#it's for thier future
Romour has it
"Have you heard?"
Juvelian isn't one to eavesdrop, but she just can't help herself. Aylet is talking to Hari. Their voices are very hushed and barley hearable, but Juvelian will manage.
"What?" Hari sounds very interested.
Aylet chuckles. "Apparently, Felix Heylon and Irene Padalian are dating."
Hari gasps. "No way!"
The pinkette laughs. "Yes! They are seen together a lot, and they are really touchy." Aylet leans back. "It's confirmed that Lord Felix likes someone, or so I've heard from Miss Louise."
Hari gasps again. "He does? So that means it's true?" The younger girl shrugs. "Miss Louise told me that sir Yuri told her that sir Noah overheard Irene tell Melissa that she likes Felix." The silver haird girl nods.
"My sister, Yona, told me that Irene and Felix are very close." Hari looks up. "Perhaps it's true."
Juvelian can't believe it. It can't be right? Not when Felix seeks her out all the time and always treats her nicely. Not when he smiles at her so much. Not when he looks at her in that way.
Not when he told her that he liked her.
"Juvy!" Jeanette calls out. Right, Juvelian told her she'd be gone only for a little. The silver haired girl jumps up and rushes to her brunette friends side.
Jeanette brightens up when she meets Juvelians blue eyes. "There you are! I thought you ditched me." Cayena klicks her tongue. "Us. I thought you ditched us." Jeanette corrects herself.
Cayena grabs Juvelians wrist. "Let's go, the show is about to begin!" The two girls of obelian nobility drag Juvelian to the magic department battle grounds.
Just yesterday was Juvelian super excited. Felix had asked her to cheer for him, but now all she can think of is him and Irene.
She knows that it's probably just baseless romours. The children of two very powerful families are always great to pair up after all.
But why not her? Juvelian is a princess. Felix spends most of his free time with her. She'd be perfect for the job as his girlfriend.
"It's Jeremy!" Jeanette's exited voice pulls Juvelian out of her thoughts. Right, the agriche boy is Jeanette 'boyfriend'. "Hi! Do your best!"
Cayena rolls her eyes. She obviously couldn't care less. "Even if he does his best, the chance of him winning against the helion boy is small to non at all." Says the blond.
Juvelian nods. Felix is amazing. He had mastered shape shifting magic already in his first year at the academy. That's level four magic!
"Don't be like that, Yeny! I can still cheer for him." Defends Jeanette.
Cayena rolls her eyes. "Sure, just don't cry about it when he loses."
Maybe Juvy should say something. Tell them not to fight, but she's bored, and the idea of them fighting is cheering her up just a little bit.
He eyes wander through the grandstands. She recognizes Claudia almost immediately. Next to the white-haired girl stands one with brown hair and bright golden eyes. Both seem to be chatting about something very excitedly.
"Is something wrong?" Asks Jeanette concerned. "You seem kinda out of it."
Juvelian looks onto the ground. They're her friends, she can tell them. "I heard a romour." As soon as the words leave her mouth, she feels stupid. Trusting a stupid romour with no real evidence except for the fact that Irene might like Felix. How old is she? "No, forget it."
Cayena shakes her head. "I won't. It's bothering you, right?" Juvelian nods. "Good, then tell us."
Juvelian takes in a deep breath. "Do- Would you say that me and Felix are... Well, you know..."
Both of the other girls look at each other and then shrug. "Not sure what you mean."
The silver haired girl plays with the skirt of her uniform. "Dating. Would you say we could be considered to be dating?" The cousins once again look at each other, but this time they nod.
"Yeah, it sure sounds like you are. Why?" Cayena seems interested now. She always liked drama as long as she wasn't involved.
"Like I said earlier, I heard a romour." Juvelian leans closer to the railing. "Apparently, Felix and Irene Padalian are dating... But that can't be right?
Jeanette shakes her head. "Of course not!" She pats her friends shoulder.
"Unless he's two-timing," Cayena chimes in.
Jeanette gasps and hits Cayenas shoulder. "How could you say that!"
Cayena isn't wrong. It's just that Felix isn't the type of guy to do that. He isn't. Juvelian refuses to view that as a possibility.
When Juvelian looks up, her eyes meet those of Irene. The brunette smiles before looking back at Claudia.
A pang of jealousy bubbles up in Juvelian. She never talked to Claudia. It's kinda unfair. Why doesn't Felix introduce her?
Perhaps he is two-timing?
No, not Felix. Erudian would never be friends with a guy like that. There is no way. "Look, it's Felix!" Jeanette laughs.
The silvernette looks down to the ”battlefield“. He looks through the stands and smiles as soon as he meets Juvelians eyes. He winks at her.
Not at Irene.
It feels like she's winning. Juvelian smiles back at Felix. She then notices a weird expression on his face. Did something happen?
"It's unfair!" Jeanette is complaining again. "How come Felix keeps winning? Jeremy trained so hard!"
Cayena rolls her eyes. "I told you not to complain when he loses."
Juvelian laughs. "Felix is just talented."
Cayena hums. "Also, he was being cheered on by his two girlfriends."
Jeanette glares at her again. "Don't listen to her, Juvy! I'm sure the romours are based around a misunderstanding and have no actual ground!"
