#it’s why he always folds under point blank questions
phoebehalliwell · 9 months
one of the funniest thing about chris is he is simultaneously a terrible liar and great at hiding the truth. like you Know he’s lying to you but good fuckin luck trying to figure out what’s actually going on. the only thing you know is it’s definitely Not what he’s telling you
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 10
Part 1 Part 9
Steve wakes up cuddling Eddie Munson’s calves to his chest. It barely registers over the sharp stab of pain that had jolted him awake. At some point in his sleep, he’d rolled onto his injured side, and his own weight pressing down into it makes him groan.
He rolls onto his back, letting go of his hold on Eddie’s calves. His other arm is pinned beneath his legs, already full of pins and needles, so he yanks it free. Eddie sits up, smacking his face into one of Steve’s hanging coats.
“What’s it?” he asks, nonsensically, batting the shirt out of his face.
Steve follows his lead, sitting up opposite him. Their knees knock together. Steve doesn’t pull his away.
Eddie’s hair is plastered to the side of his face on one side, lopsided and greasy, and yet his curls are still flyaway, wilder than Steve has ever seen them. His eyes are closed as he swipes his bangs out of his eyes.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Steve says.
Eddie’s eyes slit open, scowl already in place as he looks around, disoriented. Steve can see the exact moment the other boy remembers where they are. His eyes widen before he closes them, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.
“I was hoping this whole thing was a dream,” he says, voice raspy. “No offense.”
Steve laughs. “Why would I be offended, dude?”
Eddie mutters under his breath. Steve doesn’t ask. If he’s over there talking shit, he’d frankly rather not know.
Eddie finally opens his eyes again. “What now?”
Steve looks at the closed closet door. His minds ticking away, but not going anywhere. “There’s no food,” he says, thinking aloud. “We’ve got water. We can’t kill that thing—”
“—can’t get out of here—”
“—so there’s not much to do, is there?”
He feels young and small, the way he always does when he’s hiding in his closet, knows he’s looking up at Eddie, eyes begging him to contradict what he’s saying. Eddie doesn’t.
His gaze looks just as hollowed out as Steve feels, eyes looking through Steve and into a world they’re no longer a part of. “We should stay here,” he says. “If someone comes looking, they’ll know to check here.”
Left unspoken is that no one is looking.
They crawl out of the closet together. Steve hits his face on that same varsity jacket that had meant so much to him only days before. Now, he’d sell it to the highest bidder for a bag of chips.
Eddie’s standing awkwardly in his bedroom, looking around at all the nothing on the walls, the nothing on the desk. The shell of Steve’s life. He thinks of the mugs and hats hanging in the Munson trailer, the signs of life visible in the dishes in the sink and the blanket folded at the bottom of the couch and aches.
“Can we go to your place instead?” He says it before he makes the decision to open his mouth.
Eddie snaps his gaze away from the blank walls, eyes meeting Steve’s own. “Why?”
Steve looks around at all the nothing again, feels his mouth twisting into a frown, feels his fingernails digging into his palms. “It’s cozier.” He doesn’t look back at Eddie, can’t make himself look away from the picture of the car on his wall. Steve doesn’t even like cars.
“Okay,” Eddie says, quiet. There’s an upward tick of a question at the end of the word that Steve chooses to ignore.
It’s an easy journey. They hear no sounds of pursuit, see no twisted monsters. But his lungs ache with panic until Eddie’s shut the front door of his trailer. Steve never realized they lived so close to one another.
It’s almost funny, when you think about the disparate sounds the shutting of their front door’s make. Steve’s close with a wooden thunk, and the quiet click of the metal bolt hitting home. Eddie’s sounds hollow – like styrofoam. It would be funny if it didn’t make his stomach squirm.
Like a repeat of the standoff in Steve’s own bedroom, they stand awkwardly in the Munson’s living room, the silence stilted. Eddie jiggles his feet, looking around the trailer with the same furrowed brow Steve’d had while eying his own empty bedroom.
Steve doesn’t get it. You can almost feel the people that live here by just stepping inside. It’s so full. What more could you need?
“Wanna get high?” Eddie asks, hands flapping at his sides like he can’t help moving.
“…you trust the drugs you find in this nightmare world?” Steve asks, trying to keep the judgment from his tone, sure he’s not successful.
Eddie smiles so wide his teeth show. He swings the backpack of his shoulders in one fluid motion before dropping it onto the couch and riffling through it. He holds up a metal lunchbox like it’s a prize. His face sags when he opens it.
Steve doesn’t know much about weed, but the jaunty angle both the joints Eddie pulls out don’t look quite right. Eddie straightens them futiley with his fingers before bringing them both up to his nose, sliding them both above his mouth with a showy sniff. His nose wrinkles.
“A little water-logged, but they should be okay, right?” He looks up imploringly at Steve. He shrugs. Eddie looks back down at the joints, lips in a pout. “Is chlorine poisonous?”
“Hasn’t killed me yet.”
Eddie laughs, waving Steve to follow him. “You’re not supposed to drink it, Harrington.”
“It just happens sometimes!” Steve says, following closely behind. “You gotta time your breathing right, or you get a mouthful.”
“And then you swallow it?”
“Fuck off, dude.”
Eddie’s bedroom is a marvel. There are so many posters pinned to the wall, he can barely see the color behind it. There are little trinkets everywhere – guitar picks, rings, little plastic guys that remind him of army men, paint supplies, books, cassettes. There are clothes hanging off his desk chair, guitars mounted on the wall, blankets and sheets balled onto the bed in what looks like a very comfortable nest. There are so many things Steve doesn’t even recognize enough to put a name to.
He walks up to the wall, analyzing what look like band posters. They’re predominantly red and black, angry and vibrant. Steve wants to know what that anger sounds like when plaid on the tape deck he sees on Eddie’s desk. He moves around the room, bringing his fingers up to touch the writing on the guitar – THIS MACHINE SLAYS DRAGONS – before thinking better of it and dropping his hand.
It's while he’s bent down, eyeing the little painted dragon on Eddie’s desk that he realizes the other boy has gone alarmingly quiet. When he turns, Eddie is fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, feet shuffling, biting his lip. Steve raises a brow.
“Sorry it’s so messy!” Eddie says, but he blurts it out so fast, it comes out more like, sorryit’ssomessy.
“It’s nice,” Steve says, surprised by how much he means it. “Looks like someone actually lives here.”
Eddie’s cheeks turn pink as he lifts up the ends of his hair to hide the smile Steve can see peeking through like the weirdo he is. He drops the hair to gesture grandly at his messy bed as if it was a limo. Or a chariot. “Well, sit down, my liege.”
Steve does, back against the wall where the headboard would be. Eddie settles down beside him, knees overlapping with the way they’re sitting crisscross.
Eddie holds up one of the joints, licking the edge almost on instinct before grimacing. Steve’s watching his tongue move along the paper, feels something in his gut tense before he looks away.
The first lighter he tries is just as waterlogged as the joints, not even making a spark. Eddie’s cursing up a storm as he leans across Steve to fumble for the lighter propped up on his desk. That one works.
Steve’s been to enough parties to be unsurprised by the skunky musk that quickly fills the room. He’s avoided smoking at all of those parties, though, so the way the smoke fills his lungs leaves him coughing until his throat burns. Eddie slaps his back, hard until he stops choking. It doesn’t help. Steve doesn’t ask him to stop.
“First time?” Eddie asks, clearly teasing. Steve averts his eyes. “Oh, no shit?”
“I play sports, man,” Steve says, reading the titles of the cassettes stacked up on Eddie’s desk to avoid seeing the look on the guy’s face. “Never really seemed worth the lung problems.”
Eddie nudges Steve’s knee with his own. It splays out on top of his and then stays there. “And now?”
He doesn’t want to say it, but it comes spilling out. “You really think we’re going to live long enough to develop lung problems?”
Eddie doesn’t reply, but the weight of his leg grows heavier. Steve revels in the warmth he can feel from his skin, even with the two layers of jeans separating them. It’s so cold here.
“Well,” Eddie starts, and Steve can hear the grin in his voice, so he turns back. His eyes are manic, smile shit-eating and wide. “This is one cherry of yours I don't mind popping."
This time, Steve chokes for a very different reason. He's not sure he minds.
Part 11
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furaflictedhost · 1 year
Afton Family Stupidity
~Training Wheels~
Losing track of time when working on a project was not uncommon for William. Neither was losing most of his awareness of what was going on around him. 
His children often took this as an invitation to sneak into and out of the workshop undetected. However, even after many experiences proving the opposite, they still did so. Michael tiptoed into the workshop, glancing frequently at his father to ensure he hadn’t been spotted.
Slowly, he inched his way across the concrete, every footfall carefully measured. It was a game at this point, to see who could sneak in and out undetected, but no one had succeeded thus far. He reached for the wrench that was usually perched atop his tool shelf, and grasped, only to find it missing. 
“Looking for this?”
Spotted. Michael turned to face his father, who still had his back turned. He held up the wrench he was looking for like a prize. Michael cursed under his breath. There goes his hope for winning. He sheepishly approached his father.
“Uh, Yeah.”
Turning in a manner akin to a cartoon evil genius, William smirked. Michael made a grab for it, only to be thwarted by his father’s quick movements, holding it away from him.
“And why, pray tell, are you looking for my spanner?” 
Groaning in frustration, Michael made another grab for it, unamused by his father’s antics.
“Because I need it.”
Tossing the wrench from one hand to the other with nonchalant agility, William leaned back, holding it just out of his eldest’s reach.
“Why do you need it?”
Practically climbing on him, Michael reached for the wrench, only to be thwarted again by his father standing up.
“I’m doing something! Gimme the wrench!”
Michael climbed his father’s stool, attempting to even out the height difference. His father stepped away from him, just enough to put him off balance, but not enough to topple him from his standpoint on the stool.
“What are you working on?”
Wobbling unsteadily, Michael groaned aloud in frustration, and admitted defeat. When his father decided to be difficult or playful, there was no way around it. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Michael sat down on the stool.  
“I’m putting my training wheels back on my bike, okay?”
The incredulous look his father gave him only frustrated him more.
“Why? You don’t need them.”
Frowning deeply, Michael folded his arms and looked to the floor in embarrassment.
“It’s not for me Dad, it’s for…just give me the wrench.”
“I would be happy to help you, but I need more information.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose when irritated was something Michael picked up from his mother. Ironically that frustration often came from the same source. 
“I am trying to teach Evan how to ride a bike, and I want to put the training wheels on my bike so he doesn’t freak out, okay?”
A small, knowing smile appeared on his father’s face. William patted his eldest son’s shoulder affectionately.
“See? Now was that so hard?”
“You already knew, didn’t you.”
The sly grin on his father’s face answered the question on its own. William offered Michael the tool he’d been fighting to grab and ruffled his hair. 
“Your mother told me a couple hours ago. I just wanted to give you a hard time.”
Michael snatched the wrench from his father’s hands and stomped towards the door. About a foot from the exit, he turned back to his father. 
“Speaking of, have you seen Evan? I’ve been looking for him all day.”
William motioned over to the other stool. Sitting a few feet away, staring at them both with his unmovable blank stare, was Evan.
“He has been helping me with my latest project.”
Michael sighed, and motioned for his brother to follow him, only to find his brother was already standing next to him. He jumped slightly, always slightly unnerved by his brother’s ability to seemingly teleport, and then took his hand.
“Right. Come on, Ev. Let’s go get those wheels attached.”
He led his brother out of the room, calling a thank you over his shoulder. William smirked, and turned back to his project, only to find that his screwdrivers had all been rearranged, and the one he needed was missing. He sighed, knowing there could only be one culprit.
“Goddamnit. Not again.”
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bishop-percival · 1 year
(prev) Teddy’s blood ran cold when Xryxllittian said it could sense him. His mind had started to go blank in panic, and he was about to give in to the instinctual urge to dash when he reminded himself that he didn’t know whether or not Xryxllittian could sense his location. And if it couldn’t he may be able to sneak away. All he had to do was be quiet and not think… Which wasn’t as easy as it sounded, even if Teddy suspected that he did it far more often than most people. He stuffed his notepad in his pocket and started moving while focusing on staying as quiet as possible. Was there something wrong with him? Or was it a valued skill when people tried so hard to recreate it with meditation? He could understand why they’d envy him when it was better than- …Thinking about not thinking was still thinking, wasn’t it? Just had to climb and he’d be a good distance away. How far was Xryxllittian’s range anyways? It would be an interesting question to answer if his life didn’t depend on getting as far away as possible.
The malevolent god huffed and folded some of Its arms. “Uh, the thoughts are saying… they’re saying…”
After a moment of struggling to get a clear read on a thought, Xryxlittian grew flustered and roared. “I shouldn’t have to be wasting MY power to tell you anything just because YOU can’t keep my summoning sacred. I’m leaving.”
Percival shrieked. “WAIT! I-I could give you so much more! What if I gave you, uh… Not just one, but TWO of my deacons!”
Xryxlittian stopped in its tracks. “...Spice it up a bit. What else?” 
Percy smiled out of relief and ran over to the down-and-defenseless Reverend Mike. “This guy always has some valuable magic relics on him… let’s see…” He pulled an extravagant purple amulet from Mike’s neck that was tucked away under his vestment. “Ah, here we go! I believe this to be the Demise Stone of the ancient tribe of Nk’lmnxc. Truly such a rare and powerful artifact belongs only in the hands of a great demon such as yourself!”
One of Xryxlittian’s eyes sparkled at the sight of the gemstone. “...Alright, you won’t get much but we have a deal, bishop.”
Percy squealed and jumped out of delight. He chucked Mike’s amulets towards the demon, who caught it with a spindly hand. He then pointed at the deacons lying on the ground across the room. “Eeny meeny miney… Eh, just take whatever ones you want!” 
Xryxlittian snatched the bodies of Charlie and Owen, the two deacons who were excitedly chattering with each other in the chamber hours earlier. Their bodies withered and disintegrated to nothing as their lifeforce was absorbed into the demon’s hands. 
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
You, Always You: Part 16
“I wasn’t invited either,” you dropped down to the cold metal bleachers on the side of the field, folding your arms over your knees as you stared out at the now empty field. The excitement had died down, the revelry and the cheering had died down until there was nothing but silence.
“She’s a bitch anyway.” You leaned forward where you had sat and rested your chin on your folded arms, studying the abandoned arena, the ‘thunder dome for the giants’ that had been so exclusively obsessed over, as if nothing else had mattered.
“You don’t need to be here.” Steve had turned his head, he had averted his eyes to hide the fact that he had been crying, that he had been humiliated by the league of pretty, popular juniors.
“I think if anyone shouldn’t be here, it’s you Rogers.” After sitting up but keeping your arms folded across your knees, you had nudged him with your shoulder and flashed him a soft, small smile. “I come here all the time.”
“Why?” Steve drew his hands away from his face, and out of curiosity, had questioned your motives for being here so late when everyone else was gone.
You were not an over-joyous fan of football, you had no interest in attending pep rallies or the Friday night games between your high school’s team and the high school blocks away. You had no interest in sitting on cold, hard bleachers for hours while boys ran back and forth with a leather ball, tackling each other.
Your interest lay in artistry and music, in theatre and passion projects. You wanted to make the world a more beautiful place, fill it with intellectual mastery that was carved out with a paintbrush and a blank canvas.
Your good-hearted, tender nature had landed itself more toward a girl who saw the world through rose-coloured glasses, not because you didn’t want to see the evil and harshness in the world but rather because you chose not to revel in it.
“I like to come here to paint, or at least, capture the essence of the view without a rowdy crowd or over perky cheerleaders.” It was only when you had moved your leg, that Steve was able to see a thick canvas bag sitting on the lower half of the bleachers, with a blank canvas peeking from the left corner under the flap.
“You paint here? On the field?” Steve sounded incredulous; mystified even.
“While you can’t see stars at night, there’s something incredible about the city lights at this time of night, and the field-“
“You can’t see.” Steve had countered your point with one of his own, that the city lights had offered little in the way of being able to see a canvas.
“I have lanterns. I also bring snacks and a blanket to sit on. Would you like to sit with me?” You offered your company, and your private little painting session to share, just as you had offered him your hand to take when you had stood.
“What if the sprinklers come on?” Steve trounced down the steps after you, the sound of your footsteps on metal was reverberant, despite that resounding clatter, it had all turned mute when you looked over your shoulder and smiled at him.
“Not afraid of a little water are you, Rogers?” You stepped off the last row of bleachers and giggled under your breath, a sound that made his heart thrash against its cage.
“Not if you aren’t.”
“You should take painting up again,” Steve mumbled into your neck, his fingers slowly peeling back the layers that you were trying to put on, his softened and amused frustration at your lack of cooperation with him only stirring the tension between you two.
“You were always such a good painter.” Steve’s lips parted as the first of many soft and open-mouthed kisses was set against your supple flesh.
It wasn’t enough that he was kissing your neck with gentle and tender passion, but the feel of his fingers starting to tug down the zipper of your skirt, and the subtle prod of his erection in your back was all compiled into a dense sensation that left you to feel buzzed.
Your skin had crackled with static from every stroke of his fingertips against your body, and every soft picker of his lips as he tasted your flesh. It was innate, the visceral reaction he could have pulled from you without even trying to make you come undone under his grasp. It was simply Steve wanting to extend intimacy through the most desirable and insignificant displays of affection.
Although they were not insignificant to you. They were not like he had thought, sweet nothings. His affections were everything, his affections and trail of open-mouthed kisses, the strokes of his fingers against your abdomen and hips were nothing simple to you.
It was everything they had represented by being so soft and genuine, that had meant the world to you. The lack of animosity and possession for the sake of being possessed and owned was immense. The way Steve had whispered tenderness in your ear as he felt you quiver beneath his fingertips, as he heard your soft whimpers of want and need, had been so instrumental in healing you.
