#story of seasons fanfiction
durotoswrites · 9 months
I feel like it's been forever since I have updated any of my fics. I have more creative projects in the works (I'll be able to share previews in the near future!), and my family life has been keeping me busy. I haven't stopped thinking about my lovelies, though.
Claire will be making a new friend(?) in the next chapter of The Shy Newcomer, which I'm hoping to finish up by the end of the month 💖 Thank you so much for your support and encouragement all this time. It truly means more than I can put into words. I sincerely hope you look forward to it and enjoy it as I have.
A little snippet below <3
Claire hurried home, rubbing her hands together to keep them warm.
“Koro will be hungry, and the chickens, too. I guess the sheep I’m watching for Barley haven’t been waiting too long…” She ticked her tasks off with her fingers. Focusing on productivity was a nice distraction from the mild disappointment of the empty bar that morning, not that she had intended to stay for breakfast.
Cliff and I had a chance to hug last night… is it odd that we didn’t? Everyone was staring, and it felt weird being the only couple at the party…
He left early because he knew this morning would be awkward.
“No,” she murmured aloud, steeling her brow.
He left early this morning because he needed to feed Cain.
He’s got stuff to do; I have stuff to do. We’re busy. It’s okay.
The fresh snow crunched under her feet as she continued along.
I wonder how he’s dealing with the new snowfall...
She stopped in her tracks, her running internal dialogue silencing itself. Her air escaped her body in one visible puff as she stared. Claire had grown used to people traveling the path through her farm toward Mother’s Hill and Forget-Me-Not Valley, but this man was different. He was a stranger, and he was lingering. A tall man dressed in a dark coat had a camera on a tripod and was focusing it on her house, much to her horror. His confident posture told her that he had as much of a right to be on her property as she did, peering at her house through a lens, no less.
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harvestmoontales · 23 days
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𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝘙𝘢𝘯/𝘋𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳
Due to a misunderstanding, Ran finds herself officially dating the doctor!
𝙰 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚋𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚜! 𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚞𝚙loads 𝚘𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚃𝚞𝚋𝚎!
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legacy-by-darkryuu · 2 years
Remaster: Step Toward the Future, Chapter 8
Chapter 8: Distracted
Also available on Archive of Our Own
Rating: M/Adult
Warning: Sexual Content
Author’s Notes: So, ‘The Doctor’ is named like ‘Trent’ or something in the series (I guess?) but, in this series, his name is Tsumaru.
 Yagami Koji was distracted. They had a huge house back on the mainland in Subami where he’d been raised a majority of his life. A mansion. The place had like sixteen rooms. He had a room that he could still go back to. Instead, his dumbass thought he’d come to Mineral Town, help Jill out a little on the side, and weigh his circumstances. He took into no account for this. And by ‘this’ he meant that he’d never want anyone more for the rest of his life. Yamachi Popuri sat at the bar in one of his favorite Subami nightclubs, smiling, as she sipped a Tequila Sunrise. He stuck to beer. As long as he was drinking beer, he could keep it together. Liquor loosened his senses a bit too much and, as was, even sober he was unraveling. It was the sort of fate he didn’t want to believe in but it kept smacking him in the face right now. He’d found himself resolved to get a job and work his way up. Despite the fact that he had a contact that said if he came in with his graduate degree, he started four levels higher in the chain of command, a graduate degree was two additional years of his life. He had the ability, he knew he could work his way up the chain in at least three years. So, he’d walked into their grandfather’s old farmhouse, placated, at around seven and got sideswiped. Popuri had been sitting on the couch, idly looking at television. That was normal though, nothing off the mark…it was just that black, tight, laced and lacy corset with nothing underneath and skintight jeans she was wearing. He literally almost ran back out of the house. “U-Uh, hey” he had managed to greet. She’d looked up at him and smiled and his head went into loops. And that was the problem, the loops took sidetracks into other loops he’d already cleared. Maybe two years wasn’t that bad? Especially to have a degree that put him at an executive level and in another two years he could be higher. And it wasn’t like he was assured to be promoted doing grunt work. And damn, she was hot. Koji groaned, sipping his Heineken miserably. He was so confused. And more so about why his sister stood up her friend. He’d asked what Popuri was up to back in Mineral Town and she shrugged, trying to hide her disappointment, “Jill said she was going to go with me to this nightclub but I guess something must’ve come up. When I called her, she picked up for a sec and told me she’d call me back but that was an hour or two ago. Now I’m just hanging out. I guess I’ll go on home.” Naturally, just naturally, he offered to go with her instead. She had been reluctant and tried to say he didn’t have to but he could tell she wanted to and here they were, in a nightclub together, drinking. It didn’t have to go anywhere but…Popuri mm’d, setting down her glass, “I want to dance. Do you dance?” Oh boy. “I, uh, do…” “Really? Come dance with me!” He smiled awkwardly as she pulled him to the floor. Maybe she wasn’t a good dancer. Or not even that, a break dancer. Break dancing was a different kind of art, not sexy.
Koji could only stare as she sultrily rolled her hips to Crazy in Love and wonder where it all went so wrong. …It honest to God didn’t hit him until he came to Mineral Town that he was strangely naïve, but from around the time he was ten until he was fifteen, he was under the impression their ‘engagement’ meant something. Around the end of his optimistic hoping, he had come to see her, to verify it was still going to be a thing and…well, she had someone. It shouldn’t have but it kind of shattered his hopes and from then on, he abandoned most relationships just to be a promiscuous whore. Most. But, when he met her again, she was pragmatic, thinking it was just this cute thing kids did. Yea, that made more sense, he was just…hopeful. At the end of the day, he thought he’d put Yamachi Popuri and their fairytale childhood behind him. Koji swallowed hard when she pressed against him, still smiling. Now it was turning into some sordid adult fairytale where he wanted to fuck her and make her pancakes in the morning then rub her feet. “I thought you said you danced!” “I…do…” Somehow, somehow, he was able to grind with her and not get too excited. And boy howdy, was she trying, he thought as she playfully turned around and writhed her ass against his crotch. Her butt probably jiggled naked. He held her thighs, closing his eyes and grinding against her. Apparently, their family was considered attractive but he wasn’t sure he found himself that good-looking.  He probably wasn’t as attractive to her as she was to him by even a longshot. This could very well be one-sided attraction and he needed to pull his life together.
Popuri’s hair had started to coil in the hot gathering of bodies pressed together, her arms around his neck as her red eyes pierced into his soul. Yea… He was distracted.
Down past the grocery store and a few spaced out homes was a little clinic. It was the only available medical facility in this town of a couple thousand and that was pretty ridiculous. At the same time, these people must’ve been very hardy, very cautious, or just endlessly healthy. He only treated perhaps ten people a day at most and for nothing strenuous. His sister told him it was a stupid move to come to Mineral Town and, at times, he found himself agreeing. Other times, like today? He wasn’t so sure. Ishikawa Tsumaru, known by the townsfolk as The Doctor, being that he was the only one, raised a brow at Izumi Cliff, the man lying on the medical bed with a bruised forehead. Nothing he’d never seen before in his life, just peculiar. Running his fingers through his dark hair, he glanced to the side where Yagami Jill was sitting quietly. He’d heard about her, the newest occupant to come since Cliff did a year or two ago. It hadn’t really interested him at the time until he saw her in passing. Yagami Jill…her father, Yagami Yamada, had been his professor back in college for a few courses. On exam days, the man would bring his daughter to class, perhaps eight to ten years old at the time. It was often amazing how time passed, seeing her as a young woman now. And, due to his tremendous respect for her father, he felt this young woman might have stumbled into something a little tricky with Izumi Cliff and he was concerned. “So, what happened again?” Tsumaru questioned. When Cliff had been admitted by his only nurse, Yamaguchi Elli, Tsumaru had been tending to Yamachi Lillia. He did the best he could for the woman. She had a rare respiratory disease and while he studied hundreds of texts to try to find a treatment, he usually came up with what he was already doing. All he could do was treat her. Jill looked up, her blue eyes strained. He figured he was about to face something similar here. “W-Well, Cliff had gotten off early because of the snow and he told me he’d be home soon. I-I got worried when a couple hours passed and I hadn’t heard from him. And he didn’t pick up his phone either so I…I went by Doug’s to see if he was there and, uh, Doug said he’d just left. I went around and couldn’t find him in any of the common areas so I was about to shortcut through the festival square and…found him face down on the ground there.” “…Mm.” Tsumaru liked Cliff. They weren’t very close but they were at least friendly. He was a cheerful, sociable sort of guy. He seemed to have a bit of a chip on his shoulder but really, who didn’t? Picking up the chart to see if Elli had found any viable illnesses that caused this fainting spell, Tsumaru pursed his lips. Blood pressure was good, temperature was good, blood count was good. Blood Alcohol Concentration was 0.20. Rubbing his forehead, he offered Jill a smile because she looked lost. There wasn’t really much to say here because both of them knew Cliff got blackout drunk for whatever reason and here they were. “U-Um, well, he’ll be fine after a few hours, Yagami-san, I promise.” “…I know” she murmured. She was probably a few months from twenty? It felt inappropriate to ask. However, nineteen years old was a little young to be dealing with a person’s addictions when she really had no reason to. As it stood, Cliff had little reason to change this habit. He had a home, a job, and a devoted girlfriend. His problem hadn’t affected those aspects yet… “You can go home, Yagami-san. He’ll probably sleep until morning” Tsumaru offered, setting the clipboard back on the wall. “…Is it all right if I stay with him?” “Well, of course, if you want…” “Thank you, Tsumaru—sorry, Dr. Ishikawa.” Eh? His eyes widened a bit, startled. Very few people knew his first name—he was the Doctor, after all. Just surely she didn’t remember him from ten years ago? “You…you remember me?” Jill looked surprised by this sentiment somehow, “Well, of course. You were one of papa’s favorite students, you know? He still speaks of you to this day.” “I’m…I’m honored on both accounts.” She smiled for the first time since he’d entered the room. It was a little distant but still unexpectedly warm. Clearing his throat, he nodded his head, “I’m going to run him an IV so he won’t be too dehydrated come morning. And I’ll get you a pillow and a blanket. That chair is nothing to be proud of though so I’d still recommend just heading home and getting some rest.” “Oh, I’ll make it fine” she assured, “Thank you, doctor.” Nodding again absently, he exited the room and glanced to Elli. She was currently grinding medicinal herbs in a pestle and mortar. Her brown eyes looked up briefly before she shook her head, her short bob of brunette hair bouncing with the movement. “He’s not going to make it that way, Doctor.” “No, I should say not…” …And that young woman shouldn’t have to bear the brunt of keeping him going either.
Yamachi Popuri peeked around as she walked up the narrow stone steps leading to the mountains. It was two am and though she was nuts for being out here, she needed the distraction. Hugging her winter coat a little tighter to her body, she quickly pushed the wooden door open and stood inside the small room that would lead to the hot spring. While it was freezing, she hung up her coat, naked save for a towel, and sat on the stool to quickly wash herself off first. It wasn’t the most thorough of jobs but it would do, she shivered, putting the towel back on and taking a dry one with her for when she got out. Opening the door to the hot spring, she was prepared to just drop her towel and dive in. Instead, she almost screamed. Yagami Koji was sitting in the spring, his arm outstretched and a little bowl of what she presumed was sake in his hand. Staring at him, she shook her head, “…Where the hell did you get sake from?” He smiled, sipping the drink, “I have my ways.” “What are you doing here so late?” “I could ask you the same, it’s not safe” Koji countered. Sulking, she shivered some, “Oh yea? So it’s not dangerous for you?” “Let’s just say danger and I don’t meet on equal terms…” What now? Koji blinked at her, his eyes closing some. “…Why don’t you join me?” …Eep. “T-That’s not--” “I’ll turn around. I won’t see anything in the water.” …Ugh. Popuri flustered, gesturing with her finger for him to do so. Koji set his cup down and turned to face the barrier fence surrounding the hot spring. She quickly dropped the towel and sank down into the water up to her chin. This…seemed like a very bad idea. “I-I’m in.” Koji turned back and picked his drink back up, staring up at the stars. Leering, she mumbled, “You never answered my question.” He shrugged before pointing to his shoulder where an elaborate tribal maybe raven tattoo was and his upper bicep where the kanji ‘kazoku’ was printed. “Don’t get to go to hot springs with these anymore.” “O-Oh, I forgot about that, actually.” “You?” “As you can imagine, if anyone knew I came here, I might have…unsavory visitors” she groaned. Koji nodded and closed his eyes. Biting her lip, she found herself glaring in his direction. This was simply…absurd.
Her mind had long ridded itself of fantastical things like fairytale romances and soulmates. She stopped being her father’s ‘little princess’ and became a practical human being. While she smiled at the concept of Koji having asked her to marry her when they were only ten, that he gave her a promise piece, it wasn’t feasible and it’d be sincerely a tad ridiculous. Or…so she had said to herself. And then this human being shows back up. He wasn’t the Koji she remembered. Ten-year-old Koji was sweet and mild-mannered. 22-year-old Koji was sweet but far from mild-mannered and far from innocent. ‘Danger and I don’t meet on equal terms’. Yea, they probably were one and the same just Koji outranked the other. She really had hoped she wasn’t the type to fall for the bad boy. Glancing over what she could see of him, she flushed. He was pretty back then and he was about the sexiest thing she’d ever seen in her life now. Even when he wasn’t flexing his muscles, his whole body had these beautiful toned shapes. His dark eyes were so cutting yet warm, the jewels of a very gorgeous face. His skin was somewhat pale, yes, she heard from Jill that he generally kept that complexion but it fit those silky mahogany locks of hair. And oh, so few people here had tattoos. She forgot she thought they were attractive. …And, when they went to the club and she was grinding with him? She noticed he was probably…very impressive in other regions too. Silently screaming into her hands, she dragged them down her face in dismay. Yagami Koji was Jill’s brother and her child playtime fiancée. He also took her out to lunch every other day, went out with her at her whim, and would hangout with her at night. Koji had even started to make her dinner! He was sexy and sweet. She was getting something pretty close to a darn fairytale by relationship standards! He opened his eyes, seeming dazed as if he’d fallen asleep briefly. Get it together, Popuri. Look at this beautiful specimen of a man, what was he going to see in a weird looking person like you? Koji gazed at her quietly and she smiled nervously. Well…something, maybe? He was always looking at her. Get a grip. He suddenly swirled his pointer finger, his deep stare never breaking. What now? …Oh! She quickly turned around, hearing him slosh out of the water. Tuh, here she was saying she came here at two in the morning because of peeping Toms and she was very tempted to peek. She rested her arms on the edge as Koji wandered by, wearing a towel around his narrow hips. Without another word, he went into the little dry off area. Yea, she…she ought to get ready to go home too. After about twenty more minutes, she rushed out, drying off quickly and using a small blow dryer to dry her hair. She exited once she was completely dry, not wanting to catch a chill for this bit of luxury. When she walked out of the small building, she jumped to find Koji leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette. Eh? “I-I thought you left.” “Nah” he said simply, exhaling a fragrant billow of smoke, “I’ll walk you home.” Popuri pouted, crossing her arms, “Who said I was going home? I might have something else to do.” “Maybe if you were anywhere else in the world” he smirked some, tapping the black cigarette. Meh. She strode toward the mountains, huffing, “Well, I’m going up to the plateau. I haven’t looked at the stars up there in a while. And it is the Starry Night Festival.” “Hell is that?” Koji echoed, confused. Naturally, he followed when she was trying to separate herself from him and these ridiculous feelings. She groaned to herself, listening to her footsteps crunch in the light snow that had fallen earlier. “…It’s a festival where we look at the stars. Usually you have dinner with someone too.” “Oh. So a romantic holiday.” Koji sounded rather passive about it. Romantic holidays probably weren’t a big thing for him unless he could get into somebody’s pants. That was right, Jill insisted he was just a big playboy. It was just his charm that was getting her, nothing concrete. After a few shortcuts and roundabouts, they arrived where they used to play all those years ago. Koji looked surprised, his hands stuffed in his pockets. “…Wow, it’s just like it used to be.” “Mm” she smiled, agreeing. He carefully followed beside her, seeming astounded. “…I can’t believe flowers are growing right now, it’s freezing.” “Oh, you’ve never seen snowdrops before?” she gushed, “They’re hardy enough to make it around here in the cold.” Koji kneeled and dusted the snow off one, quiet as he observed. It was…a déjà vu moment. “…Do you remember how we’d play in the flowers? And you’d make flower crowns for me because I had the whole princess thing going on? You were a very doting fiancé.” He snickered, “Yea, something like that.” Blowing into her hands, she turned to look at the moon and the stars. When it was winter, the sky was just so clear and sharp. Clarity… “Funny thing about time, y’know? You lose that whimsy and joy somewhere. Somewhere along, calling yourself a princess just becomes self-serving or childish. Maybe even a joke.” “Why is that?” Koji asked absently. “Why?” she echoed, “It just does.” “Jill will be my princess until the day I die. I will only ever expect the best for her, I will only ever accept the best for her, and I will make sure she knows she’s special. I’ll dote on her and I’ll protect her and I’ll never let her want for anything. Whimsy and joy, be damned.” Somehow she had to smirk because Koji did treat Jill like a princess. Jill had groaned that he’d recently made her breakfast in bed. “Now, I have to ask: do you think she wants that? Sometimes it’s the princess that progresses out of that.” “She will” Koji murmured. He seemed preoccupied, she wasn’t currently watching him, trying to be…aloof? “I can see it now: she’ll have a husband and a family. All that stuff I said won’t be my solid concern anymore. I’ll always hope but she’s an adult now and I have to take a step back. But my baby sister is special to me and no matter what happens, she’ll always be special in my eyes.” Popuri silently nodded, folding her hands. She didn’t know about close family things like that. She was close enough with her mother but her brother may as well have been a stranger. He’d never speak the way Koji did about Jill about her. And her father…? He was just a ghost now. Her family was very…damaged. “And you shouldn’t give up whimsy or joy either.” Raising a brow, she felt him nearer and turned around. Her eyes widened as he gently rested a crown of the soft white flowers around her head, blinking thoughtfully as he adjusted it. She swallowed, trembling but not due to the cold. “H-Huh, w-wouldn’t think you’d keep old habits like this.” He smiled, something she noticed was a little rare for him. He had changed too, just… “Yea, old habits don’t really die, I suppose.” Just… Koji gazed at her, blinking slowly, “…You have a special place with me too, Popuri. I know it was an innocent place back then, perhaps even illogical, but…those memories are important to me.” “A-Ah, me too!” she blurted, “S-Sorry if it ever seemed otherwise. They’re…they’re some of the only sweet ones I have.” Frowning, Koji slowly reached to stroke her hair back. “…I hope that changes one day.” She gazed up at him, wondering what mischief was afoot to put her on a mountain with her adolescent Prince Charming so he could woo her again with flower crowns and niceties. He softly leaned down and she could have stopped him. Should have… He kissed her sweetly, a soft nip, his arms wrapping around her waist. Against all her apprehension, she hugged his neck, kissing back. She couldn’t believe this.
Koji breathed softly as he pulled away, his eyes half closed as he stared down at her. “…Let me get you home.” “O-Okay.” Popuri flustered as he held her hand, leading the way back down the mountain and through the little shortcuts they used to take from her house. She…didn’t really have to let him hold her hand. Like, she had to get it together, this was crazy. All the same, by the time she found even a slight version of will to do so, they were in front of the chicken farm. He was the one to pull away, returning his hands to his pockets. “…Good night, Popuri.” “G-Good night, Koji.” She walked slowly to her door and turned back to watch him trudge up the path back toward the old farmhouse. Biting her lip, she turned the knob quietly and entered into the dark abode. …So much for pragmatism.
“Jill, really, I’m sorry.” Yagami Jill quietly chopped vegetables for dinner. She wanted a nice satay and perhaps a Merlot. She sent Koji, whom she had viewed as a prime example of an alcoholic since he started drinking. Funny that her views were changing to accept that, perhaps, there are multiple versions. Izumi Cliff was standing near her, his head still wrapped from his ‘accident’. God help him if she hadn’t found it odd he wasn’t home yet after his call. While the town’s women liked to go to the square to gossip, when it snowed? It was absolutely deserted. Someone might’ve taken a shortcut through it if they were out to begin with but it was coming down pretty heavy. Head injury aside, he very well could have gotten hypothermia. Basting sauce onto the meat, she slowly shook her head. “…I told you, Cliff, it’s okay.” “It’s not. You’ve been upset with me for days and you have every right to be. I-I promise it won’t happen again” he insisted. He was working at a winery. A winery. Temptations were all around him! She was even getting said temptation to have with their chicken! Jill sulked as he hugged her waist, kissing her cheek. For the most part though, he had been coming home normally after work and not going for his little ‘errands’ to Doug’s so…Jill sighed as he kissed her neck, rumbling, “We haven’t been alone in…a while, y’know?” “Yea…” “Maybe dinner can wait…” he whispered into her flesh, nipping. Nope. It was only because of years of being around that human being but she was slightly disturbed she wasn’t even a little alarmed when Cliff yelped loudly. Koji, like an absolute phantom, had appeared behind them, the wine in one hand and Cliff’s ponytail in the other. “I’d watch where you put those lips, pretty boy. Would be a shame if I have to remove them from your face.” Cliff looked horrified and Jill smirked as Koji casually released Cliff and set the wine on the table like he hadn’t just threatened to violently wound someone. “Koji, can you please not be like that?” Koji gave her a ‘really?’ look, his brows raised, and her smirk widened. “Sorry, how could I ask you for something so reasonable?” “But did I actually remove his face?” Snickering, Jill kissed Cliff’s bothered, not removed, face, patting his hand, “Don’t mind him, baby. Seriously, he’s being very, very laidback compared to what I actually thought he’d be.” Yes, Koji threatened bodily harm and whatnot if the opportunity presented itself. However, a pre-twenty’s Koji would not have threatened, he would have attacked. Koji got some very light counseling for his anger issues at some point when he entered college from their health department but not enough to warrant this much of a change. He’d really mellowed out though. She was shocked when he showed some mild concern for Cliff when they came back from the clinic, citing the diagnosed concussion Cliff had was nothing to play with and that he take it easy. She’d been fearful for years how Koji would treat her potential boyfriend but he far exceeded expectation…
Said boyfriend just sighed miserably, however, unaware that Koji had been fighting grown men that sexualized and swore they were going to get into her pants one way or another since she was six years old. She knew Yagami Koji was overprotective but she also knew why and…that was a difficult switch to turn off. Cliff excused himself to wash up before dinner and she bit her lip, wandering over to Koji who sat on the couch to watch television. “Koji…” His dark eyes cut to her as she hugged his neck from behind, pouting, “I think you’re doing a good job but can you try even harder for me not to be as mean? Cliff is someone I’ve chosen and it’s different than those guys you used to beat up.” He rolled his eyes around, shrugging his shoulders, “Jill, I am doing the absolute best I can, okay? I mean, I literally walk into this house at three in the morning and can hear things from your room and mind my business. That is taking every ounce of self-control I have, it’s exhausting.” “I know—wait, what are you doing around here until three in the morning?” “What now?” Jill leered at him as he immediately started to look off and away from her. “Koji, the ferry’s last trip is at twelve and nothing here is open until three. What are you doing?” “Smoking?” “I would believe that if, a, it wasn’t a question, and b, you didn’t do it from your room” Jill snorted. Twiddling his fingers, he drawled, “Aren’t I the older one?” “You’re still busted. Or pre-busted until I figure out what—or who you’re doing at three in the morning” Jill rolled her eyes, walking back to check on the food. Figured. Koji was a magnet for finding something to do. Or, as she noted, someone. There were some pretty women around here but it would just be disastrous if he was a playboy here like back home. It had been two months though and it was unlikely he would go this long… Cliff returned, smiling warmly at her and quickly giving her a kiss, whispering into her ear he couldn’t wait for bed. Hell, now even she couldn’t go that long. Just she had to wonder…who?
