#it was so fun but i got a small sunburn on my cheeks
little-pup-pip · 1 year
Bluey kiddos having fun outside!!
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abbystanaccount · 5 months
hii! i recently stumbled upon your owen scar analysis where we see most of his scars, and wondered if it was possible for you to the same with abby? :)
Ohhh good idea. The only reason I hadn't yet is Abby only has a couple scars we don't know the origin of, but I can go over every scar she gets!
Abby's Scars Analysis
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First, I'll start with Abby's oldest scars, she has a small scar on her forehead and it's the only visible scar on her younger self. Fun fact, Jocelyn actually has this scar and she's mentioned it's from being hit in the head as a kid with a golf club (lol).
Her older model has a similar looking scar on her right cheekbone. I assume she got these either from being hit with a blunt object or a fall, something like that. Her forehead scar interestingly becomes more noticeable as she ages, it even raises a bit in her Pillars model.
Her chin injury from the car crash does not visibly scar in Santa Barbara.
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Next is the other visible scar Abby has when we see her in Seattle. Abby is for the most part not scarred much at the start of the game, she gets a hurt shoulder from Jackson and has some blemishes but these are the only scars we can see. (Her bare torso model is completely unmarked.)
There's two small marks on her arms, one more noticeable than the other. To me, the one on her forearm looks semi recent and looks scabbed. They'd come back from Jackson a few weeks prior, so it's possible Abby was hurt on that trip. But I headcanon it more that she was distracted on patrol when she returned and it was a small stab wound, possibly environmental.
One thing that annoys me about these scars though is that in never heals, it looks about the same from Seattle to Santa Barbara.
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Now Abby gets some scars after the theater fight. The wounds Ellie gives her is the bite (which heals) and a stab to Abby's left thigh (which she masterfully shakes off lol.) We don't get to see Abby's bare thigh but it's likely that wound scarred.
The rest of the slashes, which seem to be 4 slashes on her arms and one across her left cheek come from Dina. It also seems as though the arm scars are mostly raised and noticeable, while her cheek scar is more subtle and indented like she tried to stitch it and take care of it more afterwards.
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Abby’s next batch of scars are from Ellie on the beach… as if she didn’t suffer enough 😒 She gets a slash on her cheek, a slash on the front and side of her torso, multiple slashes on her arms, especially her left arm which she used to block, a deep stab wound in her left shoulder and a stab wound through her chest.
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Here I’m showing her post beach fight textures on her Seattle body (the full Pillars body isn’t complete). You can see how deep the wounds are 🙁
I’m thinking she must have rode the boat a bit down the coast and then looked for supplies to help her and Lev before going all the way to Catalina, so she wouldn’t bleed out…
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These are my interpretations of how the beach fight scars might heal. You can see some more of that with my various fan arts of TLOU 3 Abby. I drew over the slash placements, and added in the thigh stab and chest stab scar and some other various scratches she might have gotten. I tried to have them look similar to her scars in early Santa Barbara, raised and a bit pink.
Hopefully the Firefly doctors will help her out a lot with the healing of the cuts and the sunburn and she can just chill for a bit 😢
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Bonus skins
This new skin isn't canon or anything and neither is the Eighties skin. In that skin you can see Abby's cheek scar under her makeup, which I thought was cool. But the Badlands skin has a brand new scar that goes all across Abby's cheek to her lips. I think this must be a scrape from some sort of weapon that scratched her. The redness on the cheek makes it seem fairly new
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What do you think Katniss and Peeta’s unexpected turn ons are? Like a small innocent thing about the other that drives them wild just because they really love them so much? And makes the other one go “really? 😉”
This was way too much fun to answer and got out of hand. I could probably think up a thousand more of these if I had the time.
<3 kdnfb
Canonically, Peeta cannot lie to Katniss and look her in the eyes. When she figures out that he still can’t post-mj, she uses it to her advantage. She can always tell when he’s trying to fib his way out of accidentally revealing an innocuous secret or a surprise he’s planning, like what he’s getting her for her birthday. And it drives her a little insane. Like “either look me in the eyes when you try to lie to me or take me to bed right now, since you won’t give me my present right now.”
Katniss is a consummate caretaker, to an almost annoying degree. Fortunately for her, she husbanded someone with a caretaker kink. That boy was dying of blood poisoning, raging with fever in a deathmatch arena, and he was still laying down the lines and making her laugh. Every time she fusses over him or bosses him around when he’s got a minor injury or just a little sniffling cold, that man is in full on flirt mode and dragging her into bed with him. “I’ve got a surefire way you can make me feel better.” “If we have sex, will you stop whining and get up so I can wash the sheets afterwards?” she sighs in exasperation as she’s stripping off her clothes and crawling under the covers with him.
Meanwhile, Katniss goes feral whenever Peeta gets a little protective of her. Some whackadoo from the Capitol comes out to Twelve to check on the progress of the new medicine factory and brings a limousine with him on the train, but the roads in Twelve are not made for cars like that and the idiot almost runs people over. So of course, Peeta wraps his arm around his wife and bodily lifts her out of the path. One second she’s walking through town, reciting her shopping list, the next she’s pressed up against a storefront with Peeta’s body caging her in and some idiot driver is careening past, honking his horn. And if you think Katniss doesn’t almost climb him right there and he has to toss her over his shoulder to drag her home before she tears his clothes off, I cannot help you.
Both of them become unhinged morons whenever the other one is a complete mess. 
By this I mean Katniss comes in from tending the garden, her shirt all sweaty and clinging to her. Her hair’s a mess and she’s got a little sunburn on her nose and cheeks and Peeta’s already naked, demanding she take him on the spot. 
Similar response when she comes home a little disheveled from a hunt. “At least let me put the meat in the freezer first, Peeta.” Nope. She gets railed up against said freezer and can’t keep a straight face when they have to invite Haymitch over to eat all this meat because they had to cook it immediately after or it would’ve gone bad.
Peeta starts coming home from the bakery deliberately a little messy. Flour in his hair, sugar stuck to his neck. A random smear of frosting on his arm. Why? Because Katniss starts squirming the instant she sees him and honestly, he really likes it when she mounts him in the hallway because she couldn’t make it the five extra feet to the bedroom.
He’s lost count of how many times they’ve had sex because he didn’t get all the paint washed off his hands before a meal or before bed. And he almost never notices the smear of paint or pencil dust that winds up on his left temple because he brushed back his hair at some point while he was painting/drawing and why is that so hot? She has no clue, all she knows is that she wants to bathe in him. Usually, she manages to wait a little while for that one, mainly because she wants to see what he was painting before she jumps him. What he was painting often dictates the flavor of their sex.
He doesn’t paint the Games as much, after the first time she tells him “Real,” but when he does, the sex is tender and usually happens in the art studio itself, on a paint splattered sofa or on the floor, rolling around on his floor tarps so that both of them are smeared with paint afterwards.
If he’s painting her or other people that they love, they’ll make it up to the bedroom before clothes start flying, laughing and teasing each other the entire way. Katniss will be laughing so hard she snorts while she’s moaning and coming at the same time. Peeta lives to make her snort laughing while she’s coming, btw. Huge turn on, switch flipped to feral mode as soon as she's done coming, and Katniss feels like she won’t be able to walk straight for a day after he finishes inside her.
He uses her as a canvas? Well eventually he's gonna wind up covered in paint too. They go until the paint starts to dry and by then, they're sleepy and content and can barely move anymore.
Painting landscapes and nature scenes? Absolutely feral pig sex where the neighbors worry about them and ask each other if they should… knock? Make sure everyone is still alive in there? Katniss really can’t walk straight for a day after that, but she’s not complaining. Instead she’s demanding her husband carry her around, because he did that to her, after all.
Sadly for Katniss, Peeta carrying her around is something she absolutely loves for the tenderness and silliness of it, but also at times it turns her into a raving madwoman "take me to bed and throw me on it then fuck me this instant before I pull out all my hair, husband!"
And ho buddy, when the two of them come home all sweaty and gross from rebuilding the district? Round one on the floor in the entryway. Round two with skin squealing on shower walls and borderline screaming moans echoing off the bathroom walls. Hair pulling, biting, clawing sex. Let me inside your skin, ten minutes later we’re still actively sweating well damn it that shower was fucking pointless in terms of getting clean sex.
Katniss eats her pie backwards, crust first and Peeta doesn’t know why, but for some reason, he thinks it’s adorable and needs to have her instantly. Haymitch wonders why he no longer gets pie on nights when he eats dinner with them. There’s always dessert… but no pie. So Peeta starts baking Haymitch his own pies and dropping them off, because he’s not giving up his absolute need to toss Katniss on the table and eat her out like he’s a dying man whenever she eats her pie like that.
Peeta looks like he’s solving all of the world’s problems when he’s brushing his teeth. So serious. Sometimes, Katniss will throw small objects at his prosthetic until he notices and giggles when he does, looking at her like she’s an annoying brat. Sometimes, she sneaks up behind him and makes faces at him over his shoulder until he laughs and spits out the toothpaste. Other times, her hands on him are incredibly naughty and the next thing he knows, he looks like a rabid animal in the mirror while he’s bent over the sink, holding on for dear life with her hands on his dick, unraveling him one caress and stroke at a time. But whatever she does, it ends with their sheets an absolute wreck and both of them naked and sweaty and staring at the ceiling going “Wow. So that… happened…”
Katniss bites her nails when she’s nervous and Peeta fixes it by snatching her hand and kissing her from her fingertips up her arms to her neck… where he blows a raspberry until she’s laughing. Do smutty things happen after that? Depends on the setting.
Peeta still flirts with her. Like blatantly, let's see how red I can get my wife’s face flirting with her over the bakery counter or in the town square, in front of literally everyone’s salad. And Katniss just melts like a loon but is secretly plotting how to get him naked asap. She’s not against throwing him against the nearest tree if only there weren’t so many people in the district. Oh but she’s absolutely savaged him against several trees in the woods because he was flirting.
Peeta whistles when he’s working in the bakery. Katniss thinks it’s adorable and sexy as hell. She sings in the shower and Peeta never misses the show, sitting on the toilet or just standing against the sink just to hear her sing. It’s the only time he manages to move silently.
Katniss cannot keep her hands out of Peeta’s hair. Girl is obsessed. And Peeta finds it at turns, adorable, adorably annoying, a mild turn on, or holy hell hot. Like “pull my hair again when I make you come” hot. Conversely, she absolutely loves it when Peeta brushes and braids her hair for her. He’s trying to have a tender, loving moment, and she’s often “are you done yet because as soon as that hair tie is on, i’m gonna be all over you.”
Both of them absolutely love it when the other one laughs. It’s not always a turn on, per se, but when it is… lord have mercy they broke a whole ass bed one time because Peeta laughed at something Katniss said.
Peeta wearing loose, soft pajama pants or the like. Katniss is all hot and bothered and “i’m not that big you can definitely fit me in there with you…” Peeta looks at her like she’s lost it, but they actually do try it once or twice. Numerous pairs of pants have been ripped and sewn back together in this pursuit, and not because she couldn’t fit in there with him.
He’s long since accepted that if they’re dressing up for some occasion, he has to get dressed two hours early. To give Katniss enough time to rip it all off and have her way with him and still have time for them to shower and get dressed again so they’re not late.