The girls leave the stadium. In front of it stands Felix... With Irene.
Juvelian feels a knot in her throat. Irene is blushing at Felix, who doesn't seem very bothered by it. Jeanette looks at her friend with concern.
Juvelian balls her hands to fists. She's not going to run away from it. Maybe she misunderstood, but if she didn't, this would mean that either he's cheating (which is unlikely) or that this girl is trying to steal her boyfriend.
So Juvelian walks over when something hits her. They aren't dating. So Felix wouldn't be cheating. He's not doing anything wrong. He never clarified in which way he likes her.
Maybe she's doing something wrong?
"Juvelian!" It's Felix's voice. He seems happy as he walks up to her. Irene is following close behind him with a confused expression.
Felix wraps his arms around the younger girl and whirles her around. "I won!" He looks so happy. Like he wants to be praised.
Juvelian laughs. "Yes, you did." She pats his head. "I knew you would, but it was still amazing."
She looks at Irene. The brunette just stands there, a little sad and jealous. Juvelian feels a little bad. "Lady Irene, correct?" She asks.
Irene looks surprised and nods. "Yes! You must be Juvelian, Erudian's little sister, right?"
Juvelian nods. "Yes, correct. My brother told me about you."
Irene blushes a little. Juvelian suddenly wonders if she is just a very blushful person. Perhaps she doesn't even like Felix?
"I hope he only told you good things." The golden eyed girl laughs akwardly. Juvelian nods with a bright smile. Erudian did talk nicely about her.
Felix coughs to get the attention back on him. "I apologize, lady Irene, but I want to talk to Juvy." The silvernette looks at him, surprised. He usually doesn't use her nickname in front of others.
Irene backs away. "Alright! I'll see you tomorrow, Felix!" Her voice is so forcefully joyous. It doesn't seem like Felix realizes it.
Felix waits until Irene is gone. Juvelian turns around to tell her friends to leave them too, but they are already gone. She wonders when they left.
Felix pulls her closer and leans his head on her shoulder. "You seemed angry earlier." Is all he says.
Juvelian is a little embarrassed as she shakes her head. Why did he have to notice? "I wasn't."
Felix hums. Juvelian hugs his shoulders. She's afraid he leaves. It's not reasonable, she knows.
"In a relationship, you need to communicate, remember that, alright?" Her mother's voice reminds her. A deep sigh escapes her.
"Felix... I- It's stupid. I know that." She starts, and Felix shakes his head. "If something bothers you, it's not stupid."
She smiles. He's always like that. "I heard a romour. Apparently, you and Lady Irene are dating." Felix laughs. It's loud and joyful.
It takes a while, but he stops eventually. He then looks up to meet Juvelians eyes. "Never. I like you, not her." Juvelian can feel herself blushing. Does this count as a confession.
"Me too. I like you too."
Felix nods. "I know that." He kisses her forehead, then her cheeks, and then her forehead again.
Juvelian wraps her hands around his neck and pulls his lips onto hers. "Kiss me here." Is what she says. She watches with satisfaction as he goes red like a tomato.
He clears his throat and does as he's told. "If you want me to."
Juvelian feels like she's floating. It's crazy that all it took for him to kiss her was asking. Now that she thinks about it, it was obvious.
Someone else clears their throat. "Felix." It's Erudian, and he doesn't sound happy. Within seconds there is a lot of space between Felix and Juvelian.
Felix smiles in a terrified way. "Hello, my best friend, the man who'd I trust with my first born, the man i would trust with my life."
Erudian sighs in a way that makes you think he lived for decades and has seen all the bad in the world. "Get your hands away from my sister and disappear."
The younger man nods wnd salutes. "Ay ay sir."
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Aylet(a transmigrators privilege)/Hari(Beware of the bothers)/Jeanette (Who made me a princess)/Cayena(The villainess is a marionette)/Juvelian (Father i don't want to get married)/Felix & Irene & Claudia(I have become the hero's rival)/Erudian(Seduce the villain's father)
⟨Manhwa Crossover Family Trees⟩
⟨Felix x Juvelian Family - Masterlist⟩
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Yea never in my life I thought I would see Optimus prime will do this🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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dude my kid is getting ready for her first grizzco shift this big run. No I did not want to do it. Yes please send help grizzco has us captive
anyways can you have a little bit of mercy on her. Like instead of you attacking her can you send a larger than usual maws? Thanks
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hamburgrr · 4 months
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I FINNALLY got the free time to sit down and draw @holopossums Krow Jones!!! I LOVE his design so much!!! Please check out their work! I’m actually starting on thier fanfiction Radient Souls tonight and it looks really really good
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the-l00ker · 9 months
I like seeing the difference between how people act on here compared to twitter.
Like on here people be like, "Here smajor fanart" and "I think he's a really neat dude" and "we love him! He's just a vibe tbh"
And on twitter it's, "HE CONTROL EVERY DECISION ON MCC AND I DIDN'T LIKE THIS ONE THING, KILL HIM" and "I swear if I ever see him" and "I know how easy it is to fake allegation of content creator, so I'm going to make a burner account for every single slightly famous mcyt person I know for a brief moment of fame. Tee Hee."
Tumblr is the best, yall are a vibe and don't get dragged into bullsh*t, and I appreciate you all for it!