She hadn’t had sex in four years. Yamachi Popuri smiled nervously as she sat on the sofa in the Yagami Farm with Koji. Just Koji. Jill mysteriously had the idea to go to the mainland to get some specific food. Probably about a three hour journey. Cliff, of course, went with her and they assured they’d be as fast as possible so don’t go anywhere. Still, an hour to get there, about an hour to get to the food, then an hour to get back. Three hours…with just Koji. He was relaxed, watching television with his arm outstretched over the back of the couch. She was a wreck. The kiss. It was just a cute little kiss, nothing more, nothing less. Except, sometimes they would still kiss. It was so…pubescent. She would sneak out of her house and he would sneak out and they’d make out in the barn or in the hot spring’s room. Popuri sighed to herself, rubbing her temple. He was a gentleman. They’d take a walk after and talk about things but she wondered if he just thought that was polite after she was so pro-spit swapping so quickly. It was hard to call but, for some reason she couldn’t grasp, she made sure when she came over today to wear the black lacy thong and black lacy bra underneath her black lacy corset dress. She wore a hoodie though, that…that downplayed it, right? Enough. Hell, he wasn’t even instigating the kissing parts, she was! She was the master playgirl in this combo! Koji smiled suddenly, his brows furrowing, “Are you okay?” “H-Huh? I’m fine” she quickly gushed. “You just seem a little out of sorts…” She rapidly shook her head, “N-No, no, everything is fine!” Suddenly, he sighed and turned off the television. Oh no. “Popuri…if you’re uncomfortable with the whole…us being on…makeout terms, that’s fine. You can tell me.” Biting her lip, she scrunched the cloth of her dress, looking back out toward the window and praying that ferry sprouted wings or randomly became a sci-fi teleporter so Jill and Cliff could return to interrupt…this? “N-No, Koji. The problem is I’m not…uncomfortable. In fact, I’m a little too comfortable.” Koji tilted his head, his eyes closing some, “…Go on.” Oh God. “I-I mean, i-isn’t it weird to you, making out with-with a childhood friend?” “Well, no” Koji drawled, “I mean, it was weird at first but I guess I have a type and I knew early? I don’t know.” Type? “I’m your type?” “I’m sure Jill has spoken on my…promiscuous habits. And, yes, sometimes my…antics lead to not much precursor but usually I need some kind of chemistry with my partners. And I promise you, if you weren’t ‘my type’, I would not sneak out at two in the morning. I’ve never had to sneak out of a house in my life and didn’t figure I was going to be starting at 22.” Somehow, that made her smile. “Sorry.” “Well, as I said, I wouldn’t do it if I weren’t interested so don’t apologize” he assured, absently playing with her hair. …Maybe she should leave. “Y-Yea. Um, I-I probably should go either way though” she rasped, starting to stand. Koji frowned, “Already? I’m sure the food won’t be much longer.” “N-No, I-I’m not very hungry anyway.” He shrugged, “Well, we do have the place to ourselves.” Danger. “Y-Yes, but--” Popuri swallowed when he rubbed her upper leg, gazing into her eyes. Yes, danger. He leaned in, kissing her sweetly. Sweetly. Sometimes he’d slip, get passionate, press his tongue against hers. She wanted…that tonight. Koji actually yelped when she pushed him back, sitting on top of his crotch and taking off the hoodie. His eyes widened, probably at the insane amount of boob this thing showed she had. He’d try not to but she saw him looking. Usually she was more…self-conscious about them but, oh, trying to get some, she had them on full display. He looked speechless. “…U-Uh, P-Popuri” he stammered, “L-Let’s talk about this, okay?” “Okay.” She leaned over, pressing her chest to his and making sure to rub against his crotch with hers. He visibly swallowed, gazing down for a long moment. “…Um…talk. Talk! Yes!” Popuri giggled, kissing down his throat, “I’m listening…” “…And I’ve got nothing.” Her turn to squeak, she grabbed his shoulders when he sat up, pulling her legs to straddle his torso. She bit her lip when, of course, the first thing he did was uncover her breasts. “Koji—” She closed her eyes as his mouth sank around her nipple, suckling. Expected…but she trembled when his hands ran up and down her back, shifting the dress up her body. He squeezed her ass hard before suddenly withdrawing. There was a very…wolfish quality in his eyes, like the vessels had taken on a whole new light. “…I don’t think I want this on the couch.” Eh? He picked her up, still straddling him, and kissed her hard, managing to do that and carry her upstairs. Oh no. Koji rested her in bed, sitting up on his haunches and peeling off the black shirt he was wearing. When they came upstairs, she started to have second thoughts. Now she was having third. Popuri gnawed her lip, watching his abs start to flex, his necklace falling against his naked flesh. She reached up and grabbed the hem of his jeans, pulling him down on top of her. No, she…she wanted this. Bad. She rasped as he kissed her hard, tugging the dress up over her breasts. She crossed her ankles around his back, hugging his neck tight. Koji stroked her thigh, his lips moving back down her chest, his lips wrapping around her tit and squeezing the other gently. She bit her lip, about to advise that she wasn’t very into boob play. Of course, she shivered, maybe the people she’d been with prior weren’t aware of how to play with her boobs… “Fuck” Koji whispered, pulling away and sitting up to unzip his pants. Licking her lips, Popuri watched as he dragged down his jeans, seeing her expectations may be exceeded... Ugh, she hadn’t…done that in a while. He looked confused as she shyly pushed him back into the bed, grasping the hem of his boxer briefs. But, well, she wanted to be…hospitable. This was her idea. Surprisingly, Koji snickered, grasping her forearms and pulling her to his chest to finally remove her dress. “We’re on a little bit of a time crunch, unfortunately, beautiful. And I’d rather get you nice and slippery than have you worry about me of all people getting hard.” She flushed, alarmed, when he gently lied her on her back, taking her place. “U-Um, I-I’m sure I’m wet enough.” He stroked her inner thigh, blinking absently. “…Tell me what you’re not comfortable with.” “E-Eh? I’m-I’m not really uncomfortable with anything!” she blurted. Koji grinned wickedly, his eyes closing some, “Now, now, don’t say anything so infinite.” Pouting at him, Popuri gulped when he tugged her panties down her legs. She was horrified but spread her legs, unabashed, gnawing her lip. There were some things she would be uncomfortable with but she had to see what that was first. Koji stared for a long moment before randomly looking up into the distance. What?? “…Nothing, had to wonder if I was fantasizing really hard for a second.” Sticking out her tongue, she reached down and touched herself. “Hey, you just said we don’t have a lot of time.” Koji silently ran his fingers down the folds over her hand, drawling, “That’s…that’s true…” She closed her eyes as he grazed his fingertips around the rosy flesh, massaging and gently kneading her lower lips together. Popuri blushed, embarrassed because she was wet and literally very little had happened. Her ‘fiance’ reached over into the nightstand, pulling out of the drawer…lube. Oh. He poured it down her skin before rubbing a bit more… “Ko—ah!” Popuri was about to sulk that he was going quite…slow until he used his thumb to fold back the ‘hood’ and exposed her clit, running his finger around the nub. Whimpering, she grasped one of his arms, her eyes rolling back as his oiled finger made tiny laps. “A-Ah, K-Koji, t-that skin i-is there for-for—nnn, a-reason.” He just chuckled, moving his finger to inside of her. “I dunno, baby, this wet pussy tells me you might like it just fine without it…” Her heart skipped as he leaned down, grabbing one of the pillows and placing it at the curve of her back? When she questioned this, he teased, “Just want you to be comfortable. I eat slow.” What a perv! She choked, breathing hard, when he, once again, started to play with her clit before leaning down and…wait, what was-- It felt…like round metal was rolling around her sex. It felt like absolute ecstasy. She moaned, reaching to run her fingers through his hair as he suckled and did whatever that was. Driving her feet into his shoulder blades, all she could do was nibble her finger, whimpering at the sensation. This was insane-- It may have been minutes or hours but she felt herself start to shake, “Koji! Koji!” He lifted his head, fingering her and stroking her already abused nub as she arched her back, clenching her nipples, coming against his hand. Breathing hard, she swatted his eager fingers away, turning on her side and hugging her chest as she heaved, everything just throbbing with pleasure. Rubbing her thigh, Koji curled into her back, purring into her ear, “I don’t accept just one orgasm, princess…” “W-What?” “Mm” he mused, nipping her ear, and reaching between her legs, “You’re still not quite wet enough.” What? Popuri could have screamed when he stroked her folds. It wasn’t rough or aggressive, a nice pace and pressure that she would have never expected from a man. They were all usually so impatient-- Her eyes were almost in the back of her head when he pulled her flat on top of him, pumping his fingers into the soaking wet flesh. She had no idea what he was talking about! Her hips bucked off of his, bumping into his rock hard cock. “J-Just put it inside of me!” “Not until you come again” he said in an almost chastising tone. If she came one more time, she was done. Everything was hard and sensitive, his fingers playing with her tits almost unbearable. Popuri covered her mouth, her legs quaking as she… “Fuck! Fuck!” she cried out, her head falling back against his shoulder. Koji chuckled huskily, licking her neck. She felt the cold metal…did he have…? “My, am I being a bad influence?” She couldn’t even breathe to answer that but screw him! Literally. His eyes widened as she managed to get up. It would take every last ounce of her strength but she grasped his penis, stroking him for a second before mounting. He groaned this time as she started to ride him, lifting her hips up and down over his manhood. “Fuck, Popuri…” Popuri wasn’t certain but she was pretty sure she blacked out for a solid twenty seconds. Koji actually snapped her out of it, looking a little alarmed. “Are you okay? We can stop--” The hell they could. Just apparently only one of them was in prime form right now. Grasping his balls, she shook as she pulled away before turning over on her stomach, her hips in the air as she swayed her ass. Koji was oddly still. “…Yea, I’m fantasizing.” “Just put it in, dork” she sulked. He sat up on his knees, planting his hands on her thighs and squeezing as he pushed inside of her. Usually she didn’t enjoy doggystyle but there was literally no part of this she hadn’t enjoyed yet. Koji rolled his hips in some incomprehensibly smooth rhythm, their skin smacking together hard, her ass bouncing with the movement. Clenching his sheets, she moaned his name, her knees starting to buckle as her soaking wet sex contracted to almost destroy her. Jerk…who said she wanted to come three times…? Koji rasped, his movements stopping as he quickly jerked out and came on her thighs. She crumbled flat on her stomach, everything in her body sticky, raw, and pleased. He also was trying to catch his breath, lying on his back and stroking himself. Could he…go again? … “Can…can you go…again?” He looked to her, his brow raising, “…I can go quite a few rounds, but--” “I think we…have a little more time before Jill and Cliff get back…” “But--” Popuri wanted it. She reached out, stroking his thick member, and glowered, “I want your dick.” “…Yep, I am definitely tripping right now.” She snickered, stroking him, running her finger around the head of his penis. He gazed at her with that…look she never quite understood. She pouted at him, jerking his length. “What?” “Nothing…” he murmured, “Just kind of wondering…” What? Wondering why she was so eager to jump into bed with him? She…she had to wonder too.
Yagami Jill smiled, entering the house with the bags of sushi they got. “Tadaima!” …Huh? Her smile turned into a frown of confusion, finding the whole downstairs empty. Popuri’s shoes were still there though. Maybe they’d gone upstairs? But…why? Cliff caught her before she could go investigate, smiling, “C’mon, let’s just eat and save them some. It has been a while since we’ve had a dinner with just us.” “Well, that’s true…” She settled down on the worn old sofa at Cliff’s request as he brought the trays and drinks. Smiling, she picked up a tuna roll with the chopsticks and fed it to Cliff. He seemed pleased as they just teasingly fed each other, snuggling up on the couch and watching a comedy show. After about an hour though, she found that Koji nor Popuri had emerged? Frowning, Jill lifted her head from her boyfriend’s shoulder, “…Maybe I should go check on them.” “Or…we can take this moment of privacy and get a little fun in” Cliff whispered, rubbing her leg. Giving him a look, she slowly looked toward the steps. It would take absolutely nothing for Koji just to suddenly appear and wipe Cliff out once and for all. Alas, as her…appetite progressed, she couldn’t help notice some…tendencies, like the thrill of getting caught made her kind of excited. Of course, if Koji should ever catch them one day, that ‘thrill’ would be short-lived. All the same, she unzipped Cliff’s pants, rubbing his length over his boxers. He leaned back as she pulled it out, stroking him before getting on her knees. Cliff pouted, “It probably would be more comfortable if you just leaned over, Jilly.” No, she felt a little more…dominant in this position. It was harder to look up at him just lying down. She drew his balls into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around one and dragging the flesh. Cliff trembled, staring down at her as she looked back. No, she wasn’t quite versed at sex as she could be but she figured out the importance of point of view. She wanted to look up at his face. He bit his lip as she tugged his foreskin down, licking around the head, around each little fold and crevice. She kissed and ran her tongue down his length before dipping down, sucking on what she could. Cliff exhaled, closing his eyes, his cheeks flushing. That was the ticket. Head generally wasn’t where their…acts ended. Cliff pulled her frantically to their bedroom and fingered her until she was wet enough for him to push inside of her. She moaned, pursing her lips to try to keep it down. While she hadn’t thought much of it at the time, when she really thought about what Koji said about ‘hearing them at three in the morning’, she got a little embarrassed. While she knew her brothers were manwhores, she caught not one of them in the act nor heard them once in her life. Yes, their mansion was ten times bigger but there were plenty of opportunities for her to get an eye or earful.
Cliff fell asleep when they were done, his arms wrapped around her waist gingerly. She was ready to join him but got up to put the food away. Peeking back out to see if maybe Koji had mysteriously appeared, she was confused to find still not one sign of him or Popuri. Had she left without her shoes…? …Odd. Odd, her ass. Yagami Jill leered incredulously at Yamachi Popuri, the latter smiling nervously as they both sat at the table in the little farmhouse. Odd, her ass.
Jill got up early this morning to start her chores as usual. Usually, Koji would make it out at some point to help her. Not one sign of him. Of course, when she came back inside, not even Cliff was up yet so maybe the men of her house were being lazy. Oh, but lo and behold, she looked up to find Popuri trying to sneak down the stairs, wearing one of Koji’s button down shirts over the same skirt or dress she had on yesterday. Jill had even still been confused then, calling her. Popuri looked horrified and it just hit Jill like a ton of bricks: they had sex. Koji was sneaking out to have sex with Popuri, his childhood fiancée. Koji came down not a few seconds later, completely nonplussed about why this was crazy and said he was going to make them pancakes. Ugh. “Popuri” Jill hissed, leaning so she could whisper at the woman, “T-That’s my brother! What were you thinking?” The pink-haired woman was just wide-eyed and smiling fearfully, “…Honestly, I don’t think I was? I-I mean, really, Jill, it wa-was just a one time thing. We were just fooling around.” Nothing about Popuri looked like it was just ‘fooling around’. Her lips were swollen, she had hickeys all over her neck, and she was just positively…glowing. Sex did not make you glow but she was glowing. Jill just shook her head as Koji came over with plates and was also glowing. This was crazy.
“Pancakes for my ladies” he replied, setting a tray before both of them. “T-Thank you, Koji” Popuri said shyly. Oh, but she wasn’t shy last night! Or…God, had Koji seduced her? Ugh! Jill gave Koji a look as he settled down at the table with his plate, picking up the brown pitcher of syrup, “So, what happened with you two last night?” “Well…what are you going to actually believe?” Koji droned, pouring the liquid.
“Nothing that suggests you two weren’t banging.” Popuri flustered and Koji naturally wasn’t slightly bothered. “We may have been a little…hands on last night. Is that a problem?” She opened her mouth to say it was. Koji knew better than to pull his shenanigans with people she considered friends! Of course, as was, Koji had known Popuri longer than she had but still! There were principles at play here! But…it was too late to intervene now. Groaning, Jill rubbed her face, “…Whatever. I mean, this was just a one off, right?” “Y-Yes!” Popuri blurted. Koji just blinked slowly like that was nothing he had agreed to prior to this conversation before rolling his eyes. He looked over his shoulder when a light melody seemed to be coming from upstairs. “Mm, be right back.” Watching him go up the steps, Jill raised a brow at Popuri. “…Seriously, what led to this? Did Koji put the moves on you?” “N-No, no! I-It was all a hundred percent consensual” Popuri insisted, waving her hands. “R-Really, it just sort of happened but your brother was nothing but a gentleman. And…and very…thorough…and giving…” Jill stared at her drolly as Popuri’s imagination apparently must’ve kicked in somewhere, the woman’s red eyes slowly looking toward the steps. “…And maybe he needed help upstairs. I’ll go check on him.” “Aht, sit” Jill commanded when Popuri jumped up. Sulky, Popuri sat back down and started to cut up her pancakes woefully. Jeez. “Where is Cliff?” Oh. Jill rolled her eyes around, scratching the side of her face, “…He may have to recover from last night too?” “Oh, so you and Cliff can bang around but I can’t bang around?” Popuri glowered. “Not with my brother!” “As said brother, I would like to respectfully decline.” Popuri jumped, shocked, while Jill shook her head at her brother as he sat back down, setting his flip phone next to him. “Our siblings are going to come visit on Friday.” Groaning, Jill buried her face in her hands. “All of them?” “Yep” he yawned, picking up his fork, “Guess we get to hear how Shaun has been goofing off and looking for the Sailor Senshi at school.” Popuri laughed as Jill groaned again. Yea, that sounded like Shaun… Koji sipped his coffee, looking to Popuri, “You’ll have to meet the rest of us, Popuri. They’re all characters.” “O-Oh, I-I don’t want to intervene on family time” Popuri flustered. “Nonsense, I’m sure they’d be glad to meet you.” Honestly, considering how often Koji used to bring her up when he was younger, they probably would like to finally meet the topic of his young and apparently present affection. Popuri blushed, eating the last bit of her pancake, “W-Well, I’m sure they’re lovely. Um, I should be going, I’m super late for chores.” Koji ‘mm’d’, standing, “I’ll walk you.” “O-Oh no, that’s okay.” He assured he had something he wanted to talk about, grabbing his coat from the hanger by the door. Popuri sighed, walking out beside him, and leaving Jill to look after them absently. She was done with her chores and done eating. And yet, her boyfriend had not stirred. Going to wash the dishes, she knelt to get the soap from underneath the sink. Pausing, Jill raised a brow at something shiny tucked far back in the corner. What? She reached to pull it forward, grabbing around the neck… …Wild Turkey. A big bottle of Wild Turkey. It was over half empty. Shivering, she stood and quietly washed the dishes. After about twenty minutes, Koji meandered back in. Not looking up, she whispered, “Nii-san?” “Hmm? Yea? Are you okay?” he instantly frowned, walking over to her. “…Do you drink Wild Turkey?” She’d actually already heard this question of whisky and bourbon brands posed to her brother before, about whether a Wild Turkey bottle that showed up at one of his parties was his. For whatever reason, his answer stuck in her head, maybe because it sounded like he was listing a bunch of band members, but like clockwork, he scoffed the same way he had then. “Brown, I drink Jack, Jim, Johnnie, Crown, and a little SoCo and Hennessey. If it’s not in that six, I don’t buy it for myself.” Jill nodded quietly. He raised a brow, “…Why do you ask?” “Nothing. I guess it’s Cliff’s.” Koji tilted his head before kissing her forehead, stroking her hair back, “…Want me to talk to him?” “No, no, I-I, uh…I should. I’m not used to people hiding their liquor. You guys sure didn’t” Jill laughed nervously. “Because there was nothing to hide” Koji said bluntly. …Oh. He glanced at his phone before sighing, “Jill, off that subject, I just want to let you know that whatever happened with Popuri last night, we’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Jill snorted, “Yea right. The second I leave you two alone again, it’s done. You’re infatuated, Koji, and you already know that.” He actually blushed this time, appearing disgruntled, “I-I didn’t want to get ‘infatuated’. It’s making things difficult and I’m not used to it.” She couldn’t help smile at that, wiping her hands of the suds as she let the water out of the sink. “I think it will work for you if you let it, nii-san. I have…concerns but I know since you didn’t intend for this that it’s a little different. I’ll tell Popuri I can…relax.” “Yea…just need her to as well” he said faintly.
Hmm? Koji waved a hand and advised he was going to start cleaning the floors since he didn’t make it out to help her with chores. Ever her diligent big bubby, she thought. All the male figures in her life were like that. And here she was, falling for a guy that apparently woke up after they made love to drink. …It wasn’t so bad, she reassured herself, sitting with a mug of hot cocoa Koji made for her prior to starting his self-assigned tasks. She reassured herself again when Cliff didn’t get completely up until two. …Odd.
“U-Um, Koji, about last night…” “Last night was everything.” Popuri flustered, pouting as Koji walked beside her to the Chicken Farm, blowing into his hands. He looked entirely sincere about this rather poignant statement. “I-I mean--” “I don’t want to make Jill uncomfortable. I just don’t want that to mean I don’t see you anymore though.” Eh? “W-Well, I doubt it’ll be quite that serious. Just maybe not…last night again.” He snorted and she groaned. Yea, if she were going to be a thousand percent honest with herself, if she was presented with the exact same opportunity and the same exact circumstances tomorrow, she’d jump on him the EXACT same way. “Popuri, I don’t know what it means entirely but I like spending time with you and I’m very attracted to you. I only want you to be comfortable though. If this makes you uncomfortable, we can be friendly, that’s it.” Hesitant, she paused at the gate, hugging herself. She struggled with commitment. Her last somewhat serious boyfriend advised she should leave Mineral Town and go to a place with more opportunity. With him. That…that was asking a lot. This was…also asking a lot. She…she didn’t want to have promises made to her again. …Just… “I don’t know if I can be ‘friendly’ in that way, Koji. I’m also attracted to you, of course, and I also like our time together. I…I just ask that we let whatever this is grow naturally. Let’s…let’s not put titles on it.” “Fair enough” he agreed, nodding, before looking toward her house. The curtain fell as he did so. Probably Rick, maybe her mother. Koji kissed her cheek, starting back up the road, “Let’s do dinner tomorrow night.” “O-Oh, that sounds nice.” He nodded and bid her farewell. She took a deep breath, walking into the house. No one was nearby so it was most likely Rick that was spying. Going upstairs, she checked on her mother, finding the woman still asleep, her nebulizer nearby. She changed into her work clothing and went out to collect the eggs from their hens, finding that Rick was still serious about not working until it was Spring… Nothing serious, Popuri. It’d probably go nowhere and just be fun while it lasted. That’s… That’s all she could count on.
