#it’s also definitely a lot of practice and winging it lol
Kinda oddly embarrassed to send this but oh my god your art is so pleasing to look at for some reason
I think it's just the soft shapes you use and how amazingly 3D everything tends to look?? Like the angles and proportions are just so perfect that I find it easy to imagine most of what you draw as a 3D model or something
And like I don't think I could nail it like you (maybe with time!!) But I am definitely taking inspiration from it because it DOES get me thinking about how you use shapes and angles and wonder if I could practice that because oh my god I wish I could absorb your art
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Do you have methods or techniques to make it look so 3D? if you know what I mean? I tend to use grids to try and map out the shapes in a vaguely 3D plane, so I was wondering if you had tips kinda like that to share with the class? or if you're just winging it and it's a lot of practice?
Thank you so much!!! It really means a lot to me when others take inspiration from my art, it reminds me of all the artists I used to look up to and emulate when I was first starting out on MSPaint with a broken trackpad for a pen, you don’t have to be embarrassed! You’ll definitely be able to harness 3D space and create fantastic work, you’re already well on your way! Having passion and a desire to learn will take you far :)
My biggest focus whenever I draw is to make the characters feel real, as though you could reach out and enter the space they’re in to sit next to them on the couch. I’m so glad that I’m able to pull it off! Thanks for the rose, I’ll be sure to cherish it :)
As for my methods and techniques…
Drawing on a 3D grid plane is definitely something I do! Its perfect for comic panels or storyboards, to set the scene and ground characters or props to their environment.
I did a lot of classical study, that is life drawing and still life drawing, but simply using reference for buildings and anatomy also helps a lot and is a lot easier to find. I’d also sketch my hands, plastic animals, and my surroundings, as well as people watch for inspiration for character mannerisms or fashion. It’s useful to know a little bit about the inner workings of anatomy, as there are places were bone makes a person inflexible, while places with more muscle or fat are affected by things like gravity or pressure that change their shape. Drawing a flour sac to act out different emotions is a great way to practice weight and character acting!
Having studied animation, I did a lot of turnarounds to get characters consistent and able to be rotated in 3D space. It can be pretty tedious for some people, but it really does help solidify the characters’ shapes and design, and serves as great reference to look back on if you need it! If you don’t want to do something so stiff as a turnaround, simply drawing expressions and poses from dynamic angles helps too. I’ve found that breaking a character down into basic shapes that are easy to draw in a 3D plane also can help my anatomy and foreshortening be more accurate.
Most importantly, find something that brings you joy to draw! Every “traditional” method of study can be applied to things you like, so don’t feel the need to burn out thinking you can only draw the Mona Lisa or whatever. I’ve done anatomy studies on the Rise turtles to figure out their skeletal structure, and friends of mine have painted some mind blowing concept art inspired by Sonic and D&D!
I hope this helps some? Best of luck, and have fun! :D
Below are a couple of examples of some of my studies:
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 5 months
Read that one with Creator!Reader, who favors Nahida. To be honest! I love her. She is the only one who has tried to help Aether find his sister. And I love Aether, and whoever is kind to him automatically gains my favor.
I haven't finished Fontaine story, so I'm not sure about them.
Nahida Lovers Are gonna be having the Party of a lifetime here 👍 I am going to shove a little bit of Aether into this, but it can also be read as Lumine if other ppl want to :)
Nahida's ALWAYS Off the Hook :D
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
You liked Nahida (platonically, don't get other ideas). She was the only archon that was able to find any information on Aether's sister, and was the only one who made many efforts to find any information regarding Lumine.
It was nice and refreshing for once, to see the Famed Traveler finally getting some help in return of their deeds for the nation. You were so stoked, you started cheering and screaming like this was the best victory you've ever witnessed (it might've actually been).
Nahida, after hearing this, felt even more happy than before. I mean, you were kinda just praising her on the spot for something she thought was just...right to do.
Yet you're making a huge deal out of it. Were the other nations...not that helpful? I mean, the way the Traveler just turned down help and all that was proof, but you praising her for something as simple as this for a "thank you"...Nahida is kinda glad she'll be the first to do it.
It also seems you're starting to favor Nahida alongside the Traveler, which she isn't sure how she feels entirely, but she is for sure happy!
The moment you leave, Nahida's smile is a whole lot bigger, and she's basically grinning from ear to ear. It feels like she truly has spread her wings once the cage was opened. She can only hope her flight can make the Almighty Creator continue to smile and cheer.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I really have no clue if this is meeting expectations or not, but I do hope y'all like it! Usually these one characters aren't really something I usually come around in my mailbox, so this was definitely practice for the future lol!
I might open up my mailbox again, but only for a day or two (maybe, no promises for the re-open). I still have a lot of other requests lying in my mailbox, but it's good to have experience out here :D
Anyways, I hope this helps with the Nahida Lovers :) Remember, Nahida is platonic when your reading my blog!
Also, if you're the people waiting for The Lost Divine God of Celestia, I might have to disappoint you in saying that I think I might discontinue the series all together. I have been trying to write the fourth part of the series, but I just come out with nothing in the end. It's kinda depressing seeing the draft in my draft box sobbing. I'm so sorry, but I'll see how I feel about it before I make an official announcement on the matter.
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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goldenhourwriter · 1 year
•✮🕷️𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐤𝐢𝐝🕷️✮•
part one (you are here) • part two •
⋆pairing: miguel o’hara x wife!reader
⋆warning(s): i guess just fighting and some cursing. and threatening to bite someone lol. also i got translations from spanish dict, if i did something wrong, please correct me. i tried to use the right definitions/context to use those definitions in! also pregnancy.
⋆a/n: this was so fun to write! requests are open, and i am new to this blog, so hang on while i get this all figured out. requests are open, and this will be a mini series i am continuing!!
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It’s not usually this quiet at the Spider Society.
It’s nice.
I walk around, humming softly to myself as I munch on a banana, a craving I usually get. I let my hand rest on my slightly swollen belly, my suit especially made to let it stretch and give the baby some room.
Yeah, ever heard of a pregnant Spider-Woman?
It happened a couple of months ago, as married couples tend to let happen. It’s twins, actually. One boy and one girl, but, my husband doesn’t know yet. Doesn’t want to know. I called the doctor anyways, and even though he threw a hissy fit that could rival a toddler, he relented and said it was fine.
And, it was kind of nice being alone. A lot of the spider-people tend to do things for me, think I’m incapable of doing things now because I’m pregnant. Even the ridiculous Spider-Man T-Rex gave me a ride through the halls. I snort at the thought, gaining some weird looks.
Obviously, I didn’t refuse. Who would pass up a ride on a freaking dinosaur?
My few 30 minutes of bliss, however, was interrupted by the beeping on my watch. I tap on it and smile when I see Lyla. She gives a wave.
“Hey, big wifey,” she teases, pushing up her pink, heart-shaped glasses. I roll my eyes. Everyone knows I hate that name. It doesn’t make me feel fat, it just makes me very aware of the two babies living inside of me, and how very uncomfortable life can really get.
“Hey, algorithm girl, what’s up?” I shoot back with sarcasm. I am met with satisfaction as she gives me a dead-pan look.
“Haha, very funny, love that,” she says sarcastically. “Your husband is struggling with an anomaly. Earth-65, some kind of Renaissance bird-man.”
I giggle at the thought. I can imagine his annoyance. “Gotcha, and did he actually call for back up?” I ask, but i already know the answer. I take another bite of my banana, shifting my weight onto my right leg. I can never stand still for too long, luckily, being a super hero can keep me moving. Keeps the babies satisfied.
She snorts at me, like i was making some hilarious, un-heard of joke. I relent, sighing and preparing my bracelet to go to the universe she said he was in.
“Alright, alright. How long do you think until he actually asks?”
“I’d give you about two minutes. He’s getting really thrown around with this one. And there’s another spider person, trying to ask him too many questions.”
My eyes perk back up to the hologram when she mentions this. “I haven’t heard of a recruit from Earth-65, is she new?” I ponder out loud. I cock my head to the side, adjusting my mask. Well, half mask. It really only covers my eyes. Lyla nods. “Yup, she’s a new one. She’s a nice kid, too.”
I smile.
“I’ll be there in a minute.”
Lyla logs off and I sigh, patting my baby bump. “Alright, you guys,” I whisper to my belly. I stick out my hand and the portal opens, and I jump in. I shout with joy, flying through the portal, and as I practically fall to the other end, my hair whips around.
I fall on the other end, and I groan as my hair blocks my vision. I hear grunting, crushing, wings flapping, and snappy remarks being thrown about, but I can’t see anything. I flip my hair over my head, shaking it out.
“I need a hair tie on these things,” I mumble to myself.
I look over, and I see a feminine-looking spider-hero staring at me. I give her a small wave. Her eyes are wide, I can tell. I examine her suit, which seems like it holds up pretty well. It has hood, which is new to me, and she’s wearing…are those ballet flats? I smile
“Hey, babes! You look cute!” I compliment to the get up.
She waves back again, and she looks down at my stomach. “Are you….?” She trails off. I look down, and put a hand on my hip. “Yep, I am. It’s twins, but don’t tell my husband the sexes yet. He wants to wait.” She nods, but seems to remember that she doesn’t know just who my husband is. She takes a step towards me.
“Who are you married to? Are there even more people like us?” I nod.
“My husband’s right….” I don’t even flinch as he gets thrown into the wall right in front of me, and I smile. “There.”
He groans as he slips to get up, his mask eyes squinting at me. I squint my eyes right back.
“Don’t give me that look. I’m carrying your children,” I scold. He gestured to the giant creature that hurls towards us. “I need help here!” He shouts at me. Lyla puts up on my shoulder, and we both cross our arms. He sighs, looking down.