Anytime Katniss wears one of his shirts, sweaters, etc, he’s pretty sure he’s going to die unless he gets his mouth or hands on her and then his cock inside her because half the time, she’s not wearing a bra or pants with them, just panties, and he just… has to have her. NOW. While said garment is still on her body. Especially a particular red sweater he was wearing the day they had sex the first time and she wore it the morning after.
She absolutely has a sunset orange nightie that nearly gets removed (or not removed) every time she wears it, but removed or not… either way, Katniss can’t feel her toes after Peeta makes her come as many times as he can whenever she wears it. 
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Unconventional Flowers Event - March Bonus
Dahlias for Holi ft. Nanami
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A/N: March bonus prompt for my Unconventional Flowers Event. I honestly was hoping for a very unique holiday and this got my attention in all the right ways. Requested by @sitarawrites. For more information on the Festival of Colors, visit Wikipedia.
Rating: E, fluffy
Pairing: Nanami x reader (Desi reader implied)
Word Count: 971
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People had been skeptical of your marriage to Nanami, wondering how you would ever blend your rich, individual backgrounds. For the two of you, it just meant more cultural holidays to celebrate together, and spoiling each other with a wider variety of food and sweets accompanying each one. You knew he’d adapt well, he’s proven that when you were dating, even though Indian festivals tended to be crowded and loud. 
And you loved him for the way he kept up the rules that fell on your festival days. Vegetarian food only, and though he didn’t need to, he sat in the back while you offered your prayers, his hair damp because it was customary to always have your hair washed on festival days. The first piece of prasad which you offered to him with love after all the prayers and poojas were done, broken in half as he feeds it to you as well. It was bliss.
But the one festival Nanami refused to participate in was Holi. He had no qualms against the day in general, but rather, the way it was celebrated, by throwing colored water and powder onto others to celebrate the triumph of good over evil. You’d pouted because Holi also celebrated the love between Lord Krishna and his eternal love Radha, the most well-known romantic story in all of Hindu mythology. Not that he hadn’t given it a fair try. You’d told him to wear something old and casual but the man simply didn’t own anything that fell under those categories. He spluttered along gingerly at the fairgrounds while everyone played, his hair weighed down in his eyes by dyed water in shades of shocking pink, electric yellow, and robin’s egg blue. 
He hated the wetness, the noise, and the fact that the dyes used in the water and powder didn’t rub off for days (seriously, what was in that stuff?). After his first one which had occurred back when you were both initially dating, he’d politely told you he would not be participating in the ones to come as he tried to rub off the darkening pink that had stained his face, neck, and ears. The color had only taken in more on his pale skin, making him look like he had a bad sunburn, something that Gojo and Yuji had been quick to point out while teasing him to no end. 
So it became the rule that he would sit with you during the morning for prayers, and you went with your family and friends to the fairgrounds to celebrate the rest of the day by throwing color at each other. The first Holi after you got married though, you felt a small twinge of sadness that your husband would be absent for this affair but you hid it, pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaving.
When you arrive home, Nanami has laid down a towel trail from the door into the bathroom so that the color wouldn’t drip onto the carpet. You can’t help but appreciate his foresight on this; you loved Holi, but you certainly didn’t want to ruin the carpet. Under the hot spray, you let yourself wash off the colors that stuck to your body, watching them swirl into each other as they went down the drain. Honestly, it was only the pink that actually stuck, the rest of the colors washing off easily.  You step out, clean and fresh, and pad into the bedroom, to find Nanami sitting patiently on the bed with a cotton bag in his hands.
“Hey,” you say softly, tired from all the running around at the fairground and now the heat of the shower.
“Hey yourself.” He pats the space next to him. You oblige and sit next to him, the bed feeling soft and comforting after a long, energetic day.
“Did you have fun?” he gently rubs the top of your ear, now pink like a flamingo.
“Yeah. Missed you though.” You lace your fingers with his. 
“I know. Your face said it all when you left.” He kisses your hair, now washed and dried, smelling fragrant. “I’m sorry it disappoints you so much. But I just can’t find a way to enjoy playing Holi.”
You turn to kiss his jaw. “It’s not like you didn’t try. And you were miserable the whole time. It’s ok. It’s just one festival.”
“True. But. Maybe you and I can play Holi in a different way? One that involves colors but none of the mess?”
You look at him curiously, wondering what he had in mind before he hands you the bag he was holding. You peek into it and see that it’s filled to the brim with dahlias, your favorite flower. 
“Lay back.” You do as instructed, scooting up towards the pillows. Nanami dips his hand into the bag, picking up a pink flower. 
“Pink, to symbolize kindness and beauty.” He begins to lay all the pink flowers from the bag across your body shoulder to shoulder, like a devotee worshiping a goddess, and the act causes a rush of love to zoom through you.  
“Yellow, for cheer.” He places these across your chest and you hold still, not daring to move lest they fall off. 
“Orange, for celebrations and goodness.” These go across your stomach which is now jittery like there are a million butterflies in it. 
“Purple for respect and devotion.” The blooms are placed delicately along your legs and you feel giddy from the romance of it all. 
You lay there, colors all over your body, which was the whole point of Holi in the first place. Nanami carefully makes his way back up to your face, giving you a tender kiss on the lips, his eyes full of love.
“Happy Holi y/n. I hope this makes up for it.” 
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All animated lines and banners by @/ cafekitsune
@bleach-your-panties @bleachbrainrotbro @kr0wu @grimmjowssoulmate-blog @j-u-u-z-o @brittscafe @keiva1000 @buttercupbitches @vee33ee @cindyneko-strider @dreaming-about-seireitei @quinnyundertow @naoyagasm @sitarawrites @sehunaeri @kentosgirlie @strawberrymuffinlovin @ickkck-09 @connorsui @arabidp0ssum @teasore @un-aesthetic @jadedjane
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dazieswrites · 1 year
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Warning: Mentions of sunburn, Miguel being a helpful boyfriend, soft Miguel, weird ending (idk how to end stories)
A/n: So I went to the beach and got severely sunburnt, and I am in pain as I write this. So, I'm writing this from my experience and indulging myself. I'm out of ideas now.
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When you left the house to go with friends to the beach, Miguel was only concerned with you getting hit on while he wasn't around. The bikini you wore to achieve your tan was sure to attract attention.
He didn't expect you to come home a completely different shade and hissing in pain.
Instead of rushing to hug him like usual, you stood at the door, trying not to move. Miguel stares at you, concerned, as he takes the red tint to the skin surrounding your nose and cheeks.
"You alright?" Miguel takes the bag off your shoulder, watching you groan. "Too much sun."
"Way too much." You look up at him. "We were out there for like 8 hours. I think I got sun sickness."
Miguel smiles at you, moving you both toward the bathroom. "But you had fun, right?"
"A lot. I didn't want to get in the ocean, but Bee dragged me in." You let out a sigh that hurt from the seawater you'd accidentally consumed earlier.
With your boyfriend's help, you take the t-shirt dropped over your torso off, the feeling of the material so uncomfortable you stop breathing to help the pain.
Miguel's eyes widened at how red your entire back and chest were. It's times like this, he was pleased he had faster healing. It looked painful; the abnormal shade of your skin made him cringe. He could only imagine what you felt like. Gently, he places a hand on your shoulder, feeling the heat that remains under the skin.
Your shoulders reminded him of a heating pad.
"Come on, amor. Let's get you in that shower." Miguel helps you take off your shorts and bikini as gently as possible before making you go to the shower.
He turns on the shower inside, ensuring the water is cold to battle the heat lingering under your skin. Reaching up, Miguel puts the nozzle on the softest setting while holding it over your shoulders and back. A hum of relief escapes your throat as the cold water washes down your body.
"Thank you, Miggy." An exhausted smile takes over your lips, enjoying the tender loving Miguel offers, and you take it without hesitation. It always made your heart soar when he took care of you when you could not do it yourself. "I appreciate you beyond words."
"It's what I'm here for." A loving smile graces his face as he stares at your content expression. "Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something?"
Opening your eyes, you nod your head. "Can I have a sandwich or something?"
Miguel hums and hands you the shower nozzle. "Mhm. I'll see you out there, yeah" Receiving a small 'yeah' back in response, Miguel leaves the bathroom, letting you finish your shower.
Staying in the bathroom, rinsing your body with the ice cold water until the hunger and exhaustion of your day start eating at you. Turning off the water and soon stepping out of the tub, you dab yourself with the soft towel, not wanting to aggravate your burning skin. Quietly walking to your and Miguel's shared bedroom, you grab a pair of loose boxers and roam shirtless.
It hurt too much to have a shirt over your sick skin.
Peering out of the bedroom, you spot Miguel slowly making the sandwiches. A tired smile makes it to your lips as you creep up behind the mountain of a man.
It's times like this; you're glad he lacks the famous spidey sense.
Behind your boyfriend, you softly place your hands on his hips, lazily linking your arms around him, embracing your love.
"Thank you for taking care of me."
An airy laugh escapes Miguel, and he peeks over his shoulder, seeing your half-lidded eyes staring straight at him. "I'll do it anytime. Now, cielo, why are you basically naked?"
"Don't act like you don't enjoy the view." You place a kiss in the middle of his back. "The shirt's material hurts, so we go nakey until further notice."
"Maybe you should get sunburnt more often." Miguel turns around and smiles down at your fatigued and red face.
"Har har." You position your hands behind him and lay him on his butt, giving him a squeeze. "Only if I get to enjoy the view too."
"You're such a dork."
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
No but uh. I was listening to No More Birthdays while writing this. It was so sad, so fun <3333 I need to do more for other aus tho. Gonna post a housebroken one later, though if anyone has an ideas for an au I haven't done any writing for in a while. Lemme know any prompts or ideas <333
Camilo sat on a bench, underneath a tall tree. He was watching the kids play. The human kids. It was rare that they were able to go out and play in the daylight. They didn't burn to ashes like the stories, but they did get sunburned easily. That's why their Abuela made them stay in the shade.
Isabela and Dolores had parasols that they used sometimes, but it wasn't the same. It was worse for Antonio, because he wasn't allowed outside really at all; Alma rarely left him alone, but when she was gone, she always had someone over at Casita keeping an eye on him. Thankfully Señora Guzmán was happy to do it today.
Camilo looked over next to him, where Mirabel was sitting on the other side of the bench, staring longingly at the kids.
"Hey, Mira?" Camilo asked, looking at the ground while Mirabel turned to him. "Do you...do you ever miss playing in the sun? Like we used to?" Camilo asked, not making eye contact with Mirabel.
Mirabel looked at the kids again, her eyebrows furrowing. "Yeah, but...you know we can't..."
"I-I know! Abuela said. And I don't wanna make her upset," Camilo quickly said, sighing. "But I just...I just sometimes wish we were still normal. Like the other kids. I know Abuela saved us but...I'm still sad."
"Mirabel nodded. "Yeah. I don't like being hungry all the time," Mirabel said heavily, leaning on her arm and looking out at the field. "And whenever I eat, it doesn't help."
"That's the worst part," Camilo pouted. "He saw his sister across the market, her parasol above her head. Luisa was nearby with Isabela, clinging to her older sister's dress. He blinked a couple of times before sighing, catching Mirabel's attention. "Well. I guess we can't complain. I mean, Abuela saved us."
"Yeah," Mirabel nodded. "You are right there. Plus we get to have a ton of birthdays. Speaking of, what do you wanna do for your 27th birthday?" Mirabel asked. It was strange saying that, yet she and Camilo still physically looked 5 years old. But she had gotten used to it after year 23.