Steve was healing you by touch.
“I haven’t thought about it in such a long time.” Your airy whisper was lost to the wind, forgotten and faded with his fingertips sliding between the waistband of your skirt and panties, and the goosebumps that had risen to your skin.
“You’ve been through so much.” Steve nipped at your neck languidly, his right hand holding you against him by your hips, his fingers digging lightly into your flesh when you tried to squirm away. “You need someone to take care of you.”
It wasn’t derogatory, it wasn’t condescending or inflammatory the way he had spoken. It wasn’t Steve thinking you had a lack of abilities or strength, it was Steve recognizing that you had carried so much on your shoulders for so long.
You were tired; you were exhausted from the years of emotional strain.
“Let me take care of you like you should have been.” Steve had ceased the gentle nips, he had stopped the sexually charged teasing and had whispered an endearing promise that braced your heart and soul in gentleness.
“Let me take care of you and Noelle.” There was such an absolute truth behind his words, an unbreakable promise that hung to every beat and every syllable. There was nothing within the context of his promise that was given life, that drew you further toward him than the underlying understanding of the strength that had already been wielded.
“Yes.” It was a single word, a single beat as you had turned in his embrace, your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as he gently lift you from the floor and carried you to the edge of the bed.
Steve had gently deposited you on the mattress. His hands had cupped the curve of your calves, his palms running up and down your smooth skin, fingertips gently massaging your muscles.
“We’re going to be late.” You couldn’t quite catch your breath, not when Steve had leaned in and pressed his lips to your flesh, trailing the caress of his lips up toward your knee, leaving no inch of your legs untouched by the affection.
“We have time for this.” Steve had mumbled against your knee as he cast his attention on you, gazing at you through his long dark lashes. His breathtaking and heart-stopping blue-green irises basking in your appearance as if you were nothing short of perfection in human form.
“Your mom will be here soon, to pick up Noelle.” Your eyes fluttered closed in response to Steve’s hand moving up your leg and under the hem of your skirt, the brushstrokes of his thumbs in small delicate circles had brought forth another surge of wanton and sensual pleasure. It was intimacy at its finest, it was devotion and loving-kindness projected through the scope of this long winding mutual need for each other.
“I know.” Steve had pressed another light kiss to your knee, inching forward to get closer to you, his eyes burning with admiration when your mouth had parted in a startled moan when his fingers had stroked your dampening panties. “I know she is. Noelle is sleeping still.”
Your hands had slid back on the bed the longer his fingers had stroked your wet pussy through your panties. The heat and the wetness pooling between your thighs the longer he had touched you, the longer he had felt the clench of your neediness against his fingertips, was powerful.
It was getting harder to ignore the burning need, the quantifiable desire to feel him, to be filled with him. It was getting harder to ignore how desperately you wanted to extend the intimacy to a complete cycle of sex; the first time you and he had sex since your one-night stand.
“Steve,” your voice wavered and shook, as emotion had overcome you, and the loss of his fingers against you was felt immediately, “Steve-“
“Are you okay?” He had appeared beside you, his hands cupping your cheeks while your bottom lip trembled and your eyes had become glossy with the sheen on unshed tears.
“Please,” you had opened your eyes and centred your blurry vision on him, your teeth biting down on your bottom lip, “please don’t break my heart.”
There was a moment when his eyebrows had become furrowed and his lips had become pursed, the crinkle of his eyes in the corners had been confusion personified, and then he had leaned in and rested his forehead against your own. He had taken the space next to you and lay one hand on your waist while the other hand brushed those few tears that had escaped. You could feel his warm breath fanning your face as he exhaled slowly, his voice shaking as he further embraced you.
“I don’t want to break your heart. I can’t promise that I won’t because I’m only human. I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you, because I make mistakes. I never want to hurt you, I never want to intentionally hurt you. I am so lost to you, Y/N. You have had my heart for years, you have had a hold on me that seems unnatural and powerful; unstoppable. I just want to love you, I just want to be the man you need; you and Noelle.”
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“Welcome back!” The greeting was written on a piece of card stock, pale in colour with a small monogram of a flower shop on the bottom corner. The message was resting on a clear piece of plastic that was perfectly placed in the thick of a large bouquet sitting in the middle of your desk with a thick tulle ribbon wrapped around the glass vase.
You reached out toward the delicate petals and studied the varying colours of bright flowers set in the vase with green plumage breaking the colours meticulously. There were a few beautiful flowers that you could recognize however the majority of them were unknown to you or the names had simply slipped past you.
“Ladybug gave you those.” Steve’s slipped his hand onto the small of your waist and leaned into your back, his lips brushing against our cheek before he had grasped the note and turned it over.
“Ladybug?” Your eyebrows had furrowed in confusion, your thumb and forefinger idly rushing against a pale pink petal while Steve had answered your question.
“Bucky’s secretary. He calls her ladybug.” Steve’s lips twitched, a smirk threatening to form on his face. “She’s really sweet. Don’t know how a jerk like him got a girl like that.”
“Bucky’s ladybug. Aww!” You crooned and let go of the petal to turn the vase slightly. “The little man-whore got himself a girl.”
“A good girl,” Steve kissed your cheek in rapid succession, the feeling of his fingers digging lightly in your waist and the affection welcomingly pressed against your cheek, had resulted in your gasping and squirming against him as you started giggling, “someone who puts Bucky in his place.”
“I’ll put you in your place if you don’t stop-!” The warning had become mute and Steve had continued his assault of tickling you until you had nearly been able to catch your breath. “Steve!”
He had only ceased when the phone had started to ring on the desk, the screen illuminated with a number that you had yet to recognize. As you had managed to swat Steve away, you had crossed the other side of the desk and grasped the back of your chair to pull it away from the desk.
When you had sat down and tucked your feet under the desk, you reached for the phone receiver and rest the back against your shoulder and cheek, busying your hands with turning on the computer and getting it set up.
“Good morning, thank you for calling Mr. Rogers’ office, how can I help you?” Your eyes moved past the computer to his office, watching him stare at you from behind the desk, his blue-green eyes glimmering with mischief while he gnawed on his bottom lip with his top teeth.
“I’m calling from the law office of Mr. Barber to confirm an appointment for Mr. Rogers tomorrow at one.” The woman’s voice on the other side of the phone was nothing but cordial, however, you were confused.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that Mr. Rogers had an appointment with a lawyer.” You had glanced back at Steve, watching him as he worked on the computer, his fingers moving against the keyboard as he typed.
“According to our appointment lo, Mr. Rogers had made the appointment a few days ago.”
“Can I ask why?” You pondered, though you had been shut down almost immediately.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t divulge that information over the phone. Even to his secretary.” She had remained cordial as she had denied you the right to that information. “Would you be able to confirm or deny the appointment?”
“I’m going to have to call you back. I need to confirm it with him.” You had typed out the little reminder on your computer and ended the call, your curiosity getting the better of you.
You had pushed your chair back and stood, grasping the pen on your desk, twirling it in your hands as you began walking from your desk to his office. You stopped at the threshold and knocked lightly, drawing his attention.
“Mr. Rogers,” you grinned and cocked your hip, studying him in all his beautiful glory as he sat behind his desk, his tie already loosened, “you received a call from a law firm confirming an appointment.”
“Oh,” Steve had pushed his chair slightly and angled himself toward you, his fingers drumming against the top of his desk, “I made that for us.”
“For us?” You frowned, striding toward him until you were at the edge of the desk, and then you had sat on the right corner smiling instinctively when he placed his hand upon your knee.
“I told you I would take care of you and I’m going to keep that promise. Andy Barber is one of the best defence attorneys I know of.”
“This is about John?” You placed your hand on top of his and squeezed lightly. “My ex…?”
“I’m going to protect you and Noelle. We’re going to meet with a lawyer and make sure John can never hurt you again. You and Noelle are going to be safe.”
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Let Me Worship You
(C!Technoblade X Gn!Reader)
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Request 9: Could I perhaps request a c!techno x gn!reader where maybe the reader is good friends with Dadza and meets Techno one day and they fall for each other? Bonus if the reader is maybe a great builder like dadza but too shy to actually meet anyone so they just build things quietly and then move on and no one but dadza really knows them? Soft! and/or protective! Techno would be cute but not needed!! 😊😊😊
Requested By: 🍀 Anon
I hope you don't mind the shameless art I made for this lol.
At this point in his life, Technoblade had known Phil for centuries, they started their own brief empire together and he watched him raise Wilbur the best a single father could. It was about five years ago when you started following Phil around, the first time Technoblade met you was entirely by accident. He just needed to drop off some building supplies to Phil and Wilbur when he saw you trifling through Phil’s stuff, you had gorgeous white wings and when the sun hit them just right he saw flecks of gold peek through. His piglin side was immediately enamored with the gold wanted to reach out and run a delicate hand through the feathers. Technoblade set his jaw and summoned his ax to his side, you turned around (e/c) eyes widening with shock and fear. Technoblade couldn’t help but feel pure satisfaction rush through his veins seeing your fright. You held up your hands and everything you were holding tumbled to the ground, wings puffing up with shock and horror. Hearing the noise Phil wandered into the room and was quick to diffuse the situation, you hid behind the taller male and Techno gave a grunt of an apology in your direction.
From that moment forward you were as much of a staple in his life as Phil was, Phil had explained Wilbur had found you half dead a little ways away from his home. You had wings like his and Phil couldn’t let you die without answers, his crows would never let him live it down. After he got what he needed from you, Phil noticed just how handy you were around the house especially when you were building things so he kept you around. Technoblade never really interacted with you unless Phil was there to interpret, you weren’t much of a talker and Technoblade was never one for long-drawn-out conversation anyway. However, when Phil had killed Wilbur and he and Technoblade had to move north you inevitably followed the birdman. That’s when Technoblade really began to understand and get to know you and your little quirks. He noticed that when you concentrated on blueprints to a certain build you’d stick your tongue out all cute like, or the soft songs you’d hum when you thought no one was listening.
But Technoblade always listens.
He also noticed that since you and Phil had moved in there was an abundance of not only Phil’s crows flying around but a few stray morning doves pecking at the snow as well.
With the encouragement of the voices, Technoblade had gathered up enough courage to attempt to hold onto a conversation with you. As he walked up to you he noticed the soft coo of a dove was heard, catching your attention. You turned around and your eyes locked with his own, he watched your shoulders tense and face flush a little as he approached you.
Off to a rocky start already. Great.
“Ugh. Hey?” Technoblade grunted hands crossing over his chest,
‘Hey? HEY? is that the best you can do? Look at them they’re cowering. Good, they should be, which means we’re well known.’
Technoblade cleared his throat a little as you held up a hand with a shy wave, “hello.” You greeted, your voice was soft and sweet like honey in his ears. The exact opposite of Wilbur and Tommy’s, he found himself enjoying the tone. “So um...did I do something wrong?” Your wings folded back and he watched you methodically run your fingers through the feathers.
‘Look at the gold flecks! I want them! I wanna pet them they’re so cute! So small and helpless like a little worm. Worm? Really? What it’s an analogy! A bad one! Shut up she’s giving us a look!’
“No? Did you do something I should be concerned about?”
“No!” You sputtered out in panic, dropping the bricks in your hand stumbling back so they wouldn’t crush your toes.
You had fast reflexes, that’s good.
The morning dove around you cooed in distress fluttering up to your shoulder, nesting there like it was its home. “I’m alright,” You whispered eyes going soft as you scratched under the bird’s chin, Technoblade watched with interest. Technoblade gathered why Phil really liked you, you were almost an exact replica of the mild manner builder, other than the anarchist tendencies.
“Didn’t mean to make you drop your stuff,” Technoblade clicked his tongue softly bending down to gather your materials. “Where do you want them?”
“You don’t have to-”
“I asked you a question kid.” Your mouth snapped shut and your lips pressed into a thin tense line. Technoblade observed as your eyebrow twitched, oh you were annoyed. You didn’t voice your annoyance he couldn’t help but mentally comment how cute that look was on you. A huff spilled past your lips and you directed him where to place the bricks in their proper locations. The both of you fell into light conversation after that, he caused you to laugh a few times and it made him feel oddly warm inside. He didn’t even realize that the sun began to set until you pointed it out, Technoblade rubbed the stubble on his chin glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. You were staring up at the sunset, the orange and red colors shone through the gaps in your feathers, your eyes were alight with wonder. You looked like an old Greek statue, an angel carved out of the finest marble and gemstones.
He flushed when you turned to face him, embarrassed to have been caught staring at you so blatantly. You smiled the tips of your pointing ears turning pink, “You should stay the night.” Technoblade spoke without really thinking about the consequences, “there’s plenty of room.”
“Alright. I think I will. It’s not safe flying at night anyway.” Your smile only growing in size at his offer, he made the right decision then, he led you and your little dove through the snow and into his cabin.
Spring rolled around and there was a little house set up right next to Technoblade’s home. It fit his aesthetic nicely, made out of wood, and always had its lanterns lit, it was your home. However, you began to spend most of your time at Technoblade’s home talking with the retired Blood God. You and Phil also had begun molting which was Technoblade’s least favorite time of the year mostly because of all the feathers. However, this year in particular he was particularly enamored with your shiny golden feathers he would find around his home. Maybe he collected them and kept them in his ender chest, it wasn’t creepy he was cleaning. At least that’s what Technoblade told himself, not because he found your feathers beautiful or anything and was enamored by the shine.
“Hey Kid,” Technoblade asked from his seat across from you in his sitting room, you picked your head up and tilted it to the side in a questioning manner. Your wings were ruffled, messy and you looked uncomfortable to be interrupted from your grooming. “Need some help?” He watched your entire face turn bright red in the process, “look you can say no. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not uncomfortable!” You argued, “just caught off guard a little Tech. I never thought it’d be something you were interested in.” Standing up from the chair you spread your wings wide, pulled over a stool, and flopped in front of Technoblade. He was a little shocked at how quickly you agreed, they must’ve really been bothering you.
“Do I...just stick my hands in there or…”
You tossed your head back and let out a roaring laugh,
“heh? What’s so funny huh? I don’t wanna hurt you.” Technoblade snapped at you with an embarrassed huff, your laughter slowly dyed down after a few more seconds.
“Sorry I just. Is that what you say to the ladies too?” Technoblade choked and blanked never once have you said something so dirty before, he didn’t even know you were capable of making jokes like that.
“I say that to everyone actually, I don’t discriminate to just women- I’m not helping my case am I? I should stop talking.” It only served to send you into another set of loud giggles, Technoblade was red in the face and stuck his hands into the little feathers by your back. He felt you tense up for a moment before relaxing into his touch, you let out a soft sound of pleasure. Technoblade chose to ignore the sound even if it sent the voices into a frenzy, to mark and claim, and...he was absolutely not going to finish that thought. You both sat there for about an hour and thirty minutes, fixing up your feathers making you preen at the touches. You were smiling like an idiot by the time he was done and you spread your feathers wide, almost like you were showing them off. Technoblade couldn’t help but feel proud that you liked the work he did so much,
“They’re so soft! Thank you Techno!” You turned towards him, eyes practically glowing with adoration. His face turned red, you were stunning, he kissed you that night and by wintertime, the both of you were an official couple.
Phil was quick to catch onto the change in demeanor between the couple, he clapped Techno on the back as congratulations. You were out on another building project, making a little farm because you knew how much Technoblade loved potatoes, you really were attentive. Surprising Technoblade, Phil had also threatened his first cannon life if he ever hurt you in any way, shape, or form. Techno was a little surprised Phil would go as far as to threaten him, but he promised his old friend he wouldn’t let any man, woman, or creature lay their hands on you, including himself.
It was the dead of winter and temperatures had dropped drastically, Technoblade had made both you and Phil warm clothes for the occasion that matched with his own winter gear. He had given you a friendship emerald and in return, you made him a necklace with one of your golden feathers on it.
Technoblade cherished the gift with his entire being. On occasion, while he was out on a long journey he’d press gentle kisses to it when he missed you, and he swore sometimes he swore it moved on its own. He walked into the cabin to see you spread across his couch, a book on your lap, wings curled in tight against your body. He smiled softly dropping the wood he gathered by the door, he snuck over to you and pressed a kiss against your cheek.
“Hi, sunshine,” You greeted turning your head to look at him, his face burned and his chest filled with warmth. Technoblade moved to sit in your lap with a smirk, he plucked the book from your hands to look at the cover. You frowned in his direction, “You lose my spot and I’m hitting you over the head with it.”
“Violent.” He tutted softly bopping you on the head with said book, you shot him a cold look.
“Nerd.” He responded casually, you let out a little huff, wings ruffling in frustration.
There’s that look, he loved that look. God, you were so cute.
You slapped your hands on his cheeks, and it shocked him back to attention. He felt your fingers spread across his cheeks and your thumbs brush against the apples of his face. Technoblade’s eyes softened and he snuggled into your open palms, he saw you smile and his eyes dropped to a content close. Technoblade did something he hadn’t done in years, he felt the rumble in his throat before it happened, he purred.
His eyes snapped open with fear and embarrassment, but the way your eyes were sparkling quelled the feelings immediately.
“Did you just purr?”
“So what if I did?” He grumbled another purr mixing with a growl,
“That’s the cutest thing in the entire world Mr. Big Bad anarchist. You only purr for me?” The light teasing in your voice sent him aflame, “Aw you do!” You cooed rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs again, he buried his face in your chest as more purrs spilled from his mouth without him wanting them to. “No need to hide it, keep them purrs coming.” Technoblade’s entire face was red as you reached forward to pluck his glasses from his nose. You placed them on the end table and grabbed a blanket wrapping you both inside a cocoon of warmth.