On Friday, Popuri avoided the old farm like the plague. Meeting his family? Outside of Jill, that was just far too serious, especially for something flighty. She tugged at her long jacket as she headed back toward the Chicken Farm after picking up groceries, taking a breath that fogged the still cool air. Just, exactly how flighty was this expected to be? The night before last, Koji took her off the island. She expected them to have dinner at Doug’s or the old inn but he advised he had something better in mind. He took her for Italian. It was almost upscale but lowkey enough that what they were wearing wasn’t distasteful. He ordered the cannelloni and recommended the lasagna to her. She loved it. The went to the movies and saw Million Dollar Baby. She’d only been to the movies once in her life. Koji joked that he was going to have to get her caught up then. By the time the movie let out, it was late and the last ferry was about to leave. Koji said the morning ferry came at six so they should just stay up all night. What? While aghast at the idea, Koji took her to all his favorite clubs and bars, having a drink at one and dancing at the next. If she said it was something she adored, she’d be lying, but she also wouldn’t be honest if she said she didn’t have a lot of fun. Five in the morning came very quickly, surprisingly, and Koji took her for waffles before they jumped on the ferry. She was exhausted but when they got back to the island, he helped her collect the eggs and then reportedly went to help Jill with her chores before finally going to bed. Like…modern day Prince Charming? She didn’t know but that had always been the problem with Yagami Koji: he grew on her. Fast. Taking a deep breath, Popuri shook her head as she opened the door to the farmhouse. Stay the course, Popuri. Just fun. That…that was… When she entered, she froze. Yamachi Lillia was humming, arranging a big vase of…iris and hollyhock that was seated on their kitchen table. Koji. Gaping, she blurted, “U-Uh, tadaima!” Lillia looked up, blinking knowingly at her. Oh no. “Okaeri nasai, dear.” “U-Um, wh-what are those?” “Flowers. Someone just delivered them. Quite lovely and quite out of season so they must have cost quite a bit” she said faintly, adjusting one of the blooms. Setting the groceries on the table, Popuri smiled frantically and put away the bread. “A-Ah, maybe? Who sent them?” “Oh, I think you know.” Popuri couldn’t help groan, covering her face. Lillia seated herself, picking up a cup of tea, “Who is he? Someone I know?” “S-Sort of…you remember when I was younger and had that playmate?” Lillia tilted her head, “…Oh, the farmer’s grandson. Koji, I believe.” Eep. Her mother crossed her hands, looking at the flowers absently, “Well, he was a sweet young man back then. I wonder about him since that must be the reason you’re out all times of the night now.” Oh God. “H-He’s actually still very sweet, mama! I-I mean, he’s a little wily but, really, we-we’re not doing anything bad.” “See to it, dear” Lillia droned, “…Just be cautious what choices you make.” ….Yes. Popuri forced a smile and started to go over to the flowers, prepared to move them because Rick would be less understanding. “Well, let me take these to my room.” Lillia actually smirked, surprising her, “These are mine. Yours are over there.” …Eh? Popuri looked to where her mother pointed, her heart skipping a beat at the vase of red tulips sitting by the window. …Oh. Biting her lip, blushing, she went over and played with them idly for a moment after reading the note. ‘Thinking of you’. Lillia chuckled, coughing a bit into her hand, “Give him my thanks. I haven’t gotten flowers in years. Or, better yet, bring him by.” … “I…I might.” Lillia requested Popuri bring the flowers to her room when she went to rest, setting them by the bed. She brought her vase of tulips upstairs and set it by the window so they could get sun. Sitting on her bed, Popuri stared at them for a moment before taking a deep breath. Okay. Going back out, she steeled her nerves as she walked toward the farmhouse. It took everything in her not to turn back, especially when she was face to face with that door, but she resolved herself and knocked. Yagami Jill answered, blinking, “Oh, hey, Popuri.” “Hi, Jill.” Jill let her in casually and Popuri was about to have a heart attack. However, only Cliff was stretched across the couch, watching television, when she entered. Frowning, Popuri followed Jill into the kitchen where she was apparently preparing for a large meal, “U-Um, hey, your brothers aren’t here yet?” “Oh, no! Shin doesn’t get off from work until seven so they won’t be here until around eight or so” Jill explained. Oh. Jill was rolling onigiri, nodding, “I’m going to make enough for your mom and Rick too. You’re gonna come have dinner with us, right?” “Uh…maybe” Popuri smiled quickly, “We’ll see. Where’s Koji?” It was a very brief look, a gust of something tumultuous that melted back into casualness very quickly. Popuri was still a little caught off guard though. Was he doing something terrible? However, Jill smiled nervously, “Um, maybe don’t bother with him right now. He’s in a mood.” “In a mood?” Popuri echoed, confused. “Koji gets into these little spells where he’s…not himself. He’s very snippy and mean. Usually he locks himself in his room until he gets over it but he’s in one of those now.” But he sent them flowers? Popuri frowned, taking off her coat, “Well, I’ll just go say ‘hi’ then for a moment.” “…Okay.” Going up the stairs, she indeed found Koji’s door closed which was a little unusual. Swallowing, she knocked gingerly, “U-Um, Koji? It’s Popuri. Jill said you weren’t feeling well so I won’t bother you.” It was dead silent. She might have heard the hum of a television. Maybe he was asleep? Clearing her throat, she continued, a little…bothered by this. ‘Moods’? Like, mood swings? “I just wanted to thank you for what you did. You really made mama’s day, she…she doesn’t have things like that anymore, so she was really tickled. And-! And I love mine too, thank you.” Still quiet…actually, maybe he was asleep. Stupid, she groaned, shaking her head at herself. She’d come back later. Alas, she jumped when the door very slowly opened…and a black cloud essentially answered. Somewhat like that flash of undefinable emotion on Jill’s face, there was an entirely looming aura around Koji. He looked very out of it, his eyes creased and his body language just generally miserable. What was going on? “A-Ah, hi, I didn’t wake you, did I?” “…No.” “O-Oh.” He rubbed his face roughly, almost like he was trying to resurface or reset. “…Your mom liked them?” “A-Ah, yes, she was messing with them when I got back from the store and made me bring them to her bedroom so she can look at them. He smiled. Some. “Great.” Koji left the door open but it looked like everything drained out of him and went to crash face first into his bed. What? Popuri followed, honestly concerned, “Are you okay though? Do you want me to get you something?” “I’m fine” he muttered, muffled. Really? Lifting some of his face, Koji stared into the distance for a moment before shrugging a shoulder and turning on his back, wincing. “…Ever since I was a kid, I just have these weird shutdowns. I feel like I’m just dragging and have lost all will to do anything. I can usually get myself out of my funk pretty quickly but sometimes, like today, they just linger.” Oh. Popuri nodded, “I understand. I think everyone has days like that.” “…I wonder about that sometimes.” Hmm? She sat on the bed, shyly reaching out to pet his hair, “U-Um, well, I’ll go and hang out with Jill then.” Shaking his head some, Koji turned over to face her drearily. “…Can you stay for a second?” “Eh?” “Just for a second…” Hiding her blush, she nodded and was a little startled when he pretty much cuddled into her side, gazing at the television. Weird, Jill made it seem like he was in some violent mood. It looked like Koji just needed a hug. Eventually, he dozed off, his cheek rested against her shoulder and his arm slung across her waist. It was just lucky she had gotten comfortable, she snickered, relaxing more into his pillows. …Just casual, Popuri. You could go places with him, talk and hang out with him, have dinner, maybe even occasionally sleep with him, and meet siblings you’d meet anyway because they were attached to Jill. Yes, he sweetly bought you and your mother flowers and might want to cuddle with you when he was feeling down but casual. This didn’t have to be anything more than that.
…Odd. Yagami Jill sat beside Izumi Cliff on the couch, her legs rested across his lap as he rubbed them. They were watching television but she wasn’t a hundred percent focused. She had continued to get the food ready, speaking with her boyfriend, when she noticed that Popuri hadn’t returned. Koji had been in a dark mood when he helped her with the animals, quiet and not saying much of anything. He’d…been like that for a while, unfortunately. It wasn’t his fault though… Whatever the case, she expected Koji to have shooed Popuri away immediately. Going upstairs to check on them, she was startled to find Koji and Popuri cuddled up, fast asleep. Eh? But he was usually so grouchy… …Odd. Maybe…Koji had actually found the right person? Cliff jumped when there was a knock at the door. She smirked at him, standing. He’d been jumpy all day, waiting for her brothers to come with apparent dread. As was though? If Koji was putting up with Cliff even when she found him annoying sometimes, her other brothers better behave. Opening the door, however, she was not met by her siblings. Duke. Duke looked anxious, kneading his hands. “Is Cliff here?” “O-Oh, yes.” Her boyfriend stood, his brows raised, “Uh, sir? What’s going on?” “Cliff!” the man blurted, stepping in as Jill let him in from the cold, “Um, I-I have a bit of a predicament and you may be my last option.” Predicament? “Well, certainly. I hope I can help.” “We have a mass stock order to get to Hondo over the next week or two and I need someone there to receive it. Do you believe you can do it?” Oh. Cliff’s eyes widened, looking to her, “O-Oh, that’s--” Jill was used to this sort of thing, mostly because of her parents and their lifestyle of having to run off on emergencies or business trips all the time. She smiled supportively, rubbing his arm, “You should go if you like, Cliff. It sounds like Duke needs you.” “…All right. I can do it.” “Really?! F-Fantastic!” Duke gushed, shaking his hand, “You’re really shaping up to be a lifesaver, my boy!” Generally, Jill didn’t really hear a whole lot about what Cliff did at the winery. He said it was really slow, mostly just him moving bottles or treating the plants for their future growth. Duke and Manna handled production from their previous crop, he informed, and they sometimes would import grapes internationally. Otherwise, it seemed very laid back… Duke gave Cliff the coordinates and an aligning hotel to stay in to make it easier. Cliff pouted when the man left, huffing, “…I never expected to go on a business trip.” “It’ll be good! You can visit your sisters while you’re there” Jill insisted. “Well, that’s true…” he reluctantly conceded, “Do you want to come with me?” Shaking her head, she smiled and gave him a kiss, “Maybe for a couple of days but I need to be here for the farm. And, of course, my siblings.” She smirked when Cliff’s blue eyes brightened. Yea, just his luck, he would miss out on that visit. “Let me go pack!” “Uh huh” she snickered. He went to their bedroom, packing a small backpack and gave her a warm kiss. “I’ll call you when I get there, okay?” Nodding, she smiled as he kissed her jaw. She walked him to the door and watched him off… When it was like this, it was nice. It seemed normal, something more like a relationship. He did chores, he would cook her breakfast, and they’d watch television on the couch when he got back from work. It worked when it was like that. …She wondered though. How much would he drink in Hondo?
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mischievous-thunder · 11 months
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
Give us a chance
W Rafe Cameron
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Series- outer banks!
Summary- He’s been ignoring you lately? But now you and Rafe get stranded in the middle of the sea. Just you two. Alone. You can’t both hide your feelings foreverrr.
Warnings- swearing, kissing, Rafe saving your character from boys taking advantage.
(No season three spoilers in this)
Request are open for all and anything🫶
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“Are you serious right now” Rafe stormed over to me pulling me away from some guys lap. I don’t even know who he was but- alcohol makes you do stupid things. “Rafe- get off me” I giggled pushing him away from me. “Are you serious y/n” “what are you moaning about now” my eyes rolled as my arms folded. I tried to look at him but my eyes began falling shut.
“Your fucking hammered- you can barely stand up” he stepped over catching me with one arm around my waist. “That’s because you dragged me up from my seat too fast” I raised my eyebrows at him. “I’m taking you home” “Rafe no! I’m havi- having fun” I shook my head trying to pull back.
“Y/n!” “Why! Why are you taking me home why are you looking out for me- you do it all the time I see you watching me at parties, you’ve been watching me all night here” I frowned raising my voice slightly. “Because we’re friends” he frowned stepping close to me again.
“We were friends!” I scoffed, turning away from him as my eyes filled up with tears. “Before you so randomly started blowing me off and ignoring me- I’m not leaving with you unless you tell me why”. Rafe stared at me blankly before bringing his hand up to rub the side of his head. “Fine we will talk but on the way home” he bargained with me throwing me a stern look.
I gazed around at the rest of the party on the little near by island we had found. “Fine- how did you get here” “my boat” Rafe nodded his head towards it. “Come on- on then” I stirred spinning around a bit too fast, as I took my first step my legs began to wobble. Rafe lifted me in one Swift move, holding me in his arms walking to the boat.
“Unnecessary” I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck, kind of liking being up here. He stoped at the steps of his grand yacht to look down at me with his baby blue eyes. Holding the eye contact. Hot. How easy it would be to lift my head up right now.
“C-can you climb up?” Rafe shook his head tearing away from me. “Yes- yeah” I nodded gripping the ladder as rafe put me down on land. We both climbed up and went to sit in the wheelhouse. “I’m going to make you a coffee first- sober you up” “are you just delaying your answer?” I curled up in a ball on the sofa removing my shoes. Rafe looked at me with a knowing look and smiled before disappearing.
The music was fading when Rafe closed the door, the sounds of the party drowned out while I waited for him to return. He took about ten minutes before coming back with a blanket, slippers and a coffee in his arms for me. I smiled when I saw him, that was cute. “Five sugars?” Rafe smirked putting the cup down on the side table. “You remembered?”.
“How could I forget that, I’ve never met anyone else that takes five sugars” he chuckled, laying the slippers on the floor and opening the blanket for me. “Thank you Rafe” I nodded my head once. The boy kinda brushed past it, he wasn’t much of a sappy person and he couldn’t take a compliment or a thank you from anyone. Ever.
He started up the engine on the boat and slowly we started sailing away while I sipped my coffee and watched the island fade away. “So tell me” I looked over at him after a few minutes of silence. “What did I do wrong” “nothing” he replied bluntly staring into the pitch black ocean. “So what happened then? Why did you start pretending like I didn’t exist”
“We’re not doing this, I just said that so i could get you home” “I know” I answered softly. “it was worth a try” my shoulders shrugged sadly. “I also know I haven’t done anything wrong, because I’d never do anything to upset you rafe” I told him truthfully. “What ever it is you can talk to me we can sort it out- I don’t want you to stay away from me”
“That’s easier said than done, even if I wanted to I clearly couldn’t stay away from you” he told me in the exact same tone and facial expression. “Did- you want to?” I asked lowly hoping for a no. “No” Rafe turned to look at me now for the first time in this conversation. “I had to- I have to”.
“Why?” I questioned feeling full of confusion. “Why” Rafe laughed looking back into the night. “Why did you get so drunk tonight, there’s many why’s” he replied.
“I- had another argument with my parents” I told him after a few seconds looking at the floor. “That still happening?” “They want me to follow in the family business- I don’t want to, it’s never going to be solved” “well, I want to be in the family business- I feel like my dad doesn’t want me there sometimes” Rafe laughed to himself.
I looked over at him smiling at our similarities, just as I did the boat engine began to stop. Rafe frowned and hit the petrol sign on the panel like that was going to solve something. “What the fuck” he whispered to himself turning the key again and again. “Out of petrol?” “No I’ve still got half a tank- something must be caught it’s too dark to go out and see” he sighed putting his head in his hands.
“Fuck!” The boy slammed his hand into the steering wheel making me jump and spill the coffee down the blanket. “Shit- im sorry” Rafe jumped up when he noticed to grab a pack of tissues. “It’s- its okay, we just have to wait right? until the morning” “yeah” he nodded wiping the coffee off me whilst knelt down. He looked up at me and chuckled raising a hand with his thumb out.
He dragged it across my cheek wiping the splashes of coffee off me. I caught his hand when he tried taking it back. In this moment it was just me and Rafe in the world. The sounds of the sea were the only thing that could be heard. He was staring into my eyes and I did it back. I didn’t want this moment to end.
But something had to ruin it. A boat noise appeared and it sounded like someone was parking next to us. “Who’s- that?” I whispered feeling a sense of fear take over me. “Stay here” Rafe rubbed my hand with his thumb before standing up to go and see who it was. He opened the door peering down the side of the boat.
“Rafe? That you?” A voice yelled up “yeah” he called back down. “It’s just Tommy” Rafe told me when I stood up. I walked over to the side of him to see a very drunk Tommy, Daniel and Carl in the little speed boat beside us. “Y/n? What you doing here” Tommy asked loudly. “going- home” I answered.
“So Why are you guys parked in the middle of nowhere- you Two been up to something?” Carl giggled swigging the bottle again. “Nah engine is fucked we’re just waiting it out” Rafe told them taking precautions it looked like. Seeing Rafe looking at them like that made me feel kind of scared. What was he thinking, what were they up to?
The three boys started giggling and whispering to each other about something. “Tell you what, we will take y/n home, take real good care of her for you so she’s not stuck out here huh” Tommy offered up with a grin. I didn’t want to go with them something was off, but I didn’t know how to say no. I moved forward to go down the stairs but Rafe cut off my exist with his arm. Thank heaven. No thank Rafe Cameron.
“Yeah i Don’t think so” he shook his head with a smiled on the corner of his mouth. “What’s the problem Rafe? Don’t you want her safe at home” Carl laughed wiggling his eyebrows “she’s safe here, you can go now” “all kinda threats out here” “I said you can go, or are we going to have a problem? Because I promise you will lose” Rafe leant over the rail of the boat.
“It really should be the ladies decision- we could have some real fun together” Tommy smirked undressing me with his eyes. “Of course that part probably wouldn’t have been the ladies decision” carl shrugged and the three boys laughed. Rafe slammed his hand down on the pole before racing down the stairs. Tommys face dropped and he tried starting the boat up again.
Rafe reached over the side grabbing Carl by the neck. “You talk about her like that again I’ll fucking drown you” Rafe spat, as he drew his arm back to punch Tommy started the speed boat and Daniel held onto Carl. Rafe dropped him watching closely as they sped off panicking. My heart pounded against my chest and when Rafe turned around he saw it in my face.
“Your okay there gone” he told me walking back up to me. I ran down the stairs meeting him half way. I’d hugged rafe a thousand times but this time, he instigated it. His arms were open. And I hugged him tight as a tear fell onto his top. “I won’t let anyone lay a fucking finger on you y/n, ever” he whispered into my hair running his hand though it.
“How can you say that to me when your never with me anymore” “I’m always watching out for you, I’d never let anything happen” Rafe told me pushing my head up by my chin. “But yet you still can’t tell me why you can’t even be seen with me” I pulled away drying my eyes. “Y/n it’s in your best interest if you don’t know” he told me sadly and tried to walk up the stairs.
“No it’s not Rafe! I need to know what’s going on it plays on my mind constantly!” “You don’t, you think you do but you don’t want to know” he shook his head gently moving my arm so he could ascend to the top. “How can you possibly know that!” “Because if I tell you y/n! Everything is ruined everything changes!” Rafe shook his head, I noticed his eyes were a little watery too.
“I’m a big girl rafe, i might take you by surprise” I called out desperately still waiting on the steps. “You really… you really want to know?” Rafe chuckled shaking his head. But I just folded my arms and raised one eyebrow up. Rafe looked at me for a second before bolting it down the stairs. He stopped inches away from me, inches away from my lips. “Do you get it yet?” He whispered looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
My heart pounded against my chest as I leant in hitting his lips. Rafe pulled back instantly and looked at me with wide eyes. I held my breath waiting for him to say something but instead he came back to me pulling me towards him by my hip. I held onto his neck as we kissed for the first time ever. Rafe was right, this had ruined something. But this could be way better than what we had, change can be good.
He moved a hand to my faces as we pulled away breathless. I didn’t know what to say, neither did he apparently. So we kissed again until one of us knew how to react. “I’m still going to need an explanation here” I told him smiling not letting go of him. “Only if I get one too” Rafe shrugged holding onto me tight. “Can we sit down?”. He nodded taking my hand and we made it to the sofa. Rafe pulled me down by my waist on top of him as I squealed.
“We just kissed” he giggled like a boy with his first crush. “I think I’ve liked you for a long time rafe, I just didn’t realise until you stopped talking to me” I ran my thumb up and down his arm. “That’s why I stopped talking to you” “that doesn’t make sense? Why didn’t you just tell me?” His eyes dropped as if he didn’t want to talk about it. “Didn’t think I stood even a one percent chance really”
“What?” I frowned pushing his face to look at me. “I’m fucked up y/n, you can do better” “your not fucked up rafe! I won’t have you talking about yourself like that- I don’t want anything else I- I only want you rafe” I whispered playing with the bottom of his hair. “Your sweet you just don’t let people see it, but I see it and I always have” “so I haven’t ruined anything?” He questioned holding my face too.
“You made it better- presuming you make me your girlfriend of course” I giggled excitedly. “That was a given the moment I kissed you- I don’t kiss anyone like that” Rafe told me seriously. “I want you, your all I want all I’ve ever wanted” ���I want you too rafe” I leant our foreheads together.
“You’ve got me”.
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aikaterini-drag · 10 months
Embrace of Two Hearts
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Summary: Harald has been traveling, negotiating alliances but now that he is back, he can’t take his eyes off of his wife —as well as his hands off of her.
Pairing: King Harald Sigurdson x Queen Fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, kisses, implied smut, besotted Harald.
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It had been a long time since Harald Sigurdsson had left Norway to build alliances and trading negotiations with the surrounding kingdoms. The matter had required his attention and he had been forced to leave you behind so you could take care of the kingdom in his absence. You were his Queen, the person he trusted and loved the most.
After meeting with various wealthy yarls and merchants, Harald’s plans had been prosperous; he’d stricken deals to trade goods and boost the income of his kingdom.
After almost two months at traveling, he was finally back.
Harald hadn’t blown the horns to make his arrival known.
He wanted today to be a surprise.
He wanted to see your face light up and hear your happy laughter as you reached him.
So after a light meal and a much needed bath, he headed to one of the villages where he was told you had gone shopping.
With his hood pulled low over this face, he strolled along the bustling Viking village, and when he saw you, his eyes fixed on you. You hadn’t taken notice of his presence; you were engaged in conversation with some of the women selling silks and spices. Resting his great frame on one of the stalls, he took his time and watched you for a few seconds. When waiting became too much to handle, he slipped back his hood and approached you.
A loud gasp left your lips when you finally saw him. You blinked, as in disbelief and when he smiled invitingly, all dimples and sunshine, you rushed into his arms. Your husband was back! Oh, how you’ve missed him, craved him! You’ve been exchanging letters with him during his travels but nothing compared to him holding you, touching you. And there he was, tall and handsome, wearing his marvelous regal tunic and leather pants, his fur cloak, his handsome face forming a warm smile.
“Ah, there’s my beautiful queen!” he said when you practically jumped into his waiting arms.
"Oh, Harald!" You pressed your lips against his in a long kiss. “You didn’t tell me you were coming back.”
“Surprise,” he said, his lips stretched delightfully.
“Oh, how I missed you! Is everything alright? The negotiations?”
“Everything’s perfect. I’ll tell you about my feats later.” He cupped your face, his hungry eyes taking in your beauty. “Let me look at you, have my fill of you.”
“Did you miss me so much, my lord husband?”
“Only a little, my lady wife.”
"Only a little?" You raised a brow. “Then why are you here?”
“Because I lied. I missed you. Painfully. Deeply. Hard.”
You laughed. “You debauched Viking.”
He grinned. “I've hoped to distract you from your shopping. Is it working?”
You fluttered your eyelashes. “Only if you kiss me again.”
Smiling in that stunning mischievous smile of his, he lowered his lips to yours, his tongue dancing with yours wetly. The touch was too swift for your liking but since you were still in public—and everyone was staring… you drew back softly. Harald locked your hands together and led the way back to your longhouse. You walked through the hall, with him stealing kisses and whispering sweet words to you.
When he had you in the solitude of your room, he scooped you up and dropped you onto the bed. You giggled as you bounced stop the furs and pillows. He joined you, a thick knee climbing onto the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight. And then he was all over you, his strong body draped over your slender frame. He watched you with eyes ablaze with the passion, his lips parted. He brought his hands to caress your cheek, his knuckles tracing your skin lovingly.
“What is it, King Harald? What has you so enthralled?” you teased, leaning into his touch.
“You,” he said simply. “My wife… my beautiful wife who outshines even the finest jewels.”
You kissed him lightly. “I’m not as charming as my strong and courageous husband.”
“I disagree. You are achingly beautiful and perfect. And I am not in the least charming.”
“Oh, you're charming. Impossibly charming.” You claimed his lips and he moaned. “Your charm is as sharp as your sword.”
Harald grinned. “My love, my sword only yields to you. Sharp and ready to service you.”
“You didn’t just say that!”
He kissed your forehead, however, his hands were skillfully dragging up your gown. “What are you thinking, my mischievous wife?”
“What are you thinking, my mischievous husband?”
“I’m thinking I missed the feel of you. And that I want you,” he said and rolled his hips gently, and even with the layers of clothes, his groin pressed hard against her center.
Whining softly, you slipped your hands under his tunic to feel his warm skin. “Me, too. It has been so long.”
“Hm… I have been denied your warmth but no more.”
“Make love to me?”
“All day and night, my love.”
