#it's also heavier than  my mac
azurine-cryptid · 8 months
watching linux videos because i really wanna use linux when i get myself a new laptop
kind of still dont really understand cause I've never been computer smart but i like the sound of it
#planning to get a really cheap one to test stuff out and have it in the meantime while i get myself an actual home computer#also fix my mac and my moms laptop#i dunno can you like actually upgrade parts of the mac laptop?#mine sucked at running anything heavier than medibang#the stpre clerk was a liar it fucking sucks for art couldnt even run krita or fucking youtube or even imovie#literal hell of a fucking thin ass piece of metal#but it cost and i dont want to waste it#cause its justa screen problem#but i just know im never buying mac again after that#fuck apple their products suck man#and its impossible to fucking navigate anything on it for some reason#ubuntu studio sounds really good#i loved krita but even fixing some settings it still struggled to run for more than an hour on the mac#peppermint alsp sounds good in case i need to use word cause while libreoffice is also good ive found some weird issues with the sizing#maybe that was just the mac being weird#cause thf i also couldnt run it for too long without my mac WHEEZING#closed everything and still did that#mint sounds comfy too#i mostly am just worried for stuff like art#and uni assignements#the only issue would be adobe cause my uni does have us work with adobe studio stuff#i only most likely will use 3 apps from it but they give us the whole bundle#mobile version sucks btw#i heard wine is good i dont really understand how that works yet though#rambling here cause processing thoughts atm#i just wanna get shit done cause i fucking hate doing it on mobile#its not great especially when tehyre teaching us to do on a computer cause thats the most efficient#and also adobe has full support for computers not mobile#its basic stuff atm but im worried for future classes where stuff will get more sophisticated
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six-costume-refs · 8 months
Six Makeup: Masterpost and Links
Hey y'all! Finally finished up a long promised post: all of my makeup suggestions for SIX cosplayers (and/or fans who just want to do some cool makeup looks)!!! I've been actively working on this post for about a year now and compiling makeup for even longer, so I'm happy to finally finish it. I'll get into more details in a moment, but first things first:
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I'll include all the links below, but for easy access I made a handy-dandy Pinterest board. It is sorted by costume (sections for each queen + alt costume) and you can clink on any pin to be taken directly to buy it. I would recommend that people look there for a more visual/easy look at the recommendations; I realize pure text can get a bit old!
Some notes: - All of these links are to US sites, with a variety of US and UK sources. Most of these brands ship internationally and/or are available on Amazon as well. - I tried to factor in a large variety of material colors/shades, skin tones, and financial budget. You'll find a mix of US and UK-based brands, mainstream and smaller brands, drugstore versus more upscale, and some brands owned by women of color. - There's a broad range in the companies listed in terms of their ethics, animal testing, politics, etc. I'm including as many companies as possible to give people as many options as possible, but some of these I wouldn't personally financially support. I would strongly suggest that anyone do their own research into the brands listed. - Many of these products may be harsher on skin than your typical products. I'd suggest considering any potential allergens and skin testing any product before use, and using your regular base (foundation, blush, etc) to minimize the number of new products. (If you have sensitive skin or are worried about toxicity, I'd suggest Skin Deep for toxicity information and the FDA site for information on common irritants) - The vast majority of the makeup on this list is products that I know Six actors use. However, just because someone in Six uses it does not mean it's necessary to achieve a great look - there are many great alternatives for just about any product, and what works for a specific actor may not be what works best for you. (I'd also note that the vast majority of queens use some fairly cheap makeup, so you never need to feel like you have to pay more to get "stage accuracy") - Factor in where you're intending to use your products. Six uses some extreme stage makeup and truly crazy lighting; if you use these products with the exact same intensity in just about any other context, it will be way overkill. Convention lighting tends to be harsh so you can usually go a bit heavier there, particularly if you're intending to do any on-stage performances. But for everyday use or a closet cosplay to go see Six or an outdoor meet-up with natural light you will usually want to go much softer. (Photoshoots are a whole other can of worms and really depend on specifics) - Some of this information is taken from a series of Instagram stories Erin Ramirez did. I'm still writing up a post of everything she suggested, but I'll link it here when finished. - And, finally, have fun experimenting and finding what works for you!
Links to recommendation posts and inspiration: Glitters/shimmers Palettes, eyeshadows, and other accents Lipsticks (coming soon) Erin Ramirez's recommendations MAC partnership link Eye look inspiration (my Pinterest board)
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sashasmenu · 3 months
Hey beautiful, i heard you weren’t feeling great today? Want to talk about it?
Oh, you overate today and now you’re scared you’re going to gain weight?
Lovely it’s ok let talk about it.
First i want you to take a deep breathe and remember we are going to get through this together.
Ok, now let’s talk about why you won’t gain weight from one day of overeating. So it takes approximately 3,500 extra calories to gain weight. Most people need 2,000 calories a day (even more than that if they restrict often). Your body also burns around 10 percent of its consumed calories to digest what you ate. So assuming all of this is true, you would have to consume 5,889 calories in one day to gain a pound. That’s about 53 slices of bread, or 10 McDonalds big macs. Chances are you didn’t consume that much. And even if you do cha cues are your body will let most of those calories just pass through you because it’s overwhelmed.
But you’re scared still? Why?
Oh, it’s because the number on the scale went up 3 pounds???
Oh my gosh you must have eaten 13,000 calories then!!! I’m just kidding, that not what happened. Here are some things that probably actually happened;
- You ate salty food; This causes your body to retain water which weighs a lot. Don’t panic though you will pee it all out within the next day or so.
- You’re backed up; Poop weighs a lot, and when you restrict you tend to get really backed up. Eventually you will pass all of it and go back to your normal weight though. If you need help i recommend eating more fiber, or using MiraLax (or another non stimulant laxative) if you’re really backed up. Also try drinking more water.
- There is food in your stomach; There is currently food being digested in your stomach and intestines and it has weight. This may make your scale read heavier before the food is fully digested.
- You drank a lot of water; Water is heavy! You need it to survive and function, but when you drink it does make your scale go up temporarily. But don’t worry you will pee it all out soon enough.
Now here are some things that didn’t happen;
- You gained weight over night; Literally not possible for this to happen, i promise.
Ok now that we cleared that up let’s talk about what we are going to do tomorrow.
