#it's chapter 36 and he's already flirting?
ansmangacaps · 1 year
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stusbunker · 6 months
Spotless: Rubato
Chapter Fifteen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Lee/Pam, Sam/Madison, Benny, Charlie, Elizabeth
Word Count: 3340
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, mentions of Bela's childhood sexual abuse, lots of drunken shenanigans, Benny's not flirting, just being his own charming self, jealousy, Dean is slipping, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
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The week between Christmas and New Years is always a week of stasis, celebratory and lazy, just holding its breath for changes to come. In a word, it’s possibility. You still did some work, but not many requests were coming in and social media was bombarded with gratitude and self reflection. Not many people noticed the band’s lack of posts and you were grateful for not having to make excuses for some family time, for anyone.
Your flight home had been arduous, delays and a layover that just left you a zombie for a solid 36 hours afterwards. You woke up on the morning of New Year’s Eve with a sense of dread. You checked your phone just to be safe and all seemed well, or quiet at least. Annoyed with your brain, you decided to punish your body instead, or practice self-care, depending on who you asked. Your stationary bike had gotten a little dusty while you were out of town, but after a couple miles everything else fell out of focus. The rolling hills made you feel invincible.
It had started as physical therapy after your car accident back in college, but biking had turned into one of your go to hobbies. And as boring and non-creative it sounded, it did you a lot of good when your thoughts got too loud. It was like running away from your problems, but it still benefited you both physically and mentally.
Win win.
By three, you were just waiting to get ready. The outfit you picked out with Bela hung on the back of your closet door still wrapped in the Sister Jo’s bag. You slumped in your robe and scrolled through the news as you waited to switch the wash around. 
Different broadcasts covered the various local NYE specials and reminded everyone to drive sober, take the bus or get a ride. You thought Dean said he had gotten rides covered the last you talked, but you weren’t sure who was getting you or when, really. If you needed to meet somewhere to go as a group, you needed to order your ride now or everyone would be waiting on you.
Biting your lip, you called him instead of texting, because your worry was immediate not eventual. He picked up on the third ring, slightly out of breath.
“Hey, Trouble, what’s up?” “What’s the plan for tonight? Are we leaving from your place or are you picking me up? I don’t know where Elizabeth’s Nightowl Cafe actually is, Dean.”
Naturally, he laughed. “Hey, look, it’s not a great time. I’m in wardrobe right now. But I’ll make sure you get home safe. Maybe just head over to Bela’s and we’ll pick you both up on the way?”
“The photoshoot is today?! I could have sworn you already had it.”
“Yeah, well, Christmas took longer than I thought and they wedged me in.”
“Look, I figured it out. And you didn’t have to hold my hand or anything. Now, look, I gotta drop trough, so if you need to continue this conversation with my dick out, by all means. They’re putting me in white pants, so bye-bye Batman boxers.”
You almost swallowed your tongue.
“Yeah, I’m good. You— you have fun with that.”
“See you tonight.”
“Right, bye.”
You slammed your eyes shut, but the damn visuals still flooded your mind. Gorgeous fucking bastard. You exhaled and called Bela, which was far less of a rollercoaster of a conversation and you agreed to be at her place after five to get ready together.
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“You still haven’t said anything about your trip home,” you reminded Bela as she handed you another flute of champagne. 
You were both dressed and ready, nibbling on an assortment of cheese and crackers on her oversized kitchen island. From what Dean said about Benny’s cousin’s cooking, dinner was on the agenda, but you had started pregaming and didn’t want to get sloppy too early.
“I’m trying to black it out, honestly. It was such pretentious bullshit. And don’t get me started on my mother’s latest project involving the southern gardens at the summer home,” Bela rolled her eyes and shoved another slice of cheese into her mouth.
“Close, a walking maze. Because apparently Queen Victoria is alive and well,” Bela dusted her hands and raised them in surrender. “At least she didn’t try to force me to bring Dean, that would have ended poorly.”
“Dean is actually really good with moms— but I’m pretty sure he’d get arrested if he had to sit down and have a meal with your dad like he isn’t evil incarnate.”
Bela hummed, sipping her drinking.
You took another bit of cheese and made a sandwich, sensing she was holding something back. “You actually told him about it?”
Bela swallowed and chewed on her words. “Let’s just say Dean and I bonded over our less than stellar fathers, but yeah, I agree with you. In fact he said as much, something about knowing how to hide a body and having a big trunk to drag it away.”
You laughed darkly. “That would be Dean. Prepared, but with violence at the ready.”
“Anyway, setting up another fundraiser for Prevent Together for the new year. Please keep both of your calendars free because I need all my people there, alright?”
“Of course,” you promised, reaching across the butcher block countertop and squeezing her hand. Bela never ceased to amaze you with her strength. You switched gears to grant her some space, “is this the first time you’re meeting the rest of the band?”
“Well, I’ve met Sam. But I’m guessing he’s in on the plan. They’re a bit attached-at-the-hip types?”
You smirked. “Basically a package deal, but I think he’s more protective lately. His girlfriend Madison is fun and I hope they work out, he’s a good guy.”
“So who else do I need to charm?”
“The drummer, possibly psychic and honestly a little frightening at times. But she’s got a big heart to go with her bluntness. If you can’t convince her, we’re all in for it, because she’s gonna dig. So we’ll make sure you and Dean are on all night. I am definitely snagging some midnight shots, so pucker up, darling.” You teased, but honestly, kissing Dean couldn’t be anything but a treat, even just for a camera.
Maybe you were biased.
“Naturally. Alright, and how does Dean know the owner of the cafe?”
“She’s Benny’s cousin. A good friend and head of tour security, sometimes a personal bodyguard.”
Bela nodded, “I think he’s mentioned him as being on standby if one of our nights out got to be too much.”
You were grateful Bela had paid attention, if she was actually dating Dean, she would know all of this already. The less you had to explain on the spot, the less chance of a slip up.
“Big Cajun guy, total teddy bear. He’ll love you,” you added.
A mechanical crank sounded somewhere behind you. “Is that—?”
“The garage, they must be here,” Bela gathered the tray and unceremoniously set it inside the fridge.
“How did they get into the garage? I didn’t see you get a text.”
“Dean has the code. Finish your drink,” Bela rushed you.
You slammed the rest of your champagne and added your glass in the sink with Bela’s. Something felt weird that Dean knew Bela’s security override code, but then again you didn’t drive, must be why you didn’t have it.
“Hey— whoa!” Dean’s voice snapped you out of your sleuthing spiral. “Lookin’ good, ladies.”
You turned and took him in, burgundy suit without a tie, a dark undershirt with the collar popped. Fucker. 
“Thank you, likewise.” Bela leaned in and pecked his cheek.
Dean turned to you. “All set?”
You looked around for your phone and grabbed it and the charger off of the ledge towards the sidedoor. “Yeap. You?” you asked Bela.
“Do I need a touch up?” she asked, tilting her head side to side for your honest inspection. 
“Nope, lipstick did its job. You’re glorious,” you affirmed.
“Right, well, shall we?” Bela gestured toward the door which Dean pushed open for you and Bela to go first. Past Bela’s MG the big door was still open, showing a pair of black SUVs waiting on the curb. As you stepped out onto the short drive, Lee screamed out a backwindow from the first vehicle, “ladies, ladies, ladies, are we ready to have a good time?!”
You laughed, dancing a little up the incline and pumping your fist to an imaginary beat. 
“Trouble’s ready! What about you? You gonna give this one a run for his money?” Lee teased and then took a swig off of his own bottle of champagne.
“You can count on it,” Bela said darkly, eyes only on Dean. Everyone cheered as Dean put his hand on the small of her back and kissed her temple.
From the second SUV Sam emerged smirking and opened the door, waving you all inside. It was time to get the show on the road.
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You had met Elizabeth a handful of times and everytime you were floored by her natural hospitality. The cafe was closed for the event, where barely thirty of you were gathered in the vintage-diner- themed all night cafe. She had tables set up with appetizers and a bartender working the soda fountain so you could get dessert with your booze if you wanted.
You wondered if Dean had requested the pie, because there were three cut and displayed on a stand with plastic domes to keep them from drying out.
Oldies played from the antique jukebox and everyone mingled as others arrived. You snapped pictures of the guests and the hand painted mural on the wall showcasing blues artists and faces from classic Hollywood. Everything was gorgeous and it was a little overwhelming seeing everyone dressed to the nines, but you remembered how smashing you looked in your outfit and tucked your shoulders back and held your head high. 
Eventually, Benny found you and pulled you in for one of his signature bear hugs. 
“It’s been too long, doll. Stickin’ to your namesake or have you been behavin’ ?”
 You chuckled, pulling back to look up at his handsome face. “Oh you know, I do what I can. You?”
Benny’s bright eyes searched for something and eased you back onto your heels. “Uh, yeah, good. Itchin’ to get back on the road. Working the movie lots is a real pain, glad it’s only temporary.”
The song changed and Benny hummed along, you caught a glimpse of Sam and Madison talking with Bela while Dean and Lee waited in line for drinks.
“I can’t wait for the tour either, I think we all could stand to get back to basics.”
“Boys causing a ruckus for ya?” Benny asked knowingly.
“Nah, just a feeling. They’ve been working too hard more than anything. So a little balance will probably do the trick.”
“Well, that’s what we’re here for. Time to play hard. Wanna dance?” You looked around and sure enough, Lee and Pamela had started swinging to Johnny B. Goode, while some of the other roadies were shuffling along with their partners in a less flamboyant way.
You flexed your knee and decided you were tipsy enough to risk it and your pride for such an earnest proposal. “Lead the way.”
Benny was surprisingly light on his feet for such a sturdy guy and he helped you get in a good groove, just for the song to switch into Patsy Cline. Benny slowed it down into a stroll to fit the song and you giggled as he told you about what his ex Andrea had done now, after getting out of prison for trying to stab him, of all things.
“You are so better off without her,” you told him, patting his chest as the song came to a close.
Dinner was phenomenal: medallion sized steaks that were still juicy inside with spiral cut fried potatoes, green bean almondine and Waldorf salad. There were four tables set for eight set up in the space that would usually hold a dozen two or four seaters. Elizabeth finally took a seat as you were half way through a plate, but you made sure to let her know how amazing everything was.
“Oh, it’s nothing, now make sure you save room for pie. Got Strawberry Rhubarb, Dutch Apple and Blackberry waitin’,” she insisted like a favorite grandmother and not somebody you could have gone to school with.
Dean groaned deeper as she mentioned each variety, making everyone around your table share a knowing look. 
“Easy there, Dean might need to claim a pie as his own, you know how he gets. And I am not one for sloppy seconds,” Benny teased.
The table erupted and Dean didn’t even look like he cared. “If she ends up sending me home with a whole pie, it’s my business what happens to it.”
Tears were burning in your eyes from laughter and the lecherous look Dean shot Benny. He was ridiculous.
You turned to Bela, “good thing Sam isn’t at our table or he’d need to excuse himself.”
“It is getting a bit indecent isn’t it?” Bela said out of the side of her mouth.
“Are you raggin’ on me now, too?!” Dean asked aghast.
“Of course not! Just don’t want your girlfriend to get jealous of a pastry,” you quipped.
A low rumble of an accepted burn answered from around the table.
“Hey now, my girl knows what tickles my taste buds, if you know what I’m saying,” Dean shot back, earning him a fist bump from Lee.
Bela rolled her eyes and shrugged, which only made the laughter louder. The humor dissipated until every noise was roaring like the ocean in your ears. This wasn’t even the worst thing you’d heard out of Dean’s mouth, after years of groupies and life on tour, you thought you’d heard and seen it all. But Bela not denying Dean’s prowess in pussy eating suddenly made you feel impossibly lost.
You literally set up the joke and now you wished for anything to take it back.
“Gentleman, please!” Elizabeth broke into the cacophony. “Or no dessert.”
Which promptly set them all off once again, but they got their act together enough to be gracious when the pie did arrive. You had blackberry and it was thick and rich enough to keep you from opening your big mouth again. Also the vodka cranberry you had switched to was a perfect chaser for the sweetness of the filling.
Two more drinks and three hours later, you were in better spirits and a sequined top hat. The noise makers were harder to come by, Madison and Benny fighting over the last one like toddlers over the last Hot Wheel. Sam had to break it up, which meant Madison won anyway, naturally. But at least Benny could still whistle. The countdown was getting close and everyone was crammed together on the makeshift dance floor under the dimmed lights, talking and swaying in circles. Dancing would have been too much with all the anticipation in the air.
You had your camera at the ready, taking small videos of the crowd and snapping selfies with anyone within reach. The lone television behind the counter hopped between coverage of celebrations in Vegas, Seattle and LA. You did a quick scan of your immediate vicinity for Bela and Dean. Finally, you found them next to Pam and Lee, who were sharing a bottle of bourbon between them, while Bela and Dean were whispering and readying their noisemakers and confetti respectively.
“Oooo, two couples one shot! I want you guys to make it count okay, this is for posterity’s sake!” you ordered, framing the shot just as the countdown began.
Dean pulled Bela close by the waist. Lee tipped back another swig before almost losing his hat to the movement.
Bela gazed up at Dean’s face and said something you couldn’t hear over the numbers shouting out of every corner of the party.
Dean leaned in and started kissing Bela before she could get to one, tipping her back until she almost knocked into Lee, who was hauling Pam up by her haunches before starting to tongue fuck right there in front of your camera. You snapped countless shots, screaming and jumping in place as you worked your magic. Hot people doing hot things who were also clearly into it, was marketing gold. 
Eat that Crowley.
Sam swooped you up in a hug and wished you happy new year, then came Charlie, who had arrived after dinner with some girls from her LARPing group. After a few elbows to the side, Dean broke from Bela’s mouth and welcomed you and Charlie into a group hug. The speakers blasted Auld Lang Syne and everyone joined in, arms linked and swaying to the stilted beat. 
Elizabeth ensured the party was still going, so she had her people put out fresh appetizers and turned the jukebox back on. There was a run for the bathroom and then for refills and before you knew it it was after one. You had a fresh drink in your hand and a circle had formed around you of women grooving to Mustang Sally.
“Ride Sally, RIDE!” you all bellowed. 
Bela had taken off her shoes and was holding them over her head as she swayed her hips. You whipped your head and shoulders back and forth feeling loose and timeless. Charlie was snapping and getting soulful as she sang along, knowing every line of the verses even.
Sam Cooke followed Wilson Pickett on the jukebox, slowing it down and sending your little circle off towards their partners. You didn’t care, you just kept swaying and taking turns singing “yeah— yeah!” and sipping your cocktail.
The crowd was thinning and you knew either brother would be corralling the group for the after party at their place shortly. Thank the label for drivers and security all on the craziest night of the year. 
“Hey, you good?” Dean’s voice came out of nowhere and you turned towards his warmth, eyes closed and humming. 
“Yeah, is it time–?”
“Let’s get off the dancefloor, I can barely hear you,” Dean took your elbow and brought you over to the edge of the counter where the bartender was wiping glasses dry.
“How are you? Need to puke and rally before we get in the car?” Dean asked firmly, testing your sobriety by your answer and the focus of your eyes.
“I’m fine, why? Is Bela puking?” you looked around for your bestie amongst the remaining partygoers.
“No, look, I just, here,” Dean brushed his knuckles against your cheek to get you to look back at him. Once he had your full attention, he leaned in and licked his lips, watching you as you waited for him to finish his thought. And then he was kissing you, hand on the back of your head and impossible lips massaging yours into complete submission.
You shuttered around a breath and opened your mouth for his tongue. That delicious sensation was enough to reset your brain and you pulled back, gasping.
You couldn’t form words and Dean’s face went from sleepy to wary to disappointed all in the blink of an eye. 
“Look— you deserve a midnight kiss, too, you know. I just—- thought you should have one,” Dean said in the space between maybe and almost.
You cleared your throat. “Oh, well, I guess it’s okay then. Thanks?”
You couldn’t look him in the eye, you were too shellshocked, too exposed.
“I’ll start getting everybody towards the exit. See you at the cars,” Dean said lowly, fingertips brushing your hip as he moved through your space.
You finished your drink and got a road beer from the blissfully unaware bartender. It was time to slow down, especially if you were going to be in Dean’s space the rest of the night. 
Damn it.
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Chapter Sixteen: Schleppen
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writingwhimsey · 3 months
Married to The Enemy- Shingen Ch. 36
Chapter 36
Shingen was in a state of semi consciousness. He had been for he really wasn’t sure how long now. It felt like both an eternity and not long at all. Of course, unconsciousness felt more appealing at the moment. He felt groggy and in some of the most incredible pain he had felt in a long time.
His abdomen felt full and the occasional sharp pang. His muscles were incredibly sore, especially along his side and there was a particularly intense pain between his ribs. The hospital staff seemed to be attentive and questioned him in his groggy state. He felt movement around him…and he felt a warm rush in his veins as something else must have been injected into his IV.
There was movement and a flurry of activity before he was left alone. He wasn’t sure but he thought he might be back in his room as there seemed to be no one else around now. Slowly his pain and discomfort seemed to ebb a little and he felt pleasantly warm all over. He began to drift off as he heard a door and then footsteps.
He felt something take his hand and then something warm press to his forehead. “I feel better seeing you already.” A familiar voice whispered.
Shingen fought to open his heavy eyes. “Angel…” He murmured, though his vision refused to focus.
“Yes, I’m here.” Ava whispered. “You can just rest. You’re going to need it.”
“And miss seeing you.” Shingen replied, his eyes slowly coming in to focus on her beautiful face.
Ava’s smile was radiant as she looked at him. “How are you feeling?” She asked.
“Quite…uncomfortable.” Shingen admitted. “But better now that you’re here.”
Ava giggled. “Just woke up from surgery and you can still flirt.”
“The day I am…unable to flirt with…my wife…is the day I die.” Shingen replied.
“Which will be a VERY long time from now.” Ava replied. “They said you did fantastic during the surgery.”
“That’s good.” Shingen replied. “How are you…my love?”
“I’m fine.” Ava answered. “Much better now that I get to see you and know that it all went well. Sasuke sends his well wishes.”
“I’m glad…he was here to…keep you company.” Shingen replied.
“Me, too. Though my Oba-san stopped by as well.” Ava went on. “They both would have come in to see you, but the nurse said you were only allowed one visitor at a time right now.”
“Well, I’m glad it’s you.” Shingen replied.
Ava smiled. “Sasuke said you would feel that way.”
“He really is…smart.”
Ava giggled. “Oba-san said when you’re out of the hospital she wants to have us over for dinner to meet you.”
“I’d like that.” Shingen said. “While we are here…I want to meet…all of the people, who are… important to you…and see all the things… you love most… about this world.”
“We’ll make it a date.” Ava said. “We’ll go out and explore…taste all the sweets.”
Shingen smiled. “I’d like that.” He said, feeling his consciousness fading. Sleep was calling to him.
Ava leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. “Get some rest, my love. I’ll be right here.”  She was then giving his hand a squeeze.
“Hmm…maybe…I should.” Shingen agreed, his eyes drifting closed though he gave Ava’s hand a gentle squeeze back. His last conscious thought was of how nice and warm her hand felt in his. How reassuring it was to hear her voice and feel her touch.
I sat in the chair beside Shingen’s bed once he had fallen back asleep. I kept a hold of his hand though. I listened to the steady rhythm of the heart monitor and watched his chest rise and fall. “It’s so reassuring to see you out of surgery.” I murmured to his sleeping form.
I had been relieved when the nurse had come to tell me that he had made it through surgery fine. But until now, I didn’t realize just how tense I had been. I honestly felt like I was melting into the chair.
“Now we just wait for the testing on the tumor and find out what the next steps are.” I whispered. I had to remain positive that the results of the testing would give us the results we were hoping for and that soon, we would be leaving this hospital.
Hours later…
Shingen was finally more alert and was able to eat. I was feeding him some light broth when the doctor came in. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi.” He greeted us.
“Hello Dr. Sato.” I replied.
“How are you feeling, Mr. Takahashi?” Dr. Sato asked.
“Tired and sore.” Shingen answered.
“That is to be expected.” Dr. Sato replied. “Everything went perfectly well with your surgery. No complications. For someone with a tumor in your lung, you are in remarkably good health.”
“I do get plenty of exercise.” Shingen replied.
Yeah, swinging around a great sword in battle would definitely constitute a work out. Dr. Sato just didn’t need to know that.
“It will take a couple of days to get the pathology results back on the tumor, but from my experience, all signs point to the tumor being benign.” Dr. Sato said. “There were no signs of it spreading and no other tumors were found. All good indicators that it was just a random growth. But I can't say with absolute certainty until we get the results back.”
“That’s good news.” I said.
“Yes and as long as the results come back clear, you will be free to leave the hospital in a week.” Dr. Sato said. “Though we will have to schedule some follow-up appointments to make sure everything is healing properly and to be extra sure that nothing else starts growing.”
“That sounds good to me.” Shingen said.
“Me, too.” I agreed. I silently sent up a prayer that everything came back clear. It was one step at a time with this process.
“Just take it easy for now. We’ll work on getting you up and moving tomorrow.” Dr. Sato said. “We don’t do anything too strenuous. Just a short walk. It’s important for recovery to keep movement and blood flow.”
Shingen nodded. “Yes, thank you, doctor.”
The doctor spoke a bit longer with us before leaving. I was once again, given permission to spend the night at the hospital with Shingen. Though this time, I insisted on sleeping on the couch in the room as I didn’t want to hurt Shingen by sleeping together in the small hospital bed.
“I think I would be fine…if you slept over here.” Shingen said from his place in the bed.
“Shingen, they just cut you open today. You’re still healing.” I told him. “I know the pain medication has you feeling pretty good right now, but I am not risking hurting you or impeding your recovery.”
“Will my goddess at least give me a kiss goodnight?” Shingen asked.
“Well, of course I will do that.” I replied, as I leaned over to press my lips to his. “Not kissing you would be torture.”
Shingen smiled at me. “Hmm, just one kiss isn’t enough.” He was lifting his hand up and bringing it to the back of my head and pulling my lips back to his. 
I gasped into the kiss, taken by surprise. Shingen took the opportunity to slip his tongue past my lips. For a man who had just had surgery, he was being surprisingly…active and alert. I was breathless by the time he released my lips.
