#it’s one thing to tease your friend to get on their nerves for the sake of it
siflshonen · 1 year
I’ve realized that I equate being sanctimonious or even unnecessarily picky about spelling rules (North American versus the UK) with someone being over the age of 20 and being a picky eater
Oh wait! The picky eater is more valid.
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girlokwhatever · 15 days
PLEASE 🙏 paige x reader where they are in a situationship and reader is jealous
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༉‧₊˚.*ೃ༄༊*·˚・゚゚・。 that should be me,,
paige bueckers x fem!reader
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yeah, you definitely hated her. you didn’t know her, but you fucking hated her.
you sat across the table from paige, secretly stealing glances of her and some other girl you had never met before in your life. you can’t even recall anyone mentioning her before tonight, but apparently she was close enough friends with aubrey to be invited to her birthday dinner.
you didn’t like her at all. her jokes always missed and killed the vibe, she said random out-of-pocket things every five seconds, and she had this insanely high-pitched laugh. or maybe you didn’t like her because of the way she was touching paige’s arm.
either way, she was running your last nerve thin.
you had arrived to the restaurant with paige, your held hands being separated once you walked inside. you and paige had something going on and most of your friends knew, poking fun and teasing you every now and then. you both wanted to take it slow since both of your schedules were busy, but you definitely wouldn’t say either of you were single.
she was your situation.
you wanted to sit next to her at the table but the plans had quickly changed when this girl insisted on sitting there. you had been halfway into the seat when her hand landed firmly on your shoulder, shaking to get your attention.
that was the moment that started it you think. that and the flirtatious touches. you thought it was so obvious what she was trying to do, but apparently paige didn’t pick up any of the cues.
it was embarrassing for you and her. here you were with all your friends on aubrey’s birthday night, watching as another girl practically groped paige six feet into her seat. the worst part was paige never did or said anything along the lines of ‘stop.’
you have the thought that it should definitely be you sitting next to paige right now. it could’ve been you and it should’ve been you. she may not be your girlfriend, but she is your something. you wish you could hold her hand under the table instead of having to watch the insufferable sight of another girl touching her.
“is this your natural hair? it’s really pretty.”
your eye twitched watching the scene unfold, eyes tracking the girl’s finger as it twirled around a strand of paige’s hair.
“nah, not the color. the waves are all mine though,”
paige smiles, flicking her hair over her shoulder. the girl laughs again, the high-pitched squeal ringing in your ear. the crazy thing is, nothing paige said was even funny, the reason for the girl’s laughter had flown straight over your head. if she was close enough, you think you might reach across the table and drag her to the floor.
her peppy laugh. her wandering and lingering gaze. the unnecessary touches. the-
“can i give you my number? i’d really like to hangout sometime y’know?”
you couldn’t even bear to stay for paige’s answer, excusing yourself from the table. your chair squeaked loudly against the floor, grabbing the attention of anyone who hadn’t already noticed you.
the girl turns to paige, wide-eyed, “is she okay?”
your anger boils over at her remark, wishing for both of your sakes she’d just kept quiet. it was infuriating watching her turn to paige and talk about you, right in front of your own face.
“are you serious-”
“i think she just has to use the bathroom,” paige gives you a look, one that you can only decipher as ‘no.’ “and the bathrooms are that way.”
she points you in a direction, one that you allow yourself to blindly follow. you just needed to get away from that table, too irked by that girl to think straight. you kept telling yourself that she couldn’t ruin the night, aubrey’s big night for that matter.
you’re leaning against the bathroom sink when a knock sounds on the door. it makes you jump out of your thoughts, assuming it’s just some random person needing to take a piss.
“i’ll be out in a second!”
“hey, it’s me.” you’d recognize her voice in a crowd of hundreds, something so distinct about it. you can’t deny it makes your heart flutter knowing she chased after in a sense, showing that she does in fact care.
you unlock the door for her, letting her slip through the frame before sealing it off again. she locks it for you, never even taking her eyes off of you.
“what was that?!”
she’s whisper-shouting, getting closer to you. it shocks you, not expecting that reaction from her. you wished maybe she’d acknowledge what was actually happening at that table for the last half-hour, but of course she can’t.
“seriously? are you serious?”
“yeah i’m serious. you looked like you wanted to rip her head off the whole time.”
you roll your eyes, “oh spare me please. she’s insufferable.”
you don’t even care how much attitude you’re using to rebuttal her, more concerned with the fact that she’s defending the girl. did she know what she was doing? was it all on purpose?
“she’s nice,”
“yeah i’m sure she is.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i’m sure it is nice when she touches you like that.”
she blinks. once, twice, three times before speaking. she gets a smug grin on her face like it’s funny or something, watching the way your forehead creases from being downturned so long. she feels bad really, but it’s still amusing to see you like this.
“oh, that’s what this is about.”
“what- i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“you’re jealous.”
her hands find your waist, tugging you into her chest. after rolling your eyes into tomorrow you decide it’s not worth it to fight about it and she’s right anyway. you succumb to her affection, matching it equally when you wrap your arms around her stomach.
“can’t believe you’re jealous. it’s kinda hot.”
“whatever. tell her to stop eye-fucking you in the middle of the restaurant. it’s nasty.”
paige admires your honestly, realizing how strongly you both feel even though it’s nothing more than a situationship. she wants to ask you out but figures a restaurant family bathroom probably isn’t the best place.
“maybe i should be the one jealous. you’ve been so focused on her talking to me you didn’t realize i’ve been looking at you the whole time.”
you’re silent, head resting against her chest to hide embarrassment. the affect she has on you is insane and you both know that, a simple fact paige takes advantage of frequently. she feels your arms tighten around her and in response shifts your hips closer to her own. she never feels like you’re close enough.
she kisses the top of your head as you shift together in unison. she wishes she was brave enough to ask you out. it’s not like you’re going to say no.
as her own version of reassurance, paige pulls you into a kiss and waits until she feels you kissing back. it’s slow and sensual, both of you taking time to relish in the moment, as confusing as it may be. when you pull away, she finds solace in your body, resting her forehead against yours.
“yeah whatever. i’m going back to eat my dinner. but next time she touches you i’m flipping my shit if you don’t say something.”
“what am i supposed to say then, hm?”
“that you have a girlfriend.”
here’s this short lil fic because i felt bad for depriving yall 😔
but i love you guys and hope you enjoy 🤭🤭🤭
also i’m so sorry for slacking on the requests you guys (this is an older one) i’m gonna try to work on some tomorrow!! (emily content 🤭)
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anadiasmount · 3 months
one dare, one kiss - jude bellingham blurb.
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quick sum: when a game of truth or dare goes to plan, you’re faced with mixed feelings and your best friend questioning if there was more than what you two had…
wc: 2.2k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
psa 🗣️: this was small and simple, so i finished it!! hope everyone is okay after all this jude content because i sure am not going to stop talking about it ☺️ hope you enjoy! 🤍
it felt silly. the whole concept of the game. the spinning bottle. drinks laid everywhere. people laughing or messing around. at this age you shouldn’t be playing this but after they begged you, here you were sitting as you distracted yourself from everyone.
it started as a game of truth or dare, the dares consisting of calling an ex, posting on social media, eating or take a shot of something, having to read your messages or search history, all that. or also let the curiosity win the best of people and having people to answer truthfully when they saw the dares would be extreme. such a kid but also adult game once you grew up.
what started as a game of an innocent truth or dare, gradually turned into now a mix of that and spin the bottle. everyone was up for the thrill, knowing this was for pure fun and no feelings involved. while you were up for the idea, the hesitation always held you back, forcing yourself to just go along instead of leaving.
you chatted quietly with your friends, teasing one of them since they had a crush on a boy in the group. although at the start you found the game silly, now you cheered and felt your veins anticipating with nerves, not wanting the bottle to land on you. you knew you weren’t as experienced, and the last thing you wanted was to embarrass yourself, especially if you picked dare.
jude couldn’t stop glancing at you, his eyes never leaving you as you enjoyed the party. was he only one who felt it? the tension? the feeling of desire to take things to the next level? to prove to you, that you didn’t need anyone else besides him? how he agreed this game was silly or couldn’t come to terms with his jealousy if he were to see you kiss someone else who wasn’t him…
jude wasn’t tipsy or drunk, but he felt like it anytime you looked or walked into a room. the ability of you to take his breath away in the smallest way possible, when you smiled, laughed, frowned, spoke, he was madly in love with you as a whole. longing to feel you next to him at all times.
jude bit the inside of his cheek, also feeling his heart race when he saw the empty casa blanco bottle slowly start to slow down. as soon as you saw it was jude’s turn, you felt your stomach turn in a displeased manner, hating the idea if you were to see him kiss any of your friends or a stranger.
you refused to look up, looking down at your nails and biting the inside of your lip as you waiting for the bottle to land on whoever it would. you felt it go slower than usually, testing your limits and patience because it was taking forever.
small gasps and yelps of cheers made you look up, jude staring at you with his lips slight agape. you looked around before looking down at the bottle facing directly at you. the game was childish, but you couldn’t deny the small young school girl in you getting excited over a silly game and getting picked.
“truth or dare jude?” your friend who you’d been teasing the whole night asked him knowing you wouldn’t be able to speak. you watched as he clenched his jaw before answering. “dare,” he spoke lowly but voice full of confidence, you bit your tongue, knowing he would either do the dare or face the consequences.
“for our sakes and yours, we’re daring you to kiss our lovely y/n right here,” she gently shook your shoulders, you send daggers to her, eyes wide as you wanted to shut the idea letting the nerves take over your system. “oh cmon, it’s that or telling everyone what you were saying last night when you were drunk,” she had a playful look on her face, jude shaking his head immediately at the thought.
jude tended to yap a lot when the was alcohol in his system, and last night wasn’t any different except he wouldn’t stop talking about you. how much he loved you, how pretty and kind you were, how you were the only one for him and never judged him, how much he loved your baking or when you wore his hoodies. you and no idea about this, so it raised a question in your head at what they were referring to.
“what are y’all talking about?”
“nothing!” jude was quick to dismiss his cheeks flushing with shyness and embarrassment. you raised a brow, but shook your head, knowing it was probably something boyish. jude somehow got closer to you, now on his knees as his eyes bore with yours. jude could see your pupils dilated, your lips tainted with a colored coat, your nose piercing blinging in the light as he leaned over you.
you cleared your throat, looking around unsure at every on their feet awaiting your next moves. jude leaned his head down, “it’s okay angel… one kiss and we can move onto the next dare,” he said only to you. part of you asked “what if” one kiss wouldn’t be enough for you, another asking if it was a good idea.
all you could do was nod instead of responding, almost being able to hear the squeal coming from your friend besides you. you let out a small breath as jude made the first move and placed his hand around your waist, your thumbs stroked his cheek almost losing your breath. you felt his warm finger tilt your face up to his, his thumb releasing your bottom lip that was stuck between your lips.
your mind raced with thoughts, he was finally going to kiss you, this was gonna happen and no one wanted to stop it. jude closed the last bit of space, his right hand resting just below your pulse as he captured your lips with his. you fell in love with how soft they felt, wanting to cringe at the aftertaste of beer on his lips but instead you found it sweet and pleasant.
this is what you were afraid of, of jude pulling away when you craved and wanted more of him. having waited and dreaming about the moment since forever, or more specifically after slow dancing at a school dance. jude on the other hand had to hold back the groan that wanted to escape his lips, his hand slightly tightened along your pulse point and throat.
it started off small and bare, now turning into a full makeout. his tongue tracing your lips before fully dominating your mouth, his hand now fully wrapped and secured on your waist, as he felt your tongue also trace his in a heated manner. he swallowed a small whimper from you, feeling your hands come to his face and push him away gently after kissing for a while.
you felt hot, every cell on fire, hair on your arms raised despite it all. with one simple kiss he already tortured your head into wanting more than just one. “we said a kiss jude, not a full makeup session… nice to know how you feel though,” your friend winked at you, watching how you sat slowly. your lips feeling sore, and now tainted with him.
it was all you could think about, how he tasted, how we kissed you like a devotion, how he held you, how you knew he didn’t want to pull away at all. the group decided to get more drinks before starting another round. you had gone into the house, making your drink to calm the pit in your stomach. was it possible for the aftermath to be this strong?
from jude:
where are you??
i thought you were with your friends?
to jude:
i’m in the kitchen! in the main house
from jude:
omw, i need to talk to you about something.
you avoided his eyes as he walked into the dark and empty kitchen, only strays from the moonlight decorating the marble tiles floors. your heart raced faster at his footsteps approaching you. he caged you in, hands on either side of you as he forced you to look up at him. “are you okay darling?” he spoke in a hush tone, making you shiver.
“yeah i-i-am good, just getting a drink, you? are you okay?”
“that was something, wasn’t it?” he asked, wanting to talk about what happened. to him it stopped being a game as soon as they dared him to kiss you. to jude, this was your official first kiss and he wanted to pour his heart right here and then. “the game? yeah, yeah it was? they’re probably regret some of the stuff they did tomorrow…”
jude frowned upon hearing you say regret. we’re you regretting kissing him? the kiss that was forever engraved in his head now? how could you possibly say that when you almost begged for more on the spot? “regret? do you regret what happened? our kiss?” jude was afraid of your answer, especially once you began to move around.
a moment of silence passed, shaking your head no. “no i don’t regret it… not one bit which should seem like an issue,” you laughed scratching your temple. “why would it seem like an issue? hmm?” jude cocked his head to the side, looking at you endearingly. he could see you, but you couldn’t pull back as your eyes traced his veins that roamed his skin.
“well we’re best friends? best friends don’t kiss.”
“are we just that though, y/n?” jude tested the waters, his hand sneaking around your waist once again. the familiar heat arose in your body again, “jude we shouldn’t. they’re waiting for us-”
“answer the question y/n. they haven’t even noticed we’re gone and i don’t think they’ll come looking for anytime soon,” jude reassured you. “i don’t know okay? i don’t know jude! this whole situation it’s making me feel and question things!” you try to escape but he impossibly pulls you closer to him. chest to chest.
“shh baby… it’s okay… just me and you here like i said. you’re scared and that’s okay but i promise you once we’re done, it will be worth it,” jude said, making you weak in the knees resisting the urge to kiss his pretty face. “so tell me. are we just friends?”
“no we’re not. because friends don’t just kiss and feel stuff. they don’t practically live together, moving miles away from their home to be with them. friends don’t sleep and cuddle in the same bed at night. friends don’t hold onto hope and love one day they’re going to see how you feel for them…”
“you’re my every thought, when i wake up, go to bed, when i hear the stupid craig david song, your name. it’s impossible at this point because you’re everywhere. i tried to tell myself maybe because we were attached but jude i cant take it anymore, i feel like im going to explode,” you continued.
“me either y/n… believe me… all i could think about how it felt right. like we are right now. how perfect it feels for you or me to be in each others arms. how when we’re together the only thought and feeling i have is pure happiness and security. i want that with you. i want to prove to you it’s me and you. it’s always been like that. y/n and jude…” you giggled at his last reference, tucking your head into his chest.
“just so you know and we’re on the same page, i want to be more than your best friend, i wanna be your boyfriend and maybe your husband one day… i just love you so much y/n, you have no idea,” jude confessed eyebrows slightly twinging as spoke, leaning down to sit you on the counter, still caging you.
“and i hope you know judey,” you smile as you said his nickname jude shyly looking away, “i’m just as madly in love with you… have been since the first time we met. can you believe it? all these years and it took a simple truth or dare to confess our feelings?” you ask in bewilderment, hand stroking his jaw as you pulled him closer to you.
“i really want to kiss you right now,” jude said along your lips, making your tummy flutter with eagerness to feel him pressed on you. “then do it. we’re not playing anymore-” you were quickly shut up, jude bring you close to his ad his hand rested along the nape of your neck. the room was hot, your legs tightly wrapped along his hips as he continued to devour you as a whole.
the night was just starting for the both of you, your friends long gone. just now the two of you relishing the intimacy together in his room. the pants, groans, moans, all causing you to feel dizzy and incoherent. jude not far behind as he was more in love with you. it wasn’t just sex because you felt the need or have to, his thrusts and rolls of hips proving it was love making and gloat over the closeness of your bodies sunk together.
you wouldn’t have had it another way, feeling thankful for the stupid silly game of truth of dare.
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little-diable · 8 months
Kinktober Day 11 - Draco Malfoy
Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading them, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
🩶 Day 11 🩶 Hands
Warnings: 18+, obviously smut, unprotected piv, oral (f), both are 18+ for the sake of it
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader (1.2k words)
header by @deathofpeaceofmind
My Kinktober Masterlist
“Love? Are you listening?” (Y/n) had to blink a few times, shaking her head to rip herself out of her wandering thoughts, drawing her eyes from Draco’s veiny hands. A soft chuckle left him, hand reaching for her chin to keep her head in place, not giving his girlfriend a chance to move away. “I’ll see you after the game, alright?”
“Mhm, of course, I’ll wait for you.” She shifted her weight, pressing a kiss against Draco’s cold lips before he let go of her, disappearing to join the others. With an almost dreamy sigh leaving her, (y/n) turned away, set on finding her friends before the Quidditch game could start, not wanting to miss a second of it. 
Excitement bubbled deep inside of her as her mind used the few moments of silence she was now offered, once again thinking of Draco’s hands, the hands she desperately wanted to feel on her body, wrapped around her throat, no longer able to remember when he had touched her last. It had been too long, too long without his body pressed against hers, too long without hearing the sinful sounds he’d produce as he was buried deep inside of her, fucking (y/n) into oblivion.
But tonight they’d finally get another chance to find solace in one another’s closeness, using the handful of hours where the others would get drunker and drunker, not sparing the two lovers any of their attention. 
(Y/n) couldn’t concentrate on her friends, not as the game started, not as the end was near, eyes solely focused on Draco, watching him hold onto his broom, smirking whenever his piercing eyes found (y/n)’s dilated pupils. He was all too aware of the thoughts distracting her, the pictures her mind painted – pictures Draco’s mind also clung to whenever he allowed his thoughts to wander. 
“I take it we won’t see you later?” Her friend’s chuckles rang in (y/n)’s ears as she turned towards them with a slight smile, shaking her head without letting one single vowel leave her. Her mind was too occupied with the thought of Draco, thighs clenched together as the first waves of arousal, mixed with anticipation, began to flush through her system. Whatever he was set on doing, she’d allow it all – just for him.
“There you are, I was looking for you.” Draco’s scent clashed against her frame, leaving her mind to race as the mixture of green apples and expensive cologne crawled up her nostrils. His lips had found hers before her reply could leave her, a sight that left their friends laughing, turning away from the lovers to find their way down the hallway, set on getting drunk within the next hour. “Come, let’s go to my room.”