“Please, Y/N? Sabes que no me gusta mendigar,(You know I don’t enjoy begging),“ He pleads quietly.
Vulture screeches at us. “Love truly makes me sick,” he narrates out loud, and he reaches his talons out for me. I stuck out my wrists and web up one wing, so he goes sideways, just barely missing me. He breaks free, but I web up behind him again.
“Your attitude makes me sick!” I shout at him. “You seem like the Beethoven of your area, jerky, cold, and not the greatest people-person!” I struggle to speak as I try to web him up again, but it doesn’t work. He barrels towards me, and grabs me in his talons. I hear Miguel growl and leap off the ground, landing on his back. He tugs on the man’s feathers, making him spin around to try and find him. I take the opportunity to web myself away from his grasp, kicking him away as I do so.
“Is this guy made of paper?” I ask, rubbing my hands together as I take a moment to actually register what just happened. Miguel grunts, and yells as he speaks to me from the bottom of the building. “Honey, I love your voice, but I really need you to use your actions right now!”
I spot a few witnesses trapped behind some rubble, so I shoot off the side of the wall to swoop them up. They scream, clutching onto me, and I drop them off right by a big police officer. He gawks at me, and I give him salute as Miguel webs me up again. I twist up, getting wrapped in his webbing, and I break free using a kick, hitting Vulture square in the jaw with my foot. He grunts in pain, squeezing his eyes shut, and Miguel uses this moment to try and guide him down, so he won’t escape.
I land right next to, what’s her name? I’ll learn it soon enough. I land right next to the teen as she stares at me. I smirk at her.
“What, never seen two married spiders?”
She swallows. “Can you adopt me?”
“What? Nothing! Nothing!”
Miguel groans, and I can tell he’s growing tired. “¡Por Dios! ¿Puedes dejar de hablar por un momento? (Oh, my God. Can you stop talking for a moment?)” He calls out to me. I let out a heavy sigh, putting my hands on my knees. “I’m sorry, but your babies are making it hard to move right now!” I shout at him. Gwen webs away from me, and Miguel lands right next to me again. “Last time I checked, it took two people to make those two babies,” he grumbles. We take a moment and watch as Gwen tries to take down Vulture by herself.
I look at Miguel, and raise my eyebrows. “Did she call ya ‘Dark Garfield?’” I ask. He groans, and I can tell hair eyes shut as his head falls forward. “Yes.”
I giggle. “I like her. Maybe we can recruit-“ “No. No, we can’t, and you know why.” My somewhat playful attitude disappears with a frown, and I nod in compliance. He grabs my waist and he swings us up, and then we fall onto the Vulture back again. I scream through gritted teeth as I try to hold him down on the ground, but he flings me off, a sudden, new found strength in him.
“What the hell?” I curse. “Not cool, man!”
“This ends now,” he says to me, and he springs upward. I curse under my breath again, but it seems Miguel is on top of it. Literally.
“If he gets out, this whole universe will collapse!” He shouts, mainly at Gwen. I know the risks involved, having to save almost every universe from them every day. I shoot my wrist out, but I groan. I hit my web shooters, but nothing comes out. “Fuck-Miguel! I’m out!” I try to jump from floor to floor, but I quickly get nauseous while doing that. I look down at my stomach again, poking it. “So web slinging is fine but jumping is what doesn’t please you guys?” I ask the unborn babies. I get a mere kick in return. “I know that was the girl. That was way too sassy,” I grumble to myself.
Spider-Girl lands right beside me, and she looks at my husband and he battles Vulture. They both crash right through the glass ceiling, and we shield ourselves from the shards that could possibly cut us. She looks at me.
“What is he gonna do?” She asks. Miguel takes the Vulture’s face in his hands, and opens his mouth, wide, baring his fangs and giving a loud roar. “Oh snap,” whispers under his breath. But, he’s cut short, when a helicopter shines a light on him. He yells at the helicopter, his mask coming up again to cover his face.
“I’m a good guy! I’m here to help!” He desperately explains. My spider senses then go off, and I scream up to Miguel.
“Miguel! Watch-!“
I’m too late. Vulture throws two weapons at the helicopter, and then the helicopter starts to spin, going down, and fast.
“Shit.” All three of us say in unison.
I look to the kid, and she’s already looking at me. I nod towards her, and she returns the gesture, and we both know what that means. She launches off the floor, and she begins to web a net. I take a deep breath. “Alright, babies, don’t make me throw up,” I say sternly to my unborn babies.
I leap off the ground, and I fly through the middle of the helicopter, grabbing the two pilots and landing on the fourth floor of the building. I grunt as I roll on the ground with them, and we writhe in pain.
I turn to the both of them, checking on them, and I run to the edge, well, the mess that made the edge. I look down, and the teenage girl is flying through the air, webbing up a net. And just as the helicopter is about to crash, she flies right underneath it, just barely getting nipped by the chopper.
She lands, breathing heavily.
“Wow,” I whisper. Miguel hops a bit in front of me, landing on some rubble.
“I was gonna do that,” he says quietly to himself. I can tell he’s thinking her, thinking about her hard. Miguel and I share a glance at her, and she nods. She turns and hops down from the huge rock, and goes back towards the wall, out of sight. I turn and see the two pilots staring at me. I smile.
“Yeah, I know, there’s lots of freaky spider people, that was my reaction too. Cmon, let’s get you two a medic.” I reach down and offer my hand to them, which they take, one at a time. I help them to the big opening in the building where the door used to be, and I hand them over to some officers.
I sigh, turning around to find my husband surveying the area.
I walk up to him, putting a hand on his back, feeling his tense and rigid muscles, alert and still in attack mode. He seems to relax a little at my touch, and he lets his mask down. I grin, amusement
“Your hair is all messed up.” “Can you and I have one good moment after a battle where you don’t make fun of my hair?” “Absolutely not.”
He lets out a low growl, rolling his eyes. I walk a little in front of him, and stare at the place where the teen escaped to, hearing some grunting from there. No doubt she’s recovering on her own. My hand comes to rest on my stomach, my thumb running over the bump. I turn back to Miguel, my mouth open to speak, but he beats me to it.
“I said no,” he rejects me as he leans down to pick up some broken machinery. He scoffs at some poor excuse for art. “I’m starting to think Vulture did everyone a favor by destroying this place, this art sucks-“
“Miguel O'Hara, no cambies de tema,” I say sternly. He lets out a sigh. Spanish isn’t even my main language, so when I speak it, he knows I’m not messing around. He spins around, holding a figurine of a balloon dog in his hand. I would find it comedic, a big guy like him holding a small thing like that, but not when he’s trying to avoid my questions.
“You know we can use her. I’ve never seen anything like her, and she even beat you to one of your moves. You have to agree with me on this!” I gesture out in front of me, as if the conversation is laid out in front of us. Miguel sighs, walking up to me with his hands on his hips. His expression is hard, but his eyes give it away. He’s considering it, it helps if I’ve spent about a couple years with him now.
He brings his hand to my waist and another to my hair, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.
“Te amo demasiado a veces,” he mumbles into my hair.
Okay, that gives me absolutely nothing.
His hand travel down to my stomach, and his two very large hands splay over my tummy. His lips quirk up a bit as one of them kicks against my skin. “Did you do okay today?” He asks quietly, referring to my very pregnant self. I nod, but it doesn’t seem to reassure him.
Vulture struggles next to us, but we just give him an annoyed look. “I’m done with your attitude!” Miguel tells him, pointing at him. He sighs, turning back to me, grabbing my waist and pulling me impossibly closer, so we’re basically sharing the same breathe. My stomach flutters. Even after marrying him, he really can have the same affect on me from when I was a new recruit.
“You know you can always opt out whenever, I can call for other backup,” he says quietly. He’s trying to spare my feelings, not letting others hear so I won’t get embarrassed. I’m never embarrassed, it’s life, I got pregnant, but I appreciate the sentiment. I lean up and kiss his nose.
“I know, thank you, but really, I’m fine.” I stick a hand up as he begins to protest. “At 7 months, I will take maternity leave. I’ll rest and just be the desk person, okay?” I ask. He debates it for a moment, and lets out a grunt and nods. We stay in our somewhat embrace for a bit, when we hear a gun shot. My head whips to where Spider-Woman went and hid, and I look at Miguel.
His mask forms again, and he kicks Vulture, telling him to be still as he picks him up. Miguel picks me up with his other arm and swings to the opening as we fall in.
“Dad, please!” She begs the cop standing across from her. Miguel shoots a containment pod at him, and she runs towards him. I grab her by the shoulders, trying to use my softest voice.
“Hey, hey, kid. Hey, it’s okay, we’re here, we got you,” I say quietly to her. She’s crying as she clutches onto my arm, staring at her dad. Miguel opens a portal, and I give the kid one more pat and walk over to him.
“What are we gonna do?” I whisper to him. He looks at me. “What do you mean?”
I roll my eyes.
“We can’t just leave her here!” I get a bit louder, but he shushes me, putting a finger up. My jaw drops.
“You did not just shush me,” I growl.
“Oh, I think I did.”
“Oh, I know you didn’t-!”
Miguel and I bicker back and forth, and at some point, Vulture voluntarily hops into the portal, all tied up, not wishing to stick around. I stick my finger up as I try to argue with him, my hand coming to my hip, and he towers over me, but that never took away my edge.
Then, some sniffling gets us to shut up.
The kid looks at us, her eyes watery and wide. She looks like what she is…a teenager who’s lost and alone. She opens her mouth to speak. “I-I don’t know what to do.”
I look slowly at Miguel, and he lets his head hang forward.
“Yeah, well….”