“Now that’s a goodnight kiss.” He said, giving me a surprisingly seductive smile.
I laughed and shook my head. “You know, you just had surgery.”
“Despite how sore and tired…I already feel as if I can breathe easier.” Shingen replied.
“I am happy to hear that.” I was then giving him a last peck on the lips. “I love you, Shingen.”
“I love you, Ava.” Shingen replied.
I made my way over to the couch and made myself comfortable. “Make sure you rest up while we are here.” I told him. “I can’t wait to get you out of here and show you around.”
“I look forward to seeing this world with you.” Shingen told me. “I can’t wait to see all of the things about this world that made you, you.”
“And I’ll show you to all of the best dessert places.” I added with a smile. 
“I look forward to it…and to sleeping with you in my arms again.”
“I look forward to that, too.” I replied.
We both settled in and went did our best to go to sleep. I think Shingen managed to go to sleep quicker than I did since he had all kinds of pain medication. I managed to fall asleep, planning the dates Shingen and I would go on while in the modern day.
Taglist: @limonzu @zulablaise @oda-princess @kisara-16 @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @selenacosmic
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missfrieden · 8 months
Tech as a father Chapter 36
This is a bit longer.
Warning: Bad flirting I guess
Chapter 36: Sharing a moment
As Tech expertly manoeuvres a collapsed hallway, his attention divided between his work and the comforting sounds of Orion's babbling, he was pleasantly surprised to hear Amanda's voice. He turned to see her approaching, a warm smile on her face. Her words carried a tone of affectionate teasing as she remarked, "You and your numbers."
Tech couldn't help but chuckle softly, setting aside his datapad for a moment as he replied, "Well, numbers have a way of making sense amidst chaos. They're predictable, unlike most things in this galaxy." Amanda reached out to gently touch his arm, her eyes filled with understanding. "I know it must be overwhelming at times," she said softly. "But you handle it all with such precision." Tech nodded, his gaze shifting to Orion, who was still happily babbling in his carrier. "He's my motivation," he admitted, his voice filled with love and pride. "And you, of course."
Amanda's smile deepened, and she leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. "We're a team, Tech. You, me, and our little one," she said, her hand now resting on Orion's carrier. "And we'll get through this, just like we always do."
Tech's heart swelled with emotion as he looked at Amanda and Orion. In that moment, amid the ruins and the remnants of a war-torn world, he felt a sense of belonging and purpose that went beyond numbers and calculations. It was the love of his family that gave him strength, and he knew that together, they could face anything the galaxy threw at them.
“But you have to be careful Tech, Alma will be hovering around you and Orion sooner or later. I may have told her to help unload the material, but I know her to well.” Amanda warns Tech amused. “I suspected as much, your Padawan most likely may rush through her given duties to find me- or rather find Orion soon.” Tech states rubbing his chin, he did calculate it. “I do find it handsome how you can calculate practically anything.” Amanda looks up at Tech with a slight cheeky grin.
Tech blinked in surprise, not expecting such a comment from Amanda in the middle of their work. He looked at her with a mix of amusement and affection, his gloved hand brushing against hers. "You find math alluring, do you?" he quipped, a playful glint in his eyes. Amanda chuckled softly, her blue eyes sparkling with warmth. "Not just the math," she replied with a teasing smile. "But the way you handle it, the dedication you have to our family... it's incredibly attractive." Tech couldn't help but feel a rush of affection for Amanda. Her words touched his heart in a way that went beyond their usual banter. "Well, then," he said, his voice soft, "I suppose I'll have to keep impressing you, won't I?" Amanda leaned in, planting a sweet and lingering kiss on his lips. "You already do, every day," she murmured, her fingers tangling with his. “And thank you for each message, picture and video, I just wished I could answer more often.”
Tech's eyes softened as he looked at Amanda, a mixture of gratitude and longing in his gaze. "You're welcome," he said quietly. "I know it's not much, but it's the best way I can keep you updated on Orion's life." Amanda nodded, her hand reaching out to gently cup his cheek. "It means the world to me, Tech," she whispered. "Seeing him grow through those messages, even if I can't be there in person, it keeps me going." Tech leaned into her touch, his heart heavy with the knowledge of their separation. "One day," he murmured, "we'll be together as a family. I promise." Amanda smiled, a tear glistening in her eye. "I hold onto that promise every day," she replied, her voice filled with hope.
In that moment, amid the rubble and ruins of Callo, Tech and Amanda found solace in their love and their shared dream of a future where they could be reunited as a family, with their precious son Orion. Tech gently handed Orion to Amanda, his heart filled with both joy and a touch of sadness. He watched as Amanda cradled their son in her arms, her eyes shining with affection as she looked down at him. Orion, sensing his mother's presence, gurgled happily and reached out a tiny hand toward her face. Amanda pressed a loving kiss to Orion's forehead, her voice soft as she whispered, "Hello, my beautiful boy. Mommy's missed you so much." She held him close, savouring the feeling of his warmth and the sound of his coos. Starting to place several more kisses on his tiny face.
Tech stood close, his gaze focused on the two people he loved most in the galaxy. He knew this moment was precious, a chance for Amanda and Orion to bond, and he wouldn't trade it for anything. While his heart ached with the desire to be with them both, he also cherished the opportunity for Amanda to hold their son, even if it was just for a little while.
Tech looked at Amanda with a hint of concern in his eyes as he explained, "Amanda, I've noticed something... Whenever you're nearby, Orion starts to cry. But as soon as you get close to him, he stops. It's like he knows you're his mother and he longs for you, even if he can't express it in words. And it happens each time, not just once."
Amanda nodded, her heart aching at the thought of her son feeling distressed when she was away and suddenly is close. She gently rocked Orion in her arms, soothing him as she murmured, "I've missed so much of his life, Tech. I wish I could have been there with you both from the beginning." Tech reached out and touched Amanda's shoulder, offering her reassurance. "We understand, Amanda. You're doing important work for the Jedi Order. We'll always be here for you, no matter what. And we'll make sure Orion knows just how much you love him."
Amanda smiled through her bittersweet emotions, grateful for Tech's understanding and support. Holding Orion close, she whispered softly, "Thank you, Tech. You're an amazing father to our son, and I couldn't have asked for a better partner." Tech's gaze softened as he replied, "And you're an incredible mother, Amanda. We'll get through this together." With their shared love for Orion binding them, they faced the challenges ahead with hope and determination.
Amanda's expression shifted from curiosity to concern as Tech explained the Kaminoans' attempts to obtain Orion's blood, and he takes it out of one of his pouches. She held Orion closer to her chest protectively and said, "Tech, I understand your reasons for not wanting to test him. The Kaminoans should have no say in whether he's Force-sensitive or not." They have just scraped the topic a few times. But hearing it from Tech makes her boil, and it feel wrong on many levels. And seeing the device with Orion’s blood could throw her into a blind rage.
Tech nodded in agreement, his grip on the syringe tightening. "Exactly, Amanda. I won't let them use him as a subject for their experiments. I'd rather keep him safe." Amanda gently touched Tech's arm, offering reassurance, using the force to calm herself. "I respect your decision, Tech. Orion's safety comes first. We'll find a way to help him discover his potential when the time is right, away from Kaminoan interference."
Tech's gaze softened as he looked at Amanda, appreciating her understanding. "Thank you, Amanda. It means a lot to me that you're here for us." Together, they held Orion close, their love and determination to protect him stronger than ever.
Tech's frustration boiled over for a moment as he crushed the syringe device with his foot. He sighed heavily and looked at Amanda, his eyes reflecting his concern. "I should have destroyed it as soon as I took it away from them," he admitted. "But things got complicated, Amanda. The Kaminoans started digging through the ship's logs, and I had to cover our tracks to protect Orion."
Amanda placed a reassuring hand on Tech's shoulder. "You did what you had to, Tech. Your priority has always been Orion's safety. We'll deal with the situation together, as a family." Tech nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility but also the warmth of support from Amanda. "You're right, Amanda. We'll face whatever comes our way together." As they stood there, united in their determination to protect Orion, the remnants of the syringe device lay crushed beneath their feet, a symbol of their unwavering commitment to keep their son safe from harm.
Chapter 37
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd
I feel better again, just annoyed I can't really eat besides mashed potatos, but at least only one more to get out in four days, and then I am done.
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piedoesnotequalpi · 4 months
Multiples of 6 for the writing thing!
Howdy <3
(Weird writing questions!)
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
There are two: one, I don't want to put too much of real life into my writing and lose friends over it again (...long story); two, that I'll be unable to finish a WIP that I've already started posting.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules.
Improved ability to develop the middle sections of longer plots
More energy to write after work
Magic formula for tweaking my fics enough that more irl people (like my family) can read what I write without noticing it's all Newsies fanfiction
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
I already answered this one, but it's okay because I'm insufferable and can do another passage! Since I've converted you to the CrutchieAlbert camp ( >:) ), I'll do the Albert-trying-to-flirt passage from chapter 7 of How It Will Be.
Again, this is a longer passage, so it goes from "How'd you get into climbing?" Albert asked suddenly to He winked.
I knew Albert and Charlie needed to kiss/admit their feelings this chapter (and had planned for that to be the case), partially because they were reaching a tipping point in terms of being able to hide it and partially so the story would make sense. The problem was, I needed one of them to make a somewhat ambiguous move (they're both very nervous) that would push the other to wonder if they were being flirted with and then make a more unambiguous move as a result. I remembered that in an earlier chapter, Charlie had suggested to Albert that a good beginner flirting method was to just ask the other person about their interests, so I decided Albert would try to actually put that into practice.
If I remember correctly, I had the idea for Charlie and Jack to have their very euphemistic conversation before I had the idea for this scene, so to provide a bridge from Albert's flirting attempt to that conversation, I had Charlie notice what was going on and also timed the conversation so Albert would be pulled for a date right after it (since the date had been set to happen for quite a while), which gave Charlie an opportunity to talk to Jack without Albert around but also stressed him out enough that he was willing to have that conversation in the first place - the show and what it could lead to was starting to feel a little too real at that point. So yeah! Their confession of feelings was more complicated to write in some ways, since neither Charlie nor Albert knew for sure that the other was queer before they kissed, but that made writing their interactions really interesting.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
If it's a longer story/more complicated AU I'll usually have to figure out all the characters' roles, AU-specific traits, etc. as well as the overarching plot, and then I need to get at least some idea of what happens in each chapter/when key plot points take place. That can be fun, but it's frustrating when I'm trying to write and realize I need to plot out the chapter in detail before I can keep going. Writing longer stories was a weakness of mine for a very long time (and still is), so I have to do more detailed plotting than some of the other writers I know.
30. Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
I don't think they really play a role! I don't remember most of my dreams, though I do remember last night's dream (my coworkers showed up to move my stuff to my new apartment and I was Not ready at all).
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you Know?
So much random stuff: Juggling, the ins and outs of college organizations and their leadership/admin interactions, rock climbing, various other outdoorsy sports, the ins and outs of moving companies, an unfortunate amount about customer service for online retailers...the list goes on and on because I apparently need to learn something about everything.
I've written fics that feature most of these topics, oops
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sarahfeliciam · 2 months
The Ultimatum Ch 36
Chapter 36
Everyone was awake bright and early at Grimmauld Place, much to Emeline’s dismay. Most everyone was talking excitedly about the new term save for her (and Ron, who also valued sleep) over breakfast. Tonks had popped in that morning to wish the kids a good start to the year, however she now found herself giggling (over what, Emeline could not make out), in a corner with Remus who was fixing tea.
 Despite her fondness of Tonks and her hope that Remus would open his eyes, she couldn’t help but roll her own. A tinge of frustration crept in as she thought about how she’d be off to Hogwarts in little under an hour. 
Couldn’t the flirting wait?
“I’ll be right back, Mrs. Weasley.” Emeline said politely as Molly filled her plate with bacon. 
“Certainly, dearie.”
Remus glanced over his shoulder at his daughter but opted not to go after her. 
His assumption that her nerves were just getting the better of her was somewhat correct, but he also saw George follow her quickly and thought it wise to give them space as he turned back to Tonks. 
“I’ve never fancied tea much but Emeline is right: yours is excellent.”
Remus laughed, reaching for the back of his neck as he normally did when slightly flustered. “I don’t find I make it any special way. I’ve always wondered how it tasted different to her, truthfully.”
Tonks grinned and lowered her voice to a whisper. “I think it’s the intention behind it. Intentions matter, you know.”
Remus felt his face warming and offered her a smile back. “I do rather enjoy clear intentions.” He replied boldly. 
Even Tonks was taken aback and stumbled over her words nearly as easily as she stumbled physically. 
“W-well, as do I. What makes you say that?” 
He studied her face for a moment before Arthur cleared his throat and they both turned to find all eyes on them. Emeline had already returned, holding hands with George and blinking rather rapidly between the both of them. 
“Apologies. Don’t wait to eat on our account!” Tonks said quickly, stumbling over her feet as she rushed forward. 
Remus caught her which added more fuel to the fire and warranted a loud snort from Emeline. 
“Smooth, you two. Quite smooth.”
She took her seat next to George as Remus pulled out a chair for Tonks then sat between her and Emeline, his face red.
“Oh, dad.” She quipped, patting his hand on the table before turning back to George. 
Neither Remus, nor Tonks, said anything else for the remainder of breakfast.
Barely an hour later, whilst Sirius pulled Harry aside, having escorted him to the platform as Padfoot, Remus handed Emeline her coat and Saffron flew from his shoulder to hers. 
“You’ve got everything, darling?”
“All of them.”
“Not just novels, sc-“
“-I have my schoolbooks.”
“Your robes? Your wand?”
“Not enough.” She relented with a laugh. “You always do this.”
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out two bars to hand her. “I’ll always want to make sure you’re prepared. This should be enough for the train.” 
She smiled and stowed them away in her own cloak.
“You and your girlfriend be good while I’m away.” She pestered, which brought about an eye roll from her father.
“I’m sorry about this morning; I wasn’t trying to be an embarrassment.”
“Nevermind that. It seems like it’s going well, though.” She replied encouragingly, moving past her momentary upset and not wanting to flood his mind with that. 
He nodded and stood straighter, adjusting his coat nervously. “I think so. I still don’t know exactly what she thinks, but I enjoy talking to her.”
“Well that’s something.” Emeline agreed as the familiar whistle of the train pulled their attention.
“This is it.” Remus smiled softly, pulling her in for a hug. “I love you, pup. It’ll be a good term if you let it and you’ll be home for the holidays before we know it.”
She looked up at him as she pulled away and smiled back. “I love you too, dad. I hope so.”
When they stepped off the Hogwarts Express and toward the carriages, Emeline noted Harry’s curious expression. As she reached out to pet the Thestral on the snout, she quirked an eyebrow at him.
“What’s that? Pulling the carriage!” 
Emeline seemed taken aback, as did Ron and Hermione.
“Nothing, Harry.” Hermione responded. “They pull themselves, like always.”
Emeline shook her head, realizing that her curious glance was in wonder of why Harry was confused to see Thestrals. 
Didn’t everyone? 
“You really don’t see anything? I do!” Emeline replied, her and Harry exchanging torn glances.
Suddenly, a girl in their year, but Ravenclaw, appeared with a whimsical glint in her eyes. 
“I see them too!” She quipped, her blonde hair glistening in the moonlight. 
The moon was always so peaceful when it wasn’t full, Emeline appreciated as they stepped onto the carriages.
When they’d settled in for the feast that evening, Emeline took her usual seat as close to the Gryffindor table as possible. It felt odd being back at school after the events of last year. 
Cedric’s death still hung heavily over the hall like a dark cloud. All she could picture were chairs in place of tables as Dumbledore presented Cedric’s funeral speech. 
She swallowed a lump in her throat and turned briefly to see George was already turned with his eyes on her. They shined with kindness and she smiled back at him as he mouthed: ‘I know’.
Glancing up, she noticed she’d spaced out for the announcement of their latest Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Ever the sore subject for Emeline, she rolled her eyes as she mandatorily clapped, but she truly could not believe what stood before them on stage. 
Likely shorter than herself (which was saying quite a bit), and sticking out in bold contrast with bright pink robes and accessories, Emeline couldn’t help but laugh. This came out louder than she anticipated and earned her a glare from the new professor. 
George took over the laughter as she sunk down into her seat, desperate that Umbridge would not put two and two together on who Emeline was. 
When her delightful speech was through and the students were all sitting with their jaws hung slightly open, Emeline turned back to her friends to catch Hermione muttering something about ‘ministry interference’ and took a steadying breath.
Good term, my arse 
Back by the fire at Grimmauld Place, Remus chuckled as he handed Tonks a cup of tea. 
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legacy-by-darkryuu · 2 years
Remaster: Step Toward the Future, Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Capitalistic
Also available on Archive of Our Own
Rating: M/Adult
Warning: Sexual content
 Yagami Koji would never go as far to say he didn’t believe in higher powers, he merely…doubted their existence. There was a lot of wrong in the world. He smiled, petrified, as Popuri was stretched out on the couch adjacent to him, reading a magazine and humming along to the music. They’d ‘caught up’ comfortably when Jill was here but Jill and Cliff decided they would go get Chinese. Jill must have deemed him…cozy enough with this situation. No. No, for now, he was actually questioning his doubt as something had placed this whole lot of right in front of him. When he’d already tapped his anxiety down outside after… remeeting his childhood fiancée, he came in and found…a fucking masterpiece sitting on the couch. Koji tried to look anywhere but her but that seemed disrespectful to pure art. She was fucking gorgeous. He was breathless when he just saw her face and then he comes in here with her just wearing a black strappy dress with stockings. The curves. The…God, the curves. And there was not a word created yet he could use for her chest that was appropriate for their magnificence. He tried to shrink away into his music to get his mind straight by listening to a little Toxicity but she asked if he was willing to listen to it on Jill’s system, she hadn’t gotten to hear it since the radio signal got too weak here. Sweet mother of mercy. This. This was why Jill never told him. She was like the answer to his entire life and he’d asked her to marry him thirteen years ago. He knew. Chill, Koji. This…was not a signal, just a wild coincidence. Hell, she probably had a boyfriend! “So, uh, Popuri, these two ‘lovebirds’ are hot and heavy. Um, you getting hitched or anything any time soon?” Popuri snickered, “No way, I’d never date anyone from around here. I guess I should be looking for someone, huh?” Oh. “O-Oh no, being single is great. Wish my sister had taken that route.” With a laugh, Popuri shook her head, “C’mon, Cliff isn’t that bad.” Koji made a face, raising a brow, “…Popuri: have you noticed a drinking habit?” Her scarlet eyes looked up from the magazine, unreadable for a second before she sighed, “…I mean, a little.” Great. “But I think it’s just a mild one. He doesn’t work so--” “I beg the hell your pardon?” Now Popuri was looking away, smiling nervously, as he sat up straighter, incredulous. “What do you mean he doesn’t have a job?! You mean to tell me my sister wakes up every morning to tend a farm and all he does is play Chef Boyardee?” “Well, they work well together though!” “Only one of them is working!” Dear God, he was already arguing with her like they were together, he hadn’t seen her in thirteen years! Popuri rolled her eyes around, “So, if you were with someone, and they didn’t want to work, would you be cool with it because it’s cool for a woman not to work?” “I’mma be honest with you, Popuri: having watched my mother do 36 hour murder shifts doing something she loves for a majority of my life, I probably would not. As long as we’ve dissolved into a capitalistic world, we’re both working until we’re not both working.” Popuri smirked, “Well, I guess it’s good you’re not sexist, just committed to our terrible money system.” “Not committed…trapped.” She smiled and he wished he could figure out what made him so uncharacteristically shy in this situation. If it’d been anyone else, he’d be flirting and making his intentions known. …That was because he was here to figure out what to do next, not have intentions! “I do get what you’re saying, Koji. Just, I’m sure Jill has also asked, but can I ask you not to be too hard on him yet?” …Meh. “Fine, whatever…” His eyes narrowed when the door opened and the ‘happy couple’ entered with bags of Chinese food and apparently beer. Jill was all smiles and he guessed that was enough. “Nii-san, I got you some Heineken.” “Thank you, princess. You didn’t have to do that though.” “Well, we were already in that aisle at the grocery store.” Oh really? Before he could talk himself out of remarking on that, Popuri stood up from, uh, her couch and sat beside him apparently so Cliff and Jill could sit together. Koji swallowed as Jill handed him Hunan chicken. Popuri thanked her as she got a container of Kung Pao Shrimp. He raised a brow when Jill retrieved a cold glass from the freezer and set the Heineken beside him. Cliff also had a Budweiser…so maybe that’s why Jill, who was notoriously against drinking, had frozen glasses, huh? Of course, she and Popuri popped open some wine coolers and were chattering. Relax, Koji, baby sister was…growing up.
Sighing wistfully, he ate his food as Jill turned on a movie. Apparently, this was a tradition of theirs and now it was looking like a double date. Yep, coming to Mineral Town was becoming a very bad idea. Sneaking a look when Popuri laughed at something in Spider-Man, Koji swallowed and rested his cheek in his hand as she leaned on the arm. He looked to Jill and Cliff next, instantly aggravated to find the two snuggled up under a blanket.
Yea…a very bad idea.