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cynicesthetic9 · 1 year
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This beautiful trio definitely deserves a beautiful ending🖤🥺. But they say
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~" ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇꜱᴛɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴇ....."😌💕
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rayalltheway · 1 year
One You Remember
Description: Yellowtusk enters the LWAU, thanks to an encounter he had with a living Changbiyuan far in the past.
“Celestial!” An unfamiliar voice barked from some distance behind Yellowtusk, stopping him in his tracks as he walked through the outpost. 
A gibbon demon was standing on top of the hill that descended into the village. They were imposing in stature, blue fur and dark haired, the fur outline around their lighter-blue face shaped like a rounded butterfly — a symbol that was designed into their armour and clothes, which had clearly seen recent action. They were androgynous in appearance, looking neither like a man or a woman — so Yellowtusk assumed them to be neither, like his fellow Celestial warrior Peng. 
And right now, they looked less than pleased, at him, it would seem, as they marched down the hill in purposeful strides. They slowed down a bit once they crossed into the town, taking a moment to survey the destruction around them with a softened expression.  Yellowtusk had been sent down here with a larger group of celestial warriors to arrest a viper demon queen that had decimated a village under the rule of a celestial official. The aftermath was enough so that he wished to take his time with – and not just because he prided himself on being particular. 
The gibbon naturally eased back into soldier mode once they drew closer to the troop of celestial guards. They made no move to draw either of the dao blades strapped to their back, but a few of the celestial soldiers moved in quick formation to block their path with their spears. They stopped a hair’s inch from the crossed polearms, not fazed, simply raising their chin to make their voice heard once more. 
“I was one of the warriors on the field of battle today! And for the sake of more of them, I need to have a word with you!” They stated in an authoritative tone, loud enough for everyone to hear — glaring right at Yellowtusk. Things were still for a moment, some taken back by how defiantly this demon was speaking to Yellowtusk the Wise — himself included, though he was quickly recognized as a fellow veteran.
“…Of course.” He said, and nodded at the guards halting the gibbon to let them pass. They breezed past the two, coming to a stop in front of him. Even when they had to look up at him, they still made themselves tall and proud. 
“That was….quite an entrance. Have we met?” Yellowtusk asked in a measured tone. The gibbon’s features flashed a brief are-you-kidding-me expression before they hardened once more. 
“Fortunately not. My soldiers and I have been out here fighting that viper hag for a few weeks now.” They stated, bluntly. “We were in a pitched battle before you all showed up and ended it. Thank you for that, by the way. Sorry most of the action happened without you.” They continued with a light shrug, casting another look to the land around them, a slightly sardonic tone in their voice, though not without care. That itself was nice, and Yellowtusk found many of his colleagues made light of the situations that occurred beneath the earth, but not as a way of dealing with the sadness and unfairness of them, but because they felt so above it. 
Yellowtusk nodded in understanding.
“I see. You were a part of those rebelling demon factions.” He said, referring to the several demon camps that were set up around the mountain, making a truce to oppose a single threat. He felt somewhat guilty for rendering that amity mute for taking over the matter himself with his other celestial warrior. “You must be quite strong to still be alive. What is your name?” 
Changbiyaun arched an eyebrow. “Well, I see why you got that title of yours.” They said with a light smile, before they bowed. “I am Changbiyuan, warrior head of the Butterfly clan, in the mountains some miles north from here.”
Yellowtusk had never heard of them, but returned the greeting. 
“It is good to meet you, Changbiyuan. I’m sorry, but I cannot secure any land in the name of your clan, but any of the viper’s clansmen have escaped into your borders, we can track them down —“
Changbiyaun gave him an incredulous expression and let out a disbelieving scoff. “Are you kidding? It would be lucky if anything manages to grow in that cesspool again. That bitch did a real number on this place, and for what? To make some power-pedestal so she could pretend she’s the one true face of glory?”
Yellowtusk was getting quite stalled by their…plainspokeness. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone other than Peng had talked to him like this. 
“—And I didn’t come here to ask you to deal with problems I can handle.” They crossed their arms and were glaring at him once more, stoically. “I’m only here because you unjustly arrested my warriors. I am asking you to release them and return them to me, now.” They way they said that made it feel like anything they wanted could be brought forth into existence through the sheer force of their own will — but Yellowtusk only furrowed his brow in response.  
“Your warriors? You mean the viper’s guard?” He asked, suspicious now. They didn’t budge, but rolled their eyes, though not at him. 
“You mean the ‘guard’ that is made up of demons that the snake lady poisoned and kidnapped so she could force them to do their bidding? Because yeah, they’re  not hers.” The stated. “A quarter of them are warriors of mine and my sister’s clan. She had the gall to take them from within our borders.” They growled out that last part with a dark expression, fists clenching from where they rested on their biceps. 
Yellowtusk knew that, but was still a bit surprised regardless. He and the other celestial soldiers had arrested the viper’s demons following her defeat because her venomous control over the kinds of others was something she spread to her henchmen. He had removed the spell himself, leaving the demon in a confused daze. Even so, he had orders to see her warriors incarcerated, punished for partaking in crimes against the Celestial Realm. 