I raise my eyebrows at him.
“Join the club.”
🕷️ 💍
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jeannineee · 11 months
eeek! saw that you're taking requests and whilst reading one of your headcannon's about our beloved bat boys... wondering what you think it would be like bathing with each of them 😏😇😅🤤 fluff and nsfw content, and all!!! like i imagine a sort of gentleness in maybe Rhys (?) massaging your scalp while shampooing or something, but then a sort of ferocity as he grabs your hips and pulls them flat against...
OKAY YOU GET IT!! RIGHT? hopefully lol!!!!is this too much??? UGH
love, love, love how you flow with words. seemingly so natural, as if you know each of the boys personally and thoroughly. obsessed with it.
this is my personal love letter to you, thanking you for putting your work into the universe for us all to devour and enjoy and smile like a fool at. you are amazing!!! thank you!!
First of all!!! This is so sweet of you, anon!! The feedback I’ve been getting for my works lately has been so kind. I love all of you!!
Friendly reminder that my requests are OPEN.
Anyway!! Nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
Bathing with the Batboys…
It’s an almost daily ritual with him.
Whether you’re showering, or in the bathtub, he enjoys doing it with you.
This male practically PURRS when you scrub the shampoo into his scalp.
He loves giving you massages in the bathtub, too. Rubbing away the tension in your neck, your shoulders, your back.
He revels in the soft moans and gasps that fall from your lips.
You definitely use baths as an excuse to touch his wings.
He pull you into his lap as you wipe the washcloth on his chest, his shoulders.
You’ll “accidentally” graze his wing, earning a hiss from him.
“You cruel little thing,” Rhys tells you, but makes no move to stop you.
So you continue, swirling your fingers around the spots you know to be sensitive.
And then Rhys can’t take it anymore, grabbing your hand and guiding it to his throbbing cock.
“Look at what you’ve caused, darling.”
You smirk, wrapping your hand around him, stroking him slowly. “Seems like a ‘you’ problem, Rhysie.”
He gives you his signature feline grin in response, before lifting you from the tub, and carrying you to bed.
You won’t be walking for the rest of the day ❤️
This man loves being babied, can’t tell me otherwise.
He turns his back to you in the bathub, giving you full access to his back and wings.
It’s not just the fact that touching his wings is stimulating, it’s also that there is a lot of trust that comes with Cassian being in such a vulnerable position with you.
The sounds that come from him, when you massage his back?
When YOU TOUCH HIS WINGS? Good luck!!
He loves washing your hair, and actually likes braiding it, too.
He’ll pull your back flush against his chest, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”
“I’m naked, Cassian.”
He will pepper kisses along your exposed skin, smiling to himself as your breaths come in quicker.
He wraps his strong arms around your waist, calloused hands moving to cup your breasts.
“So perfect,” he murmurs, circling your nipples until they form hard peaks.
He’ll keep one hand on your breasts, the other sliding down your stomach, stopping just above where you need him.
When you turn to glare at him, he shamelessly grins in response. “Ask me nicely.”
“Cocky bas—oh…” your words are cut off the moment his fingers start circling your clit.
He’ll draw at least three orgasms from you before taking you to bed. Or the counter, or the wall, if you’re both particularly impatient.
LOVES the intimacy of bathing with you.
He showers you with affection, both as you bathe him, and he bathes you.
“I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you,” he’ll mutter as you massage his scalp, his eyes focusing on the concentration in your face.
It takes a while before he’ll let you touch his wings, but when he finally allows it, it becomes a regular occurrence.
You’ll sit in his lap, arms wrapped around his neck as the water gently steams around the two of you.
You’ll not-so-subtly trace a finger along the membranes of his wing, squeezing your legs together at the string of curses that leave him.
His tone of voice turns you into a puddle.
“Keep it up, sweetheart. See what happens.”
You ABSOLUTELY keep it up, tracing and teasing his wings.
Azriel has lots of self-control, but the second you decide to drag your tongue along his wing?
He bends you over the edge of the tub, hands caressing the backs of your thighs.
He’ll take his time teasing you, with his tongue, his fingers.
Then, when you’re begging, he’ll finally give you what you want.
Definitely smirks to himself at your wobbly legs afterwards. (But absolutely carries you around till you can stand on your own.)
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obitos-whore · 4 months
Can you do more Gaara relationship HC's- except this time with the reader as his adoptive mother? Please? 🥺 @aurorafandomblog
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A/N: I read your second ask and I greatly appreciate the clarification. You really had me spooked for a sec lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
• You were walking through the streets of Sunagakure when a soft crying caught your attention
• Concerned, you looked for the source of it and that's when you saw a little boy sitting all by himself crying his little heart out
• "Hey, what's wrong little one?"
• When Gaara hears your voice, he looks up. His eyes all red and puffy from the tears he had shed
• "Everyone hates me and calls me a monster and I don't know why. I just want someone to like me."
• Your heart shatters into a million pieces upon hearing and seeing how desperate that little boy is. The pain and loneliness in his eyes palpable
• You try to console the little boy and ask for his name, which he tells you between soul-crushing sobs
• That's when the realisation hits you. But instead of backing away and calling him names like the other villagers, you decide to sit with him and offer him comfort. Something no one, aside from Yashamaru, had ever done for him
• Gaara, desperate for someone to be there for him, immediately accepts and after a while, calms down enough to hold a proper conversation in which he practically blurts out everything that is on his heart and mind, causing you to feel even more sympathy for that poor child
• After learning about his mother's death and how his own family, especially his own father, treats him, you decide then and there to take that poor boy under your wing and be the mother he never had but definitely deserves
• Gaara is a little reluctant at first. After all, you could be playing a cruel prank on him and rub more salt into his already stinging wounds. But after you assured him that you are a 100% sincere, he accepts and even asks you for a hug, which, of course, will be given to him
• Under your care, Gaara will finally get to see what it feels like to receive a mother's love and he will make sure that you always know how grateful he is for that
• The first thing he does in the morning after waking up is give you a hug. Sometimes he'll cling to you while you are making breakfast
• Gaara will give you flowers he finds when he's outside as a gift. When you put them in a vase, he will bring you more until you have a whole bouquet of wild flowers
• Whenever he struggles with his insomnia, or when Shukaku is tormenting him again, he comes to your room crying and completely devastated, seeking comfort within the warmth of your arms
• You would often stay up the whole night just to keep him company and make sure he's distracted so that Shukaku's tormenting can't get to him
• Of course you taking care of Gaara doesn't go unnoticed by the villagers. They would often call you names as well, because how dare you take care of a literal child that is hated by everyone for something he had no control over and, most importantly, never even asked for
• And while Gaara feels guilty for being the reason people shun you as well, you know how to put them in their place and fiercely defend that little boy. Even physically if necessary
• On his birthdays, you always make sure to make him feel extra cherished and get him wonderful toys. Something that took him completely by suprise the very first time you did that. Because it was the first time he wasn't bombarded with scornful glances
• He's pretty much a mama's boy and tends to get anxious when he's separated from you for too long, asking himself all sorts of questions and overthinking things in a quite drastic way
• Thanks to your love and care, Gaara manages to handle Shukaku's torments and his abilities a lot better, resulting in a much more mentally stable personality
• You're not only his mother, but also his best friend. He trusts you completely and knows he can come to you at all times when something is troubling him
• As Gaara got older, he of course became more independent. However, he still finds comfort in your presence and makes sure to give you a hug and tells you how much he loves you and how grateful he is for everything you've done for him
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blaiddfailcam · 4 months
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Thoughts on the Shadow of the Erdtree's first trailer
You know I have to, lol.
I'm going to avoid anything that's likely well-trodden territory, so a lot of this will pertain to past theories of mine, or just general ramblings. It's not going to be all that organized, but here goes.
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The "Ring of Miquella"
A loooong long time ago, I settled on a theory that the Great Rune of the Unborn was actually Miquella's rightful Great Rune, but given to Rennala in the form of the Amber Egg by Radagon before he was even born. The Great Rune itself matches the shape of his twin sister, Malenia's, albeit smaller and of pure gold, akin to Miquella's traits as an eternally youthful demigod of Unalloyed Gold. Miquella's role in the base game as a comatose Empyrean who failed to be reborn further relates to the Great Rune of the Unborn, as it is required to perfect the process, otherwise the reborn loses their memory as if to a deepening slumber.
I take this as a damning vindication, lol.
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Possible insight into the Cuckoo
Some have pointed out this character's evident relation to Raya Lucaria. Already, many have jumped to the conclusion that she must be a Carian based on the crystals and bird cages strewn about their chamber, but I don't actually think this is certain. These could also pertain to the Cuckoo, the original headmasters of Raya Lucaria. (After all, some of the cages in Raya Lucaria even contain warbling cuckoo birds.)
The Cuckoo are a somewhat overlooked dynasty, but there are slight hints that they may be related to the Nox in some way. It would be very interesting if we got to see some semblence of their former glory, before Rennala descended from the Mountaintops and overtook the academy. Perhaps then we might glean more on the primordial current so coveted by Lusat, Azur, and Sellen?
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Messmer the Impaler
Where to even begin with this latest addition to Miyazaki's divine freakshow.
The first thing that jumps out to me is their name, "Messmer." Given the context of Miquella, St. Trina, and the yet underexplored concept of dreams, I'm reminded of 18th century physician Franz Mesmer, the pioneer of hypnotism. Mesmer dabbled in astronomy, and believed all beings were connected to the inanimate world through "animal magnetism." In his practice, he developed the first inklings of hypnotic suggestion, then known as Mesmerism.