The best way to avoid overeating is to eat enough. Usually we overeat because we restrict for so long that our bodies are basically forcing us to eat.
Think of it like sleeping. If i decide i want to stop sleeping in so late, what should i do?
If i go to bed really late, then just trying to wake up early won’t work. I need a certain amount of sleep for my body to function. No matter how hard i try, i’m either going to sleep through my alarm, or crash later in the day. And it’s not my fault that my body needs sleep.
The only thing that will work is if i go to bed earlier. If i need sleep sent my body that won’t help, what will help is if i stop restricting and instead change my behavior to give my body what it needs.
Now let’s apply that to food. The best way to avoid binging and overeating is to eat the right amount and allow our bodies to be satisfied. You deserve to eat what you need, and if you don’t let yourself have it, your body might force you anyways.
Now that we’ve talked that through i think you need a virtual hug, and to know that i love you and care about you. You might not think you’re sick enough, or that you’re too sick, but i promise recovery is ready for you.
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journey-thru-six-ears · 3 months
---X--- Liu'Er Mihou x Reader ---X---
---X--- Headcanons [p1] ---X---
[Since I'm absolutely feral and in love with this nasty monkey, i'll share my nasties with others who have the same freak-mode feels for him! ]
[some FERAL and not-so-feral Headcanons for reader needs! Also, another note. These are not for the Mac from LMK, these are for my fandom-take AU of Liu'Er Mihou from the Journey to the West materials.]
>>> SFW
x-If you can't or won't accept the fact he smells, most of the time, his time isn't for you! He's a gross, stinkier monkey even than Sun Wukong! [call him a stinker, he loves it!] He does, however, wear spiced colognes on some chosen occasions. Hints of cinnamon, cloves, birch, even vanilla with some hints of cedar or mint.
x-Do NOT address personal pains or squabbles with Liu'Er as he will ensure that your squabbles are dealt with... accordingly. Unless, that is what you want. [meaning...don't vent things about folks you'd like to continue LIVING.]
x-Loves doting on you and melts when he receives the affection as well. He. Will. Thrive.
x-Appreciates gentle ear massages, as headaches and over stimulation are common place within his everyday occurrences. Gently covering his ears for even a short moment calms many a tensed nerves... he'll surely be 100% gracious.
x-Gifts small items that he expresses make him think of you. He knows you'll love them, as well.
x-He's heavy on physical touching and affection. He wants you to feel absolute enamor as he does. He'll groom you, nip your skin and nape of your neck, and lay on your with the utmost joy. He's like a weighted blankie. [he's working on the gentle part]
x-He is wildly possessive, don't take this lightly. He is extremely territorial and does not openly share. You are his, and he solely promised himself as yours.
[read below for the nsfw's]
>>> NSFW
x-Be warned, your belongings will end up being defiled 'lovingly' by him, especially if you plan to be absent for hours or days at a time. He misses you.
x-Kissing and petting, light or heavy, will almost always guarantee heavier kissing and touching. Or, at most sloppy tonguing and end in big fluster. He loves kisses.
x-Bitemarks, scratches, accidental bruising, [he's passionate]
x-Will compare you to how delectable you...taste, especially in every way that he's tasted you. Musk and sweat be upon the and he's such a beast for YOUR stink. He'll compare you to his most savory meats that he's consumed He pledges to savor your for eternity upon every heavy moonlight evening.~
x-Favorite task? Eating you out, of course. [or sucking 'D'~! no exemptions.] He loves your taste, so-so much. He loves leaving his lover a blissfully shaking, drenched mess.
x-Favorite position? Under you, of course. [refuses to admit this] Feeling your weight upon a full belly of meat that he ingested prior drives him to an end SO FAST beneath your bottom slamming down upon his guts. The shifting and grinding is H E A V E N L YYY~. He also really enjoys good ol' primal doggystyle. He's big on mounting and just...hilting deep within your guts. He's a beast for cock-warming, too. so don't move!
---X--- Notes ---X---
I can't lie, I've been heavily inspired by @jttw-monkeybusiness to publicly share my AU materials for the Journey to the West fandom. hhhh <3 <3 I hope the rest of ya'll enjoy my nasty monke mayhems.
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intertexts · 3 months
ROS what si new haven wards. what is that.... i thought u and mac were just talkin abt somethin from like s2 of pd but u guys have benn talkin abt worm in regards to it too so i am Curious......... is it an au u guys made or something I WANNA KNOWWWW!!!! god i need 2 keep reading worm.....
OUGH. AWESOME ASK TO RECEIVE. U HAVE ACTIVATED. AUTISM BLAST!!!!!!! preemptively tagging @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone about this also. ur input is necessary.
new haven wards is effectively, prime defenders worm au :] putting the gang in the much heavier, darker, higher consequences world that spends a lot more time & puts a lot more weight on the concept of child soldier heroes!!!! putting our little guys in the blender and hitting pulse until it's a slushie!!! playing with them like playing w ants and a magnifying glass..... u get the idea!! junior heroes in the training system in parahumans or at least on earth bet r called wards, ergo. new haven wards!!