“Don’t you want to celebrate first? You deserve it!” Draco’s piercing eyes found hers before he let his gaze wander down the hallway. With a gasp leaving her, (y/n) was pressed against the nearest wall, held in place by the hand finding her throat, thumb teasing her cold skin. 
“Do you want me to go down there? I certainly had other things in mind we’d be doing tonight, and taking it from the way you keep staring at my hands today, I’d say your mind is also focusing on something else.” Draco pressed himself even closer, allowing her to feel the growing bulge of his, making her moan in a desperate need for more. 
“Take me to your room.” 
“Don’t close your eyes, keep on watching, love.” Draco was nestling between her thighs, tongue pressed against her skin, tasting her arousal. Her moans echoed through the room, swallowed by the spell keeping their sounds hidden from people walking past his room, offering them the privacy they were aching for. He pushed her closer and closer to the edge, with one hand taking care of her pulsing bundle of nerves, while the other was placed on her stomach, fingers interlaced with hers. 
(Y/n) found herself staring at his hand at any given chance, even as he dipped his tongue into her tightness, making her walls flutter, high on the way Draco was making her feel. She kept choking on his name, unable to let go of the words burning on her tongue, unable to express the way he was making her feel, only able to communicate with her arousal laced sounds. 
“My pretty girl, look at you, you’re so needy for me, I could do whatever I want, and you’d still beg me for more, huh?” Draco found pride in the way he seemingly was making her feel, guiding her body like a raft sailing through the uneasy ocean, a raft that would drown without his help. 
“Draco,” his name left her like a spell, laced with enough strength to catch his attention, carrying a deeper meaning only he could pick up on. “Fuck me, please, I need to feel you.” 
He didn’t need to be told twice, naked body moving up her frame, hovering above her with his signature smirk tugging on his lips. Draco caught her lips in a kiss, making her taste herself on his tongue – a distraction from his shifting, positioning himself at her entrance, pushing into her tightness without another warning. 
The moan leaving him forced her eyes open once again, staring up at him with awe swimming in her pupils. (Y/n) trembled at the sounds ripping through Draco, sounds that filled the room with every ferocious thrust, forcing his cock deeper into her tightness. Both were set on chasing their highs, not daring to drag this moment out, at least not for the first round of many to come. 
No words left Draco as he raised one hand, bringing it up to her mouth, forcing (y/n) to suck on the two fingers he pushed down on her tongue. The sight left Draco groaning in satisfaction, thanking his lucky stars for pushing (y/n) into his life, the one he’d die for, the one he’d chase till the end of their time, if it meant being with her forever. 
Her walls fluttered around him whenever he met her swollen spot, once again pushing her closer to the edge, all too aware of her arising high. Draco was set on making her cum, set on making (y/n) scream his name with her arched back and her curled toes. And within the next moments he managed to do so, watching her fall apart beneath him. 
Draco’s name left (y/n) as she came, fingernails clawing at his back, leaving scratches that wouldn't fade for days. He kept fucking into her, even as her body began to relax, reaching his own high with a deep growl ripping through him. She watched him cum with hazy eyes, relieving himself on her warm skin, watching his cum paint her skin white. 
“I should have picked up on the way you keep staring at my hands a lot earlier.” His whispers left her chuckling, arms finding their way around his neck to pull him in for a kiss, murmuring a soft though teasing “I want to feel them around my throat as I suck you off”, leaving Draco groaning in excitement for their upcoming adventures.
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sweetiecutie · 10 months
OMG! For the event, how about some hcs from when Valeria was in jail? And reader is her cellmate, and just get on her nerves. I go crazy thinking about this. And when Valeria broke out of jail, she take the reader with her aaaaaa.
Pairing: Valeria Garza x fem! Reader
Warnings: jail?, criminal stuff I dunno, lesbians in love and escaping from jail, prison riot but not too intense
A/n: omg YES! Why does this gives off Jojolion vibes?😆
Valeria knows all too well how to behave in a jail. How to handle herself in certain provocative situations, how to gain status around these places. It’s not like she intended to stay in prison for long, but it’s better to be respected among bastards than to be their bottom.
And here were you, her cellmate - a pretty little thing with a personality of a devil, who got in jail for hitting your cheating ex with his car. You weren’t exactly popular or on top of prison’s hierarchy, but you weren’t one of the slaves either.
First week Valeria had to quite literally fight back her urges to strangle you - this is how much you tried to get under her skin. She just clenched her jaw, inhaled deeply and closed her eyes in attempt to calm herself down as you kept on taunting her, with or without any reason.
But at the same time you were never aggressive, indicating that all of your relentless teasing was just your own way of trying to get along with your cellmate. God knows how long you were gonna spend together - it’s better be friends anyways. And without noticing, Valeria made a crucial mistake - started liking you.
You spent numerous nights muddled up in your bunk bed, talking about all the things in the world. You started developing a very intimate connection - not exactly friendship, but something way deeper then that.
At the same time Valeria wasn’t wasting her time, pulling all the right strings inside and outside the prison, getting everything prepared and ready for her escape.
A huge riot was about to happen among prisoners, Valeria’s own people were ready to break into the prison, helping her to get out. Tension was almost palpable in the air, and a dam finally broke as one day a fight occurred between a guard and one of the prisoners - chaos went loose.
Valeria didn’t lose a perfect opportunity, her military skills coming in handy while tackling a few guards to the floor, pocketing their guns and patrons while making her way out of the jail, her cartel soldiers flooding in the building gradually.
You were unlucky to end up in a middle of a huge carnage - people were fighting everywhere, prisoners pubbeling guards and other prisoners, place smelt strongly of sweat and blood, noise so hard, it made your insides shake. You were of a smaller complexion, standing no chance to other, way bigger and stronger women; you were practically dumbstruck, too terrified to move an inch.
Suddenly, someone grabbed you by the shoulder, tugging you forcefully towards them. You squeaked, trying to fight back until two strong hands grabbed both of your wrists, enabling all of your movements. You squeezed your eyes shut, too scared to face the attacker.
“Y/n, for fucks sake!” You heard an angry shout, eyes snapping open to look at the person who grabbed you. It was your cellmate - Valeria, covered in blood and thin sheen of sweat, panting heavily, a few guns attached to her waist.
“We’re leaving, now!” She shouted, letting go of one of your hands, tugging you in direction of the washhouse. Once there, you saw numerous heavily armed people in balaclavas waiting for you two, all windows blown out. Valeria pushed you towards the window, you made quick job of getting out, Garza and her men following closely behind.
About a half a kilometer far in the woods surrounding the prison, a few cars were waiting for you. You didn’t remember much, just how you got shoved into a backseat and Valeria’s shouting as she said something angrily in Spanish, soldiers nodding to her words, replying sometimes as well.
Soon you arrived at the makeshift base, not able to go any further since all police were out in the streets, searching for escaped prisoners. Situation was slightly easier since you were not the only ones who escaped - about half of prisoners used blown out windows of the washhouse to get out, distracting policemen as well.
Once settled in a temporary base, Valeria approached you. “We’re going to Mexico” she informed plainly, plopping down on a couch with a heavy sigh. You nodded your head, at her words; both of you were silent for nearly ten minutes before you decided to break the silence “Why me?” You asked, making Valeria perk up at the sound of your voice.
“Why did you decide to take me with you?” You said, looking at Valeria expectedly. Her expression didn’t change even a littlest bit, as she said plainly - “I like you”. You raised an eyebrow at her reply, obviously not satisfied with her answer. “You seem like one of my people, you know? Don’t give a shit about what others think, do whatever you want but still loyal to your friends. I like these qualities. And I want you close to me. So, what do you say?” She explained, dark eyes looking over to you expectedly.
You stayed silent for a few minutes, trying to take in all the events of this eventful day, before sighing heavily. “Do I have a choice? Your men will come after me if I say no” you joked, slumping against the backrest of an old shabby armchair. Valeria grinned, gazing at your relaxed form with great interest.
She nodded towards the door in the corner. “Shower is over there. Let me know if you suddenly feel lonely” she winked, sly smirk curling her full lips. You got up, heeding towards the bathroom “Oh, I will, don’t worry” you shot back, winking at Valeria as well, making sure to sway your hips seductively on your way there. Hell yes, did Valeria like you.
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kaicubus · 1 year
Dating Shuntaro Chishiya
warnings ✩° : mentions of guns or weaponry, mentions of killing for the sake of you.
pairing ✩° : shuntaro chishiya x gn!reader
authors note ✩° : i was giggling writing all the funny bits in this. bro be ducking and weaving with his hands in his pockets LMFAO. also he was my favorite in season one,, but now it’s more kuina and arisu bc arisu is just so babygirl...i also feel like in the manga chishiya is MUCH more scary so i included some of those attributes in here.
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- ‘Touch them and you die’ type.
- Chishiya acts confused when you're mad at him and he’ll drag out an argument for the sake of pissing you off further or messing with you. He could care less if you're actually mad at him since he knows that with a few words everything will be fixed, it’s like a game to him.
- Uses degrading pet names such as ‘bunny’ or ‘pet’ and on some occasions, ‘darling’ just to skew your perception of your relationship.
- If he could care less about anything, he could care less about what anyone else has to say about you. Meaning if he’s in a meeting where no one else is allowed but ‘special’ members of The Beach, Chishiya is going to bring you along and no one’s going to stop them. Even if anyone has the nerve or you're uncomfortable being in the presence of such high strung figures, he remains smug faced and unfazed.
- Embodiment of strangers in public and lovers in private. He doesn't really show affection that often in front of anyone else, but if you two are alone he’s somewhat intimate. Because of his dark mentality, it takes a while for Chishiya to fully accept the fact you both like each other so he’s still a little cautious of the idea of your guys relationship.
- Chishiya loves teasing you, to the point it’s almost bullying. He has an unfair advantage given his sheer ability to just pop out of no where despite him NEVER running and just keeping his hands in his pockets like a damn fool. But he likes coming up behind you and leaning onto your back, catching you off guard as he rests his chin on your shoulder and looks at you curiously.
- If he has a weapon and someone is seen flirting with you or making you physically uncomfortable during a game or not, he’s going to use it without hesitation.
- I imagine that before you guys started dating, Chishiya had betrayed//tricked you at least once. This would make your relationship a sort of enemies to lovers, at least on your end.
- Being better friends with Kuina than your own boyfriend since he’s the silent type, and Kuina is more fun than him—they both know this. She loves you anyways since you have WAY more emotion than Chishiya and you are also more fun than him or at least more caring.
- During games, you are Chishiya’s last worry. He knows you can handle yourself just as much as you know he could care less of who dies or who lives, you included. He’s always respectful of your ideas and is generally just silent when it comes to your paired games together.
- Have you guys seen Banana Fish? I headcanon that if there were a russian roulette game of some heart variation, he’ll take a bullet for you only to question why there’s none inside. Of course upon seeing Chishiya attempt to off himself to let you live, you're just a lot bit worried.
- Sometimes even if he is really intelligent and cunning, he’s pretty oblivious and therefore deemed stupid in your mind. But he’s not stupid, he’s just focusing on other things that are more important in that moment...
- If it’s not a high speed game, Chishiya will hold your hand inside his pocket and you two will just walk around at his slow ass pace. If it is though, you're the one pulling him along...with his hands in his pockets.
- Despite how mean he can be sometimes, he’s still capable of complimenting you and getting you flustered with his teasing.
“You're pretty fascinating Y/n.”
But he almost always ruins it with some backhanded statement afterwards.
“For someone with those mental capabilities, I didn't know you could figure it out.”
- There are times where Chishiya is sweet, like times where he’ll put his hand on your head and hold it there even if you two are on the move. Sometimes it can be annoying but other times it’s a really nice comfort to be compressed between the floor and his palm.
- He’s very quiet so he sneaks around and scares you a bunch, even if you're expecting him.
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nicxl333 · 8 months
you ask and you shall receive (•̀ᴗ•́)و
i do feel like rin and barou deserve some form of justice so here’s a continued ending to part two. i swear to you there’s a good ending this time.
also this took me time to write cause i’m hella busy with school since it’s my last year…exams and the like yadayadayada. anyways enough about me, happy reading!
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characters: barou shoei, itoshi rin
content: angst, fluff, swearing
please note: if you haven’t read pt.1 or pt.2 please read both for context
taglist (cause ik i pissed y’all off 💀): @faeroow @samisamaza @dookiemeshibear @91ed0 @v1v1arish
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it was bound to happen. you both had mutual connections to each other, but you were hoping and praying you wouldn’t have to have direct contact with him at this event.
however, you can’t get everything you want in life.
this event was one of major importance: the wedding of chigiri and his long time partner. you were close enough to be made the maid of honour by chigiri’s soon to be wife, and therefore already stressed with the meticulous planning of the wedding. even worse once you learned barou was on the guest list. it was stupid of you to think he wouldn’t be, given that the entirety of former blue lock players were there.
and so, you dreadfully counted down the days to the wedding, growing more and more anxious that you would have to see him.
ever since you ended things with him, you hadn’t been the best simply put. you still had feelings for him. regardless of how he treated you, there’s was something about him that put him apart from the rest.
and that scared you. mostly because you thought you were exiting your relationship for your own good, but you were fighting with yourself just as hard to avoid taking him back.
and you hoped those feelings wouldn’t overload during this wedding.
you sat in the room where chigiri’s fiancé was getting ready. the room was bustling, the makeup artist and hairstylist working simultaneously to get her finished in time, while you and the bridesmaids, already dolled up in your tailor made dresses, were giving her words of encouragement to ease her nerves, ignoring your own for the sake of the couple. once she was done and the dress was on everyone stared in awe, you included at how beautiful she looked. however you couldn’t help but think if that’s what you and barou could’ve been, what you could’ve had. who knows.
you pushed it all away though, for the ceremony was about to begin. all the bridesmaids lined up with their groomsmen, you at the front with chigiri’s best man, kunigami rensuke. when the music started, the venue coordinators opened the ceiling high doors and out your pair walked first, arm in kunigami’s.
“congrats on your win rensuke, i saw your match. looks like you’ve gotten sloppy though, your kicks have lost power.” you teased.
you and kunigami were friends, meeting each other through chigiri, immediately getting along.
“oh please, i’d like to see you do better in my exact position.”
“i wouldn’t need to, a five year old could’ve done better.”
“stay bitter y/n.”
you lightly chuckled to yourself as you reached halfway down the aisle. you could see your best friend at the alter, smiling proudly at you. you smiled back, looking around to see how beautiful the hall was. everyone involved with the planning had really outdone themselves.
your eyes had happened to wander too far however, immediately locking with a familiar pair of red eyes conveniently standing in front of a seat closest to the aisle. in that moment your heart had skipped a beat, seeing the man you still once loved looking at you as hard as you were looking at him. his hair was down for once, donned in a black sheen suit, with a navy blue tie. he looked so handsome, and you had fallen right into his trap. you couldn’t pinpoint it, but he was also looking at kunigami with a face of…discontent?
you forced yourself to tear your eyes away, focusing on what you were supposed to be doing, which was completing your walk.
as you neared closer to him, your anxiety grew with each step, until you were parallel to him. you passed him completely with two more steps, proud at yourself for not acknowledging him. that work was undone though once a wave of your favourite cologne on him hit your nostrils, melting at the familiarity.
you immediately collected yourself, completing the walk up to the altar and disconnecting from rensuke with a small pinch to his arm, to which he lightly swatted at you with a smile. your hand reached out to briefly hold chigiri’s with an encouraging smile before making your way to stand to the left of the altar, facing the crowd.
as the other bridesmaids were walking down the aisle you couldn’t help but sneak a few glances towards barou every now and then, only to find he was already looking at you each and every time.
after an exchange of vows, a few tears shed here and there, and rings given, the spotlight couple were announced husband and wife and exchanged a long kiss. the crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and the reception was about to commence.
once the food was eaten and speeches had been given, most of the attendees had either made their way to the dance floor or broke into conversation with others.
you did neither the former or the latter however, instead opting to sit at your table alone, watching others have their moment.
you froze, head whipping to your right just in time to see barou himself sinking into the seat beside you.
“good turnout huh, heard you had a hand in the planning. you did well.”
“what is it? cause we both know you didn’t come to talk about the decor shouei.”
he paused for a moment, not expecting you to be so sharp about it.
“i wanted to see how you were doing. i miss you y/n, badly. and i know you established your boundaries the last time we saw each other, but when i saw you enter it just reminded me of us, especially when i saw him next to you. dunno, call it jealousy or some shit.” you looked down, studying your maid of honour dress, while contemplating what to do.
this weren’t heading in a good direction, you could tell. specifically because you missed him too. and your composure was slowly unraveling. and you cursed yourself for having a few flute-fulls of champagne, because you knew your tongue had loosened up enough to speak your truth.
“i…miss you too. but i don’t know, shouei, why does it have to take losing me just for you to realised what you had? why let it get to this point? we could’ve been in so much of a better place right now.”
“i know y/n, shit, i know. but i wanna make it up to you. wanna show you how much i appreciate you for what you do. i know i should’ve done better by you, but that’s why i’m here now. to make up for my actions. i wanna start over with you.”
he looked at you still avoiding looking at him, taking his index finger and thumb to lift up your chin towards him, slowly rubbing your lip. he knew you liked it. it made you realise maybe he did pay attention to you here and there.
“we’ll go slow y/n, i’m gonna take my time to do this properly with you.”
you gave him a nod, and with that, he neared closer to you for a kiss, you meeting him halfway until you connected, sharing a sweet moment. your hands threaded through his hair, feeling his soft locks in your grasp. after a while you parted, his eyes full of adoration, something you didn’t know he could show.
“c’mon, let’s get out of here.”
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life went on. for six more months rin carried on climbing his way to the top, attempting day by day to erase you out of his mind. he went on dates, brought numerous girls home. it just posed one slight problem though;
none of them were you.
he ultimately gave up on love, believing that you were as good as it gets. he screwed up, and now someone that wasn’t him was able to enjoy the undeniable luxury that was you.
he really fucked up.
it was his own fault, any idiot could see that.
and paired with his stresses concerning you, the pressure of being a football player was getting to him. he needed an escape. and so, in the late hours of a simple thursday night he ventured to a discreet bar downtown japan, considering he was out of season currently. mind you, rin never drank, but if exiting sobriety would ease the devastation coursing through his body, then so be it. he’d deal with the consequences later.
what he didn’t anticipate however, upon entering the bar, that he would chance upon the very centre of his agony once again. seemed like life just continually kept kicking him in the balls.
what he should’ve done, was exit immediately, come to term with the fact that you had a new life, new lover, and therefore not open that door of angst once more. but…that selfish element inside him wanted to indulge in you, give him that temporary relief to bask in your presence, know where you are in that moment, what you’re doing.
and so, he walked into the bar, taking a seat on a barstool, opposite ends of the room from you where he could see you in between the few people in the bar.
he ordered a drink, letting his black card give a payment from the hundreds of thousands that resided in his account.
he took discreet glances of you here and there as he slowly sipped on his drink, the burning in his throat soon to be gnawing away at pieces of his rationality.
however, the more he looked at you over time swirling a finger around in your drink, the more he noticed something was off. he blinked harder, looked more attentively- were you crying?
he immediately entered a state of protective mode, feeling a panging state of yearning to brush away your tears.
the drink didn’t help either, for he felt himself rising off his seat, something he wouldn’t never done had he been sober, and took quick paces towards your table.
the tears were more evident now he was closer. bags weighed underneath your eyes, but he still found you to be as beautiful as ever. even in your state of disarray.
you caught him in your peripheral, slowly coming into full view the nearer he got to you. at this point you couldn’t give a shit, simply over it and everything life had to offer at this moment.
you barely acknowledged him as he slid into the seat opposite you, a heavy silence setting into place. you both had more than enough things to say, but no words escaped.
eventually however someone had to face the music.