The use of serpents in Messmer's designs could relate him to the Eternal Serpent that wished to devour the Erdtree and the world, which later became Rykard's obsession. In fact, the red flame Messmer channels bears a striking chromatic resemblance to the Taker's Flames. Perhaps he could be related to the ancient heretical cult of Mt. Gelmir...? (I still wonder what the hell is going on with the volcano's peak, as it does resemble a gnarled tree.)
The red hair would relate this figure to the Fire Giants and/or the Fire Monks, which is particularly strange. Then again, we do find the Fire Giants impaled on briars, though these supposedly pertain to Radagon himself.
The most enthralling detail to me, however, is Messmer's sealed eye.
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Eyes are diegetically symbolic, and thus far we've met two characters with sealed eyes: Melina and Lunar Princess Ranni. It's likely that both of these characters are Empyreans, and as we've never seen any other Empyreans' eyes (Malenia's are covered by rotten scales, and there's no official depiction of Marika with her eyes open or intact), I take it to be a cosmological signifier of their divine status. If so, might Messmer be yet another Empyrean...? Their open eye is golden and draconic, though I'm not sure what this could entail.
I'm sure I'll be mulling it over for a while, lol.
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Other random thoughts
The wolf-lion-mage thing is frickin' sweet, but I like that it appears to be a puppet of sorts, and that whatever puppeteers it is relatively human.
BUTTERFLY MAGIC (purple....)
That definitely looks like Deathroot crawling across the landscape
RUNEBEAR INCANT (so probably even crazier runebears lmao)
Just kind of gesturing at everything because what the hell how is this even the same game it looks insane and fuckin JUICY
June isn't all that far off...
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goddessofteyvat · 11 months
Starfall | I - A Star Makes Its Landing
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Chapter Summary: You wake up in a strange but familiar place, and meet some new friends.
Chapter Warnings: None yet
A/N: Welcome to the first chapter of my new fic! Wanted to try my hand at writing something for SAGAU, and here it is! I'm also opening up requests, so feel free to start asking questions, just don't expect any spoilers, lol. Also to those of you who want to join my taglist for this fic, just drop a like or reblog on this post or the masterlist.
Hope you guys enjoy~❤
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A gentle breeze blows across your face, cool but pleasant. A tingling sensation runs over your nose; you frown, bringing your hand up to swat at it. The sensation returns only a second later, joined by more on your arms, legs, chest, everywhere practically.
You open your eyes reluctantly, thinking, Is it too much to ask for five more minutes to sleep?
You are met with crystalline wings, definitely not your bedroom ceiling. You sit like a catapult, hair flying around your face as you whip your head around. A kaleidoscope of sky-blue butterflies flutter around you as you take your surroundings in – you’re in the middle of a forest with no houses or buildings in sight.
“Where the fuck am I?” You blurt out, anxiety bubbling up in your chest. You almost open your mouth to scream but before you can a butterfly darts right up to your face, flapping its wings almost frantically. Distracted by the sight before you – you can’t recall butterflies ever wanting to get this close to you – you hold your hand out to let it land. To your surprise it does, allowing you the chance to see the designs on its wings. The designs seem familiar, and as the butterfly gently crawls into your palm you realize it:
“Are these… Anemo Crystalflies?” you mumble to yourself. The butterfly – Crystalfly – flutters its wings once almost in response to your question. It takes flight once more, joining its siblings around you.
“No way.” You walk up to a nearby tree, where three fruits hang from its branches. They look like Sunsettias and as you pick one from the lowest branch to inspect it, you realize that that’s exactly what it is. You run your fingers across its surface to feel the Sunsettia’s smooth texture, then lift it to your nose to smell it – it has a sweet aroma.
You lift the Sunsettia to your lips, you sink your teeth into it, and a sweet but slightly tangy juice gushes into your mouth. It’s delicious – you eat the whole thing in three bites, leaving you with just the pit. You feel renewed, energized even!
“I’m in Teyvat,” you whisper. “I’m in Genshin Impact!”
The Crystalflies seem to rejoice at your revelation, fluttering around you excitedly. Everything bursts with elemental energy, from the grass to the trees to even the breeze blowing through the foliage. It’s overwhelming and you blink in an effort to adjust, which brings something else to your attention; you only feel one eye blink.
You bring your hand up to feel the area around your left eye, and startle when you feel nothing there.
Is my eye missing?!
You look around for something to confirm your suspicion, but the only things here are you, the Crystalflies, and the flora. Wait – aren’t the Crystalflies supposed to be skittish? They always flew away from the characters when you were playing the game. There has to be some specific reason they’re hanging out around you.
Maybe you could ask them for help? It seems silly, but you didn’t have a lot of options here.
You hold out a hand again and almost immediately, a Crystalfly lands on it.
“Um, can you understand me? Flap once for yes, twice for no.”
The Crystalfly flaps its wings once. Your eye – er, eye – widens in shock. The Crystalflies in the game were never anything more than floating models with some code attached to them. How was it possible for them to be intelligent answer your questions? You were getting sidetracked – back to the questions.
“Okay, uh… Is there like, a lake, or some kind of water nearby?”
The Crystalfly flaps its wings again.
“Can you take me to it?”
The Crystalfly flaps its wings once more. It takes flight this time, its siblings following behind it to make a trail for you. It wasn’t long before you arrived at a little pond at the end of a creek. You kneeled down at the edge and leaned over the water to look at your reflection, only to find something even more unexpected.
“What happened to me?”
Your eye was missing alright, but your eye socket wasn’t empty. Instead, there was a tiny silvery floating sphere with flares jumping off it in its place; it was almost like a miniature sun. That wasn’t the only thing that was different though. Your hair looked like it had been cut from the night sky – galaxies, stars, and nebula were strewn all through it and floated above your shoulders in an otherworldly manner. You pulled a strand away to feel it; it felt like regular hair but misty somehow, like it was partially incorporeal.
You put your hand over your new “eye” and the elemental auras disappeared, replaced by the regular world around you. Was this how you could see elements? You took your hand away then put it back again. Somehow your left “eye” gave you Elemental Sight, but that shouldn’t be possible. As far as you knew, only Vision users could do that.
“Am I dead?”
A Crystalfly sat on a lily pad and flapped its wings twice to answer you. You pinched your wrist just to be sure then winced when a sharp pain shot through your wrist. You were definitely not dead. But how did you get here then? You weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary before you ended up here. But come to think of it…
What was I doing before I got here?
With a frown on your face, you sat back on your heels and began to dig through your mind. Try as you might, you couldn’t remember anything solid about your past. The only things that came up was basic information like your name, your age, and what objects were, like phones, cars, and backpacks.
“My backpack!” You gasped. You jumped to your feet in an instant and darted back the way you came. You tore through the underbrush in a panic as the startled chiming of the Crystalflies followed you. You came back to the clearing you started in quickly then searched almost frantically through the bushes; your backpack all of your stuff in it! Maybe there was something that could help you remember how you ended up in Teyvat.
“Ow-hey!” A Crystalfly tugged on your hair, not harshly but strong enough to get your attention, nonetheless. “What the hell was that for?!”
It chimed energetically and fluttered back to its siblings, all of them flying in circles over a specific bush. You followed them and pulled the shrub back; there lay your backpack, thankfully untouched.
You let out a sigh of relief, “Oh, thank God.”
You sat down and pulled you backpack into your lap.
“Oh, thanks by the way! Sorry for snapping at you earlier.” You looked up at the Crystalflies. They flutter back in response, in glee almost.
You opened your bag to see what it had; thankfully your phone was there, along with three textbooks, a pair of headphones, some snacks, a water bottle, notebooks and pencils, and your laptop. Unfortunately, there were no chargers to go with your phone and laptop. However, you did manage to find two other things: a wallet and a pair of tickets to the movies.
Your wallet had about 100 dollars in it and two cards but given that you were on Teyvat and not Earth, your money was probably worthless here. Your driver’s license was a bit more useful because it had a picture of yourself from before you ended up here. You had a shocked look on your face in the picture, probably because you hadn’t been prepared for the clerk to take the picture when they did. You had been waiting in line all day just to take your test and hadn’t much sleep the night before. It didn’t help that the instructor was the most boring person you’d ever met in your life. He could find a way to make beige look exciting.
Wait, that was a solid memory!
Your phone beeped just then – how could it be getting notifications when there weren’t any cellphone towers around? You pulled your phone out to investigate, unlocking it with the code you somehow still remembered.
To your surprise, your entire screen had changed; gone was the custom background and all the apps you had downloaded. Genshin Impact was gone just as you suspected it would be – you were currently inside the game after all – but so were all the other games you had downloaded. Instead, there were only six icons present on the screen: one for a camera, one for an encyclopedia, one for a “command console,” one for storage space, one for runes, and one for settings. There was only one icon with any notification, the Encyclopedia with a glowing number 2 by it, and so you opened the app to see what had happened.
There under the tab that read “Repository” was a picture of you, sitting in the driver’s seat with an exasperated face look on your face. In the front passenger seat is your driving instructor, seemingly droning on and on about nothing at all. It’s the memory that you had just recovered.
“So, my phone is some kind of magic now?” You said to yourself, “I guess it’s nice to have a mini Sheikah Slate on me, but it kinda sucks that I can’t use it for much else now.”
You began to scroll through the various features now present on your phone. In addition to the Repository, the Encyclopedia also had information on practically everything on Teyvat, from plants to animals and monsters to even weapons. The Storage Space app held a list of everything you had on you at the moment, and when you tapped a picture of your backpack, it disappeared into the app. The Camera functioned the way you thought it would, and the Settings app seemed to be rather barren. At least it let you change your hair back to the way it looked before you got it here, but that was the only thing that you were really interested in there.
You started to tap the Command Console, but the sound of snapping branches and faint voices in the distance made you pause. You strained your ears to see if you hear more.