"I wanna invite our friends over and stay up all night," Camilo said, smiling. "I think this year we can pull it off and go into the morning," He said, and Mirabel giggled.
"Abuela always says we fall asleep, but...I think so too," Mirabel giggled.
The two were laughing and giggling, making jokes about their "situation". They didn't even notice their Abuela, Alma, behind the bench they were sitting on.
"What are you two laughing about?" Alma asked, and Camilo and Mirabel jumped but quickly recognized her.
"Abuela!" Camilo exclaimed, smiling and turning around, Mirabel following close behind. "We're planning my birthday party."
"But it's not for another 4 months?" Alma asked, laughing softly. "You're not going to stay up again, are you?"
"We can do it this time!" Mirabel said, pouting and Alma gently squeezed her chubby cheeks, shaking her head.
"Yes, of course you can," she said with a small smile. Camilo and Mirabel laughed, clinging to their abuela's dress. They seemed fine until Camilo's face dropped. He grimaced and looked up at Alma.
"A-Abuela?" Camilo asked, pulling away from his Abuela. Alma frowned, her gentle hands holding his face. Mirabel frowned, her face twisted into an adorable pout.
"What is it nieto? Are you okay?" Alma asked and Camilo looked up at his Abuela, his fangs having extended, peeking out of his mouth. His eyes had a red flint in them as he frowned, grimacing again as he clutched his stomach.
"My stomach hurts," Camilo said, holding his stomach. Alma felt her heart shatter with guilt and sadness as tears welled up in his eyes. "I'm so hungry."
"Oh, mi pobre bebé," Alma cooed, picking up Camilo. Mirabel made her way around the bench, her small hands clutching her dress. She felt Alma's free hand rest on her curly hair, the girl's round green glasses reflecting.
Alma kissed Camilo's forehead as he buried his face in her chest. "Let's gather your older sister and primas. Then we'll get you something to eat, okay?"
Camilo nodded, his face still in her chest. Alma sighed, her heart heavy with guilt and she guided Mirabel alongside her, heading toward Isabela, Dolores, Luisa. She felt so bad for her little grandchildren, so guilty, and she wished it didn't have to be this way. But it was and...she would do anything in her power to make them feel happy and safe.
No but you know how devastating it is for Alma to celebrate their birthdays and not see them age??? She feels bad for other kids too; I mean her grandchildren do have friends, but they're all most vampires as well, and it's honestly heartbreaking to Alma that they'll stay kids for so long until they age again 😭😭
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frickingnerd · 5 months
let's go to the beach!
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pairing: seth burroughs x gn!reader
summary: seth is used to the rainy sky of kanai ward, but you take him on a date to the beach, to show him what he's been missing out on!
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“it's so… bright!”
an endless ocean stretched out in front of seth, with the sun looming on the horizon. it was a view seth had never seen before. being at a beach was new to him. not just the beach, but seeing the sun too. it was only ever raining in kanai ward, so this was a first for him.
“you sound so surprised that the sun is bright~!”
you sat next to your boyfriend in the sand, leaning against him. while you were wearing clothes appropriate for this weather, seth was still wearing his raincoat. he was so used to it, that he felt weird without it.
“s-shut up…”
your teasing comment had flustered seth a little. he truly didn't know any better. all he ever knew was a cloudy sky, so seeing the sun for the first time was a genuine surprise.
“so… uhm…”
seth mumbled, then turned to you.
“w-what do people usually do at the beach?”
you leaned back a bit, burying your hands in the sand, as you stared at the vast ocean in front of you.
“swimming, eating ice cream, beach volleyball… anything you want!”
“swimming, huh?”
seth stared at the ocean longingly.
“do you want to go for a swim?”
seth's head whipped around, as you asked him. he seemed so surprised by such a simple question.
“i– well, i… i don't know… h-how to swim…”
seth's cheeks turned a little red and this time it wasn't because he was getting a sunburn. that coat covered him so well that not a single ray of sunshine touched his skin.
“what about an air mattress? you can lay down on it and i'll pull it with me!”
the thought of that flustered seth even more. he really didn't want to be a burden to you. but he longed for the ocean. he was certain that water wouldn't be as cold and uncomfortable as the rain falling down on kanai ward.
“a-alright… j-just five minutes!”
while you grabbed the air mattress, seth stripped down, until he was only in his swimming trunks. he had never worn those before and he clearly felt uncomfortable in it, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“you don't have to be shy, seth. nobody but me is looking!”
as you smiled at seth, he managed to relax a little. there wasn't anyone but you around. only you got to see him this vulnerable and exposed.
“now, get on the mattress and i'll guide you!”
as the two of you reached the shore, seth hesitated a moment, before dipping his feet into the water. it was just as warm and comfortable as he had imagined and just that small act brought a giddy smile to his lips, that he tried to hide.
slowly, he laid down on the mattress you had placed in the water. he could feel himself sink into it and there was water flowing onto the mattress whenever he moved.
you had stepped into the water as well, hands placed on the mattress and ready to shove.
carefully, you began pushing seth further away from the shore. you made sure not to go too deep, so you could always stand, in case seth ended up falling off the mattress. but he didn't seem to worry about that at all.
instead, seth was letting his arms hang in the water, slowly moving them at the pace of the waves. on his lips was a small smile. he looked… satisfied.
“do you like it?”
seth smiled and turned to you, nodding softly.
“i think… this is the best day of my life…”
you chuckled softly. kanai ward must be really boring if this was the best day of his life.
“we can come here again whenever you like. i'm sure once you learn how to swim, we can have even more fun together!”
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arcadia-of-pluto · 1 month
Galaxy Corner; ✨️
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Hey guys! I decided since I'm going to try to post things more often, I thought a nice little bio/about section was necessary. So let's get into it! 🩷 And I hope this doesn't disappoint you, if y'all were waiting for an update
Age; it's in my bio, but I thought it would be good to have here too. As of this post, I'm 23.
Behind the Name ☆; I go by Pluto online since I wanted to see if I liked the name enough to use irl. A few years back when I realized I was non-binary, I thought a special "name" was necessary so I chose Pluto since it's, well, special to me. Pluto has always been my favourite planet (I cried when it was declared a dwarf planet) and Pluto has always been my favourite roman god so the name just stuck. I always felt like the name was connected to me and I feel really comfortable using it as such.
Oh! And the word "arcadia" in my username means "a region or scene of simple pleasure and quiet." So I feel like my username translates to "safe place of/for pluto"!
Sexuality & Gender identity; this isn't a necessary thing, per say, but I just wanted to add it. I don't mind any pronouns used toward me, I don't really have a preference either. It is what it is and all of that. When it comes to sexuality, I assume I'm pan? I really only care for personality, but I do have a preference for men or more masculine people.
About Me; I dropped out of college, because I couldn't afford to dorm and I submitted my schedule way too late so I got classes I didn't want or simply couldn't do. I have crippling, social anxiety but once I warm up to someone, I'm 100% a yapper. I can ramble along all day if I'm on a topic I like. I have rosacea, which is a skin condition where the blood vessel in your cheeks are inflamed. It gives off an appearance of constantly blushing or sometimes a bad sunburn depending on the day. It also causes acne breakouts so very fun. I have four tattoos, all small, and I only like two of them. The other two are a bit too basic for my liking. I've dated twice in my life, both horrible experiences. I could say so much about them but that's a topic for another day. I'm left-handed and I used to draw a lot but now I struggle even holding a pencil since it's been so long. And that's...honestly all that's interesting about me! Nothing much else, I'm pretty boring otherwise. My personality really reflects off of the person who I'm talking to so, otherwise, I struggle trying to come up with a mental image of myself. 🩷 well that got too deep-
Experience; I've been rping since I was ten, writing oneshots on wattpad since I was fifteen until I stopped when my 600k views oneshot fic on wattpad got taken down for mature content 😞 so I do apologize if I'm work comes off as dated or a bit childish and short! I've never wrote long form content besides multi chapters of a singular oneshot
Plans for the future; I do have a part time job, but I'm planning on writing more fics and oneshots in the future! I have up to nineteen chapters written so far on ToF (Twist of Fate) and I have been writing down ideas for new oneshots or even shorter series for the future. I'm not sure how long ToF will be but I doubt it'll be more than 100...100 seems like a lot, and Love and Deepspace is still an ongoing game so I can't exactly wrap up the story any time soon. I also plan on posting some original works to here, though most will be isekai-themed since I've been really into those kinds of stories lately. My google docs are filled the the brim with ideas
Upload schedule; Weekends will be when I'm most active when it comes to posting since I work Monday through Friday, but I'll be semi-active throughout the day. I have a little bit of downtime at work, and a lot of downtime before and after work so I'll have time to reply to comments or follow anyone back!
Time Zone; For uploading purposes, I thought it would be good to disclose this. It's not too big of a deal, I feel. My time zone is CST.
Any other Fandom stories; I might get back to my old BTS ideas. I have a few ideas involving them so I might also add them. This is a multi-fandom account after all, but my main focus will be Love and Deepspace.
Currently reading; I get a lot of my inspiration from different animes, manga, and manhwas so you might seem common tropes reflected in my work. A lot of isekai and regression manhwas like "Who made me a princess?", "Actually, I was the real one.", and "Villains are Destined to Die" for example are really good and really got me into liking the isekai genre as a whole.
Side notes; While I do look over my writing, there will probably be some spelling errors or swapped words since my brain tends to skip over words whenever I type so if you notice anything like that, don't be afraid to let me know. If it's a huge mistake, I'll fix it but if it's something simple- like needing an extra comma or something, I'll leave it since it doesn't affect the overall reading quality.
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Now, with that all being said, I hope you're excited for the next two or three chapters that I'm going to post this weekend 🩷 Some of my favourite parts are coming up soon!
Also, if I need to add anything else, just let me know! I've never had to talk about myself much, if at all ○o。.
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demonstars · 1 year
hold me, carry me slowly (my sunlight)
one shot | 1.2k | Rated Teen
on ao3
And on the porch of their house, rediscovering summer in Dream’s skin, George loves.
“You have new freckles,” George says, touching lightly the sunburn of the skin of Dream’s shoulder. He can’t quite keep the amazement out of his voice and Dream scoffs, a lighthearted sound. 
“Well, yeah.” Dream answers, shaking him off. George puts but keeps his hand away, aware of the pain. “I’ve not spent this much time under the sun for, like, at least two years.”
He remembers Dream, ever the cautious, had made the call to bring the sunscreen out to the pool and wait the recommended time before jumping in. In his excitement he must’ve forgotten to re-apply. He must be down horrendous, because that knowledge makes him melt. Dream was just so excited to be with him, they were having so much fun, that he could turn off that part of his mind that’s always thinking about what to do next. 
“I see,” he wants to trace his fingers against the new marks again. But he doesn’t want to bring him any unnecessary pain. He wrecks his brain to solve the puzzle. 
“I remember that, like, on vacations we would get awful sunburns,” George says. “My sister and I. And my mom would use this aloe vera thing to soothe our skin. We could go get some.” 
Dream hums. “Yeah, I think I remember something about that.” 
The light breeze moves the water, despite not seeing movement for hours. It was only the two of them on the outside, Sapnap fucking around in another part of the world. When George woke up to his absence, it hadn’t taken a lot to see the sky of the sunshine state, and not to be tempted to spend a day outside. Convincing Dream to raise from their bed hadn’t been exactly hard. And now they were here, cooling off in the shade, having a small talk because they can. 