“You tell anyone about this and we’re breaking up.”
“Deal. Your secrets safe with me.” You hummed quietly running his hands through his pink locks melting against your touch. He finally relaxed completely resting the side of his head against your chest to listen to your heartbeat. Technoblade purred and you could feel the rumbles of his chest against your own. The ferocious Blade was akin to a cat, grumpy on the outside but a big softie who wanted attention on the inside. Leaning forward you kissed his forehead, another louder purr was pulled from the man and pressed his forehead back against your lips. “Good boy.~” You teased scratching under his chin he sent you a tired look but the redness in his cheeks gave away how much he enjoyed the praise.
“Shut up. You’re being cringe.” He growled with no real bite or fire,
“Take a nap big guy. You deserve one. You’re safe with me.” Technoblade yawned loudly at your words, his jaw unhinging a little, only proving to show how tired he really was. “I’ll protect you, always.” Technoblade smiled sheepishly and allowed himself to let his guard down just this once to fall asleep in his lover’s arms.
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likeastarstar · 3 years
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6:00 PM- Jungkook
(A/N: this is connected to 9:20 PM, you may need to read it for context but your choice! Feedback is always appreciated!)
Being in love with you was like taking care of a cat. You found yourself to be finicky, unpredictable with your newly exposed emotions. You were used to hiding them, shoving them so far deep inside of you, it was hard to register what they were for yourself. It felt like Jungkook had seemingly made his way into your soul and you found yourself warming up to him the same way a cat would- with reluctancy and fear.
You told him about your comparison to a feral feline, warmth spreading in your chest when he laughed fondly at you. You watched his nose scrunch up and his shoulders push forwards, smiling to yourself with pride that you made him laugh. You liked that you were able to make him happy, to make him smile.
“It’s a good thing I like cats,” He smiled, placing a hand on your hair and smoothing your hair down, stopping at the base of your neck and pulling you down towards him.
He was laying on your bed with you seated beside him with your legs folded under you. Jungkook had spent almost everyday with you since the day he decided he was going to crack through your facade of placid neutrality in front of others.
“Seriously,” You mumbled, stopping yourself just shy of kissing him. Your nose grazed against his and your smile widened when he nuzzled it against you impatiently, “You put up with a lot- thank you.”
“You’re a passion project of mine,” He smiled, “Plus I like when you get angry and take it out on my dick.”
“You’re disgusting,” You said flatly, no bite behind your words.
Jungkook grinned and kissed you, smiling when he felt you climb over him, straddling one of his legs with your arms running up and down the length of his sides, “Thanks for expressing that lovely sentiment. Great communication.”
He hiked his leg up and pushed it against your center, relishing the soft gasp you let out. You squeezed his leg between your thighs, holding him there for a moment.
It wasn’t always this sunny between the two of you, memories of the shamble that was your life two months ago flooded your head, barging in like an intruding thought demanding to be acknowledged.
“Are you even paying attention to me?”
Why was everyone asking you that questions? Were you? At this point, you couldn’t really tell. Maybe you were just tired, you didn’t get a lot of sleep. It was normal, right? To lose sleep because of how many things were running through your brain, worries you couldn’t seem to find a solution for. Had you slept at all last night? You couldn’t remember. You knew you got in bed, pretended that you were tired- so how did the entire night and then some pass while you didn’t even notice?
“Hello?” Jungkook snapped, waving an idle hand in front of your face. He called your full name- which was rare considering he had a million stupid nicknames for you. “What’s wrong?”
You looked at him with a blank expression, shrugging, “Nothing, I’m fine.”
Jungkook looked at you with a flat expression, narrowing his eyes slightly as if he was trying to tell if you were messing with him. You stared back at him, raising your eyebrows stubbornly.
“Watching you love everyone else around you more than yourself is the worst thing on earth.” He said slowly, “You need to let someone in- if not me, then yourself. I don’t understand why you’re punishing yourself by hiding all of your emotions.”
Jungkook had been pushing you so hard for weeks- demanding you to share every little thing that went through your head when he thought you seemed upset like it was easy for you. You understood that he wanted you to open up to him, but it wasn’t as easy as he made it seem.
“So stop hanging out with me,” You said simply, ironing the hurt in your heart. You knew this would happen to you eventually- you figured he’d get tired of having to babysit you and then leave you. This is exactly why you didn’t let him officially call you his girlfriend, nor did you call him your boyfriend. You had barriers, held him at an arms length.
“What?” He asked, pain seeping through his tone, “When did we start talking about that?”
You didn’t look at him, staring the entire other direction instead, “Now- we’re talking about it now. You said being around me is the worst thing on earth, so stop being around me.”
“That’s- I didn’t,” He stuttered, eyes wide.
You licked your lips nervously, ignoring the lump forming in your throat. You felt his hand grasp at yours and you pulled away sharply, taking a couple steps back. You shook your head, pushing his hands away. You couldn’t stop your head from shaking no, your hands from trembling, your heart from beating out of time. It felt like your chest was getting heavier and heavier, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
“I would rip my heart out for you,” He pleaded, “I would give you everything I have and more if I could- anything you asked of me, I’d do. I didn’t mean, please, baby-“
“Stop,” You interrupted, taking another step back. You couldn’t handle his level of affection, the attention he gave to you.
You walked away quickly, fast enough for him to not see the tears streaming down your face.
“Hey, where’d you go?” Jungkook asked, breaking you out of the flashback going through your mind.
You blinked down at him, using your hands to prop yourself up off of him, hovering slightly above of his face, “I’m glad we broke up two months ago.”
He scoffed dramatically, “So you hate me?”
“No- I mean, I’m glad I went to therapy. I’m glad I didn’t depend on you to fix me,” You clarified. You were still navigating the right way to word the way you felt at times, stumbling through out of context phrases that sounded harsh at times.
Jungkook took a deep breath and smiled with his lips shut, pressing his mouth into a thin line like he was trying to contain a swell of emotions. He tucked a stray piece of hair of yours behind your head, caressing the side of your face lightly, “I’m glad you came back to me when you were ready.”
You smiled down at him, letting him pull you down to kiss him again. Jungkook didn’t fix you, no, but it was better this way- you were better this way.
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kohanayaki · 3 years
.:Time and Time Again:. (Marauders Era x Reader) Ch 5
Harry confronts you with a familiar piece of suspiciously folded parchment, and you tell him the story of how you helped create it (mostly told through flashbacks taking place in the Marauders era).
LINKS:   CH 1   CH 2    CH 3   CH 4   CH 5   CH 6   CH 7   CH 8
Ch 5 .:Narrow Spaces and New Alliances:. 
Your eyes drifted open slowly, the bright streams of sunlight coming in through your window strangely unbecoming of 12 Grimmauld Place. It took you a moment to get your bearings as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and remembered where you were. As you sat there, looking around Sirius' guest bedroom, last night's events all seemed to flood back to you at once. You groaned into the comforter, feeling your face burn as you recalled blatantly staring at his lips just minutes after crying into his shirt for at least half an hour.
Come on, get it together, you thought to yourself, you're here because Dumbledore summoned you, stay on task.
However, as soon as that memory left your head another replaced it, this one weighing heavier on your chest. You found yourself thinking back to your encounter with Severus. Well, as much as you could call it an 'encounter.' Even when you couldn't see him, you could feel him when you reached out to him with your mind. Severus was good at blocking legillemency— too good, in fact, because you would know the familiar force of his mental shield anywhere. You'd never felt it as powerful coming from anyone else. You almost laughed at the irony of it; the very thing he was trying to use to keep hidden was exactly what had given him away. That, and the smell of him, which took you back to the moment you'd first smelled that damn amortentia potion. . .
You tried to shake off the thought as you properly got out of bed and changed into some casual clothes. The next Order meeting wasn't until tomorrow afternoon, so you had the day mostly to yourself, but you knew the next time you were all in a room together you would have to address some things privately if you had any hope of working together efficiently. You gently padded down the wooden stairs, the door to Sirius' room still closed. He never was an early riser.
As you reached the kitchen you began to put a pot of coffee on when you heard someone approach the room, stalling in the kitchen entrance. You turned around to see Harry in the doorway.
“Morning,” you grinned, turning back to the counter and using your wand to bring some water to a boil, “Coffee? Tea?”
“Oh,” Harry said, a bit embarrassed you'd caught him in mid-thought, “no, I'm okay.”
“What's on your mind?” you asked.
“Um, I was wondering if you could tell me, I mean, if you have the time. . .” he trailed off, reaching for his back pocket, “well, the thing is, a few years ago I found—”
“Kreacher heard sounds coming from the kitchen and did not expect (Y/n)'s return,” Harry jumped at the house elf's sudden arrival, but you seemed unphased.  
“Though master's half mudblood godson remains here,” the elf muttered to himself, “How many more days must it be?”
“Hello, Kreacher,” you greeted him, “nothing nasty about Harry, now, alright? Don't forget he's my godson too.”
“Of course,” Kreacher said, thickly sarcastic but with respect for you in his tone nonetheless. His permanent frown seemed to deepen, however, when he saw you next to the coffee maker. “(Y/n) of house (L/n) should not have to be using the kitchen. Mistress Black would have wept to see a pureblood use muggle equipment. If (Y/n) requires refreshment Kreacher will have it ready.”
“There's no need for that,” you said, “Besides, it's done already, see? You can go on now.”
Kreacher squinted at the cup you poured for yourself. “Always peculiar,” he grumbled, stalking away at your request and muttering to himself all the while.
“He's oddly. . . nice to you,” Harry said, green eyes quizzical behind his round-framed glasses.
“He is,” you chuckled.
“But, well, you're—”
“A blood traitor?” you gave him an easy smile when you saw his expression, easing his fears that he'd actually offended you. “I know,” you said, “he's been through a lot, it's complicated. Trust me, he wasn't always like this to me. It takes time. And it doesn't hurt to be nice to him either.”
Harry decided against bringing up that the nicest person that he knew to the house elf was Hermione, who Kreacher regularly called a 'mudblood wench,' but decided to focus on the 'taking time' part of your statement, wondering  just how long this kind of progress took with the spiteful elf. Besides, you seemed to have some sort of history with him.
“Anyways, what was it you were saying?” you asked Harry.
“Oh, right,” he said, reaching back around him, “um, my friends Fred and George, you've met them?”
“Molly and Arthur's twins, of course,” you smiled, “little imps, they are. Those two could give your father and Sirius a run for their money.”
“Right!” Harry said, “well, that's sort of the point. They're the ones who gave me this.”
As you turned around to face him you stalled mid-stir, nearly dropping your mug as you did. Even as a piece of blank parchment you knew what it was, the distinctive accordion folds that met in the center giving it away.
“How in the world. . .” you trailed off as Harry handed it to you, “but Filch—”
“Didn't do a very good job of hiding it, apparently,” Harry finished, “I thought you might want to do the honors?”
You nodded wordlessly, a pang of unexpected emotion hitting you as you pressed your wand to the map's center.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”
The faded, brown ink showed itself as its protection charm was washed away, revealing the nostalgia-inducing inscription scrawled in your respective handwritings:
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, and Fangs are proud to present: The Marauders Map
“Do Remus and Sirius know you have this?” you asked Harry, who nodded.
“Professor Lupin gave it back to me third year before he left Hogwarts,” he said, “but he never told me anything about it after that.” he seemed deep in thought for a moment before looking up at you. “If everyone else is who I think it is, you're Fangs, right?”
It was your turn to nod now.
“I always wondered, how did you do it?” Harry said, hardly containing his curiosity, and you couldn't help but think how much he looked like James in that moment. “How does it work? What sort of magic did you use? All the secret passageways, how did you find them?”
“Alright, slow down,” you laughed lightly, giving in, “I suppose there's no harm in telling you.”
Harry brightened at that, bounding into the living room and taking a seat on the couch as if to say 'we've got all day,' which you did. It warmed your heart to see him so excited, this was one of the only ways he could get to know his parents— through the stories that remained from the people who loved them. If you could help the picture of his family in his mind become a bit clearer, you would tell him any story he wanted to know. He deserved that much after everything he'd been through.
You took a seat opposite him, still nursing your cup of coffee.
“Well,” you said, “it's a long story, starting with how bad those lot were at keeping secrets. . .”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1974   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Run!” James half shouted half laughed as Filch hobbled after the four of them. Sirius nearly bit his tongue trying to keep in his laughter as the Caretaker slung insults and promises of punishment their way, cat ears and a tail freshly sprouted from his body.
“I can't believe we actually did that,” Sirius cackled, keeping easy pace with James.
“I can't believe you dragged me into this,” Remus panted, his current body not lending itself well to physical activity. For once he actually wished he was a werewolf right about now.
“I don't know if I can keep up,” Peter wheezed, falling behind.
“Oh come on,” James said, grabbing his sleeve and helping him run, “we can out run a gummy-legged old prat like him.”
“I don't know, he's faster than he looks,” Remus pointed out as Filch rounded the corner behind them.
“Damn,” James cursed under his breath, “we'll lose him if we can make it to the one-eyed-witch passageway.”
“We'll never activate it in time,” Remus countered.
“The hallway behind the third floor tapestry?” Peter suggested.
“No, Filch knows about that one now,” Sirius said.
“Why the hell didn't you bring your cloak?” Remus huffed.
“Well getting caught wasn't supposed to be part of the plan, but someone had to let out a laugh before we could get out!”
“Just save your air and sprint!” Sirius hissed.
The extended run time was starting to catch up to all of them now, and when they'd made a wrong turn to a blocked off corridor they thought they were done for.
“Hey, morons, over here!”
Four heads snapped towards the sound of your whisper, but you were nowhere to be found. Suddenly, one of the light pillars began to shift, revealing a large crack in the wall just big enough for them to fit sideways.
No questions were asked with no time to waste, and the four boys clamored after one another so they could fit inside. Your magic moved the pillar back in place just in time, and you watched from your hiding spot as Filch reached the walled-off passage in surprise, grumbling as he looked around for the culprits behind you. You had to stifle a snicker as his cat ears lowered; was that growling coming from the back of this throat or did you imagine that? Eventually he stumbled off in frustration and you sighed.
“Alright, the coast is clear,” you said.
“Why did you help us?” James rose a brow, that signature shit-eating grin back on his face like it never left, “you haven't fallen in love with me since our truce, have you?”
“Dream on, Potter,” you rolled your eyes, pushing him out of the crevice and smirking as he tumbled to the floor.
“It seems like I'm always saving you nowadays,” you said, stepping out of the wall yourself with the rest of the boys following.
Remus was thoroughly confused, looking pointedly between you and Sirius. He knew you and James were pretty much friends now, but he also noticed that the hostile air that always seemed to be present with you and the elder Black had diminished. He'd even seen you two talking in the halls lately. Sirius gave him a look; he would explain what happened in the forest with Lucius to Remus later. Mostly he didn't want to admit that Remus was right about you not being so bad if he gave you a chance; you had actually been getting on pretty well since that night.
“You do realize it's no fun winning the house cup when you four practically make Gryffindor ineligible every year with all the shit you get up to, right?” you chuckled, “some competition would be nice for a change.”
“We'll see if you're singing the same tune when Quidditch season rolls around,” James said smugly.
“You're right,” you said, squaring up against him, “guess that's a new competition we've got going for us.”
It had recently been announced that you and James had both been selected to play Seeker for your respective houses next year. It was an arrangement that had the whole school talking, your rivalry turned (mostly) friendship now infamous, even if it was a recent occurrence.
“Hold on, how did you know that was there?” Peter asked you, pointing to the moving column, “even we didn't know about it.”
“Oh?” you crossed your arms, “and are you four supposedly some kind of all-knowing secret masters? Because clearly there's things you don't know about yet.”
Sirius slapped a hand over Peter's mouth before he could retaliate and give away what they've been working on.
“Yes, well, apparently,” he said, ignoring Peter's muffled protests.
You looked at them curiously, all four boys looking suspiciously nervous.
The next day at breakfast, James had brought up the idea of 'hiring' you to help them finish the map.
“I'm telling you, I think we can really make progress with their help,” he pitched, “they clearly know what they're talking about, and we know they can pull a hell of a prank from all the times they've gotten me.”
“How do we know they won't tell anyone?” Peter countered, “I don't know what's up with you, but you're trusting them too fast, James.”
“They're not the type that would tell,” Remus admitted.
“Oh, not you too!” Peter whined.
“I'm just saying, they'll likely appreciate what we've gathered so far and have a fair bit to add,” Lupin insisted, “it could be worth a try if you really want to finish it before we graduate—”
“Finish what?”
The four boys jolted upright, turning to see you and Lily.
“Are you guys okay?” Lily asked, concern written across her features.
“Of course!”
“Never better!”
“Why wouldn't we be?”
Remus just groaned at his friends' panicked answers. This was hopeless.
You and Lily shared a knowing look off the the side.
“Alright, whatever you say. . .”
Harry laughed heartily,
“Wow, I mean, I know you said they were bad, but that bad?”
“For being expert pranksters who hardly ever managed to get caught, they were remarkably terrible at hiding things,” you said, chuckling along with him, “It didn't take us long to figure out they were up to something, although they seemed to think they were brilliant at covering it up, Remus had to burst their bubble eventually.”
Harry shook his head, smiling fondly and imagining all the scenes in his head as you continued your tale.
“So that was when they were first starting to put the map together,” you continued, “but that wasn't even the biggest secret they were hiding. Of course, I wouldn't find out about that for another year, but we'll get to that part of the story later. . .”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1975   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“This tastes awful,” Sirius complained, trying to ignore the plant prodding the under-side of his tongue.
“Well if you were expecting treacle toffee I'm sorry to disappoint,” James rolled his eyes, equally nauseated by the bitter tinge of the Mandrake leaf in his mouth.