a lot of the main differences at this point r in powers & maybe characterization a bit.... in parahumans the way u get powers is through going through severe and life-breaking trauma!!! (& also there r some rules via how powers develop irt trigger events & also worm just has..... my fucking favorite power system ever. its so good.) so their powersets r a bit different than in canon, they r 1 billion times more codependent and fucked up (they r being systematically exploited & have no one really but each other & r put in situations where murder and sexual and racial violence and like straight up flayed corpses r par for the course!!) anyway, their hero names r failsafe (dakota) imprint (virion), whisperer (wibby-- he took his brother's last name in this au!) & [dial tone sound] (ashe)(have not thought abt ashe much bc mac has not gotten to the part in worm that explains how i think he would work in this world n i dont wanna thoroughly develop him without them!!) <333
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sugar-omi · 11 months
as a black girlie i wanna ramble ab how cove would be w a black s/o
he don't know nothing bout no 2 step ‼️‼️ tried ONCE and literally fell over (don't worry baby i can't do it either)
we ardy know he loves to eat, but i think he really hankers down on some soul food. put bro in front of some collard greens, baked mac n cheese and chicken and he's SET. you seen that one tiktok of the guy on thanksgiving w his black gf and his face was all in the plate? that's cove
i could ramble more but idk if you'll relate or like... enjoy it so imma stop here ;-;
I do relate on the hair front (we eat like basic trash americans over here I'm ngl 💀💀💀) but like put down anything in front of cove?? he's devouring it, he won't even ask what it is he just knows it smells good n tastes even better
I SAW ANOTHER ONE TOO the guy had sauce all over his face n he was just eating w his hands (he had like a thing of ribs or smth w a bone so that made sense lmao)
but lkke he abandoned all civilty, man's was gonna eat n he was gonna do it EFFICIENTLY it was so sweet, he even thanked her mom like 😭😭😭
I couldn't help laughing it was too funny n so cute man's was actually in heaven
but ykw every video I've seen of someone eating soul food, they devour it omfg
i saw one woman cooking for her Korean in laws n the parents had a little bit of everything n were in awe watching her cook n they. threw. DOWN
I just know they went back home a couple pounds heavier bc that food did look good af
now I don't have very course hair, my hair is 3B but reallyyyy thick. like my classmate even said I have more edges than people have hair, which is rlly funny
but before I cut my hair it was like down to my butt, and now that I've been able to take care of it its gotten thicker
so imagine making cove detangle and wash your hair n put in product n braid it for you.
like especially when my hair was long, I wished someone would just come do my hair bc it's such a strain on my arms
so imagine cove sitting in the bathroom or in the tub w you to help with your routine, and he's so gentle that depending on your hair type you gotta tell him to be a bit rougher bc he's not getting the job done
he's just so afraid of ruining your hair or smth pls hes very paranoid rn💀😭
better to start with him putting in your products and letting him comb out your hair once you're done w detangling n stuff like that
omg he does help take your braids out
I braided my hair into micro braids n please.... I was ready to cut at the root bc that was irritating to take out. I was combing my hair n almost snatching my head off my shoulders bc I missed a braid 🪦🪦🪦
his braids are so bad omfg.... there's definitely pieces of hair sticking out
eventually though I think he becomes so good at it and before you know it he's a braid master !!
also yeah there isn't a dancing bone in his body but ykw he's gonna learn at least one move!!!!
imma have to find it but there's this old dude that rlly buckled down on one move n that's so cove I think
yout family definitely keeps pulling him in to dance and he just cant keep up.... that's the white in him /j
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frappe-dehors · 1 year
Someone asked for it and that's all the prompting I needed so here it is : a tier list of how easily I would topple over the Punch out (wii) boxers just by lauching my 200lb at them full speed, because somehow, despite being built like brick shithouses, like half of them are lighter than me.
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A few notes :
-This was only based on how much they weigh, not how they're built
-Muscle is denser than fat, so for how built these people are, they should be much heavier than that
-I checked a (admitedly small) database of photos of people with the boxer's corresponding height and weight, and they ranged from very thin (some even admitting they had an eating disorder at the time the picture was taken) to slightly pudgy. No one looked even close
-The only outlier was Bear Hugger, were people with the same height and weight as him did have a similar body type.
-Also I'm built fairly similar to other people my height and weight (aka sitting somewhere between mid-size and small fat)
-Height also factors a lot in how much someone weighs (because bones) so why and how the fuck is Soda Popinski only 40 pounds heavier than me
-Little Mac's weight would make a lot more sense if he was still 4'8"
-I don't actually know the physics of lauching yourself at someone work. This is not a scientific chart.
-If I catch you being fatphobic on this post I'm blocking you
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justforbooks · 2 years
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Fleetwood Mac were Brit-rock stalwarts when, in 1974, they hit on the idea of pepping up their lineup. They invited a folky Californian, Lindsey Buckingham, to join, but he refused to come without his girlfriend, Stevie Nicks. The band agreed, on one condition: their sole female member, Christine McVie, had to feel comfortable with Nicks.
They met over dinner in Los Angeles, and McVie, finding Nicks “funny and nice, but also, there was no competition”, waved her through. That decision led to the enlarged band becoming the sultans of soft rock, underlining McVie’s status as the quiet pillar of the Mac apparatus. (And she was right; Nicks complemented rather than competed. She was the ethereal conjuror, McVie the “very, very, very English” – in Nicks’s appraisal – countermeasure, and neither ever upstaged the other.)
McVie, who has died aged 79, was co-lead singer, keyboardist and author of many of the group’s canonical tunes, including Say You Love Me, Over My Head and You Make Loving Fun. Understatement shaped her identity, with Rolling Stone magazine rather insultingly calling her “the epitome of rock’n’roll sanity”. That kind of thing riled her: “I was probably the most restrained, but I was no angel,” she protested, claiming that one of her most acclaimed compositions, Songbird, owed its existence to “a couple of toots of cocaine and a half-bottle of champagne”.
Nevertheless, she avoided the spotlight, often literally. At gigs her domain was a relatively modest keyboard set-up at the side, safely away from stage centre, and despite her talent – “the finest blueswoman and piano player in all of England,” the drummer, Mick Fleetwood, maintained – she was self-deprecating about her abilities.
Deeply melodic love songs, burnished by her warm alto, were McVie’s stock in trade, but she could address her unhappy ex-husband, John McVie, with equal tenderness. The 1977 Top 3 hit Don’t Stop, later used as the theme tune for Bill Clinton’s first presidential campaign, did just that. Written during sessions for the landmark Rumours album, when relations between the pair were at their worst, it sunnily encouraged John, the band’s bassist, to look forward rather than brood about the past. (She blamed their periodic break-ups, culminating in divorce in 1976, on the stress of being in the same group, and her husband’s heavy drinking: “John is not the most pleasant of people when he’s drunk,” she said in 2003. “I was seeing more Hyde than Jekyll.”)
She didn’t deliberately write commercial songs, she insisted; they just came out that way. Which was just as well – in 1975, as the group were grinding through an American tour, their US label chose Over My Head to soundtrack a radio campaign for their self-titled new album. The LP duly became their first real smash, selling more than 9m copies. For that matter, the 1977 behemoth Rumours arguably owed a good chunk of its 45m sales to the two McVie tracks released as singles, Don’t Stop and You Make Loving Fun, which remain soft-rock touchstones to this day.