“I like them,” he says, because he also can. “The freckles.” 
Dream’s eyes find his face, but he doesn’t really look at his eyes. His eyes are fixated somewhere in the general area of his jaw. “Yeah?” His eyes are wrinkled with unfiltered joy.
“Yeah,” the light breeze, not Dream’s intense eyes, make him shiver. 
He hums. “Thank you. I like how your hair looks like this.”
George rolls his eyes. He could’ve said that without any prompting. “You just like to see it messed up.”
Dream breaks his staring and it’s beautiful, a gorgeous color appears on his cheeks. He’s flustered and his hands move accordingly, quickly to deny.  “Well, okay, I mean–yes, but I don’t mean it like that.”
George nudges him gently to hear more. 
“It’s more like… okay. So your hair is, like, fluffier? Since you got here. Even after you cut your hair it’s more, um, like it looks nice and curly. And I didn’t know what it smelled like, when you were there, but now you smell like citrus, kinda, and it’s good. It looks good. You being here—look good.” He says, bashful and sincere. 
And on the porch of their house, rediscovering summer in Dream’s skin, George loves. 
His smile is involuntary. He doesn’t mean to grin this clearly, but he can’t stop it, the utter joy that filters through his veins and lightens him until he’s filled with helium, weightless and free. And so he lets the smile grow and he lets his eyes go fond and soft —as if he could ever reign his expression around him— and he falls face down into the crease of Dream’s neck. He makes a scrambled noise of frustration. 
“You’re such a—ugh. I actually hate you.” George says, not meaning it at all. Dream laughs and George feels it deep within his bones, moving in perfect tandem with him. 
“Oh, c’mon. That’s not nearly the worst thing I could say.” Dream says, taking his arm and wrapping it around George. He holds on tighter, shaking his head harshly, and Dream sighs. “You’re actually so dumb.” 
“No, you.” George says smartly, and before Dream can speak, leaves a tender kiss in the dip of his jaw. It makes the words die on Dream’s tongue and George giggles. 
He kisses the place again, conscious of his irritated skin, making his lips tender and soft. The contrast is addicting: his cold lips from being too much time at the pool and not drying off properly meet his absurdly warm skin, and Dream sighs relieved. Or maybe he just likes George. Either way, he doesn’t stop him, so George works his lips up and down, touching every part of Dream he’s allowed to have now. He kisses his jaw, and his jugular, and the bones of his clavicle. Dream relaxes under his touch, white skin malleable and marked in ways that transcend a physical plane. Their first summer together leaves its mark on Dream’s skin. He kisses the freckles kindly. Dream is quiet under him, only little breathy sighs, until he touches the skin again and he can’t suppress a hiss. 
“Does it burn a lot?” He asks, staring at the redness of it. It doesn't look bad, and Dream hasn’t complained, but he still thinks about it. He wants to do something about it. 
“Not really,” Dream says. “I could use like, that aloe vera thing. I remember it feeling good.”  
George hums. “Well, let’s go find that. Maybe we have some here.”
He stands up and offers his hand, out of habit. But Dream just looks up at him, eyes half lidded and brows furrowed, a frown making its way to his face totally unprompted. George is about to ask when he grabs the hand and yanks him back down, placing George in his lap. 
“I want more kisses,” he protests, noses touching. George can’t believe him. 
“You have a literal sunburn,” he says, fascinated, voice soft and delighted. He’s unable to even sound mad about his actions. “This is literally for your benefit.” He must be smiling like crazy. 
“George,” Dream just noses his face a little, dragging their stubble together. He keeps the pathetic face on, protesting softly. His hands drag along the expanse of George’s back, slightly arched due to the position. “I wanna kiiiiiss.” 
George sighs but, taking pity on him, offers him a kiss on his temple. “We can kiss more after you put on the cream, okay?” He’s willing to compromise. America has softened him to entertain this. 
His face fucking lights up, as if kisses hadn’t been a possibility before, as if he actually believed George wouldn’t kiss him without a reason. As if George wasn’t willing to spend entire days doing nothing but kissing him. As if George hadn’t crossed the ocean on the possibility. As if the one that had won a lottery ticket had been Dream, and not George. 
He squishes his face with his free hand, making him look even more silly. “Cream, then kiss. Okay?”
Dream sighs, forlorn. “If you insist.”
He presses a quick kiss to his puffed out lips. “I do. Now quick.”
They don’t manage to track down any cream. After a quick search, they realize the local CVS has some, so they get actually dressed and go track it down together. Even if George mourns Dream putting on a t-shirt, he’s pleased no one else gets to have that. They hold hands on the way to the farmacy, and back, and when they settle on their bed and George is able to cure the burns on his shoulders and back, he allows himself to love, love, love again. 
By the flutter of Dream’s eyelashes, he knows he’s on the same page. And it's wondrous.
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l-estappen · 4 months
Pajama Whiskers and Montreal Wishes
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I open the door to our hotel suite at the Ritz-Carlton in Montreal and am immediately greeted by the sight of Max, sprawled out on the plush sofa in the cozy living room. He’s already wearing his white pajama shirt, covered in tiny cat faces, each one looking adorably forlorn. It was a gift from me, and seeing him wear it always makes me smile. 
"Salut, mon cœur," I say, dropping my keys, wallet, and phone onto the entryway dresser. Max looks up from his phone, his face softening just a bit when he sees me. 
"Hey," he mumbles back, but I can tell he's not in the best mood. He hates media days, and today has been particularly exhausting. His hair is damp from his shower, and he has that cute little pout on his lips that he only shows when he's really annoyed. 
"You look comfy," I state softly, making my way over to the sofa. I kick off my shoes and crawl up beside him, resting my head on his chest. He lets out a small grunt but wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer. The fabric of his pajama shirt is soft against my cheek, and I nuzzle into it. 
"You're sweaty," he mumbles, half-heartedly trying to push me away. "Go shower first, then we can cuddle." 
I chuckle and kiss his neck, feeling him shiver slightly. "I'll shower in a bit. Just wanted to hold you for a moment." 
"Fine,” he grumbles, “but only for a minute." 
I pull back just enough to look up at him and notice that there's a light sunburn on his nose and high cheeks, probably due to the time we spent on the boat last week. "I have something that might cheer you up, though." 
Max raises an eyebrow. "What is it?" 
"I got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil tonight," I reply, sitting up and brushing a lock of hair away from his forehead. "I thought it would be fun to do something different, and we've never been to one of their shows together." 
He groans, grabbing a fluffy purple pillow and smashing it against his face. He’s adorable even when he’s sulking. "But I wanted to just stay in and chill, order room service, and not socialize with anyone else for the rest of the evening." 
"Please, bébé?" I beg, hovering over him. "I promise it'll be fun. And we can still do all that when we get back." 
Max peeks at me from behind the pillow, his expression torn. "You're not going to let this go, are you?" 
"Nope," I say, popping the 'p'. "Besides, I already bought the tickets." 
He sighs dramatically but doesn’t say anything for a moment. I see the internal struggle on his face, but I know he can't say no to me. 
"Fine," he finally mutters, "but you owe me." 
I beam, leaning down to give him a soft kiss. His lips are warm and familiar, and I can feel some of the tension leave his body. When I pull back, I see a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
"Deal. Now, I'll go take that shower so we can get ready." 
I'm slouched in my seat, making a show of popping popcorn into my mouth and trying to appear disinterested as the final act of Cirque du Soleil unfolds in front of us. I can't let Charles think he's won so easily. But the truth is, watching his face light up with every acrobat's leap and twist has lifted my spirits more than I expected. 
Charles nudges me, his eyes wide with excitement as another performer executes a perfect flip.  
"Isn't this amazing?" he whispers, his breath warm against my ear.  
"Yeah, sure," I mumble, trying to sound unimpressed. But it's hard to keep up the act when Charles is practically vibrating with excitement next to me. 
"Look at that one!" He exclaims, pointing as a trapeze artist swings high above the stage. The performer’s movements are fluid and graceful, and even I have to admit it's impressive. I shift in my seat, pretending to stretch, and let my hand brush against Charles's. He immediately grabs it, his fingers lacing with mine. 
"See? I told you this would be fun," Charles says, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. His voice is so full of genuine joy that it's contagious. I squeeze back, but don’t say anything, still trying to maintain some semblance of my annoyed exterior. 
The finale begins, with all the performers coming together in a dazzling display of coordination and skill. Charles is on the edge of his seat, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open in awe. I find myself getting caught up in the energy of the performance, despite my best efforts to stay aloof. 
When the final act ends with a breathtaking flourish, the crowd erupts in applause. Charles jumps to his feet, clapping enthusiastically. I stand up too, but I keep my claps measured and reserved. Charles turns to me, his face glowing with excitement. 
"Wasn't that incredible?" he asks, his voice full of wonder. 
"It was alright," I reply, trying to sound nonchalant. But Charles sees right through me. He always does. 
"Admit it," he says, his grin widening. "You loved it." 
I roll my eyes, but I can't help the smile that breaks through. "Fine, it was pretty good," I concede. 
Charles’s grin turns triumphant, and he tugs me closer, his lips capturing mine in a heated kiss. His tongue teasing mine briefly before pulling back, his eyes sparkling with mischief. His hand lingers on the back of my neck, keeping me close enough to feel his breath mingle with mine. 
"I knew you'd have fun," he says against my lips. 
"Yeah, yeah," I mutter, leaning in to kiss his nose, making him laugh. Then I grab his hand and we start to walk out of the tent.  
Outside, the night is pleasantly warm, but a light breeze adds a refreshing touch to the air. There are some passing clouds, providing intermittent shade from the moonlight. 
"Mon amour, look!" Charles says, pointing towards the towering Ferris wheel against. "Can we go on it?" 
I let out an exaggerated sigh, trying to sound grumpy, but my heart isn't in it. "You just want to drag me around everywhere tonight, don’t you?" 
Charles just laughs, his eyes sparkling. "Come on, it’ll be fun. You can pretend to hate it the whole time." 
I shake my head, but I can't stop the smile that creeps onto my lips. "Fine, but you also owe me for this," I say, letting him pull me toward the Ferris wheel.  **********************************************************************
The Ferris wheel stands tall against the night sky, its lights twinkling like stars. As we approach, I glance at Max, who’s trying to maintain his grumpy façade, but I see the faint hint of a smile on his lips. 
"You're going to love this," I say, giving his hand a little squeeze. 
"Yeah, yeah, we'll see," Max replies, rolling his eyes, but he doesn’t pull away. 
We reach the Ferris, and after a short wait, we’re ushered into one of the carriages. As it starts to ascend, the view of Montreal spreads out beneath us, the city lights shimmering like a sea of stars. I look over at Max, whose expression is softening with each passing second. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?" I say, my voice filled with awe. 
Max nods, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, it is. Almost makes up for you dragging me out tonight." 
I grin, feeling a warm rush of happiness. I lean in closer to him, our faces just inches apart. "I just want to make you happy, chéri." 
He looks into my eyes, and for a moment, everything else fades away. "You do," Max murmurs, "you always do." 
I close the gap between us, pressing my lips against his in a gentle kiss. His hand cups the back of my neck, pulling me closer. The kiss deepens, becoming more urgent and filled with need. The carriage sways slightly as we move higher, but I’m too lost in the moment to care. 