“It’s crazy you remember where I live too, Koji.” Yagami Koji blew into his hands, snickering, as they walked toward the chicken farm. Popuri seemed to realize his crazy memory because he was a trifle bit ahead of her. “I remember a lot of things.” It got late and though Jill offered to let Popuri stay there, she advised she had to get home so she could wake up early to feed the chickens and collect the eggs. “Rick refuses to do it in the cold.” Ugh, what the hell was with these guys? At least take turns. Even though it wasn’t THAT late, he offered to walk her home. Jill gave him a questioning look. What? He wanted to. When Koji was ten years old, though he didn’t recall what exactly made his mother want to do it, she sent him off to stay with his grandfather here. He’d met the man when he was five once but other than that, he’d not talked to him since. Koji went since his mom requested but he’d been wary. Alas, when he arrived, he was easily encompassed by the nature and the farm. His great-grandpa was actually super kind and, even though that was only Koji’s second time meeting him, he felt like he’d known him forever. The man taught him to ride horses and milk cows. It…was great. It was funny, he’d had a conversation with his dad prior to leaving and for some reason they’d been discussing his future significant other. A weird conversation to have with a ten-year-old but his father seemed to have early insight that Koji wasn’t going to be GREAT at relationships…young him hadn’t thought much more about it. Until he met her. Popuri looked somewhat like Lyla, his neighbor and older brother, Shin’s, best friend at the time. With some digging, he realized they were related. He always thought Lyla was pretty but in a more familial way. Popuri though… “Thank you, Koji. You said you’ll be sticking around for a while?” current Popuri said, standing outside of the house. Out of the corner of Koji’s eye, he saw a blind quickly close. Raising a brow, he nodded, “Yea, I got some thinking to do.” She nodded, opening the gate, “Well, maybe we can go up to the plateau one day. It’s still just as pretty.” … “Yea, I’d like that.” “Be safe going back” she warned. “I will. Good night.” “Good night.” Watching her go inside, he let out a breath and headed back to the farm. Popuri met every bit of fancy he had as a young man. She rode bikes with him, played baseball with him, swam in the stream with him, and caught fireflies with him. He used to make her flower crowns and she’d play with his hair. They kissed once. In his young life, he thought she was just so interesting. Koji groaned. Looks like he hadn’t grown up that much.
Izumi Cliff licked the corner of his lips, his eyes shut as Jill’s mouth worked up and down his shaft. Fuck. Lying in their bed, he forced himself to look down at her bobbing head. She’d pulled her hair back in a ponytail and was…really working. He…was really lucky. And if he kept this up, he was going to be killed. Granted, while he wasn’t certain why he thought Jill would tell her brother ‘no, you can’t stay here’, he’d been shocked when she allowed it. Cliff thought they had a good thing going where her brother wasn’t here to hear him bust one.
However, however, he had to say that, for the most part, Koji did keep to himself. He’d come eat with them sometimes but otherwise, he’d go out around noon and come back in around six. Cliff wondered what a renown partier was finding to do around here. Jill smirked, “You noticed Popuri isn’t coming around a lot now, right?” Popuri? Like… “It’s a long story.” They had seemed very cozy with one another right off the bat. And Cliff was starting to get cozy with the circumstances. Until he started to…notice some things. First, he didn’t realize it but, even though Koji was up until crazy times of the morning, sometimes three when Cliff heard the night owl stop roaming, he got up with Jill to help her with the farm. Now, with the additional help, Jill was sometimes coming back in before Cliff had even started on breakfast. Thus, big brother started making breakfast too. Koji apparently also worked remotely for some place back at his old alma mater, admitting it wasn’t good pay but it was some pay. And, thus, he was now buying groceries for the house. This. This was what his girlfriend was used to: someone that helped. That conversation they had when Koji arrived had him aggravated. It was basically her telling him he wasn’t doing enough. It hurt but, well, if this was what she was used to then hell yea, he was doing under the bare minimum. Money. Money ran the world and if he could start to provide that then he was doing all he could. He moaned as he came, jerking from her mouth. So…he was going to be seriously going to someone with his tail between his legs but he had an idea. “I…do want to try swallowing, Cliff” Jill sat up, pouting. He smiled a bit wickedly, rubbing her thigh, “You shouldn’t say kinky things like that, ‘princess’, big brother might hear.” Jill groaned, rolling her eyes, “He’s out somewhere, last I checked.” “Your brother’s like a ghost, Jill, he could be hanging out in the corner next we look.” Sulking, she stood and went to her adjoining bathroom to rinse her mouth, “That is my beloved big bubby, y’know? I expect you to get along with him.” Cliff wandered in to wash up, shrugging, “…Well, he’s talking to me a little bit.” “For Koji, that’s an accomplishment” she smirked. Kissing her after he clothed himself, Cliff stroked her hair back, “I’ll make lasagna tonight, okay? I’m going to run out and do some errands.” A strange look crossed her face but she smiled, “Okay…I’ll probably just chill here and scribble or something.” He nodded and headed out into the December cold. Of all people, but…he just needed a little something.
Cliff wandered toward the winery, nervous. He’d asked Karen if there was a chance he could work at the grocery store. She assured that her dad made just enough to keep her employed and paid her crumbs. Doug said about the same, that he was just breaking even. The library was all volunteer and he knew for damn sure he wasn’t a blacksmith. This…was pretty much it. Thing was, Duke, the owner of the winery, hated his guts. Guess all those pranks did finally catch up to him. Still, he needed to try. He swallowed and nodded to assure himself, opening the door and entering the store that sold only wine. Duke’s wife, Manna, looked up and smiled, looking a little forced. “Oh, hello…Cliff.”
“Um, hello, ma’am” he greeted politely, “I’m sorry to trouble you.” “One of our best customers? Of course not. What will it be today?” “O-Oh no, I--”
“Manna, will you call that damn daughter of yours? To think we’d have a child selfish enough to leave when I’m old and gray and too old to be doing all this work alone!” snapped Duke, stumbling in.
Cliff’s eyes widened at the man who stared at him before glowering. “And what do you want?!” …Normally he dealt with Manna when he came here. “I…uh…” “Speak up!” “Sir, it sounds like you could use some help around here. I, uh, I know I may cause you a lot of useless trouble now and then, but I would really like to request work” Cliff said, hardly breathing. “What?!” “Now Duke…” said Manna slowly before staring Cliff over, “He is young and…full of energy.”
“And a pain in the ass!” Great. “I’m—I’m sorry, you’re right. All the trouble I’ve caused you and to come back and ask for work, it’s silly of me. I’ll just be going.” “Wait, wait” interrupted Manna, a curious look on her face like when she got a piece of gossip, “Why suddenly do you need work? Your little girlfriend is from a well-off family and that farmhouse is theirs. And you seemed happy just, um…” “Freeloading” grunted Duke. Cliff stifled his glower and swallowed, “I, uh, I want to support myself and Jill. I want to not be such a burden to her. Her brother has been staying with us and…and he’s taken stress off of her just sharing the burden. When he leaves, I want to be able to do the same.”
Duke raised a brow before scoffing. Manna gasped, hitting his arm, “Duke! He’s sincere! And devoted! I miss those days!” “What?! Now see--” Duke started.
“A man wanting to help take care of the love of his life, reforming and humbling in order to take care of someone you care for? It’s truly inspiring to see a youth like that! Jill’s a lucky girl! The farms making plenty of money but you don’t want to be a dead weight to her, of course! How wonderful! Men are so useless these days!” Cliff just stared at her, wide-eyed, nodding slowly as Manna just babbling on and on… “Manna…” grumbled Duke, irritated. “I say we let him work!” she finally finished. “What?! Are you crazy?!” demanded Duke. “Oh Duke, I’m sure he’ll work to his fullest for you! Won’t you?” questioned Manna. “Of course. Just give me one chance to prove myself and I’ll be the best worker possible” Cliff said seriously.
Duke glared at him hotly. Manna leered, “Oh, c’mon Duke, take a risk for once in your life” “…Gah, fine! But if this comes back to bite me, I swear--” Cliff bowed heavily, honestly a little surprised. “It won’t, I promise!”
Duke stared at him, shocked, “S-stop that, idiot. You can start the day after tomorrow. 10 am sharp. Not a second later!”
“You got it! 10 pm!” Cliff said, cheerful as he ran out.
“AM!!” Picking grapes, putting them in the processor…it was manual labor but it wouldn’t—or shouldn’t be the most extensive job he’d ever had. …This would work.
Yamachi Popuri remembered when she first met Yagami Koji. She also remembered when Yamachi Rod, her father, left their family.
She recalled giggling happily when her father threw her in the air for the last time, kissing her cheek and whispering in her ear that he loved her. He sat her on the ground and turned to Rick, pat his head and told him to take care of the farm and, especially, his little sister and mother. Rod turned to their mother last, pulled her close and whispered to her that she’d finally be well and that everything would be okay. Popuri didn’t know then. She didn’t know what his leaving meant.
After about a year, there was no sign of her father. He seldom called and when he did, he assured his ‘trail was warm’. She recalled sitting by the window, transfixed, praying softly that her father would turn around that corner, returning to them. Her mama, Lillia, would weakly come down the steps and ask what she’s doing. Waiting for daddy, of course. She wanted to show him she lost her last tooth.
Her mother smiled and said he’d probably like that. Maybe? She’d never know, she grew it back in and there was no sign of him.
She’d told herself back then to stay optimistic, that her daddy wouldn’t want her to be sad. She remembered days when her mother wasn’t even able to get out of bed so she would bring her flowers. On one of those fateful days, she recalled getting knocked face forward, right on top of her flowers. She remembered laughter and looking back to find Rick and some of his friends. It hadn’t been Rick but one of his asshole companions that pushed her for no reason. Her older brother let them heckle her. She remembered their words, how nothing was going to make her mother better and that her father left because he couldn’t take it anymore. She belted one of them in the jaw because her brother didn’t stop their words. No, Rick didn’t. Jill’s brother did.
Yagami Koji was the prettiest child. He had silky brown hair and bewitching dark eyes even back then. She supposed because of their mother, he dressed like no other ten-year-old she’d ever met. Koji had just kind of sauntered up with his hands in his pockets, looking bored. He questioned what was going on and she told him about the flowers, about how they were for her mother, and those jerks had ruined them. He offered to pick more with her. For whatever reason, this made them address Koji as a ‘sissy’ and ‘she was wasting her time’. Koji was nonplussed and advised it was no less a waste of time than picking on someone trying to be nice. She’d always remember them saying like a comic book character ‘All-all of us together could clobber you!’ and Koji’s dark little smile with the retort ‘I’d like to see you try’. They made excuses and scattered after that. Koji kept his promise to help her pick new flowers and even made her a crown ‘like a goddess’. Childishly, she corrected him to what her daddy always said, that she was a princess. He laughed.
When Popuri had returned home with a huge bouquet, she’d discovered Rick had ratted her out for talking to strangers. She pouted and told her mother he was the nicest stranger she’d ever met and Lillia sighed, giving her a bit of a lecture before smiling at the girl, thanking her for the flowers. She’d asked about Popuri’s crown of daisies and she told her that Koji had made it for her. Her mom smiled when she said she was going to make cookies for him. She found Koji the next day and gave him the cookies. From then forward, they’d been inseparable. Koji told her about how he was from the city where they’d lived in a mansion. He told her about his doctor father and mother who occasionally designed dresses. ‘Remember Yagada. Mama’s gonna make it big one day’, he’d beamed. Admittedly, she hadn’t been used to that, a mother…working. It was mostly because, for as long as she could remember, her mother hadn’t. Surely she’d seen other women working but Koji’s mother sounded like she was on a different level. She’d actually said that to him then too and he had made a face. Not much had changed. For that time, Popuri completely forgot about her father’s absence, spending every waking second with her new companion. There had been times when his grandfather told her that he couldn’t come out and she’d go home, disappointed, but he’d come out moments later, smiling at her. She noticed on those days that he was extremely pale and tired, having to take rests every few minutes on their mountain visits. It was Jill that advised her this year that Koji had always had immunity issues but didn’t like to make them a big deal. Apparently, that was just how he was…
He’d listened to her better than anyone else and played with her, no matter how silly the game. She told him where her castle was to be and he’d smile. One day, she remembered how he lied in the sweet grass and flowers, closing his eyes. He’d been sick then too. Lying beside him, she had idly put flowers in his hair to make him feel better. She teased that he was a prince now with his crown of daisies. He had smirked, “I doubt it.” On another memorable day, they had been having a picnic on the same plateau where they met. There was a slight nip in the mountain air and she remembered thinking how summer was almost over and Koji would be leaving her too, just like…
It upset her enough that she tried to leave but Koji asked her what she thought of him. She thought very highly of Koji. And in their innocent minds, Koji asked if she’d marry him then. Popuri liked to think that if someone asked her to marry them like that again, sitting in the flowers on a picnic lunch, she’d roll her eyes at the cheesiness of it. Honestly though? She probably would melt. In her more pragmatic youth, she pointed out the flaws with this plan, most of them dealing with their age. Koji promised he would return when it was the right time. He asked if he could give her a kiss. She agreed.
The day Koji left was when he gave her this beautiful real silver necklace. He was actually very, very sick that day which was why he was going back home. His grandfather had allowed her to come in to say her good byes and Koji weakly said that was just for now. It was such a sweet thing, from his devotion to the fact he gave her half a heart necklace and kept the other. As she aged, she wondered if he thought about her, about that summer of gullibility. About…how promises didn’t mean much at the end of the day “Popuri?” She looked up from the windows of one of the small shops, having been staring at Christmas decorations, and smiled some as Koji appeared. He wore mostly black now, wearing a leather coat, a dark scarf, and dark jeans. Even the cigarettes he smoked were black. She guessed they both lost something with age. “Hi, Koji. What’s got you out here?” “Nothing, wanted to grab lunch and heard this Inn place has good food.” Popuri tilted her head, “Oh, Cliff and Jill didn’t cook?” His dark eyes creased some and she had to try not to laugh because she already knew. “I immediately vacated the premises as it is snowing and they used the extra time to…preoccupy themselves, apparently.” “Now, Mr. Yagami-san, I’ve heard about your wily ways. Did you believe your baby sister to be above such?” Popuri said coyly, folding her hands as she started to walk away. Koji snorted, following, “…Well, kind of. And what ‘wily ways’? I’ll have you know I am an innocent virgin.” “Uh huh.” Starting to fall into pace beside her as she headed for the grocery, he rubbed his hands, “So, uh, you busy? Care to grab lunch with me?” Oh. “Well, um…sure. That’d be nice.” “You don’t have to. I know you’re probably busy.” Not at all. “No, lunch would be good. I just know a place other than Doug’s…” “Oh really? I’d take it” he nodded. “It’s a little up the mountains” she warned. Koji seemed nonplussed. “Just like old times.” Popuri blushed a bit but walked with him past the old church and down the lane. He looked off to the side for a moment at a blank space of land, frowning, “…This place has tons of space, Popuri. Like, tons. They never wanted to…grow?” Thinking about it, she shrugged, “Guess not. Progress gets missed around here.” “Hmm.” He was so tall. Back when they were ten, they were the same height. Now he was at least seven, eight inches taller than her. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Koji cleared his throat, “So, uh, your dad really never…got back here, huh?” “No.” “I mean, does he call?” Popuri pursed her lips as they walked up the stone walkway, “…If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not talk about it.” “Ah, I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean--” “I know” she assured. She had spoken with Koji a lot about her father. He told her about his father. Apparently, their father was MIA at one point too—up until they were five. And then he properly came into their lives and stayed there. Popuri…had spent more years without her father than with. And yes, he still called, saying he wanted to get this right. Just now, Popuri wasn’t sure he’d have anything to come back to. Koji didn’t say anything else for their trek and she figured he felt bad for bringing it up. No, that’s what they would have done, once upon a time. She’d be joyful and optimistic and think her papa was just around the corner. She didn’t want him to see how far away that’d gone from her now. “Your girlfriend must miss you, you know? You need to finish your vision quest and get back to her.” He smirked some, “She might be waiting awhile. Especially since I haven’t found her yet.” Popuri smiled and pointed to an old ryokan, “We’ll leave that as lunch chat. That’s the Saioji Inn, they serve really good potstickers.” After they were greeted and seated, Koji removed his coat while she was lost in thought. So little had changed, hadn’t it? The whole…town. Jill really was the most recent change aside from Cliff and Kai. And just…her having lost so much faith. “Mm, I haven’t had a good pork bun in a while.” Popuri looked to him, about to confirm they were delicious, when she paused. Jill told her that her brother was a playboy. Like, he slept around frequently. It sounded like he would have scoffed at monogamy or even romance. When they reunited, she showed him the necklace and he seemed awkward about it. She assumed he found it foolish. Except…
His was nestled around his neck, the same sort of wear she had on hers like perhaps he hadn’t just randomly dug it out of a box recently. Her heart sped up a bit as he opened his menu to the next page, “What do you recommend though?” “Huh? Oh! Um, no, the pork buns are delicious. And their spring rolls too.” Picking up her menu to hide her face, she flushed. Stop being…childish, Popuri. He…he probably had just dug it up, was wearing it for no reason. Don’t…don’t be fooled by innocent promises. Not again.
Duke had always been disdainful of the blond boy who’d arrived in town about two years ago. He was nothing but trouble from the start, his most egregious crime including sneaking into his cellars and drinking his wine. Sometimes he’d steal Duke’s grapes and gave them to townspeople, saying they were gifts from Duke himself. He was a criminal and the boy didn’t have a hard-working bone in his body. Or so he thought.
He watched from afar, leaning against the door of the small greenhouse, as Cliff picked grapes rapidly, his forehead drenched with sweat. Cliff had managed to pick nearly twenty baskets full to the brim of grapes. Duke raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. So that girl turned the boy around, huh? What a miracle. Funny what a good lay would do. There might be hope for him yet. “Cliff” sang Manna, coming into the greenhouse, “I brought a snack for you!” Cliff stopped, wiping his brow with his hand, and smiled, “I’m fine…” “Ugh, I can’t have you out here, slaving away, without having something to eat! Here’s a sandwich…and you finish it!” Cliff nodded gratefully and ate the sandwich, apparently famished as he demolished it in no time. He glanced at his watch and frowned. It was already seven in the evening. “Well, I guess I can continue…”
“No, no. It’s far too late. Go home and rest” smiled Manna happily. Cliff glanced at her before glancing at Duke. The man grunted, “You did a good share of work today. You can go home.” Cliff didn’t move, however, and Duke growled, “I said--”
“O-Oh no, but…um…the…job?” Duke’s eyes widened before he glared off to the side before saying silently, “If, and only if, you do the same quality of work you did today every day without slacking, will I give you the job.” A wide grin of excitement crossed Cliff’s face and he bowed happily, “Thank you.”
Duke grunted, still hoping he wasn’t making a mistake. Manna giggled and pulled out her coin purse.
“Here’s some money for your trouble, dear. We’ll get you set up with a better payment system soon. For now, buy something nice for Jill.”
Cliff smiled sheepishly as she handed him his payment, “Thank you both so much.” He dashed off, seeming content. Duke stared after him, seeming amazed. “The boy’s been out here for nine whole hours and he’s taking off as if he has all the energy in the world.”
“He’s a good boy and he’ll be a good worker” Manna smiled.
He glowered at her, wondering why there was a ‘however’ now. Duke flinched back at the dark look on Manna’s normally cheerful face. “He seems to have an underlying problem that he is managing to keep under control and from affecting his relationship. Do me a favor and don’t think to go and make it worse. Understood?” Duke nodded. Pleased, Manna headed back inside and Duke followed slowly. He only gave the workers he’d liked booze. He doubted he’d ever truly like Cliff, no matter what he ‘proved’ today. Or so he thought.
Yagami Jill smiled as she sat beside the family Christmas tree in the Yagami home. In the beginning, when she was little, they had a small Christmas tree, something a little more like how they celebrated in Japan. Eventually, they would get bigger and bigger Christmas trees that went up toward the high ceiling. They would decorate it gleefully as children. Nowadays, it was looking a little sparse as they all instantly got distracted by something else about five ornaments in. But, well, given there were six of them, Lyla, and their mom and dad, that was probably enough. Koji and Nelly were sitting on the couch, playing with their new iPods. That was the gift their parents got them all. Their mother got them all nice sweaters and designer jeans too. Oh, and shoes. A full outfit.