He pulled you close and kissed you deeply and fervently, lips meeting, tongues brushing. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving nothing but your love and passion. Clothes were tossed away, skin touched skin, sweat tricked like little diamonds and then came bliss.
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owl-with-a-pen · 2 months
Outside of superhero emergencies, Kara didn’t tend to lean into her super hearing where she could avoid it. Girl’s night at her apartment, for example, definitely shouldn’t have called for it. Then again, she wasn’t usually the subject of discussion in just about every apartment block on her street.
So, maybe that wasn’t completely true. She’d certainly heard her name mentioned a lot more since the whole secret identity reveal thing; it was just, nowadays, instead of hearing Supergirl, it was usually Kara Zor-El.
She was used to it. She’d been used to it for years; her name was normally a hot topic days, if not weeks after a major save was broadcast. The only difference now was… not all of those voices were as positive as she’d come to expect.
Like right now, for instance. No matter how hard she tried to shut it out, she couldn’t help but listen for that same voice echoing from hundreds of homes across the city, streaming from earbuds, speakers and laptops alike. His voice was charismatic and quick, like a less polished Maxwell Lord, and while he may have been a nobody just a few weeks ago, he’d certainly gained enough traction now to give Kara one hell of a headache.
Unfortunately for her, she’d inadvertently tuned herself in at just the right time for her downstairs neighbour to hit play:
“Alright folks, if you missed our last episode I’ll catch you up to speed. Last week, we rounded off at the crux of the Supergirl Problem; that she hasn’t just been living in our midst this whole time, but that she’s been actively working as a journalist for CatCo Worldwide Media. And, just a few weeks ago, she was publicly put in charge of the editorial process for that same media outlet minutes after she came clean about her alter-ego to the world. And, as I doubt Supergirl will want to speak for herself on the matter, we have one of her self-proclaimed super-fans in the house today to speak on her behalf. Say it with me at home folks, debate me, Supergirl!”
The aforementioned ‘super-fan’ let out a surprised scoff at her introduction. She didn’t waste a minute of her airtime, jumping immediately into the conversation: “Well, for starters, I think you’re taking this whole thing out of context. Supergirl didn’t just become a journalist for CatCo overnight. If you knew anything about Kara’s story, you’d know that she worked her way up the food chain for years! I mean, how empowering is that? She started as a PA!”
“Yeah, a PA with superspeed, how difficult. No wonder she ended up in Cat Grant’s palm! And yes, I do know her origin story, thank you very much.” The host’s voice crackled as Kara imagined him relaxing into his microphone. “Let the audience not forget that she was a PA for Cat Grant before she became a journalist. Are we really going to pretend that wasn’t her foot in the door?”
“Cat Grant wasn’t even her boss when she got into journalism,” argued the young woman. “And by the time Kara made a name for herself, Cat wasn’t even leading the company anymore! She got to where she is now on her own merit, no one elses!”
The host spoke over her: “It begs the question, did Cat Grant know this whole time? She takes a sabbatical only to re-emerge just in time to offer Supergirl a promotion. On top of that, she’s been promoting Supergirl for years! She created her – her words, on record. And now she’s put her in charge of media distribution. Get this: Supergirl is now in charge of the media we consume. Isn’t that a little self-indulgent?”
The young woman didn’t back down. “Kara Danvers was a Pultizer winning journalist long before we found out who she really was,” she argued. “She’s been standing for truth and justice just as much as Supergirl has. In fact, she’s just as much a hero as—”
“But what’s the agenda here?” the host continued with a conspiratorial air. “How can we even believe the news now it’s being headed by a liar? And she did, didn’t she? She lied to us all! She had a secret identity this whole time, and what? We’re just supposed to accept that? What’s the bet that this story will make a headline at CatCo magazine tomorrow morning, with my comments made out as Supergirl’s latest villain story? Or, better yet, will I be Kara Danver’s first official nemesis?” He barked out a laugh into his microphone. “There’s no freedom of the press anymore, folks, not when CatCo is bias towards the very hero that made it so popular in the first place!”
Before she could hear any more, Kara was thrown from her super-eavesdropping rather unceremoniously when a hand shot out in front of her face, waving impatiently.  
“Earth to Kara,” Alex said, snapping her fingers in front of her sister’s nose. “Hey, anyone home?”
“Huh?” Kara said before screwing her eyes shut, swatting away Alex’s offending hand. “Hey, hey, stop that!”
It was only then that she realised that it wasn’t just Alex who had been trying to get her attention. Lena and Kelly were staring at her from the opposite sofa. Nia sat cross legged on the footstool by the coffee table, nursing her drink with an expectant expression.
Kara glanced lamely at the TV. It didn’t look like anyone had been paying attention to the movie for quite some time.
Just how long had she been…?
Kara tried not to cringe.
Kelly cleared her throat, smoothing her hands over her lap. “From your expression, I’m guessing you were listening in on something pretty important.” She hesitated. “Is everything okay?”
Kara’s eyes widened. “What? Oh, oh no, it’s not a superhero emergency, I swear. Girl’s night continues uninterrupted, I promise!”
“Okay,” Nia said with a slow smile. “Then what was with the—” She mimicked Kara’s spaced-out expression a little too well, earning a few grins at her expense.
Kara pursed her lips. “Uh—I mean. It was nothing. Just…” She sagged in on herself awkwardly. “Okay, so I may have been listening to this podcast…”
“Oof.” Alex winced. “You don’t wanna do that.”
Kara groaned, falling back against the sofa. “I’ve been trying not to, but it’s kinda hard when half of my building’s listening to it.” She rubbed aggressively at her ears. “Super hearing can really suck, you guys.”
“Wait,” Nia said, perking up. “Are you talking about the Debate Me, Supergirl podcast?” When everyone turned to stare at her, she shrugged. “What? Brainy’s been keeping tabs on all social channels for this stuff ever since your interview first went public, y’know, calculating the odds on them picking up any real traction. In case things go… south.”
“And what are the odds on this guy?” Alex asked seriously.
Nia made a vague gesture. “I mean, until a few days ago, Brainy had him in the unlikely category. But his latest interview with a Supergirl stan got a whole lot of attention on social media. They were basically at each other’s throats the entire time.” She took a mild sip of her drink. “People ate it up.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “Of course they did. And I’m guessing from your tone, not much of the audience were on this super – uh – stan’s side?”
Nia pulled a face, taking an even larger swig.
Kara groaned again, burying her face in her hands. “This is awful. I- I just can’t believe how little faith they have in me now that they know the truth!”
Lena smiled her sympathy. “Take it from someone who was once deluded enough to fall right into that same category of hatefully ignorant.” She toasted her scotch glass to no one in particular, swirling its contents with a gentle twist of her wrist. “It’s not easy for people to accept that their larger-than-life hero was living amongst them.”
Kara’s head shot up in protest. “I never wanted anyone to put me on a pedestal.”
“Want has nothing to do about it. Like it or not, they did.” Lena paused, tucking her legs into the sofa’s arm. She fixed Kara with a level look. “Kara, I say this as your friend, but you have to understand how powerful you are in the eyes of a regular citizen. You fly, you shoot laser beams from your eyes, you’re bullet proof and fire proof. Your power is limitless and even though this city has seen you fall, they’ve also seen you get back up time and time again.”
Kara bit her lip. “That part I can understand, but it’s not just that. This podcaster isn’t only targeting my Supergirl persona. It’s Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El that they don’t trust.” She snorted, throwing her hands wide. “They think the fact that I’m working as CatCo’s Editor-in-Chief makes the whole platform inherently bias. And – yes – I know I’ve fought my own biases in the past, and it’s not like being impartial was what won me a Pulitzer, but to them— a superhero in the press just doesn’t appeal. They think I’m a fraud, that I’ve been manipulating public opinion.” Kara could feel her face begin to flush in frustration. She ran a hand through her hair, standing just to put her energy somewhere. She slammed a fist against her palm, taking a step around the coffee table with every beat. “But, I mean, don’t they remember how CatCo turned on Supergirl after the Red Kryptonite incident? And rightfully, too. I lost the people’s trust then, and now—now it’s happening all over again and I just… I don’t know how to win them back,” she laughed through her teeth, “or if I can win them back!”
Alex took Kara’s arm swiftly as she passed her by, tugging her to her side. “Hey, no one said this was gonna be easy.”
“I think those were Cat’s exact words, actually,” Nia said helpfully, pointing in Alex’s direction.
Kara huffed, anchored by her sister’s steadying hand. “Yeah? Well, they didn’t say it would be this difficult, either.”
“Don’t listen to a few angry voices,” Nia insisted, her voice sobering. “They aren’t worth your energy, trust me.”
“Are they just a few?” Kara asked grimly. If she tried hard enough, she was sure she could still tune into hundreds of versions of that same podcast playing from across the city. Whether they agreed with him or not, the people of National City and beyond were listening to this nameless podcaster, and that was dangerous enough on its own.
Nia smiled tightly, balling her knuckles against her lap. “Just don’t listen to them, okay?” She closed her eyes. “Look, people like to make a lot of noise when they feel like they’ve been lied to, but the truth is, they were never entitled to that information to begin with. When I did my Dreamer interview with you, a lot of people were so supportive; some of them even saw themselves in me, but there were always hateful voices that tried to drown out the positive ones.” She straightened her back, opening her eyes. “But, y’know, they make that much noise because they know they’re in the minority, and they do not have the power that they think. Putting it into perspective like that… it’s a lot easier to ignore them, especially when I know how many people I’ve helped by sharing my story.”
“You’re right,” Kara said softly. Because she was. Of course she was. A single podcast spouting a single negative view didn’t diminish everything good that had come out of Supergirl’s identity reveal. Yes, the celebrity-level thing took some getting used to and openly flying to work made her something of a spectacle when it came to the office situation, but for the most part, Kara was relieved to have that weight off her shoulders, and it was a joy to know just how many aliens felt more confident to live as themselves now that they knew Supergirl had also shared their struggle.
In truth, the world knowing where she had come from, who she had been ever since she’d landed on Earth, grounded her to the people in a way that had never struck quite the same as just Supergirl. And that was worth any amount of growing pains.
Kara reached out for Nia’s hand over the coffee table, squeezing tight. “Thank you.”
Nia’s smile softened. “Any time.”
Lena cleared her throat, shifting higher against her pillow. “And, as for your job,” she said with a sly smile of her own, “let’s just say I know a thing or two about the public coming for your throat, deeming you unworthy of the position you’ve fairly worked your way up to. It’s just like Nia said, you ignore it, Kara. You ignore it because you have nothing to prove to anyone, you’re already doing one hell of a job as a journalist. Remain honest with yourself, and eventually people will see it. Not everyone of course.” She tilted her head, raising her glass to her lips. “You’ll never have everyone’s approval. If you did, well, I’d say you were on another planet, because that’s certainly not how the human race are wired.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Nia chimed in, leaning up to clink her glass with Lena’s. She caught Kelly’s glass on her way back.
Kelly smiled fondly, though there was a strained edge to her expression when she said, “We’ve all had to work twice as hard to prove ourselves. And as much as it hurts, that extends to Supergirl as well.”
Kara sat back down with a sigh, leaning into the embrace that Alex readily offered her. “Cat once told me the same thing; right after she’d first claimed Supergirl, actually.”
“Exactly,” Alex said with a sage nod. She kissed her sister’s hair. “And, hey, Cat Grant won’t let a podcast beat down her creation. Hell, her empire is built on powerful women, it always has been, always will.” She gestured to everyone in the room. “You are all prime examples of that.”
Kara nudged her sister playfully, pushing out of her arms. “Hey, well, the amount of times the DEO has personally kept that building from crashing to the ground, I’d say you’re an honorary member of Cat’s empire, too.”
Alex’s nose crinkled. “I think I prefer the title of badass DEO leader, but I’ll take it.” She grinned, rolling her eyes. “The point is, you have us, Kara.”
“Yeah.” Nia beamed. “And our opinion is worth a million times more than some crappy podcast.”
“Oh, cheers to that, too!” Alex laughed and they all converged with their glasses, meeting with a raucous clash over the coffee table.
Cheers rang out all ‘round, and Kara let the simple joy of that moment infect her. Their combined laughter easily blotted out any chances of hearing another word from that podcaster’s mouth.
She'd lost the taste for eavesdropping, anyway.
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delusinaldreamer19 · 2 months
Black butler Fanfic Recommendations
Here's a lil list of fanfics I've read over the years. Make sure to look over my notes & see the labeling key at the top :)
There's an emphasis on dadbastian and Sebagni b/c that's just what I like to read lol, but majority are no ship. (And no Sebaciel).
(My own works aren't included. You can find them on my blog if your interested.)
Lmk if this link or any included don't work. I had to fuss around to figure out how to publish the doc anonymously. (On that note, if for whatever reason it ISN'T anonymous, pls pls pls let me know. I definitely don't want to publicize my personal email 😭).
If you have a fav fanfic that wasn't included, send it to me and I'll add it!
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baelarys · 3 months
⋆˚࿔𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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The requests are open
You can make requests from the dragon house, I will leave below a list of requests that I accept and which I do not and my restrictions:
•you can make requests for any character
•I do smut, Except for characters who are minors
Hey guy, I just wanted to let you know that I accept requests for series like Game of Thrones or The Chronicles of Narnia as well as for The Umbrella Academy and others.
Characters I have written for
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Aemond targaryen
Under the golden sun Pt2
Under the golden sun
𝐋𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩 𝙢𝙚
Thérèse pt2
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞
𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫...𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫...𝐈'𝐦 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 pt2
𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚
𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶
Aegon ii targaryen
the shadow of the dragon
๛𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞
✾𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞✾
𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙢𝙚, 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙢𝙚
we get what we deserve?
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
Lord cregar stark
Helaena targaryen
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨
Daemon targaryen
𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪 𝘢𝘮 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺
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dbnightingale24 · 2 months
A Stepcest love story about Jim
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Because why not? I have a million other stories to update, so why not add another one to the list? I've been working on this story for a while, but I've been anxious to upload it. I've decided to go back to my old ways (for this story only) and not give you guys a novel. We're gonna do this bit by bit. I have more than enough to post the full story, but I know a good amount of people haven't seen it. As always, thank you to @fuckingbye for an amazing moodboard! I think the world of you, and I can't wait to hug you again, and cry entirely too much over life. ANYWHO, let's get started, shall we?
P.S. The playlist is going to be the same for this entire story. K, lets go!
Word Count: 3,514
Warnings: Swearing, Family Drama, Stepdaughter/Step Father interest, Drinking, Drinking Relapse, MINORS DNI, Emotional Cheating...I think that's it for now?
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: You're Turning Me Cruel Cause I'm Just Wanting You To React
Summary: You and and your Mother have never had the best relationship, but the both of you have always tried. However, when she invites you to stay, and you're met with the last surprise you were expecting, will any progress be made? Or will it just get worse? Catastrophically worse.
I do not give permission/consent for my stories/works to get posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior/relationship, this is for entertainment purposes only.
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Chapter 1
It wasn’t exactly exciting, going home for Summer Holiday, but the thought of getting your own place just feels too daunting . Yes, graduation is coming up soon, but with the cost of everything as it is, you’d much rather wait until you actually have to rent one. Yes, you’re Mother is the last person you want to spend any time with, but who knows? Maybe she finally got a handle on her drinking?
Yeah, that’s likely.
As you knock on her door, you shift nervously from foot to foot, and you don’t know why. It doesn’t matter that you two rarely talk, or rarely see each other, she’s still your Mother.
Whether she likes it or not.
“Hello,” a man greets with a soft smile once he opens the door.
Well, hello to you too.
“Hi, I’m looking for Y/M/N? Last I was told, she still lives here.”
“She does,” he laughs softly, standing aside to let you in, “she ran off to the store. She wanted to be back by the time you got here. She’s been anxious,” he confesses softly, closing the door. 
You give him a look over as you place your bags down, and you can’t help but marvel at how handsome he is. He has beautiful ocean blue eyes, a slender physique (but you can tell there’s some muscle there), black hair that’s starting to gray a bit that you just wanna run your hands through and, lastly, a gold band on his finger.
Pause. There’s no way...oh, fuck no.
“What’s your name?” you ask with a kind smile, though your mind is racing a million miles a minute. 
“Jim. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“That wouldn’t be because you’re married to my lovely Mother, is it?” you question, and he softly shakes his head.
“She wanted you to be here.”
“Oh, I bet she did,” you scoff, shaking your head. “I bet she fucking did. Do you want a drink? I want a drink.”
“She doesn’t keep booze-” “Oh yes she does, you just have to know where to look,” you smirk, making your way into the kitchen. “How long have you two been married?”
“About a year.”
“Well, God bless you,” you mutter, stomping around on the kitchen floor. “Oh, don’t tell me you’ve gone all saintlike on me now,” you scowl, before finally stomping on the hollow tile. “If there’s one person I know, it’s my Mother,” you scowl with a nod, before crouching down and picking at the at the worn tile. “So, how did you two lovebirds meet?”
“Maybe it would be best if she told you,” he mumbles as you pull up the tile on the floor. 
“I’m gonna level with ya, Jim. My Mother and I? Not the best relationship. So, whatever she says, I’m not gonna believe her. Hell, she’s been married a year and I’m just finding out about it. So,” you huff, standing on your feet once you’ve dug out the bottle of whiskey from the floor, and recovering the hole with the tile, “how’d you two meet?”
“At a bar,” he tells you, seemingly shocked that you actually did find a bottle. “Someone I used to see worked there. Her and I broke up and soon enough I started seeing your Mother.”
“I’m guessing things went well if you married her,” you mutter, grabbing two glasses.
Do you mean to turn her world upside down? No. However, it doesn’t change the fact that your world has been turned upside down, and you can’t help but be a little irritated by it.
Irritated by her.
“Do you have a drinking problem too?” you ask, pouring you both a drink, “don’t wanna mess up anyone’s progress or lack of,” you scoff.
You really don’t mean to be rude to the handsome man, this is just the last thing you expected.
“No, but-”
“Well, lets work on that,” you laugh humorlessly as you raise your glass to cheers him. 
Once again, it’s not the handsome stranger’s fault, but you’re also caught completely off guard.
“Has she cut down on drinking?” you ask, after taking a sip.
“She really hasn’t started drinking since she told me you were coming home for Holiday.”
“That makes an awful lot of sense. I handle her about as well as she handles me. She didn’t give you a warning?”
“She just said that things will be tense for a few days, but things will smooth out.”
“ ‘Things will smooth out’. Well, that’s one way of putting it. Well, Jim..Dad,” you scoff humorlessly, “I’m sorry you’re in the middle of this,” you mumble as the front door unlocks. 
“Honey, is she...oh,” your Mother sighs as he closes the door.
She’s more than likely seen the bags by the door. 
“I wanted to be here when you first got here, but I realized I forgot a few things at the market and had to...ah,” she mutters, taking note of both you and Jim drinking whiskey.
How the hell else did she think this was gonna go?
“I know what it looks like, but it’s not-”
“If you’d have told me, I would’ve gotten you a wedding gift,” you laugh as you raise a glass to her. 
“I didn’t want you to be mad.”
“You got married and this is the first time I’m hearing about it. What reaction did you think you were going to get?”
“I just knew you wouldn’t get it. I know we’ve been through a lot, but once you get to know him-”
“I don’t need a Father, Mum,” you shrug before finishing off your drink. “I’m not even trying to be a cunt. I’ve just gone all these years without one, and I’m a full grown adult now. I just would’ve appreciated a heads up,” you shrug before pouring yourself another glass. “I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me.”
You’re quick to grab your bags in the entry way, and finally make your way upstairs. You only make it three up three steps before an argument breaks out. You take a deep breath before continuing your way up the stairs. You know what’s coming, and you know it’s gonna last for the entirety of the Summer. God, if only you knew how much damage you’d truly done.
You would’ve never come home for the Summer.
“I don’t want to argue,” Jim sighs, clearly exasperated, “I just wish you would’ve told me! I’m coming into this looking like the bad guy.”
“Of course, make it all about you,” your Mother slurs and you roll your eyes.
They’ve been arguing since you’ve retreated to your old bedroom. You truly didn’t mean to start an argument between the two of them. Despite what your Mother believes, you do want her to be happy, but you’re just tired of her shit. At this point, it truly feels like she goes out of her way to make things complicated, and there’s no fucking reason for it. She always needs to paint someone else as the bad guy and, for as much as she may love Jim right now, she will make him the bad guy if she thinks it’ll workout better for her in the end. 
“I’m meeting up with Rose. Don’t wait up,” she slurs as she storms out, slamming the door shut behind her.
Somewhere deep, deep, down inside, you do feel bad. However, it’s not bad enough for you to actually apologize to her. Yes, you’re used to her bullshit, but this? This is a new level of audacity, even for her. Not to mention, you do feel bad for Jim. You know absolutely nothing about the man, so he may be complete and total scum, but you do know she won him over with a personality built on lies. However, you truly didn’t mean to drag him into you and your Mother’s years and years of drama.
Which is why you’re now picking up your empty glass and making your way downstairs, taking a deep breath as you reach the last step.
Can’t hurt to get to know the man that’s apparently your new stepfather. 
“I’m sorry about that,” you greet as you make your way into the kitchen, taking a seat at the small table.
“It’s not your fault she kept things from me.”
“While that is true, I didn’t have to burst your bubble like that. You two had a life, and I just came in and made a mess of it. When it comes to my Mother, no one ever seems to make me as angry as she does.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that angry before,” he laughs halfheartedly.
There’s an awkward silence, so you take the moment to pour the both of you a drink.
“She told me that you’re in your last year of Uni?”
“Yeah, so it’s about time for me to find my own place. The price of everything is just so damn high right now,” you sigh, finally looking over at him.
No, you’re not exactly a fan of your Mother going out and getting married without a word to you, but you have to commend her on her taste in men.
The man is gorgeous.
“You’re not wrong, I don’t know how your Mum was able to afford this place before I moved in.”
“Her parents. My grandparents kind of always took care of us, because shes always been a wild child and they never really trusted her to be able to make a stable living. When they died, they left her everything. Including this house,” you mumble, swirling the dark brown liquid around in your glass. “Lets table the talk about the crazy lady for a bit though,” you smirk and he chuckles, “tell me about yourself.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Is this your first go at marriage? What do you do for a living? Any kids? Fill me in on all the basic information I should know,” you shrug, cocking an eyebrow.
“I’ve got two kids, this is my second time being married, and I’m a writer.”
“Your second time getting married, and you chose my Mum? I’d really love to know how she won you over.”
“She loves does love you, Y/N.”
“In her own way, yes she does. However, you’ll come to find this Summer that, that love will drive you mad. You’ll find out just how strong your love is for her.”
“Well, what’s so wrong with you?”
“God, if I knew, I would tell you,” you laugh before taking another sip of your drink. “I think I just remind her of failure, which is fine by me, honestly. I learned to accept it early on, and we’ve both been better for it. I call her on Christmas and her birthday, and that’s enough. She calls when she remembers or when she’s drunk and sad, but I barely heard from her this past year and I assume that’s because of you. Thanks for that.”
“I’m sorry-”
“No, I genuinely mean that. You’ve made her happy and I appreciate that. I’ll try not to stay long-”
“She does want you here,” he interjects sincerely before taking a sip of his drink.
“Not as much as you’d think she would. You are her do-over, and I could easily ruin that for her. My best friend lives close by and I wasn’t gonna ask to stay with her, cause she has a daughter so space is limited, but I will. I know she’ll be more than happy to have me, and I miss her like crazy anyway.”
“I feel like I’ve done something wrong.”
You stand up and grab your glass and slowly make your way to the counter, “well, you shouldn’t because you’ve done nothin’ wrong. You can’t break or cause more damage to something you had no knowledge of. Have you eaten today?”
“It’s alright, Jim. You’re not breaking up some happy Mother/Daughter relationship,” you laugh softly. “Now, have you eaten?”