The younger child of Cyril Perfect, a music teacher, and his wife, Beatrice (nee Reece), Christine was born in Bouth, then part of Lancashire and now in Cumbria, and raised in Bearwood, West Midlands. Her mother’s avocation was spirituality and Christine was uncomfortable around her circle of faith-healer friends, but an even heavier burden was being saddled with the name Christine Perfect. “Teachers would say: ‘I hope you live up to your name, Christine.’ So, yes, it was tough.” She so disliked it that after her divorce she kept her married name.
As a child, she studied classical piano and cello, only becoming interested in rock at 15, when her brother left Fats Domino sheet music on the household piano. She was an instant convert to the blues, developing a driving, boogie-woogie left-hand piano style, but music became secondary to her other consuming interest, art. Five years at Birmingham Art College yielded a sculpture degree, but she emerged with a revived passion for music, thanks to having spent her university time busking with her friend Spencer Davis and playing bass in a band called Sounds of Blue, led by Stan Webb.
Listlessly working as a window dresser at Dickins & Jones department store in London after graduation, Christine was delighted to be asked to join Webb’s new outfit, Chicken Shack, as keyboardist and vocalist. One of the only women in the mid-1960s British blues scene to both sing and play an instrument, she got noticed. Though she later dismissed Chicken Shack as a “mediocre sort of white blues band”, she sang lead on their only Top 20 song, a dreamy cover of Etta James’s I’d Rather Go Blind, and was voted Melody Maker’s top female vocalist of 1969 (she won the same award in 1970, after releasing a solo album entitled Christine Perfect).
She fancied the guitarist Peter Green of the rival blues act Fleetwood Mac, but it was John McVie who asked her out. “It was Peter Green I had a bit of an eye on,” she said during a Desert Island Discs broadcast in 2017. “I started talking to John and fell head over heels with him.” They married in 1968, and a few months later, deciding she was not seeing enough of her husband, she left Chicken Shack with the intention of being a housewife. It lasted only until her manager persuaded her to make the solo LP, an “immature” effort she later preferred to forget. The next step was joining Fleetwood Mac as a permanent member in 1970, having already played uncredited on several studio sessions.
She was dubious about the band’s decision to relocate to Los Angeles in 1974, but reconciled herself to Californian rock-star life, buying Anthony Newley’s old house and a pair of Mercedes-Benzes with her lhasa apso dogs’ names on the number plates. While making the follow-up to Rumours, Tusk, she dated the Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, but her next significant relationship, with the Portuguese keyboardist Eddy Quintela, was happier and more productive. He played on her second solo album, Christine McVie (1984), and after their marriage in 1986 the pair wrote one of Mac’s biggest hits of the 80s, Little Lies. The marriage foundered, however, when McVie found herself craving a quiet life in England; she quit the band in 1998 and bought a Tudor house in Wickhambreaux, Kent.
Fifteen years of “this country life with the welly boots and the dogs and the Range Rover” proved enough, and matters definitively came to a head when she fell down a flight of stairs and became dependent on prescription painkillers. It was, she said, a bleak time, not least because another attempt at a solo career had failed to launch. She had made the album In the Meantime with her nephew, Dan Perfect, in 2004, purposely veering away from Fleetwood Mac’s big-ticket lushness. But without it, the relaxed, mid-tempo songs had little zing; moreover, a fear of flying kept her from travelling to promote it. Innately a team player, after therapy to overcome her phobia she rejoined Mac permanently in 2014.
Reaction to her return was roaringly positive, both from fans and the band themselves; to Mick Fleetwood, it made the group “complete” again. In the same year, she received an Ivor Novello lifetime achievement award. McVie’s last recording was a self-titled joint album with Buckingham, a Top 5 British hit in 2017. It caught her in a reflective mood but her gift for melody was undimmed. Her final public performance was at a tribute show for Green in London in February 2020.
In June this year, a solo compilation, Songbird, was released, but McVie was adamant that she wouldn’t tour again. “I don’t feel physically up for it. I’m in quite bad health. I’ve got a chronic back problem, which debilitates me. I stand up to play the piano, so I don’t know if I could actually physically do it.”
She and Quintela divorced in 2003. Her brother, John, and nephew survive her.
🔔 Anne Christine McVie, musician, born 12 July 1943; died 30 November 2022
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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crippleprophet · 2 years
Hey Mac,
I've been thinking about using a rollator for a while and was wondering if you or your followers had brand/product recommendations? I'm not necessarily looking for the cheapest possible model and would primarily be using it for the seat & not for stability when walking, if that makes a difference! Anyways, your blog has been such a positive force in my life, and has encouraged me to really start LIVING with me/cfs instead of just surviving with it!
i can’t thank you enough for this, that means the absolute world to me & i’m so honored + happy for you 🖤🖤 i’ve been dealing with a lot of major life changes especially due to worsening illness so feeling like i’m still making a positive impact in people’s lives is more important to me than i can put into words, thank you so much 💕💕
i actually did my biomedical engineering senior project in undergrad on standard vs forearm rollators & would be happy to send that research to you (& anybody) if you want the sources + additional info, just dm me your email!
basically a rollator with forearm support platforms (either add-on attachments or built in) offloads more weight from the lower body than a standard rollator, which can do more to reduce leg/foot/etc pain. it also offers better stability & can reduce the risk of hunching over it which could lead to further issues such as back pain (although it’s definitely possible to stand upright with a properly fit standard rollator, it just takes more conscious effort ime). since you’re mainly looking for a seat that might not be relevant to you though! other than price their main downside is being a bit heavier than standard rollators
i use the Gemino 30 upright walker, unfortunately she’s very expensive (mine’s a hand-me-down) and difficult to obtain in the US at least as of 2020 but there’s a senior supply store that has worked with a friend on shipping so i can try to track them down if you’re particularly interested in that model.
anecdotally i know folks who’ve been very dissatisfied with the UPWalker (formerly the Lifewalker Upright) and felt it wasn’t worth the steep price so a generic model might do you better there. my health went (further) to shit before i was able to actually test out any generics or attachments so i don’t have any specific data there
as far as standard rollators the Hugo Elite by Drive Medical was what i used as my control in testing, selected based on popularity & customer reviews - it’s about $80-130 USD new depending on where you’re shopping and definitely seemed quality to me (sturdy, the seat was comfortable, pretty easy to fold/unfold but i had way fewer hand problems at the time) but i wasn’t doing much testing outdoors etc
other rollator users feel free to pitch in! i hope you find something that works great for you 💕
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myf00djournal · 1 year
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Tuesday ☁️
I almost named this post Monday. Lol.