While she read online about the holiday losing ‘meaning’ as the gifts grew sparse, that would probably never be the case with her gigantic family. Yes, the sort of…stress of buying all the gifts was already growing tiresome but if she ever felt something was always in high supply in her family, it was appreciation, and…well, that made it feel good still. Koji and Nelly tag-teamed to get the best laptop available so she could start writing again. Koji had noticed that she wasn’t doing that AT ALL now. ‘She’s just busy ogling her boyfriend’, he said dryly. She retorted he had still managed to get distracted and he leered at her. While she could heckle him about that, she kind of thought it was cute that he was, unbeknownst to himself, nursing a crush on Popuri. He’d even bought her a Christmas present for when they went back to Mineral Town. Jill had asked Cliff if he wanted to join them for the holiday but he was poignantly against it. ‘I haven’t celebrated since I was fifteen and I don’t think I intend to start again…’, he’d said. Okay, fine. He pleaded that she not give him a gift too. It all just made her wonder about his family life…
Okamoto Lyla gasped, her legs rested in Shin’s lap, as she played on the Gameboy Advance SP he bought her. “Oh, this IS fun, Shin!” “I told you you’d like it. It’s not just because I’m an ‘army man’” he teased, rubbing her thigh. “I still don’t know if I like that Final Fantasy Tactics as much as the Playstation one” Nelly droned. Tony yawned, sitting in the recliner and looking at television, “Dunno how you guys are playing these crap games now anyway.” “Thanks, Grandpa. We’ll go break out the Magnavox for you. And give me your iPod, I can give you our grandpa’s gramophone” Koji said sarcastically. Jill bit her lip not to laugh as Tony cut his eyes at Koji, the others snickering. “I’m just SAYING. The ones we grew up with are better.” “Don’t listen to him, he’s literally played twenty hours of Fable in one sitting” Shaun snorted, on his new laptop. Tony rolled his eyes around, “I mean, it’s one of the better ones…” Getting up, she stretched on the long chair with Tony, sipping her hot chocolate. He glanced at her, blinking, “…What? You homesick? You can always come back.” “Shaddap” she pouted. …She just wished Cliff was here too, she thought wistfully, as Shin kissed Lyla’s temple. However, she wasn’t going to force Cliff to celebrate their holidays or do anything he didn’t want to. Lately, he’d been running off somewhere from 10 to 7. It…sort of made her wonder because he wouldn’t tell he what it was. A new year. She wanted to get to know Cliff a little better. Right now, she had a lot of questions. And…some of them were about their future. She didn’t have anything in the greenhouse right now that needed to be watered and Koji offered to feed the animals since he had to run an errand early this morning. It’d been a while but she got to sleep in and that was great. However, when she went to bed late last night, Cliff had been in bed with her. When she got up, he was long gone. Where…was he going? What was he doing? Was…was this weird for her to reflect on? A boyfriend didn’t have to give her the whole story, just…
Jill smirked when there was a knock at the door and she knew who it was. Getting up, she drawled, “Koji isn’t here, Popuri.” “Excuse you, I came by to see you” Popuri joked, “That aside, I don’t make house calls for Koji, we just run into one another.” Nodding at that, Jill moved to allow her in with a smile, “I’m teasing…but at the same time, I’m not. What did he get you for Christmas?” “Oh! This really cute mug and a cell phone accessory” Popuri gushed, showing her phone where a chain with flowers hung. …Oh. “Oh, th-that’s cute.” Popuri smirked, sitting at the table, “You sound disappointed.” “Oh, just…thought he’d get you some jewelry or something.” The woman looked confused and Jill waved a hand. Her brother was adamant that ‘those days’ were behind him and he wasn’t ‘into’ Popuri. Except he couldn’t see himself gazing after her sometimes and his slight processing of how he may run into her every other day. She’d teasingly asked had he thought about whether he was going to get a job or go to grad school. He stared at her for a moment and just remarked, “…Huh.” All that aside, Jill…was a little reluctant to say she wanted the two together. There was a very weird history and, at the end of the day, her brother was usually just looking for a quick…tit for tat. As Popuri was a close friend, that wasn’t quite any sort of awkwardness she wanted. Popuri chuckled though, playing with the charm, “He got me real silver at ten years old, Jill, I guess he figured he’d done enough.” Maybe. Popuri smiled at the vase of roses on the table, folding her hands, “Are those from Cliff?” … “Uh, ha, no” Jill laughed airily, standing, “You want tea? I want tea.” “Oh, I want tea all right” Popuri snorted, “Who are these flowers from?” Jill groaned, turning on the white kettle on the stove, looking out of the window, “It’s not sordid, Popuri. When we were back at home, my brothers were discussing how they used to buy me flowers when they were thinking about me and how they hadn’t been doing a good job with it lately so Shin had flowers sent here.” “That’s so sweet! What’s wrong with that?” “They did it so I would know the difference between a guy treating me well and one that’s not. Now that I’m older, I’m not sure I like the implication that buying me things is a sign of being treated well” Jill scoffed, preparing the green tea. Crossing her fingers, Popuri looked thoughtful. “Well, no. But you said your brothers buy you flowers when they’re thinking of you?” “Yea.” “They call you when they think about you too, right?” “Yea…” Popuri smiled, “It’s not presents they’re trying to press, Jill. They’re pressing that no matter how much they have going on, somewhere, you’re always on their mind. You don’t want to be last priority to someone.” …Oh. Jill brought the kettle back over and sat, grumbling, “…Is it weird that Cliff won’t tell me where he, presumably, is working?” “What? He won’t tell you where he works?” “No” she groaned, “…And I don’t need presents from him but it would have been nice if we’d spent Christmas together. Aside from the Christmas tree part, the only other thing we’re doing in my family is eating! And I tell myself ‘well, it’s just a holiday, we should spend time together all times of the year’.” “But he’s got a mysterious job he won’t tell you about” Popuri rolled her eyes, nodding a thanks when she handed her the tea cup. Jill sighed heavily, “…There’s a lot he doesn’t tell me, Popuri. That’s probably not how it should be.” “No, not at all…” Popuri murmured. …The future…wasn’t looking great.
When Izumi Cliff came into the house at 8:45, he was confused to find no one downstairs. In fact, the lights were off? Did Jill go to sleep early? He went to the bedroom they shared. No one… Maybe she went to dinner with her brother, he surmised, heading upstairs just to see if she happened to be hanging out with him. No…but one Yagami Koji was up here and, of all things, lifting weights and listening to music. He had been facing enough away from the door that Cliff had a window of opportunity to escape…except the man’s eyes cut toward him. Crap. “…Something wrong?” “U-Uh, no. J-Just looking for Jill” he smiled quickly. Jill would talk about how ‘sickly’ Koji was, having been that way since they were children, and that he often had ‘weak moments’. Cliff wasn’t sure when given he was currently doing repeated reps of an 150 pound weight at ease. Ready to back away and sincerely hide, Koji grunted, “She went out with Popuri to get something to eat. Come sit a spell.” Oh no. “U-Uh, that’s--” Koji’s almost black eyes narrowed and Cliff smiled, “T-that’s a good idea! Sitting!” Sitting in an old chair in the corner, Cliff smiled nervously as Koji continued the reps, the soft clang of the metal the only other sound aside from the musical metal. He was about to be killed. “U-Um--” “So, Cliff, you’re probably well aware that my beautiful baby sister is the only sister we have, correct?” Koji said flatly. “W-Well, yes--” “And you’re aware that perfection is unachievable but applied effort is appreciated, correct?” Uh oh. “Um, well…” His pale arms could probably throw Cliff into outer space. “Cliff, where the hell are you working?” “I-I don’t want to--” “I’m sorry, I didn’t word that correctly” Koji droned. Cliff yelped when Koji pushed the weights into his hands which knocked him back. Oh hell. “Cliff, where the fuck do you work? Because, otherwise, we’re going to start assuming your ass doesn’t work but you’re dipping in the redhead from the Inn.” Gawking, Cliff rapidly shook his head, “N-No, no, no! Th-That’s not true, I am working! I-I just haven’t had the heart to tell Jill yet because she’s gonna think it’s a bad idea!” “…Strip club?” “What?! No!” “Dude, there is a total of six job opportunities in this town, three of which are a bag boy, librarian, and blacksmith. What possibly could you have found that Jill would find to be a bad idea?” Ugh. “I…I’m working at the winery. We’re prepping for Spring which is a large wine buying time.” Koji raised a brow, silent for a long moment. Cliff glowered at him, “Is there a problem with that?” “…Maybe. Not necessarily. It’s a start though. My next question is why didn’t you entertain my baby sister’s request to come with her for Christmas?” “I don’t celebrate.” Crossing his arms, Koji looked at him. He felt like his entire essence was being probed and… “Well…not anymore. My…mom didn’t care for it.” Surprisingly, Koji nodded and lifted the weight off of him effortlessly. Shit, maybe he ought to start lifting weights, that was embarrassing. “I heard about your mom. Very pragmatic.” “Tuh, is that the word for it?” Cliff snorted, sitting up straighter, “…I didn’t get paid until after Christmas. I-I didn’t want the humiliation of not having a gift to present Jill without money and then for her to give me one. Next year, I will make a miraculous return to the holiday and shower her.” Koji smirked, “You want there to be a next year? Communicate.” What? “Communicate what? I’m a poor schmuck working for a guy I had to bow down to after I’ve played pranks and made his life a hell for a few years?” “I’m be going to honest with you: that sounds way better than you’re the holidayless Scrooge that will look down on her for celebrating holidays and have nothing to do with her if she does.” Cliff gawked, “Ho-How did she even come to that conclusion?!” Shrugging, Koji set the weights back on the rack he had in the corner, “We’re from a rich family, Cliff. If we take the time to celebrate Christmas, it’s not for gifts, it’s for the actual family-oriented part. We’re mostly family oriented but the holiday excuse helps.” … “…So she…just wanted me to be present” Cliff said quietly. “Bingo” Koji snickered, falling back on his bed, “But, it’s your first little hurdle, I guess, and you don’t know that about her. But you better damn well know it for future references—if there’s a future reference.” He sure hoped. Looking to Koji cautiously, he wondered why her protective brother was giving him advice on not being clueless. “…Anything else I should know?” “Work is a vital part of our capitalistic world and standard of living. Just know you have to show her somewhere in your mind she’s there.” Cliff grimaced and hugged his knees, “…I’ve been pouring over my memories from life. Y’know, when you’ve got one person painting the picture, what’s underneath might look a little different. My mom spent years making me believe that my dad’s way of living was—well, hedonistic. Wealth was sinister.  Work hard and work hard forever. Money was supposed to be for providing a roof over your head and food for your belly. Nothing more. It added a really grim outlook.” Koji rolled over and pushed up the window before grabbing a black pack of cigarettes. “Probably a Wasaba thing. It takes a lot for my dad to stop and enjoy himself too. I know if he’d just rolled into being a doctor without my mom, he’d work 365, 24/7 if he could.” “But is that any way to live?” “Of course not” Koji scoffed, cupping the flame from his red Bic lighter as he inhaled, “Don’t get me wrong, wealth can lead you down a whole bunch of rabbit holes to Hell but that’s dependent on the person. I’ve seen your dad give to charities very generously. I’ve seen him front new benefits for hospitals and the needy and back new technology. Yea, maybe he does sit back and go on an island vacation sometimes but we only live once. Your mom thinking that working is the only highlight of life is miserable.” …He wondered what it was about his dad that even attracted his mom. It couldn’t be that he very suddenly became carefree, he was probably like that all along. It had to be the cheating that separated them. “Maybe she had deviated one day and thought there was more to life. Then my dad maybe ruined that.” Koji’s lip quirked, taking a puff, “I heard from Craig it was probably you enjoying life a little too much that made her angsty.” Ugh. “Fuck, that’s a high possibility too. A mother hating that her children don’t have to worry where their next meal is coming from. It’s so incomprehensible I keep heading back to my dad as the problem” Cliff scowled.
“That’s not off the table either” Koji replied. Cliff frowned at that. Maybe… “…I’m thinking you did this for Jill.” “I’ve taken care of my princess since she was a baby. A lot of what I do will be for her” Koji said solemnly. “Well, it would have been just as easy to chuck me out of the window so I will say ‘thanks’ for the advice” Cliff murmured. Koji didn’t say anything else, simply nodding and closing his eyes, occasionally taking a draw. Cliff dismissed himself, figuring the conversation was over. “Cliff.” Pausing, he looked at Koji who hadn’t moved. “…Don’t ever place yourself in a temptation and think you’re strong enough to fight it.” What? Cliff was puzzled, “Oh…okay.” Walking down the steps, musing over that, he smiled when Jill and Popuri entered, chattering. “Hey, you two.” “Oh, hey, Cliff!” Popuri greeted. Jill smiled…some. “Hi, sweetie. How was your day?” “Good…um, Jill, I-I had a chat with your brother and I realize that my…skittishness may be leading to some assumptions” Cliff drawled, twiddling his fingers. “Well…” “I…I got a job. I-I got to see first hand what you’re talking about. Koji helps you with the farm and gives you money for groceries and utilities. It helps to have two hands and makes it easier.” Jill looked surprised, “Well, I…I had guessed. Congratulations! Where at?” “That…may be where you disagree. I…I asked Duke to let me pick grapes with him.” “…Oh.” He tried not to groan at the anxious look on her face. “If…if you think it’s a bad idea, Jill-” “No, no! I-I mean, I have my concerns but it seems like you have pretty solid hours and I’m hoping he’s paying and treating you well.” For the most part. Duke still didn’t seem to trust him that much but Cliff came in on time and did his work thoroughly. It…it was tougher than he assumed it would be, mostly due to the elements and lifting, but it felt a lot less forced than it had when he was a child. At the end of the day, he felt he had the freedom to quit or leave and figure something else out. He was a breadwinner with his mom and that…that was taxing.
Jill gave him a kiss and a smile, rubbing his arm, “Let me make dinner for us. You sit and chill.” He hadn’t been around to make her breakfast in a while…Duke, at Manna’s pressuring, was going to allow Tuesday and Saturday to be his days off unless otherwise requested. Planning it over in his head, he plotted on waffles on Saturday. Hell, he…he could actually buy the groceries himself since he got paid Friday. Koji wandered down the steps after a few minutes, heckling Jill and Popuri about something as the two laughed. Jill…didn’t seem bothered, actually, coming to sit beside him while the lasagna was in the oven to talk about something other than work. When…when he was in Wasaba, that was all his mother wanted to hear about.
This…this might not be so bad.
 End Notes: Good lawd, the Toxicity era was fun. Toxicity was the second album of System of a Down, a ‘nu-metal’ band comprised of Armenian members that are highly political and still one of my absolute favorite bands. Young’ns may recognize them most for Chop Suey!, the lyrics of which sound like absolute gibberish to the untrained ear. ‘I don’t think you trust in my self-righteous suicide’. I will be seeing them in May 2023 for the Sick New World Festival in Vegas.
Final Fantasy Tactics on the Gameboy Advance/SP (the Gameboy that flipped and looks like a mini laptop) was EXCELLENCE. If you play Fire Emblem, it was like that, a turn-based JRPG. There was a version on the first Playstation that is considered one of the best of all time too.
0 notes
theotherbilly · 2 years
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“ Wench! Trollop! You buck toothed, mop riding firefly from hell!!“
Favorite song: Cemetery Drive - My Chemical Romance Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: He/Him Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon, Sagi Rising
Character Description:
Billy is a sarcastic man trying to go through life in the best way possible. He is filled with anger and grief from being sent to his death, and had never lost sleep trying to get his revenge on the sisters. Despite being an asshole, he does have a gentle nature within that he prefers to keep hidden since even death could not allow him to escape from the misery of perpetual nonsensical existence. He plays along the lines of a flirt and a fool, to whichever soothes him best to get through the day.
1. Billy doesn’t take things too seriously. He’s already dead, he doesn’t care much. Sick and tired of life, he is filled with sarcasm and will create chaos just for the thrill of it. He prefers to keep his mouth shut unless he’s flirting, drunk or with a trusted person.
2. He hated being a vampire. He hated being able to live forever and seeing people pass by to the next chapters of their lives. In some sense, he was bitter to be left behind after the hard work of attaching himself to people. For this, he likes to remain distant and do his own thing in solitude. The only thing he could appreciate about being a vampire was now having a supernatural strength that would make it easier for him to kill Winnie.
3. Billy has a thing for Sarah. She’s hot, flirty, dainty, and, once again, very hot. He didn’t mind the witch thing, which was a weird, but who doesn’t like a little magic? She was terrifying at first, but she’s got a good smile and a nice voice. It didn’t take too much for him to like her, despite trying to run from her sister. In fact, hiding the affair made the whole ordeal a lot more exciting until it led to his demise.
4. Since he was cursed with eternal life, he had used his time to waste on the complexities of human life. Unlimited time got him thinking about how the world works. Humans are stupid, for the most part. He got into philosophy, religion, politics, and all the stupid shit most of human life has fought for. Having known that life was finite meant time was ticking for a noble good. However, now that he’s immortal, it’s all silly and stupid. Life’s just complicated because they make it so.
5. Winnie was the only person he hated more than himself. She made his life a living hell, both alive and undead. In fact, he’d prefer to be dead than to see her again. Billy only wanted to be left alone and live his life to the fullest before she went ahead and poisoned him. Now he’s stuck in this world void of meaning and purpose, with nothing to fuel him but revenge.
6. Being a vampire is hard. The thirst for blood is difficult, and he did in fact attack a person once before due to his lack of control. Thankfully, some vampires had pulled him off the guy before he could finish him off. So far, they’re considered the vegans of the vampire community. which is weird, but hey, it keeps them alive.
7. He owns a phone just for hookups. Billy doesn’t own a social media account and would probably get his news from a printed paper. He might make one for the memes though, it depends. He usually gives out fake names or makes fake accents for people he meets.
8. Some people think he’s cool because he doesn’t care much about life. Some even consider it "living in the moment" since he doesn't concern himself with rent, food, and all the other simple worries of mankind. Although, in all honesty, he misses the chase of living. From then on, he prefers the company of fellow vampires to ease the grief of not being a human again.
9. Billy actually likes kids. He would protect them at all costs from Winnie. He thinks they're dope and likes how stupid and carefree they can be. A child’s wonder of the world (one he couldn’t ever feel again) is precious to him.
10. Billy is a risk-taker and would probably do things just for the sake of it. He seeks thrills and the rush of new things. A lifetime ahead of him seemed to be a terrible way to live, so he lived it the best he could. He plays the piano and guitar, and would sometimes create melodies, hoping Sarah would one day sing them.
0 notes
Peña’s Anatomy — One
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pairing: doctor au!javier peña x resident!reader
chapter rating: M (talk of tumors, surgery, minor allusions to sexual tension)
word count: 3.8k
series masterlist
On the plane ride from your small midwestern town to Texas, you found yourself fantasizing about the new life you’d have in San Antonio. You dreamed of new romances, an exciting social life, your blossoming career in surgery…everything that you’d been lacking back home. But, as it always seems to turn out for romantics like you, fantasies are rarely made a reality.
The entire month since moving to San Antonio had been a living nightmare—between the head of neuro-surgery at your new hospital making it his personal mission to take you down a notch, the near constant downpour of rain mixed with the sweltering summer heat, and most recently, your apartment’s washer and dryer breaking.
“No,” you groaned as you searched through your undergarment drawer for a clean pair of underwear. “No, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
It seemed as nothing was going to plan for you—though, you reminded yourself that you did come in expecting your entire life to become some exciting adventure once you moved to a big city. Perhaps your expectations were simply far too high, and this was just a normal month in the life of every resident at your new hospital. But somehow, that thought still didn’t seem to help with your frustration.
Closing your dresser drawer, your eyes travelled to the pile up of dirty laundry in your en-suite, longing to be able to take care of it, but with what time? Being a surgical resident meant you worked 36-hour shifts at the hospital 4 times a week, and the one day a week that you weren’t working was reserved for sleep—something that was all too hard to come by at this stage of your career.
For a moment, you allowed yourself to wallow in your self-pity—eyes closing shut and a slow exhale through your nose to calm yourself down.
“It’s fine. No underwear today. It’s fine. I’ll buy a new pack on the way home. Everything is fine.” You practiced mindful breathing as you slid on your jeans without any underwear on, trying your best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of going commando to work.
When you arrived at the hospital, Dr. Peña was where he always was in the early mornings—the nurse’s station. Today he was wearing a baby blue dress shirt underneath his white coat, his black slacks practically painted onto his fit form. Your eyes always seemed to travel to the curve of his behind as he leaned onto the counter to flirt with whoever was behind it, the already tight fabric of his pants now straining even more.
Each morning began this way, your eyes locking on his form, unwillingly admiring him, and then quickly turning away as you realized yourself. You were not going to lust after him like that—not when he was so undeserving of it on the inside.
You’d already seen him come onto every single nurse that sat down behind that very counter he was leaning on now, and worst of all, they all seemed to know and accept it.
You weren’t blind. You could easily see the appeal—he was a good looking man with a lot of charm and success—but you found it hard to believe that any man was good enough to share with fifteen or so other women, and that was only counting the one station.
“Oh, look who it is. Dr. Lucky.” Dr. Peña teased you as you walked past the nurse’s station, using the nickname he coined after your very first interaction a month prior. “Always so sour. Would it hurt to smile at people every now and again?”
You breathed in another mindful breath and continued walking towards the locker room. The less attention you paid to your superior’s childish tactics, the less interest he’d have in continuing them. Or at least that’s what you kept telling yourself.
“God, if you’re listening, please strike me down. I know we haven’t talked in a while—I usually talk a lot a shit about you, actually. But still—” You walked into the locker room to find your new best friend and fellow third year resident, Mickey, looking up at the ceiling tiles.
“It’s only 6 a.m., Mick. Is it that bad already?” You chuckled and opened your locker, stuffing your bags inside before walking over to the scrubs shelf. When you turned around and walked back to her with your scrubs in hand, you watched as she gave you a winced look.
“I…slept with Michael last night.” She confessed through a groan, your jaw dropping in response. She nodded at your reaction, covering her face with her hands. “And the worst part is…I liked it.”
“No! Mick,” you shook your head in disapproval and walked to her with a frown.
Dr. Michael Russel was the epitome of an arrogant and self absorbed douchebag. He was a sixth year resident, a self proclaimed ladies man, and the bane of yours and Mickey’s existence. And yet…
“It was good. Like…really good.” She winced and watched as you tugged off your henley to pull on your scrub top. When you took your jeans off, she forgot about her predicament for a moment to gasp at your bare ass turned to her. “I never pegged you for a freeballer.”
“My washer and dryer broke and my landlord isn’t fixing it until the end of the week.” You tugged on your scrubs and sighed at the thin cotton barrier between you and the world. “Anyways, back to you fucking Satan. How?”
“Alcohol and desperation.”
“That’ll do it.” You weighed your head to the side in understanding, earning a chuckle from the brunette.
“Did you guys see the new roster? They’re keeping us on our services for a month at a time now.” One of the Mickey-approved residents, Henry, approached the two of you with a copy of the roster. You groaned at the thought of being kept on OB with the very ancient and boring Dr. Neil for an entire month.
“Let me see that,” Mickey grabbed the paper and scanned the list for her name, gasping when she saw that she was going to be on Dr. Peña’s service all month.
“Sucks to be you!” You began to taunt her until she gave you an amused look, handing the paper over. Your eyes scanned the list only to see…
“You’re on Peña’s service too! Ha-ha!” She pointed her finger in your face and you swatted it away like a fly, fighting the urge to crumble the paper up in your hand. You handed it back to Henry and sat down on the bench, laying your back flat against it as you contemplated your choice in career. “C’mon. You’re a Neuro girl, aren’t you? Gonna have to work with the guy at some point.”
“I was hoping he’d die of syphilis before then.” You grumbled with your hands covering your face. Mickey tapped your thigh and held her hand out for you to take.
“C’mon, kid. We can do this together.” You groaned again as you took her hand, allowing her to pull you up off the bench and onto your feet. “Use that no underwear power.”
“That what?”
“You know…your pheromones. Now that you don’t have any barrier between your pussy—“
“Ladies.” Dr. Peña approached the two of you in the hallway at the worst possible time, your hand reaching to cover Mickey’s mouth as she rambled on about your lack of underwear. He smirked at the action, eyes narrowing on you in curiosity as you pulled your hand away from her face awkwardly. “Having a nice conversation, I see.”
“We were just doing some…improv.” You found yourself making up a bad lie out of sheer panic, Dr. Peña’s head tilting to question the excuse. “We do, um, improv in our spare time.”
“You get like, what, six hours of spare time a week and you use it to do…improv?” He crossed his arms over his chest and gave you an amused smirk, your lips flattening into a tight smile as you nodded.
“Yep, we’re women of both science and the arts.” Mickey spoke up, but Peña’s eyes never left yours.