“you’re finally ready to talk huh? only took you 10 months itoshi-san.”
itoshi-san. he hated it. hated how it symbolised the distance between you two. how in less than a year, two individuals who were so close with each other, so damn comfortable could end up this way.
“i- yes. yeah i am.”
you waved a waiter over, ordering drinks for the both of you, rin looking at you in confusion once the waiter walked away.
“we both know damn well this conversation ain’t gonna go easy. and i’m already suffering from a breakup. might as well loosen up before you lay it all out on the table.”
within record time your drinks arrived, downed immediately by both parties.
“so, what is it rin?”
he stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. he knew what he wanted, but to voice it to you was a different story.
“i…i fucked up. badly y/n. i took my anger out on you where it wasn’t needed-”
“badly is an understatement rin. you degraded me, hurt and damaged me- made me feel some type of way because you— you felt threatened because someone acknowledged your state of distress? has it ever occurred to you that i was trying to help you? because i love— loved you rin.”
he flinched at your slip up, the word ‘love’ shattering him into pieces. you weren’t done though.
“have you ever seen it from my perspective for once? i never felt like you loved me, god knows you didn’t tell me enough. i went above and beyond for you, given the fact we didn’t see each other enough, what the hell did i know?” your voice cracked mid sentence, emotions you’ve kept in for the past year coming to surface. tears came up once again and cascaded down your cheeks right in front of him.
although the boundaries were there, he couldn’t just let you suffer alone, especially because he was the source of your bottled up pain.
he rose once more, dashing to your side and engulfing you in the biggest hug. your sobs grew in intensity, the unexpected comfort from rin sending you into overdrive. he shushed you, slowly rubbing the back of your neck with his thumb as he held you close, scared you’d escape his grasp once more.
after awhile your sobs subsided, taking deep breaths into his chest. you basked in the familiar warmth coming from him.
“i still love you rin, i really do…but i can’t live like this. if you can’t change your ways, there’ll never be a way out for us.”
“y/n, i swear to you, this last year has been pure hell for me. being without you by my side, living without you has made me realise just how much i should’ve valued you more. i need you, i can’t live without you, not in peace i can’t. and i am so fucking sorry for everything i put you through. if you’d have me, i’ll do everything in my power for the rest of my life to make sure this doesn’t happen again. there is no one who compares to you, i can be absolutely certain of that.”
it was silent once more, you could feel his heart pulsating in anxiety from what your answer would be. you both knew that you still loved each other, but your fear held you back. fear that things would end up the same way it ended. alas, you missed him so much. even while you were with your partner, he wasn’t rin. the fact that he cheated on you spoke volumes to you loud enough. your selfish nature yearned for rin. so maybe…just maybe, things would be different this time around? time to find out.
“alright…we’ll try this once more. but rin,” you pulled away from him so he could see your expression. “i’m being serious. if you fuck this up, i can guarantee you, you’ll never have me again. and i promise you that.”
“i won’t screw this up y/n. not again, i won’t lose you again.”
he lowered himself to you, gently clutching your chin and sealed his words with a passion filled kiss.
“i love you y/n.”
“i love you too rin.”
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desideriumwriter · 9 months
Anyone But You | Chapter 2 | F.W. x Fem!Reader
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Chapter Summary - An introduction to your bestfriend, you're forced to go to a dinner party at the Weasleys over the holiday break, the twins give you a small gift you're absolutely not going to open.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, slowburn
Content Warnings -cursing
Word Count - 3.8k
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navigation | 
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Even though you were seen as rude and snippy in the twins' eyes, you had friends, people you actually enjoyed being around, people who didn’t attempt to get on your nerves every five seconds. Cedric Diggory was one of them. He was your bestfriend.
Despite being put in different houses, you and Cedric became great friends, you’ve gotten along better than anyone else. You met him on the train to Hogwarts your first year, and you two connected like puzzle pieces. He’s definitely someone who isn’t unbearable to be around.
Of course, there was the occasional rumor or gossiping that would spread around annually about you and Cedric secretly being together, or that you two had something going on at least. Those were just rumors though. Cedric feels like a brother to you, he had eyes for other girls and you had no interest in a relationship. You had no interest in each other. You loved him, but only in a sibling way. He was treated like a brother. 
You had other friends rather than Cedric, but you were closest to Ced. He was the only friend you would actually keep in contact with and write letters to outside of school.
You carried your owl's cage and dragged your large leather suitcase down the stairs as Cedric boasted about his most recent win.
“And who did Gryfinndor get their arses whooped by last week?” He brought his hand up behind his ear, waiting for you to admit your house's loss, you simply shook your head in refusal.
“Hufflepuff!” He sang, “Who caught the snitch? Number seven, Cedric Diggory!” He cheered to himself, you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Whatever, Gryffindor only lost because Fred couldn’t keep his eyes off Angelina.” 
“Ah yes, Fred is to blame. Always to blame. Another chance for you to hate him!” Cedric teased, he knew all about your hatred for the twins. Of course he has, he’s your bestfriend for Godric's sake. You’ve complained multiple times about them to him, gone on hour-long rants over whatever prank they pulled.
“Yep!  Anyways, what do you have planned over the break?” You stopped at the landing of the staircases, setting down your owl and suitcase, leaning back on the stone railing, letting crowds of students pass you.
“Absolutely nothing. My dad might make me help him at work.”
“What? Wouldn’t that be cool? You’ll get to see cool creatures, right?” He scoffed at your upbeat reaction.
“I’ll get to see boring paperwork. I’ll get to organize boring folders. I’ll get to do the boring work.” He said flatly as he shrugged. “I got to see a hippogriff once though.”
“Really? How’d it go?” You 
“Nearly bit off my arm.” 
“Oh.” The excitement in your voice lowered. “Well, I won’t be doing anything either besides sleeping.” You teased as you grabbed your things and began to walk down the staircases again.
Winter break had been going nicely. Your friends had sent letters and early Christmas gifts, small and light enough for your owl to carry, you did the same for them. You were able to sleep in, you didn’t have to worry about your things being messed with, you didn’t have to be woken up by loud and annoying voices early in the morning, and you didn’t have to deal with those bloody twins.
You woke up early today, you chose to not sleep in and went into the kitchen for breakfast. While searching the cupboards for your favorite cereal your mother walked in, an empty mug and plate in her hands. 
“Good morning, sweetheart!” She said as she placed the dishes in the sink, watching a scrubber begin to float and clean the dishes by itself.
“Morning, mum. Have any letters come today?” You asked as you took the cereal and poured it into your bowl, followed by some milk.
Before your mum could open her mouth, a strong screech came from outside, followed by a loud hit into the open cupboard door next to you, both of you jumped at the sudden entrance.
You knew that old owl from anywhere. It was Errol, one of the Weasley family’s owls. He laid on the kitchen floor for a second, then stood up straight, shaking himself off and fluttering onto a chair near your mother, handing her a nicely sealed envelope. Your mum sent the owl off without giving him anything to deliver back.
“That poor bird is on its last leg.” She muttered under her breath, shaking her head as she opened the envelope. Her unamused face changed into delight as her eyes moved through the letter.
“Oh, would you look at this! The Weasleys invited us over for a dinner party!” She grinned at you, showing you the paper.
“What?” You dropped your spoon into your bowl when you heard the news, droplets of milk hitting your shirt.
“The Weasleys invited us, Molly and Arthur are hosting a dinner party for their anniversary. How sweet is that?” You grabbed the letter from her a bit too aggressively, staring at the invitation intently.
“Very kind! Do I have to go?” You got straight to the point once you asked hesitantly, looking up, you already knew what your mother's answer would be.
“What?- Yes you have to go! Don’t be ridiculous.” Your mother scoffed, slightly shocked at your response to the invitation, taking the letter back from you.
“Please, mum! You know I will not be able to handle being there for more than five minutes.” You pleaded.
“What are you talking about? The Weasleys are very good people, y/n. You know that. You should be appreciative that they invited us.” She said sternly, a slight scowl forming on her face.
“I’m not talking about the Weasley family, I’m talking about Fred and George! The twins! They’re horrible! Please, just let me stay home, mum. You can tell them I’m sick or already on a trip with friends!” There was pure determination in your words, you were not going to spend any amount of time around Fred and George Weasley during your break.
“No, Y/N. They invited us, which means you too. It’ll only be for a single afternoon, you can deal with it.” Your mother shut down your begging, “Make sure you have a dress or…just find some nice clothes to wear, the dinner is tomorrow.” She began to leave the kitchen, turning around to ask you one last thing. 
“Also, could you send a letter back? Saying that we will be there? Thanks, darling.” She walked out of the room before you could protest anymore. You groaned, placing your head in your hands.
This wasn’t the first time you were invited to the Weasley's house. There was one or two times where they invited you, you would’ve gone if Fred and George didn’t live there, so you faked being sick. 
Of course, your mother wouldn’t fall for it this time. So, you slipped on a nice pair of jeans and a comfortably warm sweater. 
While checking yourself out in the mirror, making sure nothing looked weird on you, an owl flew onto your windowsill, holding a bright purple envelope sealed with orange wax in between its beak. You were hesitant to take the envelope from it. You’ve never seen this bird before.
You nervously took the envelope from the bird and it flew away without any problem. Being more confused than ever, you flipped the envelope to the back, maybe it had been delivered to the wrong person?
However, your address was issued underneath it, it even stated where your bedroom was. Your stomach tensed, this was creepy. A bird you’ve never seen before shows up at your window with a tacky envelope that has direct instructions to your bedroom.
You opened it cautiously, not knowing what would be inside, as soon as it was halfway open, confetti and a few miniature fireworks popped out.
A little birdy (no pun intended) told us you were coming over tonight! Can’t wait to see you, we miss seeing your scowls and hearing your mean voice!    - F & G
Of course, the twins. How the hell did they know the exact location of your room? While trying to figure that out, you nearly missed the small writing at the bottom of the card.
p.s. we have a gift for you, hopefully, you’ll like it :)
You furiously crumbled it up, practically slamming it into your trash bin. Stomping back to your mirror, you picked out all the bits of confetti that had got caught in your hair and the few pieces on your sweater and floor until your mum told you it was time to leave.
Merlin, have mercy on me. You thought to yourself.
The dinner party wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. The first thing you noticed was how Mrs. and Mr. Weasley were the most welcoming and kindest people you met. You wondered how Mrs. Weasley especially dealt with the twins and their mischief for fifteen years of her life. 
When you sat down at the table with everyone else, you were disappointed in Harry and Hermione's absences, you expected at least one of them to be there. However, Hermione was traveling with her parents and Harry wasn’t allowed to leave the Dursleys home.
You kept your distance from the twins, choosing the seat that was farthest from them at the table, sticking by Ginny's side and making conversation with her. Yet, the twins still took any chance they could get to mess with you.
They stole food off your plate when you weren’t looking, taking whatever bowl of food you were reaching for first, even putting whatever potion they made to cause your roasted ham to turn into a green color.
“Hey, it’s like that one muggle book, with the guy who rhymes!” Fred pointed out.
“What was his name? Dr.Sauce?” Fred quipped, Ginny let out a small giggle at the name.
“Dr.Seuss, Fred.” Mr. Weasley corrected, “I’ve actually had to take in a few of his books at work. One bloke was trying to figure out why the drawings weren’t moving.” Their dad chuckled and nudged you playfully with his elbow.
Anyway, you tried to stay as positive and nice as you could at the table, but you had to refrain from rolling your eyes anytime Fred or George opened their mouths. Any slight expression of annoyance would earn you a small kick under the table and a stern stare from your mum, your dad would clear his throat or raise his eyebrows at you, these were their ways of saying “Behave, be nice, I’m warning you.”
You were still upset that you had to deal with the one thing- two things you were glad to stay away from, that you expected to stay away from during your winter break. You only had one unwanted big interaction with them, the others were small.
All the adults were in the front yard drinking and having their “alone time from you kids” as Mr. Weasley jokingly said to you. Ginny and Ron were arguing over the TV remote, constantly stealing it from each other and changing the channel to what one of them wanted.
You made your escape by excusing yourself to the kitchen, going to the sink, and refilling your glass with water.
While taking a drink from your glass, you weren’t paying attention to the sneaky and slow footsteps coming behind you. The next thing you felt was two sets of hands on each of your upper arms and you heard two loud troll-like screams.
You jumped and choked on your water, coughing violently as you put down your glass and turned around, shoving both of the twins away as they chuckled.
“What the hell was that for?” You fumed through hard coughs.
“We missed you! We haven’t been able to tease you in months!” George chuckled.
“It feels like we’ve been going through withdrawals.” Fred dramatically said, putting a hand over his heart.
“It’s not teasing, it’s annoying and rude. Now I'd like for both of you to get away from me.” You shoved yourself through both of them, splitting them apart from each other.
The biggest sigh of relief left your body when you finally got back home. You traveled by floo powder and while getting ready to throw the dust down, you heard those two annoying voices call your name.
“Y/N! Y/N! We haven’t given you your gift yet!” You smiled mockingly as you said your address out loud, throwing the powder down and letting the green flames engulf you and send you back to the fireplace at your home.
“See, that wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it?” Your father teased as you brushed the floo powder off your clothes. “I know those boys irritate you but you’re going to have to learn how to deal with it unfortunately. I don’t believe that won’t be the only visit we make to the Weasley's burrow. You know your mum will want to invite them over too now.” He patted your shoulder and left the room.
You slipped off your shoes and headed upstairs, by the time you opened your door, there was an owl sitting at your windowsill once again. The same owl from before you left with the same tacky envelope.
You took it and opened it clumsily. You breathed out and began to read the messy handwriting.
It was very nice to see your face again! We missed you! 
They didn’t miss you, they missed playing pranks on you. 
So sweet for you to come over and see us! Can’t wait until we get back to school, we have a few surprises up our sleeves. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the dinner!
                                                Love, Gred and Forge
p.s. you forgot your gift! :(
You rolled your eyes as you tossed the card into the trash, walking up to the owl, you hadn’t noticed the small box in its claws, the owl dropped it in your hand, and you stared at it intently.
A small purple box, wrapped with an orange ribbon and tie on top. What’s with them and the colors purple and orange?
You noticed the owl was still sitting at your window as if it was waiting for you to give a letter back.
“Go on, shoo! I’m not sending anything back!” You waved the feathery bird off, lying back down on your bed, going back to analyzing the little box. You didn’t open it, you knew there was most likely some trick to it, maybe like a bunch of glitter would shoot out, or a million tiny fireworks. They wouldn’t give you a plain present, there always had to be something mischievous added to it.
You set it down on your nightstand by your bed. Maybe you’d open it. But not now, you’ll deal with whatever happens when you open it later.
Maybe about two hours later that bloody owl had come back. You snatched the letter and tore it open, there was no more care in you to be neat with the envelopes.
It’s a bit rude to receive our letter and not respond, I thought you’d said before that you were the one with manners, Ms. Y/L/N. How’d you like your gift? Don’t leave us waiting and wondering! 
One of them had drawn a stick figure with a sad face, with tiny rows of tears falling from its eyes. You smiled at it, then stopped, going back to a straight face once you remembered who this drawing was from. You did not find the twins funny, you never will.
You stomped over to your desk, grabbing a piece of paper, a bottle of ink, and your quill, writing the only letter you would ever send them willingly.
The dinner was very nice, I’m grateful and appreciative that your mother let us come over. I thank her for that. I’m not trusting that box you gave me. I’m not sending any more letters to you two dimwits. Now, shut up and leave me alone you CREEPS!
You wrote the last word in red ink with multiple underlines, hoping they would get your message and finally leave you alone, you knew they wouldn’t, but you tried anyway. You signed your name off nicely, unbothered to put it in an envelope, you weren’t going to put a single bit of effort into anything that was for Fred and George. You gave your paper to your owl this time instead of theirs, giving her sweet words of appreciation and asking her for one extra favor.
“Bite Fred for me, or whichever twin is closer.” You smiled, sending your owl out your window and off into the air.
Only thirty minutes later your owl had returned with a letter, the same one you had sent to them, the only difference was that it had different writing on the back.
We’ll see about that. You let out an angry sigh, crumpling it up and throwing it into the bin, along with the various other purple envelopes. 
You closed and locked your window, putting your owl in her cage and letting her go to bed, covering her cage with a sheet so she wouldn’t be woken up by any light. Then, you decided to go to bed as well, hoping you would sleep through any other attempts of the boys trying to piss you off by sending you letters. 
Fortunately, after that it was silent. Unfortunately, your own thoughts were too loud, they were keeping you awake.
There was a small interaction you had with Fred, it lasted probably for only a minute. 
You were standing in the corner of the kitchen as everyone was conversing in their own separate groups. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley talking to your parents, Ginny and Hermione both complaining about Ron, Ron and Harry were debating about something Quidditch related with the twins.
All the social interaction had drained you, and you really needed to be alone. You excused yourself once again to the bathroom, which was on the third floor. You stood around for a little while in the bathroom, with how talkative your parents were, you knew you wouldn’t be leaving for the next few hours. 
You wondered how long you could be there, how long it would take for anybody to notice that you've been gone for an abnormally large amount of time. You realized you couldn’t hide in the bathroom forever so you left.
You reached the first floor when you realized you weren't ready to go back down where everyone was, you decided to wander down the hallway. Walking slowly and taking small steps, taking a look at each room with an open door. The rooms were a bit small but still nice, at least Ginny’s was still nice.
Her bed was neatly made, there was a wooden desk that had little trinkets lined up across it, a quill and ink sat carefully on top of some papers. Her wall had various Hogwarts and Gryffindor-related things stuck to it.
The next room was above hers, on the second floor. This one was a bit more spacious than the others. Two beds on opposite sides of the room, and another large wooden desk, the same as Ginny’s placed right in front of a window. Except this desk was messy, the whole room was messy.