“And what exactly makes you believe we have them? We’re short of her full army.” He asked, wanting to be sure whether or not this gibbon was bluffing in order to make up for any numbers they might have lost during the battle with a handful of miscellaneous demons. They, on the other hand, narrowed their eyes at him with a slightly disbelieving look, before reaching into a pocket and thrusting their hand out at him, Yellowtusk seeing a small metal crest between their claws. It was silver and light, with the metalworking forming swirling lines that came together as a butterfly. It was a clan crest. 
“Because I saw one of your soldiers confiscating the armour of MY clan, that’s why. You should know which ones they came from. They ALL had this, covered by those scales that viper made them wear. She made them fodder.” The fury in their voice as they recounted the Viper’s deeds did indicate to Yellotusk that they were telling the truth, and he was stilled by the idea of what they described. He regarded the crest coolly, thoughtfully, but found the gibbon was unwilling to take silence as an answer.
“This is ridiculous.” They shook their head, arm dropping to their side and squaring their shoulders with righteous indignation. “You KNOW they were mind-controlled. You took the Viper demon down, the real threat is gone. Allow the warriors she captured to return to their rightful posts, and regain their agency. Their lives.”  Glancing around, Yellowtusk could see the Celestial soldiers around them were staring now, watching the display with either shock or anticipation. Yellowtusk scowled in the direction of some who looked amused under their helmets, and they turned away quickly. 
Yellowtusk sighed and turned back to the gibbon, who couldn’t seem to care less about the mocking eyes on them. 
“Would you speak to me in private about this?” He asked, his voice as imploring as it could be in this setting. Their face briefly scrunched up in distaste, but they also seemed to take note of his meaning, and sighed, nodding. They followed him into one of the larger nearby buildings still left standing, which Yellowtusk had been using as a makeshift office for his time here. Once he was sure they were alone, he turned to them in the dimness, sunlight breaking through the holes in the roof and walls. 
“Listen, Changbiyuan, I’m afraid that isn’t –” He paused, thinking and deciding to rephrase his next words before speaking again. “Our orders, my orders are to see any of the Viper’s forces imprisoned. She went against my realm, attacked one of our own. The emperor demands we make an example of her, and all who served her.” He said – though he didn’t find much conviction within his own words. He collected himself, keeping up his reasonable, yet untouchable front. The doubts he had and shared only with Peng in private, quiet places would not suffice out here in the field, where his loyalty was owed.
Even so, he felt himself wavering while looking into the gibbon’s eyes, something close to outrage burning within the browns of their irises, surging through them. “Unwillingly served her. Did you write THAT down? Or was that in the order given to you?” They challenged, eyes blazing. “My warriors would have never chose to do anything for her. They would have died before they submitted to a will they know not to be right.” Yellowtusk’s eyes widened at that notion, as they spoke it like it was just as things were. As they should be. 
“…I’m sorry. I do not have a choice here.” He said, as if he was still in broad daylight, under the sky, in the sights of Heaven, still staying under their thumb no matter how unjust it felt not doing so. He waited for Changbiyuan to let their anger slip, to end up getting dragged away by the nearby guards even with no intention of fighting, or even just curse him out and storm off. Instead, their eyes stayed on him for a long moment, before they dropped to the ground, nodding their head, seemingly in understanding. Or in consideration.
“Alright. I understand… “ they said, uncharacteristically calmly, and Yellowtusk did feel relieved, though the feeling was dragged down by a gnawing guilt — 
“If you need to enact punishment, then I’m right here.”
There weren’t many things that could make Yellowtusk’s mind halt, but this was officially one of them. “What?” He asked. 
Changbiyaun sighed, looking ahead, a heaviness set upon their frame. In this moment, the weight of their own sense of duty — the weight of the aftermath of war — was clear as their pride, and perhaps even outshone it. 
“They’re my soldiers. They’re in my charge and it is my duty to direct and guide them, and it was because of my own miscalculations and unthought decisions that put them in this position. They’re all some of the most sincere, most loyal demons I know, which is why I know they wouldn’t have done anything in these last few weeks that they weren’t forced to, and they never would’ve had their dignity violated so deeply if it weren’t for my misjudgment.” Thier voice never wavered. There was no self-pity in their words, no need for sympathy. Yellowtusk was still stunned even listening.
“I was in command, and of sound mind. I should have done better for them, and never should have forced my own will upon them the way that viper did. They are not at fault. and if you need someone to blame, I will take responsibility for their crimes, if you — “ They stopped, and brought their eyes back up  to Yellowtusk’s — and they were pleading.
“If you just let them go. Please.” 
Yellowtusk was silent, before he regained himself, giving the gibbon a hard look. “This is rash. You should know fully what you are saying. Surely your family — they need you here, protecting them.”
Changbiyaun snorted in response, looking to the side and shaking their head. “Dammit, that’s why I’m saying it. Wouldn’t you do the same?” They asked, glancing back at him, and Yellowtusk wasn’t sure if he should respond to that, though they didn’t give him time to.
“Those warriors are my clan. My family. I am here because those are the people I need to protect. So if I don’t do all I can for them, then I don’t deserve to.” They said, their voice full of fire, of finality, which was no less than what their eyes displayed, directed at the warrior within Yellowtusk rather than the Celestial without. 