“There's no way someone can do this for an entire month,” Peter said, “How do you brush your teeth? What if you accidentally swallow it when you're eating?”
“You three have fun with that,” Remus chuckled, flipping through an old library book and his mouth gratefully leafless.
“How about some gratitude, Moony?” James said, “We're doing this for you.”
“Please, you just want to see if you can turn into a dragon or something,” Lupin chortled, “and you don't actually have to go through with all this. Who knows if this animagus stuff will actually work.”
“Well, a dragon would suit me,” James mused, “but of course we're going to see this through, mate. You know we'd do anything for you.”
Remus smiled to himself, not responding and not needing to. He knew.
“Hey guys,” you grinned, walking up to the Gryffindor table.
Peter gulped suddenly in surprise as you came up behind him, and his eyes widened in horror.
“Shit!” he coughed out, “I-I swallowed it!”
“Your. . . food?” you questioned, glancing over at the boys who all had that same, vaguely panicked look about them.
“Okay, it was funny at first, but you guys have been acting weird since last year and now it's worrying,” you admitted.
The four looked between themselves and came to a sort of silent conclusion. Maybe in this scenario it was better to tell one secret to keep the other. And so, later that night, they told you to meet them after lights out so they could tell you what was really going on. You snuck out of your dorm room and made your way through the secret tunnel to the Gryffindor common room, a route you'd taken plenty of times to mess with James.
You pushed a loose panel of wood open, coming into the warmly lit space through one of the cabinets. You pushed an armchair that was half blocking your path out of the way as you crawled through the space.
“Blimey!” Sirius jumped, “give us a heads up, would you?”
“Sush,” Remus scolded him, “you really don't understand the concept of an inside voice, do you?”
“Alright, well I'm here,” you said, brushing off your robes, “now what's this big secret? This better not be a trick because I've been working on a new hex.”
“Nothing like that,” James assured you, “we've been working on something we think you might be interested in, if you're willing to contribute.”
He stepped to the side so you could see the floor where they'd been huddled around and your eyes widened.
“Merlin,” you said. The red and gold carpet was covered in at least forty different pieces of parchment. Pages upon pages overlapped with each other, each messily detailing a different part and level of the castle in scribbles of smudged ink. “This is. . .”
“The entirety of the Hogwarts castle and surrounding land,” Sirius said proudly, “complete with secret passageways.”
“This is our lives' work, (Y/n),” James said, “be impressed!”
“What impresses me most is how none of you have any sense of scale,” you said, sifting through the papers, “you should really condense this. Kind of hard to make any use of a map if you have to flip to page thirty-three to find the kitchens.”
“Point taken,” Remus said, “it could do with some reorganization.”
“And probably a bigger piece of paper,” you mentioned.
“Right, that. . .”
“That's not all there is to it, though,” Peter said, “Sirius?”
The curly haired boy stepped forward, pressing his wand to the center of the floor.
“Revelare Popularis,”
You watched in wonder as hundreds of names suddenly appeared across the pieces of paper, all students and faculty you recognized. They were scrawled in Sirius' handwriting, as if he'd written them himself.
“This spell shows where everyone in any location on this map is at this very moment,” he said, “It's not exact, and we've been working on variations.”
“So you can plan ahead without getting caught,” you mused, “how'd you learn something as advanced as this, Black?”
“I get around,” Sirius shrugged, unabashedly showing off. Peter rolled his eyes.
“So, the only drawback, of course, is that the spell doesn't work in real time,” Remus said, “so by the time you get where you need to go. . .”
“People will have moved,” James finished, “we're willing to share this little trove of knowledge with you if you're willing to give up all the secret rooms, passages, and hiding places you know.”
“And we thought you may have a solution to our timing problem,” Remus said, “I could tell from our study sessions you quite enjoy learning ahead of your year.”
Your eyes scanned the pages, and you were admittedly impressed. There was ton of stuff on here you had no idea about, but you knew a fair amount was missing as well. It seemed like a fair trade.
“I'm in,” you said.
“What?” Peter blinked, “it was that easy?”
“This is a useful tool you've got,” you said, “I think we can all benefit from it being improved. And now that you mention it, I actually do think I've read about a similar spell to that paper charm. It was in some Gaelic tome in the restricted section on ancient magic. I'm not even sure it used a wand. It was called the Homunculus charm. From what I read it sounded like it acted as a live feed for people in any given location, clan leaders used it to plan ambushes and keep track of citizens. If we could link it to the entire castle. . .”
“We'd be able to see where everyone is—”
“And what they're doing—”
“—At every hour of every day!”
“True, albeit a bit stalkerish,” you quipped, “you let me in on this if I add in what I know, and you got yourself a deal.”
James put out his hand, and as tempted as you were to turn it green or make all the bones in it disappear, you reached out and shook it.
“I do believe this puts us in a formal alliance, Potter,” you said cheekily.
“I believe so,” James smirked.
“Terrifying,” Remus chuckled, “This school won't even know what hit it.”
“Well, what are we waiting for?” James said with a cheshire grin, “let's steal ourselves a book, shall we?”
Read chapter 6 here!
Taglist:  @sleep-i-ness, @blackpinkdolan, @parker-natasha, @ornella0910 @undertaker1827 @thatwierdo-koemi @nxstalgicnxbxdy @calaryssia @aleksanderwh0r3 @mialupin1
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
I've been reading some of your posts and I am a big fan🥰
I was wondering if its okay, maybe you could do a Loki x reader where they were best friends and denied each others feelings all the time and when Loki was brought to the TVA, he found reader there and lots of angst and fluff🥰💞😁
Have a great day😁😁💞💞🥰🥰
Nothing Gold
Relationship: Loki x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: thank you so much for enjoying me work I am so glad that makes me so happy! thank you so much for the request. I really liked this idea and I think it came out okay - sorry the ending it a bit abrupt! thank you again :)
Loki had to do a full-on, dramatic as hell, double-take while walking through the TVA library. He had come down to look for a variant file but had apparently ended up finding something else. More specifically — someone else.
You. You. You.
You, his best friend. You, the sweet girl he had a never-ending crush on. You, the one who had just gone missing one day.
Loki could never forget. It was like something wouldn’t let him.
He had invited you around the palace for breakfast before you left his chambers for the night. You two had been up late reading together. You frequently popped over, usually claiming to stay for a few hours, just enough for Loki to read to you some verses of a poetry book, but those hours got longer and longer each time.
Next thing you two knew, it was nearly morning and you needed at least a few hours of sleep in your own bed. He had walked you out, asking you to come back for breakfast in a few hours. You happily agreed, giving him a quick hug before parting. Loki didn’t want to let go. He remembered that detail very well. He wanted to pull you back in his chambers, just hold you for hours. Days. Months. Forever. But he didn’t. He let you go, watching as you made your way back to your modest home. He never realized that would be the last time he saw you.
Well, actually, it technically wasn’t. Because he was staring at you right now. You were at a table near the back of the library, head buried in some files but he could still recognize you. Could always point out that lovely, long hair and those soft, gentle hands. You were always a stark contrast against him.
Loki just watched you for a few moments, completely and utterly confused by the situation. The shock was wearing off and now question after question filled his brain. How did you end up here? What had you done? Were you okay? A million thoughts came over him but his legs had their own agenda. The next thing he knew, he was approaching your table. He almost didn’t know how he got there.
He stood opposite of your sitting form. You weren’t noticing him, apparently very invested in the file you were studying. Loki had to admit, that was quite like you. You were always one to get lost in the words, way deeper than he did.
Eventually, Loki cleared his throat, hoping that’d do something. Slowly, you lifted your head, brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at him from head to toe. You didn’t recognize him, Loki could see it in your eyes. He was just a variant turned agent to you. Something in him felt like it was stabbing his heart over and over again.
"Can I help you with something?" You hesitantly asked but your voice was still so sweet and kind, just as Loki remembered. You were far more patient and soft-spoken than he was.
He said your name like it was the greatest plead but you didn’t react. Loki didn’t know what to do then, realizing you were you but you also…weren’t. His face fell.
You were getting uncomfortable. "I-I’m sorry, I’m not sure I know who that is—,"
"You don’t?" Loki couldn’t help the hurtful gasp he let out.
"Sir, I’m sorry…" Your eyes began searching around frantically. Something was going on. You were getting scared, way past uncomfortable. You wouldn’t look at him anymore.
Loki said your name again, much forceful than the last. You jumped. You weren’t directly responding but Loki could see something in your eyes. He said your name again. Then again. Like it was the only thing he knew. Your eyes met one another intensely, hypnotically.
After maybe the sixth time, you snapped. You jumped out of your seat, breathing heavily, scared, surprised. It had all happened too fast Loki was also taken back. You two were more than just staring at each other. Your wide eyes were taking him in.
He felt so relieved to hear his name just float off your lips. It was as sweet as he remembered. Like a little lullaby. The stabbing in him stopped.
Loki nodded. "It’s me."
"What…" You looked around as if you had no idea where you were. And maybe you didn’t but Loki hadn’t expected your name to just snap you out of it. This opened a lot of questions for him but he didn’t have time. He raised his hand, cutting off your words.
Loki nodded towards one of the bookshelf aisles further away from everyone. You nodded in understanding, following him down the rows.
Once you were a safe distance away, Loki wasted no time collecting you in his arms, his head buried in your shoulder. You were surprised for a moment at the gesture but then you fell into it naturally, like you had just hugged him yesterday. And really that was how it had felt. But Loki knew better. You had been gone for so long…
"Loki," you mumbled his name, your head pressed into his chest. "What is going on?"
Loki stilled. "Why don’t you tell me what you know."
You scoffed, breaking off the hug. You were a sweet one but Loki was no stranger to your tiny temper. You put distance between you two and Loki allowed it despite how much it hurt.
"What I know?" You repeated, folding your arms. "What I know is that I’m standing in a library with you." You looked around at the space, noting an actual lack of real books. "What kind of library is this anyway? How did I—,"
"Do you remember anything before you got here?"
Your gaze dropped as you studied your shoes. They were some nice black flats but Loki knew that wasn’t your style. You were not the business causal type, usually pleased with the feeling of Asgardian silk gowns.
Something was coming to you as you let out a soft gasp. "I was walking home. We-We had just finished a poem written by that Midgardian… Gosh, what was his name? Winter or something—,"
"Frost," Loki mumbled. "His last name was Frost and you enjoyed his poem about how nothing gold can stay. You found it relatable. I’ll admit, you may have been onto something."
A light had gone on within you. "You thought it was pretentious." Your gaze met Loki’s once more. "I called you a fool and laughed. Then we saw daylight breaking and… and I had to go home. I missed my bed. You wanted breakfast in a few hours. I agreed to come back."
Loki nodded, encouragingly, but your words had fallen off. "What happened next?"
You shook your head, that blank expression washed over you again. "I don’t know."
Loki let out a sigh and leaned back on the shelf. "Do you remember anything after that?"
You looked back down at your outfit. At least the pencil skirt was nice. "Yes," you admitted. "I was hired here. I report on variants to protect the sacred timeline." It sounded to Loki like you were reading a script. What the hell was going on here?
"But you don’t know how you got from Asgard to…here?"
You sighed, a bit annoyed. "How did you get here?"
The snippy temper was back. You were still you. Loki could’ve kissed you, a feeling that had come over him before but was suddenly more intense than ever. He would, he promised himself. He couldn’t leave you again without doing so.
"I had a bit of an…incident."
"Really? You? I never would’ve guessed," you said, the sarcasm on your words dripped heavily. Loki gave quite the dramatic eye roll. You let out a little giggle.
"Yes, well, never mind what got me here, I am here," he said, motioning towards nothing. "And I am assisting with the hunt of a variant."
"You’re helping them?"
Loki scoffed. "Don’t act so surprised." A beat. "I didn’t have much of a choice."
You bit your lip, trying to hold back a smile but failed miserably. Loki had missed this. If he focused really hard, it almost felt like you two were back in Asgard, lounging around, talking about nothing. Teasing one another. His heart was aching.
"What do you know about the variant?" You eventually asked.
Loki glanced away. "It’s me."
He shrugged. "Well, a version of me. Another variant."
You slowly crossed the aisle, coming to stand right next to Loki, your shoulders pressed against one another. Loki’s breath hitched just a bit. He would never get used to this.
You asked, "Well, what have ‘you’ done?"
Loki resorted back to his witty humor. "Nothing good as you could assume."
"This mischief of two Lokis is unthinkable."
Loki let out a laugh which you followed suit with. You two were laughing over nothing in this random library in wherever this place was. He could barely understand it and you were absolutely clueless. But the moment of laughter was good, was familiar. Too bad it couldn’t last.
"I’ve missed you," Loki admitted after the laughter had faded out unceremoniously. You looked a bit surprised at the confession.
He nodded.
You blushed and looked down. "I’d say I missed you too but I don’t feel like we’ve been apart. How long has it been?"
When Loki wasn’t giving an answer, you forced yourself to turn back to him. He was staring at you quite intensely. You shivered under the gaze. It was an expression you hadn’t seen before, he hadn’t allowed you to see. It was one full of love and interest and adornment.
"Too long," was all he said before his lips were on yours. Loki finally took what he had been craving and it was happening in the TVA library. The fucking TVA. Loki’s head was still spinning with worries about this whole thing but, slowly, he got lost in you. In your lips and softness. Your hands grasped his shirt as you deepened the kiss — you. You wanted more from him. And he was happy to give.
His hands caressed your sides lovingly, feeling and holding you in the way he had always dreamed. It was better than anything he could’ve conjured. It felt right and real. Good and… Too good. Too powerful.
An alarm was going off somewhere now. You hadn’t seemed to notice it, still captivated in the kiss, but Loki was aware. He forced you two apart, reluctantly. You looked at him, ready to protest, but before you could ask anything, Loki was placing a hand over your mouth.
Footsteps were approaching. They were coming towards your aisle. Whatever had happened here wasn’t good, something had gone haywire. Had he broken the timeline? Was that even possible here? Loki didn’t know but what he did know was there was an army on the hunt for them. Without thinking twice, he grabbed your hand, looking for an escape route.
"Loki," you finally were able to speak, keeping your voice hushed as you two maneuvered the maze of shelves, "what did we do?"
"We love each other."
Loki stopped despite there being no time to stop. "Am I wrong?"
You didn’t answer. That was all he needed. Now to only get the hell out of here. Loki couldn’t tell if his encounter with the TVA had been a blessing or a cure as he held you close to him, refusing to lose you again to whatever trap this place planned to lay.
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heliads · 3 years
Sudden Changes (Part Two)
When you, an Erudite, accidentally stumble upon Jeanine Matthew’s plans, she forces you to transfer to Dauntless. Your only hope is to blend in, although Four seems less willing to let that happen.
part one / masterlist / part three
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This first encounter sets you on edge. You hate to admit it, that barely a few minutes into your tenure at Dauntless you’re already convincing yourself it’s all a mistake, but that’s the way it is. This is probably how your life will be until the day you die- terrified over the smallest of incidents, sure that any small happening means that Jeanine Matthews will be sending an assassin your way. This is no way to live, but you’re not sure that you have a choice about it. No, you have no choices left at all.
It was either this or die outright, you remind yourself. Even this nerve-strained way of life is better than that initial bullet. At least now you have time to grow and at least pretend that you got the easy way out, right? However, you’re not sure where to go from now. Jeanine included no terms of service in her deal. In fact, the only thing she said was that you would have to choose Dauntless. Then again, you’re fairly sure that if this man, Four, found out what you’d seen, you’d be back in that same scared place where you started.
That’s why you were sent to Dauntless in the first place, isn’t it? Jeanine wanted you to keep your mouth shut. You’d either learn to live as a mindless, brainless soldier, seamlessly fitting into the ranks, or you’d die and be stuck as a washed-out factionless roaming the streets, with nothing to do and no one to listen to you. However, you’re fairly sure that she hadn’t counted on one of her own Dauntless leaders questioning your presence here. Apparently Jeanine’s agenda only extends so far as herself, although that’s no surprise to anyone who’s ever known her.
This man, Four, however, you don’t know him as well. You may know Jeanine, or at least you thought you had, but he is a complete blank to you. You could swear that he looks familiar, like you’ve seen his face before, but every time you comb your memories, searching for a name to put to the face, you can’t remember a thing. This is unfortunate, especially since remembering who Four is could mean the difference between coming face to face with another one of Jeanine’s guards or accidentally discovering someone who could be an ally to you.
Regardless of who Four is or what his intentions are, you can be sure of one thing: he knows you, or must recognize you from somewhere, and he’s not going to leave you alone anytime soon. Ever since that first meeting, when he’d stared at you like you were someone he had pushed to the farthest corners of his mind, sure that he’d never see you again, it was as if he had sworn to himself that he’d never leave you alone. Wherever you look, he is there: down the table in the mess hall, watching you spar in training, eyes locked onto your knives and targets as you throw. His presence is silent, and he’s about as likely to say anything to you as any of the other initiates, but it’s there nonetheless. You can’t help but feel unnerved. You had hoped to blend into the crowds of trainees, but Four is making that impossible.
So, you throw yourself into your training with additional fervor. If he’s going to keep watching you, you might as well make sure that everyone else is watching you as well. Target practice, both with a knife and a gun, comes surprisingly easy to you. Maybe it’s because they both rely on taking careful aim, having perfect balance between what the eye sees and what the mind knows to be true. It’s about as close as you’ll ever get to Erudite in this dark corner of the city that the madmen call Dauntless.