Beds unmade, socks sprawled across the floor, clothes shoved poorly into their dresser drawer, some popular rock wizard bands posters terribly taped and quidditch medals pinned to the wall. Their desk had multiple crumpled-up balls of paper on it and around it, envelopes, drops, and splatters of black ink staining the glossy wood, candy wrappers, an open textbook nearly about to fall off the edge, and papers with sketches and such bad handwriting it looked like scribbles. 
You fully walked into the room and went over to the desk, picking up one of the parchments that had the most eligible writing. It was a list of sweets, apparently. You’ve never heard of these before.
“Hasn’t your mother told you not to snoop around?” A voice asked from behind you. You jumped and turned around quickly, only to see a tall, redheaded, smirking boy leaning against the doorway. 
Fred, you could tell it was him. He and George are easy to tell apart, for you at least. The way Fred carries himself, how he stands, how he looks, how he annoys you.
“Hasn’t yours told you not to sneak up on people?” You bit back. He shrugged and pushed himself away from the doorway, slowly walking towards you.
“Ah! You’ve found me and George's great ideas!” He nodded at the paper that was still in your hand. The paper that had their “great” ideas, sure.
“How are these great? Fever fudge? Puking pastille? Who would even want these? It’s sick!” You said disgustedly.
“They are sick. Literally.” He chuckled, only to get a grimace from you. “Anyways, kids who want to get out of class want these. But, we’re still working on them. Some of them haven’t worked out the way we wanted them to.” He trailed off.
“Yeah, like the canary cream.” You let out a small scoff.
“Listen, it was an accident!” Fred cried out, taking the paper from you.
“An accident you thought was hilarious.” You spat. Fred’s eyes wandered until they got stuck on a shiny piece of something in your hair. Confetti.
“Uh, you’ve got some confetti in your hair.” He pointed out. Your eyes grew wide in embarrassment, you’d been here the entire time with confetti still stuck in your hair and no one informed you about it. You took your fingers and immediately started combing through your hair.
“Did I get it?” You asked anxiously, Fred only shook his head from side to side. You repeated your actions and asked again, he repeated his again in response. 
“You know what, let me just…” He mumbled, his hand reaching out to your head, plucking out the piece with caution to not pluck out a strand of your hair as well, you didn’t stop him. “There. It’s out.” He gave you a tight-lipped smile.
There was a pause between you two. Time felt like it slowed down as he removed his hand from your hair. There was a twinkle in his eye, his face glowed in the moonlight which was the only source of light in the room. 
“Well, no thanks to you. You’re the one who caused it to get stuck there in the first place.” You shoved past him once again. Heading back downstairs.
Tossing, turning, constantly changing your position, removing blankets, flipping your pillows. Nothing seemed to help you get comfortable. You even tried the classic counting sheep. Nothing.
The moonlight peeked through your windows, and a large stripe of light shined on that stupid little box. You couldn’t take your eyes off it.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
hiii!! how r u doing? a small tbb request…..a hc where the reader discovers the batcher's weakness…..like tech is ticklish and teases them about it(the batcher and reader r friend who, u knoww, like eachother)….i mean if this request is weird then pls ignore it………also i lovee all ur tbb hcs<33
Such a nice idea! That's pretty sweet. But I have to admit, it wasn't easy to make up weaknesses like that to be exploitable in a sweet way. I mean, being ticklish is an easy one, but the rest...
Not sure if I nailed the assignment (guess not exactly), but I did something, and I think it's mostly kinda cute!
Sorry you had to wait so long for this one!
The Bad Batch x Reader HCs - Cute Little Weakness
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Fluff/Partly Suggestive
It takes a while for you to realize it, but once you do, you notice it more and more. Hunter responds to your voice, specific pitches really get under his skin. When you talk to him softly, almost in a whisper, very gently, or when you giggle, laugh heartily.
One lovely evening, you approach him from behind. He already knows that you are there, you don't really sneak up on him, you know that he will notice you anyway, no matter if you try. Your goal is to get close to him, to look over his shoulder from behind while he sits there in the cockpit.
Your head is quite close to his. He pauses, turns his head slightly, and his eyes wander in your direction. As you say softly, in a low, slightly deeper tone, "What are you doing there?"
You can see his fine neck hairs stand up. He blinks as if he needs to reorient himself. Your voice creeps under his skin, gently tingling his nerve endings and triggering a flurry of butterflies in his stomach.
At first, he can't react at all, and you just smile knowingly as Hunter's eyes cautiously search your gaze. His smile is almost shy as he tells you, "Nothing special, why do you ask?"
"No reason, I'm just curious," you say in the same tone, and you can tell that these words, though simple, have the same effect.
Your hands gently rest on his shoulders, still looking sideways over his shoulder from behind, you say, "I discovered your secret, by the way," this time your voice has a hint of innuendo.
"You did?" he asks, startled.
Hunter's heart hammers nervously in his chest. He wonders if you've actually figured him out.
"You have a voice kink."
Hunter blinks several times.
"I have a what?"
"Certain pitches really get under your skin, don't they?"
Hunter takes a moment of mixed relief and nervousness. So you haven't figured out that he has a crush on you. But the fact that you noticed about the voice still makes him feel a little uneasy.
Hunter lets out a small, nervous chuckle.
"Oh, you noticed that?" he says with a wry smile.
Again, you adopt that one pitch and say softly, close to his ear, "Yes indeed, but don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
Hunter's hands cling to the armrests of the chair, at the moment he's very glad that he didn't decide to leave out the cod piece today after all for the sake of convenience, otherwise you would notice something else entirely right now.
You discover his little weakness by accident. You catch Echo smelling your things, clothes but also cosmetic bottles like perfume or your beauty cream. It smells like you, and he has a weakness for that scent. He has spent his whole life among soldiers, often long periods in the field, and he is used to the smells of standard soap, disinfectants and the like. On bad days, it was dirt, sweat and other unpleasant smells.
But since you travel with the batch, there's a whole new scent in the room, one he can't get enough of, one that magically attracts him. Echo can't help it, as soon as no one is looking, he sniffs your pillow. In the bathroom, he secretly smells your body lotion and if you stand close enough to him, if you pay close attention, you see how he tries to inhale as deeply as possible without obviously sniffing you.
You've seen this a few times now, and this time when you're alone, you speak to him just as he thinks he's alone in the Marauder, with your pillow in his hand that he lifts to his nose.
He makes a startled noise, it almost sounds like a little scream, and hastily tosses the pillow back into your bunk before quickly turning to you and staring at you out of wide eyes.
With a cheeky little smile, you ask him, "Wouldn't you rather smell the original?"
You can see he gulps, he thinks for a long moment, unsure if he should be direct, deny or rather take flight. His eyes bounce back and forth for a second, but finally he looks directly at you.
"Would you mind?" he asks more boldly than he feels.
With a shake of your head, you say, "No, I don't mind."
You walk up to him, he tilts his head in your direction and close to your neck he takes a deep breath, you stand so close you can feel the shiver going through his body.
You hear Echo whisper softly, "Oh dear maker."
When you first notice it, you think nothing of it. He's wearing his full gear underneath but only the top of his Blacks on his torso, it's a hot day. You work together in the cramped engine room and as you try to position yourself to reach the cable you're supposed to hold for him, your fingers graze his side.
Tech flinches and shudders. You think nothing of it, because Tech has always been a little squirmy at unexpected physical contact. Mumbling an apology, you continue to go about your work. But you notice it more and more often and actually Tech has no problem with it when you come closer, meanwhile he trusts you and the contact is no longer unpleasant for him, nevertheless it happens again and again that a touch makes him twitch and shudder. Then it becomes clear to you, Tech is ticklish.
The next time you're alone in the cramped engine room, you brush against him on purpose and get the same reaction, right after that you do it again. Your fingertips slide over both of his sides this time. Tech makes a startled noise and drops his tools.
With reddened cheeks, he stares at you, not sure if he should or wants to fight back. He squirms under your gentle fingers in the tight space between two machines, where you're so close you can feel each other's body heat and there's not really room to dodge.
"What are you doing?" he asks, startled.
"I'm tickling you," you say with a big smile.
He squirms and makes sounds that you haven't heard from him before. Finally, he hastily grabs your wrists and pulls your arms up, pressing them against the machine behind you.
Breathing heavily, he says, "Pretty naughty. Let's see if you're ticklish too."
It doesn't matter if you are really ticklish or not, Tech is sure to find a spot, and he will lovingly retaliate. I wouldn't be surprised if this way, maybe now or next time, your first kiss comes about.
He loves to watch you sleep. You don't know about it for a long time. He has a hidden, gentle side that comes out especially when he sees you sleeping soundly, when he hears the little sighs you sometimes let out, or the mumbled words when you talk in your sleep.
He looks at you dreamily when no one is watching him, smiles to himself, he doesn't know why, but whenever you sleep, and he can watch you without you catching him, he feels so close and intimate to you, and he likes that feeling.
An outsider might find that creepy, but nothing about what he is doing or feeling at that moment is really creepy. He would never touch you without conscious permission. He is a more physical guy, but at this moment he has no ulterior motives of that kind.
Crosshair just enjoys the quiet, the peace, your pretty face and the little, noises you make and enjoys the feeling of being close to you in this way. Hunter caught him doing this once and the two of them talked for quite a while about this strange behavior, you don't know anything about that though, at least nothing about their conversation.
After Crosshair explains himself, Hunter says directly, "If you want to be close to her, then maybe you should talk to her openly for once and not stalk her in her sleep."
"That's none of your business," the sniper grumbles.
Hunter shrugs, "It's just pretty cowardly, don't you think?"
Crosshair doesn't talk to Hunter for quite a while after this conversation. You don't know why, though. Finally, Hunter brings it to your attention that Crosshair is watching you while you sleep, and you get an idea.
You are alone with Crosshair on the Marauder, the others are in Cid's Bar. You pretend to be incredibly tired, lie down in your bunk, close your eyes and start listening while pretending to be asleep. After a while, you hear him come into the room quietly, you hear him sit down on the edge of his bunk, opposite yours. You know Crosshair is watching you now.
You gently squirm a little, as if you're dreaming, then whisper his name, as if you're saying it in a dream.
You can literally feel him holding his breath. You move a little, as if your dream is a little restless and intense, deliberately letting the blanket shift a little.
"Crosshair," it comes over your lips again, still as if in a trance, but this time with a slightly more urgent undertone.
You hear him move, you feel him standing right next to you, looking at you. He is undecided. He wonders if you are having a nightmare, and he should wake you up. But you keep playing the game, your hand moves under the covers, between your legs. He sees your hand move under the blanket and nervously tugs at his collar.
"Crosshair", this time the word is like a gentle sigh, a breath that comes over your slightly opened lips.
At the same moment, you feel that he is standing next to you and his head is above you. You open your eyes abruptly. Crosshair flinches, startles, and bumps his head on the bunk above yours.
He curses through clenched teeth, rubs the back of his head, and takes a step back, away from your bunk. With a sigh, he finally dares to look at you, and you grin cheekily at him.
"You haven't slept at all, have you?" he asks grumpily, still rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't be mad," you say with a little pout.
Crosshair sighs, then you see him smirk.
"Well, since you're awake, maybe we should make your dreams come true".
He likes to eat, we all know that. He's a big guy who consumes a lot of energy and is correspondingly hungry. What you didn't know until recently is that he steals your candy and other snacks.
Often you think that maybe you have forgotten that you have already consumed the things or that you have forgotten to get new ones. But at some point you realize that someone is stealing from you, so to speak. Of course, you also know that it can only be one of the guys, and you quickly know which one.
Setting a trap for the gentle, thieving giant, you put sweets in the communal cupboard, write your name on them as usual and hide yourself in a corner between two lockers.
You don't have to wait long, Wrecker shows up, after showering, he has the leg armor on but only a shirt on his torso and a towel is around his shoulder. He looks around for a moment, and you can see that he is about to do something 'forbidden'. In fact, Wrecker opens the cupboard, grabs your snacks and starts snacking on them.
You slowly come out of hiding, cross your arms in front of your chest, look at him and wait for him to discover you. Wrecker almost drops the chocolate he has in his hand when he turns his head and spots you.
"Uh, maker, you scared the crap out of me."
You tap your foot impatiently, still crossing your arms, and give him a piercing look.
Wrecker grins coyly at you, and his sheepish expression is completely disarming.
You sigh, unknot your arms, and ask, "Would you at least share the stuff you're stealing from me?"
Guiltily, he sets the chocolate down on the table next to the cabinet.
"Don't be mad, okay?" he says softly.
Suddenly, he abruptly grabs your hips and sits you down on the table next to the chocolate, grinning at you.
"I think Crosshair got some yogurt, you want some?"
You laugh softly and say, "He'll kill us if he finds out."
Wrecker builds himself up to his full height and says with a little wink, "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Hello! I came up with an idea for an application.
So, Tomas with a reader who is usually very arrogant and self-centered, so they don't get along very well within Shirai Ryu. But then one day, in a moment of vulnerability, they both have a one night stand and then they went back to normal as if nothing had happened, but since then, Tomas starts having feelings and he is not sure if the reader feels the same way about him. him, but in the end he decides to confess it.
It's quite long, sorry 😞 you can ignore it if you don't like the idea. And sorry if there are mistakes here, English is not my first language.
Thank you! 💕
We Need to Talk About This
Prior notes: There is no need to apologize! No idea is a bad idea unless you are my friend who somehow isn’t in jail.
Pairing: Tomas x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: it’s a desert over here
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Constant bickering between you and Tomas. It never ends. Ever since the first day you joined the Shirai Ryu you’ve gotten on his nerves. The way you would speak so high you of your skills, putting others down just to bring yourself up. Don’t even get him started on how you would leave anybody behind just to save your own ass. This is a clan, you’re supposed to work together.
As much as he judges you, you judge him back. You judge him for caring too much. He was a hunter and an assassin. This is life or death you are talking about and you have to save yourself. You also have to let others know your strength to prevent anyone from messing with you. It’s the way life goes.
You two just can’t agree on anything. But do you know when you’re both able to meet in the middle? When you guys share a bottle of Sake.
Yes and I mean the good kind. The kind that makes you all flushed. The kind that makes you all touchy and call Tomas cute. Makes you do a little strip tease and open your legs wide. The kind of sake that makes Tomas scoop you up and take you right to his bed.
No one could sleep that night. It was the combination of your moans about how good he is at this and Tomas fucking into you roughly that the headboard kept banging against the wall.
That’s what alcohol does, it leaves you vulnerable to anyone. In that moment you were vulnerable to each other. A moment where you welcomed someone’s embrace and let your walls down. Only to wake up with a killer headache and a huge shock.
You were surprised by many things. You weren’t in your bed, your clothes were on the floor, and Tomas was passed out next to you. Soon after Tomas woke up himself and stared at you in shock. He would have asked the same questions you had in your head but he put all the pieces together.
It left you both stunned and sitting there, questioning is there was something hidden under the surface that made you two think this was a good idea. After about five minutes you silently got up and started to put your clothes on. Tomas wanted to say something but it felt like his mouth dried up. You managed to put your clothes and started to walk towards the door. You took one last look at him.
“Let’s just pretend this never happened. The sake was talking for us.” You walked out.
Tomas couldn’t pretend that the one night stand never happened. Even if he was drunk he remembers some parts of it so clearly.
He can remember how your arrogant and self-centered personality was gone in that moment. How sweet your voice was as you praised him. That look in your eyes could make him think you actually liked him. Like you two were secret lovers this whole time.
But when the morning came he questioned what was the alcohol and what was true. All he knows now is that feelings are true. He wants to see that sweet side of you again.
Now your attitude was worse when it came to everybody else. Everybody knows what happened that night and you want them all to forget as well. During training your arrogance is loud and proud. You’re telling everyone ‘looks like I’m the best and you’re the worst’ which pisses them off.
Someone fell in front of you and instead of helping them up you kicked dirt in their face and walked off. Usually you just laugh at them but kicking dirt in their face was something else. Your actions were really upsetting everyone to the point that Kuai Liang put you on a sort of suspension. No more missions or training until you learn to act right. Or at least a little better.
The only person you were acting better with was Tomas. He would still come up to you to scold you for insulting others. Every time you would look at him he saw a flash of that softness reappear in your eyes before going back to normal.
You started to struggle talking your usual shit to him. Your insults were weak. You couldn’t even say you were better than him without remembering that one night stand. That memory would flash in your head and you’d remember how good and warm he made you feel. Not in just a sexual way but in an intimate, romantic way. You can’t let anyone know that however. They’ll all think you’re weak.
You still hid your feelings well since Tomas questioned if you really felt anything from that night. He was still annoyed with you because you wouldn’t give him a hint on how you felt. You were acting strange but that’s all he knew. He doesn’t doubt that there are people out there who can have a one night stand and walk away without feeling some sort of connection. But after doing it with you and seeing how you are when all loose he believes you’re not one of them.
If somehow you are one of those people, he knows that he isn’t. He felt a connection that night and it can’t be the alcohol talking still. He has to let it out. He has to tell you how he feels. You guys should have talked about what happened the moment both of you woke up. When he found where you were he went straight towards you.
“I need to talk with you for at least a minute.” He said
He saw that flash again of softness before you started acting arrogant again.
“Can’t you see I’m showing these pinhead noobies how weak they are. How they ain’t nothing compared to me.” You spat at one of the clan members who was just sitting there, shocked by your shift in attitude.
Tomas ended up grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you away. He didn’t scold you immediately, he would have to soon, he just wanted to get you somewhere private. He dragged you into a secluded room before letting you go.
“What the hell! Don’t touch me like that ever again. I don’t need your filthy hands rubbing against my nice skin.” You rubbed your wrist as if he actually hurt you.
“Cut it out already. You’ve been even more insufferable after that one night.” He brought it up after you told him not to.
“I thought we agreed we wouldn’t talk about it.”
“You said we should forget about it. I didn’t. And you clearly didn’t either since I see how you react now.”
Tomas has a point and you hate him for that. You hated how he sees your reactions. He knows you are feeling different but you don’t ever wanna say it. You want to run away from it. You tried doing that now by walking about of the room but he caught you by the shirt.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, fine. Let me say my peace before you go walking around with that nasty attitude of yours.” He forced you to look at him before speaking.
He lets it all out. Starting from the moment the sake hit to waking up with you. The warmth he felt when talking to you as you both swayed back and forth even while sitting. How warm your body felt against his. How lovely your eyes look and how they showed affection. And your words, oh those praises, how he felt adored by you. You won’t lie, you remember all of that as well. He really exposed you like that. Everything he said you felt the same.
“I’m not a man who goes sleeping with anyone and never thinking about them again. We were drunk, I know. That doesn’t mean what I feel now is a drunken statement. You don’t have to like me, just know I see something in you. You can leave if you want.” He finished off, letting you know you can leave now if you so desire.