“Uh-huh.” He chuckled and raised his eyebrows. “Well, let’s keep the improv away from my service, okay? You’ll find that patients with terminal brain cancer don’t really want to hear about your—excuse my change in term—vaginas.”
“Yes, sir.” You nodded at him before dropping your eyes to the tile floor, another chuckle leaving his lips as he began walking off down the hall.
“C’mon, Lucky. We’ve got lives to save.” You gave Mickey a pained look as the doctor called for you to follow him, your friend urging you forward. “And you too, Dr. Pheromone.”
“Alright, sweetheart. Can you follow my finger for me?” You stood in the doorway of the eight-year old patient’s room, Mickey having being sent away to fetch labs for a previous patient during this mornings rounds.
Dr. Peña was sat on the edge of the young girl’s bed, his tiny flashlight in one hand while his finger moved in the air from one side of the little girl’s face to the other. He clicked the flashlight off once he’d gotten a good enough look, standing up off the bed and patting the girls head before walking over to you and whispering. “Can you find her parents?”
“It’s just her mom, I think. She just went down to the cafeteria.” You studied the tension in his shoulders, the sad look on his face as he guided you out of the room with one hand on your shoulder. If it hadn’t been for the seriousness of the situation, you may have found yourself reeling over the warmth of his touch after so many days of only childish bullying.
“Listen, I need you to go find her mother and get her to agree to a CT. That little girl’s probably got a tumor the size of a lemon. Poor thing.” He clenched his jaw as he scribbled on the girl’s chart, your eyes soft with sadness as you studied his profile. He looked up after a few moments of you not doing what he asked, sighing and softening his stern look as he took in your worry. He hesitated as he reached to touch your shoulder, both of your eyes flickering down to study the touch before he withdrew his hand. “This…is a part of the job, Lucky. It’s not always gonna be ground-breaking surgeries and glory. Sometimes it means us running test after test only to have to tell a single mother that her eight year old baby girl will die in a couple months. You just…gotta learn to live with it.”
“H-how? How do you learn to live with that?” You whispered to him, voice weak with pure sadness, and for a moment—just one split second—you almost thought you saw him caring about you.
“We all have our coping mechanisms.” He tilted his head, eyes flickering to your lips. You sucked in harshly at the sweltering heat of his stare, stepping back in hopes of it giving you some reprieve. Dr. Peña cleared his throat and turned back to the chart in his hands, clenching his jaw. “Go find her mom, Lucky.”
Javier’s eyes were glued to you as you walked away from him, your body stiff with the seriousness of the conversation. He sighed as his eyes wandered to your hips, his brown orbs lingering much longer than he would’ve liked. With all the strength he possessed, he turned them away and back down to the chart in front of him.
We all have our coping mechanisms.
The words replayed in his head as he closed the binder and tucked it behind the counter at the ICU’s nurses station. Javier surely had his coping mechanisms: a few whiskey neats, fast cars, and his absolute favorite—meaningless and passionate sex.
Usually, he found his partners at the nurses station. They seemed like an easier group to manage than his fellow doctors. The nurses around the hospital were all rather superficial, aside from a couple particularly wise ones who knew too much to even think about falling for his charm. There was no fear in developing feelings for them because they simply didn’t peak his interest—they just got him hard.
The doctors, however, were an entirely different ballgame. Either they were not his type at all—rigid and boring—or they were cutthroats simply hoping to use him to get ahead. Whichever it was, it always turned him off.
But then…there was you. An anomaly to every preconceived notion he had about the workplace dating scene.
He could tell you weren’t rigid or boring, the conversations he constantly overheard between you and your fellow residents being as far from stiff as it got, i.e. the “pussy” incident from earlier. You also didn’t seem egotistical enough to be a cutthroat, consistently being the program’s most generous teammate since you’d arrived.
It almost pissed him off the way you lived outside the boxes he created, and perhaps that was the reason he felt it necessary to constantly make your work life a living hell.
While he normally enjoyed making his residents work for his respect, he never took it quite as far—or as childish—as he did with you. It was as though he was a little boy on the playground tugging on the pretty girl’s ponytail. It was elementary, and it seemed pathetic even to him.
“Hey, doc,” Jessica, the night shift nurse Javier had been sleeping with for a couple months now approached him in the middle of his introspection. He sighed and forced a smile onto his face as he turned to her, eyes tired from all his thinking.
“Hi, Jessica. Thought you were working nights?” He started walking down the hall towards the elevator knowing that she would follow him.
“Picked up a double.” He nodded through his disinterest, keeping his eyes forward. “I was, uh, wondering if you were working tomorrow night. I’m off and, you know, it’s been a while.”
“Uh,” he scratched his neck as he stood in front of the elevator, eyes squinting as he turned to her. Ever since meeting “Dr. Lucky”, his previous exploits didn’t seem to interest him as much as they did before. “I’ll, uh, I’ll call you and let you know.”
The elevator dinged and slid open as she parted her lips to speak. Javier stepped in and pressed the button to the OR floor, giving her another half-hearted smile before the door closed. He sighed and doubled over with his hands on his knees, eyes resting for a moment as he thought about the decisions he’d made that got him here.
The sound of the elevator stopping for a passenger snapped him out of his rest, his body straightening. When the door slid open, you were stood on the other side, all the breath in his lungs being knocked out of him with one look at your pretty face.
You gulped as you stepped into the elevator, feeling the tension that lingered from your earlier conversation.
“Did you, uh, did you get the consent form?” He asked as you stood beside him, your head nodding as you remembered what brought you onto the elevator in the first place. Tugging out the signed form from your pile of folders, you handed it over to the doctor. “What did you tell her?”
“That my attending felt it was best for us to cover all our bases.” You looked at your black leather work shoes rather than at the doctor who made your life ten times more stressful than it already was. Dr. Peña smiled a bit to himself, his eyes glancing over at you before turning back to the metal door of the elevator.
“Good job, Lucky.” Your eyes lifted at the sound of sincerity in his voice, expecting a sarcastic remark instead. He chuckled and turned his eyes to yours, once again allowing them to fall to your lips. “How would you feel about scrubbing in on the craniotomy I have in 20 minutes?”
“How would I feel?” You chuckled in disbelief and nodded excitedly. “That would be amazing, Dr. Peña.”
“Alright, then. I’ll see you in OR-4 in 20.” He gave you another knee-weakening smile as he stepped out of the elevator, looking over his shoulder at you one last time. “Don’t make me regret it, Lucky.”
“Looks like we’re all in for some good news. Dr. Lucky herself is in the OR today.” Dr. Peña spoke through his surgical mask as you stepped into the operating room with freshly scrubbed hands, the OR nurses coming to glove you.
“Thank you for the opportunity, Dr. Peña.” You weren’t going to bite onto whatever it was that he was trying to give you. You watched as he chuckled and sighed, nodding before clapping his hands together.
“Alright, let’s begin.”
Your task wasn’t very complex—you were only there to hand Peña forceps and scalpels when he asked for them. Not exactly titillating work. But this meant that your entire job was to pay attention to him, to even his quietest of mumbled and slightest of gestures in case he was in need of a new tool. Though you initially focused on him in effort to do your job, you quickly found that your eyes were glued to him for much more superficial reasons.
You’d known since you were in elementary school that you had a thing for competent men, though back then it stirred much more innocent feelings inside of you than it did now. Dr. Javier Peña may have been a womanizing asshole, but damn it if the man wasn’t the most competent and skilled surgeon you had the pleasure of assisting in the OR. His eyes were laser focused on the patients brain, his hands steady as a rock as they carefully poked and prodded around. Even through his thick gloves you could see the masculine beauty his hands possessed—another strange turn on of yours.
As if you needed any more reason to pull your hair out from stress, now you had to fight the undeniable attraction to your boss’s boss. The man was truly insufferable, but now it was for an entirely new reason. A reason that filled you with a fire you’d long forgotten. A reason that left you feeling lightheaded and ditzy in his presence.
“Alright, Lucky. All done.” He turned to you with bloodied gloves and what you assumed to be that famous cocky smirk of his underneath his mask. “You ready to close?”
“I did ask you to assist. That usually means you’ll be assisting.” He stepped back from the patient and tore off his surgical gown and gloves, the OR nurse bunching it all up and placing it in the trash can. You sucked in a sharp breath at the sound of his sarcastic tone returning, fighting the urge to roll your eyes at your superior. “I trust that your luck will continue after I leave the OR.”
“Thank you, sir. I’ll try not to ruin my streak.” All he had to do was chuckle at your joke to make the irritation go away and drive you all ditzy again.
“Take a break once you’re out, Lucky. You did good today.” And just like that, Dr. Peña left the OR and placed his patient’s life in your hands. You smiled beneath your mask and turned to the nurse beside you.
“Forceps, please.”
“So how was it?” Mickey found you in the locker room scarfing down a granola bar during your “break” that Dr. Peña had so kindly given you permission to take.
“How was what?” You mumbled through your chewing, flipping the page of some brainless tabloid.
“Your surgery with Dr. Daddy.” She sat down on the bench and grinned at you as you rolled your eyes and chuckled.
“Dr. Daddy? More like Dr. Douchebag.” You set down the magazine and sighed, tipping your head back and scrunching your face. “He keeps doing this thing. I don’t know how to describe it but—“
“It’s the eyes.”
“It’s the fucking eyes!” You nodded enthusiastically and gestured to her. “And the stupid little smirk. It’s irritating.”
“It’s hot.” She corrected with a smug look.
“You say that now! Now that you’ve got Michael turning you to the dark side.” She gasped at your harsh read before laughing. “It’s not hot. It’s infuriating. Like he really has the biggest fucking ego to think he can spend the entire month giving me intern level work and teasing me like a little fucking boy—“
“Doctor,” the sound of Peña’s voice made the two of you jump, your eyes going wide as you took in his irritated scowl. “I need you to get our eight year old patient up to CT. Now.”
“Y-yes, Dr. Peña.” You quickly stood up and wiped your hands on your thighs before rushing past him, his head turning to follow you as you left the room.
“Dr. Brown, I need you to go check on room 216. Make sure their vitals are holding steady and that their temperature has gone down.” He remained still as Mickey stood up and started to rush out, his voice stopping her as she reached for the door. “One more thing,”
“Yes, Dr. Peña?”
“Is Lucky seeing anybody?” She wanted to chuckle at the doctor’s question, but when he turned around, he couldn’t have looked more serious. She struggled to find her words, eyes shifting to the lockers on the other side of the room.
“I, uh, don’t know…sir.” He nodded and gestured to the door, watching as Mickey quickly excused herself, leaving him all alone.
Javier sighed and looked around at the locker room he used to hang his things in ten years ago, astounded that after all this time and all his success, nothing had really changed for him on the inside. He was still stuck in this hospital, chasing after pretty girls that were far too good for him, running away from the gnawing voice in the back of his head that told him that it was fine because he wasn’t good enough for anybody.
Though he desperately wanted to stop himself from making you his next exploit, he couldn’t convince his second brain to stop craving more and more of your presence. You fascinated him and ignited a fire of curiosity that he hadn’t felt for anyone since…well, probably ever.
Javier knew that you were off limits, and that it was probably a smart thing to remain that asshole that you made him out to be in your head. But he also knew himself too well to ever think that logic would win out on this one.
“Dr. Lucky, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
taglist: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson (sorry if your tag isn’t working!)
430 notes · View notes
purplelalaland · 3 years
a/n: So I might or might not (most definitely) Have been a little too obsessed with SKZ SMAU lately and decided to write my own. And here I am. Doing this. If you are interested on reading you will find the links of the chapter down below (they will be appearing as I drop them and will update once a week). -Will start tagging people if anyone is interested-
Let me know what you think and Thank you for reading!!
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SKZ+reader - College SKZ smau: crack!, slow burn, mature, bad jokes.
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, possible fights, mentions of sex/sexual behavior, anxiety.
Summary: Nothing really happens in y/n life. Until it does. She has had the same friend group for what feels like forever, not really letting anyone else in. Until she does. She has had a crush on her best friend since middle school. Until she doesn’t.
A new year in her college life has started and with it a new schedule, new classmates, new crushes and new problems. When her storytelling teacher decides to offer unrequited help in what seems the best idea to get yn to bring up her grades and help her become the writer she wants to be, she gets pair with the person she despises the most on earth and watches as her newest crush slips away from her. Now she is caught up between an annoying man child and getting close to the one who could be the love of her life. All while dealing with overcoming a heart break and the events that scared her for life. No one said adulting was supposed to be this hard. Or maybe it isn’t.
Chapter 1. The breakfast club
Chaapter 2. ‘‘Chan’s girlfriend y/n’’
Chapter 3. Confidence or incompetence?
Chapter 4. Fucking Han Jisung
Chapter 5. Y/N likes Hwang Hyunjin?
Chapter 6. Let’s get the party started.
Chapter 7. Seungmin from calculus
Chapter 8. “Now who tf is he?”
Chapter 9. Who said anything about love?
Chapter 10. Crushes and Avocados
Chapter 11. Change of Rules
Chapter 12. Looking for trouble
Chapter 13. Spoiled Children
Chapter 14. I’m not stupid
Chapter 15. “I hate you so much I might kill you”
Chapter 16. We need a bad guy
Chapter 17. Stray Kids
Chapter 18. Close
Chapter 19. I think he is in love
Chapter 20. Babysitting is not fun
Chapter 21. Happy Fucking Birthday
Chapter 22. Don’t make me regret this
Chapter 23. I might be in love
Chapter 24. Birthdays and Broken Hearts
Chapter 25. I don’t have a crush on her…
Chapter 26. Moral hangover
Chapter 27. The silent treatment
Chapter 28. Testing my patience
Chapter 29. MIA
Chapter 30 part 1. The truth hurts like a motherfucker
Chapter 30 part 2. Allow yourself to feel
Chapter 31. I know you know
Chapter 32. Insufferable smug prince
Chapter 33. Flirting
Chapter 34. Heartbreak’s a bitch
Chapter 35. Figure it out
Chapter 36. I have been enlightened
Chapter 37. A week of chaos
Chapter 38. I am a groupie and I am proud
Chapter 39. Just the four of us
Chapter 40. Have you ever been in love?
Chapter 41. A fair chance
Chapter 42. Straight forward
Chapter 43. Commitment issues
Chapter 44. Girls like nice guys
Chapter 45. I like him more…
Chapter 46. A secret lover?
Chapter 47. Holding you together
Chapter 48. It’s complicated
Chapter 49. The dilemma
Chapter 50. Avoiding
Chapter 52. Scheme
Chapter 53. That’s it then?
Chapter 54. Not who you were expecting…
Chapter 55. At least you were honest?
Chapter 56. Crying over a gallon of ice cream
Chapter 57. I’m already over it
Chapter 58. Are you jealous?
Chapter 59. Waiting on you
Chapter 60. She’s my girl
The series continues with: No Other Way
932 notes · View notes
angelasscribbles · 2 years
Bad Romance Epilogue 5: Riley
Series: Bad Romance
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for series: Riley x Liam, Liam x Max, Riley x Max, Riley x Drake, Riley x Rashad
Paring this chapter: Riley x all of them, these are her recollections of all four relationships.
Rating: MA
Warnings for this chapter: Language, adult themes
Word Count: 3,795
Special thanks to @21-wishes for pre reading and discussing with me!
A/N: This clocks in at roughly four times longer than the previous four epilogues, which is fair, because they each had their recollections about their relationship with her, but she has her recollections about her relationships with all four of them.
Part of me is really sad because with this final epilogue, the series truly comes to an end. It's bittersweet for me. I'm going to miss this series and these characters.
On the other hand, total word count, with all 36 chapters, five epilogues and two one-shots (so far) comes to 108,643. That's a lot of words. That's a book. I wrote, and finished, a book. While I can't publish or make money on it because it's fan fiction, still....I wrote a book. In four months. That gives me a deep sense of satisfaction, and the confidence to go back to working on my original book.
I know not everyone is a fan of this version of Riley, but I kind of love her. So I hope everyone is kind. What started off as a toxic mess somehow, inexplicably, evolved and transformed into something functional and meaningful. At least to me. I hope at least a few of you have enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
My other stuff: Master List.
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It started off selfishly on my part. All of it. But can you really blame me? I mean come on, hot rich guy offers to fly me to Europe on a private jet where his family will foot the bill for everything for the foreseeable future and my only job is to buy fancy clothes, on their dime, attend balls and hang out and flirt with the other hot rich guy that I’d already fucked anyway? Are you really going to tell me you wouldn't have done it? It sure beat the holy hell out of waiting tables.
Did I start sleeping with Maxwell Beaumont because I felt like I owed him something? No. I did it because I wanted to. Because that's what I do, whatever the hell I want. Always have. Because you see, the world is a shitty place, my little corner of it was no exception. Everybody else I’d ever known did whatever the fuck they wanted without regard to how it affected others, how it affected me. Why should I be any different? Life is too short.
Like I said, Max was hot, and a good way to kill the time during the social season. I knew I was technically there to win the heart, and the hand, of a prince. But let's be honest, what were the odds he was ever going to want me? No one ever had, not my parents, not the first boy I fell in love with, nobody. I didn't see the likelihood that an actual real life bona fide fucking prince was going to, regardless of what had happened between us in New York. So why the hell not sleep with Max?
But Liam pursued me relentlessly, even though he shouldn't have, even though he wasn't supposed to, even though he was told not to. He was supposed to be giving all the women equal time and an equal chance, but he didn't, not even close. Oh, I mean he did publicly in front of the court but behind the scenes? Not so much. So, I started sleeping with him too. Why not? Two hot rich guys all over me? I didn't see the problem. There was no problem, at least not until I went and fell in love. I blame Liam.
He was charming and appropriately funny in every setting. But when we were alone? He was charming in an entirely different way, sweet, vulnerable, solicitous and hysterically funny in a completely inappropriate way. But the thing that really drew me in was that he listened to me. No, I don't think you understand. I mean he really, actually, actively listened to me.
Look, I've never lacked for male attention, not since puberty anyway. I'm used to men throwing themselves at me, crashing their ships on my rocks as it were. They competed with each other; they did ridiculous things to try and impress me. But what they didn't do was take the time to get to know me. The real me. Because that's not what they cared about. I knew what they cared about. It only took me one heartbreak to decide that I wasn't about that life.
One of the few pieces of wisdom my mother did manage to impart to me at an early age was that in any given relationship there's always one person that loves more than the other, and they are the one that inevitably gets hurt. So, my mission in life had been simple. Always be the one who cares less, always leave first, don't get hurt again. Simple. Until it wasn't.
Liam listened to me, as if my ideas and thoughts actually mattered. Like I was fucking important or something. Like I had an actual brain in my head, like I was more than just my looks. Pretty intoxicating stuff if you ask me.
I know it sounds like a humble brag, but I don’t see the point of false modesty, I know I'm an attractive woman, more attractive than most. And it may sound like a stupid thing to complain about, but being smoking hot isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Can I fuck pretty much whoever I want? Yeah. Can I get stupid men to give me just about whatever I want in the pursuit of that? Again, yeah. And that’s all well and good unless you want more than fun and games. When you’re built like I am, you never really know if someone wants you for you or for the physical aspect that they see, that is pleasing to the eye and to the touch. Liam had a fairly similar problem between the money and the crown, something we actually connected on and commiserated about.
When I was in high school, I was a smart kid. Smart and pretty aren't supposed to go together. After high school a lot of the athletic guys told me they had crushes on me, but they never asked me out because they thought I was too smart for them, and I would have rejected them. The boys I met in my advanced AP classes and debate club had similar stories. They developed crushes, but thought I was too pretty and would have rejected them. Meanwhile I didn't date much in high school. Until I met a boy from a different high school, but he broke my heart.
Then I hit college and discovered the very real power I wielded over men. And it didn't take me long at all to figure out how to use that to my advantage. Men were pigs, they would use a woman for what they wanted and discard her. Why shouldn't I do the same? It got me the things I wanted in life, and a little bit of vengeance on behalf of my whole gender, so why the hell not?
Then Liam Rys came along and changed every damn thing. He treated me like a real person, he listened to my hopes and dreams, he shared his own childhood heartaches and fears with me, and he looked at me like I was the only woman in the world. I decided he was different, that opening up his heart to me meant something, that I had finally found something real. And I fell right the fuck in love with him. He held my beating heart in the palm of his hand.
So, you can imagine how gutted I was when it appeared that it had all been an elaborate lie and he was just like all the others, only worse because I had believed him, trusted him, let myself fall in love with him. I broke my own rules, I did the thing I wasn't supposed to do.
I had only myself to blame. I should never have let my guard down. So, in way of self-care, I fell back into Max's arms, and his bed. And Drake's.
If there's one thing I learned in college it’s that the best way to get over one man is to get under another. So that's what I did. And listen, I had always had a philosophy: piss me off a little and I was definitely going to sleep with one of your friends. Piss me off a lot and it was going to be your cousin, brother or best friend. I like to twist the knife where it hurts the most. But even so, that's not really why I started with Drake, though it was a definite fringe benefit.
Watching Liam squirm, watching the low-key fury that he could do nothing about with every brush of my lips across Drake’s, with ever loving caress I gave him, was just the cherry on top of my sundae. It was much less than what he deserved for tricking me into thinking he was different, for making me love him then breaking my heart.
But if Liam owns my heart, then Drake owns my body. That’s not as shallow as it sounds. The way my body responds to his is out of my control and always has been. Being close to him without touching is an actual, physical struggle. A hard one. There has always been some kind of magnetism pulling us together. I know exactly where he’s at in a room without even looking. I can literally feel him. It’s crazy. It’s insane. It’s fucking amazing. That energy, that pull his body has on mine is what keeps me anchored in this realm of existence, I’m sure of it.
Drake Walker is attached to me by some kind of cosmic decree that I have never been able to figure out. He killed Tariq over me and damn near killed the king of Auvernal and started a war. He only thinks about me, ever, he doesn’t even consider consequences to himself when he undertakes these things. That’s why I have to do it for him. I can’t let him destroy himself protecting me. After Tariq’s death, I realized that the system wasn’t going to do its job, that no one had his back, that no one was going to protect him! No one but me. That was when I started amassing political power. It was all for him.