Trained 👆🏽 Coach not too happy about my lower back position at the bottom of my squat. I’m so lucky to have someone who pays such attention to all their clients and modifies movements for us. I have awful depth. Years of sport and no stretching 😜 when I started doing heavier lifts I did crack 80 for my squat but I also tore my hip flexor in the process so I never push too hard with weight or depth these days - it’s just not worth it.
Had protein after gym.
Did a 2.5km walk. Got a coffee from my fave local and got extra lil biccies 🥰 (untracked)
Made a brekky wrap - one egg, cheese, baby spinach and rocket, one hashbrown, bbq sauce
Made pizza scrolls for lunch for J and I - it is the Greek yoghurt dough recipe 🤩
Had mac and cheese a bit afterwards because I punched my numbers into MFP and needed a lot more carbs to bring my fat down
Homemade coffee
Two pieces of toast w Nuttelex
Dinner is a pork satay veggie dish
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Sitting around 2200 👌🏻 a bit higher in fat than I would like but on song with the protein so we’ll take it
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the-firebird69 · 20 days
► BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC: ARMADA 2 - Full Cinematic Story Movie (4K) FOR THE...
These hips have some serious firepower a lot of ships fire rapidly like this but these have firepower because they can put it on board they're big and spacious and laid out for it and it's because the arm is heavier that they put bigger arm in for some reason they put larger arms and some of these are coming out and around here not many most of the ones here are Star blazers the stone chips are usually around the mainland and they made from Stone they're going ahead and cladding some of these in space with the clay and it's the morlock and they're taking it out while they're at burning Man and I think they're clever they're taking it below it's a huge thing but really they're not taking many of these out yet strawberries are pretty hefty Star blazers are happy and they're putting the cladding on and it looks like this so yeah they're totally shifts into stone chips and the pseudo empire is doing it they have quite a few but it's not gigantic they have a fleet that has probably 2 billion star blazers and about 300 million clad and that's you know that gigantic but it's formidable there's other things they're doing but really the empire is there trying to get stone chips out as well as the clones and these guys are starting to get interested in it because they are cladding some of their ships and they find them to be a lot sturdier they get into a little scrapes quite often with each other
Thor Freya
This is why it's going to take off and these guys have big mouths
Zig Zag
Apparently my ship is nothing new and I noticed that the empire is kind of laughing at me a little not really but they know this not hard enough it's harder than there Clay is not true that sounds really solid and I guess it would take another couple hundred years it's actually true is working is what we were surprised at
It's actually very hard already but it does take longer than one would think for the whole thing to solidify it'll be 10 years it's been five but it's just not going to get there until that point and a son and daughter are wondering they think it's been 10 years and it has it's very hard it's as hard as the petrified Stone and there is petrified still in forest Stone forest. And they're thinking that they're going to be the balls and they have a bunch of them and they're like from half mile to 10 miles and they melted them and that's the wood and they melted with some healing glue while the wood was still fresh they tested it and it actually does meld in there right. But this fleet will be out and out man and our matched and they're lazy ignorant arrogant but this is what they have and we needed them to. We also had them gather all sorts of stuff so we can arm our ships down below and they don't seem to notice there's stuff missing they don't get it they can't figure it out and we're not here to tell them I guess we are telling them because there are other people who figured it out a little
Thor Freya
So they can have these below the cities
Mac daddy
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technologycompanynews · 2 months
Western Digital My Passport for Mac review - Information Global Web - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/western-digital-my-passport-for-mac-review/?feed_id=142315&_unique_id=66a13c747473a At a glanceExpert’s RatingProsProvides up to 6TB storageCompetitive pricePassword protectionConsCould be fasterLarger than most portable drivesNo USB-C interfaceOur VerdictIt’s not the fastest hard drive around, but the My Passport for Mac provides plenty of portable storage at a competitive price.Price When Reviewed£75.99 (2TB), £115.99 (4TB), £130.99 (5TB), £165.99 (6TB) Best Prices Today:The high performance and compact design of solid-state drives makes them ideal for people who want a portable backup drive that they can carry with them when they’re traveling with their laptop. However, SSDs are still relatively expensive, and they also tend to have more limited capacity than old-fashioned mechanical hard drives. If you need several terabytes of storage for your Time Machine backups or work files then a traditional mechanical hard drive is still worth considering.Hard drives have their own limitations, though, as they’re generally heavier and larger than SSDs, and portable hard drives such as Western Digital’s popular My Passport could generally only offer 5TB of storage before they simply became too large and heavy to carry around with your laptop. So Western Digital now claims to have made a breakthrough with the 2024 version of the My Passport, which it describes as “the world’s first 2.5-inch 6TB portable hard drive”. In fact, Western Digital doesn’t even bother to provide a 1TB option with the My Passport anymore, starting with a minimum of 2TB for $84.99/£75.99, with 4TB, 5TB and 6TB models also available. And even the 6TB model that we review here only costs $184.99/£165.99, so the My Passport certainly provides a very affordable backup option for laptop users.The basic design of the drive hasn’t changed very much with this update, with a very straightforward dark-blue, rectangular plastic casing that is adorned with only a few diagonal stripes running across the top panel. As we’ve seen with previous My Passport drives, the 2TB model is quite a bit slimmer and lighter than the other models, measuring 13.5mm thick, 75mm wide and 107mm long, and weighing just 140g. The 4TB and 5TB models increase to a thickness of 19.2mm, while the 6TB model that we review here is a relatively chunky 20.6mm thick, with these three models all weighing 210g.Somewhat oddly, the My Passport drive still uses an ageing USB Micro-B interface, although Western Digital does include a USB-A cable with a separate USB-C adaptor, so you can use the drive with newer Macs that only have USB-C as well as older Macs with USB-A. It’s a little odd that Western Digital doesn’t simply adopt the more modern USB-C interface for the drives, but that’s not really a major criticism as the limited speeds of mechanical hard drives don’t really require the higher data transfer rates that are supported by USB-C. The My Passport drives also include Western Digital’s Discovery app for Mac and Windows, which provides password protection and encryption features to help you keep important files and data safe in case the drive gets lost or stolen.The other oddity is that – as we’ve seen in the past – Western Digital continues to offer a rather confusing variety of models within the My Passport range. The standard My Passport drive is aimed at Windows users and includes a USB-A cable, while the My Passport For Mac that we review here throws in a USB-C adaptor and is also pre-formatted for use with Macs straight out of the box. There’s also a model with the daft name My Passport Works With USB-C, which seems to be identical to the ‘For Mac’ model but uses the exFAT drive format, which is compatible with both Macs and Windows. More useful perhaps are the two ‘Ultra’ models – My Passport Ultra and My Passport Ultra for Mac (read our review) – which are slightly more expensive, but