But after that whole thing, how can you just walk away. That man just raised your ego by saying one night with you made him fall for you. You fell for him too but you won’t voice that out.
“I mean, who wouldn’t fall in love with me. I’m just that good in bed.” You replied but it sounded awkward. You weren’t even the one on top.
“Okay fine, so we had a good time. I’m not gonna deny that anymore. And maybe we developed some feelings. So what.” In other words, you like him a little too.
Tomas was surprised by your response. Even if it wasn’t straight forward your body language and your tone told him what he needed to know. He sighed out of annoyed but accepted what he could get.
“You’re so annoying.” He said before bringing pulling you into a hug.
“You’re annoying.” You grumbled but you didn’t push him away.
This relationship will sure be a strange one. One with constant bickering still but with love behind it. Hopefully Tomas can straighten out that attitude of yours. Make you a little more compassionate at least. There is just one more thing he wants you to know.
“I love you.”
“Yeah I bet you do.” Quit the attitude already.
After notes: I was thinking of Ena through this whole thing, don’t know why. I ended it off with the same way I give attitude to my fiancé cause as I was writing he decided to say something that made me become stubborn. I like the way I say trinkets i like trinkets there is no issue with that. Well, to the person who suggested this I hope I have made you happy and have a good rest of your day/night. Adiós!
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yuna542 · 9 months
💫Drabble Challenge💫
By @marked-unknown
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Pairing: Han x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Fluff, Comfort, Angst, Sexualising, Mentions of Sex, Swearing
Word Count: 5.8k
Note: I know it’s cheesy and cliché but I couldn’t help myself. Would love to be forced into a long bus drive with Han. ^^
Join my <Challenge>
„He reminds me of this annoying (but very charming) kid in a bus that tries to make you laugh when all you want to do is listen to your sad, depressing emo songs, pretend like you are in a sad music video and read your book (like Picture of Dorian Gray or some french poetry). You are stuck in that bus for couple of hours and there he is - making jokes, giving you snacks, making stupid faces, asking you to read the book out loud for him and so on, until he succeeds and you laugh and talk to him.“
"This seat is taken!" you snapped at the young man with the light hazelnut hair and unnaturally cute face who was about to push aside your bag on the seat next to you. Almost in a panic, you had your arm pressed down on the pile and were glaring at him in warning.
"Really? I don't see anyone here..." he replied dryly, sliding the headphones off his ears so they were around his neck.
You were getting angry again just looking at him. Han Jisung was the most annoying person on the planet, and after a day like this, exactly the last thing you needed.
"Just sit somewhere else!" you hissed at him and he just snorted and dropped onto the pair of seats in front of you where he put his backpack down, only to turn back to you and continue to annoy you, even though all you wanted was your peace and a quiet bus ride to feel sorry for yourself.
The day was already shitty enough, you didn't need his help to make things worse. In fact he did already enough.
"Are you mad about the suitcase? I didn't do it on purpose," he started a conversation with you again, while you pointedly pulled out your airpods and put one in your ear to finally block out his voice.
„It is your own fault. You should have just let me help but you're always so stubborn..."
You sighed in annoyance and put the other headphone in your ear as well. Then you picked a song on your phone. Han finally turned back to the front, apparently having finally realized that you weren't in the mood to talk to him. You looked out of the bus window and watched the other passengers who loaded their suitcases into the bus and also looked for seats. It was already noon, although the bus should start early at 10. Everything was running late and you could only hope to arrive at the hotel in time to try on your dress and prepare for the bachelor party. Otherwise you wouldn't get much sleep tonight. Your best friend was getting married tomorrow and you were the main bridesmaid in charge of planning the party. However, it all took place at a resort by the sea and the bus ride there took several hours. She didn't tell you until the last second that Jisung, her annoying big brother, would also be traveling with you. She knew exactly that you didn't get along very well. When he stood on the platform and waved to you, you would have liked to throw your suitcase right onto the road and yourself right after. Your nerves were already strained and a bus ride of several hours with Jisung sounded like hell. However, this was for your best friend and so you had swallowed your frustration and had been silently putting your suitcase away when he suddenly grabbed it. You ripped it back and had looked at him uncomprehendingly.
"For God's sake let go of the suitcase Jisung!"
"Let me help you," he said, and what should have been a friendly gesture, today made you go full crazy.
"I can do this by myself! Hands off!"
You tried to snatch the suitcase out of his hands again, but he was just as stubborn as you and always trying to tease you to the edge of bursting. Another reason why you probably had friction again and again. He continued to hold the suitcase, trying to pry it out of your hands.
"Just give it to me! Don't be like that!"
By now you were being eyed by the other passengers and the conversations around you died down as you fought like wild dogs over the suitcase, like the last bit of meat.
"Fucking let go you idiot!" you shouted, shoving the suitcase at him with a jerk so that it slammed against his chest. You're face was already glowing with embarrassment.
"I'm just trying to be nice, you ungrateful crumb!" he grumbled back, and as you both ripped at the suitcase at the same time, the clasp snapped and the zipper ripped open with a loud rattling sound. In a whirl of chaos and colorful fabric, the entire contents of your suitcase spilled out onto the dirty floor and you froze, stunned and on the verge of screaming out loud. Jisung's eyes were as big as plates, stammering something akin to an apology, while the other people around you began to murmur and whisper. You wanted to sink to the ground in shame, scream at Jisung or punch him in the face, but instead you just knelt down in a panic and tried to stuff your things back into the suitcase with your head buzzing. Because of the stress, you only noticed after a few seconds that Jisung was also kneeling next to you and collecting your things.
He didn't dare to say anything, until he held a red lace bra in his hands and actually pulled out the matching panties.
"Holy shit... What are you up to with these?" he asked with the more than erotic thong in his hand, which was basically all lace. He opened his mouth to say something stupid again, looking at you incredulously, but by then you were already ripping your underwear out of his hands and throwing them into the suitcase with the last pair of pants, and slammed it shut emphatically.
Without looking at him again, you had boarded the bus until he finally stood next to you again to get on your nerves.
As the bus began to move, you breathed a quiet sigh of relief and leaned your head against the window. While Lana Del Ray sang the sad melodies through your headphones and you watched the landscape go by, you tried to sink deeper and deeper into your melancholic mood. Because that's exactly what you needed right now. You had every right to gaze dreamily out the windows like in a movie and mourn over the crappy day.
"What are you listening to?"
Annoyed, you groaned as Jisung pushed his head between his two seats before you and eyed you curiously with his sparkling eyes. When you didn't answer, but stubbornly continued to look out the window so you wouldn't have to keep looking at that cute face, you felt his penetrating gaze continue on you.
"Aren't you going to talk to me? I asked you a question. Babe don't ignore me. You know that's useless..."
You tried to just tune him out, but this became more difficult with every second he stared through the seats with puffy cheeks and pouted lips, making you blush whyever. So you couldn't concentrate on the song, or your gloomy mood.
"Are you bored, Ji? Don't you have something better to do than annoy me?" you sighed, and the fact that you were finally talking to him he was clearly chalking up as a win.
"Actually, the battery in my headphones died... So I wanted to make a little conversation. And I'm bored."
You should have guessed.
Jisung has never been able to sit still except when he was asleep or listening to music. He always had to do something. Singing, dancing, or just talking nonsense. He had always been like that. Full of energy and charm. Never to be stopped and always with his head through the wall.
"Sounds like a personal problem. Then find someone else to annoy," you said, and he just grinned wryly.
"I only know you here though and you're always so cute when you're angry. Yes! Exactly like that, when you scrunch your nose like that!"
Quickly you averted your eyes, swallowed and tried to get rid of the rising heat from your cheeks. He was driving you increasingly insane. How you could endure five more hours with him was a mystery to you. Only an hour later, you were engrossed in your book. Jisung had fallen asleep. Thank God. Although the book was really good and you enjoyed the quiet moments, you kept catching yourself peeking between the seats and when you smiled at the sight of the dozing idiot, you quickly shook your head and averted your eyes again. He looked really cute when he was this quiet. His long eyelashes cast dark crescents on his cheeks and his plush lips were slightly pouted in sleep.
You tried to focus on the book again. It was a really sensual book. Full of romance, betrayal and a whole lot of eroticism. You were in your own world, the letters blurred into pictures before your eyes and you were completely absorbed in the story. Just as things were getting heated, you flinched violently as Jisung's voice suddenly tore through the film in your mind like a bolt of lightning and threw you back into reality. Suddenly you were back on the rattling bus full of strangers and your annoying companion.
"What are you reading?"
"A book. I know you probably don't know what that is," you replied a little meaner than you really wanted to. You didn't know yourself why you were projecting your anger and disappointment of the last days onto him, but he didn't really make it easy for you either.
Jisung tilted his head to read the title and the back of the book.
"You can read it to me..."
Suddenly he got wide-eyed and you already rolled your eyes, because you knew exactly what was coming now.
"Is this an erotic novel?" he exclaimed louder than necessary. The old couple in the seats next to you looked at you disturbed and the moment you embarrassedly looked around he used and snatched the book out of your hand. Much too late you jumped up and grabbed just the air. He stretched so that you couldn't reach him over the seats and read the page you had just been on.
"Give me that!" you hissed in panic, knowing exactly what he was reading. The scene was hot, violent, and in fact filthy porn.
"What the hell! This kind of things exist in books?", it escaped Jisung and he couldn't take his eyes off the page.
"Jisung! Please!" you pleaded, and by now you were bent over the back of the seat.
He looked at you, grinning at the desperation on your face. You were embarrassed and never wanted to look him in the eye again.
"Is that what you're into? With bondage and spanking?" he asked a little more softly, one eyebrow raised provocatively but he sounded genuinely interested.
"Shit, that's not funny..." you mumbled, and that's when he finally let you take the book out of his hands. As fast as you could you stowed it away in your bag. By now he was sitting turned around again in his seat right in front of you and had his arms crossed over the backrest.
"I remember when my sister and you were secretly watching 50 Shades of Grey and got caught. Your face was just as red then," he smirked, poking your cheek with his finger.
"Shut up!" you whispered, dejected by the shame. Quickly, you crossed your arms and looked out the window again. It was afternoon by now. In a few hours you would finally arrive and then you could avoid him. The rumbling in your stomach, while he continued to look at you with glittering eyes and without averting his gaze, became worse and worse. That's when he held out a bag of chips to you, but you declined, shaking your head.
"What's wrong?" he finally asked, causing you to look up. Seeing the genuine concern in his eyes, you frowned in confusion.
"Huh?" was the only thing you could get out. His face was so close to yours that you could see the golden speckles in the chocolate brown of his eyes. Even up close, he was unnervingly attractive.
"Why have you been in such a bad mood all day? You never turn down snacks. What happened?"
"I'm not," you replied quickly. Too quickly. You've always been lousy at lying and Jisung knew you too long to fall for it.
"Oh yeah, so you're always this mean?" he asked, resting his cheek on the back of his hand that was laying on the backrest.
His open curiosity without any condemnation, made you sigh. Why would you lie? You could tell him. Maybe he would laugh at you, but then at least you would have gotten it off your chest.
"I got stood up. I had a date yesterday and he didn't show up."
Han tapped his finger thoughtfully on the blue cushion.
"Maybe he had a good reason," he considered, and that he was trying to cheer you up made you smile.
"It was the third time..."
Directly he got big eyes and pulled his eyebrows together.
"Oh," he mumbled, not knowing what to say to that. Just like you. It was humiliating to wait a whole hour in that cafe just to get a curt message without a explanation. Again.
You looked down at your hands kneading them in your lap, lost in thought.
"I really thought this time it would work out... He was really nice and attentive at first. Turned out he just wanted to sleep with me. I'm so sick of men."
Jisung looked at you concerned and pressed his lips together.
"Yeah... Unfortunately, many men are really too stupid to realize what they're missing. Even if it's right in front of them."
When you looked at him, a bit confused, he averted his eyes and quickly looked out the window. There was a strange tension in the air that you found hard to describe. Like the smell that hung in the air after a thunderstorm.
It sounded like there was more to the words than Jisung wanted to admit, but you were probably just imagining it. Silently, you looked out the window as well, trying not to look in his direction too often, which was becoming increasingly difficult. You had never noticed how handsome he actually was. Friends of yours and his sister's had often said it, raved about Jisung and his charm, but you had always been immune to it. Probably because you grew up so close and he got on your nerves most of the time. But right now you felt this attraction that everyone always described.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you stopped at the next stop and some people got off and others got on. An old lady stopped next to Jisung and pointed to the empty seat besides him and you. Her husband was right behind her.
"Excuse me, are the seats free?"
Jisung smiled his brightest smile directly and before you understood what he was about to do, he said:
"Of course. You can sit here together. I can just sit with my friend."
He gathered his things and came to you, but you just stared at him in bewilderment. Only when the lady and her husband took a seat and said:
"Thank you very much."
You reluctantly pulled your bag from the seat so he could sit down. Now he had made it after all and ignoring him was much harder when he was sitting right next to you.
"You're unbelievable..." you mumbled and he crossed his arms behind his head, leaning back and getting comfortable so his legs pressed against yours.
"I know. I'm amazing," he said with his eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his lips.
"That wasn't a compliment...", you replied, but he pretended not to hear it. Shaking your head, you had to force back a smile with all your might. Why did he make you laugh when you really wanted to be angry? So you put your headphones back in your ears and turned the volume up really loud. After a few minutes, he pressed his leg against yours, but you ignored it, trying to ignore the flattering in your chest, but he didn't stop and put a hand on your thigh to squeeze it. Since you were only wearing a skirt, you got goosebumps directly when you felt his warm hand closed directly around your bare skin. Questioningly you looked at him.
"Can I listen too?"
Directly you tried to look unimpressed, even though your heart was beating harder and harder against your ribs. From the moment he sat next to you, you smelled his scent, which had clouded your mind. He smelled like fresh soap, pungent aftershave, and even a bit of lavender. It wasn't fair that he was so perfect.
"No!" you said quickly. You didn't want him to make fun of your taste in music. Just as he was about to answer something, a message lit up on your display. You couldn't stop him from reading it, and your stomach hurt again when you saw the name of the asshole you thought had liked you.
„Sorry I couldn't make it. Want to come over tonight?“
Angrily you threw your head against the back of your seat and took a deep breath to keep from bursting into tears again.
"That asshole... I'm good enough to fuck," you said in agony, and Han looked at you silently for a few seconds before holding out his hand in demand.
"Give me that."
"Just trust me."
A little suspiciously, you frowned but then handed him your unlocked phone. What else did you have to lose?
That's when he opened the camera and set it to selfie mode. Then he held it up so you could both be seen. Directly he put an arm around you, pulled you to his chest until you were nestled against him. Completely perplexed you looked up at him and there he pressed the shutter. His touch made everything inside of you go muddled. You didn't even manage to form a sentence, especially when he didn't take his arm off you, but scrolled through the pictures he had taken with a smile. His fingers left a trail of heat on your ribs.
"What are you doing?" you asked meekly, completely confused by the fluttering feeling in your stomach. You looked cute in the pictures.... In fact, like a... Couple.
"That's not enough," he mused aloud, holding up his phone again to snap a selfie. Then he looked into your eyes so intensely it made your throat choke. He smelled so impossibly good that you almost buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"If we're going to get back at him, we are going to do it right, yea?"
His body was so warm and close and his lips just centimeters away from yours. Suddenly it was like there was no one but you on the bus. Perplexed, you looked up at him and his smile before he pulled your chin closer with his fingers, bridging the last distance, made your heart explode. It took you an eternity to realize his lips were on yours. He kissed you gently, carefully, but so lovingly that your entire body began to tingle. His lips were soft, tasting like chocolate. No better than chocolate. Before you could return the kiss, it was already over. Completely surprised, you could only stare. As if nothing had happened and it was the most normal thing in the world to kiss your sister's best friend, he scrolled through the pictures he had taken during the kiss and showed them to you.
"The picture is a bit blurry we should do it again..." he said with a teasing grin and finally you found your voice again. His eyes were glued to your lips and you gasped as he ran his thumb over your chin and you felt his breath bounce against your lips again, as he leaned forward again.
"Ji!" it escaped you and you pushed him back a little your hand against his chest to get some distance between you. You desperately needed your mind back and with him so close to you, that was impossible. So all you could think about was kissing him again. He made a funny face and dropped back into the seat, chuckling as he typed a message. Then he handed you the phone again and waited for your reaction when you saw the picture and read the message he sent in addition. The pic was hot... He seemed to be all over you, touching you greedy and heated. When you read the message und smiled softly.
„Sorry bro she's already busy. Should have treated her better...“
It was perfect. Thus the ass would realize that you didn't need him and didn't care about him at all. That you weren't a toy he could exploit for his pleasure whenever he wanted. Besides, Jisung also looked insanely hot in the picture holding you, his hair a mess and the tank top showing a bit of his trained figure.
"Thanks..." you said then, unable to suppress a grin of satisfaction. He smiled too and nudged you with his shoulder against yours.
"You're welcome. You shouldn't be hanging out with guys like that. They don't deserve you..." he said and took out his chips bag again, from which you took a whole handful and shoved it into your mouth. Suddenly everything didn't matter and your bad mood fizzled out. All thanks to Jisung.
"But with you or what?" you asked chewing and he watched you with raised eyebrows.
"Well, sure. I'm great! I can sing, play guitar, rap, and I'm gold at League of Legends. What more could you ask for?"
This time, you actually laughed. It was an honest, chuckling laugh, and Jisung beamed even more when he finally heard it again. Then you took the other earpiece of your headphones and silently held it out to him. His leg brushed yours and he pressed it firmly against yours as he took the earpiecee smiling and put it in his ear. You played some songs that he liked and so you ate snacks together, nodded to the music and he even put in a mini dance routine in between where you choked on a crumb from laughing so much, so he patted you on the back for minutes until the old couple even gave you a bottle of water. He told you about the bachelor party that was planned for the groom, his best friend, and you told him the plans for his sister's. Because your best friend was going to marry Jisung's best friend, he was the best man.
"Probably everyone expects us to sleep with each other..."
"What?" you asked a little too loudly.
Jisung just shrugged his shoulders.
"Isn't that a cliché? That groomsmen and bridesmaids sneak away to fuck at a wedding?"
"Even if that's the case... Then why would I... sleep with you?"
His smile was adorable and you were already staring at his lips again.
"Well... The other groomsmen are the groom's 50 year old uncle and his brother who is gay and married."
"Maybe I'm into older men," you said, putting on a serious face as you licked the remaining crumbs from your fingers and looking at him.
For a moment all color drained from his face, until you snorted and he understood that you had made a joke.
"Admit it already, you actually find me irresistible," he said and nudged you in the side with his elbow.
"In your dreams!" you said, and he pouted, playfully offended.