“I think… landed somewhere… check it out?” A light, energetic voice chattered, drifting closer and closer. It sounded familiar, like a character you had seen in the game.
Panic began to crawl up spine; what if they saw you the way you looked now? You may not have looked terrible but seeing the way you dressed and talked, it would be obvious to anyone around that you weren’t local. Thinking fast, you ripped a vine from a nearby tree – you don’t remember being this strong before – and wrapped it around your head over your missing eye. You used your newly altered phone to bring your backpack back out into the open.
Unfortunately, the sound of the approaching strangers chased away your newfound Crystalfly friends.
“Hey, wait!” you shouted before you could stop yourself.
“…Think I heard something…!” The voice grew closer. If there was any hope that they would just pass you by, that hope was dashed now. You stood and dusted yourself off; hopefully the people you ran into would be friendly.
“Um, hello? Is anyone there?” You called. You slung your backpack over your shoulder as you walked towards the voice.
“Don’t worry, a Knight of Favonius is coming to assist you!”
Wait a minute, is that Amber?!
A blur of silver burst forth from the foliage and knocked you flat on your back. You groaned, your vision blurry from the sudden fall, but that didn’t stop you from recognizing the white and golden garb of the young man just behind.
“Paimon! Look what you did!”
“Sorry!” A weight lifted from your chest and three figures stood above you.
A hand clad in a red and brown glove opened wide to help you up. You took it, standing with shaky legs.
“Are you alright? Paimon crashed into you pretty hard…” A platinum blonde-haired girl floated into view, anxiously pressing the tips her of her fingers together. If there was any remaining doubt that you were in Genshin Impact, Paimon’s appearance had chased it all away.
“I’m a little sore, but fine.”
“As a member of the Knights of Favonius, it is my duty to formally apologize for our conduct.” Amber placed a fist on her chest, a solemn look on her face as she bowed. “Allow us the chance to make it up to you. I’m Outrider Amber, and this is Paimon and Aether, Honorary Knights of Favonius. What’s your name?”
You gave it to them; it’s not like there was any harm in giving them your name, right?
“Hmm…” Paimon narrowed her eyes at you as you floated right up to you. “You sound kinda like Aether.”
You felt a jolt run through you. “What? How? He hasn’t even said anything!”
“Paimon’s never heard of anyone from Teyvat with a name like yours. Well, except for… Nah, that can’t be right!” The elf girl shook her head as if to dispel the thought.
You open your mouth to question her, only to be cut off by Amber: “And come to think of it, your style of dress doesn’t match anything I’ve seen here. Are you another Traveler then?”
They figured that out fast; you’d barely even said anything to them, and they had pegged you as an outsider almost immediately!
“I don’t about Traveler, but I know I’m definitely not from around here. I woke up here a few minutes ago, and I can’t remember what I was doing before I got here. In fact, I can’t remember anything about myself before I got here.” You said carefully. You still didn’t how much you could tell them about your circumstances without freaking them out. There’s no way any of them would react well to learning that their reality was just a game to you.
Amber began to scratch her head and mused aloud, “Well, this is strange. Three days ago, a star falls from the sky and leaves a huge crater in the ground. But instead of a meteorite in the middle, there’s a person with strange clothes and amnesia left in the crater.”
“Wait, did you say crater? I didn’t see any craters where I woke up.” At that, Aether and Paimon shared a look with each other.
“About that… Well, it’s probably best if you see it yourself. Follow me!” Amber began to walk towards the top edge of the valley.
“Okay, but I don’t see what this has to do with-” You cut yourself off with a gasp. There at the top of the valley, you saw exactly what she was talking about; the valley was in fact not a valley at all. It was a crater, an unmistakably gigantic crater, and at the center was the exact spot where you woke up.
“This can’t be possible, you said that this happened a few days ago! How could it be covered up with plants that fast?” You turned to Amber in shock.
“Maybe it has something to do with you? Paimon did say that you seemed kinda like Aether…” The fairy-like girl put her hand to her chin contemplatively. “You woke up here with no memory of how you left home, and you said that you know for a fact that you aren’t from Teyvat. Maybe the god that separated him from his sister brought you here too!”
Aether only nodded in agreement.
“Well in any case, it won’t do to keep discussing it out here. Come on, we should head for Monstadt City before it gets dark.” Amber took the lead in your impromptu caravan with Aether and Paimon right behind her and you reluctantly trailing behind them.
There was no way a huge crater could be filled in so fast with foliage, let alone one that huge. Maybe there was a Dendro user nearby? But you were the only person around for miles, and Crystalflies usually only showed around places that had their matching elements.
Maybe… it really does have something to do with me? You looked down at your hands; you didn’t look any different than normal, aside from the missing eye situation.
Aether’s nature as a Descender meant that the had no vision, but instead they could “resonate” with the Elements and wield them as if he was a native of Teyvat anyway. Had you gained that ability too?
You snuck a glance up at the group before you; Paimon was chattering away about what eat when she got back to the city, while Amber was thinking aloud about why you here, and the Traveler remained silent through it all. None of them were paying attention to you.
You looked back at your hands and took a deep breath. You imagined a little flower, growing and blooming right in your hands. Not even a second later, an emerald green light sprang from your palms and two cerulean starflowers bloomed right in your grasp. You gasped and the flowers disappeared just as fast they were summoned.
“Did something happen?” Amber called from ahead of the group.
“Oh, I thought I saw a bug. It’s nothing.” You wiped the palms of your hands on your pants. Hopefully they wouldn’t notice the petals in your fingers.
“Ugh Paimon hates bugs! Let’s go before we run into anymore.” Paimon darted ahead of the group, passing Amber in seconds.
“Hey, wait up!” The brunette girl shouted and ran behind the floating elf.
You were left alone with Aether, but you paid him no mind. You felt him cast a curious gaze in your direction and you pretended not to notice as you began to jog to catch up. The less questions you were asked the better. Once you were in Monstadt City, you could start to figure out how you got here.
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Taglist: @zozz-zoya, @yuriisclumsy, @slowlyfriedkingdom, @maichun, @dondonrulerofall, @redacted-ghost, @sleepy-waffle, @putridjoy, @irondinosaurbread, @atrcclovsxoxo, @ladyzsgolla, @darling-of-the-night, @mimi-batt, @noblessejjk, @haksnochw, @nervouseaglelover, @perfectroadstudenthumanoid, @dontletmeinthekitchen, @miyuubleh, @icannotfuckingcook, @odenshuffle, @allblognamesaretakenlikereally, @porkbunll, @cyinthesky, @mikiwylds, @novel0, @code-roevember, @g3n0dtt, @capttsuki, @idontknowhyimhereither, @mi-kage, @snkshhy, @irondreamlandcloud, @alethiaa, @golden-gilden, @dontlookatmepreetyplease, @3sryn, @blueevileye, @reemthetheme, @popcornkernels69, @chocogi, @ihasuwuonmypaper, @mask-tea, @thedarknesslord, @inklaetus, @depressoexpressothepoet, @luckeclover, @shybonesnstuff, @the-reaper-of-souls, @shifter2088, @therionnexus, @de-ruin, @rxixo31, @mysweetsterling, @yumemsa, @eyeless-kun
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aokoaoi · 1 year
Avatar the way of water characters (first) impressions of you.
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pairings : avatar the way of water characters x fem!reader[platonic relationship]
warnings : slight avatar the way of water spoilers.
author's note : the reader's age is the same as ao'nungs and neteyams, so all the other characters below 15 look up to you as a big sister.
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— there wasn't much times where you could talk to the the Toruk Makto, but when you did, you were shaking on your bear feet.
— you thought he was the scariest man you've ever encountered despite how nice he speaks to you.
— Jake's first impressions of you though was that he thought you'd be a nice big sister for younglings. Yes, I'm being fr.
— you're responsible, caring, and you're good at reading emotions. Not to mention how much you adore Tuk? He could just adopt you if he can.
— thats pretty much it, though lol.
NEYTIRI Te TSHAHA MO'AT'ITE. neytiri sully.
— she loved you, she adored you, and she wished you were a daughter of her own.
— just like Jake, she wished she could snatch you under your parents' wing and make you her daughter.
— all jokes aside though, she genuinely thinks you're a very sweet girl for helping her kids adjust to your ways, especially when you stick up for them when that Ao'nung boy and his friends pick on her kids.
— Tuktirey had told her lots of stories about you, and she feels as though she practically knew you from how much Tuk talks about you.
— she thinks you're alright.. i guess.. she wouldn't admit what she's thinking about you tbh.
— she's also heard and seen lots about you. youre very talented in her eyes, i mean, you like to sing and you dance well? if she knew about you more, she might as well ask you to be her friend./j
— she also thinks you're a sweet girl. she has seen you physically beat up her son though for beating up those sully kids. the bruises on his face told her so.
— Tsireya had also talked to her about you, but they never meant anything to her. It was just silly teen stories that doesn't entertain her, but she does like it when her daughter talks to her.
— his thoughts about you are pretty much just like his wife's.
— he also thinks you're a tough girl and not just the 'sweet and caring' girl. He knows there's some sort of fierce flame hiding in you somewhere that you're masking, every women in the village have that fiery.
— he can see his son and you together.
— he appreciates the help you've done with the sully kids, you've done so much already and he didn't even tell you to help.
— "(name)'s a lovely girl. You should befriend her." That's what he said when he found out his kids are starting to talk to you. So yes, he's half the reason why you're friends with Tsireya and Ao'nung.
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— Youre definitely his favorite girl, 100%, no one can convince him otherwise.
— when you two first met him and his siblings, you were so open and sweet, like.. ARE YOU AN ANGEL???