"Schatje," Max breathes against my lips, his voice thick with desire. "We shouldn’t...not here..." 
I pull back just enough to look into his eyes, my hand resting on his thigh. "Why not?” I ask in the same tone that I use to ask him ‘What’s your color?’ 
Max eyes widen slightly, but he doesn't respond. Instead, he swallows hard, his breathing becoming more erratic. I move my hand higher up his thigh, feeling the heat through the fabric of his pants and he lets out a soft moan.  
Taking that as a green, I get down on my knees, my fingers deftly undoing the button and zipper of his pants. Max’s chest rises and falls rapidly, his lips parting as he watches me. 
I slide his pants down just enough to free his already hardening dick, the cool night air making him shiver. I smirk, taking in the sight of him, so needy and ready. "You’re always so easy for me, bébé," I murmur. 
Max bites his lip, a soft whimper escaping him as I wrap my hand around his cock, giving it a slow, deliberate stroke. "Charles," he breathes, his voice shaky. 
"Shh," I soothe, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on his tip. "Just let me enjoy you." 
I lower my head, taking him into my mouth, my tongue swirling around his head before sliding down his shaft. Max moans, his hand flying to grip the back of my neck, urging me deeper. 
The carriage rocks gently as the Ferris wheel continues its slow rotation, but all I can focus on is the taste of him, the way he trembles beneath my touch. I bob my head, taking him deeper with each pass, my throat constricting around him in a way that makes him gasp. 
"Baaaby," he moans again, his voice strained. "Fuck, you’re so good at this." 
I hum in response, the vibration making him buck his hips involuntarily. I grip his thighs, holding him steady as I quicken my pace, my cheeks hollowing as I suck him harder. Max’s hand tightens in my hair, his breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. 
"Charles," he groans, his voice thick with desperation. "I'm...I'm getting close." 
I slow my movements slightly, savoring the way he trembles. I pull back just enough to speak, my lips brushing against his length. "You know what you have to do..." 
Max’s eyes flutter open, wide and pleading. "Please, Charles," he whispers, his voice shaky. "Please, let me cum." 
I smirk, running my tongue along his dick, watching as he shudders. "Not good enough, bébé. I need more than that." 
His desperation is palpable, his body straining against the restraint I’m imposing. "Please, Charles. I need to cum. I need it so bad. Please let me." 
I tighten my grip on his cock, stroking him slowly, deliberately. "You can do better than that. Tell me how much you want it." 
Max whimpers, his head falling back against the seat. "I want it so much, Charles. I can't hold it any longer. Please, let me cum. I'll do anything." 
I smile, satisfied with his surrender. "Good boy" I murmur, leaning down to take him back into my mouth. I suck him harder, faster, feeling him tense and writhe beneath me.  
His moans grow louder, more desperate, and I know he’s right on the edge. I also know our time is running out, very much unfortunately. 
"Cum for me, bébé," I command, removing my mouth from his cock only enough to say. "Now." 
“Christ, Charles.” Max lets out as I put my mouth back on him and suck harder, his body convulsing as he finally lets go. I feel his release hit the back of my throat, and I swallow eagerly, taking everything he has to give. His hand clutches the back of my neck, holding me in place as he rides out his orgasm. 
As he begins to come down, I slow my pace, giving him gentle, soothing licks. Max’s body relaxes, his grip loosening, and he looks down at me with a dazed, satisfied expression.  
I pull back, wiping the corner of my mouth with a smug grin. "So, are my debts paid?"
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tyfinn · 1 year
Summer Word Challenge
Weekly word: Sunscreen
Rules: There aren’t any!
Any word count Any fandom All fan works are welcome
Post it whenever you want Absolutely no pressure to participate
Let’s just have fun! Thank you @mallpretzles for facilitating this and @a-noble-dragon for tagging me.
David joined Marcy in the kitchen after she returned from the spare bedroom carrying a box filled with photo albums. It had been raining all day, and after Marcy finished baking David’s favorite oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, she promised they could look through some of Patrick’s photo albums from when he was little.    
“I’m pretty sure you haven’t gone through these, yet, David.” He peeked into the box and pulled out a maroon-colored faux leather album. He thumbed through a couple of pages and tucked a small smile into his cheek. He loved looking at these small glimpses of Patrick’s past, and is still amazed at the number of photos Marcy had accumulated over the years.   
“Nope. No, this album I definitely have not seen!” 
“It’s probably a good thing he is out today. He’d kill me for sure for showing you these!” she laughed. “Go on and sit down and I’ll pour us some wine."
David did as he was told and carried the box into the living room. 
"Oh. My. God. What happened here and how old was he?" David asked after taking a sip of his Merlot. There were two pages of little Patrick completely sunburned from head to toe. He was so red in one, even his lips looked swollen. He looked miserable, and oh so red.  
"Let me see." David handed her the album and she closed her eyes for a moment.
"I think he was about six or seven, and we were at the lake house. Clint had to help hold him down every time I applied the sunscreen. Back then, you had to reapply many times throughout the day, especially if you went swimming…”
“And let me guess, he wouldn’t let you apply more,” David shook his head and furrowed his brow.
“He did not. Oh, how he cried that night! I made him sit in a cool bath, lathered him in aloe, and let him eat ice cream for dinner. To this day, that was the worst sunburn Patrick ever got. After that summer, he never complained about wearing sunscreen ever again!’
“Poor baby! You know, now that you mention it, I’ve never had to fight with him to wear it. In the past, people would bitch- oops- I mean complain, about me making everyone wear sun protection. That really must have been one helluva sunburn.” 
“David, you have no idea.”
I'm not sure who has been tagged, so if you are reading this, and want to fulfill this prompt, have at it!
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gretavanfleetposts · 2 years
Keep Going
Author's Note: Just some Josh smut that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about and wrote in like 2 hours. Sorry for any mistakes!
Content Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, riding, overstimulation, penetrative sex (18+ minors do not interact)
Category: smut
Word Count: 3k
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Empty bottles and cups, the sign of a typical night at one Joshua Kiszka’s house, the sign of a fun night had. You’d ended many nights this way, flitting about Josh’s house, helping him dig his furniture out of the sea of empties that graced nearly every surface. And tonight was no different.
The two of you practically danced about the house, making your way back and forth from the recycling bin and trash can at the edge of his kitchen as the record player in the corner of his small dining room still turned an album.
"I think that's enough cleaning for the night," he finally called to you as he met you standing over the recycling bin, trying to gently drop bottles in one at a time without shattering any and still balancing plenty more in your arms.  He took them one by one and placed them in the bin before grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into him for a dance.
"You didn't get enough dancing during the party?" you smiled.
"Not enough with you, mama," he smiled back, his usual toothy grin on full display.
He looked good tonight. Well, he always did. But tonight there was just something a little more perfect about the way his bouncy brown curls fell against his forehead and the way his slight sunburn set a delicate blush against his face. It took everything in you to keep yourself from staring.
You and Josh were only friends, after all. But fuck if you didn't want to be more.
You swayed in silence for a bit, appreciating the music crackling through the record player, before you caught a glimpse of something a bit mischievous in his eyes.
“So, overstimulation,” he mused with an even wider smile.
You couldn’t help but laugh, even as you rolled your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. It was a stupid game and Jake wasn’t going to be happy until I gave him an answer.”
He was referring to a game of truth or dare that Jake had drunkenly insisted on earlier in the night. And of course, the question directed at you when you had chosen truth was not so innocent.
“What’s your weirdest kink?” Jake had asked.
You had spoken without too much thought, voicing the first thing that came to your mind which arguably wasn’t really the weirdest thing you were into but Jake didn’t need to know that. And it had gone mostly unquestioned until now, as you stood swaying with Josh next to his dining room table.
“Just to appease my brother then,” he said, swaying you in a circle and letting the movement pick up your dress as it danced along with you at your ankles.
“No, no, I am into it. I just wouldn’t qualify that as a particularly weird one, I guess,” you corrected, although you weren’t sure why you had felt the need to clarify. And then you added, “Why are you interested anyway?”
“I’m just curious. I wanna know what you like.”
You eyed him, giving him a look that said it wasn’t a satisfactory answer on his part. So he continued.
“I just find it interesting, that’s all.” He shrugged very matter-of-factly and you decided to drop it before your cheeks turned far too red.
And so you swayed on in silence again, until Josh’s voice once again got your attention.
“Do you like being on the giving or receiving end?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his persistence. “Well, a bit of both I suppose. But mostly on the giving end.”
He smiled then but said nothing, prompting you to question the boy holding you in his arms.
“What are you smiling about?” you implored with a curious smile yourself.
“It just fits, that’s all.”
“Please explain.”
His smile widened. “You’re very you.”
You were blushing, you knew it. You could practically feel the heat that rose to your cheeks as his eyes met yours and held onto them like he had no intention of letting them go and suddenly you felt very vulnerable for having shared all of that information with him, best friends or not. So you pushed the conversation forward.
“What about you? What are your thoughts on the subject?”
“I’m not sure how well-versed I am. But I like the idea of it.”
“Of giving or receiving?”
“Both. But mostly receiving.”
It was your turn to smile.
“What are you smiling about?”
You shook your head and repeated his line from earlier. “It just fits, that’s all.”
He chuckled this time and nodded. “You think so?”
You stilled your movements to watch him carefully. It wasn’t always that you had the courage you had in that moment and to be honest, you weren’t exactly sure where it came from. But it was there, nonetheless. So you spoke before it had a chance to evade you.
“I think you’d look beautiful begging someone to keep going when you’re not sure how much more you can really take.”
His hands, still at your hips, tightened their grip as he looked at you with a much more serious look, his lips parted slightly like you had knocked some of the breath from his lungs with your words.
And you could have sworn he pulled you just a bit closer to him before he responded.
“Someone?” he asked gently, letting his gaze fall from your eyes to your lips. “Or you?”
When you spoke, it was barely above a whisper as your own breath had caught in your lungs. “Would you let me?” you asked rather innocently given what the question was really hinting at.
And for a moment, he let his eyes travel back up to yours as he answered, “I’d let you do anything to me, y/n.”
When he brought his mouth to yours, it was slow and soft, experimental in a way, until you found yourself quickly kissing him back, pushing your lips more firmly against his and letting your arms circle his neck.
There was a slight groan that vibrated through his mouth as the two of you melted into one another, and soon he was walking backward, blindly in search of a chair to grab and sit down on with the goal of not breaking the kiss. The backs of his thighs hit it first and he quickly grabbed the edge of the seat to keep it from tipping backward, bringing you with him as he sat down to steady the chair followed soon after by you climbing into his lap.
He was growing hard beneath you, you could tell from your place in his lap as your mouth still moved against his, his tongue now darting between your lips to taste you, to taste the moans that were bubbling up from the back of your throat, noises that you were trying desperately to quiet and that he was trying desperately to elicit.
Your hands moved into his hair, pulling gently to tip his head back a bit so that as you lifted your hips and ground them back down into his growing erection, you could keep the taste of his plush lips on your tongue, quite possibly the only taste that would ever quench your thirst again.
Breathlessly, he pulled back, much to your dismay, but you could see the arousal in his eyes and the softness of his swollen lips. His chest heaved and the prominent veins in his neck pulsed and suddenly he was an even more beautiful sight than he had been twenty minutes prior, if it was at all possible.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked in a near whisper.
You nodded without needing so much as a moment to think about it. "Yes, Josh. I want you."