“I had a light lunch, your Mother said she wanted us all to have dinner together.”
“She has these ideas, and then she gets drunk. Lets see what we have,” you mutter, opening the fridge and bending over to see what your Mother picked up from the store.
You and Jim spend the next hour or getting to know each other as you bake some salmon, make some mashed potatoes, and steam a bit of broccoli. You make sure to make enough for your Mother, because you know by the time she gets back, she’ll be shitfaced and will need something in her stomach as soon as she wakes up tomorrow. 
“You and your Mother have two very different cooking styles,” Jim notices as he leans against the counter, his third glass of whiskey in his hand.
“My grandmother taught me how to cook,” you smile at the memory while taking the salmon out of the oven, opening the foil just a bit to check on it. “My Mother learned how to cook from me and then put her own twist on it.”
“What did your Mother teach you how to do?”
“Umm, I’m really good on skates because of her. That would be our thing on the weekend. She taught me that getting hurt is okay and apart of life, and that I shouldn’t ever fear pain from anything or anyone. That she was right about.”
“She truly was excited about you coming, Y/N.” “I don’t doubt it, but she and I...we’ve always had a difficult relationship. She never wanted to be a parent, and she got to play “big sis” until my grandparents died. I was 12 and she never grew into the roll of being a parent. I used to hate her for it, but I learned to accept it. She kept a roof over my head, food on the table, and attempted to show up to school events. She wants a friend, not a daughter. There’s a reason she never told me about you, can you pass me two plates?” you ask, turning the oven and the stove off. “You seem like a nice guy though, and that’s what she needs. She’s never had a good guy before.”
“What about your Dad?”
“I’ve seen him twice, and both times, he was a complete and total cock. Pardon my language,” you smirk as he laughs. “No, my Mum wasn’t all that great, but at least she stuck around and tried. He only came around for money, both times my grandparents told him no and Mum threatened to break his knee with that fire poker in the other room.”
“Yeah, he wasn’t a good man,” you shrug, starting to plate the food. 
“I feel like I should’ve helped.”
“You kept me company, and that’s just as good as helping,” you smile up at him.
“I should at least set up the table,” he offers, clearing his throat as he stands up right, taking the silverware out of the drawers.
“If you insist.”
“Can’t have you thinking too little of me so soon,” he teases and you scoff. 
“You get a pass for today, it’s been a rough one for you.”
You don’t notice the way his eyes travel over your body, and even if you had, you wouldn’t have thought anything of it. He’d had a few drinks and his day went from good to a headache. He wasn’t the first guy to look you over and he wouldn’t be the last.
While he poured more drinks, you grabbed two water bottles out of the fridge, before finally taking a seat across from him at the table. Once again, the conversation flowed effortlessly and, the more you both drank, the harder it got to remember that this man was married to your Mother.
He’s your stepfather. 
When dinner is done, he insists on doing the dishes.
“It’s no big deal-”
“I derailed your day a bit, it’s the least I can do,” he laughs softly as he starts washing off the plates.
“Alright, you have a job, you’re a good Father, you’re good looking...why didn’t your first marriage work out?” you question, leaning against the counter.
You don’t miss the heavy sigh or the way his movements faltered a bit before answering.
“I cheated on my wife with a family friend. She never found out that it was a friend, but it wasn’t hard for her to figure out that I’d been up to something I shouldn’t have been.”
“Ah, so you are capable of making a mistake.”
“You’re not mad at me?” he laughs softly.
“It’s not like you cheated on my Mum, besides, it’s not like her record is perfect.”
“No stern talking to?” he smirks towards you.
“I’m just getting to know you,” you laugh. “She clearly saw something in you and didn’t feel the need to consult me on it. If she trusts you, I’m gonna have to trust that she knows what she’s doing.”
“You are somethin’ else.”
“I get that a lot.”
For just a moment, as both gaze at each other, you forget that there’s a line you shouldn’t be crossing with this man. It was literally just discussed that he’s married to your Mother. That doesn’t seem to matter right now , though. Not when he’s fun, handsome, and looking at you like he wants to get to know every little thing about you.
Well, that is until your Mother comes stumbling through the front door. 
“Fuck!” she exclaims, crashing into the wall.
“I’ll handle it,” you mutter, quickly pushing yourself up from the counter.
You need to get away from him anyway.
“I hope you’re happy,” she slurs as you collect her. “He hates me and it’s your fault. Men always hate me because of you!”
“So happy to be staying here,” you mutter, kicking the door close as you help her stand upright.
“You ran your Father off, my other boyfriends-”
“Did ya eat tonight?”
“As if you give a fuck,” she scowls barely bothering to help you get her up the steps. “Jim is good man-”
“He’s done nothing but sing your praises all bloody night, he’s not goin’ anywhere. Now, stop being difficult and walk with me.”
“I can do it m’damn self!”
“As tempted as I am to let that happen, you’d break ya neck and I’d feel bad. Now, lets go.”
“I know,” you sigh.
Lacking both style and grace, you get her up the stairs and unceremoniously into the bed, helping her to get her shoes off as well as her shirt. By the time you pull the covers up over her, she’s snoring. You’re quick to get to the bathroom and fill up one of the disposable cups in there and grab two aspirin, before quickly and quietly making your way back into the bedroom and putting them down on her nightstand. Giving your small kiss on her temple, you quietly make your way out of the room and let out a deep breath. 
There’s no way you can stay here for the entire Summer.
With a look of pure pity written across his face, Jim asks, “are you okay?” once you’re back in the kitchen.
“Nothing I haven’t handled before,” you respond with a defeated smile. “I’ll be out of here by the time both of you are up.”
“She’ll be like this for the entire Summer if I stay, which will make the both of us miserable in return.”
“I can talk to her.”
“You’re sweet. I can see why she worked her magic on you.”
“Please-” “Thank you for doing the dishes and putting the food away. Don’t stay up too late,” you smile at him before getting on your tiptoes and giving him a small kiss on the cheek. “Good night, Jim. It was nice meeting you.”
You grab your phone off the table and make your way upstairs, laughing softly and shaking your head at your Mother’s snores which have grown much louder in the short amount of time it took you to get back upstairs. 
Plopping down on your bed with a heavy sigh, you unlock your phone and text the one person you can always count on.
Y/N: I’m sorry it’s so damn late, but would you be okay with me stayin’ with you for the Summer?
Cherry Bomb: Just put your goddaughter down. You know you’re always welcome here! Y/M/N being a cunt?
Y/N: I’ll tell you all about it in the mornin’. Love you and thank you.
Cherry Bomb: I should’ve been ya first stop ;) 
You laugh softly, placing your phone down on your nightstand and turning over to your side, doing your best to ignore the events of the day. You’re half asleep when you hear Jim make his up the stairs and join your Mother in the bedroom. 
‘Soon enough, all of this will be a distant memory,’ you think to yourself as you drift off to sleep.
If only that were true.
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ivystoryweaver · 11 months
A Moon Knight Halloween Love Story
Event #8b: You Won't Be Alone
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Event #8b Summary: What do you and Marc do with your newfound gift of touch? I bet you can guess...
Pairing this chapter: Marc Spector x f!reader (alters mentioned)
Word count: 3.9k
Content: nsfw, mdni (more below the cut)
references to death, dying, burial, dead body; romance, the yearning, angstyish, domestic fluff, mentions of food, smut, p in v, cockwarming, not beta'd. reader is not bigger than the system because she can wear their clothes.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
PREVIOUSLY on "Spectre"...
“I’m scared to move,” you explained in a strained whisper. “I’m afraid that maybe I’m dreaming.”
“I’m real,” he assured you, running his hands down the curves of your body, touching you all over reassuringly. “You’re here with me…somehow.”
You sighed dreamily, brushing his cheek with your soft hand.  "Maybe you brought me to life.”
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Marc had a few ideas about how the two of you should spend your morning, but as your body came to life fully, it made the natural demands a living body makes. Your throat felt parched with thirst, and you wanted to visit the restroom.
Your mind began to race with all sorts of thoughts, such as: were you really here? Were you human? Where did your body come from? Were you still buried in the cemetery? Were you even buried at all? Had you been cremated? If so, where did your flesh and bones come from? And why were you still wearing the clothes you died in? Surely Marc's old hoodie wasn't what you were buried in.
There were small things to consider too, such as: did you need to brush your teeth? Yes, probably a good idea. But you didn’t have a toothbrush anymore. Should you go shopping? Did you have any clothes? Did they keep your stuff or get rid of it? Your eyes swam with uncertainty as you pushed yourself into a seated position on the edge of the bed.
Marc had already climbed out of bed before you and was peeling Steven's soft, white T-shirt over his head. That view alone distracted you just long enough to bring you back to the present.
"Baby? You okay?" Marc asked, easing back to your bedside, hoping not to startle you. Reaching out, he brushed his knuckles along the curve of your cheek, and peered down into your eyes.
Shaking the previous thoughts out of your head, you managed a smile. "Yeah, I’m okay. Just ready to get up." So you did just that. Your bare feet hit the cold floor, the sensation chilling you all over in an instant, causing you to misstep.
Marc was already there, catching you safely in his waiting arms. He gathered you close and touched his forehead to yours. "I’ve got you," he assured you, helping you to stand upright.
"Thank you," you whispered. "Just a little clumsy, I guess."
Rubbing his nose against yours affectionately, he pressed a sweet kiss to your mouth. "Must be overwhelming." he sympathized. "Take it one step at a time, okay?" You couldn’t resist another kiss before clinging to his arms as he led you to the bathroom.
As if reading your thoughts from earlier, he rummaged around in one of the bathroom cabinets, explaining to you that there should be an extra toothbrush somewhere. You stared, dumbfounded into the mirror, at your reflection. You looked like yourself - not a thing had changed, but somehow you felt as if you were gazing at a stranger.
As Marc handed you the toothbrush, he caught your gaze in the mirror. "Sweetheart, hey. It’s okay. We can slow all this down." He turned toward you, pulling your attention away from his mesmerizing reflection.
"Hey. Look at me," he softly commanded, "Stay with me."
"I’m okay," you assured him, grasping his arms for support. "I promise. You’re just really...beautiful."
Wetting your lips, your eyes flickered to his own before dropping to his bare, muscular chest. Brushing your fingertips over his bicep, you felt him shiver at your touch. "I’m sorry," you whispered. "It just takes me a minute to process every single thing. I feel like I'm running a little slow."
Marc nodded understandingly. "Trust me, there is nothing I want more than to spend the day touching you. But let’s take it easy," he suggested. Sliding his arms around your back, he pulled you into a gentle but secure hug. He pressed you protectively against the heat of his bare chest - the warmth of him comforting you in a way you could not have imagined only yesterday.
“Let’s just be together,” he reiterated, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, sending a wave of chills down to your toes.
From there, everything was an adventure: the tingle of Jake’s cinnamon toothpaste on your tongue, the foaming bubbles in your mouth, the cool, fresh water as you rinsed your mouth before taking a long, refreshing drink.
You and Marc decided to shower, and when it came right down to it, you suddenly felt nervous. Not to be with Marc, or even to be naked, but just at the powerful, overwhelming sensations happening every second of every minute.
Staring deeply into your eyes, Marc brought you back to the present as he reached for the zipper of his old hoodie, which enveloped you so adorably. Dragging the zipper down, he worked it free of your shoulders, finding a well-worn Chicago cubs T-shirt underneath.
"I forgot about this old thing," he quietly gushed, with a tender smile. Brushing his fingertips underneath the hem, you flinched slightly as he caressed your stomach. 
His body was responding in obvious ways and he wanted more.  He wanted all of you. His fingers inched around your back, to the tiny sliver of baby-soft skin where the hem of your Cubs t-shirt rose up above the waistband of your joggers.  He slid one hand possessively underneath, splaying his long fingers over the curve of your lower back.  He remembered that curve quite well from your years together. He remembered every curve.
His dark eyebrows shot up questioningly, asking permission to continue. You nodded, so he worked the soft cotton over your head, tossing it to the floor to join the discarded hoodie.
Wetting his lips, his gaze fell to your chest and the navy blue sports bra covering your breasts. Brushing the strap from your shoulder, his eyes bore into yours.
"You sure?" he whispered.
You nodded again, feeling so loved and cherished at this moment, even though you wanted to question everything, like why the universe gave you this second chance.
Crossing your arms, you helped Marc pull the sports bra over your head and you didn’t miss the way his tongue swiped over his lips hungrily.
"My beautiful girl," he uttered, cupping your cheek and bringing your mouth to his, sampling your lips one at a time before kissing you, deeply, reassuringly. Your hands locked behind his neck as he pulled you against the solid wall of his chest. The feeling of your bare skin touching his again electrified you and made your knees go weak, but he held you securely. Squeezing you so tightly, he lifted you off your feet.  By the time your lips parted, you were practically gulping air as your skin burned with passion.
Marc set you down, pulling at the drawstring of your baggy joggers, before pushing the material over your hips. Kneeling down, he kept working until you were bare. Then he stood on his knees before you, fingertips tracing the curves of your thighs, and just when you sensed the bathroom steaming up from more than just the shower water, you felt his lips against your tummy.
He hugged you, there on his knees, so desperately. "Missed you so much," he murmured into your skin, kissing you reverently before peering up at you, his own eyes glistening with tears.
"Come here," you coaxed, beckoning him to stand so you could help him take off his sleep pants. Marc’s breathing grew shallow as you eased the material over his hips, freeing his throbbing erection. The soft cotton pooled at his feet and he noticed your gaze fixed on his crotch as he stepped free of the joggers.
“Come on,” he sweetly offered, leading you by the hands into the shower's warm spray.
You hissed as the water pelted your skin, causing you to jump back a bit.
"Too hot?" Marc asked, using his body as a shield against the hot spray.
"Maybe a little," you sheepishly confessed.
"I’m sorry baby, I thought you liked it hot. I’ll turn it down." He rushed to get everything perfect for you, which made your heart burst with love for him.
"It’s not that," you assured him as he turned back to pull you close. "Everything is intense right now - every single thing is bright and loud and hot and cold and..extreme."
"All right. It's okay," he assured you, brushing his thumb over your cheek. "Let’s get you washed up."
The next several minutes convinced you that you had definitely passed on to heaven. The soft lather of suds on your skin, the dragging scratch of the loofa, Marc's careful attention as he took gentle care of you. This had to be paradise.
His lips trailed down the side of your neck as he pushed the loofa down the curve of your back. The softness of his lips made you shiver. As his hand neared the swell of your hip, he dropped the sponge and squeezed your soft flesh, nibbling on your shoulder.
"Is this okay?" He asked you between tempting kisses.
"Yes," you breathlessly whispered, sliding your fingers into his drenched curls as he lifted you up. Pulling your thighs around his waist, he pushed you up against the steamy, tiled wall. Licking hotly into your mouth, he gently pushed his way inside you.
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If this was a dream, Marc never wanted to wake up. A delusion? He would gladly accept dementia. If he were dead, he would willingly never again draw breath.
You were here. Alive, somehow. In his arms, skin pressed to skin, your breath on his lips. As his body joined with yours, he shuddered, overcome in every possible way with every imaginable emotion. He felt that familiar clench as he entered you - heard the hiss as he stretched you open over his length. He loved the way your body fit his - with a perfect tightness to generate the most delicious friction for you both.
You gasped his name, your fingernails digging into the flesh of his shoulders.
“Feels so good, baby,” he groaned, mistaking your sounds for satisfaction.
"Wait. Marc, stop," you cried, desperately gasping for air as you pushed against his shoulders.
With an involuntary groan, he pulled out of you, lowering you down so your feet could touch the shower floor, making sure to support you as you got your bearings.
"D-did I hurt you?" He panted, frantically checking you over.
"No. No, it's just...it's too much," you gasped, your chest heaving as you gripped his arms for support. "I can't...I can't breathe. It's too much."
He thought his own chest might collapse as he watched yours heave.
“I’m so sorry. I…what do I do?”
Marc felt as if he should pick you up and carry you out of the humid bathroom, while simultaneously fearing you needed space from him. Turning off the water, he reached for a clean towel, wrapping you up protectively.
Dark eyes scanned you over, desperate for an answer. "Okay...tell me what to do. Is it me? You-you weren’t ready?" If he fucked this up, he would never forgive himself.
You heard the pinch of panic in his voice as your eyes met his. The last thing you wanted was for him to leave you right now.
"No, Marc, it’s not like that. Please hold me," you begged him, sliding your arms around his back and laying your head on his shoulder. "It's not you,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by his skin. “I want you more than anything. It's just too much. You feel so good - it was so intense, I thought I was going to pass out."
"Okay. Okay, sweetheart," he soothed, rocking you gently, pressing a fierce kiss to your temple. "Let's get you out of here."
The next several minutes were filled with longing gazes as Marc dressed you in his clothes.
“Sorry I rushed you,” he whispered as you stepped into fresh joggers.
“I promise you didn’t,” you swore, halting his motion to meet his gaze. “Believe me, that’s what I want. It’s almost all I can think about. But like I said, I’m just…trying to catch up.”
He nodded, but you could tell you didn’t change his mind.
The final result of you wearing Marc’s clothes was a touch comedic, but you were clean and felt so cherished.
"There," he declared, satisfied with his handiwork. "Warm enough?"
"Yes," you nodded, feeling so safe in his arms. The two of you wore hooded sweatshirts and joggers, and Marc even found Steven's fluffiest pair of goldfish socks to keep your feet warm.
“You’re sure you’re okay? I didn’t hurt you?” He sweetly questioned, his eyebrows shifting and worried.
“No, I promise. I wanted to. I want to. Believe me, I don’t think there’s anything I want more than to be with you again,” you assured him. “I just…I couldn’t breathe for a second. Too much of a good thing, I think.”
His familiar scowl relaxed slightly, so maybe he was starting to believe you. Right then, your stomach let out the loudest growl, making the two of you chuckle.
"Kitchen?" Marc proposed.
"Kitchen," you agreed.
As you left the bedroom, you asked Marc to grab Jeremiah's fish bowl.
"Don't want to leave the little guy alone in here," you explained. He was only a fish, but you felt apprehensive to be without your little family.
As soon as you departed your bedroom, your heart longed to see your writing loft. But before you could even think to mention it, Marc was already apologizing about the house.
"Things might look different," he softly explained, tucking Jeremiah underneath his arm while holding onto your hand with his other. "We...I wanted to...um..." He swallowed, slowly trudging toward the staircase. "I needed to...Jake and Steven - they helped me put your stuff in the shed. So, the house’ll look different."
Pausing at the top of the staircase, he turned back to you. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," you assured him, squeezing your joined hands. "It's important to me that you were living your life. That you were grieving. It sounds healthy."
Chewing your lip for a second, you pulled him by the hand toward your loft. "I want to see it. Please."
"Okay, of course," he agreed, but he tugged you back. "Remember...it looks different.”
You nodded before pushing open the door to maybe your favorite place in the whole world. The birthing suite of all your little friends - the characters that leapt straight from your heart onto the pages of your books.
Glancing at cute Jeremiah, darting around in his fish bowl under your partner's arm, you sighed a long, cleansing sigh.
Your computer was gone. Several of your bookshelves were cleared. Artwork and pictures no longer lined the walls. A bulletin board of letters from your sweet fans was empty.
Dust had settled on every surface, and you could tell the sun had not shone through this window in months. Heavy drapes blocked out the light. The whole thing felt stale.
A smile lit up your face as you pulled the curtains open. Light flooded the room, as a swirl of dust danced and scattered. You stretched out your fingers as if you could feel it, like a child might reach out to touch snowflakes.
Marc thought maybe he'd never seen anything more magical than your face at this moment, despite the miracles and wonders he'd witnessed as the avatar of an ancient god. And just when he thought his heart might explode with love for you, your nose wrinkled up at the intrusion of so much dust, and you sneezed.
"Bless you," he found himself saying as you bounced on your toes, swiping your finger through a trail of dust which had settled on your desktop.
"I hate dust," you practically giggled, your nose scrunching right before you sneezed again. You laughed out in delight. "I can sneeze. I can cry and sneeze and feel everything."
Your dust-disturbed, watery eyes landed on Marc. "Thank you," you gushed. "Thank you for not selling this house. Thank you for being here with me."
Worried that he'd taken so many wrong steps to get to this point, Marc felt a tightness in his chest loosen. "You're welcome. I'm sorry about your stuff. I-I couldn't look at it. It was my fault," he hurriedly explained. "It was me. Steven and Jake couldn't bear to get rid of it."
"It's okay," you assured him. "It's perfect. Just the dust and sunshine to greet me. Anything else would have been overwhelming." Your eyes met his. “It’s like you know just what I need.”
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The two of you finally made it down to the kitchen, but not before you delightedly greeted your other three fish, thrilled to see them all thriving.
Little Jeremiah swam happily in his fish bowl on the kitchen countertop while you and Marc decided to make some breakfast. You were still experiencing sensations as if every one of them was new to you, so it took you several minutes of feeling a cold egg in the palm of your hand, hearing the satisfying crunch as you cracked it open, smelling the bright citrus of orange juice and the slight burn of toast, before you noticed Marc sort of…staring at you.
“Hey,” you softly called, moving into his personal space. “This is crazy, right? We’re just making breakfast - ”
“Like a regular morning,” he supplied. “I can’t believe it. I seriously cannot believe you’re here with me right now.”
“I’m here,” you assured him, tangling your fingers with his. “Just…stay with me. Talk to me. Please don’t shut me out.”
“I’m not,” he quickly protested, bringing your joined hands to his lips and pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m here too. I’m here, sweetheart. And I know we need to talk...to figure this all out. We will."
Nodding, you turned back to breakfast, your heart fluttering as Marc moved in behind you. Working hand over hand with you, he stayed close. He knew you needed it somehow.
The two of you tried to choke down some food, but something between you felt unfinished.
“How are you feeling?” Marc asked, pushing his plate away.
“Like I want to be close to you,” you whispered, reaching for his hand.
“Come here,” he beckoned you to follow him out of the kitchen. Venturing into the living room, he sat down in his favorite chair and pulled you into his lap, just like old times.
“Better?” He questioned, feeling a shiver of desire as you draped your body over his.
“Much,” you replied, snuggling close to him.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered, brushing his thumb over your lips.
You answered by pressing your lips to his. You felt clearer now. Steady. Just the way Marc had made you feel when you were nothing but a spectre. He gave you substance, made you real somehow.
After kissing him for a brief eternity, you pushed your hands underneath his hoodie demandingly, needing to feel his skin once again. Marc released his hold on you, one arm at a time, to shrug the thing over his head and all the way off his arms before using both strong hands to boldly push your sweatshirt up your back.  
You paused, pulling back to look lustfully into his eyes as you ran the tip of your tongue over your nearly bruised lips. Crossing your arms, you assisted Marc in sliding the hoodie all the way up your torso and over your head, where it landed in a pile on the floor.  
“You okay?” He panted, forcing his hands still before running them all over you the way he wanted to.
You leaned forward, breathing hotly on his ear.  “You can touch me.”  
Marc was quaking with longing for you.  His arms wound around your back again, pulling you tightly against him.  “Baby,” he breathed, pressing his forehead to yours. “I need you. Anything you can give me, I want.” He kissed you again, deeper this time. 
You stroked his cheek, rubbing his nose with your own. “I want you too, so much, Marc.”  Using both hands to pull his face to yours, your lips met for another kiss. 
A fire ignited in his body and he needed you like he needed air to survive. He pulled you against him as his tongue licked into your mouth. You felt dizzy and deliriously enraptured as his body flexed under yours, his hands seeming to touch everywhere at once.  In a matter of moments, you pulled your remaining clothes away, kissing and touching - desperately caressing every inch of skin.
Marc’s touch felt beyond amazing and you allowed his hands to explore and touch anywhere he desired. Wishing to hold nothing back from him, you would give him everything you could.  