He stared. This demon warrior of the mortal realm, displaying more bravery and nobility than most he met in a century. Was he so unsure of himself that he was letting them have the high ground here?…but then, has it been him on the lower end this whole time, no matter whether he was from the clouds above or not? How could he even still be standing here deliberating this? 
He took in a long, deep breath — and let it out like it was his last. Dammit, he thought, as he turned to the low table in the corner, various bamboo slips organised upon it. With a surprising amount of delicacy, he took a blank one, took his nearby ink, and wrote with careful speed. 
“That won’t be necessary.” He said as he finished, standing up and turning back to Changbiyaun, who was waiting only somewhat restlessly. He held out the slip to them, and they stared at it before giving him a questioning look. 
“That declares to the guards that you can access the captured warriors here in camp in order to locate yours, and leave with them.” He stated, and it was their turn to look surprised, eyes widening.
“What? You mean —“
“You can take them and go. Do not make a fanfare out of it, I do not do this lightly.” Yellowtusk said, still maintaining his necessary front as they took the slips from him. They were still looking up at him, their shock and suspicion laced with concern — directed at him.
“Your orders — you’re going to go back upstairs with an army that’s a quarter shorter than required?”
Yellowtusk shrugged. “Not if that quarter was never here to begin with as far as they’re concerned.” 
Changbiyaun stared at him for another moment longer, before their mouth closed in a firm smile, straightening once more and bowing. “Thank you.” They said, their strong, bold eyes soft with gratitude as they raised up, before turning and walking out of the building, into the sun.
Yellowtusk stayed there for a while, before leaving to return back to his duty. He had much more to think about in the centuries that passed as his loyalty to the Celestials waned further and further until he was eventually just biding his time — but he felt that even without his well-regarded memory,  he wouldn’t forget that day. Or that gibbon. 
“Yellowtusk.” The Lotus Prince’s voice cut through the comfortable silence of Yellowtusk’s cell in the Celestial Realm. He turned from his reading, which Ne Zha allowed him to have for taking his arrest so willingly, to look over his shoulder at the figure of the Celestial from the other side of the magically enforced bars. He wasn’t going to try and escape, but he accepted the precautions as only standard. 
“You have a visitor.” Ne Zha stated, and Yellowtusk’s ears raised questionably at that. “The guards will stand by to observe, but I have confirmed they are associated with the Monkie Kid. Don’t get any ideas.” He said, before turning sharply and nodding over his shoulder at someone out of view. Then, he was gone.
Yellowtusk was still with thought. He couldn’t think of who that could possibly be, and the fact they knew the heroes he had briefly fought alongside those few weeks ago didn’t help in that regard.
 Still, he sighed to himself and turned, knowing it was only right to face whomever this was fully and without shame — and was startled seeing they were already standing there. He hadn’t even heard them walking up to the cell. 
An elderly ape with a gentle, relaxed expression and stature was in front of this cell door, long white hair cascading down thier shoulders and partly done up at the back of their head. They wore what looked to be a modern variation of long, loose hanfu under a beige woollen jacket. But what really struck Yellowtusk was their eyes — or maybe the lack of them, and they were empty, dark pools with two golden pupils of light centering them, like he has seen in ghosts or spirits in the past. Beyond that, their dark blue fur framed the shape of a butterfly on their face —
Yellowtusk stood now in utter bewilderment as the memory of that young gibbon warrior full of promise, pride and self-sacrifice came back to him, the image of them melding into the gibbon in front of him now, the crowsfeet around their eyes lifting as they smiled at him, kind and warm — with just the hint of that familiar smirk he remembering when they teased his title, now seeing that he indeed remembered them. 
“Elephant memory?” They guessed, their voice clearly weathered by age along with the rest of them, but still holding that sense of undaunting strength, and compassion.  
“It’s you.” Yellowtusk breathed, stepping closer to the cell door before they were both standing as those two warriors in that dilapidated village building once did, two millennia ago. 
Changbiyaun grinned. “Hey there, Yellowtusk the Wise. Turns out, I missed one.”
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theeflowerofcarnage · 3 months
finished dai like all the way so now i gotta lot of thoughts that i must let simmer in my mind on low heat while i play DA:O...and maybe DA: II
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noxs-mun · 3 months
I am extremely depressed and afraid of the future right now with the republican controlled supreme court's decision of making the president have absolute immunity yesterday giving them the power of monarchs.
Which I find as a cruel irony as tody is supposed to be the day america celebrates their freedom from such a thing.
Then with the project 2025 still yet to be put in place I fear for everyone's future.
like just being part of the LGBTQ+ and trans I would be thrown in jail because of the laws that would be put in place with it.
Literally every department of our government, from the deparment of education to the epa would be gutted and replaced with barely qualified GOP zelots.
This not even mentioning that you would be forced to abandon any other belief but their version of Christianity.
I would go over more but the thing is so fucking big and expansive as to transform our government into a Radical white Christian nationalist dictatorship at every level.
Yet people are refusing to vote for joe biden for policies that any opposition would not only do themselves but go even further with than him.
I don't care for his gaza policies thus far or the decisions on trans healthcare but right now it's sadly better than gaza being bombed by the USA too and being considered illegal by our own country for being trans or LGBTQ+ or even speaking about it in a good light.
