.”
Anna Badcock, Team Leader for Cultural Heritage at the Peak District National Park added: “This work is incredibly powerful in helping us communicate ideas about landscape change. Researchers use fossil pollen for reconstructing past environments and understanding human impacts on landscape, but this is recent in geological terms. It’s wonderful that advances in this kind of analysis can also be used to help us understand climate and environments millions of years ago – we still have such an extraordinary amount to learn from fungi and plants, and about how our environments adapt.”
Chris Dean, Head of Moors for the Future Partnership based in the Peak District National Park added: “This study shows how our climate is changing, and with that comes an increased risk of flooding as we see more frequent extreme storm events. Moorland restoration and effective natural flood management strategies, such as planting sphagnum moss and blocking gullies to slow the flow of rainfall to the valleys, have never been more important.”
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Materials provided by Northumbria University. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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