If he was going to do stupid shit to protect me, then I was going to do smart shit to protect him. I was going to do whatever I had to do. Even marrying the man that shattered my heart.
Did I mention that I’m just two classes shy of a master’s degree in political science? People often dismiss me because, again, smart and pretty aren’t supposed to go together, but in truth, I was probably wildly more qualified for the job of queen than most of the snobby bitches that looked down on me. While they were learning how to sip tea and play piano, I was learning how governments work, and how wars happen, or get avoided. I knew how the game was played. Add in my ability to manipulate people, especially men, and it was time to get serious about that queen thing.
Though Liam and I found our way back to each other eventually, at the time, I was still furious with him, and my only focus was Drake, but I decided to stop fighting the engagement. If Liam wanted me to be queen, I’d be queen, and I’d use that power to help Drake. But I wasn’t by God doing it on Liam’s fucking terms. So, I set some events in motion that gave me leverage to amend the contract, and I made damn sure the new version protected Drake and Max.
Then I set out to get Drake out of the mess he was in because of me. I secured the best lawyer Cordonia had to offer and I made sure Liam pulled the correct strings behind the scenes. I campaigned on his behalf, I lined up character witnesses, I had a conversation with Tariq’s brother, I made sure Drake was exonerated, that was all me.  
Ironic that, later on, Drake would question if my love for him was real or if I only wanted him as a cog in my political power structure. Really fucking ironic considering the whole damn thing had been constructed for his benefit. He really is stupid sometimes.
And through all of that, after Liam had broken my heart in two, and when Drake was fighting against me, making it harder for me to help him, Max was there. Max was just always fucking there!
There was literally nothing I could say, nothing I could do that pushed him away. And trust me, I tried. I know that sounds horrible. Max is the sweetest, most genuine, most giving, loving person I know. But that’s what I had thought about Liam, and he’d broken my heart. So, I pushed Max away. I used him for sex, I used him for comfort, I used him as my fallback position. And he let me. But more than that, he offered nothing but support, he just kept being there, and it felt good when I was with him. I don’t just mean in a sexual way.
Slowly I started to realize that the chaos boiling inside me was somehow muted when he was there. And he was always there. He never failed me. He never disappointed me. He never left. He never hurt me, and he refused to let me push him away.
I once referred to him as my emotional support boyfriend and that isn’t far from the truth. Max balances me. He calms my rages and soothes my rough edges. The turbulent waters in my mind churn less when he’s around, the raging infernos in my heart cool in his presence. He tames me. He fucking tames me, and I don’t even know how or why. He does it just by existing. If I need Drake to anchor my body in this plane of existence, I need Max to keep my soul tethered to it. I’m certain, that without him, I would have spontaneously combusted a long time ago.
And only after I let myself fall in love not once more, but twice more, with both Drake and Max, only then did I realize that staying engaged to Liam, staying in his orbit, interacting with him on a regular basis had let him bury himself under my skin again. Burrow his way back into my heart.
Oh, who am I kidding? He never left. I tried so hard to push him out of my heart. I couldn’t.
Liam was the first man to love me properly. To show me what that meant, what that felt like and I think somewhere deep down inside, I knew it wasn’t over. That it would never, could never, be over. My heart recognized his, like they beat in the same rhythm or something. Somehow, I don’t think I would have been capable of loving anyone else, ever, if Liam hadn’t breached my protective walls in the first place. It’s like he possessed some kind of secret code. He was the one that broke my heart open and once I started to let myself actually feel, well, the rest is history. Literally.
How was I supposed to choose between them? I wanted, no I needed them all. I still do. I always will.
You might think it’s not possible to truly love more than one person at a time. You would be wrong. It’s not that I love less. My love is not somehow divided between them, it’s not a finite supply, dwindling with each person that holds a piece of it. I used to believe there was something wrong with me because conventional wisdom says there is. But if anything, what I’ve discovered is that I love more!
I have always felt things more deeply than others. I learned as a child that I couldn’t watch the news. Long after my mother had clicked the TV off and moved on with her life, I’d be crying in a corner over the story about the murdered child or car collision that took out a family of five. It’s why I had to shut those parts of myself off after my first heartbreak. I swear I feel everything so much more! Everything.  
I’ve always known that my sex drive in largely in overdrive, but once I had children, I discovered that so is my mothering instinct. I kept my babies attached to my body for the first three years of their lives, at least. It’s like all my feelings are intensified compared to normal people, and if I’ve ever loved someone in my life, that doesn’t go away for me.
I know I’m a lot. But the over-the-top reactions, the rages, the jealousy, the going to any lengths for those I love, it’s all part of the same basic malfunction. But despite outside appearances, despite judgements from people who think that only sexual fidelity equals real love, the upside to being with me is that I love deeply, fiercely, truly. I’m loyal in every way that matters. I would kill for someone I love. I sort of have.
So, like I said, I blame Liam. He was the codebreaker that opened up my heart in the first place, then left it vulnerable. Of course, my newly opened, bleeding, battered heart was going to fall for Max, who nurtured and shielded it. Of course, I was going to be drawn back to Drake who commanded my whole body to his side just by existing, who literally killed a man defending me. Of course, my fractured, trying to mend, longing for good feelings again heart was going to fall for him, from the moment I climbed on the back of his bike in Fydelia.
Where Max was the gentle healing and slow, steady pace that I needed in the immediate aftermath of heartbreak, Drake was electric jolt that I needed to get back to the business of living.
If it’s true that I would have never fallen for Max, or Drake, if Liam hadn’t cracked my heart open in the first place, it’s also true that I would have never been able to forgive and love Liam again if Max and Drake hadn’t patched up the shattered remains of said heart. They all played a part, and they all earned a place in my life. I fell in love with each of them, separately, differently, uniquely.
So no, I was not giving up any of them.
You would think the public would have noticed something, especially when three of our five children looked nothing like Liam but if anyone noticed, no one mentioned it.
I’m sure that’s partly because my enemies had a habit of bad luck befalling them. Tariq Lambros is dead, Fredrick Monsommer is dead, to name just two. Barthelemy Beaumont had once threatened to take my child from me. Taking the throne was secondary in my mind. No one threatens my children. No one. Barthelemy was the father of a man Liam and I both love dearly and deeply, and he still had an unfortunate accident, courtesy of Drake, before he could put his plan into action. At some point, people did learn that it wasn’t wise to cross me.
But the main reason, I think, is that once the Cordonian people got it into their heads that I had somehow helped Drake get away with murdering the slimy degenerate that had killed his sister, they decided that I could do no wrong. I may or may not have helped spur those rumors on. Add to that the incentives that I’ve spearheaded over the years that help the actual people and not just the nobility and I am above approach in their eyes. In short, I’m bulletproof. The public and the press fucking love me.
It’s not like any rumors could stick to me anyway. Not with the stellar legal representation I employ. Which brings me to Rashad.
He’s a shark, legally speaking. What Drake is to my physical safety, Rashad is to my legal safety. He’s what they mean when they say release the hounds. He’s that damn good at his job. The best. I would retain his legal services no matter what. But he’s more than that to me.
He’s an attractive man. Just ask the Cordonian Star, they’ve named him most eligible bachelor eight times. But the thing that makes him stand out, arguably the sexiest thing about him, is his superior intellect. We can sit up all night discussing politics, religion, law, technology, history, the topics are endless really. He keeps up with me mentally and that’s no easy feat. When I read about a new scientific advancement, he’s the first person I think of, the one I want to share it with. I save those discoveries for him, and our time together is an outpouring of thoughts and feelings we’ve both been keeping in reserve for each other. Our time together is always too short.
He is a stunningly beautiful man, but that alone wouldn’t have kept me coming back all this time. The deep friendship we’ve built over the years is something I truly cherish. I trust him. I respect him. I like him.
Do I love him? Yes, I suppose I do, a bit. There is a piece of my heart that’s his and his alone.
Maybe the exact whirlwind that occurred after the coronation was what was needed for things to happen the way they did. It was the perfect storm of heartbreak, tragedy, and self-discovery and only those that got sucked into the vortex were able to enter, to find a place in my heart. Because once everything calmed down, once Liam and I mended things, it was like a lock clicked in place. Everyone inside was in, and anyone outside, was out. The die was cast.
I’ve been with other people over the years, men and women alike, but never as anything more than casual sex and almost always in the context of one of my already established relationships. Be that Max and I playing around with a man we picked up at a nightclub or me bringing another woman along occasionally to play with Drake. But loving anyone else? Can’t imagine it. Not like that.
Hana, Leo, Liv, I love my friends, but you know, it’s not the same.
So, I don’t regret anything that happened, because it brought me all of them. And it brought Liam and Max together as well, which has been an unexpected and thrilling dynamic that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
Max has jokingly dubbed me the Teflon Queen, because nothing seems to stick to me. I have practically flaunted my relationships under the courts’ nose, one of my children looks exactly like Drake, one of them looks exactly like a Beaumont and no one says a word. My enemies have all come to bitter ends, but Drake has never been investigated for any allegations again. Having elevated him to head of the Queen’s Guard, everything he does is a matter of national security. I have made him untouchable. And the rumors that do swirl about his role in my life and his dedication to me, and Liam’s acceptance of it, encouragement of it even, only serve to strengthen and solidify my position.
Liam, Drake and I together are a dangerous force to be reckoned with. Undefeatable. With Max as the steadying, encouraging, comforting support behind us, the three of us are an unstoppable team, steam rolling over any and all obstacles. A powerful and formidable triumvirate, protecting each other and those we love, leading Cordonia into a better and brighter future.
It’s good to be queen.
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utilitycaster · 3 years
Wizard Breakdown Tracker, #136
Yet again we have had an episode covering a remarkably short span of time - perhaps our shortest yet, as honestly this might have covered under an hour, in-world. So once again I cannot really vamp about what most of the NPC wizards are doing, because honestly I am pretty sure Eadwulf might have just been doing push-ups the entire span of this episode. So our eyes turn, pun intended, to the man of the hour, the drow trapped on an emotional rollercoaster only partially of his own making, Shadowhand Essek Thelyss, and pretty much everyone else can wait. Probably for a couple of weeks since I suspect next week will similarly not cover much time.
As a reminder, Caleb Widogast is a PC, not an NPC, and is also, currently, a sheep.
Currently sidelined: Allura, Pumat, Trönt, Astrid, Eadwulf, Ludinus, Oremid, Known Gem Wizard Hotsauce Lutefisk (this is still funny to me and I have learned that the audience one must cater to is always one's self), and the body of Vess Derogna which to be perfectly honest was probably unceremoniously dumped somewhere in Aeor, which is going to make this either way more awkward, or way less. That said the Mighty Nein's next task is "deal with Ikithon" so it's not like they're going to avoid murdering Assembly members.
Essek Thelyss: I observed that there were four major themes among the tags in my activity from this past episode:
I want to punch Lucien so much
I want the wizards to kiss so much
ha! tiny Veth on a sheep! the water elemental has titties!
In my opinion there is too much going on
These are all very correct opinions to hold and Essek is currently, if I may understate the situation, experiencing the last one. And also probably some variation of the first two. Probably not the third.
Within this one hour, at most, span, which I should note immediately follows his discovery that the Aeorians were excellent at dunamancy and did not appear to give a shit about the Luxon in the bargain, he has learned that Caleb and Beau have some abilities based on those eyes; that the cranky immortal weasel that sits on Jester's shoulder is actually her shapeshifted archfey god; that time travel specifically tailored to do the exact thing he wants to do is not only real but also seems to require the combination of his own expertise and the expertise of his potential love interest who also wants time travel for the same reasons; that Jester is fully aware of his flirting, thinks it's great, and got an answer from Caleb that he (Essek) is not privy too specifically thanks to eyeball powers; and that there are still a whole bunch of monsters after them although they might have all killed each other. He has taken 36 points of psychic damage, has been carried by a flying Caduceus, has been grappled by a water elemental, is probably sopping wet, and now he is in the Astral Sea and what's more he's probably going to be at the front of the pack, because he is a high-level wizard and Caleb is a sheep with intelligence 2 for the moment, unless Tiny Veth decides to bonus action dash*.
This is a lot, and I think the sheer nonstop nature of all of this has punched through the cheerful nihilism I predicted last week, and I am fairly sure the main thing getting him through this is that first, tis a far far better thing, better than he has ever done; and also he was right about the Luxon.
Conclusion: 9/10. I was going to say this is just a countdown to when Essek can finally scream into Caleb's shoulder for an unspecified amount of time but actually Essek seems like the kind of person to lie face down on the floor, also for an unspecified amount of time. Either way it is going to be well-earned.
Yussa Errenis: Again, I find it enjoyable to think that a tiny part of Yussa that cannot communicate meaningfully with Jester's sending or do anything really does still exist within the insanity, watching from the inside and psychically face-palming, which is rich coming from Mr. What does THIS button do. Anyway I hope a tiny surge of hope has arrived, as the party finally enters the astral plane and can hopefully do something.
Conclusion: I already made my Cantorian infinity joke very early on and while I can't vamp about the Dwendalian wizards I can about that, namely, did anyone else read the Number Devil? I think it was originally written in German but I read the English translated edition, and it was about like, basic number theory, geared towards kids, and honestly it was great. Anyway my point here is that there's a chapter towards the end where they go to Number Heaven, where the Number Devils live (the cosmology of the dreamscape in which the Number Devil resides is not really made clear) and they meet Georg Cantor, and he is very strange in a "I thought about infinity WAY too much" way, and now I am imagining the Somnovem as being kind of like Georg Cantor in a children's book from the 1990s about math. Anyway. Yussa is still off the charts but maybe we're a little closer to rescuing him.
*because this is the internet and some people are insufferable I am acknowledging here for posterity both that out-of-combat Astral Plane movement per the DMG p. 17 is not strictly subject to the walking speed = 3 x INT score, and that Beau could also bonus action dash if she wanted to use her limited ki points in the worst possible way, but I am trying to make a very sophisticated joke here, namely hahaha wizard smart sheep stupid Veth tiny.
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shrinkyclinksfest · 3 years
That's a wrap!
Thank you all so much for another successful run of Shrinkyclinks Fest! Altogether the works add up to 150K words of new Shrinkyclinks content and six new artworks! We want to thank all our wonderful writers, artists, promoters, promoters, readers, and supporters. We will see you all next year!
Without further ado, the Masterlist:
Title: Nazi Punks Fuck Off [Shrinkyclinks AU] Creator: bleedxblack Medium (fic, art, podfic, etc.): digital art Rating: G Prompt #: 22 Warnings: N/A Summary: Local punk Steve Rogers goes to see his hardcore vocalist boyfriend, Bucky, perform with his band, Widow. Friend and guitarist Natasha took the first photo of them after the band had finished their set. Steve took the following photo himself while he watched his friends and lover play on stage.
Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33271081
Title: Steve has hot guy problems Creator: HeyBoy Medium (fic, art, podfic, etc.): digital art Rating: T Prompt #: 33 Warnings: N/A Summary: For the ShrinkyClinks Fest prompt: Meet-cute at the gym! Smol Steve is determined to work on his cardio and fitness. He reluctantly goes to the gym, feeling intimidated but ready to spit fire at anyone who so much as looks at him twice. He is going to get a good workout, damnit. Ignore the clunkheads. Ignore the gym rats. Ignore the super hot guy with long hair and stormy eyes who always seems to be using the equipment near Steve. That wasn't so bad! Now we can shower and go home. Wait, hot guy is also in the shower and… he's singing. WAIT hot guy just exited the shower and now he knows that I know he was singing!.
Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33271468
Title: asthma attacks, fire escapes, and chai Creator: beemotionpicture Medium: fic Rating: gen Wordcount: 6,657 Prompt #: 9 Warnings: none Summary: It happens because of his asthma of all things.
As soon as he feels short of breath he starts rooting through his messenger bag for his inhaler. Steve has a moment to think aha!and then fuck,before he’s losing his grip on the thing and it’s skidding across the pavement and into an alleyway.
He freezes when he realizes he’s not alone.
Steve hears a muffled sound coming from behind the dumpster, but that’s not what makes him look; no, it’s the metallic scent in the air which, with a creeping feeling of dread, he hopes isn’t blood. He looks. It’s blood.
And there’s a man sitting right in a puddle of it, leaning heavily against the brick wall and clutching his side with a metal hand.
How Steve finds an injured Bucky, nurses him back to health, and takes down a HYDRA agent while he’s at it. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33272239
Title: Highway Ghost Creator: Neonbat  Fic Rating: E Wordcount : 15820 Prompt #: 31 Warnings: Usual WS Bucky warnings Summary: Steve hated long drives, it was too easy to zone out, especially when you’re full of cook-out food and good times. Having someone fall out of nowhere right in front of his car wasn’t exactly something he’d ever consider a possibility. He had enough excitement already from his job as an ER Nurse. Except, where most people would have been laid out on the asphalt, the man dressed in black got up without a scratch and insisted medical care wasn’t needed. The fuck was his life?  Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33283738
Title: He "Accidently" Picked A Hot Roommate Creator: rufferto Medium: digital art Rating: G Prompt #: 48 Warnings: N/A Summary: Steve needs a roommate. He thinks he will never find one but then he meets Winter Soldier Bucky who needs a place to stay while he recovers. Steve offers him the room immediately and it turns out Bucky is a great roommate. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33279370
Title: special delivery Creator: @glim / glim Medium: fic Rating: Teen + Wordcount: ~6,000 words Prompt #: 30 Warnings: n/a Summary: Written for shrinkyclinksfest, Prompt #30: Steve Rogers has always been prone to sickness, but summer colds are the absolute worst. What he wants is a huge bowl of chicken noodle soup and some ice cream. What he gets is a food delivery guy who’s so built and hot Steve chokes on his tongue. That’s why he keeps ordering long after he’s recovered and how he finally gets Bucky Barnes into his apartment and his bed. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33343828
Title: When the Pool Closes Creator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy  Fic Rating: T Wordcount : 1858 Prompt #: 36 Warnings: N/A Summary: Steve just wants to enjoy a day out in the sun by himself. That’s not too much to ask. Except it is, apparently. With such fair skin, sunscreen is a must, and there’s no way he can reach his entire back. He’s just going to have to find someone to help him apply it, and if the guy is ripped… Well, it’s not Steve’s fault that he’s got good taste. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33341596
Title: To the Future and the Past Creator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy  Fic Rating: T Wordcount : 1465 Prompt #: 40 Warnings: Major character death Summary: Maybe a funeral isn’t the right time to admit to a gay love story, but Bucky doesn’t care. That’s what Steve wanted, and Bucky’s never been able to say no to the love of his life. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33358726
Title: A Shot Across The Bow Creator: Author: Becassine Artist: Call_me_kayyyyy  Art Rating: G Fic Rating: E Wordcount : 18382 Prompt #: 52 Warnings: Blood/Injury, Implied/Reference Abuse, Reference Slave Trade Summary: Bucky Barnes is a Pirate Captain, and one accustomed to getting his own way. When fate drops Steve Rogers in his path one lonely evening in Tortuga, his life is forever turned upside down. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33265450/chapters/82597747
Title: Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet Creator: Girl_Back_There Medium: Fic Rating: Mature Wordcount: 6214 Prompt #: 45 Warnings: Some Homophobic Language, Instances of Sexual Harassment against women Summary:Bucky doesn’t know how his mother managed to Jedi mind trick him into dropping off Becca at summer camp this year, but she somehow did it. Despite his grumpiness at the unreasonable hour in which he was wrenched from his nice and cozy bed, Bucky is glad for this time with his little sister. Becca spends their time talking about the activities she got to do last summer that she hopes will be back again this year, all of which was organized by Steve Rogers. After she came home from Camp Marvel last year, all Becca could talk about was Steve Rogers, one of the counselors for her team, The Howlies. Steve Rogers was an amazing artist. Steve Rogers participates in all of the competitions despite his asthma, scoliosis, heart arrhythmia, and various other medical issues. Steve Rogers totally drinks his respect women juice. Bucky would be worried about his sister may be developing a crush on this Steve guy, but after meeting him, Bucky is more preoccupied with the crush he's developing on Steve. So preoccupied in fact, he ends up signing on to be a camp counselor for the summer. Link to work:https://archiveofourown.org/works/33339220
Title:  The Way To A Man’s Heart Creator: Author: HaniTrash Artist: Kocuria_visuals  Art Rating: T Fic Rating: E Wordcount : 11852 Prompt #: 53 Warnings: N/A Summary: Steve Rogers, skinny Brooklynite, is a college student who makes old recipes and posts videos of them on tiktok. When Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier and Avenger, sees one, he's instantly hooked and becomes Steve's biggest fan. What follows next is a story of food, flirting, and a very unlikely pairing. But much like Steve’s unusual recipes, what shouldn’t work often does… Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33312223/chapters/82722664#workskin
Title: Maybe A Muse Creator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Medium (fic, art, podfic, etc.): fic Rating: M Wordcount: 2871 Prompt #: 28 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary:  When Bucky Barnes needs extra money, he’s appalled that his best friends think he should become a model for the art department on campus. Shy, nerdy, and socially awkward, he’s not sure that’s something he feels comfortable doing. Still, he needs money, and he likes the idea of becoming someone’s muse. The problem is he had no idea two things would happen. First, one of the students in the class is exactly his type; second, he has to model nude. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33393928
Title: Be My Breath Creator: Goosenik and clarkestetler Medium: Fic Rating: Teen and Up Wordcount: 44,575 Prompt #: 48 Warnings: N/A Summary: For the Shrinkyclinks Fest 2021 prompt: Steve needs a roommate. He thinks he will never find one but then he meets Winter Soldier Bucky who needs a place to stay while he recovers. Steve offers him the room immediately and it turns out Bucky is a great roommate.