You moaned when your bodies made nearly the most intimate contact possible as he brushed his fingers between your thighs. One hand found a home on your hip, guiding you to move against him, while the other hand set your body ablaze with his unabashed caress. You felt delirious with desire, your fingernails digging into the flesh of his shoulders.
“Please, Marc,” you begged. “I need you.”
He stilled his movements, causing you to whimper in protest, worried he might be too nervous to proceed.  
Suddenly, he shifted his hips and you felt him plunge inside, stretching you in a way you could hardly remember was possible. He held himself still, his forehead pressed to yours as he moaned out your name.
The feeling was so intensely perfect for Marc that he was almost afraid to move, but not for reasons of fearing he would hurt you. He had simply felt so alone and in so much pain for so long, he almost forgot that bliss like this existed. He felt surrounded by you and he never, ever wanted to leave.  
“Baby…oh fuck,” you gasped, seating yourself on him fully - the stretch of him filling you perfectly. Bracing your palms on his muscled chest, you held yourself still, hoping to keep from getting overwhelmed again.
Marc felt as if a million tons of pressure that had been a crushing weight on his chest were being lifted and his body energized with new purpose and reborn love. He experienced the most pure moment of clarity and freedom, knowing this was right.
He gasped up at you, thick fingers gripping your hips as he struggled not to thrust before you were ready.
“Jesus…honey,” he almost growled, his fingertips digging into your flesh. “Look at you. Need you so bad.”
Finally, you started to slowly rock your hips, your breasts bouncing as you held Marc’s gaze. Your back arched as pleasure tingled up and down your spine. A delicious pressure built in your core, already, overwhelming you. Your head swam and you started to get dizzy…but it felt so good that you decided to give into it. 
“I’ve got you, baby,” Marc panted, pulling you against his chest to support your weight. Your body seemed to meld with his and you started to wonder where you ended and he began. He was so deep inside you making you feel more alive than anything ever had - not once, ever in your life.
You went limp in his arms, unable to do anything but feel, the sensation of friction, the salt of sweat, his hot breath, the texture of his skin, the rumble of his groans of pleasure, the heavy drag of his thick cock inside you.
“Don’t…stop…” is all you managed to pant before your body seized in a pleasure so consuming, you almost felt as if your soul left your body.
Which was the whole damn problem in the first place.
Only you were here, with him. 
“I’ve got you,” he promised again, and again.
You remained. You were real.
And when he filled your core it felt like molten lava.
You never wanted to move from this spot.
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floef-likes-minecraft · 7 months
“And I shall name him Gluestick,” Skizz announced proudly as he took his new horse by the reigns. The animal didn’t seem to care much for the name, he just wanted the carrots Skizz had pocketed a few moments ago.
“… why?” Impulse just asked with a puzzled look on his face. “Your first horse on the Server could be named anything and you name it Gluestick?”
“You heard me correctly,” Skizz proudly said, patting his new animal friend on the neck. “And he shall be the loveliest of horses to have ever existed.”
“Sounds like a horse that’s slow,” Grian noted, who had also decided to come along for whatever reason. Maybe he had finally have enough of his fishing endeavors. Maybe he wanted to make fun of Skizz, who knew. “Like it’s glued to the ground or something.”
“Don’t say that about dear Gluestick,” Skizz said, jumping in to defend his horse. “He’s very sensitive.”
“You’ve had him for ten seconds!”
“And those have been the best ten seconds of my life I’ll have you know,” Skizz said, sticking to the bit. He wasn’t going to let his friends talk him into renaming his horse already. Sure, he could’ve named him something conventional like Thunder or Racey McFast but this was way more fun. This was a name that would… well, stick with people. The Hermits would know this was his horse, not just some animal named and abandoned in the wilderness.
“I – never mind, I’m going to stop arguing,” Grian said, giving in and pulling his fishing rod from his inventory. His own horse, Pluto, had been impatiently waiting and tied to a fence. Seeing his owner pull out the rod made him think they were about to move again and he pulled on his restrains.
“Calm down Pluto,” Grian muttered. “Yes, we’re going back. No, I won’t try giving you fish again. Gluestick is going to be your new neighbor, get used to it.”
Grian hopped smoothly on his horse after setting it free from the fence. Pluto was a fast one, Skizz had seen Grian ride around on it plenty. He crossed another Hermit on a horse, who was happy to join Impulse and Skizz.
“A new friend!” it had been Bdubs on his own horse. Climb 10 was, as far as Skizz was aware, the fastest amongst all the horses they had tamed. Skizz didn’t expect anything less from Bdubs, honestly. “You’ve found your steed, Skizz. What did you name them?”
“Gluestick,” Skizz answered proudly. Impulse sighed, resting his head in his hand. Bdubs eyes started to shine, just like the big smile that appeared on his face.
“A worthy name!” he exclaimed. “Strong, recognizable, everything a noble steed deserves! Oh come here, buddy, have you found a new home? Serve my friend well, alright, don’t go slow on him!”
“I’m surrounded by idiots,” Impulse muttered into his hand, which Skizz thought was a given at this moment.
“He looks fast, Skizz,” Bdubs had already walked to the side of Gluestick and started to scratch his but. Gluestick seemed to like it, stretching out his neck to make a funny face by lifting his lips. Skizz laughed, as he had never seen a horse do that. “His coat glows, his tail is nice and full and – wait, are those shingles?”  
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leavemeslowly · 6 months
III. queen of peace
Pairing: Susie Glass x Edward Horniman
TV show: The Gentlemen (2024)
word count: 1472
warnings: angst, alcohol consumption, not-super-graphic smut, love/hate? relationship
„The queen of peace
Always does her best to please
Is it any use?
Somebody’s gotta lose"
Susie and Eddie become partners, tell each other some dark truths and well… Susie listens to him against her better judgement.
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Susie and Eddie stumbled into his office, laughing about something that Freddie shouted after them when they left the party happening in the living room.
Eddie closed the doors behind them and moved to the front of his desk where he hid a certain document. He handed Susie a blue fountain pen and asked her to sign. Naturally, not with her real signature because that could prove their professional relationship to the authorities. She signed with a doodle of a gun. He then drew a middle finger next to it. Their deal was done. They were in business, together.
„So, now we are equals?”, Eddie asked after he put the document inside of a safe hidden behind one of many paintings purchased by his father. Susie smiled enigmatically.
„Ta, I suppose we are. I will miss giving you orders."
"I am sure you will continue giving them anyway.” Eddie moved to a mini bar and poured them drinks. She smiled at him, thinking that he was probably right. Susie also knew that he will be more than happy to take them.
“Any plans what you want to do first?” She asked when he gave her a full glass.
“No”, She lifted her eyebrows. “I mean I do, but not today. Anyone ever told you, you are a workaholic?”
That is why she appreciated his companionship. He wasn’t afraid to challenge her and say it as it was.
“No.” Her expression changed to a more serious one. "Everyone else is too scared to tell me the truth."
“I am not afraid of you.” He searched for her eyes and his voice softened as if there was another dimension to his words. „I know what you are capable of when I pushed you. I have learnt my lesson.”
Susie sat in an armchair behind his desk and looked very pleased with herself taking his place.
„When I told Gospel the truth about his brother what led to his visit on your estate, I did it because you lied to me. I was angry at you, Eddie. It was personal. Don’t betray me again.”
Eddie nodded and moved closer to her. He leaned on his desk when looking down on her and not knowing how to respond to her confession. Admittedly, he was surprised by it. She sounded hurt rather than angry but he didn’t pointed that out aloud.
„I told Johnston, back when I still considered his support that I do not want any of your family members hurt. Of course, you too, Susie.” He paused to catch her eye and ensure she understands. „I don’t want to fight.” She looked up and met his eyes with openness he wasn’t prepared for.
„Is there anything you want then?”
„You know I want a lot of things.” He answered vaguely but not without understanding the hints she was dropping. „And it is all your fault.”
„Oh, really? I don’t think it is, Edward. I think you have always wanted it all. Military, this whole protector of your family act were meant to conceal your ambition. You don’t have to hide from me. We have already showed each other our darkest colours.”
Eddie was blindsided by her words that caused all of his pretences to tumble and crush into pieces. She stripped him of his defences with few punctuated words. Susie knew it and couldn’t contain her smirk of satisfaction.
“Always so smug, aren’t you?” Eddie countered gracelessly. She rolled her eyes and raised from her seat. Her words were the first loud declaration of his deepest and most sinister thoughts. “You don’t what to hear what I have to say?”
“No, not particularly.”
Eddie knew better so raised to his height and looked down on her. Her perfume lingered around him and the truth was he was under her spell not other way around. Nevertheless, he will try to even out the odds.
“You have it all, right? You are immaculate in protecting your empire but not for yourself, not really. For your brother, your father. You have a fucked up notion of obligation from which you can’t free yourself. You should want something just for you, Susie. Something substantial because I know you are not easily satisfied. Is there anything you would want? Anything I can give you, perhaps?”
Susie’s expression changed but she still was almost rigid. She had her head slightly tilted so she could gaze on his face. Finally, she slowly leaned in. Her hand landed on his lapel.
“You have no idea what you are asking for.”
He inched closer to her face and slowly, testing the waters, placed his hand on her cheek. Susie shivered at his touch, probably because of a coldness of his signet. Her eyelashes fluttered when she felt his breath on her lips. Eddie wanted to ruin her perfectly painted red lipstick which tempted him so many times before. He knew it will happen but the wait was crushing.
“Come on, Susie, tell me. What is that you want?” He caressed her cheek trying to encourage her to relax. “Should I give you an idea?”
He noticed the way her throat bobbed trying to mute any unwanted sounds. It was satisfying, going exactly in the direction he imagined.
“You should just kiss me, Edward, and stop teasing. For your own good.” Susie regained her old self and an ounce of self-composure.
Her words were like a sound of a gun being fired. Eddie crushed his lips to her. She immediately responded with need he didn’t anticipate. Still, her taste, her small noises were like magic. Until this moment, he didn’t realise how much he missed closeness and simplicity of a touch. This need was pathetic. He called out Susie on her weaknesses but he wasn’t better when he turned them around and pinned her to his desk and manoeuvred her to sit on it.
„You do justice to your family name, Eddie” Susie mumbled between their kisses. If he could, he would roll his eyes but just laughed, too busy kissing down her throat. Her fingers slipped into his hair, tugging it and he could not contain his moan. „So you like it like that? Not so tough anymore."
„You are talking too much, Susan.” Eddie raised his gaze to her stormy eyes. She slowly smiled but could not conceal desire looming there.
Her fingers slowly circled his tie and pulled it forcing him to kiss her again, but slower, according to her own want. She took it off and untucked first buttons of his shirt. Eddie's hands roamed over her back, then down her things and back up under he vest. Suddenly, she almost sobbed into his mouth. He discovered she wasn’t wearing anything under it so his cold fingers came into contact with her bare skin.
Her jacket dropped to the floor next. Before she could react, Eddie was moving her to stand in front of him and brace her palms on the desk. He wanted to evaporate her thoughts, end her worries and let her finally relax. He pressed himself to her back and she moaned feeling him tall and unyielding.
It was right how she fitted between his arms, almost a head lower and staring up into his eyes. Her own were glazed with pure want that if necessary would send Eddie to another war. He touched her jaw to draw her to him and kiss her thoroughly while his other hand embraced hers. Their fingers intertwined and she gasped when his hand slid down her throat to slowly embrace her breast and pleasure her with his touch. He observed her opened mouth and small cries she let out.
„Eddie, it is too much.”
„So do you know now what you want?” He was teasing but he needed her to voice her desires. Perhaps, it was not strictly necessary knowing his own desperate craving but he wanted her to have it burned in her memory. That it was her own decision to fuck him and let him close enough to see her vulnerability. He did not want regrets and another cause for war.
„Eddie...” She didn’t want to admit it aloud. Still, she tried to express it when he forced her to look at him and saw her eyelids half closed and felt her slow grinding against him.
„Say it, Susie, God, please say it.” He was slowly losing a fight he began when she on the other hand was regaining control. It was her turn to foreshadow all the things she could do to him. Against his better judgement, he clutched her thigh and finally pushed into her ass. Not expecting that, she abruptly tilted her head back onto his arm and thrusted back with more fierceness.
„Yes, Eddie, yes, do your worst."
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legacy-by-darkryuu · 2 years
Remaster: Step Toward the Future, Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Capitalistic
Also available on Archive of Our Own
Rating: M/Adult
Warning: Sexual content
 Yagami Koji would never go as far to say he didn’t believe in higher powers, he merely…doubted their existence. There was a lot of wrong in the world. He smiled, petrified, as Popuri was stretched out on the couch adjacent to him, reading a magazine and humming along to the music. They’d ‘caught up’ comfortably when Jill was here but Jill and Cliff decided they would go get Chinese. Jill must have deemed him…cozy enough with this situation. No. No, for now, he was actually questioning his doubt as something had placed this whole lot of right in front of him. When he’d already tapped his anxiety down outside after… remeeting his childhood fiancée, he came in and found…a fucking masterpiece sitting on the couch. Koji tried to look anywhere but her but that seemed disrespectful to pure art. She was fucking gorgeous. He was breathless when he just saw her face and then he comes in here with her just wearing a black strappy dress with stockings. The curves. The…God, the curves. And there was not a word created yet he could use for her chest that was appropriate for their magnificence. He tried to shrink away into his music to get his mind straight by listening to a little Toxicity but she asked if he was willing to listen to it on Jill’s system, she hadn’t gotten to hear it since the radio signal got too weak here. Sweet mother of mercy. This. This was why Jill never told him. She was like the answer to his entire life and he’d asked her to marry him thirteen years ago. He knew. Chill, Koji. This…was not a signal, just a wild coincidence. Hell, she probably had a boyfriend! “So, uh, Popuri, these two ‘lovebirds’ are hot and heavy. Um, you getting hitched or anything any time soon?” Popuri snickered, “No way, I’d never date anyone from around here. I guess I should be looking for someone, huh?” Oh. “O-Oh no, being single is great. Wish my sister had taken that route.” With a laugh, Popuri shook her head, “C’mon, Cliff isn’t that bad.” Koji made a face, raising a brow, “…Popuri: have you noticed a drinking habit?” Her scarlet eyes looked up from the magazine, unreadable for a second before she sighed, “…I mean, a little.” Great. “But I think it’s just a mild one. He doesn’t work so--” “I beg the hell your pardon?” Now Popuri was looking away, smiling nervously, as he sat up straighter, incredulous. “What do you mean he doesn’t have a job?! You mean to tell me my sister wakes up every morning to tend a farm and all he does is play Chef Boyardee?” “Well, they work well together though!” “Only one of them is working!” Dear God, he was already arguing with her like they were together, he hadn’t seen her in thirteen years! Popuri rolled her eyes around, “So, if you were with someone, and they didn’t want to work, would you be cool with it because it’s cool for a woman not to work?” “I’mma be honest with you, Popuri: having watched my mother do 36 hour murder shifts doing something she loves for a majority of my life, I probably would not. As long as we’ve dissolved into a capitalistic world, we’re both working until we’re not both working.” Popuri smirked, “Well, I guess it’s good you’re not sexist, just committed to our terrible money system.” “Not committed…trapped.” She smiled and he wished he could figure out what made him so uncharacteristically shy in this situation. If it’d been anyone else, he’d be flirting and making his intentions known. …That was because he was here to figure out what to do next, not have intentions! “I do get what you’re saying, Koji. Just, I’m sure Jill has also asked, but can I ask you not to be too hard on him yet?” …Meh. “Fine, whatever…” His eyes narrowed when the door opened and the ‘happy couple’ entered with bags of Chinese food and apparently beer. Jill was all smiles and he guessed that was enough. “Nii-san, I got you some Heineken.” “Thank you, princess. You didn’t have to do that though.” “Well, we were already in that aisle at the grocery store.” Oh really? Before he could talk himself out of remarking on that, Popuri stood up from, uh, her couch and sat beside him apparently so Cliff and Jill could sit together. Koji swallowed as Jill handed him Hunan chicken. Popuri thanked her as she got a container of Kung Pao Shrimp. He raised a brow when Jill retrieved a cold glass from the freezer and set the Heineken beside him. Cliff also had a Budweiser…so maybe that’s why Jill, who was notoriously against drinking, had frozen glasses, huh? Of course, she and Popuri popped open some wine coolers and were chattering. Relax, Koji, baby sister was…growing up.
Sighing wistfully, he ate his food as Jill turned on a movie. Apparently, this was a tradition of theirs and now it was looking like a double date. Yep, coming to Mineral Town was becoming a very bad idea. Sneaking a look when Popuri laughed at something in Spider-Man, Koji swallowed and rested his cheek in his hand as she leaned on the arm. He looked to Jill and Cliff next, instantly aggravated to find the two snuggled up under a blanket.
Yea…a very bad idea.
“It’s crazy you remember where I live too, Koji.” Yagami Koji blew into his hands, snickering, as they walked toward the chicken farm. Popuri seemed to realize his crazy memory because he was a trifle bit ahead of her. “I remember a lot of things.” It got late and though Jill offered to let Popuri stay there, she advised she had to get home so she could wake up early to feed the chickens and collect the eggs. “Rick refuses to do it in the cold.” Ugh, what the hell was with these guys? At least take turns. Even though it wasn’t THAT late, he offered to walk her home. Jill gave him a questioning look. What? He wanted to. When Koji was ten years old, though he didn’t recall what exactly made his mother want to do it, she sent him off to stay with his grandfather here. He’d met the man when he was five once but other than that, he’d not talked to him since. Koji went since his mom requested but he’d been wary. Alas, when he arrived, he was easily encompassed by the nature and the farm. His great-grandpa was actually super kind and, even though that was only Koji’s second time meeting him, he felt like he’d known him forever. The man taught him to ride horses and milk cows. It…was great. It was funny, he’d had a conversation with his dad prior to leaving and for some reason they’d been discussing his future significant other. A weird conversation to have with a ten-year-old but his father seemed to have early insight that Koji wasn’t going to be GREAT at relationships…young him hadn’t thought much more about it. Until he met her. Popuri looked somewhat like Lyla, his neighbor and older brother, Shin’s, best friend at the time. With some digging, he realized they were related. He always thought Lyla was pretty but in a more familial way. Popuri though… “Thank you, Koji. You said you’ll be sticking around for a while?” current Popuri said, standing outside of the house. Out of the corner of Koji’s eye, he saw a blind quickly close. Raising a brow, he nodded, “Yea, I got some thinking to do.” She nodded, opening the gate, “Well, maybe we can go up to the plateau one day. It’s still just as pretty.” … “Yea, I’d like that.” “Be safe going back” she warned. “I will. Good night.” “Good night.” Watching her go inside, he let out a breath and headed back to the farm. Popuri met every bit of fancy he had as a young man. She rode bikes with him, played baseball with him, swam in the stream with him, and caught fireflies with him. He used to make her flower crowns and she’d play with his hair. They kissed once. In his young life, he thought she was just so interesting. Koji groaned. Looks like he hadn’t grown up that much.
Izumi Cliff licked the corner of his lips, his eyes shut as Jill’s mouth worked up and down his shaft. Fuck. Lying in their bed, he forced himself to look down at her bobbing head. She’d pulled her hair back in a ponytail and was…really working. He…was really lucky. And if he kept this up, he was going to be killed. Granted, while he wasn’t certain why he thought Jill would tell her brother ‘no, you can’t stay here’, he’d been shocked when she allowed it. Cliff thought they had a good thing going where her brother wasn’t here to hear him bust one.
However, however, he had to say that, for the most part, Koji did keep to himself. He’d come eat with them sometimes but otherwise, he’d go out around noon and come back in around six. Cliff wondered what a renown partier was finding to do around here. Jill smirked, “You noticed Popuri isn’t coming around a lot now, right?” Popuri? Like… “It’s a long story.” They had seemed very cozy with one another right off the bat. And Cliff was starting to get cozy with the circumstances. Until he started to…notice some things. First, he didn’t realize it but, even though Koji was up until crazy times of the morning, sometimes three when Cliff heard the night owl stop roaming, he got up with Jill to help her with the farm. Now, with the additional help, Jill was sometimes coming back in before Cliff had even started on breakfast. Thus, big brother started making breakfast too. Koji apparently also worked remotely for some place back at his old alma mater, admitting it wasn’t good pay but it was some pay. And, thus, he was now buying groceries for the house. This. This was what his girlfriend was used to: someone that helped. That conversation they had when Koji arrived had him aggravated. It was basically her telling him he wasn’t doing enough. It hurt but, well, if this was what she was used to then hell yea, he was doing under the bare minimum. Money. Money ran the world and if he could start to provide that then he was doing all he could. He moaned as he came, jerking from her mouth. So…he was going to be seriously going to someone with his tail between his legs but he had an idea. “I…do want to try swallowing, Cliff” Jill sat up, pouting. He smiled a bit wickedly, rubbing her thigh, “You shouldn’t say kinky things like that, ‘princess’, big brother might hear.” Jill groaned, rolling her eyes, “He’s out somewhere, last I checked.” “Your brother’s like a ghost, Jill, he could be hanging out in the corner next we look.” Sulking, she stood and went to her adjoining bathroom to rinse her mouth, “That is my beloved big bubby, y’know? I expect you to get along with him.” Cliff wandered in to wash up, shrugging, “…Well, he’s talking to me a little bit.” “For Koji, that’s an accomplishment” she smirked. Kissing her after he clothed himself, Cliff stroked her hair back, “I’ll make lasagna tonight, okay? I’m going to run out and do some errands.” A strange look crossed her face but she smiled, “Okay…I’ll probably just chill here and scribble or something.” He nodded and headed out into the December cold. Of all people, but…he just needed a little something.
Cliff wandered toward the winery, nervous. He’d asked Karen if there was a chance he could work at the grocery store. She assured that her dad made just enough to keep her employed and paid her crumbs. Doug said about the same, that he was just breaking even. The library was all volunteer and he knew for damn sure he wasn’t a blacksmith. This…was pretty much it. Thing was, Duke, the owner of the winery, hated his guts. Guess all those pranks did finally catch up to him. Still, he needed to try. He swallowed and nodded to assure himself, opening the door and entering the store that sold only wine. Duke’s wife, Manna, looked up and smiled, looking a little forced. “Oh, hello…Cliff.”
“Um, hello, ma’am” he greeted politely, “I’m sorry to trouble you.” “One of our best customers? Of course not. What will it be today?” “O-Oh no, I--”
“Manna, will you call that damn daughter of yours? To think we’d have a child selfish enough to leave when I’m old and gray and too old to be doing all this work alone!” snapped Duke, stumbling in.
Cliff’s eyes widened at the man who stared at him before glowering. “And what do you want?!” …Normally he dealt with Manna when he came here. “I…uh…” “Speak up!” “Sir, it sounds like you could use some help around here. I, uh, I know I may cause you a lot of useless trouble now and then, but I would really like to request work” Cliff said, hardly breathing. “What?!” “Now Duke…” said Manna slowly before staring Cliff over, “He is young and…full of energy.”
“And a pain in the ass!” Great. “I’m—I’m sorry, you’re right. All the trouble I’ve caused you and to come back and ask for work, it’s silly of me. I’ll just be going.” “Wait, wait” interrupted Manna, a curious look on her face like when she got a piece of gossip, “Why suddenly do you need work? Your little girlfriend is from a well-off family and that farmhouse is theirs. And you seemed happy just, um…” “Freeloading” grunted Duke. Cliff stifled his glower and swallowed, “I, uh, I want to support myself and Jill. I want to not be such a burden to her. Her brother has been staying with us and…and he’s taken stress off of her just sharing the burden. When he leaves, I want to be able to do the same.”
Duke raised a brow before scoffing. Manna gasped, hitting his arm, “Duke! He’s sincere! And devoted! I miss those days!” “What?! Now see--” Duke started.