have a sturdy metal casing that might be useful for people who work outdoors and need some extra protection.Western Digital is also a little vague about the drive’s performance. Its website states that all the My Passport drives provide a transfer rate of ‘up to 5Gb/s’ – but that actually refers to the USB interface rather than the hard drive itself. Our tests with the My Passport for Mac showed that it nudged just past 100MB/s for both read and write performance, which is obviously far slower than an SSD drive, but similar to previous. It’ll be fine for routine Time Machine backups, although creative users who need to work with large graphics or video files might still prefer a faster solid-state drive.Should you buy Western Digital My Passport for Mac?There are faster hard drives available – as well as SSDs, of course – and it’s long past time for WD to adopt a modern USB-C interface. Even so, the My Passport for Mac still stands out from most of its portable rivals by offering up to 6TB of storage at a very competitive price.See how it compares to other hard drives for Mac in our round-up of the best. BLOGGER - #GLOBAL At a glance Expert’s Rating Pros Provides up to 6TB storage Competitive price Password protection Cons Could be faster Larger than most portable drives No USB-C interface Our Verdict It’s not the fastest hard drive around, but the My Passport for Mac provides plenty of portable storage at a competitive price. Price When Reviewed £75.99 … Read More
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theshoegirldiaries · 3 months
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LOTD: MAC Retro Matte Lipstick in Eternal Teddy with Too Faced Lip Injection Lip Gloss in Say My Name. #Scentoftheday Fame Intense EDP by Rabanne.
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Day 7, final day of my first impressions reviews and today it's the MAC lipstick. I tried the Lustreglass version from this collection the last time I was reviewing new items. I also went on a major MAC rant, so shall refrain from that this time! This is a Retro Matte formula, which didn't drag, but didn't glide as smoothly over the lips as I'd have liked. There looks to be less red in Eternal Teddy than Ready Teddy from the side-by-side image above (and more brown in it). On the lips, it did look a reddish brown and comparing it to selfies I took when wearing the Lustreglass, the Retro Matte is just deeper and more dense looking because of the finish having less sheen and more depth. It's nice enough, but not my favourite formula in the world.
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Swatches above as always, swatched several times on bare skin with no light/colour edits made.
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The perfume I'm trying today is the latest in the Fame line-up, an intense version with a gold dress. There was the original (silver) Fame EDP, Blooming Pink (pink dress, but same original Fame fragrance inside), the black was Fame Parfum EDP, which was supposed to be a more intense, longer lasting version of the original and now Intense, which is...also intense?! I find so many perfumes these days are misleading with their releases, do we need 3 EDP's of the same fragrance or should it be a new stand-alone release? Often they'll say one is lighter, one heavier etc and you find little to no connection with the original scent. Also the smallest size in these (30ml, mine here is a miniature), all look the same. They look like this mini, glass with no silver/black/gold dress. How can you tell them apart? The juice varies ever so slightly, but then you'd need them all to compare, plus perfume changes colour over time.
Anyway, Fame Intense EDP by Paco Rabanne is a Floral/Woody/Musk fragrance which launched in 2024 and was created by Dora Baghriche, Alberto Morillas, Fabrice Pellegrin and Marie Salamagne. The notes are listed on Fragrantica as Jasmine, Sandalwood and Incense with no top, middle and bottom specified.
I found this very woody, a creamy sandalwood. I didn't get the incense (was expecting church pew vibe) and felt it was missing that juicy mango of the original in amongst all the woodiness. I found it very dense and strong at first, though it didn't project much (however I should note I was using a dab-on mini bottle rather than spray). I think it could be headache inducing. I just found it too heavy.
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fatfables · 7 months
Part Two of My New Gainer Story...
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Big Ben: 2 of 3
Over the course of the first year of their affair Diego also bulked out a bit. His six-pack disappeared and was replaced by a soft jiggly little belly. His once taught arm, leg, and chest muscles began to soften but his weight gain was minor compared to Ben who finished the year three stone heavier than he had started it.
By the spring of ‘92 Ben was almost 17 stone. Diego was now of legal age but their abusive affair was still kept secret. Not that Ben had any friends to tell about it. He had also never asked Diego where he went when he left, what he did for a living, or anything else about his life. He didn’t care. He just wanted to feed and fuck his Brazilian toyboy. As long as he got to do this two or three times a week then the rest of the world could go to hell. This was the first good thing that had ever happened to him.
When his Mum died that summer Diego was there to party with him. He helped him to drown his pain in beer and whiskey, and chicken chow mein. He let him snort fat lines off his blossoming arse cheeks before letting him fuck the pain away while his belly felt heavy and bloated. It was the same when they reduced his benefits for failing to look for jobs. Diego knew just how to make everything ok with sponge cakes, gin, and anal love.
The trips to the pub became less regular and Ben started to spend more time in his bedsit waiting for Diego to come around with carrier bags full of Skips and Monster Munch, two four packs of extra strength Skol and 60 Embassy No.1’s. Diego was also gaining weight. He had grown the perfect little pot-belly caused by teenage over-drinking and eating fast food. He had gone up a couple of waist sizes but it was nothing compared to Ben who entered 1993 just short of 20 stone. His plan was going perfectly. This sad old fucker was blowing up beautifully.