Basically: Bucky moves in with Steve after he escapes from Hydra, and Steve begins the long process of helping Bucky remember how to be human again. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33275848/chapters/82626394
Title: Tap-Tap Into Your Heart Creator: huntress79​ Medium: Fic Rating: T Wordcount: 5k Prompt #: 6 Warnings: none, except for one blink-and-you’ll-miss-it mention of animal death  Summary: When HYDRA finally fell, the Soldier was lost, in more than one meaning. And for the next several months, he, more or less, drifted from one former safehouse to the other, always avoiding to stay too long in one place. Until he comes to Brooklyn - and finds a new purpose, again in more than one meaning… Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33416524
Title: I'd be selfish but never with you Creator: Lacunalady on Ao3 Medium: Fic Rating: E Wordcount: 20k Prompt #: 32 Warnings: No archive warnings apply Summary: Prompted with: "Arranged marriage AU. Steve is a prince and Bucky is a newly crowned king of the neighboring country having conquered/overtaken the last ruler. In order to keep the peace between their countries, Steve's father decides for them to wed. Steve is reluctant for several reasons but mainly because he wants to marry for love and the fact that Bucky has a reputation for being exceedingly ruthless in battle (aka the winter solider)" by Bangyababy on Tumblr! Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33424936
Title: Just Peachy Creator: Erosanderis Fic Rating: N/A Wordcount : 1266 Prompt #: 34 Warnings: N/A Summary: Steve Rogers was not looking forward to meeting his soulmate. Ever since the day he was born, he had the worst possible words on his forearm. So of course he would meet them at work. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33412060
Title: Knocking Boots with Sugar Creator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy  Fic Rating: E Wordcount : 4095 Prompt #: 29 Warnings: N/A Summary: In between summers at college, Steve Rogers wants a new adventure beyond his lonely life in Brooklyn. He ends up in West Texas working on a dude ranch where Bucky Barnes is a long-time employee. When Bucky offers to buy Steve a drink, they end up drunk on tequila and making out in public. For the rest of the summer, they're inseparable. As the summer draws to a close, Steve realizes he doesn't want to leave. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33499603
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softly-potter · 2 years
Summary: Bucky's always had a soft spot for the girl down the road.
Pairing: 40′s Bucky Barnes X OC
Word Count: 3074
Warning: Angst
A/N: Anyone remember when Steve and Bucky talked about a girl named Dot that Bucky was flirting with in CW? Well I took that little conversation and ran XD Also, just for this story, Heinz Kruger is the Hydra Agent that Steve Rogers ran down in the 40's who committed suicide via cynide pill. This does not happen for the sake of this story, and Heinz Kruger is alive.Thanks, and enjoy :)
Find Chapter Two Here // Epilogue
Chapter One
Sleep had become nearly impossible after shipping back home. Flipping onto his stomach, Bucky let out a huff, crowding his arms beneath his head.
It's not like he wasn’t used to it, because he was; sleepless nights was just something that happened to you after shooting a gun and watching bodies drop so many times. It hasn’t even been eight years and his ears are already starting to ring, along with his knee joints beginning to ache.
He should be quiet. Finish his tour, then come back and settle down, take care of Steve. Be with Dolores.
Dolores Nightingale.
He grins into his pillow, unable to help the smile that she evokes from him every time she comes to mind. Between her bowtie lips and bouncy auburn curls, she was a right dime. If there was ever a time he thought about quitting, she was always at the end of the list, the bittersweet realization that if it weren’t for the war, they’d probably be married by now. Her father ran a tight ship, her mother even worse. Bucky supposedly owning his own gun manufacturing business had its perks, but it kept her father busy, leaving her mother to raise the family, and Mrs. Nightingale took her role very seriously.
Shifting to his side, Bucky stares at the wall, contemplating. He could call her, echo her nickname, Dot, into the phone, and grin as she laughed at the title. It’d been a while since he’d heard her voice, that sparkly little laugh that made his heart rush. Bucky had been back less than 36 hours, and Dolores was one of those girls that knew not to crowd. She understood the stress he was under and didn't blame him for his lack of communication.
They weren’t dating, weren’t bows. He couldn’t provide that for her while being shipped off, they both knew it, so they’d decided they’d be friends for now. Friends that did unfriendly things in the back of his mustang but they never labeled it. Not until the war was over.
With a sigh, Bucky sits up gingerly, arching so that his back stretches and pops lightly before swinging his legs off the side of his mattress. Beneath his feet, the floor is warm, slightly sticky, and his eyes flutter shut as he inhales slowly.
Dolores was a dime, and he missed her terribly.
Knowing fully well he’d be back way later than he should be, he scribbled a note, sticking it on the front of his door so that a bleary-eyed Steve would know to let himself in the next morning. The boys had decided to get waffles at the diner down the road, but Steve would understand Bucky's late timing. He always did.
Swinging on his jacket, Bucky shoves his feet into his unlaced shoes, bending down to tie them. Keys in hand, he locks the door, taking the apartment steps two at a time before he’s out in the damp Brooklyn air. He’s grinning ear to ear as he begins his walk, looking up and down at the familiar street and signs that he hadn’t seen in over a year.
Growing up, Bucky and Steve had always complained about the city being too loud, too dirty, too busy. Now as the car lights go whizzing by him and the smell of cigarettes fills his nose, Bucky has never been so grateful. He’d been homesick without even realizing it, and as he looked up into the night sky, he gave a quick thanks to whoever was listening for bringing him home.
Dot kept her window open, and if one climbed the fire escape, it was easy enough to slink in and out of. Maneuvering past that well-worn brick and trash cans, Bucky silently lowered the ladder, hoping it didn’t squeak as he gripped the edges. Moving slowly, he climbed the rings, careful to move over the one that was loose and might snap under his weight. Landing lightly, he takes a shaky inhale.
He hadn’t seen her in months. A part of him feared she wanted nothing to do with him; she wasn’t his girl. Dolores was beautiful, funny. It's not impossible for her to have moved on in his absence, as she didn’t owe him anything.
“I knew you were back.”
Smiling at him through the flimsy glass, Dot blinks in the moonlight. Her hair was loose, curls draped over her shoulders, the slope of her neck disappearing into her cotton pajamas.
She hadn’t changed a bit.
Together, they eased the window up, careful that it didn’t slam against the panels lest it wake her ma up.
“Hey there, handsome.”
Dolores reaches forward before pressing her hand lightly against his chest, fingers spread wide over his heart. It reminds him of pillows, the comfort they provide, and he grips her wrist gently, motioning for her to take a step back. When she moves, he swings one leg into her room, balancing lightly so as to not make any noise before standing upright.
She’s in his arms immediately, hands wracking into his hair as she presses herself to him, hugging him tightly. He can smell the daisies in her hair, and he grins into her shoulder as he loops his arms around her waist.
“I prayed for you,” she whispered into his neck, her lips brushing over his skin so lightly it made him shiver. “I'm not a praying kind of girl, but oh my God, did I pray for you to come home.”
He presses a kiss to her skin, revealing that he can, digging his fingers into the backs of her hips. She’s quiet against him, pressing soft, comforting kisses along his neck and the edge of his jaw before pulling him to sit at the edge of her bed, tucking her legs beneath her. Her hold is strong on him, fingers curled in collar, and he knows it's because she’s telling herself he’s real.
Dropping his hands from around her waist, Bucky traces the muscles of her calves and thighs, dipping his fingers just below the length of her shorts. She tips her head back, lips searching for him in the semi-darkness. Cupping her neck, Bucky presses his thumb against the line of her jaw so he can kiss her properly, and she hums against him, leaning into his touch.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” she murmurs, her mouth a fraction away from his. Bucky shakes his head slowly, exhaling slowly. Dot nodded knowingly, cupping his face between her palms, fingers stretching behind his ears. “It’s okay, Buck. It's okay. You’re back. You made it.”
Her lips are like honey on his tongue, warm and sweet when she finally kisses him. Looping her arms around his neck, Dot nearly sighs with relief. Bucky pulls her closer, settling her on his lap as her thighs fall on either side of his legs as she straddles him. Her tongue pokes out gently, swiping at his lower lip and he opens his mouth, eager to let her in, to taste her again. It had been too long.
“What are you doing here so late?” she whispers, before kissing him again.
He waits until he’s through with kissing her before he answers. “I couldn't sleep. Had you on my mind.”
She rolls her eyes but he can feel her smile. “You need rest, Buck. You don’t sleep enough.”
He chuckles and pulls her closer. “I sleep just fine. Is your ma just as strict?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
It's Bucky's turn to roll his eyes. He kisses the corner of her mouth, his heart lightening as she smiles from the contact. “Lie, then. Come over tomorrow, tell her you're at Elaine’s.”
“I'm not friends with Elaine anymore.”
“Then use another one of your hundreds of friends, say you're going to spend the night with your girls and come stay with me.” Bucky sighs, tracing his hands up her sides, reveling in her softness. Dot tucks his hair behind his ear, her eyes bouncing all over his face. He gives her a look. “What? I got coal on my face or something?”
“Hush now,” she whispers, eyes wide in the moonlight that comes in from her window. “I'm trying to get a good look at you, see if you're as handsome as I remember.”
Bucky barks out a laugh and Dot shushes him. “You trying to be chased down the street with a frying pan?”
They spend the evening curled up in her twin-sized bed, fingers laced together as they whisper to one another. Dot traces the new scratches and bruises that litter his arms and chest, and Bucky kisses the place between her brows every time she frowns when she finds one.
“You still dancin’?” he asks as they lay on their sides, legs tangled. Their hands are raised between them, fingers intertwined as the desire pumps between them. She won’t sleep with him, not while her ma’s just down the hall, but he doesn’t mind. She’s worth every wait, every sneaking opportunity.
Dot lets out an irritated groan. “No. I stopped a few months ago. These girls are something else, something vicious. I doubt I'd make company anyways.”
“Not true. You’ve got a gift Dot, ya gotta use it,” Bucky counters, swiping his thumb over her palm.
Dot shifts, grinning at the nickname but her mind is still elsewhere. “Why would I wanna dance if you aren’t there to watch me?”
Bucky’s glad she’s looking away. His face is an open book, and he knows his guilt is written all over his features. “I will be there one day.”
She glances at him, before smiling gently. Leaning forward, Dot cups the side of his face. “I know it.”
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
“All you have to do is ask” Chapter 5 - [Reid x Reader]
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Summary: The team has a case that takes them to Illinois. Our favorite boy wonder gets jealous and challenges Reader. So, she decides to show him who is really in charge.
Pairing: Spencer Reid / (Female Reader)
Word Count: 5.7k for Chapter 5
Content Warning: Here we go. The team has a case, so talk about m*rder, the usual criminal minds stuff. Jealousy. BDSM. Femdom. Degradation. Slapping. Spitting. Face sitting. Face fucking. Vaginal fingering. And I think that’s it.
A/n: In celebration of my 1 week of writing again, and all the lovely support I’ve gotten, I’m giving you chapter 5 a day early. Chapter 6 is still scheduled for Saturday. (Mostly because I haven’t written it all yet.) Chapter 5 is my favorite so far. I hope you love it as much as I do...because things only escalate in chapter 6. 😇 Some names on my tag list still aren’t working. I’m sorry! 
y/n = your name. y/l/n = your last name. italicized text are Reader’s thoughts.
-- Chapter 5: “Are you jealous, Doctor?” –
I don’t resent my job, I repeated mentally for the thousandth time. I don’t resent my job. I am not upset. I am happy to be here to help people in need. I didn't even sound very convincing in my own mind. I had known it was too good to be true. I finally had Dr. Reid right where I wanted him…when both of our phones chimed with the same text message. "Avengers, ASSEMBLE.” But it’s fine that we’re sitting on the jet at 10 pm headed to the Midwest. Keep telling yourself that, y/n. Serial killers were such cock blocks.
The ding from the computer on the small table signaled Garcia's digital arrival. "Hello, my loves!" Her sunshine personality would not be dampened by our sleepy grumbles. Or sexually frustrated grumbles, in my case; and from the way Dr. Reid kept sneaking glances at me, I suspected his too.
“What do we know so far?” Hotch asked, cutting right to business. If he was tired, he certainly didn't show it. I'm still not even sure if he's human.  
“The Illinois state police say that our 5th victim is named Sarah Gossman. She was a 32-year-old middle school teacher. Reported missing by her husband, Ralph, two days ago. Locals didn’t realize she was connected to the other victims until her body was found 2 hours ago.”
Hotch nodded, scanning the open file in front of him. “How were they able to connect them, Penelope?” David Rossi, the grandfather of the BAU questioned.
Garcia cringed. “They found the same wound on her shoulder blade. A square of her skin was missing.”
“It’s an interesting signature,” Spencer interjected. “The edges look jagged. Almost like the blade was serrated.”
“That’s what the M.E.’s thought too.”
“Babygirl, do they know if it’s the same knife that was used in the other murders?”
For a moment all that was heard was the clicking of her keys. “That is the suspicion, my beautiful chocolate sculpture of perfection.” I snorted at that one; every once in a while, their flirting quips got me. “They need the knife to be sure.”
"Thanks, Garcia," Hotch said before ending the video call. “Alright, if this unsub holds to pattern, he is going to take his next victim before 10 am tomorrow morning.”
“We might not be able to stop it,” Prentiss said. “But we can get her back. He keeps them for at least 36 hours.”
Hotch nodded. “Get some sleep if you can; it’s gonna be a long night.”
I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder; my fear evaporating when I turned and saw it was just JJ. “Hey,” she said softly. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” I said with a yawn that I couldn’t muffle. “I just feel like I’m stuck in a swamp, you know?” She nodded. “How he’s choosing them will be how we find him. How we find her.”
True to pattern, the unsub took his next victim the following morning after the body of Sarah Gossman was found. Alicia Sheldon, 31, was reported missing by her mother just after 10 am this morning. We had no proof that she was with our unsub outside of the profile, but we all knew that the clock was ticking if we wanted to bring her home alive.  
JJ nodded, reading over my shoulder. “Narrowing down when can help too. Any luck?”
“Not really,” I sighed, closing my eyes. “I don’t think he does it at night, though. Garcia was able to see the activity for Alicia’s phone before she was taken. She replied to a text message at 4:45 am this morning.”
“Jesus Christ, that’s early.”
“What’s early?” Emily Prentiss asked as she walked into the conference room, Derek following after her.
“4:45 am is early,” I supplied. “Alicia replied to a text at that time.”
"Do we know if it was her?" That voice came from someone I hadn't laid eyes on yet. He must have followed Derek and Prentiss in. Dr. Reid was staring at me intently, his shirt wrinkled, glassed perched on the bridge of his nose. Even like this, he was so pretty it almost hurt to look at him. “Could the unsub have answered the text message to throw off suspicion?”
“I don’t think so, Doc.” I pointed at the evidence board where her most recent text messages and emails had been printed and tacked up. “Her text seemed personal. Not too much detail. It was sent to her best friend; unless the unsub was stalking her, there isn’t a way he would know that.”
Spencer nodded, walking around the table until he came to rest in front of the board. “Why would she be up so early…” His posture stiffened. What do you have, baby? What do you see? He turned and hit the phone that was in the center of the table.
“Speak and be heard.”
“Garcia, can we determine what time the last digital activity any of the women had was? We need to determine if they were all taken in the early morning hours.”
Morgan commented, “What are you thinking, Kid?”
Spencer didn’t answer, Garica spoke first. “Victim one and three are a no go; but victims 2 and 4 both had some digital dealings before 5 am the days they were reported missing, but they were all still at home according to the GPS on their phones.”
"Again, I say, Jesus, that's early."
I nodded at JJ. “Right. Who wakes up that early?”
“Someone with a strict routine,” Spencer said, his eyes never straying from the paper in front of him. “Garcia, did all of the victims have gym memberships?”
“Yeah, but to different gyms.”
Reid looked like he had just won the lottery. “What if all the women were on their way to the gym when he grabbed them? They all look athletic but have hectic schedules; it might be the only time they can fit it in. It’s still dark, but it’s technically morning. The women might feel safer. We didn't connect it right away because victims 2, 3, and 4 lived alone, no one knew their routines. He lies in wait and then grabs them, stuffing them into their own cars and driving off.” He was speaking rapidly at this point. “That could be why no one has found their cars yet. He has them.”
“Oh shit,” I muttered. “We need to see if the gyms have outside cameras.”
“Already on it, crimefighters.”
The unsub had left his car in parking lots adjacent to the gyms where the women were abducted for almost 2 days each time.
He thought he was smart; Spencer Reid was smarter.
“Hey,” a voice called from behind me. I turned to come face to face with a local deputy. He was a bit taller than me, stocky build, blonde hair that was cropped close to his scalp. “Good work out there today, Agent.”
“Thanks. You too, Deputy.” I turned, continuing to pack up my files. I was ready to go to the hotel and get some fucking sleep. Our jet was set to head out at 8 am the following morning. I’d gotten some sleep Saturday night; the team had gone back to the hotel in shifts while we continued searching for the unsub. But now it was Sunday afternoon and the exhaustion was starting to wear on me.
He cleared his throat, wanting my full attention again. “I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go for a drink?” Oh no.
I smiled at him, trying to be polite. “Oh, thanks for the offer but I’m really tired and we fly out early tomorrow.”
Deputy Douche didn’t like that one bit. He stepped forward, placing a hand on my upper arm. “Well, it doesn’t have to be a drink,” his smirk made my lips want to curl up in a snarl. “I can meet you back at your hotel and we can break in that bed together.”
Oh gross. I jerked my arm out of his grip. “No, thanks.” I turned my back to him.
He looked miffed but had the sense to not make a grab for me again. I felt his fingers brush over the end of my hair as he leaned in. “Let me know if you change your mind,” he whispered. He slid a piece of paper on the desk before he turned and finally left me alone.
Gross. I threw the paper in the trash.
My attention was so focused on finishing up so I could escape before Deputy Douche came back that I didn’t notice Spencer watching me from across the precinct with a deep frown on his pretty face.
I was unbuttoning my shirt when I heard a firm knock on my hotel room door. “Come the fuck on,” I whined. Leaving the two buttons undone I went to the door, expecting to see Hotch, given how sharp that knock was. It wasn’t Hotch. It was my boy looking angrier than I’d ever seen him.
He shoved through the doorway, making his way into my room. Luckily, we all had separate rooms this time. “Well, come on in,” I muttered before I shut the door.
Spencer was fuming. “What the fuck was that?”
I blinked. “What the fuck was what?”
His hands balled into fists at his side. “At the police station. With that Deputy.”
Maybe it was how tired I was, but none of this was clicking. “Deputy Douche? You saw that?”
“Yeah, I fucking saw that,” he scoffed. “I saw him touching you. Flirting with you.”
“Right.” Right?
Wrong, apparently, because that did nothing to dampen his anger. “Why did you let him touch you?”
It clicked then, right at that exact moment I saw what was beneath his anger.  “Spencer…are you jealous?" I knew it wasn't the best idea to laugh but I really couldn't help it. The idea was so ludicrous to me. Morgan didn't call Spencer 'Pretty Boy' for no reason. On top of being one of the most brilliant people in the world, he was also the most gorgeous person I had ever seen. His bone structure alone was enough to make most women do a double-take. The thought that I would choose to spend my evening with the Deputy…over Dr. Spencer Reid? Yeah, no.
His cheeks burned pink, but he held his ground. “You said we were monogamous.”
Oh, hold up. I barked out a laugh. “No,” I corrected. “I said we could talk about monogamy in our dynamic if you wanted to continue." I felt my anger rise so quickly. "You have a fucking eidetic memory, baby. You know what I said.” Plus, I can’t control who flirts with me, dickbag, I thought, choosing not to say it out loud.
His anger matched mine. “I thought it was understood!”
“Nothing is understood until we talk about it, Doc.”
“Don’t call me that, not right now.”
Bad move, baby. “Oh, so you think you give the orders, Doc?” I made sure to put a lot of emphasis on the last letter in an attempt to rile him up further.
It worked because no sooner had the words left my mouth than his body slammed into mine. His mouth sealed over my lips in an angry kiss, his tongue demanding entry to my mouth, his hands tangled in my hair, holding me to him.
I was so lost for a moment; I hadn’t felt this in so long. For years my relationships were in perfect control, nothing unexpected. Who knew Dr. Reid would be the one that broke that pattern?
I hope you’re ready for this. My right hand grabbed the hair at the back of his head, tugging hard. His mouth broke away from mine with a yelp, but my left hand came up to hold his face, forcing his lips to pucker. “What do you think you’re doing?”
He looked scared for just a moment. Come on, baby. You can do it. Enlightenment washed over his face as he whimpered out, “I’m sorry.”
I tugged his hair again, only this time he moaned softly at the sensation. “You’re sorry what?”
“I-I’m sorry, Miss.” He licked his lips, looking more unsure than scared now.
Despite how fast my heart was beating, and how blown his pupils were, I couldn’t move forward until he understood. Spencer needed to understand the rules of a situation to feel comfortable. “We don’t have to do this, baby,” my voice was a whisper; somehow my serious tone didn’t manage to break the tension that hung around us.
“I want to,” his voice was hushed, urgent. “I trust you, y/n. And I feel so…I don’t know what this feeling is.”
I rubbed my thumb over his cheek, brushing over his bottom lip. “I know, sweet boy. I’ve got you.” I pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Green, yellow, and red,” I said knowing he’d understand what I meant. “There’s no shame here, pretty boy. I will not be upset with you if you need to use a safe word. It doesn’t mean our relationship ends, just this scene.” He nodded quickly. “I need your words, baby.”
“Yes Miss,” his voice was breathy, but his eyes were steady.
I smirked at him. “Good boy.” My hand tightened in his hair. “You’ll be a good boy for me, won’t you Dr. Reid?”
“Y-yes Miss.” I had guessed that the honorific would be a turn on for him, and judging by the whimper that followed his words, it looks like I was right.
“Take your clothes off and lay down in the center of the bed,” I released him, backing away to put as much space between us as I could. “Wait for me. You���re not allowed to touch yourself.” Honey brown eyes met mine, he wasn’t confused anymore. All that I saw reflecting in those eyes was desire.
I walked around him, never turning to look at him, and I headed into the bathroom. I finished taking off my shirt. I ran a brush through my hair. I did any tiny little task I could think of; I wanted him to wait.
The thing about BDSM dynamics that most people don’t understand is that no relationship is the same. The punishments that made one submissive tremble wouldn’t be effective on another. Anticipation would make Spencer squirm; I was sure of it. I had given Dr. Reid a lot of thought since our first conversation. I needed to understand what desires drove him if I was going to be able to bring him to the heights I wanted to.