— You're very smart too. You know about their ways in the forest, and you were very understanding when they were struggling to adjust to your ways. You're also very.. girlfriend material...
— you ask how he's been everytime you see eachother, acting so cute and adorable it makes him want to squeeze your cheeks.
— You're irresistible. He can't say no to you at all.
— yknow how I just said he thinks you're girlfriend material? His parents joked to him about how he should just court you when they saw you two walking together by the shores.
— he thinks he's way too out of your league, though. But that doesn't stop him from shooting his chance with you😜/hj.
— Ao'nung and Lo'ak had to yell at him to stop hitting on you, which resulted to Tuktirey thinking that 'hitting on you' meant violent hitting and not flirting..💀 she cried afterwards.
— he thought you were the most annoying thing to ever exist at first. I'm being fr.
— he genuinely won't even look at your way when you're near him, he only ignore you and let you talk to his sister.. it made you think he hated you.(he did.)
— how did he change his views on you, you may ask? You got partnered up with him to do something for the village, and you wouldn't stop bothering him along the way so he just gave in and finally talked to you.
— it took awhile for him to finally stop hating you though. And when he learns you weren't just 'cute and gentle' when he saw you literally wrestling teens 3-4 years older than you.
— that made him want to treat you more nicely. Who knows? Maybe he'll be the next victim for your fists when he crosses the line.
— and he did, in fact, cross the line.
— that boy got a taste of what your punches feels like when you stood up for the sully sibling, alright💀.. it didn't help that you were wearing your rings. it hurt like shit.
— he got humbled by you way too many times. and he didn't like that.
— he doesn't think you're annoying anymore. instead, he thinks you're a ferocious midget;(you're 8'0😭.)
— she wouldn't say that she loves you like how Tuk does, but she has warmed up to you.
— she absolutely likes how you're patient with her disobedient brother. you always had that smile on your face, and it never faltered.
— she sometimes tells you about her home back in the forest, telling your about the animals and the friends she made back there. she liked how you listened to her about it as well.
— she thinks you're the most lovable person ever. how can someone possibly dislike you?
— she thinks you're gonna pull alot of suitors in the future too. I mean, look at you.
— at first though, when she saw you hanging out with Ao'nung rather than Tsireya, she thought you'd be mean. surprisingly, you weren't.
— this girls loves you... way too much..
— it's like an obsession, I tell you. She won't ever stop talking about you to her parents. Almost once in every week, her parents had to hear her talk about you.
— not that you disliked it though, in fact, you were flattered. Sort of.
— for her first impressions of you, she already knew she'd adore you.
— she styles your hair when she has the time to, and when she's feeling goofy, she places her favorite flowers behind your ear if she finds some.
— you two do alot of girly stuff together too, like straight up gossiping, even if it was infront of her brother and Roxto.
— she also went to you when she took interest in loak too. you had to act as if you didn't know already.
— "oh wow.. really? the sully kid?" great acting I must say.
— he didn't like how you kept taking Tsireya away from him. not to mention the amount of times he lost the chance to talk her because of you.. you're a major cockblocker.
— you're very nice though, way too nice for your own good, even.
— he's thankful of the fact you were the one helping him and his siblings for half the things Ao'nung was supposed to do. made him avoid the boy more.
— he thinks you're pretty cool too. like the way you just straight up beated Ao'nung up as if you and his sister are bsf's? You had no fear for consequences whatsoever.
— he wanted to learn how to wrestle because of you. he literally once went up to you and asked if you were interested in teaching him how to wrestle. you turned down his words, making him disappointed.
— "were learning how to live by the Metkayina ways, Lo'ak, not beat up boys who bully you." Yeah that's what you said to him when you said no.
— she talks about you as if you were Eywa herself💀.. that's how much she loved you.
— she literally looks forwards to waking up tomorrow every single day just so she can see you. it almost made you cry when she admitted that to you.
— you adored her so much, I think it mightve gave her some attention issues.. it's fine, her mother loves her anyway.
— Tuktirey also liked to show you a few tricks she learned back at her home in the forest. she always looks forward for your surprised expressions and feedbacks.
— "oh wow! where'd you learn that?" "from my mom!"
— you love eachother, no one can say otherwise.
— he likes you, 100%, no joke. in a platonic way ofc.
��� the first time Roxto talked to you, he was absolutely scared for his life.. like, he heard you straight up wrestled 17-18 year olds and single-handedly won, how was he supposed to not be shaking in his bare feet💀..
— the way his parents described how tough you were was waaaayyyy too over the top. you were a literal baby kitty when you first talked to him, it was as if you hadn't beaten up kids twice your age.
— Roxto also obviously took a liking towards you. he developed a soft spot, and treats you like you're his big sister<3.
— he def respects you alot too.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
Time to fly!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
How To Train Your Dragon:
The message was just nice. I have a lot of nostalgia for it. I used to be a huge dragon nerd as a kid and dragons just weren't that prevalent in media here, especially not as friendly figures. I still love HTTYD and it's sequels nowadays.
It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and one of the few movies I watched that wasn't a barbie movie, it's just really cool.
Best movie featuring dragons period. The pure wish fulfillment fantasy of having a highly intelligent fantasy creature companion that can fly and doesn’t mind being ridden like a horse, therefore also the best execution of the dragon rider trope in all of fiction. Extremely funny, adding to the comedy is the fact that only adults have Scottish accents and all the teens have an American accent. So good that even its tv show follow up was decent by extension. The bit where Hiccup is trying to earn Toothless' trust and they start to work together changed me on a fundamental level.
I LOVE IT SO MUCHSHJKBSKHGDK I have a bone dysplasia which causes some bones to be a little bit more hollow and whenever I would feel a pain in my top back, 8 year old me was like ''woah I'm growing wings its my time to fly like toothless'' lol and it was always a dream of mine to fly. Weirdly enough I could relate to toothless because the "not being able to fly but you should be" felt like an allegory to a lot of my life! It gave me hope when he WAS able to after the help of others + the care he always needed + that mechanic wing thing made me feel like with the right ''recipe'' could help me get better too. My favourite scene is the first flight!! I love the animation for it, it makes me feel like im flying through the clouds too! The soundtrack is amazing too, I still cry to the songs.
I could write an entire essay about how much I love this movie, it truly is one of the best films ever made to me. Utterly flawless on both a technical level and a story-telling level. Not to mention the score oh my GOD the score of this movie changed my life. There are too many scenes that are so impactful, but the Forbidden Friendship scene has to be one of the best. Test Drive too.
This is literally my favorite movie of all time. This movie got me through the worst times in my life. It’s about love and friendship and all that lovely goopy stuff and it’s also fucking gorgeous.
THE cinematic masterpiece of our generation. On god.
This movie is an absolute masterpiece, the animation is pretty, the score is perfect, the relationship between Toothless and Hiccup is so sweet, Toothless is absolutely adorable. Definitely one of DreamWork's best films.
It's a beautifully animated movie about an unconventional viking boy named Hiccup finding his place in a world where dragons and vikings are constantly at odds, and how he changes the world around him. The dragon designs are unique and beautiful, and the vikings are larger than life and match the exaggerated setting.
Who on Tumblr DOESN'T want a dragon best friend I ask you. I would kill to have what Hiccup & Toothless have.
It does a brilliant job balancing tropes in a way that subverts and plays into them. There is so much in it for both adults and kids, it doesn't look like other animated films, it feels more grounded and in that realism it becomes so beautiful. The friendship in the film feels very real despite one of the characters being unable to talk! Forbidden Friendship scene is, in my opinion, the greatest scene in the history of cinema. The music, the lighting, the cinematography, the pacing, the emotions, it is practically perfect in every way. I could go on but I think ya get it.
God this movie defined my childhood and it's still so good when I rewatch it now. I'm guessing you'll have had this submitted a good few times bc it goddamn deserves it but. Hiccup is so relatable and !! dragons !! big cute dragons whose animation models are based on cats!! based fr
I have many fond childhood memories of this movie and in particular I loved how my cousin would "talk" for Toothless (cousin was babysitting us when we first watched the movie). Another thing is The SCORE. The music is iconic and awe inspiring to this day. That first time when Hiccup and Toothless fly together and it Works and the score absolutely goes HARD, I loose my breath every time. It's great. Also have you seen Toothless he's an adorable dragon and a badass, what's not to love?
Makes me cry every time because Hiccup and Toothless are such good friends and they love each other and end up as two halves of a boy dragon soulmate sandwich also the music is extremely good who doesn’t like dragons anyway.
It's the story of a beautiful friendship forming between a boy who doesn't fit in and a dragon who is the last of his kind. It's so cute. And it shows positive representation of disability, Hiccup and Toothless become disabled in ways that meaningfully parallel each other. Hiccup makes a prosthetic tail fin! And Toothless is just so cute!
The sound track is amazing
Honestly everything is phenomenal. It has a good use of comedy and an excellent story and character development. There are also countless beautiful and awe-inspiring scenes supported by an amazing score.
It is a very emotional movie about an old man learning to still enjoy life even though his wife died.
Such a beautiful film about loss
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voidandabyssal · 4 months
Undertale,underfell,underswap,and swapfell x Black! Dragon! Reader? How would they react to her werid ways of living or dragon courting tactics?
Woo boy this has been in my inbox for a while,
Definitely one of the chillest of the bunch,
He doesn’t really get your courting methods but he’s kinda into them, low key
Understands that your trying to tell him you love him and he appreciates that
Keeps every little trinket you give him, placing it on his shelf for him to admire (and for you as well when you finally come over ;)))
He cuddles with you everytime you drag him into your nest
Whoops sorry Paps, can’t help, it’s cuddle time yanno
Does research into your dragony behaviours as soon as he gets a crush on you
When you start courting him he knows immediately,
So, polite boy he is, he starts reciprocating in a way you understand
He gives you shiny gifts and soft blankets for your hoard and nest
He also helps you maintain your horns and your wings whenever you need to
Generally very helpful
Does try and calm you down when you get overprotective about him or anything in your hoard
At first he’s oblivious to the fact that you even like him.