New Years Eve had been a non-stop party of drink, drugs, fucking and food. It climaxed with Diego sitting on top of Ben’s bloated belly, forcefully holding on to his curly hair as he facefucked the old man. His soft brown pot belly bounced in Ben’s face. Diego was getting a lot more dominant. He loved the big black rings that permanently stained Ben’s sad eyes. A glorious sign of his deteriorating health. Ben had consumed a bottle of Vodka, four Big Mac meals, half a gram, and his cock. No wonder he looked so bad. Diego withdrew from his mouth and came directly in Ben’s panda eyes. He said something in Portuguese in a cruel tone and kissed Ben on his bright red nose.
Throughout ‘93 Diego started making more frequent visits to see Ben who hardly ever went outside now. He brought him his groceries, booze and fags. He stopped agreeing to sex on every visit but would allow Ben to fuck his soft rounding out ass every week or two. Instead the regular visits consisted of Diego cooking for Ben or supplying him with takeaways and then sweetly rubbing and kissing his ever extending hairy bear belly. Ben’s gut had at least doubled in size since he had first met Diego. It was now huge and round and heavy. He had soft flabby tits that hung down the side of his enormous belly. His arms had lost all shape and hung wide and limp by his sides. His face was puffed out, red, and bloated. He was now drinking at least thirty units a day and consuming five to seven thousand calories. On top of this he was smoking three packets. He was a magnificent model of bad health. His depression had returned and only the occasional fuck session with Diego made him happy. He felt really guilty about this as the once fit and healthy youth was now looking quite plump and round. What kind of awful pervert would take advantage of an innocent youth like that. He felt like a fat drunk piece of shit. His parents had been right about him.
The summer of ‘93 was long and hot. His inner-city bedsit was sweltering and Ben was really suffering. Diego had been a real blessing. He would come around every morning with bottles of cool Coca-Cola and four litre tubs of ice cream. He would make Ben vodka ice cream floats in order to keep him cool. Ben’s weight was still ballooning and he was clearly over 23 stone. He looked constantly sick and Diego had been delighted to discover that some of the skin on his feet and legs had started to turn. He didn’t mention this to Ben though, he didn’t want to concern him. Instead he chose to celebrate by allowing Ben to drink five extra strong beers through a funnel before letting him fuck him senseless. Diego loved the feeling of the fat loser's cock throbbing in his arsehole. His fat round young ass gave him so much power.
Towards the end of the year, on a day when Ben was feeling particularly bad, he left the house to go to church. Though a non-believer he had been raised Catholic and riddled with anxiety about his abusive relationship with Diego he had suddenly felt the need to confess his sins for the first time in his miserable life. For all he knew he could die soon.
The priest looked very surprised when the enormous drunken slob lumbered into the church. He hurried away a twelve year old altar boy, seemingly for his own protection, and approached Ben. Ben explained that he wanted to confess.
Ben squeezed into the booth and began; “Father, I have been a bad Catholic. A non-believer for all of my adult life. I’m a disappointment to my parents. I’m an alcoholic sexual deviant who hasn’t worked in twenty years. I’m a drug abuser and I’ve been abusing a young boy who was underage when I first started a physical relationship with him. I have taken advantage of him. I’ve slowly been ruining his health to satisfy a kink of mine and I feel like absolute shit for it. I’m garbage father, but I want to be better.”
At the mention of sex with underage boys the priest had instinctively placed his hand on his crotch; “Son, some sins are unforgivable, but you clearly wish to repent. Only you can improve yourself. Take Jesus with you and say ten hail Marys.”
What a load of bollocks Ben thought as he trudged home via McDonald’s and Odd Bins. When he got there Diego was waiting for him with a bottle of Brandy and a huge bag of grub from the local chinky. He smiled widely, got wasted, grew even fatter, and ejaculated hard into young Brazilian anus.
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
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This is what he wants to name our company and it really means that we are the ones controlling the clouds it's got true too I really it says that King David is controlling the harlequin which really is warlock it's a whole bunch of them and King David was a Mac and he's not the one who hit Goliath It was someone his name in vain we're going to proceed using this name and people think that it's the max including the max and we're going to compete with s&s who is Trump but he doesn't make maney motors at all people don't see the purpose of it no to try and buy him and he doesn't send them so they don't buy them. We would take over the company but it's pretty deep in there into their territory and the way they make the motors it's not even worth it by hand that's why I cost so much money and we have machines doing it even if it's my hand is really assist and we're going to go ahead and start this idea of the evolution too and as usual we'll start with the Sportster and it is going to be awesome it's going to be a real motor finally he said she'll be a little bit heavier but not 2 or 300 pounds and a transmission is gigantic and that's going to be trimmed down use a little larger one because it does help but that's massive it's used for something else but we don't want people using them for that it's like the center of the centrifuge but they don't even dismantle them they just keep driving around there's a waste of time and the regular Harley will wait about 900 pounds and hours will weigh about 610 lb and about 75% of weight change is reduction in the weight in the motor and he wants to do it ahead of time cuz people need motors and they need motors now so he said we can make the motor and we can make it look kind of gnarly on the outside and also concentrate on the inside and we know how to do that and it's a casting and you have to cast it in pieces except for the cylinder head you can't so we know how to make it look kind of mean on the outside that's what we're going to do if we find it for your son Holly and I'll make it not obvious except for the name of a company trying to sell them that's Harley Davidson motors the valves are different and the intake is different and the exiting it sounds a little different not much though it still has a real beefy sound to it it's just that they will perform much better than any circumstances and it's made to be carbureted and it's protected from rain and they're all liquid cool and the jacket and we're going to start this company and really it's going to be kind of a rough gnarly company and usually the empire says we put it out there and some idiots start making the motors and we're going to do this now there's a couple more changes but things are happening today and all those battles are heating up right now
Thor Freya
Something bad timing to start talking to Stan as a good thing to start earlier in a month is not bad and he's probably going to try and talk to you today that's what we see
Frank Castle hardcastle
It's under a lot of stress and his family is messed up and he had them and that was probably just about it so I understand that it says we're kind of odds and uncle so we're going to do the job and Camilla is not the greatest it's true when they mix them up like that it's not really that great I only started to attack her and Dolores was to text and then put into that situation and yes she changed of course and they're not great people when they're mixed together it's a nightmare for the separates are gang and you deal with it that way and they want to go back to their own way and people trying to do it and this child of yours is trying to preserve both of you and for some reason he was angry we don't know why something about the mental hospital he hates it and we don't want you there we have you already in an apartment and we might lose you if we put you in the hospital it says it too usually they put him in a home and we get that