So yeah it's right now choosing between an old man with a few policies i don't agree with or some equally old man with legitimate mental decline that stands for everything I'm against.
I would vote third party if our system wasn't so rigged for the two party system right now due to corporations having so much power and sway in our government.
so yeah... anxiety is through the roof right now...
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bowbow-the-clown · 2 years
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°+*♡*+ A Peck Under Star Lights +*♡*+°
... My EYES Have Away Glow But Never My CHEEKS ...
... My HEART Is skipping So MANY BEATS ...
... My TUMMY Feels The Fluttery Feelings Of MANY BUTTERFLY'S WINGS ...
... My PALMS Are Wanting To MELT In Into ONE ANOTHER ...
... My HEAD Feels So LIGHT That I CAN FLOAT ...
°+*♡*+ Feeling BASED On Shamora's Date Friendly Friend Outing To See The Stars +*♡*+°
.... They Didn't Invite Their Siblings For Some Odd Reasons ....
... Leaving Just Them And Haro ...
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sbnkalny · 5 months
You think $10 is a lot of water, green swells like the sea, got our work cut out for US, thier malice-fuled hunger grows by 38% each year
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ducknotinarow · 6 months
07 SummerAriel - "Just say it!" - Topic: Aspen
My muse struggles with the truth... Send "Just say it!" And my muse will confess to something they don't really talk about. Bonus: specify a specific topic and that's what they will talk about!
Summer could only watch The Little Mermaid so many times in a row before she was ready to slam her head into a wall. Princess movies? Eh they weren't really for Summer persay. Mulan was okay though. She just wasn't really hooked on them like some could be and for sure no where near how her Sister Ariel was when it came to the movie that also had her name sake in it. She had seen this movie so much she could recite the film line for line. She knew what part of the movie was playing from the musical score alone even. In truth? She only liked the end where they fought against the villain Ursula where the prince rammed a ship into here. Now that part was cool.
Why could that be the whole movie? And not all the singing and ew pinning over the prince. A tad ironic on Summer's end in that same moment. They were simply just passing time in the lair, waiting for it to get darker out so they could head out and hang together themselves. Getting older did give them a bit of freedom but they still had to be careful due to Ariel being well a mutant. Sure they hid that fact when out on the town all thanks to a simple hood to try and conceal her appearance a bit more. The darkness just made it easier to do that. So they were one the what? third movie? Why did they make three of these films? Also if this move was so love by her uncle too why did he name Ari, Ariel and not Melody? Since that was the mermaids kid?
Would that make sense? Auntie Von was Ariel his princess right? SO he be what Eric? sort worked? Ariel became human and was able to be with Eric. Auntie Von became mutant and same deal? Eh questions for her uncle at a later date.
Summer was far to focused on her cell anyway, unaware if her sister knew it too. Not that she was unaware of Summer's well lack on interest in the movies. But she wasn't so engrossed in something else like she had been now. Thanks to Uncle Donnie who actually helped her out not to mention actually gave her advice on top of it. Summer did focus on what she wanted her. And well she liked Aspen, she didn't really have many humans herself to speak too. She liked Aspen's company. Not many other humans got her after all. She grew up feeling like an outcast, the only humans shes seemed to get along with? Was her Dad, Aunt April and her grandma. What did they all have in common though? exactly. Grandma? Old. Aunt April? also old. Her Dad? Old and lame. Aspen was her age though, he loved hockey just like she did. He also loved the fast rides at fairs like roller coasters. Like stuffing his face with greasy foods before going on the tilt a whirl and betting who would get sick first. Summer always won out. No spiny ride out did her Dad on a bike after all.
It was who had her attention on her cell phone now in fact. Mostly they were just recapping their last game and how they beat out the other team in a landslide. Their winning streak had been going strong maybe it was to early to call it but they both felt they be winning the whole season. Of course they were Summer had been making sure to use her Dad's hockey stick and tie her pop's mask around the handle of it. Like she always did for the winning games. Even if they were being stupid lately. Well they always were but it was only an issue when it was impacting Summer personally. Course it wasn't just them lately.
It's when Summer gets the next text from Aspen that brings that up, asking what she was doing that night. Well they didn't fully have a plan it was more lets see what comes up type deal. Just them wanting to hang out outside really. Not like this hasn't come up before but Ariel always gets well stupid? When it comes to the idea. In part Summer thought it was her being cautious of humans. Expect Ari talked to that one dude before with out a worry. So clearly it wasn't that. Despite bad run ins with humans her sister always held a curiosity on them. Summer should know she tends to have to answer for her, or let her sister live through her in a sense at times. Helped with her homework though.
"soooo" Summer started with, she could already tell how this might go. "Aspen talkin' 'bout hanin' out? Wanna? be easier to hit the up the theme park on the pier ya always wanna check out if we got another person with us?" Summer had made the suggestion before. Many in fact. Aspen actually already knew mutants were a thing. He met her pops. That went..well, in that it didn't at all but that wasn't the point right now. And she mentioned her cousin was on before. Summer was sure they get along decently? Maybe. Hopefully.
And Soon Ari was getting weird again. Going on about Summer can hang out with him instead. Blah blah dumb shit that Summer was tuning out already. Why was she like this every time? What was with her sister when it came to Aspen? Hell she wanted to meet Bishop, she tried to convince Summer that Hun might not be all that bad either. She called Jaromir her beloved. She texted Skylar. So what gives? And it seemed Summers own for once silence was getting to Ari.