He’s kinda oblivious to these things in general so you just have to suffer in silence
He does try and wriggle out of your impromptu snuggle sessions. He’s got too much energy for that!
He’s more than happy to help you polish your horns though!
Takes pride in after a long self care session your horns are shiny and your wings are practically dazzling when he’s done with you
More than happy to lay in your nest lol
Cuddles and snuggles abound
He was probably already aware of dragon behaviour, given he’s a big book worm so he’s pleasantly surprised when you start courting him
Really appreciates when you give him gifts, even just little ones like his favourite pack of dog treats or some food from Muffets
Gives gifts back, ones that he knows will be either really sentimental or useful to you
He doesn’t harp on about your upkeep, you wanna go a day without shining your horns? Go ahead, he loves you either way
Loves the protective behaviour
I mean seriously, he really likes it
He’s always had to put on a front of being super tough and not needing anyone ever,
So just having someone who can be there for him and act as something to lean on calms him down quite a lot
Poor boys secretly got a lot of anxiety
Let me just tell you this, boy does love a strong lady ;)) you got him swooning when you set a rude Monster on fire with just a single breath
Power couple of the century of here!!
No seriously though, he takes a lot of pride in being strong
Having a partner that keeps up with him definitely soothes something deep inside his subconscious
Takes great pride in both his and your looks
Isn’t letting you leave the house if your horns aren’t shined and sharpened to a menacing point, and your wings aren’t preened and cleaned of dust and dirt
He also loves the softer side of you, the side that builds soft nests, that pulls him into deep hugs when asleep, that cares so deeply for the people you treasure
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luffyvace · 4 months
NAMI X POKER FACED MALE READER (who’s Robin’s brother)😊
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no but fr this is so creative!! Credits to @purplegemadventures for the idea :) <3
Nami originally thought you were just a quiet and kinda sour guy
like Zoro but probably less dense
she really didn’t talk to you much, only when needed really
because of your natural poker face she always thought you didn’t wanna be bothered
not that she’s intimidated by it, she’s just kinda like “oh well, I’ll leave him alone” 🤷‍♀️
But Robin…
she’s a whole different story
she knows you’ve been crushing on that cat burglar this entire time 😈
she knows every detail
to what you like about her physically (like her hair or smile) to her personality (headstrong and sensible)
You tell her every bit of it
and even if you didn’t she’d still know trust
I said before in my Robin x younger brother! reader hcs that you’ve known the most observant person on the planet your whole life. YOU HAVE NO SECRETS.
her advice to help court her (cuz your gonna need it) is really to be casual yet genuine with a bit of playful sarcasm
Nami will get bored of a man who tries to desperately impress her sanji
so you’ve gotta be a magnet—make her want you as much as you want her
And how to do that? Playful sarcasm.
Just enough to tick her off a bit, then it’s time to be genuine
for example ; (flirty compliment here) “SHUTTUP YOU DIMWIT” *charming laugh* “I mean seriously!, (genuine compliment here)”
repeat the cycle and you’ll start to notice a obvious blush after the genuine compliment ;)
Both you and nami go to Robin for advice and ranting tho
Nami mostly asks things like ‘what warnings do you have for me?’ or ‘Does he do/have any annoying guy stuff/habits’
Robin always answer honestly, even if it’s not ideal to making you sound like a good boyfriend for her 😃🧍‍♀️
you can’t blame her if she’s lies it’ll make you look stupid when Nami finds out! 🤷‍♀️
(cuz she will..)
when you get together Robin is all smiles when you announce it
she practically knew you would get together eventually
She low key feels smug honored to be the wing woman
especially since she gets the juicy gossip form both sides
yes she’s like that but don’t worry she won’t tell a soul 💗
robin often has to translate for you bc nami is stubborn
what i mean is when Nami is angry at you and you don’t understand why (it’ll happen at least once) she tells you what you did ‘wrong’
sometimes it’s just the case of Nami always wanting to be right so she’s really just angry at you for be right this time (..?🤨)
But anyway I feel like Nami would be prone to dating Robin’s sibling especially if your personalities at similar
she loves robin!! 💖
so she’s likely to love you too 😏💋💋
it also assures her that your a good man 🥂
it’s likely Robin raised you if your her younger sibling so this puts Nami at ease
(In this case) you and your sister’s personalities are rational, calm and gentle towards those you love
The fact that your peace in the chaos of the strawhats really draws her in 😍
if you have a morbid mind as well it kinda freaks her out tho-
robin is a woman and even tho it’s still creepy- Nami obviously seems to be more leanient towards women soooo….
she might scold you and bop you on the head when you say stuff like that 😆👍
you being a boy as well as the others..
not all your decisions may be the smartest….
especially with the one piece men-
all of them have done something stupid at some point-
so you definitely get scolded a lot less than the other straw hat men if your intelligent
(which you likely are- your Robin’s sibling! She’s shoved all kinds of knowledge into your noggin!)
but with the chaotic adventures the straw hats be getting into….I’d bet on you still getting punched at least once a month 😋
okay maybe not punched-
she favors (loves) you—so you get the benefit of the doubt
but your certainly reprimanded 😗
so yeah!! You and Nami have a cutesy little fairy tail ending~ <3
With sanji being salty in the background 😊
refer to my nami x male reader hcs
A cute and dandy couple indeed
wowza this was sitting in my drafts for a long time……..hopefully you enjoyed!!
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greetings-inferiors · 8 months
So I read a good hundred plus chapters of my hero academia (maybe 200? Can’t remember if it’s even got 200 lol) and I liked it but just stopped reading it. But it’s kind of like Pokémon where I didn’t care for the story but the world itself is FASCINATING I think quirks are such a cool idea, and it’s fun to come up with some yourself
Like one quirk idea I had was one day when she was like 7 she was being picked on in the playground when these swords just fell from the sky, almost hitting her bullies, and one fell right into her hand, and she discovered that she had a psychic (don’t know if this is the term) link to these swords, but she still exerts energy controlling them, it’s just as if it’s extra limbs, it feels easy to wave around your arm but if you do it over and over eventually you’ll get tired, same thing with the swords. She has an odd number of swords, so an even number on each side acting like “wings” and then a “strong hand” like sword she’s most dextrous with (the one that originally fell into her hand). The swords can hold her up and can let her fly, but it is the same as carrying her body weight (plus seven or nine METAL SWORDS) so it’s not something she can just DO willy nilly.
Anyway, her hero name is Valkyrie and she has slots in the back of her armour to hold the base of the swords (making them act like wings) and a sheath for either all of the swords or just the “strong” sword.
I know it isn’t a typical quirk which are more biological and… scientifically explained, but who cares it’s my character idea and I think it’s cool.
I think it’d be a cool dynamic because it’s actually dangerous. She can’t exactly spar or practice with others because THEY’RE FUCKING FLYING SWORDS, I guess the average durability is higher, but they’re still dangerous, and as a child before she got them fully under control they would’ve been a real hazard.
I think the swords would have some level of senses, obviously not sight or anything but I think they’d at least be able to tell when they’re not in the immediate proximity of anything (so they won’t knock into or accidentally slice anyone or anything) and would feel pain, just obviously with a lot higher pain tolerance as they are metal swords. In my mind they are literally limbs that just happen to be psychically controlled swords.
She’d be a very well trained sword fighter (obviously), and she’d be clever and studious and rule following and all that, but also with a layer of social detachment, as having 7-ish flailing death sticks following you and only just being under control (they’d definitely be uncontrollable with intense emotions/stress) isn’t the greatest way to make friends, and she’d be slightly socially awkward already (hence being picked on as a child. Obviously no one picks on her now, because of the swords, but she’s still outcast). This would lead to her being strong of character and high and mighty at times, but I think she’s VERY nerdy about swords, and is also interested in fencing and other blades. She’d be an absolute geek once she’s on the subject of something she’s interested in LOL
You may notice I’ve been referring to her with pronouns this whole time. That is because I am awful with names and do not have one for her. Suggestions are welcome.
Anyway yeah this is the closest format I have to oc dumps since I can’t draw lmao
Oh but yeah both the sword breaking and reforging would be incredibly painful, I cannot stress enough they are like limbs so it would be like a limb being broken or being grafted on to. Not fun.
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bunnieshoneys · 1 month
on miami...