“A man wanting to help take care of the love of his life, reforming and humbling in order to take care of someone you care for? It’s truly inspiring to see a youth like that! Jill’s a lucky girl! The farms making plenty of money but you don’t want to be a dead weight to her, of course! How wonderful! Men are so useless these days!” Cliff just stared at her, wide-eyed, nodding slowly as Manna just babbling on and on… “Manna…” grumbled Duke, irritated. “I say we let him work!” she finally finished. “What?! Are you crazy?!” demanded Duke. “Oh Duke, I’m sure he’ll work to his fullest for you! Won’t you?” questioned Manna. “Of course. Just give me one chance to prove myself and I’ll be the best worker possible” Cliff said seriously.
Duke glared at him hotly. Manna leered, “Oh, c’mon Duke, take a risk for once in your life” “…Gah, fine! But if this comes back to bite me, I swear--” Cliff bowed heavily, honestly a little surprised. “It won’t, I promise!”
Duke stared at him, shocked, “S-stop that, idiot. You can start the day after tomorrow. 10 am sharp. Not a second later!”
“You got it! 10 pm!” Cliff said, cheerful as he ran out.
“AM!!” Picking grapes, putting them in the processor…it was manual labor but it wouldn’t—or shouldn’t be the most extensive job he’d ever had. …This would work.
Yamachi Popuri remembered when she first met Yagami Koji. She also remembered when Yamachi Rod, her father, left their family.
She recalled giggling happily when her father threw her in the air for the last time, kissing her cheek and whispering in her ear that he loved her. He sat her on the ground and turned to Rick, pat his head and told him to take care of the farm and, especially, his little sister and mother. Rod turned to their mother last, pulled her close and whispered to her that she’d finally be well and that everything would be okay. Popuri didn’t know then. She didn’t know what his leaving meant.
After about a year, there was no sign of her father. He seldom called and when he did, he assured his ‘trail was warm’. She recalled sitting by the window, transfixed, praying softly that her father would turn around that corner, returning to them. Her mama, Lillia, would weakly come down the steps and ask what she’s doing. Waiting for daddy, of course. She wanted to show him she lost her last tooth.
Her mother smiled and said he’d probably like that. Maybe? She’d never know, she grew it back in and there was no sign of him.
She’d told herself back then to stay optimistic, that her daddy wouldn’t want her to be sad. She remembered days when her mother wasn’t even able to get out of bed so she would bring her flowers. On one of those fateful days, she recalled getting knocked face forward, right on top of her flowers. She remembered laughter and looking back to find Rick and some of his friends. It hadn’t been Rick but one of his asshole companions that pushed her for no reason. Her older brother let them heckle her. She remembered their words, how nothing was going to make her mother better and that her father left because he couldn’t take it anymore. She belted one of them in the jaw because her brother didn’t stop their words. No, Rick didn’t. Jill’s brother did.
Yagami Koji was the prettiest child. He had silky brown hair and bewitching dark eyes even back then. She supposed because of their mother, he dressed like no other ten-year-old she’d ever met. Koji had just kind of sauntered up with his hands in his pockets, looking bored. He questioned what was going on and she told him about the flowers, about how they were for her mother, and those jerks had ruined them. He offered to pick more with her. For whatever reason, this made them address Koji as a ‘sissy’ and ‘she was wasting her time’. Koji was nonplussed and advised it was no less a waste of time than picking on someone trying to be nice. She’d always remember them saying like a comic book character ‘All-all of us together could clobber you!’ and Koji’s dark little smile with the retort ‘I’d like to see you try’. They made excuses and scattered after that. Koji kept his promise to help her pick new flowers and even made her a crown ‘like a goddess’. Childishly, she corrected him to what her daddy always said, that she was a princess. He laughed.
When Popuri had returned home with a huge bouquet, she’d discovered Rick had ratted her out for talking to strangers. She pouted and told her mother he was the nicest stranger she’d ever met and Lillia sighed, giving her a bit of a lecture before smiling at the girl, thanking her for the flowers. She’d asked about Popuri’s crown of daisies and she told her that Koji had made it for her. Her mom smiled when she said she was going to make cookies for him. She found Koji the next day and gave him the cookies. From then forward, they’d been inseparable. Koji told her about how he was from the city where they’d lived in a mansion. He told her about his doctor father and mother who occasionally designed dresses. ‘Remember Yagada. Mama’s gonna make it big one day’, he’d beamed. Admittedly, she hadn’t been used to that, a mother…working. It was mostly because, for as long as she could remember, her mother hadn’t. Surely she’d seen other women working but Koji’s mother sounded like she was on a different level. She’d actually said that to him then too and he had made a face. Not much had changed. For that time, Popuri completely forgot about her father’s absence, spending every waking second with her new companion. There had been times when his grandfather told her that he couldn’t come out and she’d go home, disappointed, but he’d come out moments later, smiling at her. She noticed on those days that he was extremely pale and tired, having to take rests every few minutes on their mountain visits. It was Jill that advised her this year that Koji had always had immunity issues but didn’t like to make them a big deal. Apparently, that was just how he was…
He’d listened to her better than anyone else and played with her, no matter how silly the game. She told him where her castle was to be and he’d smile. One day, she remembered how he lied in the sweet grass and flowers, closing his eyes. He’d been sick then too. Lying beside him, she had idly put flowers in his hair to make him feel better. She teased that he was a prince now with his crown of daisies. He had smirked, “I doubt it.” On another memorable day, they had been having a picnic on the same plateau where they met. There was a slight nip in the mountain air and she remembered thinking how summer was almost over and Koji would be leaving her too, just like…
It upset her enough that she tried to leave but Koji asked her what she thought of him. She thought very highly of Koji. And in their innocent minds, Koji asked if she’d marry him then. Popuri liked to think that if someone asked her to marry them like that again, sitting in the flowers on a picnic lunch, she’d roll her eyes at the cheesiness of it. Honestly though? She probably would melt. In her more pragmatic youth, she pointed out the flaws with this plan, most of them dealing with their age. Koji promised he would return when it was the right time. He asked if he could give her a kiss. She agreed.
The day Koji left was when he gave her this beautiful real silver necklace. He was actually very, very sick that day which was why he was going back home. His grandfather had allowed her to come in to say her good byes and Koji weakly said that was just for now. It was such a sweet thing, from his devotion to the fact he gave her half a heart necklace and kept the other. As she aged, she wondered if he thought about her, about that summer of gullibility. About…how promises didn’t mean much at the end of the day “Popuri?” She looked up from the windows of one of the small shops, having been staring at Christmas decorations, and smiled some as Koji appeared. He wore mostly black now, wearing a leather coat, a dark scarf, and dark jeans. Even the cigarettes he smoked were black. She guessed they both lost something with age. “Hi, Koji. What’s got you out here?” “Nothing, wanted to grab lunch and heard this Inn place has good food.” Popuri tilted her head, “Oh, Cliff and Jill didn’t cook?” His dark eyes creased some and she had to try not to laugh because she already knew. “I immediately vacated the premises as it is snowing and they used the extra time to…preoccupy themselves, apparently.” “Now, Mr. Yagami-san, I’ve heard about your wily ways. Did you believe your baby sister to be above such?” Popuri said coyly, folding her hands as she started to walk away. Koji snorted, following, “…Well, kind of. And what ‘wily ways’? I’ll have you know I am an innocent virgin.” “Uh huh.” Starting to fall into pace beside her as she headed for the grocery, he rubbed his hands, “So, uh, you busy? Care to grab lunch with me?” Oh. “Well, um…sure. That’d be nice.” “You don’t have to. I know you’re probably busy.” Not at all. “No, lunch would be good. I just know a place other than Doug’s…” “Oh really? I’d take it” he nodded. “It’s a little up the mountains” she warned. Koji seemed nonplussed. “Just like old times.” Popuri blushed a bit but walked with him past the old church and down the lane. He looked off to the side for a moment at a blank space of land, frowning, “…This place has tons of space, Popuri. Like, tons. They never wanted to…grow?” Thinking about it, she shrugged, “Guess not. Progress gets missed around here.” “Hmm.” He was so tall. Back when they were ten, they were the same height. Now he was at least seven, eight inches taller than her. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Koji cleared his throat, “So, uh, your dad really never…got back here, huh?” “No.” “I mean, does he call?” Popuri pursed her lips as they walked up the stone walkway, “…If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not talk about it.” “Ah, I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean--” “I know” she assured. She had spoken with Koji a lot about her father. He told her about his father. Apparently, their father was MIA at one point too—up until they were five. And then he properly came into their lives and stayed there. Popuri…had spent more years without her father than with. And yes, he still called, saying he wanted to get this right. Just now, Popuri wasn’t sure he’d have anything to come back to. Koji didn’t say anything else for their trek and she figured he felt bad for bringing it up. No, that’s what they would have done, once upon a time. She’d be joyful and optimistic and think her papa was just around the corner. She didn’t want him to see how far away that’d gone from her now. “Your girlfriend must miss you, you know? You need to finish your vision quest and get back to her.” He smirked some, “She might be waiting awhile. Especially since I haven’t found her yet.” Popuri smiled and pointed to an old ryokan, “We’ll leave that as lunch chat. That’s the Saioji Inn, they serve really good potstickers.” After they were greeted and seated, Koji removed his coat while she was lost in thought. So little had changed, hadn’t it? The whole…town. Jill really was the most recent change aside from Cliff and Kai. And just…her having lost so much faith. “Mm, I haven’t had a good pork bun in a while.” Popuri looked to him, about to confirm they were delicious, when she paused. Jill told her that her brother was a playboy. Like, he slept around frequently. It sounded like he would have scoffed at monogamy or even romance. When they reunited, she showed him the necklace and he seemed awkward about it. She assumed he found it foolish. Except…
His was nestled around his neck, the same sort of wear she had on hers like perhaps he hadn’t just randomly dug it out of a box recently. Her heart sped up a bit as he opened his menu to the next page, “What do you recommend though?” “Huh? Oh! Um, no, the pork buns are delicious. And their spring rolls too.” Picking up her menu to hide her face, she flushed. Stop being…childish, Popuri. He…he probably had just dug it up, was wearing it for no reason. Don’t…don’t be fooled by innocent promises. Not again.
Duke had always been disdainful of the blond boy who’d arrived in town about two years ago. He was nothing but trouble from the start, his most egregious crime including sneaking into his cellars and drinking his wine. Sometimes he’d steal Duke’s grapes and gave them to townspeople, saying they were gifts from Duke himself. He was a criminal and the boy didn’t have a hard-working bone in his body. Or so he thought.
He watched from afar, leaning against the door of the small greenhouse, as Cliff picked grapes rapidly, his forehead drenched with sweat. Cliff had managed to pick nearly twenty baskets full to the brim of grapes. Duke raised an eyebrow at him and smirked. So that girl turned the boy around, huh? What a miracle. Funny what a good lay would do. There might be hope for him yet. “Cliff” sang Manna, coming into the greenhouse, “I brought a snack for you!” Cliff stopped, wiping his brow with his hand, and smiled, “I’m fine…” “Ugh, I can’t have you out here, slaving away, without having something to eat! Here’s a sandwich…and you finish it!” Cliff nodded gratefully and ate the sandwich, apparently famished as he demolished it in no time. He glanced at his watch and frowned. It was already seven in the evening. “Well, I guess I can continue…”
“No, no. It’s far too late. Go home and rest” smiled Manna happily. Cliff glanced at her before glancing at Duke. The man grunted, “You did a good share of work today. You can go home.” Cliff didn’t move, however, and Duke growled, “I said--”
“O-Oh no, but…um…the…job?” Duke’s eyes widened before he glared off to the side before saying silently, “If, and only if, you do the same quality of work you did today every day without slacking, will I give you the job.” A wide grin of excitement crossed Cliff’s face and he bowed happily, “Thank you.”
Duke grunted, still hoping he wasn’t making a mistake. Manna giggled and pulled out her coin purse.
“Here’s some money for your trouble, dear. We’ll get you set up with a better payment system soon. For now, buy something nice for Jill.”
Cliff smiled sheepishly as she handed him his payment, “Thank you both so much.” He dashed off, seeming content. Duke stared after him, seeming amazed. “The boy’s been out here for nine whole hours and he’s taking off as if he has all the energy in the world.”
“He’s a good boy and he’ll be a good worker” Manna smiled.
He glowered at her, wondering why there was a ‘however’ now. Duke flinched back at the dark look on Manna’s normally cheerful face. “He seems to have an underlying problem that he is managing to keep under control and from affecting his relationship. Do me a favor and don’t think to go and make it worse. Understood?” Duke nodded. Pleased, Manna headed back inside and Duke followed slowly. He only gave the workers he’d liked booze. He doubted he’d ever truly like Cliff, no matter what he ‘proved’ today. Or so he thought.
Yagami Jill smiled as she sat beside the family Christmas tree in the Yagami home. In the beginning, when she was little, they had a small Christmas tree, something a little more like how they celebrated in Japan. Eventually, they would get bigger and bigger Christmas trees that went up toward the high ceiling. They would decorate it gleefully as children. Nowadays, it was looking a little sparse as they all instantly got distracted by something else about five ornaments in. But, well, given there were six of them, Lyla, and their mom and dad, that was probably enough. Koji and Nelly were sitting on the couch, playing with their new iPods. That was the gift their parents got them all. Their mother got them all nice sweaters and designer jeans too. Oh, and shoes. A full outfit.
While she read online about the holiday losing ‘meaning’ as the gifts grew sparse, that would probably never be the case with her gigantic family. Yes, the sort of…stress of buying all the gifts was already growing tiresome but if she ever felt something was always in high supply in her family, it was appreciation, and…well, that made it feel good still. Koji and Nelly tag-teamed to get the best laptop available so she could start writing again. Koji had noticed that she wasn’t doing that AT ALL now. ‘She’s just busy ogling her boyfriend’, he said dryly. She retorted he had still managed to get distracted and he leered at her. While she could heckle him about that, she kind of thought it was cute that he was, unbeknownst to himself, nursing a crush on Popuri. He’d even bought her a Christmas present for when they went back to Mineral Town. Jill had asked Cliff if he wanted to join them for the holiday but he was poignantly against it. ‘I haven’t celebrated since I was fifteen and I don’t think I intend to start again…’, he’d said. Okay, fine. He pleaded that she not give him a gift too. It all just made her wonder about his family life…
Okamoto Lyla gasped, her legs rested in Shin’s lap, as she played on the Gameboy Advance SP he bought her. “Oh, this IS fun, Shin!” “I told you you’d like it. It’s not just because I’m an ‘army man’” he teased, rubbing her thigh. “I still don’t know if I like that Final Fantasy Tactics as much as the Playstation one” Nelly droned. Tony yawned, sitting in the recliner and looking at television, “Dunno how you guys are playing these crap games now anyway.” ��Thanks, Grandpa. We’ll go break out the Magnavox for you. And give me your iPod, I can give you our grandpa’s gramophone” Koji said sarcastically. Jill bit her lip not to laugh as Tony cut his eyes at Koji, the others snickering. “I’m just SAYING. The ones we grew up with are better.” “Don’t listen to him, he’s literally played twenty hours of Fable in one sitting” Shaun snorted, on his new laptop. Tony rolled his eyes around, “I mean, it’s one of the better ones…” Getting up, she stretched on the long chair with Tony, sipping her hot chocolate. He glanced at her, blinking, “…What? You homesick? You can always come back.” “Shaddap” she pouted. …She just wished Cliff was here too, she thought wistfully, as Shin kissed Lyla’s temple. However, she wasn’t going to force Cliff to celebrate their holidays or do anything he didn’t want to. Lately, he’d been running off somewhere from 10 to 7. It…sort of made her wonder because he wouldn’t tell he what it was. A new year. She wanted to get to know Cliff a little better. Right now, she had a lot of questions. And…some of them were about their future. She didn’t have anything in the greenhouse right now that needed to be watered and Koji offered to feed the animals since he had to run an errand early this morning. It’d been a while but she got to sleep in and that was great. However, when she went to bed late last night, Cliff had been in bed with her. When she got up, he was long gone. Where…was he going? What was he doing? Was…was this weird for her to reflect on? A boyfriend didn’t have to give her the whole story, just…
Jill smirked when there was a knock at the door and she knew who it was. Getting up, she drawled, “Koji isn’t here, Popuri.” “Excuse you, I came by to see you” Popuri joked, “That aside, I don’t make house calls for Koji, we just run into one another.” Nodding at that, Jill moved to allow her in with a smile, “I’m teasing…but at the same time, I’m not. What did he get you for Christmas?” “Oh! This really cute mug and a cell phone accessory” Popuri gushed, showing her phone where a chain with flowers hung. …Oh. “Oh, th-that’s cute.” Popuri smirked, sitting at the table, “You sound disappointed.” “Oh, just…thought he’d get you some jewelry or something.” The woman looked confused and Jill waved a hand. Her brother was adamant that ‘those days’ were behind him and he wasn’t ‘into’ Popuri. Except he couldn’t see himself gazing after her sometimes and his slight processing of how he may run into her every other day. She’d teasingly asked had he thought about whether he was going to get a job or go to grad school. He stared at her for a moment and just remarked, “…Huh.” All that aside, Jill…was a little reluctant to say she wanted the two together. There was a very weird history and, at the end of the day, her brother was usually just looking for a quick…tit for tat. As Popuri was a close friend, that wasn’t quite any sort of awkwardness she wanted. Popuri chuckled though, playing with the charm, “He got me real silver at ten years old, Jill, I guess he figured he’d done enough.” Maybe. Popuri smiled at the vase of roses on the table, folding her hands, “Are those from Cliff?” … “Uh, ha, no” Jill laughed airily, standing, “You want tea? I want tea.” “Oh, I want tea all right” Popuri snorted, “Who are these flowers from?” Jill groaned, turning on the white kettle on the stove, looking out of the window, “It’s not sordid, Popuri. When we were back at home, my brothers were discussing how they used to buy me flowers when they were thinking about me and how they hadn’t been doing a good job with it lately so Shin had flowers sent here.” “That’s so sweet! What’s wrong with that?” “They did it so I would know the difference between a guy treating me well and one that’s not. Now that I’m older, I’m not sure I like the implication that buying me things is a sign of being treated well” Jill scoffed, preparing the green tea. Crossing her fingers, Popuri looked thoughtful. “Well, no. But you said your brothers buy you flowers when they’re thinking of you?” “Yea.” “They call you when they think about you too, right?” “Yea…” Popuri smiled, “It’s not presents they’re trying to press, Jill. They’re pressing that no matter how much they have going on, somewhere, you’re always on their mind. You don’t want to be last priority to someone.” …Oh. Jill brought the kettle back over and sat, grumbling, “…Is it weird that Cliff won’t tell me where he, presumably, is working?” “What? He won’t tell you where he works?” “No” she groaned, “…And I don’t need presents from him but it would have been nice if we’d spent Christmas together. Aside from the Christmas tree part, the only other thing we’re doing in my family is eating! And I tell myself ‘well, it’s just a holiday, we should spend time together all times of the year’.” “But he’s got a mysterious job he won’t tell you about” Popuri rolled her eyes, nodding a thanks when she handed her the tea cup. Jill sighed heavily, “…There’s a lot he doesn’t tell me, Popuri. That’s probably not how it should be.” “No, not at all…” Popuri murmured. …The future…wasn’t looking great.
When Izumi Cliff came into the house at 8:45, he was confused to find no one downstairs. In fact, the lights were off? Did Jill go to sleep early? He went to the bedroom they shared. No one… Maybe she went to dinner with her brother, he surmised, heading upstairs just to see if she happened to be hanging out with him. No…but one Yagami Koji was up here and, of all things, lifting weights and listening to music. He had been facing enough away from the door that Cliff had a window of opportunity to escape…except the man’s eyes cut toward him. Crap. “…Something wrong?” “U-Uh, no. J-Just looking for Jill” he smiled quickly. Jill would talk about how ‘sickly’ Koji was, having been that way since they were children, and that he often had ‘weak moments’. Cliff wasn’t sure when given he was currently doing repeated reps of an 150 pound weight at ease. Ready to back away and sincerely hide, Koji grunted, “She went out with Popuri to get something to eat. Come sit a spell.” Oh no. “U-Uh, that’s--” Koji’s almost black eyes narrowed and Cliff smiled, “T-that’s a good idea! Sitting!” Sitting in an old chair in the corner, Cliff smiled nervously as Koji continued the reps, the soft clang of the metal the only other sound aside from the musical metal. He was about to be killed. “U-Um--” “So, Cliff, you’re probably well aware that my beautiful baby sister is the only sister we have, correct?” Koji said flatly. “W-Well, yes--” “And you’re aware that perfection is unachievable but applied effort is appreciated, correct?” Uh oh. “Um, well…” His pale arms could probably throw Cliff into outer space. “Cliff, where the hell are you working?” “I-I don’t want to--” “I’m sorry, I didn’t word that correctly” Koji droned. Cliff yelped when Koji pushed the weights into his hands which knocked him back. Oh hell. “Cliff, where the fuck do you work? Because, otherwise, we’re going to start assuming your ass doesn’t work but you’re dipping in the redhead from the Inn.” Gawking, Cliff rapidly shook his head, “N-No, no, no! Th-That’s not true, I am working! I-I just haven’t had the heart to tell Jill yet because she’s gonna think it’s a bad idea!” “…Strip club?” “What?! No!” “Dude, there is a total of six job opportunities in this town, three of which are a bag boy, librarian, and blacksmith. What possibly could you have found that Jill would find to be a bad idea?” Ugh. “I…I’m working at the winery. We’re prepping for Spring which is a large wine buying time.” Koji raised a brow, silent for a long moment. Cliff glowered at him, “Is there a problem with that?” “…Maybe. Not necessarily. It’s a start though. My next question is why didn’t you entertain my baby sister’s request to come with her for Christmas?” “I don’t celebrate.” Crossing his arms, Koji looked at him. He felt like his entire essence was being probed and… “Well…not anymore. My…mom didn’t care for it.” Surprisingly, Koji nodded and lifted the weight off of him effortlessly. Shit, maybe he ought to start lifting weights, that was embarrassing. “I heard about your mom. Very pragmatic.” “Tuh, is that the word for it?” Cliff snorted, sitting up straighter, “…I didn’t get paid until after Christmas. I-I didn’t want the humiliation of not having a gift to present Jill without money and then for her to give me one. Next year, I will make a miraculous return to the holiday and shower her.” Koji smirked, “You want there to be a next year? Communicate.” What? “Communicate what? I’m a poor schmuck working for a guy I had to bow down to after I’ve played pranks and made his life a hell for a few years?” “I’m be going to honest with you: that sounds way better than you’re the holidayless Scrooge that will look down on her for celebrating holidays and have nothing to do with her if she does.” Cliff gawked, “Ho-How did she even come to that conclusion?!” Shrugging, Koji set the weights back on the rack he had in the corner, “We’re from a rich family, Cliff. If we take the time to celebrate Christmas, it’s not for gifts, it’s for the actual family-oriented part. We’re mostly family oriented but the holiday excuse helps.” … “…So she…just wanted me to be present” Cliff said quietly. “Bingo” Koji snickered, falling back on his bed, “But, it’s your first little hurdle, I guess, and you don’t know that about her. But you better damn well know it for future references—if there’s a future reference.” He sure hoped. Looking to Koji cautiously, he wondered why her protective brother was giving him advice on not being clueless. “…Anything else I should know?” “Work is a vital part of our capitalistic world and standard of living. Just know you have to show her somewhere in your mind she’s there.” Cliff grimaced and hugged his knees, “…I’ve been pouring over my memories from life. Y’know, when you’ve got one person painting the picture, what’s underneath might look a little different. My mom spent years making me believe that my dad’s way of living was—well, hedonistic. Wealth was sinister.  Work hard and work hard forever. Money was supposed to be for providing a roof over your head and food for your belly. Nothing more. It added a really grim outlook.” Koji rolled over and pushed up the window before grabbing a black pack of cigarettes. “Probably a Wasaba thing. It takes a lot for my dad to stop and enjoy himself too. I know if he’d just rolled into being a doctor without my mom, he’d work 365, 24/7 if he could.” “But is that any way to live?” “Of course not” Koji scoffed, cupping the flame from his red Bic lighter as he inhaled, “Don’t get me wrong, wealth can lead you down a whole bunch of rabbit holes to Hell but that’s dependent on the person. I’ve seen your dad give to charities very generously. I’ve seen him front new benefits for hospitals and the needy and back new technology. Yea, maybe he does sit back and go on an island vacation sometimes but we only live once. Your mom thinking that working is the only highlight of life is miserable.” …He wondered what it was about his dad that even attracted his mom. It couldn’t be that he very suddenly became carefree, he was probably like that all along. It had to be the cheating that separated them. “Maybe she had deviated one day and thought there was more to life. Then my dad maybe ruined that.” Koji’s lip quirked, taking a puff, “I heard from Craig it was probably you enjoying life a little too much that made her angsty.” Ugh. “Fuck, that’s a high possibility too. A mother hating that her children don’t have to worry where their next meal is coming from. It’s so incomprehensible I keep heading back to my dad as the problem” Cliff scowled.