Amused, you looked at him and had to quickly avert your gaze, afraid he might read your traitorous thoughts in your eyes. He finally persuaded you to read along in your book, and he commented on every scene like a sports presenter, meanwhile trying again and again to figure out, confused, how everything described was even possible.
"In which position does all this happen? That's not possible!" he said, and you laughed so much that your stomach started to hurt.
It wasn't long before you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder and when he noticed that, he smiled warmly, took your headphones and cell phone from you to put them aside. Then he put his jacket around you so you wouldn't get cold and your dress wouldn't somehow ride up in your sleep. Unconsciously you snuggled up to him, as he leaned forward to put his jacket around your waist. Astonished, he froze for a moment, looking at you as you dozed off peacefully with your cheek against his chest, enjoying your touch and warmth. When he watched you like this, your body nestled close to his, he noticed how beautiful you were and how much he had enjoyed the last few hours. You're body just felt perfect against his und he had to force everything in him not to touch you. He had laughed more than in the last few months and right now he wanted to kiss you and hold you forever, but he didn't dare. Actually he had never dared to do that before today.
But he could look at you a little longer, enjoy your presence, until everything returned to normal. He didn't know how long he had been watching you and daydreaming, but when your eyelids fluttered and you seemed to slowly wake up, he panicked. He quickly closed his eyes, pretending he had been asleep the whole time.
Sighing, you rubbed your eyes and only when you yawned did you pause. With your heart pounding, you slowly glanced up to see how close you were nestled against Jisung. Fortunately, he was also asleep and didn't seem to notice. Carefully, your face burning with shame, you straightened up a bit. There you felt his arm around your body as it lay limp at your thigh. You tried to calm your breath. How had it come about that you had kissed Jisung and now you were sleeping cuddled together like a couple. As carefully as you could, you released your cheek from his chest, brushed a strand of hair from your face, and noticed the jacket on your legs. It was heavy, smelled pleasantly of him, and you had not put it there. Thoughtfully, you looked again at Jisung, who was sleeping peacefully. Then a thought occurred to you. It was brainless, naive and stupid, and yet everything in you wanted to cuddle up to him again.
After all, he had tucked you in and not woken you up to push you away from him. If you just lay back down, he would dismiss it as an accident, which it originally was. So you moved in slow motion so as not to wake him, as you nestled back into his arm, leaning your head against his chest and wrapping an arm around his stomach. He didn't wake up. Relieved, you relaxed and enjoyed his warmth. It was strange and completely surreal. Then why did you like it so much?
You listened to his heartbeat and breathing, and after a while you realized, confused, that it was faster than usual for a sleeping person. You looked up at him questioningly and when the corners of his mouth lifted, your heart stopped. With his hand wrapped around your body, he suddenly pulled you closer, ran his thumb over your hipbone, and smiled mischievously without opening his eyes. You almost choked on yourself. You felt caught, but he had also only pretended to be asleep. You decided you would have plenty of time to deal with it after, so you snuggled closer to him, closed your eyes, and couldn't help but grin.
When the bus finally reached its destination it was already afternoon, you startled up from your stupor and felt warm and cozy. You rubbed your eyes and broke away from Jisung with a furtive glance at him, who was yawning. The hotels lined the street and to the right and left was a green park with large trees leading towards the entrances of the hotels.
"We're here...", you mumbled and were almost even a little disappointed that the ride was actually over now and with it what had happened between you and Jisung. Whatever that was. You packed up your things and got off the bus. As you did so, you didn't dare look in his direction. The strange feeling in your stomach wouldn't go away and you just didn't understand what was going on with you.
When your suitcases were cleared out, Jisung got his backpack first.
"Do you want me to take your suitcase?" he asked as you heaved it onto the sidewalk.
"Don't you touch it!" you panicked, both of you laughing at the same time as your eyes met. Then you made your way through the park.
"Why did you only bring a backpack?" you finally asked to break the strange silence. The air was heated, smelled like flowers and warm asphalt. Your hotel and that of the bride and other bridesmaids were already looming in front of you at the end of the park. Jisung's was across the street so the bride and groom couldn't meet before the wedding.
"I don't need that much. Clothes I have on, food is there and I have my laptop with me," he said, smiling broadly at you.
"That's insane," you smirked and the closer you got to the hotel, the more restless you became.
"No practically," he replied and as you came to a stop in front of the hotel entrance, you looked at each other silently. Neither of you knew what to say. It was strange but not awkward. Everyone would go to their hotel and then everything was forgotten. Everything you felt, all the chaos and heart palpitations. He ran his fingers through his hair and stepped from one leg to the other.
"Well then see you at the wedding!"
You nodded quickly and your fingers tightened around the handle of your suitcase.
"See you then..." you mumbled. It felt wrong, unfinished and incomplete just to leave. Like you were missing something you'd never realized before. Like you ended the movie right beforehand the big finale. Still, you turned around after looking at his twinkling eyes one last time and he too started walking in the opposite direction. The tension in your chest made you barely breathe. You put one foot in front of the other, smoothed out your dress and tried to convince yourself that you had imagined everything. But that's when you heard behind you:
Questioning, you turned around and saw him drop his backpack on the floor and run towards you. You were about to ask if he had forgotten something when he reached you, cupped your face with both hands and almost swept you off your feet as he pressed his lips firmly to yours. Surprised, you staggered, but he held you tight and this time something exploded in your head, but you were too shocked to return the kiss. Instead, you had a thousand question marks in your head. Was this the right thing to do? And if not, why did it feel so incredibly good? Before you could find an answer to the thousand questions, he broke away from you and looked questioningly into your eyes. You could see how nervous he was and he waited excitedly for your reaction.
"I would have regretted it if I hadn't done that. I'm sorry," he murmured, looking at your face in his hands as if trying to memorize every detail one last time. You still tasted him on your lips and gradually you began to understand. Just as he was about to pull away, you grabbed his chest with both hands and clawed your fingers into his shirt. Roughly, you pulled him to you before you could change your mind and listened to your heart for the first time. You kissed him so passionately that both of your breaths stopped, but he didn't hesitate for a second to pull you to him, his hands firmly on your hips. The kiss was full of passion and the built up tension discharged into electrified energy between you. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling lightly until he hummed softly and your lips met again and again until you felt dizzy. As he pulled you closer to his body, until barely a piece of paper could fit between you and you almost lost your footing, the kiss became more sensual, slower. He let his tongue slide over your lower lip until you opened your mouth a little more and your tongues met. It was a heady feeling and you couldn't believe how long you had been blind for your own feelings. That what you wanted all along, someone attentive, loving and kind, was all the time right in front of you.
When you finally broke away from each other breathing heavily, tightly embraced under the canopy of a large oak tree, your eyes just bubbled over with energy. You both began to grin and giggle. You couldn't believe what was happening to you.
"What are we going to do now?" you asked, smiling and pressing your forehead to his. His hands stroked your back, leaving a comforting tingle and your body melted into his as you clasped your hands in his neck.
"I have no idea... Just want to do this forever."
Again you laughed in disbelief and you shook your head barely noticeably.
"You really are unbelievable, Han Jisung," you murmured, and he tilted his head slightly and winked at you.
"Told you."
Directly you rolled your eyes, but couldn't resist pressing another kiss to his lips. For a moment he broke away from your lips to say:
"Let me take your suitcase to your room... I'll be careful this time, I promise."
You snorted softly and stroked your hands over his chest. You felt more comfortable than you had in ages. He looked at you as if you had hung the sun and moon in the sky yourself, and he made you feel like you were beaming with pure joy from the inside out. Wordlessly, you pressed your suitcase into his hand and whispered, your lips just a finger's width from his:
"Just for once."
Spellbound, he waited to feel your lips again, to taste you and never let go, but you took a few steps back and smiled cheekily over your shoulder as you ran up the stairs to the entrance. Somewhat clumsily, he collected his backpack and followed you into the lobby with your suitcase and the widest grin you had ever seen.
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dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader dirk <3< reader PLEASE
sure thing!! <3 sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted, but i had a lot of fun writing this!!
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alright, let's be clear. dirk strider does *not* hate many things. he dislikes things, of course. he dislikes a lot of things.
but hate? hating things is too emotionally vulnerable for his tastes.
oh, but you?
he can make some exceptions for you.
you are a special, particular kind of pain in his ass.
there's two very different reasons why (i think) dirk would hate someone.
either they, as a person are in entirely direct conflict with him and get on his nerves in a major way - or, they're way too similar to him, and dirk does not like getting a mirror to his own behavior.
so more than likely, you'd fit into one of those two categories. i don't know you, though.
but regardless of what it is, you probably wouldn't have known for a while.
he didn't treat you.. differently? per say?
he was cold and cryptic and strange to everyone.
but with you, it seemed different. everyone told you it was just in your head. that dirk didn't have a problem with you, he was just like that.
but it was not.
dirk took so much pleasure in confusing you, getting one over on you. playing his little mind games.
granted, he is just kind of like that, but it's different. it was a lot more targeted, pointed - it wasn't purely in jest.
but, more importantly, it wasn't onesided.
you were not just a passive actor in this, oh no.
whatever you did, it was equally targeted to get on his nerves as much as possible.
there came a point where both of you, just for the sake of your fucked up little game, knew more about each other than even your mutual best friends did.
you'd torment each other with things, but you'd never bring anyone else into it or tell anyone things only the two of you knew. there was something of a code of honor. a trust fall system.
despite how much you disliked each other, you'd never actually do tangible harm to each other.
you just engaged in a prolonged battle of psychological warfare over your chat client.
eventually, it gets.. bizarrely flirtatious. not in a traditional way, no, but in a way that was still undeniably flirting.
you still hated him. he still hated you.
it continued regardless.
you two never.. officially got into a pitch relationship.
you're both human, after all. how would you know?
however, eventually, you were informed that your relationship with dirk sounded a whole hell of a lot like blackrom.
so, of course, you approach him about it.
neither of you know *enough* about quadrants to really call it.
but all the trolls have just been assuming it anyways, so you just shrug. by now, it's calling it what it is.
you and dirk have the mutual respect necessary for blackrom. and the mutual attraction.
needless to say, you have the "hate" aspect down.
alright, miscellaneous hc time.
he'll offer to teach you how to swordfight. he might only have done it so he could rock your shit, but he'll always patch you up after. and that little smile he gives when you first managed to get him back was pretty genuine.
just enjoys teaching you how to do his stuff in general. he'll tease you about sucking at it, but he'll actually be happy when you make progress. curse his tiny soft spot.
shows up in your house/wherever you live at random. also likes sneaking up on you whenever he sees you. the more you hate it, the more he'll do it.
he'll claim that you're more attracted to him than he is you - but that's a total lie. he's a little pathetic sometimes.
gets very flustered when you're better at him than something. anything. literally anything at all. why, exactly.. good luck getting that out of him.
actually gets genuinely upset if he goes too far with you in any way. it'll mess with him a lot, and he'll apologize profusely.
he cares about you, despite how annoying you are. despite how much he hates you, despite all of it. he cares about you a lot. and, in his own weird way, loves you.
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twisted-tales-of-all · 6 months
Frauds and Festivities
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Summary: You and your boyfriend have been drifting away for the past couple of weeks. It's god-awful timing though, as the planned holiday trip with your friend creeps around the corner. After deciding to stick it out through the holidays, you manage to get on each other's nerves more than ever before, but you must find a way to keep up the act. Pairing: Jongho x afab!Reader Genre: angst, smut, one-shot, collab Tropes: established relationship, break-up fic, forced proximity/only one bed, loveless lust, lovers to FWBs, falling out of love Word Count: 5.3K Contains: cursing, alcohol, some discussion of difficult emotions, pet names (babe, baby, sir, good girl), teasing, (very slight) predator/prey dynamic, switch!Jongho, switch!reader, thigh riding, praise, marking, biting, hair pulling, choking, rough sex, unprotected sex, clit play, breast/nipple play, overstimulation, creampie, begging, handjob, blowjob A/N: Welcome to Our second submission to the 16 Days of Smutmas! Please be sure to check out all the other works in the masterlist, as it's such an amazing collection of writers <3 (also this one isn’t as thoroughly edited as usual, so apologies for any mistakes!)
"I can't keep doing this!" Pushing back your chair, you scream.
You break the awkward silence at dinner, finally sick of acting like you and your boyfriend have been perfectly fine these past few weeks. How can you be in a relationship if the time between you is in a tense silence for more than half the time? Not to mention the fact that you fight whenever you do speak, sometimes over the most minimal things.
As your boyfriend continues eating and ignoring you, you continue, "How can you act like everything is fine? This isn't normal! We actually used enjoy each other's presence, you know?! Say something, for fuck's sake!"
Jongho slowly looks up at you. He finishes chewing before calmly speaking, "There's no way we can break up yet. We both put money towards the trip next week, and it's non-refundable. Unless you pay me for my portion, I'm still going. And I doubt you'll waste your money by dropping out either."
"Shit." You plop back into your chair as you realize his point.
You can't ruin the mood of the trip by breaking up, not when everyone is going with their respective partners. And he's right, you're both too stubborn to lose money by dropping out or paying the other to stay home.
"How are we going to do this then?"
With a shrug, Jongho replies, "I'm always well composed, and it can't be that hard to act like we still love each other. We loved each other for over two years now, so we know how it should work. As long as you stay composed when the others are around, we should be fine."
Fuming at his insistence that you're solely at fault, you bite back, "Then don't push buttons. I'm fine as long as you don't tick me off. Let's not meet up again until the day we leave for the trip, so we have some peace and quiet before it."
Agreeing with your plan, Jongho returns to finishing his dinner in silence. You clean up your plate and head to your room, asking your boyfriend to clean up his plate and see himself out whenever he finishes eating. You sit on the edge of your bed, silently reading your webcomics and listening to the sounds of dishes clinking in the kitchen sink. As you hear your front door close, you let out a sigh and throw yourself back against the plush bedding.
"We just have to pretend to still love each other." You say it in a way that reeks of desperation, as if trying to convince yourself that it won't be too hard.
In reality, you probably fell out of love with Jongho last month. Nothing happened to cause it - nothing you can pinpoint, at least - but you both felt it so clearly. There's no way of even knowing who lost feelings first; it happened around the same time. People always preach that there's no such thing as a mutual breakup, but this has to be the closest thing to it, right? Granted, you aren't exactly broken up yet, so it can't count when things might change.
Your week passes far too quickly. The calm, quiet week places you in such a good mood, but you remember that you'll be acting for the next four days, so you have to pack and mentally prepare yourself for the journey. To make things more believable, Jongho suggests driving up to the lodge together. Although you'd rather not, putting on a convincing act from the start takes precedence over your feelings.
When he pulls up to your house, he doesn't bother getting out to greet you. With a honk, you know he's arrived. He pops the trunk from the inside, letting you load your luggage yourself. As you climb into the passenger's seat, the radio greets you with some of his favorite tunes. Thankfully, you still enjoy the same music, otherwise you'd be annoyed before having to start your act. The drive up into the mountains takes a couple of hours, and you ignore each other the whole time, both desperately trying to extend the peace from the week.
As Jongho pulls into the parking lot, he finally speaks to you, "Are we ready? How deep are we playing it?"
"Won't it be better for everyone if we keep it simple? Maybe a couple pet name calls and minimal PDA when it's expected? That way, they won't be too shocked when we break up after this, since the love was fading even on the trip."
"That sounds good to me. I'd rather not do more than I have to, so that works."
He gets out of the car, and the act begins. Despite still having to walk over to the cabin, he helps unload all the bags. You follow his lead by playfully leaning into him as you thank him for his help. He locks the car, and you walk together to the cabin where your friends await. You don't even reach the entrance before hearing your best friend excitedly call out to you.
"Y/N! Jongho!" She flings the door open and rushes over to you, grabbing hold of one of the bags in your hands, "Here, lemme help with that."
You can already recognize the effects of alcohol on her - her cheeks flushed, her breath tainted, and her energy spiked to its peak. However, she keeps her balance well, and she isn't slurring her words, so you guess that she's only had a couple of drinks so far.
As you enter the holiday home, everyone else greets you and your boyfriend from their positions in the room. After greeting everyone and some basic small talk about the drive, Jongho dismisses you both to set your luggage in your bedroom. When he asks which room to go to, the whole group answers with a few seconds of silence.
"About that..." Mingi begins as he nervously scratches the back of his head and avoids Jongho's gaze.
"We better have rooms. This was booked so long ago; there's no way it was fucked up."
"Don't worry, there's a room for you. It's just that this cabin only three bedrooms in the main house. You guys were the last to get here, so the only room left is in the guest house outside."
Before Jongho erupts, San comments, "It's a full unit, so it's better in some ways! Personal little kitchen, personal bathroom, and all the privacy you could ask for! All you have to do is take a short walk outside - it's not even a full minute walk, so it shouldn't be too bad."
To everyone's surprise, Jongho simply shrugs before grabbing his bags and heading through the house to the back door. You follow a few steps behind, trying to catch up. As you reach the guest home, you find it nicer than you expected. San was right; this might just be better.
He unpacks a few items before heading back to the party, leaving you alone in the guest house.
"So much for being a couple, I guess." You retort while putting your bags on the opposite side of the bed.
Although there's only one bed, it's big enough that it shouldn't bug you to share with him. You only take a little bit of time in the room before meeting with the group again. Before saying a word to anybody, you pour yourself a drink, mixing a fun alcoholic drink to ease your stress about the situation. You drink some of it before joining the crowd and put on a smile as you reach them, listening in to the active conversation without adding much input. As much as you enjoy the time with your friends, the stress of keeping up your facade keeps itching at the back of your mind.
As the first night passes with drunken talk and playing catch up with everyone's lives, you and Jongho don't have much to do with each other. The groups split into the girls and the boys naturally, and only a couple of quickly fleeting conversations even mention the two of you. Thanks to the alcohol, the topics change on a dime, and you end the night by retiring to the guest house without any issues.
As the door shuts behind you, you mumble, "Only three more days. It can't be that bad."
"Don't hate me too bad; there's still only the one bed."
Jumping from the shock of hearing Jongho's voice, you walk towards the bedroom to continue the conversation, "You say that as if we have to keep up the act in here. Just choose a side and stay on it. I'll do the same."
"Awe, we aren't keeping up the act? How boring." His voice is riddled with sarcasm, and he sits down on one side of the bed with a distinct lack of care.
You roll your eyes as you dig through your suitcase for a set of pajamas. You announce that you're going to shower before bed and walk into the bathroom. While you shower, you let your mind wander back through your memories with him. They were mostly good, and it makes your heart sting. You try to figure out when everything shifted or why you fell out of love with each other, and you end up staying in the shower longer than planned because of it.
When you walk back into the bedroom, the atmosphere has completely changed. The disgust and anger shifted, and you're now greeted by somberness. As you sit on the bed, Jongho breaks the silence and admits to thinking of similar things.