Hand-to-hand combat, on the other hand, is not your forte. Not at all. You get the drills, sure, and it’s a good workout, but every time you’re put up against another opponent it’s like you’re missing some key part of a melody, repeating the same choppy chords while everyone else is improvising an entire symphony. Your punches are solid and sure, exactly what you’d practiced, but you can’t seem to quite put the pieces together the way the other initiates can.
Maybe it’s because you’re not used to this, the abandonment of all rational thought. As you watch your opponents, you notice one common thread among all those who win: they seem to run on pure adrenaline, and even when they study their opponent’s thought patterns, they don’t get lost in their heads, moving only with the speed of their fists. That’s where you’re lacking, you suppose, you’re still trying to cling to your past. If you let yourself truly fall, you might find something other than just the rocks at the bottom.
It’s after one of these days, when you just managed to eke out a victory over a girl who’s one place away from the bottom of the rankings, that Four finally approaches you. He walks next to you, arms folded across his chest. “You know, I figured that for someone who’s so good at rifles and knives, you’d be a little better in actual fighting.” You scoff. “Thanks for the kind words. I’ll cherish them always.”
Four chuckles. “Oh, don’t take it the wrong way. I’m just wondering why someone who’s supposed to be the best of the best back in Erudite would transfer away, and especially to a place that she doesn’t even seem to like.” You freeze slightly, then keep walking, hoping to cover up your slight lapse. Judging by the sharp look in Four’s eyes, though, he hasn’t missed a thing. “Maybe I wanted a challenge.”
Four raises his eyebrows. “I can’t help but doubt that. Why are you really here?” You weren’t expecting him to confront you like this, not here and not now. He isn’t dancing around the issue, not at all. You weren’t anticipating such a direct question, and you don’t have a solid alibi lined up. Instead, you deflect, hoping he’ll leave well enough alone, although you doubt you’ll be that lucky. “Why are you so interested in my motives? Don’t you have an entire other group of initiates to question?”
Four shrugs. “All of them make sense. All of them look like they’re happy to be here. You, though, you keep backing down. You’ll be in the middle of a fight, about to win, and then something comes over you, like you regret being here at all. You’re holding yourself back, and I want to know why.” This takes you by surprise. You knew he was trying to figure you out, but you weren’t expecting such an accurate appraisal. “We all have our bad habits. I still can’t figure out why mine is worth your trouble.”
Four stops walking, forcing you to stop next to him. “You’re interesting, Y/N. I saw you before, back in Erudite. I don’t think you would have left there for a second, and you don’t like you entirely want to be here now. You could have made a last minute switch, but that doesn’t seem like you. Either you’re making a point of trying to never be true to yourself, or there’s something going wrong.”
He walks away now, leaving you stunned and staring after him. You can’t help but flash back to the look in Jeanine’s eyes when she’d watched you walk away, remembering the cold glare of a woman who would be willing to kill anyone who got in her way. If you confess everything to Four now, if you tell him what truly went down, what would happen to you? Would Jeanine find out? Would she let you live?
As it turns out, you’re not sure that you’re going to have much of a choice. You manage to scrape through the first stage of training, especially due to your skill with a gun and a knife. You were able to improve your physical fighting skills after you picked up on Four’s silent hint to be more aggressive and just go for it, and you find yourself comfortably within the upper half of the initiates. Not bad for someone who’s not supposed to be here at all.
The next stage of training, on the other hand, seems even worse than the first one. When Eric and Four explain what your fear landscape is and how you’ll be traversing it, a silent storm of dread rises up inside of you. You know what your worst fear is- being found out, watching one of Jeanine’s guards place the barrel of a guard in front of your skull. You have no doubt that it will show up in your fear landscape, and you have no idea how to explain it away without revealing yourself. You’ve been thinking of potential alibis for days, but none of them make sense.
So, when you walk in the door to your first fear landscape training session and see Four waiting for you, you can’t help but groan inwardly. There’s no getting out of this, is there? Four will know the truth, you’ll be in even worse danger than before. When Four places the needle in your neck, he must sense the tension radiating out from your every movement, because he reaches down and takes your hand. “You’ll be fine, honestly. This entire stage of training will take place in your head. From what I’ve heard, that’s your strongest suit.” Then you’re pulled under the tow of the drug, and you can spare no more thoughts towards the comforting look in his eyes as he looks down at you.
You progress through your first few fears without too much difficulty. The last one, the most difficult one to face, is the one you’d been dreading all along. The scene shifts into a familiar hall at Erudite, the one where the windows progressively disappear, as do the cameras. If only you’d noticed the way that the building practically called out for you to turn around and run. Maybe then you’d have made it out without all of this. Maybe then you’d still be at Erudite, with no idea of the thrills of life at Dauntless.
A new thought flies into your head, one calling for you to run. If you turn around now, you won’t have to see the scene over again. You wouldn’t have to know any of this, you could make it out. However, your footsteps continue down the hall, carrying towards the open door that you know will lead to the large room full of Jeanine’s plans. You’re already here, you might as well see the whole thing through.
So, you keep walking, and when the ceiling opens up before you to reveal the room you’ve seen so many times before, whenever you close your eyes, you don’t run. When the guards come over, pointing guns at your head, you don’t back down for a second. Instead, you let your fists fly out as you’ve been taught, and you take them down without another thought towards the matter. This is what you’ve been learning all along- not to regret what might have been, but to fight. You’ve always been fighting, you realize. Maybe Dauntless provided you with the opportunity to make it all count for something.
You grab one of the guards’ guns, and when you turn back around, Jeanine is in front of you. Her voice is cajoling, as if you’re one of her students again. “Y/N, what is this? Don’t be ridiculous, put the gun down.” You shake your head. “You can’t scare me any longer. You might have forced my path, but I’ve made it my own. You won’t control my thoughts any longer.” You know the simulation, you know what you’re expected to do. All the same, when your finger closes on the trigger, you can’t help but look away, unable to stare your mentor in the face as you point the gun her way.
You wake back up in the Dauntless room, gunshot echoing in your ears. Four is staring at you with unabashed horror. “That’s why you left? You found out something that Jeanine Matthews wanted to cover up?” You nod, wrapping your arms around you as if the meager warmth can stave off everything that you’d seen. “I wasn’t supposed to be there that day. She gave me a choice: I could either transfer here or die by the end of the night.”
You’re not sure why you’re telling Four everything, not now. You’ve been so afraid of letting anyone know anything about you, and here you are, spilling your entire heart out to Four like he’ll be willing to watch over it for you. However, he doesn’t look like he’s about to rat you out to the Erudite guards. Instead, he’s shaking his head softly, his face wrought with something almost like guilt. “I just- do you regret leaving? You were meant to have a strong future in Erudite, to do things that no one else had even dreamed about. Now you’re here, a soldier for the rest of your life. If you could set things right, would you?”
Your attention snaps back to him. Those are dangerous words, and he knows that. Even entertaining that thought would mean rising up against Jeanine, against Erudite and the other factions. So, you stand up to face him, unwilling to commit to anything until you know Four’s true motives. “It depends on what setting things right would mean. This is a tricky city, you know. Anything anyone says could be taken the other way.”
Four sighs. “Right. I should clarify. This city, this faction system, is flawed. You know that. There are people with too much power over everyone else, and the factions don’t account for everyone.” You stare at him. “You’re talking about the Divergents.” Four hesitates, confidence wavering as if he’s about to make the worst decision of his life. “I’m one of them.” You shake your head softly. “Even saying that could get you killed. Why are you trusting me with this?”
Four steps forward, taking your hand. “I want you to remember everything you saw in that room. If Jeanine was willing to kill one of her best students, she must be covering up something big. If you can tell me everything you remember about what was in that room, we might be able to have some leverage. Leverage can get you anywhere in this city.” You nod slowly, realizing what he’s saying. “It could make sure you stay alive, even if your secret comes out.”
Four inclines his head. He looks back to you know, eyes seeming to swallow you whole. “Will you do it? Will you work with me?” You give him a half smile. “I’m not sure that I have a choice. I’ve been running ever since I got here.” Four shakes his head. “That’s not an answer. Y/N, we could both be killed for this. If you want out, I won’t judge you for it.” Your smile broadens. You didn’t expect this generosity, not from him. “I’ll do it, Four. Honestly. I won’t back down now.” Four smiles in return, the expression almost foreign on him. It makes his eyes soften, the hard glares of a soldier gone from him. To be honest, it makes your own gaze stray on him for a little longer, unwilling to put away this picture of him in your head. “When do we begin?”
ty luna once again
divergent tag list: someone who is way too cool to be one of my fears @underc0vercryptid​
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kurimiaki · 4 years
when the fox hears the rabbit scream, he comes a-runnin, but not to help!
yandere rook hunt; twisted wonderland.
cw: yandere, obsessive behavior, hunter-prey dynamic.
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“i can’t seem to understand why you insist on leaving me, mon amour.”
a coo, a call, chastising, ringing out closer and closer to your position of hiding with every muted step he takes on the rustling forest floors.
it’s not fair, how elegantly he holds himself whilst playing the role of the huntsman, how he keeps his composure when he knows how close you are to slipping out of his grasps.
though, that may be a delusion brought on by your panicked, frenzied mind. one convinces themselelf of false realities in order to obtain their own image of victory, which, is pathetic in of itself. he’d always told you that the ultimate form of loss comes at the stage of denial.
you’ve lost.
in a tree stump, an abandoned burrow which you’d managed to squeeze yourself into (albeit with some cuts and bruises left from the jagged wood), you grip yourself. you squeeze and wring your fingers together as you shiver and gasp out desperate puffs of air that curl and wind together like smoke in the frigid weather.
your feet, barefooted, scuffed and bloody from running on snow covered sticks and rocks, fold on top of each other in means to generate some sort of warmth. it was as if he had planned for escapes such as this, what with the clothes he had given you, all silky sheer frills and tufts and always without shoes.
‘practicality is often without charm’ he had said, brushing away your pleads for boots or a winter jacket with a wave of flourish. if nothing else, he’s always controlled your wardrobe and everyday appearance with an iron grip; forever persisting and pushing his idealized version of yourself onto you.
you were never one to enjoy being frail and dainty.
though the icy wind brushing through the burrow stiffens you so frightly your form resembles that of a porcelain doll.
a knock atop the rotted moldy wood does little to stir you from your frostbitten stupor, your own mind woozy and blank after the adrenaline rush that pulsed through you whilst blazing through the woods just minutes prior.
“what a mess you’ve gotten yourself into!”
two gloved hands, much larger than your own, reach out and under your arms with a gentle grip to weasel and manouver you out of the mess you’d found yourself in. rook faces little to no struggle against your writhing form, fatigue plaguing you so harshly you can do little more than raise a frail finger.
he leers down at you, eyes wide and observant of every knick and gash that had made its way onto your poor poor skin after tumbling and tripping your way throughout pomefiore’s backwoods. he’s proud to say you put up a difficult fight, at least, for how capable he finds you to be.
it was more a play of mind rather than strength against the so-called ‘guards’ he had ordered to watch you. the two of them were baffled at how you’d memorized the revolving order at which they patrolled your room. an improvement from your last escapade, it took four minutes before anybody even noticed you were gone. not that anybody else was allowed to see you; rook was quite taken aback to see an empty chair in the nook you so often take to reading in.
a swell of contentment and slight relief fills him at the sight of you in that chair, bundled in his coat along with plush blankents for additional warmth, back where you belong. you didn’t exactly make any distance away from the dorms, nor were you careful enough to take note of the blood trailing from your poor scuffed feet on the icy snow. it’s almost laughable, how reckless a precious little thing like you can be; and rook did let out a chuckle when he found the deteriorating tree stump you took shelter in.
“that’s two attempts so far, mon chéri. and in weather such as this? you’re lucky i found you before the frostbite did!”
he chuckles to himself. weakened and delirious from the elixirs he’d forced down your throat (for healing, he’d said.), you can only manage a sharp glare up at his cheeky face, much too happy considering the events having happened just hours ago. burrowing deeper into the plush seat he’d oh so gently placed you in, a shaky huff escapes you.
“quite frankly, i wish it did. aren’t you mad, rook?”
the devil in question only smiles, folding himself down to the floor by your feet as to rest his head on your lap softly. which, is a common routine between the two of you. though, if you were in better health, he’d be facing much more of a fight. humming, he tilts his head, golden hair falling over his bastardly emerald eyes as he gazes up into your own.
“what would be the point? i wasn’t mad the last time you made it out, was i? nor was i when you shattered those vases, ripped your clothes, slashed the curtains, sliced into my arm...”
you wince. you hadn’t meant to do that.
...but it was well deserved.
he sits up, slightly, bringing an ungloved hand up to hold your shivering, icy cheek. you pull away, to the best of your ability at the moment, but are yanked back by a stern grip. his fingers slightly dig into your face as he turns you to his glowering eyes head on.
“i can continue on and on and put up with this little ‘fight’ of yours, for as long as you’re humanly able to bite back. you know, vases can be replaced, clothing can be sewn back up, my wounds will heal. i can tolerate all of it for you.”
“know that when you grow tired of it all- and you will, eventually- i will treat you in kind just as i have all along.”
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velvetcloxds · 3 years
Pairing: Derek x fem! Reader
Word count:2642
Warning: mentions of abusive family member, mentions of abuse, mentions of dead body
Summary: Scott, Stiles and Isaac create a situation where Derek and the reader are forced to talk about the very obvious feelings that they have for each other.
“I don’t know,” I say softly, looking out into the hallway to check for my aunt before softly closing the door behind me, “She’s barely over the fact that I got a B on my midterm paper,” I tell him, moving my books out of the way to sit down on my bed.
“Was it bad?” Isaac asks after a second and I sigh, tracing my fingers under my eye where there should be a completely healed bruise by now.
“It’s been worse,” I answer quickly and he sighs on his end, knowing by now that I wouldn’t tell him if it actually were bad, “I’m fine Isaac, besides it would be much worse without the whole werewolf thing,,” I add, looking up when the front door shuts.
“Was that her?” Isaac asks, the tone of his voice tense. I sigh, jumping up from the bed, pulling the curtain open slightly to see her driving out of the driveway. I smile softly.
“Looks like I’ve got the house to myself for a few hours,” I tell him and hold the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I bend forward to pull my boots on.
“So, does that mean you’ll help us out tonight?” Isaac asks not missing a beat, I smile again as I stand up to grab my jacket.
“Yes, and it also means that the whole lot of you can climb down from the roof and meet me at the front door like normal people,” I say, hearing Isaac’s little laugh in the background as I end the call, the sounds of multiple footsteps on the roof following me as I make my way to the door.
“Why don’t I get to be on the roof?” I hear Stiles ask as I open the door, pulling my jacket on at the same time.
“You know why,” Derek tells him with a cold look causing Stiles roll his eyes.
“You fall down one time and you’re labelled a fall risk,” Stiles notes waving a hand around as his other hand pulls at his plaid shirt.
“It was not one time,” Derek replies very quickly becoming annoyed, “It was three times, and it was but minutes apart,” He adds and lifts a warning brow when Stiles moves to pretest.
“Good evening boys,” I interject before the little spat could continue. Isaac and Scott look over to me with small smiles and apologetic eyes as Derek and Stiles continue to stare each other down, “Derek,” I note formally, making him give Stiles one more warning gaze before locking eyes with me.
“Y/n,” He replies in the same tone after a moment, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket without breaking eye contact for even a second, “You look good,” He says simply, looking me over quickly before meeting my eyes again.
“So do you,” I say and he nods slowly, eyes raking over my face quickly before turning to Scott who is probably waiting for a moment to explain the plan. I smile to myself as I reach behind me to close the door.
“Stiles was listening to his dad’s police radio and there seems to be another body somewhere in the woods,” Scott explains and I furrow my brows at the very vague explanation.
“Is it a werewolf body? The body of someone who was murdered by a werewolf? A hunter? The body of another human sacrifice victim?” I ask, looking between all of them, their blank expressions making it clear that they don’t have an answer to my question.
“Does it matter?” Scott offers carefully and I scoff softly before nodding.
“Yes, it matters, if we’re trying to protect Beacon Hills from supernatural killers and therefore have to find this here dead person in order to that, then I’m with you. But if we’re just going on a little scavenger hunt that’s actually someone else’s job, then I’d like to inform you all that it’s very cold out here and I’m going back inside,” I say, pulling my jacket tighter against my body to emphasize my point.
“She’s right,” Derek notes and I nod at him, “You three said that this was serious and that time was of the essence and so far, it’s been a waste of my time.”
“Time you would’ve spent doing what, Derek? Brooding?” Stiles questions with a mocking smile, shifting back when Derek pulls a hand out of his pocket.
“Look it is serious, we’re not trying to waste anyone’s time,” Scott tells us and rolls his eyes when Stiles moves in behind him, keeping a hand on his shoulder as he looks over at Derek, “We think it’s one of the missing people that’s been killed by whoever’s going around sacrificing people.” He explains and hits Stiles’ hand away from his shoulder.
“Fine,” I say and step forward to walk past them and down the stairs, “We’ll separate into two groups; one group takes the right side and the other takes the left. Who wants to come with me?” I ask looking up at the four of them.
“Derek,” Isaac says very quickly and Derek looks at him with a questioning stare, “It’s either you go with Y/n or you go with Scott and Stiles,” He elaborates and then shrugs as he looks down, Scott and Stiles doing the same when I look over at them, there is definitely something going on here.
“Or Isaac and Derek could go together,” I offer, mainly just to see their reactions.
“No.” Scott says looking a little alarmed as he looks at me. “You’re not exactly Stiles’ biggest fan either. You’d murder him before we even left the yard,” He explains, stuttering in between sentences and I nod slowly, hiding a smile as the boys attempt to hide their frantic glares.
“Okay then, I guess it’s just the two of us,” I tell Derek who looks a little lost for a second as he stares down at me before he nods quickly and makes his way to my side, making sure to give the remaining boys an unplaced glare as he does.