“That’s not off the table either” Koji replied. Cliff frowned at that. Maybe… “…I’m thinking you did this for Jill.” “I’ve taken care of my princess since she was a baby. A lot of what I do will be for her” Koji said solemnly. “Well, it would have been just as easy to chuck me out of the window so I will say ‘thanks’ for the advice” Cliff murmured. Koji didn’t say anything else, simply nodding and closing his eyes, occasionally taking a draw. Cliff dismissed himself, figuring the conversation was over. “Cliff.” Pausing, he looked at Koji who hadn’t moved. “…Don’t ever place yourself in a temptation and think you’re strong enough to fight it.” What? Cliff was puzzled, “Oh…okay.” Walking down the steps, musing over that, he smiled when Jill and Popuri entered, chattering. “Hey, you two.” “Oh, hey, Cliff!” Popuri greeted. Jill smiled…some. “Hi, sweetie. How was your day?” “Good…um, Jill, I-I had a chat with your brother and I realize that my…skittishness may be leading to some assumptions” Cliff drawled, twiddling his fingers. “Well…” “I…I got a job. I-I got to see first hand what you’re talking about. Koji helps you with the farm and gives you money for groceries and utilities. It helps to have two hands and makes it easier.” Jill looked surprised, “Well, I…I had guessed. Congratulations! Where at?” “That…may be where you disagree. I…I asked Duke to let me pick grapes with him.” “…Oh.” He tried not to groan at the anxious look on her face. “If…if you think it’s a bad idea, Jill-” “No, no! I-I mean, I have my concerns but it seems like you have pretty solid hours and I’m hoping he’s paying and treating you well.” For the most part. Duke still didn’t seem to trust him that much but Cliff came in on time and did his work thoroughly. It…it was tougher than he assumed it would be, mostly due to the elements and lifting, but it felt a lot less forced than it had when he was a child. At the end of the day, he felt he had the freedom to quit or leave and figure something else out. He was a breadwinner with his mom and that…that was taxing.
Jill gave him a kiss and a smile, rubbing his arm, “Let me make dinner for us. You sit and chill.” He hadn’t been around to make her breakfast in a while…Duke, at Manna’s pressuring, was going to allow Tuesday and Saturday to be his days off unless otherwise requested. Planning it over in his head, he plotted on waffles on Saturday. Hell, he…he could actually buy the groceries himself since he got paid Friday. Koji wandered down the steps after a few minutes, heckling Jill and Popuri about something as the two laughed. Jill…didn’t seem bothered, actually, coming to sit beside him while the lasagna was in the oven to talk about something other than work. When…when he was in Wasaba, that was all his mother wanted to hear about.
This…this might not be so bad.
 End Notes: Good lawd, the Toxicity era was fun. Toxicity was the second album of System of a Down, a ‘nu-metal’ band comprised of Armenian members that are highly political and still one of my absolute favorite bands. Young’ns may recognize them most for Chop Suey!, the lyrics of which sound like absolute gibberish to the untrained ear. ‘I don’t think you trust in my self-righteous suicide’. I will be seeing them in May 2023 for the Sick New World Festival in Vegas.
Final Fantasy Tactics on the Gameboy Advance/SP (the Gameboy that flipped and looks like a mini laptop) was EXCELLENCE. If you play Fire Emblem, it was like that, a turn-based JRPG. There was a version on the first Playstation that is considered one of the best of all time too.
0 notes
atinylittlepain · 6 months
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Ptolemaea - the Prologue
rust cohle x f!oc
series masterlist
the case was closed and they parted ways. but time has a way of eating itself, and turning back to where they began.
series warnings | 18+ smut, dark themes surrounding crime investigations including murder, child abuse, religious trauma and corruption // marital infidelity, boy-man go to therapy challenge, familial trauma
wordcount | 2.5K
“We’re not doing this if you’re on something right now.”
“It’s the middle of the day.”
“My point stands.” There’s a heat, a heaviness that passes from skin to skin when he steps closer. Familiarity, and a surprising openness when he widens his eyes and lets her look for the swim and spread of his pupils. She doesn’t find it, only an unwavering stillness, his eyes that won’t leave hers even as she holds the hilt of his jaw in her hand and turns his face this way, that. The slightest curl of her fingers into bone stitching to feel the way he’s grinding his teeth, waiting for her with a thin patience. 
“Am I sober enough for her righteousness?” 
“What have you been taking?” She rubs her thumb over the knot of tension that furls high in his cheek, jaw stilled, and she knows she’s flirting with the thin line of too much, of him flinching and flickering away. But he stays for now, still held in her palm, mutters a low answer to her question, usual stuff, nothing new. 
“Are you sleeping?”
“When I’m not sober, sure.” Half a smile pulls muscle taut, his words cracking and shimmering in that slow, low melt he tends to. It has taken work, practice, for him to be so quiet, so slow, she knows. She’s heard him get loud, get quick, and she thinks that is his more natural state, distilled. He’s a man who’s meant to be a hair, a tooth, a nail out of control, and he muscles all of his effort into avoiding that, when he can.
“Marty said you showed up drunk to his house, again.” And he doesn’t like that, finally too much, shaking his head out of her grip, curled honey hair slipping sweat damp into his face. Livewire man, all shock and simmer.
“He keeps inviting me to dinner. You’d think he’d learn not to do that by now.”
“He’s trying to be nice, Rust.” And he is, she knows that. Marty trying to extend an olive branch, an anything that might get Rust to soften. She had told Marty to forget it after he told her about the last dinner attempt, a worn down and wan Rust showing up with an unfortunate sway in his gait and a thousand-yard stare that turned dinner as silent as a funeral. He seems easy enough around you though, and she had schooled her face at that comment, no chance to respond anyways as Rust sat down at his desk alongside them. 
“Don’t have much use for nice, do we?” That we is everything, she knows. Rust has decided she is like him, and she can’t really argue with that. Something beneath the skin, more animal than human, a shared grief understood, similar but parallel. At the very least, she thinks she understands him. At the very least, she lets him think he understands her. 
“If you want this case to move you’re gonna have to throw him a bone. He doesn’t trust you, thinks you’re weird.”
“Weird.” A little flicker of amusement as he steps back into her orbit. She doesn’t flinch, gives nothing away when his fingers press into the nape of her neck, sticky heat blooming beneath the skin. 
“You smell.”
“I mowed your lawn.” 
“And you smell like it, come on.” 
He would never admit it, but she’s near certain he continues to show up on Sundays because he knows he’ll get this. Care, simple and plain and without expectations of what that care means. They get into the shower, wordless, body knowing body, making space for body. She places index, middle, and ring over the three raised snarls of skin along his ribs, presses in just a little until he grunts, makes it hurt just a little, catch and release, a sigh when she smooths her palm over tan, wet skin. 
She makes him smell like her, soap and shampoo and enough pressure behind her hands to make muscle move, to make his eyes heavy, watching her work with his chin tilted down. It is some of the best silence she gets from him, the gentlest she gets from him when he returns the favor, a particularity in his hands. Something aches inside of her when he curls over himself to soap her ankles, fingers working over bone and ligament, a meticulous accounting of her body that works up and up and up until his fingers are playing the highest vertebra of her spine again. 
“What about Cohle and Reed?”
“What about them?”
“They were close, were they not?”
“Well, they worked pretty damn good together. Sometimes I felt like they were in on a joke I didn’t know about, if you get what I mean.” 
“Were they romantically involved?”
“Oh, I don’t know about that. I don’t think she would’ve gone for that, but I always thought he had a little crush on her, in his own way, I suppose.”
“In his own way?”
“Rust wasn’t exactly a romantic, but he liked her, seemed different around her, more at ease.”
“Maggie says she wants to set me up with someone.” 
“Oh yeah?” It’s stifling in the bathroom, the warm afternoon haze mingling and crushing with the remnant steam from the shower, tacky skin and cloistered lungs, a faint breath of relief stepping out into her bedroom, box fan whining and kicking up more hot air. He sits down on the edge of her bed, towel loose around his waist, watching her make nothing out of the movement of opening and closing dresser drawers, turning the fan up another notch. A pretense of disinterest, though there’s a held breath in her chest.
“I told her no.”
“Why? You should go, do a double date with mister and missus normal.” Eventually, when there’s nothing left for her to fret with, she steps between his legs, water drying cool on bare skin. His hand curls at the hilt of her hip, a little bit of hurt behind the pressure that she tries not to give away, though she knows he sees the quick catch of an inhale that holds high in her sternum, his eyes dragging over muscle and matter. 
“I don’t want to.”
“Well, you are pretty shit company.” 
“And here I thought you liked my company.”
“You make up for your faults with your dazzling sense of humor.” Something always softens, his brow settling, mouth drawn in the slightest smile, more muscle twitch than anything else. She runs her hand back through his hair, still damp, and he lets her, leans into the touch, the heavy drop of his lashes over hollow cheeks. He murmurs into the lines of her palm, come here, come here, and she does, hitches one knee up onto the bed, the other, thighs draped over his hips and him leaning back, muscles jumping and folding to make room. She’s already wet, already wanting, but theirs is a game of patience, this she knows, so she settles around him, arms hanging loosely over his shoulders, little tilt of her head. 
“Has Maggie tried that with you?”
“What, playing matchmaker? Mmm, she gave up a while ago after I kept saying no.” They touch each other with an unwavering certainty, her palm at his chest, curling over his shoulder blade, and his finding the line of her thigh, over her ass to the base of her spine, splayed, fingerprints kneading at the skin. 
“Not interested in a double date with mister and missus normal?” Always give and take, faking and feinting in and out, her chin tilted down and the line of her nose brushing his, the graze of her top lip against his before she pulls away, just a little, just enough to make him show his own hand of want with the way he ducks forward, lips parted and eyes wide. She gives him what he wants the next time, no teasing, open mouths, open sighs, licking at each other’s teeth. 
“Rust was comfortable around me, yes.”
“Why do you think that was?”
“Well, we had both lost someone. Someone young, you know. I think we understood each other because of it.”
“It was your little sister, is that right?”
“I’m sorry.”
“It was a long time ago. And anyways, Rust’s was worse than mine.”
“His daughter.”
“Do you know about it?”
“He told us the details.”
“So you’re talking to him too?”
“We are, yes.”
“How is he?”
“It would be imprudent for us to discuss that with you.”
“No, right, right, that was a stupid question.”
“Marty told me something else.” Salt on her tongue, open mouth against warm skin, she has him how she likes him, splayed in rumpled sheets, and here, and here, heat pressed across his chest, teeth to clavicle and his sigh hitches, halts high in his throat, making her mouth curl into a grin.
“Marty sure tells you a lot.” She unfurls her spine, sitting back on his thighs, taking in the amused tilt of his head.
“Must be my womanly nature.”
“Right, that’s what it is.” He follows after her, curling up, mouth meeting the dip between her breasts before letting his chin drag up to look at her. Hands wander, ribs expand and contract in an easy choreography, easy synchronicity.
“He said you got a little fresh in the locker room.” She punctuates her point by taking one of his hands in hers, fingers working between his fingers, bending them in a way that she wants to hurt a little, and she thinks it does when she sees him wince, quick to school his face even though he’s been caught. 
“He had it coming.”
“Everyone knows he’s fucking that girl, it’s better to leave it alone.”
“Maggie doesn’t know.” 
“She should.” She sighs at that, finally smoothing out the hurt she caused, her palm fitting against his.
“No, I don’t think she should.”
“Because if she did, then they wouldn’t be mister and missus normal any more. And they need that, they both do.”
“How do you know what they need?”
“They aren’t like us, they need simpler things.” Easy like this, ease like this, both of them deciding that they’ve toyed with one another enough, waited enough, she takes him inside her with a sigh, with stillness, both of them settling into each other’s warmth. Curled into and around each other, still seated so deep, shared respiration, where she breathes in, his forehead against the inhale rising in her sternum, and his exhale pulling her closer into him.
“And what do we need?” Breathed out on a sigh, his words starting to syrup and stick together thick, close heat against her skin.
“I don’t think either of us know the answer to that, do you?” He gives her no response, hands coaxing movement, coaxing hips. They pull pleasure taut and strung from between each other’s ribs and hold it between their teeth, aching jaws, soft jaws, each other’s names resounding in their throats. 
“What happened between you two?”
“When Marty and I parted ways, we did too, it’s not really a difficult equation to sum up.”
“But you two were close, that’s what Marty said.”
“We were partners, sure. I liked her better than Marty, I’ll tell you that much.”
“So you and her never?”
“No, no, we weren’t the type. Passing ships, wandering souls, whatever it is that people call souls anyways.”
“Was she satisfied with the way that case ended?”
“Think you oughta ask her that question, seeing as you’re talking with her and all.”
On Sunday nights he sleeps in her bed. There are no pills, no drugs, no drinks, and yet he sleeps. Bare, on his stomach, face softened like a child’s in sleep, scrunched to one side by how his cheek rests on her pillow. Nothing seems to wake him when he’s like this, even when she slips out from under the heavy weight of his arm draped across her stomach. 
She makes it through half a cigarette before he stirs, surprising her with a questioning sigh of her name. She leaves the window cracked, a still warm breeze and the drone of crickets filtering in, gets back into bed. And in the darkness, in the faint wash of night sounds, they have no need for pretense, for faking anything, being too cool, too cold for anything. Their want, and maybe even their need, is young and unashamed. 
The weight of him settling over her, his face tucked into the stitching of her throat, is a relief, the soft give and press of her ribs against his body with each breath slowing everything down, simple, and just this, and only this. Her palm settles between his shoulder blades, running a circuit over muscle and bone, feeling his own inhales and exhales. 
“You really think I should take Maggie up on it?” At first she isn’t sure what he’s referring to, a beat, a blink of silence within which she remembers. No, feels good threatening in her throat, but she swallows it, her hand curling at the nape of his neck, taking something for herself in some other small way.
“I think it could be a good bone to throw. You only have to do it once. It’d get them off your back, at least.” His fingers are running up and down her side, razing something deep and warm in the nonsense patterns he’s drawing. She wonders how many people have seen him like this. She doesn’t think very many.
“I don’t know if I can do that.”
“Suit yourself then.” Nothing left to say, sleep returns easily to the both of them, pale darkness washing over the tangle of their bodies. They will wake up in the morning and forget this closeness, this care for another week, a sort of cyclical amnesia, and an eventual returning and remembering every Sunday.
“I’m not really sure why you’ve called me in when I haven’t touched this case in nearly twenty years.”
“We’re just trying to be thorough, get as much information as we can.”
“I had a feeling, you know, back when we thought we closed it. It felt too easy, too simple. Marty didn’t believe me, but Rust, well, yeah, you’ve talked with him.”
“You both had doubts then?”
“Are you gonna show me the new file?”
“We’d like to hear your accounting of events first.”
“Right, well, there’s not much to tell that you don’t already know. Case was closed in 1995, I worked in Vermilion Parish for seven more years with those two, and I left in 2002.”
“Can you tell us what happened in 2002?”
“There was– a disagreement between myself and my partners, and it became clear we could no longer work together, so we parted ways.”
“What exactly happened between you three?”
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to this current investigation.”
“So you haven’t had any communication with Rust since you parted ways, as you said?”
“No, I haven’t spoken to Rust since 2002, and I imagine I won’t be speaking to him any time soon.”
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lovelyatomicpeace · 8 days
The silence between us
Plot: Steve and y/n have been friends all their lives, separated during adolescence. Thanks to what happens in '83 the two will be able to meet again and build a stronger friendship than before. One day y/n proposes to Steve to go to the beach together, he will accept, but what will happen during this week? and especially once they return to Hawkins will the two have the opportunity to understand what happened between them or something horrible is going to happen?
Warnings: Steve x fem reader, fluff, sea funny, angst, untold sentiments
So... this is the first chapter of the story, I honestly don't know what came out of it: it's an idea that came to me on the spot and I tried to write it all down so as not to forget anything. I'm not fully satisfied to tell the truth, but I hope you like it. P.S. for those who read it, leave me a comment, a feedback to tell me what you liked and what you didn't and if you want the second part..who knows what will happen?...♥️
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Day one (part one)
y/n pov
Steve and I had been friends since childhood, our bond growing over backyard games and laughter that resonated in Hawkins' heart. Over the years, however, we had lost touch a bit. Our lives had gone in different directions, and Steve with his impulsive nature and tendency to hide behind the mask of the popular boy often drove me away, fortunately, however, if we can put it that way, the whole demogorgon and upside-down thing had been the right pretext for us to reconnect and establish an even stronger relationship than we had.
That afternoon, as the sun's rays gently filtered through the windows of Steve's room, it seemed as if time had stood still. We lay on his bed, a feeling of tranquility pervaded the air. I had my head on his lap, immersed in reading a book, while he leaned against the back of the bed and amused himself by fiddling with my curly hair. Our complicity was palpable, but there was a silent secret between us - we were both in love with each other, but had never had the courage to admit it.
"Why don't we take a vacation? Just the two of us by the sea," he proposed, watching my eyes light up at the idea. "We could get away from it all." Effectively that was what we needed, it had been years since I had seen the sea, and with everything that had happened, or could have happened a vacation didn't bother me at all. "Well ... why not ..." I replied, a complicit smile painted itself on his face. "Surely we can't tell others the truth," I said and settled down to sit across from him, his gaze growing serious.
"We could make up an excuse. How about a summer camp?" he suggested.
"That's not good enough, we'll be asked for details. Better something simple," I replied, as a plan began to take shape. "Ohh i have this I'll tell Dustin and Robin I'm going to an aunt in California who needs help, and you can say your dad wants to take you to a work internship," I said, the smile lighting up my face. I knew it was perfect. And indeed he agreed.
The next day at Family Video, Steve knew it was the right time to kick off the plan. "Guys, my dad is tired of seeing me in the Family Video," Dustin and Robin, present in the room, looked at each other, full of questions. "So what?" asked Robin, tilting her head. "Well, he wants to take me to a work internship with him in Ohio," he lied.
"What?" cried Dustin inserting himself into the conversation, "can't it be, since when your father decided it's time to get a more serious job?" Steve almost panicked: it's true maybe he used to be king Steve and the lies were easy for him to tell, but now answering dustin's question seemed impossible, "well that's...since I didn't get into any college he wants to find me a job that will make me some extra money and if he chose it I certainly can't refuse..." he had said those last words with difficulty and finally ran a hand through his hair, then looked at his watch and thankfully realized his shift was over.
"And how long will you be gone, dingus?" asked Robin curiously; with his vest slung over his shoulders and keys in hand Steve shouted to Robin that he would not be gone for a week and then walked out of the store.
But Dustin and Robin were not at all convinced.
Meanwhile, I was in a pub not far away with the other guys. "I'll be gone for a week, staying with an aunt in California," I said carelessly.
"California?" asked Lucas, confused. "Why on earth would you go there?", "It's just a favor, I have to watch her kids for a few days all here, I don't want to leave Hawkins," I replied, laughing softly. The truth was that the separation was felt as a burden, but the idea of spending a week with Steve filled my heart with irrepressible excitement. Fortunately, the boys bought this excuse and I continued to magnify quietly.
Steve pov
On the morning of departure, the sun shone high in the blue sky, and a light sea breeze promised a perfect day. The boys had greeted them the night before so as to avoid misunderstandings. I had loaded the car with everything I needed: swimsuits, towels, food and drink, in short, everything I needed. But it was only when I saw her arrive, right on time, wearing a summer top and light pants, that I knew the real journey was about to begin. Her smile lit up the entire suburb; I couldn’t have asked for better company.
“Ready for adventure?”, I asked her, my heart beginning to beat faster. “Very ready!” she replied y/n, jumping into the car with infectious enthusiasm. The trip was filled with blaring music and laughter; we sang our favorite songs, mixing serious moments with confidences. Every word we exchanged seemed to bring us closer together. Finally, as we reached the coast, y/n’s eyes lit up at the vastness of the blue sea. The car stopped along a coastal road, the scent of the sea filled the air. As soon as we got out, y/n exclaimed, “Look at all this water! I can’t wait to dive in!” “Hey, wait, first we have to get our things in order.” y/n laughed, “We’re on vacation Steve! That’s not what we do!”.
“Come on, that’s it. But just give me five minutes.” So, we set to work setting up the motel room. The sun shone high, and a light breeze made its way through the window into our hair, while the sound of waves washed over the shore in the background. After a quick settling in, the due left their equipment behind and headed for the sea. Y/n ran eagerly, bare feet sinking into the warm sand. The waves were crashing melodically, as if the sea itself was calling us to itself. “What do you think about taking a bath?” proposed y/n, with a smile on her lips. He felt relieved. “Yes!” she replied, almost too quickly.
“So, who gets to the water first?” i proposed, a mischievous smile plastered on his face. “Wanna bet?” she replied, sprinting away against the sun. I had never seen someone run with such joy: In no time they were in the water, embraced by the cool waves as they giggled like children. “I can’t believe we’re doing this-just the two of us,” I said, looking at her with a genuine smile. “That’s exactly what I wanted,” she admitted, with a slight tinge of blush.
After an hour of playing, we diverted to an ice cream stand. As we ordered, we found ourselves laughing at new nonsense. Her gaze landed on the ice cream dripping from my hand and, with a loving gesture, she wiped it away. Our eyes met, and in that moment, everything stopped. She increased the beating of my heart, “y/n,” I began, but the beauty of his smile distracted me “Yes, Steve?” my heart was beating wildly, and the only thought he had was to kiss her. But we both withdrew, the moment faded and they went back to laughing, as if nothing had happened I decided to let that cumbersome thought pass, thinking there would be another opportunity.
 With the sun setting and the sky tinged with orange and pink, we found ourselves walking along the shore, wetting our feet in the water. The melancholy of what I had not yet said mingled with the joy of the day. I knew that our affection was growing, and that unfinished secret would not stay that way forever, but I could not spoil it by saying something that maybe only I felt. As the sun began to slowly descend toward the horizon, the air grew cooler.  “How about a walk on the after?” I suggested, trying to break the awkward silence between us “Sounds perfect to me,” she replied, with a light in his eyes. We walked along the waterfront, the sound of waves accompanying each step. Footsteps mingled with our words, and for an instant the whole world seemed to fade away, “I’m really happy to be here with you.” Y/n’s heart skipped a beat. “So am I, Steve. This is exactly what I needed.”
“This is just the beginning, right?” my voice was a whisper, but the sense of the warm, sun-fueled moment said it all. “Right,” confirmed y/n, heart pounding,
The two stopped within a few steps of each other, the world spinning around them. The words left on the tip of their tongues seemed heavy, but their smiles told all they needed to know. As the moon began to rise above the horizon, Steve and y/n realized that their week together would be more than just a vacation. It was a journey toward love that they were both afraid to explore.
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