"Why'd we stop loving each other? What happened?"
"You were reliving the past, too, huh?"
Turning to look at each other, your eyes meet a reddened pair staring sadly back at you. He had been crying while you were in the shower. With another pang in your chest, you also feel the pain welling up in your throat.
"We weren't bad to each other. Why did we have to fall out of love? That's some sick and twisted joke by fate." The strain in his chest appears through the cracks in his voice and the overall angry tone.
"It's too bad we can't change it. We don't know how it happened, but I don't think we can just love each other again. We stopped being good to each other because of it, so we kept falling further apart."
"Yeah, you're right. It just... sucks."
The air remains thick until you both fall asleep, and neither of you even hints at the conversation as morning arrives. You walk into the main house together, linking hands as you enter the door and see the other couples clinging to one another. With some of them, they don't even try to hide what the alcohol and bed-sharing resulted in, their after-sex glow far too clear in your eyes. Jongho must notice too, as his grip on your hand tenses when the others get lovey-dovey in front of him.
"How was your night, guys?" One of the bubbly girls jumps in front of you to ask, prodding you with a suggestive tone painting her words, "Did you sleep well together? Enjoy the shared bed?"
Putting on a happier tone than you expected, Jongho responds, "The bed was super soft! Especially with the alcohol in my system, I fell asleep super fast. I think Y/N was the same way. Right, babe?"
After you smile and nod, she understands that you guys didn't take part in the same events behind closed doors. She lowers her energy a bit in a belated attempt to hide the glow, "Oh, that sounds great! I'm glad you got lots of sleep. It'll help with the events today - they can be draining, for sure."
"Oh right, we're hitting the slopes today. I nearly forgot!" You exclaim, "When are we heading over?"
"Mingi and Daisy are making everyone breakfast, so we'll head over a bit after we eat, if you guys are okay with that."
You both confirm, and she goes to check how much longer the food will take, leaving you and Jongho momentarily alone in the living room. Sitting down together on the couch, you stop holding hands. Jongho rubs his palm on his pants to remove the sweat before placing it on your thigh to keep up the act.
You type up a quick note on your phone, joking about how he's doing more than you expected and must still love you. You lean into him as you show him, but he scoffs at it, rolling his eyes and muttering that you're ridiculous under his breath in case anyone walks in.
"Alright, lovebirds, come eat! Food's ready!" Daisy announces as she and her boyfriend carry the plates of freshly cooked food to the dining table. As everyone gathers there, they begin showering the couple with compliments about how good the food looks and smells. The breakfast is calmer than expected as everyone focuses on eating, and everyone quickly breaks off into their rooms after finishing up to prepare for the trip to the lift.
For a group of your size, you need two trips to get up to the lift via the snowmobiles provided. You and Jongho get paired with Yeosang and Krys for the second trip, so the ride isn't too bad. Your best friend jokes about how the lift is a cute spot for a proposal since it'll just be the couple, but Yeosang asks who she thinks is planning to get engaged. Krys pouts about his reaction, obviously hoping for a proposal on this trip.
"Come on, Yeosang. You guys have been together forever now. You still aren't getting married yet?" You poke at him to help your friend.
"You act like you and Jongho haven't been together nearly the same time as us. Three years isn't that long, and you're only a few months behind us. Are you planning for an engagement yet?"
You can feel Jongho's frustration at you for commenting as if he'd known it would backfire. As his grip on your hand tightens through the gloves, he silently threatens you to say something fitting.
"No, we aren't even living together though. You've gone through two years of living together. You're years ahead of us, in that respect."
Unable to come up with a comeback, Yeosang sits in silence for the rest of the rife. Krys smiles and quietly thanks you for jumping in.
As you reach the destination, you see Mingi and Daisy jump onto the ever-moving ski lift, decked out in their gear. Neither you nor Jongho are big skiers, so you rent out snowboards instead. Yeosang jokes that you should've gotten a couple's sled instead, but you both ignore him as you put on the gear. Krys pushes her boyfriend to the lift as they finish, waving goodbye to you.
"See you both later! Have fun!"
Left alone with Jongho again, you take your time as you get ready but still finish before him. Looking over, you notice his hands shaking.
"You okay, Jongho? You're shaking."
"You're really riding the edge, aren't you? Did you even think before jumping into their little spat?"
Shocked that he's still upset about it, you scoff, "No way you're so upset about that to be shaking. I even made up for my mistake pretty well."
"Yeah, through a stroke of good luck. But why put yourself into the position in the first place? Come on, Y/N, think a little!"
At this point, you're pretty close together, yelling into each other's faces. Mingi skis past, stopping himself and turning back to the two of you to ask why you aren't heading up already. Thinking quickly, Jongho grabs your collar and pulls you in for a kiss as if he didn't hear his friend. As Daisy joins, she coos about how cute Jongho is, asking her boyfriend why he isn't that sweet in public. As they begin flirting, Jongho drags you to the lift to escape, hoping to avoid any more questions from them. As much as you'd like to slap him for the sudden kiss, you hold yourself back.
"Sorry. I didn't know what else to do." Jongho confesses after half of the lift ride passes.
"Don't worry. I know you're only keeping up the act."
As you hop off the lift at the top of the mountain, you let Jongho begin his descent first. Your mind clouds due to the kiss. It brings back good memories, filling your lips with a bittersweet taste. Shaking your thoughts away, you begin heading down the trail, weaving between trees and choosing a path that'll give you more adrenaline. You have to stop hard at the end and nearly fall over, but you stabilize yourself enough to only wobble.
"Jongho, go help your adventurous girlfriend! She nearly fell!"
"It's her fault for doing that path!" He screams back as he walks up to you with his hand outstretched for you.
You hold onto his arm to balance yourself as you dismount the board. You lean down to pick up the board, but Jongho pulls you upright. He then leans over to pick it up himself, carrying the board under one arm as he keeps you on his other.
The day continues in a similar fashion until all of the activity makes everyone hungry. After a short debate over eating at the ski lodge or heading back to the cabin, everyone files into the lodge, quickly unwrapping layers of clothing in the warm, cozy quarters. You enjoy good food and conversation before braving the freezing weather again to travel back to the cabin. Once back, everyone heads directly to their rooms, beat after the energy spent throughout the past several hours.
You follow Jongho into the backyard with thoughts of the kiss coming back into mind. Alone with him, you can't get rid of them, so you decide to talk about it instead.
"Jongho, what happened when you kissed me earlier? You tensed up shortly after; was something bugging you about it?"
After a short silence, he admits, "The spark is still there. It drove me mad to feel that again after so long."
"Well, we aren't broken up quite yet. We can live out the spark one last time if you want."
Meeting his gaze, you find a boy you haven't seen in a while - one with a look of joy to hear words falling from your lips, and one with excitement of the idea of having you one last time.
"You want to?"
"I wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't something I was open to, Jongho. You know me at least that well."
Rather than responding, Jongho presses his lips against yours once again. The step forward makes you instinctively step back, hitting the wall in the process. He places one hand against the wall by your head and slides the other around your waist. As you lean back into the wall, he leans into you, pressing his body firmly against yours. Draping your arms over his shoulders, you feel all of the tenseness from earlier wash away thanks to the kiss. As his cock hardens, trying to push out of his pants, he growls at the lack of space.
He pulls away momentarily to undo his pants, but he commands you onto the bed with a simple nod in the right direction. You sit on the edge of the bed and look up at him with innocent eyes as he approaches. When he finally kicks off his pants and stands in front of you, he grabs you by the chin and smirks down at you.
"Oh, are you being good today?"
"I'm always good, sir."
"Of course, baby, how could I forget?"
He leans down and places a quick peck on your lips before straightening again. You watch as he deliberates with himself over what he wants to do to you. You see the moment he decides as his eyes darken and his smirk twists up ever-so-slightly.
"What do you want right now, baby?"
"You, sir. All of you."
"Then lie down. Let's get started. It's going to be a long night if you want all of me."
You scoot back and follow his instructions without a fight. He climbs onto the bed, hovering over you with hunger in his eyes. Slowly, he leans in and kisses your neck, paying attention to everything he does. You already know he wants to drive you insane, and you also know that there's nothing you can do to prevent that outcome. As he continues his slow, drawn-out worship of your exposed skin, you close your eyes and embrace the sensations. You focus so much that you almost miss his words as he whispers his next command into your ear.
"Take it off. All of it."
He moves to the side, eyeing you like prey as you remove your shirt and then slide off your pants. He swallows back saliva as you unhook your bra and let your breasts fall freely. In striking contrast to his recent looks of hatred, the craving look of a predator makes your heart race and adrenaline pump. You feel on cloud nine as you slide your panties down your legs and hear him grunt out at his view. Even if the love is long gone, the lust definitely remains.
He lets you sit there on display all pretty for him for what feels like forever, but you know better than to beg for his touch, even if the cold air perks your nipples and sends shivers up your body. When he finally stops staring at you, he sits against the headboard and taps his thigh. You quickly sit on his thigh with your hands on his shoulders. Guiding your chin to him, he envelopes you in a deep kiss. You don't even notice his hands slowly dropping down to your waist until he grips tightly. His lips fall to your neck and then your chest while his hands guide you to rub yourself along his thigh.
When he feels his thigh get wet from your actions, he smirks and flexes, earning a yelp from you. He pushes your hips down into him more, making you experience even more of the friction against him. He continues to casually cover your upper body in kisses and hickets as if he isn't pushing you dangerously close to the edge on his thigh.
"Shh... I know, baby. You're close, I know. Don't be all whiny about it."
He removes his hands and tells you to lie down on your stomach. You hug one of the pillows to your face, excited but terrified to know what he'll do next. When you feel his hands explore your back, the tingles make you tense up.
"What's wrong, Y/N? Scared?" There's a sinister tone to his words as if he hopes that you're afraid.
He begins massaging the tenseness out of your back, kissing in between to give his hands short breaks. Suddenly, you feel him lift your crotch, and his thick cock grazes your inner thigh slightly. You don't know when he stripped out of the rest of his clothing, but you feel his naked chest as he leans in to kiss your shoulder and whisper into your ear.
"Now, be a good girl and take it all for me, okay?"
You nod into the pillow, but he doesn't pay attention. Instead, he's busy lining himself up properly. Slowly, he pushes inside, keeping a slow but steady pace until he bottoms out. You bite the pillow as his girth stretches you out. After not indulging for over a month, the pain burns through you more than usual, but Jongho lets his lust drive him. He trusts that you'll use the established safewords if you need him to stop or slow down, so he immediately begins fucking you.
This lust-driven sex feels much more carnal, nothing like the sex you had when you loved each other. Fueled by the mutual desire of one final hurrah, you enjoy the rough grabbing and hard thrusts.
"Fuck. You're so good."
He slides one hand up your back, knotting it into the hair at your nape. He uses it to pull you up against him. With your back against his chest, he lets go of your hair and snakes his hand around to the front of you. Holding onto your neck, he aggressively thrusts up into you. As he steadies his control, he brings his other hand around to your front. After a bit of blind searching, his thumb finds its place on your clit.
With the added pressure to your clit, you tap on the hand around your neck, signaling that you need to breathe freely. He moves that hand down to your boobs, grabbing one tightly and using his long fingers to rub your nipple. Being stimulated in so many places, you begin to lose yourself, muttering out nonsense in your moans.
"That's it, Y/N. You're taking it so well. Just a little bit more, baby. You're almost there. I can feel it."
Sure enough, you feel your climax approaching. Without letting up on anything, he bites down on your shoulder. The unexpected sensation sends you straight into your orgasm. You shake as it overtakes you, and you feel his moans vibrate against your collarbone as your walls tighten around him. His thrusting becomes rushes, with short, quick thrusts to bring him over the edge as well. Bodies flush against each other, you feel him fill you up as he finishes.
He removes his mouth from your shoulder first, with a curse under his breath over the wonderful feeling. After, he slowly pulls out of you and guides you to lie down next to each other in bed. For a while, the only sounds in the room are your combined panting, but Jongho breaks the silence with a lighthearted jest.
"A spark of lust... What a fun thing, that is."
"Y'know what? I think it might be easier to pretend to love you after that."
After he cracks up at your statement, he throws himself under the blankets, exclaiming, "We'll see. Just don't get on my nerves. Good night, Y/N."
Surprisingly, you both cruise through the day. You're able to joke, hold hands, and even kiss without feeling any way about it. San jokes that it took an extra day for you guys to adjust to the room, but he points out how clear it is that you've broken in the bed. Jongho begins walking towards him without comment, scaring the louder boy away quickly. But even that interaction was all in good fun. When you turn in for the night, you can't help but smile at the fun day. As Jongho joins in, you comment jokingly.
"Maybe San's right. It was obvious we did much better today. We can't let ourselves get sexually frustrated, or it'll make the mission harder."
"I know you're not asking for more after complaining about being sore this morning."
"I'm just saying. No need to get fussy about it, Jongho. Or maybe... Are you already getting sexually frustrated again?" You look at him with a devious smile, but he doesn't respond, so you continue, "Do you need me to help you again? Oh, poor baby!"
Quietly, he asks, "Are you gonna help, or are you just gonna be mean?"
"Oh, my poor baby. Lay down. I'll help you."
You slyly hook your thumbs onto his waistband as you guide him onto the bed. When he scoots back, his pants and underwear slide off with ease. Although he's slightly embarrassed by the sudden nakedness, he doesn't comment. Instead, he silently lets you pull the clothing fully off him before climbing onto the bed to hover over him.
"You're right, though. If I take you again, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get up tomorrow. I guess I'll have to figure out some other way to help."
"Y/N, please, just touch me. Please, no more teasing."
"Oh, poor baby. You're that needy, Jongho? Needy enough to beg for me to touch you?"
Softly you place your hand on the tip of his dick, keeping your eyes on his face the whole time. You revel in his reactions as you rub your palm over his tip with the leaking precum acting as a bit of lube. When you progress down to stroke his dick, you watch his eyes roll back into his head, encouraging you without even realizing it. While he's momentarily blinded by the pleasure, you lean in and take his tip into your mouth. Purely reactionary, Jongho thrusts his hips up into you, but you've had enough experience to predict it and hold him down. However, you notice just how needy he is by his whiny moans, so you decide to give him a quick release - just like he wants.
Quickly bobbing your head and moving your hand in unison, you do everything exactly how you know he likes it best. You ignore the whiny mess spewing from his lips and focus hard on your task, trying to bring him to orgasm in record time. Feeling the usual signs that he's close, you gain a sense of satisfaction in knowing you can still mess him up this quickly and easily. You focus on keeping the pace the same despite it being a bit faster than usual. When he pushes your head down and finishes down your throat, you emerge proud of yourself.
"Did that help?"
Already half asleep after the wave of pleasure, he only slightly nods before passing out. You laugh at the exhausted man before doing your nightly routine and joining him in sleep.
Waking up on the dawn of the final day, you feel a weird sensation overtake you. Grief? Not quite, but something similar, for sure. As you realize that today marks the last day of the trip and your relationship, that sad feeling washes over you from the moment you wake up. Even though you've known the day was coming, it still feels strange to let go, especially after you were able to tolerate each other over the past couple of days. When you join your friends, they're all hugging and crying, claiming that they don't want to return to their regular day-to-day lives. You find it funny to watch, as they take frequent vacations anyway. You and Jongho awkwardly stand there, holding hands and watching the sobbing cuddle huddle.
Before they can pull you in, Jongho claims that he wants to beat traffic, so you two will be heading home first. This quickly pulls everyone apart to say their goodbyes, and you head out to the car within ten minutes. Once there, that overwhelming feeling envelopes the air between you. Neither of you brings up the elephant in the room until you nearly reach your house.
"So, is this officially where we call it?" You ask as he turns down your street.
"I guess it has to be, right? Without the love, there wouldn't be much of a relationship."
"Yeah... We'd make better friends with benefits at this point."
After a short silence, he parks the car in front of your home and turns to you, "Should we?"
"I'd be down for it, honestly."
"Then let's do that. We're no longer in a relationship, but we can still reach out for hook ups."
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liaromancewriter · 6 months
Have you heard….
Premise: Naveen Banerji has always enjoyed Edenbrook’s rumor mill, but he can’t share the biggest secret of all.
Book: Open Heart Characters: Naveen Banerji; feat. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 865
A/N: I'm using @choicesflashfics week 61, prompt 1. Set during early second year of Liaverse.
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One of Naveen Banerji’s earliest memories was of listening to Amma and Aunties exchange gossip over a cup of tea and Parle biscuits. He might have been four or five at the time; who knew after all this time? But the memory of those afternoons was as clear as day.
He could still feel the heat of Kolkata summers as he sat on a stool in the shaded courtyard of his family’s house, the coolness of the steel tumbler between his palms and the taste of sweet mango juice his mother poured for him in lieu of tea. Hear the joyous laughter of the ladies and the lighthearted teasing among the Aunties.
Naveen couldn’t abide malicious rumors designed to destroy someone’s career or bring them down. But harmless tea, as the kids called it, was good fun. And in a hospital like Edenbrook, there was plenty of it to go around and even more people who were willing to join in.
Of course, he never could convince his mentee to partake in some. Ethan Ramsey was stubborn about many things, but none more so than about this. Besides, he was often the subject of rumors, many unconfirmed, some way too fanciful to be credible, and others Naveen knew had a kernel of truth.
The harder Ethan tried to keep his private life private, the more rumors about him spread. And that made Naveen all the more determined to share gossip with his protégé if only to see the bewilderment on his face.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Naveen,” Ethan would gripe in exasperation. “Don’t these people have anything better to do?!?”
It was a pity he was on the executive floor now, Naveen mused absently as he strolled into Rumor Mill Central, aka the cafeteria. When he’d been head of diagnostics, he could often indulge his hobby at the nurses’ stations. Now, he had to practically go looking for gossip.
Naveen grabbed a pudding cup and an energy bar and made a beeline for the lunch counter where his partner in crime, Stella, still manned the cash register. She’d been at Edenbrook for more than ten years, and nothing got by her.
“Hello, old friend,” Naveen smiled, taking his wallet out of a back pocket. “How’s it going?”
“Oh, you know,” Stella commented as she slowly scanned his items. “The new interns are already getting on my nerves, but that’s not new. Have you heard…”
Stella trailed off and glared at the person who had stepped up behind Naveen. The other doctor turned red, mumbled an apology and practically ran toward the cashier station on the far end.
“Anyway,” Stella continued, voice dropping as she leaned in conspiratorially. “Everyone’s talking about your Dr. Ramsey. That beard he grew during his trip to the Amazon sure has tongues yapping. His stans are divided on which is sexier, the beard or the killer jawline with light scruff.”
Naveen chuckled, imagining Ethan’s reaction to people gossiping about his facial hair.