"Just say it!"
"Fine I will since I ain't 'ike you! The fuck is your problem with Aspen ya haven' even met 'im despite how often I try to get you to! An' don' give me some bullshit about 'im being human cause I know it ain't that!" Summer was blunt and not one to beat around a bush. She never understood the need for flowery talk after all. When getting to the point made far more sense. Sadly Summer? learned the best way to talk? was with well force.
"Fuck ya act 'ike he's the fucking plaque or some shit." Summer continued on with moving to stand up from the couch now. It would be a great deal if her sister and Aspen could get along. Two people who got her and understood her. In a world where Summer felt so lost and unsure where she stood a lot of the time. Never fully getting to be all that much part of any side of it? if she wished she could merge it in the few places possible. And a nice start? would be if Ariel would just give Aspen a chance.
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I get many asks and contacts from Palestinians now and I cannot go through them all, so I am making a compilement post of the ones I've found or who have contacted me to spread awareness of their campaigns.
This list will be updated as time goes on but I can't seem to add any more links and cant post anymore fundraisers than the ones listed, so once one has reached its goal, I will replace it with another.
Because I can't post anymore links, I do encourage any palestinian blogger to leave them in the replies. Vetted @/abuzuhrisahar1 - Help me save the future of children and treat cancer (€731 raised of €20,000 goal) (vetted here listed at 253)
@/m8hammed - Help Mohammed and his family get through this war in Gaza (€9,794 raised of €25,000 goal) (vetted by ibtisams before they deactivated)
@/mahmoud-1995 - Help this family evacuate from gaza ($12,415USD raised of $50,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/sameer-47 - Help My Family Evacuate to Safety ($3,251USD raised of $50,000 goal) (vetted here) @/eslamfamily - Help Eslam Save Her Family ($2,622USD raised of $50,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/anasfamilys - Evacuate My Last Family Members in Gaza (€1,692 raised of €50,000 goal) (family tiktok)
@/fidaa-family2 - Help Fidaa and her children ($18,294USD raised of $30,000 goal) (vetted here) @/fatma--gaza - Support Fatima's Family in Gaza After Heartbreaking Tragedy (€6,114 raised of €20,000 goal) (vetted here) @/musababed - Help Musab and his family,my pets survive this war in Gaza. (£5,040 raised of £8,000 goal) (Vetted here)
@/dinamahammed99 - Help me save my children from death in the Gaza war ($3,698USD raised of $15,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/monashamali - Help the Munna Tashmali Family Rebuild Their Home and Future (£13,985 raised of £30,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/odayalanqar-2002 - Help Oday And Family Evacuate Gaza , Rebuild Lives (€2,980 raised of €50,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/girlquee - Save the life of an innocent child (€5,497 raised of €20,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/lina-gaza - Support Family escape from rafah to save place (€36,476 raised of €45,000 goal) (Vetted here)
@/mohiy-gaza - Support Mohi's Fight for Survival in Gaza ($20,701USD raised of $31,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/aahed225 - Help Aahed and his family get through this war in Gaza (€918 raised of €40,000 goal) (vetted here) @/safaaaa01 - Support Safaa's Quest To Get Her Family To Safety. ($11,093USD raised of $75,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/ahmed4palestine - Save Ahmed and His Family in Gaza ($17,195USD raised of $20,000 goal) (vetted here)
ashraf-family2 (deactivated) - Hope for Gaza: Support Ashraf's Family Rebuild Their Lives (€19,792 raised of €25,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/mayadayyad81 - Help little children of Gaza stay safe and alive! ($38,333USD raised of $50,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/mohdiwais - GAZA : HELP IWAIS FAMILY TO REBUILD THIER LIFES (https://gofund.me/b286d60a) (kr298,47SEK raised of kr500,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/yahyaahmed5 - Support Gaza Family's Journey to Recovery ($1,305USD raised of $50,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/ahmeadhilles - Helping the Helles family achieve a better future (€11,762 raised of €80,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/mohamed-mikki - Help Mohammed To Survive and Restore His Life ($1,833 raised of $20,000) (vetted here)
@/anqar - From War to Education: Abdelrahman Resilient Journey (€17,390 raised of €20,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/malkzaeem - Help my family to get out of Gaza ($24,100CAD raised of $50,000 goal) (vetted here)
@/hayanahed - Emergency: Help Evacuate My Family From GAZA WAR (€80,377 raised of €100,000 goal) (vetted here, is number 26)
@/karamrafeek - Help Karam and his family rebuild their life (€13,398 raised of €20,000 goal) (vetted here)
Unvetted but most likely true @/mohammedmoner - Helping Muhammad and his family escape genocide (€130 raised of €50,000 goal) @/mohammednasers-blog - I want to buy water and medicine for my young children (€3,309 raised of €38,000 goal)
@/dinafamily - Help me to evacuate my family from Gaza (€1,056 raised of €30,000 goal)
@/mohammedabasan - Support & Help My Family From Gaza Strip (£842 raised of £10,000 goal) (WARNING: BLOG AND GFM SHOWS IMAGES OF INJURED AND MUTILATED CHILDREN)
@/mones1998gaza - Help a Father and His Children Survive Gaza's War ($355USD raised of $20,000 goal)
@/ranoshfamily - Help Rana’s family toleave Gaza before it too late (€260 raised of €70,000 goal)
@/mohamadsmeer33 - Help me in completing my medical studies please ($1,329AUD raised of $12,000 goal)
@/hala-15 - Donate for my baby please (€2,669 raised of €5,000 goal) (WARNING, BLOG AND GFM SHOWS MEDICAL UMBILICAL CORD SURGERY OF BABY)
@/azharfreij - Save My Elderly Mother: Evacuation from Gaza (€1,965 raised of €6,000 goal)
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Danny walked down his street with both a sense of wonder and dread. Nothing looked like it was supposed to. People were walking around with wierd looking phones in their hands that were all screen and no flip. Where was the number pad? How were they supposed to make calls? Cars looked completely different than what they did just yesterday, and there were many homes and businesses that were new or drastically changed. His own home had looked abandoned, like nobody had lived there for years. Dust and cobwebs covered every surface, and Danny had to put in the security code just to get into the house. Hell, even the lab was locked up. The lab was NEVER locked up. His parents would come and go from it too often to justify locking it. This could only mean one thing.