So a bit of a different format this week because i want to talk about mclaren in a bit more depth, and ive not got much to say about anyone else
ferrari, if the track temps are higher, will likely be faster than mclaren again this week (or at least, charles will be faster). china was very cold and ferrari seem to have issues firing up their tyres, which likely won't be as pronounced with the high track temps in miami.
yoints? pspspsps YOINTS? in all seriousness, yuki did well here last year, and im excited to see what he can do.
red bull are the ones to catch, i loveeeee checos helmet too!!
ferrari that livery is ugly and i hate you.
thinking it might be another RB double podium, with either lando or charles splitting the two of them. could be max-lando-charles in any order tbh
im watching carlos quite closely because theres been no announcement from audi yet, and it seems he's running out of time. i dont have my bets on him ending up seatless, but i dont think RBR wanna sign him, and i dont think merc is that keen either, considering its looking like they want antonelli or verstappen in that seat for 25. if the broadcasters start yapping about it again im turning off the commentary
(speaking of commentary does anyone know if nico is back this week? i want him there so badly...)
will also be watching ricciardo quite closely, after china and his performance improving (but compared to a track where yuki has barely any experience) this is a make or break kind of week for him imo
mercedes have quite a lot of drag on their rear wing config, so im expecting them to be somewhat slow on the straights. honestly expecting them to be quite far behind the mclarens with those upgrades.
ferrari have bought NOTHING to miami... so im scared. but im also excited for imola (tifosi on copium, evidently)
williams really, really, need to score some points. id love it to be logan (at home!!) but i reckon itll be alex if at all.
sauber would love to have some points,, wil be interesting to see how bottas performs after they've switched his race engineer without consulting him (?????)
ok anyway: mclaren
they have NINE performance upgrades plus one circuit specific (the rear wing) and... im scared as a ferrari fan lol.
the car looks COMPLETELY different, so from a performance point of view, im excited about it. new sidepod inlet, new front wing, suspension upgrades, revised floor (which in the ground effect era is one of the most important parts of the car) and revised brake ducts.
the only thing i can think of is them bringing these to a sprint weekend, but they definitely could do with the points and the risk is worth the reward, particularly if they can catch ferrari.
(ferrari has a similar amount of upgrades for the SF24 planned for imola iirc, but they've chosen to postpone bcause they don't fancy trying to get a handle on the upgrades with one practice session).
itll be interesting to see whether they've shot themselves in the foot with the lack of practice time, or whether they take a huge step forward (im thinking the latter) and end up fighting for the podium this week, particularly lando who is quite good at managing the tyres.
also, these car parts are likely to be some of the first tested in their new wind tunnel, so that will be interesting to watch!!
overall super excited, should be a fun weekend!! manifest leclerc podiums for me pls <3
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toomuchracket · 2 months
hi mads, random, but are you from glasgow? i'm going there in a few weeks and wondering if you had recommendations for cute places, shops and cafes to visit???
technically no but i practically live there at this point lol. ok so i think you should go out the west end (get the subway to hillhead/kelvinhall/kelvinbridge/maybe even partick) and go to kelvingrove gallery and/or the botanic gardens - there are a lot of cute cafes and restaurants out that way too!! alternatively, get the train from central and hang out in shawlands for a bit, there are some really lovely independent shops, and you could also get off the train at pollokshaws west and go to see the highland cows in pollok country park (there are baby ones!!); there's also the burrell collection, a gallery, within the park too. if you like pizza, paesano is the move (there's one in the west end AND one in the city centre), and definitely sugo for pasta (literally my fav place of all time). for drinks in the city centre, i like stereo and tabac for something chill, king tuts is iconic, and devil of brooklyn is meant to be fab - for coffee, tinderbox (they have a few locations across the city), laboratorio espresso, spitfire, or social bite on sauchiehall street (their proceeds go to helping reduce homelessness, and the cakes are AMAZING). drinks in the west end, i'd go to inn deep or banana moon, or somewhere down ashton lane or oran mor if i was feeling a bit fancier, and i tend to buy coffee in the alchemy experiment whenever i'm out there just for an excuse to go in lol - it's a gallery space/cafe hybrid, where they sell art and other little independently-crafted bits and bobs, and if you're there then walk a few doors down to onawallnearyou for prints as well. if you're going any further east than glasgow cross - which you should, to go to the barras market at the weekend - saint luke's and the winged ox for drinks (nice food, too), and us v them for coffee. OH also if you're looking for something cute to do, definitely go pottery painting at the craft pottery (book via insta), and golf fang is meant to be really fun crazy golf but i have yet to try. and tbh if it's live music you're after then i'd just see what's on in stereo/king tuts/broadcast/nice n sleazys while you're there lol you might end up seeing the next big thing!! yeah there's so much to do. gonna tag jade @theseventyfive to see if she has any recs that i've forgotten lol <3
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cyndraws · 8 months
Reblogtober day 18
Exams and assignments coming up soon so wish me luck!
Here, I present my Kirby OC, Leif!
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He belongs in my Kirby anime (krbay) au. He's part of the GSA. And Meta knight is his cute younger brother
Now here is my gushing about Leif below. I think way too much about him lol
Basic Info:
Name: Leif, Blade Knight / Leaf Knight
(Blade Knight was his first choice but is a common name, so everyone just agreed to call him Leaf Knight. He argues it's a good choice bc Blade is a pun on blade and leaf blades but... well still everyone disagreed)
Age: Young adult (an estimate, Hoshians have long lifespans in my au)
Gender: Demiboy Pronouns: he/they (equally)
Elements: Leaf (main), Cutter (main), Wing (minor)
Notable talents/powers: Summoning a near endless amount of blades, runes, self-healing
~many more thoughts about him below the cut~
Physical description: Primary colour is green. Orange-yellow eyes. Their mouth tends to make triangular shapes.
He has a wing cape that has golden buttons on the collar ends. Their wing form look like they are made out of leaves.
The most accurate armour colour is his flying art, which is silver with a hint of rose-gold. He usually wears his special blade-proof gloves and sabatons (feet armour), and mask on top of his head with his family. In more formal settings (includes around the public), he wears his pauldrons (shoulder armour), and mask on. He wears his wing armour too, but optional to draw because it's hard, even for me (lol).
He keeps his mask on because he feels like it makes him less vulnerable with expression covered up. He can take it off but it makes him a little embarrassed.
Myers Briggs: ISFP (Introvert, Observant, Feeling, Prospective/perceiving)
Introvert: Well he's an introvert. Tends to be quiet and a good listener.
Observant: Is focused on present, practical and hands-on
Feeling: Makes lots of gut decisions, especially during battle. Makes him reckless, but he's very in-tune with his instincts. They haven't led him astray yet. His number 1 priority is his family above all, and he won't hesitate to put himself in harm's way for their safety. He also can get short tempered for their sake. They're very sensitive to others' feelings and is a natural listener. In general, they're a warm and caring person, and a natural leader.
Prospecting/perceiving: Spur of the moment, seizes opportunities, flexible
He's generally a little quiet, but combined with his caring personality makes him a trusted and charming person. He's a great leader, and gives off calm powerful and reliable brother/senior vibes. He's modest and underestimates himself despite his great capabilities. He's the definition of unreliable narrator haha.
They're a very curious person and is always trying new things. They've become somewhat of a jack of all trades because of this.
However, they can get very heated and short tempered, especially in regards to thier family. They get very embarrassed afterwards.
And during battle, it's like they become a different person. They get blood thirsty and wipe through the battlefield with their dual blades, heedless of injuries (they have an ability to self-heal). They don't talk much, but when they do, it give off power. He's very sharp and has top-notch instincts on the battlefield. His recklessness goes up to max though and he's not afraid to get dirty and on the frontlines, which worries his family to no end.
Family: Kibble Blade, Sir Kibble (two are coparenting), Meta Knight (younger brother)
Story: Maybe another day, but for now this is set when Meta Knight is still in training in the GSA and Leif has made his name as a highly respected soldier
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Side A Round 1
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
"I just really like your face You don't have to look so happy I'm not really into love that you flaunt In some glittery font But if that's what you want Make it snappy"
Ready as I'll ever be - Tangled the series
"So gather around now (ooh) It's time to sing It's bittersweet (ooh) but it's a hell of a silver lining I tell the same old stories As y'all get your wings And I get better every time I kiss a weathered cheek And watching doves fly Sooner than me I guess I'm ready, ready as I'll never be"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
Ultimate enemies to lovers potential as it starts with tge singer hating the other party and slowly growing to love them. Also has an excellent tma animatic (haven't watched any other animatics for it but a quick search shows there's a lot)
Animatics with the song:
Helluva Boss Stolas x Blitz
Don't Starve Together Wxwood
The Magnus Archives
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun Mitsuba Animatic
HFJONE Sodapack
Ready as I'll ever be - Tangled the series
I can list at least three full animatics for this song for every major fandom I have ever been a part of, and still it's so hard to find them because there are so goddamn many
It's an absolute banger from the absolute King Alan Menken, originally from the pretty underrated Tangled the Series. I've seen animatics for this for like every fandom I can think of, and it deserves it because it slaps and has great vocal performances from Jeremy Jordan and Eden Espinosa.
i'm pretty sure this song is more well known than the show it came from is lol. i looked up "ready as i'll ever be animatic" on youtube just to confirm and counted 20+ of them, and i didn't even finish scrolling. it is a genuinely really good song from a /surprisingly/ good show that imo is super underrated. i definitely would recommend checking it out if you get the opportunity!
it's a fandom song that transcended its fandom and became a hit for twist villains.
The song really fosters creativity with how many animatics can create a darker AU where the usual protagonist (or a close associate) is made to be the antagonist because of injustice suffered and the other characters have to fight against them
I've seen *at least* one animatic of this song in almost every fandom I've looked into
It has a lot of Animaniacs because it is sung by an ensemble cast It is good for demonstrating a lot of different conflicting perspectives of characters for your big dramatic fight and its catchy and I love it
I mean everyone loves a scenario where one of the main cast becomes a villain for tragic reasons and the rest of the characters have to fight them while dealing with the betrayal and attempting to make them see reason
How in the actual hell does a song from a Tangled spinoff series go this spectacularly hard? More to the point, how does it have an animatic/AMV for practically EVERY FANDOM IN EXISTENCE?! Yeah, most people know it from that one Warrior Cats MAP, but there is SO much more. Not to mention the bucketloads of people who used this song for their own OCs, which is always a bonus.
Animatics with the song:
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil
Miraculous Ladybug
Sander Sides
Danganronpa V3 fantasy AU
BNHA Villain Deku Animatic
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. HOWEVER, if a ship animatic includes a minor and an adult, do tell me, I'll remove it.
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