It was a flurry of hands at your words as he searched for the skin of your legs through your wrap dress, letting the two sides fall over the edges of your thighs as his hands worked their way up until he found the fabric of your panties at your hips. And soon after, his fingers were hooking into the waistband of the material and working them down your legs, helping you step out of them as you stood from his lap.
As you still stood before him, you took advantage of the space between you and untied his cotton pants, making quick work of them along with his boxers as you pulled the fabric down around his knees, just enough to expose his cock to you, hard and glistening with need. Fuck he was beautiful.
You moved back into his lap, pushing up the hem of his white shirt with one hand but wasting no time lining him up with your entrance with your other hand and finally sinking down onto him slowly, letting him stretch you and taking time to adjust to how he felt inside of you.
His own movements stalled and his eyes rolled back slightly at the stimulation of your pussy suddenly wrapped around his cock and a breathy moan pushed past his lips, a sound you would have branded yourself with if you could have. But as you stilled your hips, he regained his composure and together you pushed his shirt up the rest of the way and over his head, dropping it onto the floor and leaving him wearing just his beads resting against his torso.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, Joshy," you whispered as you braced your hands against his shoulders and began to bounce in his lap.
His lips found yours again as you rocked your hips, and as you felt the tip of his cock graze your g-spot, you fought through the mind-numbing pleasure to keep your focus on him.
“You are so fucking beautiful,” you mused as you pulled back to look at him, to watch him get closer and closer as he felt you clench around him.
He gave you a slightly exhausted smile before your hips slammed down on him particularly hard and he cried out a slew of curses.
“You feel so good, mama. So fucking good.” He looked like he was in an almost trance-like state as you worked on him, letting his hands feel every inch of your body as his mind went blank. And to be honest, part of you wished you could join him there, in a black hole of pleasure that erased every tangible thought from your mind and left only him and the way he felt in its wake. It was harder than you had imagined countless times before to not lose yourself in him.
And maybe it was just a one-time thing, fueled by curiosity and booze, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. He felt too good, lifting his hips up as much as he could to match your every movement, although there was a very big part of you that was now entranced with the idea of him overstimulating you. But that was another conversation.
You brought your focus back to the singer beneath you, letting your mouth find his again and biting down on his bottom lip as you rode him faster, the sounds you were both making now mingling together in his fortunately empty house.
"Fuck, I’m so close, mama," he breathed as his forehead fell against your shoulder, his hands now digging into the wood of the chair as you leaned your arm against the table behind you for better leverage to take him deeper and harder, pushing him toward the high that was just barely reaching his fingertips, threatening to grab him and pull him under.
"Come for me, Joshy. I wanna feel you fill me up," you encouraged, and that was seemingly enough to push him over the edge.
You felt him twitch inside of you as he came hard, his head falling back and his hands desperately trying to find a grip on your body, anywhere to keep you moving but also prevent him from snapping in half at the intense pleasure rocking through him. And he looked beautiful like that, his head thrown back the way it had been many times before on stage, only instead of music flowing through his veins, it was pure bliss.
"I'm gonna keep going, is that okay? Do you think you can handle that, baby?" He was beautiful like that, yes, but you longed to see him fall apart.
He nodded but you weren't entirely sure he was comprehending your words so you slowed your hips and took his chin in your hand, raising his head so that you had his attention as he looked at you, completely flushed and cheeks hot.
"Repeat it back to me, baby," you insisted, wanting to make sure he was ready for what you were about to do.
He nodded again as he spoke, already struggling to form words. "You're gonna keep going and I-I want you to. I need you to, please."
Satisfied with his answer you rolled your hips again and Josh let out a mangled cry as his fingers dug into the plush skin of your thighs.
"Fuck," you let out a low whisper. He felt good but it wouldn't have mattered if he weren't even inside you because the flush of his cheeks and the heaviness in his eyelids combined with the sounds he made could have gotten you off. And his begging, now that was a sound you weren’t soon to forget.
You continued your bouncing as he writhed beneath you, unable to keep his body still as the pleasure quickly turned to overstimulation. Sweat began pooling at his temples, dripping down the sides of his face and wetting his neck and you couldn't help yourself as you wrapped your hand around his neck, forcing his head back again as you picked up your hips and moved them faster.
"Can you give me another one, Joshy?" you asked, trying to gauge how up for it he was, but he shook his head lightly.
"I don't-fuck-I don't know," he choked out.
"Can you try for me?" you asked, your own face hot as an undeniable feeling was building deep inside of you.
He nodded but said nothing, opting instead to lean forward and bite down on the hollow of your neck, causing you to cry out.
"Oh my god, yes, fuck that feels so good," you practically sobbed, suddenly overtaken by the way he felt inside of you, stretching you and reaching every spot inside of you that made your toes curl.
And you could tell he was unraveling beneath you too as he used your neck to quiet his sounds when finally his hands reached up your back to hang on to your shoulders and force you down onto his cock harder. And as he pulled his face away from your neck, you saw tears forming at the corners of his eyes, the muscles in his arms and shoulders and neck straining hard but forcing you to keep going.
"Keep-" His head fell back as his hips bucked and he fought to form tangible thoughts. "Keep going," he begged.
"Are you sure?" You didn’t have much composure left but despite how close you were, you knew it was a lot for him to be feeling all at once and you didn’t want to push him too hard.
But as he nodded fervently, his eyes meeting yours and practically pleading with you to keep your movements up, it was enough to push you over the precipice.
"Just a little longer, baby, I'm so fucking close," you promised.
He fought hard to keep his eyes on you but as he snapped beneath you for a second time, no doubt weaker than the time before but still enough to render him incoherent, you broke along with him.
"Oh my god," was all you managed as something released inside of you and you came harder than you ever had wrapped around Josh in more than one way.
You collapsed forward into him as you choked out mangled sobs, riding through your pleasure that came in intense waves, leaving your thighs a shaking mess. And then quickly you lifted your hips off of him to ride out the rest of your high against his thigh, giving him a chance to recover sooner rather than later.
He seemed to come back down to earth as your movements slowed and then finally stilled altogether and, exhausted as you were, you lifted your head to take his face in your hands, stained with sweat and tears and exertion.
"Are you okay? Did I break you?" you asked, still concerned that you had pushed too hard.
He chuckled a heavy, tired laugh, licking his lips and trying to regain his breath. "Yeah, you did break me, and I fucking loved every second of it, mama."
He hugged you to his chest, letting his face rest in the crook of your neck as your forehead dropped to his shoulder. And there the two of you fell into a rhythm together, matching the pace of the other’s breath as you clung to one another before he finally spoke again.
"We should definitely do that again. After I've recovered.”
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seething-fire · 2 years
How I think the Sanders Sides would look if they were real
Warnings: mentions of weapons, but only as tattoos 
Tall boi, like 6’2 (187 cm)
He’s pretty pale, like could get a sunburn anytime, anywhere, kind of pale
His hair is naturally curly and blond, but he colors it brown because he got tired of all the blond jokes 
I don’t really know how to describe the length, but all of it covers his ears, but doesn’t quite hit his jaw
He has acne scars on his cheeks and along his jawline 
When he has more than two days off, he lets his beard grow (but not because he’s ashamed of his scars, he just likes having a beard) 
Some freckles around his nose 
He doesn’t lift weights, but he’s just a solid guy, ya know? 
Has been asked if he’s a football (American football) player because of his build 
Light blue eyes
Only wears square glasses 
Immediately puts on some kind of woven bracelet when he gets home 
When he’s not at work or school, he wears those gray sweatpants you know what I’m talking about 
Only has about a million shirts with science and space puns on them 
Has a pair of fluffy slippers that he loves 
He’s just a bit shorter than Logan and Virgil, so he’s 5’9 (175 cm) 
His skin is gorgeous, a rich tawny shade
Dark wavy hair that almost reaches his shoulders
He’s kind of lanky; he’s thin and has long legs 
Brown eyes (He likes to describe them as a “cocoa” shade because of his love for chocolate lol) 
Has faint smile lines because he smiles so much 
Has a slit in one of his eyebrows (not on purpose; gardening accident)
Likes to wear glasses in fun shapes or circles 
When he’s at home by himself, he’s sporting the cat hoodie and boxers we all know this man doesn't wear pants if not necessary 
He also loves socks with cute designs, so whenever he’s with his friends, he shows them off
Loves rings, especially ones that have hearts, or some other kind of shape/pattern 
Paints his nails a new color every week 
Tiny pride flag tattooed on his thigh
Enjoys experimenting with makeup, so he wears eyeshadow and lipstick sometimes
He’s 5’7 (170 cm) 
His skin is a warm sepia
His hair is pretty short, but long enough to make a quiff (yes, that’s how he wears his hair)
Currently it’s the natural color, but before he cut it, it was blue 
As far as his body goes, he’s muscular 
He could be considered ripped
Wears smaller shirts than he needs to so he can show off his muscles (think Steve Rogers)
Deep brown eyes
He has a small scar on his right cheek (He’s learning to love it)
*Loves* tattoos, so he has a few small ones 
There’s a sword behind his ear
A crown on his shoulder 
A rose on the inside of his right wrist 
And a Disney quote along his left forearm 
He thinks of himself as a art museum and those are his tiny pieces of art
He lounges around the house in a muscle tank and athletic shorts 
Paints his nails with Patton 
Another tall boi; he’s 6’1 (185 cm) 
He has dark brown skin 
Bright purple fade, and you cannot change my mind (he loved the purple hair on Thomas)
The top is a bit long and very curly (He has 4C curls)
Hazel eyes 
He’s chubby and has a cute belly 
He’s got a little bit of extra fat on the sides of his lower rib cage, so when he’s home alone, he goes shirtless so he can see it all 
He really adores the way piercings look, so he has a couple 
A bar in one of his ears
An eyebrow piercing 
And a lip ring 
He also likes tattoos He and Roman may or may not get theirs done together 
But Virgil is covered in them 
He’s got some music related ones (you know one of them has to do with MCR) 
A few small skulls here and there, spider webs on the skin in between his fingers 
Things that symbolize mental health struggles 
Jack Skellington ;) 
And just a few random ones (a very small goldfish on his ankle) 
He just wears boxers when he’s by himself so he can see all the art all over his body 
But when there are other people around, he wears band t shirts and pajama bottoms 
Short king; 5’6 (167 cm) 
His skin can be described as terra cotta, almost 
Long, dark hair
He puts in a bun when he wears his hat
Has a similar build to Logan, but he’s shorter, so it looks different on him 
His shoulders are broad, and his legs are on the shorter side 
Has been described as “solid”
His eyes are a stunning deep deep brown 
Also has dimples 
May or may not have acrylics 
He likes to get snakes painted on them 
Permanent dark circles under his eyes 
Tongue piercing 
We know he can ROCK a skirt, so he wears them a lot
But when he’s by himself, he wears a fluffy white robe, no matter the weather 
Because of the aesthetic, obviously 
He also saves his money for designer jewelry, so over the years, he’s slowly acquired a nice collection of expensive stuff that he wears all the time 
Somehow much taller than Roman; 6’0 (182 cm)
Like his brother, he has the same beautiful skin tone
He has a curly mullet (his hair is naturally straight, but he got a perm) 
It’s shaved on the sides 
Has two slits in both eyebrows 
And dark brown eyes like his twin  
He’s the thinnest out of everyone
Has a couple face tattoos and piercings 
Septum piercing, snake bites, eyebrow piercing 
A tiny garbage can tattoo on his temple 
“pull the lever” across his jawline (yes, it’s an Emperor’s New Groove reference)
He also thought it sounded metal as hell
A dagger on his neck 
And a small “x” under his eye 
Always wearing eyeliner and black nail polish 
Wears punk clothes 
Even in his down time 
Chains, patches, safety pins, diy clothes, all of it 
HUGE platform boots 
Still hasn’t taken his hospital bracelet off since the last time he was there 
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monomonomagines · 3 years
In honor of the swimsuits being released, may I request a scenario where Makoto, Fuyuhiko, Sakura, Ryoma,Souda and Korekiyo are at the beach and their s/o just gets absolutely wrecked by the sun and is just burnt to an absolute crisp? Thank youuuu
Thank you so much for such a fun request! I know I often burn more than I tan so I’m hoping my own experiences will help me to at least get a laugh out of you. I know I’ve been very excited since the swimsuits were released even if they weren’t all perfect. My rambles aside though, I really hope that you’ll enjoy this as much as I did writing it. We love and appreciate you and your support!