Somwthing had happened to put the house into Lock Down.
Lock Down mode was a feature the house had never used before, but it was something his parents had repeatedly told them about, especially as the ghost attacks grew more frequent. He input the pass codes and pressed his hand to all the bio-scanners he needed to to get the place running again. The protocol also makes the house attack anyone or anything that tries to enter with extreme violence unless they're a Fenton, so everyone in town knew not to approach the place when it was like this.
He ignored the weird sound of the scanners cleaning his handprints off the machines and the little mechanical arms retreating back into their hatches as he sat down at the family computer and powered it up for what looked like the first time in a century.
As it turns out, he was kinda right.
He doesn't remember how it happened, but Danny Fenton has woken up over 200 years in the future.
Numbly, he began looking up the people he knew, Jazz, Tucker and Sam had all lived long, fulfilling lives, doing thier best to keep the search for Danny Fenton alive for decades before finally giving up. Seeing their obituaries was too much for him, and he had to step away for a while. Heck, even Vlad had grown old and passed away.
Which leads to the big question. What had happened? It couldn't have been time travel or else his friends would have been able to go through the Infinite Realms to time travel as well. Between int Infi-map and that stupid booomarang they should have found him by now.
So...what happened?
The good news is that there was now an entire league of superheros who might be able to help him. They even have an emergency and non emergency call number!
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deadeyedfae · 4 months
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Human HRT: The End.
So let me start this post off by saying, this is the canon ending to my HRT series, but its not canon to any of the others.
Truth be told my series has always been an outlier, especially since I'm a very new artist, tbh im lucky to have had the lil cameons i did have in the main story! (still shocked i got featured in Kaylas, Goldies and Nyxis') But when eveyone else is doing Therian HRT and your doing Human HRT, its kinda hard to make it that intersting, especially since we all know what its like to be human.
The transformation itself was never really the goal with this story, i just wanted to have some fun with my friends and i certainly did that!
In my timeline a bunch of us live togther somewhere safe into our old age. Where we reminisce about the past and continue making memories togther and hell i highly doubt anyone else would take thier stories that way, but to me that's the ending i wanted. Its much better than the orginal ending where it was just a lonely old Fae looking back at photos of her long gone friends.
So what was any of this about? Tbh i just wanted to show how much my friends mean to me and ended it in a way where we all have a future togther. (Special shout out to @bubbleverseart by the way who helped with the lighting ^^ as well as the usual suspects) Lifting eachother up and looking after eachother in this world. Its been fun and who knows, maybe as my actual HRT journey continues I'll do something more with this in retrospect. But for now this is the definitive end of Human HRT
Thanks for sticking with it 💜
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its-gjera · 1 year
Yall wanna know something crazy that others in the fanbase have pointed out??
I wanted to talk about this more cuz it's important.
If you think about it. To this day, Bobby remains as the happiest egg that has been on this island.
Chayanne and Richarlyson are scared that their loved ones will be hurt.
Leonarda is uncertain about the future and misses thier father.
Pomme, Ramon and Tallulah are constantly afraid of dying before having done an impact.
Tilín and JuanaFlippa lived in dysfunctional families and died just as things were starting to look up for them.
Trump died of neglect.
And Dapper is tired of living in fear.
All of the eggs are living in fear.
Living in fear...
"Vivir con miedo, no es vivir" (Living in fear is not living) - Roier
Bobby lived his life to the fullest. The nightmare and losing a life to the code didn't even put a scratch on his thirst for adventure. He wasn't afraid to do anything. If he wanted to do something, he did it.
He was a literal ray of sunshine. Bringing joy and laughter wherever he went. Making sure someone got a good laugh out of his shenanigans
Even during his final goodbye, it was full of celebration. He did his favorite activities with his parents one last time, tortas and tamales for everyone, cheering "BOBBY CHINGON" and shooting his gun in the air. The tears were saved until after he was gone.
His life and his death were a celebration. There's a reason why so many people associate him with the sun.
Roier and Jaiden should be proud. I know Bobby would.
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