“We’ll meet back here in half an hour, whether we find the body or not,” Derek says beginning to turn before stopping and pointing at Scott and Isaac. “Don’t let Stiles out of your sight,” He says sternly to which the boys nod, “And you, don’t be an idiot,” He adds, pointing at Stiles who is very clearly unhappy with the order. Stiles scoffs.
“I didn’t want you in my group in the first place,” He says and extends the notion towards me when he notices the smile on my lips that I was sure I’d hidden well, “Screw you, Y/n,” He adds as Scott and Isaac pull him from the steps and carefully push him towards the right direction.
“I hate the woods,” I announce softly as we still at the edge of the reserve, looking out onto endless rows of trees, “It gives me the creeps,” I add, tilting my head to get a glance of Derek’s reaction, feeling slightly less annoyed when the softest hint of a smile graces his lips.
“We’ll be out before you know it,” He tells me, not quite meeting my gaze, “You can stay close to me if it helps,” He announces with a quick glance before zipping up his jacket and starting to head off the trail. I take a second to myself, considering the idea of going into this stupid little forest following Derek of all people in there alone and let out a soft sigh.
“Wait up!” I shout, almost jogging to catch up with him despite his offer to keep close to me.
We continue like this for a while, staying close as we look around, sniffing the air for anything that could indicate that there’s a body around here, the only sound being that of our shoes crushing leaves and fallen branches as we walk.
“What?” Derek asks, stopping suddenly after I let out another tired sigh. I frown as I look up at him, “Why do you keep doing that?” He asks and points towards the zip of my jacket which I’ve been moving up and down for the last five minutes. I shrug. “And the sighing, what’s with the sighing?“ He adds in a rush, eyes large as he lets out a loud sigh of his own. I smile up at him.
“I’m bored,” I admit and he folds his arms over his chest, “And don’t even get me started on the silent searching which is driving me mad by the way. Like honestly, Derek, why won’t you talk to me?” I ask, dropping my hands from my jacket to stuff them into my pockets. He looks me over carefully before looking away.
“I don’t know,” He says after a moment and I scoff softly.
“Would you prefer it if I talked, because I have so much to say,” I tell him, taking a step to the side to catch his gaze.
“We need to find this body, Y/n,” He tells me, voice soft and distant. I shake my head, reaching a hand out to stop him from walking away.
“There’s no body, Derek. Well, I don’t think at least,” I say and he frowns, “You really didn’t notice how weird the guys were acting at the house?”
“They’re always weird.”
“Yes, but this was different. They planned this, all of this, somehow. I think they just wanted us to end up alone somewhere where we’re forced to really talk,” I explain and steady myself when my unneeded arm gesture causes me to lose balance.
“Talk about what?” He asks me and I furrow my brows in confusion.
“Don’t do that, you know about what. About you and me. About us,” I say and then shake my head when his eyes largen as a result of my words, “Don’t freak out on me, okay. Just listen,” I say carefully dropping my hand from his arm where it’s been holding him in place.
“Fine. I won’t freak out.”
“You like me,” I deadpan, mind already filling with about a thousand different ways I could’ve approached this, “I mean I think you do and that’s good because boy do I like you too. You’re just not so good with the words and the expression of the feelings and so truth be told I could be completely wrong, but I also don’t think I am. So, to be quite frank I was just curious as to when you were planning on asking me out?” I end, breathless for no reason as I carefully take in the way his expression softens, eyes raking over my face slowly, “I mean you do like me, right?” I ask, my own face softening from slight excitement to unsettled uncertainty as he remains quiet, looking between me and the trees behind me, “You don’t.” I say and let out a soft sigh, realizing how completely silly I must look making this big scene when he very clearly doesn’t feel the same at all.
“Y/n, wait…” He says quickly stupidly attempting to stop me from walking away from him even though I’m already out of reach, “Where are you going?” He asks, deciding to follow me instead.
“I don’t know,” I tell him, fighting the urge to either cry or kick his pretty little ass, “What do you care anyway?” I muse bitterly as I hear him getting closer to me.
“Will you stop?” He asks me annoyed and I feel his hands surrounding my waist to pull me to a stop in front of him, “Will you just give me a bloody minute?” He adds, breath against my neck as he holds me against his body, “If I let go, will you promise not to walk away?” He asks carefully and I nod, his hands moving back and away slowly before I turn around to face him, the seriousness in his eyes catching me by surprise, “I don’t know how to talk to you,” He starts and lets out a long sigh, “It’s like every word I know just completely disappears from my mind the second I see you. The second you smile. The second you say my stupid name. I can’t talk to you,” He explains and my lips almost immediately pull into a smile as response.
“No. Just let me get this out,” He says, smiling as well as he moves his hands to my waist once again. “I think you’re amazing. You’re good and kind and you barely know anyone of us, but you’d still risk your life to help us out and you’re beautiful, which I should’ve said first, but you are. And you’re so closed off from everyone, but I can still tell exactly what you’re feeling by just looking at you, which is ridiculously unfair because as soon as I convince myself I feel one way for you it changes completely and suddenly I can’t do a bloody thing without thinking about you,” He shakes his head slightly as I let out a soft laugh, lifting my hands to his chest, “Yes, I like you. I like you so much that I feel like I can’t breathe,” He ends and I’m sure my cheeks have turned about every shade of red in but a matter of seconds.
“Breathe, Derek,” I say softly, leaning closer as my fingers move over his chest slowly.
“You’re not being fair,” He says and I can hear his heartbeat rising in pace.
“What are you going to do about it?” I ask carefully, looking up at him through my lashes, biting at my lip to draw his attention there. He smiles, a tint of rose barely touching at his cheeks before disappearing and I’d call him out on it, but the sudden strength of his hands pulling me tighter against his body has me somewhat preoccupied. He leans in as well, nose touching mine.
“This might be a start,” He whispers before catching my lips with his, kissing me slowly yet urgently as I move my hands to his neck, pulling myself even closer as the taste of mint meets my tongue.
Whistles and applause are what pulls us apart, Derek smiling against my lips before he moves away from me, loosely keeping a hand around my waist as we turn to see the boys coming up from behind us.
“I knew this would work,” Stiles announces as the three of them still in front of us. “This is why you need to let me make all of the plans, Scott, because clearly they always work,” He adds excitedly, waving his hands in the air between us. Isaac and Scott simply smiling as they look from him to us.
“I’m happy for you two,” Isaac says with an almost brotherly smile.
“Do you think they’ll have a June wedding?” Stiles asks in thought, smiling as another thought comes to mind, “Do you think we’ll have to ask her for him?” He adds and Scott nudges him when Derek growls lowly.
“We should get you home, your aunt could get home soon,” Scott tells me and we all nod in union before the tree of them turn to walk away in the direction of my house. I try to do the same, smiling when Derek pulls me back softly.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow night,” He states simply and I look up at him confused. He laughs before placing another soft kiss on my lips, “Out date.” He clarifies and smiles happily when I realize what he’s talking about, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow night,” He says again and I nod.
“I’ll bring the dictionary,” I muse, laughing softly as he rolls his eyes, pulling me with him as we follow the boys home.
Hi there, more of my work can be found on Wattpad under @mjoubertt. Mxx.
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salemwolfgang · 4 years
The Bed
Request: “‘There’s only 1 bed” Hannibal & Will obsessed with a fem reader.”
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Reader x Will Graham
Warning(s): Smut, Praise Kink, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Slight Dom and Sub Tones, Spitting, Blow Jobs, and So So Soooo Much Fluff
A/N: It’s not as long as I originally intended but I’ll add more later when I find what I want to add. Also not entire proofread. I did read through it a few times but there could possibly still be mistakes and I’ll happily fix them later lol.
Two weeks ago, during a conversation with Hannibal, you mentioned how tired and stressed work had made you as of late. That following week he surprisingly  invited you on a trip to a cabin that he owned. He said it was further north and he usually went there a couple times throughout the year. You didn’t want to interrupt his free time but he insisted you go. He even said that ‘It would be a relaxing trip and the scenery was quite spectacular’. 
You mentioned the conversation to Will and he stated that the trip was offered to him as well. But he said that he’d only go if you did as well. The two of you decided to tell Hannibal that both of you would be delighted to go and he happily told you that he planned to leave on the fifteenth. 
The rest of the week was spent planning on what you’d pack, meal options, and any necessities that would be needed. When the day arrived you received a text from Will stating he and Hannibal were on their way to pick you up. Despite the cold that nipped at your skin, you decide to wait on your porch.
On the car ride there you ran through your list of items that you all packed twice, just to be sure that you had everything. You knew you had it all but it gave you something to do since you didn’t bring a book and your phone had no service. Hannibal wasn’t much for conversation and Will read a book that you believed was, The Measures Of Madness, which Hannibal had given to him as a gift last Christmas.
When the three of you arrived you all grabbed your luggage and headed into the cabin. Hannibal started making dinner while Will started a fire. You took everyone’s things to the back and went to put them in their rooms until you noticed that there was only one bedroom. 
“Uhh… Hannibal? Can I ask you something?” You asked as you walked back towards the kitchen.
Hannibal looked up from the carrots he was cutting and said,”Yes (Y/N)?”
“Where are the other beds? I tried looking and this place only seems to have one room…”
“Oh yes I must have forgotten. I’ve always come here alone so I never thought to have a cabin with multiple rooms that I didn’t need.” Something in his tone of voice hinted that he wasn’t telling the truth but you didn’t bother to question his response. 
“Okay, I guess I’ll just sleep on the couch.” You muttered. Not realizing that they had booth heard you.
Will said nothing but came out from the living room and walked to the bedroom. 
“Well, (Y/N), the bed seems big enough for the three of us. Why can’t we just share?” Will’s voice yelled out to you. And before you could say anything he added, “Plus the couch seems quite uncomfortable.”
Hannibal sneakily smiled and looked at you waiting for an answer. When nothing came out he said “Yes, it would be a shame if you couldn’t sleep properly while we were on our vacation. You must sleep with us, it seems to be the best option. At least try it for tonight and if you were to become to uncomfortable with it, you can sleep on the couch.”
After continuous bantering amongst the three of you on where you’d sleep, you finally agreed to sleep in the same bed. The two, grown might I add, men both made a small victory dance and you couldn’t help but giggle at their childish behavior. As the three of you ate you conversed about work, how fast the seasons seemed to change, and all recent news. At some point the topic of your love life was brought up. How exactly it came about was unclear to you but it had happened and there was no way out of it. 
“So are you...” Will cleared his throat and then continued, “interested in anyone?” 
You felt yourself begin to choke on your food at the suddenness of this question. When you managed to calm down your face noticeably heated up making the other two aware of your embarrassment. Neither made any remarks about it and waited patiently for your response.
“Well yes and no, it’s more like I’m interested in… multiple people but I highly doubt they’d care to know. I could never see myself possibly being with them, they’re too good for me. And I could never choose between them.”
Your response seemed to noticeably change something within Hannibal and Will. As you glanced up at them you could notice clear disdain on their faces. You frowned immediately afraid they had become disgusted by you and your lack of choosing between two people.
“Who are they? Is it someone from your work? Or possibly a friend of yours?” Will’s rapid fire questions surprised you. His tone let out that he was not angry at you but at whoever your “crushes” were. 
Hannibal reached out under the table and set a hand on your thigh. The grip he had made your stomach flutter and your cheeks felt warmer. He looked you in the eyes and without hesitating said, “You deserve to be cherished by whoever you desire.”
You cleared your throat and opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. Will stared at you with such an intensity you were afraid he’d burst at any moment. Luckily he didn’t and instead mentioned how late it was getting and that it was about time to ready yourselves for bed.
Hannibal released his grip on your thigh and began to collect his dirtied dishes, Will and yourself followed after him. You insisted that Hannibal was given the first shower since he had made the meal and then it was decided Will would go next and you last. 
As you stood within the shower thoughts of what had occurred over dinner began to make their way back into your head. You felt so embarrassed after what had happened. What if they knew of your crushes and were just teasing you? A new thought quickly made itself known and you caught yourself leading into it. It couldn’t really be true; no, there’s no way… but perhaps they liked you back? 
You had no more time to think of it because soon the water ran cold and you had to exit the shower. Quickly you got dressed and did your usual nightly routine afterwards you headed to your… shared bedroom, the thought still made your mind blank. It was too embarrassing to think about.
When you entered the room you were surprised to find Will fast asleep. You stared at him fondly then turned your gaze upon Hannibal. As expected he was laying with a book in his hand and a small glass of wine next to him. Before you walked any further it dawned upon you that the only available space was between the two men.
Pretending as if it did not bring butterflies to your stomach, you slowly crawled in to the surprisingly soft bed. Having no other option but to rest yourself in a slightly curled position against Hannibal’s side.
Without any warning you felt Will’s hands curl around your waist and his legs move up against yours. You let out a gasp of surprise at the sudden contact but tried to relax. Hannibal then placed as hand onto of your head and began brushing your hair softly with his fingers. You had no words to describe the unexpected bliss you currently felt at the moment.
Hannibal spoke, his tone soft yet authoritative as he whispered, ”You are to remain and belong to us, only us.”
You felt hot breath against your neck as a shockingly awake Will added on to Hannibal’s words. ”Your silly crushes will have to go away, no one else can have you but us.” He then softly kissed your neck and caressed your side.
Their sudden possessiveness made you blush madly. 
Hannibal closed his book then slid himself down slightly so that his face was next to yours. He reached a hand up and placed it on your cheek and caressed your face softly with his thumb. You held your breathe as he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss upon your lips. You couldn’t help but to lean into it and you cupped his face to deepen it as you did. Hannibal took his time to part your lips slightly and move you more towards him.
As Hannibal distracted your upper half, Will began to caress your sides. His hands moved tenderly up and down your thighs and would occasionally dip between them. He let his fingers dance across your clothed area. He only stopped when he reached the edge of your underwear; he would tease you by pulling the fabric up slightly and snaked his hand between your flesh and thin panties. 
Your breath paused a moment and a soft hum left your parted lips when Will rubbed his fingers against your folds. Hannibal pressed himself against you and let out a groan as you pulled him closer. 
“She’s so needy for us.” Will taunted. The comment made you pout a little and Hannibal lips noticeably lifted in response. “Tell us what you want hun, we’ll give it to you, whatever you want just ask.”
You let out a whine at the though of using your words. It was just too embarrassing to truly tell them your desires but reluctantly you did as told. “I… I want you both inside me…” You hesitated before adding a quiet, “Please.”
“Oh so polite for us. What a good girl.” Hannibal whispered to you, more so to Will though. 
You let out a needy whine and pushed your hips both into Will’s hand and Hannibal’s hips.
“Let’s give our good girl what she so desperately wants.”
They both sat up and pulled you along with them. Quickly you undressed with them and then they had you lay your back against Will. His warm skin against yours caused you to sigh at the feeling. You almost became unaware of his length pressed against your back until you felt the tip’s precum wet your back slightly. The reminder had you drifting to thoughts of what it’d feel like to have it finally inside of you. 
Admits your distraction Hannibal had begun to crawl closer to the two of you. He brought you back to them by placing his hands onto your now bare thighs; drifting them upwards then spreading them. Once they spread he moved in closer.
Moving up he went past you and made his way to Will. He glanced down at your curious self and then moved to Will’s ear. He then began whispering low enough that you could not hear a single word and before you could even think of something to ask. Hannibal lifted his hands and grabbed a hold of Will’s jaw and roughly laid a kiss onto his lips.
Their tongues were pushed against one another and at some points a tongue would drift into one of their mouths. Will both visibly and physically showed his liking for the kiss by pushing into it and growing harder. He then let out a deep moan that caused his chest to vibrated against your back.
You could feel yourself become even more aroused and the wetness between your legs became more noticeable. You thought about reaching one of your hands down between your legs to pleasure yourself at the sight but found that Hannibal had beat you to it. One hand stayed on Will while the other made its way between your legs. He moved his fingers between your delicate folds, coating his fingers in your slickness. You loudly moaned at the contact and lifted your hips to give him more access.
When Hannibal deemed his fingers wet enough he slipped one within you and began thrusting it in and out before attempting to slowly work you up to two fingers. Your moans increased once he added a second and at that he curled his fingers slightly hitting a spot that had you’re hips pushing down on his hand for more. He then added in a third; at this point you were writhing beneath him, the warmth within your stomach quickly building. 
Just when you thought he was going to start bringing you to your climax he stopped and pulled them out. You let out a dissatisfied whine and opened your eyes to look up at him. A muffled chuckle could be heard from above and then Hannibal pull away from Will. He made his way back down to you before, in what could only be described as purring out, “Are you ready for your reward now songbird?”
You looked past Hannibal and up at Will in an almost questioning way. He nodded his head slightly as if he had known what you were asking when you yourself didn’t know. But at his sign of approval you looked back at Hannibal and  quickly nodded your head. 
At your sign of consent, Hannibal grabbed ahold of his length and made his way to your entrance. Before he put it in though he coated his head in your wetness and spit down onto your entrance. It was something you hadn’t expected but had you gasping out at the feeling. Once we deemed that he was lubricated enough, he pushed himself in.
Will ran his fingers within your hair and moved you up to kiss him; distracting you from any discomfort. His softness greatly balancing out Hannibal’s rough movements. His tongue lapped up any moan you let out and his fingers caressed your sides in a easing way.
At first his pace was slow until Will moved his hand down between your legs and gathered any of the liquids he could before teasingly circling two of his digits your sensitive clit. You cried out into his mouth and felt your legs jolt at the touch. And Hannibal took this as his queue to pick up his pace.