“Odds are ten to one that he’s shaving it off before the summer is out,” Stella continued before looking askance at him. “Well? Is he keeping it or shaving it? I could use some easy money.”
“Hmm, hard to say,” Naveen tapped his fingers against his lips. “But I have a feeling he’s planning to keep it for a while. Told me he’s grown attached to it.”
He and Stella exchanged a few more rumors, including a troubling one about Garrett Thorne. Naveen made a mental note to stay on top of that situation, said his goodbyes to Stella and slid into a corner booth to enjoy his snack.
Later, he was almost at the end of the hallway that would take him to the north elevator bank when he heard two people murmuring in an empty examination room, the door half ajar. His ears pricked when he recognized Ethan’s deeper voice and Cassie Valentine’s lighter tones.
Naveen moved closer, spying on the two doctors through the opening. They were standing close, facing each other. He glimpsed Cassie’s hand loosely clasped in Ethan’s and the teasing grin on her lips.
“Just admit it, Dr. Ramsey,” Cassie demanded, cocking her hips arrogantly. “We both know it’s true. From the moment we met last year.”
“I admit nothing, Dr. Valentine,” Ethan retorted, but the resulting scoff and challenging look from Cassie had him huffing in annoyance. “Fine. You’re my favorite.”
“Favorite what?”
The single word delivered so definitively but in a gruff, awestruck tone was Naveen’s undoing. He felt the wetness pool in his eyes and blinked it away.
“I was going for favorite resident,” Cassie said softly, placing her hand on the side of his face and leaning in. “But I’ll take ‘everything’.”
Feeling like a voyeur, Naveen turned away from the tender and intimate moment between the couple and continued on his way. He couldn’t wait to call Alan and share this latest tidbit about his son.
As good as Edenbrook’s rumor mill was, no one knew the hottest tea of all. That the austere and occasionally demanding Dr. Ramsey was hopelessly in love with the new junior fellow of diagnostics and didn’t even know it.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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fairyellieee · 2 years
Dating Eddie Munson Headcannons
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(credit to @vigilanteshit for the gif)
Is the type of boyfriend who (lovingly) bullies/teases you for something that you like. For example, your music taste, your fave foods, your fave artists etc.
He's very clingy because he was never really coddled when he was a kid.
Makes you a mixtape with his favourite artists because he has to "educate" and "influence" you on your "horrible" music taste.
You're the only one who's allowed to sit on his hellfire throne which makes the kids a lil pouty.
Will flirt with you during hellfire.
He counts teasing you as some sort of major flirting. He will literally think that you'd fall for him because of his teasing and immaculate humour.
Sometimes he's so annoying that you don't know if you like him or you'd like to punch his throat.
"I swear to God Robin he is so fucking annoying. He's literally getting into my nerves but- he's also hot as fuck and- he's so adorable when he does this face." You kept on ranting to your best friend Robin whilst she just listens and started smiling a lil bit from your realization.
"You are in deep shit, my friend. You are in loveeeee." She teased and that's when you knew, she was right.
You will always try to bother him and annoy him. You will take every opportunity that you have to annoy the hell out of him.
"Shut up Y/n." Eddie said trying to focus on his D&D campaign.
"What? I'm not doing anything." You said "innocently" but you clearly knew what you were doing.
"You're annoying me, shut up." He said again as a warning but you still kept bothering him. More specifically playing with his hair.
"But- you're so adorable when you're cranky Eds." Pouting, you go back to playing with his hair when he suddenly stopped and grabbed your hands.
"Shut up and stop that. Not in a rude way but in a gentle way 'cus I am this close to tying you up and duct taping your mouth." He said as he gestured at you and making this thing 🤏 (idk how to describe it)
"Your fingers are so close together Eds. I'm pretty sure you're royally pissed and who knew that the freak of Hawkins has some super kinky non-con dream of his..." You kept talking and talking and teasing him until he just sighed and went back to what he was doing.
As his lover, you will always be at the hideout and watch him play with his band. Always at the front, always shouting, and always supporting him no matter what.
You're his #1 fan.
You can be a little overprotective of him, especially with his reputation and stuff but you can't help it that you love him too much to just let his bullies get away with anything.
Babysitting the kids with him is pure chaos.
"Eddie! Stop letting Dustin eat all the cookie dough or I swear to god! You will not eat anymore cookies for a year, Munson!" You were trying to bake cookies at your house for the kids but the dough kept getting smaller and smaller because Dustin is sneaking a bite everytime you turn your back and Eddie is letting it happen.
"Lucas! Get down from the sink! Erica! Stop bugging Max about your brother! El! Just be a good girl like you always are, love you hunny. Everyone! Be like El for pete's sake!"
"Who's Pete?"
-10/10 would not recommend babysitting with Eddie ever again.
Will always do these weird noises when he's bored and he can't bother you.
Will 100% keep poking you when you're focused on studying or smh.
He's the best cuddle buddy out there! Literally so soft and cuddly at night.
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evan4ever · 1 year
Vegas, baby
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Part 5 — part 4 here
Warnings: pregnancy, none really
a/n: sorry this chapter is a bit boring, promise it’ll get intense soon! and please excuse any errors 🫶🏻
Your POV
You paced back and forth in your room while Shayla now sat at the end of your bed watching you. She was just as nervous as you, hoping that even though the message was from Sarah Paulson verified Instagram, that it was legit. Not some scam that was going to throw you back 10 steps rather than what could be a step closer to the outcome you were desperate for.
Your heart beat faster with every ring on the other line, worry setting in that she may not pick up and that you were wasting your time. What if this was pointless you thought. What if it was a harsh joke and you would end up back to square one -
“Hello, y/n” a friendly voice interrupted your negative thoughts and you were stuck not knowing what to say when you realized Sarah Paulson was quite literally on the other line of the phone. “Are you there?”
You breathed in quickly and nodded, as if she could see you. “I… yeah. Hi.” You cleared your throat awkwardly still not sure what to say but remembering that she was pretty much in control of what might happen. “I’m here”
“Fantastic! It is so great to talk to you, thank you for trusting me and giving me a call.” Your nerves slowly dissipated at her friendliness.
“Yeah, thanks for getting ahold of me.”
“Of course. So, I suppose I’ll get straight to the point?” You both chuckled nervously but you stayed quiet to allow her to continue. “I’ve read something on the news as I’m sure you’ve seen is all over. I do hope it isn’t causing you any trouble, considering you seemed pretty adamant about staying quiet in the video when Evan’s name was brought up. I have to ask — are you 100% sure the child is his? That your friend or whomever the woman in the video who called him out was wasn’t only joking around and it happened to go viral?”
You were slightly annoyed that anyone would think you’d by lying about something like this but quickly remembered that she’s only making sure for the sake of her friend. “Yes. I’m positive it’s Evan’s. I have tried reaching out to him any way that I could, but he’s pretty hard to reach.. all things considered.”
“Absolutely. That’s why I reached out. I apologize on his behalf for being hard to contact, but I do appreciate that you have tried. So the next step I suppose would be to meet up? I’m sure there’s plenty Evan and yourself need to talk about. We could come to you.”
Your heart nearly popped out of your chest at her words. You knew the point of the conversation was to help you and Evan figure things out, but the fact that they will come to you? To your hometown? And you’d get to see him again? Your mind quickly went back almost 9 months ago to that night in Vegas. You didn’t feel anything for him then, but now that he was going to come and possibly be in your guys’ baby’s life, in your life, you couldn’t help but feel your stomach explode into butterflies. Yet your mind reminded you to forget that this could go one of two ways and to be prepared. It was an ugly battle between your head and your heart.
“Are you there?” Sarah’s question brought you back and you cleared your throat.
“Yeah! Sorry. Um that sounds… that sound really great. I’m in your/home/state. Sorry that you guys have to take the time to do this.” You apologized and genuinely meant it. It probably wasn’t the best timing for them considering it wasn’t for you either. You were so close to your due date. 2 weeks and baby would be here so it was pretty time hungry but if it would make matters better, you were happy to do it.
“Please don’t apologize! Evan is already headed to pack!” You could hear the teasing in her voice and what sounded like a man on the other end, possibly Evan, and it brought a smile to your face. “If you could go ahead and text this number your address, we’ll be on the first flight from LA. Hopefully be there by tomorrow morning. Does that all sound okay?”
“Yes, that sounds really great. I’ll text you as soon as we hang up. Um, thank you — for doing this. I really appreciate it.”
“Please, I’m happy to. I want what’s best for you both. I’ll see you very soon!”
The conversation ended and you stood in place, holding your phone to your chest as you went over what just happened in your head again. This was really happening.
“Hello?!” Your eyes shot over to Shay who was staring at you wide eyed waiting for you to fill her in.
“They’re coming here,” you nodded, seeing Shays eyes light up, “they’ll be here tomorrow.”
“Holy shit. Holy shit!” Shay stood excitedly and practically skipped over to you grabbing your shoulders and turning you to face her completely. “They’re coming here. Evan is coming to you!” She let out a small shriek causing you to squint a little.
“I know” you nodded and attempted a smile which caused hers to falter. “I’m glad, really. But honestly, I’m terrified. What if everything goes wrong? It seems like that’s my life lately.” You chuckled harshly.
“Hey” Shay let her hands hold either side of your face in a caring manner and gave you a reassuring smile. “Everything will be fine. You got this, okay? Just… take it one step at a time. Don’t let anyone else be in control. You grew this baby, you are his mother, you are in control. You just have to remember that.” You had a tendency to be quite a pushover and Shyla knew that. You were a people pleaser and conflict quite literally made you want to vomit.
You gave her a smile and nodded, feeling her squish your cheeks and pull you into a hug, allowing her to comfort you and and hugging her back.
After a minute, Shay pulled back letting her hands remain on your shoulders again. “Okay. So you should make yourself look hot.” She nodded with a determined look but you quickly objected.
“No. No I want him to see me this way. Im almost 9 months, I’m two weeks from having this baby. He doesn’t need me to be hot, he needs to be okay with me being myself.” You slipped from her hold and walked out to the kitchen, grabbing a mug and filling it with your decaf coffee that’s cold now and topping it off with some cream. Shay followed and sighed knowing you were right.
“If you say so. But listen, I have to go to work. Please keep me updated? And I’ll see you tomorrow? Call me after you meet with them?” You nodded to each of her questions as she strode to the door slipping her shoes and jacket on then turning to you again for vocal confirmation.
“Yes yes and yes.” You smiled and she grinned and waved, leaving your apartment to you and your loud mind. Your eyes immediately shut and you let out a long sigh that you’ve been holding in. She was right, you were in control. But when money is involved, you felt like you were nothing. You sincerely hoped it wouldn’t turn into that, that he would come here and he would want to be here and do this with you rather than against you. You knew he was busy, you knew he worked a lot and had an important career. But your child isn’t a toy and you were damned if anyone wanted to turn him into one.
Evan’s POV
As soon as Sarah filled Evan in on what was agreed on, he did in fact go straight to his room, shoving clothes and all the necessities he needed in his bag. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to be there, whether it would be a day or a week or a month. He was determined to be there for you since he wasn’t able to be the last 8.5 months of your pregnancy. It was eating him alive, but he knew he had to give himself grace just as you did for not being able to reach him. This was nobodies fault. But now he has the chance to make things right, and he wanted to. He thought about what he could, should, do. Does he need to move to you? Does he move you to LA? How do you coparent correctly with the amount of distance between you and his job. He wasn’t necessarily a fan of picking up his life and completely changing it, but he was sure you wouldn’t want to change what you’ve built either.
He shook his head at all the thoughts and settled on it being something you two would talk about. Right now, all he wanted to focus on was going to you, seeing you again, and talking about the child the two of you made together.
His life wasn’t ready for a child ti be in it. He wasn’t necessarily excited that he’d have more responsibility, but he was going to take responsibility regardless. He was 35, you were… well. He didn’t know. You never told him. You were definitely in your twenties though. You could both do this, he was sure of it.
“Did you book a flight?” He asked as he walked out to Sarah who was sat perfectly at his island counter. She turned and smiled to him, showing him her phone screen that showed the two flight confirmation codes. He sighed and gave her an appreciative look. “Thanks. For all of this. I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t. I don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong here.” He shook his head and leaned his back against the fridge, closing his eyes as he let his mind wander again.
“There’s no right or wrong yet. You just have to go to her and talk. That’s your focus. The right and wrong will come into play then, so just be ready.” Sarah stood from her spot and sighed facing him. “I’m going to go so I can also pack, seeing as you’re already done.” She grinned, glancing down at his filled bag then back to him. “We leave tomorrow at 6:25. I’ll email you your confirmation code and all that good stuff. Be there early please, and I’ll see you then.” Sarah had made her way ti him and opened her arms wide, him accepting the hug graciously and giving her a small squeeze.
“Thankful for you.” He called out as she made her way to the door, smiling and raising her arm in acknowledgment and leaving his home.
It felt like tomorrow was an eternity away for him. He was so impatient, even with the amount of nerves he was feeling and all of the negative and scary thoughts that came to him. He just wanted to get this part over with, seeing you again, coming to terms with what was happening. He knew he would as soon as he was able to see your bump for himself.
It took everything for him not to make a new Instagram just so he could go to your page and look at all your pictures. He only was able to see a few and it wasn’t enough for him. He wanted more. He wanted to see your life through your pictures and words. But he removed himself from Instagram for a reason and he knew it was best to stay off of it until this blew over on social media. He didn’t want to make anything worse for you, imagining all of the comments you must be getting. Probably more negative than positive. He was so grateful for his fans, truly believing he wouldn’t be where he was if it wasn’t for them, but man they could be extreme sometimes. He knew it was out of love, but damn.
So the hours went by and Evan did everything he could to take his mind off of it but really to no avail. He barely slept through the night, tossing and turning, imagining different scenarios in his head, trying to think of the right words to say to you. Nothing seemed right. What was right for you wasn’t for him and what was right for him wasn’t for you. He overthought everything, wondering how he could’ve been so careless. He should’ve been more careful in Vegas, but it is what it is and the choices you make have consequences. He could ignore it, leave you to do it yourself which would honestly make his life easier rather than adding another thing to his plate. But that was wrong and he knew it.
The following morning finally came around and with maybe an hour or two of sleep, Evan drug himself from bed and to the shower, readying himself for the events that were to come. He was tired and sluggish but made it in time to meet Sarah, who looked as good as always, the early mornings never faltering her appearance or great attitude. She greeted him with a smile and they made their way to the front together to check themselves in for their flight, loading their luggage and making their way to the coffee kiosk that the airport had.
“Oh thank god. I need like… straight espresso, I need caffeine.” He groaned as they ordered, ordering himself a large double shot in the dark. They tipped the barista who was a nice young lady holding herself together as she served two of her favorite celebrities. This was LA, after all.
Once retrieving their drinks, they settled themselves in the waiting area. Evan dipped down nearly half of his drink before he set it down and rested his elbow on the chair next to him and resting his head in his hand and letting his eyes close. They had about 40 minutes till it was time to board the plane so he took advantage and took a nice Power Nap while Sarah worked on some business on her phone, already rested and not needing anymore.
Basic POV
Within the next 2 hours, Evan and Sarah boarded and were on their way to you; meanwhile you had just barely got yourself out of bed by 8. Sarah had been keeping you updated with where they were. You had about an hour and a half before they’d be there, enough time for you to shower and ready yourself. You rethought about Shay’s words and your reply. The more they played in your head, the more you wanted to follow her recommendation. No, you didn’t want to look hot necessarily, but definitely good. You were pretty swollen and uncomfortable, but considering you’ve been living in your extra large sweatpants and an oversized tshirt, you figured maybe it’d be nice to dress up for a change. Maybe it’d make you feel good. And not that it mattered, but you did want to make a good impression.
You showered and dried off, blow dried your hair so that your layers laid nicely, then pulled your makeup out contemplating on a look and settling on a nice “natural” look that would hopefully make you glow instead of making you look so pale and sick. Once happy with your look, you made your way to your closet and picked through multiple outfits, groaning in annoyance when nothing was right considering they were your regular clothes and you were much larger at this point, ya know, almost 9 months pregnant. You finally tried on one of your fleece dresses and to your surprise, it fit perfectly over your bump, even making it stand out more which you appreciated. You slipped on some flat white tennis shoes and slipped your purse over your shoulder. Looking at the time, you had 20 minutes to spare giving you just enough time to meet at the coffee shop you suggested to meet at. Your apartment wasn’t messy but you just felt better not bringing anyone to your personal space yet.
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You glanced at yourself once more and sighed in relief that you looked nice and it did in fact make you feel good. You grabbed your phone and car keys and exited your apartment and made your way down the sidewalk to your assigned parking spot, getting in your vehicle and starting it. It was chilly here, so you gave it a moment to warm up before backing out and driving straight to the coffee joint, Steady Grinding, parking and making your way inside. You ordered yourself a decaf latte and found a spot at one of the cute little tables that had 3 other chairs around it. You managed to pick a spot that was more secluded from the front and the rest of the tables, right by a window allowing you to watch the world go by while you waited for the father of your child to show up.
Your heart was beating what felt 100 beats a minute and it was so tight from the build up if nerves to just get here. Anytime you thought about what was going on, it would make your stomach flutter and your head spin. You wanted to cry from the many emotions you were feeling to finally be where you’ve wanted to be since you found out. It was so much to be holding onto, and your precious baby boy could tell. Your mind came back when you felt the kicks he gave you, looking down and watching the movements he was able to make so perfectly. You smiled and rested your hand over your bump and felt him push on it a few times before settling down.
“Mommy’s here baby, sorry for all of the mixed emotions you must be feeling from me.” You whispered down to him. You often talked to him, reading somewhere online that they can hear you and can ultimately build a stronger bond. You wanted to build the strongest bond you possibly could. Your baby was the most love you’ve ever felt, even though it was the hardest feeling to come to terms with in the beginning. You’ve never loved anything more.
You were too busy rubbing your belly in hopes your little one could feel it and an attempt to soothe him and yourself, that you didn’t hear the ding of the bell when someone entered.
When Sarah and Evan entered, Evan’s eyes immediately scanned the room going over every face trying to find you. He’d be lying if he said he wouldn’t be able to find you in a large crowd, your face was imprinted in the back of his mind since the day you two shared intimately. You were a different kind of beauty, you were art. And when his eyes finally landed on you, his heart nearly exploded. There you were, holding and rubbing your very obvious bump, inside the making of you both. Evan couldn’t explain the feeling he had when he saw you. It was exactly what he needed to confirm that this was real. You were real, and his child was real.
And as if perfectly on cue, feeling someone’s eyes on you, you swiftly looked up from your tummy and instantly met Evan’s eyes that were taking you in. You were winded the moment you saw him and your mind blanked.
This was really happening. This is real.
He was here.
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