Everything here is itchy and annoying and these people pushes so hard everyone on Earth is going after them and they just can't resist the empire it's a tough one it makes you feel bad and they bring up history and they bring up abuse and they rub it in there horrible people are worse than anything I've seen and we are renewing the lease and these guys are not supposed to be there but they're a huge pain I mean I've never seen people behave so badly they're horrible to him and us and yeah you have to shut the battery off a little bit they turned it on and absorbed electricity and their finger and it does reset the battery it's got like a vapor lock or something it does that after you charge it and let it sit it like reduces charge without sending it out or something
It is kind of a vapor lock and it's kind of a way people say it who knows stuff about batteries and Trump was pissed off cuz I was going to try to ruin it is that the other people and they're driving around making fun of him. What he's doing the shed is ridiculous and people are making fun of him for that and several people have called the town and said that it was not permitted and they're going to try and remove it and it's moving his stuff into it from the apartment because they're going to kick him out of there and they're going to kick him out of the other one we heard and they're helping Stan do it and you're going to make sure it gets done and that's these pseudo empire and they're expelling Dave too so those things are in the works and we heard them say it sort of it's on the radio
Big joe
So everybody heard it and it's true it's funny cuz Bill is trying to recover from this idiots ringing and he does it to everybody and it's slander and eventually we're going to assume but really he's a huge a****** along with his Tommy F we don't know what they're doing and they serve the max for years many of them did and it's horrified now they're checking out and pretty fast with this nice stuff and soon it's going to go over the top and people that are sending gangs out and tear them apart
We're getting ready for that and they are doing it in many areas a lot more than before the numbers of theirs are going down fast and that's the warlock. All of them. They are getting knifed. And heard about 14% last night and it dropped down to about 13% and it's going down now it's almost to 12.9% and no it's almost at 12% and that's these two idiots Brian and Trump and a few others that are Mac morlock that's pretty bad and it's only a few hours but these battles and conflicts are heating up up north just starting to lose we anticipate 3% there and they're trying to take over Florida again with armies just continuously getting here and we take those 2% today how's it going down and trying for Karen's of Max and it's only 1% but it's all the hardware and troops they have all in all probably will cut them in half today and they'll be down to 6% off Island and other warlock will be trailing behind with losses in total they started with 30% the other day of the general populace and by the end of today probably a 20% and tomorrow 18 or so percent and continuously dropping half of them are more are on the islands and they're going to evacuate and the numbers will become abysmal and be week
Thor Freya
Hera Zues
Nuada Arrianna
I couldn't wait I can't wait I still can't wait Frank Castle hardcastle Duke and Blockbuster and what a day this is great finally
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thesadboy · 10 months
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Lotsa apples! Just like Pinkie, Applejack has multiple partners in my headcanon, these being Trenderhoof, Coloratura, and Soarin. Couldn’t decide who between those three to ship her with, especially since I aready had designs for some of these babies and didn’t wanna scrap them, so I thought “why not all?” The leftmost column are Trenderhoof’s kids, the middle column are Rara’s kids, and the rightmost column are Soarin’s kids. Their names, from top to bottom are: (leftmost) Pippin Apple, Gala Apple, Apple “Corey” Core, (middle) Crispin, Merry, Goldie, (rightmost) Airizona “Airy” Apple, Snow Apple, and Flapjack. Also, these were the first siblings I finished designing, and now they’ll be the last of the Mane Six kids I’m showing. Ah, irony.
Some more info below👇
Pippin, Crispin, and Airy were triplets conceived via one of Cadance’s spells and carried by AJ. The rest were carried by her spouses since they wanted to give her a rest from the pregnancy, with Trend and Soarin even undergoing genderbending spells.
Unlike his fellow triplets, Pippin has a lankier build, something he has in common with his father. Make no mistake though, he’s still inherited some of that Earth pony strength, with others often being surprised that he can lift things (and creatures) far heavier than him.
Crispin is the oldest of the triplets, but is often mistaken as the youngest since he’s shorter than Airy and Pippin.
Gala and Corey have a hard time getting along, mainly because Gala is constantly busy and prefers to be left alone as she works while Corey often seeks out playmates in his siblings and goes to his full-sister first since they’re often the ones left at Sweet Apple Acres.
Snow Apple is often compared to his grandmothers, Pear Butter and Cumula (Soarin’s mom) because of his similarities to them in both appearance and personality. He inherited his Pear Butter’s eye color and his coat color is closer to that of Cumula’s. Also like Pear Butter, he shows some interest in baking while having a similar energetic enthusiasm like Cumula.
Flapjack and Corey are very close, being the youngest of the family with Corey having been born two years before his half-sister. Whenever they’re together, they’re often mistaken to be full-siblings due to their similar coat and mane colors.
Rara’s family has a history of twins and triplets, so she believes that it influenced the spell used to conceive the triplets and the fact that she later bore Crispin’s full-sisters who are twins. The fact that Merry and Goldie have even been described as somewhat resembling their twin uncles, Rara’s younger brothers, makes it quite likely.
Flapjack was named after Soarin’s cravings while he was pregnant with her, the fact she even has similar colors to a flapjack amuses her parents.
Gala apprentices under Rarity, showing promise in her seamstress skills, and it comes in handy since she’s rather good at making clothes that are comfortable but still give protection during hard labor. In fact, her relatives even wear some of the clothes she makes while doing farm chores.
The kids take turns tending to Pear Butter and Bright Mac’s trees, but none of them take that duty as seriously as Corey, who always checks on them and even lists things he would have to do to maintain them.
Snow Apple is best friends with Sweet Apple (Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s son in the finale) and Lil’ Cheese, the three of them having been playmates when they were little and still often hanging out when they got older.
Flapjack’s rather conflicted on what she wants to do when she’s older, since she both aspires to be a Wonderbolt like her dad and enjoys making deliveries for her family. So much like Rumble, she’s scared that once she gets her cutiemark, she would have no choice but to choose between those two passions.
Airy likes making trips to Manehattan at least twice a year, since it gives him the opportunity to visit extended relatives on both of his birth parent’s sides. This is because aside from his Orange cousins residing there, Soarin’s parents also moved there for retirement.
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