The heat inside you coiled more and more and you could feel yourself getting close. You started to relax your body more and your breathing slowed as well. You took in deep breathes, well as deep as you could with Will’s mouth on your’s, and felt your self give into the release. Your mouth fell open and you felt your body spasm slightly and your arms bent back and grabbed onto Will’s legs.
Hannibal slowly worked himself in and out after noticing the movements and pulsing inside of you. He moaned out as your squeezed around him and seemed to both push him out and suction him more. The contrast and feeling had him closer than he originally thought and as you came down from your high, his had grown nearer and nearer.
It was at this moment when he pulled out and began stroking himself at your entrance. His hand increase its speed and you watch as one of his hands spread your legs giving him more access. With a final groan he came onto you and ropes of cum leaked down your crevices.
As the two of you laid there breathing heavily you began to wonder what you’d do about Will. He was still hard against you and you could tell that you were to sensitive to go for a round two yet. Then an idea popped into your head that had you smiling coyly and caused you to slowly turn your body so you were now laying on him.
You leaned in and kissed him gently before you started to litter kisses all along his body. As you moved lower you would tenderly nip at his skin each caress of your teeth on his skin had him moaning quietly. Once you reached your desired destination you looked up at him from under your lashes. Eyes observing his every move to see if he was uncomfortable at all with this.
Seeing no signs of discomfort, you licked a long stripe from his base to the tip. Then you swirled your tongue around it, letting your saliva pool around him and drip down his shaft. Will set one of his hands on your head and braided his fingers into your hair. You allowed him to guide you down and you bob your head on him.
You felt movement behind you but didn’t think anything of it until a mouth connected to your now sensitive sex. Hannibal’s seemingly tongue mocked your motions and lapped up any of the mixed liquids he found. You surprisingly felt no discomfort from the delicate touches and even found yourself pushing down onto his face. Though for a moment you hesitated, thinking that’d you’d crush him if any further pressure was applied, but hands wrapped around your hips and pushed your down more.
Your moans sent vibrations through your mouth and onto Will’s cock. Eventually leading to an even louder response from the man above. He praised you when he wasn’t practically crying out. The praises were nothing wild but they were enough to make you feel light headed and adored. Your favorite phrase that he had muttered was most likely, “Holy fuck princess, you look and feel so good with your mouth around me. Just like the good girl you are.”
After a few minutes you noticed that he had begun to move your head faster and his hips began to lift, which you assumed was his attempt to get in deeper. You ended up gagging a few times and found yourself drooling, what felt like,  pools around him. Then suddenly the movements became sloppier and less controlled. At some point you gave up all control to him and instead focused on moving your hips more to get more pleasure out of Hannibal’s mouth.
You felt the familiar warmth inside your stomach coil and twist about and right as that feeling made itself known Will came hard inside your mouth. To your surprise, you ended up swallowing every ounce, not letting a single drop spill. And as you did so, your second orgasm ran through your body. Your muscles shook a little at another rush of euphoria.
Slowly you removed your sore jaw off of Will and pulled your hips up and off of Hannibal’s face. Strings of saliva stuck you two will for mere seconds before they broke and as you glanced up at Will you noticed his dark red face and giggled at the sight. You had never seen him more embarrassed from something then now. It was, somehow, quite adorable. 
You couldn’t help but reach up and place your hands on his warm cheeks and pull him in for a tender kiss. Something about the way you kissed him felt so sweet and pure, despite the sinful acts you three had committed. And you couldn’t find it in you to pull away. You stayed with your lips on his for a moment or two and then slowly separated. 
After a brief moment of silence and stillness, large hands made their way around you and wrapped themselves around your hands. With a seemingly no hesitation, they guided both you and Will back onto the bed. As you had moved down, you removed your hands from Will’s face and instead placed them around his arms and on his back.  
You pulled him closer to Hannibal and yourself and rested your head next to his chest. Your legs tangled with Hannibal’s and one of his hands reached out to set on Will. You had thought a bit about how natural all of this had seemed. It was quite odd that none of you had spoken yet but you said nothing about it.
And as your eyes slowly shut you whispered out a barely audible, “Goodnight.” and fell asleep before you could hear them mutter the same word.  
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Helmut Zemo imagines - Hostage Part 1
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AN: I came up with this idea for a series in the shower and I hope you guys are as intrigued by it as I am. Also I’m aware it’s posted later than I said but I’m a perfectionist and couldn’t post it until I was happy with it!! To make up for it, I have some Laszlo Kreizler smut coming up soon for you Alienist fans. 
Summary: You were chosen as one of Karli’s elite. You became a super soldier to help your cause, make the world a better place but taking the serum came with a price. After being cornered one day, you’re taken by the famous Helmut Zemo to give him answers or face the consequences. 
In This Chapter: Introductions. You are sent on a mission for Karli, only for it to turn bad. 
Pairing(s): Zemo x Fem!Reader, Karli Morganthau x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 2,703
Warnings: Spoilers for TFATWS, violence, strong language 
You stared back at the burning building as the truck pulled away. 
Despite the rumbling of the thick tires on the tarmac beneath you, you could hear the screaming. 
“Hey.” DeeDee placed a hand on your shoulder and tugged you round. “Don’t look.” 
You could see in her eyes that she was just as shocked as you were but was trying to hide it.
The task had been to remove as many supplies as possible from the GRC depot to take back to the camps in Riga. There had been no mention of bombing the place. 
Lennox’s eyes met yours in the rear-view mirror. You were all thinking the same thing. 
Why would Karli go through with something that hadn’t even been discussed?
“Turn here. It’s faster.” DeeDee leant forward pointing towards a more narrow alley as fire engine sirens echoed up ahead. 
Lennox did as suggested and the others followed close behind. 
It wasn’t a long drive from Vilnius to Riga but you all stopped when daylight broke to take some time to eat something. 
You sat down beside Diego, your eyes flickering to Karli every few minutes as she dished out supplies for you all. 
She noticed. 
“(Y/n).” Karli remained standing as she handed out the last can to Dovich. 
You took the hint and rose to your feet. 
You followed her to the side of the abandoned structure as the others tried to tune the radio. 
“What’s the problem?” Karli asked you, a hard expression across her features.
“What’s the problem?” You couldn’t help but scoff at the question. “Karli, you blew up a building with people still tied up inside.” 
“I did what I had to do. It’s the only language these people understand. You saw just how much food, water and medicine they were sitting on. If we had a fraction of that just a few months ago Mama Donya might still be alive.” You could see the tears Karli was trying to suppress as she spoke of Mama Donya.
“You still should’ve consulted us before you went ahead with it. We’re better than an eye for an eye and you know that.” You cautiously took her hand into yours to try and comfort her. “We’re trying to make a difference here.”
“And that is how we do it.” She dropped your hand as she defended her actions. You shook your head but didn’t retaliate. You knew there was no use in arguing with her in that moment. 
“There’s something I need you to do after Mama Donya’s funeral today.” Karli was quick to change the topic. “A mission for you and DeeDee.” 
“What is it?” You asked, folding your arms across your chest. 
“I need you to go to these coordinates immediately after the funeral. One of our allies will be expecting you both. He has information and something I need. It’ll be a parcel, small enough to conceal so you can make your way back to us without any suspicion.” Karli texted over the coordinates and the information on the contact. 
“How can you be sure it’s safe?” You asked as you studied his profile. 
“I wouldn’t send you if it wasn’t.” Karli paused before she wrapped her hand around the back of your neck and brought your forehead to hers. “We have to stick together now more than ever.” 
You closed your eyes and exhaled a shaky breath. 
“One world.” You muttered. 
“One people.”Karli pulled away just as Dovich called over to you both. 
They had managed to get the radio to work. 
You sat down and opened a can of fruit slices to try and quench your hunger. 
“The depot that was bombed was funded and run by the GRC, the Global Repatriation Council. One of the workers killed was the father of two and had only been on the job for one week. After condemning this latest action by the radical group known as the Flag Smashers, the GRC formally began drafting legislation known as The Patch Act, which would seek to restore traditional border regulations and fast-track the return to normalcy. The act of violence has also brought attention and followers to the Flag Smasher cause. No one can deny the world-wide reach of this group is growing, as is the danger.”
You shared a look with Gigi and Dovich as you listened to the broadcast. Your stomach churned at the mention of the father. You swallowed hard as you placed your food down. 
Karli parted from the group again, feeling the pressure of the eyes on her, but you chose not to follow. 
You had known Karli for 3 years. You met in Riga and became close quickly. You both had lost everything and then you had each other. When she took off to Madripoor, you followed. She always knew how to get people to see things her way, she had a spark inside of her that drew in those who wanted to fight for something; she was powerful for 19. She only grew more powerful with the serums. 
You had backed her and supported her from the start but something was twisting. Something was going sour. You had never killed innocents before but in Karli’s eyes; was anyone on the side of the GRC innocent?
“Finish up. We need to get to the border in time to meet our contact.” Karli strode past the group and didn’t stop until she climbed into one of the cars. 
You cleaned up after yourselves, leaving no trace that you were there, before you got back on the road. 
You were back in Riga soon enough, your contact at the border let you through without any issues and you made it to the checkpoint with all the supplies safely. 
Fortunately, you still had time to spare before Donya’s funeral. 
You remained hidden, on the low, whilst Karli went with Nico to pick up the leftover serums. 
You had previously spoken about creating more super soldiers. You had been against it. There were more than enough of you for the moment and the process of turning into one was beyond any pain you’d ever felt. You didn’t think more people needed to go through that. However, the vote passed and more were to be created. 
“You ready?” Karli asked you as she returned. You nodded. 
You headed to the secret location of Mama Donya’s funeral and fell into the crowd as the body came into sight. Mama Donya had been important to Karli and therefore important to you. She had been a kind woman. Kind to you. But Karli had a bond with her that you didn’t. This was Karli’s time to heal, to grieve, to help those who also relied on Donya. 
You watched Karli step up to say a few words. 
“I don’t remember my mother or my father. Same goes for siblings, grandparents, cousins. What I do remember is being alone. Worse than being hungry or cold or scared. I was alone. Until Mama Donya. Like a lot of you here, Mama Donya saved me. She clothed me, fed me, loved me.” You followed Karli’s eye line when she gasped softly. 
It was Sam Wilson. Avenger. 
You felt your blood go cold. Usually where there was one avenger, there were sure to be more. 
“She taught me that we have to do for each other because they won’t. And we know who they are. They imposed struggle and hardship on us, then labeled us as criminals for pushing back. But the struggle is what brings us all together. People who have nothin’ in common. For we are, after all, simply one world and one people. So live accordingly.”
As you stepped forward and placed your bouquet of flowers down beside Donya, Karli clasped hold on your wrist. 
“Go now.” She whispered under her breath. 
“What about you?” You asked. 
“I’ll be fine. Get to the contact.” Karli tried to assure you but you weren’t certain on leaving her. Dovich guided you away to stop you from arguing with Karli about it. He told you that he was going to stay behind to help Karli and that you had a more important job to do right now. 
You had to give in and leave. 
As you made your exit, you grabbed DeeDee and the keys to the motorbike outside. 
“We gotta make a detour. Make sure we aren’t being followed.” You announced as you climbed onto the motorbike. 
“Karli said our guy would wait for us so it’s better to be safe than sorry. We can’t mess this up.” DeeDee agreed with you as she placed herself behind you. 
You took off down the street and did your best to lose any tails. 
You ended up ditching the bike and moving underground once you were sure you were alone. 
You were either really lucky or they had only brought enough backup to deal with Karli. 
“We should be close.” You checked your phone to read the GPS before placing on your mask. 
DeeDee held the flashlight up as you worked your way through the empty tunnel. 
“You’d think Karli could organise a rendezvous point somewhere a little less musty.” DeeDee grimaced as a trio of rats scattered past you both. 
“This is the safest way. We may have gained a lot of supporters above ground but we have a lot of enemies too.” You tried to defend Karli’s choice but even you had to admit that the sewers were a low point for you all. 
“You think she got away okay?” DeeDee asked, the concern obvious in her voice despite her blank expression. 
“I think Karli’s smart and she wouldn’t stick around if she knew she couldn’t win.” You may have been anxious for her but you rarely had doubts with Karli. Even without the serum she always managed to slip through the cracks. 
As you continued to make your way through the tunnels, you spotted a silhouette up ahead. 
You narrowed your eyes as DeeDee shone her light on him. 
Fortautely, it was your contact.
“Greetings.” The man smiled widely at you both. He wore a bright head torch that stopped you from looking him in the eye and a large forest green coat. 
“We’re here to collect the parcel and information for Karli.” DeeDee informed him, shading her eyes from his light as she tried to lift her gaze. 
“Yes. Yes. I know.” The short man pulled out a small object wrapped in brown paper from under his coat. “Karli said you would be coming.” 
As the man spoke, you heard something splash in the water behind you. 
“What was that?” You asked, looking back to see if you could spot anything. 
“It was probably just one of the rats.” DeeDee tried to assure you but the hairs on the back of your neck began to stand up. 
You had a bad feeling about it. 
“I’m going to check it out.” You whispered to her. “Better safe than sorry.” You repeated what she had said earlier. 
“Be careful.” DeeDee handed you her flashlight before letting you go. 
You crept back round the corner from whence you had came. You remained close to the wall to avoid any oncoming intruders head on. Peering down into the water, you saw that it had been in fact just a rat that was now paddling through the sewage. 
“It's okay.” You relaxed, shouting ahead so they could hear you. “It was just a ra–––” You were cut short by a gloved hand covering your mouth. 
You sent your elbow backwards instinctively which threw your attacker into the wall. 
You spun around to see a figure dressed in a lavish coat with a purple mask covering his face. You furrowed your eyebrows at his appearance. You didn’t recognise him as an Avenger. 
He came towards you, sending a fist to the side of your head. You managed to block his attack, kicking him in the chest. 
You thought he’d be no match for you with your enhanced powers but he managed to put up a good fight. 
He wrestled with you against the wall as he gained the advantage. You resorted in head butting him to get him off you. 
You sent your leg up into his side but he wrapped his arm around your calf and yanked you forward. You lost your balance as he grip moved, hooking under your knee. He squeezed your thigh against him as he pulled out a rather large syringe. 
“DEE! RUN!” You managed to howl before the needle sunk into your thigh. 
You tried to fight again as he dropped your leg but your vision became patchy and your balance began to sway. 
Not to your knowledge, he had injected as much tranquilliser into you as one would a tiger. Your enhanced abilities wouldn’t help you with that, you were soon out cold. 
The stars shone above you as you and Karli laid back on the bonnet of the car. 
“I genuinely believe that you could be the one to change things, Karl.” You said as you munched down on the chocolate bar she had gifted you. 
“What are you on about?” Karli furrowed her eyebrows through her smile as she turned her head to face you. 
“I mean look what you did for my birthday, just using your powers of persuasion.” You smirked.
“Persuasion isn’t enough to change things.” Karli disagreed. 
“You’re right but right now, people need someone to look up to. Half the world is gone and hope isn’t something that's easy to come by anymore.” You stated. 
“And you think that person could be me?” Karli scoffed at the idea. 
“I think you could do anything you wanted if you put your mind to it.” You broke off a piece of chocolate and handed it to her. 
“I think you’re spending too much time around Mama Donya.” Karli took the chocolate and popped it in her mouth. 
“We’ll see who’s right one day.” You mused with a small smile. Karli rolled her eyes before trying to steal another piece. “Hey! It’s my birthday present!” 
When your eyes finally opened, you realised you were no longer in the sewers. 
You were standing but your hands were up above your head, chained to the wall behind you and a large metal strip was around your neck also. You desperately tried to search your surroundings through your mask but the restraints stopped you from moving much. 
The room was dark, no windows, a few dim lights dotted around caused the room to seem almost a brown colour and there was little furniture. 
You would’ve been a fool if you didn’t noticed the gun on a small table off to the side as well as the medical equipment glistening on a tall metal cart. 
Your head throbbed and your mouth held the metallic taste of blood. You tugged at your wrist restraints to test their strength and to your luck they were holding. 
“You’re awake.” You heard a thick accented voice when you stopped rattling your chains. “Good.” 
The possessor of the voice, your kidnapper, stepped into light and you clocked who it was immediately. 
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It was Baron Helmut Zemo. 
Zemo could not see your face as he had left the mask on you but he could tell from your eyes that you knew who he was. 
“I bet you are wondering why you are here. Tied up in this basement.” Zemo started. “Let’s start with introductions, shall we?” 
You remained silent.
“My name is Helmut Zemo––”
“––I know who you are.” You retorted. 
“Then you know what I am capable of.” Zemo glared at you for the interruption. His hands finding his pockets as his eyes settled on your own. 
“I know you’re going to kill me.” You knew of what happened with the Avengers. You knew of Siberia and the destroyed soldiers. You knew of his hate. 
“I’m not going to kill you.” Zemo wagged his finger at you. “Not yet at least. No. We have a few things I’d like to discuss first.”
“Like what?” You scowled at the man. 
“Like the whereabouts of Karli Morgenthau.” 
@cathrin2405 @serenityfirefly97​ @shannon-posts​ @dxnxdjarxn​ @hiddlepiddlediddlewiddle​ @trelaney​  @sierrabaltzer​  @daydreamer-in-training​ @e-barba​ @ornella0910​ @natty13 @bry-97​ @cherieweasley​ @kermuddgen @madelyn-barnes @jaxcliffaconda​ @candicerace​ @mo320 @takacsgram @hiccup005 
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drakenology · 4 years
All Yours! - Kirishima Eijiro
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“i’m all yours!” 
author’s note: this is pure filth ok? kiri is always written as a gentleman and I wanted to make him a slimey little cheater. tbh it was kinda hot. hope you guys enjoy this.
warnings: smut, angst, infidelity, fluff, fem!reader, phone sex , characters aged up! made up wife yall can give her a name if yall want lmao “she’s” just for the story. 