Looking in the mirror, I puffed out a big breath. Truth be told, part of me being in the bathroom was to build anticipation for Spencer…but, part of it was because I was afraid. Even before tonight I had decided that my nervous boy deserved more than I gave the average sub. I cared about all my submissives to a point but, Dr. Spencer Reid was different. Maybe it’s because he had already held my life in his hands for almost a year; that made it easier…hell, it made it possible to trust him with this.
Squaring my shoulders, I turned and walked out of the bathroom. The main room was lit only by a lamp on the bedside table, covering our little world in a soft glow. I stalked slowly towards the bed, my eyes dragging up, up, up, until I saw him. He had followed my directions; I realized this was the first time I had ever seen him completely naked. He was beautiful, so beautiful. He wasn’t as scrawny as he looked to be with his clothes on. His body was covered in lean, toned muscles. He had no hair on his chest, giving him a slightly delicate appearance in my eyes; I wanted to mark that chest with scratches from my nails and bruises from my mouth. His cock laid against his thigh, half hard already. Like the good boy, I knew him to be, his arms were at his side, hands balled into tight fists.
I reached for the button of my pants, undoing them slowly, my eyes never left Spencer’s. Once my pants were off, leaving me in just my bra and panties, I placed a knee on the bed. I was careful not to touch him while I crawled up the bed to kneel beside him. Spencer's eyes bounced all over my body, his hands clenched and relaxing. My boy didn’t know what was to come and waiting for it was agonizing.
I reached out my hand to him, allowing my fingers to barely brush his arm. I trailed them up then down again and again. “Tell me why you came here tonight,” his eyes searched my face, still looking so vulnerable. “Why did you come to my door, Spencer?”
He licked his lips. “I-I was mad.”
My touch became firmer, a sort of reward for his honesty. I let my fingers wander up to his collarbone, over his chest. "Why were you mad, Dr. Reid?"
The whimper that slipped from his lips when I called him Dr. Reid was music to my ears. His hips were shifting on the bed, he was fully hard now.
“Because he touched you.”
I moved to swing my leg over his body, straddling his abdomen, careful not to touch his cock, not yet. “And why were you mad that he touched me?” I whispered.
“He can’t touch you,” his voice was breathy but firm. “You’re mine.”
He looked startled when my open palm connected with his cheek. It wasn’t as hard as I wanted; I was still unsure. “No, Dr. Reid. I’m not yours. You are mine.” I leaned over him, my arms going to either side of his head to cage him in. “Do you understand?”
In the way that Spencer knew everything, he knew what I was really asking. His voice was no more than a whisper. “Green.”
I offered him a small smile. Then I lifted my hand to grab on to his face again. “I asked you if you understand, Dr. Reid?”
Spencer nodded quickly. “Yes Miss, I understand.”
I released his face before moving off the bed again. “You’ve been a very naughty boy, Spencer.” I gave him a frown as my hands reached behind my back to undo my bra, letting it slide down my arms. Spencer licked his lips, his fists becoming tighter. “I’m very disappointed in you, baby.”
“I-I’m sorry, Miss.” His voice was dry as he stumbled over his words.
"Are you, Dr. Reid?" I asked as my thumbs hooked into the waistband of my panties. "Are you really sorry?" Wiggling them down my hips, I let them drop to the floor before I stepped out of them.
“Yes. Yes, Miss. I’m so sorry.”
I crawled onto the bed, sitting back with my legs underneath me, letting my hands run up and down the skin of my thigh. “They’re pretty words, Dr. Reid, but I don’t know if I believe you.” I tilted my head to the side, bringing both my hands to my stomach, inching them up to my breasts. I let out a moan when I finally reach my destination, massaging my breasts, twisting my nipples while Spencer watched. I heard him whimper, causing a smile to tug at my lips. You’re doing so well, baby. I raised my body up so I was on my knees; I spread my thighs slightly, letting one of my hands drop to the apex of my thighs. Spencer watched so closely I’m not sure he even blinked when I dipped one finger inside the place that ached for him. I moved my finger in and out, biting my lip while I watched him.
After a moment I removed my finger, surprising him by bringing it to his mouth. “Open.” He obeyed instantly, his cheeks hollowing out as he sucked on my finger. “I wonder what else I could make you suck on.” I withdrew my finger from his mouth, bringing it back to my pussy. “How are you going to prove that you’re sorry, Dr. Reid? What are you going to do for me?”
His voice was filled with longing and hunger. “Anything, miss, I’ll do anything.”
I smirked, moving closer to him. Bracing my hands on either side of his body, I swung my leg over his torso, keeping on my knees so I didn’t touch him. Not yet. “Anything, huh?” He nodded quickly; his eyes fixed on my pussy.
I moved one hand to the headboard, the other moved to touch those beautiful curls of his, pulling hard enough to get another moan from him. “If you really want to apologize, Dr. Reid, maybe you can put that pretty little mouth of yours to better use?” I applied a tiny bit of pressure to his head.
He looked confused for a second, his eyes were wide in surprise like he couldn't believe what I was asking him to do. He probably can’t, I thought.
“What’s the matter, baby?” I teased. “Do you not want me to put my pussy on your face? You don’t want me to fuck your tongue?”
“No, no!” He whispered hurriedly. “I want that more than anything Miss.”
“Good boy.” I think he felt the significance of this moment too. “I’ll forgive you if you can make me cum before I get bored of you," I smirked down at him. “What do you think about that Dr. Reid? Can you make me cum all over your pretty little face?”
“Yes, Miss.”
“Open your mouth.” I leaned over, putting my mouth closer to his, making it clear what I was going to do before I spit into his mouth. “Swallow it.” He swallowed obediently without any hesitation. Noted.
“Okay, Dr. Reid. I’ll take that apology now.”
He moved so fast. His hands hooked on the backs of my thighs, pulling me up his body while also pushing himself down the bed. My pussy was hovering over his mouth, he licked his lips, his fingers flexing on my thighs. He looked so desperate for me…but still so unsure. “Go ahead, baby,” I whisper, pulling on his hair hard enough to make him whimper.
With that, he gripped my hips and pulled me to his mouth. I felt his tongue move through my folds, gathering the wetness that pooled there. He moaned so loudly, pulling my hips down further, bringing my pussy closer to his face.
It had been so long since I’d felt this. I hadn’t let anyone touch me like this in years; it was so much better than I remembered, but that may have just been because it was Spencer doing it.
“Ugh,” I moan, starting to rock my hips. “Fuck, baby.” I pulled his hair, tugging hard enough that I knew it hurt. “I’m already getting bored, Dr. Reid, and you just started. You can do better than that.”
I wasn’t ready, not even a bit, for his lips locking around my clit. He flicked it with his tongue, then circled it, trying to find the method that made me groan and grind my pussy down on his mouth.
“That’s more like it, Dr. Reid,” I said, earning another moan from him. “I knew there had to be a better use for this smart mouth." My hips started rocking faster, his fingers were digging into my flesh. "What would the team say if they knew about what a dirty boy you are, Dr. Reid?" His tongue sped up, causing me to shudder. I bit my lip so hard I felt real pain. I didn’t want him to hear me moan; he hadn’t earned it yet. “What would they say if they heard Dr. Reid beg me to fuck his face? You’re always such a good boy, baby. But you’re not the good boy they think you are. You’re my good boy.”
My hips were moving more rapidly; Spencer hadn’t slowed his pace at all, almost like he could feel how close I was. What I had planned would be hard for me…but I knew it would be torture for him. After a few moments, when I felt my pussy spasm with the telltale signs of my impending orgasm, I gripped his hands and pulled them from me while I lifted my hips.
His mouth was red, wet, and his lips were swollen. His face morphed from one of bliss to one of confusion. “Wha-“
I moved away from him. “That was really the best you could do, Dr. Reid?” He bit into his lip, he looked almost embarrassed as his eyes moving down to my pussy.
“Please, Miss,” he begged. “Please let me finish. You taste so good. You were so close, I felt it.”
I chuckled, “Oh you felt it, huh?” I reached between my thighs, gathering some of my wetness, then moved that same hand to grip Spencer’s cock. At that first touch he let out a strangled sound that was almost a scream; my poor boy is so sensitive. I gave him a few pumps before I removed my hand.
“Miss, please.”
“You didn’t make me cum, Dr. Reid,” I said sweetly. “What makes you think you’ve earned my touch?” I moved my fingers back to my clit, rubbing slow circles, still so, so close. “Touch yourself.” He obeyed immediately, his eyes never leaving my fingers that were swirling around the place his mouth had just been. “I want you to touch yourself like you do when you’re at home in bed, Dr. Reid. Back when you still felt so guilty, but you just couldn’t help it…because I know you thought about me when you touched yourself long before Nebraska.”
His eyes shot up to meet mine; it was hard to tell if his flushed face got a little pinker in the dim light of the room. “You don’t need to deny it, baby.” My fingers started working faster. “I know. I’ve always known. So, I want you to touch yourself like you did back then. You can do that for me, right baby?”
Hand moving faster and faster now, he gave me another beautiful whimper, “yes Miss.”
“Good boy,” my finger’s slowed. “I said you could touch yourself. I never said you could cum. Stop, Spencer.” I could tell from his breathing that he was so close to the edge. “I said stop.” I reached out to grip his arm tightly, digging my nails into his skin.
Once he had released his cock, I took in his appearance. His stomach muscles kept tensing, his cock was leaking precum steadily now, his dick was an angry red, his teeth were digging into his bottom lip, and I could see the tears of frustration swimming in his eyes.
“Aw, baby,” I cooed, leaning over to put my body above his again; I caressed his cheek softly. “What’s wrong?”
"I-I" the chatterbox that was Dr. Spencer Reid was finally speechless.
I lifted my hand off of his face only to bring it back down in a sharp slap. “I asked you a question, Dr. Reid.”
I saw the desperation in his eyes. I know baby, I know. We’re almost there.
“Please, miss,” his words were so quiet. “I can’t take this anymore. I’m sorry. I’m yours.”
He deserved the world. This wonderful man deserved the entire world. “I believe you, Dr. Reid.” I leaned over him then, sealing my lips over his, my tongue stroking into his mouth softly. I felt his hands rise up towards my body only to stop just before they made contact.
He made my heart swell. I pulled my mouth away, looking down at him with an emotion I didn’t want to name shining from my eyes. “You’ve been such a good boy, baby.” I pushed the damp curls off of his forehead. “Such a good boy. I think you deserve something special.” I rose up on my knees, straddling his body again, my hand moving down to my pussy to spread myself open for his eyes. “What would you like more? Do you want me to put my pussy on your pretty face again? I’ll let you cum while you make me cum. I know how badly you need to taste me, Dr. Reid.” I bit my lip at how quickly he nodded his head. “Or, I can let you fuck my mouth. Hold onto my hair and fuck your pretty cock down my throat. Then I’ll let you watch me cum after.” I left a kiss on the tip of his nose.
Dr. Spencer Reid usually made decisions quickly; his mind worked so much quicker than everyone else, but he was struggling here. His eyes met mine, he looked so desperate and lost in a sea of his own desire.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you, baby.” I moved down his body then, trailing kisses down his stomach. I gripped his cock hard in my hand, causing him to moan so loudly I’m sure someone in the neighboring rooms heard him. “Fuck my face, Dr. Reid. I want to watch you come undone.”
Needing no further encouragement, his hands tangled in my hair, tugging the strands so hard it made my eyes water. I opened my mouth over him; he lifted his hips going far deeper into my mouth than he would have done normally. I relaxed my jaw, swallowing around the head of his cock. My eyes were watering too much to watch him, but I heard him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted, pulling my head down to meet his upward thrust. “You feel so fucking good, y/n. I’m gonna…” he let out a ragged breath. “I’m gonna cum.”
No sooner had the words left his mouth than he came apart. His groan was from deep in his chest and it sounded like my name as he filled my mouth. He slowed his thrusts, but I continued sucking. I needed him to feel every ounce of this.
When his hands finally dropped from my head, I released him. I wiped my eyes and I took him in. He looked so overwhelmed, shattered, and beautiful. I moved up the bed, lying beside him and wrapping him in my arms. I peppered his shoulder with kisses. “You did so good, Spencer,” I praised. “So, so good. I’m so proud of you.”
Spencer turned, his hands cupping my jaw while he stared so deep in my eyes. What I saw swirling on the surface of those amber eyes made my heart stop.
“You didn’t cum.” His voice was scratchy.
“I know. It’s okay,” I reassured. “We can take a break. Or you can watch me cum now.” I kept stroking his hair, his body. “Whatever you want, Spencer.”
My core was still throbbing, the sight of his release only pulling me closer to the edge.
His lips lifted in a smirk. “Whatever I want?” he teased.
He blinked once, then again. He didn’t know quite what to do with my confirmation; but I meant it, in this moment, I was willing to give Spencer Reid anything and everything.
“…Can I make you cum?” he searched my eyes for any sign of hesitation. “I…I want to finish. What I was doing earlier.”
My laugh bubbled out of me. “I just had your cock down my throat but now you can’t ask me if you can make me cum on your face?”
I was still laughing when he leaned forward to kiss me; both of his hand cupping my jaw. There was heat behind this kiss; it brought my simmering arousal back to a giant flame in my lower belly. Heat wasn’t all that was there though. I can’t think about that. I couldn’t dwell on what I felt, but I felt it with my entire soul.
Despite what we had just done, this felt different. The scene felt over, his powerful orgasm had shifted the mood in our little bubble. I wasn’t his Miss. He wasn’t my pretty, nervous boy. He was Spencer and I was y/n; and he wanted to make me feel good. He rose over me then, wasting no time on foreplay; he knew I didn’t need it.
He settled between my thighs, his hands wrapping around them, his fingers digging into my skin. With one final look at my face to make sure this was really okay, he put his mouth on me. My back arched and my mouth hung open in a silent scream. Spencer didn’t toy with me; he knew how close I was.
“Spencer, Spencer, fuck,” his eyes opened when my fingers tangled in his hair, my pussy grinding into his face. “I’m so close. Fuck.”
I was so lost I didn’t realize his hand had moved until I felt two fingers enter me, curling expertly. He pumped his fingers and wrapped his lips around my clit, sucking firmly. That was all it took for me to cum for him.
It all happened so quickly I didn’t have time to be scared. He was the first man to make me orgasm in longer than I wanted to admit. I knew the last time I let someone put their mouth on me. It had always felt like a deeply intimate act to me, I was always nervous to let anyone do it.
Spencer rose up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Why is that sexy?
He laid down beside me; I'm not sure who's arms wrapped around who first, but we were clinging to each other, both of us breathing hard.
“So,” I said, after clearing my throat. “What did you think?”
Spencer chuckled, the hot air of his breath puffing against my hair. “I liked it.”
“Yeah?” I pulled back to look at his eyes.
“Mhm," was his response as he leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on my lips before his mood shifted. "Y/n…I'm sorry I got so mad." He looked so embarrassed as he said it as if it wasn't the sweetest thing in the world that Spencer Reid would care about me like that. “I just…I saw him touching you and I just…” he dropped his gaze. “I know we didn’t talk about monogamy, but I thought- I was just so worrie-“
My finger pressed against his lips. “I don’t want to be with anyone else, Spencer.”
We fell asleep shortly after that. I couldn’t help but wonder if his thoughts felt anything like mine; the irony of it all was I was too afraid to ask.
Series tag list: @abschaffer2​ @liaabsurd​ @brokenanxiety​ @thisiscalmandits-dr​​ @less-intelligent-spencerreid​​ @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress @cielo1984​ @sarcasticsagittarius1998​ @101donuts​ @heyitssarahk @creepingfromthecorners​ @imjusthereformggcontent​ @fanfictionislifetho​  @annestine​
Taglist: @rachelxwayne​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @sickeninglyshoujo @justagirllookingforherplace​ @nanocoool​
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pod95 · 3 years
Pairing: Finn Balor X OFC (Ciara)
Word Count: 1310
Warnings: Mature to explicit as the story goes on.
Description: After moving to the USA from England to start her career as an NXT superstar, Ciara gets to meet her long time crush, NXT champion Finn Balor. It's clear the pair have chemistry, but when tensions start to rise, will they find they want more than a no strings attached relationship?
So this is the first piece of fanfic I have written literally ever. I will be posting them here periodically, but I already have 6 chapters out on my Wattpad, AO3 and FanFiction pages.
This series will involve romance, drama and (although it will take a little while) some smutt too. Hope you enjoy it! 😊
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Chapter 4: Up Close and Personal
I awoke startled to the sound of my roommate banging on my door. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I checked the time on my phone, 9:36. Shit! I'd slept through both of my alarms and needed to be at the Performance Center by 10 for my first day. I opened my bedroom door and a panicked Alex was standing on the other side.
"You're gonna be late! Quick, take a shower and I'll drop you off on my way to work." She handed me some towels as I gave her a thankful look before rushing into the bathroom to get ready.
I don't normally sleep in but I didn't get back from the party until late and I definitely went overboard with the alcohol. Fergal and I talked way into the night before sharing a taxi back to our respective homes. Nothing happened obviously, despite my drunken attempts to flirt with him. I cringed at the thought of my clumsy pickup lines and awkward attempts at being alluring. I would have to be very careful around Fergal from now on, after all this was the second time in as many days I was trying to wash away my shame with water and shampoo.
I was washed, dressed and in the car in record time, arriving at the Performance Center a little after 10. Not too bad considering how late I woke up.
"Ciara! Follow me," Paul greeted me as I entered the lobby, "so like I said before, you debut in 3 weeks. You'll be entering into a feud between Tegan and Dakota as Tegans tag partner. Obviously you're very experienced in the ring but here in NXT we have our own rules, own way of doing things so you'll be working with some of our trainers today just to help you adapt."
He led me to a ring, where I was taught the basics of wrestling for the WWE.  There were so many rules, some of which didn't even make sense. Obviously certain moves were banned, no blading, no head shots, all the usuals. But then there was a lot of differences too. Matches often have "agents" that help to set up a match, if you wanted to use certain weapons you need written approval, and don't even get me started on the list of banned words. I was starting to become worried that I was out of my depth here.
After going through the rules and doing some initial training, I was introduced to Steffanie (Tegan Nox), Cheree (Dakota Kai) and Victoria (Raquel Gonzalez)
"Oh hey you're working with us right?" Steffanie asked, extending a friendly hand.
"Yeah! I'm Ciara! Looking forward to working with you all." I introduced myself to the girls and got to know them a little better before getting to work on our tag match
We'd been working for a couple of hours and had some good spots perfected. It was just the finish left to go, where I would hit my finishing move ( a Canadian Destroyer I called the "Natural 20") on Dakota and make the pin.
After practicing it a couple of times, I began to feel like someone was watching me. Glancing around the room, I spotted Fergal, leaning casually against a wall and observing our practicing.
Thankfully for my heart he wasn't shirtless today, in fact he wore a baggy hoodie which concealed his physique like a well hidden secret. I gave him a small smile and turned back to the girls.
"If I might offer some advice..." Fergal interrupted.
"Please." I gestured for him to join us in the ring.
He climbed up onto the apron and jumped over the top rope, clearly showing off.
"Your finisher is a Canadian Destroyer right? It's a good move-"
"-But, it's a little overplayed. In WWE alone there's Sin Cara, Adam Cole, Rey Mysterio and Chelsea Green who use it. If you wanna stand out, I'd switch it up a little."
I didn't know how to respond. He was right of course, but I'd always had the same finisher. I didn't want to change it.
"I've always had the same finisher, it means a lot to me. I don't wanna do a different one."
"I'm not saying to do a different one. I'm saying to tweak it a little."
After thinking it over for a few moments, I still didn't have any idea what Fergal was getting at.
"How?" I yielded, knowing that it would result in a cocky smile.
"Have you ever seen anyone do a springboard Canadian destroyer," he smirked.
"I haven't.."
"There's a reason for that. Its not done that often."
He took his hoodie off and threw it into the corner of the ring, revealing a tight vest which hugged his torso.
"Jump at me," Fergal instructed, taking me by surprise slightly. Physical contact with people who are practically strangers wasn't unusual in our line of work, but I still felt nervous at the thought of being that close to him. I did as he told me.
Taking a slight running start, I jumped at Fergal, his strong arms catching me beneath my thighs. As he held me there, explaining the next part of the move to me, two things crossed my mind. The first was that this man was even stronger than I realised. He was holding my full body weight with only his forearms and not even breaking a sweat. The second thought was how close his face was to my chest.
"Right, now I'm gonna bounce your back off the top rope, kinda like a rope assisted powerbomb, only on the rebound, jump over my shoulder into the Canadian Destroyer. OK?"
He spun me around and bounced me off the top rope, but I didn't quite have enough momentum and ended up bashing my chin on his shoulder blade.
"Ahh!" Fergal put me down gently before inspecting my chin.
"Are you OK? Can you move your jaw?" he asked, genuinely concerned.
"I'm fine, don't think it's injured at all, just hurt a bit."
Relieved, he backed off a little, seeming a little guilty that his suggestion had hurt me.
"Shall we try again?" I smiled at him, hoping to reassure him that I was fine and he had nothing to feel bad about.
"OK, but this time you need to really just dive over my shoulder OK? It'll be easier with the girls cause they're smaller."
We went again, and this time I used my full body weight to push myself back off the top rope, Diving elegantly over his shoulder and completing the move. It was a little clunky due to never having done it before, but after a few more attempts, I was able to do it perfectly.
After we'd finished practicing, I collapsed in the ring exhausted. Fergal handed me a bottle of water before sitting cross-legged next to me.
"Good job today. You worked really hard."
"Things are a lot different here in the big leagues huh?" I commented, sitting up and taking a much needed sip of the water. Fergal chuckled.
"You'll get used to it. I can see why Paul likes you."
It was only upon hearing this that something occurred to me.
"Wait, you were here to train too right? Damn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to talk up all your ti-"
"Dont even worry about it. I came here today to keep an eye on the newbies, " he smiled, reassuringly.
"I know but you could have been helping the others and instead you were stuck with m-"
"Are you hungry?" Fergal interrupted "I'm starving. Come on, I'll treat us to dinner," he stood up, helping me to my feet and leading me out of the training room before I had a chance to refuse, not that I would have done.
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