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As soon as Makoto noticed your skin turning red he’d panic. Not an exaggerated and overbearing sort of panic like the way that some of his friends and classmates would act but a quiet and worried sort of panic.
He was concerned over your wellbeing but being your everyday type of guy he didn’t think he could do more than to drag you under the shade to get you a break from the sun’s relentless attack on you.
As the two of you sat beneath one of the many large umbrellas placed on the beach Makoto frets over you, asking you some silly questions like “if it hurt” or “if there was anything he could do for you.”
There really wasn’t much he could do while the two of you were on the beach but he could at least stay with you like this until you both got back.
Smiling he agrees instantly, moving one of his hands so that he can grasp your own.
“Of course! If it makes you feel better then I’ll stay with you all day.”
You could tell he was being genuine just from the way he spoke to you and those words alone made your cheeks feel as warm as the sunburn made the rest of you feel.
Leaning carefully you rest your arm lightly against his own trying to get closer to him as you both enjoyed your time together.
However, that quiet and serene moment only turns into more pain when Makoto leans against you in turn, a little too hard for your inflamed skin.
Hearing you yelp, Makoto immediately apologizes with a sheepish smile on his face. “Sorry, I forgot that I can’t touch you!”
He’s lucky he’s cute you might say out loud if you weren’t too busy trying to soothe your skin lightly rubbing at the irritated area.
“S/o put some damn sunscreen on!” Fuyuhiko had spent most of the time since you two arrived at the beach chiding you. He was calm at first but quickly lost his cool when you refused to just put some sunscreen on.
It had started a small argument which he quickly put to rest with a pout. “Fine, get burnt to a crisp if you want to so badly. Not like it’ll be my problem!”
While his words may have burnt you to a crisp at that moment he wasn’t wrong in the slightest.
After hours of play and fun, you could feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. You felt it too much for comfort if you were to be more accurate.
Now here it was, Fuyuhiko’s turn to admonish you. Now he could say, “I told you to put sunscreen on,” or “I told you to cover up more” and you wouldn’t be able to argue.
However, no matter how cruel Fuyuhiko can be as soon as he notices the pain you’re in, there's no way he could be so hard on you.
With a huff and a frown you hear the dreaded “I told you to put on sunscreen. What the hell did you think would happen?”
You had no answer but with another huff and a shake of his head, Fuyuhiko wouldn’t leave you to hurt.
Dragging you by the arm he forces you to sit down under the umbrella you both set up earlier. He crouches near you, rummaging in the bag he packed only to pull out so Aloe Vera Gel.
“It's not cold but it’ll help.” You hear him mutter half to you and half to himself as he pops off the cap and coats you in the solution.
It felt sticky and gross but you were happy that Fuyuhiko was there for you. With a sinister smile, you hug him still covered in sticky gloop which earns a loud yell from him in return.
“What the hell are you doin’ to me!? Stop, you're all sticky!” Despite his volume, you could see a childlike smile on his face as you both break out into a laugh.
That hug hurt like a bitch but at least it was worth it for a little more fun with your favorite person in the world.
While Sakura wouldn’t chide you about applying sunscreen she would definitely be the type to try to shield you from the sun herself. Of course, this may not be the most effective but she gets an A for effort.
The sun was just unfortunately a stronger opponent with far longer range than Sakura could ever hope to have.
Despite her own disappointment in her failure to protect you Sakura would do her best to take care of the sunburn you still managed to get despite her looming over you the whole time you were playing and having fun.
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you, S/o,” Sakura says, clenching her fists in frustration.
If anything you would’ve gotten far more burnt than you are now if not for Sakura trying to keep you in her shadow all day and even then it was sort of funny to watch her try so hard to move as you did to keep you out of the sun's harmful rays.
She didn’t seem to see it your way though, looking downcast as if she had really failed you when you were the one that chose not to apply sunscreen.
Putting a small hand on her back you reassure her that she didn’t fail you. You had a wonderful time with her regardless of the sunburn and it again would’ve been way worse if not for her constantly covering you.
“Thank you, S/o. I know I cannot beat every opponent but I know that I want to keep you safe no matter what.” Finally smiling at you she gives you a small squeeze, making sure to avoid your burns before picking you up and toting you off to a shady spot under some palm trees.
Sakura lets you rest your head in her lap as she gently runs her hands through your hair, smiling happily as she watches the sea breeze help lull you to sleep.
She’d just carry you if you didn’t wake up when it was time to go.
Very similar to Sakura, Ryoma wouldn’t insist you apply or reapply your sunscreen. You can make your own choices and he wouldn’t impede on that.
He will be there to pick up the pieces when any poor decision you should make falls through with some sound advice ready and a shoulder for you to cry on.
As soon as the two of you realized that your fun time on the beach had turned into a red hot painful experience Ryoma simply sighs as if deep in thought.
Before you can realize what’s going through that head of his though, he begins to take off his hoodie, throwing it over your burnt shoulders to protect it from any further burns.
“It isn’t much but it’d be pretty uncool of me if I didn’t do anything to help you.” Seeming to forget that he isn’t wearing a hat Ryoma goes to pull down an imaginary one only to further fluster himself.
That was the most uncool thing he could ever do in his entire life. You saw it written all over his face as you burst into laughter.
Ryoma would never live this down but at least he got to make you feel a little better by getting a laugh out of you. If only it wasn’t at his expense.
Maybe you two can get some ice cream to make the two of you feel better. 
You’d bring it up once you’re both leaving hand in hand. 
Kazuichi would be overjoyed to take you to the beach since he’d get to play around and have fun with you at the beach of all places!
Plus being at the beach would mean that he’d get to see you in a swimsuit which for him is a huge plus!
He could only imagine that it must be something that suits your style just like his matches his own but his imagination may go a bit wild with how he’d picture it. He is the Ultimate Mechanic and not the Ultimate Fashion Designer after all!
Regardless of how you’re dressed though he’d be complimenting you all day. He’d have his eyes on you no matter what which is why he’d quickly notice your skin turning bright red under the sun’s harsh light.
If only he wasn’t lost in a daze looking at you. Then maybe he would have remembered to have you both use sunscreen.
Having thought that Kazuichi comes to a rather sudden realization. Looking down his own skin was burnt pretty badly already turning red and painful.
With tears in his eyes, he’d grab you by the wrist pulling you to a shady area before he explains his intentions.
“We didn’t put any sunscreen on, S/o! It feels awful so spray me now! I-if we use it now then we can stay all day like we said we would!”
Finding it hard not to laugh you agree, grabbing the sunscreen from him. He turns around taking a deep breath preparing himself for the feeling of cold sunscreen on his burns.
As soon as the spray even hits his back though he lets out a yelp soon begging you to stop.
“Y’know what. Let’s just go home! We’re both burnt anyway so let's just come back, yeah?”
Korekiyo was always prepared when going to the beach. He liked to keep his skin protected from the sun so he always had plenty of sunscreen on despite being covered from head to toe.
You had teased him for this on the way to the beach but soon enough you were wishing you had followed his example.
As soon as your skin had become inflamed Korekiyo quickly pulled you over to the giant umbrella and towels he had set up beforehand.
He waited for you to take a seat before he spoke. “I cannot ignore this any longer, S/o. Your refusal to follow my advice is only causing you pain.”
Sheepishly trying to avoid his comments despite knowing he’s right you brush it all off pretending like you’re not in that much pain.
With a knowing glance from Korekiyo though you can’t do much other than to oblige as he hands you a full-body suit he prepared in your size.
“This way you won’t get burnt any further. There are dressing rooms nearby so if you wish to continue with our day on the beach I advise you to use them.”
Listening to this time you take his advice and go to change, coming back within only a few moments with the suit on.
At least it let you have some more fun on the beach before you had to leave from the painfulness of your burns.
Thankfully Korekiyo would be there to take care of you and your burns with some aloe vera and anything else you may need too! Hell, maybe he’ll even use another one of his “ancient remedies” that he’s used when you’ve gotten yourself hurt before.
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Kissing at The Burrow
Summary: “hi love! can I request a drabble about george bringing his boyfriend for the first time to the burrow? have a great day! 💕”
Pairing: George Weasley x Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name.
Word Count: 921
“Come on, dearies. In the house, it’s boiling outside. No sunburns again.” Mrs. Weasley rounded up a record of 8 children into the burrow in time for supper.
“Muum” Fred groaned, a very illegal set of muggle fireworks in his arms. Everyone looked cheery for the display, but immediately followed Molly in as their stomachs growled.
(Y/N) had never been in such chaos, it was the first time he’d ever gone to the burrow and while he was excited, he was just about as nervous too. Firsts were a stressful thing.
“Harry, (Y/N), just relax in the dining room will you?” Molly shooed the boys away, being left to their own devices in the empty living room… not for long though.
“How’s it going, love?” George was right there behind him, according to Mrs. Weasley, he should’ve been grabbing the extra chairs, sweeping the floor and taking out the plates.
“Are you supposed to be working?” He asked with a slight smirk on his face. He wanted to see house-husband George in action, never a domestic moment with that asshole.
“I am, see? I’m working up a sweat checking on my beloved” He bent down to kiss (Y/N)’s forehead lightly, leaving Harry looking a little flushed and awkwardly looking away. Though George couldn’t care less, full on showering his boyfriend with kisses.
“What, Potter? The gays scaring you?” George said looking up at the younger boy in the room who was looking at his own shoes to distract himself and not “ruin the moment”.
“N-No!” He shouted out, as he looked at the two lovebirds.
“Just teasing, Harry. Calm down” George laughed, putting his hands around (Y/N) then immediately off as his mother walked in.
“George!? Plates? Where are the extra chairs! Your father will be home any minute and you’re sitting here fooling around” She walked in, two chairs in her arms and a stray hand flicking a wand for the plates as they danced to their places.
“Sorry, mum!” Geogre shouted out, giving (Y/N) peck on the cheek and going to grab some more chairs.
“Sorry, Mrs. Weasley.” (Y/N) said looking down.
“Nonsense, dear. That boy has nothing on his mind, but you. Should’ve hid you in a cupboard so he can do work.” She said putting her hands on her hips before turning her heel the opposite direction Ron and trotted away.
(Y/N) laughed, he wishes he could do that sometimes too, his nerves calmed down as he quickly accustomed to the new environment. Passing Ginny gravy with one as he simultaneously held a lengthy conversation with Hermione and holding George’s hand with his other.