How can I put this? Sure, I loved my wife. She was with me when I was a nobody. Supported my dreams even when it meant I couldn’t be with her. But I can’t shake this feeling of regret. It’s almost as if I have married the wrong person. We stopped being intimate. She tenses up everytime I approach her. She doesn’t even look me in my eyes. She doesn’t love me anymore, I’m sure. I don’t think I loved her as much as I did when we first met. I was scared to tell her, scared to leave her. To be honest, I think we were both too chicken shit to sign those divorce papers.
Me and Katsuki talk about it all the time. He hypes me up over a few beers and when I get home I just lay dead next to her in bed, a huge wall separating our bodies from each other’s warmth even though we were so close. Our marriage was dying, withering away as we watched it fade. I don’t even bother telling her I’m leaving. I’m sure she has company over to fuck her while I’m gone. I caught her once.
He was amongst the higher ranks of Heros; I’ve seen him around before. He was on top of her, kissing her in the spots I used to kiss her. She seemed to be enjoying herself until I walked in. I was pissed. I pulled that guy off her and my mind went blank. I collect myself as she held me back from him. All I remember is her screaming. 
“It’s over! Don’t you get it!?” The pain in my knuckles snapped me out of it as I listened to her defend a man she hardly knew over me. He was knocked out on the ground, the pig naked and sweaty sporting a new blackeye courtesy of yours truly. I’ll never forget those words. We’ve been cheating on each other since that night. 
Tonight I was going to a bar with Katsuki and Kaminari, who wanted to get a few beers and maybe catch up a little. The both of them were pretty happy in their relationships. I never thought Bakugo would settle down. I’m watching my friends get into new and healthy relationships, while mine finds its impending doom. 
“Cheer up, Eijiro. I’m sure you’ll work up the courage to leave. It’s not working anymore, bro. I can see it in your eyes.” Denki says, taking a sip from his beer. I sigh and nod, only able to impishly agree. I was pretty upset. I spent a lot of good time with her. We made good memories. But it just didn’t work out. What went wrong? What happened? 
Bakugo grumbled about how I need to get over it, “Every woman in this joint would throw their fucking panties at you to have one night fucking a pro hero, don’t you get it? To be honest you should have left her that night you caught her cheating on you with that fucking side kick. Stop bein a coward and get it done.” I looked at him in shock but nonetheless he was right about me being a coward. I’d rather stay with her than try with someone new. Or so I had thought.
Time seemed to freeze when this woman walked into the bar with a few girls I was in the same class with in UA. She was quite possibly the most beautiful fucking woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. She seemed so confident and walked with her head held high. She knew she was hot, and wanted to make sure everyone in the bar knew. She wore this skimpy little dress in red, red lipstick on her full lips to match. Why does she seem so familiar?
She walked by our table, her perfume seeming to lure me towards her to follow her wherever she went. I was drunk and looking for something or anyone to distract me from what was going on at home. It felt wrong but something in me couldn’t resist. I couldn’t help but stare at her long legs in that dress that seemed to hug and squeeze at every curve in her body. I just wanted to grab her and nail her on the nearest surface in this fucking bar. 
“Yo, you’re drooling, dude.” Denki says, waving his hand in front of my eyes. I grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand away from my view. Something about this woman made me want to know more about her. I guess I could start with her name. I stood up from my seat and approached her, telling the guys I’d be right back. My hands got clammy as I got closer. I’m not gonna lie I was nervous as fuck. She was having a conversation with someone at the bar, her head slightly tilted to the side to better hear the person over all the music and outside chatter. I sit on the other side of her and tap her shoulder. 
“Hey. Can I buy you a drink?” I ask. She turned to me and smiled brightly, her teeth almost twinkling. 
“Sure! I’m Y/N. What’s your name?” She shouted over the music. I was a little shocked she didn’t know who I was. It’s hard to even go grocery shopping without being recognized. It was almost refreshing. 
“Eijiro Kirishima.” I say, holding out my sweaty hand to give her a hand shake. She took my hand and shook it, giggling as she noticed the wetness of my palms.
“Nice to meet ya, sweaty hands.” She said teasingly. God she was pretty. It was like no one was here except the two of us. She ordered the drink she wanted and I paid the bartender after we got our orders. We talked for what seemed like hours. It was almost easy with her. She was open and honest. She had nothing to hide and she was real. It’s hard to find that in people nowadays. 
“You’re pretty handsome, sweaty hands. You must have some girlfriend waiting for you to come home tonight, don’t you?” She questioned. I froze, thinking of my wife as I take a big sip of my drink. 
“I’m uh.. actually married. But she and I are separating.” I said, looking down at my drink. 
“Are you just telling me that so I’ll sleep with you? Or are you serious?” She asked, squinting her eyes at me to see if she can detect any lies. 
“I wish I wasn’t serious. I did love her at one point but..” I swallowed the lump in my throat, feeling pathetic. I was about to cry in front of a girl I’m trying to fuck. How manly. 
“Hey. You don’t have to explain much more, ok? I understand and I believe you.” She said, her small hand resting on my shoulder in reassurance. I look her in the eyes and smile. Why was she being so nice? 
“Hey, here’s my number. Call me anytime, sweaty hands.” She giggles, kissing me on the cheek. She finished her drink and pulled a pen from her purse. She wrote her number on a napkin and kissed it, leaving a red lipstick kiss on it. Y/N handed it to me and left, swaying her hips as she walked out the door.
“She was HOT! Way to go, Kirishima!” Denki said, surprising me. He pats my back and orders another round of beers for me and Bakugo, who was cheering me on back at the table. We sit for a while and go home a few hours after. I call an uber being that I’m too drunk to drive. When it gets to me, I get in and take the number out of my pocket to lock it in my phone. Should I even be considering this? 
Fuck it. 
I text her. I couldn’t wait to talk to her. 
“Hey sweaty hands. Took you long enough to text me.” She texted. I could almost hear her voice through the text as I text her back with shaky hands. 
“What are you doing?” I text, sitting back in the seat. She doesn’t respond for a while until I’m about to get out of the car. 
“3 Attachments.” The message read. I nearly fall over at the thought of what those attachments are. I unlock my front door and sneak back inside. My wife was already asleep, thank god. I couldn’t take her nagging when I was out late. I go to our room and sit on the bed, opening her message. God. She was naked with a blanket covering her more intimate bits. She was laying in bed, her nipples poking through the thin blanket as she pulled her features into a lewd look. She looked so good. 
“Thinking of you.” She said. My pants grow tight as I think of what she looks like under that blanket, my mind trailing to all the dirty things I’d do to her. How pretty she’d be with my dick in her little mouth. What was she doing to me? I send her a text back, 
“You’re such a tease.” I feel my wife stir in bed as I slowly try to climb in without waking her. I sigh as she turns back over and goes back to sleep, turning my attention back to my phone. 
“I want you, Eijiro. I wanna help you forget all about her.” She texted sending me another sultry image. “She won’t please you like I can.” I gulp and get up from my bed and rush to the bathroom. 
“Is that so?”
“Yeah.. I wanna show you.” She texted, tempting me to risk it all. I facetime her without thinking. Fuck I hope my wife’s still sleeping. Y/N answers, already naked and spread out on camera for me. Dirty girl. God she looked heavenly. She wore nothing but these pink thigh high socks
“I’m so wet for you, Kiri. I want you so bad.” She whined, playing with her wet folds teasingly as if she was waiting for me to tell her what to do. I practically drooled at the sight of her so lewd like this for me, her face full of desire for a man already taken. This wrong feeling just felt so right. 
“Don’t be shy, love. Show me how you please yourself.” I said, my cock twitching in anger at the lack of attention. I licked my lips as I watched her finger her pretty pussy for me, her sweet moans filling my ears as I completely forget about everything around me. I could watch her fuck herself all day. 
“Kiri- I-I wish you were here. You’d do a much better job than me- ah!” she whined, adding another finger inside her needy little hole. I pull out my cock and start to stroke it feverishly, wishing her pussy was wrapped around me instead. 
“Yeah?” I huffed, Y/N moaning in response. I pant as I stroke myself, enamored by this woman spread out before me. I can’t wait to really taste her. 
“I’m all yours, Eijiro! Whenever you want me. Ughhh god, I can’t wait to have y-you.” She mewls, her pace quickening.
I smirk and follow her movements, mimicking her rhythm to at least simulate the feeling of her pretty pussy wrapped around me. Her moans rang in my ears, the sound of her wetness squelching around her fingers as she fucked herself open for me. I pant, feeling close to cumming all over myself as I watched her legs start to shake, a sign that she herself was close too.
“Fuuuuck, Ah! I-I’m g-gonna cum for you, Kiri. Please let me cum.. please?” She begged, the sound nearly broke me. The fact she was begging me to let her cum as if I owned her really turned me on. I huff, holding myself back further as I sweat profusely.
“G’head, baby. Cum for me. Let me hear you.” I pant desperately, wanting to let go myself. And she did, her pathetic little screams echoing in my ears like a symphony. I cum just about the same time she does, my seed spilling all over my hand and lower stomach. I hear her cooing praises at me as I moan and gasp for air in front of her.
“Mmm, I wanna lick that up for you, daddy. You’re so big.” She said, licking her lips at the sight of me. I sigh in relief, telling her how gorgeous she is as I clean myself up. She stood up and grabbed her phone, winking as she told me,
“I guess this is to be continued, huh?”
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blogevaawrites · 4 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: smut, cheating, angst 
Summary: After being away of you boyfriend for three weeks, you come to Chris´s house after he had thrown a party where you met a girl you haven’t see ever. The beginning of the relationship was unconventional so you couldn’t do anything else but suspect. 
Part 1
He was getting closer to my neck, his lips kissing my neck from behind and his cold hands went to hold my hips strongly. I missed him so much.
I turned around to embrace his neck and finally get to kiss those lips I been craving so much for. His breath stank of alcohol, shitty beer, and tequila shots but that didn't matter because it was just the result of a good night of friends, football and fun.
“What did Ashley tell you?” it wasn’t a complete innocent question, I just wanted to know about that because she was talking to him without almost any distance between them. That wasn’t usually normal. But to be fair, when he gets drunk, he tends to be more affectionate.
“She wanted to stay in tonight. I guess she didn’t know you were coming” he said calmly as he kept working on my neck and his hands holding my butt strongly.
“And what did you tell her?” I kept asking, caressing his arms and back. 
“I said yes, but then she changed her mind” he answered quickly “why she didn’t want to stay?” 
I asked again “I don’t know” he wishpered
“And that was everything  what she said?” I was about to caress his hair but he took my hands between us, stopping all his movements.
“What do you want to know, doll?” he was tired of my questions but he kept calm.
“Nothing, it´s just...she was weirdly close to you” that wasn’t all I was thinking about.
“Are you jealous? That´s why you are being so annoying?” he smiled, and he started to kiss me again. 
“No! It´s not that! Stop! I’m just asking because you both looked too much friendly for being just friends” he started to look mad then. 
We have had this conversation before, not about Ashley but his attitude around girls. He was very flirty and sometimes it seems that I came just in time to keep him out of trouble.
“What? Honey, come on! She just wanted to know if she could stay in tonight too” As soon as he said that he shut up. 
“Was she here last night?” I asked him losing my shit. 
“Yes.. she... just called me, we went to get a few drinks and she couldn’t drive back to his house, so she stayed in” that sounded so unlike him. He doesn’t make friends quickly because he doesn’t trust people easily.
“You went out with her, a girl you just met, and you took her to your house because she got drunk” I tried to make him see that from my point of view.
“Yes, what´s wrong with that?” he asked, normally it wouldn’t be a problem, that was what I would do too, but he doesn’t do that with anyone but his friends, he doesn’t like to have people knowing where he lives.
“Where did you both meet?” I kept asking, because anyone of his friends did know her, he didn’t answer “You bring to this house someone you don’t even know well.” I said.
"So, what's? It's not a big deal" he hadn’t lied to me once, but something inside was yelling at me not to believe him.
He was about to move closer to me, but I was angry, and he knew it. He stopped his attempt and let me leave the room.
Quickly I got a shower and put on my pajama. It was quite cold in Boston but the fireplace kept the room warm so I could just put my black silk chamise on and headed to bed.
I could hear him moving around the house, I guess he started to clean out the mess that he and his friends made earlier. I knew he was just avoiding me.
About an hour later, I heard  his footsteps getting closer to his bedroom´s door, he stopped for a while in the doorframe, I could feel his glance at me, he stepped in the room and start to undress himself. He sat on his side of the bed and he stood there quiet, for a few minutes. He got under the mattress lightly touching my calf. God, I missed him so much.
“Come on, hon! I don´t want to be like this, we haven´t seen each other in three weeks” he said pecking me around my upper back, getting his whole body closer to mine “and I missed you” he whispered in my ear “every part of me have missed you very, very much” he kept whispering and rubbing his male member against my butt.
I didn´t stop him, I let myself go to his will, he turned me over my back, facing him, a drunk smirk appeared on his lips. He kept kissing my collarbones, my breast while his hands were flying to my thighs, holding them forcefully. He stopped realizing my lack of movement, then he lifted his body to free mine and asked, “Do you want this?” he looked confused. I have missed him so much; I have missed being touched by him.
“Yes” I answered him, bringing my arms to the back of his neck and push him closer to me. He started to move again over me. I was mad but needed for him.
His hands started to roll down my panties while his mouth assaulted mine. He lifted his hips to let go my panties off of me and positioned himself again between my legs.
His lips were sucking my right nipple and his left hand massage rudely my left boob.
When he was drunk sex was just hotter, shameless, and quite nasty. He was normally a little bit hotly rude during sex, but when alcohol took over his body, it was mind-blowing.
Thankfully, he got into bed just in his underwear so it was easy to slide my hand to get rid of his boxers.
He stopped his movements and brought both of my hands up, holding them just with one and the other one came down to rub my clit, he knew my body so well that it took less than two minutes to have me shaking and singing his name, in his bed, in his house. 
No matter what, he always could make me believe that we were the only humans alive, he could take me to moon and back just holding me in his arms.
He chucked and took his fingers in his mouth, sucking my wetness. He kissed me, letting me taste myself of his fingers, he let go my arms, rolling over and taking me with him, over him.  
My breast was fully exposed, all for him. I straddled him, holding myself up by arms extended against the headboard. His hands were cupping my ass up while mine was taking his hard dick to push it inside of me.
I just could moan for the relieve the tension that my body was feeling. I started to move slowly, riding him while my walls were stretching to take him completely. His hands were on my hips, his fingers marking my skin while he waited for me to be totally warmed up. When he could feel himself completely inside, his hands pushed my hips up and down harder, controlling the pace, knowing what I need to cum.
His eyes were shut trying not to cum before me. I lost the stability falling against his chest, his lips went to suck my neck and his arms up to hold me from my upper back, when I couldn´t move his hips collapse against mine until I couldn´t take it anymore. My inner walls clenched around him trying to push his dick out of me, and I came hard.
He holds tightly and rolled over again, leaving me under him. He took my still shaking legs over his shoulders and pressed his dick in me hard to get his own relief. He fucked me deliciously slow until he come inside of me.
“I’m glad you could make it here” he said with his now soft cock still inside me, and his hands caressing my tights. “Me too” it was all I could say, I was very happy to finally could see him, but the early event was stuck in my head.
He rolled to his side of the bed and I ran to the bathroom. Instead of clean myself up with a cloth I got another shower. When I was back to bed, he was already sleeping peacefully.
I knew something was wrong, for some reason I just couldn´t believe him so I took his pants from the floor lookingfor his phone in the pockets, I wasn´t proud of what I was about to do but the voice inside my head didn´t let me sleep. Instead of his phone I found a black lace tong and obviously it was not mine.
It was too late to go to a hotel, and even if it wasn’t I didn´t knew one nearby and I was too tired and a little bit drunk to drive back to New York.
I left the room and went to the living room.
In the morning I still was in the couch watching another episode of Crime Files. I didn’t hear him entering the living room until he spoke.
“What are you doing? Searching for new ways to get away with my murder?” He joked but for a few seconds I thought he knew about my discovery in his pants. I looked at him completely blank. 
“Have you cheated on me? I asked abruptly 
“What? No! What are you talking about?” he looked confused “Is this about Ashley? You don´t believe me!” suddenly he was mad at me. 
“I am just asking. Just answer the question. Have you cheated on me?” my voice was calm. Coversely, his voice was louder. 
“Are you fucking serious? Have I ever done anything like that to you before?” he looked so heartbroken that for a second I wanted to hold him.
“You are not telling all about Ashley, so I don’t know” his folded arms fell to each side of his body. Then his expression changed, he looked sad “No, I have not cheated on you.” he said that and leave the room.
I truly thought I hurt him. But he had a tong in his pocket.
I followed him back to the room and threw the evidence at him.
“So, you collect panties now?” I said “New Hobby? Because it is a fucking weird one” I got bitter. He looked upset but he kept quiet.
“Did something happed the night she stayed here?” I was afraid to hear the answer, but I needed to know it.
“No” He responded quickly. 
“Why do you have her underwear?” I felt I was begging him for information, and I didn’t like to have to do this. 
“She gave it to me” he answered unconsciously, he wasn’t going to say anything else until he had to do it. 
“Have you fuck her?” 
“When?” probably he still was drunk when he said that because he muttered a curse word. 
“So that’s where you know her from, right? She is one of your “friends. I thought you haven’t talk to them since we were together” in the beginning of our relationship I knew he had this kind of agreements. It wasn’t until we were officially a couple that he stopped seeing them, at least that’s what he told me.  
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