“No, (Y/N). You can’t just half-ass wish for this or that. Wishes are to be thought through carefully” Hermione groaned out as she forked her dinner aggressively, a furrow in her brow.
“And I’m just saying that if I had a genie, I wouldn’t think. You have a freaking genie-“ (Y/N) replied, they’ve been on about genies for the past half an hour.
He heard George yawn, suspicious, a hand over his mouth as he eyed both his, Fred’s and (Y/N)’s empty plates. He sighed and yawned too, Fred joining in eventually.
“We better head to sleep, don’t you think? I’m full as can be” Fred stretched his arms out and stood up from the table followed by Geogre.
“Right, Fred.” Who was followed by (Y/N).
All three mischievous boys quickly made way through a small window by the stairs, fireworks already resting under the twin’s arms, if only they’d put this much effort into anything else. Where did they even appear from?
“Come on, to the bog. Best place for fireworks” George grabbed onto (Y/N)’s hand, Fred trailing behind them.
Once the boys got to the small grass patch, Geogre pulled a blanket out. Did he even have that when they left? George and (Y/N) both sat down as they watched Fred set up the pyrotechnic show for them.
“Have fun, lovebirds. I’m going to go occupy our room. You owe me.” He flashed a wink over to George, throwing a lighter his direction.
“Firework show when you bring Angie here?”
“You bet.”
“He’s not staying?”
“Nope, darling. Just us and some very large muggle fireworks.”
He stood up and lit the pile, quickly running back to their blanket. (Y/N) squeezed himself between George’s legs letting him rest his head on (Y/N) neck as they watched the sky light up in different hues. It was beautiful, a perfect way to start an entire summer with his boyfriend.
“George Fabian Weasley!” They heard a shriek from the burrow, they both looked at each other and back at the burrow. Single thought, run.
“Full name.” They said in unison, quickly grabbing their blanket and running as fast they could in the dark towards the small window.
Both climbing into the window and then up the stairs, they made it by a second into the beds they had before Molly Weasley burst in, eyes squinted in suspense. She walked out eyeing the twins and when she was out of earshot, they both started panting and laughing.
“You two are gonna get yourselves killed one of these days and we can guess who’s doing it” Fred huffed out before laughing too, looking back at the comic he was reading as (Y/N) and George kissed.
“Sounds about right” George sighed as he rested his head on (Y/N) gently.
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y0itsbri · 3 years
shameless summer series - lifeguard au 🥽🩲🌊
debbie has her eye on the new lifeguard at the public pool. unlucky for her, said lifeguard already has his eye set on a different red-headed gallagher.
(think like s2 era)
also happy a.u.gust! @gallavichthings
words: 1.7k
"Debs, why do I gotta take you to the pool again this week? I thought you already fixed whatever was the problem with that blonde bitch," Ian whined, shoveling cereal into his mouth. Two tubes of sunscreen sat on the table in front of him.
"It's not about her anymore." Debbie retorted, like it was the simplest thing.
"Okay. Then what is it about?"
"Ask her boyfriend." Carl yelled over his video game in the living room, taking any opportunity to embarrass his sister.
Ian and Debbie's voices overlapped with a "Boyfriend?!" and "He's not my boyfriend-- Carl I'm going to fucking kill you!"
Debbie tossed a fork at Carl's head.
"Oh, now I'm definitely in," Ian laughed and winced before Debbie could throw a fork his direction.
The walk to the pool was relatively quiet aside from the rhythmic smacking of their sandals against the gravely pavement.
Debbie leapt a few strides, trying to outrun her shadow and failing each time. Ian chuckled, pulling the towel around his neck and swinging his keychain with the other hand.
Now that it was just the two of them, he tried again.
"Soooo," he drawled. "What's with this secret boyfriend?"
Debbie sighed. "He's not my boyfriend. Well, not yet."
"He's one of the new lifeguards since Justin got attacked by that dog last week."
Justin still owed Lip a beating for something or other so Ian was glad he didn't have to deal with Justin today, at least.
"You think this new lifeguard is a little too old for you?" Ian wondered.
Debbie shrugged. "Not like it matters much."
Ian couldn't argue with that logic. "I'll kick his ass if he bothers you, yeah?"
"Please. He doesn't even look at me. Even when I was fake-drowning." She skipped down the sidewalk, nearing the pool entrance.
Ian shook his head. His sister was something else.
After they set their towels down, Ian's eyes scoured the lifeguard chairs immediately. Too-tan-Toni, shrimp-speedo-Sam, and holy-fucking-shit. Was that Mickey Milkovich?
Ian hadn't let himself think about Mickey since he left town. But it was hard not to now that he was right in front of him again. Shit.
Mickey spread out across his chair, sunglasses low on his nose, watching the newcomers and he smirked before glancing back towards the pool. He blew his whistle and yelled at some kid to 'slow the fuck down unless you wanna bust your ass -- and I ain't fixing you up!'
Ian was brought back to the moment by Debbie's hands waving in front of his face. "Helloooo, earth to Ian! Sunscreen?"
Ian could've sworn he heard a chuckle coming from the direction of the lifeguard chair as he dug the sunscreen out of his shorts pockets. No. He was just being paranoid. His cheeks blushed regardless.
"Is that...?" Ian nodded his head towards the raven-haired man.
"Shhh!" Debbie slapped him on the arm. "Don't make it obvious!"
Ian rolled his eyes at her ridiculousness.
He covered Debbie's back and shoulders in the high resistance sunscreen before she took off towards the side of the pool with the diving board, eager to show off her skills.
He yelled after her. "Wait, fuck, Debs you forgot..." He glanced around.
His eyes definitely locked with Mickey's now.
Mickey hopped off his chair, waving his hand to dismiss his crowd of moon-eyed preteen girls and middle-aged women in scandalous bikinis. Ian would have shuddered at the thought if Mickey wasn't making a bee-line directly towards him.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuuuuuck.
"'Sup, man? Been awhile..." He smirked. "Raggedy Ann run out on ya?" Mickey bowed his leg out on his final step towards Ian, a little closer than he expected.
"Uhhh...." Real smooth, Ian. His words were bound to fail him again with the man in such close proximity to him, so he simply held up his bottle of sunscreen and shrugged.
"Toss it here," Mickey coolly demanded.
Ian was thoroughly confused, but threw it anyways. "What?"
"You heard me, Red. Turn around, I'll get your back."
"Protecting and serving the local ginger kids at the pool?" Ian joked weakly, finding his voice again.
Mickey huffed a breath. "Fuck the pigs. The only thing I'm protecting is your ass from a sunburn."
Ian was still confused as to why Mickey was offering to rub his back at a very public pool when he would have literally beaten his ass for looking his direction before.
All of Ian's thoughts subsided as he felt sturdy hands push the warming liquid around his shoulder blades, up his neck, then down his spine. Mickey's thumb digging deep into his muscles. He suppressed his urge to shiver despite the rising temperatures of the hot Chicago summer.
At least he thought he had suppressed it. A huff of air on the back of his neck said otherwise.
Mickey started pulling his hands away and Ian leaned back into them again. Mickey whacked the side of his head before tossing the bottle of sunscreen onto the chair in front of them.
"No free massages, man. Just sunscreen." Mickey licked the corner of his mouth and looked from the ground up to Ian's eyes.
He had to know how devious he looked. Ian didn't want to be presumptuous, but he just held eye contact.
"Unless," Mickey veered, slowly backing away, "the favor was returned in one way or another." He winked.
Ian stood, mouth agape as Mickey turned and waved again to the group of girls who still hadn't taken their eyes off of him. He hopped up onto his chair, whistle in mouth in no time like nothing had ever happened.
What the fuck was going on?
Ian spent the next few hours very much Not Looking At Mickey despite feeling a heated stare on him.
Even when he was having a breath-holding competition with Debbie, his brain couldn't stop the endless stream of Mickey Mickey Mickey.
After Debbie's third win, Ian felt like he was on the verge of passing out, so he returned to his towel, chugging his water bottle.
In a moment of weakness, he glanced at Mickey, only to find him already staring. Mickey tilted his head towards the main building and quietly dismissed himself to go on his break.
Ian knew.
He wasn't that stupid. He knew Mickey wanted him to follow. And he knew that it wouldn't be a good idea. All the while, his feet took him closer.
The building felt even hotter than the outside, the AC must've gone out and no one bothering to replace it.
This was a bad idea.
Ian was just about to turn around and leave when he heard the click of a lock.
"'Bout fuckin' time," Mickey stalked forward, eyes raking up and down Ian's body appreciatively.
Ian was putty.
He groaned as he let himself be pulled forward by the hips. "Didn't know you were a lifeguard?"
He sighed as Mickey toyed with the band of his shorts in between his tattooed fingers. His nails scraping dully against his sides.
"Dad got shanked. Family business went under. Had to go legal." Mickey's hands moved upwards as he raked his fingers through the sides of Ian's still-wet hair, gripping onto the back of his neck. Ian slid his own hands up Mickey's back, pushing his red tank top up with it, exposing his pale skin.
"Missed this." It was a whisper.
Ian attached his lips to the side of Mickey's neck briefly, tasting remnants of salt, chlorine, and sunscreen, before Mickey sunk down to his knees. Ian's hands were now gripping dark hair, and he was sure that the rocky pavement of the unfinished building had to be digging into Mickey's skin, but he made no sounds of discomfort.
Sure, he missed this, but he missed him more, not that he could say that.
On the walk home, the sun was hanging low in the sky and both Gallaghers' cheeks were sunburnt pink.
"Did ya have fun?" Ian asked, knocking his empty water bottle against the top of Debbie's head.
She scrunched her face up, but replied with some pep in her voice. "Yeah! Today the hot life guard actually looked at me! Maybe bringing you around was good luck."
No way in hell Ian was going to out Mickey to his little sister, let alone out himself. He put on a big-brother reassuring smile and changed the subject.
"Good luck for you maybe. I lost literally all of our competitions today!"
She giggled, "That was all skill, not luck. Frank's been helping me practice!"
Frank? Maybe Ian needed to spend a little more time at home. On the other hand, maybe it was a good thing Ian hadn't been spending a lot of time at home.
Ian left after dinner unannounced, taking his well-worn trail to the baseball dugouts.
When he approached the field, he noticed a small orange flame illuminating the man's face and a cloud of smoke fog through the chained fence. He smirked.
"Couldn't get enough the first round?" Ian taunted, announcing his presence as he leapt over the fence, an old habit.
"Fuck you, man," Mickey scoffed and blew his smoky breath in Ian's grimacing face.
"Oh I think you plan on it." He stepped closer.
"Is that so?"
"Mmhmm," Ian plucked the cigarette out of Mickey's fingers. "Can't have you with bad lungs, then what will all the poor defenseless swimmers do without a capable lifeguard?"
"Let 'em drown," Mickey smacked Ian's cigarette out of his hands and closed the distance between them.
"It would crush your groupies to know you care so little," Ian murmured against his neck.
"This is a bad idea," Mickey breathed, tugging at Ian's crumpled shirt.
"The worst," Ian yanked his shirt fully off.
Mickey pulled back, eyeing Ian's now-bare back.
"Mmm, no sunburn. That would've ruined my plans." Mickey smiled smugly.
Oh shit.
Ian swallowed. He was already way too far off the deep end. Luckily for them both, Mickey knew how to swim.
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